Colloid Mills

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Colloid Mills: Theory and Experiment

Alan G. King* and Santosh T. Keswani

Ferro Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio 4413 1

In a colloid mill utilizing a rotating and a stationary plate, a particles from the mill parts or mill lining bum out and leave
high shear field exists. Particles rotate, generating a lift voids in the microstructure.
force moving them to the rotating plate. When particles col- There is a need for a comminution process which addresses
lide, a substantial energy transfer occurs because their sur- these problems. We decided to develop a colloid mill where a
face velocities are opposite. A mathematical model has been slurry flows between two plates (actually cones), one of which
developed relating the particle rotational speed to the is rotating with respect to the other.
parameters of the colloid mill such as gap size, speed, slip Flat plate mills chatter at close gap settings so the two sur-
viscosity, and particle size distribution. A slurry of the faces in this mill were designed to be conical in shape with a
material being ground is forced into the gap. Grinding is 120" included angle. The top male cone is the stator. It can be
autogenous as a result of collisions between rotating parti- moved axially to adjust the gap. The slurry is introduced
cles. All of the material in the process stream is ground finer through a hole on the cone axis. The bottom cone is a matching
than the gap setting and grinding can be optimized by female part.
adjusting mill operating parameters. However, the mill is
not able to grind the incoming stream to submicrometer 11. Colloid Mill Grinding Theory
sizes and there is molecular contamination from the surface
of the B,C cones. We proposed that the major mechanism by which comminu-
tion occurs in a colloid mill is a consequence of particle rotation
I. Introduction and impingement in a shear field. Consider a spherical particle
in a shear field. Let us assume that the particle Reynolds num-

C olloid mills are widely used in industry to reduce the parti-

cle size of one phase suspended in a liquid vehicle. The
phase can be any state-gaseous, liquid, or solid. We are pro-
ber is small. In other words, viscous forces are large compared
with the inertia forces. Then the particle will have a motion sim-
ilar to a particle of fluid.
posing that comminution or emulsification occurs not directly The particle will have three motions. It is translated along the
due to shear as proposed by Turner and McCarthy' but by direction of flow, it rotates, and it is translated perpendicular to
autogenous grinding empowered by the rotational kinetic the flow by a lift force which is a consequence of the particle
energy of particles in suspension. This paper proposes a theory, rotation as shown in Fig. 1. The shear stress generated by the
discusses the governing equations of particles undergoing fluid shear will typically be less than 7 MPa, a value very low
shear, and shows how the rotational energy spectrum changes compared to the stress required to fracture a hard material such
with particle size, fluid viscosity, gap size, mill speed, and other as alumina. However, as we calculate later, the fluid shear feeds
parameters in the system. Experimental data have been col- a large amount of rotational energy to the particles.
lected to verify the theory. Figure 2 illustrates the interaction between two particles
This colloid mill was developed as part of a research program rotating in the same direction. Even though the particles are
on the processing of advanced ceramic powders. Part of the pro- rotating in the same direction, when they contact each other,
cessing involves the comminution of agglomerates which are their surfaces are moving in opposite directions. A large
always present in any dry powdered raw material. In the process amount of energy interchange can occur, causing grinding
of grinding, several requirements are necessary, especially for action. Thus, rotational energy aids in the grinding process. In
powders used in advanced ceramics where powder properties contrast, when particles are translating and contact each other,
are critical. The grinding process has to grind all of the material. the amount of energy transferred depends on the relative veloci-
Coarse agglomerates present in even a minuscule volume frac- ties rather than the absolute velocities of the particles. If the
tion will severely degrade the strength and Weibull modulus of Reynolds numbers of the particles are small, then they will be
the ceramic. For example, consider a bar 1 cm X 1 cm X 10 cm
composed of particles 1 pm in diameter. There are then lo4 X
lo4 X lo5 = lOI3 particles in the tensile bar. One coarse stator
agglomerate in the bar will severely reduce the tensile strength
by as much as 3- or 4-fold. There is also a requirement for mini-
mal contamination. Even if all of the powder is ground, the
grinding process itself can introduce contamination. There are
three kinds of contamination: mill ball chips, chemical impuri-
ties, and organic (polymer) particles. Ball or lining chips act
like coarse agglomerates. Also, if the mill adds significant wear
debris to the batch, there is usually a change in composition,
often leading to glassy phases on grain boundaries, and polymer

R.Scattergood-contributing editoi
1 L i f t For-ce

Manuscript No. 195272. Received September 30,1992; approved March 30,1993.

*Member,American Ceramic Society. Fig. 1. Particle motion in a shear field.
710 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-King and Keswani Vol. 77, No. 3
Stator Reynolds number (Re, = Gd’lu where d is the diameter of the

n particle and u is the kinematic viscosity). This equation is valid

8: \
for particles whose Re, is less than 1. As the particle Reynolds
number increases, the particle rotates unsteadily until it hardly
Fluid Velocity rotates at all.’
The rotational kinetic energy of a particle is given by
RE = (Md2R2)/10 (3)
M is the mass of the particle, d is the diameter of the particle,
and R is the rotational speed of the particle. If the density of the
particle is @, then the rotational kinetic eneregy is given by
RE = (n@d5R2)/60 (4)
Thus, it can be seen that the rotational energy is proportional to
* Rotor
the diameter of a particle raised to the power 5 and the angular
Fig. 2. Particles rotating in same direction wear each other. velocity of a particle squared.
The angular velocity is directly proportional to the shear rate
G as shown in Eq. (2). For small particles with low Re,, the
angular velocity approaches half the shear rate. As the particle
translating at approximately the same velocities. Thus, there Re, increases, the angular velocity becomes progressively
will be a very small relative velocity difference between the smaller than half the shear rate. However, if the Re, becomes
particles. Hence the amount of energy transferred will be small. larger than 6, then particle rotation is unsteady.’ At larger Re,,
Thus, the translational energy of the particles will not contrib- the viscous forces will be much smaller than inertia forces and
ute substantially to the grinding process. the particle will rotate very slowly, if at all.’
The lift forces that are a consequence of the particle rotation
The key to attaining efficient grinding in the colloid mill is to
cause all particles to move toward the rotating cone. This
ensure that the Re, of the particles is small. There are three
increases the concentration of particles near the rotating cone
and increases the probability of particle-to-particle interaction. ways to ensure that Re, = Gd2/u is kept small. One way to
The particle distribution across the gap will be as shown sche- ensure that Re, is small is to keep the shear rate, G, small. How-
matically in Fig. 3. ever, then the rotational energy fed into particles is small.
Having discussed qualitatively what we propose occurs in the Another way to limit Re, is to limit the size of the particles.
colloid mill, we next examine the equations that govern the Again, since the rotational energy of the particles is propor-
behavior of particles in the colloid mill. tional to the diameter raised to the power 5 , this method reduces
the energy that can be fed to the particles. Moreover, this limits
( I ) Equations Governing the Rotational Energy of the usefulness of the colloid mill if it can only be used for very
Particles in the Colloid Mill fine particles. The best way to keep Re, small is to increase the
Let us consider a colloid mill being operated at an angular kinematic viscosity of the liquid in which the particles are sus-
velocity s and a gap setting h. Under steady-state conditions, the pended. However, if the kinematic viscosity is increased sub-
shear stress will be constant across the gap at any radius. stantially, then the throughput of the mill is reduced. So
Assuming that the fluid in the mill is Newtonian, the shear rate optimizing the operating conditions of the mill requires
will be constant across the gap. This shear rate at any radius, r, adjusting the gap size or the angular velocity of the mill and
is given by adjusting the kinematic viscosity to obtain reasonable
G = (sr)/h (1) throughput.
The most efficient way to operate the mill is to ensure that
A particle in such a shear field rotates. The angular velocity of a Re, for almost all incoming particles is less than 1 but not much
sphere in a shear field is given by’ less than 0.1. Under these conditions, all particles are rotating at
R = (G/2)(1 - 0.0384ReG3”) (2) speeds close to half the shear rate and will therefore participate
in the autogenous grinding process.
where R is the angular velocity, G is the shear rate (surface A key feature of our autogenous grinding theory is the migra-
speed of rotating anvil divided by gap), and Re, is the shear tion of particles to the rotating cone, increasing the local solids
loading, and increasing the changes of particle-to-particle inter-
actions. The lift force on a rotating sphere in a shear field has

n been calculated previously’ to be given by


F , = 1.615l~,dU,JRe~ (5)

p\ Fluid V e l o c i t y
where p is the dynamic viscosity, U, is the flow velocity in the
tangential direction, and d is the diameter of the particle. Equat-

ing this lift force with the drag force on a spherical particle pre-
dicted by Stokes’ law, one can calculate the terminal velocity in
i ““i L1‘t the transverse direction, U,:

U, = 1.615UR,/Re,/(3.rr) (6)
We can see that the terminal velocity in the transverse direction
is of the same order as U , since Re, is of order 1. The distance
that a particle traverses in the tangential direction is of the order
of 1 m while the gap setting is only a few micrometers. Hence,
ROlOf particles will migrate to the rotating cone very quickly after
entering the colloid mill and begin to have particle-to-particle
Fig. 3. Particles concentrate near rotor because of lift forces. interactions resulting in autogenous grinding.
March 1994 Colloid Mills: Theory and Experiment 77 1

Having presented the equations of spherical particles in a numbers, we have nondimensionalized the energies by dividing
shear field, we can start examining the numerical results that we by a constant (lo-'')).
obtain under typical colloid mill operating conditions. Figure 4 shows the nondimensional rotational energy of
spherical particles in a colloid mill as a function of mill angular
(2) Discussion of Calculations velocity and radius of the mill. Let us examine the energies at a
Colloid mills can run at very high speeds and at very small radius of 0.02 m. We can see that as the angular velocity of the
gap settings. We can select a relatively low speed, say, 104.7 mill increases, only smaller and smaller particles are able to
rad/s (1000 rpm). A typical gap setting may be 20 pm. At absorb energy from the fluid. Thus, at 42 rad/s, particles as large
a radius of 0.05 m, the shear rate, G, will be 2.6 X lo5 s-'. as 30 pm have considerable rotational energy. Above 63 rad/s,
Particles whose Re, is small will rotate at speeds of up to these larger particles have very little rotational energy. As the
1.4 X lo5rad/s. shear increases, the Re, increases, and the viscous forces are
When these rapidly rotating particles contact each other, this not able to keep up with the inertia forces and larger particles
energy is available for fracturing the particles. As the particles tend to rotate at slower and slower speeds. On the other hand,
touch each other and slow down, the fluid shear is able to feed 10-pm particles always rotate at high speed at a radius of 0.02
energy back to the particles, causing them to start rotating m and their energy increases as the angular velocity of the mill
again. A particle has sufficient residence time in the colloid mill increases.
to rotate on the order of 10000 times. Assuming a collison or The rotational energy spectrum is similar at radii of 0.04 and
interaction every rotation, a particle will have a large number of 0.06 m though the maximum value of the energy of the particles
collisions during its residence in the mill. is considerably lower as the radius increases, as the ordinate on
Since the rotational energy is proportional to the diameter the graph shows. The largest particle which has rotational
raised to the power 5 , the larger particles have considerably energy decreases as the radius increases. This is because the
more energy than the smaller particles. The key to the efficient shear rate is increasing as the radius increases, and Re,
operating of the mill is to ensure that viscous forces are suffi- increases too. Figure 4 tells us that if 25-pm particles were to be
cient to make the largest particles rotate at high speeds. This can ground, then angular velocity should be around 42 radls and the
be achieved by having a high fluid viscosity and limiting the radius should be less than 0.04 to 0.05 m. On the other hand, if
shear. 10-Fm particles are to be ground, then one can operate the mill
In order to examine this behavior of the colloid mill, we have at an angular velocity of 105 or even 157 rad/s.
calculated the rotational energies of spherical particles in the Figure 5 shows the nondimensional rotational energies as a
shear field under a wide range of operating conditions. The function of angular velocity and gap setting. As the gap is
increased, larger and larger particles are able to rotate and the
baseline conditions used in the calculations assume a radius of
amount of energy that the particles possess is higher. At any gap
0.04 m, a gap of 16 pm, and a fluid viscosity of 5 cP. Since the
setting, the largest size of particles that can absorb energy
rotational energies of micrometer-sized particles are small
decreases as the angular velocity increases.

140 r 5 r

0.02 rn

26 * 24


5 10 15 20 25 3 0 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

160 r

32 prn

50 60

Fig. 4. Effect of cone radius on the particle rotation energy at differ- Fig. 5. Effect of the gap on particle rotational energy at different cone
ent cone angular velocities. angular velocities.
712 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-King and Keswani Vol. 77, No. 3

Figure 6 shows the effect of viscosity and angular velocity on

the nondimensional rotational energy. The striking feature in
these graphs is the 5-order increase in rotational energy as the
viscosity is increased. At low fluid viscosities, only very small
particles have significant rotational energies even at low angu-
B 32 c
lar velocities. As the fluid viscosity increases, larger and larger
particles have significant rotational energy. Thus, the largest
particle with significant rotational energy increases from 8 to 90
pm as viscosity increases from 0.1 N.s.m-’ (1 cP) to 10
N.s.m-2 (100 cP).
So far, we have looked only at the nondimensional rotational
energy of a single particle. The mass of a 1-pm particle is only
1/1000 that of a 10-pm particle. Typically, in any particle size
distribution, there are many small particles for every large parti- I
cle. Hence, it is relevant to look at the rotational energy of the Diameter ,jm
entire particle size distribution.
Figure 7 shows the rotational energy spectrum of a typical Fig. 7. Particle rotational energy spectrum for a certain size distribu-
particle size distribution as a function of angular velocity. It can tion of three cone velocities.
be seen that as the angular velocity increases, the amount of
energy fed into smaller particles increases. The total amount of
energy fed into the system, which is the area under the curve,
can decrease or increase with angular velocity depending on the energy that is fed into the particles goes through a maximum as
conditions in the mill and the particle size distribution. At 63 the mill rotational speed is increased.
rad/s, particles as large as 20 pm are absorbing significant We postulate that the amount of grinding that is accom-
energy from the fluid. At 10.5 rad/s, only particles smaller than plished in the colloid mill is proportional to the amount of total
18 pm are absorbing rotational energy from the shear field. At rotational energy that is fed into the particles. However, we
209 rad/s, only particles less than 13 pm are absorbing energy. know that very small particles are not as easy to grind down
Thus, there are two opposite effects at work here. Increasing the because they are less likely to contain structural flaws. If we
angular velocity increases the shear rate and increases the assume that the probability of the presence of structural flaws is
amount of energy that can be fed into the particles. However, proportional to the volume of material, then a 1-p,m particle is
larger particles are no longer rotating. Thus, the amount of only 1/1000 as likely to have a flaw as a 10-pm particle. There-
fore, we can anticipate that the rotational energy of the small
particles is not likely to make as large a contribution to grinding
as the rotational energy of larger particles. Also, the maximum
flaw size in a particle is limited by its size.
Another factor that is very important in our model of the
autogenous grinding process is that both particles that interact
should be rotating. Thus, if the shear rate is such that only
smaller particles are rotating, then it is unlikely that the nonro-
tating larger particles will be ground down. If both particles are
rotating, then the grinding interaction will be very effective. So
we propose that the ideal grinding conditions are attained when
the conditions of shear are such that almost all of the particles in
the incoming slip are rotating.
The experiments relating to the model were conducted using
an aqueous suspension of a Bayer Process alumina (Alcoa’s
42 radls A-16 alumina). The alumina was preground to a d , of 27 pm
-105 radls and a d,, of 7.5 pm. Coarser material was difficult to feed
through the mill without particle segregation which compro-
.209 radls mised the data. The suspension contained 25 wt% alumina,
which is equivalent to 7.7 vol% solids.

8 Operating conditions were controlled and monitored by sen-
sors. Figure 8 shows typical data collected by the system. The
4 5 cps
gap was gradually reduced to 16 pm and adjusted to maintain a
, , flow rate of 0.76 cm3/s. The temperature of the mill increases
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
with time, closing the gap. Since the flow rate of the mill is pre-
dicted to be proportional to the gap raised to the power 3 , the
8000 1 A flow rate is a sensitive measure of the gap opening.
Figure 9 shows the particle size of the processed slip as the
6000 speed is increased. There is a sharp drop in the d,, and d,, val-
ues at 105 rad/s. This scan was replicated twice to confirm the
4000 relationship. Our model can explain the minimum in Fig. 9 as
2000 Figure 10 shows the rotational kinetic energy of the slip as a
function of mill rotational speed. Also shown in the figure is the
60 a0 loo 120
particle size distribution. As the speed increases, more energy is
-~ 40
Diameter, pm fed into the smaller particles, but larger particles are no longer
rotating. Figure 11 shows the total rotational energy for parti-
Fig. 6. Effect of fluid viscosity on particle rotational energy at differ- cles larger than 7.5 pm. It can be seen that this energy goes
ent cone angular velocities. through a maximum at around 105 rad/s. Thus, we feel that the
March 1994 Colloid Mills: Theory and Experiment




a 160

$ 80


100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time, 8 10 20 30 40 50
Diameter pm

Fig. 8. Typical mill operating parameters for a particular experiment. Fig. 10. Rotational kinetic energy of the slip at four cone velocities
for a particle size distribution.


30 r 40 60 80 100 120
Speed ,rad/s
140 160

Fig. 11. Total rotational energy with cone speed for particles larger
than 7.5 p,m.

(1) Mill Design

100 200 300 The mill has a vertical axis and two matching B,C cones
Speed, rad/s which comprise the surfaces between which grinding occurs. It
is convenient to start from the male cone apex and describe the
Fig. 9. Particle size parameters with cone velocity. mill upward through the constituent parts, then, starting again
from the female rotating cone, describe the mill moving down-
ward through the rotating parts.
autogenous grinding in the colloid mill occurs because of the When designing a high-speed rotating apparatus which will
interaction of rotating particles. By controlling the conditions in sustain substantial axial and tangential loads, it is a very good
the mill, it is possible to enhance the level of grinding very idea to work closely with your suppliers and to stay within their
substantially. specifications. This mill could have exposed the staff to sub-
stantial safety hazards if the design limits had not been taken
seriously and rigorously complied with.
111. Design and Operation of the Colloid Mill
Figure 12 is a schematic drawing of the working parts of the
The colloid mill incorporates design elements which make mill. The assembly is mounted on an “H” beam support which
the alignment and control of the mill substantially more precise has a I-in.-thick stainless plate bolted to its front flange. The top
than existing mills of a similar type. This provided precise con- half of the assembly provides the vertical motion which adjusts
trol of the mill when processing ceramic particulates. This sec- the gap between the cones. It also provides the alignment mech-
tion describes the design and the results of milling experiments. anism so that the two cones can be adjusted to be coaxial. The
Descriptions of disk attrition mills are given in the Chemical lower assembly consists of the rotating cone, the spindle, and
Engineer’s H a n d b ~ o kSometimes
.~ called colloid or dispersion motor drive.
mills, these devices include the Kady, Morehouse, and Premier ( A ) Alignment Mechanism: The upper (male) cone is
mills. They are reported not to do much actual grinding but shrunk fit into a stainless steel part to hold it firmly in place.
instead are used for breaking up agglomerates, dispersion of This part has a spherical upper surface which mates with
particles, and emulsification. another spherical surface on the next part up the column. The
774 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-King and Keswani Vol. 77, No. 3

n safety margin was achieved on fracture, and that enough of the

interference fit was retained to hold the lower cone in place dur-
ing rotation. The cone assembly was dynamically balanced on
the rotating spindle after assembly.
( D ) Spindle: The spindle was a grinding wheel spindle
with high-contact-angle ball hearings. The high-angle special
bearings were needed to withstand the axial load. The bearings
were also equipped with strain gauges to measure both the axial
and tangential loads. Lubrication of the bearings was by an oil
mist system in order to lower the bearing operating temperature.
An analysis was made on the rotor-spindle assembly to
assure that it would not have a resonant frequency anywhere
over the speed range used.
( E ) Slip Delivery System: The ceramic powder being pro-
cessed is dispersed as a slurry in water. This slurry was pumped
either with a variable stroke diaphragm pump or from a stirred
pressure vessel, The slip delivery tube enters the mill through
I an opening in the carrier block and proceeds through an axial
II I Carrler Block
hole in the upper cone into the gap. The upper cone has a com-
pounded angle in order to provide an initial wider gap so that
large (100 pm) particles can enter into the mill. Most of the
Lateral experimental work was on alumina (Alcoa’s A-16 alumina)
Allgnment ism which has a d,, of 70 pm and a d , , of about 11 pm. Handling
Angular this material in a slurry proved to be difficult as it settles out
Allgnment readily. Since the mill at useful gap settings has a low flow rate,
Slip Splas settling and particle separation in the delivery system were trou-
Pan Lowar Cone blesome. The flow rate would surge, the tubing would plug up,
the pump values would plug up, and coarse particles would sep-
arate from the fines either by sedimentation or by filtering
through a pack of accumulated coarse material. This resulted in
several premature exultations of success as we mistakenly
believed that a phenomenal amount of grinding was occurring
when in actuality the mill delivery system was acting as a clas-
sifier. These problems were solved by reducing the diameter of
the feed tubing so that the slip velocity was high enough to
sweep along the coarse particles. We also added 30% partially
preground material to assist in suspension properties. This addi-
tion simulated the particle size distribution which would occur
in a feed stock from a grinding-classification circuit, and from
that rationale some legitimacy was attached. There was concern
that if the slurry feed was interrupted, overheating could occur
and the cones could fracture from thermal shock. This in fact
Fig. 12. Colloidal mill design, schematic.
did happen. To prevent this from occurring again, an accumula-
tor was added to the feed. When flow ceased, a solenoid valve
opened and the pressurized water in the accumulator was forced
center of the sphere is coincident with the projected apex of the into the mill. This allowed time for either opening the gap or
cone. The upper cone axis can thereby be adjusted in angle to shutting down the mill by hitting an emergency stop button.
make the two cone axes parallel. The other end of the part con- ( F ) Controls: The operating controls were set and
taining the female spherical surface has a flange for bolting it in adjusted with a computer interface. These controls included
the carrier block. Both ends of the part contain oversize holes so control of the gap with shaft encoders, and the pump displace-
that the bolts holding the assembly together allow the cone to ment. Speed was measured and controlled with a tachometer.
float laterally into alignment after which the bolts are tightened. The motor speed was set manually. Safety shut-offs included
The two cone axes are now coaxial. The remaining alignment the accumulator solenoid, horse power upper limit, oil mist
task is to assure that the two cone angles are exactly the same. malfunction, bearing temperatures, and maximum axial load.
To accomplish this a slurry of fine diamond abrasive is ground
in the mill. The wear pattern on the stationary cone is used to (2) Experimental Results
evaluate the precision of the alignment and determine when the The experimental results shown earlier which support the
cone angles are identical. theory were for a feed with a narrow particle size distribution.
( B ) Gap Setting Mechanism: The upper part of the In practice, the distribution will be broad. The following results
assembly rides on a ball slide and is moved vertically by a ball were obtained with a broad distribution.
screw. The axial load is taken by a thrust bearing. A stepping (A) Grinding A-16 Alumina: A-16 alumina (Alcoa) was
motor connected to a gearbox provides rotary motion to the ball used in much of the experimentation. Figure 13 shows the parti-
screw. Tests have shown that the gap can be reproducibly con- cle size distribution of A-16 unground (A-16 UG) and the dis-
trolled to kO.25 pm. tributions after one and two passes through the mill. The first
(C) Lower Cone Assembly: Since the lower cone assem- pass was at 104.7 rads/s (1000 rpm) with a 100-pm gap. A large
bly is designed to rotate at high speeds, careful attention was reduction in particle size is achieved in the first pass through the
given to the metallurgy, fit precision, and dynamic balance. The mill as can be seen in the figure. There is an order of magnitude
rotor alloy was 17-4 pH stainless steel heat-treated to give a reduction in the d,, size and a 20-fold reduction in the d,, size.
0.2% maximum yield at 965 MPa (140000 psi) and an elonga- These data by themselves eliminate any credibility of grinding
tion of 14% to 16%. An analysis of both the stresses and elastic occurring by crushing between the two cones as the gap size is
deformation of the rotor were made to assure that an acceptable much larger than the ground material.
March 1994 Colloid Mills:Theory and Experiment

Particle Size, p m

Fig. 13. Particle size reduction of A-16.

A-16 alumina has a sandlike consistency. The large agglomer- The mill operating parameters are shown in Fig. 15. The speed
ates are not “soft” in that they cannot be dispersed chemically was held at 104.7 rad/s and the gap reduced sequentially from
with stirring or ultrasonically. The ultimate crystallite size is 0.6 40 to 12 ym. Figure 16 shows the particle size distribution at
ym. The first pass through the mill breaks up the coarse five gap settings. As the gap was reduced, finer grinding
agglomerates into finer particles which are more difficult to mill occurred. We had difficulty reproducing these results. How-
down. Typically in a ball mill 24 h is necessary to achieve a d, ever, the particle size reduction was confirmed microscopically
of about 0.6 km. Our experience in a 1-S attritor mill (Union and the results are valid. The mill gap acts as a gate. Particles
Process) is that 4 h was required to achieve this particle size. larger than the gap are retained until they are ground further.
We concluded that the colloid mill is not effective in grinding Unlike A-16, these particles are not agglomerates but solid
small, hard particles, especially using a low-viscosity liquid. glass. Glass is easy to break into large pieces because of flaws
From the grinding theory described earlier, a great deal more on the surface. It is difficult to grind because the scale is
energy can be imparted to the particles in higher-viscosity liq- reduced to where these flaws are no longer effective.
uids. We tried this using an oil at 60 CPas the vehicle. While a Shear stresses in the liquid by themselves would not contrib-
qualitative conclusion was drawn that grinding was more effec- ute to comminution for two reasons. First, they are not high
tive, we were not able to redisperse the material in order to enough and even if they were they would not be effective
obtain a particle size distribution. In other systems, such as because the particles will rotate.
paints, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, tape casting slurries, or
thick film inks where the vehicle does have a higher viscosity, (3) Operating Characteristics
our conclusion may be excessively restrictive. We encountered a number of difficulties in the experimenta-
Mill speed, gap setting, solids loading, feed rate, and pH tion. These are worthy of some discussion in order to alert oth-
were varied. The results are shown in Fig. 14. Speed ranged ers that these problems exist.
from 3 1 to 209 rads/s (300 to 2000 rpm). The gap setting ranged (A) Feeding Coarse Materials: A-16 UG is difficult to
from 70 to 100 km, the solids loading varied from 10 to 20 handle because of its large particle size. It does help to suspend
vol%, the feed rate from 0.0015 to 0.0075 L/s, and pH from 7 to the material by adding superground A-16 in a ratio 3:l UG/SG.
3. All of the particle size distributions over the range of condi- This poses its own hazards as the delivery system can readily
tions fell within a narrow band shown in Fig. 14, indicating that segregate the two fractions. The coarse material also tended to
the process is insensitive to these variables over the range used. form plugs in the delivery system, which resulted in surging,
We concluded that mechanical forces dominate the process. feed oscillations, and filtering. Filtering by coarse plugs or seg-
( B ) Grinding Glass: An alkaline-earth borosilicate glass regation in the delivery system results in erroneous particle size
was precrushed to 150 mesh (106 ym). It was then mixed into a data which can be misleading.
slurry with deionized water at 10% by weight solids loading. ( B ) Wear: Hot-pressed B,C was chosen for the mill faces
because of its very high hardness, wear resistance, and
100 -

i: I
80 -

ii E 6
40 - f

20 -

0.1 i 10 100
200 300 400 500 600 700
Particle Size, pm Time, s

Fig. 14. Effect of changing mill parameters. Fig. 15. Mill operating parameters.
716 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-King and Keswani Vol. 77, No. 3

Particle Size, )Im

Fig. 16. Particle size of a glass as the gap is changed.

Figure 17 shows the surface of the stationary cone after use. high axial load. It turned out that the machine compliance was
A replica technique was used for the SEM photo. The replica not appropriate, and it was not possible to work at even moder-
technique results in the grooves and ridges becoming inverted. ate slip pressures without forcing the gap open. In one experi-
The grooves are about 12 p n wide. In the case of ceramic cut- ment the gap was progressively closed to -60 pm (60-pm
ting tools: the groove width correlated with the grain size of the interference fit) without closing the gap. Later we came to better
alumina tool. The mechanism which was proposed was that understand the fluid mechanics of the mill. The high speeds are
when a grain is removed from the tool surface, the hole which not needed but extreme rigidity is. A better bearing choice
remains preferentially elongates along the direction of sliding. would be fairly large tapered roller and thrust bearings. The
The leading and trailing edges of the cavity are locations of mill’s supporting structure cantilevered the axis to where bend-
increased stresses and the hole evolves into a groove. ing stresses were imparted to the structure. These stresses cause
The photograph shows two types of wear. First, the surface is the mill to bend like a bow. A more appropriate design is to
striated and highly polished. Second, there are locations on the make the mill and structural axes coincidental so that the
surface where fracture and pullouts have occurred. The boron stresses are compressive and tensile. With these changes, the
concentration in the slip was substantially increased, also mill can operate at higher slip pressures and better gap size
reflecting appreciable cone wear. control.
Because of both the high hardness and the appearance of the
wear surface we believe that the wear mechanism is principally IV. Summary
chemical in nature and probably an oxidation reaction with
B,C. In a similar prototype mill of the same type, we observed Particles rotate in a shear field and are propelled toward the
similar high wear on hot-pressed a-silicon carbide cones. Pref- moving surface, causing them to concentrate there. Even
erentially, cones must be made from the same composition as though the particles are rotating in the same direction, when
the material being ground if practical. they contact, their surfaces are moving in opposite directions.
(C) Machine Compliance: The mill was designed for a This leads to a large exchange of energy which can cause parti-
high operating speed as we believed at first that angular velocity cles to abrade and fracture.
had beneficial effects on both comminution and productivity. The carrier liquid plays an important role in transmitting
Because of this, a grinding machine spindle was chosen. We did shear forces to the particles. The shear Reynolds number gives
specify high contact angle ball bearings in order to sustain the an indication of whether viscous forces will be adequate to
cause the particles to spin. Smaller particles spin at half the fluid
shear rate. Larger particles experience a slip and spin at pro-
gressively lower speeds. Thus, there is an optimum incoming
particle size distribution to achieve the most efficient grinding.
Apart from the size of incoming particles, the speed of the
colloid mill is an important independent variable. Larger parti-
cles can rotate at speeds close to half the shear rate at low mill
speeds but at higher mill speeds the fluid viscosity is not suffi-
cient to overcome the particle inertia forces.
The most important variable in the colloid mill is the viscos-
ity of the carrier liquid. Increasing the liquid viscosity from 1 to
100 CPincreased the maximum rotational energy by 5 orders of
magnitude. Thus, increasing the viscosity is an effective way to
grind larger particles in the mill. However, throughput of the
mill may be reduced substantially if the viscosity is increased
too sharply.
It is possible to select operating conditions of the colloid mill
or the viscosity of the fluid carrier to maximize grinding effi-
ciency. We think that it is reasonable to predict that the grinding
mechanism in other types of mills occurs by a similar process.
Fig. 17. Wear surface of the stationary cone. These include comminution devices in which particles are
March 1994 Colloid Mills: Theory and Experiment 777

entrained in a strong shear field. Included in these devices are The colloid mill described here was effective in breaking up
three roll mills, some types of mullers, plate mills, and homoge- the coarse agglomerates of A-16 but was not so effective in fur-
nizers. The theory is not limited to solid particles in a liquid but ther reducing the particles to their ultimate crystallite size. The
with appropriate modifications for compressibility and surface principal reason for this is that the kinetic energy in the system
tension can also include liquid particles in an immiscible fluid is not efficiently transferred to the fine particles which have a
(homogenizers) and liquid particles in a gaseous fluid (two high Reynolds number. The mill could be more effective if a
fluid atomizers).
Glass was ground effectively and showed a significant effect higher-viscosity liquid was used in the slurry. Some of our
on grinding as the gap size was reduced. These gap sizes were experimental results suggested that this is a valid conclusion,
smaller than these used for A-16 UG. The gap acts as a gate but it is not quantified in this paper.
where particles larger than the gap cannot exit from the mill. Changes in the gap setting, speed, feed rate, pH, and solids
Previous hypotheses on the colloid mill grinding mecha- loading had relatively little effect on the particle size distribu-
nisms regard “shear” as the source of comminution. This tion of A-16 UG.
hypothesis fails to recognize that particles are not going to stand
still and just let the shear forces (which are small) tear them Acknowledgments: We would like to acknowledge the direct assistance
apart, but they must rotate in the shear field as a consequence of of L. W. Bergdorf and R. JSrol and the support and guidance of J. H. Heasley
these forces. The particles are concentrated by lift forces and and R. V. Hanington. Gary Braun provided initial support. Clyde M. Coffman
autogenously grind each other up. constructed an early version of the mill. Bob Simon did the detail design and
The mill design as described included some successful and construction of the mill used in the study. Numerous suppliers were very helpful
in offering advice and assistance in the study.
less successful features:
(A) Successful
(1) The gap adjustment mechanism.
( 2 ) Alignment mechanism and procedures. References
‘H. E. Turner and H. E. McCarthy, “A Fundamental Analysis of Sluny Grind-
(3) Cone design and ceramic cone retaining ing,”AIChEJ., 12 [4]784-89 (1966).
2R. Clift, J. R. Grace, and M. E. Weber, Bubbles, Drops and Particles;
(4) Instrumentation and controls. pp. 25941. Academic Press, New York, 1978.
(B) Less successful ’R. H. Perry and C. H. Chilton, Chemical Engineer’s Handbook, 5th ed.;
(1) The cone material. pp. 8-41-8-43. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973.
(2) Compliance of the structure. “A. G. King and W. M. Wheildon, Ceramics in Machining Processes;
(3) Overdesigned for speed capabilities. pp. 1 4 W 3 . Academic Press, New York, 1966. 0

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