Tutoriales en Física Introductoria
Tutoriales en Física Introductoria
Tutoriales en Física Introductoria
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n an introductory physics sequence with a large enroll- majors, though most simply took our non-majors course in
ment of premedical students, traditional recitation ses- previous years and received high grades.
sions were replaced by Tutorials in Introductory Physics, Instead of large-scale midterm exams, the first semester of
developed by the Physics Education Group at the University the sequence had six tests, typically covering two topics (e.g.,
of Washington. Initially, summative test scores (as well as FCI energy and momentum conservation). The second semester
scores) dramatically increased, but so did student complaints had three traditional midterm exams. At the end of both se-
and workload. Both effects decreased over time. The paper dis- mesters, a traditional cumulative final exam was given. Due
cusses issues that instructors should consider when contem- to the large size of the course and limited grader availability,
plating implementation of the tutorials. all tests and exams were multiple choice, with roughly half of
The series is composed of a workbook with in-class exercis- the questions being numerical and the other half conceptual
es,1 a book with homework assignments,2 and an instructor’s (“what if?” questions, ranking, graph interpretation, etc). The
guide3 that includes pre-tests and suggested exam problems (it grade is based on 40% midterms, 20% final, 20% homework,
is not immediately obvious that this guide is available; it needs 15% recitation, and 5% in-class “clicker” questions. A co-req-
to be ordered directly from the publisher). Some of the in-class uisite laboratory course accompanies the lecture course.
exercises use simple equipment, such as cardboard boxes, balls,
mirrors, and light bulbs. The in-class work is not graded, but is The students
designed to begin the students’ Socratic learning process. The The typical student in our course is a sophomore or junior
tutorial homework is very much in the style of the in-class tu- life science major who plans to go on to medical, veterinary,
torials, but meant to be solved individually. or dental school. The students’ background knowledge in
Tutorials are meant to be a supplement to traditional alge- physics is low, and typical Force Concept Inventory (FCI)10
bra- or calculus-based courses, not a full curriculum or text- pre-test scores are 35%. Also, their percentage of favor-
book. A unique feature of the tutorials is that they are based able answers on the Maryland Physics Expectations survey
on extensive research regarding students’ understanding of (MPEX)11 is low (48%), with a particularly low score in
physics concepts (e.g., Refs. 4 and 5). Yet, at the same time, the the independence cluster (38%), which indicates that their
tutorials are not “out there”—the presented physics is solid and approach to physics is very different from that of expert
exactly what most physics instructors desire their students to physicists. The independence cluster answers show that, on
master. average, students value information given by authority (in-
structor and materials) over learning independently. Typical
The course statements that the students react strongly to from this cluster
Rather than trying to make general statements about the are: “In this course, I do not expect to understand equations in
tutorials, we describe our experience in a particular course an intuitive sense; they must just be taken as givens,” and “My
with a particular student population and staff structure. Our grade in this course is primarily determined by how familiar
250-student introductory calculus-based physics sequence is I am with the material. Insight or creativity has little to do
run on a tight weekly schedule, with the standard mechanics with it.” This pattern has been consistent over at least the past
topics plus sound and thermodynamics in the first semester, three years.12 Experiences with other student populations and
and electricity and magnetism plus selected topics in relativity class settings have been reported in Refs. 13-15 and can vary
and quantum mechanics in the second semester. greatly.
The course has three lecture hours plus one recitation hour
per week. Course materials and homework are made available Previous recitation format
online using LON-CAPA,6 and students are expected to read Previously, recitation was composed of instructor-selected
the material before the first lecture on a given topic. Through exercises related to the topic of the week as well as small quiz-
embedded content-level questions and attached discussion zes. The sessions were led by LAs, and students turned in their
boards, Just-In-Time Teaching is implemented.7 During lec- quizzes and exercises immediately at the end of each session.
ture, peer teaching and “clickers” are used.8 After each lecture This format was largely unsuccessful: when putting a reci-
topic, homework questions are due online.9 The course offers tation problem on a test, success rates were frequently low,
several help room hours over the course of the week, staffed even though the recitation grades were high. In one case, only
by undergraduate learning assistants (LAs) and one or two 20% of the students successfully solved a recitation problem
graduate teaching assistants (TAs). Some of the LAs are physics when it appeared on a test, even though the vast majority had
DOI: 10.1119/1.3488188 The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 48, October 2010 453
full points on the original recitation quiz. Students frequently complained to course faculty that “their peers” (i.e., other
described recitations as “useless” or “a joke” in course evalua- undergraduate students) intentionally withheld necessary
tions. information.
The tutorial materials do an excellent job of providing op-
Introducing the tutorials portunities for students to check their thinking for internal
Tutorials were introduced to replace the previous recitation consistency. Often the same scenario is approached from
materials. The nine tutorial sessions, spread over the course of two different angles, and possible inconsistencies and logi-
the day with up to 28 students each, were led by undergradu- cal errors are carefully exposed. Unfortunately, many groups
ate LAs. Institutional policies do not allow LAs to lecture; this simply work linearly through the material and hardly ever go
coincides with the philosophy of the tutorials that assistants in back and check their previous statements.
the room are there simply to facilitate and support collabora- Grading is work-intensive: some of the homework as-
tive work. All course staff participated in weekly preparation signments took an average of eight minutes to grade. In a
meetings, led by the TA. 250-student course, that is more than 30 hours of grading,
Students were required to work through the tutorials in and we needed to hire additional grading staff within the first
groups of three or four, get a receipt for their attendance in two weeks of the first semester (getting “bailed out” by our
the session, and turn in the associated tutorial homework for dean). It is also rather unfortunate that the homework assign-
grading at a later time. A key was prepared by a TA, applied ments are of varying lengths, ranging from 2 to 7 pages, which
to the homework by the LAs, and the graded homework was means very different grading workload between weeks. Some
returned the following week. of the assignments are simply too long, for both graders and
The instructor’s guide recommends using problems and students. This was moderated in the second semester by as-
scenarios from the tutorials on tests and exams so the students signing a subset of problems on larger assignments, though
perceive them as relevant. It has always been our practice to this decreased the ability of students to check their answers for
include recitation scenarios on tests, and we continued to have consistency. Overall, the increase in workload appears to be
a few tutorial-based (albeit multiple-choice) questions on ev- typical.15
ery exam. Recitation grades went down considerably: the average
Purchasing and building the hands-on equipment intro- recitation score went from 92% in the previous year to 71%
duces some cost in both time and funds, with the latter being this year. Naturally, students complained, and some stated
approximately $1200 initially for this size of course for the tu- that all the tutorials would do is lower their GPA; in previous
torials we chose. We anticipate that there will be annual costs years, recitations in this course had the reputation of “dili-
of a few hundred dollars a year to replace lost or damaged gence points.”
equipment and consumables. Rarely can a new curriculum be Our student comments regarding the tutorials were dif-
implemented at such a low cost for a course of this size. ferent from the favorable evaluations reported in Ref. 14, the
mixed reactions reported in Ref. 15, and even worse than the
The pain unfavorable evaluations in Ref. 13: the most positive com-
Aligning the tutorials with the lecture topics was challeng- ments were that the tutorials are “maybe ultimately” or “very,
ing. We go through basic kinematics and dynamics within the very slightly” helpful. In the evaluations, population and class
first four weeks of the course, yet eight out of the 20 tutorials standing effects seem to be very pronounced. The majority of
deal with these introductory topics. In the second semester, the complaints correspond to the students’ epistemology, as
topics such as RLC circuits and relativity are absent. indicated by the MPEX; in fact, the expert-like tutorial phi-
Using undergraduate non-physics major LAs to lead the losophy apparently goes against the grain of what our students
sessions presented a significant challenge, as it soon became expect regarding teaching and learning. Several students
apparent that many of them were overwhelmed by the tutori- stated that tutorials are not helpful because the correct answer
als. We had to schedule additional weekly preparation time is never given to them, and that their fellow students are just
and also scheduled volunteer graduate students, post-docs, as “clueless” as they are, and thus of no help during the discus-
and faculty to participate in recitations as additional helpers. sions. Students claim that, as they got things wrong during the
In the second semester, we modified teaching schedules so in-class sessions, their mistakes propagated into their home-
that we could have two LAs per session, which improved LA work. They also asked for a key with the correct solutions after
confidence and alleviated the need for the volunteers. The ad- they turn in their homework, to help them prepare for the
ditional staff requirements could have been anticipated had tests; this is not uncommon,15 and once again shows that stu-
we read Finkelstein and Pollock, for example.13 dents are not taking advantage of the built-in “checkpoints,”
Very different from the lively discussions reported in Ref. but instead strongly rely on authority. Other epistemological
14, the sessions were often depressing, as many groups just challenges become apparent in complaints that recitations are
sat quietly and waited for staff to come to their tables and help “pointless,” because “we are not taught any equations and log-
them out; little active learning occurred. As LAs followed ic.” Informal student interviews show that the tutorials have
directions and did not simply give away solutions, students not changed the way that students think—the tutorials are
Émerson Cruz and Steven Wolf are graduate students of physics educa‑
tion; Werner Schaffenberger (when he is not helping out with tutorials) is
a postdoctoral researcher in solar dynamics.