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Module Information Booklet

Taylor’s University
Dual Award Programme

BUS3304 / MKT 60904

Retail Marketing
March Semester 2018

R Mkt MIB ver2.1a



Module Overview

Learning resources


Resit Assessments

Assessment Offences

Extenuating Circumstances

Assignment Guidelines

Module Calendar

Assignment Cover

1|P a g e

“2016 will be all about delivering a relevant and personalised experience, with services
designed so they can be tailored to suit individual customers. Retailers will need to
make sure they understand how to engage shoppers according to their context and
specific needs. At the same time, the role of the physical store will continue to change
as retailers adapt their services to this new way of interacting with customers. As part of
this, a new definition of convenience is emerging as customers demand that retailers
immediately fulfil or even predict their needs. As a result, the transaction itself will no
longer be an event, but more a part of a seamlessly integrated experience”.(according
to a recent UK report by Deloitte)

Welcome aboard the Retail Marketing module – it is certainly exciting times for the
retailer, and for you as students.

Through this course you will develop an understanding of the challenges in the world of
retailing. Consequently, you will explore retail elements such as the basics of strategic
retail planning, types of retail instituions, understanding why customers shop, location
planning, merchandise planning, retail promotion and pricing.

Get thoroughly immersed in the subject matter, see how retail strategies are formed,
look at the activities of a wide range of actual retailers (large and small, goods and
services, domestic and global). You can learn to become a good retail planner and
decision maker and be able to adapt to change, and explore the possibility of a full-time
career in retail management.

Happy studies.

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Module Leader and Tutor

Norbaizura Mohd Naim
Block C, Wing B, Level 5, Room 15
Taylor’s Business School
Taylor’s University
Tel: 03 5629 5825 Ext. 5825
Email : [email protected]



The concept of a strategic approach to retailing is the cornerstone of this module. With a
strategic approach, the fundamental principle is that the retailer has to plan for and
adapt to a complex, changing environment. Both opportunities and constraints must be

A retail strategy is the overall plan or framework of action that guides a retailer. Ideally,
it will outline the mission, goals, consumer market, overall and specific activities, and
control mechanisms of the retailer. Without a pre-defined and well-integrated strategy,
the firm may flounder and be unable to cope with the environment that surrounds it.


1. To provide student with a comprehensive understanding of retailing and an

application of marketing concepts in a practical retail managerial environment.

2. To understand and appreciate the challenges of planning, managing,

expanding and succeeding in retailing.

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3. To recognise and demonstrate professional business conduct in accordance
with ethical and legal practices


On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Identify the approaches and guidelines used to analyse and solve retailers'
problems and make decisions in retail organisations.

2. Develop marketing solutions for current retail environments by employing

appropriate retail marketing strategies.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the key elements in planning, managing, and

executing the retail marketing mix in order to act on opprtunities and business

4. Develop an appreciation for legal and ethical accountability in retail marketing


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Upon successful completion of this module, a student should be equipped with the following Taylor’s
graduate capabilities:

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities - Degree

Discipline Specific Knowledge

1.0 TGC: Discipline Specific Knowledge

1.1 Able to put theories into practice.
1.2 Understand ethical issues in the context of the field of study.
1.3 Understand professional practice within the field of study.

* This TGC is further clarified according to the respective program-specific outcomes.

Cognitive Capabilities

2.0 TGC: Lifelong Learning

2.1 Learn independently
2.2 Locate, extract, synthesise and utilise information effectively.
2.3 Be intellectually engaged

3.0 TGC: Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

3.1 Think critically and creatively.
3.2 Define and analyse problems to arrive at effective solutions.

Soft Skills

4.0 TGC: Communication Skills

4.1 Communicate appropriately in various settings and modes.

5.0 TGC: Interpersonal Skills

5.1 Understand team dynamics and mobilise the power of teams.
5.2 Understand and assume leadership.

6.0 TGC: Intrapersonal Skills

6.1 Manage oneself and be self-reliant.
6.2 Reflect on one’s actions and learning.
6.3 Embody Taylor’s core values.

7.0 TGC: Citizenship and Global Perspectives

7.1 Be aware of and form opinions from diverse perspectives.
7.2 Understand the value of civic responsibility and community engagement.

8.0 TGC: Digital Literacy

8.1 Effective use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
and related technologies.

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Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

Learning Outcomes TGC1 TGC2 TGC3 TGC4 TGC5 TGC6 TGC7 TGC8
LO1 Identify the
approaches and
guidelines used to
analyse and solve
retailers' problems
and make decisions
in retail
LO2 Develop marketing
solutions for current
retail environments
by employing
appropriate retail
marketing strategies.
LO3 Demonstrate an
understanding of the
key elements in
executing the retail
marketing mix in
order to act on
opprtunities and
business ideas.
LO4 Develop an
appreciation for legal
and ethical
accountability in X X X X
retail marketing

Assessment LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4

Continuous Assessment
1. Essay Writing Assignment (15%) X X X X
2. Group Written Project (35%) X X X X

Final Exam (50%) X X X

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This module is delivered in a mixture of lectures, tutorials and on-line materials. Class contact time
usually consists of a two-hour lecture and a two-hour tutorial each week. Lectures will usually begin in
week 1 and tutorials in week 2.


4 credit hours


 Berman & Evans (2017). Retail Management: International Edition, 13/e, Pearson

 Levy, M,, Weitz B.A., and Grewal, D. (2014), Retailing Management, 9th edition,
 Grewal, D. & Levy, M. (2014) Marketing. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
 Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., Ang, S.H., Leong, S.M. and Tan, C.T. (2013) Marketing
Management: An Asian Perspective. 6th ed. Singapore: Pearson.


 Journal of Retailing
 International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
 Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
 Euromonitor
 The Edge magazine articles on retailing

Taylor’s University provides a programme website (TIMeS) to allow students convenient access to
module resources. Materials available include:
 Module Information Booklet
 Study Guide
 Lecture slides
 Assignment Cover Sheet
 Assignment Feedback Form
 Other information pertaining to this module

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Form of assessment Length Weighting Due date

1. Essay Writing 800 15% 30 April 2018,

Assignment words 12 noon, Week 6

2. Group Written Project 2,250 35% 4 June 2018,

12 noon; Week

3. Final Examination 3 hours 50% Exam period



The continuous assessment component for this module shall comprise of:
 15% Essay Writing Assignment

 35% Group Written Project

 Essay Writing Assignment (Individual Written Assignment 10%)

This assignment is due on 4th June, 12 noon, Week 6. Late Submission of Assignment
penalties (page 14 of this MIB) will be applied for assignments submitted after the
stipulated time and deadline. Please ENSURE that you have read and thoroughly
understand the requirements as per Assignment Guidelines (Appendix A1) and the
Marking Rubric (Appendix A2) before commencing this assignment. Merely revisiting
the principles described in the textbook is insufficient and as such you are required to
seek information for this assignment from approved sources. Details are as follows.

Uniqlo operates a chain of retail stores in Malaysia and originates from Japan. Visit the
website of Uniqlo Malaysia ( and examine their operations.
In particular examine their product lines and read other relevant sections very carefully.
(For this assignment you can ignore the online retailing operations of the group in your
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With your understanding of the Retail Marketing concepts learnt in the semester so far
and with information from the named websites and other approved sources, answer
the following questions about Uniqlo Malaysia:

1. Consider the product categories retailed by Uniqlo Malaysia, then choose and
identify any one of the main categories or sub-categories. Next, think of the main
factors that are likely to influence retail shopping behaviour for the chosen
category or sub-category. Analyse and describe any THREE main factors, giving
your reasoning. (500 words) (50 marks)
2. Based upon the analysis in question 1 above, outline any two strategic
implications for Uniqlo Malaysia in terms of its retailing strategy and/or retailing
activities. (300 words) (50 marks)

 Retail Analysis Report – (Group Written Project 35%)

This assignment is due on 4th June 2018, 12 noon; Week 11. Late Submission of
Assignment penalties (page 14 of this MIB) will be applied for assignments submitted
after the stipulated time and deadline. Please ENSURE that you have read and
thoroughly understand the requirements as per the Assignment Guidelines
(Appendix B1) and Marking Rubric (Appendix B2) before commencing this
assignment. Merely revisiting the principles described in the textbook is insufficient and
as such you are required to seek information for this assignment from approved

This assignment will require you to prepare a Retail Analysis Report. Your group will be
assigned an international, renowned retailer chain or group, with a strong presence in
Malaysia. Through this assignment you can demonstrate your understanding of the
critical concepts and frameworks in retail marketing and how they relate to real life
companies in the retail industry.

You will complete the assignment through:

1. Thorough analysis of information from the given retail chain/group (and

company) websites, failing which zero or low marks may be awarded
2. Mandatory sources of additional information: journal articles, newspaper articles,
special reports, text books and interviews (optional)
3. In particular incorporation of data and facts on the retail industry available from
Euromonitor (Taylor’s University online library)
4. Application and use of retail marketing concepts as learnt in the semester and in
particular the Berman & Evans, 2017, 13th edn text
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Additionally the following referencing requirements must be met:

 The final report should be about 2,250 words (+/- 5%).

 High quality referencing, and must include reference articles from peer reviewed
 The following references are recommended: Journal of Marketing, Journal of
Retailing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
 You must demonstrate that you have used published sources, NOT online
forums, blogs, and other non-scholarly sources. Marks will be deducted if the
proper sources are not used.
 You must also use Harvard reference style.

Groups of four students shall be formed during the tutorial classes by Week 2. Students
who are not members of any group shall be assigned to a group by the tutors. A peer
evaluation (form as per Appendix B3) will be done to ensure quality contribution by all
group members. Any group member who does not contribute to group work may risk
failing this component and the module. A Progress Report will be required in tutorial 7,
failing which marks will be deducted.



The duration for the final examination will be of 3 hours. The final exam will assess topics covered in the
module. Details of the exam (exam format / structure and expectations) will be provided later to students
in the semester.


To pass this module, you are required to achieve:

 an overall of at least 50%; AND

 at least 40% for continuous assessments component; AND
 at least 40% for final exam.



If you have achieved:

 an overall module mark of less than 50%, or
10 | P a g e
 a mark below 40% in either the continuous assessment component or the final examination

it would mean you have not passed module. In which case, you could be offered a resit attempt for one of
the component or for both components, depending on your final results.

To qualify for a resit opportunity, a student must:

 not have exhausted four assessment attempts in this module, AND
 have submitted his/her assessments on time, AND
 have attended the assessments .

However, note that your right to resit could be forfeited if you have committed any assessment offences,
did not submit a piece of assessed work on time or failed to attend an assessment.

The mark for a resit component is capped at 50%.


The resit assessment for the continuous assessment component shall be in the form of an assignment,
with a weighting of 50% of the overall module resit assessments.


The resit examination shall form 50% of the overall module resit assessments.


You are to use the Harvard referencing styles consistently for all written assessments. Taylor’s University
treats any acts of dishonesty relating to assessment of University modules very seriously. It is vital that
students acquaint themselves with the University’s policy on assessment offences. Assessment Offences
is defined here as passing off the work of others as one’s own including copying (reproducing or
imitating), cheating, collusion (agreement to deceive, using words or ideas of colleagues or other students
and passing them off as your own), plagiarism and other breaches of assessment or other examination
regulations. Cheating, collusion and plagiarism are the use of unfair means of presenting work for
assessment; aiding another student in the use of unfair means of presenting work for assessment; or
preventing or attempting to prevent another student from being able to be assessed properly.

The University is to check any work submitted by students using text comparison software, for instance
Turnitin. The similarity index produced by the software is an important tool to assess a student’s
performance. However, the index is not the only tool to conclusively determine the existence of breach of
academic integrity. It is important to note that although the rate of similarity may be significantly high or

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otherwise, the lecturer/tutor/instructor is responsible to exercise his or her independent professional
judgement to determine the actual existence of a breach of academic integrity.

Allegations of and investigations into assessment offences will be dealt with in accordance with the
regulations and procedures in force at Taylors University for the module. Where a student is found to
have committed an assessment offence a decision must be taken either to take no further action or to
impose an appropriate penalty which may include failing the student and determining whether or not the
student will be permitted another assessment attempt.

Where it is decided that penalty is to be imposed, the penalty could include one of the followings:

a) the mark for the relevant piece of assessment be reduced; or

b) the mark awarded for the relevant piece of assessment be reduced to zero; or
c) the student be deemed to have failed the module, and is not permitted for another assessment attempt
for the module.

Please refer to Taylor’s Dual Award Programme Guide for details on Assessment Offences.


Extenuating circumstances are circumstances which are unforeseen, unexpected, significantly disruptive
and beyond a student’s control. The circumstances must relate to a specific piece of assessment or
examination rather than being problems of a kind that affect a year as a whole or parts of it.

A student who is of the opinion that:

 his or her performance in an examination or in other assessed work has been adversely affected by
an extenuating circumstance(s), or
 his or her ability to attend an examination has been adversely affected by an extenuating

could submit an Extenuating Circumstances Form to the Examinations Centre at Taylor’s University. The
form must be accompanied by supporting documentary evidence.

Acceptance of extenuating circumstances shall be evaluated on a case to case basis by an Extenuating

Circumstances Panel. The decision of the Panel shall be deemed as final.

Circumstances that are unlikely to be accepted as extenuating circumstances include the following:

 personal illness or disability for which special arrangements are already in place.
 colds or know conditions such as hay fever.
 normal examination stress or anxiety experienced during revision or the assessment period (unless
corroborated by medical evidence as a chronic condition and undergoing treatment).

12 | P a g e
 non serious domestic or personal disruptions (eg moving house, change of job, holidays, weddings,
normal job pressure, failed travel arrangements, financial difficulties, oversleeping).
 study related circumstances (equipment failure including computing/printer difficulties (unless they
occur in the examination itself), failure to have taken back up copies for work stolen or corrupted,
bunching of deadlines/examinations, missing books, poor time management, misreading the
examination timetable, taking the wrong examination).

(Note: The above list is not exhaustive).


Students are required to refer to the Assignments given in this module, under Assessment Details.

Length of the Assignment

Please refer to Assessment Summary.

Referencing and Plagiarism

You need to ensure that you comply with Harvard referencing conventions in preparing this assignment
and that plagiarism is not an issue. You are expected to adhere to high standards of academic integrity
and all assignments submitted in this course may be checked for plagiarism.

It is your responsibility, if unsure; to make sure you understand plagiarism, so that you do not present any
assessment containing plagiarism. Plagiarism is regarded as a serious issue within the university system
with severe consequences for students who have been found to have plagiarised.

Subject to any specific requirements of external validating or professional bodies, where a student is
found to have committed an assessment offence a decision must be taken either to take no further action
or to impose an appropriate penalty which may include failing the student and determining whether or not
the student will be permitted another assessment attempt.

Where it is decided that penalty is to be imposed, the penalty could include one of the following:

a) the mark for the assignment be reduced; or

b) the mark awarded for the assignment be reduced to zero; or
c) the student be deemed to have failed the module, and is not permitted for another assessment
attempt for the module.
You can refer to the link below for information and learn about the Harvard Referencing System:

Turnitin Similarity %:
All assignment/s should not exceed 30% in their overall similarity index, which excludes bibliographies
and references, with no more than 5% similarity from each individual source. If this similarity is not
13 | P a g e
fulfilled, the module leader will provide adequate justifications and send the assignments to the Academic
Integrity Officer for examination (with reference to University’s Academic Integrity Procedure, clause

Submission of Assignment
Students are expected to present a paper of professional quality. Prior to submission of the assignment,
check to ensure that at the very least all aspects of the requirements have been addressed, and that
there are no spelling and grammatical errors.

Late Submission of Assignment

Assignments submitted within 24 hours after the published deadline will be penalised as below:

a) A mark of more than 50% for the assignment will be reduced to 50%. This reduced mark will be used
in the calculation of the overall module mark;
b) A mark of 50% or less will stand and be used in the calculation of the overall module mark.

Assignments will not be accepted after the 24 hour window and will be recorded as a non- submission. A
mark of ZERO will be awarded. Please see the section on Non Submission of Assignment below for more

Extension of Deadline
No extension will granted for the assignment, except in the case of extenuating circumstances. Please
refer to the section on Extenuating Circumstances in this booklet, should you like to request for
consideration of extenuating circumstances.

Students, whose application for extenuating circumstances is accepted, will not receive their marks, when
the other students who submitted on time receive theirs.

Non Submission of Assignment

Students who do not submit their assignment will be deemed to have forfeited their right to a second
attempt (resit) of the module. These students will be required to repeat the module with attendance and
undertake all assessments again (as their third attempt (repeat)).

Note that students are granted only four attempts at a module. If you do not pass the module in the fourth
attempt, you will be excluded from the Dual Award programme.

Feedback and Mark for the Assignment

The mark and feedback on the assignment will be provided on a Feedback Form. The purpose of the
feedback is to help you to assess your ability to apply the knowledge and concepts taught in the module
in sufficient depth, as well as your progress toward meeting the module objectives. The feedback and
marks for the assignment will be given to you within four weeks of your submission of the assignment.

14 | P a g e

Week Chapters Assessment /

Week Topic Tutorials
beginning (Berman & Evans) Key dates

Chapter 1 Introduction No tutorial
1 26th March Introduction to Retail Nil
to Retailing
Marketing classes

Chapter 2 Building and Tutorial 1:

sustaining Relationships Introduction to
2 2nd April The Retail Marketing Nil
(plus market
Environment Retail
Tutorial 2 :
LECTURE 03 Chapter 7 Identifying The Retail
Form teams for
3 9th April Consumer Behaviour and Understanding Marketing
in Retail Customers Group Assignment.

Chapter 4 Retail Tutorial 3:

Institutions by Consumer
LECTURE 04 Ownership Confirm & finalise
Behaviour in
4 16th April The Selling teams for
Environment Chapter 5 Retail Retail
Institutions by Store- Group Assignment
based strategy mix

Chapter 13 Operations
Tutorial 4:
LECTURE 05 Dimensions (part) &
The Selling
5 23rd April Store Layout, Design Chapter 18 Establishing
and Image Environment
and Maintaining a Retail
Image (part)

LECTURE 06 Individual
Tutorial 5:
Retail Segmentation, Chapter 3 Strategic Assignment
6 30th April Targeting and Store Layout,
Planning in Retailing due on
Positioning Design and
4th Oct, 12 noon

Tutorial 6:
LECTURE 07 Chapter 10 Site
7 7th May Segmentation,
Retail Location Selection
(online) Targeting and

15 | P a g e
Chapter 14 Developing
Merchandise Plans Progress Report for
Merchandise Tutorial 7:
8 14th May Assortment and Chapter 15 Group Assignment
Retail Location
Selection Implementing due
Merchandise Plans

Tutorial 8:
LECTURE 09 Chapter 17 Pricing in
9 21st May Merchandise
Pricing in Retail Retailing Nil
Marketing Assortment
and Selection

LECTURE 10 Retail Tutorial 9:

Chapter 19 Promotional TES Student
10 28th May Promotion and Pricing in
Strategy Evaluation Week
Advertising Retail

Chapter 18 Establishing Tutorial 10:
LECTURE 11 Store Assignment
11 4th June and Maintaining a Retail Retail
branding due on
Image (part) Promotion and
15th Nov, 12noon
Chapter 6 Web, Tutorial 11:
12 11th June Technology, Nonstore based and Store branding Nil
Information and non traditional retailing
Electronic Retailing

Tutorial 12:
LECTURE 13 Technology,
18th June Contemporary Issues
13 Information Nil
Issues in retailing I (all chapters)
and Electronic

Contemporary Issues
14 Tutorial 13: Nil
25th June Issues in retailing II (all chapters)
Course Review


Saturday, 30th June to Wednesday, 11th July
THURSDAY, 12th July to Saturday, 28th July
16 | P a g e
State full name & tutorial group in block

Dual Award Programme

Individual Assignment Cover Sheet


Fold corner of EACH copy separately and seal to obscure your name

Please complete the form (in capital letters) and attach it securely to the front of your assignment before
submitting your assignment. …………………………………………..

Student ID: …..……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Title of Your Award: …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Name of module tutor: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Name of module: Retail Marketing

Module code: MKT 6 0 9 0 4

Assignment title: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Due date & time: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

I have read and understood the TU Dual Award Regulations on cheating, plagiarism and collusion. I
declare that this piece of work is my own and does not contain any unacknowledged work from any other
I authorise the University to test any work submitted by me, using text comparison software, for instances
of plagiarism. I understand this will involve the University or its contractor copying my work and storing it
on a database to be used in future to test work submitted by others.

Note: The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be deemed to
have the same authority as a signed statement.

Signed: Date:

17 | P a g e
Appendix A1

Essay Writing Assignment (Individual 15%)

Retail Marketing BUS3304 / MKT 60904
March Semester 2018
Guidelines and instructions

A. The following guidelines must be observed when writing your assignment:

1. Work must be type-written using Tahoma Font, size 12 at 1.5 spacing
2. Expected Length: 800 words (plus minus 5%), not including reference list, charts, tables and
Turnitin report. Marks will be deducted for excessive length.
3. Referencing: You must fully acknowledge the sources of information (books, articles, reports,
etc.) that you use in the completion of the assignment by using the Harvard Referencing System.
You can refer to the link below for information about the Harvard System:
4. A reference list must be attached with your assignment.
5. Word count must be provided at the end of the report.
6. You will need to check your assignment using ‘Turnitin’ for duplication. Any duplication should
be less than 30% or it will constitute as plagiarism.


Due date/time: 4th October, 12 noon, Week 6

Documents for submission (in given order) are:

1. Assignment Cover page
2. Marking Rubric
3. Turnitin Report
4. Respective answers to questions
5. Reference list

You are required to submit your written assignment (the above documents) in a hard copy to the
lecturer/tutor (designated collection box outside the Student Academic Services at Block E Level 2).

Please note that the ‘Late Submission of Work for Assessment’ and ‘Assessment Offences’ regulations
apply to this Assignment (please refer to the section on Submission of Assignment and Assessment
Offences in the MIB or the Dual Award Programme Guide).


The main marking criteria are:
1. Clear understanding of literature and Retail Marketing concepts/frameworks and proper
analysis as evidenced in answers to questions
2. Logical & convincing arguments
3. Correct interpretations of published works
4. Original contribution to assignment (i.e. more than just re-presenting existing ideas)
5. Evidence of use of multiple published sources (minimum of 4-6 quality journals) from Journal
of Retailing, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management and Journal of
Retailing and Consumer Services
6. Completeness (covered all parts of the assignment)
7. Presentation (spell checked etc); correct referencing, word count
8. If online forums, blogs, and other non-scholarly sources are used, marks will be deducted
18 | P a g e
Appendix A2
Evaluation Rubric for
Retail Marketing BUS3304 / MKT 60904
Essay Writing Assignment (Individual 15%) March Semester 2018

Name of student: ____________________ Student Id: ______________________

Component Marks Allocation Marks

Needs siguificant Barely reasonable Average Good Excellent
improvement (40% - 49%) (50% - 59%) (60% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Fail (0 - 39%)

1.Professionalism Fails to adhere to Barely adheres to Vaguely adheres to Generally follows Polished report that
of report and report structure, report structure, report structure, report structure, adheres to required
presentation. poorly structured, poorly structured, somewhat grammar acceptable, structure and well
very poor poor grammar. structured, referencing and structured discussion.
(10 %) grammar grammar can be cohesive flow.

2a.Understanding Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates good Demonstrates

and analysis of the little beyond weak reasonable understanding and excellent
Retail Marketing general understanding understanding and analysis of retail understanding and
issues knowledge and and analysis. analysis. Need marketing issues. analysis of retail
common sense. Severely lacking in more in depth Good in depth marketing issues ,
(40%) Poor depth discussion discussion discussion Very in depth
understanding discussion
and analysis of
retail marketing
2b.Understanding Does not Barely Demonstrates only Demonstrates a Demonstrates a high
and application of demonstrate any demonstrated any low level of moderate level of level of
Retail Marketing understanding of understanding of understanding Of understanding of given understanding of
concepts and given topics.. given topics given topics. . Good topics. Fairly logical and given topics. Logical
frameworks Essay just a literature support convincing arguments and convincing
rehash of site arguments with
(40 %) material without strong literature
literature support support

3.Use of quality No effort is Barely Demonstrates Demonstrates a Has comprehensively

published sources demonstrated in demonstrate any reasonable effort in moderate level sourced and
and correct sourcing and effort in sourcing sourcing and of effort synthesized
interpretation synthesizing and synthesizing synthesizing in sourcing and information in the
information. Very information. Low information. synthesizing public domain. Use a
low/weak range of use of range of Inadequate use of information in both wide range of
publications and publications and publications and the public domain publications and
(10 %)
relevant literature relevant literature literature relevant literature

Total 100%/10 marks

Strengths of assignment:

Weaknesses of assignment:

Suggestions to improve:

19 | P a g e
List of students (State full name & tutorial group in block capital)

1. ………………………………………. …………………………..

2. ……………………………………………………………………

3. ……………………………………………………………………

4. ……………………………………………………………………
Dual Award Programme
5. ……………………………………………………………………
Group Assignment Cover Sheet
6. ……………………………………………………………………
Fold corner of EACH copy separately and seal to obscure your name

Please complete the form (in capital letters) and attach it securely to the front of your assignment before
submitting your assignment.

Student ID: ………………………………………Student ID: ……………………………………………….

Student ID: ……………………………………… Student ID: ………………………………………

Name of module: Retail Marketing Name of tutor: ………………………………………

Module code: MKT 6 0 9 0 4

Assignment title:


We have read and understood the TU Dual Award Regulations on cheating, plagiarism and collusion. We declare that this piece
of work is our own and does not contain any unacknowledged work from any other sources.

We authorise the University to test any work submitted by us, using text comparison software, for instances of plagiarism. We
understand this will involve the University or its contractor copying our work and storing it on a database to be used in future to
test work submitted by others.

Note: The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be deemed to have the same authority
as a signed statement.

Signed: Signed: Date:

Signed: Signed:

20 | P a g e
Retail Analysis Report
Retail Marketing BUS3304 / MKT 60904
March Semester 2018
Due Date: 4 June 2018, 12 noon; Week 11


A. The following guidelines must be observed when writing your assignment answer:
1. Work must be type-written using Tahoma, size 12 at 1.5 spacing
2. Expected Length: 2,250 words plus minus 5% not including reference list, tables and Turnitin
report. Marks will be deducted for excessive length.
3. Referencing: You must fully acknowledge the sources of information (books, articles, reports,
etc.) that you use in the completion of the assignment by using the Harvard Referencing System.
You can refer to the link below for information about the Harvard System:
4. A reference list must be attached with your assignment.
5. Word count must be provided at the end of the report.
6. You will need to check your assignment using ‘Turnitin’ for duplication. Any duplication should
be less than 30% or it will constitute as plagiarism. You will need to attach your ‘Turnitin’ report
together with your assignment submission.


Due date/time: 4 June 2018, 12 noon; Week 11

Documents for submission in preferred order (if possible DO NOT comb bind)
1. Group Assignment Cover page
2. Marking Rubric
3. Turnitin Report
4. 2,250 words group report with Parts (see item D next page)
5. Reference list

You are required to submit your written assignment (the above documents) hard copy to the lecturer/tutor
(designated collection box outside the Student Academic Services at Block E Level 2).

Please note that the ‘Late Submission of Work for Assessment’ and ‘Assessment Offences’ regulations
apply to this Assignment (please refer to the section on Submission of Assignment and Assessment
Offences in the MIB or the Dual Award Programme Guide).


The main marking criteria are:
1 Evidence of understanding of literature and Retail Marketing concepts/frameworks
and proper analysis of real life Retail Marketing issues
2 Logical & convincing arguments
3 Correct interpretations of published works
4 Original contributions to assignment (i.e. more than just re-presenting existing ideas)
5 Evidence of use of multiple published sources and Euromonitor (Taylor’s online library)
6 Completeness (covered all parts of the assignment)
7 Presentation (spell checked etc); correct referencing, word count, headings
8 If online forums, blogs, and other non-scholarly sources are used, marks will be deducted.

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D. CONTENTS AND FORMAT (2,250 words plus minus 5%):

According to Uniqlo’s website: “Making the World A Better Place through Responsible Supply Chain
Management, Responsible Products, Responsible Stores and Stronger Communities and Responsibility
towards our Employees ”.

Uniqlo operates a chain of retail stores in Malaysia and originates from Japan.. Visit the website of
Uniqlo Malaysia (, and examine their operations. In particular examine
their retailing activities and strategies under the section “Our Model”. (For this assignment you can
ignore the online retailing operations of the group in your discussions.)

With your understanding of the Retail Marketing concepts learnt in the semester and with information
from the named websites and other approved sources, write a report on Uniqlo Japan and Uniqlo
Malaysia - otherwise your report will not be marked. The report must be in three (3) main parts. You must
use headings and subheadings in your report for ease of reading and marking, and include supporting
concepts and frameworks. Suggested word count for each Part/sub part is given below.

Part A. (500 words) Introduction

A1. Brief overview of clothing retail industry in Malaysia (from Euromonitor)
A2. Retail Chain History and background of Uniqlo in Malaysia
A3. Recent retailing success of Uniqlo Malaysia (and problems if any)

Part B. (1,250 words). Analyse and report the following aspects of the retail chain by applying concepts
and/or frameworks as discussed in the Berman and Evans, 2013, 12th edn text.

B1.Retailing concept (by analysing Uniqlo Japan and Uniqlo Malaysia websites) (750 words)
To what extent Uniqlo has successfully applied the Retailing concept? Explain why. (In your discussion
you may use any two or three of the four principles in the Retailing concept)
B2.Positioning for Uniqlo Malaysia (by analysing the website) (250 words)
Assume that you are now the Retail Marketing Manager at Uniqlo Malaysia. Outline the positioning
strategy of the company, giving your reasoning. Suggest a positioning statement in your discussion.
B3.Site location evaluation (by visiting any selected Uniqlo Malaysia retail outlet) (250 words)
Using Figure 10-7 in your text (as given overleaf), rate the (selected) criteria for the outlet.
Based on the ratings, provide an assessment on the strengths and weaknesses of its current location.

Part C. (500 words)

C1.Critical findings (linked to analysis as in Part B).Important: The critical findings should not merely
summarise Part B but include your recommendations or suggestions where applicable.
C2. Highlight any ethical and/or environmental issues for Uniqlo Malaysia that are

plus a Reference List (Harvard style)

 Based on format, a minimum of 8-10 quality references is envisaged
 Must include referencing from journal sources such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing,
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and from Euromonitor
 literature support is mandatory for your discussions in all Parts

22 | P a g e
Appendix: copy of Progress Report submitted in tutorial 7.

Figure 10-7 from your text (Berman and Evans, 2013)

(for B3.Site location and evaluation by visiting any selected Zara outlet)

*Ratings can be out of 10 or 100 for each selected item


23 | P a g e

Evaluation Rubric for Retail Marketing BUS2324/ MKT60904

Retail Analysis Report Assignment (Group) March Semester 2018
Student name’/id Student name/id Student name/id Student name/id Student name/id

Component Marks Allocation

Needs significant Barely reasonable Average Good Excellent MARKS
improvement F(0-39%) (40% - 49%) (50% - 59%) (60% - 74%) (75% - 100%) AWARDED
1.Professionalism of Fails to adhere to Barely adheres to Vaguely adheres to Generally follows Polished report that
report and report structure, or report structure, report structure, report structure, adheres to report
presentation. poorly structured, poorly structured, somewhat structured, grammar acceptable, structure and well
poor grammar poor grammar. grammar can be referencing and structured discussion.
(10 %) improved. cohesive flow.
2.Overview and Poorly argued and Insufficient details Fair details and fair Good details and good Comprehensive
introduction very weak explanation and weak explanation for explanation for details and excellent
for company/product explanation for company/product company/product explanation for
(10%) company/ product company/ product
3a.Understanding and Demonstrates little Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates good Demonstrates
analysis of the retail beyond general weak reasonable understanding and excellent
marketing issues and knowledge and understanding understanding and analysis of retail understanding and
impact on the company common sense. Poor and analysis. analysis. Need more marketing issues. analysis of retail
understanding and Severely lacking in in depth discussion Good in depth marketing issues
(25%) analysis of retail depth discussion discussion
marketing issues
3b.Understanding and Does not demonstrate Barely Demonstrates only Demonstrates a Demonstrates a high
application of retail any understanding of demonstrates any low level of moderate level of level of understanding
marketing concepts and given topics. Essay understanding of understanding Of understanding of given of given topics. Logical
frameworks merely a rehash of site given topics. Mostly given topics. Good topics. Fairly logical and and convincing
and other materials not logical and not literature support convincing arguments arguments with
(25 %) without literature convincing strong literature
support arguments support
4.Discussion of your Final conclusion Demonstrates Demonstrates fair Demonstrates good Demonstrates
findings and provide irrelevant to analysis. creativity in final creativity in final creativity in final excellent creativity
recommendations , and analysis. However, analysis. analysis. in final analysis.
ethical/environmental recommendations Recommendations are Recommendations Recommendations
issues are not linked to not clearly linked to the are linked to the are clearly linked to
the analysis analysis analysis the analysis
(20 %)
5.Use of quality No effort is Barely Demonstrates Demonstrates a Has comprehensively
published sources and demonstrated in demonstrates any reasonable effort in moderate level sourced and
correct interpretation sourcing and effort in sourcing sourcing and of effort synthesised
synthesising and synthesising synthesising in sourcing and information in the
information. Very low/ information. Used information. synthesising public domain. Used
(10 %) weak use of range of low range of Inadequate use of information in the a wide range of
publications and publications and publications and public domaiin publications and
relevant literature relevant literature literature relevant literature

Total : 100% /35 marks

24 | P a g e
Strengths of assignment:

Weaknesses of assignment

Suggestions to improve:

25 | P a g e
Retail Marketing BUS3304 / MKT 60904
August semester 2017
Peer Evaluation Form for Group Work
(to be submitted to tutor in strict confidence)

Your name/ student id: DATE:

Tutorial class day/time:

Instructions to students: Write the name of each of your group members (including yourself) in a separate column. For each
group member, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement on the left, using a scale of 1-4 (1=strongly
disagree; 2=disagree; 3=agree; 4=strongly agree). Total the numbers (up to one decimal point) in each

Evaluation Group Group Group Group Group

member member member member member
Criteria name: name: name: name: name:


Attends group meetings

regularly and arrives on time.

Contributes meaningfully to
group discussions.

Completes group assignment

on time.

Prepares work in a quality


Demonstrates a cooperative
and supportive attitude.

Contributes significantly to
the success of the assignment.


Remarks (if any): _______________________________________________________________________________

26 | P a g e

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