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Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No.

2, April 2017
st Asia Pacific Journal of
Perspective & Practices of the 21 Century Education, Arts and Sciences
Skills in Inclusive Education Vol. 4 No. 2, 87-94
April 2017
Joel T. Cayabyab (EdD), Myra Catungal, Raquel C. Pambid (Ph.D), P-ISSN 2362-8022
Hilario B. Taborda E-ISSN 2362-8030
Pangasinan State University, Philippines www.apjeas.apjmr.com
[email protected]
Date Received: March 25, 2017; Date Revised: April 29, 2017

Abstract - This study described the perspectives INTRODUCTION

and practices of Inclusive Education (IE) among State In the early 1990s the movement to have
Universities and Colleges. The descriptive method of education for all was launched at the World
research was used in the study. The validated Conference that involved various international
questionnaire was the instrument used to gather data organizations such as UNESCO, UNDP, UNFPA,
from the members of the faculty from the College of UNICEF and the World Bank. The main agenda for
Teacher Education (CTE). this conference was Education for All in the entire
The Inclusive Education (IE are usually early world.
adult female faculty; one to ten years in service, However, inclusive education is currently a
instructors, with Doctor of Education or Philosophy topical subject that is widely discussed and debated
of Education units/degree; have attended seminars upon in the field of education, the Philippines
and are members of at least one to three professional included. It has invariably been referred to as part of
organizations related to Inclusive Education. The the global education for all agenda as a new education
inclusive educators’ teacher preparation and paradigm and as educational reform goal to make our
competence; facilities and learning materials; societies inclusive. The same is accepted in the
teaching-learning strategies, and academic policies Philippines; however the aspect of education for all is
on inclusive education were moderately practiced. not effectively implemented despite having policies
Young instructors had significantly higher extent of and legal framework that advocate education for all.
practiced of Inclusive Education than older teachers. Inclusion according to UNESCO is associated
The 21st Century Skills in IE is fairly practiced along with commitment to the term “Education for all” by
learning and innovative skills; information, media and identifying the requirement and urgency of providing
technology; effective communication and life/career education for all children, youth and adults with
skills. Furthermore, faculty members have high Special Needs Education [1]. The Salamanca in 1994,
perspectives of inclusive education along the 21st stresses in her statement that every child has an
century skills. The teachers in the SUCs encountered ultimate right to have education, and need to be given
serious problems in the practice of Inclusive the chance to attain and maintain satisfactory level of
Education. learning[2]. Every child has unique features, interests,
This study recommends that inclusive educators learning needs and abilities. Education systems should
attend seminars to prepare them to be competent in be designed and programs need to be implemented in
designing facilities and learning materials to support consideration of a wide diversity of these
varied teaching-learning strategies to accommodate characteristics and needs. Those with special
Students with Special Needs. The 21 st century skills educational needs must have access to regular schools
should be highly practiced in the classrooms. And which should accommodate them within child
SUCs allocate more funds to solve serious problems centered pedagogy capable of meeting their needs.
in implementing inclusive education. Regular schools with this inclusive orientation are the
most effective means of fighting against
Keywords: Inclusive Education, Skills, Practices, discriminatory attitudes, creating good welcoming
Perspectives, Student with Special Needs communities, building an inclusive culture and
achieving education for all; moreover, they provide an
effective education to the majority of children and
improve the efficiency and ultimately the cost-
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
effectiveness of the entire education system. commitment on the part of the teachers,
Furthermore, UNESCO (2009) defines inclusion as, a administration, and parents. Teachers are faced with
process of addressing and responding to the diversity the everyday challenges of having to teach to several
of needs of all children, youth and adults through different learning styles. The lack of additional
increasing participation in learning, cultures and support staff and resources in the classroom make it
communities, and reducing and eliminating exclusion difficult to ensure that each child's individual needs
within and from education [3]. It involves changes and are being met. Administration plays a critical role
modifications in content, approaches, structures and when it comes to implementing inclusion into their
strategies, with a common vision that covers all schools. For parents, inclusion can be a cause for
children of the appropriate age and a conviction that it concern because it has an effect on their child's
is the responsibility of the regular system to educate education. Parents of children with disabilities want to
all children”. Therefore, inclusive education has the ensure that their child's needs are being met by the
foundation in education for all for an intention that all general education teacher, and parents of children
the children must attend school regardless of their without disabilities are concerned with the fact that
disabilities. their child's education may be suffering because they
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA, are being educated in an inclusive setting [10].
1990), in particular allowed millions of special In consonance with this, Ali et al. [11] advocated
education students across the country access into this kind of education allows the inclusion with
regular classrooms for either a part of the day or the regular children and children with special needs by
entire school day. The IDEA mandated that, to the placing them together in mainstream classes, to be
maximum degree appropriate, children with taught and instructed by mainstream teachers [11].
disabilities are to be educated alongside their typically Students with disabilities are able to fit into an
developing peers, unless education in the general inclusive programmed because they usually receive
education classes with the use of supplementary aids some individual support from class teachers to help
and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. The them complete the required tasks [12]. Academic
Act also stipulated that children with disabilities, to success depends on how much a student learns from
the maximum extent possible, participate with teachers, whether they have disabilities or not [13].
children without disabilities in non-academic and Teachers play a vital role in the learning process of
extracurricular activities [4]. students because they are the ones imparting the
More recently, the No Child Left Behind Act of knowledge. Successful and effective implementation
2002 established provisions for all students including of inclusive education depends upon teachers having
subgroups of students identified in terms of their adequate knowledge of it through training as well as
disability, socio-economic status, language, race, and positive attitudes towards it [14].
ethnicity [5]. Specifically, all students are required to Inclusive education is a developmental approach
take high-stakes assessment aligned with state wide seeking to address the learning needs of all children,
learning strategies [6]. In such a manner, districts will youth and adults with a specific focus on those who
demonstrate that they are making adequate yearly are vulnerable to marginalization and exclusion. An
progress for all students. No longer are districts increasing number of publications, policy papers,
allowed to exempt special education from taking workshops etc. have supported the ideology of
standardized assessments. inclusion. Some organizations and people, however,
Philosophies involving inclusive education have doubt whether the ordinary classroom can provide
changed dramatically over the past two decades [7]. quality education for disabled children. This debate
Special education needs is described to include the has been on, ever since people began to voice their
view that learning and behavior problems are the reservation against old segregated institutions and in
reciprocal product of individual and environmental turn raised their concern for equality of disabled
interaction [8]. Inclusive education should not just be children. These concerns must be taken seriously and
about addressing a marginal part of the education dispelled by showing examples of positive
system, it should rather constitute a framework that all experiences, of some schools which clearly
educational change and development systems should demonstrate that inclusive education most definitely
follow [9]. addresses quality issues in education.
The implementation of inclusion into classrooms It is in this premise that this study would like to
today requires a lot of skills, time, energy, and investigate the status of the present concepts, feelings,
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
ideas of teachers experiencing inclusive education in on the 21st Century Skills in SUCs of Region I along
the University level in Region 1 at the same time inclusive education.
present the probability of advancement for the future. The questionnaire was subjected to content
This study determined the profile of the faculty validity. Five faculty members competent in test
members and the perspective of the faculty members construction and SWSN were tapped for the content
on inclusive education along the 21st century skills. validation of the questionnaire. The result of the
content validity revealed that the questionnaire was
METHODOLOGY highly valid with a rating of 4.16. Similarly, the
The researchers of the study will utilize the questionnaire was subjected to reliability test using
descriptive research approach to address the problem. Cronbach’s alpha test. Questionnaire on determining
The descriptive research also known as statistical 21st century skills along inclusive education was
research describes data and characteristics about the (.945). This implies that the questionnaire form a scale
population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive that has reasonable internal consistency on reliability.
research answer the questions who, what, when, To attend the objectives of this study, the data was
where, and how. It also describes and interprets what tallied and classified to facilitate analysis and
is and reveals conditions and relationships that exist interpretation. The profile of the respondents
and do not exist. It is a fact finding study that allows examined using frequency count and percentage
the researchers to examine the characteristics distribution. The perspective of the faculty members
behaviours of experiences of participants [15]. on the 21st century skills along inclusive education
The respondents of the study were faculty members were analyzed using Average Weighted Mean.
in the State Universities and Colleges (SUC) of
Region I in the College of Teacher Education such as RESULT AND DISCUSSION
CTE, and MMSU Laoag CTE for the school year Table 1: Profile of the Administrators and Faculty
2014-2016. Members
The numbers of respondents determine using using Profile Variables f %
Purposive sampling. Subjects were viewed as “typical Sex Male 72 39.8
cases” as inclusive education that provided enough Female 109 60.2
data to answer the research question [16]. Age 21 – 30 years old 55 30.4
Respondents only included Region 1 SUCs, TEI, 31 – 40 41 22.7
Professional Education and General Education, 41 – 50 19 10.5
Teachers and Administrators. 51 – 60 45 24.9
61 and above 21 11.6
The sample size of the study is 181 faculty
Years in 1 month – 5 years 70 38.7
members out of 329 who were included in the study
Service 6 – 10 74 40.9
and this was equivalent to 55% of the total population. 11 – 15 37 20.4
The number of respondents to be considered in each Academic Rank Instructor 72 39.8
SUCs was determined through proportional allocation Assistant Professor 42 23.2
to the number of administrators and faculty members Associate Professor 43 23.8
to each SUC compared to the whole population in the Professor 24 13.3
four SUCs of Region I, Philippines Highest Educational BS/AB 17 9.4
The inclusive education instrument was a Attainment MS/MA Units 29 16.0
researcher made with reference to Evangeline Kern of MS/MA Holder 33 18.2
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine [17]. It Ed.D/Ph.D Units 40 22.1
was used to determine the perspective of inclusive Ed.D/Ph.D Holder 62 34.3
education among SUCs in Region 1, Philippines.
The questionnaire for teachers and administrators The profile of the faculty members was shown in
consisted of two parts. Part I elicited responses on Table 1. The table shows that 109 (60%) of the
personal attributes, (sex and age) and professional respondents are female and 72 (39.8%) are male. Fifty
attributes (academic rank, educational attainment, five or 30 percent of the respondents are along the age
seminars attended, years in service and membership in bracket of 21 to 30 years old the early adult with 41 or
professional organization). Part II elicited responses 22.7 percent are between the age range of 31 to 40
years old, the young adult and 45 (25%) of the
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
respondents and are between the age group of 51 to 60 It also suggests that since they are still in the early
years old the Middle adult. adult and are still in their career entry phase and
This suggests that in the College of Teacher stabilization phase of teaching their academic rank is
Education female teachers dominate the faculty who usually an instructor 72 (40%), very few are
are mostly in their early adult stage. It could also be professors compared to the number of instructors. In
noted that the ages of the faculty members are in their the CTEs findings suggest there are few mellowed
early adult (21 to 30 years old) or middle adult (51 to professors who handle inclusive education.
60 years old). The results in table 2 show that 62 (34.3%)
There are 74 teachers (40.9%) who are in their six respondents are Ed.D/Ph.D degree holder and 40
to ten years in service and 70 of them (39.8%) are in (22.1%) respondents have earned units in Doctorate
their one month to five years. According to Pambid degree. Previous data results showed that the CTE
[18] there are six stages of teaching career. The faculty members are young, early adult, and with a
teachers who are in their six to ten years in service are rank equal to instructor. However, their highest
classified in Stabilization Phase while teacher in educational attainment is in the Doctorate level. It is
their one month to five years in service are classified noted that the young teachers focused and enhanced
as novice teachers or in Career Entry Phase [18], their preparation and competence for diversity and
[19], [20]. inclusive education by studying and attending to
The inclusive education teachers can be regular graduate school to learn pedagogy for
categorized in Stabilization and Career Entry Phases. inclusive education, rather than attend to
The teachers in the career entry phase are in a period seminars/trainings. In addition to this, according to the
of discovery and sensitivity to the classroom situation International Seminar on Teacher Education for
particularly on the diversity of students’ culture. It is Diversity (2010), professional advancement in
marked with difficulty of combining instruction, inclusive education and diversity is dependent on
classroom management and confusion. The published researches. It was also found out that
stabilization phase is characterized by inclusive Teacher educators are not prepared to teach teachers
education teachers’ varied researches, readings and how to cope with the challenges characterized by
studies. The long phase of stabilization signifies modern inclusive education classroom instead
teachers’ amplified knowledge teaching and research and data collection are necessary.
confidence in handling classes [18]. The perspectives of Inclusive Education along 21st
Table 2 also shows that 72 (39.8%) are still century skills can be described into extent of practices.
instructors, 24 (13.3%) are professors, 42 (23.2%) are Table 2 presents extent of practice of the 21 st century
assistant professors and 43 (23.4%). The data entails skills in Inclusive Education along learning and
that the teachers have slow promotion to higher ranks. innovative skills.

Table 2. Extent of Practice of the 21st Century Skills in Inclusive Education along Learning and Innovative
A. Learning and Innovative Skills WM VI
1. Generate students’ own ideas about how to confront a problem or
3.75 Practiced
2. Use idea creation techniques such as brainstorming and inquiry approach 3.74 Practiced
3. Ask students to compare information from different sources before
3.65 Practiced
completing a task or assignment.
4. Ask students to draw their own conclusions based on analysis of numbers,
3.60 Practiced
facts, or relevant information.
5. Test out different ideas to improve a task. 3.57 Practiced
6. Develop students’ self-direction skills. 3.51 Practiced
7. Teach creativity and innovation skills through project-based activities. 3.46 Moderately Practiced
8. Assess students’ critical thinking, creativity and innovative skills. 3.42 Moderately Practiced
9. Ask students to invent/ formulate solutions to a complex, open-ended
3.15 Moderately Practiced
question or problem.
10. Create an original product or performance to express the student’s ideas. 3.08 Moderately Practiced
Composite Mean 3.49 Moderately Practiced
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017

The respondents’ extent of practice of the 21 st the respondents rated lowest on the creation of
century skills in Inclusive Education along learning original product. This suggests that the respondents
and innovative policies skills states that out of ten 21st seldom require Student with Special Needs creation of
century skills, five are “practiced” and five are original products due to their physical or mental
“moderately practiced”. difficulties/incapacity.
The members of the faculty “practiced” use of The respondents’ extent of practice of the 21st
idea creation techniques (3.74); generation of century skills in Inclusive Education along
students’ own ideas about how to confront a problem information, media and technology skills is shown in
or question (3.75); testing different ideas to improve a Table 3.
task (3.57); comparison of information from different The data indicates that the respondents
sources before completing a task or assignment (3.65); “moderately practiced” all 21st century skills in
asking students to draw their own conclusions based Inclusive Education along information, media and
on analysis of numbers, facts, or relevant information technology skills.
(3.60). However, the respondents “moderately In particular respondents use of technology for
practiced” the following 21st century skills on: asking students’ self-instruction (3.39); teaching students to
students to invent/formulate solutions to complex, understand human, cultural and societal issues (3.50);
open ended question or problem (3.15); creating evaluating the credibility and relevance of online
original products or performance to express the resources (3.08); the use of technology to analyze
students’ ideas (3.08); teaching creativity and information (3.18); sharing of information (3.18);
innovative skills through project-based activities supporting students’ team work and collaboration
(3.46); and assessing students’ critical thinking, (3.15); interacting directly with experts in the
creativity and innovative skills (3.42). community (3.01);giving immersion activities for
In its totality the members of the faculty extent of Student with Special Needs to understand life (2.81);
practice of 21st century skills along learning and discussing issues related to environment and economy
innovative skills is “moderately practiced” with an (3.04) and assessing students skills in making global
overall rating of 3.49. It can be noted in Table 15 that connections (3.33).

Table 3. Extent of Practice of the 21st Century Skills in Inclusive Education along Information, Media and
Technology Skills
B. Information, Media and Technology Skills WM Descriptive Rating
1. Teach students to understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to
3.50 Moderately Practiced
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
2. Use technology or the Internet for students’ self-instruction 3.39 Moderately Practiced
3. Assess students’ skills in making global connections. 3.33 Moderately Practiced
4. Use technology to analyze information (e.g., databases, spreadsheets, graphic
3.18 Moderately Practiced
programs, etc.).
5. Use technology to help students share information (e.g. multimedia presentations
3.18 Moderately Practiced
using sound or video, presentation software, blogs, podcasts, etc.).
6. Use technology to support students’ team work or collaboration (e.g., shared work
3.15 Moderately Practiced
spaces, email exchanges, giving and receiving feedback, etc.).
7. Evaluate the credibility and relevance of online resources used by the students
3.08 Moderately Practiced
with special needs.
8. Discuss issues related to global interdependency (for example, global environment
3.04 Moderately Practiced
trends, global market economy).
9. Ask students to use technology to interact directly with experts or members of
3.01 Moderately Practiced
local/global communities.
10. Give immersion activities for students with special needs to understand life
2.81 Moderately Practiced
experiences of people in cultures besides their own.
Composite Mean 3.17 Moderately Practiced

P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
As a whole the respondents’ extent of practice of will present their work or demonstrate their learning
the 21st century skills in Inclusive Education along (2.93).
information, media and technology skills is The extent of practice of the respondents along the
“moderately practiced” with weighted mean of 3.17. 21st century skills in Inclusive Education along
This implies that the use of electronic information, effective communication skills is fairly practiced and
media and technology skill is not extensively used in rated 3.47. This suggests that the members of the
teaching and learning process for Student With faculty “moderately practiced” effective
Special Needs. communication skills in implementing inclusive
Extent of practice of 21st century skills in IE along education. It means that the communication skills in
effective communication skills in the CTEs was rated Inclusive Education could also vary according to the
by the members of the faculty. Table 17 reveals that different needs of the student.
the respondents “practiced” the following: asking Table 5 shows the extent of the 21st century skills
questions in front of an audience and asking students inclusive education along life and career skills. The
to prepare and deliver an oral presentation (4.06); respondents “practiced” the following life and career
asking students to present their group work to the skills that dealt with the following: asking students to
class (3.52); allow students to work with other investigate topics or issues that are relevant to their
students to set goals and create a plan for their team family needs ( 3.73); to apply what they are learning
(3.75) and assess students’ communication skills (3.79); engage in problem based learning (3.61.
through varied media (3.46). It is also noted that the Monitoring students’ achievement (3.56); talking to
respondents “moderately practiced” , asking students the community about a class activity (3.29); analyzing
to give feedback to peers or assess other students’ and viewing issues of IE (3.16); responding to
work to support individual learning and contribute to questions about concerns of different communities
the learning of others (3..38); the use of digital media (3.35); ask students to engage in community relations
environment to communicate and work (3.24); and ask students to apply instructional
collaboratively (3.19); asking students to convey their strategies to reflect sensitivity to multi-cultural issues
ideas using media other than written paper (3.15); and (3.49); are “moderately practiced” by the respondents.
asking students to structure data for use in written In its overview Life and career skills are
products or oral presentations (3.22); and allow “moderately practiced” (3.46) which indicates that the
Students With Special Needs to decide on how they respondents are not fully preparing the CTE students
on the applications of the lessons to life and careers.

Table 4. Extent of Practice of the 21 st Century Skills in Inclusive Education along Effective Communication
C. Effective Communication Skills WM VI
1. Ask students to answer questions in front of an audience. 4.06 Practiced
2. Ask students to prepare and deliver an oral presentation to the teacher
4.06 Practiced
or others.
3. Allow students to work with other students to set goals and create a
3.75 Practiced
plan for their team.
4. Ask students to present their group work to the class, teacher or
3.52 Practiced
5. Assess students’ communication skills through varied media. 3.46 Moderately Practiced
6. Ask students to give feedback to peers or assess other students’ work
3.38 Moderately Practiced
to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
7. Ask students to structure data for use in written products or oral
3.22 Moderately Practiced
presentations (e.g., creating charts, tables or graphs).
8. Allow students to use digital media and environments to
3.19 Moderately Practiced
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance.
9. Ask students to convey their ideas using media other than a written
3.15 Moderately Practiced
paper (e.g., posters, video, blogs, etc.).
10. Allow students with special needs to decide on how they will present
2.93 Moderately Practiced
their work or demonstrate their learning.
Composite Mean 3.47 Moderately Practiced
P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 2, April 2017
Table 5. Extent of Practice of the 21st Century Skills in Inclusive Education along Life and Career Skills
D. Life and Career Skills WM VI
1. Ask students to apply what they are learning to local situations, issues or problems. 3.79 Practiced
2. Ask students to investigate topics or issues that are relevant to their family and
3.73 Practiced
community needs.
3. Ask students to engage on problem-based learning and apply this to real life
3.61 Practiced
4. Monitor and evaluate students’ achievement based on objectives and expected
3.56 Moderately Practiced
5. Ask students to apply instructional strategies that reflect sensitivity to multicultural
3.49 Moderately Practiced
issues and students’ special needs.
6. Ask students to respond to a question or task in a way that weighs the concerns of Moderately Practiced
different community members or groups on Inclusive Education
7. Provide activities for diverse students to adapt easily to changes. 3.34 Moderately Practiced
8. Allow students to talk to one or more members of the community about a class
3.29 Moderately Practiced
project or activity.
9. Ask students to engage in effective community relations and school-business
3.24 Moderately Practiced
10. Ask students to analyze how different stakeholders view an issue of Inclusive
3.16 Moderately Practiced
Composite Mean 3.46 Moderately Practiced


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P-ISSN 2362-8022 | E-ISSN 2362-8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com

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