CRISC Job Practice Areas 2015

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4/26/2019 Job Practice Areas 2015

CRISC Certification Job Practice – Effective 2015

A CRISC job practice analysis has been completed, resulting in a new CRISC job practice which reflects the vital and evolving
responsibilities of IT risk and IS control practitioners. A job practice serves as the basis for the exam and the requirements to earn the
certification. This new job practice consists of task and knowledge statements representing the work performed in IT risk identification,
assessment, response, mitigation and monitoring. These statements and domains are the result of extensive research, feedback, and
validation from IT risk and control subject matter experts and prominent industry leaders from around the globe.

The below job practice is organized by domains that will be tested for the first time on the June 2015 CRISC exam. The major change to
the CRISC job practice is the combining of IT risk and control tasks within the domains which resulted in a decrease from five (5) to four
(4) domains. Starting in June 2015, the CRISC exam will contain 150 questions testing the new job practice.

The job practice domains and task and knowledge statements are as follows:

Domain 1—IT Risk Identification (27%)

Domain 2—IT Risk Assessment (28%)
Domain 3—Risk Response and Mitigation (23%)
Domain 4—Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting (22%)

Domain 1—IT Risk Identification

Identify the universe of IT risk to contribute to the execution of the IT risk management strategy in support of business objectives and in
alignment with the enterprise risk management (ERM) strategy.

1.1 Collect and review information, including existing documentation, regarding the
organization’s internal and external business and IT environments to identify
potential or realized impacts of IT risk to the organization’s business objectives and
1.2 Identify potential threats and vulnerabilities to the organization’s people, processes
and technology to enable IT risk analysis.
1.3 Develop a comprehensive set of IT risk scenarios based on available information to
determine the potential impact to business objectives and operations.
1.4 Identify key stakeholders for IT risk scenarios to help establish accountability.
1.5 Establish an IT risk register to help ensure that identified IT risk scenarios are
accounted for and incorporated into the enterprise-wide risk profile. 1/4
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1.6 Identify risk appetite and tolerance defined by senior leadership and key
stakeholders to ensure alignment with business objectives.
1.7 Collaborate in the development of a risk awareness program, and conduct training to
ensure that stakeholders understand risk and to promote a risk-aware culture.

Domain 2—IT Risk Assessment

Analyze and evaluate IT risk to determine the likelihood and impact on business objectives to enable risk-based decision making.

2.1 Analyze risk scenarios based on organizational criteria (e.g., organizational

structure, policies, standards, technology, architecture, controls) to determine the
likelihood and impact of an identified risk.
2.2 Identify the current state of existing controls and evaluate their effectiveness for IT
risk mitigation.
2.3 Review the results of risk and control analysis to assess any gaps between current
and desired states of the IT risk environment.
2.4 Ensure that risk ownership is assigned at the appropriate level to establish clear
lines of accountability.
2.5 Communicate the results of risk assessments to senior management and
appropriate stakeholders to enable risk-based decision making.
2.6 Update the risk register with the results of the risk assessment.

Domain 3—Risk Response and Mitigation

Determine risk response options and evaluate their efficiency and effectiveness to manage risk in alignment with business objectives.

3.1 Consult with risk owners to select and align recommended risk responses with
business objectives and enable informed risk decisions.
3.2 Consult with, or assist, risk owners on the development of risk action plans to ensure
that plans include key elements (e.g., response, cost, target date).
3.3 Consult on the design and implementation or adjustment of mitigating controls to
ensure that the risk is managed to an acceptable level.
3.4 Ensure that control ownership is assigned to establish clear lines of accountability.
3.5 Assist control owners in developing control procedures and documentation to enable
efficient and effective control execution.
3.6 Update the risk register to reflect changes in risk and management’s risk response.
3.7 Validate that risk responses have been executed according to the risk action plans.

Domain 4—Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting

Continuously monitor and report on IT risk and controls to relevant stakeholders to ensure the continued efficiency and effectiveness of
the IT risk management strategy and its alignment to business objectives.

4.1 Define and establish key risk indicators (KRIs) and thresholds based on available
data, to enable monitoring of changes in risk.
4.2 Monitor and analyze key risk indicators (KRIs) to identify changes or trends in the IT
risk profile.
4.3 Report on changes or trends related to the IT risk profile to assist management and
relevant stakeholders in decision making.
4.4 Facilitate the identification of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to
enable the measurement of control performance. 2/4
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4.5 Monitor and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) to identify changes or trends
related to the control environment and determine the efficiency and effectiveness of
4.6 Review the results of control assessments to determine the effectiveness of the
control environment.
4.7 Report on the performance of, changes to, or trends in the overall risk profile and
control environment to relevant stakeholders to enable decision making.

CRISC Knowledge Statements

Knowledge of:
1. laws, regulations, standards and compliance requirements
2. industry trends and emerging technologies
3. enterprise systems architecture (e.g., platforms, networks, applications, databases and operating systems)
4. business goals and objectives
5. contractual requirements with customers and third-party service providers
6. threats and vulnerabilities related to:
6.1. business processes and initiatives
6.2. third-party management
6.3. data management
6.4. hardware, software and appliances
6.5. the system development life cycle (SDLC)
6.6. project and program management
6.7. business continuity and disaster recovery management (DRM)
6.8. management of IT operations
6.9. emerging technologies
7. methods to identify risk
8. risk scenario development tools and techniques
9. risk identification and classification standards, and frameworks
10. risk events/incident concepts (e.g., contributing conditions, lessons learned, loss result)
11. elements of a risk register
12. risk appetite and tolerance
13. risk analysis methodologies (quantitative and qualitative)
14. organizational structures
15. organizational culture, ethics and behavior
16. organizational assets (e.g., people, technology, data, trademarks, intellectual property) and business processes, including
enterprise risk management (ERM)
17. organizational policies and standards
18. business process review tools and techniques
19. analysis techniques (e.g., root cause, gap, cost-benefit, return on investment [ROI])
20. capability assessment models and improvement techniques and strategies
21. data analysis, validation and aggregation techniques (e.g., trend analysis, modeling)
22. data collection and extraction tools and techniques
23. principles of risk and control ownership
24. characteristics of inherent and residual risk
25. exception management practices
26. risk assessment standards, frameworks and techniques
27. risk response options (i.e., accept, mitigate, avoid, transfer) and criteria for selection
28. information security concepts and principles, including confidentiality, integrity and availability of information
29. systems control design and implementation, including testing methodologies and practices
30. the impact of emerging technologies on design and implementation of controls
31. requirements, principles, and practices for educating and training on risk and control activities
32. key risk indicators (KRIs)
33. risk monitoring standards and frameworks
34. risk monitoring tools and techniques
35. risk reporting tools and techniques
36. IT risk management best practices
37. key performance indicator (KPIs)
38. control types, standards, and frameworks
39. control monitoring and reporting tools and techniques
40. control assessment types (e.g., self-assessments, audits, vulnerability assessments, penetration tests, third-party assurance)
41. control activities, objectives, practices and metrics related to:
41.1. business processes
41.2. information security, including technology certification and accreditation practices
41.3. third-party management, including service delivery 3/4
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41.4. data management
41.5. the system development life cycle (SDLC)
41.6. project and program management
41.7. business continuity and disaster recovery management (DRM)
41.8. IT operations management
41.9. the information systems architecture (e.g., platforms, networks, applications, databases and operating systems) 4/4

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