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The teacher designed the classroom to be spacious, safe, and welcoming for students. Various areas were set up for different types of learning activities.

The communication station is where students will place their daily folders into their mailbox, hand in any notes, and sign up for lunch when they first enter the classroom.

The teacher has set up areas for whole group instruction, small group work, independent work, a classroom library, and play areas.

Classroom Rationale

You can also view my layout online and click on the different items in the
classroom to view a picture of exactly what I’ve added.
I designed my classroom to be spacious, safe, and welcoming. Before

entering the classroom, the students will hang up their backpacks, coats, and

lunchboxes on their coat hangers outside of the room. This was done to maximize

classroom space, to reduce clutter in the room (keeping the classroom safer) and

also to maintain a cleaner classroom environment. As the students walk in, they will

come to the communication station, where they will place their daily folders into

their mailbox, hand in any notes, and sign up for lunch. This will be the first thing

the students will be expected to do as they walk in, so there is space for a small line

to form if necessary. My desk is situated so that it faces the classroom and I have

quick access in and out of my desk space. Behind my desk I have multiple storage

units and counters for my teacher resources. I also have a bulletin for all the

wonderful artwork students may give me and for quick reference materials.

Around the classroom, I have bulletin boards set up for different displays. I

will like to use these to display student work and also for different community

building and citizenship posters. To encourage good hygiene, I will have displays

about proper hand washing and appropriate times to wash (before eating, after

using the restroom, after blowing nose, etc.) near the sink area. The sink will be

located in the corner of the room so that it is easy to access and does not interfere

with student work areas. Around the sink, I will also locking storage cabinets for

teacher resources that I do not want to the students to access such as paint, cleaning

supplies, and excess student and teacher supplies.

I will have a classroom library for my students with a big rug, bookshelves

and oversized beanbags for reading times. This reading area can be used during free
time, when students are done with certain activities, and for silent reading time

(students will be assigned days they can use this space since it is limited). On the

wall of the library there is also a bulletin board for posters of authors, books, and

students’ work about the books they’ve read. I have two play areas set up for

playtime in my classroom because I believe it’s important for students to be able to

play and use their imagination constantly. My play areas include blocks, a dollhouse,

car garage, and dress-up station. Although these are close in proximity to our

academic stations, they will not be used at the same time so space will not be an


There are various areas set up for whole group time, teacher guided small-

group activities, and independent work. In the back of the room I have a large rug

area where we will hold morning meetings, have read aloud time, and where I will

give whole class instruction or mini-lessons. There are magnetic white boards set

up in this area to use for morning message, calendar math, the daily schedule, and

instruction. In the back of the room, I also have two teacher-guided small group

work areas for activities such as guided reading, Words Their Way (or any other

spelling/phonics program), math, or any other times students need to work in small

groups. These small-group areas have a whiteboard and a storage unit for teacher

resources. The teacher seats are positioned to always be able to watch the rest of

the class while guiding the small group. In the back of the room I also have a writing

station where students will store their writing materials. This will be where they

have their writing folders, their writing paper, and also pens and pencils for

revisions. It is put up against the wall in the back so that a line can form as students
go to get their writing materials to avoid having a crowded area. I have two

independent student areas in the classroom. One is the computer station with two

computers at each table and room for 2 chairs at each computer. The other area is a

listening station where students can independently listen to stories and do related

activities. This can also be a station where students work on other independent

activities with clipboards. They have a storage unit available for student resources

in this area.

I decided to use tables for my student seating because I think it encourages

group work and cooperation. I sat four students to a table so that it would not be

too cluttered at each set. I made sure to provide the students with plenty of space to

scoot chairs in and out without hitting the chairs behind them. The students can all

easily see the whiteboard from where they are sitting because I staggered the tables

so that one is not directly behind another. There are pathways in between desks for

easy access to students while they are working. Also, these pathways provide a safer

environment because there is more space to move around in. In between the two

sets of desks closer to the doors, I made an even bigger space so that students can

line up easily. I want my classroom to be bright and inviting and I want my students

to feel comfortable and safe while in the room. I believe that my classroom has what

it needs to keep students safe and organized.

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