A Study of Psychiatric Morbidity Among School Going Adolescents

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A study of psychiatric morbidity among school going adolescents

Mehak Garg Pahwa, Balwant Singh Sidhu1, Rajinder Singh Balgir2
Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata, West Bengal, Departments of 1Psychiatry and 2Community
Medicine, GMC, Patiala, Punjab, India


Aim: This study aims to study the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among adolescents and compare its distribution
in the urban and rural areas.
Study Design: This was a cross‑sectional study.
Materials and Methods: One thousand adolescents aged 11 to 16 years studying in various private and government schools
in urban and rural areas in district Patiala, Punjab were studied. Stratified cluster sampling was used considering the type of
school as strata and sections of each standard as clusters. The study was conducted in two steps; in the first step, self-designed
sociodemographic questionnaire and socioeconomic status scale, Parekh’s method of socioeconomic classification for rural
area, and Kuppuswamy’s revised method of social classification for urban areas. To study the psychiatric morbidity, the
strength and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) self-report version and parent version was used.Students who scored borderline
or abnormal on SDQ, were further evaluated in second stage by clinical interview, detailed case history, and mental state
examination; psychiatric disorders were diagnosed following International Classification of Diseases-10 (ICD-10) criteria.
Statistical Analysis Used: Chi‑square, Student’s t‑test.
Results: The prevalence ranges from 17.94 in the private school in the urban area and 20.96% in government schools
in the urban area to 20.61% in private schools in the rural area and 22.17 in government school of the rural area. The
overall prevalence of psychiatric disorders is higher among adolescents in the rural area (21.38%) as compared to
the urban area (19.43%). Rural adolescents had significantly higher rates of somatoform disorders (4.45%), conduct
disorder (3.78%), dysthymia (1.11%), and other mood disorders (0.89%) whereas higher rates of depression (3.88%),
anxiety (3.67%), and hyperkinetic disorders (3.02%) were found in urban counterparts.
Conclusion: An alarming number of adolescents suffer from different emotional and behavioral problems, but there is
no excess of formal mental illness reaching the psychiatrist. This should help us formulate a rational basis for deploying
our resources for the treatment and prevention of mental illness in tomorrow’s adults.

Key words: Adolescents, psychiatric morbidity, rural, urban

INTRODUCTION developmental thinking. Its origin is from a Latin word,

“adolescere” meaning “to grow, to mature” indicates the
The term adolescence meaning “to emerge” or “achieve defining features of adolescence. In India, age limits of
identity” is a relatively new concept, especially in adolescents have been fixed differently under different
Address for correspondence: Dr. Mehak Garg Pahwa, programs keeping in view the objectives of that policy or
Flat 9h, Apsara Apartments, 67, Park Street,
Kolkata ‑ 700 017, West Bengal, India.
E‑mail: [email protected] This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License,
Access this article online which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially,
as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under
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For reprints contact: [email protected]

How to cite this article: Pahwa MG, Sidhu BS, Balgir RS.
A study of psychiatric morbidity among school going
adolescents. Indian J Psychiatry 2019;61:198-203.

198 © 2019 Indian Journal of Psychiatry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

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Pahwa, et al.: Psychiatry morbidity among adolescents

program, like in the National Youth Policy, it is 13–19 years; of Patiala. The study was conducted with the help of
in ICDS, it is 11–18 years; and in Reproductive and Child Department of Psychiatry and Department of Community
Health Programme, it is 10–19 years.[1] Medicine of Rajindra Hospital, Patiala.

Adolescence is often described as a phase of life that begins The study was conducted in eight schools in district Patiala.
in biology and ends in society. The experience of adolescents To get a representative sample of all socioeconomic classes
during teen years would vary considerably according to the of the society, two government schools and two public
cultural and social values of the network of social identities schools were chosen by simple randomization, in urban
they grow in.[2] There are around 230 million adolescents in and rural areas of district Patiala, respectively. Permission
India presently. Over the next two decades, the number of to conduct the study was taken from the principals of the
adolescents is likely to increase further, but their share to concerned school.
population will decrease marginally as per the projections.[3]
Mental disorders and mental health problems seem to have From the above population, children aged 11–16 years
increased considerably among adolescents in the past studying in VII–X classes who satisfied the selection criteria
20–30 years. The impact of changing youth subcultures on and whose parents/guardian gave informed consent were
behavior and priorities can also make it difficult to define included in the sample for the study. Stratified cluster
mental health and mental health problems in adolescents.[4] sampling was used considering the type of school as strata
and sections of each standard as clusters. One section from
Most children and adolescents have good mental health, but each class from each school was selected randomly covering
studies have shown that 1 in 10 children and adolescents at least 30 students of each class in a school and covering
suffer from mental health disorders severe enough to 120 students in all the classes in a school.
cause impairment. Mental health disorders in children and
young people can damage self‑esteem and relationships The study was conducted in two steps; in the first step,
with their peers, undermine school performance, and self‑designed questionnaire consisting of questions
reduce the quality of life, not only for the child or young pertaining to sociodemographic data of the children
person but also for their parents or caregivers and families. which was prepared separately and pretested before final
The majority of illness burden in childhood and more so in administration was used along with socioeconomic status
adolescence are caused by mental health disorders, and the scale, Parekh’s method of socioeconomic classification for
majority of adult mental health disorders have their onset rural area, and Kuppuswamy’s revised method of social
in adolescence. Mental health disorders in adolescence are classification of an individual for urban areas. To study
the most powerful predictor of mental health disorders in the psychiatric morbidity, the strength and difficulties
adulthood.[5] questionnaire (SDQ) self‑report version and parent version
was used. The students of each section were asked to fill the
Adolescence has been viewed as a time of overwhelming questionnaires at a time in the presence of the researcher.
turmoil and thus increase in psychiatric morbidity is Supervision by the teacher was avoided to enable the students
expected. But adolescents are known to under consult their to answer the questions. SDQ parent version was given to
doctors, and also hesitate in taking their problems to an the students to be filled by their parents and was collected
adult. Thus, unfortunately, there is a paucity of information. on the next working day. Students who scored borderline or
While there are a number of comprehensive studies on the abnormal on SDQ either version formed the sample for the
prevalence of psychiatric illness in a community, there are second stage, and further, 5% cases were randomly selected
few which have examined the teenage years themselves out of the students with normal score, which were followed
and fewer in India in which age‑specific rates are available by clinical interview, detailed case history, and mental state
for a period in life when so many biological and emotional examination; psychiatric disorders were diagnosed following
changes are taking place.[6] International Classification of Diseases‑10 (ICD‑10) criteria.
The diagnoses were crosschecked by a senior psychiatrist.
Adequate data on the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity
among adolescents in India are still lacking; thus, this Multiinformant strengths and difficulties questionnaires
study was conducted to determine the true prevalence (SDQs)[7-10] can identify individuals with a psychiatric
of psychiatric symptoms among adolescents and the diagnosis with a specificity of 94.6% (95% confidence interval
characteristics of high‑ and low‑risk groups in Indian society. 94.1%–95.1%) and a sensitivity of 63.3% (59.7%–66.9%)

MATERIALS AND METHODS To find the association between sociodemographic

factors and psychiatric morbidity, Chi‑square test was
The population for the study comprised of children aged applied. Student’s t‑test was used for analyzing scores of
11–16 years, studying in various government and public questionnaire. P < 0.05 was considered as statistically
schools located in the urban and rural areas in the district significant.

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Pahwa, et al.: Psychiatry morbidity among adolescents

RESULTS in the urban area. Whereas in the rural area, the highest
number belonged to the middle class, i.e., 24 (5.35%). It was
Numbers of students enrolled in the study were almost equal seen that adolescents in lower socioeconomic classes (6 out
in urban area and rural area, as depicted in Table 1. This table of 23 students in urban area and 14 out of 48 students in
shows that in both the groups, the number of total students rural area) had higher psychiatric morbidity as compared
is almost the same and the number of male and female to upper class in both rural (18 out of 72 students) and
students is also comparable in number with some male urban areas (25 out of 122 students) and was significant
dominance, but the difference is not significant (P < 0.54). statistically (P < 0.05).
The numbers were equal as children were taken from school
sections and all the schools had almost equal number of Sex‑wise distribution of psychiatric diagnosis
children in each section. Table 6 shows that females have higher odds of the prevalence
of depression (odds ratio [OR] 3.52), dysthymia (OR 9.18),
Screening of students was done using strengths and somatoform disorders (OR = 3.13), and anxiety (OR 3.44)
difficulties questionnaire, and it was identified that 14.7% as compared to males. Whereas the reverse was observed
of the individuals were abnormal, 25.5% as borderline, and for hyperkinetic disorders, conduct disorder, and other
59.8% as normal [Table 2]. Individuals who scored abnormal behavioral disorders. Odds of having psychiatric disorders
or borderline were further evaluated for the diagnosis were more among female children (24.12%) as compared to
of psychiatric morbidity. The mean scores on SDQ in the male children (17.50%), OR = 1.49. Psychiatric morbidity
normal group were 10.61 in urban and 10.52 in rural; in the was higher among females as compared to males and this
borderline group, 14.33 in urban and 13.52 in rural whereas was found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05).
it was 17.68 in urban and 17.42 in rural in the abnormal
group. The difference between the scores of the three groups DISCUSSION
was significant on t‑test (P < 0.01) as shown in Table 3.
In the total sample of 960 adolescents who gave consent for
The overall rates of psychiatric disorders were higher among the participation in the study and filled the pro forma in the
rural adolescents (21.38%) as compared to urban (19.43%). first step, 11 children from urban schools and 18 students
Children from rural areas had higher odds for the overall from rural schools did not return their parent version of SDQ
rates of dysthymia, any other mood disorder, conduct, and 19 students with their parents could not be contacted
somatoform, adjustment, and other behavioral disorders for the interview and diagnosis in the second step.
whereas the reverse was true for anxiety, hyperkinetic
disorders, and depression among urban students. However, There are not many studies which have studied the
the difference between rural and urban was not found to be prevalence of psychiatric disorders among adolescents in
statistically significant, i.e., P > 0.05 [Table 4]. the community. In this study, both private and government
schools were included to represent both the upper and
Distribution of psychiatric illness according to lower socioeconomic classes in the society. There was
socioeconomic status no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the distribution of
Table 5 shows that maximum number of diagnosed children, population in different socioeconomic classes of rural and
i.e., 27 belonged to the upper lower class (5.83%) and second urban areas, and thus, our sample was representative of the
in the rank were children from upper class, i.e., 25 (5.39%) whole rural and urban society in Punjab, India.

Table 1: Number of students enrolled in the study The results of screening instrument show that on applying
Urban schools Rural schools Total P, χ2 SDQ, 14.7% of the individuals were identified as abnormal,
(Group A) (Group B)
25.5% as borderline, and 59.8% of the students had normal
n 463 449 912 scores. The mean scores on SDQ in the normal group were
Sex, n (%)
Male 260 (56.16) 254 (56.57) 514 (56.35) P>0.05 (NS)
10.61 in urban and 10.52 in rural; in borderline group, 14.33
Female 203 (43.84) 195 (43.43) 398 (43.64) 0.37 in urban and 13.52 in rural whereas it was 17.68 in urban
Total 463 (50.76) 449 (49.23) 912 (100) and 17.42 in rural in the abnormal group. The difference
NS – Not significant between the scores of the three groups was significant

Table 2: Screening of students using strengths and difficulties questionnaire

SDQ Urban private Urban government Rural private Rural government Total, n (%)
schools, n (%) schools, n (%) schools, n (%) schools, n (%)
Abnormal 34 (14.5) 28 (12.2) 38 (16.7) 34 (15.4) 134 (14.7)
Borderline 50 (21.4) 59 (25.8) 63 (27.6) 61 (27.6) 233 (25.5)
Normal 150 (64.1) 142 (62) 127 (55.7) 126 (57) 545 (59.8)
SDQ – Strengths and difficulties questionnaire

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Pahwa, et al.: Psychiatry morbidity among adolescents

Table 3: Mean scores of strengths and difficulties (P < 0.001) according to Student’s t‑test, and thus, our
questionnaire: Student’s t‑test screening instrument had good sensitivity.
SDQ scores Mean SD Mean SD SE t‑test
Urban schools The prevalence in our study ranges from 17.94 in the private
Abnormal versus borderline 17.68 2.42 14.33 1.49 0.33 10.15** school in the urban area to 22.17 in government school of
Abnormal versus normal 17.68 2.42 10.61 2.06 0.32 22.09** the rural area whereas the prevalence among government
Borderline versus normal 14.33 1.49 10.61 2.06 0.17 5.24**
schools in urban was 20.96% and private schools in the
Rural schools
rural area was found to be 20.61%. The prevalence in rural
Abnormal versus borderline 17.42 2.32 13.52 1.14 0.30 13.00**
adolescents was higher as compared to the urban ones.
Abnormal versus normal 17.42 2.32 10.52 1.97 0.31 22.26**
Borderline versus normal 13.52 1.14 10.52 1.97 0.17 17.64**
**P<0.01, P<0.001. SDQ – Strengths and difficulties questionnaire;
This was found to be similar to a study conducted by Gau
SD – Standard deviation et  al.[11] in 1995 in Taiwan in which the overall prevalence

Table 4: Psychiatric disorders in rural versus urban areas

Diagnosis Urban area, n (%) Rural area, n (%) OR (rural CI
ICD‑10 Male (n=260) Female (n=203) Total (n=463) Male (n=254) Female (n=195) Total (n=449) vs. urban)

Depression 5 (1.92) 13 (6.40) 18 (3.88) 4 (1.57) 8 (4.10) 12 (2.67) 0.62 0.29‑1.33

Dysthymia 1 (0.38) 2 (0.98) 3 (0.64) 0 5 (2.56) 5 (1.11) 1.72 0.41‑7.26
BAD 2 (0.76) 0 2 (0.43) 2 (0.78) 1 (0.51) 3 (0.67) 0.51 0.04‑5.69
Any other mood disorder 0 4 (1.97) 4 (0.86) 0 4 (2.05) 4 (0.89) 1.03 0.25‑4.15
Anxiety 6 (2.30) 11 (5.41) 17 (3.67) 4 (1.57) 11 (5.64) 15 (3.34) 0.91 0.45‑1.84
Adjustment 1 (0.38) 2 (0.98) 3 (0.64) 2 (0.78) 2 (1.02) 4 (0.89) 1.03 0.21‑5.13
Somatoform 3 (1.15) 8 (3.94) 11 (2.37) 7 (2.75) 13 (6.66) 20 (4.45) 1.81 0.85‑3.86
Hyperkinetic 11 (4.23) 3 (1.47) 14 (3.02) 9 (3.54) 3 (1.53) 12 (2.67) 0.88 0.40‑1.92
Conduct 11 (4.23) 2 (0.98) 13 (2.80) 16 (6.29) 1 (0.51) 17 (3.78) 1.36 0.65‑2.83
PDD 1 (0.38) 1 (0.49) 2 (0.43) 0 0 0 0 0 to NaN
Behavioral 2 (0.76) 1 (0.49) 3 (0.64) 3 (0.78) 1 (0.51) 4 (0.89) 1.03 0.21‑5.14
Total 43 (16.53) 47 (23.15) 90 (19.43) 47 (18.50) 49 (25.12) 96 (21.38) 1.13 0.82‑1.56
Rural versus urban χ2=0.35, df=1, P<0.55. OR – Odds ratio; CI – Confidence intervals; BAD – Bipolar affective disorder; PDD – Pervasive developmental disorder;
NAN – Not a number; ICD – The international classification of diseases

Table 5: Distribution of psychiatric illness according to socioeconomic status

SES Urban area Rural area
Normal (n=373) Abnormal (n=90) Normal (n=353) Abnormal (n=96)
Upper class, n (%) 97 (20.95) 25 (5.39) 54 (12.03) 18 (4.01)
Upper middle class, n (%) 95 (20.52) 21 (4.54) 81 (18.04) 21 (4.68)
Lower middle class, n (%) 60 (12.96) 11 (2.38) 116 (25.84) 24 (5.35)
Upper lower class, n (%) 104 (22.46) 27 (5.83) 69 (15.37) 19 (4.23)
Lower class, n (%) 17 (3.67) 6 (1.29) 34 (7.57) 14 (2.67)
χ2 11.54** (P<0.01) 5.63* (P<0.05)
**χ2 = 11.54 (P<0.01), P<0.05. SES – Socioeconomic status

Table 6: Sex‑wise distribution of psychiatric diagnosis

Diagnosis Males (n=514), n (%) Females (n=398), n (%) Total (n=912), n (%) OR (females vs. males) CI
Depression 9 (1.75) 21 (5.27) 30 (3.28) 3.52 1.54‑8.04
Dysthymia 1 (0.19) 7 (1.75) 8 (0.87) 9.18 1.12‑7.95
BAD 4 (0.77) 2 (0.50) 6 (0.66) 0.64 0.12‑3.54
Any other mood disorder 0 8 (2.01) 8 (0.87) ‑ ‑
Anxiety 10 (1.94) 22 (5.52) 32 (3.50) 3.44 1.57‑7.52
Adjustment 3 (0.58) 4 (1.005) 7 (0.76) 1.72 0.47‑14.26
Somatoform disorders 10 (1.94) 21 (5.27) 31 (3.39) 3.13 1.41‑6.90
Hyperkinetic disorders 20 (3.8) 6 (1.50) 26 (2.85) 0.37 0.15‑0.95
Conduct 27 (5.25) 2 (0.50) 29 (3.17) 0.13 0.04‑0.46
PDD 1 (0.19) 1 (0.25) 2 (0.21) 1.29 0.08‑20.72
Behavioral 5 (0.97) 2 (0.50) 7 (0.76) 0.64 0.12‑3.53
Males versus females χ2=3.96, df=1, *P=0.04. OR – Odds ratio; CI – Confidence intervals; BAD – Bipolar affective disorder; PDD – Pervasive developmental
disorder; NAN – Not a number; ICD – The international classification of diseases

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Pahwa, et al.: Psychiatry morbidity among adolescents

of psychiatric disorders was found to be 20.3% which 95% CI 1.4–4.3, P = 0.002), and specific phobia (OR 1.5, 95%
over 3 years decreased to 14.8% in the 3rd year among CI 1.0–2.4, P = 0.047).
adolescents. The overall rates of mental disorders were
generally higher in rural than in urban youths. However, it was in contrast to the other studies[11,12,20]
where males had higher psychiatric morbidity as compared
Our results also coincided with the study conducted by to girls. Anita et  al.[12] reported prevalence among males
Anita et al.[12] in 2001 in Rohtak in which overall prevalence as 18.37% and females as 14.44%. In an another study by
for psychiatric disorders among 6–14 year olds, according Roberts et al.,[13] male adolescents had higher odds of
to ICD‑10, was 17.5% in urban and 16.5% in rural areas of having psychiatric morbidity as compared to females (OR
Rohtak. 1.15, CI 0.96–1.37). However, in contrast to all other
studies, there was no gender difference seen in the study
Robert et al.[13] in 2000 found the prevalence of psychiatric by Srinath et al.[14]
morbidity to be 17.1% in USA, and also, a comprehensive
review of studies from other countries by Robert et  al.[14] This difference was most probably due to inclusion of
concluded that prevalence rates from studies using earlier substance use disorders in all other studies which is mostly
versions of the DISC and DSM criteria were in the 18%–20% seen in male gender, and in our study, substance use
range. However, Srinath et al.[15] in 2000, Bengaluru reported disorder was not included, thus giving higher prevalence
the prevalence rates among the 4–16 years group to be 12% rate among females.
overall, which was lower compared with our findings and
from other community‑based studies in Western countries.
The prevalence rate of psychiatric morbidity ranging from
The urban slum areas had the lowest total prevalence rates
17.94% to 22.17% for the entire sample (11–16 years)
whereas urban middle class reported the highest prevalence
validates the conclusion that prevalence rates among
adolescents are increasing over time. Furthermore, as the
prevalence is higher in the rural area, one might speculate
Furthermore, the overall prevalence of psychiatric disorders
that low awareness of the importance of psychiatric
is higher among adolescents in the rural area (21.38%) as
disorders, poor living conditions, and the presence of
compared to the urban area (19.43%). This was similar to
multiple stressors could have combined to increase the
findings in other studies where the rural area has been
magnitude of adolescent’s problems.
reported to have comparatively higher rates of psychiatric
morbidity as compared to urban areas.[16-20]
Compared to their urban counterparts, rural adolescents had There are a few limitations pertaining to this study. The
significantly higher rates of somatoform disorders (4.45%), results should be interpreted in the context of these
conduct disorder (3.78%), dysthymia (1.11%), and other mood limitations.
disorders (0.89%) whereas higher rates of depression (3.88%), 1. The limited sample size of the study was due to
anxiety (3.67%), and hyperkinetic disorders (3.02%) were time‑limited nature of the study. Thus, there is a need
found in urban counterparts. for a larger sample size to accurately assess prevalence
2. The study had cross‑sectional research design and thus
Our findings of higher rates of conduct disorder in rural areas sample was not followed up
and anxiety disorders in urban areas, although contrary 3. Comorbid diagnosis was not made at present and
to that in the study by Robert et al.,[20] and Srinath et al.[14] as there is evidence to suggest that single disorders
where both anxiety and conduct disorders were more in the often progress to complex comorbid disorders that
urban area (0.5%) each and were in accordance with those are impervious to treatment and more likely to
from other studies.[11,12] Anita et  al.[8] found similar results recur than less complex conditions. Therefore, our
of increased anxiety (4%) in urban and increased conduct individuals need to be reassessed at a later period
disorder (4.75%) among rural students. Gau et  al.[11] also for a meaningful understanding of the impact of the
reported higher prevalence of disruptive behavior disorders present labeling
among adolescents from rural area as compared to 4. All the variables were assessed cross‑sectionally; hence,
urban (OR 1.5) and lower odds of anxiety among rural area. answers to cause‑effect relationship between variables
cannot be given. Longitudinal studies should be
The overall prevalence among boys was 17.50%, and among carried out to look for correlations between changes in
girls, it was 24.12%. It was higher among girls which was impact (variables) with changes in severity of illness
found to be similar to the study conducted by Jaju et al.[21] 5. Furthermore, it is possible that the present survey may
in Oman which reported that female gender was a strong have omitted those who had dropped out from school
predictor of lifetime risk of major depressive disorder (OR as a result of mental ailments and also those who were
3.3, 95% CI 1.7–6.3, P = 0.000), any mood disorder (OR 2.5, nonschool going for other reasons.

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Pahwa, et al.: Psychiatry morbidity among adolescents

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