Alwtw Unit Plan

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A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan

A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan

Name: Aaron Estes & Natasha Nethero Date: Spring 2019

Grade/Subject: 6th Grade ELA

Unit Name: A Long Walk to Water Book Study

Length of Unit: 8 Weeks (29 days x 1 hour)

A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
Arizona State Standards

6.RL.3 Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series

of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution.

6.RL.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in
a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact
of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

6.RL.5 Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits

into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of
the theme, setting, or plot.

6.RL.6 Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.

6.RI.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.

6.RI.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g.,

visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent
understanding of a topic or issue.

6.W.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant
a. Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.
Learning Goals b. Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using
credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or
c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among
claim(s) and reasons.
d. Establish and maintain a formal style.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from the
argument presented.

6.W.7 Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on

several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.

6.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions

(one‐on‐one, in groups, and teacher‐led) with diverse partners on grade 6
topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their
own clearly.
a. Come to discussions prepared having read or studied required
material; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on
the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
b. Follow rules for collegial discussions, set specific goals and
deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
c. Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail
by making comments that
contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.
d. Review the key ideas expressed, draw conclusions, and
demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection
and paraphrasing.
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
Strand 4:
Concept 1:
PO 1. Construct maps, charts, and graphs to display geographic information.

Concept 3:
PO 2. Describe how sunlight, water quality, climate, population density and
pollution affect quality of life.

Concept 4:
PO 5. Identify cultural norms that influence different social, political, and
economic activities of men and women.

Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E)
(to be completed
after receiving
assessment results)
A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park
God Grew Tired of Us by National Geographic
Curricular Water For South Sudan media resources
Resources A Long Walk to Water Unit Guide by Teach with Erika
Grade 7: Module 1 Unit Guide by New York Common Core
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan

Step 1: Creating Vision and Planning for Assessment

1st Unit Plan – GOAL

1st Unit Plan – Planning For Assessment

How will I measure my 1st Unit Goal?
At the end of reading A Long Walk to Water students will write a Two-Voice Poem that compares and
contrasts Nya and Salva, the two main characters from the text, and provides some meaning about their
lives or circumstances. Students will be measured on not only the conventions and formatting of the poem,
but also in showing an understanding of the setting of Sudan/South Sudan, the context of the past and
present wars, the realities of life in areas without water or utilities, and other concepts addressed
throughout the readings.

How will I measure progress toward the 1st Unit Goal?

The first step in the process is to familiarize students with the setting of the story – Sudan and
South Sudan during the 2nd Sudanese Civil War. This is done through a multigenre research
project in which students select their own topic from a large list to research and create a
product to showcase their new knowledge. With this context, students will then begin reading
through the book. As each chapter or pair of chapters are read, students will begin to contruct
products such as anchor charts, tables, graphic organizers, notes, and more that will be used
as resources when students eventually create their poems.

1ST Unit Plan – Big Ideas

Setting – Students will explore for History, Culture, and Geography all contribute to creating the
setting of a story. As well as how individuals are intrinsically linked to the setting where they were

Conflict – Students will explore the three forms of conflict – Man vs Man, Man vs Nature, and
Man vs Self and determine not only how these conflicts shape Salva and Nya’s lives, but also our
own lives as well.

Juxtaposition – A Long Walk to Water uses juxtaposition as a storytelling device; showing two
characters or circumstances next to each other and using it to compare and contrast the two.
Students will explore the concept of juxtaposition and how it creates a more rich, diverse story.

Humanitarian Aid – Using knowledge gained through the book and by exploring the real-life
story of Salva Dut students will learn about past and current crisis around the world and be
encouraged to take steps towards correcting them.

Two-Voice Poem – Students will create a poem in two voices that compares and contrasts the lives and
experiences of Salva and Nya. This will provide them an opportunity to use all they have learned
throughout the course of the unit and create a meaningful final product.
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan


Standard Aligned Item Points Points Grade
# #’s Correct Possible (%)
6.RL.3 Describe how a particular 1 (Comparing 4
story’s or drama’s plot points of view)
unfolds in a series of
episodes as well as how the
characters respond or
change as the plot moves
toward a resolution

PO 5. Identify cultural norms that

influence different social,
political, and economic
activities of men and women.

PO 2. Describe how the following

environmental conditions
affect the quality of life:
• water quality
• climate
• population density
• smog
6.W.4 Produce clear and coherent 3 8
writing in which the (Organization),
development, organization, 4
and style are appropriate to (Conventions)
task, purpose, and audience.
(Grade‐specific expectations
for writing types are defined
in standards 1–3 above.)

6.W.7 Conduct short research 2 (Evidence) 4

projects to answer a
question, drawing on several
sources and refocusing the
inquiry when appropriate.
6.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range 5 (Group 4
of collaborative discussions Activity)
(one‐on‐one, in groups, and
teacher‐led) with diverse
partners on grade 6 topics,
texts, and issues, building on
others’ ideas and expressing
their own clearly.
a. Come to discussions
prepared having read or
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
studied required material;
explicitly draw on that
preparation by referring to
evidence on the topic, text, or
issue to probe and reflect on
ideas under discussion.
b. Follow rules for collegial
discussions, set specific
goals and deadlines, and
define individual roles as
c. Pose and respond to
specific questions with
elaboration and detail by
making comments that
contribute to the topic, text,
or issue under discussion.
d. Review the key ideas
expressed, draw conclusions,
and demonstrate
understanding of multiple
perspectives through
reflection and paraphrasing.

TOTAL: 5 20
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan

Step 2: Lesson Objectives

# of days
Standard Daily Lesson Objective(s) 1 day =
Lesson Plan Notes
60 min.

6.SL.1 Engage effectively in a 7 Prior to beginning reading, students will engage in

range of collaborative discussions a multigenre research project that will require
(one‐on‐one, in groups, and them to differentiate between history, geography,
teacher‐led) with diverse partners and culture, as well as use online resources to
on grade 6 topics, texts, and research relevant information about South Sudan.
issues, building on others’ ideas Students will have 16 assignments as options,
and expressing their own clearly. and will complete at least 2 of them at their own
a. Come to discussions prepared discretion.
having read or studied required
material; explicitly draw on that
preparation by referring to evidence
on the topic, text, or issue to probe
and reflect on ideas under
discussion. SWBAT differentiate between history,
b. Follow rules for collegial geography, and culture.
discussions, set specific goals and
deadlines, and define individual SWBAT present their Multigenre Research
roles as needed. Project products to classmates in small
c. Pose and respond to specific groups and respectfully respond to
questions with elaboration and presentations.
detail by making comments that
contribute to the topic, text, or
issue under discussion.
d. Review the key ideas expressed,
draw conclusions, and demonstrate
understanding of multiple
perspectives through reflection and
6.W.7 Conduct short research
projects to answer a question,
drawing on several sources and
refocusing the inquiry when
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
Strand 4:
Concept 1
PO 1. Construct maps, charts, and
graphs to display geographic
Concept 3
PO 2. Describe how the following
environmental conditions affect the
quality of life:
• water quality
• climate
• population density
• smog
Concept 4
PO 5. Identify cultural norms that
influence different social, political,
and economic activities of men and
6.RL.3 Describe how a particular SWBAT analyze how an author develops 17 These lesson plans make up the heart of the unit
story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a and contrasts the points of vierw of and take the majority of time. Each day involves
series of episodes as well as how characters and narrators in a literary text. an introduction activity such as; summarizing what
the characters respond or change has been read so far, drawing real-life
as the plot moves toward a SWBAT infer the meaning of vocabulary connections to the book, watching relevant media
resolution. words based on contextual clues? materials connected to the story or setting, reflect
6.RL.4 Determine the meaning of on our own lives or experiences, etc. This leads
words and phrases as they are SWBAT create a Venn diagram comparing into a set purpose that students will be paying
used in a text, including figurative their own daily routines to that of Salva and attention to during the reading and will tie into the
and connotative meanings; analyze Nya from essential questions of the day.
the impact of a specific word choice
on meaning and tone. SWBAT identify character traits of a During the readings students will have
6.RL.6 Explain how an author fictional character and provide text-based opportunities to respond to events in the text, ask
develops the point of view of the evidence to support their claims. questions, and use context clues to define
narrator or speaker in a text. vocabulary.
Strand 4 SWBAT identify character traits of a
Concept 3 fictional character and provide text-based The final portion of each class is taking what was
PO 2. Describe how the following evidence to support their claims. learned through the introductory activity and
environmental conditions affect the reading with a purpose and creating a product
quality of life: SWBAT identify character traits of a with it; be it an ancho chart of character traits, a
• water quality fictional character and provide text-based table showing forms of conflict, venn diagrams
• climate evidence to support their claims. comparing and contrasting different characters
• population density and events, etc.
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
• smog SWBAT explain what juxtaposition means
Concept 4 and list several ways in which Salva and
PO 5. Identify cultural norms that Nya are juxtaposed in A Long Walk to
influence different social, political, Water.
and economic activities of men and
women. SWBAT identify symbolism in the story A
Long Walk to Water.

6.SL.1 Engage effectively in a 5 The final week of class is going to be dedicated to

range of collaborative discussions creating and sharing Two-Voice Poems from the
(one‐on‐one, in groups, and perspective of Nya and Salva. This will involve a
teacher‐led) with diverse partners day where example poems are read and the
on grade 6 topics, texts, and structure of the poems are analyzed. A day for
issues, building on others’ ideas plotting out the poem using evidence from the
and expressing their own clearly. story. Two days of creating the poem in a rough
a. Come to discussions prepared draft and final draft form. And a final day for
having read or studied required sharing either in front of the class or in small
material; explicitly draw on that groups depending on time limitations.
preparation by referring to evidence
on the topic, text, or issue to probe
SWBAT write a two voice poem that
and reflect on ideas under
compares and contrasts how Salva and
Nya survived in the challenging
b. Follow rules for collegial
environment of South Sudan.
discussions, set specific goals and
deadlines, and define individual
SWBAT present their two voice poem
roles as needed.
products to classmates in small groups and
c. Pose and respond to specific
respectfully respond to presentations.
questions with elaboration and
detail by making comments that
contribute to the topic, text, or
issue under discussion.
d. Review the key ideas expressed,
draw conclusions, and demonstrate
understanding of multiple
perspectives through reflection and
6.W.4 Produce clear and coherent
writing in which the development,
organization, and style are
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
appropriate to task, purpose, and
audience. (Grade‐specific
expectations for writing types are
defined in standards 1–3 above.)
Strand 4:
Concept 3
PO 2. Describe how the following
environmental conditions affect the
quality of life:
• water quality
• climate
• population density
• smog
Concept 4
PO 5. Identify cultural norms that
influence different social, political,
and economic activities of men and

STEP 3: Calendar

January 2019
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2 3 4
7 8 9 10 11
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
14 15 16 17 18
6.W.7 Conduct short 6.W.7 Conduct short 6.W.7 Conduct short 6.W.7 Conduct short NO INTERVENTION
research projects to research projects to research projects to research projects to FRIDAY
answer a question, answer a question, answer a question, answer a question,
drawing on several drawing on several drawing on several drawing on several
sources and refocusing sources and refocusing sources and refocusing sources and refocusing
the inquiry when the inquiry when the inquiry when the inquiry when
appropriate. appropriate. appropriate. appropriate.
PO 1. Construct maps, PO 1. Construct maps, PO 1. Construct maps, PO 1. Construct maps,
charts, and graphs to charts, and graphs to charts, and graphs to charts, and graphs to
display geographic display geographic display geographic display geographic
information. information. information. information.
PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the
following environmental following environmental following environmental following environmental
conditions affect the conditions affect the conditions affect the conditions affect the
quality of life: quality of life: quality of life: quality of life:
• water quality • water quality • water quality • water quality
• climate • climate • climate • climate
• population density • population density • population density • population density
• smog • smog • smog • smog
PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural
norms that influence norms that influence norms that influence norms that influence
different social, political, different social, political, different social, political, different social, political,
and economic activities of and economic activities of and economic activities of and economic activities of
men and women. men and women. men and women. men and women.

Essential Question: Essential Question: Essential Question: Essential Question:

What factors contribute to What factors contribute to What factors contribute to What factors contribute to
the setting of a story? the setting of a story? the setting of a story? the setting of a story?

Daily Objective: SWBAT Daily Objective: SWBAT Daily Objective: SWBAT Daily Objective: SWBAT
differentiate between differentiate between differentiate between differentiate between
history, geography, and history, geography, and history, geography, and history, geography, and
culture. culture. culture. culture.

Materials: God Grew Materials: Multigenre Materials: Multigenre Materials: Multigenre

Tired of Us video excerpts. Research Rubric Research Rubric Research Rubric
Cattle Farmers of Sudan Chromebook Chromebook Chromebook
video excerpts.
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
21 22 23 24 25
NO SCHOOL 6.W.7 Conduct short 6.W.7 Conduct short 6.W.7 Conduct short NO INTERVENTION
research projects to research projects to research projects to FRIDAY
answer a question, answer a question, answer a question,
drawing on several drawing on several drawing on several
sources and refocusing sources and refocusing sources and refocusing
the inquiry when the inquiry when the inquiry when
appropriate. appropriate. appropriate.
PO 1. Construct maps, PO 1. Construct maps, PO 1. Construct maps,
charts, and graphs to charts, and graphs to charts, and graphs to
display geographic display geographic display geographic
information. information. information.
PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the
following environmental following environmental following environmental
conditions affect the conditions affect the conditions affect the
quality of life: quality of life: quality of life:
• water quality • water quality • water quality
• climate • climate • climate
• population density • population density • population density
• smog • smog • smog
PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural
norms that influence norms that influence norms that influence
different social, political, different social, political, different social, political,
and economic activities of and economic activities of and economic activities of
men and women. men and women. men and women.

Essential Question: Essential Question: Essential Question:

What factors contribute to What factors contribute to What factors contribute to
the setting of a story? the setting of a story? the setting of a story?

Daily Objective: SWBAT Daily Objective: SWBAT Daily Objective: SWBAT

differentiate between differentiate between differentiate between
history, geography, and history, geography, and history, geography, and
culture. culture. culture.

Materials: Multigenre Materials: Multigenre Materials: Multigenre

Research Rubric Research Rubric Research Rubric
Chromebook Chromebook Chromebook
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
28 29 30 31
Read chapter 1 Read chapters 2&3 6.W.7 Conduct short Read chapters 4&5
research projects to
6.RL.3 Describe how a 6.RL.3 Describe how a answer a question, 6.RL.3 Describe how a
particular story’s or particular story’s or drawing on several particular story’s or
drama’s plot unfolds in a drama’s plot unfolds in a sources and refocusing drama’s plot unfolds in a
series of episodes as well series of episodes as well the inquiry when series of episodes as well
as how the characters as how the characters appropriate. as how the characters
respond or change as the respond or change as the PO 1. Construct maps, respond or change as the
plot moves toward a plot moves toward a charts, and graphs to plot moves toward a
resolution. resolution. display geographic resolution.
6.RL.4 Determine the 6.RL.4 Determine the information. 6.RL.4 Determine the
meaning of words and meaning of words and PO 2. Describe how the meaning of words and
phrases as they are used phrases as they are used following environmental phrases as they are used
in a text, including in a text, including conditions affect the in a text, including
figurative and connotative figurative and connotative quality of life: figurative and connotative
meanings; analyze the meanings; analyze the • water quality meanings; analyze the
impact of a specific word impact of a specific word • climate impact of a specific word
choice on meaning and choice on meaning and • population density choice on meaning and
tone. tone. • smog tone.
6.RL.6 Explain how an 6.RL.6 Explain how an PO 5. Identify cultural 6.RL.6 Explain how an
author develops the point author develops the point norms that influence author develops the point
of view of the narrator or of view of the narrator or different social, political, of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text. speaker in a text. and economic activities of speaker in a text.
PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the men and women. PO 2. Describe how the
following environmental following environmental following environmental
conditions affect the conditions affect the Essential Question: conditions affect the
quality of life: quality of life: What factors contribute to quality of life:
• water quality • water quality the setting of a story? • water quality
• climate • climate • climate
• population density • population density Daily Objective: SWBAT • population density
• smog • smog present their Multigenre • smog
PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural Research Project products PO 5. Identify cultural
norms that influence norms that influence to classmates in small norms that influence
different social, political, different social, political, groups andrespectfully different social, political,
and economic activities of and economic activities of respond to presentations. and economic activities of
men and women. men and women. men and women.
Materials: Multigenre
Essential Question: In Essential Question: Research Project products Essential Question: How
what ways are we What responsibilities does my environment
products of our should should/shouldn’t a affect my daily routines?
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
environments? person have?
Daily Objective: SWBAT
Daily Objective: SWBAT Daily Objective: SWBAT create a Venn diagram
infer the meaning of infer the meaning of comparing their own daily
vocabulary words based vocabulary words based routines to that of Salva
on contextual clues? on contextual clues? and Nya from

Materials: A Long Walk to Materials: A Long Walk to Materials: A Long Walk to

Water by Linda Sue Park Water by Linda Sue Park Water by Linda Sue Park
A Long Walk to Water A Long Walk to Water Writing materials
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Anchor Charts

STEP 3: Calendar

February 2019
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

4 5 6 7 8
Read chapter 6 6.RL.3 Describe how a 6.RL.3 Describe how a Read chapter 7 NO INTERVENTION
particular story’s or particular story’s or FRIDAY
6.RL.3 Describe how a drama’s plot unfolds in a drama’s plot unfolds in a 6.RL.3 Describe how a
particular story’s or series of episodes as well series of episodes as well particular story’s or
drama’s plot unfolds in a as how the characters as how the characters drama’s plot unfolds in a
series of episodes as well respond or change as the respond or change as the series of episodes as well
as how the characters plot moves toward a plot moves toward a as how the characters
respond or change as the resolution. resolution. respond or change as the
plot moves toward a 6.RL.4 Determine the 6.RL.4 Determine the plot moves toward a
resolution. meaning of words and meaning of words and resolution.
6.RL.4 Determine the phrases as they are used phrases as they are used 6.RL.4 Determine the
meaning of words and in a text, including in a text, including meaning of words and
phrases as they are used figurative and connotative figurative and connotative phrases as they are used
in a text, including meanings; analyze the meanings; analyze the in a text, including
figurative and connotative impact of a specific word impact of a specific word figurative and connotative
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
meanings; analyze the choice on meaning and choice on meaning and meanings; analyze the
impact of a specific word tone. tone. impact of a specific word
choice on meaning and 6.RL.6 Explain how an 6.RL.6 Explain how an choice on meaning and
tone. author develops the point author develops the point tone.
6.RL.6 Explain how an of view of the narrator or of view of the narrator or 6.RL.6 Explain how an
author develops the point speaker in a text. speaker in a text. author develops the point
of view of the narrator or PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text. following environmental following environmental speaker in a text.
PO 2. Describe how the conditions affect the conditions affect the PO 2. Describe how the
following environmental quality of life: quality of life: following environmental
conditions affect the • water quality • water quality conditions affect the
quality of life: • climate • climate quality of life:
• water quality • population density • population density • water quality
• climate • smog • smog • climate
• population density PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural • population density
• smog norms that influence norms that influence • smog
PO 5. Identify cultural different social, political, different social, political, PO 5. Identify cultural
norms that influence and economic activities of and economic activities of norms that influence
different social, political, men and women. men and women. different social, political,
and economic activities of and economic activities of
men and women. Essential Question: How Essential Question: How men and women.
do our actions reflect our does the availability of
Essential Question: How character? water affect human Essential Question: How
do our actions reflect our civilization? does the availability of
character? Daily Objective: SWBAT water affect human
identify character traits of Daily Objective: SWBAT civilization?
a fictional character and illustrate and describe
Daily Objective: SWBAT provide text-based environments based on
identify character traits of evidence to support their written text. Daily Objective: SWBAT
a fictional character and claims. compare and contrast the
provide text-based Materials: Nile River Nile River in Sudan with
evidence to support their Materials: A Long Walk to gallery walk images the Colorado River in
claims. Water by Linda Sue Park Arizona
Character Trait Anchor
Materials: A Long Walk to Chart. Materials: : A Long Walk
Water by Linda Sue Park to Water by Linda Sue
Character Trait Anchor Park
Chart. Chromebook
Writing materials
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
11 12 13 14 15
Read chapter 8 Read chapters 9&10 God Grew Tired of Us God Grew Tired of Us NO INTERVENTION
Documentary Documentary FRIDAY
6.RL.3 Describe how a 6.RL.3 Describe how a
particular story’s or particular story’s or PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the
drama’s plot unfolds in a drama’s plot unfolds in a following environmental following environmental
series of episodes as well series of episodes as well conditions affect the conditions affect the
as how the characters as how the characters quality of life: quality of life:
respond or change as the respond or change as the • water quality • water quality
plot moves toward a plot moves toward a • climate • climate
resolution. resolution. • population density • population density
6.RL.4 Determine the 6.RL.4 Determine the • smog • smog
meaning of words and meaning of words and PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural
phrases as they are used phrases as they are used norms that influence norms that influence
in a text, including in a text, including different social, political, different social, political,
figurative and connotative figurative and connotative and economic activities of and economic activities of
meanings; analyze the meanings; analyze the men and women. men and women.
impact of a specific word impact of a specific word 6.RI.7 Integrate 6.RI.7 Integrate
choice on meaning and choice on meaning and information presented in information presented in
tone. tone. different media or formats different media or formats
6.RL.6 Explain how an 6.RL.6 Explain how an (e.g., visually, (e.g., visually,
author develops the point author develops the point quantitatively) as well as in quantitatively) as well as in
of view of the narrator or of view of the narrator or words to develop a words to develop a
speaker in a text. speaker in a text. coherent understanding of coherent understanding of
PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the a topic or issue. a topic or issue.
following environmental following environmental Essential Question: How
conditions affect the conditions affect the are our identities Essential Question: How
quality of life: quality of life: connected to the place are our identities
• water quality • water quality and the culture we come connected to the place
• climate • climate from? and the culture we come
• population density • population density from?
• smog • smog Daily Objective: SWBAT
PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural recognize cultural Daily Objective: SWBAT
norms that influence norms that influence differences between recognize cultural
different social, political, different social, political, themselves and the Lost differences between
and economic activities of and economic activities of Boys of Sudan as well as themselves and the Lost
men and women. men and women. infer their own behavior in Boys of Sudan as well as
a similar situation. infer their own behavior in
Essential Question: a similar situation.
Essential Question: How What is conflict and how is Materials:God Grew Tired
can contrasting points of it shown in ALWTW? of Us documentary Materials:God Grew Tired
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
view contribute to the Chromebooks of Us documentary
development of a story? Daily Objective: SWBAT Chromebooks
identify sources of conflict
Daily Objective: SWBAT in a story and classify
explain what juxtaposition them as Man vs Man, Man
means and list several vs Nature, or Man vs Self.
ways in which Salva and
Nya are juxtaposed in A Materials: A Long Walk to
Long Walk to Water. Water by Linda Sue Park
Writing materials
Materials: A Long Walk
to Water by Linda Sue

18 19 20 21 22
Read chapters 11-13
series of episodes as well
as how the characters
respond or change as the
plot moves toward a
6.RL.4 Determine the
meaning of words and
phrases as they are used
in a text, including
figurative and connotative
meanings; analyze the
impact of a specific word
choice on meaning and
6.RL.6 Explain how an
author develops the point
of view of the narrator or
speaker in a text.
PO 2. Describe how the
following environmental
conditions affect the
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
quality of life:
• water quality
• climate
• population density
• smog
PO 5. Identify cultural
norms that influence
different social, political,
and economic activities of
men and women.

Essential Question: How

can contrasting points of
view contribute to the
development of a story?

Daily Objective: SWBAT

explain what juxtaposition
means and list several
ways in which Salva and
Nya are juxtaposed in A
Long Walk to Water.

Materials: A Long Walk

to Water by Linda Sue
25 26 27 28
Read chapters 14-16 Read chapters 17&18 Afterword and Salva Video Reflection

6.RL.3 Describe how a 6.RL.3 Describe how a PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the
particular story’s or particular story’s or following environmental following environmental
drama’s plot unfolds in a drama’s plot unfolds in a conditions affect the conditions affect the
series of episodes as well series of episodes as well quality of life: quality of life:
as how the characters as how the characters • water quality • water quality
respond or change as the respond or change as the • climate • climate
plot moves toward a plot moves toward a • population density • population density
resolution. resolution. • smog • smog
6.RL.4 Determine the 6.RL.4 Determine the PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural
meaning of words and meaning of words and norms that influence norms that influence
phrases as they are used phrases as they are used different social, political, different social, political,
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
in a text, including in a text, including and economic activities of and economic activities of
figurative and connotative figurative and connotative men and women. men and women.
meanings; analyze the meanings; analyze the 6.RI.7 Integrate
impact of a specific word impact of a specific word information presented in Essential Question:
choice on meaning and choice on meaning and different media or formats What actions can I take to
tone. tone. (e.g., visually, help others in difficult
6.RL.6 Explain how an 6.RL.6 Explain how an quantitatively) as well as in situations?
author develops the point author develops the point words to develop a
of view of the narrator or of view of the narrator or coherent understanding of Daily Objective: SWBAT
speaker in a text. speaker in a text. a topic or issue.
PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the Materials: A Long Walk to
following environmental following environmental Essential Question: Water by Linda Sue Park
conditions affect the conditions affect the Does a story being true or Chromebooks
quality of life: quality of life: fiction change the impact it Art materials
• water quality • water quality can have?
• climate • climate
• population density • population density Daily Objective: SWBAT
• smog • smog identify symbolism in the
PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural story A Long Walk to
norms that influence norms that influence Water.
different social, political, different social, political,
and economic activities of and economic activities of Materials: A Long Walk to
men and women. men and women. Water by Linda Sue Park

Essential Question: How Essential Question:

do our actions reflect our What responsibilities
character? should should/shouldn’t a
person have?
Daily Objective: SWBAT
identify character traits of Daily Objective: SWBAT
a fictional character and infer the meaning of
provide text-based vocabulary words based
evidence to support their on contextual clues?
Materials: A Long Walk to
Materials: A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park
Water by Linda Sue Park A Long Walk to Water
Character Trait Anchor Responsibility Anchor
Chart. Charts
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan

STEP 3: Calendar

March 2019
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
4 5 6 7 8
Two Voice Poem Two Voice Poem Two Voice Poem Two Voice Poem NO INTERVENTION
6.RL.3 Describe how a 6.RL.3 Describe how a 6.RL.3 Describe how a 6.RL.3 Describe how a
particular story’s or particular story’s or particular story’s or particular story’s or
drama’s plot unfolds in a drama’s plot unfolds in a drama’s plot unfolds in a drama’s plot unfolds in a
series of episodes as well series of episodes as well series of episodes as well series of episodes as well
as how the characters as how the characters as how the characters as how the characters
respond or change as the respond or change as the respond or change as the respond or change as the
plot moves toward a plot moves toward a plot moves toward a plot moves toward a
resolution. resolution. resolution. resolution.
6.W.1 Write arguments to 6.W.1 Write arguments to 6.W.1 Write arguments to 6.W.1 Write arguments to
support claims with clear support claims with clear support claims with clear support claims with clear
reasons and relevant reasons and relevant reasons and relevant reasons and relevant
evidence. evidence. evidence. evidence.
6.W.7 Conduct short 6.W.7 Conduct short 6.W.7 Conduct short 6.W.7 Conduct short
research projects to research projects to research projects to research projects to
answer a question, answer a question, answer a question, answer a question,
drawing on several drawing on several drawing on several drawing on several
sources and refocusing sources and refocusing sources and refocusing sources and refocusing
the inquiry when the inquiry when the inquiry when the inquiry when
appropriate. appropriate. appropriate. appropriate.
6.SL.1 Engage effectively 6.SL.1 Engage effectively 6.SL.1 Engage effectively 6.SL.1 Engage effectively
in a range of collaborative in a range of collaborative in a range of collaborative in a range of collaborative
discussions (one‐on‐one, discussions (one‐on‐one, discussions (one‐on‐one, discussions (one‐on‐one,
in groups, and in groups, and in groups, and in groups, and
teacher‐led) with diverse teacher‐led) with diverse teacher‐led) with diverse teacher‐led) with diverse
partners on grade 6 topics, partners on grade 6 topics, partners on grade 6 topics, partners on grade 6 topics,
texts, and issues, building texts, and issues, building texts, and issues, building texts, and issues, building
A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan
on others’ ideas and on others’ ideas and on others’ ideas and on others’ ideas and
expressing their own expressing their own expressing their own expressing their own
clearly. clearly. clearly. clearly.
PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the PO 2. Describe how the
following environmental following environmental following environmental following environmental
conditions affect the conditions affect the conditions affect the conditions affect the
quality of life: quality of life: quality of life: quality of life:
• water quality • water quality • water quality • water quality
• climate • climate • climate • climate
• population density • population density • population density • population density
• smog • smog • smog • smog
PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural PO 5. Identify cultural
norms that influence norms that influence norms that influence norms that influence
different social, political, different social, political, different social, political, different social, political,
and economic activities of and economic activities of and economic activities of and economic activities of
men and women. men and women. men and women. men and women.

Essential Question: How Essential Question: How Essential Question: How Essential Question: How
can contrasting points of can contrasting points of can contrasting points of can contrasting points of
view contribute to the view contribute to the view contribute to the view contribute to the
development of a story? development of a story? development of a story? development of a story?

Daily Objective: SWBAT Daily Objective: SWBAT Daily Objective: SWBAT Daily Objective: SWBAT
write a two voice poem write a two voice poem write a two voice poem present their two voice
that compares and that compares and that compares and poem products to
contrasts how Salva and contrasts how Salva and contrasts how Salva and classmates in small
Nya survived in the Nya survived in the Nya survived in the groups and respectfully
challenging environment challenging environment challenging environment respond to presentations.
of South Sudan of South Sudan of South Sudan
Materials: : A Long Walk
Materials: : A Long Walk Materials: : A Long Walk Materials: : A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue
to Water by Linda Sue to Water by Linda Sue to Water by Linda Sue Park
Park Park Park Writing materials
Writing materials Writing materials Writing materials

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A Long Walk to Water Unit Plan

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