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Second edition

This edition first published in Australia in 2004

© Megan Tranter 2004

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Cataloguing-in-Publication entry:

Tranter, Megan.
Occupational hygiene and risk management.

Includes index.
ISBN 1 74114 329 2.

1. Industrial hygiene. 2. Risk management. I. Title.


Index: Russell Brooks

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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Chapter 1 Fundamentals of occupational

hygiene and risk management 1

Occupational hygiene 1
Risk management 2
Risk perception 3
States of matter 4
Toxicology 8
Routes of entry 9
Distribution, metabolism and excretion 10
Dose 11
Carcinogenicity 13
Chronic versus acute exposure 15
National exposure standards 16
Sampling and measurement 18
Types of national exposure standards 18
Units of measurement 20
Biological exposure indices 24
Epidemiology 25
Risk factors 27
Summary 28
Bibliography and further reading 29

Chapter 2 Working out the human body 31

Our bodily systems 31

Cardiovascular system 33
Digestive system 34
Endocrine system 36
Immune system 37
vi ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Integumentary system 39
Lymphatic system 41
Muscular system 42
Nervous system 44
Reproductive system 46
Respiratory system 49
Skeletal system 51
Urinary system 52
Anatomical positions 54
Summary 56
Bibliography and further reading 56

Chapter 3 Hazard identification 57

Inspections 57
Occupational hygiene auditing 60
Using information or specialist advice 62
Reviewing records — material safety data sheets 63
Reviewing records — labelling 65
Summary 65
Bibliography and further reading 65

Chapter 4 Dusts and particulate 67

Dust exposure in industry — a historical review 67

Definitions 68
Dusts 68
Size distributions of dusts 71
Respirable dust monitoring 75
Inspirable dust monitoring 79
Total dust monitoring 80
Particle size and dust characterisation monitoring 80
Direct-reading monitoring equipment 81
Dusts of occupational hygiene significance 81
Fibres 88
Summary 97
Bibliography and further reading 97
Contents ■ vii

Chapter 5 Metals 99

The toxicity of metals 99

Nature of contaminant and routes of entry 100
Specific metals and their risks 101
Summary 119
Bibliography and further reading 119

Chapter 6 Chemical contaminants 121

The nature of gases and vapours 121

Physiological effects of exposure to gases 125
Simple asphyxiants 125
Determining oxygen displacement from simple asphyxiants 130
Chemical asphyxiants 130
Irritant gases 135
Solvents 140
Other chemical contaminants of occupational hygiene significance 145
Confined spaces 148
Occupational hygiene monitoring techniques 149
Direct monitoring 150
Sample collection and analysis 154
Biological monitoring 158
Summary 159
Bibliography and further reading 159

Chapter 7 Noise and vibration 161

The physics of sound 162

Characteristics of soundwaves 163
Characteristics of sound 164
Emission and immission 165
The logarithmic response to sound 165
How the ear hears 166
Effects of exposure to noise 168
Sound pressure levels, weightings and noise dose 170
Measuring noise 174
Conducting a noise survey 178
viii ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Occupational noise management 180

Controlling noise transmission 185
Audiometric testing 188
Hearing protection devices 190
Selecting hearing protection devices 191
Vibration 194
Health effects of exposure to vibration 195
Measuring vibration 195
Controlling vibration exposure 198
Summary 200
Bibliography and further reading 200

Chapter 8 Heat and cold 203

Thermoregulation: Maintaining the body’s equilibrium 203

The effects of exposure to excessive heat 204
Physiological monitoring of exposure to heat 206
The effect of metabolic work rate 208
Environmental monitoring of exposure to heat 208
Heat stress indices 212
Controls for heat 218
Exposure to cold and moderately cold environments 220
Summary 222
Bibliography and further reading 222

Chapter 9 Radiation and pressure 225

Ionising radiation 225

Instrumentation 230
Non-ionising radiation 232
Controls for radiation 239
Pressure 239
Summary 240
Bibliography and further reading 240
Contents ■ ix

Chapter 10 Biological hazards 243

Human and microbial interaction 243

Categories of biological agents 246
Bacterial zoonoses 248
Chlamydioses and rickettsioses 250
Viruses 251
Parasitic disease 251
Fungi 252
Humans as reservoirs 252
Indoor air quality 254
Organic dusts 258
High-risk industries 259
Monitoring techniques and counting 259
Controls for biological hazards 262
Summary 266
Bibliography and further reading 266

Chapter 11 Ergonomics 267

Some definitions of ergonomics 267

Muscular work 268
Biomechanics 270
Manual materials handling 272
Anthropometry 274
Stress 276
Shift work and working hours 277
Lighting 278
Summary 283
Bibliography and further reading 283

Chapter 12 Risk analysis 285

Risk and hazard 285

Danger and safety 286
Definition of risk analysis 286
Conducting a risk assessment 292
Risk perception 292
x ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Bias and risk perception 293

Risk communication 294
Summary 295
Bibliography and further reading 295

Chapter 13 Control 297

The aims of control 297

Taking a methodical approach to control 298
Methods of control 299
Hierarchy of control 300
Ventilation 305
Dilution ventilation 305
Local exhaust ventilation 311
Personal protective equipment 318
Summary 326
Bibliography and further reading 326

Chapter 14 Using a systematic approach to risk management 329

Managing and management 329

Theories of management 329
Reasons for managing occupational hygiene risks 330
Managing and motivating people 333
Management systems 335
Summary 339
Bibliography and further reading 340

Index 341

AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy

AC asbestos-cement
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
ADG Code Australian Dangerous Goods Code
AED aerodynamic equivalent diameter
AES atomic emission spectroscopy
AET allowable exposure time
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable
AVM anti-vibration mountings
BCIRA British Cast Iron Research Association
BEI biological exposure index
BMRC British Medical Research Council
CCA chromated copper arsenate
CET corrected effective temperature
CFC chlorinated fluorocarbon
CNS central nervous system
CTD cumulative trauma disorder
CTS carpal tunnel syndrome
DB dry bulb
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DND daily noise dose
DS dispersion staining
ECT equivalent chill temperature
EMR electromagnetic radiation
ET effective temperature
ETS environmental tobacco smoke
FAM fibrous aerosol monitor
GC gas chromatograph
GT globe temperature
HEPA high efficiency particulate
HMDI hexamethylene diisocyanate
HSE Health and Safety Executive [UK]
HSI heat stress index
HVAC heating, ventilation and airconditioning
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
xii ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

ICP inductively coupled plasma

IL intensity level
IR infrared
ISO International Standards Organisation
LC lethal concentration
LD lethal dose
LEL lower explosive limit
LEV local exhaust ventilation
LI lifting index
LSC lumbosacral compressive forces
MCE mixed cellulose ester
MDF medium density fibreboard
MDI methylene bisphenyl isocyanate
MMH manual materials handling
MMMF man-made mineral fibres
MMVF man-made vitreous fibres
MS mass spectroscopy
MSDS material safety data sheet
NATA National Association of Testing Authorities
NES national exposure standards
NH&MRC National Health and Medical Research Council
NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health [US]
NOHSC National Occupational Health and Safety Commission
NTP normal temperature and pressure
NWB natural wet bulb
OEL occupational exposure limits [UK]
OHSMS occupational health and safety management system
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Authority [US]
P4SR predicted 4-hour sweat rate
PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
PAPR powered air-purifying respirator
PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
PEL permissible exposure limits
PLM polarising light microscopy
PMF progressive massive fibrosis
PND partial noise dose
PNS peripheral nervous system
PPE personal protective equipment
PSEM personal sound exposure meter
PTBP p-tert-butylphenol
PTS permanent threshold shift
PVC polyvinyl chloride
RAM real-time aerosol monitor
RBC red blood cell
RCF refractory ceramic fibre
REL recommended exposure limit
List of abbreviations ■ xiii

RF radio frequency
RH relative humidity
RIS regulatory impact statement
RMPF required minimum protection factor
RPE respiratory protection equipment
RSI repetitive strain injury
RT radiant temperature
RULA rapid upper limb assessment
RWL recommended weight limit
SBS sick building syndrome
SI International System of Units
Simpeds Safety in Mines Research Establishment
SLM sound level meter
SMF synthetic mineral fibre
SMR standard mortality rate
SOP standard operating procedure
SPL sound pressure level
STEL short-term exposure limit
STP standard temperature and pressure
SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
TDI toluene 2,4 diisocyanate
TLD thermoluminescent dosimeter
TTS temporary threshold shift
TWA time-weighted average
UV ultraviolet
VIRA video recording analysis
VOC volatile organic compound
WB wet bulb
WBGT wet bulb globe temperature
WRULD work-related upper limb disorder
XRD X-ray diffractometry
Chapter 1

Fundamentals of occupational
hygiene and risk management

As awareness of the importance of minimising OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE

occupational health and safety risk continues to
grow amongst Australian employers, so too For a long time, we have known that work can
does the science of occupational hygiene. affect our health. In 1775 Percivall Pott, a
Occupational hygiene hazards such as dusts, surgeon at St Bartholemew’s Hospital, de-
noise, chemicals, vibration, radiation, ergo- scribed the occurrence of scrotal cancer in
nomics, light, pressure and biological agents chimney sweeps. It was only later that poly-
require an especially diligent approach to cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were identi-
ensure they are not only identified, but the level fied as the cause. Manufacturing of matches
of risk assessed and appropriate controls put in with phosphorous was linked to necrosis of the
place for the long-term health of workers. jaw, felting of animal fur with organic mercury
Unfortunately, history shows situations where caused neurological changes, use of vinyl
occupational hygiene risks have not been well chloride monomer in the manufacture of
managed: for instance, exposure to crocidolite polyvinyl chloride (PVC) caused liver cancer, and
(blue) asbestos during mining operations in benzene from the petroleum refining industry
Western Australia resulting in death from was linked with leukaemia. Studies into the
mesothelioma, a highly aggressive cancer of the effects of electromagnetic radiation from
lung pleura, is not expected to peak for another wireless technologies such as mobile tele-
two decades. What about the effects of phones continue to draw mixed conclusions.
stonemasons’ exposure to crystalline silica, Occupational hygiene is aimed at reducing
excessive noise at concerts, vibration in heavy the probability that workers’ health will be
vehicles or exposure to mercury from broken affected by work. The term ‘health’ is very
thermometers in hospitals or formaldehyde in broad. It not only considers physical health but
newly refurbished office buildings? also our psychological and emotional well-
This chapter will define the term occu- being. For instance, exposure to nickel may
pational hygiene, the principles of risk cause dermatitis of the skin, which by itself is
management and the difference between hazard not life threatening. However, a noticeable rash
and risk. It will also provide an introduction to may lead to a sense of isolation from the
toxicology, the concept of dose, exposure and community and cause psychological scarring as
epidemiology. Occupational exposure standards the worker attempts to escape ridicule or
and biological exposure indices will be explained misunderstanding about their condition.
and their uses shown with some practical Occupational hygiene can be thought of as the
examples. identification, evaluation and control of agents
2 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Case study 1: Identification, evaluation and control

Several workers in a restaurant have reported headaches and feeling drowsy when
they serve customers through a driveway window. The serving window is closed
when customers have been served and they have driven away. The building is
The occupational hygiene hazard was identified as the gas carbon monoxide
(CO), a chemical asphyxiant which is released from motor vehicles. The exposure
was evaluated and the ventilation adjusted to reduce exposure.

that can harm a worker’s health. These agents Following these principles is crucial to the
can exist in a number of forms: biological, occupational hygiene process. Incorrect
chemical, ergonomic, physical. Physical hazards identification of the nature or type of occu-
can include light, noise, pressure, radiation and pational hygiene hazards will result in time and
vibration. Chemical hazards may be in the form resources being spent investigating aspects
of aerosols, dusts, fibres, fume, gas, mists, that may not in fact require it. Equally, if the
smoke or vapours. Bacteria, fungi, protozoan agent is not evaluated against valid criteria, the
and viruses are examples of biological agents. potential outcome will not be recognised and
Shift work, manual handling and occupational controls may not be sufficient to protect the
stress are considered to be ergonomic hazards. worker. More details about hazard identifi-
cation techniques are discused in Chapter 3.
Strategies for managing risk are included in

Effective identification, evaluation and control Hazard and Risk

can manage occupational hygiene hazards.
These are also known as the principles of risk The terms hazard and risk are often used
management. Identification or recognition of the synonymously, although their meanings are
agent requires knowledge of the workplace and quite separate. Hazard is defined in
its processes, materials, by-products and out- AS/NZS4360: 1999 as a source or situation with
puts. Some practical methods that might assist potential for harm in terms of human injury or
in correct identification include conducting a ill health, damage to property, environment, or
walk-through survey of the conditions of the a combination of these. In other words, hazard
workplace, review of information such as labels relates to a possibility. Risk, on the other hand,
or material safety data sheets and discussion is the likelihood or probability that the hazard
with workers. The evaluation stage will consider will cause damage or harm. The degree or the
the probability that exposure will cause harm magnitude of the risk is determined by the
and the magnitude of this effect. This is also duration of exposure, most likely outcome
known as assessment or risk assessment. Im- from exposure and the frequency of exposure.
plementation of controls may depend upon the For instance, a bath containing hydro-
nature of the agent, cost, feasibility and the chloric acid (used for etching metal) may be
results of the evaluation. Once steps have been hazardous but only presents a risk to workers
taken to control exposure, the effectiveness of if they are working nearby and could be
such interventions should be reviewed. exposed to the acid and sustain an injury.
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 3

Asbestos fibres, which are firmly embedded in the frequency of exposure may be judged as
a matrix such as asbestos-cement sheeting ‘rare’ or ‘occasional’. The duration of exposure
(found on roofs from the 1950s), can be may range from ‘constant’ to ‘less than once
hazardous. However, a risk will only exist if the each day’. Severity of outcome can be
fibres are released from the matrix, become measured by magnitude, such as ‘death’ or
airborne and are inhaled. This may occur if the ‘minor injuries’.
roof is cleaned using a high-pressure water Risk management as a profession in-
spray or if the roof is broken. corporates many sources of loss. In order for
an organisation to manage the potential
Hazard = potential that an event losses, a philosophy of recognition, evaluation
sequence will cause and control is promoted. However, depending
damage or harm upon a person’s experiences and beliefs, they
Risk = likelihood that an event may approach the task in different ways. This
sequence will cause could be due to their perception of risk.
damage or harm. The
combination of
frequency, duration and RISK PERCEPTION
severity of exposure.
The final decision about the level of risk in the
The concept of risk assessment lies core to workplace will vary depending upon percep-
Australia’s occupational health and safety tions. Risk perception is an individual’s inter-
legislative framework. This extends to occu- pretation of the level of risk associated with an
pational hygiene hazards with some States pre- event and their tolerance to this risk. Risk
scribing the conduct of mandatory risk assess- perception will be discussed further in Chapter
ments for specific hazards such as manual 14 and it is influenced by factors such as:
handling and chemicals. While risk per se can be
assessed using a number of methods, it is im- • self-control over the risk versus
portant to identify the assumptions and imposed risk
limitations that go with the process. Quan- • natural versus human-made risk
titative risk assessments of occupational hygiene • familiarity with the risk
hazards generally involve measuring exposure • understanding of the effects of
and comparison against a scientifically validated exposure to the risk
benchmark. Consideration is made of the nature • financial or other gain to be made
of the hazard, the cycle or pattern of exposure from exposure to the risk
and knowledge about the acute and chronic • cultural norms, beliefs and values
health effects of the agent. Due to the complex • society’s acceptance of risks.
issues associated with interpretation of data,
these types of risk assessments are best Some industries such as underground
performed by qualified and experienced occu- coalmining traditionally provided workers with
pational hygienists. Misinterpretation of ex- a financial incentive to work in particularly
posure results is a serious issue with both legal high-risk places. Extra payment was given for
ramifications for an employer managing risk and working in noisy or dusty environments. Even
potentially compromising workers’ health. today, with ever-improving standards of health
Qualitative risk assessment is made by and safety at work, it is clear that a worker’s
evaluating the three components of risk and perception of risk can be influenced by the
the most likely event sequence. For instance, factors identified above. Risks may be
4 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Case study 2: Risk perception

A worker at a construction site is conscious of the high levels of noise at the

workplace. He stringently observes signage requiring that hearing protection
devices be worn in designated areas and coaches other people that visit the site
without wearing earplugs. At the end of a busy week, he unwinds at his local club.
After leaving the club he notices that his hearing feels a little ‘dull’ and experiences
a buzzing sound in his ears that lasts for several hours. While he acknowledges that
the noise levels at the club may be high, he is willing to accept the exposure as it
is his choice and he believes that loud music is the norm at a club.

tolerated because of the perceived advantages. substance. The macroscopic description of

While the risk is not unacceptable, a com- matter gives us a more practical application and
promise may be reached where the positive allows us to look at the effect of the substance’s
aspects are accepted as outweighing the pressure, temperature and volume.
negatives. Atoms are the smallest form of matter, and
contain protons, neutrons and electrons. When
a number of atoms combine together, a
molecule is formed. For instance, 1 atom of
sodium (Na ) could combine with 1 atom of

chlorine (Cl ) to form 1 molecule of salt (NaCl).

These atoms combine by exerting attractive

Not tolerable forces on each other. However, if the molecules
move too close, the force becomes repulsive as
the outer electrons electrically repulse each
other. Thus the atoms must maintain a
minimum distance from each other to maintain
Risk the molecules in a more or less fixed position
— a crystal lattice.
Figure 1.1 Risk tolerance In a solid, the atoms or molecules are
nearly locked into a position with little
movement, vibrating around this position. In a
STATES OF MATTER liquid, the forces between the atoms or
In the workplace, hazards can exist in a number molecules are weaker, allowing them to move
of forms. It is also important to note that a more rapidly and roll over each other. With a
substance’s state of matter can change during a gas, the atoms or molecules move so freely and
process or naturally. States of matter refers to collide into one another that the force of
the physical and chemical composition and attraction is not strong enough to keep them
arrangement of atoms (the building blocks of all close together, and they fill any space and
objects). It can be described in terms of a move in all directions.
microscopic or macroscopic aspect. A Atoms and molecules also have an atomic
microscopic outline refers to the motion of all or molecular mass, respectively. This refers to
the atoms of molecules making up the the relative mass of the atoms and molecules,
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 5

compared with an ordinary carbon atom ( C),

Example 1.1
which is given a value of exactly 12.000 atomic What is the molecular mass of
mass units (u). The atomic mass of atoms can 1 molecule of zinc oxide?
be found in the periodic table of elements. The Answer:
periodic table is shown at the front of this One molecule of zinc oxide consists of
book. Some examples of atomic masses are 1 zinc (Zn) atom and one oxygen (O)
shown in Table 1.1. atom, forming ZnO. The atomic mass of
zinc is 65.38 u and the atomic mass of
oxygen is 16.00 u. The molecular mass
Table 1.1 Examples of atomic masses of 1 molecule of zinc oxide is therefore
Atomic 65.38 + 16.00, or 81.38 u.
number Element Atomic mass (u)
The three main states of matter are:
1 Hydrogen 1.0080
2 Helium 4.0026 • solid
3 Lithium 6.94 • gas
4 Beryllium 9.0122 • liquid.
5 Boron 10.81
6 Carbon 12.011 Temperature, pressure and volume can also
7 Nitrogen 14.0067 change the properties of matter. For instance,
8 Oxygen 15.9994 a steel beam is longer when heated, concrete
9 Fluorine 18.9984 expands and contracts according to
temperature, and water can change from solid
to liquid as temperature increases.
The molecular mass is determined by From an occupational hygiene perspective,
adding individual atomic masses. For instance, the main categories of substances that we deal
water (H2O) consists of 2 hydrogen atoms and with are:
1 oxygen atom. The atomic mass of hydrogen
is about 1.0080 u and the atomic mass of • dusts
oxygen is 16.00 u. The molecular mass of 1 • fumes
molecule of water is about 18.016 u. • smoke
Another important characteristic of atoms • aerosols
is their constant movement, the so-called • mists
Brownian movement. This can be best • gases
explained as the random movement of tiny • vapours.
particles within a medium, such as water or air,
even though the medium itself appears not to Dusts
be moving. Since all atoms are constantly
vibrating and in constant motion, the rapidly Dusts or particulate are solid matter, whose
moving molecules of the media jostle the tiny chemical composition and size vary. A solid can
particles and cause this movement. This con- be a pure substance such as gold or it can be a
cept is particularly important when investigat- compound such as lead oxide (PbO) or a
ing the movement and deposition of tiny dust combination of molecules. Solids maintain a
particles (respirable dust) in the human lung, fixed shape and fixed size, even when a large
and is discussed in Chapter 2. force is applied to the solid.
6 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Some examples of dusts include: Aerosols

• wood dust Aerosols and mists refer to liquid droplets
• pesticide and herbicide dust that are suspended in the air. A simplified
• alkali dust (e.g. potassium example of mist is fog. Fog occurs where warm
permanganate, (KMnO4), used in water and cold air meet and where the warm moist air
treatment plants) blows over a cold surface. This causes
• crystalline silica (SiO2) from sandstone condensation of dissolved water in air to form.
or granite and often found in coal Some examples of aerosols and mists found in
seams. the workplace include mists from the use of
acid-filled vessels for cleaning metals before
Fume is also solid matter but the matter is being electroplated and mists from pressure-
heated and is finely divided. Fume is often pack cleaning aids.
visible to the naked eye and is typically
generated from heating metal (Figure 1.2).
Gases consist of a loose matrix of atoms or
Smoke is a complex mixture of particulate, molecules that move randomly within a space.
vapour and gas. The particulate arises from Some examples of gases include:
combustion of solid material and gases such
• oxygen (O2)
• carbon monoxide (CO)
• nitrogen (N2)
• oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
• methane (CH4)
• carbon dioxide (CO2).
• helium (He).
The composition of the smoke mixture is
constantly changing between the particulate, Since the atoms or molecules move and collide
vapour and gaseous form. in a space, they can be affected by
temperature, pressure and volume. This is
especially important
when assessing the
effect of gases entering
confined spaces or the
impact of an increase in
temperature within a
workplace. It has been
found that a particular
volume of a gas is
inversely proportional
to the pressure applied,
where the temperature
remains constant. This
relationship is known as
Boyle’s Law and is
shown in Equation 1.1.

Figure 1.2 Zinc oxide (Zn0) fume from welding galvanised steel
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 7

Equation 1.1 (Equation 1.3) the pressure of gas is directly

proportional to the absolute temperature,
V = 1/P (constant T) where the gas is at a constant volume.

Therefore, if the pressure on a gas is doubled,

Equation 1.3
its volume is reduced to half the original
volume. Temperature will also affect the
P ∝ T (constant V)
volume of a gas. Jacques Charles (1746–1823)
described the quantitative relationship
An example of this law in application is a closed
between volume (V) and temperature (T) more
tin of highly volatile hazardous substance which
than a hundred years after Robert Boyle’s
may explode when left in the sun due to an
discovery. Charles identified that the volume of
increase in the gas pressure inside.
a gas increases at an almost constant rate,
The relationship between these variables is
when the pressure is not high and is kept
described as the ideal gas law and is shown as
constant, as the temperature increases.
Equation 1.4. This relationship shows that the
However, all gases liquefy at low
combination of pressure (P) and volume (V) is
temperatures. This means that the relationship
proportional to temperature (T) and the
between temperature and pressure only exists
number of moles of gas (n), given a constant of
to the lowest temperature that gas can exist at.
proportionality (R). R is known as the universal
This value has been measured as –273.15°C, –1 –1
gas constant (8.315 J.mol .K ) and is constant
and is known as the absolute zero of
for all gases. A mole (mol) is the amount of a
temperature. Absolute zero forms the basis of
substance that contains as many atoms or
the Kelvin (K) scale, which specifies
molecules as there are in 0.0012 kg of carbon-
temperature as degrees Kelvin (K). To convert
12 (u = 12). In other words, 1 mole is the
between degrees Kelvin and degrees Celsius, it
number of grams that are numerically equal to
is simply a matter of adding 273 to the Celsius
the molecular mass of the substance. For
value. In other words, 273 K is equal to 0°C.
instance, 1 mol nitrogen (N2) has a mass of
Therefore, if the temperature of an ideal
0.028 kg.
gas is increased, the pressure and volume will
also increase (Equation 1.2).
Equation 1.4

Equation 1.2 PV = nRT

Where: –2
T ∝ V (constant P) P is pressure (N.m3
V is volume (m )
Imagine a balloon filled with air and then left T is temperature (K)
to sit in a car during a hot day. What happens? n is number of moles (mol) of gas
The balloon walls will stretch as the pressure R is universal–1 gas–1
caused by the increasing temperature rises. (8.315 J.mol .K )
This then results in increasing volume and
eventually the balloon walls will stretch no One final point relates to the terms standard
further and it explodes. temperature and pressure (STP) and normal
Another law of gas shows the relationship temperature and pressure (NTP). Most
between pressure and temperature, and is references define STP as standard conditions,
known as Gay-Lussac’s law. In this law which means a temperature of 273 K (0°C) and
8 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

pressure of 1 atmosphere (101 325 N.m ). NTP Example 1.2
refers to a temperature of 298 K (25°C) and
pressure of 1 atmosphere. 1.0 mol nitrogen (N2) is being held at
STP. What is its volume, if it behaves as
an ideal gas?
V = nRT/P –1 –1
Vapours V = (1.0 mol).(8.315 J.mol–2 .K )
(273 K)/101–3
Vapours can best be explained as molecules or V = 22.4 x 10 m
atoms that escape from the surface of a liquid. Since there are 1000
litres (L) in
As liquid, molecules are attracted to one 1 cubic metre (m ), 1 mol nitrogen (or
another by strong forces. However, the any gas) has a volume of
molecules in the upper section of the liquid 22.4 L at STP.
may leave the liquid for a short time.
Usually, the attractive forces of the other
molecules will draw the vagrant molecule back TOXICOLOGY
to the liquid surface, but if the molecule has
enough energy it will escape the liquid and The word toxicology is derived from the terms
remain in the gas phase. toxic, meaning ‘a poison’ and ology, meaning
Workplace examples of vapours include ‘the study of ’. In studying poisons, we are
water vapour and the evaporation of solvents. concerned with the adverse effects that they
As more molecules leave the liquid surface, the can exhibit on living cells and the human body.
volume of liquid decreases and the In fundamental terms, all substances are
concentration of vapour increases. When the potentially poisonous or toxic.
number of molecules leaving the liquid is equal It was Paracelsus (1493–1541) who first
to the number returning to the liquid (i.e. it is documented this, noting that it was the dose
at equilibrium), the area is said to be saturated. that determined the toxicity of a substance.
The pressure of the vapour when it is saturated
is called the saturated vapour pressure (vapour All substances are poisons; there is
pressure). The International System of Units none which is not a poison. The right
(SI) unit for measuring saturated vapour
dose differentiates a poison and a
pressure is the Pascal (N.m ). The saturated remedy.
vapour pressure of a liquid increases with
temperature. This is especially important from When we are attempting to manage the risk
an occupational hygiene perspective as liquids associated with occupational hygiene hazards,
are often heated to increase the speed of a it is very important that the mechanism of the
process or improve its efficiency. For instance, effect is known, as well as the probability that
a chemist may dissolve a sample in warmed it will occur. This begins by identifying where
sulphuric acid (H2SO4) for a faster result. If the the substance or agent enters the body. The
saturated vapour pressure of the liquid is movement and metabolism of the substance
raised enough to equal the external pressure, through the body must also be known to
tiny bubbles form in the liquid. In other words, determine the most likely response. Our aim is
the liquid is changing from a liquid state to the to reduce exposure to a level that is as low as
gaseous state, or boiling has begun. reasonably achievable (ALARA).
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 9

ROUTES OF ENTRY substance may be a gas, vapour, dust, mist,

fume or aerosol. At rest, a healthy person will
A substance will only cause an effect if it comes breathe about 6 L of air each minute. Work
into contact with the human body. The main requiring a high metabolic energy expenditure
ways this can occur are through: such as shovelling, pushing a wheelbarrow or
lifting objects may increase the flow up to
• inhalation of the substance 150 L per minute. Even wearing respiratory
• absorption through the skin protection such as air purifying respirators will
• absorption through mucous increase the depth of breathing as air must be
membranes drawn through the filtering material.
• ingestion through the
gastrointestinal tract.
These are called the routes of entry (Figure
1.3). Absorption is the second most frequent route
of entry of substances into the body. The skin
protects against external factors such as the
sun, heat, cold, bacteria and chemicals;
however, some of the following chemicals can
Inhalation penetrate the skin:

• fat- or lipid-soluble substances

• oleoresins of some poisonous plants,
such as poison ivy
• organic solvents, such as acetone,
toluene and benzene
• salts of heavy metals, for instance,

Acids and alkalis may burn the skin. Sensitising

agents such as isocyanates found in poly-
urethane manufacture and some paints can
cause a reddening or irritation to the skin.
Non-ionising radiation such as ultraviolet (UV)
radiation from high-energy lamps and infrared
radiation from the sun can burn the skin. Sharp
objects and needles can penetrate the physical
Figure 1.3 Three routes of entry barrier of the skin and inject substances
directly into the body. Broken or damaged skin
provides an easy passage for substances to
enter the body.
Absorption of substances may also occur
Inhalation through the mucous membranes of the nose,
throat and eyes. This is particularly true for
Inhalation of a substance is the most common water-soluble gases such as formaldehyde
way for it to enter the body. This airborne used in histology laboratories (as formalin) for
10 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

fixing specimens and as a glue or resin We have already discussed the three major
component. routes of entry — inhalation, absorption and
ingestion. Inhalation is the most significant
Ingestion mechanism for uptake of gases, vapours, mists,
fume and dust. Substances that are fat- or
Ingestion is the least common route of entry water-soluble can be easily absorbed through
and can occur by substandard personal the skin and ingestion is generally not a major
hygiene or by eating/drinking an unknown route of entry.
substance. Failing to wash hands, eating or Once a substance has entered the body, it
smoking after handling a substance can leave a can show an effect in a number of ways. The
residue on the hands that can then be effect may be localised where the damage or ill
accidentally ingested. health occurs at the site of initial contact. For
Another more insidious form of ingestion instance, exposure to sulphuric acid can burn
occurs because of the normal clearance the skin and exposure to hexavalent chromium
mechanism of the lungs. The lining of the (CrVI) salts can cause dermatitis and skin
trachea is constructed from finger-like ulcers.
projections called cilia, which are covered in a Another substance, however, may cause a
mucous membrane. The mucous collects systemic effect where other organs or systems
foreign particles before they enter the lungs. of the body are affected. Many substances are
As the contaminants are moved along the distributed via the bloodstream. The ability of
mucociliary escalator for elimination, they are a substance to move throughout the body is
swallowed and removed through the digestive influenced by its chemical/physical properties
system. This is one reason why asbestos and its ability to cross membrane barriers.
workers have a higher than normal incidence Cells in the human body are surrounded by a
of stomach cancer. membrane consisting of two protein layers
with a lipid (fat) layer in between. There are
also small pores with a diameter of 2–4
DISTRIBUTION, angstroms (Å) traversing the membrane. (An
angstrom is 10 metres.)
EXCRETION This means that there are three ways a
substance can cross a membrane:
When substances enter the body, they are
distributed and are subject to a number of • If a substance is lipid-soluble, it can
biochemical reactions. These chemical reactions simply diffuse through the
are known collectively as ‘metabolism’. membrane. A substance that is small
Metabolism can be anabolic or catabolic. enough can pass through the pores.
Anabolic (synthetic) metabolic processes form This is called passive diffusion.
larger molecules or structures from smaller • A substance may bind with a
ones. Catabolism is a degradative process where specialised carrier molecule to carry
complex structures are broken down into simple the substance through the lipid
ones. During these processes, the substances layer. This is known as facilitated
can be transformed and an entirely different diffusion.
substance may be excreted from the body. • The substance can be actively
The usual course of a substance is as transported against a concentration
follows: uptake–distribution–metabolism– gradient. This requires energy input,
excretion. and is known as active transport.
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 11

In general, molecules that are fat-soluble can benzene (C6H6), a toxic aromatic hydrocarbon,
cross membranes quicker and easier than is used as an industrial solvent. In the body, the
those that are water-soluble. Once a substance liver oxidises it to phenol which then combines
enters a compartment of the body, it can exert with glutathione to form non-toxic
an effect in that location or even move to other mercapturic acid metabolites. In contrast,
areas of the body. The main organs that are methanol is biotransformed to formaldehyde,
susceptible to storage of chemicals include: a carcinogen.
Within the cells there are several ways that
• fatty tissues substances are metabolised and biotrans-
• nerve cells formed. The most significant mechanism uses
• bone and bone marrow enzymes (chiefly in the liver) to detoxify the
• liver substance in two phases (Figure 1.4).
• kidneys Phase I involves forming a more reactive
• thyroid. metabolite that is suitable for the conjugate
enzymes in Phase II metabolism. Phase II
For instance, inhalation of lead oxide (PbO) metabolism turns the ‘reactive metabolite’ into
fume can result in distribution throughout the excretable compounds by conjugating (joining)
body and then symptoms of exposure to lead with enzymes. Ideally, the reactive metabolite
can appear in the bones, blood, reproductive will follow the correct pathway for this to
system and kidneys. If the substance reaches a occur; however, if the pathway is saturated, the
site in the body that has a high affinity for it, reactive metabolite may accumulate or an
the substance can accumulate and remain in alternative pathway may be used. If either of
this area. These sites are known as storage these options occurs, toxic effects can result.
depots. Some typical examples of toxic
substances and their storage depots are shown
in Table 1.2. DOSE
The concept of dose is paramount for
Table 1.2 Storage of toxic substances
occupational hygiene and risk management.
Dose refers to the amount of a substance to
Substance Storage depot
which we are exposed, and is a combination of
Carbon monoxide Haemoglobin (in the concentration of exposure and duration of
red blood cells) exposure.
Carbon tetrachloride Fat
Chlorinated Dose = concentration x duration of
pesticides (eg. DDT) Fat exposure
Lead Bone
Dose depends on the following factors:

In some cases, substances are taken into the • rate of absorption (depending on the
body in a particular form and then removed in route of entry)
a different form. The reason for this disparity is • blood perfusion rate to the organ
the role of metabolism taking over, causing a under consideration
chemical biotransformation of the substance. • rate of passage of the chemical (and
Biotransformation can be advantageous or its metabolites) across the cell
hazardous, in terms of exposure. For instance, membrane
12 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management


'Reactive Metabolite'




Figure 1.4 Metabolism and excretion

• volume of distribution for the without effect. The curve then rises linearly,
chemical indicating that the dose and response are pro-
• rate of bio-transformation of the portional to one another, before plateauing out
chemical to a peak response, which is not affected by in-
• degree of binding of the chemical creasing the dose and is known as a ceiling level.
(and its metabolites) to tissues and These dose–response relationships are
plasma proteins used in toxicology to estimate health effects
• rate of excretion of the chemical (and from exposure to particular concentrations of
its metabolites). substances over time. Scientists carrying out
experimental toxicology use test animals (e.g.
Generally, an increase in dose will result in an rats, mice, rabbits) and expose them to
increase in response. This is known as the particular toxic substances, via alternative
dose–response relationship. The relationship routes of entry, for different durations.
may be linear, where the dose is proportional Exposure is usually divided into the following
to the response, but mostly the relationship four categories:
has a sigmoid or curved shape as shown in
Figure 1.5. • acute
Notice that the curve does not cross the Y- • sub-acute
axis (representing response). This means that • sub-chronic
exposure at a particular dose may not lead to a • chronic.
response and indicates the existence of a dose
threshold. A dose threshold assumes that the From these tests, the toxicologist can obtain
human body is able to cope with the exposure information about the potency of the
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 13

Ceiling level


Dose threshold

Figure 1.5 A sigmoid dose–response curve

substance. The lethal dose (LD) gives a to the right) or as tachyphylaxis, where the
measure of the substance’s potency, and is resistance occurs rapidly.
often reported as the LD50. This is the dose that
is lethal to 50 per cent of a population. Other
toxicological effects which can be gauged may CARCINOGENICITY
be the:
Carcinogenic substances are those which are
• LC50 or the concentration of known to cause cancer (an uncontrollable
substance that is lethal to 50 per division and multiplication of cells). When this
cent of the population occurs, an abnormal number of cells (a
• LDlo which refers to the lowest dose neoplasm) forms. If the cells grow slowly and
found to be lethal in the test animals remain localised, they are known as benign neo-
• LDhi which is the highest dose found plasms. Cancerous cells that grow rapidly and
to be lethal in the test animals. can invade surrounding cells and break away
from the main mass to cause secondary growths
The difference between the LDlo and LDhi can be in other areas of the body are called metastases.
best described by individual susceptibility In the workplace, there are many
(Figure 1.6). substances and agents that can act as cancer-
A person may show a high response to a causers (carcinogens). The common character-
particular dose of substance. This may be due istic of these agents is their ability to change
to their genetic predisposition or from an the genetic material in the nucleus of the cells
immunological response known as (deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA). This does not
hypersensitivity. Hypersensitivity is discussed in mean that exposure to a substance or agent
more detail in Chapter 2. will automatically cause cancer! Some carci-
Hyposensitivity reflects an unusually low nogens will not have an opportunity to
response to a dose of substance. This may be damage the body’s cells as they are neutralised
due to an individual developing a tolerance through the immune system or enzymes. The
over a period of exposures (which can be best process of changing a normal cell to a cancer
explained as the dose–response curve shifting cell is often incomplete.
14 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Hypersensitivity 'Normal response'



Figure 1.6 Individual susceptibility versus exposure

The International Agency for Research on Some examples of occupational carcinogens
Cancer (IARC) classifies cancer using the and their target organs are shown in Table 1.3.
following levels:
Table 1.3 Occupational carcinogens
• Group 1 — the agent is carcinogenic
to humans Carcinogen Target organ
• Group 2(a) — the agent is probably
carcinogenic to humans; there is
limited evidence in humans but
(2-chloronaniline) Bladder
sufficient evidence in animals to
Benzene Bone marrow
support this classification
• Group 2(b) — the agent is possibly
Asbestos Lung
carcinogenic to humans but there is
Pitch, tar and
limited evidence available only
oil (polycyclic
• Group 3 — the agent is not
classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to
hydrocarbons) Skin
humans; agents placed in this group
Vinyl chloride
do not fall into any other category
monomer Liver
• Group 4 — the agent is probably not
carcinogenic to humans; the evidence
suggests a lack of carcinogenicity in
Mutagens and teratogens
humans and experimental animals.
A mutation refers to a change in the genetic
material found in cells. This change is
irreversible and hereditary. The nucleus of a
generalised cell contains matched chromosomes
The Internet address for the IARC that contain DNA. DNA is a long, double-
website is: stranded chain of structural units (nucleotides) consisting of the following bases:
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 15




Figure 1.7 Structure of DNA

• adenine (A) CHRONIC VERSUS

• thymine (T) ACUTE EXPOSURE
• guanine (G)
• cytosine (C). One of the pertinent factors that differentiates
occupational hygiene hazards from safety
DNA can be best described as a ladder, where hazards is the period between exposure and the
the rungs are two joined bases and the onset of ill-health symptoms. This is known as
uprights of the ladder are alternating sugar the latency period and relates to ‘when’ a
and phosphate molecules (Figure 1.7). The substance will cause an effect. Chronic effects
bases are joined together by a hydrogen bond. are long lasting and may be permanent
Bonding of the bases only ever occurs as (although not necessarily). Some examples of
A with T, and G with C. The whole molecule chronic exposure are:
is then coiled into a spiral, called a double
Teratogens cause mutations to the somatic • pneumoconiosis (‘dusty lungs’)
cells of a developing embryo. If the foetus from exposure to coaldust
survives to birth, they may suffer from physical, • silicosis after exposure to quartz
behavioural and/or intellectual impairments. dust
16 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• manganese dust or fume exposure, If no elimination or excretion occurs, the

which may damage the central accumulated dose will be additive. But, if the
nervous system substance is partially metabolised or excreted,
• asbestosis and mesothelioma after the accumulated dose will rise and fall —
exposure to asbestos. accumulating more slowly.

Acute health effects occur during or soon after

exposure, and last for a short period of time. NATIONAL EXPOSURE
Some examples of acute effects are: STANDARDS
• lacrimation (tearing) of the eye and National exposure standards (NES) are used to
irritation the respiratory tract from assess the risk of exposure. In Australia, the
exposure to and inhalation of National Occupational Health and Safety
chlorine gas (Cl2) Commission (NOHSC) publishes this
• burns of the skin from a spill of information in Adopted National Exposure
strong acid or alkali Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the
• respiratory sensitisation caused by Occupational Environment. This publication can
ozone (O3) from photocopiers or the be purchased from the Australian Government
generation of a welding arc. Publishing Service and some limited
information can be found on the NOHSC
The effects of acute and chronic exposures are website.
shown in Figure 1.8.
An acute dose results in the rapid accu- The Internet address for the
mulation of the substance over a relatively NOHSC website is:
short period of time. A chronic dose occurs
over a longer time frame and can be in two
forms, depending on whether the substance is The NES are part of the NOHSC’s declared
metabolised or excreted or if it accumulates package of standards and codes of practice
and is stored. that, in conjunction with guidance materials,

No metabolism or excretion
Exposure to substance
that is metabolised &


Figure 1.8 Storage of substances due to metabolism and excretion

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 17

comprises the National Hazardous Substances more than 700 chemical substances, physical
Regulatory Package. NOHSC refers to the agents and biological exposure determinants.
package as a blueprint for legislative control of Most developed countries have their own
hazardous substances. All Australian States exposure standards, although these are known
and Territories have given legislative effect to by different names. For instance, in the US
the package by incorporating the principles exposure standards are called threshold limit
into their respective hazardous substance values (TLV) and in the UK they are known as
legislation. the occupational exposure limits (OEL).
NES are defined as airborne concentrations In the US, the National Institute of
of individual chemical substances that should Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
not harm or impair health or cause undue expresses TLV as recommended exposure
discomfort to nearly all workers, according to limits (REL). REL are time-weighted average
current knowledge. They are also understood concentrations for up to a ten-hour work shift
to guard against narcosis or irritation, which during a 40-hour working week. Short-term
could lead to industrial accidents. exposure limits are also designated. A ceiling
Many of the adopted exposure standards REL is designated for certain substances and
used in Australia have been obtained from should not be exceeded at any time. Also in the
overseas. In recent years, NOHSC has US, the Occupational Safety and Health
endeavoured to address the lag between Authority (OSHA) has recommended per-
Australian exposure standards and those missible exposure limits (PEL). PEL are time-
adopted by comparable overseas occupational weighted average concentrations that must
health and safety agencies. Its approach has not be exceeded during any eight-hour work
been to expedite the review of substances shift of a 40-hour working week.
where the UK Health and Safety Executive It is interesting to note that in different
(HSE) occupational exposure limits (OEL) are countries some exposure standards for the
lower than Australia’s or where Australia has same substance can differ. The reasons for this
yet to set an NES. The reviews are undertaken can be different testing regimes or perception
in batches. The process begins with the of risk and influence by industry and
selection of the substances by an NOHSC stakeholders. Although we accept that
technical committee, followed by a call for exposure to chemical substances must be kept
public comment. A regulatory impact ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable),
statement (RIS) accompanies final recom- industry may lobby regulatory authorities
mendations for the change to the NES. The RIS under the auspices that reduction of an
identifies whether the proposed action would exposure below a low exposure standard may
reduce adverse health outcomes from not be achievable. This may also be a reason
exposure to the substance and would enable that exposure standards are not static but can
industry, workers and the community to align increase or lower over time. As our knowledge
with international practice in terms of about substances changes over time, exposure
exposure control and the related flow of standards may alter to reflect the risk
benefits to the worker and the community. associated with exposure.
Costs and other benefits are also considered. Exposure standards are not dividing lines
Many of the adopted NES have also been between ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ but can be applied
sourced from the American Conference of to assess the risk to exposed workers and assist
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) in deciding on control measures to minimise
list of exposure standards. This publication exposure. Because each person may react
provides recommendations and guidelines for differently if exposed to a substance, some
18 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

people may show symptoms of ill health even if The breathing zone is defined as a
exposed to less than the occupational exposure hemisphere with a radius of 300 mm in front of
standard. In other words, some workers may be the face of the worker and drawn from a line
more susceptible than others. Unfortunately, bisecting the ears. The airborne concentration
the occupational exposure standards do not of the contaminant under investigation must
account for this individualism. be measured in this region for the NES to be
Similarly, exposure standards have been applied. This is known as ‘occupational
developed on the assumption of a normal sampling’. ‘Para-occupational’ or ‘static’
workday. But what is ‘normal’? Each day sampling occurs where the concentration of an
exposure may differ, depending on the agent is not measured in the breathing zone
production rate, use of the substance, climatic but at a workstation or workplace.
conditions and intensity of work. Workers who Strictly speaking, para-occupational or
breathe through their mouth, rather than their static samples should not be compared directly
nose, may be exposed to higher con- with the NES, since the measurement may not
centrations of contaminants. The lung be indicative of the worker’s actual exposure,
ventilation rate may also increase if: and hence risk. Para-occupational sampling is
best used to assess control measures which
• the nature of work is heavy have been implemented or where environ-
• the work requires a high metabolic mental monitoring of fugitive emissions to the
work rate air may be required. The latter point about en-
• the conditions are hot or humid vironmental monitoring (for instance, for
• the work is performed at altitude. evaluation of air quality or non-occupational
exposure) is not discussed in this text but en-
These are a few reasons why the application of vironmental science texts will provide further
exposure standards should be used carefully in information.
assessing workers’ risk to substances. Many substances have not been assigned
Additionally, as we have already established, NES. The absence of an exposure standard
exposure standards are defined as airborne should not lead to the assumption that the
concentrations of chemical substances; and the substance is safe or that exposure should not
exposure standards are only valid where be reduced to ALARA. If there is insufficient
significant skin absorption cannot occur and information about the health effects of
they consider absorption through inhalation substances, the substance is under review or
only. the use of the substance is minimal, an
exposure standard may not be specified. In this
case, it is always wise to minimise exposure
SAMPLING AND since our ‘current knowledge’ can change in
MEASUREMENT the near future.

When measuring the actual concentration, it is

important that the measurement is indicative TYPES OF NATIONAL
of a worker’s exposure to the substance. Risk EXPOSURE STANDARDS
assessments require an estimation of the
likelihood of exposure that will lead to an National exposure standards can be expressed
adverse effect. Therefore, the substance is in three ways to reflect the duration of
measured in the ‘breathing zone’ of the worker exposure. The typical exposure standard is
(Figure 1.9). expressed as the time-weighted average (TWA)
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 19

exposure for a worker. The graph shows that

exposure varies during the shift, sometimes
exceeding the TWA and at other times being
well below the TWA. These excursions should
all be considered when assessing a worker’s
exposure to a substance.
300 mm

Exposure standard — time-

weighted average

The TWA refers to the average airborne

concentration of a substance during an eight-
hour working day for a five-day working week.
In other words, it integrates peaks and troughs
of exposure during an entire day. During this
eight-hour averaging period exposures above
the TWA are permitted (peaks on the graph),
provided an equivalent reduction in exposure
occurs (troughs on the graph). This is very
important when considering a worker’s
exposure to a substance on extended shifts,
such as shifts of ten or twelve hours. The TWA
is based on an exposure-free time of sixteen
hours between shifts to allow metabolism and
excretion of substances before re-exposure.
The TWA should not be applied in situations of
extended shifts without modification, as the
time between exposure and recovery has been

Exposure standard — short-term

exposure limit
Figure 1.9 The breathing zone
With some substances, a short-term exposure
concentration of a substance for an eight-hour limit (STEL) has been specified to minimise the
working day and a five-day working week. number and duration of excursions. Exposure
Provision is also made for short-term to some substances can cause uncomfortable
exposures above the TWA for exposure to irritation; narcosis or tissue change from short-
some substances, as long as there is an term exposure, as well as long-term health
equivalent excursion below the TWA. However, effects. Some examples of such substances
the application of these short-term excursions include:
should be carefully reviewed to ensure the
effects of acute exposure do not place workers • ammonia from large refrigerating
at an increased risk of ill health. plants
The Y-axis in Figure 1.10 is the TWA • zinc oxide fume from welding
concentration and the curved line shows actual galvanised steel
20 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (hours)

Figure 1.10 An example of a typical eight-hour shift exposure

• ethylene glycol vapour from Exposure standard — peak

antifreeze. limitation
STEL supplements the TWA of a substance; A peak limitation may be allocated to some sub-
therefore, although such excursions may be stances where it is not appropriate to average
allowed, the TWA must not be exceeded. the airborne concentration over an eight-hour
The STEL is expressed in the same manner shift because of the substance’s irritancy or fast
as exposure standards and is averaged over a effect on the body. The peak limitation is
period of fifteen minutes. The STEL should not expressed in the NES under the STEL column
be exceeded at any time during the normal heading, and represents a maximum con-
eight-hour work shift, and a maximum of four centration that workers may be exposed to.
STEL excursions are permitted during the
workday. At least 60 minutes of non-exposure
should be given between successive exposures UNITS OF MEASUREMENT
at the STEL concentration.
The NOHSC has suggested that a process is In Australia, NES can be specified in a number
not considered to be under reasonable control of ways. The method of expression will depend
if an individual STEL exceeds the TWA by five upon the nature and physical composition of
times, or if short-term exposures exceed the the contaminant. Gases and vapours are
TWA three times for a total of 30 minutes in an usually expressed as parts per million (ppm).
eight-hour shift. However, the basis for this This refers to the number of molecules of the
recommendation is not directly health-related substance per million air molecules. Since it is
and therefore caution should be exercised if a volumetric value, it will not be affected by
using this guidance. changes in temperature and pressure. Parts per
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 21

million can also be converted to a percentage Example 1.4

in air. By comparing 1 ppm (1/1 000 000) with
1 per cent (1/100), the difference is 10 000. Convert 5000 –3ppm of carbon dioxide
Therefore, 1 per cent is equal to 10 000 ppm, (CO2) to mg.m at 50°C.
or 1 ppm is 0.0001 per cent. Answer:
mg.m = MW x ppm/22.4 x T1/T2
= 44 x 5000/22.4
x 273/323
Example 1.3 = 8301 mg.m

The normal concentration of oxygen

(O2) in air is 20.9%. A grain silo was Notice that since the temperature is not at 25°C,
found to contain 15.3% O2. How many the equation can be simply modified by multi-
ppm of oxygen has been displaced? plying its right side by T1/T2, where T1 is 273 K
Answer: and T2 is the actual temperature of the con-
The percentage of oxygen lost from the ditions. These values should be inserted in Kelvin,
space is 20.9 – 15.3%, or 5.6%. This is where 0°C is equal to 273 K and T1 is 298 K.
equal to 56 000 ppm (from): Fibre particles are expressed as fibres per
5.1% –> 10 000 ppm millilitre of air (f.mL ). Some examples of the
5.6% –> 56 000 ppm application of this style of measurement are
asbestos and synthetic mineral fibre exposure.

The airborne concentration of gases, vapours

and particulate can also be expressed Extended shifts
gravimetrically (or by weight). The term used is
milligrams per cubic metre of air (mg.m ). Many workplaces in Australia have moved
Temperature and pressure can affect these toward extended shift schedules rather than
units and a conversion formula (shown as the traditional eight-hour day, five-day working
Equation 1.5) can be used to convert from ppm week. While the impetus is largely economical
to mg.m . and is often supported by workers who
perceive a shortened week with extended
shifts to be advantageous, the application of
Equation 1.5 current NES may be inappropriate. The TWA is
based on an eight-hour exposure, followed by
mg.m = MW x ppm/22.4 x T1/T2 a sixteen-hour break from exposure. Where
Where: the recovery period is reduced (to fourteen or
MW is molecular weight twelve hours), substances may accumulate in
T1 is 273 K the body and place workers at risk of illness.
T2 is (t + 273 K) A number of models have been developed
‘t’ is the actual temperature in and can be applied where work shifts differ to
Kelvin (K) the eight-hour shift. It is not necessary to
adjust the peak limitation and STEL values
This formula assumes that the volume of an since these are designed to minimise the risk
ideal gas is 24.4 L at normal pressure and associated with acute exposures. The TWA,
temperature conditions. Example 1.4 shows however, needs to be adjusted. The following
the workings for this theory. models can be used:
22 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• Brief and Scala Model OSHA Model

• OSHA Model
• Pharmaco-kinetic Model of Hickey The OSHA Model is an American model which
and Reist. categorises air contaminants according to their
toxic effects. Any adjustment to the exposure
Brief and Scala Model standard is based on the categorisation of the
substance. It is not recommended for use in
The NOHSC Exposure Standards Expert Australia as the exposure standards are based
Working Group recommends the Brief and on US threshold limit values and that
Scala Model be used for calculating categorisation system is not currently used in
adjustments to the exposure standards. This Australia.
involves the number of hours worked each day
and the exposure standard of the substance Pharmaco-kinetic Model of Hickey
whose TWA is being adjusted. The limitation and Reist
of this model is that it does not consider the
metabolism and the toxic effect of the The Pharmaco-kinetic Model of Hickey and
substance. The formula for the Brief and Scala Reist is a complex model that considers the
Model is shown in Equation 1.6. metabolism, biotransformation and excretion
of a substance. While it is theoretically more
Equation 1.6 correct than the Brief and Scala or OSHA
models because it considers the biological
Adjusted exposure standard (TWA) = half-life of the substance, information about
how night work or extended shifts affect
Exp metabolism and excretion of substances is not
8 x (24 – h) x
Std available to fully support its use. Therefore, the
(16 x h) application of the Pharmaco-kinetic Model of
Where: Hickey and Reist should be limited to those
h is hours worked each day who understand toxicology and the pharmaco-
TWA is time-weighted average kinetics of the substance under consideration.

Example 1.5
Mixed exposure
A worker is exposed to n-hexane for a
12-hour shift. The 8-hour TWA for n- Australian NES are based on single ingredients.
hexane is 20 ppm. Using the Brief and In most workplaces, it would be rare for a
Scala Model, determine the adjusted worker to be exposed to just one substance.
exposure standard for a 12-hour shift. We must then consider how the exposure
Answer: standards can be applied where multiple
Adjusted TWA = exposures occur. The first questions in
8 x (24 – h) x TWA determining the effects of exposure to
(16 x h) mixtures of substances are: where do the
= substances affect the body, and what is the
8 x (24 – 12) x 20 ppm mechanism of action?
(16 x 12) A number of terms are used to describe the
= 10 ppm effects of exposure to multiple substances:
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 23

• independent Example 1.6

• additive
• synergistic A furniture
restorer is exposed to
• potentiative 1.2 mg.m–3 of oak (hardwood) dust and
• antagonistic. 2.3 mg.m of hoop pine (softwood)
dust while sanding antique furniture.
She sands the furniture using an orbital
sander and then varnishes them using a
Independent effects 2-pack varnish containing toluene
diisocyanate (TDI). Her exposure should
If the substances affect different organs of the be considered from two perspectives:
body, or have different mechanisms of action, wood dust exposure and isocyanate
then exposure to each substance can be exposure.
considered individually. For instance, a painter Since wood dust affects the nasal
may sand a timber house before painting cavity and upper respiratory system, the
with a toluene-based paint. Since the effects are additive. Isocyanates can
wood dust affects the nose and upper cause sensitisation of the skin and
respiratory tract and toluene affects the respiratory system.
central nervous system, each independent The additive effects of the dust would
exposure should be compared against the be: 1.2/1 + 2.3/5 = 1.7
appropriate exposure standard. These are The exposure standard for the wood
called independent effects. dust mixture is exceeded. Exposure to
isocyanate vapour would be considered

Additive effects

A combination of agents affecting one organ or Synergistic effects

having the same mechanism of action is
described as having an additive effect. To Multiple exposures sometimes cause a ‘more-
determine whether a worker is overexposed to than-additive’ effect. Synergism occurs where
two or more substances, the additive effect is individual substances each have an effect but
calculated using the airborne concentration when combined produce a ‘more-than-
and the relevant exposure standard, as shown additive’ effect. For instance, exposure to
in Equation 1.7. If the combined amount is less solvent vapour and excessive noise increases
than 1, the exposure standard for the mixture the risk of hearing loss.
is not exceeded.

Potentiative effects

Potentiation refers to the enhancement of a

Equation 1.7
substance by a second agent that by itself
C1/L1 + C2/L2 + … CnLn ≤ 1 would have no effect. The actual mechanism of
Where: these interactions is detailed and not fully
C is the concentration of substance understood; therefore, exposure should be
L is the national exposure standard kept ALARA.
24 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Antagonistic effects Similar to the occupational exposure

standards, the results of biological monitoring
An antagonistic effect occurs when the effects are compared with biological exposure indices
of the two substances are less than the effect (BEI). The main sources of BEI used in Australia
of each in isolation. are from the ACGIH ‘Threshold Limit Values for
Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and
Biological Exposure Indices 1996–1997’.

BIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE The Internet address for the ACGIH

INDICES website is:
Occupational hygienists frequently use airborne
concentrations of substances compared with From a practical perspective, biological
exposure standards to determine the level of monitoring requires considerable tact and skill
risk to workers. This technique is widely to collect an appropriate sample. Some samples
accepted as the most useful in the workplace, as must be collected at the beginning of a shift or
it is not invasive. The results can be compared within a restricted time window after exposure.
with generally accepted exposure standards Others require special methods of storage,
that are available for many chemicals. However, preservation and transportation for analysis.
the application of exposure standards is limited Invasive techniques such as the collection of
in that they do not consider skin absorption or blood samples must be taken by an
entry through other routes and the risk appropriately qualified health professional and
assessment is often generalised. the interpretation of results should be made by
Biological monitoring measures the levels an occupational physician who is aware of the
of a substance or its metabolites in the recommended range or level for action.
following bodily fluids and tissue: When collecting urine samples, the urine
concentration can vary widely due to
variations in fluid uptake or sweating.
• blood Collection from the workplace can be subject
• sweat to error due to the timing of collection and
• urine incomplete bladder emptying. Urinary results
• faeces should therefore be creatine-corrected in
• hair certain cases. The analytical laboratory should
• fat be consulted to assess whether this is
• exhaled breath necessary.
• milk. Some examples of substances which can be
assessed through biological monitoring
It is particularly useful in identifying a worker’s include:
‘actual’ exposure without generalising about
the ‘typical’ worker. Everyone differs in his or • MOCA (used in production of plastics)
her physiological make-up, size, fitness, through urine
nutrition, personal hygiene and habits. These • antimony (used in the production of
characteristics may affect the uptake, alloys and flame retardants and in the
metabolism and excretion of substances. glass industry) through urine
Biological monitoring enables an individual • heavy metals (such as arsenic and
assessment of exposure to be made. lead) through hair
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 25

• organochloride pesticides through fat exposure is compared with a control group.

assays and breast milk Ideally, the subjects in this style of study would
• carbon monoxide through exhaled be selected randomly.
breath and blood While experimental epidemiology is useful
• styrene through its metabolite (urinary in certain occupational hygiene risk manage-
mandelic acid) at the end of a shift. ment strategies, such as setting exposure
standards, the identification of disease or ill
health is usually conducted using analytical

The science of epidemiology is aimed at iden- Analytical

tifying the link between the cause and effect of
diseases. Last (1995, p. 55) describes epi- Analytical epidemiology examines the asso-
demiology as the ‘study of the distribution and ciation between an effect (e.g. occupational
determinants of health-related states or events disease) and its cause. This involves identifying
in specified populations, and the application of or measuring risk factors. In this style of study,
this study to the control of health problems’. individuals from the study population can be
Workplaces provide an ideal opportunity to classified according to the absence or presence
conduct epidemiological studies, as infor- of specific disease, and according to attributes
mation is readily available about the workers, such as:
the type and nature of work and the controls
that are in place at the workplace. Additionally, • age
symptoms of exposure can be identified and • race
actual exposure may even be measured. • gender
Epidemiological studies can be categorised • other diseases
in the following ways: • genetic, biomechanic or
physiological characteristics
• descriptive • socioeconomic status
• experimental • occupation
• analytical. • residence
• environment
Descriptive • personal behaviour.

Descriptive (or observational) epidemiology The three main types of analytical studies are:
investigates the occurrence of disease or other
health effect in a particular population. • cross-sectional
Observations are made about the age, gender, • cohort
race, occupation, socioeconomic status and • case-control.
geographic location of the population.
The cross-sectional or prevalence study looks
Experimental epidemiology is a study where the at the relationship between disease and other
conditions are under the investigator’s direct variables of interest in a defined population at
control. A selected population undergoes a a particular point in time. The study is
specific trial or regimen and the outcome of conducted by identifying the presence or
26 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

absence of disease and other variables in each a particular time frame. For instance, a flow
member of the study population. The rate may be described as 500 L per minute.
relationship between a variable and the The occurrence is the flow (given as litres) and
disease can then be examined in terms of the the time frame is ‘each minute’.
prevalence of disease in sections of the A crude mortality rate refers to the actual
population (defined according to the presence observed mortality rate in a population under
or absence of the variables) and the presence study. By convention, the crude mortality rate
or absence of the variables in the diseased is taken as deaths per 1000 and is measured as
compared with the non-diseased. the population at mid year. This does not take
account of any confounders or factors that
Cohort have influenced the mortality rate such as age,
lifestyle, race or gender.
A cohort study (also known as concurrent,
follow-up, incidence, longitudinal or Crude mortality rate = all deaths in a
prospective study) begins at a particular point calendar year/
and follows exposed (or potentially exposed) population at
individuals into the future. Cohort studies are mid year x 1000
particularly expensive and time consuming, as = deaths per 1000
a large number of participants are involved people
over a long period of time. The outcome from
the study is a determination of the incidence In order to take account of characteristics that
rate or mortality rate in groups that differ in affect mortality, a comparison needs to be
exposure levels. made between the population being studied
and the ‘general’ population. This is done by
Case-control separating the effect of the confounding factor
from the effect of the factor of interest and
The case-control study (also known as statistically adjusting to remove the effect of
retrospective, case referent or comparison the confounder.
study) compares a person who has the From an occupational hygiene point of
occupational disease of interest (the ‘case’) view, the most frequent mortality rate we use
with a suitable group of individuals who do not is the standardised mortality rate (SMR). This
have the disease (the ‘control’). The control is measure is used to demonstrate the
matched with the case for similarities in age proportion of the overall mortality that can be
and gender but the control does not have the attributed to a specific cause and is expressed
disease or condition of interest. From this, a as a percentage. This figure does NOT provide
suspected risk factor may be identified by any information about the actual rate that was
comparing the exposure history of the case involved. Also, we should be aware of the
and the control. limitations of using data, which may not clearly
identify all work-caused illnesses and deaths.
Measures of mortality
Mortality (death) is an extreme and final mortality rate = deaths from a disease
outcome of exposure! While it may appear in a certain year/total
simple to measure mortality as a number, we deaths in the
need to consider mortality in the workplace as population in the same
a rate. A rate refers to a defined occurrence in year x 100
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 27

Incidence and prevalence With epidemiological studies we use the terms

‘relative risk’ (RR) and ‘attributable risk’ (AR) to
Incidence and prevalence are used to measure measure the association between exposure to a
the frequency of a disease or illness. Incidence factor and the risk of a particular outcome
means new. Prevalence means all. It therefore (damage or harm). These are defined as follows.
follows that an incidence rate measures the
rate at which people without a specific disease Relative risk = incidence rate among
or illness develop the disease, and prevalence exposed/incidence rate
rate measures the number of people in a among non-exposed
population who have the disease or illness at Attributable risk = incidence rate
any given point in time. among exposed —
incidence rate
among non-exposed
Incidence rate = number of new cases Since occupational epidemiology is
of disease or illness concerned with identifying the relationship
over a period of between the causal factors and their effects at
time/population at risk work, it is important that the risk factors are
of disease or illness in identified. The ratio of the risk of a disease or
time period death for a worker exposed to the risk among
the non-exposed is called the relative risk. The
So, a change in the prevalence rate may not opposite of this is the odds ratio or relative
necessarily be due to the incidence rate only. odds. The odds ratio can be defined in a
For instance, if the incidence rate rises but the number of ways, depending upon the situation
duration of the disease decreases, then the under consideration, but is essentially the
prevalence rate will decrease. Equally, a stable cross-product of exposure and disease. It can
incidence rate and decrease in the duration of be simply explained as the multiplication of
disease (by rapid recovery or rapid death) will the odds that a particular event will occur
lower the prevalence rate. divided by the odds that it will not occur.
Example 1.7 shows the theory of odds ratio
Prevalence rate = total cases of disease and Example 1.8 provides a hypothetical
or illness at a given example of how to calculate the relative risk
time/total population and odds ratio.
at risk at a given time Example 1.7

Determine the exposure–odds ratio for

RISK FACTORS the following scenario.
Exposed Not exposed
We have already defined risk as the likelihood Disease 1 2
that an event sequence will cause damage or No disease 3 4
harm. That risk depends on the combination Answer:
of: The odds ratio is the ratio of the odds
in favour of exposure among the
• frequency diseases (1 x 4) to the odds in favour of
• duration exposure among non-cases (2 x 3). This
• severity of exposure. reduces to 2:3.
28 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Example 1.8
Determine the relative risk (RR) and
odds ratio for this example.
Exposed Not exposed
Disease a b
No disease c d
The relative risk is
The odds ratio is ad:bc.

Occupational hygiene combines the sciences and arts to identify, evaluate and control hazards
that may impact on workers’ health. These hazards can be broadly categorised as chemical,
biological, physical and ergonomic. The objective of occupational hygiene is to minimise the
risk associated with exposure to these agents. Risk can be thought of as the likelihood that
an event sequence will occur and cause damage or harm. It is a combination of the frequency,
duration and severity of exposure.
The term risk management can be applied to the field of occupational hygiene, although
it also relates to other sources of loss in the workplace from the environment, occupational
safety, workers’ compensation and rehabilitation plus insurance. Risk management adopts a
philosophy of recognising agents in the workplace, assessing the exposure or dose and
rectifying the problems.
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of occupational hygiene and risk management ■ 29


Amdur, M.O., Doull, J. and Klaassen, C.D. (eds) 1991, Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science
of Poisons, 4th edn, Pergamon, New York
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 2003, Guide to Occupational Exposure
Values, ACGIH, Cincinnati, Ohio
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 2003, TLVs and BEIs, ACGIH, Cincinnati,
Brief, R. and Scala, R. 1975, ‘Occupational Exposure Limits for Novel Work Schedules’, American
Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, vol. 36, pp. 467–9
Giancoli, D.G. 1989, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey
Health and Safety Laboratory 1996, Guidance on Laboratory Techniques in Occupational Medicine, 7th
edn, HSE, Sheffield
Hickey, J. and Reist, P. 1977, ‘Application of Occupational Exposure Limits to Unusual Work
Schedules’, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, vol. 38, pp. 613–21
Kahn, H.A. and Sempos, C.T. 1989, Statistical Method in Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Inc., New
Last, J.M. (ed) 1995, A Dictionary of Epidemiology, 3rd edn, Oxford University Press Inc., New York
Marieb, E.N. 1995, Human Anatomy and Physiology, 3rd edn, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company,
Inc., California
Morton, R.F., Hebel, J.R. and McCarter, R.J. 1990, A Study Guide to Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 3rd
edn, Aspen Publication, Maryland
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health 2003, Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG), US
Government Printing Office, Washington
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1994, National Model Regulations for the Control
of Workplace Hazardous Substances, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1995a, Adopted National Exposure Standards for
Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1995b, Guidance Note for Exposure Standards for
Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment, AGPS, Canberra
Roach, S. 1978, ‘Threshold Limit Values for Extraordinary Work Schedules’, American Industrial Hygiene
Association Journal, vol. 39, pp. 345–8.
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1999, AS/NZS4360: 1999, Risk Management, Standards
Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Waldron, H.A. 1990, Lecture Notes on Occupational Medicine, 4th edn, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Great Britain
Chapter 2

Working out the human body

The human body is a complex series of • glutaraldehyde exposure when

interacting systems that adapt to continual cleaning endoscopes used in a
change and variation. If it were not for the hospital theatre
ability of the human body to respond to such • asbestos exposure when removing
demands, exposure to even small amounts of brake linings
foreign substances would cause ill health and • hydrogen sulphide (‘rotten egg’ gas)
disease. The practice of occupational health exposure when entering a sewer.
and hygiene identifies, evaluates and controls
these risks to health at work. This chapter will build on Chapter 1 and show
Occupational hygiene hazards can be a link between the cause and effects of
categorised under the following broad exposure to occupational hygiene hazards. It
headings: will also describe the structure and functions
of the main systems of the body and various
• physical hazards — noise, light, types of movements that the human body can
vibration, heat, cold, radiation perform.
• chemical hazards — gases,
vapours, dusts, fibres, mist, fumes,
aerosols, fog OUR BODILY SYSTEMS
• microbiological hazards — viruses,
fungi, algae, protozoan, bacteria There are several levels of structures within the
• ergonomic hazards — stress, human body. The lowest levels are atoms such
violence, shift work, manual handling. as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and calcium,
which combine to form molecules such as
Work can be classed as heavy industrial, such proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.
as in a foundry, mine, assembly shop or Molecules join to make cells and tissue is made
construction site. It may also be classed as from similar cells. Some examples of tissues
commercial or service oriented, such as in an are muscle, nerves and connective tissue. At
office, retail store, hospital, hotel or school. the organ level, at least two different types of
Occupational hygiene hazards may exist at all tissue form an individual structure (e.g. the
of these workplaces although they may be heart, lungs, stomach and brain). Organs that
difficult to identify. Some examples of work together closely to perform a specific
occupational hygiene hazards that are not function form a system. The highest level of
easily recognisable are: organisation is the organism (human body);
32 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Cells are formed
from molecules


Molecules are formed Tissues are made from
by combining atoms similar types of cells


Atoms are the Different tissue types
building blocks of life combine to form an organ

Many organs that operate
together are known as a system

Figure 2.1 Structural levels within the human body

this is the total of all structural levels working toluene is biotransformed, mostly to hippuric
together (Figure 2.1). acid, and rapidly excreted after exposure has
Occupational hygiene hazards can affect ceased. The metabolism of toluene in humans
any level of the body’s structure. For example, is shown below.
exposure to ionising radiation (e.g. alpha{}
and beta {} particles) can damage a cell’s Toluene
genetic material, DNA, and mutate the cellular  benzyl alcohol
information. Organic solvents, particularly  benzaldehyde
toluene and xylene (used in paint, varnishes,  benzoic acid +
resins and glues), have a narcotic property and glucuronic acid
affect the central nervous system. Heavy  hippuric acid
metals such as lead and cadmium used as
alloys damage the kidneys. There are 12 systems in the body. These are
To fully appreciate the effects of exposure the:
to occupational hygiene hazards, it is
important that the function and features of the • cardiovascular system — heart and
body’s systems are clearly understood. When a blood vessels
substance enters the body it may change or be • digestive system — oral cavity,
transformed. For instance, toluene is absorbed oesophagus, stomach, small
mainly through the lung (a small amount is intestine, large intestine, rectum and
absorbed through the skin) and accumulates in anus
the fatty organs. About 90 per cent of inhaled • endocrine system — pancreas,
Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 33

ovaries, testes and adrenal, The characteristics of these systems will now
thymus, thyroid, pituitary and pineal be described to illustrate the relationship
glands between their structure, function and the
• immune system — spleen, red effect that exposure to occupational hygiene
bone marrow, lymph nodes and the hazards can have.
• integumentary system — skin, nails
• lymphatic system — lymphatic vessels
and lymph nodes As the name suggests, the cardiovascular
• muscular system — skeletal muscle system consists of the cardiac muscle (the
• nervous system — brain, sensory heart) and vascular tissue (the veins, arteries
receptors, spinal cord and nerves and capillaries). The system is essentially a
• reproductive system — male (testes, delivery service that can adapt the flow of
penis) and female (ovaries, vagina, blood to suit the changing needs of the body
uterus) (Figure 2.2).
• respiratory system — nasal cavity, The heart has four chambers — the
pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus and superior (upper) atria (or auricles) and the
lungs inferior ventricles. It is also divided into two
• skeletal system — bones, joints and sides — left and right. The left side of the
cartilage heart functions by allowing blood to be
• urinary system — kidney, ureters and received in the left atrium from a vessel called
urethra. the pulmonary vein. This vein joins the lungs


Right Left
Atrium Atrium

Right Left
Ventricle Ventricle


Figure 2.2 Transporting blood through the cardiovascular system

34 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

to the left atrium and contains oxygenated they have valves to prevent blood from flowing
blood. backwards.
Blood enters the atrium where it is held for The blood is returned to the right atrium
a moment before passing through the bicuspid and right ventricle of the heart through the
valve and into the left ventricle. The ventricles largest vein in the body, the vena cava. The
are the powerful part of the heart and pump vena cava is made up of its inferior component
blood into the body for circulation. Blood is (which returns blood from body areas lower
ejected from the left ventricle into the aorta, than the heart) and the superior vena cava
the largest artery in the body. (returning blood from areas above the heart).
Some substances, such as carbon di- Some blood will also be returned to the heart
sulphide (CS2), a strong solvent used in by the coronary sinuses. These collect blood
chemistry laboratories or as a component in that has drained from the heart itself.
the manufacture of viscose rayon fibres, can The blood then leaves the right ventricle
damage the coronary arteries and increase the through the pulmonary artery, on its way to
prevalence of ischaemic heart disease. the lungs to be oxygenated. This is called
Arteries are vessels that carry blood away pulmonary circulation and is essentially the
from the heart. However, this does not neces- path that blood takes to be oxygenated before
sarily mean that they always carry oxygenated returning to the left atrium via the pulmonary
blood. The pulmonary artery transports vein for circulation to the body once again.
deoxygenated blood from the body to the
lungs. Arteries are divided into three main
groups — elastic arteries, muscular arteries and DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
arterioles. An example of an elastic artery is the
aorta. It has a large, thick wall that can with- The digestive system is divided up into two
stand the high-pressure blood being ejected main groups: the alimentary canal and the
from the left ventricle yet adjusts to a reduction accessory organs.
in pressure when the heart is not contracting.
Muscular arteries are smaller than elastic Alimentary canal
arteries and work as the distributors of blood
throughout the body. Arterioles are the smallest The alimentary canal or gastrointestinal tract is
of the arterial vessels with an inside diameter a continuous tube that begins below the oral
(known as the lumen) of less than 0.5 mm. Once cavity and terminates at the anus. Exposure to
blood has left the heart it will travel via the occupational hygiene hazards may occur
arteries to the arterioles and into a network of through the digestive system, although it is the
small blood vessels called capillaries. least likely route of entry. Exposure through
As the blood passes through the capillary ingestion can occur in several ways:
bed it unloads oxygen (and other substances)
and collects carbon dioxide. The tiny capillaries • accidental consumption of a
then rejoin to form venules. The venules substance
unite to form veins, which then take blood • transmission from the hands or tools
back to the heart. The structure of veins to the mouth
differs to that of arteries in a few ways. They • smoking with contaminated hands
have only a small muscular wall, a large lumen • inhalation of a contaminant which is
and are very thin. This allows large volumes of then removed via the mucociliary
blood to be transported. Since much of the escalator to the oesophagus for
blood moved in veins occurs against gravity, swallowing.
Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 35

As substances enter the mucosa-lined cavity of of the oesophagus help food to be moved
the mouth, mechanical digestion begins with along in a wave-like motion called peristalsis.
the teeth and tongue. Saliva is secreted from Once substances pass through the
salivary glands to begin the chemical oesophagus they reach the stomach (the organ
breakdown of starchy foods. Very little involved in the majority of mechanical and
absorption occurs in the mouth, although chemical digestion). The stomach breaks down
nitroglycerine (an explosive ingredient in proteins in the highly acidic environment.
dynamite, 20–40 per cent, with ethylene glycol Some fat-soluble substances are also absorbed
dinitrate, 80–60 per cent) is known to be through the lining of the stomach wall. The
absorbed in this area. The substances then creamy mixture formed in the stomach is
pass into the pharynx and into the called chyme.
oesophagus. The oesophagus is a passage that Exposure to some substances can cause
connects the mouth to the stomach. Muscles nausea and vomiting, an unpleasant



Liver Stomach
Gall bladder
Transverse colon
Small intestine
Ascending colon
Sigmoid colon

Rectum Cecum

Anal canal

Figure 2.3 Organs of the digestive system

36 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

experience where the stomach empties Accessory organs

through the mouth. An example of this is
exposure to parathion (a pesticide), which can The accessory organs to the digestive system
enter the body through inhalation, absorption include the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
or ingestion. Symptoms of exposure to
parathion include: Liver

• irritation to the eyes, skin and The liver is one of the body’s most important
respiratory system organs as it maintains blood glucose levels, meta-
• nausea bolises fat and proteins, stores vitamins and
• vomiting minerals and has biotransformation functions. It
• abdominal cramps converts hazardous substances into inactive pro-
• diarrhoea. ducts that can be secreted by the kidneys. How-
ever, sometimes the liver is unable to convert
toxic substances to their less hazardous form.
Excessive or continued exposure may lead to Exposure to vinyl chloride monomer (a
convulsions, lowered blood pressure and even colourless gas used in the synthesis of PVC) can
cardiac irregularities. cause enlargement of the liver and fibrosis. In
The small intestine is where virtually all rare cases, continued exposure can cause liver
absorption of nutrients and substances occurs. cancer.
The lining of the small intestine contains many Selenium, a metallic alloy, is metabolised in
folds to force the chyme to mix with intestinal the liver to dimethylselenide under conditions
juice and then the chemical contents are of high exposure. This reaction leads to a ‘gar-
absorbed through finger-like projections called licky breath’, as it is released through the lungs.
villi. Hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, is
The cells within the small intestine divide another virus that can be contracted from
very quickly and are renewed every three to six work, especially those working in high-risk
days. This is one reason why exposure to an areas such as hospitals, day care centres or
acute dose of ionising radiation can damage nursing homes. More details about the various
the cells of the small intestine, causing nausea types of hepatitis are given in Chapter 10.
and vomiting followed by minor symptoms of
malaise, diarrhoea and thirst.
The large intestine’s major role is to allow ENDOCRINE SYSTEM
absorption of water and eliminate indigestible
food residues through the anus as faeces. The endocrine system is often the unsung hero
Exposure to some microbiological hazards at work within the human body. The major
found at work, such as Escherichia coli from endocrine organs are the:
poor sanitation practices, can produce toxins
that cause gastrointestinal disturbances. • pituitary gland
The large intestine may also play a role in • thyroid gland
hot and humid conditions such as working in • parathyroid gland
an underground mine or in a laundry. As the • thymus gland
sweat rate increases to lower the net heat • adrenal gland
retained by the body, less water is available for • pancreas
reabsorption through the large intestine. • gonads.
Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 37

The endocrine system manufactures and The second line

releases hormones. Hormones are chemical
substances that provide directions and The second line of defence is activated when
messages to the body’s cells. Generally the agent enters the body. Antimicrobial
speaking, they can be classified as either: proteins ingest and destroy foreign agents and
amino acid-based hormones (most hormones) other cells to limit the invader’s spread. The
or steroids. process of engulfing these agents is called
Hormones act on specific tissues or target phagocytosis. The main phagocytes are
cells. When the hormone is released it can macrophages. Free macrophages circulate
travel throughout the body until it comes throughout the body and are constantly
across a target cell that will respond. These looking for invaders to engulf. Other types of
target cells have specific protein receptors that macrophage are fixed in a particular organ: for
couple with the hormone. The degree to which instance, Kupffer cells are found in the liver
the hormone will combine with the target cell and alveolar macrophages are found in the
will depend on the: lung. Another type of phagocyte are the
neutrophils. These are a type of white blood
• hormone’s concentration in the blood cell that become phagocytic if they encounter
• relative number of receptors a foreign substance.
available to couple with the hormone In the blood and lymph, natural killer (NK)
• strength of attraction (affinity) cells roam with the specific task of killing
between the hormone and the cancer cells and virus-affected body cells
receptor. before the immune system is activated. As the
name suggests, they are non-specific in their
targets and act by attacking the cell’s outer
IMMUNE SYSTEM layer, the plasma membrane.

The body is constantly bombarded with The last line

hazards and ‘foreign invaders’. The body has
three lines of defence against the invaders. The third, or last, line is a specific defence
system or the immune system. The process is
The front line called immunity. Immunity involves a specific
reaction between the invader (the antigen) and
Skin and mucosa are the first, or front, line of the protector (the antibody). It is particularly
defence. These are physical barriers between useful to the body as the immune response is
agents and the internal environment of the transferred throughout the whole body and
body and have the following characteristics: can quickly respond to a subsequent exposure
with a ‘counter-attack’. The main types of
• acidic skin secretions and surface immunity responses are: humoral (antibody-
• acidic stomach mucosa mediated) and cellular (cell-mediated).
• saliva and lacrimal fluid containing
lysozymes (an enzyme that destroys Humoral immunity
• mucous which traps many micro- A humoral immune response occurs when an
organisms in the respiratory and antigen enters the body, causing the
digestive systems. production of antibodies to fight the agent.
38 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Case study 2.1

Jules is a jewellery maker. She notices a red rash on her hands, which persists after
several months. Jules consults an occupational physician, who diagnoses the rash
as allergic contact dermatitis, caused from exposure to nickel.
The doctor tells Jules that this is an example of a cell-mediated hyper-
sensitivity or Type IV sensitivity. It is caused by an immune response between the
proteins of the skin and the nickel molecules, which then produces T-cells. Jules
informs the doctor that this was not the first time she had used alloys containing
nickel. This is not unusual, as T memory cells may be formed after the first contact
with no resulting dermatitis; however, subsequent exposures will result in
dermatitis as the T memory cells form many active T-cells to fight the invader.

Antibodies, also called immunoglobins (ig’s), sidered normal. It is also called an allergy. A
are classified according to their structures and hypersensitivity response occurs when anti-
type of antigen to which they will bind. bodies and antigens bind together to form
The confrontation usually occurs in the complexes, and these are deposited in organs
spleen or lymph node, and involves a B-cell. B- and cause inflammatory damage. This type of
cells are a type of lymphocyte (white blood effect can be generalised as extrinsic allergic
cell) which are able to recognise and link to a alveolitis.
specific antigen. As the antigen binds to the Exposure to some micro-organisms can
surface of the B-lymphocyte, it becomes elicit a hypersensitivity response. For instance,
activated, causing the cell to quickly multiply mushroom farm workers exposed to
and form B-cells. By themselves, B-cells do not mushroom compost containing Micropolyspora
secrete large amounts of antibodies. However, faeni and Thermoactinomyces vulgaris can suffer
B-cells formed from the original B-lymphocyte from a Type III mediated hypersensitivity
(called clones) change to plasma cells, which reaction known as mushroom pickers’ lung.
secrete antibodies to kill the antigens. Those
few clone cells that do not become plasma Cellular immunity
cells, called memory cells, continue to
circulate in the body and can quickly react to Cellular or cell-mediated immunity occurs
another invasion of the antigen if required. when lymphocytes defend the body. So,
Humoral immunity can be obtained in two instead of antibodies fighting off the antigens,
ways. Firstly, it can be naturally acquired some types of white blood cells have this
through viral or bacterial infections. Secondly, responsibility. T-cells are best suited for this
it can be artificially acquired by being exposed attack as they respond to processed fractions
to a vaccine. For instance, exposure to vaccine of protein antigens that are displayed on
against Q fever (the bacteria Coxiella burnetii is surfaces of the body’s own cells. A full
the causal agent) will cause the body to description of cellular immunity is complex
develop its own antigens and, if exposed to the and beyond the scope of this discussion.
fever, the body can fight off the antigens. However, you should be aware that there are a
Hypersensitivity is a term used to describe number of T-cells that play a role in the
a person’s reaction to an agent that is not con- immune response. This type of response is also
Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 39

found chiefly when the B-cell has not been able to external stimuli, it synthesises vitamin D
to remove the agent and it has multiplied and it is involved in a limited amount of
within the body quite quickly. Some examples excretion of nitrogen-containing wastes such
of this include exposure to viruses, bacteria as urea and ammonia. The skin is composed of
and cancerous cells. two layers: the epidermis and the dermis.
The outer layer (the epidermis) is a thick
covering that has four cell types and four or
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM five separate layers. The cell types include:

The skin and its derivatives (hair, nails, sweat • keratinocytes

and oil glands) are among the best mechanisms • melanocytes
that the human body has to protect itself • Merkel cells
against occupational hygiene hazards. This • Langerhans’ cells
system provides protection against physical
hazards such as heat, radiation and abrasion, The fibrous protein in the epidermis (keratin)
chemical substances and bacteria. Additionally, forms one of the protective characteristics of
this system has many receptors that respond the skin. As the name suggests, keratinocytes

Arrector pili muscle

Hair shaft

Stratum corneum
Stratum luddum
Stratum granulosum
Papillary layer
Stratum spinosum
Stratum basale
Reticular layer
Meissner's corpuscle

Hair root



Vein Adipose tissue

Figure 2.4 Structure of the skin
40 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

manufacture keratin. Melanocytes are found dermis. Hair is produced by hair follicles. Hair
deep in the epidermis and synthesise melanin, follicles extend from the epidermal surface of
the pigment that helps protect skin cells from the skin deep into the dermis. At the base of
UV radiation. Exposure to substances such as the follicle is a bundle of smooth muscle, the
p-tert-butylphenol (PTBP), which is an arrector pili, which controls the movement of
ingredient in resins used in adhesives in the the hair. In the workplace, hair filters out large
motor industry, can cause vitiligo, a particles such as dusts from the respiratory
depigmentation of the skin. system. It also protects the eyes from foreign
Merkel cells are also located deep in the particles.
epidermis and combine with a sensory nerve Oil (sebaceous) glands are found
ending. Langerhans’ cells are essentially everywhere on the body except the palms and
scavenger cells which have migrated from the soles. They secrete sebum, an oily liquid that is
bone marrow to assist in the immune effect of usually secreted at the hair follicle to coat the
the body. hair, making it water-resistant and killing
The epidermis also has several layers, bacteria. Acne occurs when an oil gland
although the number will depend on the becomes inflamed and pimples show on the
thickness of skin. These layers are the: skin (this is caused by a bacterial infection or
exposure to some chemical substances). Oils,
• basal layer (stratum basale) pitch, tar and some chlorinated hydrocarbons
• spiny layer (stratum spinosum) can cause occupational acne. These chemicals
• granular layer (stratum granulosum) clog the pores and then promote the
• clear layer (stratum lucidum) production of keratin, forming cysts.
• horny layer (stratum corneum). Sweat glands are distributed over the skin
except the nipples and part of the external
Thick skin, found on the palms, fingertips and genitalia. The eccrine sweat glands are coiled,
soles of the feet, has five layers. In thin skin, tubular glands that open at pores, excreting
only four layers are present (the clear layer is sweat. Apocrine sweat glands secrete sweat,
missing). proteins and some fatty substances. The
The dermal region contains a large number secretion is odourless but can have a musky
of blood vessels and nerve endings. This is for odour if decomposed by bacteria on the skin.
several reasons. Firstly, the skin regulates body Exposure to some substances can cause
temperature by increasing or limiting sensitisation of the skin. This occurs when the
perspiration. When the body temperature sensitising substance travels through the
rises, the blood vessels in this area dilate and epidermis and reacts with proteins in the
sweat is lost through sweat glands and to the dermis to form an antibody. This is known as
pores of the skin. If the body becomes too contact dermatitis and the skin will react
cool, the blood vessels constrict to conserve whenever the body is reacquainted with the
body temperature. Secondly, the sensory substance. Some examples of sensitisers are:
receptors respond to stimuli such as
temperature, pain and irritation. Finally, the • dyes, such as aniline black, safranine
extremely vascular nature of skin makes it an and bismarck brown
ideal blood reservoir. When blood is needed in • photographic developers containing
other organs, the volume of blood sent to the hydroquinone or bichromates
dermal blood vessels is decreased. • insecticides, such as creosote, tar
Derivatives of skin, including hair follicles, and pyrethrum
oil glands and sweat glands, are located in the • natural resins from timber.
Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 41

Tonsils (in pharyngeal region)



(in intestine)

Figure 2.5 The lymphatic system

LYMPHATIC SYSTEM tissue. Lymphatic tissues house scavenger

cells, known as lymphocytes and macrophages.
The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic Lymphocytes originate from the red bone
vessels and lymphatic tissues and organs. Their marrow (from long bones such as the femur
combined purpose is to assist the body in and clavicle) and then mature into T-cells or B-
maintaining fluid equilibrium and protect cells. T-cells directly attack and destroy foreign
against foreign invaders and diseases. The cells, while B-cells form plasma cells that
lymphoid organs include the lymph nodes, secrete antibodies to immobilise the foreign
tonsils, thymus, spleen and Peyer’s patches (in cell until it can be destroyed by other means.
the intestine). These foreign cells are called antigens. In the
These organs are formed from lymphatic human body, an antibody will be developed for
42 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

a specific antigen. Macrophages are involved in capillaries. These then expand to successively
destroying foreign bodies in the body. This larger and thicker-walled vessels until finally
process is called phagocytosis. being delivered to one of two large ducts in
Lymphatic vessels collect fluid that is in the thoracic region.
tissue spaces (interstitial fluid), where it is
drained and returned to the bloodstream.
Once the fluid enters the lymphatic vessels it is MUSCULAR SYSTEM
called lymph. Since there is no central
‘pumping station’ for the lymphatic system (as Muscle tissue can be skeletal, cardiac and
opposed to the cardiovascular system), the smooth. Each type has different functions
vessels have a specialised structure that allows within the body and all can be affected by
lymph to be collected from the interstitial exposure to occupational hygiene hazards.
space and transported throughout the body. Skeletal muscle can be damaged if over used.
Lymph is collected initially by lymphatic In general, the function of muscle is to:

Thin filament Actin molecules

Thick filament
Head of
myosin molecule



Thick (myosin) filament Thin (actin) filament

Muscle fibre (cell)

(wrapped by perimysium)
(beween fibres)


Figure 2.6 Structure of skeletal muscle

Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 43

• produce movement contractile proteins that contain myosin (thick)

• maintain posture and actin (thin), respectively. These proteins
• stabilise joints slide past one another, enabling the muscles to
• generate heat. shorten. This is the reason why skeletal muscle
is often referred to as being banded or striated
Muscle tissue is able to receive and respond to — the thick and thin filaments within the
a stimulus, can contract and extend, and has an myofibril give the muscle fibre a striped
ability to return to its original length after appearance.
being stretched. Skeletal muscles are actually Muscle fibres are then bundled together
thousands of smaller muscle work-units called and called a fascicle (or portion of the muscle).
muscle fibres. Muscle fibres are covered in a This is surrounded by a perimysium. Hundreds
protective layer of connective tissue known as or thousands of muscle cells, connective
the endomysium. The muscle fibres in turn are tissue, blood vessels and nerve fibres are then
formed from many contracting elements called bound to form a muscle. Muscles are also
myofibrils. Myofibrils are complex structures covered with an external layer called the
that consist of myofilaments (also known as epimysium.
sarcomeres), laid end to end, which contract Skeletal muscles are arranged in the body
and expand. so that they either work together or in
Myofilaments contain thick and thin opposition, to achieve a variety of movements.

Agonist (biceps)

Antagonist (triceps)

Figure 2.7 The relationship between agonist and antagonist muscles

44 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management


Pectorialis major Deltoid

Triceps brachii
Intercostals Biceps brachii

Rectus abdominis

External oblique

Rectus femoris
Vactus lateralis
Vactus medialis

Tibialis anterior

Figure 2.8 Anterior view of the muscles of the body

Since muscles contract and hence only pull, whose contractions are voluntary. Cardiac
another muscle must pull in the opposite muscle, as the name suggests, refers to the
direction to ‘undo’ the action. The muscle that muscle of the heart. It also operates
provides a specific force for a movement is involuntarily but rhythmically.
called the agonist. Its opposite partner is
called the antagonist. The antagonist is often
stretched and relaxed while the agonist is NERVOUS SYSTEM
active. Another type of muscle that assists in
action is called the synergist. This muscle aids The nervous system is our body’s ‘computer’.
in the movement and prevents unwanted The central nervous system (CNS) consists of
movements or action that might occur when the brain and spinal cord, and functions as the
the agonist contracts. body’s control centre. The peripheral nervous
Smooth muscle is found in the walls of system (PNS) is the workhorse — it consists of
hollow organs of the respiratory, digestive, spinal nerves that carry impulses to and from
urinary and reproductive tracts. They are also the spinal cord and cranial nerves that carry
part of the multi-unit muscles of the intrinsic impulses to and from the brain.
eye muscles. Their contraction occurs Nerves are made from nervous tissue.
involuntarily as compared to skeletal muscles Nervous tissue consists of neurons and
Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 45


Rhomboid major

Triceps brachii
Latissimus dorsi

Erector spinae

Gluteus maximus

Biceps femoris (hamstring)


Achilles tendon

Figure 2.9 Posterior view of the muscles of the body

supporting cells. Neurons consist of the cell from a number of Schwann cells that are
body, processes, dendrites and axon. Most cell wrapped around the axon. Schwann cells are
bodies are found in the CNS. Extensions called an example of supporting cells and are only
processes move out of the cell body. Processes found in the PNS. There are usually gaps in
can be dendrites or axon. between the sheath and these are called nodes
Dendrites are short processes that conduct of Ranvier.
electrical impulses toward the cell body. The The nervous system is one of the major
axon is joined to the cell body at the axon systems that can be affected by acute exposure
hillock. The other end of the axon that to occupational hygiene hazards. For instance,
connects with other neurons or a tissue, such exposure to n-butane (a flammable gas) can
as muscle, is called the axon terminal. It cause drowsiness and is narcotic. Bromoform
transmits electrical impulses away from the is a CNS depressant.
cell body. Neurons respond strongly to stimuli. When
The axon can be covered in a fatty sheath, they are adequately irritated, an electrical
called the myelin sheath. The sheath helps impulse is conducted along the axon. This is
insulate the axon, increasing the speed of known as a nerve impulse or action potential.
impulse transmission and electrically isolating When a nerve impulse reaches the axon
one axon from another. The sheath is formed terminal, a chain of events causes a substance
46 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Brain Central
Spinal cord system

Peripheral nervous system

(cranial and spinal nerves)

Figure 2.10 The nervous system

to be released that assists in the transmission to be identified was acetylcholine (ACh). After
of the electrical message. This substance is acetylcholine is released, it binds to the
known as a neurotransmitter. The neuro- postsynaptic receptors and is then degraded
transmitter crosses the junction between by the enzyme acetyl-cholinesterase (AChE).
neurons, or a neuron and effector cell (the Acetylcholine is released by all neurons that
synaptic junction), and causes a change in the stimulate skeletal muscles. Cholinesterase
permeability of the postsynaptic membrane. (measured in blood) can be used to determine
From here, depolarisation of the membrane if workers have been exposed to
causes calcium (Ca ) to flood into the organophosphorous pesticides.
terminal. This surge then causes the
neurotransmitter contents to be emptied into
the synaptic cleft, where it attaches to REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
receptors in the postsynaptic membrane. As
the neurotransmitter binds to the postsynaptic The male reproductive organs include the:
membrane, a voltage change occurs causing it
to be excited or inhibited. • sperm producing area — the testes
There are many types of transmitters found that are located inside the scrotum
in the human body. The first neurotransmitter • duct system — consisting of the
Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 47

Axonal terminals

Nodes of ranvier



Dendrites (receptive area)


Figure 2.11 A generalised neuron

epididymis, the vas deferens and The female reproductive system consists of
urethra. the internal organs:

The process is also aided by the seminal • ovaries

vesicle, which secretes fluid into the • fallopian tubes
ejaculatory duct, and the prostate gland. • uterus
The occupational hygiene hazards that can • cervix
affect the male reproductive system are • vagina.
chemical, physical and biological in nature.
Some substances such as lead and pesticides It also includes the external genitalia. The
can lead to the production of abnormal mammary glands are considered to be an
sperm. Physical hazards such as radiation accessory organ of the female reproductive
and heat may interfere with sperm develop- system. The reproductive system hazards that
ment. Sterility from exposure to viral affect females are similar to males; however,
infections such as mumps is a rare but possible exposure to teratogens must also be considered
consequence. if the woman is pregnant and at work.
48 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Axon of
presynaptic Synaptic vesicle containing
neuron neurotransmitter molecules

Axonal terminal of
presynaptic neuron



Ion channel protein

Figure 2.12 Electrical impulse transmission

Spine Ureter

Urinary bladder

Seminal vesicle

Ejaculatory duct Pubis
Prostate gland Ductus deferens


Bulb of penis Penis




Figure 2.13 The male reproductive system

Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 49

Fundus of uterus


Ovarian Endometrium
Ovary ligament
Myometrium Wall of uterus



Figure 2.14 The female reproductive system

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM of air. Since the alveolar wall is only about one
cell thick, the air diffuses across the membrane
and into the capillaries. This area is known as
The respiratory system consists of two areas the respiratory zone.
— the conducting zone and the respiratory Exposure to substances at work through
zone. The conducting zone consists of the inhalation will show different effects
nasal and oral cavity, which funnels air from depending on their movement through the
the external environment through the trachea conducting zone and the respiratory zone.
and into the branched structures of the lungs Water-soluble gases such as ammonia (NH3)
(bronchi). The trachea and bronchi are and chlorine (Cl2) will dissolve in the upper
constructed of a connective tissue called respiratory tract. These gases may irritate the
cartilage that helps maintain their structure to eyes and nasal mucosa and cause itching or
prevent collapse and allow air to travel into the stinging of the nose and throat and watering
smaller bronchioles. Air then travels along the eyes. Other more permanent gases, such as
bronchioles and to its ending (the terminal carbon monoxide (CO), will travel through the
bronchiole) which is covered in tiny sacs. conducting zone and pass across the alveolar
These are called alveoli. Alveoli have the role of wall to the oxygen-carrying cells of the blood,
increasing the surface area available for gas the red blood cells (RBC) or erythrocytes.
exchange in the lung. They resemble a bunch These cells contain a protein, globin, and a red
of grapes on the end of a stalk. As air is pigment, haem. Every haemoglobin molecule
conducted through the bronchioles it is forced contains four ring-like haem groups with an
into the alveoli that expand from the pressure iron atom in its centre. It is the iron atom that
50 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Nasal cavity

Nostril Pharynx
Oral cavity

Alveolar duct

Superior lobe Superior lobe

of right lung of left lung

Primary bronchus
Secondary bronchus

Tertiary bronchus
Middle lobe

Inferior lobe

Figure 2.15 The respiratory system

combines with oxygen to collect, transport and Carbon dioxide can be transported in the
unload this gas from the lungs to the tissues of following forms:
the body. Therefore, four oxygen molecules are
transported in each haemoglobin molecule.
Some fibrotic dusts such as crystalline • as a gas dissolved in the plasma of
silica, which was formerly used as an abrasive blood — about 7–8 per cent of carbon
blasting media, do not pass through the dioxide transported simply dissolves
alveolar wall but are instead removed from the into the plasma
lungs by scavenging cells from the immune • chemically bound to haemoglobin in
system. Macrophages, a type of white blood red blood cells — about 20 per cent
cell that recognises foreign particles (antigens), of carbon dioxide is transported this
play an important role in engulfing and way; as the red blood cells reach the
destroying these particles. lungs the carbon dioxide is rapidly
Once the oxygen has diffused through the dissociated and transfers across the
alveolar wall and bound with the haemoglobin, alveolar wall into the lung
it is then transported throughout the body • as bicarbonate ion in plasma —
tissues. Carbon dioxide (CO2), a by-product of about 70 per cent of carbon dioxide is
normally active body cells, is then collected converted into bicarbonate ions and
from the tissues to be excreted by the lungs. transported in the blood plasma.
Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 51








Figure 2.16 The human skeleton

Once the carbon dioxide reaches the bones that act as levers. From an occupational
respiratory zone and passes through the health perspective the skeleton also has
capillaries covering the alveoli, it either another important function: storage of fat and
dissolves or dissociates, moves into the alveoli minerals. Calcium and phosphorous are the
and is exhaled for elimination from the body. most important minerals stored in the matrix
of the bone, although copper, magnesium,
potassium, sodium and sulphur are also
SKELETAL SYSTEM stored. Some metals such as lead, which is
used in manufacturing car batteries, some
The skeletal system consists of two main parts: pipes, paints, enamels, glazes, leaded petrol
the axial and the appendicular skeletons and in radiator repair, will actually displace
(Figure 2.16). calcium from the bone and teeth. Once inside
The skeleton’s main function is to support, the body, the metal compound is quite stable.
protect and allow for movement by the long The skeleton also manufactures blood cells
52 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

within the marrow cavities of long and flat URINARY SYSTEM

bones. Exposure to inorganic lead, benzene or
carbon monoxide can cause stippling of the
red blood cells. This is a condition, known as The kidney is the major organ that is involved
sickle-cell anaemia, where the red blood cells in excretion and maintaining a constant
become crescent shaped and rupture internal environment. The skin and lungs are
prematurely which results in the blood having also involved in excretion.
a reduced oxygen-carrying capability. Kidneys can be best described as bean-
The axial skeleton is made of the skull, shaped organs that lie either side of the
vertebral column and bony thorax. Its main vertebral column. They have a rich blood
purpose is to protect nervous tissue, such as supply, enabling them to cleanse the blood of
the brain and spinal cord, and organs behind toxins and remove or retain water in blood to
the ribs and sternum. ensure a stable volume of blood. This cleansing
The bones of the appendicular skeleton can occurs through the nephrons. Most people
be thought of as two bony girdles attached to have two kidneys, with each containing more
the axial skeleton, with more bones attached than one million nephrons. As blood from the
to each girdle. Attached to the bony thorax by renal arteries delivers blood to the kidneys, it
the clavicle and scapula, the pectoral or filters through an area called the glomerulus
shoulder girdle attaches to the arm, forearm that is very dense in capillaries. As blood
and hand. The pelvic or hip girdle is secured to passes through these capillaries, large
the axial skeleton by strong ligaments. It amounts of liquid seep out of the glomerulus
consists of a bowl-like structure (the pelvis) and into its surrounding area, the glomerular
which articulates with the thigh bones through (Bowman’s) capsule. These two parts of the
ball-and-joint sockets. Beginning at the thigh, nephron are known as the renal corpuscle.
the bones of the leg are the femur, tibia and From here, the liquid makes a journey through
fibula. The kneecap (patella) forms a hinge the proximal convoluted tubule, takes a sharp
between the upper and lower leg, and the foot U-turn at the loop of Henle and then continues
and toe bones support the weight of the body. in the distal convoluted tubule. This part of the


Renal pelvis
Renal artery (renal)
Renal vein

Ureter Renal

Figure 2.17 Cross-sectional diagram of the kidney

Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 53








Collecting tubule

Loop of Henle

Figure 2.18 Filtration in the nephron

kidney is found at the cortex-medulla junction Water, small proteins, urea and fat-soluble
and is the area most significantly damaged by solutes can also be reabsorbed. Chloride
exposure to occupational hygiene hazards. sodium ions and water continue to be
As the liquid, or filtrate, travels through the reabsorbed at the loop of Henle. The distal
tubules, capillaries that surround the tubules convoluted tubule reabsorbs sodium, water
reabsorb a large amount of the liquid. The and anions (negatively charged ions). This is
proximal convoluted tubule reabsorbs: known as tubular secretion. Tubular secretion
assists in disposing of substances that are not
• sodium ions (Na ) already in the filtrate, can help control the pH
• nutrients such as glucose, vitamins (acidity) of the blood and eliminates
and amino acids undesirable substances that have been
• ions such as potassium (K ), reabsorbed.
2+ 2+
magnesium (Mg ), calcium (Ca ), After moving through the loop of Henle,

chloride (Cl ) and hydrogen urine concentrates and is conveyed from the
carbonate ions (HCO ) kidneys to the bladder via the ureters. Urine
54 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

consists of about 95 per cent water and only 5 can be collected to detect substances (or
per cent of solute. The urinary bladder is a indicators of their presence).
muscular sac that temporarily stores urine
until draining from the body by the urethra.
Some substances can be measured in urine, ANATOMICAL POSITIONS
as they are not fully metabolised by the body
and are not reabsorbed through the excretory Let’s face it, studying the human body at work
system. The term used for this type of can be complex. Work requires many
measurement is biological monitoring. Table movements and placement of body parts at
2.1 shows some examples where urine samples different angles and locations.

Table 2.1 Biological Monitoring (Urine) for Selected Substances

Substance Substance or metabolite monitored

Benzene t,t-muconic acid (t,t–MA)
Carbon disulphide 2–thiothiazolidine–4–carboxylix acid (TTCA)
Trichloroethylene trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
Xylene methyl hippuric acid

(a) (b) (c)

Frontal plane Saggital plane Transverse plane

Figure 2.19 Anatomical terms for the human body at work

Chapter 2: Working out the human body ■ 55

Anatomists use certain medical terms left and right sections. The transverse
to describe the direction and position of plane runs horizontally through the centre
organs within the body. They describe the of the body to divide it into top (inferior)
body in terms of sections or planes. For and bottom (superior) parts. These
instance, the frontal plane divides the body examples are shown in Figure 2.19. Move-
into front (anterior) and back (posterior) ments of the body are also described in
parts. The saggital plane cuts the body into Figure 2.20.






Figure 2.20 Moving the human body at work

56 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

The human body at work is an amazing piece of machinery whose systems work together to
adapt to continual change and variation. Exposure to occupational hygiene hazards
constantly challenges the body to maintain homeostasis. The twelve systems in the body that
work to achieve this internal consistency are the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine,
immune, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal and
urinary systems.


Marieb, E.N. 1995, Human Anatomy and Physiology, 3rd edn, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company,
Inc., California
Marieb, E.N. 1997, Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 5th edn, Benjamin/Cummings Inc.,
Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R. and Case, C.L. 1992, Microbiology: An Introduction, 4th edn,
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., California
Chapter 3

Hazard identification

Earlier in this book, the broad principles of risk performed in a structured or planned way, or
management were identified as hazard may be part of day-to-day work and are thus
identification, risk assessment and risk control. unplanned or casual. Whatever the level of
In Australian workplaces, occupational health formality in conducting an inspection, what is
and safety laws require a structured approach integral is that hazards are identified and
to hazard identification. However, this need controlled to minimise risk.
not mean the task is onerous. Recognition of In recent years, the application of
hazards, especially those that impact on the occupational health and safety inspections has
health of workers, can be performed in a broadened to encompass the identification of
number of ways: both formally through the unsafe/unhealthy acts, as well as unsafe/
engagement of specialists and informally by unhealthy conditions. The latter refers to the
involving trained workers in the process. physical hazards. The former considers the
AS/NZS4801 and AS/NZS4360 provide broad role of workers and management and the
guidance in the area by suggesting that all impact of their behaviour on health and safety
hazards should be identified as part of an outcomes. This section of the chapter will
ongoing process and especially where there focus on physical conditions while the
are changes in the workplace, new knowledge discussion on consultation and communication
about the hazard or changes in legislation. will delve into the aspect of human
This chapter provides some practical involvement.
hazard identification tools and techniques Physical inspections generally involve
including inspections; occupational hygiene walking around various areas of the workplace
audits; consultation and communication; using to identify hazards that may be observed or
information or specialist advice; reviewing anticipated. While investigating the physical
records; and job safety analyses. environment and conditions, it is vital that
further information is obtained from workers
or their representatives to gauge the full
INSPECTIONS picture. Workers have an intimate knowledge
about what is actually done at the workplace
One of the most common methods of and whether the conditions are representative
identifying hazards is the inspection or walk- of a typical day’s exposure. For instance, has
through survey. Inspections can focus on a an exhaust fan been switched off for
specific physical area of the workplace or may maintenance, resulting in high dust
be hazard specific. Equally, they can be concentrations in the workshop? Why are
58 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

solvent-drenched rags lying in opened drums Inspections are an important systematic

near paper and timber offcuts? Workers may tool that may be used to identify areas of
be able to explain these anomalies, describe noncompliance or potential risk to workers.
changes that have been made and report how They can be designed using a problem-solving
the conditions may be affecting them. The approach and then be expanded upon to
advantages of an inspection as a technique for generate discussion and manage risks in the
hazard identification are: workplace. Unfortunately, inspections are
limited in that:
• it can be quick
• the workplace can be investigated as • they take a ‘snap-shot’ of the
separate processes or areas conditions at a particular point of
• a multidisciplinary team of workers, time
occupational hygienist and • the investigators’ knowledge may
management can give a holistic and limit the hazards that are identified
unbiased assessment • systems and procedures are not fully
• baseline information about the investigated
current status of health can be • insidious and non-obvious hazards
determined and benchmarked may not be recognised.
• tools such as checklists can be used
to guide and assist the investigating At first, conducting an inspection may appear
team. daunting! Significant planning may be required
to become familiar with the type of workplace
Checklists are one of the most commonly used and its potential hazards. A good under-
tools to identify occupational hygiene hazards. standing of the inputs, outputs and by-
Many types of checklists can be found in products or intermediates of the process is
occupational hygiene texts and also on the also required. Hazards may be present at any
Internet. However, they may need to be of these stages. The five steps of conducting an
adapted to suit the workplace and hazards. inspection are planning, investigation,
At best, checklists should be used as evaluation, reporting and taking actions.
guidance and to jog the memory. Some
occupational hygienists find it useful to skim Planning the inspection
the checklist once the inspection or audit has
been completed. This serves as a backup to the This will require considering aspects or areas
process that had been conducted. The to be inspected and determining the
advantages of checklists are that they provide measurable standards with which to compare
suggested areas or hazards to investigate, the findings. As a starting point, the relevant
guide the investigator to hazards which may State, Territory or Commonwealth occu-
not have been thought of, provide a format for pational health and safety legislation should be
reporting and recording findings, and give consulted to identify the minimum standard of
structure and direction to the investigation. control that must be achieved.
Limitations of using checklists as the sole The minimum standards need not be
hazard identification tool are they can ‘blinker’ merely legislative requirements but could
the investigator, who refers only to the include industry standards or accepted ‘best
checklist, and some formats of checklists do practice’ standards. Most legislation is
not provide adequate space for recording available on the Internet or may be purchased
details of conditions. through the State, Territory or Commonwealth
Chapter 3: Hazard identification ■ 59

government publishing services. The websites basic observations about the work
for the State, Territory and Commonwealth environment, workers and the work process.
departments responsible for occupational Some aspects that should be investigated will
health and safety are shown in Table 3.1. include:
Table 3.1 OH&S websites in Australia
• the process (inputs, outputs and by-
Government authority Internet address (URL)
• the nature and state of matter of
substances or agents involved in the
Queensland process
• temperature and pressure of the
New South Wales process
• the number of workers involved in
Victoria the process and those who may be
Tasmania • immediately observable conditions
such as excessive noise, dusts, fume,
South Australia lighting
• controls currently in place and
Western Australia whether they are being used
• the use of personal protective
Northern Territory equipment such as respiratory
protective devices, hearing
ACT protection, gloves and eye
Commonwealth • visible health effects that may be
associated with exposure to
substances from the process.
The planning phase will also involve
selecting a team to participate in the
inspection. The team should be balanced with Evaluation
workers or their representatives, supervisors
or management, and a person with skills, The evaluative phase allows the identified
knowledge and experience in identifying hazards to be compared with measurable
occupational hygiene hazards. standards and decisions to be made as to the
This may require some negotiation to requirement for further information to assist in
obtain the best balance of team members in a the risk assessment. Conducting occupational
setting that is still informal and easily hygiene monitoring may require quantification
managed. It is important to remember that the of the risks. For instance:
inspection is not a fully fledged audit but a
preliminary survey of the conditions. • monitoring of noise levels and
frequencies at a canning factory
Investigation • measurement of lighting levels and
glare in an office environment
The investigative component of the walk- • measurement of temperature in a
through survey will require the team to make bakery.
60 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

It may be difficult to make a full evaluation of • evaluate training and

conditions following an inspection. Other communications.
techniques for hazard analysis are detailed in
Chapter 13. A comprehensive audit may take several hours
or even days, depending upon the workplace
Reporting and taking action and its systems. However, whether an
organisation has complex or simple systems,
The findings of the inspection should be the principles of auditing are identical. The
documented in a report or findings sheet. Due relationship between workers, management,
to the informal nature of the survey, it may not plant and equipment, procedures, materials
be practical to complete a full technical report and the environment must be considered.
but an action sheet with responsibilities is a Various occupational health and safety
necessity. audit frameworks are used in Australia. The
Other options for reporting the findings of most common of these are AS/NZS4801,
the walk-through survey will depend on the OHSAS18001 and SafetyMAP. Further
nature of the inspection. For instance, if the information about auditing is presented in
purpose was to identify the presence of Chapter 14.
hazardous substances, a plan of the workplace
could be drawn to show its physical layout and Policies and procedures
the location of substances. The recommended
controls should be implemented and reviewed Policies and procedures relating to the
for their effectiveness within a particular time occupational hygiene program should be
frame. This will help to manage the risks and reviewed to ensure they:
ensure continued participation from all levels
of the workforce. Chapter 14 discusses ways of • enable an adequate and efficient use
managing risks. of resources
• meet the goal of identifying hazards
and minimising risk
OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE • achieve the stated goals (for
AUDITING instance, that exposure to a
hazardous substance is less than
Occupational hygiene auditing expands the the NES
inspection to identify hazards and measure the • are able to adapt to changes in the
effectiveness of the occupational hygiene program focus.
program against goals and standards. The
audit enables obvious occupational hygiene The program should be checked for content
hazards to be identified and the systems for and applicability at the workplace. For
recognition of hazards to be evaluated. There instance, have relevant minimum legislative
are four components of an occupational requirements been identified and how was this
hygiene audit: done? Has responsibility been delegated to
ensure the organisation is aware of recent
• to review the program’s organisation information about the substances or agents
and procedures used in the workplace?
• to evaluate trends in illness Emergency procedures and communication
• to review methods for recognition, between workers and management should
evaluation and control of hazards also be investigated. The methods and
Chapter 3: Hazard identification ■ 61

effectiveness of reporting/recording of advantages, however, lie in the ability to

accidents and illness should be reviewed identify unsafe conditions and unsafe
through discussion with workers, comparing workplace practices. Costs associated with
hazard identification or accident reporting occupational illness can also be analysed with
forms, and workers’ compensation data. potential savings highlighted.
Any documentation relating to managing
occupational hygiene risks should be Reviewing risk management
maintained, reviewed and supported by systems
management at the highest level. Commitment
by all levels of the workforce is vital to gain a This part of the occupational hygiene audit
sense of ownership and empowerment of the allows review of hazard recognition
system. Disenchanted workers may not be procedures and documentation such as walk-
willing to identify occupational hygiene through surveys, area plans of the workplace,
hazards if they believe their opinions will not material safety data sheets and job safety
be taken seriously and appropriately actioned. analyses.
The mechanism for worker consultation
Evaluating trends and feedback with management should also be
reviewed at this stage. Other aspects that
Evaluating trends in injuries and accidents is could be investigated include:
one indicator that can be used to determine
the effectiveness of the occupational hygiene • the adequacy of process and
program. Earlier in Chapter 1, terms such as equipment design to control or
prevalence and incidence were discussed. If minimise exposure
these are tracked over a period of time, • that standard operating procedures
particular patterns may become apparent. (SOP) are in place and are reviewed
The disadvantage of adopting this type of regularly
approach is that such evaluations are negative • procedures for personal protective
indicators, as compared to a proactive or equipment (PPE), which might
positive analysis of performance. The include assignment of equipment to

Case study 3.1

The manager of a large open-plan office that housed telemarketers had received
recent complaints of general feelings of unwellness from personnel. The
symptoms included dryness of the eyes, running nose and headache.
Upon investigation of the complaints, she noticed that most were from the
afternoon shift, which began at 3 p.m. and finished at 10 p.m. At first, the
manager assumed the comments had stemmed from a worker who stirred up
other employees who then became vocal about minor issues. Only a week
previously they had complained that the tearoom was stuffy.
The manager contacted the owner of the building, who informed her that
the air-conditioning was on an automatic timer that switched off at 6 p.m.! The
manager notified the building owner that employees were working until 10 p.m.
The timer was adjusted to turn off at 10 p.m. and an ‘out-of-hours’ switch was also
62 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

workers, maintenance, control and general housekeeping, hazardous substances,

use portable hand tools and ergonomics.
• management audits and their Intermediate audits are made at irregular
frequency, the personnel involved intervals and are usually unannounced, for
and the methods for follow-up example, emergency evacuation procedures
• worker training programs and confined space entry procedures.
• emergency response capabilities. Continuous audits are part of the
workplace’s day-to-day operation. Respons-
Training and communication ibility is usually allocated to all people in the
workplace and continual improvement is the
The aim of this section of the audit is to review goal in this case.
the worker training programs for relevance; Special audits are for especially hazardous
success in informing, motivating and situations, such as lighting, container labelling,
modifying worker behaviour; and ability to hearing protector audits and use of gloves.
convey management’s commitment to a
healthy work environment. Some issues that
may be investigated and checked are: USING INFORMATION OR
• procedures for induction
• hazard communication training Effective hazard identification requires
• ‘on-the-job’ training programs considerable awareness of the potential agents
• written communication that may be present in the work environment.
• frequency and content of employee There is much information that can be sourced
meetings and awareness programs to assist in identifying occupational hygiene
• consultation mechanism and method hazards. These are available in different media
of obtaining feedback such as such as books, journals and periodicals,
‘toolbox’ talks and round-table legislation, brochures and information sheets,
meetings CD-ROM, the Internet, floppy disc, microfiche,
• professional training skills of the video, computer databases and organisational
‘trainers’. For instance, are they literature.
occupational hygienists, engineers, Some books that may be useful are shown
production management or employee in the Bibliography and Further Reading
relations staff? section of this chapter. As a general rule of
thumb, books should be used to provide
When to audit? general information but should not be heavily
relied upon as the primary source of
The frequency of auditing will depend on its information. Writing, publishing and editing
aims and application. For instance, is the delays often mean the information contained
audit’s chief goal to determine compliance in a book could be six or twelve months old
with legislation or is it to identify hazards? before even getting to the bookstore!
Audits can be conducted periodically, Although this is not always the case, remember
intermittently, continuously or on special to consider the publication date of the book
occasions. and check details until you are comfortable the
Periodic audits are scheduled at regular information is recent and relevant.
intervals and may include auditing of specific Journals and periodicals provide recent
hazards; for instance, buildings and grounds, research findings and discussion about issues
Chapter 3: Hazard identification ■ 63

relating to a particular topic. They are usually and information sheets to help identify
peer-reviewed and the authors must meet hazards.
stringent publication requirements. Some Lastly, occupational hygiene consultants
useful occupational hygiene journals include: should be able to provide current and
significant information about occupational
• The Annals of Occupational Hygiene hygiene hazards. While it may be difficult to
• American Industrial Hygiene identify such a professional from the
Association Journal telephone directory, the Australian Institute of
• Journal of Occupational Health and Occupational Hygienists is the professional
Safety — Australia and New Zealand organisation that has a list of members who
• Journal of Occupational Medicine may assist in matters such as these.
• Applied Occupational and
Environmental Hygiene
• American Journal of Epidemiology REVIEWING RECORDS —
• Scandinavian Journal of Work, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA
Environment and Health. SHEETS
The contents of these journals can be found in If chemical substances are used at the
some libraries on CD-ROM or online. workplace, one of the best sources of
Universities that specialise in occupational information is the material safety data sheets
health and safety or occupational hygiene (MSDS). The MSDS are documents that
should be the first port of call. identify:
Computer databases can contain factual
information or bibliographic details about a • the ingredients and their physical
particular topic. They can be accessed through properties
CD-ROM or directly online, although the cost • the product name
of accessing this information online is still • the use and composition of the
expensive and charged by the minute. product
Organisations such as libraries and • health effects/hazards
government departments may also provide • safe handling information
services to help identify occupational hygiene • precautions for use.
hazards. Public and university libraries contain
many excellent starting points in this search. While the inspection or audit are tools that can
While public libraries are easily accessible, be used to identify hazards, the MSDS provide
most university libraries will allow only specific information about the nature of a
enrolled students to access this type of substance and possible health effects. They are
information. The NOHSC offers a service (for a developed by the manufacturer or importer of
small fee) where key words can be searched in the substance and should be supplied with the
a number of databases. The findings are then substance.
provided as a bibliography or as the papers The real aim in producing and providing
themselves. MSDS is to ensure a flow of information about
Some companies will also have private the hazardous nature of substances and ways
libraries and information about occupational to minimise the risk associated with exposure
hygiene risks. State, Territory and to the substance.
Commonwealth government departments As a hazard identification technique, the
mostly have libraries, documents, brochures MSDS can assist in:
64 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Approved Criteria for Classifying

• identifying the hazardous Hazardous Substances
component of a substance or • company name, address, telephone
process number and emergency number
• using the substance correctly and • date of issue of the MSDS
with a minimum of risk • page numbering
• providing recommendations for • product name and other names
control and the rationale for these • use of the product
suggestions • manufacturer’s product code, UN
• explaining the consequences of number, dangerous goods class and
exposure, including symptoms of subsidiary risk
overexposure • HAZCHEM code and poisons
• informing workers and the employer schedule number
about the substances that are being • physical description
used at the workplace. • other properties
• ingredients
The NOHSC has developed a national code of • health effects
practice for the preparation of MSDS. This • first aid
document describes essential (core) infor- • advice to doctor
mation that must be included in the MSDS and • precautions for use
conditional information which should be • exposure standards
included where relevant. It must be noted, • engineering controls
however, that this document is only • personal protection
enforceable where the Australian States, • flammability
Territories or Commonwealth includes it in • storage and transport
their occupational health and safety • spills and disposal
legislation. As a ‘stand-alone’ document, it has • fire/explosion hazard
an advisory function. • other information
The core information that should always be • contact point.
in the MSDS include:
The conditional information may include telex
• statement of the hazardous nature and fax numbers. If information is not available
of the substance according to the about any of the issues shown as core

Case study 3.2

A railway workshop repairs bogies, the undercarriage pivots below the end of a
locomotive. The workshop had been refurbished and the floor painted with an
acrylic paint.
Workers were concerned that the repairing process (which required heating
and cutting the bogie) would cause heated metal to fall to the floor and burn the
paint, releasing unknown substances.
An occupational hygienist was called into the workshop to identify the type
and airborne concentration of the substances to enable the risk to be assessed.
Chapter 3: Hazard identification ■ 65

information, a statement will be made on the identifying occupational hygiene hazards at

MSDS that the information was ‘not available’ work.
or ‘not relevant’. For instance, the label may show the words
When identifying occupational hygiene ‘Class 8 — Corrosive’. This gives an indication
hazards, all sections of the MSDS should be about the physical nature of the substance and
reviewed and checked against use in the a small amount of interpretation would
workplace. For instance, is the substance being indicate the substance may cause burns.
heated and does the MSDS describe any There are many types of labels and
hazards that could be generated from heating? regulatory requirements relating to infor-
mation, size, colour and structure. Some
examples of labelled substances include:
LABELLING • agricultural and veterinary chemicals
• therapeutic goods
A label is any information that identifies a • foods and food additives
substance. It also provides basic information • cosmetics
about the substance’s safe use and handling. • munitions
Again, as a first point of call, labels can assist in • explosives.

Hazard identification or recognition is an important step in managing occupational hygiene
risks. There are many techniques that can be used to identify hazards including discussions
with workers and occupational health and safety professionals, occupational hygiene audits,
walk-through surveys or inspections and personal experience and information sources.


British Standards Institute/National Standards Authority of Ireland 1999, OHSAS 18001: 1999,
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems: Specification, British Standards Publishing
Limited, UK
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1994, Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous
Substances, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1994, National Code of Practice for the Labelling
of Workplace Substances, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1994, National Code of Practice for the Preparation
of Material Safety Data Sheets, AGPS, Canberra
Parker, E. and Chaumont, C. 1997, Chemical Safety at Work, E. Parker & C. Chaumont, Brisbane
Petersen, D. 1996, Analyzing Safety System Effectiveness, 3rd edn, Van Nostrand Neinhold, New York
Pybus, R. 1996, Safety Management Strategy and Practice, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford
Ridley, J. and Channing, J. 1999, Risk Management, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS1885.1: 1990 Measurement of Occupational Health and Safety
66 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Performance — Describing and Reporting Occupational Health and Safety Injuries (known as the
National Standard for Workplace Injury and Disease Reporting), Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1999, AS/NZS4360: 1999, Risk Management, Standards
Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 2001, AS/NZS4801: 2001, Occupational Health and
Safety Systems — Specifications with Guidance for Use, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 2001, AS/NZS4804: 2001, Occupational Health and
Safety Management Systems — General Guidelines on Principles, Systems and Supporting Techniques,
Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Victorian WorkCover Authority 2000, SafetyMAP: Auditing Health and Safety Management Systems, 4th
edn, Victorian WorkCover Authority
Chapter 4

Dusts and particulate

Airborne contaminants exist in a number of metal generates fume. Fume consists of

states. Dusts (or particulate) are a broad extremely small particles usually less than 1
category that describes solid particles micron (µm) in diameter.
suspended in air. They may be mechanically or Dust-related disease and ill health can be
thermally generated and can affect different traced back to historical times. It was
parts of the human body at work. Some Hippocrates who identified that inhaled dust
inhaled dusts are removed from the body, could affect health. From here, Charles
although a fraction of these dusts will remain Thackrah called attention to the effect of
in the lungs without inducing a biological exposure to cotton and flax in the nineteenth
reaction. These are called nuisance dusts and century.
their risk presents more as minor irritation or Coalmining in all countries has been
affecting vision. However, exposure to other associated with ‘dusty lung disease’, also
dusts can lead to chronic lung disorders such known as coalworker’s pneumoconiosis or
as lung cancer, silicosis and bronchitis. black lung, a progressive fibrosis of the lung.
This chapter defines the terms respirable, The term pneumoconiosis is derived from the
inspirable and inhalable dusts, and describes use by Friedrich Albert von Zenker in 1866 of
occupational hygiene monitoring techniques the term ‘pneumono koniosis’. Its application
to sample and analyse these contaminants in is now restricted to those diseases where silica
Australia. It also describes the physiological has some implication.
effects of exposure to dusts, particularly Mining, quarrying and tunnelling through
crystalline silica, asbestos, synthetic mineral rock high in quartz containing a content of free
fibres and wood dusts. silica has led to silicosis. Silicosis was usually
accompanied by tuberculosis.
Stonemasons and those in the granite or
DUST EXPOSURE IN stone carving industry often developed
INDUSTRY — A HISTORICAL respiratory diseases. The consequence of
REVIEW exposure to asbestos dust is now showing its
full effects, after latency periods of 30 to 40
Exposure to dusts in the workplace has been years.
occurring for a long time. Dust exists as a wide Even now, workers are exposed to dusts
range of particle sizes. Mechanical actions and fibres such as sensitising wood dusts,
such as grinding or crushing create dusts. synthetic mineral fibres, organic dusts from the
Thermal energy applied to a solid such as rural industry and crystalline silica.
68 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

DEFINITIONS region of the lung and damage these cells,

causing a scarring or fibrosis. Fibrotic dusts
In the workplace, solid particles can exist as elicit this action deep in the lung because of
dust, fibre or fume. It is important to their exceptionally small size and in some
appreciate the fundamental differences cases their composition (e.g. free silica {SiO2}).
between these states of matter (and their This is why fibrotic dusts are respirable,
associated risk) to ensure they are correctly meaning that they enter the respiratory zone
monitored and subsequently controlled. For of the lungs. Respirability is defined according
instance, attempting to sample for thermally to a standard criterion. Some examples of
generated fume without identifying its exact fibrotic dusts include asbestos and crystalline
nature may result in an unrepresentative silica, such as quartz or cristobalite.
concentration and indication of risk being Toxic dusts show their effect through the
made. Similarly, the highest risk of exposure to lung or other systems of the body. These
pesticides or herbicides can occur while outcomes might be an immunological response
mixing powders. (e.g. exposure to sensitising woods like
The following definitions are generally western red cedar or organic dusts) or a direct
used: effect on an organ or system (e.g. slaked lime,
calcium hydroxide, burning the skin or the eye).
• Dust is a mixture of solid material of
varying sizes. Particles usually range Deposition of dusts in the lung
in size from 0.1–30 µm. Examples
include cotton dust from cotton The passage of dusts in the human lung is
milling and wood dust from dependent on their physical size and chemical
sawmilling. composition. Large particles may not be able
• Fibre is a solid, thread-like filament to penetrate past the upper respiratory
with a defined length-to-width ratio. system. Lever and Schroter (cited in Gardiner &
The NOHSC (1988, p. ix) defines an Harrington 1995) believe there is a high
asbestos fibre as having a diameter of probability that most particles with an
less than 3 µm, length of more than 5 aerodynamic diameter between 10 µm and 20
µm, and a length-to-diameter ratio of µm will impact in this region and will not
greater than 3:1. Other examples of penetrate to the airways of the lung. This is
fibres include fibreglass, rock-wool and due to mechanical filtration through the nasal
ceramic fibres. hairs, causing contaminants to be blown or
• Fume is generated when a solid is sneezed from the nasal cavity. Smaller particles
heated until a gas is released. The can enter the nasal cavity and become
gas recondenses into minute solid or entrapped on the mucous-covered hairs within
liquid particles. the cavity. At this point, certain water-soluble
dusts such as potassium hydroxide (an alkaline
dust) may dissolve in the mucous membrane
and cause an irritating effect. Wood dusts also
DUSTS chiefly are filtered from the upper respiratory
system; however, exposure to some hard-
Dusts can be described in terms of their woods is reported to cause nasal cancer.
physiological effect or the size distribution of The major factor affecting the respirability
the dust cloud. Fibrotic or fibrinogenic dusts of dusts is their ability to pass through the
are those that penetrate into the alveolar nasal cavity and reach the trachea. Larger
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 69

Smog Fog Mist Drizzle Rain

Rosin smoke Fertiliser, ground limestone

Oil smoke Fly ash

Tobacco smoke Coal dust

Metallurgical dust & fume

Cement dust

Carbon black

Paint pigments Beach sand

Zinc oxide fume Insecticide dust

Alkali fume Plant spores

Viruses Bacteria Human hair

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Particle diameter (mm)

Figure 4.1 Size characteristics of dust

particles, due to their aerodynamic diameter, The gravitational force that a dust particle will
will impact on the rear of the nasal cavity and exert affects the sedimentation velocity. The
are unable to negotiate this steep turn. final sedimentation velocity (v) that a particle
The aerodynamic equivalent diameter achieves is best described through Stoke’s law
(AED) of a dust relates to its physical diameter (Equation 4.1).
plus its density. The AED of selected dusts is Using Equation 4.1, it can be seen that it is
shown in Figure 4.1. actually the particle density and diameter that
The three chief mechanisms of particle affects the sedimentation velocity, providing
deposition are: air viscosity and acceleration due to gravity are
constants. The density of an object () is
• sedimentation defined as its mass per unit volume. The SI unit
• diffusion –3
is kg.m . This relationship is shown in
• impaction. Equation 4.2.

Equation 4.1 Equation 4.2

v = .g.d / 18  = m/V
Where: Where:
 is the particle density (kg.m ) m is mass (kg)
g is the acceleration due to gravity V is volume (m )
(9.8 m.s )
d is the diameter of the dust This means that denser particles will have a
particle (m) greater velocity, hence greater momentum or
 is the viscosity of air inertia. The increased drag of the air on the
–5 –2
(≈1.9 x 10 N.s.m ) moving particle causes it to settle earlier. This
70 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

philosophy can explain why fibres are airborne to the change and keep moving in the same
for a longer period than spherical particles and direction. If the momentum of the particles is
are hence more likely to be inhaled. enough, they will impact on the curved
The degree of dust penetration can best be airways and nasal hairs.
described by considering its linear momentum
once it enters the nasal cavity. Momentum The alveolar region and dust
(p) is defined as the product of the dust’s removal
mass and its velocity (Equation 4.3). Its SI
unit is kg.m.s . The more momentum the Alveoli are tiny depressions along the walls of
dust has, the harder it is to stop and the alveolar sacs. The alveolar sacs resemble
greater the effect it will have if brought to bunches of grapes, where the flesh of the
rest by impact or collision. It therefore follows grape is the gas-filled alveoli. The walls of the
that a denser dust will have a greater alveoli consist of a single layer of cells that are
momentum at a constant velocity than a less covered with a network of capillaries. As air
dense dust. (and its contaminants) passes into the alveoli,
gas exchange occurs by simple diffusion across
the alveolar wall and into the blood. If
Equation 4.3
respirable dusts move into the alveolar region
p = mv of the lung, they are not transferred across the
Where: capillary barrier. Instead, the body uses non-
m is mass (kg) specific cellular and chemical defences to
v is velocity (m.s ) remove these foreign particles.
Phagocytosis is the term given to the
Dusts with a smaller physical diameter, or ingestion of a micro-organism or particulate
which are less dense, will be able to travel matter by a cell. The cells that produce this
through the nasal cavity, negotiate the function are white blood cells or their
sharp turn at the nasopharyngeal region and derivatives such as macrophages or
pass into the trachea. The entrained dust neutrophils. Phagocytosis can be divided into
can then continue to move through the the following four phases:
primary bronchus, through the bronchi and
bronchioles and into the air-exchange sacs, the 1. chemotaxis
alveoli. 2. adherence
Diffusion will also affect the time available 3. ingestion
for deposition of the dust. Since airborne dusts 4. digestion.
consist of gas molecules that are constantly
moving, particles may be carried along with Phagocytes are firstly attached to the foreign
the airflow and deposited in the respiratory dust particles. This is called chemotaxis. The
tract. plasma membrane of the phagocyte then
Impaction is the final factor that affects the adheres to the surface of the dust. Phagocytes
deposition of particles in the respiratory find it easier to attach to dusts with a rough
system. Although particles are entrained in a surface. Ingestion of the dust then occurs. In
gaseous medium, they have a much greater this process, the phagocyte, in a sac called a
momentum and hence inertia than gas. phagocytic vacuole, surrounds the dust. The
Therefore, as the airflow direction changes to final phase of digestion occurs where digestive
negotiate its way through the respiratory enzymes and bacterial substances from
system, the dust particles are unable to adapt lysosomes break down the dust. At this point,
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 71



Digestive Phagolysosome
Micro-organism enzymes (digestive vacuole)
or other particle

membrane of

Figure 4.2 Phagocytosis

the phagocytic vacuole and lysosome milling) and high-molecular weight animal
membranes fuse to form a single structure, the proteins. The effects are believed to be an
digestive vacuole. Once digestion is complete, immunological response to these allergens.
the digestive vacuole discharges the wastes Chronic respiratory symptoms also affect
(Figure 4.2). textile workers exposed to hemp and cotton. A
Some dust particles (e.g. crystalline silica comprehensive discussion about the source
and asbestos) cannot be destroyed by phago- and health effects of organic dusts can be
cytosis. Asbestos fibres in the alveolar region found in Chapter 10.
can become coated with layers of iron-
containing protein. These are known as
asbestos bodies. Exposure to crystalline silica SIZE DISTRIBUTIONS
is believed to damage the alveolar macro- OF DUSTS
phages and damage the lysosome membrane,
causing the death of the macrophage. These We have already said that occupational dusts
cells then calcify and join to form nodules. The can be classified according to their size and
nodules grow and coalesce, reducing the area chemical composition, and that their size
of lung tissue available for oxygen exchange. refers to the AED. Dust clouds do not exist
As this occurs, the lung tissue loses elasticity uniquely as one size but as a range of
and fibrotic tissue is formed. compositions instead. This is termed the size
Occupational asthma has been reported distribution.
from dust exposure to substances such as The three size distributions of occupational
grains, tea, bagasse (a by-product of sugar significance are:
72 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• respirable dust Respirable dust

• inspirable (inhalable) dust
• total dusts. The size distribution of respirable dusts is
defined according to the British Medical
Respirable dusts consist of tiny particles that Research Council (BMRC) curve or the
are able to penetrate into the alveolar region Johannesburg curve (Figure 4.3), although
of the lung and show an effect there. Inspirable most countries are moving to the criteria
(also called inhalable) dusts have a larger AED defined by the International Standards
and hence settle higher in the respiratory Organisation (ISO).
system. The term total dust generally has The BMRC curve plots the AED against a
limited application in occupational hygiene, as percentage of respirability. Figure 4.3 shows
it refers to all dusts whether they are inhalable that particles with an AED less than 1 µm are
or not. 100 per cent respirable. Notice that as the AED






Respirability (%)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 4.3 BMRC curve for respirable dusts

Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 73






Inspirability (%)





0 10 30 60 100

Figure 4.4 The ISO inhalable mass fraction sampling criteria

increases to 5 µm, the particles are defined as strengthened steel and more
50 per cent respirable; and above 7 µm, recently in trial tests of vanadium
particles have no penetration to the batteries.
respiratory zone of the lung.
Some examples of dusts that show their Inspirable (inhalable) dust
effects in the alveolar region of the lung include:
Over the past years, discussion has continued
• crystalline silica (e.g. quartz, with regard to the definition of inspirable or
cristobalite, tridymite) generated inhalable dusts. This discussion has resulted in
during quarrying, mining or agreement that the ISO Mass Fraction
sandblasting Sampling Curve should be adopted, defining
• asbestos (e.g. chrysotile, crocidolite, such dust as inhalable. Currently, Australia still
amosite) used in brake linings, textiles uses AS3640 as a reference to describe how to
and lagging due to their thermal sample and gravimetrically analyse inspirable
insulation properties; however, while dust. From this, it provides the following
asbestos is respirable the definition of alternative (although philosophically similar)
a countable fibre does not conform to criteria to define inspirable dusts:
the BMRC curve (this is discussed
shortly) • inspirable mass fraction, by the ISO
• vanadium dust or fume, resulting • inspirable mass sampling efficiency,
from use as an alloy for from the ACGIH.
74 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management






Inspirability (%)





0 10 30 60 100

Figure 4.5 The ACGIH inspirable mass efficiency sampling criteria

Each curve plots inspirability against the sampled has a higher proportion of larger
particle AED. Figures 4.4 and 4.5 show the ISO particles (>30–50 µm), the ACGIH definition
and ACGIH criteria, respectively. However, it may give higher results, compared to the ISO
should be noted that the new ISO criterion is criteria. With the new adoption of the ISO
now the agreed criterion for inspirable dusts. criteria by most countries, this point will be
The ISO inspirable mass fraction defines all defunct.
particles with an AED of less than 0 µm to be The following list shows some examples of
100 per cent inspirable; at 30 µm, they are inspirable dusts:
around 52 per cent inspirable; and above 185
µm, the particles are not inspirable. This
• birch or beech timber used for
compares with the ACGIH curve, which
housing construction and finishing
corresponds to the ISO inspirable mass
• cement dust from concreting work
fraction criteria at 0 µm but allows particles
• metal dusts such as zinc oxide from
with an AED of 30 µm to have a 58 per cent
grinding galvanised steel.
inspirability. At 50 µm, the ACGIH criteria
specifies such particles are 50 per cent
inspirable; however, at 185 µm, the curve does Total dusts
not define a level of inspirability.
The difference in definitions of inspirability Total dusts have little occupational hygiene
need not have a significant effect on the significance and should not be monitored in
overall approach to inspirable dust the workplace, except where the distribution
monitoring. However, if the dust cloud to be of the dust cloud is sought.
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 75


Filters can be made from a variety of media.
Respirable dust can be monitored in Australia The decision on the type of filter that is
by following AS2985. Determining the selected for respirable dust monitoring will
concentration of respirable dust is a two-stage depend on the analytical technique required
process, namely sampling for respirable dust and characteristics of the filter that make it
using a size-selective monitoring device, and appropriate for use. For instance:
analysing the sample gravimetrically (by
weight) or chemically (looking for a specific • sampling air through PVC and
analyte). polycarbonate filters can create an
By itself, respirable dust concentration has electrostatic charge that may affect
little occupational relevance. The NOHSC has the dust loading and adherence of
not prescribed an occupational exposure dust to the filter
standard for respirable dust per se, except for • silver membrane and fibreglass
coaldust containing less than 5 per cent quartz. filters can lose mass
For this, a TWA of 3 mg.m , measured as the • mixed cellulose ester (MCE) filters
respirable fraction, has been designated. This are hydrophilic and gain weight by
means that the sampled respirable dust may absorbing water vapour from the
need to be analysed to quantify the exact sampling environment
amount of specific analyte, for instance quartz, • filters that are ashed (burned) before
cristobalite or tridymite (all forms of crystalline analysis must be appropriate for this
silica). type of analysis.
In some Australian States and Territories, a
respirable dust TWA has been specified by the Filters also have a nominal pore size. This
regulatory authorities. relates to the space between fibres of the
In order to compare respirable dust filters. Respirable dust sampling requires the
samples with NES, the sample must be use of filters with nominal pore sizes of 5 µm
collected in the breathing zone. The or less. However, where polycarbonate filters
components of the sampling system (sampling are used, the nominal pore size must be 0.8
train) will include: µm. The diameter of the filter must also be
consistent with the sampling device. For
• a filter to collect the sample respirable dust sampling, the diameters are
• a holder to prevent air from leaking typically 25 mm or 37 mm.
around the side of the filter
• a size-selective sampling device that Size-selective sampling devices
conforms with the BMRC deposition
curve Filters are fitted into a sampling device that
• a sampling pump conforms with the BMRC curve.
• flexible tubing to connect the pump These include the British Cast Iron Research
to the sampling device Association (BCIRA) (Higgins and Dewell)
• a device for calibration cyclone elutriator and Simpeds (Safety in Mines
• a belt for connection of the sampling Research Establishment) cyclone elutriator. SKC
pump to the worker also manufactures a plastic cyclone elutriator,
• a time measurement device. which is commonly used in Australia.
76 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

To filter

Tangential inlet

Air inlet

Air outlet to filter

Figure 4.6 Principle of operation of the cyclone elutriator

Figure 4.7 Weighing filters on a microbalance

Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 77

Cyclone elutriators operate on the principle since it is usually an alpha () particle source
of centrifugal impaction of dusts. Dust-laden air and may result in minute holes in the filter.
enters the inlet and is circulated in a centrifugal Filters should be left in a constant
motion into the cyclone (Figure 4.6). environment, such as a balance room, at least
Dust particles whose AED conforms to the overnight to allow them to come to
BMRC curve impact on the filter. Larger equilibrium. In addition to the sampling filters
particles have too much inertia and will fall being weighed, 10 per cent of weighed filters
into the grit pot at the base of the cyclone. The should be kept as blanks, with a minimum of
grit pot should be regularly cleaned to remove two blanks per batch of weighed filters. Blanks
these larger non-respirable particles. are an example of an internal quality check
Such devices are loaded by firstly weighing that can be used to correct any changes in the
the appropriate filter before loading it in a mass of the filters.
cassette and the cyclone elutriator. The filter
should be weighed using a microbalance that Calibration of the sampling train
is capable of weighing to within 0.01 mg at the
90 per cent confidence level in the range 0–20 Once the weighed filters are loaded into the
mg. This is shown in Figure 4.7. cyclone elutriator, the entire sampling train is
The filters should be placed above a static calibrated accurately at 1.9 L.min . The
eliminator to dissipate any electrical charge sampling train consists of the pump, tubing,
before weighing. It is important not to place filter and cyclone elutriator. This can be
the filter directly over the static eliminator, conducted using a primary flow meter such as

Figure 4.8 Sampling pump and rotameter

78 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

a soap-film flow meter or with a secondary • Once sampling has been completed,
flow meter that has been calibrated against a the flow rate is re-checked before
primary flow meter. In the field, it is often not switching off and removing equipment
convenient to utilise a primary flow meter so a from the worker.
secondary meter such as a ball rotameter can
be used (Figure 4.8). Whatever technique is The final flow rate must not differ by more
being used, the calibration technique must be than 5 per cent of the initial rate or the sample
sensitive enough to measure within ±5 per will need to be rejected and re-collected. The
cent variation of flow rate. cyclone elutriator or cassette should then be
Sampling for respirable dust must be isolated from other samples in a dust-free box.
conducted over a period of at least four hours Some cassettes contain clips that allow the
but should be representative of the actual inlets to be closed to prevent further dust from
working shift and as long as practicable. The contaminating the sample.
sampling procedure will involve the following
steps: Determining the mass of
respirable dust
• Attach the sampling pump to the
belt of the worker (or in their close Once sampling has been completed, the
vicinity, for instance, if the worker is sampled filters and blanks are re-weighed after
driving a vehicle and the placement of another period of allowing the filters to come
the pump on the belt is to equilibrium in a stable environment. Some
uncomfortable). hydrophilic filters such as mixed cellulose ester
• Attach the loaded cyclone elutriator will absorb water vapour from the air and
within the breathing zone of the hence may be heavier following sampling. The
worker, ensuring that the cyclone electrostatic eliminator is also used again to
elutriator is kept upright during the dissipate any charge before re-weighing.
sampling to prevent dust from falling
from the grit pot of the cyclone
Equation 4.4
• Record information about the mfinal = minitial ± mblank
worker and the sampling equipment. Where:
This will include the cyclone mfinal is the mass of dust collected on
identification, filter identification, the filter (mg)
pump identification, date of sampling, minitial is the initial mass of the filter
time of pump starting, initial flow rate, mblank is the difference in mass of the
worker’s name or other identifier, blank filter.
description of work or task, controls
and environmental conditions and
other relevant data. The sample is then The mass of dust collected on the filter can
collected during the shift. It is prudent be determined using Equation 4.4. With the
to check the calibration of the blank filter, a gain of mass between the two
sampling train during the shift as monitoring periods requires an adjustment
the flow rate can be affected by to the overall mass by subtracting this from
issues such as pump charge, loading the total mass. If the blank filter loses mass,
of the filter and backpressure placed this amount is added to the final mass of
on the pump. the sample.
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 79

Example 4.1 Example 4.2

A 37-mm filter (filter A) had an initial mass Respirable dust sampling was
of 11.367 mg. The initial blank filter had a conducted over 8 hours. The calibration
mass of 11.523 mg. Following sampling, of the sampling train was checked
filter A was found to weigh 13.112 mg before and after sampling and found
and the blank was 11.533 mg. What is the to be 1.9 L.min . The mass of the
mass of the sample in mg? sample on the filter was found to be
Answer: 3 mg. What is the concentration of
The actual mass of the sample would be: respirable dust?
13.112 – 11.367 – (0.01) mg = 1.735 mg Answer:
Solve for c using:
c (mg.m ) = mass of sample (mg)/volume
of sampled air (m )
To determine volume (V):
Determining respirable dust V = [1.9 L.min x 480 minutes]/1000
concentration = 912 L = 0.912 m
Solve for c:
Concentration is expressed as a mass (mg) per c = 3.0 mg/0.912 m
3 –3
unit volume (m ) of sampled air and is shown as = 3.3 mg.m
Equation 4.5. Note that the results are reported to one
decimal place, with no more than two
significant figures.

Equation 4.5
c (mg.m ) = mass of sample (mg)/volume
of sampled air (m ) INSPIRABLE DUST
The mass can be simply obtained from the
gravimetric determination of the dust, after Monitoring for inspirable dust follows the
taking into account any difference with the same principles as respirable dust monitoring.
blanks. The volume can be calculated using An airborne sample of a known substance is
Equation 4.6. collected in the breathing zone, using a size-
selective sampling device that is connected to
a sampling pump. AS3640 describes the
technique for sampling and gravimetric
Equation 4.6
analysis of inspirable dust. With this method,
3 –1
V (m ) = [flow rate (L.min ) x duration of the chosen sampling device must have a
monitoring (min)]/1000 sampling efficiency that conforms to the ISO or
ACGIH criteria.
Where further chemical analysis of the The two common devices used for this
sampled dust is conducted, its concentration purpose are the IOM open-face sampling head,
may still be determined using Equation 4.5, and the UKAEA 7-hole sampling head. An
although the mass of analyte will be not merely alternative sampling head used for sampling
assessed gravimetrically. Example 4.2 shows inspirable metals, the single-hole sampler, is
application of this theory. discussed in Chapter 5.
80 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Both sampling heads are loaded with a These cassettes consist of two or three
pre-weighed filter prior to sampling. The filter stages (housings) and can collect a dust sample
is held inside the sampler on a gridded either with the face of the sampler open or
supporting base. When assembling the closed. If closed, the sample is collected
sampler, it is vital that the filter is handled through an inlet. The filter is held firmly
carefully with tweezers and not with the between the stages. Depending on the dust to
fingers. This will minimise the chance of be collected, the filter may be washed or pre-
contamination of the filter. Once loaded, the treated in a chemical solution before sampling.
sampler is reassembled and firmly tightened to However, the advantage of these cassettes lies
stop leakage. (Note, however, that excessive in their limited reactivity with collected
tightening may cause the enclosed filter to substances, for instance, alkaline dusts.
tear, resulting in an invalid sample.) The Sodium hydroxide, calcium carbonate and
sampling head is usually located on the lapel of calcium hydroxide can be monitored using this
a worker’s shirt, in a vertical position. If it is technique.
allowed to lie horizontally, gravitational
settling of dust will affect the integrity of the
sample. According to AS3640, both the IOM PARTICLE SIZE AND DUST
and UKAEA sampling devices are calibrated in CHARACTERISATION
the sampling train at a flow rate of 2.0 L.min .
The train must be calibrated before and
following sampling, and be within ± 5 per As already mentioned, total dust measure-
cent. For further detail about the technique for ments hold no value in assessing the risk to
calibration, selection of filters and determining workers’ health. However, in limited situations
the mass and concentration of inspirable dust, a sample of total dust may be taken to
the principles outlined in the section on determine its constituent particle size range. A
respirable dust monitoring apply. Depending cascade impactor is a useful sampling device
upon the composition of dust being for this purpose. The first cascade impactor
monitored, the sampled filter may be analysed was developed in the mid-1940s. The principle
gravimetrically or sent to a laboratory for of operation of cascade impactors is to draw
analysis. air through the sampler, which contains several
levels or orifices in series. As the air passes
deeper into the sampler, it speeds up. Using a
TOTAL DUST MONITORING similar principle to the cyclone elutriator, the
large particles impact on a collection media
Total dust monitoring has traditionally been (e.g. a filter). The filters are pre-weighed before
incorporated into some mining regulations sampling and re-weighed after use. Smaller
and is used by some US-based companies in particles continue to move through the
Australia. The open- or closed-face cassette impactor until their inertia also causes them to
was developed and is used in the US. come to rest on the media. Each level or stage
Unfortunately, the sampling efficiency of these represents a particular size range. Therefore,
devices does not closely reflect the criteria of in effect, the cascade impactor separates the
AS3640. They tend to under-sample the dusts into fractions.
inspirable fraction. For this reason, total dust The Andersen sampler is a common
monitoring is being rapidly phased out and the example of this type of impactor. After
results must not be compared with the NOHSC entering the initial circular orifice of the
inspirable dust standards. Anderson sampler, the air passes through a
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 81

series of perforated circular plates. Light scattering or optical monitors relate the
Subsequent plates in the series have smaller intensity of scattered light to particle
holes. So, the larger particles are deposited concentration. As dust enters the monitor, it
towards the top of the impactor and the causes the light to be extinguished or
smallest particles deposit further down. scattered. The disadvantage with these types
Several stages are available with these of devices is their lack of pump. This means
samplers, the most common of which are that the dust must be able to enter the
cascade impactors with four, six or eight monitor without mechanical means. These
stages. The different size fractions can then be types of monitors also rely on the relationship
examined for specific mineral content, particle between particle size and light scattering
shape or chemical content. response. This means that the results may be
difficult to interpret unless the size response
has been determined. The US-developed real-
DIRECT-READING time aerosol monitor (RAM), or its smaller
MONITORING EQUIPMENT version the MiniRAM, is often used in an initial
dust survey. The MiniRAM has the advantage of
The dust sampling techniques discussed so far collecting a sample in the breathing zone of
have focused on sample collection and analysis. the worker due to its smaller size and the
However, the application of these methods is response of the monitor corresponds
often limited by the time taken for sample reasonably with the respirable dust criteria.
collection, transportation to a laboratory and The MiniRAM is currently being replaced by a
analysis of filters. To assist in the initial personal dust monitor. Another brand, the
identification of dusts as a potential risk to Hund monitor, also produces a similar
workers, direct-reading monitoring equipment response.
can be invaluable. These devices provide a real- Monitors that determine dust concen-
time measurement of dust exposure according tration using the electrical properties of the
to a specified size criterion. dust work by counting and sizing the
The disadvantages of using direct-reading individual dust particles. An example of this is
monitoring equipment include: the fibrous aerosol monitor (FAM), which
counts respirable fibres. A mass-measuring
• cost of purchase and maintenance device actually assesses the mass of certain
• calibration requirements for some dusts by comparing it against its mechanical
devices and lack of calibration of oscillation of a piezoelectric crystal. As the
others crystal is bombarded with dust, its mass
• conformance with an acceptable dust changes and this is converted into a change in
size criteria. its mechanical resonant frequency.

The principles of operation of these devices

are quite distinct and include: DUSTS OF OCCUPATIONAL
• light attenuation or scattering
• using the electrical properties of the This section provides an overview of some
dust dusts that may, depending upon exposure,
• mass of the dust represent a risk to workers’ health. As
• beta-attenuation of radiation by the previously discussed, risk is related to the
collected dust. exposure duration, frequency and severity of
82 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

outcome. It is also linked to the perception of inspirable fraction). The mineral olivine has the
the hazardous nature of exposure and whether approximate chemical configuration of
or not the risk is tolerable. MgFeSiO4 (inspirable fraction). Portland cement
is formed from a mixture of calcium silicates
and aluminates. It has a TWA of 10 mg.m ,
Silicaceous dusts measured as the inspirable fraction. Concrete is
a mixture of cement, sand and a filler such as
Silicon is one of the most widely spread
crushed stone. Mortar combines cement, sand
elements on earth. Indeed, the majority of the
and usually slaked lime, Ca(OH)2. The
rocks in the earth’s crust are silicates. The term
significance of slaked lime is described later.
silicate refers to compounds that are bound
Soapstone, ((MgO)3(SiO2)4H2O), with less than 1
with silicon. Silicon dioxide (SiO2) or silica is
per cent quartz and no asbestos, has a TWA of
the simplest form of silicon compounds. It is –3
6 mg.m as inspirable dust. Talc has the
also potentially hazardous, depending upon its
composition Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 and has a TWA of
physical configuration. Other types of silicates –3
2.5 mg.m . Silicon carbide (SiC) is an example
include naturally occurring minerals such as:
of silicon-based carbides, which are used as an
abrasive in grinding wheels. Its TWA is 10
• asbestos (used in building materials –3
mg.m (inspirable dust).
and for fireproofing)
• clay minerals such as bauxite Silicon dioxide (silica)
• feldspar (a pottery glaze and abrasive
material) Silicon dioxide (SiO2) or silica is the simplest of
• garnet (a precious stone for jewellery, silicon compounds. From an occupational
also used as an abrasive blasting hygiene perspective, the major risk to workers’
medium) health can be determined by considering its
• magnetite physical structure. Silica exists in two forms:
• mica (has application as an electrical crystalline (free) and amorphous (non-
insulator) crystalline). Crystalline silica is further divided
• olivine (used as an alternative sand to into five different symmetrical configurations
free silica in foundry operations) or polymorphs.
• portland cement (used for making
concrete and mortar) Crystalline silica
• soapstone (also known as massive talc Quartz is the most commonly found form of
or steatite) silica that is stable at ordinary temperatures. It
• talc (a fine dust used in cosmetics, is widely distributed in the natural
crayons and wallpaper) environment and occurs in granite (an igneous
• vermiculite (for paints and insulation). rock), gneiss and mica (metamorphic rocks),
and sandstone and quartzite (sedimentary
These silicate minerals are actually the rocks). It is also the main constituent of sand.
combination of silicon and oxygen atoms with Sand can be utilised in glassmaking, as an
other metals such as magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), abrasive blasting medium, in metal polishing
aluminium (Al), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na) and and as a water filter in swimming pools. Silica
potassium (K). Asbestos is discussed in further mining is another potential source of
detail as a fibre later in this chapter. Mica has exposure. The NOHSC exposure standard for
the approximate formula KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 and quartz is 0.2 mg.m , expressed as the TWA.
a TWA of 2.5 mg.m (measured as the Cristobalite, another form of crystalline
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 83

silica, is stable at high temperatures. It is silica and exposure must be kept

formed by heating quartz well above 1150°C. below the relevant national exposure
While cristobalite is found less frequently in standard for free silica
the workplace, it does present a greater risk • fumed silica, which has a TWA of
to workers. The TWA for cristobalite is
2 mg.m and is measured as the
0.1 mg.m . respirable fraction
Heating crystalline silica between 870°C • precipitated silica, a largely nuisance
and 1470°C also produces tridymite (although dust that is deposited in the upper
it is unlikely this occurs in industry). Tridymite
respiratory tract — it has a TWA of
has a TWA of 0.1 mg.m . The final two types of 10 mg.m–3, measured as the inspirable
crystalline silica are stishovite and coesite. fraction
Heating quartz at very high temperatures and • silica gel, a hydrophilic substance that
pressures forms both of these. is used to reduce humidity — it is fairly
All polymorphs of free silica are monitored innocuous and has a TWA of 10 mg.m
as the respirable dust fraction, according to (inspirable dust).
AS2985. The industries or tasks where
exposure to free silica is most prevalent Sampling and analysing for
include: silicaceous dusts
• quarrying, metalliferous mining and The choice of sampling technique for
coalmining (coal seams often contain a silicaceous dusts will depend upon whether
small amount of SiO2) they affect the upper respiratory system or
• abrasive blasting where silica sand is deep into the alveolar region of the lung.
used as the medium Sampling and analysis of some inspirable dusts
• stonemasonry (grinding and chipping such as silicon carbide can be conducted
of sandstone or other stone containing according to AS3640 using gravimetric analysis.
crystalline silica) Other inspirable silicaceous dusts may be
• concrete manufacture and use sampled using the method described in
• foundry operations where the moulds AS3640, although further chemical analysis of
are made from silica sand. the sample may be required to identify
individual constituents. For instance, the mass
Amorphous silica of talc or mica is determined gravimetrically
The characteristic of amorphous silica that and then the filter is analysed using a
differentiates it from crystalline silica is its technique called X-ray diffraction.
random arrangement of silicon and oxygen The polymorphs of crystalline silica are
atoms. Some examples of amorphous silica monitored as the respirable dust fraction,
include: according to AS2985. Once sampling has been
completed, the mass of respirable dust can be
• diatomaceous earth (used to absorb determined using gravimetric analysis. The
liquids, for lagging steam pipes and as filter is then analysed for specific polymorphs
a component of dynamite) — un- (commonly quartz or cristobalite) either
calcined diatomaceous earth has a directly or after the filter is ashed (destructed
TWA of 10 mg.m , measured as the by heating). The two methods available for
inspirable fraction; however, if calcined determining the nature and quantity of
(heated above 1150°C), it may contain respirable quartz are infrared (IR) spectroscopy
a significant proportion of crystalline and X-ray diffractometry (XRD).
84 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

XRD is based on the principle of light free silica, freshly generated dust is of higher
beams diffracting (reflecting) from the risk than old dust.
planes in a three-dimensional crystal. It is Silicosis often is not accompanied by
used to quantify both quartz and cristobalite. significant clinical symptoms. However, a chest
IR spectroscopy (or spectrophotometry) X-ray will show calcification in the lung. These
can identify specific pure substances, lesions are made up of nodules, composed of
especially organic compounds and covalently connective tissue, coalescing to form masses.
bonded metal complexes. Different types of Simple or uncomplicated silicosis does not
crystalline and amorphous silica have usually cause premature death, although in
specific fingerprints or patterns, depending some people the disease progresses to acute
upon their structure. For direct measure- silicosis. In the lung, the acidity of lysosomes
ment, the collected sample-on-filter is placed in the macrophages can usually etch or
in the line of the infrared beam, while a dissolve the free silica. However, if the
blank filter is placed in front of a reference macrophages are overloaded they may die,
beam. Since quartz has a double peak (a causing the tissue coalescence to form
doublet) at 798 cm , the plot of transmission nodules, which are seen on a lung X-ray. This
versus wave number will show this distinct scarring leads to an area in the lung that is no
characteristic. longer functional as a gas-exchange region.
If measurements cannot be directly With acute silicosis, the alveolar spaces
measured from the filter, it can be heated and become filled with a fluid. Symptoms develop
formed into a potassium bromide (KBr) disc. quickly. The disease is usually fatal within a
Since the quartz absorbs infrared radiation, year of the first symptoms. It is important to
the transmission will change at varying note that acute silicosis is relatively rare, and
frequencies. This method will utilise blank KBr has been associated with short-term exposure
discs, and the doublet at 798 cm is expected to dusts containing a high concentration of
for quartz. quartz.
The standard method for this analytical
technique is the National Health and Medical
Research Council (NH&MRC) Methods for Carbon-based dusts
Measurement of Quartz in Respirable Airborne
Dust by Infrared Spectroscopy and X-ray Exposure to carbon at work occurs either
Diffractometry. Laboratories that perform through pure carbon or carbon fixed to other
analysis for quartz are usually National elements as carbonates or hydrides. Pure
Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) carbon exists as two main forms: graphite and
accredited. diamond. Graphite is a grey, greasy substance
that conducts electricity well and is used as a
Health effects from exposure to dry lubricant and to manufacture brushes for
crystalline silica electric motors. Its TWA is 3 mg.m , measured
as respirable dust. Diamond is used in the
Exposure to free silica is known to cause a industrial setting for drills and abrasives, due
fibrotic pneumoconiosis called silicosis. to its incredible strength and hardness.
Silicosis is also known as grinders’ rot, masons’ Charcoal is often referred to as amorphous
disease, miners’ phthisis and potters’ rot. The carbon, since it is a microcrystalline form of
magnitude of the risk is associated with the graphite. Carbon black is a commercial form of
physical structure of silica, so non-fibrous carbon used in inks and as filler for rubber. Its
silicates are less likely to harm the lungs. With TWA is 3 mg.m (respirable dust).
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 85

Carbonates large black, fibrotic masses containing coaldust

and collagen fibres in the upper and middle
Carbonates are formed as a result of the sections of the lungs. Both simple
reaction between carbon dioxide (CO2) and a pneumoconiosis and PMF cause a decrease in
strong alkali such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH). the vital capacity of the lungs. The vital
Chalk and limestone (CaCO3) are examples of capacity refers to the total amount of
carbonates. Additional information about exchangeable air. Some studies link exposure
these and other alkali dusts is included later in to coaldust with the development of
this chapter. Carbonates are used in industry emphysema. The current TWA for coaldust
for: containing less than 5 per cent quartz is 3
mg.m , measured as respirable dust. If the coal
• buffering chemical reactions does contain more than 5 per cent quartz,
• manufacturing cement and as an monitoring should ensure that the
aggregate for concrete concentration of quartz is determined, in
• manufacturing glass addition to coal. Sampling should be
• as a filler for rubber. conducted according to AS2985.

Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is another form of Wood dusts

carbon. It is a component of washing
detergent and softens the water. Sodium Occupational hygiene monitoring for wood
hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) is also known as dusts should be performed according to
bicarbonate of soda and is used in cooking. AS3640, since it is the inspirable fraction that
presents a health concern. The samples can be
analysed gravimetrically. However, the
Coal difficulty lies in its interpretation with national
exposure standards. The NOHSC divides wood
Coal is a naturally occurring solid that is found dust exposure into two groups: hardwood and
in deposits particularly in Queensland, New softwood. Hardwoods can be broadly thought
South Wales and Victoria. It can be mined: of as those which derive from deciduous,
either through open-cut techniques where the broad-leaved flowering species, in the
topsoil layers (overburden) are removed and botanical group angiosperm, for instance,
the coal extracted methodically; or, if the eucalyptus, teak and silky oak. Softwoods are
deposit is too far beneath the earth surface, it usually conifers such as pine and are
can be extracted from underground. categorised under the botanical group
Underground coalmining has the potential to gymnosperm. In Australia, the TWA for certain
generate considerable amounts of coaldust hardwoods is 1 mg.m . This is based on the
due to the process of cutting and removal. potential for adenocarcinoma. Certain types of
Exposure to excessive levels of coaldust can hardwoods are also sensitisers (e.g. western
lead to a lung condition known as coal red cedar). For softwoods, both a TWA and
workers’ pneumoconiosis or ‘dusty lungs’. It STEL have been specified as 5 mg.m and
presents as lesions on the lung tissue, 10 mg.m , respectively. This section of this
especially in the upper region of the lung. The chapter will discuss the health effects from
condition may progress no further than this exposure to wood dust. As such, it will not
initial simple pneumoconiosis stage. However, address the chemical hazards associated with
the disease may progress to progressive reconstituted wood products such as
massive fibrosis (PMF). PMF is characterised by particleboard, plywood and medium density
86 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

fibreboard (MDF). This discussion can be found usually an immunologically mediated reaction
in Chapter 6. to the allergen (hypersensitivity). Western red
The major health effects from exposure to cedar is acknowledged as causing occupational
wood dusts are broadly divided into: asthma. Exposure of the skin to the dust may
result in dermatitis, either from the mechanical
• toxic effects due to release of action of dust against the skin, chemical
alkaloids and other organic irritation from the rosin and oils in the wood
compounds or sensitisation.
• carcinogenic effects (nasal cancer) Non-allergic or irritation effects relate to
• allergic responses such as dermatitis the impact of dust on the respiratory system,
or respiratory sensitisation especially in the reduction of ventilation
• irritation. capacity associated with exposure to wood
dusts. It is also suspected that wood dust can
It therefore follows that the industries most at cause an increase in upper respiratory tract
risk of exposure to wood dust are those in symptoms to the nasal region, such as rhinitis.
timber furniture manufacture, sanding of
timber floors of homes or buildings,
construction work and (to a lesser extent) Alkaline dusts
hardware outlets.
Exposure to hardwoods (and some This category of dust is really describing a type
softwoods) is believed to cause nasal cancer. of inspirable dust. However, it does have
However, the latency period is often 30 to 40 specific chemical characteristics that make it
years, thus the full magnitude of its effects are worthy of mention. Alkaline dusts (or bases)
still largely unknown. Exposure to wood dust have a pH of more than 7. They can be used in
can cause a respiratory response and processes to maintain acidity balance and as
dermatitis. The allergic respiratory response is filters, alloys in lead production and cleaning

Table 4.1 Some alkaline dusts

Alkaline dust name Chemical composition Description TWA (mg.m )
calcium carbonate CaCO3 occurs in nature as 10
limestone, chalk, marble,
dolomite, calcite and
oyster shells
calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 also known as caustic lime, 5
hydrated lime or
slaked lime
calcium oxide CaO simply called lime, quick 2
lime, unslaked lime or
burnt lime
potassium hydroxide KOH also known as lye or 2
caustic potash
sodium hydroxide NaOH or caustic soda, soda lye 2
or sodium hydrate
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 87

agents. Some examples of alkaline dusts • tobacco

and their exposure standards are shown in • starch
Table 4.1. • sucrose
These dusts are chemically reactive, which • cellulose
caused problems when monitoring themwith • grains.
an open-face plastic cassette; however, the SKC
IOM sampler has now removed this problem. If The health effects of exposure to these dusts
using the open-face plastic cassette (which is are both irritant and, in some individuals,
the least preferred method), a pre-treated immunological in nature, largely due to the
(acid-washed) filter is loaded into the cassette. dusts’ high molecular weight. For instance,
Once sampling is completed the filter is confectionery workers are reported to have a
chemically analysed. Since there is no decrease in pulmonary function and this is
recommended Australian standard for analysis related to exposure to sucrose.
of alkaline dust, NIOSH Method 7401 is an
option. It is suitable for monitoring of dusts
such as sodium hydroxide and potassium Nuisance dusts and dusts not
hydroxide. Calcium-based substances such as otherwise classified
calcium carbonate, calcium oxide and calcium
hydroxide can be monitored using NIOSH A category called nuisance dusts, or dusts not
Method 7020 as a guide. otherwise classified, exists for dusts whose
effect is more due to discomfort from dust
Organic dusts deposition in the nose, ears, eyes and upper
respiratory tract or mechanical abrasion than
Organic dusts can be defined as those from an from effects on the respiratory system or other
organism containing carbon. This section system in the body. These types of dust may
focuses on dusts (particularly from rural also cause eye problems, due to their
workplaces) as opposed to microbiological concentration and suspension in air. In
contaminants, which are detailed later in Australia, dusts not otherwise classified have a
Chapter 10. The major outcome from exposure TWA of 10 mg.m , measured as the inspirable
to organic dusts is usually irritation; however, fraction.
some individuals have an immunological However, to apply such a TWA the dust
response. For instance, cotton, flax, hemp and must not contain a proportion of other toxic
sisal dusts can cause irritation and an allergic contaminants that do have their own national
lung disease known as byssinosis. Workers at exposure standard. For instance, if a dust
risk include those involved in textile contains asbestos or more than 1 per cent of
manufacture, cotton farming and ginning. crystalline silica, the exposure standards for
The disease begins as an obstructive airway these materials are applied. These are known
disease, which progresses to irreversible as mixed dusts. In such a case, it is always
damage of the lungs. The monitoring worthwhile to collect a sample of dust prior to
technique is similar to that of the US cotton occupational hygiene sampling and analyse for
industry. This technique utilises neither the specific analytes. This will provide an overview
respirable nor inspirable size fraction criteria. of the most likely contaminants that workers
A vertical elutriator is used for the purpose. will be exposed to. The next step is to make a
The TWA for raw cotton dust is 0.2 mg.m . decision on the appropriate monitoring
Other organic dusts of occupational technique. For instance, houses built in the
hygiene significance are: 1960s frequently were roofed with asbestos-
88 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

cement (AC) sheeting. If the roofing were to be silicate mineral. These silicates usually are
cleaned and exposure to contaminants was to found in a fibrous crystal form, which can
be determined, sampling for asbestos rather separate into flexible fibres when crushed.
than cement would be conducted. Some examples of sources of exposure include:

• asbestos mining, particularly in South

FIBRES Africa and Canada (the Australian blue
asbestos mine, Wittenoom, has been
Fibres refer to particles that have a thread-like closed)
appearance, with a specific length to width • thermal insulation lagging of pipes in
ratio. Some examples of fibres are asbestos, process plants, ships and furnaces
fibreglass, rock-wool and ceramic fibres. The • construction materials such as
typical industries where exposure to fibres is millboard and AC sheeting for roofs
likely include: and backing around heater banks
• fire-retardant in high-rise buildings,
• demolishing and refurbishing of old mostly between floors
buildings that have asbestos- • compressed asbestos in brake linings
containing insulation and gaskets
• lagging on ships • acoustic insulation in false ceilings of
• fitting of vehicle brakes schools, hospitals and public areas.
• manufacturing of boats and
surfboards. Types of asbestos
Exposure to fibres such as asbestos has a Asbestos is categorised into two main areas
notorious history of causing severe ill health according to the physical structure of the
and disease. Indeed, it is believed that the fibres: serpentine and amphibole.
epidemic of mesothelioma (an extremely rare The serpentine group has fibres that have a
cancer of the pleura of the lung) of asbestos curved or wavy appearance. Due to this
miners and their families in Wittenoom in structure, they are more likely to break into
Western Australia reached its peak some 30 to long but relatively thin particles. Chrysotile or
40 years after exposure to crocidolite. white asbestos is a form of serpentine
Solid particles (dusts and fibres) can be asbestos. It has been utilised for more than 90
described as either isotropic or anisotropic. per cent of all asbestos use today. It has the
Isotropism refers to whether the substance has chemical composition Mg6(OH)8Si4O10. This can
a crystalline or a non-crystalline structure. For be explained as magnesium oxide–hydroxide
instance, glass wool and mineral wool are both octahedra bonded with a layer of silicon
isotropic. Asbestos, wood, polyester and dioxide tetrahedra. Chrysotile is thought to be
cotton fibres are fibrous forms of anisotropic formed when hot mineralised water entered
substances. Non-fibrous forms of anisotropic cracks between magnesium silicate rocks,
dusts include gypsum, quartz, vermiculite, talc, causing the dissolution of some of the rock.
magnesite and calcite. Crystals formed crosswise in the rock as the
water cooled.
Asbestos Amphibole asbestos has relatively straight
and long fibres. They also have a tendency to
The term asbestos does not describe a specific cleave longitudinally, meaning their length to
mineral but is a generic term applied to fibrous width ratio is quite high.
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 89

They have a chemical formula of In Britain, the hazardous nature of asbestos

(CaNaMn)2(MgFrTiAlMn)5SiAl8O22(OHF)2 and are became more widely recognised around the
believed to have formed from altered 1930s. The Merewether and Price Report
sedimentary rocks. Some examples of the confirmed that, indeed, there was a real
amphiboles are: epidemic of asbestos disease among British
asbestos workers (Dalton 1979). As a direct
• amosite (brown asbestos), also result, government regulations with the main
known as fibrous cummingtonite or aim to reduce dust exposure were drawn up
grunerite and became effective in 1933.
• crocidolite (blue asbestos), also
known as fibrous riebeckite Health effects from exposure to
• tremolite asbestos
• actinolite
• anthophyllite. Inhalation of asbestos can lead to several
distinct effects. These are:
The nature of the application of asbestos can • asbestosis
be classified into the following five categories: • benign pleural disease
• lung cancer
• AC products (e.g. roofs) • mesothelioma.
• asbestos-filled products (e.g. mastics,
glues) The most common disease is asbestosis or
• asbestos insulation products (e.g. fire fibrosis of the lung (Selikoft & Lee 1978).
retardant) Asbestosis usually shows up in the lower part
• asbestos textiles (e.g. asbestos) of the lung. It is characterised by a
• other (e.g. asbestos filters, asbestos honeycombed appearance of the lung during a
millboard). radiographic scan. This is believed to be
caused by the inhaled asbestos fibres
History of asbestos damaging the cell membrane of macrophages,
allowing the release of enzymes and other
We have known about the incredible insulating components. The main factor that affects the
properties of asbestos for centuries. The likelihood of development of asbestos-related
original use of asbestos has been traced to disease is cumulative exposure. It is believed
Finland and Scandinavia during the Stone Age, that fibres whose length exceeds 10–20 µm are
some 4500 years ago. Anthophyllite was used to fibrogenic while the shorter fibres are not. The
make pottery. However, although the ancients symptoms of asbestosis include a consistent
had mastered this technology, it was not until reduction in the vital capacity of the lung,
the industrial revolution that asbestos really where any other form of chronic chest disease
became an industrial material. Since this time, or airway obstruction is not causing the
cases of asbestos-related lung disease have been reduction.
documented. Around 1899, a 33-year-old British Another ailment from exposure to asbestos
asbestos spinner approached a chest specialist is benign pleural disease. The pleura is the
about attacks of ‘bronchitis’. He was the last lining of the lung. The symptoms show as a
survivor of ten workers with whom he had first calcification of regions of the pleura called
started working. After his death in April 1900, a pleural plaques. Another disease, bronchial
post-mortem showed significant lung scarring, carcinoma, is the medical term for lung cancer.
caused by exposure to asbestos dust. Exposure to asbestos and cigarette smoking
90 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

has an additive effect on the risk of lung • What is the condition of the
cancer. There is an increased risk of lung asbestos? Is it friable (easily crumbled)
cancer in asbestos workers who develop or tightly bound in a matrix?
asbestosis. • Where is it sited? Is it in a high-traffic
The final condition that is associated with area or in an isolated location where
asbestos exposure is mesothelioma or cancer exposure is rare?
of the lung lining (pleura). It has been closely • Is it in a direct airstream?
linked with exposure to crocidolite. The issue • How accessible is it?
with mesothelioma is that it is normally an • What control procedures are
exceptionally rare disease in the community. currently in place?
Epidemiological studies have shown that a
typical dose–response curve is followed with It is always wise to collect a sample of the
mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases; suspected asbestos to enable correct
however, with mesothelioma, the disease can identification by an accredited laboratory.
result from even low-level exposure. Usually a sample of 100–250 g is sufficient to
In Australia, the most widely publicised enable its identification. If the suspected
disaster with regard to mesothelioma involved asbestos is located in a number of areas or
mine workers and their families at the layers, each of these should be collected. For
Wittenoom crocidolite mine in Western instance, checking the surface layer of lagging
Australia. However, many other asbestos may indicate the sample is asbestos-free, when
industries in Australia have produced higher asbestos is in a lower layer. The sample should
numbers of mesothelioma cases. Mesothelioma be sealed in an appropriate container or plastic
is an extremely painful and aggressive cancer. bag and clearly labelled with its location, time
The tumour is seen in an X-ray as a dense white and date that the sample was collected and the
growth that can spread to the whole lung and name of the person collecting the sample.
cause its collapse. Due to its aggressive nature,
it is usually fatal within a few months. Identifying asbestos
Sampling for asbestos The laboratory techniques for identifying
asbestos include:
Asbestos usage in Australian industries is now
minimal and most asbestos investigation will • polarising light microscopy (PLM)
involve ‘in situ’ products in workplaces such as with dispersion staining (DS)
ships, power stations and buildings. When techniques
assessing the risk of asbestos exposure, it is • analytical electron microscopy
important to consider a number of factors • infrared (IR) spectroscopy
before jumping to conclusions about its hazard- • X-ray diffraction (XRD).
ous nature. Since asbestos is a particularly
emotive issue, when dealing with asbestos (or The most thorough technique uses a combined
suspected asbestos), it is important to correctly approach of PLM and DS microscopy. PLM
identify its presence and type. The first is the most common method used due to its
questions to ask are: ease of application and relatively low cost.
However, it may not confidently distinguish
• Has the sample been confirmed as between forms of asbestos. This is where
asbestos? What is its type and relative combination with DS becomes a useful tool. IR
composition? spectroscopy and XRD do not differentiate
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 91

between the fibrous and non-fibrous forms of separately. The fibres are then mounted on a
the material. glass slide and covered with a cover slip. As the
With the PLM–DS technique, the optical identity of the sample is unknown at this stage,
characteristics of the fibres are considered. the sample should be treated with the utmost
The process can be divided into the following care, preferably in a glove box or exhaust
steps: ventilation system.
A polarising microscope with crossed
• Make an initial examination using a polars and a first-order red plate is used to
low-power setting on the polarising analyse the sample. As the sample is rotated
light microscope. over the plate, the fibres’ colours will change.
• Treat the sample to distinguish For instance, amosite and chrysotile have a
between fibres and other matrix wavelength change from blue to yellow when
components such as cement. rotated clockwise. This is called length slow.
• Examine the fibre fraction using a Crocidolite changes from yellow to blue. This
low-power stereoscopic microscope is called length fast.
and mount in refractive liquid on a Since the first-order red plate only
glass slide with coverslip. differentiates between length-slow and
• Use the polarising light microscope length-fast fibres (i.e. amosite/chrysotile or
with a rotating stage and first-order crocidolite), the DS technique is used for
red plate to identify the existence of further analysis. The microscope is adjusted so
asbestos. that the analyser and first-order red plate is
• Examine the sample using refractive removed and a central step objective is used. A
index immersion liquids of known liquid with a specific refractive index is placed
dispersion characteristics and identify on the sample. Using east–west polarisation,
the exact asbestos type. the colours will change as the sample is
The first step is to review the morphology of The only disadvantage of this method
the fibres using a low to moderate occurs where the asbestos fibres are contained
magnification. This will involve investigating in a fibrous inorganic matrix or if the fibres are
the size and shape of the fibres with a short. The dispersion effects of the matrix
magnification of between X5 and X10. The aim cause a ‘milky way’ effect and overwhelm that
is to identify whether the sample contains of the fibres.
more than one layer. If it does, each layer must
be divided and treated separately. Monitoring for asbestos
After the substance is divided into
distinctive sections, it may be necessary to Monitoring for asbestos should be conducted
treat the samples with water and cold dilute according to the NOHSC’s Asbestos Code of
hydrochloric acid to free the fibres from their Practice and Guidance Notes or the Membrane
matrix. This is particularly important for Filter Method for Estimating Airborne
substances such as AC-sheeting or millboard Asbestos Dust. These define monitoring as
where the asbestos is bound. It is important to either occupational or para-occupational.
completely dry the sample at this stage. Next, Occupational sampling refers to the collection
the sample is gently teased apart, using fine- of samples in the breathing zone, which are
point tweezers. Since the sample may actually compared with the NES to assess workers’
consist of several types of fibres, it is exposure. Para-occupational or area sampling
important that each of these is looked at is frequently used to assess the effectiveness of
92 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

controls. It places samplers both within the • belt for placement of the pump.
work area and outside the operations (for
instance, during an asbestos stripping The major difference between asbestos
operation) to identify the existence of asbestos sampling and inspirable or respirable dust
fibres. sampling lies in the collection of the dust size.
For occupational sampling, the equipment For asbestos sampling, it is not the mass of
that is required includes: dust that is determined but the number of
fibres that meet a specific size criterion during
• a sampling pump counting. This is why a size-selective sampling
• filter holder — a cowled asbestos device is not required.
sampling head (Figure 4.9) is used to The open-face asbestos cowl can be made
protect the filter from accidental of either metal or conductive coating (not
contamination plastic) to ensure the filter is not accidentally
• a 25-mm gridded filter (preferably contaminated or electrostatic charge does not
mixed esters of cellulose or cellulose cause repulsion of the fibres. Filter holders and
nitrate) with a nominal pore size of cowls must be thoroughly cleaned using
0.8 µm; although it is acceptable to detergent and water before the sampling.
use 13-mm filters provided that the The sampler is prepared by placing a 25-
flow rates and sample volumes are mm filter onto a supportive pad before
appropriately adjusted inserting into the sampling head. The pro-
• flow calibration device tective cowl is then attached and a cover
• time measuring device attached for transportation to prevent con-
• connective tubing tamination. (Although it is vital to remember

Figure 4.9 Asbestos sampling head and cover

Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 93

to remove the cover for sampling!) The sample Asbestos counting

or a number of sub-samples is then collected
over the total shift, although the sampling Once the samples of fibres have been collected
period should never be less than four hours. on the gridded filter paper, they must be
The actual sampling duration will be prepared for counting.
influenced by the minimum and maximum After sampling has finished, the cap of the
loading of fibres on the filter. The determined sampling head is firmly attached and the
flow rate will also need to be taken into capped cowls packed securely for transpor-
consideration when assessing the monitoring tation. It is important that they are not exposed
duration. A volume of 100 L (±20 per cent, i.e. to vibration or mishandled as this may dislodge
80 – 120 L) will need to be collected. The the fibres from the filter. Once back at the
preferred range of flow rate is 0.4 – 2 L.min . laboratory, the filter is prepared for counting.
The sampling train is calibrated both before
and after sampling. If the difference in flow Clearing the filter
rate is more than 10 per cent greater than the A 25-mm filter is cut cleanly in half and
initial flow rate, the sample must be rejected. mounted on a glass slide. If the filter has a
Acceptable minimum and maximum loadings diameter of 13 mm, the entire filter must be
of fibres on the filter are shown in the NOHSC mounted. The cut can be performed using a
Asbestos Code of Practice. sharp blade such as a razor or curved-blade
With para-occupational sampling, the scalpel. It is important that the cut is made
equipment is identical to that of occupational in one action so that the sample is not
sampling, although it is accepted that in disturbed. Since the filter at this stage is
certain cases it may be necessary to collect opaque, it must be ‘cleared’ to allow the fibres
single samples of short duration. However, to be counted through an optical microscope.
since the aim of para-occupational sampling is Most laboratories use the ‘hot-block’ method,
to identify background or low levels of where a small amount of acetone is quickly
asbestos, it is necessary to increase the volume vaporised and directed onto the filter.
of air sampled. The following list shows the The filter should be left to stabilise for at
sampling parameters for performing para- least five minutes after it has been cleared. It is
occupational sampling of asbestos: then treated using glycerol triacetate
(triacetin). This is performed by dropping
• flow rate of 1 to 8 L.min 5–10 µL of triacetin onto a coverslip before
• volume of 500 L (±20 per cent, lowering the cleared slide onto it. This process
i.e. 400–600 L) assists in making the sample stable so that it
• where it is suspected that there are will not disintegrate or be subject to particle
very low airborne fibre migration. If the slide is to be kept indefinitely,
concentrations, the sample volume nail polish or a similar lacquer should be
can be increased to a maximum of painted around the edge of the coverslip.
1000 L.
For both types of sampling it is necessary to The procedure for counting asbestos fibres
keep blanks for each batch of filters or for should only be conducted in a properly
every 25 filters in the batch. The blank is accredited laboratory, such as one that has
subjected to the same treatment of sampling been NATA accredited and where the counters
and handling but a sample is not collected. It is are appropriately certified. The microscope
then analysed with the sampled filters. should have:
94 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• a light source The counting criteria also specifies that:

• a chromatic phase-contrast
• stage • an agglomerate of fibres is known as
• specific objectives a split fibre, if it appears to be solid
• binocular eyepieces with a total and undivided in some areas and
magnification between X400 and divided into separate strands in other
X650 areas
• a Walton-Beckett circular eyepiece • fibres that touch or cross
graticule. one another are known as
a bundle
Once the prepared filter has been placed on • a split fibre is a countable fibre if it
the stage, the entire filter area should be meets the definition of a countable
scanned with a total magnification of X100 to fibre when measured across the un-
X150. At least half of the mounted filter area split section
must be countable otherwise the filter is • a bundle of fibres can be counted
rejected. Some factors that will affect its individually where the distinction is
countability include significant differences in clear, otherwise the entire bundle is a
loading or major aggregation of fibres or countable fibre if it meets the
dusts. The microscope objective is then definition of a countable fibre as a
changed to X40-phase contrast, ensuring that whole
the rings remain concentric. It is also necessary • where more than one-eighth of the
to focus on both the surface above and graticule area is covered by an
below it. agglomerate, it is rejected and
With asbestos counting, the most another counted
important point to remember is the counting • a total fibre count of 100 must
criteria or the fibre length and diameter that be obtained; however, a minimum
are critical. A respirable fibre is defined by the of twenty fields must be counted
NOHSC as a fibre that: even if more than 100 fibres are
counted, and if ten fields are
• has a maximum width less than 3 µm counted without reaching
• has a length greater than 5 µm 100 fibres, the counting ceases
• has a length-to-width ratio greater and records of the counting are
than 3:1 recorded.
• does not appear to touch any
particle with a maximum dimension
greater than 3 µm.
Calculating asbestos
A countable fibre also must be entirely inside fibre exposure and
the graticule area. The graticule is a circular reporting results
field that is contained in the eyepiece of the
microscope. It is within the graticule that the Once the fibres on the filter have been counted
asbestos fibres are counted. If one end is and the results recorded, the actual
outside the area, it is counted as half a fibre. If concentration of fibres can be determined. For
both ends are outside the area, it is not a single sample, Equation 4.7 shows the
counted. equation that is used.
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 95

Equation 4.7 Synthetic mineral fibres

–1 –1
C = A/a x N/n x r x t
Where: Since the development of rock- and slag-wools
C = concentration (f.mL )
–1 in the late 1800s, fibreglass in the 1930s and
A = effective filter area (mm ) refractory ceramic fibres (RCF) in the 1950s,
N = total number of fibres counted workers have been exposed to various
a = eyepiece graticule area (mm )
2 airborne levels of the dusts and fibres of these
n = number of graticule areas products. These are all examples of synthetic
observed mineral fibres (SMF), man-made mineral fibres
r = flow rate of air through filter (MMMF) or man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF).
(mL.min ) In recent times, there has been a heightened
t = single sample duration (minutes) awareness of the potential health risks of
materials that produce dusts or fibres that may
The blank filters that have been saved must be be inhaled.
analysed in the same way as the sample filters. There are four groups of SMF:
However, if the blank count shows greater than
3 fibres/10 graticule areas, the whole
monitoring technique should be re-evaluated • glass filament
for sources of contamination. If the blank • ceramic fibres
count exceeds 3 fibres/100 graticule areas and • insulation wools
exceeds 10 per cent of the actual sample fibre • special purpose fibres.
count/100 graticule areas, the samples relating
to the blank should be rejected. Of particular interest for their potential health
effects are the insulation wools and ceramic
Exposure standards for asbestos

The exposure standards for forms of asbestos

Fibrous glass
are specified in the NOHSC’s NES. They are
expressed as time-weighted averages
The two basic forms of fibrous glass are: wool-
(TWA), due to the long-term effects of
type glass fibres and textile glass fibres.
exposure (Table 4.2).
Wool-type glass fibres are manufactured by
spinning or blowing molten glass and have
Table 4.2 Occupational exposure good insulation properties to around 450°C.
standards for asbestos They also are useful in insulating workplaces
and offices from noise. Fibres average 3–8 µm
Type of asbestos TWA (f.mL ) in diameter.
Textile glass fibres are drawn or extruded in
Crocidolite (blue asbestos) 0.1
a continuous process from holes in a bushing
Amosite (brown asbestos) 0.1
placed in the base of a platinum container.
Chrysotile (white asbestos) 1.0
They are generally larger and more uniform
Other forms 0.1
than wool-type glass fibres. Their diameters
Any mixture of these, or
are 6–15 µm. Typical application includes
where the composition
reinforcement of other materials such as
is unknown 0.1
plastic items.
96 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Mineral wool … that glasswool, rockwool, slagwool and

ceramic fibre may possibly be carcinogenic
This category is also divided into two basic to humans (group 2B). Glass reinforcing
types: slag-wool and rock-wool. filament is not classifiable (Group 3) based
Slag-wool is made from the by-product of on insufficient evidence in both human and
metal smelting which is then drawn or blown animal studies. The IARC classifications are
into a fibre. The resultant mineral wools are based on a review of evidence that the
predominantly used in insulation for industry disease could occur. They do not
at temperatures up to 650°C. necessarily reflect the level of risk that is
As the name suggests, rock-wool is likely to exist in the workplace (NOHSC
produced from igneous rock. The rock 1989, p. 9).
contains high levels of calcium and
magnesium. More recently, on the basis of high dose animal
studies, RCF have been thought to lead to
significant adverse health effects (Bunn et al.
Refractory ceramic fibres 1993). Epidemiological studies conducted on
the production workforce do not indicate
These can be kaolin-clay-based products, significant health effects. Fibreglass and rock-
blends of alumina, silica and refractory metal wool have been shown to cause adverse health
oxide or high-purity products such as alumina effects in some animal studies. However,
and silica blends. Due to their chemical epidemiological studies do not indicate
compositions, their most common application significant risk. This is thought to be due to
is as high-temperature insulators (1050°C– their small diameters (0.2–0.8 µm), which is
1425°C). The typical range for actual fibre similar to that of asbestos. Exposure to glass
diameters is 0.2–0.5 µm. filaments such as fibreglass has not been
proven to be linked to disease. Again, this is
due to their large diameters. Notwithstanding,
Health effects from exposure to fibreglass is extremely irritating to the skin and
synthetic mineral fibres can cause a form of dermatitis due to the fibres
becoming imbedded in the skin. A national
SMF have largely replaced the use of asbestos standard on the safe use of SMF was released
due to their similar thermal and acoustic by the NOHSC in 1990 and this can be used to
insulating properties. Existing human studies minimise risk.
and animal experiments indicate that all types
of SMF present much less of a risk to workers, Monitoring for synthetic mineral
compared with asbestos. Notwithstanding, fibres
consideration still needs to be given to the
fibre dimensions, characteristics of fragmen- Sampling and counting for SMF is very similar
tation, degree of exposure and chemical to the method used for asbestos and is
composition. All of these factors can impinge comprehensively described in the NOHSC
on the potential risk of ill health or disease. document, ‘Technical Report on Synthetic
The IARC classified SMF in 1987. It Mineral Fibres and Guidance Note on the
concluded: Membrane Filter Method for the Estimation of
Chapter 4: Dusts and particulate ■ 97

Airborne Synthetic Mineral Fibres’. The Exposure standards for synthetic

method also uses a cowled sampling head with mineral fibres
a gridded filter, preferably mixed cellulose
esters. The air sample is drawn through the
filter using a sampling pump connected by The exposure standards for SMF are expressed
flexible tubing that has been calibrated at a as the TWA. For respirable fibres, this is
known flow rate. Following sampling, the filter 0.5 f.mL . For non-respirable fibres, a second-
is mounted and the number of countable fibres ary exposure standard has been proposed. This
is determined using a microscope. For specific aims to minimise the irritant effects from
details about SMF sampling technique, refer to exposure to the upper respiratory tract and is
the previous section on asbestos monitoring. expressed as 2 mg.m .

Dusts and particulate are examples of occupational hygiene hazards that may present a risk
to workers’ health. Dusts are categorised according to their aerodynamic equivalent diameter
and are broadly known as either respirable or inspirable (inhalable) dusts. Some examples of
occupationally related dusts include crystalline silica, wood dusts, organic dusts and
coaldusts. Fibres have solid, thread-like filaments that have a defined length-to-width ratio.
Asbestos and synthetic mineral fibres are examples of these.
In Australia, respirable dust is sampled according to AS2985. Inhalable dust is monitored
according to AS3640. Direct-reading sampling devices are also available to monitor for
airborne dusts and fibres.


Bunn, W.B. et al. 1993, ‘Recent studies of Man-made Vitreous Fibres: Chronic Anomal Inhalation
Studies’, Journal of Occupational Medicine, vol. 35, no. 2
Castillo, J.E. 1992, ‘Fibreglass: Information You Should Know’, Professional Safety, vol. 11, pp. 29–32
Dalton, A. 1979, Asbestos Killer Dust — A Worker/Community Guide: How to Fight the Hazards of Asbestos
and its Substitutes, BSSRS Publications, London
Fairfax, R. 1995, ‘Solvent, Wood Dust, and Noise Exposure in a Decoy Shop’, Applied Occupational and
Environmental Hygiene, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 446–8.
Gee, J.B.L., Morgan, W.K.C. and Brooks, S.M. (eds) 1984, Occupational Lung Disease, Raven Press, New
Harrington, J.M. and Gardiner, K. (eds) 1995, Occupational Hygiene, 2nd edn, Blackwell Science,
Monkman, L.J. 1979, ‘Procedure for the Detection and Identification of Asbestos and Other Fibres in
Fibrous Inorganic Materials’, Annals of Occupational Hygiene, vol. 22, pp. 127–39
98 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

National Health and Medical Research Council 1984, Methods for Measurement of Quartz in Respirable
Airborne Dust by Infrared Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffractometry, AGPS, Canberra
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health 1997, Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, US
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Method 7401 Alkaline Dusts, from Cassinelli,
M.E. & O’Connor, P.F. (eds) 1994, NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th edn, DHHS (NIOSH)
Publication 94–113, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Method 7020 Calcium (see Specific Compounds),
from Cassinelli, M.E. & O’Connor, P.F. (eds) 1994, NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th edn,
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 94–113, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1988, Asbestos Code of Practice and Guidance
Notes, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1989, Technical Report on Synthetic Mineral Fibres
and Guidance Note on the Membrane Filter Method for Estimation of Airborne Synthetic Mineral Fibres,
AGPS, Canberra
Pisaniello, D. 1989, ‘Rationalizing Wood Dust Exposure Limits in the Furniture Industry: Problems
with Composites and Irritant Woods’, Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH)
Conference Proceedings, AIOH
Selikoft, I. and Lee, J. 1978, Asbestos and Disease, Academic Press, New York
Standards Association of Australia 1987, AS3640: 1987 Workplace Atmospheres — Method for Sampling
and Gravimetric Determination of Respirable Dust, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 1989, AS2985: 1989 Workplace Atmospheres — Method for Sampling
and Gravimetric Determination of Respirable Dust, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Torén, K., Järvholm, B., Sällsten, G. and Thiringer, G. 1994, ‘Respiratory Symptoms and Asthma Among
Workers Exposed to Paper Dust: A Cohort Study’, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol. 26,
pp. 489–96
Waldron, H.A. 1990, Lecture Notes on Occupational Medicine, 4th edn, Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Weise, N.K. and Lockey, J.E. 1992, ‘Man-made Vitreous Fibre: Vermiculite and Zeolite’, in Environ-
mental and Occupational Medicine, W.M. Rom, 2nd edn, Little Brown, Boston, pp. 307–23
Zuskin, E., Mustajbegovic, J. and Schachter, E.N. 1994, ‘Follow-Up Study of Respiratory Function in
Hemp Workers’, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol. 26, pp. 103–15
Chapter 5


In recent times, Australia has been referred to THE TOXICITY OF METALS

as a lucky country. While there are many
interpretations of the true meaning of luck, Metals affect systems and organs within the
perhaps one aspect can be attributed to human body in different ways. To understand
Australia’s natural resources, including metal the mechanism of effect of exposure to metals,
ore deposits. Metals have a broad range of we must begin with a description of the
application in industry and indeed the chemical structure and properties of metals
community. Where would we be without and the reasons why they are differentiated
motor vehicles, electrical devices and from other occupational hygiene hazards.
jewellery? Metallic elements and metallic compounds
Unfortunately, many metals can cause (alloys) are strong, lustrous and malleable.
adverse health effects to workers and pollute They are also able to conduct electricity. This
the environment. The term ‘heavy metal makes them extremely versatile in a number of
pollution’ originally referred to pollution by applications, such as:
mercury, lead and cadmium but has since
extended to cover other toxic metals such as • copper drawn out into threads for
silver, arsenic, chromium, copper, nickel and use in electrical wire
zinc. Other toxic metals include manganese, • aluminium used as a reflector of heat
antimony, beryllium, boron, cobalt and • steel pressed into the shape of
thallium. motor vehicle panels
This chapter provides a discussion of • platinum and gold for jewellery.
occupationally significant metals, including the
following information: In the periodic table, most elements are
metals. The metallic elements are found in
groups I to VI and also in the transition block.
• their sources in industry You can find the periodic table at the front of
• route of entry and toxicological this book. Most of the metallic elements have
effects very few electrons in their outer shell. This
• national exposure standards means that the bonding of metals occurs as the
• techniques for conducting positive ions from each atom repel one
occupational hygiene monitoring and another but are attracted to the negative ions
biological monitoring. (electrons).
100 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

This association between positive and NATURE OF

negative ions forces the atoms to bond CONTAMINANT AND
together strongly. It also helps explain why ROUTES OF ENTRY
metals conduct electricity so well. Since the
electrons are not bound to any particular Metals and their compounds can exist in a
atoms, they are able to move in an electric field number of forms (dust, fume, mist, vapour or
(the flow of electricity is essentially the flow of gas). In an industrial setting, however, most
electrons). occupational exposure occurs from particulate
In our bodies, metals are needed for normal or aerosols. This occurs because most metals
functioning and homeostasis. However, the and their salts are solids. The exception is
levels of essential metals must be kept within a mercury and some metal hydrides such as
concentration window. The concentration arsine and stibine, which exist in the gaseous
window refers to a concentration range below state or have a high enough vapour pressure at
which the body suffers a deficiency and above room temperature to exist as a vapour. Some
which the metal is toxic. With typical examples of exposure to metals include:
absorption, essential metals are taken up from
the gut. Here, they bind with a carrier protein
and transport (or store) protein, and are moved • lead oxide (PbO) fume when
throughout the body. But non-essential metals removing impurities from gold
also use this path, taking advantage of the same • mercury (Hg) vapour, where a
mechanism. The degree of uptake of non- manometer has blown/broken
essential metals is therefore influenced by the • zinc oxide (ZnO) fume from the
concentration of other metals in the gut. production of metallic zinc after
Essential metals have several functions in roasting of zinc sulphide ores, which
the body. Mostly, they are bound to enzymes are then reduced using carbon
(as metalloenzymes) in order for the enzyme to monoxide
become activated. Their use includes assisting • tungsten carbide and cobalt dust
in the carriage of oxygen (iron in haemo- from machine grinding of hard metal
globin), as cellular messengers (calcium acts as tools.
a trigger mechanism for the nerves’ post-
synaptic transmission and muscle contraction), In some cases, elements are not strictly
in the structural components of proteins and metallic. These substances are known as
as nucleophiles. Common metals found in metalloids. The metalloids include boron,
enzymes include sodium, potassium, calcium, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony,
magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, cobalt, tellurium and polonium. Metalloids have
nickel, molybdenum and tungsten. similar properties to both metals and
Another important part of metal toxicology nonmetals. For instance, they conduct
is metals’ ability to interact with other metals. electricity poorly under certain conditions and
This can result in a synergistic or antagonistic are called semiconductors. Semiconductors
relationship. find use in electronics and computers because
For instance, exposure to cadmium can of this characteristic. This chapter discusses
cause the displacement of zinc in some the hazardous nature of some metalloids along
metalloenzymes. Lead can cause the dis- with metals.
placement of calcium, which leads to the Metals may show their effects through
storage of lead in bone and inhibition of acute or chronic exposure. Acute effects result
postsynaptic transmission. from the inhalation of air or ingestion of
Chapter 5: Metals ■ 101

liquids containing metals in very high are not required for homeostasis. Even where
concentrations. Some metals such as mercury the body does require essential metals, doses
and thallium may be absorbed through the beyond the optimal concentration window
skin. Inhalation of high concentrations of may also be of concern. Exposure to these
metals is irritating and may cause severe metals has the potential to damage the body
damage to the respiratory tract. Many metals and places workers at risk of ill health and
are also sensitisers. Exposure to nickel, for disease. The metals, metal hydrides and
instance, may lead to a rash called nickel itch. metalloids that are considered in this chapter
Other metals (e.g. chromium) can cause include:
corrosion of the skin and mucous membranes.
Chronic exposure to metals has also been • aluminium (Al)
well documented, for instance: • antimony (Sb) and stibine (SbH3)
• arsenic (As) and arsine (AsH3)
• lead exposure from operations • beryllium (Be)
reclaiming lead-acid accumulator • boron (B)
batteries • cadmium (Cd)
• felting involved the use of inorganic • chromium (Cr)
mercury compounds, which caused • cobalt (Co)
severe central nervous system • copper (Cu)
symptoms including a pronounced • gold (Au)
tremor • lead (Pb)
• manganese exposure from welding • manganese (Mn)
hard metals, such as dragline buckets • mercury (Hg)
from coalmines • nickel (Ni)
• inorganic arsenic, an impurity of lead • osmium (Os)
and copper ores, is given off during • platinum (Pt)
the smelting process. • selenium (Se)
• silver (Ag)
Since most exposure to metals occurs through • thallium (Tb)
inhalation of particulate (dust or metal), most • tin (Sn)
workplace monitoring requires sampling of • titanium (Ti)
dusts. However, where the metal becomes • tungsten (W)
airborne as an aerosol (such as in an • vanadium (Vn)
electroplating process where chromium and • zinc (Zn).
nickel are the metals), these aerosols are
monitored in a similar fashion to particulate Aluminium
clouds containing metals.
Workers can be exposed to aluminium (Al) in
its metallic form as dust or fume, aluminium
oxide (alumina or Al2O3), alkyl products
(–NOC ), pyro-powders or as the soluble
THEIR RISKS aluminium salts. Aluminium is used in the
manufacture of:
Having said that many metals are essential to
the normal functioning of the human body, • domestic cookware (pots, pans,
there are still some twenty or more metals that trays)
102 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• food wrappings (aluminium foil) • aluminium oxide (Al2O3 or alumina)

• building materials (roofing, cladding, and aluminium metal dust —
window frames) 10 mg.m
• electrical wire (instead of copper) • aluminium welding fumes (as Al) —
• alloys for the aircraft and motor 5 mg.m
vehicle industry. • aluminium alkyls (as Al) and soluble
salts (as Al) — 2 mg.m
Aluminium is found naturally, mostly as a • aluminium pyro-powders (as Al) —
component of feldspar, mica and bauxite. 5mg.m .
Bauxite was first discovered in the French
district of Les Baux in 1821. Several processes Sampling and analysis of aluminium and
for aluminium production were used until, in compounds will depend upon its state of
1886, American Charles Hall and Frenchman matter and the aerodynamic equivalent
Paul Heroult both found a method of diameter of the dust cloud. For instance,
producing aluminium by electrolysis. This was aluminium oxide is sampled for the inspirable
called the Hall–Heroult process and is still used fraction according to AS3640, using an IOM or
today. UKAEA size-selective sampling head that is
However, the most common refining calibrated in-line at 2 L.min . If the respirable
process for extracting alumina from bauxite fraction of aluminium is sought, sampling
was developed by Karl Bayer in 1888 and is should be conducted by following AS2985.
known as the Bayer process. In Australia, Chapter 4 discusses the principles of inspirable
bauxite is found in the Darling Range and and respirable dust sampling.
Kimberley Region in Western Australia, and in To analyse the filter, inductively coupled
the Pinjarra area. In Queensland, it is mined plasma (ICP) or atomic absorption spectroscopy
from Weipa. (AAS) could be used. ICP analysis relies on the
When ignited, finely divided aluminium ionisation of atoms in an aqueous solution,
burns with a hot flame to form aluminium which transforms it into an aerosol. The light
oxide (Al2O3). It is also readily oxidised by that is emitted from the atoms is then converted
chlorine to produce aluminium chloride (AlCl3). to an electrical signal to compare with pre-
Aluminium chloride sublimes around 180°C. viously measured intensities of known elements.
In recent times, aluminium poisoning has Since each element will have a specific
been associated with central nervous system wavelength, the individual element can be
effects that reflect the symptoms of identified. ICP is especially useful to identify
Parkinsonism. The effects may include a loss of many metals that may be present in one
memory, tremor and jerkiness of movement. sample. It also has a high sensitivity, with low
It has also been suggested that aluminium detection limits.
exposure may be a factor for patients with Often, ICP is coupled with other analytical
senile and pre-senile dementia (Alzheimer instruments, such as atomic emission spec-
type) and in Parkinsonism dementia. It is troscopy (AES) and mass spectroscopy (MS).
believed that aluminium is a major toxic When combining ICP with MS, greater
causation of renal dialysis encepathology, discrimination between the various isotopes of
which can lead to problems with speech, the element is possible. ICP–AES has been
dementia and convulsions. widely used since the 1970s for simultaneous
In Australia, the NOHSC has specified multi-element analysis. This combination of
occupational exposure standards (TWA) for methods allows for excellent sensitivity and a
aluminium and its compounds as: wide working range for many elements.
Chapter 5: Metals ■ 103

AAS relies on measuring the light acids. If exposure to antimony occurs, it is

wavelengths that are absorbed by each likely to happen through inhalation or the skin.
element when they have been thermally The symptoms of exposure include:
excited. The sample is aspirated into a specific
flame or vaporised with an electrical furnace. A • irritation of the nose, throat, skin
light beam of specific characteristic and mouth
wavelengths is then directed through the • cough
vapour and the amount of light absorbed is • dizziness and headache
measured. • nausea and vomiting
• stomach cramps, insomnia, anorexia
Antimony and stibine and inability to smell properly.

Antimony (Sb) is a silvery-white metalloid. It is The body may show clinical effects such as:
quite brittle and breaks easily. Due to this
characteristic, antimony is mostly alloyed with • pneumoconiosis
other metals, such as zinc and lead, to form • increased blood pressure
solids such as: • abdominal distress and ulcers
• dermatitis.
• batteries
• solder Exposure to antimony trichloride can result in
• sheet metal and pipe metal cardiac abnormalities. Antimony is excreted in
• ammunition the urine; therefore, workers with kidney
• pewter. problems may be at higher risk.
The occupational exposure standards
High-grade antimony is used to make (TWA) for antimony and antimony compounds
semiconductors. Other compounds such as are:
aluminium antimonide, gallium antimonide
and indium antimonide are used for • antimony and antimony compounds
thermoelectric devices such as infrared (as Sb) — 0.5 mg.m
detectors and diodes. Antimony trioxide is • handling and using antimony trioxide
used as a fire retardant in plastics, textiles, (as Sb) — 0.5 mg.m
rubber, glues, pigments and paper. Antimony • production of antimony trioxide (as
trioxide is classed as a Category 2 carcinogen. Sb) — as low as practicable (due to
Other antimony compounds include its carcinogenic properties).
antimony pentasulphide, antimony chloride,
antimony pentoxide, antimony potassium Antimony particulate can be monitored as the
tartrate, antimony trichloride, antimony inspirable fraction, according to AS3640. Once
trisulphide and stibine (SbH3, antimony sampling is complete, the filters can be
hydride, which is formed when antimony is analysed with AAS or ICP using a similar
exposed to nascent hydrogen). The technique to that used to analyse aluminium.
occupational health hazards of stibine are
discussed in Chapter 6. Arsenic and arsine
In normal conditions, antimony metal is
quite stable and a poor conductor of heat and Arsenic (As) has been seen as the poison of
electricity. It is incompatible with strong choice in many thriller novels. The major
oxidising substances, acids and halogenated occupational health risk associated with
104 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

arsenic occurs through the inhalation of dust. The health effects of arsine gas (AsH3) are
Arsenic is actually a metalloid, which is often described in Chapter 6, and include headache,
alloyed with lead in the production of cable giddiness, abdominal pain and vomiting.
sheaths or battery grids. Solid arsenic comes in The NOHSC exposure standard for
two forms or allotropes: grey, metallic arsenic inorganic arsenic salts, metal and soluble salts
and yellow, nonmetallic arsenic (As4). is 0.05 mg.m (TWA). It is 0.05 ppm or 0.16
Oxides and complex salts of arsenic are mg.m for arsine. Air monitoring depends on
used in the production of weedkillers, the form of the arsenic. For instance, arsenic
insecticides, wood preservatives and trioxide is collected on filters treated with
fungicides. An example of inadvertent sodium hydroxide. Arsenic particulate is
exposure to arsenic compounds occurs when collected as inspirable dust and arsine is
logs treated with chromated copper arsenate collected in a liquid impinger. There are also
(CCA), for outdoor and garden use, are burned. direct-reading colorimetric tubes which are
This causes the arsenic to be converted to the available for both arsenic trioxide vapour and
extremely toxic arsenic trioxide. Another arsine.
strange source of arsenic has been found in Biological monitoring through analysis of
groundwater run-off from cemeteries. In the blood and urine of workers is another option
late nineteenth century, embalming fluid to review recent exposure. Normally,
containing arsenic was used to preserve unexposed workers have blood and urine
–1 –1
bodies. Once buried, the arsenic contaminated levels below 0.7 µmol.L and 0.07 µmol.L ,
the groundwater. respectively. Since arsenic can bio-accumulate
Inorganic arsenic compounds are absorbed in waterways, seafood or fish should not be
through inhalation, ingestion and through consumed for at least three days before
intact skin. They are stored in the tissue and biological testing for arsenic is conducted.
tend to accumulate in the muscles and liver.
Arsenic is excreted through the kidneys. Beryllium
The effects of exposure are very much
dependent upon the arsenic’s chemical form. Beryllium (Be) is a grey metal that is used for
While acute poisoning in the workplace is rare, fibre optics and cellular network
arsenic has been implicated in suicides and communication systems. Beryllium is also used
homicides. The first symptoms of acute as an alloy for electrical parts and aerospace
exposure are severe respiratory irritation with applications, window material for X-ray tubes,
cough and chest pain. Chronic exposure to a moderator material for nuclear weapons and
arsenic is seen as: in high-performance aircraft brakes. It also
forms many compounds, including:
• irritation of the nasal mucosa
(sometimes the nasal septa perforate • beryllium chloride — a white or
from the corrosive effect) colourless crystal
• thickened and pigmented skin • beryllium fluoride — a colourless,
• stomach pain and diarrhoea non-crystalline mass
• nausea and vomiting • beryllium hydroxide — crystalline
• numbness of the soles and palms solid or gelatinous
that develops into a painful condition • beryllium oxide (BeO) — a white,
called neuritis amorphous powder or gel
• lung cancer and respiratory tract • beryllium sulphate — colourless
cancer. crystals.
Chapter 5: Metals ■ 105

The occupational health hazard associated Boron

with beryllium compounds arises from toxic
vapours that can be emitted. For instance,
beryllium chloride, beryllium fluoride, Boron (B) is a metalloid which is quite rare.
beryllium hydroxide, beryllium oxide and Research suggests that boron is an essential
beryllium sulphate emit BeO. In addition, metal, helping maintain the body’s level of
beryllium chloride emits toxic fumes of minerals and hormones that are required for
hydrochloric acid and other chlorinated healthy bones. In industry it has been used to
compounds; beryllium fluoride emits manufacture pure and strong metals (by
hydrofluoric acid vapour and other fluorinated removing the oxygen and nitrogen dissolved in
compounds; and beryllium sulphate emits the metal or chemically bound to it). It also
oxides of sulphur (SOx). finds application in absorbing fast neutrons in
The primary routes of entry for beryllium nuclear reactors.
and its compounds are through inhalation and Boron compounds are commonly used.
the skin. Those most at risk include: These include borax, boron oxide, boron
tribromide and boron trifluoride. Borax
(Na2B4O7.10H2O) is combined with other metals
• beryllium ore miners and alloy such as chromium, copper, manganese, cobalt
makers and nickel to form colourful substances such as
• ceramic workers borosilicate glass, which is highly refractive
• missile technicians and nuclear and used to make lenses. It is also used for
reactor workers increasing the fire resistance of textiles and
• electric and electronic equipment wood; softening water for clothes washing; as
workers. a fertiliser where soils may have low levels of
boron, and as a flux in brazing.
When ignited, amorphous boron has a
In Australia, beryllium and its compounds are green colour and is used in pyrotechnic flares
classified as Category 2 carcinogens. The IARC and as an igniter of rockets. Boron compounds
has reported that beryllium may lead to human are also used in the production of enamels for
lung cancer. It can also cause chronic beryllium covering the steel panels of whitegoods. Boron
disease. The latency period of this disease may trifluoride is a very toxic and colourless gas,
be up to twenty years. It is believed that which fumes in moist air. It is used mostly as a
chronic beryllium disease involves a reaction catalyst in chemical process industries. Boron
with the human body’s immune system, tribromide is also a gas.
affecting the respiratory tract and resulting in The most toxic boron compounds are the
weakness, fatigue and loss of weight. borohydrides — diborane, decarborane and
If acute exposure to beryllium occurs, this pentaborane. These are unstable and
may show as symptoms of swollen mucous flammable, usually with a sickly sweet odour.
membranes, ulceration, a nonproductive Exposure may cause irritation of the skin,
cough and chest pains. This disease is known headache, chills, dizziness and weakness.
as acute beryllium disease and is similar to In Australia the occupational exposure
pneumonia. In Australia the national standards (TWA) for boron compounds are:
occupational exposure standard (TWA) for
beryllium and its compounds is 0.002 mg.m .
It should be sampled as the inspirable fraction, • tetra borates (anhydrous) sodium
according to AS3640, and analysed using ICP. salts — 1 mg.m
106 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• tetra borates (decahydrate) sodium levels of cadmium can cause long-term damage
salts — 5 mg.m to the lungs including reduction of lung
• tetra borates (pentahydrate) sodium function. Cadmium and its compounds are
salts — 1 mg.m categorised as Category 2 carcinogens.
• boron oxide — 10 mg.m Chronic exposure affects the kidneys, with
• boron tribromide — 1 ppm (peak the disease proteinuria which causes the
limitation) glomerular filtration rate to decrease while an
• boron trifluoride — 1 ppm. increase in kidney stones can occur. Chronic
inhalation can also lead to emphysema or
The dusts of boron compounds (e.g. boron affect the liver, bones and immune, blood and
oxide and tetrasodium salts of boron) are nervous systems.
monitored as inspirable dust. The filters can be It is also reported that cadmium is one of
analysed gravimetrically and then further the metals that may contribute to a condition
analysed using ICP. The gases (boron known as metal fume fever. With this
tribromide and boron trifluoride) are sampled condition, the worker may suffer headache,
using a midget impinger with a fritted nozzle. cough, chill and fever.
Biological monitoring of the blood or urine
Cadmium can be used to indicate cadmium exposure.
The samples are then analysed using AAS. In
Cadmium (Cd) is a metal with a soft, silver- severe cases, a biopsy can be taken to measure
white colour. It is usually found in combination cadmium concentrations in the liver or
with other elements and used as a: kidneys. However, this method is expensive
and invasive. If urine is analysed, the ACGIH
• pigment recommends a BEI of 10 µg/L.
• component of batteries (e.g. NiCad The occupational exposure standard for
batteries) cadmium is 0.01 mg.m for oxides, fume or
• constitute of alloys for iron, steel metal cadmium. It can be monitored by
and copper in the electroplating collecting the inspirable dust fraction
industry according to AS3640 (Chapter 4). The collected
• welding and brazing solder. filters are then analysed using ICP or AAS.

The salts of cadmium (e.g. cadmium sulphide) Chromium

are used as a pigment in paints, inks and
plastics. The main hazard arises from the Chromium (Cr) is an essential metal that the
inhalation of cadmium or cadmium oxide body needs to stabilise blood sugar levels and
vapour or dust, especially from burning fossil for the metabolism of cholesterol, fats and
fuels such as coal and oil. It is also a by-product protein. It is naturally found in food such as
of zinc, lead and copper smelters. Smoking is brewer’s yeast, capsicum, cheese, potatoes,
another important source of cadmium. whole grains, mushrooms, shellfish and
Smokers have about twice as much cadmium in chicken. From an occupational health
their bodies as do nonsmokers. perspective, metallic chromium is not a high
Acute exposure to cadmium shows its risk to workers (it is inert). Indeed, chromium
effects mostly in the lungs as pulmonary is an odourless, hard, lustrous metal. However,
irritation. The kidney is also a target organ its salts can be irritating and corrosive, due to
with the accumulation of cadmium causing the their oxidative characteristics.
damage. Even a single acute exposure to high The main salts of chromium are:
Chapter 5: Metals ■ 107

• chromium (0) — the metal compounds and are neither irritating nor
• chromium (II) — chromous corrosive.
• chromium (III) — chromic (occurs The NOHSC has provided occupational
naturally) exposure standards for chromium metal and
• chromium (VI) — hexavalent. chromium compounds. Expressed as the TWA,
these are:
Typical applications where chromium exposure –3
might occur include: • chromium metal — 0.5 mg.m
• chromium (II) and (III) compounds (as
• plating elements on metal and Cr) — 0.5 mg.m
plastics to minimise corrosion • certain water-insoluble chromium (VI)
• nuclear and high-temperature compounds (as Cr) — 0.05 mg.m ;
research these substances are also Category 1
• electroplating cleaning substances carcinogens and sensitisers
for the metal finishing industry • water-soluble chromium (VI)
• dyes and pigments compounds (as Cr) — 0.05 mg.m ;
• medicinal antiseptics these are also sensitisers.
• leather treatments and tanning
• mordants in the textile industry Occupational hygiene sampling for chromium
• fungicides and wood preservatives and chromium compounds is best conducted
such as CCA in treated timbers using inspirable dust sampling techniques,
• industrial water treatment (e.g. although care should be taken in the selection
cooling tower water) of the filter. Special PVC filters with low
• production of chromic acid and moisture pick-up that are designed to collect
specialty chemicals. chromic acid, chromates and hexavalent
chromium should be used. If unsuitable filters
The health effects of exposure to chromium are used, the collected dust or fume sent for
and its compounds depend upon their valency, analysis may not be in the correct valence for
state of matter and water-solubility. For analysis.
instance, some water-insoluble chromium (VI) Health surveillance for workers in an
compounds are Category 1 carcinogens due to inorganic chromium process should include
their ability to cause cancer of the respiratory collection of information about their
tract. Hexavalent chromium substances (e.g. occupational and medical history and a
chromates, dichromates and chromic acid) are physical examination of the respiratory system
corrosive, causing ulceration and dermatitis. and the skin.
Allergic dermatitis has been well reported in
cement and metalworkers, painters and Cobalt
leather tanners (Baruthio 1992). In serious
cases of exposure, chrome holes appear In the workplace, exposure to cobalt (Co) is
around the joints of the fingers, the fingernails typically found as dust or fume. Cobalt is an
and eyelids. Perforation of the nasal septum odourless, silver metal or black solid, which is
may also occur. used as an alloy ingredient of steel, especially
The most dangerous effect from ingested for jet engines. In the textile and ceramic
chromium is acute renal tubular necrosis. The industries, the salts of cobalt (cobalt blue and
trivalent chromium compounds, Cr (III), are cobaltous blue) are used for colouring glass,
considerably less toxic than the hexavalent ceramics and textiles. Some cobalt components
108 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

find applications as permanent magnets, in making items from copper as far back as 5000
nuclear technology and in abrasives and tools. BC, with Asians in about 4200 BC appreciating
Exposure to cobalt may cause symptoms the greater workability it afforded once
such as coughing, pulmonary oedema and heated. Indeed, the Bronze Age (about
decreased functioning of the respiratory system. 3000–1200 BC) was named after the change
The dust may cause dermatitis, with a rash or from stone-based weapons and tools to those
burning feeling, and fibrosis of the lung. The of copper and its alloy bronze. Bronze is
fibrosis can be fatal. The major effect is respir- actually a combination of copper and tin.
atory hypersensitivity (resulting in asthma-like Copper is also used nowadays, either as the
responses such as wheezing, chest pain and metal or its alloy brass. Brass consists of
shortness of breath). It has also been reported copper and zinc.
that exposure to cobalt can damage the heart. In the workplace, exposure to copper
Chronic exposure is believed to damage the usually occurs from the metal or its oxides. The
thyroid and liver. Some isotopes of cobalt are two oxides of copper are Cu2O (cuprite) and
radioactive (e.g. Co, which is a beta and gamma CuO (tenorite). Exposure may occur during
emitter) and care should be taken to control smelting and refining.
exposure in these cases. Chapter 10 describes Once copper ore is reduced, blowing air
the effects of exposure to ionising radiation. through the molten metal can be used to refine
In Australia the TWA for cobalt metal and it. This oxidises any other metals that are
dust (as Co) is 0.05 mg.m . Sampling for present as impurities; the oxides rise to the
particulate cobalt is best conducted according surface and can be skimmed off. Copper is also
to AS3640, using a mixed cellulose ester filter used as an insecticide and bactericide and in
with nominal pore size of 0.8 µm. The filters electroplating. Exposure usually does not
can then be analysed using AAS or ICP. If health present a high risk to workers, except possibly
surveillance is required, lung function tests, those who have a genetic condition known as
assessment of the heart and tests of the skin Wilson’s disease. With this disease, the body is
for dermatitis are some common assessments unable to excrete excessive copper; therefore,
that can be performed. occupational exposure may lead to problems.
One product that is made from cobalt is The TWA for copper (dust and mist) is
–3 –3
cobalt naphthenate. This can be a brown 1 mg.m . For copper fume, it is 0.2 mg.m .
powder or blue-red solid, and is used in paint Occupational hygiene sampling and analysis is
varnish or to bond rubber to steel and other similar to that of the other metals, by
substances. Inhalation of cobalt naphthenate collecting the inspirable fraction and analysing
can lead to asthma. Inhalation may also cause with AAS or ICP.
scarring of the lung tissue, and high-level
exposure may damage the heart and even Gold
cause an enlarged thyroid (goitre). Repeated
exposure can cause a loss of the sense of smell, Gold (Au) is one of the earth’s precious metals
affect the red blood cells, increase serum fat and is found in nature mostly as the pure free
and reduce the ability of the body to burn metal. However, oxides of other metals are
sugar from the diet. usually found with the gold (e.g. silver, arsenic
and copper) and need to be removed. This is
Copper where occupational exposure may occur.
Cupellation is the process that is used to
Historically, copper (Cu) has been extensively remove impurities by adding lead metal or lead
used. Indians of the Pacific Northwest were oxide to the gold. Refinement of gold using a
Chapter 5: Metals ■ 109

method known as froth flotation can introduce rise to the risk of lead compounds escaping in
other occupational hygiene hazards such as the car exhaust and is a potential source of
arsenic and sulphur. The process of froth pollution wherever large numbers of cars are
flotation is also often followed by cyanidation, used. The use of unleaded fuel in new cars has
where the crushed ore is treated with sodium been introduced to combat this. Cases of
cyanide and calcium oxide to oxidise the gold abnormal exposure to lead have been reported
to Au (I). An alternative method known as in moonshine-whisky drinkers due to the lead
amalgamation introduces mercury to form solder used to construct the stills.
liquid alloys (amalgams). The gold is recovered Some industries where exposure to
by distilling away the mercury. Gold does not inorganic lead occur are:
have an occupational exposure standard. In its
refinement, consideration must be given to the • battery manufacture (lead-acid
risk associated with exposure to the other plates) and reclamation
metals. • radiator repair
• propeller grinding
Lead and lead oxide • lead lighting
• spraying with lead-based paints
Lead (Pb) can be extracted by roasting the ore • sanding or torch-cutting lead-painted
galena (PbS) in an oxidation reaction. In fact, metals and timber, such as with
the ore is normally found with argentite (Ag2S) Queenslander houses painted prior to
impurities, which are then separated to obtain the 1950s or bridges, which used
silver. To obtain lead, the PbS, lead (II) compounds such as PbSO4, PbCrO4
sulphide, is oxidised to lead (II) oxide (PbO) and PbCO3 as pigments (modern
and lead (II) sulphate (PbSO4). Some PbS is also paints contain little or no lead)
left unchanged so, if the air supply is reduced, • gold or silver laboratory assayers
the PbS left unchanged reacts with the PbO • indoor shooting gallery and rifle
and PbSO4 to produce lead metal. range operators.

3PbS (s) + 5O2 (g) → 2PbO (s) + PbSO4 (s) The use of lead dates back to antiquity. The
+ 2SO2 (g) Romans used lead on an extensive scale for
2PbO (s) + PbS (s) → 3Pb (l) + SO2 (g) water pipes, linings and cooking utensils. Since
PbSO4 (s) + PbS (s) → 2Pb (l) + 2SO2 lead will dissolve to some extent in water, lead
poisoning became a common occurrence.
Lead forms three oxides — PbO, PbO2 and Lead has a reputation for its toxicological
Pb3O4. PbO is also known as massicot (orange- effects. It accumulates in the body. Therefore,
yellow) or litharge (red) and is used to glaze exposure to small doses over a long period can
pottery or in the manufacture of flint glass. affect a worker just as much as a high dose
These are known as inorganic lead over a short period. Indeed, exposure to lead
compounds. PbO2 is used in lead-acid can be fatal, although usually the effects are
accumulators, while Pb3O4 is a pigment which not. The chronic effects of exposure to low
has past uses in anti-rust paints and crystal levels of lead include:
Another use of lead occurs in its organic • decreased intelligence in children
state, in the compound lead tetraethyl or • neurobehavioural effects on children
tetraethyl lead, Pb(C2H5)4, that is added to • storage of lead in the bone and
leaded petrol as an antiknock agent. This gives blood.
110 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

In its most acute form, lead poisoning results In Australia, the TWA for inorganic lead
in brain damage which presents as mental dust and fume is 0.15 mg.m . Atmospheric
impairment and personality changes. In less monitoring can be conducted using inspirable
acute cases, there are abdominal pains dust monitoring techniques. Typically, an IOM
accompanied by cramps, vomiting, weight loss or UKAEA sampling head is used, although a
and tiredness. In its least severe form, the special one-hole lead-sampling head has been
result is anaemia, tiredness and irritability. The designed for collection of lead fume (Figure
toxicology of lead exposure relates to the Pb 5.1). The filters are typically mixed cellulose
(II) cation, which has the major effect of ester and are acid-digested before analysis by
inhibiting the synthesis of haemoglobin. AAS or ICP.
The major route of entry for lead is through Health surveillance for workers exposed to
inhalation of dust and fume, although some is lead should be conducted before starting work
ingested following the lung clearance in the lead process. Biological monitoring
mechanisms. Inorganic lead is quite poorly should be carried out within a month of work
absorbed by the gut and only about 10 per commencing. More health surveillance may be
cent of the ingested dose is taken up by the required three months after starting work and
body. The rate of absorption depends on other then again after six months. There are other
metals in the gut, particularly calcium and iron. reasons why biological monitoring for lead
With inhalatory exposure, the degree of exposure should be conducted. These are:
uptake depends on the size of particulate and
its solubility, with about 40 per cent of inhaled
• if an accidental uptake of lead is
lead being absorbed. Organic lead compounds
are absorbed through the skin.
• if workplace control of the lead
Excretion of lead occurs primarily through
hazards has failed
the kidneys but small amounts are also lost
• if work task factors might still result
through the bile, sweat and milk.
in an increased exposure to lead
The bodily systems affected include the
• if workers have shown a past history
blood (haematopoietic) system, resulting in
of excessive exposure to lead
anaemia. Anaemia is seen only in inorganic
• if respiratory protective equipment
lead poisoning and occurs late in the disease.
is the only control used.
Early symptoms of lead poisoning include
abdominal pain, constipation and vomiting.
A blue line on the gums due to the deposition Blood lead levels are the usual type of
of lead sulphide is occasionally seen. Lead biological monitoring. In order to determine
is also a neurotoxin — affecting the intel- whether a worker is at risk, blood lead action
lectual development in the young, decreasing levels are used. Biological monitoring of lead
nerve conduction velocity and causing brain workers is based on a test of lead absorption
damage. and a test that measures its metabolic effect.
Organic lead poisoning may result from This can be either urinary ALA (-amino
exposure to tetraethyl lead. The symptoms of lavulinic acid) or the red cell protoporphyrin
organic lead poisoning differ from those of concentration (zinc protoporphyrins or ZPP).
inorganic poisoning in that psychiatric Urinary tests for lead are the least preferred
manifestations, such as disturbances in sleep method, since the excretion of lead from
patterns, vertigo, headache, tremor, hyper- compartments in the body occurs at different
excitability and pain, are more common than rates. Blood tests give the most reliable
with inorganic lead poisoning. indicator of exposure.
Chapter 5: Metals ■ 111

Figure 5.1 One-hole head sampler

As a general rule, lead workers’ blood lead Manganese

levels should be maintained at less than 2.4
µmol.L . Obviously, these levels may differ for Manganese (Mn) is an essential element within
susceptible persons (e.g. women of childbear- the human body but exposures that lie outside
ing age, pregnant women and children). If a the optimal concentration window can be
worker has three successive blood lead devastating. Manganese is a reddish-grey or
estimations of more than 2.4 µmol.L or one silvery, brittle, metallic substance. It is used as
blood lead estimation more than 2.7 µmol.L , an alloy in steel, to make dry cell batteries and
the worker should be removed from lead work in potassium permanganate.
and maintained under medical surveillance Exposure typically occurs through
until the level falls below 2.4 µmol.L . If a inhalation of dust and fume, which can occur in
blood lead level is more than 3.1 µmol.L , the the mining and smelting of ore or the alloy of
worker must be removed from all work and manganese with steel, aluminium and cast
maintained under medical surveillance until iron. Because of its reddish colour, manganese
the blood lead level falls well below 2.4 dioxide is used to colour bricks. The initial
µmol.L . If lead poisoning is suspected or effects of exposure include reduction in
confirmed, a chelating agent such as calcium appetite, weakness and fatigue.
EDTA and penicillamine (for adults) may be If exposure continues, it can cause
administered (only in hospital under permanent brain damage, and manifest with
supervised conditions) to bind with the lead changes in speech, a loss of facial expression,
and allow for removal from the body. personality changes, difficulty coordinating
112 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

muscles, balance difficulties, twitching and The effects of exposure to mercury depend
tremors. The later symptoms are identical to upon its chemical form. For instance, mercury
Parkinson’s disease. (I) chloride (calomel or Hg2Cl2) was historically
Exposure to manganese fume can result in used as a purgative. Until recently, dental
metal fume fever. This ailment causes fillings used an amalgam of mercury with gold
symptoms similar to the flu, with chills, fever or silver.
and aching muscles. Manganese’s high If inhaled, only a tiny amount of inorganic
molecular weight can also cause damage to the mercury is absorbed into the bloodstream.
kidneys and liver. Therefore, inorganic mercury should present
The occupational exposure standard (TWA) only a minor risk. But history shows otherwise;
for manganese fume is 1 mg.m . For the dust in the early days of the industrial revolution,
and compounds of manganese, it is 5 mg.m . mercury (II) nitrate, Hg(NO3)2, was used to
Sampling for the inspirable fraction is soften fur in the making of felt hats. The Mad
according to AS3640 and analysis of filters by Hatter of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland
AAS or ICP is normal. Health surveillance for must have been exposed to inorganic mercury,
exposure to manganese typically involves a as he exhibits the typical effects on the central
complete examination of the nervous system, nervous system: mental effects and shakes.
blood count and kidney function tests. The different forms of organic mercury,
such as methylmercury (CH3Hg), and other
Mercury organomercury compounds, such as the
mould-preventative phenylmercury acetate
Mercury (Hg) is an interesting metal, in so used in fertilisers, are much more dangerous.
much as it is the only metal that is liquid at More than 90 per cent of the intake of
room temperature. Its chemical symbol, Hg, methylmercury is absorbed into the
originates from the word ‘hydrargyrum’. bloodstream.
Mercury is formed from the heating or From an environmental perspective,
oxidation of the ore cinnabar (HgS) with lime organic mercury is a major concern. It is
(CaO). bioconcentrated in the food chain and fish and
shellfish can concentrate mercury from the
HgS (s) + O2 (g) → SO2 (g) + Hg water to toxic levels. There have been several
4HgS (s) + 4CaO (s) → 4Hg + 3CaS (s) recorded instances of mercury poisoning, of
+ CaSO4 (s) which the most well known occurred at
Minimata Bay, Japan, in 1952. The mercury
At present, mercury has applications in source was a plant effluent. This effluent
scientific and electrical equipment (e.g. affected several hundred people, including
thermometers, manometers and barometers) unborn children. In other cases (Iraq in 1961,
and in metallurgical plant processes (pressure Pakistan in 1963 and Guatemala in 1966),
pumps). Organic mercury compounds are used people were poisoned by seed grains that
as an anti-slime agent in papermaking and as had been treated with organomercurial
seed dressings to prevent the spread of preservatives.
fungicidal seed diseases. Inorganic mercury The risk associated with mercury arises
compounds which have an industrial use during the mining and recovery of the metal
include the nitrate which is used in ‘carrotting’ from ore and during the manufacture of
of rabbit fur to form felt for hats and the red compounds from the metal. Since mercury
oxide used in manufacturing anti-fouling evaporates at room temperature it may also be
paints which are applied to the hulls of ships. a hazard if it escapes (for instance, breakage of
Chapter 5: Metals ■ 113
a thermometer). Mercury can also penetrate levels are usually less than 0.1 mg.L . Urinary
through the skin. mercury concentrations above 0.3 mg.L are
Approximately 80 per cent of inhaled excessive.
mercury vapour is absorbed by the lungs,
although the rate of absorption will depend on
the particle size and chemical composition of Nickel
the mercury. Elemental mercury is able to cross
the blood–brain barrier and also crosses the Nickel (Ni) is a silvery-white metal that forms a
placenta. While inorganic mercury compounds large number of compounds. For instance, it is
do not cross the blood–brain barrier, they are used in manufacturing alloys (such as stainless
widely distributed in other tissues. steel (iron, chromium and nickel), nickel-
The main adverse health effects associated copper and nickel-chromium), manufacturing
with excessive exposure to mercury include chemical process equipment, coins, magnets,
damage to the kidneys, liver and brain. The batteries, bimetallic strips, electroplating,
symptoms of acute poisoning include cough, welding rods and electrodes and the aerospace
fever, nausea, vomiting and a feeling of and automotive industries.
tightness in the chest. The most serious effects The main compounds of nickel are either
of chronic mercury exposure relate to its nickel metal, nickel soluble compounds, nickel
impact on the nervous system and the kidneys. carbonyl or nickel sulphide fume and dust
The characteristic sign of mercury poisoning is which occur when the ore is roasted. In its
the production of a tremor, known commonly metallic form nickel acts as a sensitiser. If
as the hatter’s shakes. Along with the tremor, exposure to the skin occurs, it may result in a
the person’s handwriting becomes irregular condition known as nickel itch. You may see
and unintelligible and speech disorders may this with people who wear cheap jewellery and
occur. watches. The symptoms are usually localised,
The occupational exposure standard for with itching, redness and a rash. A lung allergy
mercury depends on its chemical composition. may also occur. This manifests with asthmatic-
Elemental and divalent compounds of mercury like effects, with coughing, shortness of breath
have a TWA of 0.025 mg.m . Inorganic and fluid in the lungs.
mercury compounds have a TWA of 0.1 mg.m Nickel also reacts with other substances to
and alkyl mercury compounds have a TWA of form compounds such as nickel carbonyl,
0.01 mg.m . nickel hydroxide, nickel sulphide, nickel
Mercury can be monitored using indicator cyanide and nickel ammonium sulphate. Nickel
stain tubes, although these present problems ammonium sulphate is a green odourless
since their sensitivity is not below the powder that can be used in electroplating. It
occupational exposure standard. A direct- can cause sensitisation, as well as damaging
reading instrument may also be used to the lungs. High-level exposure or repeated
monitor for mercury. lower exposure may also damage the heart,
Urinary mercury concentration is the liver and kidneys.
method used to determine workers’ actual Nickel carbonyl is used when refining nickel
exposure to mercury. However, since there is a ore and as a catalyst in chemical reactions. It is
marked variation in the excretion of mercury a pale yellow liquid with a musty odour.
from the body, the sample should be collected Exposure may occur through inhalation or
at the same time as an airborne sample. through the skin. The effects of exposure
Background levels may be expected due to diet include headache, dizziness and nausea. In
(e.g. fish consumption) although background severe cases it may cause death from
114 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

respiratory and heart failure. It may also cause Osmium and osmium tetroxide
a skin allergy.
Anhydrous nickel cyanide is a yellow-brown
powder although when it absorbs water, it may Osmium (Os) is a metal that is used to produce
change to a green colour. It is used in very hard alloys with other metals of the
metallurgy and for electroplating. platinum group, for instance, fountain pen
Nickel hydroxide is a green-coloured tips, instrument pivots and electrical contacts.
powder and may be present in the workplace Osmium tetroxide (OsO4) is used to detect
as a dust or as a liquid in an acid solution. fingerprints, as a catalyst and to stain fatty
Nickel sulphate exists as blue to blue-green tissue for microscope slides. The alloy of
crystals with a sweet taste. It is used to make platinum and osmium is used in surgical
other nickel compounds and as a mordant in implants such as pacemakers and replacement
dyeing, printing textiles, coatings and valves. The metal is lustrous, blue-white in
ceramics. colour, extremely hard and brittle even at high
The roasting of nickel is recognised as a temperatures. It has the highest melting point
Category 1 human carcinogen. Repeated and the lowest vapour pressure of the
exposure to nickel and its compounds can platinum group.
cause cancers of the lung and nose. Nickel is The main occupational hygiene concern is
also a potent skin sensitiser and many people associated with osmium tetroxide, a colourless
exposed at work to the various forms of nickel or pale yellow solid with a very strong odour.
have developed allergic dermatitis. It is a strong oxidising agent. Exposure to
The occupational exposure standards osmium tetroxide can result in severe burns to
(TWA) for exposure to nickel and its the skin and eyes. Prolonged exposure can lead
compounds are: to ulcers and even blindness. The vapours are
irritating to the upper respiratory tract and
lead to wheezing, coughing, tightness in the
chest, sore throat and hoarseness. Due to this
• metallic nickel — 1 mg.m irritating effect, the eyes often are affected,
• soluble nickel compounds — 0.1 with the worker suffering from blurred vision
mg.m and seeing halos around lights.
• nickel carbonyl — 0.05 ppm The TWA for osmium tetroxide is 0.002
• nickel sulphide roasting (fume and ppm. The STEL is 0.006 ppm. It can be sampled
dust) — 1 mg.m . using a midget impinger.

Occupational hygiene monitoring for nickel
and its compounds will depend on the
individual substance. For instance, metallic Platinum (Pt) is a precious, rare, white metal
nickel, soluble compounds and insoluble with unusual properties. It is heavier than
compounds are sampled as the inspirable gold, is virtually impossible to corrode and has
fraction. Nickel carbonyl is sampled on a glass a very high melting point.
fibre filter, usually in a multi-stage plastic It was used historically to make expensive
cassette. The filters are then dissolved in acid cutlery, watch chains and coat buttons. In the
and analysed using AAS. Some direct-reading early nineteenth century, it found use in gun
indicator tubes are also available for nickel parts, sophisticated batteries and fuel cells and
measurement. the purification of hydrogen. It is currently
Chapter 5: Metals ■ 115

used to make coins and jewellery, in surgical oral exposures can cause aches and pains,
and dental applications and in laboratory irritability, chills and tremors. If exposure
apparatus, to make drugs for cancer treatment, continues, a metallic taste is apparent, with
and to make computer and automotive equip- ‘garlicky breath’, fatigue, increased dental
ment. Interestingly enough, platinum is also cavities, loss of nails and hair, irritability and,
used in the catalytic converters of motor sometimes, depression. Repeated higher
vehicles to convert carbon monoxide into exposures to selenium also may cause liver
carbon dioxide and water. damage.
From a risk management perspective, The TWA for selenium compounds
exposure to platinum can be assessed either as (excluding hydrogen selenide) is 0.1 mg.m .
the metal or as soluble salts of platinum. The The TWA for hydrogen selenide is 0.16 mg.m .
TWA for metallic platinum is 1 mg.m . For To sample for the selenium particulate,
soluble salts it is 0.002 mg.m . It is sampled as inspirable dust monitoring is used with the
the inspirable fraction according to AS3640 filters analysed by AAS. With hydrogen
and analysed for the specific metal or selenide, sampling is conducted using an
compound. impinger.

Selenium Silver

Selenium (Se) is a black, grey or red odourless Silver (Ag) is usually found with lead, although
metalloid that is used to manufacture it may also be found naturally as the metal or
electrodes, photographic exposure meters, as the insoluble chloride salt AgCl (cerargyrite
anti-dandruff shampoos and rectifiers for or horn silver). To obtain silver from ore, it is
home entertainment equipment and as a roasted in oxygen to form SO2 and Ag2O. This is
pigment for ruby glass, paints and dyes. It is followed by a reduction reaction with carbon
also used in veterinary medicine and as a to form Ag and CO2.
fungicide and insecticide. Silver and its compounds are used in black
Selenium is also an essential metal for the and white photography, jewellery, X-ray film
human body, acting as an antioxidant. It is development, trinkets, mirrors, electroplating,
required for tissue elasticity and effective cutlery and silverware. Silver is a brilliant, soft,
functioning of the pancreas. white metal.
With occupational exposure to selenium, Exposure to fine silver dust or fume can
the main concerns are its compounds, lead to a blue or grey staining of the eyes,
especially selenium dioxide and hydrogen mouth, throat, internal organs and skin. This
selenide which can cause eye irritation. occurs slowly and may take years to develop.
Inhalation of selenium dust or mist, selenium Once present, it does not go away. Skin
dioxide or hydrogen selenide can irritate the contact can cause silver to become embedded
nose, throat and upper respiratory tract. in small cuts in the skin, forming a permanent
Exposure can cause headache, dizziness and tattoo.
general malaise. High concentrations of A compound of silver, silver nitrate is a
selenium dioxide can cause bronchial spasms, colourless, odourless solid that is also used in
symptoms of asphyxiation and bronchitis. photography, silver plating, chemical reactions
While ingestion of selenium or its and mirror manufacturing and as an antiseptic.
compounds is unusual, high-level exposures Exposure may cause irritation and burns to the
through this route of entry can cause eyes and skin. It can also cause the colour
pulmonary oedema and lung lesions. Acute change described earlier.
116 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

In Australia, the TWA for metallic silver is

0.1 mg.m . For the soluble silver compounds,
it is 0.01 mg.m . Sampling for silver dust is
Metallic tin (Sa) is obtained from the mineral
best conducted using inspirable dust sampling
cassiterite (SnO2). The characteristics of tin
techniques, with the filters analysed by ICP. For
which make it useful are its ability to alloy with
soluble silver compounds, the filters are
most other metals, its low melting point, its
analysed with plasma emission spectroscopy.
low toxicity and that it does not corrode.
Therefore, tin sees applications as an
Thallium ingredient of solder, in containers for food and
drink, as a component of pewter and bronze
and in ‘lead-free’ plumbing pipes.
Thallium (Tb) is a solid, bluish-white metal. It
Tin chloride (SnCl2.H2O) is used as a
has no odour or taste and gives no warning of
mordant in calico printing. The salts of tin are
its existence in the workplace. One of the
also sprayed onto glass to make electrically
properties that makes thallium useful is a
conductive coatings. These have been used for
change in electrical conductivity that occurs to
panel lighting and for frost-free windscreens.
thallium sulphide when exposed to infrared
Trialkyl and triaryl tin compounds are used as
light. Thallium forms many isotopes. Natural
thallium is a mixture of two isotopes. It is used
In Australia, the TWA for metallic tin is
in the making of semiconductors, in photo- –3
2 mg.m . For organic tin compounds (e.g. the
electric equipment such as photocells and in –3
alkyl products) the TWA is 0.1 mg.m with a
lenses and thermometers. The sulphate is used –3
STEL of 0.2 mg.m . Exposure through the skin
as a rodenticide and ant killer, and thallium
may be of additional concern with organic
bromide-iodide crystals are used as infrared
compounds of tin. With tin oxides and
detectors. Historically, thallium was used in the –3
inorganic compounds, the TWA is 2 mg.m .
treatment of ringworm and other skin
Exposure to thallium occurs chiefly through Titanium
inhalation, although absorption through the
skin may also be a significant source of Titanium (Ti) is a light, strong, ductile and
exposure. The symptoms of exposure to corrosion-resistant metal that is often alloyed
thallium often do not show until some days with other metals such as aluminium, tin, iron,
after exposure. The effects can include vanadium, chromium and molybdenum to form
weakness, irritability, pain and pins and light but strong items. Some typical
needles in the arms and legs, confusion and applications of metallic titanium include
mood changes, hair loss, loss of vision and aircraft and aerospace, ordnance hardware
permanent brain damage. High-level exposures (e.g. mortar base plates), sports products (e.g.
can cause tremor, convulsions, hallucinations, golf clubs, tennis racquets, cycling
coma and death. components, snow-skiing poles), surgical
In Australia, the TWA for thallium is 0.1 implants, dental alloys, spectacle frames and
mg.m . Occupational hygiene monitoring may jewellery.
be conducted using the inspirable fraction; As a metal, titanium is relatively inert. It
however, since skin absorption can be a does form other compounds, though. Titanium
significant source of exposure, biological dioxide (TiO2) is used as a pigment or as an
monitoring of urine may be more appropriate opacifier for products such as paint, plastics,
to determine the body burden. paper, inks, fibres, food and cosmetics. The
Chapter 5: Metals ■ 117
TWA for titanium dioxide is 10 mg.m . mordant in dyeing and printing fabrics and in
Another compound, titanium tetrachloride the manufacture of aniline black.
(TiCl4), is a colourless or light yellow, fuming Occupational exposure to vanadium mainly
liquid with a pungent odour. It is mainly used occurs when fossil fuel oils rich in vanadium
to make iridescent glass, artificial pearls, are burnt. The remaining ash contains
smokescreens and as a catalyst. Exposure to vanadium and workers who clean the boilers
titanium tetrachloride can cause irritation and are at risk of exposure. This may occur during
burns to the eyes, skin and upper respiratory a shutdown of process industries such as an oil
tract although this is mostly due to the refinery. Vanadium is also used in the
chloride components. manufacture of pigment paints and printing
inks, and is used in association with titanium in
the manufacture of jet engines and air frames.
Tungsten Vanadium is excreted in the urine and levels
correlate well with airborne vanadium.
Metallic tungsten (W) lies in the same chemical The health effects from exposure to
group as chromium and molybdenum. It is vanadium include diarrhoea and vomiting.
used for filaments in electric lamps, television Dust particles cause irritation to the skin, eyes
tubes, electrical contact points for car and lungs. The TWA for vanadium pentoxide
distributors, heating elements for electrical (measured as the respirable fraction of dust
furnaces and high-speed tool steels. Tungsten and fume) is 0.05 mg.m .

carbide is important to the metalworking,

mining and petroleum industries. Calcium and Zinc
magnesium tungstates are widely used in
fluorescent lighting. Tungsten salts are used in Metallic zinc (Zn) is a soft, white metal with a
the chemical and tanning industries. blue tinge. It has applications as a coating on
Exposure to tungsten metal does not iron and steel, in brass metal alloys and as a
normally present a risk to workers; however, dust in making paint and dyes. It also reacts
all tungsten compounds should be regarded with other elements to form substances such
as highly toxic. Insoluble tungsten compounds as zinc oxide (ZnO) and zinc sulphate (ZnS). By
have a TWA of 5 mg.m and a STEL of itself, zinc metal is unlikely to cause
10 mg.m . For soluble compounds containing overexposure since it is an essential metal.
tungsten, the TWA is 1 mg.m and the STEL is However, if heated it may give off zinc oxide
3 mg.m . fume, which can cause health effects. Also,
during the refining process, cadmium can be
Vanadium released.
Zinc oxide is a yellowish powder that is
Vanadium (Vn) is a grey or white shiny powder used as a fungicide and as pigment in rubber
or solid metal that is mined in South Africa, products, paints, lacquers, varnishes, ceramics
Russia and China. Vanadium is an essential and cosmetics. Exposure to zinc oxide can
metal, which helps control some enzyme result in a flu-like illness known as metal fume
systems in the human body. It is used to make fever.
steel alloys, for X-ray equipment, to The symptoms include a metallic taste in
manufacture sulphuric acid and synthetic the mouth, headache, cough, shortness of
rubber, in nuclear applications, to produce breath, aches and chills, an upset stomach and
rust-resistant, spring, and high-speed tool chest pain. Repeated high exposures may
steels, in ceramics (vanadium pentoxide), as a cause ulcer symptoms and affect liver function.
118 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Metal fume fever often occurs in welders The aetiology of metal fume fever is
who are soldering, brazing, cutting, forging, believed to be an immunological reaction that
melting and casting with elements of zinc, occurs when the freshly formed metal oxide
copper or iron. Although metal fume fever can fumes injure the cells lining the airways. This
occur following exposure to several metal causes lung proteins to modify. The modified
oxide fumes (this was identified earlier in this proteins act as allergens and generate an
chapter), zinc oxide is the most frequent cause allergen–antibody reaction, resulting in an
of the syndrome. Arc welding of galvanised allergic reaction.
steel is the most common source of Another compound of zinc is zinc
exposure. potassium chromate. This substance is a
The production of zinc oxide fume requires Category 1 carcinogen and may enter the body
heating elemental zinc or zinc-containing through inhalation or the skin. It is a yellow
alloys to elevated temperatures, which results powder that has been used both as a rust
in volatilisation of zinc. This causes the inhibitor in metal paints and as an artists’
vapours to rapidly oxidise in air, forming very colour. Repeated exposure can cause a hole in
small particles (with an aerodynamic the nasal septa, with nosebleeds and sores the
equivalent diameter of less than 0.5 µm). The earlier signs. Exposure can irritate the skin,
particles are then absorbed in the lower causing rash or skin ulcers. It can also trigger a
respiratory tract causing inflammation and skin allergy, so that even low exposures cause
tissue damage. rash.
Metal fume fever is also known as Monday Zinc sulphate is a colourless, crystalline
fever, brass chills, foundry fever, welder’s ague powder that is used for manufacturing rayon
and smelter chills. It typically affects the new and as a wood preservative. Contact with zinc
worker. Those who have experienced exposure sulphate may burn the eyes or skin. In
to zinc oxide fume tend to be prone to repeat Australia, the occupational exposure standards
attacks of metal fume fever, especially if for zinc and its compounds are:
they have not been exposed for the previous
few days. • zinc oxide dust — 10 mg.m TWA

The clinical signs of metal fume fever –3

• zinc oxide fume — 5 mg.m TWA
manifest within four to eight hours after –3
and 10 mg.m STEL
exposure with a number of non-specific –3
• zinc chromate — 0.01 mg.m
complaints. These include a sweet or metallic –3

taste in the mouth, fever, chills, nausea, • zinc chloride — 1 mg.m .

headache, fatigue and abdominal discomfort.
Muscle aches and joint pains may also occur Occupational hygiene sampling for zinc fume,
8–12 hours post-exposure and may be oxide or the chloride particulate is conducted
accompanied by a constricted, dry or irritated using inspirable dust sampling techniques
throat, which may give rise to hoarseness and according to AS3640. Care should be taken in
coughing. The symptoms usually resolve the selection of the filter, to ensure that the
spontaneously after 24–48 hours, resembling nominal pore size is sufficient to collect the
an acute viral syndrome. The next morning, dust or fume. Usually, the collection of fume
most of the symptoms have abated and the requires a filter with nominal pore size of
worker is able to return to work, albeit feeling 0.8 µm or less. The filter is then analysed in a
slightly hungover. No long-term complications laboratory, usually by AAS. With zinc
or residual effects due to zinc oxide exposure chromates, a PVC filter with low moisture pick-
are known to exist at the present time. up is used.
Chapter 5: Metals ■ 119

Many metals are essential to maintain homeostasis of the body. However, some can place
workers’ health at risk, causing adverse health effects and polluting the environment.
The major route of entry of most metals and metalloids is through inhalation of the dust
or fume. Exposure via ingestion or through the skin occurs less frequently.
Some examples of occupationally significant metals include aluminium, antimony,
beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, tin,
vanadium and zinc.


Baruthio, F. 1992, ‘Toxic Effects of Chromium and its Compounds’, Biological Trace Element Research,
vol. 32, pp.145–53
Grantham, D.L. 1992 Occupational Health and Hygiene Guidebook for the WHSO, D.L. Grantham, Brisbane
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1995, Exposure Standards for Atmospheric
Contaminants in the Occupational Environment, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1996, Guidelines for Health Surveillance —
Inorganic Chromium, AGPS, Canberra
SKC 1993, SKC Comprehensive Catalog & Air Sampling Guide, SKC Inc., USA
Standards Association of Australia 1989, AS3640: 1989 Workplace Atmospheres — Method for Sampling
and Gravimetric Determination of Inspirable Dusts, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Waldron, H.A. 1990, Lecture Notes on Occupational Medicine, 4th edn, Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Chapter 6

Chemical contaminants

In the workplace, some of the craftiest • in varnishes

occupational hygiene hazards are chemical • in polishes
contaminants (including gases and vapours). • for cleaning of materials and fabrics.
With their weak bonds between atoms and
molecules, these chemical contaminants have Dry-cleaning, for instance, utilises the
a unique characteristic of pervading even the chlorinated hydrocarbon, perchlorethylene.
smallest space. The result may be from the Solvents may also be used for extracting
displacement of oxygen, or the toxicity of the medicinal materials from bones, seeds and
contaminant can result in adverse health nuts, and for degreasing. Chemical reactions
effects. Gases and vapours can be introduced may be better facilitated by the addition of
into the workplace as the result of a particular solvents that act to dissolve the specific
process, for instance, the chlorination of water chemical reagents.
in swimming pools and water treatment plants This chapter discusses the nature of
using chlorine gas (Cl2) or sodium hypochlorite. vapours and gases and will highlight the health
Other times, exposure may be through an effects from exposure, air monitoring
unintended process or as a by-product. The techniques and analytical methods. It provides
presence of methane (CH4) in coalmines an overview of specific gases and vapours,
became a hazard in the early part of the with an emphasis on commonly found
seventeenth century when deep shafts were contaminants such as asphyxiants, irritants,
first dug into coal seams. The gas was formed toxic gases and vapours.
in pockets in the seam and escaped when the
coal was being mined.
Vapours arise where a liquid exhibits a THE NATURE OF GASES
significant vapour pressure. This allows AND VAPOURS
molecules toward the top of the liquid to
escape and transfer to the gaseous state. The Airborne chemical contaminants such as gases
most common vapours in the workplace arise and vapours have unique characteristics that
from solvents. Solvents are used in industry for impact on the risk they present from exposure.
a variety of purposes. Some of the more These properties are quite distinct from those
important uses are: of other airborne contaminants such as
particulate and dust, which were discussed in
• for extracting oils and fats Chapter 4. The first characteristic relates to the
• in paints physical structure of gases and vapours and
122 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

their ability to freely permeate throughout an total environment. The standard units are
area. This has drawbacks in restricting the %vol/vol or %v/v. In other words, the volume of
movement of a contaminant from one area to a specific gas compared to the volume of the
another but can be used to advantage when reference environment (usually air). For
controlling contaminants through ventilation. instance, air at 1 atmosphere (sea level) has
The capture velocity of gases and vapours is about:
usually low and the contaminant can be swept
along with existing air. Thus, gases are usually
measured volumetrically. Vapours can be • 20.95 per cent oxygen (O2)
represented either volumetrically or as a mass • 79 per cent nitrogen (N2)
per volume. • 0.03 per cent carbon dioxide (CO2)
The second characteristic of gases and • trace amounts of other inert gases.
vapours that distinguishes them from other
occupational hygiene hazards is the odour.
Many gases and vapours have an odour Notice that the v/v or vol/vol has been removed
threshold or distinctive odour that can assist in in this expression. In every day practice, it is
their identification as a hazard. Unfortunately, normal to express gases simply as a per-
although it is useful as a warning signal, it does centage, although technically speaking we are
not always relate to the concentration of referring to the volumetric concentration.
contaminant or its potential risk associated Vapours can be measured either volumetrically
with its toxicity. (%v/v) or as a weight per volume (%w/v). This
Thirdly, unlike dusts and particulate, many difference arises from the source of the vapour.
gases and vapours can enter the body by Vapours are defined as the gaseous form of a
absorption through the skin. This additional substance that is usually in the solid or liquid
route of entry needs to be considered when state at room temperature. In reality, most
evaluating the risk of exposure. Often, it will organic vapours such as xylene, toluene or
not be adequate to merely assess exposure benzene are liquid at room temperature.
through the inhalation route. Solvent vapours Where a substance converts directly from
in particular are notorious for defatting the the solid to gaseous state, this is known as
skin, causing the lipid layer of the epidermis to sublimation. The apparent ‘dissolving’ of
be removed. Others can cause a hyper- mothballs containing naphthalene over a
sensitivity or allergic reaction in the skin. Each period is actually due to sublimation. Since the
of these features of gases and vapours will now vapour’s origin is measured as a mass, the
be discussed. resultant vapour is expressed as milligrams of
the contaminant per cubic metre of air
Physical structure and units of (mg.m ).
Equation 6.1
Gases are essentially fluids that expand to
–3 4
occupy the space or volume in which they are % = [mg.m x 24.4] x 10 /MW
confined. This concept is due to the weak Where:
bonds between atoms or molecules and the mg.m is concentration of the
ability of gas to move freely, without the contaminant
confines of a rigid structure that binds solids. MW is molecular weight
Because of this, gases are usually measured 24.4 is molar volume in litres
volumetrically or as a percentage (%) of the at 25ºC and 1 atmosphere
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 123

In reality, some simple arithmetic can while its occupational exposure standard
transform mg.m to a percentage, if the (TWA) is 20 ppm. Hydrogen sulphide (rotten
molecular weight (MW) of the contaminant is egg gas) has an odour threshold of 0.0002 ppm
known. This equation, introduced in Chapter and the occupational exposure standard (TWA)
1, converts mg.m to ppm (parts per million). is 10 ppm. Some examples of odour thresholds
Remembering that 1 per cent is equal to are shown in Table 6.1.
10 000 ppm, Equation 6.1 simplifies the
conversion from mg.m to a percentage.
Table 6.1 Odour thresholds
Odours Substance Odour threshold
Many gases and vapours have a handy
characteristic that is useful in recognising the Formaldehyde 0.3
hazard — an odour. Odour perception can be Hydrogen sulphide 0.0002
an effective hazard identification technique, Ozone 0.01
although it should not be relied upon for Toluene 2
quantification of the risk associated with Xylene 0.5
exposure to the contaminant. The limitations
of odour thresholds include:
Dermal effects
• the range of odour perception
amongst individuals will vary (what While we recognise that exposure to gases and
one worker can perceive, another may vapours chiefly occurs through inhalation, the
not) possibility of dermal or skin absorption of
• the inability to confidently define a chemical contaminants should not be
relationship between the presence disregarded. Substances such as nitrobenzene,
or absence of an odour and the aniline and some pesticides can pass easily
extent of risk to workers’ health through the skin and be absorbed directly
• interference from other substances into the tissues of the body. It has been
• the development of olfactory fatigue recognised that mixing and spraying pesticides
(dulling or deadening of the sense of during windy conditions presents a higher
smell) that can occur after exposure to risk than when the air is still. This is due to the
some contaminants; this condition is spray drift accumulating on the skin and
particularly prominent when a worker being absorbed into the body. In the
may be exposed to a strong odour agricultural industry, there have been several
initially, but after repeated or instances of farmers suffering severe ill health
continued exposure the odour is after spraying pesticides from a leaking
completely undetectable. backpack holding the chemical. As the
backpack leaked, the chemical was absorbed
Very often, the odour threshold of a into the farmers’ clothing and then directly
contaminant is actually higher than the into their skin.
occupational exposure standard. Therefore, Skin absorption of chemical contami-
even if the worker were to detect the odour of nants typically occurs where a substance is
the contaminant, exposure may have already splashed onto the skin or the skin is immersed
caused damage to the body. For instance, n- directly into the substance. The effect may
hexane has an odour threshold of 130 ppm be acute (i.e. spillage of corrosive substances)
124 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

or chronic (i.e. the narcotic effects of exposure • the use of 4,4’-methylene bis (2-
to organic solvents). In rare cases, if the chloroaniline) or MOCA, which is
airborne concentration of a contaminant is used in the manufacture of skateboard
sufficient, it may also be absorbed through wheels and hard plastics, and is
the skin. suspected of causing bladder cancer
It is important to note that some guidance • hydrogen cyanide (HCN), which is a
about skin absorption is available in the component in the production of
national exposure standards. A notation of ‘Sk’ isocyanates
in column 6 of the NOHSC exposure standards • polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB),
document indicates that absorption through which are clear to yellow-coloured
the skin may be a significant source of solids or liquids that were used as
exposure. This form of skin absorption can electrical insulators (e.g. transformers,
occur in several ways: capacitors); are notorious for being
absorbed through both inhalation and
• splashing directly onto the skin or the skin; are a suspected human
mucous membranes carcinogen; can cause an acne-like skin
• splashing onto clothing followed by rash; and can damage the liver.
absorption through the skin
• absorption directly from the vapour Categorising gases
where the atmospheric
concentration is high (although this In the workplace and indeed in everyday life,
rarely occurs). we are exposed to myriad gases. How do we
possibly decide which gases can harm and
In some cases, other substances or which will be exhaled without causing damage
mechanisms may also accelerate skin to the human body? A good starting point is to
absorption. For instance, solvents may categorise gases according to health effects.
increase the rate of uptake through the skin by Three available options are:
defatting the lipid layer of the epidermis,
making the dermis more susceptible. It has • asphyxiants
also been reported that some forms of barrier • irritants
creams could contribute to the overall • toxics.
absorption of substances.
Sweat can also contribute to an increased Simple asphyxiants are gases that can cause a
uptake of chemical contaminants. Wearing reduction in oxygen concentration by
impermeable gloves (e.g. PVC, nitrile, butyl displacement or dilution. Most are odourless,
rubber) in warm conditions can cause the such as carbon dioxide (CO2) or nitrogen (N2).
hands to perspire. This additional heat and Chemical asphyxiants, on the other hand, can
water causes occlusion, where the substance is be present in relatively low concentrations but
close to the skin and quickly absorbed through affect the body’s mechanism for oxygen
its surface. In cases where skin absorption of uptake or distribution. Carbon monoxide (CO),
a substance presents a risk to workers’ health, a by-product of incomplete combustion, is a
it is always wise to adopt biological monitor- typical example of a chemical asphyxiant.
ing techniques in addition to the air Many cases of accidental or intentional
monitoring program. Some occupational carbon monoxide poisoning have been
examples where skin exposure should be documented, both in the workplace and in the
considered include: community.
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 125

Exposure to irritants will chiefly affect the In the alveoli, the exchange of gas is driven by
upper respiratory tract, resulting in its partial pressure gradient. Oxygen passively
uncomfortable burning or stinging. Pyrolysis of diffuses from alveolar air spaces, through
thermoplastics such as polyvinyl chloride interstitial fluid into lung capillaries. In normal
(PVC), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), respiration, carbon dioxide, driven by its
polystyrene (PS) and polytetrafluoroethylene partial pressures, diffuses in the reverse
(PTFE) can emit toxic and irritant gases. Of direction. Gases also dissolve into the plasma
course, the exact nature of the gases will of blood.
depend on the starting plastic and processing
Toxics can be broadly described as those
gases that can cause local or systemic effects in PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS
the body and have an occupational exposure OF EXPOSURE TO GASES
The movement of gases and vapours in the As with other airborne contaminants such as
body is influenced by their partial pressure. metals, dusts and particulate, the magnitude of
Gases move from areas of high pressure to risk associated with exposure to gases is
areas of lower pressure. Gases will also diffuse dependent upon the chemical composition
into liquids. Therefore, their water-solubility is and dose. The chemical composition will
an important factor that will impinge on their determine the:
transportation and excretion throughout the
body. Once gas has passed through the • level of solubility in different areas
alveolar capillaries, it must be transported of the body
through a medium (e.g. haemoglobin in blood • the substance’s affinity for certain
or dissolved into the plasma of blood or the tissues or parts of the body
interstitial fluids). However, the rate of gas • the target organ.
exchange may also be limited by
environmental conditions. For instance, ammonia (NH3) gas, found in large
Once the gas enters the conducting or refrigeration plants, is particularly water-
respiratory zone of the respiratory system, it soluble. Therefore, the effects of exposure
can be absorbed in the following ways: present in the watery mucous membranes of
the eyes, nose and throat. Lipophilic
substances such as organic solvents are
• by exchange at the body surface attracted to the lipid-layers of the skin and
(e.g. mucous membranes of the strip off this layer. Carbon disulphide (CS2)
nose and pharynx), where the gas vapour can affect the nervous system and the
diffuses over a thin, moist respiratory heart. Carbon monoxide has an affinity for
surface haemoglobin in red blood cells that is some
• by exchange within the trachea and 250 times greater than oxygen!
its branches
• by passing across the alveolar tissue,
where it is exchanged between the
medium and blood vessels — this SIMPLE ASPHYXIANTS
action will depend on the pressure
difference (continual gradient) across In its barest form, a simple asphyxiant is
the tissue. defined as a gas that has the ability to displace
126 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

or dilute the normal oxygen concentration to a Table 6.2 Simple Asphyxiants

level that can place lives at risk. Since it is not
Acetylene (C2H2)
the toxic effect of simple asphyxiants that
Argon (Ar)
present a hazard but their ability to reduce
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
oxygen concentration, they are not assigned
Ethane (C2H6)
occupational exposure standards. Instead, the
Ethylene (C2H4)
required levels of oxygen are specified. As a
Helium (He)
minimum level, the oxygen concentration
Hydrogen (H2)
should not fall below 18 per cent under normal
Methane (CH4)
atmospheric conditions.
Neon (Ne)
If the atmospheric pressure is significantly
Nitrogen (N2)
higher or lower than normal conditions, the
Propane (C3H8)
concentration of oxygen will vary according to
Propylene (C3H6)
Pascal’s principle.
Blaise Pascal (1623–62) was a French
philosopher and scientist. Pascal’s principle Of these gases, only argon, helium, neon and
states that pressure applied to a confined fluid nitrogen are not expected to present an
increases the pressure throughout by the same explosion hazard. These types of gases are
amount. The pressure of the earth’s called inert, meaning they will not react with
atmosphere (just like any fluid) decreases with other gases or substances.
decreased depth (or increased height). At sea
level, the pressure is accepted as 1.013 x 10
Acetylene and argon
N.m , or 101 325 Pascals (Pa) or 1 atmosphere.
Therefore, in conditions of higher atmospheric Acetylene (or ethyne) is used as a fuel for
pressure (e.g. in deep underground mines or welding and cutting operations in metal
underwater diving) the partial pressure of fabrication and construction. It has the
oxygen increases. At high altitudes (decreased chemical formula H—C  C—H, and is usually
atmospheric pressure) the partial pressure of mixed with oxygen (hence the term
oxygen decreases. oxyacetylene welding) to produce a blue-
coloured flame that has a temperature in
excess of 6000ºC. This is the hottest flame of
all hydrocarbon gases.
Pascal’s principle Its derivatives also form everyday consumer
products including hair spray, cosmetics,
Pressure applied to a confined fluid tabletted drugs, sunscreen and lotions,
increases the pressure throughout by antiseptics and tartar-control toothpaste. The
the same amount. production of polyurethane fibres, synthetic
rubber, perchlorethylene and trichloroethylene
The normal concentration of oxygen in air is begins using acetylene as the basic feedstock.
around 20.9 per cent. At levels above 23 per With the discontinued use of chlorinated
cent, the environment is said to be oxygen- fluorocarbons (CFC), new types of refrigerant
enriched. This can present a hazard in gases made of acetylene are being used.
increasing the flammable or explosive range of Acetylene has a flammable range of 2.5–100
substances. Many of the simple asphyxiant per cent, with a relative density of 0.9.
gases are also explosive. Some examples of According to dangerous goods classifications,
simple asphyxiants are shown in Table 6.2. acetylene is a Class 2.1 flammable gas.
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 127

Argon (Ar) is an inert gas (Class 2.2 • transporting refrigerated items

nonflammable gas) that is used as a shielding (using CO2 pellets or ice bricks)
gas in welding and cutting operations. Its most • packaging food products to protect
common application is in fabrication involving against bacterial growth.
zirconium and titanium. It is also known as a
noble gas. There are six noble gases that have In general industry, carbon dioxide also finds
the characteristics of being exceptionally applications in:
stable, so that they almost never react with
other elements. In the periodic table, they are • controlling the pH of wastewater
the gases that make up Group 0 or the column (gaseous CO2 dissolves in water to
furthest to the right of the table. Included are form carbonic acid and its salts,
helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), leading to a small acidification of the
xenon (Xe) and radon (Rn). Argon finds its industrial discharge)
major applications in colourful signs, gas-filled • atmosphere enrichment in
electric light bulbs and fluorescent tubes. It is greenhouses for the better
also used in Geiger counters (Chapter 9). nourishment of plants
• substituting the pollutant
Carbon dioxide atmosphere containing sulphur
dioxide (SO2), which is associated with
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a by-product of the heat treatment of magnesium and
respiration and is used by plants in aluminium alloys
photosynthesis. It has gained notoriety as the • as a fire-extinguisher media.
main greenhouse gas associated with global
warming. While carbon dioxide does absorb High-risk areas for exposure include
infrared radiation from the sun, it also has fermenting vats, breweries, mines, coke ovens,
contributed to the overall heating of the earth. agricultural silos and silage pits. Although
It has wide applications in industry, including: carbon dioxide is a simple asphyxiant, the
NOHSC has set occupational exposure
• gassing mineral waters and sweet standards for normal operations and in
beverages (CO2 is dissolved under coalmines. For most workplaces, the TWA is
pressure in the liquid to give a fizz and 5000 ppm and the STEL is 30 000 ppm. In
bitter taste) coalmines, the TWA has been increased to
• deep-freezing of food (snow or 12 500 ppm although the STEL remains at
dry ice, solid CO2, is passed over the 30 000 ppm.
food product in a deep-freeze, Carbon dioxide build-up may also be a
reaching a minimum temperature problem for sealed or air-tight office buildings.
of –18°C) Chapter 10 outlines the causes and effects of
• thermoregulating pastry for sweets sick building syndrome, and carbon dioxide is
or the mincing of other food recognised as a major contributor. Ordinary
products (the solid CO2 absorbs heat outside air normally contains 300–350 ppm of
as it changes from the solid to gaseous carbon dioxide. However, with an indoor
state) environment, human respiration, cooking and
• maintaining low temperatures in cigarette smoking increases that level. If the
catering lines (e.g. airline meals and carbon dioxide concentration increases above
restaurants) for pre-cooked foods 800 ppm, general complaints may arise from
using dry ice) occupants.
128 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

The health effects from exposure to carbon effects are included later in this
dioxide include an increase in the breathing chapter).
rate, excitation, headache and a feeling of • Ethylene dibromide — is a suspected
‘stuffiness’. Obviously, as the concentration human carcinogen, mutagen and
increases, the effect of oxygen deficiency teratogen. It can be absorbed
becomes more noticeable. The worker may through the skin, and no
become cyanotic (have a blue tinge to the occupational exposure standard
skin), their respiration increase rapidly and has been set in Australia. It has
unconsciousness may follow. been used as a lead scavenger in
leaded fuels (to retard lead deposition
Ethane and ethylene in the engine); a soil, grain and fruit
fumigant; an intermediate in the
Both ethane and ethylene are hydrocarbons, synthesis of dyes and pharmaceuticals;
although ethane is an alkane (represented as and a solvent for resins, gums and
CnH2n+2) and ethylene is an alkene (CnH2n). The waxes.
characteristics of hydrocarbons are described • Ethylene dichloride (1,2
later in this chapter. Their similarity lies in the dichloroethane) — has a TWA of
common ethyl group (CH2). 10 ppm and the liquid can irritate
Ethane is a colourless, odourless, flammable the skin. The vapour may irritate
gas and is shipped in steel cylinders as a the eyes and mucous membranes,
liquefied gas under its own vapour pressure. with repeated skin contact causing
Typical uses include fuel for motors and as a dermatitis. It has also been
refrigerant for extremely low temperature reported that exposure to high
systems. It has the chemical formula H3–C–CH3. concentrations of vapour may
Ethane has a flammable range of 3.0–12.5 per produce dizziness and
cent, with a relative density of 1.0. According to unconsciousness.
dangerous goods classifications, ethane is a • Ethylene oxide — is a poisonous
Class 2.1 flammable gas. liquid or gas, which is highly
Ethylene (ethene) has the molecular size of flammable. It can irritate and
the alkene series and the chemical formula damage the eyes, skin and lungs.
H2–C–C–H2. Ethylene gas is used to ripen fruit, It is also a suspected human
in order to make them suitable for market. carcinogen. Further discussion of
While some fruits (e.g. apples, bananas, pears, ethylene oxide is included later in
peaches and plums) produce ethylene gas this chapter.
naturally, warehouses also make use of
controlled atmospheres to reduce the ripening Hydrogen and helium
rate of the fruit to enable their sale during
other periods of the year. Ethylene is also a Hydrogen and helium are the two simplest
starter of products such as: elements and occupy the first and second
places in the periodic table, respectively.
• Ethylene glycol (radiator inhibitor) — Hydrogen (H2) was used for a limited period in
the vapour has a TWA of 60 mg.m the popular times of hot-air balloons. However,
and a STEL of 120 mg.m . Glycol its flammable nature soon saw its demise after
ethers exist as a number of forms, the catastrophe of the German Hindenberg
such as monoethyl glycol ether airship, which burned at its mooring mast in
(further details about the health 1937. Nowadays, helium is used in airships or
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 129

blimps that are used for television Neon

photography and advertising.
Hydrogen is both flammable and buoyant. The wonderful blaze of coloured lights used
It has a flammable range of 4–75 per cent and for advertising is due largely to neon (Ne), an
has a relative density of 0.1. Due to these inert and odourless gas that is lighter than air.
characteristics and clean-burning, environ- The colours are formed when a high voltage is
mental scientists are looking towards applied to the gas, causing its excitation and
hydrogen to replace the fossil-based energy ionisation. As electrons return from the excited
used today. In its liquid form, it has been used state to their normal orbit, they emit photons
as a fuel in space. of light.
Helium (He) is an inert gas that is often Typical applications of neon include
used as a shielding gas. fluorescent lamps, electric signs, an ingredient
in antifog devices and lasers.

Methane is classified as both a simple
asphyxiant and as an explosive gas. It has the Nitrogen is the main constituent of air,
chemical formula CH4 and is a by-product from comprising around 79 per cent at normal
the decomposition of organic matter. The temperature and pressure. Nitrogen can be
explosive range of methane is 5–15 per cent, it used as an inert gas or as a shielding gas, in the
has a relative density of 0.6, and is regularly process of manufacturing ammonia, to make
found in the coalmines. The gas forms in fertilisers and to make explosives, medicines
pockets of the coal seam and escapes as the and dyes.
coal is mined. Methane is also released as the Other nitrogen products (oxides of
coal and coal-bearing rock are broken open. In nitrogen) include nitrogen dioxide (NO2),
years gone by, coalminers used canaries to dinitrogen oxide (N2O2) and nitrogen trioxide
indicate the presence of the gas. If the birds (NO3). Laughing gas or nitrous oxide (N2O) is
died, methane concentrations in the mine another form of nitrogen. Further information
were considered to be at dangerous levels. about these gases is included later in the
The magnitude of methane released from chapter.
coal is dependent on the type of coal and how
it is mined. For instance, lower quality coals
(brown coal or lignite) have a lower methane Propane and propylene
content than higher quality coal (e.g.
bituminous and anthracite coal). Underground These gases are hydrocarbons, with the similar
coalmining typically releases more methane, propyl group. Propane has the molecular
since the coal is under pressure deep into the formula of C3H8, with the structure
earth. Open-cut or surface mining generally H3C–CH2–C–H3. Most bottled gas and cigarette
has around 10 per cent of the methane content lighters contain propane. The flammable range
when compared to its underground of propane is 2.1–9.5 per cent. It has a relative
counterparts. density of 1.6. According to dangerous goods
Since methane has organic origins, it is also classifications, propane is a Class 2.1
found in sewerage treatment plants, the rural flammable gas. Propylene (propene) has the
industry (e.g. pig and cattle farming and dairy) formula CH2–CH2–CH3, and can also be used as
from animal excrement and wetland rice fields. a fuel.
130 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

DETERMINING OXYGEN • whether there will be ideal mixing (this

DISPLACEMENT FROM concept is explained in Chapter 12)
SIMPLE ASPHYXIANTS • the concentration of asphyxiant gas
added to the space (expressed as
As asphyxiant gases displace oxygen (and other ppm or a percentage)
gases) from an environment, it is important to • the proportion of oxygen and other
realise that the reduction in concentration of gases that usually exist in the
individual gases occurs proportionally. ambient air (this may change
Therefore, if 5 per cent (v/v) of propane is depending upon the pressure within
introduced into a space, the amount of air the space).
displaced is 5 per cent. However, the oxygen
concentration is only reduced by approx- An example that illustrates how to determine
imately 21/100 of 5 per cent. This occurs since the effect of adding asphyxiant gases into a
the propane will also displace other gases in space is shown in Case study 6.1.
the space, not just oxygen.
In order to determine the change in oxygen CHEMICAL ASPHYXIANTS
concentration that has resulted from the
admission of an asphyxiant gas, we must This category of asphyxiants exhibits an effect
consider: not due to a reduction in oxygen concentration

Case study 6.1

Blackdamp, which consists of about 88 per cent nitrogen (N2) and 12 per cent
carbon dioxide (CO2), is formed by the oxidation of the iron pyrites and calcite
found in coal. When the concentration of blackdamp increases above 17.7 per
cent, the miner’s safety lamp is often extinguished. Historically, this occurred when
ventilation in the mine was inadequate, and would not be expected nowadays. So,
if the miner’s safety lamp was extinguished, what was the concentration of oxygen
in the air?
The answer to this is calculated by determining the proportional reduction
of oxygen concentration that was caused by blackdamp. In other words, it is about
21 per cent of 17.7 per cent, or 3.8 per cent. Therefore, the oxygen concentration
is about 21 per cent – 3.8 per cent, or 17.2 per cent.
To convert the percentage of N2 and CO2 to ppm in the environment, we
must consider the concentration of N2 and CO2 formed from the blackdamp and
add this to the natural concentrations of N2 and CO2. Therefore, for N2 the
concentration due to blackdamp is 88 per cent of 17.7 per cent, or about 15.8 per
The total concentration of N2 is 15.8 per cent (due to blackdamp) plus 79
per cent, or about 94.6 per cent. With CO2, the concentration due to blackdamp
is 12 per cent of 17.7 per cent, or about 2.1 per cent. The total gas concentration
can be summed to around 100 per cent.
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 131

but from their interplay with the body’s • diesel- or fuel-powered vehicles such
homeostatic balance. Even at very low as bobcats, forklifts, excavators and
concentrations, chemical asphyxiants can affect trucks
the way the human body absorbs, transports • fires
and distributes oxygen throughout the body. It • gas or wood stoves
therefore follows that, while the concentration • heating processes — e.g. welding in a
of oxygen in the working environment may be confined space (these spaces are
close to 21 per cent, damage to tissues can still defined under AS2865 and explained
occur. The national exposure standards for later in this chapter)
chemical asphyxiants are specified in the • cigarette smoke
NOHSC’s Exposure Standards for Atmospheric • old model cars — with the
Contaminants in the Occupational Environment. development of catalytic converters,
The major chemical asphyxiants of concern are: more carbon monoxide is oxidised
and converted to CO2 (a simple
• arsine asphyxiant) before emission from the
• carbon monoxide vehicle.
• hydrogen cyanide
• hydrogen sulphide As a chemical asphyxiant, carbon monoxide
• stibine. elicits its effects through its affinity with haem
atoms within haemoglobin, the oxygen-
Arsine carrying component of red blood cells. In
simple terms, haemoglobin prefers to bind
In Chapter 5, metallic arsenic was identified as with carbon monoxide rather than oxygen.
a high-risk metal. Arsine (AsH3) gas is formed This affinity is reported to be 250 times more
when nascent hydrogen is produced in the for carbon monoxide than oxygen. In addition,
presence of arsenic or arsenic-containing the binding of carbon monoxide molecules
materials. The gas is colourless and flammable, with the haemoglobin prohibits the release of
and has a garlic-like odour. Arsine is used oxygen into the tissues, including vital organs
commercially in the manufacturer of such as the heart and brain. Therefore, in the
semiconductors for the electronics industry. presence of carbon monoxide, there are no
The symptoms of excessive exposure to arsine mechanisms for oxygen transport and the
show themselves from the action on the blood. tissues become deprived of oxygen (anoxia).
In mild cases the worker may have nausea, This combination of carbon monoxide and
headache, shivering and abdominal pain. haemoglobin forms carboxyhaemoglobin
Jaundice may present after several days and (COHb). The build-up of carboxyhaemoglobin
the main organ that is affected is the kidney. in the blood is dependent upon the
The TWA for arsine is 0.05 ppm. concentration of the gas being inhaled and the
duration of the exposure. However, another
Carbon monoxide confounding factor in the risk of exposure is
the long half-life of carboxyhaemoglobin in the
Carbon monoxide (CO) is often known as the blood (about five hours).
silent killer since it has no odour and the Death may occur when the carboxy-
symptoms of exposure may be confused with haemoglobin concentration in blood is 60–80
general narcotic effects. It is produced by per cent. Since carbon monoxide is not a
incomplete combustion of organic matter. cumulative poison, any gas which has been
Some sources include: taken up by the body will be released once
132 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

exposure is discontinued. A person suffering With exposure to carbon monoxide the skin
from carbon monoxide poisoning will show will appear a bright cherry red colour from the
symptoms beginning with confusion, carboxyhaemoglobin, compared with a blue
dizziness, loss of mental agility and lethargy. tinge that is exhibited with simple
Table 6.3 illustrates the symptoms that are asphyxiation.
associated with different concentrations of The TWA for carbon monoxide is currently
carboxyhaemoglobin in the blood. 30 ppm. A STEL has not been specified, since
recommended guidelines to control short-term
excursions above the TWA have been
Table 6.3 Relationship between
developed based on the toxicokinetic
carboxyhaemoglobin concentration in
properties of carbon monoxide. Table 6.4
blood and symptoms
provides further guidance about the short-
term effects of exposure to carbon monoxide.
%COHb Symptoms and outcomes
10 No symptoms. Heavy smokers Hydrogen cyanide
can have as much as 9%
COHb The toxicity of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is
15 Mild headache related to its chemical composition. The
25 Nausea and serious headache. cyanide ion as hydrogen cyanide or potassium
Treatment with oxygen and/or cyanide (KCN) is more hazardous than the
fresh air will result in quick insoluble inorganic salts, as they only release
recovery the cyanide ion under certain conditions. It is
30 Symptoms intensify. Potential likely to be found as a fumigant and in
for long-term effects electroplating in the chemical industry, and
especially in the case of may be produced when polyurethane foams
infants, children, the elderly, are combusted.
victims of heart disease and Cyanide interferes with the oxidation of
pregnant women tissue but it does not interfere with the
45 Unconsciousness transport of oxygen, as is the case with carbon
60%+ Death monoxide poisoning. In most cases of
poisoning, the effects of excessive exposure
Continued exposure to carbon monoxide occur so quickly that treatment must be given
can lead to headache, nausea and increased immediately. The main route of entry in the
respiration as the body attempts to com- workplace is through inhalation, although it
pensate for the lack of oxygen to the tissues. has been reported that ingestion of cyanide
To summarise, the health effects from the size of a rice grain is sufficient to cause
exposure to carbon monoxide include: death.
Hydrogen cyanide causes deleterious
• a persistent or severe headache effects by inhibiting the metal-containing
• dizziness and blurred vision enzymes (e.g. cytochromoxidase, which
• nausea contains iron). This enzyme system assists in
• fainting providing energy for respiration. When cell
• loss of muscle control respiration ceases, it is no longer possible to
• fatigue maintain normal cellular functions. This may
• rapid heartbeat or pulse or lead to the death of the cell.
tightening of chest. The symptoms of cyanide poisoning will
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 133

Table 6.4 Carbon monoxide concentration, symptoms and exposure

CO Concentration Duration of exposure Symptoms and outcomes


30 8 hours NOHSC TWA

200 2–3 hours Mild headache, fatigue, nausea and
400 1–2 hours Serious headache and other symptoms
Life threatening after intensify.
3 hours.
800 45 minutes Dizziness, nausea and convulsions.
Unconscious within
2 hours. Death within
2–3 hours.
1600 20 minutes Headache, dizziness and nausea.
Death within 1 hour.
3200 5–10 minutes Headache, dizziness and nausea.
Death within 1 hour.
6400 1–2 minutes Headache, dizziness and nausea.
Death within
25–30 minutes.
12 800 1–3 minutes Death

depend upon the route of entry, duration of then excreted in the urine. Since the cyanide
exposure and concentration or dose. If the ion has a high affinity with trivalent iron (Fe ),
route of entry were inhalation, the symptoms the blood haemoglobin is oxidised, leading to
would include: the formation of methaemoglobin, which
binds cyanide ions.
• restlessness For atmospheric sampling, the TWA for
• increased respiratory rate airborne exposure to hydrogen cyanide is 10
• giddiness, headache and palpitations ppm, expressed as the peak limitation. The
• respiratory difficulty TWA for cyanides (as CN) is 5 mg.m . Further
• vomiting information about the symptoms and
• convulsions outcomes of exposure to hydrogen cyanide are
• respiratory failure and listed in Table 6.5.
Hydrogen sulphide
If a worker is suspected of suffering from
cyanide poisoning, the treatment is aimed at In mines, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is known as
increasing the body’s ability to excrete cyanide stinkdamp. The obvious reason for this is that
and bind cyanide in the blood. In the liver, the it smells like rotting eggs. It is likely to be
enzyme rhodanese, together with sulphur, found in the following areas where organic
transforms cyanide into thiocyanate, which is matter may be rotting:
134 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• sewers and sewerage sludge The symptoms from exposure include:

• gasworks
• liquid manure • irritation of the eyes, nose and
• sulphur hot springs throat (low levels of exposure); which
• oil refining may include blurred vision and
• mining. photophobia
• headache, dizziness, nausea,
vomiting, cough and difficulty
breathing (moderate exposures)
Table 6.5 Symptoms and outcomes • shock, convulsions, coma and death
from exposure to hydrogen cyanide (high-level exposures).

In most cases, removing the worker from the

–3 source of exposure and initiating fresh air and
(mg.m ) Symptoms and outcomes
oxygen therapy can treat exposure to hydrogen
300 Immediately lethal sulphide. After a single, small exposure with
200 Lethal after 10 minutes quick recovery, no delayed or long-term effects
150 Lethal after 30 minutes are likely to occur. If a serious exposure that
120–150 Fatal after 30–60 minutes caused coma or convulsions was experienced,
50–60 Endurable for 20–60 minutes damage may have been done to the brain and
without effect heart. The mechanism of effect for hydrogen
20–40 Light symptoms after several sulphide occurs through its effect on the
hours medulla (in the brain). This affects the
respiratory centre and causes a paralytic effect.
Although the gas has an offensive odour it In Australia, the TWA for hydrogen sulphide is
rapidly causes olfactory fatigue. The odour 10 ppm. The STEL is 15 ppm.
threshold is 0.0002 ppm. Hydrogen sulphide is
a highly toxic and colourless gas. Even at low Stibine
concentrations, its odour is very noticeable.
However, with continued exposure and at high Stibine (hydrogen antimonide or antimony
doses, it may deaden a person’s sense of smell, trihydride) is formed in a similar way to arsine,
making the worker unaware of continued although antimony is the contact metal. It is
exposure. In other words, if the odour is no highly toxic and colourless, and has an
longer noticeable, it may not necessarily mean unpleasant smell (like hydrogen sulphide). The
that exposure has stopped. TWA is 0.1 ppm.

Case study 6.2

An occupational hygienist monitors a workplace environment and finds a

concentration of 20 ppm of hydrogen cyanide. Hydrogen cyanide is a chemical
asphyxiant. While this measured concentration of hydrogen cyanide is double the
NOHSC TWA, it will not significantly affect the oxygen concentration of the
environment. Hence, chemical asphyxiants must be specifically monitored for the
substance. Measurement of oxygen concentration will not allow accurate
estimation of the risk of chemical asphyxiants.
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 135

IRRITANT GASES • an ingredient in the manufacture of

Irritant gases are not respirable except at very
low concentrations. Their action on the In addition to manufacturing processes that
respiratory tract depends on their solubility. use ammonia as a starting component or
For instance, soluble gases such as ammonia intermediate, workers may be at risk where
and chlorine dissolve out of the inhaled air in ammonia is stored (from pipelines and during
the upper respiratory tract and show lesser transportation). Rural workers who apply
effects on the lung. Insoluble gases such as ammonia-based fertilisers to pasture may be
nitrogen dioxide penetrate the lungs, causing exposed. Decaying manure (especially from
serious damage. chickens) also releases ammonia.
The symptoms from exposure to irritant Most exposure to ammonia occurs through
gases include tearing of the eye, respiratory inhalation. Inhalation may cause a chemical
irritation, coughing, asthma, cloudy vision at bronchitis with pulmonary oedema and a
high concentration or other problems with cough with a frothy, sometimes blood-stained
vision, and an acidic taste. In the workplace, sputum. If splashed on the skin ammonia will
the major irritant gases of concern are: cause a burn, and if exposed to high
concentrations this may cause systemic effects
on the body. The vapour will cause irritation of
• ammonia the conjunctiva and the more serious effect of
• chlorine ulceration of the cornea may occur if splashed
• ethylene oxide on the eye. Scar tissue and perhaps blindness
• fluorine may also result if ammonia is splashed on the
• formaldehyde eye.
• glutaraldehyde The NOHSC TWA for ammonia is 25 ppm
• nitrous gases and the STEL is 35 ppm. Exposure to levels of
• ozone ammonia around 50 ppm can cause temporary
• phosgene eye and throat irritation. If a worker is exposed
• sulphur dioxide. to 500 ppm for 30 minutes, the person is likely
to suffer from a sore nose and throat and their
Ammonia rate of respiration will increase.
Ammonia (NH3) is a colourless gas with a very Chlorine
strong odour. It is also water-soluble and
shows its effects through its caustic action. Chlorine (Cl2) is an oxidising agent and has
However, when ammonia dissolves in water, specific use as a bleach and disinfectant.
it changes to the ammonium ion (NH4 ). It is Typical industrial applications include
used as: bleaching of paper, treatment of water
supplies, pools and sewage. It is also used to
• a refrigerant disinfect equipment and utensils in beverage
• an ingredient for fertiliser and food processing plants, and as an
production intermediate in the manufacture of a number
• household and window cleaning of organic products such as antifreeze, rubber,
products cleaning agents and pharmaceuticals.
• a component to manufacture The gas has a greenish-yellow colour and a
synthetic fibres and plastics strong odour which is extremely irritating. The
136 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

odour threshold for Cl2 is 0.31 ppm. Exposure • hospitals

leads to a feeling of choking and causes a • workplaces that manufacture
burning pain, excessive salivation and tearing hospital and medical supplies
of the eye. The TWA for chlorine is 1 ppm, • museums
expressed as the peak limitation. • libraries and archives
A summary of the health effects from • food-processing industries
exposure to chlorine include: • sterilisation training institutions
• animal laboratories (which use
ethylene oxide as a sterilising or
• chest pain, vomiting, toxic
fumigation agent).
pneumonitis, pulmonary oedema and
death (acute exposure at levels above
30 ppm)
• irritation to the eyes, upper
In the free state, fluorine (F) is a green-yellow
respiratory tract and lungs (acute
corrosive gas with a low odour threshold. It is
exposure less than 3 ppm)
also the most electronegative and reactive of
• respiratory complaints, corrosion of
all elements. When combined with metals,
the teeth, inflammation of the
glass, ceramics, carbon or water, a bright flame
mucous membranes of the nose
is emitted. It is often found combined with
(chronic exposure at 5 ppm)
other elements or compounds, such as with
• burns to the skin from liquid
calcium to form fluorspar (calcium fluoride) or
in the production of cryolite (sodium
aluminium fluoride). As early as 1529, Georgius
Ethylene oxide Agricola described the use of fluorspar as a
flux, and in 1670 Schwandhard learnt that glass
Ethylene oxide is used as the starting agent in was etched when exposed to fluorspar treated
the manufacture of ethylene glycol, the with acid. When combined with hydrogen, a
radiator inhibitor used in motor vehicles. It is powerful acid called hydrofluoric acid is
also a fumigant and is used as a sterilising formed.
agent that is usually mixed with carbon Fluorine and its compounds are used for:
dioxide. Inhalatory exposure irritates the
mucous membranes and liquid ethylene oxide • producing uranium for nuclear
may produce severe chemical burns. The TWA energy applications (from
is 1 ppm. Ethylene oxide is a Category 2 hexafluoride)
carcinogen, which means it is probably • making more than a hundred
carcinogenic in humans. It should be treated as commercial fluorochemicals (e.g.
though it is carcinogenic and exposure avoided high-temperature plastics and
where possible. hydrofluoric acid to etch the glass of
It has been reported that skin exposure to light bulbs)
ethylene oxide can cause burns similar to • airconditioning and refrigeration
frostbite. Ethylene oxide has a flammable gases.
range of 3.0–100 per cent, and can explode if
mixed with air and exposed to fire or sparks. In some parts of Australia, soluble fluorine is
Its relative density is 1.5. added to water supplies to prevent cavities of
Exposure to ethylene oxide typically occurs the teeth. However, if the concentration rises
in: above 2 ppm, it may cause mottled enamel in
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 137

the teeth of children who consume water while laboratories and mortuaries
developing permanent teeth. Since elemental • a component of resins and glues
fluorine and the fluoride ion are extremely (as urea-formaldehyde) for particle
toxic, a low occupational exposure has been board, carpets, laminates and MDF,
set by the NOHSC. For fluorine, the TWA is which can contain between two and
1 ppm and the STEL is 2 ppm. Although even at four times the amount of urea-
these concentrations, the pungent odour may formaldehyde than is found in
be detectable — the odour threshold for standard particle board
fluorine can be as low as 20 parts per billion! • a fire-retardant and stiffener in fabric
• making paper products, cosmetics,
Formaldehyde and deodorants, shampoos, fabric dyes,
glutaraldehyde permanent-press fabrics, inks and
These substances are both aldehydes. Both • enhancing wrinkle-resistance and
formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde are water-repellancy in cotton and
sensitisers. This means they can cause an cotton blend fabrics
immune response in some people. Once • enhancing the water-repellency of
sensitisation has occurred, exposure can packaging paper, by treating the
manifest itself as a skin rash, inflammation or wood pulp with urea-formaldehyde
asthma-like response. It should also be noted resin.
that although low occupational exposure
standards have been set for these substances, There are several types of formaldehyde resin
they might still not protect all workers. mixtures, mainly phenol-formaldehyde, mala-
Workers who are already sensitised to mine-formaldehyde and urea-formaldehyde.
formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde should not be Because of its water-solubility, urea-formal-
exposed further. dehyde is the substance that contributes the
most to indoor air pollution. The release of
Formaldehyde formaldehyde from building materials in an
indoor environment is known as off-gassing.
Formaldehyde was first discovered by August The rate of gas release depends on the air tem-
Wilhem von Hofman in 1867 but pure perature and humidity. For instance, an increase
formaldehyde was not isolated until 1892 by in temperature of 5–6°C can double the con-
Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz. It has centration of gas. If the relative humidity
the chemical formula HCHO. Formaldehyde can changes from 30 per cent to 70 per cent, this
be manufactured by the oxidation of methanol may result in a 40 per cent increase in formal-
with air, using a metal catalyst around dehyde concentration. However, where both
400–650°C. the temperature and humidity are increased,
Formaldehyde is a colourless gas with a the resulting formaldehyde level can increase to
strong odour. Since it is very polar, as much as five times its original level.
formaldehyde is soluble in both water and Formaldehyde is also a combustion product
ethanol. Formalin is formed by mixing that is emitted from cigarette and wood
formaldehyde with water to form a 37 per cent smoke, natural gas, kerosene and exhaust from
solution. Formaldehyde is used for: vehicles. The symptoms of low-level exposure
to formaldehyde include irritation of the eyes,
• fixing and preserving biological nose and throat, coughing, dermatitis and
specimens (as formalin), in sleeping difficulties.
138 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

If acute exposure occurs, the symptoms of the nose and throat (at concentrations
may extend to: generally less than 0.2 ppm) and contact
• headache and fatigue
• breathing difficulties and sinus Nitrous gases
• chest pain and asthma attacks THe irritant nitrous gases are nitrogen dioxide
• nausea and vomiting (NO2) and dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4). The
• nose bleeds other oxides of nitrogen are non-toxic.
• decreased lung capacity Nitrous gases may be produced during
• abdominal pain, anxiety and oxyacetylene, carbon-arc or electric-arc
diarrhoea. welding and in mining when dynamite burns
quietly instead of exploding. Nitrous gases
If the exposure to formaldehyde is relatively have a reddish-brown colour. The TWA for
short term, the symptoms disappear once nitrogen dioxide is 3 ppm and the STEL is
exposure ceases. However, exposure over the 5 ppm.
longer term may be more deleterious. Exposure to nitrogen dioxide can affect the
Formaldehyde is normally present at low body in a number of ways. For instance, the
levels in the atmosphere, usually less than reaction of NO2 and water in the aqueous
0.06 ppm. However, above 0.1 ppm, workers environment of the lung can form acids, which
may show symptoms of exposure. Some damage lung epithelium and may result in
research indicates that formaldehyde is pulmonary oedema and pneumonia. Other
carcinogenic. The NOHSC has classified oxides of nitrogen can impact on the body’s
formaldehyde as a Category 2 carcinogen with defence systems by destroying macrophages
a TWA of 1 ppm and STEL of 2 ppm. and compromising local immunity.

Glutaraldehyde Ozone

Glutaraldehyde is used: Ozone is formed through the oxidisation of

oxygen (O2) to O3. This gas has a distinctive
• as a biocidal additive in conveyor smell and is irritating to the respiratory centre.
chain lubricants Around 90 per cent of inhaled ozone is never
• in sanitary fluids and added to toilet exhaled. It can also affect the normal
systems functioning of lungs and reduce the ability to
• as a disinfectant of endoscopes and perform physical exercise. Symptoms from
other invasive tools used in surgery exposure include a cough, chest pain and
• in X-ray film processing throat irritation. Ozone may increase the
• to disinfect air ducts. susceptibility of the lungs to infections,
allergens and other pollutants. Some studies
The typical route of entry is through inhalation have indicated that ozone damages lung
or skin absorption. Biocides are usually made tissue.
from an aqueous glutaraldehyde solution up to Since ozone is formed through an
50 per cent (w/w) or diluted to 0.5–10 per cent. oxidisation process it requires a high-energy
The TWA of glutaraldehyde is 0.1 ppm, with a source to produce it. Workplaces where ozone
peak limitation specified. Typical symptoms of is found include those with older-style
exposure to glutaraldehyde include irritation photocopiers and electric arc-welding
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 139

machines. Ozone is a sensitiser and has a TWA wine. It is highly irritating to the mucous
of 0.1 ppm. This is expressed as the peak membranes of the eye and respiratory tract.
limitation. Serious health effects are rarely seen due to
Ozone is present in the upper layer of the the extreme irritant nature of the gas, which
earth’s atmosphere, the stratosphere. Much precipitates the movement of the worker away
media attention has been given to the ozone from the contaminated area. The TWA for
layer in recent times, due to a decrease in the sulphur dioxide is 2 ppm and the STEL is
amount of ozone and the so-called greenhouse 5 ppm.
effect. While scientific debate continues about While sulphur dioxide is colourless, it does
the extent of damage to the earth, a general have a pungent odour that is detected around
consensus prevails that the continued 0.5–0.8 ppm. It is also highly soluble in water.
destruction of the ozone layer has resulted in This results in the formation of sulphurous
an increase in the earth’s temperature, acid, which is easily converted to sulphuric
exposure to ultraviolet radiation (Chapter 9 acid (H2SO4). Sulphuric acid is a major acidic
discusses the health effects from exposure to component of acid rain. On a worldwide basis,
UV radiation) and changes in weather patterns. oxides of sulphur are thought to be one of the
major pollution problems. With the continual
Phosgene combustion of fossil fuels (coal and oil) in
power stations and refineries, its emission is
Phosgene is much more toxic than chlorine. At escalating. Diesel emissions and volcanic
room temperature it exists as a colourless gas eruptions are also sources of sulphur dioxide.
that has a suffocating odour at high Table 6.6 shows the effects of exposure to
concentrations. At low concentrations, its sulphur dioxide at various concentrations.
odour resembles newly mowed hay. It may be
Table 6.6 Symptoms from exposure to
• where chlorinated hydrocarbons sulphur dioxide
have been heated — for instance,
where degreasing agents such as Concentration
carbon tetrachloride have been used (ppm) Symptoms and outcomes
adjacent to welding or cutting
400 Lung oedema, bronchial
processes and the vapour is
20 Eye irritation, coughing
• in the manufacture of chemicals.
0.5 Odour threshold
Exposure to low concentrations may cause
slight irritation of the eyes and upper The mechanism of effect with exposure to
respiratory tract. The TWA for phosgene has sulphur dioxide is believed to be similar to that
been changed in recent years to 0.02 ppm, of exposure to oxides of nitrogen. As the
with a STEL of 0.06 ppm. sulphur dioxide dissolves in the mucous lining
of the respiratory system, its viscosity
Sulphur dioxide increases. This causes the airway resistance
and mucociliary clearance to decrease. In the
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) has been used bronchioles, small-sized acid aerosols may
industrially in magnesium foundries and was produce an irritant effect which, with repeated
previously used as a preservative in food and exposure, may lead to bronchitis.
140 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

SOLVENTS the body — for instance, fat-soluble solvents

tend to accumulate in the nervous system.
Solvent is a broad term given to a number of Water-soluble solvents have the potential to
chemical groups with a similar characteristic of move throughout most other parts of the body.
dissolving other substances. They are used to As already mentioned, the solubility of the
extract oils and fats and in paints, varnishes, solvent will also affect the route of entry. While
polishes, cleaning materials and fabrics. both fat- and water-soluble solvents can enter
Solvents may also be used for extracting the lungs through inhalation, only fat-soluble
medicinal materials from bones, seeds and solvents can be absorbed through the skin and
nuts, and for degreasing. Chemical reactions enter the body through this mechanism.
may be better facilitated by the addition of Some solvents are biotransformed once
solvents that act to dissolve the specific absorbed into the body. This is discussed in
chemical reagents. The toxicity and hence Chapter 1. Biotransformation refers to the
hazard is affected by the group of solvent. reaction of converting a substance to another,
The nine solvent groups are: through complex interactions. The by-products
of biotransformation are known as metabolites
and can show themselves as indicators of
• hydrocarbons exposure. Biological monitoring can be used to
• halogenated hydrocarbons determine workers’ actual exposure to such
• alcohols substances and may indeed include
• ethers estimations of the concentration of the
• glycol derivatives unchanged substance or its metabolite.
• esters
• ketones Hydrocarbons
• aldehydes and ketals
• miscellaneous solvents. Hydrocarbons are substances that contain
hydrogen (H) and carbon (C). They may also
This section of the chapter broadly describes have a functional group attached (see Table
the characteristics of the nine solvent groups 6.7) which is responsible for most of the
before moving on to discuss the hazardous chemical behaviour of the parent molecule.
nature of some chemical contaminants of
occupational hygiene significance.
Table 6.7 Functional groups
Health effects of exposure to
Functional group Name
organic solvents
–NH2 Amino
There are many thousands of organic –F Fluoro
compounds that are used in industry and many –Cl Chloro
more hundreds introduced each year. The –Br Bromo
effects to health upon exposure to these –I Iodo
substances can vary quite significantly, –NO2 Nitro
depending on several factors. Organic solvents –CH=CH2 Vinyl
may be either fat-soluble or water-soluble. C6H5 Phenyl
They can be biotransformed in or move
throughout the body in their original forms. Hydrocarbon solvents are obtained as a
Their solubility determines the distribution in product or by-product of petroleum or coal
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 141

refining, and all the members of this group are Aromatic hydrocarbons all have the
flammable. Aliphatic hydrocarbons — including common characteristic of a ring that contains
alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes and alkynes — six carbon atoms. The simplest aromatic
are straight or branched chains of carbon, hydrocarbon is benzene (C6H6), although
saturated with hydrogen; while aromatic (one carbon atoms can be substituted to form
hydrogen atom per carbon atom) hydrocarbons other aromatic compounds. For instance,
contain a six-ring structure. chlorobenzene substitutes one carbon atom
Alkanes have the general chemical formula for a chlorine atom, ethylbenzene substitutes
CnH2n+2. Each carbon atom is joined by only a an ethyl group for the carbon atom, and
single bond. The simplest member of the alkane nitrobenzene substitutes a NO2 group for the
family is methane. Naming of alkanes (this is carbon. Aromatic hydrocarbons can also be
known as nomenclature) is quite easy. Except fused together to form many types of
for the first four members, the number of polycyclic hydrocarbons, for instance:
carbon atoms in each alkane is reflected in the
Greek prefix. When one or more hydrogen • naphthalene
atoms are replaced by other groups, the name • benz (a) anthracene
of the substance must indicate the location of • benzo (a) pyrene.
the carbon atoms where replacements are made.
For the first four alkanes, the prefixes used
With all of the polycyclic aromatic
reflect the alkyl groups. These are:
hydrocarbons, the greater the number of rings,
• methyl (CH3) the more toxic and potentially carcinogenic the
• ethyl (C2H5) substance. For instance, as described in
• propyl (C3H7) Chapter 1, scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps
• butyl (C4H9). has been recognised as being caused by
exposure to large quantities of soot and tar
The cycloalkane family has its carbon atoms which contain many types of carcinogens,
joined in rings, with the general formula CnH2n. mostly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Some examples of these substances are Aromatic hydrocarbons differ vastly in
cyclobutane (C4H8) and cyclohexane (C6H12). chemical and physical characteristics from
Alkenes (CnH2n) are hydrocarbons that aliphatic hydrocarbons, with the aromatics
contain at least one carbon–carbon double being far more toxic than the aliphatics. The
bond. They are named in a similar manner to aromatic members are all potent narcotic
the alkanes, although the numbering begins at agents and overexposure can quickly lead to
the double-bond location. Some examples of loss of muscular coordination, collapse and
alkenes include ethylene (C2H4) and propylene unconsciousness.
(C3H6). Due to the geometric arrangement of
the carbon atoms of alkenes, there are often Halogenated hydrocarbons
two isomers of alkenes. These isomers
typically have different physical and chemical The term halogen is applied to five elements
properties. — fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and
Alkynes (CnH2n–2) contain at least one astatine. For industrial purposes, the
carbon–carbon triple bond. The name of the chlorinated compounds are the most
substance is given by considering the number important members of this group with
of carbon atoms in the longest chain. The chlorobenzene being a well-known solvent. It
simplest alkyne is acetylene (C2H2). has an acute action on the central nervous
142 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

system, although there are believed to be no the body and the blood. These solvents are
chronic effects. Exposure to some chlorinated used in hydraulic brake fluids, nitrocellulose
hydrocarbons can cause an angry rash on the and synthetic resins, printing inks, writing
skin, known as chloracne. This has been well inks, spirit-diluting fluids and dye solutions.
documented in the motor repair industry They may also find use as rust removers,
where, until recently, chlorinated solvents degreasing agents and dry-cleaning soaps, due
were used widely as degreasers. to their penetrating qualities.

Alcohols Esters

Alcohols have a chemical structure –OH. This Generally speaking, esters do not constitute a
group includes monohydric and polyhydric serious hazard to workers’ health. They are
solvents. Polyhydric alcohols have only widely used as solvents for surface coatings
recently become popular as an industrial although excessive exposure may lead to
solvent. Methyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, n- irritation of the nose, eyes and upper
butyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol are most respiratory tract. Esters have the chemical
commonly used as solvents in the preparation structure R’COOR, where R is a functional group
of alkyd resins, new synthetic fibres and and R’ is a hydrogen atom or functional group.
synthetic polymer rubber. Some common
alcohols include: Ketones
• methanol (methyl alcohol) Ketones contain the double-bonded carbonyl
• ethanol (ethyl alcohol) group (C=O) with two groups on the carbon.
• 2-propanol (isopropyl alcohol) With the growth of acetate rayon and vinyl
• phenol resin coatings, ketones have become an
• ethylene glycol. increasingly important solvent. The most
common solvents of this type are acetone and
Ethers methyl ethyl ketone (MEK).

Ethers have the chemical formula R–O–R, Aldehydes and ketals

where R is the functional group. They are
characterised by a greater volatility (and hence These are volatile, flammable liquids.
high flammability) and lower solubility in water Aldehydes, in particular, have strong irritant
than other chemical compounds. However, effects on the eyes, skin and respiratory
they do have a high solvent power for oils, fats system. Some examples of aldehydes include
and greases (which makes them ideal for use as formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde.
solvent). Ethers are very dangerous substances
to handle. They are highly narcotic and large Miscellaneous solvents
doses may lead to death.
This group includes:
Glycol derivatives
• nitroparaffin
The best-known solvents of this classification • certain solvents of organic origin
are ethylene glycol, monomethyl ether and • carbon disulphide
ethylene glycol monoethyl ether. Each have a • acids and amines (also included in
different toxic effect on the nervous system of this group for convenience).
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 143

Case study 6.3

A worker is transporting a can containing 1.5 L of carbon disulphide from one

laboratory to another, late on a Friday afternoon. He stops at his office on the way
and sets the can on his desk. Noticing the late hour, he grabs his briefcase and
rushes to join the car pool for the trip home. The lid on the can is loose and when
the cleaner arrives to clean up a short time later, he notices an odour faintly like
garlic in the office. He cleans up as quickly as possible and leaves, closing the door
behind him to keep the odour from spreading.
The company has an energy-saving policy which requires the airconditioning
and heating system to be shut down during the weekend, and the temperature of
the office stays at 28°C over the weekend. All the carbon disulphide evaporates
into the air in the office. There is no ventilation because the airconditioning system
is shut off, so all the carbon disulphide vapour remains in the office. The workers
return early on Monday morning and someone turns on the lights. The carbon
disulphide vapour ignites.
Carbon disulphide burns easily in air and it has a very low ignition temperature
(100°C or less). Carbon disulphide burns to form carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide, sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide, depending on the conditions of

Carbon disulphide is one of the most dangerous reported to have caused acute poisoning —
solvents used in industry with a high flamma- although accidental exposure may lead to very
bility and low ignition temperature of around high concentrations of the vapour and present
100°C. It acts on the peripheral and central as symptoms of euphoria, headache and
nervous systems and has been reported to cause vomiting. The more sinister, adverse health
heart irregularities. It has a TWA of 10 ppm. effect is associated with long-term exposure to
the solvent. Benzene has its main effect on the
Benzene bone marrow and is linked with the develop-
ment of acute leukaemia. If workers are to be
Historically, the use of benzene as a solvent in exposed to benzene, they should be assessed
industry has been extensive. It was used as a by an occupational physician to determine their
solvent in the manufacture of rubber or plastic occupational history and medical history and a
shoes and in photogravure printing. It also may blood sample for haematological profile should
still be found in fuel. Benzene is absorbed be collected. In Australia, the occupational
through the lung and the skin, since it is fat- exposure standard (TWA) for benzene has
soluble. Due to its lipophilic characteristic, it recently been reduced from 5 ppm to 1 ppm
accumulates and stores in the fatty tissue. While and it is classified as a Category 1 carcinogen.
a large amount of benzene is exhaled un-
changed, between 15 per cent and 60 per cent Toluene
of the absorbed substance is biotransformed in
a complex reaction. Its biological half-life is Toluene is a commonly used hydrocarbon
around twelve hours. solvent which is found in resins, glues and
Exposure to benzene is not commonly paints. It is absorbed through the lungs and the
144 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

skin, although it is rapidly excreted once Carbon tetrachloride

exposure has ceased. Biological monitoring for
its metabolite, hippuric acid, can be performed This solvent is used in the production of freons
to detect exposure to toluene, since about 90 but has also been used historically as a solvent,
per cent of the inhaled toluene is biotrans- fumigant, in fire-extinguishers and as a dry-
formed to this substance. Excessive exposure to cleaning agent. Its high toxicity has seen it
toluene vapours can give a feeling of euphoria replaced by other compounds, where possible.
and causes narcosis. The TWA for toluene has Carbon tetrachloride had its occupational
recently been halved from 100 ppm to 50 ppm. exposure standard in Australia reduced from
The STEL remains at 150 ppm. Above about 5 ppm to 0.1 ppm in 1996 and is classified as a
1000 ppm toluene causes vertigo and an Category 2 carcinogen. It also may be
intense headache. High concentrations are absorbed through the skin.
hallucinogenic. Adverse health effects of exposure are
Toluene is not reported to affect the per- related to its lipid affiliation, as showing
ipheral nervous system, although excessive damage to the liver or renal symptoms.
exposure can cause death (such as in glue Initially, exposed persons may complain of
sniffers) where ventricular arrhythmia occurs persistent headache, nausea and vomiting. If
due to sensitisation of the myocardium. damage to the hepatic system occurs, jaundice
and alterations in liver function may be noted.
1,1,1-Trichloroethane (methyl
Xylene is used less commonly than toluene, as
a thinner for paints and varnishes. Between 60
per cent and 65 per cent of inhaled xylene is
Trichloroethane is one of the most widely used
absorbed — and it can enter the body through
solvents, particularly in the degreasing of
both inhalation and skin absorption. The route
metals. It is rapidly absorbed through the lung
of biotransformation is similar to toluene,
and may also be absorbed through the skin.
although it forms methylhippuric acid instead
Exposure may cause irritant dermatitis and
of hippuric acid. Xylene consists of several
conjunctivitis if splashed in the eye. The usual
isomers, the most common being o–, p– and
narcotic effects similar to exposure to other
m–. The TWA for xylene is 80 ppm and the
solvents will also occur at high concentrations.
STEL is 150 ppm.
The TWA is 125 ppm.
Styrene is a very reactive organic solvent which
is used primarily in the manufacture of Trichloroethylene was historically used as a
polystyrene and synthetic rubbers and is a dry-cleaning agent and refrigerant but has
component of the resin used in fibreglass. generally been replaced by other solvents for
It has a pungent odour and exposure to this purpose. It is still used as a degreasing
styrene produces feelings of vague ill health at agent and may also be used as an anaesthetic.
low concentrations, although its irritant effects This solvent has been reported as one of
may affect the eyes, nose, upper respiratory the solvents most likely to cause sudden death
tract and skin. In Australia, the TWA for syndrome, where death occurs in a young
styrene monomer is 50 ppm and the STEL is person who has been heavily exposed to the
100 ppm. solvent following some exertion. The TWA for
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 145

trichloroethylene is 50 ppm and the STEL is to carbon disulphide. In high concentrations a

200 ppm. toxic organic psychosis may be induced. The
symptoms include severe irritability,
Tetrachloroethylene uncontrolled anger, insomnia and loss of
(perchlorethylene) memory.
In the peripheral nervous system, carbon
Tetrachloroethylene has replaced trichloro- disulphide causes the slowing of nerve
ethylene to a large extent as a dry-cleaning conduction velocities (an early indication of
fluid and degreasing agent. The vapour may be axonal damage) although the conduction
absorbed through the skin and lungs and is velocities return to normal if exposure is
stored in fatty tissues. The TWA for ceased. Long-term exposure to carbon
perchlorethylene is 50 ppm and the STEL is disulphide is reported to greatly increase the
150 ppm. prevalence of ischaemic heart disease. The
TWA for carbon disulphide is 10 ppm.
Methylene chloride
Methylene chloride is used in the manufacture CONTAMINANTS OF
of cellulose acetate film and is a component of OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE
some paint strippers. It is absorbed through SIGNIFICANCE
the lungs and is primarily metabolised to
carbon dioxide; however, around one-third of
the absorbed substance is converted to carbon Acid mists
Waldron (1990) reports that an eight-hour The acidity of a chemical substance refers to its
exposure to about 150 ppm of methylene hydrogen potential or pH. If a contaminant has
chloride will produce an equivalent amount of a low pH (between 0 and 7), it is acidic. If the
carboxyhaemoglobin as exposure to 35 ppm of pH ranges between 8 and 14, it is alkaline or
carbon monoxide for the same time. The TWA basic. Neutral substances have a pH of 7. In the
for methylene chloride is 50 ppm. It has been workplace, the most common health effects
classified as a Category 2 carcinogen, meaning from exposure to acids and alkalis relate to
it is suspected of having carcinogenic their caustic nature. The skin is therefore the
potential. Current epidemiological or animal main target. Exposure may result in severe
studies have indicated that methylene chloride burns. Some particularly caustic acids such as
may cause cancer in humans. hydrofluoric acid (HF) continue to burn
through the skin and tissues until they reach
Carbon disulphide the bone. Other examples of acids are
hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid
Carbon disulphide is a particularly toxic (H2SO4). While skin absorption is of major
substance whose use is being steadily concern, acids can also be inhaled as mist.
restricted. It is a multi-system poison; the most Mists are suspended liquid droplets that
important effects are neurological and are generated by condensation of vapour back
cardiovascular. It also has shown to be a skin to the liquid state or by breaking up through
irritant and may induce gastrointestinal splashing. Acid baths used for pickling metals
disorders. Both the central and peripheral are typical sources of exposure. Ulceration of
nervous systems can be affected by exposure the hands, especially around the fingernails,
146 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

has also been noted in people detailing cars • herbicides (e.g. amitrole, ammonium
using a dilute solution containing hydrofluoric sulphamate, atrazine, borates,
acid. The occupational exposure standards for bromacil, 2-4 D, diuron, paraquat)
atmospheric exposure are 5 ppm for • rodenticide (e.g. ANTU)
hydrochloric acid (hydrogen chloride) and 3 • fungicides (e.g. benomyl, captan,
ppm for hydrofluoric acid (hydrogen fluoride). ferbam)
These are expressed as peak limitations. For • fertiliser (e.g. calcium cyanimide)
sulphuric acid (hydrogen sulphide), the TWA is • pesticides (e.g. carbaryl, chloropyrifos,
10 ppm and the STEL is 15 ppm. strychnine)
• insecticide (e.g. carbofuran, dieldrin,
Coal tar pitch (creosote) heptachlor, kepone, pyrethrum).

Coal tar pitch contains volatile organic Monitoring for drugs and poisons is not easy.
compounds that can be emitted during road Since most adverse exposure occurs through
repair operations involving hot asphalt. They ingestion or absorption (and not inhalation), it
actually consist of a mixture of hydrocarbons is best to conduct biological monitoring of the
that are a Category 1 carcinogen. It has been body or its metabolites.
estimated (NOHSC 1996) that creosote is a Typically, the cholinesterase level in the
complex mixture of 1000 compounds. The blood is measured from blood tests. Since
health effects from exposure include: most poisons inhibit the nervous system by
inhibiting the release of cholinesterase,
• photosensitivity exposure can cause respiratory failure.
• irritation of the skin (resulting in red
ulcers or papules) Ethylene glycol
• nausea and vomiting
• diarrhoea, anorexia and difficulty Ethylene glycol is a colourless, sweet-tasting
swallowing liquid that is used as antifreeze in vehicles and
• headache, fainting, vertigo and to manufacture polyester fibres and film.
mental disturbances. Historically, it was used in the manufacture of
explosives during World War I (substituting
The TWA for coal tar pitch (measured as the glycerol). Some other areas of application of
benzene soluble fraction) is 0.2 mg.m . ethylene glycol include:

Drugs and poisons • as a heat-transfer fluid

• in aircraft and runway de-icing
In Australia, drugs and poisons are defined mixtures
under the Australian Dangerous Goods Code • to improve flexibility and drying
(ADG Code) as Class 6 substances. Pharm- time of oil-based paints
aceutical drugs are then further classified • as a dehydrating agent for natural
according to the Drug and Poisons schedule. gas
Occupational exposure to pharmaceutical drugs • in motor-oil additives
is of concern in their manufacture, where • as an additive in inks, pesticides,
controls can be inadequate to prevent workers wood stains and glues.
from being exposed to the ingredients and their
by-products. Other poisons include those used Exposure to ethylene glycol via ingestion can
in the rural industry, such as: lead to stimulation of the central nervous
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 147

system. This is followed by depression, and unloading the items after importing. The
kidney damage and death may also result. shipment is usually treated by covering with
Ethylene glycol is also used to make glycol impervious sheeting and pumping the methyl
ethers. Glycol ethers (e.g. monobutyl glycol bromide through the products. Otherwise,
ether) are suspected of increasing the risk of some containers are treated with canisters
miscarriage for pregnant women working in containing methyl bromide. The TWA is 5 ppm.
the manufacturing of semiconductor chips.
Methyl methacrylate and ethyl
Isocyanates methacrylate

Isocyanates are a group of chemicals that are Both of these chemicals are hydrocarbons and
known respiratory and skin sensitisers. They are used in the manufacture of prosthetics and
are used in the manufacture of polyurethane dentures. Methyl methacrylate is an ingredient
foams and are a component of some 2-pack of the liquid that is applied with a powder to
paints and varnishes. The three main make acrylic or artificial fingernails. Ethyl
isocyanates that are found in the workplace methacrylate is a starting product of prosthetics.
setting are: In Australia, the TWA for methyl methacrylate
has been reduced in recent years to 50 ppm and
• MDI (methylene bisphenyl it has been allocated a Class 3 carcinogen
isocyanate) category. An occupational exposure for ethyl
• TDI (toluene 2,4 diisocyanate) methacrylate has not been set in Australia.
• HMDI (hexamethylene diisocyanate).
If the eyes are exposed to isocyanates, this
may lead to severe chemical conjunctivitis. MOCA or 4,4’–methylene bis (2-chloroaniline)
Sensitised workers may show symptoms after has increased in use for the manufacture of
exposure to even tiny amounts of isocyanates. hardened plastics such as rollerblade wheels,
Additional health effects include damage to skateboard wheels and other applications. It is
the liver and kidney. A chronic effect is supplied as solid pellets and then melted in a
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. pot before casting into appropriate moulds.
The occupational exposure standards for MOCA is easily absorbed through the skin and is
MDI, TDI and HMDI are 0.02 mg.m (TWA) and a Category 2 carcinogen. It is believed to cause
0.07 mg.m (STEL). Health surveillance of bladder cancer. The TWA for MOCA is 0.02 ppm,
workers exposed to isocyanates should include although it may be more appropriate to conduct
administration of a standardised respiratory biological monitoring using the urine to
questionnaire, physical examination of the skin determine whether the worker is at risk. With
for occupational dermatitis, lung function test these tests, dipstick urinalysis tests for
and the collection of medical history haematuria (blood in the urine) and urine
information. cytology may also be conducted.

Methyl bromide Oils, resins and rosins

Methyl bromide is used as a fumigant and This category refers to mineral oils and
rodenticide. Exposure to workers is usually lubricants, synthetic resins from soldering and
limited to those who come into contact with natural rosins that are emitted from timber
fumigation of timber items or may be products. Many processes involving cutting of
148 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

metals require the use of mineral oil as a Confined spaces are particularly hazardous
lubricant. However, the oils may become since the atmospheric environment can change
aerosolised and workers can be exposed to quickly and without notice. Since the space is
mineral oil mist. Refined mineral oil mist has a not a normal place of work, many confined
TWA of 5 mg.m . Resins and rosins have a spaces are used either for access to remote
potentially sensitising effect to either the skin locations or to perform maintenance. Some
or respiratory system. These are a little more examples of confined spaces include vats,
difficult to analyse for, since the exact nature of silos, drums, tanks, personnel access holes and
the resin or rosin must be understood. For storage vessels.
instance, the curing of timber releases In considering the occupational hygiene
different types of rosins and categories of hazards of confined spaces, it is important to
turpenes, depending upon the timber. The identify any potential sources or processes
NOHSC has set a TWA of 0.1 mg.m for the that may introduce contaminants. Some
rosin core solder pyrolysis products, measured questions that may be asked include:
as formaldehyde.
• Does the vessel contain water or had
Vinyl chloride it previously contained water? Is
there a potential for sludge or fungal
Vinyl chloride monomer is used in the growth? (Plant matter will respire,
manufacture of PVC. It has been classified as a consuming oxygen in the space.)
Category 1 carcinogen due to its effect chiefly • Is there any oxidation of the vessel
on the liver. Acute exposures may result in walls? (Oxidation or rusting of the
euphoria, headache, dizziness and loss of vessel walls also uses oxygen in this
consciousness. If the skin is contacted, rapid process.)
evaporation of liquid vinyl chloride may cause • Have any chemicals been stored in
freezing of the skin, resulting in burns. Chronic the vessel? What was the vessel
exposure may result in scleroderma, Raynaud’s used for, previously? (Toxic chemicals
disease, acro-osteolysis and fibrosis of the liver may also be a potential source
and spleen. The TWA for vinyl chloride of risk.)
monomer is 5 ppm. • Are there any sources of flammable
gases or vapours? Have incoming
lines been blanked, the pipe
CONFINED SPACES removed or locked out?

Confined spaces is a defined term according to Before entering a confined space, the
AS/NZS2865 and encompasses many hazards in atmosphere should be tested for the
addition to occupational hygiene hazards. A concentration of oxygen, flammable gases and
confined space is defined as any space that may: toxic contaminants. AS/NZS2865 requires that
entry is not permitted unless:
• have limited access and egress and is
not designed for work • the oxygen concentration is between
• have an oxygen concentration which 19.5 per cent and 23 per cent
may be hazardous • explosive gases are not more than
• have a flammable atmosphere 5 per cent of the lower explosive
• have toxic contaminants limit (LEL)
• cause engulfment. • any toxic contaminants are less than
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 149

their occupational exposure as direct monitoring, sample collection and

standard. analysis, and biological monitoring.
Chapter 4 emphasised the importance of
The LEL is the lowest level at which an understanding the state of matter of a
explosion may occur if there is sufficient contaminant when selecting a technique for
oxygen and an ignition source. According to occupational hygiene sampling and analysis.
AS/NZS2865, if the concentration of the LEL is This is equally true for detecting and
less than 5 per cent, work in the space can quantifying the concentration of chemical
continue. If the LEL is between 5–10 per cent, contaminants such as gases and vapours.
the area must be continuously monitored; and Unfortunately, it is still beyond the realm of
if the flammable gas concentration is more most Australian workplaces to use a ‘magic’
than 10 per cent, the area must be evacuated instrument that will correctly identify the
and ventilated. Confined spaces are potentially nature of a substance, its concentration and
high-risk workplaces. Professional advice state of matter. Instead, the techniques that
should be sought where required and are commonly used merely confirm the
AS/NZS2865 consulted for further detail of safe presence of a suspected contaminant or its
working procedures and recommended control concentration (within the limitations of
measures. analytical techniques).
When deciding upon the monitoring
technique to choose for detecting and analys-
OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE ing chemical contaminants, the following
MONITORING issues should be considered:
• cost of the device, or sampling and
Assessing the risk of exposure to chemical analytical fees
contaminants involves firstly correctly • whether it is practical to hire the
identifying the hazard including its state of instruments and samplers or to
matter, measuring the concentration of purchase outright
contaminant and comparing it with an • the characteristics of exposure
appropriate standard. The discussion about (frequency, duration of exposure)
the hazardous nature of chemical con- • the state of matter of the
taminants in this chapter may provide you with contaminant (e.g. an acid mist from a
a good starting point for the hazard liquid bath compared with an
recognition. However, once the hazard has asphyxiant gas in a confined space)
been identified, it is important to quantify • comparison with relevant standards
the extent of exposure to the worker. or benchmarks (i.e. will the findings
Measurement of chemical contaminants can be be compared with the TWA or the
performed in a variety of ways. STEL? Or if the exposure is for a
Firstly, the contaminant can be directly short period, are there more than
sampled from within the breathing zone of the four excursions during the work shift?)
worker in real time, to obtain a personal sample • number of heterogeneous work
that is representative of exposure. Secondly, the groups and number of workers to be
air can be collected and sent to a laboratory for sampled.
analysis. Thirdly, the worker themselves could
be monitored using biological monitoring A change in any one of these parameters may
techniques. These techniques are summarised impact on the overall outcome of monitoring.
150 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

For instance, if sampling is conducted while The most widely used of colorimetric systems
half of the factory is not operating then would have to be the pump and tube assembly.
exposure may be significantly different to a With this system, air is actively sampled
‘normal’ working day. The concept of a normal through the tube by the drawing action of the
working day is discussed in Chapter 1. pump. The glass tube is tightly packed with a
chemically reactive substance. As contaminant-
laden air passes through the tube, it
DIRECT MONITORING specifically reacts with the chemical inside the
tube. A resulting colour change or stain will
Direct monitoring or real-time measurements develop along the length of the tube.
allow the concentration of a contaminant to be To determine the concentration of
determined on-the-spot. It is also known as substance, either the length of stain or its
grab sampling, since the sample is quickly colour intensity is usually compared with the
taken and analysed immediately. Usually, a manufacturer’s specified data. Two types of
sample is collected in the breathing zone of pumps see common use in Australia — the
the worker over a short period and the piston pump and bellows pump.
concentration of contaminants determined With the piston pump, the piston is drawn
instantaneously. Some methods do allow back to pull a sample of air through the tube.
collection for the entire shift. The main The exact volume of air will depend upon the
techniques are categorised as: tube and sensitivity requirements. Gradations
mark the length of the piston, to show the
• colorimetric operator the extent of the required piston
• electrical and electrochemical extension. The handle is then locked in place
• thermal to allow the chemical reaction to be
• electromagnetic completed. This normally takes a few minutes.
• gas chromatographic The bellows pump is firmly squeezed to suck
• mass spectrometric. air through the tube. Once squeezed, it is
allowed to reinflate and the chain at the
Colorimetric bellows to become taut. For both types of
detector systems, it may be necessary to
The principle of colorimetric monitoring lies in repeat the stroke (this refers to the depression
the chemical reaction between a known of the bellows or the drawing of the piston)
contaminant and a detecting system. In several times, depending upon the directions
Australia, the most common techniques are of the manufacturer.
either tubes or badges. Because of the As a first port of call, colorimetric sampling
specificity of colorimetry, it is vital that the is relatively inexpensive and simple to use. A
exact substance is known before sampling pump costs several hundred dollars and the
begins. It is also wise to be sure of other tubes are usually purchased in packs of ten for
potential contaminants, in case these interfere $100–$200. However, to the unwary user there
with the operation of the detection system. may be pitfalls in their use and interpretation of
results. Since a sample is collected by drawing
a known volume of air through the tube for
Colorimetric analysis refers to systems usually less than one minute, the results should
where a colour change can be detected not be used to compare against the TWA. Long-
using a system whose reagents react with term sampling tubes are available, although
the analyte. these mostly operate using passive sampling,
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 151

where the contaminant diffuses into the • ampoule detector (includes a filling
chemical reagent during the day. indicator and additional reagent
The advantages of direct-reading colori- ampoule; when the ampoule is broken,
metric stain tubes are: its contents are released and shaken
onto the indicating layer).
• they can be used to identify high-
level, short-term exposure How to use colorimetric tubes
• the requirement for long and
expensive laboratory analysis is Of all the occupational hygiene sampling
removed techniques available, colorimetric tubes are
• they can provide preliminary findings one of the simplest to use. These steps are
of exposure, including alarm levels summarised below:
for evacuation or remedial controls
• they can be used to check controls. 1. Select the contaminant and approximate
concentration range. This technique is very
Unfortunately, they also come with limitations. specific and the exact nature of the
These include: substance must be known. Additionally,
most tubes have a concentration range. If
• interference from other the concentration of contaminant is above
contaminants can give false positives or below this range, the substance will not
• incorrect tube or range selection can be detected or will result in a stain that is
result in false negatives beyond the graduations of the tube.
• cross-sensitivity with other 2. Leak-test the pump. If a pump leaks, it will
substances under-sample and the result cannot be
• storage requirements for tubes relied upon. With the bellows pump, an
• limited shelf life of tubes. unopened tube is inserted into the pump
when the bellows are depressed and left for
Some different types of tubes one minute. If the bellows reinflate, the
pump may be leaking and require
There are several types of direct-reading maintenance. To leak-test a piston pump,
colorimetric tubes. All can be used, although for an unopened tube is inserted and the
active sampling it is important that the pump handle gently pulled. If there is a firm
brand is aligned with the tube. For instance, the resistance and the handle ‘bounces’ back to
two main brands, Drager and Kitagawa, have its original point, the pump is not leaking.
different diameter tubes. Attempting to insert a 3. Read the manufacturer’s instructions.
Kitagawa tube into a Drager pump will result in When checking the operating instructions,
leakage and an invalid sample! The types of it is important to search for limitations of
tubes can be best described as: the method, such as interferences or
effects of temperature, pressure or
• single layer (where all the filling is the humidity. If the sample is collected at
indicator layer) conditions other than normal temperature
• multi-layer (a pre-layer may contain a and pressure, adjustments to the
filter for interfering substances) concentration may need to be made.
• two tubes (a pre-tube and indicating 4. Break the tip from the tube. Most pumps
tube are included to keep the reagent contain a tip-cutter, although care should
components separate) be taken with the tiny shards of glass. For
152 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

ampoule tubes, the ampoule inside the Accuracy of detector tubes

tube must be broken and its contents
shaken over the reactive chemical inside Detector tube measurements are generally
the tube. quite accurate. Most are in the order of a 10 per
5. Insert the tube into the pump. Nearly all cent relative standard deviation. A less accurate
tubes have an arrow printed along each tube may have an error of 20 per cent. Since
side to indicate the direction of airflow. occupational hygiene sampling already has its
Therefore, the tube is placed in the pump share of random and systematic error, an error
with the arrowhead facing the pump, and a of 10 per cent may not necessarily be unaccept-
prescribed number of strokes taken to able. The factors that may affect its accuracy
draw the correct air volume through the include the volume of air drawn through the
tube. pump, completeness of reaction, reading of the
6. Read the stain. After the required volume of stain and the type of colorimetric tube system.
air has been pumped through the tube, the
length or intensity of stain is usually read The other types of colorimetric samplers
immediately. Since the length and colour of include a paper strip system or enzyme
the stain may change quickly, it must be reaction system. Isocyanates can be monitored
read as soon as possible before this occurs. using a system where the particular isocyanate
The pump is then purged with clean air to reacts with the chemical-impregnated paper to
remove any corrosive contaminants from allow a concentration to be given.
inside the pump that may contribute to its Formaldehyde can be sampled directly
deterioration. using a badge that contains enzymes. The

Figure 6.1 Using a piston pump colorimetric detector system

Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 153

intensity of colour change in the badge is Electromagnetic

compared to a supplied chart.
Passive colorimetric tubes are also With electromagnetic detectors, the
available. With these tubes, air diffuses into photoelectric effect of the substance and
the chemical-absorbing material for an emission spectra can be used to identify and
extended period of time (usually about eight quantify the gas or vapour. Examples of these
hours) and the colour change is read after that include UV and infrared photometry. Modern
time. technology is continuing to reduce the size
and cost of these instruments. Instruments
Electrical and electrochemical may be for detecting specific elements (i.e.
carbon monoxide in underground car parks) or,
The principle of operation of electrical and as in the case of many confined-space testing
electrochemical direct-reading instruments lies instruments, multiple elements such as
in the reaction between the gas or vapour and hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon monoxide
another chemical or the transfer of electrons (CO), oygen (O2) and LEL. Many instruments can
from orbitals of the atom or molecule. This also be adapted to give either a visual or
technique is usually used for explosive or audible alarm and, in some cases, are capable
reactive gases and vapours. As the substance of logging data over extended periods that can
contacts the current, it may cause an increase be downloaded to personal computers.
or decrease in the electrical energy. A common The MIRAN is an example of a mobile
device for measuring an electrical cell’s change infrared analyser. This instrument has a
in energy is the potentiometer. This can ‘library’ of substances, which it is able to scan
measure the maximum voltage from the for. A series of mirrors and reflecting infrared
reaction. beam allow the emission spectrum of the
Explosive gas can be detected and substance to be developed. Each element has
measured using this type of monitor. With its own unique emission spectrum and the
this, explosive gases are detected using a characteristic lines of the spectrum can then
Wheatstone bridge. In a Wheatstone bridge, be used to ‘fingerprint’ the substance.
an unknown resistance is balanced against a
standard accurate resistor for precise Gas chromatographic
measurement of resistance. The gas or vapour
causes a change in resistance, which then Modern technology is continuing to reduce the
causes the bridge to be balanced by varying size of the gas chromatograph (GC) with
the standard accurate resistor. This is then portable GCs now available for sampling
converted into a signal. To detect other gases onsite. With gas chromatography, a sample of
using this instrument, electrochemical cells are contaminant is injected into a carrier gas or
used. This reaction causes a change in the medium where it is quickly burned to form a
current, which is then converted into a vapour. The time taken for the vapour to pass
signal. through the carrier gas is measured as the
retention time. A plot of the substance or
Thermal gaseous mixture is given, with peaks on the
graph indicating the presence of a pure
Thermal detection instruments operate by a substance. If the retention time of the
change in temperature that can be detected substance is known, the area of the peak can
and transformed into a signal. be extrapolated to a mass and concentration.
154 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Gas chromatography is mostly used for • the ability to collect a sample over
measurement of organic substances. an entire working shift or a duration
representative of exposure.
Mass spectrometric
When deciding on the type of sample
The most direct and accurate method for collection technique, careful consideration
identifying chemical substances is through the must be given to a number of factors. For
use of a mass spectrometer. This allows the instance:
atomic and molecular masses of the substance
to be identified by bombarding a gaseous • the chemical and physical structure
sample with high-energy electrons. The of the contaminant
collision between the electrons and atoms • the type of work situation
produces positive ions, which are then • the analytical method for measuring
accelerated by passing them through two the contaminant (including its
oppositely charged plates. The ions are passed sensitivity, limit of detection and
through a magnet, forcing them into a circular interferences or cross-sensitivities)
path. • knowledge of the contaminant’s
identity and likely concentration
AND ANALYSIS In deciding on the best method for collecting
and analysing a sample, it is best to refer to
In many cases, it may not be appropriate to use standard methods, which detail both the
direct-reading devices to analyse for workplace collection and analytical techniques. In
gases and vapours. Perhaps a direct-reading Australia, a limited number of Australian
system is not available or a more reliable Standards methods are available. However, US
expression of concentration is required. The methods promulgated by NIOSH and OSHA are
nature of direct-reading samples is also a commonly used. The UK also has some
reason to avoid their use — the grab sample methods that can be used.
can only provide an indication of exposure Some manufacturers and suppliers of air
over a small window of an entire working day; sampling products have catalogues available
and a one-minute sample may not be that specify details for sampling of airborne
representative of overall exposure. contaminants.
Sample collection has many advantages The three main sample collection methods
over instantaneous or ‘grab’ samples. These are:
• liquid absorption (washing through an
• the ability to confirm the identity of absorbing solution)
a contaminant when previously the • adsorption onto a solid sorbent (e.g.
exact chemical was unknown carbon, activated charcoal, silica gel)
• easily analysing mixtures of gases • collection in a large bag or pumped
and/or vapours at the one time under pressure into a cylinder.
• detecting low concentrations of
substances or insensitive materials Many permanent gases such as oxygen, carbon
• storing samples for analysing at a dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide
later time and argon cannot be easily reacted with a
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 155

collected medium. These should be collected veniently passed through the liquid and
by physically taking a sample of the gas in a captured. Different types of gas-washing
bag or jar. Organic vapours, because of their devices include:
polarity, are reversibly adsorbed onto a range
of media including charcoal, silica and XAD. • the midget impinger, which creates
This is useful as the contaminant can be small bubbles at the point of entry
conveniently ‘desorbed’ from the collection • a helical spiral gas-washer
media for analysis at the laboratory. Reactive • a fritted-glass washer, which creates a
gases and vapours cannot be trapped on stream of very fine bubbles and
charcoal but may be collected by reacting with increases the surface area available for
another media. For instance, acid gases, oxides contact.
of nitrogen, sulphur dioxide and ozone can be
trapped by a reaction with a base such as The sampling technique involves the
sodium hydroxide. connection of the sampler to a constant flow
To decide whether sample collection and sampling pump at known flow rate (usually
analysis can be performed, a number of 0.5–1.5 L.min ). Sometimes, two or more
questions should be asked. These include: impingers are connected in series to increase
the efficiency of collection or to allow a pre-
• What is the efficiency of the filter (or absorber) to remove any particular
sampling and analytical methods? contaminant which may interfere with analysis.
• Will the contaminant be detected
using the proposed analysis? Solid sorbent sampling
• Will the sampled gas or vapour be
retained in the same chemical form As the term suggests, solid sorbent sampling
that it exists in for the sampling collects a sample of gas or vapour on a media
process? that is non-aqueous. With this technique, the
• Will the sampling equipment and physical and chemical nature of substance
medium be safe for the wearer, user must be recognised to ensure the correct
or environment? medium for adsorption is selected. An
excellent prime reference for organic vapour
Liquid absorbers sampling in Australia is AS2986.
Certain gases and vapours are readily
Some gases are best collected by dissolving adsorbed by some solid materials such as
them into a solvent or washing with another activated charcoal, silica gel, polymers and
chemical. Acids and bases can be made to react molecular sieves. The selection of adsorptive
with the opposite material. Some examples of material will depend on the polarity of the
this type of sampling are collection of: media and analyte to be collected. For
instance, organic gases and vapours are
• formaldehyde in water (or bisulphite collected using activated charcoal. Substances
solution) such as glutaraldehyde vapour are collected on
• ozone in potassium iodine solution silica gel.
• oxides of nitrogen in sulphanilic acid The adsorbent material is usually tightly
• halide gases in silver nitrate. packed into a glass tube. In a similar technique
as colorimetric tube sampling, the tip of the
The devices used to collect the gases in liquid tube is broken off and a measured volume of
are designed to allow the gas to be con- air is drawn through the tube (active sampling).
156 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

After sampling, the tubes are capped and then The pumps also usually have an in-built
desorbed in the laboratory for analysis. The rotameter, although this should not be relied
sample tube is usually placed within the upon for calibration unless it has been checked
breathing zone for personal sampling and can against a primary method such as the upturned
also be used for static sampling. Passive burette. The selection of flow rate and
sampling can also be conducted using a solid duration of monitoring is dependent upon the
adsorption material. With this method, air collection efficiency of the adsorbing material
diffuses into the medium (which is designed as and the sensitivity and detection limit of the
a tube or a badge). Once sampling is complete, analytical method.
the adsorptive material is sent to a laboratory Organic vapours can be sampled according
for analysis. to AS2986, using a tube packed with activated
charcoal, with a flow rate between 50 mL.min
Gas sampling bag and 200 mL.min . Many workplaces use high-
flow sampling pumps that have been
In some cases it is preferable to collect a converted to a lower flow to conduct this
sample in order to take it to a laboratory for sampling. Once the tip has been broken from
more comprehensive analysis. the tube, the tube is inserted into connecting
In these situations, an impervious bag or tubing and sampling begins. Immediately after
cylinder may be used. This method is suitable sampling is finished, the tube must be capped
for a number of gases such as oxygen, carbon to prevent the vapour from desorbing from the
monoxide, hydrogen and methane. Care must adsorbing material.
be taken to ensure the bag or cylinder medium Laboratory analysis of adsorption tubes
is inert to the sample and will neither adsorb it should be conducted as soon as possible after
nor allow it to permeate through. sampling. It is preferable to store the tubes in
To collect a bag sample, the container must a cool environment that will minimise loss of
firstly be flushed or purged. This will ensure the collected substance.
that any previous gases do not interfere with To desorb the tube, it can be either
the collected sample. The collected sample thermally treated or desorbed using a strong
should then be sucked into the bag at least solvent such as carbon disulphide or
three times, before sealing firmly to prevent petroleum ether. Thermal desorption is the
leakage. Ideally, the sample should be analysed preferred method, since carbon disulphide, in
as soon as possible after sampling to minimise particular, is a hazardous chemical and its use
loss or adsorption of the gas to the inside of should be minimised where possible. Thermal
the bag. The concentration of gas will normally desorption also minimises loss as the heated
be expressed as a percentage (%v/v). vapour is fed directly into the analytical
instrument, usually a gas chromatograph. This
Active sampling instrument is able to detect and identify the
substance, expressing the result as a mass.
Active sampling involves the collection of a The adsorption tube used for vapour
sample using a pump that draws a known sampling and analysis usually also has a front
volume of air through an adsorptive tube. and backup section (Figure 6.2). When
Some brands of pump include SKC, DuPont, analysing the tube, both sections should be
Gilian and AirChek. These range in price from analysed individually in order to check for
several hundred dollars to thousands, and are break-through. Break-through can occur where
available with timers and delayed start the vapour or gas is passed too quickly
capabilities. through the tube or the concentration has
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 157

Sorbent layer
Glass wool

sorbent layer

Foam separators

Sealing cap

Figure 6.2 Front and back sections of an adsorption tube

exceeded the capacity of the tube. If analysis Passive sampling
shows the presence of the monitored
substance in the backup section of the tube, There are two common types of passive
this indicates there has been break-through. To sampling devices — passive badges which
correctly calculate the concentration of a require analysis in laboratories and passive
substance from the sampling results, both the direct-indicating sampling tubes which do not
front and backup sections of the tube must be require this analysis.
taken into account, as well as the flow rate and Passive badges or samplers are based on
duration of monitoring. This is shown in Fick’s first law of diffusion. The gas absorption
Equation 6.2. rate is governed by its rate of diffusion across
a well-defined diffusion path. The flat badge
sampler has a short diffusion path compared to
Equation 6.2 the cross-sectional area and diffusion is
generally controlled through a porous
Mass of contaminant membrane of polypropylene.
(mg.m ) = [mass (front) – mass (back) The tube-type sampler is the opposite, and
± blank/ flow rate (L.min ) has a small cross-sectional area compared to a
x sampling duration (min)] long diffusion path.
x 1000 These passive sampling devices are
designed to be worn as a lapel badge and are
free of any pump or tubing. At the end of the
158 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

sampling period, the badge is returned to a Using either Equation 6.3 or Equation 6.4, the
laboratory where the adsorbent material is change of mass (m) over a time period (t) can
removed and analysed. Some tubes are be determined. This is the concentration of the
designed to be read directly from the contaminant.
graduations at the end of the sampling period
and require no further analysis. Some badges
have problems with the effect of air passing BIOLOGICAL MONITORING
over the adsorbing media. Research is
continuing in the design of a badge that is not Biological monitoring is discussed in Chapter
affected by low air velocities. 1. In some cases, it may not be appropriate to
Diffusion samplers operate on the principle merely sample the occupational environment
of diffusion of gas across a porous membrane. but necessary also to determine workers’
Fick’s first law of diffusion can be applied to actual uptake of a substance by measuring the
the mass uptake rate (Equation 6.3). substance itself, an indicator of the substance
or its metabolites. The appropriateness of
biological monitoring as a valid method of
determining exposure relies on the existence
Equation 6.3
of a method for detection of the substance or
dm/dt = AD (Co – C)/T its metabolites and an appropriate benchmark
Where: with which to compare exposure. Ethical
m is mass of adsorbate collected in considerations and tolerance of the sampling
grams regime will also impact on its practicability.
t is sampling time in seconds Some examples of biological monitoring of
D is diffusion coefficient for the chemical contaminants include:
2 –1
adsorbate in air, in cm .s (this is
available from the manufacturer for a • urinary analysis for MOCA
given chemical) • urinary analysis for hippuric acid (a
A is cross-sectional area of diffusion metabolite from toluene exposure)
sampler in mm • blood analysis for isocyanates
L is length of diffusion path in • estimation of red cell and plasma
cm (from porous membrane to cholinesterase activity levels from
sampler) exposure to organophosphate
C is concentration of contaminant in pesticides
ambient air, in • analysis of breast milk for
Co is concentration of contaminant organochlorine pesticides.
just above the adsorbent surface in
–2 ) In conducting biological monitoring, con-
sideration needs to be taken of issues such as:
If we were to assume the concentration of Co
were zero (it all gets adsorbed out of the air by • the time of collection of the sample
the sampler), the following equation may be — e.g. is the sample collected at the
applied (Equation 6.4). beginning of the shift or at the
completion of the shift? Does the
substance have a short half-life that
Equation 6.4
will mean it is not detected unless
m/t = ADC/L monitored at the correct time? Will it
Chapter 6: Chemical contaminants ■ 159

accumulate during the shift or be • patient confidentiality and sharing of

metabolised and removed from the results
body? • cost of sampling and analysis (usually
• whether the technique is invasive, the employer bears the cost of such
such as drawing blood or a fat biopsy, testing)
or less invasive, such as analysis of hair • frequency of testing and repeat
for heavy metals testing.
• access to analytical techniques, the
conditions that samples need to be
kept under for transportation and Some useful guidelines for biological monitor-
analysis ing and health surveillance that relate to
• interpretation of the findings (an specific occupational hygiene hazards are pub-
occupational physician may be lished by the NOHSC. The details are shown in
required to interpret the results) the Bibliography and Further Reading.

Chemical contaminants such as gases and vapours can present a risk to workers due to their
ability to easily move throughout the workplace, pervading even very small areas. The three
main groups of chemical contaminants are asphyxiants, irritants and toxics.
These gases and vapours can be monitored using direct-reading techniques such as
colorimetric, thermal, electromagnetic, gas chromatographic and mass spectrographic
techniques. The alternative is to collect a sample of the substance and analyse it at a later
time. Sample collection can be conducted by liquid adsorption, adsorption onto a solid
sorbent or collection in a bag or other device.


National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health 2003, Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG), US
Government Printing Office, Washington
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1994, Glutaraldehyde Full Public Report, AGPS,
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1995, Exposure Standards for Atmospheric
Contaminants in the Occupational Environment, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1995, Guidelines for Health Surveillance — 4,4’-
Methylene bis (2-Chloroaniline) [MOCA], AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1995, Guidelines for Health Surveillance —
Isocyanates, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1995, Guidelines for Health Surveillance —
Organophosphate Pesticides, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1995, Guidelines for Health Surveillance — Vinyl
Chloride, AGPS, Canberra
160 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1996, Guidelines for Health Surveillance —
Benzene, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1996, Guidelines for Health Surveillance —
Creosote, AGPS, Canberra
Standards Association of Australia 1987, AS2986: 1987 Workplace Atmospheres — Sampling by Solid
Adsorption Techniques, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 2001, AS/NZS2865: 2001 Safe Working in Confined
Space, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Waldron, H.A. 1990, Lecture Notes on Occupational Medicine, 4th Edition, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, London
Chapter 7

Noise and vibration

One of the most significant hazards in the considerable latency period. For this reason,
workplace is exposure to noise. Noise is an noise is seen as an insidious occupational
inherent aspect of daily life, both at work and hygiene hazard.
socially. However, excessive or prolonged Noise is the term that describes the
exposure can lead to hearing loss, hearing interpretation of sound and whether it is
quality impairment and other health effects. wanted or hazardous. It includes the products
The onset of these effects sometimes occurs of day-to-day living such as music, chirping
after an acute exposure but mostly after a birds or industrial noise from factories and

Figure 7.1 Sound is transmitted in waves, like a pebble thrown into a pond
162 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

workplaces. However, noise is actually an it passes through the elastic medium of air,
energy source that is transferred through a compressing it in the same direction as the
medium (such as air) and is sensed by the acoustic energy. Compression causes a small
hearing mechanism of the body — the ear. increase in the air pressure. When the
Noise can be calming and relaxing. It can also vibrating motion reverses direction, a partial
annoy, disrupt and damage. vacuum or rarefaction occurs.
Vibration often exists in concert with Alternating compression and rarefaction of
noise. It can affect segments of the body, such the air causes small fluctuations in pressure and
as the hands and arms or the whole body. extends outward to form a pressure wave
This chapter provides a description of noise vibrating at the same frequency as the vibrating
and vibration physics, their sources, health source. The ear’s hair cells are able to detect
effects and methods to measure and classify these fluctuations in pressure, convert them
them. The components of a hearing conser- into electrical pulses and send them to the
vation program are also described, together brain where they are interpreted as noise.
with practical methods to control noise at the While this description oversimplifies the
source, its path or at the ear. Methods to generation of sound (a water wave is a com-
control the risk associated with exposure to bination of transverse and longitudinal wave
vibration are also discussed. motion), it has some benefit in explaining how
energy can be converted to acoustic pressure.
Sound pressure waves will actually spread from
THE PHYSICS OF SOUND a source and reflect (or diffract) around an
object or barrier. The nature of the diffraction
The easiest way to describe sound is to consider will depend on the wavelength of the wave,
it as an energy source that is transferred from a which in turn is related to the frequency of the
vibrating body through a medium and to a wave, as shown in Equation 7.1.
receiver. The energy (E) is generated by the
Equation 7.1
movement of molecules in a vibrating object
and is conveyed from the source in waves c = .f
(longitudinal waves). With longitudinal waves, Where:
the particles of the medium vibrate in the same c is speed of sound (m.s )
direction as the motion of the wave. The other  is wavelength (m)
type of wave is a transverse wave, where the f is frequency of the wave (cycles.sec )
particles vibrate in a direction that is
perpendicular (transverse) to the motion of the The wavelength is the distance between two
wave itself. The ear detects the resulting sound successive points of the wave and is measured
energy from the wave. in metres. The frequency or number of
Imagine throwing some pebbles into a still compressions and rarefactions in a period is
pond. As the pebbles hit the surface of water, measured in cycles per second or hertz (Hz).
waves are generated from where the pebbles The frequency is sometimes called the pitch of
enter. The transfer of energy causes water to sound. For instance, a beating drum or
be ‘pushed’ from the pebbles. The waves then rumbling diesel engine mainly emits low
reverse direction, returning the water to its frequencies (low pitch). A squeaking wheel or
original position (Figure 7.1). wailing siren usually emits high frequencies.
This analogy is almost identical to the The human ear is relatively insensitive to low
generation and transfer of sound or acoustic and very high frequencies (high pitch). A
energy. As energy is generated from a source, young, healthy human ear has an audible range
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 163

between 20Hz and 20 000 Hz. Its highest Since the pressure of the wave changes
sensitivity lies between 1000 and 5000 Hz direction (compression and rarefaction), the
(1–5 kHz). maximum amplitude (A) of the curve is both
positive and negative, when compared against
a neutral axis. If the arithmetic mean of the
CHARACTERISTICS OF pressure wave was considered, its overall
SOUNDWAVES amplitude would be zero since the positive
and negative amplitudes of the wave would
As sound energy is transmitted through a cancel out each other. Therefore, to determine
medium in waves, it exhibits certain prop- the equivalent amplitude of the pressure wave
erties. Firstly, the longitudinal waves travel at a (or the effective pressure, peff), the root mean
velocity or speed. The speed of sound differs square (rms) value is taken. This is expressed in
depending upon the medium, temperature and Equation 7.3.
pressure in which it is travelling. At Ø–º C and 1
atmosphere of air pressure, the speed of sound
–1 Equation 7.3
is accepted as 331.3 m.s . As the temperature
(T) increases, the speed of sound also increases peff = prms  0.707 pamplitude
at approximately 0.60 m.s for each 1–º C. The
speed of sound in steel is around 6000 m.s The rms is determined by squaring the mean
and it is around 4700 m.s in aluminium. values of points along the pressure wave and
then taking the square root of this value.
The simple soundwave shown in Figure 7.2
Example 7.1
illustrates the pattern, or cyclic nature, of a
What would be the speed of sound (c) at sinusoidal wave.
20°C and 1 atmosphere? One cycle is described as the displacement
Answer: of a sound source from equilibrium through to
c ≈ (331 + 0.6T) m.s its maximum point, before rebounding to its
≈ 343 m.s minimum level and returning to equilibrium.
Figure 7.2 shows a frequency of 2 Hz or two
Small fluctuations in air pressure that are cycles per second. The time taken to complete
caused through the vibration of air particles the cycle is known as the period (t) and is
are known as acoustic pressure. For simple measured in seconds. Period and frequency are
sounds, the acoustic pressure is described as a inversely related (Equation 7.4).
sinusoidal (sine) curve (Equation 7.2) that
Equation 7.4
• the angular nature of the wave t = 1/f
• the period or time duration of the Where:
wave (t) T is period (sec)
• amplitude or maximum value of the f is frequency (Hz)
curve (A).
The other characteristic of a soundwave is its
wavelength (l), measured in metres (m). A
Equation 7.2
wavelength is the distance between two
p = A. sin 2πft successive crests or two identical points on the
164 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

0.707p prms

Time (secs)


Figure 7.2 A simple soundwave

Example 7.2 the soundwave per second. It is generally

accepted that a healthy, young ear is able to
A longitudinal wave has a period (t) of 0.5
detect soundwaves between 20 Hz and 20 kHz.
seconds. What is its frequency in Hz?
However, exposure at some of the higher
frequencies can produce permanent hearing
f = 1/T
loss. Occupational noise consists of many
= 1/0.5
frequencies. This is known as broadband
= 2 Hz
sound. Where sound has only one frequency, it
is referred to as a pure tone. These are found
less frequently in industrial settings. The pure
CHARACTERISTICS OF tone may be formed from a tuning fork or
SOUND similar device. Narrowband sound has its
energy concentrated in a small portion, or
So far, this chapter has focused on the nature
portions, of the audible frequency spectrum
and characteristics of soundwaves, including
and may include pure tones. This situation is
their amplitude, frequency, period and
frequently encountered in industry.
wavelength. While this theory is useful, the
The amplitude of sound can be measured
risk associated with exposure to sound
as an intensity level (IL), although more
encompasses several other parameters. In the
commonly as the sound pressure level (SPL).
workplace, the three variables that affect the
risk of exposure to noise are:
Equation 7.5
• frequency composition 2
• amplitude I= W/4.π.r
• continuousness. Where:
I is intensity of radiated sound
As mentioned previously, the frequency or W is power (watts)
pitch of sound refers to the number of cycles of r is the distance from the source (m)
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 165

For an ideal point source in a free field Figure 7.3 illustrates the difference between
(where the source is in open air or where noise emission and noise immission.
reflection is limited), the intensity of sound
radiated is given in Equation 7.5.
An example of this type of noise may be a
small loudspeaker operating at low
frequencies. The continuousness of sound
Since the human ear is able to detect sound
relates to whether the sound is produced
over an incredibly large range, it would be
intermittently or constantly.
impractical to express this linearly. Instead, a
logarithmic scale is used to represent the range
EMISSION AND IMMISSION of intensity and sound pressure levels that can
be detected and interpreted by workers. This
Sound can be generated in several ways. method is more practical, as it allows sound to
Emission refers to the radiation of sound from a be expressed as a logarithmic ration of the value
source. For instance, an electric saw will emit to a reference value of 20 µPa.
noise from the motor and cutting action of the The intensity level of sound is defined in
rotating blade against the timber. Immission Equation 7.6. The intensity level is specified as
describes the influx of sound at a point. Sound a bel. However, because the bel scale is too
immission takes into account the following large to work with, the decibel (dB) is used. A
factors: decibel is one-tenth of a bel.
• the location of the exposed person
Equation 7.6
or workstation in relation to noise
sources Intensity level (IL) = 10 log10I/Iref
• the relationship between noise Where:
immission and normal operations I is intensity of the sound source
• the duration of the immission (W.m )
–12 –2
• if it is caused by a contribution of all Iref is 10 W.m and is the reference
sources. intensity

Machine Machine

Figure 7.3 Noise immission (left) and noise emission (right)

166 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

It is worth noting, however, that occupational HOW THE EAR HEARS

sound is usually defined in terms of the sound
pressure level, not the intensity level. When discussing the structure and function of
Conveniently, sound pressure is related to the ear, it is easy to forget that the ear is a
sound intensity by a square relationship, where complex structure and not just the outer fleshy
Ip . From this relationship, sound pressure part that we see each day. The ear has several
level can be defined using Equation 7.7. functions, including:
It is important to ensure that the sound
pressure inserted in Equation 7.7 is peff, not pa. • maintaining balance
Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed that the • orientating the body
pressure is the effective pressure and not the • hearing.
peak pressure.
This chapter has already provided a
description of sound as vibrational energy that
is transmitted in waves to be detected and
Equation 7.7 interpreted by the ear.
Sound pressure level (SPL) = 20 log10 p/pref In the workplace, sound is usually
Where: conveyed via air. However, it can also be
p is sound pressure (Pa) transferred through other media such as
pref is 20 µPa and is the reference liquids and solids. Try to remember when you
acoustic pressure have been swimming and heard the sounds of
a pool filter or voices, albeit a little muffled.
Soundwaves propagated through the air
are collected in the outer ear (the auricle or
Example 7.3 pinna) and channelled through the middle ear.
–6 From here, the waves pass into the inner ear,
If the intensity of a sound source is 10 where the continued vibration stimulates the
W.m , what is the intensity level in dB? receptor cells in the organ of corti.
Answer: Figure 7.4 shows the anatomy of the ear. As
Intensity level (IL) = 10 log10 I/Iref soundwaves enter the external auditory canal,
–6 –12
= 10 log10 10 /10 the tympanic membrane vibrates at the same
= 10 log10 10 frequency as the soundwaves. This energy is
= 10 x 6 transmitted through the tiny bones of the
= 60 dB middle ear (the ossicles). The ossicles are
actually three bones:

• malleus (hammer)
Example 7.4 • incus (anvil)
A sound source has an effective acoustic • stapes (stirrup).
pressure of 25 mPa. What is the sound
pressure level at a point in air? The ossicles transfer the vibrating motion
Answer: of the tympanic membrane to the round
SPL = 20 log10 p/pref window of the cochlea. The round window lies
–3 –6
= 20 log10 25 x 10 /20 x 10 deep in the stapes and causes fluid of the inner
= 62 dB ear to move. The inner ear is situated in the
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 167




Temporal bone


Figure 7.4 Anatomy of the ear

petrous portion of the temporal bone of the contains a fluid that moves in waves,
skull; when looking from the front of a increasing pressure when the round window
person’s face, it lies behind the eye socket. It exerts force. As the stapes oscillates against
consists of two major parts: the bony labyrinth the round window, a pressure wave is
and membranous labyrinth. The bony labyrinth generated. Low-frequency sounds that are
consists of three regions: transmitted across the round window create
soundwaves that travel all the way through the
• the vestibule cochlea and then back again, without
• cochlea stimulating the organ of corti. This is why we
• semicircular canals. cannot hear certain frequencies. Other higher
frequency soundwaves stimulate the cochlear
The membranous labyrinth lies more or less hair cells, causing the hairs to be ‘pulled’ due
within the bony labyrinth. It is formed from to changes in vibrationary energy. As the hair
sacs and ducts. cells are excited, neurotransmitters are
The chief function of the vestibule is to released and excite the cochlear nerve fibres.
respond to changes in orientation, particularly The firing of the action potentials that follows
of the head position. Receptors within the is transmitted to the brain via the cochlear
semicircular canals respond to angular nerve. The organ of corti is able to detect
movement of the head. The cochlea is the different frequencies in different parts of the
organ that responds to soundwaves. It organ. For instance, high-pitched sounds are
168 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

detected by the hair cells closest to the round cochlear nerve. Occupational exposure to
window. noise can lead to sensorineural deafness or a
noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). The hairs of
the cochlea are particularly sensitive to loud
EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE noise or noise of certain frequencies. The loss
TO NOISE of hearing can be temporary or permanent.
Hearing loss is a common age-related problem,
The main adverse effect from exposure to although some research indicates the loss may
noise is hearing loss or deafness. Hearing loss be due to the environment and not necessarily
can occur either because of the failure to age-related. This is known as presbyacusis.
conduct sound vibrations in the fluid of the Figure 7.5 illustrates the drop in response to
inner ear or from damage of the cochlear hair frequencies that is illustrated in a person
cells right through to the cochlear nerve. suffering presbyacusis, as an audiogram.
These two types of deafness are classified as A temporary threshold shift (TTS) can occur
conductive deafness and sensorineural after exposure to a high-amplitude noise or
deafness. impact noise such as a gunshot or crash of
As the title suggests, conductive deafness metal-on-metal. This desensitises the cochleal
occurs where the vibrational energy is not hairs, which may appear to ‘bend’. After a
correctly transmitted through the ear. Many period of time, the sensation of dullness of
possible reasons exist for this problem, hearing disappears and hearing returns.
including: A permanent threshold shift (PTS) occurs
where the cochlear hairs are damaged by
• rupturing of the eardrum prolonged exposure to noise. The hairs may
• illness that restricts the vibration of shear from the cochlear membrane. For
the eardrum (i.e. if the person has a workers who sustain a hearing loss, the effects
cold) can be devastating. Since the loss occurs at
• inflammation of the ossicles frequencies in the range of human speech
• ostoscelrosis, a condition where the (around 4 kHz), general conversation becomes
ossicles become fused with difficult. Words with the letters k, t and p are
overgrown connective tissue difficult to hear. Crowd noise, especially, makes
• ossicles being out of alignment it difficult to distinguish conversation from the
following an acoustic trauma. background noise.
Another, more insidious effect of exposure
Sensorineural deafness refers to a problem in to noise is a condition known as tinnitus or
the cochlea — either from damage to the ringing of the ears. Workers with tinnitus
cochlear hair cells, the vibration of fluid or the report the sound to be like ringing, buzzing or

Case study 7.1

A temporary threshold shift occurs where the cochlear hairs are desensitised and
may actually bend. A primitive method of demonstrating the effect of a TTS is to
switch on a radio, and turn down the volume until it is barely heard by the listener.
After exposure to noise during a typical workday, the radio is switched on and the
volume adjusted until the radio is audible again. The difference between the initial
and final volume of the radio indicates a potential TTS.
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 169

0 20 years old

Hearing loss (dB)

20 40 years old

65 years old



200 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 7.5 The effects of presbyacusis on an audiogram

clicking when an auditory stimulus is not hearing loss. These agents are known as
present. The main concern with tinnitus lies in ototoxic agents and include:
its annoyance factor, particularly in quiet
environments such as when the person is • trichloroethylene
trying to sleep or relax. It is believed that • toluene
tinnitus is an early indication of cochlear nerve • butanol
degeneration. • lead
Some other symptoms of exposure to noise • mercury
include: • manganese
• arsenic.
• heart palpitations
• dilation of the pupil Exposure to some chemical agents and noise
• secretion of thyroid hormone and exposure can cause a threshold shift where
adrenalin cortex hormone normally either the noise source or chemical
• churning of the stomach and alone would not cause such a change. These
intestines from muscle movement are known as synergistic effects. Some
• skeletal muscle reaction examples of substances that cause synergistic
• constriction of blood vessels. effects are:

Recent studies have also indicated a link • carbon disulphide

between exposure to chemical substances and • carbon monoxide
170 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• carbon tetrachloride Queensland occupational health and safety

• styrene laws have recently revised the application of
• xylene Lpeak and now require its measurement using C-
• methyl ethyl ketone and methyl weighting (not unweighted). At the time of
isobutyl ketone. writing, other States were yet to follow this
The equivalent, A-weighted continuous
sound pressure level is a steady-state sound
SOUND PRESSURE pressure level that is frequency weighted and
LEVELS, WEIGHTINGS is measured over a time interval, T. The
AND NOISE DOSE generalised expression of the equivalent sound
pressure level over a time interval is LXeq,T where
Occupational noise exposure is measured as X is the frequency weighting. Its determination
the sound pressure level. The unit of is shown in Equation 7.8. The frequency
measurement is the decibel. Sound pressure weightings that are used are A, C or
levels describe the amplitude of soundwaves at unweighted, as appropriate.
certain frequencies. They can be expressed
either as unweighted (or linear) sound pressure
levels or A-weighted to imitate the response of Equation 7.8
the human ear. A comprehensive discussion of n Ti 0.1L Xeq,Ti
LXeq,T = 10 log10 i ∑ 8 x 10
weightings is provided in the next section.
In most States and Territories of Australia,
X is frequency weighting
exposure to sound pressure levels is regulated
T is time period
according to the following criteria:
Therefore, the equivalent, A-weighted con-
tinuous sound pressure level over eight hours
• long-term exposure to continuous
(L Aeq,8hr) is shown in Equation 7.9.
sound that may lead to noise-
induced hearing loss
• acute exposure to high-intensity
Equation 7.9
sound pressure levels that may cause n Ti 0.1L Aeq,Ti
immediate damage. LAeq,8hr = 10 log10 i ∑ 8 x 10

To protect against both these effects, there are Throughout Australia, noise is generally
two types of standards for regulating exposure regulated according to the NOHSC criteria,
to sound pressure levels (with the exception of with some exceptions as detailed above.
Queensland). These are the: Unfortunately, even exposure to less than the
LAeq,8hr of 85 dB(A) will not protect all workers
from noise-induced hearing loss: therefore, it
• equivalent, A-weighted continuous does not provide a clear line between safe and
sound pressure level over eight unsafe.
hours (LAeq,8hr) of 85dB(A), referenced Another method of describing noise
to 20 µPa exposure is called noise dose. The dose is an
• peak, unweighted sound pressure integrated measure that combines the
level (Lpeak) of 140 dB, referenced to criterion sound level and an exchange rate.
20 µPa. The criterion sound level is the allowed
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 171

sound level over eight hours, or the LAeq,8hr of Answer:

Ti 0.1 (L–85)
85 dB(A). PND85 = 8 x 10
4 0.1(88 – 85)
Since dose is still not fully standardised = 8 x 10
throughout Australia, it is advisable that the = 1.0
criterion level is noted with the dose, either as
Dose90 or Dose85. In Australia, the exchange Therefore, where two noises of the same
rate is 3 dB. Further discussion of the intensity are sited together, the resulting
determination of exchange rate is included increase in intensity is 3 dB. For example, two
later in this chapter. The daily noise dose pieces of plant, each with an intensity level of
(DND) is the sum of any partial exposures 90 dB, together give a combined intensity level
(partial noise dose or PND), and is equal to of 93 dB. The theory for this calculation is
unity or 1.0 when the LAeq,8hr is 85 dB(A). It is an shown by Example 7.6.
integrated measure and its determination is
shown in Equation 7.10.
Example 7.6
Compare two intensities, where I1 is
Equation 7.10
double I2 and determine the difference in
DND = ∑ PND intensity level (measured as dB).
The partial noise dose can be determined from The difference in dB = 10log10 (2/1)
the combination of exposure over time, T. This = 3 dB
is shown in Equation 7.11, and its application
can be seen in Example 7.5.
Combined intensity levels
Equation 7.11
T 0.1 (L–85)
In simple cases, the addition or subtraction of
PND85 = 8 x 10 like intensity levels results in a 3 dB increase or
Where: decrease from the highest value, respectively.
the criterion sound level, LAeq,8hr is 85 However, where there is more than one
dB(A). intensity level, the combined level is best
If the LAeq,8hr is 90 dB(A), the value determined using Equation 7.12. A worked
would be (L – 90). example is shown in Example 7.7.

Example 7.5 illustrates the concept of the

Equation 7.12
exchange rate, which refers to an increase or
decrease in sound pressure level. In Australia, Combined IL = 10log10 (10L1/10 + 10L2/10
a doubling of noise intensity is considered + …)
equivalent to an increase of 3 dB. Similarly, a Where:
halving of noise intensity relates to a decrease L is the intensity level
of 3 dB. This is known as the 3 dB doubling
rule. Nomograms can also be used for adding and
subtracting sound pressure levels. An example
of a nomogram is shown in Figure 7.6.
Example 7.5
Another useful conversion between the
A worker is exposed to 88 dB for 4 hours. daily noise dose and equivalent, A-weighted
What is the PND85? sound pressure level (LAeq,8hr) is shown in
172 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

to (or from) the higher of two dB levels


Decibels to be added (or subtracted) 2.5



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Difference between two noise levels to be added or subtracted (dB(A))

Figure 7.6 Nomogram for combining noise levels

Equation 7.13. The nomogram shown in Figure Equation 7.13

7.7 could also be used.
LAeq,8hr = 10 log10 DND85 + 85

Example 7.7 Sound power levels

A worker is exposed to 83 dB for 2 hours,
The term sound power is often found on large
70 dB for 1 hour and 88 dB for 5 hours.
pieces of equipment as a specification plate
What is the PND85 and DND85?
from the manufacturer. Sound power refers to
the power of the equipment (in watts) that is
Using IL ≈ SPL ± 0.2 dB, we can apply
generated and transmitted to the workplace.
Equation 7.11.
0.1 (L – 85) In a simple case, the power is uniformly
PND1 = T/8 x 10
0.1 (83 – 85) radiated in all directions, according to the
= 2/8 x 10
inverse square law. This means that as the
= 0.16
0.1 (L – 85) distance from the noise source doubles, the
PND2 = T/8 x 10
0.1(70 – 85) sound power reduces by one-quarter. The
= 1/8 x 10
sound power level can be determined using
= 0.004
0.1 (L – 85) Equation 7.14.
PND3 = T/8 x 10
0.1 (88 – 85)
= 5/8 x 10
= 1.25 Equation 7.14
Sound power level (Lw) = 10log10 W/Wref
PND3 = 0.16 + 0.004 + 1.25
PND3 = 1.4
W is power of the source (watts)
Wref is 10 watts
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 173

Case study 7.2

A worker in a cannery is exposed to a variety of sound pressure levels during the

workday. For the first 2 hours of a shift the LAeq,2hr is 80 dB(A), and for the remainder
of the shift (6 hours) the LAeq,6hr is 90 dB(A). The combined LAeq,8hr can be
approximated as:
LAeq,8hr = 10log10 [(2/8 x 108) + (6 x 109)]
= 88.9 dB(A)

Weightings (linear or flat). A-weighting reflects the

sensitivities of the human ear, with a lower
Sound pressure levels can be measured at a response less than 1 kHz and most sensitive
number of frequencies. They are typically response between 1 kHz and 5 kHz. C-
measured between 125 Hz and 16 kHz. weighting is used to measure high-intensity
However, the human ear does not have equal sound pressure levels and determine the
sensitivities at each of these frequencies. For appropriateness of hearing protective devices.
instance, human hearing is most sensitive Linear weightings refer to an equal weighting
between 1 kHz and 5 kHz. Weightings are used over the spectrum of frequencies. As the name
to place emphasis at certain frequencies, suggests, there is no account taken of the
according to the required use. response at different frequencies.
The main weightings used for occupational These weightings and their relationships to
hygiene purposes are A, C and unweighted frequencies are shown in Figure 7.7.


+10 D
0 A
Relative response (dB)






10 20 50 100 200 500 1K 2K 5K 10K 20K

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 7.7 Weightings

174 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Occupational noise measurement typically specifies that peak sound pressure levels are to
uses an A-weighting. Exposure to noise is be measured using C-weighting).
expressed as the A-weighted equivalent sound The ultimate aim of determining noise
pressure level or LAeq,T. The equivalent sound immission is to ascertain whether workers’
pressure level integrates sound pressure levels noise exposure exceeds the daily noise dose.
over a period of time, T. The simplest method For this reason, it is imperative that the
of determining LAeq is to measure it directly measurements are representative of the
using an integrating sound level meter (SLM). workers’ actual exposure (in a similar way that
An integrating SLM measures discrete atmospheric contaminants are measured in the
sound pressure levels at time intervals and breathing zone). Another application of sound
then averages the values to give the equivalent pressure level is to monitor individual items of
sound pressure level. machinery or equipment. This data may be
used to develop noise contours and later used
Octaves for implementing controls according to the
hierarchy of control. The three main
Octaves are bands that describe groupings of techniques that can be used to measure noise
frequencies in the ratio of 1:2. An octave in the workplace are the:
describes the centre or mid-frequency between
the range of frequencies. It is given as the • personal sound exposure meter
geometric mean of frequencies. The centre (PSEM)
frequencies that are typically discussed with • sound level meter
noise exposure are 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, • auxiliary instruments (such as tape
1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 and 16 000 Hz. If recorders, data recorders and level
further detail about the characteristics of the recorders).
sound is required, the normal octaves can be
divided into thirds or one-third octaves. Personal sound exposure meter

The simplest method of measuring a worker’s

MEASURING NOISE actual noise dose is to attach a personal sound
exposure meter, also known as a noise
Occupational noise can be measured in a dosimeter or dosemeter, with the microphone
variety of ways and for several reasons. It can close to the ear of the worker.
either be measured as emission (of a source) or Sometimes, measurements taken with a
as immission and exposure. The acoustic PSEM can be higher than if a sound level meter
energy that is emitted by a sound source is were used. This is mostly due to reflection of
measured either as the emission sound power noise from the body or the head, which is in
(in watts) or emission sound pressure (in dB) close vicinity to the microphone. The
level. Noise immission is generally measured as microphone can also be affected by wind or
the equivalent continuous sound pressure level rubbing against clothing.
(LXeq,T). For occupational noise exposure, the Personal sound exposure meters must
sound pressure level is typically A-weighted, comply with the specifications of AS/NZS2399
with the duration of T dependent upon the aim and be calibrated before and after use. The
of the measurement. Peak sound pressure advantage of using PSEMs is that they are
levels (Lpeak) are measured unweighted (with the particularly useful for workers who are mobile
exception of regulatory noise monitoring in and working in many areas.
Queensland, as identified earlier, which now Similarly, if the person is not stationed near
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 175

a piece of static machinery for an extended discrete points in time but can average the
period of time, the PSEM is a valuable meter. It values to provide an integrated value of sound
also gives a reasonably accurate indication of pressure level. For instance, the instrument
the worker’s LAeq,T and Lpeak. Some models have can give a value over a time period such as the
a facility which allows the collected data to be LAeq,60s. This is the optimal sound level meter to
downloaded to computer or serial printer. The use when conducting a sound survey since it
individual sound pressure levels can be plotted can provide an instantaneous value of the
against time to identify times or work equivalent sound pressure level, Leq. AS1259.1
locations where exposure may be high. Some and AS1259.2 detail the compliance
brands provide a statistical analysis of the requirements for integrating and non-
proportion of time spent in areas above 85 integrating sound level meters, respectively.
dB(A) or 90 dB(A), time exceeding the daily The sound level meter consists of a
noise dose and number of excursions above microphone, preamplifier, amplifier, frequency
the peak sound pressure level. weighting, level range control, time averager
and indicating display. The components of the
Sound level meter sound level meter are shown in Figure 7.8.
Sound level meters are classified according
Sound level meters measure sound pressure to their type. There are four types of SLM,
levels in real time. They are used to conduct ranging from 0 to 3. Type 0 sound level meters
noise surveys in a workplace. There are two are not usually used in occupational
main classifications of sound level meters: environments but are found mainly in
laboratories. They have a high sensitivity. Type
• non-integrating (or standard) sound 1 sound level meters are used in workplaces
level meters that require an accuracy of ± 0.7 dB and are
• integrating (or averaging) sound generally used by professionals (e.g.
level meters. consultants) to conduct noise surveys. Type 2
sound level meters are often used by
Integrating sound level meters take occupational hygienists or in-house health and
measurements of sound pressure levels at safety personnel as they are less expensive

Sound level meter

Microphone Microphone





Figure 7.8 Components of a sound level meter

176 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

than a Type 1 meter, yet are accurate enough must be set to a linear response.
to comply with AS/NZS1269.1. Type 3 sound To conduct the noise survey, a variety of
level meters should not be used. methods can be used. The first assumes that
Other varieties of sound level meters workers are located at a stationary location
include those that give a readout of the during the entire shift. The sound pressure
instantaneous sound pressure level. The levels at a piece of equipment or plant can
response of these sound level meters is then be measured. It is preferred that the
governed by the time response weighting. The measurements are taken at the ear of the
time response weighting refers to the time worker, where they would normally be located
between detection of the sound pressure level in relation to the equipment. Measurements
and reporting of the value on the sound level should be taken at both ears to check for a
meter. The common settings that are found on difference in exposure at each point. While
most sound level meters are: conducting this monitoring, it is important
that reflection from the body of the worker, the
• fast plant or the person measuring the noise does
• slow not affect the integrity of the results. To
• impulse overcome this, the sound level meter can be
• peak. mounted on a tripod and read from a distance
of at least 1 metre away.
The fast setting responds quickly to the sound The sound level meter can also be used to
source (time constant 0.125 second) but also develop a noise contour plan of the workplace.
decreases quickly. The slow response takes This is especially useful in designating areas
longer to acknowledge the sound source (time according to the sound pressure levels. To plot
constant 1 second) and report the source. It is a noise contour, the sound level meter is used
generally used for root mean square values or to identify a particular sound pressure level,
where rapid fluctuations of the meter output for instance 85 dB(A). The person holding the
need to be damped. An impulse setting sound level meter then moves throughout the
responds with a time constant of 35 workplace, ensuring that the sound pressure
milliseconds and is used for environmental level is maintained at the same level. This
surveys to gauge annoyance. enables contours of equal intensity to be
When using an integrating sound level drawn on the plan of the workplace. Some
meter, the preferred setting is slow. For a non- workplaces use noise contour plans to assist in
integrating sound level meter, the preferred deciding where to make the area a hearing
time setting is ‘fast’. protection zone.
The sound level meter will also have a
weightings network, usually A, C and Calibration and attachments
unweighted (linear or flat). To determine the
sound pressure level at the ear of the worker, It is imperative that the performance of sound
A-weighting is applied in order to compare the level meters and personal sound exposure
results, in dB(A), with occupational standards. meters are checked prior to, at intervals during
The C-weighting facility is used to assist in and following the collection of sound pressure
noise control. Peaks are measured unweighted. levels. The device used to calibrate these
Some instruments also have the facility to instruments is called an acoustic calibrator.
add an octave-band analyser to the sound level The calibrator must also be calibrated regularly
meter (1/1 or 1/3 octave band). To conduct an by an accredited laboratory, such as a NATA
octave-band analysis, the sound level meter laboratory, as required by AS/NZS1269.1.
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 177

Some acoustic calibrators have two can be used for this purpose. These
calibrating levels but the most common level instruments must also comply with the
used is at 1000 Hz and for a specific sound precision requirements of AS1259.1 for at least
pressure level. It is important that the SLM or Type 2 and preferably Type 1 instruments. Tape
PSEM is set at the correct weighting. For recorders must comply with AS2680. The
instance, a frequency of 1000 Hz is equal to an sound pressure levels are recorded in a similar
unweighted response at 94 dB. The calibration way as the sound level meter — close to the
is conducted by: ear of the worker or near machinery where
workers are sited. An example of the
• switching on the acoustic calibrator application of this type of auxiliary instrument
(a tone is heard) is analysing the characteristics of ‘roof-talk’,
• connecting the acoustic calibrator to the creaking and movement from unstable roof
the microphone of the switched-on strata, in underground coalmines.
SLM or PSEM, ensuring a firm fit
without leakage Frequency analysis
• reading the response from the SLM
or PSEM and adjusting the Earlier in this chapter, the characteristics of
calibration until the response is noise were described as its amplitude,
equal to the sound pressure level frequency and period. The level of risk
from the acoustic calibrator. associated with exposure to noise is also
governed by its frequency, amplitude and
Some sound level meters and personal sound duration of exposure. Sound pressure levels
exposure meters have an internal adjustment that are linear (or non-weighted) are those
for calibration. Therefore, a manual adjust- where no account is taken of the frequencies
ment is not required. It is also important to that contribute to the overall sound. However,
ensure the acoustic calibrator is the same it is possible to determine the types and
brand as the SLM or PSEM. If not, there is no magnitudes of frequencies of a sound source
guarantee of a correct calibration. If an all-day by conducting a frequency or octave analysis.
survey is being conducted, the calibration of This can be conducted by recording the sound
the meter should be checked at least twice, or conducting a real-time analysis using a
with a discrepancy of no more than ± 0.5 dB. facility for measuring frequencies.
If the meter drifts beyond this amount, the The main reasons for analysing frequencies
results must be disregarded and the test are to:
Attachments, such as windscreens or • determine whether hearing
extended frequency or level response protection devices are adequate
microphones, can also be used with sound • characterise the sound source
level meters and personal sound exposure • assist in determining engineering
meters. controls to minimise exposure.

Auxiliary instruments To measure the frequencies, the sound level

meter is set to a linear response and an octave-
In some situations, it may be more appropriate band analyser is connected to the sound level
to record sound and analyse its characteristics meter. Either 1/1 or 1/3 octaves can be
later. Auxiliary instruments such as tape measured. The mid-range frequencies for 1/1
recorders, data recorders and level recorders and 1/3 octaves are shown in Table 7.1.
178 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Table 7.1 One and one-third octave occupational hygienists should ask themselves
centre frequencies relate to the areas of risk, nature of the risk
and source of the risk. Asking open questions,
1/1 octave band 1/3 octave band such as where, why, who and how, will help to
centre frequency centre frequency provide answers about the nature of the
(Hz) (Hz) workplace and potential problem areas.
The noise survey can also be conducted to
31.5 31.5 assess the effectiveness of engineering
40 controls in place or the type of hearing
50 protection devices that are being utilised. A
63 63 detailed noise assessment could then be
80 conducted using a sound level meter or actual
100 exposure measured with a personal sound
125 125 exposure meter. This will allow the LAeq and
160 peak sound pressure levels to be determined.
200 AS/NZS1269.1 describes noise assessments
250 250 under the following categories:
400 • the preliminary noise assessment
500 500 • a detailed noise assessment
630 • the follow-up noise assessment.
1000 1000 A preliminary or initial assessment should be
1250 conducted where noise has newly been
1600 identified as a risk at the workplace and a
2000 2000 noise survey has not been previously
2500 conducted. In addition, if previous
3150 assessments have been performed but are
4000 4000 more than five years old, an initial assessment
5000 should be conducted to obtain an overview of
6300 the state of conditions in the workplace. A
8000 8000 detailed assessment may then be required if
10 000 there is doubt as to whether the noise sources
12 500 are placing workers at risk, if the noise sources
16 000 16 000 are complex or if the noise levels are excessive.
The detailed assessment involves
measuring sound levels for the LAeq,8hr or LAeq,T
CONDUCTING A NOISE and the Lpeak. The levels should be taken at
SURVEY work areas or on workers who may be at risk
from noise exposure.
Once noise has been recognised as a risk to The follow-up noise assessment aims to
workers, the next step in the risk management check controls and the current status of noise
process is to conduct an initial noise survey. exposure, although a noise assessment may
The initial survey aims to identify potential have been previously conducted. An assessment
areas of high risk and non-compliance with should be carried out at least every five years or
statutory requirements. The questions that where any of the following have occurred:
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 179

• a change to the process that may where the worker would normally be
have affected noise exposure standing
• additional equipment or plants have • 0.8 m above the middle of the seat
been added to the workplace for a horizontal seat. If the seat is at
• changes in work procedures that an angle, the microphone should be
could have affected noise exposure. placed 0.8 m as close as possible to
the midpoint of its horizontal and
The first step in conducting the noise assess- vertical adjustment.
ment survey is to calibrate the SLM or PSEM. If
a discrepancy of more than ± 0.5 dB in the The equivalent, continuous sound pressure
reference level, or ± 10 per cent in the refer- level should be measured over a representative
ence noise exposure reading, is found between period of the operation, process or work
two successive checks, then the results of the pattern of exposure. The duration of
measurements taken between the two checks monitoring should include any process or
are invalid. procedures that could significantly vary the
The sound pressure levels are taken either noise level (e.g. machines switching on). No
on a worker or at a particular location where matter what the duration of the measurement
the worker spends their normal workday. The (T), it should be either the entire length of the
occupational noise exposure includes both task or a portion of the task where the Leq can
immissions from equipment and plant, as well be assessed. Whatever is chosen, the reading
as other noise from radios, sirens or warning must stabilise to within ±0.5 dB.
signals. Where a person occupies one work When conducting the noise assessment,
area, the sound pressure levels are taken at adequate information should be kept both as
this location. However, most workers are evidence if required due to litigation and as a
exposed to noise in different work locations. benchmark for the future. Some information
Therefore, the sound pressure levels are that should be kept includes:
measured in each of these locations and
the duration of exposure determined to • details of the workplace (location and
calculate the partial noise dose and daily noise nature of work)
dose. • description of the work environment
The microphone should be located about including nature of work process and
0.1 m, but no more than 0.2 m, from the tasks; acoustic characteristics of the
entrance of the external canal of the ear workplace (e.g. reflective walls and
receiving the higher noise level, at a level that panels, absorbing materials, open
is horizontal to the ear. If this is not practical, areas); working hours for a ‘normal’
the person can be removed from the area and day; number of workers in various
a measurement taken at the location where areas; alterations to the workplace
they would have been. If a PSEM is being worn, compared with a previous
the preferred location of the microphone is the assessment; job description or
top of the shoulder, close to the ear. If it is designation where the measurements
difficult to define the worker’s head position in are taken; and details of current
the work location, AS/NZS1269.1 suggests that controls, including hearing protection
the microphone heights should be: devices
• noise assessment details such as the
• 1.5 m above the ground for a brand and type of sound measuring
standing person, at a location instrument; operating conditions
180 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

during the measurement period; • hazard evaluation (including a noise

locations of measurement; time-in- policy with exposure goals and
motion study of various tasks during a comparison of results from the noise
typical day; and individual time periods assessment with regulatory and
of exposure, if the partial noise dose is company standards)
to be determined • hazard and risk control
• results of the noise assessment • program evaluation.
• name and signature of the person
conducting the survey Controls can follow the hierarchy of control,
• date of the assessment. namely:

Instruments used to conduct the • elimination

noise survey • substitution
• engineering
The most popular instruments used to conduct • administration
a noise assessment are the integrating (or • personal protective equipment.
averaging) sound level meter, non-integrating
sound level meter and personal sound This section of the chapter will focus mainly on
exposure meters. A Type 1 sound level meter is engineering controls, including methods for
the preferred instrument to use for these types reflection and absorption of noise, admin-
of surveys, although a Type 2 meter could be istrative controls such as audiometric testing
used where there is no conflict or margins with and the selection of hearing protection
exposure and regulation. Type 3 sound level devices.
meters are only recommended for use in the
preliminary assessment of noise. Hearing conservation program

The hearing conservation program should be a

OCCUPATIONAL NOISE component of the occupational hygiene man-
MANAGEMENT agement system that is described in Chapter 14.
The program begins with a policy that cements
A number of techniques are available to the organisation’s commitment to minimise the
minimise the risk of exposure to noise. The risk associated with noise exposure. The policy
underlying emphasis should be to implement an should be supported by the highest level of
occupational noise management or hearing management and be regularly reviewed to
conservation program. The program integrates ensure its alignment with the organisation’s
the principles of risk management — recogn- goals and regulatory requirements.
ition, evaluation and control — to identify areas It may include the following components:
or tasks with potential hazardous exposure. The
program can also be used to assess the • a statement of management’s
magnitude of exposure and control. AS/NZS commitment to the policy
1269.0 suggests the noise management program • the organisation’s philosophy of
should include the following components: minimising noise exposure, including
its goals and objectives
• hazard identification (by conducting a • methods that will be used to
preliminary noise assessment of the determine that the goals and
workplace) objectives are measurable and met
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 181

• allocation of responsibility for elimination of high-risk noise sources by

minimising noise exposure ensuring that such equipment or tools are not
• date of formulation/publication brought into the workplace.
• signature of the Chief With substitution, the process or inputs
Executive Officer or person with can be changed to minimise noise. Some
overall responsibility for examples of substitution include the use of
occupational hygiene and risk pliers instead of a hammer to minimise impact
management. noise and using self-tapping screws or rivets
rather than nails.
It should be noted that a policy by itself would
not prevent noise exposure. A risk manage- Engineering controls
ment approach of identifying, evaluating and
controlling exposure to noise is the best One of the most cost-effective methods of
approach to take. Hazard identification minimising noise exposure is to reduce its
techniques should be documented and audits transmission, either through absorption,
or walk-through surveys conducted to identify damping or isolation methods. Our description
potential areas where noise exposure may be a about soundwaves so far has assumed that
problem. Noise surveys and audiometric sound pressure waves move freely in the
testing should be integrated into the program. workplace. However, this assumption is not
Scheduled testing and reporting can be exactly correct. When sound hits another
incorporated into the program to ensure the object or media, it can act in three ways: it can
timeliness of the assessment, both from a be reflected, absorbed or transmitted.
statutory compliance and best-practice The movement of sound is related to the
framework. ratio of wavelength to the size of the reflecting
Standards or benchmarks for performance surface. For instance, low-wavelength (high-
should also be identified. At a minimum, this frequency) sounds tend to reflect at the same
would be the statutory requirements of the angle of incidence. In fact, noise can be
Australian State or Territory. Individual organ- emitted equally in all directions from the
isations may also develop their own standards source or in a directional pattern. The intensity
for noise exposure that are below the of sound will depend on both the sound power
regulatory requirements. Therefore, both the level and the movement of the soundwave. In
organisation and statutory benchmarks should the simplest case of noise propagation, where
be determined. there is no reflection (an anechoic chamber),
the distribution of sound will be almost
Elimination and substitution equivalent to a spherical free field.
The free field refers to conditions where
These control techniques are best considered the inverse square law applies to the sound
during the initial planning and design phase of propagating from the source. However, if a
a process, as retrofitting and redesigning the piece of plant were to be placed in a room with
process is often very costly. Where possible, a sound-reflective floor but absorbent walls
noisy tasks, tools or plants should be elimi- and ceiling, then the noise will be distributed
nated. This can be achieved by transferring the in a half-spherical pattern. This, in effect,
risk to another organisation or source (e.g. causes a doubling of sound intensity as the
contracting the work to another workplace spherical free field is reduced by half, and is
which is better suited to control the risk). A sometimes called the directivity factor (Q).
‘buy-quiet’ approach can also result in the Therefore, for a half-spherical radiation
182 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

pattern, Q equals two. If one wall plus the floor • vibrational energy
causes reflection, the noise will be distributed • mechanical energy
in a one-quarter spherical pattern (Q = 4). • a mechanism for the transfer or
Where the machine is placed in the corner of a coupling of the energy with another
room and there are three sources of reflection, medium for its transmittal
the sound will radiate in a one-eighth spherical • a radiating surface.
pattern (Q = 8). This is shown in Figure 7.9.
This makes it easier to review noise control
Engineering control options methods. If one or more of these factors are
minimised or removed, the noise source will
In order to understand the application of be unable to transmit energy.
engineering controls, it is firstly important to
appreciate the components of a noise source Minimising energy input
that make it conducive to control by damping, Some sources of noise can be minimised by
isolation or absorption. Since noise is actually limiting the available energy that in turn
the perception of energy that is moved causes vibration in equipment or surfaces. For
through waves, we can expand this to show instance, reducing the height of an object
that a noise source requires: falling or avoiding impact. Figure 7.10 and
Figure 7.11 show some examples of these

Q=8 Q=4

Figure 7.9 The effect of reflective surfaces near a sound source

Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 183

Using nails—noisy Using screws—quiet

Steel sheet may be riveted—very noisy or bolted—very quiet

Figure 7.10 Avoiding impact

Figure 7.11 Reducing fall height

184 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Solid cover
over drive belt Wire mesh

Figure 7.12 Reducing panel area

Figure 7.13 Isolating plant from a reflective surface

Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 185

Isolating vibrational sources from Sound absorption

This technique adopts the principle of We have already discussed the fact that the
reducing noise transmission between the intensity of sound from a source not only will
source and reflective surface. By placing space depend on its sound power level but also the
between the vibrating source and the surface propagation (including reflection and
or reducing the surface area available for absorption). Surfaces that reflect sound will
vibration, the noise can be reduced. It may also add to the sound levels and rooms with
be as simple as removing a machine from the absorbing qualities will reduce it. If a
corner of a room where the walls and floors are workplace is particularly reverberant, the
highly reflective or placing the machine in a actual sound level will significantly increase.
free field where the energy can dissipate Several techniques are used to absorb sound,
evenly. Figure 7.12 and Figure 7.13 illustrate although these will depend on the frequency of
the application of this concept. noise emission.
In deciding on a sound-absorptive material,
Vibrational damping the characteristics of sound absorption must
Damping of vibrational energy is a method of be understood. If a sound source is directed
slowing the transmission of the vibration to onto a surface, a certain amount will be
other bodies. It involves stiffening the machine reflected at the same angle as the incident
or plant to prevent additional vibration of the waves. Otherwise, it can be absorbed or a
structural material. partial effect will occur. The absorption
coefficient is used to describe the reflectivity
of a surface and is shown as Equation 7.15.
TRANSMISSION Equation 7.15
If noise cannot be controlled at the source, then Absorption coefficient = Iabs/Iin
its ability to be transmitted should be mini- Where:
mised. This requires significant thought with Iabs is sound intensity that is absorbed
respect to the possible ways that noise moves Iin is incident sound intensity
throughout the workplace. Consider a worker
hitting an anvil in a workshop, with adminis- A perfect reflector has an absorption co-
tration workers in an adjoining room. The efficient of 0, while a perfect noise-absorbing
obvious noise transmission occurs directly from material would have an absorption coefficient
the source to the receiver through the air. of 1.0. This can be further expanded by using
However, workers in other areas of the work- the 3 dB exchange rate to interpolate that an
place may also be exposed to the noise indirect- absorption coefficient of 0.5 would cause a
ly through reflection from surfaces such as the reduction of 3 dB in the reflected noise.
ceiling and walls, other machines or structures. Absorption coefficients are given at a number
The third way that noise is transmitted is of frequencies. Acoustic panels provide the
through a physical material such as a wall, floor best noise absorption, between 500 and 2000
or pipe. This transmission can be particularly Hz. Even air is an effective absorber of low-
disturbing for the occupants of buildings or frequency sound (Figure 7.14).
rooms located adjacent to the noise source. Sound-absorbing materials can be incor-
This is known as structure-borne noise. porated into the design of a workplace or as
186 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Absorbent walls

board Plasterboard


Figure 7.14 Sound absorbing materials used in an isolation room

mobile devices. Sound booths or isolation Noise insulation

booths for noisy processes are frequently lined
with absorptive materials such as plaster and Insulation refers to the ability of a medium to
acoustic tiles. Heavy curtains are a portable transmit noise, rather than to prevent
technique that is most effective around 2000 reflection (which is the purpose of sound
to 4000 Hz. Other techniques might involve: absorption).
Sound insulation characteristics are
• carpeting concrete floors expressed as the transmission loss or the
• placing vertical dividers between sound reduction index. A material that has
areas of an office good insulation properties is usually stiff and
• using sound-absorbing baffles in the rigid, thus a large amount of energy is required
ceiling of a workplace. to vibrate it and allow noise to be transmitted.
The path of noise is reduced in this way.
It should be noted that noise absorption Materials that are frequently used as noise
techniques only marginally attenuate peak insulators include concrete, steel and plaster
noise. Peak noise is the maximum instant- or gypsum board.
aneous sound pressure over a very short time. Walls of buildings that require insulation
Therefore, the sound-absorbing material must characteristics frequently use these materials
absorb the energy in this time and also return and some also incorporate a multi-layer
any reflected sound in an equally fast time. approach with air cavities between layers. As a
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 187

air space air space

100 mm 150 mm

and batons Plasterboard
and batons


Figure 7.15 Noise transmission techniques

general rule, the wider the air cavity the greater • minimising exposure
the noise insulation. Double-brick walls with a duration through reduction
large air gap of about 100 mm can reduce trans- in exposure time or job
mission by around 80 dB at high frequencies rotation
and at least 40 dB at low frequencies. Windows • organising for high-risk
can also be sound insulated by double or triple operations to be conducted out
glazing. A resurgence of inner city living has of hours or when few workers
increased the popularity of this practice. With will be exposed
double glazing, a gap of a few millimetres is left • re-organising the workplace to
between the glass layers to act as insulation. locate work activities or noisy
However, such a small space provides minimal equipment away from the main work
noise reduction. An air gap of around 100 mm area
between the glass layers is required to obtain a • utilising the results from noise
transmission loss of around 50 dB. Figure 7.15 contour plans to mark zones where
shows some examples of noise insulation noise exposure may exceed
methods. regulatory or the organisation’s
Partial barriers and screens are particularly standards
useful in minimising noise transmission, • limiting or prohibiting certain high-
especially at high frequencies. Since high- risk tasks (e.g. compressed air for
frequency sound has a short wavelength, it cleaning is a high-frequency and
behaves in a highly directional way compared high-intensity noise and this practice
to low-frequency sound that tends to ‘bend’ can also cause injection of air under
around articles in its path. the skin)
• training workers on the effects of
Administrative controls noise exposure, basic acoustics and
how noise is measured and
Some examples of administrative controls controlled
include: • audiometric testing.
188 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

AUDIOMETRIC TESTING the test the headphones are not touched by

the worker being tested. Ensure that the
Audiometry is a technique that measures earphone cup is sealed with the head. Hair
hearing loss at a number of frequencies. An should be moved away from between the ear
audiometer sends a pure-tone sound that canal and earphones.
corresponds with the threshold of hearing of a Before the test is conducted, the worker
person whose hearing is not impaired to the should be briefed about the procedure and the
ear of the listener. If there is no hearing loss, expectations of them. AS/NZS1269.4 suggests
the listener will hear the tone. that the briefing should include:
However, where a loss does occur at a
frequency, the listener will require the • the response task when a sound is
threshold level to be increased until they can heard (e.g. raising a finger or hand or
hear the tone. A graph of frequency versus pressing a button)
reduction is then constructed. Noise-induced • an indication that the response
hearing loss shows a characteristic dip at needs to be as soon as possible after
4 kHz. the tone is heard
AS/NZS1269.4 gives specific procedures • an indication that the sounds may be
and requirements to conduct pure-tone very faint
audiometry. Generally, audiometers should • that the ears will be tested
comply with AS2586. Test tones are made at individually, which ear is to be tested
500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000 and first and the pitch sequence
8000 Hz. The hearing levels of the person are • an indication that the test can be
tested over the range of at least 0 to 90 dB, terminated by the person if they
although it is preferred that the range is wish.
extended from –10 to +100 dB.
The advantages associated with
audiometry include: There are two types of audiometers: manual
and automatic recording audiometry. The type
of audiometric testing device will govern the
• determining a person’s hearing type of audiometry that is used.
threshold levels For manual audiometry, the test procedure
• making people aware of their should begin at 1 kHz. The hearing level dial is
hearing loss set at 0 dB and is then gradually increased until
• identifying uncertainties in the use the person responds. At this time, the hearing
of hearing protection devices level is reduced by 10 dB, followed by a short
• using the information for workers’ burst of tone. If the person responds to this
compensation and rehabilitation tone, it is reduced a further 10 dB and then the
requirements. tone is emitted again. This is repeated until the
person fails to respond. At the point where the
The procedure for conducting audiometric person fails to respond to the tone, it is
testing begins by removing any article that increased by 5 dB and tested again with three
might interfere with the proper placement of short tone bursts. If the person responds to
the earphones (e.g. glasses, hats, hearing aids only one of these three tone bursts, the
and earrings). The earphones should be fitted hearing level dial is turned up another 5 dB and
by the tester to ensure correct seal and three more bursts are presented. If only two of
comfort. It is important that for the duration of the three bursts are responded to, the level of
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 189

the tone is decreased by 5 dB and three bursts These shifts would be compared with reference
again presented. audiometry and the person may be asked to
The lowest level at which two out of the seek further medical opinion as to the cause of
three bursts are heard is taken as the person’s the shift. From a risk management perspective,
threshold hearing level. The frequencies that are a change in a worker’s hearing threshold is of
taken in this sequence are 1000, 1500, 2000, serious concern to the workplace. The
3000, 4000, 6000, 8000 and 500 Hz then 1000 Hz following steps should be taken to minimise the
is re-tested. The rechecked 1000 Hz should risk of noise-induced hearing loss:
agree with the initial test within ± 5 dB other-
wise the first test at 1000 Hz should be 1. identify changes that may have contributed
discarded. to an increase in noise exposure.
The results of audiometric testing should 2. Measure the current noise levels and
be recorded using approved symbols of the frequencies in the workplace.
Australian Audiological Society. 3. Review the existing control methods,
Automatic recording audiometry is a lot including frequency and duration of
easier to conduct. Once recording has begun, exposure.
the test continues until both ears have been 4. Ascertain whether the attenuation of the
tested once. The test is then repeated at one hearing protection device is suitable for the
or two of the first frequencies of the first ear. If actual noise exposure in the workplace.
the results agree with the first testing, the 5. Determine the integrity of the worker’s
results can be kept. A deviation of more than hearing protection device for damage or
5 dB means the test should be repeated. wear.
Once the testing has finished, the person 6. Ask the worker whether they have any
should be provided with a copy of their difficulty in using the supplied hearing
audiometric assessment. The meaning of the protection devices.
audiogram should be explained in a way that is 7. Check whether the worker actually uses the
easy to understand. In some cases, further hearing protection device correctly and
audiometric testing is required to confirm a consistently.
threshold shift. The additional testing must be
conducted on another day and after at least Calibration of the audiometer
sixteen hours of quiet conditions. The cases
where further testing may be needed include: Similar to noise measuring devices, the
integrity of the audiometer must be tested
before use by calibrating the meter. First, a
• a shift in average threshold at 3000, tester with normal hearing conducts a listening
4000 and 6000 Hz of 5 dB or more check prior to use.
• a shift in the mean threshold greater This check aims to identify distortions and
than or equal to 10 dB at 3000 and other unwanted sounds from the audiometer
4000 Hz for at least three attenuator settings,
• a change in the mean threshold of separated by at least 20 dB and for all
15 dB or greater at 6000 Hz frequencies. A subjective calibration test
• a threshold shift of 15 dB or should be conducted at least once per week
greater at 500, 1000, 1500 or but preferably each day. In this test, an
2000 Hz audiogram of a person with stable hearing is
• a threshold shift greater than or taken at each test frequency and the results
equal to 20 dB at 8000 Hz. compared with a known audiogram. If the
190 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

results differ by 10 or more dB at any • earplugs

frequency, the audiometer must be removed • earmuffs
for service and a basic calibration. A basic • canal caps
calibration is conducted at a laboratory that is • acoustic helmets.
accredited to conduct such a test, and it must
be performed at least once per year. The principle of noise reduction using hearing
Since audiometry seeks to find reductions protection devices is five-fold:
in hearing ability, it is vital that the test is
conducted in a climate where background • completely cover the entire ear
noise will not affect the final result. Before an • cover the entrance to the ear canal
area can be used to conduct audiometric • plug the ear canal
testing, it must have ambient noise levels not • neutralise noise before it reaches the
exceeding the maximum levels in Appendix C ear by electronic methods
of AS/NZS1269.4. An octave-band analysis is • cover the outer ear as well as a
conducted in the area. This is the reason why portion of the head.
some audiometric testing is conducted in a
booth, where the integrity of the ambient Earplugs
noise levels can be guaranteed.
Earplugs are inserted into the ear canal to
restrict the transmission path of noise. They
HEARING PROTECTION were traditionally made from wads of cotton
DEVICES or wool that were found to be effective when
packed into the ear canal. Nowadays, earplugs
The use of personal protective equipment are usually formed from expandable foam, soft
should be the final choice in minimising risk silicone, rubber or plastic. There are several
associated with exposure to noise. As with all types of earplugs:
forms of personal protective equipment, its
effectiveness is governed by its application • User-formed earplugs — these are
which in turn is affected by human behaviour. widely used in industry as they are
Fit and design of some hearing protective commercially available in a range of
devices can affect their suitability for use. colours and shapes. These earplugs
Some workers may have trouble inserting or are usually disposable and made from
wearing the equipment. There are also a compressible material that is
hygienic reasons for minimising the use of squashed into a small cylindrical shape
hearing protection devices. Earplugs are and inserted in the ear canal. As the
renowned for an increase in ear infections earplug expands, it forms a seal with
when inserted with dirty hands or in the walls of the ear canal.
environments that may have a high humidity. • Pre-moulded earplugs — these are
The overall expense of hearing protection made from a variety of materials and
devices is rarely considered. The ongoing cost in a number of sizes. The earplugs
of purchasing disposable hearing protection can be inserted directly into the ear
devices and maintaining nondisposable canal without prior manipulation and
devices must be factored into the overall are especially suited to applications
budget for noise control. where dust or dirt may affect the
There are four main types of hearing hygiene of the worker who is inserting
protection devices that are available: the plug.
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 191

• Custom-moulded earplugs Canal caps

— these are custom-made
(usually by audiologists) from a silicon Ear canal caps are usually tapered and attached
or acrylic mould for the individual. to a spring headband. The plugs are pushed
They require a mould to be taken into the entrance of the ear canals, without
before the actual earplugs are formed actually entering them. The spring band holds
and then are only suitable for the the caps in place.
worker for which the earplugs were
made. Acoustic helmets
• Banded earplugs — these
earplugs are usually made from Acoustic helmets are found infrequently in the
rubber, plastic or soft silicon and industrial setting and their application is more
are connected to each other with common in aircraft industries. The principle of
a band. operation of the acoustic helmet is to prevent
the transfer of acoustic energy both through
The advantages of using earplugs as hearing the ear and by bone conduction.
protection devices are that they are easily
worn with other forms of personal protective
equipment such as safety glasses and safety
helmets; some types are disposable; and they
are relatively inexpensive. The disadvantages
relate to problems with hygiene (infection in
The choice of hearing protection devices will
humid and wet conditions), the time taken for
depend upon several factors, which include
insertion and correct insertion.
attenuation requirement, comfort, cost, fit and
compatibility with work, the workplace and
Earmuffs the wearer. The first issue, attenuation, is
arguably the most important. Attenuation
Earmuffs enclose the entire external ear with refers to the degree of noise reduction that is
cups and soft cushions that form a seal with afforded to the listener. Depending upon the
the head. The cups are lined with a noise hearing protection device, it may protect only
absorptive material (e.g. foam) and are at certain frequencies. All hearing protectors
connected by a band that is worn over the must be type-tested and comply with the
head, below the chin or around the neck. The requirements of AS1270.
disadvantage of earmuffs is that they may not The values of attenuation given to the
suit workers who are wearing other forms of hearing protectors will be mean–minus–
personal protective equipment, such as standard deviation (x –  ) values that are
helmets and glasses, or workers with long hair. derived from laboratory attenuation
To overcome problems associated with the fit measurements made in accordance with
of earmuffs with safety helmets, some AS1270. While specified attenuation values are
earmuffs clip directly onto the helmet, given, the ‘actual’ attenuation that workers
preventing the need for the head-positioned may experience differs from the specified value
spring band. Various other types of earmuffs because of interference by:
are available that, to prevent entire isolation
from audio stimulus, allow the radio or other • glasses
sounds to be heard through the earmuffs. • long hair
192 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• other forms of protective equipment compared with the hearing protector

such as a safety helmet or classification specified on the hearing
respiratory protection protection device. It should be noted that this
• age of the hearing protector method only applies where the criterion eight-
• condition of the hearing protector hour equivalent continuous A-weighted sound
• fit. pressure level, L(crit)Aeq,8hr, is 85 dB(A). The
L(crit)Aeq,8hr is defined as the eight-hour
When selecting the appropriate hearing equivalent continuous A-weighted sound
protection device, care should also be taken pressure level above which the provision of
not to over-protect the worker. This leads to a hearing protectors is required by legislation or
sense of isolation from the work environment by the company’s noise policy.
and conditions. It is important that
communication can still occur when wearing Octave-band method
hearing protection devices. Once used to
wearing hearing protection, the perception of The octave-band method is used for
sound may actually be better than when not determining the effectiveness of hearing
wearing the hearing protection devices. protection devices where an octave-band
Earplugs and earmuffs can be worn in analysis of noise has been conducted. This
combination. This will increase the overall method is the most accurate, as it allows the
attenuation, although not in an additive factor. various frequencies of the noise to be
Information about combined effects is correlated with the efficiency of the hearing
available from the manufacturer of the hearing protectors at various frequencies. The
protection device. procedure begins with the Leq,T measurements
To select hearing protection devices, three being recorded at 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000,
methods can be used, according to 4000 and 8000 Hz. The next step to determine
AS/NZS1269.3: the effective level, L(eff), is to subtract the
mean–minus–standard deviation octave-band
• classification method — where the attenuation of the hearing protector from the
LAeq,8hr is less than 110 dB(A), the noise octave-band levels of the noise to which the
is broadband and does not have worker was exposed. The mean–minus–
significant low- or high-frequency standard deviation is a value that estimates the
components attenuation obtained or exceeded by 80 per
• octave-band method — where the cent of wearers. Where the noise has
LAeq,8hr is greater than or equal to 110 significant high- or low-frequency components
dB(A), the noise is narrow band with AS/NZS1269.3 suggests that the 63 Hz and 16
significant tonality or has significant kHz octave bands should be included in the
high or low frequency components calculations. For these, the mean–minus–
• SLC80 procedure. standard deviation values of 125 Hz and 8 kHz
octave bands respectively should be used. The
Classification method values are then corrected for A-weighting and
summated to give L(eff)Aeq.
This method is the easiest to use, since only This procedure is shown as a series of steps
the LAeq,8hr is required. The LAeq,8hr is simply in Example 7.8.
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 193

Example 7.8
An octave band analysis of a sound source showed the following results:

Octave band centre frequency (Hz) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Equivalent SPL (Leq,T) 106 108 109 101 95 96 90

The hearing protection devices worn by the workers have the following attenuation:

Octave band centre frequency (Hz) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Attenuation (mean – SD) (dB) 12 18 26 35 36 36 22

Step 1
For each octave, subtract the octave-band attenuation of the hearing protector from the
actual noise exposure.

Octave band centre frequency (Hz) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Equivalent SPL (Leq,T) 106 108 109 101 95 96 90
Attenuation (mean – SD) (dB) 12 18 26 35 36 36 22
Attenuated levels (dB) 94 90 83 66 59 60 68

Step 2
Add the A-weighting corrections. Where there are high and low frequencies and 63 Hz
and 16 kHz octaves are measured, the A-weighted corrections are 26 dB and – 7 dB,

Octave band centre frequency (Hz) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Attenuated levels (dB) from Step 1 94 90 83 66 59 60 68
A-weighting correction (dB) –16 –9 3 0 +1 +1 –1
A-weighted attenuated levels 78 81 80 66 60 61 67

Step 3
Combine the A-weighted attenuated levels from Step 2. Therefore the combined A-
weighted effective sound pressure level is 85 dB(A).
194 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

SLC80 method sinusoidal vibrations, occurring simultaneously

with their own amplitude and frequency.
The SLC80 method for determining the Random vibration occurs where the vi-
effectiveness of the attenuation of hearing bration does not repeat itself; instead, it
protection devices uses C-weighted sound consists of a variety of frequencies at varying
pressure levels and the specified sound level intensities. To determine the overall acceler-
conversion factor for 80 per cent of wearers ation of random vibration each constituent
(the SLC80 value). vibration is analysed according to its fre-
quencies and an average root mean square
L dB(A) = LC,eq – SLC80 (dB) acceleration is obtained for each frequency.
Some sources of vibration include:
To calculate the sound pressure level at the ear,
the SLC80 is simply subtracted from the C-
weighted sound pressure level. This is shown • pneumatic machinery or tools such
in Example 7.9. as jackhammers and pneumatic
• heavy vehicles such as long-haul
Example 7.9 trucks, tractors and underground
The C-weighted sound pressure level at mine vehicles
the ear of a worker was measured to be • vibrating floors from large
105 dB(C). If the SLC80 value of the processing plant
hearing protector that the worker is • motorcycle handlebars
wearing is 22 dB, what is the effective • mowers, shearers and gardening
noise exposure in dB(A)? edge-clippers
Answer: • hand-held tools such as drills,
105 dB(C) – 22 dB = 83 dB(A) sanders, polishers and grinders.

From these examples of vibration-generating

VIBRATION sources, it can be seen that an important
physic of vibration has not been discussed —
Exposure to vibration is usually synonymous the relationship between the item (its mass)
with noise. The physics of vibration and noise and its stiffness. A source of sinusoidal
are similar. Vibration can be explained in three vibration is the mass-spring system. In an
forms: sinusoidal, periodic and random. idealised system, the mass can move only
Sinusoidal motion occurs where an item is vertically, with the frequency that the system is
displaced from a neutral point to a positive and moving at being dependent on its natural
negative direction. The sinusoidal or harmonic frequency. The natural frequency is the
wave used to describe noise (Figure 7.2) frequency that a system will vibrate at when
explains this. As the velocity of the wave excited randomly.
increases and then decreases, the particle is in From an occupational hygiene perspective,
fact accelerating and decelerating. Therefore, if the damping of the vibrating system is
the amplitude of acceleration is used to effective enough, the natural frequency
measure vibration, rather than the amplitude becomes zero. This means that after a
of pressure for noise exposure. disturbance the system returns to its
Periodic vibration is actually repeated equilibrium position without any oscillation.
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 195

Transmission of vibrational Vibrational intensities at the lower scale are

energy suspected of causing fatigue of the back,
leading to degenerative changes. Whole-body
Vibration can be transmitted in two ways: vibration is the term used to describe this form
of vibration. In addition to the degenerative
• force excitation — transfer of force effects on the spine, whole-body vibration can
from the source (e.g. a machine) to a also affect vision, since the image presented to
supporting structure (e.g. the floor) the retina is not stable. Whole body vibration
• motion excitation — transfer of force will occur when the vibrational energy is
from the supporting structure to the between 1 Hz and 80 Hz. The body has a whole-
machine due to motion of the body resonance, around 5 Hz for vertical
supporting structure. vibration. When seated, the vibrational
resonance occurs at two frequencies, 5 Hz and
The transmissibility of the force (TF) is given as about 10–12 Hz. The major effects can be
the ratio of the force transmitted (Ft) to the categorised as comfort-related effects, health-
supporting structure from the exciting force related effects and performance-related
(Fe). Examples of this type of transmission may effects.
be due to a vibrating generator connected to a Frequency-dependent effects occur
building structure or a fan transmitting vibration especially at high frequencies; for instance,
through the supporting base. With motion when using powered hand tools such as drills,
excitation, the transmissibility of the motion grinders, pneumatic hammers, chisels and
(Tx) is given by the ratio of transmitted motion sanders. The vibration damages the blood and
(Xt) to the excitation motion (Xe). These ratios nervous supply to the fingers and hands,
are shown as Equation 7.16 and Equation 7.17, leading to a temporary loss of muscle control
respectively. and white ‘blanching’ of the fingers. These
symptoms are known as vibration white finger
Equation 7.16 (VWF) or Raynaud’s disease. These symptoms
are further exacerbated by cold and wet
Tf = Ft/Fe conditions. Other soft-tissue injury symptoms
such as inflammation of the nerve, muscles or
Equation 7.17 connective tissue are also associated with
exposure to vibration. The bones of the hand
Tx = Xt/Xe or arm are also prone to damage.
Exposure to vibration also has an effect on
comfort. For instance, frequencies of 0.1–0.63
HEALTH EFFECTS OF Hz are associated with motion sickness.
EXPOSURE TO VIBRATION Vibration can also affect the ability to perform
tasks such as writing, reading and eating.
The health effects of exposure to vibration can
be categorised according to the intensity and
frequency of the vibration. The intensity of MEASURING VIBRATION
vibration is measured as the amplitude of
acceleration. With high-intensity vibration Vibration should be measured in the direction
levels, the body organs are battered at relatively of an orthogonal coordinate system (Figure
low frequencies (e.g. heavy vehicles driving over 7.16) that has its origin at the heart.
uneven and bumpy ground). Measurements should also be made at the
196 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

enlarges the signal, which is sent through an

z analyser to measure the vibration in a specific
frequency range and then changed to a device
y calibrated in vibrational units. In most
situations, the analyser consists of an amplifier
and detection device that can measure a
characteristic of vibration such as acceleration,
peak or root mean square. A precision sound
level meter that is configured with a vibration
transducer is the most common analyser that
is used.
For whole-body vibration, the
measurements are made using a tri-axial seat
accelerometer that is usually moulded into a
rubber pad. This is placed on the point where
the vibration is generated and/or transmitted.
For hand–arm vibration, the accelerometer
is moulded into a ‘ring’ shape and is slipped on
the finger. The vibration is also measured in
three axes — x, y and z.

Whole-body vibration

The reference for evaluating whole-body vi-

bration exposure is AS2670.1. The standard
prescribes three types of exposure standards:
• exposure limit — a limit for ensuring
y health and safety
• fatigue-decreased proficiency
boundary — for maintaining work
efficiency (especially tasks where time
Figure 7.16 The orthogonal coordinate
can affect performance, e.g. driving
point or area through which the vibration is • reduced comfort boundary — to
transmitted through the body and is given as preserve comfort (particularly for
the root mean square acceleration and
tasks where comfort can affect
expressed in m.s . activities such as eating, reading
The acceleration is measured using a and writing).
transducer or pick-up that is located at the
source of the vibration. The most common For occupational hygienists, the most
type of transducer is a piezoelectric acceler- frequently used exposure standard is the
ometer, where two piezoelectric discs produce exposure limit. The exposure limit is a
a voltage on their surfaces due to the combination of the frequency and duration of
mechanical strain on the discs. An amplifier exposure. It should be the maximum value that
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 197

is not exceeded at any time unless special acceleration. The technique for monitoring
precautions and controls are taken. hand–arm vibration is similar to that of whole-
The fatigue-decreased proficiency body vibration. The main difference lies in the
boundary is a level beyond which a significant use of two orthogonal coordinate systems to
risk to working efficiency may occur. It is describe the direction of the vibration: the
expressed as a function of frequency and basicentre and biodynamic systems.
exposure time for either longitudinal (az) or The basicentre system is defined by
transverse acceleration (ay and ax). considering the location and direction of the
Exposure graphs (from AS2670.1) are read tool or equipment. The biodynamic system
by deciding on the exposure standard that is to takes its reference from the knuckle of the
be used and then comparing the measured third finger of the hand. As the tool is being
acceleration (m.s ) at certain frequencies to used, the accelerometer is attached either to
determine the allowed exposure time. From the tool or on the surface between the palm of
these graphs, the acceleration levels of the the hand and the tool. AS2763 is the standard
exposure limit standard are actually the that provides guidance for measuring and
fatigue-decreased proficiency boundary assessing hand–arm vibration for an exposure
multiplied by a factor of two (or 6 dB higher). period of four hours. The three axes are
The reduced comfort boundary is obtained by monitored for their accelerations and the
dividing the fatigue-decreased proficiency by largest of the weighted accelerations is then
3.15 (or reducing it by 10 dB). chosen. AS2763 includes graphs which indicate
The standard focuses on four criteria: the probability that vibration-induced white
intensity, frequency, direction of vibration and finger syndrome will occur at particular
duration of exposure. The intensity refers to accelerations (measured as rms).
the magnitude or acceleration of the vibration. It is important to remember that the graph
Its frequency will impact on the body organs is given for an equivalent rms acceleration
that are affected by exposure. The direction of value over an exposure period of four hours.
vibration is measured in either the x, y or z The graph then prescribes the percentage of
axes. Duration of exposure will impact on the people who are exposed at this weighted
risk of adverse health effects to workers. acceleration and the time before vibration-
From the exposure standards, it can be induced white finger exposure will occur.
seen that the body is most vulnerable to In some cases, exposure to vibration may
frequencies of 4–8 Hz for longitudinal not be the same. For instance, different tools
vibration. For transverse vibration the sensitive with different accelerations may be used. In
frequencies are around 1–2 Hz. this case, the equivalent frequency-weighted
acceleration can be determined by considering
Hand–arm vibration the duration of exposure and acceleration.
measurement This is showed in Example 7.10.

Hand-arm, or segmental, vibration occurs

Example 7.10
where a section of the body is exposed to the
vibrating source and the remainder of the body A worker uses the following tools with
lies in a generally stable and stationary area. frequency-weighted accelerations and
Since the area of effect is quite small, the durations of exposure as shown below:
measurement devices must be conducive to • a grinder for 3 hours at 10 m.s
being placed on this area while still • a sander for 2 hours at 13 m.s
maintaining adequate sensitivity to record the • a drill for 2 hours at 9 m.s
198 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• maintaining components of large

What is the equivalent frequency- machinery to minimise vibration
weighted acceleration? generation
Answer: • altering the energy requirements of
aw,eq,T = [(10 x 3) + (13 x 2) + (9 x 2)]/7 the process that can generate
= 10.6 m.s vibration.

Since the graph from AS2763 is expressed as Otherwise, isolation of the vibration source or
an acceleration value for a daily period of four restricting its transmission can be effective
hours, it may be necessary to adjust the control mechanisms. Isolating techniques can
frequency-weighted acceleration to this only be effectively applied if the ratio of
period. Equation 7.18 shows how this can be disturbing frequency to natural frequency is
conducted. known. If the ratio is greater than √2, isolation
is feasible. For ratios less than √2, damping
should be used. Some examples of isolation
Equation 7.18
methods include:
aw,eq,4hr = aw,eq,T x T/4
• anti-vibration mountings (AVM) —
Example 7.11 converts exposure from seven that isolate the vibration source from
hours to four hours to compare with the its supporting structure to reduce
guidelines. transmission
• inertia blocks — such as heavy
concrete or steel, to increase the mass
Example 7.11
and therefore lower the vibration
Convert aw,eq,7hr of 10.6 m.s to aw,eq,4hr amplitude.
aw,eq,4hr = 10.6 x 7/4
Anti-vibration mountings
= 14 m.s
There are several forms of anti-vibration
mountings (AVM), which are useful in isolating
CONTROLLING VIBRATION vibration. Springs, rubber mats, cork isolators
EXPOSURE and insulation pads all adopt the same
philosophy of providing a barrier between the
The techniques used for minimising exposure vibrating source and the floor or surface to
to vibration follow similar principles to that of which it is mounted. The magnitude of
noise exposure. The hierarchy of control can isolation will depend upon the amount of
also be adopted, although practicability may compression that the material can generate.
affect the application of certain principles of The most effective form of AVM are springs.
the hierarchy. For whole-body vibration the Some typical applications of these in industry
source of vibration can be minimised by include:
increasing the stiffness of the source to reduce
the resonance. Other methods of source • mounting heavy vehicle drivers’
alteration include: seats on a suspension system
• placing laboratory benches with
• re-balancing unbalanced fans or sensitive scales on spring isolators
rotating drums • mounting the vibrating screens in
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 199

coal preparation plants mounted inside the tool to reduce the produced
with springs to reduce overall vibration. The materials are usually rubber or
vibration transmission throughout other visco-elastic materials that dampen the
the plant. high-frequency components of the vibration.
Since segmental vibration can cause
Inertia blocks degeneration of the vascular, muscular and
nervous tissue of the hand and arm, another
Inertia blocks increase the mass of the method of limiting exposure is to reduce the
vibrating source in order to decrease the transmission through the tool to the body.
vibration amplitude and minimise rocking. The Anti-vibration gloves are useful in this regard
only limitation with inertia blocks is that they but can be cumbersome and reduce the tactile
must also be accompanied with isolators. They response and grip strength. They are also
are particularly effective for a number of aimed to protect against high frequencies. The
vibration plants that must be continually advantage of the gloves is that they can help
supported. keep the hands warm and prevent cuts or
other skin abrasion.
Administrative controls to
Where the ratio of disturbing frequency to minimise vibration exposure
natural frequency is less than √2, damping is
recommended. Damping is particularly These controls are similar to those suggested
efficient where the generated vibration levels for noise exposure and include:
are similar to the resonating frequencies. This
allows the mechanical energy from the • pre-employment medicals to assess
vibrating source to be converted to thermal workers who may be susceptible to
energy. Some examples of damping include: the effects of exposure to whole-
body and segmental vibration
• lining pipes and chutes with rubber, • maintenance of tools and adopting
• using a combination of hardwood the principle of purchasing tools
and fibreboard for wall construction with minimal vibration
• a combination of steel plating and a • work–rest regimes to minimise
thick damping layer to enclose a exposure to vibration.
vibrating plant in a large workshop.
Training about the risk associated with
Segmental vibration control exposure to vibration should also be provided,
including work practices such as:
The main characteristic of segmental vibration
that contributes to its hazardous nature is its • keep the hands warm and do not
proximity from the source to a particular area allow them to become wet and cold
of the body. To minimise risk of vibration white • do not smoke (a vasoconstrictor)
finger, vibration transmission can be halted when using vibrating hand tools
either at the source or at the path. The two • use supplied personal protective
main techniques used are damping in tools and equipment such as anti-vibration
damping gloves. gloves with full fingers
Anti-vibration tools place damping material • reduce exposure time associated
between the tool housing and the hand or with the vibration source where
200 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

possible by using only when • at the signs of numbness, tingling or

necessary white or blue fingers, seek medical
• grasp the tool lightly enough to advice as soon as possible.
maintain control but not too lightly

As occupational hygiene hazards, noise and vibration are among the most commonly faced in
Australian workplaces. Noise is a term used to describe our interpretation of sound. However,
excessive exposure may lead to physiological and psychological effects.
Exposure to vibration through the body or the hands and arms can also result in adverse
health effects. This chapter has described the physics of noise and vibration, the health effects
and methods for monitoring and interpreting the risk associated with exposure to these


DiNardi, S.R. (ed.) 1997, The Occupational Environment — Its Evaluation and Control, American Industrial
Hygiene Association, Virginia
Giancoli, D.G. 1991, Physics Principles with Applications, 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall International Editions,
Griffin, M.J. 1990, Handbook of Human Vibration, Academic Press, London
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1991, Noise Management at Work, AGPS,
Plogg, B.A. (ed.) 1988, Fundamentals of Occupational Hygiene, National Safety Council, Chicago
Standards Association of Australia 1983, AS2586: 1983 Audiometers, Standards Australia, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia 1983, AS2659.2: 1983 Guide to the Use of Sound Measuring Equipment
— Portable Equipment for Integration of Sound Signals, Standards Australia, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia 1988, AS1270: 1988 Acoustics — Hearing Protectors, Standards
Australia, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia 1988, AS2659.1: 1988 Guide to the Use of Sound Measuring Equipment
— Portable Sound Level Meters, Standards Australia, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia 1988, AS2763: 1988 Vibration and Shock — Hand-transmitted
Vibration — Guidelines for Measurement and Assessment of Human Exposure, Standards Australia,
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS1259.1: 1990 Acoustics — Sound Level Meters — Non-
integrating, Standards Australia, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS1259.2: 1990 Acoustics — Sound Level Meters — Integrating
— Averaging, Standards Australia, Homebush
Chapter 7: Noise and vibration ■ 201

Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS2670.1: 1990 Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-body
Vibration — General Requirements, Standards Australia, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS2670.2:1990 Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-body
Vibration — Continuous and Shock-induced Vibration in Buildings (1 to 80 Hz), Standards Australia,
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS2670.3: 1990 Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-body
Vibration — Evaluation of Exposure to Whole Body Z-axis Vertical Vibration in the Frequency Range 0.1
to 0.63 Hz, Standards Australia, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1998, AS/NZS1269.0: 1998 Occupational Noise
Management Part 0: Overview, Standards Australia/New Zealand, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1998, AS/NZS1269.1: 1998 Occupational Noise
Management Part 1: Measurement and Assessment of Noise Immission and Exposure, Standards
Australia/New Zealand, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1998, AS/NZS1269.2: 1998 Occupational Noise
Management Part 2: Noise Control Management, Standards Australia/New Zealand, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1998, AS/NZS1269.3: 1998 Occupational Noise
Management Part 3: Hearing Protector Program, Standards Australia/New Zealand, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1998, AS/NZS1269.4: 1998 Occupational Noise
Management Part 4: Auditory Assessment, Standards Australia/New Zealand, Homebush
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1998, AS/NZS2399: 1998 Acoustics — Specifications For
Personal Sound Exposure Meters, Standards Australia/New Zealand, Homebush
Ylikoski, M. and Ylikoski, J.S. 1994, ‘Hearing Loss and Handicap of Professional Soldiers Exposed to
Gunfire Noise’, Scandinavian Journal of Work and Environmental Health, vol. 20, pp. 93–100
Chapter 8

Heat and cold

In Australia, exposure to the extremes of heat conditions alter. This equilibrium is called
and cold occurs more often than you may homeostasis. Homeostatic balance occurs
realise. With such an expansive land area that where receptors monitor the environment and
extends from the tropics in the north, deserts respond to these changes to balance the
in the centre and snow-covered mountains in internal workings of the body within a small
the south, heat and cold are real occupational window or range.
hygiene issues. However, the body has only a limited
The body has its own thermoregulatory capacity to adjust to extremes of temperature
system to respond to such extremes but in and humidity. An imposed heat stress from the
some cases this is inadequate. Mines, environment will cause a resulting strain on
foundries, outdoor work and laundries are the body. This typically produces physiological
typical sources of excessive heat, which can reactions such as increased skin temperature,
also be combined with high relative humid- sweat production, increased heart rate and
ities. Cold exposure may occur for workers in higher core temperature.
the meat processing industry, cold storage Low levels of heat stress cause discomfort
warehouses or while working outdoors during because the body must adjust to cope with the
the winter months in southern states. extra heat load while higher levels can lead to
This chapter describes the body’s serious health problems.
mechanism for regulating heat, thermo- The human body’s thermal regulation
regulation; health effects from exposure to system is controlled principally by the
extremes of heat; and environmental and hypothalamus, which contains neurones that
physiological methods for assessing the risk of are sensitive to changes in arterial blood
heat-induced illness. A variety of controls are temperature. The hypothalamus integrates the
also described that can be adopted in most information from these various sensory nerves
workplaces. and regulates heat loss from the body. The
thermoregulatory system of the human body
tries to keep a heat balance in which there is
THERMOREGULATION: no net loss or storage of heat. This can be
MAINTAINING THE BODY’S described by the heat balance equation
EQUILIBRIUM (Equation 8.1) that is shown on the following
The human body must maintain a constant
internal environment, even when external
204 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Equation 8.1 also a good conductor, where the blood vessels

close to the surface dilate and allow their heat
S = M–W–R–C–E–Cres–Eres–K
to be transferred to the air.
S is heat storage (W.m )
–2 Convection
M is metabolic rate (W.m )
W is external work rate (W.m )
Convection is the transfer of heat by currents
R is the heat rate loss by radiation
–2 of air. This is the principle behind heating,
(W.m )
ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
C is the heat rate loss by convection
–2 systems. Since heat is transferred or lost from
(W.m )
the body through the air, the skin temperature
E is the heat rate loss by evaporation
–2 has an important impact on temperature
(W.m )
regulation. If the air temperature is above
Cres is the dry heat rate loss by
–2 35°C, the body will gain heat from the air. If
respiration (W.m )
below 35°C, there will be a net loss of heat
Eres is the latent heat rate loss by
–2 through the skin.
respiration (W.m )
K is the heat loss rate by conduction
–2 Radiation
(W.m )
Radiation is the process by which the body
For most people, the core body temperature in
gains heat from surrounding hot objects and
organs such as the brain, heart and the
loses heat to cold objects without actually
intestinal canal should be maintained around
touching them. Some sources of radiant heat
37°C. This may vary from individual to
include the sun, a fire or boiler. No radiant heat
individual, although it is generally accepted
gain or loss occurs when the temperature of
that deep body temperature should not fall
surrounding objects is about 35°C.
less than 36°C or rise to more than 38°C. It is
clear then that the body’s core temperature
must be kept to within quite narrow limits. A
temperature increase of about 5°C is likely to
Heat can be dissipated by the evaporation of
lead to death, as is a reduction by only 3–4°C.
sweat. The body’s second line of defence
Even small departures from this band can lead
against heat stress is increased sweating.
to decrements in both motor and cognitive
Perspiration is heated by the skin and is
performance. There are a number of
transformed into water vapour, which is then
mechanisms for minimising heat gain or loss:
carried away from the skin by currents of air.
conduction, convection, radiation and
Conduction EXPOSURE TO
The transfer of heat by direct contact with a
solid, fluid or gas (including air) is called When the body is unable to adequately
conduction. Heat exchange between the body regulate core body temperature at an optimal
and the environment frequently occurs in this level, heat illness may result. Working in a hot
manner. For instance, touching the base of a environment puts the body (and the
clothes press or a hot floor surface. The skin is cardiovascular system) in a difficult situation.
Chapter 8: Heat and cold ■ 205

Ultimately, the body must ensure working to 38°C. Heat cramps usually occur in
muscles have an adequate supply of blood but unacclimatised workers who have replenished
it must also redistribute blood to the skin to water lost through sweating but who have not
facilitate heat exchange through conduction. replaced salt at the same time.
To do this, a disproportionate amount of blood
is shunted to the skin for heat exchange. The Heat oedema
consequence of this routing of blood is a
reduction in the volume of blood returning to One of the milder afflictions caused by
the heart, thereby decreasing the amount of exposure to heat is called heat oedema. This
blood pumped per heartbeat (stroke volume). condition causes swelling which is most
In hot conditions heat loss is increased first noticeable around the ankles and generally
by vasodilation which increases the flow of occurs among workers who are not
blood to the skin and raises skin temperature. acclimatised to working in hot conditions.
If this is insufficient, body temperature will rise
further and sweating begins to increase heat Heat syncope
loss by evaporation. Repeated exposure to
heat leads to modified responses in the Heat syncope (heat-induced giddiness and
sweating mechanism and cardiovascular fainting) is caused by the loss of body fluids
system. This is known as heat acclimatisation. through sweating and by lowered blood
Where the environment is both hot and pressure due to pooling of blood in the legs
humid (the air is saturated with water vapour), while working in a standing position.
such as underground mines and laundries,
excessive fluid loss can occur over a work shift. Heat exhaustion
This is chiefly due to evaporative heat loss
achieved by sweating and inadequate Heat exhaustion or prostration is also caused
hydration. Depending upon the severity of by salt depletion and is characterised by
fluid loss, the total blood volumes can excessive sweating but with cold, pale and
decrease to such a level where stroke volume clammy skin. Dizziness, blurred vision and
is reduced. The major effects of exposure to unconsciousness may accompany a rapid but
heat stress are prickly heat rash, heat cramps, weak pulse. Nausea, heat cramps and rapid
heat oedema, heat syncope, heat exhaustion, shallow panting may also be present.
heat stroke and hyperpyrexia.
Heat stroke and hyperpyrexia
Prickly heat rash
The most serious heat illnesses are heat stroke
Heat rashes exhibit as red spots on the skin and hyperpyrexia. These are caused by
that cause a prickling sensation during heat prolonged work in extremely hot
exposure. environments. Symptoms of heat stroke
include dry, hot skin. This is due to the failure
Heat cramps of sweating. Body temperature often exceeds
41°C and complete or partial loss of
Heat cramps are often the first indicator of a consciousness occurs. The signs of heat
heat-related problem. Symptoms are sharp and hyperpyrexia are similar except that the skin
painful spasms in the muscles that are being remains moist. Heat stroke and heat
stressed. Deep body core temperature is still hyperpyrexia can be fatal and require prompt
within the normal range of approximately 36°C medical attention.
206 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Case study 8.1

The central and western regions of Queensland are renowned for unrelenting high
ambient temperatures around 40°C during summer months. Some maintenance
operations at open-cut coalmines require workers to crawl into confined spaces
with little ventilation. A boilermaker was repairing the bucket of a dragline in
these conditions and suffered a heat-induced illness as a result of the radiant heat,
protective clothing that had to be worn and ambient conditions.
The worker had recently returned from extended leave in a much cooler
location and was not acclimatised to the working conditions.


EXPOSURE TO HEAT Heart rate is influenced both by an increased
metabolic rate and heat load. The increased
Assessment of heat stress can be conducted by cardiac output required by working muscles
measuring its effect on the human body using and the added circulatory strain imposed by
physiological monitoring. This involves testing heat exposure causes a corresponding increase
an individual worker rather than the in heart rate. Heart rate can be monitored
environment in which they are working. The either through direct palpation or more easily
advantages of this type of exposure with a sensing device such as the Polar® heart
assessment include: rate monitor (Figure 8.1).

• the ability to track an individual’s

response to heat
• avoidance of generalisations about
fitness, acclimatisation and hydration
that are assumed with environmental

The most efficient and accurate method of

evaluating if a worker is being placed at risk of
a heat-related illness is to take direct
measurements of heart rate, core body
temperature, skin temperature and possibly
sweat loss. Figure 8.1 Heart rate monitor
Chapter 8: Heat and cold ■ 207

These devices consist of a transmitter, estimates. The ACGIH advises that workers
which is worn around the chest, and a wrist should not be allowed to continue their
receiver. The device is frequently used by work when their deep body temperature
athletes but is also useful to track a worker’s exceeds 38°C. However, additional care must
heart rate and relate this to stresses caused by be taken with pregnant workers. If a pregnant
exposure to heat. worker’s core temperature exceeds 39°C for
Since heart rate is affected not only by heat extended periods during the first trimester, the
but also by metabolic work, it is sometimes unborn foetus is at increased risk of
difficult to differentiate an increase in heart malformation. Core body temperatures above
rate exclusively from heat. In Australia there is 38°C have also been reported to cause
no standard heart rate that is recommended for temporary infertility in both males and
work. An increase in heart rate can be due to a females.
number of individual factors, including fitness,
illness or anxiety. Minard (1973) suggests a Skin temperature
mean heart rate of 110 beats per minute
(b.min ) over an eight-hour shift is a reasonable One mechanism of body temperature
limit for work involving heat exposures. The regulation is to vary the amount of blood
ACGIH have provided heart rate guidelines flowing to the skin. This changes the skin
relating to tasks where the wet bulb globe temperature, and hence changes the rate at
temperature (WBGT) threshold limit values are which heat is lost or gained by radiation and
exceeded or if water–vapour impermeable convection. The mean skin temperature of a
clothing is worn. In such situations, it suggests person feeling comfortable in an environment
that work should discontinue if a sustained is around 33°C. Skin temperatures over the
heart rate is more than 160 b.min for those trunk will usually be 3–4°C higher than over
under 35 years of age or 140 b.min for those the limbs.
aged 35 years or older. Where the environmental surroundings are
warmer than the skin, heat cannot be lost
Core body temperature through radiation and convection; instead, the
body will gain heat from its surroundings. In
One of the most direct outcomes of excessive this case, sweating is a very effective manner
exposure to heat is a rise in core body to prevent overheating.
temperature. A variety of techniques exist for One method of monitoring skin temper-
monitoring deep body core temperature but ature is to use a digital thermometer that is
only a few are practical for use in an industrial placed over various locations on the body.
setting. The more practical measures include
rectal, oral, skin and aural (ear) temperature. Sweat loss
Rectal temperatures up to 38°C or
slightly higher are usually viewed as acceptable The most important avenue of heat loss during
or safe, while temperatures around 39°C exercise or work is the evaporation of sweat
have been described as undesirable or unsafe. from the surface of the skin. Situations that
Physiological monitoring of core body limit this process such as high relative
temperature overcomes the inherent problems humidity reduce thermal tolerance and
of extrapolating environmental temperature increase the susceptibility to thermal injury.
readings and metabolic heat production One technique to measure electrolyte loss is
208 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

the use of an electronic device that looks the only parameter to consider. Muscular work
similar to a wristwatch. It collects a sample of is associated with an increase in the body’s
sweat. The accumulated sample is then metabolic rate. This occurs because of the
evacuated for electrolyte analysis. working muscles’ increased demand for
Other methods for assessing fluid loss are oxygen and nutrients.
to consider the overall weight loss during a With an increase in metabolic rate,
shift by firstly weighing the worker before however, comes an increase in the amount of
work (preferably nude) and again at the end of heat produced. This is a result of the largely
the shift. The weight of food and drink inefficient process of converting energy into
consumed during the shift is closely monitored external work (termed the mechanical
to provide an indication of overall fluid loss efficiency). Generally, the mechanical efficiency
during the shift. Gross fluid change represents of muscular work is between 0 per cent and 50
the change in hydration status resulting from per cent (Astrand & Rodahl 1986), with most
the metabolic work rate and ambient forms of exercise exhibiting efficiencies in the
environmental conditions. It can be calculated range of 20–25 per cent (Bray et al., 1994). This
using Equation 8.2. means that 50–75 per cent of the energy
expended to create movement is released into
the body as heat. A significant portion of this
Equation 8.2
heat load must be dissipated to the external
GFC = BMPST – BMPRE – FI – FLI environment, otherwise the body will retain
Where: and accumulate heat, leading possibly to an
GFC is gross fluid loss abnormal increase in core temperature,
BMPST is body mass post-shift followed potentially by the development of
BMPRE is body mass pre-shift heat stress.
FI is food intake
FLI = fluid intake

The net fluid change represents the overall ENVIRONMENTAL

degree of dehydration experienced over the MONITORING OF
course of a shift, taking into consideration the EXPOSURE TO HEAT
fluid intake of the worker. To determine this,
Equation 8.2 is used minus FLI. The least intrusive way to monitor a worker’s
exposure to excessive heat is to measure the
environment. Environmental factors influen-
cing heat exchange include the air temper-
THE EFFECT OF ature, humidity, airflow and the temperature of
METABOLIC WORK RATE surrounding surfaces. Therefore, the four basic
parameters that need to be considered are:
Metabolic work rate refers to the work that is
performed by the muscles during respiration. • air temperature (dry bulb and wet
It is denoted by the symbol M (Equation 8.1) bulb)
and has been determined for several types of • relative humidity (the partial pressure
jobs and magnitude of work. of water vapour in the air expressed as
Metabolic work rate will contribute to the a percentage of saturation vapour
overall heat loss or gain of the body; therefore, pressure which varies with
the imposed heat from the environment is not temperature)
Chapter 8: Heat and cold ■ 209

Figure 8.2 Sling psychrometer

• mean radiant temperature (the Wet bulb temperature

average temperature emitted from a
radiant heat source) Wet bulb (WB) temperature is obtained from a
• air velocity (the air velocity is related thermometer that has been covered in a
to evaporative and convective wetted gauze or cloth. It is then subjected to a
methods of heat loss). forced air velocity of 2 m.s . It should also be
shielded against the effects of radiation. An
example of a device that measures wet bulb
Dry bulb temperature temperature is the sling psychrometer or
whirling hydrometer (Figure 8.2). The device
The dry bulb (DB) air temperature is measured consists of both a dry bulb and wet bulb
by simply using a mercury-in-glass or alcohol- thermometer and is used to calculate the
in-glass thermometer. When measuring room relative humidity.
temperature, it should be located at approx-
imately head height (1.5–1.8 metres from the Natural wet bulb temperature
ground). A possible confounder of dry bulb
temperature results is the effect of radiation. If The philosophy behind natural wet bulb (NWB)
the thermometer is exposed to a radiant heat temperature is similar to that of the wet bulb
source, such as a fire or boiler, it should be temperature, except that air is not forced over
shielded by either silvering the outside of the the wetted wick. The natural wet bulb
glass bulb or enclosing it in aluminium foil. temperature is used to calculate the wet bulb
210 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

globe temperature, an environmental heat

stress index. There are two methods that can
be used to convert between wet bulb and
natural wet bulb temperatures. These are
shown in Equation 8.3 and Equation 8.4.
Equation 8.3
WB = NWB – 0.5 – 0.13 (GT – DB)
for v > 1 m.s
WB = NWB – 1.5 – 0.13 (GT – DB)
for v < 1 m.s
Source: Kamon & Ryan (1981)

Equation 8.4
NWB – WB = [0.16 (GT – DB) + 0.8 (560 –
2RH – 5DB0] – 0.8 for v > 0.15 m.s
Source: Malchaire (1976)

Globe temperature

Globe temperature (GT) is determined from an Figure 8.3 The Kata thermometer
ordinary glass thermometer that is inserted –1

into the centre of a copper sphere with a v is air velocity (m.s )

diameter of 15 cm. The ball is painted in matt DB is dry bulb or air temperature
black paint so that the exposed thermometer (Kelvin)
bulb measures both the air temperature and
influences from radiation. If there is no effect Air velocity
from radiant temperature, then GT will equal
DB temperature. Air velocity or airspeed (v) is measured in m.s .
There are several methods of measuring air
Radiant temperature velocity including a hot-wire anemometer,
vane anemometer and Pitot tube. These are
Radiant temperature (RT) is rarely used for described in Chapter 13.
occupational hygiene purposes since it is To determine the air velocity associated
merely the electromagnetic radiation from a with heat, the best device is the Kata
source. However, it can be calculated using thermometer. Its advantages are that it
Equation 8.5, from the globe temperature, air responds to many directions of airflow and it
velocity and dry bulb temperature. measures air velocity of a period of time. The
Kata thermometer (Figure 8.3) consists of a
silvered bulb that has two levels marked on the
Equation 8.5
4 8 0.5
thermometer. It is immersed into hot liquid
RT = [(GT + 273) + 2.47 x 10 v until the liquid passes to the top timing mark,
(GT – DB)] – 273 then quickly removed and the bulb dried. The
Where: time taken for the liquid to pass between the
GT is globe temperature (Kelvin) two marks is recorded and the velocity
Chapter 8: Heat and cold ■ 211

Thermal standards and measurement techniques

Psychrometric chart
45 Barometric pressure=100mb



& d et bu


ew lb
po temp


tem eratu


Vapour pressure (mmHg)


rat (°
ure C)





27 %
25 %
18 10



5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Dry bulb temperature (°C)

Figure 8.4 A psychometric chart

determined by considering the cooling factor wetting the wick. Care should be taken not to
of the individual Kata thermometer. contaminate the wick with dirty fingers or
water that is not de-ionised.
Relative humidity The handle is then unclipped and the
psychrometer is swung for at least 20–30
Relative humidity (RH) refers to the saturation seconds. This will allow an air movement to
of air by water vapour and is expressed as a pass over the wet bulb thermometer and
percentage. For highly saturated air the initiate evaporation of water from the wick.
humidity is high (close to 100 per cent). In dry After 20–30 seconds, the wet bulb
conditions the relative humidity is low. Relative temperature is read first (then the dry bulb
humidity can be measured by using a sling temperature). These values are noted and the
psychrometer. Its operation is relatively measurements repeated three times.
simple. The sling psychrometer consists of two Optimally, the repeated measurements should
thermometers, a wet bulb and dry bulb. A be within around 1°C of each other.
‘wick’ or ‘sock’ covers one of the ther- Using a psychrometric chart (Figure 8.4),
mometers (the ‘wet’ bulb) and should be the relative humidity in the measured
thoroughly wetted using distilled water prior environment can be determined. Firstly, the
to taking any measurements. This will involve depression of wet bulb temperature is
filling the water reservoir at the end of the calculated (this is simply the wet bulb
psychrometer and may also involve manually temperature subtracted from the dry bulb
212 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

temperature) and this depression found on one The P4SR, WBGT, ET and CET are empirical
axis of the table. Secondly, the dry bulb indices. This means that they were developed
temperature (listed on the other axis of the after considering the physiological responses of
table) is used to directly read the relative people. The HSI was modelled on the heat
humidity level. balance equation. More recently, an analytical
index called the required sweat rate has been
developed. This has been adopted by the
HEAT STRESS INDICES International Standards Organisation as
ISO7933, as a method to evaluate and interpret
A heat stress index is a single number that the thermal stress experienced by a subject in a
integrates the effects of basic parameters in hot environment. The standard does not predict
any thermal environment. It aims to correlate the physiological response of individual
the number with the thermal strain workers but only considers the standard
experienced by an exposed person. At this subjects in good health and fit for the work they
point, it is important to distinguish between perform. The calculations of required sweat
two terms: heat stress and heat strain. Heat rate are complicated and usually performed by
stress describes the total heat load on the computer.
body from all sources. Heat strain relates to
the physiological response to the imposed Effective temperature index
stress. and corrected effective
The aim of heat stress indices is to provide temperature index
an accurate prediction of workers’ physio-
logical state at any time of the exposure. This Houghton and Yaglou (1923) devised the
in turn will allow assessment of the effective temperature index as a comfort scale.
permissible duration of exposure and the It combines the effects of air temperature,
duration of rest breaks. Even though humidity and air movement into a single value
development of an index has continued for (ET). The limitation of effective temperature is
almost a century, it has proved difficult to that it was not devised to make an allowance
derive a single-figure heat stress index which is for radiant heat. It was later modified to form
both an accurate indicator of risk and univer- the corrected effective temperature index. This
sally applicable. index uses a globe thermometer reading
There is probably more than a dozen instead of the air temperature reading but is
heat stress indices available for use in study- otherwise similar to the ET index. The chart
ing the relationship between heat stress used for determining both the ET and CET
and heat strain. The main indexes that can indices is shown in Figure 8.5.
be used to manage the risk of heat stress are
the: Predicted 4-hour sweat rate
• effective temperature (ET) or The predicted 4-hour sweat rate index measures
corrected effective temperature sweat rate as a function of climate stress. It uses
(CET) a nomogram (Figure 8.6) to predict the quantity
• predicted 4-hour sweat rate (P4SR) of sweat given off over a four-hour period. The
• wet bulb globe temperature P4SR is one of the few indices which takes into
• heat stress index (HSI) account all of the environmental factors in
• required sweat rate. addition to metabolic rate and clothing.
it y of a
ir (m.s -1


6.00 5.00



Globe temperature or dry bulb temperature (°C)





ff e

e ff

rat 30




Wet bulb temperature (°C)

Chapter 8: Heat and cold

Figure 8.5 Corrected effective and effective temperature

■ 213
214 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Add to wet bulb temperature (˚C)



0.06 m/s = WB6



0.15 m/s = WB5



/s = W
0.0 36
50 100 150 200 50

=W 2

0.32 m
100 150 200




Metabolic rate 35.5


2 . 5


Wet bulb temperature (˚C)

45 35

4.0 4.0 34
e (˚C

3.0 3.0

40 35


2.0 2. 32
0 34
ulb t

34 31
dry b

1.0 30
1.0 33 32
e or


35 31 25

31 30 21


0.5 16

0.5 30 28





0 Air V /s-1 )





Air velocity (m.s-1)

figure 8.6 the predicted 4-hour sweat rate (P4SR) index

Figure 8.6 The predicted 4-hour sweat rate (P4SR) index

The index is expressed in terms of the Wet bulb globe temperature

average amount of sweat produced by a group index
of healthy heat-acclimatised young European
men in a four-hour exposure to the conditions. The wet bulb globe temperature index may be
A disadvantage is that it covers only a utilised to predict a worker’s physiological
moderate range of physical activity. state at any time of exposure to heat. It was
Chapter 8: Heat and cold ■ 215

Table 8.1 Recommended work–rest regimes for WBGT (°C)

Work–rest regime Workload

Light Moderate Heavy
Continuous work 30.0 26.7 25.0
75% work/25% rest each hour 30.6 28.0 25.9
50% work/50% rest each hour 31.4 29.4 27.9
25% work/75% rest each hour 32.2 31.1 30.2

developed in a United States investigation into The resultant WBGT values are then compared
heat casualties during military training and is with permissible heat exposure threshold limit
currently recommended by the ACGIH. It is values to take into account metabolic factors
actually an environmental measurement from via a workload schedule. These are expressed
which the potential for heat stress is inferred, as work–rest regimes over a one-hour period.
by considering: Therefore, care should be taken in gathering
the data to ensure it is the moving average of
WBGT over the one-hour period. Table 8.1
• globe temperature
shows the recommended maximum WBGT
• dry bulb temperature
indices or the work–rest regimes.
• the temperature of a naturally
Area heat stress monitors are on the
ventilated wet bulb thermometer
market to make the task of measuring and
functioning as an integrating sensor.
calculating WBGT much simpler. Most
automatically calculate WBGT for either an
The WBGT index is incorporated into ISO7243, indoor or outdoor environment, as well as the
to estimate heat stress on workers. It takes individual parameters obtained from the
into account whether workers are exposed to thermometers. Since the WBGT is an index
heat with solar radiation or without. Equation that does not consider the effect of acclimatis-
8.6 shows the calculation for conditions with ation, gender, clothing or age, there have been
and without solar radiation. suggestions that the limit values of WBGT
should be adjusted to take account of these
Equation 8.6
factors. For instance, imagine the effect of heat
Indoors or outdoor with no heating by strain when wearing an impermeable chemical
sun suit compared with a singlet and shorts!
WBGT = 0.7 NWB + 0.3 GT The ACGIH has recommended that the
Outdoor exposure to the sun threshold limit value of WBGT is modified for ac-
WBGT = 0.7 NWB + 0.2 GT + 0.1 T climatisation, fitness and clothing (see Table 8.2).

Table 8.2 Modified threshold limit values for WBGT

Conditions Threshold limit values

Workers un-acclimatised or not physically fit –2.5°C
Workers wearing cotton overalls –2°C
Workers wearing a winter work uniform –4°C
Workers wearing a permeable water barrier –6°C
216 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Example 8.1 physical condition of the individual as measured

by parameters such as water and electrolyte
A laundry press operator (who operates
balance or cardiovascular heat transport capa-
the press by pushing the heated bench
bilities. It also does not provide a good
and standing on a foot pedal
differentiation between humid conditions that
concurrently) is exposed to the following
prove strenuous or dry environments which do
not result in excessive physiological strain. It is
DB = 32°C
recognised that WBGT may have a limited value
NWB = 29°C
as a predictor of physiological strain at the
GT = 41°C
higher heat stress levels that may be encount-
What is the WBGT and what work–rest
ered in industry.
regime is suggested?
As an evaluation technique, the WBGT
method is at best an imprecise indicator of the
WBGT = 0.7 NWB + 0.3 GT
heat load experienced by a worker. Assump-
= 0.7 (29) + 0.3 (41)
tions must be made regarding the worker’s
= 32.6°C
degree of acclimatisation and physical fitness.
The exposure limit must be adjusted for
The recommended work–rest regime metabolic work rate and clothing. Since work
would be 25 per cent work and 75 per rates and metabolic heat production are
cent rest each hour. This was determined estimated, errors can be as high as 30 per cent.
by assuming a light workload.
Heat stress index

The heat stress index is based on heat

exchange. It considers the ratio of the body’s
Limitations of WBGT heat load from metabolism, convection and
radiation to the evaporative cooling of the
As with all of the environmental heat stress environment. The heat stress index is based on
indices, WBGT does not take into account the a model of heat exchange which assumes a

Table 8.3 Interpretation of heat stress index

Heat Stress Index Effect of eight-hour exposure

–20 Mild cold strain
0 No thermal strain
10–30 Mild to moderate heat strain. Little effect on physical work, but
possible decrement on skilled work.
40–60 Severe heat strain, involving threat to health unless physically fit.
Acclimatisation required.
70–90 Very severe heat strain. Personnel should be selected by medical
examination. Ensure adequate water and salt intake.
100 Maximum strain tolerated by fit, acclimatised young men
Over 100 Exposure time limited by rise in deep-body temperature.

Source: Olesen 1985, p. 21

Chapter 8: Heat and cold ■ 217

constant skin temperature of 35°C. It can be Equation 8.9

determined using Equation 8.7.
R = 4.4 (35 – tr) clothed
R = 7.3 (35 – tr) unclothed
R is the radiation heat loss rate (W.m )
Equation 8.7 tr is the radiant temperature (°C)
HSI = Ereq/ Emax x 100
Ereq is metabolic heat production rate Equation 8.10
less the heat rate loss by radiation and 0.6
–2 C = 4.6 v (35 – ta) clothed
convection (W.m ) 0.6
C = 7.6 v (35 – ta) unclothed
Emax is the maximum evaporative loss
–2 Where:
rate that can occur (W.m ) –2
C is the convective heat loss rate (W.m )
–2 v is the air velocity (m.s )
An upper limit of 390 W.m is assigned to Emax; ta is the air temperature (°C)
this corresponds to a sweat rate of for
a typical man. An HSI of 100 represents
the upper limit of the prescriptive zone. If
Ereq > Emax the body cannot maintain Equation 8.11
equilibrium and its temperature begins to rise. E = 7 v (56 – pa) clothed
Equation 8.8 illustrates how Ereq is calculated. E = 11.7 v (56 – pa) unclothed
E is the evaporative heat loss rate
(W.m )
Equation 8.8 v is the air velocity (m.s )
pa is the partial pressure of water
Ereq = M – R – C vapour (mbar)
M is the metabolic work rate (W.m ) If the HSI is more than 100, the exposure
R is the radiation heat loss rate (W.m ) duration is limited by an increase in core body
C is the convective heat loss rate temperature. For an HSI more than 100, the
(W.m ) allowable exposure time (AET) is determined
using Equation 8.12.
A number of equations are used to calculate
Emax and Ereq. Ereq is the sum of the metabolic
work rate, radiation heat loss and convective
Equation 8.12
heat loss. It is important to note that where
the radiant temperature is more than 35°C, the Allowable exposure time = 2440 /Ereq –
radiant temperature will actually appear Emax
negative. This means that there is an overall
gain of heat to the body. Once the HSI is The application of the HSI is demonstrated in
calculated this is compared with Table 8.3. Example 8.2.
218 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Example 8.2 an upper limit of heat storage should be

A foundry worker is exposed to the
following conditions:
ta = 30°C
twb = 20°C
tr = 45°C
Minimising exposure to heat is best achieved
v = 0.5 m.s–1
using an integrated approach based on the
M = 165 W.m–2
hierarchy of control. Where heat is identified
Determine the HSI and interpret the
as a risk, a policy should be drawn and
procedures developed to incorporate issues
0.6 such as:
C = 4.6 v (35 – ta) clothed
= 4.6 (0.5) (35 – 30)
= 15.17 W.m
R = 4.4 (35 – tr) clothed • defining the nature and magnitude
= 4.4 (35 – 45) of hot work and any regulatory
= –44 W.m
requirements for compliance (risk
Ereq = M – R – C identification)
= 165 – (–44) – 15.17 • methods of evaluating exposure to
= 194 W.m
heat (environmental vs.
E = 7 v (56 – pa) clothed physiological) (risk evaluation)
= 7 (0.5) (56 – 24) • pre-employment medicals and fit-for-
= 148 W.m
work testing
Interpretation: exposure time is limited by • acclimatisation
risk in deep body temperature. • clothing and personal protective
AET = 2440/ Ereq – Emax equipment
= 2440/(194 – 148) • diet, fluid replacement and hydration
= 53 minutes • engineering controls including
ventilation and cooling systems
Required sweat rate • training for personnel exposed to
hot conditions.
One of the most recently developed heat stress
indices is the required sweat rate (ISO7933).
This is a comprehensive, yet complex index Risk identification
that considers many factors that can affect the
body’s response to heat. Data is required Identifying heat as a potential problem within
about the dry bulb temperature, wet bulb a workplace should not be difficult. Chapter 3
temperature, humidity, air velocity, globe outlines methods for hazard identification.
temperature, thermal insulation property of The organisation should also investigate
clothing, metabolic work rate and posture. It regulatory requirements for heat stress and
predicts the sweat rate, evaporation rate and also thermal comfort. Health-care personnel
skin wettedness. If thermal equilibrium is may also be able to identify cases of heat-
maintained, there should not be a risk of related illness. Injury or absenteeism records
heat stress. If thermal equilibrium is not could be consulted, although often heat is not
established, then the amount of time to reach identified as a contributing factor.
Chapter 8: Heat and cold ■ 219

Risk evaluation avoided for both health and fitness reasons.

Alcohol tends to cause dehydration and, as
Some Australian States and Territories have such, can further exacerbate the effects of hot
adopted heat stress indices within their conditions, leading to heat-related injury.
legislation for regulating occupational health Fitter individuals display an earlier onset of
and safety risks. Others take more of a risk sweating, an increased production of sweat, a
management approach. Depending upon the lower percentage use of their maximum
nature of work, physiological monitoring aerobic fitness (VO2 max) and a maximum heart
might be conducted. More commonly, rate at any given workload. High levels of body
environmental monitoring of the work fat result in a greater production and storage
conditions is performed. These can then be of heat. Individuals with high body fat levels
compared with the appropriate benchmarks place a greater strain on the cardiovascular
such as ISO7243, the ACGIH threshold limit system, thereby taxing a greater percentage of
values for WBGT, the table of effects for HSI or the maximum aerobic fitness. This leads to an
the allowable time before an excessive increased production of heat, further adding to
increase in body temperature for the required the risk of sustaining a heat-related injury.
sweat rate.
Pre-employment medicals and fit-
for-work testing Acclimatisation is a process that allows
workers to become used to heat. Where
Medical surveillance involves evaluating an
workers are away from hot conditions for more
individual’s risk of suffering adverse effects
than several days, a re-acclimatisation schedule
from excessive exposure to heat, treatment of
should be adopted.
heat-related disorders and review of
information from any incidents related to heat.
Before workers are placed in a heat-related Clothing and personal protective
job, a medical physician should conduct a equipment
physical examination (including special
attention to the cardiovascular, respiratory and Clothing can contribute to the overall heat
nervous systems, skin, liver, kidney and storage of the body if it has a high insulation
obesity) and check the medical and work factor (Iclo). A minimum of clothing should be
history of the person, with an emphasis on worn to work safely where the air temperature
previous problems with heat stress; ascertain is less than 35°C. It is preferential to wear
any personal habits that might increase the lightweight cotton clothing with a light colour
risk of heat intolerance, such as use of if outdoors.
prescription and over-the-counter drugs and Work such as firefighting or emergency
alcohol, and access the person’s ability to wear response personnel require the wearing of
and use personal protective equipment to impervious clothing that may restrict
minimise exposure to heat. evaporation of sweat. While this clothing is
A good level of general aerobic fitness, required for occupational health and safety
reduction of body fat levels, adequate reasons, the time within the clothing should
hydration and reduction in alcohol be limited. Ice-cooled vests or icepacks can
consumption can all assist in minimising heat- be worn around the neck to assist cooling of
related illness. Smoking also should be the body.
220 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Diet, fluid replacement and • forced air ventilation to increase

hydration airflow (where air temperature is less
than 35°C; above 35°C, an increase in
Workers should ensure their diet is airflow will actually add to the heat
nutritionally sound, with adequate electro- load of the worker)
lytes. It is better to take more frequent and • cooled air from an HVAC system or
smaller meal breaks rather than one long break using refrigerated air.
with one large meal since this can cause
lethargy and tiredness as blood is shunted to Training
the stomach. The following recommendations
are provided to maintain hydration: Workers and supervisors should be trained to
recognise heat stress symptoms and control
• consume at least 250 mL of water or the risk associated with it. Before working in
a non-carbonated beverage prior to hot conditions for the first time, pre-placement
each shift; avoid coffee or tea as these training should be offered. The training should
products contain caffeine, which include:
promotes dehydration
• consume approximately 200–250 mL • an outline of thermoregulation,
of water or a non-carbonated symptoms of heat illness, acclimatis-
beverage every 15–20 minutes during ation, work demands and clothing
shifts; again, avoid the use of coffee, • a description of first-aid measures
tea or soft drinks for each heat-related disorder
• cool fluids should be ingested rather • emphasis on the hygiene practices
than cold, as cold fluids may cause that are recommended such as
vasoconstriction, thereby reducing adequate hydration, individual
blood flow to the skin. responsibility and self-pacing of
Engineering controls

The suitability of engineering controls to EXPOSURE TO COLD AND

minimise exposure to heat will depend upon MODERATELY COLD
the nature of the workplace. For instance, ENVIRONMENTS
installing air-cooling systems within deep
mines is expensive and time-consuming. The For workers in the northern states of Australia,
types of engineering controls that are available exposure to cold and moderately cold
include: environments is barely considered to be an
occupational hygiene issue! However, for those
• insulation of ceilings to minimise working outdoors during the winter months in
solar heat transfer southern states or inside workplaces such as
• reflective blinds within offices or coldrooms, cold stress can be a real problem.
factories to alter the path of Just as excessive exposure to heat can place
transmission of heat the body at risk, significant cooling of the body
• glass or tinted windows from its optimum core temperature can also be
• exhaust ventilation such as part hazardous. Clinically, a state of hypothermia
enclosures or local hoods above can be said to exist when the body’s core
heat-generating processes temperature falls to about 35°C. Below this
Chapter 8: Heat and cold ■ 221

temperature the risk of fatality increases, until ACGIH TLV for cold stress
at temperatures below 30°C the imminent
death of an individual is likely due to cardiac The ACGIH provides a method for assessing
arrest. exposure to cold. These are expressed as the
equivalent chill temperature (ECT). For
exposed skin, the ACGIH recommends that
The effects of exposure to cold workers should not be continuously exposed
to an ECT of less than –32°C. The ECT
The first sign of the risk associated with considers the estimated wind speed and actual
exposure to cold conditions is pain, then temperature. It is available in the ACGIH’s TLV
numbness of the extremities (especially the and BEI document.
fingers and toes). This is due to the body The ACGIH also suggests that superficial
shunting warm blood to the core of the body, freezing will occur at temperatures below –1°C,
away from the non-vital areas such as the regardless of wind speed. To minimise expos-
hands, feet, nose, cheeks and ears. This can ure time, work-warming regimes can be used in
lead to frostbite. ‘Trenchfoot’ or immersion a similar method to the work–rest regimes
foot can also occur. As the cardiovascular from the WBGT index for heat exposure.
system attempts to compensate for the heat
loss from the body, the metabolic rate rises. Controls for cold
Maximum shivering occurs when the core body
temperature is 35°C. This is known as
Exposure to extremely cold environments may
hypothermia. As the body’s temperature
lead to hypothermia, where the body’s core
decreases, cognitive reaction times slow, the
body temperature falls to below about 35°C.
metabolic rate increases in an attempt to
However, it is not only the air temperature
compensate for heat loss and the body shivers.
which impacts on the risk to cold stress. Low
air temperatures aggravated by the wind,
immersion in water and working in wet
Cold stress indices clothing all increase the risk. Depending upon
the exposure situation, a combination of
Compared to heat stress, the number of administrative controls and personal pro-
indices available to predict outcomes and tective equipment may be the best option to
control exposure for cold exposure is minimise risk of cold-induced illness. Some
extremely limited. The two main techniques examples of controls include:
are the still shade temperature and ACGIH TLV
for cold stress. • warm air jets, hot plates or radiant
• insulating handles of tools with
Still shade temperature thermal insulating materials
• anti-contact gloves with padding and
This index considers the outdoor environ- insulation characteristics
mental conditions, assuming that there is no • shielding the work area from the
solar load and no heat effect. Alterations are wind by enclosures (e.g.
made if solar heat is absorbed by the body or telecommunications workers repairing
if wind speed increases. An increase in wind joining lines while huddled under
speed will affect the windchill factor. tents)
222 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• wearing water-impermeable or changing socks frequently

water-repellent clothing and • heated warming shelters for
changing outer clothing when it warming periods
becomes wet • maintenance of hydration levels with
• wearing vapour barrier boots or warm soups and drinks.

Exposure to heat typically results in the body compensating for any temperature gains to
maintain homeostasis. However, where this is not possible, a resulting heat strain may occur.
Managing risks associated with exposure to heat or cold can be conducted through either
physiological or environmental monitoring.
Environmental indices such as WBGT, ET, P4SR, HSl and required sweat rate can be used
for exposure to heat. The still shade temperature index and ACGIH TLV can be used for
evaluating and controlling exposure to cold stress.


American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 2003, TLVs and BEIs, ACGIH, Cincinnati,
Angus, T.C. 1968, The Control of Indoor Climate, Pergamon Press, London
Astrand, P. and Rodahl, K. 1986, Textbook of Work Physiology — Physiological Bases of Exercise, McGraw-
Hill, New York
Bray, J.J. et al. 1994, Lecture Notes on Human Physiology, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford
Grandjean, E. 1988, Fitting the Task to the Man, 4th edn, Taylor & Francis, London
Graveling, R.A. and Morris, L.A. 1995, ‘Influence of intermittency and static components of work on
heat stress’, Ergonomics, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 101–14
Hanson, M.A. and Graveling, R.A. 1997, Development of a Code of Practice for Work in Hot and Humid
Conditions in Coal Mines, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Edinburgh
Houghton, F.C. and Yaglou, C.P. 1923, ‘Determining Lines of Equal Comfort’, Journal of the American
Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, vol. 29, pp. 165–76
International Standards Organisation 1989, ISO7243: Hot Environments — Estimation of the Heat Stress
on Working Man, Based on the WBGT-index (wet bulb globe temperature), ISO, Switzerland
International Standards Organisation 1989, ISO7933: 1989 Hot Environments — Analytical Determination
and Interpretation of Thermal Stress Using Calculation of Required Sweat Rate, ISO, Switzerland
International Standards Organisation 1992, ISO9866: 1992 Evaluation of Thermal Strain by Physiological
Measurements, ISO, Switzerland
Kamon, E. and Ryan, C. 1981, ‘Effective Heat Strain Index Using Pocket Computer’, American Industrial
Hygiene Association Journal, vol. 42, pp. 611–15
Malchaire, J.B. 1976, ‘Evaluation of Natural Wet Bulb and Wet Globe Thermometers’, Annals of
Occupational Hygiene, vol. 19, pp. 251–8
Chapter 8: Heat and cold ■ 223

Mariaux, P. and Malchaire, J. 1995, ‘Comparison and Validation of Heat Stress Indices in Experimental
Studies’, Ergonomics, vol. 38, no.1, pp. 58–72
Minard, D. 1973, ‘Physiology of Heat Stress’, in The Industrial Environment — Its Evaluation and Control,
US Department of Health Education and Welfare, pp. 399–412
Morris, L.A. 1995, ‘Practical Issues in the Assessment of Heat Stress’, Ergonomics, vol. 38, no.1, pp.
Olesen, B.W. 1985, Technical Review No.2 — 1985 Heat Stress, Bruel & Kjaer, Technical Review No. 2,
Pathak, B. 1989, ‘Heat Stress: Too Hot to Handle’, Occupational Health and Safety Canada, vol. 5, no. 6,
pp. 18, 20, 22–4
Pathak, B. and Pilger, C.W. 1988, Work in Hot Environments, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health
and Safety, Ontario
Ramanthan, N.L. and Belding, H.S. 1973, ‘Physiological Evaluation of the WBGT Index for
Occupational Heat Stress’, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, September, pp. 375–83
Saunders, M.S. and McCormick, E.J. 1993, Human Factors in Engineering and Design, 7th edn, McGraw-
Hill Inc., Sydney
Stanford, H.W. 1988, Analysis and Design of Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Systems, Prentice-
Hall, New Jersey
Waldron, H.A. 1989, Occupational Health Practice, Butterworths & Co., London
Chapter 9

Radiation and pressure

Physical occupational hygiene hazards such as monitor for radiation. A small section of the
radiation and pressure are often overlooked, chapter will be apportioned to pressure, its
since they cannot be sensed through sight, effects and sources.
smell, hearing, taste or touch. However, while
we may not easily perceive the actual hazard,
the consequences of exposure can be IONISING RADIATION
Arguably the world’s worst industrial Believe it or not, we are all exposed to natural
incident involving radiation occurred on ionising radiation. Some of it originates from
26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Power Plant in radioactive materials in rocks and soil. Others
the Ukraine (former Soviet Union). An over- are produced by cosmic rays that continually
heated reactor caused a meltdown of the core, bombard us from beyond earth. In the
resulting in two explosions that blew the top workplace, workers may be exposed to
off the reactor building, releasing clouds of ionising radiation in hospitals, dental clinics,
deadly radioactive material into the materials testing laboratories and uranium
atmosphere for more than ten days. The mining. By definition, ionising radiation refers
people of Chernobyl were exposed to radio- to any material that can ionise the atoms or
activity 100 times greater than the Hiroshima molecules of the material it passes through.
bomb of 6 August 1945. After more than a This can cause significant damage to biological
decade, babies are still being born with no tissue. The kinds of radiation of major concern
arms, no eyes or only stumps for limbs. are , ,  and X rays, as well as protons,
Radiation is a source of energy that is made neutrons and other particles such as pions.
up of waves with different frequency and But what makes a substance radioactive? To
wavelength characteristics, and alpha and beta explain this, the structure and properties of a
particles. Radiation can be categorised into nucleus need to be understood.
two groups: non-ionising and ionising. The
Chernobyl and Hiroshima incidents are Nuclear physics
examples of exposure to ionising radiation.
In this chapter we take a brief look at the As you would be aware, the building blocks of
physics of radiation, radioactivity and life are atoms. Atoms combine to form
radioactive decay. The health effects from molecules, and so the structural complexity
ionising and non-ionising radiation will be increases. Atoms all have common com-
discussed, together with an outline of how to ponents: a nucleus and electrons. Electrons are
226 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

negatively charged particles that orbit around Radioactivity

the nucleus. The nucleus is considered as an
aggregate of two types of particles (nuclides): Once we understand that atoms consist of
protons and neutrons. A proton has a positive protons, neutrons and electrons, we can
charge and mass. It is generally accepted that expand this to describe radioactivity. Within a
the mass of a proton is 1.6726 x 10 kg. stable nucleus, protons must exist
The neutron has no charge but its mass is harmoniously without repulsion. But how does
virtually identical to that of a proton (1.6749 x this occur? With large numbers of protons
10 kg). The number of protons in an atom is (that are positively charged) it would be
called the atomic number (Z). Its atomic mass expected that these would be electrically
number (A) is the sum of neutrons and protons. repulsed from each other, remembering that
Therefore, the number of neutrons is the like-charges repel. However, another force
difference between A and Z. This is shown in known as strong nuclear force holds the
Equation 9.1. protons together.
Radioactivity is the term given to the
Equation 9.1 radiation energy that is emitted from a
substance without any external stimulus. This
A occurs from disintegration or decay of an
Z X unstable nucleus. Certain isotopes are not
Where: stable under the action of strong nuclear
A is the atomic mass number forces, causing them to emit radiation. But this
Z is the atomic number emitted radiation is not the same for all
X is the chemical symbol for the elements. The three main types of radiation
element. are:

Most chemistry texts represent elements as

•  rays that are positively charged
X. For instance, 7 N represents a nitrogen particles and are simply the nuclei of
atom that has 7 protons and 7 neutrons. Many helium atoms ( 2He)
atoms do not have an equal number of •  rays that are negatively charged
neutrons and protons. If the nucleus of an (electrons)
atom contains unequal numbers of neutrons •  rays that are high-energy photons
and protons, the element is known as an (a photon is a tiny particle containing
isotope. The most common example of this is energy).
11 12 13 14
carbon, which has the isotopes 6 C, 6 C, 6 C, 6 C,
15 16
6 C and 6 C. If isotopes do not occur naturally, Alpha decay
they can be produced in the laboratory
through nuclear reaction. In fact, all elements Alpha () decay occurs where an element loses
on the periodic table beyond uranium (Z > 92) two protons and two neutrons, that is a helium
do not occur naturally and can only be atom ( 2He). This usually occurs when an
produced artificially. unstable atom’s nucleus decays to produce an

226 222 4
288 Ra – > 286 Rn + 2He
Ra – > Rn + He

Figure 9.1 Decay of radium

Chapter 9: Radiation and pressure ■ 227
14 14 –
14 C – > 17N + e + a neutrino

Figure 9.2 Beta decay

element with a lower atomic mass and number. decay are known as  particles. Having said
The resultant element is known as the that  particles are negatively charged, we will
daughter. Therefore, with  decay an entirely now introduce the principle of positron ( )
different element is formed. An example of this decay. Some isotopes have a much greater
is the decay of radium-226 to radon-222 number of protons than neutrons. With these
(Figure 9.1). elements, radioactive decay will result in the
Radon is used in hospitals for certain emission of a positron (sometimes called e or
therapies, although the main hazard is from  ) instead of an electron. A positron has a
inhaling dust in the air. Radon build-up is a positive charge of +1. Since it is like an
health consideration in uranium mines. electron, except for its opposite charge, the
Recently, however, radon build-up in homes positron is called the antiparticle.
has become a concern, especially in North
America. Many deaths from lung cancer can be Gamma decay
attributed to radon exposure and Western
Australia also has significant levels of radon in Gamma () decay occurs where a nucleus is in
the soil. Radon gas from the soil can enter a an excited state and it moves into a lower
home or building through dirt floors, hollow- energy state, emitting energy or a photon.
block walls, cracks in the foundation floor and Gamma rays are photons with very high
walls, and openings around floor drains, pipes energy. They do not carry any charge;
and sump pumps. therefore, there is no change in the element as
a result of  decay.
Beta decay Usually, atoms get into this ‘excited state’
following previous radioactive decay like 
Beta () decay occurs when a nucleus decays decay. It follows, then, that  radiation often
with the emission of an electron or  particle. accompanies or follows  decay.
Beta decay does not cause a change in the Finally, while both  and X rays are
number of protons or neutrons in a nucleus. photons,  radiation is produced by a nuclear
Therefore, the parent and daughter elements process. X rays are created by an
have the same atomic mass number. For each electron–atom interaction.
decay, the parent nucleus loses a charge of –1
(electrons are negatively charged); therefore, Half-life and rate of decay
the daughter nucleus has an extra positive
charge (Figure 9.2). A neutrino is also emitted. Radioactive decay is a random process. Nuclei
This particle has no charge and is believed to will not all decay at the same time, but over a
have no mass. period of time. The number of decays (N) that
It is important to realise that the electrons occur over a time period (t) will be
that are lost in this process are not those from determined from the total number (N) of
the orbit of the nucleus. Instead, an electron is radioactive nuclei present. We also must
created within the nucleus itself. This is one consider the decay constant (), which differs
reason that electrons emitted through beta for individual isotopes. This is illustrated in
228 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Equation 9.2. Note that the number of decays Equation 9.4

is negative, indicating a loss. –t
A = Aoe
Equation 9.2 A is the activity
Ao is the initial activity (Bq)
N = –.N.t
 is the decay constant
t is time (sec)
N is the number of decays
 is the decay constant
Rather than expressing the decay constant, the
N is the total number of radioactive
rate of decay is often specified as its half-life
(T1/2). This refers to the time it takes for half the
t is the time period
original amount of isotope to decay. Half-lives
vary between percentages of seconds to
With some arithmetic manipulation, Equation
millions of years. Half-life can also be simply
9.2 can be extrapolated to express the total
expressed as 0.693/. The longer the half-life,
number of radioactive nuclei (N). This is known
the more slowly it decays. Example 9.1
as the radioactive decay law and is shown as
provides an example involving the calculation
Equation 9.3.
of half-life as related to activity.

Equation 9.3
Example 9.1
N = No.e
Radon-222 from radium has a half-life of
3.823 days. What is the activity of a
N is the total number of radioactive 222
sample of Rn after 3 days, if the initial
activity is 5 Bq?
No is the number of nuclei present at t
 = 0.693/(3.823 x 24 x 60 x 60 (s))
 is the decay constant –6 –1
= 2.1 x 10 s
t is time (sec) –t
A = Aoe
(0.0000021 x [3 x 24 x 60 x 60]
= 5000 e
The rate of decay each second (N/t) is called
= 2.9 kBq
the activity of the element. Activity (A) is the
number of decays per second from a sample.
The SI unit is the bequerel (Bq) or one
Sources of ionising radiation
disintegration per second. Previously, the curie
In the broad picture of industry as a whole,
(Ci) was used, although this is a very large unit.
10 ionising radiation is found in only a small
One curie is about 3.7 x 10 Bq. Equation 9.4
proportion of workplaces. Some examples of
shows how to calculate activity from initial
sources include:
• gauges for measuring thickness,
density, moisture and levels
• checking welding defects in metals-
manufacturing workplaces
(non–destructive investigation)
• smoke detectors
Chapter 9: Radiation and pressure ■ 229

• laboratory analysis (e.g. X-ray • Ionising radiation can induce the ab-
diffraction, X-ray fluorescence) normal growth of cells. Advanced
• therapeutic health care (e.g. cancer cancer cells usually have an abnormal
treatment therapy, radioactive complement of chromosomes but
tracers) other smaller genetic changes may also
• diagnostic health care (e.g. CAT scans play a part in carcinogenesis. Since
and X-rays in hospitals, X-rays in dental chromosome damage is most likely to
clinics) happen in dividing cells, ionising
• uranium mines radiation is most likely to cause cancer
• nuclear reactors. in those parts of the body where cells
are actively dividing.
Health effects of exposure to • Ionising radiation kills rapidly
ionising radiation dividing cells. This specific effect of
ionising radiation can, however, be put
Biological damage to the body is dependent on to good use. Cancer cells produced by
the type of radiation and organ that is human genetic defects or other causes
exposed. Charged particles such as  and  divide rapidly, which is why they are
rays and protons cause ionisation of tissues dangerous. Careful application of
due to their electrical force. Neutral particles radiation therapy can therefore be
such as X rays and  ray photons can also used to kill the cancer cells while
ionise atoms in the body. leaving normal cells relatively
High doses of ionising radiation destroy undamaged.
body tissues with death occurring immediately
or soon after exposure. The symptoms of Measuring ionising radiation
radiation sickness include a reddening of the
skin, a drop in white blood cell count, nausea, As we have already discussed in Chapter 1, all
fatigue and loss of body hair. The effects of substances are poisons. However, the dose
lower doses, however, may not show for years distinguishes between the agent having a
after the exposure and are due to various therapeutic or hazardous effect. The measure-
changes in DNA molecules and chromosomes. ment of ionising radiation is known as
There are at least four ways in which low doses dosimetry. This involves measuring the mag-
of ionising radiation can affect cells: nitude or strength of the radiation (its activity)
and considering the area of the body which is
• Low doses of ionising radiation can affected.
bring about delays in the process of The activity can be expressed as the curie
cell division. or bequerel. A useful conversion is that one
• Radiation-induced mutations seem curie equals 3.7 x 10 disintegration per
to be brought about by the second and a bequerel is one disintegration
deletion of small pieces of per second.
chromosomes during the process However, while the activity relates to the
of chromosome breakage and decay or disintegration of the source, it does
repair, and if such changes occur not consider the exposure or absorbed dose.
in egg-producing or sperm- Exposure was previously measured by the
producing cells (somatic cells) roentgen (R). One roentgen was defined as the
they may be inherited by the amount of X or  radiation that deposits 0.878
offspring. x 10 Joules of energy per kilogram of air.
230 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

The SI unit for exposure is now coulombs

Table 9.2 Tissue weighting factors
per kilogram ( ). There are about 3881
roentgens per . Tissue or organ Weighting factor
Absorbed dose is the amount of energy per
bladder 0.05
mass. The SI unit for absorbed dose is the gray
bone marrow (red) 0.12
(Gy). Previously, it was the rad. One rad is the
bone surface 0.01
amount of radiation that deposits energy at a
–2 –1 breast 0.05
rate of 1.00 x 10 in any absorbing
colon 0.12
material. Since the absorbed dose is still a
gonads 0.20
physical unit of dose representing the amount
liver 0.05
of energy deposited per mass of material, we
lung 0.12
need to consider the effects of ionising
oesophagus 0.05
radiation depending on the target organ or
skin 0.01
stomach 0.12
The equivalent dose is used in this case. It
thyroid 0.05
is the product of the absorbed dose and
weighting of the type of radiation. It is
measured in sieverts (Sv). For instance,  rays
have a greater mass than  or  radiation and
ionise cells that are closer together. This
Individual particles such as electrons, protons,
results in damage ten to twenty times greater
 particles, neutrons and  rays cannot be
than  or  radiation. Finally, the effective dose
detected by the senses of the body. A number
provides an indication of the biological effect
of detectors have been developed over time to
by considering the tissue that is affected. Table
measure ionising radiation. They can be
9.1 shows the weighting factor for several
categorised into the following groups:
types of radiation.
• simple detectors — for radiation
detection and contamination
Table 9.1 Weighting factors for monitoring
ionising radiation types • dosimeters — for monitoring
absorbed dose.
Type of radiation Weighting factor
X and  Rays 1
Simple detectors
 particles (electrons) 1
One of the most common simple detectors is
fast protons 5
the Geiger counter. The Geiger counter
slow neutrons 5
consists of a cylindrical tube that is filled with
 particles and heavy nuclei up to 20
gas. The tube acts as a cathode with a wire
electrode inside as the anode. The voltage
Table 9.2 shows the tissue weighting factors.
inside the tube is slightly less than that
required to ionise the gas atoms.
Therefore, if a charged particle enters the
tube, it ionises a few atoms of the gas. This in
turn causes a multitude of gas atoms to ionise
in a cascade. When they reach the wire anode,
Chapter 9: Radiation and pressure ■ 231

a voltage pulse is sent to a detector and for a time, they are returned to an accredited
counter. Most Geiger counters are connected laboratory or provider to determine the dose
to an audible output so a ticking sound is of radiation. The following principles should
heard. As the frequency of ticks or clicks be adopted when wearing these badges:
increases, this reflects the amount of radiation.
It is best for the detection of  radiation. • Wear the badge at all times when
A scintillation counter uses a media such as there is a potential for occupational
gas, liquid or solid. This media is called the exposure to ionising radiation.
scintillator. As the radiation particles strike the • Do not wear the badges if receiving
scintillator, it becomes excited and emits diagnostic or therapeutic medical
visible light. This light energy is converted into treatment.
an electrical signal by a photomultiplier tube. • If badges are not being used, they
As a general rule, this type of meter is best for should be stored in an area without
detecting  radiation. A typical scintillator is a radiation from activities (background
crystal of sodium iodide (NaI). exposure only) to prevent non-work
related exposure. Refrigeration is
Dosimeters advisable where high temperature or
humidity are encountered.
Dosimeters are able to provide an accurate • Film badges must not be kept in
measure of absorbed dose. Most are small and vehicles or where elevated
can be worn on the worker. Hence they are temperatures may cause damage
particularly useful where workers move around (darkening) to the film. This damage
and can be exposed to various sources of may be indistinguishable from
radiation. The simplest type is the quartz fibre darkening due to radiation exposure.
electroscope. In this dosimeter, electro- • A control badge should be kept with
statically charged quartz fibres are discharged other badges not in use. It should
when they are ionised by the radiation source. also be returned with the rest of the
They are generally used for X and  rays. The badges for the same wear period. The
other type is the thermoluminescent control is used to determine
dosimeter (TLD). They are usually available in a background radiation at a location and
number of energy ranges and respond to ,  any dose received by the badges in
and X emissions. transit. Any recorded dose is
As the radiation interacts with the sensitive subtracted from the other badges, so
crystals, light is stored. The total light is it should not be used for any other
proportional to the amount of radiation energy purpose.
absorbed. TLDs are handy in that they can be • The badge should be clipped on the
reused once the crystals have been annealed. collar of a shirt or dress, the front
The light energy is released when the crystals portion of the torso or at the waist.
are heated at the assessment laboratory. It is advisable to continue using
TLDs have largely replaced the film badge the chosen position for a full wear
dosimeter. The film badge dosimeter is a piece period.
of film wrapped in a light-tight material. As • If the hands are likely to be
ionising radiation passes through the film, it subjected to more radiation
changes so that when the film is developed it exposure than other parts of the
has darkened. body, rings or wrist badges should
After film badges or TLDs have been worn also be worn.
232 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Standards for ionising radiation provides safety requirements for laboratories

and precautions needed to prevent the
In Australia, each State and Territory has exposure of workers and members of the
responsibility for controlling exposure to public to excessive levels of radiation where
radiation (Table 9.3). These regulations are sources of ionising radiation are used. The
based on the NH&MRC’s recommended recommended annual effective dose limit for
radiation protection standards for individuals members of the public is 1 mSv per year,
exposed to ionising radiation. To control averaged over the person’s lifetime.
random effects, the effective dose limit is
suggested as 20 mSv per year for uniform
irradiation of the whole body. For the general NON-IONISING RADIATION
public, the level is 1 mSv each year. For
localised exposure to the hands, feet and skin, Non-ionising or electromagnetic radiation is
a limit of 500 mSv per year has been set for essentially energy waves that are composed of
radiation workers, to avoid acute effects from electric (E field) and magnetic field (H field)
exposure. For other tissues, lower limits have components. This energy is insufficient to
been set (e.g. 150 mSv for the lens of the eye). eject electrons from atoms, thus it is not able
If radiation is not uniform across the body, to ionise other matter. The electric and
then the appropriate tissue weighting factors magnetic fields are orthogonal to each other
(Table 9.2) should be used. Pregnant workers and orthogonal to the direction of propagation
should not be exposed to more than 2 mSv to of the wave. These two fields have the same
the abdomen for the remainder of the frequency and wavelength (thus the same
pregnancy (measured as an equivalent dose). speed) but travel in mutually perpendicular
The ACGIH suggests an effective dose of 50 planes.
mSv in any single year (expressed as the TLV). The electric field strength (E) is defined as
Otherwise its recommendations for exposure the force experienced by a positive charge
are identical to that of Australia. Another placed in an electric field and is measured as
useful reference is AS2243.4 (Int). This newton per coulomb (N.C ).

Table 9.3 Contact details for Australian government authorities responsible

for radiation

State/Territory Responsible body

Australian Capital Territory Radiation Safety Section, ACT Department of Health and
Community Care
New South Wales Radiation Control Section, Environment Protection
Northern Territory Radiation Health Branch, NT Department of Health &
Community Services
Queensland Radiation Health, Department of Health
South Australia Radiation Protection Branch, South Australian Health
Tasmania Department of Community and Health Services
Victoria Radiation Safety Section, Department of Human Services
Western Australia Radiation Health Section, Health Department of WA
Chapter 9: Radiation and pressure ■ 233

The magnetic field occurs when the eyes cannot detect this IR radiation
charges are moving and can be measured but our skin feels it as heat
either as the magnetic field strength (H) or • visible light — with wavelengths
magnetic flux density (B). The magnetic field
from about 400 nm for violet light
strength has units of ampere per metre (A.m ). through to about 700 nm for red
Radio frequency (RF) radiation is usually light; our eyes are most sensitive to
expressed in terms of H, with the exposure light in the middle of this range,
standards for magnetic fields of radio waves
such as yellow light with a wavelength
and microwaves given in units of H . The of about 550 nanometres (nm)
magnetic flux density has the unit tesla (T), (1 nm = 10 m)
previously gauss (G). • ultraviolet (meaning ‘above violet’)
There are 10 000 gauss in a tesla. Magnetic — causes sunburn and changes in
fields from powerlines, electric motors, skin pigmentation; UV radiation can
monitors and other low-frequency equipment also cause skin cancer and eye
is usually monitored this way. damage
Both the NH&MRC and ACGIH recommend • X rays
occupational exposure standards to static • gamma rays — these can be classed
magnetic flux density. For instance, the ACGIH as either ionising or non-ionising
suggests occupational exposure should not radiation.
exceed 60 mT (600 G) for the whole body or
600 mT for the extremities. A ceiling value of
Ultraviolet radiation
2 T and 5 T has also been suggested for the Ultraviolet radiation is divided into three types
whole body and the extremities, respectively. — A, B and C. Each is characterised by a
For people wearing cardiac pacemakers and different wavelength.
similar medical electronic devices, the ceiling
is 0.5 mT (5 G). • UV-A ranges from 315–400 nm
Electromagnetic waves travel through a
• UV-B ranges from 280–315 nm
vacuum at around 3 x 108 m.s (the speed of • UV-C ranges from 100–280 nm.
light in a vacuum). They are usually expressed
as the electromagnetic spectrum and have a The wavelengths with the highest risk to people
broader range of frequencies (see Table 9.4). In range from 180 to 400 nm, with wavelengths
order of increasing frequency, these are: around 270 nm being the most damaging. The
main organs affected from exposure to UV
• radio frequency radiation are the skin, eyes and possibly the
• infrared (meaning ‘below red’) — the immune system. Reddening or burning

Table 9.4 Non-ionising radiation

Type of radiation Wavelength (nm) Frequency (Hz)

–3 20
gamma 10 10
–1 18
X rays 10 10
ultraviolet 10 10
3 14
infrared 10 10
7 10
microwave 10 10
9 8
radiowave 10 10
234 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

(erythema) of the skin and skin cancer may a monochromatic source of UV radiation at 270
result from excessive skin exposure. Some nm. Individual irradiances are considered,
photosensitising chemicals such as creosote, together with the relative spectral effectiveness
coal tar pitch (from bitumen) and photograph- of the source. Equation 9.5 illustrates how to
developing chemicals can cause the skin to be calculate the effective irradiance (Eeff).
more susceptible to UV-B. Cataracts, conjunc-
tivitis and keratosis may affect the eye. The parts
Equation 9.5
of the eye that may be damaged from exposure
to UV radiation are the conjunctiva, cornea, lens Eeff = ∑ E.S.
and retina. Short wavelength UV radiation Where:
principally absorbs at the cornea, while long Eeff is the effective irradiance relative to
wavelength UV radiation is transmitted through a monochromatic source at 270 nm
the eye and focuses on the retina. ( )
–2 –1
E is spectral irradiance ( .nm )
Exposure standards S is relative spectral effectiveness
 is bandwidth (nm)
UV radiation can be measured using a
photoelectric sensor, although from an For a single wavelength, the effective
occupational hygiene perspective it is irradiance is simply the product of spectral
important that we consider the effects of each irradiance and relative spectral effectiveness.
type of UV radiation individually. This is expressed over an eight-hour period.
The exposure standards promulgated by However, where more than one wavelength
the NH&MRC in Australia consider the type of is involved (this is known as broadband
UV radiation and the organ affected. The radiation), the effective irradiance of the
ACGIH also has threshold limit values set for source is calculated by weighting individual
exposure to non-ionising radiation. spectral irradiances against the peak of the
spectral effectiveness curve (270 nm).
UV-A (skin) and UV-B/C (skin or To make the effective irradiance into a
eyes) useable value, the permitted exposure time is
determined by dividing 0.003 by Eeff
For unprotected skin or eyes, exposure is ( ). This is shown as Equation 9.6, and
calculated as the effective irradiance, relative to Example 9.2 explains this concept.

Example 9.2
A UV radiation source had a spectral irradiance (E) as follows.
–2 –1 –2
 E (µ .nm ) S Eeff (µ )
280 1.8 0.88 1.8 x 0.88 x 10 = 15.8
290 2.9 0.64 2.9 x 0.64 x 10 = 18.6
300 3.5 0.30 3.5 x 0.30 x 10 = 10.5
What is the permitted exposure time?
Eeff = ∑ E.S.
= 45 µ
Permitted exposure time = 0.003/Eeff
–2 –6 –2
= 0.003 /45 x 10
= 67 seconds
Chapter 9: Radiation and pressure ■ 235

Equation 9.6 rainbow, while violet is seen toward the base

of the rainbow.
Permitted exposure time = 0.003/Eeff
The most common sources of visible and
near infrared radiation are found in high-
Permitted exposure time (sec)
–2 energy applications such as furnaces, molten
Eeff is effective irradiance ( )
metal and welding.
Similar to exposure to UV radiation, the
main health effects of exposure to this type of
UV-A (eyes) radiation occur with the eyes. Visible light and
near IR radiation (400 – 1400 nm) pass through
When assessing the effects of exposure of UV-
the cornea and are focused on the retina.
A radiation to the eyes, a single limit is used.
The general recommendations are that radiant
Exposure standards
exposure to UV-A of the eyes should not
exceed 1.0 for exposure periods of less
3 3 Visible lighting levels are assessed against the
than 10 seconds. For periods of more than 10
AS1680 series for illumination. Chapter 11
seconds, the total irradiance should not
–2 describes how to monitor for light and
exceed 100 . The permitted exposure
compare with the appropriate standard. For
time can then be calculated using Equation
infrared radiation, the ACGIH TLV provide
recommendations that limit exposure to
visible and near IR radiation. The ACGIH TLV
Equation 9.7 for occupational exposure to broadband light
and near IR radiation for the eye require
Permitted exposure time = 1.0/Irradiance
knowledge of the spectral irradiance (L) and
total irradiance (E) of the source. This is only
Permitted exposure time (sec)
–2 required where the luminance of the source is
Irradiance is –2
more than 1 . If the source were less
than this amount, the TLV would not be
exceeded. The ACGIH TLV aim to protect
Visible and near infrared against retinal thermal injury from a visible
radiation light source. Therefore, if the source has a
luminance of more than 1 , Equation 9.8
As with the other components of the
is used.
electromagnetic spectrum, visible light is
emitted when a material is energised. This
causes electrons to drop from a higher-energy Equation 9.8
orbital to a lower one and give up a quantum 0.25
∑ L. R.  ≤ 5/.t
of energy (photon) in the form of light.
Visible light consists of a number of –2
L is spectral radiance ( .sr.nm)
spectra, ranging between around 400 nm
R is retinal thermal hazard function
(violet light) to 500 nm (green light), and 700
 is viewing angle (rad)
nm (red light). The spectra can be seen when
light is separated into various components,
such as by shining light through a prism or as To protect against retinal photochemical injury
a rainbow. In a rainbow, the longer wavelength from chronic blue light exposure, the blue light
spectra (red) lie on the longer arc of the hazard function (B) replaces the retinal
236 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

thermal hazard function used in Equation 9.8. AS/NZS2211.1 specifies requirements and
The maximum time of exposure can be procedures designed to protect people from
determined using Equation 9.9, where Lblue is laser radiation. It specifies safe working levels
the product of L and B. The values of L and B of optical radiation, classifies lasers according
are available in the ACGIH TLV booklet. to their degree of hazard and sets out detailed
protective and control measures appropriate
Equation 9.9
to each class. A statement on the effect of laser
–2 4
tmax = 100 J/(cm .sr) (for t ≤ 10 s) radiation on biological tissues is given in
Lblue addition to the maximum permissible
Where: exposures, calculations, a medical surveillance
tmax is permissible exposure duration (s) chart and the design of warning labels and
Lblue is L x B signs. Figure 9.3 illustrates an example of a
warning sign for laser radiation.
Lasers Some other useful standards are:

LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by

Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Due to their • AS2397 Safe Use of Lasers in the
high intensity and monochromatic character- Building and Construction Industry
istics, lasers present a hazard even over long • AS/NZS1336 Recommended
distances. The principle of operation lies in the Practices for Occupational Eye
excitation of atoms to a higher energy level. The Protection
excited atoms are unstable and emit a photon
once returning to ground state.
This emitted light can have wavelengths
ranging from infrared to visible, UV and X-ray
radiation. Once the photon is emitted it
bounces between several mirrors, causing the
photon to stimulate the emission of photons
with exactly the same wavelength. This cas- AVOID EXPOSURE TO BEAM
cading effect continues, with more and more CLASS 3B LASER PRODUCT
photons emitting radiation. All of these light
waves are in phase. This means that as they pass
between the mirrors, their power intensifies
with the emergent light being the laser beam.
Lasers are used in the construction industry
for surveying and drilling holes in metals,
welding, telecommunications, dentistry,
entertainment (lighting, holography, compact
discs), printing, for reading universal product
codes (bar codes) in supermarkets or stores
and in the military for target designation. But
does this mean that all lasers are harmful? The
answer will depend upon the classification of
the laser that is based on its emission limits.
The main classes of laser products, from least
to most hazardous, are Class 1, 2, 3A, 3B and 4. Figure 9.3 Laser radiation signage
Chapter 9: Radiation and pressure ■ 237

• AS/NZS2211.1 Laser Safety Exposure standards

— Equipment Classification,
Requirements and User’s It is outside the scope of this book to provide
Guide in-depth details with regard to the analysis of
• AS/NZS2211.2 Laser Safety — exposure to lasers, but the ACGIH TLV and
Safety of Optical Fibre AS/NZS2211.1 could be sourced for further
Communication Systems detail. AS/NZS2211.1 gives the maximum
• AS/NZS4173 Guide to the Safe Use permissible exposure limits.
of Lasers in Health Care.
Radio frequency radiation
The most likely effect from exposure to a laser
or laser product is heating or burning. There- Radio frequency radiation can be divided into
fore, the skin and eyes are most at risk. With a number of areas based on the frequencies of
high-power visible lasers, the blink reflex of the radiation. The frequency ranges for RF
eye may not be adequate to provide protection. radiation are shown below in Table 9.5.
Some other hazards associated with operating The main health effects of exposure to
lasers include: radio frequency radiation are mainly thermal
with the cornea and lens susceptible to
• exposure to atmospheric frequencies between 1 GHz and 300 GHz.
contaminants from the process Human hearing may also be at risk of
• collateral radiation associated with exposure. Another source of exposure that is
the laser product; for instance, UV or less recognised is from ground level or
IR radiation may be emitted from flash airborne radar installations. The energy level
lamps can be measured as the power flux density (S),
• electrical hazards electric field strength (E) and/or the magnetic
• cryogenic coolants that may cause field strength (H). AS/NZS2772.1 has exposure
burns. limits for RF radiation.

Table 9.5 Frequency ranges for RF radiation

Abbreviation Frequency classification Frequency (Hz)

EHF Extremely High Frequency 30–300GHz
SHF Super High Frequency 3–30GHz
UHF Ultra High Frequency 0.3–3GHz
VHF Very High Frequency 30–300MHz
HF High Frequency 3–30MHz
MF Medium Frequency 0.3–3MHz
LF Low Frequency 30–300kHz
VLF Very Low Frequency 3–30kHz
ELF Extremely Low Frequency 30–300Hz
238 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Common sources of radio frequency fields confirmed by other laboratory studies or their
include: health implications are unknown. Current
scientific evidence indicates that exposure to
• monitors and video display units RF fields is unlikely to induce or promote
(3–30 kHz) cancers.
• AM radio (30 kHz–3 MHz)
• industrial induction heaters Mobile telephones and towers
(0.3–3 MHz)
• RF heat sealers Since this book was originally published in
• medical diathermy (3–30 MHz) 1999, research has continued into the short-
• FM radio (30–300 MHz) and long-term health effects of mobile
• mobile telephones, television telephones and towers. Most research points
broadcast, microwave ovens to no substantiated evidence that living near
(0.3–3 GHz) mobile phone towers or using a mobile
• radar, satellite links, microwave telephone causes any adverse health effects.
communications (3–30 GHz) Since mobile telephones, as well as many
• the sun (3–300 GHz). other electronic devices in common use, can
cause electromagnetic interference in other
Health effects electrical equipment, caution should be
exercised when using mobile telephones
The type of health effect from exposure to around sensitive electro-medical equipment
radio frequencies will depend on its frequency. used in hospital intensive care units.
For instance, fields above 10 GHz are absorbed Mobile telephones can, in rare instances,
at the skin surface, with very little of the also cause interference in certain other
energy penetrating into the underlying tissues. medical devices, such as cardiac pace-
However, if the fields are between 1 MHz and makers and hearing aids. People using such
10 GHz, they can penetrate exposed tissues devices should contact their doctor to
and produce heating due to energy absorption determine the susceptibility of their products
in these tissues. Microwaves are a component to these effects.
of radio frequencies and occupy the spectral
region between 300 GHz and 300 MHz. Extremely low frequency
The depth of tissue penetration with RF radiation
radiation depends on the frequency of the field
and is greater for lower frequencies. Most Extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation is
adverse health effects that could occur from most commonly 50 Hz radiation from electrical
exposure to RF fields between 1 MHz and 10 conductors. Since the electric fields from the
GHz are consistent with responses to induced ELF radiation will not penetrate the body, the
heating, resulting in rises in tissue or body main occupational health concern is associated
temperatures higher than 1°C. with the magnetic field. Much media attention
Radio frequencies can also interfere with has been given to the use of electric blankets,
the normal functioning of the body, hair dryers and arc welders due to the
with induced current densities that exceed inconclusive effects of exposure to magnetic
100 mA.m . Other effects on the body fields. Research tends to indicate that there
from exposure to low-intensity RF fields, may be a statistical relationship between
present in the living environment, have been increased childhood cancer rates and exposure
reported; however, either they have not been to powerline frequency magnetic fields.
Chapter 9: Radiation and pressure ■ 239


Working above or below atmospheric pressure
The principles of control for radiation will is limited to a select number of jobs such as
depend upon whether it is ionising or non- underwater diving. Exposure to pressure can
ionising. With most forms of radiation the occur during construction of bridges, rigging
general strategy is to shield and distance the of heavy objects underwater, inspection of
worker from the source through time and pipelines, cutting or welding underwater and
distance. The shielding material may be aquatic scientific research activity and can
metallic (e.g. lead is frequently used for affect recreational diving instructors.
ionising radiation control), glass (e.g. window From an occupational hygiene perspective,
glass attenuates non-ionising radiation well, the hazards are categorised as hypobaric (low
especially microwaves and UV radiation) or pressure) and hyperbaric (high pressure).
concrete. Workers who may be susceptible to Hypobaric conditions occur where work is
the effects of radiation can be separated or conducted at altitude. Some examples of
isolated from the source. For instance, with occupational exposure include high-altitude
ELF it is best to keep workers with metal construction and aviation. The main problem
surgical implants or cardiac pacemakers away with this is the reduction in partial pressure of
from these sources. oxygen. The main health effects are:
Administrative controls such as worker
rotation, monitoring of dose and training are • Hypoxia — this is due to insufficient
also important in the overall scheme of risk con- oxygenation of the blood. The
trol. Personal protective equipment such as sun- respiratory ventilation rate increases to
screen, protective eyewear and clothing should compensate for the oxygen depletion.
be worn to protect against UV and IR radiation. This reduces the workers’ ability to
Some relevant standards include: perform extended physical work and
affects judgement.
• AS/NZS1338.1 Filters for Eye • Benign acute mountain sickness —
Protectors — Filters for Protection this occurs when a person rapidly
Against Radiation Generated in ascends to an area of less oxygen.
Welding and Allied Operations It generally resolves itself within
• AS/NZS1338.2 Filters for Eye three to five days, and is
Protectors — Filters for Protection characterised by a group of symptoms
Against Ultraviolet Radiation including headache in the front part of
• AS/NZS1338.3 Filters for Eye the head.
Protectors — Filters for Protection • High altitude pulmonary oedema and
Against Infrared Radiation high altitude cerebral oedema —
• AS/NZS1336 Recommended these can become life threatening if
Practices for Occupational Eye not treated by rapid descent to a
Protection lower altitude.
• AS1067 Sunglasses and Fashion
Spectacles — Safety Requirements Hyperbaric conditions are most often
• AS1067.2 Sunglasses and Fashion associated with underwater work. The main
Spectacles — Performance occupational health hazards associated with
Requirements. this type of work are:
240 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• gas toxicity — this is due to the effect The AS/NZS2299 series can be used for advice
of oxygen and carbon dioxide inhaled on controls about occupational underwater
at high pressures; the brain and lung diving operations. It includes requirements for
can be damaged and judgement personnel, diving procedures, equipment,
drastically impaired compression chambers and compressed air
• decompression sickness — this supply. It also contains a useful segment on
occurs due to the changing pressure medical standards, medical examinations and
and results in nitrogen bubbles in reports, decompression tables, therapeutic
the body recompression treatment, diver qualifications,
• trapped gas in the blood — this is a employer and diver records, hand and lifeline
painful condition where trapped gases signals and diving operations’ manuals.
are released into the tissues from the For further information about diving safety,
blood before the nitrogen is exhaled; it may be worthwhile to contact the Pro-
many divers now use a mixture of fessional Association of Diving Instructors
helium and oxygen to minimise this (PADI). PADI is a diver-training organisation that
occurrence establishes standards for diver training, trains
• alternobaric vertigo and certifies instructors and provides infor-
— uneven pressure stimulation mation to its members. Otherwise, the best
of the balance mechanism in contact available Australia-wide is the Royal
the ear due to unequal middle ear Australian Navy School of Underwater Medicine.
pressures or blockage of the The Diving Medical Officer should be able to
Eustachian tube provide a recent list of recompression facilities
• dental and ear barotrauma available throughout Australia and give imme-
— dental barotrauma is caused diate direction. In some States and Territories,
by air trapped in a cavity beneath the workplace health and safety regulatory
a filling; ear barotrauma can be in the authority may also have diving inspectors who
external, middle or inner ear. are experts in diving safety and health.

Physical hazards such as pressure and radiation may present a significant risk to workers.
Radiation can be either ionising or non-ionising. Ionising radiation includes , ,  and X-rays.
Non-ionising radiation or electromagnetic radiation consists of an electric and magnetic field.
Exposure to pressure occurs through specialised work and can be due to high or low


American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 2003, TLV and BEI, ACGIH, Cincinnati, Ohio
DiNardi, S.R. (ed.) 1997, The Occupational Environment — Its Evaluation and Control, AIHA, Virginia
Giancoli, D.G. 1991, Physics Principles with Applications, 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.,
Chapter 9: Radiation and pressure ■ 241

Grantham, D.L. 1992, Occupational Health & Hygiene Guidebook for the WHSO, D.L. Grantham, Brisbane
Haski, R. 1994, ‘Conference on Visual Display Terminals, Electromagnetic Fields and Health’, Journal
of Occupational Health and Safety — Australia and New Zealand, no. 10, vol. 2, pp. 170–2
Morrison, H. and Sinclair, S. 1982, Australian Scuba Diver — The Essentials of Scuba Theory, Lion Fish
Publications, Perth
National Health and Medical Research Council 1987, Occupational Standards for Exposure to Ultraviolet
Radiation, NH&MRC, Canberra
National Health and Medical Research Council/National Occupational Health and Safety Commission
1995, Recommendations for Limiting Exposure to Ionizing Radiation, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1991, Guidance Note for the Protection of Workers
from the Ultraviolet Radiation in Sunlight, AGPS, Canberra
Professional Association of Diving Instructors 1990, PADI Open Water Diver Manual, PADI, California
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS1680.1: 1990 Interior Lighting — General Principles and
Recommendations, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS1680.2: Interior Lighting — Recommendation for Specific
Tasks and Interiors, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS2772.1: 1990 Radio Frequency Radiation — Part 1 —
Maximum Exposure Levels — Hz to 300GHz, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 1993, AS2243.5: 1993 Safety in Laboratories — Non-ionising
Radiations, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 1993, AS2397: 1993 Safe Use of LASERs in the Building and
Construction Industry, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 1994, AS2243.4 (Int): 1994 Safety in Laboratories — Ionizing
Radiations, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1992, AS/NZS1338.1: 1992 Filters for Eye Protectors —
Filters for Protection Against Radiation Generated in Welding and Allied Operations, Standards
Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1992, AS/NZS1338.2: 1992 Filters for Eye Protectors —
Filters for Protection Against Ultraviolet Radiation, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1992, AS/NZS1338.3: 1992 Filters For Eye Protectors —
Filters for Protection Against Infra-red Radiation, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1994, AS/NZS4173: 1994 Guide to the Safe Use of
LASERs in Health Care, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1997, AS/NZS1336: 1997 Recommended Practices for
Occupational Eye Protection, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1997, AS/NZS2211.1: 1997 Laser Safety — Equipment
Classification, Requirements and User’s Guide, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1997, AS/NZS2211.2: 1997 Laser Safety — Safety of
Optical Fibre Communication Systems, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 2003, AS/NZS1067: 2003 Sunglasses and Fashion
Spectacles, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Chapter 10

Biological hazards

A biological hazard can be described as any microbes surrounding us, very large numbers
micro-organism or material of biological origin inhabit the surfaces of our bodies. Indeed,
that has the ability to cause illness. The body each individual person carries at least 10 000
has several mechanisms for dealing with such times more bacteria than there are people in
invaders beginning with the first line of the world. While this might seem astounding,
defence, the skin and mucous membranes. the presence of microbes does not necessarily
Should the agents enter the body, however, spell trouble. The body has mechanisms to
immunity (cellular and humoral) takes over, on deal with microbial flora without com-
a ‘locate-and-destroy’ mission. Chapter 2 promising homeostasis. The surfaces of the
outlined the role of the immune system in body are the first line of defence. The
defending against foreign agents. Many plants characteristics of the skin and mucous
and animals produce or store pathogenic membranes were identified earlier in Chapter
micro-organisms. These can then be trans- 2. Acidity and antimicrobial substances such as
mitted before a period of incubation and lysozymes take much of the credit for
infection. protecting the body. Imagine working in a
This chapter focuses on the meaning health care centre such as a hospital or nursing
of biological and microbiological hazards, home. Each day workers are bombarded with
categories of biological agents and methods various bacteria and viruses from ill patients.
of transmission including vectors, direct However, it is the body’s first line of defence
transmission and reservoirs. that initially protects against such agents
It will also outline the reservoirs, vectors passing into the body. If the microbes were to
and health effects of various types of enter the body, the second line of defence
occupationally related diseases caused by would take over. Immunity is responsible for a
biological agents. The chapter will conclude highly specific response to a foreign substance.
with options for the control of biological Immunisation can be humoral or cellular.
hazards. Cellular immunity refers to various forms of
white blood cells that move freely throughout
the body, tracking and destroying foreign
HUMAN AND MICROBIAL agents. Table 10.1 shows various cell types for
INTERACTION cellular immunity. Humoral immunity can be
achieved either through an innate system or by
Whether at work or play, we are not alone. adapting to antibodies that have entered the
Although we cannot see the tiny organisms or body. These are outlined in Chapter 2.
244 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Table 10.1 Cell types for cellular immunity

Type of cell Functions and characteristics

Basophil A form of leucocyte
Initiates the inflammatory response and allergic
Are called mast cells when found outside blood vessels
Eosinophil A form of leucocyte
Attacks large parasites such as helminths
Monocytes and macrophages Phagocytic cells
Monocytes are found in the blood
Macrophages are found in the tissue
Natural killer cells (lymphocytes) Attack-altered cells (due to changes in their surface
from microbes)
Neutrophil A form of leucocyte
Phagocytic cells, especially against pus-producing

Infection quietly but increases in number. This period of

increasing growth is known as the incubation
If a microbial agent and a host form a period. It may last from hours to years;
relationship, an infection will occur. This is however, once it reaches the critical level,
likely where the first line of defence is infection occurs.
inadequate (e.g. due to a cut or abrasion to the
skin) or the body’s immune system is unable to Health effects from microbial
destroy the microbe. Certain drugs, injury or agents
disease can contribute to the body’s inability
to deal with microbial agents. Sometimes an The consequence of exposure to biological
infection may occur without a person realising contaminants will depend on the route of
its existence. Symptoms are a sign or change, entry, system of the body affected and nature
showing that a substance has altered the body of the individual agent. While symptoms may
or its functions. A symptom of a biological range from none to severe ill health, it is
infection might include a circular skin rash in impossible to generalise about health effects
the case of ringworm (a form of tinea caused from biological substances holistically.
by Microsporum canis), diarrhoea from a serious However, since most have passed through the
infection such as E-coli (Escherichia coli), or an first and second lines of defence, allergic
asthmatic response from bird droppings responses are frequently elicited. Allergy or
(Chlamydia psittaci). Other times the infected hypersensitivity are unwanted immune
person may be asymptomatic or show no reactions that involve either antibodies
symptoms. (immediate hypersensitivity) or sensitised
Just as there may be a dose threshold for lymphocytes (cell-mediated hypersensitivity).
chemical substances to affect the body, Table 10.2 shows how allergic reactions are
biological agents must also reach a minimum categorised into four groups.
infectious dose before infection will occur. From an occupational hygiene perspective,
After the microbe enters the body, it lies most hypersensitivities are Type I and IV.
Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 245

Table 10.2 Categories of allergic reactions

Type Reason for effect Time

I Release of mediators like histamine to
cause smooth muscle contraction
and dilate capillaries 2–20 minutes
II Reaction of antibodies with red
blood cells (RBC) 4–10 hours
III Inflammation due to activation of
leukcocytes which degranuate 2–10 hours
IV Macrophages respond to sensitised
lymphocytes many hours after
exposure to the antigen 24–48 hours

Type I hypersensitivities occur where the body symptoms. This means that their body is
becomes sensitised to an allergen (i.e. pollen, actually a ‘home’ for the microbe and it can be
animal hair or moulds). Allergic extrinsic transmitted to others.
alveolitis is a lung condition that is associated The most common routes of transmission
with exposure to such substances. It occurs of occupationally related biological con-
when the immunogloblins (antibodies) attack taminants are through:
these antigens, causing symptoms such as
asthma or allergies. • direct contact with the microbe
Type IV or delayed hypersensitivity shows • air
effects some time after exposure to the • water
antigen. This is due to the response of the • vectors.
macrophages by sensitised lymphocytes.
Allergic contact dermatitis (from exposure to Direct contact might occur by touching an
substances such as nickel, chromium or poison infected surface or person. For instance, a
ivy) is an example of a Type IV delayed veterinarian delivering a calf that is infected
hypersensitivity. with Coxiella burnetii could contract Q Fever; or
cross-infection from one patient to another
Transmission may occur in a health care setting.
Airconditioning systems are renowned for the
An important issue to consider with biological proliferation of airborne particles containing
contaminants is the mechanism of exposure. Is Legionella pneumophila, which could cause
the agent in the workplace due to normal legionnaire’s disease. Infected drinking water
operations or a by-product of the work? Has it could contain high levels of Giardia lamblia,
been accidentally introduced from an outside causing giardiasis. Sewage workers may be
source? How is it passed from one host or exposed to pathogenic agents such as E-coli.
reservoir to another? Transmission describes Vectors allow the movement of microbes.
the path that microbes take from the initial Some examples include lice, rodents and
host (where they may multiply and grow in mosquitoes. Mosquitoes transmit blood-borne
aggression) to the infected host. In some diseases such as dengue and Ross River virus.
cases, a person or animal may be a reservoir Louse-borne typhus has been associated with
for the agent, although they may not show poor conditions and overcrowding. Rats’ urine
246 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

in sugarcane fields has been associated with from ticks. Helminths can be further broken
leptospirosis. down into the platyhelminths and
aschelminths. Platyhelminths (flatworms) have a
flat or leaf shape, often with a head. They
CATEGORIES OF include the beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata),
BIOLOGICAL AGENTS liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) and pork tapeworm
(Taenia solium). Aschelminths are round, elon-
Micro-organisms can be classified into two gated worms that have a complete digestive
main groups: system. Diseases from intestinal worms include
trichinosis (Trichinella spiralis) and hookworm
• Prokaryotae — or single-celled disease (Necator americanus). The other types of
organisms that lack a true nucleus aschelminth are the blood and tissue worms.
• Eukaryotae — or multicellular The vectors for these worms are typically
organisms whose cells contain a true animals such as mosquitoes and flies.
Prokaryotic organisms include bacteria,
chlamydia, rickettsia and mycoplasmas. There is an enormous variety of bacteria,
Eukaryotic organisms include plants, animals, although they all share the common
algae (except blue-green algae), fungi, characteristics of being prokaryotic cellular
parasites and protozoan. organisms. This often is where the similarity in
structure and function of many bacteria ends.
Algae Bacteria are divided into different divisions
depending on their morphology, cell arrange-
Algae are widely found in nature and contain ments, oxygen requirements, motility and nu-
chlorophyll and other pigments that provide tritional and metabolic properties. Their names
their green or red appearance. From an consist of two part — the genus and the species.
occupational hygiene perspective, algae Bacteria morphology or shape is
present a low risk to most workers. The categorised into three types: cocci (spherical),
exception to this is where water is polluted bacilli (rod) and spiral (spirilla and spirochaete).
from the growth of many algae (blooms) which Cocci can be either individual cells or linked
are then consumed. together to form a group of cells. Bacilli are
shaped as rods or cylinders. Where the bacteria
Animals look similar to both a cocci and rod, they are
named coccobacilli. Spiral forms of bacteria
The main types of biological agents that are have a distinctive helical shape.
categorised under the term animals include
arthropods and helminths. Arthropods are Cell arrangements
joint-legged animals such as spiders, mites,
ticks, centipedes, millipedes, bees, flies, crabs The main parts of bacterium are appendages
and crayfish. Some arthropods are merely (e.g. flagella, fimbriae and pili), surface layers,
mechanical vectors (for transferring a cytoplasm and special structure. Flagella are
microbiological agent) while others allow the propulsion mechanism of the cell. Fimbriae
multiplication of the bacteria or microbiological appear on gram-negative bacteria and adhere
agent. An example of an arthropod-borne to other cells. Pili are involved in bacterial
disease is Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) conjugation.
Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 247

Bacterium can have several surface layers. for transmission but can be transferred through
Many have an outside layer (the capsule), a cell interpersonal contact. They are known as
wall, plasma membrane and mesosomes. obligate intracellular parasites since they are
A common description of bacteria refers to transmitted to a host where they obtain nu-
its response to a differential staining technique trients to survive. An example of chlamydia is
known as the ‘gram stain’. This results in Chlamydia psittaci which is found in bird
categorisation as either gram-positive or gram- droppings.
negative bacteria. While a full discussion of the
reasoning behind this response is beyond the Fungi
scope of this chapter, it should be said that the
difference in the groups relates mainly to their Fungi are vegetative structures that require
cell wall construction. organic compounds for energy. They include
moulds and yeasts, and are multicellular (except
Oxygen requirements for yeasts). Moulds grow as long filaments of
cells called hyphae.
Some bacterial cells require oxygen for Inhalation of some fungal antigens, such as
respiration (i.e. they are aerobic) while others Thermoactinomyces sacchari from mouldy
function without oxygen (anaerobic). Oxygen sugarcane or Micropolysporis faeni and
requirements are another way of classifying Thermoactinomyces vulgaris from mushroom
bacteria. compost, can cause extrinsic allergic alveolitis.
Yeasts are usually round and larger than most
Motility bacteria. They are different from mould, in that
they exist as individual cells.
The flagellum is the whip-like appendage
attached to bacterium. Some bacteria have Mycoplasmas
several flagella. Another mechanism of
movement for the bacteria is gliding by the Mycoplasmas are bacteria that do not form cell
contracting cytoplasm. walls. They are very small, ranging in size from
0.1 µm to 0.25 µm. The most significant
Nutritional and metabolic human pathogen among mycoplasmas is
properties Microplasma pneumoniae, which is the causative
agent for primary atypical pneumonia.
This classification describes whether the
bacteria are able to photosynthesise or Parasites
require nutrition from outside the cell. Some
bacterial cells are able to form endospores. Technically, all viruses and many bacteria are
These are developed within the cell and are parasites. These include protozoan, fungi,
able to develop into a new organism if helminths and arthropods and are individually
required. explained throughout this chapter.

Chlamydia Protozoan

These are a type of eukaryotic organism that is Protozoan can exist as unicellular or
actually parasitic. They are coccoid bacteria that multicellular organisms and can be divided
range in size from 0.2 µm to 1.5 µm. They are into the following four groups based on their
not motile and do not require insects or ticks method of motility:
248 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• mastigophora immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the herpes

• sarcodina virus.
• sporozoa
• ciliata. Zoonoses

The mastigophora class has flagella and Zoonotic diseases are those acquired through
typically a long cell shape. An example within contact with animals or animal products. The
this category of protozoan is Giardia lamblia industries at particular risk include those
(which causes giardiasis, an intestinal involved in:
infection). The sarcodina class includes
amoebae, which are associated with • animal production and marketing
abdominal complaints such as dysentery. (e.g. farmers, meat processing,
Sporozoans cause diseases such as malaria and abattoirs)
toxoplasmosis and are all parasites of animal • health care (hospital workers and
hosts. The final class, ciliata, have short cleaners, public health care workers,
projections from the cell body. sewage workers)
• research (laboratory technicians
Rickettsias involved in animal experimentation
and testing, pharmaceutical
Rickettsias can reproduce only within a host researchers)
cell, making them similar to viruses, but • handling livestock (veterinarians,
because their morphology and biochemical horse trainers, farriers, stock
structure is similar to that of bacteria, they are workers)
classified as such. Rickettsias are rod-shaped • pet industry (kennel operators, bird
bacteria (coccobacilli), ranging in length from breeders, pet store operators)
1 µm to 2 µm. An interesting feature of • entertainment involving animals
rickettsias is that they are transmitted to (zoos, circuses and wildlife parks).
humans through insects and ticks. The
exception to this is Coxiella burnetii, which This section of the chapter will focus on
causes Q Fever. Q Fever is often found where individual zoonoses and provide a description
animal fluids, dust, wool or straw have been of their nature, reservoirs, vectors and health
contaminated with the bacteria. effects.

Viruses are non-cellular structures with a
diameter of around 20–200 nm. They consist Anthrax
of a nucleic acid centre, which is surrounded
by a protein or protein and lipid coat. Viruses Anthrax is also known as woolsorters’ disease
are obligatory intracellular parasites, which or malignant carbuncle. In people, the disease
means they must have a living host cell to is rare and can be caused by Bacillus anthracis.
multiply. In order for the virus to multiply, it The cycle of transmission begins from an
must invade the host cell and take over its infected source (cows, goats or sheep),
metabolic machinery. This process changes the contaminated animal products (leather, pelts,
host cell and may result in its death. Some bone meal, wool or fur) or spores in the air. It
examples of viruses include influenza, human generally takes around two to five days for
Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 249

incubation before symptoms on the skin, in the • handling infected animals or animal
respiratory system or in the gastrointestinal products such as chickens, turkeys,
system appear. ducks, smallgoods and eggs.

Brucellosis C. fetus or C. vibriosis is quite uncommon and

the mode of transmission is uncertain. Animals
There are six species of the genus Brucella. such as cattle and sheep are typically the
People are susceptible to the bacteria B. reservoir, with either direct contact or food
melitensis, B. suis, B. abortus and B. canis. The contamination suspected to be the cause of
other two species are B. neotoma and B. ovis. transmission.
The natural reservoirs of B. suis, B. abortus and
B. canis are pigs (or swine), cattle and dogs, Glanders
respectively. Goats and sheep are the natural
hosts of B. melitensis. Workers are frequently Glanders is a rare disease that is caused from
infected either through consumption of Pseudomonas mallei. It manifests as pneumonia
infected meat or animal products or by with ulcers appearing in the nostrils and
inhalation of the bacteria from the animals, for pharynx. Although seen infrequently, the
instance, consumption of goats’ cheese or raw mortality rate is high. Solipeds (solid-hoof
milk, or unpasteurised cows’ milk. It is also animals such as horses and donkeys) are the
possible for vegetables that have been reservoir for the bacteria. Direct contact with
fertilised with infected excreta from these workers (e.g. stablehands, horse trainers) can
animals to transfer the bacteria, if eaten raw. lead to the onset of the disease through skin
The most common occupational groups at contact or inhaling the aerosols.
risk are those exposed to the bodily fluids of
infected animals, such as veterinarians, Leptospirosis
farmers, slaughtering yard personnel and
abattoir workers. The main source of infection Other terms for leptospirosis are Weil’s
is in the foetus, afterbirth and vaginal disease, canecutter’s fever or rice-field fever. It
discharges from cattle, swine, goats and sheep. is frequently transmitted from rodent urine
Symptoms of the disease include headache, directly to workers or through contaminated
sweating, fever, muscular pains and water. Other hosts of the disease include
depression. cattle, pigs and domestic animals such as dogs.
Therefore, people working with livestock, and
Camphylobacteriosis workers walking through rice fields or sugar-
cane paddocks in bare feet, are at risk of
Camphylobacter organisms live naturally in the infection.
gut of sheep, pigs, cattle and birds. The main The bacterium of this disease is Leptospira
species of occupational health significance are interrogans. The symptoms of Weil’s disease
C. jejuni and C. fetus. Workers can become begin with fever, headache, nausea and
exposed to the bacteria C. jejuni through: vomiting.

• eating animals or animal products Lyme disease

(e.g. raw milk, birds handled in the
kitchen and eaten without proper Lyme disease was identified around the town
cooking) of Lyme, Connecticut in the late 1970s. It is
• drinking contaminated water transmitted through the tick from the bacteria
250 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Borrelia burgdorferi. After the tick bite, a red six to 72 hours after consuming infected food.
lesion appears on the skin. These lesions can A serious side effect from salmonellosis is
be accompanied by a general feeling of dehydration, due to the vomiting and
unwellness with symptoms such as fever and a diarrhoea. Eating contaminated food or water
stiff neck. It can also lead to arthritis. A few (similar to camphylobacteriosis) usually
people also develop meningoencephalitis. transmits it.

Mycoses Tetanus

Mycoses can be further broken down into: Strictly speaking, tetanus is not a zoonotic
disease because it is common to both humans
• aspergillosis and animals. Tetanus is caused by Clostridium
• histoplasmosis tetami and is also known as trismus or lockjaw.
• zygomycosis. The spores of the microbe are found in soils,
on rust and also in the faeces of animals and
Aspergillosis is relatively uncommon. The people. The route of entry of the bacteria is
bacterium that causes the disease is Aspergillus usually through broken skin or wounds. Dog
fumigatus. The soil is usually the reservoir of bites have been associated with tetanus, as
the bacteria but the fungus is transmitted to have puncture wounds from rusty nails. The
people and animals through the air. Cattle and symptoms include painful spasms of muscles
fowl are also susceptible to aspergillosis. of the neck and face. The reflexes become
Histoplasmosis (also known as Darling’s exaggerated with a rigid abdomen.
disease or cavern disease) is spread from
fungus (Histoplasma capsulatum). Both people
and animals can acquire the disease from soil CHLAMYDIOSES AND
(the reservoir), usually during activities such as RICKETTSIOSES
bulldozing, cleaning or demolishing rural
structures (like chicken coops) and visiting bat
caves. Rural and construction workers are Avian chlamydiosis (psittacosis)
mostly at risk.
Zygomycoses are diseases caused by fungi The common name for avian chlamydiosis is
belonging to the Zygomycetes order. The fungi psittacosis or ornithosis. The two main species
can produce a large number of spores. of concern are Chlamydia trachomatis and C.
Transmission occurs through inhalation of psittaci. The disease is transmitted via the
these spores or contamination with the skin inhalation of C. psittaci which occurs in wild
and inoculation. While animals such as horses, and domestic birds such as pigeons, turkeys,
swine, dogs and cats can contract the disease, ducks and pet birds. Both the bird faeces and
it is generally accepted that transmission feathers are sources of infection. Symptoms
between people and animals is unlikely. show as respiratory illness (cough), sometimes
accompanied with headache, fever, chills,
Salmonellosis sweating, anorexia and muscular aches.

Salmonellosis is a very common disease that is Q Fever

also known as an enteric infection. The
symptoms typically include a sudden onset of Q Fever is caused by Coxiella burnetii and is also
fever, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting within known as abattoir fever or pneumorickettsiosis.
Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 251

The microbe is usually transmitted in aerosol slaughter of more than a million chickens to
form and the disease occurs frequently in prevent the spread of the disease.
abattoir or meat processing workers, especially
on the kill-floor or hide area. The main source of Measles
infection is from domestic animals (e.g. cattle,
sheep and goats) and their contaminated Measles is caused from an RNA genome virus
products (offal, afterbirth and foetus). Products from the Morbillivirus genus. It has also been
such as hides and wool can also become found in non-human primates such as monkeys,
involved in the transmission of the microbe. chimpanzees and orang-utans. Humans are the
The incubation period of the disease ranges only known reservoir, and the disease is usually
from a few weeks to a month. Symptoms, such transmitted through airborne droplets. It
as chills, sweating, anorexia, fever and malaise, causes fever, a cough, inflammation of the
show suddenly. Sometimes the person will also upper respiratory tract and reddish-brown
becomes nauseous and vomit. spots. Health care workers caring for infected
people with the disease may be at risk.


Cowpox and viral haemorrhagic Rabies is extremely rare in Australia. The rabies
fevers virus is an RNA virus that belongs to the
Lyssavirus family. The animal hosts are chiefly
Cowpox is believed to not occur in Australia. It carnivores (e.g. dogs, cats, foxes and skunks)
has been isolated only in the United Kingdom and bats. Infection usually occurs from the bite
and some of the western European countries. of an infected animal. The disease incubates
Viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHF) such as Lassa anywhere from two to eight weeks but it can be
fever, Marburg fever and Ebola virus have not up to eight months. Initial symptoms of the
been identified in Australia. disease include anxiety, malaise and increase in
body temperature. As the disease progresses,
Influenza respiratory muscles begin to spasm. Rabies can
lead to death.
Influenza is an extremely common ailment that
is spread through direct contact by droplets
that penetrate the upper respiratory tract. It PARASITIC DISEASE
can also be spread by close contact such as in
crowded workplaces or on public transport. Giardiasis
Those with direct contact with the public,
health care workers and teachers are at the Giardiasis or lambliasis is caused by the
greatest risk of infection. This virus has protozoan, Giardia lamblia. The main animals at
thousands of strains. From an occupational risk are cats, dogs and guinea pigs. The
health point, influenza has been known to infection can be asymptomatic or show as
occur in animals such as swine, wild and diarrhoea, flatulence and intolerance of
domestic birds and horses. In 1997 in Hong specific foods. While people are the main
Kong, Influenza A H5N1 (bird or avian flu) was reservoir, the source of infection comes from
discovered to affect people. The influenza faeces that contain the parasitic cysts.
presents with sudden and high fever, malaise, Transmission can occur by the oral–faecal
cough and sore throat. The outbreak saw the route or by contaminated drinking water.
252 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Hydatidosis cava of the heart. From here, they are

transported throughout the body.
A small tapeworm called Echinococus granulosus
causes hydatid disease. It infects animals such
as sheep, cattle, swine and kangaroos, FUNGI
resulting in the intestines of these animals
becoming infested with the cysts. Ringworm
When dogs consume the offal of infected
animals, they can then pass on the disease to This ailment is also known as tinea or
humans. Therefore, farmers, veterinarians and dermatomycosis. It is caused from species of
dog owners can be at risk. The health effects Microsporum and Trichophyton. The condition
(to humans) from exposure include cyst growth occurs in the skin, hair and nails where the
in the liver and lungs. Unfortunately, these fungi causes inflamed lesions. Cats, dogs,
cysts can rupture, causing a leakage of fluid cattle, horses and rats have all been linked
from the cyst or surrounding cysts. The disease with the spread of ringworm. It also can affect
can also interfere with the organ in which the workers in laundries, veterinarians and their
cyst is attached. assistants, athletes and gymnasium workers.

The protozoan that causes this disease is In many cases of microbial infection, people
Toxoplasma gondii. While this infection is quite are responsible for transmitting a disease (or
common in humans, with about one-third of organism causing the disease) to one another.
the world’s population possessing antibodies The cause, method of transmission and
to the parasite, not all will possess symptoms symptoms will be explained for a selected
of the disease. It is transferred to humans from number of the ailments. Some examples of
domestic and some wild cats. These animals these types of diseases are:
contract the infection by eating raw meat that
is infested with cysts. People then become • E-coli
infected by eating raw or insufficiently cooked • hepatitis A, B, C
meat or through direct contact with cats. The • HIV
major concern with toxoplasmosis is the • multiresistant staphylococcus
damage to the human foetus. • diptheria
• streptococcocis
Trichinosis • tuberculosis.

This disease results from a small nematode, E-coli

Trichinella spiralis. The transmission cycle
focuses around the pig and other animals such Escherichia coli or E-coli is an entero-
as dogs, cats and rats. After the animals eat bacterium that causes stomach complaints
meat that is infected with the larva, it lodges in such as ‘Delhi belly’, ‘travellers’ diarrhoea’
the small intestine of the animal and reaches and ‘tropical trots’. It is passed through
adult stage in a few days. The adults then hatch the oral–faecal route. Occupations at risk
larvae. Larvae are able to cross the intestinal include health care workers, teachers and
walls and are transported to the superior vena child care centre workers. Poor hygiene at
Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 253

food outlets may also place other workers via direct contact through blood or bodily
at risk. fluids. It is believed that the viral cells attack
the white blood cells of the body, preventing
Hepatitis A, B, C the development of an effective immune
The hepatitis virus affects the liver. There are at When the body’s immune system is unable
least six commonly known strains of hepatitis to cope with this degradation, normally
(A–F). This section describes hepatitis A, B innocuous microbes will begin to cause
and C. infections. The other effect of HIV is the
Hepatitis A is a very infectious disease that development of malignancies. This indicates
is usually asymptomatic. It occurs where water that the virus is progressing to an ‘AIDS-related
has been contaminated with the virus, usually complex’. The occupations most at risk from
in conditions of poor hygiene. this disease are unprotected sex workers and
The more serious hepatitis B is transmitted health care workers such as doctors, surgeons,
through the blood or bodily fluids. Most nurses, paramedics and dentists.
people who become infected do not progress
to the full development of disease; although Multiresistant staphylococcus
they do carry the virus forever. For about 10
per cent of those infected with hepatitis B, the As the name suggests, members of the
disease progresses and multiplies, causing a Staphylococcus genus are spherical shaped cells.
cirrhosis and carcinoma (cancer) of the liver. For occupational health, S. aureus is the microbe
Workers at risk of this disease include that is of most concern. People at risk of such
health care workers, workers in the sex infections include those with lower immunity
industry, cleaners who may be exposed to such as diabetics, those with respiratory viral
contaminated hypodermic needles and even infections such as influenza or measles and
police officers who may be stabbed with an those receiving immunosuppressive drugs. S.
infected needle. aureus is the microbe behind the production of
Hepatitis C usually occurs in people who boils or abscesses and toxic shock syndrome. It
have received contaminated blood is also notorious for becoming resistant to drug
transfusions. therapy. Therefore, many antibiotics are
ineffective for treating staphylococcal
HIV (human immuno- infections.
deficiency virus)
This virus has caused worldwide fear and
pandemonium since its identification in the Streptococcosis is caused by the genus
early 1980s, although significant progress has Streptococcus. The main pathogen in humans is
been made to treat the disease since this time. S. pyogenes which frequently causes sore
There are actually two HIV viruses — HIV1 and throats and tonsillitis. This is known as Group
HIV2. While they produce the same disease A streptococci. Group B streptococci (S.
(acquired immune deficiency syndrome or agalactiae) are particularly hazardous to young
AIDS), the speed and aggression of the children, with meningitis a characteristic of the
progression of disease is the differentiating infection. Group C streptococci (S. equi) are
factor. The HIV virus is a fragile virus that can rare in humans. Transmission of streptococcal
survive outside the body for only a limited infections usually occurs from person-to-
time. For this reason, most transmission occurs person.
254 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Tuberculosis Symptoms of SBS

Tuberculosis is caused by mycobacteria, Although the symptoms associated with SBS

Mycobacterium tuberculosis or M. bovis. It is are often broad-based and non-specific, they
relatively uncommon in Australia. M. can be divided into various categories:
tuberculosis can be transmitted directly from
one carrier to another or indirectly through • dry symptoms — stuffy nose, dry
dusts or other vectors. The mycobacteria are throat, dry skin
implanted in the lungs. Tuberculosis caused by • allergic symptoms — runny or itchy
M. bovis usually occurs from the ingestion of nose, watery itchy eyes
infected, unpasteurised milk. Once consumed, • asthma — tight chest
the mycobacteria become implanted in the • general symptoms — lethargy and
gut. Therefore, dairy farmers may be at risk. headache, nausea, reduced memory.

The Australian perspective

In Australia, studies of SBS have been based on

INDOOR AIR QUALITY domestic dwellings and workplaces. They have
considered the effects of formaldehyde in
Since the energy crisis of the 1970s, building caravans and mobile dwellings, nitrogen
construction has focused on minimising dioxide (NO2) from kerosene or gas space
energy loss through the construction of air- heaters and carbon monoxide (CO) from gas
tight buildings with artificial ventilation. cooking or where a garage is attached to the
Unfortunately, this has contributed to a domestic dwelling. Chapter 6 described the
degradation of the quality of air inside such health effects from exposure to these gases. In
buildings. Western Australia, radon has been
Sick building syndrome (SBS) describes a investigated. Places where smoking is
medical condition where people in a building permitted have a higher concentration of
suffer from symptoms of ill health or feel polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
unwell for no apparent reason. As the
inhabitants of the building spend more time in Physical factors to consider with
the building, the symptoms tend to increase in indoor air quality
severity. When they are away from the
building, the symptoms become less or even The main factors that will affect the quality of
disappear. air inside a building are the contaminants that
SBS results in substantial disruption of are generated, combined with the physical
people’s work performance and personal conditions. Temperature, humidity and air
relationships. It can also seriously affect movement can contribute to a general feeling
productivity. The problem is widespread. It of discomfort. It is also important to consider
may occur in offices, homes, hospitals, that comfort is a largely individual perception.
restaurants, schools and day care centres. Optimal humidity ranges indoors are between
Although the cause–effect relationship is 40 per cent and 60 per cent. Below a relative
unclear, it is possible to modify affected humidity of 20 per cent, the skin becomes dry
buildings, and new buildings have a good and mucous membranes feel dry and itchy. If
chance of avoiding these problems. the relative humidity rises above 80 per cent,
Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 255

this may allow fungal and bacterial • mysomine

contamination to become more prevalent. Air • most nitrogen-containing volatile
movement can also affect an occupant’s compounds
comfort. Air movement near the feet gives a • mutagenic compounds.
feeling that the area is draughty.
As ETS ages, its chemical and physical
Contaminants characteristics change significantly. Small
particles coagulate to larger ones and NOx is
The main contaminants that contribute to converted to organic nitrogen compounds. ETS
inadequate indoor air quality and may affect was declared a potential human carcinogen in
the prevalence of SBS can be divided into ten the United States by NIOSH in June 1991. This
main sections: decision was based on the well-established
health risk of tobacco smoking, comparison
• asbestos and fibreglass between sidestream and mainstream smokes
• carbon monoxide and epidemiological studies of nonsmokers
• electromagnetic radiation exposed to ETS.
• endotoxins and mycotoxins NIOSH recommended that ETS should be
• volatile organic compounds (VOC) eliminated from the workplace by total
• environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) banning, education programs about the health
• house dust mites effects and offering smoking cessation
• Legionella organisms and pollens programs and incentives to stop smoking. It
• radon also recommended isolating smokers through
• other chemical products. physical separation and separation of
ventilation systems. Since this time, Australian
Some of these are discussed in this chapter. workplaces and public places have also
Others are described according to the nature restricted smoking due to the effect of passive
of their hazard in other chapters of this book. smoking on other people.
More recently in Australia, State
Environmental tobacco smoke governments have introduced legislation that
eliminates smoking in public places where
Cigarettes, cigars and pipes emit a constantly food is consumed and the area is enclosed.
changing mixture of particulate and gas. This is While the definition of an ‘enclosed space’
known as environmental tobacco smoke or differs between States, the general principles
ETS. ETS consists of both the sidestream and of not permitting cigarette smoking in such
mainstream smoke. areas prevails.
While the constituents of the sidestream
and mainstream smoke may be qualitatively Radon
similar, quantitatively they are rather different.
Fresh ETS consists of a particulate–gas Radon is formed through the decay of
238 226 222
distribution that is predominantly in the gas uranium through radium to radon.
phase. The median particle diameter for fresh During this process alpha () rays are emitted
ETS is 0.15–0.32 µm. Some examples of the through the decay into a series of solid
chemicals that are released are: radioisotopes (radon daughters). The radon
daughters diffuse into the air from rocks and
• nicotine soils and may dissolve into surrounding water.
• pyridine Radon and daughters are responsible for an
256 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

excess of lung cancers in many underground Formaldehyde may be released due to

miners and are present in almost all buildings. unreacted formaldehyde ‘off-gassing’ or
Radon enters the buildings via pressure (the decomposing. Its release depends on the age
gas is driven through the soil through of installation, specific source, temperature
construction faults) and volatilisation of radon and humidity. The half-life of formaldehyde in
dissolved in water. Some factors that affect new homes with particle board and plywood
radon entering the building are: can be up to five years.

• soil properties (radon content and soil

permeability) Legionella organisms and pollens
• presence of construction faults
• meteorological factors (changing Legionella pneumophila is a bacteria that occurs
barometric pressure, wind speed and naturally and in reservoirs such as cooling
direction and rain) towers of buildings. It can cause legionnaire’s
• devices exhausting to outdoors (such disease and pontiac fever. Legionnaire’s
as exhaust fans and fireplaces). disease manifests as a form of pneumonia and
has a fairly high mortality rate, while pontiac
fever is a mild, non-pneumonia disease that is
House mites non-fatal.
Legionnaire’s disease is contracted by
It is estimated that there are one to two
inhaling contaminated water droplets. The
million house dust mites in the average
incubation period is usually three to six days.
bedroom in Australia, especially among and
Males are three times more at risk than
around the bed sheets and mattresses. The
females, although the most vulnerable groups
droppings from these mites may produce
allergic problems such as asthma. Offices using
or storing large quantities of paper (this
includes libraries) can also find paper mites in
• those aged 40 to 70
the environment. These burrow beneath the
• smokers
skin, causing a rash and itchiness.
• alcoholics
• cancer patients
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) • diabetics
• kidney disease patients.
Formaldehyde is a common contaminant of
indoor environments and is an example of a
VOC that could be released from carpets, The mortality rate is 10–20 per cent. The most
furniture and fittings. VOC may give rise to likely source of infection of legionnaire’s
irritation of the mucous membranes of the disease is through circulating water systems
eyes and respiratory tract. Formaldehyde is a such as cooling towers or industrial cooling
colourless gas with a pungent smell and very systems. Hot and cold water services
soluble in water. Urea-formaldehyde resin is (including water storage tanks, filters, pipe
used in carpet backings, floor coverings and work and disseminating shower spray heads)
foam insulation used as a building insulation. may also harbour the bacteria. Figure 10.1
Urea-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde shows an example of a cooling tower that is
resins are used as glue for plywood and as a found at a power station. The circulating water
component of particle board. is regularly checked for the organism.
Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 257

Figure 10.1 A cooling tower is a potential source of Legionella pneumophila

Endotoxins and mycotoxins • identify signs and symptoms of ill

Endotoxins are produced by gram-negative • investigate the ventilation system
bacteria, and mycotoxins by fungi. It is still not • survey the pattern of occupancy and
clear how much ill health can be attributed to complaints
these organisms in the indoor environment. • generally discuss the nature of
Other chemical contaminants Some preliminary measurements of temper-
ature, humidity and airflow pattern may also be
This category includes ozone (which may useful. A detailed questionnaire may be utilised
be emitted from photocopying, UV lamps, for a large workforce or at large premises, to en-
laser printers and ionisers) and oxides of able collation of information. This should then
sulphur. Chapter 6 described the health be followed by a detailed site survey (although
effects of exposure to ozone and sulphur this will depend on the results of the initial
dioxide. survey).
Investigating the indoor air A detailed site survey will involve:
quality issue
• measuring ventilation
When investigating an indoor air quality • obtaining detailed information about
issue, it is important to begin with an initial the temperature, humidity and
survey to: carbon dioxide levels
258 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• measuring for individual Some examples of organic substances that

contaminants are common causes of occupational asthma
• sampling for airborne microbial include animal proteins, coffee beans, wheat
contaminants and those in reservoirs flour, rye flour, tea and insect proteins. Organic
or on surfaces dusts can also result in extrinsic allergic
• identifying possible sources of alveolitis (a Type III mediated hypersensitivity
contaminants (both indoors and reaction). Some causes of occupational
outdoors). extrinsic alveolitis are provided in Table 10.3.

The analysis of data will depend upon the Byssinosis

appropriate guideline or standard that has
been chosen. The data may be analysed by Exposure to cotton, flax, hemp or sisal dust
comparing conditions between indoor and can lead to byssinosis after several years of
outdoor situations or correlating the data with exposure. Thus, textile workers are most at
symptoms or complaints. Some monitoring risk. The disease is graded according to its
equipment is available to help conduct an severity and symptoms range from occasional
indoor air quality assessment. The equipment tightness of the chest on the first day of the
typically monitors carbon dioxide, working week to permanent breathlessness
temperature and relative humidity but may every day with a cough.
also be fitted with detector, sorbent or filter
tubes to measure other pollutants. Mill fever and weavers’ cough

Mill fever historically occurred in mills that

ORGANIC DUSTS were processing cotton, flax or hemp. The dust
is suspected of containing endotoxins, which
Exposure to many organic dusts can cause cause a mild fever. The worker may also have a
occupational asthma. The symptoms of cough. Weavers’ cough occurred after workers
occupational asthma include a wheeze handled cotton yarns that had been treated
(although not always), a reduction in the peak with flour paste or tamarind seed extract. The
expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and breathlessness. fungi from these were believed to cause the
It is known as a reversible airways obstruction. asthmatic response.

Table 10.3 Causes of occupational extrinsic alveolitis

Disease or condition Source of dust Causative agent

Farmer’s lung mouldy hay M. faeni, T. vulgaris
Bird fanciers’ lung bird faeces and feathers C. trachomatis, C. psittaci
Bagassosis mouldy sugar cane T. sacchari
Mushroom workers’ lung mushroom compost M. faeni, T. vulgaris
Malt workers’ lung mouldy malt and barley A. clavatus, A. fumigatus
Animal handlers’ lung dust or hair particles serum and urinary proteins
and urine
Cheese washers’ lung mould dust P. casei
Fish meal workers’ lung fish meal dust fish proteins
Mattress makers’ fever cotton A. cloacae
Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 259

Organic dust toxic syndrome sampling will identify the presence and nature
of potential biological hazards. As an example,
This general term is given to illnesses where office workers may be concerned about the
the symptoms are similar to that of allergic quality of air in the ventilation system or
extrinsic alveolitis, except there is no long- perhaps an animal has died unexpectedly and
term damage to the lung. It has been reported the cause of the death is sought.
in farmers who handle moulding hay, grain silo Secondly, identification of the level of risk
workers and sewage treatment workers. to workers or the public may be required. This
can be determined by measuring the con-
centration of organisms and comparing the
HIGH-RISK INDUSTRIES result with a standard.
Thirdly, where biological agents are integral
As we would expect, the industries most at risk to a process (e.g. pharmaceutical, winemaking
of exposure to biological agents are those and brewing industries), it may be necessary to
where workers encounter infected people, ensure the concentrations of organisms are
animals or carriers of microbes. This encom- maintained within a specified window or
passes a broad range of occupations ranging range.
from people with constant contact with the The main methods of collecting samples
public to those involved in biomedical are from air, liquids or surfaces. Beginning with
laboratories. The following list illustrates the air sampling, there are three main techniques
breadth of potential exposure of workers: that are used:

• health care workers in infectious • inertial collection

wards of hospitals such as nurses, • filters
doctors and surgeons • precipitators (thermal and
• workers in nursing homes, day care electrostatic).
centres or other similar institutions
• cleaners in high-risk workplaces such Inertial collection
as hospitals, nursing homes, public
toilets and parks This technique allows microbes to be collected
• veterinarians and their assistants by either impacting onto a surface or
• farmers and their families impinging into a liquid. The liquid or surface
• food processing workers, especially media must be especially suitable for this type
smallgoods and abattoir workers of collection. It is usually agar with nutrients
• research laboratories with highly that will ensure the viability of the microbes
pathogenic organisms for incubation and counting. Another type of
• biomedical laboratories testing medium is nutrient broth. The medium on
bodily fluids (e.g. blood, urine). which the microbe grows is dependent upon
its individual requirements. Inertial collection
can be conducted in a number of ways:
AND COUNTING • settling plates
• impingers
There are several reasons for sampling the • impactors
work environment for microbial agents. Firstly, • centrifugal samplers.
260 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Settling plates laboratory. Most impingers can sample

particles with a diameter as low as 0.5 µm. The
Settling or settle plates are the simplest form impinger must be connected to a sampling
of sampling. An open Petri dish is filled with a pump of known flow rate to sample a
nutrient agar and left in the workplace for a particular volume of air through the medium.
period. Microbes drop onto the agar due to
gravity (Figure 10.2). Impactors
After a suitable time, the dish is closed and
sealed. It is promptly sent to a laboratory for A cascade impactor can divide the collected
incubation, identification of specific microbes sample into different ranges of particle sizes.
and counting. Counting of microbial colonies After the sample has been collected, it can be
should be left to a microbiological laboratory. directly examined under a microscope or
Special care is required in the incubation and washed off and plated on a nutrient medium
identification of microbial agents. Most are for counting and identification.
Centrifugal samplers
Impingers Several types of centrifugal samplers are
available to sample for microbial agents. A
Just as in the liquid impingers used in gas cyclone separator such as the centrifugal air
sampling, air passes through a slit or jet in sampler shown in Figure 10.3 allows air to
the impinger. It is then caught in the liquid, enter into and out of the unit through a port at
which is later analysed at a microbiology the top of the instrument. Sampling can be

Figure 10.2 Settle plates

Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 261

Figure 10.3 A centrifugal sampler

conducted from 30 seconds to eight minutes. deposited onto an agar surface or liquid. The
The agar strips are then sealed for identi- advantage of this form of sampling is its
fication and counting of microbes. incredible efficiency (around 100 per cent). It is
also superior in collecting sub-micron
Filters for biological sampling particles. Thermal precipitators also find
application in collecting sub-micron particles
The most important consideration in filtration although not for viable biological particulate.
sampling of biological contaminants is the
particle size. In most cases the nominal pore Surface sampling
size used in dust sampling will be too large to
collect microbial agents efficiently. Collection In some cases, it may be appropriate to collect
of some vegetative micro-organisms that need a sample directly from the surface of a bench,
to be kept moist to remain viable is not desk or workstation. There have also been
possible using filtration sampling. some cases of indoor air quality checks
involving cutting a section of carpet from an
Electrostatic and thermal office and sending this for analysis. With all
precipitators types of surface sampling, this technique
should be used as an indicator of the presence
These devices are used less frequently in of microbes. It is not necessarily an exposure
Australia. Electrostatic precipitators place a quantity.
charge on the microbe to allow it to be Contact slides are used to determine
attracted to an electrode of the opposite microbial contaminants on equipment and
polarity. The charged particles are then surfaces, microbial loads of personnel and
262 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Table 10.4 Classifying biological agents

Risk group Description Examples

1 Low individual and community risk Aceteobacter sp.
2 Moderate individual risk, limited community risk S. aureus, Toxoplasma
3 High individual risk, limited community risk Coxielle burnetii,
Histoplasma sp.
4 High individual and community risk Ebola virus, Lassa virus

efficiency of disinfection measures. A flexible CONTROLS FOR

culture media carrier ensures contact with BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS
curved or irregular surfaces.

The adoption of suitable control methods to

minimise the risk associated with biological
Liquid sampling hazards will depend upon their source, route of
entry, transmission path and nature of
exposure. Two useful resources are AS/NZS3816
If a microbe is water-borne (e.g. air cooling and AS/NZS2243.3. These provide guidance on
tower, metal cutting lubricant) it may be more managing both microbial agents in laboratories
appropriate to directly sample from the liquid. and in clinical and related waste. The Australian
This can be accomplished in two ways: National Council on AIDS has also released a
document about infection control.
AS/NZS2243.3 classifies infective micro-
• dip slides organisms into four risk groups. These are
• membrane filtering. shown in Table 10.4.
The main principles for reducing the risk
from biological agents are:
Dip slides are essentially a paddle coated on
both sides with a different microbiological • elimination or substitution of the
media. The dip slide can be dipped into a hazardous agent
liquid or the liquid can be streaked onto the • ventilation (e.g. safety cabinets, glove
paddle. After incubation, the growth on the boxes)
paddle is compared with a concentration chart • isolation of the person or microbe
to determine the approximate number of (e.g. separate laboratories for highly
organisms per millilitre of liquid. pathogenic substances, isolate
Filtration sampling is mostly conducted infectious patients and animals)
using membrane filters. The pore sizes range • administrative controls (universal
from 0.025 µm to 8 µm. A pore size of 0.22 µm precautions, standard precautions,
is usually adequate for collecting bacteria. The cleaning, spills management,
filter is usually placed directly onto agar sterilising instruments and
medium after filtering. It is then incubated and equipment, immunisation and health
organisms identified and counted. surveillance)
Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 263

• personal protective equipment microbial contaminant. High efficiency

(uniforms, gloves, eye wear, face particulate (HEPA) filters or electrostatic filters
shields, respirators, gowns). are often found in these systems. For higher
efficiency, a series of filters may be installed.
Ventilation Class I biological safety cabinets should
operate with an incoming air velocity between
–1 –1
Ventilation is most appropriate in extremely 0.5 m.s and 0.8 m.s .
high-risk workplaces such as hospitals and The closed hood or glove box allows entry
laboratories. There are many types of only through sealed gloves. Air passes into the
ventilation systems that can be used to contain ventilation system through a separate inlet. A
aerosol microbes. It is therefore important to negative pressure is maintained inside the
consider the pathogenicity of the organism hood to ensure that any leaks are directed into
being controlled, the amount of aerosol that the system. The air is also sterilised before it
could be released, practicability in installing leaves the cabinet.
the system and immune status of the workers.
The three main types of biological safety Isolation
cabinets are:
Removing or isolating hazardous work areas,
• open hoods reservoirs or carriers of the microbiological
• hoods with restricted access agent should be used in conjunction with
• closed hood (accessing the hood other control techniques. For instance:
through sealed gloves).
• isolation of animals from the herd in
An open hood is suitable for low-risk a separate paddock or stable
pathogens. Air is drawn into the hood and • strict isolation of infectious patients
sterilised before discharge. Hoods with in hospitals with restriction of
restricted access are similar to the open hood, visitors without adequate personal
except the space available for entry is limited. protective clothing and adopting
The limitation of these hoods lies in their administrative controls
efficiency in maintaining a sufficient capture • exclusion of sick children from day
velocity. If people walk in front of the hood or care centres or similar institutions
the sash is not fully closed, microbes could • removal of ill animals from public
easily escape into the workroom. display or contact in zoos, wildlife
AS2252.1 and AS2252.2 describe the parks and circuses
performance and construction requirements • separation of high-risk laboratories
for biological safety cabinets. Biological safety from low-risk areas and connection
cabinets are divided into three classes. Classes to an alternative ventilation system
I and II are suitable for micro-organisms from • adequate drainage should be
risk groups two and three, where the work provided in farm areas such as
creates a significant amount of aerosols (from piggeries, to isolate waste and
AS/NZS2243.3). Class III biological safety effluent
cabinets have been developed for work with • raising of pigs and cattle separately
organisms from risk groups three and four. to prevent cross-infection
Since the air is filtered before being • keeping dogs away from animal
released to the environment, it is important carcasses that could be infested with
that the filtration devices are suitable for the cysts (hydatid disease)
264 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• destroying birds infected with • preventing the spread of infected

psittacosis and quarantine of birds aerosols or dust from cattle that may
being treated. be infected with Coxiella burnetii
• burning or burying of infected
Administrative controls placental and birth material from
cattle that may be infected with C.
Administrative controls are by far the most burnetii
commonly taken approach in dealing with • eradication of rats and mice,
microbiological hazards. The aim is to prevent especially in sugarcane fields prior to
the transmission of infection using the harvest, to prevent leptospirosis
philosophy that for infection to spread, it • banning smoking or eating in meat
requires a source, susceptible host and processing areas
mechanism of transfer. • treating cuts and abrasions promptly
and ensuring these are covered with
Universal and standard a water-resistant bandage
precautions • disinfecting trucks carrying animals
to abattoirs
In Australia, universal precautions involve • carefully handling animal offal that is
treating all blood and body substances as suspected of carrying disease,
potentially infectious. Although, due to its especially the uterus and udder
ambiguity in definition with the US term, the • avoiding the consumption of raw or
notion of standard precautions has become unpasteurised dairy products and
more widely used in Australia. Standard raw meat to prevent
precautions are essentially work practices that camphylobacter and salmonella
include: infections
• no-touch techniques in microbiology
• washing and drying hands before laboratories
and after contacting patients • avoiding use of mouth pipettes.
• use of protective barriers such as
gloves, gowns, masks, eye shields Sterility
and plastic aprons
• correct handling and disposal of Sterility can be related to both human-borne
infectious wastes or contaminated infections and zoonoses. Sterilisation of
sharps instruments and equipment can be achieved
• use of aseptic techniques using steam sterilisation (autoclaving) or
• precautions with both fresh and chemical sterilisation. Sterilisation using only
dried blood and other body hot water should be avoided, as all bacterial
substances, including saliva. spores are not killed. Some other applications
of sterility include:
• steam sterilisation under pressure at
Hygiene is linked with universal and standard 121–134°C
precautions, although it is considered • dry heat at 160°C or higher
independently for the control of zoonotic • ethylene oxide sterilisation
diseases. Some examples of appropriate • low-temperature hydrogen peroxide
hygiene practices include: plasma sterilisation.
Chapter 10: Biological hazards ■ 265

Some workplaces use heat-sensitive tape that Labelling

changes colour once the optimal temperature
for sterilisation has been reached and Biohazardous waste has a designated symbol.
maintained for a long enough period. Any biohazardous material should be appro-
priately labelled and sealed for collection by
Vaccination approved collection agencies. The colour
scheme for the symbol is either a black symbol
Vaccination is an artificial way to acquire on a yellow background, as required in AS1319,
immunity. Today there are many vaccines or an orange-red symbol on a background
available to immunise people. The antigen is colour whose contrast makes it clearly defined.
usually injected into the body where it builds Biohazardous waste must not be thrown into
antibodies. Some applications of vaccination normal garbage. The health departments in
to protect against biological hazards include Australian States and Territories regulate the
vaccination of: labelling and disposal of biohazardous waste.

• animals for diseases such as Training

• health care workers for hepatitis A It is important that people who may or do
and B come into contact with biological agents are
• workers in the public domain for aware of the hazard associated with the
several strains of influenza exposure. They should be trained on the
• workers in abattoirs for Q Fever. symptoms of ill health and the organisation’s
policy and procedure for dealing with an
exposure to the agent. Workers should also be
Needle-stick and sharps aware of the method for handling and
disposing of biohazardous waste.
Handling of needles and sharps requires
special care. The main controls that are
Personal protective equipment
suggested include:
While personal protective equipment does lie
• provision of sturdy gloves such as at the base of the hierarchy of control, it
leather gloves for cleaners who may should still be utilised by those exposed (or
be cleaning public toilets or gardens potentially exposed) to biological hazards. The
where needles are left types of PPE may include:
• provision of tongs or other
devices to ensure the sharps are not • gloves
touched • eye and face protection (e.g. face
• mechanical cleaning of sharps in shields, goggles)
dental and hospital settings • masks or respirators (P2 for bio-
• containment and disposal of sharps aerosols)
in receptacles that comply with • gowns and aprons
AS4031 and AS/NZS4261 • adequate footwear.
• maintaining records of accidents and
reviewing the circumstances Chapter 13 provides further detail about the
surrounding the incidents to reduce selection and use of personal protective
the frequency of occurrence. equipment.
266 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Biological hazards, while not at every workplace, can present a high risk in certain situations.
A biological hazard is a micro-organism or material of biological origin that has the ability to
cause illness. Biological hazards may be human-borne or animal-borne. They can also be
transmitted directly either through air, water or vectors.
Controls for biological hazards should follow AS/NZS3816 and AS/NZS2243.3.


Acha, P.N. and Szyfres, B. 1991, Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals, 2nd
edn, Pan American Health Organization, Washington DC
Australian National Council on AIDS 1994, Infection Control in Office Practice: Medical, Dental and Allied
Health, AGPS, Canberra
Meers, P., Sedgwick, J. and Worsley, M. 1995, The Microbiology and Epidemiology of Infection for Health
Science Students, Chapman & Hall, London
National Health and Medical Research Council 1996, Infection Control in the Health Care Setting,
NH&MRC, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1989, Diseases Acquired from Animals, AGPS,
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1989, Legionnaires’ Disease and Related
Conditions, AGPS, Canberra
Service, M.W. 1989, Demography and Vector-Borne Diseases, CRC Press Inc., Florida
Shapton, D.A. & Board, R.G. 1972, Safety in Microbiology, Academic Press, London
Standards Association of Australia 1994, AS1319: 1994 Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment,
Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 2002, AS2252.1: 2002 Biological Safety Cabinets (Class I) for Personnel
and Environmental Protection, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 2002, AS2252.2: 2002 Biological Safety Cabinets: Laminar Flow
Biological Safety Cabinets (Class II) for Personnel, Environment and Product Protection, Standards
Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1998, AS/NZS3816: 1998 Management of Clinical and
Related Wastes, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 2002, AS/NZS2243.3: 2002 Safety in Laboratories —
Microbiological Aspects and Containment Facilities, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Volk, W.A. and Brown, J.C. 1997, Basic Microbiology, 8th edn, Benjamin Cummings, California
Chapter 11


Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary field that is derived from the Greek ergon, meaning work,
closely linked on many fronts to occupational and nomos, the study of. The principles of
hygiene. By definition, ergonomics links ‘work’ ergonomics that take into account the
with the individual worker, to achieve an physiological and cognitive abilities of the
optimal operating interface or relationship. users or workers are incorporated into most
Ergonomics deals with physical stressors and products that we consume or use. For
with cognitive or psychological factors that can instance, motor vehicle designers must
contribute to risk in the workplace. consider the reach abilities of a range of
This means that social, work and physical drivers. Machine interfaces such as automatic
elements are considered when evaluating teller machines (ATM) must be easy to use for
ergonomic hazards. Similarly, the physiology of ages ranging from early teens to the elderly. A
the body, including effector and sensory good ergonomic design will also consider the
organs and processing mechanisms, must be social and biological characteristics of the
taken into account when assessing risk to users. In essence, ergonomics is a science that
workers. combines peoples’ abilities with appropriate
Since a comprehensive discussion of designs. Some of the professions that are
ergonomics would require an entire textbook, frequently involved in the field of ergonomics
this chapter aims to provide an introduction to are human resource personnel, psychologists,
the practice of industrial ergonomics and physiologists, engineers, safety practitioners,
human factors. Its focus concentrates on sociologists, physiotherapists and medical
methods of assessment of manual materials practitioners.
handling tasks, biomechanics and the physical Ergonomics encompasses issues such as:
environment. Discussion is also provided
about issues such as shift work and • muscular work and control of
occupational stress. movements
• work efficiency and process design
• the problems of body size
SOME DEFINITIONS OF (anthropometry)
ERGONOMICS • heavy work and handling loads
(manual materials handling)
Before attempting to define ergonomics, it is • skilled work
important to recognise that ergonomics is a • the person–machine interface
widely used term. The term ergonomics is • mental activity, stimulus and fatigue
268 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

• occupational stress half of these injuries were due to lifting,

• boredom and monotonous tasks carrying and putting down objects. One-third
• shift work, working hours and eating involved other manual handling.
habits The physiology of the muscular system is
• vision outlined in Chapter 2. Muscles consist of
• the physical work environment motor units that contain thick and thin
(lighting, noise, vibration and contractile proteins (myofilaments). These
climate). proteins slide past one another, enabling the
muscles to shorten or contract. This is known
There are several other names for ergonomics. as the sliding filament theory. Muscle
The term ‘human factors’ is a US term and is contraction can be either dynamic or static
often used instead of ergonomics. It considers (Figure 11.1).
the interaction between humans and products, Dynamic muscular effort consists of
equipment, facilities, procedures and the rhythmic contraction and extension, tension
environment. ‘Human engineering’ is referred and relaxation. Static muscular work occurs
to less frequently since it conjures an image of where the muscle contracts for a lengthened
a lack of sensitivity to the individual. period, usually in a postural position. As
Psychologists who study the cognitive physical work patterns have changed over the
demands of people in relation to work use years, automation, mechanisation and
another term, ‘engineering psychology’. Again, sedentary work has increased. This has led to
this is probably not the best term and so decreased physical activity, constrained work
‘cognitive ergonomics’ is used in this chapter. postures and repetitive work movements with
Some useful Internet sites related to high speed. Static work reduces blood supply
ergonomics are shown below. to the muscles and decreases oxygen supply,
and lactic acid caused by muscular work may accumulate in the muscles. Physical factors such as cold or noise and mental demands can also increase the static muscle load. Static
muscular work can cause:

MUSCULAR WORK • arthritis of the joints

• inflammation of the tendons and
Muscular work is concerned with the: covering sheaths
• muscle spasms
• strength of muscles • degeneration of the joints and
• time taken to fatigue muscles intervertebral discs of the spine.
• isolation of specific muscles for
movement and action Health effects associated with
• static and dynamic muscular loads muscular work
• limitations to muscular work.
Muscular or soft-tissue injuries can affect
During the period 1994–95, a study by Straker various parts of the body. The most likely areas
(1998) of Australian workers’ compensation of damage are the upper limbs and neck or the
data suggested that ‘body stressing’ accounted lower back.
for 34.3 per cent of compensated injuries in Upper limb disorders are referred to as
males and 47.1 per cent in females. More than repetitive strain injury (RSI), work-related
Chapter 11: Ergonomics ■ 269

Static work in a postural position Dynamic work with muscular

contraction and extension

Figure 11.1 Examples of static and dynamic work

upper limb disorder (WRULD) or cumulative flexed for typing, writing, reading or
trauma disorder (CTD). In Australia, the use of meeting people)
the term RSI has reduced, since the so-called • inadequate breaks.
epidemic of RSI in the late 1980s. For this
chapter, CTD is the preferred generalisation for If the worker maintains a poor posture, the
the following conditions: static loading on a number of muscles
increases. The muscles then become shorter
• carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and denser, impeding blood circulation,
• tendonitis/tenosynovitis especially in the arms, neck and shoulders.
• adverse mechanical tension.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
The main body areas that are affected are the
neck, shoulder, hand, wrist, lower arm and CTS occurs where nerves are compressed in the
upper arm. The disorders tend to progress wrist’s carpal tunnel, largely due to tendons
through a number of stages including pain, expanding as a result of overuse. The nerve
stiffness, tingling and/or numbness. The risk responds to this compression by sending back
factors that have been identified relating to pain signals and by not carrying normal infor-
these disorders are: mation, which provides sensation and motor
impulses to the hand. High-risk industries
• static posture (e.g. sitting in the include electronic-parts assemblers, musicians,
same position all day, with arms dental hygienists, typists and meat packers.
270 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Tendonitis and tenosynovitis • Does the task involve forceful

movements or exertions?
This occurs where the tendons or the tendon • Does the task involve lifting or
sheaths become abraded due to overuse. The handling materials?
tendon then becomes inflamed. • What characteristics of the tool or
equipment affect its grip?
Adverse mechanical tension • What posture is adopted? (e.g.
kneeling, prolonged standing, sitting,
This occurs where nerves get shortened twisting, elevation, rotation, deviation
through static posture and stress. from the normal line)
• Are there any mechanical
Back injuries
• Are there any sources of vibration or
exposure to extremes of
Without doubt, back injuries are one of the
most significant causes of lost time from
• How often is the task repeated?
Australian workplaces. The NOHSC (1996)
What is the cycle time?
estimated the total annual cost of body
• Is there any repeated or prolonged
stressing cases in 1993–94 was $9.5 billion.
stress to the trunk, shoulder or
This was distributed as follows:
upper extremities?

• around $4.3 billion for employers

• $2.6 billion for injured workers BIOMECHANICS
• $2.6 billion for the general
community. Biomechanics is the study of the way the body
and its levers (bones) move. Chapter 2 stated
that one of the functions of bone was to act as
The NOHSC estimated that the more serious
a lever and provide movement. A lever is a
injuries and diseases caused by body stressing
rigid body that can turn around a fixed point
in 1993–94 accounted for 46 per cent of all
(the fulcrum) when a force is applied (Figure
time lost through work-related injury and
disease. Of these, 49.5 per cent of sprains and
strains of joints and adjacent muscles occurred
to the back. In many manual materials
handling tasks, significant forces are produced
According to Newton’s second law of motion,
in the lower back at the L5/S1 disc (the disc
force can be summarised as the product of
between the fifth lumbar and first sacral
an object’s mass and its acceleration
(Equation 11.1).

Risk factors for muscular work

Equation 11.1
Risk factors for muscular work can be found F = m.A
in several checklists and tables. Generally, Where:
they focus on force, repetition of move- F is force (newton or kg.m.s )
ment, posture, coupling, vibration and m is mass (kg)
temperature. A is acceleration (m.s )
Chapter 11: Ergonomics ■ 271




Figure 11.2 Bones are levers

Force is actually a vector (i.e. it has direction). object, the second exerts an equal and
A force exerted in one direction will have an opposite force on the first.
equal but opposite force opposing it in
another direction. For instance, if a worker was Work and power
to push a box on a smooth, flat surface (Case
study 11.1), a force greater and opposite to the So far, we have said that force is the product of
force exerted by the box must be exerted by mass and acceleration. It does not take
the worker to move it (assuming there is no account of the length of the lever. Work is
friction). If there were friction between the box done by an object by a force when the force
and the surface, this would also need to be moves the object through a distance (d). If the
overcome. force is supplied at an angle (), the
This is actually Newton’s third law of relationship between work, force and distance
motion: If an object exerts a force on a second can be determined using Equation 11.2.

Case study 11.1

A meat packer at an abattoir unloads boxes from a conveyor from point A to point
B. The box has a mass of 16 kg. Assuming there is no friction, the force required
to push the box is calculated using Equation 11.1,
assuming that the acceleration
required to overcome the box’s inertia is 9.8 m.s . –2
Therefore, the force is calculated as 16 kg x 9.8 m.s or about 157
newton (N).
272 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Equation 11.2 qualitatively and quantitatively analysed using

a number of techniques.
W = f.d.cos 
Checklists, observation and consultation
are methods that can be used to identify
W is work (Joules)
potential hazards. The assessment will then
f is force (N)
require the consideration of several factors
d is distance (m)
such as:
 is angle (°)

Power is defined as the rate at which work is • individual workers’ characteristics —

done or the rate at which energy is skills, age, experience, clothing, pre-
transformed, and it may be calculated using existing factors that may affect risk,
Equation 11.3. special needs
• task characteristics — actions,
movements, duration and frequency
Equation 11.3 of movements, load characteristics
P = W/t (e.g. is the load animate or
Where: inanimate?), weights, forces, working
P is power (watts or J.s ) postures
W is work (Joules) • job characteristics — workplace
t is time (seconds) layout, workstation design, work
organisation and scheduling
Therefore, the further the muscle is from the • environmental characteristics —
fulcrum, the more power is generated. If the temperature, lighting, floor surfaces.
muscle is close to the fulcrum, the length of
the lever is reduced and the muscle acts as a The risk assessment can be conducted from an
speed lever. The principles of biomechanics epidemiological, psychophysical, biomech-
can be used to assess the force required to anical or physiological approach.
perform a task or maintain a posture or The epidemiological approach studies the
position. While it is beyond the scope of this trend of injury or signs of stress on the body in
chapter to provide comprehensive discussion a selected area or task. It can either be
about calculations of biomechanics, an retrospective (in the past) or prospective,
understanding of the theory behind its where workers are followed to identify ill
application is useful especially in assessing the health that can be related to a specific task or
risk associated with manual materials handling risk factor. Chapter 3 described the philosophy
tasks. of epidemiology.
The psychophysical method gauges
workers’ perceptions about the difficulty of the
MANUAL MATERIALS work and their perceived exertion. It can also
HANDLING ask workers to identify any pain or area of ill
health. The most commonly used tools are
Manual materials handling (MMH) or simply Borg’s rating of perceived exertion (Figure
manual handling is defined as an activity that 11.3), which is available in either a 10- or 15-
requires an exertion to push, pull, lift, lower, point scale; the Nordic musculoskeletal
carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain an questionnaire; and the body part discomfort
object. The risk associated with MMH can be scale.
Chapter 11: Ergonomics ■ 273

Figure 11.3 Borg’s rating of perceived design or mechanical engineering. It is beyond

exertion the scope of this text to discuss the merits of
each of these techniques, although it is
Rating criterion suggested that ergonomics texts are consulted
for further information.
6 No exertion at all
The NIOSH equation assesses two-handed
7 Very, very light
symmetrical lifting tasks and is constantly
being reviewed. Recent amendments can be
9 Very light
found on the following NIOSH Internet
11 Fairly light
13 Somewhat hard
The most recent version of the NIOSH
15 Hard
equation considers the following factors:
17 Very hard
• horizontal distance of load from the
centre of ankles
19 Very, very hard
• vertical location of hands from the
20 Maximal exertion
• vertical distance of travel
The biomechanical approach considers the
• frequency of lift
individual movements within a task and
• coupling and grip
models the risk depending on a number of
• angle of asymmetry (amount of
factors such as weight, distance of the
movement and frequency of the movement.
Some examples are:
The NIOSH biomechanical criterion is based on
lumbosacral compressive forces (LSC), which
• rapid upper limb assessment (RULA)
should not exceed 3400 N. It is beyond the
• video recording analysis (VIRA)
scope of this text to describe the limitations
• Michigan 2-D and 3-D computer
and advantages of the NIOSH equation,
although Equation 11.4 shows the revised
• NIOSH equation.
NIOSH equation. Each of the variables shown
in Equation 11.4 are defined in Table 11.1 and
RULA uses a worksheet to score the location of
Table 11.2.
the arm, wrist, neck, trunk and leg. It also
The recommended weight limit (RWL) is
considers the force and frequency of
used to calculate the lifting index (LI). The LI is
movement. The final score indicates whether
the ratio of the weight lifted divided by the
the risk is acceptable or whether further
RWL. For instance, if a worker was to lift 20 kg
investigation and controls may be required.
and the RWL is 10 kg, then the LI is 2.0. The LI
VIRA requires the task to be video-recorded
can be used to rank the risk.
and scored. The Michigan computer models
The NIOSH equation also now provides for
allow the input of various parameters and
analysis of tasks involving multiple stages. In
predict the strength required when performing
such circumstances, consideration is given to
the task. Other commercial models are also
the various components of the manual
available and are frequently used in industrial
handling task and the risk measured
274 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

individually and holistically. An applications of a worker and it may be difficult to isolate

manual for the revised NIOSH lifting equation this to one factor.
is available on the Internet at the Centre for
Disease Control website (
Equation 11.4
RWL = LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x Anthropometry is the science of measuring the
CM size, weight and proportions of people. It is
Where: used in almost every application that we can
RWL is the recommended weight limit think of — whether designing clothes, motor
LC is the load constant vehicles, door openings or workstations. The
HM is the horizontal multiplier aim of anthropometry is to provide infor-
VM is the vertical multiplier mation about a range of sizes of people, which
DM is the distance multiplier can then be used to optimise the design of
AM is the asymmetric multiplier items. The benefits of using anthropometry to
FM is the frequency multiplier achieve this include:
CM is the coupling multiplier.
• minimising discomfort and ill fit
• improving efficiency
The physiological approach measures • minimising errors and incidents due
workers’ functions that could be affected by to poor working posture
the task. For instance, heart rate, body • maximising the fit between posture,
temperature, oxygen consumption and blood fit and visibility.
chemicals. Exposure to heat stress is the most
common application of these techniques,
although it must be emphasised that a number There are several types of anthropometric data
of factors can affect the physiological response including static and dynamic. Static measure-
ments might be the height of a particular

Table 11.1 Revised NIOSH equation parameters

Component Metric value

LC 23 kg
HM (25/H)
VM (1 – (0.003[V–75]))
DM (0.82+(4.5/D))
AS (1 – (0.0032A))
FM refer to Table 11.2
CM refer to Table 11.2
Where: H is the horizontal location of the hands from the midpoint between the
V is the vertical distance between the origin and destination of lift
A is the angle between the origin and destination of lift
F is the average frequency rate (lifts/minute). Duration is defined as ≤ 1
hour, ≤ 2 hours, or ≤8 hours.
Chapter 11: Ergonomics ■ 275

Horizontal Vertical Distance Asymmetric

Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier
H (cm) HM V (cm) VM D (cm) DM A (deg) AM

≤25 1.00 0 0.78 ≤25 1.00 >0 1.00

28 0.89 10 0.81 >40 0.93 >15 0.95
30 0.83 20 0.84 >55 0.90 >30 0.90
32 0.78 30 0.87 >70 0.88 >45 0.86
34 0.74 40 0.90 >85 0.87 >60 0.81
36 0.69 50 0.93 >100 0.87 >75 0.76
38 0.66 60 0.96 >115 0.86 >90 0.71
40 0.63 70 0.99 >130 0.86 >105 0.66
42 0.60 80 0.99 >145 0.85 >120 0.62
44 0.57 90 0.96 >160 0.85 >135 0.57
46 0.54 100 0.93 >175 0.85 >135 0.00
48 0.52 110 0.90 >175 0.00
50 0.50 120 0.87
52 0.48 130 0.84
54 0.46 140 0.81 Coupling Multiplier
56 0.45 150 0.78 Coupling Type CM
58 0.43 160 0.75
60 0.42 170 0.72 V<60 cm V>60 cm
73 0.40 175 0.70 GOOD 1.00 1.00
>63 0.00 FAIR 0.95 1.00

Frequency Multiplier
(lift min ) <1 hour 1–2 hours 2–8 hours
V<60 cm V>60 cm V<60 cm V>60 cm V<60 cm V>60 cm

≤2 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.85 0.85

>0.5 0.97 0.97 0.92 0.92 0.81 0.81
>1 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.88 0.75 0.75
>2 0.91 0.91 0.84 0.84 0.65 0.65
>3 0.88 0.88 0.79 0.79 0.55 0.55
>4 0.84 0.84 0.72 0.72 0.45 0.45
>5 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.60 0.35 0.35
>6 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.27 0.27
>7 0.70 0.70 0.42 0.42 0.22 0.22
>8 0.60 0.60 0.35 0.35 0.18 0.18
>9 0.52 0.52 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.15
>10 0.45 0.45 0.26 0.26 0.00 0.13
>11 0.41 0.41 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00
>12 0.37 0.37 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
>13 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
>14 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
>15 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
>15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Table 11.2 The six parameters for the revised NIOSH equation
276 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

population or length of the torso or weight of Managing stress

a selected group of individuals with similar
characteristics. Dynamic data includes reach, In managing stress, it must be understood that
flexibility and strength. Some sources of stressors affect individuals in different ways. If
anthropometric data include the IWA template the stressor arises from the workplace, the
and mannequins or the humanscale tables. management of stress involves a committed
Humanscale tables provide information about approach by parties who might be the
dimensions, but also information such as the stressors and the stressed worker. Some
proportion of the population that is strategies that may be attempted are to:
colourblind and acceptable forces for moving
• develop accountability guidelines for
STRESS • provide management development
Stress is now recognised as one of the most • develop systems for identifying and
significant issues that can affect our health. But monitoring levels of occupational
what is stress? It is often described as normal stress.
‘wear and tear’ on the body. The body is placed
under stress as it adjusts to a continually Recent advances in both psychology and
changing environment. Indeed, there is a technology make it possible to accurately
certain level of stress in part of day-to-day assess and measure levels of stress in the
living. However, it is the optimal stimulation individual and in the workplace. It is now
zone that is sought. Without adequate possible to audit and identify areas of
stimulation, the body is under-loaded. With vulnerability in individuals and in organisations
too much, it is overloaded. Stress is hazardous and to assist those who are at risk.
when: Psychologists or professionals specialising in
stress management should be consulted for
• it occurs too often further information.
• it is too intense
• a person’s mechanisms for coping Occupational stress and violence
with the stress are not adequate to
counteract it. Some industries and workplaces can place
workers at risk of violence. In Australia, the
incidence of violent occurrences has increased
With an optimal level of stress, performance in recent years.
improves. It can actually be a motivator for Examples include workplaces with
challenge, ambition and commitment. But too extended working hours such as service
little or too much stress can cause stations and corner stores. Nurses and doctors
deterioration in performance and health. The may also be at risk from occupational violence.
agents that cause stress are aptly known as Banks, building societies and other places
stressors. Stressors can be work related, where money is held are targets. Similarly,
relationships, self-perceptions or health places where workers deal with the public,
related. The symptoms are usually categorised such as schools and government departments,
as physical, psychological and behavioural, and have potential for occupational violence. Steps
are shown in Table 11.3.
Chapter 11: Ergonomics ■ 277

Table 11.3 Types of stress symptoms

Physical Psychological Behavioural

grinding jaw low confidence insomnia
tension headaches self blame social withdrawal
neck and shoulder pain depression loss of libido
shallow breathing tension poor eating habits
diarrhoea worry rushing things
constipation anxiety poor time management
muscle tension memory lapses aggression
ulcers feeling guilty passivity
chest pain anger drinking too much alcohol
high blood pressure poor concentration
itches or rashes moodiness

should be taken to minimise the probability of • reduction in night work and fewer
an event occurring. These might include: consecutive night shifts
• larger blocks of time for relaxation
• appropriate design of the office or and recuperation
workroom to allow easy access or • improved quality of leisure time
egress • reduction of social problems and
• appropriate design of service pressure associated with seven-day
areas that are welcoming and shifts and permanent night shifts.
calming; consideration should be
given to colours, music and systems However, in the long term, time for relaxing
for dealing with clients in a fair and sleeping are reduced when rostered on,
manner and workers with responsibilities (e.g.
• barriers and emergency alarms childcare) may have trouble.
• distress or personal alarms The literature is conflicting with regard to
• well-lit and accessible parking. the detriment or otherwise of performance
with extended work shifts compared with
traditional eight-hour shifts. Some studies
SHIFT WORK AND indicate that workers may cope with twelve-
WORKING HOURS hour workdays while others suggest that
performance deteriorates. Budnick et al. (1994)
Extended working shifts have the potential report that workers’ perceived an increased
to benefit both management and the difficulty working on the first night of night
workforce. While many workplaces have shift. Productivity and safety were perceived to
introduced ten- or 12-hour shifts under have decreased. Conversely, Williamson et al.
enterprise agreements, either party may (1994) noted that a change to a twelve-hour
not have seriously considered the question shift roster produced improvements in health,
of occupational health and safety impacts. particularly in psychological health, and in
The short-term advantages appear to be reduced feelings of tiredness throughout the
obvious: work period. Generally, increasing the duration
278 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

of work exacerbates the hazards. Late shift • parental status — availability of

workers usually have less quality and quantity childcare and quality of time spent
of sleep. with children
An increase in work duration and reduction • personal hobbies and interests —
in recovery time may induce chronic fatigue, rostering may interfere with team
which manifests as symptoms of tiredness sports or organisation of activities
(even after a period of sleep), psychological • education and training
problems (mental irritability, moods of • shift work experience — those on a
depression), a disinclination to work and permanent night shift may experience
general loss of vitality. This state of chronic difficulty altering their lifestyle to a
fatigue is accompanied by disrupted sleep new shift system.
patterns, digestive troubles, including stomach
ulcers, disturbance of eating patterns and loss The risk associated with exposure to agents
of appetite. Some medical doctors and such as noise, vibration, chemicals and
ergonomists consider the change of work extreme temperatures differ with extended
practices to three or four days with increased shifts since occupational exposure standards
daily work hours to be damaging to health, and have been developed from the concept of a
reject this style of roster on medical and ‘normal’ working week (a five-day working
physiological grounds. They believe that even week of eight hours’ duration per day). This
an increase to nine or ten working hours per implies a balance exists between accumulation
day may lead to excessive fatigue and of contaminant while at work and its
increased absenteeism through sickness. Job elimination when not at work. Chapter 1
design and environmental factors such as provided a technique for reducing exposure
lighting and air quality impact on the effects of concentration due to an increase in working
fatigue and need also to be considered. time.
Twelve-hour shifts hold definite advantages
for some workers’ social life, offering more
consecutive days of leisure time than most LIGHTING
other schedules. The drawback is that little free
time is available on the workdays, disrupting The term light refers to a band of
family life and restricting social contacts and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) between 380
opportunities to participate in group activities. and 780 nm that can be seen by the human
The major criteria that affect a worker’s eye. Light actually consists of a number of
adjustment to twelve-hour shifts include: spectra or wave bands. The white light that is
mostly seen consists of all of these spectra.
• age — older workers may When light strikes the surface of an object,
experience difficulty adjusting to it can react in three ways. It can be absorbed,
twelve-hour shifts, particularly if reflected or transmitted. Most surfaces exhibit
they had been on a different roster selective reflection, which means that a certain
system component of the light will be reflected. This
• marital status — single people may reflected light determines the colour that is
find meal organisation and social perceived by the eye.
contact are affected, while married In the workplace, lighting is measured as one
persons may experience difficulty with of four quantities (Table 11.4). For visual com-
their relationship due to lack of fort and good optical performance in the work-
contact time during shifts place, the following conditions should be met:
Chapter 11: Ergonomics ■ 279

• suitable illuminance levels Measuring light

• balanced arrangements of
the lights Light is measured using a luxmeter (also known
• matched phasing of lights as a lightmeter or photometer). An example is
• avoidance of glare. shown in Figure 11.5. The assessment is
conducted according to AS1680.1. Two types of
The eye’s response to light lighting surveys can be conducted:

The organ that receives light in the human • average illuminance

body is the eye. As light energy passes through • distribution of lighting and the
the pupil (Figure 11.4), it is focused on the luminance pattern.
back of the eye at the retina. This stimulus is
then converted to bioelectric energy and Lighting surveys should be conducted to check
passes along the optic nerve to the eye. the calculated value of a new lighting system,
The retina has two types of nerve endings: to assess compliance or design specifications
cones and rods. Cones are sensitive to the with the recommendations of the AS1680
quantity and quality (colour) of light but series or to indicate whether maintenance,
are only effective where there is adequate modification or replacement is required. The
lighting. Rods are more sensitive to small survey should begin by conducting a detailed
quantities of light but are unable to detect description of the work area, including:
Therefore, in dark conditions the rods • lamp type and age
predominate. But, whenever a bright light • luminaire and ballast type
reflected from an object falls on the retina, • voltage
the sensitivity is decreased. The glare or • interior surface reflectance
disturbance that results in the entire retina • state of maintenance
responding to a bright patch of light is known • measuring instrument used in the
as relative glare. Therefore, it is important that survey.
lighting levels are similar in the field of vision
and that general lighting levels do not fluctuate The luxmeter should be cosine corrected, to
rapidly. take account of the effect of light falling on it

Table 11.4 Photometric quantities

Quantity Description
Luminous intensity Measured in candela (cd). It is defined as the intensity of a black
body that has an area of 1/60 cm when heated to the melting
temperature of platinum.
Luminous flux The flux emitted by one candela uniform point source within a
unit sold angle. The unit is the lumen (lm).
Illuminance Measured as lux (lx) and defined as the illuminance produced by
a flux density of 1 lm.m .
Luminance Measurement of the brightness of a surface. Its unit is cd.m .
280 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Retinal arteries
Pupil Optic nerve
Lens Retina

Figure 11.4 The human eye’s response to light

at oblique angles, and colour corrected. Before measured at the centre of each, at the height of
taking the reading the photocell should be the working plane. The mean (average) of the
exposed to the approximate illuminance to be measured illuminance values provides an
measured until the readings become stabilised. estimate of the average illuminance, the
Measurements of illuminance should be made accuracy of which depends on the number of
either after dark or with daylight excluded measurement points and the uniformity.
from the interior. The number of measurement points is deter-
Prior to the measurements being taken, the mined by calculating the room index factor (K).
lighting system should be operated for If an accuracy of ± 10 per cent is sufficient, the
sufficient time to allow the light output of the number of measurement points should be no less
lamps to stabilise. Airconditioning or than that specified in Appendix B of AS1680.1.
ventilation systems should be operating For instance, if K is below one, a minimum of
normally. four measurement points should be taken.
When measuring the average illumination This data is valid for luminaire spacing and
at a workstation, measurements should be mounting height ratios up to 1.5:1 provided the
made of the working plane (whether this is spacing of the grid measurement points does
horizontal, vertical or inclined) with the worker not coincide with the luminaire spacing. The
in the normal position, even if this results in a number of measurement points recommended
shadow on the photocell. Most lighting surveys in the table is a minima. It may be necessary to
will involve measuring the average illuminance increase this number to obtain a symmetrical
of an interior. The interior should be divided grid to suit a particular room shape. If an
into a number of equal areas (as near to square accuracy of ± 5 per cent is required, the
as possible). The illuminance will then be number of measurement points is doubled.
Chapter 11: Ergonomics ■ 281

Figure 11.5 A Luxmeter

The room index factor is calculated using luminaire plane. If the plan of the room is L-
Equation 11.5. Figure 11.6 illustrates the shaped (re-entrant), it should be divided into
horizontal plane containing the photometric two or more re-entrant parts that can be
centres of the luminaires (known as the treated separately. The results from the survey
luminaire plane). should be averaged and compared with the
maintenance illuminance levels recommended
in the AS/NZS1680 series.
Equation 11.5 Where an assessment of the uniformity of
illuminance in an interior is required, a greater
K = a x b/h(a + b)
number of illuminance measurements will be
needed. This determination is made using a
K is the room index factor
grid of 1-m squares throughout the interior.
h is the vertical distance between the
horizontal reference plane and the
luminaire plane (m)
a and b are the dimensions of the
Glare occurs as a consequence of three
room (m)
different effects: contrast, adaptation and
saturation. Glare may impair vision (known as
The room index is twice the plan area of the disability glare) or it can result in discomfort
room divided by the area of its walls between (discomfort glare). Disability and discomfort
the horizontal reference plane and the glare may exist simultaneously or separately.
282 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management


Luminaire plane

Horizontal reference plane

Figure 11.6 Calculating the room index factor

Saturation effects occur where the source of • all objects and major surfaces in the
light is so bright that the eye cannot adapt to visual field are equally bright
it. Adaptation effects occur when moving from • no source of light appears in the
a darkened environment to a well-lit visual field during working
environment. Contrast effects are caused by operations
excessive brightness contrasts within the field • lights are provided with shades or
of vision. The eye adjusts itself to the average glare shields to prevent the
luminance of the field of vision and this may luminance of the light source from
result in low luminous areas being invisible exceeding 200 cd.m
and excessively lit areas causing discomfort. • the line from the eye to the light
source makes an angle of more than
Lighting designs 30 degrees with the horizontal
• fluorescent tubes are aligned at right
In general, lighting in the workplace should be angles to the line of sight
evenly distributed and of adequate brightness. • the use of reflective colours and
Glare should also be minimised. This can be materials on machines, tools,
achieved by ensuring: tabletops etc. are avoided.
Chapter 11: Ergonomics ■ 283

Ergonomics considers the relationship between the worker and work. It aims to obtain an
optimal fit between the two. Ergonomics deals with physical stressors and with cognitive or
psychological factors that can contribute to risk in the workplace.
This chapter has focused on industrial ergonomics and has discussed issues such as
biomechanics, manual materials handling, stress, lighting and shift work.


Budnick, L.D. et al. 1994, ‘Sleep and Alertness in a 12-Hour Rotating Shift Work Environment’, Journal
of Occupational Medicine, vol. 36, no. 12
Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations (Qld) 2000, Manual Tasks Advisory
Standard, GoPrint, Brisbane
Duchon, J.C. and Smith, T.J. 1994, ‘Extended Workdays and Safety’, International Journal of Industrial
Ergonomics, vol. 11, pp. 37–49
Foley, G. in NOHSC 1996, Occupational Health and Safety in Australian Workplaces — The High Risk and
High Cost of Serious Body Stressing Incidents, AGPS, Canberra
Grainger, C. 1993, ‘Staff Safety in Psychiatric Wards’, Journal of Occupational Health and Safety —
Australia and New Zealand, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 53–9
Grandjean, E. and Kroemer, K.H.E. 1997, Fitting the Task to the Human: A Textbook of Occupational
Ergonomics, Taylor & Francis, London
Kawaja, K. 1995, ‘The Big Picture: An Ergonomic Approach to Preventing Back Injuries’, Accident
Prevention, March/April, pp. 36–43
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1990, National Standard for Manual Handling,
AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1990, National Code of Practice for Manual
Handling, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1994, National Code of Practice for the Prevention
of Occupational Overuse Syndrome, AGPS, Canberra
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS1680.1: 1990 Interior Lighting — General Principles and
Recommendations, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS1680.2: 1990 Interior Lighting — Recommendation for
Specific Tasks and Interiors, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 1994, SAA HB59: 1994 Ergonomics — The Human Factor — A
Practical Approach to Work Systems Design, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1997, AS/NZS1680.2.4: 1997 Interior Lighting —
Industrial Tasks and Processes, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Straker, L. 1998, ‘An Overview of Occupational Injury/Disease Statistics in Australia’, Ergonomics
Australia On-Line, vol. 12, no. 3
Toohey, J. 1993, ‘Occupational Violence: A Problem Becoming an Issue’, Journal of Occupational Health
and Safety — Australia and New Zealand, vol. 9, no. 1
Williamson, A.M. et al. 1994, ‘Changing the Hours of Shiftwork: A Comparison on 8- and 12-hour Shift
Rosters in a Group of Computer Operators’, Ergonomics, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 287–98
Chapter 12

Risk analysis

Risk analysis is a core aspect of risk exposure or the body’s ability to deal with an
management. Indeed, Australian occupational agent. Risk also places an emphasis on the
health and safety legislation has certainly choices available to minimise an effect. With
increased its focus on the need to characterise, risk assessment, we need to ask what methods
assess, communicate and manage risk. Risk is or controls are available or perhaps how many
more than just a number or value about the people are exposed to an event.
probability of an event occurring. It also For an event, action or object to be
includes our perceptions, whether the risk is considered a risk, there must be an associated
acceptable or tolerable and why. loss, uncertainty or chance involved, and a
This chapter aims to reinforce the choice involved that would mitigate the loss.
meanings of hazard, risk, danger and safety. It Therefore, a high-risk event might not result in
also introduces the types of risk that workers a large magnitude of loss but the outcome may
and the community may be exposed to and be uncertain. It is also important to realise that
offers strategies for their assessment. The risk does not just consider human loss. Many
debatable topic of risk perception is discussed businesses analyse risk associated with their
to provide an overview of other factors that business operations to determine whether a
affect our response to risks. Chapter 14 decision is economically feasible and will result
expands the concept of risk management. in positive outcomes.
A hazard, on the other hand, is fixed and
not dynamic. A hazard might be a toxic
RISK AND HAZARD substance, spillage of liquid on the floor or a
biological pathogen in a Petri dish. The
The terms risk and hazard are often magnitude of hazard is determined by two
interchanged. However, their meanings are factors: its characteristics (e.g. ionising
quite separate. Chapter 1 defined a hazard as radiation from a -source has a higher energy
the potential that an event sequence will cause than non-ionising radiation such as
damage or harm. Risk was the likelihood that microwaves) and its amount (whether there is
an event sequence will cause damage or harm. a lot or a little of the hazard). In other words,
It is the combination of frequency, duration hazards are a potential problem.
and severity of exposure. An alternative When measuring or perceiving risk, it is not
perspective is that risk is concerned with the simply a black or white decision. Imagine an
future and what might cause an event to occur. office worker photocopying in a room with
It also addresses change — changes in limited ventilation. What are the hazards? The
286 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

most significant occupational hygiene hazard Safety means to be free from danger or risks.
is the ozone (O3) caused from the ionisation of With risk analysis, we cannot guarantee that
oxygen. Ozone is a respiratory irritant and workers will be absolutely safe, although an
sensitiser. The worker may be concerned about attempt is made to achieve this level. Given the
their exposure and ask whether they are at inability to finely divide events as risk-free or
risk. The answer would be ‘yes’ — everyone is dangerous, it follows that safety is really a
exposed to risk in some form, each day. But the conditional goal.
important question is ‘what is the magnitude
of risk?’ Is it tolerable or acceptable? The
answer to these questions will depend on the DEFINITION OF
dose, ventilation in the room and the person’s RISK ANALYSIS
response to ozone.
The risk range is a term used to specify There are several terms that lie within the
estimated risk, from the lowest to the highest. category of risk analysis. Risk analysis is
Sometimes the range (despite its simplicity) broadly defined to include risk:
may be a most valuable risk measure. Let’s
consider occupational exposure standards. • assessment
These are developed by considering the effect • characterisation
to most workers, according to current • communication
knowledge. Therefore, it is accepted that some • management and policy relating to
workers may lie outside the ‘capture area’ of risk.
no health effects. Perhaps knowledge about
the hazard will change in the future when new Risk analysis applies to both the occupational
research or information comes to light. setting and individuals, the public and society
generally. When related to occupational
hygiene, risk analysis is composed of the
DANGER AND SAFETY following distinct activities:

Does a low risk imply that a process, • hazard identification

workplace or substance is safe? The terms • risk projection
danger and safety consider the human aspect • risk assessment
of exposure to a hazard. Danger can be • risk management.
thought of as things that might cause peril.
Another definition is that danger is liability or Hazard identification
exposure to harm, where harm means ‘to hurt’.
Some examples of occupational hygiene Hazard identification techniques are outlined
dangers might be: in Chapter 3. When identifying hazards and
potential risks, we are attempting to find both
• entering a confined space with a the probability of loss and the probability of
potential oxygen deficit or toxic or not receiving what is expected.
flammable gases
• handling a jackhammer that emits Risk projection
vibration and transfers it through
the fingers and hands Risk projection or estimation attempts to rate
• cleaning up a spillage of mercury the risk according to the likelihood that
from a blown manometer. the risk actually exists and the consequences
Chapter 12: Risk analysis ■ 287

of the problems associated with the risk physical and social sciences. This can be
should it occur. In essence, risk projection is performed qualitatively (judgements made
the first component of risk assessment and that are relative to each other) or
involves: quantitatively (a specific, measurable amount).
Qualitative characteristics of risk include:
• establishing a scale that reflects the
perceived likelihood of a risk (the • the types of health effects from
scale may be qualitative or exposure
quantitative) • the estimated frequency of exposure
• delineating the consequences of a (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly)
risk • location of a hazard in relation to the
• establishing the impact of the risk workplace or other sensitive
• appreciating the overall accuracy of populations.
the risk projection.
Quantitative attributes of risk might be:
Risk assessment
• measured exposure data
Risks are weighted by perceived impact and • quantity of a substance
then prioritised. Risk assessment techniques • incidence of mortality or morbidity
for occupational hygiene are discussed later in • consequence analysis modelling of
this chapter. The three factors that affect exposure to an agent
perceived impact are the: • modelling of frequency of exposure.

• nature of the risk (which in turn Both qualitative and quantitative components
indicates whether the problems are of risk should be broad enough to clearly
likely to occur) describe the entire event. We must also
• scope of risk, combining its severity explicitly state any judgements that are made
with its overall distribution in the risk assessment — such as assumptions
• timing of a risk (when and for how and uncertainties. The rationale for these
long the impact will be felt). judgements and their influence on the risk
assessments should also be articulated.
Risk management and control emphasise a
holistic approach to deal with an issue in its Quantitative risk assessments
entirety. This aspect attempts to find solutions
by considering whether the risk can be shifted Quantification of occupational hygiene risks
or transferred and the cost/benefit of risk will depend upon their nature, ability to be
control. Risk strategies might include risk measured and appropriate benchmarks or
avoidance or limitation and risk transfer. standards. Remembering that the three
components to risk are frequency, probability
Risk assessment techniques and outcome, these can be mathematically
expressed to provide a quantitative estimate of
While we can appreciate that risk assessment risk.
is a subjective science, it is still possible to Beginning with frequency (which is simply a
measure the level or range of risk. Risk rate), this should be determined using data
assessment uses the best and most reasonably such as historical exposure information or
obtainable information from the natural, incident records or through modelling.
288 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Modelling is a technique that attempts to show scope of this chapter to provide an in-depth
a pattern using known input parameters. explanation of these quantitative risk
Probability is the chance that an event will assessment techniques, although chemical
occur. It can be rated on a scale of 0 to 1, engineering texts contain further detail.
where 0 represents no chance and 1 is an
absolute certainty that the event will occur. Qualitative risk assessments
When determining the outcome or
consequence of exposure to the hazard, the As the name suggests, risk assessments carried
following data can be measured: out using qualitative methods are subjective
and open to multiple interpretations and many
• the number of lives lost or injuries debates. What one person perceives to be high
caused risk, another may accept as holding minimal
• the cost of damage risk.
• the incidence of serious ill health In deciding upon a qualitative risk assess-
cases. ment technique or tool to use, it is important
to consider the degree of knowledge of the
A limitation of quantitative risk assessment is workforce and the technique’s simplicity and
that, by its very nature, it does not consider accuracy of application. There are various
our perceptions or attitudes to the hazards. As methods of risk assessment used in Australian
a ranking tool, quantitative risk assessment is workplaces. This section outlines four tools
invaluable; however, its sole use as a measure that see use and are presented as options.
of overall risk is not recommended. However, the selection of a qualitative risk
Generally, quantification of occupational assessment tool should be at the discretion of
hygiene hazards is left to epidemiologists and the organisation, which should review its
statisticians. Toxicological data is a typical suitability and acceptance.
example of quantitative risk assessment. In
Chapter 1, terms such as the LD50 and LC50 AS/NZS4360 risk score
were identified. These are calculated by calculator
measuring the duration of exposure, Australia/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS4360
concentration or dose of contaminant and Risk Management was released in 1999 and
outcome (death). The outcomes of fire and has broad application in general business risks,
explosion can be modelled using quantitative including occupational health and safety. The
risk assessments. Chemical or process magnitude of risk is determined using a 2-D
engineers usually conduct this. It is beyond the matrix and considers the likelihood and

Table 12.1 Risk score calculator (from AS/NZS4360)

Consequence Likelihood
1: Insignificant 2: Minor 3: Moderate 4: Major 5: Catastrophic
A Almost Certain High High Extreme Extreme Extreme
B Likely Moderate High High Extreme Extreme
C Possible Low Moderate High Extreme Extreme
D Unlikely Low Low Moderate High Extreme
E Rare Low Low Moderate High High
Chapter 12: Risk analysis ■ 289

consequence of a hazard event occurring. or chances that the event will occur!
Likelihood is evaluated via a 5-scale rank, from Unfortunately, Fine’s nomogram has the
rare to almost certain. Consequence is following limitations:
evaluated via a 5-scale rank, from minor/
personal injury to death and/or multiple
injuries (catastrophic). A risk assessment rating • the value of input data is not
is then given (extreme, high, moderate or low) necessarily based on solid grounds
and controls implemented according to this (an educated ‘guess’ or estimation is
rating. Table 12.1 shows this matrix. used)
• personal bias and experience will
Fine’s nomogram affect the final result
Fine (1971) has developed a risk score that • the nomogram should be used as a
incorporates the potential consequences of baseline level of risk and not as a
the incident, exposure factors and probability fine dividing line between safe and
factor. The formula (Figure 12.1) is the product unsafe.
of these factors. Each of the three parameters
(consequence, exposure and probability) are A handy component of Fine’s nomogram is the
given a rating according to Table 12.2. justification rating that can be obtained from
The calculated risk score can then be used the risk score and projected costs of mitigating
to prioritise the hazard event against other the risk. It suggests that a high-risk event that
hazard events, to allocate resources and could be controlled using low-cost solutions
control the risks. Once the risk score has been could be easily justified. As the risk diminishes
calculated, a cost justification calculation can and costs increase, it becomes more difficult to
be conducted by considering the degree of justify the intervention. This philosophy has
correction and cost of the intervention. been summarised in Table 12.2.
The user makes a decision about the most
likely outcome if a particular hazard event TTC hazard rating system
were to occur, how often exposure occurs and The TTC hazard rating system uses letters of the
the chance that the event will occur. It is alphabet to rank potential loss-producing
important that the hazard event is clearly incidents. A letter is given for the level of
defined before the risk assessment is severity, level of probability and cost of cor-
performed, otherwise it becomes easy to lose rective action (Table 12.3). These codes are then
one’s way and predict disastrous consequences converted to a numerical rating (Table 12.4).


R is the risk score
C is the consequence
E is the exposure factor
P is the probability factor

Figure 12.1 Fine’s risk score

Source: Fine 1971, p. 158

290 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Table 12.2 Ratings for risk calculation (adapted from Fine 1971, p. 159)

Factor Classification Rating

Consequence Catastrophe, numerous fatalities 100

Multiple fatalities 50
Fatality 25
Extremely serious injury 15
Disabling injury 5
Minor cuts, bruises, bumps 1

Exposure Hazard event occurs:

Continuously 10
Frequently 6
Occasionally 3
Unusually 2
Rarely 1
Remotely 0.5

Probability Complete accident sequence:

Is the most likely and
expected result 10
Is quite possible, not unusual 6
Would be an unusual sequence 3
Remotely possible 1
Has never happened after many
years of exposure, but conceivably
possible 0.5
Practically impossible 0.1

Therefore, this style of risk assessment is nomogram and the TTC hazard rating system.
useful to compare various hazard events to It calculates a risk value by combining the
one another, especially when deciding on following variables:
controls; however, caution should be exercised
about the financial values, as they may date • Frequency of process
over time. • Likelihood of the hazardous event
• Anticipated loss
• Mission effects
FLAME model • Exposed people or systems.

The FLAME model is a mission-oriented risk The risk value (R) is calculated using Equation
assessment that was developed from Fine’s 12.1.
Chapter 12: Risk analysis ■ 291

Table 12.3 TTC code for qualitative risk assessment (adapted from Weaver 1982,
p. 38)

Criteria Level Code

Severity Fatality Serious/lost First aid Injury not likely/no
time injury injury/no time lost measurable impact
Probability One or more At least once At least once Less than once
times each a week a month each month
working day
Cost of Less than $1K $1K to $10K 10K to $25K $25K or more,
corrective or no cost no practical solution

Table 12.4 Rating the TTC hazard rating system (adapted from Weaver 1982, p. 39)

Rating Code Rating Code Rating Code Rating Code

1 AAA 17 BCA 33 ACD 49 CCC
2 AAB 18 CAB 34 ADC 50 CDB
3 ABA 19 CBA 35 BBD 51 DAD
4 BAA 20 DAA 36 BCC 52 DBC
5 AAC 21 ABD 37 BDB 53 DCB
6 ABB 22 ACC 38 CAD 54 DDA
7 ACA 23 ADB 39 CBC 55 BDD
8 BAB 24 BAD 40 CCB 56 CCD
9 BBA 25 BBC 41 CDA 57 CDC
10 CAA 26 BCB 42 DAC 58 DBD
11 ABC 27 BDA 43 DBB 59 DCC
12 ACB 28 CAC 44 DCA 60 DDB
13 ADA 29 CBB 45 AD 61 CDD
14 BAC 30 CCA 46 BCD 62 DCD
15 BBB 31 DAB 47 BDC 63 DDC
16 BCA 32 DBA 48 CBD 64 DDD

Equation 12.1 L is likelihood of the hazardous event

A is anticipated losses
R = log X
M is mission effects
E is exposed people or systems
X is F x L x A x M x E
F is frequency of hazard-containing
In this equation, X is determined from the
product of F, L, A, M and E. The frequency is
292 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

assigned a value between 1 and 100, based on risk and their referent levels. Sets of referent
whether the process has been known to occur points that define a region of termination are
(1) or if it occurs constantly (100). then predicted. Comparing the evaluated risk
Likelihood is based on an estimated with its risk referent has three possible
probability and is then converted to a scoring outcomes — that the risk is:
value. So, if it is inconceivable that the event
will occur, it is scored 1. If the event occurs • acceptable (if the evaluated risk is less
often as part of a process and is expected, then than the referent)
it scores 100. • impossible (where the evaluated risk is
Anticipated losses are scored similarly. If much greater than the referent)
there would be no apparent disruption to the • infeasible (if the evaluated risk is
process, a score of 1 is nominated. An event greater than, but almost equal to, the
that results in wide-scale destruction to referent).
equipment, systems or facilities and causes
many fatalities would have a value of 100.
Table 12.5 Risk scores for the FLAME
Mission effects relate to the overall
model (adapted from
objective of the system and whether it would
Strohm & Opheim 1993,
be affected by the event. It is scored with
p. 47)
values ranging between 1 and 100.
The final component, exposed people or
Risk value Risk classification
systems, allows the number of people or
systems exposed to be correlated with a value. ≥8.00 Very high risk
The calculated risk value is compared with a 6.00–7.99 High risk
risk classification (Table 12.5). 4.00–5.99 Substantial risk
2.00–3.99 Possible risk
<2.00 Doubtful risk

In order to conduct a risk assessment with a Why is it that what one person perceives as
meaningful and acceptable score, it is acceptable risk, another cannot tolerate? Risk
important to define the scope of the hazard perception is the term used to describe our
event and its benchmark or standard. This insight or opinions about the acceptability
benchmark is also known as the risk referent of risk. The very nature of risk is subjective.
level, and is stated as a probability of failure or Beliefs and values impact on community,
the probability of success level for each government and industry’s perception of risk. It
individual risk or the system as a whole. It can is therefore important that the application of
be: quantitative risk assessment also addresses the
uncertainty associated with such a subjective
• an aggregate of individual risks science.
• one or more prioritised high-impact While there are many methods that can be
risks. used to assess the risk associated with
occupational hygiene hazards, their overall
The next step is to try to develop a relation- effectiveness can be questioned. Ultimately,
ship between each of the three parameters of the aim of the risk assessment tool should
Chapter 12: Risk analysis ■ 293

be to ensure decisions relating to occu- exposed to high sound pressure levels when
pational health and hygiene hazards are playing in a rock band on weekends. Long
made on a sound basis, will be acceptable latency periods also affect whether we
both scientifically and socially, and are accept risk. So if the health effect is chronic
aimed at minimising the outcome or effect (rather than acute), the exposure may be
on the physical environment or the perceived to be tolerable. How often have
community. we heard the adage that ‘if a hazard or
One of the reasons for risk being such an agent has been around for years, then it
uncertain science is a growing distrust of can’t hurt anyone’? A mentality of ‘she’ll
institutions and ‘experts’. This has led to an be right’ abounds in this area. Yet, if new
instinctive questioning of all government or technology introduces a hazard, people
business recommendations. Such distrust is are concerned. Similarly, the severity of
deepened by governmental and private outcome will affect the acceptability of risk.
sector examples of incompetence in assess- If it kills, it is definitely perceived to be a
ing risks or criminality in communi- higher risk.
cations about risks associated with the Why is there this disparity of risk
development and use of some technologies. perception? The major reason is influence
So what determines a person’s acceptance from the media. Most people rely on the
or tolerance of risk? Some parameters media to provide information. Unfortunately,
include: the media also sensationalises issues for
the interest of their audience, often to the
• voluntary vs. involuntary exposure detriment of objective data. People react
• immediate vs. future health effects more to outrage than hazard; however, in
• old (familiar) vs. new (unfamiliar) risk fairness to the media, they are only the
• natural vs. artificial risks proponents of outrage, not the creators. The
• injure vs. kill hazards (magnitude of outraged public pays little attention to hazard
consequences) data.
• individual vs. external control The other main problem lies in the way that
• monetary or other benefits vs. no risks are measured. Very often, a person’s
benefits perception of risk does not match the actual
• ‘fairness’ of risk distribution vs. risks risk. This may be due to their misunder-
concentrated among particular standing of risk data or the unavailability of
groups or locations reliable data.
• self-appraisal of risk vs. external
decision about risk
• familiarity with those BIAS AND RISK
producing risk vs. unknown risk PERCEPTION
• complex expression of risk vs. simple Bias refers to our prejudice or inclinations.
language expression of risk Personal biases can have a significant impact
on our assessment of risk. Each of the
The first parameter illustrates where risk may following biases affects people’s perceptions
be more likely to be tolerated. If an individual of the probabilities of risk.
has control, it is more likely to be accepted. Availability bias refers to the recall between
For instance, an individual may refuse to work a risk and similar events that occurred. For
in noisy conditions at a workplace but is instance, an outbreak of legionnaire’s disease
294 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

in a shopping centre may lead to an increased and the likely feedback from the workforce. In
perception of probability of the event some cases, it may be appropriate to attempt
occurring again, compared with if a similar several forms of risk communication before an
event had not occurred. optimal approach is found. The four methods
Representativeness bias describes whether of risk communication are:
the sample is judged to be similar to the main
population. • none — ignore others
Anchoring bias relates to where the in- • one way — show others they are
formation was obtained and whether it relates wrong
to the population. In some cases, estimates of • two way — exchange information
probability are derived from some outside and learn
source and then adjusted upwards or down- • internalised — each becomes an
wards in light of new information. integral part of the process.
Vernacular bias refers to how the results are
framed. If the risk assessment presents the The principles for effective risk communication
findings with a positive perspective, in the workplace are:
perception of risk is definitely affected. For
instance, if 30 per cent of a workforce con- • risk communication should involve
tracted a form of cancer related to work, the the open, two-way exchange of
findings that 70 per cent of workers did not information between professionals
contract the disease are more positive and and workers
acceptable. • questions and honest, open
dialogue should be encouraged; it is
best to honestly answer such questions
in a way that is easily understood
RISK COMMUNICATION • an organisation should make its
risk management goals clear to
Effective communication of hazards and their
workers; the aims of risk assessments
risks is an issue that can be somewhat difficult
and risk management decisions should
to manage. The influence of perceptions can
be communicated accurately and
severely affect even the most rational worker’s
objectively in a meaningful manner
ability to comprehend and accept arguments
• data, models and inferences used or
about agents. The media, especially, tend to
relied upon in the risk assessment or
sensationalise ‘hot’ occupational health and
decision should be described, in
hygiene issues. This not only raises the issue’s
order to maximise worker
profile but the ire of workers who may be
understanding and participation in risk
affected. The issue of asbestos always tends to
cause workers’ blood to boil, even if the full
• information sources and
extent of exposure is not known. Similarly,
uncertainties should be identified
issues such as exposure to radio frequencies
• appropriate risk comparisons should
around overhead power lines and telecommuni-
be made; this might include taking
cations causes dissension in the community.
into account public attitudes with
Risk communication can be approached in a
respect to voluntary versus
number of ways. The decision about appro-
involuntary risks
priate strategies will depend on the nature of
• feedback and information should be
workforce, the hazard that is being discussed
provided in a timely manner
Chapter 12: Risk analysis ■ 295

• workers should be allowed access to The second step relates to the characteris-
relevant documents. ation of health and social aspects of risk. This
could be conducted through the use of tools
The first step of successful risk analysis and such as toxicology, modelling, epidemiology
communication should be to involve both and surveillance.
quantitative methods of risk assessment and an The final aspect of the combined process
evaluation of the health risks as perceived by involves reassessment, assurance and
the population. The exclusive use of quanti- evaluation. Since the ultimate goal of the
tative risk assessments limits the effectiveness combined approach is to utilise the benefits of
of an agreeable outcome, as many risk assess- risk assessment to achieve better decisions
ment studies overstate exposure and risk regarding occupational hygiene risks, it is
estimates due to methodological problems. This imperative that the interventions are reviewed.
compounds as a negativity and loss of con- Success could be measured through the
fidence in the risk assessment process in the improvement of workers’ health.
view of the workforce.

Risk analysis can be objective or subjective. There are several terms that lie within the
category of risk analysis. Risk analysis is broadly defined to include risk assessment,
characterisation, communication and management relating to risk. Risk analysis applies to
both the occupational setting and individuals, the public and society generally. This chapter
has identified four methods for risk analysis: the AS/NZS4360 risk score calculator, Fine’s
nomogram, TTC hazard rating system and FLAME model.


Beer, T. and Ziolkowski, F. 1995, Environmental Risk Assessment: An Australian Perspective, Supervising
Scientist Report 102, Commonwealth of Australia, Darwin
Burke, T.A. 1996, ‘Back to the Future: Rediscovering the Role of Public Health in Environmental
Decision Making’, Environmental Risk Decision Making — Values, Perceptions, & Ethics, C.R. Cothern,
Lewis Publishers, USA
CCH Australia Limited 1996, Planning Occupational Health and Safety, 4th edn, CCH Australia Limited,
Sydney, Australia
Cothern, C.R. 1996, Environmental Risk Decision Making — Values, Perceptions, & Ethics, Lewis
Publishers, USA
Dovers, S. 1995, ‘Risk, Uncertainty and Ignorance: Policy, Process and Institutional Issues’,
Background Papers for the 1995 Fenner Conference on the Environment: Risk and Uncertainty in
Environmental Management, Canberra, 13–16 November 1995
Fine, W.T. 1971, ‘Mathematical Evaluation for Controlling Hazards’, Journal of Safety Research, vol. 3,
no. 4, pp. 157–66
296 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Grose, V.L. 1990, ‘Assessing Risk by the Numbers’, Professional Safety, July, pp. 39–43
Proctor, S.P., Marchant, G. and Baram, M.S. 1991, ‘Evaluation of Risk Assessment as Evidence for
Decision Making’, Risk Analysis — Prospects and Opportunities, Plenum Press, New York
Pybus, R. 1997, Safety Management Strategy and Practice, Butterworth-Heinemann, London
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1999, AS/NZS4360: 1999 Risk Management, Standards
Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Strohm, P.F. and Opheim, G.S. 1993, ‘Mission-Oriented Risk Assessment’, Professional Safety, June,
pp. 38–43
Weaver, D.A. 1982, ‘The TTC Hazard Rating System’, Professional Safety, July, pp. 36–41
Chapter 13


Much of the practice of occupational hygiene and comply with regulatory requirements. An
concentrates on hazard identification and accountant or risk manager, on the other hand,
evaluation of risk; however, if the hazard is not may consider the financial loss associated with
controlled these first two steps are futile. It is an incident or failure to control risk. Chapter
imperative that control is always an outcome 14 expands our discussion about occupational
of the correct recognition and assessment of hygiene risk management. Whatever the
agents that can harm workers’ health. The aim reason, controls need to be realistic and cost-
of occupational hygiene risk control is to efficient. Indeed, an indirect outcome of
design or find methods that will minimise control may be an increase in efficiency and
exposure, whether the hazard is physical, overall reduction of costs. The six aims of
chemical, ergonomic or biological. occupational hygiene risk control are:
This chapter deals with the concept of
control including its aims, types and the • protection of exposed workers’
hierarchy of control. It focuses on ventilation health
such as local exhaust ventilation, general • ensuring workers’ comfort and
dilution ventilation and the design of safety
ventilation systems. The use of personal • compliance with legislation
protective equipment as a control option is • protection of other workers and
also discussed, along with guidance on how to people who may be affected by the
select, use and maintain respiratory protection risks created by a process or
devices. Controls relating to noise, vibration workplace
and biological hazards are discussed in the • reduction in environmental pollution
chapters that dealt with these specific hazards. and damage to the environment
• minimisation of economic loss from
raw materials, products or valuable

There are six fundamental reasons for In many cases, there are several options
implementing occupational hygiene controls. available for control. Sometimes, the optimal
The impetus may be financial, regulatory, control may not be the most practicable and an
ethical or industrially related. For instance, the alternative needs to be considered. Perhaps
occupational health and safety professional more than one control is required to reduce
aims to minimise exposure to protect workers exposure to an acceptable level. While control
298 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

may not eliminate the hazard, it will reduce the on the type of contaminant to which they are
magnitude of exposure to some extent. exposed. Some questions that need to be
asked include:

TAKING A METHODICAL • Is the worker sited close to the

APPROACH TO CONTROL source of the emission?
• What personal characteristics (e.g.
Let’s face it, controlling hazards can be expen- height, predisposing health factors,
sive — especially when the wrong option is ability to wear protective
chosen, resulting in further assessments and equipment) impact on exposure?
installations to be implemented. To prevent • What work practices are adopted?
this expense and inconvenience, a methodical • What is the level of education and
approach to control is required: training of workers?
• How is the workplace laid out?
1. Identify the nature and source of hazard. • Are there areas of little ventilation?
2. Characterise the exposure profile.
3. Consider the emission source(s) and These points would be incorporated into the
nature of emission. risk assessment. Ideally, the assessment would
4. Characterise the worker(s) and workplace. be quantitative and could be compared with
5. Identify current controls and assess their benchmarks, for instance, collecting exposure
efficiency. data that is compared with an occupational
6. Brainstorm alternative controls that are exposure standard.
cost-effective, efficient and acceptable to Some workplaces may already have controls
the workplace. in place. Before other options are fully invest-
7. Select the most practicable control igated, existing controls should be identified
option(s) after considering regulatory and assessed. This can be achieved by:
requirements, costs, extent of hazard
reduction and ethics. • surveying workers’ attitudes to
8. Trial the anticipated controls. hazards and current controls that are
9. Seek feedback and evaluate the in place
effectiveness of controls. • monitoring workers’ exposure to
10. Re-assess the implemented controls to contaminants and occupational
ensure their suitability. hygiene hazards
11. Regularly maintain controls for continued • reviewing health surveillance data
efficiency and effectiveness. and workers’ compensation records
for incidents of work-related illness
Using the principles of risk management, the or injury that can be attributed to
hazard is firstly identified and then assessed. insufficient control of the hazard
Recognition of the hazard is achieved by • direct measurement of the
understanding the exact nature of the hazard, performance of control systems,
its physical state and source of generation or such as ventilation, and comparing
emission. with performance and efficiency
Next, the characteristics of the worker(s) standards.
and the workplace are identified and related to
the exposure. Workers’ exposure can be Once the existing level of control has been
divided into homogenous groups, depending established and the full extent of the problem is
Chapter 13: Control ■ 299

understood, it is time to generate a ‘think-pot’ gation of the effectiveness of the controls

of ideas for control. Often, the best ideas come should be conducted. Where deficiencies are
from those who are exposed to the hazard and identified, alterations to the implemented
are familiar with the process — the workers. systems may be required. Or, in worst case
Involvement of workers in the identification, scenarios, the organisation may need to go
design and implementation of controls is useful back to the drawing board to totally review the
in several ways: situation and approach again.

• it promotes consultation between

employers, supervisors and workers METHODS OF CONTROL
• workers feel a sense of ownership
and empowerment of decisions that Ultimately, occupational hygiene risk control
they have been involved with should begin during the design phase of a
• job satisfaction may increase in the process or workplace. It is more expensive and
realisation that workers’ opinions are inconvenient to attempt to redesign and retrofit
valued and sought after a workplace once it has been built. While this
• workers have intimate knowledge of idealist approach may work with new
the workings of a process or system operations, most hazards exist in a workplace
and whether the proposed controls that has been run for many years. An alternative
are practical and usable. approach is therefore needed! Let’s consider
the three factors required for exposure:
Sometimes, this stage of the risk management
process can become frustrating and tedious. • a source (the occupational hygiene
Certain factions may have conflicting agendas hazard)
and motives for consultation and negotiation. • a mechanism or path for movement
In such cases, it is important to remain object- of the hazard
ive about the aim of controls and not become • an unprotected receiver.
involved in party arguments or industrial dis-
cussion which are not relevant to the issue Removal of any of these partners in the
under consideration. exposure triangle will minimise exposure. As an
After considering the merits of optimal example, a solvent-based paint could be sub-
control strategies, these must be fully costed stituted for a water-based alternative. Perhaps
and evaluated in terms of their anticipated chemical bonding of materials could be
suitability to control the hazard. For instance, attempted instead of heating and welding. Or a
personal protective equipment may be pre- different state of matter could be chosen — a
ferred as a short-term control for exposure to pellet instead of a powder. Where the process
noise or hazardous substances. But the long- or inputs cannot be changed, transmission of
term costs far outweigh alternatives such as the hazard to the worker can be halted or, at the
engineering controls. In some cases (e.g. least, reduced. Emissions such as dust, gases
emergency rescue) personal protective equip- and fumes could be collected or diluted with
ment may be the best option. Regulatory ventilation. A physical barrier may isolate the
requirements may also dictate the approach hazard from one area of the workplace to
that is taken to minimise risks in the workplace. another. Of course, the application of such
Once a decision about the controls has techniques will require special consideration of
been made and they are implemented, the the behaviour of the source and whether it is
process does not end! A thorough investi- amenable to control in this manner.
300 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

The last option for control is to stop the Substitution

hazard at the worker. These controls are the
least preferred as they rely on human behaviour Where the hazard cannot be totally removed,
and accept the hazard has not been eliminated the second preferred option considers an alter-
or reduced in another way. Training, education, native process or material. Substitution often
worker rotation and personal protective involves a substantial amount of trial-and-error
equipment are strategies that can be tried. to determine whether the alternative substance
or technique is as efficient as the previous. It is
also important to stress that the substituted
HIERARCHY OF CONTROL agent must have a known and lower toxicity than
its predecessor. If a supplier is uncertain of the
The hierarchy of control is a list of control risk associated with a new process, it is still safer
options that have been placed in a preferred to remain with a hazard whose nature is known.
order. It addresses the three mechanisms for Some examples of substituted hazards
exposure reduction with an alternative include:
categorisation scheme:
• vegetable oil-based inks such as
1. Elimination soya-bean oil instead of chemical
2. Substitution inks in newsprinting presses
3. Engineering (by ventilation or isolation) • metal slag instead of silica sand for
4. Administration abrasive blasting
5. Personal protective equipment. • oil as opposed to mercury in
barometers and gauges
Elimination • replacing carbon tetrachloride and
other solvents with 1,1,1
While elimination is accepted as the best trichloroethane (which in turn is being
option for controlling exposure, it also can be phased out because of its ozone-
the most impractical. An organisation may not depleting characteristics).
be able to eliminate a substance or process
without compromising its entire production Processes can also be altered to minimise the
or the viability of the company. Histori- probability of exposure. These include:
cally, elimination of the hazard has involved
the closure of industries. Some examples • transporting toxic substances such
include: as cyanide as solid briquettes rather
than as powders, dusts or liquid
• production of matches with white • wet sweeping of lead dust on the
phosphorous was ceased and floor of a shooting gallery rather
replaced with red phosphorous than dry sweeping or air-jet blowing
— this was due to necrosis of the • substituting high-velocity processes
jaw (‘phossy-jaw’) in unprotected for those of a lower velocity.
• the gradual reduction of production While some of these examples are actually
of leaded fuel engineering controls, in their simplest form
• reduction in the use of lead-based they are still substituting one process for
paints. another.
Chapter 13: Control ■ 301

Case study 13.1

Asbestos is a mineral fibre that has exceptional thermal and abrasion resistant
properties. Due to these characteristics, it was used as a form of insulation or
lagging around high-temperature and high-pressure pipes in chemical processing
industries. Since asbestos has been associated with lung conditions such as
asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma, its use has gradually decreased and
during routine maintenance it has been replaced with synthetic mineral fibre
lagging. Synthetic mineral fibres are believed to present less risk than asbestos,
according to current knowledge.

Engineering controls from the agent. The three alternatives are:

segregation or isolation; guarding and signage;
This broad category of controls is probably the and ventilation.
most commonly used. Its advantages lie in the
ability to physically alter the path of trans- Segregation or isolation
mission of the hazard or isolate the worker
Segregation or isolation relies on the principle
of enclosing either the hazard or worker to
restrict movement of the hazard. Segregation
can be achieved by placing a physical barrier
between one area of the workplace to another,
separating by time or by distance. Examples of
segregation include handling a pathogenic
organism inside a Class I or II biological safety
cabinet or relocating a dusty process to an
isolated section of the plant.
Isolation requires physical detachment of
the process or person, for instance, remotely
operating a crane from a control centre,
pumping cleaning chemicals in a hospital from
an enclosed system or enclosing a noisy
process in a sound-insulated booth.

Guarding and signage

Guarding and signage reduce the path between

the hazard source and the worker. Both controls
have one aim in common — to distance the
worker from the hazard, either by space or
time. With guarding, a physical barrier is
installed to prevent access to a hazardous area.
Some examples of guarding of occupational
Figure 13.1 Signage is a form of
hygiene hazards include a ventilated booth for
302 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

spray-painting that prevents drift of paint and buildings and workplaces depend on ventilation
exposure to solvents of adjacent workers or either for comfort, temperature regulation or
closing the lid of a photocopier when copying contaminant control. Table 13.1 shows the most
to minimise exposure to high-intensity light and common categories of ventilation used in
premature wearing of the photosensitive drum. industrial workplaces or office environments. A
In the workplace, signage is often used detailed discussion about these types of
extensively to provide information or warnings ventilation systems and their applications is
(Figure 13.1). Therefore, it is actually a barrier included later in this chapter.
whose information or instructions should bring
compliance. For this reason, signs must be Administrative controls
easily understood and interpreted, otherwise
their use as a control is extremely limited. Since As we move further down the hierarchy of
signage relies on our responses and interpre- control it becomes apparent that administrative
tation to make a decision not to enter an area, controls become one of the least preferred
it uses time as a control. AS1319 is the options. The main reason for this is that these
recommended standard to which occupational controls rely on human behaviour and compli-
health and safety signs should comply. ance for success. Where the risk is low, admin-
istrative controls may be considered; however, if
Ventilation the risk is significant, administrative controls by
themselves should be viewed with caution.
For atmospheric contaminants, ventilation is Indeed, many workplaces incorporate
the most effective control (once elimination and administrative controls into a holistic approach
substitution have been negated). In fact, most to control. In other words, several control

Table 13.1 Types of ventilation

Type Characteristics

Heat, ventilation and airconditioning Air is taken into a workplace and is

(HVAC) heated or cooled, and the humidity is
adjusted to a comfortable level.

Uses a hood to capture contaminants at

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV)
or close to the source. The contaminant
is transported via ducting to an air
cleaner and emission stack.

Air naturally diffuses into the workplace

General eilution ventilation through open windows, doors and leaks
in the building to sweep the contaminants
out using the principles of dilution.
Forced dilution ventilation A similar principle to general dilution
ventilation, except that air is pumped into
the workplace by the use of a fan or other
Chapter 13: Control ■ 303

techniques are used to reduce exposure to a workers can make an informed decision about
level as low as reasonably achievable. Some their exposure. Some examples of information
instances where administrative controls may sources include:
be used include:
• material safety data sheets for
• low-level exposure
hazardous substances
• infrequent exposure
• ‘toolbox talks’ and sharing
• minimal health or safety
information between supervisors or
consequences if exposure does
management and workers
• technical documents or brochures
In these situations administrative controls about tools, equipment and plant
which concentrate on the worker rather than • on-the-job training such as the
the workplace may be appropriate. Some ‘buddy–buddy’ system, apprentice
examples of these controls are: training at group training
organisations and demonstrations
• worker rotation and job placement • professionals who provide training
• education and training about occupational health and safety
• good housekeeping and hygiene hazards.
• maintenance
• scheduling of work Good housekeeping and hygiene
• monitoring and health surveillance.
Not only will housekeeping minimise safety-
Worker rotation and job placement related incidents such as trips, slips and falls but
it also serves to reduce the amount of dusts and
This method aims to reduce an individual’s other contaminants that may become airborne.
overall exposure by sharing the work amongst Personal hygiene is also an issue in controlling
several workers. For instance, hot work such as accidental exposure. Substandard hygiene can
welding the crushing drums in a sugar mill lead to inadvertent ingestion of contaminants,
could be performed by a team of welders. Multi- for instance, by smoking, eating food without
skilling of workers in a dry-cleaning establish- washing the hands first or drinking from a
ment means that the time spent exposed to contaminated source.
perchlorethylene is minimised by swapping to Cross-contamination between the work-
an alternative task such as ironing. Job place and home can also occur where dirty
placement incorporates a number of issues such work clothes are taken home for washing. A
as fitness-for-work and a person’s ability to poignant reminder of the danger of this
perform the task. If a worker suffers a pre- practice is the families of Wittenoom asbestos
existing condition or illness, they should not be miners who contracted asbestos-related
placed in a job that is likely to exacerbate the diseases from exposure to the contaminated
condition or cause deterioration of health. clothing of their partners or fathers.

Education and training Maintenance

Education and training assist workers in per- Scheduled maintenance of tools, equipment and
forming their work safely. With knowledge and plant is necessary to minimise wear and
understanding about the risk associated with a associated loss of performance. This inefficiency
task and methods of combating exposure, can be transformed into an alternative damaging
304 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Case study 13.2

Exposure to inorganic lead chiefly occurs through inhalation of dust and fume.
However, an often overlooked route of entry is through accidental ingestion. In
the radiator repair industry, lead-based solder is used to repair holes in the
radiators. This can generate significant amounts of lead oxide (PbO) fume. If the
hands are not protected, the dust also can settle on the skin and become
embedded beneath the fingernails.
Exposure to inorganic lead occurs after repairing the radiators and eating,
drinking or smoking without washing and scrubbing the hands first. The lead dust
is transferred to the food, tip of cigarette or drinking container where it is taken
through the mouth and into the digestive system. Some absorption of lead occurs
in the gut.

form of energy. For instance, vibrating Monitoring and health surveillance

machinery that is not solidly mounted can
resonate vibrational energy through floor Occupational hygiene and biological monitor-
surfaces or walls. Maintenance procedures ing are methods that can be used to assess risk
should also be used to check the performance of and track the success of controls. By them-
control systems such as ventilation. In some selves, they are not effective controls unless
cases, it may be necessary to repair damaged or coupled with additional strategies.
ineffective controls. Some States and Territories of Australia
require health surveillance and occupational
Scheduling of work hygiene sampling to be conducted, according
to the NOHSC National Model Regulations for
This method of control uses the principle of Control of Workplace Hazardous Substances.
time, as described in engineering controls. Other organisations use this technique as a
High-risk work can be rescheduled so that the method of gauging whether their controls are
least numbers of workers are likely to be actually working.
exposed or inconvenienced. Some examples

• demolition of buildings on weekends

or non-peak hours to minimise dust, As a final note, it is important to remember
noise and vibration exposure to that administrative controls rely on peoples’
adjacent buildings behaviour for their success. As such, it is vital
• pouring of molten metal during the that workers are adequately and honestly
afternoon shift where fewer workers informed of the aims, procedures and
will be exposed limitations of the controls, together with the
• fumigation of buildings during possible adverse outcomes of noncompliance.
holiday periods or weekends Therefore, issues such as worker motivation,
• limiting the exposure of sensitised or morale, involvement and participation should
susceptible populations exposure to be addressed before attempting to implement
sensitising substances. these styles of controls.
Chapter 13: Control ■ 305

Personal protective equipment DILUTION VENTILATION

Personal protective equipment is the final Both forced and natural dilution ventilation
barrier against occupational hygiene hazards. operate with the same principle: reduction of
It includes items such as: the concentration of a contaminant by clean
air. The most suitable situations where dilution
• respirators ventilation (Figure 13.3) can be used are:
• gloves
• overalls and aprons • for low-toxicity contaminants
• boots • where the generation of
• glasses, goggles and shields contaminants occurs relatively
• hearing protection devices uniformly in time
(e.g. earmuffs, earplugs, • if the source of emission is not a
helmets). point source and is dispersed
throughout the work space
More detailed information about personal • where outdoor air is less
protective equipment is provided later in this contaminated than indoor air
chapter. • where exposure concentrations are
less than the occupational exposure
standards or indoor air quality
VENTILATION guidelines (where applicable)
• where general emission of the
Table 13.1 showed the four types of ventilation contaminant is not in the breathing
that are commonly used in workplaces. To zone
further simplify our description, ventilation • where the existing HVAC system is
can be categorised as dilution ventilation or capable of being used for the
local exhaust ventilation (LEV) (Figure 13.2). A application.
basic understanding of the physics of airflow
and contaminant removal is required in order Ultimately, its application is only valid where
to select the best type of ventilation for any the substance is released consistently
given scenario. Overall, LEV is most suited to throughout the workplace at a relatively slow
situations where: rate and has a low toxicity. Some examples of
dilution ventilation include:
• the contaminant is generated from a
single source or line source • opening windows or louvres to allow
• the contaminant can be captured cross-ventilation through an office or
before it reaches the workers’ workplace
breathing zone • fans that force air from behind the
• the emission rate is not constant. worker and displace the contaminant
away from the breathing zone
As the name suggests, dilution ventilation • HVAC systems that heat or cool and
introduces clean air into a workplace to reduce adjust the humidity of air in offices.
the concentration of contaminant. Both
dilution and local exhaust ventilation will now Depending upon the nature of the hazardous
be discussed in further detail. substance, the type of air-movement system
306 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Figure 13.2 An example of local exhaust ventilation while welding

Figure 13.3 Dilution ventilation in a workshop, using a pedestal fan

Chapter 13: Control ■ 307

required for the workplace will differ. Some- Work environment

times, an air-exhaust system or combined
supply-exhaust system may be used. The A survey of the workspace or room will easily
supplied air should be introduced along one identify the characteristics of the area that will
side of the work area and exhaust openings either make it conducive, or limit the
located on the opposite side of the room to application of dilution ventilation. Some
ensure the airflow pattern is not ‘short- questions that should be asked are shown
circuited’ and disrupted. Any air exhausted below:
from the workplace must be replaced by an
equal amount of uncontaminated fresh air to
• How many people occupy the room
ensure hazardous concentrations of sub-
at any one time?
stances do not build up in the workplace due
• What process is conducted in the
to an excessive negative pressure.
• What are the temperature and
Designing a dilution
environmental conditions in the
ventilation system
• Is the contaminant steadily emitted?
If one or more of the selection criteria is met,
• What mixing of air is there?
dilution ventilation may be the best option for
• What equipment or tools are used in
controlling exposure to a contaminant or
the room or space?
maintaining a comfortable work environment.
• Where and how are wastes disposed
To decide on the system requirements, we
must take account of:
• Are there any ‘dead spots’, draughty
areas or areas with turbulent
• the nature of the contaminant to be
• the work environment (its volume,
current ventilation system, location The volume of the room can be determined
of inlets and outlets, number of using a simple calculation of the product of the
occupants) height, length and width of the room. It is
• the rate of emission of the measured as cubic metres (m ). It is normal to
contaminant and removal from the subtract volumes that are not occupied such as
current ventilation system cupboards and cabinets.
• the occupational exposure standard To understand the current ventilation
or other benchmark that is system it may be necessary to consult the air-
acceptable and meets regulatory or conditioning or maintenance engineer. Plans
the organisation’s requirements. may be available of the existing ducts, fans,
outlets and inlets. These plans may be complex
Nature of contaminant or even dated. It is therefore vital that recent
information about the system is obtained.
The nature of contaminant considers its An important point about airflow was
toxicity, state of matter, size, shape and identified earlier. We need to ask whether
method of emission. Is the contaminant a gas there are any areas that are draughty or
or a dust? What health effects can be expected turbulent or have inadequate air movement.
from exposure? Does it cause mild irritation or Technically speaking, airflow relates to the
severe asthmatic responses? velocity of air.
308 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

The product of velocity (v) and cross- Rate of emission

sectional area of a duct (A) determines the air
flow rate (Q) (Equation 13.1). It is often difficult to accurately predict the
emission rate since it can vary over the
Equation 13.1 workday; therefore, we assume steady state
evaporation and can make assumptions about
Q = v.A the degree of mixing of the contaminant.
Where: Mixing is sometimes called the ventilation
3 –1
Q is airflow rate (m .s ) effectiveness. It is given as K. The lower the K
v is air velocity (m.s ) value, the better the mixing. If a room without
A is the area (m ) ventilation contains a known mass of con-
taminant, the concentration of contaminant is
If the duct diameter changed at some point, simply expressed as the mass of contaminant
the mass of gas (or air) flowing through the (mg) in the room volume (m ). Equation 13.2
duct will be exactly equal as it flows through shows the theory behind this calculation. Case
3 –1
the duct at a flow rate of Q (m .s ). In other study 13.3 provides a worked example.
words, Q1 = Q2 where Q1 is the flow rate at one
duct diameter and Q2 is the other point in the
duct. Equation 13.2
C = m/V
Example 13.1 Where:
C is the concentration (mg.m )
An occupational hygienist measures the m is the mass of contaminant (mg)
average velocity travelling out of an V is volume of space (m )
airconditioning duct as 8 m.s . The duct is
circular and has a radius of 10 cm. What is Now, if a room does have ventilation (as most
Q? do), the effect of the airflow rate (Q) must be
Answer: taken into consideration. Equation 13.3 is used
Q = v.A in this situation. Example 13.2 provides a
–1 2 2
= 8 m.s x (π.r ) m worked example.
–1 2 2
= 8 m.s x (π (0.1 )) m
3 –1
= 0.25 m .s

Case study 13.3

A shoe manufacturing workplace uses a solvent (toluene) to glue shoes together.

It is known that 100 g of the solvent has evaporated into the work room. The
room where the substance is used is not ventilated and has the dimensions of
10 m x 10 m x 3 m.
The concentration
of toluene in the air is determined to be 100 000 mg/10
x 10 x 3 m or 333 mg.m .
Chapter 13: Control ■ 309

Equation 13.3 properly designed. The airflow rate (Q)

required to maintain the concentration of a
C = E/Q
substance below its occupational exposure
standard can be calculated from:
C is the concentration of contaminant
(mg.m )
E is the rate of release of contaminant
1 • the emission rate of the substance
(mg.s ) –1
(mg.s )
Q is the flow rate of air into the room
3 –1 • the exposure standard (L).
(m .s )
Assuming good mixing, the airflow rate (Q) is
determined from Equation 13.4.
Example 13.2
A solvent evaporates at 100 mg.s from a
–1 Equation 13.4
tank. The room ventilation rate is 1 m.s .
Assuming perfect mixing, what is the Q = E/L
solvent concentration in air? Where:
3 –1
Answer: Q is the ventilation rate (m .s )
–1 3 –1 –1
C = 100 mg.s /1 m .s E is the emission rate (mg.s )
–3 –3
= 100 mg.m L is the exposure limit (mg.m )

Occupational exposure standards

Mixing factor
When designing a dilution ventilation system,
an acceptable standard of concentration must Earlier, the mixing factor or ventilation
be determined. Typically in Australia, this effectiveness (K) was identified as a value that
would be the national exposure standard. takes account of incomplete or poor delivery
However, some organisations may set a best- of air used in dilution ventilation. When
practice level that is below the national designing the required minimum airflow rate
standard. Whatever the benchmark, the (Q) in either Equation 13.3 or 13.4, good
acceptable concentration must be specified mixing was assumed. However, since most
before the dilution ventilation system can be workplaces are not perfect, the mixing factor

Table 13.2 Mixing factor (K) for various conditions

Mixing factor (K) Examples of conditions

1.0 Open-design office spaces without partitions or restrictions.
No source of contamination.
1.2–1.5 Inlets and outlets placed in inappropriate positions like
garages or driveways.
Partitioned work areas with barriers.
Small point source emission of contaminant.
1.5–3.0 Crowded area with substandard inlet and outlet location.
Many walls and barriers.
Noticeable point source of contaminant emission.
310 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

must be taken into account. Table 13.2 shows hour or air changes per second. Equation 13.6
some typical values of K, which vary from shows how to calculate air changes per
1.0 to 3 in most situations. second. To convert this to air changes per hour,
Therefore, the dilution airflow rate that is the calculated value of N is multiplied by 3600.
required in most situations (Qeff) will take
account of the airflow rate, mixing factor and
Equation 13.6
the occupational exposure standard (Equation
13.5). N = Q/V
N is the air change rate (changes.sec )
3 –1
Equation 13.5 Q is the airflow rate (m .s )
Qeff = E/L x K V is volume of space (m )
Qeff is the effective ventilation rate In Australia, there are no legislative require-
3 –1
(m .s ) ments for air change rate; however, it is
E is the emission rate (mg.s ) generally recommended that higher rates are
K is the mixing factor required in areas that generate contaminants or
L is the exposure limit (mg.m ) odour. Public places also require a higher air
change rate. Table 13.3 shows some rec-
ommended air change rates for various areas.
In general, the following principles should be
adopted when designing a dilution ventilation Table 13.3 Air change rates
Air changes Typical
• locate the fresh air intake away from per hour situation
possible contamination sources (such 2–3 Homes, churches, storage
as driveways with car exhaust 2–4 Libraries, banks, classrooms
emissions) 4–7 Offices, public halls
• an equal volume of air removed by 5–10 Laboratories
general ventilation systems must be 6–8 Hospital wards
supplied by make-up air 10–12 Public toilets
• make-up air should be supplied by 10–15 Public bars
fans and ducts, as it is difficult to 6–10 Theatres, cinemas
control the quality of air drawn in other 8–12 Cafes, dance halls
ways (e.g. through doors or openings 10–15 Restaurants
in the building) 24–40 Laundries
• make-up air should be heated or 15–30 Restaurant kitchens
cooled to approximately the same as 30–60 Paint shops, foundries
desired in the room being supplied.

Air change rates Purging

Air change rates are used by ventilation The term purging relates to clearing the air by
engineers and describe the number of times air evacuation. It can be performed by either
is moved out of a room in a given time. These sucking or blowing air into or from a
rates are usually expressed in air changes per contaminated space. Blowing or pushing air
Chapter 13: Control ■ 311

into the area allows more effective mixing than LOCAL EXHAUST
sucking. The concentration of contaminant is VENTILATION
reduced exponentially over time. This
reduction can be expressed mathematically, as Local exhaust ventilation systems are designed
shown in Equation 13.7. to collect contaminants as close to the origin
or source as possible. They can be used:
Equation 13.7
–Qt/V • for relatively toxic contaminants
C = Co.e • where the generation of
Where: contaminants occurs intermittently
C is the final concentration • if the source of emission is a point
Co is the concentration at time source
3 –1
Q is the airflow rate (m .s ) • where the emission source is
t is time (sec) relatively fixed
V is volume of space (m ) • where the worker is located close to
the source of emission
Therefore, the time that it would take to • if other cost-effective options are
reduce the concentration of a contaminant to a not viable.
specific level can be determined by
extrapolating Equation 13.7 to Equation 13.8. An LEV system has the following basic elements:
An example is provided in Example 13.3.
• a hood to capture the contaminant
Equation 13.8 • ducts to transport the contaminant
• air-cleaning devices to remove
t = V/Q.ln [Ci/Cf] contaminants from the air
Where: • fans that move the air through the
3 –1
Q is the ventilation rate (m .s ) system and discharge exhausted air
ln is natural log outside
Ci is the initial concentration • a stack or emission point.
Cf is the final concentration
t is time (sec) The hood or canopy provides a point of ingress
V is volume of space (m ) for the contaminant. It can have an open face or
flanges to help direct air movement. A correctly
Example 13.3 designed hood is integral to the efficiency of
3 LEV. If the hood is poorly designed and cumber-
A confined space with a volume of 100 m some, the worker may not use the system.
has a measured concentration of 1000 Similarly, if it does not encourage the contam-
ppm of carbon monoxide (CO). The inant into the LEV, it is useless. Ducts or piping
3 –1
airflow rate is 0.5 m .s . How long would are transport mechanisms for the contaminant
the space have to be purged to reduce to travel from the source to its eventual emission
the concentration to 30 ppm? point. The construction of ducts will depend
Answer: upon the contaminant (i.e. corrosive or acidic
t = V/Q. ln [Ci/Cf] dusts will abrade steel ducts) and its velocity.
3 3 –1
t = 100 m /0.5 m .s . ln [1000/30] Where the contaminants negotiate a bend, the
= 701 seconds or 12 minutes angle of the duct must not affect the airflow.
312 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Some LEV systems utilise an air-cleaning • Does the LEV need to be portable or
system that scrubs or removes the contam- fixed in one location?
inant before its emission into the environment.
The term scrubbing usually refers to chemical Each of the components of the LEV will be
removal from the airstream. Filtration of dusts considered in turn later in the chapter. It is
is the mechanism for cleaning dusts from the important to realise that designing a LEV
air before being released to the ambient air. system is not a typical task for an occupational
Since LEV systems incorporate forced hygienist. However, a team approach
ventilation, a fan is installed between the hood incorporating the skills of a ventilation
and emission point. The fan must generate engineer, maintenance personnel and the
sufficient air velocity within the ducts to occupational hygienist should result in optimal
capture the contaminant and keep it entrained outcomes. Each party has individual strengths
in the airstream, while achieving the most that they bring to the project.
economical efficiency.
The final component is the stack. A Hoods
comprehensive discussion of the types of
stacks will not be provided in this chapter. The purpose of the hood is to capture and
Since emission of the contaminant (or cleaned collect contaminants (outside or inside the
air) occurs to the environment, it is mostly an hood), and draw them into the exhaust for
environmental issue. removal. The main categories of hoods are:
The most commonly used document that • enclosing hoods
occupational hygienists have to assist in • receiving hoods
developing and designing LEV systems is the • capturing hoods
ACGIH’s Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of • push–pull systems
Recommended Practice. This manual is extensive • exterior hoods.
in its coverage of types of systems, duct design
and equations for calculating airflow. For An example of an enclosing hood is a
further information about ventilation that is laboratory cabinet, shown in Figure 13.4.
beyond the scope of this chapter, it is strongly An enclosing hood fully or partly covers the
recommended that this text be consulted. contaminant source or process. For con-
taminant removal, it is the most efficient. How-
Designing local exhaust ever, it presents problems with access to the
ventilation process and acceptability for use in the
workplace. Some other examples that are
When planning to install an LEV system it is first commonly used include a glove box for dealing
necessary to characterise the emission source, with highly pathogenic biological agents or an
most likely path of exposure and workplace con- abrasive blasting box that uses glass beads to
ditions. Questions that could be asked include: remove rust or paint from small articles.
The receiving hood collects an already
• Is the contaminant a dust, fume, gas moving contaminant by directing it into the
or vapour? hood. It is strategically placed to make the
• What is the emission rate and most of the natural velocity of the particle
velocity of emission? (exerted through mechanical energy or thermal
• What cross-draughts or eddies could buoyancy). Your local fish-and-chips shop
affect the collection of the utilises the principles of the receiving hood
contaminant? above the deep fryers. As the oil heats, it emits
Chapter 13: Control ■ 313

Another example is the ‘push–pull’

ventilation system that can be installed over
solvent baths. On one side a slot hood is de-
signed to force air over the liquid, and at the
other end the exterior hood collects the con-
taminant-laden air for removal.
An exterior hood is usually located close to
the contaminant source, while not actually
enclosing it, for instance, a hand-held sander
with attached LEV and filter.

Capture velocity

The capture velocity refers to the velocity of air

required to sufficiently induce contaminant air
into a hood and exhaust it within the system.
The capture velocity differs depending upon the
nature of the contaminant, its emission velocity
and air currents which may affect its motion.
For instance, contaminants released with
virtually no velocity into quiet air (such as
evaporating materials) require a capture
Figure 13.4 A laboratory cabinet is an velocity of 0.25–0.5 m.s compared with
example of an enclosing contaminants released at high velocity into a
hood zone of very rapid air motion (e.g. grinding or
abrasive blasting) which require a capture
a myriad chemical contaminants including velocity of 2.5–10 m.s .
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The heating While this sounds relatively simple, the
process causes an upward movement of these problem of capture velocity is quite complex.
gases and vapours into the overlying hood. Chapter 4 provides a description of the
A capturing hood reaches out to pull characteristics of dusts, including their
the contaminant towards it. Some examples momentum, inertia and density. Velocity
are the: contours and flow direction lines are used to
predict the best type of hood to use in a
• downdraft hood particular application. The velocity of flow
• slot hood along the centre line of a plain hood can be
• high-velocity, low-volume system. expressed by Equation 13.9.

The downdraft hood is mounted underneath a

contaminant to capture the contaminant Equation 13.9
through a wire screen or plate with holes. v = Q/10X + A
Some high-risk welding operations such as Where:
manganese welding use a portable hood that is v is the air velocity (m.s )
3 –1
sited close to the fume-generating area. The Q is the airflow rate (m .s )
contaminant is induced into the hood by its X is the distance from the hood (m)
high velocity. A is the hood cross-sectional area (m )
314 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Examination of Example 13.4 and Example • increase air velocity (in effect, this
13.5 illustrates that higher velocities are means that to achieve a required
obtained from a circular shaped hood, rather airflow rate, Q, the capture velocity
than one with a square opening. Minimising may be significantly improved by
cross-draughts will further assist the capture adding a flange)
velocity. Opposing air currents cause cross- • decrease the airflow rate required to
draughts. By utilising a number of slots or a achieve a particular capture velocity
flange, the airflow can be greatly improved. at a given point.

Example 13.4
Slots, baffles and plenums
A contaminant is being drawn into a plain Exterior hoods are often designed to
square hood with a length of 30 cm. If Q incorporate slots, baffles and plenums. Slots
3 –1
is 5 m .s , what is the air velocity at 5 cm, are essentially openings that have a length to
10 cm, 20 cm and 1 m from the hood? width ratio of 0:2 or less. The benefit of slots
Answer: is that they reduce turbulence and allow for a
v = Q/10X + A more uniform airflow. They are often used
At 5 cm, v = 43 m.s where it is important to minimise the
At 10 cm, v = 26 m.s occurrence of eddies or excessive evaporation
At 20 cm, v = 10 m.s of a contaminant. A plenum is usually
At 1 m, v = 0.5 m.s incorporated with a slot to assist in the
uniform distribution of air.
Baffles are similar to flanges, except that
Example 13.5
they restrict airflow from the front or sides of
A contaminant is being drawn into a plain the hood. This means that the area available
circular hood with a radius of 15 cm. If Q for airflow is restricted and any air sucked
3 –1
is 5 m .s , what is the air velocity at 5 cm, through the baffle increases in velocity and can
10 cm, 20 cm and 1 m from the hood? be easily directed through the LEV system. The
Answer: basis for this theory lies with Equation 13.1
2 2
v = Q/10X + A (Note: A = π.r ) (Q = v.A). So, to maintain a constant airflow
At 5 cm, v = 52 m.s rate, velocity increases as the area decreases.
At 10 cm, v = 29 m.s
At 20 cm, v = 11 m.s
At 1 m, v = 0.5 m.s
After identifying the type of contaminant that
Flanges will be drawn into the hood and through the LEV
system, the next step is to decide on the duct
In its simplest form, a flange is a surface that construction, shape and diameter. Consider-
lies parallel to the hood face. Its purpose is to ation should be given to the type of material from
prohibit unwanted air from behind the hood which the duct is constructed. Some materials
from flowing into the hood. Therefore, the may be rigid (such as aluminium or other metals)
flange will increase the effectiveness of airflow while others may be flexible — these are
rate by carefully directing contaminated air generally used where the LEV is movable and can
from in front of the hood. be located at different workstations.
From Equation 13.9, we can see that the The selected duct diameter and shape will
flange can do either of two things: depend on the type of contaminant that is
Chapter 13: Control ■ 315

being transported and the required duct either propellers (that move large volumes of
transport velocity. For instance, circular ducts air but are unable to deal with high resistance)
are best for transporting aerosols, resist or impeller blades. Impellers can be mounted
collapse and can be made from lightweight on the fan axis. A tube axial fan is an example
materials without failure. They also have less of this.
internal friction than other shapes such as Centrifugal fans operate using the principle
squares and rectangles. of centrifuge. As air passes towards the blades
The process for selecting appropriate duct of the fan, it is rotated at an angle of up to 90
diameters is to consider the required velocity degrees. The advantage of centrifugal fans is
for a known contaminant (available from the their ability to handle large volumes of air. This
ACGIH’s Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of is achieved through either simple impellers or
Recommended Practice) and then use Equation blades that are curved. The blades can be
13.1 to calculate the required area. Depending curved either forwards or backwards.
on whether a square, rectangular or circular Forward-curved blade fans usually have
duct is chosen, this can then be extrapolated many blades placed in an arc configuration.
back to the dimensions of the duct. Due to this configuration, the air is accelerated
to high velocities and the fans are especially
useful for moving great volumes of air. The
Example 13.6
backward-curved blade fans are most suitable
If an LEV system required a duct with an where high-pressure drops occur.
area of 0.3 m , what diameter of circular
and square duct could be used?
Answer: Stacks and emission points
Square duct:
d = √A Once the contaminant has been collected from
=√0.3 the workplace and transported through the
= 0.55 m ducting, it must be ejected from the
Circular Duct: workplace. Often, an air-cleaning device such
d = √4A/π as a scrubber or filtration system may be
= √4(0.3)/3.14 installed in series with the duct. In other cases,
= 0.62 m the contaminant-laden air is released directly
into the atmosphere. Since the capture velocity
of the contaminated air affects its movement
Fans and dispersion in the ducts, it is vital that
the type of stack that is attached does not
In most situations, a fan provides air affect this.
movement through the LEV system. Fans Some stacks are merely open pipes that
consist of a series of blades that are mounted allow the contaminant to be forced from them
on a rotating shaft usually driven by an electric due to the positive pressure after the fan. It is
motor. The main types of fans are: generally accepted that the stack should be
located at a height at least equal to the highest
• axial flow fans point of the building. If the stack is not high
• centrifugal or radial flow fans. enough, the contaminant could be caught in
turbulent eddies surrounding the roof
With axial flow fans the air travels parallel to structure and enter the workplace again. In
the fan axis. The blades of the fans can be particularly wet conditions, a weather cap or
316 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

witch’s hat is placed on top of the stack. This To measure the air pressure, both the static
prevents water from entering the stack and and velocity pressure must be considered. This
ducting. Unfortunately, it also creates is known as the total pressure (Pt) and is shown
turbulence at the top of the duct as it joins the in Equation 13.10.
stack. Therefore, the use of this type of cap is
not recommended.
Equation 13.10
Measurement of air velocity and Pt = Ps + Pv
pressure in LEV systems Where:
Pt is the total pressure
The fundamental principle of operation of an
Ps is the static pressure
LEV system is to draw air from one location
Pv is the velocity pressure
before transporting it to another for removal.
The device that performs this inducement of
A double-tubed probe called a Pitot tube
contaminants in an airstream is the fan. As the
(Figure 13.5) can be inserted into the wall of a
fan moves air from one area to another, it
duct and used to measure pressure inside the
causes a partial vacuum or area of lower
duct. The Pitot tube is connected to a
pressure from where the air has been removed.
manometer by flexible tubing and inserted
Due to the nature of gases, air quickly moves
carefully into a hole drilled in the duct. The
into this space.
Pitot tube has holes both at the end of the
At the face of the hood, air pressure is
tube and along its length. As it is inserted into
slightly less than atmospheric pressure since
the duct, the Pitot tube can be connected to
the fan is sucking air into the hood. Therefore,
the manometer in three ways, to measure Pv, Ps
the outside air will move along this pressure
or PT:
gradient and pass into the hood. As the air
passes through the fan the pressure increases,
• The tubing from the manometer
causing the air to move along the path of least
can be connected to the outer
resistance until it meets with the stack and is
tube outlet to measure static
emitted from the duct.
pressure. Static pressure will be
Now imagine the air that is passing through
negative on the suction side of
the duct on the stack side of the fan. It has
the fan.
positive pressure. This difference of pressure
• For velocity pressure, both the
between the air inside the duct and the
inner and outer tubes are
ambient air is known as static pressure (Ps).
connected to the manometer.
Static pressure is perpendicular to airflow
Velocity pressure is always
movement. As expected, the static pressure is
negative on the suction side of the fan. At the
• For total pressure, the inner tube of
outlet side of the fan, it is positive.
the Pitot tube is connected to the
The air also places pressure in the direction
manometer. Total pressure is
of the airflow. This is called the velocity
negative on the suction side of
pressure (Pv). The velocity pressure acts only in
the fan.
the direction of the airflow. It has no effect at
right angles to the flow so it does not exert any
force on the walls of a straight duct, whereas If velocity pressure is measured, the velocity of
the static pressure is exerted on the duct and the airstream can be calculated from Equation
in all other directions as well. 13.11.
Chapter 13: Control ■ 317

Equation 13.11 Air velocity over a thermal anemometer is

measured by a change of resistance in a heated
v = √2Pv/
wire sensor. This change is converted to a
–1 change in current and electrical signal. Hot-
v is air velocity (m.s )
wire anemometers are not recommended in
Pv is velocity pressure (Pa)
–3 potentially flammable workplaces such as
 is density of air (1.2 kg.m )
confined spaces or where the contaminant is
corrosive or the work environment is dusty.
The force that the air exerts is equal to
Figure 13.6 shows an example of a hot-wire
the kinetic energy of the air. It is often des-
cribed as the total work done on an object
Swinging vane anemometers are less
and is equal to its change in kinetic energy.
precise than the hot-wire anemometer. They
Kinetic energy is determined from the mass
operate by the displacement of a spring-loaded
and velocity of objects. Therefore, as the
flap or vane.
velocity of air increases, its kinetic energy also
The rotating vane anemometer consists of
a number of blades that are configured to
allow the air movement to rotate them. The
Other instruments for measuring number of rotations are then counted over a
air velocity time period (usually 1 minute). As they are
mechanically operated, these are used in
Other measuring instruments that can be used
underground coalmines to determine the air
to measure air velocity include:
Another device used in ventilation surveys
• thermal or hot-wire anemometer
is the smoke tube. While the smoke tube is not
• swinging vane anemometer
used to quantify air velocity, it does allow
• rotating vane anemometer
clearer observations of air currents. An air
• Kata thermometer.
current smoke tube is shown in Figure 13.7.

Figure 13.5 Pilot tubes

318 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE filter or chemical adsorbent is used to remove

EQUIPMENT the contaminant from the air the worker is
breathing. As such, there are a few limitations
Personal protective equipment or PPE aims to with this style of RPE:
minimise exposure at the receiver. For this
reason, it is found at the base of the hierarchy • they can only be used where there is
of control. Depending upon the type and form enough oxygen to sustain life
of the contaminant, PPE has been designed to • there are problems with ‘break-
cover most parts of the body. The parts of the through’ of contaminants
body that can be protected against hazards • adsorbing materials are specific to
using PPE are the head, eyes, lungs (respiratory the contaminant to be removed
system), ears, feet, skin and hands. • they are not to be used for very
While PPE sits at the bottom of the toxic or extremely high
hierarchy of control, there are times where its concentrations of contaminants
use can be justified. For instance: • problems with fit may occur.

• when working close to a hazard- The three main types of air-purifying

generating area or a task that respirators are:
requires the worker to be in the
immediate vicinity of the hazard • non-disposable air-purifying
• sporadic and short duration respirators with disposable
exposure to hazard cartridges
• for work where the location • disposable air-purifying respirators
continually changes • powered air-purifying respirators
• where engineering controls would (PAPR).
result in unreasonable expense
• in emergency situations or rescues. Non-disposable air-purifying respirators
usually consist of a face-piece with filtration
Respiratory protection cartridge (filter) that is replaced once its life
equipment has expired. The cartridge is screwed or
snapped onto the face-piece and the worker
Respiratory protection equipment or RPE is inhales air through the filtering cartridge.
likely to be the main form of personal Sometimes, a series of cartridges can be fitted
protective equipment worn to reduce to the face-piece to deal with different types of
exposure through inhalation. Unfortunately, contaminants. This causes a negative pressure
RPE is often used the least effectively. The two inside the respirator. The face-piece can either
main types of respirators are the air-purifying cover the entire face (full-face) or half of the
respirator and air-supplied respirator. face (half-face). A half-face mask covers the
mouth and nose but leaves the eyes open to
Air-purifying respirators the environment. A full-face mask covers the
entire face including the eyes. It is suitable
These are probably the most common where eye protection in addition to respiratory
respirators. The underlying assumption with protection is required.
air-purifying respirators is that there is an Face-pieces are usually available in several
adequate supply of oxygen (>19.5 per cent). A sizes and are manufactured from a variety of
materials, the most popular of which are rubber
Chapter 13: Control ■ 319

Figure 13.6 A hot wire anemometer

Figure 13.7 Air current tube

320 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

and silicone. These styles of respirators are Filters

termed ‘non-disposable’, since the face-piece is The filtration of contaminants from the air
not disposed of. After a time, the filters must be occurs through a filter or adsorbent material.
replaced and regular maintenance performed Filters for dust, fumes and mists contain
to ensure the mask does not have any leaks or fibrous materials which mechanically remove
has not deteriorated in any way. the particles from the air. Some filters operate
Both the half-face and full-face respirators through the use of an electrostatic fabric that
can be uncomfortable and cumbersome. They can trap particles smaller than the mesh of the
are particularly ill suited for hot and humid fabric itself. Gas and vapour filters contain
conditions. Several types of respirators have adsorbents, such as activated charcoal, which
one-way exhalation valves incorporated into react with and remove particular chemicals.
the design of the face-piece. This aims to AS/NZS1716 divides the filtration efficiency
dissipate heat and water vapour inside the of particulate (or dust) filters into the following
mask. However, in hot and humid conditions it three groups:
is not uncommon for the mask to fog up and
become filled with perspiration and water • Class P1: for use against
vapour. Others have speech valves that allow mechanically generated particles
the workers’ voice to be less muffled than • Class P2: for use against
when wearing traditional face-pieces. mechanically and thermally
Another type of air-purifying device is the generated particulate
disposable respirator. As the name suggests, • Class P3: for use against all
these are worn for a limited period before the particulate including highly toxic
entire respirator is thrown away. Disposable materials.
respirators have a limited number of
contaminants that can be removed; therefore,
their use is mostly limited to the removal of Class P3 filters only offer their high-filtration
dusts, fume and organic vapours. The efficiency when used with a full-face respirator
respirator is constructed to be a semi-rigid or powered air-purifying respirator.
shape that can either be free form or have a Gas and vapour filters are classified
supporting mesh to maintain its structure. The according to the substance they protect
main types that we see in Australia are shaped against and their capacity. Caution should be
as a hemisphere or designed to fold flat. exercised in the use of gas and vapour filters.
Powered air-purifying respirators are Many of these substances have odour
similar to the non-disposable respirators in thresholds at levels that are significantly higher
that they have a face-piece with replaceable than the occupational exposure standard. In
filtration cartridge. However, instead of the such cases, it is not advised to use air-purifying
person breathing through the filter, a pump respirators where the substance cannot be
pushes air through the filtration media. The detected through smell or taste at a level lower
pumps are usually located on the belt at the than the occupational exposure standard.
back of the worker or in the helmet itself. The Their application should be limited to
disadvantage of these types of respirators is exposure situations where:
that they must have a sufficient battery life to
support the pump operating over the entire • the substance has a distinguishable
shift. They must also be suited to the work; for odour or taste well below the
instance, if welding is being performed then occupational exposure standard
the helmet will need to be shaded. • the substance presents a relatively
Chapter 13: Control ■ 321

low risk in terms of adverse health Filter life

effects It is virtually impossible to predict the life of a
• the adsorbent material is compatible gas or vapour filter. Several factors impinge on
to the substance being removed its life, including the concentration of
from the atmosphere. contaminant, exposure to multiple substances,
ventilation rate, storage conditions and
AS/NZS1716 specifies a classification system capacity of the filter.
for gas and vapour filter capacity and type. The What is known, however, are that such air-
capacity of filters is shown below. Class AUS filtering cartridges do have a finite life. As the
has the lowest capacity and Class 3 the contaminant adsorbs onto the chemical
highest. sorbing material, it reduces the number of
areas available for adsorption. Adsorbing
• Class AUS materials such as activated charcoal have an
• Class 1 affinity for contaminants such as organic
• Class 2 vapours due to their polarity or electron-
• Class 3. attracting powers. Unfortunately, water is also
particularly polar and adsorbs to the activated
charcoal. This is significant where the air-
The specific types of cartridges are: filtering media is left exposed to humid air
which can cause a reduction in the life of the
• Type A (specified organic vapours) filter. For this reason, chemical cartridges
• Type B (inorganic and acid gases, should be opened immediately before use. At
except carbon monoxide) the end of the shift (or exposure), they should
• Type E (specified inorganic and acid be placed in a sealed plastic bag to prevent
gases such as sulphur dioxide, except water vapour from the atmosphere adsorbing
carbon monoxide) to the adsorbent material. As a maximum,
• Type G (low vapour-pressure chemicals filters should be discarded no longer than six
such as agricultural chemicals, not for months after opening.
carbon monoxide) Many respirator manufacturers and
• Type K (ammonia and ammonia suppliers now provide advice about the type
derivatives) and life of respiratory protection devices.
• Type MB (methyl bromide) Some have also developed software that can
• Type AX (specific types of low be used to estimate the life of respirators. A
boiling point, less than 65°C, organic useful Internet website for this is the 3M
vapours) website (, where the program
• Type Hg (mercury vapour) can be downloaded. The program allows the
• Type NO (oxides of nitrogen) user to insert the name or chemical abstract
• other specific types that do not fit service (CAS) number of the substance and
into other categories. expected concentration. It then suggests a
variety of respiratory protection devices and
Some filters will be a combination of both cartridges. Once these have been chosen, the
particulate and gas filters. With these, the temperature, atmospheric pressure and work
individual cartridges are placed in series or the rate are entered into the program. The user
face-piece may allow two cartridges to be specifies a breakthrough level, and the
attached. program calculates the estimated service time.
322 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

While this is a US program, the only alterations Implementing a respiratory

that may need to be made are related to the protection device program
occupational exposure standards.
As with any form of control, a systematic
Air-supplied respirators approach to the implementation and use of
respiratory protections is advised. The
The main types of air-supplied respirators that respiratory protection device program would
are used at the workplace are: be incorporated into the occupational hygiene
or occupational health and safety management
• air-hose respirators system of the organisation (Chapter 14).
• air-line respirators Ideally, the system would include:
• self-contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA) • standard operating procedures for
• oxygen-producing devices. the selection and use of respirators
• a written plan on how the program
Air-hose respirators are usually supplied with will be administered and the
air from a natural or continuous flow that is responsibilities of personnel
attached to a full-face face-piece respirator • an assessment of occupational
fitted with a wide diameter breathing tube and hygiene hazards that may be
exhalation valve system. controlled through the use of
Air-line respirators consist of a full-face, respiratory protection
half-face or head covering respirator, which is • guidelines for selecting the most
supplied with compressed air continuously. appropriate type and capacity of
Abrasive blasting usually uses this type of respiratory protection devices
respiratory protection. • a training program that includes
SCBA has a self-contained supply of air or hazard identification, health effects
oxygen, which removes the need for a hose or from exposure to the contaminants
air-line. Firefighters and emergency rescue being controlled and maintenance,
operations usually use the SCBA. fit, cleaning and inspection of the
Oxygen-producing devices have been used respiratory protection devices
for many years in emergency situations such as • where appropriate, health
underground coalmine evacuations where surveillance of workers.
combustion may have occurred, releasing
carbon monoxide. They are often known as Selecting respiratory protection
self-rescuers and are single-use, self-contained
oxygen-generating respirators. The self- The selection of an appropriate respiratory
rescuers provide a finite oxygen supply, with protection device is dependent upon the
the latest styles generating oxygen on demand. hazardous substance the individual is exposed
This occurs by a closed-circuit system. When to — its nature, chemical composition,
the self-rescuer is activated, an immediate concentration and form (e.g. gas or vapour). It
oxygen source is generated (usually by chlorate may be necessary to conduct atmospheric
candle). The second source of oxygen is monitoring prior to determining the most
potassium superoxide (KO2). As carbon dioxide appropriate form of protection. When deciding
and moisture from the exhaled breath react to use respiratory protection, it is imperative
with the KO2, oxygen is formed. that it is:
Chapter 13: Control ■ 323

• carefully selected for the individual sideburns, beards and unusual facial features
worker and task for which it is will affect the fit) and other conditions such as
intended to be used heat and humidity.
• readily available and used when
needed Maintenance, repairs and cleaning
• clean and operational
• maintained by appropriately trained When respiratory protection becomes relied
personnel. upon as a control measure, regular maintenance
must be conducted to ensure its integrity. All
In its selection, it is also important to consider respirators must be inspected for wear and
the type of work — its physical demands, deterioration of their components before and
including workload, heat and movement after each use. Except for disposable
requirements, and the need to wear other respirators, attention must be given to rubber
forms of personal protective equipment. or plastic parts of the face-pieces. This is
AS/NZS1715 should be referred to, as it especially applicable to the face seal surface,
provides a flow chart that must be used in headband, valves, connecting tube, fittings and
conjunction with tables of respirators and filter cartridge. The connections should also be firmly
types. tightened. Gas and vapour cartridges must be
When selecting a respirator, the protection replaced as necessary to provide complete
factor and required minimum protection factor protection. It is best to follow the manufac-
(RMPF) should be determined. The protection turer’s recommendations and seek advice when
factor (Equation 13.12) is defined as the uncertain of the service life of the cartridge.
expected reduction in exposure that should be Mechanical filters must be replaced as
provided by a particular respirator. necessary to avoid high resistance to breathing.
Emergency-use respirators (such as self-
rescuers) and SCBA must be inspected at least
Equation 13.12
monthly. In this inspection process, the air and
Ambient air concentrate oxygen cylinders must be fully charged accord-
Concentration in respirator ing to the manufacturer’s instructions. The
regulator and warning devices are also checked
The RMPF (Equation 13.13) is the factor by to ensure they are operating correctly. It is
which the exposure of the wearer must be diligent to maintain records of the inspection
reduced to ensure the concentration of dates and findings. If a fault or defect has been
contaminant inside the respirator is equal to or discovered, only experienced people should
less than the occupational exposure standard. repair the respiratory protection devices.
For hygiene reasons, workers should clean
their own respirators or a system should be
Equation 13.13
implemented in the workplace to ensure they
RMPF = Ambient air are cleaned and disinfected. This is especially
concentration/Occupational exposure important where the use of respiratory
standard protection devices is limited and a worker may
not have their own equipment. For storage,
RMPF is measured in laboratory conditions and many manufacturers suggest that the
does not provide a good indication of the respirators need to be stored to protect
actual protection which is likely to be achieved against dust, sunlight, heat, extreme cold,
in the workplace due to facial fit (e.g. excessive moisture or damaging chemicals.
324 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Cartridges should be placed in a plastic bag to infectious wastes or hot materials. When
prevent undue adsorption onto the filter. choosing gloves, consider carefully the extent of
protection required, size and the amount of
Training flexibility and dexterity that is required.
For hazardous substances, the best infor-
In order for workers to understand why they mation source to determine the correct type of
are being asked to wear respiratory protection glove is the material safety data sheet. It should
devices, they should be informed of how to specify the type of material and size of glove
select, use and maintain the respirators. As a that is appropriate. The choice of glove for pro-
minimum, the training should include: tection against chemicals requires knowledge of
the chemicals to be handled and the resistance
• how to recognise occupational
of the glove material. Gloves must be able to
hygiene hazards
resist permeation, degradation and damage.
• the possible consequences of
The main materials used in the con-
exposure to the hazard if respiratory
struction of chemical protection gloves are:
protection devices are not used
• an explanation of why the controls
• nitrile
towards the top of the hierarchy of
• rubber
control are not viable, but with a
commitment that alternative control
• neoprene.
methods are being pursued
• details about the capabilities and
If information about insulating gloves for
limitations of the respiratory
electrical purposes is required, AS2225 should
protection devices
be perused. The AS/NZS2161 series provides
• instruction and hands-on training
advice about occupational protective gloves
about how to use the devices,
generally, for mechanical risks and for cold.
including supervision to ensure that
The full bibliographic details are included at
they continue to be properly used.
the end of this chapter.
Hand protection While it is important to choose the correct
glove to protect against a hazard, comfort must
Gloves and mittens are a form of PPE which are not be forgotten. For instance, if the hands
often used when handling hazardous substances, inside gloves become extremely hot and

Case study 13.4

A worker at a silica mine is
exposed to crystalline silica (assume quartz) at a
concentration of 0.8–3 mg.m . The NOHSC occupational exposure standard for
quartz is 0.2 mg.m ; therefore the RMPF is = 4. Since the quartz dust is
mechanically generated (as opposed to thermally generated) we should refer to
AS/NZS1715 where we will find that the most suitable respirator is:

• P1, P2 or P3 filter with half-face face-piece — replaceable filter or disposable

• half-face-piece air-line respirator—negative pressure demand
• P1 filter in PAPR with any head covering.
Chapter 13: Control ■ 325

sweaty, they are less likely to be worn. Similarly, on chemical resistance where the footwear
if workers feel they are unable to obtain an forms part of a suit. The soles of safety footwear
adequate grip of a tool or equipment, they may are usually made from hard-wearing materials
prefer not to wear the glove or mitten. All of such as polyurethane or nitrile. They are slip-
these must be taken into account in the resistant and provide insulation against
selection of hand protection. temperature extremes and electricity.
AS/NZS2210 describes the type of footwear
Eye protection incorporating a steel toecap. Debate still
continues about whether toecaps are
While eye protection is recommended for use recommended in all workplaces. As a general
when handling many types of hazardous sub- rule, steel-capped footwear is advised where
stances, it does come with the following objects may fall on the foot and would cause
limitations: damage. Some incidences of amputated toes
have occurred where an object impacted on the
• the lenses and shields may become footwear, causing the cap to depress and cut the
scratched or dirty toes. The specifications for impact resistance (in
• the lenses and shields may become Joules) of safety footwear are given below:
• the lenses and shields may restrict • Type 1 (heavy) — 200 J
vision due to distorted vision • Type 2 (medium) — 130 J
• it is often hard to use eye and face • Type 3 (light) — 80 J
protection when wearing • Type 4 (waterproof) — 200 J.
prescription glasses
• the attenuation of hearing When selecting safety footwear, both the
protectors may be affected. aesthetic and safety components must be
considered. The questions that should be
The main types of eye and face protection that asked include:
would be used to protect against the harmful
effects of hazardous substances include spec- • Is the footwear comfortable?
tacles, goggles, face shields and hoods or • Will the workers appreciate its
helmets. appearance and style?
AS/NZS1336 gives guidelines on recom- • How resistant is the material to
mended practices for occupational eye water and chemicals?
protection. Where hot work such as welding or • Are a variety of fittings available?
cutting is performed, the eye protection must • What forces are likely to impact on
contain filters to protect against non-ionising the foot?
radiation. The AS/NZS1338 series specifies the
required filters for this protection. AS/NZS1337 Coats, suits and overalls
is also a useful reference in the selection of eye
protection for workplaces. A variety of materials are used to protect the
body against hazardous substances, in a similar
Foot protection way to the protection of hands. Clothes may be
used to protect against chemical agents such as
Safety footwear is designed to protect against corrosives or solvents or physical hazards such
chemical substances, as well as protect against as irritant dusts (e.g. fibreglass, rock-wool,
impact from materials. AS3765 provides detail ceramic fibres), fire, heat and general abrasion
326 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

caused through mechanical irritation of dirt or time or based on the extent to which the
other substances. external environment is excluded. The main
Chemical protective suits have a types of suits that are available are gas-tight
classification, which is detailed in AS3765. This suits, air-line ventilated suits and full splash
can either be in the form of a breakthrough suits for dealing with chemicals.

Controlling occupational hygiene hazards is an integral component in managing risk. The
hierarchy of control may be used as a guide to select controls that are practicable, cost-
effective and minimise risk.
The hierarchy begins with elimination; then substitution; engineering controls such as
ventilation, isolation and guarding; administrative controls; and personal protective
equipment. As much as possible, controls should be selected from the top of the hierarchy of
control. However, in certain circumstances, the use of personal protective equipment may be
the only option open to workplaces.


Alden, J.L. and Kane, J.M. 1982, Design of Industrial Ventilation Systems, 5th edn, Industrial Press, New
Allen, R.W., Ells, M.D. and Hart, A.W. 1976, Industrial Hygiene, Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1998, Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of
Recommended Practice, 23rd edn, ACGIH, Cincinnati
Colling, D.A. 1990, Industrial Safety Management & Technology, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey
Grantham, D.L. 1992, Occupational Health and Hygiene Guidebook for the WHSO, D.L. Grantham,
International Labour Office 1997, Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol L–Z, International
Labour Organisation, Geneva
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1994, National Model Regulations for Control of
Workplace Hazardous Substances, AGPS, Canberra
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission 1995, Exposure Standards for Atmospheric
Contaminants in the Occupational Environment, AGPS, Canberra
Ridley, J. 1995, Safety at Work, 4th edn, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford
Standards Association of Australia 1990, AS3765: 1990 Clothing for Protection Against Hazardous
Chemicals — Protection Against General or Specific Chemicals, Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 1994, AS1319: 1994 Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment,
Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia 1994, AS22252: 1994 Insulating Gloves for Electrical Purposes,
Standards Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1992, AS/NZS1337: 1992 Eye Protectors for Industrial
Applications, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1992, AS/NZS1338.1: 1992 Filters for Eye Protectors —
Chapter 13: Control ■ 327

Filters for Protection Against Radiation Generated in Welding and Allied Operations, Standards
Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1992, AS/NZS1338.2: 1992 Filters for Eye Protectors —
Filters for Protection Against Ultraviolet Radiation, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1992, AS/NZS1338.3: 1992 Filters for Eye Protectors —
Filters for Protection Against Infrared Radiation, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1994, AS/NZS1715: 1994 Selection, Use and
Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Devices, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1994, AS/NZS1716: 1994 Respiratory Protective Devices,
Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1994, AS/NZS2210 Occupational Protective Footwear,
Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1994, AS/NZS2210.1: 1994 Guide to Selection, Care and
Use, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1994, AS/NZS2210.2: 1994 Specification, Standards
Australia, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1997, AS/NZS1336: 1997 Recommended Practices for
Occupational Eye Protection, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1997, AS/NZS4011: 1997 Single-use Examination Gloves
— Specification, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1997, AS/NZS4179: 1997 Single-use Surgical Rubber
Gloves — Specification, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1998, AS/NZS2161.2: 1998 Occupational Protective
Gloves — General Requirements, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1998, AS/NZS2161.3: 1998 Occupational Protective
Gloves — Protection Against Mechanical Risks, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1998, AS/NZS2161.5: 1998 Occupational Protective
Gloves — Protection Against Cold, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Chapter 14

Using a systematic approach

to risk management

Since this book was first published in 1999, derived over the decades, it has taken
much progress has been made in Australia to considerable time for these to be embraced
use a planned or systematic approach to and applied to the management of
managing risk. Legislative changes in some occupational hygiene hazards. However, now
States and Territories have all but required that more than ever, the importance of integrating
organisations implement an occupational an occupational hygiene program within the
health and safety management system organisation’s existing management system is
(OHSMS). Indeed, many workplaces that paramount. To do this we focus on managing
choose to participate in schemes to self- people, resources and time. Indeed, the theory
manage (and self-insure) workers’ compen- of risk management adopts such an approach,
sation risk do so with the mandatory which consists of:
implementation of an OHSMS.
This chapter attempts to describe the • anticipation
philosophy of management and practical ways • recognition
to best deal with occupational hygiene • evaluation
hazards. The chapter asks why, how and what • control.
occupational hygienists manage, and describes
a systems approach to managing risks with In Australia, the principles and practices of risk
reference to AS/NZS4801. management are explained in AS/NZS4360:
1999. Indeed, many organisations use the
methodology and tools suggested in this
MANAGING AND standard to identify hazards, assess the level of
MANAGEMENT risk and prioritise controls.

What is management? Historically, manage-

ment has been studied and approached from a THEORIES OF
business perspective. Management can be MANAGEMENT
described as the techniques that an organis-
ation uses to plan, lead, control and organise. Management theories have been used to
Management principles are applied so that an describe the relationship between workers and
organisation can succeed and adapt in a their role in the cycle of production or
continually changing environment. While there employment. This in turn governs the way
are many management theories that have their activities are organised for optimal
330 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

performance. While the term performance may organisation. In his ideal bureaucracy, there
appear a little harsh, it should be noted that a was an authoritarian hierarchy, division of
number of factors impinge on performance. It labour, formal rules and regulation, formal
encompasses workers’ production capacities in selection, separate career orientation for
addition to personal issues such as morale, managers and no attention given to
satisfaction and motivation. personalities or individualism.
Frederick W. Taylor (1856–1915) suggested Later, a more behavioural approach caused
a scientific management theory that describes a review of the scientific and administrative
the worker as a component of a production theories that considered the individual. This
system. He suggested that there was only one was the real birthplace of industrial psychology
efficient way to perform a job. Taylor’s theory and considered issues such as motivation,
(Taylorism) related to workflow and involved group dynamics, leadership and communi-
segmenting a large task into smaller repetitive cation. Recently, more emphasis has been
ones. The workflow was designed so that the placed on a systems approach. This approach
worker, tools and process were selected for argues that an organisation is a set of
each specific task. Taylor theorised that work interrelated and interdependent parts. Each of
and responsibility were equally divided these parts impacts on the others and needs to
between management and the workers, with be considered in decision-making.
management taking over work for which it was
more suited.
Around the same time, administrative REASONS FOR MANAGING
theorists developed theories of what managers OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE
do and what constitutes good management RISKS
practice. Henri Fayol (1841–1925) and Max
Weber (1864–1920) are the most famous of Financial costs
these theorists. Fayol proposed the following
principles of management: While the selection and implementation of a
holistic or systems approach requires
• division of work commitment and ongoing support, the
• centralisation outcomes of success are certainly worth the
• authority effort. For many managers, the main impetus of
• straight-line chain of authority managing occupational hygiene hazards is
• discipline financial. Adverse exposure to an agent may
• order result in lost time from work and cost an
• unity of command organisation through medical expenses.
• equity However, this is a simplified view of the real
• unity of direction costs of workplace injury and disease from
• stability exposure to occupational hygiene hazards.
• inattention to personal need and Since the latency period of many agents is years
interests or decades, the individual, community and
• initiative other employers may absorb the costs. There
• remuneration have been a number of estimates relating to the
• team spirit. total costs in Australia because of poor
performance in the area of occupational health
Weber was the first to suggest that and safety.
bureaucracy was the optimal form of In 1994, Worksafe Australia put the annual
Chapter 14: Using a systematic approach to risk management ■ 331

Table 14.1 Costs of occupational illness and disease

Individual Workplace Community

lost income compensation social security
lost benefits of rehabilitation payments for injured
holidays and
physical trauma and injury lost productivity burden on public health care
hospital expenses decreased worker morale family stresses impacting on
funeral charges sabotage
client relations
public perception
wasted inputs
damaged equipment
repair and maintenance costs
clean-up costs
investigation of incident
legal liability or prosecution costs
first-aid costs
industrial conflict

cost (in 1992–93 dollar terms) at between $14.9 individual or societal perception of what is
billion and $37.2 billion (Foley et al. 1995). This right and worthy. Management of occupational
converts to between $16.2 billion and $40.5 hygiene risk is viewed by society as an ethical
billion in 1995–96 dollar terms if the consumer issue since the actions of an employer are seen
price index is used as the inflator. In September as immoral if they do not control exposure to
1995, the Industry Commission estimated the agents that may harm workers’ health. Just as
annual cost of serious cases as $20.1 billion, in consumers or clients have boycotted organis-
1992–93 dollars (approximately $21.9 billion ations or companies because of their environ-
in 1995–96 dollar terms). The costs of in- mental records or stance, a similar viewpoint is
appropriate risk management can be being taken against encroachments on
categorised according to the parties who are workers’ health.
burdened with the cost, chiefly the individual,
workplace and community (Table 14.1). Industrial relations reasons
While these costs do not all represent
immediate financial losses, they reflect on the Industrial relations refers to the ongoing
overall impact of failing to manage risk. dynamics between workers (and their
representatives) and the employer. Australia
Ethical reasons has a long history of confrontation between
workers and employers about many issues
Ethics refers to the morality associated with a (health and safety included).
particular event or situation. It is based on an A systematic approach to managing
332 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Case study 14.1

An analytical laboratory uses acid in chemical reactions. A worker suffers a burn

from exposure to the acid. The immediate losses from such an incident include:

• lost time from work

• first-aid treatment time
• transportation of injured worker to medical facility
• workers’ compensation and rehabilitation costs
• loss of product due to spillage
• reduction in production due to time taken to attend to injured worker
• time to complete incident reporting form
• first-aid equipment costs.

Some other ‘hidden’ sources of loss may occur from:

• reduction in morale of fellow workers

• animosity towards management that the incident occurred (could lead to
sabotage or ‘work-slow’ by workers)
• increased workers’ compensation premiums
• increased burden on community resources such as the health care system,
disability pension
• replacement of injured worker

occupational hygiene hazards at work will for management lies chiefly with the employer,
assist in reducing disputes and aid con- but manufacturers, designers, suppliers,
sultation between the parties. importers, other people and workers may also
have duties. The legislation is based on the
Legal reasons concept of self-regulation, whereby the
workplace is responsible for identifying,
Australia’s legal system is divided into the evaluating and controlling risks.
following types of law: statute and common The other type of law is common law. The
law. precedence set by judges’ determinations form
All of Australia’s States and Territories and the basis of common law. Under common law
the Commonwealth have statute legislation every person has a duty not to commit a
that protects workers by minimising risk. In ‘wrongdoing’, also known as a tortious act. For
these Acts, duties of care or obligations are such an action to be brought against a person,
imposed on parties who may cause or be the incident must have been reasonably
affected by hazards in the workplace or work- foreseeable or able to be controlled and a
related activities. If these laws are breached, cause–effect relationship proven.
severe fines and even imprisonment can result Effective management of occupational
(depending upon the Act). hygiene risks can minimise the likelihood
Management of risk forms the cornerstone of prosecution under either common or
of these pieces of statute legislation. The onus statute law.
Chapter 14: Using a systematic approach to risk management ■ 333

MANAGING AND health and safety. Motivation can be thought of

MOTIVATING PEOPLE as the inclination to input effort in order to
achieve organisational goals, combined with
the potential to satisfy individual need.
Achieving the aims of an occupational hygiene A need is a feeling of requirement, which
management system will require a makes certain outcomes appear enticing. For
consolidated approach that integrates policies, instance, the need to eat and drink, to be
procedures, benchmarked standards and secure from physical harm or to belong. The
performance reviews. However, it is important best-known behavioural theory of motivation
not to miss the most important spoke in this is probably Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of
wheel — people. Without the support of Needs theory, where he hypothesises that
management and workers, the best-laid plans every human has five needs. In order of
for occupational hygiene and risk management preference, these are:
will fail.
Classical management theorists such as 1. Physiological needs — hunger, thirst,
Taylor asserted the philosophy of scientific shelter, sexual drives and other bodily
management, where a natural ‘cooperation’ needs.
between workers and management was 2. Safety needs — security and protection
deemed to be the best way to achieve from physical and emotional harm.
outcomes. In this way jobs were scientifically 3. Social needs — affection, a sense of
analysed and workers were specifically belonging, acceptance and friendship.
selected for a job and provided with only 4. Esteem needs — internal esteem factors
enough training to ensure the worker and the such as self-respect, autonomy and
job ‘fitted’. Fayol identified the major achievement; and external esteem factors
management functions as planning, organis- such as status, recognition and attention.
ing, commanding, coordinating and control- 5. Self-actualisation needs — growth,
ling. The late nineteenth century saw the achieving one’s potential and self-
application of psychological research to fulfilment; the drive to become what one is
workplace relations. Elton Mayo (1880–1949) capable of becoming.
studied the satisfaction of worker needs and Source: Robbins & Mukeri ( 1994)
productivity and concluded that workers
reacted positively to management concern. There are several other motivational theories,
More recently, the contingency approaches including Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and
to management have been developed, Theory Y, which define human nature either
emphasising the difference between organis- negatively (Theory X) or positively (Theory Y).
ations and their cultural environment. Writers The theories contend that:
such as Henry Mintzberg and Kenneth H.
Blanchard maintain that each organisation • management’s view of the workforce
requires its own approach and that theories of is tainted by its assumptions
management may not apply in every situation. • management’s behaviour towards
This acknowledges that not all workplaces are workers accords with these
alike. Similarly, not all workers think in the assumptions.
same way.
Motivation is a factor that will impinge on The motivation–hygiene theory by Frederick
the ability to achieve and sustain change, as it Herzberg describes intrinsic and extrinsic
relates to the management of occupational factors that are related to job satisfaction.
334 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Motivators include achievement, recognition, Whether the conflict originates from

responsibility, advancement and growth, and management or with workers and unions, its
contribute to job satisfaction. Hygiene factors effective resolution will avoid confrontation or
include company policy, salary, status and subtle interference such as ‘work-slow’ or
security. ‘work-to-rule’. The term conflict means
perceived incompatible differences that result
Some suggestions for motivating in some form of opposition or interference.
workers However, not all conflict is a bad thing! The
traditional view of conflict is that all conflict is
So far, we have identified the basic needs that bad and should be avoided. However, the
can affect a person’s motivation. The question current theoretical perspective on conflict is
arises, once we understand the factors that the interactionist view of conflict. This
affect motivation, how do we actually motivate contends that conflict is necessary for an
workers? One suggestion is to recognise that organisation to perform effectively. While this
each person has different needs, attitudes and view does not propose that all conflict is good,
personality. Workers may not have the same certain functional conflict can be valuable.
views or expectations as others. It therefore Conflict that supports an organisation’s goals
follows that this recognition of individual can actually improve the organisation’s
differences can be positively used to consider performance by keeping the workplace viable,
the way workers are managed. self-critical and creative.
Secondly, people should be matched to The next issue to remember when handling
their job. For instance, a person who is a ‘high conflict is that not every conflict justifies
achiever’, with high expectations of them- action. Some situations may not warrant
selves, will perform best in an autonomous and attention, while others may be too difficult to
challenging job. This links closely with the resolve. Similarly, the people involved in the
goals of the individual. The goals are best conflict may have hidden agendas or beliefs
aligned with the abilities of the worker, the that are difficult to rationalise. It is vital that
amount of feedback they require and whether the players and the source of conflict are
they perceive the goals as achievable. understood before jumping into the situation.
Finally, equity and performance rewards are Conflict doesn’t just ‘happen’. Often,
two issues that can improve motivation. If disagreements have ‘festered’ over a time and
workers perceive their rewards or outcomes could have occurred as a result of differences
are equal to the inputs (e.g. skills, experience, in communication, fundamental goals or
responsibility, abilities and effort), and are objectives within the organisation or personal
linked to performance, they are more likely to differences.
be motivated. Similarly, money should not be Finally, dealing with conflict requires
ignored. While money is not the only reason knowledge of techniques to manage the
for working it certainly is a large sweetener, situation. The five main approaches are similar
and without adequate remuneration to the techniques used for communicating risk
motivation may suffer. discussed in Chapter 12. The options are to:

Dealing with conflict • avoid

• accommodate
One of the most important skills that an • force
occupational hygienist or risk manager could • compromise
have is the ability to deal with conflict. • collaborate.
Chapter 14: Using a systematic approach to risk management ■ 335

Avoidance of the situation may be best where implementation. It defines an occupational

the conflict is trivial, the conflicting parties are health and safety management system as:
particularly emotional or upset or where the
action is not beneficial or outweighs the initial that part of the overall management system
dispute. Accommodation frequently occurs which includes organisational structure,
where the issue is not particularly important to planning activities, responsibilities, practice,
one party, and in order to maintain harmony procedures, processes and resources for
the views of the other party are accepted. If developing, implementing, achieving,
force or authority is used to resolve conflict, reviewing and maintaining OHS policy, and
the action may be unpopular and result in a so managing the OHS risks associated with
lose–lose situation. Compromising asks each the business of the organisation.
party to give up something of value to
negotiate a peaceful outcome. Collaboration is Therefore, the management system incorpor-
the preferred option with a win–win situation ates the core areas of risk management but also
resulting. This comes from open and honest provides a framework to plan, lead, organise
discussion between the groups that attempts and control the occupational hygiene hazards at
to find a solution that advantages both parties. work.

Step 1: Starting at the


What is a management system? In adopting a holistic approach to managing

risks, it is imperative that the system is based on
Successful management does not just a solid foundation of support and commitment
magically occur. It takes considerable skill and with adequate resources for the development,
ability in addition to a framework or structure continuation and improvement of the system.
that ensures a logical progression and review Without such fundamental assurance,
of performance. The occupational hygiene negotiation of even the most basic issues can
program should be integrated into the become difficult. Obtaining such commitment
organisation’s overall management plan and may not be easy. Some factors that may affect
strategies. the willingness of parties to agree to the
Over recent years, organisations have seen principles within the OHSMS include:
the benefits of implementing occupational
health and safety management systems. Many • lack of trust with or from
companies have adopted the framework management
identified in AS/NZS4801, which was released • previous difficulties in negotiating
in 1999. This standard holds similar principles occupational hygiene issues
to that of ISO9001 and ISO14001 (quality and • ‘do as I say, not as I do’ mentality
environmental systems, respectively) with a • insufficient resourcing of similar
focus on setting policy, planning, imple- initiatives
menting the systems, monitoring and • paternalistic or autocratic
reviewing their effectiveness and feeding the management style
learnings through the system for continual • culture of workforce, including a
improvement. ‘she’ll be right, mate’ approach
AS/NZS4804: 2001 accompanies • perceived gains or losses to
AS/NZS4801 with practical guidelines for conditions and wages.
336 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

Overcoming these barriers may be difficult and Step 2: Planning and setting
take time; however, patience and continuing goals
discussion will only help in the quest for
continual improvement. Management can be approached from two
levels: strategic and operational.
Support, benchmarking and policy Senior management is typically involved at
the strategic level, as it requires the setting of
Where to begin? Having obtained commitment targets or objectives for performance. At this
to develop and integrate occupational hygiene point, a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses,
into a management system, the next stage is to opportunities and threats) analysis is usually
assess the current state of affairs. This will conducted. The SWOT provides an estimation
involve asking the following series of questions of potential factors that may influence the
about who currently has responsibility for success of the organisation.
managing risks: Operational management refers to the
‘shop-floor’ or implementation of strategies,
• What resources are allocated? policies and procedures. Once the existing
• What systems are in place? occupational hygiene and safety management
• Are these systems working system has been reviewed, the next stage
effectively? involves planning and setting goals and
targets. The issues that may need to be
At this stage, an occupational hygiene audit considered in this phase are:
may be a useful technique to obtain this
information. The outputs should include: • risk identification techniques
• risk management protocols
• risk control techniques and
• identification of hazards and justification
processes • setting performance targets that are
• a gauge of compliance with achievable and measurable
legislation • setting performance indicators
• identification of work procedures • a method for developing and
(effectiveness and appropriateness) implementing the management
and whether they are followed system plan
• a clear picture of how • allocating financial and people
responsibilities are allocated and resources for the management
whether such performance is system
reviewed. • identifying legal requirements and
accessing information.
This initial review will allow the occupational
hygienist or risk manager to benchmark the Once the opportunities for and threats to the
current system for managing occupational success of the occupational hygiene and safety
hygiene hazards. This should include reviewing management system have been identified, it is
or developing a written policy to show that time to set performance targets that are
occupational hygiene management lies within measurable and achievable. It is ideal to adopt
the organisation’s overall plan for managing positive goals that encourage continual
occupational health and safety risks. improvement, rather than negative indicators
Chapter 14: Using a systematic approach to risk management ■ 337

such as lost time frequency rates (LTFR) or lost Step 3: Implementation

time incidence rates (LTIR). This area of the
system may also be viewed as the function of Implementation of the occupational hygiene
control. The control process consists of the and safety management system will involve a
following aspects: concerted effort and commitment from workers
and management. It may be useful to utilise the
• establishing the standards of skills of other professionals to assist with
performance implementation, for instance, using audio-
• measuring performance logists to test workers’ hearing before a hearing
• comparing the performance with protection device program is implemented.
standards Occupational physicians or exercise physiol-
• taking corrective action where ogists could conduct fitness-for-work tests.
required. Implementation requires particular skills in
managing others and ourselves. One factor
Information that could significantly impinge on the
effectiveness of the implementation of
An emphasis has been placed on setting occupational hygiene and risk management
performance standards and benchmarking. But strategies is the organisational culture.
where does one find this information? In Organisational culture can be loosely thought
Australia, we have relatively few information of as the customs, beliefs, practices, traditions,
sources compared to countries such as the values and ideologies of a group of people.
United States. This is where the Internet In applying this definition to the
has become an invaluable tool in searching workplace, we can see that there are a variety
for information, communicating with others of factors that will influence the culture,
who share similar interests and sharing including:
In Chapter 3, we identified some sources of • the organisation’s history
information and Internet websites, including • present management style
Australian State and Territory governments. • size
Some employer organisations, such as the • structure
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry • industrial relations activity
(ACCI), or their State branches may be able to • nature of work.
assist with information. Similarly, union or
worker groups might be helpful. In Queens- Managing occupational hygiene risks will
land, the Workers’ Health Care Centre was set require all of these issues to be carefully
up especially for workers’ health. considered and addressed. The organisation’s
strategy must also be understood to take
Allocation of responsibility account of the social, economic, political and
industrial variables that will overlay the
In the planning phase, it is important to operating workplace.
allocate responsibilities for occupational Motivation and needs of workers can
hygiene and risk management. This could be inadvertently affect the best-laid plans for
through the inclusion of responsibilities in job occupational hygiene management. Therefore,
descriptions and making personnel it is imperative that strategies for human
accountable in their performance reviews. resource management are developed to deal
338 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

with potential barriers. Questions will need to The disadvantages of a bottom-up or

be asked about the approach that is taken to consultative approach are:
manage risks; for instance, is the approach:
• it takes more time with a bottom-up
• top-down or bottom-up? approach
• radical or conservative? • conflicts may occur between parties
• proactive or reactive? and require resolution
• compromising or directive? • strong direction and leadership is
required otherwise certain vocal
Top-down or bottom-up? factions may dominate.

Pressure from management or workers or Radical or conservative?

both often sways the implementation of
strategies for occupational hygiene and risk A radical approach to occupational hygiene
management. The influence of statutory and risk management may be to introduce a
legislation for occupational health and safety new management system into a conservative
places a heavier emphasis on the employer to organisation that places an emphasis on
manage risks while adopting a consultative measurable indicators of risk management
approach with workers and their performance or makes line management
representatives. accountable. Conversely, a conservative tact
The traditional approach to risk manage- might include training workers and
ment took a top-down philosophy where management so that they are cognisant of
policies and procedures were formulated by proposed changes and then slowly implement
senior management, the occupational hygienist the changes over a period of years, rather than
or risk manager. It has been argued, however, quickly.
that such an authoritarian approach would not
be effective since those who are affected by Proactive or reactive?
such systems (i.e. workers) do not feel
empowered and in control of the risks. Risk Occupational health and safety legislation
perception was discussed in Chapter 12. requires that a proactive or preventive approach
Instead, a bottom-up approach involves to managing risks be taken. However, the role of
workers who are more likely to know more the occupational hygienist or risk manager may
than their management about their job skills, be restricted to merely reacting or responding
workplace design and the inherent work risks. to current problems due to a lack of forward
The benefits of using a consultative approach planning or minimal resources or vision. This
(in addition to meeting legal requirements in could be rectified during the planning stage by
most States) include: developing budget and performance indicators
to measure success.
• increased commitment from workers
• providing opportunities for workers Compromising or directive?
to expand their skills (multiskilling)
• enabling workers’ experience and This relates to whether the occupational
opinions to count when making hygiene management program is acceptable to
decisions all parties or whether it is simply a directive of
• improved communication between the management, occupational hygienist or
groups in the workplace. risk manager. Ultimately, the decision to accept
Chapter 14: Using a systematic approach to risk management ■ 339

a compromise between management and be critical of systems and hazards that are
workers will reflect the parties’ own cultures encountered each day. This is where external
and priorities. consultants may provide a non-biased
appraisal of the occupational hygiene and risk
Step 4: Measurements and management system. They may also provide an
evaluation of performance alternative perspective and additional skills
and knowledge of the hazards.
Measuring progress and performance of
occupational hygiene and risk management Step 5: Review and
initiatives can be conducted in many ways. The improvement
outputs can be described as injury rates,
environmental performance, health statistics The review of systems should be aligned with
and total financial losses. Whatever the the organisation’s goals and objectives. It will
output, performance should be checked incorporate Steps 1 to 4 in assessing:
against goals or standards. Such standards
might include: • whether the system obtained
management support
• legislation • whether the aims and objectives
• Australian standards were measurable and achievable
• industry standards or best-practice • whether the system was user-
guidelines friendly.
• codes of practice or advisory-style
standards The ultimate aim should be for continual
• occupational exposure standards. improvement — even if, after an initial review
is conducted, nonconformances or deficiencies
This measurement can either be conducted are identified in the system. This is the
internally or through the use of external building block for future improvement. Once
consultants or auditors. Internal evaluations the review has been completed, it is important
have the benefit of knowing the organisation’s to document the findings and keep records.
systems intimately; however, it may be difficult This will be used for future reviews of
to be objective, especially when attempting to performance and improvements.

Managing occupational hygiene risks should use a systematic approach that incorporates the
principles of risk management into an organisation’s management system. While there are
many theories about management, a systematic approach to problems and issues can
enhance communication and conditions in the workplace.
340 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management


Carnwell, R. 1997, Evaluative Research Methodology in Nursing and Health Care, Churchill Livingstone,
Foley G., Gale J. and Gavenlock, L. 1995, ‘The Cost of Work-related Injury and Disease’, Journal of
Occupational Health and Safety — Australia and New Zealand, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 171–94
Industry Commission 1995, Work, Health and Safety — Inquiry into Occupational Health and Safety,
report no. 47, AGPS, Canberra
Nankervis, A.R., Compton, R.L. and McCarthy, T.E. 1996, Strategic Human Resource Management, 2nd
edn, Thomas Nelson Australia, Melbourne
Notz, W. and Busam, R.L. 1995, Study Guide for Moore’s The Best Practice of Statistics, W.H. Freeman and
Company, New York
Pybus, R. 1996, Safety Management Strategy and Practice, Butterworth-Heinemann, London
Robbins, S. and Mukerji, D. 1994, Managing Organisations: New Challenges and Perspectives, 2nd edn,
Prentice Hall, Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 1999, AS/NZS4360: 1999, RIsk Management, Standards
Australia, Sydney
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 2001, AS/NZS4801: 2001, Occupational Health and
Safety Systems — Specifications with Guidance for Use, Standards Australia/New Zealand, North
Standards Association of Australia/New Zealand 2001, AS/NZS4804: 2001, Occupational Health and
Safety Management Systems — General Guidelines on Principles, Systems and Supporting Techniques,
Standards Australia/New Zealand, North Sydney
Taylor Fitz-Gibbon, C. and Lyons-Morris, L. 1987, How to Analyze Data, Safe Publications, Newbury

absorption 9–10 antagonistic effects 24 biological contaminants 245

accessory organs 36 animals 246, 248 biological exposure indices
acclimatisation 219 anthrax 248–9 (BEI) 24–5
ACGHI TLV 221 anthropometry 275 biological hazards 243–66
acoustic helmets 191 antimony 24, 101, 103 controls 262–5
active sampling 154, 156–7 anti-vibration mountings high-risk industries 259
acute 12, 15–16 198–9 monitoring techniques
additive effects 23 argon 126–7 and counting
adrenal gland 36 aromatic hydrocarbons 141 259–62
acetylene 126–7 arsenic 101, 103–4, 169 biological monitoring
acid mists 145–6 arsine 101, 103–4, 131 158–9, 302
acids 142 arteries 34 biomechanics 270–2
aerosols 5, 6 asbestos 16, 73, 82, biotransformation 11,
air change rates 308 88–95, 255 22, 140
air-purifying respirators asbestosis 16, 88–95 blood perfusion rate 11
316–18 aspergillosis 250 bone 11
air quality, indoor 254–8 asphyxiants 124, 125–34 bone marrow 11
air-supplied respirators 320 atomic mass 5 body systems 31–3
air velocity 210–11, 315 audiometric testing 188–90 boron 101, 105–6
alcohols 142 auditing 60–2 Brief and Scala Model 22
aldehydes 142 avian chlamydiosis Brucellosis 249
algae 246 (psittacosis) 250 butanol 169
alimentary canal 34–6 butyl (C4H9) 141
alkanes 141 bacteria 246–7 byssinosis 258
alkaline dusts 6, 86–7 bacterial zoonoses 248–50
alkynes 141 baffles 312 cadmium 101, 106
alpha decay 226–7 benign acute mountain camphylobacteriosis 249
alternobaric vertigo 240 sickness 239 canal caps 191
aluminium 101–3 benz (a) anthracene 141 capillaries 34
amines 142 benzene 143 capture velocity 311–12
ammonia 135 beryllium 101, 104–5 carbon-based dusts 84–5
amphorus silica 83–4 beta decay 227 carbon dioxide (C02) 6,
anatomical positions 54–5 biological agents 246–8 127–8
342 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

carbon disulphide 142, copper 101, 108 elimination 298

145, 169 core body temperature 207 emission 165
carbon monoxide (CO) 6, Cowpox 251 points 313–14
25, 131–2, 169, 254, 255 creosote 146 rate of 306–7
carbon tetrachloride cross-sectional study 25–6 endocrine system 32,
144, 170 crystalline silica (Si02) 6, 73, 36–7
carbonates 85 82–3 endotoxins 255, 257
carcinogenicity 13–15 engineering controls
cardiovascular system 32, damping 199 299–300
33–4 deafness 168–70 and heat 220
carpal tunnel syndrome 269 decompression sickness 240 environmental monitoring
case-control study 26 dental barotrauma 240 to heat exposure
cellular immunity 38–9 dermal effects 123–4 208–12
cellulose 87 dichloromethane 145 environmental tobacco
centrifugal samplers 260–1 diet 220 smoke (ETS) 255
chemical asphyxiants 130–4 diffusion 10 epidemiology 25–7
chemical contaminants digestive system 32, 34–6 ergonomic hazards 31
121–59 dilution ventilation 303–9 ergonomics 267–8
chemical hazards 31 direct monitoring 150–4 esters 142
chlamydia 247 distribution 10–11 ethane 128
chlamydioses 250–1 dose 11–13 ethanol 142
chlorine 135–6 dosimeters 231 ethers 142
chloropyrifos 146 Drugs and Poisons ethyl (C2H5) 141
chromium 101, 106–7 schedule 146 ethyl methacrylate 147
chronic 12, 15–16 dry bulb temperature 209 ethylene 128
clothing 219 ducts 312–13 ethylene glycol 20, 142,
crystalline silica 82–3 dusts 5–6, 67, 68–88, 100 146–7
coal 85 organic 87, 258–9 ethylene oxide 136
coal tar pitch 146 evaluating trends 61
cobalt 100, 101, 107–8 ear 166–8 evaporation 204
cohort study 26 ear barotrauma 240 excretion 10–11, 12
cold earmuffs 191 exposure, chronic versus
exposure 220–2 earplugs 190–1 acute 15–16
stress indices 221 Ebola 251 exposure indices, biological
colorimetric monitoring E-coli 252–3 24–5
150–3 effective temperature exposure standard
communication training 62 index 212 extended shifts 21–2
conduction 204 electrical monitoring 153 mixed exposure 22–4
confined spaces 148–9 electrochemical peak limitation 20
control 295–303 monitoring 153 short-term exposure limit
aims of 295–6 electromagnetic 19–20
hierarchy of 298–303 detectors 153 time-weighted
methodical approach electromagnetic average 19
296–7 radiation 255 extremely low frequency
methods of 297–8 electrostatic (ELF) radiation 238
convection 204 precipitators 261 eye protection 323
Index ■ 343

fans 313 hearing 166–8 hydrocarbons 140–2

fatty tissues 11 audiometric testing hydrogen 128–9
feldspar 82 188–90 hydrogen cyanide 132–3
fertilisers 146 conservation program hydrogen sulphide 133–4
fibreglass 255 180–1 hygiene 264, 301
fibres 68, 88–97 loss 168–70, 188 hyperpyrexia 205
fibrous glass 95 protection devices 190–4 hypersensitivity 13
filter life 319–22 see also noise; sound hypoxia 239
filters 75, 261, 318–19 heat
Fine’s nomogram 287–8 controls 218–20 immission 165
fit-for-work testing 219 cramps 204 immune system 33, 37–9
FLAME model 289–90 exhaustion 204 impactors 260
flanges 312 exposure, environmental impingers 260
fluid replacement 220 monitoring 208–12 incidence 27
fluorine 136–7 exposure to excessive independent effects 23
foot protection 323 204–5 inertia blocks 199
formaldehyde 137–8 oedema 204 inertial collection 259–61
frequency analysis 177–8 physiological monitoring infection 244
fumes 5, 68, 100 206–8 influenza 251
fungi 247, 252 stress index 216–18 information 62–3
fungicides 146 stress indices 212–18 ingestion 10
stroke 204 inhalation 9
gamma decay 227 syncope 204 insecticides 146
garnet 82 heart 33 inspections 57–60
gas chromatography 153–4 rate 206–7 inspirable (inhalable) dust
gas toxicity 240 hepatitis virus 253 73–4, 79–80
gases 5, 6–8, 121–5, 135–9 herbicides 146 integumentary system 33,
Geiger counter 230 heavy metals 24 39–40
giardiasis 251 helium (He) 6, 128–9 irritants 124, 135–9
glanders 249 hepatitis 36 isocyanates 147
globe temperature 210 herbicides 6 isolation 263–4
glutaraldehyde 137, 138 hexamethylene
glycol derivatives 142 diisocyanate 147 keratinocytes 39
gold 101, 108–9 high altitude cerebral ketals 142
gonads 36 oedema 239 ketones 142
grains 87 high altitude pulmonary kidneys 11, 52–3
oedema 239
halogenated hydrocarbons high risk industries 259 labelling 65, 265
141–2 histoplasmosis 250 Langerhans’ cells 39
hand-arm vibration 197–8 HIV 253 lasers 236–7
hand protection 322–3 hoods 310–11 Lassa fever 251
hazard house dust mites 255, 256 lead 100, 101, 109–11, 169
definition 3 housekeeping 301 Legionella organisms
identification 57, 62, humoral immunity 37–8 255, 256
218, 284 hydatidosis 252 leptospirosis 249
health surveillance 302 hydration 220 lighting 278–81
344 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

liquid absorption 154, 155 methylene bisphenyl nitrogen dioxide

liquid sampling 262 isocyanate 147 (NO2) 254
liquids 5 methylene chloride 145 nitroparaffin 142
liver 11, 36 mica 82 nitrous gases 138
local exhaust ventilation microbial noise 161–2, 168–87
309–15 agents 244–5 auxiliary instruments 177
lyme disease 246, 249–50 infection 252–4 dose 170–4
lymphatic system 33, 41–2 interaction 243–6 effects of exposure
microbiological hazards 31 168–70
magnetite 82 mill fever 258 insulation 186–7
management 327 mineral wool 96 management,
occupational hygiene risks MIRAN 153 occupational 180–5
328–30 mists 5 measuring 174–8
of people 331–3 mobile telephones and survey 178–80
systems 333–7 towers 238 transmission, controlling
theories 327–8 MOCA 24, 147 185–7
manganese 16, 101, monitoring see also sound
111–12, 169 biological 158–9, 302 nuclear physics 225–6
man-made vitreous fibres techniques 149–50 nuisance dusts 87–8
(MMVF) 95 mortality 26
Marburg fever 251 motivating people 331–3 occupational exposure
mass spectrometer 154 multiresistant standards 307
material safety data sheets staphylococcus 253 occupational extrinsic
(MSDS) 63–5 muscular system 33, 42–4 alveolitis 258
materials handling, manual muscular work 268–70 occupational hygiene 1–2
272–4 mutagens 14–15 auditing 60–2
matter, states of 4–8 mycoplasmas 247, 257 monitoring techniques
measles 251 mycoses 250 149–50
measurement 18 mycotoxins 255 risks 328–30
units of 20–4 mysomine 255 octave-band method
melanocytes 39 192–3
mercury 100, 101, naphthalene 141 octaves 174
112–13, 169 national exposure standards oedema
Merkel cells 39 (NES) 16–20 heart 204
mesothelioma 16 National Occupational high altitude cerebral 239
metabolic work rate 208 Health and Safety high altitude
metabolism 10–11, 12 Commission (NOHSC) 16 pulmonary 239
metals 99–118 natural wet bulb odours 123
toxicity of 99–100 temperature 209–10 oils 147–8
methane (CH4) 6, 129 needle-sticks 265 olivine 82
methanol 142 neon 129 organic dust toxic
methyl (CH3) 141 nerve cells 11 syndrome 259
methyl bromide 147 nervous system 33, 44–6 organic dusts 87, 258–9
methyl chloroform 144 nickel 101, 113–14 Organo chloride
methyl ethyl ketone 170 nicotine 255 pesticides 25
methyl methacrylate 147 nitrogen (N2) 6, 129 OSHA Model 22
Index ■ 345

osmium 101, 114 rabies 251 perception 3–4, 290–2

oxides of nitrogen 6 radiant temperature 210 projection 284–5
oxygen (02) 6, 130 radiation 204, 225–39 risk management 2–3
ozone 138–9 controls 239 systematic approach
electromagnetic 255 327–37
pancreas 36 extremely low frequency systems, reviewing 61–2
Paracelsus 8 (ELF) 238 rodenticides 146
parasites 247 instrumentation 230–2 rosins 147–8
parasitic disease 251–2 ionising 225–30 routes of entry 9–10,
parathyroid gland 36 near infrared 235–6 100–1
particle size 80–1 non-ionising 232–8
Pascal’s principle 126 radio frequency 237–8 safety 284
passive sampling 157–8 ultraviolet 233–5 salmonellosis 250
perchlorethylene 145 visible 235–6 sample collection and
personal protective radio frequency radiation analysis 154–8
equipment 219, 265, 303, 237–8 sampling 18, 75–8, 155–8,
316–24 radioactive decay 227–8 259–62
personal sound exposure radioactivity 226–7 segmental vibration
meter 174–5 radon 255–6 control 199
pesticides 6, 146 rate of absorption 11 selenium 36, 101, 115
Pharmaco-kinetic Model of rate of passage 11 settling plates 160
Hickey and Reist 22 Raynaud’s disease 195 sharps 265
phenol 142 records, reviewing 63–5 shift work 276–7
phosgene 139 refractory ceramic fibres 96 sick building syndrome
physical hazards 31 relative humidity 211–12 (SBS) 254
pituitary gland 36 reproductive system 33, silicaceous dusts 82
platinum 101, 14–15 46–9 silicon dioxide (silica) 82
plenums 312 resins 147–8 silicosis 15
pneumoconiosis 15 respirable dust 72–3, 75–9 silver 101, 115–16
poisons 146 respiratory protection size-selective sampling
policies 60–1 equipment 316–18, devices 75–7
portland cement 82 320–2 skeletal system 33, 51–2
potentiative effects 23 respiratory system 33, skin temperature 207
pre-employment 49–51 slots 312
medicals 219 rickettsias 248 smoke 5, 6
pressure 239–40 rickettsioses 250–1 soapstone 82
prevalence 27 ringworm 252 solid sorbent sampling 154,
procedures 60–1 risk 155–6
propane 129 analysis 283–93 solids 5
propyl (C3H7) 141 assessment 285–6, 290 solvents 140–5
propylene 129 communication 292–3 sound 162–8, 170–4
protozoan 247–8 defined 2–3 absorption 185–6
purging 308–9 evaluation 219 exposure meter 174–5
pyridine 255 factors 27–8 frequency analysis
and hazard 283–4 177–8
Q Fever 250–1 identification 218 level meter 175–7
346 ■ Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management

logarithmic response thallium 101, 116 vapours 5, 8, 100, 121–5

165–6 thermal detection veins 34
power levels 172 instruments 153 ventilation 263, 300,
see also noise thermal precipitators 261 303–15
soundwaves 163–4 thermoregulation 203–4 vermiculite 82
specialist advice 62–3 thymus gland 36 vibration 194–200
stacks 313–14 thyroid 11, 36 vibrational damping 185
starch 87 tin 101, 116 vinyl chloride 148
sterility 264–5 titanium 101, 116–17 vinyl chloride monomer 36
stibine 101, 103, 134 tobacco 87, 255 viral haemorrhagic
still shade temperature 221 toluene 143–4, 169 fevers 251
stress 275–6 toluene 2,4 viruses 248, 251
streptococcosis 253 diisocyanate 147 volatile organic compounds
styrene 25, 144 toxic substances, storage (VOC) 255, 256
sub-acute 12 of 11
sub-chronic 12 toxicity of metals 99–100 walkthrough survey 57
substitution 298–9 toxicology 8 weaver’s cough 258
sulphur dioxide 139 toxics 124 weightings 170, 173–4
sucrose 87 toxoplasmosis 252 wet bulb globe temperature
surface sampling 261–2 training programs 62 index 214–16
sweat loss 207–8 trichinosis 252 wet bulb temperature 209
sweat rate 218 trichloroethane 144 Wheatstone bridge 153
predicted 4-hour 212–14 trichloroethylene whole-body vibration 196–7
synergistic effects 23 144–5, 169 wood dust 6, 85–6
synthetic mineral fibres tuberculosis 254 worker rotation 301
(SMF) 95–7 tungsten 101, 117 working hours 276–7
tungsten carbide dust 100
2-propanol 142 Xylene 144
talc 82 ultraviolet radiation
tendonitis 270 233–5 zinc 100, 101, 117–18
tenosynovitis 270 urinary system 33, 52–4 zoonoses 248
teratogens 14–15 bacterial zoonoses
tetanus 250 vaccination 265 248–50
tetrachloroethylene 145 vanadium 73, 101, 117 zygomycosis 250

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