Lab Innovation Project DC DC

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Power electronics
On the topic “DC – DC BOOST CONVERTER”


Roll No: 46113304916

Roll No: 40113307817

Under the Guidance of



Affiliated to
Sector - 16C Dwarka, Delhi - 110075, India

This is to certify that this Lab Innovation Report of POWER ELECTRONICS on the topic

DC-DC BOOST CONVERTER, is a bonafide record of independent project done by

AYUSH MITTAL (46113304916) under my supervision, Mr. VIKASH MALIK and

submitted to HMR Institute of Technology & Management, Hamidpur (New Delhi) in

Semester – V (session 2018-19).

Signature of the Supervisor


This is to certify that this Lab Innovation Report of POWER ELECTRONICS on the topic

DC-DC BOOST CONVERTER, is a bonafide record of independent project done by

MOHD AKIF (40113307817) under my supervision, Mr. VIKASH MALIK and submitted

to HMR Institute of Technology & Management, Hamidpur (New Delhi) in Semester – V

(session 2018-19).

Signature of the Supervisor


To make/construct an economical & High Voltage

DC-DC BOOST (Step-Up) Converter using

minimum number of components.

1.What is a BOOST Converter?

BOOST Converter is the defined terminology for DC to DC Step Up Converter

(or stepping up DC voltage).

It steps up voltage (while stepping down current) from its input (supply) to its

output (load). It is a class of switched-mode power supply (SMPS) containing at

least two semiconductors (a diode, a transistor, a MOSFET, etc.) and at least

one energy storage element: a capacitor, inductor, or the two in combination.

To reduce voltage ripple, filters made of capacitors (sometimes in combination

with inductors) are normally added to such a converter's output (load-side filter)

and input (supply-side filter).

Fig.1 Basic Schematic Circuit for Boost Converter

Power for the boost converter can come from any suitable DC sources, such as

batteries, solar panels, rectifiers and DC generators. A process that changes one

DC voltage to a different DC voltage is called DC to DC conversion. A boost

converter is a DC to DC converter with an output voltage greater than the

source voltage.
A boost converter is sometimes called a step-up converter since it "steps up" the

source voltage. Since power, {P=V X I} must be conserved, the output current

is lower than the source current.

Brief History about DC-DC Boost Converter

For high efficiency, the SMPS switch must turn on and off quickly and have low

losses. The advent of a commercial semiconductor switch in the 1950s

represented a major milestone that made SMPSs such as the boost converter

possible. The major DC to DC converters were developed in the early 1960s

when semiconductor switches had become available. The aerospace industry’s

need for small, lightweight, and efficient power converters led to the converter’s

rapid development.

Switched systems such as SMPS are a challenge to design since their models

depend on whether a switch is opened or closed. R. D.

Middlebrook from Caltech in 1977 published the models for DC to DC

converters used today. Middlebrook averaged the circuit configurations for each

switch state in a technique called state-space averaging. This simplification

reduced two systems into one. The new model led to insightful design equations

which helped the growth of SMPS.

2. Operation of the Boost Converter

The key principle that drives the boost converter is the tendency of

an inductor to resist changes in current by creating and destroying a magnetic

field. In a boost converter, the output voltage is always higher than the input

voltage. A schematic of a boost power stage is shown in Figure 2.

Fig.2 Basic Working Circuit for Boost Converter

(a) When the switch is closed, current flows through the inductor in clockwise

direction and the inductor stores some energy by generating a magnetic field.

Polarity of the left side of the inductor is positive.

(b) When the switch is opened, current will be reduced as the impedance is

higher. The magnetic field previously created will be destroyed to maintain the

current towards the load. Thus the polarity will be reversed (means left side of

inductor will be negative now). As a result, two sources will be in series causing

a higher voltage to charge the capacitor through the diode D. If the switch is

cycled fast enough, the inductor will not discharge fully in between charging

stages, and the load will always see a voltage greater than that of the input
source alone when the switch is opened. Also while the switch is opened, the

capacitor in parallel with the load is charged to this combined voltage. When

the switch is then closed and the right hand side is shorted out from the left

hand side, the capacitor is therefore able to provide the voltage and energy to

the load. During this time, the blocking diode prevents the capacitor from

discharging through the switch. The switch must of course be opened again fast

enough to prevent the capacitor from discharging too much.

2.1 Two states of the BOOST Converter

The basic principle of a Boost converter consists of 2 distinct states (see figure

3 & 4):

Fig.3 Switch S is closed for Boost Converter

Fig.4 Switch S is Open for Boost Converter

 in the On-state, the switch S (see figure 3) is closed, resulting in an

increase in the inductor current;

 in the Off-state, the switch is open and the only path offered to inductor

current is through the flyback diode D, the capacitor C and the load R.

This results in transferring the energy accumulated during the On-state

into the capacitor.

 The input current is the same as the inductor current as can be seen in

figure 4.

Fig.5 Waveforms of current & voltage in a Boost converter operating in continuous mode
3. Practical Circuit and Working
of BOOST Converter
The circuit diagram of the high-voltage generator is shown in Fig. 6. It is built

around NE555 timer (IC1), STP55NF06 MOSFET (IRF1), diode UF4001 and a few

other components.

( Note : Values of resistor R4 and Zener diode ZD1 are based on the voltage and current required for

your application.)

Fig.6 Practical Circuit for DC-DC Boost converter

NE555 timer is configured as an astable multivibrator oscillator, which

oscillates at a frequency (around 68kHz) determined by the values of resistors

R1, R2 and capacitor C1. Its output directly drives a MOSFET (IRF1) that

switches the current through a 10µH/200mA inductor (L1).

Fast recovery diode D1 and high-voltage capacitor C4 together provide an

efficient output rectifier and filter circuit, while R3 and C3 forms a snubber

network for IRF1.

Place the components in appropriate places on the PCB. Connect a 5V DC source

to input CON1. Check the output voltage available at output connector CON2

using a multimeter, it could be anywhere between 30V DC and 90V DC. You

may trim it for real-world applications by adding a simple Zener - diode based

shunt regulator circuitry, as indicated within dotted lines in the circuit diagram.

Note that, final output voltage varies with a connected load, but it should not

swing by more than a few volts for a load up to 10mA.

Fig.7 Bread Board Mount of the Components as per fig. 6

Fig.8 PCB Mount as per fig. 6

Fig.9 Switching Characteristics of the STP55NF06 MOSFT

4.Result and Conclusion

Using IC NE555 Timer and STP55NF06 MOSFET, we have projected a

DC-DC Boost Converter, which is capable of Boosting 5-6 Volt of DC

input supply to 40 – 80 Volt of DC output supply. The High voltage

generated can be used to run any of the DC device such as – Neon Lamp, DC

motor, etc. In our project we have successfully stepped up the 6 (approx.)

Volt of DC Input into 73 Volt (approx.) of DC output.

Fig.10 INPUT & OUTPUT DC Voltage measuring using multimeter

Assume that raw output voltage across CON2 is 50V (Vin), and what you are

looking for is 1mA (Ireqd) at 27V (Vreqd). For this, use a Zener diode (ZD1)

rated at 27V, and calculate the value of series/ballast resistor R4 using the

formula given below:

R4 = (Vin-Vreqd)/Ireqd = (50V-27V)/1mA

Note: Values of R4 and ZD1 are based on your requirement.

This is a basic design idea for electronics hobbyists. You can modify the

circuit by changing the operating frequency of NE555 IC, and/or altering

component values like inductor, MOSFET, rectifier and filter capacitor, to

get desired results.

The circuit diagram projected is economical & compact Boost Converter

(DC – DC Step Up) and is ready for practical usage for producing

40-80 Volts of DC supply from constant 5-6 Volt supply.

Important Note/Precaution regarding practically performing of the

project: This circuit may not be as dangerous as AC mains power, but it can still
shock you depending on your body resistance. So, take necessary precautions while
working on this circuit.
5. References

 Power Electronics – MD Singh, K.B. Khanchandani (Book)

 Power Electronics – Dr. P.S. Bimbhra (Book)




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