Lisis Tumoral

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review article

current concepts

The Tumor Lysis Syndrome

Scott C. Howard, M.D., Deborah P. Jones, M.D., and Ching-Hon Pui, M.D.

From the Department of Oncology and he tumor lysis syndrome is the most common disease-related
International Outreach Program, St. Jude emergency encountered by physicians caring for children or adults with
Children’s Research Hospital (S.C.H.,
C.-H.P.), and the Department of Pediatrics, hematologic cancers.1-4 Although it develops most often in patients with
University of Tennessee Health Sciences non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or acute leukemia, its frequency is increasing among
Center, College of Medicine (S.C.H., D.P.J., patients who have tumors that used to be only rarely associated with this compli-
C.-H.P.) — both in Memphis. Address re-
print requests to Dr. Howard at St. Jude cation.5-8 The tumor lysis syndrome occurs when tumor cells release their contents
Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny into the bloodstream, either spontaneously or in response to therapy, leading to
Thomas Place, Barry-Longinotti Bldg., the characteristic findings of hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia,
MS 721, Memphis, TN 38105-2794, or at
[email protected]. and hypocalcemia.1-3 These electrolyte and metabolic disturbances can progress to
clinical toxic effects, including renal insufficiency, cardiac arrhythmias, seizures,
This article was updated on August 23, and death due to multiorgan failure.
2018, at
Although optimal methods of risk classification and treatment have been dif-
N Engl J Med 2011;364:1844-54. ficult to define, uniform standards for management of the tumor lysis syndrome
Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. are beginning to evolve. Indeed, several groups have advocated guidelines for risk
stratification and made recommendations for evaluating risk and for prophylactic
therapy for the tumor lysis syndrome.2,9 This review of the tumor lysis syndrome
summarizes current strategies for risk assessment, prophylaxis, and therapy. The
following case illustrates the clinical challenges.

C a se r ep or t

An 8-year-old boy was referred to an otolaryngologist for tonsillectomy after several

months of increased snoring, fatigue, sore throat, enlarged tonsils, and gradually
increasing painless and nontender cervical lymphadenopathy. Two days before the
scheduled procedure, his parents took him to the local emergency department after
he had been unable to sleep because of congestion, sore throat, and difficulty breath-
ing. The physician in the emergency department documented nasal congestion,
enlarged tonsils that touched in the midline, and significant anterior and posterior
cervical adenopathy. Dexamethasone (4 mg) was administered intramuscularly, and
loratadine was prescribed. During the next 36 hours, the patient’s congestion and
breathing improved somewhat, but malaise developed and he vomited repeatedly.
He returned to the emergency department, where he appeared ill and was found to
be moderately dehydrated. Evaluation showed a white-cell count of 84,600 per cubic
millimeter, with circulating lymphoblasts; a sodium level of 133 mmol per liter;
potassium, 5.9 mmol per liter; bicarbonate, 16 mmol per liter; creatinine, 1.0 mg per
deciliter (88.4 μmol per liter); phosphorus, 8.5 mg per deciliter (2.7 mmol per liter);
calcium, 6.7 mg per deciliter (1.7 mmol per liter); uric acid, 12.3 mg per deciliter
(732 μmol per liter); and lactate dehydrogenase, 4233 IU per liter. Chest radiography
revealed a small mediastinal mass, and an electrocardiogram was normal. The pa-

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current concepts

tient was given two boluses of normal saline Pathoph ysiol o gy

(20 ml per kilogram of body weight), rasburicase
(0.15 mg per kilogram), and 800 mg of aluminum When cancer cells lyse, they release potassium,
hydroxide; intravenous fluids (2500 ml per square phosphorus, and nucleic acids, which are metab-
meter of body-surface area per day) were adminis- olized into hypoxanthine, then xanthine, and fi-
tered, and he was transferred by ambulance to a nally uric acid, an end product in humans (Fig. 1).12
tertiary care center, where he was admitted to the Hyperkalemia can cause serious — and occasion-
intensive care unit and T-cell acute lymphoblastic ally fatal — dysrhythmias. Hyperphosphatemia can
leukemia was diagnosed. His course was compli- cause secondary hypocalcemia, leading to neuro-
cated by oliguria, hyperphosphatemia (a peak of muscular irritability (tetany), dysrhythmia, and
11.2 mg per deciliter [3.6 mmol per liter] of phos- seizure, and can also precipitate as calcium phos-
phorus, on day 3), an increased creatinine level (a phate crystals in various organs (e.g., the kidneys,
peak of 3.8 mg per deciliter [318.2 μmol per liter], where these crystals can cause acute kidney inju-
on day 5), and hypertension that resolved after ry).13 Uric acid can induce acute kidney injury not
2 months. He did not require dialysis, and more only by intrarenal crystallization but also by crys-
than 5 years after diagnosis, he remains in re- tal-independent mechanisms, such as renal vaso-
mission. constriction, impaired autoregulation, decreased
renal blood flow, oxidation, and inflammation.14-16
Tumor lysis also releases cytokines that cause a
Defini t ion of the t umor lysis
s y ndrome systemic inflammatory response syndrome and
often multiorgan failure.17-19
In the current classification system of Cairo and The tumor lysis syndrome occurs when more
Bishop,10 the tumor lysis syndrome can be classi- potassium, phosphorus, nucleic acids, and cyto-
fied as laboratory or clinical (Table 1). Laboratory kines are released during cell lysis than the body’s
tumor lysis syndrome requires that two or more of homeostatic mechanisms can deal with. Renal ex-
the following metabolic abnormalities occur with- cretion is the primary means of clearing urate,
in 3 days before or up to 7 days after the initiation xanthine, and phosphate, which can precipitate
of therapy: hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyper- in any part of the renal collecting system. The
phosphatemia, and hypocalcemia. Clinical tumor ability of kidneys to excrete these solutes makes
lysis syndrome is present when laboratory tumor clinical tumor lysis syndrome unlikely without the
lysis syndrome is accompanied by an increased previous development of nephropathy and a con-
creatinine level, seizures, cardiac dysrhythmia, or sequent inability to excrete solutes quickly enough
death. A few refinements could improve this clas- to cope with the metabolic load.
sification. First, it should be stipulated that two or Crystal-induced tissue injury occurs in the tu-
more metabolic abnormalities be present simulta- mor lysis syndrome when calcium phosphate, uric
neously, because some patients may present with acid, and xanthine precipitate in renal tubules and
one abnormality, but later another one may devel- cause inflammation and obstruction (Fig. 2).20,23
op that is unrelated to the tumor lysis syndrome A high level of solutes, low solubility, slow urine
(e.g., hypocalcemia associated with sepsis). Sec- flow, and high levels of cocrystallizing substanc-
ond, in contrast to Cairo and Bishop’s definition, es favor crystal formation and increase the sever-
a 25% change from baseline should not be consid- ity of the tumor lysis syndrome.24-26 High levels
ered a criterion, since such increases are rarely of both uric acid and phosphate render patients
clinically important unless the value is already out- with the tumor lysis syndrome at particularly high
side the normal range. Third, any symptomatic risk for crystal-associated acute kidney injury,
hypocalcemia should constitute clinical tumor lysis because uric acid precipitates readily in the pres-
syndrome. Our patient met the criteria for labora- ence of calcium phosphate, and calcium phosphate
tory tumor lysis syndrome when he returned to the precipitates readily in the presence of uric acid.
emergency department, and he met the criteria for Also, higher urine pH increases the solubility of
clinical tumor lysis syndrome the next day, when uric acid but decreases that of calcium phosphate.
his creatinine level increased from 1.0 mg per deci- In patients treated with allopurinol, the accumu-
liter to 2.1 mg per deciliter (185.6 μmol per liter). lation of xanthine, which is a precursor of uric

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Table 1. Definitions of Laboratory and Clinical Tumor Lysis Syndrome.*

Metabolic Criteria for Classification of Laboratory Criteria for Classification of Clinical

Abnormality Tumor Lysis Syndrome Tumor Lysis Syndrome
Hyperuricemia Uric acid >8.0 mg/dl (475.8 μmol/liter)
in adults or above the upper limit of the
normal range for age in children
Hyperphosphatemia Phosphorus >4.5 mg/dl (1.5 mmol/liter)
in adults or >6.5 mg/dl (2.1 mmol/liter)
in children
Hyperkalemia Potassium >6.0 mmol/liter Cardiac dysrhythmia or sudden death probably
or definitely caused by hyperkalemia
Hypocalcemia Corrected calcium <7.0 mg/dl (1.75 mmol/liter) Cardiac dysrhythmia, sudden death, seizure,
or ionized calcium <4.5 mg/dl (1.12 mmol/ neuromuscular irritability (tetany, pares-
liter)† thesias, muscle twitching, carpopedal
spasm, Trousseau’s sign, Chvostek’s sign,
laryngospasm, or bronchospasm), hypo-
tension, or heart failure probably or defi-
nitely caused by hypocalcemia
Acute kidney injury‡ Not applicable Increase in the serum creatinine level of
0.3 mg/dl (26.5 μmol/liter) (or a single val-
ue >1.5 times the upper limit of the age-
appropriate normal range if no baseline
creatinine measurement is available) or
the presence of oliguria, defined as an
average urine output of <0.5 ml/kg/hr
for 6 hr

* In laboratory tumor lysis syndrome, two or more metabolic abnormalities must be present during the same 24-hour
period within 3 days before the start of therapy or up to 7 days afterward. Clinical tumor lysis syndrome requires the
presence of laboratory tumor lysis syndrome plus an increased creatinine level, seizures, cardiac dysrhythmia, or death.
† The corrected calcium level in milligrams per deciliter = measured calcium level in milligrams per deciliter + 0.8 × (4 − albumin
in grams per deciliter).
‡ Acute kidney injury is defined as an increase in the creatinine level of at least 0.3 mg per deciliter (26.5 μmol per liter)
or a period of oliguria lasting 6 hours or more. By definition, if acute kidney injury is present, the patient has clinical
tumor lysis syndrome. Data about acute kidney injury are from Levin et al.11

acid and has low solubility regardless of urine pH, ability of patient cohorts and lack of standard cri-
can lead to xanthine nephropathy or urolithiasis teria have contributed to a wide range of reported
(Fig. 1).20,27 incidences (see Table 1 in the Supplementary Ap-
Calcium phosphate can precipitate throughout pendix, available with the full text of this article
the body (Fig. 2). The risk of ectopic calcification at The greater the cancer mass, the
is particularly high among patients who receive greater the quantity of cellular contents released
intravenous calcium.13 When calcium phosphate after the administration of effective anticancer
precipitates in the cardiac conducting system, therapy. Cancers with a high potential for cell lysis
serious, possibly fatal, dysrhythmias can occur. include high-grade lymphomas, acute leukemias,
Acute kidney injury developed in our patient as and other rapidly proliferating tumors. However,
a result of the precipitation of uric acid crystals the potential for cell lysis must be considered
and calcium phosphate crystals and was exacer- along with the effectiveness of therapy, as high-
bated by dehydration and acidosis that developed lighted by a case of tumor lysis syndrome in an
because the tumor lysis syndrome had not been adult who died after treatment with cetuximab for
suspected and no supportive care was provided. metastatic colon carcinoma, a cancer in which the
tumor lysis syndrome had not been previously re-
Epidemiol o gy ported.5 Indeed, the tumor lysis syndrome in-
creasingly has been reported in patients with can-
The incidence and severity of the tumor lysis syn- cers that previously had been rarely associated
drome depend on the cancer mass, the potential with this complication, such as endometrial can-
for lysis of tumor cells, the characteristics of the cer, hepatocellular carcinoma, chronic lympho-
patient, and supportive care (Table 2). The vari- cytic leukemia, and chronic myelogenous leuke-

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current concepts


C Lysis of cancer cells

Release of cellular contents

DNA Phosphate Potassium Cytokines

DNAase breaks down
DNA, releasing purines

Adenosine Guanosine Hypotension Inflammation

Inosine Guanine

Hypoxanthine Acute
kidney injury
D Xanthine oxidase

Allopurinol Xanthine
Xanthine oxidase
Allantoin Uric acid Phosphate Potassium

No tumor lysis Urinary excretion Accumulation Tumor lysis

syndrome syndrome

Figure 1. Lysis of Tumor Cells and the Release of DNA, Phosphate, Potassium, and Cytokines. COLOR FIGURE

The graduated cylinders shown in Panel A contain leukemic cells removed by leukapheresis fromDraft 12
a patient with 4/25/11
Author Howard
acute lymphoblastic leukemia and hyperleukocytosis (white-cell count, 365,000 per cubic millimeter). Each cylinder con-
Fig # 1
tains straw-colored clear plasma at the top, a thick layer of white leukemic cells in the middle, and a thin layer of red
cells at the bottom. The highly cellular nature of Burkitt’s lymphoma is evident in Panel B (Burkitt’s lymphoma of the
appendix, hematoxylin and eosin). Lysis of cancer cells (Panel C) releases DNA, phosphate, potassium, Hastings
and cytokines.
DE Campion
DNA released from the lysed cells is metabolized into adenosine and guanosine, both of which are converted
Artist Knoper
into xan-
thine. Xanthine is then oxidized by xanthine oxidase, leading to the production of uric acid, which isAUTHOR
excreted by the kid-
neys. When the accumulation of phosphate, potassium, xanthine, or uric acid is more rapid than excretion,
Figure has been redrawnthe tumor
and type has been reset
Please check carefully
lysis syndrome develops. Cytokines cause hypotension, inflammation, and acute kidney injury, which increase
Issue date 5/12/11 the risk
for the tumor lysis syndrome. The bidirectional dashed line between acute kidney injury and tumor lysis syndrome indi-
cates that acute kidney injury increases the risk of the tumor lysis syndrome by reducing the ability of the kidneys to
excrete uric acid, xanthine, phosphate, and potassium. By the same token, development of the tumor lysis syndrome
can cause acute kidney injury by renal precipitation of uric acid, xanthine, and calcium phosphate crystals and by crystal-
independent mechanisms. Allopurinol inhibits xanthine oxidase (Panel D) and prevents the conversion of hypoxanthine
and xanthine into uric acid but does not remove existing uric acid. In contrast, rasburicase removes uric acid by enzymati-
cally degrading it into allantoin, a highly soluble product that has no known adverse effects on health.

mia.5-8,29-32 Characteristics of patients that confer The adequacy of fluid management affects
high risk include preexisting chronic renal insuf- both the development and the severity of the tu-
ficiency, oliguria, dehydration, hypotension, and mor lysis syndrome. Thus, disastrous cases of the
acidic urine. tumor lysis syndrome occurred in patients with

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2µm 100 µm


Figure 2. Crystals of Uric Acid, Calcium Phosphate, and Calcium Oxalate.

Crystallization of uric acid and calcium phosphate are the primary means of renal damage in the tumor lysis syndrome.
The presence of crystals of one solute can promote crystallization of the other solutes. A scanning electron micrograph
(Panel A) shows large uric acid crystals (arrowhead), which served as seeds for the formation of calcium oxalate crystals
(arrows). Reprinted from Bouropoulos et al.21 with the permission of the publisher. In Panel B, a scanning electron micro-
graph shows numerous small calcium oxalate crystals (arrows) formed on larger uric acid crystals (arrowheads). Reprinted
from Grases et al.22 with the permission of the publisher. The kidney shown in Panel C was examined at the autopsy of
a 4-year-old boy who had high-grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and died of acute tumor lysis syndrome. Linear yellow
streaks of precipitated uric acid in the renal medulla are shown in the left panel (arrows); a single tubule containing a
uric acid crystal (arrowhead) is shown in the right panel. Reprinted from Howard et al.13 with the permission of the
publisher. In Panel D, in the normal kidney on the left, the medullary pyramids are visible deep in the kidney (arrow-
heads) and are surrounded by the renal cortex (arrows), which is darker than the collecting system and adjacent liver.
The ultrasonographic image on the right shows a kidney from a patient with the tumor lysis syndrome, in which there
is loss of the normal corticomedullary differentiation (arrowheads) and poor visualization of the renal pyramids. The
brightness is similar to that of the adjacent liver (arrows), and the kidney is abnormally enlarged. Soft-tissue calcification
of the dorsum of the distal forearm (Panel E) occurred in a 15-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and an
initial white-cell count of 283,000 per cubic millimeter in whom tumor lysis syndrome, hyperphosphatemia, and symp-
tomatic hypocalcemia developed. Several weeks after the treatment of hypocalcemia with multiple doses of intravenous
calcium carbonate administered by means of a peripheral intravenous catheter in the dorsum of the hand, ectopic calci-
fication was confirmed radiographically (arrows). Reprinted from Howard et al.13 with the permission of the publisher.

nonhematologic cancer who received effective dramatic difference that supportive care can
anticancer treatment but no intravenous fluids make, even when other risk factors for the tumor
or monitoring because the tumor lysis syndrome lysis syndrome are the same.33 This was seen in
was not anticipated.5,32 In contrast, in many coun- the 8-year-old boy in the vignette.
tries, patients with a bulky Burkitt’s lymphoma
who have a high potential for lysis have a low risk R isk a sse ssmen t
of clinical tumor lysis syndrome because they
routinely receive aggressive treatment with hydra- Acute kidney injury is associated with high mor-
tion and rasburicase, a recombinant urate oxidase bidity and mortality,34 and its prevention requires
enzyme that is a highly effective uricolytic agent an awareness of the patient’s a priori risk of the
(Table 1 in the Supplementary Appendix). Chil- tumor lysis syndrome and careful monitoring for
dren with Burkitt’s lymphoma who received ras- early signs of it. Models that predict the risk of
buricase were a fifth as likely to undergo dialysis the tumor lysis syndrome have been developed for
as those who received allopurinol, illustrating the adults with acute myeloid leukemia35,36 and chil-

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Table 2. Risk Factors for the Tumor Lysis Syndrome.

Category of Risk Factor Risk Factor Comments

Cancer mass Bulky tumor or extensive metastasis The larger the cancer mass or the higher the number of cells that will lyse with treatment, the higher the risk
of clinical tumor lysis syndrome.
Organ infiltration by cancer cells Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and nephromegaly generally represent tumor infiltration into these organs,
and therefore a larger tumor burden than that of patients without these findings.
Bone marrow involvement Healthy adults have 1.4 kg of bone marrow. A marrow that has been replaced by leukemic cells contains a
cancer mass greater than 1 kg and therefore represents bulky disease.
Renal infiltration or outflow-tract Cancers that infiltrate the kidney or obstruct urine flow predispose to nephropathy from other causes, such
obstruction as the tumor lysis syndrome.
Cell lysis potential High rate of proliferation Lactate dehydrogenase level is a surrogate for tumor proliferation. The higher the level, the greater the risk
of cancer cells of the tumor lysis syndrome.
Cancer-cell sensitivity to Cancers that are inherently more sensitive to therapy have a higher rate of cell lysis and a greater risk of the
anticancer therapy ­tumor lysis syndrome than the other cancers.
Intensity of initial anticancer therapy The higher the intensity of initial therapy, the greater the rate of cancer-cell lysis and the risk of the tumor lysis
syndrome. For example, some protocols for acute lymphoblastic leukemia begin with a week of prednisone
monotherapy, and others begin with a combination of a glucocorticoid, vincristine, asparaginase, and dauno-
rubicin. A patient treated on the latter protocol would have a higher risk of the tumor lysis syndrome.
Features on patient presentation Nephropathy before diagnosis A patient with preexisting nephropathy from hypertension, diabetes, gout, or other causes has a greater risk
of cancer for acute kidney injury and the tumor lysis syndrome.
Dehydration or volume depletion Dehydration decreases the rate of urine flow through renal tubules and increases the level of solutes
current concepts

(e.g., phosphorus, uric acid) that can crystallize and cause nephropathy.
Acidic urine Uric acid has a lower solubility in acidic urine and therefore crystallizes more rapidly. A patient who presents
with acidic urine and hyperuricemia usually already has uric acid crystals or microcrystals in the renal tubules.

n engl j med 364;19 may 12, 2011

Hypotension Hypotension decreases urine flow and increases the level of solutes that can crystallize. Hypotension

The New England Journal of Medicine

can also independently cause acute kidney injury.
Exposure to nephrotoxins Vancomycin, aminoglycosides, contrast agents for diagnostic imaging, and other potential nephrotoxins
increase the risk of acute kidney injury from lysis of cancer cells.
Supportive care Inadequate hydration Initial boluses of normal saline until the patient is euvolemic followed by infusion of suitable intravenous fluids

Copyright © 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

at two times the maintenance rate (about 180 ml/hr in an adult who can tolerate hyperhydration) increases
the rate of urine flow through renal tubules, decreases the level of solutes that can crystallize and cause
acute kidney injury, and decreases the time that those solutes remain in the tubules so that even if micro-
crystals form they may not have time to aggregate into clinically important crystals before removal by the
high flow of urine.
Exogenous potassium Unless the patient has severe hypokalemia or a dysrhythmia from hypokalemia, potassium should not be
included in the intravenous fluids, and potassium (from food or medications) should be minimized until
the risk period for the tumor lysis syndrome has passed.
Exogenous phosphate Restricting dietary phosphate and adding a phosphate binder reduce the exogenous load of phosphate
so that the kidneys need only excrete the endogenous load of phosphate released by cancer-cell lysis.
Delayed uric acid removal Allopurinol prevents formation of new uric acid by inhibiting xanthine oxidase and preventing conversion of

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xanthine to uric acid. It does not remove existing uric acid and does increase urinary excretion of xanthine,
which can crystallize and cause nephropathy. Rasburicase is an enzyme that rapidly removes uric acid by
converting it to allantoin, which is highly soluble and readily excreted in the urine. The longer the uric acid
level remains high, the greater the risk of crystal formation and acute kidney injury.

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

dren with acute lymphoblastic leukemia37 treated

Figure 3 (facing page). Assessment and Initial
with hydration and allopurinol (but not rasburi- Management of the Tumor Lysis Syndrome.
case). These models lack a standard definition of This algorithm presents a guide to care at the time of
the tumor lysis syndrome, use different primary patient presentation. Subsequent care depends on
end points (i.e., either clinical tumor lysis syn- how the patient progresses. The tumor lysis syndrome
drome or any type of the tumor lysis syndrome), unexpectedly develops in some patients who are at low
risk, and they require more aggressive treatment, and
lack standardized supportive care guidelines, and
some high-risk patients have no evidence of the tumor
have complex scoring systems. Experts have is- lysis syndrome after a few days of treatment and need
sued management guidelines for the tumor lysis less intensive care after the initial period. Assessment
syndrome,2,9,38 but further guidance awaits sim- of risk factors for the tumor lysis syndrome requires
ple risk-prediction models that have a standard- clinical judgment. It may not always be clear whether
mild or transient dehydration should count, whether a
ized definition of the tumor lysis syndrome and
cancer mass is medium or large, or whether the poten-
uniform supportive care guidelines for each can- tial for cell lysis of a particular cancer with a particular
cer type.28 We present a practical approach for treatment is medium or high. In equivocal cases, other
clinicians (Fig. 3, and Table 2 in the Supplemen- criteria can be useful to clarify the degree of risk: an el-
tary Appendix). evated lactate dehydrogenase level (>2 times the upper
limit of the normal range) and an elevated uric acid
level at presentation are associated with an increased
M a nagemen t risk of the tumor lysis syndrome and can be used to
help classify borderline cases into a suitable risk group.
Optimal management of the tumor lysis syndrome If it is difficult to distinguish between two categories,
should involve preservation of renal function. Man- treat the patient as if he or she is in the higher-risk cat-
egory. Because the algorithm presented is designed for
agement should also include prevention of dys-
use by both oncologists and non-oncologists, a con-
rhythmias and neuromuscular irritability (Fig. 3). servative approach is presented to maximize safety.
“Bulky tumor” includes the tumor mass from meta-
Prevention of acute kidney injury static lesions. TLS denotes tumor lysis syndrome.
All patients who are at risk for the tumor lysis
syndrome should receive intravenous hydration
to rapidly improve renal perfusion and glomeru- Reducing the level of uric acid, with the use
lar filtration and to minimize acidosis (which of allopurinol and particularly with the use of
lowers urine pH and promotes the precipitation rasburicase, can preserve or improve renal func-
of uric acid crystals) and oliguria (an ominous tion and reduce serum phosphorus levels as a
sign). This is usually accomplished with hyper- secondary beneficial effect.40 Although allopuri-
hydration by means of intravenous fluids (2500 nol prevents the formation of uric acid, existing
to 3000 ml per square meter per day in the pa- uric acid must still be excreted. The level of uric
tients at highest risk). Hydration is the preferred acid may take 2 days or more to decrease, a delay
method of increasing urine output, but diuretics that allows urate nephropathy to develop (Fig. 1b
may also be necessary. In a study involving a rat in the Supplementary Appendix). Moreover, despite
model of urate nephropathy with elevated serum treatment with allopurinol, xanthine may accu-
uric acid levels induced by continuous intrave- mulate, resulting in xanthine nephropathy.13,20,27
nous infusion of high doses of uric acid, high Since the serum xanthine level is not routinely
urine output due to treatment with high-dose fu- measured, its effect on the development of acute
rosemide or congeni­t al diabetes insipidus (in the kidney injury is uncertain. By preventing xanthine
group of mice with this genetic modification) accumulation and by directly breaking down uric
protected the kidneys equally well, whereas acet- acid, rasburicase is more effective than allopuri-
azolamide (mild diuresis) and bicarbonate pro- nol for the prevention and treatment of the tu-
vided only moderate renal protection (no more mor lysis syndrome. In a randomized study of
than a low dose of furosemide without bicarbon- the use of allopurinol versus rasburicase for pa-
ate).39 Hence, in patients whose urine output re- tients at risk for the tumor lysis syndrome, the
mains low after achieving an optimal state of mean serum phosphorus level peaked at 7.1 mg
hydration, we recommend the use of a loop di- per deciliter (2.3 mmol per liter) in the rasburi-
uretic agent (e.g., furosemide) to promote diure- case group (and mean uric acid levels decreased
sis, with a target urine output of at least 2 ml per by 86%, to 1 mg per deciliter [59.5 μmol per liter]
kilogram per hour. at 4 hours) as compared with 10.3 mg per decili-

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current concepts

Measure serum potassium, phosphorus, calcium, creatinine, uric acid, and urine output

≤1 Abnormal value ≥2 Abnormal values

No TLS at diagnosis Laboratory TLS Clinical TLS

≥2 abnormal laboratory- Acute kidney injury
test values Symptomatic hypo-
No symptoms calcemia
Assess cancer mass Dysrhythmia

Small or resected Medium-size Large cancer mass

localized tumor cancer mass Bulky tumor or organ
Bone marrow replaced
with cancer

Assess cell-lysis potential Assess cell-lysis potential

Low Medium or unknown High Low Medium or unknown High

Assess patient
Preexisting nephropathy
Nephrotoxin exposure

No Yes

Negligible Risk Low Risk of Intermediate Risk High Risk of Established

of Clinical TLS Clinical TLS of Clinical TLS Clinical TLS Clinical TLS
No prophylaxis Intravenous fluids Intravenous fluids Intravenous fluids Intravenous fluids
No monitoring Allopurinol Allopurinol or ras- Rasburicase Rasburicase
Daily laboratory tests buricase Cardiac monitoring Cardiac monitoring
Inpatient monitoring Laboratory tests every Intensive care unit
Laboratory tests every 6–8 hr Laboratory tests every
8–12 hr 4–6 hr

ter (3.3 mmol per liter) in the allopurinol group creases in phosphorus levels and decreases in
(and mean uric acid levels decreased by 12%, to creatinine levels among 131 patients who were at
5.7 mg per deciliter [339.0 μmol per liter] at 48 high risk for the tumor lysis syndrome and were
hours).41,42 The serum creatinine level improved treated with rasburicase. Finally, in a multicenter
(decreased) by 31% in the rasburicase group but study involving pediatric patients with advanced-
worsened (increased) by 12% in the allopurinol stage Burkitt’s lymphoma, in which all patients
group. Pui and colleagues40 documented no in- received identical treatment with chemotherapy

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and aggressive hydration, the tumor lysis syn- levels (every 4 to 6 hours), continuous cardiac
drome occurred in 9% of 98 patients in France monitoring, and the administration of oral sodi-
(who received rasburicase) as compared with 26% um polystyrene sulfonate are recommended in
of 101 patients in the United States (who received patients with the tumor lysis syndrome and acute
allopurinol) (P = 0.002).33 Dialysis was required in kidney injury. Hemodialysis and hemofiltration
only 3% of the French patients but 15% of the effectively remove potassium. Glucose plus insu-
patients in the United States (P = 0.004). At the lin or beta-agonists can be used as temporizing
time of the study, rasburicase was not available in measures, and calcium gluconate may be used to
the United States. reduce the risk of dysrhythmia while awaiting
Urinary alkalinization increases uric acid solu- hemodialysis.
bility but decreases calcium phosphate solubil- Hypocalcemia can also lead to life-threatening
ity (Fig. 1a in the Supplementary Appendix). dysrhythmias and neuromuscular irritability; con-
Because it is more difficult to correct hyper- trolling the serum phosphorus level may prevent
phosphatemia than hyperuricemia, urinary al- hypocalcemia. Symptomatic hypocalcemia should
kalinization should be avoided in patients with be treated with calcium at the lowest dose re-
the tumor lysis syndrome, especially when ras- quired to relieve symptoms, since the administra-
buricase is available.13 Whether urine alkalini- tion of excessive calcium increases the calcium–
zation prevents or reduces the risk of acute kid- phosphate product and the rate of calcium
ney injury in patients without access to rasburicase phosphate crystallization, particularly if the prod-
is unknown, but the animal model of urate ne- uct is greater than 60 mg2 per square deciliter
phropathy suggested no benefit.39 If alkaliniza- (Fig. 2D and 2E). Hypocalcemia not accompanied
tion is used, it should be discontinued when hy- by signs or symptoms does not require treatment.
perphosphatemia develops. In patients treated Despite the lack of studies that show the efficacy
with rasburicase, blood samples for the measure- of phosphate binders in patients with the tumor
ment of the uric acid level must be placed on ice lysis syndrome, this treatment is typically given.
to prevent ex vivo breakdown of uric acid by ras- The role of renal phosphate leak in renal lithiasis
buricase and thus a spuriously low level. Patients and the use of phosphate binders have recently
with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficien- been reviewed in the Journal.48,49
cy should avoid rasburicase because hydrogen per-
oxide, a breakdown product of uric acid, can cause Management of severe acute kidney injury
methemoglobinemia and, in severe cases, hemo- Despite optimal care, severe acute kidney injury
lytic anemia.43,44 Rasburicase is recommended as develops in some patients and requires renal re-
first-line treatment for patients who are at high placement therapy (Table 3 in the Supplementary
risk for clinical tumor lysis syndrome.9 Because of Appendix). Although the indications for renal-
cost considerations and pending pharmacoeco- replacement therapy in patients with the tumor
nomic studies, no consensus has been reached on lysis syndrome are similar to those in patients with
rasburicase use in patients who are at intermediate other causes of acute kidney injury, somewhat
risk for the tumor lysis syndrome; some have ad- lower thresholds are used for patients with the
vocated use of a small dose of rasburicase in such tumor lysis syndrome because of potentially rapid
patients.45,46 Patients who are at low risk can usu- potassium release and accumulation, particularly
ally be treated with intravenous fluids with or in patients with oliguria. In patients with the tu-
without allopurinol, but they should be monitored mor lysis syndrome, hyperphosphatemia-induced
daily for signs of the tumor lysis syndrome. symptomatic hypocalcemia may also warrant di-
alysis. Phosphate removal increases as treatment
Prevention of cardiac dysrhythmias time increases, which has led some to advocate
and neuromuscular irritability the use of continuous renal-replacement therapies
Hyperkalemia remains the most dangerous com- in patients with the tumor lysis syndrome, includ-
ponent of the tumor lysis syndrome because it can ing continuous venovenous hemofiltration, con-
cause sudden death due to cardiac dysrhythmia. tinuous venovenous hemodialysis, or continuous
Patients should limit potassium and phosphorus venovenous hemodiafiltration.50 These methods
intake during the risk period for the tumor lysis of dialysis use filters with a larger pore size, which
syndrome.47 Frequent measurement of potassium allows more rapid clearance of molecules that are

1852 n engl j med 364;19 may 12, 2011

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current concepts

not efficiently removed by conventional hemodi- and those at low risk should undergo such moni-
alysis (Table 3 in the Supplementary Appendix). toring daily. Monitoring should continue over the
One study that compared phosphate levels among entire period during which the patient is at risk
adults who had acute kidney injury that was treat- for the tumor lysis syndrome, which depends on
ed with either conventional hemodialysis or con- the therapeutic regimen. In a protocol for acute
tinuous venovenous hemodiafiltration showed that lymphoblastic leukemia, which featured up-front,
continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration more ef- single-agent methotrexate treatment,53 new-onset
fectively reduced phosphate.51 Much less is known tumor lysis syndrome developed in some patients
about the dialytic clearance of uric acid, but in at day 6 or day 7 of remission-induction therapy
countries where rasburicase is available, hyperuri- (after the initiation of combination chemother-
cemia is seldom an indication for dialysis.40,44,52 apy with prednisone, vincristine, and daunoru-
In our patient, once the tumor lysis syndrome was bicin on day 5 and asparaginase on day 6).
identified, treatment with intravenous fluids,
phosphate binders, and rasburicase prevented Decreasing the rate of tumor lysis
the need for dialysis. Despite a potassium level with a treatment prephase
of 5.9 mmol per liter, he had no dysrhythmia or Patients at high risk for the tumor lysis syndrome
changes on electrocardiography, but had he pre- may also receive low-intensity initial therapy. Slow-
sented 1 day later, the tumor lysis syndrome may er lysis of the cancer cells allows renal homeo-
have proved fatal. static mechanisms to clear metabolites before they
accumulate and cause organ damage. This strate-
Monitoring gy, in cases of advanced B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lym-
Urine output is the key factor to monitor in pa- phoma or Burkitt’s leukemia, has involved treat-
tients who are at risk for the tumor lysis syndrome ment with low-dose cyclophosphamide, vincristine,
and in those in whom the syndrome has devel- and prednisone for a week before the start of in-
oped. In patients whose risk of clinical tumor lysis tensive chemotherapy. Similarly, many groups sub-
syndrome is non-negligible, urine output and fluid scribe to a week of prednisone monotherapy for
balance should be recorded and assessed frequent- childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
ly. Patients at high risk should also receive inten-
Supported in part by grants (CA21765 and U01 GM92666)
sive nursing care with continuous cardiac monitor- from the National Institutes of Health and by the American
ing and the measurement of electrolytes, creatinine, Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities.
and uric acid every 4 to 6 hours after the start of Dr. Howard reports receiving consulting fees from EnzymeRx
and Sanofi-Aventis.
therapy. Those at intermediate risk should un- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
dergo laboratory monitoring every 8 to 12 hours, the full text of this article at

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