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A Mini Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


T.BHAVANI (15UP1A0594)


Under the guidance of

Assistant Professor


(Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad)
Kondapur Village, Ghatkesar Mandal, Telangana, India



We hereby declare that project entitled “SENTIMENT ANALYSIS AND

OPINION MINING A SURVEY” is bonafide work duly completed by us. It does
not contain any part of the project or thesis submitted by any other candidate to this
or another institute of the university.
All such materials that have been obtained from other sources have been
duly acknowledged.


T.BHAVANI (15UP1A0594)



This is to certify that the these is work titled “SENTIMENT
N.USHARANI (15UP1A0577), T.BHAVANI (15UP1A0594),
B.ROOPASRI (15UP1A0559) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
and Engineering to the Vignan’s Institute of Management and Technology
for Women is a record of bonafide work carried out by them under my
guidance and supervision.
The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted to
any university for the award of any degree and the results are achieved


Head of the Department Assistant Professor
Vignan’s Institute of Management Vignan’s Institute of Management
And Technology for Women and Technology for Women

(External Examiner)

We would like to express sincere gratitude to Dr. P. Sudhakara Rao,

Principal, Vignan’s Institute of Management and Technology for Women for
his timely suggestions which helped us to complete the project in time.

We would also like to thank our madam Mrs. A. Gauthamilatha, Head of

the Department, Computer Science and Engineering, for providing us with
constant encouragement and resources which helped us to complete the project in

We would like to thank our project guide, Mr. T.Srajan Kumar, Assistant
professor, Computer Science and Engineering, for her timely cooperation and
valuable suggestions throughout the project. We are indebted to her for the
opportunity given to work under her guidance.

Our sincere thanks to all the teaching and non-teaching staff of Department
of Computer Science and Engineering for their support throughout our project


T.BHAVANI (15UP1A0594)



1.1. How Sentimental Analysis Works 2

1.2. Approaches For Feature- Based Opinion Mining 4



3.1. Existing System 7

3.2. Proposed System 7

3.3. System Requirements 8

3.3.1. Hardware Requirements 8

3.3.2. Hardware Requirements 8


4.1. Modules 9

4.2. Modules Description 9

4.2.1. Login Module 9

4.2.2. Sentiment Analysis 9

4.2.3. Customer feedback 10

4.2.4. Analyzing of neutral sentiments 10

4.3. Input Design 10

4.4. Output Design 11


5.1. Opinion Retrieval 13

5.2. Opinion Classification 13

5.3. Opinion Summarization 13


6.1. Technical Feasibility 15

6.2. Economic Feasibility 15

6.3. Operational Feasibility 15


7.1. Features of Java 16

7.1.1. Distributed 16

7.1.2. Robust 16

7.1.3. Secure 17

7.1.4. Architecture Neutral 17

7.1.5. Portable 17

7.1.6. Interpreted 18

7.1.7. High Performance 18

7.1.8. Multithreaded 18

7.2. The Java Framework 19

7.2.1. Java Packages 19

7.3. HTML Document 19

7.4. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 25

7.5. Servlet 27

7.6. Servlet Life Cycle 29


8.1. Data Flow Diagram 34

8.2. UML Diagrams 35

8.3. Use Case Diagram 35

8.4. Class Diagram 37

8.5. Sequence Diagram 38

9. SAMPLE CODE 39-48

9.1. Sample code for User Registration 39

9.2. Sample code for User Login 43

9.3. Sample code for Admin Login 46



11.1. Home Page 52

11.2. Product 53

11.3. Login Page 54

11.4. Register Page 55

11.5. Products 56

11.6. Product Rating 57

11.7. Admin Login 58

11.8. Admin Page 59

11.9. Product Registration 60

11.10. Products of Admin 61




Sentiment analysis, also called opinion mining, is the field of study that analyses
people’s opinions, sentiments, evaluations, appraisals, attitudes, and emotions towards
entities such as products, services, organizations, individuals, issues, events, topics, and their
attributes. Now a days’-commerce is well developed resource. People want to purchase items
from e-commerce sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, Snap deal, etc. They are purchasing the
goods through online based on the review ratings. Peoples are depending on the review
ratings for not only purchasing the goods but also for service providers such as hotels, shops,
restaurants, etc. To overcome from these problems I am providing a new technique called
content based opinion mining technique to provide perfect review rating of the service to the
user in my project. I am categorizing the opinion of the user based on the content which is
provided by the user.

Fig. 5.1 Architecture of Opinion Mining 14

Fig. 7.1 Servlets Architecture 28
Fig 9 Architecture Diagram 33
Fig 9.1 Data Flow Diagram 34
Fig 9.2.1 Use Case Diagram 36
Fig 9.2.2 Class Diagram 37
Fig 9.2.3 Sequence Diagram 38
Fig.11.1 Home Page 52
Fig.11.2 Product 53
Fig.11.3 Login Page 54
Fig.11.4 User Register 55
Fig.11.5 All Products 56
Fig.11.6 User Product Rating 57
Fig.11.7 Admin Login 58
Fig.11.8 Admin Page 59
Fig.11.9 Admin Product Registration 60
Fig.11.10 Admin Registered Products 61

Table 7.1 Creating and Using Sessions 31

Table 7.2 JavaBeans Properties 32
Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: A Survey MN15-B9

Sentiment analysis refers to determining the semantic orientation of an individual
opinion or the opinions of group of people over a particular context. Today’s World Wide
Web is not just a medium for communications, but has got a great influence on the society.
Internet has led a path to know others opinions and became a resource to perform our
activities such as online business, information acquisition, community operations etc. thus
these opinions have subjecting to show their impact on our decision making.

Many companies or organizations are depending on social media to gather

information of public opinions on their products/services. And so Technology has also been
advancing with the growing popularity of social media. As an example, today we have many
data marts available for extracting opinions from social media like face book insights, you
tube insights, twitter fire hose etc. these digital opinion data are being analyzed by the
organizations for their specific purpose using commercial social listening tools like Radian6,
Viralheat, SMR, Sysmos, which provides companies report, relevant text required to
company, sentiment of customer opinions, number of visitors, process of online workflow of

Thus the good number of companies large and small are having opinion mining and
sentiment analysis as part of their mission. And the profound applications of opinion mining
and sentiment analysis in areas like review related websites, sub component technology
(detection of flames, mentoring add services etc), business and government intelligence etc
has urged the research to gain its important rapidly.

The main objective of the sentiment analysis and opinion mining is to classify the
polarity of mined text opinions at document level or sentence level or feature or aspect based
level. That is to find out whether the polarity of opinionated text is positive or negative or

The possibility of automatically conducted consumers’ opinions analysis and the rules
of designing and building such systems for Polish language are crucial questions for
specialists in web marketing. In the paper theoretical and practical aspects of sentiment
analysis (also known as opinion mining) are discussed according to (Jansen, 2010) 58% of
Americans have looked for products’ or services’ opinions online and 24% of them have

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Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: A Survey MN15-B9

posted comments or opinions online about goods or services they have bought. Opinions
published online form a very significant source of information not only for customers but also
for companies. Huge distribution and colossal amount of online opinions and comments
cause that their manual analysis is not possible. Therefore various kinds of opinion analysis
automatization are performed. Computer-aided opinion analysis can be considered as a part
of computer-aided text analysis. But it is necessary to take into account the most important
feature of opinions: they are subjective. On account of subjectivity opinions differ from
objective information statements.

1.1 How Sentimental Analysis Works:

Preparing Review Database:

Reviews are extracted from different websites and then we can store those reviews
into storing into review database. Each website has its own structure. Web crawlers can be
used to download reviews. Web crawlers, also known as spiders or robots, are programs that
automatically download Web pages. A crawler can visit many sites to collect information that
can be analyzed and mined in a central. After this preprocessing is done where unwanted text
(other than product reviews) is removed and then reviews are stored into database.

Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS Tagging):

The aim feature based opinion mining is to find out product features and opinion
words (opinion words means words which express opinion). And then find polarity of
opinion word. In general, opinion words are adjectives and product features are nouns.
Consider following example

“This is good phone”

In above sentence, phone (product feature) is noun and good (opinion word) is
adjective. In part-of-speech (POS tagging), each word in review is tagged with its part- of-
speech (such as noun, adjective, adverb, verb etc.). After POS tagging now it is possible to
retrieve nouns as product features and adjectives as opinion words. There are different freely
available POS taggers like Stanford POS Tagger. Fig1 shows how above sentence will be
tagged using Stanford POS Tagger.

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Feature Extraction

In feature extraction, product features are extracted from each sentence. Product
features are generally nouns, so each noun is extracted from sentence. In review, features
may be mentioned explicitly or implicitly by the reviewer. Features which are mentioned ina
sentence directly are called as explicit features and features which are not mentioned directly
are called implicit features. For example,

“Battery Life of a phone is less”

In this sentence reviewer has mentioned battery life directly so it is explicit feature. It
is easy to extract such features. Now consider following sentence,

“This phone needs to charge many times in a day”

In this sentence reviewer is talking about battery of phone but it is not mentioned
directly in the sentence. So here battery is implicit feature. It is difficult to understand and
extract such features from sentence.

Opinion Word Extraction:

In opinion word extraction, opinion words are identified. If sentence contains one or
more product features and one or more opinion words, then the sentence is called an opinion
sentence. As stated above opinion words are generally adjectives.

Opinion Word Polarity Identification:

In opinion word polarity identification, semantic orientation of each opinion word is

identified. Semantic orientation means identifying whether opinion word is expressing
positive opinion, negative opinion or neutral opinion.
Opinion sentence polarity identification predicts the orientation of an opinion
sentence. Consider following sentence-

“This is not good phone”

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Above sentence contains opinion word ‘good’ which expresses positive opinion. But
sentence expresses negative opinion because of negation word ‘not’. Therefore after finding
opinion word polarity identification it is necessary to find polarity of opinion sentence. For
opinion sentence polarity identification a list of negation words such as ‘no’, ’not’, ’but’ etc.
can be prepared and negation rules can be formed. For example, if sentence contains odd
number of negation words then its polarity will be opposite of polarity opinion word in that
sentence. Otherwise sentence will have same polarity as that of polarity of opinion word in it.

Summary Generation:

Summary generation is generated after opinion sentence orientation identification.

This summary is based on features of product. With the help of information discovered in
previous steps summary can be generated. Summary can be generated in the form of tables or
graphs. A table or graph will give summary of all the reviews related to a product.

1.2 Approaches For Feature- Based Opinion Mining :

Statistical Approach:

It proposed a supervised information extraction system which extracts features and

associated opinions. They used frequency Bayesian classification technique to calculate
probability distribution. MI (Pointwise Mutual Information) algorithm uses mutual
information as measure of the strength of semantic association between two words. PMI-IR
uses Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) and Information Retrieval (IR)to measure the
similarity of pairs of words or phrases. This mantic orientation of a given phrase is calculated
by comparing its similarity to a positive reference word with its similarity to a negative
reference word.

Intelligent Feature Selection Approach:

The IFS approach uses a feature relation network. FRN utilizes two important
syntactic n-gram relations-(1) subsumption and (2) parallel. These two relations occur
between two n-gram features categories. IFS can be also combined with larger feature sets for
enhanced opinion-classification performance.

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Balamurali (2011) presents an innovative idea to introduce sense based sentiment

analysis. This implies shifting from lexeme feature space to semantic space i.e. from simple
words to their synsets. The works in Sentiment Analysis, for so long, concentrated on lexeme
feature space or identifying relations between words using parsing. The need for integrating
sense to Sentiment Analysis was the need of the hour due to the following scenarios, as
identified by the authors:

 A word may have some sentiment-bearing and some non-sentiment-bearing senses.

 There may be different senses of a word that bear sentiment of opposite polarity
 The same sense can be manifested by different words (appearing in the same synset)

Using sense as features helps to exploit the idea of sense/concepts and the hierarchical
structure of the WordNet. The following feature representations were used by the authors and
their performance were compared to that of lexeme based features:

 A group of word senses that have been manually annotated (M)

 A group of word senses that have been annotated by an automatic WSD (I)
 A group of manually annotated word senses and words (both separately as features)
(Sense + Words(M))
 A group of automatically annotated word senses and words (both separately as
features) (Sense + Words(I))

Sense + Words (M) and Sense + Words (I) were used to overcome non-coverage of
WordNet for some noun sunsets. The authors used sunset-replacement strategies to deal with
non-coverage, in case a sunset in test document is not found in the training documents. In that
case the target unknown sunset is replaced with its closest counterpart among the Word Net
sunsets by using some metric.

Support Vector Machines were used for classification of the feature vectors and
IWSD was used for automatic WSD. Extensive experiments were done to compare the
performance of the 4 feature representations with lexeme representation. Best performance,
in terms of accuracy, was obtained by using sense based SA with manual annotation (with an

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accuracy of 90.2 percent and an increase of 5.3 percent over the baseline accuracy) followed
by Sense(M), Sense + Words(I), Sense(I) and lexeme feature representation. LESK was
found to perform the best among the 3 metrics used in replacement strategies. One of the
reasons for improvements was attributed to feature abstraction and dimensionality reduction
leading to noise reduction. The work achieved its target of bringing a new dimension to
Sentiment Analysis by introducing sense based Sentiment Analysis.

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Since broadly identified existing sentiment analysis system are based on machine
learning methods. These machine learning methods often derive sentiment classification in
terms of binary labels (positive or negative). The common requirement of these methods
would be labeled data to train the classifier. Although these learning based methods have
ability to train the new data using labeled data and create trained models for different
domains and certain context, the availability of labeled data is a big drawback and the
implementation of method on new data becomes priory low. And moreover sentiment
analysis determined can be outright irrational with respect to an individual perception of
opinion at an instant of time (that is his/her opinion can be ironic or hyperbolic to a particular
context). And hence there is a drawback of not diluting the outliers (irrational opinions) from
the aggregate of opinion summarization in machine learning methods.

Disadvantages of Existing System:

 Most existing is optimized to detect attacks with high accuracy. However, they still
have various disadvantages that have been outlined in a number of publications and a
lot of work has been done to analyze in order to direct future research.
 Besides others, one drawback is the large amount of alerts produced.


The proposed system overcomes the drawback of cost of availability of labeled data
for different contexts and the lack of applicability of machine learning methods on new data
by employing content based approach.

Advantages of Proposed System:

 More detection accuracy

 Less false alarm

Accurate characterization for traffic behaviors and detection of known and unknown
attacks respectively.

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3.3.1 Hardware Requirements:


3.3.2. Software Requirements:

The software requirements document is the specification of the system. It should

include both a definition and a specification of requirements. It is a set of what the system
should do rather than how it should do it. The software requirements provide a basis for
creating the software requirements specification. It is useful in estimating cost, planning team
activities, performing tasks and tracking the teams.

 OPERATING SYSTEM : Windows XP / 2007/10


 BACK END : JAVA (Servlets, JDBC),



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 Login module

 Sentiment Analysis

 Customer feedback

 Analyzing of neutral sentiments


4.2.1 Login Module:

In this Module, the client initially gets registered by entering the required details and
creates a Login ID and password for getting authentication to the application .The Registered
details are stored in the Centralized MYSQL Database. The Client gets logged in to the
application through the Login Module. Then the Controller checks for Client Credentials and
provides Authentication to the Client. In the Similar manner, the Administrator/job manager
gets Registered with the application and provided authentication to view and process the
Client Requests.

4.2.2 Sentiment Analysis:

Once after the login/registration process of a user is completed, the user can check on
any issues on different products through keyword search by sending request to the
Centralized MYSQL Database via controller. Opinion mining and sentiment analysis the
controller after receiving the request from the client, it responds to the client with either top
ten Recent/Popular Comments posted by users on a particular issue.

Finally, the user is delivered with the individual sentiment of the comments and
summary generation of the overall sentiment of the comments. Thus, helping a user/client to
know about opinions of other user for decision-making purposes.

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4.2.3 Customer feedback:

Once after the login/registration process of a user is completed, the user can check for
the sentiment on any product reviews/feedback posted by the users in the application. These
users are able to view the number of people being interested towards the product and vice-
versa through the summary generation report delivered to the user.

4.2.3 Analyzing of neutral sentiments:

The admin has privilege to check for the possibility of status of neutral sentiments, if
they fall in either of positive category classification or negative category classification, since
neutral sentences may consist of words which might not include in the lexical resources. The
neutral sentence grabbed from Centralized MYSQL database is enormous and the syntactical
approach employed by users in quoting their opinions is not good enough.

4.3 Input Design:

The input design is the link between the information system and the user. It comprises
the developing specification and procedures for data preparation and those steps are
necessary to put transaction data in to a usable form for processing can be achieved by
inspecting the computer to read data from a written or printed document or it can occur by
having people keying the data directly into the system. The design of input focuses on
controlling the amount of input required, controlling the errors, avoiding delay, avoiding
extra steps and keeping the process simple. The input is designed in such a way so that it
provides security and ease of use with retaining the privacy. Input Design considered the
following things:

 What data should be given as input?

 How the data should be arranged or coded?
 The dialog to guide the operating personnel in providing input.
 Methods for preparing input validations and steps to follow when error occur.

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 Input Design is the process of converting a user-oriented description of the input into
a computer-based system. This design is important to avoid errors in the data input
process and show the correct direction to the management for getting correct
information from the computerized system.
 It is achieved by creating user-friendly screens for the data entry to handle large
volume of data. The goal of designing input is to make data entry easier and to be free
from errors. The data entry screen is designed in such a way that all the data
manipulates can be performed. It also provides record viewing facilities.
 When the data is entered it will check for its validity. Data can be entered with the
help of screens. Appropriate messages are provided as when needed so that the user
will not be in maize of instant. Thus the objective of input design is to create an input
layout that is easy to follow.

4.4 Output Design:

A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end user and presents the
information clearly. In any system results of processing are communicated to the users and to
other system through outputs. In output design it is determined how the information is to be
displaced for immediate need and also the hard copy output. It is the most important and
direct source information to the user. Efficient and intelligent output design improves the
system’s relationship to help user decision-making.

 Designing computer output should proceed in an organized, well thought out manner;
the right output must be developed while ensuring that each output element is
designed so that people will find the system can use easily and effectively. When
analysis design computer output, they should Identify the specific output that is
needed to meet the requirements.
 Select methods for presenting information.
 Create document, report, or other formats that contain information produced by the

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The output form of an information system should accomplish one or more of the
following objectives.

 Convey information about past activities, current status or projections of the

 Future.
 Signal important events, opportunities, problems, or warnings.
 Trigger an action.
 Confirm an action.

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Opinion Mining also called sentiment analysis is a process of finding user’s opinion
towards a topic or a product. Opinion mining concludes whether user’s view is positive,
negative, or neutral about product, topic, event etc. Opinion mining and summarization
process involve three main steps, first is Opinion Retrieval, Opinion Classification and
Opinion Summarization. Review Text is retrieved from review websites. Opinion text in
blog, reviews, comments etc. contains subjective information about topic. Reviews classified
as positive or negative review. Opinion summary is generated based on features opinion
sentences by considering frequent features about atopic.


It is the process of collecting review text from review websites. Different review
websites contain reviews for products, movies, hotels and news. Information retrieval
techniques such as web crawler can be applied to collect the review text data from many
sources and store them in database. This step involves retrieval of reviews, microblogs, and
comments of user.


Primary step in sentiment analysis is classification of review text. Given a review
document D = {d1…..d1} and predefined categories set C = {positive, negative}, sentiment
classification is to classify each di in D, with label expressed in C. The approach involves
classifying review text into two forms namely positive and negative. Machine learning and
lexicon based approach is more popular


Summarization of opinion is a major part in opinion mining process. Summary of
reviews provided should be based on features or subtopics that are mentioned in reviews.
Many works have been done on summarization of product reviews. The opinion
summarization process mainly involves the following two approaches. Feature based
summarization a type summarization involves finding of frequent terms (features) that are
appearing in many reviews. The summary is presented by selecting sentences that contain
particular feature information. Features present in review text can be identified using Latent

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Semantic Analysis (LSA) method. Term frequencies count of term occurrences in a

document. If a term has higher frequency it means that term is more import for summary
presentation. In many product reviews certain product features appear frequently and
associated with user opinions about it. Figure 3 have the architecture of Opinion Mining
which says how the input is being classified on various steps to summarize the reviews.


Fig. 5.1 Architecture of Opinion Mining

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Feasibility study is conducted once the problem is clearly understood. Feasibility

study is a high level capsule version of the entire system analysis and design process. The
objective is to determine quickly at a minimum expense how to solve a problem. The
purpose of feasibility is not to solve the problem but to determine if the problem is worth

The system has been tested for feasibility in the following points.

1. Technical Feasibility
2. Economic Feasibility
3. Operational Feasibility.


The project entitles "Courier Service System” is technically feasibility because of the
below mentioned feature. The project was developed in Java which Graphical User Interface.

It provides the high level of reliability, availability and compatibility. All these make
Java an appropriate language for this project. Thus the existing software Java is a powerful


The computerized system will help in automate the selection leading the profits and
details of the organization. With this software, the machine and manpower utilization are
expected to go up by 80-90% approximately. The costs incurred of not creating the system
are set to be great, because precious time can be wanted by manually.


In this project, the management will know the details of each project where he may be
presented and the data will be maintained as decentralized and if any inquires for that
particular contract can be known as per their requirements and necessaries.

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7.1.1. Distributed:

Java has an extensive library of routines for coping with TCP/IP protocols like HTTP
and FTP Java applications can open and access across the Net via URLs with the same ease
as when accessing local file system.

We have found the networking capabilities of Java to be both strong and easy to use.
Anyone who has tries to do Internet programming using another language will revel. How
simple Java makes onerous tasks will like opening a socket connection.

7.1.2. Robust:

Java is intended for writing programs that must be readable in a Variety ways. Java
puts a lot of emphasis on early checking for possible problems, later dynamic checking, and
eliminating situations that are error prone. The single biggest difference between Java has a
pointer model that eliminates the possibility of overwriting memory and corrupting data.
The Java compiler detects many problems that in other languages would only show up
at runtime. As for the second point, anyone who has spent hours chasing a memory leak cost
by a printer bug will be very happy with this feature of Java.
Java gives you the best of both worlds. You need not pointers for everyday constructs
like string and arrays. You have the power of pointers if you need it, for example, for like
lists. And you have always-complete safety, since you can never access a bad pointer or make
memory allocation errors.

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7.1.3. Secure:

Java is intended to be used in networked/distributed environment toward that end; a

lot of emphasis has been placed on security. Java enables the contraction of virus-free,
temper-free systems.

Here is a sample of what Java’s security features are supposed to keep a Java
programming from doing:

1. Overrunning the runtime stack.

2. Corrupting memory outside its own process space.

3. Reading or writing local files when invoked through a security-conscious class loader
like Web browser.

7.1.4 Architecture Neutral:

The compiler generates an architecture neutral object file format- the compiled code is
executable on many processors, given the presence of Java runtime system...The Java
compiler does this by generating byte code instructions which have nothing to do with a
particular computer architecture. Rather they were designed to be both easy to any machine
and easily translated into native machine code on the fly.

Twenty years ago, the UCSD Pascal system did the same thing in a commercial
product and, even before that, Nicholas Worth’s original implementation of Pascal used the
same approach. By using bytecodes, performance takes major hit. The designers of Java did
an excellent job developing a byte code instruction set those workers well on today’s most
common computer architectures. And the codes have been designed to translate easily into
actual machine instructions.

7.1.5 Portable:

Unlike C and C++, they are no "implementation dependent" aspects of the

specifications. The sizes of the primitive’s data types are specified, as is the behavior of
arithmetic on them.

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For example, an int in Java is always a 32-bit integer. In C/C++, int can mean a 16-bit
integer, a 32-bit integer, or any size the compiler vendor likes. The only restriction is that it
must have at least as many bytes int and cannot have more bytes than a long int.

The libraries that are a part of the system define portable interfaces. For example,
there is an abstract window class and implementations of it UNIX, Windows, and the

7.1.6 Interpreted:

The Java interpreters can execute Java byte codes directly on any machine to which
the interpreter has been ported. Since linking is a more incremental and lightweight process,
the development process can be much more rapid and explanatory.

One problem is that the JDK is fairly slow at compiling your source code to the
bytecodes that will, ultimately, be interpreted in the current version.

7.1.7. High Performance:

While the performance of interpreted bytecodes is usually more than adequate, there
are situations higher performance is required. The bytecodes can be translated on fly into
machine code for the particular CPU the application is running on.

Native code compilers for Java are not yet generally available. Instead there are just-
in-time (jit) compilers. These work by compiling the byte codes into native code once,
caching the results, and then calling them again, if needed. This speeds up code once,
catching the results, and calling them again, if needed. This speed up the loop tremendously
since once has to do the interpretation only once. Although still slightly slower than a true
native code compiler, just-in-time compilers can give you a 10-or even 20-fold speedup for
some programs and will almost always be significantly faster than the Java Interpreter.

7.1.8 Multithreaded:

In a number of ways, Java is more dynamic language than C or C++. It was designed
to adapt to an evolving environment. Libraries can freely add new methods and instance
variables without any effect on their clients.... In Java, finding out run time type information
is straightforward.

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This is an important feature in those situations where code needs to be added to a

running program. A prime example is code that is downloaded from the Internet to run in


The framework of java involves the following

7.2.1 Java Packages:

Packages are used in Java in order to prevent naming conflicts, to control access, to
make searching/locating and usage of classes, interfaces, enumerations and annotations
easier, etc.
A Package can be defined as a grouping of related types(classes, interfaces,
enumerations and annotations)Providing access protection and name space management.

Some of the existing packages in Java are:

 java.lang- bundles the fundamental classes

 - classes for input, output functions are bundled in this package
Programmers can define their own packages to bundle group of
classes/interfaces, etc. It is a good practice to group related classes implemented by
you so that a programmer can easily determine that the classes, interfaces,
Enumerations, annotations are related. Since the package creates a new namespace
there won't be any name conflicts with names in other packages. Using packages, it is
easier to provide access control and it is also easier to locate the related classed.

7.3. HTML Document:

Html document consists of html tags and some text.


1. Html tags are used to markup html element.

2. Html tags are surrounded by <and> Characters these characters are called as angler
3. Html tags always come in pairs. That is tags contain a starting tag and ending tags.

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4. The text in b/w the starting tag and ending tag is called as element content.
5. Html tags are free defined tags.
6. Html tags are not case sensitive. That the upper and lower document is html
7. The html tag <html> in a document represents. That the document is html document.
8. The entire html document must be written starting html tag <html> and ending html
9. Html document is divided into two sections.

(I) Head section:

This section is used to provide general information about the html doc. This section is
representing by <head>.
Ex: Title, Meta etc.
(II) Body section
This section is used to display text are images on the Browser. This section is
representing by <body>.
Html document structure:
Welcome to any web page
Html comments:
Comments are used to make the code name readable or they are used to explain the
HTML comments begins with <!--line one comment-->
EX :<!--line one comment -- >
<!--line one comment line two comments on no. of line comments -- >

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1. Attributes are used to provide additional information about the html elements tags.
2. The attributes must be specified in starting tags.
3. The attributes always come in pears.
Attribute name = attribute value
4. The attribute value can be enclosed with in single codes are double codes.
5. Every html tag can contain attribute.


It’s transfer “Extensible Markup Language”. It is a markup language that provide

environment to create cross platform compactable file. Cross platform compatibility means it
is not specific to any operating system, any H/W, any S/W and etc.

Xml is a standard given by ‘w3c’. To create tag based data.

Xml is called as “Mother language” using which we can create other markup
languages. Like wml, vml, and mml etc.

Xml is used to store and describe the data. Data means meaningful and
understandable information. Data can be stored in a text file or database or xml file.

Text file:

The text file can content formatted and unformatted data. It doesn’t show any
hierarchy among the data. It doesn’t show any relationships b/w the values. It doesn’t provide
any tools to check or verify the correctness of the data. The text files are sometime depended
on the output.


The database can content formatted data in the form of tables. In a database we
require a separate of a query language to operate on the data. Database has to be used in
language scale application. That data in a database is specific to the database s/w.

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Xml document contents only formatted data. Xml document shows hierarchy among
the data. Xml document is a cross platform document. Xml provides tools like xml engine,
xml parser to check verify to correctness of the data in an xml document. It doesn’t require
any query language for manipulating the data. Xml can use to store data in small scale

Java Script

1. Java script is the most popular scripting language used one the internet. Its works all
the browsers. Like internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome etc.
2. Java script is designed to interact with the html document.
3. Java script code can be embedded into the html documents.
4. Java script is an interpreted language.


Java and java script are two different language designed for two different purpose.

Uses of java script code:

1. Java script can be used to place dynamic content in the html document.
2. Java script can be used to read and modify the content of an html element.
3. Java script can be used to validate the form data before it is submitted to the server.
This is called as “client side validations”.
4. Java script can be used to detect the user’s browser at runtime.
5. Java script can be used to store and retrieve the information from the clients machine.
6. Java script can react to events.
7. To write the java script code in the html document. We have to use <script>. The java
script code has to place in b/w <script> only.
8. To specify the <script> contains java script code. We take help of type attribute must
be <script type = “text/JavaScript”>
9. The <script> can be placed either in head section or body section or both sections.

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<title>java script</title>
<script type = “text/java script”>
document.write(“welcome to my web site”);

The document. Write is the standard JavaScript command to display a message on the
browser. The data which is specified inside the write function will be displayed as it is on the

Java script functions:

When a java script code is written inside a <script> it will be executed immediately.
When the html document is loaded on to the browser but sometimes we want to do this we
need to take this support of a function.

Java script variables:

The variables can be used to hold a value or and expression. The variable name must
begin with either an alphabet or an underscore symbol. Java script doesn’t contain any data
types. To declare a variable in the java script we are use ‘Var’ (variable).A variable of java
script can contain any kind of data and the string data must be enclose in (““) double codes.

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Java script operators:

1. Arithmetic operators:

These operators are used to perform then mathematical calculations. The various
Arithmetic operators are Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), Division (/),
Modules (%), Increment (++), and Decrement (--)

2. Relational operators:

These operators are used for comparing the values. These operators can also be called as
comparison operators. The various relational operators are less than, less than are equals,
greater than, greater than are equal, equals, not equals (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=).

3. Logical operators:
These operators are used to combine the conditions or used to compliment the result. The
various logical operators are AND (&), OR (|), and NOT (!).

4. Conditional operators:
This operator is also called as ternary operator and it is used to perform some
operators based on a condition. The conditional operator is? and; (question mark, semicolon).
first = (x>y)? x:y;
if (x>y)
first = x;
first = y;
5. Assignment operators:
This operator is used to assign a value to a variable. The various assignment operator
are assignment (=), compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=).

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Its stands for “cascading style sheets”. CSS is used to define styles how to display the
html element. The styles how to display the html element.

1. Inline styles
2. Internal styles
3. External styles

Inline styles:

If the styles are specified inside the tag then styles are called as inline styles. These
styles are applied to only that tag in which they are specified.


<h1 style = “color:blue; text-align:center;”> XYZ ltd </h1>

<h1 style = “color:red; font-family: arial;”> ABC LTD </h1>
<p style = “color:blue; font-style: italic; margin-left: 45t;”> this is a para</p>

<p style = “font-size: 22pt;”> second para</p>

<hr style = “color:green;”/>

Internal styles:

If the styles are specified with in the html document by using <style> then those styles
are called as internal styles. The internal styles will be applied to all the tags available in that
html document.
<style type = “text/css”>

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External Style:

If the styles are specified outside the html document then those styles are called as
external styles. The styles available externally can be applied to all the tags available in
multiple html documents.

The external styles stored outside the html document. Must be saved with any name
(.) dot having.css as the extension.

font-family:arial; Styles.css

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To use external style sheets within the html document we take help of <link>. The
<link> must be specified in the need section of the html document.


<link type = “text/css” rel = “stylesheet” href = “styles.css”/>

In the html document we can write all the types of styles. But the preference followed
by the browser in displaying the html elements is

1. Inline styles
2. External styles
3. Browser Default styles
4. Internal styles


Java Servlets are programs that run on a Web or Application server and act as a
middle layer between a requests coming from a Web browser or other HTTP client and
databases or applications on the HTTP server.

Using Servlets, you can collect input from users through web page forms, present
records from a database or another source, and create web pages dynamically.

Java Servlets often serve the same purpose as programs implemented using the
Common Gateway Interface (CGI). But Servlets offer several advantages in comparison with
the CGI.

 Performance is significantly better.

 Servlets execute within the address space of a Web server. It is not necessary to create
a separate process to handle each client request.
 Servlets are platform-independent because they are written in Java.

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 Java security manager on the server enforces a set of restrictions to protect the
resources on a server machine. So servlets are trusted.
 The full functionality of the Java class libraries is available to a servlet. It can
communicate with applets, databases, or other software via the sockets and RMI
mechanisms that you have seen already.


Following diagram shows the position of Servlets in a Web Application.

Servlets perform the following major tasks:

 Read the explicit data sent by the clients (browsers). This includes an HTML form on
a Web page or it could also come from an applet or a custom HTTP client program.
 Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by the clients (browsers). This includes
cookies, media types and compression schemes the browser understands, and so forth.
 Process the data and generate the results. This process may require talking to a
database, executing an RMI or CORBA call, invoking a Web service, or computing
the response directly.
 Send the explicit data (i.e., the document) to the clients (browsers). This document
can be sent in a variety of formats, including text (HTML or XML), binary (GIF
images), Excel, etc.

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 Send the implicit HTTP response to the clients (browsers). This includes telling the
browsers or other clients what type of document is being returned (e.g., HTML),
setting cookies and caching parameters, and other such tasks.

Servlets Packages:

Java Servlets are Java classes run by a web server that has an interpreter that supports
the Java Servlet specification.

Servlets can be created using the javax.servlet and javax.servlet. Http packages,
which are a standard part of the Java's enterprise edition, an expanded version of the Java
class library that supports large-scale development projects.

These classes implement the Java Servlets and JSP specifications. At the time of
writing this tutorial, the versions are Java Servlets 2.5 and JSP 2.1.

Java Servlets have been created and compiled just like any other Java class. After you
install the Servlets packages and add them to your computer's Classpath, you can compile
servlet with the JDK's Java compiler or any other current compiler.


A servlet life cycle can be defined as the entire process from its creation till the
destruction. The following are the paths followed by a servlet

 The servlet is initialized by calling the init () method.

 The servlet calls service () method to process a client's request.
 The servlet is terminated by calling the destroy () method.
 Finally, servlet is garbage collected by the garbage collector of the JVM.

The init() method

The init method is designed to be called only once. It is called when the servlet is first
created, and not called again for each user request. So, it is used for one-time initializations,
just as with the init method of applets.

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The servlet is normally created when a user first invokes a URL corresponding to the
servlet, but you can also specify that the servlet be loaded when the server is first started.

When a user invokes a servlet, a single instance of each servlet gets created, with each
user request resulting in a new thread that is handed off to doGet or doPost as appropriate.
The init() method simply creates or loads some data that will be used throughout the life of
the servlet.

The service () method:

The service () method is the main method to perform the actual task. The servlet
container (i.e. web server) calls the service () method to handle requests coming from the
client (browsers) and to write the formatted response back to the client.

Each time the server receives a request for a servlet, the server spawns a new thread
and calls service. The service() method checks the HTTP request type (GET, POST, PUT,
DELETE, etc.) and calls doGet, doPost, doPut, doDelete, etc. methods as appropriate.

The service () method is called by the container and service method invokes doGe,
doPost, doPut, doDelete, etc. methods as appropriate. So you have nothing to do with service
() method but you override either doGet() or doPost() depending on what type of request you
receive from the client.

The destroy () method:

The destroy () method is called only once at the end of the life cycle of a servlet. This
method gives your servlet a chance to close database connections, halt background threads,
write cookie lists or hit counts to disk, and perform other such cleanup activities.

After the destroy () method is called, the servlet object is marked for garbage


 Without session management, each time a client makes a request to a server, it’s a
brand new user with a brand new request from the server’s point of view.

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 A session refers to the entire interaction between a client and a server from the time of
the client’s first request, which generally begins the session, to the time the session is
 The session could be terminated by the client’s request, or the server could
automatically close it after a certain period of time.


 You will get the session from the HttpServletResponse interface.


Method Description

public HttpSessiongetSession() Will cause one session to be created.

public HttpSessiongetSession(boolean) true = will cause one to be created;

false = will return null (no session)

 Cookies are sent in the header part of an HTTP message, so they must be set in the
response prior to writing any data to the response.

A JavaBean is a specially constructed Java class written in the Java and coded
according to the JavaBeans API specifications.
Following are the unique characteristics that distinguish a JavaBean from other Java
 It provides a default, no-argument constructor.
 It should be Serializable and implement the Serializable interface.
 It may have a number of properties which can be read or written.
 It may have a number of "getter" and "setter" methods for the properties.

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JavaBeans Properties:

A JavaBean property is a named attribute that can be accessed by the user of the
object. The attribute can be of any Java data type, including classes that you define.

A JavaBean property may be read, write, read only, or write only. JavaBean
properties are accessed through two methods in the JavaBean's implementation class:

Method Description
getPropertyName() For example, if property name is firstName, your method
name would be getFirstName() to read that property. This
method is called accessor.
setPropertyName() For example, if property name is firstName, your method
name would be setFirstName() to write that property.
This method is called mutator.

 A read-only attribute will have only a getPropertyName() method, and a write-only

attribute will have only a setPropertyName() method.

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Design of software involves conceiving, planning out and specifying the externally
observable characteristics of the software product. We have data design, architectural design
and user interface design in the design process. These are explained in the following section.
The goal of design process is to provide a blue print for implementation, testing and
maintenance activities

Fig 9 Architecture Diagram

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The DFD is also called as bubble chart. It is a simple graphical formalism that can be
used to represent a system in terms of input data to the system, various processing carried out
on this data, and the output data is generated by this system.

The data flow diagram (DFD) is one of the most important modeling tools. It is used
to model the system components. These components are the system process, the data used by
the process, an external entity that interacts with the system and the information flows in the

DFD shows how the information moves through the system and how it is modified by
a series of transformations. It is a graphical technique that depicts information flow and the
transformations that are applied as data moves from input to output.

Data Flow Diagram

Fig 9.1 Data Flow Diagram

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UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. UML is a standardized general-purpose
modeling language in the field of object-oriented software engineering. The standard is
managed, and was created by, the Object Management Group.
The goal is for UML to become a common language for creating models of object
oriented computer software. In its current form UML is comprised of two major components:
a Meta-model and a notation. In the future, some form of method or process may also be
added to; or associated with, UML.
The Unified Modeling Language is a standard language for specifying, Visualization,
Constructing and documenting the artifacts of software system, as well as for business
modeling and other non-software systems.
The UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven
successful in the modeling of large and complex systems.
The UML is a very important part of developing objects oriented software and the
software development process. The UML uses mostly graphical notations to express the
design of software projects.
The Primary goals in the design of the UML are as follows:
 Provide users a ready-to-use, expressive visual modeling Language so that they can
develop and exchange meaningful models.
 Provide extendibility and specialization mechanisms to extend the core concepts.
 Be independent of particular programming languages and development process.
 Provide a formal basis for understanding the modeling language.
 Encourage the growth of OO tools market.
 Support higher level development concepts such as collaborations, frameworks,
patterns and components.
 Integrate best practices.

8.3 Use Case Diagram:

A use case diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of behavioral
diagram defined by and created from a Use-case analysis. Its purpose is to present a graphical
overview of the functionality provided by a system in terms of actors, their goals (represented

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as use cases), and any dependencies between those use cases. The main purpose of a use case
diagram is to show what system functions are performed for which actor. Roles of the actors
in the system can be depicted.

Fig 9.2.1 Use Case Diagram

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8.4 Class Diagram:

In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is
a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the
system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among the
classes. It explains which class contains information.

Fig 9.2.2 Class Diagram

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8.5 Sequence Diagram:

A sequence diagram in Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a kind of interaction

diagram that shows how processes operate with one another and in what order. It is a
construct of a Message Sequence Chart. Sequence diagrams are sometimes called event
diagrams, event scenarios, and timing diagrams.

Fig 9.2.3 Sequence Diagram

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9.1 Sample code for User Registration:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


<%@page import="java.util.*" %>

<%@page import="info.mining.*" %>

<html xmlns="">


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>Sentimental Analasys</title>

<meta name="keywords" content="" />

<meta name="description" content="" />

<link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />



color: #32CD32;

font-size: 18px;

font-family: cursive;

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color: blue;

font-size: 16px;




<div id="header">

<div id="logo">




<div id="menu">


<li class="active"><a href="index.jsp" accesskey="1"






<div class="mainDiv">

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<h2>Register Here</h2>


<form name="rf" method="POST" action="suds" onsubmit="return validateForm()" >

<table style="" cellspacing="15px" background="images/img02.jpg">


<td><input type="text" name="fname" size="35" required

placeholder="First Name" style="padding: 4px">


<input type="text" size="30" style="padding: 4px" name="lname"

required placeholder="Last Name"></td>



<td><input type="text" name="mail" required size="35"

placeholder="user-name/mail-id" style="padding: 4px">




<td><input type="password" name="pwd" size="35"

placeholder="choose password" style="padding: 4px"></td>



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<td><input type="password" style="padding: 4px" name="rpwd" required placeholder="re-

enter password" size="35"></td>



<td><input type="text" name="mob" required size="35"

placeholder="mobile number" style="padding: 4px">




<td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit"

value="Register" style="padding-right: 12px;padding-left: 12px;padding-bottom:
7px;padding-top: 7px">

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="reset" value="Clear"

style="padding-right: 14px;padding-left: 14px;padding-bottom: 7px;padding-top: 7px"></td>







<div id="footer">

<p>(c) For College. All rights reserved. </p>


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9.2 Sample code for User Login:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


<%@page import="java.util.*" %>

<%@page import="info.mining.*" %>

<html xmlns="">


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>Sentimental Analasys</title>

<meta name="keywords" content="" />

<meta name="description" content="" />

<link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />



color: #32CD32;

font-size: 18px;

font-family: cursive;

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color: blue;

font-size: 16px;




<div id="header">

<div id="logo">




<div id="menu">


<li class="active"><a href="index.jsp" accesskey="1"






<div class="mainDiv">

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<h2> Login Here</h2><br/><br/>

<form action="lcs" method="post">

<table style="" cellspacing="10px" bgcolor="#6495ED">


<td align="left">User Name/Email :</td>

<td><input type="text" name="uname" size="25" required

style="padding: 4px"></td>



<td align="left">Password :</td>

<td><input type="password" name="pwd" required size="25"

style="padding: 4px"></td>



<td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Login"

style="background-color: ;padding-right: 12px;padding-left: 12px;padding-bottom:
7px;padding-top: 7px">

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="reset" value="Clear"

style="background-color:;padding-right: 12px;padding-left: 12px;padding-bottom:
7px;padding-top: 7px"></td>




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<a href="UserRegister.jsp">New user Register here</a>



<div id="footer">

<p>(c) For College. All rights reserved. </p>




9.3 Sample code for Admin Login:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Sentimental Analasys</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
color: #32CD32;
font-size: 22px;

font-family: cursive;

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color: blue;
font-size: 16px;

<div id="header">
<div id="logo">
<div id="menu">
<li class="active"><a href="index.jsp" accesskey="1"
<li><a href="rpds" accesskey="3" title="">Products</a></li>
<li><a href="logout" accesskey="3" title="">Logout</a></li>

<hr />
<!-- end page -->
<hr />

<div class="mainDiv">

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<pq> welcome to </pq><pp> ${uname} (admin)</pp><br/><br/><br/><br/>

<li><a href="ProductRegistration.jsp">Product Registration</a></li><br/>
<li><a href="DeleteProduct.jsp">Delete the product</a></li><br/>

<hr />
<div id="footer">
<p>(c) For College. All rights reserved. </p></div></body></html>

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The testing phase is an important part of software development. It is the process of

finding errors and missing operations and also a complete verification to determine whether
the objectives are met and the user requirements are satisfied.

Software testing is carried out in three steps:

The first includes unit testing, where in each module is tested to provide its
correctness, validity and also determine any missing operations and to verify whether the
objectives have been met. Errors are noted down and corrected immediately. Unit testing is
the important and major part of the project. So errors are rectified easily in particular module
and program clarity is increased. In this project entire system is divided into several modules
and is developed individually. So unit testing is conducted to individual modules.

The second step includes Integration testing. It need not be the case, the software
whose modules when run individually and showing perfect results, will also show perfect
results when run as a whole. The individual modules are clipped under this major module and
tested again and verified the results. This is due to poor interfacing, which may results in data
being lost across an interface. A module can have inadvertent, adverse effect on any other or
on the global data structures, causing serious problems.

The final step involves validation and testing which determines which the software
functions as the user expected. Here also some modifications were. In the completion of the
project it is satisfied fully by the end user

Maintenance and Enhancement:

AS the number of computer based systems, grieve libraries of computer software

began to expand. In house developed projects produced tones of thousand soft program
source statements. Software products purchased from the outside added hundreds of
thousands of new statements. A dark cloud appeared on the horizon. All of these programs,
all of those source statements-had to be corrected when false were detected, modified as user
requirements changed, or adapted to new hardware that was purchased. These activities were
collectively called software Maintenance.

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The maintenance phase focuses on change that is associated with error correction,
adaptations required as the software's environment evolves, and changes due to enhancements
brought about by changing customer requirements. Four types of changes are encountered
during the maintenance phase.

 Correction
 Adaptation
 Enhancement
 Prevention
 Correction

Even with the best quality assurance activities is lightly that the customer will
uncover defects in the software. Corrective maintenance changes the software to correct

Maintenance is a set of software Engineering activities that occur after software has
been delivered to the customer and put into operation. Software configuration management is
a set of tracking and control activities that began when a software project begins and
terminates only when the software is taken out of the operation.

We may define maintenance by describing four activities that are undertaken after a
program is released for use:

 Corrective Maintenance
 Adaptive Maintenance
 Perfective Maintenance or Enhancement
 Preventive Maintenance or reengineering

Only about 20 percent of all maintenance work are spent "fixing mistakes". The
remaining 80 percent are spent adapting existing systems to changes in their external
environment, making enhancements requested by users, and reengineering an application for


Over time, the original environment (E>G., CPU, operating system, business rules,

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Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: A Survey MN15-B9

external product characteristics) for which the software was developed is likely to change.
Adaptive maintenance results in modification to the software to accommodate change to its
external environment.


As software is used, the customer/user will recognize additional functions that will
provide benefit. Perceptive maintenance extends the software beyond its original function


Computer software deteriorates due to change, and because of this, preventive

maintenance, often called software re-engineering, and must be conducted to enable the
software to serve the needs of its end users. In essence, preventive maintenance makes
changes to computer programs so that they can be more easily corrected, adapted, and

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Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: A Survey MN15-B9


11.1 Home Page:

Fig.11.1 Home Page

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11.2 Product:

Fig.11.2 Product

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11.3 Login Page:

Fig.11.3 Login Page

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11.4 Register Page:

Fig.11.4 User Register

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11.5 Products:

Fig.11.5 All Products

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11.6 Product Rating:

Fig.11.6 User Product Rating

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11.7 Admin Login:

Fig.11.7 Admin Login

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11.8 Admin Page

Fig.11.8 Admin Page

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11.9 Product Registration:

Fig.11.9 Admin Product Registration

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11.10 Products of Admin:

Fig.11.10 Admin Registered Products

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It is difficult to overestimate the importance of computer-aided opinion analysis solutions.

Individual consumers search for online opinions using standard search engines manually.
Time requirements of manual searching causes that this solution is not attractive for
companies which are interested in massive and automatic opinion searching and opinion

Large number of approaches to automatic text analysis causes that the choice of right
alternative may be difficult. Literature research and authors’ experience show that in opinion
mining field the following factors have an influence on methods and tools which are used for
opinion mining:

 expected effectiveness – it seems that machine learning and sentence-based solutions

have higher effectiveness than solutions based on frequency matrix or regular
 Time for designing and implementation process – traditional models based on bag-of-
words representation are favored,
 Domain characteristic – for narrow fields of interests it is possible to design simple
mining methods; for broad domains more complex and more advanced solutions
must be used,
 cost of system designing and implementation – more advanced solutions require
greater expenditures.

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An opinion word can express different meaning when used in different domains and
might raise disambiguous complex problems, which lead to misclassification by the
classifier. And also translation of any native languages like Chinese, Arabic, and other
European languages into machine languages is a complex process for linguistic approaches.
Solving this problem is a good challenge for opinion mining and sentiment analysis and
hence future work is progressing in this area of new classification algorithms and linguistic

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