USDA Pesticide Residue Testing of Organic Produce (2012)

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United States Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Marketing Service

2010 – 2011 Pilot Study

Pesticide Residue Testing
of Organic Produce
USDA National Organic Program
USDA Science and Technology Programs
November 2012
2010 – 2011 Pilot Study
Pesticide Residue Testing of Organic Produce

Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................................1

Figure ES1 – Overview of Results by Sample for All Commodities.........................................................................1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................2
Materials and Methods ..............................................................................................................................................2
Results ........................................................................................................................................................................4
Discussion ...................................................................................................................................................................5
Limitations ..................................................................................................................................................................7
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................................8
References ..................................................................................................................................................................8
Tables and Figures ......................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 1 – Distribution of Organic Commodity Samples Collected per State.........................................................9
Figure 2 – Origin of Organic Commodities .......................................................................................................... 10
Table 1 – Production Volume in 2008 and Number of Samples by Organic Commodity ................................... 11
Table 2 – The Number of Samples by Organic Commodity and Source of Production ....................................... 11
Table 3 – The Number of Samples and Operations by Certifying Agent and Source of Production ................... 12
Table 4 – The Number of Samples by Certifying Agent and Organic Commodity............................................... 13
Table 5 – The Number of Samples Analyzed and Summary of Results by Organic Commodity ......................... 14
Table 6 – The Number of Samples Analyzed and Results by Organic Commodity.............................................. 14
Appendix A .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Listing of Pesticides by the Type of Pesticide ...................................................................................................... 15
Appendix B............................................................................................................................................................... 20
Laboratory Procedures and Methods.................................................................................................................. 20
Table B1 – Optimized Sample Size ...................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix C............................................................................................................................................................... 24
Distribution of Pesticide Residues in Organic Commodities ............................................................................... 24
Table C1 – Apples, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide ............................................................. 25
Table C2 – Bell Peppers, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide .................................................... 26
Table C3 – Broccoli, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide ........................................................... 28
Table C4 – Potatoes, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide .......................................................... 29
Table C5 – Strawberries, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide.................................................... 30
Table C6 – Tomatoes, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide ........................................................ 31
Executive Summary
The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 established national standards for the production and handling of
organic agricultural products. The Act authorized the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to create
the National Organic Program. This program is responsible for developing the USDA organic regulations and
ensuring that organic farms and business comply with them. USDA accredits third-party certifying agents to
certify organic farms and processing facilities, allowing them to sell, label, and represent their products as

The majority of pest control materials permitted in organic agriculture are naturally derived from a plant (e.g.,
pyrethrum), microorganism (e.g., Bacillus thuringiensis), or other natural sources. Organic standards prohibit the
use of most synthetic substances—including most pesticides used in conventional agriculture—for at least 3
years prior to the harvest of an organic crop. Synthetic pest control materials allowed in organic crop production
include elemental sulfur, insecticidal soap, horticultural oils, and copper hydroxide.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes the maximum allowed levels of pesticides, or EPA
tolerances, which may be present on foods. Although most EPA-registered pesticides are prohibited in organic
production, there can be inadvertent or indirect contact from neighboring conventional farms or shared
handling facilities. As long as the operator hasn’t directly applied prohibited pesticides and has documented
efforts to minimize exposure to them, the USDA organic regulations allow residues of prohibited pesticides up to
5 percent of the EPA tolerance.

In 2010, the National Organic Program worked with the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service’s Science and
Technology Program to evaluate pesticide residues on USDA organic produce. The study involved 571 domestic
and foreign fruit and vegetable samples bearing the USDA organic seal, which were obtained from retail
establishments across the United States. Using sensitive equipment, an accredited Government laboratory
tested each sample for approximately 200 pesticides typically used in conventional crop production.

Of these 571 samples, 96 percent were compliant with USDA organic regulations (see Figure ES1). This means
that the produce either had no detected residues (57 percent) or had residues less than 5 percent of the EPA
tolerance (39 percent). Four percent of the tested samples contained residues above 5 percent of the EPA
tolerance and were in violation of the USDA organic regulations. The findings suggest that some of the samples
in violation were mislabeled conventional products, while others were organic products that hadn’t been
adequately protected from prohibited pesticides. The National Organic Program is working with certifying
agents to provide additional scrutiny in these areas.

Overall, the pilot study demonstrated that it can

serve as a model for future pesticide residue Figure ES1 – Overview of Results by
testing projects of organic produce. It should be Sample for All Commodities
noted that the pilot study did not measure
pesticide levels in all types of USDA organic 21 NoDetected
No Detected
products; it only analyzed 571 samples across 6
select commodities. Organic certifying agents are
encouraged to use the methods described in this
AllowedLow Level
report when conducting required periodic residue
326 Residues (< 5%
testing of organic products. Since certifying agents 224
( <EPA
5% Tolerance)
will be testing samples most likely to contain
prohibited substances (and not selecting products Unacceptable
at random), it will not be possible to draw overall Residues
Residues (> 5%
conclusions from these results. ( > 5% EPA
EPA Tolerance)
In December 2000, the USDA National Organic Program published national standards for the production and
handling of USDA organic products. The regulations describe the allowed and prohibited methods, practices, and
substances for organic crops, livestock, and processed products. These regulations also require that certifying
agents test organic products when there is reason to believe they have been contaminated with prohibited
substances, including synthetic pesticides.

The EPA establishes the maximum allowed levels of pesticides, or EPA tolerances, which may be present on
foods. Although many of these pesticides are prohibited in organic production, there can be inadvertent indirect
contact from neighboring conventional farms or shared handling facilities. To recognize that inadvertent or
unavoidable contact with prohibited substances may occur, the USDA organic regulations allow residues of
prohibited pesticides—up to 5 percent of the EPA tolerance level—if those residues are present due to
unavoidable or inadvertent contact. If an organic producer used a prohibited pesticide or didn’t take adequate
steps to avoid contamination from it, any level of pesticide residues would be a violation of the organic

In March 2010, the USDA’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audited the National Organic Program to
determine whether products marketed as organic met the requirements of the Organic Foods Production Act.
The OIG published its findings in March 2010 (1). One of the OIG’s findings was that, although Section 2107 of
the Act requires that certifying agents conduct periodic residue testing, this requirement was not fully
implemented in the USDA organic regulations. The OIG’s observation that residue testing was necessary
provided the catalyst for developing and implementing a pilot project focused on surveillance testing.

The pilot project was initiated to measure the presence of pesticide residues in products labeled as organic and
displaying the USDA organic seal. Samples were collected from retail market sites throughout the United States.
The 571 samples of apples, bell peppers, broccoli, potatoes, strawberries, and tomatoes were collected from 19
States based on availability. They were then analyzed for 195 pesticide residues using liquid and gas
chromatographic methods with mass spectrophotometric detection.

Residue testing has a dual role in organic certification. It provides a means for monitoring compliance with the
USDA organic regulations and discouraging the mislabeling of agricultural products. A residue testing program
also provides State Organic Program and certifying agents with a tool for ensuring compliance.

The residue testing requirements of the USDA organic regulations permit USDA, the State Organic Program, or
certifying agent to inspect all agricultural products sold, labeled, or represented as USDA organic. These parties
may require products from organic farms and handling operations to undergo preharvest or postharvest residue
testing at their discretion.

Materials and Methods

The National Science Laboratory (NSL) of the Science and Technology Program (S&T) in the USDA Agricultural
Marketing Service (AMS) administered and implemented the project. S&T provided statistical assistance for this
project, including a survey plan, distribution data on organic products in the Nation, and an evaluation of the
testing results from NSL. Samples were collected by USDA AMS, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Fresh Products
Branch. The agents visited retail marketplaces across the Nation and purchased certified USDA organic apples,
tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes, bell peppers, and broccoli. Based on the most recent data on organic
production in the Nation, these products are the six most widely sold organic products (2). Samples were packed
and shipped to NSL for pesticide residue analysis. NSL used a standard pesticide residue analysis methodology

on homogenized samples for 195 pesticides (see Appendix A). A total of 571 USDA organic samples were
collected and tested. Samples were collected from October 2010 to January 2011 and tested November 2010 to
February 2011.

The pilot study used the quota sampling method, in that each commodity had a different target number of
samples (3). The estimate for the sample size was based on detecting residues in commodities in terms of
proportions between 0.0052 and 0.0053 at a 95-percent confidence level. In other words, the sample size was
large enough to detect residue levels as low as 0.52 percent in commodities at a confidence level of 95 percent.
Since pesticide distribution in organic samples is not always homogeneous in the lots, multiple individual
samples were taken. The sampling plan was adjusted to accommodate variability in the available types and
quantities of each commodity. Table 1 displays the production volume as well as the estimated and final
numbers of samples using quota sampling. As long as each sample represented a different variety or
commodity, multiple samples could be obtained from the same retail market. In order for a sample to be
acceptable, it had to be labeled with the USDA organic seal along with the name of the certifying agent.

NSL coordinated the sample collection and then tested the samples for pesticide residues. NSL personnel did not
rinse, peel, core, or remove the seeds from any sample. Excluding bruised portions of produce and spoiled
tissue, samples were homogenized using food processors. Portions of the homogenized sample were stored at
minus 40 degrees Celsius. The samples were then extracted for potential pesticide residues. Samples were
analyzed using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography with tandem mass
spectrometry. The results from the analyses were reported in parts per million (ppm). Appendix B has additional
details on the laboratory procedures and methods used in this pilot project.

Data recorded for each sample included product description, collection date, certifying agent, collection site
location (city and State), production source (domestic or import), country of origin, and retail operation. Before
testing, NSL assigned a sample identification number and internal laboratory number to each sample. NSL added
the analytic results to each sample after completion of the analyses. The NSL then added the residue testing
results and incorporated the type of pesticide detected.

SAS® was used for data management and analysis. Raw data sets were examined for completeness and coding
consistency as they were received. They were converted into SAS® data sets using two different methods and
then compared for agreement. If the two data sets were in complete agreement, the SAS® data sets were then
subject to quality control checks. The quality control checks included examination for responses outside defined
bounds and summation to aid in the identification of errors in the data. Data analytic procedures using
frequencies and descriptive statistics were used to explore the relationship between the variables.

Based on the level of pesticide residue detected, the data set was divided into 3 groups based on these criteria:
(1) whether or not pesticide residues were detected, (2) whether or not detected pesticide residues were more
than 10 parts per billion, and (3) whether or not the detected pesticide residues were greater than 5 percent of
the EPA tolerance for the specific residue (4). Since less sensitive equipment is not able to detect residues at or
below 10 parts per billion, this cut-off was established to differentiate between trace detections and more
significant findings that were below 5 percent of the EPA tolerance. The purpose of the 5-percent cut-off was to
identify residue levels that were in violation of the USDA organic regulations. The EPA tolerance levels were
obtained from Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) (5).

Twenty Fruit and Vegetable (F&V) inspectors at 20 locations throughout the United States collected 593 samples
and sent them to the NSL. Of the 593 samples, 571 samples were analyzed for 195 pesticide residues. The
remaining 22 samples were not analyzed due to some form of spoilage. All of the samples were extracted using
the QuEChERS method (Quick, easy, cheap, environmentally friendly, reliable, safe—QuEChERS). Pesticide
residue detection and identification were accomplished using liquid or gas chromatography with either single
quadrupole or triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. The average number of pesticide residues targeted for
detection in each sample ranged from a low of 191 for broccoli to a high of 194 for apples and tomatoes. Figure
1 shows the number of samples collected in each State for all six organic commodities.

Table 2 shows the distribution of samples according to the commodity and its production source (domestic or
imported). The country of origin for three samples was recorded as unknown or unlisted; however, the source of
production was coded as imported. Of the 571 samples, 443 were of domestic origin (77.6 percent) and 128
were imported (22.4 percent). Figure 2 shows the number and percentage of origin for each commodity.

Table 3 identifies the number of tested samples by certifying agent and whether the production source was
domestic or imported. The samples in this study were certified by 24 different certifying agents, 22 of which
were based in the United States and 2 of which were foreign. Of the 571 samples, 559 were certified by the 22
domestic certifying agents and 12 were certified by the 2 foreign certifying agents. The 22 domestic certifying
agents represent 41.5 percent of the total domestic certifying agents, while the 2 foreign certifying agents are
4.9 percent of the total foreign certifying agents. Examination of the 22 domestic certifying agents by Census
Region shows that 12 are located in the West, 4 are located in the Midwest, 2 are located in the South, and 4 are
located in the Northeast.

Table 4 shows the number of samples by certifying agent and organic commodity, including the number of
samples by certifying agent and organic commodity for domestic and import production sources.

Table 5 displays the number of samples analyzed and a summary of results for each organic commodity. This
table captures the total number analyses performed and the breakdown of total non-detections and detections
in the study. The average number of pesticides screened for each commodity varied as a result of quality control
acceptance criteria. The percent of residue detections is obtained by comparing the total number of residues
detected to the total number of analyses actually performed in the laboratory for each organic commodity. The
percentage of total residue detections ranged from 0.1 to 0.8 percent, with a mean of 0.4 percent. Different
pesticide residues were detected on each of the commodities tested. The number detected in each commodity
is reflected in the table. The mean number of different pesticides detected was 15, while the number of
different pesticides detected ranged from 8 to 30. Of the 110,190 analyses performed on 571 samples, 0.4
percent had pesticide residue detected. Appendix C tabulates the distribution of the samples having pesticide
residue detected.

Table 6 shows a summary of the data by commodity: number of samples analyzed, samples with detections
exceeding EPA tolerance (EPA violation), samples with detections exceeding 5 percent EPA tolerance (USDA
organic violation), samples with detections at or exceeding 0.01 ppm, samples with detections at or less than
0.01 ppm, and samples with no detections. No samples in the study exceeded the EPA tolerance, but 21 samples
(3.7 percent) had residues exceeding 5 percent of the EPA tolerance level and were in violation of the USDA
organic regulations.

Under 7 CFR 205.670, any USDA organic product or production input may be tested if there is reason to believe
it has come into contact with a prohibited substance or has been produced using excluded methods. This
provision allows a State Organic Program or certifying agent to test the following at the expense of the State
program or certifier: agricultural inputs used or agricultural product to be sold, labeled, or represented as “100
percent organic,” “organic,” or “made with organic (specified ingredients or food group(s)).” The preharvest or
postharvest samples must be collected by an inspector representing the USDA, State Organic Program, or
certifying agent. Sample integrity must be maintained throughout the chain of custody, and residue testing must
be performed in an accredited laboratory. Chemical analysis must be made in accordance with the methods
described in the most current edition of the Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Analytical
Communities (AOAC) International or other current applicable validated methodology determining the presence
of contaminants in agricultural products.

This pilot study fulfilled the criteria described above: samples were collected by USDA inspectors, NSL is an
accredited laboratory, and the methods used were AOAC official methods of analysis. In general, the project was
successful as a model for undertaking pesticide residue analysis in organic products.

The most comprehensive study looking at the relationship between pesticide residues in conventional foods and
those in organic foods was conducted by Baker et al (6). This study focused on the United States and used
results from pesticide residue testing by USDA’s Pesticide Data Program (PDP), the Marketplace Surveillance
Program of the California Department of Pesticide Monitoring (MSP), and a Consumers Union private residue-
testing program (CU). Sensitivity, analytical scope, and sample collection techniques differed markedly between

PDP. The PDP provided the highest quality data and the best representation of the U.S. food market.
However, the PDP’s underrepresentation of foods identified as organically grown limited its analytical
purposes for the pilot study. Additionally, the CU and MSP testing programs tested for important pesticide
residues not included in the PDP pesticide residue panel.
MSP. The MSP program sampled the market broadly, but the samples were not precisely representative.
The PDP and MSP data taken together provided a broad view across a wide array of different fruits and
vegetables, which were purchased over a multi-year period and from a large, representative sample of
locations within the U.S.A. and California, respectively. Neither data set offers the depth of sampling needed
for convincing comparisons of residues in individual foods as a function of market claim.
CU. In contrast, the CU tests examined only four foods purchased in a few locations over a short period. The
CU sampled each food from each market sector in comparative depth. More organically grown samples
were included in the CU data sets than provided in the larger PDP and MSP data sets.

These differences make direct comparisons of the findings from the different programs inappropriate. However,
similar relationships between pesticide residues of conventional and organic produce were observed in each
program. The percentage of samples from organic produce having pesticide residues ranged from 6.5 percent
for the MSP to 27 percent for the CU. When examined as a whole, the occurrence of pesticide residues on
organic produce is considerably lower than the occurrence on conventional produce.

These results indicate that while pesticide residues are less common in organic produce than in conventional
produce, detection of pesticide residues in organic produce is still common. The factors identified by Baker et al.
as accounting for the presence of pesticide residue in organic samples include product mislabeling;
misidentification of the samples during data entry; post-harvest contamination; inadvertent, unavoidable
contamination from environmentally persistent pesticides; or drift from pesticides applied to adjacent land.

Lairon updated the 2003 report from the French Agency for Food Safety, which established an expert working
group to review the available scientific literature on the nutritional and sanitary quality of organic food (7). The
studies examined by the expert working group used data on organic food production throughout developed and
developing countries. A key finding was that 94 to 100 percent of organic food does not contain pesticide

A review by Winter and Davis in 2006 supported the findings of Baker et al (8). Winter and Davis concluded that
organic produce had fewer pesticide residues than conventional produce.

In the preceding publications, the method used to identify the produce as organic was not stated. This report is
the first presentation of data about organic produce where the produce grown, processed, and handled is
known to be organic prior to sample collection and analysis. The criteria for sample selection were explicit and
well defined. Only produce samples having either a label or packaging displaying the USDA organic seal and the
name of the certifier were selected and collected.

These results indicate that while pesticide residues are less common in organic produce than in conventional
produce, detection of pesticide residues in organic produce is still frequent. In this study, residue detections
were placed into one of four categories:
- Samples with detections exceeding EPA tolerance (EPA violation)
- Samples with detections exceeding 5 percent of EPA tolerance (USDA Organic violation)
- Samples with detections exceeding 0.01 ppm
- Samples with detections at or less than 0.01 ppm

In the pilot study, 327 samples (57.3 percent) had no detectable levels of pesticide residue and 244 samples
(42.7 percent) had detectable pesticide levels. Of the 244 samples with detectable pesticide levels, 21 samples
had values that were greater than 5 percent of EPA tolerance levels and in violation of the USDA organic
regulations. The values of the other 223 samples with detectable residues were less than 5 percent of the EPA
tolerance level. This outcome was consistent with the results from previous studies and reviews.

The pilot study was an observational study that was not designed to collect and analyze data representative of
the organic industry as a whole. It focused on method feasibility. However, the pilot study did identify specific
areas of concern that warrant increased scrutiny to prevent contamination. The residue detections varied widely
by commodity:

Apples. Two pesticides, diphenylamine and thiabendazole, were present within the allowed range (but over 0.01
ppm) for several samples. Diphenylamine and thiabendazole are applied post-harvest within the apple packing
sheds to control scald (diphenylamine) or disease (thiabendazole). The levels of these compounds indicate
inadequate separation and cleaning within organic packing houses. Additionally, three apple samples contained
residues of chlorpyrifos—an insecticide used in conventional apple production—at 0.001 ppm. These residues
most likely indicate pesticide drift from neighboring orchards.

Bell peppers. Thirteen samples were in violation of the USDA organic regulations for having levels over 5 percent
of the EPA tolerance for at least one pesticide. These violations were scattered across 12 pesticides, with 3
samples having levels in violation for 2 pesticides. The high levels and number of detections indicate that some
samples may have been mislabeled, improperly handled, or misrepresented as organic.

Broccoli. No broccoli samples were in violation, nor were any detections over 0.01 ppm.

Potatoes. One potato sample was in violation of the USDA organic regulations. Over half of detections in the
compliant range (under 5 percent of the EPA tolerance level) came from potatoes containing chlorpropham, a
post-harvest sprout inhibitor used when storing conventional potatoes. This pesticide’s label cautions that the
product may remain active up to 6 months post-use. Separate storage areas or documented clean-out
procedures are already required for organic products, but these results show that additional efforts to separate
organic potatoes are necessary.

Strawberries. Two strawberry samples were in violation of the USDA organic regulations. Additionally, one
pesticide, piperonyl butoxide, was present at allowed levels (but over 0.01 ppm) in several samples.

Tomatoes. Four tomato samples were in violation of the USDA organic regulations. Additionally, two pesticides,
imidacloprid and piperonyl butoxide, were present at allowed levels (but over 0.01 ppm) in several samples.

During the course of the pilot study, a number of limitations that affect the interpretation of the results became

First, the organic produce samples were collected during the winter months in the United States. The origin and
distribution of tested samples may have been different if the sampling occurred closer to harvest periods in the
United States.

The results of the project provide data on specific pesticide residues in selected organic commodities being
marketed and sold in the United States over a fixed time period. The results may not be representative of
market conditions, which vary from year to year.

The pilot study’s design was non-experimental and can only provide the number of detections in the sampled
group. Since the samples do not represent all possible organic commodities and no additional data on the
national distribution of pesticide residues in organic commodities is available, pesticide residues for all organic
commodities cannot be described. The results from the 571 samples analyzed in this pilot study cannot be
generalized to a larger group and cannot be compared to other studies.

Additionally, the individual samples were not obtained using probability, but instead the judgment of the sample
collector. The method of collection was not evaluated to ensure that the sample selection and collection was
random and not biased.

Retail markets were used as sampling sites since they are both the closest point to where the public consumes
organic products and convenient for USDA sample collectors. This study did not assess specific sources of
contamination with prohibited pesticides (field exposure versus storage or packing facility).

Potential confounding factors were not incorporated into the study design. These factors could include alternate
sampling sites, consideration of seasonality in crop planting and harvesting, methods of processing organic
commodities, packaging of organic commodities, and different pesticide panels.

The training of the sample collectors was ad hoc; it was not systematic. Pretests and pilot runs to identify areas
and factors needing additional consideration were not conducted. The results of this pilot study may have
varying utility depending on the audience.

Pesticide residue testing is an important tool for monitoring compliance with the USDA organic regulations. This
pilot project demonstrates that periodic pesticide residue testing is also operationally feasible. Additionally, the
methodology used to implement the project is sufficiently flexible and will allow certifying agents to adapt it as
necessary to test products from the operations that they certify.

In this study of 571 produce samples from 6 commodities, 96 percent of analyzed samples were in
compliance with the USDA organic regulations. However, it also identified several areas of the organic
production and handling system that require additional scrutiny to prevent contamination.

Since the pilot study was not designed to measure pesticide residue levels in all types of USDA organic
products, it only analyzed a small number of samples from select types of commodities labeled as USDA
organic. It was conducted to confirm that this study design is appropriate for the periodic residue testing
of organic operations by certifying agents. However, the National Organic Program and certifying agents
will use this limited information to provide organic operations with additional guidance to enhance efforts
to reduce pesticide residues. Indirect contamination from neighboring fields, the environment, and shared
handling facilities must be minimized, and efforts to eliminate this must be documented in each
operation’s organic system plan. Overall, the results support additional attention to maintaining the
organic integrity of USDA organic products throughout their life cycle.

1. Oversight of the National Organic Program, Office of Inspector General, United States Department of
Agriculture, Audit Report 01601-03-Hy, March 2010.

2. 2007 Census of Agriculture, Organic Production Survey (2008), Volume 3, Special Studies, Part 2, AC-07-
SS-2, Issued February 2010, Updated July 2010. The complete report can be found at

3. William G. Cochran, Sampling Techniques, 3rd ed. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977), 135.

4. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (2010) Title 7, Part 205, Section 671, p. 471, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Washington, DC.

5. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (2010) Title 40, Part 180, Sections 1-2020, pp. 400-708, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.

6. B.P. Baker, C.M. Benbrook, E. Groth, and K. Lutz Benbrook, “Pesticide Residues in Conventional,
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)-Grown and Organic Foods: Insights from Three U.S. Data Sets,” Food
Additives and Contaminants 19 (2002): 427-446.

7. Denis Lairon, “Nutritional Quality and Safety of Organic Food. A Review,” Agronomy for Sustainable
Development 30(2010): 33-41.

8. Carl K. Winter and Sarah F. Davis, “Organic Foods,” Journal of Food Science 71(2006): R117-R124.

Tables and Figures
Figure 1 – Distribution of Organic Commodity Samples Collected per State

Figure 2 – Origin of Organic Commodities

Table 1 – Production Volume in 2008 and Number of Samples by Organic Commodity

Organic Organic Production Volume Quota Samples

Commodity (in pounds) Sample Collected

Apples 488,194,548 175 180

Bell Peppers 12,091,200 50 58
Broccoli 54,533,600 75 72
Potatoes 227,440,600 100 116
Strawberries 42,436,800 50 26
Tomatoes 393,644,000 120 119
Total 570 571

Table 2 – The Number of Samples by Organic Commodity and Source of Production

Organic Sample’s Region of Production Total

Domestic Import
Apples 177 3 180
Bell Peppers 36 22 58
Broccoli 72 0 72
Potatoes 100 16 116
Strawberries 22 4 26
Tomatoes 36 83 119
Total 443 128 571

Table 3 – The Number of Samples and Operations by Certifying Agent and Source of Production

Sources of Production
Domestic Import
Accredited Certifying Agent Samples Operations Samples Operations Samples Operations
BCS-Oeko Garantie GmbH 1 1 - - 1 1
Guaranteed Organic Certification Agency 1 1 1 1 - -
International Certification Service 1 1 - - 1 1
MOFGA Certification Services 1 1 1 1 - -
Midwest Organic Services Association 1 1 1 1 - -
Pennsylvania Certified Organic 2 1 2 1 - -
Global Culture 3 2 3 2 - -
NOFA-New York Certified Organic 3 2 - - 3 2
PrimusLabs 3 2 3 2 - -
Organic Certifiers 4 3 3 2 1 1
Idaho State Department of Agriculture 5 2 5 2 - -
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Assoc. 5 1 5 1 - -
Agricultural Services Certified Organic 8 2 8 2 - -
Quality Certification Services 8 4 8 4 - -
Scientific Certification Systems 8 1 4 1 4 1
Baystate Organic Certifiers 10 4 7 3 3 1
Pro-Cert Organic Systems 11 5 - - 11 5
Indiana Certified Organic 13 2 4 1 9 2
Maryland Department of Agriculture 18 3 14 3 4 1
Colorado Department of Agriculture 23 8 16 6 7 3
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic 34 13 20 10 14 3
Washington State Dept. of Agriculture 124 20 120 19 4 1
CCOF Certification Services 125 27 107 23 18 8
Quality Assurance International 159 33 111 27 48 16
Total 571 140 443 112 128 46

Table 4 – The Number of Samples by Certifying Agent and Organic Commodity

Organic Commodity
Apples Bell Peppers Broccoli Potatoes Strawberries Tomatoes
Accredited Certifying Agent Domestic Import Domestic Import Domestic Import Domestic Import Domestic Import Domestic Import
Agricultural Services Certified Organic - - - - 7 - 1 - - - - -
BCS-Oeko Garantie GmbH - 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Baystate Organic Certifiers - - - - - - 6 3 - - 1 -
CCOF Certification Services 5 - 17 3 43 - 26 1 12 4 4 10
Colorado Department of Agriculture 1 - - - - - 15 - - - - 7
Global Culture 2 - - - - - - - 1 - - -
Guaranteed Organic Certification Agency - - - - - - - - 1 - - -
Idaho State Department of Agriculture - - - - - - 5 - - - - -
Indiana Certified Organic - - 1 4 1 - - - - - 2 5
International Certification Service - - - - - - - 1 - - - -
MOFGA Certification Services - - - - - - 1 - - - - -
Maryland Department of Agriculture 8 2 4 1 1 - 1 - - - - 1
Midwest Organic Services Association - - - - - - 1 - - - - -
NOFA-New York Certified Organic - - - 1 - - - - - - - 2
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Assoc. - - - - - - 5 - - - - -
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic 6 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14
Organic Certifiers - - - - - - - - 3 - - 1
Pennsylvania Certified Organic - - - - 2 - - - - - - -
PrimusLabs - - 3 - - - - - - - - -
Pro-Cert Organic Systems - - - - - - - 11 - - - -
Quality Assurance International 40 - 8 11 18 - 19 - 2 - 24 37
Quality Certification Services - - - - - - - - 3 - 5 -
Scientific Certification Systems - - 3 2 - - 1 - - - - 2
Washington State Dept. of Agriculture 115 - - - - - 5 - - - - 4
Total 177 3 36 22 72 - 100 16 22 4 36 83
Total per Commodity 180 58 72 116 26 119

Table 5 – The Number of Samples Analyzed and Summary of Results by Organic Commodity

Average Number
Number of Analyses
Organic Samples Performed on Each Number of Number of Number of Number of Different
Commodity Analyzed Sample Analyses Performed Non-Detections Detections Pesticides Detected
Apples 180 194 34,830 34,755 75 11
Bell Peppers 58 192 11,132 11,028 104 30
Broccoli 72 191 13,734 13,715 19 9
Potatoes 116 193 22,416 22,278 138 14
Strawberries 26 193 5,022 5,012 10 8
Tomatoes 119 194 23,056 22,989 67 19
Total 571 110,190 109,777 413

Table 6 – The Number of Samples Analyzed and Results by Organic Commodity

Samples with Samples with

Detections Detections Samples with
Number Exceeding EPA Exceeding 5% EPA Detections At Or Samples with
of Tolerance Tolerance (USDA Exceeding Detections At or Samples with No
Organic Samples (EPA Violation) Organic Violation) 0.01ppm Less than 0.01ppm Detections
Commodity Analyzed Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Apples 180 - - 1 0.6 13 7.2 45 25 121 67.2
Bell Peppers 58 - - 13 22.4 3 5.2 11 19.0 31 53.4
Broccoli 72 - - - - - - 13 18.1 59 81.9
Potatoes 116 - - 1 0.9 68 58.6 28 24.1 19 16.4
Strawberries 26 - - 2 7.7 3 11.5 2 7.7 19 73.1
Tomatoes 119 - - 4 3.4 15 12.6 22 18.5 78 65.5
Total 571 - - 21 3.7 102 17.9 121 21.2 327 57.3

Appendix A
Listing of Pesticides by the Type of Pesticide

Appendix A shows the listing of pesticides by the type of pesticide.

The 571 organic produce samples in this pilot study were tested against the 195 pesticides listed in Appendix A.
One-hundred-ninety (190) of the pesticides are considered single use, in that they are used to control one class
of pest (e.g., insects):

Type of Pesticide Number

Acaricide 6
Fungicide 49
Herbicide 27
Insect Growth Regulator 2
Insecticide 106
Total 190

The remaining five pesticides are considered dual use, in that they are used to control two classes of pests (e.g.,
insects and mites):

Types of Pesticide Number

Fungicide / Growth Regulator 1
Herbicide / Growth Regulator 1
Insecticide / Acaricide 2
Insecticide / Growth Regulator 1
Total 5

The name and type of the 195 pesticides tested against in this pilot study:

Pesticide Type of Pesticide

1-Naphthol Insecticide
2,4 Dimethylphenyl formamide (DMPF) Insecticide
3-Hydroxycarbofuran Insecticide
4,4-Dibromobenzophenone Acaricide
5-Hydroxythiabendazole Fungicide
Acephate Insecticide
Acetamiprid Insecticide
Acetochlor Herbicide
Aldicarb Insecticide
Aldicarb sulfone Insecticide
Aldicarb sulfoxide Insecticide
Aldrin Insecticide
Allethrin Insecticide
Atrazine Herbicide
Azinphos methyl Insecticide

Pesticide Type of Pesticide
Azoxystrobin Fungicide
Bendiocarb Insecticide
BHC alpha Insecticide
Bifenazate Acaricide
Bifenthrin Insecticide
Biteranol Fungicide
Boscalid Fungicide
Bromacil Herbicide
Buprofezin Insecticide
Captan Fungicide
Carbaryl Insecticide
Carbendazim (MBC) Fungicide
Carbofuran Insecticide
Carfentrazone ethyl Herbicide
Chlorantraniprole Insecticide
Chlordane cis Insecticide
Chlordane trans Insecticide
Chlorfenapyr Insecticide
Chlorothalonil Fungicide
Chlorpropham (CIPC) Herbicide / Growth Regulator
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide
Chlorpyrifos methyl Insecticide
Chlorthal (DCPA) Herbicide
Clofentezine Acaricide
Clothianidin Insecticide
Coumaphos Insecticide
Cyazofamid Fungicide
Cycloate Herbicide
Cyfluthrin Insecticide
Cyhalothrin lambda Insecticide
Cypermethrin Insecticide
Cyprodinil Fungicide
Cyromazine Insect Growth Regulator
DDD o,p' Insecticide
DDD p,p' Insecticide
DDE o,p' Insecticide
DDE p,p' Insecticide
DDT p,p' Insecticide
Deltamethrin Insecticide
Diazinon Insecticide
Diazinon oxygen analog Insecticide
Dichlorvos (DDVP) Insecticide
Dicloran Fungicide
Dicofol o,p' Insecticide
Dicofol p,p' Insecticide
Dieldrin Insecticide

Pesticide Type of Pesticide
Difenoconazole Fungicide
Diflubenzuron Insecticide
Dimethoate Insecticide
Dimethomorph Fungicide
Dinotefuran Insecticide
Diphenamid Herbicide
Diphenylamine Fungicide
Disulfoton sulfone Insecticide
Diuron Herbicide
Endosulfan I Insecticide
Endosulfan II Insecticide
Endosulfan sulfate Insecticide
Endrin Insecticide
Epoxiconazole Fungicide
Esfenvalerate Insecticide
Ethion Insecticide
Ethoprop Insecticide
Ethoxyquin Fungicide / Growth Regulator
Etoxazole Acaricide
Etridiazole Fungicide
Famoxadone Fungicide
Fenamidone Fungicide
Fenamiphos Insecticide
Fenamiphos sulfone Insecticide
Fenamiphos sulfoxide Insecticide
Fenarimol Fungicide
Fenbuconazole Fungicide
Fenhexamid Fungicide
Fenoxaprop ethyl Herbicide
Fenpropathrin Insecticide
Fenpyroximate Acaricide
Fenthion Insecticide
Fipronil Insecticide
Flonicamid Insecticide
Fludioxonil Fungicide
Fluoxastrobin Fungicide
Fluridone Herbicide
Flutolanil Fungicide
Fluvalinate total Insecticide
Folpet Fungicide
Fonofos Insecticide
Heptachlor Insecticide
Heptachlor epoxide Insecticide
Hexachlorobenzene Fungicide
Hexaconazole Fungicide
Hexythiazox Insecticide

Pesticide Type of Pesticide
Hydroprene Insect Growth Regulator / Acaricide
Imazalil Fungicide
Imidacloprid Insecticide
Indoxacarb Insecticide
Iprodione Fungicide
Lindane Insecticide
Linuron Herbicide
Malathion Insecticide
Malathion oxygen analog Insecticide
Metalaxyl Fungicide
Methamidophos Insecticide
Methidathion Insecticide
Methiocarb Insecticide
Methomyl Insecticide
Methoxychlor Insecticide
Methoxyfenozide Insecticide
Metolachlor Herbicide
Metribuzin Herbicide
Mevinphos total Insecticide
MGK-264 Insecticide
Myclobutanil Fungicide
Naled Insecticide
Napropamide Herbicide
Nonachlor cis Insecticide
Nonachlor trans Insecticide
Norflurazon Herbicide
Norflurazon desmethyl Herbicide
Omethoate Insecticide
o-Phenylphenol Fungicide
Oxadixyl Fungicide
Oxamyl Insecticide
Oxamyl oxime Insecticide
Oxydemeton methyl sulfone Insecticide
Oxyfluorfen Herbicide
Parathion methyl Insecticide
Pendimethalin Herbicide
Pentachlorobenzene Fungicide
Permethrin total Insecticide
Phenmedipham Herbicide
Phorate sulfone Insecticide
Phorate sulfoxide Insecticide
Phosalone Insecticide
Phosmet Insecticide
Piperonyl butoxide Insecticide
Pirimicarb Insecticide
Prallethrin Insecticide

Pesticide Type of Pesticide
Prochloraz Fungicide
Procymidone Fungicide
Profenofos Insecticide
Prometryn Herbicide
Pronamide Herbicide
Propanil Herbicide
Propargite Insecticide
Propetamphos Insecticide
Propham Herbicide
Propiconazole Fungicide
Pymetrozine Insecticide
Pyraclostrobin Fungicide
Pyridaben Insecticide / Acaricide
Pyrimethanil Fungicide
Pyriproxyfen Insecticide / Growth Regulator
Quinoxyfen Fungicide
Quintozene Fungicide
Resmethrin total Insecticide
Simazine Herbicide
Spinetoram Insecticide
Spirodiclofen Acaricide
Spiromesifen Insecticide
Sulfentrazone Herbicide
Tebuconazole Fungicide
Tebufenozide Insecticide
Tefluthrin Insecticide
Tetrachlorvinphos Insecticide
Tetraconazole Fungicide
Tetradifon Insecticide
Tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI) Fungicide
Tetramethrin Insecticide
Thiabendazole Fungicide
Thiacloprid Insecticide
Thiamethoxam Insecticide
Thiodicarb Insecticide
Triadimefon Fungicide
Triadimenol Fungicide
Tribufos Herbicide
Trifloxystrobin Fungicide
Triflumizole Fungicide
Trifluralin Herbicide
Vinclozolin Fungicide

Appendix B
Laboratory Procedures and Methods

Sampling Plan
A sampling plan was developed based on availability of funds for procuring and testing the samples. The USDA
Agricultural Marketing Service Fruit and Vegetable Fresh Products Branch (F&V) provided 20 samplers from 20
field office locations to act as sample collectors of organic produce at retail marketplaces throughout the United
States. Collectors purchased, packed, and shipped samples to the National Science Laboratory (NSL) using
prepaid cartons and associated packing materials provided by the NSL. Samplers were asked to collect samples
on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday and ship them on Monday or Tuesday. NSL provided a lab procedure to the
sample collection agents as a guide for collection of USDA-certified organic products for pesticide residue
analysis at NSL, and boxes were sent directly to the NSL by F&V personnel for sample testing.

Since the distribution of pesticide residues is not always homogeneous in lots, multiple individual samples were
taken. Furthermore, because the types and numbers of USDA certified organic produce varied from marketplace
to marketplace, the sampling plan was adjusted to allow USDA inspectors to collect samples based on sample
availability, up to the 571 target samples (Table B1). As long as each sample represented a different variety or
commodity, multiple samples could be obtained from the same retail market. In order for a sample to be
acceptable, it had to be labeled with the USDA organic seal along with the name of the certifying agent.
Sampling forms and instructions for completing them were provided to the inspectors to complete for each
sample. The USDA inspectors remitted invoices to NSL on a biweekly basis.

Laboratory Criteria
A multi-residue pesticide screening approach was preferable because (1) it was necessary to screen for a large
number of pesticides potentially used in the 571 samples and (2) the cost and time of analysis compared to
specific tests for individual residues were much less. The process for testing included the following steps:
sampling, homogenization, extraction, cleanup, and chromatographic analysis. Since the project was designed to
mirror compliance testing, rigorous controls were maintained over each of these steps. The method used was
validated according to an internationally recognized protocol.

The method was also embedded in the NSL quality system in compliance with International Organization for
Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission ISO/IEC 17025:2005 – General Requirements for the
Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. Pesticide residue analysis at NSL is accredited according to
the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 — General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories
through the Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). A2LA complies with the general criteria for
laboratory accreditation laid down in ISO/IEC 17021:2011 — Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and
Certification of Management Systems. Prior to and during the project, NSL participated in recognized proficiency
test programs for pesticide residue analysis.

The chromatographic pesticide residue analysis method was calibrated using certified reference material (CRM)
obtained from EPA, Food Analysis Performance Assessment Scheme, or a chemical supply house. Each CRM was
accompanied by documentation issued by an authoritative body providing one or more specified property
values with associated uncertainties and traceability. The recoveries of pesticides were monitored in each
sample set per commodity by spiking a blank sample of a commodity with known amounts of pesticides and
quantifying the recovered amount via the extraction and analysis process. The amount recovered divided by the
amount spiked multiplied by 100 was the percent recovery. An example of recovery data is provided in Appendix
Table B2. Each sample was also spiked with a process control spike, a single compound that is monitored in each
sample for its recovery.

Sample Processing
Samples were not washed, peeled, hulled, pitted or reconstituted prior to homogenization, but were prepared
for analysis as they were received. Samples that were not immediately processed before homogenization were
stored at 4 degrees Celsius for up to 72 hours. The entire sample as received (up to 5 pounds (~2.5 kg)) was
homogenized using a Robocoupe® food processer to obtain a suitable representative portion for analysis.
Homogenized samples were stored at less than -20 degrees Celsius.

Pesticide Residue Extraction

NSL used a slight modification to the AOAC Official Method of Analysis, 2007.01 Pesticide Residues in Foods by
Acetonitrile Extraction and Partitioning with Magnesium Sulfate (Quick, easy, cheap, environmentally friendly,
reliable, safe—QuEChERS) for the assessment of the incidence of pesticide residues remaining on the 571
submitted samples (1). Modifications to the original method were introduced to provide better cleanup of the
sample extract for gas chromatography/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) analysis. Although it is recognized that not
all registered pesticides are amenable to detection using the QuEChERS method, at this time no multi-residue
method is available that will analyze all registered pesticides effectively with appropriate precision and

Pesticide Residue Analysis

A “target” analyte list was prepared collaboratively between the USDA National Organic Program and the
Laboratory Division by examination of all pesticides/metabolites/environmental contaminants that have been
detected in samples analyzed for the USDA Pesticide Data Program. NSL analyzed the samples using gas
chromatography (GC) and/or liquid chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (MS) or tandem mass
spectrometers (MS/MS). See Table B2 for an example of quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) data. NSL
evaluated 195 pesticide residues in the 571 samples.

Quality Assurance
Quantitative analysis of residues was performed using calibration standards of pesticide reference materials
prepared at known concentrations. The most accurate quantitative results were obtained with matrix matched
calibration standards prepared using blank matrix extracts. Qualitative analysis was performed by comparing
mass spectral ion abundances of known standards to ion abundances of presumptive incurred residues in order
to confirm the identity of observed residues in samples. Reference materials and the instrument recoveries were
generated and monitored for trends. The final data package underwent three reviews, and the results of those
reviews were documented. The results from the analyses were reported in parts per million (ppm).
Measurement uncertainty is inherent in the analytic process and needs to be considered when the analytic
results are examined (2).

Data Analysis
Data recorded for each sample included product description, collection date, name of the certifier, collection
site city, collection site State, source of production, country of origin, and operation name.

Quality Control Samples. Test items/materials were processed in batches of 20 or fewer samples, typically
including at least 1 quality control sample (QCS) per batch. Acceptance criteria for QCS were based on an
absolute value recovery range of 50 to 150 percent. When multiple commodities were tested per set, a
commodity-specific QCS would also be analyzed per commodity. Out of 195 different residues analyzed, there
appears to have been an overall recovery range of 80 to 113 percent. Examples of recoveries exceeding 150
percent include 3-Hydroxycarbofuran, boscalid, captan, carbaryl, chlorantraniprole, clothianidin, DDT, and
dletamethrin. Examples of recoveries at less than 50 percent include naphthol, captan, chlorothalonil, and DDD.

Control of Nonconforming Work. Each batch of test items processed underwent a 3-tiered review, including
two technical reviews and one quality evaluation. The NSL quality manual was used as a guide for the control of

nonconforming work. Policies and control processes covered include addressing customer needs, obtaining
feedback, confidentiality, complaints, errors and remedial action, corrections, corrective action, prevention,
reporting test results, sensitive information, audits, quality practices, management review and others.
Corrective action logs indicating no significant actions were required to address issues within the testing
processes applied to National Organic Program test materials. However, several remedial actions were taken to
address minor issues such as shortage of clean matrices for QCS, long-term use of intermediate reference
materials, or simple error handling practices. No actions were taken against the recovery results being outside
the range requirement, because the laboratory applied additional criteria to the analysis of results. There were a
few residues that demonstrated unusual recovery patterns (e.g., tridimenol, pyridaben, tetramethrin, and
tetrahydrophthalimide), but no cause for this pattern could be determined.

Handling of Test Items/Materials. Receipt of test items was managed according to a variety of provisions
necessary to protect the integrity of test items and to satisfy the National Organic Program and NSL. These
included but were not limited to determining the temperature, container condition upon arrival, damage, and
placement of security seals. A total of 571 test items were analyzed; 22 samples were not analyzed due to some
form of spoilage. Examples of common indicators of spoilage, which led to the sample not being tested, included
the appearance of rot or mold, or foul odors implying rot. There was no indication that test items were
compromised by poor handling practices during shipment. Compromised cooling may have contributed to those
identified as spoiled. Arrangements were not made for USDA inspectors to replace spoiled samples. Test
items/materials were retained a minimum of 10 working days following completion of all analyses and reporting
of results. This includes any remaining sample or reserve portions required to insure a usable amount is
available for re-extraction, re- testing, etc. Some samples required additional testing and will be stored up to 1
to 2 years or longer.

Ensuring the Quality of Test Results. Activities associated with the quality management system and the
laboratory’s scopes of accreditation were audited according to a predetermined monthly schedule. In addition
to the recovery range criteria (i.e., 50 to 150 percent), the laboratory chose to take action only when evidence
indicated that greater than 30 percent of the residues analyzed had been adversely affected; statistical process
control charts and summary spreadsheets indicate that only 1 to 8 percent of the total residues analyzed were
adversely affected. This gave analysts confidence that there wasn’t a need to pursue every questionable
recovery result. Proficiency testing through external and internal programs was required to maintain the
laboratory’s accreditation to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Recoveries ranged between 60 and 120 percent, with
broccoli demonstrating a lower-than-expected range of 40 to 70 percent.

Control of Records
The laboratory adheres to the Science and Technology Program record retention and disposition plan where all
analytical records are archived onsite 3 years following the close of the fiscal year in which the records were
generated. Ancillary data about the type of pesticide was subsequently incorporated into each sample’s data


1. Lehotay, Steven J., Determination of Pesticide Residues in Foods by Acetonitrile Extraction and
Partitioning with Magnesium Sulfate: Collaborative Study, J AOAC INT Vol. 90, No. 2, 2007, p 485-520.

2. Paul De Bièvre and Helmut Günzler, eds., Measurement Uncertainty in Chemical Analysis (Berlin:
Springer Verlag, 2003).

Table B1 – Optimized Sample Size

Primary Food Commodities of Plant Origin

All fresh fruits and vegetables
1 Small sized products Strawberries Whole units, or packages, 2-3 packages (up to 2.5 lbs) or
units generally less than 25 g or units taken with what is available in the store.
sampling device
2 Medium sized products Bell Peppers Whole units, or units taken 5 peppers or what is available
units generally 25 - 250 g with sampling device loose or in a package at the store.
3 Medium sized products Tomatoes Whole units, or units taken 5-10 full sized tomatoes, 2-3
units generally 25 - 250 g with sampling device packages of smaller sized
tomatoes or what is available at
the store
4 Medium sized products Potatoes Whole units, or units taken 3-5 lbs or what is available in a
units generally 25 - 250 g with sampling device package. If less is available collect
the amount available.
5 Medium sized products Apples Whole units, or units taken 3-5 lbs or what is available in a
units generally 25 - 250 g with sampling device package. If less is available collect
the amount available.
6 Large sized products Broccoli Whole units, units taken 2-3 bunches (up to 2.5 lbs) or
units generally greater than with sampling device what is available in the store.
250 g

Appendix C
Distribution of Pesticide Residues in Organic Commodities

Appendix C shows pesticide residue detections for the pesticide/commodity pairs of samples having pesticide
residue detected. The following data is presented for each pesticide detected in the study, per commodity:
- EPA tolerance level
- 5 percent of EPA tolerance level
- Samples with detections exceeding EPA tolerance (EPA violation)
- Samples with detections exceeding 5 percent EPA tolerance (USDA Organic Violation)
- Samples with detections exceeding 0.01 ppm
- Samples with detections at or less than 0.01 ppm
- Range of detected values (ppm)

The EPA tolerances cited in this study apply to 2010 and not to the current year. There may be instances where
tolerances may have been recently set or revoked that would have an effect on whether a residue exceeds the
tolerance or not.

Instead of EPA tolerance levels, some pesticides have Action Levels (AL) established by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). In these cases, the USDA National Organic Program has established an action threshold
that constitutes a violation of the USDA organic regulations: 0.01 parts per million (ppm). These pesticides are
labeled accordingly in Appendix C.

Some pesticides have no tolerance levels established by EPA or FDA. NT denotes pesticide/commodity pairs
having no tolerance levels established by EPA or FDA. In these cases, the USDA National Organic Program has
established an action threshold that constitutes a violation of the USDA organic regulations: 0.01 parts per
million (ppm). These pesticides are labeled accordingly in Appendix C.

Table C1 – Apples, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide

Samples with Samples with

Detections Detections
Exceeding Exceeding 5% Samples with Samples with
EPA 5% of EPA EPA Tolerance EPA Tolerance Detections Detections At
Range of Range of Limit
Tolerance Tolerance (EPA (USDA Organic Exceeding or Less than
Level Level Violation) Violation) 0.01ppm 0.01ppm Detected Values of Detection
Pesticide (ppm) (ppm) Number % Number % Number % Number % (ppm) (ppm)
Bifenthrin 0.05 0.0025 - - - - - - 1 0.6 0.002 0.002
Chlorpyrifos 0.1 0.005 - - - - - - 3 1.7 0.001 0.001
Cyhalothrin lambda 0.3 0.015 - - - - - - 2 1.1 0.001 0.001
DDE p,p' 0.1 AL* 0.01*** - - - - - - 1 0.6 0.004 0.002
Diphenylamine 10.0 0.5 - - - - 9 5 11 6.1 0.006 - 0.021 0.005 - 0.011
Endosulfan II 1.0 0.05 - - - - - - 1 0.6 0.001 0.001
Endosulfan sulfate 1.0 0.05 - - - - - - 2 1.1 0.001 -
Imidacloprid 0.5 0.025 - - - - - - 1 0.6 0.006 0.001
Pendimethalin 0.1 0.005 - - - - - - 1 0.6 0.002 0.002
Spirodiclofen 0.8 0.04 - - - - - - 7 3.9 0.001 – 0.003 0.004
Thiabendazole 5.0 0.25 - - 1 0.6 5 2.8 30 16.7 0.001 - 0.028 0.001

*FDA action level; this pesticide is no longer registered by EPA.

**Tolerance level not established by EPA.
***Action threshold established by the USDA National Organic Program to constitute a USDA organic violation.

No residues of the 184 other pesticides were detected in the 180 apple samples.

Table C2 – Bell Peppers, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide

Samples with Samples with

Detections Detections
Exceeding EPA Exceeding 5% Samples with Samples with
Range of
EPA 5% of EPA Tolerance EPA Tolerance Detections Detections At
Range of Limit of
Tolerance Tolerance (EPA (USDA Organic Exceeding or Less than
Level Level Violation) Violation) 0.01ppm 0.01ppm Detected Values Detection
Pesticide (ppm) (ppm) Number % Number % Number % Number % (ppm) (ppm)
Acephate 4.00 0.2 - - - - - - 1 1.7 0.045 0.01
Azoxystrobin 2.0 0.1 - - - - - - 5 8.6 0.001 - 0.004 0.001
Bifenthrin 0.50 0.025 - - - - - - 2 3.4 0.007 - 0.008 0.005
Boscalid 1.2 0.06 - - 1 1.7 1 1.7 - - 0.02 - 0.072 0.02
Carbendazim NT** 0.01*** - - 1 1.7 - - 0.07 0.005
Carfentrazone ethyl 1.0 0.05 - - 2 3.4 2 3.4 - - 0.043 - 0.095 0.003
Chlorpyrifos 1.00 0.05 - - - - 2 3.4 5 8.6 0.001 - 0.041 0.003
Chlothianidin 0.25 0.0125 - - - - 3 5.2 8 13.8 0.002 - .026 0.001
Cyfluthrin 0.5 0.025 - - - - 2 3.4 - - 0.018 - 0.021 0.004
Cyhalothrin lambda 0.2 0.01 - - 1 1.7 2 3.4 - - 0.002 - 0.012 0.001
Cypermethrin 0.2 0.01 - - 1 1.7 - - - - 0.022 0.004
Endosulfan I 2.0 0.1 - - - - 2 3.4 7 2.1 0.001 - 0.077 0.001
Endosulfan II 2.0 0.1 - - - - 3 5.2 3 5.2 0.003 - 0.063 0.001
Endosulfan sulfate 2.0 0.1 - - - - 1 1.7 4 6.9 0.005 - 0.051 0.001
Esfenvalerate 0.50 0.025 - - - - - - 2 3.4 0.002 - 0.007 0.005
Famoxadone 4.0 0.2 - - - - 1 1.7 - - 0.184 0.05
Fenhexamid 2.0 0.1 - - - - 1 1.7 1 1.7 0.006 - 0.019 0.003
Fenpropathrin 1.0 0.05 - - - - 1 1.7 - - 0.012 0.008
Flonicamid 0.4 0.02 - - 1 1.7 - - - - 0.04 0.008
Imidacloprid 1.0 0.05 - - 1 1.7 3 5.2 5 8.6 0.002 - 0.078 0.001
Metalaxyl 1.0 0.05 - - - - 1 1.7 3 5.2 0.006 - 0.016 0.002
Methamidophos 1.0 0.05 - - - - 1 1.7 - - 0.024 0.004
Methoxyfenozide 2.0 0.1 - - - - - - 3 5.2 0.003 - 0.004 0.002
Myclobutanil 4.00 0.2 - - - - 4 6.9 1 1.7 0.007 - 0.053 0.005
Oxamyl oxime 2.00 0.1 - - 1 1.7 2 3.4 - - 0.033 - 0.158 0.025
Propanil NT** 0.01*** - - 3 5.2 - - - - 0.034 - 0.045 0.03

Samples with Samples with
Detections Detections
Exceeding EPA Exceeding 5% Samples with Samples with
Range of
EPA 5% of EPA Tolerance EPA Tolerance Detections Detections At
Range of Limit of
Tolerance Tolerance (EPA (USDA Organic Exceeding or Less than
Level Level Violation) Violation) 0.01ppm 0.01ppm Detected Values Detection
Pesticide (ppm) (ppm) Number % Number % Number % Number % (ppm) (ppm)
Quinoxyfen 0.35 0.0175 - - 1 1.7 - - - - 0.084 0.02
Tebufenozide 1.0 0.05 - - - - 1 1.7 - - 0.034 0.005
Thiamethoxam 0.25 0.0125 - - 1 1.7 - - 5 8.6 0.004 - 0.020 0.001
Trifloxystrobin 0.5 0.025 - - - - - - 2 3.4 0.002 - 0.010 0.002

*FDA action level; this pesticide is no longer registered by EPA.

**Tolerance level not established by EPA.
***Action threshold established by the USDA National Organic Program to constitute a USDA organic violation.

No residues of the 155 other pesticides were detected in the 58 bell pepper samples.

Table C3 – Broccoli, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide

Samples with Samples with

Detections Detections
Exceeding EPA Exceeding 5% Samples with Samples with
Tolerance EPA Tolerance Detections Detections At Range of
EPA 5% of EPA
(EPA (USDA Organic Exceeding or Less than Range of Limit of
Tolerance Tolerance
Level Level Violation) Violation) 0.01ppm 0.01ppm Detected Values Detection
Pesticide (ppm) (ppm) Number % Number % Number % Number % (ppm) (ppm)
Chlorpyrifos 1.0 0.05 - - - - - - 6 8.3 0.001 0.001
Chlorthal (DCPA) 5.0 0.25 - - - - - - 2 2.8 0.004 - 0.005 0.004
Cyhalothrin lambda 0.4 0.02 - - - - - - 1 1.4 0.001 0.001
DDE p,p' 0.5 AL* 0.01*** - - - - - - 2 2.8 0.003 - 0.008 0.002
Esfenvalerate 1.0 0.05 - - - - - - 2 2.8 0.002 0.002
Imidacloprid 3.5 0.175 - - - - - - 1 1.4 0.003 0.005
Iprodione 25.0 1.25 - - - - - - 1 1.4 0.005 0.01
Pendimethalin 0.1 0.005 - - - - - - 2 2.8 0.002 0.002
Trifluralin 0.05 0.0025 - - - - - - 2 2.8 0.001 0.001

*FDA action level; this pesticide is no longer registered by EPA.

**Tolerance level not established by EPA.
***Action threshold established by the USDA National Organic Program to constitute a USDA organic violation.

No residues of the 186 other pesticides were detected in the 72 broccoli samples.

Table C4 – Potatoes, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide

Samples with Samples with

Detections Detections
Exceeding EPA Exceeding 5% Samples with
Samples with
EPA 5% of EPA Tolerance EPA Tolerance Detections At Range of
Detections At
Tolerance Tolerance (EPA (USDA Organic Or Exceeding or Less than Range of Limit of
Level Level Violation) Violation) 0.01ppm 0.01ppm Detected Values Detection
Pesticide (ppm) (ppm) Number % Number % Number % Number % (ppm) (ppm)
Azoxystrobin 0.03 0.0015 - - - - - - 4 3.4 0.001 - 0.003 0.001
Carfentrazone ethyl 0.1 0.005 - - - - - - 1 0.9 0.001 0.001
Chlorpropham (CIPC) 30.0 1.5 - - - - 67 57.8 - - 0.030 - 0.368 0.05
DDE p,p' 0.1 AL* 0.01*** - - - - - - 39 33.6 0.002 - 0.010 0.002
Dieldrin 0.5 AL* 0.01*** - - - - - - 2 1.7 0.002 0.002
Endosulfan sulfate 0.2 0.01 - - - - - - 14 12.1 0.001 0.001
Esfenvalerate 0.02 0.001 - - - - - - 1 0.9 0.002 0.002
Fenpropathrin NT** 0.01*** - - - - - - 1 0.9 0.005 0.008
Heptachlor epoxide 0.1 AL* 0.01*** - - - - - - 1 0.9 0.003 0.003
Imidacloprid 0.4 0.02 - - 1 0.9 - - - - 0.03 0.001
Iprodione 0.5 0.025 - - - - 1 0.9 - - 0.014 0.01
Spirodiclofen NT** 0.01*** - - - - - - 1 0.9 0.001 0.001
Tetradifon NT** 0.01*** - - - - - - 1 0.9 0.001 0.001
Thiabendazole 10.0 0.5 - - - - 1 0.9 2 1.7 0.004 - 0.331 0.001

*FDA action level; this pesticide is no longer registered by EPA.

**Tolerance level not established by EPA
***Action threshold established by the USDA National Organic Program to constitute a USDA organic violation.

No residues of the 181 other pesticides were detected in the 116 potato samples.

Table C5 – Strawberries, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide

Samples with Samples with

Detections Detections
Exceeding EPA Exceeding 5% Samples with Samples with
EPA 5% of EPA Tolerance EPA Tolerance Detections At Detections At Range of
Tolerance Tolerance (EPA (USDA Organic Or Exceeding or Less than Range of Limit of
Level Level Violation) Violation) 0.01ppm 0.01ppm Detected Values Detection
Pesticide (ppm) (ppm) Number % Number % Number % Number % (ppm) (ppm)
Azoxystrobin 10.00 0.5 - - - - - - 1 3.8 0.002 0.001
Endosulfan I 2.0 0.1 - - - - - - 1 3.8 0.001 0.001
Endosulfan II 2.0 0.1 - - - - - - 1 3.8 0.005 0.001
Endosulfan sulfate 2.0 0.1 - - - - 1 3.8 - - 0.015 0.001
Etoxazole 0.5 0.025 - - 1 3.8 - - - - 0.117 0.001
Etridiazole NT** 0.01*** - - 1 3.8 - - - - 0.013 0.01
Piperonyl butoxide 10.0 0.5 - - - - 3 11.5 - - 0.092 - 0.200 0.05
Pyrimethanil 3.0 0.15 - - - - - - 1 3.8 0.01 0.003

*FDA action level; this pesticide is no longer registered by EPA.

**Tolerance level not established by EPA.
***Action threshold established by the USDA National Organic Program to constitute a USDA organic violation.

No residues of the 187 other pesticides were detected in the 26 strawberry samples.

Table C6 – Tomatoes, Distribution of Results for Each Detected Pesticide

Samples with Samples with

Detections Detections
Exceeding EPA Exceeding 5% Samples with Samples with
EPA 5% of EPA Tolerance EPA Tolerance Detections At Detections At Range of
Tolerance Tolerance (EPA (USDA Organic Or Exceeding or Less than Range of Limit of
Level Level Violation) Violation) 0.01ppm 0.01ppm Detected Values Detection
Pesticide (ppm) (ppm) Number % Number % Number % Number % (ppm) (ppm)
Acetamiprid 0.2 0.01 - - - - - - 1 0.8 0.005 0.004
Azoxystrobin 0.20 0.01 - - 1 0.8 - - 3 2.5 0.003 - 0.015 0.001
Bifenthrin 0.15 0.0075 - - - - - - 1 0.8 0.001 0.001
Carfentrazone ethyl 1.0 0.05 - - - - - - 4 3.4 0.001 0.001
Chlorpyrifos NT** 0.01*** - - - - - - 5 4.2 0.001 0.001-0.003
Chlothianidin 0.25 0.0125 - - 1 0.8 - - 1 0.8 0.008 - 0.015 0.001
Cypermethrin 0.2 0.01 - - - - - - 2 1.7 0.006 - 0.007 0.004
Dicofol p,p' 2.0 0.1 - - - - - - 1 0.8 0.002 0.002
Endosulfan I 1.0 0.05 - - - - - - 1 0.8 0.003 0.003
Endosulfan II 1.0 0.05 - - - - - - 1 0.8 0.004 0.001
Endosulfan sulfate 1.0 0.05 - - - - - - 2 1.7 0.001 - 0.003 0.001
Fenarimol NT** 0.01*** - - - - - - 1 0.8 0.005 0.005
Flonicamid 0.4 0.02 - - 2 1.7 - - - - 0.033 - 0.048 0.008
Imidacloprid 1.0 0.05 - - 1 0.8 8 6.7 17 14.3 0.001 - 0.059 0.001
Pendimethalin 0.10 0.005 - - - - - - 2 1.7 0.004 0.003
Piperonyl butoxide 10.0 0.5 - - - - 7 9.3 - - 0.054 - 0.480 0.05
Quintozene 0.1 0.005 - - - - - - 1 0.8 0.001 0.001
Spiromesifen 0.45 0.0225 - - - - 2 1.7 - - 0.016 0.01
Thiamethoxam 0.25 0.0125 - - - - 1 0.8 1 0.8 0.009 - 0.011 0.004

*FDA action level; this pesticide is no longer registered by EPA.

**Tolerance level not established by EPA.
***Action threshold established by the USDA National Organic Program to constitute a USDA organic violation.

No residues of the 176 other pesticides were detected in the 119 tomato samples.

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