Anshita Drafting and Pleading
Anshita Drafting and Pleading
Anshita Drafting and Pleading
Mr.Kushal Kumar,
S/o Sunder Lal, Aged 45 years,
R/o. D.No. 161, Ramiya Road,
Varanasi ………………………..Plaintiff
S/o Raju, Aged 47 Years,
Occ: Employee
Varanasi. ……………………..…Defendant
The address for service of all notices and summons of process to the above
named plaintiff is that of his Counsel Mr. Kishori Lal, Varanasi.
2. The Plaintiff having vexed with the conduct of the Defendant avoiding
the repayment, got issued a legal notice to the Defendant on 1st January,
2017 through his Counsel by way of Regd Post with Ack. Due as well as
UCP, to his Residence. The Defendant received the same on 25th January
2019, neither paid the amount nor did he respond to the notice. On 10th
February, 2019. Kushal Kumar filed a suit for the recovery of the debt but
did not reply.
3.The Plaintiff submits that the Defendant having borrowed the amount of
Rs.45,000/- (Rupees Forty Five Thousand only) as hand loan and having
executed the promissory not is bound to repay the same to the Plaintiff
who is entitled for interest on the suit amount from the date of demand i.e.
4.The Plaintiff submits that The Defendant is liable to pay the following
outstanding amount:
IV. CAUSE OF ACTION : The cause of action for the suit arose on
01.01.2017 when the Defendant borrowed the amount and executed pro-
note and on 01.01.2019 when the Plaintiff got issued a legal notice to
Defendant calling upon defendant to repay the amount and still subsists.
(a) To direct the Defendant to pay a sum of Rs. 54,000/- together with
future interest thereon, from the date of this suit, till the date of realization
of the entire suit claim
and to pass such other order or orders as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit
and proper in the circumstances of the case in the interest of Justice.
I, Mr. Kushal Kumar, S/o. Sunder Lal, Age 45 years, Occ: Business, R/o.
D.No. 161, Ramiya Road, Varanasi do hereby declare that the contents of
Para III are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and believed to
be true and correct, and the rest of the paras are on the basis of information
and legal advice and verified and signed by me on 10th February 2019 at
the Court of the Additional Junior Civil Judge: City Civil Court
Compounded at Varanasi.
I, Kushal Kumar, S/o Sunder Lal, Aged 45 years, Occ: Business R/o.
D.No. 161, Ramiya Road, VARANASI at present residing at this given
address, do hereby solemnly declare and affirm on oath as under:
3.The Plaintiff submits that the Defendant having borrowed the amount of
Rs.45,000/- (Rupees Forty Five Thousand only) as hand loan and having
executed the promissory note is bound to repay the same to the Plaintiff
who is entitled for interest on the suit amount from the date of demand i.e.
1st January, 2019 till realization @ 10% p.a. As the Defendant is avoiding
payment, the Plaintiff has left with no option except to approach this
Hon’ble Court by way of this suit. In view of the above said facts, the
Plaintiff is entitled to sue the defendant.
DATE: ……………………
Order VIII provides for the filing of a written- statement, the particulars to
be contained therein and the manner of doing so. It requires what a written
statement should contain. Before drafting the written statement it is the
duty of the defendant to study the plaint thoroughly and all the documents
submitted by the plaintiff with the plaint in support of his claim. After the
thorough study of the plaint and supported documents a Para wise answer
of the plaint can be prepared. Order VIII of the Code of Civil Procedure
deals with the written statement set off and counter claim. The defendant
shall, within thirty days from the date of service of summons on him,
present a written statement of his defense:
Provided that where the defendant fails to file the written statement within
the said period of thirty days, he shall be allowed to file the same on such
other day, as may be specified by the Court, for reasons to be recorded in
writing, but which shall not be later than ninety days from the date of
service of summons.
Three things are clear. Firstly, a careful reading of the language in which
Order VIII, Rule 1 has been drafted, shows that it casts an obligation on
the defendant to file the written statement within 30 days from the date of
service of summons on him and within the extended time falling within 90
days. The provision does not deal with the power of the Court and also
does not specifically take away the power of the Court to take the written
statement on record though filed beyond the time as provided for.
Mr.Kushal Kumar,
S/o Sunder Lal, Aged 45 years,
Occ: Local Shopkeeper
R/o. D.No. 277,Ramiya Road,
VARANASI ………………………..Plaintiff
S/o Raju, Aged 47 Years,
Occ: Worker
R/o. D.No.161 , Ramiya Road, Varanasi. ……………..…Defendant
1) It is submitted that the defendant has gone through the averments made
in the plaint and affidavit filed in support of the plaint. The averments,
which are not specifically admitted, are denied. The Plaintiff is put to strict
proof of the same. Most of the averments are not correct and false and the
suit is not maintainable.
3) In reply to para III (2) of the plaint, it is submitted that the notice issued
by the plaintiff was received by me on 15.01.2019. The contents of the
notice are vague and false. Since I did not approach the plaintiff for any
hand loan and executed promissory note, I did not choose to reply the
notice. Hence, the allegations in the notice are denied.
4) In reply to para III (3) of the plaint, it is submitted that I did not borrow
any amount from the plaintiff and executed promissory note in favor of
him. The allegation of the plaintiff is false and I need not bound to pay any
amount to the plaintiff. It is not correct to say that I have borrowed a sum
of Rs.45,000/- from the plaintiff and executed a promissory note in favor
of him.
5) In reply to Para III (4) of the plaint, it is submitted that since there is no
amount is borrowed from the plaintiff and executed pro-note, the figures
of outstanding stated in para therein is false and fabricated one.
6) It is submitted that I have never approached the plaintiff for any amount
said to have been borrowed by me and executed pro-note. Since we reside
in the same street and due to rivalry between our two families regarding
some disputes relating to colony problems, the plaintiff has fabricated the
pro-note and filed the present suit alleging that I have borrowed a sum of
Rs.45,000/- from plaintiff and executed a pro-note.
The plaintiff is trying to mislead this Hon’ble Court and made false
allegations in the plaint.
7) The other allegations of the plaint which are not specifically admitted
herein are denied. The plaintiff is put to strict proof of the same.
DATE: ………………………..
I, Deepak, S/o Raju, Aged 47 Years, Occ: Worker, R/o. D. No. 161,
Ramiya Road, VARANASI, Occ: Employee, do hereby declare that the
facts stated in paras 1 to 7 are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief and I believe the same to be true and
correct. Hence, verified on this the day of June, 2019 at VARANASI.
1) It is submitted that the defendant has gone through the averments made
in the plaint and affidavit filed in support of the plaint. The averments,
which are not specifically admitted, are denied. The Plaintiff is put to strict
proof of the same. Most of the averments are not correct and false and the
suit is not maintainable.
3) In reply to para III (2) of the plaint, it is submitted that the notice issued
by the plaintiff was received by me on 15.01.2019. The contents of the
notice are vague and false. Since I did not approach the plaintiff for any
4) In reply to para III (3) of the plaint, it is submitted that I did not borrow
any amount from the plaintiff and executed promissory note in favor of
him. The allegation of the plaintiff is false and I need not bound to pay any
amount to the plaintiff. It is not correct to say that I have borrowed a sum
of Rs.45,000/- from the plaintiff and executed a promissory note in favor
of him.
5) In reply to Para III (4) of the plaint, it is submitted that since there is no
amount is borrowed from the plaintiff and executed pro-note, the figures
of outstanding stated in para therein is false and fabricated one.
Hence, it is prayed that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to dismiss the
suit with costs.
I, do hereby affirm that the contents of para 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 are correct to my
knowledge and belief. Nothing has been concealed therein.
DATE: ………………
Mr.Kushal Kumar,
S/o Sunder Lal, Aged 42 years,
Occ: Local Shopkeeper
R/o. D.No. 247, Netaji Road, Kanpur ……………….Plaintiff
S/o Raju, Aged 48 Years,
Occ: Worker
R/o. D.No. 249, Netaji Road,Kanpur ……………………..…Defendant
Application filed on behalf of the plaintiff under 0rder XXX VII Rule
5 of C.PC.
Respected Sir/Madam,
2. The Plaintiff having vexed with the conduct of the Defendant avoiding
the repayment, got issued a legal notice to the Defendant on 1st January,
2019 through his Counsel by way of Regd Post with Ack. Due as well as
UCP, to his Residence. The Defendant received the same on 25th January
2019, neither paid the amount nor did he respond to the notice. On 10th
February, 2019. Kushal Kumar filed a suit for the recovery of the debt but
did not reply.
3.The Plaintiff submits that the Defendant having borrowed the amount of
Rs.45,000/- (Rupees Forty Five Thousand only) as hand loan and having
executed the promissory not is bound to repay the same to the Plaintiff
who is entitled for interest on the suit amount from the date of demand i.e.
1st January, 2019 till realization @ 10% p.a. As the Defendant is avoiding
payment, the Plaintiff has left with no option except to approach this
Hon’ble Court by way of this suit. In view of the above said facts, the
Plaintiff is entitled to sue the defendant.
4. Not only this, it is prayed that, the Hon’ble court may be pleased to
direct that the property described in the schedule below be attached before
judgement passing such further or other orders as circumstances of the
DATE: ……………………
Mr.Kushal Kumar,
S/o Sunder Lal, Aged 45 years,
Occ: Bussiness
R/o. D.No. 161, Ranjhana Road,
Vaishali ………………………..Plaintiff
S/o Rajnikant, Aged 47 Years,
Occ: Worker
2.The Plaintiff having vexed with the conduct of the Defendant avoiding
the repayment, got issued a legal notice to the Defendant on 1st January,
2019 through his Counsel by way of Regd Post with Ack. Due as well as
UCP, to his Residence. The Defendant received the same on 25th January
2019, neither paid the amount nor did he respond to the notice. On 10th
3.The Plaintiff submits that the Defendant having borrowed the amount of
Rs.45,000/- (Rupees Forty Five Thousand only) as hand loan and having
executed the promissory not is bound to repay the same to the Plaintiff
who is entitled for interest on the suit amount from the date of demand i.e.
1st January, 2019 till realization @ 10% p.a. As the Defendant is avoiding
payment, the Plaintiff has left with no option except to approach this
Hon’ble Court by way of this suit. In view of the above said facts, the
Plaintiff is entitled to sue the defendant.
4. Not only this, it is prayed that, the Hon’ble court may be pleased to
direct that the property described in the schedule below be attached before
judgement passing such further or other orders as circumstances of the
5. In Vaishali District, Sri Paji Registration District, Vaishali sub district
Muzaffarpur town within Vaishali Municipality in ward No. 7, Town
Survey [T.S.] No: 1337, where in D.No. 161, Ramjhana a house with
R.C.C. Roof with all doors, door frames, all fittings are with electric
service connection measuring 45 feet east, west and 20 feet north, south
and bounded on the east by the house of T. Ram Lak on the south by Nalin
bhai lane on the west by the house of Ranjhana Street.
Mr.SK Gupta
S/o Raju, Aged 47 Years,
Occ: Doctor
R/o. D.No. 223, MG Road,
Jaipur ……………………..…Defendant
Smt. Sia, W/o S. SK Singh, Hindu aged about 30 years house wife
residing at 20-3-93, Brahmin Street, Jaipur.
The address of the petitioner for the service of notice etc. is as stated
above and also care of her counsel. Smt. MN Singh, Advocate, Jaipur.
The address of the respondent for the service of notices etc. is as stated.
2.The petitioner submits that, she is the legally married wife of the
respondent. Their submits that respondent has started his nursing home at
Reddy & Reddy colony and gained good reputation and were happy for 4
years i.e., since 2014 his life started to have ups and downs.
3.The petitioner submits that the respondent slowly cultivated the bad
habits and became share to alcohol and used to have ephedrine etc. So
have slowly began to lose his sexual potency and attach become a total
impotent. When he has been taken to Max Hospital, Jaipur, the doctors
have concluded that he lost his potency because of excessive narcotic
drugs and alcohol. The respondent became frustrated in his life. He gave
up his practice slowly the petitioner sold her jewels to maintain the family.
Her parents also helped to some extent.
6.The cause of action for this petition for Judicial Separation arose on
01.02.2016 the date of marriage and also 10.02.2014 when she frightened
of her life ran away to her parents house continues de divindum with the
jurisdiction of this hounourable court.
7. The value of the petition for the purpose of court fee is of Rs……. Net
and fixed court fee of Rs. 10/- paid V/Sec of A.P.C.F. & S.V. Act.
8.The petitioner submits that no similar petitioner has been filled so far
before any court.
The petitioner therefore prays that the Hon’ble court may be pleased to
pass an order and decree.
(a) Declare that the marriage has been dissolved by judicial separation.
(b) Direct the respondent to pay cost of the petition. And pass such others
and further orders as it deem fit and proper in the circumstances of the
I, the petitioner do here by declare that the facts state above are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and signed this verification
on this the 25.02.2014 at Jaipur.
DATE Advocate for petitioner Petitioner
In the Matter of X
District Delhi
Occupation- Business
a) State of Delhi
Honourable Court.
5. That the detenue has neither been released nor produced before the
magistrate within 24 hrs after making the arrest.
7. That the arrest made by the police in collusion with the detenue
neighbour Mr Z.
8. That the detenue is a loyal peaceful peace loving and law abiding
citizen and not connected in any way in criminal activity in his
whole life.
Place:.............. XXXXX
I, ______, do hereby verify that the contents from Para 1 to 8 are correct
and true to the best of my knowledge and personal belief and no part of it
are false and nothing material has been concealed therein.
Memorandum of Appeal
The Hon’ble Chief Justice and Companion and other respected Judges of
the High Court,
The Appellant most respectfully submits that:
(1) That the orders passed by the Learned Lower Court are contrary to the
provisions of law and the principles of natural justice.
(2) That the findings arrived by the Learned Lower Court are not
supported by the evidence on record.
(4) That the copy of the Judgment and the Decree against which this
appeal has been preferred is attached alongwith.
(5) That the Learned Lower Court has having answered the first issue in
the negative decided the rest of the issues against the appellant, which
itself is improper and illegal.
(7) That the appellant, therefore, prays that for the reasons stated above
and as may be argued at the time of hearing, the record and proceedings be
called for, this appeal be allowed, the orders under appeal be set aside and
quashed, and orders deemed just and proper be kindly passed. Further that
the cost of this petition be awarded in favor of plaintiff-appellant.
Any other order which may be deemed fit in the interest of the justice may
be passed in favor of the appellant.
I, ______, do hereby verify that the contents from paras 1 to 5 are correct
and true to the best of my knowledge and personal belief and no part of it
is false and nothing material has been
concealed therein. Affirmed at Indore this 4th Day of September 2011.
Respected Sir/Madam,
The petitioner above mentioned submits this
Petition for revision U/Sec 115, C.P.C. against the decree of the District
Judge at Chittoor dated 15.02.2011 reversing the decree of the Civil Judge
of Chittoor, dated the 25.07.2018, passed in Suit No: 315 of 1996 valued
At Rs.24,000/-.
The Chief Justice or his/her companion of the High Court above stated,
(1) That the applicant was the plaintiff in the aforesaid suit which had
been brought U/Sec 9 of the specific Relief Act.
(2) That the suit was decreed by the Munsif, but the District Judge on
appeal has reversed the Munisifs decree.
(3) That U/ the law no appeal lay to the District Judge from the Munsifs
Decree, and the District Judge from therefore exercised a Jurisdiction
which was not vested in him by law.
Therefore, the applicant prays that this Hon’ble Court will call for the
record of the case and set aside the said decree of the District Judge and
restore that of the Munsif and award him cost in all courts.
Any other order which may be deemed fit in the interest of justice may be
passed in favor of the petitioner.
The Hon’ble the Chief Justice and his companion Judges of the Court
aforesaid, the humble petition of the above named Petitioner most
respectfully he weth:
6. That the orders of detention of the Petitioner are illegal, improper and
without jurisdiction on the following:
2. Because the order has been passed by an officer not duly authorised.
NO. 13 OF 2012
(1) The complaint submits that she is studying III Year B.Tech., in S.V.
Engineering College, Varanasi, she knew the accused well.
(4) The complaint submits that, while she was bargaining auto the accused
came there and abused her that, she was responsible for his suspension
from the college, tried to grab her right hand. When she protested he
immediately stabbed on her left and right cheeks and also on her back with
his fists, she cried loudly and the auto rickshaw drivers and passengers
handed over him to police constable near the Bus Station. But he did not
take the accused to police station that it was a noncognizable offence.
xxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Advocate for complainant Complainant
Occupation- Business,
R/oTaramandal, Kolkata……..........Petitioner
Occupation- Business,
(1) The petitioner submits that he filed the above M.C. for grant of
separate maintenance on 31.12.2017 against the respondent seeking a sum
of Rs. 500 per month to be awarded.
(2) The Hon’ble Court, after due contest, by order dated 06.01.2018
granted maintenance to the petitioner directing the respondent to pay a
sum of Rs. 400 per month to the petitioner from 01.01.2018 and keep
praying in future.
(3) The petitioner submits that, the respondent has not paid any
maintenance so far, and these disobeyed the order of this Hon’ble court.
(4) The petitioner further submits that the arrears of maintenance from
01.01.2017 to 31.03.2018 to Rs. 6000/-
(2) That to pass the order to pay the maintenance with arrears.
(3) That to pass any other order which the hon’ble court may think fit for
the end of justice.
I, the petitioner, to hereby declared that the facts stated above or true and
correct to the facts stated above or true and correct to the best of my
knowledge information and belief.
X …………………………………………….…… Petitioner
FIR no………
Police station:
Sir, Ma’am,
Place: Accused/
Council of Accused
X, S/O A, aged 55 years,
Lanka, Lucknow…………………………………………….Respondent
Police Station -- -- -- --
FIR NO. Yet to be filed
U/S Section 66A of ITA 2008 and other sections of IPC such as
4. That the police may falsely implicate the applicant in any case, the
applicant is a respectable citizen of the society and is not involved any
5. That the postings does not constitute any criminal offence under any
law in India.
6. That the applicant is not required in any kind of investigation nor any
kind of custodial interrogation is required.
9. That the applicant undertakes to present himself before the court as and
when directed.
10. That the applicant undertakes to cooperate with the police during the
course of investigation.
11. That the applicant undertakes not to tamper with the evidence or the
witnesses in any manner. It is therefore prayed that the court may direct
that the applicant shall be released on bail in the event of their arrest by
the police.
For the following among grounds the Appellant here in begs to prefer this
appeal against the judgement dated ………………….. of judicial
Magistrate, F.C., Varanasi in criminal case No: 101 of 2010, convicting
the appellant U/Sec 411 I.P.C and sentencing him to U/go, 6 months R.I.
and to pay a fine of Rs. 300/-
Respected Sir/Madam,
The appellant most respectfully submits the
appeal on the following groungs:
2. That the Judgement of the lower court offends Sec. 367 of the Cr.P.C.
3. That the learned magistrate should have inferred from the conduct of
your petitioner deposed to by the investigating officer, that he was
absolutely straight forward in his dealings. The conduct of your petitioner
as has been deposited to by P.Ws. No. 52 and 4 would hardly be consistent
with his guilty knowledge.
5. That the learned Magistrate should have bellered that the articles were
purchased bonafide for proper market price and inferred from that the
absence of any guilty knowledge of your
6. That the articles sold were common articles of everyday use to be found
in possession of people of even modest means.
8. That the learned Magistrate should have believed the defence witnesses
who disposed to having seen the articles sold to the appellant some five
months prior to the incident.
9. That the Lower Court ought to have given the benefit of responsible
doubt to the appellant and acquitted him.
In the circumstances stated above, the petitioner prays that your honour
may be pleased to admit the appeal, call for the record.Release your
petitioner pending disposal of the appeal on bail and after hearing the case,
set aside the order of conviction and sentence or pass such other order as
To His lordship the Chief Justice and the Judge of the said Hon’ble court,
In the matter of a Revision from the order of conviction passed U/sec 324,
I.P.C. on
That the learned president Magistrate convicted the applicant and one MK
SHA under the mentioned section and sentenced him to undergo Vigorous
imprisonment for a period of four month and to pay a five of Rs.100 or in
default to undergo further R.I. for 15 days. Being aggrieved by the
aforesaid order, your petitioner begs to more the Hon’ble court in its
Revisional Jurisdiction on the following.
4. The learned magistrate has erred in not complying with the mandatory
provisions of the Cr. P.C. whereby an opportunity to explain away the
circumstances appearing against them
was refused.
5. The learned magistrate has not maintained a full record of the evidence
and hence certain admissions by the prosecution given in their cross
examination are not available.
The art of drafting the pleadings has not yet fully developed in spite of the
increase in the civil litigation. As a matter of fact, the art of pleading
should be the foundation course and great emphasis should be laid on this
paper. Because of this absence of rigorous training, the young lawyers
often indulge in prolixity rather than clarity and conciseness.
Irrelevant matters, unnecessary details are often included and the facts
placed before the lawyer by his client are not marshaled. The result is that
the martial facts are often mixed up with inessential matter.
Pleading is an art, of course, and art which requires not only technical and
linguistic skill but also an expert knowledge of the law on the given point
brought before a lawyer. However, in the matter of pleadings longer
experience and a great linguistic acumen are both essential ingredients.
What ultimately matters is how clearly and systematically have the facts
been presented before the court of law. It is a matter of common
knowledge that when a person comes to seek the assistance of the court of
law in any matter, he has to prepare a statement of his claims, and the facts
on which such claims are founded. Such statements fully drawn up, setting
out all contentions, are called "pleadings". Thus pleadings are the
foundation of all sorts of litigation; no judicial system in the world can do
justice in any matter unless and until the court of justice is fully aware as
to the claims and contentions of the plaintiff and of the counter claims and
defenses of the defendant.