Sebi Sharemarket
Sebi Sharemarket
Sebi Sharemarket
MCQs from SEBI/ Sharemarket /Financial Market / Companies Act Topic in UPSC Prelims-
2014 (1 MCQ), 2015 (0 MCQ), 2016 (2 MCQs), 2017 (0 MCQ), 2018 (1 MCQ).
A player should keep in mind the cost:benefit accordingly.
MCQ. Which of the following is /are example (s) of ‘Near Money’? [UPSC-CDS-2016-I]
1. Treasury Bill 2. Credit Card 3. Saving accounts 4. Money Market Instruments
Answer codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 3 and 4
9.3.2 Long Term Debt Instruments (दीर्ध-अवधर् ऋण उपकरण )
Tenure = 1 year/>. Further sub-division based on who is the Borrower?
Issuer Objective? उद्दे श्य?
- Government securities, Dated securities, Sovereign bonds (सूंप्रभु
स्वणण बाूंड), Kisan Vikas Patra etc. (more in “Financial inclusion lecture)
- Also called Gilt Edged securities (उच्च / अग्रिम दजे की प्रतिभतिया)
because repayment is assured by Government. (Although, give lower
Modern day interest rate because of low risk to investor).
Government - Global Credit Rating Agencies gives ‘rating’ to sovereign bonds. “_ _ _ ”
to borrow is best and highest given to US Treasury Bonds. India’s rating is ~“BAA”
money = moderate risk of default.
- World’s top three credit rating agencies- Fitch, Moody’s and Standard &
Poor have pro-US/EU allegiance. Critics argue these 3 agencies do not
give adequate upgradation to India, China, Russia despite the economic
growth. So, India has proposed the _ _ _ group to set up its own
independent credit rating agency.
Real Interest Rate (वास्िववक ब्याज दर) = Nominal (नाममि) Interest minus
Inflation. When Real Interest is negative, purchasing power _ _ _ _ _ despite
increase in money quantity in bank account. Then people prefer to park
money in gold/real estate- which is not very beneficial to economy. So..
MCQ: With reference to `IFC Masala Bonds', sometimes seen in the news, which of the
statements given below is/are correct? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2016)
1. The International Finance Corporation, which issues them, is an arm of the World Bank.
2. They are the rupee-denominated bonds and are a source of debt financing for the public
and private sector.
Answer Code: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither1 nor 2
MCQ. Which one of the following is a viable alternative to term-loans for raising debt
finance by large publicly traded firms? (UPSC-IEnggS-2018)
(a) Shares (b) Debentures (c) Asset loans (d) Gold loans
Ignored for poor cost:benefit- Bond Yield, Yield To Maturity, bond yield’s linkages with
monetary policy, exchange rate, gold & crude prices.
They’re owners / proprietors of the company. If profit, they get dividend. Last claim during
keywords Features
Have voting power in the meetings of shareholders. Last claim during
Ordinary shares
अग्रिमान्य शेयसण. During liquidation, these investors will be given money
shares before the ordinary shareholders. Further subtypes: with or without
voting powers.
Shares given @discount to directors & employees for their value
Sweet Equity
addition to company [Amount is regulated under Companies Act]
Shares whose market price remain excessively low compared to its
Penny stocks face value, for a long period. Usually associated with some hidden
game for money laundering through shell companies. PHDNotREQ
Venture capital Professional firms helping startup companies with seed capital. (could
funds (VCF) be debt / equity / hybrid)
Angel Investors Rich person helping startup companies out of his hobby, passion,
profit motive or time pass. e.g Ratan Tata in Urban Ladder app. (could
ऐांजल तिवेशक
be debt / equity / hybrid)
Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme= Govt gives income tax benefit
to people who invest in the share market for the first time.
Started in 2012
Discontinued by Budget-2017 (instead of renaming after DeenDayal).
ु रर्… first right to existing shareholders to buy them, if they refuse then
offered to outsiders.
Other Offer for sale / Private placement /Issuing bonus shares / share splitting /
methods / share swap / share buyback / PE Ratio etc. = NOT IMP. However, to
terms satiate your curiosity you may self-study them from Investopedia.
9.5.1 ADR/GDR: Indian shares in Videshi locker
- An Indian (or any non-American) company wants to mobilize money from American
share market but does not want to go through the process of registration with the
American regulator.
- Then Indian Company gives the Indian shares to an American Bank, and based on those
Indian shares, the American Bank will create and sell American depositary receipts (ADR:
अमरीकी तनपेक्षार्ार रसीद) to American investors. Denomination: USD.
- Global depositary receipt (GDR): Same as above, but when single bank issues receipts
for investors in multiple countries. Denomination: USD or Euro.
- Bharat / Indian depositary receipt (IDR): Similar concept- American (or any foreign)
company wanting to mobilize money from Indian investors. Permitted since 2009-10.
Denomination: INR (Rs.)
If shares and bonds are traded in paper-form, then transactions are slow & prone to the
risk of theft, forgery and fire.
Depositary is an organization that stores the physical securities in its vault and allows
investors to trade them in electronic (=DEMATERIALIZED) form.
Customer has to open Demat account in a depository-partner (DP) which can be a bank
or an NBFC.
SEBI regulates them under the Depositories Act 1996. Notable examples are Central
Depository services Limited (CDSL) and National securities depository Limited (NSDL:
started by SBI, IDBI, UTI, NSE et al). NSDL also has RBI license to operate_ _
9.6.2 Types of Investors: Depending on Buying Capacity
1. Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIB): Are those investors with expertise and financial
muscle to make large investments in capital markets. E.g. Mutual Funds, Insurance
Company, Foreign Venture Capital Funds etc. SEBI has separate registration norms for
2. Anchor investors: They’re QIBs who are offered shares before IPO-launch. This gives
confidence to other investors to subscribe IPO.
3. Retail investor: An individual investor who is not a QIB.
Underwriter will keep quota for each category of investors, as per SEBI norms.
9.6.3 Types of Investors: Depending on Buying Behavior
1. Jobbers (आढ़िी): Full time engaged in buying / selling securities using money from their
own pockets. (Whereas brokers / commission agents buy/sell using money/shares of
their clients).
2. STAG (Male Deer): He buys newly issued securities from primary market & sells them
in secondary market for quick profit.
3. Bull (िेजड़िय ): Optimistic speculator who hopes share prices will rise, so purchases (to
sell them later at much higher price). Just like a bull tends to throw his victim up in the
air, the bull speculator stimulates the price to rise.
4. Bear (मांदड़िय ) – A pessimistic speculator who fears prices will fall so, he sells. A bear
usually presses its victim down to ground. Similarly, the bear speculator tends to force
down the prices of securities.
9.7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SEBI)
भारतीय प्रधतभूधत और धवधनमय बोर्ध, HQ- Mumbai
(1988) Formed by executive order -> (1992) Became Statutory Body -> powers
increased through amendments in 1999 & 2014. Now it can order search and seizure,
attachment of properties, arrest and detention.
SEBI Board Composition: Chairman + 1 officer from RBI + 2 officers from Union
Government + 5 members appointed by Union Government.
Chairman: upto 5 years / 65 age. Reappointment possible. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(IAS) initially
given 3 years term in 2017, could be extended in future.
Regulates Process of issuing securities (Bonds, Shares, IPO, EPF, ReIT, INVITs, etc.)
using the Securities Contracts Regulation Act, 1956 [SCRA: प्रमतभूमत संमवदा मवमनयिन]
Regulates Places (Depositories, Stock exchanges, Commodity Exchanges etc.)
Regulates Persons (individual investors, Brokers, Fund Managers, Public Limited
companies etc.)
Regulates any Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) of ₹_ _ _ _ cr/> [In the aftermath of
SAHARA scam, Chit Fund scams.]
- A foreigner wishes to invest in India but does not want to go through the hassles of
registering with SEBI, getting PAN card number, opening a DEMAT account etc. So, he
will approach a SEBI registered foreign institutional investor (FII) such as Morgan
Stanley, Citigroup or Goldman Sachs. He’ll pay them & instruct them to purchase
particular shares and bonds and store them in their Demat account. Then FII will give him
P-Notes, and he’ll receive interest and dividend accordingly. He may also sell those P-
notes to a third party.
- P-Notes are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that derive the value from the underlying
Indian shares and bonds.
P-Notes considered harmful to Indian economy because:
- P-note investors are not directly registered with SEBI, the identity of the actual investor
and source of funds remain disguised= chances of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
- If P-Note owner sells his P-Notes to another foreign investor, Government of India will be
deprived of taxes. (Compared to a scenario where Indian share owner is selling his
shares to another Indian investor, then government gets securities transaction tax and
capital gains tax on his profit, & he can’t dodge it because DEMAT accounts linked with _
_ _ _ card. More on PAN card@Pillar#2->BlackMoney)
- Therefore, SEBI is tightening the control P-Notes e.g. “X” category of FIIs can’t issue P-
Notes. “Y” category of FII can issue P-Notes but every time they issue P-notes-they’ll
have to deposit $1,000 to SEBI etc.
SEBI implemented Uday Kotak committee’s suggestions From 2019-Apr From 2020-Apr
Split CEO/MD and Chairman. One person can’t occupy N/A Top 500 listed
both positions in his company (e.g. Gautam Adani) cos.
Companies Act requires min.3 directors in Public Listed Top-1000 listed Top-2000 listed
company, but SEBI mandated to have min. 6 directors cos cos
Companies Act doesn’t prescribe gender of independent Top 500 listed Top 1,000
director but SEBI mandated atleast one independent cos. listed cos.
woman director.
one person can serve as director in how many 8 7
companies? (Companies Act: Max.10), but SEBI required
SEBI also tightened norms related to salaries to directors, ‘related party transactions’
(meaning not important but the fact that term associated with corporate governance /
companies act).