National Australia Bank LTD Code of Conduct
National Australia Bank LTD Code of Conduct
National Australia Bank LTD Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
We behave in a professional manner that fosters trust,
We conduct ourselves professionally confidence and goodwill in customers, colleagues,
suppliers and the community and respects human rights.
We meet our legal and regulatory We comply with all laws, regulations and Codes that
obligations, voluntary commitments are applicable to us, including internal NAB policies
and internal standards and voluntary commitments.
We deal with, and report on, We investigate, deal with and appropriately report on
suspected breaches suspected breaches of our Code.
We conduct ourselves professionally 4
1. Personal conduct 4
2. Use of information and information systems 5
3. Social media 6
4. Media discussions/publicity 6
We meet our legal and regulatory obligations, voluntary commitments and internal standards 10
9. Complying with legal and regulatory obligations, voluntary commitments and internal standards 10
You must behave in a professional manner that fosters trust,
confidence and goodwill in customers, colleagues, suppliers Sexual Harassment - David crosses the line
and the community and respects human rights in keeping with
David was at a work-organised function. During the
the Group Human Rights Policy.
function he consumed a lot of alcohol and at one point
At all times, both in and out of work you must: he tried to grab Priya around the waist and kiss her.
Later in the night, he again approached Priya and made
• Treat customers, colleagues and members of our community
sexually explicit comments to her.
with dignity, fairness and respect
• Comply with the spirit and requirements of all policies, Priya raised a complaint about David to Employee
Relations, via the People Advisory Centre. Following a
procedures, laws and regulations applying to your role.
full investigation into the matter, David was found to
Hold yourself and others accountable and, be beyond
have breached NAB’s Discrimination and Harassment
reproach for your actions
Policy and his employment was terminated. NAB’s
• Only access information relating to a customer or work Discrimination and Harassment Policy applied to David
colleague with specific authorisation based on a work- and his conduct even though the function was outside
related need the office because it was a work-related function.
• Keep your accounts in order at all times and comply with As a result of the incident, David’s people leader was
the terms and conditions applying to any product you issued with a warning for failing to ensure alcohol was
use. Employee’s Choice benefits may be withdrawn where served responsibly and for not immediately addressing
there is continued non-compliance with product terms and David’s unacceptable behaviour.
conditions. Disciplinary action may also apply.
You must use computer, telephone, other devices and network
systems appropriately at all times. Steve tries to help
You must never use these devices and systems to: Feng-Li, a NAB customer, phones her banker Steve, to tell him
an email she sent to him has bounced back with a message
• C
ommunicate, view or distribute inappropriate, sexually stating it cannot be delivered. Steve believes the reason for
explicit or offensive material this may have to do with the file type or size of the email
• S pread profane, derogatory, discriminatory or harassing attachment. To help her out, Steve gives Feng-Li his personal
comments, or threatening or abusive language email address and asks her to send it there instead. Feng-Li
resends the email to Steve’s Gmail account. Steve responds to
For more information, see our Information Risk Policy and for Feng-Li from his Gmail account to let her know he received
specific details and examples refer to Information Risk Policy - her email and advise the next steps regarding her account.
Use of Information and Information Systems.
By undertaking this action, Steve has breached the Information
If you receive inappropriate material, you should immediately Risk Policy which prohibits corresponding with customers
delete it and notify the sender to stop sending such material. from personal email accounts. Steve should have spoken to his
You should also notify your people leader. Accidental connection people leader about these system issues he was having.
to an inappropriate website must be disconnected immediately. It is important to keep customer and NAB information on
the NAB network. Personal email accounts do not have the
Your login details must not be provided to anyone. Sharing
same security controls in place as the corporate network.
login details and passwords contravenes our policies and
Steve has jeopardised the security of Feng-Li’s information
procedures. You are presumed responsible for all actions
by using his personal email account to correspond with her
undertaken using your identity/login and must protect these
and received a warning and Conduct Gate as a result.
from use by others.
• R
ead and comply with our Social Media Guidelines If you use Social Media, ensure your comments cannot
and NAB policies be misconstrued as representing NAB’s views unless
you are specifically authorised to be making comments
• Ensure your personal use does not interfere with your work on behalf of NAB. NAB’s policy for communicating with
media is outlined in our Group Disclosure & External
Communications Policy.
Gareth vents on social media
Gareth was having a bad day and expressed his
frustration with his customers on his Facebook page,
making derogatory comments about how demanding
they were and how nothing he did was good enough.
One of his Facebook friends, also a NAB colleague,
saw the comments and notified her people leader.
This action was not in line with our Social Media
Guidelines and breached our Code of Conduct, resulting
in Gareth receiving a Conduct Gate.
We act with honesty, integrity and fairness
Where mistakes are identified, we must admit them to our As part of NAB’s automated transaction analysis, Aaron’s
customers and colleagues. You must not conceal errors and personal purchases were identified. Sue was informed
omissions, or attempt to protect your colleagues who have of the personal nature of Aaron’s transactions and the
breached our regulations. If you become aware of, or suspect any matter was referred to Employee Relations and Financial
inappropriate conduct, wrongdoing or unfair customer outcomes, Crime Services for further investigation.
you have a duty to report the concerns or seek guidance from: The investigation determined Aaron had used his
• Your people leader or, corporate purchasing card for personal items. Aaron’s
• Employee Relations via the People Advisory Centre or, employment was terminated for breaching the Expense
Management Policy and he was required to repay the
• Group Whistleblower Program via the FairCall Service. cost of these personal items.
NAB does not tolerate any reprisals, or threats of reprisals, Corporate Purchasing Card transactions will be subject
against any employee who reports known or suspected to random audits. Cardholders and approvers may be
misconduct. The Whistleblower Program provides support and asked to substantiate all purchases and demonstrate
protection to employees who report concerns to the Program. adherence to the Expense Management Policy.
Fairness to our customers
Our Financial Crimes requirements provide guidance on
You must treat all existing and potential customers fairly.
our responsibilities and processes.
Customer fairness means that where NAB provides products • Our Anti-Fraud Policy outlines our responsibility
or services they must be lawful, ethical, and ‘not inappropriate’ to act honestly and adhere to internal controls and
to a customer’s needs. procedures designed to prevent fraud activities.
You must always ensure when dealing with customers that • Our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy sets out the
products, services and advice are provided in accordance with Group’s approach and employee responsibilities
local laws and regulations. You should provide information for complying with applicable legal and regulatory
in a way the customer will understand and in a manner that requirements in relation to Bribery and Corruption.
allows for an informed choice. • Our Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist
Financing Policy and Economic and Trade Sanctions
You must not make false, misleading or deceptive representations
Policy set out how the Group meets its legal
to induce a customer to enter a transaction or enter into a
transaction without the customer’s approval. and regulatory obligations in these areas.
We manage conflicts of interest
You must conduct business in a way that ensures customers make donations or contribute funds to any political party,
are treated fairly and that you help safeguard market integrity. Parliamentarian, elected official or candidate for political office.
NAB’s commercial interests and your personal interests must
be managed so not to compromise your ability to make sound, Employees may participate outside of work as an individual in
objective business decisions. You must understand and comply the political process provided it is made clear they are not acting
with the Conflicts of Interest Policy. on behalf of or representing NAB.
You must immediately report any suspected, potential or • Failure to identify, record, escalate and manage events to
actual non-compliance to your people leader, divisional reduce the risk of reoccurrence. This includes failure to
compliance team or the Group Whistleblower Program via complete remedial actions by the due dates
the FairCall Service. • Acting outside your authorisations on behalf of NAB or
your business unit, including Governance and Investment
Committees of which you are a member
• Failing to complete and close out any audit issues assigned
to you by the due date
• Non completion of assurance and declaration questionnaires
in an honest and timely manner
• Accepting a conflicted remuneration benefit
• Not completing mandatory risk training by the due date
• Failure to maintain a customer’s confidentiality, especially
if they have advised they are experiencing domestic and
family violence.
People leaders must ensure their employees are aware of,
and have met, their compliance requirements. Any instances
of non-compliance must be addressed in a timely manner.
People leaders are reminded that their own Conduct Gate may
be impacted where they do not appropriately manage a breach
of the Code by one of their team members.
We adhere to confidentiality and privacy requirements
11. CONFIDENTIALITY, ACCESS AND Omar sends confidential material home
DISCLOSURE Omar has been offered a role externally and is planning
You may have access to confidential information regarding to tell his people leader he will be finishing up at NAB.
customers, suppliers, your colleagues and our business affairs. He is really proud of the work he has done at NAB and
wants to use the templates and content he developed
Your access and use of this confidential information is limited in his future role. Omar decides to send multiple files,
to work-related tasks. Access, use of, or disclosure for any other including papers and presentation packs he had put
purpose is prohibited without proper authorisation, unless together to his personal email address so he can refer
required by law. You must not send any of NAB’s confidential to these once he has left NAB.
information (including customer information) to your personal
Sending this material was identified as part of NAB’s
email address.
regular surveillance checks and his people leader was
Our internal systems must not be used to access your own advised. Given the confidential nature of the material
personal customer profile or those of your family, friends, and the number of files sent, Omar’s employment was
colleagues or public figures. Our standard customer channels terminated.
must be used by you and your family and friends for
banking arrangements.
We deal with, and report on, suspected breaches
Employee Number
Employee Name
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©2019 National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686 A133511-0219