Optical Character Recognition Using MATLAB: Sandeep Tiwari, Shivangi Mishra, Priyank Bhatia, Praveen Km. Yadav

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ISSN: 2278 – 909X

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE)

Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2013

Optical Character Recognition using MATLAB

Sandeep Tiwari, Shivangi Mishra, Priyank Bhatia, Praveen Km. Yadav
Electronics & communication Department
Kanpur Institute Of Technology, Kanpur

Abstract -- Character recognition techniques associate a symbolic almost simultaneous advent about 1980 of microprocessors
identity with the image of character. In a typical OCR systems for personal computers and of charge-coupled array scanners
input characters are digitized by an optical scanner. Each character resulted in a huge cost decrease that paralleled that of
is then located and segmented, and the resulting character image is general-purpose computers .Today, shrink-wrapped OCR
fed into a pre-processor for noise reduction and normalization. software is often an add-on to desktop scanners that cost
Certain characteristics are the extracted from the character for
classification. The feature extraction is critical and many different
about the same as a printer or facsimile machine. Our
techniques exist, each having its strengths and weaknesses. After purpose is to examine in some detail examples of the errors
classification the identified characters are grouped to reconstruct committed by current OCR systems and to speculate about
the original symbol strings, and context may then be applied to their cause and possible remedy.
detect and correct errors.

Index Terms—corr2, feature extraction, mat2cell, pixels,

A typical OCR system consists of several components. In
figure 1. a common setup is illustrated. The first step in the
I. INTRODUCTION process is to digitize the analog document using an optical
Machine replication of human functions, like reading, is an scanner. When the regions containing text are located, each
ancient dream. However, over the last five decades, machine symbol is extracted through a segmentation process. The
reading has grown from a dream to reality. Optical character extracted symbols may then be preprocessed, eliminating
recognition has become one of the most successful noise, to facilitate the extraction of features in the next step.
applications of technology in the field of pattern recognition The identity of each symbol is found by comparing the
and artificial intelligence. Many commercial systems for extracted features with descriptions of the symbol classes
performing OCR exist for a variety of applications, although obtained through a previous learning phase. Finally
the machines are still not able to compete with human contextual information is used to reconstruct the words and
reading capabilities. Optical Character Recognition deals numbers of the original text.
with the problem of recognizing optically processed
characters. Optical recognition is performed off-line after the
writing or printing has been completed, as opposed to on-
line recognition where the computer recognizes the
characters as they are drawn. Both hand printed and printed
characters may be recognized, but the performance is
directly dependent upon the quality of the input documents.
Progress in OCR has been steady if not spectacular since its
commercial introduction at the Reader's Digest in the mid-
fifties. After specially-designed typefaces, such as OCR-A,
OCR-B, and Farrington 14B came support for elite and pica
(fixed-pitch) typescripts, then "omnifont" typeset text. In the
last decade the acceptance rates of form readers on hand-
printed digits and constrained alphanumeric fields has risen
significantly (form readers usually run at a high reject/error
Fig.1. Components of an OCR System
ratio). Many researchers now view off-line and on-line
cursive writing as the next challenge or turn to multi-lingual
recognition in a variety of scripts. Character classification is A. Optical scanning
also a favourite testing ground for new ideas in pattern Through the scanning process a digital image of the original
recognition, but since most of the resulting experiments are document is captured. In OCR optical scanners are used,
conducted on isolated characters, the results are not which generally consist of a transport mechanism plus a
necessarily immediately relevant to OCR. Perhaps more sensing device that converts light intensity into gray-levels.
striking than the improvement of the scope and accuracy in Printed documents usually consist of black print on a white
classification methods has been the decrease in cost. The background. Hence, when performing OCR, it is common
early OCR devices all required expensive scanners and practice to convert the multilevel image into a bilevel image
special-purpose electronic or optical hardware: the IBM of black and white. Often this process, known as
1975 Optical Page Reader for reading typed earnings reports thresholding, is performed on the scanner to save memory
at the Social Security Administration cost over three million space and computational effort. The thresholding process is
dollars (it displaced several dozen keypunch operators). The important as the results of the following recognition is

All Rights Reserved © 2013 IJARECE
ISSN: 2278 – 909X
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE)
Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2013

totally dependent of the quality of the bilevel image. Still, commercial OCR machines. However, this technique is
the thresholding performed on the scanner is usually very sensitive to noise and style variations and has no way of
simple. A fixed threshold is used, where gray-levels below handling rotated characters.
this threshold is said to be black and levels above are said to
be white. For a high-contrast document with uniform
background, a prechosen fixed threshold can be sufficient.
However, a lot of documents encountered in practice have a
rather large range in contrast.

B. Location and segmentation

Segmentation is the isolation of characters or words. The
majority of optical character recognition algorithms segment
the words into isolated characters which are recognized
individually. Usually this segmentation is performed by
isolating each connected component, that is each connected
black area. This technique is easy to implement, but
problems occur if characters touch or if characters are
fragmented and consist of several parts. The main problems
in segmentation may be divided into four groups:
Extraction of touching and fragmented characters.
Fig.2.(a) Character extraction in form of Matrix
Distinguishing noise from text.
Mistaking graphics or geometry for text.
Mistaking text for graphics or geometry.

C. Preprocessing
The image resulting from the scanning process may contain
a certain amount of noise. The smoothing implies both
filling and thinning. Filling eliminates small breaks, gaps
and holes in the digitized characters, while thinning reduces
the width of the line. The most common techniques for
smoothing, moves a window across the binary image of the
character, applying certain rules to the contents of the
window. The normalization is applied to obtain characters of
uniform size, slant and rotation. To be able to correct for
rotation, the angle of rotation must be found. For rotated
pages and lines of text, variants of Hough transform are
commonly used for detecting skew.

D. Feature Extraction
The techniques for extraction of such features are often Fig.2.(b) Character extraction in form of Matrix
divided into three main groups, where the features are found
• The distribution of points. F. Post Processing
• Transformations and series expansions.
It encompasses grouping, error detection and correction
• Structural analysis.
techniques. The result of plain symbol recognition on a
In MATLAB mat2cell command is used for the extraction of
document, is a set of individual symbols. However, these
image in form of a cell for correlating with the saved
symbols in themselves do usually not contain enough
templates.Fig.2 shows extraction of character in Matrix form.
information. Instead we would like to associate the
individual symbols that belong to the same string with each
E. Template-matching and correlation techniques
other, making up words and numbers. The process of
These techniques are different from the others in that no performing this association of symbols into strings, is
features are actually extracted. Instead the matrix containing commonly referred to as grouping. The grouping of the
the image of the input character is directly matched with a symbols into strings is based on the symbols location in the
set of prototype characters representing each possible class. document. Symbols that are found to be sufficiently close
The distance between the pattern and each prototype is are grouped together Up until the grouping each character
computed, and the class of the prototype giving the best has been treated separately, and the context in which each
match is assigned to the pattern. The technique is simple and character appears has usually not been exploited. However,
easy to implement in hardware and has been used in many in advanced optical text recognition problems, a system

All Rights Reserved © 2013 IJARECE
ISSN: 2278 – 909X
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE)
Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2013

consisting only of single-character recognition will not be rate of 1% means 20 undetected errors per page. In postal
sufficient. Even the best recognition systems will not give applications for mail sorting, where an address contains
100% percent correct identification of all characters, but about 50 characters, an error rate of 1% implies an error on
some of these errors may be detected or even corrected by every other piece of mail.
the use of context.
III. WHY MATLAB? To illustrate the accuracy of proposed English handwritten
MATLAB stands for MATrixLABoratory. Here you play and sample text images OCR algorithm by using MATLAB,
around with matrices. Hence, an image (or any other data performance was measured using the samples. Figure 3 and
like sound, etc.) can be converted to a matrix and then 4 shows the sample document scanned from HP deskjet
various operations can be performed on it to get the desired scanner at 300 dpi. The images were then filtered, binarized,
results and values. Image processing is quite a vast field to clipped and resized. Lines of text were then extracted from
deal with. We can identify colors, intensity, edges, texture or the images. The font size was identified; segmentation was
pattern in an image. In this tutorial, we would be restricting performed on each line to segment characters taking in
ourselves to detecting colours (using RGB values) only. consideration the characteristics of English Verdana fonts
Using MATLAB you can solve technical computing templates. MATLAB (R2012.a/64-bit) is used to implement
problems faster than with traditional programming language, the proposed OCR algorithm. The recognition accuracy was
such as C, C++, JAVA, FORTRAN. There is a wide range 85% to 90% due to improper hand written characters. The
of applications, including signal and image processing, templates of all Characters and numbers are of 24X42 pixels.
image accusation, Neural Network, etc.


No standardized test sets exist for character recognition, and
as the performance of an OCR system is highly dependent
on the quality of the input, this makes it difficult to evaluate
and compare different systems. Still, recognition rates are
Fig.3. Handwritten Sample And its output
often given, and usually presented as the percentage of
characters correctly classified. However, this does not say
anything about the errors committed. Therefore in evaluation
of OCR system, three different performance rates are
• Recognition rate.
The proportion of correctly classified characters.
• Rejection rate.
The proportion of characters which the system were unable
to recognize. Rejected characters can be flagged by the
OCR-system, and are therefore easily retraceable for manual
• Error rate.
The proportion of characters erroneously classified. Fig.4. Text Image Sample And its output
Misclassified characters go by undetected by the system, and
manual inspection of the recognized text is necessaryto
detect and correct these errors. There is usually a tradeoff VI. FUTURE SCOPE
between the different recognition rates. A low error rate may
lead to a higher rejection rate and a lower recognition rate. New methods for character recognition are still expected to
Because of the time required to detect and correct OCR appear, as the computer technology develops and decreasing
errors, the error rate is the most important when evaluating computational restrictions open up for new approaches.
whether an OCR system is cost-effective or not. The There might for instance be a potential in performing
rejection rate is less critical. An example from barcode character recognition directly on grey level images. However,
reading may illustrate this. Here a rejection while reading a the greatest potential seems to lie within the exploitation of
barcoded price tag will only lead to rescanning of the code existing methods, by mixing methodologies and making
or manual entry, while a misdecoded price tag might result more use of context. Integration of segmentation and
in the customer being charged for the wrong amount. In the contextual analysis can improve recognition of joined and
barcode industry the error rates are therefore as low as one in split characters. Also, higher level contextual analysis which
a million labels, while a rejection rate of one in a hundred is look at the semantics of entire sentences may be useful.
acceptable. In view of this, it is apparent that it is not Generally there is a potential in using context to a larger
sufficient to look solely on the recognition rates of a system. extent than what is done today. In addition, combinations of
A correct recognition rate of 99%, might imply an error rate multiple independent feature sets and classifiers, where the
of 1%. In the case of text recognition on a printed page, weakness of one method is compensated by the strength of
which on average contains about 2000 characters, an error

All Rights Reserved © 2013 IJARECE
ISSN: 2278 – 909X
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE)
Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2013

another, may improve the recognition of individual

characters. The frontiers of research within character AUTHORS
recognition have now moved towards the recognition of
cursive script, that is handwritten connected or calligraphic
characters. Promising techniques within this area, deal with
the recognition of entire words instead of individual

Today optical character recognition is most successful for
constrained material, that is documents produced under Sandeep Tiwari is currently pursuing his B.Tech (Final
some control. However, in the future it seems that the need year) in Electronics and Communication from Kanpur
for constrained OCR will be decreasing. The reason for this Institute of Technology (G.B.T.U). His main areas of
is that control of the production process usually means that Interest are MATLAB, Electronic devices, Optical
the document is produced from material already stored on a Communications.
computer. Hence, if a computer readable version is already
available, this means that data may be exchanged
electronically or printed in a more computer readable form,
for instance barcodes. The applications for future OCR-
systems lie in the recognition of documents where control
over the production process is impossible. This may be
material where the recipient is cut off from an electronic
version and has no control of the production process or older
material which at production time could not be generated
electronically. This means that future OCR-systems intended Shivangi Mishra is currently pursuing her B.Tech
for reading printed text must be omnifont. Another important (Final year) in Electronics and Communication from
area for OCR is the recognition of manually produced Kanpur Institute of Technology (G.B.T.U). Her areas
documents. Within postal applications for instance, OCR of interest are wireless Networks, MATLAB.
must focus on reading of addresses on mail produced by
people without access to computer technology. Already, it is
not unusual for companies etc., with access to computer
technology to mark mail with barcodes. The relative
importance of handwritten text recognition is therefore
expected to increase.

It’s a pleasure and a great blessing of GOD for working
on the project named “Optical Character Recognition Using Priyank Bhatia is currently pursuing his B.Tech (Final
MATLAB”. Wherein we gained knowledge by working year) in Electronics and Communication from Kanpur
under the able leadership of our Head of department Mr. Institute of Technology (G.B.T.U). His areas of interest
Vaibhav Purwar who helped and supported us in every are wireless Networks, MATLAB and sensors.
sphere of our project. We all thank our Project in- charge
Mr. Asheesh Gupta who well supported us and provided us
with his precious time and support. It would we gracious to
thank our supervisor Mr. Gaurav Porwal for his valuable
advice and help which he provided us throughout the whole
duration of this project. Besides that we thank whole of the
E.C. department for their appreciation and kind support.

[1] H.S. Baird & R. Fossey.A 100-Font Classifier.Proceedings ICDAR- Praveen Km. yadav is currently pursuing his B.Tech
91, Vol. 1, p. 332-340, 1991. (Final year) in Electronics and Communication from
[2] R. Bradford & T. Nartker.Error Correlation in Contemporary OCR
Systems.Proceedings ICDAR-91, Vol. 2, p. 516-524, 1991.
Kanpur Institute of Technology (G.B.T.U). His areas of
[3] J-P. Caillot.Review of OCR Techniques. NR-note, BILD/08/087. interest are Basic Electronics, MATLAB.
[4] R. G. Casey & K. Y. Wong.Document-Analysis Systems and
Techniques.Image Analysisi Applications, eds: R. Kasturi& M.
Tivedi, p. 1-36.
[5] Product help: http://www.mathworks.com/pl_homepage

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