Power Plant Engineering

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1. Explain the principle of fire tube and water tube boilers. Mention the chief advantages
and disadvantages of fire tube boilers over water tube boilers. Discuss the chief
advantages of water tube boilers over fire tube boilers. Distinguish between water-tube
and fire-tube boilers and state under what circumstances each type would be desirable.
What are the considerations which would guide you in selecting the type of boiler to be
adopted for a specific purpose?

The principle of fire tube boilers is that the hot products of combustion pass through the
tubes, which are surrounded by water. The process goes like this; first he fuel is burnt inside a
furnace. Then, hot gases produced from the furnace passes through the fire tubes. The fire
tubes are immersed in water inside the main vessels of the boiler. The heat energy of the hot
gases is transferred to the water surrounds the tubes. Steam is generated in the water and
naturally comes up and is stored on the water in the same vessel of fire tube boiler. Lastly,
steam is then taken out from the steam outlet for utilizing demand purpose.
The principle of water tube boilers, water circulates through the tubes and hot products
of combustion flow over these tubes. The process of water tube boiler is simple to elaborate
more, it goes this way; it mainly consists of two drums, one is upper drum or “steam drum” and
other is lower drum or “mud drum”. These steam drum and mud drum are connected with two
tubes specifically the down-comer and riser tube. Water in the mud drum and in the riser
connected to it, is heated and steam is produced in them which comes to the steam drums. In
the steam drum the steam is separated from water on its own and stored above the water
surface. The colder water is from feed water inlet at steam drum and as this water is heavier
than the hotter water of mud drum and that in the riser, the colder water push the hotter water
upwards through the riser. So there is one convectional flow of water in the boiler system.
Steam is increasingly produced and the pressure of the closed system increases which
obstructs this convectional flow of water. Hence, rate production of steam becomes slower
proportionately. Furthermore, if the steam is taken trough steam outlet, the pressure inside the
system falls and consequently the convectional flow of water becomes faster which result in
faster steam production rate. With this the water tube boiler can control its own pressure.

There are advantages and disadvantages of fire tube boilers over water tube boilers.
For the advantages of the fire tube boilers:
i. Have low initial cost and more compact. It is relatively cheaper than the water
tube boilers.
ii. It is so easy to use, operate, clean and maintain.
iii. It can be used in small scale industries. ‘
iv. The water is supplied in shell and outside tubes while hot gas is supplied inside
tubes so the water volume cannot be shaken easily when the fire tube boiler is
While the disadvantages are:
i. The efficiency of heat transfer is bad enough because of the heat exchanger
does not use thermal radiation.
ii. It may cause serious accident, if a large amount of hot water and steam have
been accumulated inside, leakage may occur.
iii. From the furnace combustion side, required time to fill water is longer than to
increase temperature and pressure.
iv. The fire tube boiler cannot produce steam at a high pressure.
v. Steam generation capacity is limited.
There are advantages that the water tube boilers have. These types of boiler are
essentially used in large thermal power station. First because larger heating surface can be
achieved by using more numbers of water tubes. Secondly, due to convectional flow the
movement of water is much faster than that of fire tube boiler, hence rate of heat transfer is high
which results into higher efficiency. Lastly, it can obtained very high pressure of order of 140
kg/cm2 smoothly.
Between the fire tube boiler and water tube boiler the
fire tube boiler dates back to the industrial revolution. It was used in steam engines for both loco
motives and industrial plants. It often has extensive maintenance requirements and is best suited
for applications with lower pressures. Its designs have become more compact and efficient, and
as time passed by they incorporate some features to it. Unlike fire tube boiler, these types of
boiler are generally considered safer than fire tube designs. It requires less frequent
maintenance. It can be also designed for larger capacities and recover quicker. With the use of
steam circulating super-heaters, they are capable of reaching much higher temperatures than
fire tube boilers. Because of that water tube boilers have become the most commonly used
boiler type in the modern age. Its broad ranging applications in power generation, sugar
production, and a variety of oil and gas, petrochemical, and refining processes which makes it
more functional.

The considerations which will guide us in selecting the type of boiler to be adopted for a
specific purpose are:
i. The working pressure and power required.
ii. The geographical position of the installed power house.
iii. The steam generation rate.
iv. Availability of floor space.
v. Accessibility of repair and inspection.
vi. Comparative initial & installation cost.
vii. Erection/ installation facilities available.
viii. The probable load factor.
ix. The fuel and water available.
x. Operating and Maintenance cost.
xi. The probable permanency of the station.

2. Explain why the superheater tubes are flooded with water at the starting of the boilers?

Superheater tubes are used for heating the steam. Since the superheater tubes are
fitted in the combustion chamber and exposed to the hot gases, the steam passing in it will be
superheated. Then, when steam is raised from cold boiler the superheater should be flooded
with water to avoid its burning. The superheated steam from the superheated tubes are
passed to the stream stop valve. From the steam stop valve the superheated steam is passed
to the primemovers.

3. Sketch and describe the working of a Locomotive boiler. Show the positions of fusible
plug, blow off cock, feed check valve and superheater. Mention the function of each.
Describe the method of obtaining draught in this boiler.

The locomotive boiler uses solid fuel like coal. At first, the solid fuel is inserted on the
grate and then it ignites from the fire hole. And when the fuel is burning inside the fire hole, it
starts to generate necessary hot flue gases. Then a fire brick arch provides the path to flow the
hot flue gases to a definite path before it entering into the long fire tubes of this boiler. It also
stops entering the burnt solid fuel particles into the fire tubes during the operation of the boiler.
Then there are two air in damper to flow fresh air into the combustion chamber. Hot flue gases
pass through the boiler fire tubes then it heats the water surrounding the it. Water becomes
heated by this continuous process and becomes saturated steam. Generated saturated steam
is collected at the top and this saturated steam from the top enters into the main steam pipe
through the regulator valve. After this the steam travels through the main steam pipe and
reaches to the super-heater header. From this super-heater header steam enters into another
pipe called superheater element pipes. It is where saturated steam becomes superheated and
then it enters into the steam pipe of the smoke box.
In case of locomotive boiler, the draught can be obtained by induced draught which is
produced by steam jet. It is when the locomotive in stationary, steam from the boiler may be
supplied to the smoke box through the nozzle to create draught. While locomotive is running,
due to motion, the air flows to the furnace.

 Fusible Plug – When the water level falls below the top of the fusible plug, it is
uncovered by the water. The fusible plug therefore melts by the heat of the
furnace. Thus the copper plug drops down and is held within the gun metal body
by the ribs. The opening so made allows the steam rush into the furnace and
extinguish the fire. The damage to the fire box which could burn up, is avoided.
 Blow off Cock - To discharge mud and other sediments deposited in the bottom
most part of the water space in the boiler, while boiler is in operation. To drain-off
boiler water.
 Feed Check Valve - To allow the feed water to pass/enters into the boiler. To
prevent the back flow of water from the boiler, when the feed pump pressure is
less than boiler pressure or pump is stopped by using of a non- return valve.
 Superheater – A coil type heat exchanger which is used to produce superheated
steam or to convert the wet steam to dry steam, generated by a boiler. It is
different from a boiler in a way that, boiler utilizes both sensible heat as well
as latent heat to convert water into steam while superheater utilizes only sensible
heat to superheat the steam in order to increase its enthalpy.

4. Give an outline sketch showing the arrangement of water tubes and furnace of a
Babcock and Wilcox boiler. Indicate on it the path of the flue gases and water
circulation. Show the positions of fusible plug, blow off cock and superheater. Mention
the function of each.

 Fusible Plug - To put off the fire in the furnace of the boiler when the level of
water in the boiler falls to an unsafe limit and thus avoids the explosion which
may place due to overheating of the furnace plate.
 Blow off cock - It is located at the bottom of the boiler. To empty the boiler
whenever required & To remove the mud, scale or sediments accumulated at the
bottom of the boiler.
 Superheater – Used to raise the temperature of steam up to superheat level.
The boiler is fitted with a superheater tube which is placed just under the drum
and above the water tubes.

5. A sample of coal has the following molal analysis C 67.35%, H2 26.26%, O2 2.28%, N2
0.57%, S 1.37%, H2O 2.17%. Write the complete combustion equation in stoichiometric air
and calculate the coal ultimate analysis, mass percent.
6. A southern California natural gas has the following ultimate analysis by mass: H2 23.3%.
CH4 72% N2 0.76%, and O2 1.22%. The flue gases have the following volumetric analysis:
H2O 15.583% SSWc. CO2 8.387%, O2 3.225%, N2 72.805%. Calculate (a) the percent
theoretical air used in combustion and (b) the dew point, in degrees centigrade, if the flue
gases are at 2 bars.
7. 10,000 tons of coal are burned in a powerplant per day. The coal has an as-received
ultimate analysis of C 75%, H2 5%, O2 6.7%, H2O 2.5%, S 2.3 %, N2 1.5%, ash 7.0%. It
burns in excess air in a fluidized bed combustor. Calculate (a) the mass of calcium
carbonate to be added, in tons per day, and (b) the mass of calcium sulfate to be
disposed of, in tons per day. (The molecular mass of calcium = 40.)

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