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The LIVE BEAT Placement Tests are designed to help the teacher to place students
at the right level of the LIVE BEAT series. The test contains 100 Multiple Choice
questions and is designed to last for 45 minutes. If students get less than 80% of
the answers right, they should start from LIVE BEAT 1. If they get more than 90%
of the answers right, they start from LIVE BEAT 2. 80-90% of right answers puts
students in the middle of the two levels and your decision as to where to place
these students should depend on the level of the rest of the class.
Placement Test Student A

Circle the correct answer a), b) or c) as in Common objects

the example.
13 This is a …
Numbers a) book b) table c) bag
0 7 =
a) seventy b) seven c) six 14 This is a …
1 14 = a) pencil b) pen c) book
a) fi fteen b) forty c) fourteen
2 60 = 15 This is a …
a) seventy b) sixteen c) sixty
a) bike b) chair c) table
3 10 + 9 =
a) fi fteen b) ninety c) nineteen 16 This is a …
4 40 + 30 =
a) pen b) chair c) pencil
a) seventy b) seventeen c) thirty
17 This is a …
Days of the week
a) book b) bike c) bag
5 The day after Monday is …
a) Tuesday b) Friday c) Wednesday
a / an
6 The day before Friday is …
18 It’s apple.
a) Tuesday b) Friday c) Thursday
a) a b) an
7 The day after Saturday is …
19 It’s mobile phone.
a) Monday b) Thursday c) Sunday
a) a b) an
8 The day before Tuesday is …
20 It’s bag.
a) Wednesday b) Monday c) Saturday
a) a b) an
21 It’s orange.
Colours a) a b) an
9 y l l w
a) e, i b) e, o c) o, w Possessive adjectives
10 w h t 22 This is pen.
a) i, e b) e, e c) e, i a) she b) her c) it
11 yellow + blue = 23 This isn’t house.
a) pink b) green c) white a) their b) there c) there’s
12 red and white = 24 Is this mobile phone?
a) blue b) pink c) green a) yours b) its c) your
25 Is this bike?
a) his b) he’s c) him

26 My uncle’s son is my .
a) cousin b) brother c) dad
27 My dad’s sister is my .
a) grandmother b) cousin c) aunt

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(2015) Placement test LIVE BEAT 1 & 2
Free time Verb to be
28 I often play with my friends. 46 She fifteen.
a) emails b) TV c) computer games a) are b) is c) am
29 I to music every day. 47 I Polish.
a) listen b) play c) do a) is b) am c) have
30 My mum loves magazines. 48 They from Rome. They’re from Milan.
a) doing b) writing c) reading a) isn’t b) are c) aren’t
49 This film very good.
Jobs a) isn’t b) aren’t c) be
31 An paints pictures. 50 he fourteen or fifteen?
a) photographer b) builder c) artist a) Have b) Is c) Has
32 A works in a hospital. 51 What colour his eyes?
a) reporter b) doctor c) electrician a) are b) have c) is
33 A works in a school. 52 Is he Portuguese? No, he .
a) student b) teacher c) actor
a) pupil b) teacher c) actor a) is b) isn’t c) doesn’t

Food and drink Verb have got

34 Can I have a sandwich, please? 53 She got blue eyes.
a) chicken b) coffee c) chocolate a) have b) is c) has
35 How much is the hot ? 54 They got a dog and a cat.
a) cheese b) juice c) chocolate a) have b) are c) has
36 The water is £1.10. 55 I got curly hair. It’s straight.
a) mineral b) cola c) apple a) have b) don’t c) haven’t
56 she got a mobile phone?
a) Is b) Has c) Do
57 we got any blue pens?
37 I love playing .
a) Have b) Are c) Has
a) cycling b) gymnastics c) volleyball
58 Have you got a beard? No, .
38 Jack goes every summer.
a) I hasn’t b) I’m not c) I haven’t
a) skiing b) basketball c) windsurfing
59 Has your dog got big ears? Yes, .
39 We’re watching a match on TV.
a) it has b) it’s got c) it have
a) football b) climbing c) cycling

There is / are
60 There two sofas in my living room.
40 I like this green .
a) is b) are c) have
a) raincoat b) trousers c) socks
a) coat b) trousers c) socks
61 There a book on the table.
He’s hot black on his hands.
41 He’s wearing a brown with his jeans.
a) is b) have c) are
gloves c) trousers
a) sandals b) belt c) trousers
62 There a lamp in the bathroom.
42 Do you like this ?
a) aren’t b) haven’t c) isn’t
a) skirt b) shorts c) T-shirts
63 There any eggs in the fridge.
a) aren’t b) isn’t c) haven’t
House and furniture
64 there flowers in your garden?
43 There’s a in the bathroom. a) Are b) Is c) Have
a) cooker b) shower c) fridge 65 Are there any apples? Yes, .
44 My clothes are in the . a) they do b) there is c) there are
a) mirror b) wardrobe c) bookcase
66 Is there a fridge in your bedroom? No, .
45 My bag is in the .
a) there is b) there isn’t c) there aren’t
a) cupboard b) carpet c) floor

Placement test LIVE BEAT 1 & 2 Photocopiable © Pearson Education (2009)

(2015) 3
Some / any Past simple
67 There are books in my bag. 87 I at the cinema last Saturday.
a) some b) any a) is b) were c) was
68 There aren’t biscuits left. 88 We very tired last night.
a) some b) any a) was b) were c) are
69 I haven’t got sandwiches. 89 I to Tom’s house two days ago.
a) some b) any a) goes b) went c) go
70 There’s butter on the table. 90 They some ice creams yesterday
a) some b) any afternoon.
71 Are there pens on the desk? a) buy b) bought c) buys
a) some b) any 91 They go to school yesterday.
72 Is there pasta in the cupboard? a) doesn’t b) won’t c) didn’t
a) some b) any 92 you play football last week?
73 Have you got mirrors in your bath- a) Did b) Do c) Does
room? 93 Did they like the barbecue? .
a) some b) any a) Yes, they did.
b) Yes, they do.
Can c) Yes, they have.

74 I play the piano but I can play

the guitar.
Going to future
a) can b) can’t 94 I’m watch a DVD this afternoon.
75 play football? a) goes to b) going c) going to
a) Can they b) They can 95 She going to cook dinner tonight.
76 You sit there. That chair is for Mr Smith. a) isn’t b) aren’t c) hasn’t
a) can b) can’t 96 They are going to fi nish their homework
77 I have a biscuit? .
a) Can b) Can’t a) yesterday b) last night c) tonight
78 Can Jude and Benny cook? No, . 97 you going to make me a sandwich?
a) they don’t b) they can’t a) Is b) Are c) Did
79 Can Monica use a computer? Yes, . 98 Freddy going to play basketball on
a) she can b) he can c) she can’t Saturday?
a) Is b) Are c) Did
Present simple 99 Are they going to go swimming? Yes, .
a) they have b) he is c) they are
80 He in Lisbon.
Is she going to write some emails?
a) live b) likes c) lives
No, .
81 They to the beach every summer. a) she isn’t b) she hasn’t c) she didn’t
a) go b) see c) goes
82 She French and Spanish.
a) speaks b) talk c) study Score / 100
83 We from Rome.
a) go b) come c) live
84 Mark like hot dogs.
a) doesn’t b) don’t c) isn’t
85 I work in a hospital.
a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) don’t
86 you like chocolate?
a) Do b) Have c) Does

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(2015) Placement test LIVE BEAT 1 & 2
Placement Test Student B

Circle the correct answer a), b) or c) as in Common objects

the example.
14 This is a …
Numbers a) bag b) table c) book
0 7 =
a) seventy b) seven c) six 15 This is a …
1 16 = a) table b) chair c) window
a) sixteen b) sixty c) seventeen
2 80 = 16 This is a …
a) eighty b) eight c) eighteen
a) bike b) chair c) car
a) nine b) ninety c) eight
3 11 + 7 = 17 This is a …
a) seventeen b) eighty c) eighteen
a) mobile phone b) computer c) pen
4 20 + 23 =
a) forty b) forty-three c) thirty-three
18 This is a …
5 30 + 30 + 30 =
a) mobile phone b) bike c) television
a) ninety b) nineteen c) eighty

Days of the week a / an

19 It’s orange.
6 The day before Thursday is …
a) a b) an
a) Wednesday b) Friday c) Monday
20 It’s chair.
7 The day after Thursday is …
a) a b) an
a) Wednesday b) Tuesday c) Friday
21 It’s apple.
8 The day before Sunday is …
a) a b) an
a) Saturday b) Friday c) Monday
22 It’s bike.
9 The day after Sunday is …
a) a b) an
a) Monday b) Friday c) Saturday

Colours Possessive adjectives

23 This is bag.
10 o r n g
a) she b) he c) his
a) i, e b) a, e c) e, e
24 This isn’t car.
11 g r n
a) they b) their c) there’s
a) e a b) e, e c) a, e
25 Is this book?
12 red + yellow =
a) your b) you c) yours
a) white b) yellow c) orange
26 Is this mobile phone?
13 black + white =
a) her b) she’s c) she
a) grey b) yellow c) pink

27 My mum’s brother is my .
a) cousin b) uncle c) dad
28 My uncle’s daughter is my .
a) aunt b) mum c) cousin

Placement test LIVE BEAT 1 & 2 Photocopiable © Pearson Education (2009)

(2015) 5
Free time Verb to be
29 I often go to on Saturdays. 47 They American.
a) skateboarding b) the cinema c) shopping a) is b) am c) are
30 I emails to my friends every day. 48 He seventeen.
a) play b) send c) do a) am b) is c) have
31 My mum loves TV. 49 She Italian. She’s Spanish.
a) watching b) writing c) listening a) isn’t b) aren’t c) doesn’t
50 These pizzas very hot.
Jobs a) isn’t b) aren’t c) be
32 An makes fi lms. 51 they from Madrid or Barcelona?
a) artist b) actor c) reporter a) Is b) Am c) Are
33 A works in a shop. 52 What colour her hair?
a) receptionist b) builder c) cashier
a) receptionist b) carpenter c) cashier a) are b) have c) is
34 A fi xes cars. 53 Is he sixteen? No, he .
a) mechanic b) engineer c) chef
a) mechanic b) engineer c) journalist a) doesn’t b) hasn’t c) isn’t

Food and drink Verb have got

35 How much are the sandwiches, 54 They got black hair.
please? a) have b) is c) has
a) rice b) cheese c) butter
a) nut b) beef c) butter 55 She got a new computer.
36 Can I have an juice?
Can I have a yoghurt? a) have b) are c) has
a) onion b) orange c) egg
a) juice b) strawberry c) lettuce 56 He got green eyes. They’re brown.
37 The oil is £5.99. a) haven’t b) isn’t c) hasn’t
a) mineral b) green c) olive 57 they got a dog?
a) Do b) Has c) Have
Sports 58 Monica got some new computer games?
a) Have b) Are c) Has
38 I love going .
59 Has your sister got long hair? No, .
a) swimming b) basketball c) golf
a) she isn’t b) she hasn’t c) she won’t
39 Jack plays every summer.
60 Has your house got a garden? Yes, .
a) surfi ng b) volleyball c) gymnastics
a) it have b) it has c) it do
40 I’m watching a match on TV.
a) cycling b) skiing c) basketball
There is / are
Clothes 61 There a fridge in my kitchen.
a) is b) are c) have
41 I like those black .
62 There two lamps in the living room.
a) T-shirt b) skirt c) jeans
a) is b) are c) have
42 She’s wearing a red .
63 There a cooker in my bedroom.
a) trainers b) dress c) socks
a) isn’t b) aren’t c) haven’t
43 Do you like that green ?
64 There any milk in the fridge.
a) sandals b) raincoat c) trousers
a) sandals b) coat c) trousers
a) aren’t b) isn’t c) haven’t
65 there windows in your bathroom?
House and furniture
a) Are b) Is c) Have
44 There’s a in the kitchen. 66 Is there any bread? Yes, .
a) garage b) shower c) cooker a) there is b) there are c) there have
45 My books are on the . 67 Are there any mirrors in your kitchen?
a) desk b) garden c) upstairs
a) desk b) ceiling c) upstairs No, .
46 Your sandwiches are in the . a) there are b) there isn’t c) there aren’t
a) bookcase b) fridge c) mirror

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(2015) Placement test LIVE BEAT 1 & 2
Some / any Past simple
68 There aren’t pens on the desk. 88 They at the school disco last Friday.
a) some b) any a) have b) was c) were
69 There is bread in the cupboard. 89 She at school last Sunday.
a) some b) any a) wasn’t b) weren’t c) isn’t
70 She’s got money in her purse. 90 We to the cinema last week.
a) some b) any a) go b) were c) went
71 No, we haven’t got biscuits. 91 They lots of photos on holiday last year.
a) some b) any a) took b) take c) taken
72 Is there ice cream left? 92 She come to my house last night.
a) some b) any a) don’t b) didn’t c) hasn’t
73 Are there yoghurts for lunch? 93 they have breakfast this morning?
a) some b) any a) Do b) Did c) Does
74 Have you got lamps in your bedroom? 94 Did she like the film? .
a) some b) any a) No, she doesn’t
b) No, she didn’t
Can c) No, she hasn’t

75 He play football but he can play tennis.

a) can b) can’t
Going to future
76 You use your mobile phone in the 95 We’re to go shopping tomorrow.
classroom. a) gone to b) want c) going
a) can b) can’t 96 They going to the Italian restaurant
77 ride a bike? tonight.
a) She can b) Can she a) isn’t b) aren’t c) is
78 we have a drink? 97 I’m going to phone my grandma .
a) Can b) Can’t a) tomorrow b) last night c) yesterday
79 Can Billy paint? Yes, . 98 Carla going to buy some cakes for lunch?
a) he does b) he can c) he can’t a) Is b) Are c) Did
80 Can they speak French? No, . 99 we going to go ice skating next week?
a) they can’t b) they haven’t c) they didn’t a) Is b) Are c) Did
Is she going to finish her homework? No, .
Present simple a) she hasn’t b) she isn’t c) they aren’t

81 They from Poland.

a) come b) comes c) cook Score / 100
82 I don’t Italian.
a) live b) talk c) speak
83 He in Manchester.
a) likes b) lives c) loves
84 I to Spain every summer.
a) come b) go c) goes
85 My mum like coffee.
a) don’t b) doesn’t c) hasn’t
86 They work in a school.
a) haven’t b) doesn’t c) don’t
87 Julia live in London?
a) Is b) Do c) Does

Placement test LIVE BEAT 1 & 2 Photocopiable © Pearson Education (2009)

(2015) 7

1 c 21 b 41 b 61 a 81 a
2 c 22 b 42 a 62 c 82 a
3 c 23 a 43 b 63 a 83 b
4 a 24 c 44 b 64 a 84 a
5 a 25 a 45 a 65 c 85 c
6 c 26 a 46 b 66 b 86 a
7 c 27 c 47 b 67 a 87 c
8 a 28 c 48 b 68 b 88 b
9 b 29 a 49 a 69 b 89 b
10 a 30 c 50 b 70 a 90 b
11 b 31 c 51 a 71 b 91 c
12 b 32 b 52 b 72 b 92 a
13 c 33 b 53 c 73 b 93 a
14 a 34 a 54 a 74 b 94 c
15 c 35 c 55 c 75 a 95 a
16 a 36 a 56 b 76 b 96 c
17 b 37 c 57 a 77 a 97 b
18 b 38 c 58 c 78 b 98 a
19 a 39 a 59 a 79 a 99 c
20 a 40 a 60 b 80 c 100 a


1 a 21 b 41 c 61 a 81 a
2 a 22 a 42 b 62 b 82 c
3 c 23 c 43 b 63 a 83 b
4 b 24 b 44 c 64 b 84 b
5 a 25 a 45 a 65 a 85 b
6 a 26 a 46 b 66 a 86 c
7 c 27 b 47 c 67 c 87 c
8 a 28 c 48 b 68 b 88 c
9 a 29 b 49 a 69 a 89 a
10 b 30 b 50 b 70 a 90 c
11 b 31 a 51 c 71 b 91 a
12 c 32 b 52 c 72 b 92 b
13 a 33 c 53 c 73 b 93 b
14 c 34 a 54 a 74 b 94 b
15 b 35 b 55 c 75 b 95 c
16 c 36 b 56 c 76 b 96 b
17 a 37 c 57 c 77 b 97 a
18 c 38 a 58 c 78 a 98 a
19 b 39 b 59 b 79 b 99 b
20 a 40 c 60 b 80 a 100 b

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(2015) Placement test LIVE BEAT 1 & 2

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