SOTAX Product Catalogue 2010 PDF

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Convincing Solutions for your drug testing

SOTAX, founded in 1973, began as an engineering company to service the
pharmaceutical and other industries. Today SOTAX is a leader in the development
and manufacturing of test instruments and software for tablet testing and is a
leading solution provider for the pharmaceutical industry. SOTAX is owned privately
by the Benz family.

Worldwide, SOTAX has a staff of over 140 skilled and motivated employees. Its
headquarter is in Allschwil, near Basel, the center of the pharmaceutical industry
in Switzerland: manufacturing, engineering, research and development, as well as
administration, sales and marketing departments are all located there together with
a demo and application laboratory as well as an auditorium for conferences and
seminars. SOTAX has sales and service organizations in Canada, China, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland and the USA and is represented in other
markets through local distributors. The US organization is located in Hopkinton,
Massachusetts, with administration, demo and application laboratory, maintenance
center and warehouse. SOTAX Corporation has a network of sales and service
specialists throughout Canada and the USA.

SOTAX has established an excellent international reputation as a specialist in the

development and production of sophisticated test equipment and automated systems.
We work with major pharmaceutical companies to develop customized hardware/
software solutions for their products. Our management focuses on very high quality
standards in all operation levels and is continuously improving the quality of its systems
to meet GMP, GAMP and ISO 9000-3 standards. In 1996 SOTAX received the ISO 9001
Certification, extended in 1999 to the TickIT Quality system for software development,
thereby becoming the world’s first supplier of dissolution testing systems to receive
this seal of quality. SOTAX instruments meet all CP, EP, JP, USP and FDA Guidelines and
SOTAX Softwares allow full compliance to 21 CFR part 11.

SOTAX also offers SPS Pharma Services (CRO), contract research lab dedicated to
dissolution testing research, method development and advanced training. In 2008,
SOTAX integrated the Zymark® automation product line, resources and services. With
the addition of the Hopkinton facility in Massachusetts, customers benefit from
SOTAX’s increase US and global presence and network of direct sales and services.

SOTAX also offers its know-how as a service to the pharmaceutical industry, including
installations, maintenance and repair services as well as a comprehensive and careful
validation service in compliance with FDA regulations.

The loyalty displayed by our regular customers in more than 40 countries throughout the
world encourages us to continue to deliver the highest quality.

Dissolution Testing

USP Apparatus 1, 2, 5 & 6 Page 2 to 7

Fully Automated USP Apparatus 1& 2 Page 8 to 10

Media Preparation Page 11

Filter Station Page 12

Flow-Through Cell USP Apparatus 4 Page 13 to 15

Dissolution Accessories Page 16

Dissolution Software Page 17

Content, Blend & Assay Testing

Content, Blend & Assay Testing Page 18 to 21

Physical Testing

Disintegration Testing Page 22

Hardness Testing Page 23 to 25

Flowability Testing Page 26

Friability Testing Page 27

Tap Density Testing Page 28

Physical Testing Software Page 29

SOTAX Services Page 30 to 31

SOTAX Corporate Mission Page 32

SOTAX Contacts Page 33

SOTAX AT 7smart

Features & Benefits

Compliant with all Pharmacopeial methods including Tablet introduction assist
USP Apparatus 1 (basket), Apparatus 2 (paddle), Simultaneous or staggered tablet
Apparatus 5 (paddle over disk), Apparatus 6 (rotating introduction
cylinder), Intrinsic Dissolution, Stationary basket, and
Mini Paddles/Baskets/Vessels Serialized Shafts, Paddles, Baskets and
Fulfills all USP, EP, JP and CP requirements Vessels with removeable bath and cover plate
Easy removal and cleaning of paddles,
Seven vessels for 6 samples and 1 placebo or blank baskets, vessels and bath. Components
solution, staggered vessel design for unobstructed identification for validation
visual observation, built-in heater/circulator
Compact and space-saving design, vibration free, easy Modular concept ready for upgrades to
sample viewing automation with firmware or software
Fixed position shaft height, automatic vessel centering Easy upgrades to automation with addition
and built-in evaporation covers of autosampler, on-line HPLC, on-line
Fully conforms to ASTM Mechanical Calibration with UV-Vis spectrophotometer, UV Fiber Optics
low evaporative loss of media or Automated Sampling Device
Program dissolution methods in firmware and print Sampling port on each vessel
reports with built in printer report Allows manual sampling through height
Program assistance in tablet introduction, sampling adjustable cannula
times, protocol printout of test parameters incl.
temperature, rpm, sampling times for traceability

SOTAX AT 7smart The smarter choice for Dissolution testing

SOTAX AT 7smart UV On-line

Features & Benefits

Controlled by WinSOTAXplus Advanced Dissolution Simultaneous withdrawing, filtering and
Software analyzing of the six samples and one placebo
Allows full compliance to 21 CFR part 11 in or blank solution
standalone and client/server modes Shortest measuring intervals for determining
the release profile
Drivers available for several UV-Vis brands
Possible use of existing UV-Vis spectrophotometers pH change by Media addition and pH
monitoring controlled by software
Direct sample analysis during the test Automate time consuming media changes
Dissolution curves available on the fly
Compatibility with filter station FS 7
Connect two baths to a single UV-Vis Allows filter changes before each sampling
Spectrophotometer time
Enhanced productivity (12 samples)
Automatic sampling through or beside the shaft
by Hollow Shaft™ or cannula
Complete sampling reproductibility on the six
samples and one placebo or blank solution

SOTAX AT 7smart UV On-line Automated photometric analysis for

Dissolution tests according to USP 1, 2, 5, 6
and intrinsic Dissolution methods
SOTAX AT 7smart HPLC On-line

Features & Benefits

Automated sample injection or collection Controlled by WinSOTAXplus Advanced
Increased productivity Dissolution Software
Compatibility with other SOTAX Dissolution
Direct transfer of samples from dissolution bath to LC systems
Elimates manual handling errors
Automatic sampling through or beside the
Injections controlled by the external module shaft by Hollow Shaft™ or cannula
SOTAX MF 7-LC Complete sampling reproductibility on
Compatible with all major brands of HPLC the six samples and one placebo or blank
Designed for rapid direct injection LC methods solution
Can be adapted to UPLC or equivalent systems

SOTAX AT 7smart HPLC On-line HPLC On-line solution for fast

UPLC/HPLC methods

SOTAX AT 7smart Off-line

Features & Benefits

Semi-automated system based on the AT 7smart, Automatic sampling through or beside the
includes a pump CY7-50 and a fraction collector C613 shaft by Hollow Shaft™ or cannula
Simultaneously withdrawing, filtering and collecting Complete sampling reproductibility on
of the 6 samples and a placebo or a blank solution the six samples and one placebo or blank
in open/capped LC vials or open glass tubes at each solution
sampling time
pH change by Media addition and pH
Firmware controlled with comprehensive menus or monitoring controlled by software
controlled by WinSOTAXplus Advanced Dissolution Automate time consuming media changes
Software allowing compliance to 21 CFR part 11
System control flexibility Compatibility with Filter Station FS 7
Allows filters change before each sampling
Connect 2 baths to a single fraction collector time
Enhanced Productivity (12 samples)
Additional valve for media replacement
Sample volumes removed can be replaced by fresh
solvent, allowing low volume dissolution profiles

SOTAX AT 7smart Off-line Automated sample collection for

dissolution tests according to USP 1, 2, 5, 6
and intrinsic Dissolution

Features & Benefits

Robotic system integrated with SOTAX AT 7smart
Compact space-saving system, upgrades any existing
standard AT 7smart
Sample collection into HPLC capped vials
No evaporation of the collected samples
No system tubing volume
Avoids potential adsorption problems (e.g. adherent
products such as hormones)
Firmware controlled method programming and reporting
Easy programming

SOTAX AT 7smart ASD The automatic staggered sampling system

for SOTAX AT 7smart


Features & Benefits

Simultaneous In-Situ UV-Vis measurements in 7 vessels No sample removal, filtering or pumps
No tubing, no pumping, no filtering, no gap time, no Minimal hydrodynamical effects with
dead volume ARCH Probes™ with the possibility to run
methods developed on standard probes
Controlled by WinSOTAXplus Advanced Dissolution
Software In-Situ measurements
Allows full compliance to 21 CFR part 11 in standalone Amazing ability to scan simultaneously on
and client/server modes 6 vessels
Uses patented ARCH Probes™ and standard immersion
Low disturbance open design, prevents excipient
buildup, bubble entrapment and provides consistent
minimal path-length measurements
CCD Detector optimized for fast UV readings
Real simultaneous measurements on 6 channels

SOTAX AT 7smart OPT-DISS™ The UV Fiber Optic system designed for

Dissolution testing

SOTAX AT 70smart

Features & Benefits

Fully automated tablet dissolution system for a Media change procedures allow additions,
series of 10–15 dissolution tests using the USP 2 replacement or a full change of media
method Allows difficult method transfers with pH
10 to 15 test without any user intervention monitoring and dispensed and added media
volume validation
Automates the entire dissolution test from media
preparation and delivery, sampling, filtering, Compatible with a variety of sinker types
collection and/or analysis, and vessel cleaning Allows multiple capsule testing (R&D and QC)
Method transfer from manual to automation with
guaranteed reproducibility monitored on every Specific solution for pellets and granulates
step and complete traceability On-going development for specific USP 2
customers needs
Controlled by WinSOTAXplus Advanced Dissolution
Software Woldwide Network of dedicated product
Immediate familiarity for WinSOTAXplus users, specialists for support and validation
same drivers as for semi-automated systems Complete validation IQ, OQ, PQ under
Maintenance and Validation contracts

SOTAX AT 70smart High volume dissolution

testing throughput for paddle

Features & Benefits

The AT 70 BS 60 has all the features of the Short and thorough cleaning cycle for tubes,
AT 70smart plus: baskets and vessels
Complete cleaning of the systems (tubes,
Up to 10 dissolution tests for USP 1 methods baskets, vessels)
Maximum throughput on USP 1 and 2 methods
Specific solution for sticky products
Simultaneous attachment and removal of test Unique custom solutions for specific USP 1
baskets methods
Maximal productivity due to minimal inter-test time
Optical sensor confirmation of basket attachment
and removal
Accurate and reproducible automation process
checking potential errors

SOTAX AT 70 BS 60 High volume dissolution

testing throughput for both
paddle and basket methods
Zymark ® MultiDose G3

Features & Benefits

Automate some existing manual dissolution baths Gravimetric recording of initial vessel
Simplifies tedious method transfers from manual to volume prior to running method
automation Increased traceability compared to
equivalent manual methods
Eight different basket or paddle methods with
different requirements within each batch Probe equipped with temperature sensors
Flexible open architecture allows for a wide variety to measure and record in each vessel at
of applications each sampling point
Improved efficiency in development
Compatible with a wide range of sinkers including compared to equivalent manual bath
Japanese sinkers methods
Easy method transfer from manual to automation
even for methods with sinkers

Zymark MultiDose G3 Proven MultiDose® and MultiDose Plus®

for fully automated dissolution analysis
for paddle and baskets

Features & Benefits

Dissolution media preparation with a mobile space Gravimetric self-calibration option with
saving unit built-in balance and printer port (optional)
Can be moved close to the Dissolution bath location to Print out volumes dispensed and Calibration
avoid any vessel or bath displacement reports
Use of concentrates with on-line preparation or by Optional tray for media tank holding,
sequential addition protection bars
Time and money savings Simplified handling of media tanks
Automates heating, stirring and vacuum degassing of
the dissolution media
Improves reproducibility and reliability
Volumetric filling at 1500 ml/min with an accuracy
better than 1 %
Fast and accurate volume dispensing without

SOTAX MPS Increased productivity with

automated media preparation


Features & Benefits

Automates 25 mm luer-lock filter changes after each Compatible with AT 7smart On/Off-line
sampling point systems
Solves saturation and clogging problems Upgrade easily the existing SOTAX semi-
automated systems On and Off-line
Filter change controlled by AT 7smart firmware or by
WinSOTAXplus Advanced Dissolution Software Storage up to 140 filters and collection tray
Complete extended and modified release testing for dispensed used filters
and media change methods automation Easy filter handling
Allows the use of 0.45 micron porosity 25 mm filters
(with the SOTAX CP 7 pump)
Complete the SOTAX fraction collector with filtered
samples ready for HPLC analysis
Uses SOTAX and Zymark certified Pall™ PSF filters
Simplifies filter validations and method transfers to
full automation

SOTAX FS 7 The SOTAX FS 7 Filter Station for reliable

automated filter changes after sampling in semi-
automated dissolution systems
SOTAX CE 7smart UV On-line

Features & Benefits

Flow-through cell (Apparatus 4) instrument with pump Controlled by WinSOTAXplus Advanced
and UV-Vis spectrophotometer Dissolution Software
Designed for semi-automatic USP 4 methods with Allows full compliance to 21 CFR part 11 in
photometric analysis standalone and client/server modes
Cells available for tablets, capsules, powders, APIs, Drivers available for several UV-Vis brands
lipophilic forms, suppositories, suspensions, liposomes, Possible use of existing UV-Vis
microspheres, semi-solids, implants and medical devices spectrophotometers
Testing of several dosage forms, including novel dosage
forms, in dedicated cells Direct sample analysis during the test
Dissolution curves available on the fly
Available in closed and open loop configurations
Useful for low dose and poorly soluble formulations

SOTAX CE 7smart Automated photometric analysis for

UV On-line dissolution tests according to the Flow-
through Method (USP 4)
SOTAX CE 7smart
Off-line open system

Features & Benefits

Flow-Through Cell (Apparatus 4) instrument with Continuous pumping of fresh media with
pump and fraction collector on-line degassing option
Designed for semi-automated USP 4 methods in Ideal for dissolution testing of poorly soluble
open loop compounds
Cells available for tablets, capsules, powders, Automated fraction collection
APIs, lipophilic forms, suppositories, suspensions, Flexible sample collection from minutes to
liposomes, microspheres, semi-solids, implants months
and medical devices
Testing of several dosage forms, including novel Controlled by WinSOTAXplus Advanced
dosage forms, in dedicated cells Dissolution Software or by firmware
Allows full compliance to 21 CFR part 11 in
Automated media change with media selector standalone and client/server modes
Recommended configuration for media and/or pH

SOTAX CE 7smart Open loop off-line with fraction collector

Off-line open system for dissolution tests according to the Flow-
through Method (USP 4)
SOTAX CE 7smart
Off-line closed system

Features & Benefits

Flow-through Cell (Apparatus 4) instrument with pump Sample collection in closed HPLC vials or
and fraction collector including a syringe autosampler test tubes with up to 29 rows
Designed for semi-automated USP 4 methods in closed Allows small volumes sampling during long
loop with low volume sampling (e.g. Medical Devices and term testing down to 100 µl or micro liters
Drug Eluting Stents Elution methods)
Controlled by CE 7smart firmware
Cells available for tablets, capsules, powders, APIs, Password protected methods and printed
lipophilic forms, suppositories, suspensions, liposomes, reports
microspheres, semi-solids, implants and medical devices
Testing of several dosage forms, including novel dosage Built in Needle rinsing system
forms, in dedicated cells Carry-over prevention

Ideal for small media volume testing

Ideal system for Stents and Medical Devices Elution

SOTAX CE 7smart Closed loop off-line with syringe

Off-line closed system autosampler for dissolution tests according
to the Flow-through Method (USP 4)
SOTAX Dissolution Accessories

Paddle and Basket Shaft Holder

Rack for Baskets

USP 4 Cell Holder Storage Tray

Media Addition Valve Support Vessel cover

Shaft Cleaning Assembly

WinSOTAX plus Dissolution Software

Features & Benefits

One unified software version for all SOTAX On-line modules for UV-Vis measurements
Dissolution semi-automated and fully automated with full scanning for diode array
systems spectrophotmeters
Faster Validation training for existing users, quick Dissolution data fully available on a single
method transfer from semi-automation to fully- window during the test
Various Calibration modes and protocoling
Microsoft SQL server Database of parameters
Scalable from a single workstation to a lab/ Configurable reports including instrument
department/company network serial numbers, raw data, concentration and
% dissolved, rpm, temperature, calibration
Validated software with configurable users rights data, signatures
and audit trails, protected database, log files
Allows compliance to GxP and 21 CFR part 11 Export functionalities
Interfaces with LIMS and external softwares/
Dissolution Methods linked to System databases/programs
Users only see menus and dialogs which conform
to their hardware configuration and user rights

WinSOTAXplus The most advanced Dissolution software

controlling all SOTAX Dissolution system
Advanced Dissolution Software components in single workstation or in client/
server modes

Zymark ® APW3

Features & Benefits

Sample Preparation Workstation designed for Active Sonicating probe with temperature
Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) Assays control (optional)
Fully automated analysis for API stability Indicating Increases the speed of sample extraction
Assays and Related Compounds with sonication
Capacity for up to 300 samples Sample Analysis by UV or LC. Waters
300 samples or 150 with a single step dilution can Empower 2 Interface available
be run unattended State of the art analytical integration:
archive Samples in Capped HPLC Vials,
Dual range four to five-place balance optional Barcode Reader
Gravimetric confirmation assures liquid are
dispensed with accuracy and precision
Dispersing volume from 0.5 to 10 mL in 16 x 100 mm
Versatility in applications: API, cleaning validation,
low dose or soluble dose assay and uniformity

Zymark APW 3 The perfect tool for API

Stability Indicating and
other Assays
Zymark ® TPW3

Features & Benefits

Fully automated sample preparation workstation Network capability
for tablets, capsules, powders and suspensions Save analyst time for added value tasks
Unattended operation. Fully automated analysis
Sample Analysis by UV or LC. Waters
Automate from 50 to 200 samples without operator Empower 2 Interface available
intervention State of the art analytical integration:
Method Development flexibility archive Samples in Capped HPLC Vials,
optional Barcode Reader
Dispersing volume from 50 to 500 mL. Low dose
option from 20 to 100 mL
Improve robustness of sample preparation methods
Dual range four to five-place balance, three place
balance for dispersant solvent
Gravimetric confirmation assures liquids are
dispensed with accuracy and precision

Zymark TPW 3 Proven third generation TPW 3 Tablet

Processing Workstation for automated
content uniformity and assay testing

Features & Benefits

Simultaneous sample processing Brushless homogenizer motor
Increased sample throughput and speed of analysis Maintenance free
for improved productivity
Unique cleaning design
Sample capacity independant from dilution steps: Minimal solvent comsuption, elimination of
up to 240 samples in 16 x 160 mm tubes or up to carry-over
80 samples in 32 x 115 mm tubes
Great flexibility and throughput for the Off-line sampling with cooling option and
introduction of a wide sample range (tablets, capsules, injection in UV-Vis or in up to two LC systems
powder, pellets, liquids, Blend uniformity and Complete flexibility in samples handling and
effervescent tablet) analyzing

Unique vessel design Fully controlled by highly secured

Solvent volumes from 25 to 1000 mL CT Software including user rights, electronic
signatures audit trails
8-channel Solvent Selector Allows 21 CFR part 11 compliance and
Allows complex methods automation paperless reporting
Built-in ambient temperature sensor
Solvent dispensing based on density



SOTAX CTS High sample throughput for

automated content uniformity
and assay testing
Disintegration Testing Apparatus

Features & Benefits

Disintegration time testing unit with two basket- Conforms to the latest USP <701> and
rack assemblies <2040> chapters for disintegration testing
Allows 3, 6 and 12 sample methods Fully compliant in manual and automated
Each basket-rack assembly can be controlled,
started and stopped individually Connection to printer
Individual measurement and reported value for Report printout with test results, statistics
each sample and temperature protocol
Automatically lowers the baskets at test start and Optional Q-Doc Prolab® quality
raises the baskets at test end documentation software
Simplifies basket handling Allows 21 CFR part 11 compliance, paperless
reporting and LIMS connection
Optional automated detection of disintegration
end point
Reproducible results in all media without any
interpretation mistake

SOTAX DT 2 Disintegration Testing from

Disintegration Testing Apparatus basic to automated detection

Manual Tablet Testing System

Features & Benefits

Two hardness measurement principles “Constant Operating conditions are programmable via
Speed” or “Constant Force” with a measuring range front keypad with graphic display
of up to 500 or 1000 N The program menu allows the user to set
Can be parametered to match existing tablet testers specifications for the tablets as T1/T2/T3
Equipped with the Auto Alignment™ device Optional Q-Doc Prolab® quality
Even the most difficult of tablet shapes are documentation software
automatically aligned correctly to prevent erroneous Allows 21 CFR part 11 compliance, paperless
hardness measurements reporting and LIMS connection
Testing of hardness, thickness, width, diameter or Simplified calibration with the SOTAX
length and weight (with a balance) Automated Dynamic Calibration Tool
Testing of five essential physical parameters with No weights to carry
results (in Newton, Strong Cobb or Kilopond;
mm or inch; mg or g) and statistical data on display Three point calibration and tablet orientation
which can be printed out on a standard or label Complies with <USP 1217> and EP 2.9.8

SOTAX HT 1 The manual tablet testing system for fast,

Manual Tablet Testing System accurate and trouble-free measurements
of all tablet shapes and sizes
Semi-Automated Testing System

Features & Benefits

Two hardness measurement principles “Constant Operating conditions are programmable via
Speed” or “Constant Force” with a measuring range front keypad with graphic display
of up to 500 or 1000 N The program menu allows the user to set
Can be parametered to match existing tablet testers specifications for the tablets as T1/T2/T3
Tablet Feeder in teflon with engraved numbers Optional Q-Doc Prolab® quality
Easy to load, remove and clean documentation software
Allows 21 CFR part 11 compliance, paperless
Four-station transporter including self-cleaning reporting and LIMS connection
Accurate automated testing on 20 tablets Simplified calibration with the SOTAX
Automated Dynamic Calibration Tool
Equipped with the Auto Alignment™ device No weights to carry
Even the most difficult of tablet shapes are
automatically aligned correctly to prevent erroneous Three point calibration and tablet orientation
hardness measurements Complies with <USP 1217> and EP 2.9.8
Testing of hardness, thickness, width, diameter or
length and weight (with a balance)
Testing of five essential physical parameters with
results (in Newton, Strong Cobb or Kilopond; mm or
inch; mg or g) and statistical data on display which
can be printed out on a standard or label printer

SOTAX HT 10 The automated tablet testing system for

Semi-Automated fast, accurate and trouble-free measurements
Testing System of all tablet shapes and sizes
SOTAX HT 100 – Fully
Automated Testing System

Features & Benefits

Two hardness measurement principles “Constant Testing of hardness, thickness, width,
Speed” or “Constant Force” with a measuring range of diameter or length and weight (with a
up to 500 or 1000 N balance)
Can be parametered to match existing tablet testers Testing of five essential physical parameters
with results (in Newton, Strong Cobb
The HT 100 has ten chambers with a capacity of 115 mL or Kilopond; mm or inch; mg or g) and
each (equivalent 200 medium-sized tablets) statistical data on display which can be
Automated testing of 10 different batches of tablets, printed out on a standard or label printer
dragées, oblongs, effervescent tablets or similar drug
delivery systems Q-Doc Prolab® quality documentation
Vibration-free Auto Separator Allows 21 CFR part 11 compliance, paperless
Separates all shapes and sizes of tablets without reporting and LIMS connection
manual adjustment
Simplified calibration with the SOTAX
Equipped with the Auto Alignment™ device Automated Dynamic Calibration Tool
Even the most difficult of tablet shapes are No weights to carry
automatically aligned correctly to prevent erroneous
hardness measurements Three point calibration and tablet orientation
Complies with <USP 1217> and EP 2.9.8

SOTAX HT 100 The fastest automated tablet testing system for

Fully Automated fast, accurate and trouble-free measurements of
Testing System all tablet shapes and sizes batch after batch
SOTAX FT 300 - Flowability Tester

Features & Benefits

Performs a variety of test conditions including mixing Q-Doc Prolab® quality documentation
and vibration settings software
Produces precise, fast and reproductible results on Allows 21 CFR part 11 compliance, paperless
the flowability characteristics of blends, powers and reporting and LIMS connection
granulates saving time and product
Includes a Mettler precision balance
Standardized test conditions Accuracy of measurements
Ensure optimum correlation of processing condition
and optimal tablet press settings Calibration and Qualification procedure
Traceability of results
Vibration and mixing steps pneumatically controlled
Operator-independent results, eliminating human error

SOTAX FT 300 To determine the flowability characteristics

Flowability Tester of blends, powders and granulates simulating
processing conditions
SOTAX FT 2 - Friability Tester

Features & Benefits

Front loading with built-in tilt Menu guided Qualification procedure
Easy to use with one or two drums Easy Qualification
Time, counter, speed modes Designed and manufactured in Switzerland
Flexible operation Accurate and robust
Easy to view LCD Display and scroll down menus
Designed for the user
Calculation of percent friability and test report
As per GMP/GLP requirements

SOTAX FT 2 Friability Tester for Single or Dual Drums

Friability Tester

SOTAX TD 1 - Tap Density Tester

Features & Benefits

One single position for all measurements RS232 and Ethernet ports for
Compliance and simplicity communication
Connection to a balance and print-out
Easy to view LCD Display and scroll down menus of results
Easy of use
Qualification procedure
Calculation of results Easy Qualification
Tapped Density, Compressibility Index and
Hausner ratio

SOTAX TD 1 The most flexible Tap Density

Tape Density Tester Tester for EP, ASTM, USP I and
USP II tests
Q-Doc Prolab® Software

Features & Benefits

Automated control of the SOTAX family of Microsoft SQL database
hardness testers, disintegration, friability and Full network capability
powder flow testers
One single software for use with SOTAX physical Designed for the Pharmaceutical Industry
testing instruments Allow compliance to 21 CFR part 11 and
to GAMP 4
Laboratory Monitoring Software System (LMSS)
Connection to LIMS System
Modular driver concept
Allows simplified integration of new components

Q-Doc Prolab ® Quality Management Software for automated

Software control, reporting and data management for the
in-process control measurements of tablets
SOTAX Services

SOTAX, as a customer-oriented company, offers comprehensive after sales

service covering installation, maintenance, qualification and repair. An
extensive network of service engineers represents SOTAX all over the
world. In addition to installation, maintenance and repair SOTAX also offers
both operational and performance qualification services (OQ, MQ and PQ).
Thoroughly trained SOTAX specialists qualify the units according to the cGMP
and GAMP guidelines. These SOTAX Service Specialists help our customers
on a daily basis maintaining their procedures, instruments and results in
accordance to the latest Regulation Agencies guidelines.

SOTAX includes system installation and training with all new purchases. We guarantee you
that the instrument functions to specification and that its users are properly trained. SOTAX
specialists install the systems including the control device and software in the SOTAX test
laboratory prior to shipping to ensure correct functionality to specification. Upon delivery to
the customer’s laboratory the system is installed and again tested to specification prior to train
its users. If the customer wishes, the required operational and / or performance qualification
work can be performed by the SOTAX specialist.

Though SOTAX test instruments are highly reliable and generally trouble-free, regular
anticipated maintenance visits made by specialists are recommended. The FDA requires
routine maintenance procedures for the test instruments for the development and quality
control of the medicaments. If this is not sufficiently performed by laboratories, it can lead to
non-conformance during an audit. SOTAX offers various maintenance solutions. Maintenance
can be performed once or twice a year and can be written into a maintenance contract. The
maintenance work performed is recorded and accepted by that company’s responsible person
and the laboratory is provided with all the necessary documentation in case of an inspection

SOTAX offers a calibration and qualification service in accordance with the USP, EP, FDA
and GMP guidelines. This includes Design Qualification (DQ), Installation Qualification (IQ),
Operational Qualification (OQ), Mechanical Qualification (MQ), each with the corresponding
validation documents. In addition the required system suitability test or performance

qualification (PQ) using USP PVT tablets can be performed by our specialists. SOTAX
actively participates in the USP multi-centre studies to determine the limits for these PVT
lots and participates in the FDA collaborative studies. SOTAX qualification specialists
continuously perform these PQ tests and are therefore the most experienced in their
execution. Moreover, SOTAX bears the costs for repeating any PQ test that initially fails
and therefore gives a supplementary qualification guarantee to the customer. SOTAX
also performs MQ testing to the latest ASTM standards and service technicians are
regularly trained to the latest MQ practices. These services are utilized by a wide variety
of companies worldwide.

If a SOTAX instrument becomes defective, our service technician can repair it on site
or in the SOTAX repair center. SOTAX also offers maintenance and repair contracts to
ensure maximum operational efficiency. Guaranteed reaction times keep fault-related
interruption in use to an absolute minimum.

Full service, all maintenance, repair and qualification activities can be covered by a
comprehensive service contract to secure operational readiness. Full service contract:
guaranteed 72-hour reaction time with all services for restoring operational readiness in
the event of a fault, yearly maintenance of the instrument on site and six-month OQ and
PQ, incl. spare parts and travel expenses. Contact us at [email protected] to get your
own contract.

Technical Hotline
Europe / Asia
Phone +41 61 487 5460
E-mail [email protected]
Toll Free +1 888 SOTAXUS
E-mail [email protected]

Corporate Mission

Who we are and what we want

SOTAX leads the way in the development and manufacture of high-quality
pharmaceutical testing equipment and associated services. Our equipment is used
worldwide in the development and production processes of our customers the
pharmaceutical and science industries. SOTAX develops, produces and markets
system solutions for pharmaceutical testing and does so in close cooperation with
pharmaceutical and scientific partners. Our extensive market and process know-
how enables us to meet our customers’ requirements and comply with the key
directives relevant to them. We are also open to cooperation with new industries.
SOTAX is a leading independent company for pharmaceutical testing equipment.
The company owes its independence to its sustained economic success. The SOTAX
Group is a global success story and has subsidiaries around the world who are
familiar with local needs and practices. We maintain our competitive edge by
excelling in flexibility, performance, quality and safety.

Our customers
The customer is in the centre of our activities. His satisfaction is our goal and
quality standard. We set great store by efficiency and professionalism in meeting
customer requirements. We also work with customers to turn visions for our
business operations and future development into reality.

Our employees
SOTAX values skilled, highly capable and enterprising staff who work for the
greater good of the company, combining a sense of individual responsibility with
team spirit. We also encourage creativity and personal skills through ongoing
Our employees cultivate a positive corporate culture through a friendly, open
approach to both their fellow workers and our partners.

Our suppliers
SOTAX sees its relationship with its suppliers as a partnership. Suppliers are expected
to contribute to our joint success through their efficiency and professionalism.

Our environment
We have a keen sense of our economic and social responsibility, and our actions,
products and services make a significant contribution to protecting our environment.


Asia Germany
SOTAX (Shanghai) Trading SOTAX GmbH
Company Ltd. Wallbrunnstrasse 24
800 Nanjing Road East DE-79539 Lörrach
Room G, 15/F, No. 1 Plaza Phone +49 7621 16 5635
CN-200001 Shanghai Fax +49 7621 16 5715
Phone +86 21 6352 1008 E-mail [email protected]
Fax +86 21 6352 2213
E-mail [email protected]

Austria and Switzerland Great Britain

Binningerstrasse 106 13 Station Road
CH-4123 Allschwil 1 GB-London N3 2SB
Phone +41 61 487 5454 Phone +44 20 8349 6947
Fax +41 61 482 1331 Fax +44 20 8349 6948
E-mail [email protected] E-mail [email protected]

SOTAX (Canada) Ltd.
1-335 Deerhurst Drive Italy
CA-Brampton, ON L6T 5K3 SOTAX S.r.l.
Phone +1 905 494 0114 Via Milazzo 14
Toll Free +1 866 826 4448 IT-24124 Bergamo
Fax +1 905 494 0723 Phone +39 035 21 9555
Toll Free +1 866 767 6077 Fax +39 035 21 3643
E-mail [email protected] E-mail [email protected]

24, avenue de Bâle
FR-68300 Saint-Louis SOTAX Corporation
68A Elm Street
Phone +33 3 8970 0846
Hopkinton, MA, USA
Fax +33 3 8970 1781
E-mail [email protected]
Phone +1 508 417 1112
Toll Free +1 888 SOTAXUS
Tech Support Hotline +1 508 544 4040
France Fax +1 508 435 4691
SPS Pharma Services E-mail [email protected]
Bâtiment CBRV, 28 Place Henri Dunant
FR-63000 Clermont-Ferrand SOTAX Horsham
Phone +33 4 73 17 83 98 411 Caredean Drive
Fax +33 4 73 17 83 99 Suite A
E-mail [email protected] Horsham, PA 19044-1316

Technical Hotline
Europe / Asia
Phone +41 61 487 5460
E-mail [email protected]
Toll Free +1 888 SOTAXUS
E-mail [email protected]

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