054 FXS2061 SWING-Tool A6V10227643 A en

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User Guide

A6V10227643_a_en_-- Building Technologies

2013-01-15 Control Products and Systems
Legal notice

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Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
© 2013 Copyright by Siemens Switzerland Ltd

Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as

utilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without express
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All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent
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Issued by:
Siemens Switzerland Ltd.
Infrastructure & Cities Sector
Building Technologies Division
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
CH-6301 Zug
Tel. +41 41 724-2424

Edition: 2013-01-15
Document ID: A6V10227643_a_en_--

Building Technologies A6V10227643_a_en_--
Fire Safety 2013-01-15
Table of contents

1 About this document ......................................................................................5

1.1 Applicable documents.......................................................................................7
1.2 Technical terms ................................................................................................8
1.3 History of changes ............................................................................................8
2 Installation ......................................................................................................9
2.1 System requirements ........................................................................................9
2.2 Installing software ........................................................................................... 10
2.3 Starting software............................................................................................. 13
2.4 Exiting software .............................................................................................. 13
2.5 Communication with devices........................................................................... 13
2.6 Connection between device and PC ............................................................... 15
3 GUI ................................................................................................................ 17
3.1 Overview of the program window .................................................................... 17
3.2 Menu bar ........................................................................................................ 18
3.3 Toolbar ........................................................................................................... 22
3.3.1 'Switch user role' menu .................................................................... 23
3.4 Task cards...................................................................................................... 24
3.5 'Network' task card.......................................................................................... 25
3.5.1 Gateway device list .......................................................................... 26
3.5.2 Neighboring devices table ................................................................ 27
3.5.3 Commands ...................................................................................... 28
3.6 'FDUD292 function' task card.......................................................................... 29
3.6.1 Gateway device list .......................................................................... 30
3.6.2 Quick access ................................................................................... 31
3.6.3 Test diagnostics ............................................................................... 31
3.6.4 Commissioning ................................................................................ 32
3.6.5 Neighboring devices table ................................................................ 33
3.6.6 Commands ...................................................................................... 34
3.7 Battery indicator.............................................................................................. 35
3.8 Setting the danger level .................................................................................. 36
3.9 Help ............................................................................................................... 36

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4 Operation ...................................................................................................... 37
4.1 Pre-settings .................................................................................................... 38
4.1.1 Presettings for DSV ......................................................................... 38
4.1.2 Device ............................................................................................. 39
4.1.3 SWING presettings .......................................................................... 40
4.1.4 Firmware package presettings ......................................................... 41
4.2 Reports and customer texts ............................................................................ 42
4.2.1 Reading out information ................................................................... 42
4.2.2 Live data.......................................................................................... 43
4.2.3 Customer texts ................................................................................ 44
4.2.4 Report settings ................................................................................ 45
4.2.5 Reading the report ........................................................................... 49
4.2.6 Interpreting the report ...................................................................... 50
4.3 Replacing the radio gateway FDCW241.......................................................... 51
4.4 Updating the firmware of the radio gateway .................................................... 53
Index ....................................................................................................................... 54

Building Technologies A6V10227643_a_en_--
Fire Safety 2013-01-15
About this document
Applicable documents

1 About this document

Goal and purpose
This document describes how to configure a SWING radio cell with the 'FXS2061
SWING tool' software. The radio devices are the following:
FDM273 radio manual call point
FDOOT271 radio fire detector
FDCW241 radio gateway
The software enables the devices to be analyzed.
The following features make it easier to manage SWING radio cell data:
Reading out device data
Creating reports
Using customer texts
Knowledge of the devices concerned is a requirement for carrying out analyses
with the 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software.

Target groups
The information in this document is intended for the following target groups:

Target group Activity Recommended qualification

Commissioning personnel Configure the product at the place of Has obtained suitable specialist
installation according to customer-specific training for the function and for the
requirements. products.
Check the product operability and release Has attended the training courses for
the product for use by the operator. commissioning personnel.
Searches for and corrects malfunctions.
Maintenance personnel Carries out all maintenance work. Has obtained suitable specialist
Checks that the products are in perfect training for the function and for the
working order. products.
Searches for and corrects malfunctions.

Building Technologies A6V10227643_a_en_--
Fire Safety 2013-01-15
About this document
1 Applicable documents

Reference document and source language

The source language of this document is German (de).
The reference version of this document is the international version in English.
The international version is not localized.
The reference document has the following designation:
x = modification index, en = English, -- = international

Document identification
The document ID is structured as follows:

ID code Examples

ID_ModificationIndex_Language_COUNTRY A6V10215123_a_de_DE
-- = multilingual or international A6V10215123_a_en_--

Conventions for text marking

Special markups are shown in this document as follows:

Requirement for a behavior instruction

Intermediate result of a behavior instruction

End result of a behavior instruction

X] Reference to a page number

'Text' Quotation, reproduced identically

<Key> Identification of keys

Supplementary information and tips

The 'i' symbol identifies supplementary information and tips for an easier way of

Graphic display
The display on the screen depends on the PC setting. It may therefore deviate from
the images shown.

Building Technologies A6V10227643_a_en_--
Fire Safety 2013-01-15
About this document
Applicable documents

1.1 Applicable documents

Document ID Title

009052 FS20 Fire detection system - Commissioning, Maintenance,

A6V10210416 FS720 Fire detection system - Commissioning, Maintenance,
A6V10227639 Technical manual Radio gateway FDCW241
A6V10227641 Installation Radio gateway FDCW241
A6V10347733 Technical Manual Radio manual call point FDM273
A6V10347735 Installation MCL-USB adapter (radio) FDUZ227
A6V10347888 Installation Radio manual call point FDM273

Building Technologies A6V10227643_a_en_--
Fire Safety 2013-01-15
About this document
1 Technical terms

1.2 Technical terms

Term Explanation

DSV Device Specific Variant

A DSV file contains all the device information to be used by the
'FXS2061 SWING tool' software.
FDnet/C-NET Addressed detector line
ID Code for unique identification
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication
Value for the received field strength of the devices.
The higher the value, the better the signal strength. An RSSI of
1 is the lowest receivable value.
Time stamp Time stamp with the following display sequence: day, month,
year, hour, minute, second (dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss)
USB Universal Serial Bus

1.3 History of changes

The reference document's modification index applies to all languages into which
the reference document is translated.

The first edition of a language version or a country variant may, for example, have
the modification index 'd' instead of 'a' if the reference document already has this
modification index.

The table below shows this document's history of changes:

Modification index Edition date Brief description

a 2013-01-15 First edition

The language versions and country variants produced by a local company have
the same modification index as the corresponding reference document. They are
not however included in the table below.

The table below shows the published language versions with the corresponding
modification index:

Modification index en_-- de_-- fr_-- it_-- es_--

a X X X X X

X = published
– = no publication with this modification index

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System requirements

2 Installation

2.1 System requirements

Component Minimum requirements

Processor Pentium M1.6

Main memory 1 GB
Hard disk 400 MB, better still 1 GB of free memory
CD drive R/W Available
Network connection Ethernet RJ45
Screen resolution 1024 x 768
Colors 65535

Component Minimum requirements

Operating system Windows XP,

Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit versions)
Acrobat Reader Version 6 or higher
Browser Internet Explorer or similar browser

Administrator rights to the OS of the PC are required for the installation of the

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Fire Safety 2013-01-15
2 Installing software

2.2 Installing software

The 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software is available for installation.
1. Run the installation file.
The installation routine starts and guides you through the installation.
2. Follow the instructions of the installation routine and observe the installation

Installation paths

During installation, you can change the standard installation paths offered.
You can change various paths subsequently within the software, but you must
then move the respective folder manually to the new location.
We do not recommend that you change the program path after successful
installation in the software.

You can change the following standard installation paths during installation:
Target directory:
C:\Program Files\Siemens\……"VersionID" 1
Common data directory:
C:\ Program Data\Siemens\……VersionID" 1
1 "VersionID" = Name and version of the software

If you install a version of the software with another major or minor version, new
standard installation paths are created. The existing installation paths are
retained. If you already have an older version of 'FXS2061 SWING tool' installed,
this is uninstalled before the new installation starts.

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Installing software

Installation display

Select 'Next'.

Confirm that you accept the license agreement by

clicking on 'Accept'.

If you would like to change the suggested target

directory for the software, click on 'Browse...'.
Click on 'Next'.

If you would like to change the suggested target

directory for the data, click on 'Browse...'.
Click on 'Next'.

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2 Installing software

Installation display

Select the desired language.

Click on 'Next'.

The selected settings are displayed. Check these

and click on 'Install'.

The installation begins.

Do not interrupt the process.

The installation is complete.

You can start the software.
Click on 'Finish'.
Wait until the software has finished installing and
starts automatically.

See also
Applicable documents [ 7]

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Fire Safety 2013-01-15
Starting software

2.3 Starting software

You can start the software as follows:
Click the software symbol on the desktop.
In the task bar, click on 'Start' > 'Programs' > 'Siemens' > 'F-FX2060' >
XX_xx_Version > 'F-FXS2061'.

2.4 Exiting software

You can exit the software as follows:
In the menu bar, click on 'File' > 'Exit'.
Click on the 'X' button in the title bar.

2.5 Communication with devices

The radio gateway has radio contact with all devices in its radio cell and saves
device data. The device data can be called by the radio gateway. The device data
saved in the radio gateway is updated automatically. To save resources, automatic
updating does not take place often. The data is automatically saved for the first
time four hours after commissioning is completed. The interval for updating device
data can be set and initiated from within the 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software.
Updating can take up to two hours depending on the complexity of the radio cell.

Establishing a connection between the device and the PC

An MCL-USB adapter (radio) is required for communication between the radio
gateway and the devices.
The 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software communicates directly with the devices

(variant A) by radio via the MCL-USB adapter (radio), or with the radio
gateway via cable (variant B) . With a cable connection, there is an indirect
connection to the other devices.

Data transfer via cable is faster than radio transfer.

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2 Communication with devices

A FXS2061




B FXS2061





Overview of connections

Variants Device Connection Use

A FDCW241 Task card: ’FDUD292 function’

Direct radio
FDOOT271 The 'MCL-USB adapter (radio)' is in radio range
FDM273 connection between
of the device ( <10 m).
'MCL-USB adapter
The functions of the detector exchanger and
(radio)' and the devices tester FDUD292 or detector tester are available.
Task card: ’Network’
The 'radio gateway' is in radio range
( <10 m). Devices in the radio cell that are
more remote can be reached using the radio
gateway (multihop).

B FDCW241 Task card: ’Network’

Cable connection
Firmware update possible
between 'MCL-USB
adapter (radio)' and radio

FDOOT271 Radio connection Task card: ’Network’

FDM273 All devices in the radio cell can be reached from
between radio gateway
the radio gateway (multihop).
and the devices

See also
Applicable documents [ 7]
Installing software [ 10]

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Connection between device and PC

2.6 Connection between device and PC

For a direct radio connection (variant A) , the MCL-USB adapter (radio) must
be in radio range of the device. The smaller the distance, the more effective data
transfer will be.
If a power outage occurs during a firmware update, the update is not carried out.
If the USB cable connection is disconnected, the 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software
automatically closes.

Establishing a connection between the device and the PC

The software is installed on the PC. See the chapter 'Installing software [
The devices' power supply must be ensured for the duration of the connection.
The 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software must be restarted if an interruption
The PC has a USB port type A.
The MCL-USB adapter (radio) FDUZ227 is available.
A connection cable with a USB connector type A and a 5-pole USB connector
type mini B is available for the cable connection to the radio gateway.
1. Proceed according to chapter 'Changing and extending the detector line' in the
control panel documentation.
- Document 009052 applies to control panels FC20xx.
- Document A6V10210416 applies to control panels FC72x.
2. For a direct radio connection (variant A) with the radio gateway or with the
device, you must bring the MCL-USB adapter (radio) into radio range.
3. For a cable connection (variant B) with the radio gateway, open its housing
and connect a cable of up to 1.5 m to the socket for the MCL-USB adapter
(radio). You will find details of this in document A6V10227639 Applicable
documents [ 7]

4. Start the software.

Communication between the software and the devices is possible.
5. Select the COM port in the software: 'Options' 'Preferences' 'Device'
'Serial Port'.
The connection is established and you can activate the connection to the
devices using the program interface.

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Fire Safety 2013-01-15
2 Connection between device and PC

Disconnecting the connection between the device and the PC

The PC is connected to the devices via an MCL-USB adapter (radio) and the
software is activated.
Changed settings and data are saved.
1. Close the software in the 'File' main menu with the 'Exit' command.
2. Remove all connection cables.
3. Close the open housing on the radio gateway.
Communication with the 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software is ended.

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Overview of the program window


3.1 Overview of the program window

3 6
4 7



Program window

1 Title bar 7 'Gateway device list' display

2 Menu bar 8 Information on the 'Gateway device list' display

3 Toolbar 9 Selected task card

4 'Network outline/FDUD292 function' display 10 Field for information about and commands for the
selected task card

The data applies to the device selected in

position (8) or (5)

5 Information and selection of connected devices 11 Information about the current connection
+ Expand Cable connection to the radio gateway
Collapse Radio connection to the radio gateway

6 Task cards 'Network/FDUD292 function' Radio connection to the devices


Logged-in user role

Time of last device recognition

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Fire Safety 2013-01-15
3 Menu bar

3.2 Menu bar

The menu structure and menu items are fixed for each task card. Individual menu
items may be shaded out depending on the task card selected. Menu items that
can not be run are shaded gray.

Bar with the main menus for the 'Network' task card

The following main menus exist:

'Network': only displayed when task card 'Network' is selected.
'Device': only displayed when task card 'FDUD292 function' is selected.
'FDUD292': only displayed when task card 'FDUD292 function' is selected.
'Help '
Every main menu has the following submenus:

Main menu Submenu Action

File Open network file Open the network file in snc format
A network file is read and can be used to create a report. Only the
newly read network file is displayed.
Save network file Saves the current network file with all relevant data in SNC or CSV
Import new DSV file Import new DSV file
Import new resource Imports new resources:
or <Ctrl> + <I> XML for new customer texts
CSV for new customer texts
ZIP for new firmware packages
Reports Creates a report about the device [ 42] data.
or <Ctrl> + <R>
Exit Exiting software

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Menu bar

Main menu Submenu Action

Network Discover Gateways… Searches for the radio gateway connected by cable or the active radio
gateways within range.
Get gateway device list Loads the devices for the radio gateway.
Get connectivity state Checks the radio cell connections.
Get neighbourhood table Displays the attenuation values for the neighboring devices in the radio
Get battery level Displays [ 35] the battery charge state in 5 levels.
Live data from device The selected data for the device is updated. All data that is not selected
is retained.
Get all live data
Get connectivity state
Get neighbourhood table
Get battery level
Trigger data collection Starts the data collection from all devices in the radio cell and saves
this on the radio gateway.
Start gateway trace logging Starts the log file with all information from:
Radio gateway
Radio cell
Stop gateway trace logging Stops the log file with all information from:
Radio gateway
Radio cell
Remove device from radio cell Removes the selected device.
Radio cell in OPERATION Normal operation
mode The radio cell is ready for use.
Information is transmitted to the detector line via the radio gateway.
Radio cell in MAINTENANCE Maintenance mode
mode The radio cell can be modified.
The radio cell remains capable of emitting an alarm.

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3 Menu bar

Main menu Submenu Action

Check The device test is triggered.

or <CTR+2> and <1>
Check + alarm1 The device and alarm tests are triggered.
or <CTR+2> and <2>
Check + test alarm The device and test alarm tests are triggered.
or <CTR+2> and <3>
Alarm1 The device alarm is triggered.
or <CTR+2> and <4>
Test alarm The device test alarm is triggered.
or <CTR+2> and <5>
Read status The status of the device is read.
or <CTR+2> and <8>
Simulate fault 1 A device fault is simulated.
or <CTR+2> and <9>
Warning DL21 Danger level 2 is activated. See also Setting the danger level [ 36].
or <CTR+2> and <0>
Set DL1 Danger level 1 is set.
Device info … The current information of the selected device is displayed.
or <CTR+3> and <1>
Parameter The current parameters of the selected device are displayed.
or <CTR+3> and <2>
Position1 Set the danger level for inputs.
or <CTR+3> and <9>
Device Discover devices... Searches for devices in range and displays their identification data.
Discover devices of same Recognizes devices in the same network.
network …
Get all data Displays the connection status to the neighboring devices.
Displays the current connection data for the neighboring devices.
Displays [ 35] the battery charge state in 5 levels.
The total running time is read.
Get connectivity state Displays the connection status to the neighboring devices.
Get neighbourhood table Displays the current connection data for the neighboring devices.
Get battery level Displays [ 35] the battery charge state in 5 levels.
Get total running time The total running time is read.
Remove from radio cell The device is removed from the radio cell.

1 For these functions, the MC link must be activated on the fire control panel.

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Menu bar

Main menu Submenu Action

Update Update FDCW241 Loads a new version of the firmware onto the radio gateway.
Update FDUZ227 Loads a new version of the firmware onto the 'FDUZ227 MCL-USB
adapter (radio)'.
Exchange FDCW241 Replace [ 51] a radio gateway
Option Preferences Presettings for
Path of DSV file
Device: serial port
SWING presettings for users
– Path for help file
– Path for additional documents
– Language selection
– Setting the transmitting power of 'FDUZ227 MCL-USB adapter
– Calling a device list automatically
– Deleting tool memory/customer texts
Path of firmware package
Help Help View help

or <F1>
View additional documents Call this user manual
About Displays detailed information about the 'FXS2061 SWING tool'

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3 Toolbar

3.3 Toolbar
The commands on the toolbar enable the following functions:
The connection to ' Network' or to ' FDUD292 function'

Exchange of data with the ' Network' or the ' FDUD292 function'
Only those commands that correspond to the selected task card are displayed
on the toolbar. The commands available change if the task card is replaced.
Individual commands are hidden depending on which devices are connected.
Commands that cannot be executed are shaded gray.

Example of a toolbar

Task card: Network

Command Action

Discover Gateways… Recognizes the radio gateways in range.

Disconnect Disconnects the active connection to the device.
Get gateway device Displays the list of available devices for the selected radio gateway [ 26].
Change user role Switch [ 23] user role

or <F1> This document is displayed in PDF format.

Task card: FDUD292 function

Command Action

Discover devices... Recognizes the devices in range.

Disconnect Disconnects the active connection to the device.
Change user role Switch [ 23] user role

or <F1> This document is displayed in PDF format.

See also
Help [ 36]

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3.3.1 'Switch user role' menu

The user role controls the access rights. The 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software is
preset user roles with password protection. The password needs to be entered
once. The password only needs to be reentered if the user role is changed.

User role

Command Action

Select the new user Select user role

role to be applied: You can choose from the following:
Localization manager
Service technician
Password: Enter the password corresponding to the user role. The applications
appropriate for the user role are activated.
OK The selection and entry are confirmed.
Cancel The process is interrupted.
Current user role: … The current user role is displayed.

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Fire Safety 2013-01-15
3 Task cards

3.4 Task cards

The menu structure and menu items are fixed for each task card. Individual menu
items may be shaded out depending on the task card selected. Menu items and
fields that can not be run are shaded gray.

The following task cards exist:

'FDUD292 function '

Bar with task cards

Task card Action

Network Read and configure 'Network'.

FDUD292 function Read and configure 'FDUD292 function'.

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'Network' task card

3.5 'Network' task card

You can use the ' Network' task card to carry out reading and configuring
directly on the radio gateway. The 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software is in direct
contact with the radio gateway and can access the current radio gateway data and
its data collection from the devices. You can tell the age of the data from the data
collection. It is possible to set the interval for renewing the data collection.
Renewing the data collection requires time and energy; rereading the data can
take up to two hours depending on the size of the radio cell.

'Network' task card

Display Action

Network outline List of networks

Information and selection of connected devices
+ Expand

Gateway device list List of devices in the selected radio gateway

Neighbourhood table List of quality information for the radio connection
Commanding List of commands

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3 'Network' task card

3.5.1 Gateway device list

Gateway device list

All devices in the selected gateway are displayed. Live data is displayed with the
appendage 'Live'.

Display Action

Address 1 Displays the address of the device.

Device type name Shows the device type as a symbol and the device designation.
Device ID Shows the device ID.
Battery level Battery indicator [ 35]
Connectivity state The connection status of this device is displayed.
Red 'No connection to gateway' There is no connection
between the device and the radio gateway.

Yellow 'Redundant path lost' The quality of the connection is

good, but there is only one path between the radio gateway and the

Green 'Excellent' The quality of the connection is good;

there are two paths between the radio gateway and the device.

Dark green 'Good' The quality of the connection is good;

there are two paths between the radio gateway and the device.

Black 'Out of base' The device is not in the base/housing.

Hop count Displays the number of radio links for this connection between the
device and radio gateway FDCW241.
Life time counter Displays the operating time in years and quarters.
Age of data collection Displays the age of the data in days.
[days] Live data is marked as such.
Customer text 1 Displays the customer text.
Zone address 1 Displays the group address in a detection tree.
Zone customer text 1 Displays the customer text of the group.
Logical channel Displays the channel address.
address 1
Logical channel Displays the customer text for the channel address.
customer text 1

1The texts transferred from the fire control panel are displayed. If no texts have
been transferred, the display remains empty. See chapter 'Customer texts [ 44]'.

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'Network' task card

3.5.2 Neighboring devices table

Each device maintains up to 8 connections to other devices.
For every connection between two devices, the required transmitting power is
determined by means of the 'RSSI' received field strength. The higher the
transmitting power required, the higher the level of energy required and the shorter
the service life of the battery. For this reason, the 'RSSI' signal is optimized to a
target band of -70…-75 dBm at the receiver. This ensures the quality of reception
and keeps battery consumption to a minimum. To achieve this target band, the
neighboring receiver triggers an adjustment to the transmitting power for this
The transmitting power is displayed in levels 1…10.
Level 1 means a low transmitting power and a long service life for the battery.
Level 10 means maximum transmitting power and a short service life for the

Neighboring devices table

Display Action

Get neighbourhood table Displays information about local connections to devices.

Device ID Displays the device ID of the device.
Hop count Displays the number of radio links for this connection between
the device and the radio gateway.
Recent RSSI [dBm] The selected device currently receives with the specified
received field strengths from neighboring devices.
Transmission power Displays the transmitting power of this device in levels from low
(1) to maximum (10).
Channel The device in this row sends to the selected device on this
In the 868 MHz band, the address is lower than 100.
In the 433 MHz band, the address is higher than 100.
Neighbour rating Primary: This is an important connection for monitoring the
presence of the device.
Secondary: This is a less important connection to the device.

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3 'Network' task card

3.5.3 Commands

The fields are only active when a device is selected.

Network commands

Display Action

Commanding The following commands can be selected for the radio gateway in
the selection window:
Auto refresh interval of data collection
Trigger data collection
The following commands can be selected for devices in the
selection window:
Get meeting channel number
Get max hop count
Command Displays the selection of the intervals for data collection.
Execute command The selected command is executed.
History of commands Displays the executed commands that have been recorded
Clear all history The recorded commands are deleted.
Time stamp The current time set on the connected PC is displayed.
Device Device designation
Command The executed command is displayed.
Parameter Device parameters
The command is executed again using the symbol.

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'FDUD292 function' task card

3.6 'FDUD292 function' task card

You can use the ' FDUD292 function' task card to read and configure the
devices, in a similar way to the functions of the detector exchanger and tester
FDUD292. You can directly read and configure devices in range of the MCL-USB
adapter (radio) using the ' FDUD292 function' task card.

'FDUD292 function' task card

Display Action

FDUD292 function List of FDUD292 networks

Information and selection of connected devices
+ Expand

Gateway device list List of devices in the selected radio gateway [ 30].
Quick function access Quick access using the same function numbers as with detector
testers and detector exchanger and testers.
Test diagnosis Select an action on the device and display the return values.
Commissioning Activation of the selected function on the device.
Neighbourhood table List of quality information for the radio connection.
Commanding List of commands.

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3 'FDUD292 function' task card

3.6.1 Gateway device list

Gateway device list

All devices in the selected gateway are displayed. Live data is displayed with the
appendage 'Live'.

Display Action

Address 1 Displays the address of the device.

Device type name Shows the device type as a symbol and the device designation.
Device ID Shows the device ID.
Battery level Battery indicator [ 35]
Connectivity state The connection status of this device is displayed.
Red 'No connection to gateway' There is no connection
between the device and the radio gateway.

Yellow 'Redundant path lost' The quality of the connection is

good, but there is only one path between the radio gateway and the

Green 'Excellent' The quality of the connection is good;

there are two paths between the radio gateway and the device.

Dark green 'Good' The quality of the connection is good;

there are two paths between the radio gateway and the device.

Black 'Out of base' The device is not in the base/housing.

Hop count Displays the number of radio links for this connection between the
device and radio gateway FDCW241.
Life time counter Displays the operating time in years and quarters.
Age of data collection Displays the age of the data in days.
[days] Live data is marked as such.
Customer text 1 Displays the customer text.
Zone address 1 Displays the group address in a detection tree.
Zone customer text 1 Displays the customer text of the group.
Logical channel Displays the channel address.
address 1
Logical channel Displays the customer text for the channel address.
customer text 1

1The texts transferred from the fire control panel are displayed. If no texts have
been transferred, the display remains empty. See chapter 'Customer texts [ 44]'.

Building Technologies A6V10227643_a_en_--
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'FDUD292 function' task card

3.6.2 Quick access

Quick access

Display Action

Quick function access Quick access using the familiar function numbers of detector
testers and detector exchanger and testers.
Function code Enter a function number known by detector tester FDUD293 and
detector exchanger and tester FDUD292.
Execute command The selected command is executed.

3.6.3 Test diagnostics

Test diagnostics

Display Action

Selection window There are Test diagnosis commands available in the selection
Check + alarm
Check + test alarm
Test alarm
Read status
Simulate fault
Warning DL2
Execute command The selected command is executed.
Return value The results of the executed command are displayed.

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3 'FDUD292 function' task card

3.6.4 Commissioning


Display Action

Selection window The following are available for selection in the selection window:
Device information
Execute command The selected command is executed.
Return value The results of the executed command are displayed.

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'FDUD292 function' task card

3.6.5 Neighboring devices table

Each device maintains up to 8 connections to other devices.
For every connection between two devices, the required transmitting power is
determined by means of the 'RSSI' received field strength. The higher the
transmitting power required, the higher the level of energy required and the shorter
the service life of the battery. For this reason, the 'RSSI' signal is optimized to a
target band of -70…-75 dBm at the receiver. This ensures the quality of reception
and keeps battery consumption to a minimum. To achieve this target band, the
neighboring receiver triggers an adjustment to the transmitting power for this
The transmitting power is displayed in levels 1…10.
Level 1 means a low transmitting power and a long service life for the battery.
Level 10 means maximum transmitting power and a short service life for the

Neighboring devices table

Display Action

Get neighbourhood table Displays information about local connections to devices.

Device ID Displays the device ID of the device.
Hop count Displays the number of radio links for this connection between
the device and the radio gateway.
Recent RSSI [dBm] The selected device currently receives with the specified
received field strengths from neighboring devices.
Transmission power Displays the transmitting power of this device in levels from low
(1) to maximum (10).
Channel The device in this row sends to the selected device on this
In the 868 MHz band, the address is lower than 100.
In the 433 MHz band, the address is higher than 100.
Neighbour rating Primary: This is an important connection for monitoring the
presence of the device.
Secondary: This is a less important connection to the device.

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3 'FDUD292 function' task card

3.6.6 Commands
The fields are only active when a device is selected.


Display Action

Commanding The following commands can be selected for the radio gateway in
the selection window:
Auto refresh interval of data collection
Trigger data collection
The following commands can be selected for devices in the
selection window:
Get meeting channel number
Get max hop count
Command Displays the selection of the intervals for data collection.
Execute command The selected command is executed.
History of commands Displays the executed commands that have been recorded
Clear all history The recorded commands are deleted.
Time stamp The current time set on the connected PC is displayed.
Device Device designation
Command The executed command is displayed.
Parameter Device parameters
The command is executed again using the symbol.

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Battery indicator

3.7 Battery indicator

The charge state is displayed in five levels.
When the battery is connected, the indicator is activated and is always set
automatically to 100 %.
This also applies to partially empty batteries.
Example: A battery with a service life of four years displays a charge state of 50 %
after two years of use. If the battery connector is removed from the device and then
connected again, the device recognizes it as a new battery and displays the charge
state as 100 %.

Only use new, charged batteries in order to get reliable information about the
remaining service life of the battery.

The 'LowBatt' indicator means that only the reserve battery is active.

75...100 %

50...75 %

25...50 %

<25 %


Battery indicator

75…100 % The charge state is 75…100 %.

50…75 % The charge state is 50…75 %.

25…50 % The charge state is 25…50 %.

<25 % The charge state is below 25 %.

LowBatt The battery is empty and the reserve battery is active.

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3 Setting the danger level

3.8 Setting the danger level

The danger level can be set individually for each of the four inputs. The control
panel only evaluates 'Input1' for FDOOT271 and FDM273.

Setting the danger level

3.9 Help
'Help' can only be opened if ActiveX controls are enabled in your browser.

There are three ways of calling up the Help function:

Press <F1>.
Select 'Help' from the menu bar.
Click on the symbol in the toolbar.
When help is called up, this document is displayed in PDF format.

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4 Operation
To enable the 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software to communicate with devices, the
PC with the MCL-USB adapter (radio) must be connected to the detector. The
adapter establishes the radio connection to the devices. With the radio gateway, a
faster connection can be established using a cable as an alternative.
The 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software and the driver are installed on the PC.
The devices are supplied with power.
The devices are logged on to the radio gateway.

If the devices are connected to an FDnet/C-NET detector line via the radio
gateway, some parameters can be set from the fire control panel. These
parameters cannot then be changed with the 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software.
The relevant fields have a gray background.

Navigating in the software

Navigation in the software takes place using the normal Windows interface and
Windows commands.

See also
Installing software [ 10]

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4 Pre-settings

4.1 Pre-settings
In the 'Option' main menu, you can manage the saved pre-settings in the
'Preferences' menu.

DSV settings only become active after a new connection is established.

Changes to the language or measurement units only take effect once the
'FXS2061 SWING tool' software is restarted.

The 'Preferences' menu allows you to make settings for:

Firmware package preferences
SWING preferences page

4.1.1 Presettings for DSV

Changes to DSV only become active after a new connection is established.

Presettings for DSV

Field Action

DSV path: Memory location of the DSV

Browse… Search for memory location
Restore Defaults Restore default settings
Apply Adopt changed settings
OK Confirm change
Cancel Cancel process

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4.1.2 Device


Field Action

Serial Port Displays the serial interfaces available and an interface selection for
The appropriate interface is displayed in the device manager of the PC as a
connection (COM & LPT) with the name 'Siemens FDUZ227 Device'.
Restore Defaults Restore default settings
Apply Adopt changed settings
OK Confirm change
Cancel Cancel process

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4 Pre-settings

4.1.3 SWING presettings

A change of language only takes effect once the 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software
is restarted.

Presettings for FX2061 SWING tool

Field Action

Help file Browse… Memory location for help file

Additional documents Memory location for additional documents
directory Browse…
Language Language selection
You can choose from the following:
Transmission power for Set the transmitting power of the 'MCL-USB adapter (radio) FDUZ227'
wireless device discovery: in levels from low (1) to maximum (10). At level 10, all devices in the
maximum range are queried, and therefore the query lasts longer
than it would at a lower level.
Presetting: level 5.
Get device list automatically if Selects automatic updating of the device list
connected to FDCW241 by
Clear tools internal storage The values saved in the 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software are deleted.
Restore Defaults Restore default settings
Apply Adopt changed settings
Changes to the language or units only take effect once the 'FXS2061
SWING tool' is restarted.
OK Confirm change
Cancel Cancel process

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4.1.4 Firmware package presettings

Presettings for firmware package

Field Action

Firmware package path Memory location of the firmware package

Browse… Search for memory location
Restore Defaults Restore default settings
Apply Adopt changed settings
OK Confirm change
Cancel Cancel process

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4 Reports and customer texts

4.2 Reports and customer texts

4.2.1 Reading out information

The 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software can read information from the SWING

Reading out directly

Reading out can take place directly on the device via radio.
Distance between 'FDUZ227 MCL-USB adapter (radio)' and the device: max. 10 m.
Reading out corresponds to the function of a detector exchanger and tester or a
detector tester (e.g. FDUD292).

Reading out the memory

Reading out can take place on the radio gateway via radio or cable.
Distance between 'FDUZ227 MCL-USB adapter (radio)' and the radio gateway:
max. 10 m.
The radio gateway collects data on all devices in its radio cell and saves it. The
data is automatically saved for the first time four hours after commissioning is
completed. The intervals for automatic updating of the data can be set.

Updating the data collection

The data is updated immediately when the following is selected: 'Trigger data
collection' [ 18].
Updating can take up to two hours depending on the range of the radio cell. To
display the result in the 'Gateway device list', select 'Get gateway device list'.

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Reports and customer texts

4.2.2 Live data

Querying live data
The table below shows the possible 'Liive data':

Device Menu Possible live data

FDCW241 Network Get gateway device list

Get connectivity state
Get neighbourhood table
FDOOT271 Device Get connectivity state
FDM273 Get neighbourhood table
Get battery level
Get total running time

1. Select the menu.

2. Select the 'Liive data'.
The values of the selected 'Liive data' are updated.
This can take several minutes depending on the range of the query.
The values of the 'Liive data' are displayed and marked with the text '’Liive
data' in the 'Age of data collection [days]' column. Marking is carried out as
soon as a value is up to date.

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4 Reports and customer texts

4.2.3 Customer texts

Customer texts are saved in the fire control panel and are maintained there. The
customer texts can be exported from the control panel and displayed in the
'FXS2061 SWING tool' software. Customer texts cannot be changed with the
'FXS2061 SWING tool' software.

Overwriting customer texts

1. Export from the control panel using 'site export'. (XML).
2. Import the customer texts in the main menu using 'File' in the 'Import new
resource' submenu.
The customer texts are automatically assigned to the devices and displayed.

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Reports and customer texts

4.2.4 Report settings

Report settings

Main menu Submenu Action

Report type Report type: SWING - Quality Displays the quality of the connections of the radio gateway and
Report the individual devices.
Displays the quality of the connections of the radio gateway and
Report type: SWING - the individual devices.
Connectivity Report And
Displays the quality of the connections to the neighboring devices.
Report type: SWING - Displays the quality of the connections of the radio gateway and
Extended Connectivity Report the individual devices.
Displays the quality of the connections to the neighboring devices.
Displays the transmitting power, the number of radio links, the
received field strength, the number of channels, and the
evaluation of the connection to the neighboring devices.
Output settings Select report settings
Page size Select paper format
You can choose from the following:
Orientation Select page orientation
You can choose from the following:
Report file name The report is output as a pdf file and can be saved with the desired file
Browse… Select memory location
Create report Creating a report
Cancel Cancel process

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4 Reports and customer texts

Quality report

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Reports and customer texts

Connection report

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4 Reports and customer texts

Extended connection report

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Reports and customer texts

4.2.5 Reading the report

The report contains the real data at the time of recording by the radio gateway.
Due to the dynamic performance of the SWING radio system, the system adapts
to changes automatically. Consequently, the current data may differ from that
actually stored.

The radio gateway FDCW241 saves data from all the devices connected to it. This
data collection is only renewed every so often and may, therefore, be several
months old.
The following values can be read out:
Term Explanation

Net ID: Displays the ID of the network.

Device ID Displays the serial ID of the device.
Device address Displays the device address of the device. The device address consists of 'Zone
customer text' and 'Logical channel customer text'.
Address 1 Displays the address of the device.
Device type name Shows the device type as a symbol and the device designation.
Zone customer text 1 Displays the customer text of the group.
Logical channel customer text 1 Displays the customer text for the channel address.
Hop count Displays the number of radio links for this connection between the device and radio
gateway FDCW241.
Connectivity state The connection status of this device is displayed.
Red 'No connection to gateway' There is no connection between the device and
the radio gateway.

Yellow 'Redundant path lost' The quality of the connection is good, but there is
only one path between the radio gateway and the device.

Green 'Excellent' The quality of the connection is good; there are two paths
between the radio gateway and the device.

Dark green 'Good' The quality of the connection is good; there are two paths
between the radio gateway and the device.

Black 'Out of base' The device is not in the base/housing.

Recent RSSI [dBm] The selected device currently receives with the specified received field strengths from
neighboring devices.
Transmission power Displays the transmitting power of this device in levels from low (1) to maximum (10).
Channel The device in this row sends to the selected device on this channel.
In the 868 MHz band, the address is lower than 100.
In the 433 MHz band, the address is higher than 100.
Neighbour rating Primary: This is an important connection for monitoring the presence of the device.
Secondary: This is a less important connection to the device.
1The texts transferred from the fire control panel are displayed. If no texts have
been transferred, the display remains empty. See chapter: Customer texts [ 44]

See also
Commands [ 28]

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4 Reports and customer texts

4.2.6 Interpreting the report

The report provides information about the radio cell data. You can evaluate the
data in the report to assess the quality of the radio cell.

Requirements for assessment:

Data is available for all devices.
Take the age of the data into account and update the data if in doubt.
Take into account any pending changes from the customer, e.g., structural
alterations, as well as the current situation.

Good radio cell

Each device has as many neighboring devices as possible with a connection to
the radio gateway (high network density).
The transmitting power is low and the power consumption is, therefore, also
RSSI is at a similar level for all devices.

Radio cell with increased risk of failure

The connection status is yellow and the device only has one path to the
radio gateway.
The transmitting power of a device is high.
The RSSI of a primary device is below -80 dBm.

Building Technologies A6V10227643_a_en_--
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Replacing the radio gateway FDCW241

4.3 Replacing the radio gateway FDCW241

When the radio gateway is replaced, the saved radio gateway data can be
transferred to the new radio gateway.
The new radio gateway with a new, connected battery pack is available.
The old radio gateway is logged onto a fire control panel.
The MCL-USB adapter (radio) FDUZ227 is connected to the old radio gateway
using a cable.
1. Proceed according to chapter 'Replacing non-stationary devices of the same
type' in the control panel documentation.
- Document 009052 applies to control panels FC20xx.
- Document A6V10210416 applies to control panels FC72x.
2. Switch the detector line off.
3. Remove the cable connection to the line on the radio gateway.

4. Using the 'FXS2061 SWING tool' software, select the relevant radio gateway in
the main menu Network.

5. Select the 'Exchange FDCW241' command from the 'Update' menu bar.
6. Enter your password. The initial password is 1234.

7. Follow the instructions exactly as they are shown in the window.

8. If you have carried out all the steps, then confirm this with 'OK'.
9. Wait until the software has updated and the data has been imported to the new
radio gateway. You will find more information about the current processing
status under 'Details'.

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4 Replacing the radio gateway FDCW241

10. Confirm the successful data transfer with 'OK'.

11. The new radio gateway automatically has the net ID of the old radio gateway.
12. Check whether the LED (H4) is flashing.



13. Overwrite the net ID of the new radio gateway with the net ID of the old radio
gateway on the type plate.
14. Wait until LED (H4) stops flashing. This can take 1-2 hours depending on the
size of the radio cell.
15. Install the new radio gateway at the location of the old radio gateway.
16. Establish a cable connection to the line.
17. Switch the line on.
The fire control panel registers the two addresses of the old radio gateway
as missing.
18. Replace the old addresses with the new addresses.
19. Dispose of the old, unusable radio gateway according to regulations.
The radio gateway is replaced.
You will find more information in the 'Change and extend the detector line' chapters
of the following documents:
For control panels FC20xx: Document 009052
For control panels FC72x: Document A6V10210416

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Updating the firmware of the radio gateway

4.4 Updating the firmware of the radio gateway

The firmware update is in a ZIP file. The DSV file version and the firmware
version must be compatible.
1. Select the relevant radio gateway FDCW241 in the 'Network' menu bar.
2. Select the 'Update FDCW241' menu in the 'Update' menu bar.
3. Select the appropriate update package and confirm with 'OK'.

4. Enter your password. The initial password is 1234.

5. Follow the instructions exactly as they are shown in the window.

6. If you have carried out all the steps, then confirm this with 'OK'.
7. Wait until the firmware has updated and the data has been imported to the
radio gateway. You will find more information about the current processing
status under 'Details'.

8. Confirm the successful data transfer with 'OK'.

The radio gateway has the changed firmware.

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Battery indicator, 35 System requirements, 9
Hardware, 9
C Software, 9
Disconnecting, 16 U
Connection cable, 15 Updating the data collection, 42
Customer texts USB, 8
Importing texts, 44 USB cable, 15

Detector exchanger and tester, 14, 29, 31, 42
Detector tester, 14, 29, 31, 42
DSV, 8

Language, 40

Menu bar, 18, 24

Navigating, 37

Password for user role, 23

Querying live data, 43

Radio gateway
Firmware update, 53
Radio gateway FDCW221
Replacing the radio gateway FDCW241, 51
Reading out the memory, 42
Customer texts, 44
Reading, 49
Settings, 45

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Building Technologies A6V10227643_a_en_--
Fire Safety 2013-01-15
Issued by © 2013 Copyright Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Siemens Switzerland Ltd Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
Infrastructure & Cities Sector
Building Technologies Division
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
CH-6301 Zug
Tel. +41 41-724 24 24

Document ID A6V10227643_a_en_-- Manual FD20/FD720

Edition 2013-01-15 Register 3

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