Área de Formación Básica General Programa de Inglés Ii (Meif) Glosario

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Expresiones Expresiones Adverbios de
Expresiones Verbos
de Tiempo de Frecuencia Modo
What/ who’s your favorite…? after almost always badly cook sleep wake up
What do you do? around very often beautifully drink start walk
Where do you work? at midnight seldom carefully eat stay up wash
Where do you go to school? at night some early get home study watch
What time do you…? at 7 pm. very rarely quickly get up take a break / rest work
What about…? before almost never slowly rest take a shower / bath
When do you get home? for frequently run
How often do you…? in


Expresiones Palabras relacionadas con la ciudad
Is there a / an… near here? Vocabulario Lugares Públicos Verbos
Are there…around here? avenue one way airport drive
Yes, there is/are. No there isn’t/aren’t. It’s … block parking lot bookstore get (to)
Where’s the…? Is it far from here? car park pedestrian bridge go
It’s right (right behind you) corner rest room building miss (something)
How do I get to …? cross now round about castle walk
How can I get to…? crossing stop cathedral
Can you tell me how to get to? crossroads street City Hall Preposiciones de
Walk up / Go up… (to…) exit subway coffee shop lugar y dirección
Walk down / Go down…for…block(s) give way traffic lights downtown in the center of
Don’t walk… junction east drugstore inside
Turn right /turn left at / on…, keep left / right west factory on (Main Street)
It’s on the right/left no parking north gas station under
You can’t miss it! no waiting south hospital with
There / over there. hotel around the
Go along / ahead / straight ahead / past the store movie theater corner from
It is located. zoo up
Excuse me, ma’am / sir, Can you help me? down
Is there a bank over (t)here? across
Can/Could you tell me the way to…? along
For Leeds you have to have to change to Sheffield right/left


Cuantificadores para
Expresiones Unidades (utensilios,
Ropa, Moda sustantivos contables
Monetarias alimentos y
e incontables
Can I help you? appliances dime cent bottle
Can I try it on? changing room dollar cup a lot
What size are you? clothes euro food few
Do you have/have you got a larger/ small size? hat pence fork many
Just looking loose pennies glass much
Anything else? market penny knife not many
Pay by credit card / debit card / check / in cash shop pound meal not any
I’ll buy / pay / have… shop window quarter napkin some
May/can I help you? supermarket VERBOS piece any
Could you pass me the salt? tights boil plate
Can I use the restroom? buy slice
Could / Can I try it on? fry snack
Can I have a larger size, please? fit spoon
Can I have a glass of water, please? grill
There are few people in the restaurant pay for
To do the shopping put on
To go shopping roast
How much…? sell
How many …? show
Can I have my bill, please? suit
Catch a train/bus, miss a train/ a bus take off
try on


How was…? There were/weren’t many videogames at the mall beach mall
When I was a child…… Was there a museum in the town? best friend party
My favorite teacher /cartoon / toy was… Were there any shopping centers? cartoons picnic
Were you…? Expresiones para expresar agrado/ desagrado disco shopping
What was your…...like? elementary songs
It was: terrific, exciting, fun, very nice / pleasant.
Where/ when were you born? high school sports
it wasn’t (very) pleasant. It was boring
Who was your ..? hometown videogames
What were you like? Expresiones de tiempo kindergarten weather
There was/wasn’t a party at the beach ago lake childhood
Did you go out / abroad …? in 1999 trip
What did you do…? last night / summer / weekend / year neighbor
Where / when did you go…? yesterday concert
Who did you ………. With? My favorite…. Was /
Why did you…….? were….
How long did you….?
What time did you…?
Se recomienda ver tabla de verbos regulares e irregulares al final del glosario


Expresiones Palabras Partes del cuerpo
Hablar de problemas de salud Expresar sentimientos de awful arm knee
How are you? compasión bad back leg
I’m not so good That’s too bad! chemist buttocks mouth
Actually, … I’m sorry to hear that! exhausted ear neck
What’s the matter? I hope you feel better soon! fine (well) eye nose
What’s the problem? Get well soon! good (better) eyebrow shoulder
I have a … great eyelash skin
Dar instrucciones y consejos
How do you feel? happy face stomach
Take / Don’t take…. hungry finger(s) throat
I feel sick! Go to / Don’t go to…
I feel well! patient foot (feet) toe(s)
You should… sad hand tooth (teeth)
I don’t feel well You shouldn’t …
What should I do? sick head wrist
Do / don’t ……. terrible hips tongue
You should / shouldn’t take (a vacation)
Verbos thirsty elbow lips
I’m sorry to hear that
I hope you feel better soon feel tired
My back really hurts! help Problemas de salud Medicinas y remedios
Does it hurt? hope backache aspirin
Have a pain ( in the leg/arm) lay down break a leg bath
Suffer from… rest cold coffee
You look well! rub cough cough syrup
See a doctor/dentist! stay (in bed) fever headache cream
Do you take any medicine? stay up (late) sore (eyes/throat) eye drops
suntan stomachache juice
What time is your appointment? Preposiciones temperature pills
for ( 10 minutes) the flu tea
in (bed) toothache honey
on (the phone) headache medicine


Expresiones Verbos en pasado participio Palabras

Have you ever…? be was / were been accident sake

Yes, I have. + Pasado simple climb climbed climbed boat rabbit / snake / monkey
No, I haven’t + Pasado simple drink drank drunk car keys meat
Been to a /…. country swimming
Go camping /hiking eat ate eaten digital camera tequila
go went gone famous person UFO
have had had ghost wine
lose lost lost golf
hockey Sports
meet met met
horse car race
play played played mountain international football
read read read opera game
ride rode ridden rock concert motorcycle
see saw seen


Expresiones Actividades Palabras Verbos
Are you going to …? be on holiday Bag / cash Transporte privado arrive at/in
Yes, I am. No, I’m not. book a single/double room/ a flight Bill Credit card bicycle book check
Yes, I’m going to… buy a pet driver car in
No, I’m not going to… do homework driving license change carry
Transporte público
What are you going to…? get a new boyfriend/girlfriend flight drive pack
I am going to… get a part time job gate boat receive
Where are you going to …? get married guest house bus take
When, How, Who’s going to…? go for a walk holiday bus stop visit
What is he/ she going to do next vacation? go sightseeing / camping / fishing / ID card class wear
Who’s going to go…… swimming. information desk coach
Who are you going to go with? go to college information office ferry
Why are you going to…? go to the beach / cinema / the insurance plane
platform 1st - 31st
Why is she/he going to…? theater / the disco / the park / the journey
return Expresiones de
How long are you going to…? museum key
single tiempo
How long is she/he going to..? go to the mountains luggage
She /He is going to… go to the seaside / to a foreign motorway taxi next: week
What are your vacation plans for next week? country. passport ticket month
have a baby place train year
Have a good time / fun! look for a new apartment platform tram summer
move to/from the city/country reservation tram stop Saturday
I always travel second class quit smoking / drinking alcohol road underground the day after
Let’s take the underground relax at home special (railway) station tomorrow
The train is now boarding rent a flat (an apartment) street Lugares de interés this afternoon
Two singles to… spend time doing something suitcases archaeological site tomorrow
Eastern vacation study for an exam tanned ruins tomorrow night
sunbathe ticket ( office ) tonight
Take some days off surf tour this coming
camping-site Friday
take an art class tourist guess house
travel around the US towel this summer
tent this vacation
travel alone traffic single room
visit friends in … traveler ‘s checks double room
waiting room

Pronombres Palabras para describir apariencia, personalidad, eventos, cosas, lugares
Expresiones posesivos y/u objetos
What’s ________ like? city mine bad-worse new/wer more beautiful
Which one do you like better/more? farm yours cheap/er nice/r more boring
Which one is more…? forest his clean/er noisy/ier more crowded
Which one is _________+ er? town hers dark/er quick/er more difficult
How old / tall / long? village ours dirty/ier quiet/er more expensive
What color…. theirs early/ier sad/der more interesting
easy/ier short/er more polluted
fast/er slim/mer more terrible
fat/ter slow/er
good-better smart/er
happy/ier strong/er
heavy/ier tall/er
lazy/ier warm/er


Expresiones Palabras Verbos
You must/mustn’t advertisement newspaper En la casa En la escuela Entretenimiento
You need to… cartoons picture Do: the dishes arrive on time / early Go to the disco
I have to wear… cinema play the laundry go to class play the guitar
Do you have to…? colleagues show the shopping go to the CAA playing in Romeo and
I don’t have to… comedy soap opera the housework go to the library Juliet
I don’t need to… drama sports the washing up study hard sing at the Karaoke
I like / don’t like to… film opera theatre the homework wear a uniform bar
I really need to hobby tickets Make: the bed work on the surf the web
I’d like to magazine working hours breakfast computer
I want to news lunch
I hate to dinner
I’m free on Saturdays a phone call
I like to go for a walk on ...
Conectores de
secuencia y causa -
Because, then, after
that, before that


Expresiones Vocabulario Adverbios
What are you doing next …? Baby this afternoon
When are you leaving? Birthday tomorrow
Are you visiting…? Birthday cake tomorrow night
I’m having a …. Tonight Candles tonight
I’m celebrating my …… Fun this coming Friday
What are you wearing tonight? Graduation This Christmas
Guest house

Expresiones Dejando un mensaje Decisiones imprevistas, ofertas espontáneas
Will you …? Yes, I will. No, I won’t I’ll call you later I’ll/won’t help you
I will travel around the world I’ll leave a message I will /won’t get the phone
In five years I’ll …… I won’t … in 5 years That’ll be all I’ll do it
I will probably… I’ll talk to him
I guess I will … I’ll take care of it right away
I think I’ll … I’ll turn the fan on
Maybe I’ll … I won’t call before noon
Perhaps I’ll …
What will he/she/you/they …?
When will he arrive….?
He will be a doctor when he grows up

Presente Pasado Presente Pasado Presente Pasado
answer answered follow followed return returned
arrive arrived happen happened show showed
ask asked hate hated smoke smoked
believe believed help helped snow snowed
burn burned invite invited start started
call called learn learned stay stayed
carry carried like liked stop stopped
change changed listen listened study studied
check checked listen to listened to talk talked
clean cleaned live lived travel traveled
close closed look looked try tried
cross crossed love loved visit visited
dance danced open opened wait waited
die died pass passed walk walked
dress dressed phone phoned want wanted
end ended play played wash washed
enjoy enjoyed prefer preferred watch watched
explain explained rain rained work worked

Presente Pasado Presente Pasado Presente Pasado
be (am /is/are) was / were was/were grow up grew up sell sold
be born born have had send sent
become became hear heard sing sang
begin began hurt hurt sit sat
break broke keep kept sleep slept
bring brought know knew speak spoke
buy bought leave left spend spent
can could lose lost take took
come came make made teach taught
cut cut meet met tell told
do did pay paid think thought
drink drank put put understand understood
drive drove read read wake woke
eat ate ride rode wear wore
get got run ran win won
give gave say said write wrote
go went see saw

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