The Recess Queen Lesson Plan
The Recess Queen Lesson Plan
The Recess Queen Lesson Plan
Book Title and Author/Illustrator: The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill and illustrated by Laura Huliska Beith
I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)— Students will find the central message of a story and apply it to their own life.
B. Objective(s)— After a class discussion on the central message of The Recess Queen, students will apply the
central message by writing a kindness letter to an individual in their own life.
C. Standard(s): 2.RL.2.2 Recount the beginning, middle, and ending of stories, including fables and folktales from
diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.
II. Management Plan- Time per lesson element, use of space, list of materials. Describe expectations and procedures.
Anticipatory Set- 5 minutes
Lesson Presentation- 20 minutes
Response Activity— 15 minutes
During the anticipatory set and the lesson, the students will sit on the carpet in their assigned location.
During the assessment/response activity, students will return to their assigned desk or table in the
The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill
Students are expected to be active learners throughout the lesson. Students will be encouraged to provide a
natural response to the read-aloud and questions. Throughout the lesson, students are expected to respect
others, the teacher, and themselves, and follow all class rules. Students who do not follow directions will
receive a verbal warning. If the behavior continues, they will get their number written on the board. If the
behavior continues further, they will receive check marks next to their number that indicate minutes lost
from recess.
In order to keep the students engaged in the read-aloud, I will use different voices for each character and use
varying voice inflections.
As I read, I will model reading with emotion, different voice inflections, and other reading strategies.
I will encourage the students to react to the story without stopping the read-aloud.
8. Could each student apply the theme to their own life by writing a kindness letter?
Yes, each student correctly applied the theme to their own life. It was nice to see them apply it in different
ways too...there was no two letters that were the same.
9. How could I have made my instructions simpler to understand for students?
I would have liked to explain to students what to do when they finished while they were still on the carpet. I
think my instructions were clear for what to do when they completed the actual response activity.