Summary 3 Idiots

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Three Idiots is about a life changing story of a man who makes significant contribution to friends and
other people in the field of engineering. It is a meaningful and detailed presentation of how a student
really shows how it is important to teach. T h e s t o r y s t a r t s w h e n F a r h a n Q u e r e s h i
s u d d e n l y a c t s a s i f h e i s h e a r t a t t a c k e d a f t e r receiving a phone call from Chatur/Silencer,
telling him that he finds Rancho Chanchad, his long lost friends who has not had contact with him for
almost ten years. Farhan is then attended by the physician and escapes from the airport to search for his
friend together with Raju Rastogi. While they are travelling the road towards Rancho’s place, flashback
scenes were being s h o w n b a c k t o t h e c h a p t e r s w h e n t h e t h r e e i d i o t s m e e t e a c h
o t h e r - t h e t i m e t h e y e n t e r t h e Imperial College of Engineering. Raju’s family is very
poor; his father is bed-ridden and hissister is not wed because the fiancé is asking for a
car as a dowry. They cannot provide that because the money is exact only for meals. This
is why Raju strives hard to finish engineering and help his family. He is God-fearing as
he worships God everyday in his room.

Rancho’s first appearance in the movie is when a tradition is made at the college wherein freshmen
were required to put their pants down as a sign of respect to the seniors. Rancho does not follow;
instead he moves to his room. He connects meter stick and spoon together and then
connects them to an electric current causing penile electrocution of a senior who tries to pee on his
door. He is not an ordinary student. When he is sent out, he goes to classes on higher
year levels where he absorbs many information. Rancho helps a student Joy Lobo regarding his
project which is rejected by Virus, the inconsiderate professor. However, Joy cannot handle his
feelings anymore and commits suicide with a note on the wall “I quit”. On Joy’s burial,
Rancho tells Virus that the incident is not a suicide; rather, a murder. To Virus’s anger he
brings forcefully Rancho to the classroom and tells him to teach them how to teach. Rancho
verbalizes moral lessons about the proper way of teaching. The three idiots: Raju, Rancho and Farhan
go to a wedding reception. They do not know that this is Virus’s daughter’s wedding. There, he first
meets Pia, Virus’s another daughter.

Chatur, aka Silencer, is a student who is very boastful. He always wants to be on top. He d i s t r a c t s
his classmates a night before exams by giving them sexy magazines. He wants
t o impress professors. Upon preparation of his speech, The three idiots make a plan. They screw his
script by replacing the word “serve” to “screw”. At the ceremony, Chat ur delivers his
speech without knowing that what he memorizes degrades the dignity of Virus. He embarrassed Virus
in front of many people. Because of what happen, Chatur curses the three idiots and asks
them to have a deal. At Sept 5, after 10 years, they will meet again to know who is more successful.
Then Rancho and Pia meet again for the second time. Pia is angry with Rancho because o f t h e
incident at the reception. However, Rancho proves that the man is really a bad
man. Rancho suddenly receives call telling him that Raju’s father needs
a n e m e r g e n c y m e d i c a l attention. Knowing that Pia is a medical student, Rancho
requests her to accompany him at Raju’s house. They reach the house; Pia assesses the
father and concludes that he needs to be hospitalized. Since there is no available
ambulance, they bring the victim with the scooter. Pia and Rancho became true friends now.

They get examination the following day. They get late in class but make funny actions to
get their paper accepted. Farhan and Raju get the lowest rank
w h i l e R a n c h o t o p s t h e examination. At the present they, they already reach the destination
on where Rancho Chanchad can be found. When they meet the “Rancho Chanchad”, they are amazed
that the man is not the person t h e y a r e s e a r c h i n g f o r s o l o n g . T h e y f i n d o u t t h a t
R a n c h o C h a n c h a d i n I C E i s n o t t h e r e a l Rancho. They have to search for Rancho. Rancho
admits his feelings for Pia. The three go to Virus’s house. Farhan and Raju pee on
Virus’s mailbox. Virus calls the security to search for them at the college but they hid on
a classroom. Virus wants to rusticate Raju from ICE but given a choice whether whose
name is to be put: him or Rancho’s. Because he can’t decide, He jumps out of the
window from the third floor. He is rushed in the hospital. He is given proper medical management;
however, Raju does not speak nor move. He just opens his eyes. He then recovers after many days.
Farhan goes to his home to tell his parents that he does not want to become an
engineer but a photographer. At first, his father does not accept it but later on, he tells Farhan that he
may pursue being a photographer. On the other hand, Raju has his first interview and
luckily, he is accepted. Again, on the present time, Pia is to wed Suhas. Raju and Farhan
go quickly to help Pia escape from the wedding. Raju pretends to be Suhas and they get away.

Rancho makes certain action because Virus’s plan is to ruin the application of Raju.
Rancho goes to his office and manipulated the application form of Raju. They get caught
at the room in dormitory and is asked to get out of the college. Heavy flood came in as they
leave the place. While on their way, Mona, Pia’s sister, is found to be having labor.
Because there is no available ambulance because of typhoon, Rancho helps her on brings
her at the college to help in delivering the baby. The baby needs a vacuu m cup so Pia
instructed him about delivery and the use of cup. Rancho and friends successfully assist in
delivering the baby. But the baby does not respond to stimuli. Everyone expects that the baby is dead.
However, when Rancho pronounces “All is well”, the baby kicks. He is alive. A s a s i g n o f b e i n g
a n e x t r a o r d i n a r y s t u d e n t , V i r u s g i v e s t h e p e n t o R a n c h o . H e i s awarded as the
student of the year during the graduation. At present time, they finally find Rancho in an
institution that teaches students about utilization of advancing technology.

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