Salt A Review of Its Role in Food Science and Publ

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Salt: A Review of its Role in Food Science and Public Health

Article  in  Current Nutrition & Food Science · November 2008

DOI: 10.2174/157340108786263702

39 2,864

3 authors:

Edel Durack Mercedes Alonso-Gomez

University of Limerick Plant Response Biotech SL


Martin G. Wilkinson
University of Limerick


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290 Current Nutrition & Food Science, 2008, 4, 290-297

Salt: A Review of its Role in Food Science and Public Health

Edel Durack, Mercedes Alonso-Gomez and Martin G. Wilkinson*
Department of Life Sciences, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Limerick, Ireland

Abstract: Salt has been used in food preparation since pre-history and is still routinely added in modern food
manufacturing processes. Salt may be added at the table or during cooking; however a large amount of dietary salt
originates from processed foods (~60-70% of adult daily dietary salt). Excess salt intake is strongly linked to increases in
blood pressure (hypertension) and subsequently pre-disposes individuals to the onset of cardiovascular disease (CVD), a
leading cause of death in developed countries. Excess dietary salt intake has also been linked to the development of
kidney disease, aggravation of asthma conditions and to the onset of osteoporosis. Results from large numbers of human
studies have led to worldwide initiatives being put in place in order to reduce current levels of salt consumption. Hence
there is an urgent need to reduce excess dietary salt intake from processed foods in particular. Current daily consumption
figures can be as high as ~10-12g NaCl per day while an intake of 4g salt per day is sufficient. Therefore a target
reduction to an intake of 6g per day is the goal for a number of public health agencies worldwide. An incremental
reduction in salt content in foods appears to be the best strategy to reduce population blood pressure values. However any
reduction in salt content in processed foods must not impact on product safety or sensory quality. In this review various
public health aspects of salt intake are considered. Additionally, the technological implications of salt reduction in foods
are discussed and the possibilities for replacement of salt by addition of salt replacers, herbs, spices and other food
ingredients to maintain product quality are highlighted.

HISTORY OF SALT evaporation facilities, to advanced, multi-stage evaporation

processes within purpose-built salt refineries [5] .
Salt comprises of both sodium and chloride in which
sodium consists of up to 40% of the molecule. Human SALT IN FOOD MANUFACTURE
requirements for sodium or chloride must be obtained
The importance of salt in food manufacture arises from
through the diet. Salt together with fermentation and
its roles in preservation, and contributions to flavour, texture
dehydration (air/sun) are classical methods of food
preservation originating from prehistoric times. About 5000 and colour. Salt acts as a preservative by lowering the water
activity (aw) content to below that which is required by
years ago, the Chinese noted that soaking of meat or fish in
various bacterial species for growth. Aw is the ratio of the
saline solutions allowed preservation for extended periods,
vapour pressure of water in a food to the vapour pressure of
subsequently this technique was used to preserve a wide
pure water at the same temperature and, in essence, is a
range of foods [1]. The use of salt in the diet may have been
measure of the availability of water for enzymatic reactions,
adopted soon after man started cooking food, as boiling of
food in particular would have removed salt naturally present microbial growth and metabolism. Each microbial species
has a minimum aw below which it cannot grow [6]. Highly
in the food [2]. Over the centuries salt became one of the
perishable foods with an aw of  0.950 including meat, fish,
most traded commodities in the world and indeed one of the
vegetables, milk, cooked sausages and breads and foods
most heavily taxed [3]. In ancient Greece the expression,
which contain up to 4 oz (w/w) sucrose or 7% NaCl allows
"not worth his salt” arose as a means of placing value on
growth of Pseudomonas, Escherichia, Proteus, Shigella,
slaves and salt rations "salarium argentum", were given to
Roman soldiers from which the English word "salary" is Klebsiella, Bacillus, Clostridium perfringens, and some
yeasts. Foods with an aw ~ 0.910 including some cheeses
derived . Indeed in Classical and Medieval times salt became
(Cheddar, Swiss, Meunster, and Provolone), cured meats,
so valued as a food preservative that it was used as a form of
some fruit juice concentrates and foods containing 55%
currency for goods and services [4].
(w/w) sucrose or 12% NaCl allow growth of Salmonella,
Salt occurs naturally in sea-water and in rock salt Vibrio parahaemolyticus, C. Botulinum, Serratia,
deposits after an area of sea-water becomes enclosed and the Lactobacillus, Pediococcus and some moulds. Foods having
water evaporated by the heat of the sun. Salt may also be an aw ~ 0.870 including fermented sausage (salami), sponge
present with other constituents in certain rocks or become cakes, dry cheeses, margarine or foods containing 65%
dissolved in natural brines originating from porous rock or (w/w) sucrose or 15% NaCl allow growth of many yeasts
flowing from salt springs in the ground [2]. Over many (Candida, Torulopsis, Hansenula) and Micrococcus. Foods
millions of years, other sediments may be deposited above with an aw of ~ 0.800 including fruit juice concentrates,
the salt, leaving the beds of rock salt below the surface. sweetened condensed milk, chocolate syrup, maple and fruit
Almost 100 countries across the world have facilities for syrups, flour, rice, pulses containing 15-17% moisture, fruit
producing white salt, ranging from primitive solar cake and high sugar cakes allow growth of most moulds
(mycotoxigenic penicillin), Staphylococcus aureus, and most
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Life Sciences,
Saccharomyces species. Foods having an aw of ~ 0.750 such
University of Limerick, Castletroy, Limerick, Ireland; Tel: + 353 61 as jam, marmalade, marzipan, glacé fruits and marshmallows
213440; Fax: + 353 61 331490; E-mail: [email protected] allow growth of most halophilic bacteria, mycotoxigenic

1573-4013/08 $55.00+.00 © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

Salt Current Nutrition & Food Science, 2008, Vol. 4, No. 4 291

aspergilli. An a w as low as 0.600 typically found in foods stable batter [17]. It is also used for colour maintenance [1].
such as dried fruits containing 15-20%, moisture, toffees, In cured meats, when sodium nitrite is added with the salt,
caramels and honey permits growth of Xerophilic moulds the meat develops a red, then pink colour. Nitrite reacts with
(Aspergillis chevalieri, A. candidus, Wallemia sebi) and the meat myoglobin to cause these colour changes, first
Saccharomyces bisporu,. At aw values below 0.500 there is converting to nitrosomyoglobin (bright red), then, on
generally no microbial growth [7]. heating, to nitrosohemochrome (a pink pigment) [18]. It also
has a tenderising effect on meat by allowing myofibrils to
The mechanism of microbial growth inhibition by salt
swell in the presence of salt (3-9%), therefore enhancing the
appears related to plasmolysis or water loss from the cell.
water holding capacity (WHC) of the meat. These
When the aw of the food is reduced through salt addition,
concentrations of salt are similar to those generally present
bacterial cells experience osmotic shock and plasmolysis,
loosing turgor, leading to cessation of growth, death or cells in comminuted meats. The presence of these levels of salt
cause an increase in the amount of protein extracted in the
entering a dormant state. In order for growth to resume, aw
meat products and forms a salt and protein complex which
must return to values which allow cells to recover [8]. To re-
binds pieces of meat together. Salt also alters the pH and
establish turgor, microbial cells increase aw by accumulation
ionic environment thus aiding the formation of this cohesive
and uptake of compatible solutes [9, 10]. Compatible solutes
structure [17, 18] and is essential in the manufacture of
are small highly soluble, organic molecules including sugars
and polyols or - and - amino acids that do not interfere sausages, burgers and ready-to-eat sliced meats [18]. In the
manufacture of bread, salt plays a key role; it enhances the
with metabolism, even when accumulated to high concen-
stability of wheat gluten and makes it less extensible
trations [10, 11]. Reducing aw value of foods by salt addition
therefore reducing the sticky texture of bread. It does this by
may lead to an extended lag phase, in which bacterial cells
causing a tightening or binding of the dough. The reasons for
undergo a period of adaptation to the new environment
this are thought to be competition for hydrogen binding sites
before the exponential phase commences. Specifically,
addition of a 3.6% salt solution to grated carrot was reported in the gluten protein molecule by the sodium ions [18]. Salt
also affects the rate of fermentation in bread by reducing the
to reduce aw sufficiently (0.84) to suppress microbial growth
amount of gas produced, as evidenced by the fact that
within the product while maintaining an acceptable taste,
inadequate salt levels can lead to excessive yeast fermen-
however addition of 4% salt resulted in the product
tation leading to poor loaf structure [13]. Salt is a heavily
developing an excessively salty taste [12].
utilised ingredient in the manufacture of fermented vege-
As well as its preservative qualities, salt improves flavour tables such as sauerkraut and pickles. Salt controls microbial
texture and mouthfeel of many products especially processed growth by allowing outgrowth of beneficial cultures in the
foods. It is one of the four basic flavours (sweet, salt, acid, vegetable substrate thus providing the necessary conditions
bitter) associated with foods and imparts both its own for a safe fermentation. Subsequent development of acidity
specific flavour when added to food products, or enhances encourages growth of acid tolerant bacteria such as
the flavour of other ingredients and/or reduces bitterness in Lactobacillus plantarum which converts sugars to lactic acid
certain products [13]. A unique sodium-related transduction [18]. Salt content also affects texture in pickled onions as
mechanism exists which does not occur with other anions, unbrined pickling onions contain substantial levels of acetic
whereby an electrical signal is propagated through the acid which can form a haze around the product. The
nervous system to identify the taste of salt, this only happens formation of this layer may be prevented by the addition of
for sodium or lithium [14]. Although salt enhancement for salt. Salt can also prevent the pinking which occurs if the
flavour purposes is more commonly associated with savoury onions are acidified before brining. Salt addition may also
foods, salt can also be used to deliver flavour in sweet prevent spoilage of acid preserved products, as acid-tolerant
products like chocolate [14]. Salt is a key component of spoilage species are not usually salt-tolerant [13]. In addition
cheese manufacturing and is added to generate levels in the to food processing salt is also used in the manufacture of
final products ranging from ~0.7% (w/w) in Swiss-type soap and glass.
cheese to ~6% (w/w) for Domiati cheese, an Egyptian
variety. In cheese manufacture, salt together with pH and EFFECTS OF SALT ON BACTERIA
calcium level have an effect on the extent of para-casein The effect of salt on microorganisms is dependant on a
hydration, or aggregation, which in turn affects the water number of factors both intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsically,
binding capacity of the casein matrix, its tendency for each microorganism differs in its response to salt [11].
syneresis and the resulting rheological, textural charac- Various reports exist regarding the ability of E. coli to
teristics and cooking properties of the cheese [15]. Salt survive in various osmotic environments with growth
controls acidification activity of starter cultures and affects reported in aqueous salt solutions ranging from 0.036%, to
the activity of various ripening enzymes. The contribution of 0.18% in the lumen, to much higher concentrations in a food
salt to the overall flavour profile of varieties such as Cheddar system [19]. Jenkins et al. [20] reported survival of E. coli in
can be gauged from the fact that low salt cheese is generally salt solutions of 2.2 to 2.5 M (~13-15%) following prior
thought to be ‘insipid’, or lacking flavour [16]. exposure to low non-growth inhibiting salt concentrations of
In the manufacture of meat and meat products salt has 0.3 to 0.35M (1.8-2.0%). Listeria is capable of surviving and
many functional attributes; activation of proteins to improve growing at high salt concentrations; all strains can grow in
hydration and water binding capacity; increasing binding complex media containing 10% (w/v) NaCl while some
properties of proteins to improve texture and increasing the strains can tolerate 20% (w/v) NaCl and some strains can
viscosity of meat thereby facilitating the formation of a remain viable after 1 year in the presence of 16% (w/v) NaCl
at pH 6.0 [21]. Indeed Listeria has been reported to survive
292 Current Nutrition & Food Science, 2008, Vol. 4, No. 4 Wilkinson et al.

in 30% NaCl [22]. Faleiro et al. [23] studied the growth of L. [34]. As far back as the 18th century, the Chinese observed
monocytogenes in various broths and found that the bacteria that a “hard pulse” indicating high blood pressure was linked
was capable of growing in nutrient broth up to 10% added to a high intake of salt and associated this “hard pulse” with
salt and in tryptose soy broth containing 25.5% (w/v) salt for stroke incidence. However, it was not until 1904 that the
up to 4 days. In food, L. monocytogenes is capable of Western world made the correlation between high salt intake
growing in cabbage juice containing 5% salt [24], survival and hypertension [35]. According to the Irish Heart
was detected in a 30% brine solution stored for > 60 days Foundation, CVD is the most common cause of death in
and in beef immersed in a 22% salt solution stored for 100 Ireland with over 10,000 deaths annually accounting for 37%
days [25]. Lowering aw of the growth media by the addition of all deaths, including 24% of all premature deaths below
of salt creates an unfavourable environment for L. the age of 65 [36, 37]. In the UK figures are similar, with
monocytogenes, which leads to reduced growth rates, CVD causing about 40 per cent of deaths while ~40 per cent
extended lag phases and overall population decline [26]. of people aged 55-64 exhibit symptoms of heart disease [38].
Growth of L. monocytogenes has been observed at aw of 0.90
Hypertension or high blood pressure is extremely
in TSB with added salt, and survival has been reported at an
common in developed countries such as UK and USA [39].
aw of 0.83 [25].
The term blood pressure refers to the force of blood pressing
Sutherland et al. [27] reported that 89 % of strains of against the walls of the arteries, as the heart pumps blood
Bacillus cereus examined were capable of growth in 7% around the body [39] and is measured in millimetres of
NaCl while 10% NaCl appeared to be slightly inhibitory. B. mercury (mmHg). In the seventh report of the Joint National
cereus inoculated into a beef goulash meal containing 3% Committee (JNC VII) on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation
added salt, grew by ~2 log units after 18 hours storage at and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (2003) normal blood
28ºC. B. cereus exhibits cross protection when exposed to pressure was defined as <120/80mmHg expressed as systolic
either physical or chemical stresses. Cross protection takes over diastolic pressure where systolic refers to pressure on
place when bacterial cells need to adapt to some contraction of the cardiac muscle. In JNC VII hypertension
physiological or environmental factors which result in or high blood pressure refers to individuals whose blood
microbial protection against sublethal treatments, including pressure is  140mmHg systolic or  90 mmHg diastolic.
stresses to which the microorganisms has not previously JNC VII also introduced a new term “prehypertension”
been exposed to [28]. This process triggers the synthesis of which refers to individuals with blood pressure ranging from
proteins which provide protection from various stresses 120-139mmHg systolic and/or 80-89 mmHg diastolic [3,
including high or low temperature, high or low pH or high 40]. Blood pressure in the body is regulated by the
osmolarity arising from the presence of solutes including salt requirement of the kidneys to excrete or conserve enough
or sugars [29]. Another way in which bacterial cells adapt to sodium to maintain normal sodium content and blood
osmotic stress is by accumulation of compatible solutes [10, volume. Therefore, excess sodium is generally excreted. Any
11, 28]. Browne & Dowds [30] showed that pre-treatment of increase in blood volume caused by excess salt increases
B. cereus with a 1% salt solution protected the bacteria arterial pressure, glomerular filtration rate and renal
against stresses such as heat, ethanol and acid. However, pre- perfusion leading to increased water and sodium excretion
treatment with 1% salt did not afford protection against salt [3, 39]. However, there is an upper limit to the amounts
concentrations of 10-12% NaCl. In this study, B. cereus which may be excreted and therefore excess salt can lead to
exhibited resistance to 8 or 10% salt during the lag or early increased water retention and if retention exceeds water
log phase but became more sensitive to these salt levels excretion this may in turn lead to tissue damage and
during late log phase and did not regain salt resistance in the hypertension [34, 39]. In the UK the COMA report states
stationary phase. that “The Health of the Nation” target is to reduce average
systolic blood pressure by 5mm Hg. In order to achieve this
Desmond et al. [31] reported that strains of non-starter
target, reduction in alcohol consumption, obesity and
lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) such as Lactobacillus
excessive salt consump-tion are seen as factors which must
paracasei can grow to 108 CFU/g during manufacture and
be controlled [38]. The COMA report highlighted the need to
ripening of cheddar cheese, highlighting the ability of
NSLAB to grow in the presence of salt concentrations effect an incremental reduction in blood pressure across the
entire population rather than targeting a large reduction in
normally present in Cheddar cheese ( ~2.7%, w/w) [32].
blood pressure in selected groups e.g. hypertensive
Studies investigating the stress protection responses of individuals. The rationale behind this approach is that it may
Lb. acidophilus have found an increase in population follo- result in a greater reduction in overall disease rates. The most
wing incubation in the presence of 2% salt, but a decrease in successful dietary approach with which to lower blood
the presence of salt over the range 4-18% [33]. Lactobacilli, pressure appears to be that of DASH (Dietary Approaches to
however, do not produce the same osmoprotectant proteins Stop Hyper-tension) in the US. DASH trials were carried out
as Listeria or Bacillus species. on 412 random individuals on two diets, firstly a regular
American diet (control diet) and secondly, a diet rich in
fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products (DASH diet).
Excessive intake of salt by consumers has been related to Within each dietary group, individuals were maintained at
development of hypertension and consequently the higher three different daily salt intake levels at 4, 6 or 8 g [3, 41].
risk of development of cardio-vascular disease (CVD) An overall reduction in blood pressure was found for
especially for sub-groups such as hypertensives (individuals individuals on the DASH diet while the greatest reductions
with raised blood pressure) and in older or black individuals in blood pressure were observed for individuals where the
Salt Current Nutrition & Food Science, 2008, Vol. 4, No. 4 293

DASH diet included the lowest daily salt intake (4g). This newborns, 1.8 grams per day for 4-6 year olds and 4.08
latter diet resulted in a reduction in blood pressure by an grams per day for 11-14 year olds [39].
average of 8.9mm Hg systolic and 4.5mm Hg diastolic
In Ireland, the average daily salt intake in children aged
below the control diet and where a high daily salt intake (8g)
4-6 years and 7-10 years exceeds 5g and 6g, respectively
was maintained [42]. [47]. In the UK, reference nutrient intakes (RNI) recommend
Other illnesses associated with excess salt intake include average salt intakes for children of 0.5g – 0.7g per day for
the development of kidney stones, kidney disease, and children aged 1 to 6, and 0.7g – 1.6g per day for children
ultimately kidney failure. Higher incidences of stomach aged 7 to 14 [39]. A National Children’s Food Survey
cancer have also been found in individuals with a high salt carried out by Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance (IUNA)
intake and high salt intakes may aggravate asthma in 2005 compiled data from 594 children from 28 primary
conditions. Additionally, dietary salt significantly influences schools in the Republic of Ireland. A food diary recorded by
calcium excretion and may be a major contributor to the the children allowed the following intake classifications: 5-6
onset of osteoporosis [35] . Increased salt in the diet may year olds 4.6 g per day (with a target total salt intake of 3 g
lead to both increased sodium and calcium excretion in urine per day), 7-10 year olds 5.3 g per day (with a target total salt
and various studies have shown that an increase of 100 mmol intake of 5 g per day), 11-12 year olds 5.9 g per day (with a
of sodium/day (equivalent to 5.8 g NaCl/day) causes an target total salt intake of 6 g per day) [52].
additional urinary excretion of ~0.6 mmol calcium per day in
Approximately 15% of total dietary sodium is naturally
young men and women. As about one-third of the skeleton is
occurring, a further 15-20% is discretionary i.e. salt added by
calcium and phosphorus, sustained high losses of calcium
the consumer to foods when preparing, cooking and eating
can lead to decreased bone density [43]. The National
meals, while 65-70% is non-discretionary derived from
Osteoporosis Society in the UK recommend avoiding adding
processed foods [39, 47]. Busy modern lifestyles with longer
salt to the diet for people who may be affected by osteo- working hours, greater number of working mothers, decline
porosis [44]. He et al. [41] reported that in the UK children
of family meal times and more time being spent on out of
and adolescents who eat less salt, drink less sugar-sweetened
home activities have resulted in an increase in consumption
drinks lower their chances of developing obesity, high blood
of processed meals [53]. The National Diet and Nutrition
pressure, heart attack and strokes in later life, a finding also
Survey in the UK highlighted foods contributing signifi-
reported by CASH [45].
cantly to excess salt intake. Cereals and cereal products
SALT INTAKE AND DIET provided 35% of mean intake. White bread alone provided
14% of mean daily intake, breakfast cereals 5%, and biscuits,
Sodium plays an important role in the body by regulating buns, cakes and pastries 4%. Overall, meat and meat
fluid balance. It also transmits nerve impulses, assists muscle products provided 26%, with bacon and ham, contributing
relaxation and contraction, and transports nutrients to cells 8%, and chicken (including coated chicken) and turkey
[1, 46]. Over 90% of the sodium in the diet occurs in the dishes, providing 5%. All other food groups were respon-
form of sodium chloride (salt) and 1g of sodium is sible for less then 10% of the daily intake. This data high-
equivalent to 2.54g of salt [47]. Pre-agricultural diets of lights the requirement to target sodium reduction strategies
humans may have been low in salt and have been estimated in particular towards the processed foods sector [49]. This
at a daily sodium intake of 768mg [48], equivalent to 1.92 g survey also found that ~73% of respondents reported that salt
of salt. An adult daily intake of 4g salt is sufficient to meet was usually added to their food during cooking. In the US,
the physiological needs of 97.5% of the population [47]. members of the American Medical Association may
However the actual salt intake for the average adult is much recommend that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
higher, at approximately 10g per day in Ireland [47] and the revoke the “generally regarded as safe” (GRAS) status of
UK [39] and may be as high as 12 g a day in some European salt and instead implement regulatory measures limiting the
countries [34]. The UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey amount of salt added to processed or canteen foods [54].
carried out on adults aged 19 to 64 years, found that mean
daily intake of salt was ~3g higher in males compared with HUMAN STUDIES
females [49]. In the US, a report carried out by the
The 1970s saw the first human studies into the adverse
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the effects of salt intake on health. One such study looked at the
US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommended a
haemodynamic and hormonal effect of short-term manipu-
daily adult intake of <2.3g, of sodium per day or 5.75g salt.
lations of sodium chloride intake over the physiologic range
Individuals with hypertension, black people, middle aged
in both normotensive and hypertensive subjects. In the same
and older adults were recommended to consume no more
decade the Surgeon General's report was also published
than 1.5g of sodium per day or 3.75g salt [50]. The National
which labelled salt as a clear cause of high blood pressure.
Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences in These findings paved the way for National Health policies to
Washington, D.C., similarly recommended a minimum daily
be put in place [55]. However, most of these studies were
amount of 1.25g salt per day with an upper limit of 6g salt
only concerned with role of salt in blood pressure control.
per day [51]. In the case of infants and children the
Results from a much larger systematic, organised
recommended daily allowance (RDA) for salt is much lower.
international study were published in 1988. This study was
A report by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition
the Intersalt study funded by the National Heart, Lung, and
(SACN) in the UK suggest a reference nutrient intake of salt Blood Institute (USA) [56] and involved measurement of
for children to be in the range of 0.6 grams per day for
electrolyte excretion (sodium) in individuals across the globe
and how this was related to blood pressure. Results showed a
294 Current Nutrition & Food Science, 2008, Vol. 4, No. 4 Wilkinson et al.

vast difference in sodium excretion ranging from 0-2 in new products or recipes, however, they note that the
mmol/24 h (Yanomamo Indians, Brazil) to 242 mmol/24 h average salt content of supermarket ready meals has been
(North China). This study found that in those populations reduced by 45% since 2003. Hence, the FSA target of
who had a daily salt intake below 50 mmol, there was also a reducing salt levels in processed foods by 2010 seems quite
direct relationship between 24 h urinary sodium excretion achievable. The targets cover 85 categories of processed
and blood pressure. In general, populations with low sodium foods, including foods such as bread, bacon, ham, breakfast
excretion had low incidences of hypertension with a very cereals and cheese, and convenience foods such as pizza,
low increase in blood pressure with age. Another large study, ready meals, savoury snacks, cakes and pastries. CASH
the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey claims that a one-third reduction in fatal strokes and a one-
(NHANES I), showed similar findings where a percentage of quarter reduction in mortality from heart disease could be
cardiovascular related deaths which occurred in a large achieved if a new daily salt intake limit of 3g for adults
population of monitored subjects were related to urinary could be attained. This figure of 3g is not unrealistic and the
sodium excretion [57]. However, the definitive clinical trial US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute have
in this area is the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension recommended a daily average intake of 3.75g. In the UK,
(DASH) study also carried out in the US. As discussed The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) claims that the UK
earlier, this study found that the greatest reductions in blood leads the world in the campaign for salt reduction [45]. In a
pressure were observed in individuals on the DASH diet global context, the World Action on Salt and Health
where salt intake was low salt (4g) [42]. Migration studies (WASH) has similar aims and activities to CASH and to date
carried out were reported by MacGregor (1997) [58]. This 71 countries have joined this initiative. From a public health
study investigated the movement of a population of Kenyans perspective, salt reduction should be an easy strategy to carry
from a rural background to an urban setting. The rapid out since 80% of all salt is found in, processed, canteen,
increase in blood pressure following migration was mainly restaurant and fast food. A strategy of incremental reductions
associated with an increase in dietary salt intake. The results in salt of 10-20%, which are below taste threshold levels and
of these trials have lead to the development of worldwide which do not cause technological problems, may be achieved
initiatives to reduce the amount of dietary salt consumed by in a wide range of foods which contain added salt. If such
various methods, which include consumer education and incremental reductions were repeated every 1-2 years, salt
reduction in salt added during food manufacture. intake in the UK could be reduced by about 6g per day [45].
Bertino et al. [61] found that preferred levels of salt in food
WORLDWIDE INITIATIVES TO REDUCE SALT is dependant on the amount of salt consumed by individuals.
CONSUMPTION Individuals with a high salt intake appear to require a higher
Increasingly governments worldwide have initiated salt concentration to obtain the same taste sensation as those
campaigns to reduce the average daily salt intake of the less sensitive to salt. This finding would support the strategy
general population. In Ireland and the UK, government of a gradual incremental reduction of salt contained in
policy to reduce salt consumption to specific target intakes processed foods as being the most effective way of reducing
are being implemented by national health agencies, food dietary salt intake, especially non-discretionary salt.
agencies, local authorities and food companies acting
together. Typically these initiatives involve informing the
public about the dangers of excess salt consumption and how
they may subsequently undertake sodium reduction through A key issue related to public health salt reduction
dietary choices. Pressure is also being put on the producers campaigns is the labelling of sodium or salt contents in
of processed foods, where the majority of dietary salt comes foods, especially pre-packed foods, i.e. frozen or chilled
from, to reduce the levels of salt present in these products. ready meals, pizzas, soups and snacks. In the EU, nutritional
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) are working labelling is not compulsory unless a nutritional claim is
closely with the food industry to bring about a reduction in being made for the food. When a nutritional claim is being
salt intake and have recently announced that they are on made on a food product labelling is mandatory and must
target to reduce the level of salt to 6g per day by 2010 [47]. include energy value, amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat,
This voluntary salt reduction programme currently involves saturates, sugar, fibre and sodium [62]. In Ireland it is
75 food businesses, and their representative groups, involved mandatory for pre-packed foods to include a label which
in the manufacturing of bread, cereals, meat products, includes a list of ingredients along with other essential
savoury sauces, snack foods and confectionery [47, 59]. In information [63]. Due to increased awareness on health
the UK, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has agreed a two- implications of a healthy diet, consumers are more likely to
stage target to reduce average salt intake by 10% (approx 1g check ingredient listings and nutritional labelling on
per day) by 2005 or 2006 and as a longer term goal, to products, especially pre-packed processed foods. Currently,
reduce average salt intake by 33% by 2008 [60]. An action many food labels or declarations are confusing to the
group, CASH (Consensus Action on Salt and Health) has consumer and actual amounts of salt in the product can be
been set up to lobby for lower salt content in processed difficult to figure out. Some food products list grams of salt
foods. CASH holds an annual National Salt Awareness week or sodium, other list grams per 100g and others grams per
and in 2008 the key focus was on highlighting the growing serving which can be up to 375-400g. Current EU legislation
problem of excess salt in children’s diet. CASH have states that only sodium content is required to be labelled,
highlighted that some children’s food products can contain however many food manufacturers declare the amount of salt
more than half the daily limit for a 6 year old in a single in the product [64]. Sharp [65] states that food labels should
serving [45]. CASH also draw attention to high levels of salt include salt content (not sodium content) per serving and per
Salt Current Nutrition & Food Science, 2008, Vol. 4, No. 4 295

100g and also the recommended daily amount (RDA). Sharp ingredients that enhance the perception of saltiness or of a
highlighted the anomalies that can occur in food labelling salt-tasting compound without having any saltiness itself.
where, for instance, a can of organic beans can claim to Examples include; glycine, glycerine monoethyl ester, L-
supply one of the recommended five daily servings of fruit lysine, L-argine, lactates, mycoscent, trehalose, L-ornithine,
and vegetables and contain no artificial colourings or O-aminoacyl sugars, alapyridaine and glutamates such as
preservatives; yet one serving may contain 2.5g salt. Many monosodium glutamate (MSG) [71]. One of the most
food manufacturers have, in addition to nutritional common types of salt enhancer in use is monosodium
information, included Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA) glutamate (MSG), which contains high levels of glutamic
derived from recommendations of Government and health acid and imparts a particular “umami” type taste to enhance
agencies to assist consumers achieve a balanced healthy diet the palatability and acceptability of savoury foods [71, 72].
and for salt these are based on an intake of 6g per day [64]. Umami is a Japanese term which refers to a savoury, meaty
or broth-like flavour note. The main advantage in using
In the UK the FSA have recommended a “traffic light”
MSG for salt replacement in foods is that it contains only
labelling system where the consumer instantly knows after
one-third the amount of sodium as salt (13 % as opposed to
looking at a food label whether it contains high, medium or
40 %) [73]. However, MSG consumption has been
low amounts of fat, saturated fat, sugars and salt. A red label
associated with so-called ‘Chinese Restaurant Syndrome’
indicates high levels, an amber label indicates medium levels
and green suggests the food contains low levels of a which may cause headaches, swelling and weakness [1].
particular nutrient [66]. To date, the European Commission Salt replacers are ingredients where the sodium cation
(EC) have not backed this method of labelling, considering it has been replaced by ions such as potassium, calcium or
to “oversimplify” the situation, by giving a narrow view lithium. Potassium chloride (KCl) is probably the most
about a particular food and not educating consumers about widely used salt replacer in the food industry and its use
the benefits of a balanced, healthy diet [64]. The EC have enables significant reduction in salt content. Sodium
however, tabled legislation requiring pre-packed foods to reduction by potassium substitution of 25-30% is generally
clearly display nutritional information on the front of the recommended and while up to 50% substitution may be
pack. This information would include; energy values, fat, achieved in certain food products, inclusion beyond this
saturated fats and carbohydrate content per 100 ml or 100g level of KCl may lead to the development of bitter or
or per portion with specific reference to sugar and salt metallic off-flavours [71, 74]. Colmenero et al. [75] reported
content [67]. The proposed changes in labelling should assist that potassium has the opposite effect of sodium through
consumers’ dietary choices especially in relation to obesity lowering of blood pressure. As well as lowering systolic
and high salt intake [68]. In Australasia, manufacturers pay blood pressure, a diet high in potassium has been shown to
for the right to display the healthy option logo, “Pick-the- prevent the development of renal damage in rats. In humans,
Tick”, provided they meet standards laid down by the increased potassium intake is important in the management
National Heart Foundation [65]. This scheme appears to be of hypercalciuria (abnormally high levels of calcium in
quite successful and in New Zealand was reported to cause urine) and in reducing the risk of kidney stone formation
the removal of 33 tonnes of salt from food products in a [41]. However, it has been reported that potassium chloride
single year. The FSA have also outlined a basic labelling may be harmful to people with certain medical conditions
method to immediately inform consumers as to whether a [76]. Studies on the antibacterial effect of KCl have shown
product is high or low in salt content, greater than 1.5g salt similar effects to NaCl in terms of growth rates, death rates,
per 100g or 0.3g salt per 100g, respectively [69]. lag phase duration and overall population when L. monocy-
In order for a food to bear a claim that it is low in togenes was grown in Tryptone Soy Broth supplemented
with 0.5% yeast extract. An equivalent reduction in aw to that
sodium/salt, the product should contain no more than 0.12g
achievable by salt addition was obtained by addition of KCl.
of sodium, (equivalent to 0.3g of salt, per 100g or per
A range from 0 to 1.4mol NaCl and KCl was added and in
100ml). For a product to claim very low sodium/salt content,
both cases aw was reduced from 0.999 to ~0.950 [26]. Other
the product must contain no more than 0.04g of sodium
salt replacers used include other potassium salts, calcium
(equivalent to 0.1g salt, per 100g or per 100ml). In order to
make a claim of sodium-free or salt-free the product must chloride, magnesium sulphate and metal ions [71].
Substitution of NaCl with a mixture of chloride salts in dry
contain no more than 0.005g of sodium (equivalent to
fermented sausages resulted in increased solubilisation and
0.0125g salt per 100g) under the EU Directive 80/777/EEC.
binding capacity of meat proteins [77, 78]. Blocker
In order for a product to claim that it is sodium/salt reduced
ingredients may be used in conjunction with salt replacers to
it must contain sodium, or the equivalent value for salt, at a
mask bitterness, an example of these is adenosine 5’-
level of 25% less than a similar product under the EU
Directive 90/496/EEC [70]. monophoshate (AMP), a compound which reduces taste cell
activation by bitter compounds [79].
REDUCTION OR REPLACEMENT OF SALT IN Some manufacturers directly reduce salt in foods and do
not replace it with a substitute. Indeed CASH claim that a
As already outlined, salt plays a key role in providing 10-20% reduction in salt content is undetectable by human
typical textural and organoleptic characteristics in a range of salt-taste receptors [45]. Another option for reducing salt in
foods and hence its removal and/or replacement may have foods involves the inclusion of herbs and spices as salt
major impacts on quality and processing. There are two main replacers. The use of these food ingredients offers many
alternatives to salt available to the food technologist, namely, advantages. Firstly, from a microbiological aspect they are
salt enhancers or salt replacers. Salt enhancers are widely known to possess antimicrobial properties, and
296 Current Nutrition & Food Science, 2008, Vol. 4, No. 4 Wilkinson et al.

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Received: July 30, 2008 Revised: September 9, 2008 Accepted: October 2, 2008

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