CNSB Bypass Separator Commissioning and Maintenance Guide: Conder® Tanks Covered by This Guide

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CNSB Bypass Separator

Commissioning and
Maintenance Guide


 CNSB Bypass The primary function of oil/water separators is to separate oil, petrol,
Separators diesel and other hydrocarbon contaminants from waste water and
retain the separated liquids. These separated liquids must be
removed regularly, using a licensed effluent disposal contractor
 To BS EN 858 (your contracted service provider), to ensure that the separator
Class One & operates as efficiently as possible.
Class two
All CNSB separators include for silt storage and hydrocarbon
seperation within the unit.

The process of hydrocarbon separation is achieved by flow of the

contaminated liquid through the coalescing filter, which is housed in
the main body of the separator. The passage of hydrocarbons
Environment through the coalescing filter causes the formation of large
Agency* hydrocarbon ‘bubbles’. Theses ‘bubbles’ then ‘break away’ from the
filter and rise to the top of the main chamber. The treated water
outlet is from the base of the main chamber, hence causing the
“Use and Design of separated hydrocarbons to be retained within the unit untill they are
Oil Separators in removed during maintenance.
Surface Water
Drainage Systems:

Separators are used in widely varying circumstances where some
will require frequent maintenance and others will have substantially
longer intervals before any maintenance (emptying) is required.
However, for every separator regular maintenance inspections
CNSB should be carried out to determine whether or not there is a need to
Commissioning remove the accumulated oil, petrol, diesel, etc., or sediment. The
owner of the Conder® separator is responsible for its operation and
and Maintenance ensuring that the effluent quality does not breach any Discharge
Guide Consent Standards. It is advisable to set up a ‘Service Agreement’
Rev 3 with an effluent disposal contractor who can provide ‘automatic’ and
regular maintenance and advise you if any problems with the system
occur. The owner is reminded that the existence of a ‘Service
Agreement’ does not necessarily transfer responsibility for general
maintenance which must be conducted in accordance with this

Mar. 2010 Sheet 1 of 4

The Environment Agency* has determined that separators shall be Sheet 2 of 4
inspected at least every six months to establish whether or not
emptying is necessary, and a log shall be maintained. Additional
equipment for separators provided by Premier Tech Aqua Ltd such as
an Alarm System which will give warning of the accumulation of oil,
petrol, diesel, etc., but should not be used to replace regular CNSB
inspections. Commissioning
To keep your Conder® CNSB Separator in top condition, we
and Maintenance
recommend regular servicing by Premier Tech Aqua’s service Guide
partners. Rev

1.0 Health and Safety

Section 6(a) of the United Kingdom Health and Safety at Work

Act 1974 requires manufacturers to advise their customers on
the safety and handling precautions to be observed when
installing, operating, maintaining and servicing their products.

The maintenance procedures described here should be read

and fully understood by the operator (competant person) before
commencing work. Appropriate personal protective equipment
should be used (gloves, goggles, waterproof clothing etc.,)
particularly when handling filters which have been in contact
with oil and oily sediment.

Before any work commences always identify the separator and

its associated manhole covers, and cone off or erect barriers
around the entire area.


2.0 Commissioning the Separator following Installation

2.1 Sediment and other construction debris can accumulate in the

separator during its installation and whilst associated works are
in progess. If this has ocurred, isolate the separator from the 2 Whitehouse Way
drainage system remove the sediment as follows. South West Ind Est
Co Durham
2.2 Slowly lift out the coalescing filter asembly. This should be lifted SR8 2RA
at a rate of 20mm per second (1.2m per minute), until clear of
the water, ensuring that most of the residual water is drained TEL: 0870 264 0004
from the coalescing filter. This will reduce the weight of the FAX: 0870 264 0005

NOTE: This assembly could weigh up to 55kgs and should be

handled by two persons unless a mechanical hoist
(recommended) is being used.

2.3 Remove this coalescing filter pod assembly to a place of safe

2.4 Fill the separator with clean water up to the outlet invert level. Sheet 3 of 4

2.5 Slowly lower the filter assembly into the separator until it is
firmly located inside the tank.

3.0 Maintenance CNSB

3.1 If, following maintenance inspections, the separator is found to and Maintenance
be storing the maximum volume of oil, petrol, diesel etc,. or the
maximum volume of sediment, inform your licensed effluent Guide
disposal contractor who will arrange emptying. Before making Rev
arrangements, check that you are registered with the
Environment Agency, as required under the new Hazardous
Waste Regulations 2005, where hazardous waste producers
must be registeder before any waste can be removed.

The following are guidelines only for determining the maximum

storage volumes of oil and sediment.

a) Multiply the maximum flowrate for which the separator has

been designed (l/sec) by 15. This will be the maximum
storage volume of hydrocarbonss in litres e.g. a CNSB15
separator is designed for a 15 l/sec flowrate, therefore, can
store 225 litres.

b) Where no specific sediment volumes have been

determined for the separator, or where no sediment has
been expected to accumulate in the system, the maximum
stored depth of sediment should not exceed 20% of the
depth of the separator barrel e.g. a 1.8m diameter
separator should not store more than 360mm depth of

3.2 Apply the Health and Safety requirements detailed in Section 1

before commencing any work.

3.3 Isolate the separator from the drainage system either by closing
closing pre-installed valves in the upstream and downstream
manholes or by securely fitting proprietry pipeline stoppers.

3.4 Slowly lift out the coalescing filter pod assembly.This should be
lifted at a rate of 20mm per second (1.2m per minute), until
clear of the water, ensuring that most of the residual water is
drained from the coalescing filter. This will also reduce the
combined overall weight of the assembly.

NOTE: This assembly could weigh up to 55kgs and should be

handled by two persons unless a mechanical hoist
(recommended) is being used. 2 Whitehouse Way
South West Ind Est
3.5 Remove the coalescing Filter Pod assembly to a place of safe
Co Durham
keeping. SR8 2RA

TEL: 0870 264 0004

FAX: 0870 264 0005
3.6 Using a licensed effluent disposal contractor (your contracted
service provider) carry out the following: Sheet 4 of 4

Remove the oil, petrol, diesel etc., from the surface of the liquid,
leaving as much of the cleaner water as possible in the
separator. Remove the sediment from the bottom of the
separator taking great care in and around the filter outlet CNSB
housing on the base to ensure that it does not become Commissioning
damaged, again leaving as much of the cleaner water as
possible in the separator and Maintenance
3.7 Move the filter pod assembly to a convenient position upstream Rev 3
of the separator so that any polluted water washed from the
filter will be directed back to the separator.

Wash the filter using a low pressure hose.If the Coalescing

Filter has become ‘blinded’ with sediment or it is too dirty to
clean or has become damaged, replace it by contacting Pims
(Service) Ltd. Tel: 0870 405 0902.

3.8 Fill the separator with clean water up to the outlet invert level

3.9 Slowly lower the filter pod assembly into the separator and
push home to ensure it is fully seated and sealed.

3.10 Check that the Alarm probe has not been damaged and that the
alarm system is working.

3.11 Replace the manhole covers and remove the cones and/or
barriers from the worksite.

REMEMBER - if the alarm system activates due to the accumulation

of oil, petrol, diesel etc., do not delay in contacting your licensed
effluent disposal contractor.

2 Whitehouse Way
South West Ind Est
Co Durham

TEL: 0870 264 0004

FAX: 0870 264 0005

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