Summer League Rules
Summer League Rules
Summer League Rules
Please read and understand the following rules. Each coach/team captain is responsible for
his/her players and others with the team, to know the rules and follow them.
There will be a parade on the opening day March 2, 2019 at 7:30 am. The assembly area
will be at PIla-pila Covered Court at exactly 7:00 am.
Each team must provide a muse and escort.
All players must attend the opening ceremony with complete uniforms.
The SK 2019 Cup Commissioners will allow teams who were not able to come up with
their teams regular uniforms, to join the opening ceremony and play in their temporary
uniforms as long as it is of the same color (Team Color) with a number printed on the
back ( No duct tape, masking tape and the like). They will be given/allowed 2 weeks to
wear their temporary uniforms. After 2 weeks the rule “NO UNIFORM, NO PLAY” will be
strictly implemented.
Each team should register one (1) official coach and one (1) team captain.
Game time is Forfeit Time. No exceptions, Teams are expected on the floor at the
designated time. Teams must have five players and a coach to begin a game. Team will
be given 10 minutes only as a waiting time.
Teams must have matching jerseys with a number and last or nickname (optional)
displayed on the back.
All players must have their last name and number listed (printed) on the score sheet prior
to the start of the game.
Players who are under the influence of liquor or any prohibited substance are not allowed
to play.
Each player is required to wear their team uniform in every game, NO UNIFORM, NO
The SK CUP LEAGUE will be governed by the International Basketball Federation (FIBA)
A three minute pre game warm up will be given to both teams before the game begins.
No games will start before their scheduled time unless agreed to by both coaches.
While the Game is in progress, a player shall be disqualified and ejected out of the game
if: He commits two (2) technical fouls in a game; He commits both or combination of the
two type of fouls mentioned beforehand.
Fight. A fight means: Someone who has thrown a punch or kick an opponent or other
physical contact that is not related to basketball. Any scuffle, fights, throwing of punches,
or initiation of malicious altercation will result in immediate ejection of the involved
player/s, coach, assistant coach and team supporter/s.
The officials and the basketball commissioners are granted the authority to eject suspend
and/on or ban any player/s whose conduct does not reflect the best interest of the
Player/s caught giving an obscene sign such as dirty finger or heard saying bad words to
any official/s, technical committee/s, or to an opponent, the player/s will be given a:
Technical foul on the first offense; Thrown out of the game on the second offense.
The games will be displayed in four (4) ten minute quarters.
The first 3 quarters will be in running time.
The 4th quarter will also be played in running time except for the last 2 minutes of the
A 24 seconds shot clock will be applied in all four quarters.
Timeouts. Teams will be allowed one (1) thirty (30) second time-out on the first 3 quarters
and two (2) thirty second time-out on the 4th quarter and one (1) thirty second time-out in
over time /extra period. Time out cannot be carried over at any interval between the 2nd
and 3rd quarter(end half)
Overtime. A five (5) minute running clock with the clock stopping for only the last two (2)
minutes will make up the first overtime period and the other overtime periods if
Only the coach/playing coach or team captain of each team can communicate with the
game officials including table officials regarding technicalities but not judgement call.
However, It should be in a courteous and calm manner.
Wearing of jewelries by the players during the game is strictly prohibited.
A team who defaults their game for the third time; shall lose the game and will be
automatically disqualified for the duration of the league.
The team who has won by default automatically have 30 points (to be used in case of a
multi-team tie-breaker.) The team who has lost by default will have a -20 points ( to be
used in case of a multi-team tie breaker
Postponed games. All postponed games will be re-scheduled at the end of the round.
There will be no games when rain is so severe.
The heads of the league have the rights to add or lessen the rules and regulations
When a specific player do not play within 3 consecutive times since the beginning of the
said play, the said player don’t have the rights to play until the end of the said league.
Protesting team shall immediately inform the table officials and make a note on the
Official Score sheets that they are putting the game “UNDER PROTEST”.
Protesting team shall be given 72 hours after the game has ended, to submit all
necessary documents and/or proof to prove their protest. It is the responsibility of the
protesting team to look for all the necessary documents or proof.
The team being protested shall be given shall be given 24 hours after the game has
ended, to submit the necessary documents and/or proof to counter the protest. It is the
responsibility of the team being protested to look/gather the necessary documents and/or
proof to counter the protest.
Both the protesting team and the team being protested will not have a schedule game
until the commissioners and referees have their final decision.
When the protest was proven, all games of the protested team/member will be forfeited.
Any judgement call made by the referee is/are not a ground for protests. THE
The SK SUMMER LEAGUE 2018 Commissioners and Referees will review all protests
and render their decision within 3-5 days. All decision will be final.
By accepting admission into this event, each and every participant accepts responsibility
for all injuries and indemnifies the host, event workers, host facilities and all others who
have put this event on for your pleasure.
and we expect COACHES, PLAYERS and FANS to be on their best behavior. Violators
will be asked to live the facilities.
THIS GROUND RULES shall take effect on the opening day March 17, 2019
Approved by: