Aysegul Yildiz, Pedro Ruiz, Charles Nemeroff - The Bipolar Book - Neurobiology, and Treatment (2015) PDF

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H I S T O R Y, N E U R O B I O L O G Y, A N D T R E AT M E N T


Ayşegül Yildiz, MD
Pedro Ruiz, MD
Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The bipolar book : history, neurobiology, and treatment / edited by Ayşegül Yildiz, Pedro Ruiz, and Charles B. Nemeroff.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978–0–19–930053–2 (alk. paper)
I.  Yildiz, Ayşegül, editor.  II. Ruiz, Pedro, 1936– , editor.  III.  Nemeroff, Charles B., editor.
[DNLM: 1. Bipolar Disorder. WM 207]

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To our patients, to the giants in the field whose shoulders we have stood on, and to our students and junior
colleagues. All of these individuals have taught us and in some fashion helped make this book possible.
A.Y. and P.R. and C.B.N.

To my mother Zekiye Yıldız and sister Sultan Tınastepe for their unconditional love and support and to my
mentors Perry F. Renshaw, Kamil Uğurbil, and especially Gary S. Sachs for their guidance and encourage-
ment in my quest of science and research.

To my wife Angela and my four grand kids who have always being a source of inspiration for me.

To my wife Gayle and our children Sarah Frances, Ross, Amanda and Michael for their ongoing support
and love.

Preface  xi 9. Cellular Resilience and Neurodegeneration and

Contributors  xiii Their Impact on the Treatment of Bipolar
Disorder  105
Gabriel Rodrigo Fries and Flávio Kapczinski
10. Immune Mechanisms and Inflammation and Their
S E C T ION   I Treatment Impact  115
C L I N IC A L PR E S E N TAT I O N Alice Russell, Carmine M. Pariante, and
Valeria Mondelli
1. History of Bipolar Manic-Depressive Disorder  3 11. Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, and Their Treatment
Ross J. Baldessarini, Jesús Pérez, Paola Salvatore, Impact  127
Katharina Trede, and Carlo Maggini Joshua Z. Tal and Michelle Primeau
2. Update on Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and 12. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and
Correlates of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder  21 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis and Their
Kathleen R. Merikangas and Diana Paksarian Treatment Impact  137
3. Presentation, Clinical Course, and Diagnostic Michael Bauer and Timothy Dinan
Assessment of Bipolar Disorder  35 13. Translating Biomarkers and Biomolecular
Erica Snook, Keitha Moseley-Dendy, and Treatments to Clinical Practice: Assessment of
Robert M. A. Hirschfeld Hypothesis-Driven Clinical Trial Data  149
4. Differential Diagnosis and Bipolar Spectrum Disorders  49 Marcus V. Zanetti, Alexandre Loch, and
Jean-Michel Azorin and Raoul Belzeaux Rodrigo Machado-Vieira
5. Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder in Children and
Adolescents  61 Part II:  Genetic
Andrew J. Freeman, Kiki Chang, and 14. The Apple and the Tree: What Family and
Eric A. Youngstrom Offspring Studies of Bipolar Disorder Show About
6. Effects of Public Awareness and Stigmatization on Mechanisms of Risk and Prevention  171
Accurate and Timely Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder 73 Guillermo Perez Algorta, Anna Van Meter, and
Giampaolo Perna, Tatiana Torti, and Alessandra Alciati Eric A. Youngstrom
15. The Emerging Genetics of Bipolar Disorder  181
Roy H. Perlis

S E C T ION   I I Part III:  Cognition

I N S I G H T S O N PAT HOPH Y S I OL O G Y 16. Cognitive Impairments and Everyday Disability in
A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S Bipolar Illness  191
Colin A. Depp, Alexandrea L. Harmell, and
Part I:  Molecular Biology Philip D. Harvey
7. Oxidative Damage and Its Treatment Impact  83
Gislaine Tezza Rezin and Ana Cristina Andreazza Part IV:  Neuroimaging
8. The Role of Signal Transduction Systems in the 17. Structural and Functional Magnetic Resonance
Pathophysiology and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder  93 Imaging Findings and Their Treatment Impact  205
Richard S. Jope, Eleonore Beurel, Marta Pardo, Marguerite Reid Schneider, David E. Fleck,
Erika Abrial, and Charles B. Nemeroff James C. Eliassen, and Stephen M. Strakowski

18. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Findings and 29. Neurological, Cognitive, and Neuroprotective
Their Treatment Impact  225 Effects of Treatments Used in Bipolar Disorder  403
Marsal Sanches, Frank K. Hu, and Jair C. Soares Janusz K. Rybakowski
19. The Use of Molecular Imaging to Investigate Bipo- 30. Treatment-Induced Mood Instability: 
lar Disorder: Findings and Treatment Implications  239 Treatment-Emergent Affective Switches and
Allison Greene, Christopher Bailey, and Cycle Acceleration  417
Alexander Neumeister Renrong Wu, Keming Gao, Joseph R. Calabrese, and
Heinz Grunze
Part V:  Postmortem Studies
20. Postmortem Findings in Bipolar Disorder  253 Part IV:  Psychotherapy
Dost Öngür 31. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychoeducation  435
Dina Popovic, Jan Scott, and Francesc Colom
32. Family-Focused Therapy, Interpersonal and Social
Rhythm Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy  445
S E C T ION   I I I Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington, Stephanie Roberts, and
C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S Louisa G. Sylvia

Part V:  Comorbidity

Part I:  Pharmacological Treatments 33. Nature and Management of Co-occurring Psychiat-
21. Treatment of Mania  263 ric Illnesses in Bipolar Disorder Patients: Focus on
Paul E. Keck, Susan L. McElroy, and Ayşegül Yildiz Anxiety Syndromes  457
Gustavo H. Vázquez, Leonardo Tondo, and
22. Pharmacological Treatment Bipolar Depression  281
Ross J. Baldessarini
Keming Gao, Renrong Wu, Heinz Grunze, and
Joseph R. Calabrese 34. Management of Cyclothymia and Comorbid
Personality Disorders  471
23. Maintenance Treatments in Bipolar Disorder  299
Giulio Perugi and Giulia Vannucchi
Paul A. Kudlow, Danielle S. Cha, Roger S. McIntyre,
and Trisha Suppes 35. Management of Comorbid Substance or Alcohol Abuse  487
Ihsan Salloum and Pedro Ruiz
24. Improving Early Diagnosis: An Unmet Need for
Early Intervention in Bipolar Disorders  319 36. Medical Comorbidity in Bipolar Disorder  497
Gabriele Sani and Giacomo Salvadore Jelena Vrublevska and Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis
25. Alternative and Complementary Treatments for
Bipolar Disorder  345 Part VI:  Suicidality
Janet Wozniak 37. Clinical Management of Suicidal Risk 509
Leonardo Tondo and Ross J. Baldessarini
Part II:  Somatic Nonpharmacological
Treatments Part VII:  Pregnancy and Lactation
26. Electroconvulsive Therapy and Bipolar Disorder  367 38. Management of Bipolar Disorder During
Lauren S. Liebman, Gabriella M. Ahle, Pregnancy and Lactation  531
Mimi C. Briggs, and Charles H. Kellner Julie Hyman and D. Jeffrey Newport
27. Neuromodulative Treatments for Bipolar
Disorder: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Part VIII:  Children and Adolescents
Stimulation, Vagus Nerve Stimulation, and
Deep Brain Stimulation  377 39. Management of Bipolar Disorder in Children and
Adolescents  547
Christina Switala, Sabrina Maria Gippert, Sarah Kayser,
Bettina Heike Bewernick, and Thomas Eduard Schlaepfer Luis R. Patino, Nina R. McCune, and
Melissa P. DelBello
Part III:  Adverse Treatment Effects
Part IX:  Elderly
28. Management of Metabolic and Endocrine Effects of
Medications Used to Treat Bipolar Disorders  393 4 0. Bipolar Disorder in the Elderly  569
Richard Balon Elizabeth A. Crocco, Samir Sabbag, and
Rosie E. Curiel

v i i i   •   C ontents
S E C T ION   I V 43. Challenges in Designing Reliable and Feasible
F U T U R E R E S E A RC H Trials for Treatment of Bipolar Disorder  623
Robert M. Post and Ayşegül Yildiz
41. Placebo Response in Clinical Trials of Bipolar 4 4. Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials  639
Disorder: Potential Causes, Potential Solutions  585 Fan Wu, Eric B. Laber, and Emanuel Severus
Bret R. Rutherford, Steven P. Roose, and 45. Traditional and Novel Research Synthesis
Jane M. Tandler Approaches to Support Evidence-Based Treatment
42. Strategies for Improving Randomized Trial Decisions  649
Evidence for Treatment of Bipolar Disorder  599 Levente Kriston and Ayşegül Yildiz
Ayşegül Yildiz, Juan Undurraga, Eduard Vieta,
Dina Popovic, Sarah Wooderson, and Allan H. Young Index  673

C ontents   •   i x
Charles B. Nemeroff, Ayşegül Yildiz, Pedro Ruiz

Bipolar disorder, one of the major and most severe psy- standard of treatment, is a case in point. The good news is
chiatric disorders, remains a key focus of clinical practice that we are actually quite good at managing acute mania
and research. This volume is a testimony to the remark- with a combination of mood stabilizers and antipsychot-
able progress we have made in understanding this group ics; the bad news is that the treatment of bipolar depression
of disorders, as well as highlighting the substantial gaps remains a significant challenge in spite of novel approved
in our knowledge. For the psychiatric disorder with the treatments including lamotrigine, lurasidone, and que-
greatest genetic contribution to disease vulnerability, tiapine. The role of antidepressants in the management of
we are only now beginning to identify its molecular and bipolar depression remains controversial. Unfortunately,
genetic underpinnings as, for example, exemplified by the many patients do not achieve remission and some only for
recent genome-wide association study findings of novel brief periods. The precise role of psychotherapy and, most
single nucleotide polymorphisms (Muhleisen et al., 2014; important, what form of psychotherapy remains a much
Nurnberger et  al., 2014). The precise neurobiological heated topic of debate. We would also be remiss if we did
mechanisms by which these and other genetic variations not address the controversy associated with diagnosis of
lower the threshold for bipolar disorder remain obscure. bipolar disorder with some suggesting that the diagnosis is
In addition to the profound genetic influence on disease used too freely—that is, overdiagnosis as the fundamental
vulnerability is the recent finding that similar to major problem of including individuals who are no more than
depression and posttraumatic stress disorder, early adverse hyperthymic—and others who claim that the disorder is
life experiences, such as child abuse and neglect, increase terribly underdiagnosed, especially in patients diagnosed
both the risk for development of bipolar disorder and wors- with unipolar major depression. In our view, both schools
ens its course—including an earlier age of onset and more of thought are undoubtedly correct.
severe course (Gilman et  al., 2014; Nemeroff & Binder, We are grateful to the authors, all world authorities in
2014). In many ways, bipolar disorder is indeed the quint- bipolar disorder, who agreed to contribute to this book.
essential gene × environment driven complex medical dis- Its purpose simply is to provide a relatively comprehen-
order. There are a myriad of unresolved issues related to sive update on bipolar disorder that will fill the gaps that
management of bipolar disorder, including its increased remain since publication of the last edition of the “bible”—
risks of dying not only by suicide, which is roughly 20 the Goodwin and Jamison textbook, Manic-Depressive
times more common in this population, but also from Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression (second
prevalent medical disorders with a consequent shorten- edition, 2007).
ing in life expectancy of 10 to 13.6  years relative to the
general population of same age (Laursen, 2011; Leboyer
et al., 2012) and how to recognize the warning signs of an R E F E R E NC E S
imminent episode or suicide attempt, to the remarkably
high rate of nonadherence to recommended treatment. Gilman, S.  E., Ni, M.  Y., Dunn, E.  C., Breslau, J., McLaughlin,
K.  A., Smoller, J.  W., & Perlis, R.  H. (2014). Contributions
In terms of treatment, a myriad of issues emerge. These of the social environment to first-onset and recurrent mania.
include the implementation of evidence-based treatments Molecular Psychiatry. Advance online publication, doi:10.1038/
into community practice, a major problem worldwide, as mp.2014.36
Laursen, T. M. (2011). Life expectancy among persons with schizophre-
well as much needed new data on long-term management. nia or bipolar affective disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 131(1–3),
The remarkable underutilization of lithium, the gold 101–104.

Leboyer, M., Soreca, I., Scott, J., Frye, M., Henry, C., Tamouza, Nemeroff, C.  B., & Binder, E. (2014). The preeminent role of child-
R., & Kupfer, D.  J. (2012). Can bipolar disorder be viewed as a hood abuse and neglect in vulnerability to major psychiatric
multi-system inflammatory disease? Journal of Affective Disorders, disorders:  Towards elucidating the underlying neurobiological
141(1), 1–10. mechanisms. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adoles-
Muhleisen, T. W., Leber, M., Schulze, T. G., Strohmaier, J., Degenhardt, cent Psychiatry, 53, 395–397.
F.,… Cichon S. (2014). Genome-wide association study reveals two Nurnberger, J. I., Koller, D. L., Jung, J., Edenberg, H. J., Foroud, T.,
new risk loci for bipolar disorder. Nature Communications, 5, 3339. Guella, I., . . . Kelsoe, J. R. (2014). Identification of pathways for
doi:10.1038/ncomms4339. bipolar disorder: A Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry, 71, 657–664.

x i i   •   Preface

Erika Abrial, PhD Richard Balon, MD

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Neurosciences and Anesthesiology
Miami, Florida, USA Wayne State University School of Medicine
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Gabriella M. Ahle, BA
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Michael Bauer, MD, PhD
New York, New York, USA Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Alessandra Alciati, MD Technische Universität Dresden
Department of Clinical Neurosciences Dresden, Germany
Villa San Benedetto Menni, Hermanas
Hospitalarias, FoRiPsi Raoul Belzeaux, MD
Albese con Cassano, Como, Italy Department of Psychiatry
Ste Marguerite Hospital
Guillermo Perez Algorta, PhD
Marseille Cedex, France
Department of Psychiatry
The Ohio State University
Eleonore Beurel, PhD
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Department of Psychiatry and
Ana Cristina Andreazza, MD Behavioral Sciences
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry Miami, Florida, USA
University of Toronto
Bettina Bewernick, PhD
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Brain Stimulation Group
Jean-Michel Azorin, MD Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Department of Psychiatry der Universität Bonn
Ste Marguerite Hospital Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25
Marseille Cedex, France 53105 Bonn

Christopher Bailey, MD Mimi C. Briggs, BA

New York University School of Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, New York, USA New York, New York, USA

Ross J. Baldessarini, MD Joseph R. Calabrese, MD

International Consortium for Bipolar Disorder Research, Mood Disorders Program, Department
McLean Hospital of Psychiatry
Belmont, Massachusetts, USA; Case Western Reserve University School
Department of Psychiatry of Medicine/University Hospitals Case
Harvard Medical School Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Danielle S. Cha, HBSc David E. Fleck, PhD
Mood Disorders Psychopharmacology Unit, University Division of Bipolar Disorders Research
Health Network Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral
Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Neuroscience
Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Kiki Chang, MD Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis, MD

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences 3rd Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine
Stanford University Medical Center Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Stanford, California, USA Thessaloniki, Greece

Francesc Colom PsyD, PhD, MSc Keming Gao, MD, PhD

Head of Psychoeducation and Psychological Mood Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry
Treatments Area Case Western Reserve University School of
Barcelona Bipolar Disorders Unit Medicine/University Hospitals Case Medical Center
Institute of Neurosciences, Hospital Clinic,
Barcelona, Spain Allison Greene, BA
New York University School of Medicine
Elizabeth A. Crocco, MD New York, New York, USA
Center on Aging, Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences Heinz Grunze, MD, PhD
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine Institute of Neuroscience, Academic Psychiatry
Miami, Florida, USA Newcastle University
Campus of Aging and Vitality Wolfson
Rosie E. Curiel, PsyD
Research Centre
Center on Aging, Department of Psychiatry and
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Behavioral Sciences
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine Andrew J. Freeman, PhD
Miami, Florida, USA University of Nevada
Melissa P. DelBello, MD, MS Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Division of Bipolar Disorders Research
Gabriel Rodrigo Fries, MSc, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
Bipolar Disorder Program
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Colin A. Depp, PhD INCT for Translational Medicine
Department of Psychiatry Porto Alegre, Brazil
University of California
San Diego, California, USA Sabrina Maria Gippert, PhD
Brain Stimulation Group
Timothy Dinan, MD Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Department of Psychiatry University Hospital
University College Cork Bonn, Germany
Cork, Ireland
Alexandrea L. Harmell, MS
James C. Eliassen, PhD Department of Psychiatry and Department
Center for Imaging Research of Psychology
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine San Diego State University
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA San Diego, California, USA

x i v   •   C ontributors
Philip D. Harvey, PhD Levente Kriston, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department of Medical Psychology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine University Medical Center
Miami, Florida, USA Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hamburg, Germany
Robert M. A. Hirschfeld, MD
Department of Psychiatry Paul A. Kudlow, MD, BSc
The University of Texas Medical Branch Psychiatry Resident
Galveston, Texas, USA Department of Psychiatry
University of Toronto
Frank K. Hu, PhD Toronto, Ontario, Canada
UT Center of Excellence on Mood Disorders
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Eric B. Laber, PhD
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Department of Statistics
Houston North Carolina State University
Houston, Texas, USA Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Julie Hyman, MD Lauren S. Liebman, BA

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
The Ohio State University College of Medicine New York, New York, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA Alexandre Loch, MD, PhD
Mood Disorders Program, LIM-27
Richard S. Jope, PhD Institute and Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences University of Sao Paulo
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Sao Paulo, Brazil
Miami, Florida, USA
Rodrigo Machado-Vieira, MD, PhD
Flávio Kapczinski, MD, PhD Mood Disorders Program, LIM-27
Bipolar Disorder Program Institute and Department of Psychiatry
Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre University of Sao Paulo
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Sao Paulo, Brazil
INCT for Translational Medicine Center for Interdisciplinary Research on
Porto Alegre, Brazil Applied Neurosciences
University of Sao Paulo
Sarah Kayser, MD, MSc Sao Paulo, Brazil
Brain Stimulation Group, Department of
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Carlo Maggini, MD
University Hospital International Consortium for Bipolar
Bonn, Germany Disorder Research
McLean Hospital
Paul E. Keck, Jr., MD Belmont, Massachusetts, USA;
Lindner Center of HOPE Department of Neuroscience,
Mason, Ohio, USA; Faculty of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry & University of Parma, Italy
Behavioral Neuroscience
University of Cincinnati Nina R. McCune, BA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Division of Bipolar Disorders Research
Department of Psychiatry and
Charles H. Kellner, MD Behavioral Neuroscience
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
New York, New York, USA Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

C ontributors   •   x v
Susan L. McElroy, MD D. Jeffrey Newport, MD, MS, MD
Lindner Center of HOPE Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health and
Mason, Ohio, USA; Obstetrics & Gynecology
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neuroscience The Ohio State University College of Medicine
University of Cincinnati Columbus, OH, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Dost Öngür, MD, PhD
Roger S. McIntyre, MD, FRCPC McLean Hospital
Mood Disorders Psychopharmacology Unit Harvard Medical School
University Health Network Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Institute of Medical Science
University of Toronto Diana Paksarian, MPH, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Pharmacology Genetic Epidemiology Research Branch
University of Toronto Intramural Research Program
Toronto, Ontario, Canada National Institute of Mental Health
National Institutes of Health
Kathleen R. Merikangas, PhD Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Genetic Epidemiology Research Branch
Intramural Research Program Carmine M. Pariante, PhD
National Institute of Mental Health Institute of Psychiatry
National Institutes of Health Department of Psychological Medicine
Bethesda, Maryland, USA King’s College London
London, United Kingdom
Valeria Mondelli, MD
Institute of Psychiatry Marta Pardo, PhD
Department of Psychological Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
King’s College London University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
London, United Kingdom Miami, Florida, USA

Keitha Moseley-Dendy, MA Luis R. Patino, MD, MSc

Science Editor Division of Bipolar Disorders Research
Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
The University of Texas Medical Branch University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Galveston, Texas, USA Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD Roy H. Perlis, MD, MSc

Leonard M. Miller Professor and Chairman Center for Experimental Drugs and Diagnostics
Department of Psychiatry and Center for Human Genetic Research
Behavioral Sciences Massachusetts General Hospital
Director, Center on Aging Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Chief of Psychiatry, Jackson
Memorial Hospital Jesus Pérez, MD, PhD
Chief of Psychiatry, University of International Consortium for Bipolar
Miami Hospital Disorder Research
Associate Director—MD/PHD Program McLean Hospital
Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine Belmont, Massachusetts, USA;
University of Miami Department of Psychiatry
Miami, Florida, USA University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom;
Alexander Neumeister, MD CAMEO Early Intervention Services
New York University School of Medicine Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
New York, New York, USA Cambridge, United Kingdom

x v i   •   C ontributors
Giampaolo Perna, MD, PhD Samir Sabbag, MD
Department of Clinical Neurosciences Center on Aging, Department of Psychiatry and
Villa San Benedetto Menni, Hermanas Hospitalarias, Behavioral Sciences
FoRiPsi University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
Albese con Cassano, Como, Italy; Miami, Florida, USA
Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Ihsan Salloum, MD
University of Maastricht Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Treatment and Research
Maastricht, The Netherlands; American Psychiatric Association
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
University of Miami Miami, Florida, USA
Miami, Florida, USA
Paola Salvatore, MD
Giulio Perugi, MD International Consortium for Bipolar Disorder Research
Department of Clinical e Experimental Medicine, McLean Hospital
Unit of Psychiatry Belmont, Massachusetts, USA;
University of Pisa Department of Psychiatry
Pisa, Italy; Harvard Medical School
Institute of Behavioral Science “G. De Lisio” Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Pisa, Italy
Marsal Sanches, MD, PhD
Dina Popovic, MD, PhD UT Center of Excellence on Mood Disorders
Bipolar Disorders Program, Institute of Neuroscience Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Hospital Clínic Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM The University of Texas Health Science Center at
University of Barcelona Houston
Barcelona, Spain Houston, Texas, USA

Robert M. Post, MD Marguerite Reid Schneider, BA

Bipolar Collaborative Network Physician Scientist Training Program
Bethesda, Maryland, USA University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Neuroscience Graduate Program
Michelle Primeau, MD University of Cincinnati
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Division of Sleep Medicine
Stanford University Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington, PhD
Stanford, California, USA; Massachusetts General Hospital
Sierra Pacific MIRECC, VA Health Care System Harvard Medical School
Palo Alto, California, USA Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Gislaine Tezza Rezin, PhD Jan Scott, PhD

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto Centre for Affective Disorders, Institute of Psychiatry
Toronto, Ontario, Canada London, United Kingdom

Pedro Ruiz, MD Emanuel Severus, MD

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Bipolar Disorders Outpatient Clinic
University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Medicine University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Miami, Florida, USA Dresden, Germany

C ontributors   •   x v i i
Jair C. Soares, MD, PhD Gabriele Sani, MD
UT Center of Excellence on Mood Disorders Neurosciences, Mental Health, and Sensory Organs
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (NeSMOS) Department
The University of Texas Health Science Center School of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University
at Houston UOC Psychiatry, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Centro
Houston, Texas, USA Lucio Bini
IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Department of Clinical
Trisha Suppes, MD, PhD and Behavioural Neurology, Neuropsychiatry Laboratory
Stanford University School of Medicine Rome, Italy
Department of Psychiatry
Palo Alto, California, USA Thomas Eduard Schlaepfer, MD, PhD
Brain Stimulation Group, Department of Psychiatry and
Louisa G. Sylvia, PhD Psychotherapy
Massachusetts General Hospital University Hospital
Harvard Medical School Bonn, Germany;
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Departments of Psychiatry and Mental Health
Johns Hopkins University
Stephanie Roberts, PhD Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Private Practice
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Erica Snook, MD
Department of Psychiatry
Steven P. Roose, MD The University of Texas Medical Branch
Columbia University College of Galveston, Texas, USA
Physicians and Surgeons
New York State Psychiatric Institute Stephen M. Strakowski, MD
New York, New York, USA Division of Bipolar Disorders Research,
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral
Alice Russell, BSc Neuroscience
Institute of Psychiatry University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,
Department of Psychological Medicine Cincinnati, Ohio, USA;
King’s College London Center for Imaging Research
London, United Kingdom University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Bret R. Rutherford, MD
Columbia University College of Christina Switala, MSc
Physicians and Surgeons Brain Stimulation Group
New York State Psychiatric Institute Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
New York, New York, USA University Hospital
Bonn, Germany
Janusz K. Rybakowski, MD, PhD
Department of Adult Psychiatry Joshua Z. Tal, MS
Poznan University of Medical Sciences Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Poznan, Poland Stanford University
Stanford, California, USA
Giacomo Salvadore, MD
Neuroscience Experimental Medicine Jane M. Tandler, MS
Janssen Research & Development, LLC New York State Psychiatric Institute
Titusville, New Jersey, USA New York, New York, USA

x v i i i   •   C ontributors
Leonardo Tondo, MD, MSc Eduard Vieta, MD, PhD
International Consortium for Bipolar and Psychotic Bipolar Disorders Program, Institute of Neuroscience
Disorders Research, Mailman Research Center, Hospital Clínic Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM
McLean Hospital University of Barcelona
Lucio Bini Mood Disorder Centers Barcelona, Spain
Cagliari and Rome, Italy;
Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School Jelena Vrublevska, MD
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Department of Psychiatry and Narcology
Riga Stradins University
Tatiana Torti, PhD Riga, Latvia
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Villa San Benedetto Menni, Hermanas Hospitalarias, Sarah Wooderson, PhD
FoRiPsi Centre for Affective Disorders, Institute of Psychiatry
Albese con Cassano, Como, Italy King’s College London
London, United Kingdom
Katharina Trede, MD
International Consortium for Bipolar Disorder Research Janet Wozniak, MD
McLean Hospital Department of Psychiatry
Belmont, Massachusetts, USA; Harvard Medical School
Department of Psychiatry Child and Adolescent Outpatient Psychiatry Service
Tufts University School of Medicine Pediatric Bipolar Disorder Clinical
Maine Medical Center and Research Program
Portland, Maine, USA Bressler Clinical and Research Program for Autism
Spectrum Disorders
Juan Undurraga, MD, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital
Bipolar Disorders Program, Institute of Neuroscience Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Hospital Clínic Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM
University of Barcelona Fan Wu, MS
Barcelona, Spain; Department of Statistics
Department of Psychiatry, Clínica Alemana North Carolina State University
Universidad del Desarrollo Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Santiago, Chile
Renrong Wu, MD, PhD
Anna Van Meter, PhD Institute of Mental Health of Second Xiangya Hospitals
Department of Psychology of Central South University
Yeshiva University Hunan, People’s Republic of China
Bronx, New York, USA
Ayşegül Yildiz, MD
Giulia Vannucchi, MD Department of Psychiatry
Department of Clinical Experimental Medicine, Dokuz Eylül University
Unit of Psychiatry, University of Pisa, Izmir, Turkey;
Pisa Italy International Consortium for Bipolar Disorder Research
and Psychopharmacology Program
Gustavo H. Vázquez, MD, PhD McLean Division of Massachusetts General Hospital
International Consortium for Bipolar and Psychotic Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Disorders Research
Mailman Research Center, McLean Hospital Allan H. Young, MD, PhD
Belmont, Massachusetts, USA; Centre for Affective Disorders,
Department of Neuroscience Institute of Psychiatry
Palermo University King’s College London
Buenos Aires, Argentina London, United Kingdom

C ontributors   •   x i x
Eric A. Youngstrom, PhD Marcus V. Zanetti, MD, PhD
Department of Psychology Mood Disorders Program, LIM-27
University of North Carolina Institute and Department of Psychiatry
at Chapel Hill Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Applied
Chapel Hill, Neurosciences
North Carolina,  University of Sao Paulo
USA Sao Paulo, Brazil

x x   •   C ontributors





Figure 27.1 
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and deep brain stimulation (DBS) (exemplary
Nucleus Accumbens) as neuromodulative treatments.

Hab caudate Hab ALIC


thalamus SCG


slMFB accumbens

Figure 27.2 
Different targets of DBS in Depression in nucleus caudatus, thalamus and nucleus accumbens (Hab = habenula, ALIC = anterior limb
of the capsual interna, NAcc = nucleus accumbens, sIMFB = superolateral branch of the medial forebrain bundle).

Ross J. Baldessarini, Jesús Pérez, Paola Salvatore, Katharina Trede,

and Carlo Maggini

Even though the classification of mental illness is a problem that has been occupying the best minds for unthinkable
times, it has not been solved in a satisfactory manner.  F L E M M I N G , 1844, p. 97

I N T RODUC T ION nosology with the tacit contrast of major disorders mainly
of mood and behavior with an episodic or recurring pat-
Bipolar manic-depressive disorder is arguably both the tern and relatively favorable long-term course and outcome
youngest and possibly also one of the oldest forms of major versus those of a more chronic nature that involve profound
mental illness. Tradition has detected seeds of the concept dysfunctions of cognition, reasoning, perception, and moti-
in ancient Greco-Roman writings of physician-scholars on vation. The concept of bipolar disorder arose remarkably
syndromes designated as mania and melancholia. Ancient recently, since the mid-20th century, reaching acceptance in
texts include evidence that some observers perceived close standard international diagnostic systems only in 1980.
relationships between these conditions and as arising in the Currently the concept of bipolar disorder remains an
same person at different times (Aretæus, 1861; Roccatagliata, evolving and changing one, with efforts to extend its reach
1986). These basic concepts were further elaborated by into the complex and challenging territory of pediatric dis-
medieval Islamic scholars and later in Europe. However, the orders, as well as into conditions marked mainly by recurrent
meaning of these terms in ancient and medieval times and major depression with varying elements of excitation or agi-
their relationship to modern major depression and mania are tation and even into conditions traditionally considered to
uncertain: states of physical debility, as well as of emotional represent personality disorders or temperaments (Trede et al.,
and behavioral excitation, are not specific and can be asso- 2005). Such broad concepts had been considered previously,
ciated with a variety of neuromedical, metabolic, and toxic including in the “cyclothymia” of Kahlbaum and Hecker
conditions, as well as arising spontaneously. Primary and (Baethge, Salvatore, & Baldessarini, 2003a, 2003b). Tension
secondary forms of depression and mania are unlikely to arises between efforts to broaden the concept of bipolar dis-
have been precisely and accurately differentiated in the dis- order for nosological and potential clinical purposes versus
tant past and continue to require careful diagnostic consid- inclinations to constrain it to relatively clearly defined condi-
eration even in modern times (Healy, 2008; Shorter, 2012). tions (phenotypes) appropriate for medical research.
A great deal of attention has been given to the acrimo- This chapter briefly summarizes noteworthy highlights
nious debate in Paris in the 1850s between Jean-Pierre in the historical evolution of the bipolar disorder concept
Falret (“circular insanity”) and Jules Baillarger (“insanity from ancient to current times. This history is complicated
of double-form”) about their claims of priority in describing by the relative lack of documentation of concepts pertain-
cases involving mania and melancholia in the same person ing to mania and melancholia during the first millennium
over time, though many such descriptions long preceded ce and by uncertainties arising from imperfect differentia-
theirs. Even more attention has been given to the highly influ- tion of primary mental illnesses from relatively nonspecific
ential, though debated, division of idiopathic psychotic dis- emotional and behavioral manifestations of neuromedical
orders into broad “manic-depressive” and “dementia præcox” conditions. Moreover, it is always risky to approach history
groups by Emil Kraepelin in the 1890s. The Kraepelinian in search of earlier observations that seem to anticipate cur-
hypothesis continues to dominate modern psychiatric rently favored concepts.

A NC I E N T C ON T R I BU T ION S due to actions of “yellow bile on frontal portions of the
brain, which alters the imagination and as a consequence,
Ancient physician-scholars of the Hippocratic school in reason” (Roccatagliata, 1986). Posidonius wrote of those
ancient Greece used the terms melancholia and mania afflicted with mania or melancholia, suggesting that they
in the 5th century bce, and the concepts may have been may represent a single disorder:
familiar even earlier (Marneros & Angst, 2000). However,
ancient and later understanding of those terms probably The patient laugh, sings, dances . . . he bites him-
differ considerably, as distinctions among illnesses present- self . . . sometimes is wicked and kills . . . some-
ing with depressed or excited mood and behavior were no times he is anxious and seized by terror or
doubt limited (Healy, 2008; Roccatagliata, 1986; Shorter, hate . . . sometimes he is abulic . . . [it is] an inter-
2012). Nevertheless, even for ancient writers, mania and mittent disease . . . repeated . . . once a year or more
melancholia were abnormal behavioral states to be dif- often . . . melancholia occurs in autumn whereas
ferentiated from febrile illnesses and forms of “phrenitis” mania in summer . . . mania occurs in young peo-
that may have included delirium arising from toxic or ple and melancholia in adults . . . the melancholic
metabolic conditions (Jackson, 1986; Marneros & Angst, is sad, afraid; he isolates himself and cries; he
2000; Roccatagliata, 1986). Moreover, Hippocratic writ- thinks . . . about death . . . he exaggerates his evils and
ers described behavioral conditions that might now be rec- his faults . . . and his illness; he thinks himself a ter-
ognized as hypomania and mixed manic-depressive states rible sinner . . . he feels desperate.
(Marneros & Angst, 2000). R O C C ATAG L I ATA , 1986, p. 143.
Most ancient writers on mania and melancholia or
other mental disorders identified with an early clinical tra- Aretæus of Cappadocia (c. 150 ce) was a physician
dition in medicine that attempted to understand illnesses believed to have been born in what is now central Turkey
from a biological perspective, considered the brain as the and trained in a Hellenistic medical tradition. He may have
seat of the problem, and eschewed spiritual explanations, worked in Alexandria and probably died in Rome. He was a
such as demonic possession, that has continued to mod- man of modest background and means and was not widely
ern times (Marneros & Angst, 2001; Roccatagliata, 1986). cited in his own era, owing largely to writing in the Ionian
A humoral “imbalance” theory was widely accepted, which Greek dialect (Aretæus, 1861; Cordell, 1909; Jackson,
was based on the essential humors of blood, yellow and black 1986; Roccatagliata, 1986). Aretæus is widely credited
bile, and phlegm that probably dates to Middle Eastern cul- with being among the first medical writers to describe what
tures prior to classical Greek times. The humoral concept of appear to be episodes or illness phases representing mel-
human physiology as applied to mental illnesses may not be ancholia and mania in the same person at different times
much less speculative than some modern theories in biolog- (Goldney, 2012; Healy, 2008; Jackson, 1986; Marneros &
ical psychiatry involving ill-defined and unproved “chemi- Angst, 2000; Pichot, 2006; Shorter, 2012). That Aretæus’
cal imbalances” (Baldessarini, 2013). The humoral theory conceptions of these conditions were not entirely nonspe-
was strongly popularized by the influential Greco-Roman cific is indicated by his care in distinguishing them from
physician Galen (Aelius Galenus of Pergamon, c. 129–208 febrile disorders, including “phrenitis,” which also involved
ce), who is also credited with ascribing behavior, emotion, depressed or excited behaviors and psychotic thought, as
and thought to functions of the brain (Brain, 1986). The well as distinguishing the melancholia of young adults
humoral theory, with variations and modifications, was from the dementias of the elderly and mania from deliri-
largely retained until the 19th century. The balance of the ous intoxication with alcohol or plant toxins. In addition,
four basic humors was believed to influence personality he distinguished what might be considered “endogenous”
traits or temperament types (sanguine [pleasure-seeking, or autonomous melancholia as a disorder involving sad-
sociable], melancholic [analytical, thoughtful], choleric ness and depression as well as depression and grief associ-
[ambitious, assertive], and phlegmatic [restrained, quiet]). ated with stressful life events, such as the loss of a loved one
Traditionally, melancholia was associated with an excess or (Aretæus, 1861, pp. 298–300).
maldistribution of black bile and mania with the influence However, it is less clear whether he or other ancient
of yellow or black bile (Arikha, 2007). writers considered melancholia and mania to be different
A particularly striking early description of mania disorders or dissimilar presentations of a single disorder
and melancholia was given by the Greco-Syrian scholar (Roccatagliata, 1986). Of note, Aretæus discussed mel-
Posidonius (c. 135–51 bce). He proposed that mania was ancholia and mania in separate sections of his writings

4   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
(Aretæus, 1861, pp.  298–300, 301–304). Mania for him However, as already noted, there are definite risks of read-
seems sometimes to represent an extreme or late form of ing unwarranted modern interpretations into such ancient
severe melancholia, but sometimes he found mania-like observations.
elements in milder phases of melancholia, and often found In the 6th century ce, Alexander of Tralles (c. 525–605
depressive elements in patients with mania. Aretæus (1861) ce), brother of the architect of the reconstructed Hagia
provided somewhat ambiguous descriptions of characteris- Sophia in Constantinople, wrote that melancholia and
tics of melancholic and manic patients: mania could occur in cycles (Kudlien, 1970). He sometimes
observed admixtures of features of either condition and
without fever . . . melancholia is the commencement recognized an increased risk of suicide associated with what
and a part of mania. . . . [Melancholia] affects the he may well have conceived as a single disorder. However, he
head . . . [in which] abnormal irritability of temper and other early writers seem to have conceived of mania as a
change[s]‌to laughter and joy . . . [They] become more intense or severe manifestation of an essentially mel-
mad rather from the increase of the disease . . . They ancholic disorder, rather than as a polar phase found early in
are prone to change . . . readily . . . to become sim- the course of illness (Goldney, 2012; Roccatagliata, 1986).
ple, extravagant, munificent . . . from the change- Following the seminal observations of clinical condi-
ableness of the disease . . . The modes of mania are tions termed melancholia and mania by ancient Greco-
infinite in species, but one alone in genus. For it Roman and Middle Eastern physician-scholars, reports
is altogether a chronic derangement of the mind, pertaining to these conditions are hard to find until later
without fever . . . mania intermits, and with care in the first millennium ce, and mainly in the writings of
ceases altogether . . . Those prone to [mania] are nat- Persian and Arabic physicians.
urally passionate, irritable, of active habits, an easy
disposition, joyous, puerile; likewise those whose
disposition inclines to the opposite condition [to 9 T H TO   11T H C E N T U R I E S: 
melancholia] . . . are sluggish, sorrowful, slow to T H E I S L A M IC   WOR L D
learn but patient in labor . . . those likewise are more
prone to melancholia who have formerly been in a Contributions of several medieval Persian and Arabic
mad [manic] condition. physician-scholars to the understanding of mental ill-
ness are especially noteworthy. They had a lasting impact
His writings (Aretæus, 1861) also suggest that Aretæus among their contemporaries and for centuries thereafter.
associated particular personality traits with risks for mania These scholars not only assimilated ancient medical infor-
or melancholia and associated specific seasons of the mation of Egypt, Greece, and Rome but also adapted it to
year (especially spring) with risk for recurrences. He also their needs and concepts and added their own empirical
described loss of sleep, with tiredness in the morning, as findings. The first known psychiatric hospitals (maristans)
well as decreased appetite in melancholia, and increases in were founded by Persian and Arabic physicians in the 9th
mania along with increases of sexuality, behavioral disin- and 10th centuries and spread widely into North Africa
hibition or aggression, and abuse of alcohol. He also found and Moorish southern Spain (Al-Andalus) in the 14th
the risk for melancholia to be greater among women than century. Most were established by sultans, supported by
men and that mania was most likely to begin in adolescence donations and patient fees, and typically supervised by phy-
or early adulthood. There are even suggestions by Aretæus sicians; some were components of early academic medical
of episodes or illness phases that may resemble what have centers (Pérez, Baldessarini, & Undurraga, 2012). Several
been considered “mixed” manic-depressive states over medieval Islamic clinicians can be considered the first
the past century, and he recognized severe versus moder- psychologists or psychiatrists, as detailed clinical informa-
ate forms of mania (possible antecedents of modern-day tion on various mental or behavioral disorders is found in
hypomania) as well as periods of “demi-mania” in melan- their medical treatises. These include texts by Ishaq Ibn
cholia (possible antecedents of bipolar spectrum disor- Imran (c. 848–906 ce), Razes (Muhammad ibn Zakariya
ders; Merikangas, et al. 2007; Roccatagliata, 1986, p. 231; al-Razi; c. 865–925 ce), Avicenna (Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn
Salvatore et al., 2002). He described hallucinations as well Abd Allah ibn Sina; 980–1037 ce), Esmail Jorjani (Sayyid
as psychotic suspiciousness and easy frustration or anger in Zayn al-Din Isma’il al-Husayni al-Jurjani; 1041–1136),
mania, contrasted to fearfulness, grief, fear of ill health, and and others (Omrani, Holtzman, Akiskal, & Ghaemi, 2012;
a desire to die in melancholia (Aretæus, 1861, pp 199–301). Vakili & Gorji, 2006).

H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   5

Medieval physicians in this Islamic tradition distin- as the approximate equivalent of “madness” or “psychosis.”
guished four major mental disorders: melancholia, mania, Nevertheless, Pratensis stated that mania and melancholia
ghotrah (persecutory psychosis, paranoia), and ishgh (a could not easily be distinguished because they proceeded
combination of anxiety and depression). Mania was a state from the same causes, despite their dramatic clinical dis-
of raving madness with exalted mood, excitability, sleep similarity. He further indicated that most physicians of his
disturbance, and sometimes violence. A  particular type era considered mania and melancholia as one disorder.
of mania, daol-kahl, involved aggression and unrestrained Another remarkable contribution from this period is by
excitement, followed later by becoming calm and coopera- Chinese encyclopedist and dramatist Gao Lian (Kao Lien;
tive though not necessarily melancholic. In that era, mel- 16th century) who described clinical conditions marked by
ancholia and mania seem to have been viewed as different mania and melancholia as a specific form of mental illness
but related entities sometimes encountered in the same per- (Maciocia, 2009).
son at different times. For example, both Ishaq Ibn Imran
(c. 908 ce) and Avicenna (1025) saw mania and melancho-
lia as closely related or suggested that these states lay on a 17 T H TO   18 T H C E N T U R I E S
continuum and could pass from one to the other (Omrani
et  al., 2012; Vakili & Gorji, 2006). Nevertheless, it was In the 1600s and 1700s, influential European medical theo-
unclear whether the disorders represented phases of a single rists included “iatromechanical” physicians who developed
illness or separate diseases. physical or mechanical theories for medical conditions.
They proposed that bodily parts are connected by small
canals conveying blood and other fluids considered central
12T H TO  16 T H C E N T U R I E S
to humoral theories of illness. The postulated connectiv-
ity implied common causal mechanisms and continuity
The first half of the second millennium ce provides
between different disorders, probably including melancho-
scattered comments in writings by scholarly European
lia and mania. Representatives of this movement include
Christian physicians on possible associations of mania and
Friedrich Hoffmann of Germany (1660–1742), Archibald
melancholia, with influence by earlier writings of such pre-
Pitcairn (1652–1713) of Scotland, and Dutch botanical
decessors as Galen and Avicenna. English physician and the-
expert Hermann Boerhaave (1668–1738). Pitcairn (1718)
ologist, John of Gaddesden (c. 1280–1361) appears to have
and Hoffman (1695) emphasized effects of humors on the
considered mania and melancholia as different forms of the
brain as a basis of mental disorders, as well as of personality
same disorder (Gaddesden, 1314). A century later, Johannes
types. For example, a common view was that melancholia
Manardus (Giovanni Manardo) of Ferrara (1462–1536),
resulted from sluggishness of the circulation of blood in the
an influential Italian physician who taught Swiss physician
brain (King, 1971).
Paracelsus (1493–1541), observed the following in approxi-
Of considerable importance, Hoffman (1695) and
mately 1500: “Melancholia manifestly differs from what is
Boerhaave (1735) considered melancholia and mania as
properly called mania; there is no doubt, however, that at
alternating mental states or stages of the same disorder,
some time or other, authorities agree that it replaces melan-
with melancholia maintaining a primary role and mania
cholia” (Whitwell, 1936, p. 205).
sometimes viewed as a more severe, acute form of illness.
In the mid-16th century, Felix Platter (Platerus;
Hoffman observed, “Mania can easily pass over into melan-
1536–1614) dean of the medical school of Basel, postulated
choly, and conversely, melancholy into mania” (p. 72). Later,
a continuum between mania and melancholia, arising from
he added, “Though usually reckoned different disorders,
a “perturbation” of what he called “the spirit of the brain”
[they] appear to be rather different stages of one:  mania
that could produce melancholia or mania depending on
being properly an exacerbation of melancholia, and leaving
how it was influenced by other materials (Platter, 1549).
the patient melancholic in the calmer interval” (p. 298). In
Similarly, Dutch physician Jason Pratensis (1486–1558) dis-
the same era, Boerhaave stated:
cussed melancholia and mania in what may be the first text-
book of neurology, De Cerebri Morbis of 1549 (Pestronk,
1988). Pratensis viewed mania as a mental corruption If melancholy increases so far, that from the great
without fever that “carried a man outside his own mind motion of liquid of the brain, the patient be thrown
and wretchedly beyond the use of all reason” (Pestronk, into a wild fury, it is called madness [mania] which
1988). This statement may suggest a broad view of “mania” differs only in degree from the sorrowful kind of

6   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
melancholy, is its offspring, produced from the same (Piquer-Arrufat, 1764). Based on prolonged clinical obser-
causes. (pp. 323–324) vations of the royal family, the 1759 manuscript contains
particularly detailed discussion of a severe psychiatric ill-
ness to which he applied a novel diagnostic term a century
English physicians Thomas Willis (1621–1675), Thomas
and a half before Kraepelin’s “manic-depressive insan-
Sydenham (1624–1689), and Richard Mead (1673–1754),
ity”:  “The King suffered a melancholic-manic illness . . . 
as well as the Italians Giovanni Morgagni (1682–1771) and,
affectio melancholico-maniaca . . . Melancholia and mania,
later, Vincenzo Chiarugi (1759–1820), also commented
although treated in many medical books separately, are the
on the common recurrent, alternating course of patients
same disease” (Piquer-Arrufat, 1759, p. 8).
with melancholia and mania, indicating that the concept
Piquer specifically acknowledged the proposals by Willis
was widely held even before the 18th century (Angst &
(1672) and probably also knew of the work of other English
Marneros, 2001; Haustgen, 1995).
scholars, including Robert James (1705–1776) and Richard
Also, of interest, even earlier than theories pos-
Mead (1673–1754), all of whom commented on alternation
tulated by iatromechanical theorists, Théophile Bonet
between melancholia and mania in the same patients over
(1620–1689), a French physician who moved from France
time (James, 1745; Mead, 1751; Willis 1672). These cita-
to Geneva to escape the Counter-Reformation, reified a
tions and Piquer’s own writing suggest that the concept of
link between mania and melancholia by use of the term
alternation of clinical states in a single manic-depressive dis-
maniaco-melancholicus (Bonet, 1686). Similar concepts
order of unknown cause was an accepted view in Europe by
appeared a century later in the work of Richard Mead
the 18th century. Nevertheless, this concept of alternating
(1673–1754) of London and of Anne-Charles Lorry
states appears variably to retain the view that mania repre-
(1684–1766) of Montpellier, France, who used the term
sented an extreme expression of an essentially melancholic
mania-melancholica (Lorry, 1765).
disorder (Pérez et al., 2011). Piquer’s position differed from
Both of these compound terms may have referred to
that of other predecessors or contemporaries: “Melancholia
mixed states rather than manic-depressive illness (Marneros
and mania are terms denoting a single disease accompanied
& Angst, 2000). Nevertheless, by the early 1700s, ideas con-
by several disorders of mood. When the sick mind is moved
cerning close relationships between melancholia and mania
by fear and sadness, we name this melancholia, and when
evidently were widely accepted. Furthermore, the notion of
it is by rage and audacity, mania” (Piquer-Arrufat, 1764,
a single mental illness was increasingly consolidated, usu-
pp. 14–15).
ally with melancholia still considered as the main explana-
Moreover, Piquer recorded several other characteristics
tion for the overall condition.
of his melancholic-manic illness that resemble important
Andres Piquer-Arrufat (1711–1772) was a promi-
elements of modern bipolar disorder. These include mixed
nent figure in Spanish medicine in the mid-18th century
manic-depressive, or rapidly alternating states of affective
(Pérez, Baldessarini, Cruz, Salvatore, & Vieta, 2011).
and behavioral instability, as well as seasonal mood changes
His writings acknowledge influence by the work of ear-
and perhaps rapid cycling with several recurrences within
lier writers, including Boerhaave, Hoffmann, Sydenham,
one year—all of which are clearly described in his writings
and Willis. He became principal physician to the court
(Piquer-Arrufat, 1759, 1764). Importantly, and at variance
of King Ferdinand VI in 1751 to 1759, with a simultane-
with lingering Galenic humoral theories, even as modified
ous royal appointment as vice president of the Academy
by the iatromechanics, Piquer also introduced the concept
of Medicine in Madrid. Ferdinand VI (1713–1759) was
of mental or brain “damage” as a consistent and funda-
of the Spanish Bourbon linage descended from the French
mental etiological factor accounting for altered mood and
Bourbons. Ferdinand was described as shy, cautious, and
behavior, particularly in later stages of melancholic-mania
somewhat indolent as a boy. He developed a severe mental
disorder (Pérez et al., 2011).
illness similar to that of his father (King Phillip V), with
episodes of excitement and rages, typically alternating
with periods of profound self-doubt, fearful preoccupa-
tions about his health, and melancholic depression. Shortly 19 T H- C E N T U RY   F R A NC E
after Ferdinand’s death, Piquer authored a monograph
on the king’s illness in 1759 that was not published until Philippe Pinel (1745–1826) is well known for changing the
the early 1800s, with additional clinical observations on inhumane conditions under which the severely mentally ill
mania and melancholia reported in his textbook of 1764 were treated, starting at the Bicêtre (for men) and later the

H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   7

Salpêtrière (for women) hospitals in Paris for which he was for no evident cause, have undergone a thorough
responsible and in which he was influenced by his asylum revolution of character . . . [with] a continuous ebb
manager Jean-Baptiste Pussin (1745–1811). Pinel worked to and flow of affections with happy or sad ideations,
establish psychiatry as a specialty and led to expansion of with threatening gestures or an air of benevolence.
humane mental hospitals in the early 1800s, similar to devel- The facial traits therefore alternate . . . between
opments in many European countries and North America. fugacious passion, despair, terror, hate, desire for
The improved institutional environments probably facili- vengeance and appear like lightening and disappear
tated his strongly encouraged practice of acquiring detailed without leaving any trace [p. 145].
knowledge of each patient’s symptoms and clinical course
and emphasis on the individual patient, perhaps more than Esquirol was a favored student of Pinel’s and became
his concern about diagnostic categories (Pinel, 1909). He a prominent clinician and teacher of psychiatry. In his
also had a strong influence on the work of Jean-Étienne textbook, Esquirol (1838) relied heavily on clinical obser-
Dominique Esquirol (1772–1840) and a series of their stu- vations and tabulations of illness types but without theo-
dents. One, Louis-Victor Marcé (1828–1865), produced a retical concepts (Lefebvre, 1988). He adhered to most of
comprehensive treatise on perinatal psychiatry in 1859 that Pinel’s classification but replaced Pinel’s “partial delirium”
remained unsurpassed until the late 20th century (Trede, with lypémanias and monomanias. Lypémanias were sad
Baldessarini, Viguera, & Bottéro, 2009). The introduction delusions or depressions; monomanias were delusions with
to his general textbook (Marcé, 1862) notes difficulties in a single theme, related to modern paranoid delusional dis-
studying mental illness prior to Pinel’s reforms: orders (Postel, 2004). Esquirol (1819) taught that mania
and melancholia can occur separately over time in the same
Patients were in prison, in asylums or unworthy person but, like Pinel, did not incorporate them concep-
sheds. Alienists [psychiatrists] were not able to con- tually into a single entity: “Sometimes melancholia passes
duct cohesive studies as the patients were dispersed. into mania; indeed it is the ease with which this transfor-
The humanitarian reform by Pinel allowed for real mation occurs that has led all the authors confuse melan-
studies of mental ailments as the mentally ill were cholia with mania.”
hospitalized in specialized mental hospitals. Jean-Pierre Falret (1794–1870) and Jules Baillarger
(1809–1890) have been highly celebrated for their formula-
Creating a place where many mentally ill could be tion of a single disorder marked by episodes of mania and
treated and studied was pivotal for future developments melancholia (Pichot, 2006). In 1851 Falret reported in
of the concept of bipolar and other major psychiatric dis- a very brief publication based on a series of lectures given
orders. For Pinel mental disorders included manic, mel- at the Salpétrière Hospital in 1850 that included his con-
ancholic, demented, and idiotic clinical presentations cept of circular insanity, marked by recurrences of episodes
that were not considered as separate entities but instead of mania and melancholia (Falret 1951a) and later elabo-
to be part of a single disease process, “mental alienation.” rated on the concept, including periods of stability or well-
Pinel’s (1806) conceptualization of mania was virtually ness between recurrences of mania or melancholia (Falret,
interchangeable with insanity and probably even delirium, 1851a,b). These reports are often accepted as the birth of
although he recognized a periodic or episodic pattern to its the modern concept of bipolar disorder (Marneros &
longitudinal course:  “The term mania indicates . . . a gen- Angst, 2000; Pichot, 2006; Sedler, 1983). Falret’s circu-
eral delirium (délire général) with more or less agitation or lar insanity was characterized by cycles of depression and
a state of rage . . . Intermittent or periodical insanity is the mania, separated by more or less stable intervals of variable
most common form of [maniacal disorders] (pp. 4, 5, 145). duration, and the free interval was an integral part of the
Pinel (1806) also recognized a close association of psychopathology.
mania and melancholia but did not formulate the concept In 1854, during a meeting of the Parisian Academy of
of their occurring in a single disorder: Medicine, Baillarger (1854a) introduced his similar con-
cept of insanity of double form ( folie à double forme), further
But some . . . [melancholic patients] who were elaborated in a later report (Baillarger, 1954b). The illness
endowed with greater mobility of character, from was characterized by a sudden or progressive succession
constantly seeing the extravagances of their more of depression and excitation, with or without illness-free
furious associates, became themselves decided intervals. At a subsequent Academy meeting in 1854,
maniacs. Others, after the lapse of some years and Falret claimed priority for essentially the same concept and

8   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
emphasized an apparent hereditary contribution to its risk. women in 1858 and a practical clinical textbook of general
Baillarger accused Falret of plagiarism. Falret subsequently psychiatry in 1862, as well as approximately 25 scientific
showed great restraint in the controversy whereas Baillarger papers that included seminal work on anorexia nervosa
repeated his accusations until his death in 1890, some- (Trede et  al. 2009). Marcé may have suffered from bipo-
times using his position as editor of the influential Annales lar illness himself and is now believed to have committed
Medico-Psychologiques to support his position (Goldney, suicide at age 36 following a bout of depression during the
2012; Pichot, 2006). summer of 1865 (Luauté & Lempérière, 2012). Following
The concept was readily accepted and given a variety of his death, there was a striking silence about him and his
similar names by French contemporaries, including folie à considerable contributions.
formes alternes (insanity of alternative forms), proposed by Marcé (1862, p. 339) gave considerable attention to folie
Jean-Baptiste Delaye (1789–1879), as well as das circuläre circulaire or folie á double forme. He also credited Willis for
irresein (circular insanity) of Richard von Krafft-Ebing describing the alternations and successions between mania
(1840–1902) in Germany (Goldney, 2012; Ritti, 1892) and and melancholia nearly two centuries earlier (Goldney,
periodic insanity by Henry M.  Hurd (1843–1927), the 2012; Pordage, 1681; Willis, 1672). In addition, Marcé
first director of the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore quoted German neuropsychiatrist Wilhelm Griesinger
(Hurd, 1882). Some contemporaries emphasized differ- (1817–1868) of Berlin on the alternation of mania and mel-
ences between Falret’s folie circulaire and Baillarger’s folie ancholia in some cases (Griesinger, 1845). However, he did
à double forme, although most observers and the authors not discuss Griesinger’s concept of unitary psychosis (ein-
themselves appeared to believe that the concepts were very heitpsychose), which was not in keeping with emerging ten-
similar, as is also indicated by the prolonged debate over dencies to seek evidence of separate and discrete syndromes
priority (Goldney 2012). Marcé (1962), for example, diplo- or disorders.
matically included a chapter titled “De la Folie à Double This movement toward identifying discrete disorders
Forme ou Folie Circulaire” in his textbook to acknowledge became increasingly dominant in French and German
both Falret and Baillarger. psychiatry in midcentury, encouraged no doubt by the
In his own textbook, Falret (1864) significantly lim- contributions of Antoine Laurent Bayle (1799–1858)
ited his folie circulaire to episodes of mania and melan- to identifying general paresis of the insane as a discrete
cholia “that have to alternate for a long time, in always the brain disease (Bayle, 1826). Marcé credited Falret and
same order with a relatively short interval of normalcy” Baillarger with the concept of mania and melancholia as
(pp. 456–461). This conceptualization evidently excluded manifestations of a single disease process and with coining
irregularities in the types and timing of mood swings as unique names for it but was also aware that similar ideas
well as cases in which features of mania and melancholia had been expressed far earlier. He also was more willing
overlapped in mixed states. In addition, Falret (1862) sepa- to accept a somewhat broader conceptualization of the
rated himself from his teachers Pinel and Esquirol by pro- manic-depressive entity with less restrictive clinical mani-
posing a different classification of mental illnesses: festations. For Marcé, episodes of mania and melancholia
as well as periods of relative euthymia could be irregular
To enter this path of a new classification, to base in intensity and duration and could include forms that we
the distinctions of mental illness on a group of sub- might now recognize as cyclothymic disorder or recurrent
ordinate features and on their course, evolution . . . melancholia alternating with mania of limited intensity
means following one of the principles that can best (as in modern bipolar II syndrome), in evident anticipa-
bring us to a regular classification, an enlightened tion of proposals by Kahlbaum on cyclothymia and later
prognosis and a rational treatment. As long as we descriptions of a broad range of manic-depressive types by
content ourselves with studying insanity in general, Kraepelin. Marcé (1862) noted that: 
or even mania and melancholia . . . we will not find
much usefulness in what we find . . . for science or for What is infinitely more common is to see excitation
practice [p. 473]. and depression without going into manic or melan-
cholic episodes. They simply constitute differences
Louis-Victor Marcé (1828–1865) was a student of in levels of intellectual activities to the point where
Esquirol’s. He lived a brief but intense life as a prolific the illness can go unrecognized and can be seen for
scholar and writer who produced two important books, long periods of time as simple bizarreness of charac-
including his monograph on perinatal mental disorders of ter . . . One could be tempted to suppose but should

H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   9

not believe that there is always a perfect correlation insanity (Falret, 1851a,b). German psychiatry was influ-
between the intensity of the agitation and the inten- enced by the unitary-psychosis views of Joseph Guislain
sity of depression. I have seen a melancholic episode (1797–1860) of Belgium (who also accepted the idea of
with profound stupor followed by a period of excita- mixed manic-depressive states) (Guislain, 1833; Marneros
tion, characterized only by intellectual overactivity. & Angst, 2000) and the even stronger unitary views of
In a similar way that a manic or excitation episode Ernst Albrecht von Zeller (1804–1877) of Württemberg,
can be mild and yet correspond to a profound who translated Guislain’s textbook into German (Beer,
period of stupor, a very short manic episode can be 1996). Von Zeller did perceive various stages of insanity,
followed by a very long melancholic episode typically starting with melancholia, later mania, yet later
marcé, 1862, pp. 343–345. paranoia, and finally dementia.
The tradition of unitary psychosis also was vigor-
In his monumental monograph on major mental ill- ously espoused by Johann Christian August Heinroth
nesses of women during pregnancy and the postpartum, (1773–1843), native of Leipzig educated initially in the-
Marcé (1858) warned that sharp delineation of specific ology and later in medicine in Leipzig and Vienna. He
neuropsychiatric disorders was difficult, including the chal- was the first to hold a university chair of psychiatry in
lenge that mixed states or prodromal phases could mislead Germany but became a controversial figure, losing his job
the clinical observer: of 20  years at the University of Leipzig for not fulfilling
his duties (Schmideler & Steinberg, 2004). He is known
While attempting to provide sharp distinctions particularly for recommending a holistic approach to
among the different forms of mental alienation that evaluating psychiatric patients, partly based on Protestant
occur postpartum, I should point out some minor theology (Steinberg, 2013). Heinroth was deeply spiritual
cautions. In particular, we find in the puerperal state and believed that a wrongly conducted life or sin would
a small number of [psychiatric] mixed states that are lead to mental illness, noting for example that mania was
impossible to classify or to clearly define. We also likely to give way to melancholia as a result of remorse for
find among postpartum insanities, curious morbid violence done when manic (Jackson, 1986). In his textbook
transformations that are found in other disorders of psychiatry Heinroth (1818) considered melancholia and
[pp. 343–345]. mania as separate clinical conditions and not as alternat-
ing stages of a single disorder. Nevertheless, he devoted an
His sensitivity to such subtle diagnostic details indicates entire chapter of his book to “mixed mood disturbances”
that Marcé was aware of intimate and complex connections (Gemischte Gemüthsstörungen), including “melancholia
among mania and melancholia and of the challenge of dif- with silliness” (Melancholie mit Narrheit), and “quiet rage”
ferentiating other forms of relatively acute or episodic psy- (stille Wut), and recognized rapid cycling (Heinroth, 1808,
choses (Trede et al., 2009). pp. 355–378). Mixed states may date to reports by physicians
of classical Greece and were noted by 18th-century writers
including François Boissier de Sauvages (1706–1777) of
19 T H- C E N T U RY G E R M A N Y Montpellier and William Cullen (1710–1790) of Scotland
(Marneros & Angst, 2000).
German academic psychiatry of the 19th century was influ- The concept of mixing of dissimilar symptomatic states
enced by contemporary French psychiatry and routinely was continued by Carl Friedrich Flemming (1799–1880),
cited its literature. Prominent trends included a continua- educated in medicine in Berlin, who worked in psychiat-
tion of the evolution away from nosologically noncommit- ric institutions in both north Germany and Carinthia,
tal approaches to insanity as a more or less unitary concept Austria, and died at Wiesbaden. His contributions include
or one not readily organized into discrete disorders, as the concept of “changeable dysthymia” (dysthymia mutabi-
well as descriptions of numerous, largely idiosyncratically lis), which could shift from a depressive phase (dysthymia
defined conditions and some combining of disorders with atra) or a hypomanic phase (dysthymia candida) or even
prominent similarities based on signs and symptoms, lon- include elements of both types simultaneously, such as in
gitudinal course, and outcome. The unitary view was repre- elated melancholia (melancholia hilaris; Flemming, 1844).
sented by Pinel, although it was challenged by the landmark He was concerned about how to classify common clinical
description of general paresis of the insane by Bayle (1926) conditions in which mania, melancholia, and delusional
and such functional or idiopathic conditions as circular states (Wahnsinn) could predominate at different times

10   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
(varying from hours to months) and indeed considered He also introduced the concept of cyclothymia as relatively
such poorly delineated, variable, or mixed states to be the benign form of circular insanity, accepted Flemming’s con-
most prevalent forms of mental illness and a major diagnos- cept of dysthymia, and considered cyclothymia as the alter-
tic challenge (Flemming, 1844). nation of the two. His colleague and brother-in-law, Ewald
Wilhelm Griesinger (1817–1868) followed von Hecker (1843–1909) of Görlitz elaborated and promoted
Zeller (1804–1877), with whom he worked briefly in this syndrome as well as Kahlbaum’s catatonia (Baethge et
Württemberg, in adopting the concept of “unitary psycho- al., 2003a,b; Kraam, 2004).
sis” (Einheitpsychose), or the proposition that virtually all The conflict between “splitting” clinical illnesses into
forms of major mental illnesses represented or originated in numerous subgroups versus “lumping” them into broad
a single disease process. Griesinger separated depression or categories was central to the work of Emil Kraepelin
melancholia from exaltation or mania and considered them (1856–1926) in Heidelberg and Munich. This struggle is
as different manifestations of a single disease process, not- well documented in his influential textbook through its
ing that transitions between these states are quite common, nine editions between 1883 and 1926 (Trede et al., 2005).
even as had been described by Falret (Griesinger, 1861, Writing the book evidently was stimulated initially by
p.  238). However, this view seems to be more a manifes- Kraepelin’s need to raise money to enable his marriage. The
tation of his concept of there being particular manifesta- first edition (the Compendium) relied heavily on contribu-
tions of a single psychosis rather than considering a discrete tions of various 19th-century German and French authors.
manic-depressive syndrome. Nevertheless, he cited the Nevertheless, it began his lifelong process of consolidat-
work of Falret and accepted the concept of circular insan- ing different clinical presentations into larger groups, ide-
ity (Marneros & Angst, 2000). He went further, in report- ally based on causes to the limited extent that they could
ing that many cases of melancholia and mania develop into be identified, but usually based on course and outcome as
states of “mental weakness” (psychische Schwächezustände), well as symptomatic presentations. Even in the first edition
suggesting that prognosis and outcome often were unfa- of his textbook (1883), he noted that mania and circular
vorable (Griesinger, 1861, p.  214). Another vigorous sup- or periodic insanity “are simply manifestations of a single
porter of the unitary-psychosis hypothesis was Heinrich pathological process . . . certain basic traits are found con-
Neumann (1814–1888), who trained in general medicine sistently, even though there are many external differences.”
before switching to psychiatry and becoming the director He saw excitement or activation and inhibition, rather than
of an asylum in Breslau in Silesia, where he was a teacher mood, as unifying themes of these disorders, and he sup-
of Carl Wernicke (1848–1905) at the university. His ported the idea of an underlying pathological predisposi-
unitary-psychosis views were quite flexible and were readily tion that could lead to a range of clinical manifestations
modified to include a range of clinical conditions, as well as (Trede et al., 2005).
to support early interventions (Engström, 2003). In the second edition of his textbook, Kraepelin (1889)
Karl-Ludwig Kahlbaum (1828–1899) worked in a psy- introduced the concept of delusional disorders (Wahnsinn),
chiatric hospital in Görlitz in eastern Germany most of his in an effort to manage confusing and ambiguous cases with
professional career, rather than in a university position. prominent affective and psychotic symptoms. In the fourth
Nevertheless, he was a major contributor to 19th-century edition (Kraepelin, 1893), he began to consider mixed states
academic psychiatry. He espoused a clinical, descriptive, in describing “manic stupor” as unusual stuporous states
longitudinal approach to psychiatric nosology and psycho- within the excited phase of circular conditions. This con-
pathology, which strongly influenced Kraepelin and many cept was greatly expanded in response to the thesis of his
others (Baethge et al., 2003a,b). Kahlbaum introduced the junior colleague Wilhelm C. J. K. Weygandt (1870–1939),
term catatonia (or “tension insanity;” die Katatonie oder das who described simultaneous or rapidly alternating combi-
Spannungsirresein; Kahlbaum, 1874). He also observed that nations of manic and melancholic features, as indicated by
similar clinical presentations do not necessarily share the inclusion of portions of Weygandt’s dissertation in the sixth
same etiology, course, or outcome and emphasized efforts to edition of Kraepelin’s (1899) textbook, with an emphasis
differentiate organic versus functional disorders (Bräuning, on the protean nature of circular insanity, with fluctuations
1999; Klosterkötter, 1999). Consistent with earlier French and complex admixtures of abnormalities of psychomotor
proposals of Falret and Baillarger, whose work he cited, for activity, thought, and mood (Salvatore et al., 2002; Trede
Kahlbaum cyclic insanity (cyklisches Irresein) was charac- et  al., 2005). The affiliations among mania, melancholia,
terized by a primary disturbance of mood and represented a periodic and circular insanity, and mixed states were ini-
single disorder (Baethge et al., 2003a,b; Kahlbaum, 1882). tially accepted in Kraepelin’s (1896) unifying concept of

H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   11

“the periodic constitutional disorders” in his fifth edition, having a younger onset-age, briefer episodes, and a higher
leading to introduction of his new manic-depressive insanity recurrence rate, but declined to separate them into discrete
concept in the sixth (Kraepelin, 1899), with its distinction subgroups, at least until more was known (Trede et al.,
from more chronic psychotic conditions termed dementia 2005). Manic-depressive illness had evolved into a theory
præcox. concerning coherence of various clinical features and the
In the sixth textbook edition, Kraepelin (1899) sup- tendency of common elements to alternate or mix unpre-
ported the categorization of major psychiatric disorders dictably. Moreover, Kraepelin recognized chronic forms
into his two broad syndrome groups by asserting that “we of manic-depressive illness and associated “fundamental
have no right to trace these endless varieties of clinical pic- states” or temperaments (Trede et al., 2005). In the very
tures back to fundamentally different basic mechanisms.” breadth and complexity of illnesses subsumed by the manic-
The seventh edition (Kraepelin, 1903–1904) and multivol- depressive concept lay risk for tension between retaining its
ume eighth edition (Kraepelin, 1909–1915) of his textbook wholeness versus splitting into subgroups and differentiat-
represent the final version of Kraepelin’s manic-depressive ing other disorders characterized by an episodic course and
insanity. Edition 8 includes involutional melancholia (pre- lack of profound loss of reasoning and functioning. There
viously held separate), as well as basic states and tempera- also was a risk of ascribing a doctrinaire and rigid implica-
ments, into a broad concept of manic-depressive illness. tion of Kraepelin’s scheme that seems at variance with his
Kraepelin’s justification for this gathering of seemingly own flexibility and tentativeness, as well as with his appar-
heterogeneous conditions was supported by his tendency to ently greater interest in the fundamental dynamic instabil-
view them as united not simply by polarities of mood but ity of his manic-depressive illness rather than a concrete
by the shifting between states of heightened versus inhib- emphasis on polar states of mood, thought, and behavior
ited functioning in arousal, cognition, speech, and behav- (Marneros & Angst, 2000; Marneros & Akiskal, 2007).
ior, as well as mood, and by their tendency to follow an In short, the concept was ripe for classic tensions between
episodic course with a relatively favorable prognosis (Trede “lumpers” and “splitters” (Vázquez, Tondo, & Baldessarini,
et al., 2005). this volume).
Modern psychiatry appears to view Kraepelin as a Early disagreement with a unified concept of
strict empiricist and a founder of phenomenological psy- manic-depressive illness arose in Scandinavia, where recur-
chiatry, whose work led to the currently fashionable cod- rent depression was a separate disorder, dating from the
ing of diagnostic criteria as a basis for psychiatric nosology. work of Carl Georg Lange (1834–1900), a contemporary of
However, in the eighth edition of his textbook, Kraepelin Kraepelin’s (Lange, 1896; Marneros & Angst, 2000). An
(1909–1915) noted the limitations of his dual system based early major conceptual challenge to Kraepelin’s perspective
on manic-depressive insanity and dementia præcox:  “It is of a broad, unitary manic-depressive illness came from Carl
indisputable today that, despite honest efforts, we are still Wernicke (1848–1905) (Wernicke, 1881). He proposed new
unable to categorize quite a vast number of cases within entities with polarities, including hyperkinetic and aki-
the frame of one of the known forms in the system.” Severe netic forms of “motility psychosis.” This move away from,
limitations of his scheme, including the high prevalence of or addition to, a unified manic-depressive concept went
mixed, hybrid, or atypical cases were further acknowledged further, following the untimely sudden death of Wernicke,
in his later writings (e.g., Kraepelin, 1920; Trede et  al., when Karl Kleist (1879–1960) and, later, his associate
2005):  “The mixed and transitional states make delinea- Edda Neele (1910–2005) proposed that manic-depression
tions impossible . . . these are the cases that push us to widen included both monopolar (einpolige; recurrent depres-
our knowledge.” He acknowledged having made a sharp sive) and bipolar entities (zweipolige Erkrankungen; bipo-
distinction between manic-depressive illness and demen- lar manic-depressive disorder; Kleist, 1928; Neele, 1949).
tia præcox mainly to simplify instruction of students and Kleist was skeptical that mania and melancholia, though
young physicians (Kraepelin, 1920). often affiliated, were expressions of a single disorder. He
also considered the concept of “the group of schizophre-
nias” proposed by Paul Eugen Bleuler (1857–1939) (Bleuler,
2 0 T H C E N T U RY 2011)  excessively broad and insisted that many psychotic
conditions fit poorly within the manic-depressive or the
Even by Kraepelin’s own descriptions, he indicated that schizophrenia concepts. He proposed other recurrent dis-
manic-depressive patients with both mania and depression orders, including psychoses that alternate between agitated
differed from those with recurrent depression, including by confusion and stupor, separate from both manic-depressive

1 2   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
illness and schizophrenia (Kleist, 1928). His ideas were Cade, 1949; Schou, 2001). Prior to the introduction of
elaborated by Karl Leonhard (1904–1988) into several these modern agents, treatment of mania, psychosis, and
types of periodic or cyclical psychoses (Leonhard, 1979). depression (sedatives, stimulants, electroconvulsive treat-
The proposals of the Wernicke–Kleist–Leonhard school ment, psychotherapy) had been largely nonspecific and of
were not widely accepted, probably in part owing to their questionable efficacy. Novel and effective treatments and
complexity and subtlety. diagnoses can be mutually reinforcing (Baldessarini, 2013;
The trend toward “splitting” the nonchronic psycho- Stoll. Baldessarini, Tohen, et al., 1993).
ses into various subtypes continued in the 20th century,
despite occasional warnings of the difficulties in firmly
establishing separate and distinct psychiatric disorders C U R R E N T S TAT E OF 
on a sound scientific basis (Bolton, 1908; Goldney, 2012). B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
Notably, the monopolar/bipolar distinction in major mood
disorders was supported by Leonhard in noting that a Currently bipolar manic-depressive illness (bipolar dis-
family history of psychotic illnesses (as well as depression) order) is firmly established. It is one of the most longitu-
was differentially associated with bipolar mood disorders. dinally stable diagnostic entities among all major mental
Similar findings and conclusions were also supported illnesses based on standard international diagnostic criteria
by Swiss investigator Jules Angst (1926–; Angst, 1966), (Salvatore et al., 2009). Studies of the disorder are encour-
Italo-Swedish Carlo Perris (1928–2000; Perris 1966), aged by dedicated international associations (International
and American George Winokur (1925–1996; Winokur, Society for Bipolar Disorder, 1999; European Network of
Clayton, & Reich, 1969). Many subsequent studies added Bipolar Research Expert Centres, 2009, and others), as well
differences in onset age (younger in bipolar disorder than in as international scientific journals devoted exclusively to the
major depression), sex risk-ratio (nearly 1:1 in bipolar disor- topic (Bipolar Disorders, 1999)  and others, most recently
der, women more than men in unipolar depression), dura- the International Journal of Bipolar Disorders (2013).
tion of episodes, and of cycles between recurrences (both Along with wide international acceptance of the bipolar
shorter in bipolar disorder; Goodwin & Jamison, 2007). disorder concept, there have been many efforts to extend its
Other concepts introduced by Kleist and Leonhard include range or to define subtypes. For example, a distinction has
complex subtypes of depressive or episodic psychotic dis- been made between cases with depression (D) predominantly
orders. Again, their complexity and subtlety probably con- preceding (DMI course-pattern) or following mania (MDI
tributed to their limited impact, though they underscore pattern, both with intervening euthymic intervals [I]), with
the existence of many clinical conditions that do not fit evidence of inferior treatment responses with the DMI pat-
neatly into Kraepelin’s dualistic scheme, even though both tern (Koukopoulos, Reginaldi, Tondo, Visioli, & Baldessarini,
his manic-depressive and dementia praecox groups were 2013). In addition, the polarity of initial major episodes is
broad (Marneros & Angst, 2000). Nevertheless, the work highly predictive of future illness, notably in distinguishing
of Leonhard, Angst, Perris, and Winokur led to broad patients predominantly experiencing manic, hypomanic, or
acceptance of the concept of bipolar disorder by the late psychotic episodes from those more likely to have depressions,
1960s. By 1980, bipolar disorder (with mania) was accepted mixed manic-depressive states, or episodes of anxiety disor-
officially in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the ders (Baldessarini, 2012; Baldessarini, Salvatore, et al. 2010;
American Psychiatric Association in 1980 (third edtion; Baldessarini, Tondo & Visioli, 2014; Colom, Vieta, Daban,
American Psychiatric Association, 1980) and bipolar II Pacchiarotti, & Sánchez-Moreno, 2006).
disorder into its fourth edition along with cyclothymic An important trend has been toward including a
disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 1994); bipo- broader range of disorders within the concept of bipolar
lar I and II disorders also are included in the International disorders. Indeed, the popularity of the bipolar concept
Classification of Diseases (tenth edition; World Health has recently shown indications of becoming something
Organization, 1999). of a clinical fad, possibly encouraged by hopes for a rela-
Another factor that may well have contributed to tively optimistic prognosis and effective treatments (Healy,
the acceptance of bipolar disorder as a discrete clini- 2008). An unresolved aspect of the concept are cyclothymic
cal entity was the introduction of lithium carbonate as conditions involving minor or moderate cycles or phases of
a relatively specific treatment for the disorder in 1949, of increased and decreased mood, thinking, and activity that
the antimanic-antipsychotic drugs in 1952, and of the have been considered part of the cyclic or manic-depressive
antidepressants later in the 1950s (Baldessarini, 2013; “spectrum” since the work of Kahlbaum and Hecker and of

H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   13

Kraepelin reviewed earlier. A basic uncertainty is whether bipolar disorder and in distinguishing its early presentation
such phenomena represent a cyclothymic disorder or a per- from other adult mental illnesses, in part to support long-
sonality type (Van Meter, Youngstrom, & Findling, 2012). term clinical planning (Salvatore et al., 2014). More con-
Since the concept of bipolar disorder without episodes troversial, however, are considerations of early intervention
of mania (bipolar II disorder) emerged in the 1970s (Fieve, in juveniles presumed to be at risk for bipolar disorder, pos-
Kumbaraci, & Dunner, 1976), there have been efforts sibly even before secure clinical expression of the disorder
to define a group of disorders characterized by recurrent (Noto et al., 2013).
episodes of major depression, with varying elements of A related challenge is that the history of the past cen-
hypomanic features, to define a “bipolar spectrum” of dis- tury underscores the limits to even broad and inclusive
orders (Marneros & Angst, 2000; Merkangas et al., 2007). diagnostic categories, such as manic-depressive illness and
This idea was anticipated in the work of Kahlbaum and schizophrenia, which leave many clinical conditions poorly
Kraepelin and continued in the broad inclusion of subtly accounted for, little studied, and inadequately treated.
mixed states proposed by Ernst Kretschmer (1888–1964), Late in his career Kraepelin noted that many, if not most,
Bleuler, and others (Marneros & Angst, 2000). Current patients he had evaluated did not fit neatly into his dual-
extensions of the concept are exploring conditions tra- istic scheme (Trede et  al. 2005). Such illnesses include
ditionally considered to represent personality disorders, various acute psychotic disorders of relatively favorable
including borderline disorder (Gunderson & Elliott, 1985). prognosis, as well as the ill-defined category of “schizoaf-
It remains to be seen how broadening may add to effective fective” disorders—all of which remain unreliable diagnos-
formulation of long-term prognoses or guide more specific tically and prognostically, as well as inadequately studied
treatments. Some research findings support the hypothesis therapeutically (Goodwin & Jamison, 2007; Malhi, Green,
that depressed patients with elements of hypomania below Fagiolini, Peselow, & Kumari, 2008; Salvatore et al., 2009).
requirements for a formal diagnosis of bipolar disorder may Perhaps even more challenging is how to organize and make
not respond well to antidepressant treatment (Akiskal & sense of the wide range of conditions left after typical bipo-
Pinto, 1999; Angst, 2007; Vázquez, Tondo, Undurraga, & lar disorders are removed from the broad manic-depressive
Baldessarini, 2013). group. There have been repeated suggestions that, in addi-
Additional unresolved questions include the signifi- tion to unipolar recurrent major depressive disorders, there
cance of cases initially presenting with depression, some- may be a sydrome of recurrent mania, possibly separable
times recurrent, before hypomania or mania are diagnosed. from bipolar disorder (Mehta, 2014).
Is this pattern simply representative of a common early As the limits of the bipolar disorder concept expand,
manifestation of the natural history of bipolar disorder, or there is a risk that compromises will arise in its clinical
is there an actual change in the illness, either arising spon- application to diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. It seems
taneously or, more speculatively, as a result of treatment highly unlikely that all cases currently labeled as “bipolar
with ubiquitous antidepressants and stimulants, perhaps disorder” follow similar courses to a predictable outcome
particularly in juveniles? A related question is of the sig- or achieve optimal treatment responses with standardized
nificance of hypomania or mania associated with treatment treatments. Indeed, a major challenge in contemporary
with mood-elevating drugs (antidepressants, corticoste- therapeutics for the mood disorders is to define optimal
roids, stimulants; Krauthammer & Klerman, 1978): Are treatments for the growing range of types and ages of bipo-
these simple psychotoxic reactions to foreign chemicals or lar disorder patients as well as for the very broad range of
an indication of the presence of undiagnosed bipolar disor- unipolar forms of depression. Particularly needed is clari-
der with a potential for later spontaneous manic episodes? fication of how to treat bipolar depression, the major unre-
There also are controversial efforts to extend bipolar solved component of the disorder and a crucial contributor
disorder into juvenile populations, including in prepuber- to disability and mortality (Baldessarini, Salvatore, et al.,
tal children, despite many descriptive differences between 2010; Baldessarini, Vieta, Calabrese, Tohen, & Bowden,
juvenile versus typical, episodic, adult forms of the disorder 2010; Vázquez et al., 2013).
(Papolos & Papolos, 2000). Emerging research suggests that This historical overview (also see Table 1.1) should
variable proportions, sometimes only a minority, of young remind us that the nosological basis for clinical condi-
children given the diagnosis later prove to have a typical, tions considered to represent particular psychiatric disor-
adult bipolar disorder (e.g., Geller, Tillman, Bolhofner, & ders or diseases contrasts with most disorders of general
Zimerman, 2008; Wozniak et al., 2011). Nevertheless, medicine in lacking a tissue pathology or even a plau-
there is great interest in defining the earliest indications of sible pathophysiology. Instead, psychiatric diagnosis rests

14   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N


Hippocratic tradition Greece, 5th cent. bce Descriptions of “mania” and “melancholia”
Posidonius (c. 135–51 bce) Syria, 2nd cent. bce Mania and melancholia may be a single disease

Aretaeus of Cappadocia Alexandria and Rome, Mania and melancholia can occur in the same person over
(2nd century ce) 2nd cent. ce time (c. 150 ce)

Galen (c. 129–298) Greece, 2nd cent. ce Humoral theory of personality types and mental and
other illnesses

Alexander of Tralles (c. 525–605) Greece, 6th cent. ce Mania and melancholia occur in cycles and features can mix;
high suicide risk

Islamic scholars: Ishag ibn Imran Middle-East and Mania and melancholia closely related and perhaps
(848–906), Razes (865–925), Avicenna North Africa, on a continuum
(980–1037), Ismail Jorjani (1041–1136) 9th–11th cents. ce

John of Gaddesden (c. 1280–1361) England, 14th cent. Mania and melancholia as different forms of the same disor-
der; melancholia primary

Johannes Manardus (1462–1536) Italy, 15th cent. Mania “replaces” melancholia; melancholia primary

Felix Platter (1536–1614) Switzerland, 1549 Mania and melancholia as brain disorders

Jason Pratensis (1486–1558) Holland, 1549 Mania and melancholia hard to separate, arising from the
same causes; melancholia primary

Gao-Lian (1500s) China, 16th cent. Mania and melancholia are manifestations of a single illness

Thomas Willis (1621–1675) England, 17th cent. Mania and melancholia alternate in a recurrent course

Théophile Bonet (1620–1689) Switzerland, 17th cent. Coined term maniaco-melancholicus for a single disorder

Iatromechanists: Friedrich Hoffmann Germany, Scotland, Mania and melancholia arise from specific personality types
(1660–1742), Archibald Pitcairn Holland, 17th cent. and represent effects of humors on the brain
(1652–1713), Herman Boerhaave

English physicians: Thomas Syden- England, 17th–18th cents. Mania and melancholia follow a recurrent course;
ham (1624–1689), Richard Mead melancholia primary
(1673–1754), Robert James (1703–1776)

Italian physicians: Giovanni Italy, 18th cent. Mania and melancholia follow a recurrent course
Morgagni (1682–1771), Vincenzo
Chiarugi (1759–1820)

Andrés Piquer-Arrufat (1711–1772) Spain, 18th cent. Coined term affectio melancholico-maniaca for a single,
brain-based disorder; melancholia not primary

Phillipe Pinel (1745–1826) France, early 19th cent. Defined mania broadly; skeptical of separate forms of insanity
but mania and melancholia closely related

Jean-Étienne Esquirol (1772–1840) France, early 19th cent. Coined term lypemania for depression

Johann Heinroth (1773–1843) Germany, early 19th cent. Described mixtures of melancholia + psychosis (including
with mania): gemische Gemüthsstörungen (1819)

Laurent Bayle (1799–1858) France, early 19th cent. General paralysis of the insane as a distinct psychotic disorder

CarlFlemming (1799–1880) Germany, mid-19th cent. Described changeable dysthymia: dysthymia metabilis (1844)

Jean-Pierre Falret (1794–1870) France, mid-19th cent. Described circular insanity (1851)

Jules Baillarger (1809–1890) France, mid-19th cent. Described insanity of double form (1854)

Table 1.1.  CONTINUED


Louis-Victor Marcé (1828–1865) France, mid-19th century Integrated “circular insanity of double form”

Wilhelm Griesinger (1817–1868) Germany, mid-19th cent. Skeptical about distinguishing specific psychotic disorders

Karl Kahlbaum (1828–1899), Ewald Germany, mid-19th cent. Described cyclothymia (moderate mania-melancholia)
Hecker (1843–1909)

L. Kirn (1800s) Germany, late 19th cent. Described periodic psychoses (including mania-melancholia)

E. E. Mendel (1800s) Germany, late 19th cent. Coined term hypomania (Mendel, 1881)

Wilhelm Weygandt (1870–1939) Germany, late 19th cent. Described mixed mania-depressive syndromes (die
Mischzustände des manisch-depressiven Irreseins)

Emil Kraepelin (1856–1926) Germany, late 19th cent. Described a broad manic-depressive insanity group of

Carl G. Lange (1834–1900) Denmark, late 19th cent. Described recurrent depression

Carl Wernicke (1848–1905) Germany, early-20th cent. Described novel “bipolar” syndromes, including motility

Karl Kleist (1879–1960), Edda Neele Germany, early 20th cent. Distinguished monopolar (einpolige) and bipolar (zweipolige)
(1910–2005) manic-depressive disorders (from 1911 to 1930s)

Karl Leonhard (1904–1988) Germany, mid-20th cent. Periodic and cyclic psychoses (including cycloid); family stud-
ies to support separation of monopolar and bipolar types of
manic-depressive disorders

John F Cade (1912–1980), Australia (1949), Denmark Introduction of lithium carbonate as a selectively effective
Mogens Schou (1918–2005) (1950s–1960s) treatment for bipolar disorder

Jules Angst (living), Carlo Switzerland, Italy-Sweden, Provided further support for bipolar disorder (1966–1969)
Perris (1928–2000), George United States
Winokur (1925–1996)

Ronald Fieve (living), David Dunner United States, 1970s Bipolar II disorder (depression with hypomania)

American Psychiatric Association United States, DSM–III Inclusion of bipolar disorder (1980) and bipolar II
and DSM–IV disorder (1994)

Frederick K. Goodwin (living), Kay United States, 2000 Manic-Depressive Illness, Oxford University Press
R. Jamison (living) and 2007

International Society for Bipolar United States, 1999 Society founded


NOTE: DSM–III = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1980); DSM–IV = Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1994).

almost entirely on observation and description of symp- or physiological measures, though important to pursue,
toms, including detailed psychopathology, clinical course, have not yet served to place psychiatric diagnosis on a secure
treatment response, and long-term outcome, supported footing (Baldessarini, 2000a, 2013). Advances in biologi-
by such additional descriptors as onset age and family cal research in themselves may prove to be inadequate as
history. Manifestations of mania, in particular, can arise a basis of formulating clinical diagnoses and will still
from various causes, including neuromedical disorders and require matching to descriptive clinical syndromes, if only
intoxications. Expectations of modern medical science, for clinical and administrative purposes (Berrios, 1999;
including studies of genetic risk factors and neuroimaging Goldney, 2012; Healy, 2008). For psychiatric research,

16   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
a fundamental problem is that most findings of the past that might represent potential conflicts of interest with the
century involve clinical entities of indubitable heterogene- material presented.
ity, rendering most findings insecure for improving under-
standing of particular psychiatric disorders. This challenge
might be termed the phenotype problem for endeavoring to R E F E R E NC E S
study clinical entities or phenomena with reasonable bio-
logical coherence. (See Table 1.1.) Angst, J. (1966). Zur Ätiologie und nosologie endogener depressiver psy-
chosen: Eine genetische, soziologische und clinische studie [On the eti-
ology and nosology of depressive psychoses: A genetic, sociological
and clinical study]. Berlin: Springer.
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clinical entities recognized since the dawn of medical schol- cal manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.). Washington,
DC: Author.
arship, at least as separate clinical conditions that probably Aretæus the Cappadocian. (1861). The extant works of Aretaeus, the Cap-
have been far broader than current use of the terms may padocian (F. Adams, Trans. and Ed.). London: Sydenham Society.
seem to imply. In addition, their close association in many Arikha, N. (2007). Passions and tempers:  A  history of the humours.
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H istor y of B ipolar M anic- D epressi v e D isorder   •   19

Kathleen R. Merikangas and Diana Paksarian

INTRODUCTION disorder provided by recent community-based studies of

adults is presented in Table 2.1. Total estimates range from
In recent years there has been a proliferation of epidemio- 0.0% in Nigeria (Gureje, Lasebikan, Kola, & Makanjuola,
logic research, both in the United States and abroad, that 2006)  to 3.3% in the United States (Grant et  al., 2005).
has strengthened the evidence base on the magnitude, cor- Twelve-month prevalence is generally estimated to be only
relates, and consequences of bipolar disorder. This work slightly lower than lifetime prevalence, ranging from 0% to
has highlighted the dramatic personal and societal impact 2.0%. Recent studies have begun to include estimates for
of bipolar disorders. In the World Health Organization bipolar II (BPII) and bipolar spectrum (BPS) disorders as
World Mental Health (WHM) surveys, bipolar disorder well as BPI (Bauer & Pfennig, 2005; Merikangas, Jin, et al.,
was the second ranking cause of disability, measured by 2011). As would be expected, prevalence tends to increase
days spent out of role per year, among a range of physical with successively more inclusive disorder definitions
and mental health conditions (Alonso et al., 2011). In 2004 (Waraich et al., 2004). For example, in the WMH surveys,
it was the fourth leading cause of disability adjusted life the cross-national lifetime prevalence of BPS disorders was
years worldwide among young people ages 10 to 24, rank- 2.4%; of which 0.6% met criteria for BPI, 0.4% for BPII,
ing above violence, alcohol use, HIV/AIDS, self-inflicted and 1.4% for subthreshold bipolar disorder (Merikangas,
injury, tuberculosis, and lower respiratory infection (Gore Jin, et  al., 2011). In many (but not all) studies assessing
et  al., 2011). The aims of this chapter are (a)  to sum- BPII, its prevalence is lower than that of BPI (Merikangas,
marize the frequency of occurrence of bipolar disorder Jin, et al., 2011; Wittchen, Nelson, & Lachner, 1998); this
from population-based studies of adults and youth, (b) to may indicate that the majority of people who experience
describe the patterns of comorbidity of bipolar disorder in hypomanic episodes also experience manic episodes, or it
the general population, and (c) to summarize the risk fac- may be explained by the major depressive episode require-
tors and correlates of bipolar disorder, as well as current ment for diagnosis of BPII.
knowledge regarding its genetic underpinnings. An increasing number of studies have begun to esti-
mate the occurrence of bipolar disorder in youth. The
results of the existing cross-sectional and prospective
DE S C R I P T I V E E PI DE M IOL O G Y community-based studies of youth are shown in Table 2.2.
Lifetime prevalence rates of bipolar disorder in youth range
from 0.2% in the Great Smoky Mountains Study (Costello
et  al., 1996)  to 2.9% for BPI or BPII in the National
Comprehensive summaries of the prevalence of bipolar Comorbidity Survey—Adolescent supplement (NCS-A;
disorder have been provided in several recent publications Merikangas et al., 2010). Young adults ages 19 to 24 in the
(Bauer & Pfennig, 2005; Goodwin & Jamison, 2007; Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS; Kozloff
Waraich, Goldner, Somers, & Hsu, 2004). The lifetime et al., 2010) had a lifetime prevalence of 3.8%. A few stud-
prevalence of bipolar I  disorder (BPI) is generally esti- ies have also estimated 12-month prevalence rates of bipo-
mated at about 1.0% (Merikangas & Tohen, 2011). A sum- lar disorder, ranging from 1.3% (Wittchen et al., 1998) to
mary of prevalence rates according to definition of bipolar 2.5% (Benjet, Borges, Medina-Mora, Zambrano, &



Australia Zutshi et al. (2011) ≥15 2004: 3,015 MDQ BPS 2004 LT: 2.5
2008: 3,014 2008 LT: 3.3
China Lee et al. (2007) 18–70 5,201 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII LT: 0.1
Phillips et al. (2009) ≥18 63,004 SCID/DSM-IV-TR 2nd stage BPI 1m: .099
screened BPII 1m: .026
Germany Jacobi et al. (2004) 18–65 4,181 M-CIDI/DSM-IV BPD LT: 1.0 (0.8 m, 1.2 f); 12m: 0.8 (0.6 m, 1.1 f)
Iraq Alhasnawi et al. (2009) ≥18 4,332 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPS LT: 0.2; 12m: 0.2
Israel Levinson et al. (2007) ≥21 4,859 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII LT: 0.7; 12m: 0.1
Italy Carta et al. (2012) ≥18 3,398 MDQ ≥7 BPS LT: 3.0 (3.4 m, 2.7 f)
Japan Kawakami et al. (2005) ≥20 1,664 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII 12m: 0.1
Lebanon Karam et al. (2008) ≥18 2,857 CIDI 3.0/DSM-IV BPD LT: 2.4 (2.6 m, 2.3 f)
Mexico Medina-Mora et al. (2007) 18–65 5,826 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII LT: 1.9
New Zealand Wells et al. (2006) 16–64 12,992 CIDI 3.0/DSM-IV BPS 12m: 2.2 (2.1 m, 2.3 f)
Nigeria Gureje et al. (2006) ≥18 4,984 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII LT: 0.0; 12m: 0.0
Singapore Subramaniam et al. (2013) ≥18 6,616 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI LT: 1.1; 12m: 0.5
BPII LT: 0.06; 12m: 0.04
BPI/BPII LT: 1.2 (1.2 m, 1.3 f); 12m: 0.6 (0.5 m, 0.7 f)
Switzerland Angst et al. (2005) 40 591 SPIKE/DSM-IV BPI CP: 0.6 (0.0 m, 1.0 f)
BPII CP: 0.9 (0.0 m, 1.8 f)
United States Grant et al. (2005) ≥18 43,093 NESARC/DSM-IV BPI LT: 3.3 (3.2 m, 3.4 f); 12m: 2.0 (1.8 m, 2.2 f)
Ford et al. (2007) ≥ 55 6,082 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI/BPII LT: 0.8; 12m: 0.4
Hoertel et al (2013) ≥18 43,093 AUDADIS/DSM-IV BPI LT: 2.19; 12m: 0.87
BPII LT: 1.12; 12m: 0.32
Sub-BP LT: 2.53; 12m: 1.84
Kessler (2012c) 18–64 9,282 CIDI/DSM-IV BPI LT: 1.1 (0.9 m, 1.3 f); 12m: 0.7
BPII LT: 1.4 (1.2 m, 1.6 f); 12m: 1.0
BPI/BPII LT: 2.5 (2.1 m, 2.9 f); 12m: 1.7
Merikangas et al. (2007) ≥18 9,282 CIDI/DSM-IV BPI LT: 1.0 (0.8 m, 1.1 f); 12m: 0.6
BPII LT: 1.1 (0.9 m, 1.3 f); 12m: 0.8
Sub-BP LT: 2.4 (2.6 m, 2.1 f)
11 Countries Merikangas et al. (2011) ≥18a 61,392 WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV BPI LT: 0.6; 12m: 0.4
BPII LT: 0.4; 12m: 0.3
Sub-BP LT: 1.4; 12m: 0.8
BPS LT: 2.4; 12m: 1.5

NOTE: DSM-IV = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth ed.); DSM-IV-TR = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth ed., text rev.); LT = lifetime; 12m = 12-month;
1m = 1-month; BPS = bipolar spectrum disorder; BPI = bipolar I disorder; BPII = bipolar II disorder; BPD = bipolar disorders; Sub-BP = subthreshold bipolar disorder. MDQ = Mood Disorder Questionnaire.
WMH = World Mental Health. M = Munich. CIDI = Composite International Diagnostic Interview. NESARC = National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. AUDADIS = Alcohol Use
Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule. SPIKE = Structured Psychopathological Interview and Rating of Social Consequences of Psychic Disturbances for Epidemiology. SCID = Structured
Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Disorders.
In 9 countries; ≥16 in one country and ≥20 in one country.
Aguilar-Gaxiola, 2009). Prevalence rates of mania range I NC I DE NC E A N D AG E OF ONS E T
from 0.4% (12-month; Roberts, Roberts, & Xing, 2007) to
2.0% (12-month; Cannon et al., 2002), and rates of hypo- A number of recent studies have assessed the incidence
mania range from 0.1% (lifetime; Costello et al., 1996) to of bipolar disorder in the general population (Chou,
0.9% (6-month; Verhulst, van der Ende, Ferdinand, & Mackenzie, Liang, & Sareen, 2011; de Graaf, ten Have,
Kasius, 1997). The results of longitudinal studies converge Tuithof, & van Dorsselaer, 2013; Grant et al., 2009). In the
in estimating the prevalence of bipolar disorder at between National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
1.4% and 2.1%, which approximates cross-sectional preva- Conditions (NESARC), one-year incidence rates of BPI
lence rates in adult samples. This was confirmed by a recent and BPII were 0.53% and 0.21%, respectively (Grant et al.,
meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies of bipolar disorder 2009). The three-year incidence rate of bipolar disorder
in children and adolescents, which reported a mean preva- among adults age 18 to 64 in the Netherlands was 0.41%
lence of 1.8% (Van Meter, Moreira, & Youngstrom, 2011). (de Graaf et  al., 2013). Among adults age 60 and older





Verhulst et al. (1997) Dutch Adolescent Study 760 13–18 6m Mania: 1.9

6m Hypomania: 0.9

Costello et al. (1996) Smoky Mountains Study 1,015 9, 11, 13 3m Mania: 0

3m Hypomania: 0.1

Roberts et al. (2007) Teen Health 2000 4,175 11–17 12m Mania: 0.4
12m Hypomania: 0.8

Benjet et al. (2009) Mexican Adolescent Mental 3,005 12–17 12m BPI/BPII: 2.5
Health Survey

Kozloff et al. (2010) Canadian Community Health 5,673 15–18 LT BPIa: 2.1

Survey 19–24 LT BPIa: 3.8

Merikangas et al. (2010) National Comorbidity 10,123 13–18 LT Mania: 1.7

Kessler et al. (2012b) Survey—Adolescent Supplement 12m Mania: 1.3
Merikangas et al. (2012) LT BPI/BPII: 2.9
12m BPI/BPII: 2.1
30d BPI/BPII: 0.7


Wittchen et al. (1998) Early Developmental Study of 3,021 14–24 BPI: LT: 1.4,

Psychopathology 12m: 1.3
BPII: LT: 0.4,
12m: 0.4
Cannon et al. (2002) Dunedin Longitudinal Study 980 26 12m Mania: 2.0

Johnson et al. (2000) Children in the Community Study 717 T1: 9–18 T1 or T2 BPI: 2.0;
T2: 11–20 Sub-BP: 1.4
T3: 17–26 BPI: 1.4; Sub-BP: 2.0

Lewinsohn et al. (2000) Oregon Adolescent Depression 1,709 T1: 14–18 LT BPD: 0.9; LT

Project 1,507 T2: 15–19 Sub-BP: 4.4
865 T3: 24 LT BPD: 1.0; LT
Sub-BP: 4.3
LT BPD: 2.1; LT
Sub-BP: 5.3

NOTE : LT = lifetime; BPI = bipolar I disorder; BPII = bipolar II disorder; BPD = bipolar disorders; Sub-BP = subthreshold bipolar disorder.
This study used a slightly looser duration requirement but the authors note that their diagnosis most closely resembles BPI.

U pdate on E pidemiolog y, R isk Factors , and C orrelates of B ipolar S pectrum D isorder   •   2 3

in the United States, the three-year incidence of BPI was et  al., 2006). Similarly, among adolescents with a broad
0.54% and the incidence of BPII was 0.34% (Chou et al., definition of 12-month bipolar disorder (including BPI
2011). Prospective studies of child and adolescent samples and BPII as well as subthreshold bipolar disorder), less than
from population surveys also provide valuable information half (43.1%) were rated as having mild severity as defined
regarding the incidence of bipolar disorder. Lewinsohn, by the Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS). 30.5%
Seeley, Buckley, and Klein. (2002) found that the peak of cases were rated as having serious severity (CGAS scores
incidence of bipolar disorder is at age 14 in both males ≤50) while 26.5% had moderate severity (CGAS scores
and females and decreases gradually thereafter. By age 21, 51–60; Kessler, Avenevoli, Costello, Green, et al., 2012a).
the rate of bipolar disorder rose to 2% in the prospective
cohort studies of youth who were followed for several years
(Cannon et al., 2002; Lewinsohn, Klein, & Seeley, 2000).
Indeed, emerging evidence indicates that the first onset The majority of studies reviewed earlier in this chapter
of BPI generally begins in adolescence or early adulthood, indicate that about 60% of those with BPI in US commu-
with a mean age of onset of 18  years (Merikangas et  al., nity samples receive mental health treatment. Across all
2007). This contrasts with the previously dominant belief, countries in the WMH surveys, 68.7% of those with BPI
largely based on clinical studies, that onset begins in the reported any lifetime treatment, and 51.6% reported any
third decade of life. lifetime specialty mental health treatment. Treatment rates
were highest in high income countries. In low and middle
income countries, 37.9% of those with BPI received any
mental health treatment and only 22.3% received specialty
As indicated here, there has been growing interest in test- mental health treatment (Merikangas, Jin, et  al., 2011).
ing the thresholds and boundaries of bipolar disorder in There are also recent estimates of service utilization among
community samples. Among those with 12-month sub- youth. In a representative sample of US adolescents, only
threshold bipolar disorder in the WMH surveys, 79.2% 22.2% of adolescents with BPI or BPII (26.5% of girls and
reported a clinically severe or moderate manic or hypo- 17.9% of boys) reported lifetime disorder-specific mental
manic episode in the past year, with 79.3% reporting mod- health service use (Merikangas, He, et al., 2011). Eighteen
erate to severe role impairment (Merikangas, Jin, et  al., percent of those with 12-month bipolar disorder reported
2011). Using data from the NESARC, Hoertel, Le Strat, receiving any medication (14.2% received antidepressants),
Angst, and Dubertret (2013) found that the lifetime preva- and 33.8% reported receiving any type of specialty mental
lence of major depressive episode plus subthreshold manic health treatment (Merikangas, He, Rapoport, Vitiello, &
symptoms was 2.53%, while the 12-month prevalence was Olfson, 2013). In the CCHS, 45.8% of 15- to 18-year-olds
1.84. Participants in this group differed significantly from and 60.3% of 19- to 24-year-olds with bipolar disorder
those with “pure” major depressive disorder (MDD) on the reported using mental health services (Kozloff et al., 2010).
lifetime presence of a number of psychiatric comorbidities The relatively low rates of service utilization in some coun-
but differed from those diagnosed with BPII on only one. tries is alarming, as it suggests that a large proportion of
They also had a younger age at onset, had a greater num- individuals are not receiving adequate care. It also high-
ber of episodes, met a greater number of Diagnostic and lights the extent to which research conducted in treatment
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria, settings may fail to properly represent those with bipolar
and were more likely to use alcohol to relieve their symp- disorder in the general population.
toms. They also had higher rates of any lifetime treatment
seeking, 12-month treatment seeking, and lifetime use of
medication compared to those with “pure” MDD (Hoertel PAT T E R N S OF   C OMOR B I DI T Y
et al., 2013). Likewise, expansion of the definition of hypo-
mania in the NCS-R study yielded a lifetime prevalence
rate of 4.5%. (Kessler et al., 2006; Merikangas et al., 2007).
The severity of symptoms of depression and mania associ- Recent epidemiologic surveys have highlighted the strik-
ated with subthreshold bipolar disorder suggested that the ing magnitude of comorbidity between bipolar disor-
latter category did tap clinically significant manifestations der and other Axis I  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of disorder that were comparable to people seeking treat- of Mental Disorders (fourth ed. [DSM-IV]; American
ment for these conditions in outpatient settings (Kessler Psychiatric Association, 1994)  disorders. As shown in

2 4   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
Table 2.3, more than 90% of those with lifetime BPI comorbidity were 88.2% for BPI, 83.1% for BPII, 69.1%
or BPII disorder in the NCS-R also meet criteria for for subthreshold bipolar disorder, and 76.5% for BPS
another lifetime disorder, and 70% of those with bipolar (Merikangas, Jin, et al., 2011). The majority of those with
spectrum disorders have a history of three or more dis- BPI and BPII had three or more comorbid mental disor-
orders (Merikangas et al., 2007). Comorbid anxiety dis- ders; 76.5% of those with BPI and 74.6% of those with
orders are very common; more than 80% of those with BPII had a comorbid anxiety disorder, the most common
bipolar disorder also have a lifetime history of DSM-IV of which was panic attacks (57.9% of those with BPI and
anxiety disorders, particularly panic attacks (61.9%) and 63.8% of those with BPII; Merikangas, Jin, et al., 2011).
social phobia (37.8%; Merikangas et al., 2007). Likewise, Bipolar disorder is also highly comorbid with sub-
among those 18  years and older in the NESARC, 60% stance use disorders. A  recent review of alcohol misuse
of individuals with bipolar disorder had at least one and bipolar disorder found that of eight epidemiologic
comorbid anxiety disorder, and 40% had two or more studies, seven from Europe and North American reported
(Sala et al., 2012). This is also true cross-nationally. In the that alcohol use disorders were significantly elevated
WMH surveys, the rates of any lifetime mental disorder among study participants with bipolar disorder; one




SE OR* b 95% CI

Anxiety Agoraphobia without panic 5.7 1.3 5.3 3.0–9.3

Panic disorder 20.1 2.0 5.8 4.4–7.7

Panic attacks 61.9 2.0 4.3 3.5–5.2

Posttraumatic stress disorder 24.2 2.6 4.7 3.3–6.8

Generalized anxiety disorder 29.6 2.5 6.1 4.6–8.1

Specific phobia 35.5 2.8 4.0 3.1–5.2

Social phobia 37.8 3.1 4.6 3.5–5.9

Obsessive-compulsive disorder 13.6 3.1 10.2 4.6–22.9

Separation anxiety disorder 35.4 2.0 5.4 4.6–6.5

Any anxiety disorder 74.9 2.8 6.5 4.7–9.0

Substance use Alcohol abuse 39.1 2.6 4.3 3.3–5.5

Alcohol dependence 23.2 1.9 5.7 4.3–7.6

Drug abuse 28.8 2.7 4.5 3.3–5.9

Drug dependence 14.0 1.8 5.2 3.7–7.2

Any substance 42.3 2.7 4.2 3.3–5.5

Any disorder Any disorder 92.3 2.2 13.1 6.7–25.5

Exactly one disorder 12.7 2.0 4.8 2.2–10.4

Exactly two disorders 9.4 1.7 5.6 2.5–12.5

Three or more disorders 70.1 2.5 26.4 13.7–50.8

NOTE: NCS-R = National Comorbidity Survey-Replication; SE = standard error; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval.
Mean (SE) prevalence of the comorbid disorder in respondents with bipolar disorder. b Based on logistic regression models with one Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth ed.)/Composite International Diagnostic Interview disorder at a time as a predictor of lifetime bipolar disorder, controlling
for age at interview (five-year intervals), sex, and race/ethnicity.
Significant at the α = .05 level, two-sided test.

U pdate on E pidemiolog y, R isk Factors , and C orrelates of B ipolar S pectrum D isorder   •   25

study conducted in Asia found no such association (Di those with comorbidity, the mean number of other disor-
Florio, Craddock, & van den Bree, 2014). Likewise, in ders was 4.6. In the CCHS, those with a lifetime manic
the NCS-R, 42.3% of those with bipolar disorder had episode were more likely to report physician diagnoses of
any lifetime substance use disorder, the most common asthma, gastric ulcer, hypertension, chronic bronchitis, and
of which was alcohol abuse (Table 2.3). Among 19- to migraine (McIntyre et al., 2006). Other studies have also
24-year-olds with bipolar disorder in the CCHS, 46.0% found associations between migraine and bipolar symp-
had a 12-month substance use disorder (Kozloff et  al., toms/disorder (Saunders, Merikangas, Low, Von Korff, &
2010). The onset of bipolar disorder generally precedes Kessler, 2008). In a nationally representative cross-sectional
that of the substance use disorder. For example, using survey in Singapore, 52.1% of those with BPI reported any
data from a 20-year prospective cohort study, Merikangas physical comorbidity, the most common of which was
et al. (2008) demonstrated the dramatic increase in risk chronic pain (28.3%; Subramaniam, Abdin, Vaingankar, &
of alcohol dependence associated with symptoms of Chong, 2013).
mania and bipolar disorder in early adulthood. In an The increasing use of health registries with national
analysis of the 10-year follow-up data from the National coverage for research purposes provides a valuable source
Comorbidity Survey, Swendson et al. (2010) found that of information about physical comorbidity. Although such
baseline bipolar disorder was associated with the onset studies rely on treated rates of disorder, this may present
of nicotine, alcohol, and substance dependence; with the less of a problem in situations where medical services are
conversion to nicotine dependence among daily users; provided without charge and for more severe forms of men-
with the first onset of substance abuse among substance tal disorder. Using data from the Danish population and
users; and with the onset of substance dependence among health registries, Laursen, Munk-Olsen, and Gasse (2011)
substance users. presented risk ratios for a range of chronic physical condi-
These patterns of comorbidity also hold for youth tions over 12  years of follow-up. Individuals with bipolar
with bipolar disorder. Among adolescents in the CCHS, disorder had an elevated risk of 11 of the conditions pre-
41.8% of 15- to 18-year-olds with bipolar disorder also sented, including diabetes, liver disease, congestive heart
met lifetime criteria for an anxiety disorder, 32.1% had failure, chronic pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular dis-
a 12-month substance use disorder, and 54.6% reported ease, renal disease, and dementia.
lifetime suicidality (Kozloff et  al., 2010). However,
follow-up studies of children have shown that bipo-
lar disorder is associated with multiple other disor- C OR R E L AT E S A N D
ders including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder R I S K FAC TOR S
(ADHD), anxiety disorders and/or oppositional defiant
disorder, and conduct disorder (Lewinsohn et al., 2002;
Youngstrom et al., 2005). An eight-year follow up study
of a population sample of youth from New  York state US population-based studies have traditionally found equal
revealed that childhood anxiety disorders and depres- rates of bipolar disorder in males and females (Grant et al.,
sion, and to a lower extent disruptive behavior disorders, 2009; Merikangas et al., 2007). In cross-national estimates
were significantly associated with the development of from the WMH surveys, however, the lifetime prevalence
bipolar disorder in early adulthood (Johnson, Cohen, & of BPI and subthreshold bipolar disorder were higher in
Brook, 2000). males, while the lifetime prevalence of BPII was higher
in females (Merikangas, Jin, et al., 2011). This may reflect
cultural differences in sex-specific expression of bipolar
PH Y S IC A L DI S OR DE R S disorder. There is also emerging evidence of differences
in expression between males and females in the United
Epidemiologic studies indicate an elevated rate of physi- States. In the NCS-A, the prevalence of mania/hypoma-
cal comorbidities among individuals with bipolar disorder. nia with MDD and the prevalence of MDD alone were
In an analysis of NCS-R data that considered a range of both higher among females than males, while the preva-
mental and physical comorbidities, Gadermann, Alonso, lence of mania alone was greater among males (Merikangas
Vilagut, Zaslavsky, and Kessler (2012) found that 94.6% et al., 2012). However, among youth ages 15 to 24 in the
of participants with 12-month bipolar disorder had at CCHS, which used an inclusive definition of bipolar
least one other physical or mental condition, and, among disorder comprising BPI, BPII, and BP–not otherwise

2 6   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
specified, lifetime prevalence did not differ between males disorder than White mothers and higher 12-month rates
and females (Kozloff et  al., 2010). This is consistent with than Caribbean Black mothers (Boyd, Joe, Michalopoulos,
the lack of sex differences reported for BPI and BPII in the Davis, & Jackson, 2011). Ethnic differences have also
NCS-A (Kessler, Avenevoli, Costello, Georgiades, et  al., been reported in studies from New Zealand (Baxter,
2012b). Thus there could be sex-specific patterns of the Kokaua, Wells, McGee, & Browne, 2006) and Singapore
emergence of bipolar disorder in adolescence and young (Subramaniam et al., 2013).
adulthood that are visible only when the components of
bipolar disorder are examined individually.
Although many early studies of treated samples suggest
that bipolar disorder was more common in upper socioeco- Until recently there has been a relative dearth of consistent
nomic classes, the most recent US epidemiologic studies information regarding nongenetic etiologic risk factors for
have typically failed to detect an association or found higher bipolar disorder (Tsuchiya, Byrne, & Mortensen, 2003).
rates among those with lower income and education (Grant Despite apparent overlap in genetic underpinnings of bipo-
et  al., 2005, 2009; Merikangas et  al., 2007). Likewise, lar disorder and schizophrenia (discussed later), there has
rates of bipolar disorders tend to be greater among those traditionally been little evidence for overlap in environmen-
who are separated or divorced compared to those who are tal risk factors for the two disorders. Although exceptions
never married (e.g., Subramaniam et al., 2013). One poten- exist, established risk factors for schizophrenia such as sea-
tial explanation for these discrepancies is the distinction son of birth, urbanicity, parental age, migration status, and
between socioeconomic status (SES) in the family of origin obstetric complications have generally not been implicated
and individual SES at the time of illness onset. For exam- in the etiology of bipolar disorder (Demjaha, MacCabe, &
ple, using data from Danish population registries, Tsuchiya Murray, 2012). Recently there has been renewed interest
et al. (2004) differentiated between indicators of SES in the in the potential role of stressors in the etiology of bipolar
individual and in the individual’s parents, both measured disorder. Bipolar disorder may be more common among
in the year prior to onset. Adjusting for sex and family his- those who experienced childhood stressors such as the loss
tory, those with bipolar disorder were more likely to be of a parent (Mortensen, Pedersen, Melbye, Mors, & Ewald,
single and more likely to be lower on SES indicators such 2003). Furthermore, in the New Zealand Mental Health
as employment and income. Their parents, however, were Survey, those who reported childhood physical abuse and
more likely to have higher levels of education and greater those who reported childhood sexual abuse were more
paternal wealth (Tsuchiya, Agerbo, Byrne, & Mortensen, likely to meet criteria for both 12-month and lifetime bipo-
2004). Such findings should be interpreted with caution, lar disorder, and those who reported violence in the fam-
however, as they are based on treated rates of disorder and ily during childhood were more likely to have 12-month
may not capture the entire range of severity present in the bipolar disorder with frequent mood episodes and lifetime
population. bipolar disorder (Wells, McGee, Scott, & Browne, 2010).
Studies have not generally found consistent racial or A range of similar associations was reported based on data
ethnic differences in rates of bipolar disorder. For exam- from the NCS-R (Nierenberg et  al., 2010). For example,
ple, no differences were found between racial groups in those with 12-month bipolar disorder were more likely to
the United States in prevalence of bipolar disorder in the report childhood neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse,
NCS-R (Merikangas et al., 2007). However, it may be dif- while those with other lifetime bipolar disorder were more
ficult to distinguish racial and ethnic differences in many likely to report sexual abuse; those with both 12-month
studies because of the need to include sufficiently large and lifetime bipolar disorder were also more likely to report
multiethnic samples. In the NESARC, which had a large parental violence and criminal behavior (Nierenberg et al.,
sample size and thus enabled inclusion of several distinct 2010). In a recent analysis of NESARC data, Gilman et al.
ethnic subgroups, the lifetime prevalence of BPI was greater (2014) reported that childhood abuse, sexual maltreat-
among Native Americans and lower among Hispanics and ment, and economic adversity predicted both incident
Asians and Pacific Islanders compared to Whites (Grant and recurrent mania. In addition, there was evidence that
et  al., 2005). In an analysis of mothers in the National childhood abuse potentiated the effect of recent stressors
Survey of American Life, Boyd (2011) reported significant on mania onset.
associations between racial/ethnic group and both life- There are two issues regarding research on childhood
time and 12-month bipolar disorder. African American adversity that warrant note. First, many forms of child-
mothers had higher lifetime and 12-month rates of bipolar hood adversity appear to be nonspecific risk factors for

U pdate on E pidemiolog y, R isk Factors , and C orrelates of B ipolar S pectrum D isorder   •   2 7

adult mental disorder. Using NESARC data, Sugaya et al. Cui, et  al., 2013; C.  L. Vandeleur, Merikangas, Strippoli,
(2012) found that childhood physical abuse increased risk Castelao, & Preisig, 2014). Estimates of the familial aggre-
for bipolar disorder after adjusting for socioeconomic char- gation of bipolar disorder have also recently been derived
acteristics and other psychiatric comorbidities, but it also from population-based treatment registries. There was a
increased risk of drug abuse, nicotine dependence, post- 7-fold increased risk and a 6.5-fold increased risk of bipolar
traumatic stress disorder, ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder among first-degree relatives of probands with bipo-
disorder, panic, MDD, and suicide attempt. This lack of lar disorder in the Swedish (Lichtenstein et al., 2009) and
specificity suggests the involvement of more general mecha- Dutch (Aukes et  al., 2012)  registries, respectively. In a
nisms underlying any potential causal effects of adversity. recent meta-analysis of the familial loading of mood dis-
A second issue relevant to this area of research is that orders, Wilde et al. (2014) reported close to an eight-fold
assessment of childhood adversities often relies on retro- increase in odds of bipolar disorder among first-degree
spective recall, which introduces the potential for bias. relatives of one proband with the disorder. Likewise, a
To address this weakness, prospective studies, or studies meta-analysis of bipolar disorder in children found that the
using prospectively and independently collected exposure odds of BPI were almost 7-fold in first-degree relatives of
measurements, are needed. For example, Scott, Smith, and probands with pediatric bipolar disorder compared to con-
Ellis (2010) linked information from 16- to 27-year-old trol probands (Wozniak, Faraone, Martelon, McKillop, &
respondents in the New Zealand Mental Health Survey Biederman, 2012).
to the national electronic database of the New Zealand Recent twin studies using modern definitions of bipo-
Child, Youth and Family agency. Using this measure of lar disorder have reported concordance rates in monozy-
childhood maltreatment, they report associations with a gotic twins that are about 8 times those of dizygotic twins
number of 12-month and lifetime psychiatric disorders and have yielded high heritability estimates (Smoller &
including major depression, social phobia, drug and alco- Gardner-Schuster, 2007). For example, a study of twins
hol use disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorder; they from the Maudsley Twin Registry reported a heritability
did not find associations with bipolar disorder, panic dis- estimate of 85% when employing a narrow definition of
order, or generalized anxiety disorder. Population registry concordance and 89% when employing a broad definition
data provide another opportunity for studying the mental (McGuffin et  al., 2003). Such high heritability estimates
health effects of childhood exposures using prospectively indicate that a substantial proportion of phenotypic varia-
and independently ascertained exposure information. tion in bipolar disorder is attributable to genes.
Population registry from Denmark indicates that the loss
of a parent due to death, particularly before age 12 and
Molecular genetic studies
from unnatural causes, increases risk for bipolar disorder
in adulthood (Laursen, Munk-Olsen, Nordentoft, & Bo Despite high heritability estimates for bipolar disorder,
Mortensen, 2007). Additional, prospectively designed the search for specific causal variants has proven difficult.
studies are needed to help identify nongenetic risk factors Recently, the results of several large-scale case-control
for bipolar disorder in order to ultimately inform strategies studies of bipolar disorder in samples from the United
for intervention. Kingdom, United States, and Germany have emerged
(Baum et  al., 2008; Burton et  al., 2007; Sklar et  al.,
2008). Although few loci exceeded genome-wide signifi-
FA M I LY H I S TORY A N D cance levels in these individual studies, meta-analyses of
G E N E T IC R I S K FAC TOR S three initial studies yielded identified two genetic loci
that exceeded genome-wide significance: ANK3 on chro-
Family and twin studies
mosome 10 and CACNA1C on chromosome 12 (Ferreira
A family history of bipolar disorder is one of the strongest et al., 2008). None of these studies confirmed the results
and most consistent risk factors for the development of of earlier candidate gene and linkage studies of bipolar
bipolar disorder. Controlled family studies indicated that disorder, and the effect sizes of these genes were quite
first-degree relatives of probands with bipolar disorder have small (odds ratio < 1.4). These studies also increased
substantially increased risk of bipolar disorder compared to recognition of the need for larger samples because of
relatives of controls. Two recent family studies of the mood the small effects of the loci on bipolar disorder and the
disorder spectrum confirmed that the familial loading for need for built-in replication samples to reduce the false
BPI is much higher than that of BPII or MDD (Merikangas, positive rates that have plagued earlier candidate gene

2 8   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
and smaller studies of genes involved in bipolar disorder. mania, and major depression (Merikangas, Cui, et  al.,
Copy number variants that have been strongly implicated 2013; Vandeleur et al., 2014). Likewise, Goldstein, Buka,
for schizophrenia have also been reported in bipolar dis- Seidman, and Tsuang (2010) found substantial specific-
order (Malhotra & Sebat, 2012), but these findings have ity of familial transmission of affective psychosis and
not been replicated (Bergen et al., 2012). schizophrenia in the New England Family Study.
The largest genome-wide association study of bipo- Molecular genetic evidence for disorder overlap is
lar disorder was a multi-investigator collaborative study based on single nucleotide polymorphism–based heri-
titled the Psychiatric Genome Wide Association of tability. The Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric
Bipolar Disorder Consortium (Sklar et al., 2011), which Genetics Consortium recently reported high single
included 7,418 cases and 9,250 controls in Stage 1 and nucleotide polymorphism coheritability between bipolar
11,974 cases and 51,792 controls in Stage 2.  Analyses disorder and schizophrenia (0.68) and moderate coher-
of this study yielded only two genome-wide signifi- itability between bipolar disorder and major depressive
cant loci:  rs4765,913 near the CACNA1C locus iden- disorder (0.47; Lee et al., 2013). Although this suggests
tified in earlier studies with an odds ratio of 1.14, and that there may be common genes underlying these two
rs12,576,775 near a gene ODZ4 on chromosome 11 with conditions, caution is advised in interpreting these
an odds ratio of 0.88. There are several possible explana- results because of issues such as diagnostic misclassifi-
tions for the small number of findings. One explanation cation and heterogeneity, the low attributable risk of
that is currently receiving a great deal of attention is the common variants underlying bipolar disorder, and the
substantial heritability in the phenotypic presentation assumptions underlying the analyses used. The whole of
of bipolar disorder. This may be especially relevant to the evidence thus far suggests that a combination of spe-
genome-wide association studies, which usually rely on cific and nonspecific factors underlie the development of
a simple “case versus control” outcome definition, leav- mental disorders within families. Future efforts to distin-
ing the potential for substantial heterogeneity within guish between common and unique pathways to psychi-
the case group (Craddock & Sklar, 2013). One potential atric disorders will be critical to our understanding of the
solution to this problem is the use of endophenotypes to major psychiatric disorders.
define cases rather than disorder categories (Gottesman &
Gould, 2003).
In recent years there has been a substantial growth in
Evidence from both family and molecular genetic stud- research on both the descriptive and analytic epidemiol-
ies indicate some degree of genetic overlap between ogy of bipolar disorder, as well as its genetic underpinnings.
bipolar disorder and other purportedly distinct disor- An increase in population-based studies in international
ders such as MDD and schizophrenia. For example, off- settings, as well as large, cross-national collaborations,
spring of probands with bipolar disorder have increased have provided insight into the magnitude of occurrence
rates of major depression, although these are not usu- of bipolar disorder and its substantial impact. The average
ally as high as the increases in rates of bipolar disorder cross-national lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder is esti-
(Vandeleur et  al., 2012; Wilde et  al., 2014). Similarly, mated at 2% to 3% in adults and 2% in youth. The burden
a recent meta-analysis found increased rates of depres- of bipolar disorder is especially pronounced among young
sion, anxiety, disruptive disorders, substance use, and people, consistent with recent evidence that first onset
ADHD among offspring of parents with bipolar disorder begins during adolescence and early adulthood. Despite its
(Rasic, Hajek, Alda, & Uher, 2014). Other evidence has substantial impact, only about 50% of adults and 20% of
come from families assembled using population registry adolescents receive specialty mental health care treatment.
data. For example, using data from the Swedish treat- There is growing recognition that bipolar disorder has
ment registry, Lichtenstein et  al. (2009) reported a sig- a spectrum of expression, and prevalence estimates for
nificant genetic correlation between the two disorders of this spectrum are often appreciably greater than for BPI.
0.60. However, two recent family studies failed to find Delineating the diagnostic boundaries of bipolar disorder
evidence of cross-transmission between bipolar disorder remains an important area for future research. This is espe-
and major depression and also demonstrated specificity cially evident when one considers the substantial magni-
of the core components of bipolar disorder, psychosis, tude of comorbidity of bipolar disorder with other mental

U pdate on E pidemiolog y, R isk Factors , and C orrelates of B ipolar S pectrum D isorder   •   2 9

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U pdate on E pidemiolog y, R isk Factors , and C orrelates of B ipolar S pectrum D isorder   •   33

Erica Snook, Keitha Moseley-Dendy, and Robert M. A. Hirschfeld

HISTORY OF THE DI AGNOSIS (1976) suggested the classification of bipolar patients into
OF BIPOL AR DISOR DER the categories bipolar I and bipolar II. Bipolar I required an
episode of mania, whereas bipolar II required a history of
The concepts of depression and mania date back over hypomanic (symptoms interfered with normal functioning
2,000 years when Hippocrates attributed melancholia and but were not severe enough to require hospitalization) and
mania to an excess of black bile and yellow bile, respectively. depressive episodes but no manic episodes.
However, modern notions of bipolar disorder began with The diagnosis of bipolar disorder has continued to
Emil Kraepelin’s (1896) proposal that endogenous (i.e., due evolve over the years. In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic
to altered physiologic function) psychoses be divided into and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5;
two distinct categories—“manic-depressive insanity” and American Psychiatric Association, 2013), bipolar disorder
“dementia precox.” He described manic-depressive insanity has its own chapter, completely separate from the depres-
as having an episodic course with a better prognosis in con- sive disorders.
trast to the deteriorating course of dementia precox. This
view of manic-depressive illness was widely accepted and is
adhered to among today’s clinicians.
In 1957 Leonhard coined the terms “bipolar” referring
to patients who had both manic and depressive episodes
and “monopolars,” who had only depressive episodes. M A N I A A N D H Y P OM A N I A
Jules Angst (1966) and Winokur, Clayton, and Reich
(1969) independently proposed this distinction as well
and included case studies and family history data. This In mania and hypomania, all aspects of being are acceler-
separation of recurrent unipolar depression from bipolar ated and sharpened. Thought processes move swiftly. The
illness was not universally accepted. One proponent of rapid pace that may initially be invigorating can quickly
including recurrent unipolar and bipolar patients into the lead to frustration. Activity parallels the increased mental
simple category of manic depressive illness was Fredrick activity, and manic patients seem to be fueled by an infinite
Goodwin (Goodwin & Jamison, 2007). However a vari- reservoir of energy, bouncing quickly from one activity to
ety of clinical and genetic studies have not supported this another without need for rest.
The third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III; American
Psychiatric Association, 1980)  was consistent with the Mood disturbance is a core feature of mania and hypoma-
separation of bipolar and unipolar disorder, and bipolar nia and is usually elevated or irritable. Mood may also be
disorder was separated from major depressive depression in described as angry, grandiose, expansive, or euphoric. As an
the “Mood Disorders” chapter. In the DSM-III, the only episode progresses, irritability may become more predomi-
criterion distinguishing bipolar disorder was a history of nant. Mood may change abruptly from euphoria to rage due
mania. Around this time, Dunner, Gershon, and Goodwin to low frustration tolerance.

Behavior/psychomotor activity Hallucinations are the symptom that disappear the fast-
est during recovery, followed by delusions (Goodwin &
Overactivity became a core criterion in the DSM-5 for
Jamison, 2007).
mania and hypomania because it occurs even more fre-
quently in mania than in elevated mood. Specifically,
overactivity in mania refers to increased time spent walk- Disturbances of thought
ing, increased goal-directed behavior, and socially disin-
Thinking is accelerated, distractible, and tangential.
hibited interactions (Perry et  al., 2010). Several studies
Patients may report feeling as if their thoughts are racing
demonstrated the presence of overactivity to be the most
though their mind more quickly than they can be expressed.
highly correlated symptom with the diagnosis of mania
They often describe very rapid thoughts as a flight of ideas.
or hypomania (Akiskal et  al., 2001, Angst et  al., 2003,
In severe mania, as thoughts flow more quickly, associa-
Benazzi, 2007).
tions may become loosened.
Social behaviors are strongly affected by mania. While
Alertness and orientation are not affected unless mania
manic patients are often eager to interact with others,
is severe. In the manic or depressed state, bipolar patients
they may not realize if they are behaving inappropriately
were found to demonstrate significant impairments in
or making others uncomfortable. Examples of impaired
verbal memory and executive functioning (Mur, Portella,
social behaviors in mania include inattention to social cues,
Martinez-Aran, Pifarre, & Vieta, 2008). Examples of
inappropriate familiarity with strangers, overconfidence in
impaired executive functioning include problems with
abilities or opinions, and inability to allow others to speak
keeping track of time, doing more than one thing at once,
in the conversation.
making plans, waiting to speak until called on in groups,
knowing when to ask for help, and evaluating and reflecting
Sleep on ideas.
Manic and hypomanic patients sleep less and have a
decreased need for sleep. They may only sleep two to Impulse control
three hours per night yet feel alert and energetic in the
In general, manic patients are very impulsive. Examples of
morning. This differs from insomnia, whereby patients
impulsive behaviors frequent in mania include shopping
have difficulty sleeping and feel tired and sluggish the
sprees, hypersexual behavior, poor business investments,
next day.
gambling, drug use, legal problems, and violent or assaul-
tive behavior.
Speech may be pressured and increased in volume and rate. Insight and judgment
Patients feel compelled to share their thoughts and may be
Both manic and hypomanic patients usually lack insight
difficult to redirect or interrupt, often at the expense of irri-
into their condition and often do not believe they need
tating others around them.
treatment. Impairments in judgment are also a feature of
mania; examples are included in the previous section.
Perceptual disturbances and thought content
By definition, psychotic features may only be present in DE PR E S S ION
mania, not hypomania. Two-thirds of patients with bipo-
lar I have a lifetime history of at least one psychotic symp-
tom (Goodwin & Jamison, 2007). Delusions are the most Although mania and hypomania are the signature and most
common psychotic symptom. Patients may become so pre- recognizable characteristics of bipolar disorder, depression
occupied with religious, political, financial, or romantic is its most frequent clinical presentation. This was dramati-
thoughts that they become delusional. Examples include cally demonstrated in a long-term follow-up study of 146
delusions of special or supernatural abilities or powers, car- patients with bipolar disorder. Over 13  years, they spent
rying a divine message from God, wealth, or aristocratic about 40% of the time depressed. In contrast, they were
ancestry. Hallucinations are usually fleeting and part of manic or hypomanic less than 9% of the time and asymp-
a delusion, such as a command hallucination from God. tomatic about half of the time (Judd et al., 2002).

3 6   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
Table 3.1.  INDICATORS OF BIPOLAR DISOR DER Hadzi-Pavlovic, 2000). Examples of psychomotor retarda-
IN DEPR ESSED PATIENTS tion include difficulty getting out of bed in the morning,
feeling even the smallest task is too difficult or requires too
1. Family history of bipolar disorder
2. Earlier onset of illness (early 20s) much energy, feeling weak or sluggish, trouble concentrat-
3. Numerous past episodes ing, or having trouble making decisions. Leaden paralysis
4. History of psychiatric hospitalization is a very severe form of psychomotor retardation where the
5. History of suicide attempt limbs feel impossibly heavy and even minor tasks of daily
6. History of treatment-resistant depression
activities seem impossible.
7. Seasonality
8. Mixed states Patients with bipolar II disorder may be less likely to
9. Mood reactivity demonstrate psychomotor retardation (Benazzi, 2002).
10. Switching on antidepressants In a study of 379 bipolar II depressed and 271 unipolar
depressed outpatients, psychomotor agitation occurred
more frequently in the bipolar II group (Benazzi, 2002).
Cross-sectionally, bipolar depression is often indistin- Examples of psychomotor agitation include restless-
guishable from unipolar depression. Therefore a careful ness, pacing, hand-wringing, rapid speech, or racing
clinical history is crucial, including the age when symptoms thoughts.
were first noted, frequency of depressions, history of manic
symptoms, and family history of bipolar disorder.
While there are no pathognomonic characteristics of Speech
bipolar depression compared to unipolar depression, cer-
Consistent with increased psychomotor slowing, patients
tain characteristics tend to be more common to each type
may have increased latencies of response, slowed rate of
of depression. In general, in bipolar I depression, “atypical”
speech, decreased speech volume, or poverty of speech,
depressive features such as hypersomnia, hyperphagia, and
or they may answer questions with one-word answers
psychomotor retardation are more common than in unipo-
(Mitchell et al., 2008, Sadock, Sadock, & Ruiz, 2009).
lar depression (Mitchell, Goodwin, Johnson, & Hirschfeld,
2008). Psychotic features and mood lability are also more fre-
quently found in bipolar depression (Mitchell et al., 2008). Disturbances of perception
Psychotic symptoms occur less often in depressive episodes
Mood than in manic episodes (Goodwin & Jamison, 2007, Sadock
The core mood disturbance is sadness, but it may also be et  al., 2009)  but are more frequent in bipolar depression
experienced as apathy or “flatness,” anxiety, or irritabil- compared to unipolar depression (Mitchell et  al., 2008).
ity. In general, there is no difference in the severity of The primary psychotic symptom encountered in bipolar
bipolar versus unipolar depression (Mitchell et al., 2001). depressed patients is mood-congruent delusions of guilt,
There is also no difference in the severity of the depressed sinfulness, poverty, illness, or prosecution (Sadock &
phase of bipolar I  and bipolar II disorder (Goodwin & Sadock, 2007). Delusional depressions, especially in
Jamison, 2007). younger people, marked by severe psychomotor retardation
or even stupor, raise suspicion for the diagnosis of bipolar
disorder (Sadock et al., 2009).
Behavior/psychomotor activity
Patients with bipolar disorder when depressed are more
Disturbances of thought
likely to experience neurovegetative symptoms, particu-
larly hypersomnia, increased appetite, and weight gain. Thinking may be slowed, easily confused, distractible,
Conversely, patients with unipolar depression are more and focused on ruminating. The core cognitive changes in
likely to experience insomnia, either as trouble falling depression or the “cognitive triad” as described by Aaron
asleep or early morning awakenings (Mitchell et al., 2008). Beck are negative thoughts about the self, surroundings,
Although psychomotor changes are rare in both unipo- and future. Automatic thoughts, also called cognitive dis-
lar and bipolar depression, bipolar I patients are significantly tortions, occur due to these negative beliefs and cause the
more likely to have this symptom, especially psycho- patient to negatively misinterpret external events (Sadock &
motor retardation (Parker, Roy, Wilhelm, Mitchell, & Sadock, 2007).

P resentation , C linical C ourse , and D iagnostic A ssessment of B ipolar D isorder   •   3 7

Insight and judgment temperament was found in 28% of patients with mixed epi-
sodes, and a depressive temperament was found in 31.5%.
Insight remains intact, but pessimism and negativity are
This study concluded that a person’s temperament, when
heightened. Depressed patients may overemphasize their
opposite to the polarity of his or her mood episode, may
negative views and may believe improvement is impossible
contribute to the affective instability that characterizes
(Sadock & Sadock, 2007).
mixed states.

Other characteristics Manic or hypomanic with mixed features

Anhedonia, or the inability to experience pleasure, is In the past, mania with three or more depressive symptoms
also an important characteristic of bipolar depression. was called dysphoric mania. The episodes included many
One woman’s personal recollection of an episode of of the manic symptoms such as racing thoughts, pressured
bipolar depression painfully reflects this sentiment:  “I speech, irritability, and impulsivity but in the absence of
was unbearably miserable and seemingly incapable of euphoria and grandiosity. A patient with mania or hypoma-
any kind of joy or enthusiasm . . . Everything that once nia with mixed features may present with irritability and
was sparkling was now flat” (Jamison, 1995, p.  110). the increased speed of thought and speech typical of mania
Seasonality, with worsening of depression in the fall and but also complain of depressed mood, increased guilt, anhe-
winter and increased propensity for mania in the spring donia, and poor energy. Instead of feeling triumphant and
and summer, is typical of bipolar disorder and other invincible, a patient with mania or hypomania with mixed
cyclic depressions. features may feel very edgy and uncomfortable.

M I X E D E PI S ODE S/ F E AT U R E S Depressed with mixed features

During a manic or depressed episode, patients often Distinguishing depressed episodes with mixed features
experience symptoms from the opposite pole. For exam- from episodes of major depression with agitation or irrita-
ple, patients who are primarily depressed may complain bility is a difficult task, but certain symptoms can help dif-
of symptoms related to mania, such as racing thoughts, ferentiate the two. Increased goal-directed activity (instead
decreased need for sleep, or impulsivity. Similarly, patients of purely increased activity of any kind or restlessness),
who are primarily manic or hypomanic may complain of decreased need for sleep (not insomnia), and impulsivity
depressive symptoms such as sadness, anhedonia, and point toward the diagnosis of a depressed episode with
decreased energy. Whether the predominant polarity of mixed features (Ketter, 2010).
the mood episode is manic or depressive, a mixed episode According to the International Society for Bipolar
is associated with a higher risk of suicide (Swann et al., Disorders Task Force, anxiety symptoms are very com-
2013). The coupling of hopelessness with impulsivity mon in both “pure” depression and episodes of depres-
and increased activation substantially increases (Swann sion with mixed features (Swann et  al., 2013). There is
et al., 2013). no change in the frequency of psychotic symptoms in
A person’s temperament, or innate personality, may cre- depressed episodes with mixed features as opposed to
ate a predisposition for mixed states (Perugi et al., 1997). pure depression, but if they do occur, the content of the
A patient with a depressive temperament but suffering from psychotic symptoms varies. In patients with bipolar I,
acute mania may present with symptoms of both depres- mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms occur more often
sion and mania, which could be categorized as mania with in a mixed episode than they do in a purely depressed epi-
mixed features. The same theory can apply to those with sode (Swann et al., 2013).
hyperthymic temperaments and depressive episodes pre-
senting as depression with mixed features. In a controlled DI AG NO S T IC A N D S TAT I S T IC A L
study of 118 patients with mania and 143 patients with M A N UA L F OR   M E N TA L
mixed states, hyperthymic temperament was most strongly DI S OR DE R S , F I F T H E DI T ION
associated with mania (56.8% of manic patients had hyper-
thymic temperaments). Both depressive and hyperthymic The preceding section describes key components of the
temperaments were associated with an increased prevalence clinical presentation of manic, hypomanic, and depres-
of mixed episodes (Perugi et  al., 1997). A  hyperthymic sive episodes and mixed state. This section describes

3 8   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
how the symptoms are organized into discreet diag- attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or a
noses according to the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric medical condition.
Association, 2013).
In the DSM-5 for the first time, bipolar and related
disorders have been separated from depressive disorders
and given their own chapter. The rationale for this change To receive a diagnosis of bipolar II disorder, the individual
was differences in symptomatology, family history, and must have experienced at least one hypomanic episode and
genetics. Bipolar disorders are longitudinally defined dis- at least one major depressive episode. The individual may
orders of mood that include episodes of highs character- not have ever experienced a manic episode. Furthermore,
ized by euphoric, elevated, expansive, or irritable mood the occurrence of the hypomanic episodes and expressive
and increased energy and activity and depressive episodes episodes may not be better explained by schizoaffective
characterized by depressed mood and/or loss of interest in disorder, schizophrenia, schizophreniform, delusional dis-
pleasure and associated symptoms. Included diagnoses are order, or other specified or unspecified schizophrenia spec-
bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymic disorder, trum and other psychotic disorder.
substance/medication-induced bipolar and related disor- A hypomanic episode is similar to a manic episode. It
der, bipolar and related disorder due to another medical requires a distinct period of abnormally and persistently
problem, other specified bipolar and related disorder, and elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally per-
unspecified bipolar and related disorder. sistently increased activity or energy, lasting at least four
consecutive days and present most of the day nearly every
day. It also requires at least three (four if the mood is only
irritable) associated symptoms described previously in the
To receive a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, the person must definition of a manic episode. The episode must be asso-
have experienced a manic episode. Patients may also experi- ciated with an unequivocal change in functioning that is
ence hypomanic or major depressive episodes, but they are uncharacteristic of the individual when not symptomatic.
not necessary for the diagnosis. This change in mood and functioning must be observable
A manic episode is defined as “a distinct period of by others.
abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irri- However, the episode must not be severe enough to
table mood and abnormally and persistently increased cause marked impairment in social or occupational func-
goal-directed activity or energy, lasting at least one week tioning or to necessitate hospitalization. It must not include
and present most of the day, nearly every day (or any dura- psychotic features. Furthermore, the episode may not be
tion if hospitalization is necessary)” (Sadock & Sadock, attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g.,
2007). The inclusion of increased goal-directed activity of drug abuse, medication, or other treatment). An impor-
or energy as a core criterion for manic episode is new to tant clarification is that a hypomanic episode occurring
DSM-5 and represents a step forward. Thus it is necessary during antidepressive treatment may be considered diag-
for a manic episode to have not only a mood disturbance nostic for bipolar II if it persists at a fully syndromal level
but also a substantial change in behavior. beyond the physiological effects of the treatment.
In addition to the core mood and activity criteria, an A major depressive episode requires at least five symp-
individual must exhibit at least three of other associated toms occurring within the same two-week period and rep-
symptoms, including increased self-esteem or grandiosity, resents a change in previous functioning. At least one of the
decreased need for sleep, being more talkative than usual symptoms must be either a depressed mood or loss of inter-
or feeling pressure to keep talking, flight of ideas or subjec- est or pleasure. Other symptoms include depressed mood
tive experience where thoughts are racing, distractibility, most of the day, nearly every day, markedly diminished
increase in goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation, interest or pleasure in almost all activity, significant weight
and/or excessive involvement in activities that have a high loss when not dieting or weight gain or decreased and
potential for painful consequences (e.g., unstrained buy- increase in appetite nearly every day, insomnia or hyper-
ing sprees, sexual misbehavior, or foolish, risky business somnia nearly every day, psychomotor agitation or retarda-
investments). tion nearly every day, fatigue or loss of energy nearly every
The mood disturbance must be sufficiently severe to day, feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate
cause marked impairment in social or occupational func- guilt nearly every day, diminished ability to think or con-
tioning or to necessitate hospitalization. It must also not be centrate or indecisiveness nearly every day, and recurrent

P resentation , C linical C ourse , and D iagnostic A ssessment of B ipolar D isorder   •   3 9

thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal ideation without a disturbance in mood that predominates in the clinical
specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for com- picture and is characterized by elevated, expansive, or irri-
mitting suicide. table mood, with or without depressed mood, or markedly
These symptoms must cause clinically significant dis- diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all activi-
tress and impairment in the social, occupational, or other ties” (From DSM 5 diagnostic criteria for substance/medi-
important areas of functioning. The episode must not be cation induced bipolar and related disorder, p.  142). This
attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or disturbance in mood must have occurred or developed
other medical condition. during or soon after substance intoxication or withdrawal
An important change in DSM-5 is that bereavement is or after exposure to a medication. The involved substance
not an exclusion for a major depressive episode. Thus if an or medication must be capable of producing these symp-
individual meets criteria for a major depressive episode even toms. The disturbance may not occur exclusively during the
if recently bereaved, then the diagnosis of a major depressive course of delirium and must cause clinical significant stress
episode will be made. or impairment in social, occupational, or other important
areas of functioning.


Cyclothymic disorder describes an individual who has TO ANOTHER MEDICAL CONDITION
experienced at least two years of both hypomanic and This classification is similar to the substance/
depressive periods without ever completely fulfilling medication-induced bipolar and related disorder. To be
the criteria for an episode of mania, hypomania, or diagnosed as having a bipolar and related disorder due to
major depression. To receive a diagnosis of cyclothy- another medical condition requires a “prominent and per-
mic disorder the individual must have had for at least sistent period of abnormally elevated, expansive, or irri-
two years numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms table mood and abnormally increased activity or energy
that do not meet full criteria for hypomanic episode that predominates in the clinical picture” (From DSM 5
and numerous periods of depressive symptoms that do diagnostic criteria for bipolar and related disorder due to
not meet full criteria for major depressive disorder. The another medical condition, p. 145). This disturbance must
individual must have been experiencing hypomanic and be a direct pathophysiological consequence of another
depressive episodes at least half the time during the medical condition. Furthermore, the disturbance may not
two years and had no period without symptoms lasting be better explained by another mental disorder, and it may
more than two months. The individual must not have not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium. As
experienced major depressive, manic, or hypomanic with other disorders, the disturbance must cause clinically
episode ever in his or her life. The symptoms may not significant distress or impairment in social, occupational,
be better explained by schizoaffective disorder, schizo- or other important areas of functioning or necessitate
phrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional dis- hospitalization.
order, or other specified or unspecified schizophrenia
spectrum or other psychotic disorder. Furthermore, the
symptoms may not be attributable to the physiological OTHER SPECIFIED AND UNSPECIFIED
effects of a substance or another medical condition. The BIPOLAR AND RELATED DISORDERS
symptoms must cause clinically significant distress or These two categories include presentations characteristic of
impairment in social, occupational, or important areas a bipolar or related disorder but do not meet the criteria of
of functioning. any of the previously described bipolar and related disor-
ders. The reason for specifying why this condition is a bipo-
lar or related disorder may or may not be included by the
Examples of other specified bipolar and related disor-
A diagnosis of substance/medication-induced bipolar and ders are episodes of hypomania that are less than four days
related disorder may be made when various substances or in duration or have fewer than three or four symptoms.
medical conditions lead to manic-like episodes. Specifically Another example would be a history of hypomanic epi-
this occurs when there is a “prominent and persistent sodes without a history of major depressive disorders.

4 0   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
S PECI F I E R S for both types of episodes. Therefore, the episode could not
be labeled as mixed even though it was certainly not purely
DSM-5 includes a number of specifiers for bipolar and one type of episode. In the DSM 5, the mixed specifier
related disorders: anxious distress, mixed features, melan- replaces the mixed episode. For a manic or hypomanic epi-
cholic features, atypical features, psychotic features, catato- sode with mixed specifier, full criteria are met for the manic
nia, peripartum onset, and seasonal pattern. or hypomanic episode. In addition, the individual must
As in the fourth edition (text revision) of the Diagnostic experience at least three of the following depressive symp-
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR; toms occurring during the majority of days of the manic
American Psychiatric Association, 2000), rapid cycling is or hypomanic episode:  prominent dysphoria or depressed
defined as the occurrence of at least four mood episodes in mood, diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all
the previous twelve months. activities, psychomotor retardation nearly every day, feeling
The melancholic specifier is characterized by a loss of plea- fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or exces-
sure in nearly all activities, inability to respond to pleasurable sive or inappropriate guilt, or recurrent thoughts of death,
stimuli, unchanging emotional expression, excessive or inap- recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a sui-
propriate guilt, early morning awakening, marked psycho- cide attempt or specific plan for committing suicide.
motor retardation or agitation, and significant anorexia or A depressive episode with mixed features requires meet-
weight loss. The atypical specifier is characterized by a bright- ing full criteria for a major depressive episode and at least
ened mood in response to positive events, increased sensitiv- three manic or hypomanic symptoms present during the
ity to rejection resulting in depressive overreaction to any majority of days of the episode. These include elevated,
perceived criticism or rejection, feelings of leaden paralysis or expansive mood, inflated self-esteem or grandiosity, being
anergy, weight gain or increased appetite, and hypersomnia. more talkative than usual or feeling pressure to keep talk-
In atypical depression, symptoms tend to worsen as the day ing, flight of ideas or subjective experience, racing thoughts,
progresses. The psychotic specifier is indicated in patients increase in energy or goal-directed activity, increased or
with delusions, often of having committed unpardonable excessive involvement in activities that have a high poten-
sins or crimes, of harboring incurable or shameful disorders, tial for painful consequences, and decreased need for sleep.
or of being persecuted. Patients suffering from delusions may These mixed symptoms must not be attributable to the
also have auditory or visual hallucinations such as hearing physiological effects of a substance.
accusatory or condemning voices. If voices are heard in the Another addition is the anxious distress specifier. The
absence of delusions, careful consideration should be given anxious distress specifier is indicated when two or more of
to whether the voices represent true hallucinations. The the following symptoms are present for the majority of days
content of the delusions and or hallucinations may be con- during the current or the most recent episode of mania,
sistent (mood-congruent psychotic features) or inconsistent hypomania, or depression: feeling keyed up or tense, feel-
(mood-incongruent psychotic features) with typical depres- ing unusually restless, difficulty concentrating because of
sive themes. The catatonic specifier refers to a subgroup worry, fear that something awful may happen, or feeling
characterized by severe psychomotor retardation or exces- one may lose control of oneself. Based on the number of
sive purposeless activity, withdrawal, and in some patients symptoms reported, the severity may be mild (two symp-
grimacing and mimicry of speech (echolalia) or movement toms), moderate (three), moderate-severe (four or five), or
(echopraxia). The seasonal pattern specifier applies to the severe (four or five with motor agitation). According to the
recurrence of at least one type of episode (manic, hypomanic, DSM-5, high levels of anxiety are associated with increased
or depressive) at a particular time of year (e.g., spring, winter). risk of suicide, lengthier duration of illness, and greater risk
The specifier with the most significant change from of nonresponse to treatment.
prior editions is mixed features. In DSM-IV-TR (American
Psychiatric Association, 2000), a mixed episode required
that criteria for a manic episode and a major depressive ASSESSM ENT
episode were met in full at the same time. However, many
patients experience features of the both poles prominently
during an episode but do not meet full criteria for the other
pole episodes. In the outpatient setting, patients with bipolar disorder are
However, many patients experience prominent features often indistinguishable from those with unipolar depres-
of both poles during a single episode but do not meet criteria sion. Unipolar depression is much more prevalent (16.2%)

P resentation , C linical C ourse , and D iagnostic A ssessment of B ipolar D isorder   •   41

than bipolar spectrum disorders (4.4%), and, without appro- detects bipolar I with similar accuracy. For all bipolar
priate evaluation, the patient with bipolar disorder may spectrum disorders (bipolar I, II, and not otherwise
be misdiagnosed (Merikangas et  al., 2007). Recognition specified), it has a sensitivity of 0.76 and specificity
of bipolar disorder in patients with depression may be of 0.85. The BSDS is written in story format, with 19
improved by using screening instruments. sentences that describe symptoms of bipolar spectrum
disorders. Following each sentence is a space for a
checkmark. After reading the entire passage, test-takers
Screening instruments
are asked how much the passage describes them: very
Self-reported rating scales are helpful for efficient screening well, fairly well, to some degree but not most, or not at all.
of patients presenting with depressive symptoms. A  posi- They are then asked to go back to the story and put a
tive screen triggers the need for a comprehensive psychi- check after each sentence that definitely describes them.
atric evaluation. In the following list, tools described in 1 This test takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
through 3 are screening instruments for bipolar disorder,
4. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is used
and that described in number 4 is a screen for depression of
in the screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of depres-
any etiology.
sion occurring at the present time. It does not indicate
whether the depression is part of bipolar disorder or
1. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is the most
major depression. The PHQ-9 differs from the MDQ
widely used screening instrument for bipolar disorder
and HCL-32 in that it focuses only on the depressive
(Hirschfeld et al., 2000). It has been translated into 19
symptoms and only on the symptoms occurring at the
languages and cited in over 600 publications. It is a vali-
present time, not on a lifelong basis. It has nine ques-
dated self-rated questionnaire that consists of 13 ques-
tions, each describing a symptom of depression. Each
tions about manic and hypomanic symptoms the patient
question is graded from zero to 3 depending on symp-
may have experienced in the past. It takes approximately
tom frequency. The PHQ-9 takes less than 3 minutes
5 minutes to complete. In depressed samples, it has a
to complete, and an abbreviated version, the PHQ-2,
sensitivity of 0.73 and specificity of 0.90.
takes less than 1 minute to complete. The PHQ-9 has
2. The Hypomania/Mania Symptom Checklist (HCL-32; a sensitivity of 0.88 and specificity of 0.88 for major
Angst et al., 2005) is another assessment used to screen depression.
for bipolar disorder. There are two introductory ques-
tions regarding the subject’s current emotional state
and usual mood and levels of energy and activity. Symptom rating scales: Clinician administered
Thirty-two questions follow, mostly regarding symp-
Clinician-administered symptom rating scales are useful
toms of mania and hypomania. It takes approximately
for monitoring patient mood status over time and response
10 minutes to complete. In depressed samples it has a
to treatment. There are two clinician-administered rating
sensitivity of 0.80 and specificity of 0.51.
scales for depression employed in both clinical and research
3. The Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (BSDS) was settings: the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (Ham-D)
created (Ghaemi et al., 2005) to better screen for bipo-
lar II and bipolar not otherwise specified, but it also Table 3.3.  PROBABILITY OF R ELAPSE IN 



EPISODE (%) (%) (%)
Manic 20 48 81
MDQ 0.73 0.90
Depressive 33 60 88
HCL-32 0.80 0.51
Mixed/ 36 57 91
BSDS 0.76 0.85 Cycling

NOTE : MDQ = Mood Disorder Questionnaire; HCL-32 = Hypomania/ NOTE: Reprinted with permission from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Mania Symptom Checklist; BSDS = Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale Keller et al. (1993).

4 2   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
and the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale Several long-term studies are responsible for what we
(MADRS). The HAM-D is the most widely used assess- know about the course of bipolar disorder today. Most of
ment for clinician rated depression worldwide (Hamilton, the information in this section focuses on these pioneer-
1960). It requires a clinically experienced rater to determine ing studies. The Zurich study followed 220 patients pro-
numerical ratings of 21 depressive symptoms and takes less spectively for up to 28 years (Angst, 1966). The Iowa 500
than 20 minutes to complete. The MADRS is more sensi- study was a 30- to 40-year follow-up of 685 patients with
tive to changes in the depressed clinical state and has been schizophrenic and affective disorders compared with non-
used in trials to assess efficacy of antidepressant medica- psychiatric patients (Tsuang, Woolson, & Fleming, 1979).
tions (Montgomery & Åsberg, 1979). It is composed of 10 The Cologne study followed 355 patients with affective,
items, each of which may be rated from zero to 6 and takes schizoaffective, and schizophrenic disorder for approxi-
less than 15 minutes to complete. mately 25 years (Marneros, Deister, & Rohde, 1990). The
The Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) and the Bech National Institute of Mental Health Collaborative Study
Rafaelsen Mania Rating Scale (MAS) are the two most of the Psychobiology of Depression (CDS study) is a pro-
widely used clinician-rating scales for assessing severity of spective study following 955 patients (232 bipolar disorder
manic symptoms. The YMRS is a 15- to 30-minute inter- patients) who were recruited from 1978 to 1981 (Katz &
view that consists of 11 items to be rated from zero to 4. Four Klerman, 1979).
of the 11 items are given double weight and are rated from
zero to 8. These four were considered to be core symptoms
of mania and are irritability, speech, bizarre thought con-
tent, and disruptive or aggressive behavior. They are given Stress is a frequent precipitant of bipolar episodes
double weight to account for lack of patient cooperation in (Goodwin & Jamison, 2007). Stress is more likely associated
the severely ill population. The YRMS takes 15 to 30 min- in early rather than late episodes and can cause increased
utes to complete (Miller, Johnson, & Eisner, 2009). sleeplessness, alcohol use, and drug use. Work-related events
The MAS is a clinical interview designed to cover the are also important precipitants of manic/hypomanic epi-
classic symptoms of mania. There are 11 items total:  ele- sodes. The relationship between stress and bipolar episodes
vated mood, irritable or hostile mood, increased self-esteem, is complicated because bipolar patients often create their
increased verbal activity, speech noise level, increased motor own stressful events.
activity, increased social contacts, increased sexual activity, Pregnancy and the postpartum period are often very
flight of thoughts, distractibility, increased self-esteem, and difficult for women with bipolar disorder: 30% to 50% of
sleep disturbances. Each item is rated from zero to 44, and bipolar disorder women are depressed during the pregnancy
cut-off scores have been determined for hypomania, moder- or postpartum period, and mood instability is frequent
ate mania, and severe mania (Bech, 2002). The MAS takes during pregnancy (Akdeniz et al., 2003; Viguera & Cohen,
10 to 20 minutes to complete. 1998; Viguera, Cohen, Baldessarini, & Nonacs, 2002).
Another precipitant of mood episodes is substance use.
This effect may be from the drug itself or from the sleep
C L I N IC A L   C OU R S E impairment it causes. The role of antidepressants in precip-
itating mania is controversial. The evidence suggests that
This section addresses what happens to people with bipolar older antidepressants, particularly the tricyclics, are much
disorder and their symptoms over time. Bipolar disorder is more likely to precipitate mania than the newer antide-
a recurrent and often lifelong illness. Its course varies con- pressants (e.g., SSRIs; Pacchiarotti et al., 2013). Light and
siderably from person to person but for most is dominated seasonality are also factors as mood fluctuates with the
by depressive symptoms (Judd et al., 2002). The initial pre- seasons. It is common for bipolar patients to experience
sentation is around the age of 22 and is usually depressive depression in the winter and manic episodes in spring/
(and therefore bipolar disorder should always be screened summer.
for when a patient presents with depression; Goodwin &
Jamison, 2007). Even with the current treatments for bipo-
lar disorder, its natural course remains highly recurrent.
Patients with bipolar disorder also experience psychoso- A manic episode usually develops quickly in a matter of
cial functioning impairment that can progressively worsen days. Some patients experience a period of hypomanic
over time. symptoms before the onset of mania called a “hypomanic

P resentation , C linical C ourse , and D iagnostic A ssessment of B ipolar D isorder   •   4 3

alert” (Keitner et al., 1996; Winokur, 1976). Seventy-seven Table 3.4 .  AVER AGE NUMBER OF R ECUR R ENT
percent of patients experience sleep disturbance as a precur- EPISODES IN BIPOLAR DISOR DER
Manic episodes typically last 6 to 12 weeks while mixed STUDY PATIENTS FOLLOW-UP OF EPISODES
episodes typically last 17 weeks (Angst & Preisig, 1995;
Zurich 220 >25 years 9
Coryell, Endicott, & Keller, 1990; Eaton et al., 1997; Keller,
Cologne 355 >25 years 5
Lavorim, Coryell, Endicott, & Mueller, 1993). Hypomanic
episodes may last several weeks to months (American CDS 165 10 5.5
Psychiatric Association, 2000).
NOTE : CDS = Collaborative Study of the Psychobiology of Depression.
A bipolar depressive episode may develop slowly over Adapted from Angst et al. (2000); Marneros et al. (1990); Solomon et al. (2010).
a period of weeks (Angst & Preisig, 1995; Winokur,
1976) and last around 11 to 15 weeks (Coryell et al., 1990;
Keller et al., 1993). will relapse by one year, and nearly 60% of patients with
depressive or mixed episodes will relapse by one year (Keller
CH RON ICI T Y et al., 1993). Nearly 90% of all patients will have relapsed at
least once by five years (see Table 3.3). By 10 years, 66% of
Chronicity is defined as fully meeting criteria for an epi- bipolar I patients will have had at least one manic episode,
sode for a period greater than 2  years. A  relatively high and 34% of bipolar II patients will have had at least one
number of bipolar patients experience chronicity—16% hypomanic episode (Coryell et al., 1995). The likelihood of
according to the Zurich study (Angst & Sellaro, 2000). The recurrence in the ensuing six months for bipolar I disorder
CDS study found a similar percentage with 20% of patients has been shown to range from 36% when the preceding epi-
experiencing chronicity during an entire 15-year follow-up sode has ended 4 to 12 months previous, to 18% if one to
(Coryell et al., 1998). two years has passed, to 10% if at least three years has past.
Eventually, though, the likelihood of recurrence is high
PAT T E R N even for those who had at one point been in remission for at
least three years. At seven years, 82% had experienced a new
Kraepelin believed that interepisode periods became shorter episode of mania or major depression.
over time, leading to more frequent episodes. Recent longi-
tudinal studies do not support this assertion (Goodwin &
Jamison, 2007). The current consensus is that cycle length Table 3.5 .  DEFINITIONS OF TR EATMENT
does not change predictably with time, although it may OUTCOMES IN BIPOLAR DISOR DER
shorten gradually in the initial stages of illness in some
patients with more severe or atypical presentations.
There are three patterns of episodes of bipolar disor- Response 50% reduction in symptoms
der: mania followed by depression and then an interval of from baseline as measured by
a standardized scale (e.g. 50%
wellness (MDI), depression followed by mania and then
decrease in MADRS)
an interval of wellness (DMI), and continuous cycling
(MDMD). MDI was thought to have the best outcome Remission Absence of minimal symptoms
for at least one week
(Koukopoulos et  al., 1980), although newer studies are
somewhat inconsistent with this (Kessing, 1999). In a Recovery/Sustained At least 8–12 consecutive weeks
15-year follow-up study the CDS (the longest study assess- Remission of remission
ing polarity) did find DMI had worse outcome than MDI Relapse/Recurrence Return to full syndrome criteria
(Turvey et  al., 1999). From these findings, we can cau- following a remission of any
tiously conclude that patients who first exhibit depression duration
then mania generally have a poorer long-term outcome. Roughening Return of symptoms at subsyn-
dromal level, perhaps represent-
ing a prodrome of an impending
R E L A P S E/ R ECU R R E NC E episode

Relapse occurs rapidly and frequently in patients with bipo- NOTE: MADRS = Montgomery–Åsberger Depression Rating Scale. Adapted
lar disorder. Nearly half of patients with a manic episode from Hirschfeld et al. (2007).

4 4   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
The Zurich study found that 82% of patients experi- Remission

Increased Severity
enced a recurrence after recovery during the study period Recurrence
Euthymia Relapse
(up to 28 years). The average number of episodes was nine

Pro sorde
during that same follow-up period (Angst et al., 2000). The Symptoms Response


Cologne study followed patients for 25  years and found Syndrome

an average of five episodes (Marneros et  al., 1990; see Treatment phases Acute Continuation Maintenance
Table 3.4). (6–12 weeks) (4–9 months) (≥1 year)

Figure 3.1  Clinical Course of Bipolar Disorder

L ONG -T E R M COU R S E :  Adapted from Frank et al. Arc Gen Psychiatry 1991; 48:851-855 and Hirschfeld et al. Psychopharma-
cology Bulletin 2007; 40:7–14.

Bipolar is a highly episodic illness in which patients have P S YCHO S O C I A L F U NC T ION I NG

been found to have several episodes in their lifetime
(Goodwin and Jamison, 2007). Ninety-three percent of Psychosocial functioning is substantially impaired with
bipolar I patients and 98% of bipolar II patients will have bipolar disorder (Hirschfeld, 2013). Over 60% of bipo-
another mood episode within 10 years of the initial episode lar patients do not achieve full social and occupational
(Judd et  al., 2003). Bipolar disorder can also be chronic, recovery and do not return to their premorbid level after
and patients may be symptomatic most of their lives even an episode (Martínez-Arán et  al., 2004). Contributing
when not experiencing an episode. In a 13-year prospective to this functional impairment are neurocognitive defi-
follow-up study, bipolar patients were found to have symp- cits, as bipolar patients, whether in a manic state or a
toms approximately half of the time (47% bipolar I  and depressed state, have significantly impaired neuropsycho-
56% for bipolar II disorder; Judd et  al., 2002, 2003). Of logical functioning compared to the general population
that time spent ill, symptoms were depressive 67%, manic (Martínez-Arán et al., 2004). Findings suggest significant
20%, and mixed 13% of the time. Subsyndromal symptoms cognitive dysfunction in verbal memory and in formal
were more common than episodes (23% vs. 9% weeks dur- executive functioning (e.g., planning, problem-solving,
ing follow-up). verbal reasoning, and monitoring of actions). These cog-
Over 30% of patients were found to have persisting nitive deficits persisted even two years into remission
symptoms in the Cologne study (Marneros et al., 1990). with executive functioning and processing speed remain-
As previously mentioned, the CDS study found that ing impaired over time in patients who were well treated
bipolar disorder patients experience symptoms approxi- and euthymic (Mur et  al., 2008; Tabarés-Seisdedos
mately half of the time (Judd et al., 2002, 2003). Only et al., 2008).
12% of that 50% was an actual episode; the rest of the Table 3.5 lists the common definitions used to describe
time patients experienced subsyndromal symptoms. For the course of bipolar disorder and Figure 3.1 illustrates
patients followed for 15  years, 20% experienced manic their use.
or depressive symptoms for the entire 15-year follow-up Disclosure statement: Dr Snook and Mrs Moseley-Dendy
(Coryell et  al., 1998). According to the CDS study, have no conflicts of interests. For the 12-month period
1 in 10 bipolar patients remain chronically ill (Judd March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014, Dr.  Hirschfeld has
et al., 2002). received royalties from Jones and Bartlett and honorarium
from CMEology, Equinox, CME Outfitters, and Merck
MORTA L I T Y Manual Editorial Board.

Mortality risk is twice as high for bipolar patients in both

natural and unnatural causes of death. The three most fre- R E F E R E NC E S
quent natural causes of death for bipolar patients are car-
Akdeniz, F., Vahip, S., Pirildar, S., Vahip, I., Doganer, I., & Bulut,
diovascular disease, suicide, and cancer. The risk of suicide I., (2003). Risk factors associated with childbearing-related
for bipolar patients is 30 times greater than the general episodes in women with bipolar disorder. Psychopathology, 36,
population (American Psychiatric Association, 2002). An 234–238.
Akiskal, H. S., Hantouche, E. G., Bourgeois, M. L., Azorin, J. M., Sech-
estimated 7% to 20% of bipolar patients have attempted ter, D., Allilaire, J.  F., . . . Lancrenon, S. (2001). Toward a refined
suicide (Angst et al., 1999). phenomenology of mania:  combining clinician-assessment and

P resentation , C linical C ourse , and D iagnostic A ssessment of B ipolar D isorder   •   45

self-report in the French EPIMAN study. Journal of Affective Dis- Hamilton, M. (1960). A rating scale for depression. Journal of Neurol-
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cal manual of mental disorders. (4th ed., text rev.). Washington, Thase, M. E., & Wagner, K. D. (2007). Defining the clinical course
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P resentation , C linical C ourse , and D iagnostic A ssessment of B ipolar D isorder   •   47

Jean-Michel Azorin and Raoul Belzeaux

INTRODUCTION and temperament, as well as legitimate continuity between

bipolar and unipolar forms (Goodwin & Jamison, 2007).
The view that bipolar disorder is a chronic disease with During the previous century, Klerman (1981) was one of
alternating episodes of mania and depression with free the first at the root of a revival of the concept. He differ-
intervals has been gradually overtaken by an understand- entiated six subtypes: mania (+/– depression), hypomania
ing of its heterogeneity and the need to identify phenotypic (+/–depression), hypomania + depressive symptoms, mania
markers associated with subtypes (Azorin et al., 2013). or hypomania secondary to substance abuse or somatic dis-
The most common classifications of the disorder have ease, depression with a family history of bipolar disorder,
therefore shifted the emphasis in diagnosis away from and unipolar mania (without depression). In a similar vein,
polarity and toward other diagnostic validators (Katzow, Angst (1998) hypothesized a continuity between hypo-
Hsu, & Ghaemi, 2003). This has contributed to make mania (m), cyclothymia (md), mania (M), mania + mild
the diagnosis process of bipolar disorder much more dif- depression (Md), mania + major depression (MD), and
ficult than it was. At the same time, this process, includ- major depression + hypomania (Dm).
ing differential diagnosis, has become a controversial issue, Our research has also shown that hypomania could be
as demonstrated by an expanding literature on this topic briefer than usually admitted and that hyperactivity could
(Zimmerman, Ruggero, Chelminski, & Young, 2008). In have the same value as mood elevation for the diagnosis of
this chapter we review the recent evolution in the classifica- (hypo)mania (Angst et al., 2003b). The spectrum concept
tion of bipolar disorders together with the diagnostic issues was supported by the finding that “softer” definitions of the
the evolving classification may have raised. disorders were linked with as severe consequences as those
found for “harder” criteria (Angst et al., 2003b). Disorders
were included in the bipolar spectrum on the basis of a
B I P OL A R S PE C T RU M certain number of validators, among which the most com-
DI S OR DE R S mon were family history, course, age at onset, response to
antidepressants, and presence of comorbidity (Angst et al.,
2003b). As noticed by some authors (Katzow et al., 2003),
the bipolar spectrum concept shifts the emphasis in diag-
A spectrum or continuum concept was already present in nosis of bipolar disorder away from polarity (presence of
Kraepelin’s (1921) descriptions of manic-depressive insan- spontaneous manic episodes) and toward other diagnostic
ity, when he wrote that the latter included “certain slight validators. However, difficulties with conceptual issues and
and slightest colouring of mood, some of them periodic, diagnostic skills may emerge where no absolute consensus
some of them continuously morbid, which on the one exists as to which specific symptoms or how many symp-
hand are to be regarded as the rudiment of more severe toms need to be present to diagnose a bipolar spectrum
disorders, on the other hand pass without sharp boundary condition. In this regard, most clinicians may agree with
into the domain of personal predisposition.” Such a con- the statement from Katzow et  al. (2003) that “common
cept may allow the recognition of subsyndromal aspects sense . . . suggests that the more such signs are present, the
of the illness and their potential merging into personality most likely the diagnosis of a bipolar spectrum condition.”

E PI DE M IOL O G IC A L DATA manic psychosis. Bipolar II disorder may be characterized
by moderately to severely impairing major depressions,
The lifetime prevalence of bipolar I  disorder in commu-
interspersed with hypomanic periods of at least four days
nity samples may vary from 0.4% to 1.6%, whereas that of
duration without marked impairment.
bipolar II is about 0.5%. For cyclothymic disorders, stud-
Bipolar II ½ subtype refers to patients whose hypo-
ies have reported a lifetime prevalence of from 0.4% to 1%,
manic episodes are shorter than four days and who fulfill
which may range from 3% to 5% in mood disorders clinics.
the criteria for cyclothymic disorder. Compared to bipolar
On a follow-up period of five years, 5% to 15% of bipolar
II, patients from this subtype were found to score higher
II patients could present a manic episode, with a risk to
on the so-called dark side of hypomania characterized by
develop bipolar I  or II disorder of from 15% to 50% for
more traveling, imprudent driving, excessive shopping and
cyclothymic disorder (American Psychiatric Association,
spending, foolish behavior in business, irritability, attention
1994). The Epidemiologic Catchment Area study reported
easily distractible, increased sex drive and interest in sex,
that mania and hypomania occur in 1.2% of the population
increased consumption of coffee and cigarettes, as well as
over a lifetime, which is roughly one-fourth of the preva-
increased consumption of alcohol (Akiskal, Hantouche, &
lence of major depression (Regier et al., 1995). However, a
Allilaire, 2003).
reanalysis of the Epidemiologic Catchment Area data to
Bipolar III represents clinically depressed patients who
include all patients in the bipolar spectrum reported a life-
experience hypomania solely during antidepressant treat-
time prevalence rate of 6.4% (Judd et al., 2003).
ment or other somatic treatment. Different from bipolar II
Other studies conducted in Europe have found lifetime
patients, who may also develop hypomania during antide-
prevalence rates of from 0.3% to 3% for bipolar II disorder,
pressant treatment, bipolar III patients have more depres-
0.5% to 2.8% for cyclothymic disorder, and 2.2% to 5.7%
sive than cyclothymic temperaments. Bipolar III ½ refers to
for hypomania. For the whole bipolar spectrum, prevalence
patients whose periods of excitement are so closely linked
rates could vary from 2.6% to 7.8% (Angst et al., 2003b).
with substance or alcohol use/abuse that it is not always easy
However, if one uses less conservative criteria to define each
to decide whether these periods would have occurred in the
disorder, these rates could reach 24% (Angst et al., 2003b).
absence of such use/abuse. Bipolar IV depicts patients with
In clinical populations, the prevalence of bipolar disorders
depression occurring late in life and superimposed on a life-
was reported to vary from 10% to 15% of psychiatric con-
long hyperthymic temperament. They often present with
sultations, which is about half of the consultations needing
protracted depressive mixed states or “agitated depression.”
care in the domain of affective disorders (Rouillon, 2005).
Bipolar V are patients presenting with major depressive epi-
Furthermore, the overall prevalence of bipolar disorders
sodes but who may share more subtle features of bipolar-
does not seem to vary according to gender, although a cer-
ity. Finally, Type VI represents affectively disinhibited and
tain number of studies have shown a greater number of
mood labile states in the setting of early course of dementia.
depressive episodes in women, whereas men display more
Another popular model is that proposed by Ghaemi,
(hypo)manic episodes (Nivoli et al., 2011).
Ko, and Goodwin (2002). This model establishes specific
diagnostic criteria for bipolar spectrum disorders. Four cri-
teria must be fulfilled: A, B, C, and D. Criterion A refers
One of the most popular models for bipolar spectrum to the presence of at least one major depressive episode and
currently is that from Akiskal and Pinto (2000; Akiskal, criterion B to the absence of any spontaneous episode of
2007). Ten types are identified in this model, ranging from mania or hypomania. Criterion C requires the presence of
Type ½ to Type VI, if one considers schizophrenia repre- one of the following items, plus at least two items from cri-
senting Type 0. terion D, or two among the following items plus one item
Bipolar ½ refers to schizomanic or schizobipolar disor- from criterion D: (a) family history of bipolar disorder in
der and is considered a variety in which manic excitement first-degree relatives, (b)  mania or hypomania induced by
occurs in association with mood-incongruent features antidepressant treatment. Criterion D states that if none
beyond what could be permissible in bipolar I  disorder. among items from criterion C is present, six among the fol-
Bipolar I  refers to full-blown mania. Bipolar I  ½ means lowing nine items are required: (a) hyperthymic tempera-
depression and protracted hypomania, depicting patients ment, (b) recurrent major depressive episodes (> 3), (c) brief
whose hypomanic periods cause trouble to them and sig- major depressive episodes (avg < 3  months), (d)  atypical
nificant others without reaching the destructive poten- features (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
tial characteristic of the extreme excitement of full-blown Disorders, fourth edition [DSM-IV] criteria; American

5 0   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
Psychiatric Association, 1994), (e)  major depressive epi- by showing that using both definitions, significant asso-
sodes with psychotic features, (f) early onset of first major ciations (odds ratio > 2; p < .001) with bipolarity were
depressive episode (< 25  years), (g)  postpartum depres- observed with some well-recognized identifying features of
sion, (h)  wearing off of antidepressant efficacy, (i)  lack of bipolarity. The bipolarity specifier additionally identified
response after at least three well-conducted antidepressant significant associations for manic/hypomanic states while
treatments. taking antidepressants, comorbid substance use disorder,
This model is based on the idea that there may be some and borderline personality disorder (Angst et al., 2011).
subtle features indicative of bipolarity in the absence of In a more recent analysis of this data set, patterns of
any spontaneous manic or hypomanic episode. In addition concurrent comorbidities were found to differ between
to those listed in the aforementioned criteria, one could major depressive patients (DSM–IV) and those meeting
mention substance abuse, seasonal pattern of depressive bipolarity specifier criteria. In addition, specifier definition
episodes, or the presence of hypomanic symptoms during provided better discrimination between major depressive
a depressive episode (Kaye, 2005). Mood lability on anti- disorder and bipolar I, as well as bipolar II. Interestingly,
depressants, as well as a history of suicide attempts, may eating and substance use disorders where clearly associated
also be predictive of bipolarity (Angst et al., 2011). The with bipolar I and bipolar II defined according to bipolarity
criteria proposed by Ghaemi et al. (2002) have received specifier only, as well as attention deficit hyperactivity dis-
support from empirical studies (Smith, Harrison, Muir, & order (ADHD) and borderline personality disorder (Angst
Blackwood, 2005). The same may hold true for the identi- et al., 2013).
fying features of bipolarity in presence of a major depressive
episode (Angst et al., 2011; Kaye, 2005). Interestingly, the
criteria from Ghaemi et al. can be considered as the devel- T H E PROBL E M OF 
opment of Akiskal and Pinto’s model (2000); both models M I S DI AG NO S I S
highlight that in the vast majority of cases, clinicians have
to reorganize bipolar disorder despite the absence of spon-
taneous manic and/or hypomanic episodes.
In keeping with previous research, Angst et al. (2003a) A number of studies conducted in many countries world-
have also elaborated diagnostic criteria for bipolarity speci- wide have reported delays in correct diagnosis for bipolar
fier. Bipolarity specifier criteria attribute a diagnosis of disorder, as well as frequent misdiagnoses with other dis-
bipolar disorder in patients who experienced an episode of orders. Two surveys were conducted a decade apart among
elevated mood, an episode of irritable mood, or an episode members of the National Depressive and Manic-Depressive
of increased activity with at least three of the symptoms Association (DMDA) in the United States. The 1992
listed under criterion B of the DSM-IV- associated with at National DMDA constituent survey reported that long
least one of the three following consequences: (a) unequiv- delays between the onset of symptoms, the seeking of treat-
ocal and observed change in functioning uncharacteristic ment, and the receipt of an accurate diagnosis were com-
of the person’s usual behavior, (b)  marked impairment in mon (Lish, Dime-Menan, Whybrow, Price, Hirschfeld,
social or occupational functioning observable by others, 1994). The survey was repeated in 2000 and displayed find-
and (c)  requiring hospitalization or outpatient treatment. ings that were very similar to those reported nearly a decade
No minimum duration of symptoms is required and no earlier (Hirschfeld, Lewis, & Vornik, 2003). Nearly half
exclusion criteria are applied. Bipolar specifier criteria of respondents who had been misdiagnosed at least once
include all cases meeting DSM-IV criteria for bipolar I and reported a lapse of several months up to five years between
bipolar II disorders, as well as additional cases excluded by seeking their first treatment and diagnosis.
DSM-IV exclusionary criteria (e.g., symptoms occurring Over one-third of those who were initially misdiag-
during antidepressant treatment). In a recent multicenter, nosed in both 1992 and 2000 did not receive a correct
multinational, transcultural study conducted among 5,635 diagnosis for 10 or more years after seeking treatment. In
major depressive patients, 903 patients (16%) were found to 2000, 69% of respondents reported having been misdiag-
fulfil DSM-IV criteria for bipolar disorder, whereas 2,647 nosed; those who were misdiagnosed received a mean of
(47%) met the bipolarity specifier criteria. Thus these cri- 3.5 other diagnoses and consulted four physicians before
teria allowed the identification of an additional 31% of receiving an accurate diagnosis. Before being diagnosed as
patients with major depressive episodes who scored posi- having bipolar disorder, respondents were most likely to
tive on the bipolarity criteria. Their validity was established see either a psychiatrist (62%) or a physician for guidance

D ifferential D iagnosis and B ipolar S pectrum D isorders   •   51

and treatment. Nevertheless, a psychologist and counsellor sometimes contribute to the apparition of rapid cycling as
or social worker were visited at the next highest levels of well as mixed states (Perlis, 2005). Both conditions have
frequency, followed by clergy. In 2000, the most common been reported to be associated with diminished response
incorrect diagnosis was unipolar depression (60%). Other to medication (Kaye, 2005). Cases were also reported in
frequently mentioned misdiagnoses included anxiety dis- which, despite an initial response to antidepressants, a loss
order (26%), schizophrenia (18%), borderline personality of response some months later may lead to dose increase
or antisocial personality disorder (17%), alcohol or sub- (Perlis, 2005). Overall, in the absence of effective treatment
stance abuse and/or dependence (14%), and schizoaffective patients may experience more episodes or more refractory
disorder (11%). episodes that may impair patients’ functioning (Kaye,
A roughly comparable study was conducted in 2001 by 2005; Perlis, 2005).
GAMIAN-Europe, a pan-European federation of national Delay in the start of mood stabilizers was found to
patient organizations from 30 European countries (Morselli be associated with increased health-care cost, including
et al., 2003). The findings indicated that, on average, a bipo- increased suicide attempts and higher rates of hospital use
lar patient was expected to wait for 5.7 years for a correct (Singh & Rajput, 2006). Estimates of completed suicide in
diagnosis from the first onset of symptoms, whereas a non- persons with bipolar disorder are between 10% and 15%,
bipolar patient had a significantly lower delay (4.5  years). with most suicides occurring during the depressive phase
The respondents stated that the diagnosis was made in the (Kaye, 2005; Singh & Rajput, 2006).
vast majority of the cases by a psychiatrist and in a smaller In a study assessing the impact of number of years undi-
percentage by the family doctor or a neurologist. agnosed on current morbidity in patients with bipolar dis-
Two other studies dealing with the epidemiology of order, the number of years undiagnosed was found to be
mania were conducted in France among patients hospital- associated with higher depression and lower quality of life
ized for a manic episode. The first of these studies recruited within the physical and psychological domains (Gazalle
104 manic patients (Akiskal et al., 1998). A delay (≥ 5 years) et al., 2005). Economically, misdiagnosis of bipolar disorders
before correct diagnosis was found for 29% of patients with was also shown to result in lost work days and productivity;
pure mania but for 40% of patients with probable dysphoric as the onset of bipolar disorder is common in adolescence,
mania and 57% of those with definite dysphoric mania. The misdiagnosis at that time may have a negative impact on
second study included 1,090 hospitalized manic patients the development of interpersonal skills, education, and
(Hantouche, Akiskal, Azorin, Châtenet-Duchêne, & earning potential (Singh & Rajput, 2006). Some authors
Lancrenon, 2006). It also found significantly longer delays (Zimmerman et al., 2008) have stressed that if there was a
before correct diagnosis of mixed mania compared to pure risk for bipolar disorder to be under- and misdiagnosed, the
mania. The records of prior misdiagnoses revealed a global risk also exists to be overdiagnosed. This was based on the
rate of patients with at least one prior diagnosis, which was results of a study showing that fewer than half the patients
significantly higher in mixed patients. These clustered basi- who reported that they had been previously diagnosed with
cally into anxiety disorders and/or personality disorders in bipolar disorder received a diagnosis of bipolar disorder
the mixed group. Interestingly, the 2000 National DMDA based on structured interview (Zimmerman et al., 2008).
survey showed that, despite such high rates of misdiag- Consequences of overdiagnosis can be also profound. The
noses, more than 70% of respondents experienced at least main problems may be related to unnecessary side effects
one manic symptom prior to diagnosis, and more than of mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotics (Katzow
three-quarters of respondents experienced various depres- et al., 2003; Perlis, 2005, Zimmerman et al., 2008). These
sive symptoms (Hirschfeld et al., 2003). drugs, which are used to treat bipolar disorder, may have
potentially significant health complications affecting renal,
endocrine, hepatic, immunologic, or metabolic function.
Therefore overdiagnosing bipolar disorder can unnec-
The consequences of misdiagnosis can be serious and even essarily expose patients to serious drug-adverse effects
occasionally fatal. Misdiagnosis may lead to inappropriate (Zimmerman et al., 2008).
treatment, which is particularly true when bipolar depres- Overdiagnosis may also delay the use of more appro-
sion is not recognized and treated with antidepressants priate treatments. Borderline personality disorder, for
without the concomitant use of mood stabilizers (Kaye, example, was shown to be at increased risk of being mis-
2005; Perlis, 2005). In this case patients may develop diagnosed with bipolar disorder (Ruggero, Zimmerman,
mood switches, which worsen the course of the disease and Chelminski, & Young, 2010). In this case, misdiagnosis

52   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
with bipolar disorder could delay the indication of many among bipolar patients. In a recent study conducted on
new psychotherapeutic treatments shown to be effective more than 1,000 bipolar patients, patients with an early
to treat borderline personality disorder but not suitable to onset were found to be more frequently misdiagnosed as
bipolar disorder (Ruggero et al., 2010). suffering from psychotic disorder compared to those with
intermediate or late onset. In contrast, late-onset patients
received more commonly a previous diagnosis of major
depressive or anxiety disorder (Azorin et al., 2013).
Many factors are likely to contribute to misdiagnosis of First-episode polarity may be also worth mentioning.
bipolar disorder. They may be related to the patient, to the On the same cohort of patients, it was found that those
doctor, and/or to the illness (Perlis, 2005). with a manic polarity at onset were often misdiagnosed as
Patients were frequently found to underreport impor- psychotics compared with patients who had a depressive or
tant symptoms, particularly during acute episodes. For mixed polarity at onset; patients with a depressive polarity
example in the study conducted by Hirschfeld et al. (2003), at onset were more frequently diagnosed as major depres-
it appeared that, during mania, only erratic sleeping was sives, whereas those with depressive/mixed polarity at onset
reported by more than half of the respondents, whereas less received more commonly a prior diagnosis of anxious disor-
than one-third mentioned erratic eating, reckless behavior, der (Azorin, Akiskal, & Hantouche, 2011).
excessive spending, and increased sexual interest. The same Comorbidity may represent an additional source of
study showed that, as with manic symptoms but to a lesser diagnostic complexity. Comorbid conditions are multiple
extent, symptoms of depression were also underreported in bipolar disorders, including alcohol and substance use
to physicians. This failure to report relevant symptoms has disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, ADHD,
been related to lack of insight and/or fear of stigma (Perlis, Axis II personality disorders, as well as medical comorbidi-
2005). In the Hirschfield et  al. study, patients who were ties (Krishnan, 2005). Thus a clinician may focus on one
more likely to have unreported symptoms were those who of these conditions and miss the presence of an underlying
experienced symptoms for a minimum of 10  years before bipolar disorder (Perlis, 2005).
getting an accurate diagnosis. The same study gave some Furthermore, it has been shown that gender is likely
hints about the role that doctors may play in misdiagnosis. to interfere with the aforementioned factors to modify
Respondents who were misdiagnosed believed the lack of the phenotypic expression of the illness. Differences were
understanding about bipolar disorder among the doctors/ reported across gender for predominant polarity, polarity
professionals consulted was the primary barrier to more at onset, age at onset, comorbidities, as well as temperament
timely diagnoses (Hirschfeld et al., 2003). However, it has and response to medications (McElroy, Arnold, Altshuler,
been also suggested that an excessive campaign against 2011). Nevertheless, the main problem is probably related
underrecognition, among both doctors and patients, may to the conception clinicians may have of the disorder itself.
have been responsible, at times, for a trend to overdiagnose If the vast majority of them may be in agreement about the
the illness. existence of bipolar I  disorder, fewer are likely those who
Doctors may be sensitive to the marketing message of recognize the full spectrum of bipolarity.
pharmaceutical companies that many patients deemed to
suffer from complex depressive or personality disorders
actually could be bipolar and easily responsive to medica- DI F F E R E N T I A L DI AG NO S I S
tions such as mood stalibilizers or atypical antipsychot-
ics. This echos the fact that in general clinicians may be
inclined to diagnose disorders that they feel more comfort-
able to treat (Zimmerman et al., 2008). The same campaign As previously mentioned, major depressive disorders repre-
may lead a growing number of patients to interpret their sent the main differential diagnosis of bipolar depression.
symptoms as bipolar, be more informed about the disease, Of course patients with soft bipolar disorders are more fre-
and consult professionals to confirm their own diagnosis. quently misdiagnosed, due to the lack of spontaneous epi-
Nevertheless, in the vast majority of cases, misdiagnosis sodes of mania and/or hypomania (Kaye, 2005).
is likely to be explained by the phenomenological complex- Clinical characteristics of depressive episode may
ity of the disorder itself. Many factors may be relevant in sometimes be of help to orientate the diagnosis. Bipolar
this regard. Age at onset, for example, has been reported as depressive patients are likely to be more withdrawn and
one of the most valid indicator of phenotypic differences retarded with tendency for hypersomnia and show more

D ifferential D iagnosis and B ipolar S pectrum D isorders   •   53

agitation, atypical symptoms of depression, mood lability, As in the case of major depression, anxiety disorders
and mixicity, as well as psychotic features but less weight have been reported to precede sometimes bipolar disorder,
loss, anxiety symptoms, somatic complaints, and anger or at least the occurrence of the first manic or hypomanic
(Singh & Rajput, 2006). Of course, the previously men- episode (Perugi, Akiskal, Toni, Simonini, & Gemignani,
tioned features related to family history, course of illness, 2001). The characteristics of the clinical picture may be
comorbidity, and response to treatment may also help to sometimes of help. For example, bipolar patients comorbid
identify bipolarity (Kaye, 2005). This is well reflected by with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), when com-
the criteria proposed by Ghaemi et  al. (2002). Mitchell, pared with non-bipolar OCD patients, were shown to have
Goodwin, Johnson, and Hirschfeld (2008) have also sug- a more gradual onset of their OCD that, nonetheless, pur-
gested a “probabilistic” approach to the diagnosis of bipo- sued a more episodic course with a greater number of con-
lar depression in a person experiencing a major depressive current major depressive episodes. Moreover these bipolar
episode with no clear prior episodes of mania or hypoma- OCD patients had significantly higher rates of sexual and
nia. According to these authors, the greater likelihood of religious obsessions and a significantly lower rate of check-
the diagnosis of bipolar depression should be considered if ing rituals. In contrast, unipolar OCD were older, had
five or more of the following features are present: (a) hyper- a more chronic course with hospitalizations and suicide
somnia and/or increased daytime napping, (b) hyperphagia attempts, had greater comorbidity with generalized anxiety
and/or increased weight, (c) other atypical depressive symp- disorder and caffeine abuse, and were more likely to have
toms such as leaden paralysis, psychomotor retardation, aggressive obsessions and those with a philosophical, super-
psychotic features, and/or pathological guilt, (d) lability of stitious, or bizarre content (Perugi et al., 1997).
mood/manic symptoms, (e) early onset of first depression In a study comparing the prodromal phase of first-versus
(< 25 years), (f) multiple prior episodes of depression (≥ 5 multiple-episode mania (Azorin, Kaladjian, Adida, Fakra,
episodes), and (g) positive family history of bipolar disor- Hantouche, et al., 2012), the former was found to be associ-
der. In contrast, the greater likelihood of the diagnosis of ated with high levels of stressors, suicide attempts, alcohol
unipolar depression should be considered if four or more or substance abuse, and presence of anxiety disorders. This
of the following features are present: (a) initial insomnia/ emphasizes the need to look for associated conditions in
reduced sleep, appetite, and/or weight loss; (b)  normal or the presence of an anxiety disorder. Comorbidity with sub-
increased activity levels; (c)  somatic complaints; (d)  later stance abuse disorders, high levels of suicidality, and stress
onset of first depression (> 25  years); (e)  long duration of may evoke, in this case, an underlying bipolar disorder.
current episode (> 6 months); and (f) negative family his- More generally, it has been suggested that comorbid
tory of bipolar disorder. conditions in bipolar disorder may share the following
The differential diagnosis may be particularly difficult characteristics:  they are multiple (42% patients may have
if not impossible in patients who experience first episode two or more comorbidities), more frequent in women, and
of major depression in the absence of prior manic or hypo- associated with an earlier age at onset of illness, a younger
manic episode. This is not a rare situation, as 35% to 60% of age of patients, high rates of suicidality, as well as poor
patients with bipolar disorders may experience a depressive response to treatment and chronicity (McElroy et al., 2001;
polarity at onset (Kaye, 2005). Krishnan, 2005).


Frequent misdiagnosis of bipolar disorders with anxiety Bipolar I patients sharing psychotic features are highly likely
disorders may be related to their high comorbidity, which to be confounded with psychotic disorders. For example, the
may sometimes concern more than 50% of the patients differential diagnosis may be difficult with schizophrenia
(Perlis, 2005). Moreover some of the features of anxi- and/or schizoaffective disorder when patients present with
ety and depression or hypomania/mania may overlap; for mood-incongruent psychotic features. In a previous study
example, impaired concentration can be associated with all (Azorin et al., 2006), it was found that manic patients with
three, as can sleep disruption. Anxious patients, as well as incongruent psychotic features were characterized by high
bipolar patients, may report racing thoughts. Therefore, a levels of auditory hallucinations, persecutory delusions,
doctor who stops with a patient’s chief complaint of anxi- somatic delusions, and delusions of reference, which are
ety may miss more subtle symptoms of bipolar disorder common in schizophrenia. These patients were also charac-
(Perlis, 2005). terized by their young age at onset (Azorin et al., 2013) and

5 4   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
prevalence of female gender (Azorin et al., 2006). Bipolar separation of borderline personality disorder from bipolar
disorder with mood-incongruent features was shown to be I was supported, whereas the possibility of shared pheno-
driven by unstable mixed states that may be masked by the types was preserved with bipolar II and the soft spectrum.
presence of psychotic symptoms in the forefront (Azorin These conclusions have received support from more recent
et al., 2006). In any event, if the latter occur exclusively dur- studies (Angst et al., 2013; Azorin et al., 2013). Borderline
ing periods of mood disturbance the diagnosis is mood dis- personality disorder appeared as a contributory factor to
order with psychotic features. In schizoaffective disorder, the development of bipolar disorder, which could have
there must be a mood episode that is concurrent with the favored the progression from unipolar major depression
active phase of symptoms of schizophrenia, mood symp- to bipolar disorder, although it could not be excluded that
toms must be present for a substantial portion of the total some features of bipolar disorder (especially affective tem-
duration of the disturbance, and psychotic features must be peraments) may have contributed to the development of
present for at least two weeks in the absence of prominent borderline personality disorder (Azorin et al., 2013).
mood symptoms. In contrast, mood symptoms in schizo- Regardless, because the cross-sectional presentation
phrenia either have a duration that is brief in relation to the of several personality disorders can be mimicked by an
total duration of the disturbance, occur only during the episode of bipolar disorder, the clinician should avoid
prodromal or residual phases, or do not meet full criteria for giving an additional diagnosis of personality disorder
a mood episode (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). based only on cross-sectional presentation without hav-
In contrast, bipolar patients with mood-congruent psy- ing documented that the pattern of behavior has an early
chotic features are more likely to be misdiagnosed as delu- onset and a long-standing course (American Psychiatric
sional disorder patients (Azorin et al., 2006; Azorin et al., Association, 1994).
2013). This may be particularly true in case of patients
with severe chronic mania. It has been reported that 13%
of hospitalized people with mania pursue a chronic course.
Chronic mania may be characterized by euphoric mood The presence of other comorbid conditions may similarly
and grandiose delusions in presence of lack of neurovegeta- lead to misdiagnoses. This is the case for substance abuse
tive, as well as excitatory symptoms (Perugi et  al., 1998). and dependence, which are often present at initial presenta-
In this case too, the distinction depends on the temporal tion. Alcohol and stimulants can produce symptoms that
relationship between the mood disturbance and the delu- mimic mood episodes; for patients with ongoing substance
sions and on the severity of the mood symptoms (American use, it can therefore be difficult to discern the presence
Psychiatric Association, 1994). of an underlying bipolar disorder (Perlis, 2005). As for
anxiety disorder, the clinician must rely on the previously
mentioned features that may be characteristic of bipolar
disorder comorbidity and could therefore facilitate the rec-
The frequency with which bipolar disorder appears to be ognition of bipolarity.
misdiagnosed with personality disorders is probably linked In youth, the main differential diagnosis is ADHD.
to the complexity of the relationship of personality to bipo- Mania and ADHD are both characterized by excessive
lar disorders. In a landmark review, Akiskal, Hirschfeld, activity, impulsive behaviour, poor judgment, and denial
and Yerevanian (1983), showed that personality could be of problems. However, ADHD may be distinguishable
an orthogonal dimension to bipolar disorder, a charac- by early onset (before seven years), chronic rather than
terologic predisposition to bipolar episodes, a modifier or episodic course, lack of relatively clear onsets and offsets,
complication of bipolar episodes, or an attenuated expres- and absence of abnormally expansive or elevated mood.
sion of bipolar episodes. The most controversial issues are Nonetheless, bipolar disorder may also be comorbid with
probably those related to borderline personality disorder. ADHD:  in these cases patients with ADHD plus bipo-
According to Paris, Gunderson, and Weinberg (2007), lar disorder have prototypic symptoms of both disorders
borderline personality disorder could be an atypical form (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).
of bipolar disorder, bipolar disorder could be a phenotypic In the elderly, bipolar disorder may mimic dementia,
variant of borderline personality disorder, the two disor- presenting therefore as what has been called pseudode-
ders could be independent disorders, or the two disorders mentia (Azorin, Kaladjian, Adida, Fakra, Hantouche,
could have overlapping etiologies. After reviewing the avail- et al., 2012). In this case, the clinical picture may be close
able evidence, they came to the conclusion that the current to that of mixed or agitated depression. Patients present

D ifferential D iagnosis and B ipolar S pectrum D isorders   •   55

with cognitive, behavioral, and mood symptoms; they dis- before seeing the physician (Kaye, 2005). If the specificity
play dysphoria, lack of retardation, forgetfulness, vivacious was generally found to be good, the sensitivity appeared
facial expression, spells of weeping, talkativeness, psychic to be lower: the MDQ could detect bipolar I but was less
agitation, emotional lability, high levels of anxiety, and sensitive for bipolar II. It was speculated that the low
suicide attempts. The term “pseudohysterical” behavior sensitivity observed in the general population could have
has been sometimes used to characterize such excessive been due to the low sensitivity of the abbreviated version
reactions and extravagant attitudes patients may develop of the SCID used in the population studied (Baldassano,
in response to requests from their close. These patients 2005). More probably, the MDQ tends to underdiagnose
are usually refractory to antidepressant treatment and/or bipolar II disorder because of its requirement for moder-
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. However, when they are ate to severe impairment of functioning, when improved
treated as depressive mixed states, they display improve- functioning is frequently seen in those with hypomania
ment of mood, behavior, and cognition (Azorin, Kaladjian, (Kaye, 2005).
Adida, Fakra, Hantouche, et al., 2012). Nevertheless, one Another widely used screening instrument is the
must keep in mind that similar pictures are likely to occur Hypomania Checklist (HCL-32; Angst et  al., 2005).
in the setting of the early course of dementia, giving rise to The HCL-32 is a 32-item questionnaire that may help
what is called bipolar type VI (Akiskal, 2007). identify the hypomanic component of depressive epi-
sodes. Individuals with a total score of 14 or higher are
considered as potentially bipolar. Factor analyses have
I M PROV I NG DI AG NO S I S consistently shown the presence of two components
OF   B I P OL A R S PE C T RU M that correspond to the positive (“sunny”) and nega-
DI S OR DE R S tive (“dark”) aspects of hypomania. The HCL-32 is a
screening tool for hypomania but makes no difference
Strategies that have been proposed to increase the recogni- between bipolar I  and bipolar II disorders. However, it
tion of bipolar spectrum disorders include use of screening was found to increase the detection rate of both bipolar
tools, use of diagnostic instruments, and careful interview II and minor bipolar disorders. In a recent study (Gamma
of patients and other informants (Baldassano, 2005; Kaye, et al., 2013) with respect to the discrimination of unipo-
2005; Perlis, 2005). lar from bipolar disorder, the HCL-32 showed sensitivity
of 82% with a specificity of 57% when DSM-IV criteria
for bipolar disorder were used but substantially higher
specificity of 73% when bipolarity specifier criteria were
An ideal tool for routine screening of all depressed patients applied. The psychometric properties of the HCL-32
for bipolar spectrum disorders should be brief and easy have been found to be largely culture independent, and
to complete by patients themselves without assistance the HCL-32 is currently validated in several countries.
(Baldassano, 2005). One of most popular in this regard The HCL-32 is therefore considered a broadly applicable
is certainly the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), screening tool for hypomanic features, facilitating the
which was devised by Hirschfeld et al. (2000). The MDQ detection of hidden bipolarity in patients with depres-
is a brief, self-report screening instrument that contains 13 sion, which can then be assessed further in a clinical
questions plus 2 items assessing symptoms’ co-occurrence diagnostic interview (Gamma et al., 2013).
and the severity of functional impairment caused. It con- The Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (BSDS; Ghaemi
tains questions concerning mood, self-confidence, energy, et  al., 2005)  is a self-report questionnaire consisting of a
sociability, interest in sex, and other behaviors. The com- narrative-based scale with a descriptive story that captures
ponents of the scale were derived from both DSM-IV crite- subtle features of bipolar symptoms and course. It was orig-
ria and clinical experience, and the scale has been validated inally designed to detect the milder portion of the bipolar
against the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV spectrum in outpatients. It is composed of two parts. The
(SCID; Baldassano, 2005). The screen is judged positive first part is a paragraph containing 19 positively valenced
if at least seven symptom items are present and if there is sentences describing many of the symptoms of bipolar dis-
co-occurrence of at least two symptoms and a moderate to order. Each sentence is followed by an underlined space for
severe impairment. Any patient can easily complete this subjects to place a checkmark if they feel that it applies to
survey in less than five minutes, enabling its integration them. Each checkmark is worth 1 point. The second part
into a routine office visit, when the patient can fill it out of the BSDS is one simple, multiple-choice question asking

5 6   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
subjects to rate how well the story describes them overall. appears particularity suitable to bipolar spectrum disorder
The scoring system gives an indication of the probability of but also requires further validation.
the presence of a bipolar spectrum disorder, with a score of The Temperament Evaluation of the Memphis, Pisa,
19 or higher suggesting a high probability, a score of 11 to Paris, and San Diego Autoquestionnaire, although not
18 a modest probability, a score of 6 to 10 a low probability, designed to screen for bipolarity, may be useful in clinical
and a score of < 6 that the presence of a bipolar spectrum practice to assess affective temperaments (Akiskal, Akiskal,
disorder is highly unlikely (Baldassano, 2005). The total Haykal, Manning, & Connor, 2005). The finding of tem-
score on the BSDS can range from zero to 25. The optimum peraments with hypomanic propensities (e.g., hyperthymic,
threshold for likelihood of bipolar spectrum disorder is a cyclothymic, and irritable temperaments) can orientate
score ≥ 13. toward a more accurate search for bipolar spectrum disor-
A head-to-head comparison of the MDQ and the BSDS der, (Akiskal & Pinto, 2000).
has shown that the MDQ was better able to identify indi- Most other instruments have been designed to moni-
viduals with bipolar I disorder compared with those with tor the longitudinal course of bipolar disorder (Baldassano,
bipolar II or bipolar not otherwise specified (NOS), while 2005). These tools permit to collect the retrospective
the BSDS was equally sensitive in the ability to identify patient’s course of illness, urge patients to continue this
bipolar I  and bipolar II/NOS, thus making it useful in on a prospective basis, provide a clear picture of the earlier
detecting subtle subclasses of bipolar illness (Ghaemi et al., course of illness (the best predictor of the future episode
2005). However, the BSDS requires further validation in pattern), clarify pattern of prior medication responsive-
patient population. ness, and encourage the patient’s collaboration. Sometimes
The Hypomanic Personality Scale is another self-report they may also facilitate the recognition of low-level manic
questionnaire that could potentially be used to screen for symptoms and therefore help diagnose soft degrees of bipo-
bipolar disorder (Eckblad & Chapman, 1986). However, its larity. The National Institute of Mental Meath Life Chart
major drawback is the length of time it takes to complete, Method (NIMH-LCM) is the most popular among these
being comprised of 48 items. It has been validated in the instruments (Leverich & Post; see http://www.medscape.
adolescent and student population and appears to be highly com). Many individuals with bipolar illness seem to be
predictive for bipolar disorders among patient population. capable of completing the NIMH-LCM with appropriate
The Hypomanic Personality Scale may be more useful in the training and guidance (Baldassano, 2005).
psychiatric setting rather than in general practice to iden-
tify patients at risk for bipolar disorder (Baldassano, 2005).
The Bipolarity Index is an integrated system of patient
profile that considers five dimensions of bipolarity: episode Structured clinical interviews such as the SCID (First,
characteristics, age of onset, course of illness, response to Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 1996)  and the Composite
treatment, and family history (Sachs, 2004). In this instru- International Diagnostic Interview (see http://www.hcp.
ment, bipolarity is considered as a continuous dimension med.harvard.edu/wmhcidi/about.php) have been widely
construct. The presence of mania or hypomania is only one used for the diagnosis of bipolar disorders. They have shown
of the five dimensions. All the other dimensions receive high validity and reliability in several different populations.
equal weight. Each dimension is worth up 20 points, for a However, their reliability may be highest in patients with
maximum possible score of 100. A theoretical case with the severe and well-defined symptomatology and lowest among
traits most convincing for bipolar disorder on every dimen- patients whose symptoms are less well defined. Thus they
sion would score 100 points. A score ≥ 60 is considered as are not very relevant for the diagnosis of soft bipolarity
highly suggestive of bipolarity. For example, a patient can (Baldassano, 2005). The main reason is that certain bipolar
receive 60 points even without any history of hypomania symptoms are assessed using a single question and therefore
or mania: first depression at age 18 (20 points), postpartum not easily captured (Baldassano, 2005). Semistructured
depression (5 points), more than three depressive episodes interviews have been proposed to overcome this difficultly
(5 points), agitation while taking an antidepressant (10 (Benazzi, 2003). This is the case for the modified SCID
points), and a sister with clear bipolar disorder (20 points). Hypomania Module (SCID-Hba), in which many ques-
Incorporation of this rating system into the initial clinical tions are asked about each symptom to make the ques-
assessment provides an index of the confidence by consider- tion understandable according to each patient (Benazzi &
ing bipolarity as a continuum dimensional construct and Akiskal, 2009). These instruments emphasize the impor-
helps to focus evaluation process. The Bipolarity Index tance of observable behaviours such as overactivity and

D ifferential D iagnosis and B ipolar S pectrum D isorders   •   57

have less stringent duration thresholds for the diagnosis of R E F E R E NC E S
a manic/hypomanic episode.
Akiskal, H. S. (2007). The interface of affective and schizophrenic dis-
orders: A cross between two spectra? In A. Marneros & H. Akis-
I N T E RV I E W OF PAT I E N T S kal (Eds.), The overlap of affective and schizophrenic spectra (pp.
277–291). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
A N D OT H E R I N FOR M A N T S Akiskal, H. S., Akiskal, K. K., Haykal, R. F., Manning, J. S., & Connor,
P. D. (2005). TEMPS-A: Progress towards validation of a self-rated
Even though screening tools and diagnostic instruments clinical version of the Temperament Evaluation of the Memphis,
may be of help in certain cases, for most patients the Pisa, Paris, and San Diego Autoquestionnaire. Journal of Affective
diagnosis of bipolar disorder relies on clinical interview. Disorders, 85, 3–16.
Akiskal, H.  S., Hantouche, E.  G., & Allilaire, J.  F. (2003). Bipo-
Interviews of patients and significant others may focus lar II with and without cyclothymic temperament:  “Clark” and
on current symptoms (mood), illness course (episodes), “sunny” expressions of soft bipolarity. Journal of Affective Disorders,
response to treatment, and family history. There are a 73, 49–57.
Akiskal, H.  S., Hantouche, E.  G., Bourgeois, M.  L., Azorin, J.  M.,
number of reasons why it is advisable to attempt to inter- Sechter, D., Allilaire, J.  F., . . . Châtenet-Duchêne L. (1998). Gen-
view the patient’s spouse, parent, child, significant other, der, temperament, and the clinical picture in dysphoric mixed
or close friend. Patients may fail to recall manic or hypo- mania: Findings from a French National Study (EPIMAN). Journal
of Affective Disorders, 50, 175–186.
manic symptoms or may have no insight into the impact Akiskal, H. S., Hirschfeld, R. M., & Yerevanian, B. I. (1983). The rela-
their symptoms may have had on their functioning. On tionship of personality to affective disorders. Archives of General
Psychiatry, 40, 801–810.
the other hand, many patients value their heightened Akiskal, H.  S., & Pinto, O. (2000). The soft bipolar spectrum:  Foot-
activity and energy during hypomanic states and fail to notes to Kraepelin on the interface of hypomania, temperament
report them as pathologic. Other patients may fear the and depression. In A. Marneros & J. Angst (Eds.), Bipolar disor-
ders:  100  years after manic-depressive insanity (pp. 37–62). Dor-
stigma associated with bipolar disorders. Interviewing drecht: Kluwer Academic.
someone close to the patient can often provide histori- American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical
cal clues to the correct diagnosis. Physical examination, manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Angst, J. (1998). The emerging epidemiology of hypomania and bipolar
complete medical history, and laboratory evaluations may II disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 50, 143–151.
be necessary to diagnose comorbid medical conditions Angst, J., Adolfsson, R., Benazzi, F., Gamma, A., Hantouche, E., Meyer,
or substance abuse, as well as to rule out organic disor- T. D., . . . Scott, J. (2005). The HCL-32: Towards a self-assessment
tool for hypomanic symptoms in outpatients. Journal of Affective
ders that could be responsible for the symptoms observed Disorders, 88, 217–233.
(Baldassano, 2005; Kaye, 2005). Angst, J., Azorin, J. M., Bowden, C. L., Perugi, G., Vieta, E., Gamma,
A., & Young, A.  H. (2011). Prevalence and characteristics of
undiagnosed bipolar disorders in patients with a major depres-
C ONC LUS ION sive episode: The Bridge Study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 68,
Angst, J., Gamma, A., Benazzi, F., Ajdavic, V., Eich, D., & Rossler, W.
This chapter could be an illustration of what was empha- (2003a). Diagnostic issues in bipolar disorder. European Neuropsy-
chopharmacology, 13(2), 543–550.
sized 10 years ago by Katzow et al. (2003), that is, that the Angst, J., Gamma, A., Benazzi, F., Ajdacic, V., Eich, D., & Rössler, W.
relative misdiagnosis, underdiagnosis, and overdiagnosis of (2003b). Toward a re-definition of subthreshold bipolarity: Epide-
bipolar disorder is due in a large part to the “soft” symptoms miology and proposed criteria for bipolar II, minor bipolar disorders
and hypomania. Journal of Affective Disorders, 73, 133–146.
of bipolarity that characterize patients within the bipolar Angst, J., Gamma, A., Bowden, C. L., Azorin, J. M., Perugi, G., Vieta,
spectrum. To deal with such an issue, an extensive number E., & Young, A. M. (2013). Evidence-based definition of bipolar-I
of screening tools and diagnostic instruments have been and bipolar-II disorders among 5,635 patients with major depressive
episodes in the Bridge Study: Validity and comorbidity. European
devised to help professionals better recognize the manifold Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 263(8), 663–673.
manifestations of the subtypes included in this spectrum. If Azorin, J.  M., Akiskal, H., & Hantouche, E. (2006). The
this evolution has made the diagnostic process more com- mood-instability hypothesis in the origin of mood-congruent versus
mood- incongruent psychotic distinction in mania: Validation in a
plex, it has certainly contributed to improving our knowl- French National Study of 1090 patients. Journal of Affective Disor-
edge of the disease and its boundaries. ders, 96, 215–223.
Azorin, J. M., Bellivier, F., Kaladjian, A., Adida, M., Belzeaux, R., Fakra,
Disclosure statement:  Jean-Michel Azorin has received E., . . . Golmard, J. L. (2013). Characteristics and profiles of bipolar
research support and has acted as a consultant and/or served I  patients according to age-at-onset:  Findings from an admixture
analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 150(3), 993–1000.
on a speaker’s bureau for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, Azorin, J. M., Kaladjian, A., Adida, M., & Fakra, E. (2012). Late-onset
Lilly, Lundbeck, Roche, and Sanofi-Aventis. Dr.  Raoul bipolar illness: The geriatric bipolar type VI. CNS Neurosciences &
Belzeaux has no conflicts of interest. Therapeutics, 18, 208–213.

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6 0   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
Andrew J. Freeman, Kiki Chang, and Eric A. Youngstrom

INTRODUCTION because they will have an initial suspicion of 0% that is not

adjusted when new information is gathered. If clinicians use
Pediatric bipolar disorder (PBD) is both more common the heuristic that “PBD is common and frequently under-
than conventional wisdom suggests and more rare than diagnosed,” then they will likely overdiagnose because they
popular clinical beliefs in the United States. Meta-analysis will start with a substantially higher initial suspicion and
of epidemiological studies suggest that a base rate of approx- weight new information too heavily. Clinicians’ diagnostic
imately 2% of the general childhood and adolescent popu- suspicion of PBD shows a range of 100% about both their
lation meet criteria for PBD (Merikangas et al., 2012; Van initial and updated suspicion of PBD when left to interpret
Meter, Moreira, & Youngstrom, 2011) in contrast to con- data using heuristics (Jenkins, Youngstrom, Washburn, &
ventional textbook wisdom that suggests PBD occurs rarely Youngstrom, 2011). Implementing simple, easy-to-use
or never (e.g., Mash & Barkley, 2003). In the last decade, evidence-based decision-making tools recenters the clinical
many have worried about the overdiagnosis of PBD because index of suspicion around the empirical estimate and sig-
the diagnostic rate in the community has increased 40-fold nificantly decreases variability among clinicians (Jenkins
(Blader & Carlson, 2007). While the relative risk of diag- et al., 2011).
nosis has increased, the absolute risk, or the overall number, Here we provide a framework for the implementation
of clinical diagnosis remains very low (Moreno et al., 2007). of evidence-based decision-making for PBD in the con-
Additionally, bipolar disorder as diagnosed in the com- text of the standard office visit. Table 5.1 and Figure 5.1
munity often serves as a diagnostic label for extreme irri- display the 10 steps for the evidence-based assessment
tability that may not reflect a mood disorder (Leibenluft, of PBD that can help guide clinical decision-making
Charney, Towbin, Bhangoo, & Pine, 2003). The purpose (Youngstrom, Freeman, & Jenkins, 2009; Youngstrom,
of this chapter is to integrate an evidence-based framework Jenkins, Doss, & Youngstrom, 2012). Clinicians make
for identifying and diagnosing PBD within the structure of two specific decisions in the assessment process. First, they
a common outpatient office visit. use a wait-test threshold. Should the risk of PBD be ruled
Evidence-based practice aims to make implicit decisions so low that it can be set aside, or should more assessment
explicit and to provide clinicians with meaningful tools occur? Second, clinicians have a test-treatment threshold.
to do so (Jaeschke, Guyatt, & Sackett, 1994a, 1994b). As Should more evidence be gathered, or is there enough
humans, clinicians are prone to make errors in thinking due evidence to begin treating? Oftentimes these thresholds
to the efficient, but not always accurate, use of heuristics. are implicit and internal to the specific clinician. A fam-
To reduce errors, evidence-based decision-making starts ily’s treatment preference (e.g., tolerance of side effects,
with a prior probability that is adjusted by a likelihood ratio beliefs about medication), as well as a clinician’s exper-
to create a new posterior probability using Bayes Theorem. tise, should be integrated into where these thresholds lie.
Clinically, this concept translates to an initial index of sus- Some families and clinicians will be more conservative
picion (prior probability), testing (likelihood ratios), and and desire very high levels of suspicion prior to initiating
an updated index of suspicion (posterior probability). For treatment. Integrating the use of explicit decision points
example, if clinicians use the heuristic that “no children should improve the clinical diagnosis of PBD by provid-
have PBD,” then they will underdiagnosis it by definition ing a guidepost as to the next step. A  typical office visit



A. K now base rate in your Anchors initial index of suspicion Time: 0 Prior to visits
setting Cost: 0
B. Information from broad, Low parent report on Externalizing rules Time: 10–15 min for family Waiting room
externalizing scales bipolar out Cost: ~.50
High parent report another “red flag”
High youth report, teacher report double odds

C. Any risk factors? Risk factors raise “index of suspicion” enough Time: 2–10 min Interview—family
to trigger more assessment Cost: 0 history

D. Add brief screens for Parent report screens replace Externalizing Time: 5 min for family, Waiting room or
hypomania, mania score—more specific to bipolar 2 min for practitioner Interview
Cost: (public domain)

E. Get multiple Youth and teacher report helpful for measuring Time: 5 min per informant, Waiting room or via
perspectives—and plan pervasiveness and also motivation for treatment 2 min to score mail
for differences Cost: (public domain)

F. Intensive assessment for Clinical interview focusing on mood Time: 30–120 min Diagnostic interview
bipolar presentation—FIND and GRAPES mnemonics Cost: Variable (public
Semistructured interviews: K-SADS, MINI domain versus proprietary)

G. Additional assessment for Rule out general medical conditions, other Time: Variable Diagnostic interview
treatment planning medications; family functioning, quality of life, Cost: Variable (additional
personality, school adjustment, comorbidities checklists or testing)

H. Process monitoring Life charts, mood, and energy check-ups at Time: < 5 min per day for Waiting room or
each visit, medication monitoring, therapy family, < 5 min per visit for interview
assignments practitioner
Cost: –$4 for applications

I. Progress and outcome Repeat assessment with main severity Time: 10–40 min Waiting room or
measures—interview and/or parent report most Cost: None interview
sensitive to treatment effects

J. Maintenance Discuss life charting; review triggers, critical Time: Negligible Waiting room or
events and life transitions Cost: None interview
NOTE : KSADS = Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children; MINI = Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview.

consists of checking in, waiting in a waiting room, mea- (American Psychiatric Association, 2000, 2013)  and
suring basic vital signs, waiting in an exam room, and a International Statistical Classification of Diseases and
clinical interview about developmental history, family Related Health Problems (ICD-10; World Health
history, and current symptoms. For families, much of an Organization, 1992)  all define bipolar disorder as an epi-
office visit consists of inefficient waiting, time that could sodic illness with distinct periods of elevated, expansive,
be used efficiently to improve decision-making and treat- irritable, or hyperenergetic mood along with grandiosity,
ment monitoring. decreased need for sleep, pressured speech, flight of ideas, rac-
ing thoughts, distractibility, increased goal-directed activ-
ity, psychomotor agitation, and excessive pleasure-seeking.
G E N E R A L C L I N IC A L A  classic bipolar disorder prototype exists that consists of
K NOW L E D G E A B OU T  the recurrence of distinct, separate depressive and manic epi-
PE DI AT R IC B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R sodes with euthymia between episodes. Clinicians typically
A N D B A S E R AT E S (S T E P   A) make diagnoses by comparing the current youth’s presenta-
tion to this standard model (Garb, 1998). Unfortunately, this
The fourth edition (text revision) and fifth edition of the prototype poorly matches most adult presentations (Kogan
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders et al., 2004) and youth presentations, which are marked by

62   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
Steps 7, 8, 9, 10. Assess
factors that might change
100% Assessment treatment effectiveness.
High Monitor process & adherence.
Suspicion Measure for treatment
about PBD adjustment and outcomes.

Treatment Aggressive Interventions

(medication, hospitalization)

Acute Threshold
(Rare; Steps 4, 5, 6. Use more
Psychosis highly specific measures, semi-
(Fairly rare; specific structured interviews, life
more to charting to gather enough data
common bipolar) Assessment to confirm or disconfirm bipolar
due to Medium diagnosis.
bipolar than Suspicion
Positive other about PBD
specific to
Mania causes in
bipolar) Secondary interventions and
Screener youth) Treatment nonspecific + low risk
(Fairly rare; treatments
specific to Recurrent
bipolar) Depression Early-Onset
(Less common; not Depression
specific to bipolar) (Less
greater risk Test-Wait
Family History of Bipolar Disorder of bipolar) Threshold
(Fairly common; not specific to bipolar)
Steps 1, 2, 3. No further
Assessment assessment for PBD unless a
Low new risk factor or change
Major Depressive Episode Suspicion
(Common; not specific to bipolar) about PBD
No intervention for bipolar;
0% treat any other conditions
Bipolarity Index
of Suspicion

Figure 5.1  Integrated Model of Evidence-Based Assessment for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder.

longer episodes of mixed symptoms and less time spent in nature of PBD, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
euthymia (Geller et  al., 2000; Youngstrom, Birmaher, & Mental Disorders (fifth edition; American Psychiatric
Findling, 2008a). Additionally, bipolar disorder presents Association, 2013)  includes a new diagnosis of disruptive
with various phases of illness (e.g., depressed, euthymic, mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD), which was origi-
manic, mixed), as well as severity (hypomanic vs. manic), nally proposed to reduce the surmised overdiagnosis of
meaning that what is seen during an evaluation period is not PBD in the general community. DMDD reflects a subset of
necessarily what becomes a final accurate diagnosis. This youth with chronic, severe irritability with moodiness but
difficulty likely explains the poor performance of prototype no other symptoms of mania. When conducting the differ-
matching in clinical diagnoses of PBD (Biederman, Klein, ential diagnosis between PBD and DMDD, ascertainment
Pine, & Klein, 1998; Klein, Pine, & Klein, 1998). Therefore, of specific mania symptoms, as well as the longitudinal
clinicians should be aware that many youth will present course of the symptoms, should help distinguish PBD from
with long-duration, mixed episodes, where parents typically DMDD. DMDD will likely be more common than PBD in
describe irritability as the most concerning symptom along both the community and general clinical settings (Axelson
with other specific symptoms of mania such as decreased et al., 2012; Copeland, Angold, Costello, & Egger, 2013).
need for sleep. Additionally, youth with DMDD may typically present as
PBD most notably distinguishes itself from other diag- a more severe and “moody” variant of oppositional defiant
noses by the presence of specific symptoms and presenta- disorder (Axelson et al., 2012; Copeland et al., 2013). It will
tion. Decreased need for sleep and elated mood are both be important moving forward to look for other underlying
specific and sensitive to PBD (Kowatch, Youngstrom, causes of irritability (e.g., anxiety, depression, psychosocial
Danielyan, & Findling, 2005). Additionally, PBD is an epi- stressors, pervasive developmental disorders) before settling
sodic disorder in that symptoms and severity wax and wane on a DMDD diagnosis, as there are no relevant studies
over time. In contrast to the specific symptoms and episodic or treatment recommendations for this group of children

D iagnosing B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   63



General population 2% (4% for spectrum) Global meta-analysis (Merikangas et al., 2007;
Van Meter et al., 2011)
Outpatient or community mental health 5% to 10% Various (Tillman & Geller, 2007; Youngstrom
et al., 2006a)

Specialty outpatient service 15% to 20% New England, Midwestern USA (Biederman,
Faraone, Mick, & Wozniak, 1996)

Incarcerated adolescents 2% to 22% Chicago and Texas (Pliszka, Sherman, Barrow, &
Irick, 2000; Teplin, Abram, McClelland, Dulcan,
& Mericle, 2002)

Inpatient and psychiatric hospitalization 25% to 40% All of United States (record surveillance) (Blader
& Carlson, 2007)

(Axelson et  al., 2012). Currently, there are no published that it increases as specialization of services increases. For
tests capable of providing evidence-based differentiation example, clinicians consulting in schools and screening all
between DMDD and other disorders. individuals would not expect to see many youth with PBD
In addition to the basic clinical presentation, clini- (~2 in 100); however, clinicians working in an adolescent
cians should know the base rate of PBD in their setting. inpatient unit might expect to see many youth with PBD
In evidence-based medicine, the base rate often serves as (~25–40 in 100). Table 5.2 provides empirical estimates
the initial index of suspicion. The base rate of PBD var- of base rates in different settings. On the one hand, in low
ies dramatically across settings, with the rule of thumb base-rate settings, adding specific screening measures for



Family history of bipolar disordera PBD has genetic contribution 1st degree relative = 5x–10x
Family environment affects treatment 2nd degree relative = 2.5x–5x
adherence and relapse “Fuzzy” bipolar in relative = 2x
(Smoller & Finn, 2003)
Early-onset depression Onset < 25 years First clinical episode is often depression
Prepubertal depression 20% to 35% of pediatric depressions ultimately show
bipolar course (Birmaher et al., 1996)

Antidepressant use Possibility for manic symptoms while FDA recommends assessing for hypomania, family
being treated with antidepressants history of bipolar before beginning antidepressant
“Switch” is often previously undiagnosed PBD
(Joseph, Youngstrom, & Soares, 2009)

Episodic mood lability Rapid switching between depressive and Common presentation
manic symptoms; depressive and manic Episodicity more suggestive of mood diagnosis
symptoms at the same time (Youngstrom et al., 2008a)

Episodic aggressive behavior Episodic; high-energy Not specific but common (Youngstrom et al., 2008a)
Not instrumental or planned; reactive

Psychotic features True delusions/hallucinations in the Bipolar more common as source of psychosis than
context of mood episode schizophrenia in children (Tillman et al., 2008)

Sleep disturbance Decreased need for sleep More specific to bipolar

Less sleep but maintains high energy Indicates sleep hygiene component of treatment

NOTE : PBD = pediatric bipolar disorder.

Only family history displays robust empirical evidence.

6 4   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
PBD might not be helpful because low test scores or the 5.4 lists the common risk factors and reasons for additional
lack of risk factors will not add information and high scores screening. First, family history is consistently the most
or the presence of risk factors will still lead to a situation robust risk factor for PBD, and most cases of PBD have
in which the typical positive screen is a false positive. On a family history of bipolar disorder (Hodgins, Faucher,
the other hand, in high base-rate settings, adding screen- Zarac, & Ellenbogen, 2002). For example, bipolar disor-
ing procedures can help quickly move many cases above or der in a parent or sibling is linked with a five-fold increase
below common clinical decisions such as whether to assess in risk for PBD (Youngstrom, Findling, Youngstrom, &
more thoroughly or whether to treat. Clinically, extremely
low base-rate settings would likely not benefit from univer-
sal screening for mania symptoms.

E F F IC I E NC Y (S T E P   B)
Adolescents (11 to 18)
For most clinical visits, the first contact a family has is with Parent General Behavior .84 <15 .2
a physician extender who completes the check-in process. Inventory—Hypomanic/ 16–24 1.1
Biphasic 25–39 2.2
Questionnaires are widely used in clinical practice. Having 40–48 4.8
the assistant hand parents and/or youth questionnaires to 49+ 9.2
complete while waiting for an exam room or the clinician is an CBCL Externalizing .78 <54 .04
efficient use of time. Widely used broadband measures (e.g., T Score 54–56 .5
Child Behavior Checklist, Behavior Assessment System for 65–69 1.3
70–75 2.1
Children, Second Edition) are valuable tools for improving 76–80 2.7
diagnosis because they provide a simple method for assess- 81+ 4.3
ing many symptoms quickly (Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001;
YSR Externalizing .71 <49 .3
Reynolds & Kamphaus, 1992). These measures are sensi- T Score 49–55 .5
tive to PBD, meaning that youth with PBD typically score 56–69 1.4
very high, particularly on Externalizing subscales. However, 70–76 2.3
77+ 3.0
broadband measures are typically not specific to PBD, in that
there are many other reasons for a high score (Youngstrom Adolescent General .64 <10 .3
Behavior 10–37 1.0
et  al., 2004, 2005b). Youth with PBD frequently display 38–45 2.0
a “profile” of elevations on multiple problem behavior Biphasic 46+ 3.9
scales; this approach adds little to no clinically meaningful
Children (5 to 10 years)
information above and beyond the Externalizing subscale
(Diler et al., 2009). Table 5.3 provides common cut-scores CBCL Externalizing .82 <58 .1
and likelihood ratios. On broadband measures, low scores T Score 58–67 .5
68–72 1.5
on Externalizing (i.e., T score ≤ 60)  tend to quickly rule 73+ 3.9
PBD out, clinician can then concentrate on other hypoth-
Parent General Behavior .81 <11 .1
eses, potentially reducing burden. Clinically elevated scores 11–20 .5
(i.e., T score ≥ 70) and very elevated scores (i.e., T scores ≥ Biphasic 21–30 1.3
81) indicate more clinical screening might be warranted. 31–42 2.3
43–50 4.9
51+ 6.3

T H E I N T E RV I E W—R I S K NOTE: AUC = Area Under the Curve; CBCL = Child Behavior Checklist;

YSR = Youth Self-Report. Diagnoses based on K-SADS interview by a trained
FAC TOR S? (S T E P   C) rater combined with review by a clinician. Diagnostic likelihood ratio (DLR)
refers to the change in suspicion associated with the test score. Likelihood
ratios of 1 indicate no change in suspicion. DLRs larger than 10 or smaller than
In addition to positive screens from broadband measures, .10 are frequently clinically decisive; 5 or .2 are helpful, and between 2.0 and
clinicians should be aware of common risk factors for PBD .5 are small enough that they rarely result in clinically meaningful changes of
suspicion. Data from Youngstrom et al. (2004); Youngstrom et al. (2005b).
or clinically meaningful reasons to screen for mania. Table

D iagnosing B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   6 5

Calabrese, 2005a). Second, psychosis in youth is more greater diagnostic validity than both youth and teacher
commonly due to a mood disorder than schizophrenia report (Youngstrom et  al., 2004; Youngstrom, Joseph, &
(Tillman et  al., 2008). Third, early-onset depression is Greene, 2008c). High scores from multiple informants
present in approximately 1 in 3 cases of PBD at follow-up indicate a more severe and impairing condition (Carlson &
(Angst, Gamma, Sellaro, Lavori, & Zhang, 2003), and the Youngstrom, 2003; Thuppal, Carlson, Sprafkin, & Gadow,
Food and Drug Administration recommends monitoring 2002). When considering multiple informants’ information,
all youth prescribed with an antidepressant for side effects, remember that scores that appear to be discrepant might
including suicidality and antidepressant-induced mania. actually be considered in agreement statistically. For exam-
Fourth, descriptions of periods where the need for sleep is ple, a parent report of an Externalizing score of 80 compared
markedly decreased are likely specific to mania (Kowatch to a teacher report of a score of 60 not only appears different
et  al., 2005; Murray & Harvey, 2010). Additional clini- but the scores also fall in different clinical categories—very
cal presentations that warrant increased attention include elevated versus within typical limits. However, when the dif-
bouts of episodic aggression (Dickstein & Leibenluft, 2012; ference is benchmarked against typical levels of agreement,
Goldstein & Birmaher, 2012)  or someone requesting a these scores reflect higher than average agreement for a group
specific referral to evaluate PBD. Despite the list of many of cases with 80 as the average parent score (Youngstrom,
risk factors, family history is the only risk factor that has Meyers, Youngstrom, Calabrese, & Findling, 2006b).
empirically based weights to change the index of suspicion. Expect informant perspectives to be different about a
All others are clinical considerations that could be PBD but youth’s symptoms, particularly symptoms of mania. Weigh
often have different etiologies than PBD. discrepant information more heavily in favor of parents
than the youth or teacher. Although youths are believed
to be more accurate about reporting depression (Loeber,
T H E I N T E RV I E W— C OL L E C T I NG Green, Lahey, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 1991), parents are
MOR E I N F OR M AT ION more accurate informants about PBD because mania typi-
(S T E P S D   A N D   E) cally compromises insight (Dell’Osso et al., 2002). Teachers
do not typically observe hallmark features of mania, such as
As the empirical risk of PBD increases, so should the clini- decreased need for sleep; teachers tend to attribute many
cal concern. Clinicians should consider adding specific problem behaviors to attention deficit hyperactivity dis-
measures of mania to screen more thoroughly. Parents are order (ADHD) or oppositionality (Youngstrom et  al.,
often the most familiar with a youth’s behavior, and their 2008c). Empirical evidence strongly favors parent report in
descriptions are typically most valuable—both in terms of terms of typical diagnostic validity, but factors can influ-
clinical information and empirical risk (Youngstrom et al., ence the credibility of parent report. The less credible that
2004; Youngstrom, Meyers, Youngstrom, Calabrese, & a clinician views a parent’s reporting, the less discriminat-
Findling, 2006a). Questionnaires specific to mania typi- ing the parent’s reporting is. However, parental stress and
cally outperform broadband measures in discriminating parental mood disorder history do not affect credibility in
PBD from non-PBD. Broadband measures, which are sen- consistent ways (Youngstrom et al., 2011). Therefore when
sitive to PBD, increase risk mildly, but high scores could suspicion increases, clinicians should (a)  collect mania
reflect many different etiologies. In contrast, high scores on specific measures, (b)  try to always involve the parent,
PBD specific measures raise the index of suspicion higher (c) consider other reporters to be informative about overall
for PBD, and low scores quickly rule out PBD. More impor- severity of behavioral and emotional disturbances but not
tant, low scores on mania questionnaires can mitigate specific about PBD, and (d) remember to use clinical judg-
increased suspicion due to risk factors such as a positive ment when determining the credibility of parents without
family history (Youngstrom et al., 2009). Broadband and discounting information simply because a parent has bipo-
specific questionnaires are sensitive to PBD. Low scores are lar disorder or is stressed.
more powerful in ruling out PBD than high scores ruling
in PBD (Strauss, Glasziou, Richardson, & Haynes, 2010).
During an office visit, a parent can complete specific ques- T H E I N T E RV I E W—DE TA I L E D
tionnaires while the youth is being interviewed. A S S E S S M E N T (S T E P   F)
Best practices call for clinical information from mul-
tiple sources. Expect different information about PBD Application of the first five steps should help clinicians deter-
from each source. Parent-reported manic symptoms show mine whether the wait-test threshold has been crossed. If the

6 6   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
results indicate low risk to very low risk, they do not cross the examined through the administration of other modules as
wait-test threshold (e.g., low Externalizing scores, no family his- necessary or wanted. At the minimum, clinicians should
tory); then we can stop assessing for PBD. Be aware that Steps query and document mania-specific symptoms.
A through D are best at ruling out cases of PBD, and these Currently, other assessment techniques provide some
rule-outs will be correct in almost all cases in most settings. glimmers of hope both theoretically and empirically.
After ruling out PBD, clinicians can then treat other condi- Unfortunately, these approaches cannot be considered
tions such as ADHD or depression with less concern of adverse evidence-based assessments at this time, due to the lack of
effects resulting from inappropriate treatment. Additionally, controlled studies examining the sensitivity and specificity
clinicians will be able to document “due diligence.” of these methods. Genetic testing, while promising, cur-
Even for youth with all these risk factors, the differential rently does not offer such diagnostic specificity. For example,
diagnosis process is not over because the adjusted index of ascertainment of family history by family reporting is more
suspicion is only elevated. Youth with a positive family his- powerful than current genetic tests in determining risk for
tory of bipolar disorder and high scores on an Externalizing bipolar disorder (Frey et  al., 2013). While structural and
subscale and high scores on a mania questionnaire will have functional MRI are starting to show promise in discrimi-
an index of suspicion in the 55th percentile. Clinically, of nating adults with bipolar disorder from those with other
10 youth with the same set of risk factors, approximately 5 mood disorders (Fournier, Keener, Almeida, Kronhaus, &
to 6 out of 10 cases will have PBD, and 4 to 5 out of 10 cases Phillips, 2013; Rocha-Rego et  al., 2013), brain imaging
will not have PBD. Therefore, systematic, intensive assess- remains a research tool in bipolar disorder, as empirical
ment of PBD is indicated. evidence does not yet exist supporting its use for differen-
Systematic probing for the presence of mania symptoms tial diagnosis in youth or adults. Other assessments such as
occurring in distinct episodes provides the foundation of a projective testing (e.g., Rorschach, House-Tree-Person) and
diagnosis of PBD. Diagnostic interviewing should include even many commercially distributed tests (e.g., Minnesota
the youth, a collateral informant, and the direct observa- Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescent) do not
tion of the youth’s mental status—particularly in acute have peer-reviewed studies showing predictive validity.
care settings. Clinicians typically use unstructured inter- When evaluating whether to use these newer techniques,
viewing techniques that could be improved by mixing the it is prudent to consider whether designs reflective of gen-
FIND criteria (Quinn & Fristad, 2004)  and GRAPES eral clinical populations were used. Designs with fewer
mnemonic. The FIND criteria consist of querying the exclusion criteria, high rates of depression or ADHD in
Frequency, Intensity, Number, and Duration of symptoms. the comparison groups, and more comorbidity likely reflect
The GRAPES mnemonic consists of Grandiosity, Racing clinically generalizable designs (Youngstrom et al., 2006a).
thoughts, Activity that is goal-directed, Pressured speech,
Elation, and Sleep disturbance—especially decreased need
for sleep. Structured or semistructured interviews that T R E AT M E N T PL A N N I NG
cover mania symptoms can aid systematic inquiry about (S T E P   G)
the FIND criteria and GRAPES symptoms. Despite their
common use in research, many clinicians are reluctant to Once the assessment-treat threshold is crossed, then ascer-
use them for many reasons, such as beliefs that clients will taining more general information that might change treat-
dislike structured approaches, that repertoire will be dam- ment choice occurs. Treatment targets for PBD include
aged, or that they constrain professional autonomy (Garb, both symptom reduction and improvement in general
1998). In contrast to clinicians’ beliefs, clients actually pre- functioning (Freeman et  al., 2009). Clinicians should
fer structured approaches, and structured approaches do consider the youth’s current mood episode (i.e., depressed,
not damage the therapeutic relationship (Suppiger et  al., manic, mixed, or euthymic), common comorbidities such as
2009). Semistructured approaches give clinicians more lati- ADHD (Kowatch et al., 2005), tolerance for specific treat-
tude to clinicians because they provide guidance on what ment side effects, current medication or drug use, and prior
to ask but allow clinicians significant leeway in how it is medication trials. The type of mood episode might change
asked. Clinicians should consider administering the mood acute intervention (e.g., adjunctive antidepressant or cogni-
modules of a semistructured interview (e.g., also Schedule tive behavioral therapy for depression) compared to main-
for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age tenance therapy (e.g., mood stabilizer or family-focused
Children [K-SADS]) whenever the index of suspicion is therapy for euthymia). Common comorbidities require
above the wait-test threshold. Comorbidities could be monitoring to determine whether they resolve with a

D iagnosing B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   67

change in mood episode or warrant additional treatment shortened symptom measures might more accurately
(McClellan, Kowatch, & Findling, 2007). Careful reviews detect change because they remove items less specific
of medical history should help rule out whether symptoms to mania (Youngstrom, Frazier, Demeter, Calabrese, &
are likely due to a general medical condition (e.g., tumor) or Findling, 2008b). Practically, families and clinicians
a drug side effect (e.g., steroids) or inducement (e.g., cocaine). benefit from shorter, specific measures that can be com-
With the goal of improving general functioning, clini- pleted in the waiting room, quickly scored, and compared
cians should consider a youth’s personality traits, stability with prior visits. Additionally, parents are more likely
of the family, academic functioning, and quality of life. to complete these measures, and their reports are often
People with bipolar disorder typically display lower levels of more indicative of change than self-report (Youngstrom
conscientiousness, which could lead to forgetting appoint- et al., 2013).
ments, medication use, or other accidents of omission that An alternative to questionnaires for monitoring
might undermine treatment (Barnett et al., 2011). Families symptoms is “mood charting” (Denicoff et  al., 2002).
affected by PBD display poorer levels of interpersonal func- Mood charting allows families to see treatment response,
tioning, which predicts earlier onset, poor response dur- emergent side effects, and triggering events linked to
ing treatment, and more rapid relapse (McClellan et  al., mood instability (Post et  al., 2011). The finer-grained
2007). Youth with PBD may also have learning needs that detail provided by mood charting can inform psycho-
the school system can address via individualized education therapy by recording the timing, situation, and behav-
plans. Including each of these areas in a comprehensive ioral response. Mood charting can note changes in sleep
treatment plan helps the clinician systematically serve the or energy that might be the beginnings of a new mood
family. Finally, it is crucial to assess and document poten- episode (Sachs, 2004). Currently, mood charting can be
tial suicidality because PBD is associated with higher rates done via traditional paper-and-pencil metrics or via free
of attempts compared to youth with depression (Goldstein smartphone apps.
et al., 2005; Merikangas et al., 2012). Although both questionnaires and mood monitoring
provide information about symptom improvement, clini-
cians should also monitor global change. Adding a simple
metric such as the Clinical Global Impressions Scale, scored
FUTURE VISITS—IS TREATMENT from 1 (not impaired) to 7 (very impaired), provides easy doc-
WORKING? (STEPS H, I, AND J) umentation of the course of treatment (National Institute
of Mental Health, 1985). Using the same impression scale
During treatment, the role of assessment changes from ask- consistently and writing it down provides clinicians with a
ing “What is the problem?” and “What are the causes?” powerful tool for monitoring complex presentations simply
to “How bad are your symptoms?” and “Are we making and sensitively (Meehl, 1954; National Institute of Mental
progress toward our goals?” Typically progress is moni- Health, 1985). Recording ratings in treatment notes allows
tored informally by asking questions such as “How are you one to document change over time.
doing?” By adding a mania questionnaire, clinicians can
systematize and standardize the collection of treatment
outcomes. Consistently measuring symptom change dur- I N T E G R AT I NG T H E 
ing treatment is associated with better patient outcomes I N F OR M AT ION
(Finn & Tonsager, 1997).
Time-consuming assessment (e.g., detailed interview- Each step outlined in this chapter involves integrating infor-
ing) is likely unnecessary and prohibitive; but a brief, valid mation from distinct sources. A  probability nomogram
measure of symptom severity may prove worth repeating (Figure 5.2) provides a math-free way for clinicians to do this
as a quick metric of progress. The same questionnaires quickly. To use the nomogram, place a mark for the base rate
that aid in establishing the diagnosis of PBD can be used on the left side (initial index of suspicion). Select the first like-
to help monitor improvement in symptoms (Findling lihood ratio needed from the table (e.g., high Externalizing
et al., 2007; West, Henry, & Pavuluri, 2007; Youngstrom score) and place a mark on the likelihood ratio line. Draw a
et  al., 2013). In principle, longer measures will result in straight line connecting the two dots. The right side gives the
more reliable measurement and earlier detection of treat- updated index of suspicion. This new index of suspicion can
ment response because reliability sets the upper limit on be moved back to the left side as new likelihood ratios (e.g.,
detectable change (Jacobson & Truax, 1991). However, family history) are added (Jenkins et al., 2011).

6 8   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
–1 99 data. Today, computers and smartphones are ubiquitous.
–2 Identification of mood episodes via text messaging, online
mood charting, and potentially even “listening in” on snip-
–5 95 pets of the day provide additional avenues for improving
diagnosis and treatment outcomes. Imaging techniques
1 90
500 and genetics continue to improve and become less expen-
2 200 80 sive, bringing us closer to the goal of being able to use them
clinically, as well as having them validated under clinically
5 50
20 60 generalizable conditions. Additionally, a gap exists between
10 10 50 which measures researchers are showing to be evidence
5 40 based (e.g., Child Behavior Checklist, mania specific mea-
20 2 30
% 1 % sures) and which measures clinicians are actually using
30 –50 20 (e.g., Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2;
40 –20 Rorschach; Camara, Nathan, & Puente, 2000). Closing
50 –10 10
this gap will likely bring the most immediate benefit to
70 –02
5 families.
–01 Even with the considerable progress in techniques
80 –005 2 and technology, a skilled clinician remains central to
90 –001 1
evidence-based diagnosis and treatment. Despite recent
advances in evidence that require clinicians to learn new
95 –5 skills such as balancing the quantitative aspects of testing
(Strauss et al., 2010), the humanistic, qualitative aspects of
interpretation remain crucial to formulating a conceptual-
99 –1 ization that engages the patient (Finn & Tonsager, 1997).
Pretest Probability Likelyhood Radio Postest Probability Using evidence-based assessment strategies allow clinicians
Figure 5.2  Nomogram to Aid in Determining the Index of Suspicion. to quantitatively determine risk, up to a point. Clinicians
must always consider the qualitative indicators of psycho-
pathology to confirm or disconfirm the putative quantita-
This chapter provides guidance about to integrate
tive risk, because many youth with multiple risk factors still
evidence-based diagnosis of PBD into daily clinical prac-
may not have PBD. Families most appreciate clinicians who
tice. Using each part of the visit efficiently—particularly
value their input and account for their values in treatment
waiting times—maximizes the benefit to both the family
planning, something that is only starting to be system-
and clinician while minimizing burden on all involved.
atically integrated into quantitative models (Pulleyblank,
Actuarial approaches to decision-making are almost always
Chuma, Gilbody, & Thompson, 2013).
more accurate than clinical decisions for PBD because
Although there remains much room for refinement,
information is used more consistently (Jenkins et al., 2011).
evidence-based assessment has grown rapidly from a novel
Improving identification should make it easier for clinicians
idea to a developed framework for integrating research into
to practice evidence-based treatment, because proper iden-
clinical decisions about individual patients. The knowledge
tification of the disorder means that youth are more likely
base about PBD has also expanded geometrically. Combing
to match existing evidence-based treatments (Chorpita,
the clinical data with the principles of evidence-based
Bernstein, & Daleiden, 2011).
assessment can deliver better diagnoses and treatment deci-
sions without adding unnecessary time and expense but
adding substantial benefit to the families we serve.
E V I DE NC E-B A S E D Disclosure statement: Dr. Freeman has no conflicts of inter-
ASSESSM ENT est. Dr. Chang is an unpaid consultant for GSK, Lilly, BMS.
He is on the DSMB for Sunovion. In the past two years, he
Evidence-based medicine has evolved considerably over has received research support from GSK and Merck. Dr.
the prior two decades, particularly the assessment of PBD. Youngstrom has consulted with Lundbeck and Otsuka
Technology has also evolved dramatically. Twenty years and received grant support from the National Institute of
ago, paper and pencil were the primary means for collecting Mental Health.

D iagnosing B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   6 9

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7 2   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
Giampaolo Perna, Tatiana Torti, and Alessandra Alciati

STIGM ATIZING ATTITUDES dependence but failed to recognize depression as a mental

TOWAR D MENTA L ILLNESSES health problem despite widespread formerly implemented
(Pescosolido, Monahan, Link., Stueve, & Kikuzawa, 1999).
T H E DI M E NS ION OF T H E PROBL E M A  recent systematic review of all studies examining the
time trends of attitudes related to mental illness in the
“Psychiatric stigma” refers to a negative attitude against general population published before March 2011 showed a
individuals considered mentally ill. Stigmatizing attitudes greater mental health literacy, in particular toward a bio-
have been observed in the general public (Angermeyer & logical model of mental illness but, at the same time, found
Matschinger, 2003), even at a very young age (O’Driscoll, that attitudes toward persons with mental illness have not
Heary, Hennessy, & McKeague, 2012), among mental changed over the past 20 years but even deteriorated. These
health professionals, (Lauber, Nordt, Braunschweig, & results highlight that a biological public understanding
Rössler, 2006) and family caregivers of patients (Gonzalez of mental illness seems not to reduce the social rejection
et al., 2007). A study comparing stereotypes and attitudes of mentally ill persons and suggest that education about
toward people with mental illness in mental health profes- biological correlates of mental disorders do not seem to
sionals and in general public showed that mental health improve negative attitudes toward persons with mental ill-
professionals have as many negative stereotypes about ness (Schomerus et al., 2012).
people with mental illness as the general public do (Lauber It has also been hypothesized that there have been even
et al., 2006). unexpected negative consequences of promoting biologi-
Several investigations demonstrate that the majority cal models of mental illness. Although greater awareness
of people in the United States (Link, Phelan, Bresnahan, of the causal role of biological factors decreased negative
Stueve, & Pescosolido, 1999)  and in western European attributions about personal responsibility for developing a
countries (Brockington, Hall, Levings, & Murphy, severe mental illness, it is possible that biological models are
1993) have stigmatizing attitudes about mental illness. In interpreted as referring to worst outcomes and not effective
Asian cultures, stigma against mental illness seems to be treatments (Rosen, Walter, & Casey, 2000). Subsequent
less severe. This might be due to the lack of differentia- research supported such concerns, revealing that biogenetic
tion between psychiatric and nonpsychiatric illness in the models of mental illness have more negative than positive
non-Western medical conception (Fabrega, 1991). effects on social acceptance (Rusch, Todd, Bodenhausen, &
The 1996 General Social Survey, designed to monitor the Corrigan, 2010).
public’s view about several critical social issues in the United
States, reflected a general public negative attitude toward
persons with mental health problems who are considered
unable to make competent decisions, dangerous to them-
selves and/or the public, and requiring coerced treatment. Stigma is considered to involve three levels:  stereotypes,
The respondents expressed a less negative reaction to prejudice, and discrimination. Stereotypes represent a set
people with depression than those with alcohol and drug of believes shared by most of the public toward a group of

people. Prejudice endorses the negative stereotypes and pro- family members (Lazowski, Koller, Stuart, & Milev, 2012).
duces an emotional reaction that can lead to hostile behav- This finding is not surprising, as bipolar disorder is consid-
iors such as discrimination (Corrigan & Watson, 2002). ered more severe when compared to depression and seems
Recent literature emphasizes the distinction between to be characterized by a more disruptive behavior, which
public stigma and personal stigma. The first refers to the may elicit heavier stigmatizing attitudes.
endorsement of prejudice and the expression of discrimi- In the same way, public attitudes toward depression
nation against people with mental illness by the general and mania seem to be different. While manic patients
population, (Corrigan & Watson, 2002), whereas the sec- elicit more negative emotional and cognitive reactions
ond one includes perceived stigma, experienced stigma, and than depressed—being considered dangerous, aggressive,
self-stigma. and unpredictable—depressed individuals are viewed with
The perception/anticipation of stigma refers to beliefs more empathy and pity (Wolkenstein & Meyer, 2009).
about attitudes toward illness shared by the general pop- Personal stigma, in particular self-stigma (i.e., the inter-
ulation (Lebel, 2008). “Experienced stigma” describes nalization of social stigmatizing attitudes), has an impor-
the discrimination actually met by the ill persons. Last, tant negative impact on individuals with bipolar disorder
“self-stigma” consists of the internalization and adoption and their family. Qualitative studies of the subjective expe-
of social stigmatizing attitudes, for which the individual rience of stigma in bipolar disorder have also consistently
believes that the social stigma is an accurate reflection of shown that patients felt that stigma restricted their oppor-
him or herself (Livingston & Boyd, 2010). tunities and diminished their value in work, social, and
Measures assessing stigma can be classified into the health-care settings (Michalak, Yatham, Maxwell, Hale, &
abovementioned categories as well. In the past 10  years, Lam, 2007). A  recent qualitative study on occupational
79% of stigma research has used a measure of perceived functioning showed that bipolar individuals evaluated that
stigma, 46% of experienced stigma, and 33% of self-stigma stigma had discontinued their working career. Managing
(Brohan, Slade., Clement, & Thornicroft, 2010). self-stigma and making more careful decisions about disclo-
sure may be a useful way to address the problem (Michalak
et al., 2011).
S T IG M A A N D The negative impact of self-stigma is amplified by the
B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R fact that patients do not consider bipolar disorder as an
illness but rather as a sign of weakness and personal fail-
In the past few years the majority of research has focused on ure (Suto et al., 2012). Stigma is perceived also by the
stigma against individuals with psychotic disorders, in par- family caregivers of persons with diagnoses of bipolar dis-
ticular schizophrenia. More recently research has targeted order. Factors associated with the caregivers’ perceptions
how stigma is experienced by bipolar patients (Hawke, of greater illness stigma include higher education (Phelan,
Perikh, & Michalak, 2013). Although it has been shown Bromet, & Link, 1998), young or older age (Shibre et al.,
that the stigmatizing attitudes of public are more negative 2001), being the spouse of the person with mental ill-
against schizophrenic persons, individuals with bipolar dis- ness, and being female (Phillips, Pearson, Li, Xu, & Yang,
order perceived stigma at strong as individuals with schizo- 2002). The Family Experience Study, associated with the
phrenia (Day, Edgren, & Eshleman, 2007). Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar
Actually, public attitudes toward bipolar disorder are Disorder study (Gonzalez et al., 2007), showed that care-
similar to those toward schizophrenia in terms of visibility givers of persons with bipolar disorder with active symp-
of the illness, potential to destroy relationship, efficacy of toms perceived as much stigma as caregivers of those with
treatment, and possibility of recovery. The only significant remitted symptoms, revealing that stigma experienced
difference in public attitude is related to levels of anxiety by family members of bipolar individuals did not subside
that people experience in interpersonal contact, with bipo- when symptoms remitted.
lar patients scoring lower distress than the schizophrenic
group (Day et al., 2007).
People with major depressive disorder and bipolar disor-
der experience similar levels of stigmatizing experiences, as
measured by the Stigma Experiences Scale, but individuals
with bipolar disorder report significantly greater psycho- Despite the availability of effective pharmacological and
social impact of stigma both for themselves and for their psychosocial treatments, individuals with bipolar disorder

74   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
are often undertreated. This might be due to a delay between disorder. Nevertheless, hypomanic symptoms are underdi-
symptoms onset, formulation of a correct diagnosis, or pre- agnosed in clinical practice because they are rarely experi-
scription of a guideline-defined appropriate intervention. enced as pathological by the subjects themselves. Moreover,
On some estimates, 40% (Ghaemi, Sachs, Chiou, Pandu­ they are often associated with enhanced productivity and
rangi, & Goodwin, 1999)  to 57% (Lish, Dime-Meenan, masked by the natural diurnal and annual rhythms of
Whybrow, Price, & Hirschfeld, 1994) of patients with bipo- mood (Angst et al., 2005).
lar disorder have initially received an incorrect diagnosis of Accurate and early diagnosis of bipolar disorder may
major depression, and half of them consulted three or more result in improved illness course and long-term functional
physicians prior to receiving a correct diagnosis. outcome. On the contrary, misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder
In the past 25 years, several studies have addressed the may produce both clinical and economic adverse conse-
issue of delay in or misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder and the quences. For example, unrecognized bipolar patients have
consequent latency in appropriate treatment achievement higher mean monthly medical costs than recognized ones
(Hirschfeld & Vornik, 2004). Although studies are difficult and are less likely to receive a mood stabilizer (Birnbaum
to compare directly (some focus on time from early symp- et  al., 2003). Lithium treatment is associated with a sub-
toms to diagnosis, others on time from first episode and any stantial reduction of illness recurrence and suicidal acts
treatment, and still others on the delay in prescription of a in bipolar patients (Baldessarini et al., 2006), and there is
mood stabilizer), the vast majority of them report a delay evidence that response to lithium is diminished in patients
in diagnosis or in the introduction of a guideline-defined who have already received treatment for several previous
appropriate treatment between 8 and 10 years (Lish et al., depressive or manic episodes (Swann, Bowden, Calabrese,
1994; Wang et al., 2005). Dilsaver, & Morris, 2000). Delayed initiation of mood sta-
The delay in diagnosis and treatment is significantly lon- bilizers has also been associated with poorer social func-
ger in bipolar disorder type II patients (Baldessarini, Tondo, tioning, more hospitalizations, and a greater likelihood of
& Hennen, 2003). A number of studies report higher rates of attempting suicide (Goldberg & Ernst, 2002).
undiagnosed hypomania or failure to consider both clinical Contrary to what observed in unipolar depression,
and treatment implications of the presence of the hypomanic treatment with antidepressants alone does not seem to
component (Benazzi, 2009). This is a crucial issue because prevent depression among bipolar patients (Ghaemi et al.,
bipolar type II patients may have higher episode frequency, 2004) and can have a destabilizing effect, which might lead
symptoms severity, rapid cycling, and suicidal behavior than to manic and hypomanic switches (Post et al., 2006). Such
bipolar type I patients (Vieta & Suppes, 2008). findings emphasize the need for early recognition of bipolar
A correct diagnosis of bipolar disorder is hampered by disorder in order to maximize treatment response, improve
the fact that the majority of bipolar patients initiate treat- patient functioning, and reduce costs.
ment while depressed. This might be due to a frequent onset The absence of public awareness about bipolar disorder
of the illness with a comorbid depressive episode (Perugi might also play a role in delaying diagnosis; an important
et  al., 2000), dominance of depressive symptoms (Judd factor that might help early detection of this disorder is
et al., 2003), or the subjective suffering associated with the related to the correct identification of prodromal symptoms
depressed phase. (Howes & Falkenberg, 2011). Although the real utility of
Patients with bipolar disorder who typically present prodromal symptoms detection is still a matter of debate,
to physicians reporting depressive symptoms are often some evidence suggests that mood liability, mood swings,
hardly distinguishable from those described in unipolar and disturbed diurnal rhythm are likely to be the stron-
major depressive disorder, even if there is evidence regard- gest risk factor for subsequent diagnosis of bipolar spec-
ing a more precise differential diagnosis between bipo- trum disorder (Angst, Gamma, & Endrass, 2003; Zeschel
lar and unipolar depression. This is so even though the et al., 2013).
specifiers of atypical, melancholic, and psychotic features
are indicated by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (fourth edition; American Psychiatric
Association, 1994)  as more frequently present in bipo-
lar than in unipolar depression (O’Donovan, Garnham,
Hajek, & Alda, 2008).
A correct definition and an accurate detection of mania We were not able to identify a single study directly address-
and hypomania are central to the identification of bipolar ing the issue of the impact of stigma on accurate and timely

E ffects of P ublic Awareness and S tigmatization   •   75

diagnosis of bipolar disorder. However, studies that have The term “insight” refers to the capacity to recognize
investigated the role of public and personal stigma on that one has an illness that requires treatment, and stigma
the propensity to seek and maintain treatment and on a moderates the associations between insight into one’s illness
patient’s global or specific functioning may provide indi- and depression, low quality of life, and negative self-esteem.
rect information on the possible interference of stigma Patients who have good insight and who also do not per-
on acquisition of a correct and early diagnosis of bipolar ceive much stigmatization have the best outcome on several
disorder. Several investigations have tried to define with parameters, while those with poor insight have problems
quantitative measures the effect of the stigma on different with service engagement and medication compliance. On
areas of functioning in bipolar disorder patients. Results the other hand, patients with good insight and stigmatiz-
show that higher levels of self-stigma and stigmatizing ing beliefs are at the highest risk of negative self-esteem, low
experiences are associated with a greater overall functional quality of life, and depressed mood (Staring, Van der Gaag,
impairment (Cerit, Filizer, Tural, & Tufan, 2012; Vázquez Van den Berge, Duivenvoorden, & Mulder, 2009). This
et al., 2011). research suggests that attempts to increase patients’ insight
A recent study demonstrated that higher scores of into their illness is not enough and must be accompanied
self-perceived stigma were correlated with lower scores of by interventions on the perception of stigma.
functioning that, in turn, may lead to discrimination. This Few studies have addressed the role of stigma on dis-
contributed to higher levels of perceived stigma, highlight- continuation of treatment in depressed individuals, but
ing a bidirectional relationship between perceived stigma one study showed that, even if younger patients seemed to
and functioning (Vázquez et al., 2011). perceive higher stigma levels than older patients, stigma
Since functional impairment among individuals with predicted treatment discontinuation only in older patients
bipolar disorder is not limited to the affective episode but (Sirey et al., 2001a).
persists even during remission (Malhi et al., 2007), one of Another important obstacle to effective treatment of
the main targets of treatment of bipolar disorder should be bipolar disorder is the high rate of nonadherence to pre-
improving general functioning. These findings suggest that scribed medication regimens. Adherence to antidepressant
interventions that oppose stigmatization may have positive drug therapy was predicted by higher self-rated severity
effects on functioning in bipolar patients during the euthy- of illness and lower levels of perceived stigma as reported
mic periods. before beginning pharmacotherapy. High perceived stigma
Nationwide US epidemiologic studies suggest that 50% remains a powerful negative predictor of medication adher-
to 60% of people who would benefit from treatment do ence even after controlling for perceived severity of illness
not seek it (Kessler et al., 2001; Regier et al., 1993). It has (Sirey et al, 2001b).
been hypothesized that stigmatizing attitudes may dissuade Overall the survey of Wahl (1999) about the experiences
people from seeking care probably because they fear being of stigma of 1,400 people with mental illness diagnoses pro-
labeled as “mental patients.” vides useful information in identifying the process through
An Australian community study also reported that which stigma may be an obstacle to the acquisition of an
many people would be embarrassed to seek help from pro- adequate care. Social rejection is one common experience,
fessionals if they had depression and believe that other peo- with respondents reporting that others avoid them more
ple would judge them negatively if they sought such help. once their psychiatric disorder or treatment is disclosed.
Others expected health professionals to respond negatively Afterward the person is devalued:  respondents describe
to them (Barney, Griffiths, Jorm, & Christensen, 2006). how others no longer place the same value on their opinions
This study showed that self-stigma and perceived stigma or skills and relegate them to more marginal roles at home
about help seeking for depression are prevalent in the com- and work. Strong opinions or emotions are assumed to be
munity and are associated with a reduced likelihood of manifestations of cognitive impairment or emotional poor
seeking help. control as a consequence of psychiatric illness. In addi-
Only some dimensions of stigma seemed to be associ- tion, mental illness professionals often discourage patients
ated with reduced care seeking. In particular, individu- from pursuing employment or education. Such a protective
als were less likely to consider future care seeking if they attitude may convey a message of expected incompetence
viewed people with mental illness as responsible for their (Thornicroft, 2006).
disorders. Conversely, viewing people with mental illness as We hypothesize that one of the main consequences of
dangerous is unrelated to decreased care seeking (Cooper, encountering the aforementioned stigmatizing attitudes is
Corrigan, & Watson, 2003). that people with psychiatric illnesses are less likely to seek

76   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N
needed treatment. To avoid such rejection, people with Angst, J., Gamma, A., & Endrass, J. (2003). Risk factors for the bipolar
and depression spectra. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 418, 15–19.
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to such rejection and devaluation. Henned, J. (2006). Decreased risk of suicides and attempts during
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der, 8, 625–639.
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C ONC LUS ION and previous episodes: Relationships to pretreatment morbidity and
response to maintenance treatment in bipolar I  and II disorders.
Bipolar Disorder, 5,169–179.
Several studies we examined agreed that individuals with Barney, L. J., Griffiths, K. M., Jorm, A. F., & Christensen, H. (2006).
bipolar disorder perceive stigma at the same quantitative Stigma about depression and its impact on help-seeking intentions.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40(1), 51–54.
level as that experienced by individuals with schizophrenia. Benazzi, F. (2009). A prediction rule for diagnosing hypomania. Prog-
In particular self-stigma (i.e., the internalization of social ress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 33,
stigmatizing attitudes) has an important negative impact 317–322.
Birnbaum, H. G., Shi, L., Dial, E. Oster, E. F., Greenberg, P. E., & Mal-
on the likelihood of help seeking. Overall these studies lett, D. A. (2003). Economic consequences of not recognizing bipo-
show that persons with bipolar disorder internalize the lar disorder patients: A cross-sectional descriptive analysis. Journal
devaluing attitudes of society, anticipate rejection by oth- of Clinical Psychiatry, 64, 1201–1209.
Brockington, I., Hall, P., Levings, J., & Murphy, C. (1993). The com-
ers, and develop coping strategies, such as secrecy about munity’s tolerance of the mentally ill. British Journal of Psychiatry,
their illness and avoidance of the needed treatment, in an 162, 93–99.
effort to avoid rejection. Brohan, E., Slade, M., Clement, S., Thornicroft G. (2010). Experiences
of mental illness stigma, prejudice and discrimination: A review of
This behavior may have dramatic consequences on the measures. BMC Health Services Research, 10, 80.
long-term outcome of bipolar disorder. Incorrect or late Cerit, C., Filizer, A., Tural, U., & Tufan, A. E. (2012). Stigma: A core
diagnosis has been associated with decreased pharmacolog- factor on predicting functionality in bipolar disorder. Comprehen-
sive Psychiatry, 53,484–489.
ical response, poorer functioning, more hospitalizations, Cooper, A. E., Corrigan, P. W., & Watson, A. C. (2003). Mental ill-
and a greater likelihood of attempted suicide. ness stigma and care seeking. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,
191(5), 339–341.
In the past few years several international programs Corrigan, P. W., & Watson, A. C. (2002). Understanding the impact
have been implemented in an effort to raise awareness of stigma on people with mental illness. World Psychiatry, 1, 16–20.
and to reduce stigma against mental illness. The Global Day, E.  N., Edgren, K., & Eshleman, A. (2007). Measuring stigma
toward mental illness:  Development and application of the Men-
Program to Fight Stigma and Discrimination Because of tal Illness Stigma scale. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37,
Schizophrenia, known as “Open-the-Doors” and, in 2005, 2191–2219.
the World Psychiatric Association’s Scientific Section on Fabrega, H.  Jr. (1991). Psychiatric stigma in non-Western societies.
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 32(6), 534–551.
Stigma and Mental Health are two major undertakings. Ghaemi, S. N., Rosenquist, K. J., Ko, J. Y., Baldassano, C. F., Kontos,
The initial thrust to the Open-the-Doors program has N.  J., & Baldessarini, R.  J. (2004). Antidepressant treatment in
been fighting stigma and discrimination in schizophre- bipolar versus unipolar depression. American Journal of Psychiatry,
161, 163–165.
nia. Nonetheless, stigma is still perceived by the general Ghaemi, S. N., Sachs, G. S., Chiou, A. M., Pandurangi, A. K., & Good-
public as a paradigm for mental illness. Raising evidences win, F.  K. (1999). Is bipolar disorder still underdiagnosed? Are
of a greater impact of stigmatizing attitudes on bipolar dis- antidepressants overutilized? Journal of Affective Disorders, 52,
order individuals suggests extending the program to this Goldberg, J.  F., & Ernst, C.  L. (2002). Features associated with the
diagnostic group. delayed initiation of mood stabilizers at illness onset in bipolar dis-
order. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 63, 985–991.
Disclosure statement: Giampaolo Perna, Tatiana Torti, and Gonzalez, J. M., Perlick, D. A., Miklowitz, D. J., Kaczynski, R., Her-
Alessandra Alciati have no conflicts of interest to disclose. nandez, M., Rosen-heck, R.  A., . . . Bowden, C.  L. (2007). Factors
associated with stigma among caregivers of patients with bipolar
disorder in the STEP-BD study. Psychiatric Services, 58, 41–48.
Hawke, L. D., Perikh, S. V., & Michalak, E. E. (2013) Stigma and bipo-
R E F E R E NC E S lar disorder: A review of the literature. Journal of Affective Disorders,
150, 181–191.
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disorder. Current Psychiatric Report, 13, 493–499.
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mon, D., . . . Keller, M. (2003). Long-term symptomatic status of
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E ffects of P ublic Awareness and S tigmatization   •   7 7

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7 8   •   S E C T I O N I : C L I N I C A L P R E S E N TAT I O N


PA R T   I

Gislaine Tezza Rezin and Ana Cristina Andreazza

OX IDATI V E STR ESS: 2005). In order to protect the body of consequences of

 A BR IEF OV ERV IEW constant production of ROS, the cells have an antioxidant
system consisting of enzymatic and nonenzymatic compo-
Free radicals are any atom or molecular species able to exist nents involved in stopping free radicals damage to biomol-
independently that contain one or more unpaired electrons ecules (i.e., lipids, proteins, and DNA). The antioxidant
(Halliwell, 1999, 2011; Halliwell & Gutteridge, 2007). is any substance that, when present at low concentrations
Thus they have an extremely high reactivity due to their compared to those of an oxidizable substrate, delays or pre-
energetically unstable situation (Maxwell, 1995). These rad- vents oxidation. The term “oxidizable substrate” includes
icals may be formed in both circumstances—physiological macromolecules such as lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
and pathological—and they may exert harmful effects on Consequently, the function of antioxidants is to maintain
cells and organisms by changing structure and function intracellular levels of ROS at low concentrations (Halliwell
of lipids, proteins, or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The & Gutteridge, 2007). The main enzymatic defenses include
imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant agents are the superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), gluta-
known as oxidative stress damage (Halliwell, 2011). thione S-transferase (GST), and glutathione peroxidase
Under physiological conditions of aerobic cell metabo- (GPx) enzymes, as well as others that do not directly
lism, oxygen is reduced to water formation by tetravalent participate in the process but support the GPx, such as
reduction. However, approximately 5% of the oxygen uti- glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glutathione reduc-
lized in the mitochondrial respiratory chain is not fully tase (Maté & Sánchez-Jiménez, 1999). Also, nonenzymatic
reduced to water and may be converted into reactive inter- defenses are mainly represented by ascorbic acid (vitamin
mediates (Boveris & Chance, 1973). The oxygen molecule C), α-tocopherol (vitamin E), glutathione, carotenoids,
remains attached to the Complex IV in the mitochondrial and flavonoids. Importantly, the enzymatic antioxidant
respiratory chain until total oxygen reduction. During this defenses act directly on detoxification agents before they
process, partial reduction of oxygen might occur, generat- cause any damage to biomolecules. The nonenzymatic anti-
ing superoxide anion (O2 -), by receiving only one electron oxidants act after the damage has occurred and are respon-
each time. Therefore, adding one more electron to the O2 -, sible for injury repair (Halliwell & Gutteridge, 2007).
this is reduced to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); despite not The actions of the antioxidant cascade are as fol-
being a free radical, it may react with other O2 -, or tran- lows:  (a)  the enzyme SOD reduces the O2- to H2O2 in a
sition metals, forming the hydroxyl radical (OH•), accord- dismutation reaction and then (b) the CAT or GPx reduces
ing to the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions (Halliwell, the H2O2 to water (Halliwell & Gutteridge, 2007). The GPx
2011). The term “reactive oxygen species” (ROS) include exists as a family of enzymes containing selenium with some
free radicals formed by the reduction of oxygen, such as O2 - differences in their properties and tissue distribution (Smith,
and OH•, as well as some nonradical derivatives of oxygen, Marks, & Lieberman, 2005). GPx eliminates the H2O2 by
such as H2O2 , and singlet oxygen (Halliwell & Gutteridge, coupling reduced glutathione with water, and consequently
2007). In addition, the ROS extract electrons from other oxidizing glutathione, which consists of two reduced glu-
compounds initiate a chain reaction, with the potential to tathione linked by a disulfide bridge. In turn, glutathione
oxidize biological molecules, including lipids, proteins, and reductase can convert oxidized glutathione to reduced gluta-
nucleic acids (Maxwell, 1995; Smith, Marks, & Lieberman, thione (Halliwell, 2006). Nevertheless, antioxidant defenses

inducing apoptosis or necrosis for example (Clay, Sillivan,
& Konradi, 2010; Halliwell & Gutteridge, 2007; Kato,
2008; Konradi, Sillivan, & Clay, 2012).

e– + O 2 S OU RC E S OF   OX I DAT I V E
Lipids The etiology and pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD)
H2O2 OH+ DNA involves several biological mechanism; however, evidence
CAT GPx Protein
postulates that increased oxidative stress; mitochondrial
H2O dysfunction; dysfunctional inflammatory response; and
alterations in calcium (Ca 2+), dopamine, and glutamate sig-
Figure 7.1 
Mitochondrial ROS generation and consequent oxidative naling are central biological mechanism in BD (for review
stress. CAT: Catalase; DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid; ETC: Electron see Andreazza & Young, 2013). This chapter reviews the
transport chain; GPx: Glutathione peroxidase; H2O2: Hydrogen
peroxide; MTC: Mitochondria; O2-: Superoxide anion; OH•: implication of these biological systems in BD.
Hydroxyl radical; SOD: Superoxide dismutase.

are not 100% effective, since oxidative damage to lipids,

proteins, DNA, and other molecules can be demonstrated
in living systems in an aerobic environment (Halliwell &
Gutteridge, 2007). Indeed, if the antioxidant system fails, the
H2O2 can react with iron (Fe2+), in a reaction called Fenton Preclinical and clinical studies have constantly demon-
and Haber-Weiss to form OH•, which is highly reactive and strated elevated states of oxidative damage, including
often causes oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA changes in antioxidant systems or increased oxidative
(see Figure 7.1; Halliwell & Gutteridge, 2007). damage to lipids, proteins, or DNA in animal models of
Under physiological conditions, the body is capable of mania (Frey, Martins, et al., 2006; Frey, Valvassori, et al.,
maintaining a balance between oxidant agents and antioxi- 2006a) and in patients with BD (Andreazza, Cassini, et al.,
dant defenses, thus preventing oxidative damage (Halliwell 2007; Andreazza, Frey, et al. 2007, Andreazza et al., 2009;
& Gutteridge, 2007). If there is augmentation on ROS Gergerlioglu et al., 2007; Kapczinski et al., 2011; Kuloglu
production, decreased antioxidant defenses, or both, the et  al., 2002; Machado-Vieira et  al., 2007; Ranjekar et  al.,
balance between oxidants and antioxidants is disrupted, 2003; Savas, Gergerlioglu, & Armutcu, 2006; Selek et al.,
leading to a state in the cells called oxidative stress. During 2008). Studies have suggested an association of mitochon-
mild and transient oxidative stress, the cell can adapt drial dysfunction in the pathophysiology of BD (Andreazza,
increasing the production of antioxidants. However, during Shao, Wang, & Young, 2010; Iwamoto, Bundo, & Kato,
chronic oxidative stress, cells often progress to necrosis or 2005; Kato & Kato, 2000). More specifically, studies
apoptosis due to excess damage to biomolecules structures using postmortem brain tissue have demonstrated that
(Clay, Sillivan, & Konradi, 2010; Halliwell & Gutteridge, mitochondrial genes are down-regulated in the hippo-
2007; Kato, 2008; Konradi, Sillivan, & Clay, 2012). Of campus (Lieberman, Perkins, & Jarskog, 2007)  and dor-
significance, oxidative stress is also a process necessary for solateral prefrontal cortex of patients with BD (Iwamoto,
the maintenance of normal cellular functions. For example, Bundo, & Kato, 2005; Konradi et  al., 2004; Sun, Wang,
a variety of stimuli might cause reactive oxygen/nitrogen Tseng, & Young, 2006). Konradi and colleagues have
species to act as signal transducers in signaling pathways, shown that messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expres-
leading to specific cellular phenotypes (D’Autréaux & sion of subunits of complex I-V was significantly reduced
Toledano, 2007). In this context, cells can respond in sev- in the postmortem hippocampus of patients with BD. Sun
eral ways to oxidative stress, which depends on the cell type et al. also demonstrated a decrease in the levels of mRNA
and the severity of oxidative stress. Responses to oxida- for the NDUFS7 and NDUFS8 subunits of complex I. 
tive stress include (a) increase in proliferation; (b) cell and Additionally, Iwamoto et al. showed a reduction in the lev-
organism adaptations, by up-regulation of repair systems; els of mRNA in NDUFS8 and NDUFS1 from patients
(c) cellular damage, by modifying lipids structure from cel- with BD. Andreazza and colleagues, interestingly, dem-
lular membranes; and (d) senescence or cellular death, by onstrated that the decreased mRNA levels of NDUFS7

8 4   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
translate to diminished levels of NDUFS7 and affect the an important role of oxidative stress in the neurological
activity of complex I in the postmortem brain samples of progression of BD.
patients with BD.
Antioxidant enzymes have also been shown to be
altered in BD. Benes and colleagues (2006) demonstrated
that the expression of genes that encode the major anti- Evidence also suggests that inflammatory processes in the
oxidant enzymes, such as SOD, CAT, GPx, and GST, are periphery and the brain are involved in the pathophysiology
also reduced in the hippocampus of patients with BD. of BD (Brietzke et al., 2009; Ortiz-Dominguez et al., 2007;
Studies also have shown that the SOD activity is increased Rao, Harry, Rapoport, & Kim, 2010). Studies have shown
in BD (Andreazza, Cassini, et  al., 2007; Kuloglu et  al., altered levels of cytokines in patients with BD depending
2002; Machado-Vieira et al., 2007; Savas, Gergerlioglu, & on the mood state (Brietzke et al., 2009; Kapczinski et al.,
Armutcu, 2006). More specifically, Andreazza et al. found 2009), as well as staging of the illness (Kapczinski et  al.,
an increased in serum SOD activity during the depressive 2008; Kauer-Sant’Anna et al., 2009). More specifically, BD
and manic phase but not in patients with BD in the euthy- is accompanied by increased peripheral levels of (a)  pro-
mic phase. In support, Gergerlioglu and colleagues (2007) inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-2 (IL-2),
revealed an increase in the levels of SOD in patients with interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF- α;
BD during the manic phase. Machado-Vieira et  al. dem- Brietzke et al., 2009; Kim, Jung, Myint, Kim, & Park, 2007;
onstrated that naive patients with BD also have increased Ortiz-Dominguez et al., 2007) and (b) anti-inflammatory
levels of SOD. However, Savas and colleagues identi- cytokines including interleukin-1β (IL-1β), nuclear factor
fied increased levels of SOD in patients with BD in the κB (NF-κB), and interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) antago-
euthymic phase. Other antioxidants enzymes have been nist protein (Ortiz-Dominguez et  al., 2007; Rao, Harry,
evaluated:  (a)  Andreazza et  al. found diminishing serum Rapoport, & Kim, 2010). mRNA levels of IL-1β, IL-1R,
activity of CAT in patients with BD in the euthymic phase; and NF-kB subunits have been also shown to be increased
(b)  Machado-Vieira et  al. showed an increase in serum in the postmortem frontal cortex of persons with BD when
CAT activity in patients with BD in the manic phase with- compared with control subjects (Rao, Harry, Rapoport, &
out treatment, and Kuloglu et  al. found decreased levels Kim, 2010). Also, increased levels of acute inflammatory
of CAT in patients with BD (description of which phase response proteins (i.e., haptoglobin and C-reactive pro-
patients were when blood was collected were not available); tein) have also been demonstrated (Dickerson, Stallings,
(c)  Andreazza et  al. showed that patients with BD in the Origoni, Boronow, & Yolken, 2007; Maes et  al., 1997).
euthymic phase show increased activity of GPx. However, Complement factors (C3 and C4) have been found as
other studies did not found differences in relation to GPx elevated in plasma of patients with BD (Maes et al., 1997;
activity when compared to controls (Kuloglu et al., 2002; Wadee et al., 2002).
Ranjekar et al., 2003). Patients with BD in early (i.e., <3  years of illness)
Some studies have demonstrated an increase in lipid and late (>10  years of illness) stages of illness have been
peroxidation in patients with BD during manic, depres- associated with elevated levels of proinflammatory cyto-
sive, and euthymic phases, as well as in drug-naive patients kines IL-6 and TNF-α, while interleukin-10 (IL-10), an
with BD (Andreazza, Kauer-Sant’Anna, Frey, Bond, et al., anti-inflammatory cytokine, was increased only in patients
2008; Machado-Vieira et  al., 2007). Lipid peroxidation, in the early stage of the disorder (Kauer-Sant’Anna et al.,
represented by increased levels of 4-hydroxynonenal, was 2009). This suggests that anti-inflammatory defense mech-
also observed as increased in the anterior cingulate cortex anisms are no longer responsive in late-stage BD. Illness
of patients with BD (Wang, Shao, Sun, & Young, 2009). progression often results in cumulative effects of oxida-
Andreazza and colleagues (2013) confirmed increased levels tive stress, which could result in elevation of antioxidant
of lipid peroxidation in the postmortem prefrontal cortex enzymes (e.g., GST) as a compensatory mechanism among
of patients with BD. Other studies have also shown abnor- patients with BD, as demonstrated by Andreazza and col-
malities in the anterior cingulate cortex of patients with leagues (2008). Thus if the compensatory antioxidants
BD (Beal, 2002; Ji & Bennett, 2003). Studies also report mechanisms fail to prevent damage, patients with BD might
increased levels of nitric oxide (NO) in patients with BD in experience a worse (or faster) progression of the illness. This
manic, depressive, and euthymic phases (Gergerlioglu et al., hypothesis is supported by previous studies that have shown
2007; Savas, Gergerlioglu, & Armutcu, 2006; Selek et al., that patients with BD exhibit increased levels of oxidative
2008). Together these findings support the hypothesis of damage to lipids (Kuloglu et  al., 2002; Machado-Vieira

Oxidati v e Damage and I ts T reatment I mpact   •   85

et al., 2007), proteins (Andreazza et al., 2009), and DNA the Ca2+ absorption (Wang, 2007). Thus activation of
(Andreazza, Frey, et  al., 2007)  and decreased antioxidant Ca2+-dependent proteins and direct inhibition of the mito-
enzyme defenses (Savas, Gergerlioglu, & Armutcu, 2006; chondrial electron transport chain have been shown as an
Selek et al., 2008). important trigger of oxidative stress (de Gonzalo-Calvo
Of significance, a proinflammatory state also activates et al., 2010).
degradation of tryptophan and serotonin via indoleamine
2,3-dioxygenase, leading to increased consumption of
tryptophan (Berk et al., 2011). Stimulation of indoleamine
2,3-dioxygenase and kynurenine monooxygenase by proin- Another metabolite associated with induction of oxidative
flammatory states further results in the production of tryp- stress state in the brain is the dopamine (Berk et al., 2007;
tophan catabolites, including quinolinic acid, which might Chen et  al., 2008; Rees, Florang, Anderson, & Doorn,
lead to dysregulation of the neurotransmitter system and 2007). Dopamine is metabolized via (a) enzymatic by the
mitochondrial energy metabolism (Berk et al., 2011). monoamine oxidase (MAO), which generates H2O2 , a ROS,
and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid or via (b) autocatalytic by
reaction with Fe2+ and H2O2 forming 6-hydroxydopamine
(Berman & Hastings, 1999; Hastings, Lewis, & Zigmond,
Recent genome-wide association studies using large groups 1996; Obata, 2002). In vivo, electrochemical analyses have
of patients (over 13,000) and controls find out that the demonstrated that in a few minutes after the administration
alpha 1C subunit of the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel of 6-hydroxydopamine into the brain, this is converted to
(CACNA1C) and ankyrin 3 are strong potential risk genes ρ-quinone (Beal, 2002; Obata, 2002). 6-hydroxydopamine
associated with BD. CACNA1C belongs to the family of can be conjugated, in vivo, with glutathione by the action
L-type Ca2+ channels that mediate various Ca2+-dependent of GST (Baez, Segura-Aguilar, Widersten, Johansson, &
processes in neurons. It regulates the dendritic Ca2+ influx Mannervik, 1997). Importantly, Andreazza and colleagues
in response to synaptic activity (Vacher, Mohapatra, & (2009) demonstrated that patients with BD during the late
Trimmer, 2008). Ankyrin 3 is a member of a family of stages of the illness (over 10 years of illness) have increased
ankyrin proteins that plays a role in several cellular signal- levels of glutathione reductase and GST suggesting that
ings, including maintenance of cytoskeleton and mem- patients with BD perhaps are trying to react against the
brane domains (Vacher, Mohapatra, & Trimmer, 2008). It oxidative stress damage by boosting the antioxidant sys-
is also known to modulate the activity of neuronal sodium tem, which, however, is not sufficient to prevent the full
channels. The use of genome-wide association studies in oxidative damage as demonstrated by increased protein
very large cohorts has allowed the identification of at least oxidation in the same patients. Further studies are indeed
two potential biomarkers of BD: CACNA1C and ankyrin necessary to understand how MAO contributes to oxida-
3. Imaging studies are beginning to unravel the functional tive damage in BD. Such studies would contribute a crucial
correlates and susceptibility mechanisms of these vari- piece of information—how oxidative stress modulates neu-
ants (O’Donovan, Craddock, & Owen, 2009; Vacher, rotransmitter levels.
Mohapatra, & Trimmer, 2008). Studies also have shown that patients with BD have
Studies have demonstrated also that BD is associated increased levels of NO (Gergerlioglu et  al., 2007; Savas
with the polymorphism of the transient potential receptor et  al., 2002; Savas, Gergerlioglu, & Armutcu, 2006). NO
melastatin-2 gene, which is involved in the maintenance is considered a neurotransmitter too. NO may react with
of intracellular levels of Ca2+ and is abundantly expressed the O2-, leading to form peroxynitrite, which has the
in the brain (Perova, Wasserman, Li, & Warsh, 2008; Xu potential to nitrate tyrosine residues of proteins, results in
et  al., 2009). Moreover, increased intracellular Ca 2+ lev- the formation of 3-nitrotyrosine (Ischiropoulos, 2003).
els are a consistent finding in studies of BD (Kato, 2008). Andreazza and colleagues (2009) demonstrated that patients
Under such conditions, mitochondria are one of organelles with BD in early or late stages exhibit increased levels of
responsible for storing Ca 2+, while the influx and efflux of 3-nitrotyrosine. Besides, Ji and Bennett (2003) have shown
Ca2+ are mediated by membrane potential, which is gen- that GST is activated when exposed to peroxynitrite by
erated during the proton gradient of the mitochondrial nitration of tyrosine residues. Therefore, the activation of
respiratory chain (Chinopoulos & Adam-Vizi, 2006). GST may avoid a rise in oxidative tissue injury while other
Hence, mitochondrial dysfunction may lead to a change antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD (MacMillan-Crow,
in membrane potential, and, consequently, it may reduce Crow, & Thompson, 1998)  and xanthine oxidase (Lee,

8 6   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
Dopamine of this clinical and preclinical evidence (Berk et al., 2008;
Glutamate Inflammation
Machado-Vieira et al., 2008; Magalhães et al., 2011).
Some studies have shown that lithium has an impor-
tant effect on lipid peroxidation (Machado-Vieira et  al.,
↑Ca2+ ↑Cytokines 2007; Shao, Young, & Wang, 2005), DNA damage (Shao,
OH+ Young, & Wang, 2005), and formation of free radicals
(Machado-Vieira et  al., 2007; Shao, Young, & Wang,
2005), as well as on the antioxidant defense in various
models (Machado-Vieira, Manji, & Zarate, 2009). More
specifically, studies have demonstrated that lithium has the
ROS capacity to diminish the lipid peroxidation in patients with
Oxidative stress
BD (Banerjee, Dasgupta, Rout, & Singh, 2012) and animal
models of mania (Frey, Valvassori, et  al., 2006b; Macêdo
Relationship between neurotransmitter, inflammatory system
Figure 7.2  et  al., 2012). Lithium also increases the CAT levels and
and oxidative stress. Ca2+: Calcium; H2O2: Hydrogen peroxide; decreases the levels of SOD in patients (Gergerlioglu et al.,
MAO: Monoamine oxidase; NO-: Nitric oxide; OH: Hydroxyl 2007; Machado-Vieira et  al., 2007). Moreover, lithium
radical; ROS: Reactive oxygen species
can balance the SOD/CAT ratio, which diminishes the
cellular H2O2 concentration and, consequently, the oxida-
Liu, & Zweier, 2000) be compromised, due to an excessive for- tive stress (Machado-Vieira et  al., 2007). Another study
mation of peroxynitrite. Considering that the 3-nitrotyrosine by Khairova and colleagues (2012) revealed a decrease in
may be a marker of the generation of ROS (Hastings, Lewis, & the SOD levels in healthy subjects after the use of lithium.
Zigmond, 1996), the nitration process may have an important However, levels of CAT and thiobarbituric acid reactive
role in the pathophysiology of BD (Andreazza et al., 2009). substances (TBARS) (a measurement to assess lipid peroxi-
Another source of NO is the increase in the release of gluta- dation) were not altered by the use of this mood stabilizer
mate. The stimulation of N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) by in healthy subjects (Khairova et  al., 2012). Additionally,
glutamate, allows the passage of Ca2+ in the cell, by activating chronic administration of lithium modifies the affinity of
the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV, dopamine transporters and therefore decreases the exces-
which activates nitric oxide synthase increasing the produc- sive dopaminergic neurotransmission, resulting in the
tion of NO (Coyle & Puttfarcken, 1993). Remarkably, studies generation of ROS (Carli, Morissette, Hebert, Di Paolo, &
using in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy have Reader, 1997). The mechanism by which lithium reduces
found that patients with BD have higher glutamate levels in the generation of ROS is far from being completely under-
discrete subregions of the prefrontal cortex (Frye et al., 2007; stood, but it can be partially supported by its action on
Michael et al., 2003). buffering of intracellular Ca 2+ levels or through the stabil-
Here we have reviewed a considerable body of evidence ity of mitochondrial function and oxidative stress (Shao,
supporting abnormalities in cellular pathways, such as Young, & Wang, 2005).
mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammatory response, altera- Besides the promising effects of lithium, other sub-
tion in Ca2+ signaling, and dopamine and glutamate neuro- stances have also been studied in favor of redox balance
transmission that may result in oxidative stress (Figure 7.2). in BD. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a glutathione precur-
sor, and it contributes to increased levels of antioxidants.
Glutathione is a tripeptide containing cysteine, glutamate,
HOW C A N W E T R E AT and glycine, and it is synthesized by two enzymatic reac-
OX I DAT I V E S T R E S S? tions involving glutamate-cysteine ligase and glutathione
synthetase. Cysteine is a limiting amino acid for glutathi-
As discussed previously, growing evidence have suggested one synthesis (Dringen, Gutterer, & Hirrlinger, 2000).
that the oxidative stress plays a key role in the pathophysiol- Hence glutathione is the primary antioxidant defense
ogy of BD (Andreazza, Kauer-Sant’Anna, Frey, Stertz, et al., of the organism, and a decrease in glutathione levels in
2008; Clay, Sillivan, & Konradi, 2010; Machado-Vieira, patients with BD has been demonstrated in the postmor-
Manji, & Zarate, 2009); consequently the interest in under- tem prefrontal cortex of patients with BD (Gawryluk,
standing which antioxidant compounds can be used to Wang, Andreazza, Shao, & Young, 2010). Magalhães and
treat this illness is indeed growing. We discuss here some colleagues (2011) demonstrated that adjunctive treatment

Oxidati v e Damage and I ts T reatment I mpact   •   8 7

with NAC for patients with BD contributes to improved in GPx activity, and (c)  a decrease in the activity of glu-
remission of manic and depressive symptoms. Additionally, tathione reductase in a pharmacological animal model of
the use of NAC leads to an increase in glutathione levels in mania using ouabain. The function of GPx is to reduce the
animal models (Dean et al., 2009). Thus the use of NAC is H2O2 to water while the glutathione reductase is an ancil-
promising because it increases the levels of glutathione and lary enzyme that reduces oxidized glutathione formed
also reverses the mitochondrial dysfunction present in BD, by GPx to the thiol form of glutathione (Carlberg &
which leads to the generation of ROS (Andreazza Shao, Mannervik, 1985; Wendel, 1981). Thus the use of folic acid
Wang, & Young, 2010). may be opportune in the improving glutathione system in
Another substance with antioxidant potential is the BD (Brocardo et  al., 2010). Moreover, Bruning, Prigol,
alpha-lipoic acid. Macêdo and colleagues (2012) found that Luchese, Pinton, and Nogueira (2012) demonstrated
alpha-lipoic acid is effective in preventing and reversing the that the diphenyl diselenide (a compound that exhibits
locomotor alterations induced by amphetamine in an ani- similar effects as GPx) was able to prevent the increase
mal model of mania, which indicates that this acid may be of lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyls, and activity of
important for the treatment acute episode and maintenance SOD in an animal model of mania induced by ouabain.
of BD. The alpha-lipoic acid also inhibits the formation of Diphenyl diselenide has been also shown to decrease the
H2O2 and OH•, scavenges lipid peroxidation products, che- Ca2+ influx, which contributes to a reduction in the for-
lates redox-activated transition metals (Suzuki, Tsuchiya, mation of reactive species (Luchese & Nogueira, 2010;
& Packer, 1991), and modulates NO levels in the brain Meotti, Stangherlin, Zeni, Rocha, & Nogueira, 2004).
(Gross & Wolin, 1995), as well as participates in the recy- Taken together, the aforementioned findings support that
cling of other antioxidants, inducing enzymes associated oxidative stress plays a significant role in neurological pro-
with glutathione synthesis (Packer, Witt, & Tritschler, gression of BD, justifying its importance in the research of
1995). Alpha-lipoic acid has been demonstrated to prevent new therapeutic targets (see Figure 7.3).
the inhibition of SOD activity, reverse the decreased levels
Disclosure statement: Dr. Andreazza and Dr. Rezin have no
of glutathione, and ameliorate levels of lipid peroxidation.
financial conflicts of interest. Dr.  Andreazza has received
Thus the increase in glutathione content and SOD activity
operating funding from the Canadian Institute of Health
by the administration of alpha lipoic acid, and the conse-
Research and Brain and Behavioural Foundation. Dr. Rezin
quent decrease of lipid peroxidation, may characterize the
has been supported by the Brazil Without Borders program
antioxidant effect of this substance (Macêdo et al., 2012).
from CAPES.
However, Brennan and colleagues (2013) showed that
treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid does not
have antidepressant effects in BD. Their results demonstrated R E F E R E NC E S
no differences in the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating
Scale between patients treated with acetyl-L-carnitine and Andreazza, A. C., Cassini, C., Rosa, A. R., Leite, M. C., de Almeida,
alpha lipoic acid when compared to a placebo. Nevertheless, L. M., Nardin, P., . . . Gonçalves, C. A. (2007). Serum S100B and
antioxidant enzymes in bipolar patients. Journal of Psychiatric
their results demonstrated reduced levels of parieto-occipital Research, 41(6), 523–529.
phosphocreatine in patients who received acetyl-L-carnitine. Andreazza, A. C., Frey, B. N., Erdtmann, B., Salvador, M., Goncalves,
Brocardo and colleagues (2010) showed that folic C. A., & Kapczinski, F. (2007). DNA damage in bipolar disorder.
Psychiatry Research, 153(1), 27–32.
acid prevents (a) an increase TBARS levels, (b) a decrease Andreazza, A.  C., Kapczinski, F., Kauer-Sant’Anna, M., Walz,
J.  C., Bond, D.  J., Gonçalves, C.  A., . . . Yatham, L.  N. (2009).
3-Nitrotyrosine and glutathione antioxidant system in patients in
the early and late stages of bipolar disorder. Journal of Psychiatry &
Neuroscience, 34(4), 263–271.
Lithium Andreazza, A. C., Kauer-Sant’anna, M., Frey, B. N., Bond, D. J., Kap-
N-acetyl cysteine czinski, F., Young, L. T., & Yatham, L. N. (2008). Oxidative stress
markers in bipolar disorder:  A  meta-analysis. Journal of Affective
Disorders, 111(2–3), 135–144.
Alpha-lipoic acid ROS Diphenyl diselenide Andreazza, A. C., Kauer-Sant’Anna, M., Frey, B. N., Stertz, L., Zanotto,
C., Ribeiro, L., . . . Kapczinski, F. (2008). Effects of mood stabilizers
on DNA damage in an animal model of mania. Journal of Psychiatry
Folic acid & Neuroscience, 33(6), 516–524.
Andreazza, A. C., Shao, L., Wang, J. F., & Young, L. T. (2010). Mito-
Antioxidant effect of lithium, N-acetyl cysteine, alpha lipoic
Figure 7.3  chondrial complex I activity and oxidative damage to mitochondrial
acid, folic acid and diphenyl diselenide on mitochondrial dysfunction proteins in the prefrontal cortex of patients with bipolar disorder.
and ROS. ROS: Reactive oxygen species. Archives of General Psychiatry, 67(4), 360–368.

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Richard S. Jope, Eleonore Beurel, Marta Pardo, Erika Abrial, and Charles B. Nemeroff

INTRODUCTION this signaling system (reviewed in Agam et al., 2009; Jope

& Williams, 1994; O’Brien & Klein, 2009). The central
Signal transduction systems provide the means for cells to components of the phosphoinositide signal transduction
detect changes in the environment and to appropriately system include a plasma membrane-spanning receptor
respond, which often involves activation of adaptive mecha- coupled to a heterotrimeric G-protein of the Gq/11 family.
nisms. Abnormalities in these signaling systems can disrupt Stimulation of the receptor activates Gq/11, which in turn
homeostasis, and in neurons this may lead to maladaptive activates phospholipase C to cleave phosphatidylinositol
changes in neural communication mechanisms, disrupt- 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). PIP2 cleavage releases two second
ing higher processes such as mood and cognition. Assessing messengers, diacylglycerol, which activates protein kinase
the possibility that signal transduction systems may be C (PKC), and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), which
impaired in bipolar disorder is difficult in the absence of an stimulates intracellular receptors to induce the release of
animal model, leaving imaging approaches and studies of calcium. IP3 is dephosphorylated by phosphatases, culmi-
postmortem brain as the major means to directly identify nating in the action of inositol monophosphatase to pro-
alterations in patients with bipolar disorder. However, these duce myo-inositol, which can be reused for the synthesis of
approaches are limited by the structural and functional PIP2. Lithium inhibits inositol monophosphatase (as well
imaging methods available and the static nature of post- as other phosphatases in this system) with a Ki of 0.8 mM,
mortem measurements. Therefore, many investigators have thus being effective at its therapeutic concentration of 0.5 to
employed the strategy of examining the effects of lithium 1.2 mM.
and other mood stabilizers on signal transduction systems The discovery of this inhibitory effect of lithium raised
in cultured cells and in rodents, though this approach suf- the possibility that lithium may lower the level of free
fers to some extent from the lack of a valid animal model myo-inositol. This may occur because the production of
of bipolar disorder and the current paucity of methods to myo-inositol from the sequential dephosphorylation of
confirm in bipolar patients the evidence obtained from such inositol polyphosphates is reduced by inhibition of inositol
preclinical studies. Nonetheless, this approach has provided monophosphatase, which concomitantly causes the accu-
a wealth of information about potential abnormal signaling mulation of inositol monophosphate. This potential block
activities that may contribute to bipolar disorder, which are of myo-inositol recycling was hypothesized to consequently
summarized here. deplete PIP2 levels and subsequently decrease the produc-
tion of IP3 and diacylglycerol upon further stimulation of
Gq/11-coupled receptors (Berridge, Downes, & Hanley,
T H E PHO S PHOI NO S I T I DE S IG N A L 1989). This became known as the inositol depletion
T R A N S DUC T ION S Y S T E M hypothesis of the mechanism of action of lithium, which
posits that abnormally active phosphoinositide signaling in
The phosphoinositide signal transduction system first bipolar disorder is dampened by lithium-induced depletion
became a topic of interest with regard to bipolar disorder of myo-inositol and PIP2, thus normalizing this hypotheti-
with the discovery that lithium inhibits enzymes within cal hyperactive phosphoinositide signaling.

The inositol depletion hypothesis inspired an intense resultant downstream signaling to induce activation of
verification effort in the ensuing decade, which was not PKC and release of intracellular calcium may also be ele-
entirely successful. We previously reviewed (Jope & vated in bipolar disorder. PKC refers to a family of serine/
Williams, 1994) several early findings that weakened the threonine kinases that has been subclassified into three
inositol depletion hypothesis. Although inositol is easily families, depending on their structure and specific activa-
depleted in vitro due to the lack of inositol in the medium tors. Conventional PKCs, composed of α, βI, βII, and γ
of cultured cells or brain slice preparations, in vivo ino- isoforms, need both calcium and diacylglycerol to be acti-
sitol is present in cerebrospinal fluid in millimolar con- vated; novel PKCs (δ, ε, η, θ, and μ) require only calcium;
centrations. This high concentration of inositol made it and atypical PKCs (ζ and ι/λ) are not activated by calcium
difficult to detect inositol or PIP2 depletion in vivo after or diacylglycerol.
therapeutically relevant lithium administration, thus rais- The first evidence of abnormal PKC signaling was
ing skepticism about the veracity of the inositol deple- obtained in platelets of bipolar patients in the manic state.
tion hypothesis. This difficulty in verifying depletion of PKC was found to be hyperactive, and this increase in PKC
inositol in vivo led to the modification of the hypothesis activity was inhibited by lithium treatment (Friedman,
that perhaps only abnormally active pools of PIP2 may Hoau Yan, Levinson, Connell, & Singh, 1993). PKC hyper-
be depleted by lithium, which remains to be established. activity was also observed in the frontal cortex of post-
Further skepticism was raised by discoveries of many mortem brains from bipolar subjects (Wang & Friedman,
other actions of PIP2, such as serving as the precursor for 1996). However, in postmortem studies, it is often difficult
phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) that is to determine the precise mood state of the patient at the
required in many signaling systems, including the signal- time of death and to control the many factors that can alter
ing response to several neurotrophins and insulin, which markers of signaling activity, thus it is currently unknown
would also be expected to be dampened by lithium if PIP2 whether abnormal PKC activation in bipolar disorder is
was depleted. Thus direct studies of the phosphoinositide state- or trait-dependent.
signaling system have not yet provided clear evidence of Several studies suggest that agents that are therapeu-
whether or not it is abnormally active in bipolar disorder. tic in bipolar disorder reduce PKC levels and/or activity
Because direct studies with lithium of the inositol deple- (Manji & Lenox, 1999). Lithium treatment of cells in vitro
tion hypothesis have been inconclusive, other approaches or of rodents in vivo decreased the expression of the α and
have been applied to test the inositol depletion theory. ε PKC isoforms and reduced PKC activity, particularly
Elegant studies with transgenic mice expressing lowered after chronic, rather than subacute, lithium administration
levels of inositol monophosphatase or of an inositol trans- (Manji & Lenox, 1999). Examination of the effects of other
porter provided mixed results that others have reviewed in drugs used therapeutically in bipolar disorder also revealed
detail (Agam et al., 2009; O’Brien & Klein, 2009). Imaging alterations in PKC. Chronic valproate treatment reduced
studies designed to detect inositol depletion following lith- PKC α and ε expression and PKC activity (Manji & Lenox,
ium administration also have produced mixed results but 1999), and chronic carbamazepine treatment decreased the
generally failed to detect inositol depletion (Silverstone & phosphorylation of PKC substrates in rat brain (Jensen &
McGrath, 2009; Yildiz-Yesiloglu & Ankerst 2006). Thus Mørk, 1997). Investigations on the effects of antidepres-
the inositol depletion hypothesis remains an attractive sants have yielded mixed results, with reports of either
explanation for certain actions of lithium, but it has proven increases or decreases in the levels of specific PKC isoforms
difficult to clearly verify or refute. This difficulty may stem and PKC activity following chronic treatment with dif-
from phosphoinositide signaling being hyperactive in dis- ferent classes of antidepressants (Szabo et al., 2009). These
crete circuits in bipolar disorder that are difficult to detect, findings support the possibility that inhibition of PKC
or it may be that there is sufficient free inositol in the brain activity may be connected with therapeutic effects of drugs
to maintain normal levels of PIP2 even if lithium partially used in bipolar disorder.
inhibits inositol recycling. Behavioral studies have sought to determine if direct
blockade of PKC activity may reduce manic-like or
depression-like behaviors in rodents. Administration of the
PRO T E I N K I N A S E C A N D C A L C I U M PKC inhibitors tamoxifen and chelerythrine attenuated
amphetamine-induced locomotor hyperactivity, a widely
The potential hyperactivity of phosphoinositide signal- used model of mania (Abrial et  al, 2013; Einat, Yuan,
ing in bipolar disorder raised the possibility that the Szabo, Dogra, & Manji, 2007). However, neither of these is

9 4   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
adequately specific for PKC to conclude that their actions upstream effectors (such as phosphoinositide signaling or
derive from PKC inhibition; tamoxifen is an estrogen recep- cyclic AMP production), regulation of calcium-handling
tor modulator in addition to being a PKC inhibitor, and the proteins, or modulation of calcium sequestration into
potency and specificity of chelerythrine as a selective PKC mitochondrial or endoplasmic reticulum stores, notably
inhibitor are not well established (Davies, Reddy, Caivano, & through up-regulation of the intracellular calcium regula-
Cohen, 2000). PKC inhibitors also have been reported tor B-cell lymphoma protein 2 (Andreazza & Young, 2014;
to reduce risk-taking behaviors (Abrial et  al., 2013)  and Distelhorst & Bootman, 2011; ePinton et al., 2000; Warsh
hedonic behaviors in response to drugs of abuse (Lai et al., et al., 2004).
2008), two distinct facets of mania. Both the amphetamine Because of the possible link of increased intracellu-
and sleep deprivation models of manic-like activity increase lar calcium to bipolar disorder, L-type calcium channel
the phosphorylation of PKC substrates in rat frontal cortex (LTCC) antagonists have been investigated for many years
(Szabo et al., 2009). Elsewhere in this volume clinical trials as a potential treatment for bipolar disorder. LTCC antago-
of tamoxifen in bipolar disorder patients that indicate an nists, as a class, act primarily by directly binding to various
effective antimanic effect are reviewed. Overall, preclinical sites on Cav1.2 LTCC, resulting in blockade of the calcium
data support the hypothesis that PKC may be overactivated current. Cav1.2 LTCC antagonists, especially dihydropyri-
in states relevant to mania and that PKC inhibition may dine derivatives, have been shown to reduce depression-like
produce antimanic-like effects. behaviors in a variety of rodent models (Bhat et al., 2012).
In contrast to the evidence that activated PKC is associ- Moreover, CACNA1C heterozygous knockout mice, the
ated with manic-like states, reduced PKC activity, level, or gene that codes for the α1C subunit of the Cav1.2 LTCC,
substrate phosphorylation has been consistently found in display decreased immobility in behavioral despair tests
animal models of depression, such as the chronic mild stress and diminished locomotor response to amphetamine sen-
model (Palumbo, Zorrilla Zubilete, Cremaschi, & Genaro, sitization, indicating that reduced Cav1.2 LTCC expres-
2009). Furthermore, acute administration of PKC activa- sion leads to both antidepressant-like and antimanic-like
tors produces antidepressant-like effects in rodents (Abrial effects (Bhat et  al., 2012). Verapamil has been the most
et al., 2013). Thus the opposite changes in PKC activation frequently used LTCC blocker in clinical trials, but despite
in depression and mania might favor an interpretation of some isolated reports of efficacy, randomized control trials
state-dependent changes in PKC in bipolar disorder and have not demonstrated efficacy of verapamil or other cal-
that PKC inhibitors may be effective in mania but not cium antagonists (Janicak et  al., 1998). However, further
depression. studies may be warranted because single nucleotide poly-
Dysregulation of intracellular calcium homeostasis has morphisms in CACNA1C have consistently been found
often been linked to the pathogenesis of bipolar disorder to be associated with bipolar disorder (Craddock & Sklar,
(Bhat et  al., 2012; Warsh, Andreopoulos, & Li, 2004). 2013). CACNA1C single nucleotide polymorphisms have
Intracellular calcium is a highly versatile signal, and calcium also been found to be associated with schizophrenia, major
homeostasis is regulated in a complex manner by a balance depression, and autism spectrum disorders, suggesting
between extracellular entry, uptake, and release from inter- that CACNA1C belongs to a class of shared susceptibil-
nal stores, including endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum ity factors. Besides LTCCs, there is also growing interest
and mitochondria, and binding to calcium-buffering pro- in a number of other calcium-regulating proteins, such as
teins. Increased free calcium in manic patients compared to calcium-permeable transient receptor potential melastatin
healthy controls was first reported in platelets (Dubovsky subtype 2, canonical subtype 3 channels, and mecha-
et  al., 1989). Since then, there have been consistent find- nisms releasing calcium from intracellular stores in the
ings of elevations in basal and agonist-induced intracellular pathogenesis of bipolar disorder. Overall, dysregulation of
calcium levels in peripheral blood components of untreated calcium dynamics in bipolar disorder is supported by mul-
bipolar subjects in either manic or depressive states tiple lines of research, suggesting that the development of
(Quiroz, Gray, Kato, & Manji, 2008). Moreover, increased calcium-targeted interventions merits further investigation.
agonist-evoked calcium in platelets from untreated bipo-
lar depressed patients is normalized to the control range
in lithium-treated euthymic patients (Dubovsky, Lee, G LYC O G E N S Y N T H A S E K I N A S E-3
Christiano, & Murphy, 1991). Several mechanisms have
been suggested to explain how lithium dampens intra- Soon after enthusiasm for the inositol depletion hypothesis
cellular calcium mobilization, including inhibition of was waning due to lack of definitive supporting evidence, it

T he R ole of S ignal T ransduction S y stems in the Pathoph y siolog y   •   9 5

was discovered that lithium is a direct inhibitor of glycogen imaging techniques able to detect GSK3-mediated signal-
synthase kinase-3 (GSK3; Klein & Melton, 1996; Stambolic, ing in vivo, and by the inability to detect dynamic signaling
Ruel, & Woodgett, 1996). Although GSK3 was initially activities by measurements using postmortem tissue. Thus
named because it was discovered as a kinase that phosphory- this issue has been addressed predominantly by pharmaco-
lates the enzyme glycogen synthase, it is now known to phos- logical and molecular methods in rodent models applied to
phorylate nearly 100 substrates and to regulate many cellular behaviors that may model depression or manic character-
processes, as previously reviewed (Jope & Johnson, 2004; istics. However, it is well recognized that these are merely
Woodgett, 2001). Thus this discovery raised the concept that behavioral assessments, falling short of true models of
lithium’s mood-stabilizing actions may arise from inhibiting depression or mania.
any of the many cellular actions of GSK3. Behavioral studies in rodents have provided a wealth
GSK3 refers to two paralogs that are commonly of support for the hypothesis that inhibition of GSK3
referred to as isoforms:  GSK3α and GSK3β. GSK3 is may bolster mood stabilization, as recently reviewed (Jope,
predominantly regulated by inhibitory phosphorylation 2011). Depression-like behaviors of rodents are consistently
on serine21-GSK3α or serine9-GSK3β, which can be diminished by administration of a variety of GSK3 inhibi-
mediated by several kinases, such as Akt. To identify the tors and in mice with reduced expression of GSK3 (O’Brien
importance of inhibitory serine-phosphorylation of GSK3, et al., 2004; O’Brien et al., 2011; Omata et al., 2011; and see
investigators have used GSK3 knockin mice in which the references in Beaulieu, Gainetdinov, & Caron, 2009; Jope,
two serines were mutated to alanines to abrogate inhibitory 2011). Neuronal overexpression of GSK3 counteracted
serine phosphorylation of GSK3 (McManus et al., 2005). the behavioral effects of lithium in mice, emphatically
Besides inhibitory serine-phosphorylation, GSK3 also can verifying that GSK3 is lithium’s target for these outcomes
be regulated by protein binding partners, which most nota- (O’Brien et  al., 2011). Administration of antidepressants
bly occurs in the Wnt signaling pathway. In this pathway, and atypical antipsychotics, which are effective in some
GSK3 bound to the scaffold protein axin phosphorylates bipolar disorder patients, also induce inhibition of GSK3
β-catenin, which directs β-catenin to proteasomal degra- in rodent brains (Beaulieu et al., 2009; Li et al., 2004; Li,
dation. Activation of Wnt signaling disrupts the ability of Rosborough, Friedman, Zhu, & Roth, 2007). Inhibition of
GSK3 to phosphorylate β-catenin, which allows β-catenin GSK3 is also evident in mouse brain after administration
stabilization, accumulation, and transport into the nucleus of ketamine, which is rapidly effective in bipolar depressed
where it regulates gene expression. Thus direct inhibitors of patients, and in rodents the inhibition of GSK3 is required
GSK3, such as lithium, cause increased levels and activa- for ketamine’s antidepressant effect (Beurel, Song, & Jope,
tion of β-catenin. 2011). Thus inhibition of GSK3 is induced in rodent brain
Lithium directly inhibits GSK3 with an IC50 of 2 by drugs that are therapeutic in bipolar disorder, and
mM, indicating that at therapeutic concentrations lithium inhibition of GSK3 consistently alleviates depression-like
is a relatively weak direct inhibitor. However, not only does behaviors in rodents.
lithium inhibit GSK3 by directly binding to the enzyme Conversely, there is evidence that activation of GSK3
but it also increases the inhibitory serine-phosphorylation may increase susceptibility to depression. Serotonin and
of GSK3, which apparently provides a mechanism that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) normally acti-
amplifies the modest inhibition of 1 mM lithium caused vate signaling pathways that inhibit GSK3, indicating that
by direct binding (Jope, 2003). The discovery that thera- their postulated deficiencies in patients with mood disor-
peutically relevant levels of lithium inhibit GSK3 raised ders may contribute to hyperactive GSK3 (Beaulieu et al.,
the possibility that abnormally active GSK3 contributes to 2009; Li et al., 2004; Mai, Jope, & Li, 2002; Sachs et al.,
bipolar disorder. However, it is important to consider that 2013). In accordance with this possibility, increased sus-
abnormalities in GSK3 itself may not be causative in bipo- ceptibility to depression-like and manic-like behaviors is
lar disorder but that lithium’s inhibition of GSK3 may nor- exhibited by GSK3 knockin mice that express GSK3 with
malize abnormal signaling activities upstream of GSK3 or elevated activity (Polter et  al., 2010). Furthermore, muta-
abnormal actions of substrates of GSK3 that are corrected tions in the DISC1 protein that occur in patients with
by lithium-mediated inhibition of GSK3. bipolar disorder and other psychiatric diseases reduce its
As with other signaling factors that may contribute to normal inhibition of GSK3 (Mao et al., 2009). Thus studies
bipolar disorder, testing the hypothesis that inhibition of in rodents have provided substantial evidence that GSK3
GSK3 provides mood stabilization is hampered by the lack promotes depression-like behaviors and therapeutic drugs
of an animal model of bipolar disorder, by the absence of inhibit GSK3.

9 6   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
The manic phase of bipolar disorder is even more dif- an important effect of drugs that are therapeutic in mood
ficult than depression to model in mice. The most widely disorders.
used model of manic-like behavior is the locomotor Neurotrophin deficiencies have been linked to both
hyperactivity induced by amphetamine administration to depression and bipolar disorder. Regarding depression,
rodents. Amphetamine administration activates GSK3 neurotrophins have often been found to be deficient in ani-
in rodent striatum and inhibition or reduced expression mal models of depression and in the serum of patients with
of GSK3 attenuates locomotor hyperactivity induced by depression (Autry & Monteggia, 2012; Duman & Li, 2012).
amphetamine (Beaulieu et  al., 2009). Conversely, GSK3 Serum BDNF levels have been reported to be reduced in
knockin mice with increased GSK3 activity exhibit exag- patients with bipolar disorder and are reduced in rodents
gerated locomotor hyperactivity in response to amphet- by stress or glucocorticoids, both associated with increased
amine (Polter et al., 2010). Thus within the constraints of susceptibility to mood disorders. Conversely, BDNF levels
this model, there is strong evidence that GSK3 is centrally are elevated in rodents by administration of mood stabiliz-
involved in this manic-like activity. ers. A potential causative function of BDNF deficiency in
Human studies of the involvement of GSK3 in bipo- rodents was established by the demonstration that infusion
lar disorder remain meager, limited by the methodologies of BDNF into the hippocampus attenuated depression-like
available. In peripheral blood mononuclear cells, decreased behaviors in rodents (Duric & Duman, 2013). The tran-
inhibitory serine-phosphorylation of GSK3 was associated scription factor cyclic AMP response element-binding
with mood disorders and was increased by lithium treat- protein (CREB) plays important roles in signaling both
ment, verifying that in vivo therapeutic concentrations of upstream and downstream of BDNF. Impairments in
lithium inhibit GSK3 in human subjects (Li et al., 2007; pathways activating CREB, such as the production of the
Polter et al., 2010). Genetic associations between GSK3 and second messenger cyclic AMP, have long been implicated
mood disorders have also been identified (see references in in mood disorders, which may contribute to deficiencies
Jope, 2011) but require further tests to determine whether in BDNF production. Following its synthesis and release,
they contribute to bipolar disorder. It is difficult to capture BDNF activates intracellular signaling by stimulating the
reflections of the state of a signaling system in studies of plasma membrane TrkB receptor. This action of BDNF
postmortem brain because of the many antemortem and affects multiple intracellular signaling molecules, including
postmortem factors that can influence dynamic signaling activation of CREB and inhibition of GSK3, suggesting
activities. Nonetheless, several studies have reported altera- that BDNF deficiency in mood disorders may contribute to
tions in the phosphorylation state of GSK3 in postmortem impaired CREB activity and excessive GSK3 activity. There
brain regions from patients with mood disorders that are is also increasing evidence that a single nucleotide poly-
in accordance with the findings in rodents (Karege et al., morphism in the BDNF gene, the val66met substitution,
2012; Ren, Rizavi, Khan, Dwivedi, & Pandey, 2013). affects its signaling activity. Although BDNF has received
The concatenation of findings indicates that altered sig- the greatest attention among the neurotrophins implicated
naling through GSK3 contributes to susceptibility to bipo- in bipolar disorder, there is also compelling evidence for
lar disorder. Particularly strong is the evidence that diverse deficiencies of several others (Duric & Duman, 2013). Thus
therapeutic drugs effective in bipolar disorder cause inhibi- bipolar disorder may involve impaired signaling systems
tion of GSK3. Thus GSK3 is currently a prime candidate that are required for sufficient production of a variety of
signaling molecule that may be abnormally regulated in neurotrophins, which in turn control multiple signaling
bipolar disorder. processes that appear to contribute to mood regulation.
One action of BDNF and other neurotrophins is to
regulate neurogenesis, the proliferation, migration, and
N E U RO T ROPH I N S A N D differentiation of neural precursor cells, which occurs in
N EU RO G E N E S I S the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle and the sub-
granular zone in the hippocampal dentate gyrus in adult
Signaling pathways that induce the expression of neuro- mammalian brain. There is much interest in the possibility
trophins, such as BDNF, may be impaired in bipolar dis- that hippocampal neurogenesis may be impaired in patients
order, leading to neurotrophin deficiencies (Pittenger & with mood disorders and that increasing neurogenesis is an
Duman, 2008). These neurotrophin deficiencies could important component of the therapeutic response to mood
affect multiple processes, such as neurogenesis, among oth- stabilizers and antidepressants. However, these links are
ers. Furthermore, increasing neurotrophin levels may be controversial and remain to be convincingly established or

T he R ole of S ignal T ransduction S y stems in the Pathoph y siolog y   •   9 7

refuted (Hanson, Owens, & Nemeroff, 2011; Samuels & underlying the inflammatory signaling response to danger
Hen, 2011). The signaling processes that regulate neu- signals is best understood for pathways utilizing the clas-
rogenesis are incompletely understood. Perhaps the best sical inflammatory receptor, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4).
established signaling molecules that regulate neurogenesis First discovered as Toll receptors in Drosophila, in mam-
are neurotrophins, such as BDNF and vascular endothe- mals TLRs are expressed by microglia, astrocytes, and neu-
lial growth factor, which promote neurogenesis (Autry & rons, as well as by immune cells. Besides being activated
Monteggia, 2012; Fournier & Duman, 2012). Thus evi- by pathogens, TLR4 is also activated by insult-induced
dence of deficiencies in neurotrophins in patients with endogenous ligands called danger- or damage-associated
mood disorders raises the possibility that such deficien- molecular patterns. These include a wide range of ligands
cies may contribute to impaired neurogenesis. Although it such as high-mobility group box-1 protein, hyaluronan
remains to be conclusively established whether neurogen- oligosaccharides, heat shock proteins, and others (Akira,
esis is impaired in mood disorders, substantial evidence has 2006). These stress-induced ligands stimulate TLR4 to
shown that hippocampal neurogenesis in adult rodents is activate intracellular signaling cascades, including activa-
increased by mood stabilizers and antidepressants, actions tion of the inflammatory transcription factor NF-κB, to
that may be mediated by these drugs causing up-regulation increase the production of a large number of proinflam-
of neurotrophins (Chiu, Wang, Hunsberger, & Chuang, matory cytokines. It is thought that this pathway underlies
2013; Duric & Duman, 2013; Eisch & Petrik, 2012). the large inflammatory response elicited by psychological
In contrast, stressors that can increase susceptibility to stressors that do not involve infections, which may have
depression are known to impair hippocampal neurogenesis evolved as a mechanism for surviving infections follow-
(McEwen, 2008). In accordance with evidence that abnor- ing injury (Raison & Miller, 2013). Furthermore, activa-
mally active GSK3 increases susceptibility to mood disor- tion of NF-κB is necessary for the prodepressive effects of
ders, it also impairs neurogenesis (Eom & Jope, 2009). Thus stress (Koo, Russo, Ferguson, Nestler, & Duman, 2010).
neurotrophins and other signaling molecules that regulate A remarkable report recently firmly established that a his-
hippocampal neurogenesis may be impaired in patients tory of autoimmune disease and hospitalization for infec-
with bipolar disorder, and neurogenesis may be bolstered tion, presumably due to inflammatory activation, are strong
by therapeutic drugs, but definitive evidence for these rela- risk factors for mood disorders (Benros et al., 2013). Thus
tionships is forthcoming. immune system activation either by stress or pathogens may
increase susceptibility to mood disorders.
Inflammatory signaling molecules are now recognized as
I N F L A M M ATORY A N D having profound influences on many functions in the brain,
I M M U N E S IG N A L I NG particularly mood and cognition. Many preclinical and
clinical studies have identified links between inflammation
Signaling molecules that have traditionally been classified and depression, but fewer have specifically examined links
as components of the immune system, particularly inflam- between bipolar disorder and inflammation. Several exten-
matory cytokines, also may be involved in the pathophysi- sive reviews have detailed substantial evidence that activa-
ology of bipolar disorder. In addition to being activated by tion of the inflammatory response can promote depression
invading pathogens, the inflammatory system responds to in humans and that patients with major depression or bipo-
“danger” signals (Akira, 2006). The inflammatory mol- lar disorder often exhibit markers of inflammatory acti-
ecules produced in response to danger signals appear to vation (Dantzer, O’Connor, Freund, Johnson, & Kelley,
be initially involved in the restoration of homeostasis, but 2008; Goldstein, Kemp, Soczynska, & McIntyre, 2009;
severe and/or prolonged cytokine production is often inju- Miller, Maletic, & Raison, 2009; Schiepers, Wichers, &
rious. Inflammatory molecules can be produced by microg- Maes, 2005). For example, measurements of the expression
lia, astrocytes, and even neurons. However, microglia have of inflammatory molecules in monocytes from bipolar dis-
traditionally been considered to be the major “immune” order patients and family members led to the proposal of
cells of the brain, acting as sentinels surveying the envi- an inflammatory gene signature as a biomarker (Padmos
ronment for danger signals that induce an inflammatory et  al., 2008). Multiple markers of inflammatory activa-
response. Microglia are capable of rapidly migrating to tion have also been detected in the postmortem frontal
accumulate at sites of damage, and both microglia and cortex of bipolar disorder patients compared with control
astrocytes take on characteristic morphological changes subjects (Rao, Harry, Rapoport, & Kim, 2010). A  recent
when inflammatory systems are activated. The mechanisms meta-analysis found consistent elevations of several

9 8   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
inflammatory molecules in 18 studies of bipolar disorder GSK3 promotes these inflammatory responses in part by
patients (Munkholm, Braüner, Kessing, & Vinberg, 2013). contributing to the activation of the key inflammatory
This analysis suggested a macrophage-T cell theory of bipo- transcription factors NF-κB and STAT3 (Beurel & Jope,
lar disorder, in which bipolar patients display increases in 2008; Martin et  al., 2005). Remarkably, GSK3 inhibits
both macrophage-derived cytokines (tumor necrosis factor the production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10
[TNFα] and soluble interleukin-6 receptor [sIL-6R]) and T by inhibiting the transcription factor CREB (Martin et al.,
cell-derived cytokines (sIL-2R, IL-4) compared to healthy 2005). Thus one mechanism by which activation of GSK3
control patients (Munkholm et  al., 2013). In addition to may contribute to mood disorder susceptibility is by promo-
inflammatory cytokines, there is also evidence of activation tion of inflammatory responses, and GSK3 inhibitors, such
of the inflammatory arachidonic acid signaling cascade in as lithium, shift the balance of the inflammatory response
bipolar disorder. Phospholipids in the brain contain a rela- from proinflammatory to anti-inflammatory.
tively high concentration of the polyunsaturated fatty acid The finding that history of an autoimmune disease is a
arachidonic acid, which is released when cleaved from phos- risk factor for mood disorders (Benros et al., 2013) raises
pholipids by phospholipase A2 after it is activated by signal- the possibility that other components of the immune sys-
ing induced by a wide variety of neurotransmitter receptors. tem in addition to inflammation may contribute to mood
Compared with control subjects, postmortem frontal cortex disorders. There is some evidence that characteristics of T
from bipolar disorder patients exhibited increased expres- cells are altered in patients with mood disorders and that
sion levels of several enzymes involved in arachidonic acid mood-relevant behaviors in rodents are influenced by T
signaling, including arachidonate-selective cytoplasmic cells. The Th17 subtype of T cells is particularly implicated
phospholipase A2 (Kim, Rapoport, & Rao, 2011). Notably, in autoimmune diseases, thus it is intriguing that Th17 cells
mood stabilizers such as lithium reduce markers of ara- were demonstrated to induce depression-like responses in
chidonic acid signaling in rodent brain (Rao & Rapoport, mice (Beurel, Harrington, & Jope, 2013). This is again
2009). Thus there are certainly increases in inflammatory linked to GSK3, as GSK3 promotes and lithium blocks
signaling in bipolar disorder, but it remains to be deter- the production of the Th17 subtype of T cells (Beurel,
mined if these are trait- or state-dependent increases and Wen-I, Michalek, Harrington, & Jope, 2011). Although
which inflammatory molecules may specifically influence these studies are only in their infancy, it appears likely that
mood regulation. further signaling activities in the immune system will be
Testing the hypothesis that inflammatory signal- found to influence bipolar disorder.
ing contributes to bipolar disorder is difficult in patients,
but this possibility is supported by studies in rodents.
There are no well-validated models of bipolar disorder in O T H E R S IG N A L I NG PAT H WAY S
rodents, but comprehensive reviews have covered in detail
the findings in rodents that depression-like behaviors are Many additional important signaling pathways have been
often increased by activation of inflammation and by spe- implicated in bipolar disorder that are too numerous to cover
cific inflammatory cytokines (Dantzer et al., 2008; Miller in sufficient detail within the space limitations of this chapter.
et al., 2009; Schiepers et al., 2005). Conversely, the mood For example, postmortem studies in tissue from subjects with
stabilizer lithium effectively produces anti-inflammatory major depression revealed a large increase in mitogen-activated
responses in rodents by reducing the production of inflam- protein kinase (MAPK) phosphatase-1, a key inhibitory regu-
matory molecules and increasing the production of the lator of the MAPK signaling cascade (Duric et al., 2010). This
anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 (Martin, Rehani, Jope, may contribute to earlier observations indicating impaired
& Michalek, 2005). One would expect to find relation- MAPK signaling in mood disorders (Tanis & Duman, 2007).
ships between different signaling systems that have been In addition, previous comprehensive reviews have detailed
implicated in mood disorders, and this is certainly the case potential changes in the cyclic AMP signaling system associ-
with inflammation and GSK3, as GSK3 is profoundly ated with mood disorders (Andreazza & Young, 2014; Tanis &
involved in promoting inflammatory responses (Beurel, Duman, 2007) and signaling that regulates epigenetic modi-
2011). GSK3 promotes inflammatory responses by human fications linked to mood disorders (Peter & Akbarian, 2011;
peripheral immune cells, such as TLR4-mediated produc- Sun, Kennedy, & Nestler, 2013). Additionally, other chapters
tion of IL-6, IL-1β, and TNFα (Martin et al., 2005). GSK3 in this volume focus on signaling pathways involving oxida-
also promotes inflammatory responses of microglia and tive stress, neuroprotection and neurodegeneration, circa-
astrocytes (Beurel & Jope, 2009; Yuskaitis & Jope, 2009). dian rhythms, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and

T he R ole of S ignal T ransduction S y stems in the Pathoph y siolog y   •   9 9

genetic studies that implicate signaling molecules that may be Consulting:
associated with bipolar disorder.
Xhale, Takeda, SK Pharma, Shire, Roche, Lilly,
Allergan, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma
Development America, Taisho Pharmaceutical Inc.,
Substantial evidence, although largely indirect, indicates Lundbeck
that intracellular signaling pathways are perturbed in
bipolar disorder. Discerning which of these is a primary Stockholder:
disturbance linked to disease susceptibility and which are CeNeRx BioPharma, PharmaNeuroBoost, Revaax
secondary events remains to be resolved. Although iden- Pharma, Xhale
tifying the targets of mood stabilizers may provide some
guidance toward clarifying primary events, their therapeu- Other Financial Interests:
tic actions may just as well be secondary outcomes of modi- CeNeRx BioPharma, PharmaNeuroBoost
fications of their primary targets. For example, inhibition
of GSK3 by lithium and inhibition of histone deacetylases Patents:
by sodium valproate can easily be envisioned as causing Method and devices for transdermal delivery of
common changes due to altered actions of GSK3 and of lithium (US 6,375,990B1)
modified gene expression. Thus the tremendous effort
exerted toward finding a common target of multiple mood Method of assessing antidepressant drug therapy
stabilizers may be better applied to determine common via transport inhibition of monoamine
secondary outcomes that contribute to mood stabiliza- neurotransmitters by ex vivo assay (US
tion. Clarification of signaling systems that play a primary 7,148,027B2)
role in bipolar disorder would benefit tremendously from
the identification of biomarkers that are capable of dis- Scientific Advisory Boards:
tinguishing subtypes of the disease, such as may develop American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,
from studies of the contributions of inflammation to cer- CeNeRx BioPharma (2012), National Alliance for
tain populations of patients with bipolar disorder. A great Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, Xhale,
deal has been learned about how perturbations of signaling PharmaNeuroBoost (2012), Anxiety Disorders
pathways can affect mood, but further progress is critical in Association of America, Skyland Trail
order to develop improved mood stabilizers that can allevi-
ate the disabling symptoms of bipolar disorder. Board of Directors:
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Nov-
aDel (2011), Skyland Trail, Gratitude America,
Anxiety Disorders Association of America
The authors apologize to the many investigators whose Income sources or equity of $10,000 or more:
work could not be cited due to the limited number of ref-
PharmaNeuroBoost, CeNeRx BioPharma, NovaDel
erences permitted. Research in the authors’ laboratories
Pharma, Reevax Pharma, American
were supported by National Institutes of Health grants
MH038752, MH090236, and MH095380. Psychiatric Publishing, Xhale
Disclosure statement:  Richard S.  Jope, Eleonore Beurel,
Marta Pardo, and Erika Abrial report no financial interests Honoraria:
or potential conflicts of interest. Various
Charles B. Nemeroff reports the following: Royalties:

Research/Grants: Various

National Institutes of Health Expert Witness:

Speakers Bureau: None Various

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T he R ole of S ignal T ransduction S y stems in the Pathoph y siolog y   •   10 3

Gabriel Rodrigo Fries and Flávio Kapczinski

INTRODUCTION maintaining neuronal networks and cognitive functions,

including memory and functioning. As a result, impair-
Bipolar disorder (BD) is often associated with pronounced ments in neuroplasticity can lead to shrinkage of brain
cognitive impairments involving executive functions and structures due to a reduction in the connection between
verbal memory (Martínez-Aran et  al., 2000; Robinson cells or in the complexity of the brain cell network.
et al., 2006). Most notably, these impairments seem to be As opposed to neuroplasticity impairments, neurode-
progressive in nature, increasing with number of episodes generation is defined as neuronal loss of function with an
and length of illness (Martínez-Aran et al., 2004). Several underlying neuropathology and is mostly associated with
studies have shown that the cognitive decline observed in a cell death outcome. Typical neurodegenerative diseases
BD is associated with neuroanatomical alterations, includ- show markers of protein aggregation and neuronal death/
ing gray matter reduction in the dorsolateral prefrontal toxicity (e.g., Lewy bodies in Parkinson’s disease and
cortex (Ekman, Lind, Rydén, Ingvar, & Landén, 2010) and beta-amyloid peptides in Alzheimer’s disease). Of note, no
enlargement of the lateral ventricles. Notwithstanding, evidence of Alzheimer-type neurodegeneration (assessed
a question has been raised as to whether such alterations by levels of amyloid precursor protein metabolites in cere-
are associated with neuroplasticity impairments or neu- brospinal fluid) was found in patients with BD (Jakobsson
rodegenerative mechanisms (Jakobsson et al., 2013). Even et al., 2013). Even so, neuropathological findings strongly
though the exact mechanisms underlying these findings are support the occurrence of degenerative-like mechanisms in
unknown, cellular resilience and plasticity do seem to play BD, as is discussed over the next sections. This chapter aims
a role in the establishment and progression of BD. to review different findings on neurodegeneration and neu-
Cellular resilience can be defined as the ability of a roplasticity in BD and identify the most probable mecha-
given cell to cope with and survive in response to stimuli nisms underlying BD progression.
that would otherwise lead to its death. Resilience mecha-
nisms are constantly activated by cells in response to
internal stimuli, such as mitochondrial dysfunction and N E U ROI M AG I NG A N D
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, as well as external N E U ROPAT HOL O G IC A L
stimuli, such as activation of certain membrane recep- F I N DI NG S I N   B I P OL A R
tors and excitotoxicity, among others. Moreover, cells can DI S OR DE R
modulate their behavior and connections with other cells
in response to stimuli, a process known as cell plasticity. In Neuroimaging studies undertaken to better understand
particular, the so-called neuroplasticity is responsible for BD pathophysiology and progression have suggested that
the neurons’ ability to restore axonal and dendritic connec- neuroanatomical alterations occur in specific brain regions
tions under specific circumstances, as well as to form new rather than in the whole brain. One of the neuroanatomical
connections in response to environmental stimuli (e.g., alterations most consistently reported in patients with BD is
stress). Neuroplasticity mechanisms are responsible for lateral ventricle enlargement (Kempton, Geddes, Ettinger,

10 5
Williams, & Grasby, 2008), which has also been posi- decreased levels of N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) in the hip-
tively correlated with the occurrence of multiple episodes pocampus and in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (NAA
(Brambilla et  al., 2001a; Strakowski, Delbello, & Adler, is a molecule found in mature neurons, considered a mea-
2002). In fact, several alterations seem to take place with sure of neuronal as opposed to glial viability, function, and
BD progression. For instance, illness duration has been cor- integrity). Patients also present decreased NAA levels in
related with smaller left putamen and reduced left inferior the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which may reflect an
prefrontal gray matter volume (López-Larson, DelBello, underdevelopment of dendritic arborizations and synaptic
Zimmerman, Schwiers, & Strakowski, 2002), as well as with connections (Sassi et al., 2005). Lithium is able to increase
smaller total brain gray matter volume (Frey et al., 2008). NAA levels in the brains of patients with BD (Bertolino
Hippocampal volume has also been reported to progres- et  al., 1999; Moore et  al., 2000; Winsberg et  al., 2000),
sively decrease as the illness progresses (Javadapour et al., which further confirms the relevance of this molecule for
2010), accompanied by an apparent increase in amygdala BD treatment.
volume (Bora, Fornito, Yücel, & Pantelis, 2010). Changes A growing body of evidence also points to increased
in the shape and volume of the basal ganglia in general levels of apoptotic factors in BD, including increased apop-
and of the striatum in particular have also been described totic serum activity (Politi, Brondino, & Emanuele, 2008),
in patients with BD and seem to take place at onset but DNA damage in peripheral blood (Andreazza et al., 2007),
remain at later stages (Bora et al., 2010; Hwang et al., 2006; mitochondrial dysfunction (Shao, Sun, Xu, Young, &
Strakowski et al., 1999). In addition, an inverse correlation Wang, 2008), and altered expression of molecules involved
has been found between age and total gray matter volume in cell survival (Herberth et al., 2011). In fact, a recent study
in individuals with BD, suggesting faster age-related corti- has reported an increased percentage of peripheral blood
cal neuronal loss in BD (Brambilla et al., 2001b). Given that mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in early apoptosis in patients
most of the observable cerebral changes in BD involve the with BD when compared to controls (Fries et  al., 2014),
gray matter, the occurrence of neurodegenerative processes suggesting the relevance of peripheral apoptosis in BD.
in association with illness progression has been suggested With regard to the nervous system, a postmortem
(Frey et al., 2008). Conversely, no changes in global brain study has found signs of apoptosis in olygodendrocytes
volume have been detected (Hoge, Friedman, & Schulz, from the frontal lobe (Broadman Area—BA 10) of brains
1999; Strakowski et al., 2005). of patients with BD, including decreased nuclear size, cell
Neuropathological studies have identified a reduction shrinkage, and condensation of nuclei and nuclear chroma-
in glial cell number and density, as well as some alterations tin (Uranova et al., 2001). Other findings already reported
in the density and size of specific types of cortical neurons include decreased levels of Bcl-2and brain-derived neuro-
(Rajkowska, 2002). There is also evidence to suggest that trophic factor (BDNF), which can act as an antiapoptotic
both inhibitory and excitatory neurons in the prefron- factor, and increased levels of Bcl-2-associated death pro-
tal and limbic cortical regions are reduced in BD. Finally, moter, Bcl-2-associated X protein, caspase-9, and caspase-3
postmortem studies have reported reductions in neuronal in the frontal cortex (BA 9)  of patients, all known to
cell density, apparently more subtle than the corresponding induce apoptosis (Gigante et al., 2011; Kim, Rapoport, &
glial alterations (Rajkowska, 2002). It remains to be seen Rao, 2010). These results are corroborated by the findings
whether most of these changes actually represent a loss of of a microarray study in the hippocampus of patients with
cells or simply a consequence of reduced branching and BD, in which an up-regulation of 19/44 genes related to
connections between them. apoptosis were identified, along with a down-regulation of
antiapoptotic genes (Benes, Matzilevich, Burke, & Walsh,
2006). As a consequence of these alterations, cells from
B IO C H E M IC A L E V I DE NC E patients with BD are considered to be less resilient to dif-
OF   C E L L DE AT H A N D ferent insults. For instance, cells from the olfactory neuro-
L O S S OF   C E L L R E S I L I E NC E epithelium of patients with BD have been shown to present
I N   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R an increased vulnerability to cell death (McCurdy et  al.,
2006), and so have peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Along with morphometric studies, several biochemical (Pfaffenseller et al., 2014).
findings suggest the involvement of cell death and loss In sum, all of these studies support involvement of
of resilience in the pathophysiology of BD. For instance, cell death in BD and partly explain some of the neuroana-
these patients have been shown to present bilateral tomical findings previously discussed. The mechanisms by

10 6   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
which these alterations take place, however, are far from decreased levels of antiapoptotic factors and antioxidant
being clearly understood. molecules, may partially explain the reduced cell resilience
found in BD.
Furthermore, the implication of BDNF in the patho-
POT ENTI A L M ECH A NISMS physiology of BD is strongly supported by studies show-
ing that mood stabilizers are able to increase BDNF levels
A few altered pathways have been consistently reported in both in vitro and in vivo (Frey et al., 2006; Yasuda, Liang,
patients with BD and seem to play key roles in the modu- Marinova, Yahyavi, & Chuang, 2009; Yoshimura et  al.,
lation of cell death/survival and resilience. In this section, 2006). Interestingly, BDNF alterations in BD seem to be
we discuss evidence of biological alterations often found in associated with epigenetic changes, as an increased methyl-
BD, which could ultimately be involved in these processes, ation at BDNF gene promoter I has been found in PBMCs
including neurotrophic factors, excitotoxicity, glucocorti- from patients with BD type II compared with controls.
coids, mitochondrial dysfunction, and ER stress. This mechanism may link genetic alterations in BDNF to
external stimuli (D’Addario et al., 2012), underscoring the
key role of the environment in BD pathophysiology.

Neurotrophic factors comprise a family of proteins that

are highly abundant in the nervous system and play key
roles in the survival, growth, and plasticity of neuronal
cells. BDNF is the most abundant neurotrophin in the The neuroprotective properties of mood stabilizers
adult mammalian brain, and it has been shown to be cru- and antidepressants have been consistently explained,
cial for neuroplasticity and for the mechanisms of action among other mechanisms, by their ability to counteract
of antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers glutamate-induced excitotoxicity in vitro (Chuang, 2004;
(Grande, Fries, Kunz, & Kapczinski, 2010). Because of the Leng, Fessler, & Chuang, 2013). This feature is of great
ability of this neurotrophin to cross the blood-brain bar- relevance for BD due to the key roles apparently played by
rier, peripheral BDNF levels have been consistently used glutamate and calcium in the disorder. Increased serum glu-
as a biomarker of disease activity and progression, com- tamate levels have been reported in patients with BD dur-
bined with several clinical variables in patients with BD. ing mania and depression (Altamura et al., 1993; Hoekstra
For instance, a polymorphism at the BDNF gene, which et al., 2006), and increased glutamate has also been found
has been reported to decrease the activity-dependent secre- in the frontal cortex of these patients (Hashimoto, Sawa, &
tion of the protein (Egan et al., 2003), has been associated Iyo, 2007). Moreover, individuals with BD have been
with impaired cognitive performance on neuropsycho- shown to present increased glutamate and/or glutamine
logical tests measuring prefrontal lobe function in BD levels in the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (Zarate et al.,
patients (Rybakowski, Borkowska, Czerski, Skibińska, 2003), which in turn may explain the increased intracel-
& Hauser, 2003), and peripheral BDNF levels have been lular calcium levels. Sufficiently high concentrations of
found to be reduced during acute episodes and to return calcium can induce excessive cytosolic calcium mobiliza-
to normal levels after symptom remission (Fernandes et al., tion and cause overactivity of several calcium-dependent
2011; Tramontina et  al., 2009). Moreover, lower BDNF enzymes (Sapolsky, 2000). Finally, this could lead to a
levels have been observed in patients at late stages of illness scenario of cytoskeletal degradation, protein misfolding,
when compared to early-stage patients and healthy controls and oxygen-reactive species generation, ultimately leading
(Kauer-Sant’Anna et al., 2009). to cell death. Elevated calcium levels have been found in
Once disrupted, impaired BDNF signaling can lead to PBMCs from patients with BD (Perova, Wasserman, Li,
decreased dendritic spines and arborization, neuritic dys- & Warsh, 2008), and disturbances of intracellular calcium
trophy and degeneration, neuronal atrophy, and reduced homeostasis have been consistently reported in BD (Warsh,
neurogenesis (Teixeira, Barbosa, Diniz, & Kummer, 2010). Andreopoulos, & Li, 2004).
Animal studies have consistently described that these Cells are strictly regulated by several mechanisms to
alterations in BDNF can lead to cognitive impairments prevent the consequences of increased intracellular cal-
and depressive behavior, mostly reversible after reestablish- cium levels. Therefore, alterations in intracellular calcium
ment of normal BDNF functions (Teixeira et  al., 2010). levels, as commonly reported in patients with BD, may be
A  scenario of reduced neurotrophic signaling, along with induced by dysfunction of specific cellular organelles (e.g.,

C ellular R esilience and N eurodegeneration and T heir I mpact   •   10 7

ER and mitochondria, which typically play key roles in hippocampal synapses, potentially contributing to excito-
intracellular calcium sequestration, buffering, and storage; toxic mechanisms, as discussed previously.
Warsh et al., 2004). For instance, the ER presents calcium In addition, increased cortisol levels may have important
ATPases that pump calcium from the cytosol into the ER long-term consequences at the cellular level. For instance,
lumen, whereas mitochondria may sequester the ion via an in vitro and animal studies have shown that chronic stress
electrogenic transporter located on its inner membrane. and chronic exposure to high levels of glucocorticoids can
ER dysfunction in BD has been suggested by several lead to mitochondrial dysfunctions, including reductions
studies assessing the so-called unfolded protein response in oxygen consumption, mitochondrial membrane poten-
(UPR), a mechanism typically activated by the ER to restore tial, and calcium holding capacity (Du et al., 2009). Once
its function after the accumulation of unfolded proteins in dysfunctional, mitochondria can induce the opening of the
the lumen. Typically, the ER responds to a transient dys- mitochondrial permeability transition pore, thus releasing
function by up-regulating chaperones, which can handle cytochrome c from the intermembrane space and induc-
the increasing amount of unfolded proteins, and decreas- ing apoptotic cascades. Several studies have reported mito-
ing overall protein synthesis until homeostasis is restored. chondrial dysfunctions in BD, including impaired energy
Cells from patients with BD have been shown to present metabolism, alterations in respiratory chain complex
an impaired UPR, characterizing ER stress (Pfaffenseller enzymes, and down-regulation of mitochondria-related
et  al., 2014; So, Warsh, & Li, 2007), a scenario that can genes, among others (Quiroz, Brondino, & Emanuele,
ultimately lead to the activation of apoptotic pathways. In 2008). Cerebrospinal fluid lactate concentrations have also
fact, ER stress has been considered one of the mechanisms been shown to be significantly higher in patients with BD
against which cells from patients with BD are considered to than in controls, suggesting increased extra-mitochondrial
be the least resilient (Fries et al., 2012). Of note, this mech- and anaerobic glucose metabolism (indicators of impaired
anism seems to be central for the action of mood stabiliz- mitochondrial metabolism; Regenold et al., 2009). In this
ers: chronic valproate and lithium treatment, for example, scenario, the use of “mitochondrial enhancers” as an add-on
can increase the expression of ER chaperones in vivo (Chen, treatment in the management of BD would be desirable,
Wang, & Young, 2000; Shao et  al., 2006)  and thus help aiming at preventing mitochondrial dysfunction and thus
counteract ER stress. increasing cellular resilience (Fries & Kapczinski, 2011).


Several studies have suggested that chronic stress plays a
key role in the pathophysiology of BD. Most of the effects Most of the mechanisms described here seem to worsen
of stress are mediated by cortisol, which is released and with illness progression. In other words, neuroprogression
controlled by the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) in BD seems to be closely associated with a reduction in
hormonal axis. Typically, high circulating levels of cortisol resilience mechanisms, making patients more vulnerable
are able to bind to glucocorticoid receptors in the hypo- to new mood episodes and less responsive to medications
thalamus and repress cortisol release by the adrenal cortex. (Fries et al., 2012; Kapczinski et al., 2008). The type and
However, this negative feedback loop can be impaired in direction of the association between resilience at the cel-
some patients, culminating with chronic increased corti- lular level and stress and coping mechanisms in patients
sol levels and/or an enhanced cortisol response to stress. with BD remains to be elucidated; however, considering
Patients with BD have been shown to present impairments that neuroprogression is implicated in several of the afore-
in the HPA axis, as seen by the inability of a high num- mentioned biological mechanisms, one can infer that both
ber of patients to suppress cortisol release in response to scenarios could interfere with each other.
dexamethasone (Daban, Vieta, Mackin, & Young, 2005). With regard to coping mechanisms, patients with BD
Glucocorticoids can also induce regression of dendritic are significantly less likely to use adaptive coping strategies
processes in neurons and inhibit neurogenesis (Sapolsky, and more likely to use maladaptive ones when compared to
2000). Of note, adult neurogenesis has been linked to healthy controls (Fletcher, Parker, & Manicavasagar, 2013).
stress buffering and antidepressant-like behavior (Snyder, These coping strategies have been hypothesized to be influ-
Soumier, Brewer, Pickel, & Cameron, 2011). Finally, glu- enced by the neurotoxicity associated with illness progres-
cocorticoids can increase glutamate concentrations in sion and allostatic load (Kapczinski et  al., 2008), which

10 8   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
corroborates our hypothesis of impaired coping mecha- cognitive impairments reported in patients. This is a crucial
nisms being caused by reduced cell resilience. A summary aspect when considering the mechanisms of action of mood
of this process is illustrated in Figure 9.1. Briefly, external stabilizers and antidepressants.
stimuli can induce cell signaling pathways that need to be It is currently a consensus that mood stabilizers and
dealt with. Depending on the resilience of a given cell, the other medications used in the treatment of BD improve cell
activated mechanisms can result in cell survival and ulti- viability, resilience, and plasticity, both in vitro and in vivo
mately lead to a favorable clinical status of coping and cog- (Bachmann, Schloesser, Gould, & Manji, 2005; Paulzen,
nition. Conversely, in cases of impaired resilience, the same Veselinovic, & Gründer, 2014). For instance, lithium has
stimuli can lead to cell death and ultimately to clinically the ability to increase the levels of Bcl-2 (an antiapoptotic
observed impairments. protein), heat shock protein 70, and BDNF, thus protecting
In addition, deficits in neuroplasticity, as suggested cells against stimuli that would otherwise activate apopto-
by reduced levels of neurotrophic factors, may be directly sis. Lithium can also inhibit the enzyme glycogen-synthase
associated with several of the cognitive impairments kinase 3β, involved in several cellular processes (e.g., inflam-
reported in patients with BD. These deficits are seen in all mation and apoptosis). In this same vein, mood stabilizers
mood states (including euthymia) and may include atten- have been shown to increase the levels of neurotrophic fac-
tion, verbal memory, and executive function impairments tors (part of their neuroprotective properties). Finally, by
(Martínez-Arán et  al., 2004; Vieta et  al., 2013). Some suppressing microglial activation and neuroinflammation,
aspects of cognition, (e.g., executive measures) have also these drugs end up reducing neuronal toxicity and ultimately
been found to be associated with illness duration (Torrent attenuating neurodegeneration (Yu et  al., 2012). Similar
et  al., 2012). Among the neurobiological underpinnings protective mechanisms have also been described for other
of cognition, BDNF has been considered a key media- drugs used in BD, such as anticonvulsants, antipsychot-
tor of long-term potentiation and other neuroplasticity ics, and antidepressants (Kubera, Obuchowicz, Goehler,
mechanisms. Therefore, it is possible that the reduction Brzeszcz, & Maes, 2011; Paulzen et al., 2014). In summary,
in BDNF levels that takes place with illness progression the mechanisms of action of drugs used in the treatment of
(Kauer-Sant’Anna et  al., 2009)  may mediate some of the BD, especially of mood stabilizers, seem to counteract most

Mood stabilizers and


- Unfolded protein
response (UPR)
- Ca2+ buffering/storage Coping
- Neurotrophins mechanisms,
A - Antioxidants cognition
- Apoptotic factors
- Neuroplasticity
- ER stress
Cortisol/stress - Mitochondrial
Trauma dysfunction
Mood episodes - Intracellular Ca2+
Drugs of abuse overload
- Oxidative stress

B Cognitive impairments,
- Cell death (apoptosis) stress vulnerability,
ans degeneration systemic toxicity,

Stimuli Cell responses Resilience mechanisms Clinical implications

(or lack of them)

Figure 9.1 
Cellular resilience and plasticity in BD. Different stimuli interfere with cellular responses and functions. Depending on the ability of cells
to respond to them, they can be resilient (A) or die (B). In the case of neurons, resilience mechanisms can lead to enhanced neuroplasticity and
possibly the formation of new dendrites, which have been shown to be induced by the administration of mood stabilizers and antidepressants.

C ellular R esilience and N eurodegeneration and T heir I mpact   •   10 9

of the loss of neuroplasticity and neurodegenerative-like Of note, lithium has been shown to increase hippocampal
mechanisms described in patients with BD, which once dendritic arborization in vivo (Watase et  al., 2007), pos-
again underscores the relevance of such alterations for the sibly due to its antiapoptotic and neurotrophic properties.
pathophysiology and treatment of BD. A better understanding of the mechanisms associated
The fact that illness progression has been associated with BD neuroprogression, whether involving neurodegen-
with reduced responsiveness to treatment (Swann, Bowden, eration or neuroplasticity impairments, may shed light on
Calabrese, Dilsaver, & Morris, 1999)  raises an important the mechanisms by which patients become more vulnerable
question regarding neuroplasticity and neurodegeneration to stress and new mood episodes, thereby establishing a
mechanisms in BD. One can hypothesize that epigenetic vicious cycle of dysfunction. By enhancing resilience at the
programming may occur with illness progression, possibly cellular level, alterations in neuronal networks and much
by means of altering DNA methylation at specific genes of the cognitive and functional impairment observed could
whose expression would normally be induced by mood probably be prevented. Moreover, an increased resilience
stabilizers. Gene methylation is commonly associated with in peripheral cells would contribute to reducing inflam-
a repression of its expression (e.g., through a reduction of mation and the systemic toxicity reported in patients, ulti-
transcription factors’ binding) and might account for one mately reducing systemic comorbidities (that account for a
of the mechanisms by which some drugs tend to present a high clinical burden in patients) and improving their qual-
reduced treatment efficacy along with illness progression ity of life and life expectancy (Laursen, 2011; Whiteford
(Swann et al., 1999). In this sense, methylation of neuro- et al., 2013).
protective genes might reduce the ability of some drugs to
Disclosure statement:  Gabriel Rodrigo Fries was sup-
induce their expression. As previously mentioned, DNA
ported by a scholarship from the Conselho Nacional de
methylation has been found in BD not only at the BDNF
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brazil) and the
promoter (D’Addario et al., 2012) but also at other genes
German Academic Exchange Service (Germany).
of relevance (Rao, Keleshian, Klein, & Rapoport, 2012;
Flávio Kapczinski has received grant/research sup-
Tamura, Kunugi, Ohashi, & Hohjoh, 2007). Nonetheless,
port from Astra-Zeneca, Eli Lilly, Janssen-Cilag, Servier,
further studies are required to assess the relationship
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico
between BD neuroprogression and epigenetic alterations.
e Tecnológico, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brain and Behavior Research
Foundation, and the Stanley Medical Research Institute;
has been a member of speakers’ boards for Astra-Zeneca,
Eli Lilly, Janssen and Servier; and has served as a consultant
In summary, there is evidence to suggest that both neuro-
for Servier.
plasticity impairments and neurodegenerative-like mecha-
nisms take place in BD and are strongly associated with
illness progression. However, BD does not seem to fit R E F E R E NC E S
into the category of neurodegenerative disorders, as is the
case with Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease, because Altamura, C., Mauri, M., Ferrara, A., Moro, A., D’Andrea, G., & Zam-
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bipolar disorders. Human Psychopharmacology Clinical and Experi- the glutamatergic system. Annals of the New York Academy of Sci-
mental, 21, 433–438. ences, 1003, 273–291.

C ellular R esilience and N eurodegeneration and T heir I mpact   •   113

Alice Russell, Carmine M. Pariante, and Valeria Mondelli

INTRODUCTION In line with studies on depression and schizophre-

nia, perhaps the main focus thus far has been to explore
Over the past few decades, there has been an increas- the degree of cytokine abnormalities, a key indicator
ing body of research supporting the role of inflamma- of immune dysfunction and a proinflammatory state.
tion in the pathogenesis of different neuropsychiatric Though it is now clear that in BD there is also an
disorders from both preclinical and clinical studies. increase in proinflammatory cytokines, BD has proved
The most consistent and established findings come somewhat more difficult to study in this regard due to
from studies in depression, with the macrophage the- the degree of change in affective states that characterizes
ory of depression having been proposed over 20  years this illness. In addition, genetic polymorphisms have
ago (Smith, 1991). Now also known as the malaise been identified that lend further support to the inflam-
or cytokine theory of depression (Miller, Maletic, & matory hypothesis.
Raison, 2009), this hypothesis emphasizes the role of There is also growing support for immunomodulatory
psycho-neuroimmunological dysfunctions where there effects of existing medications for BD in addition to their
is activation of the immune system. Indeed, not only effects on the monoaminergic system, suggesting another
is there evidence that patients with affective disorders novel mechanism of action for these psychotropic agents.
have elevated levels of biomarkers of inflammation, Interestingly, the effect of psychotropic drugs, such as
but it has also been shown that acute administration antidepressants, on inflammation has also been associ-
of cytokines cause sickness behavior, which shares fea- ated with treatment response (Cattaneo et al., 2013) sug-
tures with depression. Moreover, a large proportion of gesting the immune system as a possible novel therapeutic
patients treated therapeutically with cytokines develop target. While the results for treatment response to mood
depressive symptoms, and mania has also been induced stabilizers are less clear, numerous studies have dem-
(Raison, Demetrashvili, Capuron, & Miller, 2005; onstrated existing treatments to reduce inflammation
Zunszain, Hepgul, & Pariante, 2013). (Goldstein et  al., 2009). Furthermore, promising results
The mechanisms through which inflammatory cyto- have been seen in trials of adjuvant anti-inflammatory
kines have been suggested to mediate the onset of depres- medications, largely for patients with depression. Their
sion include interaction with multiple pathways such as success in improving affective and to some extent cogni-
monoamine metabolism, neuroendocrine function, and tive symptoms has resulted in the inclusion of BD patients
synaptic plasticity (Haroon, Raison, & Miller, 2012). in larger scale trials both currently and in the near future
Interestingly, all of these mechanisms are also relevant for (Berk et al., 2011).
the onset and course of bipolar disorder (BD). In recent We discuss evidence for increased inflammation in BD
years, BD too has received a great deal of attention in and also consider possible causes of increased inflamma-
this respect, with an increasing number of studies build- tion as well as how inflammation might affect the brain.
ing a convincing case for a role of inflammation in the Emerging evidence of the anti-inflammatory action of
illness (Berk et al., 2011; Goldstein, Kemp, Soczynska, & agents currently used in the treatment of BD, as well as the
McIntyre, 2009). However, the precise nature of this role adjuvant use of anti-inflammatory medications, are also
is still unclear. summarized.

E V I DE NC E F OR   I N F L A M M AT ION IL-6, TNF-α, and CRP shown to be relatively consistently
I N   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R high during this affective state (Goldstein et al., 2009). For
example, sIL-2R was shown to be increased when compared
with healthy volunteers in both in vivo and in vitro studies,
as was IL-6, and TNF-α. A recent meta-analysis confirmed
Several biomarkers of inflammation have been measured in the increase in TNF-α and sIL-2R, though increases in
BD using both in vitro and in vivo techniques. Some of the IL-6 were not found to be significant when considered over-
most frequently reported are cytokines produced by innate all (Munkholm et al., 2013). This is in contrast to reports
immune cells, including interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor that suggest increased levels IL-6 are one of the most con-
necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). However, abnormalities in sistent findings in BD (Hamdani, Doukhan, Kurtlucan,
other inflammatory markers have also been proposed to Tamouza, & Leboyer, 2013).
indicate increased inflammation in BD (for a review see Other studies supporting an increased inflammatory
Berk et al. 2011). Indeed, other inflammatory markers, such state during manic phases include findings on soluble
as the acute phase protein C-reactive protein (CRP), have TNF-receptor 1 (sTNF-R1), IL1Ra, and CRP. In particu-
also been reported to be increased in BD (Goldstein et al., lar, sTNF-R1 has been found to be increased in patients
2009). Also of interest are chemical cytokines, or chemo- whose mood was elevated, as well as those who were experi-
kines, which present chemoattractive properties. Though encing acute mania, in comparison to healthy controls and
less studied in this area, there is also evidence to suggest also BD patients experiencing other mood states (Hope
abnormalities, which may be indicative of an inflammatory et al., 2011; Tsai et al., 2012). In relation to IL1Ra, one study
response (Barbosa et al., 2013). found levels to be significantly higher in manic patients
A recent meta-analysis of 30 studies on cytokine abnor- compared to normal controls overall. However, interest-
malities in BD concluded that levels of numerous cytokines ingly a third of patients had lower levels than the mean level
were elevated in comparison with healthy controls:  IL-4, seen in controls (Tsai et al., 2012). With regard to CRP, this
IL-10, soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R) and too has been shown to be elevated in mania, as compared
sIL-6R, TNF-α, soluble TNF-receptor 1 (sTNF-R1) and with healthy volunteers even after controlling for age. For
interleukin-1 receptor a (IL-1Ra). Other pro-inflammatory other proinflammatory markers, results have been less con-
cytokines, namely IL-1β, IL-6, showed a trend for increased sistent, particularly IL-2, IL-1β, and interferon (IFN)-γ.
levels in BD. Levels of the markers IL-2, INF-γ, and IL-8 This is true also for studies looking at anti-inflammatory
were not significantly different from those of healthy volun- cytokines in mania, such as IL-4 and IL-10 (Goldstein
teers (Modabbernia, Taslimi, Brietzke, & Ashrafi, 2013). et al., 2009). In addition, higher levels of the chemokines
However, research in depression and schizophrenia sug- CCL11 and CXCL-10 and lower levels of CXCL8 were
gests that some immune markers may be classified as “state” seen in mania as compared to healthy volunteers. No differ-
or “trait” markers according to whether these parameters ence in CCL24 was shown (Barbosa et al., 2013).
remain stable throughout the illness or increase during With regard to bipolar depression, fewer studies have
acute episodes and normalize during subsequent remis- been conducted, though a similar pattern to mania has
sion. A similar debate continues in BD, with some markers emerged, with increased levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in
more consistently associated with acute episodes of illness depressed patients compared with healthy volunteers
but others still evident in euthymic states (see Munkholm, (Brietzke et  al., 2009), as well as higher levels of sIL-2R
Brauner, Kessing, & Vinberg, 2013, for a review). Findings (Breunis et  al., 2003). Furthermore, CRP has also been
from studies stratified according to affective state, includ- shown to be elevated in bipolar depression. However,
ing those following symptomatic patients into remission, though results were nearly significant for increased TNF-α
are discussed. Additionally, a potential association between in bipolar depressed patients versus controls, in a recent
cytokine alterations and clinical variables is also explored. meta-analysis no significant differences between the two
Finally, preliminary results from gene expression studies groups were found (Munkholm et al., 2013). A more recent
are reviewed. study found levels of inflammatory markers in a depressed
mood group of BD patients to be similar to those of healthy
volunteers and lower than those in the elevated mood group
Mania and depression
(Hope et al., 2011).
One review found evidence for increased proinflamma- Lower levels of inflammatory markers among bipo-
tory markers in mania, with soluble IL-2 receptor (sIL-2R), lar depressed patients when compared with bipolar manic

116   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
patients may also mean that the differences between bipolar the presence of state markers, levels of certain cytokines
depressed patients and controls exist though are more dif- appear to change during the course of remission. For
ficult to identify as a result of the detection limits of cur- example, it has been shown that levels of certain cytokines,
rent techniques. Nonetheless, it may be possible that levels specifically TNF-α and IFN-γ, are increased during the
of inflammation are indeed lower among depressed patients immediate remission phase following a depressive episode,
and that more of the inflammation observed occurs during as compared to patients who have achieved sustained remis-
acute mania. To account for this, in line with the interaction sion and healthy volunteers (Remlinger-Molenda, Wojciak,
between cytokines and catecholamine neurotransmission, it Michalak, Karczewski, & Rybakowski, 2012).
has been proposed that low levels of inflammatory markers In contrast, for patients in immediate remission from
in bipolar depressed patients may be related to change in a manic episode, higher levels of IL-10 and IL-1RA were
catecholamine neurotransmission, which tends to be low in observed (Remlinger-Molenda et  al., 2012). In addition,
depression and high in mania (Hope et al., 2011). However, a study measuring cytokine levels in the cerebro-spinal
results remain unclear and further clarity is needed. fluid, a more direct examination of neuroinflammation,
showed IL-1β to be increased in euthymic patients who had
recently experienced acute mania or hypomania (Soderlund
et al., 2011). A longitudinal study also found IL-1Ra to be
A limited number of cross-sectional studies have exam- elevated in partial remission following mania as compared
ined cytokine abnormalities in euthymia. They sug- to healthy controls. Furthermore, while levels remained
gest that sIL-2R may be raised in euthymic patients slightly higher in full remission, this was no longer signifi-
compared with controls (Breunis et  al., 2003)  and that cant. Within the patient group, compared with the acute
the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-4 may be increased manic episode levels were significantly lower in remission
(Brietzke et al., 2009), though further studies are required. (Tsai et al., 2012).
A  recent meta-analysis showed lower levels of TNF-α Other studies observed no differences between those
and sTNFR-1 in euthymic patients compared with those patients in sustained remission and healthy volunteers,
who were manic, with no difference in IL-6 and IL-1RA. suggesting that some cytokine abnormalities may resolve
However, there were no significant differences in inflam- after a sufficient period, an effect that may be attributable
matory markers between depressed and euthymic patients to treatment (Guloksuz et  al., 2010; Remlinger-Molenda
(Munkholm et al., 2013). An additional study found IL-6 et  al., 2012). Indeed, Kim, Jung, Myint, Kim, and Park
to be increased in a neutral mood group of bipolar patients, (2007) found that where increased levels of IL-6 were
compared to a control group, though interestingly this shown among manic patients, these levels had decreased
result was not evident in symptomatic groups (Hope et al., after a period of six weeks. This was also true of increased
2011). A recent study previously mentioned (Barbosa et al., sIL-2R levels in an acute manic episode, which normalized
2013) found that, as in manic patients, levels of the chemo- during remission (Tsai et al., 1999).
kines CCL11, and CXCL-10, were increased in patients Interestingly, for some cytokines an opposite pattern
with euthymia when compared with healthy volunteers. has emerged, with levels appearing to increase during remis-
Additionally, though not significant in mania, levels of sion. A recent study observed elevated high sensitive CRP
CCL24 were also increased in euthymic bipolar patients. levels in patients who had achieved partial remission from
There was, however, no difference between the two patient a manic episode compared to normal controls. CRP levels
groups, suggesting that these markers are more consistently remained significantly higher than normal controls even in
elevated. On the other hand, Guloksuz et al. (2010) found full remission, even increasing as compared with the partial
cytokine levels to have normalized during euthymia but, remission phase. Similarly, levels of sTNF-R1 were signifi-
notably, only if patients were medication-free. Those euthy- cantly higher in partial and full remission compared with
mic patients taking lithium monotherapy showed increased healthy volunteers. While in this case levels remained rela-
levels of TNF-α and IL-4 compared to healthy volunteers. tively stable from acute mania to full remission, there was a
trend for increased levels in full remission as compared to
the acute phase (Tsai et al., 2012).
Changes after remission/symptomatic
Further research is needed to compare medication-free
with treated patients to establish whether reduced inflam-
Studies have also been conducted that examine cytokine mation is an effect of medication or the resolution of an
abnormalities in different stages of remission. Indicating inflammatory state associated with the acute episode. In

I mmune M echanisms and I nflammation and T heir T reatment I mpact   •   117

addition, such a design may also shed light on what effect positively correlated to high sensitive CRP levels but only in
medication might have, if any, on the more stable or increas- full remission (Tsai et al., 2012). In the same study, smok-
ing levels of other inflammatory markers (Munkholm ing was associated with increased sTNF-R1 levels in acute
et al., 2013). mania, though in the same manic phase high sensitive CRP
levels were higher in nonsmokers. No other effects of smok-
ing were observed in acute mania, nor did smoking have an
Link with clinical variables
effect on cytokine levels in partial or full remission (Tsai
Findings in this regard are still limited and conflicting, et al., 2012). In relation to demographic variables, elevated
with the majority of studies published finding no associa- CRP has been linked with female sex and non-White race.
tion between inflammatory markers and clinical or demo- It is important to note that such a lack of evidence for the
graphic variables, including symptom severity (Goldstein association between increased inflammation and variables
et al., 2009). such as gender, smoking, and BMI, may be due to method-
However, some studies do suggest a link. For example, ological limitations of the studies conducted. For example,
Remlinger-Molenda and colleagues (2012) found a positive common limitations include small sample sizes, heteroge-
association between levels of IL-6 and severity of manic neity in terms of symptoms, or, in some cases, mood state,
symptoms in patients in remission after a manic episode. BD subtype, and concurrent medications (Goldstein
Furthermore, Tsai and colleagues (1999) and Tsai, Yang, et al., 2009).
Kuo,Chen, and Leu (2001) also observed a link between a
reduction in sIL-2R levels and symptomatic improvement
Gene expression studies
of acute mania, with the two positively correlated. In a
less acute sample, STNF-R1 was positively associated with Further evidence for increased inflammation in BD comes
elevated mood among bipolar patients. Osteoprotegerin, a from the study of gene expression. A pivotal study has iden-
member of the TNF-α superfamily related to inflamma- tified a proinflammatory signature in BD, as evidenced
tion, IL-1Ra and IL-6 were negatively correlated with low in the increased expression of genes relating to different
mood in the same study (Hope et al., 2011). Increased CRP stages of the proinflammatory response. Padmos and col-
levels were also shown to be associated with more severe leagues (2008) found that monocytes from BD patients
manic symptoms, and levels were shown to be an indepen- show increased mRNA expression of 19 genes involved
dent predictor of symptom severity; however, despite the directly in inflammation and inflammation-related pro-
link between CRP and depression there was no associa- cesses. Specific genes were also shown to be associated with
tion with depressive symptoms among BD patients in this symptom severity; during acute episodes overexpression
group. Additionally, in a more recent study from the same was further increased, over and above euthymia, in cer-
group, elevated CRP was inversely related to cognitive per- tain cytokines. Furthermore, lithium and antipsychotics,
formance in a group of BD patients. While the cause of this both commonly used in the treatment of BD, were shown
association is not known, the authors propose that they to down-regulate the expression of these inflammatory
are likely to be related to inflammatory processes occur- genes (Padmos et al., 2008). A further study by the same
ring within the vasculature of the central nervous system group confirmed that BD was most strongly associated
(Dickerson et al., 2013). with a subgroup of inflammatory-related genes consisting
Few studies have been conducted that examine clinical mainly of well-known inflammatory markers, including
markers associated with psychosis in BD patients alongside proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. However,
inflammatory markers. One such study found an associa- when examining disease severity, a different cluster of genes
tion with certain immune markers, even after controlling was implicated, representing adhesion, motility, and che-
for numerous confounders: sTNF-R1 was correlated with motactic factors. As before, such genes were increased in
length of hospital stays and IL-6 with length of hospitaliza- euthymia as compared with healthy controls, with further
tion and a history of psychosis (Hope et al., 2013). increases in the expression of specific genes observed during
With regard to physical health measures, body mass acute phases of illness (Drexhage et al., 2010).
index (BMI) was found to be positively correlated with lev- Furthermore, the proinflammatory signature described
els of IL-1Ra in partial remission. Furthermore, increased here has also been shown to be aberrantly expressed in
plasma sTNF-R1 levels were associated with higher BMI the offspring of patients with BD. The degree of positive
in both acute mania and subsequent partial remission and matches with the 19 genes identified increased among
increased leptin in full remission. The leptin levels were also those offspring who themselves had a mood disorder, as

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compared with the currently healthy offspring. There was inflated self-esteem, increase in goal-directed behavior,
some indication also that the baseline parameters may impulsivity, and even psychosis, while more common mani-
be used to predict which of the offspring would go on to festations include irritability, racing thoughts, distractibil-
develop a mood disorder during the follow-up period, and ity, insomnia, and psychomotor agitation. Indeed, Raison
the researchers hope to follow up the healthy offspring for and colleagues stressed the need for clinicians to accu-
a longer period to establish whether the signature can be rately distinguish between dysphoric mania, characterized
used as a long-term predictor of later development of BD by aggression and agitation as opposed to euphoria, and
(Padmos et al., 2008). depression in order to ensure patients receive adequate and
In summary, there is sufficient evidence in the bipo- safe treatment (Raison et al., 2005).
lar literature to reveal a dysfunctional immune system, as
seen in cytokine abnormalities. While some cytokine levels
may vary according to affective state, TNF-α has emerged M E C H A N I S M S BE H I N D T H E 
as consistently high in both manic and depressive phases, I NC R E A S E D I N F L A M M AT ION
supporting the view of this particular cytokine as a state I N   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
marker (Hamdani et al., 2013). As suggested earlier, further
studies are needed that address the methodological limita-
tions apparent in the majority of studies produced to date.
Of particular importance is the need for increased sample A growing body of research has examined functional poly-
sizes, control for confounders known to affect inflamma- morphisms in inflammation related genes in an attempt to
tion, and standardization of methods used to ascertain further explain the cytokine alterations at protein level of
cytokines. Furthermore, there have been calls for further those markers implicated in BD.
studies of younger populations unaffected by age-related As shown previously, perhaps one of the most fre-
inflammation, long treatment duration, and long-term quently studied cytokines implicated in BD is TNF-α.
symptom burden (Goldstein et  al., 2009). This is in line Production of this cytokine is influenced by a pro-
with the suggestion that the proinflammatory state may moter polymorphism,  –308G/A, with the mutant A  or
differ in early-onset BD as compared with the later stages TNF-2 allele associated with increased TNF-α produc-
of the illness, in part due to the cumulative effect of acute tion. In a Korean sample, BD type I  patients were more
episodes. Increasing evidence to support this viewpoint likely to carry the TNF-2 allele (–308A) compared with
also prompts the need for long-term longitudinal studies healthy volunteers (Pae, Lee, Han, Serretti, & Jun, 2004).
(Hamdani et al., 2013). Conversely, a Polish study observed that patients with a
diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder were more likely to
have the G allele of the –308 (G/A) of the gene, compared
with healthy volunteers. This same allele was also shown
to be associated with a family history of the illness, con-
ferring susceptibility to the disorder (Czerski et al., 2008).
Chronic therapeutic administration of interferon-alpha An Italian sample also observed that the majority of BD
(IFN-α), used in the treatment of viral hepatitis and some patients studied did not carry the A  allele, and indeed
cancers, has been shown to lead to depressive symptomatol- none of the BD type II subsample studied did so (Clerici
ogy in up to 50% of patients, who display similar biologi- et al., 2009). Still studies have found no association at all,
cal alterations as those found in major depression disorder with a study from the United Kingdom showing no link
(MDD; Raison et al., 2005). Such evidence has led to IFN-α between the polymorphism and BD or puerperal psycho-
induced depression being used as a model to identify the spe- sis; nor was an association identified in a Brazilian sam-
cific changes in the immune system that may be involved in ple (Meira-Lima et  al., 2003; Middle, Jones, Robertson,
instigating the behavioral changes that lead to depression. Lendon, & Craddock, 2000).
IFN-α induced mania is less common and therefore less Considering the +874 (T/A) polymorphism of the
widely studied, though it has been reported in multiple case IFN-γ promoter, a Korean study found the T allele, associ-
studies. Some studies have estimated the prevalence rates to ated with high IFN-γ production, to be significantly more
be 10% to 20% (Carpiniello, Orru, Baita, Pariante, & Farci, common among BD patients than controls. Interestingly,
1998; Raison et al., 2005; Wu, Liao, Peng, Pariante, & Su, an association was found between the severity of the manic
2007). In more severe cases, symptoms include euphoria, episode and the genotype, with those carrying the T allele

I mmune M echanisms and I nflammation and T heir T reatment I mpact   •   119

(T/T or T/A) having significantly higher mania scores than et al., 2008). Given the high prevalence of childhood mal-
patients with the A/A genotype. Taken together, this sug- treatment among patients with BD, early life stress may also
gests that those patients, whose genotype induces a more be a mediator of the increased inflammation shown in BD
active inflammatory response, may endure more severe (Brietzke, Stabellini, Grassis-Oliveira, & Lafer, 2011).
manic symptoms (Yoon & Kim, 2012). In contrast, an In general, dysfunction of the HPA axis is consistently
Italian study showed bipolar type II patients to be less likely seen in BD patients. Hyperactivity of the HPA axis in
to have the TT genotype or T allele (Clerici et al., 2009). BD has been demonstrated by increasing circulating cor-
With regard to IL-1β, increased levels have been observed tisol levels and by nonsuppression of cortisol following
in postmortem frontal cortex samples, both in protein and administration of dexamethasone and dexamethasone/
mRNA. However, no association was found between BD corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), in both acute
and variable number of tandem repeats polymorphism of and euthymic phases of the illness (Watson, Gallagher,
the IL-1RA, a variant of which is said to be associated with Ritchie, Ferrier, & Young, 2004). Interestingly, cortisol lev-
enhanced IL-1β production. Nor was an association found els during the day in patients with BD have been found to be
between BD and the –511 (C/T) polymorphism in the pro- associated with symptom dimensions, in particular as posi-
moter region of the IL-1β gene (Papiol et al., 2008). In an tively associated with the positive psychotic symptoms and
Italian sample, though no association was found between excitement and negatively with disorganization (Belvederi
BD and the 174 (G/C) IL-6 polymorphism, a lower mean Murri et al., 2012). Numerous cytokines are able to activate
age of onset was observed in those patients not carrying the the HPA axis. Regulation of the HPA axis starts by release
G (high-producer) allele, as compared with those who did of CRH from the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothala-
carry this SNP. In the same study, no association was found mus. CRH leads to the release of adrenocorticotropic hor-
between the  –1082 (G/C) IL-10 polymorphism and BD mone in the pituitary, inducing discharge of cortisol from
(Clerici et al., 2009). Overall, as compared to the depres- the adrenal cortex. In normal individuals, cortisol binds to
sion and schizophrenia literature, findings are relatively two main receptors (glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid
limited and conflicting, and ethnic differences limit the receptors) and exerts a negative feedback mechanism that
generalizability of some studies. controls its production by regulating the synthesis of CRH.
This feedback mechanism can be altered by cytokines.
Acute cytokine administration in humans has been shown
to cause both elevated plasma levels of adrenocorticotropic
hormone and cortisol and increase CRH release (Pariante &
Stress has been suggested to play a role in both the onset Lightman, 2008; Pariante & Miller, 2001).
and the course of BD, as individuals are reported to be more When administered chronically, though, cytokines are
susceptible to the effects of chronic stress. Concomitantly, associated with a flattening of the cortisol response and also
episodes of stress can induce inflammatory processes. For increased evening cortisol levels. Inflammatory cytokines
example, chronic stress, including difficult caregiving and can disrupt glucocorticoid receptor (GR) function, while
hostile marital relationships, has been associated with decreasing GR expression (Pace, Hu, & Miller, 2007). For
increased levels of CRP. example, cytokines have been found to inhibit GR function
In particular, a stressful childhood seems to produce in cytokine-releasing immune cells by acting on GR trans-
neuroendocrine and immunological abnormalities that are location or on GR-mediated gene transcription, resulting
thought to mediate the development of a proinflammatory in a deregulated production of other proinflammatory
phenotype in adulthood. For example, increased reactivity cytokines. Mechanisms described include activation of
of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, one of signaling pathways, such as p38 mitogen-activated protein
the main biological systems involved in the stress response, kinase (MAPK), NF-κB, signal transducers, and activators
as well as elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines, have of transcription and cyclooxygenase (Miller, Pariante, &
been seen later in life in those individuals who have expe- Pearce, 1999; Pariante et al., 1999).
rienced childhood trauma (Danese et al., 2008; Di Nicola Since communication occurs between the endocrine,
et  al., 2013). Furthermore, it has also been demonstrated immune, and central nervous system, an activation of
that such increases may even be predicted by a history of the inflammatory responses can affect neuroendocrine
childhood maltreatment. Interestingly, when childhood processes and vice versa (Zunszain, Anacker, Cattaneo,
maltreatment was controlled for, the association between Carvalho, & Pariante, 2011). Several mechanisms may be
MDD and inflammatory cytokines disappeared (Danese involved.

1 2 0   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
A study of peripheral blood monocytes of caregivers severity of the depression correlated with higher cerebral
of patients with malignant brain cancer supports the idea spinal fluid (CSF) levels of IL-6 and lower levels of the sero-
that chronic stress is accompanied by GR resistance and tonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacecetic acid, indicating
activation of proinflammatory pathways. These mono- reduced brain serotonergic activity (Raison et al., 2009).
cytes showed diminished expression of transcripts bear- Also of importance is dopamine. It has been shown
ing response elements for glucocorticoids and heightened that the dopaminergic system is reduced in response to
expression of transcripts with response elements for NF-κB inflammation. Reduced CSF concentrations of homova-
(Hayden, West, & Ghosh, 2006). In relation to an acute nillic acid, one of the metabolites of dopamine, have been
stressor, a recent study observed blunted neuroendocrine associated with depressive-like behavior in primates, sec-
responses in the form of reduced salivary cortisol and heart ondary to IFN-α administration. In rats, administration
rate following exposure to the Trier Social Stress Test in of IFN-α has also led to decreased concentrations of dopa-
female patients with BD. Furthermore, increased lympho- mine in the CSF, in association with increased production
cyte MAPK, p-ERK, and p-NF-κB signaling was observed of nitric oxide. Finally, effects on norepinephrine have also
after the test, as was a relative lymphocyte resistance to been observed, with peripheral and central administration
dexamethasone (Wieck et al., 2013). These findings suggest of IL-1 or high doses of TNF-α, inducing norepinephrine
that stress produces functional resistance to glucocorti- release in the brain, most markedly in the hypothalamus
coids, which enables activation of proinflammatory tran- (Dunn, 2006).
scription control pathways, even in the absence of decreased Another route by which cytokines may affect seroto-
GR mRNA expression or excess cortisol production. nergic neurotransmission is through imbalances in the
This evidence suggests that HPA axis hyperactivity kynurenine pathway. Several proinflammatory cytokines
and inflammation might be part of the same pathophysi- can induce the enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase
ological process:  HPA axis hyperactivity is a marker of (IDO), which converts the essential amino acid trypto-
glucocorticoid resistance, implying ineffective action of glu- phan into kynurenine. Kynurenine is a precursor of the
cocorticoid hormones on target tissues, which could lead to bioactive metabolites quinolinic acid (QUIN) and kyn-
immune activation; equally, inflammation could stimulate urenic acid (KYNA). QUIN is an N-methyl-D-aspartate
HPA axis activity via both a direct action of cytokines on receptor agonist, potentially neurotoxic and thus poten-
the brain and by inducing glucocorticoid resistance. tially contributing to depression, whereas KYNA is an
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist generally con-
sidered neuroprotective. Following IDO activation, both
the relative balance between QUIN and KYNA and the
Other possible mechanisms by which increased inflamma- reduced peripheral availability of tryptophan (putatively
tion may lead to the onset of BD relate to cytokine effects in leading to reduced serotonin synthesis in the brain) have
the brain. To date, the majority of the research conducted been proposed to be of significance in depression and neu-
in this area has been in the context of depression, though rodegeneration (Myint & Kim, 2003).
it may be extended to BD. Cytokine effects on neurotrans- Decreased tryptophan levels, and levels of the
mission, neurogenesis, plasticity, and degeneration are kynuerine-dependent tryptophan index, have been shown
summarized here, as well as imbalances in the kynurenine in bipolar mania (Myint et al., 2007). Furthermore, a post-
pathway. mortem study found increased kynurenine in the anterior
Cytokines affect the synthesis, release, and reuptake of cingulated cortex in BD, corresponding to increased den-
all neurotransmitters associated with the development and sity, and intensity of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase positive
maintenance of affective disorders (Miller et  al., 2009). glial cells (Miller, Llenos, Dulay, & Weis, 2006). Therefore
The most studied has been serotonin and, in particular, it has been proposed that imbalances in this pathway are
the function of its transporter, which regulates serotonin also implicated in BD (Berk et al., 2011).
uptake into presynaptic neurons. For example, IL-1β has Proinflammatory cytokines also influence neuronal
been shown to increase serotonin uptake in the brain, functioning through changes in apoptosis, oxidative stress,
while IFN-α has shown attenuation of the expression of and metabolic derangement, as well as by impairing pro-
5HT1A, one of the serotonin receptors. Patients who have cesses of synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis (Berk et  al.,
been treated with IFN-α, used therapeutically, have shown 2011; Mondelli et al., 2011). Such impairments have been
low levels of serum serotonin, with this effect more pro- proposed to be a central pathophysiological correlate of BD
nounced in those who developed depression. Moreover, the (Brietzke et al., 2011). The proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β

I mmune M echanisms and I nflammation and T heir T reatment I mpact   •   1 21

and TNF-α have been shown to inhibit long-term poten- et al., 2008). Another relevant point is the finding that, in a
tiation, a form of neuronal plasticity believed to underlie subgroup of patients in whom TNF-α remained persistently
learning and memory, both of which are frequently affected high, an association was found with nonresponse to lithium
in mood disorders, including BD. IL-1β also decreased hip- (Guloksuz et al., 2012). Insufficient information has made
pocampal neurogenesis in both animal and human in vitro it difficult to conclude the causality of this association, but
models (Zunszain et  al., 2012). TNF-α and IFN-γ have this is certainly worthy of further attention.
shown inhibition of neuronal progenitor cell proliferation.
Furthermore, TNF-α induces neuronal cell death through
Sodium valproate
blockade of the glutamate transporter activity, thereby
potentiating glutamate neurotoxicity. Indirectly, the detri- Sodium valproate has been found to inhibit TNF-α and IL-6
mental effects of stress on neurogenesis have been reversed production in vivo. However, it has previously been shown
by hippocampal transplantation of neural progenitor cells that while antipsychotic use brought about a decrease in
that overexpress IL-1 receptor antagonist or by using IL-1 proinflammatory markers in patients with schizophrenia,
receptor knockout mice. Concomitantly, this blockade of valproate did not have this effect in manic patients (Maes,
cytokine action has led to a decrease of depressive symp- Bosmans, Calabrese, Smith, & Meltzer, 1995). Valproate
toms in these models. may also decrease the production or activation of NF-κB,
which activates the production of proinflammatory cyto-
kines (Remlinger-Molenda et al., 2012). Furthermore, anti-
M E DIC AT ION psychotics typically used in the treatment of BD, such as
olanzapine, have been shown to be associated with a reduc-
tion in inflammatory markers (Meyer et al., 2009).
Existing medications used in the treatment of BD have NOV E L US E OF 
been shown to have neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory A N T I-I N F L A M M ATORY AG E N T S
effects (Berk et al., 2011). For example, traditionally used
COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors
agents such as lithium, valproate, carbamazepine, and
lamotrigine have been shown to suppress brain cyclooxy- A nonsteroidal-anti-inflammatory-drug, aspirin is an
genase (COX)-2 and prostaglandin-2 (Goldstein et  al., inhibitor of both COX-1 and -2. It has been shown to
2009; Remlinger-Molenda et al., 2012). reduce inflammatory markers without affecting the nega-
tive immunoregulatory cytokines (Berk et  al., 2013). The
adjunctive use of aspirin in addition to fluoxetine resulted
in a greater decrease in markers of oxidative stress as com-
It has been shown that monocytes from BD patients not pared with fluoxetine monotherapy (Galecki, Szemraj,
currently treated show trends toward low IL-1β and high Bienkiewicz, Zboralski, & Galecka, 2009). It has also been
IL-6 production when stimulated with lipopolysaccharide. proposed that aspirin accelerates antidepressant effects by
However, the effect on IL-1β is reversed by treatment with shortening the onset of action (Brunello et al., 2006). More
lithium (Knijff et al., 2007). Lithium has also been shown to recently, it has been suggested that the beneficial effects
normalize sIL-2R and sIL-6R levels. Interestingly, this effect may extend to include schizophrenia, with symptomatic
was reversed in healthy controls in whom levels increased reduction after adjuvant use (Mondelli & Pariante, 2010).
(Rapaport, Guylai, & Whybrow, 1999). Furthermore, sig- Furthermore, specifically to BD, an epidemiological study
nificantly fewer BD patients taking lithium had elevated suggested that use of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid reduced
CRP levels (Hornig, Goodman, Kamoun, & Amsterdam, the risk of clinical deterioration of patients with BD, as evi-
1998). Therapeutic administration of lithium to medication denced in a reduced need for dose increases or adjunctive
naïve BD patients resulted in a decrease in cytokine produc- medication (Stolk et al., 2010).
tion over the three-month course (Boufidou, Nikolaou., Celecoxib is a selective inhibitor of COX-2. It has been
Alevizos, Liappas, & Christodoulou, 2004). It has also been trialed successfully with promising results in MDD. It has
demonstrated that lithium down-regulated the expression of been shown to be effective in reducing depressive symptoms
inflammatory genes examined, which had been identified as when added to either fluoxetine or reboxetine (Haroon
being aberrantly expressed in this bipolar patients (Padmos et  al., 2012). In BD, treatment with celecoxib resulted in

1 2 2   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
a reduction in depressive symptom scores after one week McCrone, 2006; Stoll et al., 1999). However, a third study
(Nery et al., 2008). It should be noted, however, that cele- showed no benefit of ethyl-EPA but acknowledged that the
coxib is associated with cardiovascular risk (Goldstein dose exceeded the recommended dose as demonstrated suc-
et al., 2009). cessfully in MDD and schizophrenia (Keck et al., 2006).
Little benefit, if any, has been seen for manic symptoms
thus far, so this treatment may be relevant only for those
TNF-α inhibitors
experiencing depression. One explanation relates to dopa-
Increases in TNF-α have been observed in the periphery mine activity, in that manic and depressive states seem to
and in the form of transmembrane TNF-α (tm-TNF) in be accompanied by overactivity and decreased activity,
relevant brain regions. Recently there has been a growing respectively. Regardless, omega-3 fatty acids are relatively
interest in the use of drugs targeting the tm-TNF molecule side-effect free, and therefore further research is needed to
as a result of their effect on affective symptoms (Berk et al., establish clinical benefit.
2011). For example, in the treatment of psoriasis, patients
receiving the TNF-α antagonist Etanercept showed an
increase in depression scores independent of improvement C ONC LUS ION
in their illness (Tyring et al., 2006). Similarly, in the treat-
ment of Crohn’s disease, Infliximab has been observed to Increasing evidence suggests the presence of a proinflamma-
have a positive impact on affective symptoms (Brietzke et al., tory state in patients with BD. While some cytokine levels
2011). With regard to side effects, the potential to induce may vary according to affective state, others have emerged
mania and a possible risk of lymphoma in children and as consistently high in both manic and depressive phases.
young adults have been observed (Goldstein et al., 2009). However, it remains unclear if normalization of inflamma-
Interestingly, findings from a recent randomized controlled tory markers mirrors a clinical response. Studies exploring
trial with Infliximab in patients with treatment-resistant possible mechanisms behind the presence of a proinflam-
depression suggest that TNF antagonism does not have matory state in BD suggest only a marginal role of a direct
generalized efficacy in treatment-resistant depression but genetic predisposition and a possibly stronger effect of
may improve depressive symptoms in patients who showed environmental factors, such as life stressors. Indeed, future
higher inflammation at baseline (Raison et  al., 2013). research is needed to better understand causes and specific-
Similarly, it is possible to hypothesize that only bipolar ity of increased inflammatory markers in individuals with
patients who show increased inflammation might benefit BD. Indeed, both studies on the effects of mood stabiliz-
from anti-inflammatory treatment. ers on inflammation and trials studying the use of add-on
treatment with anti-inflammatory agents support inflam-
mation as a potential therapeutic target in BD. As recently
Omega-3 fatty acids
suggested for patients with MDD and schizophrenia, it
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have been shown to is possible to hypothesize that inflammation plays a criti-
play an important role in MDD and have more recently cal role in some but not all individuals suffering with BD.
been implicated in BD (Berk et al., 2011), with suggestions Indeed, one of the next challenges for future research will
that lower levels of ω-3 PUFAs may contribute to these be to clarify which individuals might most benefit from the
disorders. One possible explanation for the association treatment targeting inflammation.
between depleted levels and mood disturbances is that ω-3
and ω-6 PUFAs modulate immune functions. ω-3 PUFAs,
like ethyl-eicosapentanoic acid (EPA), attenuate prosta- AC K NOW L E D G M E N T S
glandin E2 synthesis and the production of monocytic
and T cell cytokines, including IL-1, 6, TNF-α, and IFN-α This work has been supported by the South London and
(Su, 2009). Maudsley National Health Service (NHS) Foundation
Findings regarding the therapeutic benefit of ω-3 Trust and Institute of Psychiatry National Institute for
PUFAs for BD have been inconsistent:  a combination of Health Research Biomedical Research Centre for Mental
EPA and docosahexaenoic acid resulted in a significantly Health; a Starter Grant for Clinical Lecturers from the
longer duration of remission versus placebo, and a second Academy of Medical Sciences, the Wellcome Trust, and
larger study saw an improvement in depressive symptoms the British Heart Foundation to V. Mondelli; and the grant
after daily administration of ethyl-EPA (Frangou, Lewis, & “Persistent Fatigue Induced by Interferon Alpha:  A  New

I mmune M echanisms and I nflammation and T heir T reatment I mpact   •   1 2 3

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(1998). Mania induced by withdrawal of treatment with interferon
from the Medical Research Council (UK) MR/J002739/1. alfa. Archives of General Psychiatry, 55(1), 88–89.
Additional support has been offered by the Commission of Cattaneo, A., Gennarelli, M., Uher, R., Breen, G., Farmer, A., Aitchi-
European Communities Seventh Framework Programme son, K.  J., . . . Pariante, C.  M. (2013). Candidate genes expression
profile associated with antidepressants response in the GENDEP
(Collaborative Project Grant Agreement no. 22963, Mood study: Differentiating between baseline “predictors” and longitudi-
Inflame). nal “targets”. Neuropsychopharmacology, 38(3), 377–385.
Clerici, M., Arosio, B., Mundo, E., Cattaneo, E., Pozzoli, S., Dell’osso,
Disclosure statement:  Carmine M.  Pariante has received B., . . . Altamura, A.  C. (2009). Cytokine polymorphisms in the
research funding from pharmaceutical companies interested pathophysiology of mood disorders. CNS Spectrums, 14(8),
in the immune system, such as Johnson & Johnson. Professor Czerski, P.  M., Rybakowski, F., Kapelski, P., Rybakowski, J.  K.,
Pariante and Dr.  Mondelli are partly supported by the Dmitrzak-Weglarz, M., Leszczynska-Rodziewicz, A., . . . Hauser,
National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research J. (2008). Association of tumor necrosis factor -308G/A promoter
polymorphism with schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder in
Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation a Polish population. Neuropsychobiology, 57(1–2), 88–94.
Trust and King’s College London. The views expressed are Danese, A., Moffitt, T. E., Pariante, C. M., Ambler, A., Poulton, R., &
those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the Caspi, A. (2008). Elevated inflammation levels in depressed adults
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National Institute for Health Research, or the Department of chiatry, 65(4), 409–415.
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1 2 6   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
Joshua Z. Tal and Michelle Primeau

In mania . . . there is almost complete sleeplessness, at most interrupted a few hours. . . . In states of depression in spite
of great need for sleep, it is for the most part sensibly encroached upon.  E . K R A E P E L I N , 1921

I N T RODUC T ION Eidelman, Gruber, & Harvey, 2009). The authors found
that the induction of sadness led to significantly shorter
It is well recognized that sleep disruptions are present in sleep latencies, relative to controls (Talbot et al., 2009). In
many psychiatric conditions, and bipolar disorder is no addition, they found prompting a happy mood led to sig-
exception. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical nificantly longer sleep latencies, akin to the effects of mania
Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth edition, text revision (Talbot et al., 2009)
[DSM-IV-TR]; American Psychiatric Association, 2000),
disrupted sleep in some form is a common emanation of
both manic and depressed episodes.
The DSM-IV-TR corroborates this presentation by
describing the decreased need for sleep as “almost invari-
S L E E P DI S RU P T ION A N D ably” present in manic episodes. The recent revision of the
B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, fifth edition [DSM-5]; American Psychiatric
The diagnostic criteria for a manic episode includes Association, 2013)  reinforces the increased energetic
decreased need for sleep, and the criteria for a depressive epi- qualities of mania by adding in “persistently increased
sode includes either insomnia or hypersomnia (American goal-directed activity or energy” into Criterion A of both
Psychiatric Association, 2000). In manic episodes, the manic and hypomanic episode criteria. Paired with this
characteristic decreased need for sleep aligns well with the depiction, the DSM-5 describes decreased need for sleep
clinical presentation. The DSM-IV-TR portrays an episode as “one of the most common features” of a manic or hypo-
of mania and hypomania through elevated and/or indis- manic episode (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
criminate enthusiasm or irritability for a period of time Indeed, one review cited 69% to 99% of surveyed par-
(American Psychiatric Association, 2000). These energetic ticipants experiencing this characteristic decreased need
feelings often lead to goal-oriented behavior, and sleeping is for sleep in manic episodes (Harvey, 2008). The studies
often seen as an impediment to these behaviors. Following included utilized either subjective self-report measures of
this line of thought, the rebounding bipolar depressed sleep or polysomnography (PSG), a widely used objective
mood reflects the descent from mania; bipolar depres- sleep measurement using electroencephalography and other
sion is often characterized by hypersomnia (Akiskal et al., measures (Harvey, 2008; Kushida et al., 2005).
1983; Benazzi & Rihmer, 2000; Benazzi, 2003; Forty et al.,
2008; Mitchell et al., 2001). Indeed, a patient’s mood can be
reflected in his or her sleep disruption. One study employed
a mood induction protocol to evaluate effects of mood Disrupted sleep similarly aligns with the characteristic
on sleep in euthymic bipolar subjects (Talbot, Hairston, presentation of bipolar depression. Many studies describe

hypersomnia as a differentiating feature of bipolar depres- narcolepsy (Kushida et al., 2005). Actigraphy, paired with
sion when compared to unipolar depression (Akiskal et al., an in-depth clinical interview, can rule out primary insom-
1983; Benazzi & Rihmer, 2000; Benazzi, 2003; Forty nia (Lichstein et  al., 2006). If a primary sleep disorder is
et  al., 2008; Mitchell et  al., 2001). The desire and ability diagnosed, it will require specific, focused treatment in
to increase sleep conforms to feelings of emptiness and addition to treatment for the primary mood disorder.
sadness, especially following a period of increased energy
and lack of sleep (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
Although hypersomnia is very common, insomnia is also C I RC A DI A N   R H Y T H M
seen in bipolar depression, manifested as difficulty falling
asleep, difficulty staying asleep, and/or waking up early dur- Although not a distinct clinical diagnosis, sleep distur-
ing depressive episodes (Harvey, 2008). bances in bipolar disorder often reflect a misaligned and
abnormal circadian rhythm (Murray & Harvey, 2010).
Circadian rhythm refers to the body’s biological pro-
cess for keeping time. The term circadian is derived from
Latin:  circa means “around” or “approximately” and dia
Beyond the episodes themselves, many studies find interepi- means “day.” Thus the term circadian refers to the rhythm
sode sleep disruption a prevalent issue in bipolar popula- that undertakes a full cycle approximately the length of one
tions. One report analyzing participants in the Systematic day. The circadian rhythm was proven in humans in 1896,
Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder when Patrick and Gilbert discovered that three human
(STEP-BD) studies observed 15% of its cohort of 483 euthy- subjects displayed predictable patterns of sleepiness follow-
mic participants reported at least mild sleep disturbance ing three nights of sleep deprivation in isolation. They real-
(Sylvia et  al., 2012). Harvey, Schmidt, Scarnà, Semler, and ized there must be the presence of an internal, biological,
Goodwin (2005) observed no significant differences in sleep time-keeping mechanism, one that can potentially func-
efficiency and cognitions about sleep in a group of interepi- tion outside external stimuli.
sode bipolar subjects compared to nonpolar insomnia sub-
jects. Talbot et  al. (2012) found similar sleep efficiency
outcomes in a larger group (n  =  49) of euthymic bipolar
subjects relative to insomnia subjects. Multiple investigators Although able to run independently, the circadian rhythm
have used actigraphy, an objective way of monitoring sleep is perpetuated by environmental cues that convey time
and activity levels, to confirm interepisode variability in sleep points, called zeitgebers (“timegivers”), which helps indi-
patterns, as well as objective sleep disruption (Jones, Hare, & viduals’ internal rhythms align with their environmental
Evershed, 2005; Millar, Espie, & Scott, 2004; Ritter et al., ones (Harvey, 2008). The primary mammalian zeitgeber
2012). Sleep disturbance can be a clinically relevant concern for the human circadian rhythm is the presence of light
for patients with bipolar disorder even when euthymic. and its absence, darkness (Roenneberg & Foster, 1997).
The human time-keeper resides in the suprachiasmatic
nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus, and it collects and
responds to cues to entrain the body’s biological system
into accordance with the environment (i.e., sleeping at
Nights of insomnia, hypersomnia, and reduced need for night, staying awake in the day; Reppert & Weaver, 2002).
sleep may not be simply a symptom of the psychiatric condi- Melatonin and cortisol are the two hormones that enact
tion itself but rather symptomatic of a deeper issue. A sleep the SCN’s time-keeping system, by sending time cues to
disturbance may be a result of a sleep disorder, such as sleep bodily organs with directions for operation (Reppert &
disordered breathing, narcolepsy, periodic limb movement Weaver, 2002). Photoreceptors in the eye respond to light
disorder, or even endogenous primary insomnia. Accurate by signaling to the SCN to have melatonin synthesized,
differential diagnosis is critical to accurate and success- which aids in causing drowsiness and other biological
ful treatment. Attended, overnight PSG is considered the functions of sleep (Redwine, Hauger, Gillin, & Irwin,
current gold standard diagnostic procedure for sleep dis- 2000). Melatonin not only causes sleep; it gives also
ordered breathing and periodic limb movement disorder insight into the helpful effects of sleep itself. When mela-
(Kushida et al., 2005). PSG with the addition of a multi- tonin is active, it plays a part in initiating immune func-
ple sleep latency test is the primary method of diagnosing tion, especially seasonal adjustments (Nelson & Drazen,

1 2 8   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
1999). It similarly displays antioxidant properties (Reiter, suppression in light in healthy controls (Hallam, Olver,
Tan, & Maldonado, 2005). Melatonin marshals some of Horgan, McGrath, & Norman, 2005; Hallam, Olver, &
sleep’s restorative properties. Norman, 2005). Although the mechanism of melatonin’s
effect on bipolar disorder is mixed, it appears related at least
in part to the circadian disturbances observed in bipolar

Melatonin is connected to mood disorders. Melatonin

is a neurohormonal byproduct of serotonin, a key neu- L IG H T A N D BI P OL A R DI S OR DE R
rotransmitter underlying the pathology of mood disorders Some evidence suggests that the potent zeitgieber light is
(Lanfumey, Mongeau, & Hamon, 2013). Consequently, of even greater importance for individuals with bipolar
mood disorders are one of the primary mental health cat- disorder. Light exposure may be helpful for resetting offset
egories displaying a prominent circadian rhythmicity circadian rhythms. Some studies suggest a hypersensitivity
(Lanfumey et al., 2013). Major depressive disorder is often to light in individuals with bipolar disorder (Lewy et  al.,
seen with significant diurnal variations, meaning they get 1981; Nathan et al., 1999). Sit, Wisner, Hanusa, Stull, and
worse or better depending on the time of day. One large Terman (2007) took a series of nine women with either
sample of 3744 subjects with major depressive disorder bipolar I  disorder or bipolar II disorder currently experi-
from the STEP-BD study found over 20% of the sample encing depression and exposed them to bright light therapy
displayed diurnal variations (Morris et al., 2007). Other cir- either in the morning or midday. With the active morn-
cadian rhythmicity is seen with seasonal affective disorder ing light condition, three out of four participants devel-
and bipolar disorder, where environmental factors can also oped mixed state, but those provided with midday light
influence mood (Thompson, Stinson, Fernandez, Fine, & sustained a greater response, causing the authors to reason
Isaacs, 1988). that the bipolar women were more sensitive to morning
light (Sit et al., 2007). Other groups have similarly noticed
an increase in adverse effects with morning bright light
C I RC A DI A N R H Y T H M A N D therapy (Kripke, 1991; Liebenluft et  al., 1995). However,
B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R because light is an important way of normalizing an off-
set circadian rhythm, the authors suggest brief treatments,
such as 15 min., at the midday point instead of early morn-
ing (Sit et al., 2007).
Melatonin and its secretion have become topics of increased
interest in understanding bipolar disorder. One study of
euthymic bipolar subjects found significantly lower mela-
tonin levels and later peak times for melatonin secretion
when compared with unipolar depressed subjects and When examining objective measures of sleep variables
controls (Nurnberger et al., 2000). Some researchers have using actigraphy, subjects with bipolar disorder display
suggested that the lower melatonin levels, and thus offset variable and highly erratic sleep cycles, both during and
circadian rhythm, may be due to a suppression of melato- between episodes, when compared to controls. Jones et al.
nin in response to light (Lewy, Wehr, Goodwin, Newsome, (2005) utilized actigraphy to compare interepisode bipo-
& Rosenthal, 1981; Nathan, Burrows, & Norman, 1999). lar subjects to gender-matched controls for seven days.
They hoped to prove that this suppression of melatonin They found sleep fragmentation and circadian variability
response may be the characteristic biomarker of bipolar to be the only predictor differentiating the bipolar group
disorder (Lewy et al., 1981; Nathan et al., 1999). However, from controls (Jones et al., 2005). A similar study utiliz-
Nurnberger et  al. (2000) did not find evidence for mela- ing actigraphy over five nights also found that circadian
tonin suppression in bipolar disorder subjects relative to variability differentiated from controls, though sleep
controls, despite evidence of lowered melatonin levels. duration and subjective sleep latency also were nonsignifi-
Nevertheless, research investigating the effects of com- cantly elevated (Millar et al., 2004). More recently, Ritter
monly used bipolar disorder medications, such as lithium et al. (2012) confirmed the same actigraphic findings in
carbonate and sodium valproate, on melatonin suppres- euthymic bipolar patients. Interestingly, patients at high
sion found a distinct before and after decrease in melatonin risk (first- or second-degree relative with the disorder or

C ircadian R h y thms , S leep, and T heir T reatment I mpact   •   1 2 9

prior subthreshold symptoms) also had increased sleep following sleep deprivation. This inability to regulate mood
disturbance, duration, latency, and variability (Ritter following sleep deprivation underscores the importance of
et  al., 2012). Further studies verifying abnormal circa- the serotonergic system.
dian rhythms during and after clinical recovery suggest a On a neurological level, studies examining sleep depri-
trait feature of circadian rhythm abnormalities (Salvatore vation have found decreased medial-prefrontal corti-
et al., 2008). cal activity and increased amygdala activation following
sleep loss, leading to emotional dysregulation and negative
mood (Yoo, Gujar, Hu, Jolesz, & Walker, 2007). Similarly,
research examining bipolar disorder subjects have eluci-
Due to the high prevalence of circadian abnormalities in dated analogous deficits in prefrontal cortical mediations
depressed, manic, interepisode, and recovery state, some of emotion (McKenna & Eyler, 2012). Further research is
researchers have looked to genetics and biomarkers of the needed to understand the mechanism of sleep loss in people
connection between circadian rhythm and bipolar disor- with bipolar disorder.
der (Milhiet, Etain, Boudebesse, & Bellivier, 2011). The
hope is the genetic connection may increase understanding
of either the etiology or the pathology of bipolar disorder. S L E E P DI S RU P T ION A S
Indeed, of all the mental disorders, bipolar disorder pres- A N I N DIC ATOR OF
ents the strongest evidence for associated genetics (Milhiet B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
et al., 2011). Identified circadian single nucleotide polymor-
phisms CLOCK, BMAL1, Timeless (TIM), EGR3, PER3,
and VIP were all identified in bipolar disorder subjects;
however, the varied reproducibility of these studies ques- As sleep is disrupted in bipolar disorder, investigators have
tions the utility of these identifications (Lamont, Coutu, attempted to identify trait markers of the disorder using
Cermakian, & Boivin, 2010; Lee et  al., 2010; Mansour PSG. PSG is considered to be the “gold standard” in sleep
et al., 2009; Milhiet et al., 2011; Murray & Harvey, 2010; assessment, as it can provide information that cannot be
Rocha et al., 2010; Soria et al., 2010). CLOCK is one of the obtained in utilizing self-report or activity monitoring,
main genes responsible for the transcription of circadian such as sleep latency, amount of time spent awake after fall-
promoting processes, thus subjects without the CLOCK ing asleep, total sleep time, sleep efficiency, and sleep stages.
gene seem to promote delayed sleep latencies and higher These variables, in turn, may be able to provide a window
eveningness preference scores (Katzenberg et  al., 1998). into underlying neurophysiologic abnormalities.
As such, the CLOCK gene has one of the most compelling Classifying the sleep architecture of bipolar disorder
evidence sets linking it to bipolar disorder (Benedetti et al., presents a unique problem, in that the varied mood states
2003; Lamont et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2010). have very different sleep experiences, presumably with dif-
ferences on PSG. Though limited, more PSG studies have
been completed with depressed bipolar patients than with
manic bipolar patients, and, interestingly, some differences
As stated, serotonin’s implications may be further evidence have been noted between the two states (Harvey, 2008).
of a distinct neurobiological connection. Sleep depriva- In the depressed state, patients with bipolar disorder have
tion’s negative effect on mood has been established, and been found to have both increased and decreased time
serotonin may provide the link exacerbating normal mood to the first rapid eye movement (REM) period, as well as
variability into clinical mood disorders (Harvey, Murray, increased REM density and REM fragmentation (Harvey,
Chandler, & Soehner, 2011). Researchers have supported 2008). However, in the manic state, subjects demonstrated
this idea, finding an association with polymorphisms of the reduced total sleep time and seemingly reduced time to
serotonin transporter genes and sleep issues in bipolar dis- the first REM period (Harvey, 2008). Taken together, it is
order (Benedetti, Colombo, Barbini, Campori, & Smeraldi, evident that no clear associations have yet been identified
1999; Lotrich & Pollock, 2004; Luddington, Mandadapu, in the sleep architecture of patients with bipolar disorder,
Husk, & El-Mallakh, 2009). Benedetti et  al. found that though some alteration to REM sleep may exist. REM sleep
bipolar subjects who were heterozygotic and homozygotic is associated with emotional processing (Walker & van der
for the short variant of a serotonin-linked polymorphic Helm, 2009), and so alterations to REM sleep may underlie
region showed significantly worse mood amelioration the affective changes noted with each behavioral state.

13 0   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
S L E E P A S A T R IG G E R depression switched to mania or hypomania, regardless of
medication status (Colombo, Benedetti, Barbini, Campori,
Just as sleep deprivation leads to deleterious effects on
& Smeraldi, 1999). This provides indirect evidence in sup-
mood, sleep can trigger manic and hypomanic symptoms
port of the final common pathway model.
(Wehr, 1992). When depressed rapid cycling subjects under
experimental conditions were made to maintain wakeful-
ness for 40 hours, all either switched out of depression or
into mania/hypomania (Wehr, Goodwin, Wirz-Justice,
Breitmaier, & Craig, 1982). However, sleep deprivation Because manic symptoms can be induced by sleep depriva-
occurring as a result of medical conditions or work-related tion, it therefore follows that sleep disruption may harken
deprivation has also been shown to trigger mania (Wehr, the onset of a manic episode. In a systematic review of pro-
1989, 1992). In fact, prior night’s sleep duration is a consis- dromal symptoms for affective episodes, Jackson, Cavanagh,
tent predictor of hypomanic symptoms the following day, and Scott (2003) confirmed that sleep disturbance is the
and sleep deprivation occurring in the course of mania has most frequently cited prodromal symptom to a manic epi-
been observed to exacerbate manic symptoms by psychiat- sode, with 77% of 1,191 subjects in studies reviewed iden-
ric nurse ratings (Barbini, Bertelli, Colombo, & Smeraldi, tifying sleep disturbance before the episode. Additionally,
1996; Liebenluft, Albert, Rosenthal, & Wehr, 1996). sleep disturbance was noted to precede a depressive episode
Consequent to these observations, sleep deprivation has in 24% of individuals (Jackson et al., 2003). Similarly, in
been characterized as the “final common pathway” to the children with bipolar disorder (mean age 10.6 years), par-
occurrence of mania (Wehr, Sack, & Rosenthal, 1987). In ents noted sleep disturbance as the initial disturbance 45%
this model, a variety of triggers may precipitate sleep curtail- of the time and frequently occurring before age 3 (Faedda,
ment, which then brings out manic/hypomanic symptoms, Baldessarini, Glovinsky, & Austin, 2004). The early age
which further reinforces the relative reduced amounts of sleep of onset of sleep disruption and mood symptoms further
(Figure 11.1). This model has been difficult to test directly supports the heritability of bipolar disorder, though family
due to ethical issues related to inducing manic symptoms in history was not elaborated on in this cohort. Longitudinal
a vulnerable population. However, when sleep deprivation work examining the onset of bipolar symptoms in children
was implemented as a therapeutic intervention for those at high risk for development of bipolar disorders (i.e., off-
with bipolar depression, 5% of subjects experiencing bipolar spring of a parent with well-characterized bipolar disorder)

(ex. OSA,
shift work,
jet lag)
(ex. Experimental,

(ex. grief) Reduced total sleep
Insomnia Disruption time

(ex. environmental Increased
noise, newborn) Activity

Somatic (ex. Medical
illness, pain,

Figure 11.1 
Sleep in the final common pathway leading to mania. Sleep disruption (i.e. from sleep disorders, environmental disturbances) or
deprivation (i.e. from drugs, stress or external schedule), leads to a reduction in total sleep time that both precipitates and perpetuates the manic
state. Adapted from Wehr, 1989.

C ircadian R h y thms , S leep, and T heir T reatment I mpact   •   131

similarly points to sleep disturbance preceding the manifes- 1990), pindolol (Smeraldi, Benedetti, Barbini, Campori,
tation of affective symptoms in adolescence (Duffy, 2010; & Colombo, 1999), and other chronotherapeutics, such
Duffy, Alda, Crawford, Milin, & Grof, 2007). as light (Colombo et al., 2000). Wake therapy paired with
Many factors have been purported as triggers of medications has shown sustained mood improvement,
a manic/hypomanic episode, including stressful life with lower manic relapse rates than antidepressants alone
events, goal-attainment events, seasonality, and medica- (Benedetti, 2012). Functional MRI studies evaluating the
tions (Poudfoot, Doran, Manicavasagar, & Parker,2011). adjunctive use of wake therapy for depression suggests the
Additionally, a change in sleep can signal an impending equivalent neurobiological changes of serotonin in the
mood episode. Bauer et  al. (2006) showed that a change brain equal to six weeks of conventional antidepressants,
in sleep and time in bed over 3 hours can be a prodromal paired with up to a 50% reduction in Hamilton Depression
signal of mood change. They showed that sleep duration is Scale Scores (Benedetti & Colombo, 2011).
more strongly correlated to mood than is the relative tim-
ing at which sleep occurs, and, in one cohort, euthymic
patients with bipolar disorder demonstrated a mean total
sleep time approaching 9 hours (Bauer et al., 2009; Gruber
et  al., 2011). However, short (less than 6 hours) and long Just as curtailed sleep can trigger manic symptoms, enforced
(more than 9 hours) sleep durations are both associated extended time in bed has been shown to be somewhat help-
with decreased quality of life in patients with bipolar dis- ful in controlling rapid cycling patients. In one case study,
order (Gruber et al., 2011). Sleep variability was noted to be an individual with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder was pre-
associated with increased depression and mania severity but scribed extended bed rest (Wirz-Justice et al., 1999). In this
not the presence of mania itself (Gruber et al., 2011). instance, her rapid cycling stopped immediately, though she
remained depressed until the later addition of bright light
therapy. Subsequent work implementing a 14-hour dark
S L E E P A S   A T R E AT M E N T period in 16 consecutively admitted manic patients on lith-
C OM P ON E N T ium or valproate successfully hastened recovery from the
manic episode and reduced the need for rescue antipsychot-
Manipulations of the sleep–wake cycle have been used ics (Barbini et al., 2005). However, benefit was not attained
to probe the relationship of sleep and bipolar disorder. in those with manic symptoms longer than two weeks.
However, such manipulations have important treatment
implications as well. The final section of this chapter
reviews the use of sleep-related treatment interventions in NON PH A R M ACOL O G IC A L
bipolar disorder. T R E AT M E N T S

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia

With all the usual sedating pharmacology and correspond-
T H E R A PY ”
ing side effects seen in treating bipolar disorder, additional
Sleep deprivation, either total or partial, has been noted sleeping medication and its side effects may decrease medi-
to improve the mood of depressed bipolar patients (Wehr, cation compliance altogether. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
1992; Barbini et al., 1998; for a review, see Benedetti, 2012). for Insomnia (CBT-I) is an efficacious, nonpharmacologi-
Due to the observation that such mood improvement cal treatment with durable effects in adults with insomnia
occurs after a prolonged wake period but is limited by a high (Edinger & Means, 2005). The key components of CBT-I are
rate of relapse after subsequent recovery sleep, some have time-in-bed restriction, stimulus control, sleep hygiene, and
tested “wake therapy” as a treatment for bipolar disorder cognitive restructuring surrounding sleep-related thoughts
(Benedetti, 2012; Wu & Bunney, 1990). A significant limi- (Edinger & Means, 2004). Certain instructions inherent to
tation of wake therapy is that the mood improvement is not stimulus control, whereby patients are asked to “get into bed
sustained when implemented alone; only 5% of respond- only once sleepy” and “get out of bed if not asleep within
ers to wake therapy sustained the benefit with resumption 20 minutes,” may introduce short-term sleep deprivation
of normal sleep (Benedetti & Colombo 2011). As such, and theoretically can trigger manic/hypomanic symptoms
sleep restriction has been combined with medications such (Wehr, 1992). In addition, cognitive restructuring may be
as lithium (Benedetti et  al., 1999; Grube & Hartwich, difficult, as some of bipolar patients’ beliefs about their sleep

13 2   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
may in fact be true; for example, “If I don’t sleep enough, cyclical nature of the disorder, much work has focused on
I might become manic.” Nevertheless, the significant vari- the impact of circadian rhythms, and, taken together, it is
ability of sleep patterns observed in patients with bipolar evident that sleep–wake variability plays a role in the expe-
disorder (Jones et al., 2005; Millar et al., 2004; Ritter et al., rience of bipolar disorder. Psychological therapies targeting
2012) suggests that CBT-I would be helpful. sleep specifically have been found to be effective in reduc-
It is important, therefore, to modify the treatment ing sleep disruption, stabilizing mood, and reducing risk for
protocol somewhat to account for such issues. Recently, relapse.
Kaplan, and Harvey (2013) examined the treatment
Disclosure statement: Dr. Michelle Primeau has no conflicts
efficacy of CBT-I in a group of 15 euthymic bipolar sub-
of interest. Joshua Z. Tal has no conflicts of interest.
jects, utilizing modifications for their specific pathology.
Setting consistent bedtime and rise times with customized
wind-down and wake-up routines, along with individual-
ized modifications of stimulus control, were successful at
reducing insomnia severity scores, with only mild elevation Akiskal, H. S., Walker, P., Puzantian, V. R., King, D., Rosenthal, T. L.,
in mood rating scales (Kaplan and Harvey, 2013). & Dranon, M. (1983). Bipolar outcome in the course of depressive
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Michael Bauer and Timothy Dinan

INTRODUCTION in the components of the “fight or flight” response with a

release of catecholamines such as norepinephrine and epi-
Over the past 30  years numerous studies have been per- nephrine, chronic stress results in alterations of the HPA,
formed examining neuroendocrine aspects of major depres- which produce a number of adaptive behavioral and physio-
sion. Far fewer studies have been conducted on patients logical changes leading to an increase in the release of corti-
with bipolar disorder than in patients with unipolar sol and other steroinds from the adrenal cortex (McEwen &
depression. There are several reasons for this, including the Gianaros, 2010).
fact that unipolar depression is more common, it is diffi- Under basal conditions, corticotropin releasing hor-
cult to maintain bipolar patients drug-free for any appre- mone (CRH) is produced within the medial paraven-
ciable length of time, and the simplistic but commonly held tricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and is the dominant
perception until relatively recently that mania was the bio- regulator of the axis, mediating the endocrine response
logical inverse of depression hampered activity in the field. to stress (Lloyd & Nemeroff, 2011). Following any threat
Over the past decade several important studies have been to homeostasis, CRH release is triggered. In situations
published examining neuroendocrine aspects of bipolar of chronic stress, many parvicellular neurons co-express
disorder, and, while some of these studies are limited by the vasopressin (AVP), which plays an important role in sus-
fact that medicated patients were recruited, some investiga- taining HPA activation through a synergistic action with
tors have conducted studies in patients who were drug-free CRH (Dinan & Scott, 2005). CRH and AVP act on the
for an adequate period. We thus have a body of knowledge anterior pituitary corticotropes to stimulate the release of
regarding hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), causing increased
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis (HPT) function in synthesis and release of cortisol, the main stress hormone of
bipolar disorder, and these axes are the primary focus of the axis, from the adrenal glands (see Figure 1.2 for details).
this chapter. In response to psychological stress, CRH release is
controlled by classic central neurotransmitters such as nor-
epinephrine and serotonin. The release of CRH is under
S T R E S S B IOL O G Y excitatory control from the amygdala and inhibitory input
from the hippocampus. In response to physical stressors,
The HPA is the core endocrine stress system in humans. such as infection, CRH-containing neurones respond to
It not only regulates the body’s peripheral functions relat- proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6,
ing to metabolism and immunity but also has profound and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. CRH acts through
effects on the brain by influencing neuronal survival and two different receptors:  CRH1 and CRH2 (Bale &
neurogenesis in structures such as the hippocampus and Vale, 2004). The former, which is adenyl cyclase linked,
amygdala, where it plays a pivotal role in memory (Martin, mediates the release of ACTH from the anterior pituitary.
Ressler, Binder, & Nemeroff, 2009). While acute stress The principal mechanism by which cortisol produces
activates the sympathoadrenal medullary system, resulting its effects is by activation of intracellular receptors that

13 7
Opioids 5-HT
+ over hours. Cortisol feedback takes place at a variety of lev-
NA els, including the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and ante-
+ rior pituitary.

Once glucocorticoids are released into the circulation,
availability at a cellular level is influenced by various local

+ IL-6 factors, including corticosteroid binding globulin, mul-
tidrug resistance transporter, P-glycoprotein (an efflux
AVP pump that decreases intracellular concentrations), and
11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD, an enzyme
with two isoforms (Edwards, 2012). One isoform converts

inactive glucocorticoids into their active form (e.g., cor-
ticosterone in rodents; cortisol in humans). The second
isoform breaks down active glucocorticoids into inactive
– Anterior
pituitary metabolites. Enhanced corticosteroid binding globulin
levels and P-glycoprotein expression, as well as a decrease
in 11β-HSD-1 or an increase in 11β-HSD-2, reduce the
levels of active glucocorticoids in the cell, contributing to a
Cortisol +
state of glucocorticoid resistance. Glucocorticoid effects are
Adrenal cortex
ultimately determined at the level of the GR. An impaired
GR function, whether brought about by reduced expres-
sion, binding affinity to its ligand, nuclear translocation,
DNA binding, or interaction with other transcription fac-
Figure 12.1 
Translation and interface from basic and clinical research tors (i.e., NF-κB), can also result in a state of glucocorticoid
in bipolar disorder, divided in phase I (translational research per se) e
phase II (translational research advances into population benefits and resistance, increasing vulnerability to enhanced inflamma-
improved health system) (adapted from Machado-Vieira, 2012). tory responses. Thus even when circulating glucocorticoid
concentrations are normal, impaired control of immune
translocate to the nucleus and bind to specific DNA responses can occur at the cellular and molecular level
regions, hence modulating gene transcription. Two dis- (Silverman & Sternberg, 2012).
tinct receptors bind cortisol. The type 1 receptor (MR),
which is indistinguishable from the peripheral miner-
alocorticoid receptor, is distributed principally in the H PA A N D B I P OL A R I L L N E S S
septo-hippocampal region and mediates tonic influences
of cortisol or corticosterone monitoring diurnal fluctua- Mood disorders in general are perceived as stress related. In
tions in the steroid; the type 2 or glucocorticoid receptor the case of bipolar disorder, acute episodes can be triggered
(GR) has a wider distribution and mediates stress-related by environmental stress, especially episodes early in the
changes in cortisol levels (Martocchia, Curto, Toussan, course of illness. Dysregulation of the HPA in the disorder
Stefanelli, & Falaschi, 2011). By binding to the GR and has been recognized for more than 40 years (Grunze, 2011).
the MR, endogenous glucocorticoids serve as potent Such dysregulation is now perceived as due to an interac-
inhibitory regulators of HPA axis activity. The MR has tion between genetic and environmental factors. Here we
a 10-fold higher affinity for cortisol than GR does and review physiological studies exploring axis functioning in
regulates basal diurnal fluctuation in cortisol, whereas GR the disorder, as well as the potential impact of polymor-
becomes progressively occupied only at peaks of cortisol phisms of key regulatory genes.
secretion and after a stressful stimulus (De Kloet, 2008).
These receptor systems provide negative feedback loops at
a limbic, hypothalamic, and pituitary level.
Activity within the HPA is regulated by a balance Two meta-analyses of linkage scans in bipolar disorder
between forward drive and negative feedback. From a phys- report linkage to the 8q region distal to the CRH gene. The
iological perspective, feedback is defined in terms of speed more recent study reports genome-wide significance for this
of response into immediate, intermediate, and delayed. The locus even when bipolar II disorder patients are included
former is seen within minutes and the latter takes place in the analysis (Binder & Nemeroff, 2010). Genome-wide

13 8   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
association studies have been published for bipolar disor- bipolar patients treated with lithium carbonate for 5 to
der and for unipolar depression, but none show convincing 27  years (Szczepankiewicz, Rybakowski, Suwalska, &
association of SNPs within CRF-system loci. Hauser, 2011). Thirty patients were identified as excellent
Rare mutations of the GR gene have been described, which lithium responders, 58 patients as partial responders, and
lead to a generalized cortisol resistance (Charmandari & 27 as nonresponders. A significant difference in allele fre-
Kino, 2010). Patients with such mutations present with quencies for BclI polymorphism between patients with
hypertension and hypokalemic alkalosis indicative of adre- different lithium response was observed with C allele asso-
nal overproduction of mineralocorticoids and, in females, ciated with excellent lithium response. A  strong linkage
male pattern baldness, and menstrual irregularities as a disequilibrium of five GR polymorphisms (rs6198, rs6191,
consequence of overproduction of adrenal androgens are rs6196, rs258,813, rs33,388), with TAAGA haplotype was
observed. With defects in the GR, the central negative prevalent in the group of partial and nonresponders to
feedback of cortisol is reduced with increased production lithium.
by the adrenal gland and with high affinity to the MR. The
consequence is hyperactivity of the HPA axis in the absence
of a stressor. The mutations that lead to the GC resistance
syndrome are principally located in the ligand-binding and
DNA-binding domains of the GR gene. Various measurements of cortisol output have been reported
The GR is a ligand-dependent transcription factor that in bipolar disorder. These include measurements of cortisol
belongs to the nuclear hormone receptor super family. in plasma, saliva, and urine. Few studies have focused on
There are two principal molecular pathways by which GR CSF measurements. However, Swann et  al. (1992) found
controls transcription: (a) it dimerizers and directly binds elevated CSF cortisol in mania similar to that reported
to positive or negative glucocorticoid response elements in for depression. In a comprehensive study of salivary corti-
the promoter regions of genes leading to transcriptional sol secretion, Deshauer et  al. (2003) obtained six salivary
increases or decreases and (b)  GR monomers indirectly samples per day for three days in bipolar patients in remis-
influence the transcription of genes through interactions sion and 28 offspring of bipolar patients. The advantages
with other transcription factors (e.g., NF-κB). Mutations of measuring salivary cortisol include ease of collection
leading to cortisol resistance have a low prevalence, and the and the fact that salivary cortisol is not protein bound and
mental state of those carrying the mutation has not been therefore a reflection of biologically active cortisol. No dif-
reported on. ferences in salivary cortisol levels were observed at any time
FKBP5 is a co-chaperone of the glucocorticoid recep- point. The data indicate that when bipolar patients are in
tor. Polymorphisms in the gene encoding this co-chaperone remission, salivary cortisol levels are normal. Furthermore,
have been shown to be associated with higher FKBP5 lead- subjects with a family history of bipolar disorder do not
ing to increased GR resistance and impaired negative feed- show elevated salivary cortisol levels. These findings are in
back. Binder (2009) indicates a link with bipolar disorder contrast to those of Wedekind et al. (2007), who examined
and also presents evidence showing a strong association nocturnal urinary cortisol secretion in bipolar patients who
between antidepressant response and FKBP5 polymor- were currently depressed at the beginning and end of inpa-
phisms. There is an intriguing possibility that drugs that tient treatment. They found elevations in cortisol, which
target FKBP5 have the potential to prevent the long-term were especially pronounced in bipolar psychotic patients.
effects of trauma on GR responsivity and perhaps restore They concluded that the HPA overactivity is a trait rather
GR function in mood disorders such as bipolar disorder. than a state marker.
Spijker and van Rossum (2012) found, in a sample of Increasing evidence suggests that enhanced cortisol
245 bipolar patients, an association between the 9β poly- response to waking is a robust marker of exaggerated HPA
morphism and reduced risk of hypomania, while Perlis et al. response and has been reported as abnormal in a variety of
(2010), in a sample of 173 patients with bipolar I depressive stress-related conditions. Deshauer et  al. (2003) examined
episodes, found the response to lamotrigine (used in the the cortisol awakening response in bipolar patients who
treatment of bipolar depression) was associated with the had responded to lithium. Such patients were found to have
GR polymorphisms rs258,747 and rs6198 (9β). an enhanced cortisol response to waking compared with
In addition, genotypes of eight analyzed polymorphisms healthy controls. Furthermore, there is now evidence to indi-
of GR gene (rs10,052,957, rs6196, rs6198, rs6191, rs258,813, cate that the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder have
rs33,388, rs6195, rs41,423,247) were investigated in 115 higher mean cortisol levels in the mornings and afternoons

H PA A xis and H P T A xis and T heir T reatment I mpact   •   13 9

than the offspring of parents without mental illness. Similar (DEX) the evening prior to the CRH challenge. Subjects
abnormalities have been reported in schizophrenia in vari- usually receive an oral dose of DEX 1.5mg at 11 pm fol-
ous phases of illness and even in drug-naive patients. lowed by CRH 1 mg/kg. Blood samples are collected at
3:00, 3: 15, 3:30, 3:45, 4:00, and 4:15 pm. It is well estab-
lished that patients with major depression have an enhanced
ACTH release relative to healthy controls when CRH is
administered after DEX. The reason for this enhancement
The low dose (1 mg) dexamethasone suppression test is the is not fully understood, though it has been postulated that
most extensively investigated test in the history of biological enhanced vasopressin activity in depression may be involved.
psychiatry, but its usefulness in a clinical setting is limited Rybakowski and Twardowska (1999) examined 40
due to low sensitivity and specificity. It is fundamentally a patients with depression, 16 bipolars and 24 unipolars,
test of delayed feedback in the HPA. While this test has been both during an acute episode of depression and in remis-
examined primarily in depression, studies in manic patients sion. They found that during depressive episodes bipolar
have also been undertaken. Rates of nonsuppression in mania patients had a greater cortisol response to DEX/CRH
are in the 40% to 50% range, similar to those reported for than unipolar patients and there was a significant correla-
depression. However, as in the case of depression, the abnor- tion between the endocrine response and the severity of
mality usually normalizes with effective treatment. depression. Furthermore, this anomaly persisted in the
bipolars, even in remission. Schmider et al. (1995) tested
acute and remitted manic patients, those in acute depres-
sion and healthy controls. ACTH and cortisol release
The ACTH and free cortisol response to the injec- were significantly increased in both manic and depressed
tion of 100  μg of synthetic human CRH and plasma patients in comparison to healthy subjects. In remission
cortisol-binding globulin levels were measured in manic patients had a decreased response but nonetheless
42 lithium-treated patients suffering from Research a response significantly higher than seen in controls. The
Diagnostic Criteria bipolar I disorder in remission and 21 data indicate that in either an acute manic episode or in
age- and sex-matched normal controls (Vieta et al., 1999). remission, bipolar patients have abnormalities in HPA
A one-year follow-up was conducted to assess any possible function. A more comprehensive study of the DEX/CRH
relationship between outcome and the hormonal response. test in bipolar patients in remission was carried out by the
Bipolar patients showed higher baseline and peak ACTH Newcastle group (Watson, Gallagher, Ritchie, Ferrier, &
concentrations than control subjects. A higher area under Young, 2004), which examined 53 bipolar patients, of
ACTH concentration curve after CRH stimulation pre- whom 27 were in remission, and 28 healthy controls. The
dicted manic/hypomanic relapse within six months by bipolar patients had an enhanced cortisol response to the
multiple regression analysis. Bipolar patients in remission DEX/CRH relative to the controls. The authors concluded
showed mild abnormalities in ACTH levels before and that the DEX/CRH test is abnormal in both remitted and
after CRH stimulation. Thus CRH challenge may be a nonremitted bipolar patients. Patients with a rapid cycling
potentially good predictor of manic or hypomanic relapse form of bipolar I disorder were investigated. Five patients
in remitted bipolar patients. were sequentially tested with DEX/CRH. The results were
Likewise, in schizophrenia there is only one published stable over time, suggesting that the test yields results that
study of the CRH test (Roy et al., 1986). While patients are independent of the mood state in such patients.
were drug-free, ACTH and cortisol response to CRH infu- For a review of the DEX/CRH test in schizophrenia,
sion was similar to that in controls. Treatment with flu- see Bradley and Dinan (2010). The most clear-cut study
phenazine had no effect on response to CRH. This would was published by Lammers et al. (1995) who reported on
suggest that patients with bipolar illness and schizophrenia 24 schizophrenia patients and 24 controls. Basal cortisol
differ in terms of response to CRH. However, there are no was statistically significantly greater in patients than in
studies of adequate sample size comparing both disorders. controls, and basal ACTH trended toward being higher in
patients. Peak cortisol following DEX and CRH and corti-
sol AUC 14.00 to 18.00 following DEX, and CRH was sig-
nificantly greater in schizophrenia patients than controls.
This test assesses both forward drive and feedback activity in There was no evidence for a difference in ACTH AUC fol-
the HPA and is carried out by administering dexamethasone lowing CRH infusion between both groups.

14 0   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
DE X VA S OPR E S S I N T E S T with cortisol synthesis inhibitors, most of the research has
been focused on the use of glucocorticoid receptor antago-
The release of ACTH from the anterior pituitary is under
nists. Several small studies of the glucocorticoid antagonist
the joint control of CRH acting through CRH1 receptors
RU 486 in patients with bipolar depression and with psy-
and vasopressin acting on V3 (sometimes called V1b) recep-
chotic depression have been conducted. Evidence of effi-
tors. The latter become more important during chronic
cacy remains questionable. Some of the data do indicate
stress. Dinan, O’Brien, Lavelle, and Scott (2004) dem-
improvements in cognitive functioning following such
onstrated increased responsiveness in these receptors in
treatment. Given the negative effects of high cortisol on
patients with major depression. They used desmopressin to
hippocampal function, such a positive impact on cognition
stimulate ACTH release and found that patients with major
seems biologically plausible.
depression released more ACTH than did healthy subjects.
DEX has also been proposed as a treatment strategy for
Watson, Gallagher, Ferrier, and Young (2006) examined
bipolar depression. It has long been recognized that gluco-
DEX/negative feedback on AVP release in 64 patients with
corticoids when administered to psychologically healthy sub-
mood disorder and 21 controls. Forty-one patients were
jects can result in elevation of mood. Again, no convincing
bipolar and the remainder had chronic depressive disor-
large-scale studies have been conducted. Also, as in the case
der. Twenty-one of the bipolar patients were in remission,
of most drugs being developed for treating mood disorders,
10 were depressed, and 10 were rapid cycling. All subjects
the bulk of studies with these agents have been conducted in
were administered DEX 1.5mgat at 11 pm. On the fol-
patients with unipolar rather than bipolar depression.
lowing afternoon at 3:00 pm, blood was collected for AVP
measurement. Post-DEX levels were significantly higher in
patients with bipolar illness and chronic depressive than I M PAC T
matched healthy controls. It is not clear from the study
Despite the heterogeneity of outcomes from the studies
whether AVP levels were elevated at baseline or whether
reviewed here, there is evidence that people with bipolar
the AVP emanated from the paraventricular nucleus or the
illness frequently experience periods of heightened cortisol
magnocellular nucleus of the hypothalamus. However, it
secretion. This hypersecretion may be evident even when
is tempting to speculate that the HPA overactivity seen in
patients are normothymic. The variation in results may
patients with bipolar illness may be driven by excess AVP.
be explained by varying symptoms of illness, as well as by
medication use and exposure to other environmental fac-
PI T U I TA RY VOLU M E tors known to influence HPA axis function. It is likely that
such hypercortisolism accounts for the increase in cardio-
Sassi et  al. (2001) measured the volumes of the pituitary vascular disease and poor cognitive outcomes seen in such
gland in 23 patients with bipolar disorder and 34 healthy patients. However, efforts so far aimed at therapeutic tar-
controls. They reported smaller pituitary volumes in bipo- geting of the HPA have proved disappointing. Large-scale
lar disorder. A  more recent MRI study was carried out prospective studies examining patients in various phases of
on 29 remitted patients with bipolar disorder, 49 of their illness are required.
first-degree relatives (of whom 15 had a diagnosis of major
depressive disorder), and 52 age- and gender-matched
healthy controls (Takahashi et al., 2010). Bipolar patients ORG A N I Z AT ION OF 
had a significantly larger pituitary volume compared with THE HPT A X IS
their relatives and healthy controls. There is certainly no
consensus on this issue. The functionally interrelated hypothamalic-pituitary-
thyroid (HPT) axis is a classic endocrine system with a
hierarchic organization. The thyroid gland is the largest
PH A R M AC OL O G IC A L endocrine organ in the human body. Thyrotropin-releasing
TA RG E T I NG OF   T H E H PA   A X I S hormone (TRH) is a hypothalamic tripeptide synthesized
in the paraventricular nucleus and released from the median
CRF receptor antagonists have shown considerable prom- eminence into the primary plexus of the portal venous sys-
ise in animal models of stress, but studies in patients have so tem to thus reach the secondary plexus adjacent to anterior
far proved disappointing. Although there are case reports pituitary sinusoids. Its synthesis and release are regulated by
of patients with bipolar depression responding to treatment afferent influences from the limbic forebrain. TRH release

H PA A xis and H P T A xis and T heir T reatment I mpact   •   141

is stimulated centrally by α-adrenergic transmission and and emotional performance (Bauer, Samuels, & Whybrow,
inhibited by a negative feedback effect of circulating thyroid 2013; Schuff, Samuels, Whybrow, & Bauer, 2013). A severe
hormones. It is believed that TRH also functions as a neuro- lack of thyroid hormones does mimic melancholic depres-
modulator/neurotransmitter in many regions of the central sion and significant impairment in cognitive functioning
nervous system (CNS), including the amygdala and hippo- in most patients suffering hypothyroid conditions (Schuff
campus of humans. et  al., 2013; Whybrow, Prange, & Treadway, 1969). The
In the pituitary, TRH binds to membrane receptors fact that disturbed mood and behavior is present in patients
and induces the production of thyroid-stimulating hor- who suffer primary thyroid disorders is well established in
mone (TSH). After release into the general circulation, the scientific literature; so is it possible that changes in the
TSH binds to a specific TSH receptor (TSH-R) on the thy- thyroid system play a role in the etiology of mood and other
roid cell membrane, activating both the G protein-adenylyl psychiatric disorders? And, if so, might the thyroid hor-
cyclase-cAMP and the phospholipase C signaling sys- mones have value in the treatment of psychiatric disorders,
tems. The activity of the thyroid gland is predominantly particularly affective illness?
regulated by the concentration of TSH. Thus regulation of
thyroid function in healthy individuals is to a large extent
determined by the factors that regulate the synthesis and
secretion of TSH. In the absence of pituitary function, the Clinical studies suggest that there may be abnormalities
clinical condition of hypothyroidism occurs. in thyroid hormone metabolism in patients with affective
In healthy individuals, the thyroid gland produces pre- (mood) disorders and that these may not be readily appar-
dominantly the prohormone thyroxine (T4) together with ent with the standard tests to screen for thyroid disease. In
a small amount of the bioactive hormone triiodothyronine fact, the vast majority of patients with primary affective
(T3). These two hormones have traditionally been referred disorders (greater than 90%) have thyroid hormone blood
to as thyroid hormones. TSH stimulates and regulates the levels within the euthyroid range (reviewed in O’Connor,
production of thyroid hormones, synthesized from the Gwirtsman, & Loosen, 2003). However, within that nor-
incorporation of iodide into thyroglobulin. T4, the major mal range the thyroid hormone economy appears to be
secretion product of the thyroid gland, is converted to its predictive of therapeutic response, with growing evidence
biologically active metabolite, T3, by widely distributed that thyroid hormone levels in the low–normal range or
enzymes called iodothyronine 5’ monodeiodinases (deio- below-normal range (i.e., thyroid hypofunction) can result
dinases). Thus T4 is the precursor for the more potent in a suboptimal treatment outcome. Frye et al. (1999) have
hormone, T3. After release into the general circulation, reported that within the “normal” range, a low level of free
thyroid hormones are necessary for the regulation of vari- thyroxin (fT4) in patients with bipolar disorder is associated
ous metabolic functions in all body tissues throughout with more affective episodes and greater severity of depres-
the life span. In addition T3 and T4 exert feedback on the sion during prophylactic lithium treatment. In another
thyroid economy at pituitary and hypothalamic levels study, lower free thyroxin index values and higher TSH val-
(review: Santisteban, 2013). ues within the normal range were significantly associated
with poorer treatment response in bipolar patients during
the depressed phase (Cole et al., 2002). Also, a substantial
T H Y ROI D A N D   B R A I N proportion of lithium-treated patients develop thyroid
abnormalities, with women having a higher risk than men
Amazingly, certain clinical facts about the relationship of developing thyroid disease during lithium treatment
between thyroid hormones and the brain have been known (Bauer, Glenn, Pilhatsch, Pfennig, & Whybrow, 2013;
for more than 100 years. Thyroid hormones play an essen- Kirov, Tredget, John, Owen, & Lazarus, 2005).
tial role in the development of the human brain, and in the Taken together, these observations suggest that a robust
adult brain significant disturbances of the thyroid homeo- thyroid economy confers an advantage that promotes rapid
stasis may alter mental function (Bauer et al., 2003; Bauer recovery following treatment. Thus a working hypothesis in
et al., 2009). Both excess production of thyroid hormones seeking to explain these clinical observations is that thyroid
(the clinical condition of hyperthyroidism) and inadequate hormones modulate the severity and course of depression
thyroid hormone production (the clinical syndrome of rather than playing a specific pathogenic role. The hypoth-
hypothyroidism) are associated with significant changes in esis that thyroid hormones act as modulators in mood dis-
mental functioning, including mood, perception, cognition, orders is further supported by studies of the relationship

14 2   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
between thyroid function and the clinical course of bipolar modulating role in the development of the rapid cycling
disorder, especially that of the rapid cycling variant. pattern.


Some studies have reported a high prevalence for antithy-
About 10% to 15% of bipolar patients experience rapid roid antibodies in patients with affective disorders receiv-
cycling; while similar to other bipolar patients nosologi- ing lithium therapy, suggesting that thyroid autoimmunity
cally and demographically, they tend to have a longer dura- may mediate the antithyroid effects of lithium. Other stud-
tion of illness and a more refractory course. Furthermore, ies have not found an increased prevalence of antithyroid
there is some evidence that women are disproportionately antibodies in patients with affective disorders receiving lith-
represented, making up 80% of rapid cycling patients, com- ium when compared to the general population, normal con-
pared to about 50% of non-rapid cycling patients. A variety trols, or controls with psychiatric disorders (Baethge et al.,
of factors may predispose bipolar illness to a rapid cycling 2005). Furthermore, patients who have thyroid autoimmu-
course, including treatment with tricyclic antidepressants nity prior to lithium exposure may show a rise in antibody
and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. titers and have an increased risk of developing hypothyroid-
It has long been debated whether thyroid axis abnor- ism while receiving lithium therapy. Specifically, thyroid
malities contribute to the development of rapid cycling peroxidase (TPO) antibodies were reported to be elevated
in patients with bipolar disorder. Several studies have in bipolar disorder with a prevalence of 28%, while results
found an association among indices of low thyroid func- from other studies were inconsistent with reported rates
tion or clinical hypothyroidism and rapid cycling, while ranging from 0% to 43%. In community studies, the rates
other studies refute this association. For example, one of prevalence of TPO antibodies generally range from
larger study reported that 23% of 30 patients with rapid about 12% to 18%. The estimate of TPO antibody preva-
cycling bipolar disorder had grade I hypothyroidism, while lence varies with the sensitivity and specificity of the testing
27% had grade II and 10% had grade III abnormalities methodology and is increased in females, in old age, when
(Bauer & Whybrow, 1990). The results from various stud- TSH levels are abnormally high or low, and when individu-
ies are inconsistent, and the conclusions to be drawn are als with known thyroid disease are included in the popula-
often limited by their retrospective design and lack of a tion. The impact of increasing age and female gender on the
healthy control comparison group. Most important, many detection of TPO antibodies has also been noted in patients
studies included patients who were receiving prophylac- with affective disorders, and elevated thyroid antibodies
tic long-term lithium treatment. The adverse effects of were reported in some studies of patients with unipolar
lithium on thyroid function do certainly have an impact depression but not in others. It was also hypothesized that
on thyroid indices. On the other hand, cross-sectional autoimmune thyroiditis, with TPO antibody as marker,
studies of unmedicated patients with rapid cycling bipo- may be a potential endophenotype for bipolar disorder and
lar disorder have found no abnormalities in basal TSH is related to the genetic vulnerability to develop bipolar dis-
and thyroxine levels. It was postulated that patients with order rather than to the disease process itself. While off-
rapid cycling may manifest no thyroid abnormalities spring of parents with bipolar disorder were found to have
until physiologically challenged by “antithyroid” stress- increased vulnerability to develop thyroid autoimmunity
ors. Such stressors may include spontaneously occurring as compared to high-school-age controls, this was indepen-
thyroid disease or goiterogenic drugs such as lithium. In dent of any psychiatric disorder or symptoms. Thyroid anti-
a recent controlled study, when previously unmedicated body status was also associated with an increased risk for
patients with rapid cycling were challenged with therapeu- lithium-induced hypothyroidism but not with current or
tic doses of lithium, a significantly higher delta TSH after former lithium treatment (Kupka et al., 2002). In a Dutch
thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation was found epidemiological study, the prevalence of a lifetime diagnosis
than in age- and gender-matched healthy controls who of depression was higher in subjects with positive TPOAb
also received lithium (Gyulai et  al., 2003). This finding in comparison with participants without TPOAb. Thyroid
suggests that a proportion of patients with bipolar disor- peroxidase antibodies were positively associated with trait
der has a dysfunction in the HPT axis that remains latent markers of depression, and the authors concluded that
until the axis is challenged by the thyroprivic effect of lith- the presence of TPOAb may be a vulnerability marker for
ium and that changes in the thyroid economy may play a depression (van de Ven et al., 2012).

H PA A xis and H P T A xis and T heir T reatment I mpact   •   14 3

T H E R A PE U T IC US E OF  puncture of the lumbar intrathecal space produced a 50%
H P T A X I S HOR MON E S I N  or greater reduction in the depression rating in the major-
MO OD DI S OR DE R S ity (five out of eight) of patients with treatment-resistant
depression (some of these patients had bipolar disorder),
while producing modest adverse events. An additional
study conducted by Callahan et  al. (1997), consisting of
The clinical administration of thyroid axis hormones as a two of the same patients as the previously mentioned study,
treatment in modern psychiatry has existed since the early demonstrated a repeated positive response to a subsequent
20th century. Norwegian physicians were the first to use intrathecal bolus dose of TRH. Despite some contradic-
hypermetabolic doses of desiccated sheep thyroid gland tory results, some interesting observations have emerged
to successfully treat patients with cyclic mood disorders from these studies suggestive of an increased likelihood of
and periodic catatonia in the 1930s to 1940s. The fact that response to TRH infusion in women and in patients with
thyroid hormone deficiency may lead to depression and bipolar disorder.
psychosis (“myxedematous madness”) and be reversed by
desiccated thyroid administration was demonstrated in a
case series by Asher in the late 1940s. Subsequently, with
the identification of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine
(T4) as the natural thyroid hormones in the 1950s, and their While thyroid hormone therapy (mono use) has not been
subsequent availability as pharmaceutical drugs, as well as established (mostly because not intensively well studied)
the discovery of TRH and TSH, the effects of synthetic as adequate treatment for patients with primary mood
hormones of the HPT system (T3, T4, TRH, and TSH) disorders, since the late 1960s, a series of open and con-
alone and in combination with traditional psychotropic trolled clinical trials have confirmed the therapeutic value
drugs have been studied repeatedly in the treatment of of adjunctive treatment with thyroid hormones in these
affective disorders (reviewed in Bauer & Whybrow, 2002; conditions. Specifically, there is evidence that T3 can accel-
Bauer et al., 2008). erate the therapeutic response to tricyclic antidepressants
and in treatment-resistant depression, T3 may augment the
response to tricyclic antidepressants, although the results
have been inconsistent (reviewed in Bauer et al., 2008).
Several lines of evidence from experimental animal stud- The hypothesis that suboptimal availability of circu-
ies suggest that TRH may produce antidepressant effects. lating thyroid hormones may contribute to the high rate
TRH1 receptor knockout mice demonstrated a depressive of treatment failures in bipolar disorder led researchers to
phenotype, as evidenced by increased immobility in the administer thyroid hormones in this condition. In studies
forced swim test and tail suspension test, common rodent of bipolar disorder, the doses of L-T4 varied broadly from
models of depression (Zeng et  al., 2007). Soon after the replacement doses (between 50 and 150 μg/d, commonly
identification and purification of TRH from sheep hypo- administered to balance lithium-induced (sub-)clinical
thalami in the late 1960s, two initial reports suggested that hypothyroid conditions) to supraphysiologic doses (250–
administration of 500  μg intravenously produced rapid 400 μg/d). Adjunctive L-T4 at supraphysiologic doses because
(within hours) antidepressant effects that persisted up only such high doses offered promise in previous open-label
to three days. TRH was previously studied for the treat- studies in rapid cycling, prophylaxis-resistant bipolar dis-
ment of depression in humans but produced unpredictable orders, and for patients with refractory bipolar depression
responses when administered by the oral, intravenous, or (Bauer, Berghöfer, et al., 2002; Bauer & Whybrow, 1990;
subcutaneous routes. This is not surprising given that the Baumgartner, Bauer, & Hellweg, 1994; Stancer & Persad,
peptide is rapidly cleared systemically and availability to the 1982). Supraphysiologic L-T4 may also have immediate
CNS would be limited. To test the hypothesis that TRH therapeutic value in antidepressant-resistant bipolar and
has antidepressant properties when given access to the CNS unipolar depressed patients during a phase of refractory
in humans, Marangell and colleagues (1997) administered depression (Bauer et al., 1998; Bauer et al., 2005). In these
TRH via an intrathecal injection using a lumbar puncture patients with malignant refractory affective disorder, doses
method. These data provide the most compelling evidence of 250 to 400 μg/d L-T4 are required to achieve therapeutic
for the rapid antidepressant effects of TRH. Specifically, effect, much higher than those used in the treatment of pri-
a single 500 μg bolus dose administered via percutaneous mary thyroid disorders (summarized in Table 12.1).

14 4   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S

Clinical indications • Rapid cycling bipolar disorders

• Prophylaxis-resistant mood disorders
• Treatment-refractory major depressive episodes (unipolar and bipolar)
Excluding conditions and states • Thyroid (current hyperthyroidism, previous or current thyroid adenoma)
• Cardiac (e.g., history of myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, insufficiency, unstable hypertension)
• Pregnancy; breastfeeding;
• Postmenopausal women with evidence of osteopenia/osteoporosis and without protection for
bone loss
• Age > 70 years
• Severe organic brain disorder (e.g., dementia)

Pretreatment screening and • Psychiatric and medical history and status

follow-up investigationsa • Vital signs (blood pressure and pulse)
• Body weight
• Electrocardiogramb
• Thyroid function tests (TSH, thyroid hormonesc)
• Routine laboratory evaluations
• Optional:
• Consultation with endocrinologist or internistd
• Bone mineral density (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry—only in patients who receive L-T4
prophylactically > 3 months)

L-T4 dosing regimene,f • Starting dose: 100 mcg/day

• Speed of dose increase: 100 mcg/week
• Target dose: 250–300 mcg/day, if no response and good tolerability up to 400 mcg/day

Consider additional radiological investigations in patients with history or suspected thyroid disorder (e.g., sonography of the thyroid gland). b Consider 24-h
ECG recording if history of arrhythmia. c Total T4, free T4, and total T3 levels; optional: free T3 levels and thyroid (TPO) antibodies. d Recommended in case of
tolerability problems or adverse events. e For euthyroid patients only; for patients with overt and subclinical hypothyroidism slower titration. f Single morning dose
(30 min before breakfast).

A recent controlled study attempted to further under- mineral density, were observed even in patients treated for
stand how thyroid hormones may improve depression in extended periods (Bauer et al., 2004; Ricken et al., 2012).
bipolar disorder. The study tested the efficacy of adjunctive The low incidence of adverse effects and high tolerability
treatment with supraphysiologic doses of L-T4 in patients reported by patients with affective disorders who are receiv-
with bipolar depression and the hypothesis that women ing high-dose thyroid hormone therapy contrasts with that
display a better outcome compared to men in a multi- typically seen in patients with primary thyroid disease. For
center, six-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-con- example, patients with thyroid carcinoma treated with
trolled fixed-dose (300 μg/day) trial (Stamm et al., 2014). high doses of L-T4 to achieve suppression of TSH com-
The course of depression scores over time from randomiza- monly complain of the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis.
tion to Week 6 was significantly different between groups
at Week 4 but not at the end of the placebo-controlled
phase. The secondary analysis of women revealed a signifi- P O S S I BL E M E C H A N I S M S
cant difference between groups in mean change of depres- OF   AC T ION
sion scores. High TSH levels, indicating suboptimal levels
of circulating thyroid hormones, were predicative for posi- What evidence is there to support this conjecture of a central
tive treatment outcome in women treated with L-T4. In disturbance of brain-thyroid metabolism in some patients
summary, this controlled study indicated that adjunctive who suffer refractory affective illness? Despite the clinical
treatment with supraphysiological doses of levothyroxine evidence of a close relationship between thyroid status and
is a promising strategy to overcome treatment resistance in behavioral disturbance, metabolic effects of thyroid hor-
bipolar depression, especially in women. mones in the adult mammalian brain have rarely been inves-
Although treatment with supraphysiologic T4 requires tigated in vivo. In part this lack of curiosity may be traced to
close monitoring, the hyperthyroxinemia is tolerated sur- reports in the 1950s and 1960s that suggested that oxygen
prisingly well. No serious effects, including loss of bone consumption in the mature human brain did not change

H PA A xis and H P T A xis and T heir T reatment I mpact   •   145

with thyroid status. But the absence of a technology capable comorbid anxiety symptoms have specific regional cere-
of direct in vivo measurement of brain thyroid metabolism bral metabolic correlates in bipolar depression and cannot
is also responsible. That still does not exist, but the evalua- only be explained exclusively by the depressive state of the
tion of cerebral blood flow and metabolism by functional patients (Bauer et al., 2010).
brain imaging techniques is a starting point, and recent stud- Thyroid hormone receptors are widely distributed in
ies have provided promising insights into the thyroid–brain the brain. Many of the limbic system structures where thy-
relationship (Bauer et al., 2008; Bauer et al., 2009). roid hormone receptors are prevalent have been implicated
Following the lead of earlier clinical treatment stud- in the pathogenesis of mood disorders. However, the cellu-
ies (see previous discussion), the effects of adjunctive sup- lar and molecular mechanisms underlying these metabolic
raphysiological doses of L-T4 on relative brain activity as a effects, and the neuropharmacological basis and func-
surrogate index of cerebral glucose metabolism were stud- tional pathways for the modulatory effects of thyroid hor-
ied in euthyroid women with bipolar depression using PET mones on mood, are yet to be understood. Interactions of
technology and 18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose as the radiotracer the thyroid and neurotransmitter systems, primarily nor-
(Bauer et al., 2005). At baseline, pretreatment, bipolar epinephrine and serotonin, which are generally believed to
depressed women had functional abnormalities in prefron- play a major role in the regulation of mood and behavior,
tal and limbic brain areas compared to healthy controls. may contribute to the mechanism of action in the develop-
Over seven weeks, the treatment with L-T4 (300 μg/d) sig- ing and mature brain (Bauer, Heinz, & Whybrow, 2002;
nificantly improved mood and was accompanied by signifi- Henley & Koehnle, 1997; Whybrow & Prange, 1981).
cant changes in relative brain activity. In particular, L-T4 There is robust evidence, particularly from animal studies,
treatment was associated with a widespread relative deac- that the modulatory effects on the serotonin system may
tivation of limbic and subcortical structures, including the be due to an increase in serotonergic neurotransmission
amygdala, hippocampus, caudate nucleus, ventral striatum, (Bauer, Heinz, et al., 2002). Thyroid hormones also inter-
thalamus, and cerebellar vermis. These findings (confirmed act with other neurotransmitter systems involved in mood
in a recent placebo-controlled PET study; Bauer et al., regulation, including dopamine postreceptor and signal
2015) suggest that in these treatment-resistant patients L-T4 transducing processes, as well as gene regulatory mecha-
produces mood improvement by actions on the specific lim- nisms. Furthermore, within the CNS, the regulatory cas-
bic and subcortical circuits that have been implicated in the cade through which the thyroid hormones, particularly T3,
pathophysiology of mood disorders. exert their effects is not well understood: deiodinase activ-
Epidemiological studies have documented high rates ity, nuclear binding to genetic loci, and ultimately protein
of comorbidity between bipolar and anxiety disorders. An synthesis may all be involved (Bauer et al., 2008).
independent association of comorbid anxiety with greater
severity and impairment in bipolar disorder patients and
an association of high anxiety levels with poor therapeu-
tic outcome has also been demonstrated. In a secondary C ONC LUS ION
analysis of data from the latter study (Bauer et al., 2005),
which used FDG and PET, we examined the relationship Thyroid hormones have a multitude of effects on the CNS,
between parallel changes in anxiety symptoms and in and it is now widely recognized that disturbances of mood
relative regional brain activity among bipolar depressed and cognition often emerge in association with putative dis-
patients receiving adjunctive high-dose L-T4 treatment. turbance of thyroid metabolism in the brain. As knowledge in
Relationships were assessed between regional brain activ- basic science and appropriate technology evolve, understand-
ity and anxiety symptoms while controlling for depression ing of the role of thyroid hormone function in the adult brain
severity. At baseline, Trait Anxiety Inventory measures will continue to be refined. Studies of the biology of thyroid
covaried positively with relative brain activity bilaterally hormone action shows that these hormones play an impor-
in the dorsal anterior cingulate, superior temporal gyri, tant role in normal brain function and that current laboratory
parahippocampal gyri, amygdala, hippocampus, ventral tests of thyroid status may not provide a sufficiently accurate
striatum, and right insula; state anxiety showed a simi- measure of thyroid hormone function within the CNS.
lar pattern. After-treatment anxiety was improved sig- Managing patients with bipolar disorders is a major treat-
nificantly, and change in trait anxiety covaried positively ment challenge, and improved therapies will arise only from
with changes in relative activity in the right amygdala and an increased understanding of the pathophysiology. Part of
hippocampus. Results from this analysis indicated that that increased understanding will involve neuroendocrine

14 6   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
investigations. While studies in drug-free and drug-naïve levothyroxine alter regional cerebral metabolism and improve mood
in bipolar depression. Molecular Psychiatry, 10(5), 456–469.
patients are required, the major necessity is for large-scale Bauer, M., Samuels, M. H., & Whybrow, P. C. (2013). Behavioral and
longitudinal studies of newly diagnosed patients. Only by psychiatric aspects of thyrotoxicosis. In L. E.  Braverman & D.
studying patients prospectively in different phases of their S. Cooper (Eds.), Werner & Ingbar’s the thyroid: A fundamental and
clinical text (10th ed., pp. 475–480). Philadelphia: Lippincott Wil-
illness can we achieve real understanding of the evolving liams & Wilkins.
biology. This may be even more important in female patients, Bauer, M., Silverman, D. H. S., Schlagenhauf, F., London, E. D., Geist,
where the hormonal milieu alters not only across the men- C.  L., Van Herle, K., . . . Whybrow, P.  C. (2009). Brain glucose
metabolism in hypothyroidism:  A  positron emission tomography
strual cycle but from the pre- to postmenopausal stages. The study before and after thyroid hormone replacement therapy. The
majority of cross-sectional studies currently available have Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 94, 2922–2929.
significant limitations. Prospective studies may not only help Bauer, M., Szuba, M.  P., & Whybrow, P.  C. (2003). Psychiatric and
behavioral manifestations of hyper- and hypothyroidism. In O.
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new targets for pharmacological intervention. ogy: The scientific basis of clinical practice (pp. 419–444). Washing-
ton, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
Disclosure statement: Dr. Michael Bauer has no conflicts of Bauer, M., & Whybrow, P.  C. (2002). Thyroid hormone, brain and
interests in the context of this chapter. Dr. Timothy Dinan behavior. In D. W. Pfaff, A. P. Arnold, A. M. Etgen, S. E. Fahrbach,
& R. T. Rubin (Eds.), Hormones, brain and behavior (pp. 239–264).
has no conflicts of interest. San Diego: Academic Press.
Bauer, M. S., & Whybrow, P. C. (1990). Rapid cycling bipolar affective
disorders: II. Treatment of refractory rapid cycling with high-dose
levothyroxine: a preliminary study. Archives of General Psychiatry,
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14 8   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S

Marcus V. Zanetti, Alexandre Loch, and Rodrigo Machado-Vieira

INTRODUCTION: TR A NSLATIONA L In this chapter we present some recent models of the

MODELS IN BIPOLAR DISOR DER pathophysiology of BD corroborated by proof-of-concept
clinical studies. Several new biological targets have shown
Bipolar disorder (BD) has been associated with a wide potential therapeutic relevance in BD using studies focus-
range of neurobiological models, but the pathophysiologi- ing on biomarkers and/or Phase I–II clinical studies. Due
cal mechanisms underlying mood regulation and cogni- to space limitation and major emphasis in other chapters,
tive symptoms are still not fully understood. Nevertheless, only some candidates associated with neuroprotection and
recent progress on the understanding about brain processes cellular resilience are presented.
from structural to molecular mechanisms has provided
a new picture on its still complex etiological basis. Also, a
considerable number of patients do not benefit from cur- T R A N S L AT I NG B IOM A R K E R S
rent treatments and present with functional impairment, A N D B IOMOL E C U L A R
poor quality of life, severe disability, and increased risk T R E AT M E N T S TO   C L I N IC A L
for suicidal behavior. Indeed, despite critical need for new PR AC T IC E :   N E W TO OL S
therapeutic targets for BD, we are experiencing a period of A N D T E C H NOL O G I E S
less investment in drug development for BD and other psy-
chiatric disorders relative to previous decades. Personalized The need for a more specific neurobiologically oriented
treatments have become a key goal in BD research, involv- diagnosis of BD has been emphasized for research pur-
ing the identification of neural circuits implicated in treat- poses. More recently, the possibility of developing medical
ment response. Many new tools and technologies have tools to aid clinicians in improving diagnostic and prognos-
been established but still do not provide more effective tic accuracy in psychiatric practice have driven the search
therapeutic approaches for the illness; thus more proof-of- for biomarkers for BD. Recent development of noninvasive
concept studies incorporating biological measures to clini- technologies to study human brain structure and function
cal models are required. Such considerations may offer new reinforce the relevance for translational investigations in a
multifactorial and dimensional models for the pathophysi- two-way bridge (back translation), from bench to bedside
ology of BD, contributing to the development of improved and vice versa. In this regard, brain imaging, neurocognitive
treatments. Surprisingly, so far only lithium has been first assessment, and the development of the “omics” approaches,
approved for the treatment of BD, while all other treatments such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and others,
were first indicated for other neuropsychiatric disorders. have been widely employed, and all of these approaches pro-
Also, there is a critical need to address the role of significant vide important insights into the pathophysiology of BD.
response variability, cognitive functioning, comorbidities, The number of new technologies available for use in psy-
and treatment-resistant cases for the scientific progress and chiatry research today is much higher compared to what we
development of new therapeutic agents that may be more had two or three decades ago. Though we still do not know
effective than the current standard treatments. the exact biological underpinnings of BD, these new tools

14 9
- animal models TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH (phase II)
RESEARCH (phase I)
- basic research in - From clinical research
vivo, in vitro Case series to medical care
- development of - New public health
Clinical trial phase 1 e2-
new compounds policies
Proof of concept trials
State and trait biomarkers, - Priorities: Prevention
surrogate oucomes and intervention
CLINICAL RESEARCH New tools/techologies

Clinical research phase 3 Bioinformatics

Figure 13.1 
Translation and interface from basic and clinical research in bipolar disorder, divided in phase I (translational research per se) e
phase II (translational research advances into population benefits and improved health system) (adapted from Machado-Vieira, 2012).

have enabled us to gain a better understanding of disease’s This concept, based on employment of certain biomarkers,
pathophysiological processes. As we begin to glimpse what focuses on early identification of molecules that will poten-
might be happening in the brain of someone with BD, more tially fail or those having the greatest potential for success
potential targets for pharmacological intervention become in Phase I or early Phase II trials.
available (see Figure 13.1). Another promising issue regarding the elucidation of
In this “translational” era, all knowledge is merged; psychiatric illness pathophysiology and the development
efforts are gathered to a common goal, which is the prog- of new, improved treatments relies on the recognition of
ress of science. Overall, perspectives include improvement biological signatures at multiple levels (see Figure 13.2). It
in the process of obtaining benefit for patients by trans- is nowadays acknowledged that multiple factors with small
forming scientific discoveries from preclinical research effects account for the etiology of BD. Consequently, these
into clinical applications, thus bonding the gap between syndromes would not be recognized by a single biomarker,
drug discovery in preclinical models and drug develop- distinctive of a specific disorder. Instead, a group of bio-
ment in humans. This may be possible by providing the markers would constitute a biological signature denoting
identification of more accurate individual treatment diverse altered pathological processes underlying the disease
through the validation of new biomarkers with potential (see Table 13.1). If a biological signature for BD is available,
clinical relevance, including prediction of pharmacologi- biomarker panels could aid in diagnosing BD and possibly
cal response to a particular treatment and the use of valid also in identifying biological profiles for specific pharma-
surrogate outcomes in BD. cological interventions. This perspective could bring us one
Other challenges to increase effectiveness include the step closer to personalized medicine in psychiatry.
development of new diagnostic tools, score systems for
quantitative biomarkers, clinical predictors of response, Table 13.1.  BIOMAR K ERS IN BIPOLAR DISOR DER
and surrogate outcomes. Also, small proof-of-concept Phase R ESEARCH: POTENTIAL UTILITY IN THE
I trials of novel treatments evaluating surrogate rather than CLINICAL PR ACTICE AND DEVLOPMENT
actual populations in clinical trials (e.g., subjects with OF NEW THER APEUTICS
hyperthymia instead of BD) by employment of certain
• Diagnostic Tool (Trait Marker)
pharmacological manipulations are able to mimic some of • Staging of Disease
the disease features; such studies in healthy volunteers or • Indicator of Disease Prognosis
special surrogate populations may have a significant impact • Prediction and Monitoring of Clinical Response to an
on the success rates of clinical research in BD at a lower cost • Phase of the Illness (State Marker)
and involving less time. In the same context, another model • Track Dose-Response
is to design clinical trials that estimate chances of success in • Early Identification of Illness
• Mapping of Outcome (Natural History Marker)
initial clinical development, called “quick win, quick kill.”

15 0   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S

Mood stabilization Treatment-resistant, mood

(treatment response), fewer BEHAVIORAL episodes and swings, cognitive
episodes, better outcome COGNITIVE deficits, poor social interaction

Normal volume in limbic Volume loss (cell death),

and paralimbic areas, no MACROSTRUCTURAL metabolic syndrome (e g.
comorbid conditions) HPA axis dysfunction and

Strengthen synapses, Impaired synaptogenesis/

resilience/adaptability to MACROSTRUCTURAL synaptic loss, decreased
biological stress, synaptic (MULTIPLE SYNAPSES) synaptic density and
efficiency connectivity

Targets for
Neuronal and glial Treatments
Brain cellular (SINGLE SYNAPSE, atrophy/death
homeostasis CELLULAR LEVEL) in BD

Receptors dysfunction (monoamines,

Normal physicochemical PLASMA glutamate, purines..) phospholipases,
membrane changes MEMBRANE peroxidation

Mitochondrial and ER dysfunction,

Multiple functions oxidative stress, neurotrophins
preservation e.g: INTRACELLULAR SIGNALING/ dysfunction, intracellular signaling,
energy metabolism, ionic SECOND MESSENGERS calcium, Bcl2, GSK-3

Risk/functional SNPs, altered

GENETIC LEVEL methylation/RNA expression, epigenetic
DNA integrity events, pharmacogenetics,
transcriptome changes

Figure 13.2  Potential therapeutic targets in bipolar disorder at multiple levels (adapted from Machado-Vieira, Soeiro-de-Souza, Richards, Teixeira & Zarate, 2014).
P O T E N T I A L TA RG E T S F OR  levels in BD patients (Dager et al., 2004; Hamakawa et al.,
T H E DE V E L OPM E N T OF  2004). Another sign of compromised mitochondrial energy
N E W T R E AT M E N T S F OR  production are the decreased levels of N-acetyl-aspartate
B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R (NAA) seen in BD patients compared to normal controls
(Kraguljac et al., 2012). NAA originates in the mitochon-
dria and is a marker of neuronal viability and a proxy for
brain energy metabolism. Finally, an elevation of peripheral
markers of oxidative stress has been described in BD, which
Mitochondrial dysfunction seems to correlate with longer duration of illness and earlier
age of onset of BD (Andreazza et al., 2008; Machado-Vieira
Dysfunction in brain energy metabolism has been con-
et al., 2007).
sidered a key mechanism in the pathophysiology of BD
As a consequence of this hypothesis, several substances
and is supported by different lines of evidence (Quiroz,
have been used and are currently being tested as mitochondrial
Gray, Kato, & Manji, 2008). One of the most plausible
activity modulators: coenzyme Q10, S-Adenosylmethionine,
models to explain this phenomena is the potential occur-
acetyl-L-carnitine, N-acetyl-cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, cre-
rence of a subtle mitochondrial dysfunction in BD (Clay,
atine monohydrate, and melatonin (Nierenberg et al., 2013).
Sillivan, & Konradi, 2011), as corroborated by several
So far, no robust finding regarding these substances has been
lines of investigation. Postmortem studies have found
described. However, some authors argue that combina-
decreased expression of mitochondrial genes encod-
tions of two or more of these candidates for mitochondrial
ing the electron transport chain (Konradi et  al., 2004;
function regulators should be considered for evaluation in
Sun, Wang, Tseng, & Young, 2006), increased upregu-
rigorous, well-powered clinical trials in patients with BD
lation of mitochondria-related genes (Kato, 2007), and
(Nierenberg et al., 2013).
abnormal mitochondrial complex I activity (Andreazza,
Shao, Wang, & Young, 2010; Andreazza, Wang, Salmasi,
Shao, & Young, 2013) in the brain tissue of BD individu-
Arachidonic acid cascade
als. Also, polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA have
been found to be associated with BD (Kato, Kunugi, BD has been associated to increased rates (1.5 to 3 times)
Nanko, Kato, 2001; Munakata et  al., 2004; Munakata, of premature death due to medical causes (i.e., unrelated to
Iwamoto, Bundo, & Kato, 2005; Xu et  al., 2008)  and suicide), higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome (up to
the NDUFAB1 (NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 49% of patients in US studies), and greater cardiovascular
1, alpha/beta subcomplex, 1)  gene—which encodes mortality than that observed in the adult general popula-
a subunit of complex I  of the mitochondrial respira- tion (Leboyer et al., 2012). So, besides a possible neurotoxic
tory chain—was encompassed in a region significantly effect reflected in the worsening of cognitive function-
linked to BD by a large case-control genome-wide asso- ing observed with the disease course, BD also seems to be
ciation (GWA) study (Wellcome Trust Case Control associated with systemic toxicity. There is also evidence of
Consortium, 2007). accelerated aging in BD: individuals with BD exhibit life
Mitochondria mainly regulate energy production in expectancy reduced by 10 to 13.6 years (Chang et al., 2011;
the cell, and their dysfunction can result in neuronal dam- Laursen, 2011) and shortened telomeres (Elvsåshagen et al.,
age via multiple mechanisms: decreased adenosine triphos- 2011; Rizzo et  al., 2013)  relative to the general popula-
phate (ATP) production, oxidative damage, abnormal tion of same age. Moreover, several studies have reported
calcium sequestration, and apoptosis via activation of cas- increased peripheral levels of proinflammatory cytokines
pase proteases. Regarding oxidative damage, under energy and decreased levels of regulatory interleukins (such as IL-3,
stress, mitochondrion generates ATP by anaerobic path- IL-4, and IL-10), suggesting that an imbalance between
ways. These pathways are far less efficient and release only immune responses Th1 and Th2 might occur at least in the
2 ATPs instead of the 38 of the aerobic pathway. This pro- acute phases of BD (for more details, see Chapter  10 on
cess also produces lactate, toxic reactive oxygen species and iımmune mechanisms and inflammation in this volume).
decreases cells’ pH levels. In accordance with the theory As inflammation and increased systemic oxidative stress
that BD patients might have impaired cell energy metabo- are known to be linked to atherosclerosis, hypertension,
lism, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies have diabetes, and obesity, it has been suggested that inflamma-
documented increased neuronal lactate and lowered pH tory processes could explain the excess of morbidity and

152   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
mortality observed in BD and might play a central role in from neurotransmitters, neurotrophic factors, and hor-
its pathophysiology (Leboyer et  al., 2012). Importantly, mones (Bartzokis, 2012; Du et al., 2010). GSK3 has nearly
treatment with mood stabilizers and antipsychotics seem 50 substrates in different intracellular compartments and
to be protective against premature death and to reduce the is particularly active in the nucleus and mitochondria, act-
excess of cardiovascular mortality observed in BD (Ahrens ing as a modulator of several processes related to neuronal
et al., 1995; Leboyer et al., 2012). function—such as gene expression, neurogenesis, myelina-
The fact that agents with proven efficacy for the treat- tion, synaptic plasticity, energy production, inflammation,
ment of BD seem to modulate immune-inflammatory and neuronal death and survival—through the phosphory-
activity in patients has been taken as further supportive of lation of other enzymes (Bartzokis, 2012; Li & Jope, 2010;
a proinflammatory hypothesis in BD. Emerging evidence Valvezan & Klein, 2012). The two main isoforms of GSK3,
suggests that antipsychotics and lithium downregulate the GSK-3α and GSK-3β, are expressed throughout the brain;
expression of inflammatory genes in the monocytes of BD they are partially active in unstimulated cells and regulated
patients (McNamara & Lotrich, 2012; Padmos et al., 2008). predominantly in an inhibitory manner by similar signal-
Moreover, antipsychotics have been shown to promote inhi- ing mechanisms (Li & Jope, 2010). When active, GSK3
bition of microglial activity in vitro (Bian et al., 2008; Kato, blocks myelination (Bartzokis, 2012), progenitor cell pro-
Monji, Hashioka, & Kanba, 2007). The exact mechanisms liferation, and neurogenesis (Valvezan & Klein, 2012).
by which these agents exert their anti-inflammatory actions The discovery in 1996 that lithium inhibits GSK3 activ-
are unknown. One hypothesis proposes the arachidonic ity raised the possibility of a link with mood regulation and
acid cascade as a potential common target for these medica- BD. Since then, different lines of investigation—animal
tions. Animal studies have revealed that lithium, valproate, models, in vitro investigation, and clinical studies—suggest
and carbamazepine decrease the turnover of arachidonic that the activity of GSK3 also correlates with mood regula-
acid—but not of docosahexaenoic acid—mediated by the tion, although a direct causal or genetic relationship cannot
calcium-dependent cytosolic isoform of the enzyme phos- be established (Li & Jope, 2010). Few studies to date have
pholipase A2 (cPLA2) in rat brain phospholipids (Rao, assessed GSK3 activity in the peripheral blood of BD indi-
Lee, Rapoport, & Bazinet, 2008). This suggests that the viduals, and the main finding is the reduction of the phos-
therapeutic actions of mood-stabilizer medications are at phorylated (inactive) form of the enzyme in patients relative
least partly mediated in part by cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 to healthy controls (Li & Jope, 2010). The aforementioned
substrate (arachidonic acid) sequestration in phospho- studies have also found that not only lithium but also val-
lipids and associated reductions in prostaglandin (PG)- proate, antipsychotics, and antidepressants inhibit the
E2 production (McNamara & Lotrich, 2012; Rao et  al., GSK3, what could at least partially contribute to its clini-
2008). Phospholipid-bound arachidonic acid is mobilized cal efficacy and suggest that these agents might potentially
via PLA2, and free arachidonic acid is a substrate for promote myelination and neurogenesis (Bartzokis, 2012).
COX-mediated biosynthesis of PG, thromboxanes, and Consistent with this hypothesis, a recent study of diffu-
prostacyclins, as well as lipoxygenase-mediated biosynthe- sion tensor imaging in bipolar depression have shown that
sis of leukotrienes. COX-generated PG-H2 is converted both long-term treatment with lithium and a variant of the
to PG-E2 via PG-E synthase, and PG-E2 stimulates the GSK-3β promoter gene associated with reduced enzymatic
biosynthesis of downstream proinflammatory cytokines activity were related to increased measures of myelination
(McNamara & Lotrich, 2012). A  small number of trials in key white-matter tracts (Benedetti et al., 2013). There is
have investigated the efficacy the anti-inflammatory agents evidence suggesting that the GSK3 action on mood regu-
celecoxib (Nery et al., 2008), aspirin (Berk et al., 2013), and lation might be mediated by its effect on glutamatergic
long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (Murphy et  al., 2012)  as transmission (Du et  al., 2010)  and also by mediating the
adjunctive treatment in BD, with mixed findings. glucocorticoid-induced inhibition of thyrotropin-releasing
hormone (TRH) and TRH-like peptide release in the
brain (Pekary, Stevens, Blood, & Sattin, 2010).
N EU ROPL A S T ICI T Y E N H A NC E R S Based on these evidences, a number of GSK3 inhibitors
A N D T H E G LU TA M AT E RG IC S Y S T E M have been developed (3-benzofuranyl-4-indolylmaleimides,
indirubin, alsterpaullone, TDZD-8, AR-A014418,
Glycogen synthase kinase 3
SB-216763, and SB-627772) and tested in animal models
The enzyme glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) orchestrates of mania (Gould, Einat, Bhat, & Manji, 2004; Kalinichev
several intracellular pathways, integrating the signaling & Dawson, 2011; Kozikowski et al., 2007) and depression

T ranslating B iomarkers and B iomolecular T reatments to C linical P ractice   •   153

(Gould et  al., 2004; Ma et  al., 2013). Three studies have (Zarate & Manji, 2009). Atypical PKC isoforms (ζ, λ/ι) lack
evaluated the effects of different GSK3 inhibitors in mice both C2 and DAG-binding C1 domains and, thus are not
with amphetamine-induced hyperactivity and have consis- responsive to calcium or DAG but respond to lipidic media-
tently shown positive results (reduction of activity; Gould tors such as phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate (Zarate
et  al., 2004; Kalinichev & Dawson, 2011; Kozikowski & Manji, 2009). Once activated, PKC translocates from
et al., 2007). The findings of the two studies testing GSK3 the cytosol to the plasma membrane and other subcellular
inhibitors preclinical models of depression, however, have compartments, which is thought to regulate accessibility to
been mixed. Gould et  al. (2004) observed that subacute activators and substrates (Hahn & Friedman, 1999; Zarate
intraperitoneal injections of AR-A014418 reduced immo- & Manji, 2009). PKC is activated by such varied upstream
bility time in rats exposed to the forced swim test. Ma signals as G protein-coupled receptors (GPDRs), receptor
et  al. (2013), using a chronic mild stress model in mice, tyrosine kinases (RTKs), and non-RTKs via DAG activa-
reported that ketamine—but not the GSK3 inhibitor tion. Moreover, as alpha-1 adrenergic and 5HT2A receptors
SB216763—significantly attenuated stress (sucrose intake are coupled to PKC signaling by GPDRs, norepinephrine
test) and depression (immobility time in the tail suspen- and serotonin indirectly activate PKC (Birnbaum et  al.,
sion test and forced swim test) markers in both stressed and 2004), which in turn has been shown to modulate NMDA
nonstressed (control) groups. and AMPA glutamatergic receptor functions through
Currently there are no clinical trials testing GSK3 phosphorylation of specific sites (Szabo et al., 2009).
inhibitors in patients with BD. One pilot double-blind, Evidence of different natures have linked BD to abnor-
placebo-controlled, randomized trial evaluating the effi- malities in PKC signaling and suggest that excessive PKC
cacy and safety of the GSK3 inhibitor tideglusib as an activation can disrupt prefrontal cortical regulation of
add-on treatment in 30 patients with Alzheimer’s disease thinking and behavior. A number of preclinical studies have
has been recently published (del Ser et al., 2013). A trend demonstrated that (a) lithium and valproate decrease PKC
toward improvement of cognitive measures was observed in α and γ isoforms in the rat frontal cortex and hippocampus
the active group, and tideglusib was associated with a fre- (Birnbaum et al., 2004; Manji et al., 1999); (b) a DAG-like
quency of adverse events similar to that of placebo, with the ester, phenylephrine, and a pharmacological stressor were
exception of asymptomatic and transient increases of serum shown to increase PKC α activity in the membrane fraction
transaminases (del Ser et al., 2013). The fact that a GSK3 and decrease acytosolic PKC α activity in prefrontal cortex
inhibitor was generally well tolerated in this preliminary slices of rats (Birnbaum et al., 2004); (c) when administered
trial suggests that studies investigating the efficacy of these to rats and monkeys, these same agents or similar molecules
agents in clinical samples of BD patients are feasible in the produced a marked impairment of prefrontal cognitive
near future. functions; these cognitive deficits were prevented if a PKC
inhibitor had been previously administered to the animals
(Birnbaum et  al., 2004); (d)  PKC activity is increased in
Protein kinase C and diacylglycerol
the prefrontal cortex of animals treated with amphet-
Protein kinase C (PKC) is a group of calcium and amine (Szabo et al., 2009), and the use of PKC inhibitors
phospholipid-dependent enzymes implicated in cell signal- such as tamoxifen has been shown to improve mania-like
ing systems with a heterogeneous distribution through- symptoms (i.e., amphetamine-induced hyperactivity) in
out the body (Hahn & Friedman, 1999; Zarate & Manji, animal models (Abrial et al., 2013; Cechinel-Recco et al.,
2009). In the brain, PKC is present in particularly high 2012; Einat, Yuan, Szabo, Dogra, & Manji, 2007). Abrial
levels in presynaptic nerve terminals and is thought to play et  al. also reported that chronic exposure to tamoxifen
a major role in the regulation of neuronal excitability, neu- caused depressive-like behavior in the forced swim test and
rotransmitters release, and long-term alterations in gene resulted in a reduction of cell proliferation in the dentate
expression and neuroplasticity (Hahn & Friedman, 1999; gyrus of the hippocampus, whereas the administration of a
Zarate & Manji, 2009). Twelve PKC isoforms have been PKC activator enhanced risk-taking behavior and induced
described and are subdivided into three classes (classical/ an antidepressant-like effect in rats.
conventional, novel, and atypical) on the basis of activation The results from genetic, postmortem, and clini-
requirements. Conventional PKC isoforms (α, βI, βII, γ) cal investigations also support a role of PKC signaling in
require calcium and diacylglycerol (DAG) for activation, the pathophysiology of BD. A  polymorphism in the gene
whereas novel PKC isoforms (δ, ε, η, θ, μ), which lack the C2 encoding phospholipase C, the initial enzyme in the PKC
calcium-binding domain, require only DAG for activation cascade, was identified in a population-based association

15 4   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
study of BD patients who were responders to lithium with placebo. Similar responder rates of 63% with tamoxi-
(Turecki et al., 1998). A GWA study of BD in two inde- fen versus 13% with placebo was reported in the previous
pendent case-control samples of European origin, with a single-agent double-blind study of 16 manic patients con-
total sample of 1,233 BD type I cases and 1,439 matched ducted at the National Institute of Mental Health (Zarate
controls, found the strongest association signal in the gene et al., 2007). Amrollahi et al (2011) conducted a six-week,
encoding DAG kinase eta (DGKH), a key protein for the double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of tamoxifen as an
PKC pathway (Baum et  al., 2008). Wang and Friedman add-on treatment to lithium in 40 inpatients experiencing
(1996), in a postmortem study of BD, observed that cyto- an acute manic episode and observed that the combination
solic alpha and membrane-associated gamma and zeta of tamoxifen with lithium was superior to lithium alone for
PKC isoforms were elevated in the frontal cortices of BD the rapid reduction of manic symptoms.
patients, whereas cytosolic epsilon PKC was found to be All the convergent data implicating PKC signaling in
reduced, relative to control brain tissue. Finally, increased the manic phase of BD together with the positive results
membrane-associated PKC activity and serotonin-elicited observed in the clinical trials with tamoxifen are excit-
cytosol to membrane PKC translocation have been found ing and demonstrate that the development of other com-
in the platelets of BD subjects in acute mania compared pounds targeting PKC inhibition for clinical use is viable.
to healthy controls, patients with major depression, and Nevertheless, the efficacy of PKC modulating agents has
patients with schizophrenia (Friedman, Hoau-Yan-Wang, not been evaluated in other phases of BD or in relapse pre-
Levinson, Connell, & Singh, 1993; Hahn et  al., 2005; vention. Thus more clinical trials with tamoxifen or other
Wang, Markowitz, Levinson, Undie, & Friedman, 1999). PKC inhibitors are needed to address these questions and
Interestingly, treatment with lithium or valproate has been also to assess long-term safety of PKC inhibitors.
shown to reduce both cytosolic and membrane-associated
PKC activities and to attenuate PKC translocation
(Friedman et al., 1993; Hahn et al., 2005). However, nega-
tive (Young, Wang, Woods, & Robb, 1999)  and conflict- Neurotrophins are a group of cellular growth factors also
ing findings (Pandey et  al., 2002; Pandey, Ren, Dwivedi, involved in synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis whose
& Pavuluri, 2008) have also been reported, and more stud- effect is partly related to the modulation of activity of the
ies are needed to consolidate PKC activity in platelets as a GSK3 (Bartzokis, 2012). The family of neurotrophins is
potential clinical biomarker of mania. composed of several proteins; the brain-derived neuro-
While best known for its anti-estrogen properties, trophic factor (BDNF) is the one most extensively studied
tamoxifen is also a potent PKC inhibitor, and its effi- in BD (Fernandes et  al., 2011). One meta-analysis of 13
cacy in acute manic or mixed episodes of BD has been studies found that the acute phases of BD—both mania
tested by four small clinical trials (Bebchuk et  al., 2000; and depression—are associated with reduced plasmatic
Kulkarni et al., 2006; Yildiz, Guleryuz, Ankerst, Öngür, & levels of BDNF, whereas euthymic BD patients seem to
Renshaw, 2008; Zarate et al., 2007), all reporting positive present similar levels of BDNF to that of healthy controls
results with a rapid onset of action (within five days) and (Fernandes et  al., 2011). Some studies have reported an
response rates to tamoxifen of up to 63% after three weeks association between polymorphisms in BDNF promotor
of treatment. In the larger of these studies, Yildiz et al., in a gene and vulnerability for the development of BD, and
single-agent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled recent works suggest that epistasis and epigenetic altera-
(RDBPC) design involving 66 bipolar manic patients tions affecting this gene are specifically associated with BD
(with mean baseline Young Mania Rating Scale [YMRS] type II (D’Addario et al., 2012; Huang et al., 2012; Wang
scores of 37.9 ± 5.8) found response rates (≥50% improve- et al., 2012).
ment in the YMRS) of 48% for tamoxifen and 5% for Although there are no pharmacological agents spe-
placebo at Week 3. Importantly, there were no significant cifically targeting the production and/or release of neuro-
between-group differences in adverse effects, and the drop- trophins, antidepressants (Molendijk et al., 2014; Shimizu
out rates in the placebo group was almost double that of the et  al., 2003), lithium (Haghighi et  al., 2013), electrocon-
treatment group with rates of 32% versus 17%, respectively vulsive therapy; Haghighi et  al., 2013), and the glutama-
(Yildiz et al., 2008). Also, when only the patients who had tergic agents ketamine (Duncan et  al., 2013; Haile et  al.,
been free of any psychotropic medication during the week 2014)  and memantine (Lu et  al., 2012)  have been shown
before randomization were considered, the corresponding to increase peripheral levels of BDNF in patients with
rates of responders were 61% with tamoxifen versus 10% major depressive disorder (MDD). Riluzole—another

T ranslating B iomarkers and B iomolecular T reatments to C linical P ractice   •   155

glutamatergic modulator with antidepressant proper- KA2). Eight types of the G-protein-coupled metabotropic
ties (see more details later in the chapter)—has also been glutamate receptor family have been identified (mGluR1–8),
demonstrated to increase BDNF levels in patients with which have been divided on the basis of sequence homology,
Huntington’s disease (Squitieri, Ciammola, Colonnese, second messenger coupling, and pharmacology into three
& Ciarmiello, 2008; Squitieri et al., 2009). However, the groups: Group I (mGluR1 and 5), Group II (mGluR2 and
results from one recent meta-analysis (Molendijk et  al., 3), and Group III (mGluR4, 6, 7, 8; Kew & Kemp, 2005).
2014) and a study evaluating the impact of treatment with Glutamatergic signaling, in particular through iono-
venlafaxine and mirtazapine (Deuschle et  al., 2013)  in tropic AMPA and NMDA receptors, plays a crucial role
serum BDNF concentrations of MDD subjects suggest in excitatory neurotransmission, synaptic function, neu-
that neither the association between lower BDNF levels roplasticity, and development. Different lines of evidence
and acute depression nor the effects of different antidepres- corroborate the existence of abnormalities in glutama-
sant agents in BDNF production/release are as consistent tergic neurotransmission in BD (Machado-Vieira et  al.,
as widely accepted. Moreover, while altered levels of neuro- 2012). Postmortem studies have demonstrated downreg-
trophins in the brain are likely to at least partly contribute ulation of selected AMPA and NMDA receptor subunits
to the neurotoxic effects of mood disorders (and underlie and decreased expression of several glutamate recep-
the neuroprotective effects of antidepressant and mood sta- tors and glutamate transporters in the hippocampus, as
bilizer medications), a direct causal relationship between well as the frontal and temporal cortex of BD patients
neurotrophins production and/or release and mood regula- (Ginsberg, Hemby, & Smiley, 2012). Importantly, these
tion remains to be proven. findings of downregulation/decreased expression of glu-
tamate receptors reported by neuropathological investi-
gations are consistent with the increased levels of brain
Glutamatergic system
glutamate (Glx; combination of glutamate plus gluta-
The recent reports of a rapid antidepressant action of mine) that have been observed in MRS studies (Gigante
ketamine—an anesthetic agent that primarily acts as et al., 2012; Yüksel & Öngür, 2010). The downregulation
an antagonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) of both ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors
receptor—in both unipolar and bipolar depression, as well on pyramidal neurons and GABAergic interneurons may
as in cases resistant to other medications and electroconvul- have profound downstream effects on excitatory neuro-
sive therapy (Mathews & Zarate, 2013), have brought the transmission and subsequent behavioral and cognitive
attention of the scientific community and pharmaceutical implications (Ginsberg et al., 2012). For instance, hypo-
industry to the development of new antidepressants target- function of NMDA receptors in the hippocampus might
ing the glutamatergic system. produce a reduction in the local GABAergic tone, which
Glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neu- in turn leads to a disinhibition of hippocampal gluta-
rotransmitter in the brain and acts in three different cell matergic efferents (overactive pyramidal cells), increased
compartments—the pre- and postsynaptic neurons and dopamine release in the striatum, and the emergence
glia—that together characterize the “tripartite glutama- of psychotic symptoms (Stone et  al., 2010). Moreover,
tergic synapse.” Physiological activity in the glial-neuronal animal models suggest that altered NMDA receptor
glutamate-glutamine cycle includes the uptake and inacti- function in the prefrontal cortex may impair GABA neu-
vation of glutamate after its actions as a neurotransmitter rotransmission, leading to cognitive dysfunction (Lewis
have been completed, an effect that aims to prevent toxic & Moghaddam, 2006).
effects secondary to overexposure to high glutamate levels Preclinical and clinical studies have shown that many of
(Machado-Vieira, Ibrahim, Henter, & Zarate, 2012). the currently available mood stabilizers (lithium, valproate,
Glutamate acts through a diversity of ionotropic and lamotrigine) and antidepressants affect the glutama-
(ligand-gated cation channels) and metabotropic (G-protein tergic system (Machado-Vieira et  al., 2012). Interestingly
coupled) receptors. The three major types of ionotropic glu- in this regard, Du et al (2010) have shown that the GSK3
tamate receptors, which are named after the agonists that inhibitor AR-A014418 regulated AMPA-induced GluR1
were originally identified to activate them selectively, are and GluR2 internalization via phosphorylation of kine-
NMDA (NR1, NR2A, NR2B, NR2C, NR2D, NR3A, sin light chain 2 (KLC2)—the key molecule of the kine-
and NR3B subunits); α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl- sin cargo delivery system—providing further evidence of a
4-isoxazolepropionic (AMPA; GluR1, GluR2, GluR3, intercommunication between GSK3 signaling and gluta-
GluR4); and kainate (GluR5, GluR6, GluR7, KA1, and matergic transmission.

15 6   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
Recently a number of other drugs with known effects antagonist, with use-voltage dependent effects (Rammes,
on glutamate neurotransmission have been tested for Danysz, & Parsons, 2008). In clinical trials and in case
the treatment of depressive disorders, with Riluzole and reports described in the literature, it has been tested as an
Ketamine being the most extensively studied. Riluzole add-on to mood stabilizers with relatively positive results
(2-amino-6-trifluoromethoxy benzothiazole), which has in both mania (Koukopoulos et al., 2010; Serra, De Chiara,
both neuroprotective and anticonvulsant properties, is a Koukopoulos, & Serra, 2013)  and bipolar depression
glutamatergic modulator approved by the US Food and (Stevens, Bies, Shekhar, & Anand, 2013).
Drug Administration for the treatment of amyotrophic lat- A number of novel NMDA antagonists targeting specific
eral sclerosis. Its mechanism of action includes inhibition of subunits of the receptor (mainly NR2A and NR2B) are cur-
voltage-dependent sodium channels in neurons with sub- rently under development in preclinical phases. Moreover,
sequent inhibition of glutamate release, enhancing AMPA mGluR-modulating agents and AMPA receptors potentia-
trafficking and membrane insertion of GluR1 and GluR2 tors are also being tested in animal models of mood disor-
and also increasing glutamate reuptake. In the few and small ders. Finally, cytoplasmic postsynaptic density–enriched
clinical trials conducted to date, riluzole has demonstrated molecules, excitatory amino acid transporters, and vesicular
antidepressant efficacy in both unipolar and bipolar depres- glutamate transporters are also directly involved in synap-
sion, including treatment-resistant cases (Machado-Vieira tic and extra-synaptic glutamate brain levels and represent
et al., 2012), although two placebo-controlled studies failed potential targets for the development of novel pharmacolog-
to find a significant effect of riluzole for relapse prevention ical agents (Machado-Vieira et al., 2012). Other promising
after ketamine infusion (Ibrahim et al., 2012). targets with ongoing studies are the glycine transporter-1
Ketamine is a noncompetitive, high-affinity NMDA inhibitors sarcosine and bitopertin and mGluR2/3 modula-
receptor antagonist. In vitro, ketamine enhances the fir- tors such as RO499819 and RO4432717, which have ongo-
ing rate of glutamatergic neurons, as well as the presyn- ing clinical trials in MDD. Overall, new antidepressants
aptic release of glutamate (Machado-Vieira et  al., 2012), and possibly mood stabilizers based on specific modulation
which probably relates to the loop with GABA interneu- of glutamate neurotransmission are likely to be available for
rons described earlier. In clinical studies, an initial trial clinical use in the near future.
in seven subjects with treatment-resistant MDD found
that ketamine improved depressive symptoms within 72
hours after infusion (Berman et  al., 2000). Subsequently,
a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study showed The notion that a dysregulation in the dopaminergic neu-
a fast (first two hours after infusion) and relatively sus- rotransmission plays an important role in BD pathophysi-
tained antidepressant effect (one to two weeks) after a sin- ology is well recognized. Proof of this relationship comes
gle ketamine injection in patients with treatment-resistant from various levels of evidence.
MDD (Zarate et  al., 2006). More than 70% of patients At the behavioral level, substances that increase
responded 24 hours after infusion, and 35% showed a sus- dopamine activity are known to produce mania-like
tained response at the end of Week 1.  Notably, response clinical presentations (Cousins, Butts, & Young, 2009).
rates with ketamine after 24 hours (71%) were similar to Amphetamine, for instance, induces mood elevation and
those described after six to eight weeks of treatment with increases goal-directed activities, besides reducing subject’s
traditional monoaminergic-based antidepressants (65%; need for sleep. The substance acts by inhibiting dopamine
Machado-Vieira et  al., 2012). Since these early pioneer transporter and consequently increasing dopamine at the
studies were published, several small trials have confirmed synapse in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, and frontal
the rapid and sustained antidepressant effect of intrave- cortex. Similarly, the dopamine precursor L-dopa, com-
nous ketamine in both unipolar and bipolar depression monly used in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD),
and also in reducing suicidal ideation (Mathews & Zarate, can induce manic or hypomanic states in such patients.
2013) and, more recently, sublingual administration of ket- Taking the PD model as an example, this akinetic-rigid
amine has been tested with promising results (Lara, Bisol, syndrome involves loss of dopaminergic neuronal cells. The
& Munari, 2013). However, larger, “real-world” controlled prevalence of depression among individuals with the dis-
trials of ketamine in mood disorders are needed before it ease is higher than that of the general population, ranging
may be approved for clinical use. from 4% to 70% depending on the screening tool employed
Memantine is a NMDA agent approved for the treat- (Lieberman, 2006). Nevertheless, depression in PD is qual-
ment of dementia that acts as a low-affinity receptor itatively different from unipolar depression in the way that

T ranslating B iomarkers and B iomolecular T reatments to C linical P ractice   •   157

the former presents with more marked dysphoria, sadness, (Koch, Perry, & Bymaster, 2004) differentially regulating
pessimism, and suicidal ideation than the latter. With pro- the various components of the dopaminergic projections.
gressive increases in dopaminergic therapies, depression in For the other atypical agents, dopamine antagonism would
PD eventually progresses to hedonistic homeostatic dys- account for the main therapeutic effect against mania and
regulation (or dopamine dysregulation syndrome), which hypomania.
mimics BD’s mood switch to mania (Berk et al., 2007). An important substance regarding dopamine neuro-
At the biomarker level, it has been observed that levels transmission that has been employed in some proof-of-
of homovanillic acid (HVA), a metabolite of dopamine, concept clinical trials is pramipexole. Pramipexole is
are decreased in the cerebrospinal fluid of individuals with an aminothiazole derivative, currently approved for
untreated bipolar depression. On the other hand, HVA are Parkinson’s disease, which acts as a D2/D3 agonist. Data
normal or increased in depressed BD subjects taking medi- suggest that this medication might have specific D3 pre-
cation and elevated in unmedicated individuals undergoing ferring effects, which in theory confers its antidepressant
a manic state (Zarate et al., 2004). power since D3 receptor anatomic distribution involves
Regarding dopamine receptors, a few studies have neuronal circuits that have been implicated in depressive
assessed the in vivo availability of dopamine receptor bind- states (Zarate et  al., 2004). Also, pramipexole has been
ing by using the single-photon emission computed tomog- proven to have neuroprotective effects, since it increases
raphy (SPECT) radiotracer [123I] iodobenzamide. Results Bcl-2 levels (Inden et al., 2009), an anti-apoptotic protein
are mixed, but a study demonstrated that while D2 receptor implicated in bipolar (Shaltiel, Chen, & Manji, 2007) and
density was normal in all phases of nonpsychotic BD indi- neurodegenerative disorders (Akhtar, Ness, & Roth, 2004).
viduals, D1 receptor binding potentials were reduced in the The first study, published in 2001, enrolled 18 patients with
frontal cortex when compared to healthy controls (Gonul, treatment-resistant bipolar II depression receiving either
Coburn, & Kula, 2009). pramipexole or ropinirole (another dopamine agonist) as
With compelling evidence pointing toward dopamine add-on to their routine treatments. Eight patients were con-
as having an important role in BD pathophysiology, atypi- sidered as responders, four with pramipexole added on to
cal antipsychotics are becoming an increasingly frequent their normal BD therapeutics (Perugi, Toni, Ruffolo, Frare,
prescription for patients with the disease. In a recent & Akiskal, 2001). A  study of inpatients with refractory
RDBPC trial, a group of 343 patients with bipolar depres- depression enrolled 16 individuals with unipolar depres-
sion who received olanzapine monotherapy significantly sion and 21 individuals with bipolar depression to receive
improved relative to 171 bipolar depression patients receiv- pramipexole added on to their antidepressant treatment.
ing a placebo (Tohen et al., 2012). A RDBPC study com- After 16 weeks, 67.7% were considered responders based
pared two dosages of quetiapine monotherapy with lithium on reduction on their Montgomery-Åsberg Depression
and with a placebo in 802 individuals with acute bipolar Rating Scale (MADRS) scores (Lattanzi et  al., 2002).
depression. While lithium did not differ significantly from A  first RDBPC trial of pramipexole was conducted in
the placebo, quetiapine in 300 or 600 mg daily doses was 2004 as add-on therapy for bipolar depression. Twenty-two
significantly more effective than both (Young et al., 2010). patients participated in the study. Eight of 12 patients on
On the other hand, risperidone (Gopal, Steffens, Kramer, pramipexole and 2 of 10 patients on a placebo improved
& Olsen, 2005), ziprazidone (Vieta et  al., 2010), aripip- significantly as indicated by Hamilton Depression Rating
razole (Keck et  al., 2009), and clozapine (Degner et  al., Scale (HAMD) scores (Goldberg, Burdick, & Endick,
2000)  were seen as effective agents against mania. It has 2004). This same research group conducted an extended
been proposed that these differential effects of atypical follow-up study with 23 of these patients to assess safety
antipsychotics involve dopamine regulation. Psychotropics and response. Mean duration of follow-up was 28 weeks.
like olanzapine and quetiapine would have specifically The authors argued that pramipexole was relatively safe
increased affinity to block 5-HT2A hetero-receptors located and effective in the long term, since 60.9% of the sample
in meso-cortico-limbic dopaminergic neurons. This block- encountered sustained remission of their depressive episode
age would increase dopamine release in such neurons, (Cassano et  al., 2004). Selecting only bipolar II disorder
accounting for a better antidepressive profile of both anti- patients in an acute depressive episode, Zarate et al (2004)
psychotics (Brugue & Vieta, 2007). Furthermore, it is also evaluated 21 patients in a RDBPC study. Sixty percent of
possible that stimulation of 5-HT1A would increase dopa- pramipexole patients versus 9% placebo patients showed a
mine release in the prefrontal cortex with both quetiap- therapeutic response, as measured by a drop by half in the
ine (Ichikawa, Li, Dai, & Meltzer, 2002)  and olanzapine MADRS scores. A subset of this study’s sample was further

15 8   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
investigated using PET imaging and 18FDG as a cerebral Mongeau, & Hamon, 2013). Conversely, hypercortisolemia
metabolism activity radiotracer. Response to pramipexole is also observed in depressed individuals with a character-
was associated with a reduction in the regional metabolism istic flattening of circadian variations of cortisol secretion.
of the orbitofrontal, anteromedial, and ventrolateral pre- This finding derives from the classical dexamethasone sup-
frontal cortex, regions known to have an increased meta- pression test (Carroll, Curtis, & Mendels, 1976)  and has
bolic activity in depressed states. The authors suggest that been replicated over the years. Furthermore, mutant mice
efficacy of pramipexole augmentation for bipolar depres- deficient in MT1 receptor encoding gene display behavioral
sion may have similar mechanisms as other antidepressant abnormalities that resemble some symptoms seen in depres-
therapies (Mah et  al., 2011). While targeting cognitive sion. Melatonin-induced circadian rhythm disturbances
enhancement, Burdick et  al (2012) found no significant can precipitate mood disturbances in a number of ways;
difference between 24 BD patients receiving a placebo for BD regularity of social routines clearly has a protective
and 21 BD patients receiving pramipexole. Nevertheless, effect, for instance. At the molecular level, it is plausible
post hoc techniques analyzing only a subset of euthymic that CLOCK genes that are differentially expressed along
BD patients found significant improvement in working the day become desynchronized by the disorganization of
memory and processing speed measures. Finally, in another the circadian cycle.
open-label study enrolling 5 BD patients and 12 individuals Consequently, proof-of-concept studies started to focus
with unipolar depression, 71% were considered responders on this specific neurohormonal target for new pharmaco-
(>50% reduction in the HAMD 21-item version) and 59% logical interventions. Melatonin itself has a well-established
remitted after 12 weeks of add-on therapy with pramipex- hypnotic action and plays a key role in triggering sleep.
ole (Hori & Kunugi, 2012). The substance has been shown to improve sleep distur-
In sum, pramipexole and other dopaminergic modu- bances in the context of depression. However, melatonin
lators may be considered therapeutic options for bipo- on its own failed to show any antidepressant efficacy. On
lar depression, as indicated by proof-of-concept studies. the other hand, agomelatine, a MT1 and MT2 agonist
Nevertheless, studies enrolling larger samples are warranted but also a 5-HT2C antagonist, demonstrated clear-cut
to validate their efficacy and safety. antidepressant activity in animal models of depression.
In severely depressed individuals, agomelatine improved
sleep–wake rhythms, and treatment with a single dose was
T H E P OT E N T I A L ROL E capable of restoring sleep architecture. In a study com-
OF  HOR MON E S I N   BI P OL A R paring agomelatine with sertraline, the former induced
DI S OR DE R : PRO OF- OF - C ONC E P T faster improvement than the latter (Kasper & Hamon,
S T U DI E S 2009). A systematic review carried out by Fornaro, Prestia,
Colicchio, and Perugi (2010) stated that agometaline might
As shown in a previous chapter, some core symptoms of be an intriguing option for depression. Regarding its use in
depression may be a reflection of primary circadian abnor- BD, an open-label study enrolled 21 individuals with bipo-
malities. Circadian rhythms are regulated by the secre- lar I depression. After receiving agomelatine at 25 mg/day
tion of melatonin by the hypothalamic supra-chiasmatic for 6 to 46 weeks, 81% showed marked improvement, with
nucleus (SCN). Regulation occurs mainly by the binding more than 50% reduction in the HAMD scores (Calabrese,
of melatonin to MT1 and MT2 receptors located back in Guelfi, Perdrizet-Chevallier, & Agomelatine Bipolar Study
the hypothalamus. Melatonin has a characteristic pattern Group, 2007).
of secretion, with peaks during the night and valleys during Other nonpharmacological interventions regarding this
the day, while cortisol is secreted in the opposite way (peaks neurohormonal system include sleep manipulation/depri-
during the day and valleys at night). The SCN also modu- vation. The best antidepressive effects were seen in total
lates cognitive performance and cortisol secretion itself, sleep deprivation or partial sleep deprivation, restricted to
both found altered in mania and in depression (Linkowski the second half of the night. While sleep manipulation still
et al., 1994). needs to be further investigated regarding its efficacy, its
Pioneering studies linking melatonin to the depression combination with a serotonin specific reuptake inhibitor
of BD date back 20 years. Decreased overall melatonin levels (SSRI) has been proven to be quite successful, accelerat-
and clear-cut abnormalities in melatonin secretion pattern ing the improvement of depressive symptoms when com-
have been demonstrated in a number of studies enroll- pared to SSRI alone. Finally, light therapy has also been
ing unipolar and bipolar depressive patients (Lanfumey, proven to be effective against mood disorders, especially for

T ranslating B iomarkers and B iomolecular T reatments to C linical P ractice   •   159

seasonal depression. Here too best results were seen when replicated this result and also found that higher daily
an antidepressant was combined to the therapeutic regime dosages (higher than 600 mg) for short periods might be
(Lanfumey et al., 2013). the optimal treatment (Belanoff et al., 2002). Young et al
Besides melatonin, another related hormonal sys- (2004) enrolled 20 BD patients with depression to receive
tem implicated in mood disorders, also controlled by the either mifepristone 600 mg/day or a placebo for six weeks.
hypothalamus, is the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal In the intervention group, neurocognitive measures signifi-
(HPA) axis. The axis functions with the secretion of cantly improved (spatial memory, verbal fluency, spatial rec-
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) by the hypothala- ognition memory) and scores on the HAMD significantly
mus; CRH stimulates the release of adrenocorticotropic decreased. Gallagher, Watson, Elizabeth Dye, Young, and
hormone (ACTH) in the pituitary; and ACTH for its turn Nicol Ferrier (2008) reported on 19 individuals with BD
enables the secretion of cortisol by the adrenals. Finally, and 20 individuals with schizophrenia in a seven-day pla-
cortisol exerts a negative-feedback effect on the axis when cebo or mifepristone trial. Following mifepristone admin-
in higher plasma levels. istration there was a significant increase in cortisol levels
A study conducting a dexamethasone and CRH test from baseline. Nevertheless, at Day 21 of treatment, corti-
in 28 controls and 53 BD patients showed that the HPA sol levels decreased significantly and fell below the baseline
axis function was abnormal in both nonremitted and level for both groups. Cortisol levels of individuals on the
remitted patients (Watson, Gallagher, Ritchie, Ferrier, placebo were unaltered. This reinforces the idea that the
& Young, 2004). The authors observed hypersecretion of substance, acting as a GR antagonist, inhibits the HPA axis
CRH, blunted corticotropin response to CRH, and both in the long term. Finally, in a recent RDBPC trial, Watson
elevated cortisol basal plasma levels and exaggerated cor- et al (2012) evaluated the effect of mifepristone in a lager
tisol responses to corticotropin (Daban, Vieta, Mackin, sample of 60 patients with bipolar depression. The patients
& Young, 2005). Changes in CRH secretion may also be received 600 mg/day of mifepristone or placebo as an
detected before a manic or hypomanic episode is clinically add-on for seven days and were assessed for their neuropsy-
evident, constituting a possible trait marker. Consequently, chological performance. Spatial working memory showed a
further studies have shown that HPA dysregulation does remarkable improvement, which was sustained seven weeks
not seem to be mood specific, being evident in depressed as after cessation of treatment. Magnitude of improvement in
well as in manic episodes (Daban et al., 2005). spatial working memory was predicted by the magnitude of
However, severity of depression was correlated with cortisol response to mifepristone. Nevertheless, no antide-
baseline cortisol level in bipolar patients but not in unipolar pressant effect was observed. Despite this negative result,
patients. This suggests a relationship between magnitude of the authors encourage larger trials with the substance, pos-
mood episode and intensity of HPA axis dysfunction in BD sibly with higher dosages and plasma levels of mifepristone.
(Daban et al., 2005). Pharmacological treatment of mood
disturbances has also been proven to normalize HPA axis.
Tricyclic antidepressants increase glucocorticoid receptor
(GR) protein binding and capacity in vivo. This effect was The purinergic system dysfunction was indirectly proposed
also seen in rats when submitted to lithium therapy or to by Kraepelin (1921), who suggested an association between
electroconvulsive therapy. It is supposed that during treat- manic symptoms, uric acid excretion, hyperuricemia, and
ment there might be a gradual reinstatement of appropriate gout. Ten years ago, our group reported the efficacy of an
GR function. antigout agent and also a purinergic system modulator allo-
As such, one important proof-of-concept substance purinol in treatment-resistant mania associated with hyper-
directed to the HPA axis is mifepristone (RU-486). uricemia (Machado-Vieira, Lara, Souza, & Kapczinski,
Paradoxically, mifepristone is a GR antagonist. It is 2001). The initial report showed improvement of manic
believed that GR antagonists block detrimental effects of symptoms by adding allopurinol to standard treatment, and
hypercortisolism and increase the expression of the recep- the observed improvement was associated with a decrease
tor itself. In return, this increase would exert more pow- in uric acid levels, which supported an integrative model
erful negative feedback on the HPA axis. A double-blind, on the purinergic dysfunction in mania (Machado-Vieira,
placebo-controlled crossover study with five patients with Lara, Souza, & Kapczinski, 2002). Subsequently, two
psychotic depression found rapid symptomatic improve- double-blind, controlled trials supported efficacy of
ment following four days of mifepristone (Belanoff, Flores, add-on allopurinol in mania (Machado-Vieira et al., 2008,
Kalezhan, Sund, & Schatzberg, 2001). A  larger study Akhondzadeh et  al., 2006). Also, improvement in manic

16 0   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
symptoms was associated with a decrease in plasma uric specifically on the P2X7 gene, reinforces involvement of
acid levels (Machado-Vieira et al, 2008). A recent systematic the purinergic system in BD (McQuillin et  al., 2009). In
review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials conclusion, further research on the purinergic system as a
of adjuvant purinergic modulators in comparison to pla- potential therapeutic target in BD is warranted.
cebo confirmed their beneficial effects in mania (Hirota &
Kishi, 2013).
Also, higher uric acid levels in drug-naive first-episode
BD manic patients were recently shown (Salvadore et  al., Increasing evidence suggests that mitochondrial Ca2+
2010), and the finding seems to be specific for manic epi- sequestration has a key role in modulating the tone of syn-
sodes (De Berardis et  al., 2008). Similarly, subjects with aptic plasticity in a variety of neuronal circuits. Regulation
higher uric acid levels presented higher drive, disinhibi- of mitochondrial function is likely to play important roles
tion, and hyperthymia (Lorenzi et al., 2010). A recent large, in regulating synaptic strength of neuronal circuits mediat-
nationwide, population-based study with 140,000 subjects ing complex behaviors (see Figure 13.3).
displayed an increased risk of gout in subjects with BD Intracellular Ca2+ concentration is three to four times
(Chung, Huang, & Lin, 2010). Uric acid regulates sleep, smaller than extracellular Ca2+ concentration. Slight
motor activity, appetite, cognition, memory, and social inter- changes in this balance can trigger cell death signaling
action (Machado-Vieira et al., 2002). In relevance with the programs and make neurons escape the capacity of molecu-
same system, adenosine agonists have shown to be sedative, lar rescue. The endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochon-
antiaggressive, anticonvulsant, and antipsychotic, whereas dria are critical structures in maintaining this balance
adenosine antagonists, including caffeine, enhance irritabil- through Ca2+ sequestration, buffering, and storage and via
ity, anxiety, and insomnia (Lara et al., 2006). Importantly, a agonist-activated Ca2+ mobilization. Additionally, Ca2+ is
positive correlation between peripheral and central uric acid important in a number of cell-processes, including neu-
levels has been shown (Bowman, Shannon, Frei, Kaye & rotransmitter synthesis and release, neuronal excitability,
Quinn, 2010). Finally, recent evidence from genetic studies, synaptogenesis and plasticity, and neuronal cell death.

“...the function or dysfunction of icon channels can have a strong impact on

cellular function and cellular signaling.”
NT coupled
G- proteins TRP channel
SOCC K+ Na+Ca2+
Cl– channel
Ca2+ PIP2
IP3 Cl–
Na+ channel
PKC Myo-Inositaol Na+Ca2+
IP3Rs Bcl-2
Cyt C
PTP Endoplasmic
UP reticulum
Mitochondria CYTOSOL



Figure 13.3  Calcium and other ionic channels in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder: translating biomarkers and bio-molecular treatments.

T ranslating B iomarkers and B iomolecular T reatments to C linical P ractice   •   161

The first evidence that there might be an impaired Ca2+ Ca2+ channels, but only one is sensitive to CCA in neu-
balance in BD came in 1922, when Weston and Howard rons:  the slow-gated L channels. Mainly three substances
observed that Ca2+ concentrations in the spinal fluid of affecting these channels, already used as antihyperten-
individuals with mania were lower than that of depressed sives, were investigated for their action in BD: verapamil,
individuals. After these findings, a period of controversial nimodipine, and diltiazem.
results put the theory aside for some decades. The hypoth- One of the first studies of CCAs for BD was carried out
esis of disrupted Ca2+ homeostasis in BD began to surface with verapamil in the 1980s, which was used in compari-
again with findings of higher Ca 2+ ATPase activity in red son with lithium and a placebo for mania. The two medica-
blood cells of patients with the disorder compared with tions had similar antimanic effects, which were significantly
controls (Warsh, Andreopoulos, & Li, 2004). Further evi- more effective than the placebo (Giannini, Houser, Loiselle,
dence supported the notion that abnormalities in intracel- Giannini, & Price, 1984). Nevertheless, while early work
lular Ca2+ homeostasis might distinguish BD from MDD demonstrated positive results for the drug in the treatment
patients. It was demonstrated later that intracellular Ca2+ of mania, recent reviews analyzing better-controlled stud-
was higher in platelets and lymphocytes of BD patients. ies have shown inconsistent findings. Keck et  al. (2000)
Also, when Ca2+ channels were stimulated, BD displayed pointed out both positive and negative findings for vera-
an enhanced response to ion-channel agonists in several pamil and suggested that further investigation to establish
studies when compared to controls. The question has been the effectiveness of the substance was needed. Giannini,
raised of whether Ca2+disturbances are trait-specific or Nakoneczie, Melemis, Ventresco, and Condon (2000)
state-dependent. However, answering such a question is observed that verapamil combined with magnesium oxide
difficult, since there are several methodological limitations was more effective than verapamil alone. Janicak, Sharma,
and a variety of confounding factors, such as the effect of Pandey, and Davis (1998) found no benefit of verapamil
pharmacological treatment, for instance. Nevertheless, over a placebo in the treatment of acute mania. In a more
current evidence is more prone to the hypothesis that Ca2+ recent double-blind study comparing verapamil to lithium,
disturbances are trait-specific (Warsh et al., 2004). Recent individuals in mania unresponsive to lithium (Phase I) were
studies have pointed to a mitochondrial dysfunction in BD randomized to verapamil or continuation with lithium
patients, since mitochondria plays a major role in the ion’s (Phase II); those who were still nonresponders were further
homeostasis; its dysfunction would possibly contribute to allocated to a verapamil-lithium combination treatment
the Ca2+ imbalance hypothesis (Clay et al., 2011). (Phase III; Mallinger et al., 2008). The authors found that
In line with this hypothesis, an increasing body of verapamil had some efficacy as a single-agent in mania but
evidence points to lithium as an important intracellular had no significant difference when compared to lithium.
Ca2+modulator. In animal models, for instance, lithium Nimodipine was also tested in 30 patients with refrac-
significantly reduced NMDA receptor-stimulated Ca2+ tory affective illness (23 with bipolar and 7 with unipolar
responses. Results were replicated in human subjects, with depression) in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
one observing that lithium inhibits inositol monophospha- One-third of the sample showed a marked response to
tase involved in the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate nimodipine monotherapy. Nonresponders (n  =  14) fur-
turnover (PIP2), thus influencing intracellular Ca 2+ con- ther received carbamazepine as an add-on, and 29%
centration (Yildiz, Demopulos, Moore, Renshaw, & Sachs, achieved remission. The authors noted that individuals
2001). Hence lithium prevents entry of Ca2+into the cell, with rapid-cycling BD were more prone to respond to the
which would affect neuronal excitability, found altered in carbamazepine-nimodipine combination (Pazzaglia et  al.,
BD. PIP2 metabolism is associated with different receptor 1998). Up until now, there have been just a few clinical tri-
subtypes (adrenergic, serotonergic, and cholinergic), which als of antihypertensives with modest results, most of them
would also partly explain the efficacy of lithium in correct- dating back 10  years. Nevertheless, some authors defend
ing disturbed neurotransmission. that low baseline somatostatin in the cerebro-spinal fluid
As such, calcium channel antagonists (CCAs) were might predict response to nimodipine (Frye et al., 2003).
investigated as potential target-specific treatment candi- Investigators have also tried to establish the effec-
dates for BD. CCAs would act by the mechanisms described tiveness of diltiazem as an add-on treatment in BD. An
previously, but some other hypothetical functions would open-label, uncontrolled study conducted in 2000 with a
also be attributed to this class of medications: inactivation very small sample (8 women in either a manic or depressive
of intraneuronal vesicles containing dopamine and attenu- episode) showed encouraging results. When the six-month
ation of D2 receptor sensitization. There are four types of time period after the introduction of diltiazem was

162   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
compared with the same period before the add-on medi- Overall, the active and continuous adaptations of chro-
cation, a significant improvement in severity of manic or matin and the access of gene promoters to transcription
depressive symptoms was observed (Silverstone & Birkett, factor mechanisms offers solid rationale for the potential
2000). However, as with the other CCAs, studies with bet- therapeutic use of HDAC inhibitors in mood disorders.
ter design and recruiting larger samples showed negative Limitations include the risk of nonspecific DNA effects and
findings. potential side effects. Also, definition of appropriate dose
In summary, the potential effects of CCAs on mood and confirmation that these agents cross the blood-brain bar-
regulation have been studied for more than 10 years now. rier are required.
Initial investigations reported some positive results, but
these did not endure in the context of more rigorously
designed studies. Nevertheless, recent evidence corrobo- PE R S PE C T I V E S
rates the occurance of neuronal excitability disturbances
in BD, with GWA studies identifying polymorphisms As discussed in this chapter, a number of molecular sys-
related to ion channel dysfunctions in BD (Craddock & tems, neurotransmitters, and cellular signaling circuits are
Sklar, 2009). Thus, modulation of Ca2+ channels remains a currently under investigation for their role in the patho-
potential target for the development of new pharmacologi- physiology of BD and their potential as therapeutic targets
cal agents for BD. However, further investigations are still for the development of new treatments. It is important to
needed in order to improve our understanding on the tole notice that most of these systems (brain energy metabo-
of specific Ca2+ channels subtypes in BD, which might also lism, arachidonic acid cascade, GSK3 and PKC signaling
help in the identification of subpopulations of BD patients pathways, neurotrophins, glutamatergic transmition, and
who would benefit from these agents. Ca2+ channels) interact with each other in a rather com-
plex and imbricated way that is still not fully understood,
especially in the living human being. Moreover, we still do
not have enough elements to define which of these events
would be primary and which would be secondary in the
Another potential therapeutic target is protein acetylation. etiological chain of BD neurobiology. The fact that mood
Transcriptional dysregulation of protein acetylation has stabilizer agents such as lithium and valproate have been
been involved in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. shown to modulate most of these targets corroborates this
Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDAC) are proposed to notion.
reverse deficits in molecular brain adaptations, as chro- It is also important to bear in mind that BD is a het-
matin remodeling and other epigenetic alterations. These erogeneous clinical condition, with high interindividual
effects increase the ability to produce more “plastic” chro- variability among patients on their clinical manifestations,
matin, thus strengthening synaptic connections necessary including the severity and polarity of mood episodes, pres-
for long-term behavioral changes and mood regulation ence of rapid cycling and cognitive symptoms, and pattern
(Machado-Vieira, Ibrahim, & Zarate, 2011). of treatment response. Thus it is unlikely that all of the
Different classes of HDAC inhibitors have been tested, previously discussed systems would be affected in the same
such as Class  I  and II inhibitors, which include hydroxa- fashion in all subjects with BD and even across the differ-
mates and derivatives of aliphatic acid such as sodium ent phases of the illness. For instance, PKC inhibitors (such
butyrate and valproate. Valproate has been shown to inhibit as tamoxifen) seem to be particularly useful for the treat-
HDAC activity in vitro in several models, thus suggesting ment of mania but not depression, the inverse occurring
it may play a relevant role in neuroprotection. Due to their with glutamatergic agents (such as ketamine). Also, while
potential ability to reverse dysfunctional epigenetic regu- relapse prevention is one of the most important aims in the
lation, diverse central nervous system–penetrant HDAC treatment of BD, very little is known about the underlying
have been proposed for the treatment of affective disorders mechanisms of mood switching. In other words, we have
(Machado-Vieira et  al., 2011). For instance, different pre- some promising new targets for the treatment of the acute
clinical studies found that central infusion of an HDAC phases of BD but none for sustaining remission over time.
inhibitor blocked histone deacetylation and induced Although the challenges are many, the results of the
antidepressant-like effects in rodent models of depression studies reviewed here suggest that the development of
associated with early life stressors (Schroeder et al., 2007, new pharmacological treatments for BD is currently on its
Tsankova et al., 2006; Weaver et al., 20043). way. However, in order to achieve the optimal efficacy and

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PA R T   I I


Guillermo Perez Algorta, Anna Van Meter, and Eric A. Youngstrom

INTRODUCTION general population (Merikangas et al., 2010; Van Meter,

Moreira, & Youngstrom, 2011). The concordance rate for
Being a parent is a challenging and often emotionally BD in monozygotic twins is 50% to 60% and 13% to 23%
charged life role. Suffering from a mental illness, such as in dizygotic twins and non-twin siblings (Goodwin &
bipolar disorder (BD), adds complications to one’s role as Jamison, 2007), further increasing the likelihood of mul-
a parent and can result in unexpected outcomes. Though tiple cases of BD within a family. Greater familial loading
conventional perspectives focus on the ways in which par- is associated with earlier illness onset (Lapalme et al., 1997;
ents influence and mold their children—through genes, Pauls, 1992), which often leads to a more difficult illness
parenting practices, and environment—children have a course (James, 2011). Like other youth with BD, those who
significant impact on their parents as well. Parenting is a have a family history tend to have an index mood episode
dynamic phenomenon determined by the child´s character- of depression, followed by a high rate of recurrence and/or
istics, contextual sources of stress and support, and parent chronic mood lability (Duffy, Alda, Hajek, & Grof, 2009).
personality (Belsky, 1984). For people with BD, becoming The heritability of BD may vary as a function of the
a parent can be protective, by providing new motivation for type of bipolar or the severity of illness in the parent. In one
better self-care with the goal of remaining healthy and pres- study, the odds ratio of meeting criteria for an Axis I disor-
ent as a parent, but having a child can also be a risk factor der for BD offspring was 15.0 when a parent had BD with
due to significant time and energy expenditures associated a lifetime history of psychotic symptoms versus 3.3 when a
with parenting (Ehlers, Frank, & Kupfer, 1988). Our goal parent had bipolar II disorder (Garcia-Amador et al., 2013).
is to review the role that heritability plays in families with In the same study, half of BD offspring met the diagnos-
BD and to extend the discussion beyond genes and biology tic criteria for at least one Axis I disorder, the most com-
to include the reciprocal social and behavioral influences mon being attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (30%),
parents and offspring have on one another. anxiety disorders (14%), and other affective disorders (10%;
Garcia-Amador et al., 2013), indicating that bipolar family
history is a risk factor for a wide range of pathology and not
B I P OL A R FA M I L I E S:  T H E ROL E specifically for BD.
OF   G E N E S A N D B IOL O G Y In addition to BD, other affective disorders and anxiety
are the most common Axis I disorders among BD offspring
Bipolar disorder is highly heritable (Smoller & Finn, 2003). (Lapalme, Hodgins, & LaRoche, 1997; Vandeleur et  al.,
Among youth with one parent with BD, the rate of BD is 5% 2012), with BD offspring being about three times more
to 15% (Birmaher et al., 2009; Lapalme et al., 1997; Singh likely to develop a non-BD Axis I  disorder than healthy
et al., 2007). Among those youth who have two parents controls, on average. However, some studies have found
with BD, the rate is as high as 30% (Goodwin & Jamison, rates of Axis I disorders as high as 72% among BD offspring
2007; Gottesman, Laursen, Bertelsen, & Mortensen, 2010). (Mesman, Nolen, Reichart, Wals, & Hillegers, 2013).
This is a risk of 5 to 10 times higher than expected in the In addition to increased risk of BD, bilineal BD history

is associated with greater severity of symptoms such as to the depressogenic effects of stress later in life (Dougherty
depressed and irritable mood, lack of mood reactivity, and et al., 2013).
rejection sensitivity. In families parented by someone with Certain temperamental styles are thought to represent a
BD, the likelihood of the offspring having BD or another genetic risk factor for the development of affective disorders
Axis I disorder is high, which further impacts the family (Evans et al., 2008; Gonda et al., 2006; Greenwood, Akiskal,
dynamic and functioning. Akiskal, & Kelsoe, 2012), and it has been proposed that
Conversely, better functioning in biological co-parents temperament may be the primary route by which genetic
is associated with a significantly lower frequency of Axis risk for BD is passed on (Evans et  al., 2005; Yuan et  al.,
I  disorder in BD offspring (Garcia-Amador et  al., 2013), 2012). Even before meeting criteria for a psychiatric illness,
suggesting that genes are not fate; parent behavior and children of BD parents often show temperamental char-
environment play an important role too. Family mem- acteristics thought to precede clinical symptoms in many
bers’ behavior can affect the illness course, and the illness cases. These include high motor activity, low frustration
reciprocally impacts family functioning (Lytton, 1990a, tolerance, and emotional sensitivity, which may be evident
1990b). very early in a child’s life, reflecting innate characteristics
Children’s reaction to their family environment further (Chang, Steiner, & Ketter, 2000). These traits increase the
influences the likelihood of Axis I  pathology. Consistent propensity to have exaggerated or inappropriate emotional
with the diathesis-stress model (Zuckerman, 1999), a reactions to negative life events and stressors, along with
genetic vulnerability, plus individual differences in bio- poor affective regulation (Duffy et al., 2007). BD offspring
logical reactivity to stress, may increase susceptibility for tend toward greater mood lability and irritability than
developing a mental illness. One mechanism proposed other children (Birmaher et al., 2013), increasing the risk
to explain the intergenerational transmission of risk for for, and intensity of, conflict with both parents and other
psychopathology and other negative health outcomes in individuals. There also is a tendency for bipolar offspring
the offspring of depressed parents is dysregulation of the to experience heightened distress in response to conflict
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, one of the and to react in suboptimal ways to psychosocial stressors.
body’s major stress-response systems (Goodman & Gotlib, This situation may develop into a positive feedback loop for
1999). Specifically, heightened HPA axis reactivity to envi- both the child and the parent, whereby each exacerbates
ronmental stressors has been posited to play a role in the the other’s mood symptoms through heightened reactivity
process linking stress to illness (Holsboer, 2000). and conflict. These strong, negative responses can create a
Both genetics and experience play a role in the stress chain reaction, making it difficult for children with BD to
response. Cortisol reactivity is moderately heritable socialize appropriately (Bella et al., 2011; Chang, Steiner, &
(Steptoe, van Jaarsveld, Semmler, Plomin, & Wardle, Ketter, 2003). Some will act aggressively or otherwise alien-
2009), and individual traits, such as temperament and ate peers and family members, limiting social support and
behavior, are linked to cortisol response to stress (Gunnar increasing the risk for affective psychopathology above and
& Vazquez, 2006). Furthermore, environmental influences, beyond the genetic risk conferred.
such as stress, adversity, and parental psychopathology, are
linked to poor HPA functioning in youth, but a positive
family environment can moderate the relation between B I DI R E C T ION A L I T Y
early adversity and offspring neuroendocrine functioning
(Essex et  al., 2011; Luecken & Appelhans, 2006). These The default message communicated by family studies of BD
effects can be long-lasting, with exposure to maternal psy- is that parents with BD confer great risk of psychiatric ill-
chopathology in childhood associated with dysregulated ness on their children. However, children also create risk
basal cortisol into the offspring’s adolescence (Essex et al., for their parents. Even if they do not meet criteria for any
2011). The effects can also be additive; offspring exposed psychiatric illness, children require a great amount of time
to both parental depression and hostile parenting behav- and energy. They test their parents’ patience and are often
iors during early childhood displayed high cortisol levels in associated with increased stress, sleep deprivation, and poor
response to a laboratory stressor (Dougherty, Tolep, Smith, self-care—all risk factors for the onset of a mood episode.
& Rose, 2013). Other studies have found high levels of cor- Social zeitgeber theory suggests that genetically vulner-
tisol in depressed adolescents and adults, suggesting that able individuals may be at high risk for a mood episode
increased stress sensitivity, due to early dysregulation of the when they experience a disruption of their routine. Other
HPA axis, may render high-risk offspring more vulnerable people, obligations, and even the seasons act as zeitgebers,

17 2   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
imposing structure on individuals and helping them to An emotionally charged family environment may also
maintain regular moods. If a zeitgeber is disturbed, or if a serve as a method of transmission, whereby the behavior of
zeitstörer, an external rhythm disrupter, appears, the regu- a parent (or child) experiencing a mood episode triggers a
larity of routine is threatened and mood episodes are more mood episode in the other family member (Lytton, 1990a).
likely to occur (Frank, Swartz, & Kupfer, 2000). Behavioral geneticists describe this as an “extended pheno-
Children exert powerful influences on parents’ sched- type,” where the genes of risk in the child also are present
ules. Once they begin attending school and have regular in the parent, conveying not only biological risk but also
routines themselves, they may become zeitgebers, imposing changing the environment in a way that further amplifies
structure on their parents with positive effects. However, effects (Plomin, 1995). Factors such as expressed emotion
as new babies, children are undoubtedly zeitstörers, mak- and family environment are important to the onset and
ing routine very difficult with irregular and important maintenance of both mood episodes and periods of euthy-
demands. This is likely a factor in the development of post- mic mood (Calam, 2012; Miklowitz, 2004; Miklowitz &
partum pathology. Johnson, 2009), and many of the empirically supported
Though the birth of a child is usually a happy event, the treatments for BD focus on reducing expressed emotion
incidence of psychiatric disturbance among parents—both and building stable family environments in order to reduce
mothers and fathers—increases in the perinatal and post- mood episode frequency and intensity. When multiple
partum periods (Davenport & Adland, 1982). Perinatal members experience mood disruptions, families are less
factors increase risk of BD specifically (Sharma, 2012). likely to achieve the type of structure and stability that pro-
Some mothers with diagnosed BD may choose or be advised motes good mental health.
by their doctor to discontinue some medications to reduce
risk to the fetus, which increases the likelihood of a mood
episode (Davenport & Adland, 1982). Hormonal changes
may affect a woman’s mood (Meinhard, 2013). Extreme T H E A PPL E :   L I F E F OR   T H E
changes to either parent’s sleep–wake cycle or schedule are C H I L DR E N OF   PA R E N T S
risk factors, as is the potential for discord in the marital W I T H   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
relationship (Marks, 1992; Murray, 2010). Finally, the tran-
sitional period around the addition of a child is often very Reports on the psychosocial effects of having a parent with
emotional; for people at risk for BD or who already have BD are inconsistent (Jones & Bentall, 2008). Offspring
affective pathology, heightened emotional responses—and of parents with BD often show aggressive behavior that is
an inability to successfully regulate these responses—can strongly influenced by deficient parenting (Chang et al.,
result in a mood episode (Davenport & Adland, 1982). 2003). Parent behavior, and the associated psychosocial
Emotion-regulation deficits are common among both disturbance in the family, likely confers as much if not
youth and adults with BD (Green, Cahill, & Malhi, 2007; more risk than genes (Rutter & Quinton, 1984). But some
Townsend, 2012). According to Hodgins et  al.’s (2002) healthy offspring of BD parents perceive their mothers as
model, children born with a genetic predisposition to less rejecting, more emotionally warm, and less overpro-
depression or BD inherit “a tendency to react emotionally tective than offspring of healthy parents (Reichart et al.,
to stressors and daily hassles” and are likely to have parent(s) 2007). Interestingly, the same study found that offspring
who also tend to react strongly. This combination of high with BD reported more rejection by their fathers and moth-
reactivity from both child and parents leads to higher levels ers compared with offspring with other diagnoses or with-
of stress and conflict within the family. out diagnosis. Perhaps the offspring’s disorder has a greater
Such emotionally labile environments may provoke impact on the child-rearing practices of the parents than
the onset, or serve to maintain, mood episodes. A  child the BD of the parents, or perhaps the child’s experience of
with a short emotional fuse may also have a parent prone the parents is filtered by the child’s psychopathology.
to strong emotional responses, which creates a family Offspring with BD may be more sensitive to cues from
environment where parent and child repeatedly trigger their parents, particularly negative ones. Studies of emo-
strong emotional exchanges. Additionally, a child with tion perception find that youth with BD tend to interpret
a parent who reacts strongly has fewer opportunities to neutral faces as more hostile and fear provoking (Dickstein
learn how to regulate his or her emotions, making it more et  al., 2007; Rich et  al., 2005). These negative perceptual
likely that emotionally-intense interactions will occur biases in social interactions may then evoke more extreme
frequently—both with family members and others. emotional responses (Green et al., 2007).

T he A pple and the T ree   •   17 3

Children of BD parents face multiple challenges. parent returns home, children may have ambivalent feel-
During manic episodes, parents are overactive, aggres- ings about the parent (Sturges, 1977). Fear and uncertainty
sive, unpredictable, or destructive. During depressive can also interfere with the child’s relationship with his or
episodes, they are inactive, absent, or even suicidal. The her parent, leading children to keep a distance in an effort
consequences—painful emotions, anger, anxiety, concern, to protect themselves (Mordoch & Hall, 2008). Children
and ambivalence—take a toll on the offspring (Hinshaw, may also take on “adult” responsibilities, feeling that they
2008; Sturges, 1977). Compared to depressed or healthy cannot count on a parent to provide for them (Handley,
mothers, mothers with BD can be more negative in Farrell, Josephs, Hanke, & Hazelton, 2001; Maybery
their interactions with their children (Inoff-Germain, et al., 2005). These extra responsibilities can contribute to
Nottelmann, & Radke-Yarrow, 1992). The toddler and poor coping. Children report withdrawing, not attending
preschool years may be a neurodevelopmental period par- school, and keeping feelings to themselves when faced with
ticularly sensitive to negative environmental exposures, pro- adversity at home (Maybery et al., 2005). Although there
ducing lasting perturbations to offspring stress physiology is likely to be greater responsibility placed on BD offspring
(Melhem, Walker, Moritz, & Brent, 2008). From as early than other youth, in many cases they may be unable to meet
as infancy and preschool, children of parents with mood these demands. Children and adolescents with BP experi-
disorders exhibit psychosocial, emotional, and behavioral ence significant functional impairment across multiple
problems (Brennan et  al., 2000; Hammen, 2009), likely domains, including academic, interpersonal, and overall
related to the fact that mood disorders are associated with measures of functioning (Freeman et al., 2009; Goldstein
negative, hostile child-rearing behaviors (Lovejoy, Graczyk, et al., 2009).
O’Hare, & Neuman, 2000). Unfortunately, when a parent is ill, the children are
Later events also have detrimental effects, as children often neglected—at least from a mental health perspective.
gain awareness of their situation. Older children start to Parent hospitalization is a stressful event, associated with
see the effects of medication on a parent; in one study a odds ratios of 3.3 for a child first episode of mania (Kessing,
child described his mother as being “doped up to the hilt” Agerbo, & Mortensen, 2004), and there are few resources
(Maybery, Ling, Szakacs, & Reupert, 2005). A  parent’s available to help children cope in these situations (Handley
decision to stop taking medication, or to make some other et al., 2001; Maybery et al., 2005). There is limited coordi-
change in his or her life, can result in declining mental nation between mental health services and child protective
health and an unnerving or frightening situation for the services in most communities, and institutions are often
child (Spiegelhoff & Ahia, 2011). unaware that a hospitalized patient has children at home,
Children often do not know the specifics of their par- adding to the challenge of marshalling good childcare
ent’s illness, though they are attuned to changing parental while the parent is receiving mental health services (Park,
behavior due to mental illness. Not having an explanation Solomon, & Mandell, 2006).
for why a parent is acting erratically is more upsetting than Additionally, assortative mating increases the likeli-
when behavior changes can be attributed to mental illness hood that the remaining parent may also have a psychiatric
(Mordoch & Hall, 2008). Parents often try to comfort chil- illness (Melhem et al., 2008), introducing other complica-
dren, rather than answering their questions or talking with tions (Sands, Koppelman, & Solomon, 2004). A  child in
them openly about the situation, which can further con- this situation may be sent to stay with unfamiliar people
fuse and scare children (Sturges, 1977). Lack of knowledge, during a period of parental illness or may stay and observe
or lack of conversation, about the illness may also leave the negative behavior changes in a remaining parent. Most
child feeling as though something is “wrong” or that there mothers with mental illness are single parents, and children
is a shameful family secret. from single-parent homes will very likely find themselves
Children also experience negative emotions, includ- in unfamiliar, stressful circumstances when a parent has a
ing fear and anxiety, when a parent must be hospitalized mood episode (Sands et al., 2004).
(Mordoch & Hall, 2008; Sturges, 1977). A lack of openness Parental psychiatric hospitalization doubles the risk of
about the situation can compound these fears, as worries the family’s involvement with child protective services and
about the parent dying or otherwise not returning home triples likelihood of children being removed from the home
arise (Riebschleger, 2004). Children also may feel guilt (Park et al., 2006). Children of mothers with mental illness
related to parent hospitalization, perhaps due to questions are more likely to become foster children, and their par-
about what their role was in the hospitalization or to hav- ents are then put in the position of having to defend their
ing to rely on others during a parent’s absence. When the parental fitness, rather than the burden of proof falling on

174   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
the state (Spiegelhoff & Ahia, 2011). Neglect and partici- for a parent to meet his or her obligations (Spiegelhoff &
pation in foster/residential care are both associated with Ahia, 2011). Extreme mood variability, suicidality, and fre-
increased suicide risk for youth (Christoffersen, Poulsen, & quent mood episodes will threaten the parent’s ability to
Nielsen, 2003). form a healthy attachment with the child, adding to worse
Research suggests that the amount of stress due to outcomes for both the parent and child.
parental mental illness on a child may be greater than the Difficulty connecting with one’s child may trigger nega-
stress attached to a death or divorce (Sturges, 1977). Sadly, tive feelings in the parent. Parents with BD rate themselves
children of people with BD may experience both; these in a more critical light than control parents (Spitzer, 2002).
youth are at heightened risk of losing a parent to suicide Many of the psychosocial difficulties associated with BD
(Gould, Greenberg, Velting, & Shaffer, 2003; Ljung et al., may also create extra challenges for parents. People with
2013). This can become a cascade. Death of one parent by BD experience declines in job status and income, failure
suicide increases the risk of mental illness in the remaining to marry, interpersonal relationship deficits, lower enjoy-
parent (Melhem et al., 2008), leading to even more stress ment of recreational activities, and overall diminished con-
in the household (Kuramoto, Brent, & Wilcox, 2009). The tentment compared with controls (Calabrese et al., 2003;
effects of parental suicide on the child can be long-lasting Coryell, Scheftner, Keller, Endicott, & al, 1993; Maybery
and include depressive symptoms, interpersonal problems, et al., 2005; Spiegelhoff & Ahia, 2011), all of which have
stigma, guilt, and anger. Parental death by suicide is also the potential to increase the sense of burden associated
associated with the development of BD in the offspring with parenting.
(Tsuchiya, Agerbo, & Mortensen, 2005), with an odds Parents with BD report having both considerable per-
ratio of between 4 and 5, depending on the age at death sonal difficulties and difficulties in rearing their children
(Mortensen, Pedersen, Melbye, Mors, & Ewald, 2003). (Livesley, 1995). Parents with mental illness also report
Parental death by suicide before age 11 has also been associ- higher levels of stress related to parenting and lower levels
ated with more frequent suicide attempts by the offspring of satisfaction in the relationships with their children than
(Goodwin, Beautrais, & Fergusson, 2004). other parents (Park et al., 2006). They also report that their
children have greater adjustment difficulties and higher lev-
els of behavior problems than other youth. Parents with BD
judge their families as less cohesive, less organized, and more
T H E T R E E :  HOW PA R E N T HO OD conflicted than other parents (Chang, Blasey, Ketter, &
A F F E C T S PE OPL E W I T H  Steiner, 2001). Though the offspring of a parent with BD
B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R often have behavioral and mood problems, parents may
also perceive the behaviors as being even worse due to
Adults with BD who are able to manage their symptoms their own stress and compromised coping (De Los Reyes,
effectively have better outcomes. Unfortunately, during the Goodman, Kliewer, & Reid-Quinones, 2008; Youngstrom,
age range when most people start families, many people Loeber, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 2000). Child characteris-
with BD are undiagnosed and not receiving optimal treat- tics, parent characteristics, and parenting situations influ-
ment. Parenting responsibilities often interfere with adults ence functioning and stress in the dyadic system (Abidin,
seeking mental health services for themselves (Knight & 1992). Typically, reports about parenting and mental illness
Wallace, 2003). Drancourt et  al. (2013) report that, on focus on risks to children when a parent has a mental ill-
average, the first full syndromal mood episode occurs at ness (Rutter & Quinton, 1984), but this understates the
25.3  years, and the mean age at first recorded treatment impact of child psychopathology on the parent’s behavior.
with a mood stabilizer is 34.9, giving a mean of duration At the extreme, child behavior problems can exacerbate the
of untreated BD of 9.6 years. Longer duration of untreated risk of suicide in parents with BD (Cerel, Fristad, Weller, &
BD correlates with negative outcomes, including suicide Weller, 1999).
attempts, more major mood episodes, greater mood insta- Risk for hospitalization worsens parents’ self-critical,
bility, and more frequent mixed episodes. At the time when negative feelings as it keeps them from their children for
young children might be drawing most heavily on a parent’s extended periods of time. Parents facing hospitalization can
internal resources, the likelihood that bipolar symptoms have difficulty asking for help from others (Handley et al.,
would be unrecognized or untreated is high. Substance 2001), increasing the likelihood of negative circumstances
abuse frequently occurs with BD, and it often contributes to befalling their children. Even short hospital stays are chal-
delays in diagnosis and treatment, making it more difficult lenging, as parents are more likely to remain symptomatic

T he A pple and the T ree   •   175

and may not be able to return to their responsibilities effec- both to reduce the negative effects and to promote positive
tively once discharged (Thomas & Kalucy, 2003). functioning.
Parents report a scarcity of professional support for their
children during their hospitalization, and they also are
uncertain about what and how much to tell their children
about their mental illness (Maybery et  al., 2005), height-
ening the sense of secrecy and burden. Rates of women
with mental health problems having children are increas- The first steps in intervening are identifying the problem,
ing, a change from the past when mentally ill people were gauging how far it has progressed, and then defining inter-
often hospitalized long term, but mental health and fam- vention targets. We argue that the unit of assessment should
ily services have not kept up (Sands et al., 2004). Because be the family and not just the identified patient: Family-level
professional services are lacking, welfare often becomes the factors play key roles in illness transmission and moderate
default support for women with mental illness and their illness progression; they also have similar roles in efficacious
families. Women and their children are often separated at treatments. Assessing the family provides more contex-
the point of hospitalization or due to disruptive behavior tual information about the individual case, but it also can
during a mood episode (Sands et al., 2004). Mothers with enhance chances of treatment success. There is huge unmet
mental illness are also more likely to lose custody of their need:  More than 50% of people suffering BD are receiv-
children than other mothers (Park et  al., 2006). In one ing no treatment in the United States (Wang et al., 2005).
study, 25% of women with mental illness had involvement The global burden of BD appears similarly high around the
with child welfare services versus only 4% of women with- world, and the chances of obtaining adequate assessment
out mental illness (Park et al., 2006). Mothers often report and treatment are yet lower in countries with less developed
poor communication regarding their children’s status, as mental health service systems.
well as confusion as to whether custodial arrangements One strategy for improving detection would be to
made while they were ill are permanent (Sands et al., 2004). routinely assess family history for every case seeking treat-
Due to worries about losing custody, parents with mental ment for BD. This approach would branch out from the
illness are often reluctant to disclose that they have chil- identified patient to identify other affected and high-risk
dren; however, this also limits professionals’ ability to help individuals in the family tree. Primary care is another set-
the children or to offer parenting resources (Spiegelhoff & ting where many people come who would not otherwise
Ahia, 2011). consider mental health services (Mitchell, Vaze, & Rao,
If mental health services are available for offspring, par- 2009). School-based services provide a third opportunity
ents may still be resistant to their children seeing a therapist to provide education about mental health services and
(Sturges, 1977). Parents with mental illness often worry BD in particular, as well as a potential additional setting
about “passing on” their mental illness to their children and for deployment of mental health services (Weist, Nabors,
may feel guilty about any emotional or behavioral problems Myers, & Armbruster, 2000).
their children demonstrate (Goodwin & Jamison, 1990). The challenge is finding balanced ways to detect more
The suggestion that a child see a therapist, whether due to cases of BD without having an offsetting number of false
his or her mental state or to a situation brought on by the positive diagnoses. Early enthusiasm for screening programs
parent’s illness, may activate feelings of defensiveness or for many other disorders—including breast and prostate
denial. cancer—has been tempered by high rates of false alarms
and poor predictive power in many settings (Gigerenzer,
2002). No single risk factor or positive result on a screening
N U RT U R E C H A NG I NG N AT U R E :  test is discriminating enough to confirm a diagnosis of BD
HOW TO   I N T E RV E N E in isolation (Zimmerman, 2012). Instead, evidence-based
E F F E C T I V E LY TO   H E L P assessment recommends using a series of tools and risk fac-
FA M I L I E S W I T H tors in sequence, starting with low-cost tools (e.g., Algorta
B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R et  al., 2013)  and following up with additional, in-depth
evaluation when multiple findings raise the index of sus-
There are multiple ways that biology and environment picion for bipolarity (Youngstrom, Jenkins, Jensen-Doss,
transact with each other. The complexity of the relations & Youngstrom, 2012). Goals for the evaluation process
offers multiple points for intervention in the family system, should include understanding what strengths and unmet

176   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
service needs each family member might have and then for- McAndrew, 2008; Wynaden & Orb, 2005). Despite
mulating a plan to maximize benefits while avoiding pos- these obstacles, it is valuable to pursue engagement, edu-
sible treatment-sabotaging dynamics. cation, and support of the family system. People with
From a pharmacological perspective, family assessment BD have commented on the valuable role close family or
is crucial to discern (a) who would benefit from medication, friends can play in helping them to manage their illness
(b)  who can help with medication management, (c)  what and maintain a good quality of life, but caregivers need
family processes might interfere with a sense of congru- information about ways to do this without jeopardizing
ence between treatment recommendations and personal their own health (Michalak, Yatham, Kolesar, & Lam,
beliefs, and (d)  what behaviors might directly complicate 2006; Russell & Browne, 2005). Acknowledging each
treatment. For young children, it may be essential to have family member’s needs and setting some limits defin-
the parent manage the medication; for teenagers or spouses, ing tolerable behaviors will also reduce resentment and
having the collateral person involved with the medications anger. Mental health literacy is not simply a matter of
could be a source of conflict. A  patient might decide to having knowledge; it links knowledge to the possibility
stop taking medication, or to overdose, as a result of high of action that benefits family members’ mental health
expressed negative emotion. On the positive side, support- (Jorm, 2012).
ive and empathic family members promote engagement
with treatment, and relatives who have done well on medi-
cation provide successful role models as well as clues about
choice of intervention, inasmuch as there may be a genetic
basis to individual differences in treatment response (Alda,
It is well established that BD is a highly heritable illness. A large
Grof, Rouleau, Turecki, & Young, 2005).
part of the heritability is due to genetic factors, although these
From a psychosocial perspective, family engagement
have proven far more complex and less tractable than initially
increases the chances of success for any intervention. High
hoped. The field has also learned that it is not a question of
expressed emotion and conflict predict earlier age of onset,
nature or nurture but rather a matter of understanding how
worse treatment response, and higher rates of relapse.
the two are intertwined. The parent has effects on the child
Psychoeducational interventions not only increase family
through biological, environmental, and social pathways that
member’s understanding of the illness but also improve
also interact with each other. Genes of risk in the parent can
engagement, enhance family processes, and mediate bet-
lead to behaviors that disrupt parenting, further altering the
ter outcomes for pharmacological interventions (Fristad
home environment and amplifying the genetic effects.
& Macpherson, 2014). Psychosocial interventions focusing
But children are not passive recipients of these influ-
on the individual are still likely to benefit from a thorough
ences. In addition to any inherited biology, they also learn
understanding of the family. There is growing evidence
from their parents, absorbing meta-rules for emotions and
that family therapy also directly improves communica-
relationships the same way they absorb language—another
tion, reduces conflict, and leads to more durable improve-
construct that runs in families without a biological basis
ments than pharmacological treatment alone (Miklowitz
for transmission. The child sometimes withdraws, some-
et  al., 2008; Miklowitz & Scott, 2009), but much work
times pushes back against the parent, and both the parent
is needed in terms of dissemination of these approaches.
and child provoke powerful responses in each other that
Family assessment also enhances prospects for early inter-
activate biological as well as cognitive systems. Decades of
vention and prevention programs in at-risk youths (Pfennig
research show how family factors convey risk and mediate
et al., 2013).
some illness processes as well as worsening the course over
Family intervention should not focus only on symp-
time. More recent work is illuminating ways that under-
tom reduction. Family members and caregivers report a
standing family processes, and helping families make sense
lack of information about how to deal with the person’s
of BD, can establish virtuous cycles that promote treatment
illness, and about the changes and losses that commonly
engagement, remission, and positive functioning.
ensue, and report feeling isolated, alone, and unsupported
(Pirkis et al., 2010; Rowe, 2012). Health professionals do Disclosure statement: Anna Van Meter and Guillermo Perez
not always have time to provide information for caregiv- Algorta have no conflicts to disclose. Dr. Eric Youngstrom
ers, and confidentiality concerns compound the difficulty has consulted with Lundbeck and Otsuka and received
of implementing collaborative family-friendly models grant support from the National Institute of Mental
(Peters, Pontin, Lobban, & Morriss, 2011; Wilkinson & Health.

T he A pple and the T ree   •   17 7

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18 0   •   S E C T I O N I I : I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
Roy H. Perlis

INTRODUCTION when a sibling has bipolar disorder, the other sibling’s rela-
tive risk is ~7.9 (95% CI 7.1–8.8).
Bipolar disorder often recurs within families. This obser- Several other characteristics of bipolar disorder famili-
vation, familiar to most clinicians and dating back many ality are apparent in studies with these designs. First and
decades, prompted aggressive efforts to identify the specific foremost, bipolar disorder does not appear to follow a
genetic variations that may confer risk for this disorder. Mendelian pattern of inheritance, like recessive or domi-
These efforts have begun to bear fruit, with at least five dis- nant transmission. At minimum, this suggests incomplete
tinct regions of the genome demonstrated to contribute to penetrance—unlike some rare genetic diseases, knowing
bipolar disorder liability and evidence that hundreds more parental status does not allow reliable prediction of off-
await discovery. While these discoveries have immediate spring status. Analysis of pedigrees, in conjunction with
implications for investigating the neurobiology of bipolar additional phenotypic data, also strongly suggests that
disorder, they have not yet reached the point of being clini- other recognized inheritance patterns are not present in
cally actionable. most bipolar disorder pedigrees. For example, there is not
strong evidence of genetic anticipation, as observed in
Huntington’s disease and other trinucleotide repeat dis-
FA M I LY A N D T W I N S T U DI E S orders, in which age at onset tends to decrease with sub-
OF   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R sequent generations; likewise, there is not strong evidence
of maternal inheritance as is observed in mitochondrial
The standard approach to estimating how much bipolar diseases. In general, mathematical modeling was useful
disorder runs in families examines constellations of fam- in excluding certain genetic models of disease (Craddock,
ily members—at minimum, a child and a parent but often Khodel, Van Eerdewegh, & Reich, 1995).
extended pedigrees over multiple generations. These data Second, in addition to increasing the risk for bipolar
allow an estimate of recurrence risk based on family dis- disorder, a bipolar disorder family member increases the
tance from an affected individual. For example, lambda’s risk for other psychiatric illness, including major depres-
refers to the recurrence risk for a sibling, with whom an sive disorder and schizophrenia (Lichtenstein et al., 2009).
individual will share (on average) ~50% of DNA. For example, risk for schizophrenia is elevated in offspring
Initial estimates supported a lambda’s of ~8—that is, of individuals with bipolar disorder, with relative risk esti-
if a parent has bipolar disorder, the child’s relative risk of mated to be 2.4 (95% CI 2.1–2.6). Table 15.1 illustrates the
bipolar disorder is eight-fold greater than average for that relative risk to first-degree relatives (offspring or siblings) of
population (Lichtenstein et al., 2009; Smoller & Finn; individuals affected with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
2003). In lieu of the laborious task of identifying and inter- Importantly, a first-degree family member of a patient with
viewing each family member, a recent investigation made bipolar disorder is more likely to have a diagnosis of major
use of health registry data collected in Sweden to derive spe- depression than bipolar disorder. While the relative risk
cific risks for each family relationship. Notably, these values for bipolar disorder is greater than that for major depres-
are not identical for each first-degree relationship. When sive disorder, because the prevalence of major depressive
one parent has bipolar disorder, the child’s relative risk disorder is so much greater (~15% vs. 5%), the absolute risk
for bipolar is ~6.4 (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.9–7.1); for major depression exceeds that of bipolar disorder. This



Parent Offspring 9.9 8.5–11.6 6.4 5.9–7.1 2.4 2.1–2.6 5.2 4.4–6.2
Sibling Sibling 9 8.1–9.9 7.9 7.1–8.8 3.9 3.4–4.4 3.7 3.2–4.2

Sibling Maternal 3.6 2.3–5.5 4.5 2.7–7.4 1.4 0.7–2.6 1.2 0.6–2.4

Sibling Paternal 2.7 1.9–3.8 2.4 1.4–4.1 1.6 1.0–2.7 2.2 1.3–3.8
Adoptive relationships

Biological Adopted away 13.7 6.1–30.8 4.3 2.0–9.5 4.5 1.8–10.9 6 2.3–15.2
parent offspring
Sibling Adopted away 7.6 0.7–87.8 — 3.9 0.2–63.3 5 0.3–79.9
biological sibling

Adoptive Adoptee — 1.3 0.5–3.6 1.5 0.7–3.5 —


Sibling Non-biological 1.3 0.1–15.1 — — — 2 0.1–37.8


crucial point is often missed in clinical practice, where a However, familial is not the same as genetic—specific char-
report of family history of bipolar disorder biases the clini- acteristics may be run in families but not be based on inher-
cian to diagnose bipolar disorder (Perlis, 2005). ited genetic variation. A prime example is wealth: parental
Another key point to emerge from population and wealth is predictive of wealth in offspring, but no genetic
cohort studies of bipolar disorder is that despite the famili- predisposition to wealth has yet been identified.
ality, most cases of disease are sporadic. That is, most indi- To understand the extent to which risk is a result of
viduals with bipolar disorder will not have a first-degree shared genetic variation, the twin-pair design has been
family member with bipolar disorder (Perlis, Dennehy, applied. This strategy takes advantage of the difference
et al., 2009). between monozygotic twins, who share nearly all of their
It should also be noted that some family studies also DNA, and dizygotic twins, who share on average 50% like
suggest cotransmission of risk with other medical disorders. any other pair of siblings. By contrasting the concordance
For example, one study indicated that migraine may seg- for disease between monozygotic and dizygotic twins, one
regate with affective illness in some families (Merikangas, can partition out the shared genetic risk from, for example,
Merikangas, & Angst, 1993). Another report suggested a environmental risk.
similar effect for panic disorder. The evidence for such con- In large twin-pair studies, when one monozygotic twin
transmission is not strong and is not consistent across stud- has bipolar disorder, the other has approximately a 40% to
ies. Still, these investigations provide hypotheses about the 70% likelihood of having that illness (Craddock & Jones,
pleiotropic effects of bipolar disorder risk genes that may 1999). (As family studies would predict, the co-twin also
be investigated as specific risk variants are identified. Given has an elevated likelihood of other disorders.) For dizygotic
the large number of brain genes also expressed elsewhere, it twins, the likelihood is approximately 5% to 10%. These
would not be surprising to find subtle non-brain manifesta- data allow estimates that up to ~90% of the risk for bipo-
tions of bipolar disorder in some individuals. lar disorder is heritable. For example, a large registry-based
Taken together, studies of families with bipolar disorder study of more than 19,000 twin pairs in Finland reported a
probands strongly indicate the familiality of this disease. heritability of 93% (Kieseppa, Partonen, Haukka, Kaprio, &

18 2   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
Lonnqvist, 2004). Using an alternative non-twin meth- to focus on a small subset of genes with strong prior prob-
odology, heritability was estimated at 62%, similar to that abilities. This advantage was also a substantial disadvan-
of schizophrenia (67%) and roughly twice that of major tage, however: with anywhere from 300,000 to as many as
depressive disorder (32%; Wray & Gottesman, 2012). 2.5  million single nucleotide polymorphisms on an array,
Another approach to heritability examines circum- the multiple testing problem became acute. A  rigorous
stances where twins are adopted and thus exposed to dif- approach to such multiple testing mandated correction
ferent environmental risk. These studies also support the for 1 million tests, a p value of 5 × 10–8, as a threshold for
heritability of bipolar disorder—illness in the biological so-called genome-wide significance.
parent, but not the adoptive parent, is predictive of bipolar While initial single-cohort studies using genome-
risk (Lichtenstein et al., 2009). wide approaches did not identify bipolar disorder risk
An underappreciated aspect of bipolar studies such genes at a genome-wide level of significance, investiga-
as these is the implication for the bipolar disorder pheno- tors quickly recognized the need to combine cohorts to
type itself. Despite loud critiques of the Diagnostic and improve statistical power to detect association. Under
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and structured the aegis of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, the
interviews in general, the fact remains that these criteria size of such studies has rapidly grown.
identify a strongly familial disorder with heritability simi- Among the first bipolar disorder liability genes was the
lar to or greater than many nonpsychiatric disorders. Thus L-type calcium channel subunit, CACNA1C (Ferreira et al.,
the predictive validity of these diagnostic criteria actually 2008). This association has persisted as sample sizes have
compares quite favorably to criteria used for other diseases. increased, while another initial association with ANK3
has been less consistently supported (Green, Hamshere,
et al., 2013).
C OM MON VA R I A N T By late 2012, at least five loci associated with bipolar
A S S O C I AT ION S T U DI E S disorder had been reported (Green, Hamshere, et al., 2013;
Psychiatric GWAS Consortium Bipolar Disorder Working
Buoyed by strong evidence of heritability, initial investi- Group, 2011). In addition to CACNA1C, these included
gations of bipolar disorder focused on so-called candidate variants in ODZ4, NCAN14, and SYNE1 (Green, Grozeva,
genes, primarily genes coding for proteins implicated in et al., 2013). As sample sizes continue to grow, additional
hypothesized models of bipolar disorder liability. Beginning loci are likely to emerge; for example, a recent report of
with neurotransmitter genes, which had known functional nearly 25,000 bipolar cases included genome-wide evidence
variants that were inexpensive to genotype, such stud- for ADCY2 and an intergenic region on 6q16.1 (Muhleisen
ies proceeded to more creative candidate genes, including et al., 2014).
those related to circadian rhythms and those related to the With progress in identifying individual loci, there have
putative mechanisms of action of lithium, a gold-standard been efforts to integrate these loci into pathways that might
treatment for this disorder. facilitate biological investigations and therapeutic develop-
Unfortunately, such studies failed to converge on ment (Holmans et  al., 2009). In particular, such analyses
convincing evidence of association for any of these loci strongly implicate other calcium channel subunit genes
(Seifuddin et  al., 2012). In hindsight, this lack of success in bipolar disorder risk. In addition, a recent analysis of
is perhaps not surprising, given the limited understanding genome-wide data suggested involvement of diverse signal-
of the biology of this disease that motivated such studies, ing pathways related to corticotropin-releasing hormone,
the relatively modest ability to capture genetic variation beta-adrenergic function, phospholipase C, and glutamate
in these studies, and the limited statistical power to detect receptors, as well as endothelin 1 and cardiac hypertrophy
smaller effects. In essence, such investigations looked for (Nurnberger et al., 2014). Notably, some genes in these path-
lost keys under the lightpost, focusing on genes that were ways were differentially expressed in dorsolateral prefrontal
well studied and straightforward to characterize. cortex, one brain region suggested to be affected in bipolar
Advances in genotyping technology facilitated a new disorder. Pathway analysis has also been applied directly
generation of investigations, which sought to examine to try to identify critical cell types associated with illness;
common variation across the genome rather than simply in for example, an analysis of genome-wide association study
particular genes of interest. Such studies had the substan- data suggested involvement of oligodendrocytes in schizo-
tial advantage of being unbiased—that is, they opened the phrenia, while multiple glial pathways were associated with
door to truly new discoveries rather than being constrained bipolar disorder (Duncan et al., 2014). Still, such analyses

T he E merging G enetics of B ipolar D isorder   •   183

must be regarded as hypothesis-generating, indicating path- during development, so important effects may require
ways or brain regions to be prioritized for further study. examining specific stages of neurodevelopment. Emerging
In fact, experience with CACNA1C underscores the approaches that allow specific genetic variants to be intro-
key point that even if individual genetic variations are not duced into cells should accelerate efforts to study the impact
clinically actionable because of modest effect sizes, they of a given variant.
may still point the way to important neurobiological inves-
tigation. In general, much is known about the physiology
of calcium channels; Figure  15.1 illustrates the subunit R A R E VA R I A N T
structure of voltage-gated calcium channels. The functional A S S O C I AT ION S T U DI E S
implications of individual CACNA1C common variants
have not been established—that is, they do not obviously or An alternate hypothesis, albeit not one mutually exclusive
consistently impact expression levels, truncate the protein from the common-variant model, suggests that bipolar dis-
prematurely, or change 3-dimensional protein structure, order is the result of rare genetic variation that may be more
for example. In other words, are the resulting L-type cal- likely to have large effects and thus be highly penetrant.
cium channels underexpressed, overexpressed, or expressed Such variants might be particularly apparent from the
at normal levels but with some gain or loss of function? study of trios—offspring with two unaffected parents—if
As the implications of CACNA1C variants are studied the variants are de novo (i.e., not present in the parents).
at a molecular level, a growing number of studies investi- One form of rare variation is referred to as copy-number
gate the functional implications of these variants in vivo. variation (CNV). This includes deletions or duplications of
For example, one study suggested differences in process- specific regions of chromosome, ranging from relatively
ing facial expressions in individuals with bipolar disorder small to quite large. These variations can be detected by
carrying a risk variant (Dima et  al., 2013). Building on a some genotyping arrays, particularly more recent ones that
long history of investigation of calcium channel antagonists are designed with probes to detect the number of copies
primarily in bipolar mania (Casamassima, Hay, Benedetti, of a particular region present in a sample; they can also be
Lattanzi, Cassano, & Perlis, 2010), which might correct identified using whole-genome or whole-exome sequencing
a gain of function, a pilot study suggested efficacy for the approaches, discussed in more detail later.
calcium channel antagonist isradipine in bipolar depression Copy-number variations have advantages in that their
(Ostacher et al., 2014). functional implications are clearer than many common
More generally, as a growing number of genetic varia- variants. Deleting an entire gene is likely to decrease expres-
tions are associated with bipolar disorder liability, more sion of that gene’s product; deleting an exon or group of
efficient means of understanding the impact of these vari- exons may cause expression of an altered, dysfunctional
ants at a molecular level will be required. These strategies protein. Conversely, duplicating a gene may cause increase
may include examining patterns of expression in brain in expression. Thus extrapolating from a variation to a
regions or cell types relevant to bipolar disorder as these are potential deleterious effect is more straightforward than
identified—keeping in mind that expression may change with most common single-nucleotide polymorphisms. On
the other hand, all apparently healthy individuals carry
some CNVs, and in fact many proteins are entirely normal
despite being hemizygous (i.e., individuals carrying only
one copy of the functional gene).
α2 In some neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism
and schizophrenia, a growing body of evidence suggests
δ that the overall burden of CNV—that is, the number of
CNV’s carried by an individual—is increased. In bipolar
disorder, however, the data regarding CNV burden is less
clear. Some studies suggest an increase in overall CNV bur-
β den (Malhotra et  al., 2011), while others do not (Bergen
et al., 2012).
While CNV studies in bipolar disorder remain a work
in progress, there is evidence that certain recognized syn-
Figure 15.1  Structure of voltage-gated calcium channels dromes involving deletions may be associated with bipolar

18 4   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
symptomatology, or even frank bipolar disorder. Perhaps reached a threshold for being considered genome-wide sig-
the best example to date is a deletion of 22q11.2, so-called nificant (International Schizophrenia Consotrium et  al.,
velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), which has been associ- 2009). These aggregate risk scores, sometimes referred to
ated with bipolar spectrum features (Papolos et al., 1996). as polygene scores because they integrate data from a large
Individuals with VCFS may have a variety of congenital number of genetic loci, have multiple applications. First,
anomalies, including cardiac and renal abnormalities, they may be used to examine the relationship between
cleft lip/palate, hearing loss, intellectual disability, and individual disorders by estimating the extent to which risk
immune dysfunction. While there is a characteristic facial (loading) for one disease predicts risk for another. One ini-
appearance involving small mouth and ears and smaller, tial application demonstrated that schizophrenia loading
squared-off ears, these features may be quite subtle, and predicted bipolar disorder risk (but not risk for multiple
the systemic manifestations may also be missed when non-psychiatric disorders), helping to refine psychiatric
mild. To date, the prevalence of individuals with VCFS in nosology and highlighting the overlap between disorders
genetic association studies of bipolar disorder appears to be at a genetic level (International Schizophrenia Consotrium
extremely low, suggesting rates of missed diagnosis may be et al., 2009). The most recent estimates of polygenic effect
low, or that these individuals may be more often charac- suggest that loading for schizophrenia can explain a sub-
terized as having psychiatric disorders other than bipolar. stantial proportion of genetic risk for bipolar disorder,
However, the actual prevalence of VCFS among clinical highlighting this overlap. A  second application simply
populations with bipolar disorder has not been determined. summarizes the extent to which genome-wide studies have
In addition to CNVs, the role of rare single nucleotide succeeded in identifying risk loci. That is, polygenic scores
variation has also begun to be examined in bipolar disor- can be used to summarize how much risk for a given disor-
der. (By convention, “rare” variants are generally considered der is explained by a set of common variants. Finally, poly-
to be those with a frequency of less than 1%, although this gene scores may serve as a useful summary measure for how
threshold reflects genotyping platform design rather than much loading for common risk variants a given individual
any particular discontinuity between common and rare carries. The potential application of such scores is addressed
variation.) Investigations of rare variants generally utilize in more detail in the clinical section later in this chapter.
sequencing methodologies—that is, reading every base pair.
While technology exists for sequencing an entire genome,
a more cost-effective strategy is sequencing only expressed S U BPH E NO T Y PE S
(transcribed) regions of the genome, so-called whole-exome
sequencing. More recently, in an effort to make genotyping In an effort to speed the identification of risk variants in
of rare variants more cost-effective, arrays have been devel- bipolar disorder, a number of groups have tried to refine
oped to genotype panels of rare variants. the bipolar disorder phenotype to identify more strongly
The challenge in such studies, as with investigations of heritable forms of illness (Potash et al., 2007). Some twin
CNV, is that all individuals carry rare variants, the majority studies suggest similar heritability across bipolar I and II,
of which have no apparent functional implications whatso- for example (Edvardsen et al., 2008), even though the latter
ever. To date, definitive results from sequencing studies in group is often excluded from bipolar disorder association
bipolar disorder have not been reported. An intriguing case studies. Other phenotypes have been investigated that cross
report describes an individual with Timothy Syndrome, an diagnostic boundaries. One example is suicide attempt, for
autism-like syndrome with multiple congenital anomalies which risk is increased up to 20-fold in individuals with
that has been shown to arise as a result of rare functional mood disorders (Osby, Brandt,Correia, Ekbom, & Sparen,
variants (mutations) in CACNA1C, who developed bipolar 2001). To date, efforts to identify risk genes for suicide have
disorder in adulthood (Gershon et al., 2013). not yielded results at a genome-wide level of significance
(Perlis, Huang, et al., 2010; Willour et al., 2012), although
efforts to understand this subphenotype in larger cohorts
P OLYG E N IC S T U DI E S are ongoing.
Treatment response in bipolar disorder represents a par-
As a complement to studies of individual loci, it is also pos- ticularly appealing subphenotype, as it might provide con-
sible to examine the cumulative burden of potential risk vergent support for particular loci or pathways in bipolar
variants in an individual. This strategy was demonstrated disorder. That is, genes that influence response to bipolar
to be sensitive even to common variants that have not yet pharmacotherapies might overlap with those influencing

T he E merging G enetics of B ipolar D isorder   •   185

disease pathophysiology. There are a relative paucity of Unfortunately, characterizing such environmental risks
cohorts with prospectively-derived treatment response is challenging because of the sheer breadth of such poten-
data—that is, investigations that do not rely on retrospec- tial risks and the paucity of appropriate data sets. One area
tive report of benefit. Such retrospective reports by patients of focus has been early adversity—major traumas occur-
have been shown in electronic health records to be fre- ring during childhood—in part because data on such envi-
quently discordant from actual outcomes (Simon, Rutter, ronmental risk exists and has been associated with major
Stewart, Pabiniak, & Wehnes, 2012). depressive disorder. One investigation suggests that early
The first genome-wide association study of lithium adversity is also associated with bipolar disorder risk, as
response (Perlis, Smoller, et  al., 2009)  failed to identify has been observed with major depressive disorder, consis-
any loci at a level of genome-wide significance. However, tent with prior, smaller studies (Gilman, Dupuy, & Perlis,
looking across two distinct cohorts, it did identify five 2012). In particular, childhood physical abuse and sexual
loci with suggestive evidence in both, most notably a maltreatment have been associated with later risk for bipo-
variant in the gene coding for the glutamate/alpha-am lar disorder and may sensitize individuals to subsequent
ino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolpropionate receptor stressors, such that these later stressors are more apt to pre-
GRIA2. A  subsequent study among 294 Han Chinese cipitate mania (Gilman et al., 2014).
individuals associated common variation in the glutamic An obstacle to understanding gene-by-environment
acid decarboxylase-like 1 gene with differential response, interactions is the need for even larger cohorts to achieve
with a minimum p value of 5.50 × 10 –37 (Chen et al., 2014). adequate power to detect such interactions, particularly
Of note, despite the gene name, it does not appear to play cohorts in which a range of potential environmental risk
a role in glutamatergic synapses, and so the two sets of is assessed. Similar challenges apply to efforts to identify
genome-wide association study results do not necessarily epistatic effects (i.e., gene-by-gene interactions, where indi-
implicate similar pathways. Moreover, multiple other rep- vidual effects are not merely additive).
lication efforts, including one by a consortium of groups
studying lithium response genetics, provided no support
for this locus (Schulze et al., 2010). C L I N IC A L A PPL IC AT ION S
To date, no genome-wide studies of response to other
pharmacotherapies have been reported. A modest number At present, there is no genetic diagnostic tool with clinical
of candidate-gene studies have been reported (e.g., with the utility in bipolar disorder. While investigations of common
combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine; Perlis, Adams, and rare variation explain a growing proportion of bipolar
et al., 2010), but none have yet been replicated. Efforts are risk, in absolute terms this quantity remains modest—the
also ongoing to establish larger lithium-response cohorts variant in CACNA1C of largest effect increases bipolar risk
that rely on retrospective determination of response using by ~18% (Craddock & Sklar, 2013). Still, there is substantial
a standardized measure referred to as the Alda scale (Grof reason to expect that, perhaps in combination with clinical
et  al., 2001). A  preliminary report suggested reasonable risk factors, the emerging genetics of bipolar disorder will
interrater reliability for the efficacy (“A domain”) aspect of begin to contribute to longitudinal intervention studies of
this measure (Manchia et al., 2013). high-risk individuals, biomarker-stratified clinical trials,
and ultimately truly novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools.
Disclosure statement: Dr. Roy Perlis has served on scientific
N E W DI R E C T ION S advisory boards or consulted to Genomind, Healthrageous,
Perfect Health, Psybrain, and RID Ventures.
As main effects are reliably identified for individual loci, the
possibility of detecting gene-by-environment interactions
becomes more plausible. Even for monozygotic twin pairs R E F E R E NC E S
in which one twin is affected, the risk is only ~50% that the
co-twin is affected, which argues for such effects. More gener- Bergen, S. E., O’Dushlaine, C. T., Ripke, S., Lee, P. H., Ruderfer, D. M.,
ally, based on the twin studies addressed earlier in this chap- Akterin, S., . . . Sullivan, P. F. (2012). Genome-wide association study
in a Swedish population yields support for greater CNV and MHC
ter, it is clear that environmental risk (either independently or involvement in schizophrenia compared with bipolar disorder.
through interactions with genetic variation) should account Molecular Psychiatry, 17, 880–886.
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& Perlis, R.  H. (2010). L-type calcium channels and psychiatric

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18 8   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
PA R T   I I I

Colin A. Depp, Alexandrea L. Harmell, and Philip D. Harvey

INTRODUCTION and the role of such measures in gauging the impact of new
Bipolar disorder (BD), by any measure, produces substan- A number of lessons can be drawn from these efforts as
tial disability. Historical depictions of BD as a relapsing they apply to BD (Harvey, Wingo, Burdick, & Baldessarini,
illness with inter-episode recovery of function now appear 2010), yet there are several unique aspects of BD that neces-
to be inaccurate for most patients. Longitudinal data sug- sitate bipolar-specific data. In particular, cognitive impair-
gests that the majority of patients spend most of their time ments in BD are less common and severe than among
experiencing some amount of disability. Even though up patients with schizophrenia, with a meta-analysis of 24
to 90% of patients recover from a first episode of mania, studies estimating that BD is associated with approximately
only one-third experience a return to premorbid function- a 0.5 standard deviation better performance on neuropsy-
ing (Tohen et al., 2003). Globally, according to the World chological testing than schizophrenia (Krabbendam, Arts,
Health Organization’s worldwide burden of disease study, Van Os, & Aleman, 2005). Bipolar patients additionally
BD is the seventh leading cause of years of life lost to dis- appear to have higher levels of premorbid functioning than
ability among all illnesses. These functional impairments do people with schizophrenia (Reichenberg et  al., 2002),
translate to massive indirect costs, such as from lost produc- and, unlike the generalized neurocognitive deficits seen in
tivity and absenteeism, which were estimated in 2009 to schizophrenia, the deficits associated with BD are thought
total $150 million in the United States per year (Dilsaver, to be more selective (Goldberg & Chengappa, 2009). Such
2011). This cost estimate is about double that of schizophre- heterogeneity in level and domain of impairment also
nia, possibly because of the higher levels of functioning of appears to be present in the realm of disability. In this chap-
employed patients with bipolar illness. Historically, much ter, we draw from lessons learned in schizophrenia research,
of the focus on the cause of these functional deficits has as well as the accumulating data in bipolar samples on the
been on the affective symptoms experienced by patients. impact of cognitive impairments on functional abilities.
However, more recent work has suggested that cognitive We also provide directions for future research and discuss
impairments play a substantial role in producing disabil- implications for cognitive and functional rehabilitation.
ity, perhaps even more so than affective symptoms over the
long term.
The intersection of cognitive ability and functional dis- R AT E S OF   F U NC T ION A L
ability has been better documented in other psychiatric I M PA I R M E N T I N
illnesses, particularly in schizophrenia (Bowie & Harvey, B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
2005). Coordinated and federally funded efforts such
as the MATRICS initiative (Nuechterlein et  al., 2008)  Functional outcome is a multidimensional construct with
and VALERO (Leifker, Patterson, Heaton, & Harvey, no single indicator, spanning the impact of illness on
2011) have delineated the impact and measurement issues physical, emotional, social, and productive life domains.
in functional outcome in schizophrenia. There is now a Moreover, there is considerable variation in the measure-
strong evidence base in schizophrenia guiding data collec- ment strategies used to quantify disability. Research on
tion strategies and modalities on functional measurement functional impairment in BD has largely focused on

measuring the impact of the illness on vocational outcomes disability in BD is highly important, perhaps more so than
and subjective quality of life, with relatively less work on in schizophrenia.
social, residential, and independent living skills. We sum-
marize briefly the prevalence of disability across measure-
ment strategies in BD, prior to describing the impact of
cognitive ability on these disabilities.
A range of clinical and self-reported measures have been
M I L E S TON E S used to assess functional outcome in BD. Nonetheless,
We refer to lifespan achievements such as the attainment general (e.g., Medical Outcomes Study), psychiatric-
of employment, residential independence, or marriage as illness focused (e.g., Specific Level of Functioning Scale;
functional milestones, which can be differentiated from Schneider & Struening, 1983), and disease-specific (e.g.,
functional outcome measures that typically involve sum- Functional Assessment Short Test) instruments have been
mative clinician or patient ratings on standardized instru- used to assess functioning and quality of life and patients
ments that also address “subthreshold” achievements, with BD evidence global impairments of approximately 0.5
such as seeking work. In regard to employment, a recent standard deviations below age-matched comparison sub-
quantitative review indicated that about 40% to 60% of jects. Examples of common functional outcome instruments
patients were currently participating in paid employment. are provided in Box 16.1. Of note, it is clear from work in
Followed over time, over 50% of patients experienced a schizophrenia that these scales frequently suffer from suspect
downward change in the level of employment (Marwaha, validity when indexed to neurocognitive ability or even to
Durrani, & Singh, 2013). At the population level, patients functional milestones. It is also apparent that a considerable
with BD experienced 1.7 disability days per month, higher proportion of patients over- or underestimate their own func-
than most physical disorders, and 50 days of lost work due tioning (Bowie et al., 2007), with cognitive impairments and
to illness per year (Dean, Gerner, & Gerner, 2004). Half poor levels of functioning often associated with overestima-
of patients with BD reported missing at least one week tion (Sabbag et al., 2011) and significant depression associ-
of work in the past month (Stang, Frank, Ulcickas Yood, ated with underestimation (Bowie et al., 2007). Interestingly,
Wells, & Burch, 2007). In a Norwegian sample, 48% of mild to moderate levels of depression are associated with
patients were receiving disability compensation associated accurate assessment of current functioning (Sabbag et  al.,
with work dysfunction (Schoeyen et al., 2011). In regard to 2012). It is not known whether these same biases are evident
marriage, in a multinational survey, patients with BD were in BD, although there is reason to suspect that such prob-
reported to be 1.6 times more likely to be divorced com- lems may exist. This is likely to be important, given findings
pared to population controls (Breslau et al., 2011). As far as suggesting that many patients with bipolar illness experience
residential independence, in a relatively high-functioning stable mild depression (Judd & Akiskal, 2003; Judd et  al.,
sample, 18% of patients were not independently resid- 2012) in the context of fluctuations between depression and
ing (i.e., residing in sheltered housing; Depp, Mausbach, euphoria. Thus fluctuations in the ability to evaluate current
Bowie, et  al., 2012). Finally, incarceration is a different functioning may have a changeable course, much like every-
sort of milestone, and in a large sample of persons who day functioning, in response to mood states.
were serving criminal sentences, BD was associated with a
three-fold higher risk of four of more incarcerations. This
elevated level of risk of repeated incarcerations was higher Box 16.1.  FUNCTIONAL OUTCOME
than that associated with any other mental illness and may INSTRUMENTS USED IN BIPOLAR
also be associated with additional comorbidities such as DISORDER
substance abuse.
Medical Outcomes Study (SF-36)
Two somewhat divergent conclusions can be drawn
Specific Level of Functioning Scale (SLOF)
from these figures. On the one hand, BD produces remark-
Multidimensional Scale for Independent Functioning 
able global burden, second only to schizophrenia among
mental illnesses per person affected. On the other hand, it
Functional Assessment Short Test (FAST)
is apparent that a substantial proportion of people with BD
Social Adjustment Scale (SAS)
are married, employed, and residing independently. Thus
LIFE Range of Impaired Functioning Tool (LIFE-RIFT)
understanding the factors that account for heterogeneity in

19 2   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
Moreover, a key consideration is the extent to which cognitive ability on various indicators of functioning. Our
these impairments are state-dependent (e.g., exacerbated recent meta-analysis of 22 studies estimated the aggre-
during manic or depressive episodes). The general finding gate strength of association between specific neurocogni-
is that quality of life is diminished during both manic and tive abilities and everyday functioning by examining the
depressive episodes but is also considerably diminished pooled correlation coefficient reported in these studies.
compared to healthy controls during euthymic periods. As The modal study was cross-sectional, small (mean n = 61,
such, functional impairment is likely to be both a state and SD = 23) and used a convenience clinical sample of out-
a trait in BD. In addition, mood state may produce biases in patients. One of the key limitations of this meta-analysis
the self-evaluation of functioning, which may be particu- was the measurement of disability, as the majority of stud-
larly evident in BD and are discussed later in this chapter. ies (14 out of 22) measured functional outcome with the
Global Assessment of Functioning (Endicott, Spitzer,
Fleiss, & Cohen, 1976; Jones, Thornicroft, Coffey, &
Dunn, 1995), a single-item clinical rating that is con-
Only recently have objective performance-based mea- founded with symptom severity(Soderberg, Tungstrom, &
sures of functional capacity been used to quantify func- Armelius, 2005).
tional impairment in BD. These instruments, which have Notwithstanding the limitations of this body of
become commonplace as proximal or secondary mea- research, in regard to the estimated impact of cognitive
sures in schizophrenia treatment trials, typically involve ability on functioning, the mean correlation coefficient
observed performance on ecologically valid real-world was r  =  0.22, which is identical to that found in a simi-
tasks such as managing medication dosing schedules or lar meta-analysis in schizophrenia by Fett and colleagues
navigating public transportation. In the few studies that (2011). Notably, there were no moderating influences of
have employed performance based measures, such as the the mean age of the sample or sample size. There were also
UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assessment, Social no moderating influences of whether or not the sample was
Skills Performance Assessment, Performance Assessment restricted to euthymic patients. As such, even though the
of Self-Care Skills, and Medication Management Ability average cognitive performance in BD is substantially better
Assessment, patients with BD evidence impairment com- than that in schizophrenia, the proportion of variation in
pared to normal controls on independent living skills, med- predicting functional outcome is the same. The significant
ication management ability, and social competence (Depp association between cognitive and functional measures
et al., 2009; Gildengers et al., 2013). Patients across clini- seemed to be fairly robust across unique samples with vary-
cal states perform worse than healthy comparators, with ing restrictions based on demographic characteristics of
relatively little influence of symptom severity on perfor- symptom severity.
mance on these measures. Moreover, performance on the
Performance-Based Skills Assessment predicts real-world
performance in employment and residential status in out-
patients with BD. Thus disability in BD may arise from
skill deficits, which are more stable and closely linked to
cognitive abilities than to mood symptoms. A smaller number of longitudinal studies have examined
the long-term impact of cognitive impairment on func-
tional outcome. Specifically, in a group of recently diag-
I M PAC T OF   C O G N I T I V E nosed patients with BD I, Torres et  al. (2011) found a
F U NC T ION I NG ON   DI S A B I L I T Y significant association between memory and six-month
functional outcome using the Multidimensional Scale of
Independent Functioning, even after partialing out the
effects of mood symptomatology. Another study examined
a sample of euthymic patients with BD and found that
impairments in the areas of attention, executive function,
The recognition of cognitive impairments in BD is rela- and verbal memory at baseline independently predicted
tively recent in the literature, as is the persistence of level of functional outcome one year later (as assessed
disability across mood states. Nonetheless, a number by Global Assessment of Functioning scores and scores
of cross-sectional studies have examined the impact of on the Functioning Assessment Short Test). Significant

C ogniti v e I mpairments and E v eryday D isability in B ipolar I llness   •   19 3

associations have also been reported between cognitive performance-based measurements of functional capacity
impairment and functional outcomes at 2- (Gildengers being more convergent with performance-based assess-
et  al., 2013), 6- (Mora, Portella, Forcada, Vieta, & Mur, ments of cognitive ability than clinician or self-reports.
2013), and 15-year follow-up visits (Burdick, Goldberg, & The strongest correlations, pooling effects across cog-
Harrow, 2010). Despite the fact that there has been very nitive domains, were seen with Performance-Based
little research exploring whether or not cognitive function- (r  =  0.32) and Functional Milestone (r  =  0.33) mea-
ing predicts future functional outcomes, of the studies that sures of functioning. Weaker correlations were evident
do evaluate this relationship, there appear to be robust find- in Clinician-Reported (r  =  0.23) and Self-Reported
ings showing that cognitive impairment among patients Functioning (r = 0.20). It is likely that functional capac-
with BD is significantly associated with poorer long-term ity measures are more apt to assess what patients “can do,”
functioning. which is more specifically determined by cognitive abil-
ity, rather than ratings on functional outcome measures,
which also reflect motivation and social-environmental
opportunities. Moreover, Zarate, Tohen, Land, and
Cavanagh (2000) concluded that individuals with
BD may perform well in one area of functioning but
A number of individual studies have implicated impaired poorly in others. In examining the relative determina-
executive functioning in particular as a predictor of func- tion of functional outcome domains using multivariate
tional deficits in BD (Bonnin et al., 2010). Other studies models, Bowie et  al. (2010) found that cognitive abil-
have identified selective impact of attention and verbal ity accounted for a higher proportion of variation in
memory deficits (Andreou & Bozikas, 2013; Martino predicting instrumental activities than interpersonal
et  al., 2009)  or processing speed (Burdick et  al., 2010; functioning, with work skills being an intermediate of
Mur, Portella, Martinez-Aran, Pifarre, & Vieta, 2008) as the two.
being among the most significant predictors of functional
outcomes. In the more developed literature in schizophre-
nia, there does not appear to be substantial evidence that
any one cognitive domain is associated with greater func-
tional impairment (Dickinson & Harvey, 2009; Jabben, In addition to having a similar strength of association
Arts, van Os, & Krabbendam, 2010); To help evaluate between cognitive and functional domains as schizophre-
whether or not a similar global versus specific pattern of nia, the structure of the association between cognition,
cognitive impairment is representative in BD, individual functional capacity, and functional outcome is quite similar.
cognitive domains were assessed for their mean correlation Indeed, Bowie et al. (2010) found that the same structural
with functional outcome in the meta-analysis described relationships were evident in BD, with objective functional
previously (Depp, Mausbach, Harmell, et  al., 2012). The capacity measures mediating cognitive-functional outcome
proportion of variance accounted for by cognition in pre- associations in work abilities, interpersonal functioning,
dicting various measures of functioning was significant and independent living abilities. However, there were more
for all cognitive domains measured (lowest correlation subtle but potentially important differences. First, direct
was r  =  0.21 for Visual Learning and Memory domain and unmediated associations with functional outcome
and the highest was r = 0.29 for Working Memory). There were evident with depressive and manic symptoms, whereas
was no statistical evidence for significant variation among symptoms had little direct impact in schizophrenia. As such,
these domains. Thus there does not appear to be compel- the contributors to disability in BD are possibly more com-
ling evidence that any one cognitive domain produces plex than in schizophrenia, driven additionally by dynamic
more disability than others, combining evidence from the mood symptoms. Second, a greater proportion of functional
meta-analysis, individual studies, and the larger body of outcome in BD is (currently) unexplained—the prediction
literature in schizophrenia. of work, social, and instrumental outcomes was roughly
In contrast, there may be greater variation in the cor- two-thirds (R 2  =  .30 – .46) of that seen in schizophrenia
relation between cognition and outcomes depending (R 2 = .40 – .55). In Table 16.1 we summarize some of the
on the method by which disability is measured. As in challenges in extrapolating functional assessment methods
schizophrenia, there does seem to be a discrepancy with from schizophrenia to BD, along with potential solutions.

19 4   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S



1. More subtle and selective deficits in •  Possible ceiling effects • Use of more difficult tests of functional
cognition and functioning capacity
2.  G
 reater cross-sectional impact of • Relationship between neuropsychological • Longitudinal analysis of impact of
symptoms, particularly depression, (NP) and functioning may differ by mood depression construct validity
on ability and real world (RW) states • Measure divergence between observer
functioning • Self-assessment may diverge from and patient reports
observation and both may be affected • Inclusion of measures of social cognitive
by current mood state deficits

3.  G
 reater between- and within-person • Instability of estimates Use of within-subjects analyses to quantify
variability • Practice effects stability across phases

4.  H
 igher rates of achievement of func- Capacity measures and rating scales may Validation against functional milestones
tional milestones not be sensitive to milestones such as employment and independence


Although both patients with unipolar depression and
patients with BD have been reported to perform below
the level of nonpsychiatric controls on cognitive tasks, BIOL O G IC A L M ECH A N I SM S
when the two groups are directly compared to one OF BI P OL A R DI S OR DE R
another, BD has been shown to be related to worse
Although it is becoming increasingly recognized that cog-
overall performance in areas such as delayed memory,
nitive impairment is a core feature of BD, the exact etiol-
executive functioning, language, and visuomotor abili-
ogy of this impairment has not been well defined. Different
ties (Gildengers et  al., 2012). Moreover, in a separate
mechanisms have been hypothesized as potential origins
study investigating BD versus depression-specific mark-
including, but not limited to, dysregulation of dopaminer-
ers of affective disorders, impaired sustained attention
gic and glutamatergic systems, the presence of mitochon-
was shown to be more specific to BD (irrespective of
drial dysfunction and oxidative stress, and inflammation of
euthymic or depressive state), and executive function-
cytokines and neurotrophins (Berk et al., 2010). Individuals
ing was reported to be a potential marker more specific
experiencing recurrent episodes have also been shown to
to depression as a whole (as this domain was found to be
have progressive ventricular enlargement (Strakowski et al.,
impaired in both unipolar depression and depressed BD
2002) and loss of grey-matter thickness (Lyoo et al., 2006),
patients; Maalouf et  al., 2010). Among patients with
both of which may contribute to similarly progressive
jobs, BD has also been associated with twice the absen-
changes in neurocognition. Compounding the difficulty in
teeism as unipolar depression (Laxman, Lovibond, &
finding specific causes of cognitive impairment is the fact
Hassan, 2008). One study assessing work impairment
that circumscribed cognitive deficits may have iatrogenic
over 15 years, reported that BD-I patients were unable
origins, as many of the medications used to treat BD may
to carry out work-role functions during 30% of assessed
have secondary effects on cognition and functioning.
months, a value significantly higher than patients with
unipolar depression (21%; Judd et al., 2008). Therefore,
although both affective disorders have wide-ranging
clinical and economic implications, there are key fea-
tures that distinguish them from one another in that In the small number of samples restricted to older adults
BD appears to be associated with more persistent with BD, the association between cognitive ability and
and pronounced patterns of cognitive and functional functional outcome appears to be somewhat stronger.
impairment. Normal aging is, of course, associated with decreased

C ogniti v e I mpairments and E v eryday D isability in B ipolar I llness   •   19 5

cognitive performance and reduced everyday functional with BD have at least one other Axis I diagnosis, it is par-
abilities. There is some short-term evidence that cognitive ticularly challenging to determine the extent to which any
impairments worsen at a faster rate in middle-aged and one cluster of symptoms interacts with functional outcome.
older patients with BD than age-matched healthy com-
parators (Dhingra & Rabins, 1991; Gildengers et al., 2009),
with a number of authors describing BD as akin to a neu-
rodegenerative illness. Because of the design of these stud- In BD, the presence of comorbid medical illnesses that
ies, it is unclear whether functional deficits accumulate at a may affect cognition are ubiquitous, yet is often underrec-
faster rate than in normal aging. Concurrently, there is also ognized. The strong connection between BD and medical
evidence that the severity and frequency of manic symp- comorbidity can largely be attributed to common risk fac-
toms are diminished in older patients with BD, and there is tors inherent to both, such as insufficient access to health
also strong indication that substance abuse comorbidity is care, lower socioeconomic status, poor medical adher-
about half as common as among younger adults. Thus, given ence, higher rates of smoking and substance abuse, lack of
the lessening of some of the other risk factors for functional exercise, and poor diet. As such, the prevalence of chronic
impairment with aging, limited evidence suggests that fatigue syndrome, migraines, asthma, chronic bronchitis,
older age may be associated with a stronger link between hypertension, and gastric ulcer have all been reported to
cognitive impairment and functional outcome in BD. be significantly higher in BD groups and have also been
shown to have deleterious and reciprocal effects on func-
tional outcomes, including less successful employment,
greater dependency on others for assistance, and higher
The National Institute of Mental Health Collaborative utilization of mental health care services (McIntyre et al.,
Depression Study and others have shown that at least 40% 2006). Additional common medical conditions found in
of patients’ time is spent experiencing depressive symptoms patients with BD include hyperlipidemia (23%), type 2
and that these symptoms are a stronger driver of functional diabetes (17%), obesity (12%), and infectious diseases such
impairments than are manic symptoms (which are present as hepatitis C (6%; Kilbourne et  al., 2004). The interac-
only 10% of the time; Judd et al., 2005). There is somewhat tions between medical comorbidity, decrements in cog-
inconsistent evidence that cognitive impairments are wors- nition, and functional domain trajectories will continue
ened during depressive phases of the illnesses, with perhaps to be an important area of further investigation, as there
more evidence for impairment in selected domains during is currently a large gap in studies that specifically exam-
the manic phase. ine the reciprocal relationships among these three closely
A key question is whether the impact of cognition and related factors.
affective symptoms are additive or interactive; few studies
are available to help address this question. Our group has
previously shown by using multivariate path analytic models L I M I TAT ION S OF   E X TA N T
that depression appears to exert an independent unmediated R E S E A RC H A N D S UG G E S T ION S
effect on interpersonal and work skills. In addition, the rela-
tive impact of these associations may not be monotonic. For
example, in a sample of outpatients with BD, neurocognitive
ability was the strongest predictor of obtaining any work,
whereas depression was most associated with poor work Most of the extant knowledge on cognitive ability and func-
performance among those who do work (Depp, Mausbach, tioning in BD derives from cross-sectional studies with a
Bowie et al., 2012). The implication of this finding is that modest sample size (n ~60). As such, there is currently lim-
cognitive enhancement would not improve work perfor- ited information about moderators, such as diagnostic het-
mance and reducing depression would not increase the erogeneity or comorbid factors. There is also little known
likelihood of finding work. Additional symptom and comor- about the short- or long-term trajectories of cognitive
bidity drivers of functional impairment include comorbidi- impairment and functional disability or the mechanisms by
ties such as anxiety (lifetime diagnosis ~55%; Simon et al., which cognitive abilities impact functioning. Study designs
2004), substance abuse (lifetime diagnosis ~50%; Cassidy, that model dynamic interactions between symptoms and
Ahearn, & Carroll, 2001), and psychotic features (lifetime cognitive impairments may account for greater variation in
diagnosis ~50%; Keck, 2003). Given that 90% of patients functioning (Bowie et al. 2010).

19 6   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
S TA N DA R DI Z AT ION OF  life-long unemployed patients performed significantly
CO G N I T I V E A S S E S SM E N T more poorly than the employed patients on direct assess-
ments of cognitive and functional skills, suggesting that
Improvement in the measures used to quantify cognitive
their inflated self-assessments may be related to cognitive
impairment and everyday functioning would also con-
tribute to this literature. Unlike in schizophrenia and the
In fact, in other neuropsychiatric conditions, poor
MATRICS battery, there is no corollary consistent bat-
scores on the index of interest, either everyday functioning
tery of cognitive tests for BD. Recent data and consensus
or performance-based measures, is typically the best pre-
has indicated that the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive
dictor of overestimation of functioning. Individuals with
Battery is largely appropriate for BD, with possible inclu-
disinhibition syndromes in multiple sclerosis report that
sion of additional executive functioning tasks and the use
they are more capable in domains of cognitive functioning
of the more challenging California Verbal Learning Test.
as compared to their actual functioning (Carone, Benedict,
In addition, the inclusion of instruments that bridge cog-
Munschauer, Fishman, & Weinstock-Guttman, 2005), with
nitive and affective domains (e.g., impulsivity, theory of
similar findings in traumatic brain injury (Spikman &
mind) may predict greater proportion of variation in every-
van der Naalt, 2010). This is a potentially trivial finding, in
day functioning, although there are considerable reserva-
that if performance is very poor, the only error in estima-
tions about the measurement properties of many of these
tion that can be made is overestimation. However, multiple
measures (Pinkham et al., 2013).
other predictive factors have emerged. In particular, both
psychotic and negative symptoms predict overestimation
E M E RG I NG DI R E C T ION S I N   T H E of functioning in people with schizophrenia (Sabbag et al.,
M E A S U R E M E N T OF   DI S A B I L I T Y 2012). Across all of these conditions, and particularly rel-
evant to bipolar illness, the presence of symptoms of depres-
There are a number of advances in the measurement of sion has a substantial role in the accuracy of self-assessment
everyday functioning that have been introduced initially of abilities and potential across an array of neuropsychiatric
in research on aging and other severe mental illnesses such conditions and in the healthy population.
as schizophrenia. These include considerations of the valid- Healthy people routinely overestimate their capabili-
ity of different reports of functioning, such as self-reports ties and the likelihood of positive outcomes in ambiguous
and the reports of other informants such as caregivers. In situations, referred to as the “optimistic” bias (Ehrlinger &
addition, remote assessment has advanced to a considerable Dunning, 2003). In contrast, the presence of mild depres-
extent in these other areas, including both Internet- and sion is associated with increased accuracy of self assessment,
smartphone-based assessments. These areas of investigation with this phenomenon referred to as “depressive realism”
are just beginning to develop in bipolar illness, and some (Dunning & Story, 1991). In healthy people, deflating feed-
preliminary research has suggested that some of the same back increases the extent to which self-assessments become
factors are operative in BD. more congruent with objective reality (Ehrlinger, Johnson,
Banner, Dunning, & Kruger, 2008). Bipolar disorder is
perhaps the condition most likely to see variable ability to
perform adequate self-assessments across the course of ill-
Neuropsychiatric conditions accompanied by impairments ness, as individuals with both BD I and II experience mood
on performance-based cognitive assessments also appear shifts ranging from elevated to depressed mood.
to include substantial deficits in the ability to accurately Although there has been little research on this topic,
evaluate current levels of functioning. These impairments the results in patients with BD seem quite consistent with
include self-assessments of cognitive abilities (Burdick, results from other conditions. Burdick et al. (2005) evalu-
Endick, & Goldberg, 2005; Keefe, Poe, Walker, Kang, & ated 37 BD patients using three different ratings of cognitive
Harvey, 2006) and everyday functional skills. For instance, impairment by patient self-report, as well as a short objective
in a recent study of patients with schizophrenia, individu- battery of neuropsychological tests. Patients’ self-reports
als who had never worked in any type of employment at correlated poorly with objectively measured cognitive defi-
any time in their lives rated themselves as more competent cits, and, although not statistically significant, there was a
at vocational skills than people with schizophrenia with clear trend toward mood-state effect on self-report measures.
current full-time employment (Gould, Sabbag, Durand, Specifically, depression ratings were positively correlated
Patterson, & Harvey, 2013). At the same time, these with cognitive complaints while mania ratings coincided

C ogniti v e I mpairments and E v eryday D isability in B ipolar I llness   •   19 7

with fewer deficits by patient report, suggesting a possible individuals who have never written a check or completed
affective bias in self-reports. Another study of 60 euthymic a deposit slip who are actually quite skilled at banking
BD subjects found that a subset of BD patients were able through the use of ATMs, computerized account manage-
to accurately identify their cognitive problems by self-report ment, and even smartphone banking apps.
and that these patients who had better insight into their A solution to the problem of outdated and indirect
deficits had higher levels of subsyndromal depression, with assessments is the development of realistic simulations of
an increased number of prior episodes and an earlier age of functionally skilled tasks. Such simulations have been used
onset as compared with the BD patients who were unaware previously for both assessment, such as to examine the abil-
of their objective impairment (Martinez-Aran et al., 2005). ity of older healthy people to manage ATM and Internet
Consistent with this, BD patients’ own assessment of func- technology, and for treatment, such as through the develop-
tional capacity and quality of life may also be influenced ment of virtual reality simulations of classrooms and com-
by their affective state. In 90 BD subjects, Piccinni et  al. bat situations. These simulations have the advantages of
(2007) reported that partially remitted manic patients often being a complete replica of real-world demands such as
reported a significantly better quality of life across all in banking, telephone voice menus, or Internet bill-paying
domains of function compared with the partially remitted scenarios. They can be placed into the homes of individuals
BD depressed group, despite nearly identical clinician-based who do not have a computer of their own, and they can be
ratings of global functioning. These cross-sectional stud- administered in laboratory settings. The disadvantages of
ies suggest that the changes in mood state that are associ- the method are that some individuals may have never had
ated with the lifetime course of BD may not only influence computer interactions, meaning that the results may not be
real-world functioning but also may influence the accuracy applicable for individuals who have avoided computer inter-
of self-assessments of current functioning, highlighting the action to date. This concern may be somewhat overstated,
importance of formal evaluation. as survey results indicated that 91% of individuals under 50
and 53% of individuals over 65 were regular Internet users
as of 2012. In individuals over age 65, regular Internet use
increased from 10% in 2000 to the current level in 2012
(Zickuhr & Madden, 2012). Thus use of realistic simula-
tion technology to assess functional capacity in people with
bipolar illness is clearly on the horizon.
Given the questions raised about the validity of self-reports Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is an addi-
of cognitive functioning and disability, it is clearly important tional technology with high potential. EMA technology
to utilize direct assessments of ability to accurately estimate currently employs smartphones, which can contact the
future potential. At the same time, even performance-based participant, obtain answers to a series of questions, and
assessments may have limitations. Neuropsychological tests directly transmit the information to a central database. In
have been shown in BD to be indirectly related to real-world contrast to older monitoring strategies, such as diaries, the
functioning when functional capacity measures are also col- EMA technology allows for time stamping of information
lected (Bowie et al., 2010; Mausbach et al., 2010). This may and delivery of reminders to increase adherence. Current
not be surprising because neuropsychological tests measure smartphones also have GPS features, which allow for moni-
relatively general skills that may be required for the per- toring of activity. These technologies can also be used to
formance of skilled acts in the environment, although not collect multidimensional information, including mood
specifically overlapping with the content of those skills. state, current activity, others present, and level of assistance
Even current functional capacity measures have some limi- being received or provided. As a result, their direct and
tations. For instance, given the rapid development of tech- momentary information far surpasses self-reported infor-
nology, many of the tasks in commonly used functional mation, particularly over extended periods such as the typi-
capacity measures are now less commonly performed. For cal one-month period between clinical visits.
instance, the UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assessment EMA assessment is feasible, in that in our previous
has a subtest that measures the ability to write a check, and research we found that more than 75% of bipolar patients
the Advanced Finances subtest of the Everyday function- already had a smartphone. Moreover, adherence to moni-
ing battery requires wiring checks, making bank deposits toring requests was in the 90% range, and smartphones
with a deposit slip, and maintaining a balance. With the provided to research participants were returned over 95%
changes in banking technology in the past decade, there are of the time.

19 8   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
F U NC T ION A L A N D C O G N I T I V E as a determinant of functional outcome can be transported
R E H A B I L I TAT ION from schizophrenia to BD. As in schizophrenia, there does
not appear to be strong evidence that any one cognitive
From these facts it stands to reason that cognitive deficits domain causes greater impairment, functional measurement
are a potential treatment target for functional rehabilita- with objective performance-based measure appears to more
tion in BD (Green, 2006; Harvey et  al., 2010). It is also strongly associated with cognition than other measurement
clear that functional outcome should be a secondary out- modalities, and cognitive rehabilitation may have a distal
come in efforts to improve cognitive functioning. In schizo- positive impact on functioning. However, the influence of
phrenia, the Food and Drug Administration (Buchanan self-assessment, mood symptoms, and comorbidities add to
et al., 2010) has provided strong guidance that functional the complexity of cognitive and functional impairments in
outcome should be an end-point in clinical trials of agents BD, and so it is clear that longitudinal research would be
targeting cognitive enhancement; it is likely that people needed to understand the dynamic and lifespan influences
with BD will be provided cognitive enhancing medica- among cognitive and functional markers. Finally, it does not
tions approved for schizophrenia, and it will be essential seem premature to develop and evaluate cognitive remedia-
to determine if the benefits of these extend to functional tion strategies in order to improve functional outcome in
outcome in BD. BD. Ultimately, these adjunctive therapies targeting neu-
There have been few attempts at improving cognitive rocognitive impairment may lead to long-lasting improve-
functioning in BD. One of the few studies implementing ments in the everyday functioning and quality of life for the
cognitive remediation treatment in an effort to improve millions of people suffering from BD.
neurocognitive abilities (i.e., difficulties with organiza-
Disclosure statement: Alexandrea Harmell has no conflicts
tion, planning attention, and memory), as well as simulta-
of interest. Over the past three years Dr. Harvey has served
neously treat residual depressive symptoms in BD, found
as a consultant to Abbvie, Boeheringer-Ingelheim, Forest
decreased residual symptoms and increased occupational
Labs, Forum (Formerly En Vivo), Genentech, Lundbeck,
and overall psychosocial functioning following treatment
Otsuka America, Roche Pharma, Sunovion, Takeda, and
and at three-month follow-up (Deckersbach et  al., 2010).
Teva Pharma. He received contract research support from
Another study looking within patients with BD in the
Genentech. Dr. Colin A. Depp has not disclosed any con-
depressive phase of the disorder found similar improve-
flicts of interest.
ments in depression and reports of less difficulty in every-
day coping following an eight-week computer-based online
cognitive training program (Preiss, Shatil, Cermakova,
Cimermanova, & Ram, 2013). Consistent with these R E F E R E NC E S
results, a large multicenter, randomized, rater-blind clinical
trial comparing a novel functional remediation interven- Andreou, C., & Bozikas, V.  P. (2013). The predictive significance of
neurocognitive factors for functional outcome in bipolar disorder.
tion with psychoeducation and treatment as usual found Current Opinions in Psychiatry, 26(1), 54–59.
that the functional remediation intervention showed supe- Berk, M., Conus, P., Kapczinski, F., Andreazza, A. C., Yucel, M., Wood,
riority over treatment as usual in improving both occupa- S. J., . . . McGorry, P. D. (2010). From neuroprogression to neuropro-
tection: implications for clinical care. Medical Journal of Australia,
tional and interpersonal functioning (Torrent et al., 2013). 193(4 Suppl.), S36–S40.
Given these promising findings supporting the connection Bonnin, C.  M., Martinez-Aran, A., Torrent, C., Pacchiarotti, I.,
between improved cognition and functional outcomes, Rosa, A.  R., Franco, C., . . . Vieta, E. (2010). Clinical and neuro-
cognitive predictors of functional outcome in bipolar euthymic
efforts to continue to develop and test functional and cog- patients:  A  long-term, follow-up study. Journal of Affective Disor-
nitive rehabilitation programs are very much warranted. ders, 121(1–2), 156–160.
Bowie, C. R., Depp, C., McGrath, J. A., Wolyniec, P., Mausbach, B. T.,
Thornquist, M. H., . . . Pulver, A. E. (2010). Prediction of real-world
functional disability in chronic mental disorders: A comparison of
C ONC LUS ION schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry,
167(9), 1116–1124.
Bowie, C.  R., & Harvey, P.  D. (2005). Cognition in schizophre-
Bipolar disorder is a highly disabling illness for most patients, nia:  Impairments, determinants, and functional importance. Psy-
and it is becoming clear that cognitive impairments are a chiatric Clinics of North America, 28(3), 613–633, 626.
major source of this disability. Even though BD produces Bowie, C. R., Twamley, E. W., Anderson, H., Halpern, B., Patterson,
T. L., & Harvey, P. D. (2007). Self-assessment of functional status in
less disability, on average, than schizophrenia, many find- schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 41(12), 1012–1018.
ings of the more established body of literature on cognition doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2006.08.003

C ogniti v e I mpairments and E v eryday D isability in B ipolar I llness   •   19 9

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C ogniti v e I mpairments and E v eryday D isability in B ipolar I llness   •   2 01

PA R T   I V

Marguerite Reid Schneider, David E. Fleck, James C. Eliassen,

and Stephen M. Strakowski

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been instrumen-
Structural MRI (sMRI) consists of a set of techniques to
tal in helping to define the neuropathology of bipolar
examine the anatomy of the body, including the brain.
disorder at the level of brain networks. This work has pro-
Unlike computed tomography (CT), sMRI does not
vided potential biological markers to potentially predict
use ionizing radiation. Instead it relies on the different
the onset of disease, disease chronicity, and the likeli-
magnetic properties of various tissue types to generate a
hood of treatment response. Moreover, new MRI-based
three-dimensional static image. There are two primary
imaging techniques, including diffusion tensor imaging
approaches to analyzing sMRI images of the brain: region
(DTI), and new analysis approaches, such as functional
of interest (ROI) and voxel based morphometry (VBM),
connectivity (FC), promise to further characterize bipo-
although others are being developed (Fleck et  al., 2008).
lar neuropathology in the interest of informing treat-
The use of an ROI or VBM approach depends, in part, on
ment. However, the validity of neuroimaging effects
the research question at hand, the study design, and the
identified in bipolar disorder to date is almost universally
inherent advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
compromised by confounding factors such as medica-
tion exposure. Untangling the independent influences
of genetics, symptomatology, and medication exposure Region of interest analysis
on brain structure and function is a primary goal of psy- Historically, sMRI image processing involved isolating
chiatric imaging research at the beginning of this new macroscopic brain morphology (specific brain regions or
millennium. Toward this end, this chapter reviews MRI structures of interest) by manually “tracing” them on the
techniques, approaches to image analysis, current struc- computer screen. The measurements are obtained by manu-
tural and functional findings, treatment effects, and ally tracing each region/structure in consecutive image
predictors of treatment response as they relate to bipolar “slices” based on anatomical landmarks and then averaging
disorder at the beginning of the 21st century. It is hoped voxels (volumetric pixels). The total volume of each ROI
that this information will provide a solid foundation for is then calculated and compared among different experi-
rapid neuroimaging-based medical advances in the years mental groups or across baseline and treatment conditions.
to come, including a more definitive diagnosis of bipolar As one might imagine, manual ROI analysis is very time
disorder, a better understanding of its development and consuming and painstaking and, as such, can generally be
progression, identification of clinically useful biological used only to examine a relatively few a priori defined brain
treatment targets, and more successful evaluation of treat- regions. In addition to time constraints for tracing each
ment effects. ROI manually, the number of regions examined is further

constrained by the time and training required to obtain cerebrospinal fluid, and non-brain tissues). Recently, seg-
acceptable inter- and intrarater reliability for all ROI trac- mentation algorithms have been combined with metods
ings. More recently, technological advances allow semi- or for intersubject alignment (normalization) and averaging
fully automated computer algorithms in sMRI measure- to create new approaches, including volume- and shape-
ments. The use of these newer automated tracing proce- based morphometry methods (e.g., mesh mapping).
dures bypasses many time and training limitations but is Surface-based approaches also exist in which surface-of-
restricted to structures with highly demarcated edge lines interest or point-by-point comparisons can be made among
that are easily detected and, as such, is not applicable to individuals on measures such as gray matter thickness.
all possible ROIs. As an artifact of manual and automated These automated techniques provide high throughput in
tracing limitations, ROI analysis is typically employed as a single experiment, but they may assess features of the
a hypothesis-driven technique in which brain regions are MRI signal that have an inexact correspondence with spe-
prespecified and hypothesized to increase or decrease in cific structural quantities such as tissue volume or thick-
volume as a group or treatment effect. ness. They also rely heavily on the accuracy of the digital
ROI approaches offer the advantage of construct and image processing technique employed and on intersubject
face validity because they are directly linked to neuroanat- comparisons for validity. Indeed, a primary disadvantage
omy and provide absolute volumes as outcome measures. of VBM is that it is subject to errors based on the assump-
Generally, ROI assessments can be conducted accurately tion that all brains can be similarly transformed into ste-
and provide robust results. The primary drawback of this reotactic space. For instance, overall brain size differences
approach is the substantial time, effort, and cost required to identified in bipolar samples suggest that the removal of
insure reliable and valid measurement as discussed. Other overall brain size information during normalization may
limitations include variability in how regions are anatomi- be an invalid assumption. Another disadvantage is that this
cally defined (subregions of frontal cortex, for instance that method is potentially less sensitive to regional differences in
are better defined functionally than anatomically), tracer small subcortical structures relative to ROI analysis.
drift (which requires periodic recalibration training), and
individual heterogeneity of brain structures, especially in
Diffusion tensor imaging
individuals with neuropathology such as in bipolar disorder.
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an MRI-based anatomi-
cal connectivity technique that uses measurements of in
Voxel-based morphometry analysis
vivo water diffusion to examine white matter integrity.
Unlike ROI analysis, VBM examines sMRI images on a Water diffusion within white matter tracts is strongly influ-
voxel-by-voxel basis for differences in signal intensity, vol- enced by specific structural features including the myelin
ume, and shape across the whole brain. The newer VBM sheath and the tightly packed nature of axonal bundles. In
approach to data processing requires that every voxel in a the absence of any constraints on diffusion, the volume over
brain image be examined through an automated process. which water molecules diffuse is isotropic; that is, it forms
This technique detects volume differences throughout the a sphere. The structure of normal white matter, however,
brain very rapidly, despite the large quantity of data input. results in a more rapid diffusion along the axis of the tract.
Unlike the hypothesis-driven approach of ROI analysis, This relative freedom of movement in only one direction
VBM is an exploratory, hypothesis-generating technique gives rise to a nonisotropic (anisotropic) diffusion pattern,
for examining each voxel in a data array and allowing upon which various DTI measurements are built.
comparisons among corresponding voxels. Rather than Fractional anisotropy (FA) is one DTI measure derived
generating absolute volumes, as in ROI analysis, the VBM from the ratio between water molecule movements parallel
approach requires data be “normalized” into stereotactic with and perpendicular to the axonal tract; this approach
space, and, as such, between-group differences represent has been widely used by bipolar disorder researchers.
relative volumes within each voxel. Decreased FA may represent axonal pathology such as
The VBM approach has a number of distinct advantages neuropathic changes, a loss of bundle coherence (i.e., less
and disadvantages relative to ROI analysis. Its most impor- tightly packed fibers), or a disruption in axonal organiza-
tant advantage is the objective and rapid measurements tion (Foong et al., 2002). Mean diffusivity is another mea-
of whole-brain structure. It also requires relatively little sure derived from DTI of white matter tracts that has been
experimenter effort since it is highly automated (e.g., image widely employed. Increased diffusivity is thought to reflect
segmentation that distinguishes gray matter, white matter, a loss of impediments to water movement in and around

2 0 6   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
white matter tracts that has been observed with edema and Functional connectivity analysis
axonal demyelization and loss (Beaulieu, 2002).
Functional connectivity is a type of fMRI analysis that
Diffusion weighted imaging techniques, such as DTI,
looks at statistical associations between BOLD intensity
have limited spatial resolution but are useful as whole brain
time series for different brain regions. The FC approach
in vivo markers of temporal changes in fiber tracts. The
is useful to explore the brain’s functional organization
physical pattern of anatomical connections is relatively sta-
and to determine if it is altered in brain disorders such as
ble over short time periods (seconds to hours). Over longer
bipolar disorder. The term “functional connectivity” refers
periods (days to weeks), structural connectivity patterns are
to connections among brain regions that share functional
likely subject to morphological change and plasticity, which
properties. More specifically, it can be defined as temporal
may make DTI useful in treatment monitoring.
correlations between spatially remote neurophysiologi-
cal events (fMRI brain activation in this case) expressed
F U NC T IONA L M AG N E T IC as a deviation from statistical independence across these
R E S ONA NC E I M AG I NG A PPROACH E S events (Biswal, Van Kylen, & Hyde, 1997). FC analysis is
In contrast to structural brain imaging techniques, func- conducted with fMRI data collected while an individual
tional imaging allows examinations of online brain activ- is either actively performing a task (an event-related or
ity. Functional MRI (fMRI) builds on the basic principles blocked working memory task for instance) or in a rest-
of sMRI and adds a step allowing brain activation to be ing state to evaluate regional brain interactions that occur
inferred from changes in the blood-oxygenation-level when not actively engaged in an explicit task. Because brain
dependent (BOLD) response. The BOLD response occurs activity is present even in the absence of external stimuli,
because the magnetic properties of hemoglobin differ in resting state FC, any brain region can have seemingly
depending on whether the molecule is oxygenated or deox- spontaneous fluctuations in the BOLD response that may
ygenated. Because active brain regions have an increased represent aspects of the individual’s internal state (mood,
rate of neural firing, they recruit more blood flow, which is future planning, daydreaming, etc.).
detected by the BOLD response. Resting-state FC research has revealed a number of net-
Functional MRI has the advantage over positron emis- works with patterns of synchronous activity that are con-
sion tomography (PET) and single photon emission com- sistently found in healthy individuals. The default mode
puted tomography (SPECT) of not requiring the use of network (DMN) is a network that is active when an indi-
ionizing radiation. Functional MRI also provides better vidual is awake and at rest. The DMN is an anatomically
spatial resolution than PET and SPECT. An additional defined brain system that preferentially activates when
advantage is that fMRI requires little special equipment one’s focus is on internal experiences such as daydreaming,
beyond a standard MRI console as used to perform struc- planning, or memory retrieval. It is negatively correlated
tural scans. Disadvantages of fMRI include a slow temporal with brain systems responsible for external visual or audi-
resolution, on the order of seconds, and a potential loss of tory signal processing and is one of the most studied net-
signal along air/tissue interfaces such as the sinuses. Similar works of resting state brain activity, and one of the most
to sMRI, fMRI data can also be analyzed using either easily visualized. Depending on the method of resting state
ROI or voxel-wise (whole brain) approaches. However, analysis, FC researchers have reported a number of neural
brain network approaches to fMRI analysis (e.g., FC) have networks that appear to be functionally connected during
recently become especially popular due to their ability to rest. The key networks include, but are not limited to, the
identify functional relationships between brain structures. DMN, a sensory/motor component, an executive control
Other network-based approaches also exist, such as effec- component, numerous visual components, frontal/parietal
tive connectivity, which examines information flow and components, an auditory component, and a temporal/pari-
can be compared and contrasted with the FC approach. etal component.
However, for the illustrative rather than technical purposes
of this chapter we restrict the current exposition to a brief
overview of FC analysis and direct the reader to Eickhoff OV E RV I E W OF   s M R I F I N DI NG S
and Grefkes (2011) and Ramnani et al. (2004) for compre- I N   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
hensive reviews of FC and effective connectivity analyses
(Eickhoff & Grefkes, 2011; Ramnani, Behrens, Penny, & The neural substrates of bipolar disorder are incom-
Matthews, 2004). pletely defined. However, sMRI provides a detailed in vivo

S tructural and F unctional M agnetic R esonance I maging F indings   •   2 0 7

examination of neuroanatomy that is beginning to differen- 2008), posterior cingulate (Wang, Jackowski, et al., 2008),
tiate individuals with bipolar disorder from other psychiatric and subcortical white matter (Haznedar et  al., 2005). By
groups and from healthy individuals. Structural MRI studies contrast, mean diffusivity changes have not been widely
have been useful not only to define the neural substrates of identified outside of frontosubcortical white matter tracts
bipolar disorder but also in guiding fMRI and neurochemi- (Beyer et al., 2005; Houenou et al., 2007; Yurgelun-Todd
cal studies using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (discussed et al., 2007). In general, the greater reliability of frontosub-
in Chapter 18). cortical DTI findings, and the neurodevelopmental impli-
cation that frontosubcortical white matter abnormalities
underlie a behavioral “disconnection syndrome” involv-
W H I T E M AT T E R A BNOR M A L I T I E S ing disinhibition and risk-taking behaviors, has driven the
White matter hyperintensities focus on these circuits in bipolar disorder.
Some investigators have reported reduced FA in ante-
One of the most replicated anatomic abnormalities in rior prefrontal white matter tracts, suggesting neuropathic
bipolar disorder is a greater incidence of T2-signal hyper- changes (Adler et al., 2004; Wang, Jackowski, et al., 2008),
intensities in white matter tracts relative to healthy and while others have reported either a lack of FA differences
psychiatric comparison samples (Altshuler et  al., 1995). in prefrontal white matter (Beyer et al., 2005; Bruno et al.,
These small lesions appear on T2-weighted MRI scans as 2008; Haznedar et al., 2005; Yurgelun-Todd et al., 2007) or
areas of higher signal intensity relative to surrounding tis- increased FA (Versace et al., 2008). The areas involved, how-
sue. It should be noted that white matter hyperintensities ever, do not entirely overlap, and it is still unclear to what
are likely only secondarily related to bipolar disorder, with extent discrepant findings between studies reflect meth-
primary relations to cardiovascular risk factors, which are odological differences. Similarly, frontosubcortical diffu-
more common in individuals with bipolar disorder and due sivity has been found to be both increased (the direction
to advancing age and to a positive treatment history. The of pathology) or unchanged in adult patients with bipolar
etiology of these hyperintense lesions, and their specificity disorder (Adler et al., 2004; Beyer et al., 2005; Bruno et al.,
to bipolar disorder, is an issue that has yet to be resolved. 2008; Yurgelun-Todd et al., 2007). Nonetheless, a pattern
It has been speculated that they adversely affect signaling of structural frontosubcortical network disruption is the
between frontosubcortical and limbic structures, thereby most consistent finding in adults with bipolar disorder.
influencing mood and cognition (Norris, Krishnan, & Only a few DTI studies have been conducted examining
Ahearn, 1997; Strakowski, DelBello, Adler, Cecil, & Sax, children and adolescents with bipolar disorder, and find-
2000). This possibility is consistent with DTI studies ings here have also been inconsistent. Adler et  al. (2006)
implicating abnormalities in white matter tract composi- studied a small group of bipolar and healthy youth ranging
tion in bipolar disorder. from 10 to 18 years of age. Individuals with bipolar disorder
were experiencing their first manic or mixed episode when
they were scanned. Findings mirrored the results obtained
Diffusion tensor imaging
in older patients; FA was reduced in anterior white matter
Diffusion tensor imaging has only been used to examine tracts while diffusivity was unchanged. In an additional
white matter tracts in individuals with bipolar disorder analysis of posterior white matter tracts, no between-group
for approximately a decade, and findings have been mixed. differences in either FA or mean diffusivity were found
For the most part, bipolar disorder research has been con- (Adler et al., 2006). Frazier et al. (2007) examined a some-
cerned with white matter tracts within and connecting to what younger group of bipolar children. Decreased FA
frontal cortex. Elsewhere in the brain, DTI findings have was again observed in superior-frontal white matter tracts
been either inconsistent or lack replication. One excep- in addition to orbitofrontal white matter and corpus cal-
tion is the corpus callosum, in which Wang, Kalmar, et al. losum. Moreover, FA values did not correlate with age.
(2008) identified reduced FA in the anterior corpus callo- They extended their study to include a group of high-risk
sum in adults with bipolar disorder. This finding is consis- children that showed similar but smaller differences in FA
tent with another report of reduced corpus callosum FA in compared with healthy individuals (Frazier et  al., 2007).
adult patients, possibly indicating altered interhemispheric The combination of reduced FA values in acute and at-risk
connectivity (Yurgelun-Todd, Silveri, Gruber, Rohan, & children independent of age suggests that these findings are
Pimentel, 2007). Additionally, reduced FA has been risk markers for bipolar disorder rather than developmental
reported in temporal cortex (Bruno, Cercignani, & Ron, in nature. The combination of reduced FA without changes

2 0 8   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
in mean diffusivity suggests that frontal white matter suggest that brain abnormalities in bipolar disorder are pri-
abnormalities in youth with bipolar disorder may represent marily regional, as global measures of total cerebral volumes,
axonal disorganization rather than frank axonal loss (Adler and gray and white matter volumes are frequently unaffected
et  al., 2006). However, these findings are not pathogno- (Haldane & Frangou, 2004). This contention is supported
monic for bipolar disorder. Changes in anisotropy and by meta-analyses (Hallahan et al., 2011; Hoge, Friedman, &
diffusivity have also been observed in patients with other Schulz, 1999; McDonald et al., 2004). Consistent with
affective and psychotic disorders, including major depres- findings in major depressive disorder, Hoge et al. concluded
sive disorder and schizophrenia (Kyriakopoulos, Bargiotas, that there are no cerebral volume differences in bipolar dis-
Barker, & Frangou, 2008). Many of these changes suggest order based on a meta-analysis. In a larger meta-analysis,
similar pathology in frontosubcortical tracts consistent McDonald et al. also found no difference in total brain
with elements of overlapping symptomatology observed volume. However, despite a lack of significant group dif-
among bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and ferences in this regard, Hallahan et al. found that cerebral
schizophrenia. volume reduction was associated with longer illness dura-
tions in individuals with bipolar disorder. In light of often-
reported null mean effects for global cerebral volume, many
investigators have chosen to focus on volume changes in
Despite the fact that DTI, and white matter hyperinten- specific brain regions related to mood and cognitive regu-
sity counts and confluence ratings, indicate white matter lation, primarily structures within frontosubcortical net-
pathology in bipolar disorder, brain tissue segmentation works and their intersection with medial temporal circuits.
(into white matter, gray matter, and cerebral spinal fluid)
studies often demonstrate little loss of white matter volume
Frontal cortex
(e.g., Haldane & Frangou, 2004). This conclusion stands
in contrast to tissue segmentation and postmortem stud- Although abnormalities in cerebral brain regions are
ies involving the ventricular system in which abnormalities reported inconsistently in bipolar disorder, when present
are readily apparent. Indeed, one of the earliest and most they typically consist of decreased frontal or prefrontal cor-
replicated findings in the psychiatric literature in general is tical volumes (Strakowski, Adler, & DelBello, 2002). Such
ventricular enlargement in schizophrenia (e.g., see Shenton, findings are consistent with histological reports of glial and
Dickey, Frumin, & McCarley, 2001, for a review). Although neuronal cell loss in prefrontal and anterior cingulate cor-
enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles is less con- tex in patients with bipolar disorder. Decreased volumes
sistently observed in bipolar disorder (Norris et al., 1997), have been observed particularly in cortical regions encom-
ventricular enlargement in bipolar disorder, when present, passing ventrolateral and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
may represent underdevelopment or degeneration of peri- (Harvey, Persaud, Ron, Baker, & Murray, 1994; Strakowski
ventricular structures rather than a ventricular abnormal- et  al., 1993), which help regulate emotion and cognition.
ity per se (Strakowski, DelBello, et  al., 2002; Strakowski For instance, Sax et al. (1999) noted that decreased prefron-
et al., 1993). This suggestion is supported by a large litera- tal volume correlated with decrements in sustained atten-
ture reporting both periventricular and other regional gray tion on a continuous performance task. Drevets et al. (1997)
matter abnormalities in bipolar disorder. specifically examined the subgenual prefrontal cortex and
noted that not only was the volume decreased in individu-
als with bipolar disorder but the decrease was also associ-
ated with decreased metabolic activity as well (Drevets
et  al., 1997). However, McDonald et  al. (2004), who
Advances in MRI resolution have made research into examined prefrontal and subgenual prefrontal cortex in a
regional brain volumes common and increasingly accu- meta-analysis, found no volume differences in these brain
rate. ROI analysis and VBM are the state-of-the-art image regions, thereby highlighting the inconsistency of sMRI
analysis techniques most often used today, although newer findings in frontal cortex. Measurements of cortical thick-
approaches such as cortical thickness analysis and deforma- ness, on the other hand, have consistently demonstrated
tion based morphometry are continually being developed. thinning of prefrontal cortex in bipolar I  (Foland-Ross
Consistent with findings in major depressive disorder et al., 2011; Lyoo et al., 2006; Rimol et al., 2010) and bipo-
(Coffey et al., 1993; Husain et al., 1991; Krishnan et al., lar II disorder (Elvsashagen et  al., 2013); similar findings
1992; Kumar, Bilker, Jin, & Udupa, 2000), sMRI studies have been reported in other cortical regions including

S tructural and F unctional M agnetic R esonance I maging F indings   •   2 0 9

temporal (Elvsashagen et al., 2013; Rimol et al., 2010) and Strakowski, 2008), so the use of reduced amygdala size as
anterior cingulate cortex (Foland-Ross et  al., 2011; Lyoo a risk biomarker of incipient mania prior to illness onset is
et  al., 2006). Unlike cortical thinning, however, cortical still tenuous. However, despite a lack of mean group volu-
surface area may not be affected in bipolar I or II disorders metric differences, Chen et al. observed that amygdala size
(Elvsashagen et al., 2013; Rimol et al., 2012). was positively correlated with age in bipolar adolescents
but negatively correlated with age in healthy adolescents,
suggesting abnormal amygdala development in at-risk indi-
Medial temporal structure: Amygdala
viduals. This result provides an indication that the devel-
In addition to frontal lobe volume deficits, medial tempo- opmental trajectory of the amygdala is different in bipolar
ral lobe structures may also be abnormal in bipolar disorder disorder than healthy individuals, consistent with a recent
(Schlaepfer et al., 1994). Many prior research studies identi- finding that adolescents experiencing a first manic episode
fied volume changes in the amygdala (Altshuler et al., 2000; do not show increases in amygdala volume over 12 months
Altshuler, Bartzokis, Grieder, Curran, & Mintz, 1998; seen in healthy adolescents and adolescents with atten-
Pearlson et al., 1997; Strakowski et al., 1999). Strakowski tion deficit hyperactivity disorder (Bitter, Mills, Adler,
et al. found bilaterally increased amygdala volume in bipo- Strakowski, & DelBello, 2011). Indeed, reduced amygdala
lar relative to health individuals, and Altshuler et al. found volumes may represent a disease-specific finding, as this
increased amygdala volumes in individuals with bipolar effect has not been associated with other childhood-onset
disorder relative to both schizophrenic and healthy indi- disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
viduals. Pearlson et al., however, reported that individuals and autism (Filipek et al., 1997; Schumann et al., 2004).
with bipolar disorder had decreased left amygdala volumes
relative to healthy individuals and no volume differences
Medial temporal structure: Hippocampus
relative to individuals with schizophrenia.
Indeed, one of the most important neurodevelop- Unlike amygdala changes, and contrary to findings in major
mental distinctions in the sMRI literature to date has depression, there appears to be little change in hippocam-
been the finding of reduced amygdala volume in bipolar pal volume in bipolar disorder. Videbech and Ravnkilde
youth relative to normal or enlarged amygdala volume in (2004) combined data from six studies reporting hippo-
adults with bipolar disorder (Fleck et  al., 2008; Pfeifer, campal volumes in bipolar relative to healthy individuals,
Welge, Strakowski, Adler, & DelBello, 2008). In stud- only one of which showed changes in bipolar disorder. No
ies involving pediatric bipolar samples, reduced amygdala differences in hippocampal volume were identified in the
volume has been the most consistent neuroanatomical resulting meta-analysis either, consistent with a separate
finding (Blumberg, Kaufman, et  al., 2003; Chen et  al., meta-analysis by McDonald et al. (2004) conducted in the
2004; DelBello, Zimmerman, Mills, Getz, & Strakowski, same year. Based on such findings, Strakowski, Adler, et al.
2004; Dickstein et al., 2005; Frazier et al., 2005). In con- (2002) suggested that affective illness may involve under-
trast, studies of individuals with adult-onset bipolar dis- developed or atrophied prefrontal regions that lead to a
order have found either increased (Altshuler et  al., 2000; loss of cortical modulation of emotional circuits involving
Brambilla et  al., 2003; Frangou, Donaldson, Hadjulis, the amygdala. Possible reasons for a preferential impact on
Landau, & Goldstein, 2005; Sax et  al., 1999; Strakowski amygdala volume, to a greater degree than hippocampal vol-
et al., 1999) or normal (Strakowski, DelBello, et al., 2002; ume, are unclear considering the functional and anatomi-
Swayze, Andreasen, Alliger, Yuh, & Ehrhardt, 1992) amyg- cal proximity of these structures and the fact that bipolar
dala volumes relative to healthy individuals. Smaller amyg- disorder is characterized by declarative memory deficits in
dala volumes have even been reported in first-episode addition to mood dysregulation.
bipolar samples (Rosso et al., 2007), suggesting that amyg- Bearden et  al., (2008), demonstrated that total hip-
dala volume deficits are apparent early in the illness course pocampal volume was significantly smaller in adolescents
and might be useful as an illness biomarker. Smaller amyg- with bipolar disorder relative to healthy individuals.
dala volumes have also been noted in bipolar youth who Using a mesh mapping approach, the authors were able
have a parent with bipolar disorder (Chang et al., 2005), but to identify localized deformations in the head and tail
studies of children at familial risk for developing bipolar of the left hippocampus in adolescents with bipolar dis-
disorder do not always demonstrate a significant decrease order relative to their healthy counterparts, suggesting
in amygdala volume (Blumberg, Kaufman, et  al., 2003; that by probing the microstructure of common ROIs new
Chen et  al., 2004; Singh, Delbello, Adler, Stanford, & insights regarding the impact of bipolar disorder on brain

210   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
structure are possible. Additionally, in the same study, numerous factors, most significantly the episodic nature
there was a significant positive correlation between hippo- of the illness and the effects of medications. In adults,
campal size and age in individuals with bipolar disorder, the majority of functional studies have used euthymic
whereas healthy adolescents showed an inverse relation; patients, and only a smaller body of research explores
associations similar to those previously demonstrated for functional activation patterns during episodes of depres-
the amygdala in bipolar and healthy adolescents, respec- sion or mania, despite the fact that mania is the defining
tively (Chen et al., 2004). feature of the illness. In addition, the majority of func-
tional imaging studies are confounded by current or prior
psychotropic medication exposure among participants,
Basal ganglia and thalamus with only a small minority of studies assessing medica-
Several studies reported morphological differences between tion naïve individuals.
bipolar and healthy individuals in the basal ganglia (Aylward
et al., 1994; Strakowski et al., 1999), as well as the thalamus E MOT ION A L PRO C E S S I NG S T U DI E S
(McIntosh et al., 2004; Strakowski et al., 1999). Consistent
with the field as a whole, however, sMRI studies of the basal Emotional processing studies in bipolar disorder have
ganglia and thalamus have been mixed in bipolar disorder, employed a variety of behavioral paradigms, including both
with most showing no differences compared with healthy implicit and explicit emotional processing and regulation.
individuals (Dupont, Jernigan, et al., 1995; Harvey et al., The brain regions most commonly studied in emotional
1994; Sax et al., 1999; Strakowski et al., 1993; Swayze et al., processing and regulation paradigms overlap significantly
1992). However, Strakowski et al. (1999) found bilaterally with those that have been the focus of sMRI studies in
increased striatal volumes in individuals with bipolar dis- bipolar individuals and include the amygdala, the ante-
order and Aylward et al. (1994) also found increased basal rior cingulate cortex, and the medial and ventrolateral
ganglia volumes but in males with bipolar disorder only. prefrontal cortices. In healthy individuals, these regions
Similarly, although certain investigators report no abnor- interact as a network that functions to identify and process
malities in thalamic volume in bipolar disorder (Caetano emotional stimuli and to regulate emotional responses. In
et al., 2001; Dupont, Jernigan, et al., 1995; Sax et al., 1999; this model, the amygdala functions to detect and signal
Strakowski et al., 1993), Strakowski et al. and Dupont, the salience of potentially emotional stimuli. Amygdala
Butters, et al. (1995) found increased thalamic volumes. activation in response to such stimuli triggers physiologi-
cal and behavioral responses via connections between this
region and both the autonomic nervous system and the
OV E RV I E W OF  f M R I F I N DI NG S hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The prefrontal regions
I N   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R in this network are thought to play a regulatory or inhibi-
tory role through reciprocal connections with amygdala
Bipolar disorder has long been considered primarily a dis- and other limbic regions. For example, the medial prefron-
order of mood regulation. While abnormal emotional pro- tal cortex and the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex may act to
cessing is a core feature of the illness, neuropsychological dampen response to threatening stimuli both by reducing
research has demonstrated that individuals with bipolar the activation of amygdala and via inhibitory connections
disorder also demonstrate deficits in a number of cogni- between the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and the auto-
tive domains, including attention, executive function, nomic nervous system. In tasks involving healthy partici-
and verbal memory (Fleck et al., 2009). These deficits are pants, successful emotional regulation is often associated
reviewed in detail in Chapter 16. Functional MRI stud- with increased activation of ventrolateral and medial pre-
ies in bipolar disorder can be largely divided along these frontal cortices and reductions in amygdala activation. The
emotional-cognitive lines. The majority of fMRI studies anterior cingulate cortex is thought to function in healthy
of the bipolar brain have attempted to detect functional individuals to manage attentional processing, in part by
abnormalities associated with emotional processing and modulating attentional commitment to emotional stimuli.
regulation. However, there is also a significant body of The anterior cingulate may also be involved in regulation
research that has sought to assess the functional altera- of reciprocal interactions between emotional and cognitive
tions associated with purely cognitive tasks and executive processing systems (Yamasaki, LaBar, & McCarthy, 2002).
function in bipolar disorder. Similar to sMRI studies, For more through reviews of healthy human circuitry for
fMRI research in bipolar disorder is complicated by

S tructural and F unctional M agnetic R esonance I maging F indings   •   211

emotional perception and regulation see Ochsner and emotional regulation, hypoactivation in this region may
Gross (2005) or Phillips, Drevets, Rauch, and Lane (2003). contribute to the increased emotional reactivity seen in
As might be expected, given the prominence of emo- bipolar patients, even those not currently experiencing an
tional dysregulation in individuals with bipolar disorder, acute mood episode. Further research in this area is needed,
studies of emotional processing in this population have as very few fMRI studies have directly compared the func-
often found altered patterns of functional activation in this tional correlates of emotional processing in bipolar individ-
emotional processing network. The abnormalities detected uals in different mood states, and even fewer have done so
align with the hypothesis that bipolar disorder is associ- by following the same patients longitudinally.
ated with heightened emotional reactivity and decreased
emotional regulation. The most frequently replicated find-
ings in both youth and adults are hyperactivation of the
amygdala and hypoactivation in ventrolateral prefrontal While emotional processing alterations are core features
cortex, although the striatum is also frequently involved of bipolar disorder, these individuals also demonstrate
(Townsend & Altshuler, 2012). A  recent meta-analysis significant deficits in purely cognitive tasks, particularly
found that during emotional processing tasks, individuals those associated with domains of executive function.
with bipolar disorder show an overall pattern of increased Understanding the functional underpinnings of these defi-
activation in the medial temporal lobe, including the amyg- cits is essential because executive function deficits are asso-
dala, hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus, and in ciated with significant functional impairment and poor
putamen, along with decreased activation in the inferior outcomes in both youth and adults with bipolar disorder
frontal gyrus (Chen, Suckling, Lennox, Ooi, & Bullmore, (Biederman et al., 2011; Pavuluri et al., 2006). Studies of
2011). Interestingly, in bipolar youth hyperactivity of the functional correlates of cognitive tasks in individuals with
amygdala in response to emotional stimuli has been found bipolar disorder have employed a variety of behavioral
to correlate with decreases in volume (Kalmar et al., 2009). paradigms, including sustained attention, response inhibi-
The degree of hyperactivity of amygdala during emotional tion, interference control, and working-memory tasks. This
tasks has also been found to correlate with symptom severity diversity of paradigms generally means that relatively few
as measured by the Young Mania Rating Scale (Bermpohl studies have been conducted for each executive function
et al., 2009). domain. However, there are some commonalities across
A comprehensive understanding of emotional process- studies of cognitive processing in bipolar disorder.
ing in bipolar disorder is complicated by the multiple mood In the past, cognitive and emotional processing systems
states that bipolar individuals experience over the course were thought of as separate, both anatomically and func-
of their illness. While the majority of imaging studies in tionally. In such models, cognitive processing was thought
adults have included only subjects that were euthymic at to be “top-down,” primarily involving dorsal regions of
the time of the scan, several studies have included indi- the prefrontal cortex, while emotional systems were more
viduals during manic or depressive episodes. When these “bottom-up,” relying on limbic system and ventral pre-
studies are considered together, there is evidence that the frontal regions. Such hypotheses separating emotion from
functional alterations associated with emotional processing cognition have largely fallen out of favor, as recent find-
in bipolar disorder have both state- and trait-related com- ings suggest that the classically “cognitive” brain regions,
ponents. Specifically, amygdala hyperactivation during the including the anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal
processing of emotional stimuli is seen in the majority of cortex, and classically “emotional” regions interact signifi-
studies performed with participants in the manic state and cantly across a variety of tasks. Some of these interactions
is less frequently replicated in depressed or euthymic sam- reflect the idea of reciprocal interactions between emotional
ples (Townsend & Altshuler, 2012). Therefore, amygdala and cognitive processing. That is to say, “purely cognitive”
hyperactivity, at least in response to emotional stimuli, may processing involves suppression of emotional networks,
be a state-related finding exclusive to mania. In contrast, whereas strong emotional activation interferes with cogni-
hypoactivation in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex has tive processing (Yamasaki et al., 2002). For a review of the
been detected in the majority of studies of emotional pro- literature on the interactions between cognitive and emo-
cessing in bipolar disorder, regardless of mood state, sug- tional processing systems in healthy individuals, see Pessoa
gesting that altered function in that region may be a trait (2008).
abnormality in bipolar disorder (Townsend & Altshuler, It is not surprising, then, that the alterations seen
2012). Given the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex’s role in in fMRI studies of cognitive processing paradigms in

21 2   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
individuals with bipolar disorder often involve the same to clarify relationships between genes associated with bipo-
regions found to be dysfunctional in tasks of emotional lar disorder and functional alterations.
processing. In a meta-analysis, the performance of purely
cognitive tasks by individuals with bipolar disorder across
multiple studies was associated with decreased activation M E DIC AT ION E F F E C T S
in the inferior frontal gyrus, the lingual gyrus, and the I N   I M AG I NG S T U DI E S
putamen (Chen et  al., 2011). Dysregulation in regions of OF   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex has been detected dur-
ing sustained attention, response inhibition, and interfer- Bipolar disorder is a serious psychiatric illness that is most
ence control in individuals with bipolar disorder (Altshuler often treated with psychotropic medications, including
et al., 2005; Blumberg, Leung, et al., 2003; Schneider et al., atypical antipsychotics, lithium, and other mood stabiliz-
2012). Indeed, a recent meta-analysis of functional imaging ers. As ethical limitations prevent delaying or terminating
studies in bipolar disorder reported decreased activation effective treatment for the purpose of research, the major-
in the inferior frontal gyrus during cognitive processing ity of MRI studies in bipolar patients are confounded by
tasks (Chen et al., 2011). Similarly, hyperactivation of the the potential effects of medications on brain structure
amygdala has been detected in cognitive paradigms, even and function. Very limited research has attempted to
in the absence of emotionally valenced stimuli (Fleck et al., directly assess the effects of medication on the brains of
2012). However, limbic hyperactivation is less reliably bipolar individuals. Rather, the majority of studies that
detected in purely cognitive tasks than in tasks using emo- explore the effects of medications on imaging findings do
tionally valenced stimuli (Chen et  al., 2011). In addition, so as a secondary analysis, for the most part in an attempt
striatal, parietal, and cingulate abnormalities appear to be to identify the influence of medication exposure as a con-
more prominent during tasks requiring cognitive process- found on the interpretation of results. The majority of
ing than during emotional processing, and dorsal prefron- studies that have taken this approach have found either no
tal alterations have been detected, most prominently in significant effects of medication on either brain structure
studies employing memory paradigms (Kupferschmidt & or function in bipolar individuals or have found medica-
Zakzanis, 2011). Interestingly, alterations in dorsal prefron- tion exposure to have a normalizing effect. This pattern
tal regions include both hypoactivity and hyperactivity. It is suggests that medication exposure confounds may be
possible that, in some situations, processing is impaired by increasing risk of type II error but not introducing spuri-
insufficient recruitment of dorsal prefrontal regions, while ous findings not associated with the pathophysiology of
in others the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is dispropor- the disease.
tionally recruited, perhaps as a compensatory control.
The medication most frequently associated with signifi-
Recently, several studies have explored relationships among cant volumetric changes is lithium; therefore, the effect
single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes associated with of lithium on brain volume has received considerable
bipolar disorder and MRI findings. While genetic asso- attention relative to other mood stabilizers. An early
ciations with structural alterations have been rare, several study demonstrated that increases in T1-weighted signal
studies in both healthy and bipolar samples have found values in frontal white matter normalized with lithium
an association between the risk alleles at several gene loci, treatment (Rangel-Guerra et al., 1983). More recently,
including CACNA1C, ANK3, and ODZ4, and activation Brambilla, et al., (2001) found no effect of lithium on
patterns associated with bipolar disorder, especially limbic total brain volume in individuals with bipolar disorder,
hyperactivity during emotional and reward tasks (Dima but most extant studies suggest an effect. For instance,
et al., 2013; Heinrich et al., 2013; Jogia et al., 2011; Tesli Moore et al. (2000) found increased total brain volume
et al., 2013). However, several of these studies also suggest in bipolar disorder after four weeks of lithium treatment.
a complicated picture, with significant gene-by-diagnosis Drevets (2000) found that individuals taking either lith-
interactions, such that individuals with bipolar disorder ium or valproic acid do not exhibit the same reductions
show an opposite pattern of activation change associated in subgenual prefrontal cortex volumes seen in those not
with risk allele load than healthy subjects (Dima et  al., taking these medications.
2013; Jogia et al., 2011). More research in this area is needed

S tructural and F unctional M agnetic R esonance I maging F indings   •   213

The preponderance of evidence points to lithium’s lithium. As can be seen in Figure 17.1, mesh mapping results
influence on the amygdala-hippocampal complex in par- from this study revealed localized increases in regions of
ticular, in both pediatric and adult bipolar samples. It was the hippocampus in lithium-treated individuals with bipo-
reported that amygdala size is negatively associated with lar disorder compared with healthy individuals. Observed
antidepressant exposure and duration of illness (DelBello reductions in subregions of the hippocampus in unmedi-
et al., 2004), but positively associated with lithium or dival- cated bipolar disorder were proposed as a possible neural
proex exposure in pediatric samples (Chang et  al., 2005), correlate of the declarative memory deficits reported in the
possibly indicating that antidepressants (and increased ill- illness. (Bearden et al., 2008). Beyond the possible impact
ness duration) potentate the risk of amygdala reductions, of these results on treatment models of bipolar disorder,
while lithium and mood stabilizers protect against volume they also highlight the ability of sMRI to probe the micro-
loss in pediatric bipolar disorder. structure of even small brain volumes. Finally, in a recent
Foland et al. (2008) assessed whether lithium treatment meta-analysis of 321 individuals with bipolar I  disorder
was associated with volume differences in the amygdala and 442 healthy individuals, Hallahan et al. (2011) demon-
and hippocampus in adults with bipolar disorder using strated that bipolar disorder is characterized by increased
tensor-based morphometry, which derives volumes from right lateral ventricular, left temporal lobe, and right puta-
the amount of warping required to match structures to a men volumes. More important, individuals treated with
common template. Group comparisons of deformation lithium displayed significantly increased hippocampal and
maps showed that lithium-treated individuals exhibited amygdala volumes compared with untreated and healthy
significantly increased volumes of amygdala and hippo- individuals. Therefore lithium exposure appears to be a
campus compared with individuals not receiving lithium. source of considerable heterogeneity in sMRI results and
Bearden et al., (2008) also reported that total hippocampal to have a possible neuroprotective effect, as suggested by its
volumes were significantly larger in lithium-treated indi- association with increased amygdala-hippocampal complex
viduals with bipolar disorder compared with healthy and volumes (Hallahan et al., 2011).
unmedicated individuals with bipolar disorder, indicat- A small prospective study by Selek and colleagues
ing that the greater volume reflects a neurotropic effect of (2013) directly assessed the impact of lithium treatment

Li+ BPD vs. Healthy Control: Increase in Li+ Group


Percent Difference

–30% –20% –10% +5%



<0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 >0.05

Figure 17.1 
Statistical 3-D maps showing local differences in hippocampal structures between lithium-treated participants with bipolar disorder
and healthy comparison participants in terms of percent difference (a) and statistical significance (b). The right hippocampus is on the left side of
the figure (from Bearden et al., 2008).

214   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
on brain volumes in bipolar individuals longitudinally PRO S PEC T I V E M E DIC AT ION
over a four-week treatment period. This study used auto- S T U DI E S
mated ROI techniques to test treatment effects on vol-
ume of the hippocampus, amygdala, anterior cingulate, A much smaller body of research has prospectively assessed
and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, as well as prefrontal the effects of medication directly through repeated struc-
cortex overall. The results suggested that the neurotropic tural or functional scanning of individuals before and after
effects of lithium on brain volumes may be region-specific specific medication regimens. The majority of these studies
and related to the level of treatment response. Specifically, were conducted in youth with bipolar disorder. Some sig-
individuals who responded to lithium treatment showed nificant limitations are common to much of the published
increased volumes with treatment in left dorsolateral pre- research in this area. First, these studies have almost uni-
frontal cortex and prefrontal cortex overall that was not versally employed treatment courses of 14 weeks or less and
seen in those who did not respond to treatment. Those in some cases as few as 4 weeks. Second, due in part to the
who did not respond to lithium showed volume decreases ethical issues associated with withholding treatment from
in the left hippocampus and the right anterior cingulate. acutely ill individuals for research purposes, the majority of
Healthy controls not treated with medications and bipo- studies do not include a placebo group and instead employ
lar individuals who were euthymic at baseline showed no only healthy youth as comparison subjects. To date, only
volumetric changes (Selek et  al., 2013). Interpretation of one published report has included a placebo-treated group
these results, particularly for the nonresponder group, of youth with bipolar disorder followed longitudinally to
is limited by the very small sample size, as only six indi- control for activation changes associated with untreated
viduals failed to respond. However, complex interactions disease course (Schneider et  al., 2012). Third, these stud-
between treatment response and volumetric effects may ies employed a variety of different cognitive tasks, which
explain some of the heterogeneity in correlational analyses. complicates interpretation of results across studies. Finally,
Interestingly, this study also found that those who did not the majority of studies included only youth in manic,
respond to lithium had smaller right amygdala volumes at hypomanic, or mixed states. Only two prospective stud-
baseline, suggesting that regional volumes may also be use- ies explored treatment effects in the depressed phase of ill-
ful in predicting response prior to the onset of treatment. ness, one using lamotrigine monotherapy (Chang, Wagner,
Despite the fact that lithium effects on sMRI findings Garrett, Howe, & Reiss, 2008) and another using a natu-
have frequently been explored, fMRI effects have been ralistic treatment protocol (Diler et al., 2013). Despite these
explored only as secondary analyses attempting to con- limitations, published research in this area has significant
trol for medication effects. Longitudinal studies exploring potential to inform our understanding of the neurofunc-
the functional effects of lithium treatment are needed to tional correlates of treatment and response in individuals
determine if the structural changes seen in patients treated with bipolar disorder.
with lithium are associated with functional normalization Two published studies prospectively looked at treat-
in the same regions. ment effects in adults with bipolar disorder. Both employed
a 12-week course of lamotrigine in adults who were stable at
baseline. In an emotional processing task (sad affect recog-
nition), lamotrigine treatment was associated with increases
Even short-term treatment with conventional antipsychot- in activation, including both dorsomedial and ventrolat-
ics has been associated with increased basal ganglia vol- eral prefrontal cortex. These increases were interpreted
umes, especially caudate volume, and a variety of decreased as normalizing, as bipolar individuals showed decreased
cortical gray matter volumes. By contrast, atypical antipsy- activation relative to healthy subjects at baseline prior to
chotics seem to have little influence on the caudate, pos- lamotrigine treatment (Jogia, Haldane, Cobb, Kumari, &
sibly consistent with their relative lack of extrapyramidal Frangou, 2008). Another study employed both emotional
side effects, and have been related to increased cortical gray (angry affect recognition) and cognitive (n-back working
matter volume (Kumari & Cooke, 2006; Scherk & Falkai, memory) tasks. In this study, treatment with lamotrigine
2004), suggesting that atypicals may ameliorate structural was associated with increased activation in bilateral supe-
changes produced by psychopathology and/or typical anti- rior frontal and cingulate cortices during the n-back task
psychotic use. In fact, switching from typical to atypical and increased activation in the right middle frontal gyrus
antipsychotics may reduce basal ganglia volumes to values and left medial frontal cortex (Haldane et  al., 2008). As
comparable to healthy individuals (Scherk & Falkai, 2006). this study did not employ a comparison group of healthy

S tructural and F unctional M agnetic R esonance I maging F indings   •   215

participants, it is difficult to determine if these changes medication effects may differ between treatments. While
were normalizing. One significant limitation of these stud- symptoms improved for individuals in both treatment
ies is that they included only participants who were stable at groups, the two medications differed in their effects on
baseline, and participants showed little change in symptom activation during emotional working memory, affective
severity with treatment. Given that there are state-related color matching, and response inhibition (Pavuluri, Ellis,
differences in functional activation patterns in individuals Wegbreit, Passarotti, & Stevens, 2012; Pavuluri, Passarotti,
with bipolar disorder, these findings might not extend to Fitzgerald, Wegbreit, & Sweeney, 2012; Pavuluri,
individuals experiencing manic or depressive episodes. Passarotti, Lu, Carbray, & Sweeney, 2011). For example, in
Longitudinal studies of medication effects have been an emotional working-memory task, risperidone was asso-
more common in youth with bipolar disorder. In particular, ciated with increases in activation in the anterior cingulate
several medications have been studied longitudinally using and striatal regions, while divalproex was associated with
functional imaging paradigms in manic youth, includ- increased activation in the inferior frontal gyrus (Pavuluri,
ing lamotrigine, risperidone, divalproex, and ziprasidone. Passarotti, et al., 2012). In a response-inhibition task, the
Lamotrigine treatment has been associated with normal- medications were also found to have differential effects on
ization of prefrontal activation patterns in several cognitive FC patterns, with risperidone showing greater increases in
tasks, and this change in activation in several key regions FC of the insula in an affective circuit, while divalproex was
is correlated with treatment response. During a response associated with increases in subgenual cingulate connectiv-
inhibition task, youth with bipolar disorder showed ity (Pavuluri, Ellis, et al., 2012). The difference in findings
decreased activation in ventral prefrontal regions relative between treatment groups supports the hypothesis that the
to healthy subjects. Activation increased with lamotrigine functional effects were related to the actions of the medica-
treatment, and the increased activation in the ventrolat- tions themselves as opposed to treatment response, despite
eral prefrontal cortex was correlated with improvements in the absence of a placebo control groups.
manic symptoms (Pavuluri, Passarotti, Harral, & Sweeney, To date, the only placebo-controlled study of the neu-
2010). In an affective color-matching task, prior to treat- rofunctional correlates of pharmacological treatment in
ment bipolar individuals showed increased activation in manic youth with bipolar disorder employed ziprasidone
both dorsolateral and medial prefrontal regions relative to in a four-week, randomized, double-blind trial, which
healthy subjects. Following lamotrigine treatment, activ- employed a sustained attention task. Treatment with zipra-
ity in both of these regions normalized, and the increase sidone was associated with greater increases in activation in
in medial prefrontal cortex activity was correlated with a the right ventral prefrontal cortex. In addition, individu-
decrease in manic symptoms. Similar results of prefron- als with lower baseline activation in right BA 47 were more
tal normalization with lamotrigine treatment correlat- likely to respond to ziprasidone treatment, and baseline
ing with symptomatic improvement were obtained in an activation in this region was significantly correlated with
affective working-memory task. However, for the affective symptomatic improvement as measured by reduction in
working-memory task, significant amygdala hyperactiva- Young Mania Rating Scale scores (Schneider et al., 2012).
tion relative to healthy youth was detected at baseline, and Only a single, small study has explored the effects of
while there was some decrease in activation with treat- a specific medication on functional activation patterns in
ment, the amygdala remained hyperactive at the end of youth during the depressed phase of bipolar illness. Chang
the study period (Passarotti, Sweeney, & Pavuluri, 2011). and colleagues (2008) scanned eight depressed bipolar
Unfortunately, none of the studies of lamotrigine treat- youth during an emotional stimulus rating task before and
ment employed a placebo-treated control group. As these after eight weeks of lamotrigine therapy. Analysis focused
studies all had a very high response rate, it is difficult to on ROIs in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and amyg-
determine if the activation changes detected are associated dala bilaterally. All patients responded to treatment, and
with lamotrigine treatment specifically or with symptom- decreases in right amygdala activation between baseline and
atic improvement more broadly. endpoint were significantly correlated with symptomatic
The functional effects of risperidone and divalproex improvement, as measured by the Children’s Depression
on functional activity in manic youth with bipolar disor- Rating Scale, Revised (Chang et al., 2008). A more recent
der have been studied in six-week, double-blind, random- study looked at treatment effects more generally, scanning
ized studies. In these studies participants were randomized 10 depressed adolescents with bipolar disorder on a purely
to treatment with either risperidone or divalproex, and cognitive go/no-go task before and after six weeks of natu-
treatment groups were compared to assess directly how ralistic treatment, which included psychotherapy and either

216   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
medication changes or dose increases for most participants. in bipolar disorder. Further research is needed to better
When posttreatment scans were compared to baseline, assess the long-term effects of treatment with specific medi-
increased activation was seen in the right hippocampus cations on both structure and function of the brain in both
and left thalamus, and the decrease in depression scores pediatric and adult samples of bipolar disorder patients.
was correlated with the increase in left thalamus activity Interestingly, it appears that nonpharmacological inter-
in the six individuals who responded to the treatment regi- ventions for bipolar disorder may also have effects on func-
mens. Interestingly, the treatment effects in this study do tional activation patterns. In a small study, Ives-Delperi and
not appear to reflect normalization, as both of these regions colleagues (2013) scanned 16 bipolar individuals who were
of increased activation were hyperactive relative to healthy mildly symptomatic at enrollment before and after eight
subjects. Additionally, abnormally increased activation in weeks of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT).
ventrolateral prefrontal cortex relative to healthy subjects A  comparison group of 7 bipolar individuals who were
persisted following treatment. The small sample and com- wait-listed for the mindfulness training and 10 healthy
plicated treatment protocol, including uncontrolled psy- subjects were scanned at the same intervals. Following the
chotherapy, make it difficult to interpret these findings in MBCT program, participants reported increased emotional
the context of specific medication effects. regulation and decreased anxiety and showed improved
The limitation of almost all prospective studies is that performance on neurocognitive testing. Relative to healthy
they assess the effects of monotherapy over a very brief subjects, bipolar individuals overall showed decreased acti-
timeframe—14 weeks or less—in a small number of sub- vation in the medial prefrontal cortex, a region associated
jects. In contrast, individuals with bipolar disorder often with emotional regulation. Treatment with MBCT was
remain on medication regimens for years, and many are associated with an increase in activation in this region, as
treated with multiple medications and combinations of well as the right posterior cingulate. Among those who
medications over the course of their illness. One recent underwent the treatment, the change in activation in the
study, by Yang and colleagues (2013), looked at the longer medial prefrontal cortex was correlated with self-reported
term effects of treatment in a small pediatric bipolar disor- increases in mindfulness (Ives-Deliperi, Howells, Stein,
der sample. In this study, unmedicated youth were scanned Meintjes, & Horn, 2013). The cognitive task used in this
at baseline during the performance of the pediatric affec- study was a block design mindfulness meditation task. It is
tive color-matching task. Individuals were then treated not clear if this functional normalization extends to emo-
following a standard treatment algorithm and underwent tional regulation in other contexts. However, mindfulness
follow-up scans at both 16 weeks and 3 years. A comparison strategies have been shown to be effective in attenuating
group of typically developing youth was scanned at the same emotional responsiveness, although the mechanism may
time points. The results demonstrate that youth with bipo- differ between beginning and very experienced meditators
lar disorder showed abnormal hyperactivation of right dor- (Taylor et al., 2011).
solateral prefrontal cortex, striatum, amygdala, and anterior
cingulate and that the activation in these regions normal-
ized over the three-year course of treatment. Interestingly, C ONC LUS ION
the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex had significantly
normalized by 16 weeks, while the other regions took lon- Structural MRI has been instrumental in uncovering pat-
ger to do so, suggesting that cognitive circuitry may recover terns of brain abnormalities in bipolar disorder. Although
more quickly with symptom resolution than limbic areas. global volumetrics are often unaffected, it is now clear that
There are significant limitations to this study:  the large bipolar disorder is characterized by regional changes in both
span between the 16-week and three-year time points pre- white and gray matter. Increased numbers of white matter
vented pinpointing the time to recovery in later recover- hyperintensities have been observed (Aylward et al., 1994;
ing regions; moreover, the subjects did not all receive the Bearden, Hoffman, & Cannon, 2001; Norris et al., 1997),
same treatment but were treated using a flexible protocol and, although DTI data are still sparse, results suggest that
that allowed for multiple treatment options, medication white matter pathology in frontosubcortical tracts and the
changes, and medication combinations. Finally, the sample corpus callosum is present across bipolar age groups (Adler
size was small, with only 13 youth in the bipolar group and et al., 2004; Agarwal, Port, Bazzocchi, & Renshaw, 2010;
10 healthy subjects. Nonetheless, the study is significant in Wang, Kalmar, et  al., 2008). Furthermore, white matter
that it is the first to explore prospectively treatment effects abnormalities in these pathways may be intrinsic to bipolar
over the long courses of medication exposure typically used disorder and result in changes to the neurodevelopmental

S tructural and F unctional M agnetic R esonance I maging F indings   •   217

trajectory of networked structures (Bruno et  al., 2008; individual level, with varying accuracy (Grotegerd et  al.,
Frazier et al., 2007). 2013; Rocha-Rego et al., 2013; Schnack et al., 2013). The
The most consistent regionally defined structural practicality and clinical utility of such techniques remain
abnormalities identified in bipolar studies to date have been to be seen but offer promise.
in the prefrontal cortex (Drevets et al., 1997; Strakowski, Recent reviews of treatment effects indicate that psycho-
Adler, et  al., 2002), subgenual anterior cingulate cortex tropic medications have a primary influence on brain volu-
(Agarwal et al., 2010), basal ganglia (Aylward et al., 1994; metrics, possibly to a greater extent than DTI and fMRI, in
Strakowski et al., 1999), thalamus (McIntosh et al., 2004; both child and adolescent (Singh & Chang, 2012) and adult
Strakowski et  al., 1999), and especially the amygdala samples (Hafeman, Chang, Garrett, Sanders, & Phillips,
(Altshuler et  al., 2000; Pearlson et  al., 1997; Strakowski 2012). Studies suggest that lithium, in particular, is neuro-
et  al., 1999). As noted, although hypothesis-driven ROI protective and is associated with increased volumes in cor-
studies are often limited to frontosubcortical regions based ticolimbic regions subserving mood regulation (Hafeman
on the behavioral manifestation of bipolar disorder (call- et al., 2012), including the amygdala/hippocampal complex
ing into question the regional specificity of ROI results), (Hallahan et al., 2011). In general, psychotropic medications
brain-wide VBM results have helped confirm the impor- appear to either normalize or have no effect on sMRI indi-
tant role that these regions play in the neuropathology of ces, suggesting that they likely do not explain MRI findings
bipolar disorder. in bipolar disorder. Similarly, the effects of medication on
With respect to brain function, bipolar disorder is often functional activation appear to be primarily normalizing.
thought of as resulting from a disruption in emotional pro- However, different pharmacological treatments appear to
cessing systems. This hypothesis is supported by the frequent be associated with disparate functional effects, although the
replication of functional alterations in regions associated absence of a placebo control group complicates the interpre-
with emotional processing when participants with bipolar tation of most prospective medication studies using fMRI.
are exposed to emotionally valenced stimuli. Some altera- Since measures of symptomatic improvement often corre-
tions may be specific to mood state, for example, amygdala late with changes in activation patterns, these studies suggest
hyperactiviation appears to be most prominent during that there may be promise for functional imaging patterns as
mania, while other functional abnormalities, in particular predictors of treatment response; however, far more research
ventral prefrontal hypoactivation, may be associated with is needed in this area before this suggestion could yield clini-
bipolar disorder across all mood presentations (Townsend & cally actionable results. Finally, almost all of the prospec-
Altshuler, 2012). Abnormal interactions among these ventral tive studies that explore the effects of medication have been
prefrontal–limbic emotional networks and more dorsal cog- conducted in pediatric samples. It is likely that early-onset
nitive processing systems may be partially responsible for the bipolar disorder differs from adult-onset presentations, and
neurocognitive deficits associated with bipolar disorder. therefore those results might not extend to adults.
A growing body of research has combined structural Several factors need to be considered when attempting
and functional imaging techniques within the same study to differentiate patients with mood disorders on the basis of
(e.g., DTI and fMRI) to distinguish bipolar disorder from MRI. First, volume and activation changes may occur only as
other common psychiatric illnesses that have significant a cumulative effect in proportion to the number of affective
symptomatic overlap with bipolar disorder, including episodes (DelBello, Strakowski, Zimmerman, Hawkins,
depression and schizophrenia. For reviews of these direct & Sax, 1999; Mills, Delbello, Adler, & Strakowski, 2005).
comparison studies, see Whalley et al. (2012) and Cardaso Alternatively, these changes may reflect the cumulative
de Almeida and Phillips (2013). These studies found both effects of medications or illness severity may influence mea-
distinct and overlapping patterns of structural and func- surements. An understanding of these, and other, caveats
tional alterations associated with these illnesses. This with respect to the use of MRI in bipolar disorder will be
approach of combining structural and functional tech- essential to move the field forward. However, MRI findings
niques will likely prove essential to future progress in the may be useful to predict and monitor treatment response.
field. Other methodological and technical advances have In the future, the use of serial MRI to measure the rate
come from advances in computer science. Very recent of brain changes might provide a method for quantifying
studies have shown that computer analysis algorithms not only disease progression but also treatment efficacy in
that use imaging parameters may be useful in distinguish- bipolar disorder. Structural MRI studies are already being
ing individuals with bipolar disorder from healthy indi- used to predict treatment response in major depressive dis-
viduals and those with depression or schizophrenia on an order (Videbech & Ravnkilde, 2004). In one prospective

218   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
study, Chen et  al. (2007) correlated sMRI findings with This resolution provides superior boundary demarcation
treatment in depressed individuals before eight weeks of between gray and white matter, which will be essential for
fluoxetine treatment. Individuals with increased volume continued improvement in automatic VBM gray/white
of the anterior cingulate cortex, insula, and right temporo- segmentation algorithms. The use of multicoil receivers
parietal cortex showed faster rates of recovery from depres- can also improve resolution and/or reduce imaging time
sion (Chen et al., 2007). In bipolar disorder, Schneider and to allow visualization of more and more subtle structural
colleagues (2012) reported that youth with lower activity changes, reduce costs, and improve patient comfort. This
in right Brodmann area 47 at baseline were more likely to technology will allow a more fine-grained analysis of the
respond to ziprasidone treatment for mania. These findings microstructure of the brain using newer mesh mapping
support the extended use of MRI to help assign treatment techniques. On the macroscopic level, newer analysis tech-
for bipolar disorder in the future. niques, such as FC analysis, have provided insight into
On the technological front, the ongoing development network function and dysfunction in bipolar disorder, set-
and more routine use of higher field-strength magnets and ting the stage for examining connections among multiple
multicoil receivers will continue to advance the field. With regions using density mapping, an example of which is
all other variables being equal (e.g., gradient strength), depicted in Figure 17.2, structural equation modeling, and
high field magnets allow superior quality of neuroanatomi- graph theory approaches.
cal images with resolution in the submillimeter range by The ability of any single brain region to predict or
delivering images with improved contrast-to-noise ratio. track the development of bipolar disorder with diagnostic



Figure 17.2 
These images show local and remote functional connectivity density (LFCD/RFCD) mapping results conducted as reported by Dardo
Tomasi and Nora D. Volkow [Functional connectivity density mapping, PNAS 2010; 107:9885-9890.] using the fMRI data from a single run of
an attentional task. Working successively through all voxels in the brain and beginning with the data from one subject, the number of functional
connections between a given voxel and all other voxels was computed. Using a voxel’s time series as the regressor of interest, we calculated the
correlation between that voxel and all other brain voxels. This image was then thresholded at r > 0.5 and the number significant voxels that were
direct neighbors of the given voxel or its significant neighbors, i.e, the number of “local connections,” were counted. This count was then placed
into a new dataset at the same location, and the whole process was repeated for each voxel. The resulting dataset contained the number of local
connections (significant correlations) for each voxel, a LFCD map. We also counted the number of remote connections, i.e., non-neighboring
significant “remote connections” and placed that count into an RFCD map. In total we included the data from 31 manic patients and 28 healthy
comparison subjects. The FCD maps were compared between groups using a t-test with a p-threshold of p < 0.01 and 25 or more voxels in a cluster
for LFCD (Top Row) and RFCD (bottom row). The regions that exhibited significantly greater LFCD in manic patients than healthy subjects
included (A) right medial superior frontal gyrus, BA 8, 6, and 9, and (C) Left Lingual Gyrus, BA 30. The regions that exhibited significantly greater
RFCD in manic patients that healthy subjects included (B) bilateral insula, BA 13, and (D) bilateral posterior cingulate cortex, BA 23.

S tructural and F unctional M agnetic R esonance I maging F indings   •   219

reliability remains fairly limited and has led to the sugges- Disclosure statement: Dr.  Strakowski serves as data-safety
tion that deterioration in interregional communication and monitoring board chair for Sunovion, Inc. and
processes (i.e., connectivity) may underlie the development Novartis, Inc. He is an EAP consultant to Procter &
of adolescent bipolar disorder (Rich et  al., 2008). Basic Gamble and has performed grant reviews for the National
seed-region FC methods have been used since the very ear- Institutes of Health. He has previously published with
liest days of functional MRI (Biswal, Yetkin, Haughton, & Oxford University Press.
Hyde, 1995) and can identify interregional low-frequency
BOLD correlations. As imaging research broadened to
include psychiatry, these methods have been implemented R E F E R E NC E S
to understand FC in mental illness. Seed-region FC suf-
Adler, C.  M., Adams, J., DelBello, M.  P., Holland, S.  K., Schmi-
fers from the problem inherent in many imaging studies thorst, V., Levine, A., . . . Strakowski, S.  M. (2006). Evidence of
of mental illnesses, namely that the correct region must be white matter pathology in bipolar disorder adolescents experienc-
chosen in order to identify meaningful connectivity dif- ing their first episode of mania: A diffusion tensor imaging study.
American Journal of Psychiatry, 163(2), 322–324. doi:10.1176/
ferences. Characterization of multiple seed regions might appi.ajp.163.2.322
address this concern, but few studies examine a large set of Adler, C. M., Holland, S. K., Schmithorst, V., Wilke, M., Weiss, K. L.,
regions. Also, the results of seed-region FC analyses provide Pan, H., & Strakowski, S. M. (2004). Abnormal frontal white mat-
ter tracts in bipolar disorder: A diffusion tensor imaging study. Bipo-
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2 2 4   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
Marsal Sanches, Frank K. Hu, and Jair C. Soares

INTRODUCTION This chapter comprises a critical analysis of the current

evidence on the potential role of magnetic resonance spec-
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic and potentially severe troscopy (MRS), one of the currently available brain imag-
psychiatric condition that affects up to 4% of the popu- ing approaches, in the treatment of BD. It begins with basic
lation (Merikangas & Lamers, 2012). In addition to its concepts of MRS techniques, followed by a review of the
considerable impact on the psychological well-being and most consistent MRS findings in BD. Next, MRS results
functional impact on patients, BD is associated with high that seem to reflect the effects of medications on the brain
rates of suicide and is currently listed as one of the leading are described, as well as findings associated with clinical
causes of disability worldwide (Zimmerman, 2010). response to certain treatments. Finally, some perspectives
Since the description of the therapeutic effects of lithium regarding the potential applications of MRS for the treat-
in the late 1940s, treatment of BD has undergone count- ment of BD are discussed.
less progress. In addition to mood stabilizers, the advent of
atypical antipsychotics revolutionized the pharmacologi-
cal management of this condition (Sanches, Newberg, & B A S IC C ONC E P T S OF 
Soares, 2010). Yet available evidence demonstrates that lack M R S I M AG I NG
of adequate treatment response is common among bipo-
lar patients. Prospective studies have shown that residual MRS is a neurochemical imaging technique that allows
depressive symptoms, frequent cycling, and chronic cogni- measurement of different molecules in the living brain,
tive impairment seem to be the rule rather than the excep- including metabolites and some medications (Figure 18.1).
tion in BD (Miklowitz, 2011; Vieta, Reinares, & Rosa, It is based on the same principle as magnetic resonance
2011). Longitudinal results from the STEP-BD study imaging (MRI) and utilizes a strong magnetic field and a
indicate that, over a two-year period of follow-up, 48.5% radio frequency current, allowing detection of the mag-
of bipolar patients experienced recurrence of mood symp- netic signal of certain isotopes present in different neuro-
toms. Moreover, among patients who were symptomatic chemicals. A chemical spectra, containing different peaks,
at the time of inclusion in the study, just 58.5% achieved is then obtained (Figure 18.2). The area under each peak
recovery (Perlis et al., 2006). reflects the concentration of the measured chemical in the
Over the past two decades, neuroimaging studies brain (Sassi & Soares, 2003).
have provided valuable advances in the understanding of For example, proton spectroscopy (Table 18.1) enables
the brain circuits involved in the pathophysiology of BD the measurement of neurotransmitters such as gamma
(Brambilla, Glahn, Balestrieri, & Soares, 2005; Brambilla, amino butyric acid (GABA), glutamate, and glutamine,
Hatch, & Soares, 2008; Soares & Mann, 1997). More as well as myo-inositol, choline, and N-acetylaspartate, an
recently, emphasis has been placed on the clinical implica- indicator of neuronal viability (Stanley, 2002). On the other
tion of these findings, with the ultimate goal of advancing hand, 31-phosphorus spectroscopy allows the measurement
the diagnosis and management of this illness (Phillips, of neurochemicals involved in the neuronal membrane
Travis, Fagiolini, & Kupfer, 2008; Soares, 2002). phospholipid turnover, including adenosine triphosphate,

2 25
(a) (b)


Figure 18.1 
Sagittal (a), axial (b), and coronal (c) views of 1H spectroscopy images showing the location of the 8 cm3 voxel in the left dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex (Reproduced from Nery et al., 2009, with permission)

phosphocreatine, and phosphodiesters. Different imag- and usually requires the participation of a magnetic reso-
ing protocols allow the measurement of these metabolites nance physicist (Drost, Riddle, Clarke, & AAPM MR
in distinct brain areas. Furthermore, spectroscopy can be Task Group #9, 2002). Among other issues, the strength
valuable in the assessment of the pharmacokinetic prop- of the magnetic field is a particularly critical feature, which
erties of psychotropic drugs that contain isotopes such as impacts the spatial resolution and the signal-to-noise
7Li and 19F, whose brain concentration can be detected ratio (Dager, Corrigan, Richards, & Posse, 2008). Lower
through MRS (Soares, Boada, & Keshavan, 2000). strengths also implicate in prolonged acquisition time,
This technique soon became widely used for the assess- which can be troublesome when assessing certain groups
ment of brain neurochemicals across the lifespan in dif- of subjects, such as children, patients in acute mania,
ferent psychiatric conditions, including BD. Since MRS and claustrophobic subjects, who are supposed to remain
utilizes no ionizing radiation, it allows the performance motionless during the entire duration of the scan.
of repeated imaging assessments, which makes MRS well
suited for the identification of neurochemical differences
among bipolar patients across the different phases of the OV E RV I E W OF   M R S F I N DI NG S
illness (Sassi & Soares, 2003). It also facilitates the search I N   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
for treatment effects through the performance of imaging
studies pre- and posttreatment, allowing the identification
of possible correlations between the levels of certain neu-
rochemicals and the clinical response to the treatment in Available evidence suggests that N-acetylaspartate (NAA)
question. Nevertheless, the appropriate implementation of levels are decreased in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
a MRS acquisition protocol may be technically complex (DLPC), anterior cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, and

2 2 6   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
possibly the basal ganglia of patients with BD (Yildiz &
Ankerst, 2006). NAA is synthesized in the mitochondria
from the amino-acid aspartic acid. It is considered a marker
of neuronal viability, reflecting neuronal metabolism and
also mitochondrial function (Clark, 1998).
Although these findings regarding NAA levels in the
bipolar brain seem to be mood state-independent, it is
acquired and unclear, at this point, whether the changes in NAA levels
modeled among bipolar patients are mediated by genetic or environ-
mental factors. Decreased NAA in the DLPC and cerebel-
lar vermis seems to be a consistent finding among children
with BD (Yildiz & Ankerst, 2006), suggesting that these
NAA changes occur early in the course of illness. On the other
hand, a more recent study (Gallelli et al., 2005) addressed
specifically the potential role of decreased NAA as an endo-
PCr+Cr PCr+Cr phenotype for BD. In that study, 60 offspring (children and
adolescents) of bipolar patients underwent MRS, aiming at
myo-Ins the measurement of NAA levels in the DLPC. No statisti-
Glu Glu Individual cally significant differences between offspring and controls
modeled were found in regard to NAA levels. The authors concluded
metabolites that NAA levels in the DLPC might not be used as a marker
of vulnerability for BD and that decreases in NAA among
4.0 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.80 0.40
bipolar patients possibly take place later in the course of
Chemical shift (ppm)
illness. However, we should note that how many of these
Figure 18.2 
An example of quantifying a 1H spectrum acquired from children will develop BD is yet unknown; a longitudinal
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The modeled spectrum (thick line) MRS investigation in thee subgroups with manifestation of
is superimposed on the acquired spectrum, and the residuals and the
individual modeled curves of the main metabolites are shown below. BD would be much informative. In addition, despite some
NAA = N-acetyl-aspartate, Glu = glutamate, Gln = glutamine, PCr + negative studies, it is well established that lithium use is
Cr = phosphocreatine plus creatine, GPC + PC = choline-containing
compounds, myo-Ins = myo-inositol. (Reproduced from Nery et al.,
associated with increases in the NAA levels in several brain
2009, with permission). regions (see “Medication Effects in MRS Studies” section).




N-acetylaspartate Synthesized in the mitochondria from the amino-acid aspartic acid. Considered a marker of neuronal
viability, reflecting neuronal metabolism and also mitochondrial function
Myo-inositol Results from the dephosphorylation of inositol monophosphates by the enzyme inositol monophospha-
tase. Involved in maintenance of calcium homeostasis and activity of protein kinase C, with eventual
effects on neuronal cytoskeletal restructuring

Glutamate The main excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Increased glutamatergic activity
seems to produce neurotoxicity. Due to technical issues and overlapping between the glutamate, GABA,
and glutamine peaks, glutamine is often adopted as a common description of these three combined

Creatine/phosphocreatine The creatine/phosphocreatine system works as a storage and transportation mechanism for high-energy
phosphate bonds. Usually adopted as a standard for comparison, due to its relatively stability

Choline Reflects density of cell membranes, as well as membrane and myelin turnover

Gamma aminobutyric acid The most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. Results from glutamate decarboxylation by
the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase
Based on Stanley (2002); Sassi and Soares (2003); Maddock and Buonocore (in press).

M agnetic R esonance S pectroscopy F indings and T heir T reatment   I mpact   •   2 2 7

On the other hand, in a more recent meta-analysis, 43 in bipolar patients compared to healthy subjects when all
studies on MRS findings among BD patients were pooled brain areas were combined and also when results on the
(Kraguljac et  al., 2012). Analyses of NAA, creatine, and frontal brain areas were analyzed separately. The authors
choline in the frontal lobe (anterior cingulate cortex and argue that the contribution of glutamine to the glutamate
DLPFC), hippocampus, and basal ganglia were performed. plus glutamine signal is relatively small and that their find-
Results indicated that decreased NAA levels in the basal ings are consistent with increased glutamine in the bipolar
ganglia were the most consistent MRS finding among BD brain. However, when whole-brain glutamate was specifi-
patients. Interestingly, the analysis showed increased NAA cally analyzed, just a statistical trend toward higher levels of
levels in the DLPC of bipolar patients compared to healthy glutamate among patients was found.
controls. The authors suggest that their findings are consis- The creatine/phosphocreatine ratio has also been
tent with evidence describing direct correlations between assessed among patients with BD. The creatine/phos-
glutamate and NAA levels among healthy volunteers phocreatine system works as a storage and transportation
(Waddell et al., 2011) and point to the possibility that NAA, mechanism for high-energy phosphate bonds (Maddock
rather than just an indicator of neuronal viability, might also & Buonocore, 2012). It is usually adopted as a standard
be involved in other pathophysiological processes still poorly for comparison due to its relatively stability. Some studies
understood. However, the authors of the meta-analysis in have found significant differences in the levels of creatine
question were not able to carry out subgroup analysis tak- in different brain areas among bipolar patients compared
ing into account possible medication effects, which could to controls, but the results are inconsistent in regard to
explain the discrepant findings mentioned earlier. the relationship between these findings and the differ-
Moreover, myo-inositol levels seem to be abnormal ent phases of illness, the brain areas where these findings
in the frontal lobes, temporal lobes, cingulate gyrus, and seem to be more prominent (hippocampus, thalamus,
basal ganglia of bipolar patients during the depressive and frontal lobe), and their actual meaning under a patho-
manic phases. While manic patients seem to have increased physiological point of view (Yildiz & Ankerst, 2006).
myo-inositol levels when compared to controls, results Finally, there is evidence suggesting increased brain
among patients with bipolar depression are less consis- choline levels among BD patients. Patients with bipolar
tent, with reports of increased and decreased myo-inositol depression seem to have higher choline levels in the basal
concentrations (Silverstone, McGrath, & Kim, 2005). ganglia and anterior cingulate cortex when compared
Myo-inositol is a downstream product of the phospha- to healthy controls. The choline levels are regarded as a
tidylinositol cycle and results from the dephosphoryla- measure of membrane phospholipids metabolism, since
tion of inositol monophosphates by the enzyme inositol it seems to reflect not only the density of cell membranes
monophosphatase. Dysfunctions in this cycle may affect but also cell membrane and myelin turnover (Maddock
calcium homeostasis and produce abnormal activity of pro- & Buonocore, 2012). Of note, lithium treatment seems to
tein kinase C, with eventual disruptions in neuronal cyto- have a decreasing effect on choline (see “Medication Effects
skeletal restructuring (Machado-Vieira, Manji, & Zarate, in MRS Studies” section).
2009). Lithium is an inhibitor of inositol monophospha-
tase (Yildiz, Demopulos, Moore, Renshaw, & Sachs, 2001),
and its therapeutic effect in the treatment of BD led to the
so-called inositol depletion hypothesis of BD. A  critical Through phosphorus magnetic resonance spectros-
appraisal of this hypothesis in light of available evidence is copy, it is possible to separate metabolites containing
discussed in the next section. the 31-phosphorous nucleus into different peaks, which
Studies also suggest that glutamate levels are increased reflect phospholipid anabolism (phosphomonoesters, such
in several brain regions (including the parietal area, as phosphocholine and phosphoethanolamine), catabo-
DLPFC, and basal ganglia) among BD patients indepen- lism (phosphodiesters, like glycerophosphocholine and
dently of mood state or treatment status (Yildiz & Ankerst, glycerophosphoethanolamine), neuronal pH (inorganic
2006). Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmit- phosphate), as well as phosphocreatine and adenosine tri-
ter in the central nervous system, and increased gluta- phosphate. Phospholipids are major constituents of cell
matergic activity seems to be the result in neurotoxicity. membranes, and alterations in membrane phospholipid
A  recent meta-analysis (Gigante et  al., 2012)  reviewed 17 composition may be related to the cognitive impairment
studies describing glutamate findings among BD patients found in different conditions, including BD (Agarwal,
and found increased levels of glutamate plus glutamine Port, Bazzocchi, & Renshaw, 2010).

2 2 8   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
Moreover, state-dependent alterations in membrane evaluation of medication effects on the brain through the
phospholipids have been reported among bipolar patients performance of repeated imaging assessments, allowing the
(Yildiz, Sachs, Dorer, & Renshaw, 2001). Euthymic patients comparison of pre- versus posttreatment imaging findings.
with BD seem to have lower phosphomonoester (PME) lev- In this sense, the comparison of MRS findings in treated
els in the frontal lobe and possibly the temporal lobe when versus untreated patients seems to be particularly attractive,
compared to healthy controls, as well as lower whole-brain given the relatively safety of this technique and its high sen-
pH. On the other hand, patients acutely depressed or manic sitivity in the detection of overtime changes.
have higher pH and PME levels compared to euthymic
patients. No differences seem to be present between bipo-
lar patients and controls in regard to phosphodiesters levels
(for a review, see Yildiz, Sachs, et al., 2001). These findings One of the most effective medications for the treatment
suggest that trait- and state-dependent disruptions in mem- of BD, lithium seems to have markedly neuroprotec-
brane phospholipid metabolism seem to be involved in the tive effects. MRS findings among lithium-treated bipo-
pathophysiology of BD. lar patients might be able to fill this gap, contributing to
a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the
mood-stabilizing effect of this medication.
M E DIC AT ION E F F E C T S I N   M R S For instance, some studies found no differences
S T U DI E S:  T H E B IOL O G IC A L between lithium-treated BD patients and healthy controls
B A S I S OF   R E C OV E RY in terms of NAA levels in the anterior cingulate cortex,
I N   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R prefrontal cortex, and DLPC. Since evidence from studies
with untreated patients overall point to decreased levels of
The putative effect of treatment status on neuroimaging NAA in BD, these findings may reflect a possible normaliz-
findings in psychiatric disorders, including BD, has tradi- ing effect of lithium treatment on NAA (Yildiz & Ankerst,
tionally been regarded as a potential confounding factor. 2006). This hypothesis is supported by other cross-sectional
Consequently, the inclusion of patients currently treated studies that describe increased NAA levels in the temporal
with psychotropics in neuroimaging studies is usually listed lobe and basal ganglia of lithium-treated bipolar subjects.
as a methodological limitation, often evoked as a possible Similarly, Hajek et  al. (2012) showed significant lower
explanation for negative findings in cross-sectional studies. DLPFC NAA levels among untreated BD patients com-
Nevertheless, in recent years this position has been revis- pared to healthy controls, whose NAA levels were similar
ited, not only due to difficulties in studying unmedicated to those of lithium-treated bipolar patients. On the other
patients but also to the fact that including medicated sub- hand, several different cross-sectional studies failed to dem-
jects can provide valuable information about the mecha- onstrate significant differences between lithium-treated
nism of action of psychotropics, medications currently bipolar patients and controls in regard to NAA levels in dif-
available for the treatment of mental disorders (Table ferent brain regions, including the anterior cingulate cortex
18.2). Furthermore, prospective designs allow the direct and the basal ganglia (DelBello & Strakowski, 2004).





Lithium +++ a
+ b
+ – +
VPA – + + + –

Lamotrigine – – + – –

Atypical antipsychotics + – + – +

NOTE: NAA = N-acetylaspartate; GABA = gamma-aminobutyric acid; VPA = valproic acid.

Positive results regarding mainly the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, and prefrontal cortex; may represent a disease-specific effect (not found
among controls medicated with lithium).
Results are overall inconsistent; one study shows increases in myo-inositol levels among lithium-treated patients (Sharma et al., 1992).

M agnetic R esonance S pectroscopy F indings and T heir T reatment   I mpact   •   2 2 9

Other studies analyzed the longitudinal effect of lith- available mood stabilizers, including lithium, apparently
ium treatment on MRS findings. Again, results seem to do not play a significant role in the modulation of the glu-
be inconsistent. At least two studies described positive tamatergic system. Alternatively, technical limitations on
results changes in NAA levels associated with lithium obtaining individual peaks for glutamate, glutamine, and
treatment. In one of these studies (Moore et  al., 2000), GABA, enabling their individual concentration estimates
12 medication-free BD patients and 9 healthy controls in the commonly used lower field magnets might have
underwent MRS at baseline and after four weeks of lith- masked disease- or treatment-induced alterations in gluta-
ium administration. Results indicated statistically signifi- mate. In contrast, another study demonstrated decreases
cant increases in NAA levels in all brain areas analyzed, in the glutamine and glutamate plus glutamine levels in
including the frontal, temporal, and occipital lobes. In the basal ganglia of bipolar patients following two weeks
contrary, another study, which analyzed adolescents with of lithium administration (Shibuya-Tayoshi et  al., 2008).
bipolar depression, described decreases in ventral prefron- GABA levels, on the contrary, did not show any significant
tal NAA levels after six weeks of lithium treatment (Patel changes associated with lithium administration.
et al., 2008). Also utilizing a prospective design, our group Another study (Colla et al., 2009) attempted to address
(Brambilla et al., 2004) failed to demonstrate any increases the possible role of lithium in modulating and counterbal-
in the DLPFC NAA levels among healthy controls after ancing the effects of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis
four weeks of lithium treatment. These results suggest that hyperactivity on the hippocampus among bipolar patients.
increases in NAA may be a specific effect of lithium on the In that study, 21 euthymic patients with BD type I  on
brain of bipolar patients, not found among patients who are chronic lithium maintenance treatment underwent proton
in depressive phase of the illness or do not suffer from that MRS of the left and right hippocampus, as well as measure-
disorder. ment of salivary cortisol. While absolute concentrations of
Further, given the putative effect of lithium on the NAA, choline, and creatine were similar among patients
phosphatidylinositol cycle (see previous section), the pos- and controls, hippocampal glutamate concentrations were
sible impact of lithium treatment on myo-inositol levels is higher among patients. Further, patients and controls dis-
of high interest (Yildiz, Demopulos, et al., 2001). However, played inverse correlations between salivary cortisol levels
most studies have failed to demonstrate significant dif- and not only hippocampal NAA values but also glutamate
ferences between lithium-treated bipolar patients and levels. These results suggest that the neurotropic effects
controls in regard to myo-inositol levels in different brain of lithium, which may counterbalance the toxic effects of
areas. Sharma, Venkatasubramanian, Bárány, and Davis increased hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal activity on the
(1992) found increased levels of myo-inositol in the basal hippocampus, seem to take place through mechanisms dis-
ganglia among lithium-treated patients. In another study tinct from decreasing the glutamatergic activity.
(Forester et al., 2008), utilizing a different design, nine geri- Overall, results pointing to the effects of lithium treat-
atric patients with BD type I underwent proton MRS and ment on MRS findings are only partially consistent. Several
lithium spectroscopy. Results indicated direct correlations methodological limitations may account for these hetero-
between lithium levels and brain NAA and myo-inositol geneous results, including variable duration of lithium
levels. Yet in a recent review of available evidence, it was treatment, different lithium doses, and distinct history of
proposed that, regardless of the promising evidence regard- previous lithium exposure. One of the studies mentioned
ing the effect of lithium on inositol monophosphatase, it is previously (Hajek et  al., 2012)  suggested that duration of
unlikely that lithium might produce a persistent reduction illness and illness burden might affect the brain response to
in myo-inositol levels and phosphatidylinositol cycle turn- lithium, and these factors should be controlled when assess-
over (Silverstone et al., 2005). ing the neurochemical changes associated with lithium
With respect to other metabolites, a recent study treatment.
described significantly higher glutamine/glutamate ratio in
the anterior cingulate cortex and parieto-occipital cortex
among BD patients in acute mania compared to controls
(Ongür et  al., 2008). No differences were found between Valproic acid (VPA) is widely used for the treatment of
unmedicated patients and those receiving lithium, anticon- BD, particularly manic states. It has strong GABAergic
vulsants, or benzodiazepines. These findings suggest that effects, which seem to account, at least in part, for its mood
while increased glutamatergic activity seems to be involved stabilizer properties. To date, very few studies have focused
in the pathophysiology of acute manic states, currently specifically on MRS findings associated with use of VPA.

2 3 0   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
In several studies, bipolar patients on VPA were included and no differences were found between medicated versus
in the same pool as patients receiving lithium or other anti- unmedicated subjects. Interestingly, the previously men-
convulsants, making the identification of VPA-specific tioned findings mirrored the results obtained in rodents
effects rather difficult. For example, in one study euthy- medicated with mood stabilizers, which displayed decreases
mic bipolar patients on divalproex and gabapentin were in the levels of myo-inositol and creatine (with lithium and
found to have increased occipital and medial prefrontal VPA ministration), increases in glutamine levels with con-
GABA levels when compared to healthy controls (Wang sequent decreases in the glutamate/glutamine ratio (with
et al., 2002). VPA only), and increases in GABA (with lithium only).
It has been suggested that VPA may share the same Furthermore, in rodent studies, no changes in the NAA
putative normalizing effect on some brain metabolites as levels were found in association with the administration
lithium. For instance, in Silverstone et  al.’s (2002) study, of mood stabilizers. The authors suggested that the lack of
patients on VPA were found to have myo-inositol and PME differences between medicated and unmedicated subjects is
levels similar to lithium treated patients and healthy con- most likely secondary to methodological issues, since it is
trols. In another study (O’Donnell et al., 2003), rats showed not possible to ascertain the patients’ compliance with their
statistically significant increases in the concentration of medications. The fact that some of the medicated patients
inositol monophosphates and decreases in the levels of had committed suicide may indicate that they had been
myo-inositol following lithium treatment. Administration noncompliant with the mood stabilizers or, alternatively,
of VPA produced similar results. The authors concluded that the medications had not been clinically effective. The
that lithium and VPA might share similar effects on the mirroring effect between the postmortem findings and
phosphatidylinositol cycle, which is probably related to the results among medicated rats supports the hypothesis
their mood stabilizer effect. of a normalizing effect of mood stabilizers on the levels of
In contrast, other studies point to differences between the metabolites in question. Finally, the lack of increases
lithium and VPA-treated patients in regard to MRS find- in NAA levels in response to the administration of mood
ings. Silverstone et al. (2003) described elevated concentra- stabilizers in rats is mentioned as an argument in favor of
tions of NAA among euthymic BD patients treated with the hypothesis that increases in NAA in response to mood
lithium but not with VPA. These results are partially in stabilizers may be a disease-specific finding, present only
agreement with another study (Cecil, DelBello, Morey, & among bipolar patients.
Strakowski, 2002), which described negative correlations In summary, these findings are heterogeneous and
between NAA concentration in the orbitofrontal cortex suggest that, while lithium and VPA might share some
and duration of VPA treatment among bipolar patients in common mechanisms in regard to their mood stabilizer
mania. In another study (Friedman et al., 2004), patients on properties, they might have distinct profiles regarding their
lithium were found to have decreased glutamate-glutamine neuroprotective effects.
and increased myo-inositol compared to controls, whereas
subjects on VPA failed to display any significant differences.
Similarly, another group compared patients on lithium
and VPA in regard to their choline levels measured through
MRS (Wu et al., 2004). When euthymic BD patients on An anticonvulsant, lamotrigine is Food and Drug
either lithium or VPA were pooled together and compared Administration approved for the maintenance treatment
to healthy controls, significantly lower temporal lobe cho- of bipolar I disorder, although there is evidence suggesting
line/creatine ratios were found among patients. On the it might also be effective for the treatment of acute bipolar
other hand, when only VPA-treated patients were com- depression. Its mechanism of action is complex and involves
pared to healthy controls, no differences on choline levels blockage of voltage-sensitive sodium channels, as well as
were identified. some possible neuroprotective effects through glutamater-
Finally, one study utilized proton MRS for the post- gic modulation (Sanches & Soares, 2011). However, scant
mortem assessment of the DLPFC among patients with evidence is currently available regarding brain metabolites
a history of BD (Lan et  al., 2009). Findings were then and lamotrigine. In rats, the administration of anticonvul-
compared to MRS findings in the brain of rats following sants (including lamotrigine) did not seem to be associ-
administration of mood stabilizers (lithium or VPA). The ated with increases in myo-inositol levels, contrary to the
brains of BD subjects displayed higher levels of glutamate, administration of lithium (McGrath, Greenshaw, McKay,
myo-inositol, and creatine when compared to controls, Slupsky, & Silverstone, 2007).

M agnetic R esonance S pectroscopy F indings and T heir T reatment   I mpact   •   2 31

On the other hand, in the only longitudinal study to treatment. However, some patients included in the analysis
assess the possible impact of lamotrigine use on MRS find- were receiving mood stabilizers, limiting the generalization
ings (Frye et  al., 2007), 23 unmedicated depressed BD of the findings.
patients were compared to 12 controls in regard to MRS Moore et  al. (2007) compared MRS findings among
findings. After 12 weeks of treatment with lamotrigine, unmedicated children with BD and bipolar children medi-
patients underwent a new MRS study. At baseline, patients cated with risperidone. Unmedicated patients showed lower
displayed lower levels of glutamate, glutamate plus gluta- glutamate plus glutamine/creatine ratios in the anterior
mine, and creatine plus phosphocreatine when compared cingulate cortex compared to risperidone-medicated chil-
to controls. Results after 12 weeks of treatment showed a dren. Of note, all unmedicated patients were manic at the
strong interaction with treatment response, with signifi- time of the scan, while medicated patients were euthymic.
cantly lower levels of glutamine among responders com- The authors argue that these findings suggest decreased
pared to nonresponders. metabolism in the anterior cingulate cortex of bipolar chil-
dren in mania, which could be reversed by the treatment
with risperidone. However, confounding by combined con-
centration estimates of three different metabolites of gluta-
Atypical antipsychotics are becoming increasingly popular mate, glutamine, and GABA is a concern.
for the treatment of BD, although marked differences seem Finally, one longitudinal study analyzed the impact of
to be present in regard to their efficacy across the different treatment with olanzapine on MRS findings among first
phases of the illness (Sanches & Soares, 2011). Over the episode manic adolescents (DelBello, Cecil, Adler, Daniels,
past few years, several MRS studies have addressed possible & Strakowski, 2006). Overall, olanzapine seemed to pro-
brain neurochemical changes associated with their use. In duce significant increases in ventral prefrontal choline lev-
some of these studies, atypical antipsychotics were com- els, but not in NAA. However, remitters and nonremitters
bined with mood stabilizers. seemed to display distinct patterns of changes in NAA con-
For example, Atmaca, Yildirim, Ozdemir, Ogur, and centrations. These and other results involving prediction of
Tezcan (2007) hippocampal MRS findings were compared response will be discussed at the next section of the present
across four different groups:  medication-free BD patient, chapter.
VPA-treated BD patients, VPA plus quetiapine treated–BD
patients, and healthy controls. Untreated patients showed
statistically significant lower NAA/creatine and NAA/ C A N M AG N E T IC R E S ON A NC E
choline ratios compared to both groups of treated patients, S PE C T RO S C OP Y F I N DI NG S
as well as to healthy controls. On the other hand, patients PR E DIC T R E S P ON S E
on VPA plus quetiapine showed higher NAA/choline ratios TO   T R E AT M E N T I N 
compared to bipolar patients treated only with VPA. These B I P OL A R PAT I E N T S?
findings suggest that augmentation of VPA with quetiap-
ine may produce additional neuroprotection compared to The identification of specific features able to predict the
VPA monotherapy. clinical response to certain therapeutic interventions for
In another cross-sectional study (Shahana et al., 2011), BD is possibly one of the most fascinating potential prac-
MRS findings on the caudate among unmedicated bipo- tical applications of neuroimaging techniques. However,
lar patients, medicated patients (most of whom receiving despite some promising results, evidence in that regard is
atypical antipsychotics), and healthy controls were com- still preliminary.
pared. Bipolar patients receiving atypical antipsychotics
displayed statistically significantly higher creatine/choline
ratios when compared to controls and unmedicated bipo-
lar patients, as well as significantly lower choline/NAA Some studies have attempted to identify predictors of
ratios when compared to unmedicated BD patients. These future response to lithium through the performance of
findings suggest that atypical antipsychotics may cause repeated MRS scans over the course of the treatment. In
decreases in the choline levels in the caudate of bipolar one (Moore et al., 1999), depressed bipolar patients under-
patients, a finding that may reflect a curing effect on the went MRS at baseline (when off medications for at least
putative oxidative injury (as well as some possible neuro- two weeks), after five to seven days on lithium and after
protective effect) associated with atypical antipsychotic three to four weeks of lithium treatment. Results indicated

2 3 2   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
rapid decreases in the myo-inositol levels in the right frontal on the glutamatergic system (Strawn et al., 2012). No differ-
lobe at the time of the second MRS assessment, which per- ences were found in the glutamate and glutamate plus gluta-
sisted until the time of the third imaging study. The authors mine levels at the different brain regions analyzed (anterior
concluded that although lithium seems to induce decreases cingulate cortex and left and right ventrolateral prefrontal
in the myo-inositol levels, these changes do not seem to cortex) when patients and controls were compared at base-
be correlated with clinical improvement in the depressive line. Among patients, those who achieved remission after
symptoms, since they seem to occur early in the course of four weeks of treatment displayed lower glutamate plus glu-
the treatment with lithium, before the onset of its thera- tamine concentrations at the left ventrolateral prefrontal
peutic effect. Alternatively, decreases in myo-inositol may cortex compared to nonremitters. Moreover, decreases in
represent the first step of a sequence of lithium-induced glutamate concentrations at the left ventrolateral prefron-
neurochemical changes, which are eventually responsible tal cortex showed direct correlations with changes in the
for its therapeutic effect. Young Mania Rating Scale scores among remitters. The
These results are in contrast those from Davanzo et al. authors concluded that response to treatment with dival-
(2001), in which 11 children with BD underwent MRS proex is most likely related to modulation of the glutama-
scans at baseline and after seven days of lithium treat- tergic system induced by that mood stabilizer.
ment. Differently from nonresponders, lithium respond- Finally, Change et  al. (2012) performed serial MRS
ers displayed a statistically significant decrease in the scans to analyze the impact of monotherapy treatment
myo-inositol/creatine ratio in the anterior cingulate cortex with quetiapine on the neurochemical aspects of bipolar
from baseline to follow-up. adolescents in the depressive phase. Patients were random-
Adopting a similar design, DelBello et  al. (2006) uti- ized to receive either quetiapine or placebo, and scans were
lized repeated proton MRS studies to search for brain performed at baseline and after eight weeks of treatment.
neurochemical changes associated with olanzapine mono- No differences were observed between the medication and
therapy treatment among bipolar adolescents with a first the placebo groups in regard to changes in the NAA levels
manic or mixed episode. Patients who achieved remission at the DLPF and anterior cingulate cortex. As previously,
after four weeks of treatment displayed different patterns of no baseline differences were found when responders were
change in their NAA levels in the medial ventral prefrontal compared with nonresponders regarding the levels of any
cortex compared to nonremitters. While among remitters metabolites. However, responders showed statistically sig-
the NAA levels increased from baseline to endpoint, the nificantly lower concentrations of myo-inositol in the ante-
opposite happened among nonremitters. Further, NAA rior cingulate cortex when compared to nonresponders.
levels among remitters showed a direct correlation with These findings point to the possibility that, similarly to
decreases in the Young Mania Rating Scale scores. Finally, lithium, quetiapine might also display effects on the phos-
although choline levels increased in response to treatment phatidylinositol cycle, which may be correlated with its
among remitters and nonremitters, baseline (pretreatment) clinical efficacy.
levels of choline at the medial ventral prefrontal cortex
were higher among remitters than nonremitters. These
findings suggest that response to olanzapine may be asso- PHO S PHORUS M R S
ciated with possible neurotropic effects of this medication
or with normalization of abnormal mitochondrial metabo- In one of the few studies that utilized phosphorus MRS
lism, reflected by the increases in NAA levels. The authors (P MRS) in an attempt to identify predictors of response
also suggested that the increase in choline levels induced by to lithium, 32 patients with BD type I underwent serial P
olanzapine may contribute to its therapeutic effect through MRS scans (Kato, Inubushi, & Kato, 2000). Responders
putative inhibition of hyperactive second-messenger sys- were found to have lower brain intracellular pH when com-
tems by choline and downstream inhibition of cell mem- pared to nonresponders. The authors hypothesized that
brane breakdown. This hypothesis would explain why the decreased pH might reflect differences in the patho-
patients with higher baseline concentrations of choline physiology of BD between responders and nonresponders,
would be more likely to respond to the treatment with although the actual meaning of these findings remains
olanzapine. unclear.
Similarly, 25 adolescent bipolar patients in manic/ Murashita, Kato, Shioiri, Inubushi, and Kato (2000)
mixed states on treatment with divalproex underwent serial also compared lithium-responsive, lithium-resistant, and
MRS scans to assess the possible impact of that medication healthy controls utilizing serial 31P MRS scans. The subjects

M agnetic R esonance S pectroscopy F indings and T heir T reatment   I mpact   •   2 33

underwent photic stimulation, and scans were performed levels and clinical features. Among older (>50 years) BD
at baseline and at two different endpoints during the photic patients, lithium levels showed a direct association with
stimulation treatment. Lithium-resistant patients, differ- frontal cognitive impairment and higher scores on the
ently from controls and lithium responders, showed lower Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. The authors argue
levels of phosphocreatine levels at the two follow-up scans that, among older patients, lower brain levels of lithium
than at the pretreatment scan. The authors concluded that might be more appropriate, since younger patients had
mitochondrial dysfunction might be involved in lithium similar brain concentrations but did not display the asso-
resistance in BD. ciations in question.
Thus in regard to 7Li MRS studies trying to predict
treatment response, results have mostly been inconclusive,
largely due to poor anatomical resolution of the technique
Lithium MRS (7Li MRS) enables measurement of lith- (voxels are generally very large), as well as pronounced
ium levels in the living human brain, allowing not only variability in brain lithium concentration across different
the acquisition of pharmacokinetic data and regional dif- anatomical regions. It is unclear whether this might be
ferences in lithium levels at the brain but also the search a way forward in trying to understand lithium’s mecha-
for possible correlations for the brain lithium levels and nisms of action or predicting and monitoring treatment
response to lithium treatment in BD (Lyoo & Renshaw, response.
2003; Sanches, Brambilla, & Soares, 2006; Soares et  al.,
2000). Nevertheless, while several studies over the past two
decades have addressed lithium pharmacokinetics, little PE R S PE C T I V E S ON   M R S A N D I T S
research has analyzed brain lithium concentrations as a I M PAC T ON   T H E T R E AT M E N T
predictor of response. OF   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
Overall, studies point to a positive correlation between
brain and serum lithium levels among bipolar patients. Despite the growing number of MRS studies in BD and
However, the strength of this correlation seems to decrease some promising results regarding its potential role in
when a narrower range of serum lithium levels is consid- improving the treatment of this condition, currently avail-
ered (Sachs et al., 1995). These results suggest that, within able evidence is still in a preliminary phase. Relatively few
the usual therapeutic range adopted in clinical practice in studies have addressed predictors of response to treatment,
regard to serum lithium levels, the correlation with brain and overall MRS results on medication effects are not very
lithium levels might not be as strong as usually assumed (for consistent.
a review see DelBello & Strakowski, 2004). Several methodological factors may account for these
Some studies have attempted to identify a minimal brain heterogeneous results. Some of them are methodological in
concentration of lithium necessary for clinical response to nature, including
lithium. In Kushnir et al. (1993), no statistically significant
differences between lithium responders and nonresponders 1. Variability regarding the choice of the areas of inter-
were identified among patients whose serum concentration est. Current evidence suggests that the areas that most
ranged from 0.28 to 0.86 mEq/L. In Kato et al. (1994), poor consistently display positive findings in MRS studies
response was significantly correlated with brain levels of of BD are the DLPFC, the anterior cingulate cor-
lithium below 0.2 mEq/L. In the same study, brain lithium tex, the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the
concentration was strongly correlated with improvement basal ganglia. Due to technical issues regarding the
in manic symptoms. While improvement was also corre- acquisition of MRS data and the long period of time
lated with the brain/serum lithium ratio, it was not corre- to complete an MRS sequence when using scans with
lated with serum concentration per se. Finally, in regard to lower field strength, most of the currently available
side effects, patients who experience lithium-related hand studies seem to prioritize just some of these areas. The
tremor seem to have significantly higher brain concentra- growing availability of scans with higher field strength
tions of lithium than those who do not display that side should allow the performance of more comprehen-
effect (Kato, Fujii, Shioiri, Inubushi, & Takahashi, 1996). sive spectroscopy studies, allowing the comparison
Moreover, in a more recent study (Forester et al., 2009), of results across different groups regarding the pos-
younger and older bipolar patients were found to have sible impact of treatment on different brain regions.
distinct patterns of association between brain lithium Similarly, technical improvements should allow the

2 3 4   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
acquisition of 31P MRS and 3Li MRS data with better in a timely manner. It is possible that the current MRS,
spatial resolution and greater reliability. although sound, are not sensitive enough to detect more
subtle neurochemical changes in different metabolites that
2. The longitudinal and changeable nature of BD. While
could take place downstream and might be more directly
some of the currently available results come from
associated with clinical response. The constant improve-
samples comprised of euthymic patients, others were
ment in the technical aspects of MRS should be able to
obtained from patients in acute mania or during
address these issues in the near future.
depressive episodes. Given the cyclical course of BD, it
is expected that distinct MRS patterns are associated
with response to treatment across the different phases
of the disease. Cross-sectional studies aiming at treat- C ONC LUS ION
ment effects, although easy to implement, provide very
limited information in a condition like BD due to the After two decades of research utilizing these techniques
potential presence of confounders and large variability in the field of psychiatry, MRS has served as a valuable
in terms of duration of illness, severity of mood symp- research tool, but it has yet to yield much that can be trans-
toms, degree of functional impact, and previous treat- lated clinically. This is not unique to MRS as a technique
ment history. Longitudinal studies examining the same and corroborates the complexity of the diseases we study,
patients across different phases of the disease should illustrating ongoing challenges in the understanding of the
progressively become the rule rather than the exception inner workings of the living brain and the neurobiological
when addressing treatment effects in MRS. basis of major mental illnesses. Nonetheless, primarily as
resolution improves and the field of psychiatry continues
3. The excessive focus on BD as a categorical construct. to make progress in further refining our diagnoses and tar-
Virtually all studies to address treatment effects in get phenotypes, MRS continues to be a promising imaging
MRS among bipolar patients adopt categorical con- approach for the study of in vivo brain mechanisms and the
ceptualizations not only for the diagnosis of the illness identification of treatment effects and predictors of clinical
but also for characterization of mood states. It is well response in BD. Future research should focus on longitu-
established, however, that subsyndromical mood symp- dinal studies, which should include serial MRS scans over
toms may implicate in important psychopathological the course of the treatment, enabling the better character-
and functional burden, yet patients are often character- ization of neurochemical findings among responders and
ized as remitted when experiencing such symptoms. nonresponders, as well as the identification of pretreatment
Moreover, growing evidence suggests that a dimen- neurochemical profiles that can anticipate the response to
sional approach for BD may be more appropriate than specific pharmacological approaches.
the currently adopted categorical view. Future MRS
studies on treatment effect and predictors of response
should include a dimensional measure in the character- AC K NOW L E D G E M E N T S
ization of the sample, as well as take into consideration
the possible presence of subsyndromic symptoms when This work was partly funded by the Pat Rutherford Jr.
full criteria for an acute mood episode are not met. Chair in Psychiatry (UTHealth) and National Institutes
of Health grant 1R01MH085667
In addition, other difficulties in the identification of treat-
ment effects in MRS studies result from the relatively lack of
knowledge, in light of available evidence, in regard to which
neurochemical changes should be targeted as possible indi-
cators of medication effect or response to treatment. The Agarwal N., Port, J. D., Bazzocchi, M., & Renshaw, P. F. (2010). Update
current approach is usually based on assumptions regarding on the use of MR for assessment and diagnosis of psychiatric dis-
the mechanism of action of these medications. Often these eases. Radiology, 255(1), 23–41.
Atmaca, M., Yildirim, H., Ozdemir, H., Ogur, E., & Tezcan, E. (2007).
assumptions result from preclinical information on the Hippocampal 1H MRS in patients with bipolar disorder taking
agents in question. However, some of the currently avail- valproate versus valproate plus quetiapine. Psychological Medicine,
able results suggest that many of the medication-related 37(1), 121–129.
Brambilla, P., Hatch, J. P., & Soares, J. C. (2008). Limbic changes iden-
changes detected through MRS seem to be disease-specific tified by imaging in bipolar patients. Current Psychiatry Reports,
and not necessarily associated with clinical improvement 10(6), 505–509.

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Allison Greene, Christopher Bailey, and Alexander Neumeister

INTRODUCTION as schizophrenia, BD, and unipolar depression into broad

diagnostic categories and thus offered limited information
Like many psychiatric illnesses, bipolar disorder (BD) on BD specifically. However, such investigations revealed a
remains incompletely understood. However, advances in relationship between metabolic abnormalities and affective
structural and functional neuroimaging have provided pathology and thus created a strong foundation for future
researchers with the tools to investigate its pathophysiology imaging work in BD.
more closely. Molecular imaging modalities such as posi- In 1984 Buchsbaum and colleagues explored glucose
tron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emis- metabolism in a cohort of patients with schizophrenia
sion computed tomography (SPECT) allow researchers to and unipolar or bipolar depression. Patients and healthy
examine various measures of neuronal functioning in vivo controls exhibited an anteroposterior gradient in glucose
such as cerebral blood flow, glucose metabolism, and rela- metabolism, with greater glucose utilization toward frontal
tive densities of specific neurochemical receptors and trans- regions of the brain. Notably, this gradient was diminished
porters within the brain (Gonul, Coburn, & Kula, 2009). in the patient group. Based on this observation, the authors
By exploring how these features differ between individuals suggested that goal-planning behaviors, which are dis-
with and without BD, researchers have been able to identify rupted in schizophrenia, are localized toward frontal areas
specific abnormalities associated with this complex disease. of the brain. This hypothesized link between symptomol-
Specifically, PET and SPECT research over the past three ogy and reduced frontal glucose metabolism was a key addi-
decades has revealed regional dysfunction in brain metab- tion to a growing body of research on neural abnormalities
olism and altered transporter and receptor densities in in affective disease processes.
patients with BD. In this chapter, we review seminal work Two years later, Buchsbaum et al. (1986) group repeated
within these two broad categories and discuss their current their study with a greater focus on unipolar and bipolar
and future treatment implications. depression. The authors found that the anteroposterior
metabolic gradient was diminished in bipolar depressed
patients but amplified in unipolar depressed patients com-
E A R LY F I N DI NG S pared to healthy controls. Not only did these results high-
light the presence of metabolic abnormalities in BD, but
Some of the first molecular imaging investigations of BD they also revealed a discrete pathophysiological difference
date back to the mid-1980s. This work was facilitated by between unipolar and bipolar depression.
the advent of [18F]-deoxyglucose in the late 1970s, which During the same time period, Baxter et al. (1985) mea-
allowed researchers to measure neuronal activity in psychi- sured glucose metabolism in BD and unipolar depression
atric patients by tracing glucose metabolism in the brain during resting-state conditions. The authors found that
(Buchsbaum et  al., 1982; Metter, Hanson, Wasterlain, bipolar depression and bipolar mixed-states were char-
Kuhl, & Phelps, 1979). Many early psychiatric studies acterized by diminished whole-brain metabolism rela-
that implemented this technique grouped illnesses such tive to euthymic, manic, and healthy comparison groups.

Perhaps the more significant finding from this study was depression only and a reduced right temporal gyrus, right
that whole-brain metabolism progressively increased from insula, and left posterior cingulate metabolism in unipo-
depressive to euthymic to manic patient groups, offering lar depression only, further highlighting the differences
preliminary evidence that mood changes may be associated between these two illnesses.
with metabolic fluctuations (Schwartz, Baxter, Mazziotta, In the 1980s we were just beginning to understand the
Gerner, & Phelps, 1987). role of the frontal and PFCs in the regulation of cogni-
As the 1980s proceeded, psychiatric researchers con- tion and executive function (e.g., see Coffman, Bornstein,
tinued to use molecular imaging to explore differences Olson, Schwarzkopf, & Nasrallah, 1990; Morice, 1990;
between depressive subtypes (e.g., Kishimoto et  al., 1987; Stuss & Benson, 1984). As a result, we were able to develop
Phelps, Mazziotta, Baxter, & Gerner, 1984; Schwartz preliminary hypotheses linking the cognitive symptoms of
et al., 1987). In fact, this question remains an area of active BD to the prefrontal metabolic abnormalities revealed by
research (see Hosokawa, Momose, & Kasai, 2009). As the novel neuroimaging techniques. For instance, Buchsbaum
unipolar–bipolar dichotomy became more clearly under- et al. (1986) suggested that the hypofrontality observed in
stood, there was a gradual shift in psychiatric imaging bipolar depression might reflect the “nonspecific cognitive
research away from studies on “affective pathology” toward deficits” associated with some psychiatric illnesses. Over
studies on specific affective diagnoses. Refinements in the past 30  years, our understanding of the relationship
neuroimaging techniques have also allowed researchers to between prefrontal metabolic alterations and cognitive
explore specific brain regions more closely. symptomology in BD has increased dramatically.
In 2005 Benabarre and colleagues used a battery of neu-
ropsychological assessments in conjunction with SPECT
C ON T E M P OR A RY imaging to explore the relationship between cerebral flood
PE R S PE C T I V E S:  R E G ION A L flow and cognitive dysfunction in BD. Deficits in executive
A B NOR M A L I T I E S I N  function, logical memory, and verbal learning were associ-
B I P OL A R DE PR E S S ION ated with reduced frontal perfusion; poor performance in
executive function and psychomotor function was associ-
ated with anterior temporal hyperperfusion; and poor per-
formance in memory, executive function, and attention was
As mentioned, Buchsbaum et  al. (1984, 1986)  found a associated with striate hyperperfusion. Not only do these
diminished anteroposterior gradient in glucose metabo- associations contribute to our understanding of the patho-
lism, or hypofrontal glucose utilization, in individuals with physiology of BD, but they are also an important step in the
affective disorders including bipolar depression. Over time, development of comprehensive psychological treatments.
this observation has been largely supported (Baxter et al., Most recently, Li et al. (2012) explored executive func-
1989; Hosokawa et al., 2009; Ketter et al., 2001). On the tion and glucose metabolism in remitted BD type I (BD-I)
other hand, one investigation reported no differences in and type II (BD-II) patients. Compared to BD-II patients
metabolism between BD patients and healthy individuals and healthy controls, BD-I patients performed significantly
(Tutus et  al., 1998). A  small number of studies have also worse on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, a measure of
reported increased metabolism in certain areas of the pre- executive function and mental flexibility. BD-I patients
frontal cortex (PFC; reviewed in Ketter et al., 2001). also demonstrated reduced metabolism in several regions,
Reduced prefrontal metabolism has also been observed including the insula, striatum, and part of the PFC. These
in patients with primary and secondary unipolar depres- observations suggest that prefrontal glucose metabolism
sion (Drevets, 1999), suggesting that there might be a and cognitive processing are differentially related in BD-I
common neural pathway underlying depressive symptoms and BD-II.
that is independent of subtype or etiology (Ketter et  al.,
2001). However, we are gradually learning that hypofron-
tal metabolic patterns may manifest differently in unipo-
lar and bipolar depression. Ketter et  al. found increased
cerebello-posterior metabolism in bipolar depression only, Over the past 15  years, PET imaging in BD has focused
indicating that this abnormality may be unique to the bipo- largely on the subgenual region of the PFC, which has
lar subtype. Furthermore, Hosokawa et  al. (2009) found been implicated in the regulation of mood and emotion
reduced right anterior cingulate metabolism in bipolar (Baggio et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2012; Kohn et al., 2013).

2 4 0   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
Drevets et  al. (1997) first noted the significance of this found increased activity in this region in a group of familial
region to BD when they reported a 39% left-lateralized, bipolar depressed patients. These results were replicated in a
mood state-independent reduction in cortical volume and group of depressed bipolar women (Bauer et al., 2005) and
decreased metabolism in the PFC ventral to the genu of the a group of unmedicated BD-II patients (Mah et al., 2007).
corpous callosum in familial bipolar depression. This volu- Other studies have found trending but insignificant meta-
metric reduction was associated with a reduction in glial bolic increases in this region (Brooks et al., 2009; Krüger,
cells without neuronal loss (Ongür, Drevets, & Price, 1998). Seminowicz, Goldapple, Kennedy, & Mayberg, 2003),
Drevets and colleagues (1999) later used computer sim- while a few investigations have shown no metabolic altera-
ulations to correct for the effects of grey matter reduction tions (Brooks et al., 2006) or reduced metabolism relative
and found that metabolism in the remaining subgenual to healthy controls (Brooks et al., 2009).
PFC tissue was actually increased in bipolar depression Just as medical treatments may affect sgACC volume,
rather than decreased. Many lines of investigation support they may also affect glucose metabolism in this region.
this observation. By 2008, Drevets, Savitz, and Trimble Bauer et  al. (2005) found that following treatment with
had more specifically localized the subgenual PFC signifi- the synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine, a group of
cant in BD pathophysiology as the subgenual anterior cin- euthyroid bipolar depressed women demonstrated meta-
gulate cortex (sgACC), including Brodmann area 24 and bolic reductions in the right sgACC as well as improved
parts of 25. mood. Interestingly, Mah et  al. (2007) found that BD-II
Several lines of evidence have found left-lateralized patients undergoing treatment with lithium or divalproex
volumetric reductions in sgACC in familial adult, adoles- maintained elevated metabolism in the right sgPFC, sug-
cent, and pediatric BD (Baloch et al., 2010; Hirayasu et al., gesting that these medications may not produce the same
1999; Singh et al., 2012; Wilke, Kowatch, DelBello, Mills, metabolic effects as hormone-modulating therapies. Bauer
& Holland, 2004), as well as unaffected individuals with and colleagues (2003) noted that several limbic structures
a familial history of mood disorders (Boes, McCormick, that are involved in the pathophysiology of mood disorders
Coryell, & Nopoulos, 2008). One study reported a also have high densities of thyroid hormone receptors. The
right-lateralized sgACC reduction in familial and nonfa- relationship between thyroid function and BD and the
milial BD (Sharma et  al., 2003), and several studies have treatment implications of this association remain targets of
found no volumetric abnormalities in BD (Brambilla et al., active research (Krishna et al., 2013; Pompili et al., 2012).
2002; Hajek et al., 2010, Sanches et al., 2005; Zimmerman, There have also been studies on the relationship
DelBello, Getz., Shear, & Strakowski, 2006)  or between cognition and sgACC metabolism in BD. Brooks
at-risk children (Singh, Delbello, Adler, Stanford, & et al. (2006) explored glucose metabolism in BD during a
Strakowski, 2008). continuous performance task and found no difference in
Drevets et al. (1999) attribute this variability within the metabolism or performance between the bipolar group and
literature to technical issues such as low spatial resolution healthy individuals. However, the authors did observe that
during image acquisition and/or image blurring prior to reduced metabolism in the sgACC was associated with a
analysis. Another contributing factor may be the neuropro- slower hit rate reaction time and more omission errors in the
gressive nature of BD itself. Several studies have suggested bipolar group only. Once again, we see that cognitive func-
that the natural course of the disease may result in a pro- tion and cortical activation are abnormally related in BD.
gressive loss of PFC grey matter volume over time (reviewed
in Lim et al., 2013). Therefore, inconsistencies among stud-
ies on the sgACC in BD may reflect the possibility that
this region progressively changes throughout the course of Abnormalities in the lateral PFC have also been indicated
the BD illness. Furthermore, medications such as lithium in bipolar depression. This region of the brain is involved
have been shown to attenuate gray matter reductions in the in cognitive processes such as working memory, causal rea-
sgACC in adults (Bora, Fornito, Yücel, & Pantelis, 2010; soning, decision-making, and inhibitory control (Brandt,
Moore et al., 2009) and children (Mitsunaga et al., 2011). Bergström, Buda, Henson, & Simons, 2013; Brooks et al.,
Thus it may also be important to consider medication his- 2006; Christakou et al., 2013; Zhang, Yao, Zhang, Long,
tory when interpreting sgACC imaging data. & Zhao, 2013). Subdivisions of this region, namely the
In addition to volumetric abnormalities, there have also dorsolateral, ventrolateral, and anterolateral PFC, may play
been several reports of metabolic alterations in the sgACC discrete roles in the modulation of these processes (Akaishi,
in BD. As previously mentioned, Drevets et  al. (1999) Ueda, & Sakai, 2013; Barbey & Patterson, 2011).

T he U se of M olecular I maging to I nvestigate B ipolar D isorder   •   2 41

Baxter and colleagues (1985, 1989) first reported altera- cerebellum” and limbic regions such as the anterior cingu-
tions in the lateral PFC, noting that unipolar and bipolar late cortex (ACC; Benson et al., 2008). This study was one
depressed patients demonstrated reduced metabolic activ- of the first to explore the discrete functional connectivity of
ity in the left anterolateral PFC. The authors also found an the brain regions implicated in the pathophysiology of BD
inverse relationship between hypometabolism and patients’ and offered important insight into the systematic dysregu-
score on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, suggesting lation of these regions during cognitive activation.
that the degree of metabolic reduction is directly related to
symptom severity. Since these early discoveries, metabolic
reductions in this area of the brain have been among the L I M BIC S Y S T E M
least disputed neural abnormalities in bipolar depression. The limbic system is a series of brain structures including
Most of the supporting research throughout the 1990s the amygdala, hippocampus, and parahippocampus that are
focused specifically on the dorsolateral PFC (al-Mousawi involved in the regulation of mood, emotion, memory, learn-
et al., 1996; reviewed in Drevets, 2000, and Gonul et al., ing, and fear (LeDoux, 1998). Because of their roles in mood
2009). Several lines of evidence from the 1990s also sup- and emotion, limbic structures have been an important tar-
port the idea that degree of metabolic reduction is corre- get of investigation in BD research over the past 30 years.
lated positively with symptom severity (reviewed in Benson Early studies from the late 1980s and early 1990s
et al., 2008; Drevets et al., 1992). reported decreased limbic perfusion in bipolar depression
Over the past decade, researchers have expanded on this patients (e.g., see Ito et al., 1996), but many of these studies
literature to elucidate more detailed information regarding were limited by low signal quality (Gonul et al., 2009). In
dorsolateral PFC function. In 2003, Kruger and colleagues contrast, more recent investigations have largely reported
induced transient sadness in a group of euthymic and increased metabolism in limbic regions. For example,
depressed bipolar patients to explore the brain regions that Drevets et  al. (2002) observed increased amygdala activ-
may underlie the emotional sensitivity that persists dur- ity in both unipolar and bipolar depressed patients relative
ing symptom remission. Both BD patient groups demon- to controls. Mah et al. (2007) later focused specifically on
strated dorsolateral PFC hypoperfusion at resting state, but BD-II patients and again reported increased metabolism in
only the depression group exhibited hypoperfusion during the amygdala.
emotional stress. This discrepancy suggests that pathways Interestingly, Li and colleagues (2012) observed differ-
involving the dorsolateral PFC may be preserved during ential limbic function between BD-I and BD-II patients.
symptom remission (Krüger et al., 2003). In 2006, Krüger Specifically, the authors found decreased activity in the
et al. repeated the emotional challenge paradigm in a group ACC, insula, striatum, and PFC and increased activity in
of lithium-responsive patients and compared their results the parahippocampus in BD-I patients relative to BD-II
to a previously studied cohort of valproate-responders. and healthy controls. These observations are consistent
Interestingly, the valproate-responders exhibited PFC with the lower levels of executive function seen in BD-I.
hypoperfusion, but the lithium-responders did not. This With respect to the manic state, early investigations into
discrepancy suggests that neural processes involving the limbic function have yielded findings of both decreased
dorsolateral PFC may be preserved during emotional glucose metabolism and increased regional cerebral blood
stress in the latter group (Krüger et  al., 2006). However, flow in limbic regions (al Mousawi et al., 1996; reviewed in
the authors stress that it is difficult to determine if lithium Gonul et al., 2009).
is responsible for the stabilization of this region or if this
region remains intact inherently in this patient group.
It also appears that BD patients may demonstrate M E TA B OL IC A B NOR M A L I T I E S
abnormal patters of associativity between the dorsolat- I N   B I P OL A R   M A N I A
eral PFC and other brain regions during specific cogni-
tive tasks. Benson et  al. (2008) administered an auditory While there is a robust body of literature on neuroimag-
continuous performance task to a cohort of 30 individuals ing in bipolar depression, there are relatively few studies
with treatment-refractory BD and assessed interregional that focus primarily on mania. As a result, our understand-
cerebral metabolic activity. Bipolar patients had more posi- ing of this state remains somewhat limited. However, we
tive and fewer negative correlations between the left dorso- have made important observations over the past 20  years
lateral PFC and other brain regions and lacked the “normal that provide significant insight into mania’s underlying
inverse relationship between the dorsolateral PFC and the pathophysiology.

2 4 2   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
Several investigations have revealed a relationship though the authors were unsure if these effects were linked
between mood state and metabolic fluctuations. In par- to medication use within their patient group. To explore
ticular, the metabolic reductions found in bipolar depres- this possibility, Goodwin et al. (1997) investigated cortical
sion tend to normalize as depressive symptoms improve perfusion in manic bipolar patients before and after lith-
such that global metabolism is greater in the euthymic ium withdrawal. Withdrawal was associated with increased
and manic states than in the depressive state (Baxter anxiety and worsening executive function coupled with
et  al., 1985; Ketter et  al., 2001). However, Goodwin and decreases in perfusion in limbic areas, including the ACC.
colleagues (1997) made the important observation that It was unclear, however, whether the observed results were
the neural correlates of mania may not necessarily be the directly related to lithium withdrawal or the appearance of
reverse of those found in depression, even though “depres- manic symptoms. The impact of mediation use on neural
sion is conceptually at the opposite end of bipolar illness.” activity in BD remains an area of active investigation.
In fact, there appear to be several neural abnormalities that
are common to both depression and mania, including volu-
metric reductions in the left sgACC and increased activity A MODE L OF   F U NC T ION A L
in the remaining sgACC tissue (Brooks, Hoblyn, & Ketter, N E U RO C I RC U I T RY I N 
2010; Drevets et al., 1997). Al-Mousawi et al. (1996) also B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
found that acute mania, like bipolar depression, is charac-
terized by hypofrontal metabolism, specifically in the dor- In the following section, we propose a general hypothesis of
solateral PFC. These observations suggest that there may the emotion dysregulation seen in BD based on the infor-
be an abnormal pattern of brain development or an effect mation presented in the previous sections. In the depressed
of recurrent illness that persists throughout the different and manic mood state, emotion and cognitive processing
mood states of BD (Drevets et al., 1997). are impaired in a fronto-striatal-limbic circuit leading to
On the other hand, there are neural correlates of BD depressive or manic symptomology. At the center of this
that appear to be unique to the manic state, particularly circuit is the amygdala, which is responsible for emotion
in the cingulate cortex (reviewed in Gonul et  al., 2009). regulation and fear. The existing body of literature has,
Specifically, mania has been associated with increased activ- for the most part, consistently reported increased baseline
ity in the cingulate cortex (Benabarre et al., 2005; Brooks amygdala activation in depressed BD patients (reviewed in
et al., 2010) and more specifically in the left dorsal cingulate Strakowski et al., 2012).
cortex (Blumberg et al., 2000; Rubinsztein et al., 2001) dur- Based on the function of the amygdala, it has been pos-
ing both resting state and cognitive activation. Conversely, tulated that increased amygdala activation may underlie
depression is commonly associated with increased activity anxious symptomology in the depressed state or agitation
in the ventral cingulate cortex (Diler et al., 2013). Based on in the manic state (reviewed in Savitz & Drevets, 2009).
these observations, Gonul et al. (2009) suggest that dorsal However, it is essential to remember that the amygdala
and ventral divisions of the cingulate cortex might play receives connections from many other regions that shape
differential roles in the pathophophysiology of mania and its function (Strakowski et al., 2012). Regions of the PFC,
depression. specifically the ventromedial and orbitofrontal cortex,
Limbic dysregulation has also been implicated in the modulate amygdala activation. Since the PFC modulates
manic state. Blumberg and colleagues (2000) found height- amygdala activation, decreased activation within prefron-
ened activity in the left caudate nucleus during resting state tal brain regions in BD may lead to disinhibited amygdala
and decreased right rostral and bilateral orbital prefrontal activation leading to emotional extremes such as depres-
perfusion during a word-generation task (Blumberg et al., sion, mania, and excessive anxiety (Blond, Fredericks, &
1999). Similarly, Brooks, Hoblyn, and Ketter (2010) noted Blumberg, 2012; Strakowski et al., 2012).
heightened activity in the parahippocampal complex and The striatum is responsible for reward and goal-directed
ACC and decreased activity in dorsal PFC. These studies behavior. Currently, there are no strong consensus stria-
support Brooks et al.’s model of “simultaneous resting lim- tal findings within the BD neuroimaging literature.
bic/paralimbic hypermatabolism and prefrontal hypome- Conceivably, striatal dysfunction could be related to the
tabolism” in mania. anhedonic symptomology commonly seen in depressed
Interestingly, al-Mousawi et al. (1996) found metabolic patients or the agitated phenotype in manic patients (Savitz
reductions in limbic regions including the left amygdala and & Drevets, 2009). A  representation of this hypothesis is
increases in activity in the right temporal cortex in mania, presented in Figure 19.1. It is important to note that this

T he U se of M olecular I maging to I nvestigate B ipolar D isorder   •   2 4 3

Summaries of findings for dopaminergic and serotonergic
VENTROMEDIAL/ imaging are presented in Figures 19.2 and 19.3, respectively.
AMYGDALA MODULATION dysregulation of amygdala
activity leads to disrupted

emotinoal processing D OPA M I N E
FEAR anxiety, anhedonia
EMOTION REGULATION The dopaminergic system has been implicated in the patho-
physiology of BD. Evidence that supports this system’s role
comes primarily from pharmacological studies and clinical
COAL-DIRECTED BEHAVIORS observation of mood state changes with a variety of drugs
that modulate dopamine (Anand et  al., 2011). Currently,
PET studies that investigate dopaminergic function in BD
Figure 19.1 
A proposed model of dysfunctional neurocircuitry in bipolar
depression. have focused on the dopamine D1 and D2 receptors and
the dopamine transporter (DAT), which is responsible
explanation represents a simplified model of neuronal dys- for the reuptake of dopamine into the presynaptic neuron
function and may not include all brain regions involved in (Camardese et al., 2014).
the pathophysiology of BD. In 1992 Suhara and colleagues utilized the D1-selective
radioligand [11C]-SCH23390 to investigate receptor
binding—a measure of receptor availability or density—in
R E C E P TOR A N D a small cohort of BD patients in different mood states. The
T R A N S P ORT E R I M AG I NG authors found that, relative to healthy controls, the BD
patients had significantly lower D1 binding in the frontal
PET imaging studies on glucose metabolism have yielded an cortex but not in the striatum. Moreover, the authors did
enormous amount of information on the pathophysiology not find any differences in binding between symptomatic
of BD. While the paradigms we outlined earlier will con- and asymptomatic BD patients. The authors proposed that
tinue to be an indispensible component of BD research, we these results reflected differing neural networks in the
believe the next generation of PET imaging work will most frontal cortex and striatum. Though this study was limited
likely involve in vivo investigations of receptor and trans- by the debated selectivity of [11C]-SCH23390 and small
porter expression. Currently, PET receptor imaging studies sample size, it was the first quantitative PET study of the
in mood disorders such as BD have focused largely on the D1 receptor in BD and thus an important contribution
dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (reviewed exten- to a nascent body of research on dopamine function BD
sively in Savitz & Drevets, 2013). In this section, we high- (Suhara et al., 1992).
light the critical PET receptor imaging findings dopamine The earliest studies on the dopamine D2 receptor
in serotonin systems produced over the past two decades. in BD reported increased caudate D2 receptor signal in



density in caudate nucleus in BD (Anand et al., 2011)

D1 RECEPTOR: [11C]-SCH23390
density in frontal cortex in BD (Suhara et al., 1992)
no differences between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients (Suhara et al., 1992)

D2/D3 RECEPTOR: [11C]raclopride

HO density in caudate nucleus in BD (Pearlson et al., 1995; Wong et al., 1997)
no difference in striatal D2 density between BD and healthy controls (Yatham et al., 2002)

Figure 19.2  Summary of major dopaminergic imaging findings in bipolar depression.

2 4 4   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S

5-HTT: [11C]-McN5652, [11C]-DASB

in thalamus, striatum, insula, dorsal ACC, mPFC in BD depression (Ichimiya et al.., 2002, Cannon et al., 2006, 2007)
in amygdala, hippocampus, ACC, thalamus, striatum (Oquendo et al., 2007)

5-HT1A: [11C]-WAY-100635, [18F]-FCWAY

in depressed, medication-free BD patients (Sullivan et al., 2009)
no dysregulation in medicated, euthymic BD patients (Sargent et al., 2010)
higher density before treatment yields better treatment outcomes in BD depression (Lan et al., 2013)

in regions where it is post-synaptically expressed in BD depression (Nugent et al., 2012)

inverse correlation with plasma cortisol levels in BD depression (Nugent et al., 2012)

5-HT2/2A: [18F]-setoperone
no binding difference in BD mania before and after valproate treatment (Yatham et al., 2005)
cortical 5-HT2 receptors in BD mania (Yatham et al., 2010)

Figure 19.3  Summary of major serotonergic imaging findings in bipolar depression.

BD patients (Pearlson et  al., 1995; Wong et  al., 1997). Due to the paucity of imaging studies investigating
In 2002, Yatham and colleagues employed PET and dopamine in BD thus far and the variable function of
the selective D2/D3 receptor ligand [11C]-raclopride dopamine receptors and transporters across brain regions,
to examine D2 binding in 13 nonpsychotic, manic BD it is difficult to derive a convincing model for dopamine’s
patients. The authors found no significant differences in contribution to the pathophysiology BD (Savitz & Drevets,
D2 receptor density in the striatum between patients and 2013). It is clear, however, that altered dopaminergic trans-
matched healthy controls. In addition, [11C]-raclopride mission plays a key role in the pathophysiology of BD.
scans were repeated in 10 mood-stabilized naïve patients Further investigation of this system is certainly warranted
from the BD group following two to six weeks of treat- and will likely yield exciting results in the upcoming years.
ment with divalproex sodium. Once again, the authors
found no significant effects on D2 receptor density
(Yatham et al., 2002).
Anand and colleagues (2011) continued the discus- The serotonergic system is perhaps the most widely stud-
sion of dopaminergic transmission in the striatum. Using ied neurochemical system in the exploration of mood dis-
the DAT-selective ligand [11C]-CFT, they investigated orders. Dysfunctional serotonergic transmission has been
the function of the DAT in unmediated euthymic and linked to depressive and manic symptomology through ani-
depressed BD patients. The authors found that there was mal models, large-scale clinical trials, and clinical practice
significantly less DAT availability in the caudate of the BD (Greene, Bailey, & Neumeister, 2013). The most convincing
group compared to healthy controls, with no differences evidence linking serotonergic function to BD symptomol-
between the depressed and euthymic groups. The authors ogy comes from clinical experience of drugs that increase
proposed the possibilities that BD patients simply possess intrasynaptic serotonin (SSRIs and SNRIs) and their effi-
fewer DATs or that there are post-transcriptional modifica- cacy in depressed individuals with BD and major depressive
tions of the DAT that affect its availability. Importantly, disorder (MDD) (Baldessarini, Vieta, Calabrese, Tohen, &
they warned that interpretation of their results should be Bowden, 2010). PET receptor imaging studies in BD have
done after a solid animal model of BD is developed, so that explored the serotonin 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptor sub-
dopaminergic signaling could be investigated thoroughly types and the serotonin transporter (5-HTT; Savitz &
and comprehensively. Despite this precaution, Anand et al. Drevets, 2013).
provided important evidence for abnormal dopaminergic Two groundbreaking studies on the serotonin 1A
signaling in BD. receptor were published between 2009 and 2010. The

T he U se of M olecular I maging to I nvestigate B ipolar D isorder   •   2 45

first study by Sullivan and colleagues (2009) investi- serotonin upregulation because there is a greater den-
gated serotonin 5-HT1A binding potential in depressed, sity of the postsynaptic receptors that can respond (Lan
medication-free BD patients using the 5-HT1A-selective et al., 2013).
radioligand [11C]-WAY-100635. The authors found signifi- The 5-HT2A receptor has also been implicated in BD,
cantly increased binding potential across all of their regions though it has not been as extensively studied as 5-HT1A.
of interest in the BD group compared to matched controls. One of the earliest studies of the 5-HT2A receptor utilized
Sullivan et al. suggested that the increased 5-HT1A density the radioligand [18F]-setoperone before and after three to
might represent a compensatory upregulation in response five weeks of valproate treatment to investigate the effect
to decreased serotonin release, similar to what this group of the treatment on 5-HT2A in manic, drug-free patients
previously reported in remitted MDD patients. The sec- (Yatham et al., 2005). The authors did not find any signifi-
ond study by Sargent et  al. (2010) investigated serotonin cant difference after treatment, suggesting valproate’s effi-
5-HT1A binding in euthymic, medicated BD patients, also cacy in controlling manic symptomology is most likely not
using the 1A selective radioligand [11C]-WAY-100635. mediated through the 5-HT2A receptor. In 2010, Yatham
In contrast to their previous work in untreated depressed et al. continued their investigation of the 5-HT2 receptor
patients (Sargent et  al., 2000), the authors found no sig- subtype by examining drug-free, manic BD patients using
nificant difference in serotonin 5-HT1A receptor binding [18F]-setoperone. They found that manic BD patient had
between the BD group and controls. However, they sug- significantly lower cortical 5-HT2 receptors compared to
gested that these findings may be an effect of their current controls. One of the explanations for this finding proposed
antidepressant medications or reflect the possibility that by the authors is that downregulation of 5-HT2 receptors
decreased 5-HT1A is characteristic of only the depressant can cause/predispose one to manic symptoms based on our
mood state (Sargent et al., 2010). understanding that antidepressant medications can worsen
In 2012 Nugent and colleagues continued to explore mania through the downregulation of 5-HT2 receptors
serotonin 5-HT1A expression by utilizing the highly selec- (Yatham et al., 2010).
tive radioligand [18F]-FCWAY in unmedicated, depressed The serotonin transporter 5-HTT is responsible for the
BD patients. They found that serotonin 5-HT1A biding reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neuron. Recently,
potential was significantly decreased in regions where the several studies have investigated this transporter system in
receptor primarily is postsynaptically expressed (i.e., mes- BD. The first evidence of 5-HTT dysregulation in BD came
otemporal cortex). The authors also reported an inverse from a study that included both MDD and BD patients,
correlation with plasma cortisol levels, suggesting that which investigated this transporter using the radioligand
high cortisol levels attenuate the expression of serotonin [11C]-McN5652 (Ichimiya et al., 2002). The authors noted
5-HT1A receptors, an effect that has frequently been that in a combined MDD and BD patient group, there
reported in other mood and anxiety disorders (Nugent was significantly higher binding in the thalamus relative
et al., 2013). to matched controls. Though this study was not specific to
Most recently, Sullivan et al., (2009), who had reported BD, it laid the groundwork for following studies.
increased 5-HT1A receptor binding in BD, explored pre- The first landmark study of 5-HTT specifically in BD
medication treatment levels of 5-HT1A to determine utilized the [11C]-DASB radioligand to investigate the
whether high baseline 5-HT1A predicted better treatment binding potential of 5-HTT in a cohort of unmedicated,
outcomes. Using [11C]-WAY-100635 once again, the inves- depressed BD patients and matched controls. Compared
tigators imaged medication-free, depressed BD patients to controls, the BD group demonstrated increased 5-HTT
before beginning antidepressant treatment. Three months binding potential in the thalamus, dorsal ACC, mPFC,
following treatment, the authors split their sample into and insula and decreased 5-HTT binding in the brain-
remitters and nonremitters based on an accepted clinical stem compared to the control group. Of note, anxiety rat-
rating scale of depressive symptomology. Remarkably, they ings were positively correlated with the cortical findings
found that the remitted group had significantly higher (Cannon et  al., 2006). Cannon et  al. (2007) continued
global 5-HT1A pretreatment binding compared with non- their investigation with a follow-up study that aimed to
remitters, suggesting that higher pretreatment 5-HT1A is characterize differential 5-HTT binding potential in BD in
associated with better treatment outcomes. One hypoth- comparison to both MDD and healthy controls. Again the
esis offered by the authors suggests that greater compensa- authors employed the [11C]-DASB radioligand. Compared
tory upregulation in response to low endogenous serotonin to the control group, both MDD and BD demonstrated
levels allows for a more robust response to pharmacologic increased binding in the thalamus, striatum, and insula,

2 4 6   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
similar to their previous report. However, the BD group activities are unrelated to his contribution to this book
demonstrated significantly reduced binding in the pontine chapter. Allison Greene has not disclosed any conflicts of
raphe nucleus compared to the other groups. This finding interest.
was very important because it was one of the few findings
from the PET receptor imaging literature that provided
evidence for differential pathophysiology between MDD R E F E R E NC E S
and BD. In addition, the findings were largely consistent
with the animal literature, which showed that stressed ani- Akaishi, R., Ueda, N., & Sakai, K. (2013). Task-related modulation
of effective connectivity during perceptual decision making:  dis-
mals with a depressed phenotype have increased 5-HTT sociation between dorsal and ventral prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in
and greater serotonin turnover in the mPFC, striatum, Human Neuroscience, 7, 365.
and limbic regions, similar to the regions with significantly al-Mousawi, A. H., Evans, N., Ebmeier, K. P., Roeda, D., Chaloner, F.,
& Ashcroft, G. W. (1996). Limbic dysfunction in schizophrenia and
increased 5-HTT in both studies. mania: A study using 18F-labelled fluorodeoxyglucose and positron
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receptor binding potential in unmedicated, depressed Anand, A., Barkay, G., Dzemidzic, M., Albrecht, D., Karne, H., Zheng,
patients using the [11C]-McN5652 radioligand. In contrast Q.-H., & Yoder, K. K. (2011). Striatal dopamine transporter avail-
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pocampus, ACC, thalamus, and striatum. One of their M.  J., Compta, Y., & Junqué, C. (2012). Structural correlates of
explanations for this finding was that low intrasynaptic facial emotion recognition deficits in Parkinson’s disease patients.
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findings discussed here are incompletely understood, the shuler, L. L., & Whybrow, P. C. (2005). Supraphysiological doses of
rich array of data generated from these investigations has levothyroxine alter regional cerebral metabolism and improve mood
in bipolar depression. Molecular Psychiatry, 10(5), 456–469.
triggered paradigm shifts in our understanding of BD and Bauer, M., London, E. D., Silverman, D. H., Rasgon, N., Kirchheiner, J.,
has taken researchers in several new and promising direc- & Whybrow, P. C. (2003). Thyroid, brain and mood modulation in
tions. The next generation of BD studies are likely to heavily affective disorder: Insights from molecular research and functional
brain imaging. Pharmacopsychiatry, 36(Suppl. 3), S215–S221.
utilize receptor imaging techniques with novel radioligands Baxter, L. R. Jr., Schwartz, J. M., Phelps, M. E., Mazziotta, J. C., Guze,
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tem (Bailey & Neumeister, 2011; Murrough et  al., 2011). R.  H., Selin, C.  E., & Sumida, R.  M. (1985). Cerebral metabolic
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Disclosure statement: Dr.  Christopher Bailey has not dis- tralian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39(4), 227–234.
Benson, B. E., Willis, M. W., Ketter, T. A., Speer, A., Kimbrell, T. A.,
closed any conflicts of interest. Dr. Neumeister has received George, M. S., & Post, R. M. (2008). Interregional cerebral meta-
grant support from the National Institute of Mental bolic associativity during a continuous performance task:  Part II.
Health, the Department of Defense, and the Department Differential alterations in bipolar and unipolar disorders. Psychiatry
Research, 164(1), 30–47.
of Veterans Affairs, as well as Eli Lilly, Inc. He has also Blond, B.  N., Fredericks, C.  A., & Blumberg, H.  P. (2012). Func-
received consulting fees from Pfizer, Inc. All of these tional neuroanatomy of bipolar disorder: Structure, function, and

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25 0   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
PA R T   V

Dost Öngür

It is now widely accepted that mood disorders, includ-
ing bipolar disorder (BD), are associated with significant Postmortem brain research in psychiatry was long con-
abnormalities in the cellular composition of brain areas sidered a fruitless endeavor. This arose from the fact that
involved in processing emotional stimuli and setting mood psychiatric disorders, unlike neurological ones, were not
(Banasr, Dwyer, & Duman, 2011; Harrison, 2002). These associated with gross abnormalities in brain appearance at
abnormalities include altered densities of neurons and autopsy and did not show any microscopic abnormalities
glial cells (Cotter, Pariante, & Everall, 2001; Rajkowska & with casual pathological examination. However, starting in
Miguel-Hidalgo, 2007). The term glia is derived from the the 1980s, the development of modern cellular and molecu-
Greek word for “glue,” which reflects the now-classic con- lar staining tools opened a whole new window onto brain
ceptualization of the primary role of these cells in the brain abnormalities in psychiatric disorders. Armed with immu-
as supportive (Golgi, 1989). We now know that glia play an nohistochemistry and several other techniques, investiga-
active role as partners to neurons in normal brain function, tors were able to examine specific cellular processes that
as well as in the pathophysiology and treatment of psychiat- were not previously amenable to study in major psychiat-
ric illness. ric conditions. This development led to the emergence of a
The notion that functions of specific cellular elements large literature on postmortem brain research in psychiatry.
in the brain are abnormal in BD and that treatments tar- For the first time, we could probe specific cell types or the
get these abnormalities was established largely thanks to expression of specific proteins in a spatially specific manner,
postmortem brain research. Despite the recent excitement for example across different cortical layers or within pre- or
in the field, there are many unanswered questions regard- postsynaptic cellular structures.
ing the relationship between specific anomalies and the The promise of this line of research does nothing
pathophysiology of BD. In this chapter, I  start by offer- short of reveal the cellular basis of mental disorders. The
ing some perspective on the contributions of postmortem advances described in this chapter provide evidence that
research, then provide an overview of the evidence for cel- significant insights can indeed be obtained from this
lular abnormalities in BD derived from postmortem stud- work. On the other hand, a word of caution is required
ies. Next I  discuss the pathophysiological implications of to temper the excitement and place postmortem findings
these findings and then link these findings to recent efforts in perspective. The limitations of postmortem research in
at treatment development in BD. For a more detailed pic- psychiatry come from two main sources:  the small sam-
ture of postmortem research in BD, the reader is referred ple sizes and unavoidable confounds. Since this research
to other work on the topic (Cotter, Hudson, & Landau, relies on brain donations, brain banks often take years to
2005; Harrison, 2002; Rajkowska, 2002; Rajkowska & accumulate samples from sufficient numbers of patients.
Miguel-Hidalgo, 2007). The largest postmortem research publications have 15 or

so brains in each diagnostic category. These numbers are GABAergic interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex in
often not sufficient to explore the impact of clinical and BD, as well as abnormal spatial clustering of parvalbumin
demographic factors on any disease-related finding. This containing GABAergic interneurons (Cotter, Landau, et al.,
issue has limited excitement around postmortem studies 2002). BD-specific abnormalities have also been reported in
since the early days. The second limitation has to do with the hippocampus in parvalbumin and somatostatin contain-
unavoidable confounds. Because brain samples can only ing GABAergic interneurons, including in cell size, packing
be obtained after death, researchers cannot control the density, and mRNA levels of key proteins in these neurons
circumstances prior to donation. Variable agonal periods (Heckers et al., 2002; Konradi et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2011).
and postmortem intervals introduce significant variability These findings have been interpreted as reflecting abnormal
into the quality of the brain tissue available for research. In GABAergic inhibition in BD and may have pathophysi-
addition, since researchers often have access to a relatively ologic significance (Benes & Berretta, 2001).
small number of brains from individuals with and without A different line of postmortem research suggests
the disorder of interest, they have to accept the fact that that neurons in BD are under oxidative stress and
some of these individuals may have abused substances; had that this stress impacts mitochondrial function nega-
comorbid psychiatric, neurological, or medical conditions; tively (Andreazza et  al., 2009; Andreazza et  al., 2008;
or have been exposed to an unknown number and variety Andreazza, Shao, Wang, & Young, 2010; Andreazza,
of toxins, environmental stressors, head injuries, and the Wang, Salmasi, Shao, & Young, 2013; Andreazza &
like. In essence, postmortem findings integrate over a life- Young, 2014). Indeed, bioenergetic abnormalities sec-
time of uncontrolled exposures, and this has to be weighed ondary to mitochondrial dysfunction have long been sug-
in the interpretation of any significant findings associated gested in BD (Stork & Renshaw, 2005). Although this
with the disorder of interest. research has consistently found abnormalities, it is not
Taken together, the foregoing discussion captures both clear what these mean for neuronal activity and informa-
the excitement and promise of this line of research, as well tion processing in the brain.
as the cautionary note that the findings need to be evalu-
ated carefully and corroborated with convergent evidence
from other modalities. What follows is an overview of what GLI A L CELLS
we have learned about BD from postmortem studies, keep-
ing these issues in mind. Recent work has also provided consistent evidence for
reductions in the density and number of glial cells in areas
of the prefrontal cortex and in the amygdala in BD (Bowley,
N EU RON S Drevets, Ongur, & Price, 2002; Cotter, Mackay, et  al.,
2002; Cotter, Mackay, Landau, Kerwin, & Everall, 2001;
Studies of brain tissue from patients with BD were not Harrison, 2002; Öngür, Drevets, & Price, 1998; Rajkowska,
widely reported until the last decade. Improved brain col- Halaris, & Selemon, 2001). In one study, researchers
lection and preservation techniques have now provided attempted to subtype glial cells in BD and concluded that
opportunities that were not available previously. Most early oligodendrocytes were selectively reduced in the amygdala
attention was understandably on neurons. As the “business (Hamidi, Drevets, & Price, 2004). Similar reductions in
end” of the brain, their critical involvement in information glial number were not seen in somatosensory area 3b, an
processing made neurons clear candidates for discovering area not implicated in emotional processing selected as a
abnormalities. There have indeed been reports of abnormal control region (Öngür et al., 1998). Gene expression stud-
neuronal packing density (Harrison, 2002) as well as neuro- ies in postmortem brains have led to findings that suggest
nal cell body size (Cotter et al., 2005) in parts of the prefron- glial abnormalities, including reduced expression of oligo-
tal cortex and in the amygdala (Berretta, Pantazopoulos, & dendrocyte related transcripts in BD (Tkachev et al., 2003).
Lange, 2007). These findings are also commonly reported in Postmortem studies have also found reductions in glial
major depressive disorder and schizophrenia, suggesting they number in the hippocampus (Korbo, 1999) and dorsolateral
may characterize most major psychiatric conditions and are prefrontal cortex in alcoholism, with and without comorbid
not specifically related to the pathophysiology of BD. There mood disorder (Miguel-Hidalgo & Rajkowska, 2003).
are other reports of abnormalities in GABAergic interneu- Why are these findings relevant? There are three sub-
ron subtypes that may have some mechanistic significance. types of glia:  astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microg-
There is a reduction in the density of calbindin containing lia. Astrocytes are enriched in the grey matter and are

25 4   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S
metabolically and morphologically activated by a variety of suggest abnormal inhibitory circuit activity in BD. This
signals (Pekny & Nilsson, 2005). These cells are important is consistent with the GABAergic activity of many com-
for numerous brain processes, including but not limited to monly used mood-stabilizing medications (Li, Ketter, &
gliotic response to brain injury (Sofroniew, 2005), coupling Frye, 2002), as well as electroconvulsive therapy (Kato,
neuronal activity with cerebral metabolism (Kasischke, 2009), a highly effective treatment for mood disorders.
Vishwasrao, Fisher, Zipfel, & Webb, 2004; Magistretti Among glial cells, abnormalities are seen in astrocytes and
& Pellerin, 1999), and ion channel and neurotransmitter oligodendrocytes but not yet microglia, suggesting that
transporter synthesis (Gallo & Ghiani, 2000). Astrocytes synaptic function (see also Lopez de Lara et al., 2010) and
ensheathe synapses in the CNS, and they modulate neu- white matter integrity are impacted, but immune moni-
rotransmission by taking up glutamate and GABA from toring and inflammatory response may not be. Astrocytes
the synaptic cleft (Araque, Sanzgiri, Parpura, & Haydon, play a major role in handling glutamate released into the
1999). This close apposition led to the term tripartite syn- synaptic cleft (Figure 20.1), and they release glutamate
apse, acknowledging the astrocyte as an essential part of receptor modulators. Therefore abnormalities in astro-
the synapse along with the presynaptic and postsynaptic cytes implicate abnormal glutamatergic neurotransmission
neurons (Araque, Parpura, Sanzgiri, & Haydon, 1999). in BD. This is consistent with abnormalities reported in
Astrocytes also modulate synapse numbers in cell cul- expression of genes involved in glutamate signaling as well
ture, perhaps playing a role in inducing and stabilizing (Beneyto, Kristiansen, Oni-Orisan, McCullumsmith, &
synapses (Ullian, Sapperstein, Christopherson, & Barres, Meador-Woodruff, 2007).
2001). Notably, astrocytes synthesize a number of neu- How can we reconcile the GABAergic and glutamater-
romodulators, including d-serine, a partial agonist at the gic findings in BD postmortem? These two are the major
N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor site (Boehning & inhibitory and excitatory systems in the brain, respectively.
Snyder, 2003); adenosine, a tonic suppressor of synaptic There is an intricate balance between inhibition and excita-
transmission (Halassa, Fellin, & Haydon, 2009; Halassa, tion in the brain, and disruption of one system is sure to
Florian, et al., 2009; Pascual et al., 2005); and glutathione, impact the other. For example, in schizophrenia abnor-
the main antioxidant in the brain (Dringen, Gutterer, & malities in N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors localized on
Hirrlinger, 2000). GABAergic, interneurons are thought to drive circuit-wide
Oligodendrocytes are smaller, enriched in the white disruptions in information processing (Coyle, 2004;
matter, and responsible for myelin synthesis. The interac- Lisman et al., 2008). Although the evidence base is not as
tion between oligodendrocytes and axons is complex; these developed in BD as in schizophrenia, it is not surprising
glia can help generate sprouting of axons, while axonal sig- to find concurrent abnormalities in glutamate and GABA
nals are needed in turn for oligodendrocyte survival (Miller, in this condition. Therefore the picture in BD is likely to
2002). Abnormalities specific to oligodendrocytes have been be one of generalized abnormalities in the brain’s ability
reported in BD (Bowley et al., 2002; Edgar & Sibille, 2012). to regulate excitation–inhibition balance in its circuitry
Microglia are derived from peripheral blood macrophages (related concepts are discussed in Uhlhaas & Singer, 2012).
and mediate the brain’s inflammatory response (Schwartz,
2003). Although they have been implicated in a variety of Gln Glu
neuropsychiatric conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease
(Aguzzi, Barres, & Bennett, 2013), autism spectrum disor-
ders (Hughes, 2012), and AIDS-related dementia, they have
not yet been the focus of study in mood disorders.


Postmortem findings in BD have specific pathophysi- Figure 20.1 

Role of glial cells in cycling of glutamate at the synapse.
ologic implications since neuronal and glial cell subtypes Glutamate (Glu) can be synthesized de novo from the tricyclic acid
have differing functions. For example, reports highlighting (TCA) cycle. Once it is released into the synapse, it is taken up by glial
cells (red profiles) and converted to glutamine (Gln). Gln is then free
GABAergic interneurons in the cortex and hippocampus to diffuse back to neurons where it is converted back to Glu.

P ostmortem F indings in B ipolar D isorder   •   255

This discussion also suggests that treatment interven- F U T U R E DI R E C T ION S
tions that regulate the excitation–inhibition balance or
modify activity at glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses Postmortem research has highlighted glutamate and
may be salutary in BD. The most recent example of such an GABA mechanisms as well as white matter integrity as
approach is ketamine, which has antidepressant properties relevant to the pathophysiology of BD. Multiple questions
in BD (Diazgranados et al., 2010). Ketamine has a strikingly still need to be answered before these insights can be trans-
rapid onset of antidepressant action, suggesting that it may lated into diagnostic and therapeutic advances for those
act at nodes that are critical for the setting of mood. This is already suffering and to measures to prevent BD in those at
unlike currently used antidepressant medications, which take risk. However, the impetus provided by postmortem stud-
full effect over four to six weeks and likely act in distant sites ies has already generated useful advances and offered hope
upstream from these critical nodes. The postmortem literature for future developments in our field.
strongly supports the recent emergence of interest in glutama-
Disclosure statement: Dr. Dost Öngür was on the Scientific
tergic and GABAergic pharmacotherapies in BD. It is hoped
Advisory Board for Lilly in 2013.
that ketamine is only the first example of novel mood disorder
therapeutics with high efficacy and rapid onset of action.
The other biological system that is highlighted by post-
mortem findings in BD is the white matter. Information
processing in the human brain depends critically on Aguzzi, A., Barres, B. A., & Bennett, M. L. (2013). Microglia: scape-
white matter integrity (Nave, 2010). Abnormalities in goat, saboteur, or something else? Science, 339(6116), 156–161.
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arise from the specific white matter changes seen in BD, czinski, F., Young, L. T., & Yatham, L. N. (2008). Oxidative stress
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matter health, and especially oligodendrocyte function, chondrial complex I activity and oxidative damage to mitochondrial
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25 8   •   S E C T I O N I I :   I N S I G H T S O N PAT H O PH Y S I O L O G Y A N D F U T U R E T R E AT M E N T S

PA R T   I

Paul E. Keck, Susan L. McElroy, and Ayşegül Yildiz

INTRODUCTION full remission in a setting that provides for patient safety.

Although patients experiencing mild symptoms may be
Manic episodes occurring during the course of bipo- effectively treated on an outpatient basis, for most patients
lar disorder are characterized by severe disturbances in displaying moderate or more severe symptoms, a hospital
mood, activity, perception, and cognition often consti- level of care is usually required.
tuting medical emergencies and hospitalization to ensure Patients may be considered to have severe symptoms
safety and an optimal environment for treatment (Keck & if they display suicidal, homicidal, or aggressive ideation
McElroy, 2009). The diagnostic criteria for manic epi- or behavior; psychotic features; or impaired judgment
sodes and manic or depressive epsides with mixed fea- that places themselves or others at imminent risk of
tures are presented in the Diagnostic and Statistical harm. Psychological approaches to patients experiencing
Manual of Mental Disorders (fifth edition; American manic or mixed episodes focus primarily on deescalation
Psychiatric Association, 2013; see “Summary of DSM-5 of symptoms, reassurance, establishing a treatment alli-
Criteria for Mood Episodes Occurring in Bipolar ance, and ensuring structure and safety in the treatment
Disorders,” pp.  123–154). Looking beyond these crite- environment. As symptoms improve, subsequent goals
ria, a majority of patients experiencing manic episodes include patient and family education, emphasis on treat-
have accompanying psychotic symptoms, and manic ment adherence, avoidance of alcohol and substance abuse,
or depressive epsides with mixed features may pose an and identification of precipitants and prodromal signs of
increased risk of suicidal ideation compared with pure relapse. Pharmacotherapy is the cornerstone of treatment
manic presentations (Keck & McElroy, 2009). Moreover, of manic episodes. Essentials of a basic diagnostic evalua-
patients in manic or mixed states often have prominent tion include consideration of possible medical, medicine,
symptoms of anxiety, impulsivity, recklessness, elevated or substance-induced causes of manic or mixed symptoms
libido, poor insight, inattention, and sensory hyperacu- and medical history and physical examination to assess
ity (Keck & McElroy, 2009). for co-occurring conditions (both psychiatry and medi-
Fortunately, the treatment of manic episodes has been cal) that may affect treatment recommendations. Since
the target of a substantial body of scientific scrutiny over bipolar disorder is a recurrent and lifelong illness for the
the past 25 years, leading to the development of a number of vast majority of individuals, the treatment of acute manic
agents with demonstrated efficacy in rigorous, randomized episodes also provides a “portal of entry” to establish a
controlled clinical trials, as well as intriguing pilot studies foundation of treatment for subsequent maintenance and
of potentially new therapeutic approaches. Here we review relapse prevention. Thus treatment considerations may
the evidence-based treatment of acute manic episodes in include whether a particular agent with established effi-
patients with bipolar disorder. cacy in ameliorating manic or mixed symptoms is also an
agent that can be successfully maintained beyond remis-
S E T T I NG A N D T R E AT M E N T   G OA L S sion of the acute index episode. Recommendations regard-
ing acute treatment can be made with an eye toward the
The goal of treatment of individuals experiencing a manic efficacy, safety, and tolerability of that treatment in longer
episode is to provide rapid symptom amelioration toward term illness management.

2 63
E V I DE NC E R E V I E W:  trials, differences in starting dose and sample size may have
MONO T H E R A PY contributed to the mixed results. Response to divalproex
does not appear to be predicted by the presence of absence
of psychosis or whether patients are displaying manic or
mixed symptoms (Yatham et al., 2013).
Lithium has been an established treatment for acute mania Divalproex may be administered in a loading dose strat-
for nearly 60  years. Lithium has demonstrated superior egy (20–30 mg/kg/day) designed to produce therapeutic
efficacy in numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs) plasma concentrations (50–125 mg/L) within 24 hours and
compared with placebo and comparable efficacy when com- accelerate treatment response (Keck & McElroy, 2009). As
pared with other antimanic agents, including divalproex, with lithium, plasma concentrations at the higher end of
carbamazepine, risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine, and the therapeutic range for divalproex may be associated with
aripiprazole, as well as first-generation antipsychotic (FGA) greater response (Keck & McElroy, 2009).
agents (Yatham et al., 2013). Patients with psychosis in these Common side effects of divalproex reported in trials
trials displayed improvement in tandem with improvement in patients with acute manic or mixed episodes include
in other manic symptoms. There is some evidence to sug- somnolence, nausea, vomiting, tremor, weight gain, and
gest that patients with manic (rather than mixed) symp- cognitive slowing. Rare serious side effects reported with
toms and relatively few lifetime mood episodes may have a divalproex and related formulations include significant
better response to lithium compared to patients who have hepatic transaminase elevations, hepatic failure, pancreati-
mixed episodes, recent rapid cycling course of illness, and tis, thrombocytopenia, hyperammonemicencephalopathy
numerous prior mood episodes (Bowden, 1995). in patients with urea cycle dysfunction, and polycystic ovar-
Response to lithium varies in relationship to plasma con- ian syndrome.
centrations, with high response rates but increased side effects
at the upper end of the therapeutic range (1.0–1.4 mmol/L;
Keck & McElroy, 2009). Plasma concentrations may be low-
ered to improve tolerability toward maintenance treatment The largest and most definitive controlled trials establish-
following remission of symptoms. Improvement in RCTs ing the efficacy of carbamazepine for the treatment of manic
was usually evident by Day 7 to 14 in patients displaying and mixed episodes were studies that showed the superiority
a response, assuming a gradual titration to therapeutic lev- of the extended release formulation over placebo (Yatham
els (Keck & McElroy, 2009). The rate of response may be et al., 2013). One of these two trials found comparable effi-
accelerated by more rapid titration (Goldberg, Garno, Leon, cacy for carbamazepine in manic and mixed patients whereas
Kocsis, & Portera, 1998). Common side effects associated the other found greater efficacy in manic patients (although
with lithium include nausea, vomiting, tremor, somnolence, this subgroup analysis was limited by the small number of
weight gain, and cognitive slowing. patients with mixed episodes in the study). In comparison
trials, likely limited by small sample sizes, carbamazepine
exerted comparable antimanic efficacy with lithium and
chlorpromazine (Keck, McElroy, & Nemeroff, 1992).
Therapeutic plasma concentrations of carbamazepine
Divalproex (and related formulations of valproic acid) was in the treatment of acute mania have not been reliably
superior to placebo in seven of eight placebo-controlled established, but the range used for the treatment of epi-
trials (Yatham et al., 2013). In the only negative trial, sub- lepsy (4–12 mcg/mL) is commonly used as a guide (Keck &
optimal dosing and a high drop-out rate may have posed McElroy, 2009). Carbamazepine is a potent inducer of
methodological limitations on the results (Hirschfeld, cytochrome P450 enzymes, leading to autoinduction of its
Bowden, Vigna, Wozniak, & Collins, 2010). In one of few own metabolism (and subsequent need for dosage adjust-
studies in ambulatory patients with milder manic symp- ment upward in many patients), as well as induction of
toms, divalproex was superior to placebo in the reduction the metabolism of other agents whose degradation follows
of hypomanic and mild to moderate symptoms (McElroy through this system.
et  al., 2010). In trials involving active comparator agents, Common side effects associated with carbamazepine
divalproex had comparable efficacy with lithium, haloperi- in these studies were somnolence, fatigue, nausea, diplo-
dol, and olanzapine, with one other trial finding superior pia, blurred vision, and ataxia. Less common side effects
efficacy for olanzapine. In the olanzapine comparison include rash, mild leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and

2 6 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
hyponatremia. Rare serious side effects are agranulocytosis, risperidone in mean reduction of manic symptoms
aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, pancreatitis, hepatic (Yatham et al., 2013). Olanzapine was superior to dival-
failure, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal proex in one comparison trial, but this may have been
necrolysis. These latter reactions appear to be more common due to disparities in dosing and rate of titration (Tohen,
during the early phases of treatment and in individuals with Baker, et  al., 2002). In studies with an initial starting
the HLA-B*1502 allele, which is prevalent in Asian popula- dose of 15 mg/day, the rate of improvement in manic
tions, including South Asian Indians (Hung et al., 2006). In symptoms was faster than in trials with an initial starting
the Unites States, the Food and Drug Administration rec- dose of 10 mg/day (Keck & McElroy, 2009). Olanzapine
ommends screening for the presence of this allele in patients exerted comparable therapeutic effects in patients with
from these higher risk ethnic groups (Yatham et al., 2013). manic and mixed symptoms and in patients with or
without psychosis. In these short-term trials (three to
six weeks in duration), common side effects associated
with olanzapine included somnolence, constipation,
Typical (first-generation) antipsychotics increased appetite, weight gain, dry mouth, and ortho-
static hypotension.
Chlorpromazine was the first antipsychotic (AP) shown to
be efficacious in the treatment of acute mania in a random-
ized, placebo-controlled trial (Klein, 1967). Haloperidol Quetiapine
has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of acute mania
Quetiapine was superior to placebo and comparable in effi-
in numerous clinical trials, both as a target of study and
cacy to lithium and haloperidol in RCTs of up to 12 weeks
as an active comparator in trials of other agents (Yatham
duration in patients with acute mania (Yatham et al., 2013).
et  al., 2013). In addition to the drawbacks of neurologi-
Patients with mixed episodes were excluded from several of
cal and neuroendocrinological side effects of these agents,
these trials, so the efficacy of quetiapine in patients with
FGAs also appear to increase the risk of postmanic depres-
mixed episodes has not been thoroughly addressed. The
sive symptoms and episodes (Keck & McElroy, 2009).
mean modal of quetiapine among responders in these trials
was 600 mg/day (Keck & McElroy, 2009). Common que-
AT Y PIC A L (S ECON D - G E N E R AT ION) tiapine side effects were somnolence, constipation, weight
A N T I P S YCHOT IC S gain, headache, dry mouth, and dizziness.
Risperidone and paliperidone
RCTs of risperidone monotherapy have demonstrated
superior efficacy of risperidone compared with placebo The efficacy of ziprasidone in the treatment of acute manic
and comparable efficacy compared with olanzapine, halo- and mixed episodes has been established as superior efficacy
peridol, and lithium (Yatham et al., 2013). In these trials, compared with placebo and comparable efficacy compared
risperidone exerted similar therapeutic efficacy in patients with haloperidol (Yatham et  al., 2013). Ziprasidone was
with manic or mixed presentations and in patients with or equally effective in patients with and without psychosis.
without psychosis. Extrapyramidal side effects were low Mean dose associated with response in these trials was
when risperidone was administered at doses of less than 4 120 mg/day. Common side effects associated with ziprasi-
mg/day but not when administered at doses of 6 mg/day done were dizziness, akathisia, extrapyramidal signs, som-
(Keck & McElroy, 2009). Other side effects associated nolence, and headache. There were no significant adverse
with risperidone treatment were akathisia, somnolence, effects on appetite or weight gain.
dyspepsia, nausea, and prolactin elevation. Paliperidone
(9-hydroxyrisperidone), an active metabolite of risperidone,
was superior to placebo in reduction of manic symptoms in
2 placebo-controlled trials (Yatham et al., 2013). Aripiprazole was superior to placebo in three 3-week
RCTs and comparable to haloperidol in two 12-week
comparison trials (Yatham et  al., 2013), one of which
included a placebo arm with both aripiprazole and halo-
In monotherapy trials, olanzapine was superior to pla- peridol demonstrating superiority (Young et  al., 2009).
cebo and comparable to divalproex, haloperidol, and Response to aripiprazole was comparable for patients with

T reatment o f   M ania   •   2 6 5
manic and mixed episodes and with or without psycho- E V I DE NC E-R E V I E W:
sis. The mean modal dose of aripiprazole in these studies C OM B I N AT ION T H E R A P Y
was 23 mg/day. Aripiprazole-associated side effects were
headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, insomnia, and The evidence reviewed here is important in establishing the
akathisia. efficacy of agents as monotherapy in acute manic and mixed
episodes. In general, absolute response rates (defined as 50%
or greater reduction in manic symptoms, unadjusted for pla-
cebo response rates) to monotherapy in placebo-controlled
Asenapine was superior to placebo in improvement in three- to four-week trials converge at 50% across most stud-
manic and mixed symptoms in two placebo-controlled tri- ies, with remission rates of 20% to 25% (again unadjusted
als (Yatham et al., 2013). Olanzapine was included as an for placebo remission rates; Ketter, 2008). Response rates
active comparator in each trial and was superior in efficacy to combination therapy with two antimanic agents are
to both placebo and asenapine. The presence of absence of typically higher than with monotherapy, ranging from 65%
psychosis did not predict response to asenapine. Common to 70%, and rate of response is usually accelerated (Suppes
side effects associated with asenapine in these trials et  al., 2005). Patients with moderate to severe manic or
included somnolence, insomnia, extrapyramidal signs, mixed episodes or with psychosis are particular candidates
headache, akathisia, dizziness, weight gain, and elevated for combination treatment (Keck & McElroy, 2009).
triglycerides. RCTs of combination (or adjunctive) treatment in
patients with manic or mixed episodes have typically exam-
ined the efficacy of lithium or divalproex in combination
with an AP (first- or second-generation) agent.
Cariprazine, an investigational agent in late-phase develop-
ment at the time of this writing, and a partial D2/D3 agonist,
was superior to placebo in three 3-week placebo-controlled VA L PROAT E A DJ U NC T I V E TO 
trials in patient with acute bipolar manic and mixed epi- F I R S T- G E N E R AT ION A N T I P S YCHOT IC S
sodes (Keck et  al., 2013). Cariprazine was efficacious in Although most trials of combination therapy begin with
patients with manic and mixed episodes and with or with- lithium, divalproex, or carbamazepine in one trial, with
out psychosis at a mean dose of 7.4 mg/day and modal dose the adjunctive treatment arm consisting of an AP, one
of 12 mg/day. Side effects associated with cariprazine were study examined the addition of valproate to ongoing
headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, insomnia, and treatment of patients with mania with an FGA agent
akathisia. (Müller-Oerlinghausen, Retzow, Henn, Giedke, &
Walden, 1999). In this three-week study, patients receiv-
Other agents ing an FGA for a manic episode were randomized to val-
proate or placebo. Significantly more patients receiving
Several positive placebo-controlled pilot studies of the valproate compared with placebo displayed a decrease
protein kinase C inhibitor tamoxifen (Yildiz, Guleryuz, in the need for AP medications, the study outcome
Ankerst, Ongur, & Renshaw, 2008; Zarate et al., 2007) sug- measure.
gest a promising role for this agent but require replication
in larger, RCTs and further data regarding optimal dosing
and duration of treatment. S ECON D - G E N E R AT ION A N T I P S YCHOT IC S
In addition to the positive studies of monotherapies, A DJ U NC T TO L I T H I U M , VA L PROAT E ,
it is important to review the agents that have not demon- OR C A R BA M A Z E PI N E
strated efficacy in the treatment of acute manic and mixed
Risperidone and paliperidone
episodes. In replicated placebo-controlled trials, gabapen-
tin, topiramate, and verapamil were not superior to placebo Adjunctive risperidone was superior to placebo and com-
in antimanic efficacy (Keck & McElroy, 2009). Moreover, parable to haloperidol when added to lithium or dival-
studies of several agents including lamotrigine, oxcar- proex in one trial (Sachs, Grossman, Ghaemi, Okamoto,
bazepine, tiagabine, and levetiracetam have yielded mixed & Bowden, 2002). In a second adjunctive treatment trial,
results or insufficient evidence of antimanic efficacy to date risperidone was not superior to placebo in combination
(Keck & McElroy, 2009). with lithium, divalproex, or carbamazepine (Yatham,

2 6 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Grossman, Augustyns, Vieta, & Ravindran, 2003). It is Asenapine
possible that there were significant reductions in risperi-
Adjunctive asenapine was superior to adjunctive placebo in
done plasma concentrations in patients receiving carbam-
combination with lithium or divalproex in a 12-week ran-
azepine in this study, which may have affected the results.
domized trial (Szegedi et al., 2012).
One placebo-controlled study examined the efficacy of
adjunctive paliperidone to lithium or valproate in patients
with an inadequate response to these latter agents as mono- Other agents
therapy (Berwaerts et al., 2011). There were so significant
Several positive placebo-controlled pilot studies of allopu-
differences in measure of improvement between adjunctive
rinol (Akhondzadeh, Milajerdi, Amini, & Tehrani-Doost,
paliperidone and placebo in this study.
2006; Machado-Vieira et  al., 2008)  suggest a promising
role for this agent but require replication in larger, RCTs
Olanzapine and further data regarding optimal dosing and duration of
Addition of olanzapine to patients who had not displayed
The 5-HT2 antagonist ritanserin was examined ver-
an adequate response to lithium or divalproex monotherapy
sus placebo as adjunctive treatment to lithium and halo-
for two weeks was superior to addition of placebo in reduc-
peridol in 45 patients with bipolar mania (Akhondzadeh,
tion of manic symptoms (Tohen, Chengappa, et al., 2002).
Mohajari, Reza, &Amini, 2003).

Adjunctive quetiapine was superior to adjunctive pla- E V I DE NC E-S Y N T H E S I S
cebo in two RCTs in combination with lithium or dival- R E S U LT S:   E FF E C T S I Z E S
proex (Sachs et  al., 2004; Yatham, Paulsson, Mullen, & OF   A N T I M A N IC T R E AT M E N T S
Vagaro, 2004).
RCTs starting from similar baseline risks, with adequate sta-
tistical power when designed and conducted as unbiased and
blind, should provide optimal evidence pertaining to clini-
Ziprasidone did not separate from placebo in efficacy in cal efficacy (Piantadosi, 1997). However, most of available
an adjunctive treatment trial designed to show superior evidence, especially with active comparators, suffers from
onset by Day 14 of treatment (Weisler, Dunn, & English, inadequate power, and conflicting results on similar inter-
2003). Patients receiving ziprasidone displayed greater ventions are not infrequent. Consequently, meta-analytic
improvement earlier in the trial, however, with greater evidence synthesis approaches are often employed for deter-
efficacy over placebo in combination with lithium by Day mining clinical practice guidelines, as well as reimburse-
4. Nevertheless, in a second placebo-controlled trial, with ment strategies (Becker, 2007). Indeed, evidence review
efficacy determined by mean reduction in manic symptoms overall provides information in a wider range, particularly
by three weeks of treatment, adjunctive ziprasidone was on unquantifiable measures. However, evidence synthesis
not superior to placebo when added to lithium or dival- approaches principally grounded on quantifiable measures
proex (Sachs, Vanderburg, et  al., 2012). In an instructive offer concrete information as point estimates on competing
post hoc analysis, this trial appears to have been compro- interventions; as such they provide insights on the dimen-
mised by enrollment of a substantial proportion of patients sion of effect rather than simpler statements on effective-
who did not meet eligibility criteria (Sachs, Vanderburg, ness [please refer to the Chapter 45: Traditional and Novel
et al., 2012). Research Synthesis Approaches to Support Evidence-Based
Treatment Decisions]. Several standard pair-wise
meta-analysis (SPM) to date have reported on the dimen-
sion of antimanic treatments’ effects as relative to placebo
Adjunctive aripiprazole was superior to placebo in a (Tamayo, Zarate, Vieta, & Vázquez, 2010; Tarr, Herbison,
six-week trial in bipolar manic patients who had an inad- Leon de la Barra, & Glue, 2011; Yildiz, Vieta, Leucht, &
equate response to monotherapy with lithium or divalproex Baldessarini, 2011). Among these, the most recent and
(Vieta et al., 2008). Efficacy of adjunctive aripiprazole over comprehensive one pooled data from 56 drug-placebo com-
placebo was evident by the end of Week 1 in this trial. parisons of 17 agents involving 10,800 patients with acute

T reatment o f   M ania   •   2 67
bipolar I  mania. This SPM reported a pooled standard- multiple-treatments meta-analysis (MTM), enables indirect
ized mean difference as Hedges’ g (SMD) based on manic comparisons among competing interventions by combin-
symptom improvements of 0.42 (95% confidence intervals ing findings from separate trials involving a common com-
[CI]: 0.36–0.48); pooled responder rate based risk-ratio of parator, even when they have not been compared directly in
1.52 (95% CI:  1.42–1.62); and pooled responder-rate dif- the same trial (Salanti, Higgins, Ades, & Ioannidis, 2008).
ference of 17% (drug: 48%, placebo: 31%), yielding an esti- Two recent reports employing the MTM approach within
mated number-needed-to-treat of 6 (all p < .0001) for the the Bayesian framework evaluated comparative efficacy
13 effective antimanic treatments (Yildiz et  al., 2011). In and acceptability of antimanic treatments (Cipriani et al.,
several direct comparisons, responses to various APs were 2011; Yildiz, Nikodem, Vieta, Correll, & Baldessarini,
reported as somewhat greater or more rapid than lithium, 2014). The first MTM considered all RCTs against pla-
valproate, or carbamazepine; lithium did not differ from cebo or other treatments as monotherapy (N  =  51) but
valproate, nor did second-generation antipsychotics (SAGs) also included trials involving add-on and combination
differ from haloperidol (Yildiz et al., 2011). designs (N = 15), involving 14 active antimanic treatments
In comparisons by class effect, another SPM involving and placebo in 16,073 patients with bipolar acute mania
41 RCTs of APs, mood stabilizers (MSs), and combina- (Cipriani et  al., 2011).The latter recently updated net-
tions of these agents against placebo indicated greater mean work consists of 57 single-agent studies, yielding 95 direct
reductions in the manic symptom ratings by the Young comparisons in a total of 14,256 manic patients random-
Mania Rating Scale for all three active treatment arms: 4.7 ized to one of 18 active treatments or placebo (Tables 21.1
95% CI: 3 to 6.4 for MSs; 5.9 95% CI: 4.2 to 7.6 for APs; and 21.2; Yildiz, Nikodem, et  al., 2014). Effectiveness of
and 8.3 95% CI: 6.4 to 10.2 for combined MSs/APs (Tarr, 13 antimanic treatments—aripiprazole, asenapine, carba-
Herbison, Leon de la Barra, & Glue, 2011). Within the mazepine, cariprazine, haloperidol, lithium, olanzapine,
active treatment arms, the rank ordering of change in paliperdone, quetiapine, risperidone, tamoxifen, valproate,
the Young Mania Rating Scale scores was for combina- and ziprasidone—against placebo are confirmed by the two
tion treatment > APs > MSs, with approximately 2 points MTM (Cipriani et al., 2011; Yildiz, Nikodem, et al., 2014).
between each group (Tarr et al., 2011). The SPM, involving The most updated and recent MTM indicated
only single-agent trials in a data set involving 56 drug versus SMD-based point estimates changing from 0.32 to 0.66
placebo, and 33 drug versus drug comparisons of antimanic for the 12 effective antimanic drugs, which are on clinical
treatments indicated an SMD as Hedges’ g of 0.40 (95% use, with no indication of superiority of one to another
CI: 0.32–0.47) for the SGAs; 0.54 (95% CI: 0.34–0.74) for but risperidone versus aripiprazole (0.27, 95% cred-
the FGA, haloperidol, and 0.38 (95% CI: 0.26–0.50) for the ible interval [CrI]:  0.01–0.54) and valproate (0.33, 95%
MSs (lithium, valproate, carbamazepine) against placebo, CrI: 0.06–0.58; Table 21.3; Yildiz, Nikodem, et al., 2014).
all with p < .0001 (Yildiz et al., 2011). Direct head-to-head According to the Cohen’s d, an SMD of 0.2 is small, 0.5
comparisons of SGAs as a group yielded greater effect size is medium, and 0.8 is large; as such, the range of SMDs
than MSs (in eight trials with 1,464 patients, SMD = 0.17, established for the effective antimanic treatments overall
95% CI:  0.07–0.28, p  =  .001). Similarly, comparison of indicate a medium effect size (Leucht, Hierl, Kissling,
MSs versus APs (SGAs or haloperidol) also favored the APs Dold, & Davis, 2012). However, Cohen described this
(SMD = 0.18, 95% CI: 0.08–0.28 in 10 trials with 1,530 only as a rule of thumb, and the interpretation depends on
subjects, p < .0001), and SGAs did not differ from halo- the clinical context (please see the Chapter 42. Strategies
peridol (Hedges’ g = –0.001, 95% CI: –0.24 to +0.24 in six for Improving Randomized Trial Evidence for Treatment
trials with 1,536 subjects, p = .99; Yildiz et al., 2011). of Bipolar Disorder in this book). The SMD-based point
Reported SPM-based effect sizes for the antimanic estimates computed as relative to placebo in the recent
treatments individually or by drug class were based on arti- network were compatible with the previous network
ficial groups created by effectiveness or by class, as direct (Cipriani et al., 2011) and with the SPM conducted by the
comparisons involving exact same treatments are only a few Bayesian and frequentist approaches (Table 21.3; Yildiz,
per drug (see Tables 21.1 and 21.2). Even by consideration Nikodem, et  al., 2014; Yildiz et  al., 2011). However,
of artificial groups, the SPM is limited by the availability numerous disagreements between the present and prior
of direct evidence and cannot integrate all evidence from MTM were detected on the ranking by efficacy as well
several comparators and many available drugs, which have as the SMD-based effect size estimates between the com-
not been compared head to head. Another meta-analytic peting interventions. In the preceding MTM, haloperi-
evidence synthesis approach, called the network or dol was found superior to seven (aripiprazole, asenapine,

2 6 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S


(MEAN ± SD) (MEAN ± SD) (%) (%)

Keck et al., 2003a Aripiprazole 15–30 243 YMRS 28.2 ± 5.0 29.7 ± 5.0 8.2 ± 12.0 3.4 ± 12.0 29.1 11.4 39.8 19.2
Sachs et al., 2006 Aripiprazole 15–30 268 YMRS 28.8 ± 4.9 28.5 ± 4.9 12.5 ± 11.0 7.2 ± 11.0 43.4 25.3 52.9 32.6

Keck et al 2009 Aripiprazole 15–30 317 YMRS 28.5 ± 5.6 28.9 ± 5.9 12.6 ± 10.0 9.0 ± 10.0 44.4 31.2 46.8 34.4

Young et al., 2009 Aripiprazole 15–30 318 YMRS 28.0 ± 5.8 28.3 ± 5.8 12.0 ± 10.0 9.7 ± 10.0 42.8 34.3 47.0 38.2

El Mallakh et al., 2010 Aripiprazole 15 257 YMRS 27.9 ± 5.4 28.3 ± 5.4 10.0 ± 11.0 10.1 ± 11.0 35.8 35.8 40.9 37.7

El Mallakh et al., 2010 Aripiprazole 30 259 YMRS 27.8 ± 5.5 28.3 ± 5.4 10.8 ± 11.0 10.1 ± 11.0 38.8 35.8 45.0 37.7

McIntyre, et al., 2009 Asenapine 18.2 ± 3.1 292 YMRS 28.3 ± 5.5 29.0 ± 6.1 13.1 ± 11.3 7.4 ± 11.6 46.3 25.5 42.3 25.2

McIntyre et al., 2010 Asenapine 18.4 ± 2.7 277 YMRS 29.4 ± 6.7 28.3 ± 6.3 11.5 ± 10.8 7.8 ± 10.7 39.1 27.6 42.6 34.0

Weisler et al., 2004 Carbamazepine 756 192 YMRS 26.6 ± 5.5 27.3 ± 5.3 8.7 ± 11.0 5.2 ± 9.4 32.8 18.9 40.4 21.4

Weisler et al., 2005 Carbamazepine 643 235 YMRS 28.5 ± 4.4 27.9 ± 4.9 15.1 ± 9.6 7.1 ± 9.2 53.0 25.5 60.8 28.7

Knesevich et al., 2009 Cariprazine 3–12 236 YMRS 30.6 ± 5.4 30.2 ± 5.4 13.3 ± 12.0 7.2 ± 11.9 43.5 23.8 48.3 24.8

Bose et al., 2012 Cariprazine 3–12 310 YMRS 32.3 ± 5.8 32.1 ± 5.6 17.3 ± 12.2 12.8 ± 11.7 53.6 39.9 58.9 44.1

Calabrese et al., 2013 Cariprazine 3–6 327 YMRS 33.2 ± 5.6 32.6 ± 5.8 17.5 ± 11.2 11.3 ± 11.7 52.7 34.7 60.6 37.5

Calabrese et al., 2013 Cariprazine 6–12 325 YMRS 32.9 ± 4.7 32.6 ± 5.8 16.8 ± 10.4 11.3 ± 11.7 51.1 34.7 59.3 37.5

McIntyre et al., 2005 Haloperidol 2–8 198 YMRS 32.3 ± 6.0 33.1 ± 6.6 15.7 ± 13.0 8.3 ± 13.0 48.6 25.1 56.1 35.0

Smulevich et al., 2005 Haloperidol 2–12 282 YMRS 32.1 ± 6.9 31.5 ± 6.7 15.1 ± 10.0 9.4 ± 11.0 47.0 29.8 47.7 33.3

Young et al., 2009 Haloperidol 5–15 313 YMRS 27.6 ± 5.6 28.3 ± 5.8 12.8 ± 10.0 9.7 ± 10.0 46.5 34.3 49.7 38.2

Vieta et al., 2010b Haloperidol 8–30 258 MRS 30.7 ± 7.4 31.3 ± 7.7 15.9 ± 10.6 6.1 ± 9.9 51.9 19.5 54.7 20.5

Katagiri et al., 2012 Haloperidol 2.5–10 117 YMRS 26.6 ± 4.5 26.9 ± 5.6 14.3 ± 11.4 6.8 ± 14 53.8 25.3 65.0 44.3

Bowden et al., 2000 Lamotrigine 25-200 151 MRS 29.6 ± 7.8 29.5 ± 7.0 11.6 ± 14.0 11.4 ± 12.3 39.2 38.6 55.4 39.0

Goldsmith et al., 2003 Lamotrigine 50 179 MRS 26.4 ± 6.5 25.9 ± 6.1 9.3 ± 11.0 9.5 ± 11.0 35.2 36.7 44.0 46.3

CLIC477D2301, 2007 Licarbazepine 1,000–2,000 313 YMRS 27.5 ± 5.2 27.4 ± 5.3 9.2 ± 10.3 8.3 ± 9.3 33.5 30.3 35.5 34.8

Bowden et al., 1994 Lithium ≥1,200 107 MRS 27.1 ± 7.4 28.1 ± 6.3 9.3 ± 16.0 4.1 ± 11.0 34.3 14.4 48.6 25.0

Table 2 1.1.  CONTINUED


(MEAN ± SD) (MEAN ± SD) (%) (%)

Bowden et al., 2000 Lithium 0.7–1.3 154 MRS 28.7 ± 6.9 29.5 ± 7.0 15.6 ± 13.0 11.4 ± 12.3 54.4 38.6 62.3 39.0

Goldsmith et al., 2003 Lithium 0.8–1.3 131 MRS 26.2 ± 5.9 25.9 ± 6.1 10.7 ± 12.0 9.5 ± 11.0 40.8 36.7 41.7 46.3

Bowden et al., 2005 Lithium 900 193 YMRS 33.3 ± 7.1 34.0 ± 6.9 15.2 ± 15.0 6.7 ± 15.0 45.6 19.7 53.1 27.4

Kushner et al., 2006 Lithium 1,500 224 YMRS 30.1 ± 7.4 30.0 ± 6.3 12.9 ± 12.0 7.7 ± 12.0 42.9 25.7 46.0 28.0

Kushner et al., 2006 Lithium 1,500 226 YMRS 30.7 ± 7.5 31.7 ± 7.3 13.8 ± 12.0 8.4 ± 12.0 45.0 26.5 46.0 28.0

Keck et al., 2009 Lithium 900–1,500 318 YMRS 29.4 ± 5.9 28.9 ± 5.9 12.0 ± 10.0 9.0 ± 10.0 40.9 31.2 45.8 34.4

Tohen et al., 1999 Olanzapine 5–20 136 YMRS 28.7 ± 6.7 27.7 ± 6.5 10.3 ± 13.0 4.9 ± 12.0 35.8 17.6 48.6 24.2

Tohen et al., 2000 Olanzapine 5–20 110 YMRS 28.8 ± 6.7 29.4 ± 6.8 14.8 ± 13.0 8.1 ± 13.0 51.4 27.6 64.8 42.9

Tohen et al., 2008 Olanzapine 11.4 ± 2.5 300 YMRS 23.8 ± 2.8 23.5 ± 2.5 9.4 ± 8.5 7.4 ± 8.0 39.5 31.5 40.8 31.3

McIntyre et al., 2009 Olanzapine 15.8 ± 2.3 291 YMRS 28.6 ± 5.9 29.0 ± 6.1 13.9 ± 10.7 7.4 ± 11.6 48.6 25.5 50.0 25.2

McIntyre et al., 2010 Olanzapine 15.9 ± 2.5 297 YMRS 29.7 ± 6.6 28.3 ± 6.3 14.6 ± 11.4 7.8 ± 10.7 49.2 27.6 54.7 34.0

Katagiri et al., 2012 Olanzapine 5–20 201 YMRS 27.7 ± 5.9 26.9 ± 5.6 12.6 ± 10.0 6.8 ± 14.0 45.5 25.3 51.0 44.3

Vieta et al., 2010a Paliperidone 6–12 294 YMRS 27.3 ± 5.0 26.5 ± 5.0 13.2 ± 8.7 7.4 ± 10.7 48.4 27.9 44.2 34.6

Berwaerts et al., 2012 Paliperidone 12 224 YMRS 28.2 ± 5.0 28.7 ± 5.2 13.5 ± 9.2 10.1 ± 10.2 47.9 35.2 51.0 43.0

Berwaerts et al., 2012 Paliperidone 6 227 YMRS 28.0 ± 5.6 28.7 ± 5.2 11.4 ± 10 10.1 ± 10.2 40.7 35.2 43.0 43.0

Berwaerts et al., 2012 Paliperidone 3 222 YMRS 28.7 ± 6.3 28.7 ± 5.2 9.1 ± 11.2 10.1 ± 10.2 31.7 35.2 36.0 43.0

Bowden et al., 2005 Quetiapine 600–800 202 YMRS 32.7 ± 6.5 34.0 ± 6.9 14.6 ± 16.0 6.7 ± 15.0 44.7 19.7 53.3 27.4

McIntyre et al., 2005 Quetiapine 600–800 201 YMRS 34.0 ± 6.1 33.1 ± 6.6 12.3 ± 14.0 8.3 ± 13.0 36.1 25.1 42.6 35.0

Vieta et al., 2010a Quetiapine 100–800 296 YMRS 27.6 ± 5.1 26.5 ± 5.0 11.7 ± 9.3 7.4 ± 10.7 42.4 27.9 49.0 34.6

Cutler et al., 2011 Quetiapine 400–800 308 YMRS 28.8 ± 5.4 28.4 ± 5.1 14.3 ± 11.0 10.5 ± 11.0 49.8 37.0 55.0 33.3

Hirschfeld et al., 2004 Risperidone 1–6 246 YMRS 29.1 ± 5.1 29.2 ± 5.5 10.6 ± 9.5 4.8 ± 9.5 36.4 16.4 43.3 24.4

Khanna et al., 2005 Risperidone 1–6 286 YMRS 37.1 ± 8.5 37.5 ± 8.4 22.7 ± 13.0 10.5 ± 16.0 61.2 28.0 74.3 36.6

Smulevich et al., 2005 Risperidone 1–6 291 YMRS 31.3 ± 6.5 31.5 ± 6.7 13.9 ± 10.0 9.4 ± 11.0 44.4 29.8 47.2 33.3

Zarate et al., 2007 Tamoxifen 20–140 16 YMRS 30.3 ± 7.0 24.3 ± 5.3 18.3 ± 4.3 –4.7 ± 4.1 60.4 –19.2 62.5 12.5
Yildiz et al., 2008 Tamoxifen 80 58 YMRS 38.6 ± 5.0 37.2 ± 6.6 16.6 ± 12.0 –4.8 ± 9.1 43.0 –12.9 43.8 3.8

Kushner et al., 2006 Topiramate 200+400 326 YMRS 30.5 ± 7.5 30.0 ± 6.3 6.0 ± 12 7.7 ± 12.0 19.7 25.7 27.0 28.0

Kushner et al., 2006 Topiramate 400+600 308 YMRS 29.2 ± 5.7 28.3 ± 5.8 8.1 ± 11 7.7 ± 10.0 27.6 27.2 27.0 28.0

Kushner et al., 2006 Topiramate 400 213 YMRS 30.4 ± 7.3 29.5 ± 5.7 5.1 ± 10 6.4 ± 10.0 16.8 21.7 27.0 28.0

Kushner et al., 2006 Topiramate 400 227 YMRS 30.8 ± 6.8 31.7 ± 7.3 8.2 ± 12 8.4 ± 12.0 26.6 26.5 27.0 28.0

Pope et al., 1991 Valproate ≥750 36 YMRS 28.2 ± 5.8 28.6 ± 6.9 11.4 ± 10.0 0.2 ± 9.9 40.5 0.6 52.9 10.5

Bowden et al., 1994 Valproate ≥1,000 139 MRS 27.2 ± 7.6 28.1 ± 6.3 9.2 ± 12.0 4.1 ± 11.0 34.0 14.4 47.8 25.0

Bowden et al., 2006 Valproate 3,057 364 MRS 26.6 ± 5.6 26.6 ± 5.6 11.9 ± 11.0 9.0 ± 11.0 44.7 33.8 48.1 33.9

Tohen et al., 2008 Valproate 848 ± 136 285 YMRS 23.9 ± 2.8 23.5 ± 2.5 8.2 ± 8.5 7.4 ± 8.0 34.3 31.5 40.3 31.3

Hirschfeld et al., 2010 Valproate 500–2500 222 MRS 32.9 ± 5.8 33.0 ± 6.7 10.1 ± 10.8 8.5 ± 12 30.7 25.8 — —

Janicak et al., 1998 Verapamil 480 20 MRS 29.0 ± 9.0 26.0 ± 7.0 1.1 ± 11 1.3 ± 13.0 3.8 5.0 37.5 16.7

Keck et al., 2003b Ziprasidone 130 ± 34 197 MRS 27.0 ± 3.8 26.7 ± 7.0 12.4 ± 12 7.8 ± 13.0 45.9 29.2 50.4 34.8

Potkin et al., 2005 Ziprasidone 126 202 MRS 26.2 ± 7.2 26.4 ± 7.5 11.1 ± 12 5.6 ± 9.6 42.4 21.3 46.7 29.2

Vieta et al., 2010b Ziprasidone 116 264 MRS 29.6 ± 8.0 31.3 ± 7.7 10.4 ± 11.1 6.1 ± 9.9 35.2 19.5 36.9 20.5

NOTE: SD = standard deviation; Rx = treated with study drug; PBO = placebo. YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale; MRS = Mania Rating Scale. Test drugs are listed alphabetically.

In studies where actual site numbers are not reported, they are estimated as twice the reported number of countries.
Ratings and changes are based on mania ratings by YMRS (11 items, range 0–60) or MRS (11 items, range 0–53) from the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia–Change Version. Response is defined as ≥
50% improvement in the mania rating scale used relative to baseline.
Adapted from Yildiz, Nikodem, et al., 2014.
61 comparisons from 41 studies.


(R X) ITT) (MEAN ± SD) (% OF M A X) (%) (%)

RDB Li LTG 15 15 MRS / 4 31.6 34.4 59.6 64.9 58.2 58.4 60.0 53.3 Ichim et al., 2000b
RDB Li LTG 77 74 MRS / 6 28.7 ± 6.9 29.6 ± 7.8 54.2 55.9 54.4 39.2 62.3 55.4 Bowden et al., 2000 c

RDB Li LTG 36 84 MRS / 3 26.2 ± 5.9 26.4 ± 6.5 49.4 49.8 40.8 35.2 41.7 44.1 Goldsmith et al., 2003c

RDB Li TPM 113 215 YMRS / 3 30.1 ± 7.4 30.5 ± 7.5 50.2 50.8 42.9 19.7 46.0e 27.0e Kushner et al., 2006c

RDB Li TPM 114 115 YMRS / 3 30.7 ± 7.5 30.8 ± 6.8 51.2 51.3 45.0 26.6 46.0e 27.0e Kushner et al., 2006c

RDB Li CBZ 24 24 YMRS / 8 30.3 30.9 50.5 51.5 32.0 27.5 33.3e 33.3e Small et al., 1991

RDB Li VPA 13 14 MRSf/ 3 43.4 ± 20.3 52.9 ± 12.3 — — 76.5 48.8 92.3 64.3 Freeman et al., 1992g

RDB Li VPA 35 67 MRS / 3 27.1 ± 7.4 27.2 ± 7.6 51.1 51.3 34.3 34.0 48.6 47.8 Bowden et al., 1994 c

RDB Li APZ 155 154 YMRS / 3 29.4 ± 5.9 28.5 ± 5.6 49.0 46.7 40.9 44.4 45.8 46.8 Keck et al., 2009c

RDB Li HAL 15 15 YMRS / 4 28.4 24.8 47.3 41.3 55.3 41.1 — — Segal et al., 1998h

RDB Li OLZ 15 15 MRS / 4 31.6 31.7 59.6 59.8 58.2 67.8 — — Berk et al., 1999b

RDB Li OLZ 71 69 YMRS / 4 32.4 ± 7.2 34 ± 6.8 54.0 56.7 62.2 72.4 73.2 87.0 Niufan et al., 2008

RDB Li OLZ 20 20 MSRS / 3 79.2 ± 9.6 80.3 ± 8.7 60.9 61.8 17.3 6.8 25 15 Shafti, 2010g

RDB Li QTP 98 107 YMRS / 3 33.3 ± 7.1 32.7 ± 6.5 55.5 62.9 45.7 44.7 53.1 53.3 Bowden et al., 2005c

RDB Li QTP 77 77 YMRS / 4 29.8 ± 5.7 29.3 ± 5.8 49.7 48.8 — — 59.7 77.9 Li et al., 2008

RDB Li RSP 15 15 YMRS / 4 28.4 28.6 47.3 47.7 55.3 43.4 — — Segal et al., 1998h

RDB VPA CBZ 15 15 YMRS / 4 43.5 ± 8.1 41.3 ± 6.5 72.5 68.8 75.4 50.4 73.3 53.3 Vasudev et al., 2000

RDB VPA OxCBZ 30 30 YMRS / 3 (12)i 34.6 ± 6.5 33.8 ± 5.4 57.7 56.3 28.8 29.4 90.0i 80.0i Kakkar et al., 2009

RSB VPA HAL 21 15 YMRS / 1 36.1 ± 11 37.2 ± 8.8 60.2 62.0 42.7 34.7 47.6 33.3 McElroy et al., 1996

RDB VPA OLZ 123 125 YMRS / 3 27.9 ± 6.6 27.4 ± 5.2 46.5 45.7 37.3 48.9 42.3 54.4 Tohen et al., 2002

RDB VPA OLZ 60 55 MRS / 3 30.8 32.3 58.1 60.9 48.1 53.3 — — Zajecka et al., 2002

RDB VPA OLZ 186 201 YMRS / 3 23.9 ± 2.8 23.8 ± 2.8 39.8 39.7 34.3 39.5 40.3 40.8 Tohen et al., 2008c

RDB APZ HAL 173 164 YMRS / 3 (12) 31.1 ± 6.6 31.5 ± 7.9 51.8 52.5 50.5 49.8 50.9 42.6 Vieta et al., 2005
RDB APZ HAL 166 161 YMRS / 3 28 ± 5.8 27.6 ± 5.6 46.7 46.0 42.8 46.5 47.0 49.7 Young et al., 2009c

RDB OLZ ASN 188 189 YMRS / 3 28.6 ± 5.9 28.3 ± 5.5 47.7 47.2 48.6 46.3 50.0 42.3 McIntyre et al., 2009c

RDB OLZ ASN 203 183 YMRS / 3 29.7 ± 6.6 29.4 ± 6.7 49.5 49.0 49.2 39.1 54.7 42.6 McIntyre et al., 2010c

RDB OLZ HAL 231 213 YMRS / 6 (12) 31.1 ± 7.6 30.6 ± 7.7 51.8 51.0 — — 55.0j 62.0j Tohen et al., 2003

RDB OLZ HAL 104 20 YMRS / 3 27.7 ± 5.9 26.6 ± 4.5 46.2 44.3 45.5 53.8 51.0 65.0 Katagiri et al., 2012c

RDB OLZ RSP 164 164 YMRS / 3 26.6 ± 5.0 26.7 ± 5 44.3 44.5 56.5 62.3 62.1 59.5 Perlis et al., 2006

RDB QTP HAL 101 98 YMRS / 3 34 ± 6.1 32.3 ± 6 56.7 53.8 36.2 48.6 42.6 56.1 McIntyre et al., 2005c

RDB QTP PPD 192 190 YMRS / 3 27.6 ± 5.1 27.3 ± 5 46.0 45.5 42.4 48.4 49.0 44.2 Vieta et al., 2010ac

RDB RSP HAL 15 15 YMRS / 4 28.6 24.8 47.7 41.3 43.4 41.1 — — Segal et al., 1998h

RDB RSP HAL 153 144 YMRS / 3 32.1 ± 6.9 31.3 ± 6.5 53.5 52.2 47.0 44.4 47.7 47.2 Smulevich et al., 2005c

RDB ZPS HAL 176 170 MRS / 3 29.6 ± 8.0 30.7 ± 7.4 55.9 57.9 35.2 51.9 36.9 54.7 Vieta et al., 2010bc

NOTE: Studies listed as based on comparisons. SD = standard deviation; Rx = treated with study drug; RDB = randomized double blind; RO = randomized open; YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale;
MRS = Mania Rating Scale; APZ = aripiprazole; ASN = asenapine; CBZ = carbamazepine; HAL = haloperidol; Li = lithium; OLZ = olanzapine; OxCBZ = oxcarbazepine; PPD = paliperidone; QTP = quetiapine;
RSP = risperidone; TPM = topiramate; VPA = valproate; ZPS = ziprasidone.
Ratings and changes are based on mania ratings by YMRS (11 items, range 0–60) or MRS (11 items, range 0–53) from the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia–Change Version or Beigel-Murphy
Manic State Rating Scale (26 items, range 0–130).
In studies where actual site numbers are not reported, they are estimated as twice the reported number of countries.
Unless otherwise specified, response is defined as ≥ 50% improvement in the mania rating scale scores administered as relative to baseline.
34 comparisons; 16 from three-armed placebo controlled trials. b Lithium arm from the same study with two active controls published separately. c Indicates results from placebo-controlled studies with two active
treatment arms. d Indicates pooled results. e Response is defined as moderate improvement with Clinical Global Impressions Scale. f Freeman et al. (1992) used a software system that unit normalized the MRS scores.
Actual score at the endpoint; note that smaller score at the endpoint reflects larger improvement. h Same study tabulated three times as it has three comparisons between three active drugs. j Mania score change results
are at three weeks, and response indicates rate of remission (defined as YMRS of ≤12) at 12 weeks.
Adapted from Yildiz, Nikodem, et al., 2014.



Aripiprazole vs Placebo –0.37 [–0.55 to –0.20]* –0.37 [–0.51 to –0.23]* –0.34 [–0.52 to –0.15]* –0.31 [–0.42 to –0.20]*
Asenapine vs Placebo –0.36 [–0.63 to –0.08]* –0.30 [–0.53 to –0.07]* –0.43 [–0.84 to –0.02]* –0.42 [–0.59 to –0.24]*

Carbamazepine vs Placebo –0.44 [–0.71 to –0.15]* –0.36 [–0.60 to –0.11]** –0.61 [–0.93 to –0.28]* –0.50 [–0.69 to –0.30]*

Cariprazine vs Placebo –0.47 [–0.73 to –0.22]* — –0.47 [–0.72 to –0.22]* —

Haloperidol vs Placebo –0.54 [–0.70 to –0.38]* –0.56 [–0.68 to –0.43]* –0.58 [–0.77 to –0.40]* –0.58 [–0.77 to –0.39]*

Lithium vs Placebo –0.45 [–0.61 to –0.30]* –0.37 [–0.50 to –0.25]* –0.37 [–0.54 to –0.20]* –0.40 [–0.54 to –0.26]*

Olanzapine vs Placebo –0.48 [–0.62 to –0.34]* –0.43 [–0.54 to –0.32]* –0.40 [–0.57 to –0.24]* –0.44 [–0.56 to –0.32]*

Paliperdone vs Placebo –0.37 [–0.66 to –0.08]* –0.50 [–0.63 to –0.38]** –0.37 [–0.66 to –0.08]* –0.50 [–0.67 to –0.33]**

Quetiapine vs Placebo –0.35 [–0.56 to –0.14]* –0.37 [–0.51 to –0.23]* –0.35 [–0.55 to –0.14]* –0.37 [–0.51 to –0.24]*

Risperidone vs Placebo –0.65 [–0.85 to –0.44]* –0.50 [–0.63 to –0.38]** –0.69 [–0.93 to –0.45]* –0.50 [–0.67 to –0.33]**

Tamoxifen vs Placebo –2.92 [–3.48 to –2.38]* — –2.92 [–3.48 to –2.38]* —

Valproate vs Placebo –0.32 [–0.50 to –0.15]* –0.20 [–0.37 to –0.04]* –0.30 [–0.51 to –0.10]* –0.16 [–0.30 to –0.03]*

Ziprasidone vs Placebo –0.33 [–0.59 to –0.08]* –0.19 [–0.37 to –0.03]* –0.34 [–0.60 to –0.09]* –0.24 [–0.49 to –0.01]*

Aripiprazole vs Risperidone –0.27 [–0.54 to –0.01]* –0.13 [–0.31 to 0.05] — —

Aripiprazole vs Haloperidol –0.17 [–0.37 to 0.04] –0.19 [–0.36 to –0.02]* –0.04 [–0.34 to 0.26] –0.05 [–0.20 to 0.10]

Asenapine vs Haloperidol –0.18 [–0.49 to 0.13] –0.26 [–0.52 to –0.01]* — —

Asenapine vs Olanzapine –0.12 [–0.39 to 0.15] –0.14 [–0.36 to 0.10] –0.18 [–0.47 to 0.12] –0.22 [–0.37 to –0.08]*

Carbamazepine vs Haloperidol –0.10 [–0.43 to 0.21] –0.20 [–0.36 to –0.01]* — –0.09 [–0.56 to 0.38]

Lithium vs Haloperidol –0.09 [–0.29 to 0.13] –0.19 [–0.36 to –0.01]* 0.51 [–0.29 to 1.30] –1.11 [–1.89 to –0.33]*
Quetiapine vs Haloperidol –0.19 [–0.43 to 0.07] –0.19 [–0.37 to –0.01]* — –0.42 [–0.71 to –0.14]*

Valproate vs Haloperidol –0.22 [–0.43 to 0.02] –0.36 [–0.56 to –0.15]* 0.23 [–0.52 to 0.99] —

Valproate vs Lithium –0.13 [–0.34 to 0.09] –0.10 [–0.41 to 0.23] –0.36 [–0.85 to 0.12] –1.01 [–1.82 to –0.20]*

Valproate vs Olanzapine –0.16 [–0.34 to 0.04] –0.23 [–0.40 to –0.06]* –0.22 [–0.48 to 0.04] –0.20 [–0.34 to –0.05]*

Valproate vs Risperidone –0.33 [–0.58 to –0.06]* –0.30 [–0.50 to –0.10]* — —

Ziprasidone vs Haloperidol –0.21 [–0.48 to 0.08] –0.36 [–0.56 to –0.15]* –0.52 [–0.94 to –0.08]* –0.51 [–0.72 to –0.29]*

Ziprasidone vs Olanzapine –0.15 [–0.43 to 0.14] –0.24 [–0.43 to –0.03]* — —

Ziprasidone vs Risperidone –0.31 [–0.63 to 0.02] –0.31 [–0.51 to –0.10]* — —

NOTE: CrI = credible interval; CI = confidence interval; SMD = standardized mean difference as Hedges’ g.

All results are reported as difference in the treatment effect (SMD) of the first agent listed relative to the second.
Data for multiple-treatments meta-analyses based on the single agent trials is adapted from Yildiz, Nikodem, et al. (in press) and on the single agent and add-on trials from Cipriani et al. (2011).
* Statistically significant difference. ** Data from chemically related agents analyzed conjointly in the same node (e.g., paliperidone and risperidone or carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine).
The SMD values computed for the single agent trials by the frequentist approach (CI) can be found in Yildiz et al. (2011).
carbamazepine, lithium, quetipaine, valproate, zipra- T R E AT M E N T I M PL IC AT ION S
sidone) and both olanzapine and risperidone against
two (valproate, ziprasidone) competing interventions Recommendations regarding initial treatment of patients
(Cipriani et al., 2011). Except the one on risperidone ver- with bipolar manic episodes are usually based on five
sus valproate none of these findings could be replicated in considerations:  the evidence base of acute treatment effi-
the recent MTM. Significant findings of both networks cacy for a selected agent or agents; history of prior treat-
are summarized in Table 21.3. Indeed, considering that ment response and tolerability; episode severity; relevant
41% of the entire evidence structure at 53 data points was co-occurring psychiatric and medical illnesses and the
different disagreements between the present and previous potential for beneficial or adverse effects on these condi-
network were not surprising. For example, the first net- tions; and the use of initial treatment as a potential basis for
work allowed inclusion of add-on and combination trials establishing a foundational regimen for long-term relapse
while the second one allowed only monotherapy trials; prevention. Based on the available scientific evidence from
a decision to be made by the meta-anlaysts according to RCTs, the efficacy of lithium, divalproex, carbamazepine,
the research question of interest, accumulated evidence, haloperidol, risperidone, paliperidone, olanzapine, que-
and clinical context. Within the context of acute bipolar tiapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole, asenapine, and caripra-
mania, since great majority of accumulated evidence is as zine have demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of manic
monotharpy and different hypotheses are being operated episodes as monotherapy. Greater efficacy and often more
in the monotherapy versus add-on or combination trials, rapid improvement has been demonstrated for adjunctive
and we selected to construct a network based on mono- therapy for risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine, aripip-
therapy trials (Yildiz, Nikodem, et al., 2014). The initial razole, and asenapine, each in combination with lithium
network on the other hand, selected to include add-on or or divalproex. Illness severity and patient safety consid-
combination trials as well; yet, by treating data obtained erations are two factors that often affect the recommen-
from add-on trials in the same nodes or joints with dation of combination compared with monotherapy for
monotherapy trials. As such, no information on the com- acute manic episodes.
parative efficacy of combination versus single-agent treat- As treatment recommendations for acute manic epi-
ments could be obtained (Cipriani et al., 2011). Through sodes may also be considered in light of establishing an
that approach data coming from add-on or combination agent for potential long-term maintenance treatment,
treatments pooled together with single-agent trial results considerations of not just short-term but long-term tolera-
as such modified computed effect-sizes of considered bility and evidence maintenance efficacy become relevant.
drug. One further difference between the two available Of the agents with established efficacy in the short-term
antimanic treatment networks is the consideration of treatment of manic episodes, lithium, olanzapine, aripip-
the chemically related drugs conjointly in the same joints razole, quetiapine, and risperidone (long-acting, inject-
(e.g., paliperidone and risperidone; or carbamazepine able) have established efficacy in maintenance treatment
and oxcarbazepine) in the preceeding network (Cipriani of patients with bipolar I disorder (Keck & McElroy, in
et  al., 2011). All these factors might have contributed press).
to the conflicting results and different point estimates
Disclosure statements: Dr.  Keck is employed by the
for the considered treatment alternatives (for technical
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and
details see Yildiz, Vieta, et al., 2014; and Yildiz, Nikodem,
University of Cincinnati Physicians. Dr. Keck is presently
et al., 2014).
or has been in the past year a principal or co-investigator
A sensitivity analysis considering drugs in groups of
on research studies sponsored by Alkermes; AstraZeneca;
FGA, SGAs, and MSs tested superiority of one group to
Cephalon; GlaxoSmithKline; Eli Lilly and Company;
another in the context of MTM (Yildiz, Nikodem, et  al.,
Marriott Foundation; National Institute of Mental Health;
2014). This analysis by class effect confirmed antimanic
Orexigen; Pfizer, Inc.; and Shire.
effectiveness of FGA, haloperidol with SMD values of 0.54
Dr. Keck has been reimbursed for consulting to, in the
(95% CrI:  0.39–0.69), SGAs 0.44 (5% CrI:  0.36–0.51),
past year,
and MSs 0.39 (95% CrI: 0.28–0.49) as relative to placebo,
with no indication of significance among each other. Trivial
2012: Bristol-Myers-Squibb, Teva, Otsuka,
effect sizes detected for SGAs versus MSs 0.05 (–0.06–0.17)
Forest, Merck
or FGA versus MSs 0.16 (–0.02–0.32) did not reach
significance. 2013: Sunovion, Alkermes, Shire, Forest, Merck

2 76   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Dr.  Paul E.  Keck, Jr. is a co-inventor on United States Bowden, C. L., Swann, A. C., Calabrese, J. R., Rubenfaer, L. M., Woz-
niak, P. J., Collins, M. A., . . . Depakote, E. R., Mania Study Group
Patent No. 6,387,956: Shapira, N. A., Goldsmith, T. D., & (2006). Randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter study of
Keck, P. E. Jr. (University of Cincinnati). (2002). Methods of divalproex sodium extended release in the treatment of acute mania.
treating obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder comprises Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 67(10), 1501–1510.
Calabrese, J. R., Keck, P. E. Jr., Starace, A., Lu, K., Ruth, A., Laszlovszky,
the step of administering an effective amount of tramadol to I., . . . Durgam, S. (2013). Efficacy and safety of low- and high-dose
an individual. Filed March 25, 1999; approved May 14, 2002. cariprazine in patients with acute mania associated with bipolar
Dr. Keck has received no financial gain from this patent. I disorder. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01058668. European Neuropsy-
chopharmacology, 23(Suppl 2), S378–S379.
Dr. McElroy has not disclosed any conflicts of interest. Cipriani, A., Barbui, C., Salanti, G., Rendell, J., Brown, R., Stockton,
Dr. Yildiz has received research grants from or served S., . . . Geddes, J. R. (2011). Comparative efficacy and acceptability of
as a consultant to, or speaker for, Abdi Ibrahim, Actavis, antimanic drugs in acute mania: Multiple-treatments meta-analysis.
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abrese, J. R. (2002). Efficacy of olanzapine in the treatment of mania Yatham, L.  N., Paulsson, B., Mullen, J.  A., &Vagaro, A.  M. (2004).
in patients partially responsive to lithium or valproate. Archives of Quetiapine versus placebo in combination with lithium or dival-
General Psychiatry, 59, 62–69. proex for the treatment of bipolar mania. Journal of Clinical Psycho-
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Janicak, P. G., . . . Breier, A. (2000). Efficacy of olanzapine in acute Yildiz, A., Guleryuz, S., Ankerst, D.  P., Ongur, D., & Renshaw,
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T reatment o f   M ania   •   2 7 9
Keming Gao, Renrong Wu, Heinz Grunze, and Joseph R. Calabrese


The burden of bipolar depression is greater than that of

bipolar mania, although mania may present in more dra-
matic ways such as impaired judgment with risky behav-
iors. Patients with bipolar disorder spend more time in OFC is the first agent approved by the US FDA for the
depression than in mania/hypomania with more impair- acute treatment of bipolar I depression (Tohen et al., 2003).
ment at work, social life, and family life and an increased Olanzapine monotherapy or OFC exhibited significant
suicide risk during depressive phases. Significant psycho- improvement in depressive symptoms compared to placebo
social impairment during euthymia is more strongly pre- (see Table 22.1 and Table 22.2). OFC was significantly
dicted by the number of past depressive episodes than better than placebo and olanzapine alone. The effect size
past manias. It is critical to treat acute depression and to for olanzapine monotherapy was small (0.32), but the
prevent depressive relapse in order to reduce mortality and effect size of the OFC arm was moderate (0.68). The effi-
morbidity in patients with bipolar disorder. However, the cacy of olanzapine monotherapy was replicated in bipolar
treatment of bipolar depression has not been as widely I depression with an effect size of 0.22 (Tohen et al., 2012).
studied as mania. Limited efficacy and safety concern of olanzapine mono-
Antidepressant effects of lithium, anticonvulsants, therapy made the US FDA approve OFC but not olanzap-
antipsychotics, antidepressants, and some unconventional ine monotherapy for the acute treatment of bipolar I (BPI)
psychopharmacological agents have been studied in bipolar depression. A recent meta-analysis showed that OFCs were
depression using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of superior to olanzapine and placebo but not to lamotrigine
Mental Disorders fourth edition (DSM-IV) diagnostic (Silva, Zimmermann, Galvao, & Pereira, 2013). Adverse
criteria. However, only quetiapine monotherapy, olanzap- events were more common in patients treated with OFC
ine and fluoxetine combination (OFC), lurasidone mono- than those with lamotrigine, which support the recom-
therapy, and lurasidone adjunctive to mood stabilizer mendation of lamotrigine over OFC as the first-line treat-
have been approved by the United States Food and Drug ment for acute bipolar depression although OFC had better
Administration (US FDA) for acute bipolar depression. efficacy than lamotrigine (Suppes et al., 2005).
Therefore, most treatments for acute bipolar depression Both OFC and olanzapine were relatively well tolerated
are off-label and some are still controversial. To maximize compared to placebo. There was a small but significantly
benefit and minimize risk of current available agents, it increased risk for discontinuation due to adverse events
is essential to understand the efficacy and safety of each (DAEs) with olanzapine relative to placebo with a number
medication in the treatment of bipolar depression. In this needed to treat to harm (NNTH) of 24 (95% confidence
chapter, commonly used agents for bipolar depression are interval [CI]: 23–224; Gao et al., 2011). Adverse events
reviewed. Agents with large, randomized, double-blind, occurred more frequently in patients treated with either
placebo-controlled studies are prioritized. olanzapine or OFC included somnolence, weight gain,

2 81



Aripiprazole Bipolar I depression Aripiprazole 5–30 mg/day 8 337 Not superior to placebo in No significant difference from
Thase et al., 2008 (15.5–17.6 mg/day) 353 reducing MADRS placebo in changes in CGI-S,
Placebo remission rate, or response rate

Olanzapine Bipolar I depression Olanzapine 5–20 mg/d 6 to 8 690 Superior to placebo in Significant difference from
Tohen et al., 2003 (9.7 mg/day) 524 ­reducing MADRS placebo in response, HAMA,
Tohen et al., 2012 Placebo CGI-S, and some items of

Quetiapine-IR Bipolar I or II depression Quetiapine-IR 300 mg/day 8 811 Superior to placebo in Significant difference from
Calabrese et al., 2005 BPI n =1,472 Quetiapine-IR 600 mg/day 816 ­reducing MADRS placebo in response, remission,
Thase et al., 2006 BPI n =808 Placebo 580 HAMD, HAMA, CGI-S, and
Young et al., 2010 Q-LES-Q
McElroy et al., 2010

Quetiapine-XR Bipolar I or II Depression Quetiapine-XR 300 mg/day 8 133 Superior to placebo in Superior to placebo in response,
Suppes et al., 2008 BPI n =217 Placebo 137 ­reducing MADRS remission, CGI-S, 8 of 10 items
BPII n =53 total score of MADRS

Ziprasidone Bipolar I depression Ziprasidone 40–80 mg/day 6 288 Not superior to placebo in Not superior to placebo in any
Lombardo et al., 2012 Ziprasidone 120–160 mg/day 232 reducing MADRS secondary outcome measure
Placebo 364

Lurasidone Bipolar I depression Lurasidone 20–60 mg/day 6 161 Superior to placebo in Superior to placebo in
Lobel et al., 2014 Lurasidone 80–120 mg/d 162 ­reducing MADRS responder, remission, QIDS-16
Placebo 162 HAMA, SDS, Q-LES-Q


Lamotrigine Bipolar I or II depression Lamotrigine 100–400 mg/ 7 to 10 541 Superior to placebo in Superior to placebo in remis-
Geddes et al., 2009 BPI n = 833 day 530 response rate based on sion rate based on MADRS, but
BPII n = 305 Placebo MADRS and HAMD not based on HAMD
Superior to placebo in reducing
MADRS, but not HAMD

Divalproex-ER Bipolar I or II depression Divalproex 6 to 8 69 Superior to placebo in Superior to placebo in remis-
Bond et al., 2010 BPI n =78 Placebo 69 response rate based on ≥ 50% sion rate based on the definition
BPII n =62 improvement in standard from original studies
depression rating scale

Paroxetine Bipolar I or II Depression Paroxetine 20 mg/day 8 121 Not superior to placebo in Superior to placebo in reducing
McElroy et al., 2010 BPI n = 150 Placebo 118 reducing MADRS HAMA, but not in other sec-
BPII n = 99 ondary outcome measures


Lithium Bipolar I or II Depression Lithium 600–1,800 mg/ 8 136 Not superior to placebo in Trended decrease in HAMD,
Young et al., 2010 BPI n = 165 day with 64.4% Li Level of 129 reducing MADRS CGI-S, SDS favoring lithium
BPII n = 100 0.6–1.2 mEq/L over placebo

Olanzapine+fluoxetine Bipolar I depression Olanzapine-fluoxetine 6/25 7 205 Olanzapine plus fluoxetine Olanzapine plus fluoxetine
vs. Lamotrigine mg/d, 6/50 mg/day, 12/25 mg 205 superior to lamotrigine in superior to lamotrigine in
Brown et al., 2005 or 12/50 mg/day reducing CGI-S with effect reducing MADRS, YMRS,
Lamotrigine 150–200 mg/ size of 0.26 CGI-I, BPRS, but not in
day response or remission rates
based on MADRS
NOTE : BPRS = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; CGI-I = Clinical Global Impression—Improvement; CGI-S = Clinical Global Impression–Severity; HAMD = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; HAMA = Hamilton
Anxiety Rating Scale; MADRS = Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale; QIDS-16 = Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology–16 item; Q-LES-Q = Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction
Questionnaire; SDS = Sheehan Disability Scale; YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale.



Olanzapine-Fluoxetine Bipolar I depression Olanzapine-fluoxetine 8 82 Superior to pla- Significant difference from placebo in
Tohen et al., 2003 6/25 mg/day, 6/50 mg/ 355 cebo in reducing response, remission, HAMA, CGI-S,
day, or 12/50 mg/day MADRS and 8 of 10 items of MADRS

Ziprasidone Bipolar I depression MS + ziprasidone 6 145 Not superior to Superior to placebo in improving
Sachs et al., 2011 Lithium 0.6–1.2 mEq/L or 40–160 mg/day 145 placebo in reducing GAF and SDS, but not in CGI-S,
valproate 50-125 µg/ml for MS + placebo MADRS HAMA, or Q-LES-Q
≥ 4 weeks

Lurasidone Bipolar I depression Lith- MS + lurasidone 6 179 Superior to Superior to placebo in responder
Lobel et al., 2014 ium or valproate in thera- 20–120 mg/day 161 placebo in reducing and remission rates and reducing
peutic level for 4 weeks MS + placebo MADRS QIDS-16, HAMA, SDS, Q-LES-Q,


Antidepressant vs. Placebo Bipolar I or II depression MS + paroxetine or 26 179 Not superior to Not superior to placebo in
Sachs et al., 2007 bupropion 187 placebo in durable transient remission, transient
MS + placebo recovery remission or durable recovery,
treatment-effectiveness response,
treatment-emergent affective switch,
or discontinuation of study medica-
tion due to adverse event

Antidepressant vs. placeboa Bipolar I or II depression, MS + antidepressant 5 to 10 213 Superior to placebo Superior to placebo in remission rate
Gijsman et al., 2004 mainly bipolar I MS + placebo 449 in response rate No significant difference from
placebo in switch rate

Antidepressant vs. placebob Bipolar I or II depression MS + antidepressant 6 to 26 341 Not superior to Not significant different from
Sidor and MacQueen, 2011 MS + placebo 565 placebo in response placebo in remission rate

Antidepressant vs. Bipolar I or II depression MS + antidepressant 4 to 12 235 Not superior to Not significant different from
other agents MS + other agents 222 other agents in other agents in remission rate
Sidor and MacQueen, 2011 response rate
Bupropion vs. antidepressant Bipolar I or II depression MS + bupropion 6 to 10 119 Not superior to Not significant different from
Sidor and MacQueen, 2011 MS+ antidepressant 137 other antidepres- other antidepressants in remission
sants in response rate

Awake-promoting agent

Modafinil Bipolar I or II depression MS + Modafinil 6 41 Superior to placebo Superior to placebo in response
Frye et al., 2007 inadequately response to 100–200 mg/day 44 in reducing IDS-C30 and remission rate, and in improve-
a mood stabilizer at stable MS + Placebo total score ment of 4 item of fatigue—and
doses for ≥ 2 weeks energy—subset of the IDS-C30

Armodafinil Bipolar I depression nonre- MS + Armadofinil 8 124 Superior to pla- No difference between group in
Calabrese et al., 2010 sponse to lithium, valproic 150 mg/day 123 cebo in Reduction response, remission, MADRS,
acid, or olanzapine for ≥ 8 MS + Placebo of IDS-C30 with QIDS-16, CGI-S, IDS-C30 items,
weeks analysis of variance MADRS items, HAMA, Q-LES-Q
but no with analysis
of covariance

Armodafinilc Bipolar I depression MS + Armodafinil 8 201 Armodafinil supe- Significant difference from placebo
Calabrese et al., 2014 Emergence of a new depres- 150 mg/day 199 rior to placebo in in changes in IDS-C30 individual
sive episode while taking a MS + Placebo reducing IDS-C30 items of panic/phobic symptoms,
FDA-approved maintenance total score increased appetite, concentration/
therapy decisions, energy/fatigability, and
leaden paralysis/physical energy, and
IDS-C30 responders, but not in CGI-S
responders or change in GAF


Lamotrigine + lithium vs. Bipolar I or II depression Lithium (0.6–1.2 8 64 Superior to pla- Significant difference in MADRS
Lithium alone BPI n = 84 mEq/L) + lamotrigine 60 cebo in reducing responder, but not in CGI-S
van der Loos et al., 2009 BPII n =40 200 mg/day MADRS responder
Lithium for ≥ 2 weeks Lithium (0.6–1.2
mEq/L) + Placebo

NOTE: CGI-S = Clinical Global Impression—Severity; GAF =, Global Assessment of Functioning; HAMD = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; HAMA = Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale; IDS-C30 = Inventory
of Depressive Symptomatology–Clinician-Rated, 30 items; MADRS = Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale; MS = mood stabilizer; QIDS-16 = Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology–16 item;
Q-LES-Q = Quality of Life, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction Questionnaire; SDS = Sheehan Disability Scale.
In this meta-analysis, about 184 patients were not on a mood stabilizer and 54 patients did not have bipolar disorder. b In this meta-analysis, about 67 patients were not on a mood stabilizer but all patients had bipolar
disorder. c In this study, a FDA-approved maintenance therapy included (a) lithium or valproate monotherapy; (b) olanzapine, aripiprazole, risperidone, or lamotrigine (either alone or in combination with lithium or
valproate); or (c) ziprasidone in combination with lithium or valproate.
increased appetite, dry mouth, asthenia, and diarrhea (see day and 300 mg/day, but there was a higher rate of DAEs
Table 22.3). Treatment-emergent mania (TEM) did not in the quetiapine-IR 600 mg group (Gao et al., 2011). The
differ among the olanzapine, OFC, and placebo groups. NNTH for DAEs with quetiapine-IR 600 mg/day and 300
Olanzapine and OFC caused significant weight gain com- mg/day was 11 (95% CI: 8–18) and 24 (95% CI: 14–83),
pared to placebo with 2.59 ± 3.24 kg, 2.79 ± 3.23 kg, and respectively. The most common causes for discontinua-
–0.47 ± 2.62 kg, respectively. The NNTH for ≥ 7% weight tion were sedation, somnolence, and dizziness (Gao et al.,
gain of OFC and olanzapine relative to placebo was 5 for 2008, 2011).
both (Gao et al., 2011). Olanzapine and OFC also caused Patients treated with quetiapine-IR or -XR had signifi-
significantly higher cholesterol and nonfasting blood glu- cantly higher rates of dry mouth, sedation, somnolence,
cose levels compared to placebo. dizziness, and constipation than those treated with a pla-
Olanzapine has some anxiolytic effect and may be cebo (see Table 22.3). Mean weight gain was 1.6  kg for
especially useful for those with depression and a high level quetiapine-IR 600 mg/day, 1.0  kg for quetiapine-IR 300
of anxiety (Gao, Muzina, Gajwani, & Calabrese, 2006). mg/day, and 0.2 kg for the placebo. The NNTH for ≥ 7%
Somnolence/sedation was the most common side effect weight gain with quetiapine-IR 600 mg/day and 300 mg/
from OFC or olanzapine and caused premature discon- day was 17 (95% CI: 12–27) and 28 (95% CI: 18–71), respec-
tinuation or noncompliance (Gao et  al., 2008, 2011), but tively (Gao et al., 2011). Weight gain in the quetiapine-XR
the main concern is the long-term effect of olanzapine caus- was greater than in the placebo (1.3  kg vs. –0.2  kg). The
ing metabolic abnormalities. The metabolic parameters NNTH for ≥ 7% weight gain was 14 (95% CI 8–39) (Gao
should be monitored as recommended by the Consensus et  al., 2011). Similar to quetiapine-IR, quetiapine-XR at
Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and 300 mg/day had a significant higher rate for DAEs rela-
Obesity and Diabetes (American Psychiatric Association, tive to placebo with a NNTH of 9 (95% CI:  6–20; Gao
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, et al., 2011).
and North American Association for the Study of Since the most common cause for premature discontin-
Obesity, 2004). uation from quetiapine was somnolence and sedation (Gao
et al., 2008, 2011), undoubtedly it is essential to properly
manage these side effects. Starting a lower dose and titrat-
ing slowly might be helpful. There has been no study on
Quetiapine immediate-release (quetiapine-IR) monother- the onset and duration of somnolence sedation of antipsy-
apy is the second medication approved by the US FDA for chotics in bipolar depression. However, a recent post hoc
acute bipolar I and II depression (see Table 22.1). Two ini- analysis of asenapine and olanzapine in acute mania found
tial studies demonstrated that quetiapine-IR 600 mg/day that the median duration of somnolence was 7 days for ase-
and 300 mg/day produced significantly greater improve- napine and 8.5 days for olanzapine (Gao, Mackle, Cazorla,
ment in depressive symptoms compared with placebo as Zhao, & Szegedi. 2013). Since depressed bipolar patients
early as Week 1. The effect sizes for quetiapine-IR 600 mg/ had lower tolerability to somnolence than those with mania
day and 300 mg/day were moderate. The response and or schizophrenia (Gao et  al., 2008), it appears reasonable
remission rates and other secondary outcome measures also that if somnolence/sedation continues after three to four
showed significant superiority of quetiapine-IR over the weeks, other medications should be considered.
placebo (see Table 22.1). In a subtype analysis of the first The targeted dose of quetiapine should be 300 mg/day
study (Calabrese et al., 2005), the effect sizes for quetiapine- regardless of IR or XR formulation. For those who cannot
IR 600 mg/day and quetiapine-IR 300 mg/day in the BPI tolerate 300 mg/day, a lower dose may be worth trying. The
subgroup were large but in the BPII subgroup were small. justification of a lower dose than 300 mg/day is based on
However, in the second study (Thase et al., 2006), the effect the fact that a minimal effective dose of quetiapine has not
sizes for quetiapine-IR 600 mg/day and quetiapine-IR 300 been established. Quetiapine also has anxiolytic effects and
mg/day were moderate in both BPI and BPII subtypes. may be especially useful for those with depression and a
Quetiapine extended-release (quetiapine-XR) at 300 high level of anxiety (Gao et al., 2006).
mg/day also exhibited superiority over placebo in reduc-
ing depressive symptoms in BPI or BPII depression with
a moderate effect size (Suppes et al., 2010, see Table 22.1).
In the two quetiapine-IR pivotal studies, there was mini- Aripiprazole has partial agonistic activity at D2 , D3, and
mal difference in efficacy between a fixed dose of 600 mg/ 5-HT1A receptors and antagonistic activity at 5-HT2A

2 8 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
receptors. There were some preliminary positive results of superiority over the placebo at reducing depressive symp-
aripiprazole in bipolar depression, but two large, random- toms (Patkar et al., 2012). The benefit of patients with BPII
ized, placebo-controlled trials did not show superiority of was larger than those with MDD.
aripiprazole over placebo in reducing depressive symptoms There was no significant difference in the DAEs between
at the end of the studies. Aripiprazole did transiently reduce ziprasidone and placebo regardless of higher (120–160 mg/
depressive symptoms significantly compared to placebo day) or lower (40–80 mg/day) doses. The most common
(Thase et al., 2008). There were also no significant differ- side effect was somnolence (see Table 22.3), with a NNTH
ences in key secondary outcome measures between aripipra- of 10 for the lower dose and 7 for the higher dose. At the
zole and placebo (see Table 22.1). Therefore, aripiprazole did higher dose, there was a slightly higher but statistically
not receive US FDA approval for acute bipolar depression.
In contrast, aripiprazole adjunctive to antidepressant(s)
was superior to placebo in patients with major depressive Table 22 .3.  SUMMARY OF SIDE EFFECTS FROM 
disorder (MDD) who failed antidepressant treatment and MEDICATIONS STUDIED IN ACUTE BIPOLAR
received US FDA approval for this indication. DEPR ESSION WITH R ATES OF AT LEAST ONE AND
The adverse events with >10% incidences in these two HALF TIMES HIGHER R ELATIVE TO PLACEBO
studies were akathisia, insomnia, nausea, fatigue, restless-
ness, dry mouth, and headache (see Table 22.3). Akathisia DESCENDING OR DER
was a common, significantly higher side effect with aripipra-
Aripiprazole Akathisia, insomnia, nausea,
zole relative to placebo with a NNTH of 5 (95% CI: 4–6). fatigue, restlessness, dry mouth,
The NNTH for the DAEs was 14 (95% CI:  1–35; Gao anxiety, increased appetite, sedation,
et  al., 2011). There was no significant difference in mean disturbance in attention
weight gain or the proportion of ≥ 7% weight gain between Olanzapine Somnolence, weight gain, increase
the two groups. appetite, dry month, asthenia

Olanzapine+Fluoxetine Somnolence, weight gain, dry

Z I PR A S I D ON E mouth, increase appetite, asthenia,
Like olanzapine, ziprasidone showed efficacy in reducing Quetiapine-IR Dry mouth, sedation, somnolence,
depressive symptoms in patients with mixed mania as well dizziness, fatigue, constipation,
as in bipolar depression and treatment-resistant MDD. dyspepsia, increased appetite, tremor
However, ziprasidone monotherapy or adjunctive therapy Quetiapine-XR Dry mouth, somnolence, sedation,
to mood stabilizers in bipolar depression did not show increased appetite, weight gain,
superiority over placebo (see Table 22.1). Like aripipra- dyspepsia, fatigue
zole, ziprasidone was not approved by US FDA for acute Ziprasidone Somnolence, sedation, dizziness,
bipolar depression. Exploratory analyses of randomized, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, akathisia,
placebo-controlled studies found that 36% of patients in restlessness
one study and 31% in another study did not meet moderate Lurasidone Nausea, somnolence, tremor,
severity inclusion criterion at baseline as measured by the akathisia, sedation
Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS).
Lamotrigine none
The inclusion of mildly depressed patients in these studies
might result in the inability to detect the treatment-induced Divalproex-ER Nausea, increased appetite, diarrhea,
change. Serious inconsistencies in subject rating could dry mouth, and stomach cramps
be another potential cause for failure to detect a differ- Lithium Somnolence, dry mouth, nausea,
ence between ziprasidone and placebo (Lombardo, Sachs, tremor
Kolluri, Kremer, & Yang, 2012). Poor-quality rating at Paroxetine Nausea
baseline by a subgroup of patients and raters were also
observed in the ziprasidone adjunctive therapy study (Sachs Armodafinil Restlessness, somnolence, dry
mouth, anxiety
et al., 2011; see Table 22.2).
In contrast, a six-week study in a group of patients with Lamotrigine + Lithium Nausea, flu-like symptoms,
MDD (n = 29) and BPII depression (n = 43) who were in a insomnia, tremor, skin problem/
mild rash
mixed state showed that ziprasidone (40–160 mg/day) had

Pharmacological T reatment o f B ipolar D epression   •   2 8 7

significant risk for akathisia with ziprasidone relative to depression was published in 1999 (Calabrese et al., 1999).
placebo with a NNTH of 38 (Gao, Pappadopulos, Karayal, Afterward, none of four similar studies showed a sepa-
Kolluri, & Calabrese, 2013). ration between lamotrigine and placebo in reducing
depressive symptoms (Calabrese et al., 2008). Therefore
lamotrigine was not approved for acute bipolar depres-
LU R A S I D ON E sion. In the first study, lamotrigine 200 mg/day dem-
Lurasidone is a newer atypical antipsychotic approved by the onstrated significant efficacy not on the primary but on
US FDA for schizophrenia and bipolar depression. It has several secondary outcome measures compared to pla-
high affinity for D2, 5-HT2A, and 5HT7 receptors (antagonist cebo, but lamotrigine 50 mg/day was superior only to
effect), moderate affinity for 5HT1A (partial agonist effect) and the placebo in a few outcome measures. In a combined
α2C receptors (antagonist effect), and no appreciable affinity for analysis of a single patient dataset from these five studies
H1 and M1 receptors. The approval for bipolar depression was with a total of 1,072 participants, more patients treated
based on two studies (Loebel, Cucchiaro, Silva, Kroger, Sarma, with lamotrigine than a placebo responded to treatment
et al., 2014; Loebel, Cucchiaro, Silva, Kroger, Hsu, et al., 2014). as measured with either the Hamilton Depression Rating
In a monotherapy study, lurasidone 20 to 60 mg/day and 80 Scale (HAMD) or the MADRS (Geddes, Calabrese, &
to 120 mg/day monotherapy resulted in a significantly greater Goodwin, 2009). The number needed to treat to benefit
MADRS score reduction in BPI depression than placebo (NNTB) for response based on MADRS and HAMD
(Loebel, Cucchiaro, Silva, Kroger, Hsu, et al., 2014). The effect was 13 and 11, respectively. Remission rate of lamotrigine
sizes were 0.51 for both doses of lurasidone. Both active groups based on MADRS but not based on HAMD was signifi-
separated from placebo from Week 2 onward and showed sig- cantly higher than that of placebo (see Table 22.1). In a
nificant improvement over placebo on other secondary out- group of patients with a baseline HAMD total score of
come measures (see Table 22.1). In an adjunctive therapy study > 24, the efficacy of lamotrigine was superior to placebo.
(Loebel, Cucchiaro, Silva, Kroger, Sarma, et al., 2012), lurasi- However, in a group of patients with a baseline HAMD
done 20 to 120 mg/day adjunctive to either lithium or valpro- total score of ≤ 24, the efficacy of lamotrigine was not
ate was also superior to placebo in the treatment of moderate to superior to placebo.
severe bipolar I depression (see Table 22.2). During these studies, patients treated with lamotrig-
Rates of the DAEs, as well as reported nausea and head- ine had a significantly higher rate of headache compared
ache, were similar between lurasidone and placebo, but with those treated with placebo (32% vs. 17%) in the
akathisia was higher in lurasidone than in the placebo (see first study but no difference in the other four studies
Table 22.3). There were minimal changes in weight, lipids, (Calabrese et al., 2002, 2008). The incidence of rash did
and measures of glycemic control. not differ between placebo and treatment arms. However,
Lurasidone is the third antipsychotic showing efficacy rash is generally recognized as a side effect likely to com-
in acute bipolar depression and approved by US FDA for plicate the drug’s clinical use. In early epilepsy trials, rash
this indication. Although its effect size of 0.51 is smaller lead to hospitalization and treatment discontinuation
than that of quetiapine or OFC, its favorable safety and or Stevens-Johnson syndrome in 0.3% of adults treated
tolerability profile suggests that it may be used even before with lamotrigine. According to GlaxoSmithKline, manu-
trying quetiapine or OFC. Since lurasidone was also effi- facturer of lamotrigine, the incidence of serious rashes,
cacious for anxiety symptoms, it may be considered as a including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, is approximately
first-line medication over lamotrigine for patients with 0.8% (8 per 1,000) in pediatric patients (2 to 16  years
bipolar depression and anxiety symptoms. of age) receiving lamotrigine as adjunctive therapy for
epilepsy and 0.3% (3 per 1,000) in adults on adjunctive
therapy for epilepsy (per package insert). In clinical trials
of bipolar and other mood disorders, the rate of serious
rash was 0.08% (0.8 per 1,000) in adult patients receiving
lamotrigine monotherapy and 0.13% (1.3 per 1,000) in
L A MOT R IG I N E adult patients receiving lamotrigine as adjunctive therapy.
Severe rashes are more likely to occur in child and adoles-
Lamotrigine monotherapy
cents, especially in those younger than 12 years old, forced
The first randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled titration, or co-administration with valproate. Therefore,
study of lamotrigine monotherapy in the acute bipolar standard titration schedules should be followed. In

2 8 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
addition, during the postmarketing era, rare cases of were 6.3% in lamotrigine and 3.3% in placebo. There were
aseptic meningitis were reported (Simms, Kortepeter, & no significant differences between lamotrigine and placebo
Avigan, 2012). in common side effects (see Table 22.3). These data support
the use of lithium and lamotrigine together in acute bipolar
depression, especially in those who do not respond to either
Lamotrigine versus OCF
medication alone.
OFC was the first medication approved by the US FDA
for acute bipolar depression, but lamotrigine was com-
monly recommended as the first-line medication for this
condition instead. A  head-to-head seven-week compari- Valproate is one of most studied anticonvulsants in bipolar
son study of OFC and lamotrigine in the acute treatment disorder and is approved for acute mania. However, its effi-
of bipolar depression found OFC to be significantly supe- cacy in acute bipolar depression has never been studied in
rior to lamotrigine in the primary outcome, the CGI-S large, randomized, placebo-controlled trials. In the largest
(Clinical Global Impression-Severity) score, but did not study of divalproex-ER in the acute treatment of patients
find significant difference between the two treatments in with BPI (n = 20) or BPII (n = 34) depression who were
response and remission rates (Brown et al., 2005; see Table naïve to mood stabilizer, divalproex-ER (1,000–2,000 mg/
22.1). Adverse event rates of suicidal and self-injurious day) treatment produced statistically significant improve-
behavior were significantly more common among patients ment in MADRS total scores compared with placebo from
treated with lamotrigine (3.4%) as compared with OFC Week 3 onward (Muzina et  al., 2011). Subgroup analysis
(0.5%). However, significant differences favored treatment revealed significant difference between divalproex-ER and
with lamotrigine on measures such as hemoglobin A1c, placebo in patients with BPI depression but not in those
prolactin, and lipids. More important, the rate of ≥ 7% with BPII depression.
body weight gain in OFC was significantly higher than in A meta-analysis of four trials with 142 patients found
lamotrigine (23.4% versus 0%). that response (39.3% vs.17.5%) and remission (40.6% vs.
24.3%) rates were significantly greater for divalproex than
placebo (Bond, Lam, & Yatham, 2010; see Table 22.1).
Lamotrigine versus lithium
Subjects receiving divalproex-ER compared to placebo
Lithium is the most accepted standard treatment for reported increased nausea, increased appetite, diarrhea, dry
bipolar disorder. However, its efficacy in acute bipolar mouth, and stomach cramps (see Table 22.3). There were
depression was never established in rigorous randomized no clinically relevant differences between groups in vital
controlled trials. Maintenance studies showed that lithium signs, electrocardiograms, hematology, or clinical chem-
was more effective in preventing prevent manic relapses, istry parameters, but patients receiving divalproex gained
but lamotrigine was more effective in preventing depressive more weight than those with placebo (4.9 lbs vs. –0.5 lbs).
relapses. A 16-week single-blind comparison of lamotrigine
(n = 41) with lithium (n = 49) monotherapy in BPII depres-
Topiramate and levetiracetam
sion found that both lamotrigine 200 mg/day and lithium
≥ 900 mg/day (0.6–1.2 mEq/L) significantly reduced There is no double-blinded, placebo-controlled study of
depressive symptoms from baseline to endpoint with no topiramate in acute bipolar depression. A  small, random-
significant difference between the two groups (Suppes ized, placebo-controlled study did not find levetiracetam
et al., 2008). adjunctive therapy or monotherapy (n =17) superior to pla-
cebo (n = 15) in reducing depressive symptoms in patients
with bipolar depression who failed previous treatments
Lamotrigine adjunctive therapy to lithium
(Saricicek et al., 2011). A single-blind study (n = 36) com-
Maintenance data suggests that the combination of these paring topiramate (50–300 mg/day) with bupropion-SR
two agents may have more benefit than either alone. In a (100-400 mg/day) adjunctive to a mood stabilizer(s) in
randomized, placebo-controlled trial, lamotrigine adjunc- BPI or BPII depression found that there was no signifi-
tive therapy to lithium versus placebo adjunctive to lithium cant difference between two drugs in reducing depressive
supported the superiority of the combination of these two symptoms, although addition of both drugs produced a sig-
agents over lithium alone in BPI and BPII depression (van nificant decrease in depression from baseline to endpoint
der Loos et al., 2009; see Table 22.2). The rates of DAEs (McIntyre et  al., 2002). Rates of the majority side effects

Pharmacological T reatment o f B ipolar D epression   •   2 8 9

were comparable, but the bupropion group had a signifi- that monotherapy with certain antidepressants for bipo-
cantly higher rate of sleeping difficulty (28% vs. 16%). The lar depression may increase the risk for manic/hypomanic
topiramate group had more weight loss than the bupropion switch (Chen, Fang, Kemp, Calabrese, & Gao, 2010; see
group (5.8 kg vs. 1.2 kg). Chapter 30). The possibility of such risk has made regula-
tory agencies and professional organizations advise clini-
cians not to use antidepressant monotherapy for bipolar
LITHIUM depression. The best data for the efficacy so far are from a
double-blind, placebo-controlled study of quetiapine-IR
The efficacy of lithium in the treatment of bipolar mania and and paroxetine in bipolar depression (McElroy et al., 2010).
maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder has been long Similar to previous studies of quetiapine-IR in BPI or BPII
established. However, its efficacy in acute bipolar depression depression, quetiapine-IR 600 mg/day and 300 mg/day
was unsettled because there had never been a large study of were significantly more effective than placebo in reducing
lithium monotherapy in acute bipolar depression. A recent depressive symptoms, but paroxetine did not result in a sta-
study of quetiapine-IR in acute bipolar depression has tistically significant improvement in depression compared
included lithium (Young et al., 2010). Lithium had numeri- with placebo at any time point during the study period (see
cally greater but not statistically significant improvement Table 22.1). Bipolar subtype analysis did not find superior-
in MADRS total score compared with placebo (see Table ity of paroxetine over placebo in BPI or BPII depression.
22.1). Post hoc analyses according to lithium concentration The study has been criticized for the apparent low dosing
of ≥ 0.8 mEq/L or < 0.8 mEq/L revealed no significant dif- of paroxetine (20mg/day), which might have compromised
ference from placebo in the improvement of MADRS total the results.
score. Quetiapine 600 mg/day and 300 mg/day were supe- The rates of the DAEs were similar from 8.1% with
rior to placebo in reducing MADRS total scores. Both doses placebo to 13.2% with paroxetine. The rates of dry mouth,
of quetiapine-IR were associated with significant improve- somnolence, and sedation were higher in quetiapine groups
ments over placebo in MADRS total score in patients with than that in the placebo or paroxetine group. The rate for
BPI depression, but patients treated with lithium did not nausea was higher in the paroxetine group than in other
show a significant improvement over the placebo in patient groups (see Table 22.3). The rates of TEM were not sig-
with either BPI or BPII depression. nificantly different, from 2.1% with quetiapine-IR 300 to
Significantly increased adverse events of quetiapine-IR 10.8% with paroxetine.
over placebo were somnolence, dry mouth, sedation, and/or The finding that paroxetine was not more effective
constipation. Significantly increased adverse events of lith- than placebo in reducing depressive symptoms in BPI or
ium over placebo were dry mouth, nausea, and tremor (see BPII depression confirmed previous speculations that anti-
Table 22.3). There were small but significant differences in depressants at best have only limited efficacy in bipolar
weight gain and body mass index increases between pla- depression. However, antidepressants are a diverse group.
cebo and the three active treatment arms. However, rates The efficacy of other antidepressant monotherapy in bipo-
of ≥ 7% weight gain were 8.8% for quetiapine-IR 600 mg/ lar depression needs to be studied separately. A similar risk
day, 4.6% for quetiapine-IR 300 mg/day, 2.4% for lithium, for TEM of paroxetine as placebo should not be considered
and 3.3% for the placebo. Triglycerides increased with as the evidence of the safety for using antidepressant mono-
quetiapine-IR but decreased with lithium and placebo. therapy in bipolar depression. Again, the relative low dose
The other changes, including HbA1c, glucose, insulin, of paroxetine might explain the apparent low switch risk.
total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, Also patients with more frequent cycling courses and recent
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and prolactin, were substance use disorder were excluded from the study. These
generally similar across the treatment arms. groups of patients are more likely to have TEM (Chen et al.,
2010; see Chapter 30).
In a small, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
study including 32 patients with BPI depression and 2 with
BPII depression, fluoxetine monotherapy 10 to 30 mg/day,
olanzapine monotherapy 5 to 20 mg/day, and fluoxetine 10
The controversy on the efficacy and safety of antidepres- to 40 mg/day plus olanzapine 3 to 15 mg/day, and placebo
sants, especially antidepressant monotherapy, in acute for up to eight weeks were all effective in reducing depres-
bipolar depression remains unsettled. Evidence suggests sive symptoms without significant differences among the

2 9 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
groups (Amsterdam & Shults, 2005). No patients met the There was no increased risk for manic/hypomanic
criteria for a manic episode. In contrast, there was a signifi- switch or any individual adverse event with antidepressant
cant reduction in manic symptoms in patients treated with relative to placebo (Sidor & MacQueen, 2011), but dif-
fluoxetine monotherapy. Randomized studies also found ferent risks for TEM from different antidepressants were
that fluoxetine and venlafaxine were as effective and safe as reported. Tricyclic antidepressants had higher TEM than
lithium in BPII depression (Amsterdam & Shults, 2005, other antidepressants combined (10% vs. 3.2%; Gijsman
2008, 2010). et al., 2004). Venlafaxine adjunctive to mood stabilizer also
had a higher risk for TEM than sertraline or bupropion
adjunctive to mood stabilizer in bipolar depression (Chen
Adjunctive therapy to mood stabilizer
et al., 2010).
Antidepressant adjunctive therapy to mood stabilizer(s) has
been recommended as an option for the acute treatment of
Monotherapy or adjunctive therapy
bipolar depression, but good data supporting this practice
from nonrandomized and/or
are lacking. With the exception of OFC, there is no large,
non-double-blind studies
randomized, placebo-controlled study demonstrating that
an antidepressant is effective in acute bipolar depression. Clinical trials with randomization and double-blind design
A  recent meta-analysis of 15 randomized, double-blind, can minimize variances in treatment arms, reduce bias
placebo or active drug-controlled antidepressant adjunc- from researchers and participants, and provide relatively
tive to mood stabilizer clinical trials (n = 2,373) found that fair comparisons between treatment arms. However, bias
antidepressants were not superior to placebo or other active from randomized, double-blind, head-to-head comparison
treatments for bipolar depression (Sidor & MacQueen, trials was observed in pharmaceutical company-sponsored
2011; see Table 22.2). In five placebo-controlled stud- studies (Heres et al., 2006). Potential sources of bias were
ies including the OFC study (Tohen et  al., 2003)  and a identified in areas of doses and dosage escalation, study
Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar inclusion criteria and study populations, statistics and
Disorder (STEP-BD) study (Sachs et al., 2007), the relative methods, reporting of results, and wording of findings. In
risk for clinical response and remission with antidepressant addition, patients in company-sponsored pivotal studies
relative to placebo was 1.18 (95% CI: 0.99–1.40) and 1.20 were highly selected with strict inclusion criteria (Grunze
(95% CI: 0.98–1.47), respectively. In four studies with anti- et  al., 2009). Therefore the results from such studies may
depressants versus other agents, the relative risk for clinical not generalizable to routine clinical practice. In contrast,
response and remission was 1.12 (95% CI: 0.98–1.28) and nonrandomized, non-double-blind studies commonly
1.17 (95% CI: 0.97–1.41), respectively, favoring antidepres- include patients with complicate presentations but may
sants over other drugs. In bupropion versus antidepressant cause additional biases due to lack of randomization and
studies, bupropion did not show any advantage over other blinded assessment. With this in mind, we should be more
antidepressants (see Table 22.2). cautious when interpreting findings from nonrandomized
In an earlier meta-analysis of antidepressants for acute and non-double-blind studies.
bipolar depression, the analysis of five trials with placebo as An early study from the Stanley Foundation Bipolar
comparison, including the OCF study, showed that antide- Network (SFBN) showed that about 15% of patients (84
pressants were superior to placebo in short-term treatment of 549) who received at least one antidepressant treatment
of bipolar depression (Gijsman, Geddes, Rendell., Nolen, & with a mood stabilizer(s) might benefit from antidepressant
Goodwin, 2004). This analysis included patients with- treatment (Altshuler et al., 2003). However, among those
out bipolar disorder and some patients who were not on a who completed at least a 60-day antidepressant treatment,
mood stabilizer (see Table 22.2). The positive results from the remission rate was 44% (84 of 189). High response rates
this analysis were believed due to the inclusion of the OCF (> 60%) were reported in open-label studies and other nat-
study, in which a large number of patients on placebo were uralistic studies of antidepressants in bipolar depression.
included and the OCF had a relatively large effect size com- Results from some studies even suggested that patients
pared to the placebo. The diverging outcomes of these two with bipolar depression, especially with BPII depression,
large meta-analyses suggest that results of meta-analyses had higher response rates than those with MDD. In a
in bipolar depression critically depend on study selection. study of 1,036 patients with BPI, BPII, or MDD, 59% of
Therefore caution should be used when interpreting find- patients with BPI, 80% with BPII, and 91% with MDD
ings from different meta-analyses. received antidepressant treatments for 12 weeks (Tondo,

Pharmacological T reatment o f B ipolar D epression   •   2 91

Baldessarini, Vázquez, Lepri, & Visioli, 2013), response rate episode when there is a history of positive response to
without manic/hypomanic switching was 77% for BPII, antidepressant(s), but adjunctive antidepressant(s) should
72% for BPI, and 62% for MDD, respectively. An earlier be avoided for an acute BPI or BPII depressive episode with
study with 2,032 inpatients also found that patients with two or more concomitant core manic symptoms in the
BPI depression and those with MDD had similar response presence of psychomotor retardation or rapid cycling. The
to antidepressant treatments (Möller, Bottlender, Grunze, Task-Force also recommended antidepressant monotherapy
Strauss, & Wittmann, 2001). This is in line with most open be avoided in BPI or BPII depression with two or more con-
studies showing that adjunctive different antidepressants comitant core manic symptoms. Regarding the long-term
to mood stabilizer had equal or similar efficacy in reducing use of antidepressant, the Task-Force recommended main-
depressive symptoms in bipolar disorder. tenance treatment with adjunctive antidepressant(s) be
One of the main reasons for the discontinuation of considered if a patient has had a relapse into a depressive
antidepressants after acute treatments is fear of manic episode after stopping antidepressant therapy in the past.
switching. A  majority of studies have shown that anti-
depressant adjunctive therapy to mood stabilizers did
not have an increased risk for TEM. However, the data WA K E F U L N E S S -PROMO T I NG   AG E N T
from the SFBN showed that acute or continuation treat-
ment with venlafaxine plus mood stabilizers had a higher Modafinil
risk for TEM compared to sertraline or bupropion plus
mood stabilizers (Chen et  al., 2010, see Chapter  30). It Modafinil, a wakefulness-promoting agent, has been
remains unclear if venlafaxine has a higher risk for TEM approved by the US FDA for improving wakefulness in
than placebo. In addition, there are also inconsistent data patients with excessive sleepiness associated with narcolepsy,
on the benefit from continuation of antidepressant treat- obstructive sleep apnea, and shift-work sleep disorder. The
ments. The SFBN studies showed that the continuation of first study of its efficacy and safety in acute bipolar depression
antidepressants is beneficial in those who responded ini- was carried out in 85 patients with BPI or BPII depression
tially (Altshuler et al., 2003; 2009). A more recent study who were inadequately responsive to a standard treatment,
of the STEP-BD found that antidepressant continuation which could include mood stabilizer, antidepressants, and/
trended toward less severe depressive symptoms based on or antipsychotics (Frye et al., 2007). The endpoint scores
DSM-IV depression diagnostic criteria and mildly delayed on the Inventory of Depression Symptomatology-Clinician
depressive episode relapse without increased manic symp- Rated Scale–30 items (IDS-C30), four-item Fatigue and
toms based on DSM-IV mania diagnostic criteria. There Energy subscale, and the CGI-S were significantly improved
were no benefits in prevalence or severity of new depres- in the modafinil group (n = 41) compared with the placebo
sive or manic episodes or overall time in remission. BPII group (n = 44; see Table 22.2). The effect sizes were from
did not predict enhanced antidepressant response, but small to moderate with 0.47 for the IDS-C30, 0.56 for the
rapid-cycling course predicted three times more depres- four items, and 0.63 for the CGI-S.
sive episodes with antidepressant continuation (Ghaemi
et al., 2010).
A consensus on the role of antidepressants in bipolar
disorders has recently been developed by the International Armodafinil, a longer-lasting isomer of modafinil, has also
Society for Bipolar Disorder Task-Force, which consisted of been approved in the United States for the same indication
65 international experts in bipolar disorders (Pacchiarotti as modafinil. The first study of armodafinil adjunctive to
et al., 2013). The Task-Force found that there was striking lithium, olanzapine, and/or valproic acid found that the dif-
disparity between the wide use and the weak evidence base ference in the changes in IDS-C30 between armodafinil and
for the efficacy and safety of antidepressants in bipolar disor- a placebo was significant with analysis of variance but was
ders. Integrating the evidence and clinical experience of the not significant when analyzed with analysis of covariance
Task-Force members, a consensus was reached on 12 state- (with baseline score as a covariate, p  =  0.0742; Calabrese
ments on the use of antidepressants in bipolar disorders. et al., 2010). Differences between the two arms in second-
For acute treatment of bipolar depression, the Task-Force ary outcome measures were not significant (see Table 22.2).
recommended that adjunctive antidepressant to mood A more recent study showed that adjunctive armodafinil
stabilizer(s) may be used for BP I or BPII acute depressive to a mood stabilizer(s) was superior to placebo in reducing

2 9 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
depressive symptoms in patients with BPI treatment-refractory acid (DHA). DHA is found in high levels in neurons of the
depression (Calabrese Frye, Yang, & Ketter, 2014). There were central nervous system as a form of scaffolding for struc-
also significant greater decrease at the item level of IDS-C30, tural support. When omega-3 intake is inadequate, neu-
including panic/phobic symptoms, increased appetite, con- ron becomes stiff as cholesterol and omega-6 fatty acids are
centration/decisions, energy/fatigability, and leaden paraly- substituted for omega-3. When a neuron becomes rigid,
sis/physical energy (see Table 22.2). The significant difference proper neurotransmission from cell to cell and within cells
between armodafinil and placebo started at Week 7.  The is compromised. While DHA provides structure and helps
responder rate was significantly greater in the armodafinil 150 to ensure normal neurotransmission, EPA may be more
mg group versus the placebo at Week 8 (55% vs. 39%). The important in the signaling within neurons. Normalizing
NNTB for IDS-C30 responder of armodafinil 150 mg rela- communications within neurons has been suggested as an
tive to the placebo was 9. The most common adverse events important factor in alleviating depressive symptoms.
in both arms were headache, insomnia, and diarrhea (see A number of studies have examined national and
Table 22.3). There were no significant differences between international fish consumption data and compared them
armodafinil and placebo in the DAEs, TEM, and changes to rates of depression. Higher fish consumption was cor-
in clinical laboratory values, electrocardiogram, body weight, related with lower risk of depression, postpartum depres-
body mass index, glucose level, and cholesterol level. sion, seasonal affective disorder, and bipolar disorder.
However, the results of omega-3 fatty acids in the treat-
ment of bipolar disorder have been inconsistent. A recent
D OPA M I N E 2/3 R E C E P TOR AG ON I S T meta-analysis of six randomized controlled studies of
omega-3 for bipolar disorder with a total of 291 patients
Pramipexole revealed a significant effect on reducing depressive symp-
toms favoring omega-3 over placebo with a small effect size
Pramipexole, a synthetic aminothiazole derivative, is a dopa-
of 0.34 (Sarris, Mischoulon, & Schweitzer, 2012), but the
mine 2/3 receptor agonist that is approved for the treatment
effect on manic symptoms was not significantly different
of Parkinson’s disease. The first study in bipolar depression
between omega-3 and placebo.
was carried out in 21 patients with BPII depression who were
The most common adverse effect in both the omega-3
treated with lithium or valproate prior to randomization
and control groups was mild gastrointestinal tract dis-
(Zarate et al., 2004). Addition of pramipexole 1.7 ± 0.9 mg/
tress, generally characterized by loose stools. Omega-3
day (n = 10) to the mood stabilizer for six weeks decreased
fatty acids might have a mood-stabilizing effect, but
MADRS and 24-item HAMD scores significantly more
good-quality data are lacking. At the current stage, it is
than the placebo (n  =  10). The second study enrolled 22
reasonable to use omega-3 as a supplement but not as a
patients who had treatment-resistant bipolar depression (BPI
major mood-stabilizing agent. Omega-3 fatty acids have
n = 15, BPII n = 7). Adjunctive pramipexole (1.7 ± 1.3 mg/
different components, and it remains unclear what the best
day) to a mood stabilizer(s) for six weeks was superior to pla-
combination of these components should be for commer-
cebo in reducing depressive symptoms (Goldberg, Burdick,
cially available products. A meta-analysis of the effects of
& Endick, 2004). Insomnia, nausea/vomiting, agitation/
EPA in 15 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
anxiety, somnolence, gastrointestinal complaints, weight
clinical trials with 916 participants with MDD or bipo-
loss, headache, lassitude, and hypomanic/manic exacerba-
lar disorder showed that supplements with EPA ≥ 60%
tion were commonly reported (>10%) in both groups of
were effective in reducing depressive symptom with an
pramipexole and placebo, but the differences between two
effect size of 0.53 (Sublette et  al., 2011). However, the
groups were not significant. Tremor appeared to be more
supplements with < 60% of EPA were ineffective. A simi-
common in the pramipexole group (50% vs. 18%).
lar meta-analysis of 28 randomized, placebo-controlled
trials found a similar result; that is, EPA but not DHA
were responsible for reducing depressive symptoms in
patients with bipolar or unipolar depression. Therefore
supplements containing ≥ 60% of total EPA+DHA in a
Omega-3 fatty acids
dose range of 200 to 2,200 mg/day of EPA in excess of
Common omega-3 fatty acids in the body are (alpha) linole- DHA were effective against primary depression (Sublette
nic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic et al., 2011).

Pharmacological T reatment o f B ipolar D epression   •   2 9 3

Thyroid function has been associated with response
to treatment in patients with bipolar depression. Both Riluzole
lower values of free thyroxin index and higher values of
Riluzole is an FDA-approved medication for the treatment
thyroid-stimulating hormone were significantly associ-
of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and can rapidly inhibit pre-
ated with longer time to remission during the treatment
synaptic release of glutamate. In a small open study, rilu-
with mood stabilizer. Supraphysiological doses (250–500
zole 5 to 20 mg/day adjunctive to lithium significantly
mcg/day) of thyroxine (T4) were effective in the acute and
reduced depressive symptoms in bipolar depression (Zarate
maintenance treatment of bipolar or unipolar patients with
et al., 2005).
treatment-refractory depression. Augmentation with triio-
dothyronine (T3) (13–188 mcg/day) was also effective in
reducing depressive symptoms in patients with bipolar dis- Ketamine
order. A neuroimaging study in women showed that sup-
Ketamine is a noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate
raphysiological doses of T4 improved mood and decreased
(NMDA) antagonist and has been used as an anesthetic.
relative activity in brain regions related to mood regulation
Intravenous infusion of a subanesthetic dose of ketamine
(Bauer et al., 2005).
for 40 minutes produced significantly more improvement
in depressive symptoms than a placebo in bipolar patients
(BPI n = 8, BPII n = 10) who did not respond to the treat-
ment with lithium or valproate (Zarate et al., 2012). The
significant improvement lasted through Day 3 although
the largest difference between the two groups was at Day 2
Scopolamine is a muscarinic receptor antagonist and com- with an effect size of 0.8.
monly used for nausea and motion sickness. Intravenous
infusions of scopolamine hydrobromide (4 µg/kg) in a
mixed group of patients with MDD (n = 15) or bipolar dis-
order (n = 12) were significantly superior to placebo infu- Memantine is a low-affinity NMDA receptor antagonist
sions in reducing depressive symptoms with an effect size and is approved for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
of 2.7. The significant difference was observed within three Addition of memantine to lamotrigine (n  =  14) was not
days of first infusion. Placebo-adjusted remission rates were superior to a placebo (n = 15) in reducing depressive symp-
56% and 45% for the initial and a replication study, respec- toms in bipolar patients who had inadequate response to
tively (Drevets, Zarate, & Furey, 2013). However, oral sco- lamotrigine (Anand et al., 2012).
polamine augmentation to citalopram in the treatment of Glutamate receptor antagonists may represent a
moderate to severe MDD did not produce robust results. third-generation of antidepressants with fast onset and
The effect size of scopolamine relative to placebo was 0.9, large effect size. A  recent review of ketamine found that
which was much smaller than that of intravenous infusions all controlled trials used a within-subject, cross-over design
(Khajavi et al., 2012). with an inactive placebo as the control. Ketamine admin-
istration was not recommended outside of the hospital set-
ting (Aan Het Rot, Zarate, Charney, & Mathew, 2012).
Mecamylamine is a nonselective and noncompetitive
nicotinic receptor antagonist and has been used for C ONC LUS ION
autonomic dysreflexia and hypertension. Its mood sta-
bilizing effect in two patients with bipolar disorder was Only quetiapine-IR and –XR monotherapy, OFC, and lur-
observed in a study of mecamylamine (up to 7.5 mg/day) asidone monotherapy and lurasidone adjunctive to mood
treatment for Tourette’s syndrome (Shytle, Silver, & stabilizer have been approved by the US FDA for the acute
Sanberg, 2000). treatment of bipolar depression. Lurasidone has a more

2 9 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
favorable safety and tolerability profile than quetiapine and Dr. Wu receives grant support from the National Natural
OFC and may be used as a first-line agent. Combination of Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 81371481). She has
lithium and lamotrigine may be considered since it is more no conflicts to disclose.
effective than lithium alone.
The role of antidepressants as a heterogeneous group
for the treatment of bipolar depression remains under R E F E R E NC E S
debate. More controlled studies for individual antidepres-
sants are needed on efficacy and risk of TEM. In addition, Aan Het Rot, M., Zarate, C.  A. Jr., Charney, D.  S., & Mathew, S.  J.
we need to learn more about characteristics of potential (2012). Ketamine for depression: Where do we go from here? Bio-
logical Psychiatry, 72(7), 537–547.
responders to antidepressants and who will be on the risk Altshuler, L., Suppes, T., Black, D., Nolen, W. A., Keck, P. E. Jr., Frye,
of harm. M.  A., . . . Post R. (2003). Impact of antidepressant discontinua-
Armodafinil and, to a lesser extent, pramipexole, may tion after acute bipolar depression remission on rates of depressive
relapse at 1-year follow-up. The American Journal of Psychiatry,
be used for treatment-resistant bipolar depression, espe- 160(7), 1252–1262.
cially for those who have symptoms of low energy, poor Altshuler, L.  L., Post, R.  M., Hellemann, G., Leverich, G.  S., Nolen,
W. A., Frye, M. A., . . . Suppes, T. (2009). Impact of antidepressant
concentration, and/or lack of motivation. Agents targeting continuation after acute positive or partial treatment response for
anticholinergic and glutamatergic symptoms may represent bipolar depression: A blinded, randomized study. Journal of Clinical
new classes of antidepressants with fast onset of action in Psychiatry, 70(4), 450–457.
American Diabetes Association, American Psychiatric Association,
bipolar depression. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, and North
Somnolence and sedation are common side effects for American Association for the Study of Obesity. (2004). Consensus
all atypical antipsychotics, but akathisia from aripiprazole development conference on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and
diabetes. Diabetes Care, 27(2), 596–601.
is the highest among atypicals. Weight gain and metabolic Amsterdam, J. D., & Shults, J. (2005). Comparison of fluoxetine, olan-
side effects, especially from olanzapine and quetiapine, are a zapine, and combined fluoxetine plus olanzapine initial therapy of
major concern. Metabolic parameters should be monitored bipolar type I and type II major depression—Lack of manic induc-
tion. Journal of Affective Disorders, 87(1), 121–130.
closely when an antipsychotic is prescribed. In contrast, Amsterdam, J. D., & Shults, J. (2008). Comparison of short-term ven-
attention should be paid to TEM when antidepressant and/ lafaxine versus lithium monotherapy for bipolar II major depressive
or a wake-promoting agent is indicated. More important, episode: A randomized open-label study. Journal of Clinical Psycho-
pharmacology, 28(2), 171–181.
a majority of these studies were carried out in the United Amsterdam, J. D., & Shults, J. (2010). Efficacy and safety of long-term
States and European countries and in relatively “pure” fluoxetine versus lithium monotherapy of bipolar II disorder: A ran-
populations of patients with bipolar depression. The results domized, double-blind, placebo-substitution study. The American
Journal of Psychiatry, 167(7), 792–800.
from these studies may not be generalizable to routine clini- Anand, A., Gunn, A.  D., Barkay, G., Karne, H.  S., Nurnberger, J.  I.,
cal practice. Mathew, S.  J., & Ghosh, S. (2012). Early antidepressant effect
of memantine during augmentation of lamotrigine inadequate
Disclosure statement: Dr. Calabrese has not dis- response in bipolar depression:  A  double-blind, randomized,
close any conflict of interest. Dr. Gao is on a speaker’s placebo-controlled trial. Bipolar Disorders, 14(1), 64–70.
Bauer, M., London, E. D., Rasgon, N., Berman, S. M., Frye, M. A., Alt-
bureau of Sunovion. He receives research grant support from shuler, L. L., . . . Whybrow, P. C. (2005). Supraphysiological doses of
the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation and Cleveland levothyroxine alter regional cerebral metabolism and improve mood
Foundation. To his knowledge, all of Dr. Heize Grunze’s pos- in bipolar depression. Molecular Psychiatry, 10(5), 456–469.
Bond, D. J., Lam, R. W., & Yatham, L. N. (2010). Divalproex sodium
sible conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, including versus placebo in the treatment of acute bipolar depression: A sys-
direct or indirect financial or personal relationships, interests, tematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders,
124(3), 228–234.
and affiliations, whether or not directly related to the sub- Brown, E. B., McElroy, S. L., Keck, P. E. Jr., Deldar, A., Adams, D. H.,
ject of the chapter, are as follows: Grant support: National Tohen, M., & Williamson, D.  J. (2005). A 7-week, randomized,
Institute for Health Research United Kingdom, Medical double-blind trial of olanzapine/fluoxetine combination versus
lamotrigine in the treatment of bipolar I depression. Journal of Clin-
Research Council United Kingdom, Northumberland, Tyne cial Psychiatry, 67(7), 1025–1133.
& Wear National Health Service Foundation Trust, Otsuka Calabrese, J. R., Bowden, C. L., Sachs, G. S., Ascher, J. A., Monaghan,
Pharmaceuticals. Receipt of honoraria or consultation fees: E., & Rudd, G. D. (1999). A double blind placebo-controlled study
of lamotrigine monotherapy in outpatients with bipolar I  depres-
Gedeon-Richter, Desitin, Lundbeck, Hofmann-LaRoche. sion. Lamictal 602 Study Group. Journal of Clincial Psychiatry,
Participation in a company sponsored speaker’s bureau: Astra 60, 79–88.
Zeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Otsuka, Lundbeck, Servier.

Pharmacological T reatment o f B ipolar D epression   •   2 9 5

Calabrese, J. R., Huffman, R. F., White, R. L., Edwards, S., Thomp- randomized clinical trial of long-term effectiveness and safety. Jour-
son, T.  R., Ascher, J.  A., . . . Leadbetter, R.  A. (2008). Lamotrig- nal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(4), 372–380.
ine in the acute treatment of bipolar depression:  Results of five Gijsman, H. J., Geddes, J. R., Rendell, J. M., Nolen, W. A., & Goodwin,
double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. Bipolar Disorders, G. M. (2004). Antidepressants for bipolar depression: A systematic
10(2), 323–233. review of randomized, controlled trials. The American Journal of
Calabrese, J.  R., Keck, P.  E. Jr., Macfadden, W., Minkwitz, M., Ket- Psychiatry, 161(9), 1537–1547.
ter, T.  A., Weisler, R.  H., . . . Mullen, J. (2005). A randomized, Goldberg, J.  F., Burdick, K.  E., & Endick, C.  J. (2004). Preliminary
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of quetiapine in the treat- randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of pramipexole
ment of bipolar I or II depression. The American Journal of Psychia- added to mood stabilizers for treatment-resistant bipolar depres-
try, 162, 1351–1360. sion. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 61, 564–566.
Calabrese, J. R., Ketter, T. A., Youakim, J. M., Tiller, J. M., Yang, R., & Grunze, H., Vieta, E., Goodwin, G.  M., Bowden, C., Licht, R.  W.,
Frye, M. A. (2010). Adjunctive armodafinil for major depressive epi- Moller, H. J., & Kasper, S. (2009). The World Federation of Societ-
sodes associated with bipolar I disorder: A randomized, multicenter, ies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for the biological
double-blind, placebo-controlled, proof-of-concept study. Journal of treatment of bipolar disorders:  Update 2009 on the treatment of
Clincial Psychiatry, 71(10), 1363–1370. acute mania. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 10(2), 85–116.
Calabrese, J. R., Frye, M. A., Yang, R., Ketter, T. A., Armodafinil Treat- Heres, S., Davis, J., Maino, K., Jetzinger, E., Kissling, W., & Leucht, S.
ment Trial Study Network. (2014). Efficacy and safety of adjunctive (2006). Why olanzapine beats risperidone, risperidone beats que-
armodafinil in adults with major depressive episodes associated with tiapine, and quetiapine beats olanzapine: An exploratory analysis of
bipolar I disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, head-to-head comparison studies of second-generation antipsychot-
multicenter trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 75(10), 1054–1061. ics. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 163(2), 185–194.
Calabrese, J. R., Sullivan, J. R., Bowden, C. L., Suppes, T., Goldberg, Khajavi, D., Farokhnia, M., Modabbernia, A., Ashrafi, M., Abbasi,
J. F., Sachs, G. S., . . . Kusumakar, V. (2002). Rash in multicenter tri- S.  H., Tabrizi, M., & Akhondzadeh, S. (2012). Oral scopolamine
als of lamotrigine in mood disorders: Clinical relevance and man- augmentation in moderate to severe major depressive disor-
agement. Journal of Clincial Psychiatry, 63(11), 1012–1019. der: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Journal
Chen, J., Fang, Y., Kemp, D.  E., Calabrese, J.  R., & Gao, K. (2010). of Clinical Psychiatry, 73(11), 1428–1433.
Switching to hypomania and mania:  Differential neurochemical, Loebel, A., Cucchiaro, J., Silva, R., Kroger, H., Hsu, J., Sarma, K., &
neuropsychological, and pharmacologic triggers and their mecha- Sachs, G. (2014). Lurasidone monotherapy in the treatment of bipo-
nisms. Current Psychiatry Reports, 12(6), 512–521. lar I  depression:  a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
Drevets, W. C., Zarate, C. A. Jr., & Furey, M. L. (2013). Antidepressant study. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 171(2), 160–168.
effects of the muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist scopol- Loebel, A., Cucchiaro, J., Silva, R., Kroger, H., Sarma, K., Xu, J., & Cal-
amine: A review. Biological Psychiatry, 73(12), 1156–1163. abrese, J. R. (2014). Lurasidone as adjunctive therapy with lithium
Frye, M.  A., Grunze, H., Suppes, T., McElroy, S.  L., Keck, P.  E. Jr., or valproate for the treatment of bipolar I depression: a randomized,
Walden, J., . . . Post, R. M. (2007). A placebo-controlled evaluation double-blind, placebo-controlled study. The American Journal of
of adjunctive modafinil in the treatment of bipolar depression. The Psychiatry, 171(2), 169–177.
American Journal of Psychiatry, 164(8), 1242–1249. Lombardo, I., Sachs, G., Kolluri, S., Kremer, C., & Yang, R. (2012).
Gao, K., Ganocy, S. J., Gajwani, P., Muzina, D. J., Kemp, D. E., & Cal- Two 6-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies
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on somnolence. Journal of Clincial Psychiatry, 69(2), 302–309. pharmacology, 32(4), 470–478.
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Calabrese, J. R. (2011). Number needed to treat to harm for discon- Brecher, M., . . . EMBOLDEN II (Trial D1447C00134) Investiga-
tinuation due to adverse events in the treatment of bipolar depres- tors. (2010). A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of quetiapine
sion, major depressive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder and paroxetine as monotherapy in adults with bipolar depression
with atypical antipsychotics. Journal of Clincial Psychiatry, 72(8), (EMBOLDEN II). Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(2), 163–174.
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schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Neuropsychiatric Disease Treat- ders, 4, 207–213.
ment, 9, 1145–157. Möller, H. J., Bottlender, R., Grunze, H., Strauss, A., & Wittmann, J.
Gao, K., Muzina, D., Gajwani, P., & Calabrese, J. R. (2006). Efficacy of (2001). Are antidepressants less effective in the acute treatment of
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67(9), 1327–1340. Muzina, D. J., Gao, K., Kemp, D. E., Khalife, S., Ganocy, S. J., Chan,
Gao, K., Pappadopulos, K., Karayal, O.  N., Kolluri, S., & Calabrese, P. K., . . . Calabrese, J. R. (2011). Acute efficacy of divalproex sodium
J.  R. (2013). Risk for discontinuation due to adverse events with versus placebo in mood stabilizer-naive bipolar I  or II depres-
ziprasidone monotherapy versus placebo during acute treatment sion: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Journal
for bipolar depression, bipolar mania, and schizophrenia. Journal of of Clinical Psychiatry, 72(6), 813–819.
Clinical Psychopharmacology, 33, 425–431. Pacchiarotti, I., Bond, D. J., Baldessarini, R. J., Nolen, W. A., Grunze,
Geddes, J. R., Calabrese, J. R., & Goodwin, G. M. (2009). Lamotrigine H., Licht, R. W., . . . Vieta, E. (2013). The International Society for
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2 9 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Sachs, G.  S., Ice, K.  S., Chappell, P.  B., Schwartz, J.  H., Gurtovaya, Thase, M. E., Jonas, A., Khan, A., Bowden, C. L., Wu, X., McQuade,
O., Vanderburg, D.  G., & Kasuba, B. (2011). Efficacy and safety R.  D.,  . 
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of adjunctive oral ziprasidone for acute treatment of depression nonpsychotic bipolar I  depression:  results of 2 randomized,
in patients with bipolar I  disorder:  A  randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology,
placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 72(10), 28(1), 13–20.
1413–1422. Thase, M. E., Macfadden, W., Weisler, R. H., Chang, W., Paulsson, B.,
Sachs, G. S., Nierenberg, A. A., Calabrese, J. R., Marangell, L. B., Wis- Khan, A., . . . BOLDER II Study Group. (2006). Efficacy of quetiap-
niewski, S.  R., Gyulai, L., . . . Thase, M.  E. (2007). Effectiveness of ine monotherapy in bipolar I  and II depression:  A  double-blind,
adjunctive antidepressant treatment for bipolar depression. New placebo-controlled study (the BOLDER II study). Journal of Clini-
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placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 72(6), I depression. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 201(5), 376–382.
744–750. Tohen, M., Vieta, E., Calabrese, J., Ketter, T.  A., Sachs, G.,
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implementation of medication algorithms:  Update to the algo- Zarate, C. A. Jr., Quiroz, J. A., Singh, J. B., Denicoff, K. D., De Jesus,
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Pharmacological T reatment o f B ipolar D epression   •   2 9 7

Paul A. Kudlow, Danielle S. Cha, Roger S. McIntyre, and Trisha Suppes

INTRODUCTION enhance psychosocial functioning. We begin this chapter

with a review of factors that affect relapse in BD. This is fol-
Following remission of a bipolar mood episode, patients lowed by a review of the evidence supporting maintenance
require maintenance treatments to delay or prevent further pharmacological treatments of bipolar I and II disorder as
mood episodes. Preventing further mood episodes is among well as mixed episodes.
the most challenging aspects of treating bipolar disorder
(BD) and is important for preventing adverse clinical out-
comes and progression. Evidence indicates that up to 60% A DH E R E NC E
to 80% will experience recurrence of mood symptoms after
discontinuation of lithium or antipsychotic therapy, and In the outpatient setting, it has been reported that more
20% to 50% during ongoing therapy have been reported than 50% of individuals with BD are classified as being
for BD (Calabrese et al., 2003; Tohen et al., 2005; Yatham nonadherent to treatment (Bates, Whitehead, Bolge, &
et al., 2005; Yazici, Kora, Polat, & Saylan, 2004). Multiyear Kim, 2010; Yatham et  al., 2013). An important cause
(i.e., five years) studies suggest that recurrence rates in BD of recurrence in BD depends on adherence to treatment
are up to 85% (Keller, Lavori, Coryell, Endicott, & Mueller, regimens and is associated with higher rates of both hos-
1993). Although many of these patients will experience pitalization and suicide (Yatham et al., 2005). Recognizing
recurrence only a few times in their lifetime, up to 10% factors that negatively impact adherence (Table 23.1) may
to 15% will suffer more than 10 episodes (Pfennig et  al., improve treatment selection and discontinuation by iden-
2010). Furthermore, a substantial proportion of patients tifying individuals at greater risk of nonadherence. Several
with BD, even those patients who undergo intensive ongo- lines of evidence indicate that adherence depends on a
ing therapy, will experience considerable illness-related myriad of factors. For example, adherence is positively asso-
morbidity. Treatment guidelines suggest that maintenance ciated with higher satisfaction with medication, treatment
therapy consists of pharmacotherapy plus adjunctive psy- with monotherapy medication, a college degree, and fear
chotherapy, and where psychotherapy is not available, of relapse (Devulapalli et al., 2010; Gonzalez-Pinto, Reed,
pharmacotherapy alone is reasonable (Yatham et al., 2013). Novick, Bertsch, & Haro, 2010; Sajatovic et  al., 2009).
Details of psychotherapy are beyond the scope of this chap- In addition, adherence has been found to be increased
ter but are reviewed at greater length elsewhere (Beynon, by other factors associated with medication use, such as
Soares-Weiser, Woolacott, Duffy, & Geddes, 2008; route of administration (e.g., long-acting injectable versus
Miklowitz, 2008). The overarching aim of treatment in BD oral administration; Quiroz et  al., 2010); adjunctive psy-
should not be limited to achieving and sustaining euthymia chosocial intervention–customized adherence enhance-
but also preventing, limiting, and eliminating undesirable ment (i.e., needs-based, manualized approach intended to
treatment-related side effects that impact global function- improve medication adherence in individuals with BD;
ing. Typical side effects that lead to treatment discontinua- Sajatovic et  al., 2012); and the use of text-messaging and
tion include sedation, cognitive impairment, tremor, weight other mobile technology-based interventions (Depp et al.,
gain, and rash. The goals of maintenance therapy should 2010). Medication adherence has been found to be nega-
be to reduce residual symptoms, delay and prevent recur- tively associated with illness factors (e.g., substance use,
rence of new mood episodes, reduce the risk of suicide, and previous hospitalizations, psychotic symptoms, reduced


1 Meta-analysis or replicated double-blind, randomized While adherence to treatment in patients with BD is an

controlled trial that includes a placebo condition
important component in reducing risk of recurrence, several
2 At least one double-blind, randomized controlled trial with
placebo or active comparison condition other factors have been identified. Evidence indicates that
3 Prospective uncontrolled trial with at least ten or more subjects up to 50% of individuals with BD will experience recur-
4 Anecdotal reports or expert opinion rence of mood symptoms after initial treatment at two-year
NOTE: Adapted from Yatham et al. (2013).
follow-up (Perlis et al., 2006). Recurrence in BD represents
a significant clinical concern as it increases the risk of sui-
cide attempts and is associated with poorer social and occu-
insight into illness), medication factors (e.g., side effects, pational functioning (Yatham et al., 2013). In observational
no perceived daily benefit, difficulties with medication rou- studies, predictors of symptomatic remission and recovery
tines), and patient attitudes (e.g., belief that medications using baseline indices during one to two years of follow-up
are unnecessary, negative attitudes toward medications, in patients with manic episodes included being Caucasian,
etc.; Bates et  al., 2010; Gianfrancesco, Sajatovic, Tafesse, maintained social functioning (i.e., limited work or social
& Wang, 2009; Hou, Cleak, & Peveler, 2010; Lang et al., impairment, not living independently or without a spouse/
2011). Suboptimal utilization of pharmacotherapy may in partner), outpatient treatment, and being neither satisfied
some situations contribute to nonadherence. In a retrospec- nor dissatisfied with life (Dikeos et al., 2010; Haro et al.,
tive cohort study (N = 27,751), controlling for confounding 2011; Yatham et  al., 2013). Notwithstanding the results
variables, patients receiving lower doses of ziprasidone had from the foregoing observational studies, future controlled
significantly higher discontinuation rates than those receiv- studies are needed to discern predictors of symptomatic
ing medium or high doses (Citrome et  al., 2009). Taken remission and recovery.
together, evidence suggests that nonadherence is a multi- Following treatment, replicated studies indicate that
factorial phenomenon; strategies to prevent nonadherence the presence of residual symptoms after resolution of a
include, but are not limited to, enhanced therapeutic alli- major mood episode is indicative of a significant risk for
ance, early intervention, group setting, and psychoeduca- a rapid relapse and/or recurrence (Judd et al., 2008; Perlis
tion. By assessing adherence risk factors and tolerability, et al., 2006). Some investigators have posited that this may
physicians can increase adherence and improve clinical out- be due to a progression of pathology through a “kindling”
comes of patients with BD. phenomenon (Bender & Alloy, 2011; Post, 1992)—a pro-
Nonadherence in BD represents a barrier to effec- cess first discovered in 1967 in epilepsy wherein neurons
tive treatment and commonly results in adverse clinical become sensitized. The kindling hypothesis has yet to be
outcomes. Several lines of evidence indicate that nonad- elucidated; however, it is posited that if mood episodes in
herence is associated with a high frequency of mood epi- BD continue to recur unmonitored, the brain becomes
sodes (particularly depressive episodes); a higher risk of kindled or sensitized. This kindling or sensitization of vari-
suicide, hospitalization, and emergency room visits; and ous pathways inside the central nervous system may be rein-
higher employee costs of absenteeism, short-term disabil- forced over time, leading to a greater frequency of future
ity, and workers’ compensation (Bagalman et  al., 2010; episodes of depression, hypomania, or mania. Indeed,
Gutierrez-Rojas, Jurado, Martinez-Ortega, & Gurpegui, robust data indicate that more previous mood episodes
2010; Hassan & Lage, 2009; Lage & Hassan, 2009; Lang are associated with future episodes, significant neurocog-
et  al., 2011). Evidence also suggests that nonadherence nitive dysfunction (Kessler et  al., 2013), decreased qual-
to treatment in BD is associated with greater economic ity of life and psychosocial functioning, poorer response
costs. In an analysis of data from the United Kingdom to treatment, and longer hospitalizations (Yatham et  al.,
(N = 792), investigators reported that direct costs of care 2005). A study completed by Berk et al. (2011) suggested
were two to three times higher in patients with BD fol- that BD may be more effectively treated if the bipolar ill-
lowing an acute manic or mixed episode compared to ness was staged based on the number of mood recurrences.
those who did not experience a recurrent mood episode Results of the study indicated that response rates for mania
over the 6- to 12-month follow-up period (Hong et  al., ranged from 52% to 69% and maintenance studies ranged
2010). Increased costs related to nonadherence and relapse from 10% to 50%for individuals with one to five previous
of mood episodes have been amply documented (Yatham episodes, whereas individuals with fewer than five previous
et al., 2013). episodes had response rates for mania ranging from 29% to

3 0 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
59% versus 11% to 40% across maintenance studies (Berk number of different strategies, including improving adher-
et  al., 2011). These data indicate that the number of epi- ence to medications/treatment, adjunctive psychotherapy,
sodes prior to treatment initiation influences recurrence and medication choice. Treatment guidelines suggest that
vulnerability or at least the response to treatment during targeting residual symptoms during maintenance therapy
maintenance therapy in BD. The potential consequences of may reduce risk of recurrence and progression of BD.
multiple episodes underlie the recommendation that ini-
tiating therapy early, even after the first manic episode, is
justified. PH A R M AC OL O G IC A L
The use and timing of certain medications may also be T R E AT M E N T S F OR   M A I N T E N A NC E
predictors of recurrence. For example, evidence indicates T H E R A P Y—B I P OL A R I   DI S OR DE R
that prescription of typical antipsychotics and prescrip-
tion of antidepressants at the first visit of the long-term In general, maintenance pharmacotherapy consists of the
treatment phase may be an independent predictor of lower same regimen that successfully treated the acute bipolar
remission and recovery rates (Haro et  al., 2011). There is episode. This observation has been confirmed in two stud-
also some evidence that switching medication after an ies. In a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 148 acutely
acute response may predict poorer outcomes during main- manic patients who initially remitted with open-label dival-
tenance therapy (McElroy et al., 2008). However, there is proex and were then assigned to maintenance treatment
not a “one-size-fits-all” strategy for maintenance therapy to with divalproex, lithium, or placebo, time to recurrence was
reduce recurrence. Intuitively, one might assume that acute significantly longer with divalproex compared with lithium
efficacy of a medication is synonymous with recurrence or placebo (McElroy et al., 2008). This result was replicated
prevention efficacy. That turns out not to be the case for in an RCT (N = 1,172) that investigated the efficacy and
many agents. For example, divalproex, which is unequiv- safety of quetiapine monotherapy as maintenance treat-
ocally antimanic, has not consistently demonstrated ment in bipolar I  disorder compared to switching to pla-
recurrence prevention over and above placebo in bipolar cebo or lithium. It was found that for those patients with
I disorder (Bowden et al., 2000). Conversely, lamotrigine, a manic, depressive, or mixed episode who were initially
which has demonstrated recurrence prevention efficacy in stabilized with open-label quetiapine and then assigned to
bipolar depression (and to a lesser extent bipolar mania), maintenance quetiapine, lithium, or placebo, time to recur-
has also been reported to be inefficacious for acute mania rence was significantly longer with quetiapine compared
and acute depression (Cipriani et  al., 2011); however, the to lithium or placebo (Weisler et  al., 2011). In addition,
latter results remain controversial (Geddes, Calabrese, & in patients stabilized during acute quetiapine treatment,
Goodwin, 2009) continuation of quetiapine significantly increased time to
The symptoms experienced and the subtype of BD (e.g., recurrence of any mood, manic, or depressive event com-
manic episodes vs. rapid cycling; Yatham et al., 2013) are pared with switching to placebo.
also predictors of recurrence. As compared to other sub- Often clinicians are faced with the question of whether
types of BD, those patients who experience rapid cycling they should combine medications. While some patients
episodes exhibit increased rates of recurrence and decreased require medication combinations for maintenance ther-
rates of remission and recovery (Gao et al., 2010). In those apy, it is recommended that clinicians initially attempt to
patients with rapid cycling treated with lithium or dival- manage patients with monotherapy in order to maximize
proex, increased risk for recurrence was associated with a chances of adherence and minimize side effects and costs.
history of recent substance use disorder, early-life verbal See the section “To Combine or Not to Combine?”, as well
abuse, female gender, and late onset of first depressive epi- as Table 23.4, for a review of the evidence in support of
sode (Gao et  al., 2010; Pfennig et  al., 2010). In addition, combination maintenance pharmacotherapy.
quality of long-term efficacy of lithium therapy is influ- There are, however, methodological issues that affect the
enced by a number of illness factors. For example, the risk interpretation of data on maintenance treatments in BD.
of recurrence has been shown to be higher in those with For example, the majority of long-term studies have used
atypical features (i.e., mood-incongruent psychotic symp- “enriched” designs wherein the patient’s acute symptoms
toms), interepisodic residual symptoms, and rapid cycling had to respond to a given medication during open-label
(Pfennig et al., 2010). treatment to the point of syndromal remission before ran-
Recurrence is a clinically significant concern in BD; domization. This results in sample “enrichment” for acute
however, evidence suggests that the risk can be reduced by a responders. While an enriched design may address the

M aintenance T reatments in B ipolar D isorder   •   3 01

pragmatic clinical question of whether the drug that was Table 23.2 .  TR EATMENT R ECOMMENDATIONS
used for an acute episode should be maintained beyond
the achievement of remission, it also introduces a number First line Level 1 or Level 2 evidence plus clinical
support for efficacy and safety
of limitations to the data. More specifically, an enriched
design (a)  limits the generalizability of study results to Second line Level 3 evidence or higher plus clinical
support for efficacy and safety
patients treated under similar conditions, (b) favors the test
drug with respect to an active comparator if introduced at Third line Level 4 evidence or higher plus clinical
randomization, and (c) may lead to a higher frequency of support for efficacy and safety
early relapses in the placebo and/or comparator arms of a Not recommended Level 1 or Level 2 evidence for lack
study versus the open phase due to possible discontinuation of efficacy
effects of the drug under investigation. NOTE: Adapted from Yatham et al. (2013).

F I R S T-L I N E OP T IONS lamotrigine and quetiapine have been studied for individu-
als recovering from a depressive episode (in the case of que-
The evidence for effective maintenance therapy of BD is the
tiapine it was from depressive or manic episode). As a result,
most comprehensive for lithium, divalproex, olanzapine,
much of the evidence to date supports prevention of manic
and quetiapine (for both bipolar depression and mania),
episodes in bipolar I disorder.
as well as lamotrigine (primarily for preventing bipolar
The following sections discuss the relevant evidence for
depression), risperidone long-acting injection (LAI), and
all of the first-line maintenance treatment options in bipo-
ziprasidone (primarily for preventing mania). These medi-
lar I disorder.
cation choices should be considered first-line monotherapy
options for maintenance treatment of BD (Table 23.1).
Quetiapine, risperidone LAI, aripiprazole, and ziprasidone Lithium
are also recommended as adjunctive therapy with lithium
Lithium has long been considered the gold standard for
or divalproex (Table 23.1) (Yatham et al., 2013).
long-term maintenance therapy in BD. There is compre-
A systematic review and meta-analysis of pharmacologi-
hensive evidence to support lithium from meta-analyses
cal treatment options for the prevention of relapse in BD
(Burgess et al., 2001; Geddes, Burgess, Hawton, Jamison, &
included 34 RCTs and open-label trials and concluded that,
Goodwin, 2004) and RCTs (Bowden et al., 2003; Calabrese
in comparison to placebo, lithium, olanzapine, and aripip-
et  al., 2006; Yazici et  al., 2004; Tables 23.2 and 23.3: 
razole had significant clinical effects in the prevention of
manic relapses (Beynon, Soares-Weiser, Woolacott, Duffy, &
Geddes, 2009). The study also found that divalproex, Table 23.3.  FACTORS NEGATIVELY INFLUENCING
lamotrigine, and imipramine had robust effectiveness in TR EATMENT ADHER ENCE
the prevention of depressive symptoms. These pooled data
were replicated in a meta-analysis of 20 RCTs (N = 5,364) Patient Factors
that sought to examine the effectiveness of maintenance Younger age
therapies in BD. The study confirmed the efficacy of lith- Single status
ium, divalproex, lamotrigine, and a number of atypical Male gender
Low education level
antipsychotic agents (most robust evidence for quetiapine) Lack of psychosocial support
in preventing relapse to any episode versus placebo (Vieta
Illness Factors
et  al., 2011). While methodological quality was noted to
vary between studies and the strength of evidence was not Hypomanic denial
equal for all treatments and for all comparisons, these data Comorbid personality disorders
support the maintenance treatment recommendations out- Comorbid substance abuse
lined in Table 23.2. Poor insight
An important methodological issue to remember Treatment Factors
is that almost all studies have enrolled individuals who Side effects of medications
have recently recovered from mania. This implies that Unfavorable personal attitudes toward treatment
this enriched enrolled population has a greater proclivity
NOTE: Adapted from Sajatovic et al. (2004).
toward manic recurrence than depressive recurrence. Only

3 0 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Level 1). Lithium has been more widely studied than any study compared illness recurrence among patients who con-
other maintenance treatment for BD. A meta-analysis of five tinued (n = 159) or discontinued (n = 54) lithium after an
RCTs (753 patients with BD) found relapses occurred in extended period of clinical stability on monotherapy (Biel,
significantly fewer patients who received lithium compared Peselow, Mulcare, Case, & Fieve, 2007). Patients who con-
with placebo (41% vs. 61%, respectively; Smith, Cornelius, tinued on lithium had a five-fold lower risk of recurrence;
Warnock, Bell, & Young, 2007). Several lines of evidence the authors therefore concluded that discontinuation of
suggest that the benefit with lithium is greater for the pre- lithium is not recommended. Evidence suggests that dis-
vention of manic episodes than it is for preventing depres- continuation of lithium is motivated by similar features to
sive symptomatology (Bowden et al., 2003; Calabrese et al., that of adherence in general, such as patients’ knowledge
2003). These data provide support for the use of lithium regarding lithium treatment, general opposition to prophy-
monotherapy maintenance treatment in bipolar I disorder. laxis, fear of side effects, denial of therapeutic effectiveness,
The use of lithium in the treatment of bipolar I disorder and illness severity; these factors were directly correlated to
also reduces the risk of suicide. A meta-analysis of 33 RCTs treatment adherence (Rosa et al., 2007). Addressing these
and observational studies (1970–2000) yielded13-fold factors may improve patients’ adherence to lithium mainte-
lower rates of suicide (and reported attempts) during nance pharmacotherapy.
long-term lithium treatment when compared to no lith-
ium treatment or after its discontinuation (Baldessarini,
Tondo, & Hennen, 2001). However, as with all observa-
tional studies, there are some limitations that affect the There is reasonable evidence to support the use of dival-
interpretation of these data. For example, there were highly proex for maintenance therapy in BD. Several lines of
variable sample sizes and inconsistent reporting on risks evidence indicate that divalproex is more effective in
with and without lithium; in addition, most of the stud- preventing depressive episodes in BD rather than mania
ies included were not aimed specifically at assessing suicidal (Beynon et al., 2009). Although one RCT failed to demon-
risk. Notwithstanding these limitations, this result has strate that divalproex was superior to placebo in preventing
been replicated in many other trials, as well as observational recurrence of bipolar episodes (Bowden et al., 2000), mul-
studies of health plans and a nationwide medical registry tiple RCTs have demonstrated that divalproex is as effective
monitoring studies confirming the association of lithium as lithium or olanzapine in the prevention of recurrence,
use in treatment of BD and decreased suicide risk. especially for prevention of depressive episodes (Lambert &
The initial dose of lithium is 300 mg once a day. It is Venaud, 1987; Tohen et  al., 2003). There is also some
then titrated to achieve a target 12-hour serum trough level hypothesis-generating evidence to suggest that divalproex
of 0.8 to 1.2 mEq/L, and taken once per day. The serum may be superior to other agents for severely ill bipolar
level can be reduced to 0.6 mEq/L (or lower if necessary) patients—however, this evidence arises from nonblinded
for patients unable to tolerate higher levels. There is also open studies (Bowden et al., 2000). Several lines of evidence
emerging evidence to suggest that the often-cited target of also indicate that if patients respond to acute treatment
0.8mEq/L might not be necessary. A reanalysis of lithium with divalproex, maintenance treatment with divalproex is
data during maintenance treatment suggested that what- superior compared with lithium or placebo (McElroy et al.,
ever the plasma level is that “gets you better” during acute 2008). However, as mentioned, these data are derived from
treatment is the level that “keeps you better” (Perlis et al., enriched study designs that tend to favor the test drug over
2002). Therefore, while physicians are encouraged to check comparators. Notwithstanding enriched study designs, the
plasma lithium levels, it is equally if not more important fact that multiple double-blind RCTs have shown at least
to titrate lithium levels to clinical effect. Common side equivalency of divalproex and active comparators, together
effects include weight gain, tremor, gastrointestinal dis- with extensive clinical experience and good tolerability of
tress, impaired ability to concentrate, urine, polyuria, and the medication, divalproex is recommended as a first-line
hypothyroidism (Frye et al., 2009). monotherapy treatment option in bipolar I disorder (Table
Rapid discontinuation with lithium can pose a problem 23.2; Beynon et al., 2009).
for recurrence in BD even after good response and a lengthy Divalproex is prescribed at a dose of 500 mg once
illness-free period. If lithium needs to be discontinued, it per day initially and titrated to achieve a target 12-hour
should be done gradually, as abrupt discontinuation is asso- serum trough level of 50 to 125 mcg/mL. Long-acting
ciated with a higher rate of recurrence (Suppes, Baldessarini, preparations are available that can be prescribed once
Faedda, & Tohen, 1991). A two-year naturalistic follow-up per day as well. When converting stable patients with

M aintenance T reatments in B ipolar D isorder   •   3 0 3

BD from twice-daily divalproex delayed release to once Olanzapine
daily extended release (ER), the total daily dose should be
Randomized-controlled trial (Vieta et  al., 2012)  and
increased by 250 to 500 mg to ensure maintenance of ther-
meta-analytic (Cipriani, Rendell, & Geddes, 2010)  data
apeutic levels of valproic acid. Common side effects from
suggest that olanzapine is an effective maintenance treat-
divalproex include somnolence, weight gain, gastrointes-
ment for preventing relapses in BD, particularly that of
tinal distress, elevated transaminases, tremor, decreased
manic episodes, and is recommended as a first-line treat-
platelet counts, and alopecia. Divalproex should also be
ment option. A 48-week RCT reported that time to symp-
avoided during pregnancy due to the risk of teratogenicity.
tomatic relapse into any mood episode (median 174 days vs.
In addition, divalproex has been associated with increased
22 days) and relapse rate (46.7% vs. 80.1%) was significantly
risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Polycystic ovarian
superior with olanzapine compared to placebo (Tohen
syndrome has been reported to occur in approximately
et  al., 2003). Furthermore, a meta-analysis of five RCTs
10% of women during maintenance; in addition, 50% of
(Cipriani et  al., 2010)  found that olanzapine as a mono-
women reported menstrual problems (McIntyre et  al.,
therapy or an adjunct to lithium or divalproex was more
2005; Morrell et al., 2008; Thase, 2007).
effective than adjunct placebo in preventing manic but not
composite outcomes of all mood episodes. The analysis con-
cluded that olanzapine may prevent further manic episodes
Multiple RCTs have demonstrated the effectiveness of only in patients who have responded to olanzapine in an
lamotrigine in the prevention of relapse of mood episodes in acute manic or mixed episode and who have not previously
BD (Bowden et al., 2003; Calabrese et al., 2000; van der Loos had a satisfactory response to lithium or valproate (Cipriani
et  al., 2011; Table 23.2:  Level 1). Data from meta-analyses et al., 2010). In addition, a large, observational cohort study
suggest that lamotrigine reduces the risk of relapse by 16% (EMBLEM) included 1,076 patients in a comparison of
to 20% compared with placebo (Vieta et al., 2011). However, olanzapine monotherapy or as an adjunct and found no
some evidence suggests that lamotrigine, while effective in significant difference in rates of improvement, remission,
prolonging time to intervention for depressive episodes, did or recovery but significantly lower relapse rates with olan-
not demonstrate efficacy for prevention of manic episodes zapine alone compared to adjunctive olanzapine over the
(Calabrese et  al., 2003). Treatment guidelines therefore do two-year follow-up. Given these data, treatment guidelines
not recommend lamotrigine be used as monotherapy for recommend olanzapine as a possible first-line maintenance
bipolar patients if the primary objective of maintenance is treatment in BD.
the prevention of manic episodes. If prevention of manic Emerging evidence suggests that in comparison to other
episodes were a treatment priority, the recommendation second-generation antipsychotics, olanzapine may be more
would be to either combine lamotrigine with an antimanic effective in preventing relapse in BD. In two RCTs olan-
agent such as lithium or try monotherapy with lithium or zapine was included as an active control arm, and in both
divalproex. studies patients receiving olanzapine had a significantly
Treatment guidelines recommend that lamotrigine be longer time to recurrence of a mood episode than either
started at a dose of 25 mg per day for the first two weeks, risperidone LAI (Vieta et  al., 2012)  or paliperidone ER
though titration may be slower or faster depending on (Berwaerts, Melkote, Nuamah, & Lim, 2012).
concomitant medications. For Weeks 3 and 4, the dose is Notwithstanding proven efficacy of olanzapine for the
increased to 50 mg per day, taken into two divided doses. maintenance treatment of BD, olanzapine has a number of
Following this, the dose can then be titrated up by 25 to potentially serious metabolic side effects. For example, olan-
50 mg per day, one week at a time for each increase. This zapine leads to weight gain and increases the risk of developing
slow titration is important to markedly decrease the risk type II diabetes mellitus. Other side effects include increased
of serious and life-threatening skin rash (0.1% risk of cholesterol and triglycerides, dyspepsia, constipation, dry
Stevens-Johnson syndrome [toxic epidermal necrolysis]). mouth, somnolence, fatigue, insomnia, extrapyramidal symp-
The target dose generally ranges from 50 to 200 mg per day, toms, and hyperprolactinemia. The dose of olanzapine is typi-
taken in two divided doses; however, doses up to 400 mg cally 5 to 20 mg/day at bedtime. Given the side effect profile,
per day may be required. An ER formulation is also avail- some treatment guidelines recommend the use of olanzapine
able for once-a-day dosing. Common side effects include as second-line therapy, whereas others recommend it as first
nausea, dyspepsia, pain, insomnia, and benign cutaneous line. The decision of whether to start a patient on olanzapine
reactions. should be assessed on an individual basis.

3 0 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Quetiapine Generally, in the maintenance phase, patients continue
to receive the same dosage of quetiapine on which they were
Multiple RCTs have demonstrated the efficacy of quetiap-
initially stabilized. Typically the dosage falls into the range
ine alone or in combination with lithium/divalproex for
of 400 to 800 mg/day. Similar to other second-generation
maintenance therapy in BD (Suppes et  al., 2009; Weisler
antipsychotics such as olanzapine, quetiapine can cause
et  al., 2011). In all these studies, patients in remission,
clinically meaningful increases in insulin resistance, which,
after acute treatment, were randomized to quetiapine or
although controversial, may lead to new or exacerbated
placebo maintenance therapy with the primary outcome
cases of type II diabetes mellitus (Newcomer, 2007). Other
being the recurrence of any mood event. For example,
common (>10%) side effects include dizziness, dry mouth,
two double-blind RCTs, EMBOLDEN I  and II, assessed
headache, and somnolence. Further study is necessary to
quetiapine monotherapy in patients in remission at eight
accurately estimate incidence and risk of these side effects
weeks. Data from these studies demonstrated that the acute
since RCTs to date have not been designed to assess these
efficacy of quetiapine in bipolar depression was maintained
side effects.
in continuation treatment for 26 to 52 weeks compared
with placebo (McElroy et al., 2010; Young et al., 2010). In
Risperidone intramuscular injection
a pooled analysis, recurrence of a mood event was reported
in 24.5% (71⁄290) of patients in the quetiapine group and Risperidone LAI is currently recommended as first-line
40.5% (119⁄294) of patients in the placebo group. The risk maintenance monotherapy as well as an adjunctive medi-
of recurrence of any mood event or a depression event was cation. The treatment guidelines recommendation is based
reported to be significantly lower with quetiapine than pla- on results of two RCTs (N = 799 total), finding that time
cebo. Interpretation of these data may be limited by the use to recurrence of any mood episode was significantly lon-
of enriched samples, wherein patients randomized to com- ger with risperidone LAI compared to placebo (Level 1;
parators may have an exaggerated relapse rate due to dis- Berwaerts et al., 2012; Quiroz et al., 2010; Yatham et al.,
continuation of an effective treatment regimen. In another 2013). Similar to olanzapine, risperidone LAI was more
example, a 104-week RCT compared the efficacy of que- efficacious in preventing mania relapses than depression;
tiapine, lithium, or placebo monotherapy in patients who however, it was found to be less effective in preventing over-
were stable for at least four weeks following up to 24 weeks all relapse compared to olanzapine (Berwaerts et al., 2012).
of quetiapine therapy. At 56 weeks, an interim analysis There are no large trials to date that have evaluated the
found that quetiapine was significantly more effective than use of oral risperidone for maintenance treatment in BD.
placebo in reducing the risk of any mood event, including However, since risperidone is the active component in the
both manic and depressive episodes, or any episode (Weisler risperidone LAI, some treatment guidelines recommend
et al., 2011). Lithium was also more effective than placebo both risperidone oral and risperidone LAI as first-line
on all three measures. Quetiapine was also more effective treatment options for maintenance treatments in BD.
than lithium for prevention of any event or depressive Patient preference toward long-acting injectable as
events, but the two therapies were similar for prevention of a route of administration is mixed. Observational data
manic events. indicate that the use of risperidone LAI independently
In addition to the recommendation as a first-line mono- improves treatment adherence, reductions in any relapse
therapy agent, quetiapine is also recommended as a first-line rate, and reductions in rehospitalization rates with adjunc-
adjunctive agent to maintenance therapy. This recommen- tive risperidone LAI. At study endpoint 14 patients (48%)
dation is supported by two RCTs that have assessed the were very much improved according to the Clinical Global
efficacy of adjunctive quetiapine maintenance therapy. In Impressions scale (Malempati et  al., 2011; Vieta, Nieto,
these studies, patients were randomized to lithium or dival- et  al., 2008). Evidence also suggests that risperidone LAI
proex plus quetiapine or placebo after achieving at least may be particularly effective in treating patients with psy-
12 weeks remission with open-label lithium or divalproex chotic BD (Malempati et  al., 2011). While no trials have
plus quetiapine (Suppes et al., 2009; Vieta, Suppes, et al., been completed on patients poorly adherent to treatment,
2008). Pooled and individually, these studies demonstrated given that administration of risperidone LAI indepen-
that quetiapine in combination with lithium or divalproex dently improves adherence, outcomes may be superior in
was significantly more effective than lithium or divalproex this group in comparison to oral medications.
alone in the prevention of mood episodes during continua- The usual starting dose of long-acting injectable risper-
tion treatment for up to 104 weeks. idone is 25 mg every two weeks, but patients with a lower

M aintenance T reatments in B ipolar D isorder   •   3 0 5

body mass index or with an increased sensitivity to side comparison to other antipsychotics such as quetiapine or
effects may benefit from an initial dose of 12.5 mg. After olanzapine. Starting with a lower dose of 2 or 5 mg per day
the first injection, oral risperidone is continued for three may help prevent side effects.
weeks (then discontinued) to maintain adequate thera-
peutic plasma concentrations prior to the main release
phase of risperidone from the injection site. The dose of Ziprasidone
long-acting injectable risperidone can be increased to 37.5 Several lines of evidence derived from RCTs suggest that
or 50 mg every two weeks in patients with a larger body adjunctive ziprasidone is efficacious for maintenance
mass index or persistent or recurrent symptoms; a mini- treatment of BD. This was demonstrated in a six-month
mum of four weeks should elapse between dose adjust- RCT in 239 patients with bipolar I  disorder who were
ments. In addition, patients may benefit from intermittent stabilized for at least eight weeks on open-label therapy
use of oral risperidone to treat subsyndromal symptoms (Level 2; Bowden et al., 2010; Yatham et al., 2009). The
that occur during maintenance treatment with risperidone time to intervention for a mood episode was significantly
LAI—however, this has yet to be evaluated in RCTs. longer with ziprasidone. In the study, 19.7% of patients
in the ziprasidone group versus 32.4% of patients receiv-
Aripiprazole ing placebo required intervention for a mood episode. In
addition, evidence indicates that ziprasidone’s efficacy
Two of three RCTs have found both aripiprazole adjunc- is most consistent for the prevention of manic but not
tive and monotherapy efficacious for maintenance treat- depressive episodes. No studies to date have examined
ments of patients with bipolar I  disorder. Similar to whether ziprasidone is an effective monotherapy mainte-
other atypical antipsychotics, evidence to date suggests nance treatment in BD.
that aripiprazole is more effective in preventing manic For maintenance treatment, ziprasidone is recom-
relapse but not depressive relapse (Yatham et al., 2009). mended as an adjunct to lithium or divalproex therapy
For example a 100-week RCT (N = 161) reported that starting at 40 mg twice per day but can be increased to
aripiprazole monotherapy was superior to placebo in 160 mg/day according to tolerance and efficacy. As with
delaying manic relapse but not depressive relapse (Keck other maintenance medications, it is advised the same dose
et al., 2007). Results have been similar in RCTs involv- be continued at which the patient was initially stabilized.
ing aripiprazole as an adjuvant therapy. This was demon- Common side effects (>10%) include somnolence and
strated in a 52-week, relapse-prevention RCT (N = 337) headache. Less common side effects include extrapyramidal
that examined the efficacy of aripiprazole as an adjunct symptoms. However, the hazard for tardive dyskinesia does
to lithium or divalproex in patients with manic/mixed not appear to be worse in treated versus placebo-treated
episodes displaying inadequate response to lithium or subjects (Bowden et al., 2010).
divalproex (Marcus et  al., 2011). Results of the study
indicated that patients in remission for 12 weeks who
were randomized to continue adjunctive aripiprazole S ECON D -L I N E OP T IONS
had a lower rate of relapse to manic but not depressive
episodes. Since adjunctive aripiprazole demonstrated
efficacy for the prevention of any mood episode or While several lines of evidence suggest that carbamazepine
manic episodes but not depressive episodes, treatment has good efficacy in preventing relapses in BD, its effective-
guidelines recommended aripiprazole as both first-line ness in clinical practice is not as robust as other first-line
adjunct and monotherapy maintenance for the preven- treatment options such as lithium. There is also evidence
tion of manic episodes in BD. to suggest that carbamazepine recurrence-prevention
Aripiprazole is initially started at a dose of 10 or effects may be greater in those with bipolar II disorder as
15 mg once per day and can be increased to 15 or 30 mg compared to those with bipolar I disorder; however, these
once per day. Common side effects are similar to other data are derived from post hoc analyses and are limited
second-generation antipsychotics, including weight gain, by small sample size (Greil, Kleindienst Nikolaus, Erazo
headache, agitation, anxiety, nausea, dry mouth, tremor, Natalia, & Müller-Oerlinghausen, 1998). A meta-analysis
akathisia, and other extrapyramidal symptoms. It should of four RCTs, including 464 patients, supports the con-
also be noted that the incidence of extrapyramidal symp- clusion that maintenance treatment with carbamazepine
toms might be higher in individuals taking aripiprazole in has similar efficacy to lithium for rates of relapses, with the

3 0 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
main caveat that there were fewer withdrawals reported evidence for efficacy of OFC in prophylaxis of BD, this
due to adverse events with lithium (Ceron-Litvoc, Soares, treatment option is treated as second-line.
Geddes, Litvoc, & de Lima, 2009). These data suggest Daily starting of OFC is 25 mg/6 mg per day (fluox-
that carbamazepine is not as well tolerated as first-line etine/olanzapine), which may be titrated up to 75 mg/18
treatment options such as lithium. Given the significant mg per day, depending on efficacy and tolerability. Serious
tolerability issues with carbamazepine and the diffi- metabolic side effects are possible from olanzapine, includ-
culty with combining this agent with other psychotropic ing obesity, increased insulin resistance, and type II diabetes
medications (carbamazepine is an inducer of cytochrome mellitus. Metabolic indices should be frequently monitored
P450 enzymes), treatment guidelines recommend carba- in patients starting this combination of medication.
mazepine as a second-line maintenance treatment option
for BD.
Carbamazepine is initially prescribed at a dose of 200 Paliperidone ER
mg twice per day and can be increased in increments of Evidence derived from one well-designed RCT indicates
200 mg per day. The maximum daily dose is 800 mg, that paliperidone may be an efficacious maintenance treat-
twice per day. A  long-acting preparation can be given as ment for BD. A two-year RCT compared paliperidone ER
a single daily dose. Many clinicians attempt to achieve a with placebo in 290 patients with BD who initially remit-
target 12-hour serum trough level of 4 to 8 mcg/mL, but ted from acute manic or mixed episodes with paliperidone.
there are no studies that have documented a relationship The median time to recurrence was longer in patients who
between this blood-level range and efficacy for mainte- received paliperidone than placebo (558 vs. 283 days). The
nance treatment of BD. Common side effects include diz- study also included 82 patients who remitted with olan-
ziness, somnolence, ataxia, gastrointestinal distress, and zapine and were maintained on it. In this nonrandomized
elevated transaminases; a slow dose titration to below an arm, olanzapine was found to be more effective in prevent-
individual’s side effect threshold may decrease the occur- ing relapse than in either the randomized paliperidone or
rence of these side effects. Serious side effects include blood placebo arms (Level 2; Berwaerts et al., 2012). While more
dyscrasias and life-threatening rashes. RCTs are needed to determine if olanzapine is superior to
paliperidone ER and if this agent should be recommended
as first-line treatment, these data provide sufficient evidence
Olanzapine/fluoxetine combination
to justify the use of paliperidone ER as a second-line main-
While the evidence is mixed, several lines of evidence sug- tenance treatment option for BD.
gest that the combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine Paliperidone can be started at 6 mg per day, and the dose
(OFC) may be an effective maintenance treatment for can be titrated up by 3 mg every two to three days within a
BD. A six-month RCT comparing OFC and lamotrigine range of 3 to 12 mg per day. Common side effects include
monotherapy found that those patients on OFC had a headache, somnolence, dizziness, nausea, and akathisia.
significant improvement in depressive and manic symp-
toms. However, there were no differences in relapse
rates among responders to acute treatment of OFC or T H I R D -L I N E OP T IONS
lamotrigine monotherapy (Brown et  al., 2009). These
data are buttressed by results from observational stud-
ies showing that adjunctive olanzapine is less effective Asenapine is an atypical antipsychotic that has been shown
than olanzapine monotherapy in preventing any relapse to provide some efficacy for maintenance treatment in BD.
(Gonzalez-Pinto et al., 2011). In contrast, an open-label A  49-week extension study from two pooled, three-week
continuation study (N = 114) reported that patients with RCTs compared asenapine with olanzapine for treatment of
BD who initially responded to OFC and subsequently acute manic or mixed episodes. At one year, a worsening of
maintained on OFC maintained their response and mania was reported in 2.6% of asenapine patients and 1.9%
had less relapse compared to those patients on olanzap- of olanzapine patients, while a switch to a depressive episode
ine monotherapy (Tamayo et al., 2009). However, these occurred in 0% of asenapine and 3.0% of olanzapine patients.
results may be limited by the effects of an enriched study Time to response was significantly longer with asenapine com-
design wherein patients randomized to comparators pared to olanzapine. In addition, 40-week extension phase
may have an exaggerated relapse rate due to discontinua- results indicated that of the original 318 patients, improve-
tion of an effective treatment regimen. Given the mixed ments in mania and depression were comparable for asenapine

M aintenance T reatments in B ipolar D isorder   •   3 0 7

and the olanzapine treatment groups with 71 patients having maintenance treatment of bipolar I  disorder. Data from
completed the 40-week extension. Taken together, these data small, open-label prospective and retrospective studies sug-
suggest the efficacy of asenapine maintenance treatment to gest that clozapine added to any combination of lithium,
be potentially comparable to olanzapine. However, in the anticonvulsants, antidepressants, or anxiolytics may effec-
absence of relapse-prevention data and clinical experience, tively delay or prevent relapse of bipolar mood episodes.
asenapine should be recommended as a third-line option for For example, adjunctive treatment with clozapine was sig-
maintenance therapy for BD (McIntyre et al., 2010). nificantly better than treatment as usual in a small RCT
Asenapine is typically prescribed at a dose of 5 to 10 mg (N = 38) of 12 months duration (Suppes et al., 1999). In
twice per day. Common side effects include weight gain, seda- addition, clozapine may be useful as a treatment for refrac-
tion, dizziness, insomnia, and extrapyramidal symptoms. tory bipolar I disorder as an effective medication to simplify
polypharmacy regimens. Evidence also indicates that clo-
Oxcarbazepine zapine may have antisuicidal properties, which suggests a
role for this agent in some patients with bipolar I disorder
There is limited evidence to support the use of oxcarbaze- (Meltzer et al., 2003). These data provide some support for
pine in the maintenance treatment of BD. A 52-week RCT the use of adjuvant clozapine in the treatment of bipolar
in 55 patients with bipolar I and II disorder found a lower I  disorder, particularly in cases with limited response to
risk of recurrence with oxcarbazepine as adjuncts to lithium other agents.
(38%) compared to placebo (59%), but this difference was Given the risks of agranulocytosis, clozapine requires
not statistically significant (Level 2, negative; Vieta, Cruz, regular monitoring of white blood cell counts every one or
et  al., 2008). However, investigators postulated that the two weeks. In addition, clozapine should not be combined
lack of significant difference could be attributed to a lack of with carbamazepine because they both adversely affect
power due to smaller sample size in the study, as the differ- hematopoiesis.
ences in relapse were substantial between the two groups.
Buttressing the results of the aforementioned data, a sys-
tematic review found insufficient evidence to recommend Electroconvulsive therapy
oxcarbazepine for maintenance treatment of BD. There is evidence from case series that suggests that main-
Notwithstanding the foregoing results, oxcarbazepine tenance electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), usually adjunc-
is a possible alternative to carbamazepine, based on limited tive to medication, is effective in reducing hospitalizations
evidence of effectiveness in treating acute mood episodes and in bipolar I disorder (Level 3; Vaidya, Mahableshwarkar, &
its structural similarity to carbamazepine. Data has shown Shahid, 2003). However, a nonsystematic review suggested
that there is also a trend toward fewer depressive episodes that while ECT may have an acute beneficial effect, it is
and improved psychosocial function in those patients treated unlikely to have long-term stabilizing prosperities as a main-
with adjunct oxcarbazepine (Vieta, Cruz, et  al., 2008). In tenance treatment in BD (Sharma, 2001). Randomized
addition, oxcarbazepine is generally better tolerated and is controlled trials are needed to discern to what extent, if any,
easier to prescribe because it does not induce its own metab- ECT can be used as an effective maintenance treatment in
olism, as carbamazepine does. Therefore, oxcarbazepine bipolar I disorder.
remains a third-line adjuvant option. However, there is insuf-
ficient data to support the use of oxcarbazepine monotherapy
in the maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder. Omega-3 fatty acids
The initial dose of oxcarbazepine is 300 mg taken twice While there is limited high-quality RCT data available,
daily, which is titrated by 600 mg/day at weekly intervals to there is some evidence to suggest adjunctive omega-3
a target dose of 1,200 to 2,400 mg/day, taken twice daily. fatty acids may provide some benefit to maintenance
Common side effects include dizziness, ocular disturbances, treatments of BD. A  meta-analysis of five RCTs of vari-
gastrointestinal distress, and somnolence. Clinicians able methodological quality found that adjunctive treat-
should monitor serum sodium because oxcarbazepine can ment with omega-3 fatty acids showed positive effects for
cause hyponatremia, especially early in treatment. depressive, but not manic, relapses in BD (Montgomery &
Richardson, 2008). These findings were buttressed by a
separate meta-analysis of five pooled datasets (N  =  291),
Given the risks of potentially lethal agranulocytosis, which provided strong evidence that bipolar depressive
few studies have investigated the use of clozapine in the symptoms may be improved by adjunctive use of omega-3

3 0 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
fatty acids (Sarris, Mischoulon, & Schweitzer, 2012). monotherapy (Prien, Klett, & Caffey, 1973). These data
However, these results are limited in part by the meth- were buttressed by a meta-analysis of seven RCTs (pre-
odological quality of the studies included for analysis. dominantly tricyclic antidepressants [TCAs]) examining
Further study is needed before firm conclusions can be monotherapy or adjunctive antidepressant treatment and
drawn. However, given the relatively benign nature and concluded that they were ineffective in preventing relapse
possible benefits of daily omega-3 fatty acid use, adjunc- (Ghaemi, Lenox, & Baldessarini, 2001). In another study
tive omega-3 fatty acids are a reasonable third-line mainte- of one-year duration, 50% of patients randomized to
nance treatment option for BD. desipramine as add-on to mood-stabilizers experienced a
manic switch compared with only 11% of patients ran-
domized to bupropion add-on treatment (Sachs et  al.,
NOT R ECOM M E N DE D 1994). These results clearly suggest that TCAs destabi-
Benzodiazepines lize the course of BD whether used in monotherapy or
in combination with lithium or divalproex. In contrast
Benzodiazepines are not recommended for mainte- to these data, a study by Amsterdam & Shults (2010)
nance treatment in BD. An observational study from the has suggested that long-term fluoxetine monotherapy
Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar may provide superior relapse-prevention benefit relative
Disorder (STEP-BD) examined 1,365 bipolar I  and II to lithium monotherapy after recovery from a bipolar II
patients who recovered from a mood episode and found major depressive episode without an increase in hypo-
that the use of a benzodiazepine on a standing or as-needed manic mood conversion episodes; however, these results
basis following recovery was associated with an increased should be interpreted with caution as they have yet to be
risk of recurrence (Perlis et al., 2010). However, as these are replicated.
observational data, they are subject to effects of residual There is some evidence to suggest that adjunctive
confounders (e.g., individuals receiving benzodiazepines antidepressant therapy may be beneficial for individuals
are also more likely to be severely ill). In addition to likely who initially stabilize on antidepressants during an acute
increasing risk of recurrence, the use of benzodiazepines episode—particularly for those that experience a depressive
is associated with issues of dependence, rebound anxiety, episode. Altshuler et al. (2009) completed a study (N = 83)
memory impairment, and discontinuation syndrome. For in which subjects with bipolar depression were treated
all these reasons, treatment guidelines recommend the with a mood stabilizer plus one of three randomly assigned
gradual titration of these agents to either discontinuation blinded antidepressants administered during an acute
or to the lowest effective dose for essential symptomatic depressive episode. At the study endpoint of 10 weeks, 42
management (Yatham et al., 2005). (69%) of the 61 acute positive responders maintained posi-
tive response and 32 (53%) achieved remission. Patients
who achieved a positive acute antidepressant response to
Antidepressant adjunctive and monotherapy
10 weeks of antidepressant treatment, adjunctive to a mood
While antidepressants may have some efficacy in acute stabilizer, were more likely to maintain response with the
depressive episodes, antidepressant monotherapy is not same continued treatment. The switch rate into mania for
recommended as a maintenance treatment in BD; adjunc- patients being treated with an antidepressant adjunctive
tive antidepressant therapy should be used with caution. to a mood stabilizer was not found to be higher than the
Despite these recommendations, studies from the United reported rate for patients on mood stabilizer monotherapy.
States and Europe indicate that antidepressants are pre- Nevertheless, RCTs replicating these results are needed
scribed to 50% to 80% of patients with BD (Yatham before firm clinical recommendations can be made pertain-
et al., 2013). Antidepressant monotherapy for BD is not ing to the benefits of adjunctive antidepressant therapy for
recommended because use of these agents is associated maintenance treatment of BD.
with concerns that they are not effective and that may It has yet to be established whether the risk of switch-
harm patients by causing switches from depression to ing into mania/hypomania is class specific among antide-
mania, as well as rapid cycling. Several studies support pressants, because most drugs have not been compared in
these concerns (Fountoulakis, Grunze, Panagiotidis, & head-to-head trials. In general, the evidence suggests that
Kaprinis, 2008). In a seminal maintenance study, manic switching polarity during treatment of bipolar depression
episodes occurred in 12% of patients on lithium, 33% of appears to occur more often with venlafaxine or tricyclics
patients on placebo, and 66% of patients on imipramine compared with bupropion, selective-serotonin reuptake

M aintenance T reatments in B ipolar D isorder   •   3 0 9

inhibitors, and placebo. This generalization is supported by monotherapy, or the combination after an active run-in
several other studies. Two RCTs found that 15% of patients period of four to eight weeks on the combination. Both the
(N = 95) who received adjunct venlafaxine plus mood stabi- combination and lithium monotherapy were significantly
lizers experienced a switch to hypo/mania (Post et al., 2006; more effective than divalproex monotherapy in preventing
Vieta et al., 2002). A meta-analysis of six RCTs (N = 370) relapse during the two-year follow-up period. Combination
found that switching occurred in more patients who therapy was not found to be significantly more effective
received TCAs (clomipramine, desipramine, imipramine) than lithium alone. While this study was randomized, it
than other antidepressants (bupropion, fluoxetine, fluvox- had a number of important methodological limitations,
amine, moclobemide, paroxetine, or tranylcypromine; 10% including a nonblinded and open design; these find-
vs. 3%; Gijsman, Geddes, Rendell, Nolen, & Goodwin, ings need to be confirmed with double-blind trials before
2004). In a separate meta-analysis of two RCTs (N = 240), firm clinical conclusions can be drawn. Buttressing these
switching occurred in fewer patients who received bupro- results, the LITMUS study, an effectiveness trial designed
pion than other antidepressants (paroxetine, sertraline, or to determine if low-dosage lithium added to an optimized
venlafaxine; 5% vs. 13%); Sidor & Macqueen, 2011). personalized treatment regimen improves clinical outcome
Although a few RCTs have suggested that antide- for bipolar I and bipolar II patients, found that low-dosage
pressant monotherapy may be effective and safe for some lithium did not provide any additional benefit beyond
patients with BD, most were small and lacked a placebo guideline-concordant care (Nierenberg et al., 2013).
control group. Given the evidence of lack of prophylaxis In contrast to these data, several lines of evidence sup-
efficacy and the risks of switching, antidepressant mono- port the use of combination therapy for maintenance treat-
therapy is not recommended for maintenance treatment of ment of BD. The majority of evidence gathered has tested
BD. While the concomitant use of mood stabilizers lowers medication combinations in patients who were initially
the risk of switching, adjunctive antidepressant therapy has treated with a medication combination for the acute epi-
not been found to reduce the risk of relapses and should be sode. Following remission, patients are randomly assigned
prescribed with caution. to maintenance treatment with the combination or mono-
therapy (by substituting placebo for one of the medications
in the combination). Evidence suggests that combination
Other treatments
therapy should be maintained for maintenance therapy
There are several other agents that are not recommended as the benefits of the combination therapy often outweigh
for maintenance treatment in BD (Table 23.2). The typi- the increased side effects and costs (Grunze et  al., 2009).
cal antipsychotic, flupenthixol has been relatively well stud- Furthermore, for those patients who have a partial but inad-
ied and does not appear to have prophylactic efficacy in equate response to monotherapy, and it is tolerated, should
patients with BD (Level 2, negative) (Yatham et al., 2005). be put on a combination therapy as opposed to augment-
Another typical antipsychotic, perphenazine, in combi- ing the initial monotherapy treatment (according to sev-
nation with a mood stabilizer was not superior to mood eral guidelines; Grunze et al., 2009; Yatham et al., 2005).
stabilizer alone and in fact was found to increase the inci- In terms of which combinations to use, several guidelines
dence of depressive episodes in BD. In addition, agents such recommend lithium or divalproex plus an atypical antipsy-
as gabapentin, topiramate, and calcium channel blockers chotic. Several new trials have shown atypical antipsychotics
have been investigated for use in BD, but insufficient data to be more effective than lithium or divalproex monother-
exist to recommend their use as monotherapy maintenance apy. In situations where a second-generation antipsychotic
treatments in BD. is not tolerated or desirable, lithium with the addition of
divalproex, carbamazepine, or lamotrigine are the suggested
Should a clinician decide to put a patient on a combi-
Despite treatment with monotherapy, relapses frequently nation therapy, there are several principles to keep in mind
occur in BD. There is still debate whether first-line agents (Preskorn & Lacey, 2007). Some of the recommendations
should be combined or if monotherapy is most effective for are to (a)  minimize combination therapy when possible;
maintenance therapy and prevention of relapse episodes. (b) try to limit the number of medications to two, although
The Bipolar Affective Disorder Lithium/Anti-Convulsant three may be necessary; (c) keep in mind the combination
Evaluation (BALANCE) study randomized 330 patients should not pose significant safety or tolerability risks; and
with BD to open-label lithium monotherapy, divalproex (d)  keep in mind the combination of medications should

310   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Table 23.4 .  R ECOMMENDATIONS FOR  underpin the recommendations set out by treatment guide-
MAINTENANCE PHAR MACOTHER APY OF  lines recommending, in order of preference, adjunctive
BIPOLAR DISOR DER quetiapine, risperidone LAI, ziprasidone, or olanzapine
(Table 23.2; Yatham et al., 2013). The evidence for quetiap-
First line Monotherapy: lithium, lamotrigine
(limited efficacy in preventing mania),
ine is the strongest. In two RCTs (N = 1334), patients were
divalproex, olanzapine,a quetiapine, treated with either lithium or divalproex; relapse occurred
risperidone LAI,b aripiprazoleb in significantly fewer individuals on adjunctive quetiapine
Adjunctive therapy with lithium or dival- when compared with placebo (19 and 20 vs. 49% and 52%,
proex: quetiapine, risperidone LAIb, respectively; Suppes et al., 2009; Vieta, Suppes, et al., 2008).
aripiprazole,b ziprasidoneb Similar findings have been found for adjunctive risperidone
Second line Monotherapy: carbamazepine, LAI, ziprasidone, or olanzapine (Yatham et  al., 2013). In
palideridone ERc addition, there are some prospective open-label and retro-
spective data that supports the use of clozapine added to
Combination therapy: lithium + dival-
proex, lithium + carbamazepine, lithium lithium and/or divalproex monotherapy. However, clozap-
or divalproex + olanzapine, lithium + ine should be used with caution, needs to be monitored for
risperidone, lithium + lamotrigine, potentially fatal agranulocytosis, and therefore requires
olanzapine + fluoxetine monitoring of white blood cells every one to two weeks.
Third line Monotherapy: asenapinec

Adjunctive therapy: phenytoin, clozapine, Lithium plus an anticonvulsant

ECT, topiramate, omega-3-fatty acids,
oxcarbazepine, gabapentin, asenapinec While there have been few well-designed RCTs com-
pleted to date, data indicates that lithium combined with
Not recommended Monotherapy: gabapentin, topiramate, or
antidepressants an anticonvulsant such as divalproex or carbamazepine
may be more effective in preventing relapse in BD (Pies,
Adjunctive therapy: flupenthixol
2002). However, most of the data is derived from RCTs
NOTE: LAI = long-acting injection; ER = extended release; ECT = electro-
with few participants, open-label studies, as well as expert
convulsive therapy. Adapted from Yatham et al. (2013). clinical consensus. Therefore this treatment combination
Given the metabolic side effects, use should be carefully monitored. is recommend as a second-line option (Table 23.2; Yatham
Mainly for the prevention of mania. et al., 2013).
New or change to recommendation.

not have the same or opposing mechanism of action. In DI S C ON T I N UAT ION

addition, physicians should be well advised of potential
metabolic/pharmacokinetic implications of combina- Most patients with bipolar I disorder require maintenance
tion therapy. For example, carbamazepine is an inducer of treatment for many years and, for some, their entire lives
hepatic P450 enzymes and therefore will decrease drug lev- (data is not as strong for bipolar II disorder). Often there is
els of medications metabolized by that system; in contrast, motivation to discontinue maintenance treatment because
divalproex is an inhibitor of that same enzyme system and of side effects, inadequate response, medical illness, preg-
therefore will cause medication levels to rise. In the follow- nancy, attitudes toward the use of medication, lack of
ing section we discuss the evidence for specific combination insight, or a wish to be medication-free after a prolonged
therapies. Table 23.4 provides the ratings of evidence for period of euthymia (Yatham et al., 2013). However, several
the different combinations of therapy. lines of evidence indicate that discontinuation of mainte-
nance treatment often leads to relapse and recurrence of
mood episodes. In a meta-analysis completed on 14 studies
Lithium or divalproex plus an
involving bipolar I patients (N= 257) stable on medications
atypical antipsychotic
for an average of 30 months, greater than 50% of new mood
Multiple RCTs have found that lithium or divalproex in episodes occurred within 10 weeks of stopping and about
combination with an atypical antipsychotic leads to sig- 90% relapsed within the first year off treatment (Suppes
nificantly less relapse compared to lithium or divalproex et al., 1991). Evidence indicates that even with a prolonged
monotherapy for maintenance treatment. These data maintenance therapy of five years, the risk of relapse is as

M aintenance T reatments in B ipolar D isorder   •   311

high as 50% to 60% within one year of stopping treatment Table 23.5 .  STR ENGTH OF EVIDENCE FOR EFFICACY
(Baldessarini et al., 1996). OF MAINTENANCE MONOTHER APY FOR 
Besides the risk of recurrence of mood episodes, ces- BIPOLAR I DISOR DER
sation of treatment increases the risks of increased hos- AGENT LEVEL OF EVIDENCE
pitalization and utilization, persistent subsyndromal
Lithium 1
symptoms (e.g., cognitive dysfunction), family and eco-
nomic losses, as well as morbidity and mortality associ- Anticonvulsants
ated with suicide. Psychoeducation that teaches patients  Divalproex 2
and family members about BD, including its etiology,
clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, can  Lamotrigine Depression: 1
help to discourage discontinuation and increase adher- Mania: 2
ence. Despite these efforts, should a patient still choose to
 Carbamazepine 2
discontinue maintenance treatment, it is advised that the
medications be tapered slowly over the course of weeks  Gabapentin 4
to months as opposed to abrupt cessation. Clinicians are  Topiramate 4
advised to monitor for prodromal features of recurrence
(e.g., sleep disturbances, irritability) and intervene as nec-  Oxcarbazepine 4
essary. Evidence indicates that even with slow taper strat- Atypical Antipsychotic
egies, the majority of patients (> 95% of bipolar disorder
 Olanzapine 2
I) still experience a relapse. Treatment guidelines recom-
mend that patients, particularly patients with bipolar I dis-  Anpiprazole Mania: 2
order, be encouraged to stay on maintenance therapy.  Risperidone 3

 Quetiapine 3

PH A R M AC OL O G IC A L  Clozapine 4
T R E AT M E N T S F OR   M A I N T E N A NC E Other Treatments
 ECT 4
Evidence indicates that patients being treated for bipolar II   Tricyclic antidepressants 2 (−ye)
disorder spend 37 times more days experiencing depressive
symptoms than hypomanic symptoms (Judd et al., 2003). NOTE. ECT = electroconvulsive therapy. Adapted from Yatham et al. (2005).

In comparison to bipolar I disorder, patients with bipolar

II disorder are at less risk of rapid cycling—although this
evidentiary base of maintenance treatments for bipolar II
finding remains controversial(Kupka et  al., 2005). A  few
disorder is limited. It is therefore necessary to combine the
pharmacological maintenance treatments for bipolar I dis-
evidence from expert clinical opinions to formulate treat-
order are also indicated for bipolar II disorder; often tri-
ment guidelines for bipolar II disorder.
als are done with both bipolar I  and II patients together.
However, the focus of long-term therapy for patients with
bipolar II disorder should be primarily on prevention of F I R S T-L I N E OP T IONS
depressive episodes (Ketter & Calabrese, 2002). In most sit-
uations, clinicians will often continue patients on the acute Lithium
treatment regimen, and some will require additional phar- While the prophylactic clinical benefits of lithium in
macotherapy. Lithium, lamotrigine, and quetiapine are rec- patients with bipolar II disorder have been replicated in a
ommended as first-line agents for maintenance treatment limited number of RCTs, there have been some inconsis-
of bipolar II disorder (Table 23.5). In the following section tencies in the data (Suppes & Dennehy, 2002). For exam-
we outline the evidence that supports the first-line main- ple, in one trial the prophylactic benefit of lithium was less
tenance treatment options in bipolar II disorder. We also clear in bipolar II patients than in bipolar I patients (Fieve,
provide second- and third-line treatment options based on Kumbaraci, & Dunner, 1976). In a separate study, only the
available evidence and clinical guideline consensus (Tables reduction in depressive episodes was statistically signifi-
23.5 and 23.6). In comparison to bipolar I  disorder, the cant (Dunner, Stallone, & Fieve, 1976). Notwithstanding

31 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
FOR BIPOLAR I DISOR DER Several lines of evidence suggest that quetiapine is an
effective maintenance treatment for bipolar II disor-
der. A  pooled analysis of data from placebo-controlled
RCTs found that among patients with bipolar II dis-
Lithium + Divalproex 2 order (N  =  231), those who achieved remission during
Lithium + Carbarmazepine 2 acute-phase treatment with quetiapine monotherapy
were significantly less likely to experience a relapse into
Lithium or Divalproex + Olanzapine 2
any mood episode. The risk of a mood episode was also
Lithium or Divalproex + Risperidone 3 found to be dependent on the dose of quetiapine given
Lithium or Divalproex + Quetiapine 3 to patients. Patients on 600 mg of quetiapine had greater
than a 60% decrease in risk of a mood relapse in com-
Lithium or Divalproex + Clozapine 3
parison to the lower dose of 300 mg (Suppes, Hirschfeld,
Lithium + TCA 2 (−vet) Vieta, Raines, & Paulsson, 2008). These data support the
Lithium + SSRI 3 first-line recommendation of quetiapine for maintenance
treatment of bipolar II disorder.
Lithium or Divalproex + Oxcarbazepine 3

Lithium or Divalproex + Omega-3-Fatty Acids 2

Adjunctive Phenytoin 3
There are a number of second- and third-line treatment
Adjunctive Gabapentin 3
options for bipolar II disorder. These are outlined in
Adjunctive Topiramate 3 Table 23.5; the evidence in support of these recommen-
Lithium or Divalproex + ECT 3
dations is ranked in Table 23.6. The evidence base for
effective treatments for bipolar II disorder is nascent;
Lithium + Flupenthixol 2 (−ye) more studies are needed to determine optimal mainte-
NOTE. ECT = electroconvulsive therapy; SSRI = selective-serotonin reuptake
nance treatments.
inhibitor; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant. Adapted from Yatham et al. (2005).

these inconsistencies, long-term observational data suggest PH A R M AC OL O G IC A L T R E AT M E N T S

that lithium maintenance therapy has clinical benefits in F OR   M A I N T E N A NC E
bipolar II patients. Bipolar II patients on maintenance T H E R A P Y—M I X E D E PI S ODE S
lithium experience significantly fewer episodes per year,
and significantly less time ill, compared to the time prior While the risk of recurrence and treatment challenges are
to initiation of lithium therapy (Tondo, Baldessarini, & often greatest in individuals with mixed episodes, there
Floris, 2001). have been relatively few high-quality studies to determine
the optimal medications (Table 23.7). Several open-label
and post hoc analyses suggest a role for atypical antipsy-
chotic agents in the management of patients with mixed
Lamotrigine is currently recommended as first-line mono- episodes or psychotic symptoms. In a post hoc analysis of
therapy for maintenance treatment of bipolar II disorder. patients with mixed episodes enrolled in a continuation
Several studies support this recommendation. In a large, study (N = 121), where responders to olanzapine were ran-
six-month RCT (N  =  324), significantly more patients domized to continue or switch to placebo, there were signif-
treated with lamotrigine compared to placebo were icant reductions in relapse rates with olanzapine compared
stable without recurrence at six months among patients to placebo (59.2% vs. 91.1%; Tohen, Sutton, Calabrese,
with bipolar II disorder (46% vs. 18%; Calabrese et  al., Sachs, & Bowden, 2009). In another open-label exten-
2000). Open-label and naturalistic data also support the sion study (N = 65), 52 weeks of flexible dosed ziprasidone
monotherapy use of lamotrigine in bipolar II patients (40–160 mg/day), showed comparable improvements in
for the prevention of depressive symptoms (Calabrese symptoms for patients initially treated for bipolar mania,
et al., 1999). regardless of whether the baseline episode was manic or

M aintenance T reatments in B ipolar D isorder   •   313

Table 23.7.  R ECOMMENDATIONS FOR MAINTE- baseline in manic, depressive, and overall symptom scores
NANCE TR EATMENT OF BIPOLAR II DISOR DER with combination therapy in both the manic and mixed
groups (Woo et  al., 2010). However, all of these studies
First line Lithium, lamotrigine, quetiapinea
are limited by an enriched sample design, which may lead
Second line Divalproex; lithium or divalproex or to a higher frequency of early relapse in the placebo and
atypical antipsychotic + antidepressant; comparator arms of a study due to possible discontinua-
adjunctive quetiapinea adjunctive
lamotriginea; combination of two of:  tion effect of the drug under investigation. Future studies
lithium, divaiproex, or atypical utilizing alternative study designs (e.g., nonenriched sam-
antipsychotic ples, length of stabilization before randomization, length
Third line Carbarmazepine, oxcarbazepine, atypical of experimental phase, and recurrence outcome criteria;
antipsychotic agent, ECT, fluoxetinea Gitlin, Abulseoud, & Frye, 2010) are needed to determine
optimal medications for the maintenance treatment of
Not recommended Gabapentin
mixed episodes (Table 23.8).
NOTE : ECT = electroconvulsive therapy. Adapted from Yatham et al. (2013).
New or change to recommendation.

mixed or involved psychotic symptoms (Keck, Versiani, Bipolar disorder is a chronic, highly recurrent, and, in
Warrington, Loebel, & Horne, 2009). Furthermore, evi- some cases, progressive illness. There are a myriad of
dence of efficacy for adjunctive risperidone was observed evidence-based pharmacological maintenance treatment
in a 24-week, open-label trial in 114 patients with mixed options to choose from for BD. Clinicians are advised to
or manic episodes, finding a significant reduction from recognize factors that negatively influence medication
adherence (e.g., side effects, patient factors, illness factors) as
these may improve treatment selection and discontinuation
Table 23.8 .  STR ENGTH OF EVIDENCE FOR MAINTE- by identifying individuals at greater risk of nonadherence.
NANCE TR EATMENTS OF BIPOLAR II DISOR DER Bipolar disorder often show pluri-potential courses that are
not deterministic but modifiable, some of which are open
to intervention and others that are not. It should also be
Lithium 2 noted that multiepisode recurrences in BD foster incident
Anticonvulsants comorbidity (e.g., neurocognitive impairment), which only
 Divalproax 3 synergizes the underlying pathological processes. Thus the
goals for maintenance therapy should include delaying or
 Lamotrigine 2 preventing recurrence of new mood episodes, reducing sub-
 Carbamazepine 3 syndromal symptoms and the risk of suicide, and promot-
ing psychosocial functioning. It is important to educate
 Gabapentin 4
patients about the chronic nature of BD and the need for
Atypical antipsychotics ongoing pharmacological maintenance therapy to optimize
  Adjunctive Risperidone 3 clinical outcomes.

Antidepressants Disclosure statement: Ms. Danielle S. Cha has no conflicts of

interest. Dr. Paul Kudlow has received no financial support
 Fluexetine 3 for the production of this book chapter. Dr.  Paul Kudlow
 Imiprarnine 2 (−ve) declares no conflicts of interest. Dr. Roger McIntyre has no
conflicts of interest. Dr.  Trisha Suppes has no conflicts of
Combination therapy
  Lithium + Imipramine 2 (−ve)

  Lithium + SSRI, Venlafaxine or Bupropion 4

Electroconvulsive therapy 4
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NOTE: SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. W. A., Frye, M. A., . . . Suppes, T. (2009). Impact of antidepressant

314   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
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318   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S

Gabriele Sani and Giacomo Salvadore

INTRODUCTION schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, or major

depression and prescribed suboptimal treatments such as
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a severe, lifelong illness charac- antidepressants. Pharmacological treatments, mainly anti-
terized by recurrent episodes of mania or hypomania and depressants, might be associated with iatrogenic complica-
depression, with variable interpolations of relatively asymp- tions that worsen the course of the illness, such as triggering
tomatic periods, called euthymic, during which, however, switch to the opposite polarity phase (Valentí et al., 2012),
some psychopathological symptoms may persist (Judd causing rapid cyclicity (Koukopoulos et  al., 2003), and
et  al., 2002; Judd et  al., 2003; Merikangas et  al., 2011). mixed states (Koukopoulos, Albert, Sani, Koukopoulos, &
Epidemiological studies estimate a lifetime prevalence Girardi, 2005).
of 0.6% to 1% for bipolar type I disorder (BD-I), 0.4% to There is also substantial evidence that the number of
1.1% for bipolar type II disorder (BD-II), and 2.4% to 5.1% previous affective episodes is a risk factor for episode recur-
for subthreshold BD (Judd & Akiskal, 2003, Merikangas rence, chronicity, and suicide. Appropriate treatment early
et al., 2007). on would likely decrease the risk for these negative out-
Although classic descriptions of patients affected by comes (Kessing & Andersen, 2005). Independent studies
manic-depressive illness reported generally positive out- have shown that both in major depression and BD, the
comes (Kraepelin, 1896), highlighting the absence of risk of episode recurrence increases as the number of pre-
progression into “dementia,” evidence from the past few vious  and new illness episodes increase (Kessing, 1998;
decades has provided a dramatically different clinical pic- Kessing & Andersen, 1999; Kessing, Hansen, Andersen, &
ture. Bipolar disorder is a condition with high rates of non- Angst, 2004) and that the treatment response rate decreases
recovery, recurrence, and chronicity and is one of the leading as the number of previous disease episodes increases (Berk
causes of disability worldwide due to psychosocial conse- et al., 2011).
quences, long-term unemployment, medical comorbidity, Finally, evidence from neuropsychological studies sug-
and suicide (Fagiolini, Frank, Scott, Turkin, & Kupfer, gests that degree of cognitive impairment, an aspect likely
2005; Sani et al., 2011). Furthermore, BD is a progressive to affect functioning, is significantly correlated with dura-
and accelerating condition, associated with neurostruc- tion of illness and the number of previous episodes (Kessing,
tural changes and cognitive deterioration (Martinez-Aran 1998; Martinez-Aran et al., 2004). Thus one way that early
et al., 2004). intervention in subjects vulnerable to BD might improve
Different levels of evidence suggest that it is impor- long-term outcome is by diminishing the number of affective
tant to identify individuals at risk for developing BD recurrences. It is therefore necessary to recognize persons at
before full-blown illness is manifest. There is typically a risk of developing BD as early as possible in order to avoid mis-
several-year lag between the appearance of the first clini- diagnosis/mistreatments and possibly intercept disease course
cal symptoms and the correct diagnosis of BD (Ghaemi, and prevent negative long-term outcome. Unfortunately, this
Boiman, & Goodwin, 2000). Patients with BD are often effort is made difficult by the nature of the disorder itself. It is
misdiagnosed early in course of illness as suffering from now well established that BD evolves in evident clinical stages

from nonspecific disorders (such as anxiety or sleep disorders), clinical predictors of BD and to evaluate their predictive
to subthreshold mood instability, and then to a major disorder, value. These authors found that precursors of BD, mainly
typically depression, in adolescence (Duffy, Alda, Hajek, & manic or depressive symptoms, emotional instability, over-
Grof, 2009). Moreover, some disorders, like attention deficit arousal, dysregulation of sleep and activity, and dysthymic
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), share several clinical signs and cyclothymic traits, typically arise years prior to syndromal
and symptoms with BDs and are sometimes difficult to dis- onset, often with clinically significant morbidity and disabil-
tinguish (Skirrow, Hosang, Farmer, & Asherson, 2012). The ity. Interestingly, prospective findings regarding precursors of
complex pathologic process called “bipolar disorder” is con- BD were found generally consistent with retrospective and
stituted by heterogeneous phases. It is possible to state that family-risk studies.
BD includes not only the classical three phases of depression, As shown by a recent retrospective study, subthreshold
(hypo)mania, and symptom-free interval (or euthymia) but symptoms usually represent attenuated forms of full-blown
also different phenomenological presentations during the manic and depressive episodes (Correll et al., 2007). These
lifespan. In other words, we can state that different pheno- include mood lability, increased energy with lack of impulse
types stem into the same genotype. This modern knowledge control, hyperactivity, racing thoughts, and disinhibition
incredibly resembles Aretaeus’ observation made almost (Correll et al., 2007; Egeland, Hostetter, Pauls, & Sussex,
2,000 years ago: “The modes and species of Mania are myriad, 2000; Thompson et  al., 2003; Yung & McGorry, 1996).
but the genus only one.” (Aretaeus, I sec DC). In this essence, Other studies have suggested that, when patients present
we fully share Jamison’s (1995) view: “the word ‘bipolar’ seems with a first episode of major depression, a personal history
to me to obscure and minimize the illness it is supposed to of labile mood, fluctuating symptoms, sleep inefficiency,
represent.” and family history of BD may help distinguish BD patients
The debate over whether to intervene early in patients from those with major depression. Other symptoms that
who display subsyndromal symptoms or who appear to might suggest the presence of an underlying bipolar dia-
be at high risk for psychotic disorders has raised obvious thesis are early age of onset, psychomotor retardation, and
ethical and methodological issues. Although there is now atypical symptoms (Goodwin & Jamison, 2007). A recent
a general consensus that targeted early intervention is help- large prospective study in 3,024 subjects ages 14 to 24 years
ful, the question remains of how early is too early and, in showed that the presence of individual bipolar symptoms
addition, what constitutes the most appropriate treatment as well as their persistence across time was associated with
(Scott & Meyer, 2007). These are extremely challenging increased likelihood of a full-blown bipolar episodes at the
questions, also in light of the fact that prodromal symp- 10-year follow-up and higher mental health-care resources
toms have in general low specificity and that only a small utilization (Tijssen et al., 2010); however, the risk of devel-
proportion of young individuals who display mood lability, oping a (hypo)manic episode at follow-up was overall small
sleep disturbances, or other attenuated clinical features end (i.e., 1.6%–2.3% for subjects with increasing loading of
up developing BD (Parker, 2010). bipolar symptoms and 2.4% in the case of persistence of
symptoms across two visits).
It remains unclear at this time whether exposing subjects
E A R LY S TAG E B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R with these attenuated and nonspecific symptoms to phar-
C L I N IC A L R E S E A RC H macological and nonpharmacological interventions would
lead to benefits that outweigh the potential risks associated
with drug treatment, especially in light of the low predic-
tive power and specificity of prodromal symptoms (Parker,
Clinically detecting the prodromal phase of BD in the 2010). More studies are needed to address this later point.
general population is a very challenging paradigm; natu-
ralistic studies showed that full-blown bipolar symptoms
that require medical care are usually preceded by subtle,
attenuated symptoms up to 10 years before the acute onset An intriguing approach to better understand early phases of
of the illness, even though some studies have described a BD is studying populations at risk of developing BD, such as
much shorter prodromal period (reviewed in Skjelstad the offspring of families in which one or both parents have
et al., 2010). BD (Chang, Steiner, Dienes, Adleman, & Ketter, 2003).
Recently, Faedda and collaborators (Faedda et  al., Twins and family studies, in fact, report that the disorder
2014)  reviewed prospective studies to characterize affective has a 59% to 87% heritability, and first-degree relatives of

3 2 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
probands with BD are at very high risk for BD themselves for BD (AR-BD; i.e., twins or offspring of subjects with a
(Smoller & Finn, 2003). Concordance rates among mono- BD diagnosis). We do not discuss findings in patients who
zygotic twins average 57% and among dizygotic twins 14% have already experienced a first episode of mania; these are
(Alda, 1997). Twins and adoption studies empirically sup- reviewed comprehensively in other publications (Salvadore,
port the notion that genetic factors are the vulnerability fac- Drevets, Henter, Zarate, & Manji, 2008a, 2008b).
tors with the largest effect size (Barnett & Smoller, 2009).
These studies suggest that offspring of parents with
BD have a four-fold increased risk of developing any mood N E U ROP S YC HOL O G IC A L S T U DI E S I N
disorder compared with the general population, as well T H E OFF S PR I NG A N D U N A FF E C T E D
as increased risk for other psychiatric disorders such as T W I N S OF   PROB A N D S W I T H
ADHD, anxiety disorders, or disruptive disorders (Lapalme, B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
Hodgins, & LaRoche, 1997). The range of estimates for the
risk of BD in high-risk populations is wide (3%–50%) but Neuropsychological impairment is one of the most salient
is consistently much higher than in the general popula- aspects of BD and is also present during periods of prolonged
tion (1.6%–2.1%) (Kessler et al., 2005; Merikangas et al., euthymia (Martinez-Aran et al., 2004). Almost a decade ago,
2007) and varies depending on the length of observation neuropsychological impairment was proposed as a potential
and the operational criteria applied (e.g., whether or not endophenotype of BD because it met the key prerequisite
to consider bipolar spectrum diagnoses). In addition, the associated with endophenotype definition (i.e., heritability,
morbidity risk of major affective disorder of first-degree association with the illness, independence from clinical state,
relatives of a bipolar patient is about 23% (about 9% bipolar cosegregation with the illness within a family with some
and 14% major depressive disorder; Smoller & Finn, 2003), degree of impairment present in first-degree relatives; Glahn,
and the estimated risk for illness is 10-fold the risk of indi- Bearden, Niendam, & Escamilla, 2004). At that time, there
viduals in control families (McGuffin et al., 2003). were only a handful of published studies about neuropsycho-
In addition, there is now accumulating published evi- logical functioning in subjects at risk for BD, which were
dence that high-risk subjects have impaired neuropsy- indicative of a possible impairment in the domains of verbal
chological function compared to healthy controls (HCs) memory and executive function in high-risk subjects.
in some specific cognitive domain (e.g., executive func- A meta-analysis of neuropsychological studies in
tion, memory), which are usually also impaired—albeit first-degree relatives of probands with BD that summarized
by greater extent—in subjects with full-blown BD (Arts, findings from 14 studies across several cognitive domains
Jabben, Krabbendam, & van Os, 2008). showed a significant impairment in executive function and ver-
Unfortunately, most studies of high-risk populations bal memory (immediate recall), albeit with a small effect size
for BD have several limitations: small sample sizes, retro- (Arts et al., 2008), confirming previous observations. Subjects
spective and descriptive designs, and lack of data about with BD showed deficits across several domains, including
which symptoms are the most informative predictors for working memory, sustained attention, concept shifting, and
developing BD in the follow-up period. Additionally, mental speed. Interestingly, the domains that were impaired
most relatives of individuals with BD do not develop BD in high-risk subjects (i.e, executive function, verbal memory)
(Smoller & Finn, 2003). showed a large effect size in subjects with full-blown disorder,
In addition to genetic vulnerability and cognitive further supporting their validity as candidate endophenotypes.
functioning, other biological markers have been studied A subsequent meta-analysis, which included a slightly
to strengthen the predictability of the development of higher number of studies, showed neuropsychological defi-
BD. Neuroimaging studies indicate functional and struc- cits in high-risk subjects in executive function and verbal
tural impairment in BD patients (Pan, Keener, Hassel, & memory, as well as sustained attention, response inhibi-
Phillips, 2009). However, it is still unclear whether these tion, and set shifting (Bora, Yucel, & Pantelis, 2009). The
abnormalities precede the onset of the BD or are due to the effect sizes reported were all small, with the exception of a
chronicity of the disease or to the medical treatment. For moderate effect size in the Stroop task (d = 0.51). Deficits
these reasons, these findings are not helpful in improving in processing speed, visual memory, and verbal fluency were
the predictability of the illness. found only in BD subjects; a secondary analysis that took
In the following we review findings from neuropsy- into account the medication status at the time of testing
chological studies and studies with different imaging showed a potential confounding effect of current medica-
modalities that have been performed in subjects at risk tions on processing speed. Another more recent study with

I mproving E arly D iagnosis   •   3 21

a relatively large sample size in patients with familial, psy- A few twin studies have investigated cognitive func-
chotic BD, their non-BD, nonpsychotic relatives, and con- tion in nonaffected twins of probands with BD. In one of
trols failed to detect significant impairment in sustained the first twin cognitive studies in BD, Gourovitch and col-
attention in at-risk relatives (Walshe et al., 2012). leagues (1999) found that the unaffected twins performed
A large-scale study in 45 families with at least two significantly worse than HCs on measures of verbal learn-
siblings with BD investigated neuropsychological func- ing and memory. Similar impairment in verbal learning
tioning with a comprehensive computerized cognitive and memory has also been reported in nonaffected female
battery in 230 subjects with a broad bipolar phenotype twins by an independent study (Kieseppä et  al., 2005);
(i.e., BD-I, BD-II, BD–not otherwise specified, schizoaf- studies that have investigated other cognitive domains
fective bipolar), 243 unaffected first-degree, 86 unaf- in twins discordant for BD report negative or conflict-
fected second-degree, and 42 unaffected third-degree ing results:  for example, no deficits in spatial working
relatives of BD subjects (Glahn et  al., 2010). All but 2 memory was detected in a study 22 bipolar patients, 16
of the 22 neuropsychological measures assessed in that of unaffected co-twins, and 100 controls (Pirkola et  al.,
study were found to be heritable; non-BD first-degree 2005). Impairment in response inhibition using the
relatives showed impairment in processing speed, work- Stroop test has been described by Juselius, Kieseppä,
ing memory, and facial memory with a moderate to large Kaprio, Lönnqvist, and Tuulio-Henriksson (2009), but
effect size (d  =  0.50–0.86). Those domains overall were it was not replicated in an independent study (Kravariti
shown to be heritable, impaired in individuals with the et al., 2009).
illness and their nonbipolar relatives, and genetically cor- In summary, several independent reports have described
related with affection status and thus promising candi- mild deficits in memory and executive function in AR-BD
date endophenotypes. subjects. These deficits are likely to be influenced by the
However, whether first-degree relatives of subjects with presence of psychosis in the family, as well as the degree
BD show cognitive impairment compared to healthy sub- of subthreshold symptoms and the sensitivity of the neu-
jects is still a controversial topic, as conflicting results also ropsychological test battery utilized. The few reports that
exist in the literature. For example Jabben and colleagues have included first-degree relatives of SSD subjects in the
(2012) investigated attention and memory in probands same study consistently indicate that, even when present,
with schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD) or BD and the cognitive impairment in AR-BD subjects is of a smaller
their first-degree relatives and found no evidence of impair- magnitude than the one detected in first-degree relatives
ment in relatives of BD subjects compared to HCs, while of SSD subjects. In future studies it will be important to
relatives of subjects with SSD performed worse than con- investigate the temporal profile of cognitive performance
trols in measures of verbal memory and sustained attention in AR-BD subjects through longitudinal studies, as well as
(Jabben et al., 2012). the relationship with the development of clinically relevant
A recent report from the Bipolar and Schizophrenia symptoms.
Network on Intermediate Phenotypes (B-SNIP) Study,
which is a large-scale consortium to investigate diagnostic
boundaries and candidate intermediate phenotypes in pro-
bands with SSD or BD with psychosis and their relatives,
found that first-degree relatives of BD subjects (n = 259)
were no different from controls (n = 295) on the neuro-
psychological measures captured by the Brief Assessment
of Cognition in Schizophrenia battery (Hill et al., 2013).
However, while relatives of probands with SSD showed S T RUC T U R A L I M AG I NG
neuropsychological impairment regardless of the presence
Volumetric studies
of elevated cluster A or B personality traits, first-degree rela-
tives of BD subjects with higher cluster A or B personal- Most of the studies in the literature are cross-sectional in
ity traits had worse cognitive performance than HCs. This design and involve mono- or dizygotic twins or first- or
suggests that the mechanism underlying familiar transmis- second-degree relatives of BD patients (AR-BD group).
sion of cognitive impairment might be different across SSD Table 24.1 presents the main findings from the reviewed
and BD. articles.

3 2 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Gray matter studies no differences were apparent in a priori regions of inter-
est, such as the amygdala and the orbitomedial prefrontal
In a twin study, Noga, Vladar, and Torrey (2001) found a
bilateral increase in volume of the caudate nucleus in BD
Hajek and colleagues (2009) found increased caudate
twins and in their well co-twins compared to HCs, while
volume in the AR-BD subjects compared to controls, fail-
right hippocampal volume was smaller in the sick versus
ing to find any other differences in subgenual cingulate
well bipolar twins. However, reduced hippocampal vol-
(Hajek et al., 2008a, 2010), pituitary (Hajek et al., 2008b),
ume was not detected by the majority of investigators who
putamen (Hajek et al., 2009), and amygdala (Hajek et al.,
performed volumetric studies in individuals at risk for
2009). Other independent studies confirmed that pituitary
BD (Connor et al., 2004, Hajek et al., 2009, Karchemskiy
alterations do not reflect genetic predisposition to BD but
et al., 2011; Kempton et al, 2009, McDonald et al. 2006;
rather may be associated with disease expression for BD
McIntosh et al., 2004).
(Mondelli et  al., 2008; Takahashi et  al., 2010). Finally,
McDonald et al. (2004) used voxel-based morphometry
no significant differences were found in the studies that
(VBM) to investigate volumetric differences between BD
investigated structural abnormalities in the prefrontal
patients, their first-degree relatives, and HCs. Their find-
cortex, thalamus, striatum, and amygdala (Karchemskiy
ings suggest that a genetic risk for BD is associated with a
et al., 2011; Kempton et al., 2009; Singh, Delbello, Adler,
decrease of gray matter (GM) in the right anterior cingulate
Stanford, & Strakowski, 2008).
gyrus and the ventral striatum and decrease of white mat-
ter (WM) volume in bilateral frontal, left temporoparietal,
and right parietal regions, and in the anterior corpus cal-
White matter volumetric studies
losum. In a follow-up study, the same authors also found a
trend toward larger cerebral volume in AR-BD compared A few studies have investigated WM volumetric abnor-
to HCs (McDonald et al., 2006). Forcada and colleagues malities in AR-BD subjects using VBM or other semiau-
(2011) employed the same technique without finding any tomated morphometric techniques. Kieseppä et al. (2003)
significant morphometric difference between the groups, found decreased left hemispheric WM volume both in
while Hajek and colleagues (2012) found a significant and AR-BD and BD twins, suggesting that this alteration may
common GM volume increase in right inferior frontal reflect genetic factors predisposing to the disorder. In two
gyrus both in AR-BD and BD groups compared to healthy subsequent studies, van der Schot and colleagues (2009,
subjects. 2010) found decreased WM density in the superior longi-
McIntosh et al. (2004, 2005, 2006) conducted several tudinal fasciculus bilaterally, as well as GM density in the
VBM studies and reported that the only brain abnormality right medial frontal gyrus, precentral gyrus, and insula. In
present both in AR-BD and BD group was a reduction of addition,
GM density in the left anterior thalamus, as compared to Decreased WM volume in the medial prefrontal cor-
HCs. Other abnormalities were present only in BD (ante- tex in AR-BD but not in BD subjects has been reported
rior limb of internal capsule reduction), or in the AR-BD recently by Matsuo and colleagues (Matsuo et  al., 2012).
group (GM density reduction in the caudate), compared Also, no evidence of size or shape alterations of the corpus
to HCs. callosum in AR-BD subjects has been found in a study that
In a recent VBM study that used a preprocessing compared callosal morphometry in 70 BD, 45 AR-BD, and
algorithm that provides more accurate segmentation 75 HC subjects (Walterfang et al., 2009).
(i.e., Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration Through Finally, three studies have qualitatively studied the
Exponentiated Lie algebra, or DARTEL), Matsuo and presence of brain alterations in patients and their relatives.
colleagues (2012) found reduced left anterior insular GM Ahearn and colleagues (1998), studying a family with a
volume in BD and AR-BD subjects. This finding conflicts substantial history of BDs, first observed that all bipo-
with previous evidence of increased left insular GM volume lar patients and 60% of their healthy relatives had either
in AR-BD subjects described by Kempton et  al. (2009) WM or subcortical gray nuclei lesions. Gulseren, Gurcan,
using VBM. Ladouceur and colleagues (2008) used VBM Gulseren, Gelal, and Erol (2006) noticed a higher pres-
to compare GM volume in bipolar offspring and HC sub- ence of subcortical, but not deep or periventricular, WM
jects and found increased GM volume in the left parahip- hyperintensities in bipolar patients (67%), compared to
pocampal/hippocampal gyrus in the AR-BD group while their unaffected siblings (17%) or HCs (33%). In a more

I mproving E arly D iagnosis   •   3 2 3




Ahearn et al., 10 unaffected family members 9 family members with BD 1.5 T Whole brain 6 AR-BD (60%) had lesions in the subcortical gray
1998 of BD pts F: not reported Qualitative nuclei, 1 had a WM lesion.
F: not reported Mean age: 47 (range 20–65) All 9 BD (100%) had MRI findings: 4 had deep
Mean age: 38.5 (range 12–66) Other Axis I diagnoses: none WM changes and 8 had lesions of the subcortical
Other Axis I diagnoses: none 2 family members with MDD gray nuclei.
(F: not reported) Neither of the 2 (0%) family members with MDD had
Mean age: 27 (range 20–54) MRI findings.
Other Axis I diagnoses: none
Noga et al., 6 unaffected MZ twins 6 MZ twins with BD 1.5 T Basal ganglia: striatum (bilateral AR-BD vs HC: ↑ bilateral caudate nuclei, no differ-
2001 of BD pts F: 83% ROI ­caudate nuclei and putamen/globus ences in hemispheric volume;
F: 83% Mean age: 34.5 (SD: 10.5) pallidus); AR-BD vs BD: ↓ right caudate nuclei,
Mean age: 34.5 (SD: 10.5) Other Axis I diagnoses: none bilateral amygdala-hippocampus; ↑ right hippocampus, > rightward asymmetry
Other Axis I diagnoses: none 22 (11 pairs) healthy MZ twins HC cerebral hemispheric volumes in the hippocampus, no differences in hemispheric
F: 83% volume;
Mean age: 29.9 (SD: 10.3) BD vs HC: ↑ bilateral caudate nuclei, < rightward
Other Axis I diagnoses: none asymmetry in the hippocampus, no differences in
hemispheric volume.

Kieseppä 15 unaffected twins of BD pts 24 twins with BD I 1 T Bilateral ventricles, frontal and AR-BD vs HC: ↓ left hemispheric WM, no changes in
et al., 2003 F: 60% F: 45.8% ROI ­temporal lobes GM or ventricular volume;
Mean age: 44.5 (range Mean age: 44.4 (range 41.2– 47.6) AR-BD vs BD: no WM or GM differences;
40.9–48.2) Other Axis I diagnoses: 29.2% lifetime BD vs HC: ↓ bilateral hemispheric WM, no changes in
Other Axis I diagnoses: 13.3% alcohol dependence, 4.2% current GM or ventricular volume.
lifetime alcohol dependence, alcohol dependence, 29.2% lifetime
13.3% lifetime anxiety dis- anxiety disorder
order. 27 healthy twins HC
F: 48.1%
Mean age: 46.7 (range 44–49.6)
Other Axis I diagnoses: 11.1% lifetime
alcohol dependence, 3.7% current a
lcohol dependence, 3.7% lifetime
anxiety disorder

Connor et al., 54 FDR of BD pts 39 BD 1.5 T Hippocampus AR-BD vs BD vs HC: no significant differences.
2004 F: 52% F: 61% ROI
Mean age: 44 (SD: 16) Mean age: 41 (SD: 12)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none 219 HC F: 47%
Mean age: 34 (SD: 12)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

McDonald 50 FDR of BD pts 37 BD 1.5 T Whole brain Genetic risk for bipolar disorder is associated with:
et al., 2004 F: 52% F: 59.5% VBM ↓ GM in the right anterior cingulate gyrus and
Mean age: 44.1 (SD: 15.7) Mean age: 40.7 (SD: 11.6) ventral striatum, and ↓ WM in the bilateral frontal, left
Other Axis I diagnoses: 18% Other Axis I diagnoses: none temporoparietal, and right parietal regions, and in the
(mostly MDD) anterior corpus callosum.
McIntosh 22 FDR or SDR of BD pts 26 BD 1.5 T Whole brain (SVC: amygdala, AR-BD vs HC: ↓ in left anterior thalamic and caudate
et al., 2004 F: 59% F: 46% VBM hippocampus, thalamus) GM density;
Mean age: 34.7 (SD: 12.6) Mean age: 40.5 (SD: 12.1) AR-BD vs BD: No significant differences;
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Other Axis I diagnoses: none BD vs HC: ↓ in bilateral anterior thalamic GM density.
49 HC
F: 53%
Mean age: 35.3 (SD: 11.1)
Left-handed: 6%
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

McIntosh 22 FDR or SDR of BD pts 26 BD 1.5 T Whole brain (SVC: frontal subgyral AR-BD vs HC: No significant differences;
et al., 2005 F: 59% F: 46% VBM WM, ALIC) AR-BD vs BD: Not tested;
Mean age: 34.7 (SD: 12.6) Mean age: 40.5 (SD: 12.1) BD vs HC: ↓ in left ALIC
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Other Axis I diagnoses: none
49 HC
F: 53%
Mean age: 35.3 (sd:11.1)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

Gulseren 12 FDR of BD pts 12 BD 0.5 T Frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital AR-BD vs HC: ↑ presence of deep WM hyperintensi-
et al., 2006 F: 50% F: 33.3% Qualitative lobe, internal capsule ties in the right cerebral hemisphere;
Mean age: 29.5 (SD: 5.8) Mean age: 30.9 (SD: 3.6) BD vs AR-BD: ↑ presence of subcortical WM hyperin-
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Other Axis I diagnoses: none tensities in the right cerebral hemisphere;
12 HC BD vs HC: ↑ presence of deep WM hyperintensities in
F: 33% the right cerebral hemisphere, ↑ presence of subcortical
Mean age: 30.4 (SD: 3.6) WM hyperintensities in the right cerebral hemisphere.
Left-handed: not reported
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

McDonald 52 FDR of BD pts 38 BD 1.5 T Cerebral volume, bilateral ventricular AR-BD vs HC: no significant differences in ventricular
et al., 2006 F: 52% F: 60.5% ROI volume, third ventricular volume, or hippocampal volume; trend toward larger cerebral
Mean age: 44 (SD: 15.4) Mean age: 41 (SD: 11.7) bilateral hippocampus volume in AR-BD;
Other Axis I diagnoses: 19.3% Other Axis I diagnoses: 21.1% lifetime AR-BD vs BD: no significant differences;
MDD, 3.8% lifetime alcohol alcohol or substance abuse or depen- BD vs HC: no significant differences.
or substance abuse or depen- dence
dence, 1,9% PAD without 54 healthy subjects HC
agoraphobia F: 64%
Mean age: 40.2 (SD: 15.3)
Other Axis I diagnoses: 21.1% lifetime
alcohol or substance abuse or
dependence, 9.2% MDD

McIntosh 22 FDR or SDR of BD pts 26 BD 1.5 T Whole brain (SVC: prefrontal cortex, AR-BD vs BD: no structural deficits related with an
et al., 2006 F: 59% F: 46% VBM temporal lobe, amygdala-hippocampal increased liability to BD were found.
Mean age: 34.7 (SD: 12.6) Mean age: 40.5 (SD: 12.1) complex, thalamus)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Other Axis I diagnoses: none

Table 24 .1.  CONTINUED



Hajek et al., 24 unaffected FDR or SDR 19 affected FDR or SDR of BD pts 1.5 T Subgenual cingulate AR-BD vs affected subjects vs HC: no significant dif-
2008 of BD pts F: 73.7% ROI ferences.
F: 62.5% Mean age: 21.3 (SD: 3.5)
Mean age: 19.8 (SD: 3.2) Axis I diagnoses: 52.6% MDD, 15.7%
Other Axis I diagnoses: none BD-I, 15.7% BD-II, 5.2% BD-NOS,
5.2% dysthymia, 5.2% psychosis NOS.
31 HC
F: 64.5%
Mean age: 20.6 (SD: 3.3)
Left-handed: 10%
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

Hajek et al., 24 unaffected FDR or SDR 19 affected FDR or SDR of BD pts 1.5 T Pituitary AR-BD vs affected subjects vs HC: no significant dif-
2008 of BD pts F: 73.7% ROI ferences.
F: 62.5% Mean age: 21.3 (SD: 3.5)
Mean age: 19.8 (SD: 3.2) Axis I diagnoses: 52.6% MDD, 15.7%
Other Axis I diagnoses: none BD-I, 15.7% BD-II, 5.2% BD-NOS,
5.2% dysthymia, 5.2% psychosis NOS.
31 HC
F: 64.5%
Mean age: 20.6 (SD: 3.3)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

Ladouceur 20 FDR of BD pts 22 HC 3 T Whole brain (SVC: amygdala, AR-BD vs HC: ↑ GM volume in left parahippocampal
et., 2008 F: 55% F: 68% VBM OMPFC) gyrus, extending into left hippocampus.
Mean age: 13 (SD: 2.7) Mean age: 14 (SD: 2.6)
Other Axis I diagnoses: 10% Other Axis I diagnoses: none
anxiety disorder

Mondelli et., 24 FDR of BD pts 29 BD patients 1.5 T Pituitary AR-BD vs BD vs HC: no significant differences.
2008 F: 50% F: 62% ROI
Mean age: 42.2 (SD: 2.6) Mean age: 40.5 (SD: 3.5)
Other Axis I diagnoses: 21.1% Other axis I diagnoses: 21.1% regular
regular cannabis use cannabis use.
46 HC
F: 52%
Mean age: 39.7 (SD: 2.2)
Other Axis I diagnoses: 28.3% regular
cannabis use.

Singh et al., 21 FDR of BD pts 24 HC F:54% 1.5 T PFC, thalamus, striatum, amygdala AR-BD vs HC: no significant differences.
2008 F: 43% Mean age: 10.1 (SD: 1.5) ROI
Mean age: 9.7 (SD: 1.5) Other Axis I diagnoses: none
Other Axis I diagnoses: 24%
anxiety disorder, 19% MDD,
19% ADHD, 14% dysthymia,
9.5% ODD, 9.5% cyclothymia

Kempton 50 FDR of BD pts 30 BD patients 1.5 T Whole brain (ROI: amygdala, anterior AR-BD vs HC: ↑ volume of left insula.
et al., 2009 F: 52% F: 50% VBM + and posterior cingulate, subgenual AR-BD vs BD: ↓volume of substantia nigra;
Mean age: 33.8 (SD: 12.7) Mean age: 39.4 (SD: 9.8) ROI PFC, hippocampus) BD vs HC: ↑ volume of left insula, ↑ volume of
Other Axis I diagnoses: 28% Other Axis I diagnoses: none substantia nigra.
MDD 52 HC AR-BD without MDD vs BD and HC: ↑ volume
F: 48% of left cerebellum.
Mean age: 35.2 (SD: 13.0) AR-BD with MDD vs BD and HC: no significant
Other Axis I diagnoses: none. difference in left cerebellum volume.

Hajek et al., 26 FDR or SDR of BD pts 20 affected FDR or SDR of BD pts 1.5 T Caudate, putamen AR-BD vs HC: ↑ caudate volume;
2009 F: 65.4% F: 75% ROI AR-BD vs affected subjects: no significant
Mean age: 19.6 (SD: 3.1) Mean age: 21.0 (SD: 3.7) differences;
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Axis I diagnoses: 55% MDD, 15% BD-I, Affected subjects vs HC: no significant
15% BD-II, 5% BD-NOS, 5% dysthy- differences.
mia, 5% psychosis NOS
31 HC
F: 64.5%
Mean age: 20.6 (sd:3.3)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

Hajek et al., 26 FDR or SDR of BD pts 20 affected FDR or SDR of BD pts 1.5 T Hippocampus, amygdala AR-BD vs affected subjects vs HC: no significant
2009 F: 65.4% F: 75% ROI differences.
Mean age: 19.6 (SD: 3.1) Mean age: 21.0 (sd:3.7)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Axis I diagnoses: 55% MDD, 15% BD-I,
15% BD-II, 5%, BD-NOS, 5% dys-
thymia, 5% psychosis NOS
31 HC
F: 64.5%
Mean age: 20.6 (SD: 3.3)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

Walterfang 45 FDR of BD pts 70 BD patients 1.5 T Corpus callosum AR-BD vs HC: no significant differences;
et al., 2009 F: 51.1% F: 52.8% ROI BD vs AR-BD: ↓ CC area and thickness;
Mean age: 34.8 (SD: 12.5) Mean age: 43.6 (SD: 11.8) BD vs HC: ↓ CC area and thickness.
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Other axis I diagnoses: none
75 HC
F: 48%)
Mean age: 36.1 (SD: 13.5)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

Table 24 .1.  CONTINUED



van der Schot 37 MZ or DZ twins of BD pts 63 MZ or DZ twins with BD pts 1.5 T GM and WM of cerebrum, lateral and Decrease in WM volume is related to the genetic
et al., 2009 F: not reported F: not reported ROI third ventricular volume, cerebellum risk of developing bipolar disorder.
Mean age: 40.6 (SD: not Mean age: 40.6 (SD: not reported)
reported) Other Axis I diagnoses:
Other Axis I diagnoses: alcohol use disorder, borderline person-
alcohol use disorder, bor- ality disorder, depressive disorder NOS,
derline personality disorder, dissociative disorder NOS, MDD,
depressive disorder NOS, mood disorder due to hyperthyroidism,
dissociative disorder NOS, OCD, PAD without agoraphobia, per-
MDD, mood disorder due to sonality disorder NOS, schizophrenia
hyperthyroidism, OCD, PAD (paranoid type)
without agoraphobia, person- 134 unaffected twins HC
ality disorder NOS, schizo- F: 57.4%
phrenia (paranoid type) Mean age: 39.0 (SD: not reported)
Left-handed: 14.1%
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

Hajek et al., 20 FDR of BD pts 15 affected offspring of BD pts 1.5 T Subgenual cingulate AR-BD vs affected subjects vs HC: no significant
2010 F: 55% F: 73.3% ROI differences.
Mean age: 20.2 (SD: 4.2) Mean age: 22.1 (SD: 4.8)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Axis I diagnoses: 40% MDD, 33.3%
BD-I, 26.6% BD-II
18 unaffected offspring of healthy
subjects HC
F: 61.1%
Mean age: 23.0 (SD: 3.5)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

van der Schot 36 MZ or DZ twins of BD pts 62 MZ or DZ twins with BD pts 1.5 T Whole brain The genetic risk to develop bipolar disorder was
et al., 2010 F: not reported F: not reported VBM related to decreased GM density in the right medial
Mean age: 40.3 (SD: not Mean age: 40.3 (SD: not reported) frontal gyrus, precentral gyrus and insula, and with
reported) Other Axis I diagnoses: decreased WM density in the SLF bilaterally.
Other Axis I diagnoses: alcohol use disorder, borderline
alcohol use disorder, personality disorder, depressive
borderline personality disorder NOS, dissociative
disorder, depressive disorder disorder NOS, MDD, mood disorder
NOS, dissociative disorder due to hyperthyroidism, OCD, PAD
NOS, MDD, mood disorder without agoraphobia, personality
due to hyperthyroidism, disorder NOS, schizophrenia (para-
OCD, PAD without agora- noid type).
phobia, personality disorder 134 unaffected twins HC
NOS, schizophrenia (para- F: 57.4%
noid type) Mean age: 39.0 (SD: not reported)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none
Takahashi 49 FDR of BD pts 29 BD patients 1.5 T Pituitary AR-BD vs HC: no significant differences;
et al., 2010 F: 53% F: 48.2% ROI BD vs AR-BD: ↑ pituitary volume;
Mean age: 33.9 (SD: 12.7) Mean age: 39.6 (SD: 9.9) BD vs HC: ↑ pituitary volume.
Other Axis I diagnoses: 30.6% Other axis I diagnoses: none
F: 46.1%
Mean age: 35.8 (SD: 13.6)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

Gunde et al., 44 FDR or SDR of BD pts 35 affected FDR or SDR of BD pts 1.5 T PVWMHs, AR-BD vs affected subjects vs HC: no significant
2011 F: 62.9% F: 74.1% Qualitative DWMHs, differences.
Mean age: 19.8 (SD: 3.6) Mean age: 21.3 (SD: 3.5) SCWMHs
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Axis I diagnoses: none
49 HC
F: 62.8%
Mean age: 21.5 (SD: 3.5)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none

Forcada et al, 27 FDR of BD pts 41 BD patients 1.5 T Whole brain AR-BD vs affected subjects vs BD: no significant
2011 F: 52%a F: 51.2% VBM differences in GM and WM volumes.
Mean age: 33.7 (SD: 12.7)a Mean age: 44.3 (SD: 11.8) WM volume was associated with functional outcome
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Other axis I diagnoses: none in BD patients, but not in their relatives.
23 affected FDR of BD pts F: 52%a
Mean age: 33.7 (SD: 12.7)a
Axis I diagnoses: 65.2% MDD, 26%
past SUD, 8.7% anxiety disorders

Karchemskiy 22 bipolar offspring 22 HC 3 T Amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus. AR-BD vs HC: no significant differences.
et al., 2011 F: 51.1% F: 51.1% ROI
Mean age: 31.8 (SD: not Mean age: 31.8 (SD: not reported)
reported) Other axis I diagnoses: none
Other Axis I diagnoses: 100%
ADHD, 40.9% MDD, 40.9%
ODD, 36.4% anxiety disorders

Table 24 .1.  CONTINUED



Hajek et al., 50 FDR of BD pts 36 affected offspring of BD pts 1.5 T GM in the cortical regions AR-BD + Affected subjects vs HC: ↑ GM volume
2012 F: 62% F: 72.2% VBM in rIFG.
Mean age: 19.8 (range 15–30) Mean age: 21.5 (range 15–30) BD vs HC: ↑ GM volume in rIFG.
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Axis I diagnoses: 52.7% MDD, 22.2%
BD-I, 19.4% BD-II, 11.1% anxiety dis-
orders, 8.3% SUD, 2.7% ADHD, 2,7%
49 HC
F: 63.2%
Mean age: 21.8 (range 15–30)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none
19 BD pts
F: 63.2%
Mean age: 26.5 (range 17–30)
Axis I diagnoses: 84.2% BD-I, 15.8%
BD-II, 15.7% anxiety disorders, 5.3%

Matsuo et al., 20 FDR of BD pts 35 BD-I pts 3 T Ventromedial AR-BD vs HC: ↓ GM volume in the left insula; ↓ WM
2012 F: 75% F:77.1% VBM with and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, volume in the right medial frontal white matter
Mean age: 46.2 (SD: 10.7) Mean age: 40.8 (SD: 9.2) DAR­T EL anterior cingulate, striatum, BD vs HC:↓ GM volume in the left insula; ↓ GM
Other Axis I diagnoses: none Axis I diagnoses: 17.1% anxiety dis- ROI hippocampus and amygdala volume in the right medial frontal gyrus
40 HC
F: 60%
Mean age: 41.6 (SD: 9.1)

NOTE: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ALIC = anterior limb of internal capsule; AR-BD = at risk for bipolar disorder; BD = bipolar disorder; CC = corpus callosum; DARTEL= diffeomorphic
anatomical registration through exponentiated lie algebra; DWMHs = deep white matter hyperintensities; F = female; FDR = first-degree relatives; GM = gray matter; HC= healthy controls; MDD = major depressive
disorder; MZ = monozygotic; DZ = dizygotic; NOS = not otherwise specified; OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder; ODD = oppositional defiant disorder; OMPFC = orbital medial prefrontal cortex; PAD = panic
attack disorder; PFC = prefrontal cortex; PVWMHs = periventricular white matter hyperintensities; rIFG = right inferior frontal gyrus; ROI = regions of interest; SCWMHs = subcortical white matter hyperintensi-
ties; SDR = second-degree relatives; SLF = superior longitudinal fasciculus; SUD = substance use disorders; SVC = small volume correction; VBM = voxel-based morphometry; WM = white matter.
Affected plus unaffected relatives.
recent study, however, Gunde and colleagues (2011) found but the magnitude of this reduction was less than that seen
a proportion of periventricular-, deep-, or subcortical WM between BD and HCs.
hyperintensities not significantly different between the The study by Chaddock and colleagues (2009) showed
unaffected high-risk, affected familial and control groups. data derived from 21 first-degree relative of patients
with BP-I (AR-BD), 19 patients with BD-I, and 18 HCs.
Comparing BD-I patients and HCs, the authors found a
significant reduction of FA in a bilateral frontal cluster,
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a quantitative, nonin- extending from deep frontal WM to include the genu of
vasive neuroimaging technique for assessing the integ- corpus callosum and a left lateralized portion of internal
rity of WM fiber tracts indirectly via measurement of the capsule, in a right temporal cluster, which extended superi-
directionality of water diffusion (fractional anisotropy orly toward the parietal lobe, as well as in a superior frontal
[FA]; Pierpaoli & Basser, 1996). FA reflects axonal diam- cluster. Between AR-BD and HCs, no significant difference
eter, axonal density, and fiber tract complexity (Beaulieu, was detected; however, a linear trend was confirmed within
2002). More specifically, reduced FA can be attributed to all clusters, indicating that the mean FA value of AR-BD
degradation of both myelin sheaths and axonal membranes is intermediate between to the BD patients and the HCs.
(Pierpaoli et al., 2001), abnormalities of myelin, or reduced Furthermore, independently of the clinical diagnosis, the
density of axonal fibers (Song et al., 2005). Mean diffusivity authors correlated the Genetic Liability Scale scores and
is another parameter that indicates the overall mean-squared FA. Chaddock and colleagues found a negative association
movement of water molecules (Neil, Miller, Mukherjee, & between Genetic Liability Scale score and FA in cerebel-
Hüppi, 2002) and reflects cellular density and extracellular lum and the brainstem, the temporal lobe bilaterally (corre-
volume (Sotak, 2004). Thus low FA and high mean diffu- sponding to the inferior and superior longitudinal fascicule
sivity is associated with less organized myelin and/or axonal and uncinate), bilateral deep frontal WM (extending to
structure (Pfefferbaum & Sullivan, 2005). the genu of corpus callosum corresponding to the anterior
Table 24.2 presents the main DTI findings from the regions of the fronto-occipital fasciculus), posterior brain
studies in AR-BD subjects. regions (corresponding to bilateral portions of the inferior
DTI imaging studies recruited first-degree relatives (; fronto-occipital and inferior longitudinal fasciculi), sple-
Chaddock et  al., 2009; Frazier et  al, 2007; Versace et  al., nium of corpus callosum, and corona radiata, and a positive
2010) and first- or second-degree relatives (in this case the association (in 11 clusters, with one cluster having a spatial
subjects must have at least two second-degree relatives threshold greater than 50 voxels) in left parietal WM, pos-
affected) of patients with BD (Sprooten et  al., 2011)  as terior to the splenium of corpus callosum.
AR-BD. With the exception of one study (Frazier et  al., Linke and colleagues (2013) provided further evidence
2007), where the subjects were psychiatric patients with of WM abnormalities as putative endophenotypes of
a nonbipolar Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental BD, as reduced FA in the right anterior limb of the inter-
Disorder (fourth edition [DSM-IV]) Axis I  diagnosis, all nal capsule and right uncinate fasciculus was detected in
subjects had no psychiatric diagnosis. Most of the studies both BD-I patients and their healthy first-degree relatives.
found consistent differences between AR-BD and their Furthermore, WM abnormalities were associated with
respective groups in WM integrity. impairment in executive function tasks (Linke et al., 2013).
Frazier and colleagues (2007) confirmed their a priori However, a recent large-scale DTI study conducted as
hypothesis, according to which AR-BD have findings part of the B-SNIP consortium in 82 BD psychotic subjects
similar to patients with BD but attenuated in magnitude. and 83 first-degree relatives found only minor WM tracts
Comparing BD to HCs, in fact, they found FA reduction abnormalities in AR-BD subjects (i.e., lower FA than the
in the superior frontal tracts of the bilateral superior lon- HCs in the left posterior corona radiate), while BD sub-
gitudinal fasciculus and cingulate-paracingulate in the left jects had widespread abnormalities that were distributed
orbital frontal cortex and the right corpus callosum body. in a similar pattern as schizophrenia patients (Skudlarski
Comparing BD to AR-BD, they found FA reduction in the et al., 2013).
right and left cingulate-paracingulate and a trend toward Versace and colleagues (2010) used probabilistic trac-
reduced FA in the left orbital frontal cortex and the right tography to investigate WM abnormalities in AR-BD com-
corpus callosum body in subjects with BD. Finally, com- pared to HCs. AR-BD subjects showed a linear decrease in
paring AR-BD and HCs, they found that FA was reduced FA and an increase in radial diffusivity with age in the left
bilaterally in the bilateral superior longitudinal fasciculus, corpus callosum and right inferior longitudinal fasciculus.

I mproving E arly D iagnosis   •   331




Frazier et al., 7 FDR of BD pts 10 BD 1.5T ROIs of any significant clusters BD vs HC: ↓FA superior frontal tracts in
2007 F: 43% F: 60% 6 non-collinear directions within SLF I and CG-PACwm, bilateral SLF I and CG-PACwm, left OFCwm
Mean age: 8.9 (SD:3.0) Mean age: 9.2 (SD:3.0) b=1125.28 s/mm2 established on a priori knowledge and the right CC3.
Other Axis I diagnoses: Anxiety Other Axis I diagnoses: ADHD ROI-based analysis of topographic human neuro- AR-BD vs HC: ↓ FA in bilateral SLF I
disorder 71.4%, ADHD 57,1%, 80%, C/ODD 80%, MD 70%, Non parametric statistics anatomy. BD vs AR-BD: ↓ FA in the right and left
C/ODD 42.9%, PTSD 14.3%, Anxiety disorder 60%, Psychosis FA measured SLF I contains WM of superior CG-PACwm; trend to↓ FA in left OFCwm,
Asperger’s disorder 14,3%. 40%, TD 20%. parietal lobule, percuneus, right CC3,
One AR-BD on medication All BD children on medications postcentral gyrus, and posterior
(stimulant). [antypsychotics (n:8); anticon- part of the superior frontal gyrus
vulsants (n:5); antidepressants as well as the supplementary
(n:3); alpha agonist (n:2); motor area.
benzodiazepines (n:1); atomox- CG-PACwm defined as tracts to/
etine (N:3)] from the anterior and posterior
8 HC cingulated and paracingulate
F:37.5% gyri.
Mean age 9.2 (SD:2.4)
Chaddock 21 FDR of BD-I pts F:43% 19 BD-I 1.5T Bilateral deep frontal white BD 1 vs HC: ↓ ↓ FA bilateral frontal cluster
et al., 2009 Mean age: 42.5 (SD: 13.6) F:52.6% 64 optimized directions uni- matter and genu of corpus extending from deep frontal WM to include
Mean age: 43.3 (SD: 10.2) formly ­callosum: corresponding the genu of corpus callosum and a left lat-
15 BD-I pts on medications distributed in space, to anterior portions of the eralized portion of internal capsule; a right
[antypsychotics (n:8); anticon- b=1300 s/mm2 fronto-occipital fasciculus and temporal cluster which extended superiorly
vulsans (n:5); antidepressants Voxel-by-voxel analysis superior longitudinal fasciculus. towards the parietal lobe; and a superior
(n:3); alpha agonist (n:2); Non-parametric statistics Superior frontal white matter: frontal cluster.
benzodiazepines (n:1); atomox- Mean T2-weighted and FA corresponding to the superior AR-BD vs HC: no significant difference in
etine (N:3)] measured longitudinal fasciculus and FA was detected; however, a linear trend was
18 HC corona radiata. confirmed within all clusters, indicating that
F:44.4% Parietotemporal junction: the mean FA value of AR-BD is intermediary
Mean age: 41.7 (SD: 12.2) ­incorporating temporal white to the BD 1 and HC.
matter and extending to parieto/ ↑ GLS associated to ↓ FA in cerebellum and
occipital regions: correspond- brainstem, bilateral temporal lobe, bilateral
ing to the inferior longitudinal deep frontal WM, posterior brain regions,
fasciculus and posterior portions splenium of corpus callosum and corona
of the inferior fronto-occipital radiata.
fasciculus ↑ GLS associated to ↑ FA in left parietal

Versace et al., 20 FDR of BD pts 25 HC 3T Corpus callosum. Left CC: positive relation between FA and
2010 F:55% F:72% 6 non-coplanar directions Inferior longitudinal fasciculus. age in HC, and negative relation in HBO;
Mean age:13.2 (SD:2.5) Mean age:13.9 (SD:2.6) b=850 s/mm2 negative relation between age and RD in HC
FDR of HC with no Axis I dis- TBSS analysis and positive relation in HBO.
order. Non-parametric statistics ILF in the temporal lobe: positive relation
FA, RD and LD measured. between age and FA in the right ILF in
HC, no relation in HBO; negative relation
between age and RD in HC, no relation
in HBO.
Positive relation between age and LD in HC,
negative relation in HBO in the visual cortex.
HBO vs HC: ↑ FA and ↓ RD in CC; ↓ RD in
right ILF; ↑ LD in the visual cortex.

Sprooten et al., 117 FDR of BD-I pts 79 HC 1.5T Whole skeleton AR-BD vs HC: ↓ FA in one large diffuse
2011 F:53% F:53.2% 64 non-collinear directions cluster extending over most of the WM
Mean age:21.03 (SD:2.75) Mean age:20.78 (SD:2.27) b=1000 s/mm2 skeleton, including the corpus callosum,
No difference in history No difference in history TBSS analysis internal and external capsules (including
of SUD compared to of SUD compared to Non parametric/parametric anterior thalamic radiations), inferior and
HC group. AR-BD group statistics superior longitudinal fasciculi, inferior
FA values with DTIFIT fronto-occipital fasciculi, uncinate
fasciculi, parts of the corticospinal tract, and
subcortical WM around the central sulci.
CT and FA: negative association in the
internal capsules bilaterally connected via
deep subthalamic white
matter and in the left hemisphere con-
tained several fronto-temporal and
fronto-thalamic connections, including
the external capsule, inferior longitudinal
fasciculus, anterior parts of the left arcuate
fasciculus, dorsal left uncinate fasciculus, as
well as left occipital white matter.

Linke et al., 22 FDR of BD-I pts 22 HC 3.0 T Anterior limb of internal AR-BD vs HC: ↓ FA and ↑ RD in the right
2013 F: 50% F: 50% 40 noncollinear directions ­capsule ALIC; ↓ FA in the right UF
Mean age: 28 (SD: 11) Mean age: 28 (SD:10) b = 1000 sec/mm² Uncinate fasciculus
TBSS analysis Corpus callosum
ROI-based analysis
Permutation statistics
FA, LD, RD, and the mode
of anisotropy also analyzed

Skudlarski 83 FDR of psychotic BD-I 104 HC Two different scanners 29 pre-specified regions AR-BD vs HC: ↓ FA in the left posterior
et al., 2013 F: 66.3% F: 58.7% Both 3.0 T corona radiata
Mean age: 40.6 (SD:2.5) Mean age: 38.9 (SD:1.3) Scanner 1:
32 directions
b = 1000 sec/mm²
Scanner 2:
30 directions
b = 1000 sec/mm²
ROI-based analysis whole
skeleton analysis
Permutation statistics

NOTE: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ALIC = anterior limb of internal capsule; AR-BD = at risk for bipolar disorder; BD = bipolar disorder; CC = corpus callosum; CC3 = corpus callosum body;
CG-PAC = cingulate-paracingulate; C/ODD = conduct/oppositional defiant disorder; CT = cyclothymic temperament; FA = fractional anisotropy; FLIRT = FMRIB’s Linear Image Registration Tool; FDR = first-degree
relatives; FSL = FMRIB Software Library; GLS = genetic liability scale; HC = healthy controls; ILF = inferior longitudinal fasciculus; LD = longitudinal diffusivity; MD = major depression; OFC = orbital frontal cortex;
PTSD =posttraumatic stress disorder; RD = radial diffusivity; ROIs = regions of interest; SLF I = superior longitudinal fasciculus; TBSS = Tract-Based Spatial Statistics; TD = tic disorder; WM = white matter.



Drapier et al., 2008 20 FDR of BD pts 20 BD pts N-back working 1.5 T Whole brain AR-BD vs HC: ↑ activation in the left frontal pole
F: 40% F: 55% memory in 1-back and 2-back conditions;
Mean age: 43 (SD:13.8) Mean age: 42.7 (SD:10.4) BD vs HC: trend ↑ activation in the left frontal
Axis I diagno- Other axis I diagnoses: 5% alcohol pole in 1-back condition.
ses: 15% MDD, 5% dependence syndrome, 5% PAD.
substance-induced 20 HC
mood disorder. F: 50%
Mean age: 41.9 (SD:11.6)
Other Axis I diagnoses: 10% past MDD,
5% alcohol abuse.
Costafreda et al., 2009 7 MZ twins of BD pts 28 MZ twins with BD pts Verbal fluency 1.5 T Bilateral infe- AR-BD vs affected subjects vs HC: no significant
F: 85.7% F:57.1% rior frontal differences in activation of the analyzed area.
Mean age: 39.4 Mean age: 40.0 (SD:12.4) cortex
(SD:15.8) Other Axis I diagnoses: none.
Other Axis I diagno- 48 HC
ses: none. F: 47.9%
Mean age: 37.4 (SD: 9.8%)
Other Axis I diagnoses: none.

Thermenos et al., 2010 18 FDR of BD pts 19 BD pts N-back working 1.5 T Whole brain + AR-BD vs HC: ↑ activation in left anterior insula
F: 55.6% F: 42.2% memory ROIs (BA 13), ↑ activation in the left frontopolar cortex
Mean age: 36.3 (SD:2) Mean age: 41.1 (SD:3.1) (BA 10), ↑ activation in the left OFC (BA 47) and
Other axis I diagno- Other axis I diagnoses: alcohol or drug superior parietal cortex;
ses: alcohol or drug abuse or dependence. BD vs AR-BD: ↓ activation in the left frontopolar
abuse or dependence. 19 HC cortex (BA 10);
F: 52.6% BD vs HC: ↑ activation in left anterior insula
Mean age: 39.2 (SD:2.7) (BA 13), ↓ activation in the left frontopolar
Other Axis I diagnoses: none. cortex (BA 10).

Allin et al., 2010 19 FDR of BD pts 18 BD pts Verbal fluency 1.5 T Whole brain AR-BD vs HC: in the easy condition ↑ activation
F: 57.8% F: 61.1% in the retrosplenial/posterior cingulate cortex and
Mean age: 42.1 Mean age: 39.2 (SD:11.5) the precuneus, ↓ activation in the left frontotempo-
(SD:13.9) Other axis I diagnoses: none. ral areas; in the hard condition ↑ activation in the
Other axis I diagno- 19 HC retrosplenial/posterior cingulate cortex, ↓ activa-
ses: 15.8% MDD, 5% F: 47.3% tion in the medial frontal cortex.
substance-induced Mean age: 39.9 (SD:11.0) BD vs AR-BD: in the easy condition ↑ activation
mood disorder. Other Axis I diagnoses: 10.5% MDD, 5% in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; in the hard
pts alcohol abuse. condition ↓ activation in the retrosplenial/poste-
rior cingulate cortex, ↑ activation in the medial
frontal cortex.
BD vs HC: in the easy condition ↑ activation in the
retrosplenial/posterior cingulate cortex, ↓ activa-
tion in the left frontal cortex; in the hard condition
↑ activation in the retrosplenial/posterior cingulate
Surguladze et al., 2010 20 FDR of BD pts 20 BD pts Emotional faces 1.5 T Whole brain + AR-BD vs HC: ↑ activation in medial PFC, left
F: 40% F: 55% ROIs putamen and amygdala;
Mean age: 43 (SD:13.8) Mean age: 42.7 (SD:10.4) BD vs HC: ↑ activation in medial PFC, left
Axis I diagno- Other axis I diagnoses: 5% alcohol putamen and amygdala;
ses: 15% MDD, 5% dependence syndrome, 5% PAD.
substance-induced 20 HC
mood disorder. F: 50%
Mean age: 41.9 (SD:11.6)
Other Axis I diagnoses: 10% past MDD,
5% alcohol abuse.

Whalley et al., 2011 93 FDR or SDR 70 HC Hayling sentence 1.5 T Whole brain AR-BD vs HC: ↑ activation in left amygdala.
of BD pts F: 54.2% completion test
F: 51.6% Mean age: 20.9 (SD:2.3)
Mean age: 21.0 Other Axis I diagnoses: lifetime sub-
(SD:2.83) stance misuse.
Other Axis I diagno-
ses: lifetime substance

Pompei et al., 2011a,b 25 FDR of BD pts with- 39 BD pts Stroop test 1.5 T Whole brain ARBD vs HC: ↓ activity in the superior and
out MDD F: 51.2% inferior parietal lobuli
F: 48% Mean age: 39.4 (SD:11.5) AR-BD without MDD vs HC: ↓ FC between
Mean age: 35 (SD:13.7) Other axis I diagnoses: none. VLPFC and ventral ACC and INS.
14 FDR of BD pts 48 HC AR-BD with MDD vs HC: ↓ FC between VLPFC
with MDD F: 47.9% and ventral ACC, CN, GP and INS.
F: 48% Mean age: 36.3 (SD:12.8) BD vs HC: ↓ activity in the left caudate and the
Mean age: 31.2 Other Axis I diagnoses: none. right IFG; ↓ FC between VLPFC and ventral
(SD:10.3) ACC, CN, and GP.

Thermenos et al., 2011 10 FDR of BD pts 10 HC N-back working 1.5 T Whole brain + AR-BD vs HC: ↓ modulation (activation from
F: 50% F: 54.2% memory ROIs 0-back to 2-back condition) in the CV, insula and
Mean age: 18.4 (SD:4.2) Mean age: 20.9 (SD:2.3) amygdala/parahippocampal region, ↑ modulation
Other Axis I diagno- Other Axis I diagnoses: none. in the frontopolar cortex and brainstem.
ses: none.

Kim et al., 2012 13 FDR of BD pts 28 BD pts Change task 3T Whole brain AR-BD vs HC: ↑ activity in right VLPFC
F: 54% F: 57% (BA44/45/47), ↑ activity in right IPL during suc-
Mean age: 13.9 Mean age: 14.3 (SD:2.6) cessful response switching; ↑ activity in right cau-
(SD:2.01) Other axis I diagnoses: 64% ADHD, date during failed response switching.
Other axis I diagno- 36% anxiety disorders, 32% ODD/CC. AR-BD vs BD: ↑ activity in right VLPFC
ses: none. 21 HC (F: 38%) (BA44/45/47) during successful response switch-
Mean age: 13.7 (SD:1.96) ing; ↓ activity in right sgACC during failed
Axis I diagnoses: none. response switching.
BD vs HC: ↑ activity in right VLPFC (BA45), ↑ activ-
ity in right IPL during successful response switching;
↑ activity in right caudate, ↑ activity in the right sub-
genual ACC during failed response switching.

Table 24 .3.  CONTINUED



Mourão-Miranda 16 healthy bipolar off- 16 HC Emotional faces 3T Whole brain Activity to neutral faces presented during the
et al., 2012 spring F: 56.2% gender-labeling happy experiment significantly differentiated
F: 56.2% Mean age: 15.3 (SD:1.2) (machine learning AR-BD from HC with 75% accuracy (sensitivity
Mean age: 14.8 (SD:1.8) Other Axis I diagnoses: none analysis) 75%, specificity 75%). The spatial pattern that
Axis I diagnoses:none. best discriminated the groups included VMPFC
and STS.
GPC predictive probabilities were significantly
higher for the 6 AR-BD who subsequently met
DSM-IV criteria for MDE (n=3) or anxiety disor-
ders (n=3) than for AR-BD who remained well at

Olsavsky et al., 2012 13 FDR of BD pts 32 BD pts Emotional faces 3T Amydgala AR-BD vs HC: ↑ activation in right amydgala to
F: 46% F: 46% fearful faces.
Mean age: 14.0 (SD:2.4) Mean age: 14.0 (SD:2.4) AR-BD vs BD: no significant differences.
Other axis I diagno- Other axis I diagnoses: 47% anxiety dis- BD vs HC: ↑ activation in right amydgala to fear-
ses: 8% ADHD, 8% orders, 41% ADHD, 22% ODD. ful faces.
anxiety disorders. 21 HC
F: 54%
Mean age: 14.0 (SD:2.6)
Axis I diagnoses: none.

Meda et al., 2012 13 FDR of BD pts 64 BD pts Resting state 3T Whole brain Three network pairs containing five differ-
F: 65.3% F: 45.3% ent RSNs identified in the study: (A) fronto/
Mean age: 40.6 Mean age: 14.0 (SD:2.4) occipital, (B) aDMN/prefrontal, (C) meso/
(SD:13.0) Other axis I diagnoses: none. paralimbic, (D) fronto-temporal/paralimbic,
Other axis I diagno- 118 HC (E) sensory-motor).
ses: none. F: 53.4% AR-BD vs HC: ↓ FC between networks A-B and
Mean age: 36.4 (SD:10.8) between networks C-E.
Axis I diagnoses: none. BD vs HC: ↓ FC between networks A-B, ↑ FC
between networks CD,

Linke et al.,2012 22 FDR of BD pts 22 HC Probabilistic rever- 3T Five bilateral ↑ activation in response to reward and reward
F: 50% F: 50% sal learning regions of inter- reversal contingencies in the right medial orbito-
Mean age: 28 (SD:11) Mean age: 28 (SD:10) task est: frontal cortex in AR-BD group vs HC
the medial and ↑ activation of the amygdala in response to
lateral orbito- reward and reward reversal in AR-BD group vs
frontal cortex, HC
the amygdala,
the anterior
cingulate cor-
tex, and the
Sepede et al., 2012 22 FDR of BD-I pts 24 BD-I pts Continuous Per- 1.5 T Whole brain AR-BD vs HC: ↑ deactivation in the PCC dur-
F: 68.2% F: 58.3% formance Test ing correct target condition; ↑activation in the
Mean age: 31.5 (SD: 7.3) Mean age: 34.8 (SD: 8.0) bilateral IPL and left insula during the degraded
24 HC condition; ↑activation in the MCC and bilateral
F: 66.7% insula during incorrect target condition
Mean age: 32.5 (SD: 6.2) BD vs AR-BD: ↓ activation in the right insula dur-
ing correct target condition
BD vs HC:↓ activation in the right insula during
correct target condition; ↑activation in the MCC
and bilateral insula during incorrect target condi-

Whalley et al., 2013 20 FDR or SDR of BD 58 HC Hayling sentence 1.5 T Whole brain No group differences in baseline comparisons, all
pts who developed F: 56.9% completion test the significant differences were found from linear
MDD at follow-up Mean age: 31.5 (SD: 7.3) “parametric” contrast of brain activation with
F: 60% increasing task difficulty.
Mean age: 20.6 (SD: 2.9) AR-BD who developed MDD vs HC and AR-BD
78 FDR or SDR of BD who remained well: ↑ bilateral insula activation
pts who did not develop with increasing task difficulty (i.e., lack of disen-
MDD at follow-up gagement with increasing difficulty)
F: 46.2%
Mean age: 21.1 (SD: 3.7)

Roberts et al., 2013 47 FDR of BD pts 49 HC Facial-emotion go/ 3T Whole brain Reduced activation of the left IFG when inhibit-
F: 53.2% F: 65.3% no-go task ing responses to fearful faces in the AR-BD group
Mean age: 24.6 (SD: 3.8) Mean age: 23.2 (SD: 3.4)

Khadka et al., 2013 52 FDR of psy- 118 HC Resting state 3T Analysis across AR-BD group showed abnormalities in the
chotic BD pts F: 53.3% the 16 networks fronto-occipital (↓FC in the cuneus), frontal/
F: 65.3% Mean age: 36.4 (SD:10.8) identified thalamic/basal ganglia (↓FC in the right thala-
Mean age: 40.6 (SD: 13) through the mus and right putamen), sensorimotor networks
Independent (↑FC in the superior and medial frontal gyrus) vs.
Component healthy controls
Analysis (ICA)

NOTE: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; aDMN = anterior default-mode network; ACC = anterior cingulate cortex; AR-BD = at risk for bipolar disorder; BA = Brodmann area; BD = bipolar disor-
der; CC = conduct disorder; CN = caudate nucleus; CV =cerebellar vermis; DGKH = diacylglycerol kinase eta; DLPFC = dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; FC = functional connectivity; FDR = first-degree relatives;
fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging; GP = globus pallidus; GPC = Gaussian Process Classifier (a machine learning approach); HC = healthy controls; IFG = inferior frontal gyrus; INS = insula; IPL = infe-
rior parietal lobe; MCC = midcingulate cortex; MDD= major depressive disorder; ODD = oppositional defiant disorder; OFC = orbitofrontal cortex; PCC = posterior cingulate cortex; PFC = prefrontal cortex;
PET = positron emission tomography; PNOS = psychosis not otherwise specified; PPI = psychophysiological interaction; RISK+= homozygotes for the risk haplotype; RISK– = not carriers or heterozygotes for the risk
haplotype; ROI = region of interest; RSN = resting states network; SDR = second-degree relatives; STS = superior temporal sulcus; VLPFC = ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; VMPFC = ventromedial prefrontal cortex.
Sprooten and colleagues (2010) reported data concern- 2013). Using a verbal fluency task, Costafreda and col-
ing 117 AR-BD subjects and 79 HCs without family history leagues (2009) did not notice different activation between
for psychiatric disorders. In the AR-BD compared to the HC unaffected twins, their bipolar co-twins, and HCs in the
subjects they observed a FA reduction in one large diffuse inferior frontal cortex. In contrast, Allin and colleagues
cluster extending over most of the WM skeleton, includ- (2010), using the same task, found increased activation
ing the corpus callosum, the internal and external capsules (namely, reduced deactivation) in the retrosplenial cortex
(including anterior thalamic radiations), the inferior and and decreased activation in the left frontal cortex, both in
superior longitudinal fasciculi, the inferior fronto-occipital AR-BD and BD groups compared to HCs. These data sug-
fasciculi, the uncinate fasciculi, parts of the corticospinal gest that abnormality of the neural network incorporating
tract, and the subcortical WM around the central sulci. the left prefrontal cortex and bilateral retrosplenial cortex
Finally, cyclothymic temperament scores, measured by the might be a potential genetic predisposition to BD. Parietal
short version of the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, and prefrontal abnormalities have also been described by
Pisa, Paris and San Diego-autoquestionnaire (Akiskal et al., two studies that investigated response inhibition in AR-BD
2005), were significantly higher in the unaffected relatives subjects compared to HCs (Pompei et al., 2011b; Roberts
compared to the control subjects. Interestingly, a negative et al., 2013).
association of FA with cyclothymic temperament was found Surguladze and colleagues (2010), using an emotional
in the internal capsules bilaterally connected via deep sub- faces task, found that bipolar patients and AR-BD subjects
thalamic WM and in the left hemisphere contained several shared the same abnormal pattern of activation in the medial
fronto-temporal and fronto-thalamic connections, includ- prefrontal cortex, the left putamen, and the left amygdala in
ing the external capsule, inferior longitudinal fasciculus, response to fearful (putamen, medial prefrontal cortex) and
anterior parts of the left arcuate fasciculus, dorsal left unci- happy faces (amygdala, medial prefrontal cortex) compared
nate fasciculus, as well as left occipital WM. to healthy subjects. Abnormal activation in right amygdala
(Olsavsky et al., 2012) in the AR-BD group in response to
fearful but not to happy faces has been also reported in the
literature. Hyperactivity of the amygdala in AR-BD sub-
The main findings from the functional imaging studies in jects has also been described during nonemotional tasks,
AR-BD subjects are summarized in Table 24.3. such as a sentence-completion task and a probabilistic rever-
sal learning reward task (Linke et al., 2012; Whalley et al.,
2011). Taking together, these data suggest that amygdala
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
hyperactivation may be a candidate endophenotype in BD.
Drapier and colleagues (2008) used the N-back working However, evidence of amygdala hyperactivity to negative
memory task in AR-BD subjects and observed greater acti- stimuli has also been associated with unipolar depression
vation in left frontal polar cortex in AR-BD subjects and in (Arnone et al., 2012) and anxiety disorders (Killgore et al.,
BD patients compared to control groups. The authors sug- 2014), possibly challenging the specificity of this finding
gested that this finding is associated with genetic liability for to a pure BD diathesis. Results from a study performed by
BD and represents a potential neurobiological endopheno- Kim and colleagues (2012) suggest that abnormal activity
type for the illness. A more recent study (Thermenos et al., in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, inferior parietal cortex,
2010, 2011) confirmed this preliminary finding. Compared and striatum during a cognitive flexibility task may be also
to HCs, the AR-BD group failed to deactivate left fronto- considered as potential endophenotypes for BD.
polar cortex, together with left anterior insula and superior A few studies have investigated functional connectivity
parietal cortex, during a working memory task. in AR-BD subjects during task-based or resting-state func-
Abnormal insular activity has also been described dur- tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Pompei, Dima,
ing a sustained attention task in at AR-BD subjects, as well Rubia, Kumari, and Frangou (2011a) investigated func-
as increased activity in the bilateral inferior parietal lob- tional connectivity of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
ule bilaterally and an augmented deactivation of the pos- during a Stroop Color and Word Test using psychophysi-
terior cingulate/retrosplenial cortex (Sepede et  al., 2012); ological interaction analysis. The authors found decreased
interestingly insular hyperactivity at baseline during an connectivity between ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and
executive function task was found to differentiate between ventral anterior cingulate cortex in both AR-BD and BD
the AR-BD subjects who later developed major depressive groups compared to HCs, demonstrating that dysregula-
disorder and subjects who remained well (Whalley et  al., tion in the coupling of prefrontal with limbic/paralimbic

33 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
regions is a correlate of predisposition to BD. Additional temporal cortex. Discordant patterns in the two groups
dysfunction in the coupling of prefrontal with basal gan- were detected in the medial frontal cortex:  metabolic
glia regions was seen both in BD patients and their relatives increase and decrease was found in the AR-BD and the BD
with major depressive disorder. group, respectively.
Another recent study investigated how different
resting-state networks interact in BD patients and in their
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
relatives (Meda et  al., 2012). AR-BD and BD subjects
were found to share the same abnormal low-frequency Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is an MRI-based proce-
resting-state networks interaction, namely a reduced dure that enables the quantification of the concentrations of
connectivity between network A  (fronto/occipital) and different neurochemicals in vivo, such as N-acetylaspartate
network B (anterior default-mode network/prefrontal). (NAA), choline (Cho), myoinositol (mI), creatine/phospo-
Abnormal functional connectivity has also been suggested creatine (CR), and glutamate (Glu).
as a potential endophenotype of BD by a recent study that Cecil, DelBello, Sellars, and Strakowski (2003) found
used independent component analysis applied to rest- significantly different NAA/Cho concentrations in cer-
ing state fMRI data in 64 psychotic BD probands and ebellar vermis of bipolar offspring with mood disorders
52 first-degree relatives. Both patients and at-risk subjects compared to HC. Furthermore, they noticed a trend
showed abnormalities in the fronto-occipital, frontal/tha- of increase mI levels in the medial frontal cortex in the
lamic/basal ganglia, and sensorimotor networks compared AR-BD group. In one study, bipolar offspring with sub-
to HC subjects (Khadka et al., 2013). syndromal mood symptoms (i.e., AR-BD) were compared
Finally, Mourão-Miranda and colleagues (2012) to bipolar offspring with previous episodes of mania and
recently applied machine learning to fMRI data during an HCs (Singh et al., 2010). Decreased absolute Glu and Glu/
emotional faces gender-labeling task; they used Gaussian Cr concentrations were found in the bipolar offspring with
Process Classifiers, a machine learning approach that previous episodes of mania group compared to HCs in the
assigns to an individual a predictive probability to be part anterior cingulate cortex. No significant differences were
of a group based on the confidence of a classifiers computed apparent in nonsymptomatic AR-BD subjects compared
preprocessed fMRI scans. Activity to happy faces accu- to HC subjects. In a follow-up study, Singh and colleagues
rately and significantly differentiated AR-BD from HCs (2011) investigated cerebellar neurochemical abnormalities
with 75% accuracy (sensitivity 75%, specificity 75%). The in AR-BD subjects with subsyndromal mood symptoms
spatial pattern that best discriminated the groups included and found decreased mI, Cho, and Cho/Cr and a trend to a
ventromedial prefrontal cortex and superior temporal sul- decreased mI/Cr concentration in the AR-BD group com-
cus activity. Moreover, using Gaussian Process Classifiers, pared to the HC group, possibly indicating decreased cel-
predictive probabilities were significantly higher for the six lular metabolism as an early marker of susceptibility to BD.
AR-BD who subsequently met DSM-IV criteria for a major Two other studies in AR-BD subjects (Gallelli et al., 2005;
depressive episode (n = 3) or anxiety disorders (n = 3) than Hajek et al., 2008c) failed to find significant differences in
for AR-BD who remained well at follow-up. the concentrations of NAA and other metabolites in the
prefrontal cortex when comparing them with BD patients
or HC subjects.
Positron emission tomography
One study measured regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF)
using positron emission tomography (Krüger et al., 2006) in
AR-BD subjects. The authors enrolled euthymic bipolar Recently, several studies with different imaging techniques
lithium responders and their healthy siblings. A  sadness have been performed in AR-BD subjects to investigate
induction protocol was used in the study by asking the sub- potential endophenotypes of BD that are evident before the
jects to draft a short autobiographical script describing a sad occurrence of frank (hypo)manic episodes. While findings
life event. The scan was done one minute after the subjects from GM structural VBM studies are encouraging, there
reached the peak negative emotion. Siblings shared with still are several inconsistencies. Evidence for WM pathol-
lithium-treated patients the same pattern of rCBF changes, ogy as a putative endophenotype of BD is accumulating,
namely increased rCBF in the premotor cortex, dorsal and especially generated from studies that used DTI. Unlike
rostral anterior cingulate, anterior insula, and cerebellum T1-weighted MRI, DTI seems to be less susceptible to the
and decreased rCBF in the orbitofrontal cortex and inferior signal generated by non-neuronal tissue components (Hui,

I mproving E arly D iagnosis   •   33 9

Cheung, Chan, & Wu, 2010). Evidence from studies of BD and how to identify which symptoms or signs have the
primary demyelinating conditions suggests that it is both highest specificity for BD.
a valid and a more sensitive technique than conventional Combining clinical and biological data is probably
MRI (Guo, MacFall, & Provenzale, 2002). This technique a more promising strategy to improve our knowledge of
may play an important role in early identification of people BD and enhance possibility for early detection. Recently,
either at risk for BD or at an initial phase of illness. Brietzke and colleagues (2012) proposed an interesting
Results in AR-BD subjects confirm that WM altera- multivariate prediction algorithm for BD integrating both
tions are a common marker not only in patients with BD phenomenological and biological markers. The authors
but also in people at risk for BD. It is also noteworthy that proposed the “three pillars” to prediction BD: genetic high
DTI has also been proven effective to detect “soft bipolar- risk, environmental high risk, and biomarkers profile.
ity,” such as cyclothymic temperament (Sprooten et  al., In this context, neuroimaging studies play a funda-
2011), strengthening the idea that cyclothymia is per se mental role. In particular, relatively novel techniques such
part of the bipolar spectrum (Akiskal, Djenderedjian, as DTI and fMRI used in populations at high risk for BD
Rosenthal, & Khani, 1997). have already showed interesting pilot results.
Further studies are needed to fully understand the
role of these neuroimaging techniques in the prevention
C ONC LUS ION A N D strategy of BD. Specifically, it is necessary to verify if com-
F U T U R E DI R E C T ION S bining neuroimaging with neurobiological (e.g., genetic),
neuropsychological, and clinical findings will help us learn
Early recognition of people likely to develop BD is an more about the pathophysiology of this disease to iden-
urgent need in psychiatry. Despite actual improvements tify “prodromal” BD and at-risk subjects who might ben-
in clinical and research psychiatry, a long delay is still efit from early pharmacological or nonpharmacological
observed between the onset of the disorder and its treat- interventions.
ment (Ghaemi et al., 2000). The delay can lead to misdiag- Given the varied nature of presentation and variabil-
nosis, mistreatment, and worsening of clinical picture and ity in course of BD, separating and appropriately treating
course of the disorder. at-risk individuals constitutes a serious challenge. Careful
Lack of research in prevention strategies for BD can selection of the subjects who might benefit from an early
be in part responsible for this void. In fact, in recent years, intervention and appropriate prospective study designs to
although considerable clinical and research interest has correctly evaluate outcome are still needed.
been directed at the early and prepsychotic phases of psy-
Disclosure statement: Dr. Salvadore is a full-time employee
chotic disorders, research on early phase of affective disor-
and shareholder of Janssen Pharmaceuticals INC.
ders has been a relatively neglected area (Conus & McGorry,
Dr. Gabriele Sani has no conflicts of interest.
2002). However, this is not the only problem. Compared to
psychotic disorders, BD’s complexity makes early detection
harder. BD is a recurrent polyphasic disorder. Its first clini-
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3 4 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Janet Wozniak

INTRODUCTION complementary treatments are usually part of a normal diet

and likely to have no or minimal side effects leaves many
Like any organ, the brain is affected by nutritional intake. individuals and clinicians seeing little downside in trying
There is no debate that the brain’s functions, including them, especially as augmentors. Furthermore, as BPD is
thinking, feeling, and behavior can be affected by or cor- often a lifelong condition and is diagnosed at younger and
rected by dietary measures. But many questions remain, younger ages, the urgent need for early and aggressive treat-
such as:  Which interventions improve which functions? ment needs to be balanced against the side effects of early
At what age can these interventions exert effects (infancy and lengthy exposure to agents with serious side effects
versus old age)? To what extent and to what degree can (Jerrell & Prewette, 2008). Alternative treatments offer a
positive effects occur? (Bourre, 2006). And, perhaps most healthy option for treating developing youth with psychiat-
important, what are the potential downsides of averting ric disturbance. As BPD is severely impairing, lack of inter-
treatment with known efficacious pharmacological agents? vention is usually not an option. Alternative treatments
Bipolar disorder (BPD) is associated with high levels of may be acceptable to a subset of individuals throughout the
morbidity and documented disability, and unfortunately lifecycle who refuse treatment with conventional agents.
none of the current conventional treatments can claim a In this chapter, we review some of the agents noted to
high level of efficacy combined with a low level of adverse have mood stabilizing or antidepressant action and that
events for all individuals. Adverse effects and noncompli- have some evidence base for use in the treatment of BPD,
ance are significant problems in the management of BPD although this is by no means an exhaustive list nor is it an
throughout the life cycle (Sajatovic et  al., 2008). In par- endorsement of the agents described. The use of an alter-
ticular, the side effects of weight gain, tremors, dyskine- native treatment must always be weighed against the risk
sias, acne, gastrointestinal distress, and need for frequent of not using an agent with known antimanic effect on a
blood test monitoring can minimize adherence to treat- case-by-case basis. Even positive studies of natural treat-
ment. Individuals, including school-aged children and ado- ments have effect sizes lower than those seen in conven-
lescents but those in the workforce as well, are concerned tional treatments. Negative studies in adults need not rule
about cognitive impairments and interference with learn- out the possibility that used in developing brains, and prox-
ing. Increasingly, clinicians, researchers, and patients and imal to the onset of illness, alternative and complementary
their families are turning to an array of natural products treatments could play a more robust therapeutic role in
and interventions considered complementary and alterna- pediatric populations.
tive treatments. While these agents have little evidence of
efficacy, the fact that they appear to be safe and even health-
ful make them attractive options to try as monotherapy, OM E G A-3 FAT T Y   AC I D S
especially those with only mild to moderate distress, or as
supplements to conventional treatment in many more cases. The notion that inflammatory processes are etiologic in a
(Sarris, Lake, & Hoenders, 2011; Sarris, Mischoulon, & variety of psychiatric conditions, including BPD, has led to
Schweitzer, 2012)  While studies of these agents gener- an interest in agents that have anti-inflammatory action,
ally report disappointing efficacy rates, the fact that notably omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty acids fall into the family

3 45
called lipids, and lipids make up over half the mass of the for prostaglandins and second messengers in normal cell
brain, especially important in the structure and function physiology.
of cell membranes. Cell membrane functioning is critical Omega-3s are known for their healthy effect on
for cell-to-cell communication as receptor proteins and the cardiovascular system (Stoll et  al., 1999)  and their
ion channels sit in the cell membrane. Eicosapentaeonic anti-inflammatory properties (versus the unhealthy satu-
acid (EPA; 20:5n-3) is an essential fatty acid and metabo- rated fats that contribute to coronary artery disease and the
lite of alpha-linolenic acid (found in flaxseed oil). EPA in omega-6s, which have a proinflammatory effect). Omega-3
turn is metabolized to form docosahexanoic acid (DHA; fatty acids are known to lower serum lipids, decrease plate-
22:6n-3). Essential fatty acids, in large part EPA and DHA, let aggregation, maintain arterial elasticity, and play a role
make up 20% of the brain’s dry weight and are impor- in the prevention of diabetes (Terano et al., 1983). Decrease
tant components of cell membranes and important for in platelet aggregation, while beneficial in the prevention
cell-to-cell communication. of atherosclerotic plaques, can lead to increase in bleeding
A fatty acid is “highly unsaturated” if it contains more time, but no study has suggested that this is a clinically
than four double bonds in its long chain. Double bonds significant adverse effect. Studies supplementing infant
result in greater flexibility of the fatty acid, leading to formula with omega-3 fatty acids find positive effects on
greater cell membrane fluidity. The term omega-3 is a chem- development and cognition (Willatts, 2002). Indeed, it
istry term that refers to the position of the first of these is now routine to find infant formula supplemented with
bonds. That is, for omega-3s, the first double bond is located omega-3 fatty acids.
three carbons from the end (or “omega”) carbon atom of Clinical evidence suggests that the omega-3 fatty acids
the molecule. Certain nutrients are considered “essential” EPA and/or DHA may play a therapeutic role in the man-
and must be ingested, as our body cannot construct them agement of mood disorders. In his letter to the editor in
from other molecules. Essential nutrients include the essen- Lancet, Hibbeln (1998) linked fish consumption (rich in
tial amino acids (8 of the 20), vitamins (organic molecules), omega-3 fatty acids) to worldwide rates of depression, ini-
minerals (inorganic molecules), and essential fatty acids. tiating a careful look at the role of diet and omega-3 fatty
EPA is an essential fatty acid that can be metabolized to acids in the prevention and treatment of mood disorders.
DHA. EPA is a component of the human diet if fish, espe- Noaghiul and Hibbeln, (2003) have also noted an associa-
cially salmon, cod, and tuna, is consumed. Our bodies do tion with fish consumption and BPD. Both EPA and DHA
have a process for manufacturing EPA via another essential are found in large quantities in the brain, particularly in
fatty acid, alpha linoleic acid (ALA). ALA is fairly common cell membranes. Abnormalities in fatty acid composition
in our diet, found in vegetable sources such as flaxseed, wal- of phospholipids in cell membranes have been described in
nuts and canola oil. ALA can be converted to DHA and psychiatric disorders in general and in BPD in particular
EPA. However, this process is not very efficient, so less than (Horrobin & Bennett, 1999; Horrobin, Glen, & Vaddadi,
10% of the ALA consumed is converted to EPA and DHA. 1994; Peet, Murphy, Shay, & Horrobin, 1998; Stoll et al.,
Omega-6 fatty acids are fairly common in our diet, pri- 1999). Patients with depression have increased plasma and
marily from vegetable oils and in particular from corn, saf- red blood cell (RBC) membrane arachidonic acid (omega-6)
flower, and soybean. The role of the ratio of omega-6 fatty to EPA (omega-3) ratios (Adams, Lawson, Sanigorski, &
acids to omega-3 acids has been implicated in increasing Sinclair, 1996). A significant depletion of RBC fatty acids,
rates of depression. Arachadonic acid is a common omega-6 particularly DHA, was noted in depressed subjects relative
fatty acid. In the absence of omega-3 fatty acids, our bod- to healthy control subjects. Greater severity of depression
ies will use omega-6 fatty acids in our cell membranes. has been associated with lower RBC membrane levels and
These omega-6 fatty acids, due to the configuration of the low dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids.
double bonds, are less flexible than the omega-3 fatty acids The use of omega-3 fatty acids for the treatment of
and speculatively result in less efficient cell membrance BPD has been addressed in scientific studies (Horrobin &
performance. Arachidonic acid plays a central role in the Bennett, 1999; Post et al., 2003; Stoll et al., 1999). The first
production of inflammatory eicosanoids, and increase in study of omega-3 fatty acids for BPD was a four-month,
inflammation from the products of the arachidonic acid double-blind, placebo-controlled study in which the
pathway has been implicated in cardiovascular disease, authors added EPA+DHA, a total of 9.6g (6.2g and 3.4 g,
joint disease, and mental illness. In contrast, the omega-3 respectively) to ongoing treatment in 30 adults with BPD
fatty acids are anti-inflammatory. Omega-3 fatty acids (Stoll et  al., 1999). The authors reported a significantly
and other polyunsaturated fatty acids act as precursors longer period of remission for those supplemented with

3 4 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
omega-3s. Furthermore, these omega-3 supplemented sub- depression is a prominent feature of the mixed presenta-
jects performed better on the Clinical Global Improvement tion of pediatric BPD, more work is needed to explore the
scale (CGI), Global Assessment Scale (GAS), and the effectiveness of these compounds in the treatment of pedi-
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) than the atric BPD. Negative studies in adults need not rule out the
placebo group (there was no difference in the Young Mania possibility that, used in developing brains proximal to the
Rating Scale (YMRS)). On the other hand, a discourag- onset of illness, omega-3 fatty acids could play a therapeutic
ing outcome was reported by authors associated with the role. In an eight-week open-label trial in a pediatric popula-
Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network, which conducted a tion, Wozniak et al. (2007) found that monotherapy with
four-month, double-blind, randomized-controlled study EPA plus DHA was associated with modest improvements
of EPA monotherapy (unlike the previous study in which in manic symptoms. A 16-week trial of flax oil (ALA) in
EPA was added to existing therapy) in 116 bipolar adults. youth with BPD did not demonstrate efficacy versus pla-
This long-term large-scale study failed to show efficacy. Six cebo (Gracious et al., 2010).
grams of EPA daily used as monotherapy was compared The phospholipid hypothesis of mental illness proposes
with placebo for four months in the treatment of either that neurotransmitter receptor functioning is affected by
acute depression or rapid cycling illness (Post et al., 2003). the fatty acid composition of the phospholipids of the cell
The authors note that this dose may not have been ideal for membrane (Horrobin & Bennett, 1999). With reduced
demonstrating efficacy. Dose-ranging studies in depression omega-3 fatty acids, the fatty acid composition of the cell
and schizophrenia found efficacy at lower dose levels (1–3 g) membrane phospholipids would be altered, possibly lead-
but not for higher doses. For example, Frangou, Lewis, ing to altered neurotransmitter binding and psychopathol-
and McCrone (2006) studied 1 g versus 2 g in a 12-week, ogy. Several studies have shown reduced levels of omega-3
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of bipolar I  and II fatty acids in the RBC membranes, fibroblasts, and even
depression. These authors reported improved clinical out- in the postmortem brain tissue of schizophrenic patients
comes compared with placebo on the Hamilton Depression (Yao, Leonard, & Reddy, 2000). Other studies demonstrate
Rating Scale and the CGI but not on the YMRS, with increased uptake of omega-3 fatty acids into the RBC mem-
no difference between the treatment groups. Peet & brane of treated subjects, raising the question as to whether
Horrobin (2002) studied 1 g, 2 g, and 4 g in a randomized, subjects have a dietary deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of depression and that can be corrected by supplementation. No clear guide-
found that the 1 g (but not the 2 g or 4 g) per day group lines exist on normal blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids,
performed better than placebo on all three depression rat- but the increase in blood levels with supplementation may
ing scales used. A dose-ranging study of DHA suggests that be an indicator of a relatively depleted state.
lower doses are more effective (Mischoulon et  al., 2008). As omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to be pro-
Pediatric studies in particular could benefit from a study tective against coronary heart disease, a relative deficiency
on dosing of omega-3 fatty acids for mood disorders. In one of omega-3 fatty acids may help explain the observed link
study, effectiveness was noted in those individuals receiving between heart disease, cardiac mortality, and depression.
2 g or greater, but doses beyond 2 g were not associated with (Stoll et al., 1999) Converging evidence thus suggests that
greater improvement (Wozniak et al., 2007). omega-3 fatty acids may be protective for both heart disease
A meta-analysis of five pooled data sets from studies of and mood disorder, which has important clinical implica-
omega-3 fatty acids for augmentation in BPD (N  =  291) tions, especially given the increased risk for diabetes associ-
addressed the relative use of omega-3 fatty acids for mania ated with the atypical antipsychotics commonly used in the
and bipolar depression. The authors reported statistically treatment of BPD.
significant results in the treatment of bipolar depression Omega-3 fatty acids are part of normal metabolism,
with an effect size of 0.34 and a trend toward improvement thus the likelihood of unwanted side effects is low. The
but nonsignificant findings in the treatment of mania with only adverse effects reported with omega-3 fatty acids
an effect size of 0.20. They concluded that strong evidence are the mild gastrointestinal disturbance (loose stool),
supports the use of omega-3s as an adjunctive treatment for minimized by taking them with food. A  “fishy” taste or
bipolar depression but that the evidence does not support a fishy burps decrease compliance, but this can be miti-
role in treating mania (Sarris, Mischoulon, & Schweitzer). gated by taking with food or switching brands. A  recent
Because of the documented efficacy of omega-3 fatty study linked omega-3 fatty acids to cancer, but whether
acids in the treatment of adult depression (Nemets, Stahl, & this will change recommendations for use is unclear
Belmaker, 2002; Peet & Horrobin, 2002), and since (DiNicolantonio, 2013).

A lternative and C omplementary T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   3 4 7

I NO S I TOL myo-inositol, which adversely affects the functioning of
the PI second messenger system, which in turns results in
Inositol is a precursor for, as well as a product of the phos- mood changes. Dietary supplement with inositol, therefore,
phatidylinositol (PI) cycle and therefore common and could improve the functioning of the PI system and treat
widely found, located primarily within cell membranes the depressive symptoms. Lithium may operate conversely
(Baraban, 1989). The PI cycle is the second messenger sys- by lowering or blocking myo-inositol, the so-called inositol
tem for numerous neurotransmitter receptors, including depletion hypothesis: that is, lithium produces a lowering
cholinergic muscarinic, alpha 1 noradrenergic, serotonin of myo-inositol in the brain, via inositol monophospha-
(5-HT2A and 5-HT2C), and dopaminergic D1 receptors. tase, bringing about a mood-stabilizing effect (Atack et al.,
Inositol has been referred to as vitamin B8 and is a struc- 1998; Silverstone et al., 2005).
tural isomer of glucose. Myoinositol comprises 95% of total Mood stabilizer medications may be better thought
free inositol in the human body (Clements, 1980; Moore of as producing an action that stabilizes inositol and its
et al., 1999). Inositol is present in numerous different foods actions. Lithium, valproate, and carbamazepine act in
in low amounts; it is present in higher amounts in beans, human astrocyte cells to decrease inositol uptake at high
grains, nuts, and many fruits (Clements, 1980). The aver- inositol concentrations and increase inositol uptake at low
age adult human consumes about 1 g of inositol in the daily inositol concentrations, suggesting a much more compli-
diet (Baraban, 1989). cated mode of action (Kaya, Ozerdem, Guner, & Tunca,
Lithium may, among other actions, exert clinical effects 2004; Wolfson, Bersudsky, Hertz, et  al., 2000; Wolfson,
due to its actions on the phosphoinositol second messenger Bersudsky, Zinger, et  al., 2000; Wolfson, Einat, et  al.,
system (PI cycle). This, coupled with the finding that ino- 2000). Kaya et  al. found that erythrocyte IMPase activ-
sitol was shown to be decreased in the cerebrospinal fluid ity was higher in lithium treated euthymic patients than
(CSF) of depressed patients with depression, has formed nonlithium-treated patients; increased IMPase activity by
a rationale for its use in mood disorders. However, Levine chronic lithium use suggests paradoxically, over time, an
et  al., 1993 studied CSF inositol in patients treated with upregulation of the enzyme activity (Kaya, 2004).
inositol for depression and found that baseline CSF inositol In response to the seemingly contradictory findings,
did not predict response to inositol treatment. Belmaker (1997) evolved the inositol polyphosphate signal
Increased levels of the monophosphatase enzyme that suppression hypothesis and hypothesized that inositol’s
breaks down inositol have been reported in patients with effect in the brain was much more complex than simply
depression and schizophrenia. Inositol is also decreased in being a matter of too much or too little (Belmaker, 1997;
the frontal cortex of postmortem brains of patients with BPD Belmaker et  al., 1996). He suggests a complex regulation
and in those who completed suicide compared with normal with a “pendulum” effect where a push from either direc-
controls (Shimon, Agam, Belmaker, Hyde, & Kleinman, tion, high or low concentration, causes an identical effect.
1997). Silverstone showed that chronic treatment with When inositol supplements lithium treatment, it reverses
either lithium or sodium valproate in bipolar patients may the effects of lithium on protein kinase C levels, but ino-
normalize PI-cycle functioning. Berridge, Downes, and sitol monotherapy has effects similar to those of lithium.
Hanley (1989) et al suggested that lithium may treat BPD Further, because the PI cycle serves as a second messenger
by inhibiting the enzyme inositol-1-monophosphatase and for several balancing and mutually interactive neurotrans-
causing a relative inositol deficiency, leading to the specula- mitters, Belmaker hypothesizes that exogenous inositol
tion that mania is a disorder of excess inositol and depres- could hypothetically alleviate inositol deficiency in one
sion results from its deficit. In addition, in animal models system without increasing inositol above normal levels in
of depression, inositol has been shown to reduce depres- another (Belmaker, 1997; Belmaker et al., 1996).
sive behaviors. Positive studies of inositol in humans have Trials with inositol in pediatric BPD are limited to mea-
been reported in the treatment of depression, panic disor- suring levels in neurochemical spectroscopic studies; despite
der, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bulimia (Levine, its safety and ease of administration, there are no clinical
1997; Mukai, Kishi, Matsuda, & Iwata, 2014). In Europe, trials examining the efficacy of inositol in the treatment of
over-the-counter inositol has long been used as a folk rem- pediatric BPD. Davanzo et al. (2001) measured changes in
edy for depression (Belmaker et al., 1996). myo-inositol levels in the anterior cingulate cortex of 11
The mechanism of action of inositol remains unclear. children (mean age 11.4  years) diagnosed with BPD, cur-
From the available evidence, we indirectly presume that rently manic, hypomanic, or mixed before and after lith-
subjects with mood disorders experience a decrease in brain ium therapy (mean serum level of 0.64 mEq/L) and in 11

3 4 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
case-matched controls at baseline and at Day 7 using pro- 12g/day inositol, but this level returned to baseline by Day
ton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS). There was 8. Moore et al. also investigated lithium’s effects on in vivo
a significant decrease in anterior cingulate myo-inositol/Cr brain myo-inositol levels in 12 adults (mean age 36.6 years)
ratio following seven days of lithium therapy in children and diagnosed with DSM-IV diagnosis of BPD, most recently
adolescents with BPD. When responders and nonresponders depressed. Patients underwent a drug washout period of at
were compared at Week 1, myo-inositol/Cr was decreased least 14  days, then underwent a baseline MRS scan prior
at one week versus baseline in the lithium-responder group, to initiation of treatment with lithium. Brain myo-inositol
but not in the lithium nonresponder group consistent with levels were measured by 1H MRS after acute (five to seven
report by Moore et  al., 1999, but contrasting with report days) and chronic (three to four weeks) lithium treatment.
by Silverstone et  al., 2005. These same authors compared In the right frontal lobe, the myo-inositol concentrations
myo-inositol levels in the anterior cingulate of 10 youth on during both acute and chronic treatment were significantly
various medications with bipolar I  disorder (most recent lower than at baseline before correction for multiple com-
episode manic or mixed), 10 youth with intermittent explo- parisons but not after correction. Lowering of myo-inositol
sive disorder, and 13 normal comparison youth using 1H levels per se did not appear to be associated with therapeutic
MRS (Davanzo et al., 2003). The patients with BPD had efficacy. The authors hypothesized that the initial reduction
significantly higher mean anterior cingulate myo-inositol of myo-inositol initiates a cascade of secondary changes in
and myo-inositol/creatinine-phosphocreatine measures the protein kinase C signaling pathway and gene expression
than the patients with intermittent explosive disorder and in the central nervous system, effects that may ultimately
the normal comparison subjects. There were no significant be responsible for lithium’s therapeutic efficacy. No signifi-
differences in levels between the youth with intermittent cant differences were found in the temporal, occipital, and
explosive disorder and the normal comparison subjects. parietal lobes.
There was no significant difference in levels between groups Taken together, these neuroimaging studies suggest
in the occipital cortex. that inositol is implicated in the pathophysiology of BPD
Patel et  al. (2006) reported on an open-label study and that treatment with exogenous inositol or with medi-
of 28 inpatient adolescents (12 to 18  years old; mean age cations that affect brain inositol levels (lithium) results in
15.5  years) who met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of brain chemistry changes associated with clinical improve-
Mental Disorders (fourth edition [DSM-IV]; American ment. The conflicting results lend credence to Belmaker’s
Psychiatric Association, 1994)  criteria for diagnosis of statements highlighting the complex, pendulum like, role
bipolar I disorder, currently depressed, given lithium doses of inositol.
adjusted to serum levels of 1.0 to 1.2 mEq/L. Myo-inositol Double-blind, controlled trials of inositol treatment of
concentrations in the medial as well as the left and right depression in adults offer conflicting evidence regarding the
lateral prefrontal cortices were measured using 1H MRS use of inositol in clinical practice. A recent meta-analysis of
scan at baseline, Day 7, and Day 42 of treatment. Lithium seven RCTs concluded that inositol may be beneficial for
administration did not result in significant changes from depression, especially for premenstrual dysphoric disorder,
baseline in myo-inositol concentrations in the medial but that there are too few studies to draw firm conclusions
as well as the left and right lateral prefrontal cortices. (Mukai et  al., 2014). Levine et  al. conducted a four-week
Consistent with previous studies (Moore et al., 1999), these study of 27 adults with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
authors suggested that the insositol-depletion hypothesis of Mental Disorders (third edition, revised [DSM-III-R];
may not be the mechanism of action of lithium in patients American Psychiatric Association, 1980)  diagnosis for
with bipolar depression. major depression or BPD, depressed, who had failed anti-
Magnetic resonance spectroscopic studies have also depressant treatment or dropped out due to side effects.
been completed on adult subjects. Frey et al. (1998) studied Subjects were given either inositol 12 g/day or a placebo.
22 unmedicated depressed bipolar and unipolar patients Treatment with inositol resulted in significantly greater
and found reduced myo-inositol concentrations in the improvement in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score
frontal lobes compared with 22 healthy controls, although than for placebo in females (but not in males) with unipo-
this finding was significant only when the groups were lar depression at four weeks (there was no difference at two
paired by age (<40  years old). Moore et  al. (1999) found weeks). In a follow-up study, half of the patients who had
an initial significant increase of myo-inositol/Cr levels in responded well to inositol relapsed rapidly after inositol
the occipital cortex gray matter and parietal white mat- discontinuation, whereas none of those who responded to
ter of 17 healthy subjects taking a dietary supplement of placebo relapsed rapidly after placebo cessation.

A lternative and C omplementary T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   3 4 9

Several studies in adults have addressed the utility of for inositol in pediatric mood disorders are lacking, but
inositol as an adjunctive treatment to selective serotonin the two studies of inositol in psychiatry for children used
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or other treatment for depres- a dose of 200 mg per kg and offers initial evidence of the
sion. Adding inositol to SSRI treatment under double-blind safety and tolerability of this dose (Levine, 1997).
conditions in 27 adults with DSM-IV diagnosis of major Regarding safety, like many nutraceutical agents, ino-
depression resulted in no improvement of effect and no side sitol has been found to be generally well tolerated in adult
effects (Levine et  al., 1999). Forty-two depressed adults and pediatric trials. Side effects reported in available stud-
who were failing a three to four-week trial of SSRI were ies include mild increases in glucose, flatus, nausea, sleepi-
randomized to receive as an adjunct either inositol 12g/ ness and insomnia, dizziness, and headache. Inositol has
day or a placebo. Inositol was found to have no effect for been studied as an adjunctive agent, and no drug interac-
augmenting the response to SSRI therapy in depression tions have been reported to date. There have been case
(Nemets et al., 1999). reports of inositol-induced mania, suggesting caution in
Three studies of inositol as an adjunctive treatment in those with BPD.
bipolar adults have suggested at best a modest clinical effect
of inositol. Twenty-two adults diagnosed with DSM-IV
bipolar depression were given either inositol 12 g/day or N-AC E T Y L C Y S T E I N E
placebo as add-on treatment to current medication. There
was a nonsignificant but encouraging difference between N-acetylcysteine, also known as acetylcysteine or
the two groups, with 50% of inositol subjects improving N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), has generated excitement as a
versus 30% of placebo subjects (Chengappa et  al., 2000). natural treatment/dietary supplement that may be useful
The authors concluded that a controlled study with an ade- in psychiatry due both to its known physiological targets
quate sample size may demonstrate efficacy for inositol in as well as emerging clinical trials. N-acetylcysteine is an
bipolar depression. acetylated amino acid and a precursor of glutathione that
Sixty-six bipolar adults, currently depressed, were ran- acts as an antioxidant in the brain to reduce oxidative stress,
domized to receive lamotrigine, risperidone, or inositol which has been implicated in BPD and major depression
(target dose 10–25 mg) added on to regular treatment for (Magalhaes et al., 2011). Further, NAC may modulate glu-
eight weeks (Nierenberg et al., 2006). There were no signifi- tamatergic pathways and play a role in modulating inflam-
cant between-group differences; however, post hoc analy- mation. Because NAC breaks disulfide bonds in mucous,
sis suggested that lamotrigine may be superior to inositol making it less viscous, it has also been commonly used in
and risperidone in improving treatment-resistant bipolar cough medications or as a mucolytic in patients with pul-
depression. Recovery rate with lamotrigine was 23.8%, monary mucous. When ingested, NAC provides increased
with risperidone 4.6%, and with inositol 17.4%. A similar cysteine levels leading to the synthesis of more glutathione
study by Evins et al. (2006) randomized 17 depressed bipo- in the brain. NAC is perhaps best known to physicians as
lar adults on therapeutic levels of lithium or valproate to an antidote to acetaminophen/paracetamol (Tylenol) over-
receive either inositol 5 to 20 g/day or a placebo as adjunct dose. Acetaminophen overdose results in life-threatening
treatment. While 44% on inositol versus 0% on the placebo liver damage, which occurs via an acetaminophen metabo-
met response criteria for symptoms of depression, this find- lite that is normally cleared via conjugation with the body’s
ing was not statistically significant. supply of glutathione. In case of overdose, this normal path-
A study of inositol for attention deficit hyperactivity way becomes overwhelmed, glutathione is depleted, and
disorder in 11 children failed to demonstrate efficacy, but the reactive metabolite builds up, which is directly toxic to
this study demonstrated that treatment was well tolerated the hepatocyte cell membranes, resulting in liver necrosis.
in children in doses of 200 mg per kg body weight (Levine, NAC is a precursor for glutathione; NAC increases the
1997). A review of controlled trials of inositol in psychia- liver’s supply of glutathione and thus assists in the clearance
try reported no changes found in hematology, kidney, of the toxic metabolite. Ingesting glutathione itself is not
or liver function tests (Levine, 1997). There is no estab- helpful due to poor absorption and rapid metabolism, and
lished recommended daily allowance for inositol. Studies therefore it never reaches the brain. NAC, however, crosses
of adults have used dosages ranging from 6 to 25 g/day of the blood-brain barrier with ease (Dean, Giorlando, &
inositol or myo-inositol given in divided doses. One study Berk, 2011; Witschi, Reddy, Stofer, & Lauterburg, 1992).
suggested that 12 g/day of inositol has been shown to raise Oxidation biology, or the study of oxidative stress with
CSF inositol levels by 70% (Levine et  al., 1993). Studies subsequent cellular damage, has been considered a possible

35 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
mechanism contributing to brain cell malfunction and NAC added to treatment as usual (Berk et al., 2008; Berk et
consequent psychiatric symptoms. The main interest in al., 2011). This trial was part of a double-blind, randomized,
psychiatry involves NAC as a precursor to glutathione, placebo-controlled trial. After the eight-week open-label
which acts as a potent antioxidant diminishing free radicals trial, participants were randomized to placebo or continued
that can lead to cell damage and death. Glutathione is the NAC for 24 more weeks. Of the 132 subjects in the open-
major endogenous antioxidant in the brain. Glutathione label trial, 121 were randomized with at least one follow-
is a molecule comprising three peptides: glutamate, cyste- up visit. Because of the very low level of symptoms in this
ine, and glycine. The addition of the cysteine is the rating double-blind phase, between-group differences could not
limiting step, and NAC provides this key substrate for the be discerned and so the trial was considered failed rather
creation of glutathione. Glutathione neutralizes potentially than negative (Berk et al., 2012).
damaging oxidative free radicals in a cascade of biochemi- NAC has been shown to be helpful in a multitude of
cal reactions in the mitochondria. Mitochondrial structure disorders, including the treatment of marijuana, nicotine
and activity have been implicated in psychiatric conditions, and cocaine addictions, gambling, obsessive-compulsive
especially schizophrenia. Mitochondria are the source of disorder, skin picking, nail biting, trichotillomania, schizo-
damaging free radicals, a by-product of energy production. phrenia, and BPD, suggesting that it may address the end of
Low glutathione levels have long been noted psychiatric the line pathway targets common to multiple disturbances.
illness. Omega-3 fatty acids, useful in BPD, also increase Which disorders are more robustly treated is unclear, as
brain glutathione. is the best dose. Generally well tolerated, concern about
The cystine portion of NAC is a key player in the trans- asthma results from idiosyncratic adverse events, and ani-
port of glutamate out of the cell. Through a feedback mech- mal (but not human) subjects have developed pulmonary
anism with astrocytes, this can result in diminished release hypertension with high doses. Seizures have been reported
of glutamate into the extracellular space. Thus this addi- with high doses (Berk, Malhi, Gray, & Dean, 2013).
tional role, regulating glutamate levels, may additionally
play a therapeutic role, as malfunctions in the glutamate sys-
tem result in consequent excito-toxic damage from activa- S -A DE NO S Y L-L-M E T H ION I N E
tion of the N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor. NAC
in a similar way regulates the release of dopamine from pre- S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) has been routinely pre-
synaptic terminals. NAC is also an anti-inflammatory. scribed in Europe as treatment for depression since the
Coupled with the purported mechanism of action, a 1970s and has gained popularity in the United States
large, lengthy clinical trial with placebo control has pro- since its release as an over-the-counter dietary supplement
vided compelling interest in NAC as an evidence-based in 1999. It is one of the better-studied natural agents used
treatment for BPD. In this double-blind, randomized, to treat depression. SAMe is produced in mammals from
placebo-controlled trial of 1,000 mg twice a day (BID) the essential amino acid L-methionine and adenosine tri-
NAC (or placebo) added to treatment as usual, 75 bipo- phosphate. Adequate concentrations of folate and vitamin
lar subjects were assessed over six months. Large decreases B12 are required for the production of SAMe. SAMe is
in the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale and found throughout the human body, although particularly
the Bipolar Depression Rating Scale scores were seen in high concentrations have been measured in the liver, adre-
the treated versus the placebo group. In addition, global nal glands, and pineal gland (Mischoulon & Fava, 2002).
improvement was noted. In those with bipolar II disorder, Concentrations are highest in childhood and decrease
six of the seven treated with NAC attained remission of with age.
both depression and mania, versus only two of seven in the SAMe serves as a crucial intermediate of three major
placebo group. These positive effects were lost after treat- pathways in all biological systems: methylation, transulfu-
ment discontinuation (Berk et al., 2008; Berk et al., 2011; ration, and aminopropylation. These pathways are known
Magalhaes et al., 2011). to be involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins,
This treatment’s utility in moderate depression in BPD phospholipids, hormones, neurotransmitters, antioxidants,
was investigated in an open-label eight-week trial of NAC polyamines, catecholamines, and other biogenic amines; it
1000 mg BID with 149 subjects. One hundred thirty-two is required for the synthesis of norepinephrine, dopamine,
completed the trial. There was a statistically significant and serotonin (Mischoulon & Fava, 2002).
decrease in depression rating scale scores as well as improve- Bottiglieri et al. (1990) demonstrated that CSF SAMe
ments in functioning and quality of life with open-label was significantly lower in severely depressed patients

A lternative and C omplementary T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   351

compared to neurological control groups and significantly then increased to 800 mg BID after 2 weeks. There was a
increased following intravenous SAMe 200 mg/day or significant decrease in depression severity from baseline to
oral SAMe 1,200 mg/day. Bell et  al. (1994) conducted a endpoint. No patient experienced serious adverse events,
double-blind, randomized study comparing oral SAMe including serotonin syndrome. There was a significant but
1,600 mg/day with oral desipramine 250 mg/day in 26 modest (4.9%) decrease in pretreatment to posttreatment
depressed adults for four weeks. Sixty-two percent of the homocysteine levels.
patients treated with SAMe and 50% of the patients treated Very limited data exist on the use of SAMe for treatment
with desipramine significantly improved. Responders (50% of pediatric depression. Schaller, Thomas, and Bazzan (2004)
decrease in their HAM-D score), regardless of type of treat- described three case reports of the use of SAMe for pediat-
ment, showed a significant increase in plasma SAMe con- ric major depression. In Case 1, an 11-year-old girl (34 kg)
centration with treatment. diagnosed with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Because SAMe takes part in many metabolic pathways, Disorders (fourth edition, text revision [DSM-IV-TR];
defining the mechanisms of action of SAMe’s antidepres- American Psychiatric Association, 2000) major depression
sant effect is difficult. Possible direct or indirect metabolic was placed on 200 mg SAMe enteric-coated tabled each
or receptor effects on monoamine neurotransmission (e.g., morning for one week, then increased to 400 mg every
norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin) or on neuronal morning. Improvement began four days after increasing the
membrane structure and function in the brain has been dose, with modest improvement over three weeks. At three
theorized to play a role in SAMe’s antidepressant effects. weeks, the dose was increased to 600 mg every morning,
In addition, Williams (2005) discussed the potential role which resulted in complete resolution of depressive symp-
SAMe plays in reversing regional brain volume loss in toms two days after the dose increase. She had no signs of
depressive rat models. mania or anxiety. Her Children’s Depression Inventory
A number of adult studies have evaluated SAMe’s (CDI) fell from 34 to 4. She had been on this dose for six
antidepressant effectiveness. In 2002 the Agency for months at the time of the report without complications and
Healthcare Research and Quality published a meta-analysis with continued efficacy.
of placebo-controlled SAMe trials for the treatment of In Case 2, an eight-year-old girl (24 kg) with DSM-IV
depression, osteoarthritis, and liver disease (Hardy et  al., TR major depression and a CDI score of 29 was treated
2003). This meta-analysis noted that the majority of the 28 with 200 mg of SAMe. She started showing improvement
depression studies they evaluated enrolled small numbers by Day 2 and was at baseline by Day 11. She had increased
of patients and varied greatly in their quality. The authors sadness at three months and was increased to 200 mg BID,
determined that, compared to placebo, treatment with with a resultant decrease of CDI score to 6. She had been on
SAMe was associated with an improvement of approxi- this dose for six months at the time of the report without
mately 6 points in the score of the Hamilton Rating Scale complications and with continued efficacy.
for Depression measured at three weeks. This was a statisti- In Case 3, a 16-year-old male diagnosed with DSM-IV
cally as well as clinically significant, albeit partial, response. TR major depression and oppositional defiant disorder who
When compared to treatment with tricyclic antidepres- refused traditional antidepressants but agreed to a trial of
sants, treatment with SAMe was not associated with a statis- SAMe was started on 200 mg with an increase in dose to
tically significant difference in outcomes (though not all of 1,800 mg/day over 10 days. He experienced slight tremor
these trials were adequately powered to discern a difference and anxiety on 1,800 mg/day, but after decrease to 1,400
between SAMe and the tricyclics; some used only low to mg/day the side effects abated. His mood and function
moderate doses of tricyclics; and a majority involved paren- improved to baseline over one to two weeks, although he
teral formulations of SAMe). Some studies have suggested continued to have residual oppositional behavior. After two
a faster onset of action for SAMe than for conventional to three months he stopped taking SAMe, which resulted
antidepressants and report that it may even accelerate the in relapse over the next three weeks. Restarting 800 mg
effect of conventional antidepressants (Mischoulon & Fava, every morning and 400 mg every afternoon restored him to
2002). Alpert et al. (2004) conducted a six-week open trial baseline in five to eight days.
of 30 adults (23 completed the trial) with major depression The recommended adult dose of SAMe ranges from 400
to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of oral SAMe to 1,600 mg/day, although some individuals may require doses
when used as an adjunct among partial or nonresponders of 3,000 mg/day or more to alleviate depression (Mischoulon
to SSRI antidepressants or venlafaxine. Subjects started & Fava, 2002); there is no established dose range for children
with SAMe 400 mg BID to augment current treatment, and adolescents. It is available in capsule and powder form.

352   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Enteric-coated formulation have helped address the chemical is one of the most extensively studied of the medicinal
instability of older formulations (Alpert et al., 2004). plants (Butterweck, 2003; Findling et al., 2003). Studied in
Although short-term trials have suggested that SAMe psychiatric disorders, including depression, seasonal affec-
is safe, no long-term data exist. Potential adverse effects tive disorder, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and
include gastrointestinal side effects (primarily flatulence social phobia, it has been used for depression in Europe
and diarrhea), headache, dizziness, dry mouth, nausea, for centuries and is approved for treatment of depression
and cold or flu-like symptoms. In addition, mild nausea, in Germany. In fact, St. John’s wort products and tricyclic
restlessness, and moderate increase in anxiety have been antidepressants account for more that 80% of antidepres-
observed in some patients (Bell et al., 1994). sant use in Germany’s children and adolescents. While a
Several reports of mania while on SAMe exist in the lit- number of biologically active constituents of St. John’s wort
erature. In patients with personal or family history of BPD have been identified, hypericin and hyperforin have been
SAMe should likely be avoided unless patients are also tak- most often related to St. John’s wort’s antidepressant effects.
ing a mood stabilizer. Iruela et  al. (1993) published a case The exact antidepressant mechanism of action of St.
report describing altered mentations, fever, hyperreflexia, John’s wort is not fully understood. It has been reported to
and elevated creatinine phosphokinase when SAMe (100 modulate neurotransmitter levels and receptors including
mg intramuscular) was combined with clomipramine 75 serotonin and norepinephrine, as well as γ-aminobutyric
mg in a 71-year-old woman. Similar symptoms suggesting acid and glutamate amino acid. While there have been
serotonin syndrome have not been described in controlled reports that St. John’s wort inhibits monoamine oxidase
studies evaluating the efficacy and safety of SAMe adminis- (MAO), subsequent investigations have reported only a
tered in conjugation with older antidepressants (Alpert et al., weak potency as a MAO inhibitor that is not strong enough
2004). Since SAMe is ultimately metabolized to homocys- to have relevance in the antidepressant effect of St. John’s
teine, it is theoretically possible that SAMe administration wort (Butterweck, 2003). Additional proposed mechanisms
could lead to increased homocysteine levels. In contrast, due of action include modification of inflammatory cytokines,
to SAMe-associated elevations in 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, inhibition of cortisol production, modulation of neuronal
a cofactor of homocysteine metabolism, SAMe has been ionic conductance, elevation of intracellular sodium con-
postulated to be effective in treating elevated homocys- centration, and induction of neurogenesis and neuroprotec-
teine. Thomas et  al. (1987) performed a double-blind, tion (Nierenberg, Lund, & Mischoulon, 2008).
placebo-controlled trial in which 20 subjects with depres- While many studies (mostly conducted in Europe) have
sion were given SAMe; they found a highly significant fall supported the antidepressant effects of St. John’s wort, sev-
in prolactin concentrations in the SAM-treated group after eral key adult studies in the United States have been nega-
14 days of treatment. Fava et al. (1990) investigated the effects tive. Linde & Knuppel (2005) conducted a meta-analysis
of treatment with SAMe on TSH and prolactin response of randomized controlled trials in which they investigated
to thyrotropin-releasing-hormone (TRH) stimulation in 7 23 trials involving placebo-controlled groups and 13 trials
depressed outpatient women (without childbearing potential) comparing hypericum extracts with standard antidepres-
and 10 depressed outpatient men in a six-week open study of sants. They reported that, in adults with mild to moderate
oral SAMe (maximum dose of 1,600 mg/day) in the treat- depression, Hypericum perforatum extracts improved symp-
ment of major depression. There was a significant reduction toms more than placebo and similarly to standard antide-
after treatment with SAMe in the response of both prolactin pressants. They reported, however, that pooled analysis of
and TSH to TRH stimulation in the group of depressed men six large, more recent, and more precise trials restricted to
but not in the women. Interactions with other drugs are not patients with major depression showed only minimal ben-
well known. Theoretically, SAMe may potentiate the activity efits of Hypericum extract compared with placebo. This
and/or toxicities of MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, meta-analysis found that Hypericum extracts caused fewer
or SSRIs, though this has not been documented. adverse effects than older antidepressants and might have
caused slightly fewer adverse effects than SSRIs. Since the
2005 meta-analysis, there have been at least six positive
studies and at least two large negative studies regarding the
S T. JOH N ’ S   WORT antidepressant effect of St. John’s wort (Fava et al., 2005).
St. John’s wort has been studied for treatment of pedi-
St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), a five-petal peren- atric depression. In 2005, Simeon et  al. (2005) published
nial flowering plant that grows in many areas of the world, an eight-week, open-label pilot study of 26 adolescents (12

A lternative and C omplementary T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   353

to 17  years old) diagnosed with major depressive disorder hypericin content can vary between commercially available
(MDD) who were given St. John’s wort (300 mg three times St. John’s wort products, users are encouraged to use the
daily). Nine patients out of the 11 who completed the study same brand on a regular basis to help ensure consistency in
(82%) showed significant clinical improvement at Week 8.  response (Wurglics et al., 2001).
Statistically significant clinical improvements appeared dur- The most commonly reported side effects of St. John’s
ing the first week and continued to be noted until Week 8.  wort include dry mouth, gastrointestinal symptoms (such
Mild and transient side effects were noted and included as constipation), dizziness/confusion, tiredness/sedation,
restlessness, dry mouth, nightmares, confusion, loss of urinary frequency, anorgasmia, and swelling (Knuppel &
attentiveness, nausea, and fatigue. There were no signifi- Linde, 2004). In addition, St. John’s wort can cause photo-
cant changes in blood tests, urinalysis, weight, blood pres- sensitivity. A review of data from 35 double-blind random-
sure, and electrocardiogram. Of note, 15 patients withdrew ized trials showed that dropout and adverse effects rates in
from the study due to persisting or worsening depression or patients receiving hypericum extracts were similar to pla-
noncompliance. In 2003, Findling and colleagues (2003) cebo, lower than with older antidepressants, and slightly
published results of an eight-week, open-label pilot study lower than with SSRI (Knuppel & Linde, 2004).
of 30 youth (6 to 16 years old) diagnosed with MDD of at Caution should be used in patients with personal or
least moderate severity. They were given 150 to 300 mg of family history of BPD, as St. John’s wort has been reported
St. John’s wort three times daily. Twenty-four percent met to induce mania and worsen anxiety (Nierenberg et  al.
response criteria at the end of Week 4 (83% at the end of the 1999). Also, St. John’s wort has been theorized to cause an
study). Ninety-three percent of the patients who completed increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone, though a clear
eight weeks chose to continue their treatment with St. John’s link has not been established. Finally, in 2008, Karalapillai
wort after their participation in the study ended. The most and Bellomo (2007) reported a case of a 16-year-old-girl
common side effects were generally mild and transient and who presented with a seizure due to an overdose of St.
included dizziness, increased appetite, and loose stools. No John’s wort. She reportedly took up to fifteen 300µg tablets
clinically significant changes in weight, vitals, laboratory a day in the two weeks leading to her seizure, plus an addi-
parameters, or electrocardiogram were noted. In addition, tional 50 tabs just before presentation.
to investigate its pharmacodynamics in vivo, fasting predose St. John’s wort has been shown to significantly induce
morning 5-HT levels were obtained at baseline, at Week 4, the activity of the cytochrome P-450 system, mostly CYP
and at the end of the study. End of Week 4 or 8 5-HT levels 3A4 (but also CYP2C9 and CYP1A2) and the drug trans-
did not significantly differ from baseline (Findling 2003). porter P-glycoprotein, which may result in diminished
Finally, in 2001 Hubner et  al. reported on a multicenter clinical effectiveness or increased dosage requirements for
postmarketing surveillance study (Hubner, 2001). One substrates. In addition, combination with SSRIs, MAOIs,
hundred one children under 12  years with symptoms of and other antidepressants may result in serotonin syndrome
depression and psychovegetative disturbances were treated (Whitten, 2006).
for four to six weeks with St. John’s wort 300 to 900 mg/
day (one coated tablet containing 300 mg Hypericum per-
foratum extract was standardized to contain 900µg hyperi- LECITHIN
cin). Compliance, tolerability, and efficacy were assessed
every two weeks by physicians and parents. Physicians rat- Lecithin has been examined for its possible role in the
ing of effectiveness as “good” or “excellent” was 72% after treatment of many neurological disorders, including
two weeks, 97% after four weeks, and 100% after six weeks, mania, memory impairment, tardive dyskinesia, Gilles de
though the amount of missing data also increased with time, la Tourette’s disease, Friedreich’s ataxia, levodopa-induced
with results based on 94% of the initial sample at two weeks, dyskinesia, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, spastic spinocer-
89% at four weeks, and 76% at the final assessment. No ebellar degeneration, myasthenic syndromes, and tardive
adverse events were reported. Dropouts were due to achieve- dyskinesia (Wood & Allison, 1982). Discovered by French
ment of therapeutic goal, inadequate therapeutic effect, dif- scientist Maurice Gobley in 1805, lecithin is a naturally
ficulty swallowing tablets, and going on holiday. occurring phospholipid that acts as an emulsifier; it is found
Doses of 300 to -900 mg/day have been studied in chil- in several foods, including egg yolks, soybeans, nuts, and
dren and 900 to 1,800 mg/day in adults. Capsules generally whole grains, as well as in organ meats. It often is used as
are standardized to contain 0.3% to 0.5% hypericin and/or an emulsification agent in processed foods. Dietary lecithin
3% to 5% hyperforin per dose. Given that hyperforin and intake varies, but generally ranges from 1 to 5 grams per

35 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
day. It has been theorized that low-fat and low-cholesterol While there have been no similar trials in children
diets may lower the amount of lecithin consumed, thus and adolescents, in 1981 Schreier reported a case of a
creating a deficit (Wood & Allison, 1982). Commercially 13-year-old manic girl who did not respond to neurolep-
available lecithin is a complex mixture of phosphatidyl tics or lithium but appeared to respond to 15 to 23 g/day of
esters, mainly phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanol- 90% pure lecithin monotherapy with a remission lasting at
amine, phosphatidylserine, and PI. Phosphatidyl choline is least 13 months (Schreier, 1981).
an important structural component of cellular membranes. Because lecithin is not considered an essential nutrient,
Choline is the precursor of the neurotransmitter acetylcho- no recommended daily allowance has been set. Doses of 1
line. Underactivity of central cholinergic mechanisms has to 45 g/day have been used for various conditions (Wood, &
been hypothesized as an underlying feature in a number of Allison, 1982). As it is a dietary supplement, lecithin has
neuropsychiatric disorders, including mania (Rosenberg & not undergone the rigorous safety testing required for pre-
Davis, 1982). Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated scription drugs, though generally it has been regarded as
altered membrane phospholipid metabolism in the fron- safe for most adults, except in those highly allergic to soy.
tal lobes and basal ganglia of patients with BPD; Cecil, High intakes of lecithin (>25g per day) or choline have been
DelBello, Morey, and Strakowski (2002) have reported low- reported to cause acute gastrointestinal distress, sweating,
ered choline levels within the orbital frontal gray matter in salivation, and anorexia (Wood & Allison, 1982).
adolescents and young adults with bipolar disorder, manic Caution must be used with lecithin, as it is possible
phase, found on MR spectroscopy. The effect of lecithin that some patients may become depressed with increased
taken orally has been noted to be considerably greater and cholinergic activity. Wood and Allison (1982) also dis-
more prolonged than ingestion of an equivalent amount of cussed concerns regarding the development of supersen-
choline chloride (Wurtman, 1977). In addition to its role sitivity of dopamine receptors and disturbance of the
in increasing acetylcholine, lecithin has been noted to cause cholinergic-dopaminergic-serotonergic balance with
changes in neurotransmitter receptor availability in cell prolonged, repeated intakes of large amounts of lecithin
membranes (Cohen et al., 1980, 1982). (Rosenberg & Davis, 1982; Wood & Allison, 1982). Drug
In 1979 Cohen et  al. reported on an open trial they interactions have not been well documented with lecithin.
had conducted at a private psychiatric hospital in which
eight newly admitted patients with manic-depressive ill-
ness, manic phase, were treated with lithium and/or neu- M E L ATON I N
roleptics + either Lethicon (51%–55% pure lecithin) or
Phospholipon 100 (>90% pure lecithin). Subjects received Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine or 5-methoxy,
a dose of 15 g/day of lecithin in the first week and 30 g/day N-acetyltryptamine), a hormone secreted from the pineal
of lecithin in the second week. Manic subjects were found gland, is the principal hormone of the circadian sys-
to be intolerant of 15 g/day of lecithin in the 50% pure form tem (Zhdanova & Friedman, 2008). The amino acid
but were reported to be tolerant of as much as 30 g/day in L-trypotphan is converted to serotonin (5HT), then even-
the 90% pure form. All subjects who received Phospholipon tually to melatonin. Melatonin secretion starts between the
100 improved rapidly, and three of four showed some wors- third to sixth months of life. It then increases rapidly, with
ening following its withdrawal. Three years later, Cohen a peak in nocturnal melatonin concentrations between
and colleagues (1982) reported on augmentation with leci- ages three to seven years (Waldhauser, 1984). In addition
thin in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of six adult to effects on sleep and circadian body rhythm, melatonin
psychiatric inpatients with DSM-III diagnosis of BPD, has been proposed to affect mood (it has been studied in
manic phase (except one patient with schizoaffective disor- BPD, depression, and seasonal affective disorder), regulate
der). All patients had been on a stable medication regimen the secretion of growth hormone and gonadotropic hor-
for one month prior to the study and remained on that regi- mones, and have antioxidant activity. Food does not supply
men throughout the course of the study. Patients were given meaningful amounts of melatonin.
either 10 mg three times daily of >90% pure lecithin or a Rapid-cycling BPD has been proposed to be associ-
placebo. Lecithin resulted in significant improvement com- ated with unstable circadian rhythms (Leibenluft, 1997).
pared to the placebo and was noted to have a clear thera- Patients with BPD have been reported to have lower base-
peutic effect in five of six patients studied. Lecithin did not line levels of melatonin and increased sensitivity to dim
lead to the appearance of depressive symptoms in any of the light (with dim light causing increased melatonin sup-
patients studied. pression in bipolar patients compared to healthy controls;

A lternative and C omplementary T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   355

Nathan, 1999), though other reports do not support these episode on melatonin 12 mg/day + alprazolam 0.375 mg/
data (Whalley, Perini, Shering, & Bennie, 1991). day (Robertson, 1997).
There is conflicting evidence regarding the efficacy of Melatonin has been investigated as an adjunct to bus-
melatonin in the treatment of BPD. In 2000 Bersani and pirone, and a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial com-
Garavini published an open-label trial in which 11 out- paring placebo to buspirone monotherapy to buspirone (15
patient ages 22 to 43 years who met DSM-IV criteria for mg) plus melatonin (3 mg) for the treatment of MDD (6
bipolar disorder, manic type, and experienced insomnia weeks, N = 134 adults) demonstrated superior response in
not responding to usual hypnotic therapies were given mel- symptoms of depression to the combination therapy: 58.2%
atonin 3 mg nightly at 10:30 pm for 30 days. They found of the MDD subjects treated with the combination were
that, by the end of the treatment, all patients showed a responders using the CGI scale compared to only 36.4% of
longer sleep duration compared to baseline (mean hours the placebo subjects and 38.2% of the buspirone along sub-
of sleep increased from 2.43 ± 0.76 to 5.24  ±  1.51 per jects. The combination was well tolerated (Fava et al., 2012).
night) and a significant decrease in severity of mania Brief There is no established dose range for melatonin in
Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS total scores decreased the use of BPD. Usual doses of melatonin range from 0.1
from 22.72  ±  4.45 to 14.09  ±  4.43; Bersani, 2000). In to 5 mg/day, though staying in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 mg/
1997 Leibenluft and colleagues reported a double-blind, day has been recommended. Dose ranges are separated by
placebo-controlled evaluation of five outpatients diag- “physiologic” and “pharmacologic” doses, and dose timing
nosed with rapid-cycling DSM-III-R BPD treated with is determined by whether melatonin is used for circadian
melatonin 10 mg daily at 10:00 pm for 12 weeks (added regulation or for acute sleep-promoting effects. Typical
on to a stable medication regimen) and found that the physiologic nocturnal peak serum concentrations of mela-
administration of melatonin had no significant effects tonin are around 60 to 200 pg/mL, while daytime levels are
on mood or sleep. They noted that the administration of as low as 3 to 10 pg/mL. Taking 0.1 to 0.3 mg of oral mela-
exogenous melatonin may have caused partial suppression tonin typically induces physiologic serum melatonin levels.
of endogenous melatonin secretion in two of the patients Ingestion of 10 mg of melatonin can result in a 1,000-fold
and melatonin withdrawal led to marked instability in increase in plasma melatonin when compared to peak mela-
the sleep–wake cycle of one of the patients. They hypoth- tonin levels normally occurring at night in a young healthy
esized that bipolar patients may be more sensitive than adult. Physiologic doses of melatonin have been reported
controls to suppressive effects of exogenous melatonin on not to cause substantial changes in sleep architecture,
endogenous melatonin secretion. One patient was with- though this is not the case with doses greater than 5 mg per
drawn from the study after 35 days on melatonin due to day (Zhdanova & Friedman, 2008).
acute worsening of mood and overdose on clonazepam The circadian effect largely depends on the time of
and wine (Leibenluft, 1997) melatonin administration and can produce opposite
While there are no studies available evaluating the use effects:  morning administration may delay the onset of
of melatonin for treatment of pediatric BPD, Robertson evening sleepiness by delaying the phase of the circadian
and Tanguay (1997) described the clinical course of a rhythms, while evening ingestion can advance the circa-
10-year-old boy diagnosed with BPD nonresponsive to com- dian rhythms and sleep onset. Of note, rather than produce
binations of lithium (levels up to 1.5mEq/L), thioridazine a rapid increase in subjective sleepiness or drowsiness, at
up to 80 mg/day, and valproic acid to 750 mg/day. While physiologic doses melatonin has been reported to induce
this child did respond to a combination of lithium and car- a behavioral state that resembles quiet wakefulness, which
bamazepine, he developed adverse reaction that required usually enables sleep initiation. It leads to minimal altera-
discontinuation of carbmazepine. He required numerous tions in performance ability. Therefore, sleep results if the
inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations due to manic symp- environmental conditions are appropriate for sleep and
toms and aggression. His insomnia and manic episode an individual can override the melatonin’s effects with
responded rapidly to a trial of melatonin 3 mg nightly, with stimuli such as turning lights on or sitting (Zhdanova &
recurrence of symptoms when efforts to stop the melatonin Friedman, 2008).
were made one month after starting it. Subsequent recur- Melatonin is generally well tolerated. The most com-
rence of symptoms responded to dose increase to 9 mg/day, mon side effects that have been noted include drowsi-
then to 12 mg/day augmented by alprazolam 0.375 mg/ ness, headache, dizziness, and nausea. (Buscemi et  al.,
day. At the time of the publication, the boy had been sta- 2005)  Additional reported side effects include transient
ble for 15 months without recurrence of full-blown manic depressive symptoms, mild tremor, mild anxiety, abdominal

35 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
cramps, irritability, reduced alertness, confusion, vomiting, in drug-naive first-episode MDD patients (Cubala,
and hypotension. Landowski, Szyszko, & Czarnowski, 2013). Regarding
Long-term clinical and experimental studies are needed other disorders in psychiatry, a relatively large number
to address questions regarding adverse effects of melatonin. (six) studies address the use of magnesium for attention
Concerns have been raised that taking pharmacologic doses deficit hyperactivity disorder, but none are randomized,
of melatonin could induce a circadian rhythm disorder double-blind, placebo-controlled or monotherapy studies
by disrupting the body’s natural circadian body rhythms (Ghanizadeh, 2013). A study of suicidal schizophrenic sub-
(Leibenluft, 1997). There is some evidence to suggest that jects found higher concentrations of platelet magnesium
altered melatonin levels may lead to increased levels of prolac- and lower concentrations of serum calcium in patients with
tin and to disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal attempted suicide versus those without suicidal behavior
axis (delayed puberty, precocious puberty, hypothalamic (Ruljancic, Mihanovic, Cepelak, & Bakliza, 2013). A large
amenorrhea; Cavallo, 2007). In light of this possibility, sample (N = 5,708) of adults in a Norwegian health study
melatonin should be used with caution in developing chil- found an association between magnesium intake and depres-
dren. In addition, exacerbation of seizure disorder in three sion (Jacka et al., 2009). A study of postpartum depression
neurologically disabled patients during melatonin treat- suggests that trace elements including magnesium could
ment has been reported (Sheldon, 1998). play a role in the pathophysiology of postpartum depres-
Melatonin inactivation occurs in the liver by the sion and calls for studies of these supplements in this popu-
P450-dependent microsomal mixed-function oxidase lation (Etebary, Nikseresht, Sadeghipour, & Zarrindast,
enzyme system. Thus medication affecting this pathway 2010). A case series reported that IV magnesium was a use-
could influence the metabolism of melatonin. In addition, ful adjunctive treatment to lithium, haloperidol, and clon-
data exists that melatonin may inhibit the CYP1A2 and azepam for treatment-resistant, severely impairing mania
CYP2C9 isoenzymes, theoretically affecting medications with agitation in 10 patients. This intervention resulted in
metabolized through these pathways (including theophyl- a decrease in mania severity and improvements in global
line, caffeine, clozapine, haloperidol, tacrine and NSAIDs, functioning. Seven patients showed marked improvement.
phenytoin, warfarin, and zafirlukast). Since production of In addition, the adjunctive magnesium permitted a taper-
melatonin depends on increased noradrenergic innervation ing of the dose of concomitant medications. Although bra-
of the pineal gland at nighttime and serotonin as a precur- dycardia was noted as a side effect, the treatment was well
sor for melatonin synthesis, psychotropic medications that tolerated (Heiden et al., 1999).
affect norepinephrine or serotonin levels may affect the Magnesium in the form of 375 mg magnesium oxide
production of melatonin. was tested in randomized clinical trial versus placebo over
16 weeks (N = 20) as an adjunct to treatment with vera-
pamil in bipolar subjects. The authors reported a statisti-
M AG N E S I U M cally significant reduction in BPRS scores in the treated
group. Magnesium was chosen as an apt adjunct to vera-
Scientific speculation has addressed the role of magne- pamil due to some shared properties, including inhibiting
sium in depression and mania, as it is involved in numer- calcium activity and enhancing membrane stabilization.
ous metabolic processes, activating enzymes and affecting Based on these findings, the authors concluded that mag-
the metabolism and release of myriad neurotransmitters. nesium could augment the antimanic effects of verapamil
Magnesium is a calcium channel blocker and noncompeti- during maintenance therapy in BPD. Nine patients with
tive antagonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate channel. As rapid cycling BPD were treated with a magnesium prepara-
magnesium inhibits calcium activity and promotes mem- tion in open label study for 32 weeks. The authors report
brane stabilization, it is thought to mimic some of the that 50% of these patients had a clinical result similar to
actions of lithium and carbamazepine. that of lithium (Chouinard, Beauclair, Geiser, & Etienne,
As with many natural treatments, the evidence support- 1990).
ing magnesium supplementation is spare and indirect. One Although bradycardia was noted as a side effect in one
study found that patients who responded to antidepressant study, the treatment was overall well tolerated (Heiden
treatment had higher baseline magnesium levels (N = 123) et al., 1999). As a caveat with magnesium, whether increas-
compared with nonresponders, although all the patients ing levels of magnesium in the serum alters brain levels
had magnesium levels in the normal range (Camardese has been questioned with animal research results (Kim
et  al., 2012). Another study found hypermagnesaemia et al., 1996).

A lternative and C omplementary T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   357

M IC RON U T R I E N T C OM B I N AT ION psychiatric medication with stability over an average of
13 months follow-up (Frazier et al., 2012).
A micronutrient supplement that appears to have potential Kaplan et al reported on-and-off use in two boys with
benefit in a variety of mental disorders, BPD in particular, mood lability, describing marked improvements in mood.
is a propriety trademarked product called EMPowerplus, Mood lability and explosive outbursts dissipated with treat-
accessed via a website called Truehope. The 36-ingredient ment, returned when not taking the supplement, and remit-
supplement consists of 16 minerals, 14 vitamins, 3 amino ted when the nutritional supplement was reintroduced. The
acids, and 3 antioxidants. Due to many testimonials and two patients were followed with good result for two years.
case reports indicating remission of symptoms, this prod- This same author reported a case series of 11 children ages
uct has gained popularity among patients and parents of 8 to 15 years with mood/behavioral problems, 3 with BPD.
patients. Like many natural treatments, most of the evi- For the nine who completed the trial, significant improve-
dence for efficacy is limited to compelling case series and ments were noted on the YMRS (Frazier et al., 2012).
case reports, although this product also has two open-label One author reported on a 12-year-old with
trials, one in adults and one in children. The lack of evi- treatment-resistant bipolar I  disorder beginning at age
dence from a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial is six who was moved to monotherapy with this nutritional
notable. treatment and followed for 14 months with remission of all
The earliest report of success with this produce came symptoms. In this case report, the boy was noted to have
from Popper in 2001, who published the success of this severely impairing psychotic features with severe impair-
product via naturalistic clinical practice follow-up. He ment. The authors describe aggressive conventional phar-
described the case of a 10-year-old boy with early onset macotherapy from age 6 to 12 years, which did not bring
BPD characterized by severe daily temper outbursts last- consistent improvement. Over the course of 19  days, he
ing for hours. After two days of EMP+, the behavior was was cross-tapered off pharmacotherapy and onto the nutri-
much improved, and, after five days, all the irritability and tional supplement EMP+. Notable improvements in global
outbursts had stopped. When the nutritional supplement functioning occurred immediately. After one month of
was discontinued, the outbursts returned. Treatment with treatment, all diagnoses had remitted (Frazier et al., 2012).
a different supplement did not bring about improvement.
When the EMP+ was restarted, the symptoms again remit-
ted. In addition, this same author followed 22 child, adoles- AC U PU NC T U R E
cent, and adult patients with BPD in clinical practice and
reported on remarkably positive outcomes: 86% had a posi- Acupuncture, one of the oldest medical procedures in the
tive response to this supplement and 11 of 15 patients who world, has long been used for disorders including depres-
had been taking conventional treatments were able to stop sion, anxiety, stress, and insomnia in China, Japan, and
these treatments with good result with nutritional product Korea (Wang et al., 2008). Acupuncture describes a fam-
monotherapy (Popper, 2001). ily of procedures involving the stimulation of anatomi-
Published in tandem was an open-label trial of 11 adult cal points on the body through a variety of styles and
patients ages 19 to 46 with BPD who were treated with techniques. Common styles include traditional Chinese,
this broad-based nutritional supplement and assessed at six Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and French acupunc-
months. Symptom reduction ranged from 55% to 66% on ture, as well as specialized forms such as hand, auricular,
HAM-D, BPRS, and YMRS scales. The number of psycho- and scalp acupuncture. Common techniques include the
tropic medications decreased from mean of 2.7 to mean of insertion of ultra fine needles to stimulate acupoints, as
1.0. Some patients stopped conventional treatment. Ten well as the use of manual pressure, electrical stimulation,
children with pediatric BPD were treated in open-label magnets, low-power lasers, heat, and ultrasound. There
trial with this supplement. The authors reported a 37% are many schools of acupuncture (e.g., Chinese, Japanese,
decrease in depression scores and 45% decrease in mania Korean, Indian), each with its own approach to diagnosis
scores over eight weeks in open-label trial (Frazier, Fristad, and allocation of acupoints. (Samuels, Gropp, Singer, &
& Arnold, 2012). Oberbaum, 2008).
A letter to the editor outlined experience with this One of the central treatments of traditional Chinese
supplement in a private clinical practice and described that medicine, acupuncture gained popularity in the United
12 of 19 adults with bipolar spectrum disorder improved States in 1971, when New  York Times reporter James
markedly and 13 subjects completely stopped their original Reston wrote about his experience with acupuncture to

35 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
ease his postsurgical pain. Acupuncture is now one of the depression. This agreed with a previous report by Leo & &
most popular complementary therapies in the West (Wang Ligot (2007) in which they reviewed available RCTs look-
et al., 2008). ing at acupuncture in treating depression and determined
Acupuncture is based on the traditional Chinese medi- that results were inconclusive and limited by varied meth-
cine concept that disease results from the disruption in odology and study design. Further evaluation of the role of
the flow of energy, Qi (pronounced chee), along a series of acupuncture in treating depression is warranted.
points that connect bodily organs, meridians. Disease is There are no child and adolescent studies addressing the
thought to result when there is disharmony or imbalance in use of acupuncture for the treatment of BPD or depression.
the body’s energy system. By using acupuncture at certain In 2000 Kemper and colleagues published a retrospective
points on the body that connect with meridians, Qi can be study in which they spoke with 47 children and adolescents
unblocked, thus restoring flow and balance. There are at (or their parents) who received acupuncture after referral
least 2,000 acupuncture points on the body (Samuels et al., from the Pain Treatment Service to assess their qualitative
2008; Wang et al., 2008). The exact mechanism of action experiences. Most families found acupuncture to be a posi-
of acupuncture is unknown, though its effect has been tive, pleasant, and relaxing experience (67% compared with
reported to be due to the stimulation of afferent Group 13% who found it negative/unpleasant/scary and 20% who
III nerve fibers that transmit impulses to various parts of found it other/neutral/strange); although some patients
the central nervous system and induce release of serotonin, began with anxiety about the needles, many developed
norepinephrine, substance P, dopamine, b-endorphin, more positive perceptions over the course of treatment.
enkephalin, and dynorphins. (Samuels et al., 2008; Wang Acupuncture appears to be safe when provided by
et al., 2008). qualified acupuncturists. In 2001 Ernst and Adrian pub-
Three adult reports address the use of acupuncture to lished a systematic review of nine studies that evaluated the
treat BPD, though two are case reports that are published in safety of nearly a quarter of a million acupuncture treat-
Chinese-language journals and are not available in English. ments (Ernst & White, 2001). They found that the most
The third study evaluated traditional Chinese medicine common adverse events were needle pain (range from 0.2%
acupuncture with manual stimulation against an active, to 59% across studies), tiredness (2.3% to 41%), bleeding
nonspecific acupuncture control and against medication (0.03% to 38%), feeling faint (0.02% to 7%), and nausea
alone in 26 bipolar patients with depression refractory to (0.01% to 0.2%). Serious side effects were rare but included
treatment. Augmentation of medication with acupuncture two cases of pneumothorax and two cases of needle frac-
yielded significant improvement over medication alone in ture requiring surgical removal of the fragment (0.001%
the primary outcome measures, including the Inventory of for both). Few studies commented on long-term follow-up;
Depressive Symptomatology and the Global Assessment thus long-term complications, such as nerve injury, may
of Functioning, but there were no significant differences have been underestimated. In a subsequent prospective
between groups (Suppes et al., 2007). investigation of adverse effects of acupuncture in 97,733
Though more studies address the role of acupuncture patients (over 760,000 acupuncture sessions) adminis-
in the treatment of depression, the research is still limited. tered by 7,050 German physicians with at least 140 hours
Because of the heterogeneity of acupuncture treatments, of formal acupuncture, a total of five potentially serious
conducting randomized trials is difficult. Wang et  al. adverse effect were noted in six patients: pneumothorax
(2008) conducted a meta-analysis of eight randomized in two patients (both recovered), exacerbation of depres-
clinical trials that compared acupuncture with sham acu- sion, acute hypertensive crisis, vasovagal reaction, and acute
puncture in depression patients. While this meta-analysis asthma attack with angina and hypertension (Melchart,
concluded that results supported acupuncture as an effec- 2004). Complications can arise from inadequate steriliza-
tive treatment that could significantly reduce the severity tion of needles and improper delivery of treatments (Wang
of major depression and depressive neurosis, these results et al., 2008). In the United States, acupuncturists should
should be read with caution due to high heterogeneity of be certified by the National Certification Commission
the studies and many limitations. Samuels et  al. (2008) for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine or the American
published a review that summarized clinical trials address- Board of Medical Acupuncture. The US Food and Drug
ing acupuncture treatment of depression, anxiety, schizo- Administration regulates acupuncture needles for use by
phrenia, and substance abuse. They noted that, due to poor licensed practitioners. Local contraindications to acupunc-
design and limited number of studies, there is insufficient ture include active infection or malignancy at insertion
evidence that acupuncture is effective for treatment of

A lternative and C omplementary T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   359

sites. No drug interactions have been reported. Some insur- interventions might be surmised to have the biggest impact
ance carriers will cover acupuncture. due to ongoing development (Sylvia, Peters, Deckersbach, &
Nierenberg, 2013). Data supporting the use of nutrients is
both correlational (e.g., deficiency of a specific nutrient has
been found in patients with depression) and investigational
As there is growing evidence for the link between the (e.g., taking a specific nutritional supplement has been
mind and body, attention to diet and exercise play a role shown to improve depressive symptoms). Vitamin C has
in promoting healthy mood. Bipolar patients have been been linked to mood disorders (Naylor, 1981). B vitamins of
reported being more likely to engage in poor exercise hab- particular interest included vitamins B9 (folate), B6 (pyri-
its and suboptimal eating behaviors compared with indi- doxine), and B1 (thiamine) for the treatment of depression,
viduals without serious mental illness (Kilbourne et  al., as well as B12 (cobalamin) repletion to address vitamin defi-
2007). Improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness have ciency-induced depressive and manic symptoms. Behzadi,
been reported to have positive effects on depression, anxi- Omrani, Chalian, Asadi, and Ghadiri (2009) added folic
ety, mood status, and self-esteem in children and adoles- acid to sodium valproate for three weeks in patients with
cents (Ortega, Ruiz, Castillo, & Sjostrom, 2008). While mania and found that those patients who received the folic
exercise has not been extensively studied in BPD, there is acid had improvement in symptoms of mania. In addition,
data supporting exercise as an effective intervention (Sylvia, in light of the idea that mood disorders usually are not due
Ametrano, & Nierenberg, 2010), though other reports are to a single deficiency but rather an imbalance of an array of
less conclusive, largely due to the limitations of the avail- micronutrients, emerging data supports mutlivitamin sup-
able studies (Lawlor & Hopker, 2001). In 2005 Dunn and plements. While most of the available data are from adults,
colleagues published data of their DOSE trial in which 80 some pediatric studies have shown promising preliminary
adults diagnosed with mild to moderate depression were results. Even with evidence of usefulness of attention to
randomized into one of five groups:  total weekly energy proper nutrition, difficulty arises in identifying and treat-
expenditure of 7 kcal/kg/week (low dose) for three days ing deficiencies, as individuals differ in optimal require-
or five days a week, total weekly energy expenditure of 17.5 ments for vitamins and minerals. (Kaplan, Crawford, Field,
kcal/kg/week (consensus public health recommended dose) & Simpson, 2007). Deficiencies of various minerals have
for three days or five days a week, or placebo (three days/ also been evaluated for their potential roles in affective
week of stretching flexibility exercise for 15 to 20 minutes symptoms: calcium in depression (Kaplan, Crawford, Field,
per session) to determine not only whether or not exercise & Simpson, 2007), chromium to treat rapid cycling BPD
was effective for treatment of depression but also whether (depressive episode), and zinc to address depressive symp-
energy expenditure or frequency of exercise had an impact toms (Lakhan & Vieira, 2008). In addition, the amino acids
on the efficacy. They found that exercise at the public health tryptophan (precursor of serotonin; Chouinard, 1983),
dose (17.5kcal/kg/week) was significantly more effective tyrosine (converted to dopamine and norepinephrine),
than low dose and placebo, which both showed nonsignifi- phenylalanine (precursor of tyrosine; Sabelli et al., 1986),
cant improvements in symptoms. There was no difference and methoinine (combined with adenosine triphosphate to
between exercising three days per week versus five days produce SAMe) have been reported to be helpful in treating
per week in improvement of depressive symptoms, sug- mood disorders (Lakhan, 2008).
gesting that energy expenditure is the determining factor
in the reduction of depressive symptoms (Dunn, Trivedi,
Kampert, Clark, & Chambliss, 2005). C ONC LUS ION
While there is some data supporting the possible use
of relaxation and massage to benefit depression and anxi- The severe impairment caused by BPD throughout the life
ety symptoms in children and adolescents (von Knorring, cycle often leads to the need for aggressive interventions,
Soderberg, Austin, & Uvnas-Moberg, 2008), two recent requiring clinicians, patients, and parents of patients to
reviews of available randomized control trials did not sup- weigh risks versus benefits when deciding on specific treat-
port a significantly positive effect of massage therapy on ment regimens. In light of high rates of relapse, moderate
pediatric depression (Beider & Moyer, 2007). efficacy, difficult side-effect profiles, and poor adherence
The role of vitamins and minerals in healthy mood has associated with conventional mood-stabilizing medica-
been hypothesized and evaluated, though available data is tions, there has been growing interest in complementary
limited, especially in the pediatric population in which such and alternative treatments. Although intriguing due to

3 6 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
purported mechanisms of action and “good for overall American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statisti-
cal manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.). Washington,
health” qualities, data supporting natural interventions in DC: Author.
lieu of conventional treatment is lacking. In particular, cau- Baraban, J. M., Worley, P. F., & Snyder, S. H. (1989). Second messenger
tion must be exerted when enthusiasm for a natural inter- systems and psychoactive drug action: Focus on the phosphoinosit-
ide system and lithium. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 146(10),
vention crowds out the use of a known pharmacological 1251–1260.
agent with strong medical evidence base for efficacy, espe- Behzadi, A.  H., Omrani, Z., Chalian, M., Asadi, S., & Ghadiri,
cially for a condition as seriously impairing as BPD. M. (2009). Folic acid efficacy as an alternative drug added to
sodium valproate in the treatment of acute phase of mania in
This chapter covered select complementary and alterna- bipolar disorder:  A  double-blind randomized controlled trial.
tive treatments that have some data, in BPD, both mania Acta Psychiatrica Scandanavia, 120(6), 441–445. doi:10.1111/
and depression. While some studies document that treat- j.1600-0447.2009.01368.x
Bell, K.  M., Potkin, S.  G., Carreon, D., & Pion, L. (1994).
ments are safe and well tolerated in short-term treatment, S-adenosylmethionine blood levels in major depression:  changes
longer term data are lacking. Most of the treatments do not with drug treatment. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 154, 15–18.
have clear recommended doses, especially in the pediatric Belmaker, R. H. (1997). The inositol depletion hypothesis: Promise and
problems. Biological Psychiatry, 42, 1S–297S.
patient population. Mechanisms of antidepressant or anti- Belmaker, R.  H., Bersudsky, Y., Agam, G., Levine, J., & Kofman, O.
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theorized but remain to be fully elucidated. Given that psychological correlates of the inositol theory. Annual Review of
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Disclosure statement:  In 2013–2014, Janet Wozniak psych.2008.04.022
Berk, M., Dean, O., Cotton, S. M., Gama, C. S., Kapczinski, F., Fer-
received research support from Merck/Schering-Plough nandes, B. S., . . . Malhi, G. S. (2011). The efficacy of N-acetylcysteine
and income from MGH Psychiatry Academy. In the past as an adjunctive treatment in bipolar depression: An open label trial.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 135(1–3), 389–394. doi:10.1016/j.
she has received research support, consultation fees, or jad.2011.06.005
speaker’s fees from: Eli Lilly, Janssen, Johnson and Johnson, Berk, M., Dean, O. M., Cotton, S. M., Gama, C. S., Kapczinski, F.,
McNeil, Pfizer, and Shire. She is the author of the book Is Fernandes, B., . . . Malhi, G.  S. (2012). Maintenance N-acetyl
cysteine treatment for bipolar disorder:  a double-blind ran-
Your Child Bipolar (Bantam Books, 2008). domized placebo controlled trial. BMC Medicine, 10, 91.
In 2013–2014, her spouse received income from doi:10.1186/1741-7015-10-91
Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Cambridge University Berk, M., Malhi, G. S., Gray, L. J., & Dean, O. M. (2013). The promise
of N-acetylcysteine in neuropsychiatry. Trends in Pharmacological
Press, Gerson Lerman Group, MGH Psychiatry Academy, Science, 34(3), 167–177. doi:10.1016/j.tips.2013.01.001
Summer Street Partners, UCB, and Cantor Colburn. In the Berridge, M.  J., Downes, C.  P., & Hanley, M.  R. (1989). Neural and
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3 6 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
PA R T   I I

Lauren S. Liebman, Gabriella M. Ahle, Mimi C. Briggs, and Charles H. Kellner

INTRODUCTION ECT is considered. Referral for ECT is typically made by

the treating psychiatrist to an ECT expert practitioner con-
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an important treat- sultant (Kellner, 2012).
ment for patients with severe bipolar disorder. It is an effec- The ECT consultation should include careful review
tive treatment for all three phases of the illness. While of the patient’s current, past, and family psychiatric his-
ECT is most commonly used for the treatment of bipolar tory; medical history; and discussion of informed consent
depression, it is also used for refractory mania and mixed (Kellner, 2012). Evaluation of a patient’s psychiatric history
states. Despite widespread clinical use, review articles on allows the practitioner to assess severity, episodicity, and
the treatment of bipolar disorder often only mention it heritability of the illness (Kellner, Popeo, Pasculli, Briggs, &
cursorily (Geddes & Miklowitz, 2013; Kellner, Goldberg, Gamss, 2012). Symptoms in the current episode that com-
Briggs, Liebman, & Ahle, 2013). Yet there is a large body pel serious consideration of ECT include suicidal acts and
of evidence-based literature supporting its use for bipolar thoughts, catatonia, severe functional disability and poor
disorder. Searching PubMed for “bipolar disorder electro- self-care, and inanition due to weight loss or dehydration.
convulsive therapy” returns over 1,000 citations; over 500 A  comprehensive medical history is critical for identify-
citations for the search terms “bipolar depression ECT;” ing any comorbidities that may need to be managed by the
and over 600 for the search terms “mania ECT.” Despite ECT team during the procedure (Tess & Smetana, 2009).
its proven efficacy and safety in bipolar disorder, stigma Of particular concern is the status of patient’s cardiac and
remains the largest obstacle to the more widespread use pulmonary functions. The most common serious medical
of ECT (Fink, 1997; Wilkinson & Daoud, 1998). In this comorbidity that needs careful management is coronary
chapter, we review the literature on ECT for bipolar depres- artery disease. Modern anesthetic techniques allow control
sion, mania, and mixed states and provide recommenda- of heart rate and blood pressure within safe ranges. Prior
tions for the selection of patients and technique. to starting ECT patients are required to have a medical
evaluation that typically consists of a complete history and
physical, electrocardiogram, basic metabolic panel, com-
PAT I E N T R E F E R R A L F OR   E C T plete blood count, and, in some cases, a chest x-ray or other
additional, specific diagnostic testing (Kellner, 2012). An
In contemporary psychiatric medical practice, ECT is anesthesiology consultation is also performed prior to the
almost always reserved for patients who have failed mul- procedure; close collaboration with the anesthesiologist in
tiple trials of psychotropic medications (Kellner et  al., the development of the ECT treatment plan is essential to
2012). The rare exception is the patient who is so urgently ill optimum ECT practice (Kellner & Bryson, 2012).
(because of suicidality, agitation from psychosis, or medical As with any other medical procedure, informed con-
comorbidity) that he or she needs to be treated urgently. In sent is a crucial part of ECT. The vast majority of patients,
such situations, ECT may become the treatment of choice despite being seriously psychiatrically ill, are able to provide
because of its rapid speed of response (Husain et al., 2004). fully informed consent. The informed consent process for
Typical patients will often have been allowed to remain ECT is more comprehensive than that for most medical
severely ill, undergoing multiple medication trials, before procedures because of the intense scrutiny to which ECT

3 67
has been subjected. For the small minority of patients who efficacy and speed of response while minimizing adverse
are too ill to have decisional capacity for their medical cognitive effects (Prudic, 2008). Current guidelines sug-
treatments, a substituted consent procedure is instituted. gest conservative stimulus dosing with bilateral electrode
Specific regulations about substituted consent vary by juris- placement (1.5–2x seizure threshold, or the half-age
diction (Kellner et al., 2012). method) (Petrides et al., 2009) whereas with RUL place-
Although ECT is appropriate only for a small percent- ment, stimulus dosing is more liberal (at least 5 times the
age of the most seriously ill psychiatric patients, because seizure threshold; American Psychiatric Association,
psychiatric illness is so prevalent, this remains an abso- 2001; Sackeim et al., 2000).
lutely large number. ECT should be available widely and It should be remembered that modern ECT tech-
in fact continues to be offered at most major medical cen- nique always involves full general anesthesia, muscle
ters on an inpatient and/or outpatient basis (Case et al., relaxation, and hyperventilation with 100% oxygen.
2013). The clinical and scientific evidence base for ECT Standard anesthesia induction agents are methohexi-
is large, spanning several decades; more recently devel- tal, thiopental, and propofol; alternative agents include
oped, experimental somatic and pharmacologic treat- etomidate and ketamine. The muscle relaxant of choice
ments for mood disorders have yet to establish themselves for ECT is succinylcholine. This is administered at
as clinically viable alternatives for seriously ill patients a dose of approximately 1.0 mg/kg once the patient is
(Fink, 2014). rendered unconscious by the induction anesthetic agent.
A blood pressure cuff is inflated to above systolic pres-
sure on the patient’s ankle for the purpose of excluding
the succinylcholine from that foot, in order to observe
OV E RV I E W OF   E C T T E C H N IQU E the motor manifestations of the seizure. Modern ECT
standard of care also involves recording of the electro-
ECT technique for the treatment of bipolar depression does encephalograph (EEG) for the purposes of confirming
not differ from that for unipolar depression (ECT tech- that the seizure has been initiated and, equally impor-
nique in mania is discussed later). Clinical decisions about tant, for confirming that the seizure has ended. Modern
electrode placement, stimulus dose, and treatment schedule ECT devices allow for measurement of at least two EEG
are based on the same clinical factors as for other psychi- channels, typically recorded from each hemisphere using
atric indications. Severity of illness is the most important right and left frontal and mastoid leads (Kellner, 2012;
determinant of electrode placement; bilateral electrode Weiner, Coffey, & Krystal, 1991).
placement is preferred in the most severely ill patients When given for the remediation of symptoms for an
(Kellner et  al., 2010; Kellner, Tobias, & Wiegand, 2010). acute episode of mood disorder, the treatment series is
Right unilateral (RUL) electrode placement, in which the referred to as “an acute course of ECT” or “an index course
stimulus is applied across the nondominant hemisphere for of ECT.” The treatment schedule for bipolar depressed
language (the right hemisphere in over 90% of the popu- patients is the same as for unipolar depressed patients: typi-
lation), may be preferred for the nonurgently ill patient cally three times per week but sometimes twice per week to
with the intent of minimizing adverse cognitive effects allow cognitive recovery between treatments. Treatments
(American Psychiatric Association, 2001). Patient prefer- in the acute course are typically continued until the patient
ence may play a role in this decision; many patients with has reached remission of the current episode. However,
cognitively demanding occupations may opt to try RUL post–ECT relapse is an important problem. By convention,
before considering bilateral placement. continuation ECT refers to those treatments delivered in
Stimulus dosing in ECT continues to evolve. Recent the six-month period following remission, while mainte-
advances in technique include the use of a dose titration nance refers to the treatments provided after six months.
method to empirically determine an individual’s seizure Current practice is often to taper the acute course, with
threshold at the first treatment. Additionally, an accu- increasing intervals between treatments with the goal of
mulating body of evidence suggests that stimulus pulse reducing relapse (Rabheru, 2012). When maintenance treat-
widths of less than 0.5 msec (referred to as ultrabrief pulse ment is provided, the interval between treatments is gradu-
stimuli) may result in less cognitive impairment (Sienaert, ally increased and many patients are treated approximately
Vansteelandt, Demyttenaere, & Peuskens, 2010). once every three to five weeks on an outpatient basis. No
Strategies for electrical stimulus dosing aim to specific fixed schedule has been agreed on in the field, and
­maximize antidepressant/mood stabilizing/antipsychotic it is typical for maintenance schedules to be adjusted based

3 6 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
on patient illness characteristics. True maintenance ECT is status. On the other hand, unipolar patients (n = 51) required
provided to patients who are well at the time, with the goal an average of 9 treatments to achieve response and 11 treat-
of preventing the onset of a subsequent mood episode. ments to achieve remitter-10 status. Despite the fact that
bipolar patients initially required fewer treatments to achieve
a HRSD17 score of 10, there was no significant difference in
E C T A N D B I P OL A R DE PR E S S ION additional treatments needed to get to a HRSD17 of 7 between
the two groups. Both bipolar and unipolar patients were
The treatment of bipolar depression is by far the most treated with either RUL ultrabrief pulse or bifrontal ultra-
common and important use of ECT in bipolar disorder. brief pulse ECT (Sienaert, Vansteelandt, Demyttenaere,  &
Similar to its use in unipolar depression, ECT is typically Peuskens, 2009). Similarly, Daly et al. (2001) in a reanalysis
reserved for the most severely ill patients who have failed of data from three prior studies found that by the sixth ECT,
to respond to multiple pharmacological interventions. bipolar patients (n = 66) showed a 54.9% (SD = 31.9%) reduc-
Such patients may be urgently ill on the basis of suicidal tion in HRSD24 score compared with a 43.9% (SD = 29.8%)
thoughts and behavior, psychosis, and medical risk from reduction among unipolar patients (n = 162). These patients
poor self-care. were treated with either RUL (at four different stimulus
There is a large evidence base in the literature suggest- intensities) or bilateral (at two different stimulus intensities)
ing that ECT is an equally effective treatment for unipolar ECT; while high stimulus dose and bilateral placement were
and bipolar depression. In a cohort of 220 patients, Bailine associated with greater efficacy, bipolar patients responded
et  al. (2010) compared the efficacy of ECT for the treat- more quickly than unipolar patients overall. (Daly et  al.,
ment of unipolar (n = 170) and bipolar (n = 50) depression. 2001). Sackeim and Prudic (2005) in a naturalistic sample
Remission was defined as 24-item Hamilton Rating Scale of patients treated at seven community hospitals also found
for Depression (HRSD24) scores of less than or equal to 10 that bipolar patients (n = 54) showed a more rapid response to
and at least a 60% reduction in HRSD24 score from base- ECT compared to unipolar patients (n = 279) when treated
line. Patients were treated with either bifrontal, bitemporal, with either RUL or bilateral ECT (Sackeim & Prudic, 2005).
or RUL electrode placements. Overall, 61.8% of patients While other studies suggest that speed of response to ECT
remitted, and there was no significant difference in remis- is similar between bipolar and unipolar patients (Abrams
sion rates between unipolar (61.2%) and bipolar (64%) & Taylor, 1974; Bailine, et  al., 2010; Black, Winokur, &
patients. Additionally, there was no significant interaction Nasrallah, 1986), these results provide evidence that bipolar
between electrode placement, remission, and diagnosis patients may, in fact, require fewer treatments.
(Bailine et al., 2010).
A meta-analysis by Dierckx, Heijnen, van den Broek, &
Birkenhager (2012) reviewed six of the largest studies that
compare ECT response and remission outcome in bipolar Safety and tolerability data for ECT are derived largely
(n = 790) and unipolar (n = 316) depressed patients, includ- from studies in which diagnosis was of secondary impor-
ing the Bailine et  al. (2010) study previously mentioned. tance. As such, most of these data are from patients with
In general, response criteria were defined as a decrease of unipolar depression. However, there is no reason to
greater than or equal to 50% from the baseline HRSD believe that different diagnoses have an impact on the
(17-item [HRSD17] or 24-item) score. Remission criteria safety and tolerability of ECT. Therefore, in this section
were mostly defined as a HRSD24 less than or equal to 10 we review overall data about the safety and tolerability
or a HRSD17 less than or equal to 7. Dierckx et al. found no of ECT.
significant difference in rates of remission between unipo- The mortality of ECT is generally reported to be 1
lar (50.9%) and bipolar (53.2%) patients. per 10,000 patients (American Psychiatric Association,
While response and remission rates were similar among 2001). This is likely to be derived from a largely healthy
bipolar and unipolar depressed patients, some studies found population. However, since many ECT patients are
that bipolar patients required fewer treatments to achieve elderly and have multiple systemic medical illnesses,
response and remission. Using “moderate” (HRSD17 ≤ 10, the true rate may be somewhat higher. A  recent survey
“remitter 10”) or “strict” (HRSD17 ≤ 7, “remitter 7”) remission of adverse events (between 1999 and 2010)  related to
criteria, Sienaert et  al. (2009) found that bipolar depressed ECT in the Veterans Affairs National Center for Patient
patients (n = 13) required approximately seven treatments to Safety database found that the mortality rate of ECT
achieve response and eight treatments to achieve remitter-10 was less than 1 death per 73,440 treatments, suggesting

E lectroconvulsive T herapy and B ipolar D isorder   •   3 6 9

that ECT is even safer than previously reported (Watts, (Lisanby, 2007). Interestingly, and often overlooked, is
Groft, Bagian, & Mills, 2011). Additionally, a 2013 case the fact that many of the cognitive impairments related to
report found no significant morphological brain changes depression will be reversed by ECT and a patient’s over-
postmortem in an 84-year-old man who had received 422 all cognition will be improved following a course of ECT
ECT treatments (with bilateral electrode placement and (Stoudemire, Hill, Morris, & Dalton, 1995).
maximum stimulus dosing; Anderson, Wollmann, &
Dinwiddie, 2013).

The concomitant use of medications with ECT for patients

Medical risks with bipolar depression is little different from that of other
The most significant morbidity of ECT involves cardio- ECT patients. The controversial nature of treating bipolar
vascular events. These are rare enough that a true base rate depression with antidepressants notwithstanding, many
is very difficult to ascertain. The greatest risk in ECT is bipolar depressed patients coming to ECT will be on anti-
in patients with coronary artery disease; this puts them at depressant medications. In recent years, there has been a
risk for myocardial ischemia during a period of increased tendency to liberalize concomitant use of antidepressants
oxygen demand induced by the ECT seizure (Zielinski, and ECT. In fact, new evidence suggests that some anti-
Roose, Devanand, Woodring, & Sackeim, 1993). Of depressants will add to the antidepressant effect of ECT
theoretical but much less practical importance because (Sackeim et al., 2009). Even monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
of its rarity, the risk of ECT in patients with neurologi- once believed to present unacceptable risks during ECT,
cal illnesses associated with increased intracranial pres- are now considered relatively safe (Dolenc, Habl, Barnes, &
sure is substantial. It has been stated that the only true Rasmussen, 2004). In general, it is believed that most anti-
medical contraindication to ECT is the presence of an depressants, used at conventional doses, are quite safe in
intracranial tumor associated with increased intracranial conjunction with ECT (Yildiz et al., 2010). However, use
pressure (Kellner, 1996). of antidepressants in bipolar disorder necessitates caution,
and their prudent administration should follow the most
recent statements provided in the International Society for
Bipolar Disorders Task Force Report on Antidepressant
Cognitive risks
Use in Bipolar Disorders (Pacchiarotti et al., 2013).
Historically, the side effect that has most limited the use
of ECT is that of memory loss. Modern ECT techniques
result in markedly diminished memory impairment com-
pared to ECT techniques of the past, and concern about
cognitive outcome should no longer be considered a major Recent demonstration of the intrinsic antidepressant
impediment to prescribing the treatment for appropriately effect of ketamine has rekindled interest in ketamine as
selected patients (Kellner, 2013). In other words, concerns an anesthetic for ECT (Murrough et al., 2013). Ketamine
about cognitive risk should not be the overriding consider- has been used as an alternative anesthetic in ECT for the
ation for seriously ill bipolar depressed patients who have past several decades. However, its use has been limited by
failed to respond to pharmacotherapy. The adverse cogni- the adverse side-effect profile, including dissociative symp-
tive effects can be divided into three types:  (a)  an acute toms and hypertension (Rasmussen, Jarvis, & Zorumski,
confusional state, (b) anterograde amnesia, and (c) retro- 1996). There is no reason to believe that bipolar depressed
grade amnesia. The acute confusional state and antero- patients will respond to ketamine differently than ECT
grade amnesia are of relatively little concern because they patients with other diagnoses. A  fairly extensive litera-
are almost always time limited. Retrograde amnesia, the ture documenting ketamine’s use in ECT demonstrates
erasing of some recent memories, has been the effect of only modest increased antidepressant efficacy (Kranaster,
most concern. The extent of retrograde amnesia is com- Kammerer-Ciernioch, Hoyer, & Sartorius, 2011). The hope
mensurate with the type and intensity of ECT that a that there would be dramatic synergistic effects between
patient receives:  patients who remit with short courses ketamine and ECT has not been realized. Ketamine
of RUL ECT may have very minor retrograde amnesia, remains a useful alternative anesthetic for any ECT patient
compared with more significant effects in patients who in whom seizure elicitation has become difficult, because of
require longer courses with bilateral electrode placement its mildly proconvulsant properties (Krystal et al., 2003).

3 70   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
ECT A ND M A NI A excitement, grandiosity, emotional lability, delusions, and
insomnia characteristic of mania and the disorientation and
In addition to its well-known use as an antidepres- altered consciousness characteristic of delirium” (p. 59). It
sant, ECT is among the treatment options for the manic is often accompanied by fever, dehydration, and autonomic
phase of bipolar disorder. In fact, mania is one of the six instability, making it a medical emergency. Initial treat-
“cleared indications” listed for ECT devices by the United ment is supportive, and definitive treatment is often with
States Food and Drug Administration (FDA Executive ECT, sometimes on a schedule of daily treatments until
Summary, 2011). Additionally, all major international response is achieved (Kellner, 2012).
guidelines for the use of ECT list mania as an indica-
tion (American Psychiatric Association, 2001; National
Institute for Clinical Excellence, 2003). Despite this ubiq-
uitous recognition for the use of ECT to treat mania, it is Given that most patients with refractory mania who are
used far less for this indication than for depression. ECT is treated with ECT are urgently ill, it seems reasonable that
often recommended as a second-line treatment option for the most potent and effective form of ECT should be used.
medication-refractory mania, which is a relatively uncom- In fact, it has been the standard of the field to recommend
mon condition. Most manic patients will respond to med- bilateral ECT at moderately high stimulus doses, some-
ications if given high enough doses (of single or multiple times on a daily schedule, for such urgently ill patients
agents) for an adequate time. (Mukherjee, Sackeim, & Schnur, 1994). However, there
In a review published in The American Journal of is also considerable clinical trial and case report data to
Psychiatry in 1994, Mukherjee et  al. reviewed 50  years’ suggest that RUL ECT is effective in some manic patients
experience of using ECT to treat mania. They concluded (Mukherjee, Sackeim, & Lee, 1988; Robinson, Penzner,
that ECT resulted in “marked clinical improvement or Arkow, Kahn, & Berman, 2011). Despite these reports,
clinical remission . . . in 80% of 589 manic patients” (p. 171). prudent clinical practice would suggest continuing the use
Many of these patients had been unresponsive to pharma- of the most potent forms of ECT in patients with urgent
cotherapy. They reviewed the earlier study of Black et  al. clinical indications (Milstein et al., 1987).
(1986) that reported approximately 60% remission rates In their review of the literature to date, Mukherjee
in manic patients with poor response to lithium or neu- et al. (1994) concluded that the speed of response to ECT
roleptics. They also reviewed technical aspects of ECT in mania did not differ from the speed of response in major
and mania (see section on “ECT Technique in Mania”) as depression. Thirthalli, Kumar, Bangalore, & Gangadhar
well as concomitant use of lithium and neuroleptics (dis- (2009), in a retrospective chart review, noted that manic
cussed later). More recently, Loo, Katalinic, Mitchell, & patients showed clinical improvement with significantly
Greenberg (2011) again reviewed the literature on the use fewer treatments with treatment at higher, compared to
of ECT to treat acute mania. Little had changed since the lower, stimulus doses.
findings of Mukherjee et  al. (1994) 15  years earlier; Loo
et al. added reviews of two studies comparing bifrontal and
bitemporal electrode placement for mania. Both studies CONCOM I TA N T M E DIC AT IONS
found good efficacy for both techniques and slightly dis- I N M A N I A A N D EC T
crepant results regarding differential cognitive outcomes
(see section on “ECT Technique in Mania”; Barekatain,
Jahangard, Haghighi, & Ranjkesh, 2008; Hiremani, Because of its common usage in the treatment of bipolar
Thirthalli, Tharayil, & Gangadhar, 2008. disorder, lithium is a medication that ECT practitioners
will encounter frequently in their practice. There is an
extensive literature on the concurrent administration of
lithium and ECT, which concludes that, in general, the
Delirious mania, also known as excited catatonia and practice is relatively safe (Dolenc & Rasmussen, 2005).
malignant catatonia, is a rare syndrome characterized Many patients have been treated safely while continuing
by sudden onset delirium, mania, and psychosis that has to take lithium. However, it is clear that in certain situa-
recently gained attention as a unique diagnostic entity tions lithium may increase the risk of a prolonged seizure
(Maldeniya & Vasudev, 2013). As defined by Fink (1999), or increased cognitive impairment/delirium with ECT
delirious mania “is a syndrome of the acute onset of the (Weiner, Whanger, Erwin, & Wilson, 1980). These factors

E lectroconvulsive T herapy and B ipolar D isorder   •   3 71

mandate the prudent coadministration of lithium and EC T I N DUC I NG M A N IC S W I TCH E S
ECT and result in the common recommendation that
All effective antidepressants are capable of switching
lithium levels be decreased to the low therapeutic range
depressed bipolar patients into hypomania or mania, and
when ECT is given. In practice, lithium doses are com-
ECT is no exception. However, fears of this complication
monly held for 24 to 48 hours prior to each ECT procedure
have been greatly exaggerated, and the extant literature
(Kellner, 2012). Given the pharmacokinetics of lithium,
suggests that this is a relatively uncommon phenomenon.
this typically results in a reduction of serum lithium levels
When it does occur, it most commonly results in a brief
by approximately 50%. This liberal attitude toward the con-
period of hypomania and, only very rarely, frank mania. In
current administration of lithium and ECT allows patients
a cohort of 220 depressed patients, (170 unipolar, 50 bipo-
to benefit from the mood-stabilizing effects of lithium and
lar), Bailine et  al. (2010) reported that approximately 9%
ECT simultaneously.
(21/220) of patients received scores in the mild to moder-
ate range on the Clinician-Administered Rating Scale for
Anticonvulsants Mania Outcome at some point during the ECT course.
Of these 21 patients, only one patient received a score in
Anticonvulsants, including valproate, carbamazepine, and
the moderate range after the course of ECT (Bailine et al.,
lamotrigine, are frequently administered as mood stabi-
2010). Management of such a switch can be temporary ces-
lizers in all phases of bipolar disorder and present specific
sation of ECT with continued medication management or
challenges with concomitant ECT use. Obviously, since the
continuation of the ECT treatment course with the expec-
therapeutic goal of ECT is to induce a seizure, anticonvul-
tation that the ECT itself will treat the induced hypoma-
sant medications may interfere either with the induction of
nia. It should be remembered that a hypomanic patient is
a seizure or the therapeutic potency of an induced seizure.
almost always less seriously ill than a profoundly depressed
In general, it is recommended that anticonvulsants given
one; therefore, such switches into hypomania, unless they
for psychiatric indications either be tapered or discon-
evolve to full-blown mania or cycle acceleration, may often
tinued prior to ECT (American Psychiatric Association,
be regarded as relative therapeutic successes.
2001). An accumulating evidence base suggests that many
patients can be treated successfully while on concomitant
anticonvulsants, but it may be prudent to at least withhold
doses prior to treatment such that blood levels are lower E C T A N D B I P OL A R M I X E D   S TAT E S
(Rubner, Koppi, & Conca, 2009; Sienaert & Peuskens,
2007; Virupaksha, Shashidhara, Thirthalli, Kumar, & The literature in ECT and mixed states is necessarily small
Gangadhar, 2010). because this diagnostic entity is much less commonly
identified. Since ECT works at both poles of bipolar ill-
ness (depression and mania), there is no intuitive reason to
suspect that it would not also work equally well for mixed
Both first- and second-generation antipsychotic medications states. The literature on mixed states includes a review by
have been used safely and effectively in conjunction with Valenti et al. (2008) in which the only three papers on the
ECT. There is an extensive literature, going back decades, subject are discussed in detail. Given the evidence that sui-
suggesting that concomitant use of first-generation antipsy- cide risk may be particularly high in mixed states (because
chotics with ECT in patients with psychotic depression, of the coexistence of depressed mood and increased energy),
psychotic symptoms in mania, and schizophrenia is a help- the well-known rapid antisuicide effect of ECT should be
ful strategy for early remediation of symptoms (Haskett kept in mind (Kellner et al., 2005).
& Loo, 2010). Because of the potential for cardiovascular Devanand et al. (2000) conducted a chart review com-
adverse effects with low potency first-generation antipsy- paring treatment response and clinical course in 38 bipolar
chotics, these drugs should be used cautiously in conjunc- depressed, 5 bipolar manic, and 10 bipolar mixed patients.
tion with ECT (Grinspoon & Greenblatt, 1963). There is The three patient groups exhibited robust response to
an accumulating literature about the safety of concomitant ECT, but the mixed group had longer hospital stays and
use of second-generation (atypical) antipsychotics and ECT. there was a trend for them to require a greater number of
Because these medications are increasingly prescribed for ECT treatments. Gruber, Dilsaver, Shoaib, and Swann
their antidepressant and mood-stabilizing effects, they are (2000) reported on seven patients in mixed states who
likely to be used more frequently with ECT in the future. were pharmacotherapy-resistant and referred for ECT; all

3 7 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
seven patients remitted. Ciapparelli et al. (2001) reported however, patients with psychotic features or in manic phase
on 41 patients with mixed states and compared them to 23 of the illness present particular challenges to obtaining
patients with bipolar depression. The mixed-mania patients fully informed consent, such that substituted consent with
showed a significantly greater decrease in depression rating recourse to mandated judicial requirements may be neces-
scores than bipolar depressed patients, a greater reduction sary for some severely ill patients.
in suicidality, and a more rapid response. Despite minor
Disclosure statement:  Dr.  Charles H.  Kellner has received
differences in the findings of the above studies, it is clear
grant support from the National Institute of Mental
that mixed affective states respond robustly to ECT.
Health, royalties from Cambridge University Press, and
honoraria from UpToDate, Psychiatric Times, and North
Shore-LIJ Health System.
C ON S E N T F OR   E C T Lauren S. Liebman has no conflicts of interest. Gabriella
M. Ahle has no conflicts of interest. Mimi C. Briggs has no
The consent process for ECT, while always more compre- conflicts of interest.
hensive than that for most other medical procedures, is par-
ticularly difficult in the case of a bipolar patient experiencing
a severe and/or psychotic mood episode. In both depressive R E F E R E NC E S
and manic or mixed phases of bipolar disorder, patients may
be agitated and psychotic with delusional thinking and very Abrams, R., & Taylor, M. A. (1974). Unipolar and bipolar depressive
illness. Phenomenology and response to electroconvulsive therapy.
limited attention span. Such patients often lack capacity for Archives of General Psychiatry, 30(3), 320–321.
informed medical decision making and will need to have American Psychiatric Association. (2001). The practice of ECT:  Rec-
substituted consent. The specific procedure for obtaining ommendations for treatment, training, and privileging (2nd ed.).
Washington DC: American Psychiatric Press.
such substituted consent will vary by jurisdiction and may Anderson, D., Wollmann, R., & Dinwiddie, S. H. (2014). Neuropatho-
be constrained by the country or the US state laws that are logical evaluation of an 84-year-old man after 422 ECT treatments.
The Journal of ECT, 30(3), 248–250.
considered by some to be overly restrictive and prejudicial Bailine, S., Fink, M., Knapp, R., Petrides, G., Husain, M.  M., Ras-
to certain patient populations (Kellner et al., 2012; Wachtel mussen, K., . . . Kellner, C.  H. (2010). Electroconvulsive therapy is
et al., 2013). In certain states this will be a relatively simple equally effective in unipolar and bipolar depression. Acta Psychiat-
rica Scandinavica, 121(6), 431–436.
matter of invoking emergency procedures, while in others Barekatain, M., Jahangard, L., Haghighi, M., & Ranjkesh, F. (2008).
it will involve an ECT-specific court-mandated process. Bifrontal versus bitemporal electroconvulsive therapy in severe
Once a bipolar patient has begun to improve after one or manic patients. The Journal of ECT, 24(3), 199–202.
Black, D. W., Winokur, G., & Nasrallah, A. (1986). ECT in unipolar
several ECT, it may then be possible to obtain informed and bipolar disorders:  A  naturalistic evaluation of 460 patients.
consent from the patient him or herself. In rare instances, Convulsive Therapy, 2(4), 231–237.
patients and providers have collaborated to create advanced Case, B. G., Bertollo, D. N., Laska, E. M., Price, L. H., Siegel, C. E.,
Olfson, M., & Marcus, S. C. (2013). Declining use of electrocon-
directives such that euthymic bipolar patients may be able vulsive therapy in U.S. general hospitals is not restricted to unipolar
to express their preference for future treatments, including depression. Biological Psychiatry, 74(10), e19–e20.
ECT, should they have another severe episode. Ciapparelli, A., Dell’Osso, L., Tundo, A., Pini, S., Chiavacci, M.  C.,
Di Sacco, I., & Cassano, G. B. (2001). Electroconvulsive therapy in
medication-nonresponsive patients with mixed mania and bipolar
depression. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 62(7), 552–555.
Daly, J.  J., Prudic, J., Devanand, D.  P., Nobler, M.  S., Lisanby, S.  H.,
C ONC LUS ION Peyser, S., . . . Sackeim, H. A. (2001). ECT in bipolar and unipolar
depression: Differences in speed of response. Bipolar Disorders, 3(2),
The existing literature makes it clear that ECT is an impor- Devanand, D. P., Polanco, P., Cruz, R., Shah, S., Paykina, N., Singh, K.,
tant and efficacious treatment for severe bipolar disorder & Majors, L. (2000). The efficacy of ECT in mixed affective states.
The Journal of ECT, 16(1), 32–37.
in all phases of the illness. Efficacy is almost uniformly Dierckx, B., Heijnen, W.  T., van den Broek, W.  W., & Birkenhager,
reported as high, as are safety and tolerability. In bipo- T.  K. (2012). Efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy in bipolar ver-
lar disorder, as in all other major psychiatric illnesses for sus unipolar major depression: A meta-analysis. Bipolar Disorders,
14(2), 146–150.
which ECT is indicated, ECT use continues to be limited Dolenc, T. J., Habl, S. S., Barnes, R. D., & Rasmussen, K. G. (2004).
because of stigma and lack of familiarity with, or availabil- Electroconvulsive therapy in patients taking monoamine oxidase
ity of, the treatment. Consent issues, always a focus of treat- inhibitors. The Journal of ECT, 20(4), 258–261.
Dolenc, T. J., & Rasmussen, K. G. (2005). The safety of electroconvul-
ment with contemporary ECT, are no different for bipolar sive therapy and lithium in combination: A case series and review of
depressed patients than for unipolar depressed patients; the literature. The Journal of ECT, 21(3), 165–170.

E lectroconvulsive T herapy and B ipolar D isorder   •   3 7 3

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Christina Switala, Sabrina Maria Gippert, Sarah Kayser,

Bettina Heike Bewernick, and Thomas Eduard Schlaepfer

In psychiatric disorders, targets have been chosen using DE E P R E PE T I T I V E T R A N S C R A N I A L
knowledge derived from lesion and imaging studies as M AG N E T IC S T I M U L AT ION
well as from current understanding of the pathophysi-
ology of the disorder. In the contrary to neurological
diseases, there is not a single pathological structure in
psychiatric illness. Several brain structures presum-
ably play different roles in the development, as well as Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)
in the maintenance of symptoms. Some targets are in refers to the administration of series of pulsed magnetic
close anatomical or functional relationship (neural net- stimuli to the brain for the purpose of altering brain func-
works) and an overlap of effect is plausible. It has been tion (Figure 27.1). This treatment method was originally
shown that several targets can lead to remission. Thus invented by Barker, Jalinous, and Freeston (1985) and
different targets manipulate the pathological network at delivers magnetic pulses to the cortex using a stimulating
different nodes. coil, which is applied directly to the head. The equipment
So far, the management of treatment-resistant unipolar necessary to deliver rTMS consists of two parts: a stimula-
or bipolar depression is a therapeutic challenge, as many tor, which generates brief pulses of strong electrical currents
such patients continue to lack adequate treatment options. whose frequency and intensity can be varied, and a stimu-
Current data point to the fact that the neurobiology of lation coil connected to the stimulator. The magnetic field
bipolar depression is very similar to unipolar major depres- generated at the coil passes unimpeded through scalp and
sion. Especially in severe, therapy-resistant forms, a dif- skull and induces an electrical current in the underlying tis-
ferentiation between unipolar and bipolar depression has sue, which in turn depolarizes neurons (George et al., 2003;
become unnecessary. Schlaepfer & Kosel., 2004a). The main advantage of this
Hence, for these patients alternative treatment meth- method is its noninvasiveness and the possibility to stimu-
ods are urgently needed. This chapter introduces the late relatively small brain volumes. With recent technology,
methods of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation single, paired, or repetitive magnetic pulses can be gener-
(rTMS), vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), and deep brain ated and delivered (Schlaepfer, George, & Mayberg, 2010).
stimulation (DBS) as possible treatment options for bipolar A repetitively application of TMS pulses can modulate cor-
disorder (BD). tical excitability (i.e., increasing or decreasing it), depending






Figure 27.1 
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and deep brain stimulation (DBS) (exemplary
Nucleus Accumbens) as neuromodulative treatments. (See color insert)

on the parameters of stimulation (Fitzgerald, Fountain, & (8-coil), deep rTMS can be applied with different types
Daskalakis, 2006). Because rTMS can reversibly alter of coils: the H-coil (Roth, Zangen, & Hallett, 2002), the
cortical function, it is being actively researched in many C-core coil (Davey & Riehl, 2006), and the circular crown
disorders such as depression, negative symptoms in schizo- coil (Deng, Peterchev, & Lisanby, 2008). The H-coil, how-
phrenia, hallucinations, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disor- ever, is the only coil whose safety and effectiveness has been
der, obsessive-compulsive disorder, tinnitus, and migraine tested.
(Schlaepfer, et al., 2010). Even though both rTMS and deep rTMS can modu-
late cortical excitability positively or negatively by induc-
ing changes in those neural circuits that are supposed to
be dysfunctional, the H-coil is able to modulate cortical
excitability up to a maximum depth of 6 cm (Roth, Amir,
Deep rTMS, as a modification of rTMS, is mainly used for Levkovitz, & Zangen, 2007). The 8-coil, on the other hand,
the treatment of drug-resistant Major depressive disorder has biological effects on the nerve cells within 1.5 to 2.5 cm
(MDD), but there are also ongoing studies investigating from the scalp. Therefore, the induced electromagnetic
its use for the treatment of other psychiatric, neurological field considerably decreases in intensity when approaching
and medical diseases like BD, posttraumatic stress disor- deeper brain regions. This exponential decay of the electro-
der, autism, Asperger’s syndrome, addictions, alcoholism, magnetic signal can be regarded as a function of the dis-
Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, tance from the coil, due to the characteristics of the cerebral
tinnitus, migraine, cognitive deficits, multiple sclerosis, tissue acting as a conductor. Thus the H-coil modulates the
and neuropathic pain (Bersani, Minichino, et  al., 2013). activity not only of the cerebral cortex but also of deeper
Whereas rTMS is mostly applied with a figure-of-eight coil neural circuits (Bersani, Minichino, et al., 2013).

3 7 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
T R E AT M E N T A DM I N I S T R AT ION without a history of seizures and even when rTMS is used
within suggested guidelines. One patient reported a tempo-
Before the onset of treatment, the motor threshold (MT)
rary hearing loss after rTMS. In light of this, an extensive
must be identified—a global measure of corticospinal excit-
study of auditory threshold was conducted before and after
ability that represents the lowest stimulation intensity
four weeks of rTMS in over 300 patients. No changes were
required to evoke a motor potential of at least 50 µV or the
found. However, patients and TMS operators should wear
contraction of abductor brevis pollicis muscle in 5 out of
earplugs when receiving TMS. Headaches are the most
10 stimulations. As MT is affected by such factors as medi-
common complaint after rTMS, typically relieved by non-
cations, abuse of substances, electroconvulsive therapy,
narcotic analgesics such as aspirin. The incidence of head-
and pathological events, it should be measured daily dur-
ache did not differ between active and sham in the largest
ing therapy with TMS. After the identification of the MT,
clinical trials to date (Janicak et al., 2008). Repeated analy-
the coil is moved from the motor cortex to the specific tar-
sis of cognitive functioning of rTMS patients has not found
get cortical region. In the treatment of MDD and bipolar
any enduring negative effects from the procedure (Janicak,
depression, the target area is the left dorsolateral prefrontal
et  al., 2008; Little et  al., 2000; Schulze-Rauschenbach
cortex (Harel et al., 2011; Levkovitz et al., 2009). Further,
et  al., 2005). After a session, patients are able to drive
the frequency (the effect of the stimulation on the cortical
home and return to work. When conducting rTMS, safety
excitability) and the intensity (the depth of the stimulation)
criteria on the basis of two consensus conferences (Rossi,
of the electromagnetic stimulation are considered. In detail,
Hallett, Rossini, & Pascual-Leone, 2009; Wassermann,
frequencies equal or less than 1 Hz produce an inhibitory
1998) must be considered. Based on the results of a study
effect and frequencies more than 1 Hz an excitatory effect.
by O’Reardon and colleagues (2007), rTMS was approved
The intensity is measured from 1 to 100. This number rep-
by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2008
resents a percentage value with regard to the maximum
for the treatment of modest treatment-resistant depression
intensity of the neurostimulator. The correct intensity is
(TRD). Furthermore, there is evidence for rTMS either as a
measured in relation to the MT, for ­example 100% of MT,
mono- or add-on therapy for the treatment of modest TRD
110% of MT, and so on (Bersani, Minichino, et al., 2013).
(evidence-based medicine, Level 1).


Deep repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
Patients showing the following physiological or patho-
In general, rTMS is regarded as safe and without enduring logical conditions are discouraged from undergoing deep
side effects. There have been no reported lasting neurologi- rTMS treatment for safety reasons:  a history of seizures
cal, cognitive, or cardiovascular sequelae as a result of rTMS or epilepsy in first-degree relatives and the presence of any
(Schlaepfer, et al., 2010). Inducing a seizure is the primary known factor that can lower the seizure threshold (sleep
safety concern with rTMS. A summary document from an deprivation, caffeine, abuse substance, etc.); previous head
international safety meeting on rTMS reported 12 cases injury and the presence of metallic implants in the cephalic
of seizures induced with rTMS (Wassermann, 1997). The region (e.g., aneurysm clips, shunts, stimulators, cochlear
authors estimated these 12 cases occurred with a sample size implants, electrodes) with the exception of dental fillings
of several thousand. This puts the risk at less than 0.5 per- and the presence of cardiac pacemakers, neurostimulators,
cent. Most of these patients were healthy volunteers without surgical clips, or other electronic equipment; the presence
a history of epilepsy. Fortunately, there are no reports that of an acute or chronic cardiac disease; deafness or hear-
the individuals affected experienced recurrence. Also, all of ing loss; metabolic or systemic diseases; and comorbidity
the seizures occurred during rTMS administration when the with several neurological disorders (e.g., increased intracra-
patient was sitting down and near an investigator, and all of nial pressure, space-occupying lesion, history of stroke or
the seizures were self-limited without needing medications transient ischemic attack, brain aneurysm). Overall, deep
or other interventions. Of the reported cases, the majority rTMS can be considered a safe and tolerable treatment.
were receiving rTMS to the motor cortex—the most epi- Nevertheless, side effects like scalp discomfort, transient
leptogenic region of the cortex. Additionally, most (but not headache, and dizziness, as well as dizziness associated with
all) were receiving trains of stimulation outside of suggested nausea, insomnia, sensation of foul smell, bad taste and
limits. These cases suggest that rTMS-induced seizures will repulsive smell, numbness in the right temporal and right
remain a small but significant adverse event even in patients cervical zone, and generalized seizures have been reported

N euromodulative T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   3 7 9

(Bersani, Minichino, et al., 2013). On the one hand, high Deep repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
stimulation intensities used in deep rTMS can overstimu-
So far, deep rTMS has achieved the greatest therapeutic
late cortical regions and facial nerves, which in turn can
effects in the treatment of depression, and it is regarded as a
lead to epileptic seizures or other undesirable side effects
valid method to become a new treatment for drug-resistant
(Marcolin & Padberg, 2007). On the other hand, patients
depressed patients or those who cannot be treated with
who are additionally in treatment with high doses of anti-
medications (Bersani, Minichino, et al., 2013).
depressant drugs are more likely to experience seizures
The prefrontal cortex is the brain region that is mostly
(Pisani, Spina, & Oteri, 1999).
involved in the modulation of mood and emotional behav-
ior. In this respect, the greatest efficacy was obtained by
excitatory stimulation applied to the left dorsolateral pre-
frontal cortex using standard rTMS (Broadbent et  al.,
2011). The left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, in turn, is a
region that is hypoactive (reduced metabolism and blood
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation flow) during episodes of declined mood (Drevets, 2000).
Alternatively, the reward circuit is a system that has gained
Largely because of its noninvasiveness, rTMS has been
increasing focus in the study of MDD. The main compo-
investigated in several neuropsychiatric disorders.
nent of this circuit is the mesolimbic dopaminergic path-
Depression has been the most widely studied disorder
way consisting of the nucleus accumbens and the ventral
using TMS (George et  al., 2003; Kosel & Schlaepfer,
tegmentum area, which are both interconnected with the
2005; Schlaepfer & Kosel, 2004a, 2005). To investi-
dorsal and ventral lateral prefrontal cortices. It is assumed
gate response, remission and drop-out rates follow-
that the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmentum
ing high-frequency rTMS (HF-rTMS; frequencies ≥ 5
area contribute substantially to the pathophysiology and
Hz) for MDD, a meta-analysis including data from 29
symptomatology of depression (Nestler & Carlezon, 2006).
randomized, double-blind, and sham-controlled trials
Therefore, even though rTMS has proved to be mod-
(N = 1371 subjects with MDD) was conducted (Berlim,
erately effective in treating drug-resistant depression and
van den Eynde, Tovar-Perdomo, & Daskalakis, 2013).
has been shown to be effective in stimulating the prefron-
Response was defined as a ≥ 50% reduction in posttreat-
tal cortex, it is conceivable that deep rTMS stimulation,
ment scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
which reaches a much greater depth, might show greater
(HADRS) or on the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression
effects as the magnetic field generated by rTMS is not suf-
Rating Scale (MADRS) at the end of the blinded treat-
ficient to reach deeper cortical, subcortical, and limbic areas
ment. Remission was based on the primary efficacy
(Bersani, Minichino, et  al., 2013). To date, seven studies
measure (e.g., 17- or 21-item HADRS scores ≤ 7 or ≤
have been published investigating the efficacy of deep rTMS
8, respectively, or MADRS scores ≤ 6 at the end of the
in patients suffering from drug-resistant depression (Harel
blinded treatment). Briefly, the results showed that this
et  al., 2012; Isserles et  al., 2011; Levkovitz, et  al., 2009;
neuromodulation technique is significantly more effec-
Levkovitz et  al., 2011; Rosenberg et  al., 2011; Rosenberg,
tive than sham rTMS in terms of both response (29.3%
Shoenfeld, Zangen, Kotler, & Dannon, 2010; Rosenberg,
vs. 10.4% in sham rTMS) and remission rates (18.6% vs.
Zangen, Stryjer, Kotler, & Dannon, 2010). Overall, the
5% in sham rTMS). Furthermore, HF-rTMS seems to be
results indicate that deep rTMS is an effective, safe, and
equally effective as an augmentation strategy or mono-
well-tolerated method of treatment for patients suffering
therapy for MDD when it is used in patients with defined
from drug-resistant unipolar depression both as a mono-
TRD or in patients with less resistant depressive disorder
therapy and as an add-on treatment.
and in samples with unipolar MDD or in mixed samples
with unipolar and bipolar depression. Moreover, alterna-
tive stimulation parameters were not associated with dif- R E PE T I T I V E T R A NS CR A N I A L M AG N E T IC
ferential efficacy estimates. Finally, HF- and sham rTMS S T I M U L AT ION A S A T R E AT M E N T
groups did not differ in terms of baseline depressive symp- FOR BI P OL A R DE PR E S S ION
tomatology and drop-out rates. Therefore, the authors
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
concluded that HF-rTMS seems to be a suitable treatment
for depression that is associated with clinically relevant Studies investigating the efficacy of rTMS in bipolar
antidepressant effects and a benign tolerability profile. depression are mixed with some studies showing rather

3 8 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
positive results (Erfurth, Michael, Mostert, & Arolt, 2000; clinical remission was achieved after 2 weeks of treatment
George, Speer, Molloy, et  al., 1998; Tamas, Menkes, & (10 sessions). Furthermore, the safety of deep rTMS in this
El-Mallakh, 2007) and some negative trials (Nahas, Kozel, case, also in terms of cognitive improvements, could be
Li, Anderson, & George, 2003; Tharayil, Gangadhar, confirmed. Moreover, the patient reported only mild and
Thirthalli, & Anand, 2005). It must be pointed out that as transient side effects such as nausea, diaphoresis, mild head-
the baseline mood changes more quickly because patients aches, and scalp discomfort. During continuation sessions
cycle into and out of a depression naturally, in general it the patient was in stable remission. He showed no depres-
takes larger samples to show effects in bipolar patients sive relapses and no manic switches. The authors concluded
(George et al., 2009). that deep rTMS can be useful in treatment-resistant bipolar
depression and in preventing bipolar episodes of any polar-
ity, even though this case report presents a relatively short
Deep repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
follow-up and the improvements cannot solely be attrib-
There is only one clinical trial present in the scientific lit- uted to the deep rTMS treatment as it was an add-on study
erature so far where deep rTMS was used to treat patients on medications. Further, there is a lack of double-blind,
suffering from bipolar depression (Harel et  al., 2011). placebo-controlled studies investigating the efficacy and
Nineteen patients under psychopharmacological treat- safety of deep rTMS, as well as clinical trials comparing
ment were enrolled and received prefrontal deep rTMS deep rTMS with other brain stimulation techniques, and
with H-coil every weekday for four consecutive weeks. All more factors associated with successful treatment should be
pulses were delivered in trains of 20 Hz at 120% of MT. identified (Bersani, Minichino, et al., 2013).
Each session consisted of 42 trains with a 2- second dura-
tion for each and a 20-second intertrain interval (a total
of 1,680 magnetic pulses delivered per session). Response VAGUS N E RV E S T I M U L AT ION
was defined as a 50% reduction on the HDRS one week
after the last treatment session; remission was defined as
an HDRS score less than 10. Concerning these criterions,
12 of 19 patients (63.2%) were classified as responders; Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) therapy is an invasive
10 of 19 patients (52.6%) achieved remission. Despite the brain stimulation method whereby a small electrical pulse
limitations of a small sample taking concomitant medi- is administered through an implanted neurostimula-
cations and the lack of placebo stimulation in this study, tor to a bipolar lead fixed to the left vagus nerve (George
the results nevertheless suggest a higher efficacy of deep et al., 2000; Schlaepfer & Kosel, 2004a) (Figure 27.1).
rTMS than rTMS. In this respect, a response rate of 54% Ben-Menachem et al. (1995) studied this procedure in
and a remission rate of 36.3% in a study using rTMS were patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy, and subse-
observed (Dell’Osso et al., 2009). In this study, 11 subjects quently the VNS device was approved by the FDA for
with bipolar I  or bipolar II disorder and MDD who did epilepsy in 1997. Interestingly, significant and clinically
not respond to previous pharmacological treatment were meaningful antidepressant effects of VNS therapy in epi-
treated with three weeks of open-label rTMS at 1 Hz, 110% lepsy patients have been described independently of reduc-
of MT, 300 stimuli/day. In 2013, a case report assessing tion of seizure frequency (Elger, Hoppe, Falkai, Rush, &
efficacy and safety of add-on deep rTMS in drug-resistant Elger, 2000). Thus in 2005 the FDA approved VNS ther-
bipolar depression, as well as its ability to protect from sub- apy for the adjunctive long-term treatment of chronic or
sequent episodes of any polarity, was published (Bersani, recurrent depression (unipolar or bipolar) for patients over
Girardi, et  al., 2013). It is the first published report to the age of 18 who are undergoing a major depressive episode
show efficacy of deep rTMS in treatment-resistant bipolar and have not had an adequate response to two or more anti-
depression so far. The authors presented the achieved data depressant treatments.
from one patient suffering from BD that has been treated
with 20 daily consecutive deep rTMS sessions and with
one deep rTMS session every two weeks for the following
three months with the same parameters used in the acute Both vagus nerves carry signals from the brain to the heart,
phase: 18 Hz for 2 seconds for 55 trains at 120% of the MT. lungs, and intestines and to areas of the brain that control
Depressive symptoms improved rapidly. Thus the patient mood, sleep, and other functions. So far, no precise mecha-
started improving by the first week of deep rTMS and nism of action has been reported for antiseizure effects of

N euromodulative T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   3 81

VNS therapy or for the antidepressant efficacy. It was dem- noninvasive programming, device diagnostics, and data
onstrated in brain imaging studies that VNS affects the check back. Usually, electrical pulses that last about 30
metabolism of limbic structures and of the prefrontal cor- seconds are forwarded about every five minutes from the
tex, which are both relevant to mood regulation (Drevets, generator to the vagus nerve; other parameters consist of a
Bogers, & Raichle, 2002; Henry et  al., 1999). Another current intensity of 0.20 to 2.50 mA, a pulse width of 500
putative mechanism of action, supported by animal and ms and a pulse frequency of 20 Hz.
human studies, might be the influence of VNS on mono-
aminergic neurotransmission (Dorr & Debonnel, 2006;
Roosevelt, Smith, Clough, Jensen, & Browning, 2006), for
example, serotonin, norepinephrine, gamma-aminobutyric A number of clinical studies assessing antidepressant prop-
acid, and glutamate (George et  al., 2000). Serotonergic erties of VNS therapy in patients suffering from TRD have
and noradrenergic systems are especially involved in both been conducted yet (see Table 27.1). Researchers have sug-
the pathophysiology of depression and the mechanisms of gested acute and longer-term antidepressants effects, but
action of antidepressants. Different from other antidepres- different response rates were demonstrated. The one- and
sants (e.g., electroconvulsive therapy, antidepressant drugs), two-year results were significantly superior by outcomes
VNS therapy does not seem to be associated with an ini- in comparison of patients receiving treatment as usual
tial reduction in the firing rates of serotonergic neurons, (TAU). Additionally, many of the patients who had a sig-
which could be an explanation for the slow and progressive nificant response within the first year of treatment con-
increase of antidepressant response in clinical VNS studies tinued to have a similar degree of response through two
(Dorr & Debonnel, 2006). However, these findings are not years. However, VNS therapy is most effective in patients
consistent with those in functional neuroimaging studies with moderate but not extreme levels of resistance to con-
(e.g., PET, SPECT, fMRI; Chae et al., 2003). ventional antidepressant treatments. The averaged response
rates of VNS therapy plus TAU measured by the MADRS
was 12% after 12 weeks (TAU only 4%), 18% after 24 weeks
(TAU only 7%), 28% after 48 weeks (TAU only 12%), and
32% after 96 weeks (TAU only 14%). Finally, despite FDA
The VNS therapy system consists of the implantable pulse approval, VNS therapy continues to be a controversial
generator, the lead, and the external programming system treatment for depression because antidepressant results of
used to change stimulation parameters. The generator is studies have been inconsistent. Altogether, the incidence
surgically implanted under the skin of the left chest. An of manic reaction or manic depressive reaction was 44% in
electrical lead is connected from the generator to an elec- D01, 12% in D02, 11% in D03, as described in detail in
trode partially wrapped around the left midcervical region the following, and for all bipolar patients combined 22%.
of the vagus nerve. Intermittent electrical signals are sent In published clinical studies, no difference in response rates
via the wire from the generator to the vagus nerve and via between MDD and BD were described.
nucleus tractus solitarius to various regions of the brain The first open-label, unblinded, four-center pilot study
(Schachter & Schmidt, 2001). The handheld device allows (D01) in patients suffering from TRD, evaluating VNS



VAR I ABLE V NS THER APY + TAU (N = 1,035) TAU ONLY (N = 425)

D01 D02 D03 D21 D23 D04 D23

Number of patients 60 235 74 331 335 124 301

MDD (%) 73.3 89.4 73 77.9 71 87.9 76.4

BP I and II (%) 26.7 10.6 27 22.1 29 12.1 23.6

MADRS baseline 33.4 31.7 32.9 33.7 33.1 29.4 33.4

Mean (SD) (5.1) (6.2) (6.4) (4.8) (7.9) (6.9) (5.1)

NOTE: MDD = major depressive disorder; BP = bipolar disorder; MADRS = Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale; TAU = treatment as usual.

3 8 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
therapy plus TAU over 24 months, was conducted in 1998 study (D03) continued as a Phase IV European postmar-
(Nahas et al., 2005; Rush et al., 2000; Sackeim et al., 2001). keting study and includes an acute treatment phase, as well
Patients suffering from bipolar depressive disorder (26.7% as a long-term follow-up phase (24 months). Antidepressant
of the whole sample) were required to demonstrate a resis- properties of VNS therapy (plus TAU) in extremely
tance to lithium treatment, have a medical contraindication treatment-resistant patients were demonstrated, even if due
to lithium, or be intolerant to lithium. The results demon- to the protocol limitation that the putative contribution
strated a 31% response rate during the acute study (after of the placebo effect cannot be assessed (Schlaepfer et al.,
three months) and one-year response rates of 45% (Rush 2008). The VNS therapy D05 study was a videotape assess-
et al., 2000). These results led to a subsequent randomized, ment of the D02 study to examine interrater reliability for
double-blind, multisite, sham-controlled pivotal clinical the depression assessments. Finally, the D06 VNS therapy
study (D02,) which was initiated in 2000 to evaluate safety pilot study included patients with rapid cycling BD.
and effectiveness of VNS therapy following a 12-week acute
phase and during a 12-month follow-up evaluation period.
Patients were treated with VNS therapy plus TAU or TAU
only. Twenty-five patients had a baseline diagnosis of BD. Patients receiving VNS therapy may experience various side
The response rates of 15.2% in the active VNS therapy group effects, including infection from the implant surgery, hoarse
and of 10% in the sham control group measured after three voice, cough, and shortness of breath; difficulty in swallow-
months were alike (Rush, Marangell, et  al., 2005; Rush, ing; and neck pain, some of which may persist as long as the
Sackeim, et al., 2005). Concerning side effects, a total of six device is active. Long-term side effects are unknown. The
patients experienced a manic/hypomanic reaction during the VNS therapy cannot be used in patients who have had their
study. However, there was a significant improvement in 30% vagus nerve cut or who will be exposed to diathermy.
of the patients over 12 months of VNS therapy. These results
were superior to outcome rates of 12.5% after 12 months in
a cluster-matched sample of patients receiving only TAU DE E P B R A I N S T I M U L AT ION
(George et al., 2005). In both samples, medications, psycho-
therapy, and other nonpharmacological treatments (electro-
convulsive therapy, TMS) could be used, which could have
led to the different one-year outcome results. The two-year
outcome demonstrated response rates of 42% in a total sam-
ple of 52 patients. Thus TRD patients showed long-term Electric stimulation of the brain began in 1879, when limb
benefits of the treatment with VNS therapy (Nahas et al., movement were elicited by stimulating the motor cortex in
2005). The postapproval study D21 evaluated three differ- dogs; human studies followed in 1884 (Gildenberg, 2005).
ent doses of VNS therapy in 331 patients (Aaronson et al., Insights from lesioning studies, imaging studies, and ani-
2013). During the acute phase of 22 weeks, patients received mal models have contributed to the development of DBS.
low dose (0.25 mA, 130 μsec), medium dose (0.5–1.0 DBS is the stereotaxic placement of unilateral or bilateral
mA, 250 μsec), or high dose (1.25–1.5 mA, 250 μsec) of electrodes connected to a permanently implanted, battery-
VNS therapy. The D23 study is a long-term (60  months), powered neurostimulator, usually placed subcutaneously
open-label, observational registry of patients receiving VNS in the chest area (Figure 27.1). Although the exact neurobi-
plus TAU (335 patients) or TAU only (301 patients). The ological mechanisms by which DBS exerts effects on brain
observational study D04 was initiated to collect long-term tissue are not yet fully understood (Hardesty & Sackeim,
clinical data for 124 patients. The purpose of this study was 2007), the hypothesis is that chronic HF (130–185 Hz)
to compare clinical outcomes in similar depressed patients, stimulation reduces neural transmission through inactiva-
who received VNS therapy and TAU (D02 study) and TAU tion of voltage-dependent ion channels (Breit, Schulz, &
only (Dunner et al., 2006; George et al., 2005). 15 patients Benabid, 2004). Chronic DBS was invented in the 1980s
(SD 12) with BD were enrolled in this study. Patients with by Benabid, Pollak, Louveau, Henry, and de Rougemont
a history of rapid cycling were excluded. Four percent of the (1987) for the treatment of movement disorders, espe-
patients improved after 12 months, in comparison to 12% cially Parkinson’s disease. In the mid-20th century, the
in the D02 study. first chronic brain stimulation was performed, when the
The VNS therapy was approved for commercial dis- Nucleus Caudatus was stimulated for eight weeks in a
tribution in the European Union countries in 2001. This case of a severe depressed patient (Fins, 2003). Today this

N euromodulative T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   3 83

method is clinically used for the treatment of tremor asso- & Gross, 2005; Stefurak et al., 2003). These results are in line
ciated with Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, and dysto- with the long-term changes described in psychiatric patients.
nia. The observation of induced psychiatric side effects In summary, short time processes might well explain
(e.g., changes in mood, hypomania, reduction of anxiety) acute effects in movement disorder. Especially in psychi-
initiated the attempt to try DBS for psychiatric disorders atric disorders, long-term changes in symptoms have been
(Mallet et al., 2002). Another reason was the fact that the described. This can only result from long-lasting, complex
effective but irreversible ablative neurosurgical interven- modulation of neural networks (McIntyre et al., 2004).
tions could now be emulated using DBS with a focused,
fully reversible, and titratable technique.
DBS can be seen as an improved alternative to ablative neu-
rosurgical procedures, which are used for well-defined groups of
patients with extremely severe treatment-refractory mental dis- Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as MDD because of
orders, such as anterior cingulotomy (for obsessive-compulsive the high frequency of depressive symptomatology in many
disorder, MDD, and pain; Greenberg et al., 2003), subcaudate patients with BD. Depressive episodes that are resistant to
tractotomy (for obsessive-compulsive disorder and MDD), treatment may also be associated with a worse course of ill-
limbic leucotomy (for obsessive-compulsive disorder, MDD, ness in BD, but we do not yet understand all the factors in
and self-mutilation; Price et al., 2001) and anterior capsulot- the connection between BD and depression.
omy (for obsessive-compulsive disorder). Symptoms of depression in the context of BD are
On the neuronal level, excitatory and inhibitory pro- generally not the same as in unipolar major depression
cesses might play a role (McIntyre, Savasta, Kerkerian-Le (Belmaker, 2004). Bipolar depression tends to be atypical
Goff, & Vitek, 2004). Most probably DBS leads to a func- with prominent fatigue, hypersomnia, and reverse diurnal
tional lesion of the surrounding tissue. Further mecha- mood variability (Berns & Nemeroff, 2003). Nonetheless,
nisms are depolarization blockade of current dependent current data point to the fact that the neurobiology of bipo-
ion channels (Beurrier, Bioulac, Audin, & Hammond, lar depression is very similar to unipolar major depression,
2001), exhaustion of the neurotransmitter pool (Zucker & especially regarding striatal dysfunction (Kupferschmidt &
Regehr, 2002), or synaptic inhibition (Dostrovsky et  al., Zakzanis, 2011; Marchand & Yurgelun-Todd, 2010). In
2000). Today it is unknown which part of the neuron addition, anhedonia and lack of motivation are also promi-
(e.g., cell body, axon) is primarily modulated by DBS. nent in bipolar patients suffering from treatment-resistant
Certainly the stimulation volume is not a fixed area around depression.
the electrode and the effect on neuronal tissue is variable. Similar to major depression, the pharmacological treat-
The effect of DBS on neurons depends on different fac- ment and psychotherapy of chronic BD does not seem to be
tors: the physiological properties of the surrounding brain effective enough despite the availability of many pharma-
tissue, the geometric configuration of the electrode, as well cological substances (Gijsman, Geddes, Rendell, Nolen, &
as the distance and orientation of the neuronal elements Goodwin, 2004; Papadimitriou, Dikeos, Soldatos, &
toward the electrode (Kringelbach, Jenkinson, Owen, & Calabrese, 2007), and there have been few prospective, ran-
Aziz, 2007). Stimulation parameters (frequency, ampli- domized studies on the subject (Bowden, 2005). In face of
tude, pulse width, duration) also clearly have an impact the remarkable increase in medications in BD, treatment
on the effect (Ranck, 1975). With commonly used param- is still plagued by inadequate response to acute manic or
eters, a relatively large volume of neural tissue is influenced depressive episodes or long-term preventive maintenance
(Kringelbach, et al., 2007). treatment (Gitlin, 2006).
Neurophysiologic recordings during stimulation have Current data point to the fact that the neurobiology
demonstrated that the oscillatory activity between brain of bipolar depression is very similar to unipolar major
structures is modulated by DBS in patients with move- depression. For instance, the subsyndrome of anhedonia is
ment disorders (Kringelbach, et  al., 2007). Also, changes the same. Most of the approaches for treatment-resistant
in neurotransmitter release (glutamate, dopamine) have bipolar depression are relatively similar to those used in
been reported (Hilker et  al., 2002; Stefani et  al., 2006). unipolar depression, with the possible exception of a more
Functional neuroimaging data have demonstrated that prominent place for atypical neuroleptics (with an often
DBS changes the activity of brain areas far beyond the tar- underestimated side effect burden), prescribed either alone
geted region. Thus complex neural networks are modulated or in combination with antidepressants (Gitlin, 2006;
(Kringelbach, et al., 2007; Mayberg et al., 2005; Schnitzler Nemeroff, 2005). Therefore, bipolar patients suffering

3 8 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
from depression, especially anhedonia, could possibly Another DBS study, which was conducted in Bonn by
profit from DBS. Schlaepfer, Bewernick, Kayser, Mädler, and Coenen (2013),
included one bipolar II patient stimulating the medial fore-
brain bundle. This patient showed similar and stable anti-
depressant effects like the patients diagnosed with TRD;
no manic or hypomanic states occurred.
Actual studies in TRD are targeting the nucleus accumbens A second study is currently being carried out that
(NAcc) (Bewernick et al., 2010; Schlaepfer et al., 2007), the explores antidepressant effects and the risk of hypoma-
medial forebrain bundle (Coenen, Schlaepfer, Maedler, & nia in bipolar patients stimulated at NAcc (registered at
Panksepp, 2010), the anterior cingulate cortex (Lozano et clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT01372722). A single case
al., 2008; Mayberg et al., 2005; Puigdemont et al., 2011), study, carried out by Schlaepfer and colleagues (2013) with
and the anterior limb of the capsula interna (Malone et al., a bipolar II patient stimulated at the NAcc showed compa-
2009). These targets are in close anatomical or functional rable results.
relationship (neural networks) and an overlap of effect is
probable (Figure 27.2).
Encouraging antidepressant results in patients suf-
fering from TRD led to a study by Holtzheimer and col-
leagues (2012) who included seven bipolar II patients The adverse reactions caused by DBS can be differentiated
together with 10 MDD patients stimulating subcallosal in those who are connected to the surgical implantation
cingulate white matter. It has been shown that DBS can itself and those who are linked to the stimulation. The
possibly induce manic or hypomanic states (Bewernick, main risk caused by the implantation is associated with
et al., 2010; Haq et al., 2010); therefore, bipolar patients the fact that a very small amount of brain tissue will be
were assessed carefully for hypomanic symptoms. No hypo- suppressed. This suppression might cause an injury of ves-
manic effects occurred in bipolar patients in this study. sels. Seizures, bleeding, and infection are also possible but
The authors stated that antidepressant effects in bipo- are very rare consequences of the implantation. Former
lar patients were similar to unipolar depressed patients. studies using DBS to improve neurological symptoms
A single blind discontinuation (sham stimulation) phase report the frequency of seizure with 1% to 3%, 1% to 5%
was introduced in the protocol after 24 months of open for bleeding, and 2% to 25% for infection. Most of these
stimulation; during the course of the study, this phase was infections are superficial and related to the tissue directly
eliminated due to symptom worsening and distress of the connected with the sensor and its connecting wires. An
first three patients (Holtzheimer et al., 2012). Only three infection of the brain or even an abscess of the brain is
of the seven bipolar patients finished the second year, thus very rare.
larger samples are needed to evaluate efficacy and safety of In contrast, the side effects of the stimulation might
DBS in BD. occur more frequently, but these are reversible since

Hab caudate Hab ALIC


thalamus SCG


slMFB accumbens

Figure 27.2 
Different targets of DBS in Depression in nucleus caudatus, thalamus and nucleus accumbens (Hab = habenula, ALIC = anterior limb of
the capsula interna, NAcc = nucleus accumbens, sIMFB = superolateral branch of the medial forebrain bundle). (See color insert)

N euromodulative T reatments f or B ipolar D isorder   •   3 85

adjustments of the stimulation parameters are always pos- treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder, a neuro-
sible. These side effects involve paresthesia, muscle contrac- psychiatric disease.
tion, dysarthria, and diplopia. Due to notable risks of surgery (e.g., intracerebral
bleeding and wound infection) and lacking broad efficacy,
DBS research needs to adhere to highest ethical standards.
Obligatory rules for patient inclusion and target selection
Advantages of DBS are its reversibility; the ability to con- are needed. Inclusion criteria based on severity, chronic-
tinuously adjust stimulation variables for each patient indi- ity, disability, and treatment refractoriness (Nuttin et  al.,
vidually, thereby maximizing effects and minimising side 2002) need to be internationally standardized and defined
effects; and the possibility of assessing efficacy in controlled for each psychiatric disease.
protocols (separate investigation of on-and-off cycles; Especially in depression with an elevated risk for suicide
Bewernick, Kayser, Sturm, & Schlaepfer, 2012; Greenberg & associated with the disease, careful patient monitoring is
Rezai, 2003). necessary. Before surgery, patients need to be seen at regular
Because former well-established conservative treatment intervals over at least several months to control for changes
options failed to achieve an adequate response, the benefit in severity and assure inclusion criteria. It is extremely
for such patients will be the opportunity to experience a important to clarify the patient’s expectations before sur-
new promising treatment. This is even more important gery and to closely follow the patients after the operation
when taking into account that these patients suffer from to avoid stress, catastrophic thinking, hypomania, or sui-
severe depressive symptoms, including suicidal ideations. cidal ideation, especially in the event of suboptimal acute
Bipolar depression is a mental disease with a high therapy effect. After surgery, visits should take place weekly
mortality rate (15% to 20 %), which leads to an immense and, after amelioration of symptoms and parameter adjust-
restriction of quality of life. Because many patients do not ment, at monthly intervals for one year at least in order to
profit from any conventional treatment, it is essential to do evaluate long-term effects. In case of nonresponse or acute
research about new treatment options. It is expected that aggravation of symptoms, hospitalization or other treat-
DBS improves depression in BD, decreases suicidality, and ment options (psychotherapy, change in medication, or
improves quality of life; thus the possible stated risks are electroconvulsive therapy) should be offered.
ethically justifiable. In psychiatric disorders the process of diagnosis is less
Since DBS is already a conventional treatment method for verifiable and observable than in neurology lacking neuro-
treatment-resistant movement disorders (e.g., Parkinson’s dis- biological markers. Thus it is essential to corroborate the
ease, tremor), the outcome of this method is well established. patient’s life history, course of illness, and psychopathology.
Serious side effects are possible, but one should consider that Each case must be documented according to high scientific
improvements and/or the minimization of symptoms within and administrative expectations (standardized diagnos-
the particular neurologic disease are possible. Thus DBS has tic with clinical scales, evaluation of cognitive parameters
become a very attractive therapeutic option for patients suf- with psychological tests, quality of life, report of parameter
fering from serious and massive functional limitation caused changes, other therapies, etc.). In addition to the evaluation
by their neurologic disease. of the clinical effects, basic neuroscience (e.g., brain imag-
Nonetheless, there are some differences as compared to ing, intracranial EEG, genetics, and anatomic estimation of
the mentioned neurological diseases. The main difference the individual electrical field) should be applied in order to
is based on the historical way of doing research in psychia- learn most about each patient.
try. Because in the past neurosurgical methods were applied This requires a team of surgeons (experienced in stereo-
without any research-based method, this early destructive tactic surgery), psychiatrists, and neuropsychologists who
neurosurgical method still has a bad reputation—especially have developed proficiency. These standards are most
if recalling the frontal lobotomy, which was practiced in straightforwardly fulfilled in tertiary-care academic centers
the middle of the 20th century. Many patients were treated where such resources are available.
with this method before any secure, long-term data were In addition, minimal requirements for using DBS in
confirmed. Based on this, a multidisciplinary research psychiatric conditions (Nuttin et al., 2002) should include
group was founded that examines the efficiency and safety an ethics committee to consider the study protocol and
of DBS for neurological diseases. This research group has ongoing projects. Despite any committee review, clinical
already published some ethical guidelines for DBS for responsibility remains with the patient’s clinicians and is

3 8 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
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3 9 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
PA R T   I I I

Richard Balon

INTRODUCTION population (Young & Grunze, 2013). Bipolar disorder

patients are prone to developing type 2 diabetes melli-
The management of metabolic and endocrine effects of tus, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and obesity (Young &
medications used to treat bipolar disorders is a complicated Grunze, 2013). In bipolar disorder patients, general medi-
matter. The complexity is due to the fact that these medi- cal illness comorbidity seems to occur at an earlier age than
cations can induce metabolic and endocrine abnormali- in the general population (Kilbourne et al., 2004).
ties, but also the disorder itself seems to be associated with About 30  years ago, Liliker (1980) reported that the
metabolic and endocrine abnormalities. The area of manag- prevalence of diabetes mellitus in one state facility in the
ing metabolic and endocrine abnormalities in bipolar dis- preceding 10 years was 10%. Her study had numerous limi-
order patients has been gradually gaining importance and tations, for example, retrospective chart review and no data
prominence over the past two decades, partially due to the on medications used (e.g., antipsychotics). Nevertheless,
introduction of new medications and partially due to new her finding probably could not be explained by treatment
research focusing on metabolic, endocrine, immunologi- with antipsychotic drugs or medications for physical ill-
cal, and cardiovascular risk factors associated with bipolar ness, as the prevalence of diabetes in bipolar patients was
disorders. Two or three decades ago, the majority of these much higher than in patients with other diagnoses, such as
abnormalities were not fully appreciated or considered in schizophrenia (presumably receiving antipsychotics too).
treatment planning—the classic text, Manic-Depressive Interestingly, Cassidy, Ahearn, and Carroll (1999) reported
Illness, by Goodwin and Jamison (1990) mentions only thy- a similar prevalence of diabetes mellitus (9.9%) in their
roid abnormalities associated with lithium administration sample of 345 bipolar patients. The bipolar patients with
and does not discuss any metabolic abnormalities. comorbid diabetes in their study had significantly more life-
This chapter focuses on the management of endocrine time psychiatric hospitalizations than nondiabetic patients,
and metabolic effects of medications used for the treatment which suggests a more severe course of illness. This study did
of acute mania and mood stabilization—carbamazepine, not control for the use of medications either. Nevertheless,
lamotrigine, lithium, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, valproic as the prevalence of diabetes was higher than expected from
acid, and other mood stabilizers, and antipsychotic drugs national norms (3.4%), this finding suggests that patients
used in these indications. suffering from bipolar disorder are at greater risk of diabetes
mellitus. More recent findings further confirm this associa-
tion. Crump, Sunquist, Winkleby, and Sundquist (2013)
E N D O C R I N E A N D M E TA B OL IC reported that in a Swedish national cohort study, patients
C H A NG E S A S S O C I AT E D W I T H with bipolar disorder had increased mortality from diabe-
B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R tes. The association between mortality from chronic dis-
eases, including diabetes, and bipolar disorder was weaker
The prevalence of comorbid physical health conditions in among those with a prior diagnosis of these conditions than
patients with bipolar disorder is twice that of the general among those without a prior diagnosis of these conditions.

Finally, adolescents with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder hormone (TRH) in depressed and manic patients. Most
had a significantly increased risk of developing diabetes of the reports on thyroid function abnormalities in bipo-
and dyslipidemia than adolescents without these disorders lar disorder patients are complicated by the fact that
(the adjusted hazard ration for bipolar disorder was 1.66; those patients were receiving lithium (which has anti-
95% confidence interval [CI]:  1.22–2.28) (Enger, Jones, thyroid properties—reviewed later in this chapter) and
Kryzhanovskaya, Doherty, & McAfee, 2013). were females. The changes in thyroid function in bipolar
During the past decade, more studies have reported the patients are usually subtle, and their significance remains
association of bipolar disorder and metabolic syndrome to be elucidated.
(Newcomer, 2007b). For instance, in a small study by Various other endocrine abnormalities (e.g., changes of
Fiedorowicz, Palagummi, Forman-Hoffman, Miller, and growth hormone, melatonin, plasma cortisol and prolactin
Haynes (2008), most patients with bipolar disorder were levels, variable dexamethasone suppression test responses)
overweight or obese and nearly half were obese. Among have been observed in bipolar patients. These abnormalities
those with all requisite data (n = 60), over 50% met criteria do not seem to have clinical significance (at least judged by
for metabolic syndrome (double the expected prevalence) our present level of knowledge).
and there was a trend toward greater prevalence of meta-
bolic syndrome among patients on second-generation anti-
psychotics. In a recent systematic review and meta-analysis E N D O C R I N E A N D M E TA B OL IC
Vancampfort and colleagues (2013) reported that patients A B NOR M A L I T I E S A S S O C I AT E D
with bipolar disorder had higher metabolic syndrome W I T H M E DIC AT ION S US E D TO 
rates than the general population (odds ratio [OR] = 1.98; T R E AT B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
95% CI  =  1.74–2.25). Metabolic syndrome was also sig-
nificantly more prevalent among patients currently treated
with antipsychotics than in those who were antipsychotics
free (45.3% vs. 32.4%). Antipsychotics are frequently associated with both serious
The association between diabetes mellitus and bipo- endocrine and metabolic adverse effects. The most impor-
lar disorder and between metabolic syndrome and bipo- tant “pure” endocrine effect is hyperprolactinemia caused
lar disorder seem to be clear. However, the underlying by the blockade of D2 dopamine receptors in the pituitary
mechanism(s) of these associations is not. As Taylor and gland (prolactin secretion is regulated by tonic inhibi-
MacQueen (2006) and Vancampfort and colleagues (2013) tion by dopamine and thus when dopamine is blocked by
pointed out, various factors such as unhealthy lifestyle (lack antipsychotics, prolactin is increasingly released from the
of exercise due to fatigue in depression, substance abuse, pituitary gland). The typical or older antipsychotics are
smoking), poor access to health care, and adverse effects of associated with hyperprolactinemia more frequently than
pharmacological agents used for the treatment of bipolar the newer ones. Correll and Carlson (2006) estimated that
disorder can increase the risk of diabetes mellitus and meta- the relative potency of antipsychotic drugs in inducing
bolic syndrome in bipolar disorder. Nevertheless, there may hyperprolactinemia is, roughly: risperidone > haloperidol >
be other factors involved, such as genetic ones; the impact olanzapine > ziprasidone > quetiapine > clozapine > aripip-
of chronic stress (which leads to chronically elevated glu- razole. The rates of hyperprolactinemia with newer antipsy-
cocorticoids, which in turn impact the ability of insulin to chotics such as asenapine and lurasidone are probably fairly
promote glucose uptake—Taylor and MacQueen, 2006); low, and intermediate with drugs such as iloperidone and
or impairment of immune function (chronic inflammation paliperidone. The symptoms of hyperprolactinemia include
may contribute to the development of depression and endo- amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, galactorrhea, gynecomastia
crine disease). (in men and women), sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunc-
The association of thyroid disease and bipolar dis- tion in men—prolonged erections, priapism; decreased
order, though studied over decades, remains unclear. libido in both genders), decreased bone density and osteo-
Various reports suggested the role of hypothyroidism in porosis, and possibly hirsutism in women (Maguire, 2002).
the development of rapid cycling bipolar depression. Some Metabolic effects of antipsychotic medications include
studies reported antithyroid antibodies in up to 20% of weight gain (particularly troubling in children and ado-
depressed patients (Nemeroff, Simon, Haggerty, & Evans, lescents), lipid abnormalities (increased cholesterol and
1985). Several studies reported blunted thyroid stimulat- low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, decreased
ing hormone (TSH) response to thyrotropin-releasing high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, elevated

3 9 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
triglyceride levels), diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syn- associated with metabolic disturbances such as hyperinsu-
drome (constellation of physical features and laboratory linemia and insulin resistance, hyperleptinemia, and leptin
findings predisposing to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, resistance (Belcastro, D’Egidio, Striano, & Verrotti, 2013).
stroke—see Table 28.1; Grundy, Brewer, Cleeman, Smith, & Patients treated with valproic acid (and other valproate
Lenfant, 2004; Grundy et  al., 2005). The metabolic syn- preparations) may develop metabolic syndrome.
drome is a predisposing factor for the development of type
2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis-
ease (Grundy et al., 2005). The underlying risk factors for
metabolic syndrome are abdominal obesity and insulin The adverse endocrine effects of lithium include inhibition
resistance; other associated risk conditions can include of various aspects of thyroid functioning (e.g., release of
physical inactivity, aging, and hormonal imbalance (for a thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland) and hypothyroid-
review see Grundy et al., 2005). ism. Lithium-associated hypothyroidism may be accompa-
The risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus nied by goiter. Some patients maybe more susceptible to the
associated with antipsychotics has been clearly established adverse effects of lithium on the thyroid gland, for example,
in numerous studies, the review of which is beyond the scope those with autoimmune Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, those
of this chapter (for a review see, e.g., Buse, 2002; Malhotra & with a family history of thyroid disease, females, tobacco
McElroy, 2002; Newcomer, 2007a; De Hert, Detraux, van smokers, those with a thyroid gland damaged by radiation,
Winkel, Yu, & Correll, 2012). Most literature focuses on and those taking valproic acid (Correll & Carlson, 2006).
metabolic syndrome and related side effects of antipsy- The estimates of frequency of lithium-associated hypo-
chotics in schizophrenia, but it has become more obvious thyroidism vary from study to study with a frequency of
that these serious adverse effects occur during treatment of around 10% to 20% of patients treated with lithium.
bipolar disorder too. Quetiapine decreased thyroxine levels Less well known is the adverse effect of lithium on the
in some studies (Correll & Carlson, 2006). parathyroid gland resulting in increased levels of parathy-
roid hormone and usually mild hypercalcemia. The hyper-
calcemia is usually benign and nonprogressive in adults
(Correll & Carlson, 2006)  and usually reversible when
lithium is stopped (Mallette & Eichorn, 1986). Lithium
has also been known to increase weight—in a review of
Carbamazepine may alter the hypothalamic-pituitary- 14 randomized clinical trials clinically significant weight
adrenal axis function. It is less likely to cause weigh gain gain (>7%) was more frequent in patients receiving lithium
compared to lithium, valproic acid, and antipsychotics. than those receiving placebo but lower than those receiving
Carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine may be associated with olanzapine (McKnight et al., 2012).
usually asymptomatic hyponatremia. The mechanism of
hyponatremia associated with these drugs is not known,
but it is possible that these drugs influence the secretion of M A N AG E M E N T OF   M E TA B OL IC A N D
antidiuretic hormone (Correll & Carlson, 2006). The side E N D O C R I N E A DV E R S E E FF E C T S
effects of oxcarbazepine are usually milder/less frequent A S S O C I AT E D W I T H M E DIC AT ION S
than those of carbamazepine. Lamotrigine is considered to US E D F OR   T R E AT M E N T
be weight-neutral and is not associated with clinically signifi- OF   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
cant endocrine effects, while topiramate has been known to
be associated with decreased appetite and weight loss and has Management of adverse effects should start at the pri-
been actually used in antipsychotic-associated weight gain. mary and/or secondary prevention level. Primary preven-
Valproic acid may negatively impact thyroid functioning tion focuses on avoiding the occurrence of disease or, in
and cause mild increase of TSH in some patients. Valproic this case, side effects, and secondary prevention focuses
acid seems to be also occasionally associated with polycystic on diagnosing and treating disease or side effects in early
ovarian syndrome, menstrual abnormalities, and increased stages before significant consequences or morbidity occur.
levels of androgens (e.g., Joffe et  al., 2006). Interestingly, Regular screening and monitoring for side effects should be
while valproic acid may decrease lipid levels, it is associated implemented as part of primary and secondary prevention.
with weight gain in up to 20% of patients (3–24 lbs over Developed side effects should be treated accordingly and
3–12 months; Bowden, 2003). Valproic acid weight gain is regularly monitored for.

M anagement o f M etabolic and E ndocrine E f f ects   •   3 9 5




Abdominal obesity, given as waist circumference a, b > 102 cm (>40 in)

Men > 88 cm (> 35 in)
Triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dL
on drug treatment for elevated triglycerides

HDL cholesterol < 40 mg/dL

Men < 50 mg/dL
Women or
on drug treatment for reduced HDL-C

Blood pressure ≥130/≥85 mm Hg

on antihypertensive drug therapy in a patient with a
­history of hypertension

Fasting glucose ≥100 mg/dL c (previously > 110 mg/dL)

on drug treatment for elevated glucose

NOTE : Body mass index is calculated as weigh in kg/(height in meters)2 or (weight in pounds) × 703/(height in inches)2 .
Overweight and obesity are associated with insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. However, the presence of abdominal obesity is
more highly correlated with the metabolic risk factors than is an elevated body mass index. Therefore a simple measure of waist circumference
is recommended to identify the body weight component of the metabolic syndrome.
Some male patients can develop multiple metabolic risk factors when the waist circumference is only marginally increased (e.g., 94 to 102 cm
[37–39 in]). Such patients may have a strong genetic contribution to insulin resistance. They should benefit from changes in life habits, simi-
larly to men with categorical increases in waist circumference.
The American Diabetes Association has recently established a cutpoint of > 100 mg/dL, above which persons have pre-diabetes (impaired
fasting glucose) or diabetes. This new cutpoint should be applicable for identifying the lower boundary to define an elevated glucose as one
criterion for the metabolic syndrome.
Further risks of metabolic syndrome include family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus; hypertension; cardiovascular disease; polycystic ovary
syndrome; advanced age; sedentary lifestyle; ethnic groups having high risk for type 2 diabetes.
Adapted from Grundy et al. (2004) and Grundy et al. (2005).

M E TA B OL IC S Y N DROM E , abuse. A  healthy lifestyle could be promoted as a part

W E IG H T G A I N , DI A BE T E S M E L L I T US of patient psychoeducation (Stafford & Colom, 2013),
cognitive-behavioral therapy, or interpersonal and
The first step in the management of weight gain, metabolic
social rhythm therapy (Frank, Swartz, & Kupfer, 2000).
syndrome, and diabetes mellitus should be preventive mea-
Psychoeducation should include the discussion of possible
sures, such as promotion of a healthy lifestyle in bipolar
severe consequences of weight gain, obesity, metabolic syn-
patients in general, screening for diabetes and metabolic
drome (such as diabetes), cardiovascular disease, and non-
syndrome, and using medications that are associated with
alcoholic steatohepatitis (which may progress to cirrhosis
less weight gain and less chance of developing diabetes mel-
and liver failure). As Grundy et al. (2005) pointed out, if
litus (examples include aripiprazole or ziprasidone).
lifestyle change is not sufficient, then drug therapies for
abnormalities in the individual risk factors may be indi-
cated. They also stated that there was an insufficient evi-
dence for primary use of drugs that target the underlying
The promotion of a healthy lifestyle should include rec- cause of metabolic syndrome. On the other hand, Andrade
ommendations of regular exercise, healthy diet (e.g., (2013) recently suggested that statins should be considered
Mediterranean diet), avoiding smoking, smoking ces- for the primary prevention of cardiovascular and cerebro-
sation in smokers, and avoiding alcohol and drugs of vascular events in psychiatric patients, especially for those

3 9 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
with a high risk of developing these events and/or meta- As noted, patients may be started on medications
bolic syndrome. with lesser propensity for weight gain. These include
Screening prior to starting treatment with antipsy- aripiprazole and ziprasidone among antipsychotics. The
chotics and mood stabilizers should include personal mood-stabilizing agent lamotrigine was associated with
and family medical history, dietary habits, appetite level, stable body weight during one year of treatment and was
height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, fasting glucose comparable to placebo in mean weight change in a report
level, and lipid profile. Patients who are overweight (body by Sachs and colleagues (2006), and obese patients with
mass index [BMI] > 25 kg/m2) or obese (BMI ≥30 kg/m2; bipolar I disorder lost weight while taking lamotrigine in
for calculation of BMI see legend to Table 28.1) at base- another study (Bowden et  al., 2006). Antidepressants are
line should be guided to start exercise and diet or offered used in bipolar disorder also (mostly in combination with
weight management sessions or tailored exercise. Table mood stabilizers), and thus one should remember that some
28.2 outlines some healthy dietary behaviors. A  behav- of them (e.g., amitriptyline, clomipramine, mirtazapapine,
ioral weight-loss intervention significantly reduced weight and paroxetine) may be associated with weight gain; the
over a period of 18 months in overweight and obese adults only one not associated with weight gain seems to be bupro-
with severe mental illness (schizophrenia, schizoaffective pion. Lithium and other mood stabilizers (e.g., valproic
disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression) in a study acid) may also be associated with weight gain, and thus
by Daumit and colleagues (2013). Severely obese patients some of the management strategies for weight gain (moni-
could be offered medications for obesity, though none of toring, diet, exercise) described here may apply to patients
the available agents has been found consistently useful treated with these medications as well.
and effective (see later). Some overweight or obese patients
with already developed significant comorbidity (e.g., type
2 diabetes mellitus) may be offered referral to a bariatric
specialist or an endocrinologist and may even opt for bar- Monitoring patients who are on medications that poten-
iatric surgery. tially cause weight gain and metabolic syndrome should
Even patients who are not overweight and are started on include body weight, height, and calculation of BMI at
a mood stabilizer or other medication should be counseled every visit or measuring waist circumference every three
about the possible development of weight gain and meta- months (Correll & Carlson, 2006). Fasting serum lipids
bolic syndrome and recommended dietary and health life- should be obtained possibly 3  months after starting the
style habits as outlined in Table 28.2. medication and every 6 to 12 months thereafter if BMI is


1. Replace all sugar-containing drinks (soda, juices, punch) or whole milk with at least 2 L of water and moderate amounts of
unsweetened tea or low-fat milk. Recommend no cream, milk, or sugar in coffee. Drinks that contain artificial sweeteners
should be avoided too, as they may increase food intake.
2. Eat three meals a day; avoid snacks whenever possible. Do not snack when full. If snacking, use fruits, vegetables, or small amount
of nuts. Nuts are healthy.
3. Eat small portions at meals.
4. Eat breakfast every morning.
5. Eat slowly, drink an ample amount of water between bites, and avoid second helpings or take one only after a delay.
6. Do not eat fast food if possible, or maximally once per week.
7. Replace refined white flour and processed sugar products with whole grain and other foods that have a low glycemic index (i.e., ≤ 55;
8. Limit saturated fat intake but avoid extensive consumption of processed fat-free food items.
9. Eat at least 25–30 g/day of soluble fiber from fruits, vegetables, and/or whole nuts.
10. If not eating it regularly, introduce fish into your regular diet, eat least once or twice a week.
11. Perform moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 30–60 min/day.
12. Walk and climb stairs whenever suitable/possible.
NOTE: Adapted from Correll and Carlson (2006).

M anagement o f M etabolic and E ndocrine E f f ects   •   3 9 7

stable and results of the lipid test are normal at baseline Grundy and colleagues (2005) review the treatment
and first follow-up (Correll & Carlson, 2006). Measuring of metabolic syndrome in general, whereas McIntyre et al.
blood pressure and heart rate regularly is also recom- (2012) summarize the recommendation of the Canadian
mended. Monitoring for diabetes mellitus should include Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments Task Force
a fasting blood glucose test three months after starting for patients with mood disorders and comorbid metabolic
the medication and then every six months or quarterly in disorders:
patients with a high risk for developing diabetes (Correll &
Carlson, 2006). Patients should be also asked about
symptoms of hyperglycemia (polyuria, polydipsia). Ng 1. In regard to medication management of weight gain
and colleagues (2009) recommend HbA1C (glycosylated in this population, the authors suggest that, according
hemoglobin) be reserved as a monitoring aid for patients to World Health Organization recommendations,
with diabetes mellitus rather than as a screening param- individuals with a BMI of ≥27 and weight-related
eter. They suggested another set of monitoring recommen- morbidity (e.g., diabetes mellitus) or BMI > 30 without
dations: monthly weight measurements for the first three weight related morbidity may be considered for
months, followed by measures every three months for the “bariatric” medicines. These may include phentermine
duration of treatment; blood pressure and fasting glucose (probably not recommended in bipolar disorder as
at three-month intervals for the first year then annually; it may induce hypomania/mania); orlistat (poorly
and a fasting lipid profile at three months after initiation tolerated by patients because of loose stools, abdominal
of atypical antipsychotic therapy, to be repeated at annual pain, flatulence); naltrexone-bupropion; modafinil;
intervals thereafter. and a host of other medications such as topiramate
Patients with significant weight gain after the first three (which may be useful in bipolar disorder as it is also
months (5% of weight) or thereafter should be encour- used as a mood stabilizer), metformin, reboxetine (not
aged to exercise and diet and may be considered for either available in the United States), zonisamide, nizatidine,
a medication switch or treatment with adjunctive medica- and amantadine. They suggested that in bipolar
tion (discussed later). Grundy and colleagues (2005) rec- disorder, behavioral/diet modification/cognitive
ommended that in patients with metabolic syndrome the intervention should be the first-line approach;
physician should metformin, topiramate, modafinil, and orlistat the
second-line approach; and other drugs the third-line
consistently encourage weight maintenance/reduc- approach. They did not recommend using phentermine
tion through appropriate balance of physical activ- and pointed out that the naltrexone-bupropion
ity, caloric intake, and formal behavior-modification combination has not been properly studied in this
programs when indicated to maintain/achieve waist population. It is worth noting that metformin was
circumference of < 40  inches in men and < 35  recently found modestly effective in reducing weight
inches in women. Aim initially at slow reduction of and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease in
about 7% to 10% from baseline weight. Even small clinically stable, overweight outpatients with chronic
amounts of weight loss are associated with signifi- schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder over 16
cant health benefits. (p. 2741) weeks in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study
by Jarskog and colleagues (2013). Such a study is not
available in bipolar patients at the present time, but
results suggest the usefulness in reducing weight in this
T R E AT M E N T population too.
Psychiatrists are usually hesitant and resistant to treat 2. For treatment of dyslipidemia, McIntyre and colleagues
physical illness or physical, metabolic, and endocrine (2012) recommend behavioral and dietary strategies.
adverse effects of medications. Thus for those who are not They point out that no studies have evaluated the
comfortable initiating treatment after measures such as effects of antilipidemic therapy in mood disorder
diet, exercise, and switching to another medication(s) with population so far.
lower metabolic risk profile (Grande, Bernardo, Bones,
Sainz-Ruiz, & Alamo, 2014)  fail, referral to the patient’s 3. Finally, for dysglycemic patients and patients with
primary care physician, internist, or endocrinologist may diabetes mellitus, the authors suggest treatment
be the next step. behavioral/diet modification/cognitive intervention as

3 9 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
the first-line approach for dysglycemia and commonly Valproate may alter thyroid function and quetiapine
used antidiabetic agents, including insulin, metformin, may decrease T4. Thus some suggest monitoring thyroid
and possibly pioglitazone (although this medication function in bipolar patients treated with these medications.
has been withdrawn from the market in some countries However, this has not been a routine practice. Nevertheless,
because of association with bladder cancer, it is still yearly monitoring of TSH in patients on valproate may be
available in the United States though with appropriate prudent.
Most of these medications should be used in coor-
dination with the primary care physician, internist, or
endocrinologist, or patients should be referred to these Lithium may have an adverse effect on calcium homeosta-
physicians. sis; chronic lithium exposure has been linked to hyperpara-
thyroidism, hypercalcemia (usually mild, 10.5–11.5 mg/
dL), and hyperparathormonemia (Saunders, Saunders, &
E N D O C R I N E A DV E R S E E FF E C T S Gauger, 2009). Correll and Carlson (2006) recommend
obtaining a baseline calcium level prior to starting lithium
and monitoring it 1, 6, and 12 months after staring lithium
and yearly thereafter (Mallette & Eichorn, 1986). However,
As noted, lithium therapy is associated with thyroid dys- this has not been a common practice. Calcium levels may
function, namely hypothyroidism. Thus the treating physi- normalize when lithium is discontinued (this, according
cian should obtain baseline thyroid function tests (TSH) to Correll and Carlson [2006], does not need to be done
and free thyroxine (T4) and possibly triiodothyronine (T3) unless serum calcium is >11.5 mg/dL). There may be a role
(most of the time TSH is sufficient) in every patient con- for calcimimetic drug therapy or even surgery in case of
sidered for treatment with lithium. These tests should be severe hyperparathyroidism (Saunders et al., 2009).
rechecked 1 to 2  months after the initiation of lithium
therapy and repeated every 6 to 12  months. Some sug-
gest repeating these tests only yearly in patients stable on
lithium. In addition, patients should be routinely ques-
tioned for symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, The development of hyperprolactinemia associated with
weight gain, and newly developed cold intolerance. If antipsychotic medications is unpredictable and, at times,
hypothyroidism is detected, patients should be started inconsequential. At times, increased prolactin levels may
on thyroid hormone replacement (various preparations, be noted when one obtains comprehensive laboratory
preferably thyroxine). The treatment should be guided by assessment without signs of hyperprolactinemia. In cases
laboratory indices, and the goal should be a normal level of increased prolactin level, one may ask about symptoms
of TSH (depending on one’s local laboratory). One should of hyperprolactinemia more carefully (nipple discharge,
start with a minimal dose of thyroxine (e.g., 25 mcg/day) amenorrhea, changes in sexual functioning) and in women
and titrate upward guided by TSH levels repeated every about the possibility of pregnancy and use of hormonal
approximately six to eight weeks. Some specialists may contraceptives (both may increase prolactin; Correll &
start treating patients with TSH within the upper limits Carlson, 2006). Thyroid function, blood urea nitrogen, and
of normal levels. Patients treated with thyroxine whose creatinine could be also checked as hypothyroidism and
TSH levels are stabilized within the normal limits should renal failure may increase prolactin levels. However, if there
still be regularly monitored and their TSH levels should be are no symptoms of hyperprolactinemia and other causes
repeated every 6 to 12 months (in some patients TSH may of hyperprolactinemia are ruled out, treatment may not be
normalize after a year or two, thus a decrease of thyroxine necessary (one should not treat abnormal laboratory levels
supplementation with subsequent checking of TSH may without the clinical context).
be indicated). Thyroid augmentation is also used in mood If symptoms of hypeprolactinemia occur, the
disorders and could be occasionally used in lithium-treated patient’s prolactin level should be checked, and if levels
patients. Finally, hypothyroidism is not a contraindication are less than 200 ng/mL, the antipsychotic dose should
for treatment with lithium. It may just require more careful be reduced, or the antipsychotic medication should be
monitoring and thyroxine-dose adjustment during lithium switched either to an antipsychotic with lesser impact
treatment. on prolactin (e.g., aripiprazole, quetiapine) or to another

M anagement o f M etabolic and E ndocrine E f f ects   •   3 9 9

mood stabilizer if using antipsychotics for mood stabiliza- strategies used in other disorders (e.g., schizophrenia) can
tion. An MRI scan of the sella turcica to look for pituitary be helpful. Management of these adverse effects may fre-
adenoma should be obtained if levels of prolactin remain quently require collaboration with a primary care physi-
increased after medication is changed or if prolactin cian or endocrinology specialist. Collaboration with these
level is more than 200 ng/dL (Correll & Carlson, 2006). physicians within the framework of comprehensive patient
Hyperprolactinemia has been treated with dopamine ago- management is strongly advised.
nists such as amantadine, bromocriptine, and cabergoline
Disclosure statement: The author has no conflict of interest
in the past. However, these medications may be associated
related to the material in this chapter. He has authored/
with worsening of psychosis and thus should be avoided.
edited books for various publishing houses, but that does
After dopamine agonists fail, pituitary adenoma is usually
not present any conflict of interest.
treated surgically.

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4 0 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
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M anagement o f M etabolic and E ndocrine E f f ects   •   4 01

Janusz K. Rybakowski

NEUROBIOLOGY OF BIPOL AR in the central nervous system. Furthermore, such changes

DISOR DER: INTRODUCTION have been considered in the context of the process of allo-
stasis, as well as of staging and neuroprogression in BPD
In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (Gama, Kunz, Magalhaes, & Kapczinski, 2013).
of Mental Disorder (American Psychiatric Association, The impairment of neurotrophic processes and neuro-
2013), bipolar disorders (BPDs) have been classified as a plasticity has been now regarded as an important patho-
separate category of mental disorders. BPD is a recurrent genic mechanism in BPD (Soeiro-de-Souza et  al., 2012).
and sometimes chronic mental disorder that is character- Impairment of synaptic strength and cellular plasticity in
ized by episodes of mania, hypomania, depression, and this illness has been shown to involve changes in pathways
mixed states. BPD has a worldwide prevalence of 2% to 5% regulating neurotrophic factors and neuroprotective pro-
of the population (Merinkangas & Tohen, 2011); the prev- tein levels and expression. Among neurotrophins, the most
alence of BPD with mania (bipolar I) is about 1%, while important seems to be the brain-derived neurotrophic factor
the remaining types amount to about 3% to 4%. Genetic (BDNF). Other neurotrophins include nerve growth fac-
predisposition is one of the highest among psychiatric dis- tor, neurotrophin(NT)-3, NT-4, NT-5, and NT-6. BDNF
orders, and the heritability index is estimated to be 0.85 and other neurotrophins are necessary for the survival and
(McGuffin et al., 2003). BPD is a serious mental illness, the function of neurons. BDNF modulates the activity of such
cause of significant suffering for patients and burden for neurotransmitters as glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid,
their families, and approximately 10% to 20% of patients dopamine, and serotonin. A transcription of the BDNF gene
commit suicide over the course of their illness (Rihmer is activated by the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (c-AMP)
& Kiss, 2002). The prognosis of BPD is encumbered with response element binding (CREB). Other important factors
high rates of relapse, lingering residual symptoms, cogni- connected with neuroplasticity include glycogen synthase
tive impairments, and diminished well-being. However, kinase-3 (GSK-3), the phosphatidylinositide (PI) pathway,
adequate treatment may allow for long-term remission and protein kinase C (PKC) and B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2).
good functioning in a proportion of patients. GSK-3 is a serine/threonine kinase that regulates diverse
Since the 1960s, the brain systems receiving the greatest cellular processes and specifically cell apoptosis. Therefore
attention in the neurobiology of BPD have been the mono- GSK-3 inhibition directly influences gene transcription
aminergic neurotransmitter systems (i.e., serotonergic, nor- leading to antiapoptotic effects and improved cell structural
adrenergic, and dopaminergic). The therapeutic mechanisms stability. The PI pathway plays a key role in signal transduc-
of some medications used for the treatment of BPD (i.e., tion pathways, which are connected to receptors of various
antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs) have been mostly neurotransmitters. PKC is an enzyme closely connected
explained on the basis of involving these systems. In the past with the PI pathway that regulates both pre- and postsyn-
two decades, several new pathogenic pathways of BPD have aptic aspects of neurotransmission and several cellular pro-
been identified such as hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis cesses. Bcl-2 is an important protein for cellular resilience
pathology, inflammatory and oxidative stress disturbances, and plasticity, exerting mostly antiapoptotic effects. Other
as well as impairment of neuroplasticity and neuroresilience neurobiological changes related to impaired neuroplasticity

4 03


Lithium Tremor—most frequent (20% of patients)

Rare: extrapyramidal and oculomotor symptoms
Culmination of neurological symptoms with lithium intoxication (cerebellar and
extrapyramidal symptoms)
The syndrome of irreversible lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity (SILENT)
Anticonvulsants High doses (levels): tremor, nystagmus, ataxia
Valproate—hyperammonemic encephalopathy

Antipsychotics Extrapyramidal (parkinsoninsm, dystonia, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia): the risk differs between
antipsychotic drugs (lowest: quetiapine, clozapine)
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Increased risk of cardiovascular events in elderly

Antidepressants Serotonin syndrome

Rare: extrapyramidal symptoms

Electroconvulsive therapy Rare: subdural hematoma

include calcium dysregulation and mitochondrial/endoplas- episodes, as demonstrated in a trial of at least one year’s
mic reticulum dysfunction (Soeiro-de-Souza et al., 2012). duration; and (b) does not worsen any therapeutic or pro-
On neuroimaging levels, disturbances in neurotrophic phylactic aspect of the illness outlined previously. A clas-
processes and neuroplasticity in BPD are reflected in reduc- sification of mood stabilizers based on the chronology of
tions in volume, density, number, and size of neurons and their introduction for the treatment of bipolar mood dis-
glial cells in such brain structures as the dorsal anterolat- order has been proposed (Rybakowski, 2007).
eral and subgenual prefrontal cortex, orbital cortex, hippo- In 2013 we observed the 50th anniversary of the first
campus, amygdala, basal ganglia, and dorsal raphe nuclei. publication on long-term mood-stabilizing properties
They may be also connected to the presence of white mat- of lithium in mood disorders (Hartigan, 1963), initiat-
ter abnormalities that are repeatedly reported in patients ing the first generation of mood-stabilizing drugs. In the
with BPD (Hajek, Carrey, & Alda, 2005; Lenox, Gould, & 1960s and 1970s, publications appeared pointing to a pos-
Manji, 2002; Rajkowska, Halaris, & Selemon, 2001). sible mood-stabilizing effect (thymoregulatrice—in French)
Disturbances of neurotrophic processes and neuroplas- exerted by valproates (Lambert, Carraz, Borselli, & Carbel,
ticity can now be regarded as a molecular target of treat- 1966; Lambert, Borselli, Marcou, Bouchardy, & Cabrol,
ment procedures in this illness. On the one hand, it has 1971). In the early 1970s, Japanese researchers obtained
been demonstrated that the effect on them may be associ- evidence for a mood-stabilizing effect of carbamazepine
ated with therapeutic efficacy of mood-stabilizing drugs, (Takezaki & Hanaoka, 1971; Okuma, Kishimoto, & Inue,
especially of lithium. On the other hand, any new proce- 1973). Since these drugs preceded introduction of new
dures that may prevent, treat, or reverse such changes may mood-stabilizing substances by more than two decades,
constitute promising strategies for developing improved it has therefore been proposed to name lithium, carbam-
treatment of BPD. azepine, and valproate first-generation mood stabilizers
(Rybakowski, 2007).
The first suggestion that the atypical antipsychotic
B IOL O G IC A L T R E AT M E N T S drug clozapine had a mood-stabilizing action was
OF   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R advanced in the mid-1990s (Zarate, Tohen, Banov, Weiss,
& Cole, 1995). In the following years, mood-stabilizing
Drugs, collectively known as mood stabilizers, have been properties, as defined previously, have been confirmed for
most widely used for the treatment of BPD. A mood stabi- such atypical antipsychotic drugs as olanzapine, quetiap-
lizer can be defined as a drug that, if used as monotherapy, ine, aripiprazole, and risperidone (Quiroz et  al., 2010a;
it (a) acts therapeutically in mania or/and in depression; Rybakowski, 2007, 2008a). A  suggestion for lamotrig-
(b) acts prophylactically against manic or/and depressive ine being a mood-stabilizing drug was made in the early

4 0 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S


Lithium Slight impairment of cognitive functions, probably dose-related

Possibility of preserving cognitive functions with long-term treatment
Excellent lithium responders: cognitive functions comparable to healthy people
Anticonvulsants Carbamazepine and valproate: moderate impairment of cognitive functions, dose-related, increased with
combination treatment
Lamotrigine: favorable effect on cognitive functions both in pediatric and in adult bipolar patients

Antipsychotics Better effect on cognitive functions of atypical than typical antipsychotics

Quetiapine may be less impairing than olanzapine and risperidone

Antidepressants Cognitive performance improves with amelioration of depressive symptoms with antidepressants
Tricyclic antidepressants may be more impairing than SSRI

Electroconvulsive therapy Cognitive abnormalities occur mostly in the first three days posttreatment
Memory disturbances in some patients may persist for several weeks

2000s (Ketter & Calabrese, 2002). Therefore, atypical and neuroprotective effects. First, neurotoxic effects,
antipsychotics fulfilling the aforementioned criteria and reflected as clinical neurological symptoms, are dis-
lamotrigine could be considered second-generation mood cussed, along with the possibility of their management.
stabilizers (Rybakowski, 2007). Second, the effect of these treatments on cognitive func-
Historically, typical antipsychotics were, besides lith- tions in bipolar patients is presented. In this context, it
ium, the oldest drugs in the treatment of mania, and they should be kept in mind that neurocognitive functions
remain still of value in this condition. Haloperidol has been may already be compromised in BPD by the disease pro-
the most frequently used, and its antimanic properties score cess itself. Recent meta-analysis involving 31 primary
very favorably compared with other mood-stabilizing drugs data sets as a single large sample of 2,876 patients showed
(Cipriani et al., 2011; Yildiz, Nikodem, Vieta, Correll, & that at least three neuropsychological measures, such as
Baldessarini, in press). the Verbal Learning Task, Digit Span, and Trail Making
Antidepressant drugs have been widely used in the Test, were impaired in euthymic bipolar patients (Bourne
treatment of BPD, although their adequate application, et al., 2013).
especially as monotherapy, in the treatment of bipolar The treatments used in BPD can also either favorably
depression is a subject of debate. As there is a general con- or adversely influence neurotrophic processes and cellular
sensus that in bipolar I depression they should be accom- plasticity. This chapter reviews such effects demonstrated
panied by mood-stabilizing drug(s), some researchers try both in experimental studies, as well as in clinical settings,
to advise on antidepressant monotherapy, even for several including patients with BPD. The most extensive data in
months’ duration, in bipolar II depression (Amsterdam, this respect exist on neuroprotective properties of lithium.
Luo, & Shults, 2013). The International Society for Bipolar
Disorders’ report on using antidepressant drugs in BDP
appeared recently in The American Journal of Psychiatry LITHIUM
(Pacchiarotti et al., 2013).
Finally, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been rec- Lithium, the oldest mood-stabilizing drug, is still consid-
ommended for treatment-refractory depression, both uni- ered the gold standard for treatment of BPD, especially
polar and bipolar. Recent meta-analysis showed that the for a long-term prevention of recurrences. Neurological
efficacy of ECT in bipolar depression is at least equal to that effects of lithium are mostly connected with its higher
of unipolar depression (Dierckx, Heijnen, van den Broek, & serum level and culminate during lithium intoxication.
Birkenhager, 2012). In some therapeutic standards, ECT Cognitive effects may be also dependent on serum level
has been also recommended for treatment-resistant mania and can be associated with a degree of therapeutic response.
(Yatham et al., 2013). Furthermore, neuroprotective effects of lithium in BPD
In this chapter the effects of all of these treatments have been demonstrated to a greater extent than for any
used in BPD are reviewed in terms of their neurotoxic other mood-stabilizing drug.

N eurological , C ognitive , and N europrotective E f f ects   •   4 0 5



Lithium Stimulation of BDNF

Inhibition of GSK-3 activity
Inhibition of PI pathway
Inhibiton of PKC
Increasing expression of bcl-2
Increase of cerebral grey matter volume
Anticonvulsants Inhibition of PI pathway (carbamazepine, valproate)
Inhibition of PKC (valproate)
Stimulation of BDNF system (valproate, lamotrigine)
Preventing glutamate-induced neurotoxicity (lamotrigine)

Antipsychotics Typical antipsychotics: devoid of neuroprotective effects

Atypical antipsychotics (clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, aripiprazole, risperidone) stimulate
BDNF system and exert anti-apoptotic action

Antidepressants Stimulation of BDNF

Reversing neurotoxicity of hypercortisolemia
Stimulation of neurogenesis and synaptogenesis

Electroconvulsive therapy Effect on BDNF system

Stimulation of neurogenesis in experimental studies
NOTE: BDNF = brain-derived neurotrophic factor, GSK-3 = glucogen synthase kinase-3, PI = phosphatidyl inositol, PKC = protein kinase C.

a risk factor. Extrapyramidal symptoms may include

Neurological effects
Parkinsonism, akathisia, or tardive dyskinesia and occur
The most frequent neurological adverse effect of lithium mostly in patients who receive co-treatment with antipsy-
is a fine tremor of the upper limbs occurring as postural chotic drugs. These symptoms do not favorably respond to
tremor or during any type of active movements (action anti-Parkinsonian medications. Lithium-induced nystag-
tremor). This tremor looks like an exaggeration of physi- mus is usually reversible under reduction of lithium dose
ologic tremor with a similar frequency range between 8 or lithium discontinuation. Neurological adverse effects of
and 13 Hz, differing from resting Parkinsonian tremor, lithium involving the peripheral nervous system include
which has a frequency of 4 to 6 Hz. The incidence rate complaints of muscle weakness with subtle decrease of
of tremor, which may occur as early as several weeks after motor nerve conduction. Although of doubtful clinical
beginning treatment, is about 20% of lithium-treated significance, attention should be given in the case of giv-
patients. Predisposing factors include high lithium ing lithium to patients with muscular disorders or periph-
level; older age; and concomitant treatment with anti- eral neuropathies (Fountoulakis, Vieta, Bouras, Notaridis,
depressant, anticonvulsant, or antipsychotic drugs. Giannakopoulos, Kaprinis & Akiskal, 2007; Pogarell,
Lithium-induced tremor is usually mild and often dis- Folkerts, & Hegerl, 2006).
appears after dose reduction. However, if a reduction of All neurological side effects of lithium markedly
lithium dosage is not possible and if the tremor is consid- increase during lithium intoxication, leading to a loss of
ered clinically relevant (i.e., interfering with the patients’ consciousness, occasionally with the occurrence of convul-
daily activities), administration of low-dose beta block- sions. In most lithium-intoxicated patients, a range of neu-
ers, usually propranolol at 30 to 80 mg/day, can be used rological symptoms can be observed, especially cerebellar
with good results. signs such as tremor, nystagmus, dysarthria, vertigo, ataxia
Infrequent neurological adverse effects of lithium or extrapyramidal Parkinsonian, or choreoathetotic motor
involving central nervous system include extrapyramidal symptoms. Treatment of lithium intoxication includes sup-
and oculomotor symptoms. Sometimes they may occur portive care and enhancement of lithium elimination with
even with lithium concentration within therapeutic dose. intravenous saline. Hemodialysis is the method of choice
Similarly as in tremor, predisposing factors include high for treating patients with severe intoxication and high lith-
lithium levels; older age; and concomitant treatment with ium levels (> 2 mmol/l). In some patients, persisting neuro-
antidepressant, anticonvulsant, or antipsychotics drugs. logical and cognitive deficits following lithium intoxication
Any preexisting cerebral abnormalities may also constitute such as short-term memory disturbances and cerebellar

4 0 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
dysfunctions (especially ataxia) can ensue. They are named concomitantly with their normal cognitive functions,
the syndrome of irreversible lithium-effectuated neurotox- also had normal serum BDNF levels (Rybakowski &
icity (SILENT) (Aditanjee, Munshi, & Thampy, 2005). Suwalska, 2010).
Several mechanisms may be responsible for a favor-
able effect of lithium on cognitive functions in excellent
Cognitive effects
lithium responders. Probably the most important is a total
Early clinical observations in bipolar patients receiving prevention of affective episodes, which themselves cause a
lithium on a long-term basis suggested either no effect or a deterioration of cognitive functions. Neuroprotective effect
slight impairment of cognitive function. In one recent clin- of lithium can obviously play a significant role. A possible
ical study, impaired verbal memory and otherwise spared mechanism could also be connected with antiviral prop-
cognition in remitted bipolar patients on monotherapy erties of lithium. Dickerson, Boronow, Stallings, Origoni,
with lithium was found, while in others, a lower perfor- Cole, Krivogorsky, & Yolken (2004) demonstrated that
mance on episodic verbal and visual verbal memory tests infection with herpes simplex virus was associated with
of bipolar patients compared to the healthy subjects was cognitive deficits in BPD whereas, in our study, long-term
observed. However, no difference between lithium-treated lithium administration was connected with attenua-
bipolar patients and those receiving no medication was tion, or remission, of herpes infection (Rybakowski &
found (Dias, Balanza-Martinez, Soeiro-de-Souza, Moreno, Amsterdam, 1991).
Figueira, Machado-Vieira, & Vieta, 2012). Related to the lithium effect on cognitive functions,
On the other hand, the results of recent animal research there is a possibility that this ion exerts a preventive effect
point unanimously to lithium having a favorable effect on against dementia in patients with BD. Nunes, Forlenza, and
cognitive function, as demonstrated on various models. Gattaz (2007) found in their group of 114 bipolar patients
Lithium treatment protects irradiated hippocampal neu- that those receiving long-term lithium therapy had a
rons from apoptosis and improves cognitive performance decreased prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease compared with
in irradiated mice. Such procognitive effect of lithium was patients not receiving recent lithium therapy. In the Danish
attributed to the inhibition of GSK-3ß and to an increase epidemiological study of Kessing, Forman, & Andersen
in Bcl-2 protein expression (Yazlovitskaya et al., 2006). In (2010), a total of 4,856 patients with a diagnosis of a manic
another study, using three different positive reinforcement or mixed episode BPD at their first psychiatric contact were
spatial cognitive tasks in rats, it was demonstrated that investigated over the study period of 1995 to 2005. Among
lithium magnifies learning in all three tasks, which may be these patients, 50.4% were exposed to lithium, 36.7% to
associated with enhancing hippocampal synaptic plasticity anticonvulsants, 88.1% to antidepressants, and 80.3% to
(Nocjar, Hammonds, & Shim, 2007). antipsychotics. A total of 216 patients received a diagnosis
In our own studies, we have attempted to correlate of dementia during follow-up (103.6/10,000 person-years).
cognitive functions in lithium-treated patients with a Analysis revealed that continued treatment with lithium
quality of lithium prophylactic effect. We found that non- was associated with a reduced rate of dementia in patients
responders to lithium had significantly worse performance with BPD in contrast to continued treatment with anticon-
on many domains of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test vulsants, antidepressants, or antipsychotics.
compared to excellent and partial responders (Rybakowski,
Permoda-Osip, & Borkowska, 2009). In a recent study,
Neuroprotective effects
using neuropsychological tests from a Cambridge
Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery that measured Lithium is the main mood-stabilizing drug for which the
spatial working memory and sustained attention, we dem- evidence for neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects has
onstrated that bipolar patients who are excellent lithium increasingly accumulated over the past two decades. The
responders have cognitive functions comparable to those neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects of this ion are
of matched control subjects, thereby probably constituting now regarded as important therapeutics mechanisms in
a specific subgroup of bipolar patients in which long-term mood disorders (Gray & McEwen, 2013). They may be
lithium administration can produce complete normal- also responsible for the favorable influence of lithium on
ity in this respect. As a decreased BDNF serum level was cognitive functions and for an increase in cerebral grey
proposed as a marker of later stage of bipolar mood disor- matter volume in lithium-treated patients with BPD. The
der, it should be noted that the excellent lithium respond- evidence for a neuroprotective effect of lithium also makes
ers in our study, receiving lithium for a mean 15  years, this ion a possible candidate for use as a therapeutic drug

N eurological , C ognitive , and N europrotective E f f ects   •   4 0 7

in neurology, especially in neurodegenerative disorders associated athanogene, which is known to attenuate gluco-
(Rybakowski, 2011). corticoid receptor nuclear translocation, thus potentiating
Several biochemical targets have been involved in the antiapoptotic effect. In patients with BPD, polymor-
the neurotrophic and neuroprotective effect of lithium. phism of the bcl-2 gene is associated with an abnormality of
They include increased expression of neurotrophins the PI system (Quiroz et al., 2010).
(mainly BDNF), the inhibition of GSK-3, modulation of Neuroimaging evidence for lithium neuroprotective
c-AMP–mediated signal transduction, with a special role of action started with a provocative research letter in 2000 to
CREB and PI cascade, PKC inhibition, and increased Bcl-2 the Lancet submitted by Moore, Bebchuk, Wilds, Chen &
expression. As a result of such action, lithium increases cell Manji (2000), postulating a lithium-induced increase in
survival by promoting neurogenesis in the adult brain and human brain grey matter. The results of several studies
by inhibiting cell death (apoptosis) cascades. In experimen- on this issue have been reported mainly over the past five
tal studies it was demonstrated that lithium activates CREB years. The target brain structures that could presumably be
and increases BDNF expression. In clinical studies lithium influenced by either short-term or long-term lithium treat-
treatment results in an increase of blood level of BDNF. ment were the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (includ-
We found that the Val66Met BDNF gene polymorphism ing the anterior cingulated region). Moore, Shepherd,
is associated with the degree of prophylactic response to Eccleston, Macmillan, Goswami, McAllister, & Ferrier
lithium (Rybakowski, 2008b). Since 1996, the evidence (2001) extended their results published nine years earlier
has been accumulating using various experimental models as they found that an increase in total grey matter volume
showing that lithium inhibits GSK-3 activity and that this in the prefrontal cortex of bipolar depressed subjects after
enzyme can be regarded as one of the therapeutic targets of four weeks of lithium administration was significant only
lithium. Clinical studies demonstrated that GSK-3 activ- in lithium responders. American researchers focusing on
ity is altered in mania and regulated after treatment with prefrontal grey matter showed greater cortical gray matter
mood stabilizers, including lithium (Quiroz et al., 2010). density in lithium-treated patients with BPD, especially in
The effect of lithium on the PI pathway has long been the right anterior cingulate region. In the second study, they
considered one of the main therapeutic mechanisms of gave lithium in therapeutic doses to healthy individuals for
this ion in mood disorders and led to a formulation of the four weeks. By conducting vaxel-based morphometry anal-
inositol-depletion hypothesis of lithium action. Lithium ysis they showed that lithium caused a significant increase
exerts effect on many steps of PI pathways, the most impor- in grey matter in the left and right dorsolateral prefrontal
tant being inhibition of inositol monophosphatase. In one cortices and the left anterior cingulated region (Monkul
of the genome-wide association studies in bipolar illness, et al., 2007). Canadian investigators demonstrated a bilat-
the strongest association was related to a genetic variation eral increase in hippocampal volume after both short-term
in the diacylglycerol kinase (DGKH) gene, which encodes (up to eight weeks), as well as long-term (two to four years)
a key protein in the lithium-sensitive phosphatidyl inositol lithium administration in patients with BPD (Yucel et al.,
pathway (Baum et al., 2008). An inhibition of the collapse 2008). A  similar study was that of Bearden et  al. (2008)
of sensory neuron growth and an increase of growth cone who, using three-dimensional mapping of hippocampal
area, the processes dependent on PI pathway have been anatomy, demonstrated that total hippocampal volume
proposed as a common mechanism of therapeutic action in lithium-treated bipolar patients was significantly larger
of three mood-stabilizing drugs of the first generation (i.e. compared to that of both unmedicated bipolar patients and
lithium, carbamazepine, and valproates; Williams, Cheng, healthy control subjects. The localized difference applied
Mudge, & Harwood, 2002). Recently it has been found to the right hippocampus in regions corresponding pri-
that lithium inhibits sodium myo-inositol transporter 1; marily to cornu Ammonis subfields. A recent study by the
similar action was also attributed to carbamazepine and International Group of Lithium-Treated Patients com-
valproates (Quiroz et al., 2010). paring bipolar patients receiving or not receiving lithium
Lithium inhibits the activity of PKC and decreases showed that the lithium group had significantly greater
the levels of phosphorylation of myristoylated alanine-rich hippocampal volume, independent of long-term response
C-kinase substrate, a major PKC substrate that has been (Hajek et al., 2014).
implicated in signaling and neuroplastic events associ- In 2010 the reports of two neuroimaging stud-
ated with cytoskeletal architecture. Lithium treatment ies appeared that compared the effects of lithium with
also results in an increase of Bcl-2 in the brain of experi- those of anticonvulsants and antipsychotics possessing
mental animals. Lithium increases the expression of Bcl-2 mood-stabilizing properties. In Lyoo, Dager, Kim, Yoon,

4 0 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Friedman, Dunner, & Renshaw (2010) paper, the course effects, mainly tremor. Symptoms of neurotoxicity were
and magnitude of cerebral gray matter volume changes in also described when valproate was added to lamotrigine.
22 bipolar patients treated with either lithium or valpro- The management of these side effects include a decrease
ate was studied. The authors found that lithium caused of anticonvulsant dose or discontinuation of one of
an increase in grey matter volume, peaking at Week 10 the drugs.
to 12 and maintained through 16 weeks of treatment and A specific neurotoxic effect of valproate is hyperammo-
that this increase was associated with a positive clinical nemic encephalopathy, due to valproate-induced elevated
response. By contrast, valproate-treated patients did not plasma ammonia. This may occur in people with normal
show grey matter volume changes over time. Germana liver function and therapeutic serum levels of valproate.
et  al. (2010) performed a cross-sectional structural brain The cases of such complication were also described in bipo-
magnetic resonance imaging study of 74 remitted bipolar lar patients, sometimes even after a long period of valproate
patients receiving long-term prophylactic treatment with administration. Hyperammonemic encephalopathy may
lithium, valproate, carbamazepine, or antipsychotics. They necessitate withdrawal of valproate, although improvement
found that volume of grey matter in the subgenual anterior was also reported with L-carnitine treatment (Amanat
cingulate gyrus on the right and in the postcentral gyrus, et al., 2013).
the hippocampus/amygdala complex, and the insula on the
left was greater in patients on lithium treatment compared
to all other treatments.
In summary, there is considerable evidence for lith- Similar to neurotoxic effects, cognitive effects of anticon-
ium causing an increase in cerebral grey matter volume in vulsants are usually dose-related and more likely to occur if
patients with BPD, which may reflect a neuroprotective these drugs are taken in combination. Studies on anticonvul-
effect of lithium at a clinical level. Such an effect has not sants’ effect on neurocognition in patients with BPD are not
been demonstrated for any other mood-stabilizing drug. numerous; most data were obtained from studies conducted
on healthy volunteers and patients with epilepsy (Goldberg &
Burdick, 2001). Of three anticonvulsants discussed here,
A N T IC ON V U L S A N T S W I T H monotherapy with lamotrigine appears to have better neu-
MO OD -S TA B I L I Z I NG PROPE RT I E S rocognitive profile than carbamazepine and valproate. This
was confirmed in a study by Gualtieri and Johnson (2006)
In this chapter, we review the neurotoxic and neuro- including 159 patients with BPD ages 18 to 70 years, of whom
protective effects only of anticonvulsants for which 16 were treated with carbamazepine, 38 with lamotrigine,
mood-stabilizing properties have been amply demonstrated 19 with oxcarbazepine, 19 with topiramate, 27 with valpro-
(i.e., carbamazepine and valproate as the representatives ate, and 30 with lithium. Significant group differences were
of first-generation mood stabilizers and lamotrigine as the detected in tests of memory, psychomotor speed, process-
second-generation mood-stabilizer). ing speed, reaction time, cognitive flexibility, and attention.
Rank order analysis showed superiority for lamotrigine (1.8),
followed by oxcarbazepine (2.1), lithium (3.3), topiramate
N EU ROL O G IC A L E F F EC T S (4.3), valproate (4.5), and carbamazepine (5.0).
Neurological effects of anticonvulsants are usually associ- In healthy subjects and epileptic patients, valproate
ated with their higher serum level and co-administration may exert some subtle negative effect on such cognitive
of other drugs. They include drowsiness, slurred speech, functions as attention and concentration, memory atten-
blurred vision, ataxia, and tremor. Tremor is especially tion, and motor speed. Dosage reductions of valproate by
prominent during combination of mood-stabilizing half did not alleviate these deficits, but drug discontinua-
drugs of the first generation (carbamazepine, valproate, tion led to progressive improvement over one year. Similar
lithium). In a recent review of side effects associated with effect were found with carbamazepine except for a nega-
psychotropic medication, based on the analysis of patients tive influence on motor speed but prolonged visual stimu-
from the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program lus evaluation time. However, data from epilepsy trials
for Bipolar Disorder and from the Clinical Outcome and suggest that both drugs cause little cognitive impairment
Psycho-Education for Bipolar Disorder, Serretti et  al. when used as monotherapy and their blood levels are main-
(2013) found that the use of the first-generation mood sta- tained within the therapeutic range (Goldberg & Burdick,
bilizers was specifically associated with neurological side 2001). In patients with BPD, both drugs caused more

N eurological , C ognitive , and N europrotective E f f ects   •   4 0 9

cognitive impairment than lithium in one study (Gualtieri Yatham et al., 2013). However, some typical antipsychot-
& Johnson, 2006), but in one earlier study carbamaze- ics for the treatment of manic states are still used, with
pine was not different than lithium (Joffe, MacDonald, & haloperidol being the most important in this respect. In
Kutcher, 1988). Europe, zuclopenthixol decanoate injection is fairly popu-
Lamotrigine stands out positively from both anti- lar in the treatment of acute manic states.
convulsants mentioned here. An acute administration of
lamotrigine in healthy subjects has not been associated
with cognitive deficit and may even improve some cognitive
functions such as concentration, sustained attention, and
verbal fluency. This was also reflected during treatment of Extrapyramidal syndromes are the most frequent neuro-
patients with BPD where favorable effects of lamotrigine logical complications of antipsychotic drugs. These include
on cognitive functions both in pediatric and adult patients Parkinsonism, dystonia, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia.
were reported. Lamotrigine improved cognitive functions Parkinsoninsm consists of a triad of bradykinesia, tremor,
in bipolar I patients independent of concomitant treatment and rigidity. Acute dystonia denotes the contraction of a
with valproate, antidepressants, or antipsychotics (Dias, voluntary muscle to its maximal degree, which leads to a
Balanza-Martinez, Soeiro-de-Souza, Moreno, Figueira, postural distortion. Akathisia consists of a subjective and
Machado-Vieira, & Vieta, 2012). objective element; the first includes unease, distress, dys-
phoria, and inner restlessness. Objectively, repetitive move-
ments of the legs and feet occur with pacing and walking on
the spot and inability to sit steadily. Tardive dyskinesia start-
The basis for possible neuroprotective effects of carbamaze- ing after months or years of treatment with antipsychotic
pine and valproate is derived from studies in which these drugs typically manifests with involuntary movements of
two drugs were used as comparators to lithium. The effect the tongue, lips, mouth, or face (Haddad & Dursun, 2008).
on the PI pathway (inhibition of the collapse of sensory A susceptibility to extrapyramidal syndromes may slightly
neuron growth and an increase growth cone area) have been differ between patients with BPD and schizophrenia. For
proposed as a common mechanism of therapeutic action of example, the former appear to have a higher risk of develop-
lithium, carbamazepine, and valproates (Williams et  al., ing tardive dyskinesia than the latter (Kane, 1999).
2002). Recently it has been found that, besides lithium, The risk of extrapyramidal symptoms differs between
carbamazepine and valproate inhibit sodium myo-inositol antipsychotic drugs. Such disorders may be significantly
transporter 1.  Similar to lithium, valproate inhibits the less frequent in patients treated with second- than with
activity of PKC and exerts a stimulating effect on the first-generation antipsychotic drugs (Barnes & McPhillips,
BDNF system (Quiroz et al., 2010). 1998). However, second-generation antipsychotic drugs,
Neuroprotective effects of lamotrigine can be attrib- including those with evidenced mood-stabilizing prop-
uted to an increase of activity in the BDNF system and to erties, also show differences in this regard. Among them,
preventing glutamate-induced neurotoxicity to hippocam- risperidone is associated with more use of anti-Parkinson
pus and other brain structures (Dias, Balanza-Martinez, medication than clozapine, olanzapine, and quetiapine
Soeiro-de-Souza, Moreno, Figueira, Machado-Vieira, & (Rummel-Kluge et al., 2012). On the other hand, aripira-
Vieta, 2012; Li, He, Zhang, Qi, Li, Zhu, & He, 2011). zole seems to have the highest propensity for developing
akathisia (Kane et al., 2010).
Acute dystonia and Parkinsonism can be treated with
A N T I P S YC HO T IC S anticholinergic drugs. The evidence for treating akathisia is
strongest for beta-blockers and benzodiazepines. However,
In recent years there has been an increasing tendency to the occurrence of all three syndromes is less likely if anti-
use atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of BPD. Some psychotic dosages are kept low. In the case of tardive dys-
of these drugs have already fulfilled the aforementioned kinesia, when further antipsychotic treatment is necessary,
criteria for mood-stabilizing drugs (clozapine, olanzapine, one should consider switching to an antipsychotic with a
quetiapine, aripiprazole, risperidone). In addition, some low propensity to cause the disorder—either quetiapine or
new atypical antipsychotics have gained recommendation clozapine. Other pharmacological interventions have also
for treatment of some aspects of BPD (i.e., ziprasidone and been suggested (e.g., tetrabenazine, benzodiazepines, vita-
asenapine for mania, lurasidone for bipolar depression; min E, or donepezil).

410   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is the most in the euthymic state (Bourne et al., 2013). Therefore the
severe complication of treatment with antipsychotic drugs, question arises regarding how antipsychotic drugs used in
although it may rarely appear with other kinds of medications. the treatment of BPD may influence such deficits. Torrent
The incidence of NMS in patients treated with antipsychotic et  al. (2011) found that nonmedicated bipolar patients
drugs amounts to 0.2%, and it has been reported with all showed better cognitive performance than those receiv-
the atypical antipsychotics, including clozapine and quetiap- ing antipsychotic drugs with mood-stabilizing properties
ine in monotherapy (Ananth, Parameswaran, Gunatilake, such as olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone. Among
Burgoyne, & Sidhom, 2004). Although specific research has drug-treated patients, those on quetiapine showed less
not been performed, it is probable that the frequency of NMS impairment in measures of verbal memory than those on
may be similar in neuroleptic-treated bipolar patients and the other drugs. This may correspond to data in adolescent
those with schizophrenia (Chen, Guo, Steinbuch, Buckley, BPD patients receiving quetiapine whereby cognitive func-
& Patel, 2009). The main symptoms of NMS include mus- tion was found similar to that of healthy control subjects.
cular rigidity, pyrexia, change in consciousness level (from There are also data showing some improvement of cognitive
mild confusion to coma), and autonomic disturbances (dia- performance by risperidone and olanzapine in BPD patients
phoresis, tachycardia, hypersalivation, and blood pressure (Dias, Balanza-Martinez, Soeiro-de-Souza, Moreno,
changes; Haddad & Dursun, 2008). If NMS is suspected, all Figueira, Machado-Vieira, & Vieta, 2012). Clozapine has
antipsychotic medications should be stopped. Regular physi- been found superior to haloperidol for improving cogni-
cal observations and daily serum creatinine phosphate kinase tive performance in patients with schizophrenia (Potkin,
levels should be monitored. Dopamine agonists (bromocrip- Fleming, Jin, & Gulasekaram, 2001); however, such stud-
tine, amantadine) and muscle relaxants (dantrolene, benzodi- ies with bipolar patients have been not performed. Clearly
azepines) are used. In severe cases, ECT may be performed. more studies are needed to find any cognitive benefits from
Other neurological effects of antipsychotic drugs second-generation antipsychotics in BPD.
include seizures; among atypical antipsychotics, the risk
is highest with clozapine, amounting to 1%, with doses of
clozapine below 300 mg/day and several times higher with
higher doses. In such cases, anticonvulsants (e.g., valpro-
ate) can be added. In recent years, concern has focused on Experimental and clinical studies in the past decade have
an increased risk of cerebrovascular events and mortality shown that the area of neuroprotection is one that allows
when atypical antipsychotics are used in elderly popula- differentiation of typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs.
tions (Schneider, Dagerman, & Insel, 2006). The two groups exert opposing effect on these processes
(Nandra & Agius, 2012). Haloperidol, the main repre-
sentative of typical antipsychotic drugs, exerts a negative
effect on neuroprotection by promoting apoptosis and
The majority of data concerning neurocognitive effects lowering BDNF levels. In contrast, favorable effect on
of antipsychotic drugs in clinical settings have been BDNF expression in experimental studies and/or increase
obtained from schizophrenic patients. First experi- of BDNF levels in a clinical setting was found for clozap-
ences with second-generation antipsychotic drugs were ine, olanzapine, quetiapine, aripipazole, and risperidone
promising as they found them superior in this respect to (Gonzáles-Pinto et al. 2010; Nandra & Agius, 2012; Park,
first-generation antipsychotics. Although preclinical data Lee, Kim, Yoon, & Kim, 2006). Furthermore, in experi-
suggested that second-generation antipsychotics can poten- mental studies, olanzapine has been shown, similar to lith-
tially reduce cognitive impairments, subsequent large clini- ium, to upregulate Bcl-2, a CREB (Hammonds & Shim,
cal trials indicated only modest, if any, cognitive benefits 2009). These findings may show that atypical antipsychot-
relative to first-generation antipsychotics in schizophrenic ics can favorably influence some mechanisms connected
patients (Galderisi et al., 2009; Hill, Bishop, Palumbo, & with neuroprotection.
Sweeney, 2010).
As in schizophrenia, cognitive deficits are an important
feature of BPD, although their severity may be lower than A N T I DE PR E S S A N T S
in schizophrenia. Cognitive impairments in BPD show
a tendency to increase during acute episode of the illness The use of antidepressants in BPD is widespread, although
(especially depression), although they are discernible also restrictions for such a practice have been voiced in

N eurological , C ognitive , and N europrotective E f f ects   •   411

therapeutic guidelines, pointing to a propensity of antide- effects, mostly because of their anticholinergic activity. In
pressants for increased risk of switching into (hypo)manic depressed patients receiving antidepressants, cognitive per-
or mixed episode or producing a rapid cycling course. It has formance improves with amelioration of depressive symp-
been also suggested that the use of antidepressants should toms; therefore, a specific effect of these drugs on cognition
be confined to acute episodes, since there is no evidence of is difficult to delineate. To date, no study has specifically
any benefit from their long-term administration in BPD. examined the cognitive effects of antidepressants in BPD
(Dias et al., 2012).
Main neurological complications of antidepressant drugs
include serotonin syndrome, seizures, and extrapyrami- Neuroprotective effects of antidepressants have been sug-
dal effects. Serotonin toxicity is connected with drugs gested in the context of possible stimulation of neurogen-
increasing serotonergic neurotransmission used in high esis processes in the adult brain exerted by these drugs.
doses, most frequently with co-prescription of two drugs Antidepressants are postulated to facilitate neuroprotec-
increasing such transmission by different pathways (i.e., tion by reversing neurotoxic effect of hypercortisolemia
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs], clomip- and suppressed synthesis of BDNF occurring during
ramine, lithium, or monoamine oxidase inhibitor). The depressive episodes. Santarelli et al (2003) hypothesized
main symptoms of serotonin syndrome include altered that stimulation of hippocampal neurogenesis may be
mental state (agitation, excitement, confusion), neuro- essential for a therapeutic effects of antidepressant drugs.
muscular hyeractivity (tremor, clonus, myoclonus), and However, Tang, Helmeste, and Leonard (2012) indicate
autonomic disturbances (diaphoresis, pyrexia, mydriasis, that neurogenesis is not specific to depression or to anti-
tachycardia, and tachypnoea; Haddad & Dursun, 2008). depressant drugs’ action and that neuroprotective effects
If the syndrome is suspected, all serotonergic medica- of antidepressant drugs are mostly related to increased
tions should be stopped. Depending on severity, patients synaptogenesis.
may require respiratory and cardiovascular monitoring,
reduction of pyrexia, and prevention of renal failure.
Sometimes the treatment should take place in an inten- E L E C T RO C ON V U L S I V E T H E R A P Y
sive care unit.
Most antidepressant drugs lower the seizure threshold, The use of ECT in BPD has been mainly applied for
and, in this respect, tricyclic antidepressants and bupro- treatment-refractory bipolar depression, although some
pion are regarded as more epileptogenic than the SSRIs. guidelines have proposed it as a second-line indication for
This should be taken into account when using antidepres- treatment-resistant mania (Yatham et  al., 2013). Adverse
sant in patients with a history of seizures. Extrapyramidal cognitive effects of this procedure, mainly memory impair-
symptoms associated with antidepressant are rare phenom- ment, have long been reported. In recent years, a possibility
enon; most reported cases were connected with duloxetine of some neurotrophic effect of ECT has also been suggested.
and SSRIs (Madhusoodanan, Alexeenko, Sanders, &
Brenner, 2010).

Somatic complication of ECT constitute less than 1% of

CO G N I T I V E E F F EC T S treated patients, the majority being cardiac complications,
Antidepressant effect on cognition are disease specific mostly arrhythmias (Nuttall et  al., 2004). Neurological
and directly influenced by mood symptoms. Depression complications are extremely rare when neurological contra-
in both unipolar and bipolar mood disorder is associated indications for ECT are taken into account. In the litera-
with cognitive impairment, although some studies point ture, sporadic cases of subdural hematoma after ECT have
out greater impairment in bipolar depression (Borkowska been reported (Kulkarni & Melkundi, 2012).
& Rybakowski, 2001). Significant correlations between
depression severity and numerous domains of cogni-
tive functions were found. Generally, antidepressants do
not induce major cognitive side effects; however, tricyclic Cognitive side effects of ECT have long been observed,
antidepressants are more likely than SSRIs to cause such witih memory impairment the most prominent symptom.

41 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Recently Semkovska and McLoughlin (2010) conducted “functional remediation” goes beyond the scope of cogni-
a meta-analysis of cognitive symptoms after ECT based tive enhancement and includes communication, interper-
on 84 studies including nearly 3,000 participants. The sonal relationship, and stress management strategies.
authors concluded that cognitive abnormalities associated Certainly one of the most important issues connected
with ECT are mainly limited to the first three days after with BPD today is that of neuroprotection, in terms of
completing the procedure. Pretreatment functioning lev- the role of its impairment in the pathogenesis of BPD and
els are subsequently recovered. After two weeks posttreat- its augmentation used for treatment of this illness. The
ment, processing speed, working memory, anterograde research on this topic has greatly accelerated, and it is hoped
memory, and some aspects of executive function improve that it will bring some promising results.
beyond beaseline levels. Despite this optimistic report,
Disclosure statement:  During the past three years, Janusz
there is still a possibility that, in some individual patients,
K. Rybakowski has acted as a consultant or a speaker for the
some memory impairment may persist for a longer period
following companies: AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers-Squibb,
of time (even months). In such cases, additional adminis-
Eli Lilly, Janssen-Cilag, Lundbeck, Sanofi-Aventis, and
tration of procognitive drugs (piracetam, memantine) may
be helpful.


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N eurological , C ognitive , and N europrotective E f f ects   •   415


Renrong Wu, Keming Gao, Joseph R. Calabrese, and Heinz Grunze

INTRODUCTION 1987). However, retrospective data of hospitalized patients

between 1920 and 1981 from a Zurich sample did not sup-
The circular nature of bipolar disorder (BPD) has been port the emergence of a substantial drug-induced manic
described since the 1850s (Angst & Sellaro, 2000). switch rate after antidepressants were introduced (Angst &
Circular madness, folie circulaire, was defined as manic Sellaro, 2000).
and melancholic episodes separated by symptom-free The inconsistency of previous studies on TEM could
intervals. The term folie á double forme was used to be at least in part due to the heterogeneity of BPD. There
describe cyclic (manic-melancholic) episodes without is convincing evidence supporting that BPD constitutes a
symptom-free intervals. In categorical but comprehensive very heterogeneous group (Angst et  al., 2004; Gao et  al.,
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 2013; Merikangas et al., 2007). Overall, current available
(fifth edition) and International Classification of Disease data suggest that a small number of patients are vulnerable
(10th edition) terms, BPD is characterized just by episodic for TEM, but reliable predictors for such a group are still
manic/hypomanic symptoms; thus, mania/hypomania is lacking. Until very large double-blind, placebo-controlled,
considered as the hallmark of BPD, not the cyclicity of longitudinal studies include diverse groups of patients with
mood swings, as the traditional term manic-depressive ill- BPD, a causal relationship between treatment, a manic/
ness still comprises. In the context of this chapter, readers hypomanic switch, and patient characteristics will be dif-
should always be aware that an episode can not only be ficult to establish. Accordingly, clinicians will continue to
triggered by psychological and pharmacologic factors but face the lack of a predictive reliability in knowing who will
also occur spontaneously as a genuine part of the disorder have TEM. Therefore, it is important that clinicians remain
(Angst & Sellaro, 2000; Perlis et  al., 2010). Both kinds aware of reported causes for TEM in order to prevent or
of episodes are difficult to predict when they will occur. minimize the effect of affective switches. The aim of this
To separate spontaneous from triggered mood changes is chapter is to systematically review potential mechanisms,
even more difficult. pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments, and
Treatment-emergent mania/hypomania (TEM) follow- risk factors of affective mood switches.
ing major depressive episodes (MDE) in BPD was observed
from the very beginning of the introduction of somatic
treatments including antidepressants (Wehr & Goodwin, R E L E VA N T B IOL O G Y OF 
1987). However, the controversy on the causal relationship MO OD S W I TC H I NG
between antidepressant use and TEM and cycle acceleration
has never been settled. Some early observational studies and The monoamine, cholinergic, glutamatergic, melatoner-
placebo-controlled studies supported that antidepressants gic, endogenous opioid and cannabinoid systems, as well
could precipitate mania in patients with BPD and induce as the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) gland axis
mania in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD; and hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) gland axis are
Koukopoulos et al., 1980; Peet, 1994; Wehr & Goodwin, involved in the regulation of mood. Any change caused by

any pharmacological or nonpharmacological factor in these deficit is mainly involved in mania, and the enhancement
systems can potentially induce affective switches. of serotonin neurotransmission exerts a mood-stabilizing
effect (Shiah & Yatham, 2000). However, this is inconsis-
MONOA M I N E S Y S T E M tent with the observation that rapid tryptophan depletion
reduces manic symptoms, suggesting that an increased sero-
Norepinephrine tonin activity might also be involved in mania (Applebaum,
As early as in 1965, norepinephrine was believed to be a Bersudsky, & Klein, 2007). In summary, the role of sero-
main culprit in both depression and mania; that is, depres- tonin in BPD remains ambiguous.
sion resulted from a relatively low level of norepinephrine,
and mania resulted from a relatively higher level of nor- CHOL I N E RG IC S Y S T E M
epinephrine (Salvadore et  al., 2010; Schildkraut, 1965).
Increased norepinephrine activity was observed in manic The role of the cholinergic system in BPD was hypothesized
episodes, but higher levels of urinary dopamine, not uri- as an imbalance between the cholinergic and adrenergic
nary norepinephrine, accompanied manic episodes in systems; that is, depression would be a clinical presentation
patients with rapid cycling BPD. Recent data support syn- of a state of cholinergic dominance, whereas mania would
ergistic effects between norepinephrine and dopamine in correspond to the dominance of the adrenergic system. An
prefrontal cortical networks. The right ventral prefrontal early study showed that physostigmine, a reversible cholin-
cortex in humans is a key structure for behavioral inhi- esterase inhibitor, produced a state of psychomotor retar-
bition (Arnsten, 2007). Suppression of the ventral and dation and increased the severity of depression in a variety
orbital prefrontal cortex function is believed to be the of psychiatric patients with depressive symptoms; however,
cause of some manic symptoms during a manic episode. An donepezil, an acetylcholine esterase inhibitor, adjunctive to
increase in the release of norepinephrine and dopamine in mood stabilizer was not effective in reducing manic symp-
the prefrontal cortex caused by uncontrollable stress has toms (Chen, Fang, Kemp, Calabrese, & Gao, 2010). Both
been speculated to trigger intracellular cascades reducing muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors seem to
the prefrontal cortex function leading to subsequent manic be involved in the acetylcholine “depressogenic” action, but
symptoms (Arnsten, 2007). the results for anticholinergic agents as treatment of depres-
sion have been inconsistent. Best positive evidence exists for
the anticholinergic drug scopolamine (4 mcg/kg), which,
Dopamine intravenously infused in patients with MDD or BPD, sig-
Higher levels of norepinephrine and dopamine metabolites nificantly reduced depressive symptoms within three days
in the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) have been associated with with a large effect size (see Chapter 22).
mania and lower levels have been associated with depression
(Gerner et al., 1984; Roy et al., 1985; Swann et al., 1983). G A BA E RG IC/G LU TA M AT E RG IC S Y S T E M
An increase in norepinephrine and dopamine during mania
is indirectly supported by the efficacy of treatment with A role of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) dysfunction in
lithium, antipsychotics, and other antimanic agents, which mood disorders was proposed more than three decades
can extracellularly and/or intracellularly block the signal ago and reviewed more recently (Brambilla, Perez, Barale,
transmission of these two neurotransmitters. Increased Schettini, & Soares, 2003). Some early studies showed that
dopamine transmission in mania leads to secondary down- the concentration of GABA in CSF and/or blood serum
regulation of dopamine receptor sensitivity and decreased was lower in patients with bipolar depression or mania
dopaminergic transmission, which might correspond to the than healthy controls. Increased glutamatergic activity in
depressive phase of BPD (Berk et al., 2007). the anterior cingulated cortex and the parieto-occipital
cortex was observed in patients with mania. A number of
studies have shown that chronic treatment with lithium
Serotonin or valproate can increase the blood level of GABA and
Although the involvement of serotonin in MDD is well decrease the level of glutamate, suggesting that the balance
established, its role in BPD remains to be determined. Some of these two systems may play a role in mood regulation.
early studies found that decreased central serotonergic Evidence supporting GABA and glutamate dysfunction
function might be involved in both depression and mania, in BPD also stems from treatment trials. Clonazepam was
but other studies support the hypothesis that a serotonin efficient and safe in the treatment of acute mania (Curtin

418   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
& Schulz, 2004). Intravenous infusion of ketamine, a non- M E L ATON E RG IC S Y S T E M
competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist, produced
The cyclic nature of BPD, diurnal variations in its symp-
a rapid decrease in depressive symptoms in patients with
tomatology, and a frequently disturbed sleep–wake cycle
treatment-resistant bipolar depression (see Chapter  22).
suggest that a dysfunction involving zeitgebers may be
More recently, ketamine-induced mania in a nonbipolar
involved in the pathophysiology in BPD (Chen et al., 2010).
patient has been reported (Ricke, Snook, & Anand, 2011).
Studies have shown that not only the levels but also the tim-
ing of melatonin secretion is altered in patients with BPD.
N EU ROE N D O CR I N E S Y S T E M S Low nocturnal output of melatonin was found in MDD
and BPD and was normalized after treatment with antide-
HPA axis pressants. Bright light therapy, a melatonin suppressor and
Dysfunction of the HPA axis in BPD has been observed, circadian phase shifter, is used for the treatment of depres-
but the exact role of corticosteroids in each phase of BPD sion with seasonal pattern, but no firm data for bipolar
remains unclear (Chen et al., 2010).). Enduring dysfunc- depression have been reported so far.
tion of the HPA axis in euthymic bipolar patients has also
been reported (Watson, Gallagher, Ritchie, Ferrier, & PU R I N E RG IC S Y S T E M
Young, 2004). In a longitudinal study of 15 patients with
Purines (adenosine triphosphate and adenosine) are essential
BPD, the mean basal and postdexamethasone cortisol
for energy metabolism and neurotransmission. Allopurinol,
levels were increased during the phase of depression, but
a purine analog, showed antimanic efficacy in patients with
not during mania or euthymia (Maj, Ariano, Arena, &
BPD. Adenosine is a widespread neuromodulator in the cen-
Kemali, 1984). In contrast, patients with mixed or pure
tral nervous system. The antimanic action of carbamazepine
mania were reported to have elevated levels of cortisol
may be, in part, related to its agonistic effect on adenosine
in CSF and urine compared to healthy controls, but no
receptors (Biber, Fiebich, Gebicke-Härter, & van Calker,
difference was observed when compared to patients in
1999). Caffeine is an adenosine antagonist. Caffeine-induced
depression (Swann et al., 1992). The corticosteroid recep-
mania and affective relapse have been reported. These data
tor antagonist mifepristone (RU-486) was superior to
suggest that using adenosine antagonists in patients with
placebo in reducing depressive symptoms in BPD (Young
BPD may cause TEM (Zarate & Manji, 2008).
et  al., 2004). Moreover, two variants of the polymor-
phism of glucocorticoid receptor gene were reported to
be associated with mania and hypomania (Spijker et  al., E N D O G E NOUS OPIOI D S Y S T E M
2009), suggesting the HPA axis has the potential of being The endogenous opioid system is involved in the mediation,
involved in TEM. modulation, and regulation of stress responses. The wide-
spread distribution of enkephalin and endorphins throughout
HPT axis the limbic system is consistent with a direct role in the modu-
lation of mood and stress responses. Blockade of kappa opi-
It is known that low thyroid function is related to the ate receptors have been shown to result in antidepressant-like
depressive phase of BPD and that thyroid hormone has properties in animals. A nonselective kappa agonist (pentazo-
antidepressant effects in women with bipolar depression cine) showed antimanic effect in humans (Zarate & Manji,
(Bauer et al., 2005; see Chapter 22). However, the results 2008). In line with this, naltrexone, an opioid receptor antag-
of a thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) challenge test onist, produced manic-like symptoms in a patient with BPD
measuring the corresponding release of thyroid-stimulating (Losekam, Kluge, Nittel, Kircher, & Konrad, 2013).
hormone (TSH) were inconsistent in patients with BPD.
A  decreased response to TRH was reported during both
manic and depressive phases. Clearly, the relationship of
the HPT axis and thyroid hormones to different phases of Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid and is
BPD also needs further clarification. Interestingly, patients involved in second messenger systems and the inflamma-
admitted due to bipolar depression and with lower levels of tory process that is believed to be a part of the pathophysi-
basal TSH had a significantly higher rate of switching to ology of mood disorders. Chronic treatment with lithium
mania compared to those with higher levels of basal TSH and valproate in rats could selectively reduce the turnover
(Bottlender, Rudolf, Strauss, & Möller, 2000). rate of the arachidonic acid system in the brain, which is

T reatment- I nduced M ood I nstability   •   419

believed to be hyperactive in mania. Administration of long-term study of fluoxetine (n = 28), lithium (n = 26), and
nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitors, indomethacin placebo (n  =  27) in bipolar II depression (Amsterdam &
and piroxicam, could prevent amphetamine-stimulated Shults, 2010), the rates of switching differed based on defi-
locomotors activity and blocked cocaine sensitization in nitions applied. If using Dignostic and Statistical Manual of
animals. Adjunctive cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor, celecoxib Mental Disorders (fourth edition) criteria for a hypomanic
(400 mg/day), to a mood stabilizer in bipolar I or II depres- episode, 10 patients (3 on fluoxetine, 2 on lithium, and 5
sion was superior to placebo for transient reduction in on placebo) switched to a hypomanic episode. If using sub-
depressive symptoms (Zarate & Manji, 2008). TEM with syndromal hypomania criteria defined as an episode lasting
nonsteroid, anti-inflammatory drugs have been reported ≤ 3 days with ≥ 4 symptoms or lasting ≥ 4 days with ≤ 3
(Austin & Tan, 2012; Bishop, Bisset, & Benson, 1987). symptoms, 21 patients (10 on fluoxetine, 7 on lithium, and
4 on placebo) had TEM. If using a Young Mania Rating
Scale (YMRS) score ≥ 8 to define hypomania, rates of a
switch were 21.4% in the fluoxetine group, 7.7% in the lith-
Changes in the endogenous cannabinoid system in patients ium group, and 11.1% in the placebo group, respectively. If
with neurological and psychiatric illnesses have been using a YMRS score ≥ 12 to define a hypomanic switch, the
reported. Patients with BPD who carry cannabinoid 1 rates of a switch were 10.7% in the fluoxetine group, 7.7%
receptor gene (CNR1) variants may be more susceptible in the lithium group, and 7.2% in the placebo group, respec-
to BPD (Monteleone et al., 2010). A growing body of evi- tively. This illustrates the virtual impossibility to establish
dence supports that the endocannabinoid system plays a uniform switch rates and compare them across studies.
very importance role in mood disorders (Micale, Di Marzo,
Sulcova, Wotjak, & Drago, 2013).
Antidepressant monotherapy or adjunctive
therapy with randomized, open or double-blind,
PH A R M AC OL O G IC A L non-placebo-controlled trials
T R E AT M E N T-E M E RG E N T The majority of non-placebo-controlled studies are small
M A N I A / H Y P OM A N I A (Chen et al., 2010). In the largest randomized study com-
paring bupropion, sertraline, and venlafaxine (Post et  al.,
Many pharmacological and nonpharmacological treat- 2006), patients treated with venlafaxine had a significantly
ments have been reported to induce TEM in patients with higher rate of TEM, especially those with rapid cycling.
or without BPD (see Table 30.1). With the exception of Duration of treatment appeared to affect the rate of TEM.
antidepressants and stimulants, TEM following other psy- During a 10-week acute phase of bupropion, sertraline,
chotropic medication is based on case reports. Even with or venlafaxine treatment, switch rates were similar in the
antidepressants and stimulants, data are usually post hoc three treatment arms. However, during a one-year con-
and ambiguous. So far there has been no study specifically tinuation phase, venlafaxine-treated patients had the sig-
designed to examine the risk for TEM in BPD. nificantly highest rate of switches among the three groups,
with venlafaxine 48%, sertraline 31%, and bupropion
A N T I DE PR E S SA N T S 29% (Leverich et al., 2006). In another study, venlafaxine
adjunctive to a mood stabilizer(s) also had a significantly
Antidepressant monotherapy or adjunctive
higher rate of TEM compared to those with paroxetine plus
therapy with randomized, placebo-controlled
a mood stabilizer(s) (Vieta et al., 2002).
trial designs
There is only a limited number of studies of antidepres-
Nonrandomized prospective or
sant monotherapy or adjunctive therapy in the acute treat-
retrospective studies
ment of bipolar I and II depression (Chen et al., 2010; see
Chapter 22). Overall, there were no significant differences Data from nonrandomized prospective or retrospective
in switching rates between active treatment arms and pla- studies on the risk of TEM are inconsistent (Goldberg &
cebo. However, it is impossible to compare the switch rates Truman, 2003). In an overview of TEM in BPD, Goldberg
in different studies because diverse study designs, inclusion and Truman concluded that about one-quarter to one-third
and exclusion criteria, study duration, and definition of of bipolar patients may be inherently susceptible to
manic/hypomanic switching were used. For example, in a antidepressant-induced manias. Even in patients with rapid

4 2 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Table 30.1.  PHAR MACOLOGICAL AND NONPHAR- cycling BPD who were treated with antidepressant mono-
MACOLOGICAL FACTORS R EPORTED W ITH therapy, only about 49.3% patients reported having at least one
INCR EASED R ISK FOR TR EATMENT-EMERGENT TEM, and 29.1% of treatment trials were associated with TEM
MANIA/HYPOMANIA IN PATIENTS W ITH OR (Gao et al., 2008). More important, some patients appeared to
be more vulnerable to developing TEM than others, such as
PHAR M ACOLOGICAL FACTORS EVIDENCE having TEM on every antidepressant trial, whereas some never
Antidepressants had TEM with multiple antidepressant trials.
Tricyclics Randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled Possible causes for inconsistent findings
Selective serotonin reuptake Randomized, double-blind, The inconsistent findings could be due to, but not lim-
inhibitors placebo-controlled
trials ited to, the following factors. First, study designs differ
Bupropion Randomized, open-label (monotherapy vs. adjunctive therapy and double-blind vs.
trial, and case reports open-label), as do study duration, definition of switch-
Serotonin norepinephrine Randomized, open-label
reuptake inhibitors trial, and case reports ing, and dosing of antidepressants. Second, the inclusion
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors Randomized, open-label and exclusion criteria differ. Patients with BPD are a very
trial, and case reports heterogeneous group. Almost all industry-sponsored ran-
Mirtazepine Case reports
Nefazodone Case reports, open-label domized controlled studies excluded patients with current
study substance use disorder (SUD). Large pivotal studies also
excluded patients with rapid cycling BPD, especially those
Stimulants and ADHD-related medication
with more than eight episodes in a 12-month period. Third,
Amphetamine Case reports baseline manic severity appears to be a risk factor for TEM,
Methylphenidate Case reports
Atomoxetine Case series and case reports
but again, most studies excluded patients with high baseline
manic symptoms in bipolar depression studies. It is reason-
Wake promoting agents able to believe that there is a group of patients with a higher
Modafinil Case reports risk for TEM who were included in naturalistic studies
Armodaninil Case reports but not in “enriched” studies. Fourth, antidepressants are
a diverse group, and some antidepressants appeared more
Cholinergic related agents
likely to cause switch than others. Until all these factors are
Anticholinergics Case series more closely examined and standardized in future trials, the
Varenicline Case reports
Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors Case reports debate on antidepressant TEM will continue. Meanwhile,
the use of antidepressant for BPD will be inevitable due to
Glutamate related agents the shortage of approved alternatives for bipolar depression
Ketamine Case report (Möller & Grunze, 2000; Pacchiarotti et al., 2013).
Non-steroid anti-inflammatory Case reports
Opioid receptor antagonist Risk factors for antidepressant-induced
Naltrexone Case report mania/hypomania
Hormones There is no good evidence supporting the use of antidepres-
Steroids Case reports sant monotherapy in bipolar depression, although a small
Thyroid hormone or analogs Case reports group of patients may benefit from the combination of
Male sex hormone Case reports
an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer (see Chapter 22).
Nonpharmacological factors Antidepressant monotherapy increases the risk for manic
switching compared to a combination therapy with a mood
Electroconvulsive therapy Case reports
Vagal nerve stimulation Case reports stabilizer(s) (Pacchiarotti et  al., 2011). Clinicians should
Repetitive transcranial magnetic Case reports avoid antidepressant monotherapy and take some risk fac-
stimulation tors into consideration when using antidepressant for bipo-
Sleep deprivation Case reports
Light therapy Case series lar depression (see Table 30.2; Pacchiarotti et al., 2013).
Although some studies suggested that patients
NOTE: ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with bipolar II disorder were more susceptible for

T reatment- I nduced M ood I nstability   •   4 21

antidepressant TEM, a meta-analysis found that patients Table 30.2 .  SUMMARY OF R ISK FACTORS
with bipolar I  disorder had higher rates of TEM than ASSOCIATED WITH ANTIDEPR ESSANT
those with bipolar II disorder in both acute and main- TR EATMENT-EMERGENT MANIA/HYPOMANIA
tenance trials:  14.3% versus 7.1% and 23.4% versus
13.9%, respectively (Bond, Noronha, Kauer-Sant’Anna, VAR I ABLE R ISK
Lam, & Yatham, 2008). The relative risk of TEM in
Disorder subtypes
bipolar I  versus bipolar II was 1.78 (95% confidence
interval [CI]:  1.24–2.58). Tricyclic antidepressants Bipolar I versus Bipolar II Bipolar I > Bipolar II
Bipolar disorder versus MDD Bipolar > MDD
have been consistently reported to have a higher risk Rapid cycling versus nonrapid RC > non-RC
for mood switching compared to second-generation cycling
antidepressants (Goldberg & Truman, 2003). Among Antidepressants
the second-generation antidepressants, venlafaxine was
reported to have a higher risk for manic switching than Tricyclics versus SSRIs Tricyclics > SSRIs
Bupropion versus SSRIs Bupropion ≈ SSRIs
other antidepressants (Chen et  al., 2010). In a report SNRIs versus SSRIs SNRIs > SSRIs
from the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program Tricyclics versus MAOIs Tricyclics > MAOIs
for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD), a history of SUD and Baseline manic severity
previous antidepressant TEM, the number of previous
depressive episodes, lifetime and recent rapid cycling, and Young Mania Rating Scale Higher > lower
Manic item of increased motor Higher > lower
previous suicide attempt were associated with a greater activity
transition rate from depression to mania (Perlis et  al., Manic item of increased speech Higher > lower
Manic item of increased distract- Higher > lower
2010). A  lower rate of response to antidepressant treat- ibility
ment and an earlier age of onset bipolar illness are also Manic item of racing thoughts Higher > lower
significant risk factors for TEM (Valentí et al., 2012). Residual manic symptoms More > less
In bipolar depressed patients, the number of manic Historical variables
symptoms (mixed depression) at admission such as flight
History of current substance use Present > absent
of idea, racing thoughts, aggression, increased drive, and disorder
irritability was associated with an increased risk for manic History of lifetime substance use Present > absent
switching (Bottlender et  al., 2004). Higher baseline disorder
History of substance-induced Present > absent
YMRS total scores and some item scores of the YMRS manic switch
were also associated with an increased risk for TEM (Frye History of lifetime rapid cycling Present > absent
et al., 2009; see Table 30.2). These findings were consis- History of current rapid cycling Present > absent
History of previous suicide attempt Present > absent
tent with the results of a STEP-BD study, in which resid- Number for previous depressive More > less
ual manic symptoms at recovery or proportion of days episodes
with elevated mood in the preceding year were signifi- Age of onset Early > late
Response to antidepressant Non-response > response
cantly associated with a shorter time to the recurrence of treatment
manic, hypomanic, or mixed episodes (Perlis et al., 2006).
A more recent analysis of the STEP-BD data showed that
greater manic symptom severity at baseline was associ- 5HTTLPR polymorphism “S” allele carriers > “L/L”
ated with an increased risk for manic transition among allele carriers
both antidepressant-treated and antidepressant-untreated
NOTE: 5HTTLPR = serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region;
patients (Perlis et al., 2010). Similarly, a post hoc analysis MAOIs = monoamine oxidase inhibitors; MDD = major depressive disorder;
of the study of olanzapine monotherapy, the combination SNRIs = serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors; SSRIs = selective sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitors; RC = rapid cycling, “S” =, short; “L” = long.
of olanzapine and fluoxetine, and placebo in the acute
treatment of bipolar I depression found that patients with
an elevated baseline YMRS score of ≥ 12 were at a greater studies including one in a pediatric population found
risk (4.5 times) for developing TEM compared to those that the 5HTTLPR polymorphism appeared to have
with a baseline YMRS < 12, independent of treatments. a moderate effect size (35% increased risk) for an asso-
Besides those clinically observable risk factors, first ciation between S-allele carriers and TEM in BPD
results are now available pointing toward a genetic (Daray, Thommi, & Ghaemi, 2010). However, another
risk for TEM. A  meta-analysis of all six published meta-analysis, in which the pediatric study was not

4 2 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
included, concluded that there were insufficient data to in children and adolescents with BPD and ADHD have
confirm an association between the 5HTTLPR poly- shown that co-administration of a psychostimulant to
morphism and TEM (Biernacka et  al., 2012). Other a mood stabilizer(s) caused adverse mood or behavioral
potential genetic markers including variants within the changes including mania, hypomania, and suicidality in up
brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene, 5-HT2A recep- to 10% of patients (Goldsmith et  al., 2011). More impor-
tor gene, polymorphism in the multi-drug-resistant tant, among those who had destabilized moods with a
1 P-glycoprotein gene, polymorphisms of tryptophan stimulant, the mood instability resolved quickly after the
hydroxylase, G-protein beta 3 unit, monoamine oxidase causative agent was discontinued.
A, catechol-O-methyltransferase, serotonin receptor 2A,
dopamine receptor D2, and dopamine receptor have also
Wakefulness-promoting agents
been studied, but none of these genetic markers was sig-
nificantly associated with TEM. Modafinil and armodafinil are wakefulness-promoting
agents and have been approved by the US Food and Drug
Admnistration for improving wakefulness in patients
STIMULA NTS A ND with excessive sleepiness associated with narcolepsy,
D OPA M I N E-R E L AT E D AG E N T S obstructive sleep apnea, and shift-work sleep disorder. In
two separate studies, armodafinil adjunctive therapy to a
mood stabilizer in the treatment of bipolar I or II depres-
Stimulants and other dopamine-related agents may be sion did not have an increased risk for TEM relative to
used for treatment-resistant depression, for residual placebo (Calabrese, Frye, Yang, & Ketter, 2014; Calabrese
symptoms of depression such as lack of energy or moti- et al., 2010). However, there are case reports of modafinil-
vation, to counteract side effects from other medications induced mania in patients with bipolar I disorder
like fatigue or sedation, or to treat patients with comor- (Fountoulakis et al., 2008; Wolf, Fiedler, Anghelescu, &
bid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Schwertfeger, 2006).
Since dopamine may play a very important role in the
pathogenesis of mania, stimulant-induced mania has
Dopamine 2/3 receptor agonist
attracted attention from the very beginning of the intro-
duction of stimulants. A systematic review of the occur- Pramipexole is a dopamine D2/D3 receptor agonist that
rence of hallucinations or mania associated with the is approved for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
use of ADHD drugs in children including 49 random- Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies did
ized, controlled trials found that the rate of psychosis or not find pramipexole to have an increased risk for TEM or
mania per 100 person-years for the pooled active drug increasing manic severity relative to placebo (Zarate et al.,
group was 1.48 but was zero in patients who received a 2004). However, pramipexole-induced mania/hypomania
placebo (Mosholder et al., 2009). Among the more than was observed in case reports of patients with or without a
800 spontaneous postmarketing reports of psychosis or history of BPD (see Table 30.1).
mania, about 90% of these cases never had a history of a
similar condition.
Some clinical studies in patients with ADHD and
some manic symptoms showed that psychostimulants
did not worsen manic symptoms or transform ADHD to Psychotropic medications targeting the cholinergic system
BPD while ADHD symptoms showed significant improve- include varenicline for nicotine dependence, cholinesterase
ment (Goldsmith, Singh, & Chang, 2011). Two random- inhibitors (tacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine)
ized, placebo-controlled, cross-over studies of children for dementia, and anticholinergics (atropine, scopolamine)
and adolescents with BPD and ADHD found that stim- for preoperation preparation, postoperative nausea and
ulants did not bear an increased risk for TEM (Findling vomiting, and motion sickness. Varenicline may be indi-
et al., 2007; Scheffer, Kowatch, Carmody, & Rush, 2005). cated in patients with BPD and nicotine dependence.
However, the dosage of stimulants in these two studies Cognitive deficits are also common in patients with BPD
was low, with a maximal dose of amphetamine salts of 10 (see Chapter  16). Therefore, cholinesterase inhibitors may
mg/day (Scheffer et al., 2005) and methylphenidate of 30 be used to improve cognition in patients with BPD. More
mg/day (Findling et al., 2007). In contrast, several studies important, scopolamine has shown a large antidepressant

T reatment- I nduced M ood I nstability   •   4 2 3

effect size with a fast onset in bipolar and unipolar depres- Cocaine
sion (see Chapter  22). With the increase in use of these
It is well known that cocaine can produce manic/
agents, TEM in patients with or without history of BPD
hypomanic–like behaviors in animals. Cocaine-induced
have been reported (see Table 30.1).
mania in patients with or without BPD has been reported.
These data suggest that patients with BPD and
co-occurring SUD, especially those with an onset of
BPD first, may have an increased risk of mood instabil-
ity compared to those without a history of SUD. The
mood instability in this group could be a manifestation
of inherent risk factors that differentiate patients with
SUD from those without SUD. An analysis from the
The effect of SUD on treatment-emergent mood switching
STEP-BD examined 2,154 patients who had a new-onset
may be through direct or indirect ways. The direct way is by a
MDE and were followed prospectively for up to two years
specific action on neurons and neuronal circuits. The indirect
(Ostacher et  al., 2010). During the follow-up period,
way is through nonadherence to pharmacological treatments
457 of them switched to a manic, hypomanic, or mixed
or changes in metabolism of psychotropic drugs, which lead
episode prior to recovery. Past or current SUD did not
to a reduction in efficacy of pharmacological treatments.
predict time to recovery from a MDE relative to no
SUD comorbidity. However, those with current or past
Alcohol SUD were more likely to have switched from depression
directly to a manic, hypomanic, or mixed episode. More
Rates of alcohol abuse and/or dependence are higher than any
important, the switch rates were similar between patients
other SUD in BPD (Gao et al., 2013; Merikangas et al, 2007).
with past SUD and those with current SUD, suggest-
A longitudinal study after the first hospitalization for mania
ing that factors inherent in patients with BPD at risk
found that patients with alcohol use disorder following the
for SUD may also confer a greater likelihood of manic/
onset of BPD had a significant greater percentage of full affec-
hypomanic switching.
tive episodes (manic or mixed) during follow-up periods than
those with no alcohol use disorder or those with an onset of
alcohol use disorder prior to BPD (Strakowski et al., 2005).
M A N I A / H Y P OM A N I A
Cannabis is the second most abused substance in BPD. Placebo TEM has been reported in the majority of acute
Cannabis-induced mania and psychotic symptoms have bipolar depression studies (Calabrese et al., 2005, 2008;
been reported for more than four decades. The Netherlands Lobel et  al., 2014; McElory et a., 2010; Suppes et  al.,
Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study found that any 2010; Thase et al., 2006, 2008; Tohen et al., 2003; Young
use of cannabis at baseline predicted a very strong increase et al., 2010), but the rates of placebo TEM varied in dif-
in the risk for a first BPD episode with an odds ratio (OR) ferent studies, even with the same design, inclusion and
of 4.98 (95% CI: 1.80–13.81) during a three-year follow-up exclusion criteria, and study durations (see Table 30.3).
period (van Laar, van Dorsselaer, Monshouwer, & de Graaf, The rates of placebo TEM in these relatively “pure” pop-
2007). Among the 4,815 patients who were followed for ulations of patients with BPD were lower than the rates
three years, the use of cannabis at baseline increased the risk of antidepressant TEM of some open-label studies in
of manic symptoms with an OR of 2.7 (95% CI: 1.54–4.75). patients with more complex presentations (Chen et  al.,
The association between cannabis use and mania were inde- 2010; Post et al., 2006). The lower rates of placebo TEM
pendent of the prevalence and the incidence of psychotic in those pivotal studies could be a selection bias because
symptoms. A longitudinal study after the first hospitalization patients with risk factors for TEM including a recent
for mania showed that patients with an onset of BPD prior history of SUDs are commonly excluded from pivotal
to cannabis use disorder had a significantly higher percentage studies (see Table 30.3). In contrast, the higher rates of
of manic or mixed episodes during follow-up periods than antidepressant TEM in those open-label studies could be
those without cannabis use disorder or those with an onset of the effect of antidepressant or the natural mood changes
cannabis use disorder prior to BPD (Strakowski et al., 2007). in patients with more complex presentations. Since a

4 2 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S



Calabrese Bipolar I or II Rapid cycling 0 530 3.3 7–10 YMRS≥16 on 2

et al., 2008 HAMD-17≥ 18 Panic disorder, OCD, consecutive visits or
YMRS < 10 social phobia, bulimia at final assessment or
nervosa in past 12 months reported as an adverse
Tohen et al., BPI depression Substance dependence 35.0 377 6.7 8 YMRS<15 at baseline
2003 MADRS ≥ 20 within 3 months and ≥15 at any subse-
RC quent visit

Calabrese BPI and BPII Axis I disorder—primary 20.7 169 3.9 8 YMRS≥16 on 2

et al. 2005 HAMD-17≥ 20 focus within 6 months consecutive visits or
YMRS ≤12 SUDs within 12 months at final assessment or
reported as an adverse

Thase et al., BPI and BPII Axis I disorder—primary 32.9 167 6.6 8 YMRS≥16 on 2
2006 HAMD-17≥ 20 focus within 6 months consecutive visits or
YMRS ≤12 SUDs within 12 months at final assessment or
reported as an adverse

McElroy BPI and BPII Axis I disorder—primary 19.8 124 8.9 8 YMRS≥16 on 2

et al., 2010 RC, but ≤ 8 epi- focus within 6 months consecutive visits or
sodes per year SUDs within 12 months at final assessment or
HAMD-17≥ 20 reported as an adverse
YMRS ≤12 events

Young et al., BPI and BPII Axis I disorder—primary 3.9 133 0.8 8 YMRS≥16 on 2
2010 RC, but ≤ 8 epi- focus within 6 months consecutive visits or
sodes per year SUDs within 12 months at final assessment or
HAMD-17≥ 20 reported as an adverse
YMRS ≤12 events

Suppes et al., BPI and BPII Axis I disorder—primary 27.7 140 6.4 8 YMRS≥16 on 2
2010 RC, but ≤ 8 epi- focus within 6 months consecutive visits or
sodes per year SUDs within 12 months at final assessment or
HAMD-17≥ 20 reported as an adverse
YMRS ≤12 events

Thase et al., Bipolar I Primary other Axis dis- n/a 367 1.6 8 Unknown
2008 HAMD-17≥18 order with depression,
YMRS<12 late-set depression
RC, but < 6 Substance abuse 3 months
episodes per year Dependence 6 months;
OCD, bulimia nervosa, or

Lobel et al., Bipolar I depres- n/a n/a 168 1 6 n/a

2014 sion

NOTE: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; BPI = bipolar I disorder; BPII = bipolar II disorder; HAMD-17 = Hamilton Depression Rating
Scale–17 Item; MADRS = Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Ratings Scale; n/a, = not available; OCD = obsessive compulsive disorder; RC = rapid cycling;
SR = switching rate; SUDs = substance use disorders; YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale.
spontaneous switching rate(s) in patients with complex Among 16 cases of rTMS TEM, 10 of them had a pre-
presentations remains unknown, results of pharmaco- vious diagnosis of BPD; 3 had recurrent MDD, and 3
logical TEM from open-label or naturalistic studies suffered from unspecified depression. Overall, rates of
without a placebo arm will be difficult to interpret. TEM with these physical treatments appear low and may
just resemble the natural course of illness in individuals
experiencing TEM.
Light therapy
M A N I A / H Y P OM A N I A
Manic/hypomanic switching after therapeutic sleep depri-
vation in bipolar depression has been reported (Colombo,
Benedetti, Barbini, Campori, & Smeraldi, 1999). Similarly,
in a case series, three of four women with bipolar I  or II
ECT depression treated with morning bright light therapy devel-
oped mixed states even with concomitant use of mood
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) TEM has been reported
stabilizer(s) (Sit, Wisner, Hanusa, Stull, & Terman, 2007).
in patients with bipolar depression or treatment-refractory
In contrast, none of five patients who received midday light
MDD (see Table 30.1), but high-quality data are still lack-
therapy developed manic symptoms.
ing. An early retrospective study reported that about 12%
So far, all nonpharmacological TEM data are from
of patients with endogenous depression (both bipolar and
retrospective studies, case reports, or case series. A  causal
unipolar) switched to mania/hypomania during ECT
relationship between these treatments and TEM cannot
treatment, and 10% of patients with psychotic unipolar
be established. Large, prospective, longitudinal, controlled
depression switched to hypomania in those who received
studies are warranted to support or refute a risk of TEM
ECT versus 3.6% in those who did not receive ECT.
with those treatment modalities.
However, the switch rates in psychotic bipolar depression
did not significantly differ between patients receiving ECT
(30%) and those who did not receive ECT treatment (32%; P S YCHO S O C I A L I N T E RV E N T IONS
Angst, Angst, Baruffol, & Meinherz-Surbeck, 1992). In
contrast, another study reported that 22 of 57 depressed There is convincing evidence that psychosocial interven-
bipolar patients successfully treated with ECT experienced tions can speed up recovery from depressive episodes and
subsequent mild hypomania (Koukopoulos et  al., 1980). delay episode recurrences (Miklowitz et al., 2007). For the
Moreover, there are reports suggesting that the concurrent same reason, there is a possibility that a subgroup of patients
use of lithium or anticonvulsants are effective to prevent may switch to mania/hypomania with or without a euthy-
ECT-induced mania/hypomania. mic period during psychosocial interventions for depression.
Such a potential switch may be related to personality and
temperament, life events, and impaired family psychosocial
VNS/rTMS dynamics (Miklowitz & Johnson, 2009). Some data sup-
Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) has been approved for port that patients with BPD are highly sensitive to reward
treatment-refractory depression. There have been case and excessive goal pursuit after goal attainment events. Goal
reports of VNS-induced mania/hypomania in patients attainment events have been shown to be associated with the
with epilepsy or depression although it is considered onset of mania/hypomania. One mechanism for life events
rare. TEM during repetitive transcranial magnet stimu- related mania/hypomania is through sleep disruption. In
lation (rTMS) treatment was observed in patients with normal human subjects, sleep deprivation can increase
BPD or MDD. In a review of 10 randomized sham or dopamine release in the striatum and thalamus (Volkow
ECT controlled clinical trials, the overall rate of TEM et al., 2008). The “sensitized” dopamine system in bipolar
was not significantly different between active treatment patients may lead to an increased release of dopamine fol-
(0.84%) and sham control (0.73%; Xia et  al., 2007). lowing sleep deprivation. Subsequently, manic/hypomanic
However, in a total of 65 bipolar patients, the switching symptoms may emerge. Previous studies have demonstrated
rate in the active rTMS treatment group was estimated that sleep deprivation can trigger manic symptoms in 10%
to be 3.1%. The switching rate for MDD was 0.34%. of patients with bipolar depression (Miklowitz & Johnson,

4 2 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
2009). It is reasonable to speculate that during psychological during lithium treatment, a low level of free T4 was associ-
interventions, a subgroup of patients may be overly involved ated with more affective episodes and greater severity of
in goal attainment or highly rewarded activities after the depression (Frye et al., 1999). The relationship between lith-
improvement of depressive symptoms. Subsequently, TEM ium treatment-emergent depression and thyroid hypofunc-
may occur even when a stable dose(s) of pharmacological tion is further supported by a recent post hoc analysis of two
treatments is maintained. Interpersonal and social rhythm maintenance treatment studies of lamotrigine and lithium in
therapy is as effective as cognitive-behavioral therapy and bipolar I disorder (Frye et al., 2009). Lithium-treated patients
family-focused therapy for bipolar depression (Miklowitz & who required an intervention for a depressive episode had a
Johnson, 2009). A balanced combination of these therapies significantly higher adjusted mean TSH level (4.4 μIU/ml)
may be useful for preventing TEM. compared with those lithium-treated patients who did not
require intervention for a depressive episode (2.4 μIU/ml).

DE PR E S S ION A study of suicide-related events in a cohort of more than
5  million patients treated with antiepileptic drugs found
Antipsychotics that anticonvulsants were associated with decreased risk
for suicide-related events in patients with epilepsy only but
The earliest reference to the putative “depressogenic” prop-
associated with increased risk for suicide-related events
erties of antipsychotic agents stems from studies of flupen-
in patients with depression only (Arana, Wentworth,
thixol in mania (Ahlfors et al., 1981; Gao, Gajwani, Elhaj,
Ayuso-Mateos, & Arellano, 2010). However, there was no
& Calabrese, 2005). Patients treated with flupenthixol
significant association between anticonvulsant use and the
spent more time in depression but less time in mania.
risk of suicide-related events in patients with BPD only,
Patients augmented with placebo did significantly better
patients with epilepsy and depression, and patients with epi-
compared to those augmented with flupenthixol according
lepsy and BPD. There is no report whether lamotrigine has
to an affective morbidity index. In a double-blind discon-
any direct or indirect effect on treatment-emergent depres-
tinuation study of perphenazine in recent mania, patients
sion. However, lamotrigine treatment- emergent depres-
given perphenazine were significantly more likely to dis-
sion may occur through drug-to-drug interactions and a
continue the study due to relapse into depression, to have
subsequent loss of efficacy. Any medication that increases
shorter times to relapse into depression, and to discon-
the enzymatic activity of the glucuronidation processes
tinue the study for any reason (Zarate & Tohen, 2004).
in the liver can reduce the efficacy of lamotrigine. Since
Moreover, a 12-week, double-blind study of olanzapine and
lamotrigine is more efficacious for depressive symptoms
haloperidol in acute mania found that haloperidol-treated
and depression-relapse prevention, the treatment-emergent
patients switched to depression significantly earlier than
mood switch is more likely a switch to depression instead of
those treated with olanzapine, although the rate was not
to mania/hypomania. Medications increasing the metabo-
significantly different. A  recent meta-analysis of random-
lism of lamotrigine and reducing its efficacy include contra-
ized, placebo-controlled trials of antipsychotics (apripipra-
ceptives and antiretroviral agents, lopinavir/ritonavir. There
zole, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, ziprasidone, and
are consistent reports that co-administration of oral contra-
haloperidol) in acute mania found that treatment of acute
ceptives, especially those containing estradiol, could reduce
mania with atypicals was associated with a 42% lower risk of
lamotrigine serum level by about 50%. Pregnancy also
switch to depression than with haloperidol (Goikolea et al.,
increases the metabolism of lamotrigine. Lopinavir (800
2013). However, individually, each atypical antipsychotic
mg/day)/ritonavir (200 mg/day) could reduce lamotrigine
was not significantly different from haloperidol, although
plasma concentration by more than 50% in healthy subjects.
a trend was observed favoring olanzapine, quetiapine, and
ziprasidone over haloperidol.
Factors associated with switching
Lithium from mania to depression
Hypofunction of the thyroid gland during lithium treat- A large observational study, the European Mania in Bipolar
ment is a common side effect. An early study showed that Longitudinal Evaluation of Medication (EMBLEM),

T reatment- I nduced M ood I nstability   •   4 2 7

observed that 120 of 2,390 (5%) manic patients switched to depression compared to periods when they were not receiv-
depression within the first 12 weeks. Factors associated with ing the drugs (Wehr & Goodwin, 1979). The mean cycle
greater switching to depression were the number of previ- length during tricyclic treatments was 33  ±  14  days ver-
ous depressive episodes, a history of substance abuse, greater sus 127 ± 50 days during the periods without antidepres-
overall illness severity, and the use of benzodiazepines (Vieta sants. In a later study, Wehr and Goodwin (1987) showed
et al., 2009). The use of benzodiazepine associated with an again that tricyclic antidepressants induced reversible rapid
increased risk of switching to depression is consistent with cycling between mania and depression in some patients.
previous findings that co-occurrence of anxiety disorders or Among the patients with rapid cycling, there were about
anxiety symptoms in bipolar patients predicted depressive 20% of patients who had shortened cycle lengths during
relapses (Otto et al., 2006; Perlis et al., 2006). the periods of antidepressant treatments compared to the
periods without antidepressant (Wehr, Sack, Rosenthal, &
Cowdry, 1988).
PH A R M AC OL O G IC A L Seemingly, there is some evidence supporting that a
T R E AT M E N T-E M E RG E N T subgroup of patients with BPD are vulnerable to have anti-
C YC L E AC C E L E R AT ION depressant TEM, cycle acceleration, and/or rapid cycling.
However, in a report from the National Institute of Mental
Like TEM, the controversy on the causal relationship Health Collaborative Depression Study, only about 20%
between antidepressant use and cycle acceleration has never cases of bipolar patients with rapid cycling had a rapid
been settled. After a systematic review of the early data cycling course that lasted more than two years after its
prior to the middle of 1980s, Wehr and Goodwin (1987) onset, and its resolution was not associated with a decrease
concluded that antidepressants could precipitate mania in the use of tricyclic antidepressants (Coryell et al., 2003).
and hypomania and decrease cycle length in patients with The use of tricyclic antidepressants in patients prone to
BPD. The controversy of antidepressant-induced mania rapid cycling was also not more frequent in the weeks pre-
and cycle acceleration was revisited by using life-charting ceding shifts from depression to mania/hypomania com-
methodology in patients with BPD who were treated at pared to its overall use during periods of depression.
the National Institute of Mental Health (Altshuler et al., These data suggest that even among patients with
1995). The researchers found that in 35% of patients who rapid cycling, the course of illness and the vulnerability
had a manic episode, these episodes were rated as likely to antidepressant-induced switching is not homogenous
being antidepressant-induced. Cycle acceleration was likely (Gao et  al., 2008). However, the magnitude of this vari-
to be associated with antidepressant treatments in 26% of ance is difficult to determine. The inconsistency and con-
patients. However, longitudinal data of patients who were flicting reports of TEM and cycle acceleration could be
hospitalized before and after the introduction of antide- due to different populations studied in the previous stud-
pressants did not show changes in cycle length (Angst & ies. A  recent international study of rapid cycling BPD in
Sellaro, 2000). the community supported ethnic differences in terms
of the course of bipolar illness (Lee et al., 2010). In three
countries (Bulgaria, Japan, and the Indian territory of
PH A R M AC OL O G IC A L Pondicherry) of this study, there was a zero prevalence of
T R E AT M E N T-E M E RG E N T rapid cycling BPD. The SLC6A4 (5HTTLPR polymor-
R A PI D C YC L I NG phism), catechol-O-methyltransferase, brain-derived neu-
rotrophic factor, CYR2 (chryptochrome 2), and P2RX7
A possible outcome of repeated TEM is rapid cycling. genes have been reported to be associated with rapid cycling
Antidepressant-induced rapid cycling was first described (Backlund et al., 2012). However, their relationships with
in 1956 in a tuberculosis patient treated with ipronia- antidepressant-induced mood switching are yet to be
zid. Tricyclic antidepressant–induced rapid cycling was determined.
reported in late 1970s and early 1980s (Koukopoulos et al.,
1980; Wehr & Goodwin, 1979). A rapid cycling course can
be the natural course of illness or a presentation of cycle C ONC LUS ION
acceleration triggered by external factors (Koukopoulos
et  al., 2003). While receiving tricyclics, five patients There are several pharmacological and nonpharmacological
cycled nearly four times more rapidly between mania and factors with a potential to cause mood instability, especially

4 2 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
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nerability to develop TEM. Although some factors such as Arana, A., Wentworth, C. E., Ayuso-Mateos, J. L., & Arellano, F. M.
bipolar I type, history of SUD, rapid cycling course, or pre- (2010). Suicide-related events in patients treated with antiepileptic
drugs. New England Journal of Medicine, 363(6), 542–551.
vious history of treatment-emergent mood switching may Arnsten, A.  F. (2007). Catecholamine and second messenger influ-
predict future TEM, a single reliable marker for predicting ences on prefrontal cortical networks of “representational knowl-
TEM is still lacking. At the current stage, strategies to pre- edge”:  A  rational bridge between genetics and the symptoms of
mental illness. Cerebral Cortex, 17(1), 6–15.
vent treatment-emergent mood instability should include Austin, M., & Tan, Y.  C. (2012). Mania associated with infliximab.
screening for known risk factors by thorough diagnostic Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(7), 684–685.
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Träskman-Bendz, L., . . . Schalling, M. (2012). P2RX7:  Expression
history, close monitoring, psychoeducation, and initiating an responds to sleep deprivation and associates with rapid cycling in
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Disclosure statement: Dr. Gao is on a speaker’s bureau of levothyroxine alter regional cerebral metabolism and improve mood
Sunovion. He receives research grant support from the in bipolar depression. Molecular Psychiatry, 10(5), 456–469.
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation and Cleveland Berk, M., Dodd, S., Kauer-Sant’Anna, M., Malhi, G.  S., Bourin, M.,
Kapczinski, F., & Norman, T. (2007). Dopamine dysregulation syn-
Foundation. To his knowledge, all of Dr. Heize Grunze’s drome: Implications for a dopamine hypothesis of bipolar disorder.
possible conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, includ- Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 434(Suppl.), 41–49.
Biber, K., Fiebich, B. L., Gebicke-Härter, P., & van Calker, D. (1999).
ing direct or indirect financial or personal relationships, Carbamazepine-induced upregulation of adenosine A1-receptors in
interests, and affiliations, whether or not directly related astrocyte cultures affects coupling to the phosphoinositol signaling
to the subject of the chapter, are as follows: Grant sup- pathway. Neuropsychopharmacology, 20(3), 271–278.
Biernacka, J. M., McElroy, S. L., Crow, S., Sharp, A., Benitez, J., . . . Frye,
port: National Institute for Health Research United M.  A. (2012). Pharmacogenomics of antidepressant induced
Kingdom, Medical Research Council United Kingdom, mania: A review and meta-analysis of the serotonin transporter gene
Northumberland, Tyne & Wear National Health Service (5HTTLPR) association. Journal of Affective Disorders, 136(1–2),
Foundation Trust, Otsuka Pharmaceuticals; receipt of Bishop, L. C., Bisset, A. D., & Benson, J. I. (1987). Mania and indo-
honoraria or consultation fees: Gedeon-Richter, Desitin, methacin. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 7(3), 203–204.
Lundbeck, Hofmann-LaRoche; participation in a com- Bottlender, R., Rudolf, D., Strauss, A., & Möller, H. J. (2000). Are low
basal serum levels of the thyroid stimulating hormone (b-TSH) a
pany-sponsored speaker’s bureau: Astra Zeneca, Bristol- risk factor for switches into states of expansive syndromes (known
Myers Squibb, Otsuka, Lundbeck, Servier. Dr. Renwong in Germany as “maniform syndromes”) in bipolar I  depression?
Wu and Dr. Calabrese have not disclosed any conflicts of Pharmacopsychiatry, 33(2), 75–57.
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4 3 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
PA R T   I V

Dina Popovic, Jan Scott, and Francesc Colom

OV ERV IEW OF PSYCHOLOGICA L This seminal paper was almost immediately fol-
INTERV ENTIONS IN  lowed by a number of well-designed studies showing the
BIPOL AR DISOR DER efficacy of group psychoeducation (Colom et  al., 2003),
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT; Lam et  al., 2003),
A number of psychological interventions are currently avail- family-focused psychoeducation (Miklowitz, George,
able to help clinicians and patients manage several aspects Richards, Simoneau, & Suddath, 2003; Reinares et  al.,
of bipolar disorders (BDs). However, it is worth mention- 2008), and interpersonal social-rhythm therapy (IPSRT;
ing, that evidence-based interventions have largely become Frank et  al., 2005). However, all of these studies were
available in the past 15 years and that before that the qual- undertaken with euthymic patients and/or recruited sam-
ity of research in this field was poor—just a bit less than a ples from specialist affective disorders clinics. The medi-
marasmus—and the benefits of psychological approaches cal Research Council in the United Kingdom therefore
were much debated. Specifically, in 1998 there was not a single funded a pragmatic effectiveness trial that aimed to exam-
well-designed randomized controlled trial on the efficacy of ine if CBT could be effective in routine clinical practice
a psychological approach for BDs (Colom, Vieta, Martínez, with patients with more overt instability or comorbidity
Jorquera, & Gastó, 1998).Fortunately, this situation was and/or in an acute episode. This study clearly suggested that
about to change in 1999, when the very first well-designed, there are limits to the benefits of CBT, with a subgroup of
randomized, controlled trial was published in the British patients (about 20% of the total sample) benefiting from the
Medical Journal of a brief, six-hour relapse-prevention inter- approach, but those cases with more illness episodes, greater
vention (Perry, Tarrier, Morriss, McCarthy, & Limb, 1999). levels or comorbidity, and so on failing to show gains over
This represented a simple and user-friendly psychoeducation those cases receiving usual treatment (Scott et  al., 2006).
intervention. Sixty-nine patients with BDs who had expe- Since then, both efficacy and effectiveness studies have
rienced a relapse within the previous 12 months were ran- shown the potential gains but also some of the limitations of
domized to receive either standard care alone or standard the other therapies available (Lobban et al., 2010; Meyer &
care plus 7 to 12 individual sessions that taught them to Hautzinger, 2012; Torrent et al., 2013). Such research high-
identify early symptoms of relapse and to seek prompt treat- lights the importance of continuing to test the benefits of
ment from their health-care providers. Those who received these therapies across the clinical spectrum (Miklowitz &
the relapse prevention program showed a significantly lon- Scott, 2009) and avoiding a publication bias toward posi-
ger time to first manic relapse (25th percentile, 65 weeks vs. tive studies (Colom & Vieta, 2011).
17 weeks; p = .008), as well as a 30% decrease in the number The development of this field is also shown from the
of manic episodes over 18 months (p = .013). However, time existence of one of the longest existing follow-ups for a psy-
to first depressive relapse and number of depressive relapses chological intervention (five years; Colom et al., 2009) and
were unaffected. Overall, social functioning and employ- several comprehensive studies on the health economics of
ment over 18 months were significantly improved with the using these therapies in BDs (Scott et  al., 2009; Simon,
additional treatment sessions. Thus teaching patients to rec- Ludman, Bauer, Unutzer, & Operskalski, 2006). There
ognize the early symptoms of manic relapse yielded impor- are also some interesting papers on mediators of response
tant clinical gains. (Miklowitz & Scott, 2009; Reinares et al., 2010).

4 35
Despite advances in our understanding of psychological the large “efficacy–effectiveness” gap in treatment benefits
therapies, the first-line treatment for the long term manage- and medication adherence problems, highlight the urgent
ment of BD is, and will remain, pharmacological treatment need to augment the available treatments for BDs with
(Yatham et  al., 2009). However, the far-from-satisfactory evidence-based psychological approaches.
outcome, even among patients prescribed medications, is a Central to this integrated treatment approach is the
concern, as relapse rates range from 40% to 60% (Tohen recognition that individuals with BD need information
et al., 2003; Tohen et al., 2006; Vieta et al., 2011). These about their illness and its treatment and need skills that
data have led to the development of several adjunctive psy- enable them to participate actively in the management
chological interventions aimed at delaying recurrences, pre- of their illness, as well as ways of minimizing the stigma
venting relapses and reducing episode length (Judd et  al., associated with the disorder. Psychoeducation is a core
2008; Popovic et al., 2013). element of all adjunctive psychological interventions
The targets of different psychological interventions that have proven efficacy in improving outcomes in BD.
may vary, although the boundaries are blurred and often Despite the different theoretical models that are promoted
include similar ingredients. Important differences exist as to explain the phases of BD and the relative emphasis on
to the content and structure of various psychological inter- different strategies, all of the approaches acknowledge the
ventions, and this chapter aims to present up-to date data importance of psychoeducation (e.g., CBT, family-focused
regarding psychoeducation and CBT for BDs. In particu- therapy, IPSRT, and collaborative care approaches; Colom
lar, we explore the essential ingredients of psychoeduca- & Lam, 2005).
tion and CBT, how these are being applied to BD, and the
future directions for research and randomized controlled
Psychoeducation is an attitudes and aptitudes behavioral
training (Colom, in press) aimed at adjusting lifestyle to
P S YC HOE DUC AT ION cope with BD for improved outcome, including enhance-
ment of illness awareness, treatment adherence, early
detection of relapse, and avoidance of potentially harmful
factors such as drugs misuse and sleep deprivation, rather
than mere transmission of information regarding the
Psychoeducation evolves from research into health belief disorder.
models and their influence on the prognosis of a range of On the other hand, psychoeducation is not the same
chronic physical disorders. It is a cornerstone of the psy- as the approach promoted in self-help groups. Colom (in
chological management of diabetes, asthma, and cancer press) suggests that, despite the fact that self-help groups
(Bultz et al., 2000; Durna & Ozcan, 2003; Olmsted et al., may play a role in the management of BDs, their role is
2002)  and was initially introduced into psychiatry as a rather complementary to psychoeducation, and self-help
strategy to help individuals with schizophrenia (Pekkala & is not a substitute for psychoeducation as their goals are
Merinder, 2004). Psychological interventions based on in fact slightly different. Colom argues that health profes-
psychoeducation and those that include psychoeducation sionals rather than patient advocates should implement
as an essential component have proved helpful in improv- psychoeducation because (a)  the degree of clinical train-
ing outcomes in BD (Benyon et al., 2008; Scott, Colom, & ing required demands a professional and (b) psychoeduca-
Vieta, 2007). tion is a highly structured and targeted intervention that
The parallels between chronic physical disorders and may quite often require a highly directive style from the
severe mental disorders help explain why psychoeducation therapist. Hence, psychoeducation is an intervention that
is a core clinical approach. Bipolar disorder is a lifelong, involves good medical practice and seeks to empower
potentially treatable psychiatric disorder with substantial patients with tools allowing them to be more active in
morbidity and mortality (Swann, 2006). Despite advances their treatment. Through this approach, psychoeducation
in pharmacological treatments to ameliorate the biological provides an appropriate therapeutic alliance relying on col-
instability that drives the illness, episodes can be precipi- laboration, information-sharing, and trust.
tated by psychosocial factors, and the disorder has psycho- Psychoeducation may be aimed both at patients and
logical and social consequences both for the patient and the caregivers, as they both could be crucial in reinforcing
family (Reinares et al., 2006). These findings, together with “healthy” behaviors by the patient.

4 3 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
T H E COR E I NG R E DI E N T S Illness awareness
More than half of patients with BD exhibit inadequate
The Barcelona Psychoeducation Program consists of 21 insight into their illness, and denial of the disorder or of
sessions, as shown in Table 31.1. The sessions were initially its severity is quite common, representing one of the main
derived from clinical experience and the problems identi- barriers to starting treatment. Although there is evidence
fied by patients and clinicians. The same components are of an association between lack of insight and neuropsy-
present in most therapeutic packages for BD worldwide, chological impairment, other factors such as social stigma
and they have proven to be efficacious in the prevention of increase the risk that the diagnosis will initially be rejected
recurrences of mood episodes in BD. by patient.
The main areas covered in psychoeducation for BD On the other hand, the attitudes of clinicians and the
include illness awareness, treatment adherence, early warn- language they use does not always help the patient move
ing signs identification, avoidance of substance misuse, and toward acceptance of the diagnosis and the illness. This
regulation of habits. is why several sessions are devoted to illness acceptance
before moving to other essential issues such as symptom
management or medication adherence. Thus it is not
Table 31.1.  SESSIONS INCLUDED IN BARCELONA by chance that “illness awareness” is a key target in the
BIPOLAR DISOR DERS PSYCHOEDUCATION early stages of therapy. This first component of therapy
PROGR AM introduces concepts that are drawn on repeatedly during
the group program. Consequently, a large number of ses-
sions should be devoted to this topic, helping to refocus
the patient on the importance of understanding the bio-
1 Introduction logical nature of the disorder and the need for pharmaco-
2 What is bipolar illness? logical treatment. The fact that during psychoeducation a
3 Causal and triggering factors
psychiatrist or a psychologist starts the course of therapy
by stressing that BD is a medical condition and initially
4 Symptoms (I): Mania and hypomania prioritizes psychobiological over psychosocial elements
5 Symptoms (II): Depression and mixed episodes may, at first, be surprising for some patients who expect
that therapy is synonymous with the mind rather than the
6 Course and outcome
brain. However, such a presentation can open up impor-
7 Treatment (I): Mood stabilizers tant avenues for discussion and also emphasizes that the
8 Treatment (II): Antimanic agents psychoeducation sessions have a clear strategic approach
and should not be confused with less cogent, more nebu-
9 Treatment (III): Antidepressants
lous (and untested) therapy models.
10 Serum levels: Lithium, carbamazepine, and valproate

11 Pregnancy and genetic counseling

Adherence enhancement
12 Psychopharmacology vs alternative therapies
Improving adherence to treatment must be one of the main
13 Risks associated with treatment withdrawal objectives of any psychological intervention in BDs, since
14 Alcohol and street drugs: Risks in bipolar illness the problem of poor adherence is certainly a driver of poor
outcome in many patients. Poor adherence can be defined
15 Early detection of manic and hypomanic episodes
as the inability of the patient to engage in health-promoting
16 Early detection of depressive and mixed episodes behaviours or habits, which can include failure to take pre-
17 What to do when a new phase is detected scribed medications or follow medical advice. However,
nonadherence is a complex phenomenon with many dif-
18 Regularity of habits
ferent facets, and it also shows variability over time, with
19 Stress-management techniques patients being vulnerable to stopping medication at differ-
20 Problem-solving techniques ent points in the illness cycle (e.g., when they feel well—and
think there is no need to take the medication as they are
21 Final session: Farewell asymptomatic).

C ognitive B ehavioral T herapy and P sychoeducation   •   4 3 7

Harm avoidance requires a higher level of therapist skill from the patient
than most of the other interventions used in psychoed-
Harm avoidance or reduction is the term commonly applied
ucation. Identifying early signs consists of three steps.
to clinical interventions that target substance misuse. The
The first and second are generally discussed during the
largest study on co-occurrence of BDs and substance use dis-
group program, while the third step usually requires indi-
orders was conducted as part of the National Epidemiologic
vidual intervention (although this may not be essential
Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, which assessed
in all cases). The first step consists of providing infor-
more than 40,000 people in the United States. According to
mation regarding the most frequently recognized signs
that study, there was a lifetime prevalence for co-occurring
ofrelapse for depression and (hypo)mania. The goal of
alcohol use disorders of almost 60% of bipolar I patients,
the second step is to personalize these warning signs (i.e.,
and a 38% lifetime prevalence of any drug use disorder, a
adapt the information from Step 1 to each individual
finding that is supported in general by all of the existing
group member). This step allows the group members to
literature. According to the Epidemiologic Catchment
identify the warning signs that appear regularly prior to
Area data, nearly half of bipolar II patients have a comorbid
each type of episode that they experience. The third step
substance use disorder. Thus the risk that a bipolar patient
is referred to as specialization. In this step the patient
will have a coexisting substance-related problem is six times
learns to recognize the signals that precede the warning
higher than that of a member of the general population.
signs identified—that is, the “warnings of warnings.”
Alcohol seems to be the most frequently used substance
These are typically behavioral or cognitive alterations, or
among older bipolar patients, with younger patients also
qualitatively different perceptions (such as colors appear-
using illicit drugs (particularly cannabis and, less often,
ing “brighter” at the start of hypomania). These changes
amphetamines). Substance use in any age group is associ-
might not be pathological in every patient, as they may
ated with a poorer outcome of BD, including increased
not cause alarm in another individual. However, these
episodes of depression, adherence problems, and delayed
factors are highly specific and thus very important for an
symptomatic recovery. Data from the Systematic Treatment
individual patient.
Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD)
suggest also that substance-related disorders are strongly
associated with an increased number of hospitalizations,
and suicide attempts are more frequent among patients Lifestyle regularity
with such comorbidity. Furthermore, many patients who
Regular habits and stress management are extremely
do not meet the criteria for substance abuse or dependence
important in BD and are purported to play a signifi-
consume substances in quantities that are sufficient to trig-
cant role in preventing relapses. Moreover, improving
ger new episodes.
the regularity of day-to-day activities and habits con-
Although patients with severe comorbid substance
stitute a core ingredient of IPSRT, and many therapies
abuse or dependence may need a specific program that tack-
have adopted elements of the social-regulation approach
les this dual pathology, it is very important that any therapy
advocated in this therapy. Psychoeducation encourages
for BD aims to reduce the regular use of substances with
patients to implement healthy habits through an empha-
psychotropic effects. To achieve this objective, it may be
sis on managing sleeping habits/circadian rhythms and
useful not only to focus on alcohol and street drugs but also
also encouraging healthy diet and adequate physical
on apparently “harmless” or socially accepted substances
such as caffeine, as these may act as direct triggers of epi-
sodes or act indirectly via the impact on the quality of sleep.
The importance of “harm reduction” to improve prognosis Ending psychoeducation
(by avoiding substance use or other unhealthy behaviors) is
The final sessions of psychoeducation focus on stress
reinforced throughout the program, although usually there
control techniques, highlighting the importance of stress
is only one session specifically devoted to the topic.
as a trigger of relapses and as a mechanism to introduce
various psychological techniques that can help patients
to better cope with stress and anxiety. Problem-solving
Detection of early warning signs
strategies are discussed, and, finally, the last session
The detection of early warning signs is one of the key offers a summary of the work done during the course of
elements of a psychoeducation program and probably therapy.

4 3 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
OT H E R A PPROACH E S :  31.7 days; SD = 16.4) compared with the control group
FA M I LY-FO CUS E D T H E R A PY (mean 68.3 days; SD = 65.1).
Although psychoeducated patients did not participate
There is evidence that a stressful family environment (char-
in any “booster” group sessions, they were more likely than
acterized by negative affect and high levels of critical com-
the control-group patients to seek out additional therapy
ments) are often associated with exacerbations of BD, and
during the five-year follow-up. Furthermore, psychoedu-
expressed emotion is an important predictor of symptom
cated patients were more likely to attend follow-up appoint-
severity. However, the illness may represent a significant
ments, to take more prescribed medications, and to take
psychological burden for family members and other care-
higher doses of prescribed treatments; they were also less
givers. Thus these family problems may represent a cause or
likely to need emergency appointments. Thus it appears a
a consequence of BD and logically led to the development of
time-limited single intervention (of about 30 hours) is asso-
a family-orientated psychoeducation and problem-solving
ciated with clinically and statistically significant improve-
ments on a range of outcomes in cases BDs and that benefits
Family-focused therapy was adapted for bipolar
persist for at least at five years postintervention. It is reason-
patients from a behavioral family therapy intervention that
able to suggest that group psychoeducation may promote
was initially created for patients with psychosis. It usu-
behavioral and attitudinal changes that in turn led to these
ally consists of three broad components: psychoeducation
about BD, communication enhancement training, and
problem-solving skills training. It is administered in 21
one-hour sessions. It has shown its efficacy, mainly in the L I M I TAT IONS OF P S YCHOE DUC AT ION
prevention of depressive relapses, and is particularly useful
Any efficacious treatment may have drawbacks or limita-
for families who demonstrate high levels of expressed emo-
tions. Psychoeducation too has its limits. For example, like
tion at initial clinical assessment.
most therapies, it is not recommended as a monotherapy,
which means that it should always be considered as an
adjunct to pharmacotherapy. Another limitation (again
shared with many therapies) is that there is no direct repli-
Psychological interventions in BD claim to be a mainte- cation of the original study, which may be viewed as under-
nance tool. But, by definition, any maintenance tool must mining the validity. Also, randomized controlled treatment
show its efficacy in the long term. Unfortunately, most trials that focus on efficacy by definition select homog-
studies of psychological interventions offer a maximum enous, well-defined samples, which may limit the general-
follow-up of two-years. As such, little is known about the izability of the findings. Likewise, there is evidence that it
longer term benefits of such treatments. may be less efficacious in those with multiple episodes and/
There is long-term follow-up (five years) data supporting or neuropsychological impairments. Finally, another limi-
the efficacy of group psychoeducation. It has been shown tation of psychoeducation is that is not effective in treating
that, at five-year follow-up, psychoeducated patients showed acute episodes, and indeed the target population is euthy-
a longer time to recurrence and had fewer recurrences than mic patients (as the goal is to prevent episodes).
patients allocated to an unstructured group intervention
(Colom et al., 2009).
Furthermore, psychoeducated patients spent much less C O G N I T I V E BE H AV IOR T H E R A P Y
time acutely ill than patients allocated to the unstructured I N   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R S
group, a difference mainly accounted for by the significant
difference in time spent depressed. This is likely to be clini- This section highlight aspects of CBT that differ from
cally very important, as the number of days spent in depres- some of the general techniques common to all therapies.
sion was a strong predictor of recurrences in the STEP-BD Because group CBT shares elements of psychoeducation,
study (Miklowitz et al., 2007). this section describes individual CBT. Also, we do not
The number of hospitalizations in psychoeducated review all the outcome data (some of which has already
patients (mean 0.24) was less than half that observed been discussed), save to say that CBT for BDs shows a
in the control group (mean 0.59). For each hospital- mixed pattern of benefits. It is useful in treating acute bipo-
ized patient, the mean duration of admission was also lar depression, and, when provided to euthymic patients,
significantly lower for psychoeducated patients (mean it can prevent depressive relapses for up to two years (with

C ognitive B ehavioral T herapy and P sychoeducation   •   4 3 9

less effect on mania). However, in some studies the benefits Stage A: Socialization into the cognitive therapy
of CBT were not substantially greater than other therapy model and development of an individualized
models (e.g., Meyer et al., 2013), and data from a large scale formulation and treatment goals
effectiveness study indicate that the early introduction
Therapy begins with an exploration of the patients’ under-
of CBT (i.e., targeting the early stages of illness) is most
standing of BD and a detailed discussion of previous epi-
likely to be helpful, with little evidence of significant ben-
sodes focusing on identification of prodromal signs, events
efits in complex cases with multiple physical and mental
or stressors associated with onset of previous episodes, typi-
cal cognitive and behavioral concomitants of both manic
and depressive episodes, and an exploration of interpersonal
I N DI V I DUA L T H E R A PY functioning (e.g., family interactions). A diagram illustrat-
ing the cycle of change in BD is used to allow the individual
In individual CBT, the therapy should begin with a cog-
to explore how changes in all aspects of functioning may
nitive formulation of the individual’s specific problems
arise. Early sessions include development of an understand-
related to BD. In particular, emphasis is placed on the role
ing of key issues identified in the life chart, education about
of core maladaptive beliefs that underpin and determine
BD, facilitation of adjustment to the disorder by identi-
the content of dysfunctional automatic thoughts and drive
fying and challenging negative automatic thoughts, and
patterns of behaviour. These will guide the choice of inter-
developing behavioral experiments particularly focused on
ventions and the stage of therapy when to employ it for each
ideas about stigmatization and fragile self-esteem. Other
individual patient. Although each individual will define
sessions further develop an individualized formulation of
a specific set of problems, there are common themes that
the patient’s problems, which takes into account underlying
tend to arise across patient groups with BD.
maladaptive beliefs.
The main aims of therapy are to facilitate adjustment
to BD and its treatment, to enhance medication adher-
ence, to improve self-esteem and self-image, and to reduce Stage B: Cognitive and behavioral approaches
maladaptive or high-risk behaviors. Furthermore, CBT to symptom management and dysfunctional
aims to recognize and modify psycho-biosocial factors automatic thoughts
that destabilize the individuals day-to-day functioning
and mood state; help the individual recognize and manage These sessions aim to teach the individual self-monitoring and
psychosocial stressors and interpersonal problems; teach self-regulation techniques, which enhance self-management
strategies to cope with the symptoms of depression, hypo- of depressive and hypomanic symptoms, and to explore
mania, and any cognitive and behavioral problems; teach skills for coping with depression and mania. For example,
early recognition of relapse symptoms and to develop effec- this involves establishing regular activity patterns, daily rou-
tive coping techniques; to identify and modify dysfunc- tines, regular sleep patterns, developing coping skills, time
tional automatic thoughts and underlying maladaptive management, use of support, and recognizing and tackling
beliefs; and, finally, to improve self-management by the dysfunctional automatic thoughts about self, world, and
means of homework assignments (Basco & Rush, 2005; future using automatic thought diaries.
Lam, Jones, Hayward, & Bright, 1999; Newman et  al.,
2001; Scott, 2000).
Stage C: Dealing with cognitive and behavioral
At the beginning of the therapy, individuals are
barriers to treatment adherence and modifying
encouraged to tell their story and to identify problem
maladaptive beliefs
areas through the use of a life chart. Current difficulties
are then classified into intrapersonal (e.g., low self-esteem, Problems with adherence to medication and other aspects
cognitive-processing biases), interpersonal (e.g., lack of of treatment are tackled, for example, through exploration
social network), and basic problems (e.g., symptom severity, of barriers (challenging automatic thoughts about drugs,
difficulties coping with work). These issues are explored in beliefs about BD, excessive self-reliance, or exploring atti-
about 20 to 25 sessions of cognitive therapy that are held tudes to authority and control) and using behavioral and
weekly until about Week 15 and then with gradually reduc- cognitive techniques. This, together with the data from
ing frequency. A few “booster sessions” are used to review previous sessions, are used to help the patient identify their
the skills and techniques learned. The overall cognitive maladaptive assumptions and underlying core beliefs and
therapy program comprises four stages. to commence work on modifying these beliefs.

4 4 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Stage D: Anti-relapse techniques and to know whether new models, such as rumination-focused
belief modification therapies, are applicable to bipolar cases, or indeed if they
have any adverse effects or contra-indications.
Recognition of early signs of relapse and coping techniques
(fortnightly sessions) are addressed. Features include identi-
fying possible prodromal features (the “relapse signature”), CO G N I T I V E I M PA I R M E N T
developing a list of “at-risk situations” (e.g., exposure to sit-
Cognitive deficits in established cases of BD persist across
uations that activate specific personal beliefs) and high-risk
phases of illness and show a similar pattern, although of a
behaviors (e.g., increased alcohol intake), combined with a
lesser magnitude to those seen in psychosis, with executive
hierarchy of coping strategies for each and planning how to
functioning, episodic memory, verbal memory, psycho-
cope and self-manage problems after discharge from cogni-
motor speed, and sustained attention most consistently
tive therapy. Sessions also include typical cognitive therapy
impaired (Andreou & Bozikas, 2013; Martínez-Arán
approaches to the modification of maladaptive beliefs,
et al., 2004). Given the importance of cognitive function-
which may otherwise increase vulnerability to relapse.
ing for psychosocial outcomes in BD, the development
of psychotherapeutic interventions targeting cognitive
dysfunction are imperative for improving recovery rates
C ONC LUS ION A N D and quality of life in patients. Neurocognition is a poten-
F U T U R E DI R E C T ION S tial predictor of response to evidence-based psychosocial
interventions (Goetz et  al., 2007), and so one aspect of
As with any work in progress, the field of psychologi- future research in this area will be to determine which
cal interventions for BDs exists on a continuum between patients should receive neurocognitive interventions and
well-established evidence of benefits (relapse prevention, which may do best with other psychological therapies.
adherence enhancement, early warning signs identifica- Pooled data from studies that included cases of bipolar,
tion) and largely unexplored territories and/or uncertainty unipolar, and schizoaffective disorders showed that cog-
that require research in the oncoming years. These include nitive remediation can be beneficial in affective disor-
the following. ders and probably is at least as effective as in nonaffective
psychosis (Anaya et  al., 2012). Evidence on the positive
effects of broader-based therapies, such as integrated psy-
chological therapy, shows gains in the domains of neuro-
cognition, social cognition, psychosocial functioning, and
From a clinician’s perspective, there is a great need for effi- negative symptoms in psychosis, and the model appears
cacious therapies for bipolar depression, especially given the adaptable to BD (Roder, Mueller, & Schmidt, 2011).
risks associated with the use of antidepressants (without Overall, functional remediation (Martínez-Arán et  al.,
co-prescription of mood stabilizers) and the limited benefits 2011) is therefore an approach that needs to be examined
of antidepressants (Valentí et al., 2012) and of other agents internationally, especially given the promising data from
(Pacchiarotti et al., 2009). Although STEP-BD indicated the multicenter study undertaken across Spain (Torrent
the acute treatment of bipolar depression was facilitated by et al., 2013).
IPSRT, CBT, or family-focused treatment, we do not have
long-term follow-up data from that study. Furthermore,
Scott and Etain (2011) note that the depression-prevention
effects of different therapies vary significantly, and, apart
from the study of Swartz et al (2012), we have limited data Increasingly, researchers are examining how to prevent dis-
on whether some BDs/spectrum disorders (e.g., bipolar II ease progression in BDs and/or whether it is conceivable
or not otherwise specified, cyclothymia) might be treatable to prevent a first episode of mania in high-risk individuals.
with therapy alone. Such information would be important A  recent evidence-mapping study by Vallarino and Scott
for cases in which the indications for the use of medica- (2014) has shown that there are 15 studies of psychologi-
tion are less clear-cut or the presence of multiple comorbid cal approaches that target young people at risk of or in the
physical disorders or other issues prevent the optimal use early stages of BD. However, there are only a few random-
of medications. Also, given advances in our therapy inter- ized trails, so this is an area where data from pilot studies is
ventions for depression in general, it would be important likely to be followed by larger scale clinical trials.

C ognitive B ehavioral T herapy and P sychoeducation   •   4 41

S T U DI E S I N T H E E L DE R LY Substance use
Most of the existing psychotherapy trials exclude indi- Given the prevalence and prognostic significance of sub-
viduals aged above 65. However, grant-giving bodies stance misuse in patients with BD, we need to revise and
recognize that globally we have an aging population, evaluate interventions that target these cases more specifi-
with more adults surviving into old age. As such, it is cally. This is especially important as the models that exist
important to consider what approaches may be most so far have shown missed results (e.g., with reduced alco-
suitable for older (sometimes termed “graduate” bipo- hol intake not being accompanied by change in outcome in
lar patients). For example, a pilot study of Medication BDs in terms of symptom levels or relapses). This suggests
Adherence Skills Training for older adults (Depp et al., more basic research is required in the reasons and patterns
2007)  showed improvement in medication adherence for substance use across time and phases of the disorder in
and ability to self-manage medications, depressive symp- order to develop a more sophisticated model of intervention.
toms, and selected indices of health-related quality of life.
Notwithstanding the study limitations (small sample
size, absence of comparator, and lack of follow-up data), Anxiety disorders
this promising preliminary data justify further work in Anxiety disorders represent the most frequent comorbid-
this area, and the need for interventions designed for ity of BD (Merikangas et  al., 2007). A  review examining
BD patients in later life remains unmet. This paucity of the effect of psychosocial treatments in this population
therapies for this age group is alarming particularly if we conducted by Provencher, Hawke, and Thienot (2011)
consider that given the progressive average aging of the highlighted a surprising paucity of studies that more spe-
whole population, the number of older adults suffering cifically addressed this topic, and those that existed were all
from a severe psychiatric condition is expected to grow small-scale and/or exploratory. The review suggested that
progressively in the next few years. the most promising option was sequential treatment with
CBT followed by mindfulness-based therapy and relax-
ation training. However, it is clear the models of therapy
and best methods for delivery warrant further exploration.
Physical health These recommendations identify those areas where it
Patients with severe mental illnesses, including BD, are is obvious that more research would be helpful. However,
reported to have a 20% (~13–30 years) reduction in their given that BDs is both highly heritable and has a peak age
life expectancy compared to members of the general pop- at onset in early adulthood, cause can also be made for more
ulation. The high rate of mortality in patients with severe research in women of child bearing age. For example, the
mental illnesses is mostly attributable to premature car- potential role of preventive psychotherapy in women who
diovascular and cerebrovascular deaths, which may be a may not be taking medication over a period of time.
consequence of lifestyle, high rates of smoking, obesity, In summary, the field of evidence-based psychological
and metabolic syndrome (De Hert et  al., 2011). Rates therapies for BDs is only in its adolescence (having existed
of obesity (defined as a body mass index ≥30) and meta- for about 15 years). It is entering a critical phase of develop-
bolic syndrome in BD are reported as 68% and 22% to ment, but hopefully it will mature and graduate with flying
30%, respectively (De Hert et al., 2011). Although some colors over the next decade.
of the most widely used medications are associated with Disclosure statement: Dr. Popovic’s work is supported by a
weight gain as a side effect, this alone does not explain Sara Borrell postdoctoral grant CD13/00149, provided by
the excess morbidity and mortality (Torrent et al., 2008). Carlos III Institute, Spanish Ministry of Health. She has
There are CBT and psychoeducation studies underway in served as speaker for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck Sharp &
the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia that Dohme, and Janssen-Cilag. Prof. Scott has served as advi-
target physical well-being by encouraging regular exercise sory or speaker for the following companies (lifetime): Astra
and dietary changes (and that monitor body mass index, Zeneca, BSM-Otsuka, Eli-Lilly, Glaxo-Smith-Kline,
waist circumference, blood sugar, and lipids). The goals Janssen Cilag, Lundbeck, Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, and Servier.
are to increase not only quality of life but also expectancy The University of Newcastle has received independent
in patients with BD (see Vallarino & Scott, 2013 for a investigator grants from Astra Zeneca and Janssen Cilag
review). for Scott’s research on training in and the evaluation of a

4 4 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
psychological intervention to enhance medication adher- Frank E., Kupfer, D. J., Thase, M. E., Mallinger, A. G., Swartz, H. A.,
Fagiolini, A. M., . . . Monk, T. (2005). Two-year outcomes for inter-
ence in BDs. Dr. Francesc Colom has served as advisory or personal and social rhythm therapy in individuals with bipolar I dis-
speaker for the following companies (lifetime):  Adamed, order. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, 996–1004.
Astra Zeneca, Bristol-Myers, Eli-Lilly, Glaxo-Smith-Kline, Goetz, I., Tohen, M., Reed, C., Lorenzo, M., Vieta, E., & EMBLEM
Advisory Board. (2007). Functional impairment in patients with
Lundbeck, MSD-Merck, Otsuka, Pfizer Inc, Rovi, mania: Baseline results of the EMBLEM study. Bipolar Disorders,
Sanofi-Aventis, Shire and Tecnifar. He has received copy- 9(1–2), 45–52.
right fees from: Cambridge University Press, Igaku-Shoin Judd, L.  L., Schettler, P.  J., Akiskal, H.  S., Coryell, W., Leon, A.  C.,
Maser, J. D., &Solomon, D. A. (2008). Residual symptom recovery
Ltd, Solal Ed., Ars Médica, Giovani Fioriti Ed., Medipage, from major affective episodes in bipolar disorders and rapid episode
La Esfera de Los Libros, Morales i Torres Ed, Panamericana, relapse/recurrence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65, 386–394.
Mayo Ed., and Columna. Lam, D. H., Jones, S., Hayward, P., & Bright, J. (1999). Cognitive ther-
apy for bipolar disorder:  A  therapist’s guide to the concept, methods
and practice. Chichester, UK: John Wiley.
Lam, D. H., Watkins, E. R., Hayward, P., Bright, J., Wright, K., Kerr,
N., . . . Sham, P. (2003). A randomized controlled study of cognitive
R E F E R E NC E S therapy for relapse prevention for bipolar affective disorder:  Out-
come of the first year. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60, 145–152.
Anaya, C., Martinez Aran, A., Ayuso-Mateos, J. L., Wykes, T., Vieta, Lobban, F., Taylor, L., Chandler, C., Tyler, E. Kinderman, P.,
E., & Scott J. (2012). A systematic review of cognitive remediation Kolamunnage-Dona, R., . . . Morriss, R. K. (2010). Enhanced relapse
for schizo-affective and affective disorders. Journal of Affective Dis- prevention for bipolar disorder by community mental health
orders, 142, 13–21. teams:  Cluster feasibility randomised trial. British Journal of Psy-
Andreou, C., & Bozikas, V.  P. (2013). The predictive significance of chiatry, 196(1), 59–63.
neurocognitive factors for functional outcome in bipolar disorder. Martínez-Arán, A., Torrent, C., Solé, B, Bonnín, C. M., Rosa, A. R.,
Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 26(1), 54–59. Sánchez-Moreno, J., & Vieta, E. (2011). Functional remediation
Basco, M.  R., & Rush, J.  A. (2005). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for for bipolar disorder. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental
bipolar disorder (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press. Health, 7, 112–116.
Beynon, S., Soares-Weiser, K., Woolacott, N., Duffy, S., & Geddes, J. R. Martínez-Arán, A., Vieta, E., Reinares, M., Colom, F., Torrent, C.,
(2008). Psychosocial interventions for the prevention of relapse in Sánchez-Moreno, J., . . . Salamero, M. (2004). Cognitive function
bipolar disorder:  A  systematic review of controlled trials. British across manic or hypomanic, depressed, and euthymic states in bipo-
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der? Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 67(1), 3–9. Suddath, R.  L. (2003). A randomized study of family-focused
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4 4 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington, Stephanie Roberts, and Louisa G. Sylvia

INTRODUCTION with the goal of both aiding in recovery and relapse preven-
tion (Miklowitz, 2008).
This chapter focuses on three psychosocial approaches to
the treatment of bipolar disorder:  family-focused therapy
(FFT), interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT),
and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). We present an FFT is typically delivered in 21 sessions over a nine-month
overview of each approach, including underlying theo- period (weekly for three months, biweekly for three months,
retical bases, targets for treatment, and a description of and monthly for three months). A thorough assessment is
therapeutic interventions. We also summarize the current conducted prior to treatment, in which the emotional atti-
empirical support for each modality in the treatment of tudes and communication patterns between the patient
bipolar disorder. and family members are carefully evaluated.
The treatment consists of three modules, the first of
which is psychoeducation (about seven sessions). During
FA M I LY-F O C US E D T H E R A P Y this module patients and their family members learn a
great deal of information about bipolar disorder. They
discuss symptoms, causes, and treatment of bipolar dis-
order. Medication compliance is emphasized and the
vulnerability-stress model is explained. Patients and their
Expressed emotion (EE) is a construct drawn from the families learn that the course of bipolar disorder is affected
schizophrenia literature that refers to critical, hostile, or by both biological and environmental factors. Coping
emotionally overinvolved (overprotectiveness, extreme mechanisms for dealing with stress are developed, and fam-
self-sacrifice) attitudes that caregivers exhibit toward men- ily members are taught to discern personality traits from
tally ill family members and has been shown to increase mood symptoms. They also work together to formulate a
risk of relapse (Hooley, 2007). EE is assessed by conduct- relapse-prevention plan by specifying early warning signs of
ing a clinical interview with the familial caregivers of relapse. Stigma and the emotional impact of bipolar disor-
patients who are suffering from an acute episode. Much der on all family members is explored and discussed.
research has found that bipolar patients whose familial The second module focuses on communication skills (7
caregivers express high levels of EE are more likely to have to 10 sessions). Using a role-playing/behavioral-rehearsal
high rates of relapse and/or poor symptomatic outcomes format, patients and caregivers are taught strategies for
over nine-month to two-year follow-up, as compared to coping with intrafamilial stress and improving face-to-face
patients with low EE caregivers (e.g., Miklowitz, Goldstein, verbal and nonverbal communication. Exercises focus on
Neuchterlein, Snyder, & Mintz, 1988). These findings form improving active listening skills, delivering positive/nega-
the theoretical basis for the development of FFT, as it tar- tive feedback, and respectfully requesting changes in behav-
gets the modification of these familial interaction patterns, ior. Specific homework assignments reinforce these skills.

4 45
Finally, the third module targets problem-solving (four Another early randomized controlled trial of FFT
to five sessions). Patients learn to define specific problems compared FFT plus pharmacotherapy to individual
related to bipolar disorder and to brainstorm, evaluate, therapy plus pharmacotherapy in 53 patients recently
and implement solutions. Typical problems addressed discharged from the hospital following a manic episode
in this module concern medication noncompliance, (Rea et  al., 2003). While the groups did not differ in
social-occupational impairment, housing issues, and dam- rates of relapse or rehospitalization during the first year
age due to previous episodes. Crisis intervention is provided of treatment, patients in FFT showed lower rehospital-
on an as-needed basis throughout FFT and treatment is ization rates and symptomatic relapse than patients in
flexible to address specific life events and early warning individual therapy at one- to two-year posttreatment
signs of episodes, with the goal of preventing relapse. follow-up.
The Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for
Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD) was conducted at 15 US sites
and compared up to 30 sessions of intensive therapy: FFT,
IPSRT (Frank, 2005), or cognitive-behavioral therapy
Numerous randomized controlled trials, as well as several (Otto, Reilly-Harrington, Kogan, Henin, & Knauz,
open trials, have supported the effectiveness of FFT for 2008)  with three sessions of a brief psychoeducational
adults with bipolar disorder (see Miklowitz, 2012, for a approach (collaborative care [CC]) in 293 acutely depressed
review). Table 32.1 summarizes the results of the four ran- patients with bipolar I or II disorder. All three of the inten-
domized controlled trials in adults. sive therapies were associated with higher one-year recov-
In an early study of FFT, 101 adult patients were ran- ery rates (105/163, or 64.4%) than CC (67/130 or 51.5%).
domized following an acute manic, mixed, or depressive Adding intensive psychotherapy to medication manage-
episode to 21 sessions of FFT plus pharmacotherapy or to ment speeded recovery by an average of 110 days during the
2 sessions of family-based crisis management plus phar- study year (Miklowitz, Otto, Frank, Reilly-Harrington,
macotherapy (Miklowitz, George, Richards, Simoneau, & Wisniewski, et al., 2007). Furthermore, patients in inten-
Suddath, 2003). At two years, patients undergoing FFT sive treatment were 1.58 times more likely to be well in any
had a greater likelihood of survival without disease relapse month of the one-year study than patients in CC. Patients
(52%) than patients in crisis management (17%). Patients in intensive therapy also reported better total functioning,
undergoing FFT also showed greater reductions in mood relationship functioning, and life satisfaction than patients
symptoms and better medication adherence than patients in CC (Miklowitz, Otto, Frank, Reilly-Harrington, Kogan
in crisis management. et al., 2007).



Miklowitz et al. (2003) 101 Depressive, mixed, CM FFT, 52% survival rate

or manic episode in CM, 17% Survival rate
past 3 mos. FFT: Greater reduction in mood symptoms
and better medication adherence
Rea et al. (2003) 53 Manic episode in past IT FFT, 12% Rehospitalization
3 mos. IT, 60% Rehospitalization

Miklowitz et al. (2007) 293 Currently in major 3 Educational Intensive Treatment (FFT, CBT,
depressive episode sessions—CC or IPSRT)
64% Recovered and greater social
functioning/life satisfaction
CC, 52% Recovered

Perlick et al. (2010) 46 caregiv- Various mood states HE via videotapes Both caregivers and patients in FFT had
ers of adults greater reduction in depressive symptoms
with BD than in HE
NOTE. FFT = family-focused therapy; CM = crisis management; IT = individual therapy; CC = collaborative care; IPSRT = interpersonal and social rhythm
therapy; HE = health education; BD = bipolar disorder.

4 4 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
FFT has also been adapted and tested for use with the (hypo)manic symptoms and episodes (Hammen & Gitlin,
caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder (Perlick et al., 1997; Johnson & Miller, 1997). More specifically, the social
2010). This form of FFT (known as FFT–health promot- zeitgeber theory (Figure 32.1) suggests that life events affect
ing intervention [HPI]) aims to reduce symptoms of bipo- symptomatology by disrupting circadian rhythms. For
lar disorder by enhancing caregivers’ illness management example, research indicates that life events that disrupt
and self-care. Perlick et  al. (2010) randomly assigned the one’s social rhythms are associated with manic episodes
primary caregivers of 46 patients with bipolar disorder (Malkoff-Schwartz et al., 2000). Another study found that
to receive either 12 to15 sessions of a modified version of social rhythm disruption due to jet lag and working the
FFT-HPI or an 8- to 12-session health education interven- night shift tends to lead naturally to dysphoria, which most
tion delivered via videotapes. Randomization to FFT-HPI often develops into depression (Jones, 2001). In addition,
was associated with significant decreases in both caregivers’ improving the regularity of one’s social and/or biological
and patients’ depressive symptoms. cues reduces the negative effect of social rhythm disrup-
tions (Frank, Swartz, & Kupfer, 2000; Howland & Thase,
1999). Moreover, individuals with bipolar disorder tend to
have less-regular daily schedules than matched normal con-
trols, and this predicted prospectively a greater likelihood
of depressive and (hypo)manic episodes (Shen, Alloy, &
While FFT was initially developed for the treatment of Abramson, 2005). These studies suggest, as proposed by the
adults with bipolar disorder, it has more recently been social zeitgeber theory (Figure 32.1), that bipolar individu-
studied in adolescents and children with bipolar disorder als may be particularly susceptible to disruptions in their
(Miklowitz et  al., 2008), as well as modified for youth daily routines and that these disruptions may be triggers of
who are genetically at risk for bipolar disorder (Miklowitz their symptoms and affective episodes.
et al., 2013). Strong empirical support has been found for Given these data, Frank (2005) developed IPSRT spe-
the use of FFT in hastening and sustaining recovery from cifically to help patients with bipolar disorder improve their
depressive symptoms in adolescents with bipolar disorders circadian rhythms as a way to improve their course of ill-
and in those at high risk for bipolar disorders. Longer term ness. IPSRT includes components of interpersonal therapy
follow-up will examine whether early FFT delays or pre- (Klerman, Weissman, Rousaville, & Chevron, 1984), as
vents the development of full manic episodes in those at Frank proposed that improving a patient’s daily social rou-
high genetic risk for bipolar disorder. tines, or rhythms, requires improving one’s interpersonal

Life Events


A N D S O CI A L R H Y T H M T H E R A PY Change in Social Zeitgebers

Ehlers, Frank, and Kupfer (1988) proposed that depressive

symptoms arise as a consequence of life events disturbing
Social Rhythm Disruption
social zeitgebers (or external cues that function to entrain
biological rhythms), which, in turn, derail social and bio-
logical rhythms. According to this social zeitgeber theory, Biological Rhythm Disruption
disruptions in these rhythms influence somatic symptoms
(e.g., sleep propensity), which, in vulnerable individuals,
can lead to a major depressive episode (see Figure 32.1). Change in Somatic Symptoms
This theory begins with the concept that life events
can trigger depressive episodes, but it has been proposed
that they may also trigger manic episodes (Frank, 2005; Major Depressive Episode
Grandin, Alloy, & Abramson, 2006). For example, several
studies have found that elevated levels of life stress precede Figure 32.1  The social zeitgeber theory

Family- F ocused T herapy   •   4 4 7

DE S CR I P T ION OF I N T E R PE R S ONA L relationship and the minimization of other confounding
A N D S O CI A L R H Y T H M T H E R A PY issues that could disrupt one’s daily routine.
The third, or continuation/maintenance phase, works
IPSRT has four phases of treatment (Frank, 2005). The first
to establish patients’ confidence in their ability to maintain
phase, or the initial treatment phase, consists of a focused
regular daily schedules and interpersonal relationships.
review of the patient’s history in order to understand the
This involves continued effort in problem-solving obstacles
impact of social routines and interpersonal relationships on
to maintaining a regular schedule, such as ongoing issues
the patient’s bipolar episodes. This phase is typically three
related to their interpersonal problem area or addressing
to five sessions. An Interpersonal Inventory (Klerman et al.,
a secondary interpersonal problem area (i.e., unresolved
1984) is conducted to assess the quality of patient’s previous
grief, role transitions, interpersonal role disputes, interper-
relationships, as well as the Social Rhythm Metric (Monk,
sonal deficits, grief of the loss of the healthy self).
Flaherty, Frank, Hoskinson, & Kupfer, 1990) to determine
The final phase of treatment is the process of termi-
the regularity of a patient’s daily social routines. Finally, a
nation with the patient. This phase may last three to five
participant selects an interpersonal problem area (i.e., unre-
months and consist of monthly or near monthly visits. This
solved grief, role transitions, interpersonal role disputes,
phase is focused on healthy termination of the therapeutic
interpersonal deficits, grief of the loss of the healthy self) to
relationship with the patient while offering tips for adher-
be the initial focus of their therapy.
ing to the goals in the first three phases of IPSRT.
The second, or intermediate, phase of treatment aims
to improve patient’s daily social routines or rhythms by
improving the selected interpersonal problem area. It is
hypothesized that making desired interpersonal changes
may have a positive impact on social rhythm regularity, as
well as act as a buffer against potentially harmful, future
interpersonal relations. This phase can vary in length, as One hundred seventy-five acutely ill patients with bipolar
resolving one of these interpersonal problem areas could I disorder were randomized to one of four treatment strate-
take several years. For example, the interpersonal problem gies:  (a)  IPSRT in the acute phase, followed by an inten-
area of unresolved grief, or individuals still in mourning, sive clinical management (ICM) in the preventative phase
may involve teaching patients about the normal process of (IPSRT/ICM); (b)ICM in the acute phase, followed by
grief, providing guidance on how to express emotions, and IPSRT in the preventative phase(ICM/IPSRT); (c) IPSRT
offering support for experiencing grief. The interpersonal in the acute phase, followed by IPSRT in the preventa-
therapy manual describes these strategies in greater detail tive phase(IPSRT/IPSRT); or (d) ICM in the acute phase,
(Klerman et  al, 1984). In support of the IPSRT model, followed by ICM in the preventative phase (ICM/ICM;
evidence suggests that grieving individuals are more likely Frank et  al., 1999, 2005). All patients also received psy-
to have difficulty maintaining a regular routine (Brown chopharmacological treatment. The ICM control group
et al., 1996), and thus IPSRT seeks to improve daily social offered nonspecific support, review of symptoms and side
rhythms by assisting with this potentially problematic effects, and education about bipolar disorder, medications,
interpersonal area. and sleep hygiene. The ICM and IPSRT sessions were both
IPSRT is also flexible in using other strategies to help administered weekly in the acute phase and then tapered
individuals establish and maintain stable social rhythms. to biweekly and monthly in the preventative phase, but the
For example, monitoring medication adherence, effectively ICM sessions were half as long as the IPSRT sessions (20 vs.
managing medication side effects, reducing use of alco- 45 minutes).
hol or drugs, improving one’s exercise and nutrition, and After two years of follow-up in the preventative
involving support (e.g., family, friends, peer support groups, phase, participants treated with IPSRT, as opposed to
professional help) may all be employed in IPSRT to create ICM, in the acute phase experienced longer episode-free
a better daily routine for patients. The IPSRT model also periods and were more likely to remain well, irrespective
focuses on therapy-interfering behaviors, such as seasonal of preventative treatment assignment (Frank et al., 2005) 
changes, poor therapeutic rapport, or countertransference, Further, this association was mediated by increased
and aims to address them accordingly. In short, IPSRT social rhythm regularity for participants receiving
does not suggest that the modification of daily rhythms IPSRT. Interestingly, IPSRT was more effective for
occurs in isolation but instead requires a good therapeutic patients who were in better physical health or who had

4 4 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
lower levels of medical burden. While the IPSRT group DI A L E C T IC A L BE H AV IOR T H E R A P Y
did not initially reach a stable or almost symptom-free
state faster than the ICM group, these results provide
support for the use of IPSRT in managing bipolar I dis-
order, particularly with regard to the prevention of new
episodes (Frank et al., 2005). DBT was originally developed specifically to treat individ-
One pilot study conducted with adolescents who had uals with borderline personality disorder. Studies of DBT
bipolar spectrum disorders found that IPSRT was well have found it to be the most effective psychosocial treat-
tolerated and significantly improved participants’ manic, ment for borderline personality disorder (Bohus et  al.,
depressive, and general psychiatric symptoms and global 2000; Linehan, Armstrong, Suarez, Allmon, & Heard,
functioning over 20 weeks of treatment (Hlastala, Kotler, 1991, 1993). DBT is a principle-driven therapy (Van Dijk,
McClellan, & McCauley, 2010). Effect sizes ranged from 2012) based on a dialectical worldview (Linehan, 1993).
medium-large to large. While this study did not use a con- This worldview has three primary characteristics. First, it
trol group or report findings on whether social rhythm considers all behaviors to be interrelated. Second, reality
regularity mediated the positive outcomes, it suggests is viewed as a number of internal opposing forces, such
promise for the application of IPSRT in adolescent bipolar that it is necessary to integrate differing and opposite
populations. views. The third characteristic of the dialectical world-
Another recent pilot study compared IPSRT to que- view is that the nature of reality is a process of continuous
tiapiane for the acute treatment of bipolar II depression change, and therefore it is essential to become comfort-
(Swartz, Frank, & Cheng, 2012). Twenty-five unmedi- able with change.
cated, depressed patients with bipolar II disorder were Linehan (1993), the founder of DBT, posits in her
randomly assigned to weekly sessions of IPSRT mono- biosocial theory that the core disorder in borderline per-
therapy or to quetiapine (flexibly dosed) and followed sonality disorder is emotion dysregulation. This dysregu-
for 12 weeks. Both groups showed significant decreases lation manifests in afflicted individuals as a combination
in depression and mania scores; however, there were no of an overly active and sensitive emotional response system
significant differences between treatment groups. While coupled with a failure to moderate the strong emotions and
this was a small sample and conclusions are limited, the behaviors that follow.
authors raise the controversial question of whether phar-
macotherapy may be necessary for all individuals with
bipolar II disorder. Moreover, these preliminary data sug-
gest the potential utility of IPSRT for individuals with
bipolar II disorder for whom pharmacotherapy is contra- The main target in DBT is emotion dysregulation.
indicated or intolerable. Consequently, DBT is designed to teach a number of strat-
In summary, IPSRT is a promising adjunctive psycho- egies that will replace ineffective and maladaptive behav-
therapy for bipolar disorder. It offers a solid rationale, the ior with skillful responses. These strategies are divided
social zeitgeber theory, as to why it may be particularly into four core skills areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance,
helpful for patients with bipolar disorder who generally emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness (see
lack regularity in social rhythms. Moreover, IPSRT may be Figure 32.2). Mindfulness teaches people to become more
one of the few psychosocial approaches that might be help- aware of their emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. In doing
ful when bipolar patients are in episode or acute phases of so, they improve their self-control and their ability to man-
treatment and may also reduce risk of relapse. However, age upsetting emotions and thoughts. Distress-tolerance
similar to most psychotherapies developed to date, future skills are crisis survival skills that help people identify alter-
work is needed to elucidate its mediators. For example, native ways of responding to overwhelming urges like the
further studies should clarify whether social rhythm regu- urge to physically harm oneself or to use alcohol or drugs.
larity is responsible for the improvements in bipolar symp- Emotion-regulation skills help people manage their emo-
toms and functioning in patients treated with IPSRT. tions more effectively by teaching them to validate their
Future studies should also more closely examine promising feelings before they become too strong. Individuals also
applications of IPSRT for adolescents and patients with learn to engage in behaviors opposite to their emotions to
bipolar II disorder. prevent emotional escalation. Interpersonal effectiveness

Family- F ocused T herapy   •   4 4 9

both conditions are characterized by impulsivity, suicidal-
Regulation ity, interpersonal difficulties, and treatment nonadherence.
Given these similarities, it would seem appropriate that the
DBT skills (i.e., mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion
dysregulation, and interpersonal effectiveness) that have
EMOTION Mindfulness
been found to be effective in treating borderline personal-
Effectiveness ity disorder would also be effective in treating bipolar disor-
der. However, to date, only a limited number of studies have
investigated the effectiveness of DBT in treating bipolar
disorder: there are two published studies examining the use
Distress of all four core DBT skills and four studies that examined
Skills only the DBT core skill of mindfulness. These studies are
reviewed next.
Figure 32.2 Elements of DBT

skills primarily teach assertiveness strategies that can BE H AV IOR T H E R A PY
improve relationships and reduce interpersonal disorder. Goldstein, Axelson, Birmaher, and Brent (2007) treated 10
Throughout the course of DBT treatment, acceptance adolescents with bipolar disorder and a high degree of illness
and validation of current behavior is emphasized. The focus severity in an open pilot trial of DBT. This intervention was
on acceptance comes from a blend of Eastern spiritual- delivered over the course of one year and was divided into
ity and Western treatment approaches. Unlike standard two modalities: family skills training (conducted with the
cognitive-behavioral therapies, DBT focuses on balancing family unit) and individual therapy. For the first six months,
acceptance and change. Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors sessions were held weekly and alternated between the two
are not considered “distorted” or “wrong” but rather are modalities. There were 12 additional sessions in the final six
accepted nonjudgmentally before changes are considered. months to total 18 hours of skills training and 18 hours of
In DBT, there is also an emphasis on the importance of individual therapy in the one-year period. In addition, the
“therapy-interfering behaviors.” Such behaviors are compa- therapist was available between sessions via pager for coach-
rable to transference and countertransference from psycho- ing. Feasibility and acceptability of the treatment was high.
dynamic theories. In addition, in DBT the nature of the In addition, results indicated that significant improvement
therapeutic relationship is highly valued and considered was made in reducing suicidality, self-harming behaviors,
critical in order to make meaningful therapeutic progress. emotional dysregulation, and depressive symptoms in this
Typically DBT consists of two components for cli- adolescent population.
ents: weekly individual therapy sessions and weekly group In the only randomized, controlled study of DBT in
skills-training sessions, which are held over the course a sample of individuals with bipolar disorder, Van Dijk,
of about one year. In the group sessions, participants are Jeffrey, and Katz (2013) randomized 26 adults with bipolar
taught the four core skills, and in the individual sessions I or II to intervention or wait-list control. The intervention
participants discuss the application of these skills, as well consisted of twelve 90-minute sessions of which two pro-
as any issues that have arisen that week. Neither compo- vided information on bipolar disorder, one on medications
nent is intended to be used alone but rather to complement used to treat bipolar disorder, and one on self-care skills.
each other. Telephone contact with the individual thera- The remaining eight sessions were devoted to teaching the
pist in between sessions is also a part of DBT procedures three core DBT skills: distress tolerance skills, emotion reg-
(Linehan, 1993), as is a therapy or consultation team that ulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. The last core DBT
meets regularly and consists of all of the therapists involved skill, mindfulness, was emphasized throughout the 12
in a DBT clinic. weeks. Results indicated that DBT skills reduced depres-
sive symptoms and improved affective control and mind-
fulness self-efficacy.
In a currently unpublished study, Eisner, Gironde,
Like borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder is Nierenberg, and Deckersbach (2013) examined the DBT
characterized primarily by mood instability. Furthermore, components of emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and

45 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
mindfulness in 37 individuals with bipolar disorder over high levels of residual mood symptoms. In this open
the course of 12 weeks. Overall, this open intervention was trial, MBCT for bipolar disorder consisted of twelve,
well received, and participants showed improvements in 120-minute group treatment sessions conducted weekly
general functioning and in the skill areas. Clinician-rated over the course of three months. At the end of treat-
levels of depression and mania did not change over the ment and at three-month follow-up, participants showed
course of treatment; however, they were relatively low to increased mindfulness, lower residual mood symptoms, less
begin with in this sample, and self-reported depression attentional difficulties, and increased emotion-regulation
scores did decrease from pre- to posttreatment. Collectively, abilities, psychological well-being, positive affect, and psy-
these three studies suggest that DBT is well tolerated by chological functioning.
individuals with bipolar disorder and may improve mood Perich, Manicavasager, Mitchell, Ball, and Hadzi-Pavlovic
symptoms, as well as other symptoms related to the disor- (2013) conducted the only randomized controlled trial
der (e.g., suicidality). of MBCT in individuals with bipolar disorder. This trial
Mindfulness is unique among the four DBT skill areas examined compared the efficacy of MBCT plus treatment as
because it is emphasized throughout the course of DBT usual or treatment as usual in 95 participants with bipolar
treatment. Therefore, in reviewing studies of DBT and disorder over a one-year period. The MBCT treatment was
bipolar disorder, it also makes sense to examine studies that an adaptation of the eight-week MCBT course developed
have been conducted using mindfulness to treat bipolar by Segal and colleagues (2002). Although MBCT did not
disorder. Segal, Williams, and Teasdale (2002) developed a reduce time to relapse of depression or mania/hypomania or
mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression, which the total number of episodes or mood symptom severity at
is a psychotherapy that combines mindfulness practices 12-month follow-up, the results suggested that there was a
with psychoeducation about depression. Typically, this significant effect for reducing anxiety comorbid with bipo-
course of therapy is eight weeks long. Several studies have lar disorder. This finding is consistent with the findings of
applied MBCT in the treatment of bipolar disorder:  to Williams et al. (2008) for anxiety.
date, there have been four studies. The first, conducted by In summary, DBT, and mindfulness in particular,
Williams and colleagues (2008), used mindfulness-based appear to be a potentially effective adjunctive treatment for
cognitive therapy to examine symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder, as well as comorbid anxiety. Since bipo-
anxiety, a common comorbid condition in bipolar disorder, lar disorder is characterized by mood dysregulation and
in a group of people with bipolar disorder in remission. In all four DBT core skills target emotion dysregulation, it
this study, data from a pilot randomized trial of MBCT for makes logical sense that DBT would be useful in treating
14 people with bipolar disorder, who also had a history of this disorder. The proposed mechanisms are as follows: the
suicidal ideation or behavior, was examined. Participants mindfulness skills teach individuals with bipolar disorder
were randomly assigned to MBCT group or a wait-list con- to be more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
trol condition. The MBCT classes were led by two expe- so that they have better control and management of them.
rienced therapists and consisted of 12 to 15 participants The distress-tolerance skills provide alternative ways to
who met weekly for two hours over a period of eight weeks. cope with the impulsivity that often accompanies bipolar
Results showed reductions in residual depressive symptoms, disorder. Emotion-regulation skills teach individuals effec-
as well as significant effects of MBCT in reducing anxiety tive methods of managing emotions before they become
overtime. overwhelming as they do in episodes of depression or
The second study examining the use of mindfulness mania/hypomania. Finally, the interpersonal effectiveness
as a treatment for bipolar disorder was a feasibility trial skills help restore and maintain interpersonal relationships,
conducted by Weber and colleagues (2010). In this open an important skill, as, due to the nature of the moods and
study, 15 individuals with various subtypes of bipolar behaviors in bipolar disorder, problems in interpersonal
disorder met weekly for two hours over a period of eight relationships are common.
weeks. No improvement in symptoms was found, but However, despite the logic that DBT would be effective
MBCT was found to be feasible and well perceived among in treating bipolar disorder, there are only a few studies to
participants. In addition, self-report surveys indicated date. The core DBT skill of mindfulness has received the
that MBCT improved participants’ ability to cope with most attention, as evidenced by the development of MBCT,
emotions. but there are only two published studies to date that exam-
Deckersbach and colleagues (2012) examined MBCT ine all four DBT skill areas, and only one of those was a ran-
in 12 nonremitted individuals with bipolar disorder with domized control trial. Although results from these studies

Family- F ocused T herapy   •   451

are promising, further randomized controlled trials are disorder:  A  1-year open trial. Journal of the American Academy of
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 46, 820–830.
needed to evaluate the efficacy of DBT in individuals with Hammen, C., & Gitlin, M. (1997). Stress reactivity in bipolar patients
bipolar disorder. In particular, it may be beneficial to com- and its relation to prior history of disorder. The American Journal of
pare DBT to other known effective treatments for bipolar Psychiatry, 154, 856–857.
Hlastala, S.  A., Kotler, J.  S., McClellan, J.  M., & McCauley, E.  A.
disorder. (2010). Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy for adolescents
with bipolar disorder: Treatment development and results from an
Disclosure statement:  Dr.  Noreen A.  Reilly-Harrington open trial. Depression and Anxiety, 27, 457–464.
was a shareholder in Concordant Rater Systems and Hooley, J. M. (2007). Expressed emotion and relapse of psychopathol-
serves a consultant for Clintara and Bracket. She receives ogy. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 3, 329–352.
Howland, R. H., & Thase, M. E. (1999). Affective disorders: Biological
royalties from the American Psychological Association, aspects. London: Oxford University Press.
New Harbinger, and Oxford University Press. Stephanie Johnson, S.  L., & Miller, I. (1997). Negative life events and time to
Roberts serves as a consultant Clintara and receives mone- recovery from episodes of bipolar disorder. Journal of Abnormal
Psychology, 106, 449–457.
tary compensation from them for services rendered but has Jones, S. E. (2001). Circadian rhythms, multilevel models of emotion
no other conflicts to disclose. Dr. Sylvia was a shareholder and bipolar disorder- An initial step towards integration? Clinical
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Klerman, G.  L., Weissman, M.  M., Rousaville, B.  J., & Chev-
United Biosource Corporation and Clintara. She receives ron, E.  S. (1984). Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression.
grant funding from National Institute of Mental Health New York: Basic Books.
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PA R T   V


Gustavo H. Vázquez, Leonardo Tondo, and Ross J. Baldessarini

Those who make many species are the “splitters,” and those who make few are the “ lumpers.”  ( Da rw i n ,   1857)

I N T RODUC T ION describe a syndrome or “disorder.” Are these to be under-

stood as the presence of separate disorders or, instead, as
manifestations of the potential range of clinical features
of one disorder? This question is particularly important for
The term “comorbidity” was coined by Feinstein (1970) to bipolar disorders, which are both complex and changeable
indicate the co-occurrence of more than one clinical con- over time, as well as having unusually high rates of appar-
dition meeting diagnostic criteria for distinct diagnoses, ently “comorbid” conditions (Goodwin & Jamison, 2007;
whether or not one illness is considered of primary inter- Krishnan, 2005).
est. Bipolar disorders very commonly present clinically Indeed, the theoretical limits of bipolar disorder have
with evidence of other, co-occurring major psychiatric, been a fundamental issue for at least two millennia, since
substance-abuse, or personality disorders. In addition, car- Aretæus of Cappadocia reported “mania” and “melancholia”
diovascular and other general medical disorders occur at in the same persons at different times (Adams, 1856). This
higher rates than in persons without bipolar disorder and pattern has been often understood as representing dissimilar
can lead to excess mortality, especially in older patients symptomatic manifestations of a single illness. The view of
(Crump, Sundquist, Winkleby, & Sundquist, 2013; a single disorder incorporating features of mania and mel-
Goodwin & Jamison, 2007; Krishnan, 2005; Kupfer, ancholia continued to develop over the ensuing centuries
2005; Ösby, Brandt, Correia, Ekbom, & Sparén, 2001; (Falret, 1854; Pérez, Baldessarini, Cruz, Salvatore, & Vieta,
Strakowski et al., 1998). The term “comorbidity” in psychi- 2011; Pichot, 2004; Sedler, 1983). The topic became more
atric disorders is not universally accepted, due largely to its complex when Weygandt, then a protégé of Kraepelin’s, real-
conceptual and semantic ambiguity arising from overlap- ized in 1895 that components of both mania and melancho-
ping symptoms between syndromes, particularly of anxi- lia could be observed in the same person at the same time,
ety and mood disorders (Maj, 2005; National Institute of or in rapid succession (Salvatore et al., 2002). By the end of
Mental Health, 2009; van Praag, 1996, 1999; Winokur, the 19th century, Kraepelin proposed that an unprecedently
1990; Wittchen, 1996; Zimmerman & Mattia, 1999). broad range of essentially major affective disorders could
Differentiation of clinical features as representing be gathered, at least tentatively, into his concept of “manic-
one or more than one disorder in the same person is not a depressive” illness (Trede et al., 2005). Following a century
mere academic quibble. Controversy and uncertainty arise of efforts to separate bipolar and mainly recurrent depres-
from the question of how to understand the significance sive illnesses and even subtypes within the Kraepelinian
of symptoms of more than one disorder, even if sufficient manic-depressive category, broader concepts are again being
to meet conventional, categorical, diagnostic criteria that considered. Currently under discussion is a range of types

of bipolar disorders, based on descriptive subtypes (types and surely heterogeneous psychiatric (and general medical)
I and II), as well as depression-prone versus mania-prone, entities exist (Baldessarini, 2000; Dulac & Guerrini, 2001;
familial versus sporadic, and with different degrees of ill- Klein, 2005; Mack, Forman, Brown, & Frances, 1994;
ness severity or other potential subdivisions (Baldessarini, McKusick, 1969, 2006). Proposed alternative or supple-
2000; Baldessarini, Tondo, et al., 2012; Baldessarini, mental classifications of psychiatric disorders using dimen-
Undurraga, et al., 2012; Phelps, Angst, Katzow, & Sadler, sional models may also be problematic (Helzer, Kraemer, &
2008; Salvatore et al., 2009, 2011). In addition, bipolar-like Krueger, 2006; Narrow & Kuhl, 2011). For instance, if the
or “bipolar spectrum” disorders, usually conceived as falling dimension of mood in bipolar disorder were described as a
between type I bipolar disorder and recurrent major depres- continuum between melancholia and manic excitation, the
sive disorder, have been explored (Akiskal, 2007; Angst & decision about where to place a border between normality
Gamma, 2008; Angst et al., 2003; Benazzi, 2007; Mitchell, and psychopathology would be uncertain and subjective.
2012; Zimmermann et al., 2009). The upshot of these circumstances is that comorbidities
Questions about the theoretical basis of comorbid- are almost inevitable if currently descriptive and tentative
ity lie at the conceptual heart of psychiatric nosology, diagnostic criteria for “disorders” are taken literally and as
which reflects the very ancient tension between “lumping valid, as well as reliable. Moreover, we suggest that meeting
and splitting” throughout medicine (McKusick, 1969). conventional lists of diagnostic criteria for multiple disor-
That is, many natural phenomena, and certainly psy- ders does not clarify whether a given patient has multiple
chiatric illnesses, can be organized into relatively few or illnesses or one disease with a wide range of symptomatic
into many subgroups. In modern psychiatry, the era pre- expression. Finally, to further complicate the issue, it seems
ceding the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental likely that a condition as complex as bipolar disorder may
Disorders (third edition [DSM-III]; American Psychiatric well have both broad symptomatic variations, as well as risks
Association, 1980) era included proposals to limit diagnos- of co-occurring conditions at rates well above their preva-
tic categories to a handful of relatively clearly character- lence in the general population. As an example that avoids
ized entities, largely for research applications (Feighner et the problem of potentially overlapping psychiatric symp-
al., 1972; Woodruff, Goodwin, & Guze, 1974). However, toms, bipolar disorder patients appear to be at increased
since 1980, psychiatric “disorders” have proliferated to sev- risk of certain general medical disorders (McIntyre et al.,
eral hundreds (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; 2006, 2007; Weber, Fisher, Cowan, & Niebuhr, 2011), as is
World Health Organization, 1994, 2014). The implicit discussed elsewhere in this volume.
hope that some of these would be placed on a sound scien- In addition to its theoretical challenges, the concept of
tific basis with a clear etiology has not been realized. The comorbidity also presents practical problems for diagnosis,
decision by the major international nosological systems to treatment, and research. For example, it is not uncommon
follow a categorical diagnostic scheme virtually guarantees to overlook the presence of bipolar disorder, especially when
proliferation of increasing numbers of entities, regardless of it is not fully or typically expressed, among persons present-
how well established they may be clinically or scientifically ing with depression, anxiety, substance-use, or medical dis-
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013; World Health orders that command clinical attention (Baldessarini et al.,
Organization, 1994, 2013). Their conceptualization as “dis- 2013; Krishnan, 2005; Yatham et al., 2013). In particular,
orders” further forces recognition of multiple conditions identification of hypomania is especially challenging, since
in the same person, even though such classifications may such a state of elation is often considered by affected indi-
not be warranted. Given the limited realms in which psy- viduals as part of their ordinary or even optimal mood and
chopathology can be expressed (as anomalies of thinking, performance. In addition, it is typically unclear how to treat
sensation, mood, or behavior), it would not be surprising complex clinical presentations—especially when to rely pri-
for such systems to recognize entities without clear borders marily on mood-stabilizing treatments for a range of psy-
and distinctions and with overlapping features. An extreme chopathological symptoms in bipolar disorder patients and
position, supported by psychoanalytic views, would be to when to engage in polytherapy directed at symptoms consid-
argue that each individual psychiatric patient is a diag- ered as manifestations of separate illnesses or conditions in
nostic entity unto himself, or that even tentative efforts need of separate treatments (Baldessarini, 2013; Krishnan,
to group similar patients and illnesses is not worthwhile 2005). Additional complications can arise when effects of the
without further scientific justification. Although such treatments themselves produce symptoms that can resemble
“splitting” would hardly serve to support most research or add to those of the condition(s) being treated. Examples
or clinical needs, many examples of extraordinarily broad include the mania-inducing actions of antidepressants

45 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
and depression-resembling effects of antipsychotic agents persons within the same pedigree, and diagnosis of depres-
(Baldessarini, 2013; Goikolea et al., 2013; Tondo, Vázquez, sive illnesses as unipolar when hypomania or mania have
& Baldessarini, 2010). The concept of hierarchical diagnosis not been identified or have not yet occurred is common-
and the principle of parsimony call for limiting the number place, especially in relatively young patients (Axelson et al.,
of diagnoses to a minimum that account for clinical observed 2011; Baldessarini, Faedda, Vázquez, Offidani, & Tondo,
symptoms (Surtees & Kendell, 1979; Walter-Ryan & Fahs, 2013; Birmaher et al., 2009).
1987). Moreover, limiting the number of diagnoses can limit An alternative strategy might be to consider anteced-
use of multiple treatments, especially when evidence of their ents to bipolar disorder, which include anxiety and sub-
necessity, efficacy, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and safety syndromal, as well as major depressive disorders, substance
when combined usually is lacking. abuse, attention disorders, and others, often before clear
For research, it is virtually a truism that most standard manifestations of major episodes of depression, mania,
psychiatric syndromes based on descriptions of signs and hypomania, or mixed states (Baldessarini, Faedda, et  al.,
symptoms are clinically and biologically heterogeneous. 2013; Salvatore, Baldessarini, Khalsa, Vázquez, et  al.,
This circumstance greatly complicates both biological 2014). Again, such temporal evolution does not adequately
and experimental therapeutic research, given the range of distinguish single versus multiple, separate disorders.
clinical types among which to select and to match across Another possible means of addressing the question of
experimental conditions, especially in an illness as complex single or multiple disorders would be to compare thera-
as bipolar disorder. For treatment trials, randomization can peutic responses in comorbid bipolar disorder patients
limit risks of systematic biases but cannot solve the problem versus those without the comorbidity, as well as versus
of the wide range of phenotypic expressions to be studied those with the second condition alone as a primary dis-
(Ghaemi & Thommi, 2010; Ioannidis, 2005). Even clinical order. For example, finding that treatment with lithium
selections among apparently similarly effective treatments or a mood-altering anticonvulsant was effective for anxi-
can be influenced by emphasis on particular symptomatic ety symptoms, as well as manic or depressive features in
features of an illness (e.g., aroused mood and activity vs. comorbid bipolar disorder patients, but not in patients
psychotic thinking in mania; Bourin & Thibaut, 2013). with an anxiety disorder alone, might suggest that anxi-
ety features were part of the range of phenotypic expres-
sions of bipolar disorder. Antidepressants are effective in
anxiety disorders, as well as major depressive disorders,
but given the lack of agreement on the effects of anti-
Means of distinguishing between a single disorder versus depressants in bipolar disorder, interpretation of their
multiple illnesses in bipolar disorder patients considered to possible clinical value in anxiety associated with bipolar
have other disorders are limited and unsatisfactory, espe- disorder as a means of clarifying the single versus mul-
cially when supposedly comorbid conditions can overlap tiple disorder question remains ambiguous (Pacchiarotti
symptomatically with bipolar disorder itself (Krishnan, et al., 2013; Vázquez, Tondo, Undurraga, & Baldessarini,
2005; Parker et al., 2010). Simply meeting diagnostic cri- 2013). In general, such treatment studies are rare
teria for more than one disorder, based on conventional, (Provencher, Guimond, & Hawke, 2012). Some indicate
descriptive criteria in a diagnostic system that requires a poorer responses in supposedly comorbid bipolar disor-
categorical diagnosis, does not resolve the question. der patients, including those with features of anxiety dis-
Family studies in which distinct disorders are present orders (Lee & Dunner, 2008; Simon et al., 2003; Singh &
in different family members can be taken either as evidence Zarate, 2006; Yatham et  al., 2013)  or alcohol abuse
of separate disorders or as support for the view that pheno- (Farren, Hill, & Weiss, 2012), perhaps owing to more
typic expression of complex illnesses, including bipolar dis- severe illnesses. On the other hand, responses to antipsy-
order, can be broad and varied among affected individuals chotic drugs differed little among manic or mixed-state
and their relatives, as well as over time (Baldessarini, Tondo, bipolar disorder patients with or without substance
et al., 2012; Doughty, Wells, Joyce, Olds, & Walsh, 2004; abuse, and, moreover, the substance abuse improved with
Lee & Dunner, 2008; MacKinnon, McMahon, Simpson, this treatment (Sani et al., 2013).
McInnis, & DePaulo, 1997; Wozniak, Biederman, Findings based on treatment response leave uncertain
Monuteaux, Richards, & Faraone, 2002). Notably, it is whether separate disorders are involved, whether having
common to find cases of apparent unipolar major depres- more complex bipolar disorder can sometimes lead to inferior
sion, as well as of types I and II bipolar disorders, in different treatment response, or whether different forms of apparent

N ature and M anagement of C o - occurring P sychiatric I llnesses   •   459

comorbidity may have different relationships to bipolar dis- as arising largely by application of conventional, categorical,
order and to its treatment. In short, none of the preceding diagnostic criteria to support more than one diagnosis.
approaches to testing the single- versus multiple-diagnosis
hypothesis leads to unambiguous conclusions. A  funda-
mental problem is the current general lack of independent
validating measures to support diagnoses in psychiatry.
It is reasonable to hope that advances in genetic and other
biological studies may eventually help to clarify relation- PR E VA L E NC E I N BI P OL A R DI S OR DE R
ships among bipolar disorder and its apparent comorbidities There is strong evidence of elevated prevalence of symp-
(Juli, Juli, & Juli, 2012; Lim et al., 2013; Sullivan, Daly, & toms sufficient to support diagnoses of anxiety disorders in
O’Donovan, 2012). bipolar disorder patients compared to general population


Despite the fundamental theoretical uncertainties regard-
ing the phenomenon, “comorbidity” is a widely employed PR EVALENCE
expression to indicate co-occurrence in the same patient of
symptoms of more than one clinical condition meeting con- Young et al., 1993 GAD 32.0
ventional diagnostic criteria of a standard nosological sys- Kessler et al., 1997 panic + phobias 80.3
tem, such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Chen and Dilsaver, 1995b panic + phobias 41.9
Disorders (fifth edition [DSM-5]; American Psychiatric
Association, 2013) or International Statistical Classification Keck et al., 1995 OCD + PTSD 29.0
of Diseases and Related Health Problems (tenth edition Krüger et al., 1995 OCD 35.0
[ICD-10]) (World Health Organization, 2014). Presumed
comorbid disorders may fall into various categories, such Dilsaver et al., 1997 any 62.3
as mood, anxiety, psychotic, substance-use, or personality Kessler et al., 1997 panic + phobias 80.3
disorders, or may involve general medical conditions. Often
Pini et al., 1997 any 89.0
implicitly, one disorder may be considered of more primary
interest (usually bipolar disorder in psychiatric settings or a Szadoczky et al., 1998 any 48.9
major medical disorder in general medical settings) and oth- McElroy et al., 2001 any 42.4
ers (such as anxiety or substance-use disorders), secondary.
Henry et al., 2003 any 24.0
Anxiety symptoms and syndromes are especially preva-
lent in bipolar disorder patients, but other psychiatric syn- Simon et al., 2004 any 51.2
dromes that have been associated with bipolar disorder Faravelli et al., 2006 GAD + panic 40.0
include attention, conduct, and eating disorders; abuse of
alcohol or drugs; personality characteristics; and general Mantere et al., 2006 any 44.5
medical disorders. Some of these—including conduct and Benedetti et al., 2007 any 68.5
personality disorders, as well as proposals that other forms
Brieger et al., 2007 any 16.0
of affective illness including major depression and dysthymia
can be “comorbid” with bipolar disorder—seem especially Albert et al., 2008 any 41.0
closely related to characteristics of bipolar disorder itself. Tondo, 2015* any 42.6
Most of these conditions are addressed in detail in other
chapters of this volume. Others (e.g., attention and eating
disorders) are less prevalent than anxiety disorders and are Mean various 46.4
not included here. In this chapter, we focus on anxiety-related (95% CI) (36.5–56.3)
symptoms or syndromes found in patients meeting diagnos-
NOTE : GAD =, generalized anxiety disorder; OCD, obsessive-compulsive dis-
tic criteria for types I  or II bipolar disorder, either during order; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder; RR, relative risk. Estimates based
major affective episodes or separately. The anxiety features on only some anxiety disorders may underestimate total risks. Note that risks
were similar in men and women (RR = 0.96; Benedetti et al., 2007), but much
are prevalent clinical phenomena; they are considered here higher in depressive than manic episodes (RR = 1.95; Mantere et al., 2006).
to be of unknown theoretical or biomedical significance and (*) Previously unreported data for this review.

4 6 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
samples. A high prevalence of anxiety symptoms and syn- generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and
dromes is also present in unipolar major depressive disor- posttraumatic stress syndrome (Goldberg & Fawcett, 2012;
der, but they may be even more prevalent among bipolar Table 33.2; Figure 33.1).
disorder patients (Chen & Disalver, 1995a; Simon et  al., Risks of anxiety syndromes appear to be similar among
2003). High rates of diagnosable anxiety disorders among women and men diagnosed with bipolar disorder (Table
bipolar disorder patients have been found in both epide- 33.3). Several studies (Cassano, Pini, Saettoni, & Dell’Osso,
miological (Angst 1998; Chen & Disalver, 1995a, 1995b; 1999; Doughty et  al., 2004; Henry et  al., 2003; Perugi
Goodwin & Hoven, 2002; Kessler, Rubinow, Holmes, et al., 1999; Pini et al., 1997), but not all (Sala et al., 2012;
Abelson, & Zhao, 1997; Merikangas et  al., 2007, 2008, Simon et  al., 2004), have found anxiety disorders more
2011; Sala et  al., 2012; Schaffer et  al., 2010)  and clinical often among bipolar II than bipolar I  disorder patients.
studies (Angst et al., 2010, 2011; Boylan et al., 2004; Henry In our review of research reports and our own previously
et al., 2003; Kauer-Sant’Anna, Kapczinski, & Vieta, 2009; unpublished data, we did not find a difference in the overall
Kessler, Brandenburg, et al., 2005; Kessler, Chiu, Demler, prevalence of anxiety disorders between bipolar disorders
& Walters, 2005; McElroy et al., 2001; Perlis et al., 2004; type I and II (Table 33.4). However, when particular anxi-
Pini et al., 1997; Simon et al., 2004). Approximately 40% ety disorders were considered separately, phobias, as well
to 60% of bipolar disorder patients have met standard diag- as obsessive-compulsive disorders, were identified signifi-
nostic criteria for at least one anxiety disorder at some time cantly more often among type I than type II bipolar disor-
(Perlis et  al., 2004; Sala et  al., 2012; Simon et  al., 2004; der patients (Table 33.5).
Table 33.1). Types of syndromes associated with bipolar Anxiety symptoms or syndromes also are prevalent
disorder include panic disorder, social and specific phobias, antecedents of bipolar disorders, sometimes years earlier



Fogarty et al., 1994 — 18.4 — — —

Chen and Dilsaver 1995a 20.8 — — — 21.0
and 1995b

Kessler et al., 1997 32.9 58.6 42.4 38.8 —

Angst, 1998 35.6 12.6 — — 5.19

McElroy et al., 2001 20.1 12.5 3.13 3.13 4.86

Rihmer et al., 2001 8.43 14.0 12.6 — —

Goodwin and Hoven, 2002 35.0 — — — —

Simon et al., 2004 17.5 30.3 18.3 17.1 9.89

Grant et al., 2005 19.0 21.8 21.8 — —

Faravelli et al., 2006 16.0 — 24.0 — —

Mantere et al., 2006 24.1 27.8 15.2 10.5 2.09

Benedetti et al., 2007 40.0 — — — 48.0

Merikangas et al., 2007 28.0 36.5 37.8 32.8 22.8

Albert et al., 2008 10.5 6.67 16.2 — 13.3

Tondo et al., 2013 33.4 1.66 7.41 0.39 4.87

Mean 24.4 21.9 19.9 17.1 14.7

(95% CI) (18.7–30.1) (11.1–32.6) (11.0–28.7) (0.62–33.6) (3.2–25.8)

NOTE: GAD = generalized anxiety disorder; OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; CI = confidence interval.

N ature and M anagement of C o - occurring P sychiatric I llnesses   •   4 61



Kessler et al., 92.9 (29) — —

GAD 1997
Angst, 1998 — 57.6 (59) —

McElroy et al., 41.8 (239) 44.9 (49) 0.93


Simon et al., 52.8 (360) 46.1 (115) 1.15

OCD 2004

Mantere et al., 35.6 (90) 52.5 (101) 0.68

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 2006
Lifetime Prevalance [±CI]
Merikangas 86.7 (82) 89.2 (102) 0.97
Figure 33.1 
Mean lifetime prevalence (with confidence interval) et al., 2007
of anxiety disorders co-occurring with bipolar disorders.
GAD = generalized anxiety disorder; PTSD = posttraumatic stress Albert et al., 40.9 (44) 41.0 (61) 1.00
disorder; OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder. Based on data 2008
summarized in Table 33.2.
Tondo, 2015a 44.8 (259) 39.9 (213) 1.13

Weighted 50.2 (1103) 51.9 (700) 0.97

and in youth (Salvatore, Baldessarini, Khalsa, Vázquez, Average (N) (31.0–69.4) (36.3–67.2) (0.74–1.21)
et al., 2014). In addition, rates of newly emerging mania (95% CI)
or hypomania in placebo-controlled trials of antidepres-
NOTE : Random effects meta-analysis also indicated no significant difference
sant treatment for juvenile anxiety disorders are at least by diagnostic subtype (RR = 0.999; 95% CI: 0.871–1.12).
as high as in trials for juvenile depression (Offidani, Fava, a
Previously unreported data provided for this review.
Tomba, & Baldessarini, 2013). This finding might sug-
gest that anxiety, as well as depression, may sometimes
precede clinical expression of typical bipolar disorder; Salvatore, Baldessarini, Khalsa, Indic, et al., 2013).
alternatively, the mood switches involved may some- Episodes of anxiety syndromes, as well as of mania,
times be due to adverse effects of antidepressant treat- depression, and mixed states, can recur episodically over
ment (Tondo et al., 2010). In addition, first episodes of time among bipolar disorder patients (Strakowski et
bipolar disorder often include admixtures of anxiety, al., 1998). Sometimes, in bipolar disorder patients fol-
depression, and sleep disturbances (McElroy et al., 2001; lowed longitudinally, anxiety syndromes may be more
prominent than other typical features of bipolar disor-
Table 33.3.  COMPAR ISON OF CO-OCCUR R ENCE der (Freeman, Freeman, & McElroy, 2002; McIntyre et
OF ANXIETY SY NDROMES IN MOOD DISOR- al., 2007, 2012; Yatham et al., 2013). However, as dis-
DERS: MEN VERSUS WOMEN cussed previously, such findings do not necessarily clar-
ify whether the anxiety features are part of the spectrum
R ISK of manifestations of bipolar disorder or an indication of
the presence of two distinct disorders. Moreover, quanti-
BD-I 50/115 (43.5%) 66/144 (45.8%) 0.95
fication of the distribution of particular anxiety features
BD-II 39/92 (42.4%) 46/121 (38.0%) 1.16 with or independently of other typical components of
All BD 89/207 (43.0%) 112/265 (42.3%) 1.02 bipolar disorder remains to be studied.
There is a basis of clinical suspicion that anxiety
symptoms are more likely during depressive or mixed
UP-MDD 99/186 (53.2%) 191/346 (55.2%) 0.96 manic-depressive episodes than in mania or hypoma-
nia, but such associations have rarely been studied sys-
NOTE: Unpublished data, provided by Tondo (2015).
tematically. However, a recent prospective study found

4 62   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S


Phobias 21.2 (0.71 to 41.7) 13.2 (0.41 to 26.0) 1.61 14.9 <0.0001
Obsessive-compulsive 8.56 (4.57 to 12.5) 5.75 (0.04 to 11.5) 1.49 3.96 0.047

Posttraumatic stress disordera 9.38 (–5.53 to 24.3) 6.71 (–2.42 to 15.8) 1.40 2.97 0.085

Panic disorder 23.3 (9.10 to 37.5) 24.1 (11.6 to 36.6) 0.97 0.67 0.413

Generalized anxiety disorder 10.1 (–3.20 to 20.2) 9.64 (1.42 to 17.9) 1.05 0.07 0.787

NOTE: For specific syndromes: data from McElroy et al. (2001); Simon et al. (2004); Mantere et al. (2006); Albert et al. (2008); Tondo (2013). Data are for
lifetime risk except Mantere et al. (2006) reported point-prevalence during bipolar depressive episodes.
Total numbers for posttaumatic stress syndrome are 948 bipolar I and 478 bipolar II subjects since Albert et al. (2008) did not report on its prevalence.

that anxiety symptoms were more strongly associated E F F EC T S OF A N X I E T Y ON COU R S E A N D

with depressive than manic phases of bipolar disorder OU TCOM E I N BI P OL A R DI S OR DE R
(Mantere et al., 2010). This observation is consistent with
It is widely accepted that comorbid anxiety symptoms and
an association of anxiety symptoms (but not disorders)
disorders (and other comorbidities) in bipolar disorder
with greater long-term depressive morbidity in bipolar
patients are typically associated with slower or inferior treat-
disorder patients (Coryell et al., 2009). There was also a
ment responses and a worse overall prognosis, as reflected in
strong association of excesses of later anxiety and depres-
greater morbidity and costs associated with mania as well as
sion among bipolar disorder patients whose first-lifetime
depression, and increased risk of substance abuse and of sui-
episode was anxiety or depression (Baldessarini, Tondo,
cide (Albert, Rosso, Maina, & Bogetto, 2008; Feske et al.,
& Visioli, 2013). These observations may suggest some
2000; Gao, Chan, et al., 2010; Gaudiano & Miller 2005;
nonindependence of the mood disorder and anxiety
Goldberg & Fawcett, 2012; Judd et al., 2003; Keck, Kessler, &
symptoms. On the other hand, some bipolar disorder
Ross, 2008; Keck et al., 1995; Mantere et al., 2010).
patients never meet diagnostic criteria for an anxiety dis-
Among 500 bipolar I and II disorder patients, onset age
order, and most anxiety disorder patients lack features
was younger and clinical outcomes were generally poorer
typical of bipolar disorder. That is, at least some cases of
among those with anxiety features than among otherwise
bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders seem to represent
similar patients lacking such features (Simon et al., 2004).
separate illnesses (Kessler, Brandenburg, et  al., 2005;
Children diagnosed with bipolar disorder with prominent
Simon et al., 2004).
anxiety symptoms had an earlier age of onset and more hos-
As most population-based studies report lifetime or
pitalizations than those without anxiety (Dickstein et al.,
12-month prevalence rather than current status (point
2005), leaving uncertain whether the relevant factor was
prevalence), they may lead to inflated impressions of over-
early onset or the reported comorbidity.
all comorbid risks, particularly considering that current
morbidity in bipolar disorder is markedly dissimilar at
different times (Parker, 2010) and that the proportion of
time in specific anxious states in bipolar disorder patients
remains to be studied longitudinally. Conversely, since Of particular public health significance, several studies
DSM diagnostic criteria for some anxiety syndromes, such have found that anxiety symptoms accompanying bipo-
as generalized anxiety disorder, require at least six months lar disorder or major depressive disorder were associated
of symptoms, whereas major affective episodes require only with substantially increased risks of suicidal ideation,
two weeks, it is possible to underestimate associations of attempted suicide, and suicide (Goldberg & Fawcett 2012;
anxiety symptoms and major mood disorders (Goldberg & Goldstein et  al., 2012; MacKinnon, Zandi, & Gershon,
Fawcett, 2012). A basic point, again, is that proportions of 2003; Simon, Hunkeler, Fireman, Lee, & Savarino, 2007).
time with anxiety versus other symptoms in bipolar dis- Epidemiological studies in North America and Europe have
order subtypes, considered longitudinally, are not clearly also found higher rates of suicide attempts and suicides,
established. as well as a more severe course, among bipolar disorder

N ature and M anagement of C o - occurring P sychiatric I llnesses   •   4 63

patients with anxiety symptoms or disorders (Angst, Angst, including tricyclics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and
Gerber-Werder, & Gamma, 2005; Angst et  al. 2010; modern serotonin-reuptake inhibitors and serotonin-
Merikangas, 2011; Sala et  al., 2012). Such findings leave norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitors, are standard treat-
uncertain whether suicidal risks are related to anxiety spe- ments for a range of anxiety disorders, as are benzodiaz-
cifically or to more severe or complex bipolar illness. epines. However, their application for anxiety syndromes in
bipolar disorder remains unstudied, at least in part owing
to concern for potential mood- and behavior-destabilizing
T R E AT M E N T OF   A N X I E T Y actions of antidepressants (Baldessarini, 2013; Tondo et al.,
S Y N DROM E S O C C U R R I NG I N  2010). Lithium appears to lack useful anxiolytic activity,
B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R PAT I E N T S although it has been studied only rarely and in few types
of anxiety disorder, including as an adjunct to other treat-
ments for obsessive-compulsive disorder (McDougle, Price,
Goodman, Charney, & Heninger, 1991; Pigott et al., 1991;
Therapeutics research for anxiety syndromes occurring Singh & Zarate, 2006). An alternative suggestion is that
in bipolar disorder patients remains severely underdevel- subtle anxiolytic effects of lithium may occur in mood dis-
oped (Rakofsky & Dunlop, 2011; Singh & Zarate, 2006; orders (Phelps & Manipod, 2012).
Yatham et al., 2013). Recent reviews have noted that there Among anticonvulsants with antimanic or mood-
are very few randomized, controlled trials of either phar- stabilizing effects, carbamazepine was found to be inef-
macotherapies or psychotherapies directed at any type of fective in primary panic disorder (Uhde, Stein, & Post,
anxiety morbidity in bipolar disorder patients, and virtu- 1988), lamotrigine has some evidence of benefit for post-
ally none directed at specific anxiety syndromes or at anxi- traumatic stress disorder and perhaps obsessive-compulsive
ety in particular phases (depression, mixed states, mania/ disorder (Hertzberg et al., 1999; Keck et al., 2006; Mula,
hypomania, euthymia) or types (I vs. II) of bipolar disorder. Pini, & Cassano, 2007; van Ameringen, Mancini, Pipe, &
An alternative approach has been to consider trials of Bennett, 2004), gabapentin may have some benefits in pri-
medicines commonly used in the treatment of bipolar dis- mary social phobia but perhaps not in panic disorder (Keck
orders for their effects on apparently primary anxiety dis- et al., 2006; Mula et al., 2007; Pande et al., 1999, 2000; van
orders (Singh & Zarate, 2006; Yatham et al., 2013). These Ameringen et al., 2004), and pregabalin may be effective in
treatments include lithium, antimanic or mood-stabilizing social phobia and probably is effective in generalized anxi-
anticonvulsants, antipsychotic drugs, and antidepressants. ety disorder (Keck et al., 2006; Mula et al., 2007; Strawn &
With few exceptions, this strategy also has yielded limited Geracioti, 2007; van Ameringen et al., 2004). Valproate is
evidence and very little arising from randomized, con- poorly studied as a treatment for primary anxiety disorders
trolled trials. Moreover, there is an unresolved question of (Bowden 2007; Singh & Zarate 2006; van Ameringen et al.,
whether anxiety symptoms and syndromes encountered in 2004; Yatham et al., 2013) but may have beneficial effects
association with bipolar disorder are entirely equivalent to in generalized anxiety disorder and possibly in panic disor-
those associated with primary anxiety disorders. Similar der (Aliyev & Aliyev, 2008; Keck et al., 2006; Rakofsky &
concerns pertain to comparisons of the characteristics and Dunlop, 2011). Again, systematic assessments of lithium or
treatment of bipolar and nonbipolar forms of major depres- mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants for effects on anxiety fea-
sion (Baldessarini, Vieta, Calabrese, Tohen, & Bowden, tures in bipolar disorder patients are yet to be carried out.
2010; Vázquez et  al., 2013). Moreover, the still poorly There are a few studies of antipsychotic drugs for anxi-
defined natural course of anxiety symptoms and syndromes ety, usually involving modern, second-generation agents.
in bipolar disorder has obvious implications for planning They have yielded inconsistent effects on particular types
for their long-term treatment and clinical management. of primary anxiety disorders (Rakofsky & Dunlop, 2011;
Singh & Zarate, 2006; Vulink, Figee, & Denys, 2011;
Yatham et  al., 2013). For example, risperidone has sup-
portive evidence of efficacy in several controlled trials for
primary obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic
stress disorder (Bartzokis, Lu, Turner, Mintz, & Saunders,
There is some information concerning mood-stabilizing, 2005; Li et al., 2005; Reich, Winternitz, Hennen, Watts, &
antimanic, or antidepressant medicines in the treat- Stanculescu, 2004). Olanzapine has shown inconsistent
ment of primary anxiety disorders. Antidepressants, effects in obsessive-compulsive disorder (Bystritsky et  al.,

4 6 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
2004; Shapira et al., 2004) and has some evidence of efficacy Studies of psychosocial treatments for coexisting anxiety
in posttraumatic stress disorder (Butterfield et  al., 2001; disorders and bipolar disorder also remain rare. Nevertheless,
Stein, Kline, & Matloff, 2002). Aripiprazole appeared to be there is some evidence that cognitive-behavioral methods
effective for some forms of anxiety in open trials, includ- may be effective and possibly even more effective than
ing patients with anxiety syndromes associated with major interpersonal psychotherapy, family therapy, or psychoedu-
depression (Katzman, 2011), consistent with the strong cational programs (Provencher, Hawke, & Thienot, 2011).
epidemiological overlap of anxiety disorders and depres-
sive disorders (Kessler et al., 2003). Quetiapine has shown
inconsistent or weak effects in obsessive-compulsive dis-
order (Altmaca, Kuloglu, Tezcan, & Gecici, 2002; Denys,
de Geus, van Megen, & Westenberg, 2004; Fineberg, Another potential source of treatments to be tested for
Sivakumaran, Roberts, & Gale, 2005) but has been prom- anxiety disorders associated with bipolar disorder are a
ising in generalized anxiety disorder (Gao, Sheehan, & growing number of experimental treatments for various
Calabrese, 2009). Of note, most of these applications have primary anxiety disorders. Promising preliminary find-
been for otherwise treatment-unresponsive cases or as ings for the treatment of anxiety symptoms have been
adjunctive treatments with other anxiolytic agents. reported for such diverse treatments as the antiglutamate
agent riluzole (Pittenger et  al., 2008; Zarate & Manji,
2008), the N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor
antagonist memantine developed to treat dementia (Sani
et  al., 2012), and intranasal ketamine in juvenile bipolar
disorder with prominent fears of harm (Papolos, Teicher,
Very few trials have been reported concerning treatment Faedda, Murphy, & Mattis, 2013). Among nonpharmaco-
of anxiety symptoms or syndromes in bipolar disorder logical methods, repeated transcranial magnetic stimula-
patients. Generally, some second-generation antipsychot- tion, recently Food and Drug Administration–approved
ics may have beneficial effects against anxiety symptoms for treatment of major depression, has been considered
in these patients (Rakofsky & Dunlop, 2011). Risperidone for treatment of anxiety disorders, so far with very limited
has been reported to be ineffective against panic or success (George et al., 2009; Paes et al., 2011; Prasko et al.,
obsessive-compulsive disorders associated with bipolar dis- 2007). Finally, it is important to underscore that none of
order (Rakofsky & Dunlop, 2011; Sheehan et  al., 2009). these experimental approaches has been tested in anxiety
Olanzapine added to lithium was more effective against syndromes associated with bipolar disorder.
anxiety symptoms than was lamotrigine, and olanzapine
was effective in depressed bipolar disorder patients with
anxiety symptoms, even when given as a monotherapy C ONC LUS ION
(Tohen et  al., 2007). Quetiapine, which has beneficial
effects in mania and bipolar depression, was found to This overview indicates that anxiety syndromes are highly
be effective in depressed bipolar I  or II disorder patients prevalent among bipolar disorder patients, affecting per-
(Hirschfeld, Weisler, Raines, & Macfadden, 2006), and, in haps half of them at some time. The prevalence of specific
a recent controlled trial, it was more effective than valpro- anxiety disorders in bipolar disorder patients has ranked:
ate or placebo against generalized anxiety or even panic in panic ≥ various phobias > generalized anxiety > posttrau-
bipolar disorder patients (Sheehan et al., 2013). matic stress disorder ≥ obsessive-compulsive disorder (Table
Mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants have rarely been 33.2). Risks appear to be similar among women and men, as
studied in the treatment of anxiety disorders co-occurring well as in types I and II bipolar disorder (Tables 33.3 and
with bipolar disorder. However, at least one trial found val- 33.4). Type II bipolar disorder may carry a higher risk of
proate to be effective for panic disorder in bipolar disorder phobias and possibly of obsessive-compulsive disorder than
patients, even for those who had responded poorly to anti- type I disorder (Table 33.5). Specific details of the longitu-
depressants (Perugi et al., 2010). There is also an observation dinal distribution of anxiety symptoms over time in bipo-
of greater risk of anxiety disorder morbidity among bipolar lar disorder patients, and of their possible association with
disorder patients who had received less mood-stabilizer particular components of bipolar disorder, require clarifica-
treatment, but cause-and-effect relationships in this asso- tion. Well-designed therapeutic trials for particular anxi-
ciation are not clear (Gao, Kemp, et al., 2010). ety syndromes co-occurring with specific types of bipolar

N ature and M anagement of C o - occurring P sychiatric I llnesses   •   4 6 5

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This chapter was supported in part by a research award Baldessarini, R. J. (2000). Plea for the integrity of the bipolar disorder
concept. Bipolar Disorders, 2, 3–7.
from the Aretæus Foundation of Rome and by the Lucio Baldessarini, R.  J. (2013). Chemotherapy in psychiatry (3rd ed.).
Bini Private Donors Research Fund to Leonardo Tondo, New York: Springer.
and by a grant from the Bruce J.  Anderson Foundation Baldessarini, R. J., Faedda, G. L., Vázquez, G. H., Offidani, E., & Tondo,
L. (2013). Rate of new-onset mania or hypomania in patients diag-
and the McLean Private Donors Research Fund to Ross nosed with unipolar major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders,
J. Baldessarini. 148, 129–135.
Baldessarini, R.  J., Tondo, L., Vázquez, G.  H., Bolzani, L., Khalsa,
Disclosure statement: No author or immediate family mem- H.-M. K., Lai, M., . . . Tohen, M. (2012). International study of func-
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entities that might represent potential conflicts of interest Baldessarini, R. J., Tondo, L., & Visioli, C. (2014). First-episode types
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Psychiatrica Scandinavica 129(5), 383–392.
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4 70   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Giulio Perugi and Giulia Vannucchi

INTRODUCTION World Health Organization, 1994) has followed this trend,

and cyclothymia received a large empirical validation as a
The relationship between severe melancholic and manic bipolar spectrum disorder. For this reason it remained in
states and attenuated or subclinical and temperamental the fourth (DMS-IV) and fifth (DSM-5) editions of the
forms of mood disorders has been recognized since antiq- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
uity. In modern psychiatry, the term cyclothymia was (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, 2013).
introduced by Hecker in 1877 (Koukopoulos, 2003); his Epidemiological data largely confirmed the spectrum
accurate clinical characterizations make him the forerun- model of mood disorders:  it is estimated that the 4% to
ner of modern descriptions of cyclothymic and bipolar II 5% of the general population suffers from predominantly
disorders. Kraepelin included within manic-depressive depressive manifestations associated with short-lasting and
illness the “attenuated depressive conditions alternated attenuated hypomanic symptoms (Angst & Marneros,
with episodes of manic excitement of lower intensity” and 2001). Based on these observations, the four-days dura-
described long-lasting, stable depressive, manic (hyperthy- tion threshold required for the DSM hypomania diagnosis
mic), cyclothymic, or irritable temperamental traits (which has been criticized: this definition does not permit proper
he referred to as basic states). identification of cyclothymic forms, which present short
Since the 1960s, the broader Kraepelinian concept hypomanic episodes and result as the most common phe-
of manic-depressive illness has been replaced by the notypes of mood disorder in the general population (Angst
unipolar–bipolar distinction introduced by Leonhard, et al., 2010).
Angst, and Winokur. This has probably contributed to rel- Despite its epidemiological relevance, cyclothymia
egate subsyndromal chronic affective forms in the context remains understudied from clinical and therapeutic
of the so-called personality disorders, as suggested in the points of view, and most of the research on bipolar disor-
second revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual der (BPD) is focused on bipolar I manic and depressive
of Mental Disorders (2nd ed., American Psychiatric episodes. This is partly due to the fact that in current
Association, 1968), the Research Diagnostic Criteria, classifications specific symptoms for cyclothymia are not
and the ninth revision of the International Statistical provided, except for the reduced intensity of mood epi-
Classification of Diseases (World Health Organization, sodes and protracted duration (more than two years). In
1975). Mostly thanks to the contribution of Hagop the DSM-5, diagnostic criteria for cyclothymic disorder
S.  Akiskal (Akiskal, Djenderedjian, Rosenthal, & Khani, included “numerous period of ” hypomanic and depres-
1977), during the past century, the unipolar–bipolar sive “symptoms that do not met criteria for hypomania
dichotomy revealed did not fit the clinical reality, and the and major depressive episode.” No specific type or cut-off
diagnosis of “cyclothymic disorder” was included in the number of symptoms is required. This definition is
third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of likely to increase the overlap with Cluster B personality
Mental Disorders (3rd ed. [DSM-III]; American Psychiatric disorders. However, the fact that coexistence of lifetime
Association, 1980)  in the chapter on “Mood Disorders”. manic, hypomanic, and depressive episodes does not per-
Subsequently the International Statistical Classification of mit the diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder is highly ques-
Diseases and Related Health Problems (10th ed. [ICD-10]; tionable. In clinical practice, most cyclothymic patients

4 71
are or have been referred for major affective episodes. dysregulations, problematic behaviors in bipolar patients,
Finally, in DSM-5, like in previous editions, the link and major mood episodes.
between cyclothymia and the other bipolar spectrum
disorders is not appropriately underlined and the conti-
nuity with temperament and personality dispositions is E PI DE M IOL O G IC A L A N D
not mentioned. C L I N IC A L A S PE C T S
These conceptual limitations have negatively affected
the research on cyclothymia. Some authors, however, Among mood disorders, cyclothymia is the one that has
continuing the most “classic” sense of the disorder, received less attention in epidemiological studies, and only
define it as a “temperamental style,” present during the recently prevalence rates in the general population have
largest part of the life beginning in childhood or adoles- become available. This is surprising given the frequency of
cence (Akiskal, 1981; Koukopoulos, 2003). Particularly the disorder in clinical practice. Recent studies conducted
Akiskal has developed the temperamental perspective of in Switzerland reported high lifetime prevalence rates of
cyclothymia, incorporating Kraepelian concept of “basic mood instability and cyclothymic traits ranging from 4%
states” as constitutional expression of manic-depressive to 6% of the general population, with a preponderance of
illness. The criteria for cyclothymic temperament pro- about 2:1 among women. The lifetime prevalence rates
posed by Akiskal et al. (1998) reflect the classic descrip- ranged from 5% to 8% for short episodes of hypomania asso-
tions of sudden mood swings and require three out of ciated with recurrent brief depression and from 6% to 13%
five opposed conditions of each of the following two sets. for subsyndromal bipolarity (Angst et al., 2010; Angst &
The first set includes (a)  hypersomnia versus decreased Marneros, 2001).
need for sleep; (b)  introverted self-absorption versus The prevalence of cyclothymia in clinical populations
uninhibited people-seeking; (c)  taciturn versus talk- is even higher:  more than 30% of depressed outpatients
ative; (d)  unexplained tearfulness versus buoyant jocu- (Hantouche et al., 1998) and 50% of those suffering from
larity; and (e) psychomotor inertia versus restless pursuit obsessive-compulsive disorder present a cyclothymic tem-
of activities. The second set includes (a)  lethargy and perament (Hantouche et  al., 2003). This figure was also
somatic discomfort versus eutonia; (b) dulling of senses confirmed in general practice settings, where it is assumed
versus keen perceptions; (c) slow-witted versus sharpened that observed cases are less severe (Manning, Haykal,
thinking; (d) shaky self-esteem alternating between low Connor, & Akiskal, 1997).
self-confidence and overconfidence; and (e)  pessimistic The clinical presentation of cyclothymia is particularly
brooding versus optimism and carefree attitudes. The rich in psychopathological manifestations, which are mainly
bipolar nature of cyclothymic temperament is supported expressed as behavioral disorders and impaired interper-
by a series of studies that have highlighted the strong sonal relationships. In this sense, the DSM-IV description,
propensity of these subjects to switch toward hypoma- essentially based on the presence of mood symptoms, can be
nia and/or mania when treated with antidepressants misleading. This is the main limitation of current diagnos-
and to have a positive family history for BPD (Angst & tic classifications, which result in a generalized tendency to
Marneros, 2001; Koukopoulos, 2003). underestimate cyclothymia and its clinical relevance.
A source of diagnostic difficulties is derived from the The intensity of mood swings is generally limited,
fact that some of the core characteristics of cyclothymia, although in many cases major affective episodes of both
such as affective instability, mood reactivity, and extreme polarities may be present. Cyclothymic subjects have con-
emotionality, are reported in DSM-IV as in DSM-5 among tinuous and irregular “highs” and “lows” of mood for
the criteria of a dramatic cluster of personality disorders. extended periods of time; mood switches are often abrupt,
Many criteria proposed by the manual for histrionic and while interposed periods of relative mood stability are
borderline personality disorders seem to describe some infrequent. The unpredictability of mood swings is a major
aspects of cyclothymia from a different perspective and cause of distress, as it weakens self-esteem and produces
favor the misdiagnosis of many patients, especially in the considerable instability in terms of vocation, behavior, and
early phases of the disorders. Moreover, the tendency to personal relations.
include many of the characteristics of cyclothymia in per- Mood reactivity expressed as extreme sensitivity to physi-
sonality disorders limits the probability of understand- cal, chemical, and psychological stimulations, often associated
ing the existing relationship among stable temperamental with the tendency to amplify emotional reactions in terms of

4 7 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
intensity and duration, is a stable characteristic present since ideas. The fear of being rejected, turned away, and disap-
adolescence. Exaggerated positive and negative emotional proved of may heighten the tendency to want to please oth-
reactions can be triggered by any sort of external stimuli, ers with submissive behaviors and excessive dedication, even
either psychological (e.g., falling in love vs. sentimental disap- resulting in hyperempathy and “pathological altruism.” The
pointments), environmental (e.g., meteorological changes or oscillation between complacency and excessive feelings of
changes of time zone), physical (e.g., immobility vs. hyperac- anger/hostility, between inhibition and behavioral disin-
tivity), or chemical (e.g., medications and alcohol or drugs). hibition, results in stormy, unstable, and difficult to man-
The cyclothymics react to favorable events with joy, age relational, familial, working, and emotional patterns.
enthusiasm, initiative, and dynamism that sometimes turn Individuals with such a mood reactivity, when switching
into excessive euphoria and impulsiveness. In the case of toward exhilaration, often seek sentimental and interper-
negative events (real or experienced as such) they become dis- sonal relationships; on the contrary, dysphorics tend to iso-
tressed and experience feelings of deep prostration, sadness, late themselves from the others. Indeed, the youth of many
and extreme fatigue. They can become tactless and hostile, or of these patients can be a continuous succession of tempes-
in many cases they have explosions of rage following minor tuous short and intense sentimental relations with often
disputes, although subjectively amplified, which have the unsuitable or unlikely partners. What appears to most
effect of triggering “avalanche” reactions with destructive afflict these patients is their periodic swinging between
consequences on their interpersonal life. In these circum- behavioral inhibition and activation, which prompts them
stances even minor adversity and frustrations may precipitate toward interpersonal relations, situations in which they
clamorous reactions or self-harming gestures. These features respond afterward with an avalanche of hardly manageable
show that the interpersonal relationships domain is usually emotional reactions, creating a path full of existential dra-
the most impaired in cyclothymia. In this context, the hypo- mas and tragedies.
manic episodes are not easily identifiable, especially keeping The other great dimension of cyclothymia is impul-
in mind the four-days’ duration criteria requested by DSM. siveness, which is also closely related to mood reactivity.
Indeed, in many cases elated phases last for one or two days Impulsivity determines sensation/novelty-seeking and
or even less, and they can easily be confused with a state of self-stimulation behaviors, which amplifies during elated
“normal” excitement. The mood swings may assume a circa- phases (Perugi & Akiskal, 2002). In many cases this is the
dian component with biphasic characteristics, such as leth- starting ground for the development of true impulse control
argy alternated with euphoria, reduced verbal productivity disorders such as pathological gambling and compulsive
alternated with excessive loquacity, or low self-esteem alter- sexuality in men and compulsive buying and binge eating
nated with excessive trust in their own abilities. in women. Cyclothymia also represents a fertile ground
Mood reactivity is closely related to interpersonal sensi- for drug abuse (Maremmani, Perugi, Pacini, & Akiskal,
tivity, defined as the peculiar disposition to misperceive ele-
ments of personal deficiency and weak self-esteem, resulting
in high sensitivity to judgment, criticism, and rejection by Box 34.1  PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS
others. Mood reactivity and interpersonal sensitivity seem OF CYCLOTHYMIA
to represent the affective and cognitive aspects of the same
Sensitivity to rejection
psycho(patho)logical dimension, respectively. Mood insta-
Sensitivity to separation and affective dependency
bility of the cyclothymic type is strongly related to mood
Pathological jealousy
reactivity and interpersonal sensitivity, suggesting the exis-
Excessive need to please others
tence of a common background (Perugi, Toni, Travierso,
Sensitivity to judgment and criticism
& Akiskal, 2003) The main psychological consequences of
Compulsive need for compliments and emotional rewards
cyclothymia are summarized in Box 34.1..
Tendency to test and exceed limits in interpersonal
In many cyclothymic subjects, susceptibility to rejection
and disapproval by others is a major source of distress. They
Novelty seeking mixed with harm avoidance
are promptly offended and sensitive to the possibility of
being wounded, with feelings of hostility and anger toward
Compulsive and impulsive behaviors
those who evocate these reactions and who are considered
Lack of future projection
responsible for their sufferance. When emotional reactions
Shaky self-esteem, from low self-confidence to
are very intense, the sensitivity may favor the onset of more
or less transient tendency to interpretation and overvalued

M anagement of C yclothymia and C omorbid P ersonality D isorders   •   4 7 3

2006). Sensation-seeking behavior and a high sensitivity vs. 10%), and passive-aggressive (21% vs. 7%), and less fre-
to substances encourage the use of alcohol, stimulants, and quently with narcissistic (7% vs. 0%).
cocaine, as well as hypnotics and sedatives. In some subjects, Recently, a large, multinational, cross-sectional study
for environmental reasons, mood instability and impulsiv- (Angst et  al., 2011:  BRIDGE) was conducted on 5,635
ity combined with substance abuse can favor the emergence patients with major depressive episode, recruited and
of antisocial conduct with legal problems. evaluated by community and hospital-based psychiatrists.
Due to this great variety of pathological behaviors and A descriptive, bottom-up approach to assess validity of dif-
to the coexistence of contradictory psychopathological ele- ferent definitions of hypomania was applied (Angst et  al.,
ments such as anxiety and impulsiveness, cyclothymic sub- 2011). The validity of DSM-IV BPDs diagnosis was com-
jects often meet the DSM criteria for cluster B “dramatic” pared with a “bipolar specifier.” This latter was defined on
or “emotional” personality disorders. Histrionic, narcis- the basis of the presence of hyperactivity/increased energy as
sistic, and borderline disorders have broad symptomatic entrance criteria for hypomania, together with elated or irri-
areas in common with cyclothymia, such as “emotional table mood, the elimination of the duration criteria, and the
instability” and excessive “mood reactivity”. Also, personal- inclusion of drugs/substance-induced episodes. The speci-
ity disorders are defined by behavioral and emotional pat- fier definition resulted more associated than DSM-IV to all
terns with onset during adolescence or early adulthood, so the explored external validators of bipolarity such as family
severe as to condition impairment in several areas. In many history of BPDs, history of switches with antidepressants,
cases, the distinction between cyclothymia and histrionic early age at onset, number of previous episodes, presence of
or borderline personality disorders mainly depends on the mixed features, and comorbidity with other mental disor-
perspective and moment of observation rather than on real ders. In this sample, 9.3% of the patients showed current
clinical differences (Levitt, Joffe, Ennis, MacDonald, & comorbidity with BPD; they reported more frequently than
Kutcher, 1990). patients without comorbid BPD a diagnosis of bipolar speci-
fier (72.6% vs. 44.5%, p < .0001; Perugi et al., 2013a, 2013b).
Bipolar disorder rates were significantly different—also uti-
C YC L O T H Y M I A A N D lizing a more restrictive definition of bipolar specifier with at
PE R S ON A L I T Y DI S OR DE R S least a two-day (respectively, 67.4% vs. 42.3%, p < .0001) or
at least a four-day (respectively, 55.2% vs. 36.7%, p < .0001)
Defining cyclothymia simply as the succession of “numer- duration of hypomania. A diagnosis of bipolar specifier was
ous depressive and hypomanic symptoms” for a period of strongly and independently predicted by the presence of spe-
two years is a bit like defining a storm as the mere combina- cific Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
tion and rapid mixing of air and water for a period of hours. (fourth edition, text revision [DSM-IV-TR]; American
Affective instability, impulsivity, emotional lability, and Psychiatric Association, 2000)  criteria for BPD:  unstable
hyperreactivity and their psychological consequences such and intense interpersonal relationships; impulsivity in at
as interpersonal rejection and separation sensitivity can be least two areas potentially self-damaging; affective instabil-
misinterpreted as the result of character disturbances or per- ity owing to a marked reactivity of mood; and inappropri-
sonality problems rather than as specific cyclothymic fea- ate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger. The two
tures. This is the main source of debate about the syndromal groups showed statistically significant differences with
and behavioral overlap between cyclothymia and Cluster B regard to early age at onset; family history of BPD; history
personality disorders, otherwise described as “dramatic,” of antidepressant-induced hypomanic switches; seasonality
“amplifying-emotional,” “fickle,” or “unpredictable.” of mood episodes; history of suicide attempts; prior mood
Very few data are available on the co-occurrence of episodes (≥4); rates of current psychiatric comorbidity; and
cyclothymia and personality disorders. In fact, the major- presence of current psychotic symptoms, mixed states, atypi-
ity of the studies have evaluated personality traits during cal features, and resistance to treatment. All of these features
depressive episodes or in major depressive or BPD patients. can be considered reliable external validators of bipolarity
In a study by Alnæs and Tæorgensen (1989), cyclothymics and were more common in depressive patients with than
with a major depressive episode were compared with purely in those without comorbid BPD. These findings suggest a
depressed patients: cyclothymia in depressive patients was strong correlation between BPD and BPD in patients with
highly associated with Cluster B and C personality disor- major depressive episode, with important clinical and thera-
ders according to DSM-III criteria, particularly borderline peutic implications. Specific and clinical features of cyclo-
(28% vs. 10%), avoidant (83% vs. 53%), histrionic (28% thymia are highlighted in Box 34.2

4 74   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S

Complex clinical picture Borderline Personality

“Dark” hypomania (impulsivity, irritability)
Efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonments
Lack of clear-cut episodes
Unstable and intense interpersonal relationships
Rich comorbidity (anxiety, impulse-control disorders, sub-
Self-identity disturbance
stance abuse)
Young age at onset (adolescent/juvenile)
Recurrent suicidal and self-harming behaviors
Multitude of psychological dysfunctions
Affective instability, intense mood reactivity
Overlap with Cluster B and C personality disorders
Chronic feelings of emptiness
Complicated patient–doctor relationships
Rage, hostility
Minor response to conventional approaches
Paranoid ideas or severe transient, stress-related dissociative
Frequent exposure to antidepressants
Focus treatment on specific clinical targets
DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for borderline, narcissistic,
and histrionic personality disorders describe some aspects Histrionic Personality
of the cyclothymic picture from a different perspective. In
Attention seeking
particular, the histrionic profile is characterized by change-
Seductive or provocative behavior
ability, superficiality, and exasperated emotional expressive-
Rapid shifting or shallow expression of emotions
ness, while borderline personality criteria include sensitivity
Physical appearance to draw attention
to separation, affective instability, emotional reactivity,
Impressionistic and lack of details
unjustified anger and hostility, impulsivity, instability of
Exaggerated expression of the emotion
interpersonal relationships, and suicidal tendencies. DSM-5
Considers relationships more intimate than they actually are
borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders
criteria are summarized in Box 34.3 Narcissistic Personality
In the past decades the debate has mainly involved the
relationships between bipolar spectrum and BPD. The term Grandiose sense of self-importance, exaggerates achieve-
borderline represents the interface between the psychiatric ments, talents, etc.
tradition and psychoanalysis (Stone, 2006). Used for the Fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, or ideal love
first time in the late 19th century to indicate conditions Believes he or she is “special” and unique
difficult to place between psychosis and neurotic disorders, Requires excessive admiration
in the 1920s it was adopted in the field of psychoanalysis Unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment
for those conditions not easily treatable with psychotherapy Interpersonally exploitative
but neither clearly refractory. In other words, these patho- Lacks empathy, unwilling to recognize the feelings and
logical conditions were considered “borderline” in rela- needs of others
tion to psychosis. Hypersensitivity to criticism, tendency Envies and/or believes that others are envious
to depression, ego weakness, infantilism, tantrums, and Arrogance, haughty behaviors or attitudes
impulsivity were described among the first characteristics
of the disorder. Kernberg (1967) coined the description of
“borderline personality organization,” meaning the term overestimate judgments loaded with emotional meanings
personality as a peculiar organization of psychic life of the (“overvalued or prevailing ideas”), and on the other hand
self. He proposed a distinction between a higher level of for a weakening of the sense of self-identity.
mental organization or “neurotic” type, in which the sense Later the term borderline was used to indicate multiple
of self-identity and reality testing were preserved, and a ideas: (a) secondary manifestation to a developmental arrest
lower or “psychotic” type in which both were grossly com- in the phase of separation-individuation; (b) a particularly
promised. According to this distinction, the borderline per- “difficult” patient; (c) different types of patients, in a range
sonality organization would be characterized on one hand including individuals with near-psychosis to those with ana-
by the reality-testing conservation, except for a tendency to lytical depression and excellent functioning; (d) a peculiar

M anagement of C yclothymia and C omorbid P ersonality D isorders   •   4 75

narcissistic insult; and (e) a personality disorder defined by In a German study that rigorously evaluated “subaf-
more objective and easily measurable operational criteria fective personality disorders,” BPD patients and those
(Gunderson & Singer, 1975). with cyclothymic-irritable temperament presented con-
This concept of BPD became one of the two matrices (the siderably overlapping clinical pictures (Sass, Herpertz, &
other was represented by the Kernberg [1967] borderline per- Steinmeyer, 1993). In addition, the borderline personal-
sonality organization) from which the description of BPD ity has been demonstrated to be a predictive factor for
officially entered in 1980 into the Axis II of the DSM-III. antidepressant-induced hypomania (Levy, Kimhi, Barak,
The influence of Kernberg and later that of Gunderson Aviv, & Elizur, 1998; Stone, 2006). Even long-term
(Gunderson & Singer, 1975)  is the main reason for BPD follow-up studies suggested a close relationship between
inclusion among Axis II disorders, rather than Axis I, despite BPD and mood disorders, considering the great number of
its diagnostic criteria referring more to symptoms than to young borderline patients who developed, over the years, a
temperamental and character traits. Indeed, BPD shows a frank bipolar I  or, more frequently, bipolar II disorder or
peculiarity regarding to its diagnostic definition codified recurrent depression.
by the nine DSM-IV criteria (one more than in DSM-III). On the basis of these data, Akiskal suggested that the
A personality trait is assumed to represent a stable and usual BPD psychopathological core would be represented by a
pattern of psychological functioning. It should be noted defective “mood regulation,” at least for many patients.
that only three of the nine DSM-IV criteria for BPD respect In such a patient, the disorder would be so stable and
this assumption: impulsivity, affective instability, and anger. long-lasting to provoke “character” manifestations similar
These traits are defined as describing strongly symptomatic to pathological traits and marked maladjustment. In this
behaviors as well. This is a difference between BPD and other perspective the chronic affective disorder would be con-
personality disorders, for which the diagnostic criteria refer sidered as primary and the maladaptive traits and behav-
to proper personality traits. One of the consequences of the iors cluster that address the diagnosis of BPD would be
choice of defining a personality disorder through the symp- secondary.
toms rather than the traits is it exposes it to a certain interpre- Essential elements of BPD affective dysregulation are
tation variability: the diagnostic criteria of BPD characterize the extreme reactivity and mood lability that, together with
nonspecific manifestations that are strongly related to mood interpersonal sensitivity, may be the substrate for some of
disorders in general and to cyclothymia in particular, such the common elements among cyclothymia, hysteroid dys-
as (a)  separation anxiety, (b)  stormy lifestyle, (c)  impulsive phoria, atypical depression, and BPD. In fact, interper-
behaviors, (d)  suicidal threats or conduct, (e)  unprovoked sonal conflicts, sexual promiscuity, poor job performance,
and intense anger, (f)  mood reactivity and instability, and working and geographical instability, substance abuse,
(g) brief psychotic episodes developed on affective and para- sociorelational mismatch, antisocial conduct and possible
noid backgrounds, not typically schizophrenic. legal problems, economic vagaries, financial troubles, and
This description makes BPD an extremely heteroge- self-harming tendencies could be interpreted as the result
neous entity; therefore it is not surprising that it is regu- of long-term rapid emotional swings and excessive mood
larly associated with several other mental and personality reactivity (Akiskal, Khani, & Scott-Strauss, 1979). The
disorders. Among the Axis I  disorders, depression, BPD, recurrent suicide attempts and other self-harm acts may
eating disorders, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, disso- reflect despair and hopelessness; unstable and tumultuous
ciative disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and impul- relationships may result from low self-esteem and excessive
sive aggressiveness are more frequently found in association impulsiveness. In this context, Akiskal et  al. (1977) sug-
with BPD. Cyclothymia, not surprisingly, shares this pat- gested that many forms of minor social deviance may actu-
tern of comorbidity. ally originate from attenuated, unrecognized, or masked,
To date, the question of the relationship between BPD potentially treatable affective disorders.
and bipolar spectrum remains unresolved. Some of the BPD However, it should be noted that many authors with
diagnostic criteria really show a strong affective connota- great experience in this area minimize the affective compo-
tion: unprovoked anger, affective instability, suicidal tenden- nent in BPD and ascribe the extreme emotional and behav-
cies, unstable relationships. High prevalence of cyclothymia ioral derangement to physical and psychological abuse. In
and/or attenuated bipolar spectrum disorders has been docu- summary, several hereditary, biological, and environmen-
mented in different series of borderline patients and, vice versa, tal factors contribute in various ways to determine this
the prevalence of borderline personality traits is very high process. Examining different and opposite points of view,
among cyclothymic patients (Levitt et al., 1990; Stone, 1990). authors can be divided into two groups: on the one hand

476   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
are those who give priority to constitutional factors, and on et al., 2003). Severe manifestations such as psychotic symp-
the other are those who attribute the disease to character- toms and serious psychomotor disorders are generally rare.
ological development-related events. Although cyclothymia can be observed in some patients
Donald Klein proposed a broad hypothesis arguing the with full-blown manic-depressive disorder (bipolar I), it is
centrality of affective processes underlying the character- more commonly associated with the bipolar type II pattern.
ological pathology of some borderline patients. He and his In a French study on major depression, 88% of subjects with
collaborators described the “emotionally unstable charac- cyclothymic characteristics belonged to the bipolar II sub-
ter disorder” (EUCD), indicating the extreme expression of type (Hantouche et  al., 1998). Akiskal and Pinto (1999)
character pathology of some patients with atypical depres- defined major depression in a cyclothymic background as
sion, which he regarded as outside the bipolar spectrum bipolar II ½ disorder, in order to distinguish it from the
(Rifkin, Levitan, Galewski, & Klein, 1972). According to bipolar II disorder characterized by major depressive epi-
this perspective, patients with EUCD would be character- sodes alternating with protracted hypomania and free
ized by a “poorly developed conscience” and exhibit antiso- intervals (DSM-IV bipolar II disorder).
cial and irresponsible behavior, while cyclothymic patients The National Institute of Mental Health study (Akiskal
would be considered more syntonic and friendly individu- et al., 1995) on originally unipolar patients who switched
als, able to pursue socially acceptable objectives. However, to bipolar II during a long-term perspective follow-up pro-
clinical experience suggests that these two poles are due to vided some important information. The variables that char-
a greater or lesser severity of affective and impulsive symp- acterized at entry the patients with subsequent hypomanic
toms and to the presence or absence of an adequate “good- switches were early age at onset, recurrent depression, high
ness of fit” rather than belonging to two distinct categories. rates of divorce or separation, high rates of scholastic and/
By goodness of fit we mean the possibility that some elements or job maladjustment, isolated “antisocial acts,” and drug
of the environment, as well as expectations and demands, abuse. In addition, the index of depressive episode was
comply with the personality, temperamental characteris- characterized by such features as phobic anxiety, interper-
tics, and lifestyle of the individual. In this perspective, it sonal sensitivity, separation anxiety, obsessive-compulsive
is perhaps easier to understand how cyclothymia and its symptoms, somatization (subpanic symptoms), worsen-
variants may represent the background for antisocial and ing in evening, self-pity, subjective or overt anger, jealousy,
psychopathic behaviors at one end and the extraordinary suspiciousness, and ideas of reference. This pattern points
qualities of adaptability, creativity, and leadership attitude to a broad array of cyclothymic and atypical depressive
at the other end. This is partly due to variables not related to symptoms with comorbid anxious and impulsive features.
mood disorder, such as skills, talents, and intelligence, but Finally, some temperamental attributes of mood lability,
also opportunities, luck, and external influences. energy activity, and daydreaming, already described by
Kretschmer for “cycloid temperament,” have been proven
specific to unipolar depressives who switched to hypo-
C OU R S E mania. Some of these features also broadly overlap with
Cluster B and C personality descriptions.
In cyclothymic subjects, short-lasting hypomanic and Cyclothymia seems to be the basic state of many bipolar
depressive symptomatology alternates beginning in adoles- II depressions, in which mood instability is supported by an
cence, in most cases in a highly unstable way. This complex intrinsic temperamental deregulation. Unfortunately, the
course may often be complicated by the lack of clear-cut epi- major diagnostic systems (ICD-10 and DSM-IV) are ori-
sodes, extremely rich comorbidity, early onset, and overlap ented primarily on symptomatology and do not recognize
with personality disorders. the role of traits and temperamental dispositions.
Usually the depressive phases dominate the clinical pre- A series of follow-up studies conducted since the 1980s
sentation, with the interposition of periods of relative sta- on BPD inpatients provided useful information on the
bility, irritability, or occasional hypomania; cyclothymics long-term course of cyclothymia (Stone, 1990). Many of
most frequently seek physicians’ aid for depressive symp- these patients showed clinical presentations compatible
toms. Depression frequently shows atypical features such with the diagnosis of bipolar II disorder or cyclothymia and,
as mood reactivity, hypersomnia, hyperfagia, and marked along the course of the illness, reported mild cross-sectional
fatigue (leaden paralysis), responsible for significant func- symptoms disproportionate with respect to significantly
tional impairment (Benazzi, 1999; Davidson, Miller, impaired interpersonal relationships. From 3% to 9% of
Turnbull, & Sullivan, 1982; Perugi et  al., 1998; Perugi the sample had committed suicide. Higher rates of suicide

M anagement of C yclothymia and C omorbid P ersonality D isorders   •   4 7 7

correlated with earlier age at initial assessment. Favorable relative risk of (hypo)manic switches or of rapid cycles
prognostic factors were represented by high intelligence, induction further complicates the treatment of cyclothy-
artistic talent, and, in the case of patients who had comor- mic depression.
bid alcohol abuse, ability to follow rehabilitative treatments. In the literature, the reported rates of (hypo)manic
On the contrary, negative prognostic factors, with high risk switches among bipolar depressives treated with anti-
of suicide, were represented by physical or sexual abuse by depressants range from 10% to 70% (Moller & Grunze,
family members, the combination of antisocial traits, and 2000; Thase & Sachs, 2000). The extreme variability of
marked impulsiveness. these estimates is due to the heterogeneity of study designs
In several studies, the suicidal rates of cyclothymic (sampling, settings, symptoms evaluation, randomized
patients are analogous to patients with BDP or schizo- controlled vs. naturalistic, monotherapy vs. combined).
phrenia (Rihmer & Pestality, 1999), which indicates the In this perspective it would seem reasonable to limit the
seriousness of the disorder. However, most cases present a risk assessment of antidepressant-induced (hypo)mania
better long-term prognosis than that of major psychosis. In to randomized, placebo-controlled trials. However, this
fact, many subjects begin to improve after passing the age approach shows several limitations:  such trials are not
threshold of 40 years. This observation is another element primarily designed to assess these issues but are mainly
in common with data on BPD. designed to assess efficacy. Depression rating scales are not
Many studies have explored the possible role of comor- sensitive to correctly detect hypomanic symptoms, espe-
bid personality disorders on the course of mood disorders, cially if mild and soft, until the paradox of misidentifying
particularly depression. Axis II comorbidity has been cor- them as response or remission. Furthermore, side effects
related with premature relapse after remission (Grilo et al., are frequently underestimated in clinical trials because of
2010), less complete or delayed response to pharmacotherapy numerous exclusion criteria that screen out those with risk
alone or to pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy together factors for serious side effects. For example, some poten-
(Bschor, Canata, Muller-Oerlinghausen, & Bauer, 2001; tial risk factors, such as substance abuse or BPD itself
Rothschild & Zimmerman, 2004; Shea, Widiger, & Klein, (Goldberg & Whiteside, 2002), are common exclusion
1992), and, more generally, decreased propensity to respond criteria, which could lead to a worrisome underestimation.
to the treatment for chronic depression (Howland & Therefore, for a more comprehensive examination, data
Thase, 2005). However, there is no consensus regard- derived from case reports, case series, and observational
ing these findings, with several studies not supporting studies that report follow-up should be considered too.
these data or even showing opposite results (Rosenbluth, The literature is rich with reports that antidepressants may
Macqueen, McIntyre, Beaulieu, & Schaffer, 2012). worsen the course of all forms of bipolarity, both acutely
and long term, causing polarity changes, mixed states, sui-
cidality, and cycle acceleration.
T R E AT M E N T S T R AT E G I E S A N D New-generation antidepressants as selective serotonin
PR AC T IC A L M A N AG E M E N T reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin–norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and bupropion are claimed to
Treatment of cyclothymic and bipolar II depression is be less likely prone to induce (hypo)manic “switches” than
surprisingly understudied, especially in comparison with tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). However, this conclu-
mania and unipolar depression. This is incredible, mostly sion mostly derives from pooled analysis of adverse events
considering depressive and hypomanic symptoms are usu- reported in randomized clinical trials (Peet, 1994). In this
ally severe and highly subjected to recurrence. Moreover, context, a switch rate of 4% with SSRIs versus 12% with
in cyclothymics risk of suicide, substance abuse and pejo- TCAs and 4% with placebo has been reported. Randomized
rative impact on functioning are also significantly aug- trials included almost only unipolar patients and only a lim-
mented. These are only few of the reasons why cyclothymia, ited number of bipolar II/soft bipolar patients. Moreover,
especially when personality disorder traits complicate the we know from the experience with SSRI-related sexual
clinical picture, requires more sophisticated and integrated dysfunction that this approach can seriously underestimate
treatment than classical bipolar forms. the prevalence of side effects due to measurement bias. It
Agents such as lithium, valproate, and carbamaze- is likely that hypomania, very frequent with SSRIs and
pine have been studied much more thoroughly in bipolar SNRIs in clinical practice, may be recorded as full remis-
I.  Similarly, only a few controlled studies have focused sion instead of adverse reaction in a significant proportion
on the efficacy of antidepressants in monotherapy. The of cases.

4 7 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
In contrast with these findings, the contemporary lit- treatment of (hypo)manic phases and for their prevention,
erature is extremely rich in case reports and series describ- but there are also several experiences suggesting its effec-
ing (hypo)manic switches with SSRIs, not only in patients tiveness for both acute depression (even as monotherapy)
with major depression but also in those treated for dys- and the prevention of relapse. The data supporting the use
thymia, anxiety, eating disorders, and impulse control of lamotrigine are more limited, particularly because of its
disorders (Perugi & Akiskal, 2002). Although in clinical little utility in acute phases, although it is the only drug
practice when a bipolar diathesis is identified mood stabi- with a Food and Drug Administration indication for the
lizers are recommended, this aid does not seem sufficient prophylaxis of depressive relapses. In our experience, the
to completely prevent antidepressant-induced (hypo)mania use of this anticonvulsant might be circumscribed because
(Bottlender, Rudolf, Strauss, & Moller, 1998). it may cause a transient worsening of anxiety, mostly when
Antidepressants can also worsen bipolar illness in the a panic disorder is associated with the mood disorder. In
long term by causing rapid cycling or cycle acceleration. those cyclothymics with depressive symptoms, history of
These conditions represent a serious worsening of the panic attacks, and prominence of anxiety, valproate is the
course of the illness, often with longer, more frequent, and alternative of choice. There are also some reports, in anx-
more complicated depressive episodes. Usually randomized ious cyclothymic patients, of an antidepressant action of
settings are not adequate to catch the long-term complex valproate; it is also effective in the long term as continua-
nature of the illness and definitively assess cycle accelera- tion and maintenance therapy (Perugi et al., 2010).
tion. In fact, to our knowledge there is only one sufficiently Predictors of lithium response are the clear cyclic course
prolonged study that has attempted to do so (Wehr, Sack, (especially with the pattern excitement–depression–free
Rosenthal, & Cowdry, 1988), and it supports an asso- interval and no more than two episodes per year), “euphoric”
ciation between antidepressant use and cycle acceleration. connotation of the elated phase, alternation between accel-
Observational evidence can be cited both for and against eration and retardation, shorter duration of illness, absence
this association, as is the case with observational evidence of anxiety disorders, family history of mood disorders, and
for many topics. responsiveness to lithium (Young, Cooke, Robb, Levitt,
With this background, some conclusions seem reason- & Joffe, 1993). The predictors of valproate response are
able. Antidepressants may be acutely effective in cyclothy- the mixture of manic and depressive symptoms (mixed
mics, but long-term continuation might be ineffective at states), “dysphoric” connotation of mood, comorbid anxi-
best and harmful at worst. These conclusions lead to the ety disorders (e.g., panic attacks), rapid cycling (at least four
recommendation of limiting as much as possible the use affective episodes per year), long duration of the disease,
of antidepressants to the short-term treatment of major late onset, substance abuse (alcohol, cocaine, sedatives,
depressive episodes, with rapid (perhaps within two to six polyabuse), history of migraine, associated head trauma,
months) discontinuation after recovery. Indeed, this was or neurological abnormalities (Bowden, 2004; Calabrese,
the suggestion of the American Psychiatric Association’s Woyshville, Kimmel, & Rapport, 1993; McElroy, Keck,
(2006) treatment guidelines for BPD, severely criticized by Pope, & Hudson, 1992; Swann et  al., 1997; Vigo &
some clinicians in Europe (Moller & Grunze, 2000). Baldessarini, 2009).
The biggest source of concern is the not-infrequent An alternative or additional possible option is repre-
report of depressive relapse after antidepressants discon- sented by quetiapine, which has been reported to be effec-
tinuation (Altshuler et  al., 2001). Actually, the two pos- tive in the treatment of acute bipolar I  and II depression
sibilities are not contradictory, but this represents a major (Hirschfeld, Weisler, Raines, & Macfadden, 2006; Thase
dilemma for clinicians: how to identify patients who, with et  al., 2006). Long-term efficacy and side effects, such
long-term use of antidepressants, develop an increasing as sedation and weight gain, might limit its utility in the
frequency of episodes and rapid cycling and those who, treatment of cyclothymia. Antidepressants should be added
when antidepressant medications are discontinued, tend to only in the most severe or resistant forms, always in combi-
produce depressive recurrences. The strongest predictor of nation with mood stabilizers; high dosages of antidepres-
antidepressant-induced switch is a history of past switch- sants and their presumably synergistic combination should
ing: for such patients antidepressants should be avoided. be avoided. Their long-term use is justified in rare cases only
In practice, mood stabilizers should be preferred and with mood stabilizers. Even in those studies supporting
antidepressants chosen for nonresponders. In particu- long-term antidepressant use (Altshuler et al., 2003), only
lar, lithium and lamotrigine appear to have antidepres- about 15% of bipolar depressive patients appeared to ben-
sant properties. Lithium is indisputably superior in the efit. In many patients it is advisable to combine two mood

M anagement of C yclothymia and C omorbid P ersonality D isorders   •   4 7 9

stabilizers (lithium plus valproate, lithium plus olanzapine, Patients with cyclothymia and comorbid obsessive-
lamotrigine plus quetiapine) before adding an antidepres- compulsive disorder are among the most difficult to
sant. With this approach, the acute depressive symptoms treat. While no mood stabilizer has been shown to exert
of most patients can be treated and mood-stabilizing com- any anti-obsessive-compulsive activity, highly effective
bination continued in the long term. Anticipated use of anti-obsessive pharmacological treatments (e.g., high doses
antidepressants may be necessary in the most severe or hos- of clomipramine or SSRIs) are likely to trigger (hypo)manic
pitalized patients, in which more rapid recovery is desired. switches and mixed states (Akiskal et al., 2003; Perugi et al.,
The treatment of cyclothymic patients is often compli- 2003). A  combination of different mood stabilizers (e.g.,
cated by the presence of comorbidity. In many cases the lithium plus anti-epileptics) is often necessary. However,
concomitant anxiety, lack of impulse control, or eating many of these patients present residual obsessive-compulsive
disorders represent the major complaints and require spe- symptomatology and very severe manic or mixed episodes
cific treatment. Most of the controlled trials on bipolar and (aggressive, hostile mood) that may require hospitalization.
depressive disorders exclude patients with such comorbidi- In some cases, SSRI augmentation with low dose of atypical
ties; as a consequence, the empirical basis for treating these antipsychotics (e.g., risperidone, olanzapine, aripiprazole)
subtypes of patients are almost exclusively derived from can be considered on an empirical basis.
open clinical experience. This is a deplorable situation, Short-term benzodiazepines—such as clonazepam—can
because the most common patients treated in everyday be useful both for the management of comorbid anxiety
clinical practice are cyclothymic-bipolar II with complex symptoms and acute mood phases when other treatments
comorbidity. The “pure” BPD is an abstract concept rarely are not yet functioning. Benzodiazepines are relatively
encountered in real world. safe and well tolerated, but their use may be problematic
Antidepressant-induced (hypo)manic symptoms have due to the development of tolerance, physical dependence,
been reported to occur in the course of the treatment and withdrawal phenomena, which are particularly likely
of virtually all anxiety disorders, including obsessive- in such cyclothymic patients with prominent impulsiv-
compulsive, panic disorder/agoraphobia, and social phobia ity, sensation-seeking, and high potential for addiction.
(Himmelhoch, 1998; Sholomskas, 1990). When treating Gabapentin could be helpful when anxiety disorders or
comorbid bipolar and anxiety disorders, it is imperative to alcohol abuse are comorbid (Perugi & Akiskal, 2002) and
begin treatment with a mood stabilizer at first. when benzodiazepine withdrawal is necessary and/or
As already said, in the treatment of comorbid cyclo- difficult.
thymia and panic disorder/agoraphobia (Calabrese & In the literature, the management of comorbid mood
Delucchi, 1990; Perugi et al., 2010), it appears reasonable and personality disorders is a complicated and unresolved
to utilize as first choice mood stabilizers that have been issue, mostly due to the lack of specific studies. Patients
shown to possess some antipanic efficacy, such as valproate. with prominent personality disorders are usually excluded
In patients with persistent and disabling anxiety, combina- from trials. Merging the literature on pharmacotherapy for
tion with small dosages of SSRI or TACs (i.e., paroxetine mood disorders and personality disorders results in indirect
or trimipramine) can be considered. Paroxetine, although comparisons of unknown validity. However, some conclu-
not free from the concern of other antidepressants, may be sions might be reached and compared with clinical experi-
considered an optimal choice, because it is effective in all ence. Certain personality traits have negative implications
anxiety disorders as well as major depression and in addi- for medication response, particularly through poor adher-
tion has proven efficacy in bipolar II depression in combi- ence and difficult doctor–patient relationship (Ekselius,
nation with mood stabilizers (Young et al., 2000). Bengtsson, & von Knorring, 2000; Kennedy, Farvolden,
Less information is available for comorbid cyclothymia Cohen, Bagby, & Costa, 2005; Sirey et  al., 2001). In a
and social phobia. A  small positive study on gabapentin three-year follow-up study on bipolar (I and II) patients,
in social phobia suggests the possible efficacy of this drug Axis II dimensional features predicted a poor long-term
for both mood and anxiety disorders (Pande et al., 1999). outcome (Bieling et  al., 2003). These considerations are
The combination of mood stabilizers with SSRIs, reversible largely applicable to bipolar patients with a cyclothymic
inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A, or monoamine oxidase background.
inhibitors might reduce the number of switches in these National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
patients, although data on long-term outcome of patients guidelines do not recommend use of medications for BPD,
treated with drug combinations for comorbid BPD and suggesting that the efficacy demonstrated in several trials
social anxiety are substantially lacking. is only partial, often due to the treatment of a comorbid

4 8 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
condition and not specific for the core dimensions of the nonpharmacological intervention requires better-designed
disorder. This line is sustained by the fact that few tri- prospective observations.
als and, if possible, even fewer comparative effectiveness General principles in the practical management of
studies have been conducted; some of them suggest ben- patients with cyclothymia are summarized in Box 34.4. In a
efits with second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), mood hierarchical perspective, outcome measures should consider
stabilizers, and omega-3 fatty acids. Evidence on the use first hypomania, avoiding the frequent error of consider-
of antidepressants for BPD alone is insufficient. No study ing depression everything that is not typical (hypo)mania.
suggests total severity of BPD is influenced by any medica- In addition, cyclothymic patients often show complaints
tion or the superiority of a medication or class compared regarding not being “hypomanic,” because of the lost abil-
to others (Stoffers et  al., 2010). These indications seem ity of recognizing and accepting euthymia. The therapeutic
to be largely arbitrary; in fact the evidence of efficacy of intervention should focus not only on major affective epi-
mood stabilizers and SGA is not inferior to that of other sodes but also on the basic mood dysregulation that under-
psychological treatments. On the contrary, some core lies most of the psychological dysfunctions and behavioral
BPD domains seem to benefit from a psychopharmaco- problems in these patients. Both the pharmacological and
logical treatment, especially with mood stabilizers and psychoeducational interventions should target specific
SGA. Valproate and lamotrigine have been demonstrated goals such as excitement, depression, comorbidity, impul-
to be effective as first-line treatments, particularly for sivity, hostility, mood reactivity, interpersonal sensitivity,
those symptoms pertaining to affective dysregulation and and risk-taking behavior. Moreover, in order to increase
impulsivity-dyscontrol dimensions. Aripiprazole and olan- treatment adherence, psychoeducation should be started
zapine, such as first-generation haloperidol, may be effec-
tive for treating cognitive-perceptual symptoms. Despite
the expectations, SSRIs lack strong evidence of effective- Box 34.4  PR ACTICAL MANAGEMENT
ness in BPD (Lieb, Vollm, Rucker, Timmer, & Stoffers, OF CYCLOTHYMIA
2010). Considering these data and the large overlap
Refine diagnosis:
between cyclothymia and BPD, pharmacotherapy should
- Primacy of hypomania
therefore be considered and targeted at specific symptoms.
- Systematic error: “everything that is not typical (hypo)
Combining the evidence regarding the treatment of cyclo-
mania is depression”
thymia and BPD and considering the potential side-effect
- Excitement, irritability, inner agitation, and impulsivity
burden of atypical antipsychotics, mood stabilizers seem
are fundamental dimensions of soft bipolarity
to be a reasonable first-choice treatment when these condi-
Conception of the basic illness
tions coexist.
- Episodes are probably the “wings” emerging from tem-
Several studies demonstrate both for cyclothymia and
peraments that could be the “roots”
BPD a greater efficacy when medications are combined with
- Mood episodes, psychological dysfunctions, and behav-
nonpharmacological interventions:  cognitive-behavioral
ioral problems result from a “clash” between basic tem-
therapy and interpersonal therapy have been particularly
perament and environment (importance of “patient’s
tested (Bellino, Rinaldi, & Bogetto, 2010; Swartz, Pilkonis,
life systems”)
Frank, Proietti, & Scott, 2005), but a psychoeducational
Focus treatment on specific clinical targets
intervention might also be useful. Cyclothymia should be
- Depression
considered a distinct form of bipolarity that requires a spe-
- Comorbidity
cific approach, particularly because it does not match with
- Specific dimensions: impulsivity, hostility, hyperreac-
the disorder model proposed for bipolar I. An appropriate
tivity, interpersonal sensitivity, risk-taking behavior,
“format” based on an adapted model is needed. In these
excitement, inner tension
patients, free intervals and long-lasting remissions are very
Start psychoeducation from the beginning
rare, and for this reason the psychoeducational interven-
Use mood stabilizers or antimanic drugs before
tion should start as soon as possible. It should be focused
on becoming an “expert” on cyclothymia, becoming
Be vigilant when using antidepressants
familiar with its resulting psychological dysfunction and
- Hypomanic switches
behavioral problems, and developing self-skills to reduce
- Cycle acceleration
them and the illness impact. At the moment, the cor-
- Prolonged excitement (protracted mixed states)
rect evaluation of the role and effectiveness of this type of

M anagement of C yclothymia and C omorbid P ersonality D isorders   •   4 81

from the beginning. Finally, concerning the pharmacologi- The first objective of such an approach is the early
cal approach, mood stabilizers or antimanic drugs should recognition of illness:  this should permit the early start
be used before antidepressants, and, when the latter are uti- of specific multiple interventions. Specific psychologi-
lized, particular attention should be paid to the possibility cal techniques and psychoeducation, focused not only
of hypomanic switches or cycle acceleration (Hantouche & on the prevention of the mood episode but also on the
Trybou, 2011). complex comorbidity and the basic temperamental dys-
regulation, have been demonstrated to be particularly
helpful. Best results are obtained when such an approach is
C ONC LUS ION applied to children and young patients who are drug naïve
(Hantouche & Trybou, 2011).
Cyclothymia continues to be underestimated and is fre- An appropriate approach to correctly manage cyclo-
quently misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated, despite thymia is also needed to reduce complications and risks.
the evidence that it affects 30% to 50% of patients referred Unnecessary exposure to antidepressants is the most dan-
for depression, anxiety, or impulsivity-related behavioral gerous and, unfortunately, the most frequent issue for a
problems in clinical settings. The proportion of depressed large number of patients suffering from cyclothymic disor-
patients who can be classified as cyclothymic grows sig- der. Mood stabilizers should be considered as the first-line
nificantly if the threshold and the exclusion criteria for the treatment, with the addition of antidepressants only in the
hypomanic episode proposed by the DSM-IV are reconsid- most resistant cases. SGAs, in particular olanzapine, aripip-
ered and probably if DSM-5 criteria are utilized. razole, or quetiapine, should be accounted in nonresponders
Many patients receive correct diagnosis and treatments or when psychotic, mixed, or impulsivity-dyscontrol fea-
after many years of illness, when the superposition of many tures are present. Besides classical mood stabilizers, such as
complications reduces the possibility of complete remis- lithium, carbamazepine, and valproate, the use of which is
sion. The diagnostic delay may be due to several factors, sometimes limited by side effects, lamotrigine has shown
such as the lack of consensus on the definition of bipolar a great balance between tolerability and efficacy in pre-
spectrum and subsequent difficulties in identifying hypo- venting rapid cycling and depressive recurrences. The use
mania, especially in its broader definition. Other obstacles of psychotropic combinations is often necessary to treat
that could contribute include a discrepancy between a com- syndromic complexity due to the frequent coexistence of
plex clinical picture characterized by behavioral rather than cyclothymia and anxiety, impulse control, and eating and
cross-sectional/state symptoms, lack of clear-cut episodes, substance use disorders.
frequent and abundant comorbidity, early onset, and exten- Some major challenges concerning medical educa-
sive overlap with personality disorders criteria. Complicated tion, clinical, pharmacological, psychological, and genetic
patient–doctor relationships and weak response to conven- researches are still open (Greenwood, Akiskal, Akiskal, &
tional approaches produce further difficulties in the recog- Kelsoe, 2012; Tomba, Rafanelli, Grandi, Guidi, & Fava,
nition of cyclothymia, and, even when properly identified, 2012; Van Meter, Moreira, & Youngstrom, 2011). From a
there is no consensus on its treatment. mere clinical point of view, the most important issue is rep-
Cyclothymia should be considered the common denom- resented by the improvement of recognition in early phases
inator of a complex clinical picture with a combination of of the illness, especially in youth.
mood, anxiety, and impulse-control disorders, with early Disclosure statement:  Prof. Giulio Perugi has acted as
onset and protracted course, often becoming dysfunctional consultant of Sanofi Aventis, Astra Zeneca, Eli Lilly,
and invalidating from the beginning of adult life. Such a and Lundbeck; received grant/research support from Eli
complex and variable clinical picture requires an elaborate Lilly, Astra Zeneca, and Lundbeck; and is on the speaker/
approach to the pharmacological treatment of subthresh- advisory board of Sanofi Aventis, Astra Zeneca, Eli Lilly,
old presentations of bipolarity (typical and atypical ups and Jannsen-Cilag, and Lundbeck. Dr.  Giulia Vannucchi has
downs). This approach should be accounted not only for no conflict of interest
cyclothymia and personality problems but also for other
aspects of the complex clinical syndromes characterized by
depression, psychic excitement, anxiety, impulse control, R E F E R E NC E S
substance use, and attention deficit disorders (Perugi & Akiskal, H. S. (1981). Subaffective disorders: Dysthymic, cyclothymic
Akiskal, 2002; Perugi, Fornaro, & Akiskal, 2011; Skirrow, and bipolar II disorders in the “borderline” realm. Psychiatric Clin-
McLoughlin, Kuntsi, & Asherson, 2009). ics of North America, 4(1), 25–46.

4 8 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
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134(11), 1227–1233. sion. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences,
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geois, M.  L., Azorin, J.  M., . . . Lancrenon, S. (2003). Validating Bieling, P.  J., MacQueen, G.  M., Marriot, M.  J., Robb, J.  C., Begin,
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Ihsan Salloum and Pedro Ruiz

INTRODUCTION Regier et al., 1990). For example, a large, population-based,

epidemiological survey of a representative sample of the US
Bipolar disorder has the highest rate of associated substance population (Grant et al., 2004) highlighted the very high
use disorders (SUD) as compared to any other major psychi- association between mania and drug or alcohol dependence
atric disorders with the exception of antisocial personality during a 12-month period. That study reported that the
disorder (Regier et  al., 1990). SUD comorbidity has sig- odds ratio of having drug dependence over the past year in
nificant impact on the identification, diagnosis, and treat- responders with mania was 14, and the odds ratio of having
ment of bipolar disorder. Management of this comorbidity alcohol dependence was 6. On the other hand, data from
is often complicated by the presence of other psychiatric the same survey also pointed to a higher-than-expected rate
and medical disorders comorbidities. The chronic course of of lifetime mania and hypomania in those with SUD as
both bipolar disorder and SUD increase the complexity of well (Conway et al., 2006). The lifetime prevalence of the
management of this condition with potential recurrences major drugs of abuse in decreasing frequency include alco-
and relapses requiring a longitudinal approach with focus hol (up to 61%), cannabis (up to 46%), cocaine (up to 24%),
on symptomatic and functional recovery. and opioid (up to 8.5%; reviewed in Cerullo & Strakowski,
The aims of this chapter are to briefly review the pub- 2007). However, tobacco dependence is the most frequent
lic health and clinical significance of bipolar disorder with SUD in bipolar disorder with an estimated lifetime rate of
comorbid SUD, including diagnostic and treatment impli- over 82% and an estimated current smoker’s rate of 68%
cations. We also review empirical studies of pharmacother- (Lasser et al., 2000).
apy and psychosocial interventions proposed specifically to Comorbidity of bipolar disorder with SUDs repre-
address this comorbidity. sents significant clinical challenges. SUDs impact neg-
atively on symptom presentation, manifestation, and
course of bipolar disorder and on treatment adherence.
S IG N I F IC A NC E OF   T H E PROB L E M Severe clinical presentations in these comorbid patients
are often characterized by increased impulsive and sui-
Comorbid bipolar and SUD is highly frequent in clini- cidal behavior. Suicide rate in this population is among
cal and community settings; it is associated with multiple the highest in psychiatry. This heightened severity in
clinical challenges and often presents as multi-comorbid symptoms presentation often leads to increased costly
conditions rather than “dual diagnosis.” Furthermore, this hospitalizations as well (Frye & Salloum 2006; Kupfer
comorbidity is likely to develop early in life, thus exact- et al., 2002; Salloum, Douaihy, & Williams, 2008; Weiss
ing significant impairment in social and occupational et al., 2005).
functioning. Comorbidity of bipolar disorder with SUDs is more
Substance abuse are highly prevalent among patients of a “multi-comorbidity” rather than a “dual-diagnosis”
with bipolar disorder. The high rate of association between condition. Multi-comorbidity is often the rule in these
bipolar disorder and SUD has been consistently reported by patients with additional psychiatric and medical disor-
large epidemiological surveys and clinical studies (Conway, ders, in addition to major psychosocial issues (Salloum
Compton, Stinson, & Grant, 2006; Grant et  al., 2004; et  al., 2008). Anxiety disorders are the most frequently

reported psychiatric comorbidity in bipolar disorder. M A N AG E M E N T OF   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
These include generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, W I T H   C OMOR B I D S U B S TA NC E
panic disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Very US E DI S OR DE R S
high rates have been reported in bipolar I disorder, which
ranged from 86% to 92%, with social phobia estimated Management of bipolar disorder with comorbid SUD pres-
at up to 52% (El-Mallakh & Hollifield 2008). High rates ents specific challenges that increase the complexity of the
of anxiety disorders have been reported in large clinical care plan. Case recognition and diagnostic ascertainment of
samples as well (Krishnan, 2005; Simon et  al., 2004). the bipolar disorder in the presence of SUD and the adop-
The recently published Diagnostic and Statistical Manual tion of adequate care model along with the availability of
of Mental Disorders (fifth edition [DSM-5]; American effective interventions tailored to meet the treatment needs
Psychiatric Association, 2013)  considers anxiety symp- of this population remains key management issues. In this
toms an aspect of bipolar disorder, which are assessed section we address first diagnostic challenges raised by the
dimensionally. Anxiety symptoms appear to impart presence of SUD. We then cover general treatment issues
poor prognosis with decreased response to treatment and raised by the presence of comorbidity and review psycho-
greater likelihood of suicide attempts (Frank et al., 2002; therapeutic and pharmacological interventions designed to
McIntyre et  al., 2006; Otto et  al., 2006; Simon et  al., specifically address this comorbidity.
2004; Sharma 2003). Obsessive-compulsive disorder also
reported frequently in bipolar disorder with an estimated
lifetime rate of 30% (Otto et al., 2006). Further compli-
cating the diagnostic picture is the reported additional The presence of substance abuse complicates an already
psychiatric comorbidity that may overlap with symp- challenging diagnostic process of bipolar disorder. While
toms of bipolar disorder such as impulse control disor- the diagnosis of a prototypical acute manic episode is
der, including pathological gambling and personality relatively straightforward, the recognition of more subtle
disorders. syndrome or of atypical or mixed presentation could be
Medical disorders comorbidity are also highly fre- challenging. Most patients with bipolar disorder seek help
quent in this population and reflect conditions that have during a depressive episode, and it has been documented
been associated with bipolar disorder in general, as well that it may take up to 10 years to correctly identify bipo-
as conditions that are likely to occur as a consequence of lar disorder (Hirschfeld & Vornik, 2004). Substance abuse
SUDs. Frequently reported medical conditions in bipolar increases the complexity and challenges in recognizing and
disorder include chronic cardiovascular and metabolic dis- ascertaining the presence of bipolar disorder. Substances
eases and certain respiratory diseases such as sleep apnea. of abuse can alter the symptom presentation by produc-
Conditions related to increased exposure because of ing symptoms that mimic, overlap, exacerbate, or obscure
substance abuse include tobacco- and cannabis-smoking the symptoms of bipolar disorder. For example, stimulants
related disorders. Other conditions include chronic infec- intoxication can mimic, overlap, and exacerbate a manic,
tious diseases frequently associated with addictive dis- irritable, and paranoid state. Stimulant withdrawal, on the
orders such as hepatitis A, B, and C and HIV infection other hand, can mimic, overlap, or exacerbate a depressive
(Salloum et al., 2008). state. Alcohol and other depressants abuse can also induce
Comorbidity of bipolar disorder and SUD have an a depressive state that mimics, overlaps, and exacerbates
early age of onset and may result in significant psychoso- a depressive episode. Alcohol and depressant use can also
cial impairments. Both bipolar and SUDs have a peak age potentially suppress and mask manic symptoms, while alco-
of onset in teenage years to early adulthood (Salloum & hol and other depressants withdrawal can produce severe
Thase, 2000). Teenage-onset bipolar disorder is reported anxiety and agitation that can interfere with the diagnos-
to be a risk factor for SUD. Teenage-onset bipolar disor- tic picture. Hallucinogen intoxication may be confused
der appears to have over 8 times increased risk of develop- with affective psychosis as well. Complicating further the
ing SUD compared to childhood-onset bipolar disorder diagnostic ascertainment is the reported high rate of mixed
(Wilens et al., 1999). The consequences on social and occu- bipolar subtype in comorbid substance abuse, where symp-
pational functioning of this comorbid condition during toms of dysphoria, irritability, and hyperactivity predomi-
this formative period are significant, especially with the nate (Salloum et al., 2008).
current lack of specifically tailored effective preventative Untangling the diagnostic picture on a cross-sectional
and therapeutic interventions. evaluation in the absence of objective biomarkers relies on

4 8 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
presenting symptoms and on historical and anamnestic Symptom Checklist (Franken & Hendriks, 2001)  report-
information, although at times the diagnosis can be ascer- edly has shown high sensitivity and moderate specificity for
tained only on longitudinal follow-up. detecting mood disorders in patients with substance abuse.
In the recently published DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Objective rating scales that require a trained evaluator, such
Association, 2013), a substance-induced bipolar disorder as the Young Mania Rating Scale (Young, Biggs, Ziegler, &
develops during or soon after substance intoxication or Meyer Biggs, 1978)  and the Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale
withdrawal; the effect of the substance involved should be (Bech, Bolwig, Kramp, & Rafaelse, 1979), as well as struc-
capable of producing the symptoms. Indicators of a primary tured diagnostic interviews (Hasin et  al., 1996; Sheehan
bipolar disorder would include the presence of symptoms et al., 1998), may be helpful in confirming the symptoms
preceding the onset of the substance abuse or symptoms cluster consistent with bipolar disorder.
that persist for about a month after the cessation of the Screening for alcohol and other drugs of abuse in
symptoms of intoxication or withdrawal. Another indi- psychiatric settings is enhanced by the systematic use of
cator suggestive of an independent bipolar disorder is the validated screening instruments such as the Alcohol Use
presence of reliable history of such disorder. Disorders Identification Test (Allen, Litten, Fertig, &
Usually the type and duration of symptoms that occur Babor, 1997) and the Drug Abuse Screening Test (Cocco &
during either intoxication or withdrawal reflect the spe- Carey, 1998).
cific pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic profile of
the substance involved. While the guidance to observe
persistent psychiatric symptoms for about 30  days in the T R E AT M E N T C ON S I DE R AT ION S
absence of substance abuse is a useful general rule, evi-
dence from studies of patients with alcohol dependence Treatment of comorbid bipolar disorder and SUD includes
and major depression reported that while depressive symp- attention to special general considerations that impact
toms decreased during the acute withdrawal state (i.e., on the treatment process. It also involves the selection of
over the first 7 to 10  days after cessation of alcohol use), adequate model of care and the use of specific interventions
further decrease in these symptoms was minimal beyond tailored to meet the needs of this high risk population.
this period (Cornelius et al., 1997; Salloum & Jones, 2008).
Thus treatment could be initiated earlier than four weeks if
symptoms persist beyond the pharmacologic and pharma-
cokinetic properties of the substance of abuse involved. This
is more apparent in the case of cocaine abuse; the half-life
of cocaine is very short, and symptoms due to intoxication Attitudinal issues, stigma, and treatment adherence are
or withdrawal are not expected to last longer than three salient problems, especially related to the treatment of
to four days. Other useful historical information includes addictive and psychiatric disorders in general that could
significant worsening of symptoms despite stable pattern have a significant impact on treatment. Attitudinal issues,
of substance abuse, documented history of bipolar disor- whether on the part of the provider, the community, or the
der during a relatively protracted period of abstinence, his- patient and families, could hamper efforts at treatment.
tory of adolescence-onset severe depressive disorder, and Stigmatization involving the health-care provider, the
first-degree relatives with bipolar disorder. family, and the patient still exists and may be expressed in
Screening and assessment instruments may improve multiple ways. For example, persistent pessimistic attitude,
identification and diagnostic ascertainment; however, tested often expressed as therapeutic nihilism by health-care pro-
instruments to detect mood disorders in the context of sub- viders feeling that “no matter what is done, there is little
stance abuse are very scarce. For example, the Altman-Self hope of treatment response,” influence providers’ enthusi-
Rating Mania Scale (Altman, Hedeker, Peterson, & Davis, asm and efforts in providing optimal care for these patients.
1997)  is suggested as a Level 2 self-report instrument to Health-care providers using different rationales such as
further screen for mania in DSM-5 (American Pscyhiatric thinking the treatment is unsafe in the context of substance
Association, 2013); however, its usefulness in screening for abuse, or that one problem should be cleared before the
bipolar disorder in the context of SUD is unclear. The Mood other condition can be treated, or even that patient is not
Disorder Questionnaire (Hirschfeld et  al., 2000)  screens ready to be treated may withheld or delay treatment for the
broadly for manic and depressive symptoms. The usefulness bipolar disorder. On the part of patients or their families
of this instrument in those with SUD is also unclear. The there may be resistance to taking medications and receiving

M anagement of C omorbid S ubstance or A lcohol   A buse   •   4 8 9

treatment for either the bipolar disorder or the addictive and precipitate a bipolar episode. Traditionally there has
disorder. Within the self-help community, certain self-help been a split between services for addictive disorders and
groups still discourage the use of medications for psychiatric those for mental health, which resulted in difficult access
problems, which are pejoratively labeled as “mind-altering” to needed care and inadequate treatment for either disorder
drugs. Furthermore, the fear of being doubly labeled and depending on which service was involved. Thus the need
stigmatized for having SUD and bipolar disorder (“double for integrated care that addresses both disorders simultane-
stigma”) may drive patients to deny the problems or avoid ously is crucial. Integrated care involves addressing patients’
seeking care. presenting problems in the same setting by the same treat-
Treatment adherence is a major challenge that besets ment provider and employing integrated treatment strate-
chronic disease treatment in general and is particularly gies effective for the comorbid disorder.
pronounced in this patient population. Bipolar disorder, The emphasis on integrated care in addressing chronic
as well as SUDs, are known to impair insight into the ill- and complex conditions in general is highlighted by the
ness, and denial is considered a typical behavior for a sub- advent of the “medical care home” refocusing care from
stantial number of people affected with these conditions. diseases-based interventions to person- and patient-centered
Furthermore, active substance abuse interferes significantly care (Fisher, 2008; Mezzich et  al., 2010; Salloum &
with adherence to treatment and medication in bipolar Mezzich, 2011).
disorder, leading to poor treatment response and persis-
tent residual mood symptoms with increased likelihood of
relapse to full mood episode (Judd, Schettler, et al., 2008).
On the other hand, an unstable bipolar disorder, with
either manic or depressive symptoms, may impair patients’ Treatment of substances of abuse withdrawal states in
ability to adhere to a recovery program or participate in bipolar disorder are often required. Alcohol/depressants
self-help groups. Persistent and untreated depressive symp- withdrawal and opioid withdrawal syndromes are the main
toms were found to be associated with early relapse to alco- withdrawal syndromes that may need medical detoxifica-
hol abuse (Greenfield et al., 1998). tion. Withdrawal from multiple substances has also become
more frequent in recent years. Depression due to stimulants
withdrawal, such as cocaine withdrawal, may be accompa-
nied with severe depressive symptoms and suicidal risk that
A chronic disease–integrated model of care is currently require inpatient monitoring (Salloum, Daley, Cornelius,
considered the treatment model of choice for these com- Kirisci, & Thase, 1996).
plex conditions. This model emphasizes continuity of care, Primary goals in the treatment of the drug withdrawal
relapse prevention, recovery, and health restoration ideally syndromes are to prevent withdrawal complications, allevi-
involving multiple stakeholders, including patients and ate the specific symptoms of the withdrawal state, and use
their families or significant others and community support. this period as a “window of opportunity” to introduce the
Multiple factors related to comorbid bipolar disorder and patient to the treatment and the long-term goal of sobriety
SUD dictate the need for an integrated care model. Both and recovery. In the management of withdrawal states the
bipolar disorder and SUDs are chronic, relapsing condi- use of objective rating scales and symptoms-triggered medi-
tions that require ongoing treatment. Both disorders have cation dosing has become the preferred treatment model.
a parallel trajectory of treatment need, from acute stabi- Alcohol withdrawal is the most frequent withdrawal
lization to achieving remission to preventing relapse and syndrome that requires medical detoxification in these
achieving symptomatic and functional recovery. patients. The symptom-triggered approach to the treat-
Furthermore, the course of bipolar disorder and SUDs ment of alcohol withdrawal is commonly guided by the use
are intertwined with reciprocal or bidirectional negative of the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment–Revised
impact, which may lead to a pernicious cycle of relapses, (Sullivan, Sykora, Schneiderman, Naranjo, & Sellers, 1989).
acute episodes, and chronicity. The negative interaction Studies have shown that symptoms-triggered treatment
between these two disorders leads to a worsening course of reduces the likelihood of either under- or overuse of medi-
each of the disorders. Mood symptoms (mania or depres- cation when compared to the standard medical detoxifica-
sion) may worsen substance abuse or precipitate relapse, tion methods (Saitz et al., 1994).
while substance abuse interferes with medication adherence Long-acting benzodiazepines such as diazepam may
and medication effects and may induce mood symptoms present an advantage over shorter-acting medications

4 9 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
because of the self-tapering properties of these medica- Integrated Group Therapy (IGT). IGT (Weiss et  al.,
tions. Short-acting medications require repeated dosing 2007, 2009)  is an empirically tested group therapy devel-
and are associated with marked fluctuation in blood levels oped specifically for the treatment of comorbid bipolar and
and possible breakthrough of withdrawal symptoms. Few addictive disorders. IGT had an advantage over standard
studies have focused on the optimal management of psy- group drug counseling in two randomized-controlled tri-
choactive substance withdrawal in bipolar disorder or other als. IGT significantly decreased number of days of sub-
severe psychopathology. An early model in the treatment of stance use during treatment and follow-up compared to
alcohol withdrawal in psychiatric population is the use of standard group counseling. Key elements in the IGT com-
the diazepam loading-dose (Salloum, Cornelius, Daley, & pared to drug counseling is the integration of therapeutic
Thase, 1995)  described by Sellers and colleagues (1983). interventions simultaneously addressing the bipolar disor-
An inpatient study of 125 acutely ill hospitalized patients der and the SUD.
with severe mood, anxiety, and related disorders found this Early Recovery Adherence Therapy (ERAT). ERAT
method to be effective with a minimum complications rate (Salloum et  al., 2006)  is an integrated, manual-guided
(Salloum et al., 1995). individual therapy for patients with bipolar disorder and
The symptoms-triggered approach is also used for the comorbid alcoholism. It focuses on the early phases of
management of the opioid withdrawal syndrome. The recovery from an acute episode and utilizes a motivational
Short Opiate Withdrawal Scale has been extensively used approach integrating principles and techniques from sev-
(Gossop, 1990)  as an assessment instrument to evaluate eral therapies used in these conditions such as motivational
the severity of the opioid withdrawal syndrome and to enhancement therapy, relapse prevention, and educational
guide buprenorphine dosing and induction of maintenance and disease management approaches. ERAT was tested in a
treatment. pilot, randomized trial and found to be superior to 12-step
facilitation therapy on decreasing the quantity of alcohol
use and on decreasing depressive symptoms in patients
with bipolar disorder and comorbid alcoholism (Salloum
et al., 2008).
There is a paucity of information about interventions for Interestingly, the integrated interventions (IGT and
comorbid bipolar disorder and SUD, and few clinical tri- ERAT) in this population had a better outcome on sub-
als have been carried out in this population. While trials stance abuse compared to the interventions designed to
testing interventions for bipolar disorder, as well as those address only the substance abuse, such as the standard
for alcoholism, have regularly excluded comorbid condi- group counseling and the 12-step facilitation therapy. This
tions, conducting studies in this comorbid population has effect may be expected, as the integrated interventions may
also proven very challenging. Therefore, only a few studies have provided better understanding and enhanced coping
have been conducted to test targeted pharmacologic agents skills to deal with mood states and substance abuse and
in this population, and, similarly, even fewer studies have their potential interactions and impact on the individual’s
tested specific psychosocial interventions. health.

Psychotherapies for comorbid bipolar disorder Pharmacotherapies

and substance use disorder
Guidance in choosing effective pharmacotherapy for bipo-
Psychotherapy is essential in the management of bipolar lar disorder with comorbid SUD is still limited due to the
disorder with comorbid SUD to enhance treatment alli- lack of large-scale clinical trials demonstrating definite
ance and adherence and to help patients develop coping advantage for one intervention over placebo or over other
skills to optimize their disease management skills/relapse existing treatments. To date, there have been few pub-
prevention for both disorders and recovery efforts. While lished randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled tri-
there are several, empirically tested, effective therapies for als, mostly conducted at one site with limited sample size
noncomorbid bipolar disorder and a substantial menu of (Brown, Garza, & Carmody, 2008; Brown, Gorman, &
similarly empirically tested effective therapies for addictive Hynan, 2007; Brown et  al., 2009; Geller et  al., 1998;
disorders, there are a very limited number of psychothera- Salloum, Cornelius, Daley, et al., 2005; Tolliver, Desantis,
pies specifically tailored for patients with bipolar disorder Brown, Prisciandaro, & Brady, 2012) in addition to several
with comorbid SUD. open-label trials (Salloum et al., 2008).

M anagement of C omorbid S ubstance or A lcohol   A buse   •   4 91

Tested medications included medications used in bipo- who also had cocaine abuse (Salloum, Cornelius, Douaihy,
lar disorder such as the anticonvulsants sodium valproate et al., 2005).
and lamotrigine, the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine, the Lamotrigine was tested in a randomized, double-blind,
mood stabilizer lithium carbonate, and medications used placebo-controlled trial in 120 patients with bipolar dis-
in alcoholism including naltrexone, disulfiram, and acam- order (depressed or mixed phase) and cocaine dependence
prosate. Additionally, there is also a trial of the cognitive (Brown, Sunderajan, Hu, Sowell, & Carmody, 2012).
enhancer citicoline. Lamotrigine was started at 25 mg per day and titrated
up to 200 mg/day over five weeks, although an increase
to 400 mg/day was allowed. Lamotrigine was not supe-
S T U DI E S OF   M E DIC AT ION S US E D rior to placebo on the study’s primary outcome measure,
I N   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R urine drug screens, or self-reported number of cocaine use
days. However, lamotrigine had an advantage over pla-
cebo on self-report of money spent on cocaine. There was
also a strong correlation between changes in mood symp-
Anticonvulsants with GABAergic and glutamatergic activ- toms, especially depression and changes in self-reported
ities have been tested for their efficacy in the treatment of cocaine use.
addictive disorders (Brady, Myrick, Henderson, & Coffey, Some related studies have tested atypical antipsychot-
2002; Brady, Sonne, et  al., 2002; Johnson, Ait-Daoud, ics. The largest studies to dates in patients with comorbid
Akhtar, & Javors, 2005; Mueller et  al., 1997). Several bipolar disorder and alcoholism have been conducted test-
open-label pilot studies have pointed to the potential ing the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine. Quetiapine is
usefulness of sodium valproate (Albanese, Clodfelter, & very appealing medication to test in this population as it
Khantzian, 2000; Brady, Sonne, Anton, & Ballenger, 1995; was proven effective in the treatment of both the depres-
Salloum et  al., 2007)  and lamotrigine (Brown, Perantie, sive and the manic episode of bipolar disorder (Calabrese
et al., 2006) in the treatment of cocaine or alcohol abuse in et al., 2005).
bipolar disorder. One promising pilot study (Brown, Nejtek, Perantie, &
Sodium valproate is still the only empirically tested med- Bobadilla, 2002) and two relatively large clinical trials have
ication that has shown efficacy in decreasing heavy alcohol been published to date testing the efficacy of quetiapine as
use in bipolar disorder with comorbid alcoholism. Salloum, an add-on medication for patients with bipolar disorder
Cornelius, Daley, et  al. (2005) compared divalproex and alcoholism. (Brown et al., 2008; Stedman et al., 2010).
sodium as an add-on to lithium carbonate versus placebo Brown and colleagues conducted a 12-week trial of add-on
add-on to lithium carbonate in a six-month, double-blind, quetiapine (titrated to 600 mg/day) in 115 patients with
placebo-controlled trial in bipolar I  disorder and alcohol bipolar disorder and alcoholism with 82% of the sample in
dependence. Divalproex sodium was found superior to pla- the depressive phase. The results of that study showed that
cebo in decreasing the proportion of heavy drinking days, the quetiapine group did not differ from the group assigned
as well as the number of standard alcohol drinks per heavy to placebo on improvement in alcohol abuse outcome.
drinking days and on relapse to sustained heavy drinking. Steadman and colleagues (2010) reported on the results of
Those who were assigned to placebo reported on average a multisite, 12-week trial of quetiapine, added on to either
10 standard drinks per heavy drinking day while those lithium carbonate or valproate, in 362 patients with bipolar
who were assigned to divalproex sodium reported an aver- I disorder and alcohol dependence. The results of that mul-
age of 5 drinks per heavy drinking day (a heavy drink day tisite, largest conducted trial in this population also did not
is defined as four or more standard drinks for females or find a difference between quetiapine and placebo. Thus the
five or more standard drinks for males). Those assigned to results of these two studies do not support the efficacy of
divalproex sodium had significantly lower gamma glutamyl quetiapine in decreasing alcohol abuse among patients with
transpeptidase, an indirect objective measure of alcohol bipolar disorder.
consumption, compared to placebo. Decrease in alcohol use Lithium carbonate was tested in a small, six-week,
inversely correlated with valproate blood levels (maintained double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of adoles-
within a range between 50 and 100 µg/mL). In a secondary cents with bipolar I  or bipolar II disorders (Geller et  al.,
analyses of this randomized trial, divalproex sodium was 1998). Lithium was found significantly better than placebo
also found to have an advantage over placebo in decreasing on negative urine drug screen (mostly marijuana) and on
cocaine use in subjects with bipolar disorder and alcoholism improved scores of the Global Clinical Impression. It is

4 9 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
noteworthy that this was not an add-on study, thus the pla- A  post hoc analysis of that study found an advantage of
cebo group in this study did not have any other medication acamprosate over placebo on clinical global impression in
to stabilize their mood. Weeks 7 and 8 of the study.
Citicoline, a cognitive enhancer that also modu-
lates phospholipids metabolism, was tested in a 12-week,
randomized-controlled trial as an add-on medication in
44 outpatients with comorbid bipolar disorder and cocaine
Currently, there are four medications approved by the US dependence (Brown et al., 2007). The results of that study
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of indicated that the citicoline group was significantly less
alcohol dependence: disulfiram, naltrexone hydrochloride, likely to have cocaine-positive urine compared to the pla-
oral formulation and monthly intramuscular formulation, cebo group. They also reported significantly improved
and acamprosate. Of the approved medications, trials have declarative memory compared to the placebo group.
been conducted with oral naltrexone, acamprosate, and Currently there are no published pharmacotherapy
disulfiram. trials for the treatment of opioid dependence or tobacco
Naltrexone hydrochloride is a pure opiate antagonist dependence in bipolar disorder. Opioid substitution phar-
that decreases alcohol use and relapse by decreasing the macotherapy (methadone and buprenorphine/naloxone)
positive reinforcing effects of alcohol. It was tested in pilot and naltrexone hydrochloride (oral and monthly inject-
studies and in a small randomized-controlled pilot trial as able formulations) are the current available medications
well as with a Veterans Affairs population who had psy- to treat opioid dependence. The availability of methadone
chopathology, which included bipolar disorder. Oral nal- maintenance, however, is limited to specialized addiction
trexone (50 mg/day dose), as an-add on medication was treatment settings. The recent introduction of office-based
studied in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 50 treatment with buprenorphine/naloxone for opioid main-
patients (Brown, Beard, Dobbs, & Rush, 2006; Brown tenance treatment (Cowan, 2007)  presents a distinct
et  al., 2009). Naltrexone showed a trend toward advan- advantage in opening access to this effective treatment to a
tage over placebo in greater decrease in drinking days and broader population, including those with bipolar disorder.
alcohol craving (Brown et  al., 2009). A  small, open-label, Tobacco dependence, as the most frequent SUD in bipo-
randomized-assignment pilot study tested naltrexone lar disorder, represents a serious health hazard. Varenicline,
added to valproate compared to valproate alone found a the most effective medication for smoking cessation, has
significant decrease in alcohol use in those on the naltrex- become of interest in helping these patients quit smoking.
one added to valproate group (Salloum et al., 2006). A large Varenicline, an FDA-approved medication for smoking
Veterans Affairs–based study compared disulfiram with cessation classified as an α-4, β 2 nicotinic acetylcholine
naltrexone and their combination in a sample of comorbid receptor partial agonist, has shown by small case series to
psychiatric disorder (Petrakis et al., 2005). Although that decrease smoking among patients with bipolar disorder
study did not specifically perform subgroup analysis based (Frye et al., 2013). This is encouraging, although there have
on psychiatric diagnosis, it did report that naltrexone or been a number of case reports of varenicline-induced manic
disulfiram, used alone or in combination, were tolerated episodes (Francois, Odom, & Kotbi, 2011; Hussain, Kayne,
by this population. Patients on these medications had sig- Guwanardane, & Petrides, 2011; Knibbs & Tsoi 2011).
nificantly more consecutive weeks of abstinence and less A  number of treatment options are clinically available as
craving than those treated with placebo, although the com- well to address smoking in this population. These include,
bination of disulfiram and naltrexone was not superior to in addition to varenicline, the different formulations of nic-
either medication alone. otine replacement therapies and other pharmacotherapies
Acamprosate is classified as a modulator of glutamate such as bupropion hydrochloride (Johnson, 2006).
neurotransmission, and it presumably acts by alleviat-
ing the negative reinforcing effects of alcohol withdrawal.
Acamprosate did not show an advantage over placebo on C ONC LUS ION
drinking outcomes in a recently published, eight-week,
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 33 Patients with bipolar disorder are more likely to develop
patients with bipolar I  or bipolar II disorder and alcohol SUD. The presence of this comorbidity complicates the
dependence (Tolliver et  al., 2012). Patients were random- clinical picture and may lead to increase in negative conse-
ized to add-on acamprosate (1,998 mg/day) or placebo. quences, including worsening symptoms severity, increased

M anagement of C omorbid S ubstance or A lcohol   A buse   •   4 9 3

suicide risk, and inpatient hospitalization in addition bipolar disorder and alcohol dependence. Alcohol:  Clinical and
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to increased medical morbidity and social problems. Brown, E.  S., Garza, M., & Carmody, T.  J. (2008). A randomized,
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unmet, with few empirical data to support effective psy- patients with bipolar disorder and alcohol use disorders. Journal of
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4 9 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Jelena Vrublevska and Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis

INTRODUCTION Thompson, Kupfer, Fagiolini, Scott, & Frank, 2006) and to

a significantly greater disability (Perron et al., 2009).
General medical comorbidity is an important problem for
psychiatric patients, leading to increased mortality among
sufferers (Alstrom, 1942; Babigian & Odoroff, 1969). In OBE S I T Y
this framework, it is important to note that bipolar disor-
der (BD) patients are less likely to receive proper diagno- Overweight and obesity are both important public health
sis and care for their somatic problems, and this, together problems, and their prevalence is increasing in the gen-
with their own lack of cooperation, are largely responsible eral population. Its magnitude is even greater in psychi-
for a worse overall outcome (Morriss & Mohammed, atric patients, including BD patients. Technically, the US
2005). It has been reported that psychiatric patients in National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (1998) defined
general (including BD patients) have a life expectancy of overweight as body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25kg/m2 but <
25 to 30 years less than expected, with premature mortal- 30 kg/m2 and obesity as BMI > 30 kg/m2 . The prevalence of
ity primarily due to cardiovascular problems (Colton & obesity in BD patients is 20% to 49% (Elmslie, Silverstone,
Manderscheid, 2006). In this frame, it is embarrassing Mann, Williams, & Romans, 2000; McElroy et al., 2002),
that some pharmacological interventions, although effec- probably higher in comparison to the 18% reported in the
tive in ameliorating psychiatric symptomatology, eventu- general US population (Fagiolini et al., 2002). There are a
ally put the patient at a higher risk for the manifestation of number of possible causes for obesity, including sedentary
specific somatic disorders. lifestyle, medication exposure, neuroendocrine disorder,
Depending on the study sample, from one-fifth to more comorbid eating disorders, and genetic predisposition,
than two-thirds of BD patients are reported to manifest among others.
some kind of somatic comorbidity, with cardiovascular, Frequently patients who receive pharmacologic treat-
endocrinological, gastrointestinal disorders, and pain ment for BD gain weight. Atypical antipsychotic medica-
being the most prevalent (Castelo et  al., 2012; Feldman, tions are specifically associated with central obesity, with
Gwizdowski, Fischer, Yang, & Suppes, 2012; Kemp et al., the main localization of body fat occurring around the
2013; Krishnan 2005; Magalhaes et  al., 2012; McIntyre abdomen (Elmslie et al., 2000). It is interesting that a ret-
et  al., 2006, 2007; Oreski, Jakovljevic, Aukst-Margetic, rospective study of 50 consecutive patients with BD type
Orlic, & Vuksan-Cusa, 2012; Perron et  al., 2009; I revealed that the weight gain occurred during the acute
Strakowski, MeElroy, Keck, & West, 1994; Strakowski treatment rather than during maintenance treatment
et al., 1992; Subramaniam, Abdin, Vaingankar, & Chong, (Fagiolini et al., 2002).
2013; Weber, Fisher, Cowan, & Niebuhr, 2011). Multiple BD is frequently comorbid with substance use disorders
somatic comorbidity seems to be the rule rather than the and binge-eating disorder, which both result in increased
exception with BD patients suffering from an average of weight (McIntyre et  al., 2007). BD patients may also be
2.7 or more medical conditions (Kilbourne et  al., 2009; particularly vulnerable to the appetite-stimulating effects
McIntyre et al., 2006; Soreca, Frank, & Kupfer, 2009). This of some substances of abuse. The association between
high medical comorbidity eventually leads to a worse over- depressive episodes and weight gain may be due to biologi-
all long-term course and outcome (McIntyre et al., 2006; cal and behavioral changes because of depression, as well as

the result of appetite-stimulating effects occurring with use agents, including some new generation antipsychotics and
of some psychotropics. antidepressants. Opposing to this increased risk, many
There is growing evidence that obesity in patients with patients with severe mental disorders have limited access
BD leads to higher morbidity and mortality than expected, to health care and as such with less opportunity for car-
and in interaction with specific clinical features of BD, diovascular risk screening and prevention relative to the
leads to poorer prognosis and outcome of BD itself. It has general population (De Hert et  al., 2009). For patients
been reported that obese BD patients experienced a greater with access to heath care main clinical focus is often psy-
number of lifetime manic and depressive episodes than non- chiatric illness and clinician neglect for mental disease-
obese BD patients and are more likely to manifest recur- and/or treatment-induced modifiable risk factors further
rence, particularly of depressive episodes. It has also been contributes to increased cardiovascular death rates. To
suggested that increased obesity in BD patients is related to exemplify weight gain during acute and maintenance treat-
an increased risk of suicidal ideation and suicidal acts. BD ment is a well-established side effect of antipsychotics and
patients with overweight have also been reported to mani- affects 15% to 72% of BD patients. Antidepressants and
fest more frequent subthreshold social and generalized anx- mood-stabilizing drugs, such as lithium and valproate, may
iety disorders, diabetes mellitus type II, and hypertension. also induce weight gain (De Hert et al., 2009). It is also well
(Alciati, Gesuele, Rizzi, Sarzi-Puttini, & Foschi, 2011). known that weight gain may induce or worsen hypertension
as such cardiovascular diseases. As a result, bipolar patients
are at a particularly high risk to develop a cardiovascular
C A R DIOVA S C U L A R R I S K FAC TOR S disease in comparison to patients with other psychiatric
A N D DI S E A S E illnesses. In a retrospective study in which the data were
collected from hospital records, the prevalence of comorbid
The most common cause of death associated with physical diagnoses were compared between schizophrenia and BD.
disorders for people with severe mental illness is cardiovas- Patients with BD had more somatic (67.1% vs. 50.6%) and
cular disease. In a population-based cohort study of 4.6  psychiatric (29.9% vs. 10.9%) comorbid conditions in com-
million persons born in Denmark followed up for 13 years, parison to patients with schizophrenia. More interesting
the heart disease admissions and the rates of mortality from was the finding that the most prevalent somatic comorbid-
heart disease were estimated. The incidence rate ratio of ity in patients with BD was cardiovascular disease (22.6%;
heart disease contacts in persons with severe mental illness Oreski et al., 2012). Another study in 1,379 patients with
to that of nonpsychiatric population was 1.11 (95% confi- BD who were treated from 2001 to 2002 in outpatient psy-
dence interval [CI]:  1.08–1.14). The psychiatric patient’s chiatric clinics reported that the most common somatic
excess mortality risk ratio from heart disease was 2.90 (95% diseases were cardiovascular and, most specifically, hyper-
CI: 2.71–3.10). Within five years of a first contact due to tension, affecting 10.7% of that population. As expected,
a somatic disease, the risk of dying from a heart disease risk of medical comorbidities and cardiovascular diseases
was 8.26% for persons with severe mental illness who are increased with patients’ age. The baseline rate was also stag-
aged <70 years, compared to the rate of 2.86% in patients geringly high, with 30% of BD patients suffering from at
with a heart disease but without psychiatric comorbidity. least one medical condition already in their 20s. (Beyer,
Furthermore, in the population with psychiatric comor- Kuchibhatla, Gersing, & Krishnan, 2005). A retrospective
bidity the rate of invasive procedures were considerably study of administrative claims confirmed this by revealing
lower, and survival after the first contact for heart disease that the average age of BD patients was 39 years, indicating
was reduced (Laursen, Munk-Olsen, Agerbo, Gasse, & that medical conditions are prevalent at a very young age
Mortensen, 2009). (Carney & Jones 2006). A four-year cross-sectional survey
The fact that cardiovascular disease is the most com- among Taiwanese BD patients showed the highest rela-
mon cause of death is not radically different from the tive risk for the development of ischemic heart disease and
general population; however, psychiatric patients convey hypertension (relative risk  =  4.74. and 4.08, respectively)
higher risk to develop cardiovascular disease at an earlier was in the age group under 20 years. The lowest relative risk
age and with greater severity. It is well known that risk for developing ischemic heart disease and hypertensive dis-
factors for cardiovascular diseases are multifactorial and order were observed in the age group equal or older than
comprises some genetic and lifestyle components, as well as 65 years. There was no significant gender difference in the
some disease-specific treatment related effects, which in the cardiovascular disease prevalence rates among the study
case of psychiatric patients are some specific psychotropic participants. Also, these findings are consistent with those

4 9 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
that have indicated that males and females with mood (2002), which reviewed the records of 366 BD patients,
disorders shared a similar level of risk for developing car- reported that late-onset mania patients did demonstrate an
diovascular diseases in contrast to what is observed in the increased frequency of current vascular risk factors com-
general population (Huang, Su, Chen, Chou, & Bai, 2009). pared with early-onset mania subjects. However, that study
From a reverse point of view, a retrospective cohort included 228 BD inpatients for which the medical comor-
study analyzed administrative data from 21,745 inpatients bidity was quantified using referral as the criterion. In that
admitted with an acute myocardial infarction. Psychiatric sample, the most common medical condition was arterial
comorbidity was identified using secondary inpatient diag- hypertension, and severe active comorbidity prolonged hos-
nosis codes from the index of hospitalization and diagno- pital stay (Douzenis et al., 2012).
sis or from one or more outpatient encounters during the Overall, the literature suggests that BD patients are at
12 months prior to admission. In total, 0.9% of cases from a higher risk in comparison both to the general popula-
the index inpatient admissions and 2.0% from the prior out- tion and to other psychiatric patients to develop some type
patient visits confirmed a comorbid diagnosis of BD. The of cardiovascular disease. They are also at a higher risk to
results also suggested that patients with psychiatric comor- develop a more severe form of the disease and at an earlier
bidity were younger and had lower mean laboratory severity age. When they are physically healthy, BD patients have
scores. However, the rates of psychiatric comorbidity dif- limited access to screening and preventive programs, and
fered depending on the identification approach and were after such a condition develops they have inadequate treat-
substantially more frequent when using diagnostic codes ment and care. All of these factors result in poorer outcome
from prior outpatient encounters instead of secondary of both BD and somatic disorder, higher disability, as well
diagnostic codes from inpatient admissions. The patients as an increased overall mortality because of cardiovascular
with psychiatric comorbidity identified on the basis of prior disease resulting in a shorter average lifespan.
outpatient encounters had a modestly elevated risk of both
30- and 365-day adjusted mortality rates, whereas patients
identified on the basis of secondary inpatient diagnosis E N D O C R I N E DI S OR DE R S
codes had similar 30- and 365-day adjusted mortality rates
compared to the patients without such codes (Abrams, The increased risk of metabolic side effects in patients
Vaughan-Sarrazin, & Rosenthal, 2009). A  retrospective with severe mental illness including BD has received much
study of administrative claims revealed that cardiovascular attention because of the high mortality manifested in these
conditions were more common among BD patients, rang- patients due to physical illness and especially to the com-
ing from a 23% increase in hypertension to a 185% increase bination of diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, and
in stroke. That particular study suggests that the increased cardiovascular disease (De Hert at al., 2011). A  number
odds for cardiovascular disease may be the result of weight of studies have revealed that metabolic syndrome is two
gain, nicotine use, or unhealthy diet among subjects with to three times more common in patients with severe men-
BD (Carney & Jones 2006). While several studies have sug- tal disorders compared to the general population (Ohaeri
gested that BD elevates risk of cardiovascular disease, few & Akanji, 2011). A study of 345 hospitalized BD patients
studies have examined the specific relationship of mania reported that the prevalence of diabetes was 9.9%, signifi-
and hypomania with cardiovascular disease. In one study, cantly greater than expected from national norms (3.4%;
the history of manic and hypomanic episodes was associ- Cassidy, Ahearn, & Carroll, 1999). This higher prevalence
ated with a 2.5 to 3 times higher odds of cardiovascular seems to concern all age groups under 60  years and both
disease in comparison to individuals without a history sexes; it is more pronounced in low-income individuals and
of hypomanic/manic or depressive episodes. The reasons among residents living in urban rather than rural areas
behind this correlation are unclear; however, it is likely that (Chien, Chang, Lin, Chou, & Chou, 2010). The patients
manic or hypomanic episodes elevate the risk for the devel- with comorbid diabetes mellitus are reported to have sig-
opment of a cardiovascular disease through a multifactorial nificantly more lifetime psychiatric hospitalizations than
pathway. It is known that the increased severity of illness, the nondiabetic subjects, although the age at first hospi-
worse treatment outcome, and less time spent in a recov- talization and duration of psychiatric disorder were simi-
ered state are associated with negative health behaviors in lar in the two groups (Cassidy et al., 1999). Another study
BD, which in turn increase the risk for cardiovascular dis- that examined clinical data from 222 patients with BD
ease and start a vicious cycle (Ramsey, Leoutsakos, Mayer, (26 diabetic and 196 nondiabetic) found that diabetic BD
Eaton, & Lee, 2010). The study by Cassidy and Carroll patients were significantly older than nondiabetic patients

M edical C omorbidity in B ipolar D isorder   •   4 9 9

(p < .001), had higher rates of rapid cycling (p = .02) and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis (Hendrick, Altshuler, &
chronic course of BD (p = .006), and were more often on Whybrow, 1998). A study on general medical comorbidity
disability benefit because of BD (p < .001; Ruzickova et al., of all BD hospital discharges (n  =  27,054) in the United
2003). Additionally, the patients with comorbid diabetes States in the period from 1979 to 2006 showed higher pro-
mellitus had significantly more lifetime psychiatric hospi- portions of some medical conditions, including acquired
talizations than the nondiabetic subjects, although the age hypothyroidism (proportional morbidity ratio = 2.6; Weber
at first hospitalization and duration of psychiatric disorder et al., 2011).
were similar in the two groups (Cassidy et al., 1999). Some studies have reported that overt or subclinical
This more complex clinical picture and course brings hypothyroidism was more prevalent in BD patients with
forward the fact that antipsychotic treatment is associated a rapid cycling course, although others did not find such
with a higher prevalence of diabetes in persons with BD. an association. Lithium has antithyroid effects that may
Although there are some disputes on how strong this con- lead to clinical or subclinical hypothyroidism in up to 23%
tribution of antipsychotic treatment is on the development of patients (Kleiner, Altshuler, Hendrick, & Hershman,
of diabetes mellitus, the literature supports this correlation 1999). Lithium interferes with the synthesis and release of
(Chien et  al., 2010; Ruzickova et  al., 2003; Weber et  al., thyroid hormones through various mechanisms, and it has
2011). From a reverse angle, a nationwide, population-based, been suggested that it induces or exacerbates the develop-
prospective 10-year study reported that patients with ment of autoimmune thyroiditis.
BD were at an increased risk of initiation of antidia- Asymptomatic autoimmune thyroiditis with a euthy-
betic (10.1% vs. 6.3%, p  =  .012; Hazard Ratio  =  1.702, roid state and a mildly increased level of circulating anti-
95% CI:  1.155–2.507) and anti-hyperlipidemia medi- bodies is not uncommon and occurs in 5% to 15% of the
cations (15.8% vs. 10.5%, p  =  0.004; HR  =  1.506, 95% normal population, predominantly in women; the preva-
CI: 1.107–2.047) in comparison to controls (Bai, Su, Chen, lence increases with age (Rapoport & McLachlan, 1996).
Chen, & Chang, 2013). In a recent study on a large sample of outpatients with BD,
Another possible cause for this higher-than- expected the prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis (as evidenced by a
comorbidity might be a shared genetic susceptibility. The higher prevalence of antithyroid antibodies) and of thyroid
tyrosine hydroxylase-INS-insulin-like growth factor II failure (as evidenced by a raised serum thyroid-stimulating
gene cluster on the short arm of chromosome 11 has been hormone) was found to be higher than in the general pop-
implicated as a susceptibility locus for diabetes mellitus, ulation and other control patient groups (Kupka et  al.,
and although initial reports of the INS gene being a suscep- 2002). The higher prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis
tibility locus for BD were subsequently discounted after a in BD patients cannot be attributed to lithium exposure
reanalysis of a larger sample, tyrosine hydroxylase markers alone. It should be noted that there are no differences in the
might still be an area deserving further research (Meloni prevalence rates of autoimmune thyroiditis between euthy-
et al., 1995). The two diseases may also affect similar sys- mic BD patients and patients in an acute manic or depres-
tems or areas of the brain. For example, the suprachias- sive episode. A study in monozygotic and dizygotic bipolar
matic nucleus of the hypothalamus has been implicated twins and matched control twins found that autoimmune
both in disturbances of the sleep–wake cycle noted during thyroiditis is related not only to BD itself but also to the
mania and in the regulation of glucose metabolism. The genetic vulnerability to develop the disorder. Thus, autoim-
other probable causatory factors include sedentary lifestyle, mune thyroiditis, with thyroperoxidase antibodies serving
especially concerning unhealthy eating habits and lack of as marker, is a possible endophenotype for BD (Vonk, van
exercise, nicotine dependency, and of course treatment der Schot, Kahn, Nolen, & Drexhage, 2007).
with antipsychotics, lithium, and antiepileptics (Correll,
Frederickson, Kane, & Manu, 2008; Grandjean & Aubry,
2009; Martin, Han, Anton, Greenway, & Smith, 2009; H I V/A I D S
Newcomer, 2007).
Some data suggest that abnormalities in thyroid func- The prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
tion are more prevalent in patients with mood disorders among the general population of adults in the United
than in the general population and may interfere with States has been estimated to be 0.3% to 0.4% (HIV
treatment responsiveness. Although overt hyper- or hypo- Surveillance Report, 2011). However, the risk of HIV
thyroidism may present, mood disorders are more fre- was found to be increased in outpatients with mental
quently associated with more subtle dysfunction of the disorders. More specifically, patients with BD are at a

5 0 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
significantly higher risk of HIV infection in comparison outpatient claims submitted by a health-care provider were
to the general adult US population and at a greater risk 9.53 times higher than expected.
even in comparison to the rest of psychiatric patients. There are several issues concerning the treatment of
They represent a rarely recognized and infrequently stud- HIV-infected persons in general, including lack of access
ied subgroup of HIV-infected patients (Beyer, Taylor, to treatment, social support, and medication side effects.
Gersing, & Krishnan, 2007). In the study of Beyer et al. Patients with HIV and psychiatric comorbidity have been
(2005), from 1,379 patients who were treated for BD from reported to have more favorable admission characteristics
2001 to 2002 in outpatient psychiatric clinics, 2.8% were and have been less likely to be discharged or to die. They
diagnosed with HIV. Although any direct comparison is might be admitted earlier in their disease course for rea-
difficult, this is much higher than anticipated. In the same sons not exclusively due to HIV infection (Goulet, Molde,
database, only 46 of 4,509 (1.0%) unipolar depressed out- Constantino, Gaughan, & Selwyn, 2000).
patients were diagnosed with HIV, and this is much lower One of the important factors that appears to negatively
than the respected rate observed in the bipolar popula- affect anti-HIV medication adherence is co-occurrence of a
tion. These findings might suggest that bipolar patients serious mental disorder. The estimated adherence rates can
may be at an increased risk of exposure to life-threatening vary greatly when assessing HIV positive individuals with
infection, possibly due to impulsive behaviors such as sub- comorbid BD, while among HIV positive persons without
stance abuse and unsafe sexual activity. BD, self-reported antiretroviral medication adherence mea-
In another study on 194 HIV-infected adult outpa- sures were reported to correlate significantly with objective
tients, the diagnosis of BD was confirmed in 8.1% (N = 16) assessments of medication adherence (Medication Event
of the sample. There was an almost four times higher preva- Monitoring System). It is interesting that correlations
lence of BD among the HIV-infected patients (8.1%) than between self-reported and objective measures were not sig-
in the US general population (2.1%). The prevalence of BD nificant in dually affected patients. Among participants
type I  in the HIV patients was 5.6% (N  =  11), which is reporting adherence on self-report measures but classified
almost six times higher than the respective rate in the US as nonadherent based on the objective assessment, 94% had
general population (1%; Merikangas et al., 2007). The vari- a diagnosis of BD (Badiee et al., 2012).
ables associated with the diagnoses of BD were younger age
at first sexual intercourse, sex with prostitute partners, sex
outside the primary relationship, alcohol use disorder, and H E PAT I T I S   C
illicit drug abuse (de Sousa Gurgel et al., 2013). Even though
it cannot be established whether these behaviors occurred The prevalence of hepatitis C (HCV) is higher in certain
independently of BD, previous studies have associated populations, and often HCV infection coexists with HIV
manic states with risky sexual behavior, and BD is strongly and other infections. The presence of multiple comor-
associated with alcohol and substance abuse (Ramrakha bidities may potentially provide additional reasons for
et  al., 2000). In another study, longitudinal analysis was treatment failure and lack of treatment adherence in this
used to explore the relationship between diagnosis of seri- population. In this framework, the presence of psychiatric
ous mental illness and subsequent new diagnoses of HIV. comorbid conditions is among the leading reasons for lack
Logistic regression was used to predict HIV/AIDS diagno- of treatment of HCV in infected persons. In BD patients,
ses among beneficiaries (N = 6,417,676) who were without the increased risk may come from participation in high-risk
HIV. After substance abuse or dependence was longitudi- behaviors including intermittent/episodic drug use or
nally controlled for, no independent association between indiscriminate hypersexuality when manic. In addition,
serious mental illness and the risk of new HIV diagnoses alcohol use disorders are relatively common in BD patients
was found (Prince, Walkup, Akincigil, Amin, & Crystal, and may increase the likelihood of high-risk behaviors, as
2012). In a chart review (N = 162) study at a hospital AIDS well as the risk of liver disease in those patients with comor-
clinic, it was estimated that manic syndromes affected 8% bid alcohol use and HCV.
(N = 9) of patients who had AIDS. Of the patients with A retrospective study on 325,410 patients seen between
manic episodes, those without a family or personal history 1998 and 2004 found that the relative risk for a patient hav-
of mood disorder developed mania later in the course of ing HCV if he or she had BD (with or without a substance
HIV infection and had a higher prevalence of comorbid use disorder) was 3.6 (Matthews, Huckans, Blackwell, &
dementia (Lyketsos et  al., 1993). In the study by Carney Hauser, 2008). Another study of HCV infected (N = 5,737)
and Jones (2006), the odds for HIV/AIDS in inpatient and persons on dialysis reported a prevalence of 1.5% in persons

M edical C omorbidity in B ipolar D isorder   •   5 01

with BD with the odds ratio (OR) equal to 1.19 (95% However, migraine is a common problem in psychiatric
CI: 0.92–1.59; Butt, Evans, Skanderson, & Shakil, 2006). patients, and it is characterized by the recurrence of painful
Screening, testing, and appropriately treating HCV in and nonpainful episodic phenomena and a variety of neu-
the bipolar population may reduce the progression of liver rological manifestations (Antonaci et al., 2011). Migraine
disease and decrease liver-related side effects of medications is up to four times more common in females than in males,
used to treat BD. with its peak incidence occurring between ages 25 and
44 years old (Lipton et al., 2002).
Several authors have reported migraine prevalence rates
C A NC E R as high as 39% among those with BD (Nancy, du Fort, &
Cervantes, 2003). The Canadian Community Health
Although cancer is the second-leading cause of death Survey, with a sample of 36,964 subjects, reported the pres-
among the overall population, evidence on cancer risk var- ence of a significant association between migraine and BD,
ies among persons with severe mental disorders. In a ret- with migraine subjects suffering from BD twice as often
rospective cohort study that used administrative data to as those without migraine. Migraine and BD were com-
examine cancer incidence by diagnosis, race, and cancer mon in those with the lowest and lower middle income
site, the total cancer risk in the study cohort with severe and was less frequent in those who were married (Jette,
mental illnesses versus a population-based register risk was Patten, Williams, Becker, & Wiebe, 2008). Similar results
2.6 higher for persons with schizophrenia and BD. were reported by a large study in a population-based sample
The lung cancer incidence among patients with schizo- (Ratcliffe et  al., 2009). Another large, population-based
phrenia or BD was more than four times higher than the study confirmed that the odds of having migraine were
respected based on population-based registries data. The significantly increased in subjects with both manic and
incidence of colorectal cancer was similarly elevated with depressive episodes in comparison to either episodes alone
standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) of 4.0 for persons with (OR = 1.5 vs. manic episodes alone; 1.8 vs. depressive epi-
BD. Female participants had heightened risk of breast can- sodes alone). Additionally, migraine comorbidity in BD
cer with an SIR equal to 1.9. There was no increased risk for patients was associated with an earlier onset of mental
prostate cancer. The study cohort showed no racial effect illness, while in subjects with either manic or depressive
on cancer risk (McGinty et al., 2012). In another retrospec- episodes alone migraine comorbidity was associated with
tive study of 3,557 subjects with BD and administrative increased suicidality and anxiety (Nguyen & Low, 2013).
claims, elevated ORs were found for cancers concerning A  number of studies have found higher prevalence of
all organ systems. Lymphoma and metastatic cancer were migraine particularly in those with BD type II, as well as
the only conditions less likely to occur in persons with BD higher rates of suicidal behavior, panic disorder, generalized
(Carney & Jones, 2006). anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and social
The risk factors are disproportionally prevalent in men- phobia (Ortiz et al., 2010).
tal health patients and increase the risk for the developing Migraine and BD share several characteristics, such
of certain types of cancer, but not cancer in general. High as an episodic course, an increased vulnerability to stress,
rates of smoking in the population with serious mental ill- response to specific antiepileptic drugs, and family his-
ness probably contributes to the increased lung cancer inci- tory for both migraine and mood disorders. The two main
dence. The possible but inconclusive elevated risk of breast theories that have been proposed are that a common etio-
cancer may be due to the low childbirth rate and to the logic factor (environmental or genetic) influences both
elevated prolactin levels caused by treatment with specific conditions and a causal relationship exists between mental
antipsychotics. The high risk of colon cancer (SIRs = 4.0) disorders and migraine. Furthermore, Dilsaver, Benazzi,
might be related to smoking, sedentary lifestyle, or diet Oedegaard, Fasmer, and Akiskal (2009) reported that hav-
high in fat and low in fruits and vegetables. ing a first-degree relative with BD increases the likelihood
of having migraine among patients with unipolar depres-
sion (OR = 4.3) and BD (OR = 2.9). Serotoninergic dopa-
M IG R A I N E minergic and glutamate systems abnormalities (D’Andrea,
Welch, Riddle, Grunfeld, & Joseph, 1989; Goodwin &
The estimates of annual prevalence of migraine in the Jamison, 2007; Peroutka, Wilhoit, & Jones, 1997)  have
general population range from 3.3% to 21.9% for women been implicated in the pathogenesis of migraine, as well as
and from 0.7% to 16.1% for men (Lipton & Bigal, 2005). in the pathogenesis of mood disorders. It has been suggested

5 0 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
that the low platelet monoamine oxidase activity observed with a strong history of BD. Eight of them were suffer-
in patients with migraine could serve as an indicator of ing from BD, and one had symptoms of BD but did not
increased vulnerability for the development of psychiatric meet the full Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
disorders (Littlewood et al., 1989). Disorders criteria. Four of these nine subjects also had deep
white matter lesions, and eight had lesions in the subcor-
tical gray nuclei. It is highly probable that the presence of
G A S T ROE N T E ROL O G IC A L white matter hyperintensities is suggestive of the presence
DI S OR DE R S of some comorbid medical condition (e.g., migraine, cere-
brovascular disease, or multiple sclerosis) and do not relate
Studies that have included patients with mood disorders directly to BD per se.
have reported significantly higher rates of gastrointestinal
problems in comparison to the general population. More
specifically, community-based studies have demonstrated an C ONC LUS ION
association between peptic ulcer disease and mood disorders
among adults. BDs were reported to be robustly associated Overall, the literature is conclusive concerning the high
with peptic ulcer disease (OR = 2.91), although nicotine and rate of medical comorbidity in BD patients and its adverse
alcohol dependence might play a substantial role in explain- effect on overall outcome. However, it is rather inconclu-
ing the link of BD with peptic ulcer disease (Goodwin, sive concerning specific diseases and rates. This is because
Keyes, Stein, & Talley, 2009). Studies have shown that of differences in study samples (e.g., inpatients, outpatients,
smoking reduces the amount of bicarbonate in the duode- registered and covered by insurance, which by definition
num, which causes problems in the neutralization of acid might suffer from a less severe bipolar, etc.) and assess-
(Ainsworth, Hogan, Koss, & Isenberg, 1993). In addition, ment methods. In spite of these problems in the literature,
smoking decreases the gastroduodenal mucosal synthesis of a robust conclusion is that complex multiple comorbidity
prostaglandin, an important factor in regulation of muco- seems to be very frequent.
sal defense, including the stimulation of duodenal mucosal The treatment of these multiple somatic comorbidities is
bicarbonate secretion (Fletcher, Shulkes, & Hardy, 1985). difficult, and several principles exist to manage the increas-
In patients with BD, studies suggest that over 50% of ingly complex problems. Central to the proper strategic
patients have one or more past or present alcohol and sub- design of the treatment are correct diagnosis, risk assess-
stance use disorders. This increased presence of substance ment, determining the appropriate setting for treatment,
and alcohol use disorders in BD patients in turn increases and determining the sequence of treatments since simulta-
the risk of chronic liver disease. In the retrospective elec- neous treatments might be problematic. Following these,
tronic chart review of the Veterans Integrated Services the planning for the long-term management and detailed
Network, the patients with BD (N = 5,319) had a higher assessment of the different facets of the outcome with the
prevalence of liver disease (21.5% vs. 3.5%; OR  =  7.58); use of psychometric and neuropsychological tools and labo-
HCV (15.5% vs. 2.1%; OR  =  8.60), and alcohol-related ratory testing are also of prime importance (McIntyre et al.,
liver cirrhosis (1.6% vs. 0.4%; OR = 3.82) in comparison to 2012; Ramasubbu, Beaulieu, Taylor, Schaffer, & McIntyre,
matched controls (Fuller et al., 2011). 2012; Soreca et al., 2008).
Disclosure statement: Dr.  Fountoulakis has received sup-
port to attend congresses from Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Astra
C OMOR B I D E NC E PH A L OPAT H Y Zeneca, Janssen and others. He receives research grant sup-
port from Pfizer Foundation. Dr. Jelena Vrublevska has no
While white matter hyperintensities are not usually seen conflicts to disclose.
in young subjects, deep white matter hyperintensities have
been reported in up to 25% of young patients with BD, and
they seem to be stable over time (Dupont et al., 1990). The R E F E R E NC E S
clinical implications of MRI findings in patients with BD
are not well understood. Only in a late-onset BD with con- Abrams, T.  E., Vaughan-Sarrazin, M., & Rosenthal, G.  E. (2009).
Psychiatric comorbidity and mortality after acute myocardial
comitant organic (usually of cerebrovascular origin) sub- infarction. Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 2,
strate can this relationship be easily understood. Ahearn 213–220.
et al. (1998) obtained MRIs from 21 members of a family

M edical C omorbidity in B ipolar D isorder   •   5 0 3

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5 0 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
PA R T   V I

Leonardo Tondo and Ross J. Baldessarini

INTRODUCTION reliance for research on surrogate outcome measures such

as self-injurious acts, threats so compelling as to require
Suicide remains a major, unsolved problem for modern intervention, or even elusive and subjective thoughts of sui-
medicine and psychiatry. A ubiquitous international phe- cide or death. However, although a suicidal act necessarily
nomenon, recognized cases of suicide account for at least includes previous ideation, the relationships of such surro-
800,000 fatalities worldwide annually, but many cases are gate measures to suicide are not close.
undiagnosed or unreported (sometimes for cultural or reli- In the general population the reported ratio of attempts
gious reasons or lack of systematic ascertainment) or may to suicides (A/S, proposed as an index of “lethality”) is 30 to
be considered “accidents.” The study of suicide is challeng- 50, and the ratio of identified “suicidal ideation” to attempts
ing for several reasons. Until recently, there seemed to be is about 6 (Kessler, Berglund, Borges, Nock, & Wang,
some doubt that suicide is not only a personal tragedy and 2005), with a proportion of nearly 180 cases involving puta-
sociological problem but also a medical condition with a tive suicidal ideation for every suicide in the United States,
strong association with psychiatric disorders. Moreover, based on a national suicide rate of 0.011% per year (Table
the concept that suicide risk might be altered (in either 37.1). However, the definitions and prevalence of nonfatal
direction) by application of medical treatments has been suicide-related behaviors (“attempts,” “gestures”) and sui-
very slow to emerge and be accepted, and only in recent cidal thoughts (“plans,” “ideation”) are much less reliable
years (Baldessarini & Jamison, 1999). Therapeutic inves- than for suicides and certainly are underreported, as well as
tigations have been particularly uncommon. To date only highly variable in suicidal intent and in the seriousness or
one treatment—the antipsychotic drug clozapine—has potential lethality of methods involved (Kessler et al., 2005;
regulatory recognition as having some long-term ability to Tondo, Isacsson, & Baldessarini, 2003). It is important
reduce suicidal risk, but only for patients diagnosed with to note that, in mood-disorder patients, these ratios shift
schizophrenia (Meltzer et al., 2003). For other treatments, substantially from the general population: the A/S ratio is
with the possible exception of long-term use of lithium salts only 5 to 10 (lower with greater intent to die), the ratio of
in major mood disorders, there is only suggestive evidence identified suicidal ideation to attempts is about 3, and the
(Baldessarini et al., 2006). Other plausible treatments that ratio of ideation to suicides is about 20 to 25 (Nordstrom,
might be of value include antidepressants or electroconvul- Samuelsson, & Åsberg, 1995; Tondo & Baldessarini, 2007).
sive treatment (ECT), as well as various forms of psycho- These considerations indicate that relationships among
therapy, emergency hospitalization, and others. However, levels of suicidal risk (thoughts, acts, deaths) are not close
all of these methods remain inadequately tested or their quantitatively and that suicidal ideation as an outcome
research assessments are inconsistent and inconclusive, measure bears only a distant relationship to suicide, even
even though they are widely employed empirically. among psychiatric patients at risk. Moreover, suicidal ide-
Limitations to research on treatments aimed at reduc- ation is a self-reported and subjective measure of uncertain
ing suicidal risk include obvious clinical and ethical prob- reliability that can range from weariness of life to explicit,
lems when an inactive or ineffective treatment, such as a self-destructive plans. Nevertheless, ideation is the first step
placebo condition, would be compared to an experimen- toward a possible suicide act and, appropriately, is carefully
tal intervention. In addition, the infrequency of suicide, considered in clinical and research assessments of suicidal
even among psychiatrically ill persons, has encouraged risk, particularly in patients diagnosed with a major mood




Egypt 2009 0.1 0.1 0.0 —

Mauritius 2008 6.8 11.8 1.9 6.21

South Africa 2007 0.9 1.4 0.4 3.50

Zimbabwe 1990 7.9 10.6 5.2 2.04

Africa mean (n = 4) 3.92 ± 3.99 5.97 ± 6.08 1.88 ± 2.36 3.92 ± 2.12

North America

Canada 2004 11.3 17.3 5.4 3.20

USA 2005 11.0 17.7 4.5 3.93

North America mean (n = 2) 11.2 ± 0.21 17.5 ± 0.28 4.95 ± 0.64 3.56 ± 0.52

Central America & Caribbean

Costa Rica 2009 6.1 10.2 1.9 5.37

Cuba 2008 12.3 19.0 5.5 3.46

Guatemala 2008 3.6 5.6 1.7 3.29

Mexico 2008 4.2 7.0 1.5 4.67

Nicaragua 2006 5.8 9.0 2.6 3.46

Panama 2008 5.5 9.0 1.9 4.74

Puerto Rico 2005 7.4 13.2 2.0 6.60

Central America mean (n = 7) 6.41 ± 2.88 10.0 ± 4.48 2.44 ± 1.39 4.51 ± 1.22

South America

Argentina 2008 7.7 12.6 3.0 4.20

Belize 2008 3.7 6.6 0.7 9.43

Brazil 2008 4.8 7.7 2.0 3.85

Chile 2007 11.1 18.2 4.2 4.33

Colombia 2007 4.9 7.9 2.0 3.95

Ecuador 2009 7.1 10.5 3.6 2.92

Guyana 2006 26.4 39.0 13.4 2.91

Paraguay 2008 3.6 5.1 2.0 2.55

Peru 2007 1.4 1.9 1.0 1.90

Suriname 2005 14.4 23.9 4.8 4.98

Trinidad 2006 10.7 17.9 3.8 4.71

Uruguay 2004 15.8 26.0 6.3 4.13

Venezuela 2007 3.2 5.3 1.2 4.42

South America mean (n = 13) 8.83 ± 6.91 14.0 ± 10.6 3.69 ± 3.34 4.18 ± 1.82

Table 3 7.1.  CONTINUED



Middle East

Bahrain 2006 3.8 4.0 3.5 1.14

Iran 1991 0.2 0.3 0.1 3.00

Israel 2007 4.3 7.0 1.5 4.67

Jordan 2008 0.1 0.2 0.0 —

Kuwait 2009 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.12

Syria 1985 0.1 0.2 0.0 —

Middle-East mean (n = 6) 1.72 ± 1.93 2.27 ± 2.76 1.13 ± 1.39 2.48 ± 1.70

Western Europe

Austria 2010 15.0 23.7 6.8 3.48

Belgium 2005 19.4 28.8 10.3 2.80

Cyprus 2008 4.5 7.4 1.7 4.35

Denmark 2006 11.9 17.5 6.4 2.73

Finland 2009 19.3 29.0 10.0 2.90

France 2007 16.3 24.7 8.5 2.91

Germany 2010 12.3 18.6 6.1 3.05

Greece 2009 3.5 6.0 1.0 6.00

Iceland 2008 11.9 16.5 7.0 2.36

Ireland 2009 11.8 19.0 4.7 4.04

Italy 2008 6.5 10.3 2.9 3.55

Luxembourg 2008 9.6 16.1 3.2 5.03

Malta 2008 3.4 5.9 1.0 5.90

Netherlands 2009 9.3 13.1 5.5 2.38

Norway 2009 11.9 17.3 6.5 2.66

Portugal 2009 9.6 15.6 4.0 3.90

Spain 2008 7.6 11.9 3.4 3.50

Sweden 2010 12.1 17.9 6.4 2.80

Switzerland 2007 18.0 24.8 11.4 2.18

UK 2009 6.9 10.9 3.0 3.63

West Europe mean (n = 19) 10.8 ± 4.91 16.4 ± 6.94 5.42 ± 3.10 3.51 ± 1.13

Eastern Europe

Albania 2003 4.0 4.7 3.3 1.42

Armenia 2008 1.9 2.8 1.1 2.54

Table 37.1.  CONTINUED



Austria 2010 15.0 23.7 6.8 3.48

Azerbajan 2007 0.6 1.0 0.3 3.33

Belarus 2009 28.4 49.6 9.8 5.06

Bosnia & Herzegovina 1991 11.8 20.3 3.3 6.15

Bulgaria 2008 12.3 18.8 6.2 3.03

Croatia 2009 17.8 28.9 7.5 3.85

Czech Republic 2009 14.0 23.9 4.4 5.43

Estonia 2008 18.1 30.6 7.3 4.19

Georgia 2009 4.3 7.1 1.7 4.18

Hungary 2009 24.6 40.0 10.6 3.77

Latvia 2009 22.9 40.0 8.2 4.88

Lithuania 2009 34.1 61.3 10.4 5.89

Poland 2008 14.9 26.4 4.1 6.44

Moldova 2008 17.4 30.1 5.6 5.38

Romania 2009 12.0 21.0 3.5 6.00

Russian Federation 2006 30.1 53.9 9.5 5.67

Serbia 2009 18.8 28.1 10.0 2.810

Slovakia 2005 12.6 22.3 3.4 6.56

Slovenia 2009 21.9 34.6 9.4 3.68

Macedonia 2003 6.8 9.5 4.0 2.38

Ukraine 2009 21.2 37.8 7.0 5.40

East Europe mean (n = 23) 15.9 ± 8.91 26.8 ± 16.0 5.97 ± 3.15 4.41 ± 1.45


China 1999 13.9 13.0 14.8 0.88

India 2009 10.5 13.0 7.8 1.67

Hong Kong 2009 14.6 19.0 10.7 1.78

Kazakhstan 2008 25.6 43.0 9.4 4.57

Kyrgystan 2009 8.8 14.1 3.6 3.92

Maldives 2005 0.3 0.7 0.0 —

Sri Lanka 1991 31.0 44.6 16.8 2.66

South Korea 2009 31.0 39.9 22.1 1.80

Tajikistan 2001 2.6 2.9 2.3 1.26

Thailand 2002 7.8 12.0 3.8 3.16

Table 37.1.  CONTINUED



Turkmenistan 1998 8.6 13.8 3.5 3.94

Uzbekistan 2005 4.7 7.0 2.3 3.04

Asia mean (n = 12) 13.3 ± 10.5 18.6 ± 15.3 8.09 ± 6.86 2.61 ± 1.22


Australia 2006 8.2 12.8 3.6 3.56

Japan 2009 24.4 36.2 13.2 2.74

New Zealand 2007 11.7 18.1 5.5 3.29

Philippines 1993 2.1 2.5 1.7 1.47

Singapore 2006 10.3 12.9 7.7 1.68

Pacific mean (n = 5) 11.3 ± 8.17 16.5 ± 12.4 6.34 ± 4.43 2.55 ± 0.94


Overall Means (N = 91) 10.9 17.2 5.04 3.73

[95% CI] [9.22–12.6] [14.4–19.9] [4.19–5.89] [3.41–4.05]

NOTE: Regional means are with ± standard deviations. Data from World Health Organization (2013). CI = confidence interval.

disorder. In general, nonfatal suicide-related behaviors lowest reported rates are in the Middle East and the high-
(attempts, violent and nonviolent self-injurious acts, “ges- est in Eastern Europe). Average rates are consistently much
tures,” and ideation) vary in definition and potential lethal- higher for men than women (by an average of 3.7-fold), with
ity, can be unreliable or unfeasible outcome measures, and the notable exception of China, are very low in children,
surely are underreported (Kessler et al., 2005; Tondo et al., and relatively high among elderly men (Simon & Hales,
2003). Assessment of suicide-related behaviors is further 2012; World Health Organization, 2013; Table 37.1, Figure
complicated by generally relatively higher rates of suicide 37.1). The marked differences in reported rates among
attempts among women and of suicides among men, and world regions probably reflect differences attributable to
with increasing age in both sexes (Simon & Hales, 2012). genetic predisposition (Baldessarini & Hennen, 2004)
In short, it is not surprising that experimental therapeu- and availability of health-care services (Tondo, Albert, &
tics research on interventions aimed at suicide prevention is Baldessarini, 2006), among other factors but also, impor-
difficult conceptually, ethically, clinically, technically, and tantly, to case identification and reporting procedures
quantitatively. It follows that even widely employed, seem- (Diekstra, 1993; Simon & Hales, 2012; World Health
ingly plausible methods of treating suicidal persons are not Organization, 2013). Even among countries with relatively
adequately supported by empirical research evidence, leav- reliable data, suicide rates vary markedly by world region,
ing tension between the obligation to intervene clinically, being extraordinarily high in Eastern Europe and relatively
often rapidly, despite a paucity of clear empirical evidence low in Latin America and Southern Europe (Table 37.1;
about how best to do it. Figure 37.1). In the United States, there were 38,400 identi-
fied suicides in 2010 for an annual rate of 12.4 per 100,000
population (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
E PI DE M IOL O G Y OF   S U IC I DE 2012), consistently higher in men than women, especially
over age 65, with marked differences among ethnic groups
(Native Americans > Caucasians > African-Americans ≥
Latinos) and far higher in Alaska, the Southwest, and the
The worldwide annual rate of reported suicide averages Intermountain West than on the East or West Coasts.
approximately 11/100,000 (0.011% per year; Table 37.1), Reported rates are lower in states with higher population
with wide variation among and even within regions (the and clinician densities, higher average socioeconomic status,

C linical M anagement of S uicide   R isk   •   513

disorders have the highest standardized mortality risk as
Eastern Europe (23)
a ratio to the general population, ranking: bipolar disor-
Asia (12) ders ≥ severe major depressive disorder with hospitaliza-
tion > moderate depression among outpatients (Harris &
North America (2)
Barraclough, 1998; Simon & Hales, 2012). Risk factors for
Pacific (5)
suicide, aside from previous suicide attempts (the strongest
predictor), include the presence of a major mood disorder
Western Europe (19) with hopelessness, especially if complicated by co-occur-
ring abuse of alcohol or illicit drugs and social isolation
South America (13)
(Kessler et al., 2005; Tondo et al., 1999). Risk is especially
Central America (7)
high among young, impulsive-aggressive men and older,
Males unmarried or socially isolated men (American Psychiatric
Africa (4)
Association, 2003; Simon & Hales, 2012), although all of
these factors may be confounded by the presence of a men-
Middle East (6)
tal disorder.
World (91) According to US federal statistical data for 2010, 42%
of persons considered to have committed suicide were cur-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
rently depressed, 45% had a diagnosable psychiatric disor-
Reported Suicides/100,000/Year ± SEM
der, and 33% abused alcohol or drugs, but only 32% were
Figure 37.1 
Reported international suicide rates (per 100,000 persons/ receiving any treatment (Murphy, Xu, & Kochanek, 2012).
year) ± SEM among males and females, and overall, in nine world
regions (with numbers of reporting countries in parentheses), ranked Women were more than twice as likely as men to have a
in descending order by overall rates across 9 world regions involving history of suicide attempt (34% vs. 16%) and 1.6 times
91 countries (World Health Organization, 2013). more likely to be diagnosed with a psychiatric illness (62%
vs. 40%). However, women also were 1.8 times more likely
and greater average availability of health insurance (Centers than men to receive treatment for it (50% vs. 27%), which
for Diseases Control and Prevention, 2013; Simon & may contribute to their lower rate of suicide than in men.
Hales, 2012; Tondo et al., 2006). The unusually high risk of suicide among mood-dis-
Internationally, suicide rates have shifted by relatively order patients was supported by our review of the medi-
small amounts up or down, more less at random, over the cal records of over 2,800 outpatients with major mood
past half-century, with increases reported in about half of disorders evaluated and treated at the Lucio Bini Mood
reporting nations and moderate decreases found in another Disorders Research Center in Cagliari, Sardinia (Tondo &
half, including in northern Europe and North America Baldessarini, 2007). We also found substantially greater
(Baldessarini et  al., 2007; World Health Organization, suicide risks among bipolar disorder patients than in those
2013). Reported decreases have been proposed to reflect with recurrent, unipolar major depressive disorder. The
improved diagnosis and treatment of mood disorders in risk of suicides was similar among 843 types I and II bipo-
recent years (American Psychiatric Association, 2003; lar disorder patients, averaging 150/100,000 per year, or 14
Baldessarini et  al., 2006, 2007; Nordstrom et  al., 1995; times greater than the average international rate in the gen-
Oquendo, Chaudhury, & Mann, 2005; Simon & Hales, eral population (at 11/100,000 per year; Table 37.1, Figure
2012; Tondo et al., 2006). Paradoxically, increases in sui- 37.1), more than 10 times higher than in the general popu-
cide rates in some regions may reflect improvements in lation of Sardinia, and 3 times greater than among 1,983
case-finding and reporting. outpatients diagnosed with unipolar depression. These rates
suggest a risk of dying by suicide among bipolar disorder
patients of approximately 10% and among unipolar depres-
sive patients of over 3%, considering potential risk expo-
sure of approximately 60 years. However, among severly ill
Some studies indicate that perhaps 90% of suicides occur by unipolar depressed patients, standardized mortality risk
persons with at least one clinically diagnosable psychiatric can be 20 times over general population suicide rates, or
disorder (Goldsmith, Pellmar, Kleinman, & Bunney, 2002; similar to risks among bipolar disorder patients (Harris &
Harris & Barraclough, 1998), nearly half of which (48.5%) Barraclough, 1998; Simon & Hales, 2012), and risk is
are mood disorders (Simon & Hales, 2012). Major mood approximately 3 times greater among ever-hospitalized

514   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
unipolar patients than those treated only as outpatients and the great difficulty of treating bipolar depressive and mixed
with less severe current symptom ratings (Tondo, Lepri, & manic-depressive states effectively (Baldessarini, Vieta,
Baldessarini, 2008). In general, the most frequent condition Calabrese, Tohen, & Bowden, 2010b; Rihmer et al., 2008;
associated with suicide has been currently depressed mood or Saunders & Hawton, 2013). Indeed, approximately three-
agitated-dysphoric states in both bipolar and unipolar mood- quarters of the surprisingly high proportion (about 40%–
disorder patients (Isometsä et al., 1994; Rihmer, Gonda, 50%), of weeks ill during follow-up, even from illness onset)
Balazs, & Faludi, 2008; Tondo & Baldessarini, 2007). We of unresolved morbidity in bipolar disorder is depressive or
found the rate of suicide attempts to average 1.26% per year dysphoric (Baldessarini, Salvatore, Khalsa, et al., 2010a; De
among bipolar disorder patients, and 25% of these acts were Dios, Ezquiaga, Garcia, Soler, & Vieta, 2010; Forte et al.,
violent (Baldessarini et al., 2006). In contrast, the risk of 2015; Judd et al., 2002).
attempts was 2.6 times less (0.48% per year) in unipolar than
bipolar cases, and only 12.5% of suicidal acts among unipolar
patients were considered violent. For comparison, rates of sui- PH A R M AC OL O G IC A L T R E AT M E N T S
cide attempts in the general population average 0.2% to 0.6% A I M E D AT   R E DUC I NG S U IC I DA L   R I S K S
per year, or approximately 36 times the average international
suicide rate (Goldsmith et al., 2002; Kessler et al., 2005). A The high level of unsolved depressive morbidity in treated
more than three times lower ratio (A/S) of attempts to suicide bipolar disorder patients, as well as substantial levels of
indicates higher lethality among mood-disorder patients than unresolved or recurring depression among treated uni-
in the general population. We found A/S ratios of 8.6 in bipo- polar depressed patients, strongly encourage high rates of
lar disorder patients and 9.6 in unipolar depressive patients, both short- and long-term use of psychotropic medicines
or 3.6 to 4.1-times lower that the ratio of approximately 35 and other interventions for their treatment. Treatment
in the general population (Baldessarini et al., 2006; Kessler et interventions are further encouraged by the very plausible
al., 2005; Tondo et al., 2003). A particularly notable observa- hypothesis that reduced symptomatic severity or time
tion was that more than one-third of all suicidal acts occurred in depression should reduce suicidal risk. However, the
within the first few years from onset of major mood disorders, research supporting the efficacy and safety of all available
and before bipolar disorder is recognized (Baldessarini et al., psychiatric treatments—medicinal and psychosocial—as
2006). Given this timing, and as suicidal concerns or acts may a means of reducing risk of suicide is meager, inconsistent,
be the initial basis for seeking psychiatric treatment, the need and largely inconclusive, often resting on rare, relatively
for early diagnosis and intervention in patients diagnosed small, often inadequately controlled trials that do not con-
with major mood disorders is underscored. sistently involve patients diagnosed with a major mood
Not only is the ratio of A/S much lower among disorder. Nevertheless, we next consider available evidence
mood-disorder patients (greater lethality) than in the gen- pertaining to particular psychiatric treatments and their
eral population (Baldessarini et  al., 2006; Kessler et  al., association with suicidal risks.
2005; Tondo & Baldessarini, 2007), but this ratio is half as
great in men as in women (12 vs. 23), consistent with greater
lethality of suicide attempts in men (Nordstrom et al., 1995).
In addition, risk of later suicide was somewhat lower among
men aged above versus below a median of 35 years (7.0% vs. Effects of treatments on suicidal risk currently are of intense
9.7%) but 2.4 times greater in older than younger women clinical and research interest. Evidence that modern psychi-
(6.0% vs. 2.5%; Nordstrom et al., 1995). Accordingly, the atric treatments reduce long-term suicide risk is very lim-
relative risk of suicide among younger men was four times ited for most treatments, including methods as diverse as
higher than in younger women (9.7% vs. 2.5%), whereas psychotherapy, rapid hospitalization, and even ECT, which
risks in older men and women scarcely differed (7.0% vs. can be lifesaving, in the short term and in acute emergencies
6.0%). These findings indicate that the lethality of suicidal (American Psychiatric Association, 2003; Goldsmith et al.,
behavior in women over age 35 approached that of men 2002; Simon & Hales, 2012; Weinger 2000). Even though
of similar age and that risks of suicidal behaviors ranked:  many patients at risk for suicide receive various treatments,
men ≥ older women > younger women. the magnitude of effects of specific interventions on suicide
In bipolar disorder patients, suicide risk is high despite risk remains uncertain. Moreover, fewer than one-third of
the growing variety of treatments with putative mood- persons committing suicide have received any clinical care
stabilizing effects. This disparity almost certainly reflects at the time of their deaths, suggesting that identification of

C linical M anagement of S uicide   R isk   •   515

suicidal persons and their enrollment or retention in treat- be significantly age-dependent, with selective benefits in
ment programs has had limited success (Centers for Disease older adults (Hammad et al., 2006; Figure 37.2).
Control and Prevention, 2013; Ernst, Bird, Goldberg, & Evidence that antidepressant treatment may be associ-
Ghaemi, 2010). Evidence pertaining to potential antisui- ated with reductions in risk of suicides or attempts is mixed.
cidal effects of treatment with particular classes of psycho- It includes data from correlative or “ecological,” pharma-
tropic drugs, let  alone specific agents, has been strikingly coepidemiological studies that compare suicide rates by
limited, as well as often inconsistent and inconclusive. regions or years with concurrent rates of prescriptions for
antidepressant drugs (not necessarily in the same people;
Baldessarini et al., 2007). In some Nordic countries and the
United States, modern, less-toxic antidepressants emerged
Relatively high levels of unresolved depressive and agitated- in the 1990s to dominate clinical practice, and their massive
dysphoric morbidity in patients with both bipolar disor- market penetration was associated with moderate decreases
der and unipolar depression make short- and long-term in some but not other regional suicide rates that varied
treatment with antidepressants an attractive option among sex and age groups as well as regions (Reseland,
(Baldessarini, 2013). However, such treatment is not explic- Bray, & Gunnell, 2006; Søndergård et al., 2006; Tondo et
itly approved by regulatory bodies for use with bipolar al., 2003). However, in the United States and Sweden, at
depression, and evidence of long-term prophylactic effects of least, similar trends toward declining suicide rates were in
antidepressant treatment is lacking in bipolar disorder and evidence at least a decade before the introduction of fluox-
is only tentative in unipolar major depression (Baldessarini, etine as the first clinically successful modern antidepressant
2013; Ghaemi, Hsu, Soldani, & Goodwin, 2003; Khan, (Baldessarini et al., 2007; Tondo et al., 2003).
Warner, & Brown, 2000; Möller, 2006; Søndergård, Kvist, Other sources of information concerning antidepres-
Lopez, Andersen, & Kessing, 2006; Tondo et al., 2003). sants include large cohorts of depressed patients from
Studies of antidepressant treatment have yielded inconsis- general practice or health-maintenance organization data
tent evidence concerning suicides or attempts. They have sources, relatively large, case-control comparisons of sub-
employed various methods, including randomized, placebo- groups varying in exposure to antidepressants, and clinical
controlled trials, clinical cohort studies, and epidemio-
logical or ecological studies of associations between general
usage of antidepressants and regional or national suicide 3.00
rates (Baldessarini et al., 2007; Barbui, Esposito, & Cipriani, 2.75 FDA (N = 113,000)
Barbui (N = 200,000)
2009; Hammad, Laughren, & Racoosin, 2006; Zisook et 2.50

al., 2009). A specific limitation in most such research is that 2.25

Odds Ratio (95%CI)

suicidal outcomes, even defined by objective behaviors, usu-

ally are not an explicit outcome measure. 1.50
Lack of anticipated, robust associations of effective treat- 1.25
ment for depression with reduced suicidal risk suggests that 1.00
additional psychopathological and behavioral conditions 0.75
are required for suicidal behaviors to occur and these may be 0.50

potential therapeutic targets. Such conditions are likely to 0.25

include agitation, dysphoria, restlessness, irritability, anger, <18 18–24 25–64 >65 All Ages
and insomnia, as well as a degree of behavioral disinhibition, Age Group (years)

often associated with substance abuse—all leading to aggres- Figure 37.2 

Meta-analytic compilations of observed rates of
sive, commonly impulsive suicidal acts (Akiskal, Benazzi, suicidal ideation or behaviors as odds ratios (OR), with their
95% confidence intervals (CI); (ORs <1.0 [null] indicate reduced
Perugi, & Rihmer, 2005; Koukopoulos & Koukopoulos, suicidal risk) for patients in various age-groups treated with an
1999; Maj, Pirozzi, Magliano, Fiorillo, & Bartoli, 2006; antidepressant. Data are derived from post hoc analyses conducted
Pacchiarotti et al., 2013; Simon & Hales, 2012; Tondo et by the US FDA of data from 396 short-term, placebo-controlled
trials of antidepressants involving 113,000 subjects (striped bars;
al., 1999). Such features are particularly prevalent among Laughren, 2006), as well as from a compilation of eight large, long-
types I and II bipolar disorder patients, and sometimes are term, clinical cohort and case-control studies involving 200,000
worsened by antidepressant treatment in both bipolar and subjects treated with a serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (shaded bars)
(Barbui, et al., 2009). Reprinted with permission from Canadian
unipolar mood-disorder patients (Pacchiarotti et al., 2013). Medical Association Journal).
In addition, effects of antidepressants on suicidal risks may

516   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
cohort studies. Many of these studies were not designed trials for the treatment of depression reflect exaggeration
to test for suicidal behavior as an explicit outcome mea- arising from annualizing observed rates based on relatively
sure and considered findings on a post hoc basis to test brief exposure times (typically 6–12 weeks) in most trials
for greater hypothesized suicidal risks with modern anti- in acute depression, and early in the course of treatment, as
depressants compared to older agents or other treatments; well as high variance owing to the paucity of suicidal out-
they have yielded inconsistent and inconclusive findings comes in even relatively large trials.
(Möller, 2006; Tondo et  al., 2003). Moreover, interpreta- Several meta-analyses have found only minor differences
tion of findings from such studies is severely compromised in rates of suicidal behaviors between depressed patients
by their risk of confounding by morbidity or by indication. treated with modern antidepressants, other types antide-
That is, medical treatments, in general, are more likely to pressants, or a placebo. Some analyses have detected indi-
be sought, given to, and taken by more severely ill patients cations of greater risks with antidepressants versus placebo
at higher risk of suicide. Medicines with relatively low risks controls. However, such findings have included increased
of toxic effects or lethality on acute overdosing (such as the risks in juveniles and young adults but decreased risks in
modern antidepressants) are more likely to be selected clini- older adults, and most have relied on unreliable, elusive sui-
cally than more toxic agents (such as older tricyclic antide- cidal ideation as a surrogate outcome measure (Hammad
pressants) to treat patients considered to be at increased risk et al., 2006; Laughren, 2006; Figure 37.2). These analyses
for suicide. Nonrandomized, clinically selected treatment also assume that the trials analyzed remained well random-
in many such studies can severely distort observed asso- ized through their duration, despite substantial dropout
ciations between greater suicidal risk and use of particular rates, which are assumed (questionably) to be at random,
treatments. and that temporal exposures in both drug and placebo
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) should, theoreti- arms remained well-balanced throughout the duration
cally, be the best source of data on effects of antidepres- of the trials. They also assume that surrogate measures of
sant treatment on suicidal risks, and hundreds of such suicidal ideation or even minor self-injurious behaviors are
trials have supported the licensing and clinical applica- fairly and comparably ascertained in different treatment
tions of antidepressants for depressive and anxiety disorder groups and that they have important predictive value for
patients since the 1950s (Baldessarini, 2013). However, suicide itself. All of these are questionable assumptions.
individual trials are unlikely to include enough patients Moreover, no such study has been based on explicit and
for sufficiently long times as to identify suicidal acts, and, validated outcome measures pertinent to suicide. Instead,
moreover, almost none has defined suicidal behaviors as indications of the imprecise concept “suicidality,” like other
an explicit, a priori, outcome measure with well-validated treatment-associated, emerging “adverse events,” almost
methods of ascertainment. Even pooling of data across always have been ascertained passively and incidentally
multiple RCTs, such as by use of meta-analytic methods, rather than by direct inquiry and adequate assessment.
has proved difficult to provide substantial numbers of sui- One of the largest studies based on post hoc meta-
cidal behaviors and mainly involves unverifiable suicidal analysis reviewed 295 placebo-controlled trials of 11
ideation. It is notable that, even with efforts to exclude modern antidepressants in nearly 77,000 depressed or anx-
suicidal subjects from controlled trials, rates of suicidal ious subjects to compare the antidepressant drugs versus
behaviors may be at least as high in controlled trials involv- placebos for “suicidal risks” as nonlethal adverse events in
ing acutely depressed patients as in clinical samples of trials lasting an average of eight weeks, submitted to the
depressive-disorder patients at widely varying levels of cur- US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for licensing
rent morbidity. For example, suicide rates pooled across purposes. These included subject risks of only 0.010% for
several recent large meta-analyses of modern and older suicides and an average of 0.17% for suicide attempts—
antidepressants or placebo were similar with all treatments both similar to risks in the general population (Laughren,
and averaged 862/100,000 per year (Acharya et al., 2006; 2006). There was no overall difference in risk of suicidal
Khan et  al., 2000; Khan, Khan, Kolts, & Brown, 2003), acts (suicides were rare) between antidepressant treatments
or 78 times above the approximate average international (76/39,729 = 0.19%) and placebo controls (46/27,164
general population rate of 11/100,000 per year (Table 37.1) = 0.17%), based on pooling by meta-analysis. However,
and perhaps 17 times above rates in outpatients diagnosed secondary post hoc analyses, based on stratifying by age
with a depressive disorder, of about 50/100,000 (Tondo & groups, suggested increased risk of broadly defined “suicid-
Baldessarini, 2007)! In addition, to considerable extent, ality” (again, mainly ideation) with modern antidepressants
the high observed rates of suicidal behaviors in controlled versus placebo at ages below 25 years but possible beneficial

C linical M anagement of S uicide   R isk   •   517

effects in older adults. An even larger sampling from FDA rarely are corrected for actual exposure times for individual
analyses yielded similar impressions (Figure 37.2). A meta- patient-subjects given specific treatments. Such correction
analytic review of large cohort and case-control studies of to observed adverse-event rates (events/person-weeks) can
antidepressants found closely similar results as the FDA be important if actual exposures are not closely matched
analyses, in that younger patients experienced increased between trial treatment arms, and particularly when rare
risk of suicides or attempts, whereas older adults had lower events such as suicides and attempts are involved (Schalkwijk
risks associated with antidepressant treatment (Barbui et et al., 2015). For example, earlier dropping out of a trial arm
al., 2009). These post hoc meta-analyses show remarkably involving ineffective placebo treatment can paradoxically
similar risks versus age that require prospective and con- limit observable suicidal risk with placebo, artifactually mak-
trolled assessment (Figure 37.2). ing active drug treatment seem “riskier” than placebo. The
Even though these meta-analyses of data from emergence of new suicidal behaviors among adults treated
placebo-controlled trials or clinical cohort studies found with sustained antidepressant treatment in clinical settings is
no evidence of overall (all ages pooled) alterations of rates very uncommon, involving perhaps 5/1,000 patients within
of suicides, attempts, or ideation during antidepressant a year, excluding patients whose treatment was altered earlier
treatment, many placebo-controlled antidepressant trials due to emerging suicidal tendencies (Tondo et al., 2008).
in depressed adults have found substantial reductions in Findings suggesting worsening of suicidal risks in some,
average ratings of suicidal ideation with antidepressants especially young, antidepressant-treated patients further
compared to placebo, usually based on suicide-related items suggest potential scientifically and clinically important
of standard depression symptom rating scales (Acharya developmental differences in affective and behavioral
et  al., 2006; Beasley et  al., 1991; Tollefson et  al., 1994). responses to antidepressants that require further study,
However, these findings are subjective and based on post especially with respect to risks of actual suicidal behavior.
hoc assessments of individual items on standard depression Such reactions, also possible in adults, are especially likely
symptom-rating scales, which may be influenced by impres- to arise among depressed juveniles previously not recog-
sions of overall clinical improvement. Again, studies with nized as having a bipolar disorder, as well as others with
antidepressants that explicitly consider suicidal ideation particular behavioral sensitivities to mood-elevating agents
and behaviors as outcome measures remain to be carried that can include increased agitation, irritability, and insom-
out, if ethical and clinically acceptable study designs can be nia. Such responses might contribute to the reported excess
developed. of suicidal ideation in young patients treated with modern
To recapitulate, it is important to emphasize that even antidepressants (Hammad et al., 2006) but are important
RCTs have limitations that can lead to artifacts and uncer- to monitor early in the initiation of antidepressant treat-
tainties. They include potential unreliability of essentially ment at any age.
incidental, passive reporting of suicidal thoughts or behav-
iors in most RCTs, based on currently typical “adverse event
Anxiolytics and sedatives
reporting” systems under conditions not designed explicitly
to detect and assess suicidal events. In addition, the relatively Suicide rates are surprisingly high among persons diag-
short duration of most trials of treatments for acute depres- nosed with anxiety disorders (Diefenbach, Woolley,
sion is unlikely to provide an adequate basis for evaluating & Goethe., 2009; Harris & Barraclough, 1998; Khan,
potential effects of treatment on rare suicidal behaviors, Leventhal, Khan, & Brown, 2002), including in controlled
comparable to the long-term trials available for clozapine, trials, and have been as high as 193/100,000 person-years
lithium, and anticonvulsants, as discussed later. Moreover, (Khan et al., 2002), possibly reflecting their frequent co-
much of what has been reported involves suicidal ideation of occurrence with mood or substance-use disorders. Such
highly uncertain clinical significance and very limited quan- associations might suggest that treatments effective for
titative relationship to actual life-threatening behaviors. anxiety disorders may also reduce suicidal risks. However,
Also as noted, another potential source of bias is that initial the limited evidence available does not support the
randomization in RCTs can break down during the conduct hypothesis that antianxiety agents alter suicidal risk either
of trials. Premature, and potentially nonrandom, dropping short or long term in patients with an anxiety disorder or
out, owing usually to lack of perceived benefit or emer- other psychiatric illnesses (Yerevanian & Choi, 2013). A
gence of intolerable but sometimes undocumented adverse meta-analysis found little evidence of different risks of sui-
effects of treatment, is encountered routinely in controlled cides or attempts among patients diagnosed with anxiety-
trials. More specifically, observed rates of “suicidal events” related disorders (panic, social phobia, generalized anxiety,

518   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
posttraumatic stress, or obsessive-compulsive disorders), evidence of a substantial (four-fold) reduction of risk of
comparing either active agents to placebo or specific medi- suicide and attempts with lithium versus alternatives that
cines (Khan et al., 2002). On the other hand, discontinu- included anticonvulsants (Guzzetta, Tondo, Centorrino,
ation of benzodiazepine treatment, especially rapidly, is a & Baldessarini, 2007).
stressor that may increase suicidal risk (Gaertner, Gilot, Since our initial meta-analysis (Tondo et al., 2001),
Heidrich, & Gaertner, 2002). Moreover, behavioral disin- additional studies have provided more data. One is a rare
hibition associated with benzodiazepine use might increase RCT (Lauterbach et al., 2008), which found a substantial
impulsive and aggressive behaviors, especially in combina- but statistically nonsignificant difference in rates of sui-
tion with alcohol, and in personality-disordered patients cidal acts between patients treated for 12 months with lith-
(Gaertner et al., 2002). ium compared to others randomized to placebo (adjusted
hazard ratio: 0.52; 95% CI: 0.18–1.43, favoring lithium).
However, the three suicides were associated with placebo
treatment. In another randomized comparison of lithium
Association of reduced suicidal risk with long-term lith- versus placebo added to citalopram treatment for four
ium treatment in bipolar disorder patients is supported weeks, suicidal behavior and ideation were rated explicitly
consistently by many (Angst, Angst, Gerber-Werder, & with the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale,
Gamma, 2005; Baldessarini et al., 2006; Baldessarini & Sheehan-Suicidality Tracking Scale, Beck Suicide Scale,
Tondo, 2008; Müller-Oerlinghausen, Ahrens, & Felber, and Beck Hopelessness Scale. No suicides or attempts
2006) but not all studies (Marangell et al., 2008; Oquendo occurred in either group in this brief trial, but all of the
et al., 2011). Support for this association includes meta- suicidal rating scale scores decreased significantly more
analyses and reviews, as well as several randomized, placebo- with the combination of citalopram and lithium than with
controlled efficacy trials not specifically designed to test citalopram plus placebo (Khan et al., 2011). In addition,
for effects on suicide risk (Angst et al., 2005; Baldessarini a study based on retrospective data from 161 bipolar dis-
et al., 2006; Cipriani, Pretty, Hawton, & Geddes, 2005; order patients found that nonlethal suicide-related events
Khan et al., 2011; Lauterbach et al., 2008; Tondo, Hennen, were fewer during long-term lithium treatment than with
& Baldessarini, 2001). In meta-analyses of data from nearly other mood-stabilizers given alone or with first- or second-
three dozen trials (10 randomized, with placebo or active- generation antipsychotic drugs (Koek, Yerevanian, &
alternative treatments as controls), we considered suicidal Mintz, 2012). Based on all of these studies, a recent review
behavior in patients treated long term with lithium, usu- (Lewitzka, Bauer, Felber, & Müller-Oerlinghausen, 2013)
ally for bipolar disorder or other recurrent mood disorders, and a report by the European Psychiatric Association
and involving more than 110,000 person-years of risk. (Wasserman et al., 2012) recommended the use of long-
The results indicated five- or six-fold lower risks of sui- term lithium treatment to reduce risk of suicidal behavior
cides and attempts during treatment with lithium among in bipolar disorder patients.
patients with recurrent mood disorders or bipolar disor- A curious and provocative finding is that rates of sui-
der, respectively (Baldessarini et al., 2006; Baldessarini & cide and other violent behaviors have sometimes been
Tondo, 2008). We also estimated a number needed to treat lower in populations from different world regions with
(22.6; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 21.0–24.6), which drinking water containing relatively high, trace concen-
suggests that about 23 patients would need to be treated trations of lithium salts (Kapusta et al., 2011; Ohgami,
with lithium to avoid one life-threatening or fatal sui- Terao, Shiotsuki, Ishii, & Iwata, 2009; Vita, De Peri, &
cidal act more than by a chance—a relatively large number Sacchetti, 2014), whereas other studies reported a lack of
that in part probably reflects the low incidence of suicidal association (Kabacs, Memon, Obinwa, Stochl, & Perez,
acts. Notably, in one of the studies analyzed (Tondo et al., 2011) or an association only in specific subgroups or with
1998), rates of suicidal acts increased by 20-fold within particular types of analysis (Blüml, Regier, Hlavin, et al.,
several months after discontinuing lithium maintenance 2013; Sugawa, Yasui-Furukori, Ishii, et al., 2013). The sig-
treatment and were twice greater with abrupt or rapid ver- nificance of these improbable findings is far from clear,
sus gradual (over ≥2 weeks) discontinuation, later return- especially as the lithium exposures were very low (less than
ing to levels encountered before lithium treatment had 0.064 mEq/day at a daily drinking-water intake of about 2
started. In addition, in data meta-analytically pooled from L) by comparison to up to 600 times higher clinical doses of
eight studies of patients diagnosed with recurrent unipolar 8 to 40 mEq of lithium ion (in 300–1,500 mg/day of lith-
depression (at risk a total of 2,434 patient-years), we found ium carbonate). Nevertheless, it is conceivable that lifelong

C linical M anagement of S uicide   R isk   •   519

exposure to even low concentrations of lithium may have might facilitate identification of emerging symptoms asso-
unrecognized biological effects. ciated with suicidal behavior, including suicidal ideation
Despite these several findings, a direct role of lithium and early agitation, dysphoria, or anger, or otherwise pro-
treatment in decreasing suicide risk is not securely demon- vide supportive influences that may add a protective effect.
strated. A major limitation is that support for lower sui- Nevertheless, additional clinical contact and close supervi-
cidal risk during long-term treatment with lithium derives sion may not be critical, given the results of the InterSePT
almost entirely from incidental findings in studies designed trial for schizophrenia patients, in which contact time
for other therapeutic purposes but not addressing suicidal with clinicians was very similar between treatment options
behavior as an explicit outcome measure. In contrast, the (Meltzer et al., 2003). A detailed history of research on lith-
single, remarkable, pivotal trial largely responsible for ium, including its role in suicide prevention is provided in a
establishing antisuicidal effects of clozapine in schizo- recent book chapter (Tondo & Baldessarini, 2014).
phrenia was designed to test for effects on suicide-related
behaviors and events (not suicide itself) after randomizing
to clozapine versus olanzapine (Meltzer et al., 2003). An
additional potential limitation to studies of lithium—and,
indeed, of all studies of therapeutic effects—is that patients There is limited research that directly compares sui-
who accept, tolerate, and sustain long-term treatment with cidal risks during treatment with proved or putative
particular treatments may well be self-selected and not mood-stabilizers other than lithium (Oquendo et  al.,
entirely representative of the full spectrum of clinically 2011; Søndergård, Lopez, Andersen, & Kessing, 2008),
encountered patients. Moreover, sex, marital status, educa- but at least two studies found nearly three-fold lower aver-
tional level and employment status, personality traits, lack age risks of suicidal behavior with lithium than with car-
of obvious losses or other stressors, and being less severely bamazepine or valproate among bipolar or schizoaffective
ill for less time, as well as relative improvement of depres- disorder patients (Goodwin et  al., 2003; Thies-Flechtner,
sive symptoms with treatment and limited adverse effects, Müller-Oerlinghausen, Seibert, Walther, & Greil, 1996).
all appear to decrease suicidal risk (Simon & Hales, 2012). Nevertheless, anticonvulsants may have some beneficial
Such factors can confound interpretation of observed effects on suicidal behavior (Gibbons, Hur, Brown, &
effects of lithium without randomization to treatment Mann, 2009; Smith, Søndergård, Lopez, Andersen, &
versus an alternative condition (placebo is rarely an ethical Kessing, 2009; Yerevanian, Koek, & Mintz, 2007). In a
option). On the other hand, in testing for long-term effects meta-analysis (Baldessarini & Tondo, 2009), we compared
of any treatment, only patients who accept and tolerate it protective effects against suicidal behavior of lithium versus
can be considered for analysis. several mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants (mainly valpro-
The apparent effectiveness of lithium treatment in pre- ate and some use of carbamazepine or lamotrigine) in six
venting suicide is likely to be associated with reduction of direct comparisons including more than 30,000 patients
risk or severity of recurrences of depression or dysphoric- who were at risk longer with lithium than with an anti-
agitated, mixed states in bipolar disorder and probably convulsant (31 vs. 19 months). Half of the trials involved
also with reduced impulsivity and aggressiveness in vari- randomized assignment to treatments. The observed rate
ous mood disorders, which may be mediated by enhanc- of suicidal acts averaged 0.3% per year during treatment
ing the function of the central serotonin system (Bschor & with lithium versus 0.9% per year with anticonvulsants,
Bauer, 2006; Kovacsics, Fawcett 2001; Gottesman, & to yield a meta-analytically pooled risk ratio of 2.86 (95%
Gould, 2009; Manchia, Hajek, O’Donovan, et al., 2013; CI:  2.29–3.57; p < 0.0001), or nearly three-fold superior-
Müller-Oerlinghausen & Lewitzka, 2010; Saunders & ity favoring lithium over the few anticonvulsants that have
Hawton, 2009). Some experts have suggested that lithium been tested in this way.
may have specific effects against suicide independent of its The FDA (2008) conducted a meta-analysis of
of mood-stabilizing actions, based on reductions of suicidal placebo-controlled trials involving 11 anticonvulsants used
risk even among patients whose primary mood symptoms to treat epileptic patients. This analysis found that suicidal
had not responded well to lithium (Müller-Oerlinghausen & ideation and behaviors were more prevalent with anticon-
Lewitzka, 2010). vulsants than with placebo. The finding led to a warning
Long-term treatment with lithium (and clozapine) about possible suicide risk–promoting effects of some anti-
requires closer monitoring of patients than with most other epileptic drugs. However, this association was not found
psychotropic drugs. The added level of clinical care itself for psychiatric applications of anticonvulsants (US Food

52 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
and Drug Administration, 2008; Gibbons et al., 2009), was P S YC HO S O C I A L I N T E RV E N T ION S
not confirmed by a recent study from the Task Force of the
Commission on Neuropsychobiology of the International
League against Epilepsy (Mula, Kanner, Schmitz, &
Schachter, 2013), and recently was reviewed critically
(Siamouli, Samara, & Fountoulakis, 2014). Intense suicidal risk is a leading basis of psychiatric hos-
A recent study on this topic from the US Veteran pitalization, and suicidal ideation is often a reason for
Administration system on more than 1,300 veterans diag- seeking consultation with a mental-health professional.
nosed with bipolar disorder found that incidence rates for Various types of psychosocial interventions have been
attempted suicide ranked: lithium plus divalproex (0.63) < employed to assist patients at risk for suicide, although it
divalproex alone (7.0) ≤ lithium alone (7.7 attempts/10,000 is usual clinical practice to combine psychotherapy with
person-months of exposure; Ahearn et al., 2013). It remains pharmacological interventions. Most studies of psycho-
unclear whether this study supports the hypothesis that therapy and suicidal risk are clinical and not well con-
both valproate and lithium exert similar antisuicidal effects trolled, so evidence-based support for effective reduction
or simply is inconclusive. of suicidal risk by such interventions remains very limited.
Clinical interventions intended to reduce suicidal risk
have included individual (cognitive-behavioral, interper-
Antipsychotics sonal, or psychodynamic), group, and family psychothera-
Most studies of associations between antipsychotic treat- pies. The aim of such interventions is to decrease agitation
ment and suicidal risk involve patients with schizophrenia and dysphoric anguish associated with current thoughts
or schizoaffective disorder. First-generation neuroleptic of death, to support efforts to cope with them, and to
drugs are little studied for effects on suicidal behavior, improve problem-solving and dealing with personal and
unlike modern, atypical antipsychotic agents (Simon & environmental challenges.
Hales, 2012). A  study based on more than 10,000 psy- It is also important to consider that psychotherapies can
chotic patients found no statistical difference in relatively have adverse effects in some suicidal patients if interventions
short-term risk of suicides and attempts during treat- are excessively provocative and stressful. When self-destruc-
ment with modern or older antipsychotics versus placebo tive preoccupations appear during ongoing psychotherapy,
(Khan, Khan, Leventhal, & Brown, 2001). However, the therapeutic method often is modified to a relatively
a large study found that mortality, including due to supportive, directive, counseling, and reassuring form. In
suicide, was more prevalent among psychotic-disorder addition, it may help to advise or assist suicidal patients in
patients not treated with antipsychotic drugs (Tiihonen avoiding social isolation and in maintaining daily activities.
et al., 2006). It also may be beneficial to explain that suicidal ideation
The first US FDA-approved treatment of any kind with represents a symptom of a depressive illness, which can be
an antisuicide indication was clozapine for schizophrenia treated effectively (Acharya et al., 2006; Birtchnell 1996;
patients. This regulatory approval in 2003 was based largely Hawton et al., 1998; Hendin 1996; Rosenberg 1993). It is
on a single, remarkable, randomized trial (InterSePT) that also important to understand the meaning of suicidal ide-
compared clozapine with olanzapine among not necessar- ation in the lives of individual patients and in relation to
ily treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients at high sui- their treatment. However, attempts to encourage suicidal
cidal risk (Meltzer et al., 2003), as well as other supportive patients to prefer life over death, such as by thinking of their
evidence (Hennen & Baldessarini, 2005). The InterSePT family and friends, risk reinforcing their conviction that
trial found greater prolongation of time to interventions for living for others contributes to their ineffectual and suicidal
emerging suicidal risk and reduced rates of suicide attempts feelings. Clinicians should help to rebuild the patient’s net-
but not reduction of mortality, compared to treatment with work of relationships and interests by putting themselves at
olanzapine, based on very few suicides with either treat- the center of these connections through direct and honest
ment. The beneficial effect of clozapine in schizophrenia communication and avoid division of clinical responsibil-
patients was later supported by a clinical comparison with ity among cooperating specialists by taking responsibility
risperidone or quetiapine, as well as olanzapine (Haukka, for combining medical and psychotherapeutic aspects of
Tiihonen, Härkänen, & Lönnqvist, 2008). It is not known treatment. Arranging such integrated treatment can be
whether clozapine may exert antisuicidal effects in other challenging in the current era of common separation of
major psychiatric disorders. clinicians prescribing psychotropic medicines and those

C linical M anagement of S uicide   R isk   •   521

providing psychotherapy. Useful psychotherapeutic strate- Psychodynamic treatments explore patients’ internal
gies can be based on clinical observations indicating that psychology and conflicts (Gabbard, 2005). Psychodynamic
the more a clinician respects a patient’s right to take his treatment of suicidal patients typically includes consider-
own life, the more he may be open to discussing suicidal ation of (a)  possible unconscious meanings of suicide, (b) 
thoughts with someone perceived as accepting, interested, unconscious motivations contributing to suicidal thoughts
and understanding. as a form of “resistance” to treatment, and (c)  transfer-
Clinicians need to consider their own reactions toward ence of ideas or feelings from patient to clinician as well as
suicide. These may include (a) anxiety about the outcome of counter-transference of anger or rescue fantasies from clini-
treatment and fear of professional criticism or legal liabil- cian to patient. One traditional psychodynamic hypothesis
ity; (b) increased interest in the patient’s life that was not considers a psychological struggle between an “internal
present previously; (c) efforts to restrain patients with inad- executioner” and his victim, from which suicide is consid-
equate explanation; (d) anger about suicidal ideation or acts ered to have the potential to help restore internal harmony
they could not prevent; (e) denying, minimizing, or not (Gabbard, 2012). Gabbard also recommends seven steps in
dealing directly with suicidal concerns for fear of increasing the treatment of suicidal patients: (a) establishing a thera-
risk of suicide, and potentially contributing to the patient’s peutic alliance, (b) differentiating between the fantasy and
guilt for having suicidal thoughts; and (f) diminished con- the act of suicide, (c)  discussing the limits of treatment
nection with the patient for any or all of these reactions. frankly, (d)  investigating precipitating events, (e)  explor-
Even if such reactions by clinicians do not become explicit, ing fantasies about the interpersonal impact of suicide,
patients may sense them and give them more importance if (f)  establishing the level of suicidal risk present initially,
they are not expressed and discussed. Resulting responses and (g) monitoring transference and countertransference.
by patients may include (a) distrust and fear of rejection or
abandonment; (b) increased fear of dealing with suicidal
preoccupations; (c) further inhibition of free emotional Research on psychosocial interventions for suicide
expression; (d) increased ambivalence toward treatment;
(e) aggressive or provocative tendencies, including threats, Controlled research trials of psychotherapy or other psy-
aimed at testing the tolerance of the clinician; (f) anger and chosocial interventions for suicidal patients are rare. Case
even lower self-esteem; and (g) hopelessness. Moreover, cli- reports on the topic usually describe only positive outcomes,
nicians may experience the ambivalence of seeming to have suggesting reluctance to report on failed efforts, contribut-
enormous power in handling a life-and-death situation but ing to a lack of balanced, critical assessments. In addition,
also being manipulated by threats by patients to kill them- data on psychotherapies are difficult to collect and are
selves. In such circumstances, the clinician may sense fail- limited by major methodological pitfalls (Arensman et al.,
ure and respond with anger or rejection of the patient, with 2001). As noted, an important limitation to research on
further intensification of the suicidal thoughts. effects of any treatment on suicidal behavior is the rarity of
According to Shneidman (1996), the most relevant fea- suicidal acts in time-limited studies with moderate num-
ture of a suicidal person is psychache (mental pain), a state bers of subjects.
of discomfort with agitation that increases lethality. He A notable review based on 20 RCTs involved 2,460
advised that the aim of psychotherapy should be to decrease subjects considered clinically to be acutely suicidal and
lethality through decreased intensity of psychic pain and 10 different treatment conditions (1–6 trials per treat-
aimed at improving understanding of suicide with a series ment; Hawton et  al., 1998). Based on random-effects
of aphorisms (Shneidman, 1984). Notable points included meta-analyses, only one form of intervention (adding the
his views that suicide (a) is not a desire of death but rather antipsychotic agent flupenthixol) was highly (71%) statis-
avoidance of intolerable pain, (b)  needs to be evaluated tically superior to a control treatment (p  =  0.003), based
more on the grounds of perturbation and lethality than as a on a single, small, placebo-controlled trial with 30 subjects.
diagnostic category, and (c) is not a rational act but rather a The only psychosocial intervention that appeared to be sig-
reaction to frustrated psychological needs. His recommen- nificantly superior to standard aftercare (by 56%; p = 0.03,
dations included that the purpose of psychotherapy with with 39 subjects) was a dialectical form of behavior therapy
potentially suicidal patients is to deal with their elevated for borderline disorder patients with repeated self-injurious
level of perturbation, which should be “mollified suffi- behaviors, again in a single trial. Six treatments did not dif-
ciently so as to drop below the lethal threshold of suicidal fer significantly from their control conditions, including
action.” (a) giving patients a card with an emergency referral versus

52 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
standard care (one trial; p = 0.06); (b) problem-solving ver- As already noted, some interventions have been associ-
sus standard care (four trials; p = 0.24); (c) behavior therapy ated with no reduction or even suggestions of worse suicidal
versus insight-oriented psychotherapy in hospital (one trial, outcomes than with comparison treatments assigned at ran-
p = 0.62); (d) antidepressant treatment versus placebo (two dom (Hawton et al., 1998). That such outcomes can occur
trials, p = 0.68); (e) admission to a general hospital or not with psychotherapy is further suggested by a study (Möller,
(two trials; p = 0.72); and (f) long-term versus brief psycho- 1992) involving 218 patients with a variety of psychiatric
therapy (p = 1.0). Moreover, two forms of treatment were disorders and a recent history of attempted suicide by over-
or tended to be less effective than their controls: (a) retain- dose who were randomized to follow-up treatment options
ing the current clinician versus referral to another clinician for 12 months after index hospitalization. Treatments
(one trial; p = 0.02) and (b) intensive outreach versus stan- included routine clinical care with involvement of suicide
dard care (six trials; p = 0.86). The outcomes did not appear specialists (152 cases) or supplementation with brief out-
to be related to the length of follow-up, although longer patient psychotherapy (n = 66). Risks of suicidal behavior
exposure times would probably tend to increase the risk of during follow-up were somewhat higher among patients
recurring suicidal status. randomized to receive psychotherapy (12/66 = 18.2%) than
A rare, randomized study of acutely suicidal patients others (17/152 = 11.2%), but the difference was not signifi-
recruited in an emergency service compared interpersonal cant (χ2 = 1.95, p = 0.16). This finding is congruent with
psychodynamic therapy based on four home visits versus the studies reviewed by Hawton and colleagues (1998) indi-
a treatment-as-usual control condition, typically involving cating lack of efficacy in reducing suicidal risks with treat-
referral back to a primary-care physician (Guthrie et  al., ments that included intensive outreach, giving patients an
2003). It found more reduction of suicidal ideation up to emergency referral, problem-solving therapy, admission to
six months with the psychotherapy. However, the subjects a general hospital, behavior therapy in hospital, retaining
were only moderately depressed and had no history of or changing clinicians, long-term psychotherapy, or antide-
self-harm or current alcohol abuse, and the treatment itself pressant treatment.
might have affected later ascertainment of subjective states. In addition, some recent reviews have been skepti-
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has become a cal about the efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions
popular method of psychological treatment, based on for preventing suicide, although they found evidence of
strong research support and well-defined procedures. With reduced hopelessness (Chesin & Stanley, 2013; Cuijpers
modifications specific for suicidal patients, CBT aimed et  al., 2013). Despite lack of consistent and compelling
at improving cognitive and behavioral skills may be help- evidence of effectiveness of some psychotherapeutic inter-
ful to limit suicidal risk in clinical crises (Simon & Hales, ventions, prudent clinical practice usually includes giving
2012)  and perhaps longer term. This form of treatment suicidal patients psychological support, addressing their
attempts to identify relevant risk factors associated with suicidal thinking directly, and contacting other clinicians
suicidal crises and to encourage strategies of coping. One involved as well as family members (American Psychiatric
controlled study of 120 patients found 43% fewer suicide Association, 2003).
attempts (24% vs. 42%) within 18 months among patients
randomized to CBT versus enhanced usual care (Brown
et  al., 2005). Linehan’s dialectical behavior therapy—a M I S C E L L A N E OUS T R E AT M E N T S
combination of cognitive therapy and Buddhism-like, med-
itative acceptance-based strategies tested mainly in persons Additional options for clinical management of suicidal
diagnosed with borderline syndrome—may be a particu- patients usually are empirical and lack formal testing but
larly effective approach in suicidal patients, perhaps includ- are often based on decades of accumulated practical experi-
ing those with bipolar disorder (Chesin & Stanley, 2013; ence, though largely limited to acute suicidal risk. A good
Linehan, Armstrong, Suarez, Allmon, & Heard, 1991). In example is the use of ECT, which often appears to be lifesav-
addition, Rucci and colleagues (2002) studied risks of sui- ing in suicidal emergencies but lacks evidence of sustained
cidal behaviors among 175 bipolar disorder patients receiv- antisuicidal efficacy (Fink, Kellner, & McCall, 2014).
ing mood-stabilizing treatments (mainly lithium) who Other methods of external electrical or magnetic stimu-
were randomized to either interpersonal therapy or inten- lation of the brain, vagal nerve stimulation, or deep brain
sive clinical management; there was a significantly greater stimulation are being investigated or introduced for the
reduction of suicidal behavior among those randomized to treatment of otherwise treatment-resistant depression but
interpersonal psychotherapy. remain to be tested for specific effects on suicidal behavior.

C linical M anagement of S uicide   R isk   •   52 3



Antidepressants Short- and long-term Inconclusive and inconsistent findings in con- Frequent lack of exposure times;
effects not established trolled and uncontrolled trials; may increase suicidality usually assessed
risk of nonlethal suicidality in juveniles incidentally
Antipsychotics May have short-term Clozapine is the only FDA-recognized Clozapine’s status based on one
benefits; clozapine may “antisuicidal” treatment. Other controlled trial with no effect on
be effective long term antipsychotics have yielded inconsistent or mortality
negative research findings

Anxiolytics and Most likely to be Very limited and inconclusive research Potential disinhibition with increased
sedatives beneficial short term suicidal risk

Anticonvulsants Short- and long-term Valproate is most studied. Anticonvulsants Outcomes have been incidental.
effects not established may be less effective vs. suicide than lithium Some anticonvulsants may increase
suicidal risks in epileptic patients

Lithium Probably effective long Consistent decrease of suicide risk in uncon- Incidentally identified outcomes. Risk
term trolled studies and a few placebo-controlled of self-selection by acceptance and tol-
trials erance of long-term treatment

Psychotherapies Short- and long-term Inconsistent results from research. Acceptance of psychotherapy implies
effects not established, Many expert favor dialectic and self-selection
but widely assumed cognitive-behavioral methods, which have
empirically been relatively better studied

Additional interventions include emergency hospital- patients who may become more agitated, irritable, and
ization, and acute suicidal risk remains a prevalent indica- sleepless. It is important when antidepressant treatment
tion for inpatient psychiatric care that almost surely has is initiated that clinicians monitor for early indications of
practical, short-term value but is less likely to have long-last- worsening or emerging agitation, dysphoria, restlessness,
ing effectiveness against future suicidal risk. Some appar- and psychotic symptoms, including mixed states in bipo-
ently widely employed techniques of clinical management, lar disorder patients. In contrast, long-term treatment with
including “contracts for safety” as a means of encouraging lithium salts may be a more effective component of com-
suicidal patients to avoid self-harm and to seek help when in prehensive clinical management aimed at suicide preven-
danger, are of unproved value and might even increase sui- tion. Altered suicidal risk also may be obtained with some
cidal risk if clinical vigilance is reduced. A summary tabula- modern antipsychotic and anticonvulsant drugs commonly
tion of proposed treatments aimed at reducing suicidal risk used to treat psychiatric patients whose illnesses are likely
is provided in Table 37.2. to present increased suicidal risks. However, clozapine
remains the only treatment with regulatory recognition for
reducing suicidal behaviors, and only in patients diagnosed
C ONC LUS ION with schizophrenia. Long-term use of lithium appears to
reduce risk of suicide and attempts, at least in bipolar disor-
More than most psychiatric disorders, mood disorders der patients, although its short-term value is doubtful.
are associated with major increases of suicidal behavior in It is important to identify alternative treatments that
association with depressed mood. Risks are especially high may reduce suicidal risk and can reasonably be used as com-
in mixed, dysphoric-agitated states, and perhaps also with parison treatments in controlled trials without recourse
anger, aggression, or impulsivity—all of which are partic- to placebo controls, which are clinically and ethically
ularly prevalent in bipolar disorder patients and probably problematic. Potentially feasible experimental therapeu-
contribute to their unusually high suicide risk. In such tic studies can include randomized assignment to specific
conditions, antidepressants have not been proved to exert treatment conditions, ideally for prolonged periods, and
beneficial effects and may even increase suicide risk, at least should involve reliable and validated outcome measures
temporarily early in treatment, and especially in young specific to suicidal behavior. So far, however, trials that

52 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
compare, for example, lithium to an anticonvulsant or anti- Akiskal, H. S., Benazzi, F., Perugi, G., & Rihmer, Z. (2005). Agitated
“unipolar” depression re-conceptualized as a depressive mixed
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continued for more than several months or involve explicit nal of Affective Disorders, 85(3), 245–258.
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cation:  40 to 44  years’ follow-up. Archives of Suicide Research, 9,
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52 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
PA R T   V I I

Julie Hyman and D. Jeffrey Newport

INTRODUCTION particular outcome linked to a medication. Furthermore,

FDA review of the reproductive safety of individual medi-
Pregnancy and lactation pose unique challenges in the man- cations is not regularly scheduled but often occurs sporadi-
agement of bipolar disorder (BD). Clinicians must consider cally, triggered by events such as the manufacturer seeking
the risks, both to mother and child, posed by the illness, approval for a new indication. Finally, neurodevelopmental
as well as those posed by available treatments. Moreover, outcomes, important when considering psychotropic safety
sound decision making is clouded by the limited volume profiles, are seldom factored into FDA classifications.
and inconsistent quality of data regarding the reproductive Thomas Hales’ Medications and Mothers Milk (2014),
safety of psychotropic drugs. now in its 16th edition, has emerged as the standard refer-
Despite these challenges, a rational approach to the ence for lactation safety ratings (cf. Table 38.1). Hale also
perinatal management of BD can be derived from the uses a five-category system, rating medications from L1
extant data. In this chapter, we first present an overview (Safest) to L5 (Contraindicated). The entry for each medi-
of the reproductive safety profiles for medications often cation includes a list of complications reported in nursing
used in the treatment of BD. We then summarize general infants and a quantitative index of lactation exposure level,
principles that serve to guide the formulation of a perina- called relative infant dose (RID). Expressed as a percentage,
tal treatment plan and conclude the chapter with a review the RID is calculated by dividing the total daily ingestion
of pertinent factors to consider at each step in the pro- of a medication by an exclusively breastfed infant (mg/kg
cess: preconception, early gestation, late gestation, and the infant body weight) by the mother’s daily dose of the medi-
postpartum (PP) period. cation (mg/kg maternal body weight). Hale advises that a
RID less than 10% can be considered safe; however, this
recommendation has never been objectively verified.
M E DIC AT ION S A F E T Y PROF I L E S Sound decision making requires a more comprehensive
knowledge of the risk profiles than provided by pregnancy
The five category US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or lactation risk categories. This includes understanding
pregnancy rating system (cf. Table 38.1), often viewed as the the level of offspring exposure in addition to the potential
definitive authority for determining reproductive safety, consequences of exposure, such as structural teratogenesis,
upon closer inspection, is plagued with numerous short- obstetrical complications, neonatal or nursing complica-
comings. First, among medications with the same FDA tions, and neurodevelopmental sequelae. The reproductive
safety rating, the frequency and severity of reported adverse safety profiles for mood stabilizers, including lithium, anti-
outcomes can vary widely. Similarly, the volume and qual- epileptic drugs (AEDs), and second generation antipsy-
ity of the research data underlying the rating can be highly chotics (SGAs), are reviewed here.
variable. Newer agents, which have been subjected to little
scrutiny, should not be given a presumption of safety regard-
less the FDA pregnancy rating; instead, an absence or pau-
city of data should carry a presumption of risk. In addition, The risk of cardiac malformations, particularly Ebstein’s
the FDA rating does not elucidate the window of risk for a anomaly, a tricuspid valve malformation, with lithium



Adequate studies have failed to demonstrate risk in the 1st

trimester. There is no evidence of risk in later trimesters.
None None

Animal studies have failed to demonstrate risk. There are

no adequate studies in pregnant women.

Clozapine Carbamazepine 3.8%–5.9%

Lurasidone Olanzapine 0.3%–1.2%
Quetiapine 0.07%–0.1%
Ziprasidone 0.07%–1.2%

Animal studies have shown an adverse effect. There are no ade-

C quate studies in humans, but potential benefits may L3 MODERATELY SAFE
warrant use in pregnancy despite risks.

Aripiprazole Aripiprazole 1.0%

Asenapine Asenapine Not Reported
Iloperidone Clozapine 1.4%
Lamotrigine Iloperidone Not Reported
Olanzapine Lamotrigine 9.2%–18.3%
Paliperidone Lithium 12%–30.1%
Quetiapine Lurasidone Not Reported
Risperidone Paliperidone Not Reported
Ziprasidone Risperidone Not Reported
Valproic Acid 1.4%–1.7%

There is evidence of risk based on investigational or

D marketing experience or studies in humans, but potential L4 POSSIBLY HAZARDOUS
benefits may warrant use in pregnancy despite risks.

Carbamazepine None
Valproic acid

Studies in animals or humans have demonstrated fetal

abnormalities and/or there is positive evidence of human
X fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from L5 CONTRAINDICATED
investigational or marketing experience, and the risks in
pregnancy clearly outweigh potential benefits.

None None

exposure has been long reported. Early estimates suggested lithium-induced fetal nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and
a 400-fold increase in the risk for Ebstein’s anomaly; how- fetal goiter have also been reported.
ever, a subsequent review estimated a much lower 20-fold Lithium rapidly equilibrates across the placenta with
increase, rising from 1:20,000 to 1:1000 (Altshuler et al., neonatal concentrations uniformly equivalent to maternal
1996). A  recent meta-analysis of lithium teratogenic- concentrations at delivery. The high level of fetal exposure
ity did not observe statistically significant risk estimates coupled with lithium’s low therapeutic index warrants
for cardiac defects; however, the authors concluded that concern for neonatal toxicity. Indeed, a pooled analy-
“the upper confidence limit is consistent with a clinically sis indicated that the prevalence of numerous neonatal
significant increase in risk” (p.  727) (McKnight et  al., complications, including cardiac arrhythmias, hypoglyce-
2012). At present, it should be assumed that lithium expo- mia, hypothyroidism, and flaccidity, was greater among
sure does increase heart defect risk, albeit at lower rates neonates with higher lithium concentrations (Newport
than once believed. Polyhydramnios, as a consequence of et al., 2005).

53 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
The neurodevelopmental consequences of prenatal levels. However, there is greater variability in neonate-
lithium exposure have yet to be comprehensively examined. to-maternal concentration ratios, likely as a consequence
Preclinical studies have raised concerns regarding neurobe- of placental efflux transporters that help regulate VPA, but
havioral outcomes, but the only clinical study reported no not lithium, placental transmission. Neonatal toxicities,
adverse sequelae among lithium-exposed school-age chil- including hepatotoxicity, coagulopathies, and hypoglyce-
dren (Schou, 1976). mia, have been reported.
Lithium was long contraindicated in lactation; how- Hale (2014) downgraded VPA’s lactation rating from
ever, it has been upgraded to the L3 (Moderately Safe) cate- L2 (Safer) to L3 (Moderately Safe) in recent versions of his
gory in recent editions of Hale’s lactation reference (Hale & reference. Reassuring is VPA’s low RID (1.4%–1.7%) and
Rowe, 2014). Despite its upgraded safety rating, lithium the fact that only one adverse event (thrombocytopenia)
use during lactation should be approached with consider- has been reported in a nursing infant. Clinicians should be
able caution given its low therapeutic index, high level of cautioned, however, that hepatic complications are possible,
excretion into breast milk (reported RID 12%–30%), and and the neurodevelopmental effects of VPA exposure via
numerous reports of adverse events among nursing infants, nursing have not been investigated.
including hypotonia, hypothermia, hypothyroidism, elec-
trocardiograph changes, and frank toxicity.
A meta-analysis indicated that carbamazepine (CBZ) expo-
A N T I E PI L E P T IC DRUG S sure is associated with an increased risk of NTDs, orofa-
cial clefts, and cardiovascular and urinary tract anomalies
Valproic acid
(Matalon et al., 2002). A fetal CBZ syndrome manifested
Valproic acid (VPA) exposure is associated with numerous by a short nose, long philtrum, epicanthal folds, hyper-
congenital malformations, including neural tube, craniofa- telorism, upslanting palpebral fissures, and fingernail
cial, cardiovascular, and limb anomalies. The neural tube hypoplasia has also been described. The teratogenic risks
defect (NTD) rate of 1% to 2%, 10 to 20 times higher than of CBZ exposure in many respects parallel those seen with
the general population, rises to 3.8% when the VPA daily VPA, typically occurring, however, with lower frequency
dose exceeds 1,000 mg. It is important to note that neural or less severity. For example, the NTD risk attributable to
tube closure occurs during the fourth week of gestation, CBZ exposure, 0.5% to 1.0%, is approximately one-half the
before most women have recognized they are pregnant. VPA-associated risk. A study reporting a lower NTD rate
A fetal VPA syndrome, characterized by stereotypical facial for CBZ-treated women receiving periconceptional folate
features, including bifrontal narrowing, midface hypopla- supplements (Hernandez-Diaz et al., 2001) contributed to
sia, a broad nasal bridge, a short nose with anteverted nares, blanket recommendations to administer high-dose (4–5
epicanthal folds, micrognathia, a shallow philtrum, and a mg daily) folic acid supplementation to all AED-treated
thin upper and thick lower lip, has been described. women of reproductive capacity.
Folate antagonism by VPA may underlie the risk for The placental transfer of CBZ, with umbilical cord-
both NTDs and fetal VPA syndrome. A case-control study maternal plasma ratios equaling 0.5 to 0.8, is lower than
of fetal AED syndromes reported a significantly higher other AEDs. Hepatotoxicity is the only neonatal complica-
rate of homozygosity for a key folate metabolic enzyme tion of CBZ exposure reported to date; however, neonatal
(Dean et al., 1999) among children exhibiting fetal AED blood dyscrasias are plausible.
syndromes. Data regarding the neurodevelopmental sequelae of
Neurodevelopmental outcomes associated with VPA fetal CBZ exposure have been mixed. Some early studies
are especially concerning. Studies have consistently reported reported developmental delay in CBZ-exposed children;
higher rates of cognitive delay among children exposed however, many later systematic studies demonstrated no
to VPA during pregnancy compared to those exposed to evidence of developmental delay. Of note, one recent study
other AEDs (Palac & Meador, 2011), with developmental reported an association between prenatal CBZ exposure
delay evident in as many as 20% of VPA-exposed children. and poorer verbal performance in school-aged children
Furthermore, fetal VPA syndrome has been associated with (Meador et al., 2011).
both cognitive delay and autism. The database regarding CBZ safety in lactation is large
Like lithium, VPA readily crosses the placenta with relative to other psychotropic agents, likely contributing to
neonatal concentrations equaling or surpassing maternal its surprisingly favorable L2 (Safer) lactation safety rating

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder D uring Pregnancy and L actation   •   533

(Hale & Rowe, 2014). Despite the L2 rating, the RID of administered to treat infant febrile seizures. One adverse
CBZ in lactation (3.8%–5.9%) is considerably higher than event, an apneic episode, has been reported in association
VPA, and hepatic dysfunction has been reported among with LTG exposure via nursing.
several CBZ-exposed infants.

The reproductive safety profile for olanzapine, as for all
Reproductive safety data for lamotrigine (LTG) has rapidly SGAs, is derived from a limited volume of data (Brunner,
accrued and compares favorably to other mood stabilizers. Falk, Jones, Dey, & Shatapathy, 2013). Rates of malfor-
Overall, the available evidence has not demonstrated an mation, miscarriage, and preterm delivery are generally
association between LTG exposure and NTDs or other consistent with population norms; however, the number
major malformations (cf. Moore and Aggarwal, 2012, for of pregnancies studied remains too low to derive defini-
review). One study did report a high rate (0.89%) of oro- tive conclusions. Studies encompassing approximately
facial clefts; however, the collective rate (0.10%) of clefts 400 pregnancies collectively report a 4.4% rate of major
among seven other prospective studies is consistent with the malformations.
general population rate, and a large European case-control A recent study reported the risk of gestational diabetes
study reported an adjusted odds ratio of 0.67 for orofacial is doubled among women receiving antipsychotic therapy
clefts following LTG exposure. (Boden, Lundgren, Brandt, Reutfors, & Kieler, 2012).
Placental passage studies indicate that neonatal con- Olanzapine was the most frequent antipsychotic exposure
centrations of LTG are approximately equal to maternal in this study, comprising nearly one-third of exposures, but
concentrations. Despite readily crossing the placenta, there risk ratios were not reported for individual agents.
have been no reports of acute adverse events observed in The mean neonate-to-maternal concentration ratio for
LTG-exposed neonates. Of note, there have been no reports olanzapine is 72% (Newport et  al., 2007). An increased
of rash among neonates exposed to LTG during gestation. prevalence of low birth weight has been reported among
The neurodevelopmental effects of fetal exposure to olanzapine-exposed neonates (Boden et al., 2012); however,
LTG, like VPA and CBZ, have been subject to a series of statistical adjustment indicates this may be attributable to
systematic investigations. Results of these studies have concomitant exposures, in particular tobacco.
been reassuring with no evidence of adverse developmental There are no available data regarding the neurodevelop-
sequelae (Palac & Meador, 2011). mental effects of olanzapine exposure during pregnancy or
Unique to LTG has been the extensive investigation lactation.
of clearance alterations across gestation, which heightened Olanzapine, which produces a RID of 0.3% to 1.2% in
attention to LTG as a consequence of its unique metabolic lactation, carries an L2 (Safer) lactation rating (Hale, 2012).
profile. Unlike most psychotropics, which are primar- No adverse events have been reported in nursing infants.
ily metabolized by cytochrome P450 oxidation, LTG is
almost exclusively metabolized via conjugation by the
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4 (UGT1A4) enzyme. S ECON D - G E N E R AT ION
Because estradiol induces UGT1A4 activity, LTG clear- A N T I P S YCHOT IC S
ance can rapidly escalate during pregnancy, leading some to
recommend serial monitoring of LTG levels and requisite
dose adjustments in response to declining levels across ges- Prospective reports regarding the reproductive safety of ris-
tation (Pennell et al., 2008). peridone encompass approximately 150 pregnancies. Rates
Hale (2014) has assigned LTG an L3 (Moderately Safe) of malformations and miscarriages are within population
lactation category. This less favorable rating, relative to norms, but again, these data are too limited to derive defini-
CBZ, is presumably a consequence of LTG’s higher RID tive recommendations.
(9.2%–18.3%) coupled with concerns that nursing infants The placental passage rate reported for risperidone equals
may be unable to metabolize LTG (because glucuronide 49% (Newport et al., 2007), a relatively low rate among psy-
enzymes are not yet fully active in human neonates). Yet, chotropic compounds. No neonatal complications have been
despite the higher RID, the level of LTG exposure incurred reported among the few studies published to date.
by an exclusively breastfed neonate equals approximately 1 There are no reports, to our knowledge, regarding the neu-
mg/kg/day, considerably lower than the 2 to 3 mg/kg/day rodevelopment sequelae of prenatal exposure to risperidone.

53 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Risperidone, which produces a RID of 2.3% to 4.7% posed by psychotropic exposure. Unfortunately, no risk-free
in lactation, carries an L3 (Moderately Safe) lactation risk alternative exists, other than choosing not to conceive. Thus
(Hale & Rowe, 2014). there are numerous overarching concerns to be confronted
no matter what pharmacotherapy, if any, is under consider-
ation. These concerns form the basis for delineating general
principles to guide perinatal treatment planning for BD.
The reproductive safety profile for quetiapine is derived These principles are perhaps best conveyed through a series
from fewer than 100 pregnancies. Though limited, these of questions commonly encountered during childbearing.
data have been reassuring with no reports of major malfor-
mations. However, quetiapine was the second most highly
represented medication (18%) in the previously cited report
of heightened risk for gestational diabetes in association
with antipsychotic exposure (Boden et al., 2012). Patients, and many clinicians, often reduce the risk assess-
The placental passage rate for quetiapine (23%) is to our ment to this sole question, seeking an answer devoid of
knowledge the lowest rate ever reported for a psychotropic ambiguity. However, any recommendation predicated
agent (Newport et al., 2007). upon this sole question is wholly inadequate. First, the
There are no available data regarding the neurodevelop- question ignores the risk posed by the illness. Second,
mental effects of quetiapine exposure during pregnancy. there is no psychotropic medication for which all potential
Quetiapine carries a lactation safety rating of L2 (Safer; risks have been exhaustively examined. Consequently, no
Hale, 2012), producing a RID of 0.07% to 0.1% via lacta- psychotropic medication can be categorically deemed safe
tion with no reported complications among nursing infants. during pregnancy or lactation. Third, when posed in this
manner, the question inexorably leads to an assumption
that maternal well-being competes with fetal well-being.
Other agents
This so-called fetal–maternal conflict should be avoided,
As the first SGA introduced to the US market, reproductive as it is a sure path to self-recrimination for any expectant
data accrued for clozapine prior to the arrival of the other mother faced with decisions regarding management of a
agents in this class. However, due to the significant medical mental disorder.
risks associated with clozapine, in particular agranulocytosis, As no psychotropic can be guaranteed safe during
it is difficult to justify administering clozapine during preg- pregnancy, this question must be reframed so that it does
nancy despite its favorable pregnancy category B designation. not place the expectant mother in conflict with her baby.
The reproductive safety profiles for the remaining SGAs, The better question is, “What will provide this expectant
including aripiprazole, asenapine, iloperidone, lurasidone, mother and her baby the best chance of a safe, healthy preg-
paliperidone, and ziprasidone, have accrued little or no pre- nancy?” This more appropriate question, however, opens
natal safety data. No neurodevelopmental data has been the door to a series of additional questions.
reported following prenatal exposure to any of these com-
pounds. Nevertheless, favorable outcomes in animal studies
did secure a pregnancy category B designation for lurasidone.
Ziprasidone (RID: 0.07%–1.2%) has been assigned an
L2 (Safer) lactation safety rating (Hale & Rowe, 2014). An
L3 (Moderately Safe) rating has been assigned to aripipra- This question is not unique to BD. In fact, it is not unique
zole (RID: 0.9%), asenapine, clozapine (RID: 1.4%), iloperi- to mental disorders. It is encountered whenever a pregnant
done, lurasidone, and paliperidone (Hale & Rowe, 2014). or nursing mother has a medical or psychiatric condition
requiring pharmacotherapy. If an illness poses little risk
to mother and/or infant (e.g., allergic rhinitis), then little
GU I DI NG PR I NC I PL E S F OR  pharmacological risk can be justified. However, consider-
PE R I N ATA L DE C I S ION   M A K I NG able pharmacological risk may be acceptable when an ill-
ness poses great risk to expectant mother and/or infant
When approaching the management of a pregnant or (e.g., epilepsy, HIV).
breast-feeding patient with BD, the risks to mother and There are considerable data regarding the impact of
child posed by the illness must be weighed against those maternal depression during pregnancy. Prenatal depression

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder D uring Pregnancy and L actation   •   535

has been associated with aberrant maternal health behav- Unfortunately, existing research has not yet identi-
iors resulting in poorer compliance with obstetrical care fied the characteristics of the subset of women with BD
and greater use of medications, prescription and nonpre- who remain well during pregnancy without treatment.
scription, and various habit-forming substances (Newport Nevertheless, our experience suggests that clinicians
et al., 2012). Depression during pregnancy has also been may also consider the individual patient’s psychiatric
associated with numerous adverse obstetrical and neona- history when trying to determine whether a temporary
tal outcomes, including poor maternal weight gain and cessation of treatment is advisable. Pertinent questions
greater risk for preeclampsia, preterm delivery, low birth include: How many previous BD episodes has she expe-
weight, small for gestational age neonate, and reduced rienced? How severe were the earlier episodes? What was
neonate head circumference (Marcus, 2009). Finally, pre- the polarity? Were psychotic symptoms present? Has she
natal depression has been associated with adverse neuro- previously had a period of sustained euthymia after stop-
developmental effects on child cognition, language, and ping treatment? Did previous recurrences arise gradually
motor activity (Kingston, Tough, & Whitfield, 2012). or abruptly? With resumption of treatment, how quickly
Because it is unclear how much of this data is derived from did the episodes resolve? And finally, has she experi-
depressive episodes of BD versus major depressive disor- enced a BD recurrence during or following a previous
der, it remains widely assumed that the risks attributable pregnancy?
to major depressive disorder and bipolar depression are
To our knowledge, no studies have examined the
effect of mania or hypomania on pregnancy outcome. The
impaired judgment characterizing manic episodes arguably It is axiomatic that pharmacotherapy is a necessary com-
leads to maternal risk-taking that would jeopardize the ponent of BD treatment. Yet nonpharmacological inter-
well-being of both mother and infant. Whether maternal ventions may augment treatment, helping to avoid dose
hypomania poses a risk for obstetrical or infant outcome increases or addition of other psychotropic agents, though
remains obscure. no data exists, as yet, to demonstrate this. Because psy-
Postpartum episodes of BD may also convey consider- chotherapy carries minimal risk during gestation and has
able risk. Studies of postpartum depression have shown demonstrated benefit for BD, it should be routinely rec-
a wide range of detrimental effects on children, includ- ommended to pregnant women with BD. Standard psy-
ing impaired attachment (Lovejoy, Graczyk, O’Hare, & chotherapies during pregnancy include interpersonal and
Neuman, 2000)  and problems with cognitive, language, cognitive-behavioral therapies.
and emotional development (Grace, Evindar, & Stewart, Complementary treatments of low risk, such as daily
2003; Weissman et al., 2006). Postpartum psychosis, fre- exercise, prenatal yoga, and meditation, may also be
quently a consequence of BD (Brockington et al., 1981), is included. However, naturopathic supplements (e.g., St.
considered a psychiatric emergency. John’s wort, Rhodiola rosea, saffron, lavender, maharishi
amrit kalash, mentat, etc.) are not recommended during
pregnancy because they are not subject to FDA scrutiny
and reproductive safety data is sparse.
In an ideal scenario, an expectant mother would remain
well despite stopping psychotropic treatment, sparing Pregnancy is not a time to experiment with novel treat-
mother and child the risks attributable to both illness and ments; thus, choosing the best treatment from the outset is
pharmacological exposure. Unfortunately, most evidence critical. The ideal medication balances safety and efficacy.
indicates this is unlikely. The most extensive study to date All too often, understandably preoccupied with the safety
reported an 86% BD recurrence rate among pregnant profiles of available medications, clinicians lose sight of the
women who discontinued mood stabilizer treatment versus need for an efficacious treatment. Doing so often leads to
37% of those who continued pharmacotherapy, with espe- ill-advised decisions. If the justification for administering
cially rapid recurrence among those who abruptly stopped a medication during pregnancy is to protect mother and
treatment (Viguera et al., 2007). infant from illness-associated risks, then a medication is

53 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
only advisable if there is a reasonable expectation of protec- ensure the new agent is likely to be effective or, alterna-
tive benefit. tively, entering pregnancy treated with a newly introduced
The efficacy of particular mood-stabilizer agents dur- medication with uncertain efficacy.
ing pregnancy and the PP period has, to our knowledge,
received limited scrutiny. Thus the considerable volume of
data regarding the respective efficacies of various agents for
BD outside of pregnancy is applied to the perinatal context. Method of contraception should be documented at every
That information is reviewed extensively elsewhere in this clinical visit. Clinicians should be aware of the potential
volume. impact of drug interactions upon contraceptive reliabil-
Equally important to anticipating the perinatal efficacy ity. In particular, CBZ and other enzyme-inducing AEDs
of available treatments is reviewing the patient’s treatment reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives. Thus
history. Even a medication with a favorable reproductive barrier methods of contraception are preferred for women
safety profile is difficult to justify if the patient has pre- treated with these agents.
viously failed an adequate trial of it. Obtaining a com- There is also a drug interaction between estrogen-
prehensive treatment history, documenting the efficacy, containing contraceptives and LTG. Because estradiol
tolerability, dose, and treatment duration for each agent induces the UGT1A4 enzyme that metabolizes LTG, coad-
is instrumental in narrowing the list of viable medication ministering the two may reduce the circulating concentra-
choices. Particularly important is the utility of a medica- tions of LTG and thereby limit its effectiveness.
tion during or immediately following a previous pregnancy.
After identifying medications with a reasonable
likelihood of efficacy, safety considerations enter the
decision-making process. It is important to review the Preconception planning should begin with maternal health
reproductive safety profiles of agents deemed likely to pro- behavior counseling. Women should be advised to start
vide therapeutic efficacy, taking into consideration the ges- prenatal vitamins and reminded to avoid alcohol, tobacco,
tational timing when the decision is being made. caffeine, and herbal remedies. They should be encouraged
The ideal medication regimen lies at the intersection to consume eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily and to
of the efficacy and safety survey. If multiple agents remain engage in moderate daily exercise unless otherwise directed
under consideration, then the choice can be further refined by their obstetrician. Those taking AEDs should be pre-
by considering potential tolerability during gestation. The scribed an additional 4 mg folate supplement.
scope of tolerability includes selecting agents that are less When considering pregnancy, the initial decision faced
likely to contribute to pregnancy-related conditions such as by a woman with BD is whether to conceive at all, remem-
gestational diabetes. bering that the only risk-free option is choosing not to con-
ceive. If she opts to proceed with conception, the patient
may discontinue pharmacotherapy, continue her current
PR E C ONC E P T ION DE C I S ION-M A K I NG regimen, switch the regimen, or temporarily suspend treat-
ment. These options can be applied to particular agents as
detailed below and summarized in Box 38.1.
It is vital to consider the possibility of conception when
treating women of reproductive potential, long before con-
ception is being planned. One-half of all pregnancies in Lithium-treated women wishing to conceive have the
the United States are unplanned. In such cases, women are option of postponing conception to switch to an alterna-
typically in the sixth week of gestation or later before recog- tive agent, proceeding with conception and accepting the
nizing they are pregnant. By this time, neural tube closure risk of lithium exposure in order to protect mother and
and the beginning of cardiogenesis have occurred. infant from the risks of untreated BD, or temporarily sus-
Even when pregnancy is planned, couples seldom seek pending lithium treatment to avoid exposure during car-
consultation for perinatal treatment recommendations diogenesis (Weeks 5–12 of gestation). Due to the inherent
until just before trying to conceive. If safety considerations risks of lithium therapy during lactation, switching to an
dictate a treatment change, then the patient is faced with alternative agent should be considered by women for whom
the unwelcome prospect of postponing conception to breast-feeding is important.

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder D uring Pregnancy and L actation   •   53 7

Prior to conceiving, a laboratory evaluation, includ- Carbemazepine
ing lithium, creatinine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone
Due to risk for numerous birth defects, CBZ should be
serum concentrations, should be completed. The lithium
avoided from conception through the 16th week of gesta-
level will serve as a target concentration should dose adjust-
tion. Because some studies, though not all, indicate that
ments be required during pregnancy.
CBZ also carries adverse neurodevelopmental conse-
When electing to suspend therapy, lithium adminis-
quences, avoiding it throughout the entirety of gestation
tration is ideally discontinued before conception and not
may also be advisable. In rare instances, when alternative
resumed until the 14th week of gestation or later. It is
agents have proven ineffective, patients may elect to con-
wise to decide on a contingency plan should the patient
tinue CBZ therapy while taking a high dose (4 mg) folic
experience a recurrence before cardiogenesis is complete.
acid supplement.
Alternatives, when illness recurs before the conclusion of
cardiogenesis, include resumption of lithium despite the
teratogenic risk, institution of electroconvulsive therapy Second-Generation Antipsychotics
(ECT), and switching to an alternative agent.
The reproductive safety profiles for these agents remains
limited; thus, there is insufficient evidence to conclude
Valproic acid that any are definitively safer than others. Previous treat-
ment response is therefore the key discriminator when
The only preconception option, other than not conceiving,
selecting among the SGAs as a component of the treat-
available to VPA-treated women is to switch treatment.
ment regimen. It may, however, be advisable to switch
Recognizing the severity and frequency of adverse conse-
patients at risk for gestational diabetes from one agent
quences associated with VPA exposure, continuing VPA is
(e.g., olanzapine) to another (e.g., ziprasidone) within this
not viable. Because the safety concerns attributable to VPA
class if the metabolic syndrome profile can be improved
traverse the entirety of gestation, temporary suspension of
by doing so. Otherwise, prior to conception, the options
VPA is also not an alternative.
available to patients treated with these medications
When switching the mood-stabilizer regimen prior
include discontinuing the medication, switching to LTG
to conception, we empirically recommend postponing the
(the only alternative with a clearly superior reproductive
attempt to conceive for six months. The postponement of
safety profile), or continuing the medication, accepting its
conception is advised in an effort to ensure the new regimen
risk in an effort to protect mother and infant from the
will offer sustained efficacy. Should conception occur imme-
risks attributable to BD.
diately after switching treatment, there remains a height-
If the patient is taking a SGA that is likely to cause
ened risk that the newly introduced treatment may fail.
hyperprolactinemia, such as risperidone, a serum prolactin
It is important to evaluate the VPA-treated patient to
level should be checked to ensure that the medication will
rule out polycystic ovarian syndrome. VPA treatment has
not interfere with the patient’s ability to conceive.
been associated with the development of polycystic ovarian
syndrome (Bilo & Meo, 2008), the most common endo-
crine cause of infertility.
The only viable preconception alternatives for women Many patients fail to seek reproductive safety counseling
receiving LTG therapy are to continue or discontinue the until already pregnant. This imposes a sense of urgency
medication. Switching treatment is unreasonable as there on the clinical evaluation as offspring exposure is actively
are no alternative agents with a safety profile that compares unfolding while clinical decisions are being deliberated
favorably to LTG. Treatment suspension is also inadvis- and executed. Yet, in many respects, because fetal drug
able due to the protracted titration schedule necessary exposure has already occurred, decisions prove sim-
when resuming LTG. Given the high risk of BD recurrence pler than during preconception planning. In particular,
during pregnancy, most women treated effectively with switching treatments is often a less attractive option at
LTG are best advised to continue the medication. A 4 mg this juncture.
folic acid supplement should be instituted and continued Key considerations to inform early pregnancy decision-
throughout gestation. making include recognizing that fetal drug exposure has

53 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
already occurred and understanding that the window of risk Box 38.1  CLINICAL PEAR LS: PR ECONCEPTION
for some outcomes has already passed. In addition, treat-
ment recommendations at this juncture are informed both • The preconception period begins not when a pregnancy is
by whether the pregnant patient has already discontinued being contemplated; preconception starts at puberty.
mood-stabilizer therapy and whether she is already experienc-
• All women of reproductive capacity should be considered
ing a BD recurrence. Refer to Box 38.2 for a summary of early
potentially pregnant, at any moment.
pregnancy clinical pearls.
• Avoid prescribing medications that you would feel
obligated to discontinue at knowledge of conception to
women of reproductive capacity.
• Administer folic acid 4 mg daily to all women of repro-
In this scenario, the fetus has already been exposed to one or
ductive capacity who are being treated with an antiepilep-
more psychotropic medications and the window of risk for
tic drug or benzodiazepine. Do not wait until knowledge
certain birth defects has already commenced. Furthermore,
of conception to do so.
switching medications is problematic in that it exposes the
baby to yet another drug while increasing the likelihood of BD • Start a prenatal vitamin before conception.
recurrence when switching to a treatment unfamiliar to the • When treating women of reproductive capacity, prescribe
patient. Medication-specific recommendations are as follows. valproic acid only as a medication of last resort and never
as a first-line agent.
Lithium • Because carbamazepine interferes with the efficacy of hor-
When a pregnant patient presents for consultation, cardio- monal contraception, barrier contraceptives are recom-
genesis, in all likelihood, is already underway. By the time mended for women receiving carbamazepine (and other
lithium can be tapered and allowed to clear the circulation, enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs).
heart formation will be virtually complete. Because the • Lithium-treated women who wish to breastfeed should
opportunity for protecting the child from a lithium-induced be counseled to switch to an alternative agent prior to
cardiac malformation has essentially passed, it may be conception.
advisable to continue lithium, thereby protecting mother
and child from the risks of BD recurrence.
Discontinuing lithium at this juncture should be
reserved for those whose treatment history suggests there Immediate institution of high dose (4 mg) folic acid,
is a viable chance of remaining euthymic throughout gesta- which may protect offspring not only from NTDs but from
tion without treatment. When that option is taken, contin- orofacial clefts and perhaps neurodevelopmental effects of
gency plans for managing an early illness recurrence should exposure, is always recommended.
be decided in advance. Treatment choices for recurrence
during early pregnancy include ECT, resumption of lith-
ium, or institution of another agent. Lamotrigine
A patient whose BD is effectively managed with LTG is
Valproic Acid and Carbamazepine advised to continue taking this agent when pregnant. If she
is not yet receiving a folic acid supplement, one should be
The window to protect the child from a NTD will have initiated immediately.
already passed; however, there may still be an opportunity Because estrogen-induced changes in LTG metabolism
to offer protection from other birth defects (e.g., orofacial can cause unpredictable changes in the drug’s metabolism
clefts) or neurodevelopmental effects of exposure to these at any time during pregnancy, frequent visits for symptom
medications. Thus switching VPA to an alternative medica- monitoring and dose titration, when warranted, is advised.
tion is always recommended, and CBZ-treated patients are
encouraged to consider switching. As with lithium, treat-
Second-Generation Antipsychotics
ment discontinuation should be reserved for the patient
whose history indicates she has a reasonable chance of When a patient conceives during treatment with a SGA,
remaining euthymic during gestation without treatment. the alternatives for most patients are to continue or

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder D uring Pregnancy and L actation   •   53 9

Box 38.2  CLINICAL PEAR LS: EAR LY PR EGNANCY evidence to justify attempts to improve reproductive
safety by switching from one SGA to another; how-
• The window of risk for many birth defects, including ever, this may be considered for patients at heightened
neural tube defects and cardiac malformations, will have risk for gestational diabetes who are treated with agents
already occurred by the time you learn your patient is carrying the highest risk for metabolic syndromes (e.g.,
pregnant. olanzapine).
• Abruptly discontinuing a mood stabilizer at knowledge of
conception carries an extremely high rate of recurrent ill- W H E N MO OD S TA BI L I Z E R H A S
ness within the first few weeks. BE E N DI S CON T I N U E D

• Switching medications to improve safety after concep- In this setting, although the patient is no longer receiv-
tion is often ill-advised as it exposes the baby to yet more ing treatment, it is important to remember that the baby
medication(s), increases the risk for recurrence of illness, has already been exposed to psychotropic medication.
and fails to protect the baby from many birth defects that Frequently, the patient will have already experienced a
may already have occurred. recurrence of BD prior to her clinical evaluation. The
risks to mother and child alike attributable to BD ill-
• Low-risk nonpharmacologic interventions, including psy-
ness warrant a resumption of treatment. The remaining
chotherapy, daily exercise, prenatal yoga, and meditation,
decision is whether to resume the previous treatment
should be routinely recommended.
or switch to an alternative. Less often, despite having
• Naturopathic remedies should not be presumed safe for discontinued treatment, the mother will remain euthy-
use during pregnancy. mic at the time of consultation. When this occurs, it
is important to determine when treatment should be
discontinue the medication. As noted previously, this deci-
sion is predicated on an assessment of the likelihood that
she will remain euthymic without treatment. Most are best
advised to continue treatment given the high rate of recur- For the patient whose BD has been most effectively man-
rence following discontinuation. aged with lithium, a recurrence before cardiogenesis is com-
Switching from a SGA during pregnancy is generally plete requires thoughtful consideration. One option is to
ill advised. LTG is the only mood stabilizer with a clearly postpone resumption of lithium until heart formation is
superior reproductive safety profile; however, the util- complete. If the patient remains euthymic despite stopping
ity of LTG as a replacement is limited by the protracted lithium, this is the best course of action. Many patients will
titration schedule that is required. There is insufficient opt to postpone a resumption of lithium therapy until a
fetal echocardiogram can be completed (at around 19 weeks
gestation) to document cardiogenesis is complete.
If, however, the patient is already experiencing a
• Pharmacokinetic changes during pregnancy work recurrence of illness, postponing treatment resumption
together to lower medication concentrations across preg- should be discouraged unless cardiogenesis is nearing
nancy. completion or the symptoms remain mild. Resuming
lithium may be considered despite the fact that cardio-
• Modest dose increases may be needed during late second genesis is not yet complete. This option is often preferable
or early third trimester to offset declining medication lev- when numerous alternative treatments have previously
els and maintain euthymia. failed.
• Neonatal complications due to lithium are directly linked Finally, the decision can be made to switch to an alter-
to lithium levels at delivery. native treatment either for the remainder of gestation or at
least until organogenesis is complete. Viable alternatives
• Neonatal lithium complications can be reduced by regular include ECT and any of the SGAs. The safety concerns of
monitoring of lithium level, suspension of lithium therapy VPA and CBZ preclude them from consideration, and the
24 to 48 hours before a scheduled delivery, and maternal protracted titration schedule required for LTG limits its
hydration during labor and delivery. usefulness in this context.

5 4 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Box 38.4  CLINICAL PEARLS: POSTPARTUM Second-Generation Antipsychotics
AND LACTATION If the patient remains euthymic at presentation, then the
timing of resumption of treatment is largely dictated by
• Postpartum episodes of bipolar disorder may arise rapidly the likelihood, potential severity, and rapidity of onset of
following delivery. a recurrence later in pregnancy. When the decision is made
• If the mood stabilizer regimen has been altered during to restart SGA therapy, it is best to resume the previously
pregnancy to improve safety, reverting to the most effec- effective SGA, to which the baby has already been exposed,
tive previous regimen immediately following delivery titrating to the previously effective dose.
may offer the best protection against postpartum recur-
• A nursing infant’s level of exposure to a given medication
is consistently lower than the fetal level of exposure to the
same medication occurring during pregnancy.
The treatment issues encountered in later pregnancy include
• A nursing infant’s level of exposure can be minimized symptom monitoring to identify the need for dose adjustments
by taking the medication immediately after nursing and and maximizing neonatal safety as delivery approaches. Refer
avoiding nursing or pumping during the first few hours to Box 38.3 for a summary of late pregnancy clinical pearls.
following a dose. Numerous pharmacokinetic changes during pregnancy,
• The prescribing physician is responsible for laboratory including increases in hepatic metabolism, renal clearance,
safety monitoring of both mother and infant when pre- and blood volume, combine to lower medication concen-
scribing lithium, valproic acid, or carbamazepine to a trations. Anecdotal evidence suggests declining medication
nursing mother. levels may dictate dose increases to maintain efficacy and
that this is most likely to occur during the late second or
• Infants who develop febrile illness while being exposed early third trimester. When a dose adjustment is needed, a
to carbamazepine or clozapine during lactation should be single stepwise dose increment is typically sufficient to sus-
referred for emergent evaluation to rule out drug-induced tain patient well-being. Because LTG clearance is subject
leukopenia. to vast increases at any point in pregnancy, dose increases
may be necessary in early pregnancy as well. For most mood
stabilizers, dose adjustments can be accomplished without
serum monitoring of medication concentrations; however,
Valproic Acid and Carbamazepine due to lithium’s low therapeutic index, regular monitoring
The window of risk for many well-documented adverse of levels across gestation is advised.
effects of VPA and CBZ, including neurodevelopmen-
tal sequelae, will not have passed. Therefore, it is best
to avoid resuming these agents, replacing them with LITHIUM
an alternative treatment (e.g., ECT or a SGA) during Many of the numerous neonatal complications attribut-
pregnancy. able to lithium are linked to the level of infant exposure at
delivery (Newport et al., 2005). To minimize the risk for
delivery and neonatal complications, the following guide-
Lamotrigine lines are proposed: (a) monitor lithium levels regularly, par-
Recognizing its favorable reproductive safety profile, resum- ticularly during late gestation when glomerular filtration
ing LTG is advisable. Even if the patient remains euthymic, rate dramatically rises, maintaining a target concentration
resumption of LTG is preferred as its greatest utility is as a at the minimal effective level for the patient; (b) avoid med-
prophylactic agent. However, due to the lengthy titration ications that might predispose the patient and her child
schedule or paucity of data to support the utility of LTG to lithium toxicity, including diuretics, calcium channel
as a treatment for an acute BD episode, it may be necessary blockers, and nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs; (c)  lower
to coadminister another mood stabilizer as an acute treat- the lithium dose in the event of obstetrical complications
ment providing a clinical bridge to the prophylactic benefit such as preeclampsia or polyhydramnios that may predis-
of LTG. pose the patient or her child to lithium toxicity; (d) suspend

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder D uring Pregnancy and L actation   •   5 41

lithium therapy 24 to 48 hours before a scheduled deliv- psychosis (Chaudron & Pies 2003). Moreover, the onset of
ery or at the onset of labor in the event of a spontaneous PP psychosis can occur rapidly, often arising within days of
delivery; and (e) check the patient’s lithium level when she delivery (Brockington et al., 1981).
presents for delivery and administer oral or intravenous Unpublished data from our group indicates that
hydration throughout labor and delivery. This brief suspen- women who, following delivery, were not taking the same
sion of treatment coupled with hydration during labor and medication(s) that they had previously reported as their most
delivery can dramatically lower maternal and fetal lithium effective BD regimen were nearly twice as likely (40% vs.
concentration at delivery improving neonatal well-being. 23%) to experience a PP recurrence. Unfortunately, women
Finally, it is important to frequently remind the patient to with BD often switch from the most effective regimen dur-
advise her obstetrical care provider that she cannot be treated ing pregnancy in an effort to improve reproductive safety.
with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs following delivery. An unintended consequence of safety-motivated treatment
modifications may be a heightened risk for recurrence of ill-
ness following delivery. Consequently, pregnant women who,
VA L PROIC ACI D A N D for safety reasons, have switched from the mood-stabilizer
C A R BA M A Z E PI N E regimen that was previously most effective may consider
Typically, these medications will have been discontinued returning to that previously effective regimen immediately
earlier in gestation. In the rare circumstance that they have following delivery. Arguably, those who have experienced BD
been resumed during late pregnancy, it is important to symptoms during gestation should be encouraged to do so.
resume coadministration of a high dose folic acid supple-
ment with these agents.

When a PP recurrence of BD necessitates the introduction

L A MOT R IG I N E A N D S ECON D - of medication(s) not used during pregnancy, the advisabil-
G E N E R AT ION A N T I P S YCHOT IC S ity of lactation is brought into question. In such cases, a
There are no particular late pregnancy concerns unique patient may opt to discontinue breast-feeding to avoid the
to these agents other than coadministration of folic acid incremental risk of additional medication exposure(s).
with LTG. However, when an effective medication regimen used
during pregnancy is continued into the PP period, there
is often little reason to discourage breast-feeding. In such
P O S T PA RT U M DE C I S ION  cases, nursing only continues an exposure that the infant
M A K I NG has experienced during pregnancy, at levels that are consis-
tently a small fraction of the exposure levels incurred dur-
Two key clinical concerns arise following delivery: (a) potential ing gestation and at a time when the child’s central nervous
illness exacerbation and (b) the safety of the mood-stabilizer system is presumably less sensitive to untoward develop-
regimen during lactation. These two concerns are interrelated, mental effects.
in that treatment adjustments necessitated by clinical deterio- If a nursing infant exhibits a concerning symptom
ration may alter the lactation safety profile. Refer to Box 38.4 that is suspected to be due to medication exposure via
for a summary of postpartum and lactation clinical pearls. breast milk, then lactation should be immediately dis-
continued. When this occurs, with the exception of
lithium, there is no reason to check the nursing infant’s
P O S T PA RT U M E X AC E R BAT ION medication level. Deciding whether to discontinue the
OF I L L N E S S medication is predicated on the index of suspicion that
Historical interest in the PP course of BD dates to Kraepelin the medication is the causative agent regardless of the
(1921), who noted that episodes of mania or melancholia infant’s medication level.
were common in pregnancy but even more so following
childbirth. The PP period is a window of risk for women
with BD, marked by high recurrence rates (30%–50%) and
severe episodes, often requiring hospitalization. Of greatest Breast-feeding during lithium therapy should be approached
concern are numerous lines of evidence linking BD and PP with extreme caution and discouraged for all but the most

5 4 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
adherent patients. The key concern is that infant hydration Disclosure statement: Dr.  Newport has received research
status is subject to rapid shifts, particularly during febrile support from Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, the
syndromes, when ibuprofen has emerged as a first-line treat- National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and
ment. This combination can easily produce dangerous lith- Depression, the National Institutes of Health, and Wyeth.
ium toxicity in a nursing infant. He has served on speakers’ bureaus and/or received hono-
Lithium-treated women who are nursing should be raria from Astra-Zeneca, Eli Lilly, GSK, Pfizer, and Wyeth.
reminded, at every clinical encounter, to regularly monitor He has served on advisory boards for GlaxoSmithKline.
their infants’ hydration status and to avoid using nonste- He has never served as a consultant to any biomedical or
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs, both for themselves and pharmaceutical corporations. Neither he nor family mem-
their babies. In addition, the prescribing physician should bers have ever held equity positions in biomedical or phar-
perform periodic laboratory monitoring of both mother maceutical corporations.
and nursing infant, evaluating serum levels of lithium, cre- Dr. Hyman has no conflicts to disclose.
atinine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone. It cannot be
assumed that the pediatric care provider will order labora-
tory monitoring for the breast-fed infant. R E F E R E NC E S

Altshuler, L. L., Cohen, L. S., Szuba, M. P., Burt, V. K., Gitlin, M. J., &
Valproic Acid and Carbamazepine Mintz, J. (1996). Pharmacologic management of psychiatric illness
in pregnancy:  Dilemmas and guidelines. The American Journal of
Contrary to the dire warnings assigned to these agents dur- Psychiatry, 153, 592–606.
ing pregnancy, both have favorable lactation safety ratings Bilo, L., & Meo, R. (2008). Polycystic ovary syndrome in women using
VPA: A review. Gynecological Endocrinology, 24(10), 562–570.
(Hale & Rowe, 2014). Nevertheless, hepatic complications Boden, R., Lundgren, M., Brandt, L., Reutfors, J., & Kieler, H.
and blood dyscrasias are possible and have been reported in (2012). Antipsychotics during pregnancy:  Relation to fetal and
maternal metabolic effects. Archives of General Psychiatry, 69(7),
infants exposed to these agents during lactation. Moreover, 715–721.
it is possible that nursing infants remain susceptible to Brockington, I. F., Cernik, K. F., Schofield, E. M., Downing, A. R.,
adverse neurodevelopment effects of exposure to VPA Francis, A.  F., & Keelan, C. (1981). Puerperal psychosis:  Phe-
nomena and diagnosis. Archives of General Psychiatry, 38(7),
or CBZ. 829–833.
Caution is therefore advised when breast-feeding is Brunner, E., Falk, D. M., Jones, M., Dey, D. K., & Shatapathy, C. C.
being considered during VPA or CBZ therapy, even when (2013). Olanzapine in pregnancy and breastfeeding:  A  review of
data from global safety surveillance. BMC Pharmacology and Toxi-
the infant was already exposed to one of these agents dur- cology, 14, 38.
ing gestation. The prescribing physician should perform Chaudron, L. H., & Pies, R. W. (2003). The relationship between post-
periodic laboratory monitoring, for both mother and nurs- partum psychosis and bipolar disorder: A review. Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry, 64, 1284–1292.
ing infant, of both liver enzymes and blood counts. Finally, Dean, J.  C. S., Moore S.  J., Osborne, A., Howe, J., Tumpenny, P.  D.
women nursing during CBZ therapy should be cautioned (1999). Fetal anticonvulsant syndrome and mutation in the mater-
that febrile illness in their infants warrants an emergent nal MTHFR gene. Clinical Genetics, 56, 216–220.
Grace, S. L., Evindar, A., & Stewart, D. E. (2003). The effect of post-
evaluation to rule out CBZ-induced leukopenia. partum depression on child cognitive development and behav-
ior:  A  review and critical analysis of the literature. Archives of
Women’s Mental Health, 6(4), 263–274.
Lamotrigine and Second-Generation Hale, T.  W., Rowe, H.  E. (2014). Medications and mother’s milk
Antipsychotics 2014: A manual of lactational pharmacology. Amarillo, TX: Hale.
Hernandez-Diaz, S., Werler, M. M., Walker, A. M., & Mitchell, A. A.
When infants have been exposed to LTG or SGAs dur- (2001). Neural tube defects in relation to use of folic acid antago-
nists during pregnancy. American Journal of Epidemiology, 153,
ing pregnancy, there is little justification for discourag- 961–968.
ing mothers who are taking them from breast-feeding. Kingston, D., Tough, S., & Whitfield, H. (2012). Prenatal and postpar-
tum maternal psychological distress and infant development: A sys-
Women who are continuing therapy with these agents tematic review. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 43(5),
from pregnancy into the PP period can be encouraged 683–714.
to breast-feed as the exposure level via lactation is con- Kraepelin, E. (1921). Manic-depressive insanity and paranoia. Edin-
burgh, UK: E&S Livingstone.
siderably lower than the exposure level already incurred Lovejoy, M.  C., Graczyk, P.  A., O’Hare, E., & Neuman, G. (2000).
during gestation. However, women nursing during clo- Maternal depression and parenting behavior:  A  meta-analytic
zapine therapy should be cautioned that febrile illness in review. Clinical Psychology Review, 20(5), 561–592.
Marcus, S. M. (2009). Depression during pregnancy: Rates, risks and
their infants warrants an emergent evaluation to rule out consequences—Motherisk Update 2008. Canadian Journal of Clin-
drug-induced leukopenia. ical Pharmacology, 16(1), e15–e22.

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder D uring Pregnancy and L actation   •   5 4 3

Matalon, S., Schechtman, S., Goldzweig, G., & Ornoy, A. (2002). The Newport, D. J., Viguera, A. C., Beach, A. J., Ritchie, J. C., Cohen, L. S.,
teratogenic effect of carbamazepine: a meta-analysis of 1255 expo- & Stowe, Z. N. (2005). Lithium placental passage and obstetrical
sures. Reproductive Toxicology, 16, 9–17. outcome:  Implications for clinical management during late preg-
McKnight, R. F., Adida, M., Budge, K., Stockton, S., Goodwin, G. M., nancy. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(11), 2162–2170.
& Geddes, J. R. (2012). Lithium toxicity profile: A systematic review Palac, S., & Meador, K. J. (2011). Antiepileptic drugs and neurodevel-
and meta-analysis. Lancet, 379, 721–728. opment:  An update. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports,
Meador, K. J., Baker, G. A., Browning, N., Cohen, M. J., Clayton-Smith, 11(4), 423–427.
J., Kalayjian, L. A., Kanner, A., Liporace, J. D., Pennell, P. B., Privit- Pennell, P. B., Peng, L., Newport, D. J., Ritchie, J. C., Koganti, A., Hol-
era, M., Loring, D. W., NEAD Study Group. (2011). Foetal antiepi- ley, D. K., . . . Stowe, Z. N. (2008). Lamotrigine in pregnancy: Clear-
leptic drug exposure and verbal versus non-verbal abilities at three ance, therapeutic drug monitoring, and seizure frequency.
years of age. Brain, 134(Pt 2), 396–404. Neurology, 70, 2130–2136.
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Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 13(8), 1213–1216. Follow-up study of children born without malformations. Acta Psy-
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son, B.  B., Viguera, A.  C., . . . Stowe, Z.  N. (2007). Atypical anti- Viguera, A. C., Whitfield, T., Baldessarini, R. J., Newport, D. J., Stowe,
psychotic administration during late pregnancy: Placental passage Z., Reminick, A., & Cohen, L.  S. (2007). Risk of recurrence in
and obstetrical outcomes. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 164, women with bipolar disorder during pregnancy: Prospective study
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tially impact fetal exposures during pregnancy. Journal of Clinical D., & Verdeli, H. (2006). Offspring of depressed parents: 20 years
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5 4 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
PA R T   V I I I

Luis R. Patino, Nina R. McCune, and Melissa P. DelBello

INTRODUCTION Treatment of pediatric bipolar disorder requires a

multimodal approach that includes pharmacologic and
The first step in treating children and adolescents with psychosocial interventions. Although medication is the
bipolar disorder is making an accurate diagnosis. This cornerstone of any treatment approach, adjunctive psy-
remains a significant challenge even for the most expe- chosocial approaches are critical. This chapter reviews the
rienced clinicians. As established in previous chapters, empirical evidence available regarding the efficacy and
there are still controversies regarding phenomenological safety for both pharmacological and psychosocial interven-
presentation and the validity of applying adult-derived cri- tions for bipolar disorder in children and adolescents.1
teria to children and adolescents. Beyond establishing an
accurate diagnosis, well-established developmental differ-
ences in the presentation between youth and adults fur-
ther complicate the treatment and management (Axelson E M PI R IC A L E V I DE NC E OF 
et  al., 2006). One example is that adults exhibit distinct T H E PH A R M AC OL O G IC A L
episodes of depression and mania, whereas the pattern of T R E AT M E N T OF   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
illness observed in young people is often characterized by I N   C H I L DR E N A N D A D OL E S C E N T S
mixed or dysphoric mood states accompanied by irritabil- W I T H   M A N IC E PI S ODE S
ity (Chang, 2007). Moreover, children and adolescents
seem to experience more symptomatic periods and may be S ECON D - G E N E R AT ION
more susceptible to rapid cycling (Geller et al., 2004). Most A N T I P S YCHOT IC S
patients with pediatric bipolar disorder also have comor-
bid or co-occurring conditions, most commonly attention Aripiprazole
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; (Joshi & Wilens, Aripiprazole is a second-generation antipsychotics with US
2009). Furthermore, there is a large gap between the data Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the
available regarding medication safety and efficacy in adults treatment of mixed or manic mood episodes in patients age
and children with bipolar disorder. There is growing evi- ≥10 years. Empirical evidence of the efficacy and safety of
dence suggesting that merely extrapolating from adults is aripiprazole is available in several reports, including retro-
insufficient. spective chart reviews (Barzman et  al., 2004), open-label
In the midst of the challenges of recognizing and man- studies (Biederman, Mick, Spencer, Doyle, et  al., 2007;
aging bipolar disorder in children and adolescents, it is also Tramontina, Zeni, Pheula, de Souza, & Rohde, 2007),
clear that children and adolescents with bipolar disorder and two double-blind, placebo controlled trials (Findling
require prompt treatment to ameliorate symptoms and et al., 2012; Tramontina et al., 2009). In both double-blind,
to prevent (or at least reduce) the psychosocial morbidity placebo-controlled trials, aripiprazole was significantly
that accompanies the illness. In fact, early detection and superior to placebo in decreasing manic symptoms scores,
treatment seems paramount since earlier onset and longer response rates, and remission rates. Response rates were
duration of illness is associated with poor rates of recovery 44.8% in the 10-mg group (effect size d  =  0.46), 63.6%
(Birmaher et al., 2006). in the 30-mg (effect size d  =  0.88) group, and 88.9% in

the flexible-dose (effect size d = 1.1) study. Remission was Common side effects included sedation and appetite
achieved by 25% of the 10-mg group (effect size d = 0.97), increase. However, weight gain and metabolic changes
47.5% of the patients in the 30-mg group (effect size remain the most prominent concern of olanzapine use in
d  =  1.52), and in 72% of the patients in the flexible-dose children and adolescents. In the three-week period of the
study (effect size d = 0.94). randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, sub-
Common adverse events reported in these studies jects displayed a significantly higher weight gain than pla-
included sedation, gastrointestinal complaints, cold symp- cebo. Specifically, adolescents increased an average of 4 kg,
toms, headache, extrapyramidal symptoms, and akathisia. and 42% increased 7% or more from their baseline body-
weight. Subjects also displayed mean baseline-to-endpoint
changes in prolactin, fasting glucose, fasting total choles-
terol, uric acid, and the hepatic enzymes aspartate trans-
There are no randomized, controlled trials of clozapine aminase and alanine transaminase.
use in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder. The Age-related differences in weight gain and meta-
limited data regarding the utility of clozapine in pediatric bolic changes have been observed. Adolescents gained an
bipolar disorder comes from three retrospective case series average of 7.4  kg compared to 3.2  kg in adults. Children
involving a pool of 27 cases (Kant et al., 2004; Kowatch, appear more sensitive to the prolactin-increasing effects of
Suppes, & Gilfillin, 1995; Masi, Mucci, & Millepiedi, olanzapine (55.5%) than adults (29.0%). In contrast, ado-
2002). These reports suggest that clozapine may improve lescents had fewer adverse metabolic changes than adults,
symptoms for adolescents with treatment-refractory manic with 3% of young and 11.8% of older patients moving from
or mixed episodes. However, data are limited, making it normal or impaired glucose to high blood glucose, and 17%
difficult to assess efficacy. Concerns regarding the use of to 21% of adolescents compared to 31% to 38% of adults
clozapine stems from the association of clozapine with developing borderline dyslipidemias (Singh, Ketterm, &
neutropenia and agranulocytosis (Idänpään-Heikkilä, Chang, 2010).
Alhava, Olkinuora, & Palva, 1975). Other common side
effects include hypersalivation, sedation, incontinence,
weight gain, cardiac side effects such as electrocardiogram
abnormalities (QT prolongation, orthostatic hypotension, To date there are limited data regarding the efficacy and
tachycardia, and rarely endocarditis), abnormal electroen- safety of paliperidone in the treatment of acute mania in
cephalographic activity and/or lowered seizure threshold, youth. An eight-week open-label study examined paliperi-
akathisia, and metabolic changes. Due to the lack of evi- done monotherapy for acute manic, mixed, or hypomanic
dence, clozapine should be reserved for use in patients who episode in pediatric patients (n  =  15; 6–17  years of age)
have demonstrated resistance to multiple other medication with bipolar spectrum disorders (Joshi et al., 2013). At the
regimens. end of follow-up period, 11 subjects (73%) completed the
study; treatment with paliperidone was associated with
a 60% response rate (50% decrease in the Young Mania
Rating Scale [YMRS]) and 40% remission (YMRS <12).
Olanzapine is currently FDA-approved for use for mania However, treatment with paliperidone was associated with
in adolescents age ≥13  years. The empirical evidence of an increase in body weight (mean increase 2 kg ± 2.5 kg),
olanzapine’s efficacy in the treatment of children and ado- and in total 40% of subjects developed clinically significant
lescents with bipolar disorder in acute mania comes from weight gain following paliperidone trial (≥7% weight gain).
four open-label studies (Biederman, Mick, Hammerness,
et al., 2005; DelBello, Cecil, Adler, Daniels, & Strakowski,
2006; Frazier et  al., 2001; Wozniak et  al., 2009), and a
randomized, double-blind, placebo-control clinical trial Quetiapine is approved by the FDA for manic episodes as
(Tohen et  al., 2007). Response rates for olanzapine were monotherapy or adjunctive therapy in bipolar youth (age
74%, 61%, 33%, and 47%, in the open-label studies. In the > 10 years). Quetiapine was shown to be safe and effective
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial olanzapine proved in children and adolescents with mania in retrospective
to be superior to placebo with a response rate of 45% (vs. chart reviews (Marchand, Wirth, & Simon, 2004), at least
22% for placebo) and a remission rate of 35% (vs. 11.1% for two open-label studies (Duffy, Milin, & Grof, 2009; Joshi
placebo). et  al., 2012), and three randomized, controlled studies

5 4 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
(DelBello, Kowatch, Adler, Stanford, Welge, Barzman, risperidone or placebo. In both active medication groups,
Nelson, Strakowski, 2006; DelBello, Schwiers, Rosenberg, treatment with risperidone significantly decreased manic
& Strakowski, 2002; Pathak et al., 2013). Quetiapine has symptom. Response rates in the low-dose (59%) and
shown to be effective in reducing manic symptoms and high-dose (63%) groups were superior to placebo (26%).
maintaining stabilization through 48 weeks (Duffy et al., There was a dose-dependent increase in the frequency of
2009). In randomized, controlled trails, quetiapine was side effects. The results of this study suggest that low-dosage
shown to be superior to valproate combined with placebo risperidone is just as effective as larger dosages but better
(DelBello et  al., 2002), superior to valproate as mono- tolerated.
therapy (DelBello, Kowatch, Adler, Stanford, Welge, Additionally, risperidone has been compared to valpro-
Barzman, Nelson, Strakowski, 2006), and superior to pla- ate in two head-to-head randomized, double-blind trials
cebo as monotherapy (Pathak et al., 2013). Response rates (Geller et al., 2012; Pavuluri et al., 2010) and one with lith-
for quetiapine in these studies ranged from 58% to 87%. ium (Geller et al., 2012). Risperidone was shown to be supe-
Treatment with quetiapine revealed a statistically signifi- rior to both valproate and lithium in achieving response
cant separation from placebo within the first week of treat- and in remission rates. It has also been shown to be effec-
ment (Pathak et al., 2013). Adverse events associated with tive as augmentation therapy in lithium nonresponders
quetiapine were mostly mild to moderate in intensity and (Pavuluri et al., 2006).
were broadly consistent with the known profile of quetiap- Side-effect profile of risperidone in youth is similar to
ine in adults with bipolar disorder (Fraguas et al., 2011). those in adults. Most commonly, risperidone is associated
More commonly sedation, gastrointestinal upset, and with fatigue, dizziness, dystonia, Parkinsonian symptoms,
weight gain were reported. Weight increase for quetiapine akathisia, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
was on average 1.7kg in three weeks and 3.4  kg in eight and diarrhea. Risperidone has also been associated with
weeks. None of these studies reported statistically signifi- weight gain, diabetes, and hyperprolactinemia in pedi-
cant differences in metabolic parameters. atric populations. Special care should be taken about the
Youth with bipolar disorder tolerate a rapid titra- possibility of hyperprolactinemia in pediatric populations
tion with quetiapine starting at 100 mg and increasing by since this adverse effect might affect bone development and
100 mg a day to a target dose of 400–600 mg (Scheffer, bring about undesirable menstrual abnormalities (Fraguas
Tripathi, Kirkpatrick, & Schultz, 2010). Of note, the et al., 2011).
half-life for quetiapine may be significantly shorter in pedi-
atric patients compared to adults (3 hours vs. 6 hours); an
extended-release formulation of quetiapine is available,
albeit no studies have established that it yields additional Recent studies of ziprasidone support its use in pediatric
benefits over the immediate-release formulation (Findling bipolar disorder (Biederman, Mick, Spencer, Dougherty,
et al., 2006). et al., 2007; DelBello, Versavel, Ice, Keller, & Miceli, 2008;
Findling, Cavuş, Pappadopulos, Vanderburg, Schwartz,
Gundapaneni, DelBello, 2013). In an eight-week
Risperidone open-label study, ziprasidone was evaluated as monother-
Risperidone was the first second-generation antipsy- apy in 21 patients (age 6–17 years) with significant manic
chotic approved by the FDA for a psychiatric disorder in symptoms; this study found a response rate of 33% with
youth (originally for the treatment of irritability associ- a drop-out rate of 33% (DelBello et  al., 2008). A  larger
ated with autistic disorder in children and adolescents (n  =  237) four-week double-blind, placebo-controlled
age 5–16 years). Later on, this SGA received approval for study of ziprasidone in pediatric mania revealed that
the treatment of acute manic or mixed episodes in youth. subjects treated with ziprasidone improved significantly
Evidence of its efficacy in pediatric bipolar disorder comes compared to those treated with placebo Findling, Cavuş,
from three open-label studies (Biederman, Mick, Wozniak, Pappadopulos, Vanderburg, Schwartz, Gundapaneni,
et al., 2005; Pavuluri, Henry, et al., 2004, 2006), one ret- DelBello (2013). Separation of ziprasidone from placebo
rospective chart review (Frazier et  al., 1999)  and a ran- reached statistical significance as early as Week 1, and the
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (Haas overall response rate was 53% (22% in placebo arm). An
et  al., 2009). Subjects in the randomized, double-blind, important finding in this study was that subjects weigh-
placebo-controlled trial were assigned to either low-dosage ing less than 45 kg did not show a significant improvement
(0.5–2.5 mg/day) or high-dosage (3.0–6.0 mg/day) compared to placebo.

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   5 4 9

Ziprasidone is well tolerated in children and adoles- et al., 1981). Although many of these studies yielded posi-
cents, with no significant weight increases or metabolic tive results, the diagnostic ambiguity limits the conclu-
changes. The most commonly occurring adverse effects sions that can be drawn. Despite the limited data, the FDA
(i.e., sedation, dizziness, and somnolence) were similar to approved lithium for the treatment of mania in children
what has been reported in adults. Although QTc prolonga- 12 years and older.
tions have been noted with ziprasidone use, they are typi- More recent open-label studies, with more homo-
cally minimal and not clinically significant (Correll et al., geneously defined diagnostic criteria, have suggested
2011; Findling et al., 2013). that patients treated with lithium achieve a response
Ziprasidone is available in both oral and short-acting rate between 38% and 55% as monotherapy and 82%
intramuscular forms. Oral administration without food when used in combination with SGAs (e.g., risperidone;
significantly decreases its absorption (Sallee et  al., 2006). Geller et al., 2012; Kowatch et al., 2000; Pavuluri et al.,
Ziprasidone appears to have a lower risk of being associated 2006). In an open-label lithium study of 100 adoles-
with metabolic syndrome than the other SGA and may be a cents (12–18  years of age) with an acute manic episode,
more appropriate agent for patients who appear to be at risk 63% achieved response and 26% remission (Kafantaris,
of developing metabolic syndrome or those who already Coletti, Dicker, Padula, & Kane, 2003). Furthermore, in
suffer from it. a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled discon-
Ziprasidone has recently been approved in Europe for tinuation study, 62% of patients who initially responded
the treatment of moderately manic or mixed episodes asso- to lithium and switched to placebo experienced clinically
ciated with bipolar disorder in children and adolescents age significant exacerbation of symptoms, while 53% of those
10–17 to years. who responded and remained on lithium had symptom-
atic relapse; this difference was not statistically significant
(Kafantaris et al., 2004).
Recently, the multisite Collaborative Lithium Trials
Lithium salts have been used since the late 19th century, (CoLT) developed protocols aimed at (a)  establishing
initially as part of popular tonics such as the “Bib-Label evidence-based dosing strategies for lithium, (b) character-
Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda,” better known under the izing the pharmacokinetics and biodisposition of lithium,
name of 7UP. The first publication of lithium’s use in adults (c) examining the acute efficacy of lithium in pediatric bipo-
with bipolar disorder dates back more than 60  years ago lar disorder, (d)  investigating the long-term effectiveness
(Cade, 1949) and studies of lithium use in psychiatrically ill of lithium treatment, and (e) characterizing the short- and
children started to emerge in the medical literature 50 years long-term safety of lithium. In December of 2006, enroll-
ago (van Krevelen & van Voorst, 1959). However, given the ment into the first of these studies began across seven sites.
historical difficulties in diagnostic consensus for pediatric Updates on CoLT indicate a 58% response rate to lithium
bipolar disorder, initial reports of its use in pediatric popu- as monotherapy in the eight-week open-label phase for
lation are characterized by a clinically heterogeneous group. acute mania (ClinicalTrials.gov identifiers: NCT01166425
The first publication of lithium use in children appeared in and NCT00442039; Findling et  al., 2013). Furthermore,
1959; van Krevelen and van Voorst describe the success- patients in this trial that displayed at least a partial response
ful treatment of 14-year-old boy who suffered from “peri- to 8 weeks of open-label treatment with lithium were eligi-
odic psychosis with longer manic and shorter depressive ble to receive open-label lithium for an additional 16 weeks.
phases”; several case reports and case series that included a In this continuation postacute phase, 68.3% of patients met
mix of patients with and without potential bipolar disor- a priori criteria for response, with 53.7% considered to be
der followed thereafter. In the late 1970s and early 1980s in remission. These data suggest that patients who initially
a handful of double-blind, placebo-controlled, random- responded to lithium maintained mood stabilization during
ized, cross-over trials in children and adolescents tested continuation treatment, but partial responders did not expe-
lithium’s use in patients with a mélange of vaguely defined rience further improvement. Results from CoLT’s random-
clinical syndromes that may or may not have been pediat- ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial are still pending.
ric bipolar disorder (i.e. “severely hyperactive children with Furthermore, there is some evidence suggesting
mood swings”; Greenhill, Rieder, Wender, Buchsbaum, & that lithium response may run in families (Duffy et  al.,
Zhan, 1973; “episodic mood and behavior disturbance”; 2002) and that lithium may be particularly effective in pre-
Lena, Surtees, & Maggs, 1978; “behaviorally disordered venting suicidal behavior (Cipriani, Hawton, Stockton, &
children of parents who are lithium responders”; McKnew Geddes, 2013; Cipriani, Pretty, Hawton & Geddes, 2005).

55 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Common adverse effects associated with lithium include Topiramate
nausea, headache, acne, weight gain, thyroid dysfunction, dia-
There are limited data available for the use of topiramate
betes insipidus, and tremor. Baseline complete blood counts,
in pediatric acute mania. Although studies in adults do
thyroid panels, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, serum cal-
not support efficacy of topiramate as monotherapy in acute
cium, urinalysis, and pregnancy test are recommended prior
mania or mixed episodes (Kushner, Khan, Lane, & Olson,
to initiation of lithium, as well as every three to six months
2006), there are some data to suggest that topiramate
might have some effect on pediatric mania. Two retrospec-
tive studies suggested that adjunctive topiramate reduces
A N T I E PI L E P T IC M E DIC AT IONS the severity of bipolar mania in pediatric patients in both
inpatients and outpatients (Barzman et al., 2005; DelBello
Carbamazepine et al., 2002). A four-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled
Despite its track record in adults, carbamazepine has been trial of topiramate in pediatric mania was conducted but
studied in only a few open-label trials in youth with bipolar was prematurely terminated by the sponsor based on nega-
disorder. A six-week open-label comparison of carbamaze- tive results in adults (DelBello et  al., 2005). This study
pine with valproate and lithium showed a modest response showed at least a statistically significant steeper slope of
rate of 38% for carbamazepine, 38% for lithium, and 53% improvement in the topiramate group, tentatively suggest-
for valproate; these differences were statistically not sig- ing that improvement may have been more rapid in this
nificant (Kowatch et al., 2000). Another open-label study group. Common adverse effects reported in these studies
evaluated carbamazepine extended release and showed a included decreased appetite, nausea, and weight loss.
similar response rate of 44% (Joshi et al., 2010). To date Topiramate use has also been explored in preventing
there are no double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled weight gain associated with certain SGAs. An eight-week
trials of carbamazepine for the treatment of pediatric open-label study of olanzapine monotherapy compared to
bipolar disorder. olanzapine plus topiramate showed that both treatments
The most common adverse events with carbam- were capable of reducing symptom scores and that those
azepine include nausea and sedation (Evans, Clay, & patients with topiramate plus olanzapine combination had
Gualtieri 1987). A  baseline complete blood count and lower weight gain than the group only treated with olan-
follow-up measurements should be obtained since carba- zapine (Wozniak et al., 2009). Of caution, there is at least
mazepine has been associated with agranulocytosis and one case report of hyperthermia and rhabdomyolysis in a
aplastic anemia (Seetharam & Pellock, 1991)  In addi- 14-year-old patient with the combination of olanzapine and
tion, carbamazepine carries a risk of Stevens-Johnson topiramate (Strawn, Adler, Strakowski, & DelBello, 2008).
syndrome in patients of Asian ancestry; therefore, it is
recommended that such patients should be screened for
the HLA-B* 1502 allele, which has been associated with Lamotrigine
an increased risk of developing this syndrome (Chong There have been only two open-label studies of lamotrigine
et al., 2013). monotherapy in pediatric acute mania (Biederman et  al.,
2010; Pavuluri et  al., 2009). In an open-label 14-week
study, 46 children (age 6–17  years) received lamotrigine,
which was slowly uptitrated for eight weeks. In this study,
Despite initial case reports that hinted at oxcarbazepine’s lamotrigine appeared to be effective in maintaining symp-
positive tolerability and its effect in treatment of pediatric tom control of manic symptoms in pediatric bipolar dis-
mania (Davanzo et al., 2004; Teitelbaum, 2001), its efficacy order with a response rate of 72% and a remission rate of
has not been proven in controlled studies. In a double-blind, 56%. In another open-label study, lamotrigine was found
placebo-controlled trial, no significant difference between to produce a response rate of 54%. Common adverse effects
oxcarbazepine and placebo was detected in any of the effi- reported in this study included gastrointestinal symp-
cacy measures. Remarkably, the study had a very high drop- toms, headaches, and skin rashes. A serious concern found
out rate (66% oxcarbazepine and 60% placebo). There were lamotrigine use to be related to Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
more adverse events in the oxcarbazepine group, including Of note, in the two pediatric studies mentioned, report
dizziness, nausea, somnolence, diplopia, fatigue, and rash rates differed slightly. In one study a benign rash was noted
(Wagner et al., 2006). in 6.4% of patients (Pavuluri et  al., 2009), while in the

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   551

other study 38% of patients developed some form of skin valproate, p < .01) and remission rates (62.5% vs. 33.3%, p <
reaction; of these, six required the medication be stopped .05). Also, subjects in the valproate group had higher drop-
and none were reported to have developed Stevens-Johnson out due to adverse events (48% vs. 24%), with irritability
syndrome (Biederman et al., 2010). being the most common reported cause).
The third double-blinded study failed to separate val-
proate extended release from placebo (Wagner et al., 2009).
In this well-powered study, no significant differences in
Despite traditionally being considered a first-line agent, YMRS change from baseline, nor response (24% vs. 23%)
recent data suggest that valproate may be less effective than or remission rates (16% vs. 19%), were detected between
SGAs when used for the treatment of pediatric mania. placebo and valproate.
Several open-label studies have evaluated the effectiveness Common side effects of valproate include gastrointes-
of valproate in pediatric patients with bipolar disorder; tinal symptoms, sedation, and weight gain. Pancreatitis,
these studies indicated response rate for valproate was hepatotoxicity, alopecia, thrombocytopenia, and polycystic
between 53% to 75% (Papatheodorou et al., 1995; Wagner ovary syndrome have also been associated with this medica-
et al., 2002; West et al., 1994). tion. Recommendations for laboratory monitoring include
However, more recent reports have come to question obtaining complete blood counts, liver function tests, and
the overall efficacy of valproate in the treatment of acute pregnancy screening at baseline and every six months there-
mania in pediatric bipolar disorder. Three double-blind after, as well as careful monitoring of menstrual cycles in
studies of valproate sodium exemplify these questions. girls who are prescribed valproate sodium.
One study compared valproate immediate release against
quetiapine and showed that quetiapine was mark-
edly superior to valproate (DelBello, Kowatch, Adler,
Stanford, Welge, Barzman, Nelson, Strakowski,2006). Data regarding efficacy of pharmacologic agents for the
Patients receiving quetiapine showed larger mania treatment of acute mania in youth is scarce, compared to
response (84% vs. 56% p < .05) and manic remission rates the findings available for adults with mania. However,
(60% vs. 28%). data is slowly accumulating with new studies being pub-
A second study suggested risperidone is superior and lished in peer-reviewed journals. Election of a pharma-
better tolerated than valproate (Pavuluri et  al., 2010). In cological agent to treat an acute manic episode should
this double-blind, randomized trial, risperidone showed take into consideration the available empirical evidence
superior response (78.1% for risperidone vs. 45.5% for suggesting its efficacy and also balance the latent harm



ES 95%CI NNT 95%CI NNT 95%CI

Aripiprazole 0.69 (0.44–0.94) 3.6 (2.6–5.9) 3.2 (2.5–4.3)

Olanzapine 0.75 (0.41–1.08) 3.8 (2.4–8.5) 4.1 (2.7–8.3)

Quetiapine 0.60 (0.35–0.86) 4.2 (2.8–8.4) 4.2 (3.1–11.0)

Risperidone 0.81 (0.48–1.14) 2.8 (2.0–5.1) 3.7 (2.4–6.8)

Ziprasidone 0.48 (0.21–0.76) 3.8 (2.5–7.5) N/A

Divalproex 0.28 (0.01–0.54) 7.4 (3.9–82.7) N/A

Lithium 0.31 (0.12–0.73) 8.4 (3.1–12.5) N/A

NOTE: YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale; ES = effect size; CI = confidence interval; NNT = number needed to treat
Response defined as ≥50% reduction in YMRS.
Remission defined as YMRS ≤ 12.

552   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S


NNH (95% CI) NNH (95% CI) NNH (95% CI) ES (95% CI) NNH (95% CI)

Aripiprazole 5.1 (3.8–7.7) 13.3 (7.9–37.6) 4.1 0.17 (0–0.4) 27.8 (–37–11)
Olanzapine 4.6 (3.2–8.4) 107.5 (N/A) N/A 1.65 (1.3–2.6) 2.5 (2.0–3.3)

Quetiapine 5.0 (3.4–9.0) (N/A) 38.5 0.63 (0.4–0.8)   8.2 (6.1–13.6)

Risperidone 3.3 (2.3–6.3) 8.7 (5.0–47.0) 8.7 0.46 (0.1–0.8) 14.7 (–58–6.8)

Ziprasidone 5.9 (3.9–12.6) N/A N/A –0.04 (0.3–0.2) 46.1

NOTE: CI = confidence interval; NNH = number needed to harm.

induced by the potential side effects. Tables 39.1 and 39.2 regarding pharmacotherapy for depression among youth
offer a summary of the available data. Overall, SGAs with bipolar disorder.
seem to be more effective than lithium and mood stabi-
lizers for acute mania in children and adolescents with
bipolar disorder. Indeed, two recent meta-analysis deter-
mined that SGAs are more effective than lithium and
mood stabilizers when considering effect sizes, likeli- An eight-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-
hood of achieving remission, and number needed to treat controlled trial involving 255 children ages 10 to 17 years
(Correll, Sheridan, DelBello, 2010; Liu et  al., 2011). In (170 olanzapine/fluoxetine combination [OFC], 85 pla-
the near future, results from ongoing pediatric mania cebo) evaluated the efficacy of this combination strategy
studies of medications that have been previously shown in patients with bipolar depression. On average patients
to be effective for mania in adults may become available in active treatment showed a significantly larger decrease
(e.g., asenepine, tamoxifen). Still, research and data col- in symptomatology (–28 vs.  –23, p  =  .003), a larger
lection on those pharmacological agents already available proportion of them achieved remission (59% vs. 43%,
should not be abandoned so that definite recommenda- p = .03) and response (78% vs. 59%, p = .003). There was
tions can ultimately be made. no difference in treatment-emergent suicidal ideation/
behavior and on worsening of manic symptoms between
placebo and OFC. Roughly 20% of participants in the
E M PI R IC A L E V I DE NC E OF   T H E OFC treatment arm had weight gain (on average slightly
PH A R M AC OL O G IC A L T R E AT M E N T more than 4 kg), and they experienced worsening of fast-
OF   B I P OL A R DE PR E S S ION I N ing cholesterol and triglycerides. To date OFC is the
C H I L DR E N A N D A D OL E S C E N T S only FDA-approved treatment for bipolar depression in
children and adolescents (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier
Youth with bipolar disorder may experience full depres- NCT00844857).
sive episodes or subsyndromal depressive symptomatology.
Overall, as in adults, depression in children and adolescents
with a bipolar spectrum disorder is a primary source of bur-
den; youth suffering from bipolar disorders spend nearly Lithium has an established efficacy in adults with bipolar
40% of the time with impairing depressive symptoms disorder and in treatment-resistant depression. However,
(Geller et al., 2004). Furthermore, prospective studies have to date the only published study exploring lithium efficacy
demonstrated that after remitting from a manic episode, is an open-label study conducted in 27 adolescents with
children and adolescents may be more likely to relapse into bipolar depression (Patel et al., 2006). This study showed
a major depressive episode than into hypomanic, manic, a rather large effect size (d = 1.7), a response rate of 48%,
or mixed episodes (Birmaher, Axelson, & Goldstein, and a remission of 30%. Lithium was well tolerated and did
2009). Unfortunately, there is a paucity of controlled data not lead to an abnormally high attrition rate. More studies

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   553

exploring lithium’s efficacy are needed to confirm its robust remains unclear; two meta-analyses suggest divergent find-
properties in pediatric bipolar depression. ings regarding their efficacy and ability to induce manic
episodes (Gijsman, Geddes, Rendell, Nolen, & Goodwin,
2004; Sidor & Macqueen, 2011). Much less empirical data
is available in children and adolescents. Retrospective chart
Lamotrigine has emerged as a first-line agent for adult reviews suggest the use of antidepressants may be effec-
bipolar depression. In pediatric bipolar depression, several tive; however, those on antidepressants were three times
case reports describe successful use of lamotrigine for peri- more likely to develop treatment-emergent mania (Thomas,
ods of up to eight months (Bildik et  al., 2006; Soutullo, Stansifer, & Findling, 2011).
Diez-Suarez, & Figueroa-Quintana, 2006). Also, in a study The risk of potentially inducing mania as a result of
of 46 adolescents with manic or mixed episodes, lamotrig- treatment with selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors
ine successfully reduced depressive symptoms during the (SSRIs) or other antidepressants must be weighed against
study’s maintenance phase (Pavuluri et  al., 2009). In an the potential therapeutic benefits, as well as the very real
open-label study of depressed adolescents with a pediat- suicide risk that often accompanies severe depression.
ric bipolar spectrum disorders diagnosis, lamotrigine as Given the scarce data available, caution is indicated when
monotherapy or adjunctive therapy (mean dose of 131 ± considering the use of antidepressants in depressed patients
31 mg/day) was well tolerated and resulted in a response with bipolar disorder.
rate of 63% and a remission rate of 58% (Chang, Saxena, &
Howe, 2006).

OFC to date is the only FDA-approved treatment for bipo-

lar depression in children and adolescents; hence it is an
Quetiapine is a well-established treatment for adults obvious first option. However, a careful consideration of
with bipolar depression; however, in a double-blind, the potential side effects should be examined. Both lith-
placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial in adolescents ium and lamotrigine have shown to be feasible options in
with bipolar depression, response rates did not differ from the treatment of pediatric bipolar depression. However,
placebo (DelBello et al., 2009). This was a small study of double-blind, placebo-controlled trials for both these medi-
32 adolescents conducted in two sites. Quetiapine seemed cations are needed to give a definite recommendation. On
to be well tolerated with some reports of mild gastrointes- the other hand, quetiapine failed to separate from placebo
tinal side effects and increased levels of triglycerides. The on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study;
response rate in this study was 71% for quetiapine and 67% however, given its track record with adult bipolar depres-
for placebo (difference was not statistically significant). In sion and the fact that in that study there was a large placebo
another large, double-blind, placebo-controlled, random- response, its use cannot be entirely discarded, but clinicians
ized clinical trial of 193 youths with bipolar depression, who might consider its use should take note of these find-
subjects on quetiapine displayed a 63% response rate, while ings. Antidepressants can be considered an option only
those on placebo showed a 55% response rate; the difference after carefully considering the risks of treatment-emergent
was not statistically significant (ClinicalTrials.gov identi- mania and after other options have been explored. Given
fier NCT00811473). the high response rates and the evidence of its efficacy in
High placebo responses are not uncommon in pediatric unipolar depression, psychosocial intervention, particu-
depression studies, which may imply the need for different larly those with a cognitive-behavioral component, should
designs like placebo or psychosocial lead-in designs (Cohen be considered. In fact, in certain cases, particularly those
et al., 2010). with milder depression, psychosocial intervention may be
the first-line option for pediatric bipolar depression.

Antidepressants are effective and well tolerated for the T R E AT M E N T-R E S I S TA N T

treatment of unipolar depression in children and adoles- B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
cents (Henry, Kisicki, & Varley, 2012); however, their use
in bipolar depression has not been thoroughly examined. Despite documented efficacy of several pharmacological
In fact, their role in depressed adults with bipolar disorder agents in the treatment of bipolar disorder in children and

55 4   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
adolescents, empirical evidence shows that a substantial 3. Consider discontinuation of potential destabilizing
proportion of patients fail to achieve an adequate response elements. Antidepressants are commonly used in pediatric
or remission of symptoms. Indeed, longitudinal studies patients with bipolar disorder. Studies suggest that anti-
suggest pediatric bipolar disorder is associated with a more depressants are at least poorly tolerated, can induce manic
prolonged and treatment-refractory course, more subsyn- symptoms, or can lead to rapid cycling (Biederman, Mick,
dromal interepisodic symptoms, and reduced interepisode Spencer, Wilens, & Faraone, 2000; Strawn et  al., 2013).
recovery compared to adults with mania (Geller et  al., Carefully evaluating the necessity of antidepressant use
2004). Given these factors, children and adolescents are at should be an important step in the evaluation of patients
an increased risk of receiving polypharmacy or to continue who have been nonresponsive to treatment.
to suffer functional impairment from persistent clinically Discontinuing GABAergic medications like benzo-
significant symptoms (Toteja et al., 2013). diazepines, gabapentin, pregabalin, and zolpidem may be
When evaluating patients with persistent mood symp- helpful in this group of patients. Although GABA-ergic
toms, it may be instructive to consider whether symptoms agents may temporarily be useful in select circumstances
persist as a result of inadequate response to treatment or and patients, continued use in children and adoles-
as an expected response to inadequate treatment. For this cents may induce disinhibition symptoms (Barnett &
reason, our experience suggests that a set of steps should be Riddle, 2003).
taken when evaluating children and adolescents with bipo- Moreover, given the frequency of comorbid ADHD,
lar disorder and a poor treatment response. the use of stimulants in patients with bipolar disorder is
frequent. The use of stimulants in patients at risk for bipo-
1. Assess whether the patient was been adequately eval- lar disorder may also be problematic (Faedda, Baldessarini,
uated and whether the diagnosis is accurate. The use of sem- Glovinsky, & Austin, 2004). Specifics about the treatment
istructured (e.g., Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders of comorbid ADHD are discussed later.
and Schizophrenia; Chambers et  al., 1985)  or structured Substance use, even if not at a level of dependence or
(i.e., Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview for abuse, has generally been associated with poor treatment
Children; Sheehan et  al., 2010)  diagnostic interviews are compliance and mood destabilization (DelBello et  al.,
useful resources not only in the research setting but also 2007; Lagerberg et  al., 2010; Strakowski et  al., 2007).
as a tool clinicians can use to verify patients meet criteria Evaluating substance use in adolescents is of vital impor-
for bipolar disorder and evaluate comorbid conditions and/ tance. Epidemiological studies show that at least 25% of
or that the symptoms are not better accounted by other adolescents (age 12–17 years) have experimented with psy-
conditions (i.e., medical conditions, substance induced). chotropic substances, and, of those subjects, 32% consume
Obtaining baseline measures of symptom frequency and it regularly without meeting criteria for a substance use dis-
intensity is of paramount importance when evaluating order (Fryar, Merino, Hirsch, & Porter, 2009). Adolescents
whether or not the patient is responding to treatment. with bipolar disorder are five times more likely to consume
Standard rating scales (i.e. YMRS, Children Depression psychotropic substances and develop a substance use disor-
Rating Scale–Revised) can help quantify improvement der than healthy comparison subjects (Wilens et al., 1999;
(Ponzanski & Mokros, 1996; Young, Biggs, Ziegler, & Wilens et al., 2004).
Meyer, 1978). 4. Conduct an evaluation of treatment history and ensure
2. A common source of treatment nonresponse is poor optimization of current medication. Often, subtherapeutic
medication compliance. In an observational study, ado- doses are erroneously prescribed for pediatric patients or
lescent self-reports revealed that only about one-third trials are too short lived (Scheffer, Tripathi, Kirkpatrick, &
of patients (34%) were fully compliant (Coletti, Leigh, Schultz, 2011); when evaluating patients that have “failed
Gallelli, & Kafantaris, 2005). Evaluating patient’s adher- to respond” an accurate history of previous medication
ence to treatment is essential before assuming a patient doses and duration of treatment is of extreme importance.
is treatment resistant. Multisource information and an When assessing nonresponse to current treatment regime,
open, nonjudgmental conversation with the patient is a it is essential to optimize pharmacologic agents as much as
good starting point. Several psychosocial interventions patients can tolerate them, making sure they are within the
(see later) utilize psychoeducational elements aimed at therapeutic window. In patients treated with lithium and/
improving adherence to treatment and should be consid- or valproate, serum guidelines showed be followed; with
ered when clinicians suspect medication adherence is a other agents recommended dosage range should be reached
problem. (Kowatch et al., 2005).

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   555

5. Attempt to use the minimal amount of medications at The empirical evidence seems to support the use of com-
any given time, ensuring they are given at an adequate dose bination therapy when monotherapy is unsuccessful; how-
and for a reasonable duration of time. Although mono- ever, a paucity of data precludes a definite recommendation.
therapy is optimal, unfortunately a modest polypharmacy Polypharmacy, despite the fact that it might be very preva-
is usually the norm. lent, should be addressed with caution. The use of multiple
pharmacological agents increases the likelihood of adverse
events that may be a factor affecting treatment adherence.
As stated earlier, an adequate evaluation of treatment his-
A handful of studies have empirically evaluated combina- tory and adherence is paramount. In those selected patients
tion treatments; however, they comprise a mixture of acute who are truly treatment resistant, a combination of two
mania studies and continuation/maintenance treatment antimanic agents may be warranted.
studies. There have been eight studies evaluating combina-
tion therapy: six open-label and two double-blind studies.
These studies have evaluated mainly the combination of P S YC HO S O C I A L I N T E RV E N T ION S
SGA with mood stabilizers. I N   T H E T R E AT M E N T OF 
A study comparing quetiapine with valproate to valpro- B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
ate alone (DelBello et al., 2002) found that response rates
were higher in the combination group compared to mono- The development of bipolar disorder during childhood
therapy (87% vs. 53%). However, subjects in the combina- or adolescence disrupts ongoing developmental pro-
tion gained more weight (4.2 ± 3.2 kg vs. 2.5 ± 2.1 kg). cesses, including academic, social, and family function-
The combination of risperidone and lithium has been ing. Therefore, a comprehensive, multimodal treatment
tested in two studies. In one study subjects received a com- approach that combines psychopharmacology with adjunc-
bination of risperidone plus lithium or valproate (Pavuluri, tive psychosocial therapies is almost always indicated for
Henry, et  al., 2004). The other study was a one-year children and adolescents with bipolar disorder (McClellan,
open-label study for subjects who did not respond ade- Kowatch, & Findling, 2007). However, there is little
quately to eight weeks of lithium monotherapy (Pavuluri research on how psychosocial treatment used in conjunc-
et  al., 2006). Patients on risperidone plus lithium com- tion with medication might enhance treatment, prevent
bination achieved an average response rate of 84% and a poor outcomes, and improve the quality of life for patients
remission rate of 60%. Overall, weight gain was significant and their families.
in this combination strategy and dropout rates were high Many therapeutic elements are common across treat-
(approximately 35%). ments, such as the central role of psychoeducation for the
An eight-week open-label study compared olanzapine family and affect regulation for the child (Weinstein,
monotherapy with the combination of olanzapine and topi- West, & Pavuluri, 2013). Although the existing treatments
ramate in youths with pediatric bipolar disorders in mixed are in differing stages of empirical validation, they none-
or manic episodes (Wozniak et  al., 2009). The combina- theless assist with delineating the features that are critical
tion of topiramate and olanzapine was associated with less to the effective multimodal treatment of pediatric bipolar
weight gain but not with greater symptom improvement disorder (Miklowitz, 2006).
compared to olanzapine monotherapy.
The combination of lithium and valproate has been
examined in an open-label trial (N  =  90), in a 20-week
period in youth with pediatric bipolar disorder and a manic
or hypomanic episode within the three months preceding Multifamily psychoeducation groups (MFPG) consist
enrollment (Findling, McNamara, et al., 2003). There was a of eight 90-minute group sessions that occur separately
significant reduction in manic and depressive symptoms at but simultaneously for parents and children (Fristad,
Week 8 and at the end of the study, and 47% met criteria for Goldberg-Arnold, & Gavazzi, 2002). The treatment is
clinical remission. However, in this study the concomitant highly structured, with the specific content and skills to
use of antipsychotics was allowed if needed and subjects be practiced and outlined for each session. The goals of
who had experienced a manic episode while on therapeu- MFPG include teaching children and parents about the
tic lithium or valproate levels were excluded; this likely patient’s illness, its treatment, symptom management,
enhanced the sample for treatment responsiveness. and also improving problem-solving and communications

55 6   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
skills. This psychosocial intervention offers direct educa- with regular pharmacotherapy or enhanced care and regu-
tion to parents in how to become more involved with their lar pharmacotherapy. Outcome measures were assessed by
child’s treatment and serve as an effective advocate. It also blind evaluators. Completion and adherence rates were fair
teaches coping skills for children through the identifica- and did not differ between groups. There were no differ-
tion of pleasant and relaxing activities in four categories ences between FFT-A and enhanced care in rates of recov-
(creative, physical, social, and relaxing) that can be used to ery from index episode; however, patients in the FFT-A
combat negative emotional states. Participants of MFPG group recovered faster from depressive episodes. The
receive support, both from other group members and from groups also did not differ in time to recurrence of depres-
professionals who understand the disorder. The MFPG sion or mania, but patients in FFT-A spent fewer weeks in
intervention has been empirically tested in a randomized, depressive episodes and had a more favorable trajectory of
control-comparing treatment as usual (TAU) plus MFPG depression symptoms for two years. A subsequent analysis
with TAU + waiting list control (Fristad et al., 2009). This revealed that there may be moderators for FFT-A’s efficacy;
study involved 165 children, 70% of whom had a bipolar adolescents in families that rated high for expressed emo-
spectrum diagnosis. Children receiving MFPG + TAU tion showed greater reductions in depressive and manic
had a significant improvement in mood symptom severity symptoms in FFT-A than in enhanced care (Miklowitz
compared with waiting list control + TAU over one-year et al., 2009).
Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) is a
Family-focused therapy (FFT), a treatment originally devel- manual-based psychotherapy founded on the theory that at
oped for adults with bipolar disorder, has been adapted least one aspect of the biological diathesis to bipolar disor-
by Miklowitz and colleagues (2000) for use with adoles- der is a vulnerability of the circadian system and the neu-
cents (FFT-A). The FFT-A intervention lasts nine months rotransmitter systems involved in its regulation (Hlastala &
and consists of 21 (12 weekly, 6 biweekly, and 3 monthly) Frank, 2006). In this model, psychosocial stressors are
50-minute sessions. This treatment involves the parents, hypothesized to precipitate and/or exacerbate bipolar epi-
any available siblings, and the adolescent with bipolar dis- sodes through their ability to disrupt social and sleep rou-
order. The goal of FFT-A is to reduce symptoms through tines. In vulnerable individuals, social routine disruption
the development of an increased awareness of how to cope leads to a desynchronization of circadian systems; this in
with the disorder, promote a reduction in the levels of turn may result in new episodes of mania or depression.
expressed emotion from caregivers, and foster the family’s Observational studies support this theoretical framework
problem-solving and communication skills. FFT-A relies on by elucidating the effects that stressful life events, social sup-
three main treatment components: psychoeducation, com- port, social routine disruption, and sleep disturbances have
munication enhancement training, and problem-solving in the onset and maintenance of mania and depression (for
skills training. The psychoeducation component focuses a review see Milhiet, Etain, Boudebesse, & Bellivier, 2011).
on the family developing a common understanding of the Evidence from adults with bipolar disorder has shown that
symptoms, etiology, and course of the disorder. The com- individuals with high amounts of psychosocial stress remit
munication enhancement training component includes significantly slower and relapse quicker (Post et al., 2006).
role-playing and rehearsal to assist with the development In addition, life events characterized by social rhythm dis-
of skills for active listening, providing positive feedback, ruptions (e.g., transmeridian air travel, sleep deprivation
delivering constructive criticism, or requesting changes with birth of a child) have been found to precipitate manic
in another person’s behavior. Finally, the problem-solving episodes (Boland et al., 2012).
component involves teaching participants how to identify IPSRT attempts to address three interrelated pathways to
problems in daily life, generate solutions, and implement symptom exacerbation in bipolar patients: medication non-
those solutions. adherence, disruptions in social and sleep routines, and psy-
Evidence of FFT-A’s efficacy comes from a two-site ran- chosocial stressors. IPSRT addresses the interplay between
domized, control trial with a two-year follow up (Miklowitz the interpersonal and the biological spheres by helping
et al., 2008). Adolescents with bipolar spectrum disorders patients see how psychosocial stressors and social role tran-
(n = 58) were randomized to receive FFT-A in combination sitions can disrupt the daily routines that are important to

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   557

the maintenance of circadian integrity. Specifically, IPSRT emotional dysregulation, and depression symptoms follow-
focuses on clarifying the patient’s understanding of the rela- ing treatment. There were no significant improvements in
tionship between psychosocial stressors and mood fluctua- mania or interpersonal functioning, and no differences in
tions, the importance of maintaining regular daily rhythms, number of medications prescribed.
the identification of potential precipitants of rhythm dys-
regulation, and the identification and management of affec-
tive symptoms.
Hlastala, Kotler, McClellan, and McCauley (2010)
developed an adapted version of interpersonal and social Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been studied in
rhythm therapy for adolescents (IPSRT-A) with bipolar single-family settings (Pavuluri, Graczyk, et  al., 2004),
disorder. IPSRT-A consists of 16 to 18 sessions delivered multiple-family settings (West et  al., 2009), and indi-
over 20 weeks, most of which are with the adolescent alone, vidual settings (with limited familial involvement; Feeny,
aside from two to three family psychoeducation sessions Danielson, Schwartz, Youngstrom, & Findling, 2006).
and familial involvement as needed. In an open pilot study Child- and family-focused CBT (CFF-CBT; Pavuluri,
of 12 adolescents diagnosed with bipolar spectrum disor- Graczyk, et al., 2004) was adapted from FFT and developed
ders, feasibility and acceptability of IPSRT-A were high; as an adjunctive psychosocial intervention for children age
IPSRT-A participants experienced significant decreases in 8 to 12 with bipolar spectrum disorders and their families.
manic, depressive, and general psychiatric symptoms over CFF-BT consists of 12 sessions that integrate psychoeduca-
the 20 weeks of treatment. Participants’ global function- tional, cognitive-behavioral, and interpersonal techniques;
ing increased significantly, and effect sizes ranged from focus on psychosocial factors influencing course of illness
medium-large to large. (e.g., expressed emotion, stressful life events); and teach
coping, CBT, communication, and problem-solving skills.
An open trial using CFF-CBT plus pharmacotherapy in 34
youths ages 5 to 17 with bipolar spectrum disorders found
the intervention feasible and showed significant improve-
ments in ADHD, aggression, mania, psychosis, depression,
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based sleep disturbance, and global functioning posttreatment.
psychotherapy designed for adults with borderline per- Participation in the CFF-CBT maintenance phase was
sonality disorder; its primary focus is to reduce emotional associated with preservation of improvements in symp-
dysregulation. DBT has been adapted for the treatment of toms and functioning over a three-year follow-up (West,
adolescents with bipolar disorder; the intervention con- Henry, & Pavuluri, 2007).
sists of six months of weekly, 60-minute psychotherapy A multiple-family adaptation of CFF-CBT consist-
sessions followed by another six months of bimonthly ses- ing of 12 concurrent parent and child group sessions was
sions and has the aim of increasing and maintaining indi- examined in an open trial with 26 children ages 6 to 12
vidual and family skills (MacPherson, Cheavens, & Fristad, with bipolar disorder and their families (West et al., 2009).
2013). Family skills training includes psychoeducation Multiple-family CFF-CBT was deemed feasible and accept-
about bipolar disorder, as well as teaching coping skills able to parents; it also revealed significant improvement in
(i.e., mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, children’s manic symptoms and psychosocial functioning
interpersonal effectiveness, and walking the middle path and nonsignificant improvement in parents’ knowledge
skills). Individual therapy sessions address target behaviors and perceived self-efficacy in coping.
outlined in the DBT hierarchy (i.e., life-threatening, treat- A program of CBT for adolescents with bipolar disor-
ment interfering, and quality-of-life interfering behaviors der spectrum diagnoses has also been developed and tested.
skills development) by employing problem-solving strate- It consists of 12 weekly sessions of acute-phase treatment
gies within a validating environment. (i.e., individual therapy, two to four parent and child ses-
A small open trial of DBT in 10 adolescents with bipo- sions, one parent session) followed by 6 to 10 biweekly
lar disorder indicated that the treatment is feasible and sessions and biannual booster sessions (Feeny, Danielson,
acceptable for this patient population (Goldstein, Axelson, Schwartz, Youngstrom, & Findling, 2006). Treatment
Birmaher, & Brent, 2007). Overall retention throughout involves psychoeducation about symptoms and course of
this long intervention was good. Participants who received bipolar disorder, medication compliance, mood monitor-
DBT exhibited decreased suicidality, nonsuicidal self-injury, ing, anticipating stressors and problem-solving, identifying

55 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
and modifying unhelpful thinking, sleep regulation and global improvement and severity of overall illness in those
relaxation, family communication and assertiveness, and who displayed decreases in arachidonic acid and increases
relapse prevention, with optional modules for substance in alpha-linoleic acid and EPA (Gracious et al., 2010). This
abuse, social skills, anger management, and contingency study suggests the importance of change in blood biomark-
management. A pilot study compared eight youths ages 10 ers as measures of compliance and outcome. Ongoing and
to 17 with bipolar spectrum disorders who received acute future research into omega-3 LC-PUFA should take bio-
CBT with eight matched historical controls. CBT showed logic marker changes into account in analyses as determi-
no significant between-group differences posttreatment or nants of compliance and downstream metabolism in PUFA
at eight-week follow-up; between-group effect sizes favored pathways and should also determine whether dietary intake
CBT for depressive and manic symptoms. The CBT group data can predict outcome.
reported nonsignificant improvement in depression and Omega-3 supplementation may also positively benefit
mania at both time points. Parents of CBT adolescents also attention in the more than half of youth with bipolar dis-
reported significant posttreatment improvement in youths’ order who also have comorbid ADHD. DHA supplemen-
depression and mania; however, significant improvements tation in healthy boys has been found to increase activity
were maintained only for depression. in attention networks in the prefrontal cortex during
sustained attention tasks (McNamara et  al., 2010). The
side-effect profile for omega-3 LC-PUFA administra-
C OM PL E M E N TA RY M E DIC I N E tion is typically benign, with gastrointestinal disturbance
including transient nausea or diarrhea the most common
concern, especially in younger children. Although typically
well tolerated, rare cases of bleeding have been reported for
Omega-3 fatty acids are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty concomitant use with aspirin and anticoagulants, espe-
acids (LC-PUFAs) and are named due to the position of the cially when taken in exceptionally large doses (Larson
last double bond in their chemical structures. Omega-3 are et al., 2008).
essential LC-PUFA, meaning they are obtained only from To our knowledge there are no studies describing
diet sources, as mammals are unable to synthesize them the efficacy or safety of other complementary treatment
de novo and can only elongate and desaturate them (i.e., options (St. John’s wort, inositol, S-adenosyl-L-methionine,
changing plant-based alpha-linoleic acid into marine-based acupuncture) in youth with bipolar disorder.
eicosapentanoic acid [EPA] and EPA into docosahexae-
noic acid [DHA]; Lapillonne & Carlson, 2001). Omega-3
LC-PUFAs have recently gained attention for their role P S YC HOPH A R M AC OL O G IC A L
in the management of depressive symptoms and ADHD T R E AT M E N T OF   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R
(McNamara & Strawn, 2013). Their use in bipolar disorder W I T H   C OMOR B I D C ON DI T ION S
has grown; however, data concerning its overall efficacy is
still lacking.
To date, two published studies for omega-3 use exist in
the literature. The first is an eight-week open-label trial of
combined EPA/DHA as monotherapy (starting at 1,125 AHDH is the most common comorbid psychiatric disor-
mg EPA/165 mg DHA, with flexible dosing up to EPA der in youth with bipolar disorder (Joshi & Wilens, 2009).
1,290 mg/DHA 4,300 mg) in 20 children and adolescents The presence of ADHD in a patient with pediatric bipolar
with bipolar I, II, or not otherwise specified, and a YMRS disorder poses special treatment considerations. Patients
score of >15 (Wozniak et  al., 2007). Symptom reduction with pediatric bipolar disorder and ADHD are less likely
at study endpoint was noted, along with 50% (n = 10) of to respond to treatment and may be at increased risk of sub-
subjects with a 30% reduction in baseline YMRS scores stance use disorders. Furthermore, conventional first-line
and 35% (n = 7) with a 50% reduction in baseline YMRS agents in the treatment of ADHD have been associated
scores; depressive symptoms also improved. The other with treatment-emergent mania and worsening of symp-
study is a pilot randomized, controlled trial of flax oil up to toms; approximately 2.5% to 10% of patients treated with
12,000 mg/day in children and adolescents with BP I and stimulants or atomoxetine (adjunctive to mood-stabilizing
II disorder for 16 weeks; it found no difference for primary medication) experience psychiatric adverse events (i.e.,
mood measures but moderate effects for clinician-rated hypo/mania and/or suicidality).

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   559

Specifically, the American Academy of Child and of empirical data regarding safety and efficacy of SSRIs
Adolescent Psychiatry treatment guidelines advise that for comorbid anxiety in pediatric bipolar disorder sug-
symptoms of bipolar disorder should be stabilized first, and gest psychosocial treatments should be considered before
if impairing symptoms of ADHD persist, they may be judi- an SSRI is initiated. However, the lack of data strongly
ciously treated, with stimulants as first-line treatment. Few implies a great need for pharmacologic and psychosocial
trials for antimanic agents have reported their efficacy in studies for the treatment of anxiety in pediatric bipolar
treating ADHD symptoms. In patients ages 6 to 17 years, disorder.
these studies have found ADHD rates of response of 33%
for ziprasidone (Biederman et  al., 2007), 30% for risperi-
done (Biederman et  al., 2008), and 60% for aripiprazole
(Tramontina et al., 2007, 2009). As noted earlier, substance use and substance use disor-
When significant symptoms of ADHD persist despite ders are common among adolescents with bipolar disorder.
mood stabilization, adding a medication for ADHD may However, few clinical trials have specifically examined the
be warranted. Both mixed amphetamine and methyl- effective pharmacological treatments when comorbid sub-
phenidate have been studied in controlled trials in stabi- stance use disorders are present. In a six-week randomized,
lized pediatric bipolar patients. In a study of 30 pediatric placebo-controlled study using lithium for pediatric bipolar
patients with bipolar disorder and ADHD who were sta- spectrum disorders with secondary substance dependence,
bilized on valproate and then randomized to placebo or subjects were less likely to test positive for a urine drug assay
mixed amphetamine salts, patients who were in the active after six weeks and had significantly greater improvement on
arm showed significant reduction of ADHD symptoms the Children’s Global Assessment Scale (Geller et al., 1998).
and no statistically significant side effects or worsening of A 16-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
manic symptoms (Scheffer, Kowatch, Carmody, & Rush, study examined the efficacy of topiramate (average dose
2005). Methylphenidate has been studied in youth with 175 mg/day) versus placebo, adjunctive to quetiapine, in 75
bipolar disorder in two studies, one with prior stabilization manic adolescents with co-occurring cannabis use disor-
with valproate and/or lithium (Findling et al., 2007) and ders (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT00393978). There
the other with bipolar disorder patients previously stabi- was a significantly greater reduction in cannabis use in the
lized with aripiprazole (Zeni, Tramontina, Ketzer, Pheula, topiramate group versus the placebo group. There was also
& Rohde, 2009). In both studies, patients had significantly significantly less weight gain, greater reduction in appetite,
improved symptoms of ADHD without any significant and greater rate of excitement as side effects of topiramate
worsening of manic symptoms. versus placebo.
Atomoxetine has been studied in a retrospective chart The optimal treatment of adolescents with substance
review (Hah et al., 2005) and an open-label study (Chang, abuse and bipolar disorder involves an integration of treat-
Nayar, Howe, & Rana, 2009) and appears to be effective in ment modalities rather than merely consecutive treatments
lowering ADHD symptoms without a significant worsen- with a specific focus on either substance abuse or bipolar
ing of mood symptoms. However, future studies evaluating disorder. Psychosocial interventions that target some of
other treatments less likely to cause mood destabilization the known risk and perpetuating factors for substance use
(e.g., alpha-2 agonists) are needed. (e.g., parental alcoholism or other substance abuse, poor
parent–child relationships, low parental support, inconsis-
tent or ineffective discipline, and poor parent supervision)
may be useful.
Anxiety disorders are very common in pediatric bipo-
lar disorder (Joshi & Wilens, 2009), and patients with
comorbid anxiety disorders are at increased risk for poor C ONC LUS ION
treatment response and treatment-emergent episodes.
Despite this, we know of no clinical trials that have explic- The reviewed literature to date supports the existence of
itly studied the treatment of comorbid anxiety in pediat- effective treatments available for pediatric bipolar disor-
ric bipolar disorder. Both SSRIs and cognitive behavior der, in manic/mixed or depressed phase. Data so far sup-
therapy are efficacious for pediatric anxiety in the absence port several conclusions regarding the treatment options
of bipolar disorder. Concerns regarding the potential for for pediatric bipolar disorder. SGAs are highly efficacious
treatment-emergent mania/hypomania and the absence for the treatment of acute manic/mixed episodes, although

5 6 0   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
tolerability remains a major concern. The evidence regard- Biederman, J., Joshi, G., Mick, E., et al. (2010). A prospective open-label
trial of lamotrigine monotherapy in children and adolescents with
ing the traditional mood stabilizers (e.g., valproate) sug- bipolar disorder. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 16, 91–102.
gests that they may be less efficacious than SGAs among Biederman, J., Mick, E., Hammerness, P., Harpold, T., Aleardi, M.,
youth; however, this conclusion remains tentative pending Dougherty, M., & Wozniak, J. (2005). Open-label, 8-week trial of
olanzapine and risperidone for the treatment of bipolar disorder in
additional placebo-controlled trials. preschool-age children. Biological Psychiatry, 58(7), 589–594.
Furthermore, it is obvious that additional evidence for Biederman, J., Mick, E., Spencer, T., Dougherty, M., Aleardi, M., &
the pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments Wozniak, J. (2007). A prospective open-label treatment trial of
ziprasidone monotherapy in children and adolescents with bipolar
of pediatric bipolar disorder is still needed. In addition, disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 9(8), 888–894.
because it is highly unlikely that any given medication Biederman, J., Mick, E., Spencer, T., Doyle, R., Joshi, G., Hammerness,
will be proven universally effective in youths with bipolar P., . . . Wozniak, J. (2007). An open-label trial of aripiprazole mono-
therapy in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder. CNS
disorder (or in any age group for that matter), more stud- Spectrums, 12, 683–689.
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tory, pharmacogenetic markers, and cognitive deficits to one, S. V. (2005). An open-label trial of risperidone in children and
adolescents with bipolar disorder. Journal of Child and Adolescent
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will be sufficiently powered to detect predictors of treat- Bildik, T., Tamar, M., Korkmaz, S., et al. (2006). Lamotrigine add-on
therapy to venlafaxine treatment in adolescent-onset bipolar II dis-
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of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 18(3), 239–246. Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 19(5), 553–561.
West, S., Keck, P., McElroy, S., et al. (1994). Open trial of valproate in Notes1 For the purpose of this chapter, response and remission rates are
the treatment of adolescent mania. Journal of Child and Adolescent reported as indicated in the original publications. Definitions for
Psychopharmacology, 4, 263–267. response and remission vary across different studies, however, and
Wilens, T.  E., Biederman, J., Kwon, A., Ditterline, J., Forkner, differ based on the scale used and/or the cut-off used (e.g., percent-
P., Moore, H., . . . Faraone, S.  V. (2004). Risk of substance use age change and absolute score).

M anagement of B ipolar D isorder in C hildren and A dolescents   •   5 6 5

PA R T   I X

Elizabeth A. Crocco, Samir Sabbag, and Rosie E. Curiel


The number of older adults in the United States over the In community settings, studies suggest that BPD in the
age of 65 is projected to almost double from 41 million in elderly is rare. The Epidemiologic Catchment Area Survey,
2013 to 80 million by the year 2040 (US Department of the most comprehensive psychiatric epidemiological study
Health and Human Services, 2013). Prolonged life expec- to date conducted over 20  years ago, indicated that BPD
tancy and improved health care are both contributing fac- has a prevalence rate of 0.1% in individuals over 65 years of
tors to this growing elderly population. Most notable is age (Weissman et al., 1988). The lifetime prevalence rate in
the aging of the baby boomers, those born between 1946 geriatric BPD was found to be 0.5% to 1% among commu-
and 1964, that began to reach age 65 in 2011 (US Census nity dwelling elders. This differs from younger adults with
Bureau, 2010). This substantial rise in the geriatric popula- BPD where a community prevalence of 1.4% (Weissman
tion will continue to increase the number of elderly individ- et  al., 1988)  and a lifetime prevalence of 2.6 to 7.8% was
uals living with chronic mental illnesses, including bipolar found (Sadock, Kaplan, & Sadock, 2007). Several factors
disorder (BPD). have been ascribed to this age-related decline of BPD in the
Developing evidence-based and best practice guide- community. They include a higher mortality at a younger
lines in BPD is quite challenging due to the highly complex age due to suicide, as well as early death linked to cardio-
nature of the disease. Currently, there are clinical limita- vascular disease in bipolar patients, who die up to nine
tions to understanding BPD in patients of any age and a years prior to those without the illness (Crump, Sundquist,
dearth of information on older adults. Reasons for this Winkleby, & Sundquist, 2013).
paucity of knowledge in geriatric BPD may include the While geriatric BPD appears to be quite rare accord-
increased mortality of younger BPD patients, sampling ing to this data, such a generalization could be potentially
biases from the limited number of research studies, vari- misleading. The prevalence of BPD in the elderly can reflect
ances across research settings in which patients are stud- the setting in which older adults are studied. In a compre-
ied, and shifts in diagnostic criteria over time (Depp & hensive review of the literature, Dols and colleagues (2014)
Jeste, 2004). reviewed 188 studies of mania in older adults over the age
Much of our previous knowledge about geriatric BPD of 50  years. Eighteen of these studies were then selected
is built on information collected from anecdotal evi- because of methodological rigor and indicated that the
dence, case reports, expert consensus, and a small num- overall prevalence of late-life mania was 6% among 1,519
ber of open-label clinical trials. To date, these limitations psychiatric inpatients. This relatively high prevalence rate
make it challenging to develop optimal evidence-based can be attributed to the fact that 85% of studies sampling
diagnostic evaluations and treatments for elderly BPD elderly patients with bipolar illness have been performed
patients. Elderly patients differ significantly from with information derived from inpatient units (Depp et al.,
younger patients in multiple ways, and these differences 2004). This is despite the fact that most geriatric patients
must be carefully considered in any treatment formula- with mental illness reside in the community and are not
tion. In this chapter, we present and synthesize the most often hospitalized (Meeks & Murell, 1997).
recent data available pertaining to geriatric BPD and its Additional studies have found that elderly BPD patients
treatment. are less likely to utilize psychiatric services when compared

to younger BPD adults. Instead, older adults are much more markers include first hospitalization, first mood episode,
likely to seek out care for psychiatric illness in medical/pri- or first manic episode. Different etiological factors that
mary care settings. As compared with geriatric unipolar influence disease onset may account for the variance found
depressed persons, geriatric BPD individuals are even more among the young and old in terms of the initial symptom-
likely to sustain substantial medical burden (Gildengers atology. A better understanding of etiological subtypes may
et al., 2008). Subsequently, elderly BPD patients might be impact response to treatment and prognosis.
less able to reside independently due to disabling physical A record review of several hundred patients with bipo-
conditions and/or functional impairments (Depp, Davis, lar illness (Moorhead & Young, 2003)  indicated that
Mittal, Patterson, & Jeste, 2006). There are greater num- those with a negative family history of psychiatric illness
bers of elderly BPD patients residing in nursing homes and were hospitalized for the first time at an older age. These
residential care facilities (Depp et al., 2006). These factors findings suggest that those diagnosed over 50 were from a
may explain the discrepancies in prevalence rates, which do different etiological subgroup, implicating medical or neu-
not clearly represent the scope of the illness. rological origins. This would be consistent with our cur-
A comprehensive review by Depp and colleagues (2004) rent knowledge that late-onset mania may be more closely
reveals that multiple studies have shown gender differ- related to neurological factors that may lead to cognitive
ences in geriatric BPD. Overall, the female-to-male ratio and functional impairments. Conversely, onset of mania at
in this population is 2:1, differing from a younger popula- an earlier age may be more closely linked to genetic factors
tion where the ratio is more equivalent. This inequality is (McDonald & Nemeroff, 1996).
thought to parallel the gender ratio for the general elderly
population, where females predominate (US Census
Bureau, 2010). Other studies have suggested that gender DI F F E R E N T I A L DI AG NO S I S
ratios are similar in bipolar individuals both young and old A N D S E C ON DA RY   M A N I A
(Oostervink, Boomsma, & Nolen, 2009).
Evaluating symptoms of mania in the bipolar older adult
requires a comprehensive evaluation to accurately deter-
C L I N IC A L F E AT U R E S mine causality. The new onset of bipolar symptoms in later
years may represent secondary mania attributable to medi-
Accurately recognizing the clinical features of BPD in cal dysfunction, degenerative neurological disorders, or the
the elderly is imperative for proper diagnosis, and it may impact of pharmacological agents. Guidelines for assistance
be difficult given medical and neurological comorbidity. with the differential diagnosis of BPD that have particular
Regardless of the age of onset, in a review of multiple stud- relevance to the elderly are provided.
ies the phenomenology of geriatric BPD does appear to be
similar to that seen in younger patients with the condition
(Depp et al., 2004); both ends of the spectrum are similarly N E U RODE G E N E R AT I V E DI S E A S E S
seen in the illness presenting at any age with minor differ-
ences. In more recent select studies, the older cohort is less Approximately 4.5% to 19% of elderly individuals
likely to have symptoms such as psychosis and more likely with BPD have dementia (Lala & Sajatovic, 2012).
to relapse into depression (Kessing, 2006). Other studies Additionally, patients with neurological disorders often
have found psychosis, depression, and manic symptoms have behavioral symptoms that resemble mania. Box 40.1
across younger and older age groups to be equivalent (Al depicts the most common neurological disorders that may
Jurdi, 2009). potentially cause manic symptoms. Diagnosing mania is
challenging in older adults with severely impaired cogni-
tion, as patients who suffer from dementia or delirium
L AT E- ON S E T   BPD are more likely to develop severe behavioral disturbances,
similar to the symptoms of mania. In a review of the lit-
Late-onset BPD is generally defined as the diagnosis of erature, Trinh and Forester (2007) emphasize that in
bipolar illness at age 50 or older (Van Gerpen, Johnson, & an elderly patient with comorbid dementia, the onset of
Winstead, 1999), but there is no current definitive con- a manic episode may be indicated by a rapid decline in
sensus to this classification. Moreover, there is a lack of cognitive functioning, along with fluctuations in mood,
standardization used to establish disease onset. Common energy, and sleep.

570   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
Box 40.1.  NEUROLOGICAL CAUSES OF MANIA aphasia, apraxia, impaired visuospatial functioning, or
gait disturbance.
Alzheimer’s disease
• Individuals with neurodegenerative disorders do not
Central nervous system tumors/space-occupying lesions typically demonstrate prominent elevated mood or
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease euphoria, which are the classic hallmark features of
bipolar illness.
Encephalitis due to metabolic disturbances or inflammatory
disease • BPD elderly do not typically exhibit significant changes
in personality, commonly seen in neurodegenerative
Frontotemporal dementia/Pick’s disease diseases like FTD.
HIV encephalitis • If symptoms of nighttime agitation and confusion
Huntington’s disease occur, accompanied by reversal of the sleep–wake cycle,
this may be more suggestive of a major neurocognitive
Multiple sclerosis
disorder or delirium rather than BPD.
• A negative family history of BPD may be unreliable,
Normal pressure hydrocephalus as family members may have not received an accurate
diagnosis before the modern classification system.
Parkinson’s disease/Diffuse Lewy body disease
Temporal lobe epilepsy
Traumatic brain injury M E DIC AT ION S C AUS I NG   M A N I A
Tourette’s syndrome
Older BPD persons are often prescribed multiple medica-
Vascular dementia/stroke tions due to medical comorbidities. New-onset mania in
Viral encephalitis
an older individual may be directly related to medications.
Box 40.2 lists the most commonly prescribed medications
Vitamin deficiencies (B12, Niacin) that have the potential to induce mania. Medications such
Wilson’s disease as corticosteroids, stimulants, and sympathomimetic drugs
are well known to induce manic symptoms. Dopaminergic
Adapted from: Mendez (2000). agents that are used to treat Parkinson’s disease must be
carefully monitored. Antidepressants have the potential to
induce mania and may be prescribed for medical reasons.
Neurodegenerative disorders characterized by disinhi- For example, older bipolar individuals who are prescribed
bition syndromes can also be difficult to distinguish from the antidepressant duloxetine for diabetic neuropathy may
bipolar illness. For example, behavioral impulsivity and be at higher risk for manic switching.
hyper-sexuality may be features of frontotemporal dementia
(FTD), Parkinson’s disease or Diffuse Lewy Body dementia. In
turn, apathy, also a common symptom of FTD and Alzheimer’s
disease, may be mistaken as depression (Heuristic, 2008).
The identification of any potentially treatable medi-
The following expanded guidelines offered by Trinh
cal condition that can contribute to manic or depressive
and Forrester (2007) may assist clinicians in differentiating
symptoms is necessary in the assessment of older adults.
mania from a primary neurocognitive disorder:
This is particularly important where a history of BPD has
not been established. Comorbid medical illnesses may
• In an older adult, a more rapid decline in cognitive
interfere with pharmacological treatment response or the
functioning, paired with fluctuations in mood, goal-
attainment of optimal dosages. In an older adult with a
directed energy, and sleep, may indicate the onset of a
history of BPD, a change in baseline mood or functioning
manic episode.
suggests a potential decompensation. This may warrant a
• Neurodegenerative disorders are typically associated medical work-up to identify factors that may contribute to
with focal neurological or cognitive deficits, such as or worsen their psychiatric symptoms. Careful assessment

B ipolar D isorder in the E lderly   •   571

Box 40.2.  MEDICATIONS INDUCING MANIA elderly patients with BPD were less likely to have alcohol
use disorders, dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder, and
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors panic disorder when compared to younger BPD patients.
Amphetamines/stimulants However, in general, anxiety and substance use disorders
are more prevalent in older BPD individuals when com-
Antidepressants pared to elders without BPD and warrant consideration
Baclofen (Goldstein et al., 2006; Lala et al., 2012). The presence of
comorbid psychiatric conditions is important as it may lead
Bronchodilators to difficulty in proper diagnosis and resistance to standard
Benzodiazepines treatment.

Corticosteroids N E U ROI M AG I NG
Dopaminergic/anti-Parkinson’s medications
Structural brain changes are observed in individuals with
Estrogen hormones BPD. Regardless of age of onset, elderly patients with BPD
had reduced total brain volume and decreased caudate vol-
ume. Those with late-onset illness in particular were found to
Levodopa have significantly decreased right and total caudate volumes
compared to normal controls (Beyer et al., 2004). Regarding
white matter differences, a study by Tamashiro and col-
Phencyclidine leagues (2008) compared T2-weighted magnetic resonance
Sympathomametic drugs imaging data between early-onset and late-onset elderly BPD
patients and healthy controls. A greater prevalence of white
Thyroid hormones matter hyperintensities in the deep parietal region and basal
ganglia were found in the late-onset BPD group, suggesting a
Adapted from Peet & Peters (1995) higher risk for vascular disease. This finding supports a neu-
rodegenerative rather than a neuroprogressive disease course.
Moreover, Haller et al. (2011) found significant decreases in
should aim to gather information to establish a baseline the ventral part of the corpus callosum. Gray matter concen-
from which to monitor treatment response and/or adverse tration was reduced in the anterior limbic areas, along with
effects. fiber tract integrity, which was reduced in the corpus callo-
It has been reported that elderly individuals with sum of elderly patients with longstanding BPD.
BPD are disproportionally impacted by medical illness More recently, the neuroprotective effects of lithium have
(Kilbourne, Post & Nossek, 2008). Lala and Sajatovic been proposed. Beyer et al. (2004) found geriatric BPD indi-
(2012) found that a mean of three to four medical condi- vidual treated with lithium had increased left hippocampal
tions appears to be the norm in this population. In particu- volumes. Additionally, Lyoo and colleagues (2010) found
lar, cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors that grey matter volume was increased in patients treated
such as hypertension, type II diabetes, and obesity are more with lithium when compared to those treated with valproic
common in elderly BPD. It is not clear at times whether acid or healthy older controls. Although the effects of lith-
these symptoms are truly comorbid, a consequence of ium treatment warrant further study, elderly BPD patients at
treatment regimens, or a combination of both (Gildengers greatest risk for neurodegeneration may receive benefit from
et  al., 2008). Additionally, other medical conditions such lithium’s potential protective effects in the long term.
as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and endocrine
abnormalities are frequently observed.
Psychiatric comorbid conditions differ in the elderly C O G N I T ION A N D
as compared to their younger counterparts. The National F U NC T ION A L I M PA I R M E N T
Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
surveyed a modest sample of elderly patients with BPD In general, cognitive impairment and difficulty perform-
(Goldstein, Herrmann, & Shulman) and found that ing everyday tasks of daily living is present among 60%

57 2   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
of individuals with bipolar illness, even during euthymic T R E AT M E N T
states (Martino et  al., 2008). Very few studies in elderly
BPD patients have established whether cognitive decline in The treatment of geriatric bipolar disease is complex at
this population exceeds the decline expected with normal multiple levels. BPD patients are typically managed with
aging (Depp et al., 2005). Schouws and colleagues (2012) polypharmacy, and geriatric patients are no exception.
examined the neurocognitive performance of older individ- Multiple medical comorbidities can lead to worsening of
uals with BPD who performed worse than the comparison psychiatric symptoms, and the use of multiple psychiatric
group overall. Cognitive decline over a two-year period did medications can potentially cause side effects, intolerabil-
not differ. In contrast, Dhingra and Rabins (1991) did find ity, and drug–drug interactions. In evaluating a geriatric
a notable decline in cognition when elderly BPD patients BPD patient, a comprehensive examination should include
were followed for five to seven years; however, no compari- the following:  physical and neurological exam, complete
sons were made to healthy controls. Gildengers and col- metabolic panel, thyroid studies, complete blood count,
leagues (2009) found that BPD individuals, 60 years and toxicology, urinalysis, electrocardiogram, and liver stud-
older, who were euthymic at the time of testing performed ies. Neuroimaging may also be useful in assessing potential
significantly worse on the Dementia Rating Scale at base- neurological conditions such as cerebrovascular disease.
line and at follow-up when compared to healthy peers. Multiple psychotropic medications are well docu-
There have been varied hypotheses regarding the poten- mented to have unique side effects related to age-associated
tial etiologies of cognitive impairment associated with changes and the potential for interaction with different
geriatric BPD. These include neurodevelopmental abnor- medications. For instance, elderly patients have a significant
malities, deterioration from recurrent mood episodes, cere- decline in cholinergic activity within the brain. Moreover,
brovascular disease, substance abuse, and medication side some individuals may have a more pronounced decrease in
effects (Gildengers et al., 2004). One of the challenges in the production of acetyl choline and their receptors due
evaluating the results of neuropsychological testing among to a neurodegenerative disease process. Many psychotro-
those with BPD is to determine whether patients are evalu- pic medications commonly used in BPD have significant
ated when euthymic, depressed, or during a state in which anticholinergic properties. This is of particular relevance
manic symptoms are present. The most powerful studies are to the older adult as medications with potent blockade of
those that can evaluate performance longitudinally, effec- acetyl choline will more likely lead to serious side effects.
tively using the subject as their own controls. As with other Common reactions can include dry mouth, blurred vision,
medical conditions, growth models and random effects constipation, urinary retention, hypotension, tachycar-
mixed growth models may be useful to examine those fac- dia, cognitive impairment, and delirium (Cilag & Abbott
tors that influence group differences in trajectories of cog- 2001). Thus it is important to avoid or minimize the dosage
nitive decline over time. of anticholinergic medications used in elderly BPD when-
Functionally, Huxley and colleagues (2007) found that ever possible. Table 40.1 depicts medications used in BPD
compared to the general population, only 19% to 23% of that demonstrate a significant risk of developing anticho-
adult BPD patients were married, 19% to 58% resided with linergic side effects and strategies to reduce risk.
relatives, and up to 80% had at least partial vocational dis- In terms of pharmacologic evidence for the treatment of
ability. A  more recent study that analyzed instrumental elderly BPD, the data is extremely limited. Gold-standard,
activities of daily living and cognitive function in an elderly placebo-controlled, double-blind trials are sparse. As such,
BPD group (Gildengers et al., 2013) found that compared clinicians are required to formulate an individualized
to controls, BPD patients displayed worse cognitive func- approach to treatment, combining available guidelines from
tion in all domains and worse performance over a two-year geriatrics and BPD in general. The adequate management
time period on instrumental activities of daily living. of BPD patients alone is rarely achieved through mono-
Their findings support long-standing neuroprogressive therapy. The following treatment regimens have gained
processes compounded by normal cognitive aging rather evidence for use in geriatric BPD treatment. Additionally,
than accelerated cognitive loss. In older adults, cognitive those side effects and adverse reactions that are most rel-
dysfunction and accelerated cognitive decline can lead to evant in the elderly BPD patient are discussed. Table 40.2
a reduced level of independence, more reliance on famil- lists common medications used in geriatric BPD and their
ial and community support, and assisted-living facility most critical side effects as well as strategies for their cure
placement. and prevention in the elderly.

B ipolar D isorder in the E lderly   •   57 3


Tricyclic Antidepres- Amitriptyline Sedation, seizures, weight gain, orthostatic hypotension, cardiac Prescribe SSRIs or SNRIs for the treatment of
sants Clomipramine conduction abnormalities, tachycardia, dry mouth, blurred vision, bipolar depression for geriatric patients.
Desipramine constipation, urinary retention, memory problems delirium,
Doxepin mania
SSRI Paroxetine Gastrointestinal distress, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, Prescribe SSRI/SNRI with less anticholinergic
headache, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, agitation, confusion, potency (i.e.,citalopram, sertraline, venlafaxine,
suicidal behavior, dry mouth, nausea, constipation, diarrhea buproprion, mirtazapine)
Typical Chlorpromazine Extrapyramidal symptoms, hyperprolactinemia, parkinsonism, Prescribe atypical antipsychotics with less anticholinergic
Loxapine tardative dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignancy syndrome, seizure, properties such as risperidone and aripripazole.
Molindone orthostatic hypotension, agranulocytosis of aplastic anemia, Patients who develop considerable side effects such as gyneco-
Pimozide thrombocytopenia, dry mouth, constipation, urinary mastia or who have significant signs of osteopenia and risks for
Promethazine retention, priapism, leukopenia osteoporosis should when possible be switched to an atypical
Thioridazine antipsychotic that is less likely to cause hyperprolactinemia,
such as quetiapine or aripiprazole.
Atypical Clozapine Headaches, insomnia, sedation, anticholinergic effects, Prescribe less anticholinergic atypical antipsychotics (i.e.,
Olanzapine weight gain, orthostatic risperidone, aripripazole)
Quetiapine hypotension, extrapyramidal symptoms
Anticonvulsants/Mood Stabilizers
Carbamazepine Hepatic toxicity, leukopenia, agranulocytosis Prescribe mood stabilizer with less anticholinergic potency
(i.e., valproic acid, lamotrigine)
Alprazolam Insomnia, irritability, dizziness, headache, anxiety, confusion, Avoid all benzodiazepines when possible. If necessary, use
Chlordiazepoxide drowsiness, lightheadedness, sedation, semblance, difficulty shorter-acting agents with less anti cholinergic potency
Diazepam speaking, impaired coordination, memory impairment, such as lorazepam, and reserve for short-term use only
Oxazepam fatigue, depression, suicide, diarrhea, dry mouth, (<3 months).
Flurazepam constipation, decreased libido, nervousness,
restlessness, nightmares, mania
Benztropine Delirium, seizures, coma, agitation, hallucinations, severe hypo- Avoid these highly anticholinergic medications in the
Trihexyphenidyl tension, supraventricular tachycardia elderly when possible.
Diphenhydramine sedation, constipation, nausea, dry mouth, nervousness, hallucina-
tions, urinary retention, fainting

NOTE : SSRI = serotonin specific reuptake inhibitor; SNRI =serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.



Mood Stabiliz- Lithium Starting dose: Slowed reaction time, mem- Prescribe mood stabilizers with better
ers/Anticonvul- 300 mg daily. ory difficulties, increased tolerability in the elderly (i.e., valproic
sants 900–`1,200 mg daily. thirst, polyuria, gastrointes- acid, lamotrigine).
Aim for serum level tinal distress, weight gain, Check calcium levels annually.
0.6–0.8 mEq/L tremors, fatigue, cognitive Monitor electrolytes, renal and thy-
roid function regularly.
impairment, parkinsonism,
ataxia, dysarthria, nausea,
decreased appetite, vomit-
ing, diarrhea, thyroid dys-
regulation, hyperkalemia,
toxicity, decreased renal
function, hypercalcemia,
Valproic acid Starting dose: 250 Sedation, tremor, ataxia, Monitor liver function tests and
mg daily. hair loss, weight gain, complete blood count every three
Aim for 4–-100 mg/L hepatic toxicity, pancreati- months.
serum level tis, thrombocytopenia Avoid large, fatty meals to prevent
increased blood levels.
Monitor blood levels when prescribing
highly protein-bound medications.

Carbamazepine Starting dose: 100–200 Hepatic toxicity, leukope- Prescribe mood stabilizers with better
mg daily, increase up to nia, agranulocytosis, ataxia, tolerability in the elderly (i.e., valproic
1,000 mg daily dizziness, hyponatremia, acid, lamotrigine).
cardiac conduction delays, Monitor electrolytes, electrocar-
leukopenia, cognitive diogram, and complete blood count
after initial dosing and every three

Oxcarbazepine 1,200–1,500 mg daily Hyponatremia, Monitor electrolytes and complete

agranulocytosis blood count after initial dosing and
every three months.

Topiramate 200 mg twice daily Fatigue, somnolence, Avoid in renal insufficiency.

anxiety, cognitive slowing

Lamotrigine Starting dose: 12.5 mg Nausea/vomiting, upset To prevent rash, titrate slowly.

increase by 12.5 mg every stomach, dry mouth,
week up to 100 mg daily tremors, and drowsi-
ness/panic, rash
(Stevens-Johnson syndrome)

Gabapentin 600 mg–800 mg daily Dizziness, ataxia, fatigue,


Atypical Anti- Clozapine 6.25–100 mg/day Weight gain, diabetes, Monitor complete blood count
psychotics hyperlipidemia, anti- weekly.
cholinergic side effects, Monitor BMI, glucose and lipid
hypotension, sedation, profile carefully. Prescribe atypical
agranulocytosis, respiratory antipsychotic with less risk of the
metabolic syndrome.
arrest, seizures

Table 40.2 .  CONTINUED



Risperidone Starting dose: 0.5 mg Hyperprolactinemia, Monitor bone density and preventive

daily and increase to 1.5 sedation, urinary tract treatment with exercise, vitamin D,
mg to 3 mg daily infection, hypotension, calcium, and bisphosphonates.
extrapyramidal symptoms Patients with gynecomastia,
osteopenia or osteoporosis should
be switched to an atypical antipsy-
chotic such as quetiapine or

Olanzapine Starting dose: 2.5 mg and Weight gain, hyperlip- Prescribe atypical antipsychotic with
increase to 5 mg–10 mg idemia, diabetes, extra- less anticholinergic properties and less
daily pyramidal symptoms, risk of the metabolic syndrome.
anticholinergic side effects

Quetiapine Starting dose: 100 mg Weight gain, orthostatic Prescribe atypical antipsychotic with
daily, increase dose to hypotension, dry mouth, less anticholinergic properties and less
400–600 mg sedation, anticholinergic risk of the metabolic syndrome.
side effects

Ziprasidone 40–160 mg/day Cardiac conduction delays, Avoid in patients with cardiac disease.
extrapyramidal symptoms

Aripriprazole Starting dose: 5 mg daily Restlessness, insomnia,

(2 mg if frail elderly) drooling, diarrhea
increase up to 15 mg daily

Lurasidone 40–120 mg/day Extrapyramidal symptoms, Similar treatment for side effects as
hyperglycemia, diabetes, risperdone
dyslipidemia, weight gain,

Asenepine 5–10 mg twice a day Extrapyramidal symptoms, Avoid in patients with cardiac disease.
diabetes, weight gain, Similar treatment for side effects as
hyperprolactinemia, risperdone
orthostatic hypotension,
syncope, leukopenia, neu-
tropenia, agranulocytosis,
QT prolongation, seizures

L I T H I U M A N D A N T ICON V U L SA N T S Lithium treatment may be underutilized in the elderly,

despite evidence that it works well in mixed-age BPD. This
Although the data is limited, the mood stabilizers lithium
may be related to its poor tolerability, significant side-effect
and valproic acid are generally considered effective in geriat-
profile, multiple drug–drug interaction, as well as its nar-
ric BPD. Previous studies have suggested that the standard
row therapeutic index and toxicity. Unfortunately, despite
treatment of mania, such as lithium, may not be as effective
its potential usefulness in elderly BPD, there is a paucity of
in the elderly as in younger patients (Depp & Jeste, 2004,
data on how to dose lithium optimally. Side effects such as
Gildengers et  al., 2005). In a recent study examining the
ataxia, tremor, cognitive slowing, and other forms of neuro-
longitudinal outcome of a large cohort of outpatients with
toxicity can be daunting in geriatric patients. Both lithium
BPD, Al Jurdi et al. (2008) demonstrated the recovery rate in
level and the development of side effects should be closely
patients prescribed either lithium or valproic acid was equiv-
alent in older and younger BPD individuals. Additionally, in
The long-term side effects of lithium may be of par-
a systematic review of both open-label trials and case series
ticular importance in older BPD patients. Conditions such
available, Aziz, Lorberg, & Tampi (2006) found elderly BPD
as hypothyroidism and renal insufficiency may worsen
patients outcomes improved on both mood stabilizers.

576   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
in the context of endocrine abnormalities and decreased medications such as warfarin and digoxin. Thus patients
renal function already present. One naturalistic study by taking other highly protein-bound medications should be
Rej, Herrmann, & Shulman (2012), demonstrated those monitored closely and dosages should be adjusted appropri-
patients with chronic renal insufficiency who continued ately. In general, side effects and adverse reactions due to
to take lithium had changes in their glomerular filtration valproic acid may include sedation, tremor, ataxia, hair loss,
rate compared to discontinuers. Additionally, lithium can weight gain, hepatic toxicity, and pancreatitis. Bleeding
induce hypercalcemia and hyperparathyroidism (Lehmann due to thrombocytopenia may occur and lead to the risk of
& Lee, 2012)  in geriatric BPD. Clinicians should check cerebrovascular accident, particularly with elderly patients
calcium levels in their geriatric BPD patients at least on a at risk (Trannel, Ahmed, & Goebert, 2001).
yearly basis. Evidence from a recent open-label trial with lamotrig-
Data on the effects of lithium in the brain of patients ine demonstrated significant benefit in geriatric BPD
with BPD has been recently investigated. Gray matter vol- patients who are depressed with cardiovascular risk fac-
ume is increased in patients treated with lithium when tors (Gildengers et  al., 2012). Lamotrigine can be useful
compared to healthy elderly subjects or BPD patients in geriatric BPD given its better tolerability profile, such as
treated with valproic acid (Lyoo et  al., 2010). It has been less cognitive slowing, compared to other mood stabilizers.
proposed that lithium may decrease the production of amy- The side effects experienced by patients taking lamotrigine
loid precursor protein and phosphorylated tau through the were nausea/vomiting, upset stomach, dry mouth, trem-
inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3. This can protect ors, and drowsiness/panic. Potential side effects such as
against neurodegenerative processes like Alzheimer’s dis- severe rash may be of concern in older individuals; there-
ease. One retrospective study demonstrated the continued fore the recommended starting dose is 12.5 mg daily. The
use of lithium in elderly BPD reduced the risk of developing drug should be slowly increased by 12.5 mg every week
dementia more so than the use of antipsychotics, antide- up to a dose of 100 mg daily to prevent Stevens-Johnson
pressants, and other mood stabilizers (Kessing, Forman, & syndrome.
Andersen, 2010). Additionally, a recent randomized, Due to their substantial side-effect profile or lack of
single-blind, placebo-controlled trial of lithium on patients clinical evidence, mood stabilizers such as carbamazepine,
with Alzheimer’s disease demonstrated that subjects on oxcarbazepine, and topiramate are not commonly used as a
lithium had significant improvements in cognitive perfor- first-line treatment in BPD in the elderly. Drug interactions,
mance (Hampel et al., 2009). liver toxicity, and/or cognitive slowing may be less tolerable
Although Depp and Jeste (2004) had found similar in older individuals. Additionally, clinicians who prescribe
use of lithium and valproic acid in older and younger BPD these drugs may use lower doses in their older patients,
patients, more recent studies demonstrate an increased rate which may not reach therapeutic dosing. Carbamazepine,
of valproic acid use in comparison to lithium in the elderly which is effective in the treatment of mania in BPD, may
population and at lower doses (Al Jurdi et al., 2008). This have significant side effects and risks to the elderly. Starting
is most likely due to its reduced potential for toxicity and dose in BPD elderly is 100 to 200 mg daily, and titration
long-term side effects as compared to lithium, and it has up to 1,000 mg daily is recommended. Carbamazepine
therefore replaced lithium as the preferred mood stabilizer is a potent inducer of the cytochrome P450 enzyme sys-
for BPD in the elderly. Valproic acid should have a start- tem and can autometabolizes itself, as well as other drugs.
ing dose of 250 mg daily with a target serum level of 45 to Serious side effects may include hepatic toxicity, leukope-
100 mg/L. A typically accepted clinical standard for dos- nia, agranulocytosis, ataxia, dizziness, hyponatremia, as
ing with geriatric patients is about half the dose used with well as anticholinergic effects and potential cardiac conduc-
younger individuals. Valproic acid is a potent inhibitor of tion delays. For these reasons, it is not considered a first-line
the the cytochrome P450 enzyme system and will inhibit treatment for BPD in the elderly. Oxcarbazepine demon-
the breakdown of carbamazepine metabolites. The con- strates less drug–drug interaction than carbamezapine, as
comitant use of both valproic acid and carbamazepine well as fewer side effects. It is, however, both an inducer and
in the elderly should be avoided as this can lead to sig- inhibitor of select P450 enzymes. Additionally, it also may
nificantly increased levels of carbamazepine. As a highly induce hyponatremia and needs to be used in caution with
protein-bound compound, valproic acid also competes with elderly patients at risk of medical conditions and medica-
fatty acids for albumin-bound intravascular transfer. Large, tions that would lower serum sodium. The target dose of
fatty meals can raise the level of free valproic acid in the oxcarbazepine in the BPD elderly is in the range of 1,200
blood and lead to toxicity. Valproic acid can also displace to 1,500 mg daily if tolerated. Gabapentin in general may

B ipolar D isorder in the E lderly   •   57 7

both be better tolerated than other mood stabilizers in the with weight-bearing exercise, vitamin D, and calcium,
elderly; however, its efficacy in adult BPD has not been well as well as bisphosphonates, should be recommended.
established. Prolactin-lowering agents/dopamine agonists such as bro-
mocriptine can be used to treat hypoprolactinemia with
minimal side effects; however, switching to another agent
with lower potential for neurological side effects should be
The use of typical antipsychotics in acute manic episodes considered first.
has shown evidence of efficacy in the elderly, although In addition to extra-pyramidal side effects, their use
risk of anticholinergic, orthostatic, and extrapyramidal warrants particular concern as many atypical antipsychot-
symptoms limits their use. Atypical antipsychotics in gen- ics, widely used in the treatment of mixed-age patients with
eral have a better side effect profile, are Food and Drug BPD, can be associated with changes in metabolic function
Administration–indicated for the treatment of acute as described by Lala and Sajatovic (2012). Given the higher
mania, and should be considered first in the manic elderly. rates of metabolic abnormalities in elderly patients with
In one recent post hoc analysis of two clinical trials, the use BPD and apparent risk of diabetes, treatments that do not
of quetiapine in patients over the age of 55 demonstrated potentially alter endocrine status are preferred in patients
improvement in manic symptoms (Sajatovic et  al., 2008). with significant vascular disease risks. Risk of death associ-
In another study by Sajatovic et al., an open-label trial on ated with the use of antipsychotic medication in cognitively
elderly BPD patients treated with aripiprazole showed impaired elderly (Schneider, Dagerman, & Insel, 2005) also
improvement in both depression and mania. Although precludes their use as select patients with dementia may
there is a paucity of data describing the use of antipsychot- experience manic symptoms.
ics in geriatric BPD, these trial data suggest that usefulness
in the elderly may be similar to their younger counterparts.
Because atypical antipsychotics are potent treatments in
acute mania, in many clinical situations it will seem reason- In comparison to younger patients, older BPD patients
able to continue them after remission. However, there are are more likely to be on antidepressants (Oostervink,
very few studies that show antipsychotics being as effective Boomsma, & Nolen, 2009). This is most likely a conse-
in maintenance of BPD. Quetiapine, olanzapine, aripipra- quence of having more depressive episodes later in life.
zole, ziprazidone, and long-acting risperidone are Food and Elderly BPD patients who are depressed are more likely to
Drug Administration–approved for the maintenance of receive antidepressants because they often are on a lower
adult BPD, but their efficacy in geriatric BPD is not well dose of mood stabilizers than required for treatment effi-
documented. Additionally, their tolerability and safety pro- cacy. The addition of antidepressants may be necessary to
file has not been well studied in the elderly BPD patient. achieve better response to a debilitating depressive episode
Atypical antipsychotics carry less of a risk of extra- than the use of mood stabilizers alone.
pyramidal symptoms than typical antipsychotics, but in Tricyclic antidepressants can cause significant adverse
elderly patients, the long-term risk of neurologic symp- reactions due to their anticholineric side effects, cardiac-
toms such as tardive dyskinesia are present and greater conduction delays, and orthostatic hypotension due to
than in younger patients (Correll, Leucht, & Kane, 2004). adrenergic effects. The serotonin specific reuptake inhibi-
Hyperprolactinemia resulting from the use of atypical tors have a better safety profile and are a better choice, but
antipsychotics with significant dopaminergic D2 receptor paroxetine can be problematic as it also has anticholiner-
antagonism, such as risperidone, can lead to bone density gic risks. Venlafaxine, buproprion, and mirtazapine may
loss with increased risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis. also be considered given their tolerability, safety profile in
There also may be a link between hyperprolactinemia and the elderly, and less likelihood of drug–drug interaction.
increased risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women
(Bostwick, Guthrie, & Ellingrod, 2009). Patients who
develop gynecomastia, osteopenia, and/or osteoporosis
should, when possible, be switched to an atypical anti- There is widespread use of benzodiazepines in the geriatric
psychotic such as quetiapine or aripiprazole, which carry population despite significant side effects and adverse events.
less of a risk. For those patients on risperidone that has a These include sedation, falls, hip fractures, depressed mood,
greater D2 affinity, dosing should be no greater than 3 mg motor vehicle crashes, urinary incontinence, and cognitive
daily. Monitoring of bone density and preventive treatment impairment. One recent study demonstrated an increased

57 8   •   S E C T I O N I I I :   C U R R E N T T R E AT M E N T S
risk of incident dementia with benzodiazepine use (Wu, bipolar patients by improving medication compliance
Wang, Chang, & Lin, 2009). Another study confirmed the (Peet & Harvey, 1991), monitoring and managing stress
increased risk of disability as evidenced by decreased mobil- (Frank et  al., 1997), and reducing family-related discord
ity, as well as increased activities of daily living dependence, (Miklowitz, Otto, Frank, Reilly-Harrington, Wisniewski,
in patients who use benzodiazepines (Gray et  al., 2006). 2007). There is limited information however, regarding the
The use of benzodiazepines can be useful in the treatment improvement of these issues in a geriatric BPD population.
of BPD, particularly in the treatment of acute mania, sleep Given the complex medical and psychosocial con-
disturbances, and agitated depression. However, in situa- text that influences the treatment of bipolar older adults,
tions where the use of benzodiazepines in geriatric bipolar additional interventions such as education (i.e., teaching
patients is indicated, their use should be closely monitored better coping and adaptation skills), family counseling,
for potential side effects. Additionally, their use should be, participation in bereavement groups, involvement with a
whenever possible, restricted to the short term for the most senior citizen center, and use of visiting nurse services to
acute phases of mania or agitated depression. Short-acting help with medication adherence (Birrer et al., 2004) may
agents are indicated, although studies indicate the risks also essential. Select psychotherapies have gained some evi-
associated with these agents are similar to longer-acting dence in the treatment of geriatric unipolar depressed per-
agents with more active metabolites (Wang, Bohn, Glynn, sons that may be applied to bipolar elderly—for instance,
Mogun, & Avorn, 2001). Benzodiazepines with significant interpersonal therapy, a brief psychotherapy that focuses
anticholinergic effects should be particularly avoided. on the interpersonal context of the depressed individual.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy and, more specifically, gero-
cognitive behavior therapy has demonstrated promising
results by combining a developmental perspective with
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a well-documented and cognitive interventions (Antognini, 2003). Social rhythm
effective treatment for BPD. Studies demonstrate that in therapy includes preventive strategies, including manage-
both manic and depressed states of BPD, ECT has a high ment of stress, attention to biological rhythms, improved
rate of response (Loo, 2011). Older patients in particular medication compliance, and reparative measures to deal
may benefit ECT because of their inability to tolerate the with the interpersonal, social, and practical aftermath of
therapeutic doses and side effects of psychiatric medica- the manic or depressive episode and family-focused inter-
tions. ECT has demonstrated tolerability and safety in the ventions that have been found to be more effective than
elderly (Van der Wurff et al., 2003). Patients who require other therapies as an adjunct to medication in individuals
rapid response to treatment may derive the most benefit with bipolar illness (Miklowitz, 2007).
from this form of treatment. These include instances of
catatonia, acute suicidal behavior, poor oral intake, severe
psychosis, or agitation leading to imminent danger. C ONC LUS ION A N D

P S YC HO T H E R A PE U T IC T R E AT M E N T In general, there is very limited data on geriatric BPD.

A N D P S YC HO S O C I A L I N T E RV E N T ION S Because of the rapid growth of this population, it is increas-
ingly important to understand the characteristics and best
There is a lack of empirical knowledge surrounding non- treatment strategies available. The prevalence of geriatric
pharmacological interventions in geriatric BPD, yet psy- BPD is significantly more common in medical settings than
chosocial factors have been found to account for 25% to in the community, and studies geared toward BPD patients
30% of the variance in the course of the disease (Hafner & in acute medical settings and long-term care facilities are
Harrari, 1994). Stress associated with life changes, family warranted. Given the confounding presence of medical and
conflicts, and limited social support is more likely to be psychiatric comorbidities among elderly patients with BPD,
responsive to psychological interventions. Moreover, older it is critical that treating physicians carefully establish the
depressed adults in general often have better treatment com- presence of concurrent conditions and utilize treatments
pliance, lower dropout rates, and more positive responses that reduce the likelihood of negatively impacting comor-
to psychotherapy than younger patients (Nierenberg & bid conditions. Regarding cognitive and functional status,
McColl, 1996). Studies have demonstrated the efficacy there is the need to examine the earliest changes among
of psychotherapy in preventing relapse of symptoms in elderly individuals with BPD that may indicate a vascular or

B ipolar D isorder in the E lderly   •   57 9

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ground for new research in the field of geriatric psychiatry. T. H., . . . Kupfer, D. J. (1997). Inducing lifestyle regularity in recov-
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Disclosure statement:  Dr.  Sabbag has received no finan- therapies in bipolar disorder protocol. Biological Psychiatry, 41(12),
cial support from drug companies, a manufacturer, or Gildengers, A. G., Butters, M. A., Seligman, K., McShea, M., Miller,
a publisher. He has no conflict of interest to disclose. M. D., Mulsant, B. H., . . . Reynolds, C. F. (2004). Cognitive func-
Dr.  Crocco has received financial grant support from the tioning in late-life bipolar disorder. The American Journal of Psy-
chiatry, 161(4), 736–738.
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Institute on Aging and the Health Services Research ley, A., Holm, M., . . . Mulsant, B. H. (2012). Two-year course of cog-
Administration. Dr. Rosie E. Curiel has not disclosed any nitive function and instrumental activities of daily living in older
adults with bipolar disorder:  Evidence for neuroprogression? Psy-
conflicts of interest. chological Medicine, 43, 801–811.
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Bret R. Rutherford, Steven P. Roose, and Jane M. Tandler

INTRODUCTION placebo for recurrent mood episodes in the maintenance

treatment of BD. One might add additional categories for
Placebo response in clinical trials for psychiatric disorders trials primarily enrolling patients diagnosed with BD type
has been a long-standing issue for psychiatric researchers II or those having subthreshold symptoms. The magnitude
and clinicians, and it has recently captured the attention of placebo response may be very different in these different
of the lay public as well. Scientific interest focuses on the phases of illness and bipolar subtypes.
influence of placebo response on signal detection in clini- Whereas it was previously thought that clinical trials of
cal trials and what the physiologic mechanisms of placebo the severe and primarily “biological” mental illnesses such
response may reveal about the pathophysiology of the dis- as BD and schizophrenia were immune from the issue of
order under study. The public would like to know whether high placebo response, it has been increasingly recognized
responses to psychiatric medications are caused by specific that clinical trials enrolling BD patients may be associated
effects of the medications or are “just” placebo effects. with high and possibly rising rates of placebo response. Vieta
Clinicians may alternately view placebo response as a con- et al. (2010) performed a meta-analysis evaluating the effec-
founding factor in their effort to practice evidence-based tiveness of treatments for the depressive phase of BD from
medicine and a potential tool to improve patient care. This 19 double-blind, active comparator or placebo-controlled
chapter reviews the data on placebo response in clinical acute studies. They found that placebo response in these
trials for bipolar disorder (BD), presents a model of what studies was strikingly variable, ranging from 9% to 56%
causes placebo response in bipolar trials, and then discusses and having a mean of 39.4%.
the methodological implications of this model germane to Consistent with these findings, Sidor and MacQueen
minimizing placebo response in future trials. (2011) identified six acute clinical trials of antidepressants
versus placebo for depressive episodes in patients with BD.
Placebo response ranged from 12.5% to 42.0% in these tri-
T H E M AG N I T U DE OF   PL AC E B O als, with an overall average of 38.4% across all studies (see
R E S P ON S E I N   B I P OL A R DI S OR DE R Table 41.1). The authors found that antidepressant medi-
cations were not associated with a significant decrease in
Placebo response in clinical trials for BD is more complex depressive symptoms relative to placebo, nor were they
than that in major depressive disorder (MDD) or other associated with increased frequency of affective switch-
psychiatric illnesses. There is a potential placebo response ing relative to placebo. This average placebo-response rate
in at least three different conditions, including (a)  acute compares to an average placebo response of 31% in antide-
response of depressive symptoms to placebo in trials of anti- pressant clinical trials for adults with unipolar MDD (com-
depressant medications for depressive episodes associated pared to a mean medication response of 50%) and placebo
with BD, (b) acute response of manic symptoms to placebo response of 46% (compared to a mean medication response
in trials of mood-stabilizing medications for manic/mixed of 59%) in pediatric MDD trials (Bridge Birmaher, Iyengar,
episodes associated with BD, and (c) prophylactic effect of Barbe, & Brent, 2009). Thus, although the number of

5 85


Agosti and 2007 23 Imipramine 6 100 NA 57

Stewart 25 Phenelzine 84 52
22 Placebo 100 23
Calabrese et al. 1999 66 Lamotrigine 50 mg 7 65.2 54.4 45
63 Lamotrigine 200 mg 71.4 55.4 51
66 Placebo 71.2 41.1 37

Calabrese et al. 2005 180 Quetiapine 300 mg 8 54.4 54.6 58

181 Quetiapine 600 mg 66.9 56.0 58
181 Placebo 59.1 34.7 36

Cohn et al. 1989 30 Fluoxetine 6 57 50.2 86

30 Imipramine 47 37.3 57
29 Placebo 34 14.3 38

McElroy et al. 2010 229 Quetiapine 300 mg 8 90.1 59.7 67

232 Quetiapine 600 mg 87.7 61.5 67
118 Paroxetine 86.8 50.4 55
121 Placebo 91.9 46.3 53

Muzina et al. 2008 26 Divalproex ER 6 NA NA 38

28 Placebo 11

Nemeroff et al. 2001 39 Paroxetine 10 59.0 50.0 36

35 Imipramine 71.4 48.8 43
43 Placebo 62.8 37.4 34.9

Suppes et al. 2010 137 Quetiapine ER Placebo 8 62.1 58.4 65.4

140 68.6 39.5 43.1

Thase et al. 2006 169 Quetiapine 600 mg 8 53.3 53.5 58.3

172 Quetiapine 300 mg 58.7 54.5 60.0
168 Placebo 65.5 40.3 44.7

Thase et al. 2008 187 Aripiprazole 8 58.8 NA 45

188 Placebo 70.2 44

Thase et al. 2008 186 Aripiprazole 8 53.2 NA 43.2

188 Placebo 64.9 39

Tohen et al. 2003 370 Olanzapine 8 48.4 46.4 39

86 Olanzapine-fluoxetine. 64.0 54.3 56
377 Placebo 38.5 37.9 30

Young et al. 2010 225 Quetiapine 300 mg 8 75.5 54.7 69

263 Quetiapine 600 mg 76.5 56.9 70
136 Lithium 75.0 48.1 62
129 Placebo 72.2 41.4 56

Zarate et al. 2004 10 Pramipexole 6 90.0 47.1 60

11 Placebo 91.0 12.4 9

NOTE: NITT = Number patients in intent to treat analysis; NA = not available; ER = extended release.



Bowden et al. 1994 36 Lithium 3 61.1 23.0 49

69 Divalproex 47.8 23.4 48
74 Placebo 63.5 8.9 25
Bowden et al. 2005 107 Quetiapine 3 90.7 14.6 53.3
98 Lithium 85.7 15.2 53.1
65 Placebo 69.1 6.7 27.4

Hirschfeld 2004 127 Risperidone 3 56.0 10.6 43.3

et al. 119 Placebo 41.6 4.8 24.4

Janicak et al. 1998 8 Verapamil 3 17.6 1.1 37.5

12 Placebo 40 1.3 16.7

Keck et al. 2003a 123 Aripiprazole 3 41.5 8.2 39.8

120 Placebo 21.2 3.4 19.2

Keck et al. 2003b 131 Ziprasidone 3 53.6 12.4 50.4

66 Placebo 44.3 7.8 34.8

Keck et al. 2009 124 Aripiprazole 3 44.2 12.6 46.8

125 Lithium 48.8 12.0 45.8
163 Placebo 47.3 9.0 34.4

Khanna et al. 2005 144 Risperidone 3 89 22.7 74.3

142 Placebo 70.8 10.5 36.6

Kushner et al. 2006 215 Topiramate 200 3 70.0 6 27.0

113 + 400 mg 74.3 12.9 46
111 Lithium 73.9 7.7 28

Kushner et al. 2006 115 Topira- 3 87.1 8.2 28

114 mate 400 mg 81.6 13.8 28
112 Lithium 86.6 8.4 28

Kushner et al. 2006 107 Topira- 3 56.0 5.1 27

106 mate 400 mg 73.6 6.4 28

Kushner et al. 2006 209 Topiramate 400 3 58.9 8.1 27

99 + 600 mg 72 7.7 28

McIntyre et al. 2005 98 Haloperidal 12 55.1 58.6 70.4

101 Quetiapine 54.5 51.5 61.4
100 Placebo 41.6 28.6 39.0

McIntyre et al. 2009 189 Asenapine 3 62.9 13.1 41.3

188 Olanzapine 79.6 13.9 50.0
103 Placebo 61.5 7.4 25.2

Pande et al. 2000 59 Lithium and/or 10 53 34.6 37

58 Valproate + 64 53.8 47

Pope et al. 1991 15 Valproate 1-3 23.5 11.4 52.9

19 Placebo 21.1 .2 10.5

Potkin et al. 2005 137 Ziprasidone 3 60.7 11.1 46.7

65 Placebo 54.5 5.6 29.2

Table 41.2 .  CONTINUED



Sachs et al. 2002 52 Risperidone 3 35 51 53

53 Haloperidol 53 49.1 50
51 Placebo 49 41 30

Sachs et al. 2006 136 Aripiprazole 3 54.7 12.5 52.9

132 Placebo 51.9 7.2 32.6

Smulevich 2005 150 Risperidone 12 90.3 13.9 47.2

et al. 144 Haloperidol 89 15.1 47.7
138 Placebo 85 9.4 33.3

Tohen et al. 1999 70 Olanzapine 3 61.4 10.3 48.6

66 Placebo 34.8 4.9 24.2

Tohen et al. 2000 54 Olanzapine 4 61.8 14.8 64.8

56 Placebo 41.7 8.1 42.9

Tohen et al. 2003 351 Olanzapine 8 48.4 -1.4 39.0

82 Olanzapine + 64.0 -1.9 56.1
355 Fluoxetine 38.5 -.1 30.4

Vieta et al. 2005 208 Quetiapine 12 60.8 40.7 66.8

195 Placebo 38.9 23.2 40.0

Vieta et al. 2010a 190 Paliperidone 3 82 13.2 44.2

192 Quetiapine 79 11.7 49.0
104 Placebo 62 7.4 34.6

Vieta et al. 2010b 176 Ziprasidone 3 66.9 10.4 36.9

170 Haloperidol 71.3 15.9 54.7
88 Placebo 50.0 6.1 20.5

Weisler et al. 2004 94 Carbamaze- 3 49.5 8.7 40.4

98 pine ER 44.7 5.2 21.4

Weisler et al. 2005 120 Carbamaze- 3 65.6 15.1 60.8

115 pine ER 54.7 7.1 28.7

Yildiz et al. 2008 32 Tamoxifen 3 82.9 16.6 43.8

26 Placebo 67.7 -4.8 3.8

Young et al. 2009 166 Aripiprazole 3 75.4 12.0 47.0

161 Haloperidol 73.3 12.8 49.7
152 Placebo 71.2 9.7 38.2

Zarate et al. 2007 8 Tamoxifen 3 50.0 18.3 62.5

8 Placebo 62.5 -4.7 12.5

NOTE: NITT = Number patients in intent to treat analysis; NA = not available; ER = extended release.
studies available for analysis is much smaller in the case of increased measurement error make it more difficult to dem-
BD, acute response rates of depressive symptoms to placebo onstrate a statistically significant benefit of a medication over
appear similar to or perhaps greater than patients with placebo. An illustration of this phenomenon has occurred in
unipolar MDD. antidepressant trials for MDD, where the average difference
Two recent meta-analyses provide data on placebo observed between medication and placebo has decreased
response in clinical trials of mood-stabilizing medications from an average of 6 points on the Hamilton Rating Scale
to treat acute manic or mixed states. Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, & for Depression (HAM-D) scale in 1982 to 3 points in 2008
Baldessarini (2011) analyzed 38 placebo-controlled tri- (Khan, Bhat, Kolts, Thase, & Brown, 2010). For most cur-
als for acute mania and reported a placebo response rate rently approved antidepressants, less than half of the efficacy
of 30.8%, while Sysko and Walsh (2007) found a placebo trials filed with the Food and Drug Administration for
response rate of 31.2% in 21 clinical trials for bipolar regulatory approval found active drug superior to placebo
mania. See Table 41.2 for a summary of these studies. In (Hooper & Amsterdam, 1998; Khan, Khan, & Brown,
the Sysko et al. (2007) data set, there was a significant asso- 2002). While not all trials that fail to distinguish medica-
ciation between response rates (as measured by the Young tion from placebo represent false negatives, meta-analyses
Mania Rating Scale) and year of publication, though this of antidepressant trials suggest that high placebo response
was not corroborated subsequently by Yildiz et  al. As a rather than low medication response explains most of
result, it is unclear whether placebo response in random- the variability in drug–placebo differences across studies
ized controlled trials (RCTs) for BD is rising, as has been (Bridge et al., 2009). The increasing number of failed trials
shown to be the case in MDD. in recent years has made developing psychiatric medications
The typical placebo-controlled maintenance trial progressively more time-consuming (average of 13 years to
entails open treatment with a mood-stabilizing medica- develop a new medication) and expensive (estimates range
tion to treat the acute mood episode followed by random- from $800 million to $3 billion per new agent) compared
ization of responders to continued medication or placebo. to medications for non–central nervous system indications
Participants are then followed over time (typically one to (Nutt & Goodwin, 2011). These considerations contributed
two years) to determine the rate of relapse on medication to recent decisions by several large pharmaceutical com-
compared to placebo (where recurrence is defined as hospi- panies to reduce or discontinue research and development
talization, change in medications, or a suprathreshold score on medications for brain disorders, prompting warnings of
on a symptom rating scale). Thus the “placebo response” in “psychopharmacology in crisis” (Cressey, 2011).
these studies is the protective effect of placebo on recur-
rence rather than acute therapeutic effects on existing
mood symptoms. C AUS E S OF   PL AC E B O R E S P ON S E
A recent meta-analysis aggregating data from seven I N   B I P OL A R   T R I A L S
placebo-controlled maintenance trials found that the odds
of recurrence at 20 to 24 weeks follow-up for patients receiv- Placebo response refers to the change in symptoms occurring
ing placebo were 4.1 times the odds of recurrence on medica- during a clinical trial in patients randomized to receive pla-
tion (Keck, Welge, Strakowski, Arnold, & Mcelroy, 2000). cebo. In contrast, the term placebo effect can be defined as the
Relapse rates for patients receiving medication ranged from therapeutic effect of receiving a substance or undergoing a pro-
24% to 26% at one year compared to relapse rates of 38% to cedure that is not caused by any inherent powers of the sub-
64% on placebo (see Table 41.3 for a representative selec- stance or procedure (Stewart-Williams & Podd, 2004). Thus
tion of such studies). One important factor to keep in mind whereas placebo response is directly observed and quantified
when evaluating maintenance studies is whether the dis- in a research study, a placebo effect is a theoretical, unobserved
continuation of active treatment was abrupt or tapered over construct that is hypothesized to cause placebo response. To
several weeks. Abrupt discontinuation of active treatment clarify this differentiation further, the sources of symptom
may cause increased symptoms among patients treated with change in clinical trials can be grouped into categories.
placebo and artificially increase relapse rates. Treatment factors comprise all the interventions and
High placebo response reduces medication–placebo study procedures experienced by a patient in a clinical trial.
differences, in response to which investigators often make Placebo effects are one type of treatment factor occurring
methodological modifications (i.e., the use of multiple study when a patient takes a pill believed to be an effective treat-
sites to increase sample size) that increase measurement ment for depression. Supportive contacts with study clini-
error. Both decreased medication–placebo differences and cians and undergoing medical tests and procedures may

Placebo R esponse in C linical T rials of B ipolar D isorder   •   5 8 9



Bowden et al. 2000 91 Lithium 52 22.3 16.0

187 Valproate
94 Placebo
Bowden et al. 2003 46 Lithium 76 31.4 30
59 Lamotrigine
70 Placebo

Bowden et al. 2010 127 Ziprasidone + Lithium/ 24 12.6 14.4

111 Divalproex

Calabrese et al. 2003 215 Lamotrigine 72 16 39.5

120 Lithium
119 Placebo

Keck et al. 2007 77 Aripiprazole 100 27.7 15.7

83 Placebo

Macfadden et al. 2009 65 Risperidone LAI + treatment 52 20.3 18.6

59 as usual

Marcus et al. 2011 168 Aripiprazole + Lithium/ 52 14.8 13

169 Divalproex

Prien et al. 1973 101 Lithium 24 51 13.5

104 Placebo

Quiroz et al. 2010 336 Risperidone LAI 96 45.9 10.4

367 Placebo

Suppes et al. 2009 310 Quetiapine + Lithium/ 104 19.5 32.6

313 Divalproex

Tohen et al. 2004 30 Olanzapine + Lithium/ 72 29 39.5

38 Divalproex

Tohen et al. 2006 225 Olanzapine 48 32.4 39

136 Placebo

Vieta et al. 2008a 336 Quetiapine + Lithium/ 104 26.2 22.9

367 Divalproex

Vieta et al. 2008b 26 Oxcarbazepine + Lithium 52 27.6 31

29 Placebo

Vieta et al. 2012 131 Risperidone LAI Olanzapine NA 39.4 17.4

130 Placebo

Weisler et al. 2008 364 Lithium 104 72 46

404 Quetiapine
404 Placebo
NOTE: NITT = Number patients in intent to treat analysis; NA = not available; LAI = long-acting injectable.
also have therapeutic elements. Some evidence suggests that Two prospective antidepressant studies for adults with
expectancy-based placebo effects and effects of the thera- MDD have directly measured patient expectancy, and each
peutic setting may be moderated by patient demographic reported that higher expectancy predicts greater symp-
and clinical characteristics. Measurement factors represent tom improvement. In the National Institute of Mental
sources of bias and error inherent in measuring manic and Health Treatment of Depression Collaborative Study,
depressive symptoms, and natural history factors reflect spon- which enrolled 239 outpatients with MDD, higher patient
taneous improvement and worsening in the patient’s condi- expectation of improvement predicted greater likelihood
tion that is unrelated to the study procedures. According to of depression response and lower final depression scores in
this conceptual framework, the symptom change observed all four treatment conditions (cognitive behavior therapy,
in patient receiving placebo in a clinical trial (i.e., placebo interpersonal therapy, imipramine, and placebo-clinical
response) is caused by the sum effects of these factors and management; Meyer et  al., 2002). In a single-blind trial
their interactions. While large placebo effects may be one of reboxetine for 25 subjects with MDD, subjects with a
cause of large observed placebo response, it is also possible higher pretreatment expectation of medication effective-
that high placebo response could be observed even where ness had a greater likelihood of response: 90% of patients
there are minimal placebo effects operative. This might with high expectations of improvement responded com-
occur, for example, if there has been substantial improve- pared to 33% of patients with lower expectations (Krell,
ment resulting from contacts with health-care providers or a Leuchter, Morgan, Cook, & Abrams, 2004). Moreover, a
structured therapeutic setting, regression to the mean, rater recent pilot study experimentally manipulated expectancy
bias, or spontaneous fluctuation in illness severity. in subjects with MDD by randomizing 43 adult outpa-
tients to placebo-controlled (i.e., 50% chance of receiving
active drug) or comparator (i.e., 100% chance of receiving
T R E AT M E N T FAC TOR S active drug) administration of antidepressant medication
(Rutherford et al., 2013). Randomization to the compara-
Expectancy-based placebo effects tor condition resulted in significantly increased patient
Data about the influence of patient expectancy primarily expectancy relative to the placebo-controlled arm of the
come from antidepressant clinical trials for MDD, because study, and a trend was observed for higher pretreatment
fewer studies investigating the components of placebo expectancy of improvement to be positively correlated
response are available in patients with BD. The first inves- with the change in depressive symptoms observed over
tigators to document the influence of patient expectancy the study.
on were Khan, Kolts, Thase, Krishnan and Brown (2004),
who reported that the number of treatment arms in a study
Therapeutic setting
was negatively correlated with the “success” of the trial
(defined as finding a significant difference between drug In addition to receiving an expectation of improvement,
and placebo). This finding may be explained by the fact that participants in a clinical trial receive a great deal of sup-
a greater number of treatment arms entails a greater prob- portive care and attention from clinicians. Individuals who
ability of receiving active medication, which may increase may be experiencing social isolation and decreased activity
patient expectations and generate higher placebo response. levels as part of their depressive illness enter a behavior-
Consistent findings have been observed in meta-analyses ally activating and interpersonally rich new environment.
comparing medication response in placebo-controlled tri- Manic patients enter a calm and structured setting that
als (i.e., one or more medications compared to placebo) reinforces a healthy sleep schedule and places limits on
and active comparator trials (i.e., one or more medications impulsive and self-destructive behavior. All clinical trial
with no placebo group). In adults and older adults with participants interact with research coordinators and medi-
MDD, mean medication response rates in comparator cal staff, receive lengthy clinical evaluations by highly
trials are significantly greater than the mean medication trained professionals, and are provided with diagnoses and
response rates in placebo-controlled trials (Rutherford, psychoeducation that explain their symptoms. Medical
Sneed, & Roose 2009; Sneed et al. 2008). Patients in com- procedures are performed, such as blood tests, electrocar-
parator trials know they have a 100% chance of receiving diograms, and vital sign measurements. Finally, clinicians
an active medication, which may increase their expectancy meet with patients frequently to listen to their experiences
of improvement, leading to enhanced placebo effects and and facilitate compliance by instilling faith in the effective-
greater observed antidepressant response. ness of treatment.

Placebo R esponse in C linical T rials of B ipolar D isorder   •   591

Such supportive care has been shown to positively influ- clinical trials for BD. For example, regression to the mean
ence antidepressant treatment of depressive symptoms. is a statistical phenomenon occurring when repeated
Posternak and Zimmerman (2007) investigated the influ- measurements associated with random error are made
ence of therapeutic contact frequency on antidepressant and on the same subject over time (Barnett, Van Der Pols &
placebo response in 41 RCTs of antidepressants for MDD. Dobson, 2005). If a patient with a “true” HAM-D score
These investigators calculated the change in HAM-D scores of 10 underwent repeated ratings, a normal distribution
observed over the first six weeks of treatment in patients with a mean of 10 would be obtained due to random
assigned to antidepressant medication and placebo, compar- error in measurement. If baseline symptom measurement
ing studies with more versus fewer numbers of assessment happened to be unusually high (e.g., 14), then the next
visits. A cumulative therapeutic effect of additional follow-up observed value likely would be closer to the subject’s true
visits on placebo response was found, such that patients mean score of 10 based on chance alone. This tendency
with weekly visits improved 4.24 HAM-D points between for the depression scores of some subjects to decrease
Weeks 2 and 6, while those with one less visit improved 3.33 on repeated measurement may give the appearance of
points and those with two fewer visits improved 2.49 points. group-level improvement when in fact no true change
Additional follow-up visits appeared to explain approximately has occurred.
50% of the symptom change observed between Weeks 2 and While random error and regression to the mean can
6 among patients receiving placebo. Interestingly, the relative be an important factor in all clinical trials, sources of
effect of this increased therapeutic contact on medication bias can be more problematic in studies of psychiatric
response was approximately 50% less than that observed in conditions, which often lack objective measurements,
patients assigned to placebo. such as serum cholesterol or blood pressure. Investigators
One might expect the influence of supportive care in bipolar trials assess change in the severity of patient’s
on manic symptoms to be even greater, since most par- illness based on symptom changes that are self-reported
ticipants in clinical trials for acute mania receive inpatient by patients or elicited by trained raters. Thus these mea-
treatment during the study. The structured environment surements are subject to rater bias, which occurs when an
and health-care provider attention provided in such a set- individual’s rating of symptom severity in an antidepres-
ting may have significant therapeutic effects. Acutely ill sant clinical trial is influenced by underlying beliefs or
patients may not have been sleeping overnight owing to motivations with respect to the treatments under study
their decreased need for sleep, or else they may have been (Marcus et  al. 2006). For example, assessments of eligi-
impulsively pursuing self-destructive activities, both of bility for a clinical trial may be biased toward baseline
which might be expected to worsen their mood symp- score inflation when investigators have a financial incen-
toms. For these reasons, being placed in a setting where tive to recruit patients (Mundt et al., 2007). An increased
a regular sleep schedule is instituted and strict limits are number of collaborating study sites. Indeed, Yildiz et al.
placed on impulsive behavior may thus have significant (2011) reported that the number of study sites, which
benefits, irrespective of whether medication or placebo is may covary with increased financial incentives to recruit
prescribed. patients and thus with increased rater bias, was signifi-
cantly associated with placebo response in their meta-
analysis (p < .0001).
Concomitant medications
Rescue medications such as benzodiazepines may help
decrease severity scores on items pertaining to sleep and
agitation, and this may be particularly significant in studies By definition, BD is a fluctuating disorder in which depres-
of acute mania. In some studies, subjects receiving placebo sive and manic episodes occur and remit on their own
receive significantly higher average doses of rescue medi- accord. Patients are most likely to seek treatment during
cations compared to those treated with active medication periods of symptomatic worsening, so those who enroll in
(Chengappa et al., 2000). a clinical trial at this time of peak symptomatology may
experience natural waning of symptoms or alleviation of
the precipitating stressors irrespective of the treatment they
are provided. Given the ethical difficulties associated with
Error and bias associated with the measurement of psy- following the untreated course of BD, few prospective non-
chiatric symptoms affect outcome measurements in intervention studies using modern diagnostic criteria exist

59 2   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
that may be used to estimate the magnitude of spontaneous (prior to age 60)  depression (Glassman & Roose, 1981,
improvement that can be expected in acute depressive and Lesperance et al., 2007; Roose et al., 2004).
manic episodes. In general, however, one might expect the In trials enrolling only patients with BD, younger
amount of spontaneous improvement observed to be larger mean patient age, increased percentage of male subjects,
for individuals with rapid-cycling forms of illness, who by and the presence of psychotic symptoms have all been
definition fluctuate more than the average bipolar patient. associated with decreased placebo response and increased
Some information is available regarding the natural drug–placebo differences (Yildiz et al., 2011). Additionally,
course of depressive episodes in unipolar MDD, though diagnosis with a mixed episode has been reported to decrease
the generalizability of this information to BD is unclear. drug response while leaving placebo response unaffected,
One can examine the change occurring among patients thus having the sum effect of decreasing drug–placebo dif-
in wait-list control groups within psychotherapy studies ferences (Yildiz et al., 2011).
for depression to estimate the natural course of the illness.
A recent meta-analysis of acute symptom change in wait-list
control conditions found that individuals with unipolar M E T HOD S OF   M I N I M I Z I NG
MDD experience an average improvement of 4 HAM-D PL AC E B O R E S P ON S E
points (Cohen’s d effect size = 0.5) over a mean follow-up I N   B I P OL A R   T R I A L S
duration of 10 weeks (Rutherford, Mori, Sneed, Pimontel,
& Roose, 2012). Since meta-analyses of medication and Based on the foregoing conceptual model of the sources
placebo response in antidepressant clinical trials report of placebo response, as well as patient-level moderators of
standardized effect sizes of approximately 1.5 for medica- placebo response that have been identified, a number of
tion conditions and 1.2 for placebo conditions (Kirsch & methodological suggestions can be made toward the goal
Sapirstein, 1998), patients in wait-list control conditions of minimizing placebo response. The many failed attempts
appear to experience approximately 33% of the improve- to deal with the problem of rising placebo response are
ment occurring with medication treatment and 40% of the evidence that finding a balance between excessive placebo
improvement seen with placebo administration. Obviously, response and excessive dropout (for example) is difficult to
wait-list controls are not utilized in studies of acutely manic achieve. Unfortunately, to the extent that many of the fol-
patients, so it is difficult to estimate the rate of spontaneous lowing methodological points may reduce placebo response,
improvement occurring in this phase of the illness. they may also have a tendency to decrease recruitment or
increase noncompliance or attrition.
First, it follows from the treatment factors reviewed here
PAT I E N T-L E V E L MODE R ATOR S that minimizing patient expectancy may be helpful when
OF   PL AC E B O R E S P ON S E the goal is to demonstrate a significant difference between
a putative antidepressant or mood-stabilizing agent and
Historically, most studies have failed to identify consistent placebo. Rather than attempting to modify the behavior
characteristics of patients likely to respond to placebo, giv- of individual study clinicians (i.e., by instructing them to
ing rise to the term the elusive placebo reactor as early as be neutral or pessimistic), a more successful strategy may
the 1960s (Liberman, 1967). This led many to reject the be to maximize the percentage of patients randomized to
hypothesis that certain people respond to placebos while placebo in the study design. This suggestion stems from
others do not, and instead the consensus view arose that meta-analyses documenting higher medication response in
most individuals appear capable of being influenced by pla- active comparator relative to placebo-controlled trials and
cebo effects under the appropriate conditions (Doongaji, higher placebo response as the probability of receiving pla-
Vahia, & Bharucha, 1978). While that may be largely true, cebo diminishes. Of note, dealing with expectancy-based
features of the depressive illness in unipolar MDD have placebo effects by conducting single-blind lead-in periods
been shown to influence the magnitude of placebo response. aimed at identifying and excluding participants whose
Both Kirsch et al. (2008) and Fournier et al. (2010) found symptoms respond quickly to placebo has generally not
that placebo response significantly declined as baseline been successful in clinical trials for unipolar depression.
HAM-D increased (particularly as it exceeded a score of Multiple analyses have determined that such lead-ins have
25). Other studies suggest that patients suffering from psy- not been effective in reducing placebo response or improv-
chotic or recurrent MDD have decreased rates of placebo ing detection of drug–placebo differences (Trivedi &
response, as do elderly depressed patients with early-onset Rush, 1994).

Placebo R esponse in C linical T rials of B ipolar D isorder   •   59 3

Second, insofar as it is practicable in terms of main- determine subject eligibility and a different scale to serve as
taining patient safety, there is evidence to suggest placebo the primary outcome measure in analyses.
response may be diminished by decreasing the amount of Using centralized raters to perform the screening and
supportive care provided in a clinical trial. For outpatient outcome measures in clinical trials is another option.
studies, the primary variable to decrease would be visit fre- Centralized raters are less prone to bias by virtue of their
quency, since it has been convincingly demonstrated that off-site location and blinding to study entry criteria,
increasing contact in the form of more frequent visits raises patient phase of treatment, and treatment assignment
placebo response and decreases drug–placebo differences (Kobak, Kane, Thase, & Nierenberg, 2007). This method
(Posternak & Zimmerman, 2007). This methodologi- may help relieve pressure to enroll patients, reduce biases
cal adjustment may be quite feasible to implement, since toward baseline score inflation and observing improve-
no benefit of more frequent visits on decreasing dropout ment, and eliminate effects of repeated assessments by the
or improving compliance has been demonstrated. With same clinician. A  relative disadvantage of using central-
respect to inpatient patient populations, perhaps more ized raters is the necessity of assessing patients remotely
attention could be given to limiting the amount of support- via videoconference or telephone rather than having a
ive therapeutic contact patients receive. While this contact face-to-face interview, and this may be a problem for trials
may be the same for patients receiving medication as well of acute mania.
as placebo, there is evidence that therapeutic contact influ- Fourth, some effort could be made to select for patient
ences placebo response more than medication response, characteristics that minimize natural history factors as
thereby reducing separation between medication and pla- contributors to placebo response. For bipolar depression
cebo. Similarly, minimizing concurrently administered studies, requiring longer durations of current illness for
medications may also be helpful, since placebo-treated inclusion (i.e., two to three months vs. two weeks) may
patients tend to make more use of rescue medications com- be helpful. Multiple baseline assessments prior to actual
pared to those on active medication. enrollment of the patient in the study may help ensure that
Third, conducting clinical trials at multiple sites has patients are not enrolled at a particular peak of symptom
been associated with increased placebo response by multiple severity. In maintenance trials, enrollment of BD patients
studies across psychiatric disorders (Bridge et al., 2009). It who have been in remission for lengthy periods may result
has been hypothesized that increased financial incentives to in a low recurrence rate and little drug–placebo difference.
recruit participants in large, multicenter studies may result Finally, maximizing retention rates may be another
in baseline score inflation and increased placebo response. useful strategy for decreasing placebo response. Limiting
Addressing this tendency for score inflation among raters dropout may allow significant worsening over time to be
with financial incentives may help reduce placebo response. documented in placebo-treated patients, which is not pos-
For example, smaller, single-site RCTs for acute mania have sible in studies having higher dropout rates. More trial
actually reported symptom worsening for patients assigned completers among patients assigned to active medication
to placebo rather than improvement (Yildiz, Guleryuz, has also been shown to increase drug-placebo separation in
Ankerst, Ongur, & Renshaw, 2008). Single-site studies acute RCTs for mania (Yildiz et al., 2011).
may reduce financial bias, as well as limit the heterogene-
ity of the study sample and reduce rater variability. Given
that multicenter studies do offer some significant advan-
tages over single-site studies, particularly with respect to
feasibility and generalizability of results, making method-
In summary, placebo response in bipolar clinical trials is
ological refinements aimed at reducing the impact of rater
a fascinating and complex phenomenon. Investigating the
bias would be advisable. A  minimum depression severity
mechanisms of placebo effects has the potential to illumi-
score required for enrollment into the study may be speci-
nate the pathophysiology of BD as well as the active com-
fied, but then a higher score threshold may be set a priori
ponents of clinical trials. Furthermore, knowledge of the
for including the subject in the data analysis. Another tech-
contributors to placebo response in bipolar trials may per-
nique is to blind raters at individual study sites to the tim-
mit the development of strategies to improve signal detec-
ing of baseline assessment so that they are unaware which
ratings will be used to ascertain patient eligibility for the tion in drug development studies.
study. Finally, many investigators now utilize two separate Disclosure statements: Dr.  Rutherford has received
depression rating scales for clinical trials:  one measure to compensation from MedAvante for a grand rounds

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double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to assess prevention of C inhibitor (tamoxifen) in the treatment of acute mania:  A  pilot
mood episodes with risperidone long-acting injectable in patients study. Bipolar Disorders, 9(6), 561–570.

Placebo R esponse in C linical T rials of B ipolar D isorder   •   59 7

Ayşegül Yildiz, Juan Undurraga, Eduard Vieta, Dina Popovic,

Sarah Wooderson, and Allan H. Young

INTRODUCTION addressing the methodological obstacles that are impeding

progress in this critical sector of therapeutic development
Presently approved treatments of bipolar disorder are, for is warranted.
the most part, uniformly unable to address the underlying Regulatory agencies such as the US Food and Drug
etiology (Baldessarini, 2013; Yildiz, Guleryuz, Ankerst, Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines
Ongur, & Renshaw, 2008). Yet contemporary era has wit- Agency have taken the position that a true appreciation
nessed furthermost scientific understanding of the patho- of an intervention against a major psychiatric illness such
physiological mechanisms underlying bipolar disorder as schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder is only
and has led to investigations of specific molecular targets possible by employment of a placebo-controlled design
and their neural correlates (Machado-Vieira et  al., 2010; (Alphs, Benedetti, Fleischhacker, & Kane, 2012). This
Mathew, Manji, & Charney, 2008). However, despite perspective has had a tremendous impact on drug devel-
substantial investment for development of target-specific, opment for these common psychiatric disorders (Alphs
receptor-oriented central nervous system (CNS) therapeu- et  al., 2012). For instance, more than two-thirds of the
tics, including the ones for bipolar disorder, a very limited available evidence on antimanic, antipsychotic, and anti-
number of the investigated compounds have survived to depressant treatments are against placebo (Kirsch, 2009;
launch in recent years (Hoertel, de Maricourt, & Gorwood, Leucht, Cipriani, et al., 2013; Sidor & MacQueen, 2011;
2013; Kemp et al., 2010). This result does not seem solely to Yildiz, Vieta, Leucht, & Baldessarini, 2011). This may
be due to failure of the underlying rationale or ineffective- partially be due to the requirement of the drug-regulatory
ness of the candidate compounds, which carried them to authorities but is also due to preferences of the pharma-
Phase I  trials but also increased noise encountered in the ceutical industry for testing their new compounds against
context of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). For CNS placebos rather than an active comparator, since the latter
therapeutics only, failure rates at Phase II stage reach 50%, necessitates truly more efficacious drugs (Leucht, Heres,
which is about 15% more than the previous decade (Hurko & Davis, 2013). Obviously, restricting progress in phar-
& Ryan, 2005; Kemp et  al., 2010; Mallinckrodt, Zhang, macology to superiority studies would seriously restrict
Prucka, & Millen, 2010; Tarr, Herbison, de la Barra, & progress in other matters such as improved safety or tol-
Glue, 2011). Considering $15,000 cost per subject for a erability (Vieta & Cruz, 2012), but the use of placebo
Phase II or III trial, it can be appreciated why such high as the only suitable comparator for registration studies
failure rates may discourage investment in CNS drug devel- is taking the field to a no-end road. Difficulties in con-
opment research (Kemp et  al., 2010; Kobak et  al., 2010). ducting placebo-controlled trials for clinically challeng-
From the business perspective, the worst scenario (failure ing severe mental disorders with frequently encountered
in Phase III of compounds that appeared to work in Phase symptomatic exacerbations have likely instigated distinct
II) is increasingly common (Vieta et  al., 2014). Clearly, research populations. The predominantly profit nature of

59 9
funding with predictable pressure for speedy completion of bipolar disorder is not only important for alleviation
with positive outcomes might have further contributed to of symptomatic exacerbations but also for protection
the formation of such exclusive trial populations. These against premature death associated with medical causes
placebo-controlled trials-compatible patients are likely to related to disturbed immune responses and increased
be at the least severe end of the disease spectrum, respond systemic oxidative stress, as well as suicide (Ahrens et al.,
to placebo, and increase attention provided in a research 1995; Cipriani, Hawton, Stockton, & Geddes, 2013;
context via the so called “Hawthorne’ effect.” A popula- Drexhage et al., 2011; Leboyer et al., 2012). Considering
tion enriched for placebo responders and deprived for true longitudinal course and lifetime consequences, observed
drug responders would lead to shrunken drug–placebo drug–placebo contrasts gain even greater appreciation.
contrasts, which in turn would lead to larger sample sizes However, as with other major psychiatric disorders, there
and a greater number of study sites and increased vari- is certainly much room for development of new therapeu-
ance as well as noise. Such a vicious cycle may be oper- tics with robust target specific effects and no or minimum
ating since cumulative introduction of “me too” drugs undesired effects for treatment and prophylaxis of bipo-
and have led to recent “anti-psychopharmacology” public lar disorder. For achieving this goal, identification of the
acts fostered in some scientific reviews (Kirsch, 2009). methodological obstacles in design and conduct of RCTs
Considering published, as well as FDA registered and is absolutely warranted.
unpublished RCTs, such critical reviews have for instance
claimed trivial effect of antidepressant drugs (Kirsch,
2009). In interpretation of such critical evidence synthe-
sis reports, one should take into account the potential
effect of failure trials, which have typically failed to detect By definition, the placebo effect engulfs the psychobio-
the true treatment contrasts; potential mediator effect of logical phenomena attributable to the placebo, which
disease severity; and nature of source data attained in the is triggered via the perception or the symbolic mean-
context of RCTs involving distinct research populations ing of the treatment (Alphs et  al., 2012; Kirsch, 2009;
with milder forms of disease presentations. In the context Raz, Zigman, & de Jong, 2009). Placebo-like effects may
of RCTs it has been previously documented those patients also occur without administration of an actual placebo,
with severer forms of disease manifestation were more highlighting the central role of expectation and sugges-
likely to benefit from drug treatment (Kirsch, 2009). tion in placebo-related phenomena. Some effects, espe-
The real-world clinical samples on the other side, for the cially relating to the immune and endocrine systems,
most part, uniformly involve patients with higher symp- are due to conditioning types of processes. For example,
tomatic severity so would likely to be enriched for drug Benedetti (2009) discusses studies involving rats show-
responders. However, due to difficulties in conducting ing that a flavored liquid had immunosuppressant effects
placebo-controlled experiments in such patients, clini- after being repeatedly coadministered with an immuno-
cal trials are typically left to patients with milder disease suppressant drug. Likewise, administration of a placebo
forms. Indeed, for severe mental illnesses, the RCTs set- with patient expectation of pain relief typically activates
tings may better be perceived as simulation environments; the endogenous opioid system. Conversely, administer-
and evidence synthesis reports based on numeric data ing active analgesics via hidden administration—that is,
attained in these circumstances need to be translated to without the patient’s awareness—significantly reduces
the actual life settings. Further, sometimes even a small their effectiveness (Benedetti, 2009; Raz et  al., 2009).
actual treatment effect experienced in the real-life set- Another approach to the placebo effect is associated
tings may have magnified impacts, as in the critical clini- with the context surrounding the medical encounter
cal positions involving the line between life and death or (Moerman, 2002). This “meaning model” attempts to
delusional acts and insight (Leucht, Hierl, Kissling, Dold, explain why red placebos stimulate whereas blue place-
& Davis, 2012). Recent evidence indicates that, as with bos calm, why more placebos work better than few, and
schizophrenia, there is accelerated aging in bipolar dis- why more expensive placebos work better than cheaper
order with a consequent shortening in life expectancy of ones. Psychological and behavioral evidence points to
10 to 13.6 years relative to the general population of same the powerful and unique role of suggestion and expec-
age (Chang et al., 2011; García-Rizo et al., 2014; Laursen, tation in eliciting placebo effects (Benedetti, 2009; Raz
2011). Evidence also indicates that effective treatment et al., 2009).

6 0 0   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
Placebo response, on the other hand, designates the recent mega-analysis considering 94 meta-analytic reports
improvement observed in the placebo arm of a clini- of 48 drugs in 20 medical diseases and 16 drugs in 8 psy-
cal trial, which is produced by the totality of the placebo chiatric disorders, effect sizes computed for psychotropic
biological phenomenon combined with other potential agents were compared to general medical drugs (Leucht
factors contributing to symptom amelioration, such as pas- et al., 2012). This analysis revealed a pooled SMD of 0.54
sage of time, spontaneous remission, or natural history of for antihypertensive treatments; 0.41 for antimigraine
the disorder, regression to the mean, biases, geographical treatments; 0.87 for fasting glucose and 0.27 for mortality
and cultural factors, and/or judgment errors (Alphs et al., with antidiabetic treatments; 0.22 for antibiotic treatments
2012; Kirsch, 2009; Raz et al., 2009; Vieta, Pappadopulos, of otitis media; 0.44 for treatments of ulcerative colitis;
Mandel, Lombardo, 2011). The difference between the 0.36 for treatments increasing ventilatory volume; and 0.20
placebo response and improvement in a no-treatment for prevention of exacerbations in chronic obstructive pul-
control group can be interpreted as the placebo effect monary disease. The authors concluded that antimanic or
(Kirsch, 2009). antipsychotic drugs are not generally less efficacious than
As with the actual drug effect, genotype and pheno- average medical drugs (Leucht et  al., 2012). Nonetheless,
type related personal codes might determine individual clearly there is much room for the development of more
tendencies for the placebo effect. Since expectation and effective therapeutics with better efficacy and safety profiles
anticipation-based responses are in action, a clear level of for patients with bipolar disorder.
consciousness and insight should be preserved for the phe-
nomenon of actual placebo effect. Given that executive func-
tions such as insight, judgment, expectation, and anticipation
would often be disturbed in patients experiencing severe men-
tal illnesses, a true placebo effect would hardly be attainable Increasing placebo response is a major concern for anti-
in such patients. Consequently, as also indicated in the previ- psychotic drug trials (Alphs et  al., 2012; Kemp et  al.,
ous section, patient populations with more severe expressions 2010; Leucht, Heres, et  al., 2013). In a comprehensive
of such mental illnesses would likely to be enriched for drug meta-analysis of 50 placebo-controlled antipsychotic
response. Given ethical and clinical concerns, this aspect of drug trials of schizophrenia spectrum disorders con-
true placebo effect that is related with disease severity cannot ducted since 1970, Agid and colleagues (2013) reported
be fully encountered in the context of clinical trial settings. that placebo response has increased over the past few
However, efforts for achieving better simulation environ- decades, especially from 1993 to 2010. In this work, a
ments in the context of clinical trials can be optimized. standardized mean change (SMC) of  –0.33 (95% con-
A wider window for manipulation of the placebo-associated fidence interval [CI] =  –0.44 to  –0.22) from baseline
responses can be encountered through the effect of time on to endpoint for the placebo group was reported. The
the establishment of partial or full remissions, regression to authors also reported that larger placebo mean improve-
the mean, biases, and judgment errors. ments were associated with smaller drug–placebo differ-
ences. In a more recent multiple treatments meta-analysis
of antipsychotic drug trials for acute treatment of schizo-
C L I N IC A L T R I A L S OF   B I P OL A R   M A N I A phrenia exact same SMD of –0.33 (95% credible inter-
val [CrI] =  –0.43 to  –0.22) for the placebo-associated
improvements was computed (Leucht, Cipriani, et  al.,
E F F EC T S I Z E FOR A N T I M A N IC 2013). Similar to the findings with antipsychotic drug
T R E AT M E N T S R E L AT I V E TO  trials in schizophrenia, substantial placebo-associated
OT H E R M E DIC A L I L L N E S S E S mean improvements were documented also for the tri-
Effective treatments of acute mania yield an absolute dif- als of bipolar mania. Two recent reviews, one involv-
ference in responder rates of 17% and a standardized mean ing a total of 20 single-agent and add-on studies (Sysko
difference (SMD), as Hedges’ g based effect size of 0.41 & Walsh, 2007), and the other with 38 single-agent
(Yildiz, Vieta, Leucht, et al., 2011), which is comparable to studies (56 drug-placebo contrasts) indicated a
corresponding values of 18% and 0.51 for second-generation placebo-associated response rate of 31% in trials of bipo-
antipsychotics in the acute treatment of schizophrenia lar mania (Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, & Baldessarini, 2011).
(Leucht, Arbter, Engel, Kissling, & Davis, 2009). In a Both reviews reported a secular trend for rising placebo

S trategies for I mproving R andomized T rial E vidence for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   6 01
effects for industry-supported studies (Sysko & Walsh, Large studies do not only involve higher number of study
2007; Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, et al., 2011). sites but also large patient samples. For bipolar mania the
meta-analysis described previously indicated that also a large
sample size was associated with greater placebo-associated
improvements (MD: 38 trials; ß = +0.06, 95% CI: 0.04 to
0.08, z = 6.47, p < .0001) and smaller drug–placebo con-
trasts (SMD as Hedges’ g: 48 trials; ß = –0.001, CI: –0.003
to  –0.0004, z =  –2.63, p  =  .008; Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen,
In this section each of the below factors are evaluated as poten- et al., 2011). In a database of 27 acute schizophrenia stud-
tial effect modifiers in the context of RCTs of acute mania. ies conducted between 1997 and 2008 it was reported that
for each 1-point increase in the placebo mean change, the
• The number of study sites drug–placebo contrast decreased 0.4 points (Mallinckrodt
et al., 2010). The authors also reported that as the percent-
• Sample size
age of patients randomized to placebo increased, mean
• Gender placebo-induced improvements decreased (Mallinckrodt
et al., 2010). In another meta-analysis of antipsychotic tri-
• Age
als of schizophrenia, Agid and colleagues (2013) reported
• Psychotic and mixed features that greater placebo response was associated with the lower
percentage of patients assigned to placebo when only stud-
• Trial completion rates
ies published since 1998 were considered. However, the
• Baseline disease severity association was lost when the entire set of trials were con-
sidered (Agid et al., 2013). These opposing effect directions
• Quality of ratings
documented for the RCTs of bipolar mania versus schizo-
• Study and illness duration phrenia may result from differences in trial, patient, and/
or disease characteristics. For instance, for schizophrenia
• Financial incentives affecting investigators and candi-
trials the percentage of patients randomized to placebo
date patients
was reported in the range of 20% to 33% (Mallinckrodt
et al., 2010), while it was about 47% for the RCTs of bipo-
A recent meta-regression analysis investigating the phe-
lar mania (Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, et al., 2011). As mentioned
nomenon of placebo response in bipolar mania established
earlier, current trends in the RCTs settings by compelling
that higher number of collaborating study sites was strongly
speedy completion and positive outcomes are likely to result
associated with greater placebo-induced improvements (mean
in larger and larger trials yielding smaller contrasts through
difference [MD]: 38 trials; ß = –0.11, 95% CI: –0.15 to –0.06,
increased variance and noise.
z = –4.67, p < .0001) and diminished drug–placebo contrasts
Trial participants’ age was also reported as an effect
(SMD as Hedges’ g: 48 trials; ß = 0.007, 95% CI: 0.003 to
mediator in the context of placebo-controlled RCTs of
0.01, z = 3.79, p = .00015; Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, et al., 2011).
bipolar acute mania (Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, et  al., 2011).
A finding missed in previous reviews owing to consideration
This meta-regression analysis has documented that younger
of placebo and drug arms conjointly in the same regression
mean age of trial population was associated with lesser pla-
model (Tarr et al., 2011). The finding indicating the number
cebo effects (MD:  36 trials; ß  =  +0.92, 95% CI:  0.33 to
of study sites as an effect mediator has recently found sup-
1.15, z = 3.07, p = .002) and greater drug–placebo contrasts
port in antipsychotic treatment trials of schizophrenia spec-
(SMD as Hedges’ g: 46 trials; ß = –0.09, CI: –0.13 to –0.04,
trum disorders (Agid et  al., 2013). In this comprehensive
z = –4.03, p = .00006; Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, et al., 2011).
meta-analysis, the authors detected a significant increase in
Again, direction of effect was opposite to the antipsychotic
placebo response over the past few decades and explained this
trials of schizophrenia, for which younger age was associ-
temporal effect by an increase of the number of sites per trial
ated with higher placebo responses (Agid et al., 2013).
accompanied by a decrease in the number of academic sites
Similarly, male gender was found to be associated
(Agid et al., 2013; Leucht, Heres, et al., 2013). In light of these
with fewer placebo responses (MD:  35 trials; ß =  –0.18,
findings, we can propose the number of study sites as a criti-
95% CI: –0.29 to –0.06, z = –3.04, p = .002) and greater
cal factor contributing to the substantial noise encountered in
drug–placebo contrasts (SMD as Hedges’ g:  46 trials;
the context of placebo-controlled RCTs.
ß = +0.02, 95% CI: 0.007 to 0.03, z = 3.49, p = .0005) in the

6 0 2   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
context of bipolar mania trials (Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, et al., had any impact on responses to placebo treatment. The
2011). Gender effect in schizophrenia trials is questionable, sensitivity and specificity of the observed effects, as well as
as the most comprehensive recent review did not detect any clinically distinct features of pure mania versus mania with
sign of gender influence on the placebo-associated responses mixed features, may validate consideration of patients with
(Agid et al., 2013), while an earlier review had documented prominently mixed features, exclusively in independent tri-
a 3-point increase in the mean placebo-associated improve- als. However, given recent modifactions in description of
ments for each 10% increase in the female trial populations mixed features this finding needs to be replicated in future
(Mallinckrodt et al., 2010). While disease-based specificity antimanic treatment trials. Given arm-based specificity of
of the effect is questionable, given trial-level protection by the effect, it is not surprising that a previous meta-regression
randomization one would expect equal gender distribution model considering all study arms conjointly could only
in the treatment arms. Yet, as documented, nonsignificant detect a trend toward a poorer outcome associated with
differences in the distribution of male and female genders mixed states (Tarr et al., 2011). Based on above summarized
in the corresponding study arms yield a significant media- evidence, we may suggest inclusion of patients with mod-
tor effect when considered all together in the context of erate to severe forms of mania with or without psychotic
placebo-controlled RCTs. If such an effect can be verified features but with no prominent depressive components.
in future regression models, trial designs for acute mania Special care should be given to avoid patients who might
may call for more male participants but with a balanced have already entered the natural waning stage for the cur-
study arm-based allocations. rent episode as well as treatment-refractory patients.
Another proposed factor operating in the proposed Another factor associated with lower drug–placebo
vicious cycle is disease severity. Rising ethical standards and contrasts in bipolar mania trials was the higher dropout
concerns on randomizing severe patients to placebo might rates (Yildiz et  al., 2011). If the drug-associated benefit
have caused enrolment of progressively milder patients and the resulting treatment effect is being modulated by
into clinical trials over time. The largest standard pairwise disease severity either in the form of high baseline scores
meta-analysis on antimanic treatment trials indicated that or presence of psychotic features, manic patients need to be
not placebo- but drug-associated improvements were pre- exposed to the active drug long enough for accomplishment
dicted by increased disease severity (46 trials; ß  =  +0.26, of the brain’s adaptive response to drug-induced pharma-
95% CI: 0.13 to 0.40, z = 3.80, p = .0002; Yildiz, Vieta, cological alterations. The meta-analysis over 56 compari-
Leucht, et  al., 2011). The finding, being specific to active sons found that higher trial completion rates in drug arms
drugs, supported by the previous meta-analytic models, were associated with both greater drug-associated benefit
cannot solely be explained by a regression to the mean, and drug–placebo contrasts (MD: 46 trials; ß = 0.08, 95%
but rather suggest a pharmacological response component CI:  0.04 to 0.13, z  =  3.99, p  =  .00007; SMD as Hedges’
in patients with more severe forms of bipolar mania (Tarr g: 46 trials; ß = 0.006, 95% CI: 0.002 to 0.009, z = 2.86,
et al., 2011; Yildiz, Vieta, Leucht, et al., 2011). In that sense, p  =  .004, respectively; Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, et  al., 2011).
it supports the assumption that patient populations expe- Considering that RCTs of acute mania involve already
riencing more severe forms of mania would be enriched short study durations (three or four weeks), high rates of
for drug responders. Another factor related to severity of early dropouts are likely to mask actual magnitude of the
manic episode is the presence of psychotic features. Impact true drug effects.
of psychotic features was also specific to active drugs Evidence indicates that younger bipolar patients with
(MD: 40 trials; ß = +0.10, 95% CI: 0.06 to 0.15, z = 4.22, short illness durations would be more likely to respond to
p  =  .00002), with the effect being more influential, as it pharmacologic treatment and less likely to respond to pla-
was also reflected on the enhanced drug–placebo contrasts cebo (Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, et  al., 2011). Since diagnosis
(SMD as Hedges’ g:  40 trials; ß  =  +0.85, 95% CI:  0.43 of bipolar disorder can technically be made only after the
to 1.28, z = 3.91, p = .00009; Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, et al., establishment of the first manic episode and an accurate
2011). In contrast with the effect of psychosis, another documentation of age onset for the first mood episode is
disease-specific modulator: mixed features decreased both often barely obtainable, we did not attempt to extract data
drug-response and drug–placebo contrasts (MD: 45 trials; for illness duration. Nevertheless, present findings on the
ß = –0.07, 95% CI:–0.12 to –0.03, z = –3.26, p = .001; SMD age effect as well as the clinical impression for obtaining
as Hedges’ g: 45 trials; ß = –0.59, 95% CI: –0.99 to –0.19, better treatment responses in patients with more recent dis-
z = –2.92, p = .004, respectively; Yildiz, Vieta, Tohen, et al., ease onset support the notion that younger patients with
2011). Neither presence of psychotic- nor mixed-features shorter illness durations may constitute better research

S trategies for I mproving R andomized T rial E vidence for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   6 0 3
samples with enhanced treatment contrasts. If this notion dealing with extremely energy-demanding manic patients
can find further support, a new illness duration related for the subsequent two or three weeks. Considering that
inclusion criterion may be considered. the brain’s adaptive response to pharmacotherapy necessi-
Another potentially important factor mediating tates longer exposure and previously documented negative
drug–placebo contrasts is the quality of ratings:  both for influence of early dropouts on drug-associated responses, as
baseline- and outcome-assessments. A recent methodologi- well as drug-placebo contrasts, we propose a payment strat-
cally sound study compared effect of site-based and cen- egy facilitating constant investigator motivation through-
tralized ratings on patient selection and placebo response out the study. Last but not least, employment of rescue
in subjects with major depressive disorder (Kobak et  al., medications in conduct of acute mania trials may call for
2010). That study established that 35% of the included special attention. The protocol-guided use of rescue medi-
subjects would not have been eligible to enter the study if cations is usually left to the yard staff since the site investi-
the centralized rater’s score was used to determine study gators are often occasionally on the yard. Given that manic
entry. Further, the mean placebo change for the site-raters patients would often cause sleepless and stressful shifts,
(~7.5) was significantly greater than the mean placebo the yard staff may tend to employ rescue medications at a
change for centralized raters (~3.18, p < .001; Kobak maximum possibly allowed dose and rate. Given that exclu-
et  al., 2010). Although there is no published study inves- sion of benzodiazepines as rescue medications from the
tigating this issue in terms of manic symptom assessments, trial protocols is not feasible, their employment by the site
baseline score inflations, as well as expectancy effects (the investigators, rather than the yard staff, on an exclusively
tendency to see improvement over time), site-based rat- as-needed basis may facilitate drug–placebo separation and
ings are likely to increase placebo-associated responses reduce the risk of failure trials. Since manic patients often
and diminish drug–placebo contrasts for the RCTs of need constant extra care and timely handling during repeat-
bipolar mania as well. Given natural vulnerability of edly encountered crisis, for enabling optimized and timely
scale-based measurements, such inflations in baseline- site evaluation and crisis management we suggest that the
and/or outcome-assessments can be easily mediated by the site investigators to stay on the yard through day and night
site investigators, site nurses, as well as study patients. For shifts during the study conduct. Constant presence of the
instance, the so-called “professional” patients seen in the site investigators on the yard would not only optimize use
catchment area of often-used trial sites might exaggerate of rescue medications but also award system systematically.
their symptoms in order to be eligible for a study (Alphs Specific features of the manic syndrome such as inflated
et  al., 2012). Similarly, site-investigators themselves may self-esteem, high energy, and increased tendency for plea-
consciously or unconsciously inflate baseline scores in order surable activities with diminished or no sleep make com-
to meet patient eligibility requirements, especially when patibility with a protocol-guided treatment in an inpatient
sites are paid on a per-patient basis. For ensuring quality unit very challenging both for the patients and staff. For
of ratings, interrater reliability should be checked at the minimizing early dropouts with limited use of pharmaco-
beginning and also often during the study conduct. A cen- logical restraints while optimizing patients’ comfort and
tralized rater should synchronously watch the site investi- compliance, employment of some recreational incentives
gators’ ratings, and patient inclusion should be decided by with a negotiation-based award-promoting approach may
their mutual agreement. Manic symptom improvements help them to stay calm in the yard without harming them-
should be assessed by standardized use of a common met- selves or others. Among such incentives may be special per-
ric such as the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS; Young, missions for immediate family members’ visits to the yard,
Biggs, Ziegler, & Meyer, 1978). Administration of different occupation with safety-guarded energy-consuming games
instruments with discrepancy in target symptoms, measure- or activities, day and night television/video entertainment,
ment items, and score ranges, may potentially increase vari- Wi-Fi access, and special meals. One may argue against use
ance and heterogeneity (Yildiz, Vieta, Correll, Nikodem, & of such recreational activities with concerns on enhanced
Baldessarini, 2014). placebo responses. However, our experience with the larg-
Finally, regulations on investigator payments may have est proof-of-concept academic trial in a manic patient sam-
an impact on the study completion or dropout rates as such ple with a mean syndromal severity of 63% of maximum
drug-effects and treatment contrasts. In industry-sponsored possible score by the YMRS and psychotic features accom-
trials site investigators are often paid on a per-patient basis panying at a rate of 67% implied that employment of some
upon completion of one post-baseline evaluation. In such recreational incentives increased study completion rates
circumstances investigators may lose their motivation for and enhanced drug–placebo contrasts (Yildiz et al., 2008).

6 0 4   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
In contrast, without such sensitive considerations, RCTs placebo and time to destabilization is the endpoint (Alphs
are left to patients with softer or already alleviated forms of et al., 2012; Correll et al., 2003). The assumption underly-
manic syndrome or to the so called “professional” patients, ing such a design would be that the early responders would
yielding a group enriched for placebo responders. It is likely include a greater proportion of patients who are truly
that a research population with more severe forms of manic “drug responsive,” although it would also include some
syndrome would be enriched for real drug responders, but proportion of “placebo responders” (Alphs et  al., 2012).
we need them to stay in the trial long enough to let the brain Finally, investigator-initiated, large international trials
accomplish an adaptive response. The optimum and safe to be funded by the National Institute of Mental Health,
employment of such award mechanisms can be achieved the FDA, the Department of Veterans Affairs, European
only by the constant supervision of the site investigators. Union Human Research Programs, and other medi-
Quality and safety control by an independent monitor may cal research agencies by employing adaptive or sequential
also be considered. On condition that any indications of treatment strategies involving acute as well as maintenance
poor patient care and/or study conduct are identified, an phases would provide clinically very useful answers for the
action plan for further training or change of the investiga- most critical research questions. Improvement of industry-
tors or research nurses or safety guards may be considered, or academia-initiated placebo-controlled RCTs together
and a central backup team may take position on the site in with employment of such alternative designs would likely
the meantime. change the face of placebo-associated responses, as well as
the magnitude of the observed treatment contrasts in the
trials of bipolar mania.
Finally, improvements in the individual RCTs would
have extended impacts when combined via analytic evi-
Placebo-controlled RCTs of mania constitute A-plus evi- dence synthesis approaches. To enable the most informa-
dence, and they are actually the designs requested by the tive and valid future evidence synthesis, each RCT effort
regulatory agencies. While we encourage the aforemen- should be registered before conduct and published upon
tioned approaches for improvement of quality and hopefully completion by reporting quantifiable data on all outcome
quantity of placebo-controlled RCTs of bipolar mania, in measures in a standardized manner. Further, by consider-
situations with limited sources alternative trial designs such ing future evidence syntheses, each RCT report should
as add-on or head to head trials may provide complemen- report on the subgroups, such as those with or without psy-
tary clinical information if planned appropriately. As in the chotic or mixed features. In addition, outcome measures
case of add-on trials, positive head to head trials designed should involve important side effects encountered with use
for testing noninferiority may serve to provide rationale of antimanic drugs, again via a standardized approach: for
for a placebo-controlled monotherapy trial and accumulate example, data on patient’s weight at baseline and end point,
data for future evidence synthesis. Head to head trials prov- change in glucose or lipid levels, number of subjects who
ing superiority over standard treatments might be another experience akathisia and those who need anti-Parkinso-
option although this approach, even more so, requires drugs nian drugs, quantifiable data on extrapyramidal side-effect
that are truly more efficacious (Leucht, Heres, et al., 2013). assessments, and suicidal thoughts or acts. Without accu-
The use of an early-response/nonresponse paradigm is mulation of such data neither considerate evidence-based
another study design worth considering in order to enhance clinical decisions nor an evidence-based action plan for
the selection of true drug responders, who can then par- future research investments would be possible.
ticipate in a double-blind, placebo-controlled discontinua-
tion trial (Alphs et al., 2012; Correll, Malhotra, Kaushik,
McMeniman, & Kane, 2003; Kinon et  al., 2010). This C L I N IC A L T R I A L S OF 
strategy involves treating all patients with the experimental B I P OL A R DE PR E S S ION
drug with or without an active control and then identify-
ing those subjects who have at least a minimal prespecified As reported in the previous chapters, available evidence on
level of improvement after two weeks of treatment. Because bipolar depression (BPD) is strikingly scarce. There are many
such patients represent a group enriched for drug respon- possible reasons for this: The first is related to the fact that
siveness, they constitute an ideal subgroup to enter into a many clinicians and researchers have long assumed that
double-blind discontinuation study, where, following stabi- major depressive episodes in bipolar or unipolar disorders
lization, patients are randomized to continued treatment or share some common clinical characteristics and treatment

S trategies for I mproving R andomized T rial E vidence for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   6 0 5
response. This view also explains why antidepressants have on the attempts for evidence synthesis, available RCTs for
long been the most common clinically employed treatment BPD are for the most part weak, and the methodological
for BPD (Baldessarini et  al., 2007). Moreover, this view quality of study designs and their reporting is highly het-
explains the limited commercial interest in extending regula- erogeneous. A  recently published systematic review ana-
tory indications of antidepressants beyond “major depression” lyzed the methodology used in the individual RCTs of BPD
and the lack of specific trials aimed to establish antidepres- in the past 20 years (Spanemberg et al., 2012). The authors
sant efficacy for BPD. The second reason may be related to included 30 RCTs in their analysis (all of them published
safety issues. There are concerns that some drugs used to treat in journals with an impact factor >3) and found striking
BPD (i.e., antidepressants), might induce mood switching, results indicating the uneven and, in general, poor quality
suicidality (i.e., suicidal thoughts or acts), or mood destabi- of available evidence. For example, almost half of considered
lization and rapid cycling (Bauer, Beaulieu, Dunner, Lafer, RCTs were conducted with fewer than 50 patients; 70% of
& Kupka, 2008; Undurraga et  al., 2012). These concerns them failed to describe the method used in determining
have led to routine exclusion of bipolar patients from most their sample sizes; 50% did not assess remission of depres-
RCTs in major depression in the past 20 years (Undurraga sion as an outcome (they limited their analysis to response,
& Baldessarini, 2012). Those allowing inclusion of patients usually defined as 50% reduction in a depressive symptoms
with BPD did not usually select or stratify according to scale); half had attrition rates over 20%; and last observa-
polarity (Geddes & Miklowitz, 2013). The third reason is tion carried forward analysis was used in only two-thirds
related to clinical features of mood disorders (Baldessarini, of the published reports (see Table 42.1 for further details).
2013), which are typically characterized by clinical complex- The observed heterogeneity in BPD trials makes the
ity, daily or weekly fluctuations in mood and behavior, and comparison between outcomes (e.g., efficacy measures, tol-
high risk of relapse or recurrence. Moreover, some of the erability) for different treatments and placebo difficult, as
available treatments can even worsen clinical course when there is a lot of statistical noise. Moreover, high variability
prescribed or when discontinued, especially when discon- is associated with less statistical power (i.e., more false nega-
tinued abruptly (Baldessarini, Vieta, Calabrese, Tohen, & tive results; Ghaemi, 2009).
Bowden, 2010). This clinical complexity and lack of available
RCT–based homogenous evidence on the treatment options
for BPD address the importance of establishing standards for
future RCTs with reliable and consistent diagnostic and clin-
ical assessments, as well as outcome definitions. In addition, There has been a steady increase in placebo-associated
not only do the trial design factors have to meet high quality responses and an accompanying decrease in drug–placebo
standards but also the trial conduct, as well as data reporting. contrasts in antidepressant trials over the past three decades
(Khan, Bhat, Kolts, Thase, & Brown, 2010; Undurraga &
Baldessarini, 2012). Further, certain trial characteristics
such as sample sizes or number of study sites were signifi-
cantly associated with the higher placebo responses in the
Meta-analytic reports on antidepressant use for BPD are antidepressant trials (Undurraga & Baldessarini, 2012;
often weak and inconsistent due to the paucity (involv- Walsh, Seidman, Sysko, & Gould, 2002). This association
ing only 4 to 12 trials) and substantial heterogeneity of has been observed particularly in the context of unipolar
the available RCTs (Gijsman, Geddes, Rendell, Nolen, & depression; however, unipolar and bipolar differentiation
Goodwin, 2004; Sidor & MacQueen, 2012; Vázquez, has been a matter of large debate in the past century, and
Tondo, Undurraga, & Baldessarini, 2013). For this reason, most studies until mid-1980s did not differentiate between
their value in the context of BPD at present is highly ques- the two (Baldessarini et  al., 2010; Benazzi, 2007; Khan
tionable, as pointed out in the International Society for et al., 2010).
Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) task force report on the use of
antidepressants in bipolar disorder, where the highest level
of evidence was rated as B (Pacchiarotti et al., 2013). The
situation is similar regarding other available treatments of
bipolar depression, such as anticonvulsants, lithium, and
antipsychotics (Cipriani et al., 2013; De Fruyt et al., 2012; Certain methodological characteristics of BPD trials and
Reinares et al., 2013; Vieta & Valentí, 2013). As reflected trial participants may contribute to heterogeneity, noise

6 0 6   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
TR IALS IN BIPOLAR DEPR ESSION Type of statistical analysis

Only LOCF 20 (66.7%)

LOCF + OC 2 (6.7%)
Follow-up time (weeks)
≤6 9 (30%) Other or unclear 8 (26.7%)

6 to 8 13 (43.3%) Assessed remission

>8 weeks 8 (26.7%) Yes 13 (43.3%)

Placebo use No 17 (56.7%)

Manic switch
Yes 20 (66.7%)
Not assessed or not described 3 (10%)
No 10 (33.3%)
Dropouts (follow-up)
Diagnostic assessment
≤20% 13 (43.3%)
Structured diagnosis (SCID/MINI) 20 (66.6%)
20% to 50% 14 (46,7%)
Semistructured diagnosis 1 (3.3%)
≥50% 2 (6.7%)
Clinical diagnosis only 9 (30%)
Unclear 1 (3.3%)
Washout period
Type of sponsorship for the study
Yes 11 (36.7%)
Corporate sponsored 14 (46.7%)
No 18 (60%)
Sponsored by institutions/foundations/ 10 (33.3%)
Not described 1 (3.3%) government
Inclusion criteria Not declared/unclear/unsponsored 6 (20%)
Cutoff score defined (HDRS, 27 (90%) NOTE: Adapted from Spanemberg et al. (2012).
MADRS, etc.)

Cutoff score is not defined 3 (10%) effect, and lower effect sizes (Henkel et  al., 2012; Khan,
Number of patients (Total) Schwartz, Kolts, Ridgway, & Lineberry, 2007; Schalkwijk,
Undurraga, Tondo, & Baldessarini, 2014; Undurraga &
≤50 14 (46.7%)
Baldessarini, 2012):
50 to 100 5 (16.7%)

100 to 200 3 (10%)

• Trial-durations

>200 to 500 3 (10%) • Involved study arms: placebo versus active comparators

≥500 5 (16.7%) • Number of involved active treatment arms
Sample size calculation • Sample sizes
Described 12 (40%) • Degree of baseline disease severity
Not described or not performed 18 (60%) • Comparability in dosing strategies
BD Subtypes
• Involvement of ethnically distinct patient populations
BD Type I 6 (20%)
• Number of study sites
BD Type II 1 (3.3%)
• Frequency of assessments
Both 18 (60%)
• Employment or length of a wash-out phase via placebo
Unclear 5 (16.7%)
or no treatment

S trategies for I mproving R andomized T rial E vidence for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   6 0 7
S T R AT E G I E S FOR DI M I N I SH I NG NOI S E A N D Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD), the
E N H A NCI NG T R E AT M E N T CON T R A S T S Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS),
I N BI P OL A R DE PR E S S ION T R I A L S and the Inventory for Depression Symptomatology
(IDS), which were initially developed to evaluate uni-
Pragmatic trials in addition to placebo-controlled
polar major depressive disorder. Although the HRSD,
randomized controlled trials
with 23 items, considers atypical features, the HRSD–17
The placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel-group RCTs Items, MADRS, and IDS lack sensibility to correctly
are the gold standard for establishment of efficacy for an estimate “atypical” depressive symptoms such as anergy,
experimental treatment, but they have an important limita- hypersomnia, or hyperphagia, which are common in
tion. That is, the patients are highly selected and homoge- bipolar depression and partly encountered also in mixed
neous and therefore are unrepresentative of the typical bipolar manic-depressive states (Baldessarini et  al., 2010).
patients who tend to have multiple comorbidities with hetero- Moreover, most of them were developed in nonblind stud-
geneous presentations and are typically on multiple treatments ies of hospitalized patients and are likely to be less sensi-
(Post, 2009). The fact that rate of exclusions for potential tive to milder or subsyndromal forms (Tohen et al., 2009).
subjects in a RCT is as high as 80% to 90% underscores how Another scale recently developed for the dimensional
selective RCT patient populations can be (Post, 2010). In measurement of bipolar depression is named as the Bipolar
addition, for technical reasons most trials use monotherapy Depression Rating Scale (BDRS), which comprises items
in their design, which is far from the usual clinical care. This for assessment of atypical depressive and mixed symptoms
situation makes outcome generalizability (i.e., external valid- (Berk et al., 2007).
ity) of these types of studies a difficult and arguable exercise.
On the other hand, they have good internal validity, and valid
Outcome definitions
conclusions can be made regarding treatment efficacy.
To deal with the problem of generalizability, effective- Bipolar disorder is a complex illness, with variable course
ness trials (otherwise known as pragmatic or practical tri- between and within life cycles of affected individuals.
als) have been proposed (March et  al., 2005). This type Clinical presentations such as mania, hypomania, depres-
of “clinically useful” oriented design compares clinically sion, presence of psychotic and/or mixed manic-depressive
important interventions and allows the inclusion of more features, subsyndromal depressive states, and rapid cycling
complex patients with comorbid psychiatric problems, as course with variable interepisodic functionality and cogni-
such being more akin to everyday clinical practice (though tive impairments, make clear-cut outcomes, which would
heterogeneity could reduce internal validity). This kind of cover all various forms of disease manifestation and course,
design has been used in recent clinically useful studies such difficult to define. The problem is even more significant if
as STAR-D, STEP-BD, and CATIE (Post, 2010). A more we consider that many of these clinical presentations can
comprehensive description of the problem with generaliz- remit or change both in relation to treatment as well as
ability and judicious consideration of different trial designs spontaneously, as most are time limited.
are provided in Chapter 43 of this book. In the light of this clinical complexity, the definition of
clear-cut outcomes and treatment objectives (i.e., clinically
meaningful outcomes) is mandatory. An expert consensus
Bipolar disorder subgroups
and standardization of outcome definitions and terminol-
Bipolar type I and II have different clinical characteristics ogy is essential to make meaningful comparisons across
and treatment responses (Judd et  al., 2003; Pacchiarotti studies, as well as combined analysis. Some commonly used
et al., 2013). Consequently, clinical trials of bipolar depres- outcomes in BPD trials based on available evidence and
sion may either be conducted for a specific bipolar type or expert consensus are defined next (Martinez-Aran et  al.,
may involve patients with both bipolar subtypes; however, 2008; Rush et al., 2006; Tohen et al., 2009):
in such circumstances a subgroup analysis of outcomes
should be well documented.

Response is typically defined as ≥50% reduction in the

Evaluation instruments
initial depression severity scores, as commonly measured
The most frequently used clinical scales to assess depres- via the HRSD, MADRS, IDS, or BDRS. It is a clinically
sive symptom severity and treatment response are the useful definition, used to indicate whether to continue

6 0 8   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
with the same drug, stop and change treatment, or adjust R ECOV E RY
doses. The main problem of response is that it greatly
Recovery implies remission for an extended period of time,
depends on the baseline measure of symptom severity,
such that the possibility of relapse or roughening is no lon-
and regression to the mean may contribute to an invalid
ger a concern and another affective episode is unlikely to
impression of symptomatic improvement (Fava, Evins,
occur in the near future. (The Diagnostic and Statistical
Dorer, & Schoenfeld, 2003). Importantly, a time criterion
Manual of Mental Disorders [fifth edition] defines it as two
in its definition should be employed to avoid misinterpre-
months, the same as the 2009 ISBD task force, which rec-
tations by random mood fluctuations (two to four weeks
ommends 8 weeks as the sustained remission criteria).
has been recommended by a recent ISBD task force on
the course and outcome nomenclature in bipolar disor-
ders; Tohen et al., 2009). In addition, during assessment R E L A P S E A N D R ECU R R E NC E
of response in the context of BPD trials, manic symp-
toms should also be evaluated using standardized scales Both concepts imply the clinical manifestation of the epi-
to demonstrate that no switching or manic worsening has sode within the predefined time limits. The definition of
occurred, which would invalidate response as a clinically relapse and recurrence depends on the natural course of
significant outcome. the illness (in this case, the bipolar depressive episode).
The ISBD has defined relapse as the early return of the
syndrome (≤ 8 weeks), that is, before recovery, and recur-
R E M I S S ION rence as a late return of the syndrome (>8 weeks)—in other
Remission is typically based on the posttreatment depres- words, during or after recovery.
sion severity scores. An upper limit for the depression score
is defined under which the patient is defined as remitted S W I TCH I NG
(often if sustained for a period of time). Remission implies
that the signs and symptoms of depression are absent The course of illness for a bipolar patient may involve
or nearly absent. Differentiating between response and immediate change or switching to the opposite pole (i.e.,
remission is important, as a patient could respond to a depression to mania or vice versa) or a return to a normal
treatment without remitting (i.e., patients with residual mood state (i.e., euthymia) prior to the next episode. Even
depressive symptoms). These patients (responders but though some drugs could induce switching, the attribu-
not remitters) experience more psychosocial impairment tion of treatment as the cause of this complication could
and have a higher likelihood of recurrence (Thase, 2003; be misleading as it could also correspond to the natural
Zimmerman et al., 2004). The definition of remission (i.e., course of the illness. Tohen and colleagues (2009) have
cut-off scores and time intervals) is still a matter of debate. proposed the nomenclature “treatment-emergent affec-
Unsurprisingly, lower cut-offs in depression severity rating tive switch” (TEAS) to avoid attributing causality and
scales scores have been associated with better functional- propose a definition of definite TEAS if occurring in less
ity and fewer recurrences in depression (Zimmerman than eight weeks. In addition, they propose including
et al., 2004). Remission cut-offs with the most commonly the specific treatment if the switch emerges within less
used depression rating scales have been suggested by than two weeks from the beginning of treatment (e.g.,
expert panels (Rush et al., 2006; Tohen et al., 2009). One antidepressant-associated TEAS).
of the main limitations of this concept is that it may not
reflect the quantitative change in symptoms (i.e., patients
who enter a study with low scores could have little change
in their symptoms and still be counted or classified among The term subsyndromal is used to describe patients who
the remitters; Tohen et  al., 2009). Remission has impli- fail to meet the full diagnostic criteria for a mood episode.
cations for functional outcome, prognosis, and course Subsyndromal symptoms are associated with worse social
(Zimmerman et al., 2004); as such, it should be employed and occupational functioning and may increase the risk of
as a primary outcome in BPD trials. Nevertheless, func- relapse (Judd et al., 2008; Marangell, 2004). Considering
tionality should be measured as a separate outcome, as their prognostic relevance, subsyndromal symptoms should
symptomatic remission in bipolar depression is not nec- be measured. However, the symptom severity scales for
essarily associated with a return to premorbid day-to-day depression have strong limitations regarding this point, as
functioning (Tohen et al., 2009). discussed later.

S trategies for I mproving R andomized T rial E vidence for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   6 0 9
Rapid cycling was originally described by Dunner and
NOMENCLATUR E OF COURSE AND OUTCOME Fieve (1974), who arbitrarily defined it as patients pre-
IN BIPOLAR DISORDERS senting four or more distinct episodes in one year. It has
prognostic importance, as it has been associated with more
severe depressive episodes, poorer response to treatment,
ITEM MEASUR E PERCENTAGE) worse functioning, higher substance abuse comorbidity,
and greater suicidal risk (Cruz et al., 2008). Clinical trials
Symptomatic HDRS, MADRS,
Response IDS, BDRS % improvement
aimed at evaluating a rapid cycling pattern should employ
an adequate extension phase.
<25%, 25–49%,
50-74%, 75–100%

Symptomatic HDRS-17 ≤5 or ≤7 points PR E D OM I NA N T P OL A R I T Y

Predominant polarity is defined as patients having at
MADRS ≤5 or ≤7 points least two-thirds of their lifetime episodes at one polar-
ity or the other (Colom, Vieta, Daban, Pacchiarotti, &
BDRS ≤8 points
Sanchez-Moreno, 2006), that is, either predominantly
Recovery Time (weeks) Remission ≥8 weeks depressed or predominantly manic. This course speci-
Relapse Time (weeks) New episode <8weeks fier has strong prognostic value, especially relevant to
from remission long-term therapeutic decisions and prediction of outcome.
Predominant depression has been associated with depres-
Recurrence Time (weeks) New episode ≥8weeks
from remission sive or mixed onset, occurrence of more mixed episodes,
rapid cycling course, accompanying psychotic features, and
Subsyndromal HDRS-17 8 to 14 points higher suicidal risk (Baldessarini et al., 2012).

MADRS 8 to 14 points
BDRS 9 to 16 points
Bipolar disorder can have important consequences in social,
Predominant Depressive 2/3 total episodes cognitive, and occupational functioning. These functional
polarity episodes being depressive deficits have been traditionally associated with affec-
TEAS tive episodes but may also present during subsyndromal
states and even during euthymia (Jaeger & Vieta, 2007).
Definite & 2 consecutive Full episode ≤ 2 weeks
treatment specific days (>50% time As previously stated, better functionality has been associ-
each day) ated with symptomatic remission, but remission does not
mean returning to a premorbid state of functioning, hence
Definite 2 consecutive Full episode ≤ 8 weeks
days (>50% time it should be measured as a separate outcome. There is a pau-
each day) city of methods for measuring disability. Some of the most
important ones are described next.
Likely 2 consecutive (>2 symptoms +
days (>50% time YMRS >12) ≤ 12 The recently developed Functioning Assessment Short
each day) weeks Test measures six domains of functioning (autonomy,
occupational and cognitive functioning, financial issues,
Possible 2 consecutive (change mood or
days (>4 hrs each energy + YMRS >8) ≤ interpersonal relationships, and leisure time) and may be a
day) 12 weeks good instrument for clinical and research settings, since it
is brief, has high reliability, and is intended specifically for
Unlikely Fleeting > 16 weeks
symptoms. bipolar patients (Rosa et al., 2007). In addition, the World
Environmental Health Organization designed a tool aimed at identify-
or exogenous
ing and classifying relevant domains of human experience
affected by health conditions (Ayuso-Mateos et al., 2013).
NOTE: Adapted from Tohen et al. (2009).
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability

610   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
and Health has two core sets especially developed for bipo- L E V E L OF S IG N I F IC A NC E : P VA LU E
lar disorder, which describe illness-associated functional
As stated earlier, high variability observed in bipolar
problems (personal and environmental factors). Its main
depression trials could lead to false-negative outcomes. On
limitation is that it lacks validation in clinical settings.
the other hand, making repeated analysis of data greatly
Another relevant tool is the World Health Organization
augments the possibility of obtaining significant p values
Disability Assessment Schedule, which evaluates differ-
(typically p < .05), that is, false positives. For example, the
ent domains of functioning and is a helpful research tool,
chance of obtaining false positives (obtaining significance
although it may be too long to use in daily clinical practice
by chance) for a p < .05 will be 5% when making one com-
(World Health Organization, 2013).
parison, 10% for two comparisons, 23% for five compari-
sons, and so on (Ghaemi, 2009). This could be corrected
using different methods, such as the Bonferroni correction
or the Holm-Bonferroni correction, but the importance of
taking this into account is that, in order to avoid such kind
OU TCOM E A NA LY S I S A S  of errors, researchers should choose one or a few primary
I N T E N T ION TO T R E AT outcome measures for which the study should be adequately
A N D DROP OU T R AT E S powered.
On the other hand, in secondary analysis of infrequent
After defining the primary and secondary outcomes to be
events (such as subgroup analysis or analysis on adverse
measured, the strategy for their analysis should be decided.
effects of a drug in a trial designed for efficacy outcomes), p
Completer analyses have major limitations that include loss
values may show false negative results, owing to diminished
of power and loss of initial randomization as a consequence
statistical power by smaller groups (Ghaemi, 2009).
of dropouts (i.e., people who do not complete the study)
not being aleatory (e.g., dropouts in one group as a conse-
quence of adverse effects of medication or lack of efficacy).
Therefore, samples of remaining subjects (i.e., completers)
might be unrepresentative (Tierney & Stewart, 2005). A recently published systematic review on quality of
Intention to treat analysis includes analysis of data of reporting of RCTs on pharmacologic treatments of bipo-
all randomized participants, irrespective of how much of lar disorders stated that “a good part of the reporting qual-
the treatment they received. In other words, it evaluates ity . . . falls well below the required standards and also the
the treatment offer. This is intended to equalize the poten- practically feasible levels for many aspects, essential for
tial confounding factors for the entire sample but presents adequate interpretation of methodological quality and
problems too. To account for incomplete data in this type clinical relevance” (Strech, Soltmann, Weikert, Bauer, &
of analysis, one of the most common strategies is to use the Pfennig, 2011. p.  1220). The lack of standardisation in
last observation carried forward (LOCF), where endpoint RCTs reporting may influence their correct interpretation.
data is substituted with previous results. The LOCF impu- Besides, vital information in guiding clinical decisions and
tation method has limitations as well, because it assumes for data pooling in the context of meta-analysis could be
that dropout is not related to treatment or to outcome missing (Undurraga & Baldessarini, 2012). Furthermore,
and that a subject who discontinues treatment would have inadequate reporting and design have been associated with
retained constant clinical status from the time of dropout biased treatment effect estimates (Moher et al., 2010). As a
to the planned endpoint (Schalkwijk et al., 2014; Siddique result of this problem, the CONSORT statement was made
et  al., 2008). Other analytical methods have been pro- in the 1990s and has been revised periodically ever since
posed to account for missing data, such as the mixed-effect (Moher et al., 2010). It consists of a checklist of essential
modeling of repeated measures, or defined outcomes have items that should be included in reports of RCTs and a
been assessed even after subjects have dropped out of trials diagram for documenting the flow of participants through
(Schalkwijk et al., 2014; Siddique et al., 2008). a trial, intended to provide guidance to researchers on
Finally, dropout rates of over 20% pose serious threats to reporting of their RCTs. Importantly, many leading medi-
the validity of results obtained in trials (Schulz & Grimes, cal journals and major international editorial groups have
2002). Regrettably, according to a recent systematic review, supported this initiative.
this seems to be the case in approximately half of the bipo- Strech et  al. (2011) systematically reviewed the lit-
lar depression trials (Spanemberg et al., 2012). erature to identify all RCTs involving pharmacologic

S trategies for I mproving R andomized T rial E vidence for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   611
treatment of bipolar disorder published between 2000 and to binary variables, e.g., yes/no response; Citrome, 2008).
2008. They included 105 RCTs and assessed their quality Effect sizes should routinely be accompanied by their corre-
of reporting based on the CONSORT statement (Moher sponding CI or CrI, which is the estimate of precision. It is
et al., 2010): 25% of trials reported inadequately and 42% “the range of plausible values for the effect size” or the “like-
reported adequately. Reporting was especially poor for ran- lihood that the real value for the variable would be captured
domization procedures: only 16% of trials defined the gen- in 95% of the trials” (Ghaemi, 2010). Of note, 95% CI is
eration of the random allocation sequence and 15% defined equivalent to p value of .05 (but gives more information).
the method of allocation concealment. In addition, only In conclusion, evidence on the efficacy and safety of
41% of trials reported on blinding measures for care pro- available treatments for bipolar depression is scarce and
viders and 46% for outcome assessors and only 2% reported highly heterogeneous. Many factors contributing toward
how the success of blinding was evaluated. In addition, only heterogeneity and statistical noise should be taken into
32% reported on description of sample size calculations. account when interpreting existing trials and designing
Furthermore, important variables such as education, dura- new clinical trials:  longer trial durations, higher number
tion of illness, and number of previous episodes were under- of study arms, larger sample sizes, involvement of more
reported (7%, 32%, and 42%, respectively). Finally, only 6% study sites, lower baseline disease severity, possibility of
of trials reported number needed to treat (NNT) and 15% doses adaptation, diversity of study populations and ethnic
reported on the CI for the contrasts between groups. factors, high dropout rates, less placebo washout of previ-
When reporting outcomes, clinical applicability and ous drugs, and low frequency of symptomatic assessments.
ease of interpretation are important goals. Effect size esti- Moreover, bipolar disorder has complex clinical presenta-
mations in general are easier to interpret and provide more tions that make establishing reliable and consistent diagno-
information than hypothesis testing (p values), though sis, clinical assessments, and (clinically relevant) outcome
they can be complementary. As reported previously, p value definitions extremely important. Notably, in light of cur-
considered alone is not helpful to guide clinical decisions, rent evidence, outcome assessments in bipolar depression
as it can be clinically irrelevant and depend on design vari- should also consider functional status.
ables such as the sample size or on statistical analysis (e.g., Regarding assessment methods, the most frequently
repeated analysis leading to false positives). In addition, used scales to assess depressive symptom severity and treat-
total scores assessed by the symptom severity scales are dif- ment response (i.e., HDRS, MADRS, IDS) were initially
ficult to interpret if the clinician is not familiar with them, developed to evaluate unipolar major depressive disorder.
which is frequently the case. Alternative methods like sim- Newer depression scales developed specifically for bipolar
ple effect size estimations such as Cohen’s d have been pro- depression (e.g., BDRS) may be suitable for future trails of
posed (Ghaemi, 2010; Martinez-Aran et al., 2008). Cohen’s bipolar depression. Indeed, the only way to overcome the
d is simply calculated as the difference between the study challenges posed by decreasing signal detection in depres-
arms for change in scores divided by their pooled standard sion RCTs may be the use of harder outcomes, such as spe-
deviations. It is useful, as it corrects for the variation within cific biomarkers, which are yet to come (Vieta, 2014).
the sample and gives values between zero and 1 or higher. It In addition, for statistical analysis of primary and sec-
typically described as “small, 0.2,” “medium, 0.5,” or “large, ondary outcomes, a standard intention to treat approach
0.8” (Martinez-Aran et al., 2008). Other examples of effect should be adapted as it offers a better model than the com-
size estimations are SMDs, risk ratio, odds ratio, absolute pleter analysis but nevertheless is far from being unbiased.
responder or remitter rates, NNT, and number needed to It would be even better if new analytical methods such
harm (NNH), each being described in a preceding chapter as mixed-effect modelling of repeated measures could be
of this book. NNT and NNH are other clinically useful incorporated.
effect estimates that inform clinicians about how many The last stage of research, reporting the results, is as
patients one would need to treat with one intervention ver- important as methodological planning and statistical
sus another to see a difference in an outcome (efficacy out- analysis. Regrettably, the reporting of results from bipolar
comes, such as response, remission, etc. or adverse outcomes depression trials is generally of poor quality and associ-
such as tolerability, suicidal behaviors, etc.). In other words, ated with biased estimates of treatment effects. Guidelines
they can quantify the clinical relevance of a statistically sig- such as the CONSORT statement should be used as an aid
nificant study result. Their main limitation is that they can when reporting. Clinical applicability and ease of interpre-
only be calculated for binary variables. Continuous vari- tation, as well as possibility of future evidence synthesis,
ables should use other effect size measures (or be converted should be considered. In that sense, change in scores and

61 2   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
their standard deviations for the entire sample, as well as care is imperative regarding the management of lithium
subgroups, should constantly be reported and may better withdrawal (Mander & Loudon, 1988).
be accompanied by the standardized effect size estimations
such as SMD or Cohen’s d and responder and remitter rates,
as these measures are easier to interpret and provide more
information than hypothesis testing. NNT and NNH are
also clinically oriented and easy-to-interpret outcome mea- In 1997 Bowden et  al. reported data from the first
sures that should be incorporated into reporting whenever placebo-controlled maintenance trial in bipolar I disorder,
possible. Finally, as with bipolar mania trials, quantifiable which has been conducted since 1973. Bipolar maintenance
data on the special subgroups such as bipolar I or II, psy- trial methodologies have evolved substantially during this
chotic versus nonpsychotic, with mixed features or rapid time. Bowden et  al. argued that this particular study,
cycling course, as well as individual adverse effects, should designed for submission to the regulatory agencies with
be reported regularly with a standardized approach. considerations on the country-specific requirements, have
had a strong influence on the study design. They also sug-
gest that maintenance studies should be designed and exe-
C L I N IC A L T R I A L S OF  cuted to enroll patients with acute, severe forms of bipolar
B I P OL A R M A I N T E N A NC E depression or bipolar mania, rather than recruiting patients
(OR PROPH Y L A X I S) T R E AT M E N T with remission or milder forms of BD. They suggested that
by paying greater attention to the frequency of manic and
Standardized designs have been established for studies of depressive episodes and the severity of an index episode, the
acute mania (and acute depression); however, no core design statistical power of the study could be enhanced (Bowden
for maintenance therapy for BD has been agreed on by et al., 1997).
researchers in the field (Gitlin, Abulseoud, & Frye, 2010). Unlike the acute treatment trials, with over 50 trials
Therefore, it is uncertain whether the results reported for only acute bipolar mania being published, there is a sur-
may be the product of differential efficacy between agents prising paucity of maintenance studies. In a recent review
or between different designs, thus creating inconsistent by Popovic, Reinares, Amann, Salamero, and Vieta (2011),
results. Given the paucity of available maintenance trials which included all the RCTs assessing the effectiveness
and the diversity of their designs due to the patient popu- of drugs in the prophylactic treatment of BD compared
lations examined and pursued outcome (i.e., antimanic or to placebo, only 15 trials satisfied the inclusion criteria
antidepressive prophylaxis as described by Grunze et  al., (Inclusion criteria were: a minimal duration of six months;
2013), more trials providing homogenous data on the mea- patients over 18; while exclusion criteria were: small
sures of efficacy, as well as side effects, functionality, quality sample size (i.e., fewer than 17 subjects per arm); a study
of life, and prevention of suicide are needed. Such studies sample not exclusively composed of bipolar patients; those
will aid clinicians in providing more successful treatments using rating scales not validated in patients with bipo-
for bipolar prophylaxis. lar disorder. Since then, further two trials satisfying the
same inclusion criteria have been published (Berwaerts,
Melkote, Nuamah, & Lim, 2012; Marcus et al., 2011). It
is noteworthy that some trials (e.g., McIntyre et al., 2010)
The early lithium trials have been heavily criticized due to were excluded because they did not have a long-term pla-
the discrepancies between their strikingly positive results cebo group. Some of the RCTs used a three-arm design.
compared to those of subsequent comparative trials and Among the available 17 trials, there were 11 RCTs assess-
naturalistic data. In 1995 Moncrieff published an article ing drugs in monotherapy and 6 for combined treatment
proposing that these discrepancies originate from the with mood stabilizers such as lithium and valproate. The
design of these early studies (i.e., discontinuation studies studies were not homogeneous with respect to clinical
in which patients who had been receiving lithium were characteristics of the sample (rapid-cycling course, manic/
allocated to either continue receiving lithium or to placebo mixed states or depression, refractory patients or unbi-
substitution; Moncrieff, 1995). Such studies fail to exam- ased samples), sample size, and rates of study completion.
ine the efficacy of lithium prophylaxis in view of the sub- In that regard, as discussed by Popovic et al. (2012), most
stantial evidence that lithium withdrawal induces manic studies enrolled enriched populations of patients who were
relapse (Dunner, 1998; Schou, 1993). Irrefutably, special currently or recently manic or mixed. Missing from most

S trategies for I mproving R andomized T rial E vidence for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   613
study designs was the recruitment of patients with index lamotrigine as add-on treatment) should also be an object
depressive episodes. Exclusion of depressed patients at of future research.
enrollment may affect the polarity of mood episodes dur-
ing the blinded relapse prevention phase since the study
design was primarily configured to demonstrate efficacy in
the delay or prevention of manic recurrence. The methodological caveat of discontinuation studies is
The absence of depressive index episodes in a compound that findings may demonstrate “discontinuation effects”
whose primary spectrum of efficacy is in depression biases rather than preventing relapses. Additionally, because the
outcome against the drug, or vice versa. However, the main rate of relapse is low in these studies they require a very large
reason why some compounds have been studied only in number of participants to reach adequate statistical power.
the context of index mania is their failure to separate from
placebo in acute bipolar depression trials; hence, the bias
against index depression is actually caused by the high
polarity index of the drug, indicating a stronger antidopa- Continuation trials involve patients who have responded
minergic action, which makes it more suitable for the treat- to the relevant treatment in the acute phase and thus are
ment of mania and the prevention of subsequent manic enriched for the possibility of relapse in the subsequent
episodes (Popovic et al., 2012). continuation period. Since fewer participants are required,
The polarity index is a novel metric indicating the rela- maintenance trials switched to continuation studies.
tive antimanic versus antidepressive preventive efficacy of The lack of consistency in the designs of the
drugs, and it was retrieved by calculating NNT for preven- placebo-controlled maintenance continuation studies
tion of depression and NNT for prevention of mania ratio, listed in Table 42.3 has weakened the reliability and valid-
emerging from the results of the RCTs. The metric aims to ity of these studies. Therefore the available evidence for the
help clinicians to understand the prophylactic efficacy pro- long-term treatment of bipolar disorder is lacking. More
file of drugs used for the treatment of bipolar disorder by rigorous approaches should involve analyses of bipolar
translating results of clinical trials into real-world clinical I and bipolar II subtypes or consideration of them in dif-
practice (Popovic et al., 2014). According to Vieta (2014), ferent trials as described in the studies outlined here. For
in recent years we have started to measure the relative effi- example, quetiapine has recently been indicated by the
cacy of drugs for bipolar disorder by means of the NNT FDA for monotherapy of bipolar I  and bipolar II depres-
(Popovic et  al., 2011)  and their profile according to the sion. Although no specific controlled trial addressed the
polarity index (Popovic et al., 2012), which is a useful mea- efficacy and safety of quetiapine monotherapy in bipolar
sure that can be easily misunderstood (Alphs, Berwaerts, & II, BOLDER (BipOLar DEpRession) studies I and II, and
Turkoz, 2013) since it actually provides advice on what not the EMBOLDEN continuation studies (described later)
to use, rather than what to use, depending on the predomi- included sufficient bipolar II patients (Parker, 2012).
nant polarity of manic and depressive episodes in a given The two EMBOLDEN studies constitute a good exam-
patient (Baldessarini et al., 2012). ple of the continuation of maintenance trials with an index
In fact, RCTs for maintenance treatment of bipolar episode of bipolar depression. These two RCTs are similar
disorder are not only scarce; they are completely lack- in design (i.e. multicenter, randomized, double-blind com-
ing for various agents. Carbamazepine is a clear example; parisons of the efficacy and safety of quetiapine monother-
although it was the first agent after lithium to be advocated apy [300 mg or 600 mg daily] verses placebo in bipolar I or
for long-term treatment of BD and two lithium-controlled II disorder adults). The active comparator arm was lithium
studies indicate the drug’s efficacy in relapse prevention, in EMBOLDEN I and paroxetine in EMBOLDEN II. The
no maintenance trials exist. As for valproate and oxcar- 26- to 52-week continuation phase consisted of patients
bazepine, the only existing maintenance trials are nega- who had achieved remission and were continued on the
tive/failed, thus further studies are clearly needed. Future same dose of quetiapine or were switched to placebo. In
studies need to address the long-term effectiveness of their combined analysis, the authors demonstrated that
agents such as carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, and valpro- both doses of quetiapine significantly increased the time
ate, as well as some antipsychotics, which have not been to recurrence of any mood event. The subgroup analysis on
assessed in long-term placebo-controlled studies. In fact, bipolar II disorder was available, and the risk of recurrence
successful long-term management often requires combina- of any mood event compared with placebo was significantly
tion treatment. Lack of evidence base for this strategy (e.g., reduced in this subpopulation of patients with bipolar II

614   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H



Keck et al., 2007 Bipolar I 100 ARI = 78 ARI: 15–30mg/day

≥18 years PLA = 83 Mean: 23.8 mg/day
No hospitalization in previous
3 months
Tohen et al., 20063 Bipolar I 48 OLZ = 225 OLZ: 5–20 mg/day
≥18 years PLA = 136
2 prior mixed or manic episodes in
past 6 years

Tohen et al., 2004 Bipolar I 72 LI/VPA + PLA = 48 OLZ: 5–20 mg/day

18-70 years LI/VPA + OLZ = 51 Mean: 12.5 mg/day
YMRS≤12 LI: 0.66-0.86 mEq/l
HRSD-21≤ 8 VPA: 60.1–73.8 μg/mL

Vieta et al., 2008a Bipolar I 104 QUE + LI/VPA = 336 QUE: 400 -800 mg/day
≥18 years PLA + LI/VPA = 367 Mean: 497 mg/day
YMRS≤12 LI: 0.5–1.2 mEq/L
HDRS≤ 12 VPA:50–125 μg/mL

Suppes et al., 2009 Bipolar I 104 QUE + LI/VPA = 310 QUE: 400–800mg/day

≥18 years PLA + LI/VPA = 313 Mean: 519 mg/die
YMRS≤10 LI: 0.5–1.2 mEq/L
MADRS≤13 Mean: 0.71–0.74 mEq/L
VPA: 50–125 μg/mL
Mean: 68.91–71.38 μg/mL

Weisler et al. Bipolar I 104 QUE = 404 QUE: 300–800 mg/day

YMRS ≤12 LI = 364 Li: 0.6–1.2 mEq/L
MADRS ≤12 PLA = 404
Acute current or recent (past 26
weeks) manic, depressive, or mixed
index episode treated with QUE

Quiroz et al., 2010 Bipolar I 96 RLAI = 140 RIS: 12.5–50 mg i.m.

18–65 years PLA = 136 Mean:25mg
Recent manic/mixed episode or
stable patients with ≥1 mood epi-
sode in past 4 months

Macfadden et al., Bipolar I 52 RLAI + TAU = 65 RLAT: 25–50mg/2 weeks

2009 18–70 years PLA + TAU = 59
≥4 episodes in the past year

Bowden et al., 2010 Bipolar I 24 ZIP + LI/VPA = 127 ZIP: 80–160 mg/day

≥18 years PLA + LI/VPA = 113 LI: 0.6–1.2 mEq/L
Current or recent manic/mixed Mean: 0.7–0.9 mEq/L
episode VPA: 50–125 μg/mL
MRS≥14 Mean: 67.4–72.8

Bowden et al., 2003 Bipolar I 76 LAM: 59 LAM: 100–400mg/die

≥18 years LI: 46 LI: 0.8-1.1 mEq/L
Current or recent PLA:70
≥1 additional (hypo)manic and 1
depressive episode in the past 3 years


S trategies for I mproving R andomized T rial E vidence for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   615
Table 42 .3  CONTINUED



Calabrese et al., Bipolar I 72 LAM: 221 LAM:50-400mg/die

2003 ≥18 years LI: 121 Mean:200mg/die
Current or recent MDE PLA:121 LI: 0.8-1.1 mEq/L
≥1 additional (hypo)manic and 1 Mean: 0.8±0.3 mEq/L
depressive episode in the past 3 years

Calabrese et al., Bipolar I and II Rapid cycling 26 LAM: 90 LAM: 100–300 mg/day

2000 ≥18 years PLA: 87
≤14 HDRS
≤12 MRS
<3 on item 3 HDRS
stable for 4 weeks

Prien et al., 1973 Manic-depressive, manic type 24∗ LI:101 LI: 0.5-1.4 mEq/L
PLA: 104

Bowden et al., Bipolar I 52 VPA: 187 VPA: 71-125 μg/mL

2000 18-70 years LI: 90 LI: 0.8-1.2 mmol/L
Manic episode ≤3 months before PLA:92
MRS ≤11
DSS ≤13
GAS >60,
No serious suicidal risk

Vieta et al., 2008b Bipolar I or II 52 OXC + LI=26 OXC: 1200 mg/day

≥18 years PLA + LI=29 LI:0.6 mEq/l
No acute phases in 6 months

Marcus et al., 2011 Bipolar I 52 ARI + LI/VPA=168 ARI: 15-30mg/day

YMRS ≥16 PLA + LI/VPA=169
Current or recent manic/mixed
Inadequate response to lithium
or valproate YMRS ≥16 and ≤35%
decrease from baseline at 2 weeks

Berwaerts, 2012 Bipolar I Until the patients PALI=152 PALI: 3- 12 mg/day

18 -65 years experienced PLA=148 OLZ: 5-20 mg/day
Current manic or mixed episodes recurrence OLZ=83
At least 2 previous
mood episodes (1 of which had to
be a manic or mixed episode) within
3 years before
YMRS ≥20 at
No significant
risk for suicidal or violent behavior;
no borderline or
antisocial personality disorder

NOTE: Adapted from: Popovic et al. (2011).

With a minimal duration of 6 months and in patients aged over 18.
with both doses of quetiapine (McElroy et al., 2010; Young versus full clinical relapse (in addition to repeated use of
et  al., 2010). The strengths of these two EMBOLDEN cross-sectional scales) is the National Institute of Mental
studies are (a) the large patient population (n =1542 (565 Health Life Chart Method™ (NIMH-LCM™), which has
bipolar II)) and (b) the continued treatment of responsive both a clinician-rated and a self-rated version for assessing
patients with quetiapine or placebo (using a randomized severity of mania and depression on a daily basis (Post &
withdrawal design). Thus the authors were able to inves- Yildiz, 2014). This scale can also track extremes of cycling,
tigate the maintenance of effect associated with ongoing presence of dysphoric mania, and comorbid symptoms. In
quetiapine treatment. Additionally, subgroup analyses for addition, it has a running tally of medications and a space
the bipolar subtypes were included and the study involved for rating side effects with mild, moderate, or severe impact.
the largest bipolar II patient population studied to date in a Reliability is excellent, as severity of mania and depression
continuation treatment study (McElroy et al., 2010). is rated on the degree of functional impairment with which
each phase is associated, making recall of severity relatively
easy even at intervals of several weeks to a month between
rating sessions. The scale has been validated against other
measures and used productively in a number of studies,
including long-term comparisons of lithium versus carbam-
The primary outcome measures in bipolar disorder main- azepine versus the combination for one year of prophylaxis
tenance trials vary greatly, making the comparison of effi- for each phase; comparisons of lamotrigine, gabapen-
cacy of medication across studies difficult (Grunze et  al., tin, and placebo; and, most recently, detailed analyses of
2013). The majority of long-term studies use the results of lamotrigine’s long-term effects on mood stability (Post &
Kaplan–Meier (KM) survival analyses based on time to Yildiz, 2014). Related longitudinal ratings that have been
intervention as the primary outcome. Other studies have employed by the STEP-BD program are also endorsed, as
used “any reason of failure” (i.e., new mood episodes, need such detailed description of the precise course of illness
for additional treatments, hospitalization, adverse events, is particularly important in instances of extreme rapidity
withdrawal of consent, lost to follow-up) as primary out- of cycling, which can even occur in bipolar outpatients in
comes. Some previous studies have used dropout for emerg- demanding professions.
ing new episodes (using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual One of the major assets of such detailed longitudi-
of Mental Disorders [fourth edition] criteria/clinical rating nal ratings is the ability to simultaneously assess different
scale thresholds). The problem with KM survival analytic thresholds for what one might consider as mild, moderate,
techniques are that they measure the occurrence of a pre- or severe relapse, as well as employ modal measures such as
defined event, for example, treatment emergent episode that of area under the curve, signifying the magnitude and
intervention, discontinuation, at baseline (absence of the duration of mania and depression. Such a measure of area
event) and endpoint (occurrence of event) only (Grunze under the curve allows for precise intraindividual compari-
et al., 2013). Grunze et al. state that KM survival analytic sons of the degree of symptomatology observed prior to and
techniques are not entirely appropriate considering that after a given experimental manipulation as a continuous
“completely healthy” between-episode states are unlikely variable, which should vastly increase the power to detect
given the subsyndromal fluctuations of mood, impaired treatment difference compared with a single endpoint of
functioning, and quality of life associated with bipolar dis- percentage of relapse into a new episode.
order and also due to the failure to capture tolerability and Traditional designs in assessment of the efficacy of a
impact on health data. Grunze et al. suggest that the reason prophylactic treatment have typically required patients to
for the popularity of the KM techniques is they are more achieve substantial improvement or remission for a given
sensitive to measuring differences than the more traditional period of time, then are randomized and followed up until
counting of failures. Instead of KM analyses, some studies the occurrence of a new episode or need for clinical inter-
have used mean change over time of symptomatic rating vention. While this has merits inpatient populations in
scales such as the YMRS and MADRS (McIntyre, 2010; whom this degree of wellness is readily achieved, it is far
Tohen et al., 2003). The limitation of the change over time from ideal for those with highly treatment-resistant illness.
analyses is that only minor shifts of statistical means for all In order to enable future pooled analyses of bipo-
patients are captured using this method. lar maintenance trials’ results, besides a standardized
As indicated in Chapter 43 of this book, one option for approach on the efficacy measures in terms of prophylaxis
assessing daily or weekly subsyndromal mood fluctuations from emerging manic or depressive episodes, future RCTs

S trategies for I mproving R andomized T rial E vidence for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   617
should also quantify data on the important side effects such Sunovion, Takeda, Teva, the Spanish Ministry of Science
as weight gain or metabolic syndrome, undesirable neuro- and Innovation (CIBERSAM), the Seventh European
logical or cognitive effects, and TEAS, as well as quality of Framework Programme (ENBREC), and the Stanley
life, total life years gained, and functionality, in a standard- Medical Research Institute.
ized approach. Dr.  Dina Popovic’s work is supported by a Sara
Given that BD is an especially heterogeneous condi- Borrell post-doctoral grant, provided by Carlos III
tion, it might be wise to allow a limited degree of “pre- Institute (CD13/00149), Spanish Ministry of Science and
planned diversity” into the maintenance trials, provided Innovation. Dr. Popovic has received research grants from,
that equal allocation into study arms is maintained, or served as a speaker for, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck
objective outcome assessments are utilized, and, most Sharp & Dohme, and Janssen-Cilag.
important, similarity and transitivity of the trials are not Dr. Sarah Wooderson is employed by King’s College
jeopardized. More RCTs and more secondary outcomes London. This chapter presents independent research part-
in wisely planned designs may enable more effective clini- funded by the National Institute for Health Research
cal decision-making by utilizing advanced meta-analyses (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at South London
methods involving direct and indirect comparisons, sen- and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College
sitivity analysis, and meta-regressions. In order to achieve London. The views expressed are those of the author
this we suggest (a) employment of the NIMH-LCM™ for and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the
detection of daily or weekly subsyndromal mood fluc- Department of Health. No external funding was used for
tuations in addition to weekly or biweekly assessments of this study.
mania and depression cross-sectionally via employment of Dr.  Allan Young is employed by King’s College
standardized scales such as the YMRS and MADRS as London; Honorary Consultant SLaM. He has given paid
appropriate; (b)  employment of 52 weeks of study dura- lectures and been on advisory boards for all major phar-
tion; (c)  study designs that avoid withdrawal or discon- maceutical companies with drugs used in affective and
tinuation effects; (d) regular and standardized assessment related disorders. He has no share holdings in pharmaceu-
and reporting of all important side effects such as weight tical companies. He was lead investigator for Embolden
gain or metabolic syndrome, undesirable neurological or Study (AZ), BCI Neuroplasticity Study, and Aripiprazole
cognitive effects, and TEAS, as well as quality of life, life Mania Study and has participated in investigator-initiated
years gained, and functionality; (e)  regular reporting on studies from AZ, Eli Lilly, Lundbeck, and Wyeth. Grant
the lifetime occurrence of depressive versus manic/mixed funding (past and present) includes:  USA:  National
episodes and subgroup analysis on patients with predomi- Institute of Mental Health, Brain and Behavior Research
nantly depressive versus manic/mixed polarity; (f) regular Foundation (NARSAD), Stanley Medical Research
reporting on the lifetime occurrence of psychotic features Institute; Canada: Canadian Institutes of Health Research,
and subgroup analysis on patients with psychotic versus UBC-VGH Foundation, WEDC, CCS Depression
nonpsychotic features; and (g)  regular reporting on the Research Fund, MSFHR; UK:  MRC; Wellcome Trust;
occurrence of rapid cycling features and subgroup analy- Royal College of Physicians; BMA; NIHR. 
sis on patients with rapid cycling versus nonrapid cycling This chapter presents independent research part-
features. funded by the National Institute for Health Research
(NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at South London
Disclosure statement:  Dr.  Ayşegül Yildiz has received and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College
research grants from or served as a consultant to, or London. The views expressed are those of the author
speaker for, Abdi Ibrahim, Actavis, AliRaif, AstraZeneca, and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen-Cilag, Lundbeck, Pfizer, Department of Health.
Sanofi-Aventis, and Servier. Dr. Juan Undurraga has not disclosed any conflicts of
Dr.  Eduard Vieta has received grants and served as interest.
consultant, advisor or CME speaker for the following
entities:  AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Elan, Eli
Lilly, Ferrer, Forest Research Institute, Gedeon Richter, R E F E R E NC E S
Glaxo-Smith-Kline, Janssen-Cilag, Jazz, Johnson &
Johnson, Lundbeck, Merck, Novartis, Otsuka, Pfizer, Agid, O., Siu, C.  O., Potkin, S.  G., Kapur, S., Watsky, E., Vander-
Roche, Rovi, Sanofi-Aventis, Servier, Shire, Solvay, burg, D., . . . Remington, G. (2013). Meta-regression analysis of

618   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
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62 2   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
Robert M. Post and Ayşegül Yildiz

INTRODUCTION presentations is very high incidence of comorbidities;

within the many US series, patients with BD have a comor-
A number of characteristics of bipolar disorder (BD) make bid anxiety disorder at a rate of 40% and an accompanying
it particularly difficult to study. BD is not only extremely substance abuse disorder present at a similar rate (Kessler
pleomorphic but is complicated by more psychiatric comor- et  al., 1994; McElroy et  al., 2001). Substance abuse often
bidities than virtually any other major psychiatric illness. begins early in bipolar adolescents, who are seven time more
This vast heterogeneity of illness presentation stands in likely to adopt substance abuse compared with healthy age
absolute contradiction to the ideal requirements (for homo- mates (Wilens et al., 2004).
geneity) in the traditional randomized controlled clinical
trials (RCTs; Leber, 2002; Post & Luckenbaugh, 2003).
Moreover, episodes of BD are characterized by psychomo- E F F IC AC Y–E F F E C T I V E N E S S   G A P
tor behaviors of essentially opposite poles of manic hyperac-
tivity and depressive slowness, lethargy, lack of motivation, While the presence of each type of comorbidity—alcohol
and social withdrawal (Post, Keck, & Rush, 2002). Each abuse, substance abuse, or a comorbid anxiety disorder—can
type of episode can further vary in terms of severity and yield a more difficult-to-treat bipolar subgroup with a less
duration, yielding patterns ranging from isolated intermit- favorable prognosis, the complexity of illness presentations
tent episodes to more rapid cycling, biphasic and triphasic and the trial designs required to deal with them has led to a
mood alterations, and continuous cycling without a well paucity of studies considering comorbidity in BD. Further,
interval. attempts to generate homogeneous patient populations
In our recently collected outpatient series, 64.1% of for routine RCTs, which is critical for drug approval, have
patients had a pattern of rapid cycling (four or more epi- likely led to distinctive trial populations, at the expense of
sodes in a year prior to network entry), representing a sub- losing close comparison with the real-world clinical set-
stantial group with much faster patterns of recurrences tings. While patients with specific comorbidities or rapid
(Nolen et al., 2004; Post, Chang, & Suppes, 2004). Further cycling patterns are explicitly excluded from regular RCTs,
complicating the picture of the complexities of bipolar pre- given the difficulties in dealing with severer forms of illness
sentations are episodes that present as admixtures of mania (such as suicidality in depressive or mixed phases or high
and depression with several types of mixed states (Frye, energy, overactivity, reduced sleep, inflated mood, and poor
2008; Kupka et al., 2005; Suppes et al., 2005). It has been insight in manic phases), patients experiencing erratic shifts
previously reported that 66% of women and 44% of men in mood in such extreme levels are also often implicitly not
with BD type II experience some concurrent depressive considered as suitable candidates for the placebo-controlled
symptoms during hypomania (Suppes et al., 2005). RCTs. As a consequence, patient populations in the tradi-
Excluding hypomania, either phase of illness may tional RCTs are likely to be enriched for placebo rather
have accompanying psychotic elements with hallucina- than active drug responders. In support of this view, a recent
tions and delusions. Also, extremes of irritability, as well report revealed a remarkably high percentage of exclusion
as anger attacks, are not uncommon during manic or in the process of potential subject selection during conduct
depressive phases of illness. Superimposed on these diverse of a regular RCT (Blanco et al., 2008).

62 3
The assessment of the degree of efficacy of a drug is N E E D F OR   DE S IG N S T H AT
therefore derived from highly selective subject popula- MOR E OP T I M A L LY I N F OR M
tions and may not well reflect actual degree of effective- C L I N IC A L PR AC T IC E
ness in the real-world treatment situations—the so-called
efficacy–effectiveness gap. This has major implications For these and a multitude of other reasons, many have
for clinical decision-making. Many studies directed strongly advocated for funding of more practical clinical
toward demonstrating efficacy for approval by the Food trials, particularly for patients with BD. These studies are
and Drug Administration (FDA) or some other regula- more typical of what has been considered services research
tory body do not provide optimal assistance to patients and categorized more as effectiveness trials (March et al.,
and clinicians in choosing and sequencing alternatives in 2005; Sachs, 2001; Slade & Priebe, 2001). Such tri-
the face of inadequate response (Post et al., 2002; Post & als involving patients with more complex and multiple
Luckenbaugh, 2003). The accumulated RCTs evidence comorbidities are particularly helpful in guiding routine
being grounded on such selected patient populations is lim- clinical practice. In such trials, effectiveness and tolerabil-
ited in affording evidence-based treatment alternatives also ity data can be rapidly acquired in a much less expensive
for treatment-resistant cases. Recent estimates suggest that open or assessor blind fashion with, for example, patients
the majority of patients in the United States are treatment randomly exposed to one or another active treatment arm
resistant, and a recent Scandinavian study suggested that (Benson & Hartz, 2000; Concato, Shah, & Horwitz,
only 5% of patients are excellent long-term responders to 2000). A  similar approach employed in the BALANCE
lithium monotherapy during 10-year follow-up (Kessing, study has successfully demonstrated the superiority of
Hellmund, & Andersen, 2012). lithium and the combination of lithium and valproate
over valproate alone for maintenance treatment of BD
(Geddes et al., 2010).
T R I A L S F OR   DRUG R E G I S T R AT ION Another approach to clinical utility would be to
V E R S US T HO S E T H AT A R E MO S T cross-over nonresponsive patients to the other agent in
C L I N IC A L LY I N F OR M AT I V E comparative studies. One could cross-over partial respond-
ers as well in order to achieve within-subjects comparability
If a patient does meet typical 50% improvement response of the two treatments for both efficacy, effectiveness, and
criterion in a traditional RCT, additional information is tolerability, particularly when both treatments are gener-
often not provided about what treatment options may be ally considered at equipoise.
required in order to achieve a more complete response or The STEP-BD network has utilized a series of nested
the ideal of a remission. For example, in our most recent trials similar to those employed in the STAR-D trial,
meta-analytic data set of antimanic treatment trials, only in which a given patient continues in the program and is
half of the placebo-controlled studies reported on the exposed to additional options to either switch treatment or
remission rates, with the figure even less for the drug ver- augment treatment in multiple sequences with the goal of
sus drug comparisons (Yildiz, Nikodem, Vieta, Correll, & bringing as many patients as possible into remission (Rush,
Baldessarini, 2014). This is increasingly an important goal 2007; Rush et al., 2000; Sachs, 2001).
because considerable data indicate that residual manic or Examining the effectiveness of complex combination
depressive symptomatology is a poor prognosis factor and treatments employed in observational naturalistic studies
augurs the likelihood of the emergence of a full-blown syn- may provide a variety of preliminary and exploratory data
dromal breakthrough episode at some point in the near and hypotheses about what might be the most optimal
future (Judd et al., 2002; Perlis et al., 2006). sequences to explore in more systematic sequential clini-
Moreover, while there is wide recognition that multiple cal trials. The most recent practical clinical trials have been
drugs used in combination are the norm for children and disappointing in that adding lithium to treatment as usual
adult bipolar patients, the drugs are almost invariably ini- (Nierenberg et al., 2013) or lamotrigine to the combination
tially studied for regulatory approval as monotherapy and of lithium and valproate (Kemp et  al., 2012)  have shown
only more recently as dual drug combinations. Clinical little benefit.
trial designs have not yet included those needed for eluci- Other methodological options include play the win-
dating the best sequences of drugs to be tried and the com- ner strategies, mirror images, and a variety of other
binations most likely to be effective (Post & Luckenbaugh, approaches used in cardiology, oncology, and infec-
2003; Sachs, 2001). tious diseases (Gelenberg, 1994; Gelenberg et al., 2008;

62 4   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
Lavori, Dawson, & Rush, 2000; Rush et al., 2000). In population. Of those who were then randomized to either
these other areas of medicine one often has data from lithium or valproate monotherapy, approximately 50%
RCTs examining the effectiveness of one combination relapsed on additional follow-up, suggesting that only
of three or four drugs compared with another combi- some 10% to 12% of rapid-cycling patients may be respon-
nation of agents. These kinds of studies have provided sive to either monotherapy.
information about optimal combination treatments The perception of the high degree of efficacy of lithium
for congestive heart failure, lymphomas, and AIDs, to and related anticonvulsant mood stabilizers has been cited
name just a few. Multiple drugs used in combination as one of the reasons that clinical trials of psychopharmaco-
for treatment of BD are rarely systematically explored, logical agents in BD have been so consistently under funded
even though complex combination therapy appears to in the past 40 years compared with other serious mental ill-
be the norm in most academic and clinical practice nesses such as schizophrenia (Prien & Potter, 1990; Prien &
settings. However, caution should be taken in design- Rush, 1996). Other reasons for the poor funding of clinical
ing such trials to facilitate homogenous data accumu- treatment research in BD are particularly pertinent to the
lation by employment of clinically most widely used topic of this chapter and include lack of agreed-upon study
combination treatments. Otherwise, heterogeneity in designs and outcome measures for long-term assessment of
accumulated evidence may preclude use of advanced meta- the illness.
analytic methods (Yildiz, Vieta, Correll, Nikodem, &
Baldessarini, 2014). An example of a sequential treat-
ments’ design employing combination treatments of C ON T ROV E R S Y A B OU T 
most clinical interest for treatment of bipolar depression OP T I M A L DE S IG N S A N D
is provided in a model in Figure 43.1a with, and 43.1b R AT I NG I N S T RU M E N T S
without, a placebo comparison.
Review panels readily accept the appropriateness of
the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) or
“ H I DDE N ” H IG H DE G R E E S OF  Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS)
T R E AT M E N T R E S I S TA NC E for depression, the Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive
Scale for obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the Positive
The overestimation of effectiveness of single agents in and Negative Syndrome Scale or Brief Psychiatric Rating
BD also has further unintended negative spin-offs. The Scale for studies in schizophrenia, but there is less agree-
degree of treatment resistance in the general population ment on the most appropriate instruments for assessing the
of patients with BD is underestimated (Gitlin, Swendsen, longitudinal course of BD. Repeated cross sectional mea-
Heller, & Hammen, 1995; Goldberg, Harrow, & Leon, sures with the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) and
1996; Kessing et al., 2012; Nolen et al., 2004; Post et al., HAMD are the norm and are widely used in acute clinical
2004; Vestergaard, 1992). Lithium is still touted in many trials in mania and depression but often leave gaps in the
textbooks as being efficacious in some 50% to 80% of more detailed assessment of the long-term course during
bipolar patients for acute treatment, while response rates prophylactic studies in rapidly fluctuating patients. Recent
(much or very much improved on the Clinical Global evidence synthesis methods enable multidimensional effec-
Impression Scale for use in Bipolar Illness [CGI-BP]; tiveness assessments including the ones on cognition or
Spearing, Post, Leverich, Brandt, & Nolen, 1997) in memory or other measures of functionality as measures of
long-term prophylaxis being close to 25% using “lithium disease severity or degree of clinical response. International
monotherapy,” but, in reality, such a designation often also health-care systems in their cost-effectiveness assessments
allows antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and antipsychot- have increasingly begun to employ such multidimensional
ics as necessary (Denicoff, Smith-Jackson, Bryan, Ali, & comparative effectiveness analysis (Yildiz, Vieta, et  al.,
Post, 1997; Denicoff, Smith-Jackson, Disney, Ali, et al., 2014). This is important clinically because without employ-
1997). Another example of this derives from the data of ment of such multidimensional models, reimbursement
Calabrese and associates (2005) in rapid cycling bipolar strategies may approve the cheapest drugs if they are also
patients, a not uncommon variant. In these instances, effective. For example haloperidol, as the cheapest available
patients experienced only short-term mood stabilization antimanic treatment, may rank first in a model consider-
to the combination of lithium and valproate in 25% of ing only efficacy and cost but much lower when the model
the observed cases and in only 17% of the intent-to-treat includes additional data on functionality, quality of life,

C hallenges in D esigning R eliable and F easible T rials for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   625
Continue Li/VPA plus Continue Li/VPA plus
Lamotrigine 96 wk or Fluoxetine 96 wk or Continue Li/VPA plus
Li/VPA plus sp
on until relapse until relapse Bupropion 96 wk or
Re se until relapse
Lamotrigine on se
No sp pon
5 wk R esp Re Res
e Li/VPA plus Li/VPA plus No
No Response Response Endpoint
Fluoxetine 5 wk Bupropion 5 wk

Continue Li/VPA plus

Continue Li/VPA
Pramipexole 96 wk or
plus Lurasidone 96
until relapse
wk or until relapse on
nse sp
spo Re
Li/VPA plus Re Li/VPA plus
Rand. Lurasidone No
Pramipexole No
Response Response
5 wk 5 wk

Continue Li/VPA plus

Continue Li/VPA plus
Placebo 96 wk or until
Quetiapine 96 wk or until relapse Li/VPA plus Lurasidone 96

wk or until relapse

Li/VPA plus



5 wk Res No
se Li/VPA plus No Li/VPA plus No Endpoint
Quetiapine 5 wk Response Lurasidone 5 wk Response

Continue Li/VPA plus

Continue Li/VPA plus
96 wk or until Continue Li/VPA plus
n se Fluoxetine 96 wk or
Li/VPA plus spo relapse Pramipexole
Re until relapse
Lamotrigine 96 wk or until relapse

No spo

5 wk Re Re
spo Li/VPA plus Li/VPA plus

Fluoxetine Response Pramipixole No
5 wk 5 wk

Continue Li/VPA plus Continue Li/VPA plus

Lurasidone Bupropion
Li/VPA plus Res
pon 96 wk or until relapse 96 wk or until relapse
Lurasidone e
Rand. spo
5 wk N
Resp o Li/VPA Re
plus Li/VPA plus Continue Li/VPA plus
Pramipexole Response Pramipexole
5 wk 5 wk Re No 96 wk or until relapse

Continue Li/VPA plus
Quetiapine Continue Li/VPA plus
96 wk or until relapse Lurasidone
Li/VPA plus Res
96 wk or until relapse Li/VPA plus
Quetiapine 5 wk Pramipexole

Re No

se 96 wk or until relapse

Li/VPA plus Re
Lurasidone No Response Li/VPA plus No
5 wk Pramipexole 5 wk Response Endpoint

Figure 43.1 
(a) Sequential treatments design involving a placebo comparison for bipolar depression. (b) Sequential treatments design for bipolar

cognition, tardive dyskinesia, and total life years gained. as well as treatment-emergent affective switches so long as
Ideally, such a cost-effectiveness model for BD could the quantifiable data on these measures could be obtained.
include data on full clinical recovery or daily or weekly One option for assessing daily or weekly subsyndro-
subsyndromal mood fluctuations, functionality, cognition, mal mood fluctuations versus full clinical recovery (in
suicidality, metabolic, neurologic, and hormonal wellness, addition to repeated use of cross-sectional scales) is the

62 6   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
National Institute of Mental Health Life Chart Method™ a continuous variable, which should vastly increase the
(NIMH-LCM™), which has both a clinician-rated and power to detect treatment difference compared with a
self-rated version for assessing severity of mania and depres- single endpoint of percentage of relapse into a new epi-
sion on a daily basis (Leverich & Post, 1996, 1998). It can sode (Kraemer, 1991).
also track extremes of cycling, presence of dysphoric mania, Traditional designs in assessment of the efficacy of a
and comorbid symptoms. In addition, it has a running prophylactic treatment have typically required patients to
tally of medications and a space for rating side effects with achieve substantial improvement or remission for a given
mild, moderate, or severe impact. Reliability is excellent, as period of time, and then are randomized and followed up
severity of mania and depression is rated on the degree of until the occurrence of a new episode or need for clinical
functional impairment with which each phase is associated, intervention (Bowden et  al., 2000; Calabrese, Shelton,
making recall of severity relatively easy even at intervals of Rapport, Kimmel, & Elhaj, 2002). While this has merits
several weeks to a month between rating sessions (Denicoff in patient populations in whom this degree of wellness is
et  al., 2002; Denicoff, Smith-Jackson, Disney, Suddath, readily achieved, it is far from ideal for those with highly
et al., 1997). treatment-resistant illness.
The scale has been validated against other measures In the epilepsies, for example, one does not require
and used productively in a number of studies including patients to be seizure-free in order to assess a single or
long-term comparisons of lithium versus carbamazepine adjunctive therapy but rather the reduction in seizure
versus the combination for one year of prophylaxis for each frequency with the addition of the new drug or placebo
phase (Denicoff, Smith-Jackson, Disney, Ali, et al., 1997), (Brodie, 1996). Similarly, assessing the reduction in area
comparisons of lamotrigine, gabapentin, and placebo (Frye under the curve of manic and depressive symptomatol-
et  al., 2000; Obrocea et  al., 2002), and, most recently, ogy would appear to have considerable merit in those with
detailed analysis of lamotrigine’s long-term effects on mood high degrees of treatment resistance. This is typically the
stability (Goldberg et al., 2008). Related longitudinal rat- case when one is attempting to ascertain which treatments,
ings that have been performed by the STEP-BD program adjuncts, or combinations are, in fact, most likely to sta-
are also endorsed (Sachs, 2001), as such detailed description bilize the patient, rather than asking the question of how
of the precise course of illness is particularly important in long a patient, once stabilized, can maintain this degree of
instances of extreme rapidity of cycling, which can even improvement.
occur in outpatients with bipolar disorder in demanding Using this strategy, one can begin to make statements
professions. about prevention of mania and depression based on
These recommendations for a frequent if not daily relatively short time frames of observations (Post, Frye,
longitudinal measurement device in studies of long-term Leverich, & Denicoff, 1998; Post & Leverich, 2008). In
prophylaxis are also consistent with data from a variety of fact, it has been pointed out in the epilepsies that the
prospective follow-up studies, indicating that patients with higher the seizure frequency at baseline, the shorter the
BD are ill an average of some 50% of the time and spend required trial duration for a clinical trial in order to dem-
three times more time depressed than manic (Judd & onstrate prophylactic efficacy of a given treatment agent.
Akiskal, 2003; Kupka et  al., 2007). Given the repeated Similarly, given the considerable degree of treatment
observations that minor increases in symptomatology are resistance in BD, attempts at developing new treatments
often precursors to the occurrence of a more major episode, for those difficult-to-treat patients should involve such
such fine-grained assessments are of great clinical impor- rating and design strategies in patient populations with
tance, as well as necessary for capturing the nuances of relatively high percentages of rapid and faster cycling pat-
mood fluctuations during clinical trials. terns (making use of the most highly recurrent patients)
One of the major assets of such detailed longitudinal rather than excluding them.
ratings is the ability to simultaneously assess different Highly sophisticated ways of analyzing such rap-
thresholds for what one might consider as mild, moderate, idly changing state data are discussed by Chassan et al.
or severe relapse, as well as employ modal measures such (1992). Since last observation carried forward analysis
as that of area under the curve, signifying the magnitude has many liabilities especially when there are missing
and duration of mania and depression. Such a measure data, the use of linear mixed (Hedeker, Mermelstein, &
of area under the curve allows for precise intraindividual Demirtas, 2008) or related models (Salim, Mackinnon,
comparisons of the degree of symptomatology observed & Griffiths, 2008) may be better to employ in analysis
prior to and after a given experimental manipulation as of such data.

C hallenges in D esigning R eliable and F easible T rials for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   62 7
C ON S I DE R AT ION S ON   MODE L with false negatives in delivering risk for clinically mislead-
R A N D OM I Z E D C ON T ROL L E D ing information.
T R I A L DE S IG N S Another concern in terms of manifest or subtle (unde-
tected) false negative (failure) and false positive trials is
Klein et al. (2002), Kraemer and Pruyn (1990), and Brouwer related to the potential sources of biases, such as random-
and Mohr (1991) emphasized that one of the reasons that ization bias, allocation concealment or outcome assessment
traditional placebo-controlled parallel group RCTs some- bias, or bias in dosing strategies or in patient or active com-
times fail is that not enough preliminary work is done in parator selection. Again, considering the huge amount of
advance of these large, extremely expensive trials (Kraemer financial, physical, and intellectual investment, the goal for
& Pruyn, 1990; Kraemer et al., 1987; Lasagna et al 1994; each RCT should be attaining of the most accurate and rep-
Malakoff, 2008). They suggest that there should be adequate licable results, and that goal can only be achieved through
testing of likely effective doses and preliminary assessment efforts in preventing any kind of biases.
of whether a given group is likely to be responsive. In these Given the phasic nature of BD, RCTs are accumulated
instances, initial pilot studies can be invaluable in avoiding in three groups for bipolar depression, mania, and main-
potential negative outcomes in RCTs (Brouwers & Mohr, tenance or prophylaxis. Consequently, accumulated evi-
1991; Klein et  al., 2002; Lasagna, 1994; Laska, Klein, dence in each group is evaluated individually with their
Lavori, Levine, & Robinson, 1994; Palmer & Rosenberger, own candidate effect modifiers and source of bias, as well
1999). Given the magnitude of investment in such RCTs, as noise. However, recently employed sequential treatment
efforts in detecting and minimizing sources of noise, bias, trials may include patients in acute phase of BD with longi-
false positive, or false negative results should be maximized. tudinal follow-up periods for prophylaxis yielding data for
In Chapter 42 of this book, strategies for improving signal acute as well as maintenance phases. Such trial designs may
detection in classical placebo-controlled parallel group or may not involve a placebo comparison and can be viewed
designs for the bipolar maintenance, depression, and mania as several RCTs following each other as illustrated in the
trials are discussed. In designing RCTs with a minimum Figure 43.1. Differences between adaptive and sequential
risk of false positive or false negative results, optimum sam- treatment trial designs and their randomization and sam-
ple size should be computed by use of actual effect estimates ple size estimation principles are provided in Chapter 44
obtained through the pooled analysis of previously attained of this book.
treatment effects aimed to achieve 80% to 90% power in
obtaining significance. For pooled effect estimates a simple
standard pairwise meta-analysis can be performed either A LT E R N AT I V E DE S IG N S F OR 
manually or by employing commercial packages. These PI L O T A N D PRO OF - OF - C ONC E P T
effect estimates and their standard deviations may then be E F F IC AC Y S T U DI E S
placed in a formula to compute the required sample size per
study arm, again either manually via use of appropriate sta- We suggest considering the usefulness of off-on-off-on
tistical tests such as the Fischer’s Exact Test or by employ- designs and N of 1 trials to make preliminary assess-
ing the written programs. If a RCT has a less than 80% ments of potential drug efficacy more efficiently (Post &
chance of detecting a true significance, then it is considered Luckenbaugh, 2003). These may be particularly useful in
to result from the small sample size, named as type II error clinical research involving treatment refractory patients
(a false negative result), also called a failed trial. Recently, and examination of potential neurobiological mechanisms
as the number of RCTs with type II error are decreasing, and predictors of clinical response to a given drug. In this
the ones with potential type I error (detecting false signifi- case, all of the patients in the clinical trial are started on
cance for a true nonsignificance)—in other words, trials placebo (off) and then assigned to the active agent (on).
with larger-than-needed sample sizes—are getting more Responders can be confirmed in a second off trial and then
frequent. This may in part relate to the nature of funding reconfirmed by re-responsiveness during the second on
by the manufacturers and the underlying rational of regu- trial (i.e., the utilization of a B-A-B-A design). This type
latory approval for their conduct. Given that with larger of design allows for the assessment of clinical responsiv-
sample sizes obtaining significance for minor change in ity in all of the patients studied rather than just half the
scores would be more likely, this trend in designing RCTs population in the traditional placebo parallel group design
of larger samples is understandable. However, type I errors without a crossover. It also deals well with illness hetero-
with false significance are as important as the type II errors geneity, as each patient uses his or her own baseline as the

62 8   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
control from which to assess responsivity. Moreover, in a can also be addressed in the beginning of the statistical
traditional RCT there is no way to assess whether an indi- analysis (Chassan, 1979).
vidual patient has or has not responded to a drug (Chassan, Many of these approaches have been illustrated in some
1992; Laska et  al., 1994), particularly in instances where detail in McDermut et  al. (1995) and overviewed in our
there are relatively high placebo response rates. The confir- papers on design issues in clinical trials for patients with
mation of responsivity during the second off and on phases BD (Post & Luckenbaugh, 2003; Post, 2010). These could
mitigates this problem and, essentially, if the response and involve chi squares for the percentage of days euthymic
re-response is robust enough, “proves” that a given patient while on placebo versus on active drug; aggregating all of
is actually a responder (Gaus & Hogel, 1995; McDermut the data from each on-drug phase and each off-drug or
et al., 1995; Post et al., 1998). placebo phase and then performing between group t tests
Once it has been established that a drug is effective in on whatever rating scales are being used (Gentile et  al.,
a series of N of 1 trials one could then move to compara- 1972); or, when there are substantial time trends in the
tive clinical trials in order to assess the wider percentage data, considering Winer’s Z approach, which calculates a
likelihood of response in different subgroups of patients mean symptomatology score for each separate phase and
and at the same time gain more robust tolerability data. compares it sequentially to the next phase with a t value
We have done this using the double-blind B-A-B-A design (Winer, 1971).
with the dihydropyridine L-type calcium channel blocker
nimodipine (McDermut et al., 1995; Pazzaglia et al., 1998;
Pazzaglia, Post, Ketter, George, & Marangell, 1993; Post T R I A L DU R AT ION S I N   T H E
& Leverich, 2008), which has now been studied in a larger T R A DI T ION A L R A N D OM I Z E D
randomized, comparative trial involving some 200 subjects C ON T ROL L E D T R I A L S I N 
and showing that the nimodipine in combination with M A N I A A N D DE PR E S S ION
lithium was superior to combinations of it with valproate,
carbamazepine, or lamotrigine (Chaudry et al., 2010). Three weeks is considered the minimum if not ideal trial
The relative assets and liabilities of the traditional pla- length for studies in acute mania. Six to eight weeks is
cebo parallel group RCT and that of the B-A-B-A designs consistently used in studies of acute bipolar depression.
are outlined in Table 43.1. One clear liability of the B-A-B-A However, with the new studies of the rapidly acting anti-
design is that it is not traditionally FDA acceptable. depressants, such as IV ketamine or scopolamine, or even
However, the FDA has accepted the testing and approval the older studies of sleep deprivation, more intensive ratings
of multiple adjunctive agents for those in the refractory epi- are required over short periods of time. Traditional dura-
lepsies, and now more recently for adjunctive treatment in tions of prophylactic studies have typically based on a long
bipolar depression, so one would hope that other innovative lead-in period in order to achieve mood stabilization and
designs would also increasingly be acceptable to the FDA. then durations of six months to 1.5 years for mood desta-
In the face of a series of positive N of 1 studies, one may bilization assessments in comparison to placebo. However,
also be at a loss to decide the appropriate threshold for the as noted previously, for the large group of patients with
number of such positive individual responders observed rapid or faster cycling patterns and a high degree of treat-
in order to consider a drug efficacious enough to promote ment resistance, trial durations can be markedly attenuated
the development of a large RCT or even, in some instances, (Cochran, 1954).
directly win FDA approval. Busk and Serlin (1992) suggest
that N of 1 trials can be aggregated to provide evidence of
an overall drug effect even in special populations such as C RO S S OV E R T R I A L S F OR 
those with treatment resistance. E N H A NC I NG C L I N IC A L
Statistical approaches to analyzing off-on-off-on data I N F OR M AT IC S A N D
were made easier in patients with ultra-rapid fluctuations. S TAT I S T IC A L   P OW E R
Gentile, Roden, and Klein (1972) and others have made
the argument that treating these within-subjects data on March et  al. (2005) and many others have advocated for
extreme mood fluctuations as emanating from the indi- greater use of practical clinical trials in order to gener-
vidual as “a random events generator” can lead to the ate data more pertinent to clinical decision-making, as
appropriate application of analyses originally intended for well as facilitate data acquisition with easier to perform
completely independent events. Issues of autocorrelation and less expensive clinical trials. One of these approaches

C hallenges in D esigning R eliable and F easible T rials for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   62 9



+  Meets FDA requirements – Cumbersome, inflexible + Flexible, suitable for pilot – Traditionally not FDA
studies acceptable
+  Standard in literature – Not appropriate for initial +  Dose exploration possible – Statistics not agreed upon
phases of drug discovery

+ Minimizes time commitment – Requires large N; typically + Smaller N possible to – Possible sequence or car-
for patients multiple centers demonstrate efficacy ryover effects

+ Standard statistics readily – Placebo exposure mandated + Placebo periods can be – Uncertain number of
available for a portion of subjects dropped in nonresponders N-of-1 studies sufficient to
demonstrate efficacy

+ Controls for group-oriented – Focus on overall group +  Less prone to type II errors – Extended time commit-
confounds response ment required of patients

+ Relatively easy interpretation – Confounds individual and +  Less expensive – “Off” trials risk illness
of results placebo response assessment exacerbation

+ Potential for demonstrating – Only half of patient +  Can be conducted at one site – Ethical issues with giving
assay sensitivity population available for +  Patient as own control placebos
biological and predictor

+  Less prone to type I errors – Focused entry criteria and + Wider entry criteria feasible – Group-oriented effects
homogeneous samples more difficult to examine

+  Ability to stratify samples – Dose schedule usually + Trial length can be individu-
predetermined alized
+ Response can be confirmed
in individuals

– Costly and difficult to + All patients available for bio-

manage logical predictor studies

– No guarantee of active + Causality of side effects may

medication exposure for all be established and confirmed

– Ethical issues with giving


– No comparative information + Comparison of response to

for clinicians multiple medications pos-
+ Potential for unplanned
crossover effects
+ Suitable for high-risk popula-
tions with refractory illness
NOTE: FDA = US Food and Drug Administration.

would be a randomization to two active agents for an ini- These kinds of practical clinical trial approaches not only
tial examination of effectiveness and tolerability. Then, more closely follow clinical decision-making but also
nonresponders to either treatment could be crossed over would help to inform it and have been widely used in the
to the other treatment (Geller et al., 2012). In a potential STAR-D, STEP-BD, CATIE, and Stanley Foundation
third phase, nonresponders to either monotherapy could Bipolar Network attempts to study real patients more lon-
then be randomized to a combination of the two initially gitudinally and begin to ascertain what might be the most
studied drugs compared with a third new intervention. effective treatment approaches for eventually achieving

63 0   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
sustained responses and remissions (Perlis et  al., 2004; size required for a given effect size. If one has a large effect
Greenhouse et al., 1991; Whitehead, 1991). size, for example, where d equals about 0.80, only 15 sub-
Another more formal alternative is to systematically jects would be required in a one sample crossover design
crossover all patients to a given set of treatments. This kind study in order to achieve a two-tailed alpha  =  0.05 and
of design has often been met with global statements that power = 0.80. However, in the traditional parallel group,
crossovers are discredited, partially based on the critique two-sample design, 26 subjects/group (i.e., a total of 52,
of Brown (1980). However, many statisticians have made or more than three times that required in the crossover
the opposite argument and favor the more clinician- and sample) would be required. With a medium effect size of
patient-friendly characteristics of the crossover design com- 0.5, a one-sample design would require 34 subjects, but the
pared with the traditional RCTs. Laska et al. (1994) make two-sample design would require a total of 126 subjects, or
the point that the increased power of crossover designs and 63 patients per group. The figure illustrates that the cross-
the ability to study all patients on an active agent for gen- over trials need only about 25% of the number of patients
erating clinical and neurobiological markers and correlates that are needed in the parallel design trial (Schouten,
of clinical response together outweigh any of the potential 1999). This increased power of having all of the subjects
liabilities of crossover designs such as sequence or carryover exposed to each treatment in an intensive neurobiologi-
effects. cal research group in which one is examining a variety of
An illustration of an even more complex example of measures that may be associated with prediction of clinical
such a study is that of Frye et al. (2000) and Obrocea et al. response or neuropathological effects of the illness inter-
(2002). In these instances, all patients were exposed in a acting with drug effects is invaluable. Preliminary assess-
randomized, double-blind fashion to three different phases ments of potential moderators or mediators of response
of treatment for an intended six weeks. This included (see later discussion) are also facilitated in designs allow-
exposure to a placebo, lamotrigine, and gabapentin. In ing all patients enrolled in the study to be exposed to each
this instance, there was a 53% (19/36) overall response for treatment.
lamotrigine, 28% (10/36) for gabapentin, and 22% (8/36)
for placebo, which were significantly different by Cochran’s
Q (p  =  .014). Post hoc analysis revealed that lamotrigine C A R RYOV E R E F F E C T S
was superior to both gabapentin and placebo.
The crossover studies also demonstrate the increased The multiple crossover trial discussed previously, as well
statistical power derived from exposing all patients to as more simple single crossovers, bring about concerns
each drug or phase, as opposed to the traditional RCTs. about the effect of carryover on response rates and the
Figure 43.2 illustrates the differences in minimal sample greater potential for dropout with a longer study period,

2 Sample
300 1 Sample – .2 Carryover
1 Sample
1 Sample + .2 Carryover
Minimum Sample Size





0.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0
Effect Size (d)

Figure 43.2  Minimal sample sizes; higher with small effect sizes and two sample studies.

C hallenges in D esigning R eliable and F easible T rials for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   631
as emphasized by Brown (1980). However, there are some greater (Merikangas et al., 2007; Bhugra, 2005). The defi-
additional advantages of the crossover design in which, in cits in funding of studies in bipolar depression is even more
contrast to the parallel group trials, an investigator does striking; there are only 3 FDA-approved drugs for this
not have to assume and demonstrate that the two random- indication.
ized groups are similar on the basis of demographics, illness In the 1994 meeting, John Rush summarized some of
severity course, and pattern of presentation at baseline. In the recommendations from the two prior meetings which
the repeated measures crossover trial, again, patients act as we and others have nicknamed “Rush’s Rules” for easy
their own control throughout the study. recognition. Among the recommendations was the inclu-
While carryover effects are clearly a potential problem sion of bipolar-I, bipolar-II, and bipolar—not otherwise
in the crossover trial, it is also noteworthy that unintended specified (NOS) subtypes in treatment studies of BD. Since
carryover effects can still occur in parallel group studies in bipolar-II has a lifetime prevalence double of bipolar-I
which treatment responsivity or nonresponsivity to previ- (Merikangas et al., 2007) and a suicide rate equal to that
ous drug exposures is rarely considered in the routine RCT of bipolar-I, its inclusion to RCTs of bipolar depression
designs (Gelenberg et al., 1989; Perlis et al., 2002). or maintenance studies was endorsed. Rush also recom-
In addition, statistical approaches can be used to take mended including patients with varying cycle frequencies,
the carryover effects into account (Otto, 1992). Even if the a theme we have previously mentioned in this chapter. He
possibility of a small to moderate carryover effect is taken also advocated the development of a standardized out-
into account for calculating the required sample size for a come assessment package and a development of consensus
study, the crossover design still tends to require a smaller on choices of acceptable longitudinal rating instruments.
sample, as illustrated in Figure 43.2. When the carryover A critical recommendation was that the list of acceptable
effect accounts for the equivalent of a small effect size, the design strategies be broadened so that other approaches
crossover design still continues to require many fewer par- besides the traditional parallel group RCTs could be more
ticipants than the two-sample study until the total sample widely used. These include crossover, mirror image, and
required reaches about 200. It is only when there is a sub- equipoise stratified designs; head-to-head comparisons; and
stantial amount of carryover effect that the parallel group adaptive and the many other designs alluded to here and
design begins to require a smaller sample size than the elsewhere that would provide more clinically useful infor-
two-sample design. mation to treating physicians (Lavori et  al., 2000, 2001).
Also, as noted in the introduction, substance abuse as well
as anxiety and other related comorbidities are common in
L ONG -T E R M T R E N D BD, and the most cost-effective design strategies should be
F OR   U N DE R S T U DY OF   B I P OL A R considered in these groups of patients in order to enhance
DI S OR DE R C OM PA R E D W I T H O T H E R clinical decision-making.
M AJ OR M E N TA L DI S OR DE R S Many of these comments were reiterated by March et al.
(2005), Post and Kowatch (2006), and many others, as well
In 1989 and 1994 the NIMH-sponsored meetings in an as most recently by Gelenberg et al. (2008) in recommend-
attempt to elucidate the reasons for the relative deficit in ing new design approaches in studies of unipolar depression.
the clinical trials portfolio in BD that had been long rec- They recommended use of adaptive clinical trial designs in
ognized and to develop potential solutions (Prien & Potter, which clinical decisions and adjustments in clinical care
1990; Prien & Rush, 1996). However, there are still many are based on adaptive threshold-dependent algorithms that
measures indicating this funding deficit has persisted. reflect individual patient’s needs, as well as the mechanism
One example may be the most recent network analysis by of action of the drug being tested and the expected response
Leucht et al. (2013) constructed by 212 short-term studies times. In these instances, benchmarks are to be established
of antipsychotics as monotherapy as identified in schizo- in advance, such that time frames and symptomatic criteria
phrenia, while the most recent network analysis by Yildiz, for clinical decision-making, for example when to raise or
Nikodem, et al. (2014), using comparable inclusion criteria, lower a dose or augment or switch treatment strategies, are
could identify only 57 studies as monotherapy for treat- clearly delineated.
ment of acute bipolar mania, a figure indicating a roughly In spite of these consensus recommendations summa-
27% funding for BD relative to schizophrenia. Yet the rized here under the rubric of Rush’s Rules, many of the
lifetime prevalence of BD is 1.1% to 4.4% versus 0.4% to most basic clinical comparisons have not yet been per-
0.8% for schizophrenia, so the real disparity is even much formed. Accumulated trial evidence for selecting the best

63 2   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
initial or followup treatment options for acute bipolar as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or internalizing
depression does not even allow a reliable synthesis. The field disorder such as anxiety or depression. While, for example,
is not only missing data on comparative efficacy assessments substance abuse comorbidity might be a presumed modera-
of individual treatment options for treatment of bipolar tor variable in clinical treatment trials of those with BD,
depression but also on drug class comparisons such as those it is also possible that the degree of clinical improvement
with mood stabilizers versus atypical antipsychotics versus and mood stabilization observed during the trial could be
adjunctive antidepressants (Pacchiarotti et  al., 2013). The a mediator variable for whether or not a primary substance
undersized pharmacological-trials portfolio for BD has abuse outcome is improved. In the case of comorbidities,
now carried over into the area of clinical treatment trials for separating moderator and mediator variables would appear
childhood-onset BD (Geller et al., 2008; Post, 2012; Post, to be of considerable importance and begin to allow better
Chang, & Frye, 2013; Post & Kowatch, 2006). delineation of most appropriate treatments.
One of the reasons that few of the recommendations In many of these instances, including more represen-
of the prior NIMH and McArthur conferences on design tative patients in the clinical trial does appear to increase
strategies in BD have been carried out is that there is an design complexity and potentially reduce statistical power
apparent incompatibility between the use of designs and for assessing the main efficacy outcome. This loss of homo-
populations that are most clinically informative and the geneity also makes evidence synthesis and meta-analyses
statistical and analytic requirements for a successful RCT. more difficult. These design attributes and difficulties per-
How one deals with the inclusion of BD-I, BD-II, and haps reflect the pharmaceutical industry’s almost universal
BD-NOS patients (and their comorbidities) in the same choice to deal with highly selective and more homogeneous
study feasibly and statistically is not readily apparent. While patient populations in classical RCTs in their attempts to
one approach might be to stratify for bipolar patients with register a new drug. Leon (2008) and Kraemer and Kupfer
and without a given comorbidity, this conflicts with the (2006) also make the point that the increasing use of
general recommendations to stratify for as few variables as effect sizes and number needed to treat (NNT) or num-
possible in order to limit loss of power in a given study. ber needed to harm (NNH), as illustrated in Table 43.2,
are highly dependent upon the population studied and that
NNT and NNH may be virtually useless without appro-
A S S E S S I NG MODE R ATOR S priate weighing of these variables and the severity of the
A N D M E DI ATOR S consequences of nontreatment. Hinshaw (2007) concluded
that:  “Treatment research in the future should explicitly
Kraemer, Stice, Kazdin, Offord, and Kupfer (2001), consider the exploration of moderator and mediator vari-
Kraemer, Wilson, Fairburn, and Agras (2002), Hinshaw ables, which can greatly aid the explanatory power of clini-
(2007), and Gelenberg et al. (2008) discuss the importance cal trials and specify the critical next steps for intervention
of delineating moderators and mediators in efficacy stud- research.” This is particularly important in BD clinical tri-
ies. Problematically, however, is the concomitant need for als in which potential moderator and mediator variables
extremely large Ns in order to accomplish this clinically are all too plentiful. In the face of establishing a moderator
critical task. Moreover, treating comorbidity as a potential variable (which requires that there is a statistical interaction
moderator variable requires a second study to definitely between the moderator variable and the predictor variable),
demonstrate the effect (i.e., that patients with a given
comorbidity would be less likely to respond to a given treat-
ment than those without).
A moderator variable is thus something identified and
measured prior to randomization as a pretreatment variable
that might have an effect on the treatment outcome. This
could include age, gender, psychiatric or medical comorbid- Small 0.20 0.56 0.11 8.89
ity, and so on. In contrast, a mediator variable is one that Medium 0.50 0.64 0.28 3.62
would be observed over the course of the treatment trial
Large 0.80 0.71 0.43 2.33
that may influence the outcome. For example, the effec-
NOTE: Adapted from Leon (2008).
tiveness of treatment of a mother’s depression could influ- NNT = Number Needed to Treat
ence the response of a child entered into a clinical trial of SRD = Success Rate Difference
Omit AVC
the efficacy of an agent for an externalizing disorder such

C hallenges in D esigning R eliable and F easible T rials for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   633
this also immediately raises the issue of how to better deal proves helpful for those seeking not only to construct
with that given moderator in the subsequent clinical trials. optimal RCTs but other designs as well. We also hope that
That is, if the presence of an anxiety disorder comorbid- those designing future trials with both the standard, ran-
ity is found to be an important moderator, for example, of domized controlled parallel group design and the many
less good response to lithium as the bulk of the evidence alternative designs noted will consider assimilating the
would now suggest, the next obvious pressing clinical ques- suggestions listed here. These are aimed at facilitating evi-
tion is to what sets of treatments such patients may, in fact, dence accumulation and enabling employment of standard
respond (Post et al., 1998). and advanced meta-analytic evidence synthesis methods
Similarly, moderator variables have now been extended and, as well, creating a strong database for optimal clinical
to include genotypes and single nucleotide polymorphism decision making.
(SNP) profiles, which we all expect will soon help in the pre- Given diversities in clinical presentations of BD, rather
diction of differential responsiveness of individuals to individ- than aiming trials on clinically rare types of patients, it
ual medication interventions. Here again we are faced with may be wiser to allow a limited degree of preplanned diver-
the need for rather large N clinical trials in order to begin to sity into the trial on condition that equal allocation into
ascertain what is likely to be the first fruits of the molecular study arms is maintained and objective outcome assess-
genetics revolution in the form of personalized medicine. ments are utilized. If the considerations noted here are
Both moderator and mediator tests are explanatory, employed, alternative designs may not only include patient
exploratory, and comprise secondary analyses to generate populations more similar to real-world clinical situations
hypotheses for the next set of potential series. Hinshaw but may also eventually provide a strong basis for clinical
quotes Kraemer et  al. (2002) in indicating that all too decision-making by use of advanced meta-analytic compu-
often such analyses are viewed pejoratively as “fishing expe- tations involving direct and indirect comparisons, sensitiv-
ditions” and are looked at askance by both granting and ity analysis, and meta-regressions.
manuscript review bodies. Instead, Hinshaw (2007) and Consequently, we suggest (a) worldwide increases in
Kraemer et al. (2002) emphasize the necessity of probing nonprofit funding sources, especially given the roughly three
for subgroups for whom treatments optimally work (mod- to four times higher prevalence of BD as relative to schizo-
erator variables) and examining the processes by which phrenia and 18 times more frequent funding by profit versus
treatments exert effects (mediators). In this fashion, it is nonprofit sources; (b) encouragement of technically com-
stressed that these kinds of examinations help bridge the petent investigator initiated RCTs conducted at selected
large gap between theory and practice. Hinshaw (2007) academic study sites; (c) efforts to minimize unnecessary
states, “There is often a balance between the typical goal sources of heterogeneity or variations in terms of trial dura-
of an efficacy study—to generate internally valid con- tions, end point or response definitions, and use of rescue
clusions regarding the precise effects of treatments on medications; (d) constant study arm level outcome report-
relative outcomes, which suggest narrow homogeneous ing via well-defined standard assessment tools; (e) unbiased
samples—and the more ecologically valid objectives of outcome assessment strategies; (f) consistent reporting on
effectiveness studies related to having diverse samples that study arm-based subgroup analyses (i.e., on bipolar patients
yield (a) external validity and generalizability of findings with or without psychotic or mixed manic or depressive
and (b) tests of key moderator-defined subgroup.” features, comorbid anxiety, or substance abuse disorders,
or patients with different bipolar subtypes or cycling pat-
terns); (g) adding objective quantifiable and standardized
reporting of individual side effects, treatment emergent
affective switches, as well as quality of life and functional-
ity measures; and (h) considering patient populations with
The classic placebo-controlled parallel group design of
more severe and treatment refractory forms of illness on the
a RCT is the gold standard for demonstrating efficacy,
condition that it is ethically justified with employment of
acquiring FDA approval, and facilitating meta-analyses.
utmost safety measures and optimized patient comfort.
Yet, as we have seen there is also the need for broaden-
ing the range of clinical trial designs in light of the vast Disclosure statement: Dr.  Ayşegül Yildiz has received
heterogeneity of presentation of BD and fostering opti- research grants from or served as a consultant to, or
mal clinical decision-making. We hope this discussion speaker for, Abdi Ibrahim, Actavis, AliRaif, AstraZeneca,

63 4   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
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C hallenges in D esigning R eliable and F easible T rials for T reatment of B ipolar D isorder   •   63 7
Fan Wu, Eric B. Laber, and Emanuel Severus*

INTRODUCTION treatment options to depend on intermediate patient out-

comes (e.g., responder status). The use of multiple ran-
The management of bipolar disorder and other chronic domizations allows for efficient and statistically rigorous
conditions requires ongoing individualized treatment that evaluation and comparison of DTRs (Lavori & Dawson,
is adaptive to the evolving heath status of each patient. 2004;Murphy, 2005a). For example, in the context of
The concept of individualized treatment is not new among bipolar depression, a simple DTR is (a) at baseline assign a
clinical and intervention scientists; indeed, personalized mood stabilizer; (b) if after six weeks the subject exhibits at
medicine is discussed in one of the earliest texts on modern least a 50% improvement on the continuous symptom sub-
medicine (Osler, 1893). However, a more recent phenome- scale for depression (SUM-D; Sachs, Guill, & McMurrich,
non is the construction of evidence-based (i.e., data-driven) 2002) over baseline and does not meet the Diagnostic and
adaptive treatment strategies known as dynamic treatment Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth edition;
regimes (DTRs; Murphy, 2003; Robins, 2004). A  DTR DSM-IV) criteria for (hypo)mania then continue current
is a sequence of decision rules, one for each clinical deci- treatment; otherwise (c) augment the mood stabilizer with
sion point, that map up-to-date patient information to a bupropion (BUP). An appropriately designed SMART
recommended intervention. Because DTRs recommend (described later) facilitates estimation of the average cumu-
treatment only if, when, and to whom it is needed, they lative clinical outcome under the foregoing DTR as well as
have tremendous potential for improving patient outcomes comparison with alternative DTRs.
while reducing cost and patient burden. These benefits are A large number of SMARTs have been completed or
increasingly important due to increasing health-care costs are currently in the field (e.g., The Methodology Center,
and an aging population. 2014); recent funding calls for SMARTs from the National
In this chapter we review Sequential Multiple Institutes of Health suggest that this number will con-
Assignment Randomized Trials (SMARTs), a clinical trial tinue to increase (The Methodology Center, 2014).The
design that produces high-quality data for estimating and Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar
evaluating DTRs. Our goal is to introduce the motivation Disorder (STEP-BD) is a long-term, multisite pragmatic
and philosophical underpinnings for SMARTs and to dis- study of bipolar disorder (see Sachs et al., 2003, for details).
cuss key scientific and practical considerations associated A  simplified version of Acute Depression Randomized
with designing a SMART. In a SMART patients are poten- Pathway (RAD) is a SMART embedded in STEP-BD.
tially randomized multiple times, with each randomization We use it as the basis for subsequent illustrative examples.
corresponding to a critical decision point in the treatment Subjects enrolled in RAD, in addition to satisfying the
process. Figure 44.1 shows a schematic for a hypotheti- enrollment criteria for STEP-BD, had to be at least 18 years
cal SMART with two randomized stages; as depicted in of age and experiencing a major depressive episode. Figure
this schematic, a SMART allows for randomizations and 44.2 shows a schematic for RAD. In the first stage of RAD,

* Fan Wu is Graduate Student, Department of Statistics, North CarolinaStateUniversity, Raleigh, North Carolina27695, USA (E-mail [email protected]).
Eric B. Laber is Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, North CarolinaStateUniversity, Raleigh, North Carolina27695, USA (E-mail [email protected]).
Emanuel Severus is consultant and Head of the Bipolar Disorders Outpatient Clinic, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Carl
Gustav Carus, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany (E-mail: [email protected]).

63 9
Relapse Prevention


Lower-level Monitoring
Trt A Response?

No Trt C

Trt D

Relapse Prevention

Lower-level Monitoring
Trt B Response?
Trt C

Trt D

Figure 44.1  Schematic for a simple SMART with a step-down therapy for responders and treatment switch for nonresponders.

subjects are randomized to receive a mood stabilizer plus MO T I VAT ION F OR   S M A RTs
one of three treatments:  (a)  placebo, (b)  BUP, or (c)  par-
oxetine (PAR). The first-stage randomizations are not bal- Sequential randomized trials originated as a conceptual
anced: the probability of receiving placebo is 0.5 and 0.25 device to describe necessary conditions for making causal
for BUP and PAR. After six weeks, subjects who experience inference from observational longitudinal data (Robins,
at least a 50% improvement over the baseline SUM-D score 1986, 1987). This line of thinking led to rich method-
and do not meet the criteria for (hypo)mania are deemed ological developments for analyzing nonexperimental data
responders. Responders continue their first-stage treat- (e.g., Murphy, 2001, 2003; Robins, 1989, 1993, 1997, 1998;
ment; nonresponders progress to the second stage wherein Van Der Laan, 2006; Van Der Laan & Petersen, 2007).
subjects receiving PAR or BUP in the first stage intensify However, necessary conditions for causal inference are gen-
their current treatment (dose increase) and subjects receiv- erally not testable using experimental data. Subsequently,
ing a placebo are randomized with equal probability to a number of papers discussed SMART designs that ensure
BUP or PAR. As shown in Figure 44.2, it is possible for that these causal conditions hold (Lavori & Dawson, 2000,
subjects to opt out of RAD and join another pathway of 2004;Murphy, 2005a).
STEP-BD; however, for simplicity hereafter we assume all As discussed previously, SMARTs sequentially ran-
subjects remain in RAD. domize subjects over time. Sequential randomization
In the remainder of this chapter we review the motiva- allows for detection of delayed treatment effects. Such
tion and historical development of SMARTs, then discuss delayed effects will generally not be detected by concat-
a template for designing a SMART. In the following sec- enating multiple one-stage trials. Figure 44.3 illustrates
tion we discuss sample-size calculations for SMARTs and this point with two hypothetical clinical trials for evaluat-
provide a brief annotated bibliography on estimation and ing first- and second-line treatments for bipolar depression.
inference. The chapter ends with concluding remarks. The top two trials illustrate using two single-stage trials to

6 4 0   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
Opt put

BUP Response?

Opt put

R Placebo Response? R


Opt put


PAR Response?

Figure 44.2  Schematic for the RAD arm of the STEP-BD study.

construct a two-stage treatment strategy. In the first trial, SMART design. However, the SMART does not aban-
a mood stabilizer plus BUP is compared with a mood sta- don BUP + PSY after observing a marginal difference in
bilizer + BUP + psychoeducation (PSY) using a simple interim SUM-D; this is because a SMART is designed
two-arm randomized trial. In terms of mean SUM-D, to evaluate and compare entire sequences of treatments
BUP is marginally better than BUP + PSY; furthermore, in terms of distal outcomes. Figure 44.3 shows that the
because BUP is less expensive and burdensome than BUP + optimal strategy from the SMART trial is quite differ-
PSY, researchers recommend BUP as a first-line strategy. ent from that obtained by concatenating single-stage tri-
Then, in a follow-up study designed to find the optimal als. Results of the SMART show that the best first-line
second-line treatment, researchers conduct a random- treatment is BUP + PSY and the best second-line treat-
ized trial wherein subjects are first given BUP, then non- ment is INC DOSE BUP + PSY for nonresponders and
responders and responders are randomized to potential MM + BUP + PSY for responders. The final expected
salvage and maintenance treatments (as depicted in the SUM-D score under this strategy is less for all subjects
upper right of Figure 44.3). The results of this random- than the optimal strategy obtained by piecing together
ized trial suggest that the best second-line treatment is single-stage trials. The reason is that the SMART trial
increased-dose BUP(INC DOSE BUP) for nonresponders captures delayed effects of PSY: nonresponders benefited
and continuing first-stage treatment (BUP) or additional from continuing PSY in the second stage and respond-
continuous mood monitoring (MM) + first-stage treat- ers learned to benefit from additional continuous MM
ment (MM + BUP) for responders. For reasons of cost and because of PSY.
patient burden, researchers conclude BUP should be given The delayed effect of PSY on additional continuous
instead of MM + BUP to responders. MM in the foregoing example demonstrates one way in
The bottom of Figure 44.3 shows a SMART for esti- which the second-stage treatment effect varies by first-stage
mating the best first- and second-line treatments. Both treatment. In general, if the second-stage treatment effect
the foregoing single-stage designs are embedded in the varies by the first-stage treatment, SMARTs will be able to

S e q uentia l M u lti pl e A ssi g nment R andomi z ed   T ria l s   •   6 41

R 8

No BUP 6
BUP Response? BUP
14.5 6


R 6

No BUP + PSY 4
BUP + PSY Response? Yes BUP + PSY
15 R 6

Yes R

BUP Response? MM + BUP

14.5 6

Figure 44.3 
Schematic for piecing together a DTR using a sequence of one-stage trials and a corresponding SMART. The numbers at lower
right corner show hypothetical mean SUM-D scores. Top left: Two-arm randomized trial comparing first line treatments: (i) mood
stabilizer + bupropion + psychoeducation (BUP + PS Y); and (ii) mood stabilizer + bupropion (BUP). In the first stage comparison subjects
receiving BUP had a lower mean SUM-D(14.5) than those receiving B UP + PS Y(15). Top right: Follow-up randomized trial comparing
treatments among responders and nonresponders receiving BUP initially. Nonresponders are randomized to either mood stabilizer +
increased-dosebupropion (INCDOSEBUP) or continuing BUP. Responders are randomized to either additional mood-monitoring + current
treatment (MM+BUP) or just current treatment (BUP). Combining both trials the estimated optimal treatment strategy is to give BUP initially
then INCDOSE BUP to nonresponders and either MM or MM + BUP to responders. Bottom: SMART for comparing first-and second-line
treatments. Subjects receiving BUP + PSY initially have lowerlong-term SUM-D scores due to delayed effects of PSY. Patients receiving BUP +
PSY initially utilize additional continuous mood-monitoring (MM) better than subjects receiving BUP. There commended treatment strategy
based on the SMART is to recommend BUP + PSY initially and then MM + BUP + PSY to responders and INCDOSEBUP + PSY to

detect this dependence, whereas sequential one-stage trials discuss three key steps in the design of a SMART: (a) iden-
will not. For a more technical treatment of these ideas, see tifying primary and secondary scientific questions, (b) iden-
Murphy (2005a). tifying critical decision points, and (c) pruning the design.
We have found these steps common to and useful in the
design of several SMARTs. As a running example we
DE S IG N I NG A   S M A RT consider the problem of designing a SMART in the con-
text of bipolar depression. Because our focus is on design
Designing a SMART requires prioritizing scientific ques- issues, our treatment of the underlying science is necessarily
tions to ensure sufficient statistical power. In this section we superficial.

6 4 2   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
S T E P 1: I DE N T I F Y I NG PR I M A RY A N D A secondary analysis that is fundamental in the devel-
S ECON DA RY S CI E N T I F IC QU E S T IONS opment of SMARTs is estimation of a DTR that opti-
mizes a desirable clinical outcome. Formally, such a DTR
Though this is an obvious (and necessary) step, it is impor-
is a sequence of functions, one for each decision point that
tant not to postulate a design before identifying and focus-
maps up-to-date patient information to a recommended
ing scientific questions. There is often a tradeoff between
treatment. Estimation of a DTR should be contrasted with
the complexity of the design and statistical efficiency; thus
evaluating a small number of fixed (i.e., not data-driven)
one should seek to construct a design producing data that
DTRs. There is a large literature on estimating DTRs pri-
can be used to address key scientific questions yet is as par-
marily focused on regression-based approximate dynamic
simonious as possible.
programming (Chakraborty, Murphy, & Strecher, 2010;
Suppose that our goal is to compare first- and
Henderson, Ansell, & Alshibani, 2010; Laber, Lizotte, &
second-line treatments for patients with bipolar depression.
Ferguson, 2014; Laber, Qian, Lizotte, Pelham, & Murphy,
Our primary question of interest might be: Which is the
2010; Murphy, 2005b; Nahum-Shani et al., 2012; Robins,
best first line treatment for bipolar depression among(a)
2004; Schulte, Tsiatis, Laber, & Davidian, 2014; Zhao,
mood stabilizer alone (placebo); (b)  mood stabilizer +
Zeng, Socinski, & Kosorok, 2011)or policy-search meth-
BUP; and (c) mood stabilizer + (PAR)? Another primary
ods (Orellana, Rotnitzky, & Robins, 2010;Zhang, Tsiatis,
question might be: What second-line treatment is best for
Davidian, Zhang, & Laber, 2012; Zhang, Tsiatis, Laber, &
nonresponders to first-line treatment? Initially we identify
Davidian, 2012, 2013; Zhao, Zeng, Rush, & Kosorok,
intensifying and switching treatment as viable second-stage
2012). Freely available software exists for many DTR esti-
treatment options among patients not responding to
mation methods (e.g., see http://www4.stat.ncsu.edu/
either BUP or PAR; under intensified treatment subjects
laber/software). Using Q-learning, a regression-based
would receive an increased dose of their first-line treatment
approximate dynamic programming algorithm (described
whereas under a switch subjects receiving BUP as first line
later), we estimated the optimal DTR for patients with
would switch to PAR and patients receiving PAR would
bipolar depression using data from RAD (for details see
switch to BUP. Patients receiving a placebo as a first-line
Wu, Laber, Lipkovich, & Severus, in press). The estimated
treatment and not demonstrating an adequate response
optimal DTR is shown in Figure 44.4. It can be seen that
would be switched to either BUP or PAR.
patients with prior (hypo)mania immediately preceding the
After generating primary questions, it is important to
major depressive episode are not recommended to receive
identify secondary questions. Unlike primary questions,
an antidepressant as a first-line treatment and that among
secondary questions are typically not considered in sample
patients not experiencing (hypo)mania before the major
size or power calculations but are instead often viewed as
depressive episode, those over the age of 44.5 are recom-
exploratory or hypothesis generating. In the context of
mended to PAR and those under 44.5 are recommended to
bipolar depression, a secondary question might be whether
BUP. Responders do not change from their first-line treat-
patients having experienced a (hypo)manic episode just
ment. An important secondary question is whether an esti-
prior to the major depressive episodes should receive an
mated optimal DTR is significantly better than standard
antidepressant in their first-line treatment in addition to
of care or other fixed (non-data-driven) DTR. However,
a mood stabilizer. Randomization in the first stage to pla-
comparison of an estimated optimal DTR with a fixed
cebo, BUP, and PAR ensures that we can make this com-
(non-data-driven) DTR is a complicated statistical problem
parison through stratifying subjects by prior (hypo)mania
(Chakraborty, Laber, & Zhao, 2014; Laber et al. 2010).
status at enrollment and comparing first-line treatments
across strata. A  related but highly exploratory secondary
question is whether there exists a subgroup of subjects expe-
riencing substantial benefit (harm) from a first line antide-
pressant (BUP or PAR) relative to placebo. This secondary
analysis falls under the heading of subgroup identification, Randomization times in a SMART should correspond to
which is currently an active area of research (Assmann, critical decision points in the treatment process. Thus ran-
Pocock, Enos, & Kasten, 2000;Foster, Taylor, & Ruberg, domization times may not be fixed in calendar time but
2011;Lipkovich, Dmitrienko, Denne, & Enas, 2011;Su, dictated by subject outcomes. In some settings the tim-
Tsai, Wang, Nickerson, & Li, 2009;Su, Zhou, Yan, Fan, & ing and/or criteria used to determine a treatment change
Yang, 2008). are of primary interest, in which case these should be

S e q uentia l M u lti pl e A ssi g nment R andomi z ed   T ria l s   •   6 4 3



Age ≥ 44.5

No Yes

Prior (hypo) mania episode PAR INC DOSE PAR

Yes No

Placebo High Mood Severity



Figure 44.4 
Estimated optimal DTR using data from RAD. Responders do not change from their first line treatment. High mood severity is
defined as scale scores for mood elevation (SUM-M) exceeding 0.875.

considered as part of the treatment package. For example, S T E P 3: PRU N I NG T H E DE S IG N

there may be two competing definitions of response, for
In the beginning stages of designing a SMART it can
example strong (e.g., no more than two depressive or two
be tempting to construct a very complex trial with many
manic symptoms present may be referred to as “remis-
sion”) and weak (e.g., at least 50% improvement from
baseline depression scale score without meeting DSM-IV ...
criteria for hypomania or mania but not fulfilling the cri- No
teria for remission). In this case first-line randomizations
might include all combinations of first-line treatments BUP + PSY Strong Response? ...
and responder definitions. Figure 44.5 shows the first
stage of a SMART design comparing BUP and PAR with
the strong and weakers ponder definitions. The number BUP + PSY Weak Response?
Yes ...
of arms in the first stage represents all combinations of
first-line treatments and responder definitions. It is pos- No
sible to compare the two responder definitions by pool- ...
ing (marginalizing) over the first-line treatments and R
second-line treatments. Similarly, it is possible to compare ...
the two first-line treatments by pooling (marginalizing) No
over the responder definitions and second-line treat-
ments. The pooled comparisons are simple, two-group Yes
BUP Strong Response? ...
comparisons that, with equal randomization, will have
half the total sample size in each group. However, other
comparisons will require cutting the sample size signifi- BUP Weak Response?
cantly. For example, comparing all first-line treatment
responder definition combinations pooling (marginaliz-
ing) over the second-stage treatments cuts the sample size
to one-fourth the total sample size in each group, and so
Figure 44.5 
Hypothetical SMART with competing definitions of are
on. In some settings it may be prudent to consider a design
sponder; “. . .”denotes subsequent randomizations. The number of first
that compares either responder definitions or first-line stage arms represents all combinations of first-line treatments and
treatments but not both. responder definitions.

6 4 4   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
possible treatment sequences in order to address a large 1 and  –1. To size a SMART for (P1), we want to find a
number of primary and secondary questions. However, sample size n so that we have sufficient power, say 1 − β ,
as the trial grows in complexity, statistical power diffuses. to reject null hypothesis H 0 : ∆ = 0 in favor of the
Thus it is often important to simplify an initial trial design alternative H 1 : ∆ ≠ 0 when ∆ is sufficiently far from
to address a few key questions, even if this means leaving zero. Define the standardized effect size Cohen (1988),
some questions to a follow-up study. A useful strategy is to
δ = ∆/
{Var (Y |A1 = 1) + Var (Y |A1 = −1)}. The required
experiment with cutting/combining treatment arms in an
initial SMART design to see which questions can no longer total sample size for a two-sided test of H 0 : ∆ = 0 at level
be addressed after the cut/combination; cuts/combinations
( )
4 z{1−α/2} − z{1−β}
that eliminate questions of low importance should be con- α with power (1 − β ) is n = where zv is
sidered so as to simplify the design. δ2
the v ×100 percentile from a standard normal distribution.
Application of this formula requires a postulated value of
S A M PL E S I Z E , E S T I M AT ION , δ, which may be based on a combination of historical data
A N D I N F E R E NC E and expert judgment.
Define Δ′ = E(Y|Responder, A 2 = 1)– E(Y|Responder,
For simplicity we restrict attention to a two-stage SMARTs A2 = –1). To size a SMART for (P2) we find a sample size
with binary treatments at each stage. We assume that the n′ so that there is enough power, say (1 − β ′ ), to reject
data collected using the SMART will comprise n indepen- H 0 : ∆ ′ = 0 in favor of H1 : ∆ ′ ≠ 0 when ∆ ′ is sufficiently
dent identically distributed trajectories of the form far from zero. Define the standardized effect size among
( X1 , A1 , X 2 , A2 ,Y ) where:  X1 ∈ R p1 denotes baseline (pre- responders as:
randomization) subject covariates; A1 ∈{−1,1} denotes ∆′
δ′ = ,
the first-line treatment assignment; X 2 ∈ R p2 denotes Var (Y |Responder , A2 = 1) 
 
interim subject information collected during the course of
 + Var (Y |Responder , A2 = −1)
the first-line treatment but before the second-line treatment
assignment; A2 ∈{−1,1} denotes the second-line treat-
ment; andY ∈ R denotes the outcome of interest coded so and let ρ denote the marginalized probability of response
that higher values are better. The outcomeY need not cor- P ( Responder ). Then, the required sample size for power
respond to a single measurement taken at the end of the (1 − β ′ ) of a two-sided test of H 0 : ∆ ′ = 0 of level α ′ is
( )
study but could be a cumulative summary of the subject’s 4 z{1− α ′ /2} + z{1−β}
n′ = . Application of this sample size
health status over the entire study. The design of SMARTs
require that the distribution of A1 be completely deter- {(δ ′)2 ρ}
formula requires postulating both a standardized effect size
mined by X1 and the distribution of A2 be completely
and probability of response. Again, these can be based on a
determined by X1 , A1 and X 2 . For simplicity we assume
combination of historical data and expert judgment.
1 1
that P ( A1 = 1|X1 ) ≡ and P( A2 = 1 | X1 , A1 , X 2 ) ≡ with
probability 1. 2 2

Define H 1 = X1 and H 2 = ( X1 , A1 , X 2 ) so that H t denotes
A SMART should be sized to ensure proper power to the available information to the decision-maker at time
answer a primary question of interest. For illustration t = 1,2. A DTR is a pair of decision rules π = ( π1 , π 2 ) ,
we consider two primary questions of interest: (P1) com- { }
where π t : support H t = −1,1 so that a patient presenting
parison of first-line treatments and (P2) comparison of with H t = ht at time t is recommended treatment π t (ht )
second-line treatments for responders. Sample size for- . This definition allows for decision rules with complex
mulae for comparing fixed DTRs are given by Murphy dependence on the evolving health status of each patient, as
(2005a; see also Oetting, Levy, Weiss, & Murphy, 2007). well as very simple decision rules like π1 (h1 ) = 1 for all h1 .
Define ∆ = E (Y |A1 = 1) − E (Y | A1 = −1) to be the differ- For any fixed (non-data-driven) decision rule π letV ( π )
ence in the expected outcome under first-line treatments denote the expected outcome if all patients are assigned

S e q uentia l M u lti pl e A ssi g nment R andomi z ed   T ria l s   •   6 45

treatment according to π. A consistent and unbiased esti- definitions of Q t (ht , at ) , t = 1, 2 with regression models.
mator of V ( π )  is The Q-learning algorithm is

∑ Y1
H 2 and A2 to obtain Q 2 (h2 , a2 );
1 ∧
∧ i =1 i A1 i = π1 ( H1 i ) A2 i = π 2 ( H 2 i ) (Q1) Regress Y on
V (π ) = (1.3.1)
∑ 1
Y = max Q 2 ( H 2 , a2 ) ;

i =1 A1 i = π1 ( H1 i ) A2 i = π 2 ( H 2 i )
(Q2) Define
Where 1u is one if u is true and zero otherwise. And
H1 and A1 to obtain Q 1 (h1 , a1 ) .

Regress Y on
{( H1i , A1i , H 2 i , A2 i ,Yi )} presents the data collected in
n (Q3)

the SMART. It can be seen that (1.3.1) is an average of

the outcomes for patients that are observed to follow The estimated optimal regime using Q-learning is
π t ( ht ) = argmax at Q t ( ht , at ) , t = 1, 2. Exploratory analyses
∧ ∧
π (see Zhang et  al., 2013, and references therein). An
optimal DTR, say π opt, satisfies V π opt ≥ V (π) for all  ( ) and model diagnostics can be used to inform the regres-
sions conducted in steps (Q1) and (Q3) (Chakraborty &
π. Thus an intuitive strategy for estimating π opt is to
search for the value π∧ that maximizes (1.3.1). However, Moodie, 2013 Laber, Linn, & Stefanski, 2014). Extensions
this is a non-smooth, non-convex optimization problem of Q-learning exist to accommodate high-dimensional
and may thus be computationally expensive (Zha et  al., predictors (McKeague & Qian, 2014), censored data
2012; Zhang, Tsiatis, Davidian, et al., 2012; Zhang et al., (Goldberg & Kosorok, 2012), and missing data (Shortreed,
2013); furthermore, this approach does not easily allow Laber, Stroup, Pineau, & Murphy, 2014), therefore making
exploratory analyses, which are often crucial in building it an appealing choice in practice.
high-quality models from observed data (Behrens, 1997;
Velleman & Hoaglin, 1981). We next describe an alterna- I N F E R E NC E
tive procedure, Q-learning, for estimating π opt that builds
on familiar regression models and allows exploratory Constructing confidence intervals or hypothesis tests for
model building and diagnostics. the optimal DTR is complicated by two factors:  (a)  the
Q-learning can be understood as a regression-based same data are used to both estimate and evaluate the
approximate dynamic programming algorithm. DTR, and (b) the discreteness of treatment assignment is
Define Q 2 (h2 , a2 ) = E (Y | H 2 = h2 , A2 = a2 ) and a non-smooth operation of the data. Consequently, stan-
dard methods for inference (e.g., the bootstrap or nor-
Q 1 (h1 , a1 ) = E (max Q 2 ( H 2 , a2 ) | H 1 = h1 , A1 = a1 ) then mal approximations) are not valid without modification
(Chakraborty & Moodie, 2013; Chakraborty et al., 2010,
it follows from dynamic programming Bellman (1957)
2014; Hirano & Porter, 2012; Laber et al., 2010; Moodie
π opt (ht ) = argmaxat Q t (ht , at ) for t = 1, 2. The intuition
& Richardson, 2010; Robins, 2004). Fortunately, special-
for this is as follows: For a patient presenting with H 2 = h2
ized inference procedures exist for many quantities of inter-
then the best treatment in terms of the expected outcome is
est (Laber et al., 2010). Laber et al.derive local asymptotic
the value a2 that maximizes E (Y | H 2 = h2 , A2 = a2 ) , thus 
confidence intervals for Q t (ht , at ) , t = 1, 2. Chakraborty
π opt (h2 ) = argmaxa2 Q 2 (h2 , a2 ) and Moodie (2013) use adaptive subsampling to produce
Then it can be seen that max Q 2 ( H 2 , a2 ) is a random valid confidence intervals for Q t ( ht , at ) , t = 1, 2 and later
extended this methodology to produce prediction intervals
variable representing the outcome at stage 2 if patients are
for V ( π ) (Chakraborty et al., 2014).
assigned second-line treatment using π opt . Thus, Q 1 (h1 , a1 )
is the expected final outcome for a patient presenting
with H 1 = h1 , assigned first-line treatment A1 = a1 , and
second-line treatment according to π opt 2 and therefore 
π1opt (h1 ) = argmax a1 Q 1 (h1 , a1 ). SMARTs are an efficient trial design for evaluating
Applying this dynamic programming solution requires sequences of treatments and are thereby suited for devel-
the complete generative distribution, which is generally oping DTRs for the treatment of chronic illnesses like
unknown in practice. Q-learning mimics dynamic pro- bipolar disorder. Designing a SMART requires careful
gramming by replacing the conditional expectations in the consideration of primary and secondary analyses, as well

6 4 6   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
as statistical power. A large body of methodological work McKeague, I. W., & Qian, M. (2014). Estimation of treatment policies
based on functional predictors. Statistica Sinica 24(3), 1461.
over the past two decades has created the necessary tools Moodie, E. E., & Richardson, T. S. (2010). Estimating optimal dynamic
for analyzing data from SMARTs; more recently software regimes:  Correcting bias under the null. Scandinavian Journal of
implementing these methods has become widely available. Statistics, 37(1), 126–146.
Murphy, S. A. (2003). Optimal dynamic treatment regimes. Journal of
We hope that clinical and intervention scientists will con- the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 65(2), 331–355.
sider SMARTs as a mechanism for studying chronic illness Murphy, S. A. (2005a). A generalization error for Q-learning. Journal of
and improving healthcare. Machine Learning Research, 6, 1073.
Murphy, S.  A. (2005b). An experimental design for the development
Disclosure statement: Dr. Emanuel Severus has no conflicts of adaptive treatment strategies. Statistics in Medicine, 24(10),
of interest to disclose. Dr. Fan Wu has no conflicts of inter- Murphy, S. A., Van Der Laan, M. J., & Robins, J. M. (2001). Marginal
est to disclose. mean models for dynamic regimes. Journal of the American Statisti-
Dr. Eric Laber has no conflicts of interest to disclose. cal Association, 96(456), 1410–1423.
Nahum-Shani, I., Qian, M., Almirall, D., Pelham, W.  E., Gnagy, B.,
Fabiano, G. A., . . . Murphy, S. A. (2012). Q-learning: A data analysis
method for constructing adaptive interventions. American Psycho-
logical Association, 17(4), 478.
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6 4 8   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
Levente Kriston and Ayşegül Yildiz

INTRODUCTION A research synthesis approach that uses an explicit and

reproducible methodology is termed systematic review.
A systematic review attempts to collect and summarize all
the empirical evidence that fits prespecified criteria in order
Choosing the best treatment option for bipolar disorder to answer a research question (Oxman & Guyatt, 1993). The
has become increasingly complex. Following the principles fundamental characteristics of a systematic review include
of evidence-based medicine (EBM), treatment decisions a clearly and specifically formulated research question;
should be based on empirical research findings (Sackett, prespecified eligibility criteria for the inclusion of studies;
Rosenberg, Gray, Haynes, & Richardson, 1996). These a systematic, documented, and comprehensive search for
findings may encompass a wide range of clinical study studies that fulfill the eligibility criteria; a standardized
designs, including observational and experimental stud- approach for study inclusion; an assessment of the risk of
ies. However, to extract and use decision-relevant informa- bias in the included studies, individually as well as overall
tion from a continuously accumulating amount of clinical for the conducted review; data extraction; a systematic pre-
research data may easily become unmanageable for health- sentation of the characteristics of the studies; and a system-
care providers and policymakers. In fact, as medical care atic, quantitative or qualitative, method of data synthesis
providers trying to deliver best-treatment decisions we are, (Egger, Smith, & Altman, 2001; Higgins & Green, 2011).
like in several other domains of modern society, “drown- Systematic reviews are performed with a view for minimiz-
ing in information but starved for knowledge” (Naisbitt, ing bias and are likely to provide more reliable findings than
1988). narrative ones. Consequently, they increase trustworthiness
For disentangling the challenge of information over- of the conclusions and provide a solid basis for health-care
load in EBM, evidence has to be synthesized. This evidence decisions. Systematic reviews enable not only an objec-
or research synthesis can be performed in several ways. A tive appraisal of existing evidence that may resolve existing
rather unstructured, subjective, and implicit approach uncertainty regarding treatment effects but also may gener-
to research synthesis is frequently described as narrative ate new research questions or demonstrate lack of evidence in
review (sometimes called literature review). Although they specific health care domains (Egger et al., 2001; Higgins &
are frequently useful, the validity of narrative reviews can Green, 2011). One of the major drivers of the systematic
be difficult to assess. Based on the unsystematic approach review methodology is the Cochrane Collaboration, an
and insufficient reporting, it is not always clear exactly international network of researchers and clinicians for pre-
which research question the authors of a narrative review paring, maintaining, and disseminating systematic reviews
address, how they search for and include evidence, and how (Bero & Rennie, 1995; Friedrich, 2013). Systematic reviews
they synthesize the findings and reach their conclusions. of the Cochrane Collaboration follow a clearly defined and
Thus narrative reviews usually do not fulfill the essential transparently documented standard (Higgins & Green,
criterion of positivist science: reproducibility. 2011) and are frequently referred to as Cochrane Reviews.

6 49
Systematic reviews that employ statistical methods of interventions (Centre for Evidence Based Medicine,
to pool and summarize results of the included studies are 2009), as regularly employed, we discuss meta-analyses
called meta-analyses (Glass, 1976). By combining findings that include RCTs. We describe both traditional (pair-
from all relevant studies, meta-analyses can reduce measure- wise) and multiple treatments (network) meta-analysis by
ment error of single studies and provide more precise effect illuminating their underlying assumptions and providing
estimates for the considered treatment contrasts. They also a nontechnical introduction to their statistical procedures.
facilitate exploration of possible differences across findings We then deliver some guidance on the technical reporting,
of the included studies (Higgins & Green, 2011). Actually, as well as the reading and interpretation of meta-analyses.
by strict meaning, meta-analysis describes the statistical Finally, we highlight future directions on the further
data synthesis step within a systematic review (i.e., the development of evidence synthesis methods in general and
quantitative combination of effect estimates from individ- meta-analysis in particular. In illustration of the described
ual studies into a pooled summary estimate). Nonetheless, a concepts, we employ a working example with real data
systematic review that applies meta-analysis is often simply on antimanic drug treatments for acute mania in bipolar
referred to as meta-analysis in the medical literature. disorder. Although the chapter may be helpful both for
Conventionally, most systematic reviews and meta- performing and reading meta-analysis, it can only offer an
analyses of treatments address the question of whether introduction. Interested readers are advised to consult the
a treatment works in comparison to no treatment, an references provided at the end of the chapter for further
inactive treatment (e.g., placebo pill), or another active details.
treatment (e.g., a widely accepted standard intervention).
Thus they compare two treatment conditions with each
other and are therefore frequently referred to as pairwise
meta-analysis. But in everyday clinical practice, an answer
to the question of whether a certain treatment works or not The treatment of acute mania is a major component in
is only partially helpful. Clinical decision-making often management of bipolar disorder. In this chapter we used an
involves multiple treatment alternatives and sometimes up-to-date (last search date: January 15, 2014) collection of
various combinations of them; as such, decision-makers RCTs that compared effectiveness of drug treatments with
are most interested in the relative benefits and harms of each other (head-to-head drug comparisons) as monother-
available treatment options. However, well-designed ran- apy in treating acute bipolar mania. Studies were included if
domized controlled trials (RCTs) involving active treat- they compared at least two drugs with each other. Placebo
ment comparisons are rare in medical sciences overall arms (if present) were ignored.
and severe mental illnesses in particular, where available We included 32 trials in our exemplary dataset: 31 of
evidence is mostly based on placebo-controlled RCTs them compared two drugs while 1 investigated three active
as requested by the regulatory agencies. At the policy treatments. Characteristics of the trials are displayed in
level, this gap in available head-to-head evidence is often Table 45.1.
addressed by comparative effectiveness research programs The analyzed sample sizes ranged from 27 to 453 with
(Sox & Greenfield, 2009). Statistically promising tools a median of 178. The majority of the trials (22) had a
enabling simultaneous comparisons of multiple treat- duration of three weeks, with a range between one and
ments, first introduced by Higgins and Whitehead (1996), eight weeks. In total, sexes were roughly evenly distrib-
have become just as popular. Evidence synthesis employ- uted among the included patients. The proportion of male
ing this kind of statistical analysis is termed multiple patients ranged from 20.0% to 59.3% with a median of
treatment comparison meta-analysis, multiple-treatments 48.4%. The median for the mean age of the study sam-
meta-analysis, mixed treatment comparisons meta-analysis, ples was 38.6  years with a rather limited range (29.4 to
or network meta-analysis (Caldwell, Ades, & Higgins, 44.4 years). The trials were fairly homogenous regarding
2005; Lumley, 2002; Mills, Thorlund, & Ioannidis, 2013; mean baseline severity, expressed as Young Mania Rating
Salanti, 2012). Scale (YMRS) scores (median 30.8 points, range 23.8 to
In this chapter we provide an overview of traditional 42.4 points). In some of the studies, a substantial propor-
and novel evidence synthesis methods. We focus primar- tion of the included patients showed psychotic features
ily on meta-analysis but consider the whole systematic (median 26.4%, range 0% to 57.4%). Most trials (25)
review process in its context. Since RCTs provide the reported adequate blinding, and the majority (24) were
strongest evidence for determination of benefits and harms commercially funded.

6 5 0   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H



Berk, 1999 Lithium, olanzapine 30 4 56.7 30.7 35.8 n.r. yes Public
Bowden, 1994 Lithium, valproate 105 3 59.0 39.4 30.8 22.9 yes Commercial

Bowden, 2000 Lithium, lamotrigine 152 6 50.0 37.7 33.0 50.0 yes Commercial

Bowden, 2005 Lithium, quetiapine 205 3 57.6 38.4 33.0 24.9 yes Commercial

Freeman, 1992 Lithium, valproate 27 3 22.2 n.r. n.r. n.r. no Public

Goldsmith, 2003 Lithium, lamotrigine 121 3 53.7 38.6 29.8 37.2 yes Commercial

Ichim, 2000 Lithium, lamotrigine 30 4 53.3 32.7 37.4 0.0 yes Public

Kakkar, 2009 Valproate, oxcarbazepine 60 3 55.0 29.4 34.2 n.r. no Public

Katagiri, 2012 Olanzapine, haloperidol 125 3 48.4 44.4 27.5 16.9 yes Commercial

Keck, 2009 Lithium, aripiprazole 325 3 51.7 39.7 28.9 21.5 yes Commercial

Kushner, 2006a Lithium, topiramate 230 3 35.8 41.0 30.8 21.4 yes Commercial

Kushner, 2006b Lithium, topiramate 333 3 46.6 42.4 30.4 31.1 yes Commercial

Li, 2008 Lithium, quetiapine 155 4 47.4 33.2 29.6 27.9 yes Commercial

McElroy, 1996 Valproate, haloperidol 36 1 58.3 35.9 36.6 n.r. no Public

McIntyre, 2005 Quetiapine, haloperidol 201 3 36.7 42.3 33.2 40.7 yes Commercial

McIntyre, 2009 Olanzapine, asenapine 385 3 59.2 39.4 28.4 29.7 yes Commercial

McIntyre, 2010 Olanzapine, asenapine 390 3 53.6 38.4 29.6 36.3 yes Commercial

Niufan, 2008 Lithium, olanzapine 140 4 47.1 32.6 33.2 13.6 yes Commercial

Perlis, 2006 Olanzapine, risperidone 329 3 45.3 37.9 26.6 0.0 no Commercial

Segal, 1998 Lithium, risperidone, haloperidol 45 4 22.2 33.3 27.3 n.r. no Commercial

Shafti, 2010 Lithium, olanzapine 40 3 n.r. n.r. 36.8 n.r. no Public

Small, 1991 Lithium, carbamazepine 48 8 43.8 38.5 30.6 n.r. yes Public

Smulevich, 2005 Risperidone, haloperidol 298 3 54.0 39.7 31.7 34.6 yes Commercial

Table 45 .1  CONTINUED



Tohen, 2002 Valproate, olanzapine 251 3 42.6 40.6 27.7 45.4 yes Commercial

Tohen, 2003 Olanzapine, haloperidol 453 6 39.7 40.5 30.9 57.4 yes Commercial

Tohen, 2008 Valproate, olanzapine 416 3 46.3 40.0 23.8 0.0 yes Commercial

Vasudev, 2000 Valproate, carbamazepine 30 4 20.0 n.r. 42.4 n.r. yes Public

Vieta, 2005 Aripiprazole, haloperidol 347 3 38.3 41.8 31.3 0.0 no Commercial

Vieta, 2010a Quetiapine, paliperidone 388 3 58.9 39.0 27.4 21.5 yes Commercial

Vieta, 2010b Ziprasidone, haloperidol 350 3 59.3 37.8 34.1 32.1 yes Commercial

Young, 2009 Aripiprazole, haloperidol 332 3 43.4 40.6 27.8 9.0 yes Commercial

Zajecka, 2002 Valproate, olanzapine 120 3 51.7 38.5 35.7 34.8 yes Commercial

NOTE. n.r. = not reported; N = number of randomized patients.

Mean expressed as Young Mania Rating Scale score (if necessary transformed to range from 0 to 60). BProportion of sample with psychotic features. CBlinding described and appropriate.
Although further alternatives are available, among of the
most commonly employed effect measures for binary data
DATA R EQU I R E M E N T S are the risk ratio (RR, also called relative risk), odds ratio
The most widespread method of meta-analysis requires (OR), risk difference (RD), and number needed to treat
study-level data. Although approaches for using (NNT). The calculation of these measures is displayed in
participant-level data from trials in so-called individual Table 45.2.
participant data meta-analyses are sometimes available Two of these measures are relative (risk ratio and odds
(Riley, Lambert, & Abo-Zaid, 2010; Stewart et al., 2012), ratio) and usually preferred for meta-analysis over the other
due to the limited access to complete data from clinical options. While the risk ratio is easily interpretable as the
trials, such meta-analyses are not routinely performed. factorial increase in the probability of experiencing an event
Study-level summary data is frequently obtainable from in the experimental group compared to the control group,
journal publications and other study reports, so their uti- interpretation of the odds ratio may be challenging. If the
lization is straightforward. Although not all of them are event rate in the control group remains below 15%, odds
needed for the statistical data analysis, descriptive demo- ratios and risk ratios will yield largely similar values and
graphic (e.g., sex distribution and mean age of the sample) odds ratios can be interpreted roughly as risk ratios. If the
and clinical (e.g., mean disease severity, diagnostic subtype control group event rates are higher, odds ratios can be con-
distribution) information about the investigated patient verted into risk ratios for interpretation, for example using
population is essential for interpreting the findings. Details the formulae in Table 45.2 (Grant, 2014). Both for odds
on the examined treatment(s) (e.g., agents, treatment ratio and risk ratio, values above 1 indicate an increased
durations, dosage) are also needed for obtaining a thor- event rate in the experimental group, while values below 1
ough answer on the posed research question. In addition, indicate more events in the control group. Thus whether a
often information on the internal validity (methodologi- high or a low value points to superiority of the experimen-
cal rigor) of the included trials is obtained. Finally, sum- tal intervention depends on the nature of the outcome. If
mary outcome data should be available for all treatment the outcome is negative (e.g., death), values below 1 show
arms separately (e.g., mean scores on disease severity scales, benefits for the experimental intervention. If the outcome
number of participants responding to each treatment) is positive (e.g., response to treatment), relative risks and
in order to be able to perform a meta-analysis. In several odds ratios above 1 show superiority. For both outcome
cases, the form of data presentation varies substantially measures, statistical calculations are performed on the log
across reports of the included trials so that calculation or scale and results are transformed back to the original scale
imputation of missing data or transformation of reported for interpretation.
data may be necessary (Egger et  al., 2001; Higgins & The risk difference and number needed to treat are
Green, 2011). absolute (but still comparative) measures and rather seldom
In the conduct of meta-analysis, several different data used for meta-analysis, mainly due to their disadvantageous
types can be considered (Higgins & Green, 2011). Major statistical characteristics. However, they are preferred by
data types include dichotomous or binary data (where clinicians because of ease of interpretation. The risk differ-
each individual’s outcome is one of two possible catego- ence corresponds to everyday language, while the number
ries, e.g., response or nonresponse to treatment); continu- needed to treat can be interpreted as the expected number
ous or interval-level data (where each individual’s outcome of individuals who need to receive the experimental rather
is a measured quantity, e.g., a disease severity scale score); than the control intervention for one additional person to
counts or rates (where each individual’s outcome is the either experience a beneficial or avoid an adverse outcome
number of experienced events by the individual, e.g., num- in a given time frame (Cook & Sackett, 1995). Frequently,
ber of adverse events); and time-to-event or survival data after calculations were carried out on the relative measures
(where each individual’s outcome is a time period until a (RR and OR), the overall results are often transformed into
prespecified event occurs but not all individuals experi- risk difference and number need to treat to enhance clinical
ence the event during the observation, e.g., time to relapse). interpretation of the findings.
The availability and nature of the quantifiable data play a In the case of continuous outcomes, effect measures
major role in determining which effect measure should be (also called effect sizes) can be expressed as (standard-
employed in the conduct of a meta-analysis. ized) mean differences. For this, both data collected at the

T raditiona l and N ove l R esearch S ynthesis A pp roaches   •   6 53


The Results of Trials Can be Expressed in A 2 × 2 Table:


Control group a1 b1 n1 (=a1 + b1)

Experimental group a2 b2 n2 (=a2 + b2)

a1, b1, a2, b2 are number of individuals with the corresponding outcome (event or no event) in each treatment group (experimental or
control intervention)

Risk of event in the control a1 oC

group (rC) rC = =
n1 1 + oC
Risk of event in the experimen- a2 oE
tal group (rE) rE = =
n2 1 + oE
Odds of event in the control a1 rC
group (oC) oC = =
b1 1 − rC
Odds of event in the experi- a2 rE
mental group (oE) oE = =
b 2 1 − rE
Risk ratio (relative risk) (RR) rE a2 / n2 OR
RR = = =
rC a1 / n1 1 − rC × (1 − OR )

Odds ratio (OR)

oE a2 / b 2 a2 × b1 RR × (1 − rC ) RR − rE
OR = = = = =
oC a1 / b1 a1 × b 2 1 − RR × rC 1 − rE
Risk difference (RD)
 a2   a1
RD = rE − rC =   −  
 n2   n1

Number needed to treat (NNT) 1 1

NNT = =
RD rE − rC

study endpoint and scores expressing change from base- Egger et  al., 2001; Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). Although
line can be used. Data pooling on the attained treatment they are advantageous for calculation, their interpreta-
effects by employing the exact same outcome measure can tion is not always straightforward due to their abstract
be performed with the units of the original scale, result- nature. In spite of the fact that a general interpretation
ing in a simple mean difference between the two groups. guideline ignores relevance by the clinical impact of dis-
If different measures were employed to capture the same tinct outcomes (e.g., death vs. symptom deterioration)
outcome (e.g., different symptom scales for measuring and trial context, a rule of thumb describing SMD of
symptom severity), a uniform scale has to be employed 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 as small, medium, and large effect sizes,
that is named a standardized mean difference (SMD). The respectively, is indiscreetly still widely applied (Cohen,
SMD is comparable across studies and expresses treat- 1988). It should be noted that for a meta-analysis using
ment effects relative to the observed variation in the (standardized) mean difference as outcome, a measure of
trials, usually in units of standard deviation. Among vari- variability of the data in the trials is needed in addition to
ous ways of standardization Cohen’s d and Hedges’ g are mean values, which is unfortunately not always reported
among those most commonly employed (Cohen, 1988; in the original study reports.

6 5 4   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
DATA AG G R E G AT ION that patients receiving treatment A  will have a better
outcome than patients receiving treatment B.  This leads
After the appropriate effect measure has been selected and
to some important differences in the output by the two
the effect estimate for each trial has been calculated, the
approaches; for example, in Bayesian statistics uncertainty
statistical data synthesis can be carried out. Several meth-
around estimated parameters is quantified with credible
ods are available to perform a meta-analysis, but all use a
intervals (CrI) instead of confidence intervals (CI). Still,
weighting approach in data aggregation. Thus results from
although the two traditions have basically different back-
some trials may be more influential for the summary esti-
grounds, the use of uninformative (also called vague or flat)
mate than the others. Although one can think of a multi-
priors in Bayesian statistics yields results that are often com-
tude of ways to determine the “importance” of each trial
parable to the frequentist output. With sufficient comput-
(e.g., by methodological rigor), in most cases the weights are
ing resources and advanced software becoming available,
derived from the precision of the estimates that a trial pro-
Bayesian meta-analysis is increasingly used, mainly due to
vides. The precision, on the other hand, is the inverse of the
its enormous conceptual and mathematical flexibility that
variance of the effect estimate in a trial, with the variance
enables investigating a wide range of models.
being the squared standard error of this estimate.
The results of a traditional, either frequentist or
Traditionally, two basic effect models are available for
Bayesian, meta-analysis are usually displayed as forest plots
meta-analysis. The fixed effect model assumes that a single
that summarize essential qualitative and quantitative infor-
true effect exists and each trial estimates this true effect
mation graphically and numerically. Forest plots include
with some measurement error. On the other side, the ran-
effect estimates and confidence or credible intervals for
dom effects model assumes that trial-specific treatment dif-
both individual studies and for pooled summary estimates.
ferences are from a common distribution around a global
In addition, information on weighting is provided in the
average. Consequently, while in a fixed effect model every
form of differently sized blocks that draw the eye toward
source of variation is attributed to sampling error, random
trials with larger weights, which dominate the calculation
effects models allow for additional variation that is consid-
of the pooled estimate (Higgins & Green, 2011; Lewis &
ered random due to lack of knowledge (Kriston, 2013). The
Clarke, 2001).
choice between these models should be made a priori accord-
ing to the characteristics of the considered trials rather than
being based on the results. In general, while during the
early years of meta-analysis fixed effects models were com- In addition to estimating a summary effect, meta-analysis
mon, recently most analysts prefer random effects models, provides information about the variability of this effect
probably due to the more relaxed assumptions they require across trials. On the one hand, 95% confidence intervals
about the investigated treatment effects. Computations of for the summary statistics are estimated in order to cap-
the pooled effect estimates can be performed via several ture sampling variance. On the other hand, tests for sta-
methods, which can be analytical (i.e., based on closed for- tistical heterogeneity are performed to investigate whether
mulae) or iterative (e.g., restricted maximum likelihood). variability in the results exceed the magnitude that would
In random effects meta-analysis, while the analytic method be expected due to chance (sampling error) alone. A com-
by DerSimonian and Laird (1986) has been conventionally monly used test statistic is Cochran’s Q that examines the
used for a long time, iterative approaches are continuously null hypothesis that all studies estimate the same effect
gaining a foothold, particularly for using complex models (Cochran, 1954). A  frequently used descriptive measure
and data structures (Cornell et al., 2014). of the percentage of statistical heterogeneity beyond the
Irrespective of the chosen model and the computa- amount expected by or solely attributable to chance is the
tional method, any analysis can be run by using Bayesian I2 statistic (Higgins, Thompson, Deeks, & Altman, 2003).
statistics. As opposed to the traditional, purely data-driven, I2 values above 50% to 60% indicate considerable hetero-
so-called frequentist approach, the Bayesian approach aims geneity. In random effects models, the τ2 value is used to
for the formalized integration of prior beliefs (i.e., existing describe the variation of the trial-specific effects around the
knowledge and expectations) and empirical data (Smith, grand average. If the square root of the τ2 (the between-trial
Spiegelhalter, & Thomas, 1995; Sutton & Abrams, 2001). standard deviation) approximates the magnitude of the
Additionally, in the Bayesian analysis probability state- summary effect, the observed results may not hold across all
ments on the research questions of clinical interest can be settings. For quantification of this uncertainty, a so-called
made directly, in a way, for example, to state the probability prediction interval can be calculated that describes the

T raditiona l and N ove l R esearch S ynthesis A pp roaches   •   6 55

range of effects that is likely to be expected in applications of meta-analysis stated that “the notion that one can distill
across individual settings (Kriston, 2013; Riley, Higgins, & scientific knowledge from a compilation of studies… dis-
Deeks, 2011). If the prediction interval contains the value similar with respect to nearly all the vital parameters, dies
of no effect (zero or 1 depending on effect measure), the hard” (p. 517). Smith, Glass, and Miller (1980), who belong
observed average summary effect may not be generalizable to the pioneers of meta-analysis, responded by pointing out
to contexts beyond the included trials. that “indeed the approach does mix apples and oranges,
If a meta-analysis indicates low or no evidence of hetero- as one necessarily would do in studying fruits” (p. 47).
geneity, confidence in the computed results would be high. Eysenck (1984), again, reacted with a comment stating that
On the contrary, statistical heterogeneity raises doubts “adding apples and oranges may be a pastime for children
concerning the findings, and attempts should be made to learning to count, but unless we are willing to disregard the
explain its sources. Often, statistical heterogeneity can be differences between these two kinds of fruit, the result will
traced back to clinical and methodological heterogeneity. be meaningless” (p. 57). Later on, it became clear to at least
While clinical heterogeneity or diversity describes variation some of the methodologists that “the definition of what
across the trials regarding characteristics of the investigated study findings are conceptually comparable for purposes of
patient populations and interventions, methodological het- meta-analysis is often fixed only in the eye of the beholder.
erogeneity or diversity refers to variation across trials with Findings that appear categorically different to one analyst
regard to the applied methods. Attempts in exploration of may seem similar to another” (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001, p.
the sources of heterogeneity involve considerations on those 3)—an insight that is still waiting to be widely accepted by
characteristics that can be associated with the observed the medical community.
treatment effects (i.e., whether the computed effect esti- The issue of similarity indeed is strongly related to the
mates varies across different categories or values). If it does, concept of clinical heterogeneity. Stating that trials are suf-
this characteristic is named a treatment effect modifier or ficiently similar equals the judgment that no substantial
moderator. Depending on preference and scaling of the pos- clinical heterogeneity among them is present that is asso-
sible moderators, subgroup and meta-regression analyses ciated with the treatment effect of interest. Technically, it
are frequently employed to explore heterogeneity (Higgins means that either the distribution of treatment effect mod-
& Green, 2011; Higgins, Thompson, Deeks, & Altman, erators across the trials are similar or their moderating effect
2002; Kriston, 2013; Lau, Ioannidis, & Schmid, 1998; is taken care of statistically as appropriate (e.g., via adjust-
Thompson & Sharp, 1999; Thompson, 1994). Subgroup ment by meta-regression). It should be noted that clinical
analysis is a division of the total set of trials into groups heterogeneity regarding variables that are not assumed to
with a subsequent meta-analysis in each group and compar- be associated with the outcome do not limit the validity
ing summary effects between groups. In meta-regression, of the meta-analytic findings but rather strengthen their
the effect size estimate in each trial is regressed on one generalizability. As exemplified earlier, empirical explora-
or more possible effect moderators. To avoid data dredg- tion of certain trial characteristics for their potential mod-
ing, potential effect moderators should be defined a priori erator effects is sometimes feasible by meta-regression and
whenever possible (Higgins & Green, 2011). Although not subgroup analyses, although these analyzes usually have
aiming directly at exploration of statistical heterogeneity, a insufficient power to detect even important differences
similar idea is followed in sensitivity analyses, in which the (Thompson, 1994). Furthermore, given that undetected
calculations are repeated using different (usually method- treatment effect moderators can always be present theo-
ological) assumptions, in order to test whether the findings retically and the threshold for the maximum acceptable
are robust and insensitive to the choices of the analyst. unexplained between-trial variation in the random effects
model varies broadly, “whether or not to trust pooled effect
estimates in a meta-analysis depends largely on the subjec-
tive relevance of clinical heterogeneity involved. No single
analysis and interpretation strategy can be valid in every
It is generally accepted that research synthesis by meta- context or paradigm, thus, reflection of own beliefs on
analysis makes sense only if all trials included for compari- the role of heterogeneity is needed” (Kriston, 2013, p. 1).
son are sufficiently similar. However, currently there is no Accordingly, the question of whether the included trials are
consensus on the definition of “sufficiently similar”. Indeed, sufficiently similar to enable the drawing of valid conclu-
meta-analyses are frequently criticized for “mixing apples sions is likely to remain a main focus of discussions about
with oranges”. Eysenck (1978), in one of the first criticisms meta-analyses also in the future.

6 5 6   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
WOR K E D E X A M PL E ON  yielded a significant result individually for themselves. Using
T R A DI T IONA L M E TA-A NA LY S I S an expected response rate of 0.47 (47%) for MSs (the median
of MS response rates across the trials in the meta-analysis),
Consider a meta-analysis aiming to investigate whether
the observed summary odds ratio of 1.33, and the formulae
second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) are more effec-
in Table 45.1 provides an estimated response rate of 0.54
tive than mood stabilizers (MSs) for the treatment of acute
(54%) for SGAs. This gives a risk difference of 7% and a
mania in patients with bipolar disorder. Of the trials iden-
number needed to treat of 14, suggesting a clinically moder-
tified for our working example, 10 compared a MS with a
SGA. These trials included a total of 1,712 patients with ate effect. Cochran’s Q test for heterogeneity was not statisti-
the sample size ranging from 30 to 416. The administered cally significant (p = .226), and only limited between-trial
MSs were lithium (7 trials) and valproate (3 trials), while heterogeneity was revealed (τ2 = 0.034 and τ = 0.184 on the
the investigated SGAs included olanzapine (6 trials), que- log-odds ratio scale, I2 = 23.6%). However, the 95% predic-
tiapine (2 trials), aripiprazole (1 trial), and risperidone tion interval (OR=0.79 to 2.21) suggests that superiority
(1 trial). The outcome measure was the response to treat- of SGAs over MSs is unlikely to be present across all indi-
ment defined as substantial improvement in mania symp- vidual settings; and even if the between-trial heterogeneity
toms (≥50% improvement as detected by the Young Mania is limited, it still has a substantial impact on the conclusions
Rating Scale) between the baseline and study endpoint. of the meta-analysis. Although the average effect is statisti-
For three trials, data on the number of responders were not cally significant (the confidence interval of the summary
available and had to be estimated from the symptom change odds ratio does not include one), individual effects vary too
scores based on the assumption of normally distributed val- strongly (the prediction interval includes one), preventing a
ues. We chose odds ratio as the effect measure to compare broad generalization of the results for the entire pool of set-
the proportion of responders between MSs and SGAs and tings considered. Briefly, SGAs are more effective than MSs
used random effects meta-analysis in a frequentist frame- at average but not in all settings.
work to pool findings of the original RCTs. Central results We conducted some exemplary subgroup analyses
are displayed as a forest plot in Figure 45.1. according to the MS treatment (lithium vs. valproate),
Trial weights indicate that the most precise trials contrib- the SGA treatment (olanzapine vs. other), blinding (ade-
uted around 20% each to the pooled effect estimate. A sta- quate vs. unclearly described), and funding (commercial
tistically significant (p = .023) summary odds ratio of 1.33 vs. public). These analyses revealed no substantial effect
(95%CI:  1.04 to 1.69) suggests a superiority of SGAs over moderation according to the administered treatments.
MSs regarding response rates, even if only 2 of the 10 trials Results were comparable for trials investigating lithium (7

Study MS SGA Weight OR [95% Cl]

Berk 1999 Lithium Olanzapine 2.50% 1.33 [0.30, 5.91]

Bowden 2005 Lithium Quetiapine 13.50% 1.47 [0.85, 2.55]
Keck 2009 Lithium Aripiprazole 18.23% 0.97 [0.63, 1.50]
Li 2008 Lithium Quetiapine 9.42% 2.46 [1.22, 4.96]
Niufan 2008 Lithium Olanzapine 6.55% 2.44 [1.01, 5.85]
Segal 1998 Lithium Risperidone 2.64% 0.58 [0.14, 2.48]
Shafti 2010 Lithium Olanzapine 2.21% 1.53 [0.11, 2.60]
Tohen 2002 Valproate Olanzapine 15.46% 1.70 [1.03, 2.80]
Tohen 2008 Valproate Olanzapine 20.41% 1.04 [0.70, 1.54]
Zajecka 2002 Valproate Olanzapine 9.09% 1.30 [0.64, 2.67]

Summary estimate 100.0% 1.33 [1.04, 1.69]

0.10 0.25 1.00 4.00 10.00

Odds ratio [95% Cl]

Figure 45.1 
Forest plot for traditional meta-analysis comparing response rates between mood stabilizers and second-generation antipsychotics in
the worked example.  MS=mood stabilizer; SGA = second-generation antipsychotic; OR = odds ratio (values above 1 indicate higher response rates in SGAs); CI = confidence interval

T raditiona l and N ove l R esearch S ynthesis A pp roaches   •   6 57

studies, OR = 1.37 [0.93; 2.02]) and valproate (3 studies, compared in a RCT. In this case, there is no data to analyze,
OR = 1.27 [0.93; 1.74]), as well as with olanzapine (6 studies, and traditional pairwise meta-analysis is powerless.
OR = 1.33 [0.99; 1.77]) and other SGAs (4 studies, To fill the gap caused by the paucity of direct head-to-
OR = 1.32 [0.82; 2.13]). Confidence intervals were sub- head comparative evidence, using or, as in the original
stantially overlapping for estimates in adequately blinded description, borrowing strength from indirect evidence has
(8 studies, OR = 1.38 [1.08; 1.76]) and unclearly blinded been proposed (Higgins & Whitehead, 1996). The basic
(2 studies, OR = 0.56 [0.19; 1.63]) trials, as well as in com- assumption behind involvement of indirect evidence in
mercially funded (8 studies, OR = 1.36 [1.05; 1.77]) and the context of meta-analysis is transitivity, meaning that if
publicly funded (2 studies, OR = 0.87 [0.29; 2.57]) trials, both of two never directly compared treatments A and B
although the fact that the general direction of the effect is have been compared to a third treatment C, the relation of
opposite between these subgroups decreases the confidence A to C and the relation of B to C can be used to estimate
in the findings to some degree. A meta-regression analysis the relation of A to B. Although it may sound convincing
investigating whether mean baseline mania severity is asso- at first sight, everyday analogies advise some caution. For
ciated with the observed treatment effect (i.e., whether it example, most people would agree that transitivity causes
is an effect moderator) led to a statistically not significant no problems in estimating height of persons (e.g., if Peter is
result (p = .540) suggesting that the observed summary 8 inches taller than Robert and Thomas is 14 inches taller
estimate may hold across the whole severity spectrum of than Robert, Thomas is likely to be around 6 inches taller
the included trials. A sensitivity analysis excluding trials in than Peter). In contrast, transitivity is more challenging in
which responder data had to be estimated from symptom some various other circumstances. As an extreme example,
scores confirmed the results (7 studies, OR = 1.38 [1.02; if the national basketball selection of Spain scores 8 points
1.87]). more than the German team in a game, and the French
This independent analysis supports previous find- team scores 14 points more than Germany when they play
ings based on evidence from head-to-head RCTs (Tarr, against each other, most people would be cautious about
Glue, & Herbison, 2011; Yildiz, Vieta, Leucht, & being too confident that the French team will score 6 points
Baldessarini, 2011). However, some health-care profes- more than Spain in their match. The question to decide is
sionals may claim that applicability of these findings is how to place RCT-based indirect comparisons between
limited for several reasons. First, physicians usually pre- these two extreme positions of completely trustworthy and
scribe drugs and not drug classes. Second, clinicians are largely senseless transitivity.
mostly interested in the comparative effectiveness of all A simple way to obtain indirect evidence on the rela-
available treatment options. Third, ranking by efficacy tive performance of two treatments A and B using a com-
among competing interventions may constitute a more mon comparator C requires the effects of treatment A and
practical and solid basis for treatment selection in rou- B compared to C along with the standard error of these
tine practice. Meeting such clinical requests is possible effects (Bucher, Guyatt, Griffith, & Walter, 1997; Song,
in the domain of the so-called multiple treatments or Altman, Glenny, & Deeks, 2003). These can be based
network meta-analysis. either on a single study or a meta-analysis of several trials.
If d AC and d BC are treatment effects with standard errors
SEd(AC) and SE d(BC), the relative effect of A versus B can be
M U LT I PL E T R E AT M E N T S estimated as
d AB = d AC − d BC
with standard error
Among k treatments, (k × (k–1))/2 pairwise comparisons SE d ( AB) = SE d2( AC ) + SE d2( BC )
can be made. Consequently, comparing 10 health-care
interventions with a traditional meta-analysis would require and 95% confidence interval bounds
performing 45 meta-analyses of trials that directly compare d AB ± 1.96 × SEd ( AB) .
the respective interventions. Although this may be tedious,
it is possible and provides trustworthy direct evidence on the Calculations with relative effect measures using binary out-
comparative performance of each pair treatments. However, comes (risk ratio, odds ratio) should be performed on the
challenges occur if some pairs of treatments had never been log-scale. Using the equations (here shown for odds ratio),

6 5 8   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
 OR  is defined as a network in which direct or indirect compari-
log(ORAB ) = log(ORAC ) − log(ORBC ) = log  AC  son is possible for any pair of the treatments (i.e., it is pos-
 ORBC  sible to start from any node and follow the edges directly or
through other nodes to reach any other node). For example,
a set of three trials comparing treatments A versus B, B ver-
  OR   ORAC sus C, and C versusD, respectively, defines a connected net-
exp  log  AC   = = ORAB ,
  ORBC   ORBC work. A disconnected network contains “islands,” so that
neither direct nor indirect comparison is possible between
where log refers to the natural logarithm and exp to the treatments belonging to different islands. For example, a
exponential function, and transforming back and forth set of two trials with one comparing treatment A to B and
between the original and logarithmic scale may assist inter- another comparing C to D, respectively, defines a discon-
pretation. For example, it can be seen that the indirectly nected network. In any evidence network, closed loops are
estimated odds ratio for treatment A versus B is the ratio of defined by available trials for a set of treatments in that it is
the two odds ratios available from the direct comparisons possible to start at any treatment node, to follow the edges
with the common comparator C. via intermediate nodes, and to reach to starting node again
The principle of the “common comparator” can be (without turning back). In a network of three treatments,
extended to include more than three treatments. For exam- a closed loop occurs when each treatment has been com-
ple, if treatment A was compared to treatment B, B to C, pared directly with both of the others (e.g., with three trials
and C to D, indirect evidence comparing A  to D can be comparing A to B, B to C, and A to C, respectively). Closed
determined by calculating the indirect evidence for the loops play a particular role in evidence networks because
A versus C comparison first and then repeating the method they enable direct evidence on each comparison to be com-
described previously using this A versus C (now indirect) plemented by indirect evidence for the same comparison.
and D versus C (still direct) information with C as a com- A star-shaped network is seen when one treatment exists to
mon comparator. As long as there is a “chain” of linked which all other treatments have been compared in at least
comparisons between two treatments, indirect evidence for one RCT but no direct comparisons were performed for
the comparison of the two treatments building the starting any pair of these remaining treatments. Thus a star-shaped
point and the end of the chain can always be determined. network is a connected network without closed loops.
More often than not, evidence networks are unlike the
aforementioned clear prototypes but are rather unstruc-
tured, containing more or less star-shaped subsets, closed
Mapping all comparative trials for a defined set of treat- loops of three or more treatments, and hardly connected or
ments provides an evidence network. For example, in an evi- even fully disconnected treatment islands.
dence network of treatments A, B, C, and D, all trials with
A versus B, A versus C, A versus D, B versus C, B versus
D, and C versus D comparisons are included (the inclusion
of three- and four-arm trials is also possible), if such trials In a connected network of trials, for some treatment pairs
had been performed and identified for the research synthe- direct comparisons will be available, and some treatments
sis. An evidence network is usually presented graphically can be compared indirectly. For some treatment contrasts,
as a network diagram or network plot. A network diagram both direct and indirect comparative evidence will be pres-
shows the investigated treatments as nodes, while RCTs ent. These treatment contrasts are informed by more than
comparing the respective treatments are displayed as lines one source of evidence. Statistically, it means that more
(edges) connecting these nodes. Usually, both nodes and than one estimate will be available for the same effect. In
edges are used to convey further information. For example, these cases, it is possible to quantify the consistency of these
the thickness of edges can be used to inform on the number estimates, that is, to measure to which degree they agree
of trials comparing the respective treatments, while the size and to test whether any difference (disagreement) between
of nodes can be defined according to the number of trials them is attributable to chance or should be considered sys-
(or number of participants) in which the respective treat- tematic. This investigation can be performed by determin-
ment was tested. ing the so called inconsistency factor, a quantitative measure
Depending on the availability of comparative trials, evi- of difference between two sources of evidence informing
dence networks can have several forms. A connected network the same effect.

T raditiona l and N ove l R esearch S ynthesis A pp roaches   •   6 59

LIT comparing A  to B), frequently more than one source of
VAL indirect evidence is available (e.g., using a common compar-
TOP ator C, using a common comparator D, using a comparison
E vs. F when A  vs. E and F vs. B comparisons have been
LAM CAR performed, etc.). The concept of consistency can be easily
generalized to compare two different sources of indirect
evidence. Just like information from a direct and a specific
OXC indirect source may agree or not, agreement between esti-
mates from two indirect comparisons can also be calcu-
lated. If the estimates from two indirect comparisons are
dind1 and dind2 , the inconsistency factor can be determined as

IFind 1,ind 2 = dind 1 − dind 2

OLA with standard error

ARI QUE SE IF (ind 1,ind 2) = SE d2(ind 1) + SE d2(ind 2)


Figure 45.2 
Evidence network in the worked example. The line width Thus inconsistency can be quantified for any pair of
is proportional to the number of trials that compared each pair of estimates from direct or indirect comparisons. Still, it
treatments, and the size of each node is proportional to the number should be noted that, just like the tests used for exploring
of comparisons (two-arm trials) in that each treatment was involved. 
ARI = aripiprazole; ASE = asenapine; CAR = carbamazepine; HAL = haloperidol; heterogeneity, the significance tests based on the inconsis-
LAM = lamotrigine; LIT = lithium; OLA = olanzapine; OXC = oxcarbazepine; PAL = paliperidone;
QUE = quetiapine; RIS = risperidone; TOP = topiramate; VAL = valproate; ZIP = ziprasidone
tency factors are also frequently underpowered to detect
even substantial inconsistency.

In the frequentist framework, labeling evidence form WOR K E D E X A M PL E ON C A L C U L AT IONS

direct comparisons of two treatments ddir with standard BY H A N D I N A N E V I DE NC E N E T WOR K
error SEd(dir) and indirectly obtained evidence dind with
In the example dataset of head-to-head RCTs, 14 drugs
standard error SEd(ind), the inconsistency factor can be
were tested. The network of evidence is connected (see
calculated as
Figure 45.2).
Most comparisons have been made with the mood
IFdir ,ind = ddir − dind
stabilizers lithium and valproate, the first-generation anti-
with standard error psychotic haloperidol, and the second-generation antipsy-
chotic olanzapine. As evidence directly comparing these
SE IF (dir ,ind ) = SE d2(dir ) + SE d2(ind ) treatments is available, they build a few closed loops.
Comparative evidence for four other treatments (the
and 95% confidence interval bounds mood stabilizer carbamazepine and the second-generation
antipsychotics quetiapine, risperidone, and aripiprazole) is
IFdir ,ind ± 1.96 × SEd (dir ,ind ) rather scarce, but each of them is still involved in at least
one closed loop. Each of the five other treatments (the
As in the case of obtaining indirect evidence, calcu- mood stabilizer oxcarbamazepine; the second-generation
lations with relative effect measures using binary out- antipsychotics asenapine, paliperidone, and ziprasidone;
comes (risk ratio, odds ratio) should be performed on the and the anticonvulsants lamotrigine and topiramate) has
log-scale. If the 95% confidence interval of the incon- been compared to only one other drug.
sistency factor does not include zero (1 on the original For a moment, assume that we aim to get indirect evi-
scale of risk ratio or odds ratio), the two investigated dence to estimate the relative effectiveness of lithium and
sources of evidence should be considered as statistically olanzapine. Searching for a common comparator reveals
inconsistent. that both were tested against valproate. A random effects
While in a network of RCTs direct comparison of the meta-analysis of two trials on lithium versus valproate com-
two treatments A and B is possible only in a single way (by parison provides an odds ratio of 1.89 [95% CI: 0.34; 10.43]

6 6 0   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
(log OR = 0.6369, SE(log OR) = 0.8717). In a meta-analysis the indirect comparison using valproate as the common
of three studies comparing olanzapine with valproate, we comparator, the uncertainty of the inconsistency factor is
obtain an odds ratio of 1.27 [0.93; 1.74] (log OR = 0.2409, very high (including the value of 1, i.e., no inconsistency)
SE(log OR) = 0.1596). Using the formulae provided previ- and thus limits any definite conclusion on inconsistency
ously, we obtain the indirect estimate for the comparison between direct and indirect evidence. Note that based on
of lithium and olanzapine as log OR = 0.6369–0.2409 = logarithmic identities, this inconsistency factor can also
0.3960. The standard error of this indirect estimate is SE(log obtained as the ratio of the corresponding odds ratios (i.e.,
OR) = √(0.87172+0.15962) = 0.8862, leading to the 95% 0.68/1.49). Due to the fact that the standard errors of the
confidence bounds 0.3960±1.96 × 0.8862. Exponentiation other two indirect estimates (using haloperidol and risperi-
of these values reveals an odds ratio of 1.49 [0.26; 8.44], done as common comparators, respectively) are also rather
indicating no statistically significant difference between large, uncertainty of the inconsistency factors in comparing
lithium and olanzapine. them to the direct estimate (haloperidol, IF = 0.68/2.29 =
Both lithium and olanzapine were also tested against 0.30; risperidone, IF = 0.68/1.57 = 0.43) is also very high
haloperidol. The only study comparing lithium to halo- and includes the value of no inconsistency (as such being
peridol shows an odds ratio of 1.71 [0.40; 7.29] (log OR = statistically not significant). In summary, even if we could
0.5390, SE(log OR) = 0.7387). A meta-analysis of the two not obtain statistical evidence for inconsistency, the fact
RCTs testing olanzapine versus haloperidol gives an odds that all computed indirect evidence suggested benefit for
ratio of 0.75 [0.53; 1.06] (log OR = –0.2893, SE(log OR) = lithium and the direct evidence favored olanzapine (with a
0.1784). The indirect estimate for the comparison of lith- doubled to tripled average benefit for olanzapine compared
ium with olanzapine is an odds ratio of 2.29 [0.52; 10.15] to lithium) may raise justified skepticism about the consis-
(log OR = 0.8283, SE(log OR) = 0.7599). The indirectly tency of the whole body of evidence comparing these two
estimated odds ratio for the lithium versus olanzapine com- treatments.
parison using risperidone as common comparator is 1.57
[0.35; 7,15] (log OR = 0.4525, SE(log OR) = 0.7725). Note
that it is possible to identify even more ways of quantifying
indirect evidence for comparing lithium with olanzapine,
for example through the path with aripiprazole and halo-
peridol as intermediate treatment nodes. If both direct and one or more indirect sources of evidence
In our exemplary evidence network, three RCTs are available for a comparison in an evidence network, it is
directly compared lithium with olanzapine. A  traditional possible combine the estimates from these sources within
meta-analysis of these trials results in an odds ratio of 0.68 traditional meta-analysis. Although it is imaginable to com-
[0.29; 1.61] (log OR = –0.3843, SE(log OR) = 0.4383). bine different sources of evidence for each comparison in an
Even if neither of the direct nor any of the here dis- evidence network with distinct pairwise meta-analyses, it
played indirect comparisons indicates a statistically sig- can be cumbersome if many treatments are compared and
nificant difference between lithium and olanzapine (all the network is complex with several possible sources of
confidence intervals include 1), it is notable that while indirect evidence. It also raises some technical challenges,
the direct comparison tends to support olanzapine, all particularly for random effects models and in networks
performed indirect comparisons show some benefit for containing multiarm trials (that compare more than two
lithium. We can compute the inconsistency factors to treatments).
check whether this apparent disagreement is statistically A simultaneous synthesis of the whole body of evi-
significant. The inconsistency of the evidence form direct dence in a network is possible with network meta-analysis,
comparisons and information from the indirect compari- also called multiple treatment comparison meta-analysis,
son using valproate as the common comparator can be multiple-treatments meta-analysis, or mixed treatment
determined as IF = –0.3843 – 0.3960 = –0.7803 with a comparisons meta-analysis (Caldwell et al., 2005; Lumley,
standard error √(0.43832 + 0.88622) = 0.9887, providing 2002; Mills et  al., 2013; Salanti, 2012). This method is
the 95% confidence interval for the inconsistency factor based on the principles of meta-regression, requires the same
as –0.7803 ± 1.96 × 0.9887. Exponentiation of these val- input as traditional pairwise meta-analysis, and combines
ues results in an inconsistency factor of 0.46 [0.07; 3.18], all direct and indirect evidence in a network of treatments.
indicating that although the support for lithium from Network meta-analysis provides the output known from
direct comparisons is at average only half as strong as from traditional meta-analysis for each comparison, including

T raditiona l and N ove l R esearch S ynthesis A pp roaches   •   6 61

effect estimates, standard errors, and confidence or credible disorder (Gerger et al., 2014); pharmacological and psy-
bounds, as well as an estimate of the between-trial variation chological interventions for persistent depressive disorder
in random effects models. (Kriston, von Wolff, Westphal, Hölzel, & Härter, 2014)
Network meta-analysis is commonly conducted by and for social anxiety disorder (Mayo-Wilson et al., 2014);
using the Bayesian approach because of its ability to deal commonly employed drugs for anxiety disorders in chil-
with multi arm trials and to enable ranking of all consid- dren and adolescents (Uthman & Abdulmalik, 2010)
ered treatments by efficacy or safety using probabilistic and for generalized anxiety disorder in adults (Baldwin,
methods. Thus it makes it possible to determine the prob- Woods, Lawson, & Taylor, 2011); treatments for smoking
ability to which a certain treatment is the best, the second cessation (Mills et al., 2012); antimanic drugs for treat-
best, and so on. This information is usually displayed in so ment of acute bipolar mania (Cipriani et al., 2011; Yildiz,
called rankograms. It also enables calculation of a single Nikodem, Vieta, Correll, & Baldessarini, 2014); and anti-
measure to summarize probabilistic ranking information, psychotic drugs in schizophrenia (Hartling et al., 2012;
the surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA; Leucht et al., 2013).
Salanti, Ades, & Ioannidis, 2011). The SUCRA is a strongly
aggregated statistic ranging from 0% (worst treatment)
to 100% (best treatment). Such probability statements
and SUCRA-based rankings are clinically attractive for
global judgments. However, they are sometimes criticized The assumptions behind network meta-analysis are very
for neglecting statistical uncertainty in their presentation similar to the assumptions behind traditional pairwise
(Ioannidis, 2009) and can be sensitive to small changes in meta-analysis but are required to hold across the entire set
the distribution of the effect estimates (Salanti et al., 2011). of trials (Caldwell et al., 2005). Although several different
Further, high probabilities in low ranks do not necessarily formulations of the assumptions are possible and they are
indicate the most effective treatments, thus they should not completely independent from each other, they can be
always be reported by accompanying effect-size measures. broadly described with three terms: similarity, homogeneity,
Among the complexities of performing network and consistency (Donegan, Williamson, D’Alessandro, &
meta-analysis in the context of the Bayesian approach is Tudor Smith, 2013; Jansen et al., 2011; Mills et al., 2013;
the necessity to define prior distributions for the modeled Salanti, 2012).
parameters and the simulation-based estimations with The assumption of similarity (sometimes termed transi-
Markov Cain Monte Carlo algorithms. Thus expert sta- tivity or comparability) can be simplified to the requirement
tistical support for performing network meta-analyses is that all trials should be clinically and methodologically suf-
strongly recommended. Bayesian network meta-analysis ficiently similar to each other to provide valid conclusions.
applies a relatively complex statistical model (Dias, Sutton, In a set of similar trials, the true difference between treat-
Ades, & Welton, 2013), of which fit to the observed data ment A and B in direct A versus B trials would be identical
can be measured using the deviance information crite- to (fixed effects model) or from the same common distri-
rion (Spiegelhalter, Best, Carlin, & Van Der Linde, 2002). bution as (random effects model) the A versus B difference
The deviance information criterion is a fit measure that is estimated from indirect comparisons. This is equivalent to
adjusted for parsimony; that is, it prefers not only models the assumption that there is either no imbalance in the dis-
that show little deviance form the data but also simple mod- tribution of effect moderators across the different treatment
els with a low number of estimated parameters. In model comparisons or that no moderators exist. As a way to com-
comparisons, a lower value of the deviance information cri- prehend this, one can imagine that all trials had examined
terion indicates a better model. Roughly, a difference above all treatments of interest but that in each trial results for all
2 to 3 points is likely to be pragmatically relevant. but the actually reported two or three treatments had been
Network meta-analysis is being increasingly used randomly lost (Caldwell et al., 2005; Yildiz, Vieta, Correll,
for comparative effectiveness research in mental dis- Nikodem, & Baldessarini, 2014). The specific assump-
orders. Notable examples include the investigation of tion here is the similarity of the relative effects of treat-
second-generation antidepressants in major depression ments across the entire set of trials, irrespective of which
(Cipriani et al., 2009; Gartlehner et al., 2011); all anti- treatments were actually evaluated (i.e., that the trials are
depressants in primary care (Ramsberg, Asseburg, & “exchangeable” in their patient samples, design, conduct,
Henriksson, 2012); psychological interventions for depres- and outcome measures). The similarity requirement cannot
sion (Barth et al., 2013) and for posttraumatic stress be fully validated by the data themselves, so well-informed

6 62   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
clinical judgment is essential (Lu & Ades, 2004; Yildiz et Generally, all three assumptions require that there is
al., 2014). either limited or no variability present in the evidence net-
The assumption of homogeneity is analogous to the work regarding certain entities. For the similarity assump-
heterogeneity issues discussed in traditional meta-analysis tion, clinical and methodological variability across trials
earlier. It requires that no or only modest unexplained sta- with regard to characteristics that are potential treatment
tistical heterogeneity is present among trials. It should be effect modifiers should be minimal. For the homogeneity
noted that this is not strictly a statistical assumption but assumption, variability across estimates for the same treat-
rather a requirement for a convincing interpretation of the ment effects from different trials should be limited. For
results in the context of network meta-analysis. Evaluation consistency, variability in treatment effects as estimated
of homogeneity to a certain degree is possible by empirical from different sources evidence (e.g., direct vs. indirect
means. As described for the context of traditional meta- comparisons) should be low. Since the logic behind statis-
analysis, tests for heterogeneity assessment can be per- tical testing allows rejection but not confirmation of the
formed also for network meta-analysis, and the estimate absence of variation, even if we do not identify significant
for the between-trial variability can be assessed for the dissimilarity, heterogeneity, or inconsistency, we still can-
computed treatment effects. In addition, fixed and random not claim that they are not there; in other words, “Absence
effects models can be compared globally using the deviance of evidence is not evidence of absence” (Altman & Bland,
information criterion. If heterogeneity is identified, meta- 1995, p.  485). Moreover, statistical tests for testing the
regression known from traditional meta-analysis can be assumptions, if feasible at all, often have limited power.
used for its exploration, although its application is consider-
ably more complex in the context of network meta-analysis
(Dias, Sutton, Welton, & Ades, 2013).
The assumption of consistency requires that estimates
from different sources of evidence for a comparison agree. We performed a Bayesian network meta-analysis in the
Broadly, consistency can be defined as homogeneity across example dataset including 14 drug treatments for acute
comparisons. As noted previously, consistency of each com- mania (see trial characteristics and the evidence network
parison that is informed by at least two sources of evidence described earlier). In 32 RCTs investigating these drugs, a
can be tested using inconsistency factors. In addition, global total of 6,497 subjects were included.
testing is also possible by comparing the deviance informa- In the basic model of random effects network
tion criterion of models with and without the consistency meta-analysis consistency is assumed, so that from a set
restriction (Dias, Welton, et al., 2013). Several other meth- of effect estimates all other estimates can be calculated.
ods have been described to investigate inconsistency (Dias, Knowing the effects for a certain treatment compared to
Welton, Caldwell, & Ades, 2010; Donegan, Williamson, all other treatments, pairwise estimates for the other treat-
D’Alessandro, & Tudor Smith, 2012; Krahn, Binder, & ments can be determined. Figure 45.3 displays effect (odds
König, 2013; White, Barrett, Jackson, & Higgins, 2012), ratio based on response) estimates for all treatments com-
although their widespread application is somewhat lim- pared to lithium as reference.
ited by their complexity. Although the term inconsistency No statistically significant difference was determined
is commonly used to describe disagreement between direct between lithium and all drugs but to-piramate. To-piramate
and indirect sources of evidence, inconsistency among two was significantly less effective than lithium with an odds
or more sources of indirect evidence is also possible. It is ratio of 0.47 [95% CrI: 0.25; 0.69], meaning that the odds
relevant that testing of inconsistency requires that closed of response in patients treated with topiramate is less than
loops are present in an evidence network. Thus, for exam- half of the odds of response in patients treated with lithium.
ple, consistency checking for a star-shaped network is prac- Estimates from all pairwise comparisons (not shown in
tically not possible. Tests for inconsistency checking yield detail) revealed some further differences. Topiramate was
substantial information only on the condition that the also statistically significantly less effective than valproate
network involves a sufficient number of closed loops. Even (OR = 0.56, with 95% CrI [0.20; 0.86]), haloperidol (OR
then, the power of detecting inconsistency will strongly = 0.31 [0.16; 0.63]), olanzapine (OR = 0.33 [0.17;0.65]),
depend on the strategy to address the homogeneity assump- quetiapine (OR = 0.31 [0.15; 0.61]), risperidone (OR =
tion (Veroniki, Mavridis, Higgins, & Salanti, 2014). If 0.33 [0.15; 0.75]), aripiprazole (OR = 0.30 [0.14; 0.64]),
some residual heterogeneity is tolerated by the analysts, it and paliperidone (OR = 0.25 [0.09; 0.69]). Ziprasidone
may weaken consistency tests and mask inconsistency. was outperformed by haloperidol (OR = 0.42 [0.21; 0.82]),

T raditiona l and N ove l R esearch S ynthesis A pp roaches   •   6 63

Drug Network estimates (reference: lithium) OR [95% Crl]

Valproate 0.97 [0.59, 1.59]

Carbamazepine 0.68 [0.24, 1.87]
Oxcarbazepine 0.41 [0.06, 2.00]
Haloperidol 1.33 [0.83, 2.05]
Olanzapine 1.21 [0.79, 1.86]
Quetiapine 1.33 [0.84, 2.19]
Risperidone 1.25 [0.67, 2.24]
Aripiprazole 1.33 [0.83, 2.19]
Asenapine 0.79 [0.43, 1.46]
Paliperidone 1.65 [0.74, 3.76]
Ziprasidone 0.56 [0.25, 1.25]
Lamotrigine 0.87 [0.49, 1.55]
Topiramate 0.41 [0.25, 0.69]

0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00

Odds ratio [95% Crl]

Figure 45.3  Effect (response odds ratio) estimates in random effects network meta-analysis for all treatments compared to lithium.  OR = odds ratio
(values above 1 indicate higher response rates in the drug named in the rows); CrI = credible interval

Drug Direct estimates (reference: lithium) OR [95% Crl]

Valproate 0.70 [0.29, 1.64]

Carbamazepine 0.99 [0.26, 3.75]
Haloperidol 0.56 [0.11, 2.58]
Olanzapine 1.60 [0.75, 3.47]
Quetiapine 1.82 [1.08, 3.18]
Risperidone 0.56 [0.11, 2.77]
Aripiprazole 0.98 [0.55, 1.77]
Lamotrigine 0.87 [0.49, 1.52]
Topiramate 0.40 [0.26, 0.65]

0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00

Odds ratio [95% Crl]

Figure 45.4  Effect (response odds ratio) estimates in random effects meta-analysis for all treatments that were directly compared to lithium.  OR = odds
ratio (values above 1 indicate higher response rates in the drug named in the rows); CrI = credible interval

aripiprazole (OR = 0.42 [0.18; 0.93]), and paliperidone the network estimates or not feasible due to lacking trials
(OR = 0.34 [0.11; 0.98]). (not shown in detail). A  notable exception is the statisti-
When direct comparisons on corresponding treatments cally significant inferiority of asenapine to olanzapine (OR
were available, standard pairwise comparisons of drugs were = 0.65 [0.43; 0.96]).
possible. Figure 45.4 illustrates the treatment contrasts for Rankograms are presented in Figure 45.5 (probability
drugs that were compared directly with lithium in at least of each treatment to be the best, the second best, and so on)
one trial (estimated form a Bayesian analysis). and Figure 45.6 (cumulative probability of each treatment
Direct comparisons involving lithium showed largely to be the best, the second best, and so on).
comparable effects to those shown in network meta-analysis, Although none of the treatments can be convincingly
but quetiapine significantly outperformed lithium (OR = classified as certainly the best or the worst, Figure 45.5
1.82 [1.08; 3.18]). In other pairwise comparisons, results shows that while paliperidone had a rather high prob-
from direct comparisons were mostly either consistent with ability of taking the first or second rank, topiramate and

6 6 4   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
0.4 0.8

0.4 0.8

0.4 0.8

0.4 0.8






2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rank of Lithium Rank of Valproate Rank of Carbamazepine Rank of Oxcarbazepine
0.4 0.8

0.4 0.8

0.4 0.8

0.4 0.8






2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rank of Haloperidol Rank of Olanzapine Rank of Quetiapine Rank of Risperidone
0.4 0.8

0.4 0.8

0.4 0.8

0.4 0.8






2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rank of Aripiprazole Rank of Asenapine Rank of Paliperidone Rank of Ziprasidone
0.4 0.8

0.4 0.8



2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rank of Lamotrigine Rank of Topiramate

Figure 45.5  Rankogram for each treatment estimated from network meta-analysis.

Cumulative Probability
Cumulative Probability

Cumulative Probability

Cumulative Probability
0.0 0.4 0.8

0.0 0.4 0.8

0.0 0.4 0.8

0.0 0.4 0.8

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rank of Lithium Rank of Valproate Rank of Carbamazepine Rank of Oxcarbazepine
Cumulative Probability

Cumulative Probability

Cumulative Probability

Cumulative Probability
0.0 0.4 0.8

0.0 0.4 0.8

0.0 0.4 0.8

0.0 0.4 0.8

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rank of Haloperidol Rank of Olanzapine Rank of Quetiapine Rank of Risperidone
Cumulative Probability

Cumulative Probability

Cumulative Probability

Cumulative Probability
0.0 0.4 0.8

0.0 0.4 0.8

0.0 0.4 0.8

0.0 0.4 0.8

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rank of Aripiprazole Rank of Asenapine Rank of Paliperidone Rank of Ziprasidone
Cumulative Probability

Cumulative Probability
0.0 0.4 0.8

0.0 0.4 0.8

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rank of Lamotrigine Rank of Topiramate

Figure 45.6  Cumulative rankogram for each treatment estimated from network meta-analysis.
ziprasidone were likely to take the last ranks. This impres- deviation to be 0.226 (log OR scale). This number is not
sion is even strengthened by Figure 45.6, where a large easily interpretable but corresponds to a difference between
area under the SUCRA indicates a better average rank. an odds ratio of 1 and 1.26, suggesting rather reasonable
Numerically, we can use the SUCRA values (here expressed heterogeneity. The deviance information criterion for this
in percentages) for a global ranking of all investigated treat- model was 118.8. As the deviance information criterion for
ments from the best to the worst: paliperidone (85.0%), the fixed effects model (119.5) was not substantially higher
haloperidol (76.9%), aripiprazole (76.2%), quetiapine (meaning that a model without any between-trial variation
(74.7%), risperidone (69.9%), olanzapine (69.0%), lithium did not offer a worse fit to the data), statistical heterogene-
(49.2%), valproate (47.7%), lamotrigine (41.4%), asenap- ity was rather inconsiderable.
ine (33.5%), carbamazepine (31.4%), ziprasidone (18.7%), The consistency assumption can be tested in several ways.
oxcarbazepine (18.5%), and topiramate (7.9%). This reveals Here we can contrast effect estimates from the network
that a group of drugs consisting of the SGAs paliperidone, meta-analysis with effects based on direct comparisons
aripirazole, quetiapine, risperidone, and olanzapine, as well alone. Although there was a slight discrepancy between
as the first-generation antipsychotic haloperidol are likely the two approaches regarding the statistical significance of
to be more effective than other treatments. While the anti- some of the comparisons, credible intervals were substan-
convulsants topiramate and oxcarbazepine and the SGA tially overlapping in all cases. Thus the fact that some com-
ziprasidone seem to be the least effective treatments, the parisons popped up statistically significant in one but not
remaining drugs, including lithium, ranked between the in the other approach is likely to be traced back to power
two groups. However, as indicated before, SUCRA-based issues and to the rigid application of a constant threshold
rankings are sensitive to small changes in posterior distri- for significance rather than to the presence of considerable
butions (e.g., in the breadth of the credible or confidence inconsistency. This judgment is supported also by examin-
bounds) and thus should be evaluated together with point ing a model without the consistency restriction. The devi-
estimates (Salanti et al., 2011; Yildiz et al., 2014). Further ance information criterion of this “inconsistency” model is
caution should be taken in interpretation of the present 121.6, which is higher (i.e., not better) than the model mak-
findings, which is based on a network constructed by con- ing use of the consistency assumption. Further exploration
sideration of partial evidence of head-to-head comparisons of the consistency of the evidence network could be made
by ignoring placebo arms (if exist) employed as a working by examining inconsistency factors in closed loops but were
example. The reported findings obtained in the worked not performed here for each loop. Consistency of a few
example are somewhat different from the efficacy results loops involving lithium and olanzapine were examined pre-
obtained by employment of the entire evidence network viously in frequentist analyses with the finding that direct
(Yildiz et al., 2014). comparisons between lithium and olanzapine showed
In order to be able to decide whether the similarity stronger effects for olanzapine than the indirect evidence
assumption in our present network meta-analysis holds, we suggests. Still, this finding is accompanied by a very high
have to consult the trial characteristics (Table 45.1). The tri- degree of statistical uncertainty and without additional
als are fairly homogenous regarding demographic charac- verification should be interpreted by caution.
teristics and baseline disease severity in the sample, whereas In summary, we can conclude that the assumptions
the proportion of patients with psychotic or mixed features behind the network meta-analysis were sufficiently met in
shows some variability. However, no clear hypothesis exists the working example. Although additional in-depth analy-
concerning whether and/or how these factors may influ- ses may still increase or decrease our confidence, based on
ence which head-to-head comparisons. In addition, none of the performed calculations we see no reason to seriously
the performed analyses suggested the presence of possible doubt validity of the results for the considered data set of
treatment effect modifiers over the network employed as head-to-head RCTs. Based on the relative responder rate
a working example. A  recent network meta-analysis con- estimates (odds ratios) from the network meta-analysis
sidering the entire set of available RCTs (involving also and direct comparisons, as well as the probabilistic rank-
drug–placebo comparisons) supported similarity of the ing information, we identified a group of antimanic drugs
included trials and network coherence via a number of that are likely to be more effective than the remaining treat-
meta-regression analyses, including presence of psychotic ments within the considered evidence structure. However,
or mixed features (Yildiz et al., 2014). as indicated earlier, the analyzed network is constructed
Addressing the homogeneity assumption, the present a working example by employing only one-third of the
network meta-analysis estimated the between-trial standard available evidence (two-thirds of the entire data involves

T raditiona l and N ove l R esearch S ynthesis A pp roaches   •   6 67

relatively high methodological complexity, the availability
of several different statistical techniques, and the enor-
mous amount of output leaves much space for a subjective
• Is the research question clearly stated? and preference-based reporting of network meta-analyses.
Usually reports are accompanied by extensive supplements
• Is the analyzed body evidence comprehensive and of (e.g., as web-only appendices) for additional numerical
sufficient methodological quality? and graphical details. Currently, intensive research aims
• Are the included studies sufficiently similar regarding at developing comprehensive and standardized ways of
clinical and methodological characteristics to warrant com- communicating findings from network meta-analyses
bination of their findings? (Chaimani, Higgins, Mavridis, Spyridonos, & Salanti,
2013; Salanti et al., 2011; Tan et al., 2014).
• Do the included studies show statistically homogenous Interpretation guidelines are available for the readers of
results, or was the identified statistical heterogeneity suc- both traditional meta-analyses (Greenhalgh, 1997; Leucht,
cessfully explained (e.g., by examining a limited number Kissling, & Davis, 2009; Oxman, Cook, & Guyatt, 1994)
of prespecified treatment effect moderators)? and network meta-analyses (Jansen et al., 2011; Mills et al.,
• Only for network meta-analysis: Do the different sources 2012). A structured approach to the appraisal of empirical
of direct and indirect evidence show consistent results, or evidence from meta-analyses (and from other studies) is
was the identified inconsistency successfully explained? offered by the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system (GRADE
• Is the precision of the summary estimates sufficiently high? Working Group, 2004; Guyatt et al., 2008), which has
• Are the findings robust to sensitivity assumptions and also been adapted to evidence from network-meta-analyses
possible sources of bias? (Puhan et al., 2014; Salanti et al., 2014). A list of helpful
questions to guide interpretation of findings from meta-
• Are the findings applicable to my decision-making analyses is provided in Box 45.1.
situation? A particular challenge is posed by assessing the applica-
bility of a meta-analytic finding to a specific decision-making
situation (i.e., by transferring the research findings to the
a placebo comparison) and considering only one effect care of individual patients). Although some guidance is
size measure based on the binary data for responder rates. available (Atkins et al., 2011; Glasziou et al., 1998; Guyatt
A  complete data network constructed by involvement of et  al., 2011; Sackett, 1995), and methodological research
drug-placebo comparisons and employing SMDs from attempts to tackle this issue exist (Kriston & Meister, 2014;
symptom severity scales as the primary effect size measure Turner, Spiegelhalter, Smith, & Thompson, 2009), clinical
while carefully examining similarity of the included RCTs judgment remains inevitable. Indeed, “identifying when it
offers a more sophisticated picture on the comparative effi- is appropriate to generalize from the abstract to the actual
cacy and all-cause discontinuation rates of antimanic treat- patient remains the central problem of any form of scien-
ments (Yildiz et al., 2014). tific clinical practice” (Smith & Egger, 1998, p. 289).



For reporting both traditional and network meta-analysis, In this chapter, we have reviewed and discussed pair-
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and wise and network meta-analysis for research synthesis.
Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement should be consid- While providing an introduction, several important issues
ered (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & the PRISMA remained largely unaddressed, including the process of
Group, 2009). A  consolidated reporting guideline with a searching for evidence, the inclusion and exclusion of study
special focus on network meta-analysis has not been pre- reports, assessing risk of bias in the included studies, ways
pared yet, and current reporting practice has been found of dealing with missing and scarce data, available statisti-
to be both heterogeneous and deficient (Bafeta, Trinquart, cal software, and methods for addressing reporting bias in
Seror, & Ravaud, 2014; Hutton et  al., 2014). In fact, the meta-analyses. Interested readers may consult the references

6 6 8   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H
at the end of the chapter or check one of the several text- Finally, qualitative research synthesis methods are
books on evidence synthesis (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, being continuously refined. They separate from the
& Rothstein, 2009; Center for Reviews and Dissemination, rather subjective “narrative review” tradition in that they
2009; Cooper, 2009; Egger et al., 2001; Higgins & Green, make use of the systematic review methodology but uti-
2011; Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). lize qualitative research methods at the same time. They
Existing methods for research synthesis are being con- can be very helpful to address research questions beyond
tinuously refined, and new approaches arise at a high rate. “Does this treatment work?” and investigate how, why,
As the amount of produced research findings increases, and under which conditions a specific treatment works.
research synthesis will continue to play a central role in an Particularly regarding complex interventions consisting
evidence-based health care. Step by step, a couple of trends of several interacting components and questions concern-
have become visible in recent years and are likely to take a ing translational and implementation science, qualitative
more prominent role in the future. research syntheses are likely to play a major role in future
First, methods have been developed and are becom- health policy decisions.
ing available for the synthesis of evidence obtained from Of course this list does not intend to be comprehensive.
other study types than RCTs and for research questions Whichever way future methodological developments take,
other than treatment effectiveness. These involve, among we should not forget that any research synthesis is only help-
others, meta-analytic methods for epidemiological stud- ful if it reduces the amount of information we need to pro-
ies, prognostic trials, diagnostic accuracy studies, psy- cess for making good choices. Facing the rapidly increasing
chometric investigations, case studies, gene association mass of produced systematic reviews and meta-analyses, in a
studies, and health economic investigations. Although rising number of cases preparing “overviews of reviews” and
they all share the same idea of meta-analysis, methods “meta-meta-analyses” have been found necessary. Although
developed for the synthesis of RCTs have to be somewhat such enterprises can be undoubtedly helpful in some situa-
modified and adapted to fulfill the needs of the various tions, we should be cautious not to amplify the information
research fields. overload we were set out to tackle.
Second, methods for evidence linking are being devel-
Disclosure statement:  Dr.  Kriston reports no conflicts to
oped that are capable of incorporating considerably dif-
ferent sources of evidence, such as findings across several
Dr.  Ayşegül Yildiz has received research grants from
study types, expert knowledge, and theory. These models
or served as a consultant to, or speaker for, Abdi Ibrahim,
have frequently a rather high complexity, and it is likely to
Actavis, AliRaif, AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
take some time until they become widely accepted and gen-
Janssen-Cilag, Lundbeck, Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, and
erally available. However, they can be a huge step toward
the utilization of all available information in order to aid
health-care decisions.
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67 2   •   S E C T I O N I V:   F U T U R E R E S E A R C H

Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables, respectively. Numbers followed by b indicate boxes.

Academy of Medicine (Madrid), 7 adrenocorticotropic hormone, 137 ancient contributions, 4–5, 10, 15t neuroprotective effects of, 406t, 412
acamprosate, 493 adverse treatment effects, 393–432 anesthesia, ketamine, 370 not recommended for maintenance
acetaminophen/paracetamol (Tylenol) affectio melancholico-maniaca, 15t Angst, Jules, 13, 16t, 35 treatment, 309–310
overdose, 350 affective disorders, 172 anhedonia, 38 and pediatric bipolar disorder, 64t, 66
N-Acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine. see Schedule for Affective Disorders and Annales Medico-Psychologiques, 9 and recurrent prevention, 301
Melatonin Schizophrenia for School-Age anterior cingulate cortex, subgenual risk factors for mania/hypomania,
N-Acetylaspartate, 106, 152, 225–228, Children (K-SADS), 67 (sgACC), 240–241 421–423, 421t, 422t
227t, 229, 229t, 230–233 schizoaffective disorders, 14 anticholinergics, 294, 421t, 423–424 side effects of
N-Acetylcysteine, 87–88, 350–351 affective switches, treatment-emergent, anticonvulsants anticholinergic, 571t
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 417–432, 609, 618 for anxiety disorders, 464–465 neurological, 404t, 412
(AIDS), 500–501 Africa, 510t, 514f for bipolar depression, 281, 282t–283t, and suicidal risks, 516–518, 516f,
ACTH. see Adrenocorticotropic hormone African Americans, 27 288–290 517, 524t
acupuncture, 357–360 age differences for bipolar I disorder, 312, 312t tricyclic
Acute Depression Randomized Pathway in placebo responses, 602–604 for bipolar II maintenance treat- anticholinergic side effects of,
(RAD), 639–640 in suicide rates, 515 ment, 314t 571t, 578
estimating optimal DTRs with data age of onset, 23–24 in combination with electroconvulsive for bipolar I disorder, 312,
from, 643, 644f aggressive behavior, episodic, 64t, 66 therapy, 372 312t, 313t
STEP-BD arm, 639–640, 641f aging, accelerated, 195–196 in combination with lithium, 311 cognitive effects of, 412
acute depressive episodes, 585–589, 586t agitated depression, 50 for elderly bipolar disorder, 573t, in combination with lithium,
acute manic or mixed episodes, 585–589, agomelatine, 159 576–578 312, 313t
587t–588t agoraphobia, 25t evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t, 314t for cyclothymia, 478, 480
acute myocardial infarction, 499 AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syn- mood-stabilizing properties of, evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t
ADCY2 gene, 183 drome), 500–501 409–410 for geriatric bipolar disorder, 578
adenosine, 255, 419 Akiskal, Hagop S., 471 neuroprotective effects of, 406t, 410 neurological effects of, 412
adenosine triphosphate, 152, 419 alcohol abuse or dependence side effects of risk factors for mania/hypomania
ADHD. see Attention deficit hyperactiv- comorbid, 25–26, 25t, 55, 487–496 anticholinergic, 571t with, 421t, 422t
ity disorder management of, 487–496 cognitive, 405t, 409–410 antiepileptic drugs
adherence to treatment, 299–300, medications approved for, 493 neurological, 404t, 409 for bipolar disorder with manic epi-
490, 555 screening for, 489 for substance use disorders, 492–493 sodes in children and adolescents,
cognitive and behavioral barriers and treatment-emergent mood and suicidal risks, 520–521, 524t 551–552
to, 440 switch, 424 antidepressant-induced mania/hypoma- reproductive safety profiles, 432t,
enhancement of, 437 Alcohol Use Disorders Identification nia, 420–423 533–534
factors that negatively impact, Test, 489 in nonrandomized studies, 420–421 anti-inflammatory agents, 122–123
299–300, 300t, 302t alcohol withdrawal, 490–491 in randomized, open or double-blind, antioxidant system, 84–85
Adolescent General Behavior Alexander of Tralles, 5, 15t non–placebo-controlled “anti-psychopharmacology” acts, 600
Inventory—Hypomanic/Bipha- allopurinol, 267 trials, 420 antipsychotics, 410–411
sic, 65t alpha linoleic acid, 346 in randomized, placebo-controlled for acute bipolar depression, 281,
adolescents alpha-lipoic acid, 88 trials, 420 282t, 284t
bipolar depression in, 553–554 alprazolam, 571t risk factors for, 421–423, 421t, 422t for anxiety disorders, 464–465
bipolar disorder in, 547–565 alsterpaullone, 153–154 antidepressants, 405, 411–412 atypical (second-generation), 481
comorbidity patterns, 26 alternative designs, 605 adjunctive with ketamine anesthe- for bipolar depression, 281–288
diagnosis of, 61–72 alternative treatments, 345–364 sia, 370 for bipolar disorder with manic epi-
prevalence of, 23t Altman-Self Rating Mania Scale, 489 adjunctive with mood stabilizers, 291 sodes in children and adolescents,
bipolar disorder with manic episodes American Academy of Child and Adoles- for anxiety disorders, 464 547–550
in, 547–553 cent Psychiatry, 560 for bipolar depression, 281, 284t–285t, for bipolar I disorder, 312, 312t
combination treatments for, 556 American Board of Medical Acupunc- 290–292, 295, 606 for bipolar II maintenance treat-
complementary medicine for, 559 ture, 358 for bipolar depression in children and ment, 314t
dialectical behavior therapy for, 558 American Psychiatric Association (APA). adolescents, 554 in combination with lithium,
family-focused treatment for, 557 see Diagnostic and Statistical Man- for bipolar II maintenance treat- valproate, or carbamazepine,
interpersonal and social rhythms ual of Mental Disorders (DSM) ment, 314t 266–267, 311
therapy for, 557–558 α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- clinical trials of, 606 for elderly bipolar disorder,
pharmacological treatment for, isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) cognitive side effects of, 405t, 412 573t–574t, 578
547–553, 553–554 receptors, 156 concomitant with electroconvulsive evidence review, 265–266, 312,
psychosocial interventions for, 556–559 amitriptyline, 571t therapy, 370 312t, 314t
treatment effects in, 216–217 amphetamine, 157–158, 421t, 423 for cyclothymia, 478–479 lactation safety, 543
treatment-resistant bipolar disorder in, amygdala, 210 evidence for efficacy of, 314t, 606 for mania, 265–266
554–556 analysis and reporting, 611–613 for geriatric bipolar disorder, 578 MRS studies of, 229t, 231

I N D E X   •  67 3
antipsychotics (Cont.) for bipolar disorder with manic epi- diffusion tensor imaging in, 331, molecular, 83–168
network meta-analysis of, 664–667, sodes in children and adolescents, 332t–333t of mood switching, 417–418
665f, 666f 547–548 fMRI studies in, 334t–337t, 338 of stress, 137–138
and pregnancy decision making, for bipolar I disorder, 306, 312, 312t volumetric studies in, 322, 324t–330t biomarkers, 149–168, 150t
541–542 in combination with lithium, valproate, at-risk situations, 441 biomolecular treatments, 149–168
and pregnancy planning, 538 or carbamazepine, 267 atropine, 423–424 Bipolar and Schizophrenia Network
reproductive safety profiles, 532t, depressogenic properties of, 427 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder on Intermediate Phenotypes
534–535 dosage, 306 (ADHD), 26, 320 (B-SNIP) Study, 322
response rates, 657, 657f for elderly bipolar disorder, 574t, 578 differential diagnosis of, 55 bipolar depression, 36–38. see also Depres-
side effects of, 295, 552–553, evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t in pediatric bipolar disorder, 559–560 sion
553t, 571t for maintenance treatment, 306 risk factors for ADHD-related in children and adolescents, 553–554
for substance use disorders, 492 for mania medication–induced mania/hypo- clinical trials of, 605–611
in combination with electroconvulsive effect sizes, 268, 274t, 276 mania, 421t, 423 sequential treatments design for,
therapy, 372 evidence review, 265–266, 268, 269t, treatment of, 350 624–625, 625f
depressogenic properties of, 427 272t–273t guidelines for, 560 sources of outcome heterogene-
evidence review, 265 network meta-analysis of, 663–667, psychopharmacological, 559–560 ity, 606
first-generation (typical) 664f, 665f, 666f attitude, 489–490 statistical heterogeneity and noise in,
anticholinergic side effects of, 571t neuroprotective effects of, 411 reactions to suicide, 522 606–607
in combination with valproate, 266 for pediatric bipolar disorder with stigmatizing, 73–74 deep rTMS treatment of, 381
evidence review, 265 manic episodes, 547–548 autoimmunity, thyroid, 143 diagnostic features of, 54
for geriatric bipolar disorder, 578 for pediatric bipolar I disorder, automated research synthesis, 669 electroconvulsive therapy for, 369
for mania, 265 552–553, 552t automatic thoughts, dysfunctional, 440 evaluation instruments for, 608
MRI studies of, 215 reproductive safety profile, 532t, 535 Avicenna (Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Abd pharmacological treatment of, 281–297
neuroprotective effects of, 406t, 411 response rates, 657, 657f Allah ibn Sina), 5–6, 15t for children and adolescents,
for pediatric bipolar I disorder, side effects of, 287, 287t, 295, 306, awake-promoting agent–induced mania/ 553–554
552–553, 552t 552–553, 553t hypomania, 421t, 423 drug adjunctive therapy, 281,
and recurrent prevention, 301 armodafinil awake-promoting agents, 281, 285t, 284t–285t
side effects of for bipolar depression, 281, 285t, 292–293 drug monotherapy, 281, 282t–283t
cognitive, 405t, 411 292–293, 295 awareness, illness, 437 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of
neurological, 404t, 410–411 risk factors for mania/hypomania, Axis I disorders, 171–172 methodological characteristics of,
and suicidal risks, 521, 524t 421t, 423 606–607
typical (first-generation) side effects of, 287t B-A-B-A (off-on-off-on) trials, methodological quality of, 606, 607t
anticholinergic side effects of, 571t asenapine 628–629, 630t placebo-controlled, 608
in combination with valproate, 266 for bipolar I disorder, 307–308 Baillarger, Jules, 3, 8–9, 15t pragmatic trials, 608
evidence review, 265 in combination with lithium, valproate, Barcelona Psychoeducation Program, strategies for diminishing noise
anti-relapse techniques, 441 or carbamazepine, 267 437, 437t in, 608
antisocial acts, 477 dosage, 308 basal ganglia, 211 strategies for enhancing treatment
antithyroid stressors, 143 for elderly bipolar disorder, 574t Bayesian approach, 662–663 contrasts, 608
anxiety for maintenance treatment, 307–308 Bayesian statistics, 655 regional abnormalities in, 240–242
and bipolar disorder course and out- for mania Bayle, Antoine Laurent, 9, 15t rTMS treatment of, 380–381
come, 463 effect sizes, 268, 274t, 276 B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), 403–404 and sleep, 127–128
comorbidity, 25t, 560 evidence review, 266, 268, 269t, Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale, 42–43, 489 Bipolar Depression Rating Scale
in pediatric bipolar disorder, 560 272t–273t behavior (BDRS), 608
psychopharmacological treatment network meta-analysis of, 664–667, in depression, 37 bipolar disorder, xi, 384–385
of, 560 664f, 665f, 666f in mania, 36 in adolescents
and suicidal risk, 463–464 reproductive safety profile, 532t, 535 pseudohysterical, 56 diagnosis of, 61–72
anxiety disorders, 442, 460–464 side effects of, 308 suicide-related, 509–513, 516, 516f, 517 management of, 547–565
in bipolar disorder, 460–461, Asia, 512t–513t, 513, 514f therapy-interfering, 451 with manic episodes, 547–553
461t, 488 Asians and Pacific Islanders, 27 Behavior Assessment System for Children, prevalence of, 23t
lifetime risk of, 460–461, 460t, aspirin, 122, 153 Second Edition, 65 treatment-resistant, 554–556
462f, 462t assessment, 41–43 behavior therapy age of onset, 23–24
prevalence of, 460–463, 460t, 462f for better detection, 176–177 cognitive behavioral therapy, 435–436, anxiety disorders and, 460–464
treatment of, 465 cognitive 439–443, 558–559 assessment of, 41–43
comorbidity, 25, 25t, 26, 460–461, 461t of schizophrenia, 194, 195t Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for biological mechanisms of, 195
differential diagnosis of, 54 standardization of, 197 Insomnia (CBT-I), 132–133 cell death in, 106–107
experimental treatments for, 465 computerized, 198 dialectical, 449–452, 450f in children
anxiety syndromes detailed, 66–67 for adolescents, 558 cognitive-behavioral therapy for,
in bipolar disorder for earlier intervention, 176–177 for suicidal risk, 523 558–559
prevalence of, 461, 463t ecological momentary, 198 Belgium, 10 diagnosis of, 61–72
treatment of, 464–465 evidence-based belief modification, 440–441 management of, 547–565
co-occurrence with mood disorders, evolution of, 69 benzodiazepines, 427–428 with manic episodes, 547–553
461, 462t of pediatric bipolar disorder, 61–62, anticholinergic side effects of, 571t prevalence of, 23t
pharmacological treatment of, 62t, 63f for cyclothymia, 480 treatment-resistant, 554–556
464–465 family, 177 for geriatric bipolar disorder, 578–579 children of parents with, 173–175
anxiolytics, 518–519, 524t functional, 194, 195t not recommended for maintenance chronicity, 44
apoptotic factors, 106 methods for, 612 treatment, 309 circadian rhythms and, 129–130
AR-A014418, 153–154, 156 of moderators and mediators, 633–634 3-Benzofuranyl-4-indolylmaleimides, clinical course of, 43, 45f
arachidonic acid cascade, 152–153 ongoing, 68 153–154 clinical presentation of, 1–78
arachidonic acid system, 419–420 self-assessment, 197–198 benztropine, 571t cognitive impairments in, 191–201
architecture, sleep, 130 of treatment, 68 Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda comorbidity patterns, 24–26, 25t, 196
Aretæus of Cappadocia, 4–5, 15t, 320, 457 assessment instruments, 489 (7UP), 550 with comorbid substance use disorders,
aripiprazole assortative mating, 174 Bicêtre hospital (Paris, France), 7–8 488–489
for anxiety disorders, 465 astrocytes, 255, 255f bidirectionality, 172–173 as concept, 3
for bipolar depression, 281, 282t, atomoxetine, 421t, 560 biological treatments, 404–405 continuous cycling (MDMD pat-
286–287 at-risk populations biology, 171–172 tern), 44

674   •   I ndex
co-occurring psychiatric illnesses, populations at risk for Bipolar Disorders (journal), 13 historical overview, 14
457–470, 462t diffusion tensor imaging in, 331, bipolar I disorder, 50 prevalence of, 21, 22t
correlates, 26–29 332t–333t behavior/psychomotor activity in, 37 bipolar V disorder, 50
course of, 463 fMRI studies in, 334t–337t, 338 comorbidity, 25 bipolar VI disorder, 50
definition of, 62–63 volumetric studies in, 322, comorbid with anxiety syndromes, 461, bitopertin, 157
with depression (D) following mania 324t–330t 462t, 463t Bleuler, Paul Eugen, 12–13
(MDI pattern), 13, 44 postmortem findings, 253–258 demographic correlates, 26–27 blood-oxygenation-level-dependent
with depression (D) predomi- postpartum exacerbation of, 542 depressive features of, 37 (BOLD) responses, 207
nantly preceding (DMI precipitants of episodes, 43 diagnosis of, 39 BMAL1 gene, 130
course-pattern), 13, 44 prediction of, 340 diagnostic boundaries, 24 body mass index, 118
descriptive epidemiology of, 21–23 during pregnancy and lactation, diagnostic criteria for, 51 Boerhaave, Hermann, 6, 15t
diagnosis of 531–544 epidemiology of, 50 Boissier de Sauvages, François, 10
current state, 13–17 presentations of, 35–41 family studies, 28 BOLDER (BipOLar DEpRession) stud-
delayed, 74–75 prevalence of, 21–23, 22t–23t heritability of, 171 ies, 614
early, 319–344 prevention of, 171–180 historical overview, 13, 35 Bonet,Théophile, 7, 15t
historical overview, 3–19, 15t–16t, 35 prodromal, 340 pediatric borderline personality disorder, 475, 476b
incorrect, 74–75 psychological interventions for, antipsychotics for, 552–553, 552t borderline personality organization, 475
public awareness and, 73–78 435–436 mood stabilizers for, 552–553, 552t brain damage, 7
stigma and, 75–77 recovery of, 229–232, 609 pharmacological maintenance therapy brain-derived neurotrophic factor, 96–98,
stigmatization and, 73–78 recurrence during pregnancy, 536 for, 301–311 155, 403–404
diagnostic boundaries, 24 recurrence predictors, 300–301 discontinuation of, 311–312 decreased levels of, 106–107, 109
differential diagnosis, 53–56 recurrence risks for, 181, 182t evidence for efficacy of combination lithium and, 408
due to medical conditions, 40 relapse rates, 589, 590t therapies, 312, 313t suppression of, 412
duration of episodes, 43 relapse/recurrence, 44, 44t evidence for efficacy of monothera- brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene
early diagnosis of, 319–344 remission, 609 pies, 312, 312t BDNF, 107
early intervention in, 319–344 response, 608–609 first-line options, 302–306 brain imaging. see Imaging studies
early stage, 320–321 risk factors for, 26–29 second-line options, 306–307 Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, 625–626
early warning signs of, 438 risk mechanisms, 171–180 third-line options, 307–309 British Medical Journal, 435
in elderly, 442, 569–581 risks to mothers and infants, 535–536 placebo-controlled trials, 614, Broadman area (BA) 10, 106
endocrine changes associated with, single-illness hypotheses, 459–460 615t–616t bupropion
393–394 and sleep disorders, 128 prevalence of, 21, 22t–23t, 50, 319 for bipolar depression, 281, 284t, 285t,
family history of, 64t sleep disruptions and, 127 bipolar I ½ disorder, 50 289–291
family studies, 171–180 sMRI findings, 207–211 bipolar II disorder, 50 for bipolar II maintenance treat-
fMRI findings, 211 sources of oxidative stress in, 84 behavior/psychomotor activity in, 37 ment, 314t
functional impairment in, 191–193 specifiers, 41 comorbidity, 25 in combination with lithium, 314t
functional neurocircuitry in, stigma and, 74 comorbid with anxiety syndromes, 461, for cyclothymia, 478
243–244, 244f subgroups, 608 462t–463t for geriatric bipolar disorder, 578
functional outcomes, 610–611 substance-induced, 40, 489 delayed diagnosis of, 75 risk factors for mania/hypomania,
future research, 585–671 subtypes, 13 demographic correlates, 26–27 421t, 422t
hormones in, 159–160 translational models of, 149 diagnosis of, 39–40 side effects of, 289–290
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) treatment-induced mood instability, diagnostic boundaries, 24
axis and, 138–141 417–432 diagnostic criteria for, 51 Cade, John F., 16t
incidence of, 23–24 treatment of, 441 epidemiology of, 50 calcium, 86, 95, 107–108
indicators of, 45t, 130–132 alternative treatments, 345–364 family studies, 28 calcium channel antagonists, 95, 162–163
inflammation in biological treatments, 404–405 historical overview, 9, 13, 16t, 35 calcium channels, 161, 161f, 162
evidence for, 116–119 cellular resilience and, 105–113 pharmacological maintenance therapy L-type, 95, 183
mechanisms of, 119–122 circadian rhythms and, 127–135 for, 312–313 voltage-gated, 184, 184f
inheritance of, 181 complementary treatments, 345–364 evidence for, 314t calcium channel subunit gene CACNA1C,
late-onset, 570 current treatments, 263–581 first-line options, 312–313 183–186
light and, 129 immune mechanisms and, 115–125 recommendations, 314t cancer, 502
long-term course, 44–45 inflammation and, 115–125 second- and third-line options, 313 cannabinoid 1 receptor gene (CNR1), 420
loss of cellular resilience in, 106–107 L-T4, 144–145 prevalence of, 21, 22t–23t, 50, 319 cannabinoids, endogenous, 420
macrophage-T cell theory of, 99 maintenance treatments, 299–318, bipolar II ½ disorder, 50 cannabis-induced mania, 424
with mania, 13 613–618 bipolar III disorder, 50 carbamazepine
with manic episodes, 547–553 MRS and, 234–235 bipolar III ½ disorder, 50 for anxiety disorders, 464
maternal, 535–536 neurodegeneration and, 105–113 bipolarity, soft, 340 for bipolar disorder with manic
medical comorbidity in, 497–506 neuromodulative treatments, Bipolarity Index, 57 episodes in children and adoles-
metabolic changes associated with, 377–390 bipolar IV disorder, 50 cents, 551
393–394 pharmacological, 393–401, bipolar mania. see also Mania for bipolar I disorder, 306–307, 312,
metabolic side effects of, 499–500 403–415, 404t, 480–481 clinical trials of, 601–605 312t, 313t
misdiagnosis of, 51–53 pharmacotherapy combined with metabolic abnormalities in, 242–243 for bipolar II maintenance treat-
MRS findings, 226–232 family-focused therapy, 446, 446t bipolar manic-depressive disorder ment, 314t
multiple-illness hypotheses, 459–460 potential targets, 150, 151f, 152–163 (zweipolige Erkrankungen), 12 cognitive side effects of, 409
neurobiology of, 243–244, 244f, prophylaxis, 613–618 bipolar specifiers, 474–475 in combination with lithium, 312, 313t
403–404 randomized trials of, 599–621 Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale in combination with second-generation
neuroimaging findings, 105–106 research trials, 623–637 (BSDS), 42, 56–57 antipsychotics, 266–267
neuropathological findings, 105–106 signal transduction systems bipolar spectrum disorders, 49–51 dosage, 307
offspring studies, 171–180 in, 93–103 comorbidity, 458 drug interactions, 577
other specified and unspecified, 40 sleep disruptions and, 127–135 conceptual origin, 49 for elderly bipolar disorder, 573t,
outcome of, 463, 608 T4, 145 criterion A, 50–51 577–578
parenthood and, 175–176 treatment outcomes, 44t criterion B, 50–51 evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t, 314t
pathophysiology of, 83–258, 161f, 349 treatment-resistant, 554–556 criterion C, 50–51 immunomodulatory effects of, 122
potential mechanisms, 107–108 understudy of, 632–633 criterion D, 50–51 lactation safety, 543
signal transduction systems, 93–103 in young people, 441 diagnosis of, 56–58 for maintenance treatment, 306–307,
patterns, 44 bipolar ½ disorder, 50 diagnostic criteria for, 50–51 312, 313t, 314t

I ndex   •   675
carbamazepine (Cont.) psychosocial interventions for, 556–559 for bipolar disorder with manic compliance, medication, 555. see also
for mania SAMe treatment for, 352 episodes in children and adoles- Adherence to treatment
effect sizes, 268–276, 274t, 276 schizophrenia in, 181, 182t cents, 548 Composite International Diagnostic
evidence review, 264–265, 268, 269t, St. John’s wort for, 353–354 for bipolar I disorder, 308, 312, Interview, 57–58
272t–273t treatment effects in, 216–217 312t, 313t computerized assessment, 198
network meta-analysis of, 664–667, treatment planning for, 67–68 in combination with lithium or dival- conduct disorder, 26
664f, 665f, 666f treatment-resistant bipolar disorder in, proex, 312, 313t connected networks, 659
neuroprotective effects of, 410 554–556 for elderly bipolar disorder, 573t consent, 373
and pregnancy decision making, 539, China, 6, 512t, 513–514 evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t consistency of evidence, 659–660,
541–542 chlordiazepoxide, 571t lithium and, 520 663, 667
and pregnancy planning, 538 chlorpromazine, 265, 571t for maintenance treatment, 308 CONSORT, 612–613
reproductive safety profile, 532t, choline, 225, 227t, 228, 229t, 230, mood-stabilizing effects of, 404–405 continuation studies, 614–617
533–534 232–233 neuroprotective effects of, 411 continuous cycling (MDMD pattern), 44
side effects of, 264–265, 307, 577–578 cholinergic-induced mania/hypomania, reproductive safety profile, 532t, 535 contraception, 537
adverse endocrine and metabolic 421t, 423–424 side effects of contracts for safety, 524
effects, 395 cholinergic system, 418 anticholinergic, 571t copy-number variations, 184–185
anticholinergic, 571t cholinesterase inhibitor–induced mania/ neurological, 411 correlates, 26–29
cardiovascular disease, 498–499 hypomania, 421t, 423–424 for suicide risk, 524t corticotropin-releasing hormone, 137
cardiovascular risk factors, 498–499 chronic conditions, 26 cocaine-induced mania/hypomania, 424 corticotropin-releasing hormone test, 140
Caribbean, 510t chronicity, 44 Cochrane Collaboration, 649 costs, 191
cariprazine, 266, 268, 269t, 274t, 276 cingulate cortex abnormalities, 243 Cochrane Reviews, 649 Counter-Reformation, 7
carryover effects of, 631–632, 631f circadian rhythm disturbances, 129–130 cognition, 191–201 C-reactive protein, 116–118
catalase, 83 circadian rhythms, 128–130 cognitive assessment, 194, 195t, 197 creatine, 230–232
catatonia, 11 circuläre irresein (circular insanity), 9 cognitive behavioral therapy, 435–436, creatine/phosphocreatine ratio, 225,
CBT. see Cognitive Behavioral Therapy circular insanity, 3, 8–9, 15t, 16t, 417 439–443 227t, 228
CBT-I. see Cognitive Behavioral Therapy circular madness, 417 anti-relapse techniques, 441 CRH. see Corticotropin-releasing hor-
for Insomnia citicoline, 493 for anxiety disorders, 465 mone
CCL11, 117 clinical course, 43, 45f, 463 child- and family-focused cross-disorder studies, 29
CCL24, 117 Clinical Global Impressions Scale, 68 (CFF-CBT), 558 crossover trials, 629–631, 631f
celecoxib, 122–123, 153 clinical heterogeneity, 656 for cyclothymia, 481 Cullen, William, 10
cell death, 106–107, 108–109, 109f clinical presentation, 1–78 future directions for, 441 current issues, 50–51
cellular resilience, 105–113 clinical research, 149–150, 150f individual therapy, 440–441 current treatments, 263–581
definition of, 105 alternative designs, 605, 628–629 for pediatric bipolar disorder, 558–559 CXCL -10, 117
loss of, 106–107, 108–109, 109f B-A-B-A design, 628–629, 630t for suicidal risk, 523 cyclic AMP response element-binding
Central America, 510t, 514f crossover trials, 629–631, 631f symptom management, 440 protein, 97, 403–404, 408
cerebral blood flow, regional, 339 early lithium trials, 613 for treatment adherence, 440 cyclic AMP signaling, 99–100
changeable dysthymia (dysthymia mutabi- in early stage bipolar disorder, 320–321 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insom- cyclic insanity (cyklisches Irresein), 11
lis), 10–11, 15t funding for, 625 nia (CBT-I), 132–133 cyclic or manic-depressive “spec-
chemical imbalances, 4 high-risk studies, 320–321 cognitive distortions, 37 trum,” 13–14
chemokines, 116 industry-sponsored trials, 604–605 cognitive functioning cycling
Chiarugi, Vincenzo, 7, 15t optimal designs, 625–627 and disability, 193–195 continuous (MDMD pattern), 44
child- and family-focused payments to investigators, 604–605 domain-specific, 194 probability of relapse, 42t
cognitive-behavioral therapy pilot studies, 628–629 in schizophrenia, 194 rapid, 610
(CFF-CBT), 558 placebo response in, 585–597 top-down processing, 212 definition of, 41
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), 65, postmortem studies, 253–258 in unipolar depression, 195 pharmacological
65t, 69 prodrome studies, 320 cognitive impairment, 441 treatment–emergent, 428
childhood adversity, 27–28 proof-of-concept studies, 159–160, in bipolar illness, 191–201 and recurrent prevention, 301
childhood maltreatment, 28 628–629 and disability, 193–194 thyroid function and, 143
children randomized controlled trials (RCTs), domain-specific, 194 treatment-emergent cycle acceleration,
bipolar depression in, 553–554 599–621. see also Randomized drug-induced, 411 417–432
bipolar disorder in controlled trials (RCTs) in elderly bipolar disorder, 575 cycloid temperament, 477
base rates, 62–65, 64t Sequential Multiple Assignment cognitive processing studies, 212–213 cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 inhibitors,
diagnosis of, 61–72, 65t Randomized Trials (SMARTs), cognitive rehabilitation, 199 122–123
evidence-based assessment of, 61–62, 639–648 cognitive side effects of treatments, cyclooxygenase (COX)- 2, 122
62t, 63f sequential treatments design, 403–415, 405t cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors,
general clinical knowledge 624–625, 625f cognitive therapy, mindfulness-based, 122–123
about, 62–65 suggestions for, 634 217, 451 cyclothymia, 3, 471–485
index of suspicion for, 68, 69f to support evidence-based treatment Cohen’s d, 612–613, 633–634, clinical features of, 472–474, 474b
management of, 547–565 decisions, 649–672 633t, 654 course of, 477–478
prevalence of, 23t that optimally informs clinical practice, colorectal cancer, 502 definition of, 472
recurrence risks for, 181, 182t 624–625 common comparators, 659 diagnostic criteria for, 472
risk factors for, 64t, 65–66 trial design, 196, 623–637 common variant association studies, epidemiology of, 472–474
of bipolar disorder parents, 173–175 trial designs that optimally inform 183–184 historical overview, 11, 16t
bipolar disorder with manic episodes clinical practice, 624–625 communication, 445 practical management of,
in, 547–553 trials for drug registration, 624 comorbidity, 181, 182t, 442–443, 478–482, 481b
bipolar I disorder in trials of bipolar depression, 605–611 457–506 prevalence of, 472
antipsychotics for, 552–553, 552t trials of bipolar maintenance (or pro- medical, 196, 488, 497–506 psychological aspects of, 473–474, 473b
mood stabilizers for, 552–553, 552t phylaxis) treatment, 613–618 in older adults, 572 treatment strategies for, 478–482
cognitive-behavioral therapy for, trials of bipolar mania, 601–605 patterns of, 24–26, 25t cyclothymic disorder, 13–14, 40, 471–472
558–559 understudy trends, 632–633 psychopharmacological treatment for cyclothymic personality type, 14
combination treatments for, 556 CLOCK gene, 130 bipolar disorder with comorbid cyclothymic temperament, 472
complementary medicine for, 559 clomipramine, 480, 571t conditions, 559–561 cytokines, 116–119, 121–122
pharmacological treatment for, clonazepam, 480 comparability, 662–663
547–553, 553–554 closed loops, 659 Compendium (Kraepelin), 11–12 daol-kahl, 6
of probands, 321–322 clozapine complementary treatments, 345–364, 559 dark therapy, 132

676   •   I ndex
data, binary, 653, 654t cytokine abnormalities in, 116–117 Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration early diagnosis, 319–344
data aggregation, 655 early-onset, 64t, 66 Through Exponentiated Lie alge- early intervention, 319–344
data analysis and reporting, 611–613 general presentation of, 36–37 bra (DARTEL), 322–323, 330t early pregnancy, 538–541, 540b
data requirements, 653 with hypomania, 16t differential diagnosis, 53–56 early recovery adherence therapy, 491
data simulations, 669 indicators of bipolar disorder in, 45t diffusion tensor imaging, 205–207 early stage bipolar disorder, 320–321
DBS. see Deep brain stimulation inflammatory markers in, 116–117 in at-risk populations, 331, 332t–333t early warning signs, 438
De Cerebri Morbis (Pratensis), 6 major, 3, 384–385 in offspring and unaffected twins of Eastern Europe, 511t–512t, 513–514, 514f
decision making with mixed features, 38, 263 probands, 331–340 ecological momentary assessment, 198
critical decision points, 643–644 monotherapy for, 585–589, 586t of white matter abnormalities, ECT. see Electroconvulsive therapy
early pregnancy, 538–541 pharmacotherapy-induced, 427–428 208–209 education. see Psychoeducation
late pregnancy, 541–542 probability of relapse, 42t diltiazem, 162–163 effect (response odds ratio) estimates,
perinatal, 535–537 randomized controlled trials, 629 diphenhydramine, 571t 663–664, 664f
postpartum, 542 recurrent, 16t disability effect measures, 653, 654t
preconception, 537–538 SAMe treatment of, 351–352 cognitive ability and, 195–196 effect models, 655
deep brain stimulation, 378f, 383–387 St. John’s wort for, 353–354 cognitive functioning and, 193–195 effect size estimations, 612, 633–634, 633t
antidepressant effects of, 385, 385f treatment-resistant measurement of, 197 EGR3 gene, 130
ethical considerations, 386 rTMS therapy for, 379 risk factors for, 195–196 eicosapentaeonic acid (EPA), 346, 559
risks, 385–386 vagus nerve stimulation therapy for, Disability Assessment Schedule einheitpsychose (unitary psychosis), 9,
for severe psychiatric disorders, 382–383, 382t (WHO), 611 11, 16t
383–387 unipolar disability compensation, 192 einpolige (recurrent depressive disorder),
side effects of, 385–386 cognitive function in, 195 disability days, 192 12, 16t
for suicide risk, 523–524 deep rTMS treatment of, 380 discontinuation effects, 614 elated melancholia (melancholia
deep repetitive transcranial magnetic diagnostic features of, 54 discontinuation studies, 614 hilaris), 10–11
stimulation (rTMS), 378 rTMS treatment of, 380 disruptive mood dysregulation disorder elderly
for bipolar depression, 381 depression following mania (MDI pat- (DMDD), 63–64 bipolar disorder in, 442, 569–581
contraindications to, 379–380 tern), 13, 44 distress tolerance, 450 clinical features of, 570
side effects of, 379–380 depression predominantly preceding divalproex. see Valproate (divalproex, differential diagnosis of, 570
for unipolar depression, 380 mania (DMI pattern), 13, 44 divalproex ER) epidemiology of, 569–570
default mode network, 207 depressive index, 614 divalproex ER (valproate), 281, 282t, future directions, 579–580
Delaye, Jean-Baptiste Delaye, 9 depressive phase (dysthymia atra), 10–11 287t, 289 late-onset, 570
delayed diagnosis, 74–75 depressive realism, 197 diversity neuroimaging studies of, 574–575
delirious mania, 371 descriptive epidemiology, 21–23 clinical, 656 electroconvulsive therapy for, 579
delirium, partial, 8 desipramine, 571t methodological, 656 pharmacological treatments for,
delivery complications, 541–542 dexamethasone/CRH test, 140 divorce, 192 573t–574t
delusional states or disorders dexamethasone suppression test, 140 DMI pattern (depression predominantly psychosocial interventions for, 579
(Wahnsinn), 10–12 dexamethasone/vasopressin test, 141 preceding mania), 13, 44 psychotherapy for, 579
dementia, 55–56, 319 diabetes mellitus, 393–394, 499–500 docosahexanoic acid (DHA), 346, 559 treatment for, 575–579
dementia præcox, 3, 11–12, 35 management of, 396 donepezil, 423–424 electroconvulsive therapy, 367–375, 405,
demi-mania, 5 treatment of, 398–399 dopamine, 86, 418 412–413
demographics, 26–27 diacylglycerol, 154–155 dopamine D1 receptor acute course of, 368–369
density mapping, 219, 219f diacylglycerol kinase gene (DGKH), 408 imaging, 244–245 for bipolar depression, 369
dependence diagnosis dopamine D2 receptor for bipolar I disorder, 308, 312,
alcohol abuse or dependence in children and adolescents, 61–72 imaging, 244–245 312t, 313t
comorbid, 25–26, 25t, 55, 487–496 differential diagnosis, 53–56 dopamine D2/3 receptor agonists, for bipolar II maintenance treat-
management of, 487–496 early, 319–344 293, 423 ment, 314t
medications approved for, 493 improving, 56–58 dopaminergic imaging, 244–245, 244f for bipolar mixed states, 372–373
screening for, 489 index of suspicion, 68, 69f dopaminergic modulators, 159 in combination with lithium or dival-
and treatment-emergent mood misdiagnosis, 51–53 dopaminergic system, 157–159 proex, 312, 313t, 371–372
switch, 424 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of dopamine transporter (DAT) imaging, in combination with medications,
drug dependence, 25t Mental Disorders (DSM) (APA), 244–245 370–372
opioid dependence, 493 13, 16t, 35 double stigmas, 490 consent for, 373
substance abuse or dependence, 55 definition of bipolar disorder, 62–63 doxepin, 571t evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t, 314t
tobacco dependence, 493 diagnosis of disruptive mood dysregula- dropout rates, 603, 611 for geriatric bipolar disorder, 579
depression tion disorder, 63–64 drug abuse or dependence guidelines for, 368, 371
acute episodes, 585–589, 586t DSM-III, 471, 475 comorbidity, 25t index course of, 368–369
agitated, 50 DSM-IV, 51, 471–472, 474–475 screening for, 489 indications for, 371
atypical features, 37 DSM-IV-TR, 41, 474–475 treatment of, 493 ketamine anesthesia for, 370
bipolar, 36–38 DSM-5, 38–39, 41, 471–472, 475, drug registration trials, 624 maintenance, 308, 312, 313t–314t
in children and adolescents, 553–554 476b, 489 DTRs. see Dynamic treatment regimes for mania, 371–372
clinical trials of, 605–611 features of personality disorders, Dunner, David, 16t medical risks, 370
DBS effects in, 385, 385f 475, 476b duration of episodes, 43 mortality rate, 369–370
deep rTMS treatment of, 381 specifiers for bipolar and related dis- d value (Cohen’s d), 612–613, 633–634, neuroprotective effects of, 406t, 413
diagnostic features of, 54 orders, 41 633t, 654 patient referral for, 367–368
electroconvulsive therapy for, 369 Structured Clinical Interview for dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs), 639 risk factors for mania/hypomania with,
NAC treatment of, 351 DSM-IV (SCID), 56–58 estimation of, 643, 644f 372, 421t, 426
pharmacological treatment of, diagnostic boundaries, 24 with one-stage trials and corresponding safety of, 369–370
281–297, 553–554 diagnostic instruments, 57–58 SMART, 640–641, 642f side effects of
regional abnormalities in, 240–242 dialectical behavior therapy, optimal, 643, 644f cognitive, 370, 405t, 412–413
rTMS treatment of, 380–381 449–452, 450f dysfunctional automatic thoughts, 440 neurological, 404t, 412
sequential treatments trials, for adolescents, 558 dysglycemia, 398–399 standards of care for, 368
624–625, 625f for bipolar disorder, 450–452 dyslipidemia, 393, 398 for suicide risk, 523–524
and sleep, 127–128 for suicidal risk, 523 dysthymia atra (depressive phase), 10–11 technical overview, 368–369, 371
characteristics of, 38 diazepam, 490–491, 571t dysthymia candida (hypomania), 10–11 tolerability of, 369–370
cognitive triad of, 37 diet, 396–397, 397t dysthymia mutabilis (changeable dysthy- EMA assessment. see Ecological momen-
course of, 477 dietary supplements, 357 mia), 10–11, 15t tary assessment

I ndex   •   67 7
EMBOLDEN continuation studies, family history, 28, 64t, 65–66 for bipolar II maintenance treat- glycogen synthase kinase 3β, 96
614–617 family interventions, 176–177 ment, 314t Goodwin, Frederick K., 16t, 35
emotion, expressed, 445 family studies, 28, 171–183, 182t for elderly bipolar disorder, 573t, Grading of Recommendations Assess-
emotional instability, 474 Fenton reaction, 83–84 577–578 ment, Development, and Evalua-
emotionally unstable character disor- Ferdinand VI, 7 evidence for efficacy of, 266, 312, tion (GRADE) system, 668
der, 477 Fieve, Ronald, 16t 312t, 314t GRAPES mnemonic, 67
emotional processing, 211–212 fight or flight response, 137 for mania, 266 gray matter
emotion dysregulation, 450 FIND criteria, 67 Gaddesden: John of, 6, 15t regional abnormalities, 209–211
emotion-regulation deficits, 173 Fischer’s Exact Test, 628 galantamine, 423–424 volumetric studies, 323, 339–340
EMPowerplus, 357 fixed effects model, 655 Galen (Aelius Galenus of Pergamon), Greece, ancient, 4–5, 10, 15t
encephalopathy, 503 FKBP5, 139 4, 6, 15t Griesinger, Wilhelm, 9, 11, 16t
endocrine disorders, 499–500 Flemming, Carl Friedrich, 10–11, 15t GAMIAN-Europe, 52 group therapy, 556–557
endocrine system [18F]-Fluorodeoxyglucose,  239 γ-Aminobutyric acid, 225, 227t, 229t, GSK. see Glycogen synthase kinase
adverse effects associated with medica- fluoxetine 230, 256, 418–419 Guislain, Joseph, 10
tions used to treat bipolar disor- for bipolar depression, 290–291 Gao Lian (Kao Lien), 6, 15t g value (Hedges’ g), 654
der, 394–400 for bipolar II maintenance treat- gastroenterological disorders, 503
changes associated with bipolar disor- ment, 314t gemischte Gemüthsstörungen (mixed mood Haber-Weiss reaction, 83–84
der, 393–394 olanzapine and fluoxetine combination disturbances), 10, 15t hallucinations, 5
endogenous cannabinoid system, 420 (OFC), 307, 422 gender differences haloperidol, 405
endogenous opioid system, 419 for bipolar depression, 281–286, co-occurrence of anxiety syndromes in depressogenic properties of, 427
endoplasmic reticulum stress, 107–108 283t, 284t, 289, 294–295 mood disorders, 461, 462t effects of, 660f, 661, 663–667, 664f,
energy metabolism, 152–153 for bipolar depression in children and placebo response, 602–603 665f, 666f
English physicians, 7, 15t and adolescents, 553–554 in suicide attempts, 514 for mania
environmental risk factors, 27–28 side effects of, 286, 287t in suicide rates, 515 effect sizes, 268–276, 274t, 275t, 276
epidemiology, 21–23, 50 flupenthixol, 312, 313t, 427 gene expression studies, 118–119 evidence review, 265, 268, 269t,
episodic aggressive behavior, 66 flurazepam, 571t generalized anxiety disorder, 25t, 272t–273t
episodic mood lability, 64t folic acid supplements, 538–539 460–461, 460t–461t, 462f, 463t network meta-analysis of, 663–667,
ERAT. see Early recovery adherence folie à double forme (insanity of double General Social Survey, 73 664f, 665f, 666f
therapy form), 8–9, 417 genetic risk factors, 28–29 neuroprotective effects of, 411
Esquirol, Jean-Étienne Dominique, 8, 15t folie à formes alternes (insanity of alterna- genetics, 171–188 Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
estimation, 645–646, 663–664, 664f tive forms), 9 and circadian abnormalities, 130 (Ham-D), 42, 625–626
etanercept, 123 folie circulaire, 8–9, 417 inflammation-related genes, 119–120 Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
ethical considerations, 386 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and MRI findings, 213 (HRSD), 608
ethnic differences, 27 358, 493, 599–600 genetic studies, 28–29 harm avoidance, 438
Europe, 6, 511t–512t, 513–514 forest plots, 655, 657, 657f common variant association studies, harm reduction, 438
European Medicines Agency, 599–600 fractional anisotropy, 206–207 183–184 Hawthorne effect, 600
European Network of Bipolar Research France, 19th-century, 7–10 family studies, 28, 171–183, 182t healthy lifestyle, 396–397, 397t, 438
Expert Centre, 13 frequentist approach, 655 polygenic studies, 185 Hecker, Ewald, 11, 16t
euthymia, 109 frontal cortex, 209–210 rare variant association studies, Hedges’ g, 654
cytokine abnormalities in, 117 functional assessment, 194, 195t 184–185 Heinroth, Johann Christian August
interepisode, 128 functional capacity, 193 twin studies, 28, 181–183 Heinroth, 10, 15t
maintenance of, 589, 590t functional connectivity, 205, 207, 220 genome-wide association studies, 186 helper T cells (Th17), 99
evaluation instruments, 608 functional connectivity analysis, 207, geriatric bipolar disorder. see Elderly hemoglobin A1C, 398
everyday disability, 191–201 219, 219f Germany, 19th-century, 10–12 hepatitis C, 501–502
evidence functional impairment gesture, suicide, 509–513 high-risk studies, 320–321
consistency of, 659–660, 663, 667 in bipolar disorder, 191–193 ghotrah (persecutory psychosis, para- hippocampus, 210–211
direct, 658 in elderly bipolar disorder, 575 noia), 6 Hippocratic tradition, 4–5, 15t
indirect, 658–659 functional magnetic resonance imaging glial cells, 254–255 Hispanics, 27
methods for linking, 669 (fMRI), 207, 219–220 global health, 509–513, 510t–513t histone deacetylase inhibitors, 163
simultaneous synthesis via network in at-risk populations, 334t–337t, 338 Global Program to Fight Stigma and historical overview
meta-analysis, 661–662 in bipolar disorder, 211 Discrimination Because of Schizo- of bipolar disorder diagnosis, 3–19,
evidence-based assessment, 61–62, 62t, cognitive processing studies, 212–213 phrenia (Open-the-Doors), 77 15t–16t, 35
63f, 69 emotional processing studies, 211–212 glucocorticoid receptor, 138–139 of mood stabilizers, 404
evidence-based treatment decisions, of lithium effects, 215 glucocorticoid receptor gene GR, 139 on therapeutic HPT axis hor-
649–672 in offspring and unaffected twins of glucocorticoids, 108 mones, 144
evidence networks, 659, 660–661, 660f probands, 338–339 glutamate, 156, 225, 227t, 228, 229t, histrionic personality disorder, 475, 476b
evidence or research synthesis, 649 functional neurocircuitry, 243–244, 244f 230–232 HIV (human immunodeficiency virus),
excitotoxicity, 107–108 functional outcome instruments, glutamate/alpha-amino-3-hydroxy- 500–501
executive functioning, 194 192, 192t 5-methyl-4-isoxazolpropionate Hoffmann, Friedrich, 6, 15t
exercise, 360, 396–397 functional rehabilitation, 199 receptor gene GRIA2, 186 homogeneity, 663, 667
experimental treatments, 465 Functioning Assessment Short Test, glutamate receptors, 156 homovanillic acid (HVA), 158
expressed emotion, 445 610–611 glutamate-related agent–induced mania/ hormones
extended phenotype, 173 funding for research, 625 hypomania, 421t in bipolar disorder, 159–160
extrapyramidal syndromes, drug-induced, future directions glutamatergic modulating agents, 294 proof-of-concept studies of, 159–160
410–412 for cognitive behavioral therapy, 441 glutamatergic neurotransmission, 255, risk factors for mania/hypomania, 421t
for geriatric bipolar disorder, 579–580 255f, 256 hospitalization, parent, 174–175
Falret, Jean-Pierre, 3, 8–9, 15t for psychoeducation, 441 glutamatergic system, 156–157, 418–419 HPA axis. see
family assessment, 177 for research, 585–671 glutathione, 255 Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrena
Family Experience Study, 74 glutathione peroxidase, 83 l axis
family-focused therapy, 439, 445–447 GABA. see γ-Aminobutyric acid glutathione S-transferase, 83 HPT axis. see
with adolescents (FFT-A), 557 gabaergic/glutamatergic system, 256, glycogen synthase kinase 3, 95–97, Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroi
in combination with pharmacotherapy, 418–419 99–100, 153–154, 403–404 d axis
446, 446t gabapentin glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitors, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
empirical support for, 446–447, 446t for anxiety disorders, 464 153–154 500–501
for youth, 447 for bipolar I disorder, 312, 312t, 313t glycogen synthase kinase 3α, 96 humoral theory, 4

67 8   •   I ndex
Hurd, Henry M., 9 inconsistency, 659, 663, 667 Ishaq Ibn Imran, 5–6, 15t last observation carried forward
5-Hydroxytryptamine1A receptors, index of suspicion, 68, 69f ishgh (combination of anxiety and depres- (LOCF), 611
245–247 indirubin, 153–154 sion), 6 late pregnancy, 540b, 541–542
5-Hydroxytryptamine2A receptors, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), 121 Islamic scholars, 5–6, 15t lateral prefrontal cortex abnormalities,
245–247 infants, 535–536 Italian physicians, 7, 15t 241–242
hypercalcemia, 399 inference, 645–646 Latin America, 513–514
hyperglycemia, 393 inflammation, 85–86, 115–125 James, Robert, 7, 15t lecithin, 354–355
Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort), inflammatory signaling, 98–99 Jamison, Kay R., 16t Leonhard, Karl, 13, 16t, 35
353–354 infliximab, 123 John of Gaddesden, 6, 15t level of significance, 611
hyperparathormonemia, 399 information sharing, 438 Johns Hopkins Hospital, 9 levetiracetam, 266, 289–290
hyperprolactinemia, 399–400 inositol, 348–350 Jorjani, Esmail (Sayyid Zayn levothyroxine (L-T4), 144–145, 145t, 146
hypersomnia, 128 inositol depletion hypothesis, 93–94 al-Din Isma’il al-Husayni licarbazepine, 268, 269t
hypertension, 498–499 inositol polyphosphate signal suppression al-Jurjani), 5, 15t Life Chart Method (NIMH-LCM), 57
hyperthyroxinemia, 145 hypothesis, 348 judgment lifestyle, 396–397, 397t, 438
hypomania, 35–36 insanity in depression, 38 light, 129
with depression, 16t of alternative forms (folie à formes in mania, 36 light therapy, 421t, 426
diagnosis of, 471 alternes), 9 limbic system abnormalities, 242–243
dysthymia candida, 10–11 circular (circuläre irresein), 3, 8–9, Kahlbaum, Karl-Ludwig, 11, 16t lipids, serum, 397–398
general presentation of, 35 15t–16t kainate, 156 literature reviews
historical overview, 10–11, 16t cyclic (cyklisches Irresein), 11 Kaplan-Meier (KM) survival analyses, 617 evidence reviews, 264–266, 268,
with mixed features, 38 of double form (folie à double forme), 3, Katatonie oder das Spannungsirresein 269t–271t, 272t–273t, 312,
placebo-induced, 424–426, 425t 8–9, 15t, 16t (tension insanity), 11 312t, 314t
prevalence of, 23t manic-depressive, 35 ketamine, 157 meta-meta-analyses, 669
treatment-emergent, 417, 420–424 periodic, 9 for anxiety disorders, 465 overviews of reviews, 669
Hypomania Checklist (HCL-32), 56 tension (Katatonie oder das Spannung- for depression, 294, 370 lithium, 87, 405–409
Hypomania/Mania Symptom Checklist sirresein), 11 postmortem findings, 256 adverse effects of, 395, 399
(HCL-32), 42 insight, 36, 38 risk factors for mania/hypomania for anxiety disorders, 464
Hypomanic Personality Scale, 57 insomnia, 128, 132–133 with, 421t for bipolar depression, 281, 283t,
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) integrated care model, 490 kindling phenomenon, 300–301 289–290
axis, 120–121, 137–148, 138f, integrated group therapy, 491 Kirn, L., 16t for bipolar depression in children and
160, 419 intention to treat, 611 Kleist, Karl, 12, 16t adolescents, 553–554
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) interferon-α (IFN-α), 119, 121–122 Kraepelin, Emil, 3, 11–12, 16t, 35, for bipolar disorder in children and
axis, 137–148, 419 interferon-γ (IFN-γ), 116–117, 119–120 457–458 adolescents, 556
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) interleukin-1 receptor a (IL-1Ra), Kraepelinian hypothesis, 3 for bipolar disorder with manic epi-
axis hormones, therapeutic, 116–118 Kretschmer, Ernst, 14 sodes in children and adolescents,
144–145 interleukin-1β, 99, 116–117, 120–122 kynurenic acid (KYNA), 121 550–551
hypothyroidism, 143, 399 interleukin -2, 116 kynurenine, 121 for bipolar I, 302–303, 312,
interleukin-2 receptor, soluble (sIL-2R), 312t, 313t
iatromechanics, 6, 15t 99, 116–117 lactation, 531, 535–537, 541b for bipolar I disorder in children and
ideation, 509–513 interleukin -4, 99, 116–117 lactation safety, 542–543 adolescents, 552–553, 552t
IGT. see Integrated group therapy interleukin -6, 99, 116–118, 120–121 lamotrigine for bipolar II maintenance treatment,
illness awareness, 437 interleukin-6 receptor, soluble (sIL-6R), adverse effects of, 395 312–313, 314t
iloperidone, 532t, 535 99, 116 for anxiety disorders, 464 cognitive effects of, 405, 405t, 407, 409
imaging studies interleukin -8, 116 for bipolar depression, 281, 282t, in combination with anticonvul-
diffusion tensor imaging, 205–207 interleukin -10, 116–117, 120 288–289 sants, 311
in offspring and unaffected twins of International Classification of Diseases for bipolar depression in children and in combination with antipsychot-
probands, 331–340 and Related Health Problems adolescents, 554 ics, 266
in populations at risk for bipolar (ICD-10) (WHO), 13, 62–63, 471 for bipolar disorder with manic epi- in combination with atypical antipsy-
disorder, 331, 332t–333t International Classification of Func- sodes in children and adolescents, chotics, 311
of white matter abnormalities, tioning, Disability and Health 551–552 in combination with bupropion, 314t
208–209 (WHO), 610–611 for bipolar I maintenance treatment, in combination with carbamazepine,
functional imaging. see Functional International Journal of Bipolar Disor- 304, 312, 312t 312, 313t
magnetic resonance imag- ders, 13 for bipolar II maintenance treatment, in combination with clozapine,
ing (fMRI) International Society for Bipolar Disor- 313, 314t 312, 313t
of medication effects, 213–218 ders (ISBD), 13, 16t, 606 in combination with lithium, 287t in combination with divalproex,
molecular imaging, 239–250 Task Force Report on Antidepressant for elderly bipolar disorder, 573t, 577 312, 313t
MRI studies, 205–224 Use in Bipolar Disorders, 292, 370 evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t, 314t in combination with ECT, 312, 313t,
neuroimaging studies, 105–106, Task Force Report on Nomenclature of evidence review, 266, 268, 269t 371–372
205–250 Course and Outcome in Bipolar immunomodulatory effects of, 122 in combination with fluphenthixol,
in offspring and unaffected twins of Disorders, 609, 610t lactation safety, 543 312, 313t
probands, 322–340 international suicide rates, 509–513, for mania, 266, 268, 269t in combination with imipramine, 314t
prospective medication studies, 510t–513t, 513–515, 514f MRI studies of, 216 in combination with lamotrigine,
215–217 interpersonal and social rhythms therapy MRS studies of, 229t, 231–232 287t, 289
structural imaging. see Structural mag- (IPSRT), 133, 447–449 network meta-analysis of, 664–667, in combination with olanzapine,
netic resonance imaging (sMRI) for adolescents, 557–558 664f, 665f, 666f 312, 313t
volumetric studies for cyclothymia, 481 neuroprotective effects of, 410 in combination with omega-3–fatty
in offspring and unaffected twins of interviews of patients and other infor- and pregnancy decision making, 539, acids, 312, 313t
probands, 322 mants, 58, 65–66, 66–67 541–542 in combination with oxcarbazepine,
in populations at risk for bipolar Inventory for Depression Symptomatol- and pregnancy planning, 538 312, 313t
disorder, 322, 324t–330t ogy (IDS), 608 reproductive safety profile, 532t, 534 in combination with quetiapine,
imipramine, 314t, 571t investigator payments, 604–605 side effects of, 287t, 288–289, 409, 427 312, 313t
immune mechanisms, 115–125 ionic channel modulators, 161–163 for substance use disorders, 492 in combination with risperidone, 312,
immune signaling, 98–99 ionic channels, 161, 161f lamotrigine treatment–emergent depres- 313t, 556
impulse control, 36 IPSRT. see Interpersonal and social sion, 427 in combination with second-generation
incidence, 23–24 rhythms therapy Lange, Carl Georg, 12, 16t antipsychotics, 266–267

I ndex   •   67 9
lithium (Cont.) functional (fMRI), 207, 219–220 clinical trials of, 601–605 Medication Management Ability Assess-
in combination with SSRIs, 312, in at-risk populations, cytokine abnormalities in, 116–117 ment, 193
313t, 314t 334t–337t, 338 delirious, 371 medications. see Pharmacotherapy;
in combination with TCAs, 312, 313t in bipolar disorder, 211 description of, 5 specific drugs
in combination with valproate, 556 cognitive processing studies, diagnostic criteria for, 263 medieval Islamic tradition, 5–6
in combination with venlafaxine, 314t 212–213 differential diagnosis of, 572 meditation, 217
early trials of, 613 emotional processing studies, electroconvulsive therapy for, 371–372 melancholia
efficacy of, 625 211–212 electroconvulsive therapy–induced, 372 elated (melancholia hilaris), 10–11
for elderly bipolar disorder, 573t, of lithium effects, 215 general presentation of, 35 historical overview, 3–8, 15t, 457–458
576–578 in offspring and unaffected twins of historical overview, 3–8, 15t, 320, with silliness (melancholie mit
evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t, 314t probands, 338–339 457–458 narrheit), 10
genome-wide association studies of, 186 of medication effects, 213–218 inflammatory markers in, 116–117 melancholic-manic illness, 7
guidelines for minimizing risk for deliv- structural (sMRI), 217–218 medications that cause, 572, 576b melatonergic system, 419
ery and neonatal complications, approaches, 205–207 metabolic abnormalities in, 242–243 melatonin, 128–129, 159, 355–357
541–542 in bipolar disorder, 207–211, 219 with mixed features, 38, 263 memantine, 157, 294, 465
immunomodulatory effects of, 122 of lithium effects, 215 moderate, 5 memory loss, 370
inositol depletion hypothesis for effects in offspring and unaffected twins of neurological causes of, 570, 576b Mendel, E.E., 16t
of, 93–94 probands, 322–331 placebo-induced, 424–426, 425t mental alienation, 8
lactation safety, 542–543 of regional gray matter abnormali- prevalence of, 23t mental damage, 7
for mania, 371–372 ties, 209–211 probability of relapse, 42t mental disorders, 24–26
effect sizes, 268–276, 274t–275t, 276 region of interest analysis, 205 randomized controlled trials of, 629 mental health services, 24
evidence review, 264, 268, 269t, of ventricular system changes, 209 secondary, 570 mental illness, 73–74
270t, 272t–273t voxel-based morphometry analysis, severe, 5 mental pain (psychache), 522
mechanism of action, 348 206, 219, 322, 323, 324t–330t, and sleep, 127 mental weakness (psychische Schwäch-
mood-stabilizing effects of, 404 339–340 treatment-emergent, 286, 295, 417, ezustände), 11
MRI studies of, 213–215, 214f, 218 of white matter abnormalities, 419–424 meta-analyses, 650
MRS studies of, 229–230, 229t 208–209 treatment of, 268, 272t–273t, applicability of findings, 668
network meta-analysis of, 660–661, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), 276–277 guidelines for interpretation of, 668
660f, 663–667, 664f, 665f, 666f 225, 226–232, 226f, 227f combination therapy, 266–267 key questions regarding interpretation
neuroprotective effects of, 405, 406t, basic concepts, 225–226 effect sizes, 266–276, 274t–275t, of findings from, 668b
407–409 lithium (7 Li MRS), 234 276, 601 mixed treatment comparisons, 650
predictors of response to, 479 of medication effects, 229–232 evidence review, 264–268, multiple treatments (network) com-
and pregnancy decision making, methodological factors, 234–235 269t–271t, 272t–273t parisons, 650, 657f, 658–662,
539–542 in offspring and unaffected twins of evidence-synthesis results, 266–276 663–668
and pregnancy planning, 537–538 probands, 339 goals for, 263 pairwise, 650
reproductive safety profile, phosphorus MRS, 228–229, 233–234 monotherapy, 264–266, 268, reporting and reading, 668
531–533, 532t proton MRS (1H MRS), 226–228, 269t–271t, 272t–273t traditional (pairwise), 653–658, 657f
response rates, 657, 657f 232–233 pharmacological, 263–279 working example, 653–658, 657f, 660f,
side effects of, 287t, 290, 427 and response to treatment, 232–234 placebo response in trials of, 664f, 665f, 666f
cognitive, 405t, 409 and treatment, 234–235 601–602 metabolic abnormalities, 242–243
neurological, 404t, 405–407 maintenance treatments, 299–318 maniaco-melancholicus, 7, 15t metabolic adverse events
sexual, 400 clinical trials of, 613–618 mania-melancholica, 7 associated with medications used to
and suicidal risks, 519–521, 524t outcomes assessments, 617–618 manic-depression treat bipolar disorder, 394–395
lithium carbonate, 16t pharmacotherapy bipolar (zweipolige Erkrankungen), management of, 395–399
for substance use disorders, 492–493 for bipolar I disorder, 301–312, 312t 12, 16t metabolic changes, 393–394
and suicidal risk, 519–520 for bipolar II disorder, 312–313, 314t monopolar (einpolige), 12, 16t metabolic syndrome, 442
lithium intoxication, 406–407 combination treatments, 310–311 manic-depressive illness, 417 diagnostic criteria for, 394–395, 396t
lithium magnetic resonance spectroscopy discontinuation, 311–312 historical overview, 3, 11–12, 17, 35, management of, 396, 398
( 7Li MRS), 234 for mixed episodes, 313–314 457–458 meta-meta-analyses, 669
lithium treatment–emergent depres- recommendations for, 310–311, lecithin treatment of, 355 meta-regression, 656
sion, 427 311t, 314t Manic-Depressive Illness (Goodwin), 16t methodological heterogeneity, 656
liver cirrhosis, 503 treatments not recommended, manic stupor, 11–12 The Methodology Center, 639
LOCF. see Last observation carried 309–310 maprotiline, 571t 5-Methoxy, N-acetyltryptamine. see
forward placebo-controlled trials, 613–614 Marcé, Louis-Victor, 8–10, 16t Melatonin
long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, 153 recommendations for future trials, maristans, 5 N-Methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)
long-term course, 44–45 617–618 Markov Chain Monte Carlo antagonists, 157
lopinavir, 427 major depression, 3, 384–385 algorithms, 662 N-Methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)
Lorry, Anne-Charles, 7 major depressive disorder massage therapy, 360 receptors, 156
loxapine, 571t cross-disorder studies, 29 maternal bipolar disorder, 535–536 methylphenidate-induced mania/
L-type calcium channel (LTCC) antago- demographic correlates, 26–27 mating, assortative, 174 hypomania, 421t, 423
nists, 95 diagnostic boundaries, 24 MATRICS initiative, 191 microglia, 255
lung cancer, 502 differential diagnosis of, 53–54 MDI pattern (depression following micronutrients, 357, 360
lurasidone family studies, 28 mania), 13, 44 Middle East, 509–513, 511t,
for acute bipolar depression, 281, 282t, historical overivew, 17, 35 MDMD pattern (continuous cycling), 44 513–514, 514f
284t, 288, 294–295 maladaptive beliefs, 440 Mead, Richard, 7, 15t mifepristone (RU-486), 160, 419
for elderly bipolar disorder, 574t male sex hormone–induced mania/hypo- mean difference, 654 migraine, 26, 502–503
reproductive safety profile, 532t, 535 mania, 421t measurement of disability, 197 milestones, 192
side effects of, 287t, 288 Manardus, Johannes (Giovanni mecamylamine, 294 mindfulness, 217, 449–451
lymphoma, 502 Manardo), 6, 15t medial temporal structure, 210–211 mineral supplements, 360
lypémania, 8, 15t mania, 35–36 mediators, 633–634 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
acute episodes, 268, 272t–273t medical care home, 490 Inventory –2, 69
macrophage-T cell theory, 99 mood stabilizers for, 585–589, medical conditions Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
magnesium, 357 587t–588t bipolar and related disorders due to, 40 Inventory–Adolescent, 67
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), treatment of, 276 comorbidity patterns, 196, 488, mirtazepine, 421t, 578
205–224 in children and adolescents, 547–553 497–506 misdiagnosis, 51–53

6 8 0   •   I ndex
mitochondrial dysfunction, 84–85, discontinuation during pregnancy, nefazodone-induced mania/hypoma- in combination with lithium, valproate,
108, 152 536, 540 nia, 421t or carbamazepine, 267
mitogen-activated protein kinase phos- for elderly bipolar disorder, 573t, Negative Syndrome Scale, 625–626 in combination with lithium or dival-
phatase -1, 99 577–578 neonatal complications, 541–542 proex, 312, 313t
mixed episodes or states historical overview of, 404 network diagrams, 659 in combination with topiramate, 556
acute, 585–589, 587t–588t mechanism of action, 109–110 network meta-analysis, 650, 658–662, depressogenic properties of, 427
diagnostic criteria for, 263 for pediatric bipolar I disorder, 662–663 dosage, 304
electroconvulsive therapy 552–553, 552t working example, 663–668, 664f, effects of, 660–661, 660f
for, 372–373 placebo responses with, 585–589, 665f, 666f for elderly bipolar disorder, 574t, 578
historical overview, 5, 7, 10, 16t 587t–588t network plots, 659 evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t
mood stabilizers for, 585–589, and pregnancy decision making, Neumann, Heinrich, 11 for maintenance treatment, 304
587t–588t 539–540 neurobiology, 130, 243–244, 244f, for mania
pharmacological maintenance therapy reproductive safety profiles, 531, 532t 403–404 effect sizes, 268–276, 274t–275t, 276
for, 313–314 response rates, 657, 657f neurocognitive disorders, 572 evidence review, 265, 268, 270t,
presentation of, 38 mood switching, 609. see also Rapid neurodegeneration, 105–113 272t–273t
probability of relapse, 42t cycling neurodegenerative diseases, 570–572 MRS studies of, 232–233
mixed mood disturbances (gemischte biology of, 417–418 neuroendocrine systems, 419 network meta-analysis of, 663–667,
Gemüthsstörungen), 10, 15t continuous cycling (MDMD neurogenesis, 97–98 664f, 665f, 666f
mixed treatment comparisons pattern), 44 neuroimaging, 105–106, 205–250, neuroprotective effects of, 411
meta-analysis, 650 probability of relapse, 42t 574–575. see also specific modalities for pediatric bipolar disorder, 556
modafinil treatment-emergent affective switch neuroleptic malignant syndrome, 411 for pediatric bipolar disorder with
for acute bipolar depression, 281, (TEAS), 417–432, 609, 618 neurological side effects, 403–415, 404t manic episodes, 548
285t, 292 Moors, 5 neuromodulative treatments, 377–390 for pediatric bipolar I disorder,
risk factors for mania/hypomania, Morgagni, Giovanni, 7, 15t neurons, 254 552–553, 552t
421t, 423 morphometry, voxel-based, 206, 219 neuropathological findings, 105–106 reproductive safety profile, 532t, 534
moderators, 633–634 in at-risk populations, 322, neuroplasticity enhancers, 153–157 response rates, 657, 657f
molecular biology, 83–168 324t–330t neuroprotective effects of treatments, side effects of, 281–286, 287t, 304,
molecular genetic studies, 28–29 in offspring and unaffected twins of 403–415, 406t 552–553, 553t, 571t
molecular imaging, 239–250 probands, 323, 339–340 neuropsychological studies, 321–322 olanzapine and fluoxetine combination
molindone, 571t mortality, 45 neurotic type personality, 475 (OFC), 422
monitoring, 397–398 mothers with mental illness, 176 neurotransmitters, 86–87, 87f for bipolar depression, 281–286, 283t,
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), motility psychosis, 12, 16t neurotrophic factors, 107 284t, 289, 294–295
421t, 422t MRI. see Magnetic resonance imaging neurotrophins, 97–98, 155–156 for bipolar depression in children and
monoamine system, 418 MRS. see Magnetic resonance New York Times, 357–358 adolescents, 553–554
monomanias, 8 spectroscopy nimodipine, 162 for bipolar I disorder, 307
monopolar manic-depression (einpolige), multi-comorbidity, 487–488 noise, statistical, 606–607, 608 side effects of, 286, 287t, 307
12, 16t multifamily psychoeducation groups, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs oligodendrocytes, 255
Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rat- 556–557 (NSAIDs), 421t omega-3 fatty acids, 345–347
ing Scale (MADRS), 42, 608, multiple treatments (network) norepinephrine, 418 for bipolar depression, 293
617–618, 625–626 meta-analyses, 650, 657f, North America, 510t, 514, 514f for bipolar I maintenance treatment,
mood 658–662, 663–668 nortriptyline, 571t 312, 313t
cognitive ability and, 196 myocardial infarction, acute, 499 nuclear factor-κB, 99 for children and adolescents, 559
as continuum, 458 myo-inositol, 225, 227t, 228, 229t, number needed to harm (NNH), in combination with lithium or dival-
defective regulation of, 476 230–231 612–613, 633–634 proex, 312, 313t
melatonin and, 129 myxedematous madness, 144 number needed to treat (NNT), 612–613, long-chain, 153
serotonin and, 129 633–634, 633t for maintenance treatment, 308–309
treatment-induced instability, 417–432 NAA. see N-Acetylaspartate nutritional supplements, 360 novel use of, 123
mood charting, 68, 119 NAC. see N-Acetylcysteine Open-the-Doors (Global Program to
Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1, obesity, 393, 442, 497–498 Fight Stigma and Discrimination
42, 56–57, 489 alpha/beta subcomplex, 1 (NDU- obsessive-compulsive disorder Because of Schizophrenia), 77
mood disorders FAB1) gene, 152 comorbidity, 25t, 460–461, 461t opioid dependence, 493
association with suicide, 514–515 naltrexone, 419 differential diagnosis of, 54 opioid receptor antagonist–induced
co-occurrence with anxiety syndromes, naltrexone hydrochloride, 493 lifetime risk of, 460–461, mania/hypomania, 421t
461, 462t naltrexone-induced mania/ 460t, 462f opioids, endogenous, 419
HPT axis in, 142–143 hypomania, 421t prevalence of, 460–461, 460t, opioid substitution pharmacotherapy, 493
refractory, 144, 145t narcissistic personality disorder, 475, 476b 462f, 463t oppositional defiant disorder, 26, 352
therapy for narrative review, 649 ODZ4 gene, 183 optimistic bias, 197
HPT axis hormones in, 144–145 National Certification Commission for OFC. see Olanzapine and fluoxetine com- osteoprotegerin, 118
inositol treatment, 350 Acupuncture and Oriental bination other informants, 58
L-T4 treatment, 144, 145t Medicine, 358 off-on-off-on (B-A-B-A) trials, outcome analysis, 611
mood disturbances National Depressive and 628–629, 630t outcome definitions, 608
in depression, 37 Manic-Depressive Association offspring studies, 171–180 outcomes, 44t
in mania, 35 (DMDA), 51 brain imaging studies, 322–340 anxiety and, 463
mood lability, episodic, 64t National Institute for Health and Clinical neuropsychological studies, 321–322 continuous, 653–654
mood reactivity, 474 Excellence, 480–481 olanzapine, 158, 422 heterogeneity of, 606
mood stabilizers National Institute of Mental Health Life for anxiety disorders, 464–465 overviews of reviews, 669
for acute bipolar depression, 291 Chart Method (NIMH-LCM), for bipolar depression, 281–286, 282t, overweight, 497
for acute manic or mixed episodes, 57, 617–618, 626–627 290–291 oxazepam, 571t
585–589, 587t–588t National Institutes of Health (NIH), 639 for bipolar disorder in children and oxcarbazepine
anticholinergic side effects of, 571t Native Americans, 27 adolescents, 556 adverse effects of, 395
for anxiety disorders, 464–465 NCAN gene, 183 for bipolar disorder with manic for bipolar I disorder, 308, 312,
in combination with antidepres- NDUFAB1 (NADH dehydrogenase episodes in children and adoles- 312t, 313t
sants, 291 [ubiquinone] 1, alpha/beta sub- cents, 548 in combination with lithium or dival-
for cyclothymia, 479–480 complex, 1) gene, 152 for bipolar I disorder, 304, 312, proex, 312, 313t
definition of, 404 Neele, Edda, 12, 16t 312t, 313t evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t

I ndex   •   6 81
oxcarbazepine (Cont.) periodic insanity, 9 neurological, 403–415, 404t Posidonius, 4, 15t
for geriatric bipolar disorder, 573t, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, 106 sexual, 400 positron emission tomography (PET),
577–578 perphenazine, 427 for substance use disorders, 492–493 239, 244–247, 339
for maintenance treatment, 308 Perris, Carlo, 13, 16t SUCRA-based rankings, 664–667, postmortem studies, 253–258
for mania, 266, 268, 272t–273t personality disorders 665f–666f postpartum decision making, 541b, 542
network meta-analysis of, 664–667, comorbid, 478–482 and suicidal risks, 515–521 postpartum exacerbation, 542
664f, 665f, 666f course of, 477–478 targeting HPA axis, 141 posttraumatic stress disorder, 25t,
for pediatric bipolar disorder with cyclothymia and, 474–477 treatment-emergent cycle accelera- 460–461, 460t, 461t, 462f, 463t
manic episodes, 551 differential diagnosis of, 55 tion, 428 pramipexole, 158–159, 293, 295
side effects of, 308, 409, 577–578 practical management of, 478–482 treatment-emergent mania/hypomania, pramipexole-induced mania/hypoma-
oxidative damage, 83–91 subaffective, 476 420–424, 572, 576b nia, 423
oxidative stress, 83–84, 84f, 152–153 personalization, 438 treatment-emergent rapid cycling, 428 Pratensis, Jason, 6, 15t
responses to, 84 personalized medicine, 163–164 pharmacotherapy-induced depression, precipitants of episodes, 43
sources of, 84 personal stigma, 75–77 427–428 preconception decision making,
treatment of, 87–88, 88f pharmacotherapy, 122–123, 263–364. phenotype, 17 537–538, 539b
oxidizable substrates, 83 see also specific drugs extended, 173 prediction of bipolar disorder, 340
adherence to, 299–300. see also Adher- subphenotypes, 185–186 predominant polarity, 610
Pacific, 512t–513t, 514f ence to treatment phenytoin, adjunctive, 312, 313t Preferred Reporting Items for System-
Pacific Islanders. see Asians and Pacific adverse effects of, 394–395, 395–399, Phillip V, 7 atic reviews and Meta-Analysis
Islanders 399–400 phobias, 25t, 460–461, 460t, 461t, (PRISMA) statements, 668
pain, mental, 522 for anxiety disorders, 464–465 462f, 463t prefrontal cortex abnormalities, 240–242
pairwise (traditional) meta-analysis, 650, bipolar and related disorder phosphatidylinositol, 348, 403–404, 408 pregabalin, 464
653–658 induced by, 40 phosphocreatine, 225, 227t, 228 pregnancy, 531–544
paliperidone for bipolar depression, 281–297 phosphoinositide signal transduction early, 538–541, 540b
for bipolar disorder with manic for bipolar depression in children and system, 93–94 guiding principles for decision making,
episodes in children and adoles- adolescents, 553–554 phospholipase A2, 99 535–537
cents, 548 for bipolar disorder with comorbid sub- phospholipid hypothesis, 347 late, 540b, 541–542
in combination with lithium, valproate, stance use disorder, 491–492 phosphomonoester, 229 medication safety during, 535
or carbamazepine, 266–267 for bipolar disorder with manic epi- phosphorus magnetic resonance spectros- recommended medications for,
for mania sodes in children and adolescents, copy, 228–229, 233–234 536–537
effect sizes, 268, 274t, 276 547–553 phrenitis, 4 pregnancy planning, 537–538
evidence review, 265, 268, 270t, combination treatments physical disorders, 26, 442 presentations of bipolar disorder, 35–41
272t–273t bipolar I maintenance treatments, pilot studies, 628–629 prevalence, 21–23, 50
network meta-analysis of, 663–667, 310–312, 313t pimoxide, 571t prevention, 171–180
664f, 665f, 666f for children and adolescents, 556 Pinel, Philippe, 7–8, 15t problem solving, 446
reproductive safety profile, 532t, 535 placebo response in, 592 Piquer-Arrufat, Andres, 7, 15t prodromal bipolar disorder, 340
paliperidone ER, 307 in combination with electroconvulsive Pitcairn, Archibald, 6, 15t prodrome clinical studies, 320
panic attacks, 25, 25t therapy, 370, 371–372 pituitary volume, 141 professional patients, 604
panic disorder, 25t, 460–461, 460t, 461t, in combination with family-focused placebo-controlled trials prolactin levels, 399–400
462f, 463t therapy, 446, 446t in bipolar depression, 608 promethazine, 571t
Paracelsus, 6 compliance with, 555. see also Adher- in bipolar I disorder, 614, 615t–616t proof-of-concept studies, 159–160,
paracetamol (Tylenol) overdose, 350 ence to treatment continuation studies, 614, 615t–616t 628–629
parathyroid function, 399 drug registration trials, 624 maintenance trials, 589, 590t, 613–614 prophylaxis treatment trials, 613–618
Parent General Behavior efficacy-effectiveness gap, 623–624 prophylactic treatment trials, 614, prostaglandin -2, 122
Inventory—Hypomanic/Bipha- for elderly bipolar disorder, 573t–574t 615t–616t protein kinase C, 94–95, 154–155,
sic, 65t evidence for effectiveness of, sequential treatments design, 403–404
parenthood, 175–176 660–661, 660f 624–625, 625f protein kinase C inhibitors, 155, 163
Parisian Academy of Medicine, 8–9 guidelines for, 480–481 placebo effects, 589, 591, 600–601 proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
paroxetine immunomodulatory effects of, 122 placebo response, 600–601 ( 1H MRS), 225–228, 227t,
for acute bipolar depression, 281, maintenance therapy in antidepressive treatment trials, 232–233
283t, 284t for bipolar I disorder, 301–312, 585–589, 586t, 606 protriptyline, 571t
side effects of, 287t, 290, 571t 312t–313t in antimanic treatment trials, 585–589, pseudodementia, 55–56
partial delirium, 8 for bipolar II disorder, 312–313 587t–588t, 601–602 pseudohysterical behavior, 56
pathophysiology, 83–258 discontinuation, 311–312 in clinical trials, 585–597 psychache, 522
inositol in, 349 for mixed episodes, 313–314 definition of, 589 psychiatric disorders
ionic channels in, 161, 161f recommendations for, 302, 302t, measurement factors, 591–592 association with suicide, 514–515
potential mechanisms, 107–109, 109f 310–311, 311t methods of minimizing, 593–594 comorbid with bipolar disorder,
signal transduction systems in, 93–103 treatments not recommended, natural history factors, 591–593 457–470
Patient Health Questionnaire 309–310 patient-level moderators of, 593 DBS treatment of, 383–384
(PHQ-9), 42 for mania, 263–279 treatment factors, 589–592 Psychiatric Genome Wide Association of
patient interviews, 58, 65–66 “me too” drugs, 600 placebo treatment–emergent mania/ Bipolar Disorder Consortium, 29
detailed, 66–67 MRI studies of, 213–218 hypomania, 424–426, 425t psychiatric hospitals, 5
patterns, 44 MRS studies of, 229–232 planning psychiatric stigma, 73
payments to investigators, 604–605 neuroprotective effects of, pregnancy, 537–538 psychische Schwächezustände (mental
pediatric bipolar disorder. see Children 403–415, 406t treatment: for pediatric bipolar disor- weakness), 11
pentazocine, 419 optimization of, 555 der, 67–68 psychodynamic treatment, 522
PER3 gene, 130 during pregnancy and lactation, Platter, Felix (Platerus), 6, 15t psychoeducation, 436–439, 441
perceptual disturbances 536–537 polarity, predominant, 610 Barcelona Psychoeducation Program,
in depression, 37 prospective studies of, 215–217 polarity index, 614 437, 437t
in mania, 36 for reducing suicidal risks, 515–521 polycystic ovary syndrome, 400 core ingredients of, 437–438
Performance Assessment of Self-Care reproductive safety profiles, 531–535 polygenic studies, 185 in family-focused therapy, 445
Skills, 193 risk factors for depression, 427–428 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) future directions for, 441
Performance-Based Skills Assessment safety during pregnancy, 535 for bipolar depression, 293 multifamily groups, 556–557
(UCSD), 193–194, 198 side effects of long-chain, 559 principles of, 436
perinatal decision making, 535–537 cognitive, 403–415, 405t novel use of, 123 state of the art, 436

6 8 2   •   I ndex
psychological interventions, 435–436 quetiapine extended-release in at-risk populations, 322, 324t–330t, network meta-analysis of, 663–667,
psychomotor activity, 36–37 (quetiapine-XR), 281, 282t, 286, 334t–337t, 338 664f, 665f, 666f
psychopharmacological treatment, 287t, 294–295 rehabilitation, 199 neuroprotective effects of, 411
559–561 quetiapine immediate-release relapse, 44, 44t, 609 oral, 306
psychopharmacology, 589 (quetiapine-IR), 281, 282t, 286, anti-relapse techniques, 441 reproductive safety profile, 532t,
psychosis 287t, 290, 294–295 in placebo-controlled maintenance tri- 534–535
motility, 12, 16t quiet rage (stille Wut), 10 als, 589, 590t response rates, 657, 657f
unitary (einheitpsychose), 9, 11, 16t quinolinic acid (QUIN), 121 probability of, 42t side effects of, 410, 552–553, 553t
psychosocial functioning, 45 relapse signature, 441 rivastigmine, 423–424
psychosocial interventions, 426–427 rage, quiet (stille Wut), 10 relaxation, 360 RO499819, 157
for bipolar disorder in children and random effects model, 655 remission, 44t, 609 RO4432717, 157
adolescents, 556–559 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), sustained, 44t, 229–232 roughening, 44t
family, 176–177 599–600, 634 repetitive transcranial magnetic stimula- RU-486 (mifepristone), 160, 419
for geriatric bipolar disorder, 579 antimanic treatment trials, 601–602 tion (rTMS), 377–378, 378f
individual, 177 continuation studies, 614–617, antidepressant effects of, 379–380 S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe),
for suicide risk, 521–523 615t–616t for anxiety disorders, 465 351–353
psychotherapy, 435–453 in depression for bipolar depression, 380–381 safety, lactation, 542–543
aim of, 522 durations, 629 contraindications to, 379 safety contracts, 524
for comorbid substance use disorder methodological quality of, 606, 607t deep, 378–381 safety profiles, reproductive, 531–535
and bipolar disorder, 491 design, 623 risk factors for mania/hypomania, Salpêtrière hospital (Paris, France), 7–8
for geriatric bipolar disorder, 579 discontinuation studies, 614 421t, 426 SAMe. see S-adenosyl-L-methionine
for suicide risk, 522, 524t dropout rates, 603 side effects of, 379 sample sizes, 196, 645
psychotic disorders, 54–55 for drug registration, 624 for unipolar depression, 380 sarcosine, 157
psychotic features, 64t, 196 durations, 629 reporting, 611–613 Sardinia, 514
psychotic type personality, 475 effect modifiers in, 602–605 reporting meta-analyses, 668 Sauvages, François Boissier de, 10
puberty, 537 efficacy-effectiveness gap, 623–624 research. see also Clinical research SB -216763, 153–154
public awareness, 73–78 industry-sponsored, 604–605 future directions, 585–671 SB -627772, 153–154
public stigma, 75–77 maintenance trials, 613–618 limitations of, 196–199 Schedule for Affective Disorders and
PUFAs. see Polyunsaturated in mania, 629 new directions, 186 Schizophrenia for School-Age
fatty acids methodological quality of, 606, 607t on psychosocial interventions for sui- Children (K-SADS), 67
purinergic system, 160–161, 419 model designs, 628 cide, 522–523 schizoaffective disorders, 14
Pussin, Jean-Baptiste, 8 off-on-off-on (B-A-B-A), suggestions for, 196–199 schizophrenia
p values, 611–612 628–629, 630t translational, 149–150, 150f cognitive functioning in, 194
pilot studies, 628–629 Research Council (UK), 435 cross-disorder studies, 29
Qi (chee), 358 placebo-controlled trials, 608 research synthesis, 649 functional assessment of, 194, 195t
Q-learning, 643–644, 646 continuation studies, 614, 615t–616t automated, 669 historical overview, 12–13
qualitative research synthesis, 669 maintenance trials, 589, 590t, qualitative, 669 recurrence risks for, 181, 182t
quality of life, 192–193 613–614 response, 44t, 608–609 schizophrenia risk, 181
quality of reporting, 611–613 prophylactic trials, 614, 615t–616t response odds ratio (effect) estimates, schizophrenia spectrum disorder
questionnaires, 65 proof-of-concept efficacy studies, 663–664, 664f (SSD), 322
quetiapine, 158, 265, 268, 270t, 628–629 Reston, James, 357–358 school-based services, 176
272t–273t prophylactic trials, 613–618, 615t–616t reviews Schou, Mogens, 16t
for anxiety disorders, 465 Sequential Multiple Assignment evidence reviews, 264–266, 268, SCID (Structured Clinical Interview for
for bipolar depression, 281, Randomized Trials (SMARTs), 269t–271t, 272t–273t, 312, DSM-IV), 56–58
282t, 286, 290, 294–295, 639–648 312t, 314t SCID Hypomania Module
614–617 strategies for improving, 599–621 meta-meta-analyses, 669 (SCID-Hba), 57–58
for bipolar depression in children and traditional, 629, 630t overviews of, 669 scientific questions
adolescents, 554 working example, 650, 651t–652t, rianserin, 267 primary, 643
for bipolar disorder with manic epi- 660–661, 660f, 663–668, riluzole, 155–157, 294, 465 secondary, 643
sodes in children and adolescents, 665f, 666f risk factors, 26–29, 171–180 scopolamine, 294, 423–424
548–549 rankograms, 662 risperidone Scotland, 10
for bipolar I maintenance treatment, rapid cycling, 610 for bipolar disorder in children and screening tools, 42, 56–57, 489
305, 312, 312t, 313t definition of, 41 adolescents, 556 sedatives, 518–519, 524t
for bipolar I disorder in children, pharmacological for bipolar disorder with manic seizures, drug-induced, 412
552–553, 552t treatment–emergent, 428 episodes in children and adoles- selective norepinephrine-reuptake
for bipolar II maintenance treat- and recurrent prevention, 301 cents, 549 inhhibitors (SNRIs), 245–247,
ment, 313 and thyroid function, 143 for bipolar I disorder, 305–306, 312, 421t, 422t, 478
in combination with lithium, valproate, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 130 312t–313t selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors
or carbamazepine, 267 rare variant association studies, 184–185 for bipolar I disorder in children and (SSRIs)
in combination with lithium or dival- rating instruments, 625–627 adolescents, 552–553, 552t anticholinergic side effects of, 571t
proex, 312, 313t rating scales, 41–43, 612 for bipolar II maintenance treat- in combination with inositol, 350
continuation studies, 614–617 Razes (Muhammad ibn Zakariya ment, 314t in combination with lithium, 312, 313t
for cyclothymia, 479–480 al-Razi), 5, 15t in combination with lithium or dival- for cyclothymia, 478–481
depressogenic properties of, 427 reactive oxygen species, 83 proex, 266–267, 312, 313t, 556 for geriatric bipolar disorder, 578
effect sizes, 268–276, 274t–275t, 276 realism, depressive, 197 depressogenic properties of, 427 PET imaging studies of, 245–247
for elderly bipolar disorder, 574t, 578 receptor imaging, 244–247 for elderly bipolar disorder, 574t, 578 risk factors for mania/hypomania,
MRS studies of, 233 recovery, 44t, 229–232, 609 evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t, 314t 421t, 422t
network meta-analysis of, 663–667, recurrence, 44, 44t, 609 intramuscular injection, 305–306 self-assessment, impaired, 197–198
664f, 665f, 666f recurrent depressive disorder (einpolige), long-acting injectable (risperidone self-stigma, 74
neuroprotective effects of, 411 12, 16t LAI), 305–306 sensitivity analyses, 656
reproductive safety profile, 532t, 535 regional abnormalities for mania separation anxiety disorder, 25t
response rates, 657, 657f in bipolar depression, 240–242 effect sizes, 268–276, 274t–275t, 276 Sequential Multiple Assignment Random-
side effects of, 286, 287t, 290, 552–553, gray matter abnormalities, 209–211 evidence review, 265, 268, 270t, ized Trials (SMARTs), 639–648
553t, 571t sMRI findings, 209–211 272t–273t with competing definitions of respond-
for substance use disorders, 492 region of interest (ROI) analysis, 205 MRI studies of, 216 ers, 643–644, 644f

I ndex   •   6 83
Sequential Multiple Assignment Random- social rhythms therapy. see Interpersonal management of, 488 tacrine, 423–424
ized Trials (SMARTs) (Cont.) and social rhythms therapy in pediatric bipolar disorder, 560 tamoxifen, 155, 163, 266, 268, 270t, 271t,
critical decision points, 643–644 (IPSRT) psychopharmacological treatment 274t, 276
designing, 642–645 Social Skills Performance Assessment, 193 of, 560 TCAs. see Tricyclic antidepressants
DTR with one-stage trials and social zeitgebers (timegivers), 172–173, psychotherapy for, 491–492 T cell-derived cytokines, 99
corresponding SMART, 447, 447f, 449 screening for, 489 T cells, macrophage, 99
640–641, 642f socioeconomic status, 27 in treatment-emergent mood TDZD -8, 153–154
estimation, 645–646 sodium valproate, 122, 492 switch, 424 TEAS (treatment-emergent affective
hypothetical, 639, 640f, soft bipolarity, 340 substance-induced bipolar disorder, switch), 417–432, 609, 618
643–644, 644f somatic non-pharmacological treatments, 40, 489 technology, new, 149–150
inference, 646 367–390 substance withdrawal, 490–491 temperament, 172
motivation for, 640–642 South America, 510t, 514f subsyndromal bipolar disorder, 609 Temperament Evaluation of the Memphis,
pruning, 644–645 Southern Europe, 511t–512t, 513–514 succinylcholine, 368 Pisa, Paris, and San Diego Auto-
with randomized stages, 639, 640f Spanish contributions, 7 suicidal behavior questionnaire, 57
sample size formulae for, 645 specialization, 438 antidepressants and, 516, 516f, 517–518 tension insanity (Katatonie oder das
scientific questions for specifiers, 41 psychological aspects of, 521–523 Spannungsirresein), 11
primary, 643 speech, 36–37 suicidal ideation, 509–513, 516, 516f thalamus, 211
secondary, 643 SSRIs. see Selective serotonin-reuptake suicidality, 26, 509–528 therapy. see Treatment
with step-down therapy for responders inhibitors suicidal thoughts, 509–513 thioxidazine, 571t
and treatment switch for nonre- St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), suicide thought content, 36
sponders, 639, 640f 353–354 association with psychiatric disorders, thought disturbances, 36–37
sequential treatments design, standardized mean difference (SMD), 514–515 three pillars of prediction, 340
624–625, 625f 612–613, 654 epidemiology of, 513–515 thyroid autoimmunity, 143
d-Serine, 255 star-shaped networks, 659 international rates, 509–510, thyroid disease, 394
serotonergic imaging, 245–247, 245f statistical heterogeneity, 606–607, 510t–513t, 513–514, 514f thyroid function, 143, 399
serotonin, 96, 129, 418 655–656 psychosocial interventions for, 522–523 thyroid hormone replacement, 399
serotonin toxicity, 412 statistical noise, 606–607, 608 reactions to, 522 thyroid hormones, 142–143, 146–147
serotonin transporter 5-HTT imaging, STEP-BD. see Systematic Treatment suicide attempts, 185–186, 509–513 for bipolar depression, 294
245–247 Enhancement Program for Bipolar suicide gestures, 509–513 risk factors for mania/hypomania, 421t
serum lipids, 397–398 Disorder suicide-related behaviors, 509–513 therapeutic, 144–145
service utilization, 24 steroid-induced mania/hypomania, 421t suicide risk, 515 thyroid peroxidase, 143
7UP (Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime stigma, 73–78, 489–490 anticonvulsants and, 520–521 thyroid-stimulating hormone, 142, 144
Soda), 550 Stigma Experiences Scale, 74 antidepressants and, 517–518 thyrotropin-releasing hormone,
sex differences, 26–27 stille Wut (quiet rage), 10 antipsychotics and, 521 141–142, 144
sexual side effects, 400 stimulants, 55, 421t, 423 anxiety and, 463–464 thyroxine (T4), 142, 144
siblings, 181, 182t stress, 108, 120–121 anxiolytics and, 518–519 for bipolar depression, 294
signal transducer and activator of tran- biology of, 137–138 lithium and, 519–520 for bipolar disorder, 145
scription STAT3, 99 due to parental mental illness, 175 pharmacological treatments aimed at for hypothyroidism, 399
signal transduction systems, 93–103 endoplasmic reticulum, 107–108 reducing, 515–521 tiagabine, 266
significance levels, 611 oxidative, 83–84, 84f, 152–153 psychodynamic treatments for, 522 timegivers (zeitgebers), 128–129, 133, 419
SILENT (syndrome of irreversible treatment of, 87–88, 88f psychosocial interventions for, 521–523 social, 172–173, 447, 447f, 449
lithium-effectuated neurotoxic- stress control techniques, 438 psychotherapy for, 522 time in bed extension/dark therapy, 132
ity), 406–407 stress response, 172 sedatives and, 518–519 Timeless (TIM) gene, 130
silliness: melancholia with (Melancholie structural magnetic resonance imaging treatment of, 523–524, 524t Timothy syndrome, 185
mit Narrheit), 10 (sMRI), 217–218 treatment recommendations for, 522 tobacco dependence, 493
similarity, 656, 662–663, 667 approaches, 205–207 superoxide dismutase, 83 Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), 98–99
similarity assumption, 656 in bipolar disorder, 207–211, 219 suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), 128–129, topiramate
simulations, 669 of lithium effects, 215 159, 500 adverse effects of, 395
single nucleotide polymorphisms in offspring and unaffected twins of surface under the cumulative ranking for bipolar depression, 289–290
(SNPs), 130 probands, 322–331 curve (SUCRA), 662 for bipolar disorder in children and
single-photon emission computed tomog- of regional gray matter abnormalities, surface under the cumulative ranking adolescents, 556
raphy (SPECT), 239 209–211 curve (SUCRA)-based rankings, for bipolar disorder with manic
sleep region of interest analysis, 205 664–667, 665f, 666f episodes in children and adoles-
and bipolar depression, 127–128 of ventricular system changes, 209 sustained remission, 44t, 229–232 cents, 551
and interepisode euthymia, 128 voxel-based morphometry analysis, switching, 609. see also Rapid cycling for bipolar I disorder, 312, 312t–313t
and mania, 36, 127 206, 219 continuous cycling (MDMD pat- cognitive side effects of, 409
as predictor, 131–132 in at-risk populations, 322, tern), 44 in combination with levetiracetam,
rapid eye movement (REM), 130 324t–330t probability of relapse, 42t 289–290
as treatment component, 132–133 in offspring and unaffected twins of treatment-emergent affective in combination with olanzapine, 556
as trigger, 131, 131f probands, 323, 339–340 switch (TEAS), 417–432, for elderly bipolar disorder, 573t,
sleep architecture, 130 of white matter abnormalities, 609, 618 577–578
sleep deprivation, 131, 131f, 208–209 Sydenham, Thomas, 7, 15t evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t
159–160 Structured Clinical Interview for symptomatology, long-term, 44–45 for mania, 266, 268, 271t–273t
sleep deprivation–induced mania/hypo- DSM-IV (SCID), 56–58 symptom management, 440 network meta-analysis of, 663–667,
mania, 421t, 426–427 subaffective personality disorders, 476 symptom rating scales, 42–43, 612 664f, 665f, 666f
sleep deprivation/wake therapy, 132 subgenual anterior cingulate cortex synapses, tripartite, 255 toxicity
sleep disorders, 128 (sgACC) abnormalities, 240–241 syndrome of irreversible excitotoxicity, 107–108
sleep disturbances, 64t, 66, 127–135 subgroup analysis, 656 lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity serotonin, 412
sleep duration, 132 subphenotypes, 185–186 (SILENT), 406–407 syndrome of irreversible
sleep manipulation, 159–160 substance abuse or dependence, 25–26, SYNE1 gene, 183 lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity
SMARTs. see Sequential Multiple Assign- 25t, 55, 442, 487–496 systematic review, 649 (SILENT), 406–407
ment Randomized Trials comorbid disorders, 424, 487–488, Systematic Treatment Enhancement TPO. see Thyroid peroxidase
smoking cessation, 396–397 489–492 Program for Bipolar Dis- traditional Chinese medicine, 357–358
socialization, 440 diagnosis of, 488–489 order (STEP-BD), 74, 618, traditional (pairwise) meta-analysis,
social phobia, 25t interventions for, 491–492 639–640, 641f 653–658, 657f

6 8 4   •   I ndex
transcranial magnetic stimulation psychotherapy, 435–453 side effects of, 383 velocardiofacial syndrome, 185
administration of, 379 randomized trials of, 599–621 for suicide risk, 523–524 venlafaxine, 422
contraindications to, 379–380 research trials, 623–637 vagus nerve stimulation–induced mania/ for acute bipolar depression, 291
repetitive (rTMS), 377–378, 378f signal transduction systems in, 93–103 hypomania, 421t, 426 in combination with lithium, 314t
antidepressant effects of, 379–380 sleep as component of, 132–133 VALERO, 191 for geriatric bipolar disorder, 578
for anxiety disorders, 465 sleep disruptions and, 127–135 valproate (divalproex, divalproex ER), 163 ventricular system changes, 209
for bipolar depression, 380–381 somatic non-pharmacological treat- for anxiety disorders, 464–465 verapamil, 162, 266,
contraindications to, 379 ments, 367–390 for bipolar depression, 281, 282t, 289 268, 271t
deep, 378–381 T4, 145 for bipolar disorder with manic VIP gene, 130
side effects of, 379 with thyroid hormones, 144–145 episodes in children and adoles- vitamins, 360
for unipolar depression, 380 with thyrotropin-releasing hor- cents, 552 voltage-gated calcium channels, 184, 184f
side effects of, 379–380 mone, 144 for bipolar I disorder, 303–304, volumetric studies
for suicide risk, 523–524 treatment effect modifier or modera- 312, 312t gray matter studies, 323
transitivity, 662–663 tor, 656 for bipolar I disorder in children and in offspring and unaffected twins of
translational models, 149 treatment-emergent affective switch adolescents, 552–553, 552t probands, 322–331, 339–340
translational research, 149–150, 150f (TEAS), 417–432, 609, 618 for bipolar II maintenance treat- in populations at risk, 322,
transporter imaging, 244–247 treatment-emergent mania/hypomania, ment, 314t 324t–330t
treatment 286, 295, 417, 420–424, 428–429 in combination with antipsychot- white matter studies, 323–331
adherence to, 490, 555 causes of, 419 ics, 266 von Krafft-Ebing, Richard, 9
cognitive and behavioral barriers risk factors for, 421t, 427–428 in combination with atypical antipsy- von Zeller, Ernst Albrecht, 10–11
to, 440 treatment history, 555 chotics, 311 voxel-based morphometry analysis,
enhancement of, 437 treatment-induced mood instability, in combination with clozapine, 206, 219
factors that negatively impact, 417–432 312, 313t in at-risk populations, 322, 324t–330t
299–300, 300t, 302t treatment resistance, 625 in combination with ECT, 312, 313t in offspring and unaffected twins of
adverse effects of, 393–432 treatment-resistant bipolar disorder, in combination with first-generation probands, 323, 339–340
alternative treatments, 345–364 554–556 antipsychotics, 266
antimanic, 601–602 treatment settings, 591–592 in combination with lithium, 312, Wahnsinn (delusional states), 10–12
assessment of, 68 TRH. see Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 313t, 556 waiting room, 65
behaviors that interfere with, 451 tricyclic antidepressants in combination with olanzapine, wakefulness-promoting agent–induced
biological treatments, 404–405 anticholinergic side effects of, 571t, 578 312, 313t mania/hypomania, 421t, 423
biomolecular treatments, 149–168 for bipolar I disorder, 312, 312t, 313t in combination with omega-3–fatty wakefulness-promoting agents, 281, 285t,
cellular resilience and, 105–113 cognitive effects of, 412 acids, 312, 313t 292–293
circadian rhythms and, 128–129 in combination with lithium, 312, 313t in combination with oxcarbazepine, wake therapy, 132
complementary treatments, 345–364 for cyclothymia, 478, 480 312, 313t warning signs, early, 438
current treatments, 263–581 evidence for efficacy of, 312, 312t in combination with quetiapine, weakness, mental (psychische Schwäch-
EMPowerplus, 357 for geriatric bipolar disorder, 578 312, 313t ezustände), 11
evidence-based decisions, 649–672 neurological effects of, 412 in combination with risperidone, weight gain, 393–394, 396, 398
family-focused therapy, 439, risk factors for mania/hypomania with, 312, 313t Wernicke, Carl, 11–12, 16t
445–447, 557 421t, 422t in combination with second-generation Western Europe, 511t, 514, 514f
future directions, 441 trihexyphenidyl, 571t antipsychotics, 266–267 Weygandt, Wilhelm C.J.K., 11–12, 16t
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis triiodothyronine (T3), 142, 144, effect sizes, 268–276, white matter abnormalities
and, 137–148 146, 294 274t–275t, 276 in at-risk populations, 331, 332t–333t
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis trimipramine, 571t evidence for efficacy of, 264, 312, in offspring and unaffected twins of
and, 137–148 tripartite synapse, 255 312t, 314t probands, 323–331, 339–340
immune mechanisms and, 115–125 Truehope, 357 immunomodulatory effects of, 122 postmortem findings, 256, 256f
inflammation and, 115–125 TSH. see Thyroid-stimulating hormone for maintenance treatment, sMRI findings, 208–209, 217–218
integrated care model for, 490 tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), 99, 303–304, 314t white matter hyperintensities, 208,
intention to treat, 611 116–117, 121–122 for mania, 264, 268, 271t–273t 217–218
lecithin treatment, 355 tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) inhibi- MRI studies of, 216 Willis, Thomas, 7, 15t
L-T4, 144–145, 145t tors, 123 MRS studies of, 229t, 230–231, 233 Winer’s Z approach, 629
magnesium, 357 tumor necrosis factor receptor 1, soluble network meta-analysis of, 660–661, Winokur, George, 13, 16t
maintenance treatments, 299–318, (sTNF-R1), 116–118 660f, 663–667, 664f, 665f, 666f Wisconsin Card Sorting
613–618 twin studies, 28, 181–183 neuroprotective effects of, 410 Test, 240
melatonin, 356 brain imaging studies in unaffected predictors of response to, 479 withdrawal, substance, 490–491
MRS studies of, 234–235 twins of probands, 322–340 and recurrence prevention, 301 World Health Organization (WHO)
neurodegeneration and, 105–113 neuropsychological studies in unaf- response rates, 657, 657f Disability Assessment Schedule, 611
neuromodulative treatments, 377–390 fected twins of probands, 321–322 side effects of, 264, 287t, 289 International Classification of Diseases
nonpsychotropic, 536 Tylenol (acetaminophen/paracetamol) cognitive, 409 and Related Health Problems
number needed to treat (NNT), overdose, 350 sexual, 400 (ICD-10), 13, 62–63, 471
612–613, 633–634, 633t and suicidal risks, 521 International Classification of Func-
ongoing, 68 UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assess- valproic acid. see also Valproate tioning, Disability and Health,
outcomes of, 44t ment, 193–194, 198 adverse effects of, 395 610–611
oxidative damage and, 83–91 unipolar depression, 380 drug interactions, 577 World Mental Health (WHM)
for pediatric bipolar disorder, 67–68 unitary psychosis (einheitpsychose), 9, for elderly bipolar disorder, 573t, 577 surveys, 21
pharmacological treatments, 263–364 11, 16t lactation safety, 543 World Mental Health (WHM) surveys
for bipolar depression, 281–297 United Kingdom, 435 and pregnancy decision making, 539, (WHO), 21
combined with family-focused United States, 509–513, 510t–513t, 541–542 World Psychiatric Association, 77
therapy, 446, 446t 513–514 and pregnancy planning, 538
endocrine effects of, 393–401 United States Food and Drug Administra- reproductive safety profile, 532t, 533 Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive
metabolic effects of, 393–401 tion (FDA), 358, 493, 599–600 varenicline, 493 Scale, 625–626
postmortem findings and, 255–256 uric acid levels, 161 varenicline-induced mania/hypomania, Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS),
potential targets, 150, 151f, 152–163 421t, 423–424 42–43, 489, 617–618, 625–626
prediction of response to, 232–234 vagus nerve stimulation, 378f, 381–383 vasopressin, 137, 141 youth. see also Adolescents
psychological interventions, 435–436 antidepressant effects of, 382–383, 382t VBM. see Voxel-based morphometry family-focused therapy for, 447
psychopharmacological, 559–561 procedure, 382 analysis Youth Self-Report (YSR), 65t

I ndex   •   6 85
Z approach, 629 for bipolar disorder with manic episodes in depressogenic properties of, 427 network meta-analysis of, 663–667,
zeitgebers (timegivers), 128–129, 133, 419 children and adolescents, 549–550 effect sizes, 268–276, 664f, 665f, 666f
social, 172–173, 447, 447f, 449 for bipolar I disorder, 306 274t–275t, 276 reproductive safety profile, 532t, 535
zeitstörer, 173 for bipolar I disorder in children and for elderly bipolar disorder, 574t, 578 side effects of, 287–288, 287t, 306,
ziprasidone, 265, 268, 271t–273t adolescents, 552–553, 552t for maintenance 552–553, 553t
for bipolar depression, 281, 282t, 284t, in combination with lithium, valproate, treatment, 306 zweipolige Erkrankungen (bipolar
287–288 or carbamazepine, 267 MRI studies of, 216 manic-depressive disorder), 12, 16t

6 8 6   •   I ndex

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