Contoh Soal TUC

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This following text is for question number 1-2

1. What is the benefit of reading the text?

A. The children will afraid of dog.
B. The perents feel worry with their children.
C. The children will not safe when play there.
D. The perents feel comfort when their children play in this area

2. What will happen if we broke the text?

A. The children are in the dangerous.
B. The children feel happy play in this area.
C. The parents will very agree with this condition .
D. The parents will move their children to the other school.

This following text is for question number 3-4

Dear Ajeng
Congratulations on your success to pass the examination with the best mark.
May today's success be just the beginning of your long-life achievement and happiness.
Remember the challenges are waiting for you in the coming senior high school.

Your best friend, (own creation)


3. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To ask Ajeng to wait her in the coming senior high school
B. To remind her that her succes is not her best achievment
C. To share happiness on Ajeng;s graduation
D. To support Ajeng in her succes

4. “Remember the challenges are waiting for you in the coming senior high school”
The sentence means that Rose hopes Ajeng ....
A. Will never forget to pray to the God
B. Always do her best for future’s succes
C. Will begin to prepare her long-life achivement
D. Will not stop to study hard to reach her future’succes
This following text is for question number 5-7

(own creation)

5. What does the writer want to highlight?

A. Mandalika Beach.
B. The enchanting corner.
C. Mandalika Tourism Industry.
D. The south coast of Lombok island.

6. From text we know that Mandalika looks like….

A. paradise
B. beautiful water park
C. local water sport place
D. other most outstanding beaches

7. Mandalika is different from Bali, …. Mandalika has same facilities of its tourism industry like in
A. so
B. but
C. and
D. because
This following text is for question number 8-11

Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX (Yogyakarta, 12 April 1912 – Washington DC, 2 October 1988), is a sultan who
reigned in Yogyakarta (1940-1988) and the first governor of Yogyakarta since Indonesian Independence.
He was the second vice president (1973-1978). He was also known as Father of Indonesian Scouts
(Pramuka) and known as the longest-reigning Sultan of Yogyakarta, with 44 years tenures.

He was a sultan who opposed Dutch colonialism and precipitate Indonesian Independence. During
japanese colonialization, the Sultan forbade sending romusha (forced labors)workers by building local
irigation projects.

He and Paku Alam IX of Surakarta was the first rulers who joined Indonesian Republic. He also invited the
President (Soekarno) to reign from Yogyakarta since Jakarta was overpowered by the DUtch in First
Military Agression 1947.

He donated his personal wealth as much as 6 millions guldens for restoring National economy at the
beginning of Independence. He also helped General Sudirman to fight against the Allied by sending
logistics and weapons secretly.

At 2 October 1988, he died in George Washington University Medical Centre, USA because of heart attack.
He was burried in the Mataram Sultans’ mausoleum in Imogiri, Yogyakarta.

8. What does the text emphasize?

A. The heroic story of Paku Alam IX.
B. The leader of Indonesiaan movement.
C. A history of Sultan Hamengkubuono IX.
D. The process of Sultan Hamengkubuono’s career.

9. The text states that Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX was a King who ….

A. send his people to be romusha worker
B. fight againts japanesse colonialization
C. help the Dutch to fight againt General Sudirman
D. help the national econonomy of Indonesia by donating his personal wealth.

10. What did Sultan Hamengkubuwono do in the first Military Agression 1947 by the Dutch ?
A. He fights againts the Dutch
B. He helps the Ducth by sending logistic and weapon.
C. He sends his people to fight againts General Soedirman.
D. He asks Ir Soekarno to reign the Indonesian Goverment from Yogyakarta

11. Sultan Hamengkubuwono was not only a good king … a fighter.

A. but also
B. because
C. although
D. in order to
This following text is for question number 12-13

To: All students of SMP 1 Tunas Bangsa
Monday to Friday, November, 15th to 19th, is Porseni Week. It is held to develop students’ talent
and creativity at school. Therefore, each class must join it. There are (own
four competitions
creation) held in
the Porseni Week. They are:
 Futsal match
 Basketball Match
 English Quiz Competition
 Traditional Dance Competition
The winners of the competition will receive the prizes which will be given on Saturday,
November, 20th at the school hall.
For more information, ask your “homeroom teacher”.

12. The aim of the text is….

A. to invite all students to follow the sport competition
B. to explain all students how to join sport competition
C. to invite all students to watch the porseni week
D. to ask all students to join porseni week

13. What should the readers do if they want to join the Porseni week?
A. Come to school.
B. Contact the teacher.
C. Prepare the traditional dance team.
D. Discuss with the homeroom teacher.

This following text is for question number 14-16

There was once a crow who did not like his feathers. "I wish I were a peacock!" he
would say. "You are beautiful as you are!" the other crows insisted. "How plain and dull
you seem to me!" he'd complain, and fly off to admire peacocks.
The peacocks walked around with their colorful tail feathers outstretched. To the
delight of the crow, some of the peacock feathers lay on the ground when the peacocks left.
Crow flew down to the ground and stuck the feathers into his wings and tail. He attached a
few sticking up from his head. "Now I am as beautiful as a peacock," he said. But, when he
went to join them in their walking, the peacocks punched him and hit him. What a fuss!
"You are not a peacock," they said, "Don't imitate us!" Bruised and still dragging some
broken peacock feathers in his tail, he returned home.
After all his insults, no one wanted his company! As he sat alone, the other crows said,
"It's foolish to try and be what you're not. Learn to love the feathers you've got.

14. What does the text talk about?

a. The crow and the peacock.
B. The crow and his feathers.
C. The imitate crow’s feathers.
D. The beautiful peacock’s feathers.

15. From the text we know that the crow ... of peacock’s feathers.
A. hate
B. love
C. dislike
D. jealous
16. What made the peacocks poke and peck to the crow? Because, The crow ….
A. imitated the peacock’s feathers
B. broken the peacock feathers.
C. never to be her self.
d. took their food.

17. “Now I am as beautiful as a peacock”.

The underlined word refers to ....
A. the crow.
B. the peacock.
C. the crow’s friend.
D. the peacock’s friend.

This following text is for question number 18-19

18. What does the writer want to say?

A. To give information about Truman High School reunion.
B. To invite 2003 alumnus of Truman High school in the reunion.
C. To instruct alumnus not to bring alcoholic drinks in the reunion.
D. To make agreement of payment related to Truman High School reunion.

19. What must alumnus do before getting the event? He/she must….
A. registrate his/her name by paying $ 50 to the reunion committee.
B. contact the reunion committee by paying $ 100 for him/herself.
C. get permission from the reunion committee to bring alcoholic drinks.
D. confirm the reunion committee in bringing his/her children.
This following text is for question number 20-23

Alexander Graham Bell (March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922) was an eminent scientist,
inventor, engineer and innovator who is credited with inventing the first practical telephone.
Bell’s father, grandfather, and brother had all been associated with work on elocution and
speech, and both his mother and wife were deaf, profoundly influencing Bell’s life’s work. His
research on hearing and speech further led him to experiment with hearing devices which
eventually culminated in Bell being awarded the first US patent for the telephone in 1876. In
retrospect, Bell considered his most famous invention an intrusion on his real work as a scientist
and refused to have a telephone in his study.
Many other inventions marked Bell’s later life, including groundbreaking work in optical
telecom- munications, hydrofoils and aeronautics. In 1888, Bell became one of the founding
members of the National Geographic Society. He has been described as one of the most
influential figures in human history.
As a young child, Bell, like his brothers, received his early schooling at home from his
father. At an early age, however, he was enrolled at the Royal High School, Edinburgh, Scotland,
which he left at age 15, completing only the first four forms. His school record was
undistinguished, marked by absenteeism and lackluster grades. His main interest remained in
the sciences, especially biology, while he treated other school subjects with indifference, to the
dismay of his demanding father. Upon leaving school, Bell travelled to London to live with his
grandfather, Alexander Bell. During the year he spent with his grandfather, a love of learning
was born, with long hours spent in serious discussion and study.

20. What is the point of the text?

A. Graham Bell life story.
B. Graham Bell invention.
C. The childhood of Graham Bell
D. The influential figure of Graham Bell.

21. Graham Bell was not a diligent student. He ….

A. did not attend with permission.
B. got low grade of his exam.
C. was one of good student.
D. always went to school.

22. Where did he go after fifteen years old? He went to ….

A. London.
B. America
C. Scotland
D. Edinburg

23. “His research on hearing and speech further led him to experiment….” (paragraph 2).
What does the underlined word refers to….
A. Graham Bell
B. Graham Bell’s father
C. Graham Bell’s brother
D. Graham Bell’s grandfather
This following text is for question number 24-25

Dear Andrea,

I have found your lost dictionary that you were looking for yesterday. It is not lost as what you think but
you forget lending it to Marry. She has given it to me and I keep on my home. So if you want to have it
back, I will bring it tomorrow. If you need it now, you can come to my house.


24.What is David’s purpose to write the message above ?

A. To ask Andrea to come to his house to take hie lost dictionary.
B. To inform Andrea that he has a new dictionary.
C. To ask andrea to check his lost dictionary.
D. To give andrea a new dictionary.

25. What will Andrea do after reading the message above ? He will ….
A. go to the bookstore to buy a new dictionary
B. ask David to bring it to his house
C. go to David’s house to take it
D. give David a new dictionary

This following text is for question number 26-27


Serving per package: Avg.2 / serving size: Sugar, Cashew, Milk
30g Solids, Cocoa Mass,
Average Average Cocoa butter,
quantity quantity Vegetable at,
Per serving Per 100g Emulsifier (322:
Energy 709kj 2360kj Soy), Salt, Flavor.
Protein 3.6g 12.0g
At total 10.5g 35.9g
Saturated 4.8g 15.9g
Carbohydrate 14.4g 47.6g
Sugars 11.9g 39.6g
Sodium 45mg 148mg

26. What do you find something useful after reading the text?
A. We know the details information about the product.
B. We can get the product anywhere.
C. We can serve the product the best.
D. We can consume the product.

27. From the label we know that the product contains … carbohydrate.
A. low
B. high
C. little
D. small
This following text is for question number 28-30

Long ago, there lived three brothers. They had a small firm and little cottage, in which they
lived. The eldest brother, Tanyen, worked hard in the firm while his lazy and selfish brothers,
Zhoshu and Penhun, ate and slept all day. It was difficult to meet the needs of the family with
the meager income that Tanyen said to his brothers, 'It's not possible to carry on like this,
brothers! I will go out, seek my fortune, and become rich so I can provide for both of you."
Zhoshu and Penhun didn't like the idea. "Why should Tanyen become rich?" they said each
other, "We should go out and seek our fortune too!"

So, the selfish brothers devised a plan and went to Tanyen. "Brother! I have realized my
responsibilities," said Zhoshu. three brothers"I will go out, seek my fortune and become rich
so I can share your burden." "As you wish, dear Zhoshu!" smiled Tanyen. That day at
breakfast, Zhoshu pretended to be very loving and caring. "Eat well, Penhun," he said, "and
don't worry; I shall soon return rich!" He then took leave of his brothers and started on his
journey. He kept walking throughout the day. By late evening, hungry and tired, he reached
another village. He went up to a hut and knocked at the door. An old woman answered,
"Who's there?"

"I'm a traveler," Zhoshu replied. "Can I stay here for the night?" "Only if you remove all the
stars from that pool!" said the old woman, pointing to a pool of water.

Zhoshu thought, "How can I remove those stars? They are nothing but a reflection of the
sky!" Puzzled and exhausted, he returned home and said to his family, "I couldn't find my
fortune anywhere!"

Next, Penhun decided to try his luck and left home. Wandering, he too reached the old
woman's hut and was asked to fish out the stars from the pool. "How is that possible?" he
thought and returned home. "Nowhere could I find my fortune!" he said sadly.

Now it was Tenyan's turn. When he reached the old woman's hut, he too was asked to perform
the same task. He humbly asked for a bucket, which the old woman gave him. Tanyen waded
into the pool and began to throw out bucketfuls of water. He worked hard all night, until the
pool was completely dry.

In the morning when the old woman came out of her hut, Tanyen showed her the dry pit and
said, "I have removed all the stars, O good mother!" The old woman was pleased. She led
him to a huge farm and said, "This is your reward. From today, you are the owner of this
farm!" Tanyen thanked the old woman and returned home a rich man.

"I have found my fortune!" he announced." But where?" asked his brother's. "I found it in my
own hands!" replied Tanyen. He then told them all that had happened. His lazy brothers
resolved to work hard from that day. And they lived happily for the rest of their lives.

28. What does the writer want to say ....

A. We should sincerely to solve the problem.
B. Reward will be given to a helpful person.
C. We should depend on the other’s help.
D. We had to work hard to other people.

29 What was the first conflict that created the problem of the story?
A. When the selfish brothers devised a plan and went to Tanyen.
B. When Tanyen will go out, seek his fortune, and become rich.
C. When Zhoshu had to remove all the stars from that pool.
D. When Penhun decided to try his luck and left home.

30 should – a - Tanyen - because –was - become – diligent - richman – He

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 3-5-2-8-4-9-1-6-7
B. 3-2-1-9-5-8-7-6-4
C. 3-1-2-8-4-9-5-6-7
D. 3-1-6-2-8-4-9-5-7

This following text is for question number 31-33

Lemurs are mammals known for their large eyes and monkey-like bodies. They
belong to the group of animals called primates, along with lorises, tarsiers, monkeys, apes
and humans. There are about 18 species, or types, of animal in the lemur family. The name
lemur comes from the Latin word lemures, meaning ‘ghosts', because of the silent, ghost-
like way they move.
Lemurs are found only on Madagascar and the Comoro Islands off the east coast of
Africa. About 15 types of lemur live in Madagascar. Most lemurs live in trees in forests. But
the ring-tailed lemur lives in rocky desert areas.
Most lemurs have fox-like faces and long back legs. They range in length
(excluding the tail) from about 5 inches in the dwarf lemur to about 27.5 inches in the
indris. The bushy tails of lemurs may be longer than their bodies. But the indri has a very
short tail. The ring-tailed lemur is the only lemur with a striped tail. The tails are not
prehensile, meaning that the lemurs cannot use them to hang from trees as some monkeys
can. Most lemurs have a woolly coat that is mainly reddish, gray, brown or black.
Most lemurs live in groups. Their diet includes fruits, leaves, buds, insects and
small birds and birds' eggs. Mouse and dwarf lemurs store fat in their rump and tail and
sleep during the dry season.
Lemurs are less intelligent than monkeys, but they have a better sense of smell.
They are gentle, friendly animals. Some species live in groups of ten or more. Most are
active at night and sleep during the day. Lemurs usually give birth to a single young one.
The baby lemur clings to its mother's underside until it is old enough to ride on her back.
Loggers and farmers have cut down many trees where lemurs lived. Several
species are now endangered, or at risk of dying out completely.

(Source : Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite Version: 2015.)

31. What is the main point of the text?
A. The diet of Lemur
B. The types of lemur
C. The description of lemur
D. The general information of Lemur

32. What does the paragraph five talks about?

A. The types of lemur
B. The story of lemur’s life
C. The lemur habitual action
D. The physical appearance of lemur

33. Several species are now endangered (p.6). The underlined word has the closest in meaning to….
A. Protected
B. Secured
C. dying
D. Safe
This following text is for question number 34-36

How to Make Sandwich

o 8 pieces of white bread
o 1 onion, chop it
o 2 boiled eggs, cut it into pieces
o 4 cheddar
o 8 tablespoons of mayonnaise
o 4 pieces of lettuce
1. Remove the skin of white bread then toasted it without butter.
2. Remove the bread from toaster and bast it with mayonnaise.
3. Prepared the other ingredients: onion, eggs, cheddar and lettuce. Stack them on the bread.
4. Add mayonnaise on the top then cover it with another bread.
5. Cut the bread into two, sandwich is ready to served.

34. What do you find something useful after reading the text?
A. The way how to cut the bread.
B. The way how to make Sandwich.
C. The steps how to serve Sandwich.
D. The components type of Sandwich.

35. When does the writer cut the bread into two?
A. Before removing the bread from the toaster.
B. Before preparing the other ingredients.
C. After preparing other ingredients.
D. After adding mayonnaise.

36. The writer puts other ingredients and mayonnaise… two pieces of bread.
A. on
B. in
C. with
D. between
This following text is for question number 37-38

37. The purpose of writing the text is ....

A. to persuade people to buy and enjoy the dish
B. to inform someone about special packet
C. to promote about fast food rstaurant
D. to announce RYERS’S STORE

38. “ The sub that proves great things in threes”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. show
B. display
C. perform
D. confirm

This following text is for question number 39-40

Heal the World
Michael Jackson

There's a place in your heart

And I know that it is love And the dream we were conceived in
And this place could be much Will reveal a joyful face
Brighter than tomorrow And the world we once believed in
And if you really try Will shine again in grace
You'll find there's no need to cry Then why do we keep strangling life
In this place you'll feel Wound this earth, crucify its soul
There's no hurt or sorrow Though it's plain to see
This world is heavenly
There are ways to get there Be god's glow
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space We could fly so high
Make a better place Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Heal the world Create a world with no fear
Make it a better place Together we cry happy tears
For you and for me See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
And the entire human race
There are people dying We could really get there
If you care enough for the living If you cared enough for the living
Make it a better place Make a little space
For you and for me To make a better place

If you want to know why Heal the world

There's love that cannot lie Make it a better place
Love is strong For you and for me
It only cares of joyful giving And the entire human race
If we try we shall see There are people dying
In this bliss we cannot feel If you care enough for the living
Fear of dread Make a better place
We stop existing and start living For you and for me

Then it feels that always

Love's enough for us growing
So make a better world
Make a better world

Heal the world

Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me

39. The writer of the song wants to deliver a message that we have to….
A. take care of the world
B. make the better place for living
C. love other people and living in the world
D. respect each other and keep peace of the world

40. And the dream we were conceived in. The word ‘conceived’ can best be replaced by….
A. fail
B. abort
C. avoid
D. believe

This following dialog is for question number 41-43

Rere : Hai Rani, Have you heard a good news of mine?

Rani : You told me nothing, but let me guess.. hmm wait, wait.. you got a surprise from you father?
Rere : You're wrong!
Rani : Hmm, enough, just tell me, dear..
Rere : You know that I had speech contest in Jakarta last week? I have won it!!
Rani : Are you serious? Did you win it? Oh my god, I can't believe it.
Rere : Of course I am..
Rani : Great, Congratulation. You have no idea how happy I am for you
Rere : Thanks, I appreciate that
Rani : I believe you are the best as always.
Rere : How nice of you to say that.. Now, lets have a lunch on my treat,
Rani : With great pleasure, dear..

41 The topic of the conversation is ....

A. a good news to Rere.
B. a surprise from Rere’s father.
C. Rani won speech contest in Jakarta.
D. congratulating on someone’s achievement.

42. How does Rere show her happiness to Rina?

A. She can’t believe it if she won speech contest.
B. She will treat Rina to have a lunch together.
C. She tells her successful to Rina.
D. She will appreciate to Rina.

43. Rere won speech contest in Jakarta last week ... Rina can’t believe it.
A. So.
B. But.
C. In order.
D. Because.

This following text is for question number 44-46

Aloe arborescens is a multi-stemmed aloe with thick, yellow-green leaves. The leaves are
usually sharply toothed on the margins and are very juicy with a yellowish, slimy sap. The sap has
been used to treat stomach ailments for many centuries.
The leaves also store water to enable the plant to survive drought. One to four dense spikes of
coral red flowers appear from May to July. The flowers are carried on stout stems and are more or
less tubular in shape. Most aloes are important foodplants for sunbirds which visit the flowers in
search of nectar and in the process pollinate them.
As the name implies the Krantz Aloe grows mostly on cliffs and rocks – but it is also found
in dense bush areas. It is one of the few Aloe species that is found on the coast and in the mountains
and is widely distributed across South Africa into Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi.
The bitter juice of the Aloe leaf was only used by tribal people to cure a variety of ills, but
over the past decades western medicine is discovering the healing properties of the Aloe plant.
The healing powers of the plant really came to the fore after the atomic bombs of WWII
when burn victims were treated with Aloe concoctions.

44. Where is the text likely written?

A. Biology subject
B. Religion subject
C. Geology subject
D. Sociology subject

45. What does the writer want to highlight on third paragraph?

A. Aloe arborescen’s habitat.
B. Aloe arborescens implies the Krantz Aloe
C. Aloe arborescens is one of the few Aloe species.
D. Aloe arborescens is also found in dense bush areas.

46. The leaves are usually sharply toothed on the margins and are very juicy with a yellowish, slimy
sap. ( Paragraph 1 )
The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. Row
B. Line
C. Edge
D. Beside

This following text is for question number 47-50

Gedung Sate is the popular name for the governor's office of West Java province. It
is one of the landmark buildings of Bandung and has become an icon for the city. It was
designed by Dutch architect J.Gerber. Work on the building was began in 1920 and it was
completed in 1922. This massive structure is still an imposing sight today. It is the
centrepiece of a large complex of government buildings set on a public square. It is one of
the most magnificent colonial buildings in all Indonesia.
Gedung Sate literally means 'Satay Building'. The name is a reference to the metal
spike on the roof which reminded locals of a satay skewer. For anyone interested in
architecture, it is one of the most unmissable sights in Java. It was an innovative design in
1920 for a number of reasons. It was the first building in Indonesia to use reinforced
concrete technology. Artistically, it was even more significant. It was one of the first
buildings to combine Indonesian and European styles of architecture to create the 'Indo-
Deutsch' style. It has a tiered, wooden roof, like a Javanese mosque. The main motif on the
front of the building is a stylised Javanese temple. The extensive use of dark timber for the
roofing is a conscious reference to local architectural styles. Yet the brilliant white of the
main structure with its bold arches mark it out as very much a Dutch building. Gedung Sate
is impressive in both its huge scale and also in its attention to small details. The window
niches and the wooden eaves both feature beautiful and intricate decoration. Any lover of
architecture should not miss this building.

(Source :

47. What does the text tell us about?

A. The meaning of ‘satay building’
B. The advantages of ‘satay building’
C. The historical value of ‘satay building’
D. The architectural style of ‘satay building’

48. Why does local people call the building as “Gedung Sate”? because….
A. the shape of building is look like satay
B. the metal spike on the roof reminding satay skewer
C. there are many people selling satay around the building
D. the main motif on the front of building is stylized Javanese temple

49. Satay Building is also called Indo-Duetsch style … it combines Indonesian and European
architectural style.
A. or
B. for
C. and
D. because
50. Gedung Sate is impressive in both its huge scale… (paragraph 2)
The word ‘impressive’ the closest in meaning to….
A. exciting
B. inspiring
C. inspiring
D. imposing

1. Agung Hariyadi, S.Pd. M.Pd
2. Teguh Waluyo, S.Pd, M.Pd.B.I.
3. Agus Sudarmanto, S.Pd
4. Supriyanto, S.Pd
5. Wagiman, S.Pd

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