HSE Policy REV 1

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Internship Training Report (Weekly)

Name : Septiani Silvi

BU/NIK : Water Pump Supervisor Internship
Period : 4th Maret 2019 – 5th Maret 2019

Date Subject of Training Instructor Description of Subject Knowledge/Skill Acquired

Monday, 4 Warehouse Mr. Adit Production Plan, 1. Copy production plan data (type of water pump,
Maret 2019 Barcode Material quantity and date produced) in March 2019 based on
Picking Slip PSI data. This production plan data is used to
determine the availability of materials for production.
2. Scan barcode Material Picking Slip.
Tuesday, 5th Warehouse Mrs. Vevi, Mrs. Barcode Material 1. Scan barcode Material Picking Slip.
Maret 2019 Irna Picking Slip, Barcode 2. Scan barcode Delivery Order.
Delivery Order
Wednesday, Warehouse Mrs. Vevi, Mrs. Barcode Material 1. Scan barcode Material Picking Slip.
6 Maret 2019 Irna Picking Slip, Barcode 2. Scan barcode Delivery Order.
Delivery Order, 3. Recapitulation Delivery Order.
Delivery Order, Check 4. Checking the VMI material released from the
VMI warehouse.
Opinion and Suggestion
Sometimes the MPS barcode is not read by the scanner because the ink on the
barcode is faded. The ink of barcode must be check after the MPS is printed.

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