Lesson 2

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Molloy College

Division of Education

Student Nicole Woelfel Professor

Course Date 04/12/2019
Grade 1 Topic Pronouns Content Area ELA

INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES (s) (Lesson Objective(s)*)

Content Objective: Given a review and activity on personal pronouns, students will create a
“pronoun pizza”, they will write sentences and match the correct personal pronoun to each
sentence, with 6 out of 6 correctly matched.

Language Objective: Students will write 6 sentences for the “pronoun pizza”, including a subject
and verb, and correct punctuation and capitalization, with 5 out of 6 sentences written correctly.


NYS Next Generation ELA Learning Standards

Core Conventions Skills for Prekindergarten → Grade 2: Use personal, possessive, and
indefinite pronouns (e.g., I, me, my; they, them, their, anyone, everything).
 Indictor: This will be evident when students are reading and writing sentences using
personal pronouns, during the lesson and the assessment.

-pronoun cards and pictures
-pronoun sentence sort activity
-pronoun pizza template
-word bank and pre-written sentences
-whiteboard and markers
-pencils, crayons, and glue


Students will answer the question: What is a noun? As a group the students and teacher will
define a noun, and provide examples.

(including Key Questions)

1. After defining a noun, students will review that a pronoun replaces a noun. Students will
listen to the following sentences: “My mom woke me up. My mom made me breakfast and
my mom told me to eat fast. My mom said I was late for school. Then, my mom walked
me to school.” Students will respond to the following question: What did you notice about
that sentence? What did I repeat in every sentence? How could you say these sentences
differently? Students will understand that “a pronoun is noun in disguise.”
2. Students will understand why it is important to use pronouns in speaking and writing.
3. Students will review the pronouns “he, she, it, they, and we.” Students will orally provide
a possible noun for each pronoun and explain why.
4. Through guided instruction, students will sort sentences into the correct personal pronoun
5. Students will create a “pronoun pizza,” they will write a sentence using each personal
pronoun. Students will each share one of their sentences.


Direct Instruction
Indicator: This is evident when the teacher is reviewing personal pronouns.

Guided Instruction
Indicator: This is evident when the students and the teacher are sorting the sentences into
by the personal pronoun, the teacher models and guides students what to look for in each
sentence in order to correctly sort the sentences.

ADAPTATIONS (Exceptionality*)

 Small group instruction for ENL students

 Visual supports for ENL students


Content: entering/emerging- Students will have a sheet with the personal pronoun and an image.
transitioning- Students will have a sheet with the personal pronoun and an image.

Process: entering/emerging- Students will be in a small, homogeneous group for instruction.

transitioning- Students will be in a small, homogeneous group for instruction.

Product: entering/emerging- Students will have pre-written sentences to use for the “pronoun
transitioning- Students will have a word bank/“pronoun bank” to write the sentences on
the “pronoun pizza”


The students will create a “pronoun pizza,” students will write 6 complete sentences for each
personal pronoun, and match the correct pronoun to their sentences. Students will share one of
their sentences and the pronoun with the group. Students will be assessed using a teacher checklist
(checking for complete sentences; capitalization and punctuation; and accurate personal pronoun).

Students will complete a matching worksheet for homework to identify the correct pronoun based
on a picture.


Direct Teacher Intervention: The teacher will reteach the pronouns and who each represents, using
real people to provide a real-life example for students.

Academic Enrichment: The students will watch a video about possessive pronouns and write 5
sentences using the possessive pronouns, him, her, ours, yours, and theirs.


New York State Education Department. (2017). New York state next English language arts

standards. Retrieved from http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/


The Molloy Lesson Plan. (2016). New York: Molloy College.

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