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The Government of Assam hereby acknowledges the contribution of the Line

Departments, Research Institutions, NGOs, Industry associations and individual experts
who have contributed towards the development of the content of the Assam SAPCC.
It thankfully acknowledges the technical support provided initially by The Energy
Resources Institute and then by the Climate Change Innovation Programme - A Joint
Initiative of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of
India and United Kingdom -Department for Internal Development (DFID).


The world today is faced with the challenge of sustaining economic growth while
ensuring environmental conservation. Climate Change is a serious environmental
threat to humanity and has implications for sustainable development. Our climate is
already changing. Along with continued warming of the atmosphere, erratic rainfall
patterns are emerging and as result new patterns of droughts and floods are being
observed, which are likely to get more frequent and severe in future given the
warming of the earth because of the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases.

The state of Assam has reason to be concerned about Climate Change, as we have
a large population dependent on agriculture and forests for livelihood. The state’s
economy is also dependent on natural resources and any adverse impact on these
and allied sectors will negate our efforts to alleviate poverty and ensure sustainable
livelihood for the population. This is an opportune time to integrate the concerns of
Climate Change into our policies and ensure ultimate objective of sustainable
development with inclusive growth.

While engaging with national policies and programmes it is important for us to

develop well-researched and formulated mitigation and adaptation strategies
specific to the state to respond effectively to the possible impacts of Climate Change.
To address the changing climatic conditions State Action Plan on Climate Change
(SAPCC) has been developed by the Government of Assam.

The State Action Plan on Climate Change has flagged important issues which require
attention. The action plan has highlighted key sectoral concerns and strategies for
action in order to lead the way.

The issue of Climate Change is multidisciplinary and demands cross sectoral

convergence which requires interdepartmental coordination as well as constructive
engagement with all the concerned stakeholders. The Government of Assam would
continue to strive to mainstream Climate Change concerns across all the sectors for
achieving the objective of sustainable development. Therefore, a special purpose
vehicle is being created – the Assam Climate Change Management Society that will
facilitate the implementation of the SAPCC.

I appreciate the efforts of various state departments and professionals associated with
Climate Change for their commendable work.

Shri V. K. Pipersenia
Chief Secretary, Government of Assam


Climate change is the greatest global challenge facing us today which through a
multitude of impacts poses a risk to our ecology, economy and society. Observation
shows that changes being experienced in the climate of Assam are over and above
the natural climate variability prevailing in the region. Studies have shown that Assam
falls within areas of greatest climate sensitivity, maximum vulnerability and lowest
adaptive capacity. Already, water resources in the State are scarce and have a
highly uneven distribution both temporally and spatially. A threat such as climate
change thus calls for timely and coherent policy response and action that will help
reduce vulnerability and build resilience of the State to likely climate impacts.

I am pleased to see that the various departments of the Government of Assam, with
the help of a multi-disciplinary team of experts from Climate Change Innovation
Programme - Oxford Policy Management Ltd. (OPML) have drafted the Assam State
Action Plan on Climate Change. The SAPCC has been drafted so as to set up a
common but shared agenda for climate change mitigation and adaptation. This
State Action Plan is a document which aims to connect between evolving climate
science, policies and practices. SAPCC is a dynamic document and would be
subjected to periodic review so as to revisit the suggested strategies and constantly
refine them.

I hope that the priorities identified under the Climate Change Action Plan will lead to
sound implementation of strategies that will help to address the challenge of climate
change in the State and ensure a future of sustainable development.

Shri Davinder Kumar

Additional Chief Secretary
(Department of Environment and Forests, Government of Assam)

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Setting the Context ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Strategies to combat climate change in Assam .................................................................................................. 9
Way Forward .................................................................................................................................................... 30
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
List of Tables ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Abbreviations........................................................................................................................................................ 36
1. Background .................................................................................................................................................. 40
2. Principles ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
3. Process of Preparation of SAPCC ................................................................................................................. 41
4. State Profile ................................................................................................................................................. 44
4.1 Geophysical Situation ................................................................................................................................. 44
4.2 Natural Resources ....................................................................................................................................... 44
4.3 Demographic Profile and its Spread ........................................................................................................... 45
4.4 Economic Profile ................................................................................................................................. 46
4.5 Physical and Social Infrastructure ............................................................................................................... 47
5. Observed Changes in Climate and Projections ............................................................................................ 48
5.1 Observed weather and Climate trends ....................................................................................................... 48
5.2 Climate Projections ..................................................................................................................................... 51
6. Vulnerability of the State ............................................................................................................................. 52
6.1 Physical Vulnerability .................................................................................................................................. 52
6.2 Anticipated Economic Vulnerability............................................................................................................ 55
SECTION B: ADAPTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE ...................................................................................................... 57
7. Water Resources .......................................................................................................................................... 58
7.1 Water availability ........................................................................................................................................ 58
7.2 Managing Floods ......................................................................................................................................... 60
8. Agriculture ................................................................................................................................................... 63
8.1 Crops ........................................................................................................................................................... 64
8.2 Horticulture ................................................................................................................................................ 69
8.3 Assam Tea ................................................................................................................................................... 71
8.4 Animal Husbandry and Dairying ................................................................................................................. 73
8.5 Fisheries ...................................................................................................................................................... 78
9. Forests and Biodiversity.................................................................................................................................... 82

8. Habitats............................................................................................................................................................. 89
8.1 Water Supply .............................................................................................................................................. 90
8.2 Municipal Waste Management and Sewage treatment in cities................................................................ 94
8.3 Road Transport ........................................................................................................................................... 96
8.4. Inland Water Transport ............................................................................................................................. 98
8.5 Human Health ............................................................................................................................................. 99
8.6 Managing Urban Space ............................................................................................................................. 102
9. Energy ............................................................................................................................................................. 103
9.1 Access to Electricity .................................................................................................................................. 103
9.2 Energy Efficiency ....................................................................................................................................... 107
SECTION C: WAY FORWARD ............................................................................................................................... 109
10. Implementing SAPCC and Knowledge Management ............................................................................. 110
10.1 Implementing SAPCC .............................................................................................................................. 110
10.2 Knowledge Management ........................................................................................................................ 112
11. Integrating Climate Change finance in adaptation Planning ........................................................................ 114
Annexure 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 115
Annexure 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 120

Executive Summary
Setting the Context
Given the unique physiography, climate and location of Assam in the North Eastern
Himalayas with mighty Brahmaputra flowing through, the State is endowed with
ample water resources and rich floral and faunal biodiversity. As a result, 86% of its
population thrives on agriculture and forest produce. Changing course of
Brahmaputra and recurrent floods have led to widespread damages, but people
residing in these regions have adapted to such hazards using indigenous approaches
developed since ages.

Discernable changes in these systems are now emerging due to changes in climate,
impacting the economy associated with these resources. Observations indicate that
since the last 60 years (1951-2010), the annual mean temperature in Assam has
increased by 0.59oC and the annual rainfall has decreased by -2.96/mm per year.
Frequent, heavy precipitation in the form of cloud bursts have been reported in recent
years which have led to devastating flash floods. Climate change projections for
Assam indicate that mean average temperature is likely to rise by +1.7-2.2oC by mid-
century with respect to 1971-2000. There is likely to be increase in extreme rain fall
events by +5 to 38%. All across the State, except in the southern districts, droughts
weeks are going to rise as well, by more than 75% with respect to the base line (1971-
2000). As regards floods, projections increase a rise in events by more than 25%.

It is essential that adaptation plans to combat the impacts of climate change are
factored in the development process now to avoid economic burden of adaptation
in the long run, and gain from new opportunities that will be thrown up along the way.

The following sections describe briefly the challenges and corresponding adaptation

Strategies to combat climate change in Assam

Water resources: Currently, the overall resource seems adequate, but water stress
conditions in many parts of the State is common during lean flows in the rivers.
Increasing incidences of extreme rainfall in the hilly areas are leading to high run-offs
affecting ground water recharge. For sustainability of water resources and ensuring
that sectoral demands are met with in the future, the proposed adaptations strategies
are focusing on institutional reforms, water use efficiency in different sectors, water
resource augmentation, and diversified livelihoods.

Sl. Strategy – Water Resources; responsibility: Responsible Cost Priority

no. Department of Water resources, Agency and (INR Cr)
time period
1 Undertake assessments to ascertain the Deptt of Water 0.50 VH
institutional reforms required to address water Resources
generation, distribution, and use issues in a PHE
climate change context

2 Set Up Assam State Water Resource Council Deptt of - H


Sl. Strategy – Water Resources; responsibility: Responsible Cost Priority
no. Department of Water resources, Agency and (INR Cr)
time period
3 Assess water use efficiency potential in Deptt of VH
Agriculture at one location with respect to Agriculture
base line and replicate in later years using 1.00
the following technologies 0.50
- Reuse of waste water (1000 ha) 0.30
- Water efficient crops (1000 ha)
- SRI or multiple aeration for rice
cultivation (1000 ha)
4 Promote conjunctive use of surface and Deptt of Water 2.00 VH
ground water at a pilot scale covering 1000 Resources
ha to improve water use efficiency

5 Promote water use efficiency in industry Deptt of 0.50 VH

- Explore possibility of water markets Industry
- Through reuse of waste water

6 Encourage use of recycled water from ULBs 1.00 VH

domestic waste water in urban areas (2
wards in one city)

7 Undertake continuous awareness raising PHE/ULBs 0.10 H

campaigns on water conservation through

8 Enable spring shed development in hilly Deptt of Water 3.50 VH

areas to restore the perennial streams within Resources

9 Promote backyard fisheries in small tanks in Deptt of 1.00 VH

same area where water use efficiency will be Fisheries
piloted in agriculture

TOTAL 10.40

Floods and Erosion: Given the fact that substantial increase in extreme precipitation
events are expected in the future, managing erosion and impacts of flooding events
will be a major challenge that the State will have to combat annually. The strategies
envisaged are as follows.

Sl.No. Strategy – Floods Responsible Cost Priority

Agency and
time period (INR Cr)

1 Detailed scientific study to understand the WRD 0.50 VH

nature of river flow and its impact on
erosion to control erosion in the state of
Assam and enable land reclamation

2 Undertaking study to assess intensity and WRD 2.8 VH

recurrence frequency of floods due to
climate change and extent and depth of (@ 0.2 Cr
per city)

flooding in 14 major Urban agglomerates in
the 14 districts prone to floods

3 Develop an integrated flood, erosion and WRD 1500.00 VH

sediment management Action Plan for the Partners:
Brahmaputra basin in 3 major regions in ASDMA,
Assam, namely, for Upper, Middle and
Research Instt,
Lower Assam and drawing upon NGOs
knowledge on improved technical
standards, global best practices and

4 Extending River Bank Stabilization work WRD 750.00 VH

using geotextile material for river bank
training all along the Brahmaputra and
Barak river banks.

5 Setting up a North East Hydrology Data WRD 2.00 VH

Management Centre through basin
management approach for managing
flash floods.

6 Documenting possible indigenous WRD 5.00 VH

community based and new adaptation
strategies for adapting to floods and
implementing the same at pilot scale along
with development of fiscal measures for
averting climate induced risks.

7 Construction of multipurpose flood shelter ASDMA 14.00 H

with inmate capacity of 500 people / unit
in Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Barpeta; Morigaon
& Majuli in Jorhat.

8 Develop district level management plans to ASDMA 8.10 H

deal with multiple hazards including floods
in a changing climate context

9 Strengthen Infrastructure and Community ASDMA 8.00

based flood early warning system

TOTAL 2282.40

Agriculture, Horticulture, Tea and Fisheries: Warming of the temperature reduces

production of staple crops such as rice, horticulture produce, economically important
tea produce, milk yields and fish catch. Coupled with increasing intensity of rain fall in
some areas and intensive droughts in others, emergence of new pests and diseases,
the yield realization in a business as usual agriculture practice scenario are likely to
become lower. Following are some strategies identified to make agriculture,
horticulture and fisheries sustainable to the extent possible in a changing climate

Sl Strategy- Crops; Responsible Budget Priority
No. Agency (INR Cr)

1 Strategy 1: Development district wise

climate smart adaptation action plans
1.1 Assessing District wise exposure and DoA 6.75 VH
vulnerability of agriculture systems to
climate variability and change and
developing climate smart Adaptation
Strategies through Stakeholder consultation
for all 27 districts taking into consideration
the agro-climatic zone in which they are
Total Strategy 1 6.75
2 Strategy 2: Develop, disseminate, and DoA
practice climate smart packages at Pilot
Coverage: 90,000 ha
2.1 Preparation of DPR through PRA to record DoA 0.05
phonological variances in crops/plants, soil
types, soil and water conditions, new pest
host relationships
2.2 Application of climate smart agronomic DoA 0.15
practices to retain optimum production
2.3 Assessing and broadcasting knowledge on DoA 0.10
appropriate seed rate, soil moisture
conservation activities, water efficient
technologies including drip irrigation and
tillage operations
2.4 Redefining cropping pattern suitable for DoA 0.10
each agro-climatic zone
2.5 Establishing demonstrative integrated DoA 5.00
farming systems by introducing agro-
forestry and agro-pastoral practices
2.6 Restore natural water bodies to conserve DoA 40.00
run off.
2.7 Community vermi-composting DoA 5.00
2.8 Expansion of area under low water DoA 5.00
requirement crops
2.9 Integrated disease management practices DoA 5,00
2.10 Develop and propagate crop specific DoA 30.00
weather indexed crop insurance
2.11 Train farmers on disaster risk reduction ASDMA and 0.50
techniques DoA
Total (Strategy 2): 90.90
3 Research
3.1 Developing water and temperature stress DoA 0.05
tolerant varieties with focus on integrating
C4 characteristics in C3 Rice to make
photosynthesis efficient at higher
temperatures and hence make rice plants
temperature and water stress resilient
Total Strategy 3: DoA 0.50
4 Knowledge management, training and skill DoA 5.00

4.1 Automatic weather stations (8 in number) DoA 17.52
at block level
4.2 Sustainable eco-friendly horticulture in hilly DoA 12.50
4.3 Computerised weather recording and DoA 0.08
synthesizing centre
4.4 Establishment of Climate Change DoA 0.10
Agriculture research Centre
4.5 Training of department functionaries on CC DoA 0.10
adaptation for developing climate resilient
4.6 Training of farmers on climate smart DoA 0.15
packages of practices
4.7 Documenting indigenous knowledge on DoA 0.005
adaptation for integration with modern
4.8 Publication and dissemination of success DoA 0.005
4.9 Workshops/seminars on CC resilient DoA 0.10
agriculture system development
Total Strategy 4: 35.56
5.0 Strengthen accessibility to markets
5.1 Establish market intelligence cell DoA 1.00
5.2 Skill development towards producing DoA 14.00
beneficiated food products (cover 14
districts in Phase 1)
5.3 Establish farmers’ companies (village NABARD 28.00
cluster approach in 14 districts)
5.4 Strengthen cold storage networks (14 NABARD 14.00
Total Strategy 5 57.00
6 Strategy 6: Protect irrigation schemes from
siltation due to soil erosion
6.1 Plant planation trees every 25 m on both Department 124.48
sides of irrigation canals and reservoirs and Of Irrigation
beside inspection roads- cover 19244 km
6.2 Install 10 HP pumpsets in irrigation scheme Department 4.00
to offset emission from fuel combustion in Of Irrigation
motors (10 numbers)

Sl.No Strategy- Horticulture; Responsible Budget Priority

Agency (INR Cr)

1 For sustainable incomes in hilly Directorate of 12.50 VH

areas promote plantation crops Horticulture
like cashew nut– Focus: Jhum Assam
areas and others. Coverage: 2500

2 Popularize indigenous thermal and -do- 2.50 H
water stress resistant varieties –
black Jamun (Polnial), Sapida
(Leteku), Jackfruit, Hog plum
(Amara) etc. Coverage: 1000 ha,

3 Facilitate off season availability of -do- 4.00 H

vegetables by promoting
protected environment
production practices

4 Promote water use efficiency -do- 10.05 VH

through water harvesting, drip and
sprinkler irrigation: Coverage: 500

5 Ensure soil health – propagate -do- 1.0 H

integrated nutrient management
in hilly areas prone to soil erosion:
Coverage: 2500 ha.

6 Manage emerging pests and -do- 1.0 VH

disease - through Integrated pests
and disease management
practices. Coverage: 2500 ha,

7 Develop disease prevalence maps -do- 0.05 VH

and track the same across the
years in the entire State

Developing disease forecasting

and dissemination systems for
farmers through SMS and other

8 Undertake soil and water Department of 21733 VH

conservation in micro watersheds Soil and Water
in hilly Jhum areas: 16 thousand ha Conservation

9 Develop and propagate weather Department of 0.50 VH

indexed crop insurance Soil and Water
with insurance

10 Undertake training of farmers on ASDMA with 1.00 H

packages of practices towards Directorate of
climate change adaptation and Horticulture

disaster risk reduction in different
agro-climatic zones

TOTAL 21766.57

Sl.No. Strategy- Tea Responsible Budget (INR Cr) Priority


1 Real time Tea Board 5.00 VH

based soil
mapping to
help in crop
along with
validation at
field level;
Coverage: All
Tea growing

2 Assess soil Tea Board 5.00 VH

across all tea

3 Identify, Tea Board 10.00 VH

procure and
production of
thermal and
water stress
resistant tea

4 Disseminate Tea Board 10.00 VH

and support
adoption of
water use
– sprinkler
and drop

1/4th of area
under small
holders in the
present plan

5 Support Tea Board VH

of water
structures for
small holders
to abate
water stress

6 Develop pest Tea Board 0.50 VH

and disease
systems for
tea related
pests and
planters and

TOTAL 30.50

Sl.No. Strategy- Livestock Responsible Budget Priority

Department (INR Cr)

1 Grading up of local Animal 10.00 VH

cattle and buffalo Husbandry
stock with suitable
thermal resistant
high milk yielding
Indian indigenous
varieties such as
Murrah / Sahiwal
through Artificial
Insemination- Cover
at least 13 districts
Assam, including
remote districts

2 Undertake Anoestrus Animal 10.00 VH

management in Husbandry

Sl.No. Strategy- Livestock Responsible Budget Priority
Department (INR Cr)

simultaneously in the
above chosen

3 Create gene bank Animal 5.00

for conservation of Husbandry
threatened breeds

4 Establish community Animal 21.90 VH

based cattle shelters Husbandry
with designs that
enable sustenance
of conducive micro
climate for livestock
to survive in extreme
heat conditions in
219 blocks to
accommodate at
least 300 cattle and
buffalo of small and
marginal farmers.

5 Harness energy from Animal 219.00 H

dung collected at Husbandry
these community
centres - produce
1000 cu m of biogas
one in each 219

4 Undertake fodder Animal 10.95 VH

cultivation using Husbandry
technique - in the
shelters in 219 blocks

5 Develop and Animal 5.00 VH

propagate Weather Husbandry
indexed insurance
for loss in milk yield
due to heat stress.
Coverage: All
crossbred and

Sl.No. Strategy- Livestock Responsible Budget Priority
Department (INR Cr)

indigenous cattle
and buffalo in 219

6 Develop Disease Animal 1.00 VH

diagnostic- disease Husbandry
forecasting system

7 Disease Animal 233.68 VH

Management – Husbandry
fumigation etc.

8 Disease diagnostic Animal 78.00 H

(DDL) (Contractual Husbandry
Doctor, TA and other
recurring expenses)
in 26 districts

9 Training / capacity Animal 21.90 VH

building of technical Husbandry
and non-technical
person on
adaptation to
climate change and
technologies - 219

10 Establish Dairy 144.20 VH

infrastructure for Development
safe, quick and
effective transfer of
milk from producer
to chilling plants in all
27 districts

11 Establish new and Dairy 47.70 VH

refurbish existing Milk Development
Collection Centers
with required

Sl.No. Strategy- Livestock Responsible Budget Priority
Department (INR Cr)

infrastructure in all 27

12 Set up of chilling Dairy 114.80 VH

plants to stop Development
bacterial growth at
higher temperatures
in all 27 districts

13 Capacity Building of Dairy 31.78 VH

Dairy farmers in all Development
27 districts on

 Scientific
management of
indigenous dairy
cow for higher
milk production
 Improved milk
hygiene and
 Practices of
quality milk
technologies in
the changing
climate scenario
14 Develop and Animal 27.00 VH
disseminate husbandry and
package of dairy
practices amongst development
farmers for
mitigating disaster
risk reduction such
as during floods and
droughts (in all 27

TOTAL 10421.10

Sl.No. Strategy – Fisheries Responsible Budget (INR Priority

Department Cr)

1 Creation of up-to-date Department of 10.00 VH

state level GIS based Fisheries
database on water and

Sl.No. Strategy – Fisheries Responsible Budget (INR Priority
Department Cr)

fish type & fishery

resources; water
resources and their
potential users

2 Restoration of natural fish Department of 200.10 VH

breeding and feeding Fisheries

3 Productivity Department of 80.00 H

enhancement and Fisheries
utilization of potential

4 Avail Quality fish seeds Department of 6.90 H


4 Conserve indigenous fish Department of 4.90 H

species Fisheries

5 Reclaim ponds and beels Department of 50.00 H

wherever possible (5000 Fisheries

6 Promote rain water Department of 25.00 H

harvesting based small Fisheries
tank fisheries in hilly areas
(5000 HH)

7 Develop packages of Department of 2.00 VH

practices for fishermen to Fisheries
sustain their production in
an climate change

9 Develop and disseminate Deptt of Fisheries. 0.50 VH

weather indexed ASDMA, Insurance
insurance for fisheries agency
sector- to benefit small
and marginal farmers
and link it to disaster risk

10 Undertake capacity Department of 0.60 VH

building within Fisheries
communities to

Sl.No. Strategy – Fisheries Responsible Budget (INR Priority
Department Cr)

encourage them to
embrace State of the Art
package of practices for

11 Establish block level kiosks Department of 10.05 VH

for fishery related Fisheries
information dissemination
including SMS

12 Research Department of 1.77 VH


TOTAL 393.82

Forest and Biodiversity: Forests essentially play a key role in providing different
ecosystem services that include its role in conditioning the microclimate in and
around forests, conservation of watersheds originating from within forests, and
providing timber and biodiverse NTFPs that are harvested to sustain livelihoods of
forest dependent communities. In Assam, forests are increasingly getting degraded
due to population pressure and associated drivers. Further, climate change is
influencing the biodiversity, thus affecting forest produce and hence dependent
livelihoods. The State is also endowed with extensive biodiversity rich wetlands that
are increasingly being threatened by anthropogenic drivers and climate change
Strategies identified to combat the impacts of climate change are as follows.

Sl. Strategies – Forest and Biodiversity Costs Priority


1 Reduce degradation of forests through Forest Deptt 70.00 VH

Secured Assisted Natural Regeneration

2 Improve density of cover in degraded forest Forest Deptt 182.00 M


3 Implement safeguards against Forest Deptt 467.00 VH

encroachment in RFs and Pas

4 Build climate resilience of forest based Forest Deptt 321.00 VH


Sl. Strategies – Forest and Biodiversity Costs Priority

5 Promote alternate sources of energy for Forest Deptt 15.5 H

wood substitution as fuel-energy plantation,
solar plants, biogas, LPG

7 Improve resilience of wild life-through secured Forest Deptt 125.00 VH

wild life corridors and provide compensation
to communities

8 Procure crucial areas surrounding Protected Forest Deptt 600.00 VH

Areas for extended protection to threatened
and endangered species (e.g. various
additions to the Kaziranga NP)

9 Improve Protected Area Management – Forest Deptt 15.00 VH

control invasive species; enrichment planting,
micro-ecosystem improvement

10 Undertake intensive management of Biodeiversity 7.00 H

Wetlands for biodiversity conservation, Board
ground water recharge, eco-tourism

11 Create Gene Banks for threatened Bodiversity 11.50 M

indigenous biodiverse species (Ex-situ) - 2 Board
central facilities and 35 site banks

12 Strengthen activities of Assam biodiversity Biodiversity 9.00 H

Board and undertake awareness generation Board

13 Plan for conserving biodiversity in a changing Biodiversity 35.05 VH

climate scenario Board

14 Improving Tree cover outside Forest areas: Forest Deptt 100 H

Avenue, city forests, Panchayat Forests,
Homestead, Gardens, Parks, Institutional
lands etc

15 Undertake systematic plantation on special / Forest deptt 25.00 VH

difficult sites- Jhum lands for soil
conservation and in Char areas (river islands)
for preventing erosion of banks during heavy

16 Protect against Forest Fires specially in Hill Forest Deptt 20 VH

areas - Create Central Monitoring Unit/Field
(2 central units) and Stations/Field gears (20
field stations)

Sl. Strategies – Forest and Biodiversity Costs Priority

17 Integrate criteria and indicators of Forest deptt 6 VH

Sustainable Forest Management in a
changing climate context into Working Plans

18 Commission preservation Plots: studies into Forest deptt 5 H

change in vegetation is response to CC –
genetic resource preservation

19 Pilot Studies on Carbon stocking in forests: Forest deptt 10 H

establish the protocol for measuring,
reporting and verification systems for forest

20 Vulnerability Study of Forest Ecology to Forest deptt 100 H

Climate Change including assessment of
changes in Forest Types / sub-types

21 Undertake policy review and develop Policies Forest deptt 5 VH

to address gaps in the State Forest Policy,
Bamboo & Cane Policy, Wetland Policy, Eco-
tourism Policy in the changing climate

22 Link Micro-plans with Working Plans Forest deptt 5 H

23 Reduce carbon footprints of forestry Forest deptt 960 H

infrastructure- Eco-friendly buildings/gadgets
etc; 800

24 Develop a Manual for disaster risk reduction Forest deptt& 0.50 VH

for averting landslides in forests, for averting ASDMA
forest fires and for avoiding mortality of
wildlife during floods

TOTAL 19826.50

Habitats: As the population is rising in urban areas, and the changing climate is
causing higher temperatures in cities, flash floods due to extreme rains amongst
others, multiple challenges related to the following are compounding
o solid waste management,
o sewerage disposal,
o drinking water availability,
o adequate transportation and
o Managing Human Health

The strategies to combat the above are as follows.

S.No Strategies- Potable Water availability in cities Department Costs Priority
Responsible (INR CR)

1 Ensure water availability in a changing

climate scenario
Roof top rain water harvesting; 2500 numbers PHE 53.75 H
(in southern Assam cities)

Check dam, 30 numbers (in Southern Assam PHE 3.00 M

Pond HRF (horizontal roughing Filter-Geo PHE 0.75 M
membrane line masonary); 50 numbers

2 Ensure potable water during floods

Board mounted WTP (water treatment plants) PHE 5.00 M
for flood effected areas; 5 numbers

Speed boat for distribution of WATSAN PHE 2.50 M

material during climate change induced
3 Facilitate ground water recharge even in
extreme rainfall condition
Artificial recharge with pit/trench; 4000 PHE 40.00 VH

4. Enhance water use efficiency

Metering of water supply connections in at PHE 100.00 VH
least 13 major cities- to cover at least 5 cities
in 5 years
5 Increase solar energy penetration and
reducing load on conventional source

Solar pumping in PWSS; 2000 numbers PHE 200.00 VH

Solar lighting in Head office PHE 4.25 H
6 Research H
Assess risk due to climate change and PHE 1.00 VH
designing required Infrastructure and System
Operation for water supply systems in one key
city in Assam
7 Capacity building

Develop capacity of government officials PHE and 1.00 VH

towards assessing the vulnerability of water ASDMA
resources in their districts and drafting
strategies for ensuring water availability (for all
27 districts) and disaster risk reduction
Undertake Training and skill development of PHE 0.30 H
Govt. functionaries on climate change
resilient WATSAN system
Exposure visit of Govt. functionaries on climate PHE 0.50 H
change resilient WATSAN system
TOTAL 412.05

S.No Strategies Department Costs Priority
Responsible (INR CR)

1 Wastewater treatment

Community Waste Management PHE 0.20 VH

System in peri-urban areas (approx. 4
nos in each block)-1000 in number
Trailer mounted community Bio-toilet PHE 0.32 VH
for areas affected with climate
change resulted flood- 45 in number
Colony based sewage treatment Department 2.00 VVH
plants- recycled waste water will be Responsible
used for parks, gardens and other uses
in all cities (at least cover 2 cities in 1st 5
years)- 60 in number
2 Solid waste management Department of

Feasibility studies in 14 major cities in Department of 1.00 VH

Assam, excluding Guwahati for setting Transport
up integrated waste management
Feasibility study to set up cluster based Department of 2.00 VH
MSW management amongst class II Transport
and III tier cities in Assam
Undertake Department of 720.00 VVH
-MSW management Transport
-de-silting of drains
-sewage treatment
In flood prone cities in Assam spread
along 14 districts along the banks of
Brahmaputra. Cover 2 cities in the 1st 5
TOTAL 725.00

Department Cost
S.No Strategies- Road Transport Responsible Priority
(INR Cr)
Installation of CNG pump stations across major Department of
1 cities of Assam; 100 depots Transport 25.00 VH

Procurement of CNG enable buses, 1000 buses Department of

2 Transport 250.00 VH

Assess requirement of non-motorized transport Department of

3 numbers and Introduce tracks for non-motorized Transport 2.00 H
transport along existing roads, 10 major cities
Retrofitting all Public Vehicles with CNG Kit – Department of
4 100.00 VH
Policy regulations to be formulated Transport

Introducing intelligent traffic management Department of
5 systems, 10 major cities Transport 10.00 H

Construct parking slots in Guwahati, Tinsukia, Department of

6 Dibrugarh, Nagaon, Tezpur, Jorhat and Silchar. Transport 35.00 H
Partial cost of construction, 7 major cities
Department of
Promote better driving practices and
7 maintenance of vehicles among truck, bus and 1.00 H
car drivers to enhance fuel efficiency
Study on BRT for 7 major cities other than Department of
8 0.50 H
Guwahati where BRT is already planned Transport
Vulnerability assessment study of transport system Department of
9 of Guwahati and other important cities due to Transport 0.50 VH
climate change
Developing manual for building climate resilient Department of
10 roads and bridges and train engineers on Urban 14.00 VH
retrofitting old ones and new designs (all Districts) Development
TOTAL 438.00

Sl. Strategies- Inland Water Transport Department Costs Priority

no Responsible (INR Cr)

1. The IWT vessels rely on fuel oils for most Inland Water 10.00 H
powering needs, but tighter emission Transport
regulations and the need to ‘go green’ and Department
hence conversion of existing Diesel Marine
Engines to CNG driven engines proposed. (40
engines in 20 vehicles)
2. Solar powered passenger vessel in 10 vehicles Inland Water 100.00 H
3 CNG Filling Station Inland Water 10.00 H
(Phase: I – Guwahati-02) Transport 10.00 M
(Phase: II- all over Assam-04) Department
4 Conversion of existing engines of IWT Vessels Inland Water 10.00 M
to CNG, 40 vessels Transport
TOTAL 140.00

Sl. Strategies- Urban Health Department Costs Priority

no Responsible (INR Cr)
1 Developing disease forecasting system for Deptt of 1.00 VH
disease outbreaks on a daily basis in Health and
consonance with daily weather forecast Family
2 Develop mobile based apps on disease Deptt of 1.00 VH
outbreak forecast and prevention measures – Health and
a to do list Family
3 Study and map new and emerging diseases in Deptt of 1.00 VH
consonance with CC projections Health and

4 Extending IDS to urban areas and to private Deptt of 10.00 VH
clinics Health and
5 Including heat wave incidences under IDSP in Deptt of 10.00 VH
Assam Health and
6 Conduct studies to assess links between Deptt of 1.00 VH
climate change and possible malnutrition in Health and
the State especially amongst children Family
7 Review and retrofit disaster risk response Deptt of 0.25 VH
strategies of the department in view of climate Health and
change using CSDRM tool Family
7 TOTAL 24.00

Sl. Strategy-Managing Urban Spaces Department Costs Priority

no Responsible (INR Cr)
1 Reevaluate drainage system of the urban JNNURM 3.50 VH
space/city and realign it with the maximum
expected volume water that will be received
due to extreme rainfall and avenues and
outlets required for dissipation. Pilot: 7 cities
2 Map and Evaluate the landslide prone areas JNNURM 15.00 VH
in a hill city and devise and implement
adaptation strategies to bind the soil and
prevent soil erosion and hence landslides -
engineering as well as vegetative measures
(take 3 hill cities)
3. To dissipate heat in open areas built up due to JNNURM 15.00 VH
heat island effect design landscapes dotted
with greens that can cool the micro climate
(focus on 3 cities that have very high
temperatures in summers w.r.t. other cities in
4 Strengthen disaster response of ULBs through ASDMA 6.5
Capacity Building (Cover: Guwahati, Silchar &
Dibrugarh and 10 Towns viz. Tinsukia,
Sivasagar, Jorhat, Tezpur, Bongaigaon,
Nalbari, Nagaon, Mangaldoi , Dhubri &
5 Training and capacity building of Community, JNNURM
NGOs, CBOs and Govt. Officials, educators,
students on Disaster Risk Reduction and
Climate Change Adaptation
TOTAL 40.00

Energy: Energy generation capacity is not enough to meet the demand in the State,
especially in remote areas. The demand is likely to go up as temperature continues to
rise. Renewable energy as an additional source is being promoted in the State for

disaggregated generation of electricity. Additionally, energy efficiency in
conventionally produced fossil fuel based energy is another area where large
potential of energy saving exists, thus reducing existing levels of associated GHG
emissions. The strategies suggested by the State to achieve the above mentioned
objectives are as follows.

Sr. Strategies- Energy Capacity Addition Implementing Costs Priority

No Agency INR in CR
1 Setting up of 60 MW SPV Power Plant at APDCL 491.84 H
Amguri, Assam
2 Setting up of 2 MW SPV Power Plant at APDCL 18.25 VH
3 Setting up of 2 MW SPV Power Plant at APDCL 18.25 VH
4 Capacity Building in APDCL APDCL 0.15 H

5 Protection of Erosion of river bank for water APDCL 0.98 VH

intake pump at Desang river for Lakwa TPS
6 Master drain system of Lakwa Thermal APDCL 0.24 VH
Ppwer Station with Effluent Treatment Plant
7 Crude oil drain pit development for gas APDCL 0.04 VH
intake station at Lakwa TPS & accumulator
tank for Gas compressor lubrication drain
8 Lower Kopili Hydroelectric Project (120 MW), APDCL 0.28 VH
Dima Hasao and Karbi Anglong Districts,
9 Development of Small Hydro Electric APDCL 0.60 H
10 Switchyard illumination at Namrup TPS-LED APDCL 0.20 H
11 Street lighting at Namrup TPS- LED APDCL 0.20 H
12 Additional thermal Insulation on GT Unit #1, APDCL 0.14 H
#2, #3 & #4 at Namrup TPS
13 Anti-erosion measure at Dillighat Intake of APDCL 1.0 VH
Namrup TPS
14 Renovation / Repairing of cooling system of APDCL 1.00 VH
Steam Turbine unit-5, splash bar changing at
Namrup TPS
15 Research and Development APDCL 0.75 H

16 Development of State Renewable Energy AEDA 0.25

17 Installation & Promotion of 25 MW AEDA
aggregate capacity of Grid Connected
Solar Power Plant at different vacant land of 15.30 VH
APDCL with capacity ranging from 1 MW to
5 MW
18 Installation of Grid Interactive AEDA
Rooftop/Ground mounted Solar Power Plant
(with battery backup) at important Govt. 73.89 VH
Building of Assam with capacity ranging
from 5 kW to 50 kW
19 Illumination of important towns/historical AEDA
22.50 VH
locations of Assam through Solar Street

Sr. Strategies- Energy Capacity Addition Implementing Costs Priority
No Agency INR in CR
Lighting System
20 Installation of 1 MW aggregate capacity of AEDA
Solar Wind Hybrid System with capacity 23.33 M
ranging from 600 W to 10 kW
Installation & Promotion of 150 nos. of Solar AEDA
21 Water Pumping systems for irrigation 9.00 H
Electrification of 75 nos. of remote villages AEDA
22 through Solar PV based power plant under 52.50 VH
Setting up 80 MW Grid Connected Solar AEDA
23 800.00 M
Power Plant through IPP in BOO Mode
Sub Total- AEDA
GRAND Total- Energy generation

Sr. Strategy- Improving Energy Cost Sources of Priority Implementing

No Efficiency (INR Cr) fund Agency
1 Explore fiscal mechanisms for 0.25 VH AEDA
supporting energy efficiency
activities in the State
2 Ascertain energy efficiency 0.50 VH AEDA
potential in various sectors
3 Energy Conservation in AEDA
Customize the ECBC code 0.50 VH AEDA
according to the various
climate zones and seismic zones
in Assam
Enforcing BEEs energy 14.00 H AEDA
conservation building code
(ECBC) in all 14 major towns for
-efficient lighting systems
-Efficient cooling systems
-Efficient heating systems
Promote Energy efficiency in 1.00 H AEDA
religious places through
awareness generation
Design fiscal incentives for 0.25 H AEDA
supporting private owners to
follow energy efficiency
Train managers on green 14.00 VH AEDA
building practices and auditing
in all the 14 cities
4 Promote energy efficient Household appliances
Introduce scheme to replace 4 1.65 H AEDA
CFLs with 1 LED - awareness
Tie up with LED producer, 0.25

Sr. Strategy- Improving Energy Cost Sources of Priority Implementing
No Efficiency (INR Cr) fund Agency
Develop fiscal incentive for the 0.25
by back process
Ensure presence of only 3 star 0.10 VH AEDA
and above domestic
appliances (ACs, fridge) in
Create a mechanism to extract 0.25 VH AEDA
heavy fine from any seller
selling Air Conditioner and
Refrigerator with energy
efficiency that is rated less than
3 star
Create awareness through 1.65 VH AEDA
5 Energy efficiency in Agriculture
Only star rated diesel/electricity 1.00 VH AEDA
driven pump sets to be sold in
the market-awareness
generation and enforcement
6. Energy efficiency in Industries
Identify energy intensive SME 1.0 VH AEDA
clusters and identify energy
efficient measures that can be
propagated- A study
Implement the measures 0.25 AEDA
through fiscal incentives
7. Street lighting
Promote energy efficiency in 0.25 AEDA
street lighting and external
lighting in housing societies by
introducing LEDs
TOTAL 37.15

Way Forward

Implementing SAPCC: It is proposed that a separate Assam Climate Change

Management Society (ACCMS) - A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) will be created in
the State, which will coordinate all SAPCC and other activities related to climate
change with different departments in the State. The Society will be having a
Governing Council headed by the Chief Minister with council of Ministers as its
members and supported by a steering committee chaired by Head of Department
of Environment and Forest, Government of Assam.

Governing Body
Assam Climate Change
Headed By: Chief
Management Society
Members: State
Steering Committee
Headed By: Chief Secretary
Members: Principal

SAPCC and other matters as indicated

in the Charter of activities to be
performed by the ACCMS

Water Forest and Urban
Agriculture manageme
Resources Biodiversity development

Agri. Horticulture, Water resource, Water resource,

Livestock, Fisheries, Irrigation, Forest, Irrigation, All line
Tea Board, Soil & Water Biodiversity Board, Soil & Water departments
Rural development Conservation, Rural development Conservation, +
+ PHE, + Experts PHE + Experts
Experts Rural development Experts

Implementation Arrangement for the SAPCC

Knowledge Management:Knowledge about climate change, its impacts and

associated extent of vulnerabilities, is a matter of strategic importance for all countries
as they need to preserve and protect their natural resources, adapt to the changing
climate and help contain the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
at a level that does not dangerously alter the climate system and jeopardize the
security of human well-being vis-à-vis its food security, economic security and
environmental sustainability. The basic elements of the knowledge management
would include
o Capacity Building
o Designing decision support systems
o Research
o Knowledge portal

Some of the knowledge management strategies are listed below.

S.No Action Implementing Costs Priority

(INR Cr)
1 Creating a knowledge Management Assam Climate 1.50 VH
portal - Assam Climate Change Change
Knowledge portal and continuously Management
update for next 5 years Society

S.No Action Implementing Costs Priority
(INR Cr)
2 Build capacity within the State to ACCMS 5.0
analyse climate change trends and
model projections
3 Build Capacity to run impact ACCMS 3.0
assessment models for various sectors
4 Assess district wise Climate Change ACCMS 1.0
vulnerability and hydro-meteorological
hazard risk and develop adaptation
plans for all sectors
5 Scan all programs and policies of the ACCMS 1.0
government and advise the
government as to how all can be
made climate resilient.
6 Develop advisory manuals on for all ACCMS 1.0
infrastructure design requirements to
address exacerbated impacts of
climate change in the State of Assam
in its various regions
7 Study & Documentation of ground Assam Science 0.048 VH
water level in the piedmont plain of and
northern Assam- Foot hills of Arunachal Technology
and Bhutan and
8 Assessment of alternate agri-practices ASTEC 0.38 H
in highly flood prone districts, 19
9 Study of hill-slope destabilisation and ACCMS 0.15 VH
urban flood management system
(Guwahati City), 1
10 Policy review in the context of climate ACCMS 0.20 H
change – Forest policy, agri-policy,
draft water policy, industrial policy, 4
11 Identification of wetlands for ASTEC 0.60 VH
protection and management with
proper study on hydrology, flora, fauna
and economic value, 4 zones
12 Identification and conservation ASTEC 0.40 M to H
strategies of Vulnerable biologically
sensitive species, 4 institutions
13 Institutional capacity building to ACCMS 0.50 VH
handle climate change programmes
(all concerned govt. directorates) *, 10
programmes, each 2-3 days
14 Development of core-group of climate ACCMS 0.60 H
change scientists in Assam (training for

S.No Action Implementing Costs Priority
(INR Cr)
project development, core-support), 6

15 Hazard Risk Vulnerability including ASTEC 2.00

impact of climate change assessment
including impact of climate change
16 Capacity building of departments ACCMS 0.135 VH
across all levels of governance
towards integrating CC in Adaptation
17 Education & Awareness on climate ASTEC, ACCMS 0.81
change related issues through
educational institutions
TOTAL 18.32

Integrating Climate Change Finance in Planning: Recent modelling by the Asian

Development Bank for South Asia suggested that economic growth would be
between 2% and 6% lower by 2050 if climate change adaptation is not factored in
development. The entire SAPCC budget estimate is indicating a total fund
requirement of INR 58,415.24 Cr over next 5 years. i.e. each year about 11683.04 crores
will be spent. This is only over 7% of the State GSDP at current prices.

This amount can be availing pieces from various sources. If adaptation is not
systematically undertaken, then this cost will go on increasing becoming a significant
portion of the total GDP. Therefore, it is imperative that adaption cost be factored in
each year within planning. Therefore, the next step is to understand how departments
can identify and factor in the adaptation budget requirements within their planning.
These will then get funding from new fiscal instruments on a regular basis.

List of Figures

1. Chronology of preparation of the Assam SAPCC

2. Implementation Arrangement for preparation of SAPCC
3. Distribution of GSDP in Assam
4. Some of the indicators of developmental gaps in Assam
5. Linking rural population with its share in GSDP of the State.
6. Annual peak discharge for Brahmaputra river from (a) Pandu and (b) Pagladia
7. Production trends of Rice in Million tons
8. Adaptation Pathway for sustaining agriculture and Horticulture in the State.
9. Horticulture production trends in Assam between 200-01 to 2011-12
10. Percentage area under tea production in different regions of Assam,
11. Tea production trends in Assam in Million tons
12. Bovine and Ovine stock distribution in Assam
13. Fish production Seasonal Milk production trends (in million liters) across different
bovine stock in
14. Tea trends in Assam- million tons
15. Distribution of Green cover in Assam
16. Green cover in Assam
17. Location of 13 prominent cities in Assam
18. Location of potable water sources in Assam
19. Trends of growth of road vehicles in Assam, (b) Vehicle mix in 2013-14
20. Climate related disease Incidences reported in Assam in 2009 and 2010
21. Power generation capacity by energy type
22. Implementation Arrangement of SAPCC

List of Tables

1. Climate trends in Assam between 1951 and 210

2. Projected changes in Climate
3. Strategies for meeting water demand in a climate change context
4. Strategies to avert floods in a changing climate scenario
5. Strategies for sustainability of agriculture and horticulture systems in a changing
climate scenario in Assam
6. Strategies for sustainable horticulture in a changing climate scenario
7. Strategies for sustainability tea in a changing climate scenario
8. Strategies that Assam would require to combat rising temperatures and
emerging pests and diseases.
9. Strategies for sustaining fish production in Assam in a changing climate context
10. Strategies for sustaining Forests and the ecosystem produce from forests in
11. Urban service delivery performance in 13 largest towns in Assam
12. Strategies to address climate change impacts for sustainable water availability
– potable and for agriculture
13. Strategies to ensure waste water treatment and solid waste management
within urban habitats impacted by climate change
14. Suggested Strategies for the transport sector
15. Strategies for Water ways
16. Strategies for protecting human health
17. Strategies for making urban spaces climate resilient
18. Ongoing projects for capacity addition
19. Strategies for augmenting power demand in the State
20. Some of the Strategies suggested for improving energy efficiency include
21. Climate related disease Incidences reported in Assam in 2009 and 2010
22. Suggested Strategies for the transport sector

AASC – Assam Administrative Staff College
ACCMS – Assam Climate Change Management Society
ADB – Asian Development Bank
AEDA – Assam Energy Development Authority
AHDR – Assam Human Development Report
APDCL – Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd.
APFCB – Asian Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry
APGCL – Assam Power Generation Company Ltd.
ARI – Acute respiratory Infection
ASAPCC – Assam State Action Plan on Climate Change
ASDMA – Assam State Disaster Management
ASEB – Assam State Electricity Board
ASTC – Assam State Transport Corporation
ASTEC – Assam Science Technology and Environment Council
ASWRC – Assam State Water Resource Council
BEE – Bureau of Energy Efficiency
BL – Base line
BRT – Bus Rapid Transport
CAMPA – Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority
CC – Climate Change
CDM – Clean Development Mechanism
CESPR – Centre for Environment, Social and Policy Research
CFL – Compact Fluorescent Lamp
CPHEEO – Central Public Health & Environment Engineering Organization
CNG – Compressed Natural Gas
CR – Crore
CSO – Civil Society Organization
CSS – Central Sponsored Scheme
CWC – Central Water Commission
DALY – Disability Adjusted Life Years
DDL – Disease Diagnostic Limited
DFID – Department for International Development
DoA – Department of Agriculture
DoHF&W – Department of Health and Family Welfare
DoNER – Development of North Eastern Region
DoUD – Department of Urban Development
EPC – Engineering, Procurement and Construction
GDD – Guwahati Development Department
GDP – Gross Domestic Product
GHG – Green House Gas
GIM – Green India Mission
GIS – Geographical Information System
GMC – Guwahati Municipal Corporation
GoA – Government of Assam
GoI – Government of India

GSDP – Gross State Domestic Product
GW – Giga Watt
H – High
Ha – Hectare
HH – House hold
HRF – Horizontal Roughing Filter
IBIS – Integrated Biosphere Simulator
ICAR – Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ICMR – Indian Council Medical Research
IEC – Information and Education Communications
IL & FS – Infrastructure Lease and Finance
IMD – Indian Meteorological Department
INECC – Indian Network for Ethics and Climate Change
IPCC – Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change
IPP – Independent Power Producer
ISRO – Indian Space Research Organization
IWT – Inland Water Transport
JNNURM – Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
KW – Kilo Watt
KNP – Kaziranga National Park
LED – Light Emitting Diode
LPG – Liquefied Petroleum Gas
M – Moderate
MNRE – Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
MoA – Ministry of Agriculture
MoEF & CC – Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
MoF – Ministry of Finance
MSW – Management Solid Waste
MW – Mega Watt
NABARD – National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NAPCC – National Action Plan on Climate Change
NBA – National Biodiversity Authority
NBPGR – National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
NE – North East
NEC – North Eastern Council
NEEPCO – North-eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited
NEIIPP – North East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy
NESAC – North East Space Application Centre
NMEEE - National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency
NMSA – National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
NMSH – National Mission on Sustainable Habitats
NMSHE – National Mission on Sustainable Himalayan Eco System
NRHM – National Rural Health Mission
NTFP – Non-Timber Forest Produces
NWM – National Water Mission
OPML – Oxford Policy Management Limited
PA – Protected Areas

PCCF – Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
PHD – Public Health department
PHE – Public Health and Engineering
PRECIS – Providing Regional Climate for Impact Studies
REDD – Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
SME – Small Medium Enterprise
SPV – Solar Photo Voltaic
SSS – State Sponsored Scheme
STW – Shallow Tube Well
SWM – Solid Waste Management
TA – Technical Assistance
T&D – Transmission and Distribution
TERI – Tata Energy Resource Institute
THI – Thermal Heat Index
TRAI – Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
TRI – Tea Research Institute
ULB – Urban Local Bodies
VH – Very High
VVH – Very, Very High
WATSAN – Water and Sanitation
WW – Waste Water
WRD – Water Resources Department
W.R.T. – With respect to
WTP – Water Treatment Plant


1. Background
Records of the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) assessed over the last 112
years in India, indicate a discernable increase in ambient temperature of the order of
0.60°C1, increase in heavy rainfall events and decrease in low and medium rainfall
events2. Changes in rainfall and temperatures have also been reported by various
other researchers3,4,5. Projection indicate that warming is likely to continue and the
impacts are likely to manifest more severely in the tropical countries such as India6.

As climate dependent natural resources play a critical role in our socioeconomic

development, India drafted its National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in
2008. The Action Plan identifies the vulnerabilities of India due to climate change and
lays out an overarching approach to adapt to the impacts through
o Missions on Water resources,
o The Sustainable Agriculture Mission
o The Green India Mission that aims to make forest and biodiversity climate
o The National Mission on Himalayan Ecosystem
o The National Mission on Habitats

The NAPCC also focuses on improving energy efficiency in industry and buildings and
lays down the pathway for increasing share of solar power in the total energy mix.
Following this, the States in India started drafting their respective State Action Plan on
Climate Change. The additional two missions therefore are:
o Enhanced Energy Efficiency Mission
o Solar energy missions

Government of Assam recognizes that Climate Change can throw up challenges

impacting its developmental aspirations. With this in view, it started preparing its State
Acton Plan on Climate Change. Given the unique physiography and climate vis a
vis its location in the North Eastern Himalayas with mighty Brahmaputra flowing
through the State, and the fact that it is subjected to recurrent floods, the Stake holder
consultations concluded that continued warming of the atmosphere and ensuing
changes in precipitation pattern is impacting the State’s water resources, agriculture,
forest, its unique biodiversity and the habitats where people live. The emerging pattern
of enhanced intensities of rainfall and drought periods are further exacerbating the
impacts and thus making the State economically vulnerable.

Attri, S.D. and Tyagi, A., 2010. “Climate Profile of India”. Met. Monograph Environmental Meteorology No
1/2010, pp. 1-122
Goswami, B.N., Venugopal, V., Sengupta, D., Madhusoodanan, M.S. and Xavier, P. K., 2006 “Increasing trend
of Extreme Rain Events over India in a Warming Environment”. Science, 314, 5804, 1442-1445
Guhathakurta, P. and Rajeevan, M., 2008. “Trends in the rainfall pattern over India”. Int. J. Clamoto., 28, 1453-
Dash, S.K., Kulkarni, M.A., Mohanty, U.C. and Prasad, K., 2009. “Changes in the characteristics of rain events in
India”. J. Geophys. Res., 114, D10109, doi:10.1029/2008JD010572
NATCOM, 2012. “India’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC”. Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India, New Delhi
Sathaye, J., Shukla, P.R. and Ravindranath, N.H., 2006. “Climate change, sustainable development and India:
Global and national concerns”. Current Science, 90, 3, 314-325

2. Principles
The Strategies identified to for adapting to climate change are based on assessment
of vulnerability of the State largely based on available scientific literature. The
strategies formulated are essentially the various response measures formulated to
address the exacerbated impacts of climate change and future trajectories of socio-
economic change, in consultation with concerned departments and expert advice.

The State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) is being prepared with the
objective of identification of adaptation strategies that will make the State resilient, to
the extent possible to the ongoing climate variability, climate change and associated
extreme events. It is perceived that developing climate resilience would not hamper
the State’s developmental aspirations. It aligns itself with the guidance provided by
the missions of the National Action Plan on Climate Change and the principles of
adaption followed while developing the Assam SAPCC are as follows:

1. Ensuring sustainability of water resources: Water being essential to all economic

activities, the SAPCC looks at how water resource can be augmented and best
utilized in a changing climate scenario and what necessary institutional changes
will be required to make these strategies come to affect.

2. Ensuring sustainability of agriculture systems: Major concerns are sustainability of

critical ecosystems including agro-ecosystems (agriculture, fishery, and livestock)
to ensure livelihood security in a changing climate scenario.

3. Protection and conservation of forests and bio resource within: Focus areas are
sustainable management of Forest, Wild Life and biodiversity and developing
resilience of eco-system services.

4. Making habitats climate resilient: Major concern is the expanding and high density
urban human settlements where proving sanitation, drinking water, transportation,
health, waste management and other amenities will be a challenge in the future
changing climate scenario.

5. Ensuring energy sufficiency and efficiency: Major concerns will be technological

initiations and intervention with more focus on harnessing new and renewable
energy, energy efficiency and conservation.

6. Addressing enhanced impacts of anticipated extreme events: Adaptation

planning in anticipation of intensification of extreme events to ameliorate the
exacerbated impacts will be the underlying motto here.

3. Process of Preparation of SAPCC

Figure 1 depicts the chronology of preparation of the SAPCC in Assam. The entire
process has been coordinated by the Department of Environment and Forests,
Government of Assam which is the nodal for climate change matters in the State. A
Steering committee, with members nominated from various line departments and
chaired by the chief secretary oversees the preparation of the Plan. Further working
groups were formed on
o Agriculture: Members – Agriculture department, Horticulture, Animal
Husbandry, Fisheries, Tea Board, Agriculture University;

o Water resources and Floods: Members- Water Resources Department,
Irrigation department, Public Health department, University of Guwahati;
Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA)
o Forest and Biodiversity: Forest Department, Biodiversity Board, Tourism, ASDMA
o Habitats: PHE (Public Health & Engineering), Urban Development Department,
Health and Family Welfare, Inland Water Transport, Road Transport, ASDMA
Town and Country Planning Department.
o Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Department of Power,
Assam Energy Development Authority, Assam Power Distribution Company
Limited, Assam Power Generation Company Limited

The members of these working groups were drawn from the various departments,
prominent NGOs and research institutions. Figure 2 depicts the implementation
arrangement for the preparation of the Assam SAPCC. Further, the SAPCC contents
were discussed with larger group of Stakeholders such as Research institutions, NGOs
and individual experts through various forums [See Annexure 1 for List of Stakeholder
Consultations]. Any comments received have been incorporated within the

2015 August
- Draft
finalized and
2015 August
– Workshop
2015 to MoEF
February – Validation
2014 October Workshop and
– Climate on ASAPCC Finalization
2014 Change with all of ASAPCC
August- Innovation departments
Observation Programme of
2014 August-
made by was assigned Government
2012- 2012 - for of Assam
finalized and MoEF & CC,
Draft consultations
resubmitted GoI
2008-12 – preparation and financial
to MoEF
Intimation of SAPCC projection
from MoEF & and
CC, GoI to submission
develop to MoEF.
SAPCC. Comments
Stakeholder received
consultations from
and Steering
departmental Committee

Figure 1: Chronology of preparation of the Assam SAPCC

WG1: Floods and
Water Resources

WG2: Agriculture

SAPCC Steering WG3: Forest and

Committe Biodiversity
Department of
WG4: Habitats

WG5: EE Efficiency
and RE

WG6: Knowledge

Figure 2: Implementation Arrangement for preparation of SAPCC

4. State Profile
4.1 Geophysical Situation
Assam, situated at the foothills of the eastern Himalayas, is the largest state in
northeast India and lies in the middle reach of the river Brahmaputra and Barak. The
State accounts for nearly 2.4% of India’s total geographical area The Brahmaputra
basin covers an area of 5,80,000 sq. km out of which 70,634 sq. km falls within Assam.
The land has undulating topography. The State is surrounded by Arunachal Pradesh
in the east, West Bengal, Meghalaya, Bangladesh in the west, Arunachal Pradesh,
Bhutan in the north and Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Tripura in the
south. Its longitude lies at 88.25oE to 96.0oE and latitude at 24.5oN to 28.0oN and
temperature varies from 6oC to 38oC. The humidity that is brought into Assam by the
southwest monsoons, shower an average annual rainfall of 120 inches or more on the
Brahmaputra valley and the surrounding region. The monsoons are Assam's life line;
creating a bio-diversity that can compete with the equatorial rain-forests (State
profile, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2009). The topography and the warm
and humid climate are conducive to plant and vegetation growth. Assam is home to
51 forest and sub-forest types, and the confluence of diverse patterns of vegetation
(Assam Human Development Report, 2003).

The Brahmaputra River flows through Assam from east to west over a length of
approximately 650 kilometers. Its main branch originates in the Tibetan plateau,
flowing from west to east as the Tsangpo River, and then turns south through the
eastern Himalaya as the Dihang River to enter Assam, where it is joined by other
branches to form the Brahmaputra. The Barak River rises in the Indian state of
Nagaland at an elevation of approximately 2,300 meters and passes through the
Manipur Hills of Manipur state over a river length of nearly 400 kilometers. It then flows
generally westward from Lakhipur through the Cachar Plains region of Assam over a
river length of approximately 130 kilometers to enter Bangladesh near Bhanga (NHC,
Background paper, 2006). Each flood season, the Brahmaputra and its tributaries
forsake their earlier channels to cut new swathes through the soil. As the water
recedes, alluvial deposits remain in the river, giving rise to sandy islands. Some of these
islands are very large, and the annually enriched soil has attracted cultivation and
semi-permanent settlement. There is a distinct monsoon season in which a large part
of the annual rainfall is concentrated. There are also two months of cyclonic activity
preceding the monsoon, and rainfall at other times of the year as well.

4.2 Natural Resources

Assam lying in the eastern Himalayas is blessed with fertile soil and a moist tropical
climate enabling it to have a treasure trove of biodiversity. This region’s lowland and
montane moist to wet tropical evergreen forests are considered to be the
northernmost limit of true tropical rainforests in the world (Proctor et al. 1998).

The Eastern Himalaya and the Assam plains have been identified as an Endemic Bird
Area by the Royal Society for Protection of Birds, (Bibby et al.1992). Assam is also
famous for its megafauna including the rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis) golden langur
(Trachypithecus geei), hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) and other highly
endangered species like the pygmy hog (Porcula salvania), hispid hare (Caprolagus
hispidus) and the recently rediscovered white winged wood duck (Cairina scutulata).

Assam’s faunal wealth is matched by the diversity of its plant resources. The North East
region has been identified by the Indian Council of the National Bureau of Plant
Genetic Resources (NBPGR) has highlighted the North East region as being rich in wild
relatives of crop plants. Agricultural Research (ICAR) as a center of rice germplasm
(Chatterjee et al. 2006) and is a center of origin of commercially important plants such
as banana, citrus, Zizyphus and tea (Department of Environment and Forests,
Undated). The State is also very rich in medicinal plants. As many as 952 plant species
of medicinal value are found in Assam (Department of Environment and Forests,

Assam’s richness of flowering plants is estimated at about 3010 (Chatterjee et al. 2006).
About 293 species of orchids have been reported from Assam representing 44.39% of
North East species and 24.42% of species occurring in India. Assam also has much
bamboo (41 species) and cane species diversity (14 species). Broadly speaking the
forest resources are divided into the following types Tropical Wet Evergreen forests,
Tropical Semi Evergreen forests, Tropical Moist Deciduous forests, Sub-Tropical
Broadleaf Hill forests, Sub-Tropical Pine forests, Littoral and Swamp forests and
grasslands and savannahs (Champion and Seth, 1968).

Assam harbors at least 3500 freshwater wetlands covering 1012.29 sq km that,

according to satellite data, constitute 1.29 per cent of the total geographical area of
the state. Most of these wetlands are in the floodplains of the rivers Brahmaputra and
Barak and their tributaries and include beels, swamps and marshes. These wetlands
are home to a variety of fishes and other aquatic fauna; they act as ideal natural
habitat for both domestic and migratory birds

The State possesses an estimated 320 million tons of coal reserves, oil and natural gas
reserves, sufficient to sustain current production levels for at least another fifty years,
and a vast, though largely untapped, potential for power generation.

4.3 Demographic Profile and its Spread

According to the 2011 census, Assam’s 32.17 million people7 account for 2.58% of the
country’s population with its population density being marginally higher than the
average density of the country. The growth rate of population between 2001 and
2011 by 16.93 per cent. This is lower than the overall national growth percentage of
17.64. Large scale migration from Bangladesh continues into the State. There had
been adverse sex ratio disparities in Assam at the beginning of the 20th century, while,
during the recent decades this trend has been improving with 932 females for every
1000 males compared to 933 to 1000 in the country (Assam Human Development
Report, 2003).

Assam has the largest urban population of 4.3 million people amongst the North-
eastern States, which accounts for 14% of the total States population. The largest
urban agglomerates are the cities of Guwahati with 0.9 million people, Nagaon (0.12
million), Dibrugarh (0.04 million) and Silchar (0.17 million).

A brief on Assam population Statistics is given below.

Table 1: Population Statistics as per 2011 Census


Assam India
Total Population (million) 31.17 1210
Population Density (person/sq. 397 382
Decadal Growth Rate of 16.93% 17.64%
population (2001-2011)
Female Percentage 48.8% 48.5%
(Percentage of total
Sex Ratio (females per 954 940
thousand males)
Literacy Rate 62.5% 74%
Urban Population (share in 14% 12.9%
total population)

4.4 Economic Profile

Assam is the seventh fastest growing state and the 12th Five Year Plan estimates the
growth rate to be around nine per cent. At current prices, the Gross State Domestic
Product (GSDP) of Assam was INR 159460 Crores in 2013-14. The GSDP across sectors is
shown in Figure 3.

Distribution of GSDP in Assam


57% Industry

Figure 3: Sectoral Distribution of GSDP in Assam

About 49.34% of the working population is engaged in Agriculture and allied services8.
Rice is the main cereal produced and about 105 million tons of rice was produced in
2012-13. The next brig crop is sugar cane, the production of which was 314 million tons
during the same period2. The Tea industry plays a vital role in the State as well as
national economy. The tea production in Assam constitutes more than 50 percent of
the total production of the country (Economic survey, Assam, 2009-10). Assam is also
the third-largest producer of petroleum and natural gas in the country and has ample
reserves of limestone. Bamboo artifacts, Muga silk, paper are some of the other
natural resource based industries thriving in the State. With its five national parks and
Statistical Handbook- Assam, 2014

15 wildlife sanctuaries, the state is a biodiversity hotspot and therefore this is a potential
area of growth.

Assam has adopted numerous investor-friendly policies to attract investments and

accelerate industrial development. Key areas of focus include the IT, tourism and
power sector along with several other initiatives such as the North East Industrial and
Investment Promotion Policy (NEIIPP) 2007 and the Industrial and Investment Policy

4.5 Physical and Social Infrastructure

The development in the power sector holds the key to its becoming one of the fastest
growing States. As per 2013-14 status, Assam generated 1845.228 MU of electricity and
the demand was 7434 MU. About 11% deficit in peak demand in power was registered
in 2013-142. Assam has procured US$ 200 million from Asian Development Bank (ADB)
for its Power Sector Enhancement Investment Programme. Besides, ADB has provided
a grant of US$ 1 million for capacity development of the power-sector utilities in the

About 49239.673km road connects Assam through its length and breadth. The
navigable waterways in Assam through which passenger and freight transportation
also takes place, extends over 1000 kms covering Brahmaputra and Barak rivers. The
river Brahmaputra is known as the National Waterway No 2 (The Ganges is known as
the National Waterway No 1)10. Railway route length covers a distance of 64.6
thousand kms and 6 airports are spread across the State.

According to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Assam had nearly 16.43
million wireless subscribers and 0.178 million wire-line subscribers, as of December
201411. In 2010-11, the state had 35,065 primary schools, 12,985 middle schools and
5,714 high schools. The State Government is taking several steps to encourage setting
up of various educational complexes for skill development.

About 38 government hospitals, 1196 health centers and 4609 sub centers dot the
state, with a bed strength of 11,459 beds, i.e., one bed per 2720 persons is available.
About 3574 doctors are practicing in the State, i.e., 1 doctor is available for every 8700

10Directorate of Inland Water Transport of Assam

5. Observed Changes in Climate and Projections
5.1 Observed weather and Climate trends
With the "Tropical Monsoon Rainforest Climate", Assam is temperate (summer max. at
35–39 °C and winter min. at 5–8 °C) and experiences heavy rainfall and high humidity.
The climate is characterized by heavy monsoon downpours, which reduce summer
temperatures, enable formation of foggy nights and mornings in winters. Spring (Mar–
Apr) and autumn (Sept–Oct) are usually pleasant with moderate rainfall and

For ascertaining long term climate trends, State level climate data for the period 1951
to 2010 has been analyzed by the India Meteorological department12. This analysis is
based on 282 stations for temperature and 1451 stations for rainfall across the country.
In Assam, the analysis is based on data collected from 6 Stations for temperature and
12 Stations for rainfall. The analysis indicates that the mean temperature in the State
has increased by +0.01oC/year. There is also an increase in seasonal temperatures
across seasons with pronounced warming in post monsoon and winter temperatures.
The annual rainfall has also decreased by -2.96 mm/years during the same period.

Table 1: Climate trends in Assam between 1951 and 2010

Annual Winter Summer Monsoon Post

Mean Max Temp +0.02 +0.01 No trend +0.01 +0.02


Mean Min Temp +0.01 +0.02 +0.01 +0.01 +0.02


Mean Temp (ºC/yr) +0.01 +0.01 No trend +0.01 +0.02

Rainfall (mm/yr) -2.96 +0.08 -0.56 -2.19 -0.75

Additionally, when station wise data are analyzed for a period of 25-30 years at least,
significant variations are seen across seasons in number of rainy days and in 24 hr
maximum rainfall13. As per the guidelines of IMD, a rainy day is defined as that day
which receives rainfall amount of more than 2.4 mm. The 24 h maximum rainfall is
defined as the highest amount of total rainfall (in millimeter) occurring in a day in
particular year over a particular station.

Rathore L S, A D Attri and A K Jaswal, 2013. State Level Climate Change Trends in India. Meteorological
Monograph No. ESSO/IMD/EMRC/02/2013. India Meteorological Department. Ministry of Earth Sciences. GoI
Jhajh3aria D, B K Yadav, S Maske, S Chattopadhyay, A K Kar, 2012. Identification of trends in rainfa4ll, rainy
days and 24 hr max rainfall over subtropical Assam in NE India. C R Geoscience 344 (2012) 1-13

It can be seen from Table 2 that both upward and downward trends are experienced
in the 24 hr maximum rainfall in Assam. Only two stations witnessed statistically
significant trends. The decreasing trends in the 24 h maximum rainfall events at 5%
level of significance were observed at Rangia and Haflong. The 24 h maximum rainfall
has decreased to 43 mm at Rangia and 68 mm at Halflong for the total period of
records available at these two sites. As regards the number of rainy days, on annual
time scale, only two stations (Majbat and Mathungari) witnessed statistically
significant decreasing trends in the rainy days at 5% level of significance. Similarly, on
seasonal time scale, eight and six stations witnessed statistically significant decreasing
trends at 5% level of significance in the number of rainy days in monsoon and post-
monsoon seasons, respectively. The results of analysis of trends in rainy days in winter
and pre-monsoon seasons reveal that the majority of the stations observed statistically
non-significant trends obtained through the MK test at 5% level of significance in the
rainy days.

Though long term analysis is not picking up any trends in increase in extreme rainfall
events but two extremely intense cloud bursts of unprecedented intensity- one in the
western Meghalaya hills and Western Arunachal Pradesh in 2004 produced two
devastating flash floods in the Goalpara and Sonitpur districts of Assam bordering
Meghalaya and Arunachal respectively causing hundreds of deaths and enormous
loss to the animals and agriculture.

Table 2: Trends of number of rainy days and 24 hr maximum rainfall across various rain-
gauge Stations in Assam13

Region Sr Station District Rainy Days 24 hr Max

in no. rainfall

Annual Winter Pre- Monsoon Post-

Monsoon Monsoon

West 1 Dhubri Dhubri 0.15 1.04 0.10 -0.63 0.35 -1.32


2 Goalpara Goalpara 0.03 0.16 -0.93 -0.96 -0.19 -1,62

3 Goibargaon Nalbari 0.83 -1.03 0.75 0.32 -1.97 1.19

4 Guwahati Kamrup -0.42 0.06 -0.75 -1.67 -1.67 0.17

5 Rangia Kamrup -0.61 -1.53 0.19 -0.96 -1.02 -2.09

6 Mathungari Barpeta -2.17 -2.53 -0.52 -2.22 -2.25 -0.75

7 Panbari Bongaigaon 0.40 -0.66 0.24 -0.24 -1.45 0.01

NC, 8 Dahrmatala Morigaon 0.04 -0.29 -0.92 0.72 -1.58 0.50


9 Gohpur Sonitpur 0.34 -0.12 -0.62 -0.43 0.29 0.55

Region Sr Station District Rainy Days 24 hr Max
in no. rainfall

Annual Winter Pre- Monsoon Post-

Monsoon Monsoon

10 Golaghat Golaghat -1.61 -1.23 -1.30 -1.40 -2.00 -1.23

11 Majbat Darrang -2.80 -1.16 -1.52 -2.82 -1.69 -0.49

12 Tezpur Sonitpur -0.14 -0.34 -0.55 -0.43 -2.65 0.85

Eastern 13 Digboi Tinsukia -1.09 -1.20 -0.34 -2.15 -1.68 -0.74


14 Lilabari Lakhimpur -0.06 -0.96 0.13 0.54 -2.12 0.11

15 Nimatighat Jorhat -1.15 0.43 -0.55 -2.02 -2.53 -1.07

16 Sivasagar Sivasagar -1.37 0.11 -0.20 -2.75 -1.44 -1.07

Southern 17 Halflong N Cachar -1.80 0.77 -1.92 -2.28 -0.38 -2.03

Assam Hills

18 Kheronighat Karbi 0.02 1.43 -0.04 -0.68 -1.09 0.55


19 Lumding Nowgaon -0.58 0.72 0.39 -2.39 -0.75 -1.75

20 Silchar Cachar -1.12 0.28 -0.75 -2.07 0.69 -1.57

The most recent examples of such flash floods originating from extreme rainfall are
two events that occurred in the north bank of the Brahmaputra River and caused
significant damage to human life and property. The first of the two events occurred
during the monsoon season on June 14th, 2008 due to heavy rainfall on the hills of
Arunachal Pradesh north of Lakhimpur District causing flash floods in the rivers of
Ranganadi, Singara, Dikrong and Kakoi that killed at least 20 people and inundated
more than 50 villages leading to displacement of more than 10,000 people. The other
that occurred in the post monsoon season on October 26th, 2008 affected a long strip
of area of northern Assam valley adjoining foothills of Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh
causing flash flooding in four major rivers (all are tributaries of the river Brahmaputra)
and a number of smaller rivers. This episode of flash floods caused by heavy downpour
originated from the Tropical Depression ‘Rashmi’, (a depression over the West Central
Bay of Bengal adjoining Andhra coast) and affected mainly the catchments of the
rivers Puthimari (Assam-Bhutan border), Jia-Bharali (Assam-Arunachal Border),
Ranganadi (Assam-Arunachal Border), and the Subansiri (Assam-Arunachal Border).

The southern part of Nagaon district in central Assam valley and adjoining parts of
Karbi Anglong form a rain-shadow zone where annual rainfall is as low as 800-1200
mm. Water scarcities are a potential constraint for the people living in this rain shadow
zone and absence of effective irrigation systems or water harvesting practices adds
to the vulnerability of the people. But what is of immediate concern is that rainfall in
this zone is decreasing slowly as found in Lumding where rainfall is on the decline at a
rate of 2.15 mm per year (Das, 2004). As a result, water crisis might aggravate in this
region in the coming years.

5.2 Climate Projections

District level climate projections are available across Assam14driven byA1B scenario15
for the period 2021–2050 using regional climate model PRECIS, a model developed by
the Hadley Centre, UK Meteorological office. The resolution of the model is

It is to be noted that such projections are only indicative in the very broadest sense of
the changes that are likely in the climate as high level of uncertainties are associated
with the projections, indicating the need for further research on these aspects.

Table 3 below shows the projected changes in various climate parameters till mid-
century. Temperatures continue to rise and may increase by 1.7-2.00C w.r.t. to base
line (BL). Only the western part of the State will experience slight decrease in rainfall
nut the rest of Assam is projected to have increase in rainfall. There is likely to be
increase in extreme rain fall event by 5% to 38% base line. Droughts weeks are
going to rise, with Southern districts showing marginal reduction in drought weeks but
rest of the district show an increase by more than 75% w.r.t.BL. As regards floods, they
are going to rise by more than 25% in the southern parts of Assam (see Table 2).

Table 3: Projected changes in Climate

2021-2050 wrt BL Remarks

Mean Temperature 1.7-2.0oC All across Assam

Annual Rain fall -5 to 5% North western districts

5-10% North Eastern districts

10-25% Central, South Eastern


Parry, M. L., Canziani, O. F., Palutikof, J. P., Van der Linden, P. J. and Hanson, C. E. (eds), Contribution
of Working Group II tothe Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2007, p. 976.

2021-2050 wrt BL Remarks

Extreme rainfall days 5-38% Rainfall >25 to 150 mm

Drought weeks -25% to >75% Southern districts show

marginal reduction in
drought weeks but rest of
the district show an
increase by more than 75%
wrt BL

Floods Stream flow <10% Min in North East and Max

to >25% in Southern part of the

6. Vulnerability of the State

As per the IPCC working group II report16, vulnerability can be defined as the
propensity or predisposition to be adversely affected. Vulnerability encompasses a
variety of concepts including sensitivity or susceptibility to harm and lack of capacity
to cope and adapt. Therefore, the inability to cope with changing climate conditions
is generally contextual and is a characteristic of the existing developmental
paradigm, and that of the social and ecological systems amongst others. Keeping this
in view we try and assess the developmental gaps to have a feel of the vulnerability
of the State to climate change. Also as economic capacity is the basic driver that
ensures adaptation to an extent, this aspect also has been explored here.

6.1 Physical Vulnerability

The reform process initiated since 2003 seems to have contributed to the economic
growth of Assam during the 10th plan period, and therefore to an extent, we can say
that Assam has developed resilience to cope with climate change. However, still in
2011-12, as 31.98% of the State’s population lived below the poverty line against all
India average of 21.92%, with majority of the population, especially the people living
in interior rural areas, in areas inhabited by Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe
population, tea garden areas and far flung “char” (riverine) lack facilities of safe
drinking water, sanitation etc. These developmental gaps the communities vulnerable
to climate change. Figure 4 shows the developmental gaps that Assam would need
to bridge to enable it to address climate change vulnerability.

IPCC-AR5, 2014. Impacts of Climate Change- Working Group II report.


60% 53%

40% 34%


Total HH Access to Drinking Access to Access to
Water Electricity sanitation

Figure 4: Some of the indicators of developmental gaps in Assam

Source: Assam Statistical Handbook, 2014, Planning department, Gov. of Assam.

At a micro scale, as per The Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER)
and the North Eastern Council (NEC) the people living on the small islands in the
Brahmaputra River are the most vulnerable to disease outbreaks. They are isolated
from the rest of Assam, have no permanent health care facilities and are prone to
frequent flooding as climate change continues, these islands will become increasingly
vulnerable and hence public health facilities need to be extended to such areas

Strategies have been formulated to overcome these developmental gaps. But the
phenomenon of climate change provides another dimension to the existing
challenges by introducing risks to the inherent resilience of natural systems such rain
dependent resources - potable water availability and accessibility to electricity from
hydropower which currently constitutes of 24% of the total electricity produced in the
State. Policy making in such a context has to deal with uncertainty and critical gaps
in knowledge.

Assam’s economy is still agrarian as 86% of its rural population is dependent on

agriculture and allied activities such as agriculture, fisheries and forests, which
together contribute 34% of the GSDP, and combining mining and quarrying the
primary sector has a share of 42% in the total GSDP of the State (see Figure 5). This is a
large value compared to many States in India, where the secondary and tertiary
sectors constituting of construction and services sector respectively are having larger
shares, as compared to the primary sector.

In the future agriculture economy will continue to dominate, as Assam would like to
ensure its food security through domestic production and

Urban 14%

Population in Rural
2011: 31.2 million; 86%
2.6% of India

Distribution of GSDP in Assam


57% Industry

Figure 5: Linking rural population with its share in GSDP of the State
Source: Assam Statistical Handbook, 2014, Planning department, Gov. of Assam.

Create maximum employment in this sector17. However, high decadal population

growth rate of 17.43% (compared to National average growth rate of 16.93%), the
current practices such as over exploitation of ground water, Jhum cultivation in hilly
areas, mono cropping etc. and recurrent floods and droughts are putting pressure on
the agriculture system. Exacerbation of climate change induced hazards are likely to
further make the agriculture production system of the State uncertain, and these
issues need to be addressed within the developmental plans of the State.

Climate change will also negatively impact the water resources sector by increasing
freshwater scarcity, which is already a problem for Assam in the summer. The
predicted increase in average temperature and decrease in the number of rainy days
due to climate change will further stress water resources. This problem is compounded
by high levels of groundwater extraction, which can be expected to continue given
Assam’s growing population and reliance on agriculture. Assam’s water resource
policies are distributive rather than proactive and there is yet a dearth of programs
promoting water harvesting and water conservation or storage.

Forests can improve ground water recharge, reduce soil erosion and runoff, regulate
flooding and temperature of a place. Assam forest and tree outside forests together


cover 37.29% of the States geographical area. Recent reports18 indicate that area is
Increasing under moderately dense forests and open forests especially in tribal
dominated district lying in the hilly areas adjoining Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and
Meghalaya, Dependency on fuel wood, mining, logging, urbanisation,
encroachment, higher frequency Jhum cultivation etc. are some of the
developmental factors leading to degradation of forests. As floods and droughts are
likely to intensify, it is very likely that a further reduction in forest cover may occur in
these areas and may amplify the impacts on agriculture, water resources and the
composition of the remaining forestland.

Finally, it is clear that effects of climate change will be felt most strongly by the poor.
Poverty is yet a major challenge for Assam as the poverty rate is 36%, higher than the
Indian national average of 27% and also one of the highest in the northeast. Apart
from economic growth, availability and access to public health services has been a

6.2 Anticipated Economic Vulnerability

There has been little analysis of the economic impact of climate change in Assam.
However, some assessment is possible, based on the analysis that has been done
elsewhere in South Asia. Recent modelling by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for
South Asia suggested that economic growth would be between 2% and 6% lower by
2050, depending on which climate change scenario happens and on the extent to
which the wider impact on health and environment is taken into account. This
economic impact is likely to be felt in small gradual steps, each year, but these steps
are cumulative and the combined effect will be that GDP will be only two or three
times higher in 2050, rather than five times higher if 5% growth is sustained.

The key sectoral contributions to the economic impact of climate change are as

Agriculture will see the largest economic impact. For South Asia as a whole, the
agricultural impact is likely to reduce GDP growth by about 2%, partly as a result of
temperature trends and partly because of more variable and unpredictable rainfall.
In Assam, the net economic damage in the agricultural sector is likely to be roughly
similar to the South Asian average. Loss from temperature trends may be lower,
because extreme temperatures are less common, but the State is more vulnerable
than most states to loss from rainfall variability and because agriculture contributes a
higher than average share of State GDP.

Loss and damage in the forestry sector is likely to be higher than average in Assam,
because of the large forest area. However, there is limited evidence on the net
impact of climate change on forests, even at a South Asian level, and insufficient
evidence to provide an estimate of economic impact. If mechanisms could be
created to provide payments for mitigation benefits, these could add 5% to 10% to
forestry GDP, based on the relative value of net carbon sequestration, compared with
commercial benefits from forestry.

State of the Forest Report 2013, Forest Survey of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of

There are likely to be some losses in the energy sector, partly from less reliable
hydropower generation and partly because of increased losses from distribution in
higher temperatures. The net impact on hydro power requires further study, but
international evidence on losses from distribution suggests they could amount to up
to 0.05% GDP.

Climate change will result in more frequent and severe floods which will increase the
costs of reconstruction and maintenance on State infrastructure, including roads,
irrigation, water and sanitation. Evidence for South Asia suggest that the total capital
value of infrastructure is about 30% of GDP and that annual rehabilitation and
maintenance costs are between 1% and 3%. If these costs double, in line with the
increased frequency and severity of floods, then the economic cost of climate
change on infrastructure would grow to between 0.3% and 0.9% of GDP by 2050.

The increase in flooding will also increase loss and damage to domestic and industrial
property and will affect labour productivity and result in increased health burden and
loss of life and injury. There is no estimate of the scale of this impact in South Asia, but
evidence from South East Asia suggests that flood damage can average about 0.75%
of GDP annually in areas that are vulnerable to flooding. Given the vulnerability of
Assam to flooding it seems unlikely that the economic impact in Assam will be lower
than this.

The evidence from South East Asia suggests that climate sensitive diseases result in the
loss of about 27 Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) per 1000 people, including loss
of productivity through ill health and loss of life. International evidence from World
Health organisation (WHO) suggests that climate change in tropical areas is likely to
increase the incidence of climate sensitive diseases by about 10%. India does not yet
have a yardstick for valuing DALYs, but the WHO yardstick is three times per capita
GDP, which would suggest that the increase in health burden would impose
economic costs of about 0.81% of GDP by 2050.


7. Water Resources
The main objective of the National Water Mission (NWM) is “conservation of water,
minimizing wastage and ensuring its more equitable distribution both across and
within States through integrated water resources development and management”.
The five identified goals of the Mission are: (a) developing comprehensive water data
base in public domain and assessment of impact of climate change on water
resource; (b) promotion of citizen and state action for water conservation,
augmentation and preservation; (c) focused attention to vulnerable areas including
over-exploited areas; (d) increasing water use efficiency by 20%, and (e) promotion
of basin level integrated water resources management (IWRM).

Keeping in view the guidance provided by the Water Mission, this chapter 1st reviews
the water resources situation in Assam, then assesses the vulnerabilities of water
resources associated with climate change and then identifies the adaptation
strategies in line with the tenets of the National water mission wherever possible.

7.1 Water availability

About 8251 sq. km, which is 10.5% of the total geographical area of the State, is
occupied by surface water bodies19,of this about 6503 sq. km is occupied by the river
systems including the mighty Brahmaputra and 1748 sq. km by natural wetlands
including seasonal and permanent waterlogged and marshy areas and man-made

The Brahmaputra is the 6th largest river in the world. It is amongst the most flood prone
rivers, and with its 41 major and 121 minor tributaries that flow to Assam represents a
most complex river system. Another major river in Assam, i.e., Barak, originates from
Japvo mountain of Manipur hills at an altitude of 3,015 m and flows south through
mountainous terrain up to Tipaimukh near the tri-junction of the three states: Assam,
Manipur and Mizoram. Here, the river takes a hairpin bend and plunges into the plains
of Cachar district of Assam and forms the border of Assam and Manipur states up to
Jirimat, which is upstream of Lakhipur. The river then flows through the Barak Valley of
Assam. From the source to the Indo-Bangladesh border, the Barak River flows for 564
km. ln Assam, the Barak river basin covers an area of 7,224 kms.

Ground water is available at low to moderate depth almost in entire state. Annual
Groundwater in Assam is estimated to be 5.44 billion cubic meter20 of which 4.85 billion
cubic meter is for irrigation and 0.59 billion cubic metre18 is for domestic and industrial
uses. The overall Stage of Groundwater Development in the State is 22% - with the
lowest figure of 2% in Cachar District and highest 56% in Bongaigaon District - and has
been categorized as 'safe'.

Although there is seasonal and regional variation in the availability of water resources,
the annual availability of water resource remains almost same. As per Amarsinghe,
Das Prasenjit, 2012. WATER RESOURCES AND RESERVATION POLICIES IN ASSAM. International Journal of
Science, Environment and Technology, Vol. 1, No 1, 19-23
Das Prasenjit, 2012. WATER RESOURCES AND RESERVATION POLICIES IN ASSAM. International Journal of
Science, Environment and Technology, Vol. 1, No 1, 19-23
Amarsighe, 2004. Spatial variation in water supply and demand across the river basins of India. International
Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka.

o Withdrawal of water for irrigation is 81% of the total water available in the
Brahmaputra basin
o for meeting domestic water demand only 10% of water is withdrawn and
o for industrial activities only 9% of water is available

An assessment of the impact of climate change on the hydrological regime and

water resources using scenarios from IPCC and running on Hadley center regional
climate model indicates that by year 2050, the average annual river runoff of the river
Brahmaputra will decline by 14%. However, earlier to this there is a risk of melting of
glaciers leading to flash floods. Therefore, some of the concerns on water resource
availability center around:

Ensuring water for irrigation in long dry period. The ratio of gross irrigated area to gross
cropped area has declined over the years and secondary crops are no longer
irrigated due to lack of adequate facilities. During moisture stress, the fields are of the
order of only 1 ton/ha as compared to 304 tons/ha elsewhere.

Meeting demand for fish. Extreme rain fall, may not enable filling up of enough water
in the tanks to meet the future fish demand of the State, which already is not able to
meet the demand of its population in the present context.

Meeting the demand of industry. With increase in proposed capacity generation of

thermal power, biomass power, biogas power and increasing the industrial base,
meeting demand for industry might be a challenge

Meeting potable water demand. The population is likely to rise continuously and only
likely to peak in the 2050s, the rising demand in potable water has to be met by
devising strategies that harp on new technologies of water recycling amongst others.

Table 4: Strategies for meeting water demand in a climate change context

Sl. Strategy Responsible Cost Priority Possible
No Agency (INR Cr) Financing
and time Source
1 Undertake assessments to Deptt of 0.50 VH Climate
ascertain the institutional reforms water change
requires to address water Resources fund
generation, distribution, and use PHE mechanism
issues in a climate change context Irrigation
2 Set Up Assam State Water - H Climate
Resource Council change
3 Assess the amount of water use Deptt of VH Climate
efficiency taking place by agriculture change
applying the following in one fund
location wrt base line and mechanism
replicate in later years 1.00
- Reuse of waste water 0.50
(1000 ha) 0.30
- Water efficient crops (1000

Sl. Strategy Responsible Cost Priority Possible
No Agency (INR Cr) Financing
and time Source
- SRI or multiple aeration for
rice cultivation (1000 ha)
4 Improve water efficiency through Deptt of 2.00 VH Climate
conjunctive use of surface and water change
ground water over at a pilot scale resources fund
covering 1000 ha mechanism
5 Undertake study to explore the Deptt of 0.50 VH Climate
possibility of Improving water use Industry change
efficiency in industry fund
- Explore possibility of water mechanism
- Through reuse of waste
6 Encourage use of recycled water ULBs 1,00 VH Climate
from domestic waste water in change
urban areas (2 wards in one city) fund
7 Continuous awareness raising on PHE/ULBs 0,10 H Deptt
water conservation habits through budget
8 Enable spring shed development Water 3.50 VH Climate
in hilly areas to restore the resources change
perennial streams within forests deptt fund
(districts close to Nagaland) mechanism
9 Backyard fisheries in small tanks in Fisheries 1.00 VH Climate
same area where water use deptt change
efficiency will be piloted in fund
agriculture mechanism
TOTAL 10.40

7.2 Managing Floods

Floods are an annual feature in the Brahmaputra-Barak basin where the maximum
flood prone area is of the order of 4.33 million ha. The losses as estimated by GoA due
to floods and erosion during 1953-2011 was around INR 4659.472 Cr, with 2,753 and
6,73,329 human lives and cattle lost. The social disruption and costs associated with
flooding and the erosion of land have been rising. Besides a large number of towns
and villages are affected by the erosive action of rivers.

Over the years, changes in river course of the Brahmaputra has been frequent and
continuous; resulting in a large amount of land loss due to riverbank erosion (the
average annual loss of land is estimated at around 8,000 ha). Since 1954, erosion has
destroyed and removed more than 3800 kms of highly productive farmland, leaving
thousands of farmers landless and homeless.

Observed annual trends of peak discharge, example at Pandu (1987 to 2013) and
Pagladia (1971 to 2013) along Brahmaputra show a high inter-annual variability but a
distinct decreasing trend in the peak discharges across the years is observed (See

Figure 6a and b)22. Continuous braiding and accompanying erosion, the river bed
area has expanded significantly from around 3,870 kms estimated between 1916 and
1928, to 6,080 km2 in 2006 and continuous load of silt has made the river bed shallow.
As a result, even lower peak discharges cause flooding. In addition, flash floods in
major tributaries emanating from hills surrounding Assam cause added misery.

Managing erosion and impacts of flooding events are major challenges that the State
has to combat annually. Box 1 below briefly describes the steps taken by GoA to
mitigate floods.



Figure 6: Annual peak discharge for Brahmaputra River from (a) Pandu and (b)
Pagladia site16

Homkala Devi and Pankaj Goswami, 2015. Analysis of Climate change on rainfall,
temperature and discharge of Brahmaputra, IJIRAE, issue 4, vol 2, April 2015

Box 1: Steps taken to contain and adapt to floods and erosion in the Brahmaputra-Barak river basin

River Bank Stabilisation: Work is under way through an ADB-funded project which is piloting out approaches
for river bank stabilization at three specific locations, introducing geotextile material for river bank training.
Maintaining embankments for flood protection: Embankments have been constructed at various points
across river banks for flood protection. They often breach, therefore efforts are on to avoid loss of
embankments by constructing spurs in some vulnerable location
Studies: Flood modelling study of the Brahmaputra River is being carried out in association with the Friedrich-
Schiller University, Jena, Germany.
Flood Early Warning System: FLEWS established in 2008, is an integrated flood warning system that combines
actual data and forecasts of rainfall and river water discharge through modelling in association with physical
properties of the river system. The IMD, CWC, NEEPCO, Water Resources Department, NESAC and ASDMA
together produce the early warning. This has led to reduction in loss of human lives.
Housing: The Mishing community in Assam dwell on the flood plains, and they live in traditional stilt houses
called ‘chang ghar’. These houses are thatched wood and bamboo houses. The average height of the
plinth is six to eight feet above the ground, the height in general conforming to the highest flood level of the
area adjudged from long-term observation, and experience of past floods. The base of the house (floor)
made of bamboo and wood is adjustable and can be raised to cope with rising flood waters.
Paddy Cultivation: After devastation of the crops and crop land in 2008 floods, alternative cultivating “Boro”
paddy for perennially flood-affected areas like Bahpora where mainstream paddy like ‘ahu’ and ‘sali’ are
difficult to grow because of the floods. With continued success of this cooperative, more and more families
are joining the group, making the switch to cultivating ‘boro’ paddy. In some other areas, such as Majgaon,
farmers are doing mixed cultivation of ‘ahu’ and ‘bao’ varieties of rice. ‘Ahu’ can be harvested by the end
of May and June, whereas ‘bao’ ripens in November and December. The logic behind mixed cultivation is
that, even if the ‘ahu’ paddy is damaged by early floods, farmers will still be able harvest the ‘bao’ rice. In
a normal flood year, both varieties can be harvested.

As indicated in the section 4.2, by the mid-century, the heavy precipitation days are
likely to dominate and the trend will continue till the end of the century14. If that is the
case, containing floods and avoiding damages will be one of the core areas of
expenditure for the State. The State of Assam has formulated the following Strategies
to adapt to exacerbated impacts of climate change.

Table 5: Strategies to avert floods in a changing climate scenario

Sl. Strategy – Floods Responsible Cost Priority Possible
No Agency and time (INR Cr) Financin
period g Source
1 Detailed scientific study to WRD 0.50 VH
understand the nature of river flow
and its impact on erosion to control
erosion in the state of Assam and
enable land reclamation
2 Undertaking study to assess intensity WRD 2.8 (@ 0.2 Cr VH
and recurrence frequency of floods per city)
due to climate change and extent
and depth of flooding. In 14 major
Urban Agglomerates in the 14
districts prone to floods
3 Develop an integrated flood, erosion Executing 1500.00 VH World
and sediment management Action Agency: WRD Bank
Plan for the Brahmaputra basin 3 Partners: ASDMA, /any
major regions in Assam, namely, for NESAC, IMD, other
Upper, Middle and Lower Assam and Research Instt,
drawing upon knowledge on NGOs
improved technical standards,

global best practices and

4 Extending River Bank Stabilisation WRD 750.00 VH

work using geotextile material for
river bank training all along the
Brahmaputra and Barak river banks.
5 Setting up a North East Hydrology WRD 2.00 VH
Data Management Centre through
basin management approach for
managing flash floods.
6 Documenting possible indigenous WRD 5.00 VH Adaptati
community based and new on Fund
adaptation strategies for adapting
to floods and implementing the
same at pilot scale along with
development of fiscal measures for
averting climate induced risks.
7 Construction of multipurpose flood ASDMA 14.00 H
shelter with inmate capacity of 500
people / Unit in Dhemaji, Lakhimpur,
Barpeta; Morigaon &. Majuli in

8 Develop district level management ASDMA 8.10 H

plans to deal with multiple hazards
including floods in a changing
climate context
9 Infrastructure strengthening ASDMA 8.00
Community based flood early
warning system
TOTAL 2282.40

8. Agriculture
The National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), which is one of the eight
Missions under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) seeks to address
issues regarding ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ in the context of risks associated with climate
change by devising appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies for ensuring
food security, equitable access to food resources, enhancing livelihood opportunities
and contributing to economic stability at the national level.

Assam being an agrarian State lays great emphasis on ensuring the livelihood of its
people engaged in agriculture activities. Therefore, integrating climate change
adaptation in planning is the key area of thrust for the government. Following the
tenets of the National mission for sustainable Agriculture, the Assam SAPCC also
focuses on making agriculture climate smart so as to ensure its sustainability and
hence livelihoods of the people associated with it.

8.1 Crops
Agriculture plays a vital role in the economy of Assam as4174023 hectares area is
under cropping representing 56.84% of the geographical area of the state23. The
cropping intensity in 2012-13 was148% percent. Rice, which is the main grain
produced in the State, occupied an area of 176432 ha in 2013-14. Rice growing during
the kharif season, dominates the agriculture scenario in Assam. Ahu, Sai, and Bao rice
were grown in 565, 156.194 and 55 thousand ha respectively. In winters i.e during the
Rabi season, Ahu, Sali and Boro rice were grown in 10278 ha, 4844 ha and 4496 ha
respectively. The area under summer
rice has shown an increasing trend with Figure 7: Production trends of Rice in
advancement of irrigation facilities million tons
mainly by way of Shallow Tube Well 40
(STW). The other food grain crops 35
include wheat (46 thousand ha), pulses 30
(17thousand hectares), and maize etc. 25
(45 thousand hectares). The important 20
commercial crops are oilseeds (2005 15
hectares), sugar cane (3 thousand ha) 10
and jute (66thousand hectares). 5
Trends of rice production between 200-
01 to 2010-11 (Figure 7), indicates that
Autumn rice production in the State has
decreased annually at the rate of -3.7%. Autumn Rice Winter Rice
Whereas the summer and winter rice Summer Rice Linear (Autumn Rice)
production have increased at the rates
Linear (Winter Rice) Linear (Summer Rice)
of 3.82 and 5.02 percent respectively24.
Winter rice production clearly
Source: Statistical Handbook- Assam, 2014
dominating the total production of rice
in the State.

Low productivity in many crops due to low seed and varietal replacement rates,
deteriorating soil health and ground water; imbalances in agriculture development
across districts; post-harvest losses and inadequate processing facilities for fruits and
vegetables are some of the very critical problems for the agriculture sector in Assam.
The sectors overall growth rate since 2004-05 has been a little over 3.16 percent25,
which is below the desired level of 4%26, and therefore is not sufficient to generate
surpluses for investment, or create purchasing power in the rural sector to provide a
market for local industries. Cropping intensities and crop productivities remain low,
and crop diversification is, at best, nascent. Fragmentation of land holdings, low

Statistical Handbook of Assam, 2014. Deptt of Planning, Gov of Assam
Assam Economic Survey, 2014-15. Available at:

irrigation coverage and the limited adoption of new technologies and practices are
some of the constraining factors which are detrimental to the advancement of the

With floods and droughts becoming a regular phenomenon, farm practices have
been observed to be changing. Some examples are as follows:
o Summer paddy (irrigated paddy) became popular in the state in order to escape
the crop damage due to recurring floods during Kharif paddy season. There have
been fluctuations in kharif and summer paddy areas anticipating the occurrence
of flood
o Summer paddy (irrigated) area has been increased due to coverage by this crop
in previously fallow land of low lying areas
o Winter vegetable areas have increased as measures of assured means of crop

The challenges that Assam’ agricultural sector is likely to face in the future may be
anticipated as follows:

Threat to production levels due to rise in ambient temperature: Increase in both

frequency and intensity of high temperature, along with its large variability, is
emerging as a potential threat to the sustainability of rice production27. This is because
rice is a C3 plant and C3 plants growing in hot tropical conditions like in valleys of
Assam, photosynthesis becomes inefficient when the temperature rises above long
term mean temperatures and deteriorates further when temperature increases
beyond this threshold, which is likely to be the case due to global warming.

Reduction in Availability of Water for irrigation: The emerging trends of rain fall indicate
that the number of rainy days are decreasing and number and extreme rainfall days
are increasing and so is their intensity, with total rainfall increasing in most of the areas
in the Assam in the future. It is likely that runoff will be high and as hardly any time will
be there for seepage of water into the ground, ground water recharge will go down,
therefore extraction of water will be done from deeper levels, making irrigated
agriculture vulnerable in Assam. Irrigation is required during summer and in winters.
Those are the seasons when rice production is increasing in the State due to
availability of assured irrigation (see Figure 6).

Degrading Soil health: Exploitation of ground water continuously at higher degrees

would lead to soil health problems like acidity, alkalinity, elemental toxicity, etc. Iron
and Arsenic toxicities have already been reported in the state. This would ultimately
constrain the ground water exploitation. Therefore, use of surface water and solar
electrical pump operated drip / sprinkler irrigation of harvested rain water would
remain as the last resort of assured irrigation.

Erratic flood & drought condition: The state would have to tackle untimely flood and
drought conditions. Such incidents have been reported since 2003 in Assam. Not only
do floods wreak annual havoc, but the accompanying uncertainty prevents farmers
from taking risks and making investments in land improvement.

Jagadish S V K, K. Sumfleth, G. Howell, E. Redoña, R. Wassmann, and S. Heuer, 2007. Temperature effects on
rice: significance and possible adaptation. Available at:

Emergence of new pests and pathogens: Changes in climate would normally shift the
host pattern and life cycles of various insects, pests and pathogens. Many non-pest
insects of cultivars might turn to be normal pests while many existing ones might perish
forever. These would lead to exploring of new resistant varieties and pest controlling

Making Agriculture climate resilient has the potential of uplifting rural poverty and
enhancing the adaptive capacity of the sector as a whole. Concerted efforts are
required to realize the untapped potential of this sector. Therefore, an integrated
adaptation approach is suggested as way forward for ensuring sustainability of
agriculture crops and horticulture in the State. The adaptation pathway is indicated
in Figure 8 below. Strategies for Adaptation are listed in Table 5.

Integrate climate
resilient relevant
research in Action
Ensure adequate Knowledhe
dissemination of management for
climate smart informed decion
pacakges making

Assessing Climate
vulnerability and Resilient
develop district Agriculture
accessibility to
specific climate and
smart adaptation Horticulture in
Plans Assam

Figure 8: Adaptation Pathway for sustaining agriculture and Horticulture in the State.

Table 5: Strategies for sustainability of agriculture and horticulture systems in a

changing climate scenario in Assam

Sl. Strategy- Crops Responsible Budget Prior Possibl

No Agency (INR Cr) ity e
1 Strategy 1: Development district wise
climate smart adaptation action plans
1.1 Assessing District wise exposure and DoA 6.75 VH
vulnerability of agriculture systems to
climate variability and change and
developing climate smart Adaptation
Strategies through stakeholder consultation
for all 27 districts taking into consideration
the agro-climatic zone in which they are

Total Strategy 1 6.75
2 Strategy 2: Develop, disseminate, and DoA
practice climate smart packages at Pilot
Coverage: 90,000 ha
2.1 Preparation of DPR through PRA to record DoA 0.05
phonological variances in crops/plants, soil
types, soil and water conditions, new pest
host relationships
2.2 Application of climate smart agronomic DoA 0.15
practices to retain optimum production
2.3 Assessing and broadcasting knowledge on DoA 0.10
appropriate seed rate, soil moisture
conservation activities, water efficient
technologies including drip irrigation and
tillage operations
2.4 Redefining cropping pattern suitable for DoA 0.10
each agro-climatic zone
2.5 Establishing demonstrative integrated DoA 5.00
farming systems by introducing agro-
forestry and agro-pastoral practices
2.6 Restore natural water bodies to conserve DoA 40.00
run off.
2.7 Community vermin-composting DoA 5.00
2.8 Expansion of area under low water DoA 5.00
requirement crops
2.9 Integrated diseases management DoA 5,00
2.10 Develop and propagate crop specific DoA 30.00
weather indexed crop insurance
2.11 Train farmers on disaster risk reduction ASDMA and 0.50
techniques DoA
Total (Strategy 2): 90.90
3 Research
3.1 Developing water and temperature stress DoA 0.05
tolerant varieties with focus on integrating
C4 characteristics in C3 Rice to make
photosynthesis efficient at higher
temperatures and hence make rice plants
temperature and water stress resilient
Total Strategy 3: DoA 0.50
4 Knowledge management, training and skill DoA 5.00
4.1 Automatic weather stations (8 in number) DoA 17.52
at block level
4.2 Sustainable eco-friendly horticulture in hilly DoA 12.50
4.3 Computerised weather recording and DoA 0.08
synthesizing centre
4.4 Establishment of Climate Change DoA 0.10
Agriculture research Centre
4.5 Training of department functionaries on CC DoA 0.10
adaptation for developing climate resilient

4.6 Training of farmers on climate smart DoA 0.15
packages of practices
4.7 Documenting indigenous knowledge on DoA 0.005
adaptation for integration with modern
4.8 Publication and dissemination of success DoA 0.005
4.9 Workshops/seminars on CC resilient DoA 0.10
agriculture system development
Total Strategy 4: 35.56
5.0 Strengthen accessibility to markets
5.1 Establish market intelligence cell DoA 1.00
5.2 Skill development towards producing DoA 14.00
beneficiated food products (cover 14
districts in Phase 1)
5.3 Establish farmers’ companies (village cluster NABARD 28.00
approach in 14 districts)
5.4 Strengthen cold storage networks (14 NABARD 14.00
Total Strategy 5 57.00
6 Strategy 6: Protect irrigation schemes from
siltation due to soil erosion
6.1 Plant plantation trees every 25 m on both Department 124.48
sides of irrigation canals and reservoirs and Of Irrigation
beside inspection roads- cover 19244 km
6.2 Install 10 HP pumps sets in irrigation scheme Department 4.00
to offset emission from fuel combustion in Of Irrigation
motors (10 numbers)

8.2 Horticulture
Assam is traditionally rich in horticultural 50
production due to its diverse and unique
agro-climatic condition which is
conducive for growing wide range of 40
horticultural crops like various fruits, 35
vegetables, flowers, spices nuts tuber
crops and medicinal and aromatic plants. 30
The world citrus belt encompasses Assam 25
within it.

Horticultural crops occupy about 15 15

percent of the gross cultivated area of 10
Assam28 and annually produce more than
70 lakh tons of various horticultural crops
such as vegetables, fruits spices and 0
tubers, besides nuts, flowers and medicinal
& aromatic plants thus contributing
significantly towards food and nutritional
security of the State. The compounded Fruits Tuber crops
annual growth rate of production of fruits, Vegetables Spices
tubers, vegetables and spices has been
2.82%, 0.05%, 5.85% 3.06% respectively Source:
between 2001-2011 (See annual HortiSector_ofAssam-June2013.pdf
production from 2000-2001 to 2010-11 in
Figure 9).

Horticulture has enormous potential for employment and income generation through
commercial exploitation therefore area expansion and raising productivity is the aim
of the Government. However, there are some inherent barriers to achieve the full
potential and that includes inadequate extension of scientific horticulture
technologies, accessibility to packages of input mixes, road communication,
marketing, processing and cold storage facilities.

The changing climate introduces additional problems, unless it is taken into

consideration in long term agriculture planning of the State, the projected aspiration
for this sector is likely to get hampered. Some of the climate change concerns and
opportunities are compiled below29

Rising ambient temperatures: Production timing is likely to change due to rise in

temperature. Photoperiods may not show much variation. As a result, photosensitive
crop will mature faster. As the winter regime and chilling duration will reduce it will
affect the temperate crops. Pollination will be affected adversely because of higher
temperature. Floral abortions flower and fruit drop will be occurred frequently. Higher
temperatures will reduce tuber initiation process in some tuber vegetables, however,
in areas at higher altitudes potato production may rise by 5%. Anthocyan in
production may be affected in apples and capsicum. Tip burn and blossom end rot

Agricultural Statistics at a glance, Government of India, 2012
Datta S., 2013. Impact of climate change on Indian Horticulture, International Journal of Science,
Environment ISSN 2278-3687 (O) and Technology, Vol. 2, No 4, pp 661– 671.

will be the common phenomenon in tomatoes. The requirement of annual irrigation
will increase and heat unit requirement will be achieved in much lesser time.

Diversification to crops that are thermos-tolerant can be encouraged in plains and

new varieties that require longer chilling time may move to higher heights.

Heavier precipitation events and floods: This is a concern in the plains as floods
devastate horticulture produce. In hilly areas flash floods due to heavy precipitation
will lead to heavier soil erosion.

Erratic rains: Unseasonal rains and heavy dew during flowering and fruiting period is
likely to aggravate the incidence of pests and diseases.

Long dry periods: This condition would require arrangements that would ensure water
for irrigation for horticulture produce, or else horticulture during long dry periods is likely
to be jeopardised. The indigenous genetic resources provide a buffer in times of
drought, heat and biotic stresses, and genetic resources with bio-alternatives may
reduce the vulnerability of production systems to climate change. Additionally, water
efficient technologies need to be embraced far and wide.

Table 6: Strategies for sustainable horticulture in a changing climate scenario

Sl. Strategy- Horticulture; Responsible Budget Priority Source of
No Agency (INR Cr) Funding
1 Sustainable horticulture in hilly Directorate 12.50 VH Horticulture
areas through plantation crops of mission
like cashew nut – Focus: Jhum Horticulture
areas and others. Coverage: Assam
2500 ha.
2 Popularisation of indigenous -do- 2.50 H RKVY
thermal and water stress
resistant varieties – black Jamun
(Polnial), Sapida (Leteku),
Jackfruit, Hog plum (Amara) etc.
Coverage: 1000 ha,
3 Growing vegetables in -do- 4.00 H Horticulture
protected condition through mission/RKVY
Crop diversification and thus
facilitating off season
4 Promoting water use efficiency- -do- 10.05 VH Horticulture
Construction of water harvesting mission
structures, promotion of drip and
sprinkler irrigation: Coverage:
500 ha.
5 Ensuring soil health – promotion -do- 1.0 H Horticulture
of integrated nutrient mission
management in hilly areas
prone to soil erosion: Coverage:
2500 ha.
6 Managing emerging pests and -do- 1.0 VH
disease management-
Integrated pests and disease
management. Coverage: 2500

7 Developing disease prevalence -do- 0.05 VH
maps and tracking the same
across the years in the entire
Developing disease forecasting
systems and disseminating it to
farmers through SMS and other
8 Treat micro water sheds for soil Department 21733l97 VH
and water conservation (16 of soil and
thousand ha) in hilly Jhum areas water
9 Develop and propagate -do- with 0.50 VH
weather indexed crop insurance insurance
10 Farmers training on climate ASDMA with 1.00 H
change adaptation and disaster Directorate
risk reduction packages of of
practices for different agro- Horticulture
climatic zones
TOTAL 21766,57

8.3 Assam Tea

The undulating physiography,
subtropical climate with hot,
humid summers, severe
monsoons and mild winters,
high soil fertility and
preferential climatic
conditions is conducive to
production of tea in Assam.
Assam tea gardens cover an
area of 304.40 thousand ha
(See Figure 10 for distribution
of tea growing area in
Assam). Tea produced from
Assam is one of most globally
important tea-producing
regions of world
manufacturing high-end
graded tea which contributes to
around 17% of world tea
production and annually
produce more than 50% of
India’s total tea which is Figure 10: Percentage area under tea production in
around 629.05 million kg30. different regions of Assam,
The tea industry has a major
economic importance in this
region. Around 6.86 lakh persons are employed in the tea industry in Assam.
Approximately 75% of tea crops are cultivated in plantations and 25% through
Tea Board of India

smallholder plots. Large-scale monoculture tea plantations (also called estates or
gardens) generally supply commercial cultivation. Contrastingly, local-scale
smallholder production is traditionally used to supplement subsistence agriculture and
there has been a steady increase in smallholder production for cash crop export in
recent years. Tea landscapes play a pivotal role in livelihood security at various global
localities e.g. harvesting of tea crops has traditionally been non-mechanised
therefore a large labour force is required which provides employment opportunities

Tea is a rain-fed perennial crop. The eco-physiology of tea plants is closely linked to
external environmental and climatic factors (elevation, precipitation, temperature,
soil moisture, temperature and fertility, light duration and intensity, humidity, shelter,
shade and CO2 concentration) and any adversity in these conditions can significantly
impact yield, revenue and livelihood security. The relationship between tea yield and
climatic factors implies that long-term climate change will impact the key
physiological and developmental processes that determine the yield of tea.

The industry has seen a steady decline in tea production from a high of 0.512 million
tons in 2007 to 0.49 million tons in 2010.Thereafter the production has been rising due
to addition in small holders’ area under tea plantation tea plantation (See Figure 11).
The number of tea gardens have jumped from 825 in 2007 to 78856 in 2012.

Tea production in Assam (million tons)






2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Figure 11: Tea production trends in Assam in Million tons

Unpredictable rainfall, intense rainfall events, and higher temperatures: The new
scientist reports31 that erratic rainfall pattern is being observed in the State. It is
characterised by too much rainfall, and at times too little. Planters are using sprinklers
or irrigation pipes to get better yields. The changes in climate, is bringing in pests such
as tea mosquito bugs (Helopeltis theivora) which are infesting the plants’ shoots. The
invaders eat foliage and infect the plants with diseases, thus lowering the yield. The
use of pesticides and fertilisers has in turn increased, resulting in an increase in
production costs and posing a potential risk to human health.


Future projections of production due to climate change: Modelling results indicate
that tea yields in north-east India are expected to decline by up to 40 per cent by
2050 due to climate change32. As yield is directly associated with revenue, changing
climate is also likely to impact economic structures of those reliant on tea, particularly
the smallholders given their increased vulnerability to changes in the system. Poverty
is a major social challenge in Assam and with the majority of the population reliant on
rural livelihoods, socioeconomic changes in the tea industry, driven by changes in
enviro-climatic factors, will have a severe adverse impact on livelihood security.

Table 7: Strategies for sustainability tea in a changing climate scenario

Sl. Strategy- Horticulture; Responsible Budget Priority Source of
No Agency (INR Funding
1 Real time remote sensing based soil Tea Board 5.00 VH ISRO/Tea
moisture mapping to help in crop Board/
planning along with validation at
field level; Coverage: All Tea
growing areas
2 Assessing soil carbon across all tea Tea Board 5.00 VH Tea Cess
3 Identifying, procuring and Tea Board 10.00 VH Tea
broadcasting thermal and water Research
stress resistant tea varieties, Station
4 Dissemination of water efficient Tea Board 10.00 VH Tea Cess
technologies – sprinkler and drop
Coverage: small holders in 1/4th of
area under small holders
5 Creating water harvesting Tea Board VH Tea Cess
structures for small holders,
6 Developing pest and disease Tea Board 0.50 VH
forecasting systems for tea related
pests and planters
TOTAL 30.50

8.4 Animal Husbandry and Dairying

As elsewhere in India, Animal husbandry is a diversified livelihood option for small and
marginal farmers in Assam, and it has a share of 1.77% (P) in the State’s GDP. The
overall livestock growth rate has declined in Assam between 2007 and 2012 (-0.56%).
Amongst bovine stock, the indigenous cattle have registered a growth rate of +2.44%,
while crossbred cattle have reduced in the State. The ovine stock comprising of Sheep
and goat have registered very high growth rates (above 40%) between 2007 and

The population of bovine stock comprising of cattle and buffaloes were 10.3 million33
in 2012 in Assam. Ninety-two percent of these are low milk producing indigenous non-
descript type (see Figure 12). The per capita production of milk by indigenous cattle

Livestock Census, 2012- Assam

in the State is 1.01 litres per day and that of indigenous breed is 2.29 litres per day30. In
2012 Assam produced 8 million tons of milk in 2012. The per capita consumption in the
State is less than 1/3rd of the recommendation of ICMR which is 208g/day.

Bovine stock distribution: 2012 Ovine Stock Distribution, 2012

Buffaloes Sheep,
Cross Pigs,
, 435265, 518067,
bred 1626022,
4% 6%
cattle, 20%

Indigeno Goat,
us cattle, 6169193,
9911702, 74%

Figure 12: Bovine and Ovine stock distribution in Assam

Source: Livestock Census, 2012, Assam

Cross bred cattle and indigenous buffalo which yield higher milk than the indigenous
cattle are only 4% each of the total bovine population in the State. The State has not
been successful in propagating cross breeds in the State, as the private artificial
insemination workers engaged in remote areas were not successful in generating
awareness amongst farmers34. Poor conception rate and marketing are some
additional causes of crossbred population not being high in the State35.

Crossbred Indigenous Cattle Buffalo Cattle




Summer Monsoon Winter

Figure 13: Seasonal Milk production trends (in million litres) across different bovine stock
in Assam in 2008-09

Unlike in other parts of India where cooperative farming has revolutionized livestock
sector, investment in cooperative farming in the State has remained largely


Pigs, Goat and Sheep are also an important part of livestock holding here. The
population of these two together was registered as 6.69 million in the 2012 census. Pigs
are also sought after for their meat and their number stood at 1.63 million in the same

Climate Change concerns: Thermal Heat Index, a measure of heat Stress is a function
of temperature and relative humidity36. Temperatures in excess of 30-350C and RH >
50-65% lead to THI>99-110. When THI is just above 72, Livestock starts feeling
uncomfortable, leading to decrease in milk production and THI > 85 may lead to
fatality37. In Assam average temperatures in the month of June go up to 320C, when
humidity is also high as monsoon sets in. Heat stress conditions get created from
summer and it gets more intense during monsoon. As a result, the milk production is
maximum during winter and minimum during monsoon (see Figure 12)8.

As temperatures are increasing, even at lesser humidity index, the THI indices are likely
to intensify further and high THI indices may prevail from post monsoon period. The
high THI impact the cross breed milk production drastically. A recent on farm study
done by Kohli et al., 201438 indicate that when THI value exceeded 72, milk production
in crossbred cows decreased by 35% to 40% with respect to peak performance period
of the stock. In 2013, the temperatures for a few days in June in Guwahati went up
beyond 380C. This also had happened 34 years earlier39. Frequent recurrence of such
extreme temperatures due to climate change could lead fatality of livestock.

Another condition known as summer anestrus, whereby, indigenous Buffalos suspend

sexual activity and hence milk production40. This condition is popularly known as
summer anoestrus. The condition is characterized by inactive, smooth ovaries41,
abnormal hormonal profiles42. Studies carried out by Upadhaya et al., (2007)43 on
Indian Murrah indicates a decrease in milk yield by 15-16% in the summer season from
10.6 Kg/buffalo to 8.8 kg.

Further erratic rainfall patterns that are emerging are also creating conditions for
recurrent pests and diseases and new emerging diseases also will have to be tackled
in the future.

Adaptation Strategies: Assam has a variety of indigenous breeds of livestock and

poultry that are well suited to hot and humid climates, and are disease and pest

Hahn L G, 1999.Dynamic Response of Cattle to Thermal Heat Loads. Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 51, E. Suppl. 1,
(January 1999), pp. 10-20, ISSN 0021-8112
MoEF, 2011. India’s Second National Communication to UNFCCC.
Kohli S, U. K. Atheya and A. Thapliyal, 2014.Assessment of optimum thermal humidity index for crossbred dairy cows
in Dehradun district, Uttarakhand. Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 Available at:
G K das and FA Khan, 2010. Summer Anoestrus in Buffalo- A review. Reprod Dom Anim 45, c494
Roy DT, A R Bhattacharya, and S N Luktuke, 1972. Estrus and ovarian activity of buffaloes in different months.Ind Vet
J 49:54060.
42Razdan, M.W., 1988, Buffalo performance in relation to climatic environment. Proceedings of the II World Buffalo

43Upadhyay R. C, S.V. Singh, A. Kumar, S.K. Gupta, Ashutosh, 2007. Impact of climate change on milk production of

Murrah Buffalos.Ital.J.Anim.Sci. vol. 6, (Suppl. 2), 1329-1332.

resistant. The milk production in the State can be enhanced by upgrading these
indigenous disease resistant and heat resistant varieties with Indian indigenous breeds
of cattle and buffalo like Sahiwal and Murrah. Some of the indigenous breeds such as
Bachaur, Dangi, Kherigarh and Siri varieties of cattle, however, are declining and
need conservation44.

As buffaloes experience cessation of normal ovarian activity during summer months,

therefore for continued uninterrupted reproductive activity throughout the year,
breeding of buffalo need to be carried out within the chosen households at right-time
based on a standard estrus synchronization protocol. This will further reduce the
number of unproductive days in the life-time of a female as well as allow early
treatment of shy breeders to minimize their environmental impact Further, the large
livestock population with small and marginal farmers who have difficulty in providing
fodder and feed to their livestock can be put up in shelters for enhancing their
productivity through sustained veterinary attention and the dung produced can be
tapped as a potential source of energy and the nutritionally beneficiated slurry
generated as a part of production of biogas can be used as an organic fertilizer at a
large scale. Replacing synthetic fertilizers.

Table 8 below, gives the Strategies that Assam would require to combat rising
temperatures and emerging pests and diseases.
Sl. Strategy- Livestock Responsible Budget Priority Source of Funding
No Department (INR Cr)
1 Grading up of local cattle Animal 10.00 VH GoA, ICAR,
and buffalo stock with Husbandry Multilateral funding
suitable high milk yielding
Indian indigenous varieties
such as Murrah/Sahiwal
through Artificial
Insemination- Cover at
least 13 districts Assam,
including remote districts
2 Undertake Anoestrus Animal 10.00 VH GoA, ICAR,
management in buffalos Husbandry Multilateral funding
simultaneously in the
above chosen districts
3 Creation of gene bank for Animal 5.00
conservation of Husbandry
threatened breeds (Five)
4 Establish scientifically Animal 21.90 VH Rashtriya Gokul
designed community Husbandry Mission
based shelters in 219 blocks
to accommodate at least
300 cattle and buffalo of
small and marginal
farmers- with plantations
around for reducing
temperature of the
surrounding microclimate,
and water harvesting

Assam Science Society, 2002climate resilient Animal shelters (community base)- with water harvesting

Sl. Strategy- Livestock Responsible Budget Priority Source of Funding
No Department (INR Cr)
5 Harness energy from dung Animal 219.00 H Entrepreneur
collected at community Husbandry based
centres- produce 1000 cu
m of biogas one in each
219 blocks
4 Undertake fodder Animal 10.95 VH ICAR/Entrepreneur
cultivation using Husbandry
hydroponic technique- in
the shelters in 219 blocks
5 Develop and propagate Animal 5.00 VH AHD, Insurance
Weather indexed Husbandry company, Any
insurance for loss in milk other
yield due to heat stress.
Coverage: All crossbred
and genetically upgraded
indigenous cattle and
buffalo in 219 blocks
6 Develop Disease Animal 1.00 VH AHD
diagnostic- disease Husbandry
forecasting system
7 Disease Management – Animal 233.68 VH AHD
vaccination, fumigation Husbandry
8 Disease diagnostic (DDL) Animal 78.00 H AHD
(Contractual Doctor, TA Husbandry
and other recurring
expenses) in 26 districts
9 Training / capacity building Animal 21.90 VH AHD
of technical and non- Husbandry
technical person on
adaptation to climate
change and relevant
technologies- 219 blocks
10 Safe, quick and effective Dairy 144.20 VH
transfer of milk from Development
producer to chilling plants
to avoid spoilage of milk in
all 27 districts
11 Establishment of new and Dairy 47.70 VH
refurbishment of existing Development
Milk collection Centres with
required technical
infrastructure in all 27
12 Setting up of chilling plants Dairy 114.80 VH
to stop bacterial growth at Development
higher temperatures in all
27 districts

Sl. Strategy- Livestock Responsible Budget Priority Source of Funding
No Department (INR Cr)
13 Capacity Building of Dairy Dairy 31.78 VH
farmers in all 27 districts on Development
 Scientific dairy cow
 Improved milk hygiene
and quality
 Transfer and practice
of quality milk
 Capacity building of
farmers on climate
change adaptation
14 Develop and disseminate Animal 27.00 VH
package of practices husbandry
amongst farmers for and
mitigating disaster risk dairy
reduction such as during development
floods and droughts (in all
27 districts)
TOTAL 10421.10

8.5 Fisheries
Fish production in Assam is around 0.266
Figure 14: Fish production trends in
million tons and it is produced from 1.35
Assam- million tons
lakh ha of water bodies in the State45. The
fisheries sector comprised of 2.0 percent of 0.29
the States GDP, employing around 0.5
million populations. 0.27

The growth rate in fish production since 0.25

2001 has not been dramatic and has
hovered around 3.6%. To meet the
demand of the fish eating population in 0.23
Assam, the State imports fish from other
States. The imports are reducing over the 0.21




Annual Report, 2013-14. Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries; Ministry of Agriculture, Government
of India.

years and in 2013-14 around 13000 tons46 were imported. This is much less than previous
years due to the fact that domestic production is increasing. However, the per capita
consumption is around 9kgs, whereas from nutritional point of view ICAR recommends
consumption of 11kg fish per capita.

The State is under utilizing its water bodies and has the potential to produce both
warm and cold water fish from 4.77lakh ha of water body cover in the State which are
in the form of rivers Brahmaputra and Barak and their tributaries, beels, forest water
bodies, derelict water bodies/swamps/low lying areas, reservoirs, household ponds
and community tanks.

In Assam, the important riverine fishery of Indian Major Carps has either collapsed or it
is at the threshold of collapse47. Also there has been drastic depletion in availability of
the freshwater ichthyo fauna in north-eastern region due to destruction of the
breeding ground, overexploitation and various anthropogenic stresses48.

Also the growth of fisheries in the State is affected by Indiscriminate harvesting of fish
species from their natural habitat, damage and degradation of river systems due to
catchment land use change such as deforestation in the catchment area, river
corridor engineering and stream impacts, sand mining, urbanization, tourism,
construction of residence on both side of river bank, pollution from industries,
agriculture activities, bathing, cloth washing and sewage disposal including open
defecation, cultural activities, trapping consumable fishes with pesticides etc. are all
are affecting fish production growth in the State49,50. Besides the above factor,
overfishing, dynamiting, rampant killing of adult fish, brood fishes, spawn, fry,
fingerlings and juveniles are violating Fishery Laws and Act.

Climate change is an additional factor that will be impacting fisheries in the State.
Some of the concerns due to climate change are given below, and the Strategies
suggested are given in Table 9.

Rising ambient temperatures: Some studies indicate that with ambient temperature
rise, oxygen in water will reduce, resulting in reduction of growth and reproduction
success of fish and thus reducing their ability to deal with environmental changes. As
a result, regime shifts of certain commercial species may happen, which may affect
their regional availability and abundance, which in turn will impact the processing
sector, either negatively or positively51.

Assam Economic Survey 2014-15. Directorate of Planning. GoA
Sarma, Pradip Kumar, 2015. Fish Germplasm Diversity and their Conservation Status of River Kaldia in Lower
Brahmaputra Valley of Assam, India. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 2 (6): 46-54. Available
Dutta, A. Choudhury, M. and Acharjee, B., 2007. Natural and anthropogenic hazards in cage and pen
aquaculture systems in North-east India. In: Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards on Fish and Fisheries. Ed. Umesh C.
Goswami, Narendra Publishing House, Delhi. 263-270pp.
Sharma, S. and Das, B., 2010. Global warming, climate change and its impact on fish diversity of Assam. In:
Proc. Int. Sem. on Climate change, Global warming and NE India: Regional perspectives, ERD Foundation,
Goswami, U.C., Basistha, S.K., Bora, D., Shyamkumar, K., Saikia, B. and Changsan, K., 2012. Fish diversity of
North East India, inclusive of the Himalayan and Indo Burma biodiversity hotspots zones: A checklist on their
taxonomic status, economic importance, geographical distribution, present status and prevailing threats.
International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation,4(15): 592- 613.
Vision 2050. Central Institute of Marine Fisheries, ICAR, Min of Agriculture, Gov of India.

Erratic Rainfall pattern and extreme weather events: In the face of climate change
erratic rainfall may lead to increased water demand for drinking, agriculture,
electricity generation, industry and fisheries. Thus, access and availability of usable
water and other ecosystem services is envisioned to be a bone of contention among
stakeholders. Events like extreme rainfall and long droughts may bring unforeseen
changes to sensitive river systems

Table 9 below, gives the Strategies that Assam would need to embrace to achieve
its goals of production of fish in the State in the changing climate context.

Table 9: Strategies for sustaining fish production in Assam in a changing climate

Sl. Strategy Responsible Budget Priority Source of
No Department (INR Funding
1 Creation of up-to-date state level GIS Deptt of 10.00 VH State Fund-
based database on water and fish & Fisheries work to be
fishery resources; water resources and done by
their potential users research
2 Restoration of natural fish breeding Deptt of
and feeding grounds Fisheries
- Eviction of illegal 0.10 H
encroachment around the
natural water resources 200.00 VH
- Demarcation, de-silting and
removal of aquatic weed of
beels and their connecting
3 Productivity enhancement and Deptt of
utilization of potential areas Fisheries
- Pen/cage culture for 45.00 M
production of fish and fish
fingerlings 25.00 M
- Introduction of re-Circulatory
water management system for
fish production and short
period production system 10.00 H
- Fish stock enhancement of the
closed natural water bodies
with dominant species (10.000
4 Availing Quality fish seed available Deptt of
- Brood fish farm, one in each 27 Fisheries 2.60 H
- Construction of fish seed
hatchery (26 no.) 6.00 L
- Replenishment of brood fish 0.10 M
from brood farms in the 0.10 H
hatcheries (100 no.) 0.10 VH
- Development of seed rearing
areas (500 ha)
- Strict implementation of legal

Sl. Strategy Responsible Budget Priority Source of
No Department (INR Funding
4 Conservation of indigenous fish Deptt of
species Fisheries 0.10
- Cataloguing and year wise
updating of indigenous
aquatic flora and fauna along 1.00 VH
with conservation Status
- Ecosystem based
conservation of threatened 2.00 H
species and indigenous
species and riverine system 0.10 M
- Declaring parts of beels as
protected areas (1000 beels) 0.40 H
- Declaring closed seasons in
natural waters
- Establishment of State level
gene banks in lower, upper,
central Assam and in Barak 1.30 VH
valley (4 nos)
- Preparedness/precautionary
measures for probable disease
outbreak (26 districts)
5 Reclamation of ponds and beels Deptt of 50.00
wherever possible (5000 ha) Fisheries
Rain water Harvesting at HH level for Deptt of 25.00 H
small tank fisheries especially in hilly Fisheries
areas (5000 HH)
6 Developing packages of practices for Deptt of 2.00 VH
farmers to sustain their production in a Fisheries
climate change context
7 Develop and disseminate weather Deptt of 0.50 VH
indexed insurance for fisheries sector- Fisheries.
to benefit small and marginal farmers ASDMA,
and link it to disaster risk reduction Insurance
8 Community mobilisation for Deptt of 0.60 VH
embracing State of the Art package Fisheries
of practices
9 Establish block level kiosks for fishery Deptt of 10.05 VH
related information dissemination Fisheries
including SMS
10 Climate change Cell in department of Deptt of 1.77 VH
Fisheries Fisheries
- Will develop road map to deal
with CC,
- MIS, Data management,
- launching studies for strategic
- developing IEC material,
- imparting training for capacity
building – staff, farmers;
seminars and workshops)
TOTAL 393.82

9. Forests and Biodiversity
Fortunately, though the dense forest cover in Assam is depleting, but the total forest
cover in the State is just above 33% - the National aspiration. The forest cover in Assam
extends over an area of 27,671 sq. km. Together with tree cover outside the forests,
the total green cover in Assam extends over an area of253 sq. km which is 37.29% of
the total geographical area of the State52.

At the same time, Assam is a part of Biodiversity Hotspot exhibiting rich floral and
faunal diversity. Apart from an elaborate network of Protected Areas (PA) i.e.
National Parks and Sanctuaries, the State also has two World Heritage Sites, a Ramsar
Site, two Biosphere Reserve and most importantly, the only thriving population of
Asiatic one-horned Rhino in the world.

Green cover in Assam

Trees Very Dense

outside Forest,
forest, 1444, 5%
1582, 5%

Open 11345, 39%
14882, 51%

Figure 15: Distribution of Green cover in Assam 52

(In sq. km and percentage of the total)

Apart from providing a variety of products for daily needs, such as, firewood,
fodders, medicinal plants, bamboos, fruits, essential oils and so on, the forest also are
the recharge zone of rain water in the spring sheds in the mountain areas. Further,
they also provide livelihood opportunities to over a million people in the State, who
trade in various timber and non-timber products.

Forests are home to very diverse biodiversity, including some very rare, threatened
and endemic species. It is believed that several of the commercial crops, such as
paddy and lemon originated from wild stock of these forests. A good number of
species/varieties of these wild-stock still flourish in Assam.

FSI, 2013. Status of Forest Report, Forest Survey of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government
of India

Figure 16: Green cover in Assam52
However, open forests in the State in 2013, as recorded by the Forest Survey of India
(FSI) covered 51% (14,882 sq. km) of the total green cover of the State and very
dense forests were only 5% of the green cover (see Figure 14). This is because the
forest area is suffering from habitat degradation, encroachments, fuel wood
extraction etc. This is especially occurring in northern hilly areas bordering Arunachal
Pradesh, in the eastern hilly areas bordering Nagaland, and along the south western
hilly areas bordering Meghalaya (See Figure 15). This is becoming a double jeopardy
for wildlife, their home-range is depleted and conflicts with man are on the rise.

Plantation raised in degraded areas, especially in the Jhum areas, face immense
biotic pressures. Cattle grazing and removal of saplings as fodder and fuel pose
serious threat to natural as well as assisted regeneration in the forest areas.

Productivity of the forests is rapidly decreasing, thus, eroding sustainability of yield.

However, dependencies on forests are on the rise. There is not much diversification
in livelihood options for the forest-dwellers or fringe-dwellers.

Model projections: Projections into the future using IBIS model run with climate inputs
derived from regional climate model PRECIS with the IPCC A1B scenario53, further
point towards increase in vulnerability in 2050s in the areas that are currently
vulnerable, i.e. hilly areas bordering Arunachal, Nagaland and Meghalaya54.
Though uncertainties are associated with these projections, but can be used as
indicative directions in which things are likely to move.

Extreme Rainfall in Hilly areas: Extreme rain fall events are likely to lead to heavier
run off along the hills, thus the potential ground water recharge in the spring sheds
is likely to reduce, along with heavy soil erosion.
SRES 2010. IPCC Emission Scenarios, 2010. Published by the IPCCC.
N. H. Ravindranath1,*, Sandhya Rao, Nitasha Sharma, Malini Nair, Ranjith Gopalakrishnan, Ananya S. Rao,
Sumedha Malaviya, Rakesh Tiwari, Anitha Sagadevan, , Madhushree Munsi, Niharika Krishna1 and
Govindasamy Bala; 2011. Climate Change Vulnerability Profile for the North East India. Current Science, Vol
101, no 3, pp384 to 394.

Longer Dry periods: With longer drought periods, biodiversity- both floral and faunal
are likely to be affected and forest fires may become the norm, with increasing man-
animal conflict. Thus affecting the various types of timber and NTFP produce and
hence the livelihood of the people dependent on the same.

This situation calls for anticipatory actions beyond the business-as-usual approach.
The Forestry component of the State Action Plan for Climate Change (SAPCC) has
been so designed as to effectively mitigate climatic changes and adapt to new
situations, for maintaining a healthy and productive human-environment interface.
Keeping in view the Green India mission and the vulnerability of the State, the
strategies thus focus on:

1. Reducing Degradation and Deforestation;

2. Improving carbon sequestering capacities of forests by
3. Improving resilience of wildlife
4. Empowering local communities to take charge and benefit from biological
5. Improving adaptability of forestry-ecosystems and dependent communities
through research, innovations and use of appropriate technologies

This is in line with the Green India mission, which aims to protect, restore and enhance
India depleting forest resources through increase forest/tree cover;
improve/enhance eco-system services like carbon sequestration and storage (in
forests and other ecosystems), hydrological services and biodiversity; along with
provisioning services like fuel, fodder, and timber and non-timber forest produces
(NTFPs); and increase forest based livelihood income of about 3 million households.

Table 10: Strategies for sustaining Forests and the ecosystem produce from forests in
Sl. Action Department Costs Priority Sources of Fund
No Responsible (INR CR)

1 Reducing degradation of Deptt of 70.00 VH GiM/

forests by closure of areas Forests
with promising regeneration
and root-stock of natural
species (Secured ANR); 4000
2 Improving density of cover in Deptt of
degraded forest areas Forests
- Open forests (artificial 120.00 H GiM/ CAMPA
regeneration with
fencing); 200 blocks 62.50 M APFBC / GiM
of 25 ha each
- Moderately dense
forests; 5000 ha

Sl. Action Department Costs Priority Sources of Fund
No Responsible (INR CR)

3 Safeguarding against Deptt of

encroachment in RFs and PAs Forests
- Highly sensitive areas
170.00 VH GoI / Fin. Comm.
(Inter-State borders /
City RFs); 2,00,000 RM
170.00 H
- Other sensitive areas;
2,00,000 RM
PAs 42.50 VH
- Highly sensitive areas CAMPA
(Inter-State borders); 85.00 H
50,000 RM
- Other sensitive areas;
1,00,000 RM
4. Building climate resilience of Deptt of
forest based livelihoods Forests
- NTFP focused forest 5.00 H GiM
management to help
forest- dependent
communities adapt to
CC through emphasis
on multiple utility 3.50 H GiM
species; 1000 ha
- Developing Nurseries
for providing quality
planting material
including that of
Bamboo/ indigenous
Fruit trees / Medicinal 12.50 VH APFBC
Plants and other multi-
utility trees; 35
nurseries of 1.5 ha
each 300.00 H GiM / APFBC
- Promotion of Agro-
forestry for improving
livelihood: Bamboo /
Fruit Trees / Medicinal
Plants; 1000 ha
- Skill Development of
Forests communities in
sunrise sectors for
reducing pressure on
forests; 1 lakh

Sl. Action Department Costs Priority Sources of Fund
No Responsible (INR CR)

5 Promoting alternate sources Deptt of

of energy for wood Forests
substitution as fuel.
7.50 VH GiM / APFBC
- Energy plantations;
2.00 M GiM / Colateral
1500 ha
1.00 M GiM / Colateral
- Solar Plants (8KVX3; 5
KVX5; 3 KV X10); 35
- Bio-gas plants; 400
6 Providing LPG connectivity to Deptt of 5.00 H APFBC/
Forest Villagers and to fringe Forests Colateral
dwellers reducing fuel-wood
dependencies; 5000
7 Securing identified wildlife Deptt of 125.00 VH GiM
corridors and improving their Forests
habitat status by
compensating the
communities for
conservation; 2500
8 Procuring crucial areas Deptt of 600.00 VH GiM
surrounding Protected Areas Forests
for extended protection to
threatened and endangered
species (e.g. various
additions to the Kaziranga
NP); 300 sq. km

9 Improving Protected Area Deptt of

Management Forests
- Control and 5.00 VH GiM / APFBC
eradication of
Invasive species 5.00 H Gim/ APFBC
- Enrichment planting,
200 5.00 H Gim/ APFBC/
- Micro-ecosystem GoI
improvement; 1000
grasslands/ breeding
grounds etc), 20
10 Intensive Management of Deptt of
Wetlands for achieving Forests
- Conservation of 5.00 H Gim/ APFBC/
wetland biodiversity GoI
- Recharge of ground 2.00 H Gim/ APFBC/
water (20) - GoI
- Collateral benefits to H Gim/ APFBC/
communities (Eco- GoI

Sl. Action Department Costs Priority Sources of Fund
No Responsible (INR CR)

11 Creating Gene Banks (Ex-situ) Deptt of 11.50 M GiM

- Conservation for
Biodiversity of the
State / Specimen Lab
/ Herbarium/Multi-
location repositories
of germplasm 2
central facilities and
35 site banks
12 Strengthening Biodiversity Deptt of
Conservation Institutional Forests
Mechanism - State
Biodiversity Board 6.00 H GiM / GoA /
- Mobilizing Community NBA/APFBC
and developing
peoples Biodiversity
Registers for
documenting local 3.00 H GiM/ NBA/ GoA
bio-resource diversity
and associated
traditional knowledge
- strengthening of
Committees (200
- Awareness
Generation amongst
- Documentary/TV
Show/ Theatre /

13 Conserving biodiversity in a Deptt of

changing climate scenario Forests
- Developing State 0.05 VH APFBC/
Biodiversity Strategy &
Action Plan and BMC
Management Plans 10.00 VH GiM/ NBA
- Biodiversity Inventory
and documentation
with inputs on present 0.05 H GiM
conservation needs
- Assessment of past
management 25.00 M GiM / GoA
practices / biotic
pressures / CC for
developing new
- Species based
research on

Sl. Action Department Costs Priority Sources of Fund
No Responsible (INR CR)

conservation needs,
strategies and
conservation actions
14 Improving Tree cover outside Deptt of 100 H GiM
Forest areas: Avenue, city Forests
forests, Panchayat Forests,
Homestead, Gardens, Parks,
Institutional lands etc
15 Plantation on special / Deptt of
difficult sites: Jhoom lands Forests
for soil conservation and in
Char areas (river islands) for
preventing erosion of banks
during heavy floods 20 H GiM
- Plantations /
5 H GiM
- -Community
participation in
16 Protection against Forest Fires Deptt of 20 VH SSS/CAMPA/CSS
specially in Hill areas Forests
- Central Monitoring
Unit/Field (2 central
- Stations/Field gears
(20 field stations)
17 Integrating criteria and Deptt of 6 VH GiM
indicators of SFM into Working Forests
18 Commissioning of Deptt of 5 H GiM
Preservation Plots: studies into Forests
change in vegetation is
response to CC – genetic
resource preservation
19 Pilot Studies on Carbon Deptt of 10 H GiM
stocking in forests: establish Forests
the protocol for measuring,
reporting and verification
systems for forest carbon.
20 Vulnerability Study of Forest Deptt of 100 H GiM
Ecology to Climate Change Forests
including assessment of
changes in Forest Types / sub-
21 Policy Review / Developing Deptt of 5 VH GiM /APFBC
Policy: State Forest Policy, Forests
Bamboo & Cane Policy,
Wetland Policy, Eco-tourism
22 Linking of Micro-plans with Deptt of 5 H GiM
Working Plans Forests

Sl. Action Department Costs Priority Sources of Fund
No Responsible (INR CR)

23 Reducing carbon footprints Deptt of 960 H GiM/CAMPA

of forestry infrastructure Forests
- Eco-friendly
etc; 800
24 Develop a Manual for ASDMA & 0.50 VH CAMPA
disaster risk reduction vis-a-vis Deptt of
for averting Forests
- landslides in forests
- for averting forest fires
- for avoiding mortality
of wildlife during
TOTAL 19826.50

8. Habitats
As per Census 2011, 86% of Assam’s population lives in 26395 villages as compared to
only 14% that are spread across its 214towns55. Other than Assam, Bihar and Odisha
are the only two other Indian States, who have less than 20% of their total population
living in urban spaces now56. At all India level, 68.84% of the India’s population lives in
rural areas and 31.16% in cities52. Like elsewhere, the decadal growth rate of rural
population in Assam is declining. It has decreased from 17.29% in 2001 to 15.23% in

Around 4.3 million of Assam’s

population lives in cities57. The
urban population growth rate has
risen from 12.72% in 2001 to 14% in
201158. Guwahati, Nagaon,
Dibrugarh and Silchar spread
across length and breadth of
Assam are the most prominent
cities (see the locations in the
figure alongside). Guwahati is the
largest Urban agglomerate with a
population of 0.9 million.

As the population is rising in urban Figure 17: Location of 13 prominent cities in Assam
areas, multiple challenges related
to the following are likely to be

Census of India 2011

o solid waste management,
o sewerage disposal,
o drinking water availability,
o adequate transportation and
o Managing Human Health

In the present context examination of public service delivery in the most prominent 13
cities in Assam indicates that the public service delivery of the water supply, sewage
disposal and Solid waste management (SWM) coverage is lower than the National
average (see Table 11).

Table 11: Urban service delivery performance in 13 largest towns in Assam59

Surface Per Hours Metered conne- Sewer- SWM Sanitary
water capita of ction age cover- landfill
supply surface surfa conne- age disposal
cover- water ce (%) ction
age supply wate (%) (%)
r (%)
(%) (lpcd) suppl


National 94-100 135 24 100 70-100 Na 100

National 81 123 4 25 28 78 2
State Status 32 55 2 0 0 56 0
(median of 13
Guwahati 30 80 2 5 0 85 10
Dibrugarh 15 50 1 0 0 70 0

8.1 Water Supply

Currently, a "Tropical Monsoon Rainforest Climate" prevails in Assam, with average
summer max. at 35–39 °C and winter min. at 5–8 °C with heavy rainfall and high
humidity during monsoon. Spring (Mar–Apr) and autumn (Sept–Oct) are usually
pleasant with moderate rainfall and temperature. This situation provides Assam with
adequate water for all purpose including drinking water.

There are numerous sources of drinking water (see Figure 18below) in Assam, but they
are minimum in Karbi Anglong and in further down south. Though the sources look
many, but water supply infrastructure is certainly inadequate as inferred from Table

ADB 2011. Propose multi-tranche Financing Facility India: Assam Urban Infrastructure Investment Program.
Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors. Project number 42265.

Figure 18: Location of potable water sources in Assam

The dearth in infrastructure for reaching out to entire population can be complicated
by climate change. Some of the concerns due to climate change can be as follows:

Increasing temperature: Water demand for human consumption as well as agriculture

and industry use is likely to rise in the future as temperatures increases all around due
to global warming. Higher temperatures mean higher evapotranspiration and hence
lesser availability of surface water. Warmer temperatures can also indirectly cause
more severe weather60 (Cotton and Pielke, 2006) exacerbated by urban heat islands
that could, in turn, result in additional convective thunderstorms, hail, and higher wind
speeds that may exceed the design capacity of infrastructure. Urban water supplies.
Warming trends may also lead to increased demands for power production that, in
turn, require power-plant cooling waters in competition with other water uses.
Increased water demands associated with warming trends and, in some areas,
reduced precipitation and runoff may lead to reliance on overdrafts from
groundwater resources, and land subsidence. Increased overdraft and lower
groundwater levels, in turn, can reduce or endanger the ability of wells to supply water
without well retrofits such as lowering pumps and deepening wells. Finally, land
subsidence can contribute to increased flooding as well as destruction of
infrastructure resulting in additional leakage and reduced efficiency of distribution

Extreme precipitation: Heavier rainfall events replacing continuous low or normal

rainfall across monsoon in the future, may lead to high runoff, flash floods and
therefore ground water recharge may reduce. This may also cause flooding in low
land areas. Further, some of the reservoirs may require structural changes to
accommodate extreme rainfall events and flooding conditions.

Cotton, W. R. and R. A. Pielke, 2006. Human Impacts on Weather and Climate (2nd edition). Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press

Therefore, augmentation and minimizing evapotranspiration is a key strategy for
ensuring availability of potable water. In case of Assam, addressing water shortages
and water contamination during floods is another area of concern. The 3rd might be
reviewing all water harvesting structures and aligning their structure and water supply
operations with projected climate change. Next strategy can be to promote water
use efficiency through various methods. These strategies are outlined in Table 11.

These concerns have been raised in the mission on Sustainable Habitats which is a
part of the National Action Plan on Climate Change India’s. The mission aims to
promote energy efficiency as a core component of urban planning, the plan calls for
Extending the existing Energy Conservation Building Code; A greater emphasis on
urban waste management and recycling, including power production from waste;
Strengthening the enforcement of automotive fuel economy standards and using
pricing measures to encourage the purchase of efficient vehicles; and Incentives for
the use of public transportation. Additionally, we believe that urban spaces are
vulnerable to climate change as is the human health. These together therefore form
the core areas where strategies have been suggested to build resilience to Climate
change (see Table 12).

Table 12: Strategies to address climate change impacts for sustainable water
availability – potable and for agriculture

Sl. Action Department Costs Priority Sources of Fund

No Responsible (INR
1 Ensuring water availability in
a changing climate scenario
Roof top rain water PHE 53.75 H JNNURM
harvesting; 2500 numbers (in
southern Assam cities)
Check dam, 30 numbers (in PHE 3.00 M
Southern Assam cities)
Pond HRF (horizontal PHE 0.75 M
roughing Filter-Geo
membrane line masonry); 50
2 Ensuring potable water
during floods

Board mounted WTP (water PHE 5.00 M

treatment plants) for flood
effected areas; 5 numbers
Speed boat for distribution of PHE 2.50 M
WATSAN material during
climate change induced
3 Facilitating ground water
recharge even in extreme
rainfall condition
Artificial recharge with PHE 40.00 VH
pit/trench; 4000 numbers

4. Enhance water use efficiency

Sl. Action Department Costs Priority Sources of Fund
No Responsible (INR
Metering of water supply PHE 100.00 VH Loan
connections in at least 13
major cities- to cover at least
5 cities in 5 years
5 Increasing solar energy
penetration and reducing
load on conventional source
Solar pumping in PWSS; 2000 PHE 200.00 VH Solar mission
Solar lighting in Head office PHE 4.25 H Solar mission
6 Research H
Assessing risk due to climate PHE 1.00 VH Bilateral funding/
change and designing Multi-lateral
required Infrastructure and funding
System Operation for water
supply systems in one key city
in Assam
7 Capacity building

Developing capacity of PHE and 1.00 VH Bilateral/Multilateral

government officials towards ASDMA funding
assessing the vulnerability of
water resources in their
districts and drafting
strategies for ensuring water
availability (for all 27 districts)
and disaster risk reduction
Training and skill PHE 0.30 H Bilateral/Multilateral
development of Govt. Funding
functionaries on climate
change resilient WATSAN
Exposure visit of Govt. PHE 0.50 H Bilateral/Multilateral
functionaries on climate funding
change resilient WATSAN
TOTAL 412.05

8.2 Municipal Waste Management and Sewage treatment in cities
Considering that 4.3 million people
live in urban areas in Assam61 and Box 3: Current scenario in Tezpur Solid waste
they produce on an average 300 management System
India's first integrated solid waste management project
tons of solid waste per day62, the
was planned at Boragaon, Kamrup for the city of
annual solid waste generated is
Guwahti. The Boragaon disposal and processing site is in
around 471Giga tons. Though door Kamrup district, northwest of Guwahati and 12 km away
to door collection of MSW has been from the city centre. GMC has got approved a grant of
introduced in some cities in Assam around Rs 35 crore for the project under the Centre's
but still scientific treatment and JNNURM scheme.
management of solid waste is not The project envisaged undertaking entire cycle of waste
the norm everywhere. India’ s first collection to power generation. The project costing
integrated waste management is around Rs 102 crore will be implemented on BOOT basis
being implemented in Guwahati, under a 20-year concession agreement. This involves
where the facility would develop entire waste cycle management, including primary
mechanisms for waste collection, (door-to-door) collection of municipal solid waste,
segregation, recycling and transportation of MSW to the processing site and
improved solid waste collection, processing/disposal of MSW. The last aspect would
include setting up a 650-tonne per day plant to convert
transportation, treatment, disposal
MSW into refuse derived fuel (RDF), a compost plant of
and energy generation. However,
50 tpd to produce manure and a 6-mw power plant, the
as the pace of the population electricity from which be supplied to Assam gov.
pressure increases in urban areas,
So far 40 acres has been handed over and the remaining
development of MSW management
would be transferred in due course. The municipal
infrastructure development has to
corporation has floated a special purpose vehicle,
be speeded up, as unscientific Guwahati Waste Management Company Pvt. Ltd, for
management of MSW leads to the project. Infrastructure Development Corporation of
many issues. Assam Ltd, a joint venture between Guwahati
Metropolitan Development Authority and IL&FS, is acting
Unscientific management of solid as project management consultant.
waste may lead to ground water However, the project has not started. Instead recycling
contamination by the leachate of HH waste is being practiced within some wards of
generated by the waste dump; Guwahati at HH level.
surface water contamination by the
run-off from the waste dump; bad odor, pests, rodents and wind-blown litter in and
around the waste dump; generation of inflammable gas (e.g. methane) within the
waste dump; bird menace above the waste dump which affects flight of aircraft if
the dump areas are nearby the airports; fires within the waste dump leading to
emission of toxic materials; erosion and stability problems relating to slopes of the
waste dump; epidemics through stray animals; acidity to surrounding soil; and
release of greenhouse gases. These are likely to escalate in the future as more and
more population moves into the urban spaces, unless arrangements are made to
avoid the situation.

Domestic waste water constitutes of human excreta, urine and the associated sludge,
(collectively known as black water), and waste water generated through bathing
and kitchen (collectively known as grey water)63. Untreated waste water percolates

Census 2011
Based on “Manual on Solid Waste Management” prepared by Central Public Health & Environment
Engineering Organization (CPHEEO), Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India.

into the soil and goes into water streams, ponds and rivers, as a result of which it poses
a huge public health problem. In Assam, management of domestic waste water
(sewerage) is absent in the State (See Table 11). Per capita waste generation in India
is estimated to be 121 liters/capita/day59. Considering that the urban population in
Assam is around 4.3 million, the urban Assam produces around 189910 million liters of
domestic waste water. Even if the population rises in a business as usual scenario, at
the end of the next 10 years, the waste water generation is likely to be at least 1.14
times more than what is generated now. Without creating waste water treatment
facilities, the public health problem can become a menace.

Some of the Strategies suggested to ensure solid waste management and waste
water treatment in the State, at least in the urban space are as follows:

Table 13: Strategies to ensure waste water treatment and solid waste management
within urban habitats impacted by climate change
Sl. Action Department Costs Priority Sources
No Responsible (INR of Fund

1 Wastewater treatment
Community Waste Management PHE 0.20 VH JNNURM
System in peri-urban areas (approx. 4
nos in each block)-1000 in number
Trailer mounted community Bio-toilet PHE 0.32 VH JNNURM
for areas affected with climate
change resulted flood- 45 in number
Colony based sewage treatment Department 2.00 VVH JNNURM
plants- recycled waste water will be of Urban
used for parks, gardens and other uses development
in all cities (at least cover 2 cities in 1st 5
years)- 60 in number
2 Solid waste management

Feasibility studies in 14 major cities in Department 1.00 VH JNNURM

Assam, excluding Guwahati for setting of Urban
up integrated waste management Development
Feasibility study to set up cluster based -do- 2.00 VH JNNURM
MSW management amongst class II
and III tier cities in Assam
Undertake -do- 720.00 VVH JNNURM
-MSW management
-de-silting of drains
-sewage treatment
In flood prone cities in Assam spread
along 14 districts along the banks of
Brahmaputra. Cover 2 cities in the 1st 5
TOTAL 725.00

Also most of the cities and townships in Assam do not have appropriate infrastructure
for sewage treatment and this is a key issue for the sustainability of water resources on
which the urban areas are dependent.

8.3 Road Transport

Rapid increase of numbers of motor vehicles on road in Assam has been observed
over the past decade. The on road vehicle population in the State reached 1.98
million in 2013-14 from0.53 million in 2001-01 (see Figure 19). The growth has been at a
compounded annual growth rate of 12.7%. The number of Motor vehicles registered
in the State is 6360 per lakh of population.

(a) 2500000







(b) Tractor, LMV, 106965,

Jeep, 10642, 21678, 1% Truck, 5%
1% 117050, 6%
Bus, 12710,
Taxi, 43927,
Car, 415740,
A/R, 74520,

1126997, 57%

Multi axle Articulated Truck LMV Bus

Omni bus Mini bus Taxi A/R 2-wheeler
Car Jeep Tractor Trailor Crane
gov vehicle Other
Figure 19: (a) Trends of growth of road vehicles in Assam, (b) Vehicle mix in 2013-14
Source: Office of the commissioner of Transport, Assam and Directorate of
Economics and Statistics, Assam.

Due to lack of adequate public transport system where buses comprise of only 1% of
the total population of vehicles on road, and due to availability of easy loans, most of

the people are aspiring to buy their own vehicles. As a result, two wheelers are 57%
of the total vehicle mix in the State, and cars follow suit with a 21% share in 2013-14.

The road transport sector being a direct consumer of fossil fuel, emits GHG into the
atmosphere. With increase in population and per capita rise in number of personal
vehicles, GHG emissions are likely to rise. Use of public transport system need to control
future emissions in the future and also to ease off the pressure of vehicles on the roads,
hence. This would require policy changes in the way lending is done by banks,
enabling fuel mix with biofuels, and also behavioral changes of the population
whereby they use more and more non-motorized transport at short distances and
public transport for long distances. The Guwahati city is already in the process of
developing the Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS), but further development of the public
transport system is required. Other major cities also need to embrace the same for an
orderly functioning road transportation system in the cities of Assam.

The roads and bridges built for the transport sector are also susceptible to floods and
landslides in the State, the intensity of which is likely to increase in the future. In this
context therefore roads, bridges need to be built keeping in view the maximum
projected intensity of extreme events.

Table 14: Suggested Strategies for the transport sector

Sl Cost Department
Action Sources of Fund Priority Responsible
No (INR Cr)
Installation of CNG pump stations Department
1 across major cities of Assam; 100 25.00 VH of Transport
Procurement of CNG enable Department
2 buses, 1000 buses 250.00 JNNURM VH of Transport

Assess requirement of non- Department

motorized transport numbers and State of Transport
3 Introduce tracks for non- 2.00 Govt./Central H
motorized transport along existing Govt.
roads, 10 major cities
Retrofitting all Public Vehicles with State Department
4 CNG Kit – Policy regulations to be 100.00 Govt./Central VH of Transport
formulated Govt.
Introducing intelligent traffic State Department
5 management systems, 10 major 10.00 Govt./Central H of Transport
cities Govt.
Construct parking slots in Department
Guwahati, Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, State of Transport
6 Nagaon, Tezpur, Jorhat and 35.00 Govt./Central H
Silchar. Partial cost of Govt.
construction, 7 major cities
Promote better driving practices Department
and maintenance of vehicles of Transport
7 1.00 Govt./Central H
among truck, bus and car drivers
to enhance fuel efficiency
Study on BRT for 7 major cities State Department
8 other than Guwahati where BRT is 0.50 Govt./Central H of Transport
already planned Govt.

Vulnerability assessment study of Department
transport system of Guwahati and of Transport
9 0.50 Govt./Central VH
other important cities due to
climate change
Developing manual for building Department
climate resilient roads and State of Urban
10 bridges and train engineers on 14.00 Govt./Central VH development
retrofitting old ones and new Govt.
designs (all Districts)
TOTAL 438.00

8.4. Inland Water Transport

Assam is a riverine state. As much as 32 percent of the water resource of the country
flow down through the river Brahmaputra, Barak and their myriad tributaries that
weave a vast network of waterways in the State. The Brahmaputra has 891 Km
navigable length of water ways from Sadiya to Dhubri while the Barak has 94 Km
length of navigable waterways. The Sadiya – Dhubri stretch of the Brahmaputra River
has been declared as the 2nd National waterways of the country in the year 1988 and
afterwards the proposals to activate the Commercial service have been moved for
overall economic development of the North-eastern Region. Barak also has been
declared as the 6th National water ways of the country. Currently, the Directorate of
Inland Water Transport is operating more than 200 ferry services under IWT Divisions on
the river Barak, Brahmaputra and its tributaries for the purpose of public utility, goods
transport and other miscellaneous connecting remote corners of the State and is used
for international trade as well.

The water ways thus also are a source of GHG emissions. As passenger transport and
goods transport are relying more and more on water transport, the ferry services are
likely to increases. Spillage of fuel also a common phenomenon which affects the
aquatic life in the rivers. Keeping this in view it is proposed that the vessels need to go
green. In this respect the strategies proposed are:

Table 15: Strategies for Water ways

Sl. Action Costs Source of Priority Department
no (INR Fund Responsible
1. The IWT vessels rely on fuel oils for 10.00 JJNURM/ H Inland Water
most powering needs, but tighter IWT/Any Transport
emission regulations and the need to other Department
‘go green’ and hence conversion of
existing Diesel Marine Engines to
CNG driven engines proposed. (40
engines in 20 vehicles)

2. Solar powered passenger vessel in 10 100.00 IWT H Inland Water

vehicles Transport
3 CNG Filling Station 10.00 IWT H Inland Water
(Phase: I – Guwahati-02) 10.00 M Transport
(Phase: II- all over Assam-04) Department

4 Conversion of existing engines of IWT 10.00 IWT M Inland Water
Vessels to CNG, 40 vessels Transport

TOTAL 140.00

8.5 Human Health

The health of human populations is sensitive to shifts in weather patterns and other
aspects of climate change. These effects occur directly, due to changes in
temperature and precipitation and occurrence of heat waves, floods, droughts, and
fires. Indirectly, health may be damaged by ecological disruptions brought on by
climate change (crop failures, shifting patterns of disease vectors), or social responses
to climate change (such as displacement of populations following prolonged
drought). Variability in temperatures is a risk factor in its own right, over and above the
influence of average temperatures on heat-related deaths. Biological and social
adaptation is more difficult in a highly variable climate than one that is more stable.

Assam having an undulating physiography, moist tropical climate is endemic to

malaria. Malaria incidences reported in the state go up to many other climate related
diseases are being routinely reported despite control measures being taken. Some of
the other diseases occurring at a large scale i.e. incidences reported in excess of
30,000 include Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) and influenza, Pyrexia related to ticks,
Japanese Encephalitis (see Figure 20).

Climate related disease incidences reported in 2009 and 2010 in
2000000 2009 2010


1058548 1114463

201051 180495

Bacillary Dysentry Malaria ARI/ILI Pyrexia

Climate related disease incidences reported in Assam...contd

50000 2009 2010



10000 7191
4108 4729
783501 1283 2225
333 217 2 64 21342
Dengue AES/JE Measeles Diptehria Chicken AFP H1N1 Viral Enteric
pox hepatitis fever

Figure 20: Climate related disease Incidences reported in Assam in 2009 and 201064

Disease prevalence in Assam continues to be high as it is one of the 18 states in India

which have poor health service delivery systems. As a result, it is a focus State for the
National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).

It is clear from figure 19 that ARI/ILI disease incidence are the highest followed by
Malaria in the State. ARI is related to pollutant levels in the atmosphere which
originate from various anthropogenic activities that use fossil fuel such as transport
vehicles, industries, power plants etc. ARI incidences are likely to increase with
continued increase in anthropogenic activities into the future and increase in ambient

On the other hand, malaria which is not dependent directly on fossil fuel burning but
is a function of temperature, precipitation and humidity and vegetation cover
continues to be one of the major Public Health problems in Assam. Out of total 31.53
million populations in the state, 9.71 million populations (31%) are living in malaria high
risk areas. Malaria is particularly endemic in Karbi Anglong, Kokrajhar, N.C.Hills (Dima
Hasao), Chirang, Goalpara, Baksa, Hailakandi and in Udalguri.

Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme of Gov of Assam, 2009-10, Available

Further it is clear from figure 19, that morbidity related to heat waves – a consequence
of an extreme climate event is not reported as a part of the Integrated Disease
Surveillance Program (IDSP). Heat waves are already reported in the State and are
likely to be more frequent and more intense in the future. Similarly, injuries and deaths
due to floods, landslides are also missing in this list, which will escalate as climate
change rolls out into the future.

If climate change continues as projected, the major changes in ill health compared
to no climate change will occur and will be in the form of:
o More number of morbidity and mortality death due to more intense heat waves,
cyclonic winds, landslides, mud slides, and flooding events and fires
o Increased risk of under nutrition resulting from diminished food production
o Increased risks of food and water-borne diseases (very high confidence) and
vector-borne diseases
o Opening up of windows of transmission of disease-carrying vectors due to
exceedance of thermal thresholds at higher altitudes
o More water and food borne disease incidences
o Effects of food and water shortages
o Air pollution-related health effects
o Psycho-social impacts on displaced populations
o Health impacts from conflicts over access to vital resources

Improving Basic Public Health and Health Care Services, creating policies that help
towards prevention of certain diseases related to climate change, developing early
warning systems through disease forecasting mechanisms etc. can be some of the
adaptation strategies that can be brought in. Table 16 below gives some of the
necessary strategies that can be implemented to adapt to climate change vis a vis
emerging health issues in a climate change context.

Table 16: Strategies for protecting human health

Sl. Action Costs Source of Priority Department

no (INR Cr) Fund Responsible
1 Developing disease 1.00 State/ VH Deptt of
forecasting system for disease Central Health and
outbreaks on a daily basis in Fund Family
consonance with daily Welfare
weather forecast
2 Develop mobile based apps 1.00 State/ VH Deptt of
on disease outbreak forecast Central Health and
and prevention measures – a Fund Family
to do list Welfare
3 Study and map new and 1.00 State/ VH Deptt of
emerging diseases in Central Health and
consonance with CC Fund Family
projections Welfare
4 Extending IDS to urban areas 10.00 State/ VH Deptt of
and to private clinics Central Health and
Fund Family
5 Including heat wave 10.00 State/ VH Deptt of
incidences under IDSP in Central Health and
Assam Fund

6 Conduct studies to assess links 1.00 State/ VH Deptt of
between climate change and Central Health and
possible malnutrition in the Fund Family
State especially amongst Welfare
7 Review and retrofit disaster risk 0.25 State/ VH Deptt of
response strategies of the Central Health and
department in view of climate Fund Family
change using CSDRM tool Welfare
7 TOTAL 24.00

8.6 Managing Urban Space

In case of Assam, Urban spaces along the flood prone river bank are prone to
excessive flooding during extreme rain fall events. Similarly, due to excessive rain fall,
urban spaces near foot hills or on hilly terrain are at risk from landslides. Also the urban
spaces are susceptible to enhanced heat island effect due to the continuous
warming of the atmosphere. Both lead to disasters leading to morbidity of the
population residing in these spaces and sometimes lead to mortality. Morbidity
certainly impacts on productivity and their earnings.

In view of this, a few strategies suggested to protected urban spaces from

consequences excess heat or rainfalls are indicated in the Table below.

Table 17: Strategies for making urban spaces climate resilient

Sl. Action Costs Source of Priority Department

no (INR Cr) Fund Responsible
1 Reevaluate drainage system 3.50 VH JNNURM
of the urban space/city and
realign it with the maximum
expected volume water that
will be received due to
extreme rainfall and avenues
and outlets required for
dissipation. Pilot: 7 cities
2 Map and Evaluate the 15.00 VH JNNURM
landslide prone areas in a hill
city and devise and
implement adaptation
strategies to bind the soil and
prevent soil erosion and
hence landslides- engineering
as well as vegetative
measures (take 3 hill cities)
3. To dissipate heat in open 15.00 VH JNNURM
areas built up due to heat
island effect design
landscapes dotted with
greens that can cool the
micro climate (focus on 3
cities that have very high

temperatures in summers w.r.t.
other cities in Assam)
4 Strengthen disaster response 6.5 ASDMA & ASDMA
of ULBs through Capacity Adaptation
Building (Cover: Guwahati, Fund
Silchar & Dibrugarh and 10 budget
Towns viz. Tinsukia, Sivasagar,
Jorhat, Tezpur, Bongaigaon,
Nalbari, Nagaon, Mangaldoi ,
Dhubri & Kokrajhar)
5 Training and capacity building JNNURM
of Community, NGOs, CBOs
and Govt. Officials, educators,
students on Disaster Risk
Reduction and Climate
Change Adaptation
TOTAL 40.00

9. Energy
9.1 Access to Electricity
The total power generation capacity in the State in 2014 has been reported as 0.51
Giga watt, of this 75% is thermal based, 19% hydro and 6% is renewable energy that
includes biomass and solar65. Bifurcation of thermal based power generation and
renewable energy sources is shown in figure 21.

The energy requirement in 2013-14 was around 7434 MU, and supply available was
6965 MU66. The peak demand was 1362 MW and in comparison supply was only 1218
MW- a shortage of 10.52%62. The transmission and distribution losses were of the order
of 26.3% in 2013-14, as compared to loss of around 30% in 2011-12, indicating that T&D
losses are reducing62.

Currently, while the city of Guwahati getting an average supply of 20 hours’ other
urban areas are getting an average supply of only up to 15 hours. Rural areas have
much poorer power availability with an average duration of supply being just about
12 hours.

Energy Statistics, 2015. Ministry of Statistics and Programme implementation. Gove of India.
Statistical hand book- Assam, 2014



59% Diesel

Figure 21: Power generation capacity by energy type

In addition to inadequacy of generation capacities, the power availability is also

severely constrained by network constraints (both inter and intra state). The APDCL’s
serves electricity to over 32.38 lakhs consumers in the state. Electricity is only available
to 37% of the total households in the State62, which is the third lowest next to Uttar
Pradesh and Bihar, and significantly lower than the all-India average of 67%67.Some
of the power projects that are being implemented for capacity addition is shown in
Table 20. In spite of these additions, Assam will have to generate more electricity to
achieve its developmental goals,

Table 18: Ongoing projects for capacity addition

Project Name Capacity (MW) Brief Description

Namrup 100 Approximately 65% project work is complete.

Replacement Open cycle commissioning is expected in
Power Project December 2015


Small Hydro Policy The Govt. of Assam has decided to encourage generation of power
through SHP sources of energy and has framed a policy, which was
notified in the gazette of March 2007. On publication of the policy,
an investment avenue for approximately Rs 900.00 Cr has been
opened up for Independent Power Producers (IPP)/User societies.

The SHP Policy of the State Govt. included 90 nos. of potential small
hydro generating stations ranging from 0.1 MW to 20 MW (total 148.50
MW), in different parts of the state. However, out of this 148.50 MW
only 91.5 MW has the proven potential for small hydro power as per
recent investigations carried out.

Myntriang Small 10.5 Approximately 55% project work is complete.

Hydro Electric Commissioning is expected in December 2015
Project St.-I & 1.5
MW enhancement
of St.-II

Lungnit Small Hydro 6 Contract with EPC contractor cancelled due to

Electric Project slow progress of work. New EPC contractor
selection is pending due to high price bid cost
than the estimated project cost.

Strategies for augmenting power generation capacities include the use of renewable
energy sources to complement its current shortfall in power generation. This should be
augmented to start to replace conventional fossil fuel generation given the seemingly
good potential for utilizing renewable energy, particularly hydro, solar and biomass.
This is in line with the aspirations of the National Solar Mission that aims to implement
100,000 MW of solar power by 2022.

Table 18: Strategies for augmenting power demand in the State

Sl. Action Costs Sources Priority Implementing
No INR in CR of fund Agency
1 Setting up of 60 MW SPV Power 491.84 H APDCL
Plant at Amguri, Assam
2 Setting up of 2 MW SPV Power Plant 18.25 VH APDCL
at Namrup,
3 Setting up of 2 MW SPV Power Plant 18.25 VH APDCL
at Lakwa,
4 Capacity Building in APDCL 0.15 H APDCL

5 Protection of Erosion of river bank 0.98 VH APDCL

for water intake pump at Desang
river for Lakwa TPS
6 Master drain system of Lakwa TPS 0.24 VH APDCL
with ETP
7 Crude oil drain pit development for 0.04 VH APDCL

Sl. Action Costs Sources Priority Implementing
No INR in CR of fund Agency
gas intake station at Lakwa TPS &
accumulator tank for Gas
compressor lubrication drain
8 Lower Kopili Hydroelectric Project 0.28 VH APDCL
(120 MW), Dima Hasao and Karbi
Anglong Districts, Assam
9 Development of Small Hydro 0.60 H APDCL
Electric Projects
10 Switchyard illumination at Namrup 0.20 H APDCL
11 Street lighting at Namrup TPS- LED 0.20 H APDCL
12 Additional thermal Insulation on GT 0.14 H APDCL
Unit #1, #2, #3 & #4 at Namrup TPS
13 Anti-erosion measure at Dillighat 1.0 VH APDCL
Intake of Namrup TPS
14 Renovation / Repairing of cooling 1.00 VH APDCL
system of Steam Turbine unit-5,
splash bar changing at Namrup TPS
15 Research and Development 0.75 H APDCL
Sub TOTAL- APDCL 533.92

16 Development of State Renewable 0.25 Bilateral AEDA

Energy Policy support
17 Installation & Promotion of 25 MW AEDA
aggregate capacity of Grid
Connected Solar Power Plant at 100%:
15.30 VH
different vacant land of APDCL GOA
with capacity ranging from 1 MW
to 5 MW
18 Installation of Grid Interactive AEDA
Rooftop/Ground mounted Solar
Power Plant (with battery backup)
73.89 GOI VH
at important Govt. Building of
Assam with capacity ranging from
5 kW to 50 kW
19 Illumination of important AEDA
towns/historical locations of Assam 22.50 VH
through Solar Street Lighting System
20 Installation of 1 MW aggregate AEDA
capacity of Solar Wind Hybrid 100%:
23.33 M
System with capacity ranging from GOA
600 W to 10 kW
30%: AEDA
Installation & Promotion of 150 nos. MNRE,
21 of Solar Water Pumping systems for 9.00 GOI H
irrigation purpose 70%:
Electrification of 75 nos. of remote 90%: GOI AEDA
22 villages through Solar PV based 52.50 10%: VH
power plant under DDG GOA
Setting up 80 MW Grid Connected AEDA
23 Solar Power Plant through IPP in 800.00 IPP M
BOO Mode
Sub Total- AEDA 996.70

Sl. Action Costs Sources Priority Implementing
No INR in CR of fund Agency

GRAND Total- Energy generation

9.2 Energy Efficiency

As per the Electricity Act 2001, Assam has requested the designated consumers, to
appoint Energy Managers, carrying out of Energy Audit, publication of information
relating to Energy Conservation and energy saving tips in local dailies, distribution of
informative leaflets for the benefit of public, celebration of National Energy
Conservation Day in association with ASEB etc. Cinema halls of Guwahati city were
requested to display slides containing Energy Conservation messages during show
intervals to propagate the message of energy conservation among public.

The Government of Assam issued Notification in July 2007 to use energy efficient lamps
in Government buildings, Institutions, Board, Corporations and promotion of Energy
Efficient Building Designs as per the Energy Conservation Building Code published by
the BEE.

Further the National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) recommends

decrease in specific energy consumption in large energy-consuming industries, with
a system for companies to trade energy-savings certificates; provide Energy
incentives, including reduced taxes on energy-efficient appliances; and generate
financing for Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) to reduce energy consumption through
demand-side management programs in the municipal, buildings and agricultural

Keeping this in view some energy efficiency measures have been suggested which
can be taken up by the government.

Table 19: Some of the Strategies suggested for improving energy efficiency include:
Sl. Action Cost (INR Sources of Priority Implementing
No Cr) fund Agency
1 Explore fiscal mechanisms for 0.25 VH AEDA
supporting energy efficiency
activities in the State
2 Ascertain energy efficiency 0.50 VH AEDA
potential in various sectors
3 Energy Conservation in AEDA
Customize the ECBC code 0.50 VH AEDA
according to the various
climate zones and seismic zones
in Assam
Enforcing BEEs energy 14.00 H AEDA
conservation building code
(ECBC) in all 14 major towns
-efficient lighting systems
-Efficient cooling systems
-Efficient heating systems

Sl. Action Cost (INR Sources of Priority Implementing
No Cr) fund Agency
Promote Energy efficiency in 1.00 H AEDA
religious places through
awareness generation
Design fiscal incentives for 0.25 H AEDA
supporting private owners to
follow energy efficiency
Train managers on green 14.00 VH AEDA
building practices and
auditing in all the 14 cities
4 Promote energy efficient Household appliances
Introduce scheme to 1.65 H AEDA
replace 4 CFLs with 1 LED-
awareness generation.
Tie up with LED producer, 0.25
Develop fiscal incentive for 0.25
the by back process
Ensure presence of only 3 0.10 VH AEDA
star and above domestic
appliances (ACs, fridge) in
Create a mechanism to 0.25 VH AEDA
extract heavy fine from any
seller selling Air Conditioner
and Refrigerator with energy
efficiency that is rated less
than 3 star
Create awareness through 1.65 VH AEDA
5 Energy efficiency in Agriculture
Only star rated 1.00 VH AEDA
diesel/electricity driven
pump sets to be sold in the
market- awareness
generation and
6. Energy efficiency in Industries
Identify energy intensive SME 1.0 VH AEDA
clusters and identify energy
efficient measures that can
be propagated- A study
Implement the measures 0.25 AEDA
through fiscal incentives
7. Promote energy efficiency in 0.25 AEDA
street lighting and external
lighting in housing societies
by introducing LEDs
TOTAL 37.15


10. Implementing SAPCC and Knowledge Management
10.1 Implementing SAPCC
It is proposed that a separate Assam Climate Change Management Society (ACCMS)
- A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) will be created in the State, which will coordinate
all SAPCC related activities and other activities related to climate change and will be
an interface between line departments, State Government and domestic and
international funding agencies that are providing technical and financial assistance
to implement SAPCC and other Climate Change related activities. This agency will be
staffed with technical experts and will have a governing body headed by the
Honorable Chief Minister and a Steering committee headed by Chief Secretary. From
each department of the State, there will be a nodal officer, Climate Change who will
be dealing with all climate change matters in their respective departments and liaise
with the subject matter technical experts hired in the Society. Climate Change
Management Society vis-a-vis the implementation of the State Action Plan on Climate
Change. The nodal department for coordinating ACCMS would be department of
Environment and Forest, Government of Assam. Figure 22schematically represents the
implementation arrangement of all matters related to climate change in the state
including implementation of the SAPCC.

Governing Body
Assam Climate
Headed by:
Chief Minister Management
Members: State Society
Ministers (ACCMS)


Headed by: Chief

Members: Principal
Figure 22: Implementation
Arrangement of SAPCC SAPCC and other Matters as
indicated in the Charter of
activities to be performed by

Water Forest and Urban Data

Agriculture development management
Resources Biodiversity

All line
Agri, Horti, Water Forest departments
Livestock resource Biodiversity +
Fisheries, Tea Irrigation Board Experts
Board Soil & Water Rural
Soil & Water
Rural Conservation development
development PHE +
+ Rural Experts
Experts development
The roles and responsibilities of the various components of the Society are briefly
mentioned below:

The Assam Climate Change Management Society: the roles and responsibilities the
ACCMS will include:
o Implementation of the State Action Plan on Climate change and the projects
and programmes emanating from it
o Update it on a regular basis as per the advancement of knowledge on climate
o Addressing the requirements of the National Action Plan on Climate Change
from time to time
o Facilitate implementation of India’s commitment if any to the UNFCCC
o Create Knowledge management platform and data base for informed
decision for integrating climate change adaptation in planning in consultation
with various agencies in the country
o Liaise with all departments through their climate change nodal officers
o Will formulate Monitoring and Evaluation framework to assess progress of
projects and to assess that adaptation is taking place
o Will launch new studies that address mitigation and adaptation with funding
from the State Governments/ central government/ various missions of the
NAPCC/climate change funds – national and international
o Build capacity of natural resource and energy managers to address climate
change within their domain
o Any other

The Governing body: the governing body will be headed by the Chief Minister and is
responsible for policy planning and coordination, innovation, resource mobilization
and for synergizing the efforts of the various stakeholders. The members of governing
body will be the Ministers of various departments in the State and distinguished

The Steering Committee: Will be headed by the Chief Secretary of the State and the
members will be the head of departments. The role of the Steering Committee will be
to provide guidance on all activities that will be undertaken by the Society.

Technical experts: The technical experts will be subject matter specialist with an
overall knowledge of climate change science, impacts and mitigation. They will
ensure implementation of all the envisaged activities mentioned as the role of the
Society. The following specialists will be hired initially:
o Data Management, GIS and web portal hostile
o Water Resource
o Agriculture
o Forest and biodiversity
o Urban development
o Energy
o Any other

Cost implication for running the Assam Climate Change Management Society will be
in the tune of 5.00 Cr in five years.

10.2 Knowledge Management

Knowledge about climate change, its impacts and associated extent of
vulnerabilities, is a matter of strategic importance for all countries as they need to
preserve and protect their natural resources, adapt to the changing climate and help
contain the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that
does not dangerously alter the climate system and jeopardize the security of human
well-being vis-à-vis, its food security, economic security and environmental

Formulation of integrated data bases is therefore of upmost importance, as this will

enable researchers help policy makers to take informed decisions while formulating
policies. It is proposed that knowledge management in the State can be done
through support of various projects that explore the interaction of climate with various
natural resources, the economy, society etc. and also through collation of
knowledge/data products from other agencies which can throw light on these issues.

Producing the knowledge acquired for use of various stakeholders will also be an
essential area of activity of the knowledge management component of the SAPCC.

Sl. Action Costs Priority Implementing

(INR Cr) Agency

1 Creating a knowledge 1.50 VH ASTEC

Management portal- Assam
Climate Change Knowledge
portal and continuously update
for next 5 years
2 Build capacity within the State to 5.0 VH ASTEC
analyse climate change trends
and model projections
3 Build Capacity to run impact 3.0 VH ASTEC
assessment models for various
4 Assess district wise Climate 1.0 VH ASTEC
Change vulnerability and hydro-
meteorological hazard risk and
develop adaptation plans for all
5 Scan all programs and policies of 1.0 VH ASTEC
the government and advise the
government as to how all can be
made climate resilient.
5 Develop advisory manuals on for 1.0 H ASTEC
all infrastructure design
requirements to address
exacerbated impacts of climate

change in the State of Assam in its
various regions
6 Some specific studies ASTEC
6.1 Study & Documentation of ground 0.048 VH ASTEC
water level in the piedmont plain
of northern Assam- Foot hills of
Arunachal and Bhutan
6.2 Assessment of alternate agri- 0.38 H ASTEC
practices in highly flood prone
districts, 19 districts
6.3 Study of hill-slope destabilisation 0.15 VH ASTEC
and urban flood management
system (Guwahati City), 1
6,4 Policy review in the context of 0.20 H ASTEC
climate change – Forest policy,
agri-policy, draft water policy,
industrial policy, 4
6.5 Identification of wetlands for due 0.60 VH ASTEC
protection and management with
proper study on hydrology, flora,
fauna and economic value, 4
6.6 Identification and conservation 0.40 M to H ASTEC
strategies of Vulnerable
biologically sensitive species, 4
6.7 Institutional capacity building to 0.50 VH ASTEC
handle climate change
programmes (all concerned govt.
directorates) *, 10 programmes,
each 2-3 days
6.8 Development of core-group of 0.60 H ASTEC
climate change scientists in Assam
(training for project development,
core-support), 6 institutions
6.9 Hazard Risk Vulnerability including 2.00 ASTEC
impact of climate change
assessment including impact of
climate change
7. Capacity building of departments 0.135 VH ASTEC
across all levels of governance
towards integrating CC in
Adaptation Plans
8 Education & Awareness on 0.81 H ASTEC
climate change related issues
through educational institutions
TOTAL 18.32

11. Integrating Climate Change finance in adaptation Planning
Recent modelling by the Asian Development Bank for South Asia suggested that
economic growth would be between 2% and 6% lower by 2050 if climate change
adaptation is not factored in development. However, funds required for undertaking
adaptation measures need to be available to the governments. It is well known that
the international funds are only a fraction of the fund required. Even in the case of
Assam, the entire SAPCC budget estimate is indicating a fund requirement of INR
58026.17 Cr over next 5 years. i.e., each year about 11605.30 crores will be spent. This
is only 7.3% of the State GSDP at current prices.

This amount can be availing pieces from various sources. If adaptation is not
systematically undertaken, then this cost will go on increasing becoming a significant
portion of the total GDP. Therefore, it is imperative that adaption cost be factored in
each year within planning. Now the question is where will this money come from-
either it can be through creation of some special fiscal instrument such as creating
green cess for the State that will generate enough finance and support annual
adaptation activities. However, if the budget is not enough considering the scale of
adaptation required, then other mechanisms need to be developed. Therefore, the
next step is to understand how every department can identify and factor in the
adaptation budget requirements within their planning and develop fiscal instruments
that can provide the financial support for undertaking such work on a regular basis.

Annexure 1
1. Meeting held on 23rd February, 2011
Venue: Assam Secretariat, Dispur, Guwahati

The meeting was presided over by the Chief Secretary of Assam Mr N.K. Das and
started at 10AM in the Assam Secretariat. The meeting was attended by high level
officials of the government agencies along with representation by Regional
Meteorological Centre, Borjhar, Guwahati. The meeting started off with a brief
introduction of Dr. Arabinda Mishra, Director, TERI by the nodal officer from the
Government of Assam for the SAPCC process, Mr. Saraswati Prasad, Prinicipal
Secretary, Department of Forestry and Environment.

Dr. Arabinda Mishra, first gave a presentation on the basics of climate change to the
gathered audience. There was a comment by Dr. H. Pathak, DDGM, Regional
Meteorological Centre, Borjhar, Guwahati, to incorporate studies of weather systems
along with climate projections. The second presentation by Dr. Mishra, dealt with
specific risks from climate change, vulnerabilities of the Assam state along with the
whole North Eastern state and key adaptation needs and also identified REDD+ as a
mitigation opportunity for the state. There was also a question on as to how much we
can say that climate change at present is from anthropogenic drivers and to what
extent we can slow process by going totally green. Dr. Mishra responded that currently
the anthropogenic causes have surpassed the natural drivers for such a global
change and referred to the IPCC scenarios for his second query.

There were questions related to a difference in the climate projections from modeling
and the observed data which was reviewed for the presentation. Dr. Mishra cleared
the doubt by stating the fact that the observed data was not for the whole state but
for a particular climate zone which included a portion of the state. He also brought
out the issue of non-linearity in cause and effect and knowledge gaps when it comes
to climate system. There was a suggestion by Dr. Satyendra Kumar Choudhury,
Director, Assam Science Technology and Environment Council, to run the climate
models with the resolution of agro-climatic zones of the state rather than the districts
and also to incorporate and design strategies through this plan for facilitating
indigenous coping capacities of various tribes of the state to weather variability.

In the end Chief secretary, Mr. Das suggested not to neglect issues of north east region
as a whole and suggested to widen the audience in the workshop to be held on
March 7-9, 2011. He also suggested incorporating mitigation as a strong point in the
SAPCC. There was a concern about the short deadline which is set to be March 25th,
2011 for the draft plan from the nodal officer.

2. Meeting held on 9th March, 2011
Venue: Assam Secretariat, Dispur, Guwahati

The Meeting was presided by the Additional Chief Secretary of Assam, Dr. Surajit Mitra
and was started at 10 am in the Assam Secretariat. The meeting was attended by
high level officials of the government agencies along with representation by Regional
Meteorological Centre, Borjhar, Guwahati.

At the outset, the Additional Chief Secretary welcomed all the stakeholders of
different divisions who are associated with the preparation of Assam State Action Plan
on Climate Change. Mr. Prabir Sengupta, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, said all the
stakeholders are free to express their ideas/ comments/ suggestions if any. After the
consultation, six major thrust areas were identified and erosion was considered as the
major concern for the state. They also pointed out CDM and REDD+ systems as a bit
complex to understand. In the end, it was decided to send the draft plan on March
25th, 2011 by the Additional Chief Secretary, Assam.

3. Meeting held on 25th March, 2011

Venue: Assam Secretariat, Dispur, Guwahati

The meeting was presided over by the Additional Chief Secretary of Assam Dr. Surajit
Mitra and started at 10AM in the Assam Secretariat. The meeting was attended by
high level officials of the government agencies along with representation by Regional
Meteorological Centre, Borjhar, Guwahati. The meeting started off with a brief
introduction of all the participants and then Mr. Prabir Sengupta, Distinguished Fellow,
TERI gave a brief idea about the purpose of the meeting.

Dr. Arabinda Mishra, Director, TERI, first gave a presentation on the actions & strategies
taken for the Assam State Action Plan on Climate Change and feed-back/ comments
were welcomed from the other participants.

There were discussions on the Institutional arrangements for the State Action Plan on
Climate Change and strategies were prescribed for each of the thrust areas. There
were many valuable updates received from various departments. The Additional
Chief Secretary also provided some suggestions regarding the version, timeframe and
implementation plan of the document.

4. Meeting held on 25.02.2015

Venue: Room No -205, Assam Administrative Staff College, Guwahati
Date: 25th February, 2015

The meeting was presided over by Honorable Shri Atuwa Munda, Minister of
Environment & Forests and Tea Garden, Government of Assam. Shri Davinder Kumar,
Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Environment & Forests and Water
Resources, Government of Assam, welcomed the Minister and the workshop

participants. The workshop was attended by 44 participants from various Departments
of Government of Assam. He apprised all present in the workshop about the Assam
SAPCC and its status. Shri Atuwa Munda mentioned that given the vulnerabilities and
the multi -dimensional challenges posed by climate change, the government of
Assam, is committed to address the same and the 1st step it has taken is to draft the
State Action Plan and aims to implement it under the overall of India’s National Action
Plan on Climate Change. The government of Assam is focusing on climate resilient
agriculture, Biodiversity conservation, Climate resilient urban planning, renewable
energy - Solar, and improvement in rain-fed agriculture through extensive cultivation
of pulses. He also thanks CCIP-DFID team for the technical assistance extended to
govt. of Assam.

Mr. Abhay Kumar Johari, Addl PCCF, Government of Assam gave a brief presentation
on climate change challenges of Assam that needs to be addressed and how the
mandate of the Assam SAPCC can be aligned with the eight missions of the National
Action Plan on Climate Change. He mentioned that the Department of Environment
& Forests has sought financial projections for the strategies and actions articulated by
various departments managing the various sectors impacted by climate change and
a few departments are yet to submit the same.

All the departments were requested to reworked on the draft Assam State Action Plan
on Climate Change with the help of CCIP experts and also finalize the financial
projections against the strategies and actions proposed.

5. Meeting held on 22.07.2015

Venue – NEDFI House, Guwahati.

A one-day consultation was organized on July 22, 2015 by the Centre for Environment,
Social and Policy Research (CESPR) and the Indian Network for Ethics and Climate
Change (INECC) in collaboration with Assam State Disaster Management Authority
(ASDMA), CCIP – CPGD, UK Department for International Development (DFID) at the
Conference Hall of the NEDFI House, Ganeshguri where important sectors under
SAPCC and climate change were discussed.

The consultation was designed to discuss and deliberate on important issues and
areas in the state, including agriculture, water resources, energy, disaster, and forest
and wildlife, and challenges which Assam is likely to face as a result of the adverse
impacts of climate change.

The consultation engaged stakeholders comprising civil society, academicians, policy

think tanks, government representatives, grass root level workers and representatives
from media. The objective of the consultation was to seek reflections on SAPCC
engagement from CSOs from other states of India in order to pick up relevant threads
and build synergies. Expert input will be gathered from international policy watch
groups to understand the link between state, national and international Climate and

development policy processes. The suggestions and recommendations from the
workshop will be put forward to the Assam Government, for necessary action on the
subject. The outcomes of the workshop were submitted to the nodal department for
SAPCC, Government of Assam

6. Meeting held on 13.08.2015

Venue: Room No -205, Assam Administrative Staff College, Guwahati

The meeting was scheduled to validate and finalize the SAPCC of the State of Assam.
The Inaugural session was presided over by the Honorable Chief Secretary, Govt. of
Assam Mr. V.K. Pipersenia and Shri Davinder Kumar, Additional Chief Secretary,
Environment & Forests and Water Resources Department presided the next sessions.
The workshop was attended by over 45 participants. The purpose and objective of
the meeting was to validate and obtain in principle approval of the State to take this
document forward for its finalization.

Shri Davinder Kumar, Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Environment & Forests
and Water Resources, Government of Assam, welcomed Honorable Chief Secretary,
Shri V K Pipersenia and the workshop participants. In the inaugural speech, he
apprised Chief Secretary and all present in the workshop about the Assam SAPCC
process and its status. We are in the final stages of preparing the State Action Plan on
Climate Change for Assam. The State Action Plan Climate Change is aligned with the
missions of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) which are focusing
on Adaptation and Mitigation as well from the Energy perspective Assam is also
making its contribution towards increasing the share of Renewable in its total energy
mix and special thrust is being given on solar.

Mr. Rizwan Uz Zaman, Team Leader, CCIP – DFID and Member Secretary, Climate
Change Cell gave an overview of ASAPCC to the Chief Secretary and the
participants of the workshops.

On conclusion of the presentation of the SAPCC, the Chief Secretary conveyed his in
principle approval to the SAPCC and thanked the hard work of Environment and
Forests department and CCIP – DFID team for completing the SAP document.
However, he indicated that as the SAPCC is a dynamic document, it needs to be
updated on a regular basis and therefore it’s important to start implementing the
strategies already identified in the present SAPCC, which each department considers
a priority The Chief Secretary further mentioned that one climate change nodal
officer will be identified in each department and advised the departments to hire
relevant subject specific Climate Change technical experts who can support them in
taking forward the climate change actions being implemented by them.

Finally, Mr. Abhay Johri, addl. PCCF, took the session on the way forward for finalization
of the SAPCC document. The Environment and Forest Department, Government of
Assam will officially circulate the draft SAPCC report to all the departments. The state

departments are requested to l provide their final comments on the activities listed in
the document relevant to their departments and if no comments are received then
the action plan for that particular sector will be considered as approved. However,
an email notification from the relevant department that they approve the action plan
for their related sector would be appreciated by the CCIP team.

Mr. Rizwan Uz Zaman, Team Leader, CCIP – DFID gave the Long Range Planning
Exercise and gave vote of thanks to the all the members.

Annexure 2

1. Ananthanarayanan, Sriram. 2008. Jhum cultivation under conflict in the

Northeast. India Together. Published online June 27, 2008. Available from:

2. Approach to 11th Plan (Assam), 2010-Planning and Development department,

Assam, Brahmaputra Board, 2007-2008.

3. Assam Science Society. 2002. State Biodiversity. Strategy and Action Plan
Assam (Draft). National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP).

4. Assam State Government. 2007. Department of Agriculture Mandate.

Available from http://

5. Assam State Government. 2007. Department of Agriculture Mandate.

Available from http://

6. Assam Science Technology and Environment Council. 2011.

Recommendations for State of Assam’s Strategy and Action Plan on Climate
Change. Available from

7. Bonan, G.B. 2008. Forests and Climate Change: Forcings, Feedbacks, and the
Climate Benefits of Forests. Science 320 (5882):1444 – 1449.

8. Chauhan, S. 2010. Biomass resources assessment for power generation: A case

study from Haryana state, India. Biomass and Bioenergy 34:1300-1308.

9. Climate change and India A 4x4 Assessment, a sectoral and regional analysis
for 2030s. 2010 INCAA: Indian Network for climate change assessment.

10. Das, P.J., Dadul Chutiya, and Nirupam Hazarika. 2009. Adjusting to Floods on
the Brahmaputra Plains, Assam. Aranayak, Assam. Published by International
Centre for integrated mountain development, Nepal Department of
Environment and Forests (DEF), 2002. Draft Assam Forest Policy.

11. Documentation on past disasters, their impact, measures taken, vulnerable

areas in Assam. 2005- Administrative staff college report.

12. Economic Survey of Assam 2003-2004. Available from: Irrigation.htm.

13. Forest Survey of India. 2005. State of the Forest Report. Available from sfr_2005.htm.

14. FSI, 2009. State of Forest Report, 2009. Forest Survey of India (FSI), Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of India.

15. Brahmaputra Board: Chapter 20 - Report of Brahmaputra Board, Ministry of
Water resources. Accessed online from: Annual
report Accessed on 15th February, 2011

16. India: Multi tranche financing facility - Assam integrated flood and river bank
erosion risk management investment program. 2010. Facility Administration
Manual, Asian Development Bank.

17. IPCC, 2007: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of
Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M.
Marquis, K.B. Avery, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Chapter 11. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 996 pp.

18. Kieberger, S, Johnson, A.F., Zeil, P., Hutton, C., Lang, S. Clark, M. 2009 -
BRAHMATWINN International Symposium, Nov 9, 2009, Kathmandu, Nepal.

19. Kumar, B.B. 2006. Illegal Migration Bangladesh - Concept publishing company.

20. Mahanta. C, Pathak, N and Dutta, U. 2007. Water hazards in the Indo-Tibetan
Brahmaputra basin: A regional climate change impact perspective -
Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 9).

21. Mendelsohn, R., A. Dinar and L. Williams. 2006. The Distributional Impact of
Climate Change on Rich and Poor Countries. Environment and Development
Economics 11: 159-178.

22. Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region & North Eastern Council. 2008.
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