Lab 1-Oop Classes and Objects

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Lesson Set Introduction to Classes and Objects

Purpose 1. Clearly understand the purpose and benefits that OOP has
to offer.
2. Understand the concept of a class and objects.
3. Develop a basic class with fundamental data members.
4. Develop a basic class with a number of member functions.
5. Separate the implementation section of a function.
6. Use the class objects and member functions to provide and
extract data from an object.
7. Experiment with classes and objects.

Procedure 1. Students should read the Pre-lab Reading Assignment

before coming to lab.
2. Students should complete the Pre-lab Writing Assignment
before coming to lab.
3. In the lab, students should complete Labs 1.1 through 1.4
in sequence.
4. Your instructor will give further instructions as to grading
and completion of the lab.
5. Students should complete the set of lab tasks before the
next lab and get them checked by their lab instructor.

Contents Pre-requisites Completion


Pre-lab Reading Assignment - 20 min

Pre-lab Writing Assignment Pre-lab Reading 10 min

Lab 4

Lab 4.1 Structs 20 min

Defining Classes

Lab 3.2 Data types and 20 min

Data Members and Member function writing

Lab Task 3.1 Understanding of 10 min

Working with Classes Classes

Lab Task 3.2 Understanding of 30 min

Working with class data Classes

Lab Task 3.3 Understanding of 30 min

Working with member Classes
OOP The programming that you have understood in your computer programming
course, allows you to design a program by assembling a sequence of
instructions. This is the way in which traditional programming works, but now
there is clear paradigm shift towards an object based approach. The new object
oriented approach allows you to model your program in a way in which objects,
their relationships and the functions that they operate are clearly visible to the
programmer. Perhaps the greatest advantage of this approach is that it gives an
extended modular concept in which the interface is made public while the
implementation details are kept hidden. This allows the program to grow in size
without becoming too cumbersome. Previously, when a program grew beyond a
certain size it became almost impossible to understand and extend especially
when the programmer had forgotten the minor concepts constructing the
program. Here, it should be understood and acknowledged that programs are not
disposable entities they have a life beyond what is normally expected. Hence
designing a program that can be easily extended, modified and interfaced with
other systems is a very important characteristic of any well written program. This
lab has been designed to give in-depth knowledge of how to make classes,
objects and their interrelations.

Object In OOP an object is a very much like a real world object. An object can be defined
as a collection of state and behavior. For example, consider the example of a cat.
A cat is has both a state and behavior. The state of a cat is its attributes namely
color, breed, gender, age, weight, height, etc. Whereas the behavior of a cat is its
sound, eating, sleeping, yawning, walk, etc. Hence a cat can be completely
identified by its unique characteristics and behaviors. In programming an object is
a collection of variables and functions that together have a unique purpose of
identifying a distinctive entity.

Again referring to the concept of an object and the example of a cat. The cat had
Data Members: a number of characteristics or attributes that can be used to identify a cat. In
programming these attributes can be programmed by using regular variables that
are called data members. A class can be composed of a number of data
members of various types. The data members of a class are private by default i.e.
they are not directly accessible outside the class. Here it is important to point out
that often people casually refer to these as variables, which is a wrong
terminology. These should only be called data members or class variables.

Member Functions Again referring to the concept of an object and the example of a cat. The cat had
a number of behaviours or things that a cat does. In programming these
behaviours can be programmed by using functions that are called member
functions. A class can be composed of a number of member functions of various
types. The implementation section is separated by writing the return type followed
by class name.

A class is a collection of data members and member functions. A class is used to

Class define an abstract data type. This abstract data type is used in the construction of
an object which is used to access all the data members and member functions. A
class has to be created before it can be used. Provided below are the syntax for
creating a class.

class myclass
int datamember;
void memberfun (int)

Pre lab writing assignment

Fill in the blanks 1. The new _______________ approach allows you to model your
program in a way in which objects, their relationships and the functions
that they operate are clearly visible to the programmer.
2. In __________ an object is a very much like a real world object.
3. In programming these behaviors can be programmed by using
functions that are called _____________________.
Lab 3

Lab 3.1 Write a program that creates a class called laptop. The data members of the
class are brand (string), model (string), serial (int), color (string), price (float),
processor speed (float), RAM (int), screen size(float). Create member function
that will set the individual values. Since the RAM can be upgraded therefore
create a function that allows you to upgrade the RAM only. In the end, create a
function that will display all the data members.

Lab 3.2 Write a class called rectangle. Your task is to store the length and width of the
rectangle. Write a member function called increment that will add 1 to the value
of length and width. Also write a function that will compute the area of the
rectangle. Finally write a constant function that will display the length, width
and area of the rectangle. Demonstrate the use of the object in the main
function. Make sure that the function names are meaningful and self-

Lab 3.3 Write a program that creates a class called number. Your class will have two
data members namely num (float) and result (int). To find the factorial of the
entered number you will need to design three functions as follows:

 Function to determine if a number is a whole number or not

 Function to determine if the number is positive or not
 Function to find the actual factorial
 Function to display the number and its factorial
Remember that to find the factorial the number must of positive and a whole
number. So if any of these conditions are not met then you cannot determine
the factorial.

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