Calculator (ASM)

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calc db "***CALCULATOR ***$"

operation db "Select an Operation$"

addition db "[a] Addition $"

subtraction db "[b] Subtraction$"

multiplication db "[c] Multiplication$"

division db "[d] Division$"

op db "Your Operation : $"

op_ans db 6 dup("$")

newline db 13,10,"$"

addition_wel db "You have chosen Addition $"

num1_msg db "Input First Number : $"

input_num1 db 10 dup("$")

num2_msg db "Input Second Number : $"

input_num2 db 10 dup("$")

sum_msg db "The Sum is : $"

sum db 10 dup("$")

subtraction_wel db "You have chosen Subtraction $"

difference_msg db "The Difference is : $"

difference db 10 dup("$")

continue db "Would you like to continue?[y/n] : "

cont_ans db 10 dup("$")
sub_num1 db 10 dup("$")

sub_num2 db 10 dup("$")

mul_wel db "You have chosen Multiplication $"


clrscr proc

push ax

mov al, 03h

mov ah, 00h

int 10h

pop ax


clrscr endp

readstr proc

push ax

mov ah, 0ah

int 21h

pop ax


readstr endp

printstr proc

push ax

mov ah, 09h

int 21h

pop ax

printstr endp

begin: mov ax, @data

mov ds, ax

mov es, ax

call clrscr

lbl1: lea dx,[calc]

call printstr

lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx,[operation]

call printstr

lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx,[addition]

call printstr

lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx,[subtraction]

call printstr

lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx,[multiplication]

call printstr

lea dx, newline

call printstr
lea dx,[division]

call printstr

lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx,op

call printstr

mov al,op_ans[02]

mov ah,0ah

int 21h

cmp op_ans,"a"

je lbladdition


lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx, [addition_wel]

call printstr

lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx, [num1_msg]

call printstr

lea dx, input_num1

mov ah,0ah

int 21h

mov ah,input_num1[02]
mov al,input_num1[03]

sub ax,3030h

mov bl,al ;< --- x9

mov bh,ah ;< --- 9x

lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx,[num2_msg]

call printstr

lea dx,input_num2

mov ah,0ah

int 21h

mov ah, input_num2[02]

mov al, input_num2[03]

sub ax,3030h


mov ch,al

add ch,bl

mov al,ch


add ax,3030h

mov bl,ah

sub bh,30h

add bh,bl

add bh,30h

mov sum[0002],bh
mov sum[0003],al

mov sum[0005],'$'

lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx,[sum_msg]

call printstr

lea dx, sum[0002]

call printstr

lea dx, newline

call printstr


lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx, [subtraction_wel]

call printstr

lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx, [num1_msg]

call printstr

lea dx, input_num1

mov ah,0ah

int 21h

mov ah,input_num1[02]

mov al,input_num2[03]

sub ax,3030h
mov bh,ah

mov bl,al

lea dx, newline

call printstr

lea dx,[num2_msg]

call printstr

lea dx,input_num2

mov ah,0ah

int 21h

mov ah,input_num2[0002]

mov al,input_num2[0003]

sub ax,3030h


mov ch,al

sub ch,bl

mov al,bl


add ax,3030h

mov bl,ah

sub bh,30h

sub bh,bl

add bh,30h

mov difference[0002],bh

mov difference[0003],al

mov difference[0005],'$'
lea dx,[newline]

call printstr

lea dx,[difference_msg]

call printstr

lea dx,difference[0002]

call printstr

mov ah, 4ch

int 21h

end begin

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