Minor Award Name Care of The Older Person Minor Award Code 5N2706 Level 5

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October 2015: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

Minor Award Name Care of the Older Person

Minor Award Code 5N2706
Level 5

Suggested resources to support delivery:

Theme/Topic Type Relevance Author/Source Web Link

Healthy ageing, Book Essential to the learning. Ireland now Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.ncaop.ie
global and recognised as a nation who will have a huge for Nursing
national aging population and the need to be Assistants’ Shelia http://www.healthyageing.eu/
demographic mindful of excellent care practices is Sorrentino.
trends. Articles essential to care provision. Comparisons 7th Edition http://www.ncaop.ie/publications/
drawn with other nations in terms of trends research/reports/77.pdf
allow for healthy dialogue and openness to

The normal Book Essential to the learners’ understanding of Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.health.gov.ie
physiological how the human body experiences physical for Nursing
and change during the ageing process. Assistants’ Shelia Older Than Ireland (movie /
psychological Movie Sorrentino. documentary)
processes of Use of visuals / charts / to explain and 7th Edition
ageing clarify understanding Still Alice – Movie

Mind maps on Ageing

October 2015: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

The social Book and Important for learners’ awareness of the Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.ageaction.ie
impact of ageing websites growing problem of isolation in Ireland for Nursing www.irishhealth.com
on older people. today as a result of various social issues. Assistants’ Shelia www.friendsoftheelderly.ie
Sorrentino. www.socialinclusion.ie
Impact of smaller social group 7th Edition www.citizensinformation.ie
The narrowing of the family circle
Role reversal as child may eventually
become carer http://ageactionalliance.org/them

Attitudes to Book and Covers issues such as: new community Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.citizensinformation.ie
ageing and website concepts / changing family for Nursing www.hse.ie
older people dynamics/negative labels associated with Assistants’ Shelia www.ageaction.ie
older people/prejudicial and ageist Sorrentino. www.homeinstead.ie
mindsets 7th Edition
Article from entrepreneurs-wise-solutions-help-
Irish times older-people-in-local-communities-
Article from
the Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/soci

October 2015: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

Promoting Book and Covers topics such as inclusion / integration Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.hse.ie
positive website / involvement in community / contributing for Nursing www.alone.ie
attitudes to to family and society / having their Assistants’ Shelia www.hiqa.ie
ageing intellectual needs affirmed and valued / Sorrentino. www.homeinstead.ie
7th Edition www.bluebirdcare.ie


preparation for Book Covers issues such as the need to be fully Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.qualifax.ie
retirement website informed about legal issues / financial for Nursing www.hse.ie
preparation / general money matters / Assistants’ Shelia www.citizensinformation.ie
savings/ Sorrentino.
7th Edition http://www.irishtimes.com/opinio

The needs of an Book and Maslow’s hierarchy of need pivotal in all Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.alone.ie
older person to website learning about any client group. Detailed for Nursing
include physical, work on all these needs can contribute in Assistants’ Shelia http://www.irishhealth.com/article
social, Articles large part to the 40% Project assessment. Sorrentino. .html?id=19722
emotional, 7th Edition
psychological, All needs of older person considered – http://www.socialinclusion.ie/docu
recreational, medical – cognitive – older people with ments/Older_lowres2.pdf
October 2015: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

environmental disabilities or cognitive issues leading to

and spiritual. other complications such dementia.
The ethnic and Books Mosby’s ‘Essentials http://ageactionalliance.org/them
cultural Websites for Nursing e/attitudes-to-ageing/
influences on articles Assistants’ Shelia
the older person Sorrentino.
7th Edition
Statutory and Books Have guest speakers come into the class to Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.hse.ie
voluntary Articles engage with group on the essentials of for Nursing www.hiqa.ie
agencies that Websites elderly care in their community. Assistants’ Shelia www.ageaction.ie
promote Sorrentino. www.friendsoftheelderly.ie
wellbeing of activity Get class involved in October Ageing Month 7th Edition www.ageandopportunity.ie
older people. annually to create awareness

Get involved a fund raising activity for www.gardasiochana.ie

Elderly in local community/
Invite elderly people into the school for an www.hse/services.ie

Providing care Books Work experience of 20 days provides most Mosby’s ‘Essentials http://www.hse.ie/eng/services/lis
for older Articles relevant experience of direct care provision for Nursing t/4/olderpeople/
people. websites for older people in care setting. Assistants’ Shelia
Sorrentino. www.mentalhealthireland.ie
Recognising and attending to needs in old 7th Edition
people - www.alzheimer.ie
Being informed and being aware of respect
/ dignity / confidentiality / kindness /
empathy and understanding

October 2015: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS

living with Book Challenges of living with a mental illness/ Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.mentalhealthireland.ie
mental illness, Websites Stigma around mental health issues/ for Nursing
dementia or any Article Raising awareness through Open Days and Assistants’ Shelia www.alzheimer.ie
chronic illness visitors from various mental health groups Sorrentino.
7th Edition www.parentgiving.com
Liaising with other classes to fund raise or www.healthyaging.org
visit nursing homes at various times during
year when old people may feel very isolated
depressed / lonely.
Ask GP to visit to inform / advise / help with factsheets/fs381/en/


the individual Book Sensitive area in Palliative Care Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.irishhospicefoundation.ie
needs of the Websites The sharing of personal disclosure helps. for Nursing www.citizensinformation.ie
dying older articles Asking person from hospice to visit / Assistants’ Shelia
person and their chaplain / priest to offer their experience Sorrentino. http://www.irishhealth.com/article
families and knowledge and how best to advise 7th Edition .html?id=2181
younf people how to be well prepared for
this challenging area http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2

October 2015: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS


care settings for Lists provided on internet Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.hse.ie

older people Fair deal scheme for Nursing www.nursinghomes.ie
HSE work Assistants’ Shelia www.retirementservices.ie
Private care Sorrentino. www.irishnursinghomes.eu
Public care 7th Edition www.hiqa.ie
Day care centres
Activity day centres
Day Outings
Social Visits and Outings
Role of HIQA

standards and Pivotal role of HIQA Mosby’s ‘Essentials www.hiqa.ie

quality Training of all carers in this profession for Nursing
assurance in the Quality assured care provision Assistants’ Shelia
provision of FETAC / QQI Level 5 Healthcare Support Sorrentino.
care for older Effective Management structures 7th Edition

Useful Organisations:
Name Contact Information

October 2015: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS


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