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Synopsis: –


About two schoolchildren and their attitude to peer achievements and relationships.

The short story competition is won by Geoff and he wins the Holmes-Watkins Medal.

Lynne’s story is placed second and she feels disappointed.

She learns to accept her failure and decides to let go.

Then, she comes across a short story of write William Bradburie.

Geoff’s story of a circus elephant’s escapade in the park is similar to Bradburie’s story.

Immediately, Lynne assumes that Geoff has cheated and did not write his own story.

She is in dilemma as to whether and how she should expose Geoff.

The consequences may be too drastic for Geoff.

During the class discussion on careers, lynne holds back exposing Geoff but later she inadvertently mentions
the name Bradburie and notices Geoff’s reaction.

A few minutes later, she is called into Headmaster Velo’s office and Geoff is ther too with the Holmes-Watkins

Mr Velos explains that Geoff feels he might have taken his story from Bradburie’s collection.

So, he decides to reverse the results and Lynne wins the prize.

But, Lynne is unhappy with the way the situation has turned out.

She begins to have doubts about her own story.


Originality is very important when you are doing innovative and creative work. However,
every new idea we produced might be inspired from somewhere. So, the question is that,
“does originality really exist in this world?” What do you think?

Notes on Cheat! by Allan Baillie

Author: Allan Baillie

Setting: The story took place in various places of an Australian school (e.g. hall, library,
classroom, corridor, principal’s office). It set in the modern and educated social background
where people were appreciate talent in writing.

(p.102) “…how do you create a character from a one-eyed, dumb

red kelpie……”

From the word “kelpie”, which is a type of Australian breed dog, we made a guess that the
story took place in Australia.

Step by step guide in understanding the story

Announcement winner for the Holmes – Walkins Medal

“Lynne opened her eyes and gripped her seat……”

1. How was Lynne Webbings feel while she was waiting for the result?
“Geoff Bolder and Lynne Webbings both wrote very fine short stories for the
medal…… Lynne felt her mouth moving…… Lynne’s story about a sheepdog
in a flood was both exciting and moving…. Geoff’s story of a circus elephant
running loose in Albert Park……”

1. What is Lynne’s story about? And what is Geoff’s story about?

“She made her way to Geoff as he came down from the dais with the medal
and congratulated him. She went home and everything tasted of cardboard
that night……”

1. Who won the medal?

2. How did Lynne feel after the result has announced?
Lynne’s discovery

“She read it again. And again. The tips of her ears prickled with anger……
He did not write it at all, he just copied it down.”

1. Why did Lynne feel angry?

“Please sir, Geoff beat me in the short story competition and I hate to lose.
So I am telling you how he cheated so you can give the medal to me……”

1. What was Lynne thinking to do?

Lynne’s explosion of anger
“ ‘or Bradburie.’ The words exploded from Lynne’s mouth in a sudden burst
of anger.”

1. Why did Lynne suddenly shout “Bradburie” in the class?

“Later Lynne saw that all the Bradburie books had been taken from the
school library……”

1. What happens to the Bradburie’s book in the library?

2. Who has taken the book?
3. Why was the book taken?
In the principal office

“…… I read the book. There’s a story there about an elephant escaping in a
park. It is not much like Geoff’s story, but Geoff feels he took the idea from
the book without realising it. He wants me to disqualify him for cheating”

What do you think? A story of similar idea but a different story, is it consider cheating?

“… your story, Lynne, being entirely original, must be considered a little


So, is Lynne considered as the winner of the medal now?

“She began to wonder where it was that she had read a story about a
sheepdog in a flood.”

Why is she doing that?

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