Zahida Bouzina, Ilham Mokbel, Amina Negadi, Jacques Jose, Latifa Negadi

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J. Chem.

Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54

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J. Chem. Thermodynamics
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Phase equilibrium measurements and thermodynamic modeling

of aqueous solutions of polyamines CO2 absorbents:
3-aminopropylmethylamine, 3-aminopropyldimethylamine
and N,N-diethyl 1,3-propanediamine at temperatures
from 273 K to 363 K
Zahida Bouzina a, Ilham Mokbel b,c, Amina Negadi a, Jacques Jose b, Latifa Negadi a,⇑
LATA2M, Laboratoire de Thermodynamique Appliquée et Modélisation Moléculaire, University of Tlemcen, Post Office Box 119, Tlemcen 13000, Algeria
Laboratoire Multimatériaux et Interfaces, UMR 5615, Université de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, 69622 Villeurbanne, France
Université de Saint Etienne, Jean Monnet, F-42023 Saint Etienne – Université de Lyon, F-42023 Saint Etienne, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The vapor pressures of the pure components 3-aminopropylmethylamine (MAPA), 3-aminopropyldimethylamine
Received 24 February 2015 (DMAPA) and N,N-diethyl 1,3-propanediamine (DEAPA) along with the binary mixtures (MAPA + water),
Received in revised form 27 July 2015 (DMAPA + water) and (DEAPA + water) were measured by means of a static apparatus at temperatures
Accepted 16 August 2015
between (273 and 363) K. The data were correlated with the Antoine equation. From these data, excess
Available online 24 August 2015
Gibbs functions (GE) were calculated for several constant temperatures, and fitted to a three parameters
Redlich–Kister equation using the Barker’s method. Additionally, the NRTL and UNIQUAC models have
been used for the correlation of the total pressure.
(Vapor + liquid) equilibria
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Enthalpy of vaporization

1. Introduction amine function, a polyamine is expected to have higher reaction

rate with CO2 compared to solvent with single amine function
CO2 represents more than 70% of total greenhouse gas emis- [2–4]. On another side, the polyamine solvent must not present
sions due to anthropogenic activities, mainly the combustion of some drawbacks, such as, toxicity and volatility.
fossil fuels [1]. Several methods exist for the absorption of CO2 In this work, vapor pressures of pure polyamines and their
from flue gas among which the chemical absorption technology. aqueous solutions are performed in order to estimate their
At the solvent regeneration step of the process, relatively pure volatility during CO2 absorption and desorption, in the absorber
CO2 is obtained (purity 99%). The acid gas is then compressed and stripper respectively. Reliable measurements of vapor
and dedicated for geologic storage. pressures are a key industrial interest when screening for new
Despite its maturity, chemical absorption of CO2 is financially promising solvents for CO2 capture and in the design of the water
nonviable and must be improved at the two stages of the capture wash unit. On the other hand volatility, deduced from vapor
process: absorption of CO2 and solvent regeneration. An economi- pressures measurements using Barker’s method, are essential
cal efficiency in the absorption process depends on a solvent pre- for thermodynamic modeling of (amine + water) systems and in
senting an increased capacity of CO2 absorption than the the understanding the molecular interactions of species in
currently most used solvent, aqueous monoethanolamine (MEA). nonideal (amine + water) mixtures. Three polyamines were
This optimal solvent could be a polyamine. Due to its additional selected presenting each of them two amine functions. In all cases
the compounds have a primary amine function where the
additional amine function is a secondary amine function in
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +213 43 21 63 71. the case of 3-aminopropylmethylamine, a tertiary amine function
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] in the case of 3-Aminopropyldimethylamine and N,N-diethyl 1,
(L. Negadi). 3-propanediamine.
0021-9614/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
44 Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54

CAS#, structures and purities of chemicals from Sigma-Aldrich.

Compound CAS # Structure Claimed purity (mass fraction) GC purity (peak area)
3- Aminopropylmethylamine (MAPA) 6291-84-5 0.98 >0.99

3-Aminopropyldimethylamine (DMAPA) 109-55-7 0.99 >0.99

N,N-diethyl 1,3-propanediamine (DEAPA) 104-78-9 P0.99 >0.99

TABLE 3 (continued)
Coefficients A, B, and C and overall mean relative deviation in pressure of the Antoine T/K Pexp/Pa Pcal/Pa dP/P (%)
equation (Eq. (1)).
343.37 10,725 10,715 0.09
Compound T/K A B C 100 (dP/P) 353.41 16,311 16,315 0.03
363.44 24,103 24,159 0.23
MAPA 273.00 to 432.40 9.132 1361 83.69 0.40 100dP/P 0.15
DMAPA 273.04 to 363.44 9.320 1485 62.71 0.15
DEAPA 263.16 to 363.25 9.625 1755 56.43 0.29 DEAPA
P   263.16 14 14 0.04
P calc P exp
100dP=P ¼ N1 N
i¼1 100 Pexp , where N is the total number of experimental 273.05 34 33 0.57
values. 283.27 77 78 0.21
283.27 77 78 0.11
293.22 163 164 0.33
303.14 326 325 0.09
TABLE 3 303.16 325 326 0.23
Experimental and calculated (with the Antoine equation (Eq. (1)) vapor pressures of 313.16 616 617 0.06
pure MAPA, DMAPA and DEAPA. 313.18 616 618 0.19
323.16 1112 1113 0.07
T/K Pexp/Pa Pcal/Pa dP/P (%)
323.16 1114 1113 0.09
MAPA 333.18 1940 1925 0.75
273.00 89 88 1.73 343.21 3234 3208 0.82
283.37 205 208 1.16 353.19 5161 5153 0.16
293.47 431 442 2.41 353.19 5162 5153 0.17
303.11 861 852 1.01 363.25 7965 8052 1.09
313.18 1607 1594 0.78 100dP/P 0.29
323.26 2830 2831 0.02
Note: u(P/Pa) = 0.03⁄P for P < 600 Pa; u(P/Pa) = 0.01⁄P for P in the range (600–
323.26 2828 2831 0.09
1300 Pa), u(P/Pa) = 0.003⁄P for P > 1300 Pa, and u(T) = ± 0.02 K for the temperature
333.23 4764 4774 0.21
range 203 6 T/K 6 463.
333.25 4764 4779 0.31
343.26 7745 7754 0.11
343.28 7742 7763 0.27
343.30 7740 7771 0.40
352.54 11,854 11,766 0.75 2. Experimental section
352.54 11,847 11,766 0.69
353.24 12,137 12,128 0.08 2.1. Materials
362.82 18,101 18,069 0.18
362.84 18,106 18,086 0.11
372.74 26,606 26,562 0.17 The diamines were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Table 1
372.76 26,609 26,586 0.09 reports the purities stated by the supplier and those obtained by
382.84 38,343 38,312 0.08 Gas Chromatography. The water content in the amines (important
382.87 38,346 38,344 0.01 in the case of pure amine study), was determined by Karl Fischer
392.92 53,963 53,906 0.11
392.95 53,959 53,949 0.02
method and it was less than 30 ppm. The aqueous mixtures were
402.59 73,401 73,278 0.17 prepared by weighing (uncertainty is ±0.0004 g). Deionized water
402.59 73,398 73,278 0.16 was used (18 MX  cm) when preparing aqueous solution.
402.61 73,412 73,333 0.11
422.46 129,798 130,425 0.48
422.46 129,794 130,425 0.49
422.51 129,836 130,602 0.59
2.2. VLE measurements
432.40 169,969 169,764 0.12
432.40 170,017 169,764 0.15 The vapor pressure measurements for the pure components and
100dP/P 0.40 binary systems were carried out using a static apparatus [5,6]. The
DMAPA apparatus is equipped with a differential manometer from MKS,
273.04 183 182 0.27 model 616 A. The pressure measurement consisted of applying
283.06 381 382 0.13
the vapor pressure of the sample on the measurement side of the
293.13 749 752 0.44
303.16 1396 1397 0.05 gauge. The reference side was submitted to a permanent-
313.21 2478 2472 0.22 dynamic pumping. The residual pressure was 104 Pa and there-
323.27 4186 4186 0.00 fore can be neglected. Temperature measurements were carried
333.32 6828 6814 0.20
out using a copper-constantan thermocouple calibrated against a
343.37 10,727 10,714 0.12
25 X platinum resistance standard thermometer (T = ±0.001 K,
IPTS 90) and a Leeds & Northrup bridge (±104 X). The differential
Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54 45

Estimated enthalpies of vaporization of MAPA, DMAPA and DEAPA at T = 298.15 K (DvapHm (298.15)) using Eq. (4).

Compound Temperature range/K Tm/K DvapHm (Tm) kJ  mol1 DvapHm (298.15) kJ  mol1 DDvapH kJ  mol1 Ref.
MAPA 273 to 432.40 349.50 46.35 50.0 This work
276.2 to 303.2 53.7 53.1 ± 0.4 3.1 [10]
326.8 to 412.5 44.2 48.7 ± 0.3 1.3 [11]
DMAPA 273.04 to 363.44 320.17 44.52 46.12 This work
272.9 to 299.7 46.9 46.0 ± 0.2 0.12 [10]
304.1 to 365.4 44.3 46.7 ± 0.4 0.58 [12]
303 to 366 46.5 0.38 [13]
303 to 408 45.6 0.52 [13]
285 to 310 44.1 44.0 ± 0.2 2.12 [14]
298.15 42.2 ± 0.1 3.92 [15]
DEAPA 263.16 to 363.25 310.91 50.55 51.7 This work
277.2 to 305.1 53 52.4 ± 0.5 0.7 [10]
273.2 to 363.2 49 51.3 ± 0.6 0.4 [16]
329 to 443 53.2 1.5 [13]
303.2 to 343.2 49 51.0 ± 0.3 0.7 [17]

5 5
100* (Plit-Pcal)/ Plit

100* (Plit -Pcal)/Plit

-5 -5



250 280 310 340 370
260 310 360 410 T/ K
T/ K
FIGURE 3. Relative deviation of the vapor pressures of DEAPA: (o), this work; (h),
ref. [10]; (+), ref. [16].
FIGURE 1. Relative deviation of the vapor pressures of MAPA: (o), this work; (h),
ref. [10]; (+), ref. [11].

were prepared by mass and thoroughly degassed by distillation.

15 Once the VLE measurements were carried out, the liquid phase is
recovered and the molar fraction of the components determined
10 by gas chromatography. The estimated uncertainty of the molar
100* (Plit-Pcal)/Plit

fraction determination is u(xi) = 0.0005.


0 3. Results and discussion

3.1. Pure compounds
The experimental vapor pressure data were fitted to the
Antoine equation:
250 280 310 340 370
lg10 P=Pa ¼ A  ð1Þ
ðC þ T=KÞ
FIGURE 2. Relative deviation of the vapor pressures of DMAPA: (o), this work; (h),
ref. [10]. The objective function Q was the sum of the squared relative
deviations in pressure:

pressure gage was calibrated against a U-manometer filled with X P calc  Pexp 2
mercury or Apiezon oil depending on pressure range. The levels Q¼ ð2Þ
in both arms of the U-shaped manometer were read by a
cathetometer (reference 70,298, from Bouty France) to the nearest The overall mean relative deviation in pressure is:
0.001 mm. The calibration was then checked by measuring the dP 100 X Pcalc  Pexp
vapor and the sublimation pressures of water and naphthalene. %¼ ð3Þ
P N Pexp
The uncertainty of the measurements is estimated to be: u(P/Pa)
= 0.03⁄P for P < 600 Pa; u(P/Pa) = 0.01⁄P for P in the range where N is the total number of experimental values.
(600–1300 Pa), u(P/Pa) = 0.003⁄P for P over 1300 Pa, and u(T) The investigated temperature range, the coefficients A, B, and C
= ± 0.02 K for the temperature range 243 6 T/K 6 473. Mixtures of the Antoine equation and the overall mean relative deviation in
46 Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54

Values of the vapor pressure P, relative deviations dP/P (%), activity coefficients c1 and c2 and excess molar Gibbs functions GE for the binary system MAPA (1) + Water (2).

x1 ycal
1 P/Pa dP/P (%) c1 c2 GE/J  mol1
T = 273.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 602.8 [7] 0.00 0.002 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0014 432.4 1.39 0.051 0.812 1288.0
0.2700 0.0357 232.1 0.73 0.348 0.512 1756.0
0.3898 0.1699 154.2 1.02 0.763 0.352 1687.6
0.4995 0.3503 132.8 2.16 1.024 0.280 1420.3
0.6298 0.5150 119.6 0.33 1.095 0.259 1005.1
0.7597 0.6283 109.9 2.49 1.047 0.289 598.3
0.8890 0.7740 104.3 1.41 1.006 0.348 254.5
1.0000 1.0000 89.0 0.00 1.000 0.373 0.0
T = 283.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 1219 [7] 0.00 0.004 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0021 898.7 1.76 0.069 0.831 1195.4
0.2700 0.0404 508.8 0.75 0.377 0.553 1638.4
0.3898 0.1691 351.1 0.99 0.755 0.397 1587.4
0.4995 0.3369 302.4 1.79 0.982 0.323 1352.5
0.6298 0.5012 270.3 0.28 1.052 0.298 979.8
0.7597 0.6296 247.3 1.84 1.023 0.319 605.4
0.8890 0.7918 231.6 1.05 1.000 0.353 271.2
1.0000 1.0000 204.0 0.00 1.000 0.344 0.0
T = 293.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 2329 [7] 0.00 0.007 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0030 1760 2.00 0.092 0.849 1104.2
0.2700 0.0452 1046 0.74 0.409 0.592 1519.8
0.3898 0.1690 746.8 0.93 0.757 0.441 1481.6
0.4995 0.3257 643.7 1.44 0.958 0.367 1273.8
0.6298 0.4879 572.3 0.26 1.024 0.340 938.4
0.7597 0.6267 521.2 1.30 1.009 0.353 594.6
0.8890 0.8002 481.7 0.70 0.997 0.370 275.2
1.0000 1.0000 431.9 0.00 1.000 0.341 0.0
T = 303.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 4235 [7] 0.00 0.013 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0041 3270 2.12 0.119 0.866 1014.3
0.2700 0.0501 2033 0.74 0.446 0.630 1400.2
0.3898 0.1693 1496 0.84 0.768 0.485 1371.0
0.4995 0.3164 1292 1.14 0.947 0.412 1185.8
0.6298 0.4754 1144 0.26 1.009 0.382 882.9
0.7597 0.6207 1037 0.89 1.001 0.391 567.8
0.8890 0.8018 946.4 0.41 0.996 0.398 267.6
1.0000 1.0000 853.9 0.00 1.000 0.358 0.0
T = 313.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 7370 [7] 0.00 0.021 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0055 5800 2.15 0.152 0.881 925.5
0.2700 0.0551 3758 0.73 0.487 0.666 1280.0
0.3898 0.1700 2841 0.73 0.786 0.529 1256.3
0.4995 0.3085 2458 0.88 0.947 0.458 1089.8
0.6298 0.4636 2173 0.26 1.003 0.427 815.4
0.7597 0.6123 1959 0.60 0.998 0.433 527.7
0.8890 0.7984 1767 0.20 0.995 0.436 250.4
1.0000 1.0000 1591 0.00 1.000 0.393 0.0
T = 323.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 12328 [7] 0.00 0.034 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0072 9866 2.11 0.191 0.895 837.8
0.2700 0.0601 6643 0.72 0.531 0.700 1159.3
0.3898 0.1710 5147 0.61 0.809 0.572 1138.1
0.4995 0.3018 4466 0.66 0.953 0.503 987.2
0.6298 0.4523 3941 0.27 1.003 0.473 738.2
0.7597 0.6019 3535 0.41 0.999 0.479 476.9
0.8890 0.7911 3154 0.07 0.996 0.484 225.6
1.0000 1.0000 2814 0.00 1.000 0.444 0.0
T = 333.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 19905 [7] 0.00 0.053 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0092 16171 1.99 0.238 0.908 751.2
0.2700 0.0651 11282 0.71 0.579 0.733 1038.2
0.3898 0.1721 8940 0.48 0.837 0.614 1017.0
0.4995 0.2957 7779 0.46 0.966 0.549 879.2
0.6298 0.4411 6863 0.28 1.009 0.521 653.1
0.7597 0.5899 6123 0.29 1.003 0.530 417.7
0.8890 0.7807 5404 0.01 0.998 0.540 195.1
1.0000 1.0000 4755 0.00 1.000 0.510 0.0
Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54 47

TABLE 5 (continued)

x1 ycal
1 P/Pa dP/P (%) c1 c2 GE/J  mol1

T = 343.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 31,133 [7] 0.00 0.080 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0115 25,633 1.82 0.292 0.919 665.8
0.2700 0.0701 18,486 0.69 0.631 0.764 916.9
0.3898 0.1732 14,951 0.34 0.868 0.655 893.6
0.4995 0.2901 13,050 0.30 0.982 0.595 766.8
0.6298 0.4299 11,518 0.31 1.017 0.571 562.0
0.7597 0.5765 10,222 0.23 1.007 0.584 352.4
0.8890 0.7681 8929 0.01 0.999 0.605 160.5
1.0000 1.0000 7716 0.00 1.000 0.590 0.0
T = 353.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 47,313 [7] 0.00 0.116 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0141 39,425 1.61 0.354 0.930 581.5
0.2700 0.0751 29,325 0.66 0.686 0.793 795.7
0.3898 0.1744 24,165 0.21 0.902 0.696 768.4
0.4995 0.2848 21,162 0.15 1.000 0.642 651.1
0.6298 0.4187 18,695 0.33 1.026 0.623 466.3
0.7597 0.5622 16,505 0.22 1.013 0.643 282.7
0.8890 0.7537 14,278 0.00 1.001 0.678 123.2
1.0000 1.0000 12,079 0.00 1.000 0.685 0.0
T = 363.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 70,050 [7] 0.00 0.164 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0171 59,006 1.35 0.424 0.940 498.3
0.2700 0.0800 45,177 0.63 0.745 0.821 674.5
0.3898 0.1753 37,873 0.08 0.938 0.735 641.8
0.4995 0.2795 33,280 0.03 1.020 0.689 532.7
0.6298 0.4073 29,440 0.36 1.037 0.677 367.4
0.7597 0.5470 25,858 0.25 1.019 0.706 210.1
0.8890 0.7380 22,162 0.03 1.003 0.759 84.4
1.0000 1.0000 18,313 0.00 1.000 0.792 0.0

Note: u(P/Pa) = 0.03⁄P for P < 600 Pa; u(P/Pa) = 0.01⁄P for P in the range (600 to 1300 Pa), u(P/Pa) = 0.003⁄P for P over 1300 Pa, u(T) = ± 0.02 K, and u(xi) = ± 0.0005.

pressure for the pure amines are reported in table 2. Water data than 1%) with those reported by several authors [10,12,13].
were taken from literature [7]. Experimental results of MAPA, However, a mean relative deviation of 2.1% and 3.9% are observed
DMAPA and DEAPA are given in table 3. between the present work and the ones reported by Lebedeva et al.
From the fits of the vapor pressures using the Clausius–Clapey- [14] and Papina et al. [15] respectively (see figure 3).
ron equation, the enthalpy of vaporization DvapHm(Tm) of the For N,N-diethyl-1,3-propanediamine, DEAPA, our results agree
diamines at the mean temperature of the experiments, Tm, was fairly (mean relative deviation of 19%) with the data reported by
determined. Vaporization enthalpies at the temperature 298.15 K Verevkin et al. [10] who used the transpiration method. Better
were derived from those calculated at the mean temperature Tm agreement is found with Khimeche et al. [16] values, relative devi-
of the experiments, using Chickos and Acree equation [8]: ation of 6%.
For the enthalpy of vaporization at T = 298.15 K (table 4), the
1 value deduced from our results is in a very good agreement with
Dvap Hm ð298:15 KÞ=J  mol ¼ Dvap Hm ðT m =KÞ þ ½10:58
the data reported by different authors [10,13,16,17]. The relative
þ 0:26 C pl ð298:15 KÞ:ðT m =K deviations vary from 0.4% to 1.5%.
 298:15Þ ð4Þ
The heat capacities of Cpl were calculated using the group addi- 3.2. Binary systems
tivity method developed by Chickos and Acree [9]. The calculated For the three binary mixtures, the vapor pressures were mea-
values of the standard enthalpies of vaporization at T = 298.15 K sured at temperatures between 273.15 (or 283.15) K and
are reported in table 4. 363.15 K and the results fitted to the Antoine equation. Molar
Several authors studied 3-aminopropylmethylamine, MAPA. As excess Gibbs functions GE were estimated from the Redlich–Kister
shown in figure 1, our experimental vapor pressures were com- equation using the Barker’s method [18]:
pared to those obtained by Verevkin et al. [10], determined in a X
narrow temperature range (from 276 to 303 K) using the transpira- GE ¼ x1 ð1  x1 Þ RTGj ð2x1  1Þj1 ð5Þ
tion method, and with those obtained from ebulliometric method j¼1

[11] (studied range is from 326.8 to 412.5). The mean relative devi- where x1 is the molar fraction of the diamine, and m = 3 represent
ation with the present work is respectively 20% and 1.8%. On the the number of Redlich–Kister parameters. The coefficients Gj were
other hand, the enthalpy of vaporization deduced from the exper- determined by regression through minimization of the sum of
imental results is in a good agreement with both authors [10,11], residuals between experimental and calculated pressures.
table 4. Activity coefficients, ci, is rigorously calculated using the
The vapor pressures data of 3-aminopropyldimethylamine, following equation:
DMAPA, are in acceptable agreement with those reported by Z Pisi
V Li
Verevkin et al. [10] who used the transpiration method. The mean yi PUi exp dP ¼ Usi ci xi Psi ð6Þ
relative deviation is about 8%. (Cf. figure 2). P RT
The enthalpy of vaporization at T = 298.15 K of DMAPA deduced where yi and xi are, respectively, the molar fraction in the vapor and
from our results is in a very good agreement (relative deviation less in the liquid phase of component i, P is the total pressure, PSi is the
48 Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54

Values of the vapor pressure P, relative deviations dP/P (%), activity coefficients c1 and c2 and excess molar Gibbs functions GE for the binary system DMAPA (1) + Water (2).

x1 ycal
1 P/Pa dP/P (%) c1 c2 GE (J/mol)
T = 283.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 1219 [7] 0.00 0.017 1.000 0.0
0.1299 0.0089 904.1 2.07 0.165 0.863 853.2
0.2698 0.0969 630.1 0.36 0.587 0.637 1112.3
0.4996 0.4151 493.0 1.46 1.050 0.466 840.8
0.6292 0.5396 462.4 0.77 1.040 0.475 592.0
0.7598 0.6556 436.7 1.68 0.997 0.523 372.7
0.8897 0.8258 417.2 1.72 0.990 0.532 185.0
1.0000 1.0000 384.4 0.00 1.000 0.425 0.0
T = 293.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 2329 [7] 0.00 0.030 1.000 0.0
0.1299 0.0119 1772 1.73 0.219 0.880 752.7
0.2698 0.1038 1286 0.15 0.657 0.677 970.3
0.4996 0.3976 1026 1.47 1.067 0.523 711.4
0.6292 0.5164 955.5 0.56 1.047 0.539 488.7
0.7598 0.6329 890.9 1.70 1.002 0.596 300.5
0.8897 0.8084 835.5 1.51 0.992 0.615 147.9
1.0000 1.0000 753.6 0.00 1.000 0.513 0.0
T = 303.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 4235 [7] 0.00 0.050 1.000 0.0
0.1299 0.0153 3303 1.41 0.285 0.895 654.2
0.2698 0.1098 2485 0.05 0.726 0.716 831.8
0.4996 0.3804 2013 1.47 1.082 0.581 586.5
0.6292 0.4943 1865 0.37 1.053 0.604 389.7
0.7598 0.6111 1718 1.67 1.006 0.670 231.3
0.8897 0.7911 1583 1.32 0.994 0.701 112.3
1.0000 1.0000 1397 0.00 1.000 0.607 0.0
T = 313.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 7370 [7] 0.00 0.083 1.000 0.0
0.1299 0.0193 5883 1.12 0.361 0.910 557.4
0.2698 0.1149 4572 0.23 0.795 0.755 696.6
0.4996 0.3637 3752 1.42 1.094 0.640 466.0
0.6292 0.4731 3458 0.21 1.058 0.670 294.5
0.7598 0.5904 3153 1.61 1.010 0.744 165.1
0.8897 0.7741 2855 1.16 0.996 0.788 78.2
1.0000 1.0000 2464 0.00 1.000 0.708 0.0
T = 323.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 12,328 [7] 0.00 0.131 1.000 0.0
0.1299 0.0238 10,064 0.87 0.450 0.925 462.3
0.2698 0.1192 8054 0.37 0.863 0.792 564.4
0.4996 0.3476 6682 1.35 1.103 0.699 349.4
0.6292 0.4531 6130 0.09 1.062 0.737 202.9
0.7598 0.5707 5534 1.52 1.014 0.819 101.5
0.8897 0.7576 4929 1.02 0.998 0.876 45.4
1.0000 1.0000 4162 0.00 1.000 0.814 0.0
T = 333.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 19,905 [7] 0.00 0.202 1.000 0.0
0.1299 0.0286 16,603 0.66 0.551 0.938 368.8
0.2698 0.1228 13,644 0.47 0.929 0.829 435.0
0.4996 0.3323 11,423 1.25 1.111 0.759 236.4
0.6292 0.4341 10,436 0.02 1.065 0.804 114.6
0.7598 0.5522 9335 1.41 1.017 0.893 40.4
0.8897 0.7417 8186 0.89 0.999 0.964 13.7
1.0000 1.0000 6763 0.00 1.000 0.925 0.0
T = 343.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 31,133 [7] 0.00 0.301 1.000 0.0
0.1299 0.0339 26,507 0.50 0.664 0.951 276.7
0.2698 0.1256 22,314 0.52 0.993 0.865 308.2
0.4996 0.3177 18,824 1.11 1.117 0.819 126.6
0.6292 0.4164 17,132 0.09 1.067 0.871 29.2
0.7598 0.5348 15,196 1.27 1.020 0.966 18.6
0.8897 0.7265 13,128 0.77 1.001 1.051 16.8
1.0000 1.0000 10,614 0.00 1.000 1.039 0.0
T = 353.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 47,313 [7] 0.00 0.436 1.000 0.0
0.1299 0.0394 41,083 0.36 0.790 0.963 185.9
0.2698 0.1279 35,353 0.53 1.056 0.900 183.8
0.4996 0.3039 30,011 0.95 1.122 0.879 19.7
0.6292 0.3997 27,219 0.15 1.069 0.938 53.7
0.7598 0.5186 23,957 1.12 1.022 1.038 75.8
0.8897 0.7120 20,402 0.65 1.002 1.137 46.5
1.0000 1.0000 16,151 0.00 1.000 1.156 0.0
Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54 49

TABLE 6 (continued)

x1 ycal
1 P/Pa dP/P (%) c1 c2 GE (J/mol)

T = 363.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 70,050 [7] 0.00 0.618 1.000 0.0
0.1299 0.0452 61,985 0.27 0.927 0.975 96.5
0.2698 0.1297 54,423 0.49 1.117 0.934 61.6
0.4996 0.2908 46,438 0.78 1.126 0.939 84.6
0.6292 0.3841 41,987 0.19 1.071 1.004 134.3
0.7598 0.5034 36,686 0.95 1.025 1.109 131.4
0.8897 0.6982 30,819 0.54 1.003 1.223 75.5
1.0000 1.0000 23,897 0.00 1.000 1.276 0.0

Note: u(P/Pa) = 0.03⁄P for P < 600 Pa; u(P/Pa) = 0.01⁄P for P in the range (600–1300 Pa), u(P/Pa) = 0.003⁄P for P over 1300 Pa, u(T) = ± 0.02 K, and u(xi) = ± 0.0005.

Values of the vapor pressure P, relative deviations dP/P (%), activity coefficients c1 and c2 and excess molar Gibbs functions GE for the binary system DEAPA (1) + Water (2).

x1 ycal
1 P/Pa dP/P (%) c1 c2 GE (J/mol)
T = 273.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 602.8 [7] 0.00 0.096 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0032 490.7 1.46 0.352 0.919 474.7
0.2701 0.0197 342.5 0.65 0.744 0.768 618.6
0.3896 0.0499 255.7 1.65 0.987 0.671 564.0
0.4989 0.0873 211.8 1.89 1.077 0.628 445.4
0.6300 0.1388 165.1 0.47 1.072 0.635 282.8
0.7600 0.2080 125.6 1.21 1.030 0.696 145.9
0.8897 0.3665 82.7 0.48 1.004 0.784 52.6
1.0000 1.0000 33.8 0.00 1.000 0.828 0.0
T = 283.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 1219 [7] 0.00 0.179 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0048 1019 1.89 0.478 0.939 355.7
0.2701 0.0233 744.5 0.32 0.838 0.821 452.5
0.3896 0.0529 574.1 1.61 1.032 0.743 397.9
0.4989 0.0881 481.8 1.25 1.094 0.711 297.1
0.6300 0.1375 382.0 0.62 1.079 0.727 166.0
0.7600 0.2055 291.5 0.91 1.035 0.800 64.4
0.8897 0.3592 192.1 0.31 1.006 0.914 10.5
1.0000 1.0000 76.8 0.00 1.000 1.006 0.0
T = 293.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 2329 [7] 0.00 0.311 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0068 1995 2.27 0.626 0.956 244.2
0.2701 0.0270 1518 0.02 0.930 0.870 296.7
0.3896 0.0556 1204 1.59 1.072 0.813 242.5
0.4989 0.0888 1022 0.72 1.108 0.793 158.6
0.6300 0.1364 821.8 0.68 1.084 0.819 57.3
0.7600 0.2035 629.2 0.60 1.039 0.903 10.9
0.8897 0.3536 414.3 0.15 1.008 1.042 28.1
1.0000 1.0000 163.1 0.00 1.000 1.186 0.0
T = 303.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 4235 [7] 0.00 0.507 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0093 3708 2.58 0.794 0.972 138.9
0.2701 0.0307 2926 0.28 1.019 0.915 149.8
0.3896 0.0582 2377 1.58 1.108 0.880 96.1
0.4989 0.0894 2040 0.29 1.120 0.874 28.4
0.6300 0.1354 1659 0.68 1.087 0.910 44.4
0.7600 0.2019 1274 0.29 1.042 1.005 81.0
0.8897 0.3494 837.5 0.00 1.009 1.168 63.8
1.0000 1.0000 325.7 0.00 1.000 1.367 0.0
T = 313.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 7370 [7] 0.00 0.783 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0123 6583 2.83 0.981 0.986 39.2
0.2701 0.0344 5364 0.55 1.105 0.958 10.7
0.3896 0.0605 4450 1.58 1.140 0.945 42.5
0.4989 0.0899 3858 0.07 1.129 0.953 94.6
0.6300 0.1345 3165 0.62 1.089 1.000 140.2
0.7600 0.2006 2439 0.02 1.044 1.104 146.7
0.8897 0.3463 1599 0.14 1.010 1.291 97.0
1.0000 1.0000 616.4 0.00 1.000 1.544 0.0
T = 323.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 12328 [7] 0.00 1.154 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0157 11213 3.01 1.185 0.998 55.6

(continued on next page)

50 Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54

TABLE 7 (continued)

x1 ycal
1 P/Pa dP/P (%) c1 c2 GE (J/mol)
0.2701 0.0382 9408 0.82 1.188 0.998 121.6
0.3896 0.0626 7947 1.58 1.169 1.007 174.2
0.4989 0.0903 6954 0.36 1.137 1.029 211.4
0.6300 0.1337 5745 0.52 1.091 1.088 230.8
0.7600 0.1996 4442 0.32 1.045 1.201 208.5
0.8897 0.3441 2903 0.27 1.011 1.409 128.1
1.0000 1.0000 1112 0.00 1.000 1.716 0.0
T = 333.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 19,905 [7] 0.00 1.636 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0196 18,410 3.12 1.404 1.010 146.3
0.2701 0.0418 15,858 1.06 1.267 1.036 248.1
0.3896 0.0645 13,609 1.59 1.195 1.066 300.0
0.4989 0.0906 12,011 0.60 1.144 1.104 322.7
0.6300 0.1330 9979 0.39 1.092 1.173 316.9
0.7600 0.1989 7742 0.61 1.046 1.295 267.0
0.8897 0.3426 5040 0.39 1.012 1.522 157.3
1.0000 1.0000 1922 0.00 1.000 1.881 0.0
T = 343.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 31,133 [7] 0.00 2.238 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0239 29,238 3.17 1.636 1.021 233.1
0.2701 0.0454 25,793 1.30 1.343 1.071 369.3
0.3896 0.0663 22,447 1.59 1.218 1.123 420.6
0.4989 0.0909 19,967 0.79 1.149 1.176 429.4
0.6300 0.1324 16,663 0.24 1.092 1.256 399.3
0.7600 0.1983 12,969 0.89 1.047 1.385 322.6
0.8897 0.3417 8407 0.50 1.012 1.630 185.0
1.0000 1.0000 3199 0.00 1.000 2.038 0.0
T = 353.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 47,313 [7] 0.00 2.971 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0286 45,066 3.17 1.878 1.030 316.6
0.2701 0.0489 40,626 1.52 1.415 1.103 486.0
0.3896 0.0679 35,793 1.59 1.240 1.176 536.7
0.4989 0.0912 32,073 0.93 1.154 1.245 532.0
0.6300 0.1318 26,857 0.07 1.092 1.337 478.3
0.7600 0.1980 20,969 1.15 1.047 1.473 375.8
0.8897 0.3414 13,533 0.61 1.013 1.733 211.2
1.0000 1.0000 5143 0.00 1.000 2.186 0.0
T = 363.15 K
0.0000 0.0000 70,050 0.00 3.840 1.000 0.0
0.1300 0.0337 67,601 3.11 2.128 1.039 397.1
0.2701 0.0524 62,159 1.74 1.484 1.134 598.5
0.3896 0.0694 55,362 1.59 1.259 1.227 648.7
0.4989 0.0914 49,946 1.04 1.158 1.311 631.0
0.6300 0.1313 41,930 0.12 1.092 1.414 554.4
0.7600 0.1978 32,841 1.40 1.047 1.557 426.9
0.8897 0.3415 21,097 0.70 1.013 1.830 236.3
1.0000 1.0000 8017 0.00 1.000 2.326 0.0

Note: u(P/Pa) = 0.03⁄P for P < 600 Pa; u(P/Pa) = 0.01⁄P for P in the range (600–1300 Pa), u(P/Pa) = 0.003⁄P for P over 1300 Pa, u(T) = ± 0.02 K, and u(xi) = ± 0.0005.

saturated vapor pressure of pure component i (determined in this T = (313, 333, or 353) K, and for 0.00 < x1 < 0.46. As shown in
work), /i is the fugacity coefficient of component i in the vapor figure 4, they agree fairly.
phase, and /si is the fugacity coefficient of the pure component i No literature data for comparison were found for (DMAPA
R Pis V L + water) and (DEAPA + water) systems.
at saturation. The exponential term exp P i RTi dP is the Poynting fac-
For each binary system, the molar excess Gibbs functions GE at
tor. At low pressures (below 2 bars, which is our case), vapor phases
different temperatures, calculated from our vapor pressure data,
usually approximate ideal gases, for which /i = /si = 1 and the
are plotted against the mole fraction x1 of amine, figures 5–7.
Poynting factor may be neglected. Therefore, for low pressure, VLE
The (MAPA + water) system exhibits negative deviations in GE
data reduces to Eq. (7):
for all investigated temperatures and over the whole composition
xi ci Psi range (from GE = 1770 J  mol1 at x1  0.30 and T = 273.15 K to
yi ¼ ð7Þ
P GE = 678 J  mol1 at x1  0.30 and T = 363.15 K). The equimolar
For the three investigated systems, tables 5–7 list the vapor GE of (MAPA + water) increases with increasing temperature
pressures, the corresponding compositions of the liquid and vapor from 1420.4 J  mol1 at T = 273.15 K to 532.7 J  mol1 at
phases, the activity coefficients c1 and c2, and the values of the T = 363.15 K.
excess molar Gibbs functions GE calculated by Barker’s method, The (DMAPA + water) binary mixtures system exhibits
using the Redlich–Kister equation. negative deviations in GE for T < 343.15 K (GE = 1110 J  mol1 at
The Gj coefficients and standard deviations r(Gj) for MAPA, x1  0.27 and T = 273.15 K to GE = 460 J  mol1 at x1  0.27 and
DMAPA and DEAPA are reported in table 8. T = 333.15 K), and a sinusoidal shape for GE for the higher
For (MAPA + water), our (P, x) data have been compared to those temperatures ((336 J  mol1 (T = 343.15 K, x1  0.20) < GEmin <
reported by Kim et al. [11] who used the ebulliometric method at 95 J  mol1 (T = 363.15 K, x1  0.13)) and (24 J  mol1
Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54 51

Coefficients Gj and standard deviations r for least-squares representations by Eq. (5). -100 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
T/K G1 r(G1) G2 r(G2) G3 r(G3)
MAPA (1) + Water (2) -400
273.15 2.50 0.044 2.60 0.082 1.08 0.161
283.15 2.30 0.038 2.23 0.072 0.998 0.139
293.15 2.09 0.033 1.92 0.064 0.907 0.123
303.15 1.88 0.030 1.67 0.058 0.813 0.112 -700
1.67 0.717

GE/ J mol-1
313.15 0.027 1.46 0.054 0.102
323.15 1.47 0.025 1.28 0.049 0.624 0.094
333.15 1.27 0.022 1.13 0.045 0.536 0.085 -1000
343.15 1.07 0.020 1.00 0.040 0.454 0.076
353.15 0.886 0.017 0.888 0.034 0.380 0.066
363.15 0.705 0.015 0.787 0.029 0.314 0.056
DMAPA (1) + Water (2)
283.15 1.42 0.051 1.62 0.114 1.05 0.191
293.15 1.17 0.044 1.43 0.100 0.930 0.169
303.15 0.930 0.038 1.24 0.088 0.813 0.149
313.15 0.715 0.033 1.07 0.077 0.703 0.132
323.15 0.519 0.029 0.912 0.068 0.598 0.117
333.15 0.341 0.025 0.761 0.059 0.499 0.103 -1900
343.15 0.177 0.022 0.620 0.051 0.405 0.896 x1
353.15 0.026 0.018 0.487 0.043 0.316 0.076
363.15 0.112 0.015 0.363 0.035 0.231 0.063 FIGURE 5. GE against x1 for MAPA (1) + water (2) system: T = 273.15 K; ,
DEAPA (1) + Water (2) T = 283.15 K; , T = 293.15 K; , T = 303.15 K; , T = 313.15 K; , T = 323.15 K; ,
273.15 0.782 0.020 1.08 0.037 0.487 0.069 T = 333.15 K; , T = 343.15 K; , T = 353.15 K; , T = 363.15 K; ─, calculated values
283.15 0.503 0.018 0.863 0.034 0.355 0.064 using Eq. (5).
293.15 0.259 0.018 0.670 0.034 0.240 0.064
303.15 0.044 0.019 0.496 0.035 0.139 0.067
313.15 0.146 0.020 0.340 0.037 0.051 0.071
323.15 0.315 0.021 0.198 0.040 0.027 0.076
333.15 0.466 0.022 0.070 0.042 0.096 0.081 400
343.15 0.602 0.024 0.047 0.045 0.157 0.086
353.15 0.724 0.025 0.153 0.047 0.211 0.090
363.15 0.835 0.026 0.251 0.048 0.259 0.094
GE/ J mol-1

The italic values are the standard deviation r(Gi) values.

60 -400

50 -800

40 -1200
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1


FIGURE 6. GE against x1 for DMAPA (1) + water (2) system: , T = 283.15 K; ,

T = 293.15 K; , T = 303.15 K; , T = 313.15 K; , T = 323.15 K; , T = 333.15 K; ,
20 T = 343.15 K; , T = 353.15 K; , T = 363.15 K; ─, calculated values using Eq. (5).

(T = 313.15 K, x1  0.13) and (30 J  mol1 (T = 293.15 K, x1  0.87)
< GEmax < 150 J  mol1 (T = 313.15 K, x1  0.70)) and positive
0 deviations (GE = 231 J  mol1 at x1  0.63 and T = 323.15 K to
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
GE = 649 J  mol1 at x1  0.40. and T = 363.15 K). The equimolar GE
x1 of (DEAPA + water) increases with increasing temperature from
439.6 J  mol1 at T = 273.15 K to 611.2 J  mol1 at T = 363.15 K.
FIGURE 4. Vapor pressure against temperature of the system MAPA (1) + water (2)
at different temperatures: This work ( ) T = 313.15 K; ( ), T = 333.15 K; ( ),
A comparison of the GE values for the three binary systems
T = 353.15 K; (o), reference [11]. shows that the system MAPA-water presents a strong interaction
between water and amine due to the primary and a secondary
amine functions. The interactions are weaker for the systems
DMAPA-water and DEAPA-water due to the presence of a tertiary
(T = 343.15 K, x1  0.80) < GEmax < 140 J  mol1 (T = 363.15 K, amine. GE of DEAPA-water have higher values than the other two
x1  0.70)). The equimolar GE of (DMAPA + water) increases with systems. It is due to the hindrance of the nitrogen substituents
increasing temperature from 845.1 J  mol1 at T = 283.15 K to which is not favorable for the establishment of hydrogen bonds
89.2 J  mol1 at T = 363.15 K. between water and the amine.
The aqueous (DEAPA + water) binary solution GE exhibits nega- Additionally, the NRTL [19] and UNIQUAC [20] equations were
tive deviations (GE = 616 J  mol1 at x1  0.30 and T = 273.15 K to also applied to correlate the experimental VLE data and to estimate
GE = 447 J  mol1 at x1  0.30 and T = 283.15 K), sinusoidal shape the liquid phase activity coefficients. NRTL expressions for activity
((298 J  mol1 (T = 293.15 K, x1  0.27) < GEmin < 39 J  mol1 coefficients are given by the following equations:
52 Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54




GE/ J mol-1



-300 0
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
x1, y1
FIGURE 8. MAPA (1) + water (2) system. Comparison between experimental and
calculated P  x(y) using NRTL (——) and UNIQUAC (—) models (parameters in table
9) at different temperatures: , 293.15 K; , 303.15 K; , 313.15 K.
-700 x1
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1

FIGURE 7. GE against x1 for DEAPA (1) + water (2) system: T = 273.15 K; ,

T = 283.15 K; , T = 293.15 K; , T = 303.15 K; , T = 313.15 K; , T = 323.15 K; ,
T = 333.15 K; , T = 343.15 K; , T = 353.15 K; , T = 363.15 K; ─, calculated values
using Eq. (5).

Pn Pn !
j sji Gji xj X
xj Gij xk skj Gkj
ln ci ¼ Pn  Pn Pn ð8Þ 60000
k Gki xk j k Gkj xk k Gkj xk

g ij  g jj

sij ¼ ð9Þ 40000


g ij  g jj ¼ C 0ij þ C Tij ðT  273:15Þ ð10Þ

aij ¼ a0ij þ aTij ðT  273:15Þ ð11Þ

Gij ¼ expðaij sij Þ ð12Þ

Activity coefficient using UNIQUAC is expressed as follows: 0
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
ln ci ¼ ln ccomb þ ln cres ð13Þ x1, y1
FIGURE 9. MAPA (1) + water (2) system. Comparison between experimental and
/ Z hi / Xn calculated P  x(y) using NRTL (——) and UNIQUAC (—) models (parameters in
ln c Comb
i ¼ ln i þ qi ln þ li  i xj lj ð14Þ table 9) at different temperatures: , 323.15 K; , 333.15 K; , 343.15 K; ,
xi 2 /i xi j 353.15 K; , 363.15 K.

NRTL and UNIQUAC parameters estimated via the experimental VLE data generated in this work.

System Model a12 [J  mol1] a21 [J  mol1] b12 [J  mol1  K1] b21 [J  mol1  K1] a rmsd [kPa]
MAPA + water NRTL 7123.8 4588.4 21.45 0.070 0.3 0.7604
UNIQUACb 4845.4 2700.0 7.50 11.40 0.4660
DMAPA + water NRTLa 5798.3 4054.3 44.82 20.45 0.3 0.8961
UNIQUACb 4978.2 2826.8 12.14 12.05 1.2760
DEAPA + water NRTLa 3577.0 2561.8 54.24 13.38 0.3 0.8194
UNIQUACb 1037.1 3714.3 16.42 6.548 0.9107


Pn ðPexp Pcal Þ2 
rmsd ¼ i¼1 n .
aij ¼ C 0ij ; bij ¼ C Tij .
aij ¼ ðuij  uii Þ0 ; bij ¼ ðuij  uii ÞT .
Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54 53

8000 8000

6000 6000

4000 4000

2000 2000

0 0
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
x1, y1 x1, y1
FIGURE 10. DMAPA (1) + water (2) system. Comparison between experimental and
FIGURE 12. DEAPA (1) + water (2) system. Comparison between experimental and
calculated P  x(y) using NRTL (——) and UNIQUAC (—) models (parameters in table
calculated P  x(y) using NRTL (——) and UNIQUAC (—) models (parameters in table
9) at different temperatures: , 283.15 K; , 293.15 K; , 303.15 K; , 313.15 K.
9) at different temperatures: , 293.15 K; , 303.15 K ; , 313.15 K.


60000 60000

40000 40000

20000 20000

0 0
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
x1, y1 x1, y1

FIGURE 11. DMAPA (1) + water (2) system. Comparison between experimental and FIGURE 13. DEAPA (1) + water (2) system. Comparison between experimental and
calculated P  x(y) using NRTL (——) and UNIQUAC (—) models (parameters in table calculated P  x(y) using NRTL (——) and UNIQUAC (—) models (parameters in table
9) at different temperatures: , 323.15 K; , 333.15 K; , 343.15 K; , 353.15 K ; 9) at different temperatures: , 343.15 K; , 353.15 K; , 363.15 K.
, 363.15 K.

! The nonrandom parameter (alpha) in the NRTL equation has

n X
h0j sij been fixed 0.3 for all cases. The fitting parameters (aij and bij) are
ln c res
i ¼ q0i  q0i ln hj sji  q0i Pn 0 ð15Þ given in table 9. The vapor pressures versus the molar fractions
j¼1 j¼1 k¼1 hk kj s
of the liquid and the vapor phase obtained from the experimental
work and from NRTL and UNIQUAC models at different
li ¼ ðr i  qi Þ  ðri  1Þ ð16Þ temperatures for the three investigated binary system are plotted
in figures 8–13. They show that the two models fit satisfactorily
where ri and qi are molecular volume and surface area, called van the experimental data of the three systems except at higher
der Waals volume and area, which are estimated using the group temperatures where a higher deviation is observed for DMAPA
contribution values of Bondi. The coordination number Z is equal and DEAPA aqueous solutions.
to 10. The interaction parameters are calculated by the following
equations: 4. Conclusion
U ij  U jj
sij ¼ exp  ð17Þ In the present study, vapor pressures of pure components, 3-
aminopropylmethylamine (MAPA),3-aminopropyldimethylamine
Duij ¼ uij  uii ¼ ðuij  uii Þ0 þ ðuij  uii ÞT :T ð18Þ (DMAPA) and N,N-diethyl 1,3-propanediamine (DEAPA), and their
aqueous solutions were measured using a static apparatus from T
54 Z. Bouzina et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 92 (2016) 43–54

{273 (or 283) to 363} K. No azeotropic behavior was observed. The [5] Z. Bouzina, A. Negadi, F. Dergal, I. Mokbel, J. Jose, L. Negadi, J. Mol. Liq. 201
(2015) 83–89.
aqueous solutions containing DMAPA and DEAPA have not been
[6] A. Belabbaci, I. Mokbel, A. Ait-Kaci, J. Jose, L. Negadi, J. Chem. Thermodyn. 43
previously reported in the literature. The NRTL and UNIQUAC mod- (2013) 17–21.
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