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XI.T.1 • SAN PEDRO V. HON. ASPALA, G.R. NO. 164560, JULY P50,000.00. A Motion for Reconsideration of the Decision was
22, 2009 FAITH RAVENS filed by petitioners, but was denied in an Order dated July 3,
Petitioners then filed with the Court of Appeals another petition
The settled rule is that appeals from judgments or final orders or for certiorari, insisting that both the MeTC and RTC acted with
resolutions of the CA should be by a verified petition for review grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
on certiorari, as provided for under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules jurisdiction by not ordering the dismissal of the complaint for
of Civil Procedure. Accion Reivindicatoria, for lack of jurisdiction over the same. In
the assailed CA Resolution dated September 15, 2003, the CA
dismissed the petition outright, holding that certiorari was not
LONG DIGEST available to petitioners as they should have availed themselves of
the remedy of appeal. Petitioners' motion for reconsideration of
Facts: the resolution of dismissal was denied per Resolution dated June
1, 2004.
Sometime in July 2001, private respondents, heirs of spouses
Apolonio and Valeriana Dionisio, filed with the Metropolitan Trial Issue:
Court (MeTC) of Quezon City, Branch 42, a Complaint against
herein petitioners and Wood Crest Residents Association, Inc., for Whether the petition for certiorari should be entertained?
Accion Reivindicatoria, Quieting of Title and Damages, with
Prayer for Preliminary Mandatory Injunction. Private
respondents alleged that subject property located in Batasan Ruling: NO
Hills, Quezon City, with an assessed value of P32,100.00, was
titled in the name of spouses Apolonio and Valeriana Dionisio; The present Petition for Certiorari is doomed and should not
but petitioners, with malice and evident bad faith, claimed that have been entertained from the very beginning.
they were the owners of a parcel of land that encompasses and
covers subject property. Private respondents had allegedly been The settled rule is that appeals from judgments or final orders or
prevented from entering, possessing and using subject property. resolutions of the CA should be by a verified petition for review
It was further alleged in the Complaint that petitioners' Transfer on certiorari, as provided for under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules
Certificate of Title over their alleged property was spurious. of Civil Procedure. Thus, in Pasiona, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, the
Private respondents then prayed that they be declared the sole Court expounded as follows:
and absolute owners of the subject property; that petitioners be
ordered to surrender possession of subject property to them;
that petitioners and Wood Crest and/or its members be ordered
to pay actual and moral damages, and attorney's fees. The aggrieved party is proscribed
from assailing a decision or final order of the
CA via Rule 65, because such recourse is
Petitioners, for their part, filed a Motion to Dismiss said proper only if the party has no plain, speedy
complaint on the ground that the MeTC had no jurisdiction over and adequate remedy in the course of law. In
the subject matter of the action, as the subject of litigation was this case, petitioner had an adequate remedy,
incapable of pecuniary estimation. namely, a petition for review on certiorari
under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. A petition
The MeTC then issued an Order dated July 4, 2002 denying the for review on certiorari, not a special civil
motion to dismiss, ruling that, under Batas Pambansa (B.P.) Blg. action for certiorari was, therefore, the correct
129, as amended, the MeTC had exclusive original jurisdiction remedy.
over actions involving title to or possession of real property of
small value. xxxx

Petitioners' Motion for Reconsideration of said Order dated July Settled is the rule that where appeal
4, 2002 was denied. is available to the aggrieved party, the special
civil action for certiorari will not be
entertained remedies of appeal and certiorari
Petitioners assailed the aforementioned Order by filing a petition are mutually exclusive, not alternative or
for certiorari with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City, successive. Hence, certiorari is not and cannot
Branch 87. However, in its Decision dated March 10, 2003, the be a substitute for a lost appeal, especially if
RTC dismissed the petition, finding no grave abuse of discretion one's own negligence or error in one's choice
on the part of the MeTC Presiding Judge. The RTC sustained the of remedy occasioned such loss or lapse. One
MeTC ruling, stating that, in accordance with Section 33(3) of of the requisites of certiorari is that there be
Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7691, amending B.P. Blg. 129, the MeTC no available appeal or any plain, speedy and
had jurisdiction over the complaint for Accion Reivindicatoria, as adequate remedy. Where an appeal was
it involves recovery of ownership and possession of real property available, as in this case, certiorari will not
located in Quezon City, with an assessed value not exceeding prosper, even if the ground therefor is grave
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  1

abuse of discretion. Petitioner's resort to this Whether the petition for certiorari should be entertained?
Court by Petition for Certiorari was a fatal
procedural error, and the instant petition Ruling: NO
must, therefore, fail.
The present Petition for Certiorari is doomed and should not
have been entertained from the very beginning.
For the very same reason given above, the CA, therefore, acted
properly when it dismissed the petition for certiorari outright, on
the ground that petitioners should have resorted to the remedy The settled rule is that appeals from judgments or final orders or
of appeal instead of certiorari. Verily, the present Petition for resolutions of the CA should be by a verified petition for review
Certiorari should not have been given due course at all. on certiorari, as provided for under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules
of Civil Procedure. Thus, in Pasiona, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, the
Court expounded as follows:
Moreover, since the period for petitioners to file a petition for
review on certiorari had lapsed by the time the instant petition
was filed, the assailed CA Resolutions have attained finality. The aggrieved party is proscribed
from assailing a decision or final order of the
CA via Rule 65, because such recourse is
proper only if the party has no plain, speedy
SHORT DIGEST and adequate remedy in the course of law. In
this case, petitioner had an adequate remedy,
namely, a petition for review on certiorari
FACTS: under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. A petition
for review on certiorari, not a special civil
action for certiorari was, therefore, the correct
Sometime in July 2001, private respondents, heirs of spouses remedy. xxx
Apolonio and Valeriana Dionisio, filed with the Metropolitan Trial
Court (MeTC) of Quezon City, Branch 42, a Complaint against For the very same reason given above, the CA, therefore, acted
herein petitioners and Wood Crest Residents Association, Inc., for properly when it dismissed the petition for certiorari outright, on
Accion Reivindicatoria, Quieting of Title and Damages, with the ground that petitioners should have resorted to the remedy
Prayer for Preliminary Mandatory Injunction. of appeal instead of certiorari. Verily, the present Petition for
Certiorari should not have been given due course at all.

Petitioners, for their part, filed a Motion to Dismiss said

complaint on the ground that the MeTC had no jurisdiction over Moreover, since the period for petitioners to file a petition for
the subject matter of the action, as the subject of litigation was review on certiorari had lapsed by the time the instant petition
incapable of pecuniary estimation. was filed, the assailed CA Resolutions have attained finality.

The MeTC then issued an Order dated July 4, 2002 denying the
motion to dismiss, ruling that, under Batas Pambansa (B.P.) Blg. CAMUTIN V. SPOUSES POTENTE, G.R. NO. 181642, JANUARY
129, as amended, the MeTC had exclusive original jurisdiction 29, 2009 HIYAS
over actions involving title to or possession of real property of
small value.
Petitioners assailed the aforementioned Order by filing a petition Camutin et al owned a parcels of land. Respondents
for certiorari with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City, house and warehouse were erected on the subject lots. Hence, the
Branch 87. However, in its Decision dated March 10, 2003, the parties entered into agreement to pay petitioners a P1,000.00
RTC dismissed the petition, finding no grave abuse of discretion monthly rental starting 1 January 1998 for the use of the lots.
on the part of the MeTC Presiding Judge. They also agreed that should the properties be sold, respondents
would have the right of first refusal and should respondents be
Petitioners then filed with the Court of Appeals another petition unable to purchase the properties, they would peacefully vacate
for certiorari, insisting that both the MeTC and RTC acted with the premises.
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of However, respondents failed and refused to pay the
jurisdiction by not ordering the dismissal of the complaint for agreed rentals. Neither were they able to purchase the lots.
Accion Reivindicatoria, for lack of jurisdiction over the same. In Consequently, petitioners sold a portion of the lots to a third
the assailed CA Resolution dated September 15, 2003, the CA party who had it fenced.
dismissed the petition outright, holding that certiorari was not
available to petitioners as they should have availed themselves of After the fence was erected, respondents in October
the remedy of appeal. 2006 filed a complaint for partition against petitioners and the
buyer of the properties before the RTC of Trece Martires City.
Issue: Respondents claimed they had a right over one-half of the
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  2

property by virtue of the acknowledgment of rights allegedly RULING:

executed by petitioners deceased mother in 9 June 1970. NO. The petition should be dismissed for being moot and
Petitioners filed on 12 October 2006 a complaint with
the barangay, the parties agreed to wait for the outcome of the Certiorari is an extraordinary remedy available only
17 October 2006 hearing on the case for partition before the RTC. when there is no appeal, nor any plain, speedy, and adequate
remedy in the ordinary course of law.2 While a petition for
certiorari is not allowed against any interlocutory order issued
Petitioners filed a complaint for unlawful detainer by the court in the unlawful detainer or ejectment case,3 in the
against respondents before the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of case at bar, the filing of a petition for certiorari challenging the
Gen. Trias, Cavite. The MTC subpoenaed the members of the MTCs Orders dated 5 June 2007 and 16 August 2007 cannot be
Lupong Tagapamayapa. The Barangay Chairperson clarified that deemed a dilatory remedy resorted to by petitioners. On the
the agreement was only to wait for the result of the RTCs 17 contrary, sustaining the MTCs orders would unnecessarily and
October 2006 hearing in the case for partition and not to wait for unfairly delay the unlawful detainer case, a result contrary to the
the termination of the case altogether. The MTC thus ordered that rules objective of speedy disposition of cases. Petitioners could
the proceedings in the ejectment case be indefinitely suspended also not appeal from the orders of the MTC because these only
and archived subject to its revival upon the final resolution of ordered the indefinite suspension and archiving of the case. The
Civil Case before the RTC. case was not resolved on the merits so there is actually no
decision from which petitioners can appeal. Thus, the RTC could
Petitioners filed a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 have validly ruled on the petition for certiorari instead of
with the RTC of Trece Martires City. Respondents filed a motion dismissing it on the ground that it is a prohibited pleading.
to dismiss thereto, alleging that the petition for certiorari is a
prohibited pleading. The RTC granted the motion to dismiss. However, the MTCs revival of the unlawful detainer case and its
subsequent dismissal thereof on the grounds aforestated have
Hence, petitioners have come before the SC arguing that rendered the resolution of the present petition for review
the RTC erred in dismissing the petition for certiorari and that superfluous and unnecessary. In their petition for review,
the MTC likewise erred in suspending the proceedings in the case petitioners seek the nullification of the RTCs orders and the
for unlawful detainer until the final resolution of Civil Case No. subsequent recall of the MTCs orders suspending the
TMSCA-0023-06 before the RTC. proceedings in the unlawful detainer case and archiving it. The
suspension of the unlawful detainer case has apparently been
lifted and the case has been decided. There is thus no more need
for the Court to decide the present petition on the merits.
RESPONDENT’S ARGUMENT: 1] First, petitioners have availed
of the wrong remedy. Since the assailed Order dated 23 January WHEREFORE, the petition for review is DENIED for
2008 was rendered by the RTC in the exercise of its original being moot and academic.
jurisdiction, respondents argue that the correct mode of review is
an appeal to the Court of Appeals under Sec. 2(a), Rule 41 of the Quick digest.
Rules of Court. Second, the petition raises questions of fact, not of Petitioners X et al. owned a parcel of land which Sps. Y erected
law, as petitioners seek a review and reexamination of the their house and warehouse on the said lots. They both entered
testimony of the Barangay Chairperson. Third, petitioners into an agreement that 1.) respondent will payy monthly rentals,
ignored the rule on the hierarchy of courts for no apparent 2.) respondents will be preferred when lots will be sold and 3.)
reason. And lastly, the petition is patently bereft of merit. should respondent failed to buy the lots, they must leave the
Petitioners assert that the MTC has already made a finding of fact premises peacefully. HOWEVER, Sps. Y failed to fulfill their
that there was an agreement between the parties to await the agreement. The lots were then sold to a third person.
resolution of the case for partition before the RTC. In ordering
the stay of the proceedings in the unlawful detainer case, the MTC Because of this, Sps. Y filed a complaint for partition against
merely ordered the implementation of the agreement between petitioners and the buyer of the properties before the RTC of
the parties. Trece Martires City. Subsequently, petitioners filed a complaint
before the barangay. They both agreed to wait for the resolution
The MTC, in its Joint Order dated 24 November 2008, gave of RTC.
due course to the notice of appeal and also ordered the
elevation of the records of the case to the RTC.

Whether the petitioner’s petition for certiorari will prosper?

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Petitioners then filed before the MTC an unlawful detainer case appeal for lack of merit.Without filing a motion for
against respondents before MTC Cavite. The MTC thus ordered reconsideration with the NLRC, petitioner went to the Court of
that the proceedings in the ejectment case be indefinitely Appeals (CA) via a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the
suspended and archived subject to its revival upon the final Rules of Court. The CA dismissed the petition due to petitioner's
resolution of Civil Case before the RTC. non-filing of a motion for reconsideration with the NLRC.
Hence, Petitioners filed a petition for certiorari before RTC. The
latter dismissed it. Thus, the petition was elevated to the SC. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but it was
During the filing of the petition, the MTC gave due course to the nonetheless denied by the CA. Hence, the present recourse under
notice of appeal and also ordered the elevation of the Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
records of the case to the RTC.
ISSUE: same.
Whether or not a prior motion for reconsideration is
RULING: same. indispensable for the filing of a petition for certiorari under Rule
65 of the Rules of Court with the CA.
SIM V. NLRC, G.R. NO. 157376, OCTOBER 2, 2007 CABUENAS

In this case, YES.

Under Rule 65, the remedy of filing a special civil action
The remedy of filing a special civil action for certiorari is
for certiorari is available only when there is no appeal; or any
available only when there is no appeal; or any plain, speedy, and
plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. A "plain" and
law.A "plain" and "adequate remedy" is a motion for
"adequate remedy" is a motion for reconsideration of the assailed
reconsideration of the assailed order or resolution, the filing of
order or resolution, the filing of which is an indispensable
which is an indispensable condition to the filing of a special civil
condition to the filing of a special civil action for certiorari. This is
action for certiorari.This is to give the lower court the
to give the lower court the opportunity to correct itself.
opportunity to correct itself.
To dispense with the requirement of filing a motion for
reconsideration, petitioner must show a concrete, compelling, There are, of course, exceptions to the foregoing rule, to wit:
and valid reason for doing so.
(a) where the order is a patent nullity, as where the
LONG DIGEST court a quo has no jurisdiction;
(b) where the questions raised in
Corazon Sim (petitioner) filed a case for illegal dismissal with the the certiorari proceedings have been duly raised and
Labor Arbiter, alleging that she was initially employed by passed upon by the lower court, or are the same as
Equitable PCI-Bank (respondent) in 1990 as Italian Remittance those raised and passed upon in the lower court;
Marketing Consultant to the Frankfurt Representative Office.
Eventually, she was promoted to Manager position, until (c) where there is an urgent necessity for the resolution
September 1999, when she received a letter informing her that of the question and any further delay would prejudice
she was being dismissed due to loss of trust and confidence the interests of the Government or of the petitioner or
based on alleged mismanagement and misappropriation of funds. the subject matter of the action is perishable;

Petitioner does not deny having withdrawn the amount of

(d) where, under the circumstances, a motion for
P3,000,000.00 lire from the bank's account. She submits that she
reconsideration would be useless;
used said amount for the Radio Pilipinassa Roma radio program
of the company. However, respondent countered that at the time
she withdrew said amount, the radio program was already off the (e) where petitioner was deprived of due process and
air. there is extreme urgency for relief;

Labor Arbiter rendered its Decision dismissing the case for want (f) where, in a criminal case, relief from an order of
of jurisdiction and/or lack of merit.According to the Labor arrest is urgent and the granting of such relief by the
Arbiter, since complainant was hired and assigned in a foreign trial court is improbable;
land, although by a Philippine Corporation, it follows that the law
that govern their relationship is the law of the place where the
(g) where the proceedings in the lower court are a
employment was executed and her place of work or assignment.
nullity for lack of due process;

On appeal, the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)

(h) where the proceeding was ex parte or in which the
affirmed the Labor Arbiter's Decision and dismissed petitioner's
petitioner had no opportunity to object; and
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  4

(i) where the issue raised is one purely of law or public Rules of Court. The CA dismissed the petition due to petitioner's
interest is involved.10 non-filing of a motion for reconsideration with the NLRC.

Petitioner, however, failed to qualify her case as among the few Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but it was
exceptions. In fact, the Court noted that the petition filed before nonetheless denied by the CA. Hence, the present recourse under
the CA failed to allege any reason why a motion for Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
reconsideration was dispensed with by petitioner. It was only in
her motion for reconsideration of the CA's resolution of dismissal Issue:
and in the petition filed in this case that petitioner justified her
Whether or not a prior motion for reconsideration is
non-filing of a motion for reconsideration. . The legality of
indispensable for the filing of a petition for certiorari under Rule
petitioner's dismissal hinges on the question of whether there
65 of the Rules of Court with the CA.
was an employer-employee relationship, which was denied by
respondent; and, if in the affirmative, whether petitioner, indeed,
committed a breach of trust and confidence justifying her
dismissal. These are mixed questions of fact and law and, as such, In this case, YES.
do not fall within the exception from the filing of a motion for
Under Rule 65, the remedy of filing a special civil action
It must be emphasized that a writ of certiorari is a prerogative for certiorari is available only when there is no appeal; or any
writ, never demandable as a matter of right, never issued except plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.
in the exercise of judicial discretion. Hence, he who seeks a writ A "plain" and "adequate remedy" is a motion for reconsideration
of certiorari must apply for it only in the manner and strictly in of the assailed order or resolution, the filing of which is an
accordance with the provisions of the law and the Rules. indispensable condition to the filing of a special civil action
for certiorari. This is to give the lower court the opportunity to
To dispense with the requirement of filing a motion for correct itself.
reconsideration, petitioner must show a concrete,
compelling, and valid reason for doing so, which petitioner There are, of course, some exceptions to the foregoing rule.
failed to do. However, X, failed to qualify her case as among the few
exceptions. In fact, the Court noted that the petition filed before
In any event, since the CA did not commit any error in dismissing the CA failed to allege any reason why a motion for
the petition before it for failure to file a prior motion for reconsideration was dispensed with by petitioner.
reconsideration with the NLRC, and considering that the Labor
Arbiter and the NLRC's factual findings as regards the validity of
To dispense with the requirement of filing a motion for
petitioner's dismissal are accorded great weight and respect and
reconsideration, petitioner must show a concrete,
even finality when the same are supported by substantial
compelling, and valid reason for doing so, which petitioner
evidence, the Court finds no compelling reason to relax the rule
failed to do.
on the filing of a motion for reconsideration prior to the filing of a
petition for certiorari.

Facts: Principle/s:

X (petitioner) filed a case for illegal dismissal with the Labor * The writ of prohibition is one which commands the person to
Arbiter, alleging that she was illegalydismissed due to loss of whom it is directed not to do something which he is about to do.
trust and confidence based on alleged mismanagement and If the thing is already done, it is obvious that the writ of
misappropriation of funds. prohibition cannot undo it, for that would require an affirmative
act, and the only effect of a writ of prohibition is to suspend all
X does not deny having withdrawn the amount of P3,000,000.00 action, and to prevent any further proceeding in the prohibited
lire from the bank's account. She submits that she used said direction. In other words, prohibition is a preventive remedy to
amount for the Radio Pilipinassa Roma radio program of the restrain future action. Prohibition, as a rule, does not lie to
company. However, Y (respondent) countered that at the time restrain an act that is already a fait accompli.
she withdrew said amount, the radio program was already off the
air. * A case is moot and academic when there is no more actual
controversy between the parties or no useful purpose can be
Labor Arbiter dismissed the case for want of jurisdiction and/or served in passing upon the merits.
lack of merit. On appeal, the National Labor Relations
Commission (NLRC) affirmed the Labor Arbiter's Decision and LONG DIGEST
dismissed petitioner's appeal for lack of merit. Without filing a
motion for reconsideration with the NLRC, X went to the Court of
Appeals (CA) via a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  5


A Petition for Prohibition seeking to prevent respondents form with certainty and praying that judgment be rendered
implementing President Gloria M. Arroyo's EO # 453, dated commanding the respondent to desist from further proceedings
August 19, 2005 “CREATING A CONSULTATIVE COMMISSION TO in the action or matter specified therein, or otherwise granting
PROPOSE THE REVISION OF THE 1987 CONSTITUTION ON such incidental reliefs as law and justice may require.
It is evident that the writ of prohibition is one which commands
Section 1: Creation and Mandate. xxx For this purpose, the the person to whom it is directed not to do something which he is
Consultative Commission shall review existing and new about to do. If the thing is already done, it is obvious that the writ
Constitutional reform proposals and hold nationwide of prohibition cannot undo it, for that would require an
consultations with various sectors of society, such as farmers, affirmative act, and the only effect of a writ of prohibition is to
fishermen, workers, students, lawyers, professionals, business, suspend all action, and to prevent any further proceeding in the
military, academic, ethnic, and other similar groups, including the prohibited direction. In other words, prohibition is a preventive
different leagues of Local Government Units and members of remedy to restrain future action. Prohibition, as a rule, does not
Congress and the Judiciary lie to restrain an act that is already a fait accompli.

Aftetwards, GMA designated 50 persons which she amended to A case is moot and academic when there is no more actual
55 from various sectors of society to sit as members of the controversy between the parties or no useful purpose can be
Consultative Commission. The Consultative Commission held its served in passing upon the merits. As a general rule, courts of
first formal meeting and elected its officers. Jose V. Abueva, justice are constituted to pass upon substantial rights.
former President of UP was elected Chairman. Immediately
thereafter, the Consultative Commission conducted its first In this case, the Consultative Commission has been dissolved. The
plenary session. Beginning Oct. 10, 2005, the different instant petition has been overtaken by subsequent events. The
committees of the Commission conducted several public hearings Consultative Commission is now defunct. Hence, there is no
and consultative meetings in the cities of Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, longer any issue to be resolved by this Court. This case has
Davao, Iloilo, Puerto Princesa, Tacloban, and Zamboanga. become moot and academic. Hence, they will not consider
questions which are moot, as the resolution of the same will have
On October 13, 2005, lawyers Petitioners filed with the SC the no practical use or value.
instant petition for prohibition in their capacity as Filipino
citizens and taxpayers. They alleged that under Article XVII of the SHORT DIGEST:
Constitution, President Macapagal-Arroyo has no authority to
participate in the process to amend or revise the Constitution. Petitioners X filed an instant petition for Writ of Prohibition
Likewise, she has no power to create a Consultative Commission against Pres. GMA's EO # 453: Creating a Consultative body for
to study and propose amendments and allocate public funds for the Revision of the 1987 Constitution. Thereafter, the
its operation. Consultative Commission submitted to the President its report
recommending changes in the charter. Then the Consultative
On December 16, 2005, the Consultative Commission submitted Commission ceased to exist.
to the President its report recommending changes in the charter.
Then the Consultative Commission ceased to exist. Rule on whether the Supreme Court would still grant the
petitioners Motion For Writ of Prohibition the fact that the
Issue: Consultative Commission no longer exist.

Whether or not the Supreme Court would still grant the Held.
petitioners Motion For Writ of Prohibition the fact that the
Consultative Commission no longer exist. No. There is no longer any issue to be resolved, because the case
has become moot and academic. Under Section 2, Rule 65 of the
Held: 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, it is evident that the writ of
prohibition is one which commands the person to whom it is
No. There is no longer any issue to be resolved. The case has directed not to do something which he is about to do. If the thing
become moot and academic. is already done, it is obvious that the writ of prohibition cannot
undo it, for that would require an affirmative act, and the only
Under Section 2, Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as effect of a writ of prohibition is to suspend all action, and to
amended, provides: prevent any further proceeding in the prohibited direction. In
other words, prohibition is a preventive remedy to restrain
SEC. 2. Petition for prohibition. – When the proceedings of any future action. Prohibition, as a rule, does not lie to restrain an act
tribunal, corporation, board, officer, or person, whether that is already a fait accompli.
exercising judicial, quasi-judicial, or ministerial functions, are
without or in excess of its or his jurisdiction, or with grave abuse A case is moot and academic when there is no more actual
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and controversy between the parties or no useful purpose can be
there is no appeal or any other plain, speedy, and adequate served in passing upon the merits. As a general rule, courts of
remedy in the ordinary course of law, a person aggrieved thereby justice are constituted to pass upon substantial rights.
may file a verified petition in the proper court, alleging the facts
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  6

In this case, the Consultative Commission has been dissolved. The observations made by the SAT appeared in the newspaper Manila
instant petition has been overtaken by subsequent events. The Times, resulting in the refusal of GSIS management to attend the
Consultative Commission is now defunct. Hence, there is no SAT's exit conference. GSIS filed with COA a "Petition/Request to
longer any issue to be resolved by this Court. This case has nullify Special Audit Report dated 29 March 2005 on selected
become moot and academic. Hence, they will not consider transactions of the GSIS for CY 2000 to 2004." Also, GSIS filed
questions which are moot, as the resolution of the same will have with CA Petition for Prohibition to which CA grants a 60-day TRO.
no practical use or value. A Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition was filed assailing CA’s
decision granting the preliminary injunction .
V. COURT OF APPEALS, G.R. NO. 174788, 11 APRIL 2013 SAT’s Contention:
CANETE LUVERNIE -That CA acted with grave abuse of discretion when it granted the
preliminary injunction.
A Rule 65 petition for prohibition can only be aimed at judicial, -CA had no jurisdiction to rule on the validity or correctness of
quasi-judicial, and ministerial functions. COA was not exercising the findings and recommendations of the SAT because of the
judicial, quasi-judicial, or ministerial functions when it issued doctrines of primary jurisdiction and exhaustion of
LAO Order No. 2004-093. Ministerial acts do not require administrative remedies. Additionally, judicial review over the
discretion or the exercise of judgment, but only the performance COA is vested exclusively in the Supreme Court.
of a duty pursuant to a given state of facts in the manner
prescribed. The Order obviously involved discretion, in both the - SAT's special audit has basis in law.
choice of the personnel and the powers/functions to be given
them. Since the issuance of the LAO Order assailed was not GSIS’ Contention:
characterized by any of the three functions, then it follows that - the need for an injunction was urgent, since the SAT's
the GSIS chose the wrong remedy. Moreover, "where it is the supervisor had said that notices for disallowance were
Government which is being enjoined from implementing an available at the COA's Records Division.
issuance which enjoys the presumption of validity, such - Petition for Prohibition satisfies the legal and
discretion [to enjoin] must be exercised with utmost caution. procedural requirements
Facts: - CA has the power to prohibit the conduct of special
audit and the issuance of notices of disallowance
COA created the SAT under Legal and Adjudication Office - special audit does not have statutory basis
(LAO) Order No. 2004-093, which was issued by COA Assistant - that it is only the regular auditor who can conduct such
Commissioner and General Counsel Raquel R. Ramirez-Habitan. audits and issue disallowances; that it is only the
Tasked to conduct a special audit of specific GSIS transactions, commissioner of COA who can delegate this power; and
the SAT had the avowed purpose of conducting a special audit of that GSIS would suffer grave and irreparable injury,
those transactions for the years 2000 to 2004. Accordingly, the should the SAT implement the latter's report.
SAT immediately initiated a conference with GSIS management ISSUES:
and requested copies of pertinent auditable documents, which
the latter initially agreed to furnish. However, due to the 1. Whether or not a petition for prohibition may be aimed on a
objection of GSIS to the actions of SAT during the conference, the nonministerial function.
request went unheeded. This prompted the latter to issue a HELD:
subpoena duces tecum. A No.

In response to the subpoena, the GSIS, through its President and

COA itself has a mechanism for parties who are aggrieved by its
General Manager Winston F. Garcia, replied that while it did
actions and are seeking redress directly from the commission
recognize the authority of COA to constitute a team to conduct a
special audit, that team should not be the SAT, whose members
were biased, partial, and hostile. The then-COA Chairperson
Guillermo N. Carague denied the request of GSIS on account of Section 48 of Presidential Decree No. 1445
the restructuring of the commission under COA Resolution 2002-
005, which formed the basis for the SAT's creation. However, Appeal from decision of auditors. Any person aggrieved
through a subsequent letter of Atty. Claro B. Flores and Atty. Nelo by the decision of an auditor of any government agency
B. Gellaco, the GSIS alleged that the SAT's creation was not in the settlement of an account or claim may within six
supported by COA Resolution 2002-005, which was without force months from receipt of a copy of the decision appeal in
and effect. writing to the Commission.

GSIS alleged that 1987 Constitution did not give COA the power
Additionally, Rule V, Section 1 of the 1997 COA Rules
to reorganize itself.
Due to continued refusal of GSIS to cooperate, the team was
constrained to employ "alternative audit procedures" by An aggrieved party may appeal from an order or
gathering documents from the Office of the Auditor of GSIS, the decision or ruling rendered by the Auditor embodied in
House of Representatives, and others. Some of the audit a report, memorandum, letter, notice of disallowances
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  7

and charges, Certificate of Settlement and Balances, to credibility of witnesses, the existence and relevancy of specific
the Director who has jurisdiction over the agency under surrounding circumstances as well as their relation to each other
audit. hanroblesvirtualawlibrary and to the whole, and the probability of the situation.
Rule VI, Section 1, continues the linear procedure, to wit: The True enough, questions of fact require evidentiary processes, the
party aggrieved by a final order or decision of the Director may "calibration of the evidence, the credibility of the witnesses, the
appeal to the Commission Proper. hanroblesvirtualawlibrary existence and the relevance of surrounding circumstances, and
the probability of specific situations," especially "if the query
requires x x x the existence or relevance of surrounding
This discussion of the different procedures in place clearly shows circumstances and their relation to each other, the issue in that
that an administrative remedy was indeed available. To allow a query is factual." Generally, these questions of fact cannot be
premature invocation of Rule 65 would subvert these decided by a petition for prohibition under Rule 65, because the
administrative provisions, unless they fall under the established rule applies to jurisdictional flaws brought about by lack, excess,
exceptions to the general rule, some of which are as or grave abuse of discretion.
The failure to fulfill the requirements of Rule 65 disallows the CA
1) when the question raised is purely legal;cralawlibrary from taking due course of the Petition; otherwise appeals and
motions for reconsideration would be rendered meaningless.
2) when the administrative body is in estoppel;cralawlibrary
COA was not exercising judicial, quasi-judicial, or ministerial
3) when the act complained of is patently illegal;cralawlibrary functions when it issued LAO Order No. 2004-093.

4) when there is urgent need for judicial By virtue of Section 40 of Presidential Decree No. 1445 in relation
intervention;cralawlibrary to Item III.A.6 of COA Memorandum 2002-053, the team shall
have the authority to administer oaths, take testimony, summon
witnesses and compel the production of documents by
5) when the claim involved is small;cralawlibrary compulsory processes in all matters relevant to this
audit/investigation. x x x. An
6) when irreparable damage will be suffered;cralawlibrary
This was obviously not an exercise of judicial power, which is
7) when there is no other plain, speedy and adequate constitutionally vested in the Supreme Court and such other
remedy;cralawlibrary courts as may be established by law. Neither was it an exercise of
quasi-judicial power, as administrative agencies exercise it "to
8) when strong public interest is involved;cralawlibrary hear and determine questions of fact to which the legislative
policy is to apply and to decide in accordance with the standards
laid down by the law itself in enforcing and administering the
9) when the subject of the controversy is private same law." The Court has made this point clear:cry

In carrying out their quasi-judicial functions, the

10) in quo warranto proceedings. nroblesvirtualawlibrary administrative officers or bodies are required to
investigate facts or ascertain the existence of facts, hold
GSIS claims that its case falls within the exceptions, because (a) hearings, weigh evidence, and draw conclusions from
the SAT supervisor has threatened to issue notices of them as basis for their official action and exercise of
disallowance; (b) GSIS did nothing to stop the threatened discretion in a judicial nature. ha
issuances or the public appearances of the SAT supervisor; (c)
the petition/request filed with the COA has not been acted upon Issuing the order was not ministerial, because it required the
as of date; (d) GSIS was denied due process because SAT had exercise of discretion. Ministerial acts do not require discretion
acted with partiality and bias; and (e) the special audit was or the exercise of judgment, but only the performance of a duty
illegal, arbitrary, or oppressive, having been done without or in pursuant to a given state of facts in the manner prescribed. The
excess or in grave abuse of discretion. Order obviously involved discretion, in both the choice of the
chanroblesvirtualawlibrary personnel and the powers/functions to be given them.
All of these claims are baseless. First, a threat to issue a notice of A Rule 65 petition for prohibition can only be aimed at judicial,
disallowance is speculative, absent actual proof. Moreover, even quasi-judicial, and ministerial functions. Since the issuance of the
if the threat were real, it would not fall under any of the LAO Order assailed was not characterized by any of the three
exceptions, because the COA rules provide an adequate remedy functions, as shown supra, then it follows that the GSIS chose the
to dispute a notice of disallowance. wrong remedy. Moreover, "where it is the Government which is
being enjoined from implementing an issuance which enjoys the
presumption of validity, such discretion [to enjoin] must be
A question of fact exists when the doubt or difference arises as to exercised with utmost caution.
the truth or falsehood of facts or when the query invites
calibration of the whole evidence considering mainly the
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  8

The Constitution grants the COA the exclusive authority to define No.
the scope of its audit and examination, and establish the
techniques and methods therefor. Pursuant to this authority, COA COA was not exercising judicial, quasi-judicial, or ministerial
Memorandum No. 2002-053 was promulgated, giving the General functions when it issued LAO Order No. 2004-093.
Counsel the authority to deputize a special audit team
By virtue of Section 40 of Presidential Decree No. 1445 in relation
Once again, the Court must remind the parties to judicial disputes to Item III.A.6 of COA Memorandum 2002-053, the team shall
to adhere to the standards for litigation as set by procedural have the authority to administer oaths, take testimony, summon
rules. These rules exist primarily for the benefit of litigants, in witnesses and compel the production of documents by
order to afford them both speedy and appropriate relief from a compulsory processes in all matters relevant to this
body duly authorized by law to dispense the remedy. If a litigant audit/investigation. x x x. An
prematurely invokes the jurisdiction of a court, then the potential
result might be a deafening silence. Although we recognize that
justice delayed is justice denied, we must also bear in mind that This was obviously not an exercise of judicial power, which is
justice in haste is justice defiled. constitutionally vested in the Supreme Court and such other
courts as may be established by law. Neither was it an exercise of
quasi-judicial power, as administrative agencies exercise it "to
Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition is GRANTED. CA resolution hear and determine questions of fact to which the legislative
is annulled. policy is to apply and to decide in accordance with the standards
laid down by the law itself in enforcing and administering the
SHORT DIGEST: same law." The Court has made this point clear:cry

Facts: In carrying out their quasi-judicial functions, the

administrative officers or bodies are required to
Special Audit Team(SAT ) was created by COA Legal and investigate facts or ascertain the existence of facts, hold
Adjudication Office (LAO) Order No. 2004-093 and Tasked to hearings, weigh evidence, and draw conclusions from
conduct a special audit of specific GSIS transactions for the years them as basis for their official action and exercise of
2000 to 2004. GSIS agreed to provide documents as requested by discretion in a judicial nature. ha
SAT but GSIS failed to furnished . SAT issued a subpoena duces
tecum. In reply, GSIS President, Winston Garcia did not recognize Issuing the order was not ministerial, because it required the
the authority of COA to constitute a team to conduct a special exercise of discretion. Ministerial acts do not require discretion
audit and argued that the 1987 Constitution did not give COA the or the exercise of judgment, but only the performance of a duty
power to reorganize itself. pursuant to a given state of facts in the manner prescribed. The
Order obviously involved discretion, in both the choice of the
With the continued refusal of GSIS to cooperate, SAT was personnel and the powers/functions to be given them.
constrained to employ "alternative audit procedures" by A Rule 65 petition for prohibition can only be aimed at judicial,
gathering documents from the Office of the Auditor of GSIS, the quasi-judicial, and ministerial functions. Since the issuance of the
House of Representatives, and others. Meanwhile, some of the LAO Order assailed was not characterized by any of the three
audit observations made by the SAT appeared in the newspaper functions, as shown supra, then it follows that the GSIS chose the
Manila Times, resulting in the refusal of GSIS management to wrong remedy. Moreover, "where it is the Government which is
attend the SAT's exit conference. being enjoined from implementing an issuance which enjoys the
presumption of validity, such discretion [to enjoin] must be
exercised with utmost caution.
GSIS filed with COA a "Petition/Request to nullify Special Audit
Report. Also, GSIS filed with the Court of Appeals a Petition for The Constitution grants the COA the exclusive authority to define
Prohibition against SAT of COA with a prayer for the issuance of a the scope of its audit and examination, and establish the
temporary restraining order (TRO), a writ of preliminary techniques and methods therefor. Pursuant to this authority, COA
prohibitory injunction, and a writ of prohibition. CA granted a 60- Memorandum No. 2002-053 was promulgated, giving the General
day TRO on 23 September 2005. A motion for reconsideration Counsel the authority to deputize a special audit team
was filed but denied on 9 August 2006.
PEFIANCO V. MORAL, G.R. NO. 132248, JANUARY 19, 2000
A Petition was filed to seek to nullify both the 23 September 2005 DUYONGCO
and the 9 August 2006 CA Resolutions and to prohibit the CA
from proceeding to decide the case. PRINCIPLE: It is settled that mandamus is employed to compel
the performance, when refused, of a ministerial duty, this being
ISSUE: its main objective.

WON a a petition for prohibition may be aimed on a [G.R. No. 132248. January 19, 2000]
nonministerial function
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  9

DECS Secretary Ricardo T. Gloria filed a complaint against cavalier disposition often creates difficulty and misunderstanding
respondent Maria Luisa C. Moral, then Chief Librarian, Catalog on the part of the aggrieved party in taking recourse therefrom
Division, of the National Library for dishonesty, grave misconduct and likewise on the higher court called upon to resolve the issue,
and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service. The usually on certiorari.
DECS Investigating Committee conducted several hearings on the
complaint. Secretary Gloria issued a resolution finding The challenged Order of the trial court dated 23 April 1997 falls
respondent "guilty of the administrative offenses of dishonesty, short of the requirements prescribed in Rule 16. The Order
grave misconduct and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of merely discussed the general concept of mandamus and the trial
the service, for the commission of pilferage of historical courts jurisdiction over the rulings and actions of administrative
documents of the national library. She was ordered dismissed agencies without stating the basis why petitioners motion to
from the government service with prejudice to reinstatement and dismiss was being denied.
forfeiture of all her retirement benefits and other remunerations.
On the second issue, the nature of the remedy of mandamus has
Respondent did not appeal the judgment. been the subject of discussions in several cases. It is settled that
mandamus is employed to compel the performance, when
Respondent filed a Petition for the Production of the DECS refused, of a ministerial duty, this being its main objective. It does
Investigation Committee Report purportedly to "guide [her] on not lie to require anyone to fulfill a discretionary duty. It is
whatever action would be most appropriate to take under the essential to the issuance of a writ of mandamus that petitioner
circumstances." Her petition was, however, denied. should have a clear legal right to the thing demanded and it must
be the imperative duty of the respondent to perform the act
Unfazed, she filed a Reiteration for DECS Committee Report and required. It never issues in doubtful cases. While it may not be
DECS Resolution, which Secretary Gloria similarly denied. necessary that the duty be absolutely expressed, it must
Respondent moved for reconsideration but the motion was nevertheless be clear. The writ will not issue to compel an official
merely "noted"..As earlier stated, respondent did not appeal the to do anything which is not his duty to do or which is his duty not
Resolution dated 30 September 1996 dismissing her from the to do, or give to the applicant anything to which he is not entitled
service. Instead, she instituted an action for mandamus and by law. The writ neither confers powers nor imposes duties. It is
injunction before the regular courts against Secretary Gloria simply a command to exercise a power already possessed and to
praying that she be furnished a copy of the DECS Investigation perform a duty already imposed.
Committee Report and that the DECS Secretary be enjoined from
enforcing the order of dismissal until she received a copy of the In her petition for mandamus, respondent miserably failed to
said report. demonstrate that she has a clear legal right to the DECS
Investigation Committee Report and that it is the ministerial duty
Secretary Gloria moved to dismiss the mandamus case of petitioner DECS Secretary to furnish her with a copy thereof.
principally for lack of cause of action, but the trial court denied Consequently, she is not entitled to the writ prayed for.
his motion. Thus, he elevated the case to the Court of Appeals on
certiorari imputing grave abuse of discretion to the trial court. Primarily, respondent did not appeal to the Civil Service
The appellate court sustained the trial court and dismissed Commission the DECS resolution dismissing her from the service.
Secretary Glorias petition for lack of merit. By her failure to do so, nothing prevented the DECS resolution
from becoming final and executory. Obviously, it will serve no
His motion for reconsideration having been denied by the Court useful purpose now to compel petitioner to furnish her with a
of Appeals. Meanwhile, Secretary Gloria was replaced by copy of the investigation report.
Secretary Erlinda C. Pefianco who was thereafter substituted in
the case for Secretary Gloria. Moreover, there is no law or rule which imposes a legal duty on
petitioner to furnish respondent with a copy of the investigation
Issues: report

Whether the Court of Appeals erred in dismissing the petition for WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED.
certiorari for failure of petitioner to file a motion for
reconsideration of the order denying the motion to dismiss, and PIMENTEL, ET AL. V. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, ET AL., G.R. NO.
in holding that the trial court did not commit grave abuse of 158088, JULY 6, 2005 BELLEZA
discretion in denying the motion to dismiss.
We grant the petition. Section 3, Rule 16, of the 1997 Rules of The Court cannot issue a writ of mandamus as it is beyond its
Civil Procedure mandatorily requires that the resolution on a jurisdiction to compel the executive branch of the government to
motion to dismiss should clearly and distinctly state the reasons transmit the signed text of Rome Statute to the Senate.
Clearly, the above rule proscribes the common practice of
perfunctorily denying motions to dismiss "for lack of merit." Such

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  10


This is a petition for mandamus filed by petitioners (Senator President, the Constitution ensures a healthy system of checks
Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. who asserts his legal standing to file the and balance necessary in the nation’s pursuit of political maturity
suit as member of the Senate; Congresswoman Loretta Ann and growth.
Rosales, a member of the House of Representatives and
Chairperson of its Committee on Human Rights; the Philippine In filing this petition, the petitioners interpret Section 21, Article
Coalition for the Establishment of the International Criminal VII of the 1987 Constitution to mean that the power to ratify
Court which is composed of individuals and corporate entities treaties belongs to the Senate.
dedicated to the Philippine ratification of the Rome Statute; the
Task Force Detainees of the Philippines, a juridical entity with the We disagree.
avowed purpose of promoting the cause of human rights and Petitioners’ arguments equate the signing of the treaty by the
human rights victims in the country; the Families of Victims of Philippine representative with ratification. It should be
Involuntary Disappearances, a juridical entity duly organized and underscored that the signing of the treaty and the ratification are
existing pursuant to Philippine Laws with the avowed purpose of two separate and distinct steps in the treaty-making process. As
promoting the cause of families and victims of human rights earlier discussed, the signature is primarily intended as a means
violations in the country; Bianca Hacintha Roque and Harrison of authenticating the instrument and as a symbol of the good
Jacob Roque, aged two (2) and one (1), respectively, at the time of faith of the parties. It is usually performed by the states
filing of the instant petition, and suing under the doctrine of authorized representative in the diplomatic mission. Ratification,
inter-generational rights enunciated in the case of Oposa vs. on the other hand, is the formal act by which a state confirms and
Factoran, Jr.; and a group of fifth year working law students accepts the provisions of a treaty concluded by its representative.
from the University of the Philippines College of Law who are It is generally held to be an executive act, undertaken by the head
suing as taxpayers) to compel the Office of the Executive of the state or of the government.]
Secretary and the Department of Foreign Affairs to transmit the
signed copy of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Thus, Executive Order No. 459 issued by President Fidel V.
Court to the Senate of the Philippines for its concurrence in Ramos on November 25, 1997 provides the guidelines in the
accordance with Section 21, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution. negotiation of international agreements and its ratification. It
mandates that after the treaty has been signed by the Philippine
ISSUE: representative, the same shall be transmitted to the Department
Whether or not the Executive Secretary and the Department of of Foreign Affairs. The Department of Foreign Affairs shall then
Foreign Affairs have a ministerial duty to transmit to the Senate prepare the ratification papers and forward the signed copy of
the copy of the Rome Statute signed by a member of the the treaty to the President for ratification. After the President has
Philippine Mission to the United Nations even without the ratified the treaty, the Department of Foreign Affairs shall submit
signature of the President. the same to the Senate for concurrence. Upon receipt of the
concurrence of the Senate, the Department of Foreign Affairs
RULING: shall comply with the provisions of the treaty to render it
No. In our system of government, the President, being the head of
state, is regarded as the sole organ and authority in external Petitioners submission that the Philippines is bound under treaty
relations and is the country’s sole representative with foreign law and international law to ratify the treaty which it has signed
nations. As the chief architect of foreign policy, the President acts is without basis. The signature does not signify the final consent
as the country’s mouthpiece with respect to international affairs. of the state to the treaty. It is the ratification that binds the state
Hence, the President is vested with the authority to deal with to the provisions thereof. In fact, the Rome Statute itself requires
foreign states and governments, extend or withhold recognition, that the signature of the representatives of the states be subject
maintain diplomatic relations, enter into treaties, and otherwise to ratification, acceptance or approval of the signatory states.
transact the business of foreign relations. In the realm of treaty- Ratification is the act by which the provisions of a treaty are
making, the President has the sole authority to negotiate with formally confirmed and approved by a State. By ratifying a treaty
other states. signed in its behalf, a state expresses its willingness to be bound
by the provisions of such treaty. After the treaty is signed by the
Nonetheless, while the President has the sole authority states representative, the President, being accountable to the
to negotiate and enter into treaties, the Constitution provides a people, is burdened with the responsibility and the duty to
limitation to his power by requiring the concurrence of 2/3 of all carefully study the contents of the treaty and ensure that they are
the members of the Senate for the validity of the treaty entered not inimical to the interest of the state and its people.
into by him. Section 21, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution
provides that no treaty or international agreement shall be valid Thus, the President has the discretion even after the signing of
and effective unless concurred in by at least two-thirds of all the the treaty by the Philippine representative whether or not to
Members of the Senate. The 1935 and the 1973 Constitution also ratify the same. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
required the concurrence by the legislature to the treaties does not contemplate to defeat or even restrain this power of the
entered into by the executive. head of states. If that were so, the requirement of ratification of
treaties would be pointless and futile. It has been held that a state
The participation of the legislative branch in the treaty-making has no legal or even moral duty to ratify a treaty which has been
process was deemed essential to provide a check on the signed by its plenipotentiaries. There is no legal obligation to
executive in the field of foreign relations. By requiring the ratify a treaty, but it goes without saying that the refusal must be
concurrence of the legislature in the treaties entered into by the based on substantial grounds and not on superficial or whimsical
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  11

reasons. Otherwise, the other state would be justified in taking particular way or the retraction or reversal of an action already
offense. taken in the exercise of either.

It should be emphasized that under our Constitution, the power Facts:

to ratify is vested in the President, subject to the concurrence of
the Senate. The role of the Senate, however, is limited only to Two informations for the crime of rape and one Information for
giving or withholding its consent, or concurrence, to the the crime of acts of lasciviousness were filed against petitioners
ratification. Hence, it is within the authority of the President to Darryl Hipos, et.al before Branch 86 of the Regional Trial Court of
refuse to submit a treaty to the Senate or, having secured its Quezon City, acting as a Family Court, presided by respondent
consent for its ratification, refuse to ratify it. Although the refusal Judge Bay.
of a state to ratify a treaty which has been signed in its behalf is a
serious step that should not be taken lightly, such decision is Private complainants AAA and BBB filed a Motion for
within the competence of the President alone, which cannot be Reinvestigation asking Judge Bay to order the City Prosecutor of
encroached by this Court via a writ of mandamus. This Court has Quezon City to study if the proper Informations had been filed
no jurisdiction over actions seeking to enjoin the President in the against petitioners and their co-accused. Judge Bay granted the
performance of his official duties. The Court, therefore, cannot Motion and ordered a reinvestigation of the cases.
issue the writ of mandamus prayed for by the petitioners as it is
beyond its jurisdiction to compel the executive branch of the The Office of the City Prosecutor issued a Resolution on the
government to transmit the signed text of Rome Statute to the reinvestigation affirming the Informations filed against
Senate. petitioners and their co-accused.This was signed by Assistant
City Prosecutor Raniel Cruz.
Quick Digest:
Subsequently, Second (2nd) Assistant Prosecutor Lamberto De
Vera reversed the resolution, holding that there was lack of
Facts: This is a petition for mandamus filed by petitioners to
probable cause. On the same day, the City Prosecutor filed a
compel the Office of the Executive Secretary and the Department
Motion to Withdraw Informations before Judge Bay.
of Foreign Affairs to transmit the signed copy of the Rome Statute
of the International Criminal Court to the Senate of the Judge Bay denied the motion to withdraw the informations.
Philippines for its concurrence in accordance with Section 21,
Article VII of the 1987 Constitution. Issue:
Issue: Whether or not the Executive Secretary and the Is the petition for mandamus proper?
Department of Foreign Affairs have a ministerial duty to
transmit to the Senate the copy of the Rome Statute signed by a Rulings:
member of the Philippine Mission to the United Nations even
without the signature of the President. No. Mandamus is an extraordinary writ commanding a tribunal,
corporation, board, officer or person, immediately or at some
Ruling: It should be emphasized that under our Constitution, the other specified time, to do the act required to be done, when the
power to ratify is vested in the President, subject to the respondent unlawfully neglects the performance of an act which
concurrence of the Senate. The role of the Senate, however, is the law specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an office,
limited only to giving or withholding its consent, or concurrence, trust, or station; or when the respondent excludes another from
to the ratification. Hence, it is within the authority of the the use and enjoyment of a right or office to which the latter is
President to refuse to submit a treaty to the Senate or, having entitled, and there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy
secured its consent for its ratification, refuse to ratify it. Although in the ordinary course of law.
the refusal of a state to ratify a treaty which has been signed in its
behalf is a serious step that should not be taken lightly, such As an extraordinary writ, the remedy of mandamus lies only to
decision is within the competence of the President alone, which compel an officer to perform a ministerial duty, not a
cannot be encroached by this Court via a writ of mandamus. This discretionary one; mandamus will not issue to control the
Court has no jurisdiction over actions seeking to enjoin the exercise of discretion by a public officer where the law imposes
President in the performance of his official duties. The Court, upon him the duty to exercise his judgment in reference to any
therefore, cannot issue the writ of mandamus prayed for by the manner in which he is required to act,
petitioners as it is beyond its jurisdiction to compel the executive
branch of the government to transmit the signed text of Rome because it is his judgment that is to be exercised and not that of
Statute to the Senate. the court.4

XI.X HIPOS, SR. V. JUDGE BAY, G.R. NOS. 174813-15, MARCH In the case at bar, the act which petitioners pray that we compel
17, 2009 LIM the trial court to do is to grant the Office of the City Prosecutor’s
Motion for Withdrawal of Informations against petitioners. In
Principle: effect, petitioners seek to curb Judge Bay’s exercise of judicial
While mandamus is available to compel action on matters
involving judgment and discretion when refused, it is never There is indeed an exception to the rule that matters involving
available to direct the exercise of judgment or discretion in a judgment and discretion are beyond the reach of a writ of
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  12

mandamus, for such writ may be issued to compel action in those PHOTOKINA, thought the winning bidder cannot
matters, when refused.However, mandamus is never available to compel the COMELEC to formalize the contract. The
direct the exercise of judgment or discretion in a particular way proposed contract is not binding upon the COMELEC
or the retraction or reversal of an action already taken in the and is considered void. In issuing the questioned writs
exercise of either.6 In other words, while a judge refusing to act of mandatory and prohibitory injunction and not
on a Motion to Withdraw Informations can be compelled by dismissing Special Civil Action No.Q-01-45405,
mandamus to act on the same, he cannot be compelled to act in a respondent judge acted with grave abuse of discretion.
certain way, i.e., to grant or deny such Motion. In the case at bar,
Judge Bay did not refuse to act on the Motion to Withdraw LONG DIGEST
Informations; he had already acted on it by denying the same. Facts:
Accordingly, mandamus is not available anymore. If petitioners
believed that Judge Bay committed grave abuse of discretion in In 1996, the Philippine Congress passed Republic Act No.
the issuance of such Order denying the Motion to Withdraw 8189("Voter's Registration Act of 1996") , providing for the
Informations, the proper remedy of petitioners should have been modernization and computerization of the voters' registration
to file a Petition for Certiorari against the assailed Order of Judge list and the appropriation of funds therefor "in order to establish
Bay. a clean, complete, permanent and updated list of voters."

Petitioners’ resort to a Petition for Mandamus to compel the trial Pursuant thereto, the COMELEC promulgated Resolution
judge to grant their Motion to Withdraw Informations is No. 00-0315 approving in principle the Voter's Registration and
improper. While mandamus is available to compel action on Identification System Project (VRIS) Project for brevity). The
matters involving judgment and discretion when refused, it is VRIS Project envisions a computerized database system for the
never available to direct the exercise of judgment or discretion in May 2004 Elections.
a particular way or the retraction or reversal of an action already
On September 9, 1999, the COMELEC issued invitations to
taken in the exercise of either. The trial court, when confronted
pre-qualify and bid for the supply and installations of
with a Motion to Withdraw an Information on the ground of lack
information technology equipment and ancillary services for its
of probable cause, is not bound by the resolution of the
VRIS Project. Private respondent Photokina Marketing
prosecuting arm of the government, but is required to make an
Corporation (PHOTOKINA) pre-qualified and was allowed to
independent assessment of the merits of such motion, a
participate as one of the bidders. After the public bidding was
requirement satisfied by the respondent judge in the case at bar.
conducted, PHOTOKINA's bid in the amount of P6.588 Billion
Pesos and was declared the winning bidder. Thus, on
Short Digest:
September 28, 2000, the COMELEC issued Resolution No. 3252
approving the Notice of Award to PHOTOKINA. The parties then
Two informations for the crime of rape and one Information for
proceeded to formalize the contract, with Commissioner Mehol
the crime of acts of lasciviousness were filed against X, etc. A
K. Sadain and Atty. Rodrigo D. Sta. Ana, acting as negotiators for
motion for reinvestigation were filed by the victims AAA and BBB
the COMELEC and PHOTOKINA, respectively.
which was granted by the trial court. The Assistant City
prosecutor (C) issued resolution affirming the information filed However, under Republic Act No. 8760 the budget
against X,etc. Subsequently, this was reversed by a resolution appropriated by Congress for the COMELECs modernization
issued by the Second Assistant prosecutor (L) and on the same project was only One (1) Billion Pesos and that the actual
day it filed a motion to withdraw information before Judge B. available funds under the Certificate of Availability of
Judge B denied the motion to withdraw information. Funds (CAF) issued by the Chief Accountant of the COMELEC
was only P1.2 Billion Pesos.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2002 DESCALLAR In December 2000, then COMELEC Chairman Harriet O.
Demetriou issued a memorandum to the COMELEC en
Principle/s: banc expressing her objections to the contract. Commissioner
Sadain provided in a draft that he submitted that the
In the discharge of its task, the primordial concern of subsequent completion of the whole project shall be agreed
the OSG is to see to it that the best interest of the upon in accordance with the Bid Documents and the annual
government is upheld. This is regardless of the fact that funds available for it.
what it perceived as the “best interest of the
government” runs counter to its client agency’s On February 2, 2001, the term of former Chairman
position. In the final analysis, the client of the OSG is not Demetriou and those of Commissioners Julio F. Desamito and
the agency but no less than the Republic of the Teresita Dy-Liacco Flores expired. Their successors were
Philippines in whom the plenum of sovereignty resides. Alfredo L. Benipayo as Chairman and Resurreccion Z. Borra and
Florentino A. Tuason, Jr. as Commissioners.
Mandamus does not lie to enforce the performance of
contractual obligations. Mandamus applies as a remedy Meanwhile, PHOTOKINA, as the winning bidder, wrote
only where petitioner’s rights may be enforced by several letters to the COMELEC requesting the formal execution
mandamus only if those rights are well defined, clar and of the contract, but to no avail.
Then Chairman Benipayo, through various press releases
and public statements, announced that the VRIS Project

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  13


has been scrapped, dropped, junked, or set aside. He further PHOTOKINA, and that there is a valid perfected
announced his plan to re-engineer the entire modernization contract between them, thus, manifesting her
program of the COMELEC, emphasizing his intention to replace prejudgment; and
the VRIS Project with his own version, the Triple E Vision.
3. Injunctive writs should not be issued when an
Unsatisfied with the adverse turn of events, PHOTOKINA action for damages can adequately compensate
filed with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 215, Quezon City a for the injuries. Petitioners pray that the two
petition for mandamus, prohibition and damages (with prayer assailed Resolutions be nullified and Special Civil
for temporary restraining order, preliminary prohibitory Action No. Q-01-45405 be dismissed outright.
injunction and preliminary mandatory injunction) against the
COMELEC and all its Commissioners, docketed as Special Civil On February 21, 2002, the majority of the COMELEC
Action No. Q- 01- 45405. PHOTOKINA alleged three causes of Commissioners -- Luzviminda G. Tancangco, Rufino S.B. Javier,
action: Ralph C. Lantion and Mehol K. Sadain filed with this Court a
Manifestation that the Chairman and the two Commissioners
1. FIRST, the deliberate refusal of the COMELEC who filed the instant Petition acted without authority from the
and its Commissioners to formalize the contract COMELEC en banc to take such action.
rendered nugatory the perfected contract
between them; PHOTOKINA filed a Comment with Motion to Dismiss
based on two procedural grounds. First, the petition violates
2. SECOND, in announcing that the doctrine of hierarchy of courts. And second, the OSG has no
the VRIS Project has been junked and that he has authority and/or standing to file the petition considering that
plans to re-engineer the COMELECs entire the petitioners have not been authorized by the COMELEC en
modernization banc to take such action. Without the concurrence of at least a
program, Chairman Benipayo committed grave a majority of the members of the COMELEC, neither petitioners
buse of discretion; and nor the OSG could file the petition in behalf of the COMELEC.
3. THIRD, the COMELECs failure to perform its duty In refutation of petitioners arguments, PHOTOKINA
under the contract has caused PHOTOKINA to contends that mandamus is an appropriate remedy since what
incur damages since it has spent substantial time is involved in Special Civil Action No. Q-01-45405 is the
and resources in the preparation of the bid and performance of a ministerial duty.
the draft contract.
On December 19, 2001, respondent Judge Ma. Luisa
Quijano-Padilla issued the first assailed Resolution granting 1) Is a petition for mandamus the appropriate remedy to
PHOTOKINAs application for a writ of preliminary enforce contractual obligations?
prohibitory injunction. 2) May a successful bidder compel a government agency
Both parties filed their respective motions for to formalize a
reconsideration. PHOTOKINA reiterated its plea for a writ of contract with it notwithstanding that its bid exceeds
preliminary mandatory injunction. The COMELEC and its the amount appropriated by Congress for the project?
Commissioners, through the Solicitor General, prayed that the Ruling:
writ of preliminary prohibitory injunction be set aside and that
the petition for mandamus, prohibition and damages be 1. NO.
No rule of law is better settled than that mandamus does
On February 8, 2002, respondent judge issued the not lie to enforce the performance of contractual
second assailed Resolution denying the COMELECs obligations. The passage of time has not eroded the wisdom of
Omnibus Motion and, this time, granting PHOTOKINAs the foregoing rule. The Supreme Court carefully read the
application for a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction. pleadings filed in Special Civil Action No. Q-01-45405 and are
convinced that what PHOTOKINA sought to enforce therein are
Hence, the instant petition for certiorari filed by the Office its rights under the accepted bid proposal. Its petition alleged
of the Solicitor General (OSG) in behalf of then COMELEC that notwithstanding the COMELECs issuance of a Notice of
Chairman Alfredo L. Benipayo and Commissioners Resurreccion Award and its (PHOTOKINAs) subsequent acceptance thereof,
Z. Borra and Florentino A. Tuason, Jr.. the COMELEC still refused to formalize the contract. As a relief,
Petitioners contend that: PHOTOKINA prayed that after trial, petitioners be directed to
review and finalize the formal contract and to implement the
1. A petition for mandamus and prohibition does VRIS Project. Petitioners, on their part, specifically denied the
not lie to enforce contractual obligations, hence, existence of a perfected contract and asserted that even if there
PHOTOKINAs proper recourse before the was one, the same is null and void for lack of proper
Regional Trial Court should have been an action appropriation. Petitioners labeled the contract as illegal and
for specific performance; against public policy.
2. Respondent judge, by issuing the injunctive Mandamus is not the proper recourse to enforce the
writs, already assumed that the VRIS Project was COMELEC's alleged contractual obligations with
lawfully awarded by the COMELEC to PHOTOKINA. It has other adequate remedy in law. Moreover,
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  14

worth stressing is the judicial caution the government agency concerned under the contract is
that mandamus applies as a remedy only fully extinguished.
where petitioner's right is founded clearly in law
and not when it is doubtful. In varying language, the principle It is quite evident from the tenor of the language of the law
echoed and reechoed is that legal rights may be enforced by that the existence of appropriations and the availability of funds
mandamus only if those rights are well-defined, clear and are indispensable pre-requisites to or conditions sine qua non for
certain. Here, the alleged contract, relied upon by PHOTOKINA the execution of government contracts. The obvious intent is to
as source of its rights which it seeks to be protected, is being impose such conditions as a priori requisites to the validity of the
disputed, not only on the ground that it was not perfected but proposed contract. Using this as the premise, the Supreme
also because it is illegal and against public policy. Court cannot accede to PHOTOKINA's contention that there
There are cases in which the writ of mandamus has been is already a perfected contract.
used to compel public officers to perform certain acts, but it will In the case at bar, there seems to be an oversight of the
be generally observed that in such cases, the contracts have legal requirements as early as the bidding stage. The first step of
been completely performed by the petitioner, and nothing a Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) is to determine
remained to be done except for the government to make whether the bids comply with the requirements. The BAC shall
compensation. rate a bid "passed" only if it complies with all the requirements
2. NO. and the submitted price does not exceed the approved budget for
the contract."
Enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution is the
mandate that "no money shall be paid out of the Treasury except Extant on the record is the fact that the VRIS Project was
in pursuance of an appropriation made by law." Thus, in the awarded to PHOTOKINA on account of its bid in the amount of
execution of government contracts, the precise import of this P6.588 Billion Pesos. However, under Republic Act No. 8760, the
constitutional restriction is to require the various agencies to only fund appropriated for the project was P1 Billion Pesos and
limit their expenditures within the appropriations made by law under the Certification of Available Funds[ (CAF) only P1.2 Billion
for each fiscal year. Pesos was available. Clearly, the amount appropriated is
insufficient to cover the cost of the entire VRIS Project. There is
Complementary to the foregoing constitutional injunction no way that the COMELEC could enter into a contract with
are pertinent provisions of law and administrative issuances that PHOTOKINA whose accepted bid was way beyond the amount
are designed to effectuate the above mandate in a detailed appropriated by law for the project. This being the case, the BAC
manner. Sections 46 and 47, Chapter 8, Subtitle B, Title I, Book V should have rejected the bid for being excessive[ or should
of Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as "Administrative have withdrawn the Notice of Award on the ground that in the
Code of 1987," provide: eyes of the law, the same is null and void.
Petitioners are justified in refusing to formalize the contract
"SEC. 46. Appropriation Before Entering into Contract. - with PHOTOKINA. Prudence dictated them not to enter into a
(1) No contract involving the expenditure of public funds contract not backed up by sufficient appropriation and available
shall be entered into unless there is an appropriation funds. Definitely, to act otherwise would be a futile exercise for
therefor, the unexpended balance of which, free of other the contract would inevitably suffer the vice of nullity.
obligations, is sufficient to cover the proposed expenditure;
and x x x
The prohibition contained in Sec. 85 of PD 1445 (Government
Auditing Code) is explicit and mandatory. Fund availability is,
"SEC. 47. Certificate Showing Appropriation to Meet as it has always been, an indispensable prerequisite to the
Contract. - Except in the case of a contract for personal execution of any government contract involving the expenditure
service, for supplies for current consumption or to be of public funds by all government agencies at all levels. Such
carried in stock not exceeding the estimated consumption contracts are not to be considered as final or binding unless such
for three (3) months, or banking transactions of a certification as to funds availability is issued.
government-owned or controlled banks, no contract
involving the expenditure of public funds by any
government agency shall be entered into or authorized Verily, the contract, as expressly declared by law,
unless the proper accounting official of the agency is inexistent and void ab initio. This is to say that the proposed
concerned shall have certified to the officer entering contract is without force and effect from the very beginning or
into the obligation that funds have been duly from its incipiency, as if it had never been entered into, and
appropriated for the purpose and that the amount hence, cannot be validated either by lapse of time or ratification.
necessary to cover the proposed contract for the In fine, PHOTOKINA, though the winning bidder, cannot
current calendar year is available for expenditure on compel the COMELEC to formalize the contract. Since
account thereof, subject to verification by the auditor PHOTOKINAs bid is beyond the amount appropriated by
concerned. The certificate signed by the proper accounting Congress for the VRIS Project, the proposed contract is not
official and the auditor who verified it, shall be attached to binding upon the COMELEC and is considered void; and that in
and become an integral part of the proposed contract, and issuing the questioned preliminary writs of mandatory and
the sum so certified shall not thereafter be available for prohibitory injunction and in not dismissing Special Civil Action
expenditure for any other purpose until the obligation of No. Q-01-45405, respondent judge acted with grave abuse of
discretion. Petitioners cannot be compelled by a writ
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  15

of mandamus to discharge a duty that involves the exercise of also had an adequate remedy at law to recover damages
judgment and discretion, especially where disbursement of for its breach; and to permit the writ of mandamus to be
public funds is concerned. used for the purpose of enforcing a mere contract right
would be a wide departure from the settled practice in
SHORT DIGEST respect to the character of cases in which relief
by mandamus may be obtained.
"In Parrott vs. City of Bridgeport (44 Conn., 180), the
Congress enacted RA 8189 or the “Voter’s Registration writ was refused where the petitioner sought to compel
Act of 1996”, this provided for the modernization and a city to construct a public street in a certain manner
computerization of the voter’s registration list, and agreeably to the terms of a special agreement between
appropriation of funds therefor. Pursuant to the said RA, the petitioner and the city. In the course of the opinion
COMELEC promulgated a Resolution approving the Voter’s the court said:
Registration and Identification Project (VRIS) which envisions a
computerized database system for the May 2004 elections. "* * * The duty, therefore, if any, which rests upon the
COMELEC issued invitations for bid and it was awarded to city in this regard, is one which it owes to the petitioner
PHOTOKINA Marketing Corporation, which received the highest as an individual, not to the public, and the special
total weighted score and declared winning bidder. (BID was contract is the foundation upon which it rests. But the
6.58 B Pesos). HOWEVER, RA 8760 provided that the budget writ of mandamus has never been considered as an
appropriated by Congress for the COMELEC’s modernization appropriate remedy for the enforcement of contract
project was only 1B and actual available funds under Certificate rights of a private and personal nature and obligations
of Availability of Funds (CAF) was 1.2B. PHOTOKINA requested which rest wholly upon contract and which involve no
the execution of the contract, but to no avail. PHOTOKINA filed a questions of public trusts or official duty. Indeed,
petition with the RTC and was granted, it directed the strictly speaking, it never lies where the party aggrieved
Commissioners to resume negotiations to formalize the has adequate remedy at law, and its aid is only to be
execution of the contract for the VRIS project. COMELEC filed a invoked to prevent an absolute failure of justice in cases
complaint against respondent judge. where ordinary legal processes furnish no relief.

As early as 1924, Justice Street, in Quiogue vs. Romualdez, 171947-48, DECEMBER 18, 2008 REALINO
already set forth the justification of this rule, thus:

Upon the facts above stated we are of the opinion that Cleaning or Rehabilitation of Manila Bay Can be Compelled
the writ of mandamus is not the appropriate, or even an by Mandamus. The Court may, under extraordinary
admissible remedy. It is manifest that whatever rights circumstances, issue directives with the end in view of ensuring
the petitioner may have, upon the facts stated, are that its decision would not be set to naught by administrative
derived from her contract with the city; and no rule of inaction or indifference.
law is better settled than that mandamus never lies to
enforce the performance of private contracts. x x x The FACTS:
petitioners remedy, if any she has, is by an original
action in the Court of First Instance to compel the city to Petitioners maintain that the MMDA’s duty to take measures
pay the agreed price or to pay damages for the breach of and maintain adequate solid waste and liquid disposal systems
contract. necessarily involves policy evaluation and the exercise of
judgment on the part of the agency concerned. They argue that
"x x x. As said in Lowe vs. Phelps (14 Bush, 642): the MMDA, in carrying out its mandate, has to make decisions,
including choosing where a landfill should be located by
undertaking feasibility studies and cost estimates, all of which
It must, therefore, appear upon every application for
entail the exercise of discretion.
a mandamus that it is the legal duty of the respondent to
do that which it is sought to compel him to do, and that Respondents, on the other hand, counter that the statutory
he has upon proper application refused to perform that command is clear and that petitioners’ duty to comply with and
duty.' (Citing numerous authorities). act according to the clear mandate of the law does not require
the exercise of discretion. According to respondents, petitioners,
"It was not intended to aid a plaintiff in the enforcement the MMDA in particular, are without discretion, for example, to
of a mere contract right, or to take the place of the other choose which bodies of water they are to clean up, or which
remedies provided by law for the adjudication of discharge or spill they are to contain. By the same token,
disputed claims. Looking at the case from the respondents maintain that petitioners are bereft of discretion
standpoint of appellant, it involves nothing more than on whether or not to alleviate the problem of solid and liquid
an ordinary breach of contract. If, as contended, the waste disposal; in other words, it is the MMDA’s ministerial duty
appellant had a valid contract with the school board, it to attend to such services.
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  16

ISSUE: - Seven years later, respondent Vargas filed with the Regional
Trial Court (RTC), Branch 116, Pasay City, a complaint for
Whether or not the Court may compel by mandamus annulment of mortgage and extrajudicial foreclosure against
administrative inaction or indifference. respondent bank, docketed as Civil Case No. R-8477 which
the RTC dismissed for lack of merit.
- On appeal, the Court of Appeals, in a Decision dated October
YES. The Supreme Court agreed with the respondents. 28, 1996, affirmed the RTC Decision, sustaining the legality
of the mortgage and the foreclosure proceedings. The
Under what other judicial discipline describes as “continuing Decision of the Appellate Court then became final and
mandamus,”[36] the Court may, under extraordinary executory.
circumstances, issue directives with the end in view of ensuring
that its decision would not be set to naught by administrative - Meantime or on June 22, 1992, respondent bank filed with
inaction or indifference. In India, the doctrine of continuing the RTC, Branch 112, Pasay City, a petition for issuance of a
mandamus was used to enforce directives of the court to clean writ of possession, docketed as Civil Case No. 9011-P. The
up the length of the Ganges River from industrial and municipal Court granted the petition.
pollution. - Earlier or on December 23, 1992, respondent Vargas sold to
Armando Angsico the lots for P18,000,500.00. Then on
First off, the petitioners’ obligation to perform their duties as August 24, 1994, respondent Vargas leased to Domingo R.
defined by law, on one hand, and how they are to carry out such Manalo, petitioner, a portion of the same lots consisting of
duties, on the other, are two different concepts. 450 square meters for a period of ten (10) years with a
monthly rental of P22,500.00. Later, or on June 29, 1997,
The cleanup and/or restoration of the Manila Bay is only an Angsico assigned and transferred to petitioner all his rights
aspect and the initial stage of the long-term solution. The to the property as shown by a Deed of Assignment and
preservation of the water quality of the bay after the Transfer of Rights.
rehabilitation process is as important as the cleaning phase. It is
imperative then that the wastes and contaminants found in the - On May 7, 1998, petitioner filed with the RTC, Branch 231,
rivers, inland bays, and other bodies of water be stopped from Pasay City, a complaint for specific performance and
reaching the Manila Bay. Otherwise, any cleanup effort would damages against respondent bank, its liquidator and/or
just be a futile, cosmetic exercise, for, in no time at all, the receiver PDIC, and respondent Vargas. Petitioner prayed
Manila Bay water quality would again deteriorate below the that the trial court issue a writ of mandamus compelling
ideal minimum standards set by PD 1152, RA 9275, and other respondent bank (1) to allow him to redeem and/or
relevant laws. It thus behooves the Court to put the heads of the repurchase the subject lots for P18,000,000.00; and (2) to
petitioner-department-agencies and the bureaus and offices release to him TCT No. 6076.
under them on continuing notice about, and to enjoin them to
perform, their mandates and duties towards cleaning up the - Instead of filing an answer, respondent bank filed a motion
Manila Bay and preserving the quality of its water to the ideal to dismiss the complaint on the following grounds: (1) the
level. trial court has no jurisdiction over the subject property; and
(2) the complaint fails to state a sufficient cause of action.
The heads of petitioners-agencies MMDA, DENR, DepEd, DOH, Respondent bank averred that petitioner has no legal
DA, DPWH, DBM, PCG, PNP Maritime Group, DILG, and also of interest in the subject lots since as early as December 4,
MWSS, LWUA, and PPA, in line with the principle of “continuing 1985, the title thereto was consolidated in its name when
mandamus,” shall, from finality of this Decision, each submit to respondent Vargas, petitioners predecessor-in-interest,
the Court a quarterly progressive report of the activities failed to exercise her right of redemption.
undertaken in accordance with this Decision.
- On September 29, 1998, the RTC issued an Order denying
respondent banks motion to dismiss the complaint.
MARCH 18, 2005 GARBANZOS - On September 4, 2000, the RTC rendered a Decision
dismissing the complaint for lack of an enforceable cause of
FACTS: action.

- On July 19, 1983, S. Villanueva Enterprises, Inc., represented - On appeal, the CA affirmed the decision of the RTC. Hence,
by its president, Therese Villanueva Vargas, impleaded as a this petition.
respondent, obtained a P3,000,000.00 loan from PAIC
Savings and Mortgage Bank, also a respondent. As security ISSUE:
for the loan, respondents mortgaged two (2) lots situated in WHETHER OR NOT THE CA ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE
Pasay City covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. PETITIONER FAILED TO ESTABLISH A CAUSE OF ACTION AND
6076 of the Registry of Deeds, same city. THAT MANDAMUS IS NOT THE CORRECT REMEDY.
- Respondent Vargas failed to pay the loan so the mortgage
was foreclosed and the lots were sold at public auction to RULING:
respondent bank, being the highest bidder.
The Court ruled in the NEGATIVE.

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  17


enforceable cause of action.On appeal, the CA affirmed the

decision of the RTC. Hence, this petition.
We hold that mandamus is not the proper recourse to
enforce petitioners alleged right of redemption. To begin UP BOARD OF REGENTS V. CA, G.R. NO. 134625, AUGUST 31,
with, mandamus applies as a remedy only where petitioners right 1999 SILVA
is founded clearly in law and not when it is doubtful.[3] In varying
language, the principle echoed and reechoed is that legal rights Principle: Mandamus is never issued in doubtful cases, a
may be enforced by mandamus only if those rights are well- showing of a clear and certain right on the part of the petitioner
defined, clear and certain.[4] being required. It is of no avail against an official or government
agency whose duty requires the exercise of discretion or
On December 4, 1985 or when respondent Vargas failed to judgment.
exercise her right of redemption within the one (1) year
redemption period, respondent bank ipso facto became the FACTS:
absolute owner of the lots. Surprisingly, however, on December
23, 1992, she sold the property for P18,000,500.00 to Angsico, Private respondent (PR) Arokiaswamy William Margaret
who eventually transferred his rights to petitioner. Not only that, Celine is a citizen of India and enrolled in the doctoral program in
on August 24, 1994, respondent Vargas still leased to petitioner a Anthropology of the UP Diliman - College of Social Sciences and
portion of the subject lots. Philosophy (CSSP).

Verily, when respondent bank became the owner of the lots PR had an oral defense held for her dissertation. After going
on December 4, 1985, respondent Vargas could no longer legally over PR’s dissertation, it was found that there was a portion in
transfer, cede and convey the property to petitioner. PR’s that was lifted, without proper acknowledgment from
different sources. Four out of five panelists gave private
Moreover, mandamus cannot be availed of as a remedy to respondent a passing mark for her oral defense by affixing their
enforce the performance of contractual obligations. signatures on the approval form, but recommended she passed a
QUICK DIGEST: revised dissertation. This dissertation was her key to graduate
and to obtain a degree in Anthropology.
A Enterprises, Inc., represented by its president, THERESA,
obtained a P3,000,000.00 loan from PAIC Savings and Mortgage Failing to comply with the revisions, 2 panels did not
Bank, also a respondent. As security for the loan, respondents approve of her dissertation. Dean Paz sent a letter to, Vice
mortgaged two (2) lots situated in Pasay City covered by Transfer Chancellor for Academic Affairs, requesting the exclusion of
Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 6076 of the Registry of Deeds, same private respondents name from the list of candidates for
city.Respondent failed to pay the loan so the mortgage was graduation, pending clarification of the problems regarding her
foreclosed and the lots were sold at public auction to respondent dissertation. But it did not reach the Board of Regents on time. PR
bank, being the highest bidder.Seven years later, respondent graduated with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in
THERESA filed with the Regional Trial Court, a complaint for Anthropology.
annulment of mortgage and extrajudicial foreclosure against After more investigations by different Committees, Dean
respondent bank, which the RTC dismissed for lack of merit. On Paz wrote a letter to PR informing her that she wasformally
appeal, the Court of Appeals, in a Decision dated October 28, charged with plagiarism and recommended that the doctorate
1996, affirmed the RTC DecisionThe Decision of the Appellate granted to her be withdrawn. It was found that at least ninety
Court then became final and executory. (90) instances or portions in private respondents thesis which
Meantime or on June 22, 1992, respondent bank filed with were lifted from sources without proper or due acknowledgment.
the RTC, a petition for issuance of a writ of possession. The Court The CSSP College Assembly unanimously approved the
granted the petition.Earlier or on December 23, 1992, recommendation to withdraw PR’s doctorate degree and
respondent THERESA sold to ARMANDO the lots forwarded its recommendation to the University Council. The
for P18,000,500.00. Then on August 24, 1994, respondent University Council, in turn, approved and endorsed the same
THERESA leased to DOMINGO, petitioner, a portion of the same recommendation to the Petitioner Board of Regents.
lots consisting of 450 square meters for a period of ten (10) years
with a monthly rental of P22,500.00. Later, or on June 29, 1997, The University Council also recommended to the Board of
Angsico assigned and transferred to petitioner all his rights to the Regents that PR be barred in the future from admission to the
property. University either as a student or as an employee.

On May 7, 1998, petitioner filed with the RTC, Branch 231, PR then filed a petition for mandamus with a prayer for a
Pasay City, a complaint for specific performance and damages writ of preliminary mandatory injunction and damages in the
against respondent bank, its liquidator and/or receiver PDIC, and Regional Trial Court of Quezon City - that petitioners had
respondent THERESA. Petitioner prayed that the trial court issue unlawfully withdrawn her degree without justification and
a writ of mandamus compelling respondent bank (1) to allow without affording her procedural due process and that she be
him to redeem and/or repurchase the subject lots restored her degree and payed damages.
for P18,000,000.00; and (2) to release to him TCT No. 6076.
RTC dismissed the petition for mandamus for lack of merit.
Instead of filing an answer, respondent bank filed a motion CA reversed the lower court’s ruling and ordered to restore her
to dismiss the complaint which the RTC denied. The RTC degree of PhD in Anthropology.Hence, this petition.
rendered a Decision dismissing the complaint for lack of an
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  18

Petitioners argument: that PR failed to show that she had been its graduates.Under the U.P. Charter, the Board of Regents is the
unlawfully excluded from the use and enjoyment of a right or highest governing body of the University of the Philippines. If the
office to which she is entitled so as to justify the issuance of the conferment of a degree is founded on error or fraud, the Board of
writ of mandamus. They also contend that she failed to prove that Regents is also empowered, subject to the observance of due
the restoration of her degree is a ministerial duty of U.P. or that process, to withdraw what it has granted without violating a
the withdrawal of the degree violated her right to the enjoyment students rights.
of intellectual property.
Quick digest:
Private respondent’s argument: that petitioners acted
arbitrarily and with grave abuse of discretion in withdrawing her Facts:
degree even prior to verifying the truth of the plagiarism charge
against her; and that as her answer to the charges had not been Private respondent (PR) is enrolled in the doctoral program in
forwarded to the members of the investigating committees, she Anthropology of the UP Diliman - College of Social Sciences and
was deprived of the opportunity to comment or refute their Philosophy (CSSP). For her to graduate, she had to defend a
findings/ deprived of due process dissertation. After her oral defense, it was found that parts of her
paper were lifted from sources without proper acknowledgment.
With this, the panel of judges asked her to revise her dissertation.
ISSUE:WON COURT OF APPEALS ERRED ON A QUESTION OF She failed to do so, nonetheless was able to graduate and get her
LAW IN GRANTING THE WRIT OF MANDAMUS AND ORDERING degree in Anthropology. It was later found out that PR’s
PETITIONERS TO RESTORE RESPONDENTS DOCTORAL DEGREE. dissertations contained 90 instances of intellectual dishonesty.
Thus, her degree was withdrawn from her by the Petitioner
RULING: Board of Regents.
PR then filed a petition for mandamus with a prayer for a writ of
YES. preliminary mandatory injunction and damages in the Regional
Trial Court of Quezon City - that petitioners had unlawfully
Mandamus is a writ commanding a tribunal, withdrawn her degree without justification and without affording
corporation, board or person to do the act required to be done her procedural due process and that she be restored her degree
when it or he unlawfully neglects the performance of an act and payed damages.
which the law specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an
office, trust, or station, or unlawfully excludes another from the RTC dismissed the petition for mandamus for lack of merit.
use and enjoyment of a right or office to which such other is CA reversed the lower court’s ruling and ordered to restore her
entitled, there being no other plain, speedy, and adequate remedy degree of PhD in Anthropology.
in the ordinary course of law.Mandamus is never issued in
doubtful cases, a showing of a clear and certain right on the part Issue: WON CA erred in approving the writ of mandamus and
of the petitioner being required. It is of no avail against an official ordering the restoration of PR’s degree.
or government agency whose duty requires the exercise of
discretion or judgment. Ruling: YES.
Mandamus is a writ commanding a tribunal, corporation, board
or person to do the act required to be done when it or he
In this case, herein PR had no clear and certain right to
unlawfully neglects the performance of an act which the law
obtain or restore her degree on Anthropology. The Board of
specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an office, trust, or
Regents determined, after due investigation conducted by a
station, or unlawfully excludes another from the use and
committee composed of faculty members from different U.P.
enjoyment of a right or office to which such other is entitled,
units, that private respondent committed no less than ninety (90)
there being no other plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the
instances of intellectual dishonesty in her dissertation. The Board
ordinary course of law.Mandamus is never issued in doubtful
of Regents decision to withdraw PR’s doctorate was based on
cases, a showing of a clear and certain right on the part of the
documents on record including her admission that she
petitioner being required. It is of no avail against an official or
committed the offense. On the other hand, private respondent
government agency whose duty requires the exercise of
was afforded the opportunity to be heard and explain her side
discretion or judgment.
but failed to refute the charges of plagiarism against her. Her only
claim is that her responses to the charges against her were not
considered by the Board of Regents before it rendered its In this case, herein PR had no clear and certain right to
decision. However, this claim was not proven. Accordingly, we obtain or restore her degree on Anthropology. The Board of
must presume regularity in the performance of official duties in Regents determined, after due investigation conducted by a
the absence of proof to the contrary. committee that private respondent committed no less than
ninety (90) instances of intellectual dishonesty in her
Petition for Mandamus is dismissed.
dissertation. The Board of Regents decision to withdraw PR’s
Incase sir asks on academic freedom: Art. XIV, 5 (2) of the doctorate was based on documents on record including her
Constitution provides that academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all admission that she committed the offense.Presumption of
institutions of higher learning. If such institution of higher learning regularity in the performance of official duties is upheld in the
can decide who can and who cannot study in it, it certainly can also absence of proof to the contrary. Mandamus will not lie.
determine on whom it can confer the honor and distinction of being
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  19

XI.AB LAGUNA METTS CORPORATION V. CAALAM, ET AL., Rules of procedure must be faithfully complied with and should
G.R. NO. 185220, JULY 27, 2009 VALDEZ not be discarded with the mere expediency of claiming
substantial merit. As a corollary, rules prescribing the time for
PRINCIPLE: doing specific acts or for taking certain proceedings are
considered absolutely indispensable to prevent needless delays
As the Rule now stands, petitions for certiorari must be filed and to orderly and promptly discharge judicial business. By their
strictly within 60 days from notice of judgment or from the order very nature, these rules are regarded as mandatory.
denying a motion for reconsideration.
In De Los Santos v. Court of Appeals, we ruled:
Section 4 of Rule 65 prescribes a period of 60 days within which
This petition arose from a labor case filed by private respondents to file a petition for certiorari. The 60-day period is deemed
Aries C. Caalam and Geraldine Esguerra against petitioner Laguna reasonable and sufficient time for a party to mull over and to
Metts Corporation (LMC). The labor arbiter decided in favor of prepare a petition asserting grave abuse of discretion by a lower
private respondents and found that they were illegally dismissed court. The period was specifically set to avoid any unreasonable
by LMC. On appeal, however, the National Labor Relations delay that would violate the constitutional rights of the parties to
Commission (NLRC) reversed the decision of the labor arbiter in a speedy disposition of their case. (emphasis supplied)
a decision dated February 21, 2008. Private respondents motion
for reconsideration was denied in a resolution dated April 30, While the proper courts previously had discretion to extend the
2008. period for filing a petition for certiorari beyond the 60-day
period, the amendments to Rule 65 under A.M. No. 07-7-12-SC
Counsel for private respondents received the April 30, 2008 disallowed extensions of time to file a petition for certiorari with
resolution of the NLRC on May 26, 2008. On July 25, 2008, he the deletion of the paragraph that previously permitted such
filed a motion for extension of time to file petition for certiorari extensions.
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.The motion alleged that, for
reasons stated therein, the petition could not be filed in the Court Section 4, Rule 65 previously read:
of Appeals within the prescribed 60-day period. Thus, a 15-day
extension period was prayed for.
SEC. 4. When and where petition filed. The petition shall be filed
In a resolution dated August 7, 2008, the Court of Appeals not later than sixty (60) days from notice of the judgment or
granted the motion and gave private respondents a non- resolution. In case a motion for reconsideration or new trial is
extendible period of 15 days within which to file their petition for timely filed, whether such motion is required or not, the sixty (60)
certiorari. LMC moved for the reconsideration of the said day period shall be counted from notice of the denial of said
resolution claiming that extensions of time to file a petition for motion.
certiorari are no longer allowed under Section 4, Rule 65 of the
Rules of Court, as amended by A.M. No. 07-7-12-SC dated The petition shall be filed in the Supreme Court or, if it relates to
December 4, 2007.This was denied in a resolution dated October the acts or omissions of a lower court or of a corporation, board,
22, 2008. According to the appellate court, while the amendment officer or person, in the Regional Trial Court exercising
of the third paragraph of Section 4, Rule 65 admittedly calls for jurisdiction over the territorial area as defined by the Supreme
stricter application to discourage the filing of unwarranted Court. It may also be filed in the Court of Appeals whether or not
motions for extension of time, it did not strip the Court of Appeals the same is in aid of its appellate jurisdiction, or in the
of the discretionary power to grant a motion for extension in Sandiganbayan if it is in aid of its appellate jurisdiction. If it
exceptional cases to serve the ends of justice. involves the acts or omissions of a quasi-judicial agency, and
unless otherwise provided by law or these rules, the petition
Aggrieved, LMC now assails the resolutions dated August 7, 2008 shall be filed in and cognizable only by the Court of Appeals.
and October 22, 2008 of the Court of Appeals in its petition for
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. It contends that the No extension of time to file the petition shall be granted except
Court of Appeals committed grave abuse of discretion when it for compelling reason and in no case exceeding 15 days.
granted private respondents motion for extension of time to file (emphasis supplied)
petition for certiorari as the Court of Appeals had no power to
grant something that had already been expressly deleted from
the rules. With its amendment under A.M. No. 07-7-12-SC, it now reads:

ISSUE: SEC. 4. When and where to file petition. The petition shall be filed
Whether or not a motion for extension to file a petition for not later than sixty (60) days from notice of the judgment or
certiorari is allowed. resolution. In case a motion for reconsideration or new trial is
timely filed, whether such motion is required or not, the sixty (60)
day period shall be counted from the notice of the denial of the
RULING: motion.

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  20


If the petition relates to an act or an omission of a municipal trial Private respondents Aries Caalam and Geraldine Esguerra filed
court or of a corporation, a board, an officer or a person, it shall an illegal dismissal case against Laguna Metts Corp (LMC). LA
be filed with the Regional Trial Court exercising jurisdiction over decided in their favor but the NLRC reversed the decision of the
the territorial area as defined by the Supreme Court. It may also LA in its February 21, 2008 decision. Private respondents filed a
be filed in the Court of Appeals or with the Sandiganbayan, Motion for reconsideration but it was denied in a resolution
whether or not the same is in aid of the courts appellate dated April 30, 2008.
jurisdiction. If the petition involves an act or an omission of a
quasi-judicial agency, unless otherwise provided by law or these Private respondent's counsel received the denial on May 26,
rules, the petition shall be filed with and be cognizable only by 2008. On July 25, 2008, he filed a motion for extension to file
the Court of Appeals. petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court praying
In election cases involving an act or omission of a municipal or a for an extension of 15 days.
regional trial court, the petition shall be filed exclusively with the
Commission on Elections, in aid of its appellate jurisdiction. CA granted a non-extendible 15-day period. LMC moved for the
reconsideration of the resolution claiming that under the current
Sec 4 of Rule 65 as amended by AM No. 07-7-12-SC dated Dec. 4
As a rule, an amendment by the deletion of certain words or 2007, extension of time to file a petition for certiorari is no longer
phrases indicates an intention to change its meaning. It is allowed.
presumed that the deletion would not have been made if there
had been no intention to effect a change in the meaning of the law CA denied LMC’s motion and said that the new rule only
or rule. The amended law or rule should accordingly be given a discouraged the filing of unwarranted motions for extension of
construction different from that previous to its amendment. time but did not strip the CA of its discretionary power to grant
extensions in exceptional cases, in the interest of justice.
If the Court intended to retain the authority of the proper courts Aggrieved, LMC files a petition for certiorari in the SC claiming
to grant extensions under Section 4 of Rule 65, the paragraph grave abuse of discretion of the CA.
providing for such authority would have been preserved. The
removal of the said paragraph under the amendment by A.M. No.
07-7-12-SC of Section 4, Rule 65 simply meant that there can no ISSUE:
longer be any extension of the 60-day period within which to file Wether or not a motion for extension to file a petition for
a petition for certiorari. certiorari is allowed.
The rationale for the amendments under A.M. No. 07-7-12-SC is
essentially to prevent the use (or abuse) of the petition for
certiorari under Rule 65 to delay a case or even defeat the ends of RULING:
justice. Deleting the paragraph allowing extensions to file petition NO.
on compelling grounds did away with the filing of such motions. The amended rules explicitly deleted the last paragraph of
As the Rule now stands, petitions for certiorari must be filed Section 4 of Rule 65 allowing for an extension of the period for
strictly within 60 days from notice of judgment or from the order not longer than 15 days due to compelling reasons.
denying a motion for reconsideration.
As a rule, an amendment by deletion of certain words or phrases
In granting the private respondents motion for extension of time indicates an intention to change its meaning. If the Court
to file petition for certiorari, the Court of Appeals disregarded intended to retain the authority of the proper courts to grant
A.M. No. 07-7-12-SC. The action amounted to a modification, if extensions under Sec 4 of Rule 65, the paragraph providing such
not outright reversal, by the Court of Appeals of A.M. No. 07-7-12- authority would have been preserved. The removal of the said
SC. In so doing, the Court of Appeals arrogated to itself a power it paragraph under the amendment by A.M. No. 07-7-12-SC of
did not possess, a power that only this Court may exercise. For Section 4, Rule 65 simply meant that there can no longer be any
this reason, the challenged resolutions dated August 7, 2008 and extension of the 60-day period within which to file a petition for
October 22, 2008 were invalid as they were rendered by the certiorari.
Court of Appeals in excess of its jurisdiction.
The rationale for the amendment is to essentially prevent the use
Even assuming that the Court of Appeals retained the discretion (or abuse) of the petition for certiorari under Rule 65 to delay a
to grant extensions of time to file a petition for certiorari for case or even defeat the ends of justice. Deleting the paragraph
compelling reasons, the reasons proffered by private allowing extensions to file petition on compelling grounds did
respondents counsel did not qualify as compelling. Heavy away with the filing of such motions. As the Rule now stands,
workload is relative and often self-serving. Standing alone, it is petitions for certiorari must be filed strictly within 60 days from
not a sufficient reason to deviate from the 60-day rule. notice of judgment or from the order denying a motion for


It’s not a PROVREM 2015  21


In filing a special civil action for certiorari without spouses regarding their son’s behavior, however, that all their
indicating the requisite material date thereon, petitioners efforts to reach the Lapid spouses personally turned out to be
violated basic tenets of remedial law, particularly Rule 65 of the futile.
Rules of Court.
There are three material dates that must be stated in a petition Petitioners then filed a motion to declare respondent school
for certiorari brought under Rule 65. First, the date when notice as in default, which motion was denied by the trial court.
of the judgment or final order or resolution was received; second, Petitioners moved for reconsideration, but said motion was
the date when a motion for new trial or for reconsideration was likewise denied.
filed; and third, the date when notice of the denial thereof was With the denial of their motion for reconsideration,
received. petitioners filed a petition for certiorari with the Court of
Appeals. However, the appellate court dismissed the petition for
LONG DIGEST failure to indicate the material date, particularly the date of filing
of motion for reconsideration with the RTC, as required by
Supreme Court Circular No. 39-98, amending Section 3 of Rule 46
of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.
Petitioner Spouses Ramon Isidro P. Lapid and Gladys B.
Lapid are the parents of seven-year-old Christopher B. Lapid, In the appellate courts view, this formal requirement is
who was a Grade 1 pupil of the respondent school, St. Therese of needed to ascertain whether the petition was filed within the
the Child Jesus, a private educational institution providing reglementary period as provided in Section 4, Rule 65 of the
preschool and elementary education at Malabon, Metro same rules, also as amended by SC Circular No. 39-98.
Manila. Private respondents of this case are the directress,
teacher-in-charge, guidance counselor and principal of the Unfazed, the petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration
school, respectively. of the CA resolution, but still without indicating the date as to
when their motion for reconsideration of the RTC order was
Petitioners filed a complaint for damages against the filed. Hence, in its second assailed resolution, the appellate court
private respondents before the Regional Trial Court (RTC), denied said motion for reconsideration.
Malabon, Metro Manila, presided by herein respondent Judge
In their complaint, the Lapid spouses averred that on ISSUE:
November 5, 1997, Mrs. Lapid went to St. Therese and looked for
WON the Court of Appeals erred in dismissing the petition for
Ms. Norilyn A. Cruz, Christophers classroom teacher. The
directress, Mrs. Esperanza N. Prim, prohibited her from seeing certiorari filed by petitioners on the ground of formal and
procedural deficiency, i.e., the petitioners failure to state a
Ms. Cruz so as not to disrupt ongoing classes. Mrs. Prim advised
material date in their petition for certiorari.
Mrs. Lapid to return later that day.
On her return, Mrs. Lapid was surprised to see that a letter
prepared by Mr. Binondo, the school principal, was already HELD:
waiting for her, apprising her of Christophers suspension for five
days effective the following day or on November 6, 1997. NO.
Petitioners averred that their son was summarily dismissed from
school sans notice and hearing. After a careful consideration of the submissions of the
parties, particularly their respective memoranda, we are
Petitioners denied any knowledge of the alleged letters of constrained to agree with the ruling of the respondent appellate
complaint filed by the parents whose children were allegedly court which dismissed the instant petition for certiorari. We find
offended by Christopher. As a result of the strained relations no reversible error in the assailed resolutions of the Court of
between the Lapids and the school management, Christopher was Appeals because in filing a special civil action for certiorari
transferred to a different school immediately thereafter. without indicating the requisite material date thereon,
petitioners violated basic tenets of remedial law, particularly
Petitioners then filed a letter-complaint with Hon. Antonio Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.
Nachura, Undersecretary of the Department of Education, Culture
& Sports (DECS), assailing the respondent schools refusal to There are three material dates that must be stated in a
admit their son in his class. petition for certiorari brought under Rule 65. First, the date when
notice of the judgment or final order or resolution was received;
Petitioners also demanded an investigation of the second, the date when a motion for new trial or for
circumstances leading to their son’s suspension. At the hearing, reconsideration was filed; and third, the date when notice of the
petitioners demanded a written retraction and a public apology denial thereof was received. In the case before us, the petition
from the school officials, copy furnished the DECS. The school filed with the CA failed to indicate the second date, particularly
officials, however, refused. This compelled petitioners to file the the date of filing of their motion for reconsideration. As explicitly
present case for damages. stated in the aforementioned Rule, failure to comply with any of
the requirements shall be sufficient ground for the dismissal of
In their answer, respondent school officials stated that as
the petition.
early as June 1997, Ms. Cruz had been sending them letters
regarding Christopher’s mischief in school. That private
respondent exerted all efforts to communicate with petitioner-
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  22

The rationale for this strict provision of the Rules of Court is After a careful consideration of the submissions of the
not difficult to appreciate. As stated in Santos vs. Court of Appeals, parties, particularly their respective memoranda, we are
the requirement is for purpose of determining the timeliness of constrained to agree with the ruling of the respondent appellate
the petition, thus: court which dismissed the instant petition for certiorari. We find
no reversible error in the assailed resolutions of the Court of
The requirement of setting forth the three (3) dates in a Appeals because in filing a special civil action for certiorari
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 is for the purpose of without indicating the requisite material date thereon,
determining its timeliness. Such a petition is required to be petitioners violated basic tenets of remedial law, particularly
filed not later than sixty (60) days from notice of the Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.
judgment, order or Resolution sought to be There are three material dates that must be stated in a
assailed. Therefore, that the petition for certiorari was filed petition for certiorari brought under Rule 65. First, the date when
forty-one (41) days from receipt of the denial of the motion notice of the judgment or final order or resolution was received;
for reconsideration is hardly relevant. The Court of second, the date when a motion for new trial or for
Appeals was not in any position to determine when this reconsideration was filed; and third, the date when notice of the
period commenced to run and whether the motion for denial thereof was received. In the case before us, the petition
reconsideration itself was filed on time since the filed with the CA failed to indicate the second date, particularly
material dates were not stated. x x x (Stress supplied.) the date of filing of their motion for reconsideration. As explicitly
stated in the aforementioned Rule, failure to comply with any of
Moreover, as reiterated in Mabuhay vs. NLRC, 288 SCRA 1, the requirements shall be sufficient ground for the dismissal of
6: As a rule, the perfection of an appeal in the manner and within the petition.
the period prescribed by law is jurisdictional and failure to
perfect an appeal as required by law renders the judgment final XI.AF.1 CONCEPCION, JR. V. COMELEC, G.R. NO. 178624, JUNE
and executory. 30, 2009 CHUA


1. The requirement of personality or interest is sanctioned no

FACTS: less by Section 7, Article IX of the Constitution which provides
that a decision, order, or ruling of a constitutional commission
Petitioners filed a complaint for damages against private may be brought to this Court on certiorari by the aggrieved party
respondents, employees of St. Therese School for summarily within thirty (30) days from receipt of a copy thereof.
dismissing their son Christopher for school without notice and
hearing. Petitioners filed a letter-complaint to the Secretary of This requirement is repeated in Section 1, Rule 65 of the Rules of
DECS (now Dep-Ed) demanding for an investigation leading to Court, which applies to petitions for certiorari under Rule 64 of
the suspension of their son. Petitioners also demanded an decisions, orders or rulings of the constitutional commissions
apology from the private respondents, however, the private pursuant to Section 2, Rule 64.
respondents refused. Petitioners then filed a motion to declare
respondents in defaulf which was denied by the trial court.
Section 1, Rule 65 essentially provides that a person aggrieved by
Petitioners moved for reconsideration, but said motion was also
any act of a tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial or quasi-
denied. Upon denial of said motion for reconsideration,
judicial functions rendered without or in excess of jurisdiction or
petitioners elevated the case to the appellate court. However, the
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
appellate court dismissed the petition for failure to indicate the
jurisdiction may file a petition for certiorari.
material date, particularly the date of filing of motion for
reconsideration with the RTC, as required by Supreme Court
Circular No. 39-98, amending Section 3 of Rule 46 of the 1997 2. Under Section 1, Rule 65, an aggrieved party is one who was a
Rules of Civil Procedure. party to the original proceedings that gave rise to the original
action for certiorari under Rule 65.
Unfazed, the petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration
of the CA resolution, but still without indicating the date as to 3. The petition for certiorari under Rule 65 is not available to any
when their motion for reconsideration of the RTC order was person who feels injured by the decision of a tribunal, board or
filed. Hence, in its second assailed resolution, the appellate court officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions.
denied said motion for reconsideration.
ISSUE: The “person aggrieved” under Section 1 of Rule 65 who can avail
of the special civil action of certiorari pertains only to one who
WON the Court of Appeals erred in dismissing the petition for was a party in the proceedings before the COMELEC.
certiorari filed by petitioners on the ground of formal and
procedural deficiency, i.e., the petitioners failure to state a FACTS:
material date in their petition for certiorari.
On January 5, 2007, the NAMFREL filed a Petition for
Accreditation to Conduct the Operation Quick Count with the
NO. COMELEC. Petitioner, then the incumbent Punong Barangay of
Barangay Forbes Park, Makati City, was one of the signatories of
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  23

the NAMFREL petition in his capacity as the National Chairman of the commission of bribery and had sent copies of the
NAMFREL. memorandum to the petitioners superiors in the Philippine
Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and to other
The COMELEC's April 2, 2007 Resolution ruled on NAMFREL’s public officers and personalities not connected with the POEA,
petition for accreditation conditionally granting NAMFREL’s causing damage and prejudice to the petitioner.
petition subject to the conditions that the petitioner and similarly After almost 6 years, the Prosecution had presented only two
situated barangay officials shall not be included as members or witnesses. On February 16, 2001, the Prosecution requested that
officials of NAMFREL. a subpoena ad testificandum be issued to and served on Atty.
Oscar Ramos, Resident Ombudsman of the POEA, to compel him
NAMFREL filed a “Manifestation and Request for Re- to testify in the criminal case on February 20, 2001. The hearing
Examination”. of February 20, 2001 was, however, reset to May 23, 2001 due to
the unavailability of Atty. Ramos. However, prosecution still
The petitioner now seeks to assail, in his individual capacity, a failed to present Atty. Ramos because no subpoena had been
COMELEC adjudicatory resolution (i.e., the April 2, 2007 issued to and served on him for the purpose. Consequently, the
Resolution) for its adverse effects on him when he was not a RTC judge issued an order terminating the Prosecutions
party to that case. NAMFREL (the direct party to the case and presentation of evidence.
who had accepted the COMELEC accreditation ruling), on the
other hand, is not a party to the present petition. When the case was called for hearing, the accused is in court with
his lawyer Atty. Benigno Palamos. Private prosecutor Atty.
ISSUE: Agripino Baybay is in court but he has no witnesses today. He
manifested that he has to present Atty. Oscar Ramos, but since
the last hearing on February 20, to this date he has not asked for
Whether or not the petitioner is a proper party to file a petition
any subpoena. Defense counsel moves to terminate the
for certiorari.
presentation of prosecution evidence in view of the failure of the
prosecution to present witnesses despite numerous
HELD: postponements. The private prosecutor asks for another
continuance. The records show that on January 23, 2001 this
No. Court gave a stern warning to the prosecutor that it is giving one
final postponement for the production of witnesses. Yet the
Petitioner has no personality to file a petition for certiorari to prosecution caused the service of the subpoena too late for the
address an adjudicatory resolution of the COMELEC in which he hearing on February 20. For the next three months, the
was not a party to, and where the direct party, NAMFREL, does prosecution simply did not apply for a subpoena. The Court finds
not even question the assailed resolution. that the intention to delay the proceedings is evident. As prayed
for, the prosecution is declared to have terminated further
It would have been another matter if NAMFREL had filed the evidence.
present petition with the petitioner as intervenor because of his
personal interest in the COMELEC ruling. He could have The petitioner, by his lonesome, assailed on certiorari in the
intervened, too, before the COMELEC as an affected party in Court of Appeals the order dated May 23, 2001, claiming that the
NAMFREL’s Manifestation and Request for Examination. RTC judge thereby committed grave abuse of discretion for not
issuing the subpoena. He contended that his prior request for the
XI.AF.4 GOLANGCO V. FUNG, G.R. NO. 157952, SEPTEMBER 8, subpoena for the February 20, 2001 hearing should have been
2009 TORREJOS treated as a continuing request for the subpoena considering that
the Rules of Court did not require a party to apply for a subpoena
PRINCIPLE: In an action for certiorari pertaining a criminal case, again should it not be served in the first time. CA rebuffed
the People of the Philippines is an indispensable party. Consent of petitioner and dismissed petition for certiorari. CA reasoned that
the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) should be obtained in his an intention to still present the witness necessarily requires
petition for certiorari. A copy of the petition for certiorari should another request for a subpoena.
be filed to the OSG prior to the filing thereof.
Action : Special Civil Action for Certiorari assailing the order Whether the Court of Appeals correctly ruled on the petition for
issued by the RTC terminating the presentation of further certiorari of the petitioner.
evidence and requiring prosecution to file a written offer of
evidence within 20 days, furnishing a copy of the offer to the HELD:
accused who in turn had to comment on the offer within 15 days YES
from receipt. Procedural Misstep Committed by Petitioner in the CA
The petitioner did not join the People of the Philippines as a party
FACTS: in his action for certiorari in the Court of Appeals. He thereby
Jone B. Fung was charged for libel initiated by the petitioner in ignored that the People of the Philippines were indispensable
1995. He was alleged to have issued a memo dated May 10, 1995. parties due to his objective being to set aside the trial courts
Allegedly, the respondent had issued an office memorandum order dated May 23, 2001 that concerned the public aspect of
dated May 10, 1995 maliciously imputing against the petitioner Criminal Case No. 95-145703. The omission was fatal and already
enough cause for the summary rejection of his petition for
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  24

certiorari. Fung was charged of libel for imputing bribery in the POEA
The petitioner did not also obtain the consent of the Office of the against Golangco. After 6 years from filing, the prosecution
Solicitor General (OSG) to his petition for certiorari. At the very presented only two witness and failed to present its third witness,
least, he should have furnished a copy of the petition for Atty. Ramos, despite postponements due to his inavailability. The
certiorari to the OSG prior to the filing thereof,[8] but even that RTC gave a stern warning to the prosecutor that it is giving one
he did not do. Thereby, he violated Section 35(l), Chapter 12, final postponement for the production of witnesses. For failure to
Title III of Book IV of Executive Order No. 292 (The present its witness, RTC issued an order terminating the
Administrative Code of 1987), which mandates the OSG to presentation of further evidence and requiring prosecution to file
represent the Government in the Supreme Court and the Court of a written offer of evidence within 20 days, furnishing a copy of
Appeals in all criminal proceedings; represent the Government the offer to the accused who in turn had to comment on the offer
and its officers in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, and all within 15 days from receipt. The petitioner BY HIS LONESOME,
other courts or tribunals in all civil actions and special without impleading the People of the Phils., filed an action for
proceedings in which the Government or any officer thereof in certiorari with the CA imputing grave abuse of discretion on the
his official capacity is a party. part of RTC for not issuing the subpoena.

Although the petition for certiorari bore the conformity of the XI.AK ALCARAZ V. GONZALEZ, G.R. NO. 164715, SEPTEMBER
public prosecutor (i.e., Assistant City Prosecutor Danilo Formoso 20, 2006 AMORES
of Manila), that conformity alone did not suffice. The authority of
the City Prosecutor or his assistant to appear for and represent PRINCIPLES:
the People of the Philippines was confined only to the
proceedings in the trial court. CA has no appellate jurisdiction to review the assailed
resolutions of the Secretary of Justice by way of a petition for
Certiorari is an extraordinary remedy to correct a grave abuse of review under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court, the proper remedy
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction when an being a petition for certiorari under Rule 65.
appeal, or any plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary
course of law is not available. In this regard, grave abuse of The proper remedy from an adverse resolution issued by the
discretion implies a capricious and whimsical exercise of Secretary of Justice is to file a petition for certiorari under Ruler
judgment that is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction whenever the 65 of the Rules of Court, not a petition under Rule 43.
power is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason
of passion, prejudice or personal aversion amounting to an LONG DIGEST
evasion of a positive duty or to a virtual refusal to perform the
duty enjoined, or to act at all in contemplation of law. We find FACTS:
that the trial judge did not act capriciously, arbitrarily or
At around 10:05 a.m. of August 11, 2000, 61-year-old Ramon C.
whimsically in issuing the assailed order. Thus, the Court of
Gonzalez was driving his Nissan Cefiro car with plate no. UPW-
Appeals properly dismissed the petition for certiorari.
298 along the right outermost lane of the South-Luzon
The trial courts assailed order terminating the Prosecutions
Expressway. He was on his way to Makati Cityand had just passed
presentation of evidence was merely interlocutory. This fact
the Sucat toll gate.
surely adds justification to the Court of Appeals rejection of the
petition for certiorari, because it is the settled rule that certiorari
Atty. Arnel C. Alcaraz, a Customs Collector of the Bureau of
does not lie to review an interlocutory order, but only a final
Customs, Batangas Port, was driving his Nissan Infiniti car with
judgment or order that terminates the proceedings. Certiorari
plate no. CNH-338. He was in the middle lane of the South-Luzon
will be refused where there has been no final judgment or order
Expressway, between the Sucat and Bicutan Interchange, on his
and the proceeding for which the writ is sought is still pending
way to Manila from Batangas City. He was armed with a .38
and undetermined in the lower court. Indeed, a writ of certiorari
caliber pistol and had with him Mission Order No. 699-2000, to
is not intended to correct every controversial interlocutory ruling
expire on August 21, 2000. Since Alcaraz intended to use the
unless the ruling is attended by grave abuse of discretion or
Skyway, he signaled, and proceeded to the right-most lane which
tainted by whimsical exercise of judgment equivalent to lack of
was reserved for vehicles taking the Skyway.
jurisdiction, for the function of certiorari is limited to keeping an
inferior court within its jurisdiction and to relieving persons from
Gonzalez, who was on the right-most lane, was forced to swerve
its arbitrary acts acts that courts or judges have no power or
his car to the right to avoid colliding with Alcarazs vehicle and
authority in law to perform. The proper remedy for the petitioner
nearly hit the concrete island. Nonplussed, Gonzalez chased after
was to proceed in the action until judgment, which, once
Alcaraz, opened his windows and shouted at Alcaraz, demanding
rendered, might then be reviewed on appeal, along with the
to know why the latter suddenly cut into his lane. Alcaraz
assailed interlocutory order. As long as the trial court acted
retorted that he had signaled that he was swerving to the
within its jurisdiction, its alleged error committed in the exercise
right. Gonzalez reproved Alcaraz and drove on.
of its jurisdiction amounted to nothing more than an error of
judgment that was reviewable by a timely appeal, not by a special Alcaraz drove his car to Gonzalezs right. Upon nearing an island,
civil action of certiorari. Alcaraz raised his pistol towards Gonzalez and fired twice: the
first bullet hit the right front window of the vehicle and exited at
KWIK-KWIK DIGEST: the left rear door; the second bullet hit the left rear window of
Gonzalezs car. Alcaraz hurriedly drove away from the scene, but
was intercepted by the PNCC guards at the Skyway toll gate. The
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  25

guards confiscated from Alcaraz the .38 pistol with 7 live bullets No.
and 3 empty shells.
Respondent (Gonzalez) resorted to an improper remedy when he
Gonzalez reported the matter to the Paraaque City Police Station filed a petition for review under Rule 43 of the Rules of
where he gave a statement to the police investigator,and filed a Court, instead of filing a petition for certiorari under Rule 65.
criminal complaint for attempted homicide against Alcaraz.
The resolution of the Investigating Prosecutor is subject to appeal
After the Office of the City Prosecutor conducted an inquest, an to the Justice Secretary who, under the Revised Administrative
Information for attempted homicide against Alcaraz was filed Code, exercises the power of control and supervision over said
with the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of Paranaque City. Investigating Prosecutor; and who may affirm, nullify, reverse, or
modify the ruling of such prosecutor. Thus, while the CA may
On motion of Alcaraz, the MeTC ordered the City Prosecutor to review the resolution of the Justice Secretary, it may do so
conduct a preliminary investigation. only in a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of
Court, solely on the ground that the Secretary of Justice
The Investigating Prosecutor resolved to maintain his finding of committed grave abuse of his discretion amounting to excess or
probable cause of attempted homicide against Alcaraz and to lack of jurisdiction.
retain the Information. Alcaraz filed a motion for reconsideration,
and when it was denied, filed a petition for review with the City It bears stressing that the Resolution of the Justice Secretary
Prosecutors Office, Department of Justice. affirming, modifying or reversing the resolution of the
Investigating Prosecutor is final. Under the 1993 Revised Rules
On November 26, 2001, then Secretary of Justice Hernando Perez on Appeals (now the 2000 National Prosecution Service Rules on
issued a Resolution granting the petition and ordering the City Appeals), resolutions in preliminary investigations or
Prosecutor to withdraw the Information because Gonzalez failed reinvestigations from the Justice Secretary’sresolution, except the
to prove beyond reasonable that Alcaraz had intended to kill him. aggrieved party, has no more remedy of appeal to file a motion
Gonzalez filed a motion for reconsideration, which the for reconsideration of the said resolution of such motion if it is
Undersecretary of Justice denied on January 29, 2003. denied by the said Secretary. The remedy of the aggrieved party
is to file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of
Gonzalez then filed a petition for review under Rule 43 of the Court since there is no more appeal or other remedy available in
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure before the CA, seeking the the ordinary course of law.
reversal of the Justice Secretary’s Resolution. He claimed that
the Secretary acted beyond his authority in finding no probable In the present case, respondent filed a petition for review under
cause to charge Alcaraz with attempted homicide and for Rule 43 of the Rules of Court, assailing the resolutions of the
ordering the City Prosecutor to withdraw the Information. He Justice Secretary. Instead of dismissing the petition, however, the
insisted that by invoking self-defense, Alcaraz thereby admitted CA gave due course to it and thereafter granted the petition, on
his intention to kill him (Gonzalez). He claimed that Alcarazs its finding that the Justice Secretary erred in reversing the
claim of self-defense should be ventilated during trial on the resolution of the Investigating Prosecutor which found probable
merits. cause against petitioner for attempted homicide. Patently, the
ruling of the CA is incorrect.
In his comment on the petition, Alcaraz averred that the CA had
no appellate jurisdiction over the petition, and that Gonzalez had QUICK DIGEST:
no legal standing to file the petition. He insisted that the remedy
from an adverse resolution of the Justice Secretary is to file a FACTS:
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, as
amended, grounded on grave abuse of discretion amounting to A complaint for attempted homicide was filed against Alcaraz in
excess of jurisdiction, not one under Rule 43 of said Rule. He the prosecutor office. After the prosecution conducted an inquest
averred that the Justice Secretary is not a quasi-judicial officer an information was filed with the METC. On motion of Alcaraz,
under Rule 43 whose resolutions may thus be reviewed by the MeTC order the city prosecutor to conduct a preliminary
CA.Alcaraz likewise pointed out that the CA was without power to investigation. The city prosecutor finds probable cause and retain
substitute its own judgment for that of the Justice Secretary the information. Alcaraz filed a motion for reconsideration and
regarding the existence or non-existence of probable cause to was denied from the order of the denial he filed a petition for
charge him with attempted homicide. review with the DOJ. The Secretary of Justice issued a resolution
granting the petition and ordered the withdrawal of the
CA Ruling - rendered judgment granting the petition and information.
reversing the assailed resolutions of the Secretary of Justice.
Aggrieved to the decision of the DOJ, Gonzalez filed a petition for
ISSUE: review under RULE 43 before the CA seeking reversal of the DOJ’s
Resolution. The CA granted the petition.
WON CA has appellate jurisdiction to review the assailed
resolutions of the Secretary of Justice by way of a petition for ISSUE:
review under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court.
WON CA has appellate jurisdiction to review the assailed
HELD: resolutions of the Secretary of Justice by way of a petition for
review under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court.
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  26



The CA was not correct to grant the petition. The petition for
review under Rule 43 was not the proper remedy for the
respondent. He should have instead filed a petition for certiorari
under Rule 65 in appealing his case before the CA. The
decision/resolution of the Secretary of Justice in affirming,
modifying, or reversing the resolution of the investigating
prosecutor is final and executory. The legislature has not
provided an adequate remedy by appeal in such case. Thus, the
petition for certiorari is available.

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  27

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