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Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)

Jerrod “Savage Daddy” Gunning


David Scott, Dustin Smith and Jeff Friedman

Ashley Hamblin

Karl Keesler

Karl Keesler


Mable Friedman

Daniel Ansell, Keith Bailey, Patrick Blitsch, Jeff Friedman,
Mable Friedman, Chris Fuchs, Greyson Gygax, Alex Johnson,
Brian Kelsay, Steve Kyer, Carrie McIntosh, Lloyd McVey II,
Wes Murphy, Nathan Panke, Oliver Queen, Ruben Rivera Jr,
John W. Robot, David Scott, Dustin Smith, Ronnie Walton

Dead End, artwork, logos, and the Atomic Ninja logo are © 2019 Atomic Ninja Studios. Dead End, all associated characters,
logos, and artwork are Copyrights of Atomic Ninja Studios. All rights reserved.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at
Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission.
Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)
What is Dead End?���������������������������������3
New Hindrances............................................................... 3
New Edges.......................................................................... 3

The Dead����������������������������������������������������4
Damaging the Dead......................................................... 4

Setting Rules������������������������������������������5
Errand of Mercy������������������������������������7
Part One: The Road Ahead...............................................7
Part Two: Ray of Hope..................................................... 8
Part Three: Errand of Mercy........................................... 8
Aftermath........................................................................... 9
Personalities....................................................................... 9
Pregenerated Survivors................................................. 10
The Alpha......................................................................... 10
The Diplomat................................................................... 10
The Jester...........................................................................11
The Hunter........................................................................11
The Sneak......................................................................... 12
The Tinkerer.................................................................... 12

Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)
Dead End is a gritty survival horror set during a zombie
apocalypse. It showcases themes like eroding humanity,
psychological instability and the harsh demands of
survival while reinforcing the grim and often savage
consequences for those who resort to violence.
Guilty Conscience (Minor or Major)
The hero suffers from deep guilt over some past action,
The living dead in this setting are the mindless,
or failure to act. At the beginning of each session he must
shambling, flesh-eaters featured in Robert Kirkman’s
make a Spirit roll at a –2 or start with one less Benny. As
The Walking Dead and George A. Romero’s Night of
a Major Hindrance, the penalty increases to –4 and he
the Living Dead film series. They are little more than
starts with two less Bennies on a Critical Failure.
a minor hazard. In a post-apocalyptic world of rapidly
declining resources, humanity is the real threat.
Savage Worlds and Dead End are a good example Pollyanna (Minor)
of how effective use of Setting Rules and a handful Your survivor is a persistently cheerful and irrepressible
of Hindrances and Edges can reinforce the dark and optimist with a tendency to find the good in everything.
gritty nature of the survival horror genre. That said, She believes in the innate goodness of people and
this is a brutal and punishing setting even for a zombie takes them at their word. Even when they prove
apocalypse. they cannot be trusted, she is eager to give them
This book will give you a preview of the horror that another chance.
awaits you in the full release version of Dead End. It
is about ordinary people dealing with extraordinary
circumstance. How long can you survive? How far
are you prepared to go? Can you live with the fallout
of those decisions? Are you ready to embrace the
The following Edges from Savage Worlds are not
apocalypse? Jump in… the water is fine.
appropriate for use in this setting: All Arcane
Backgrounds (and Edges that require them), Berserk,
Connections, Healer, Rich\Filthy Rich.

Medic (Professional)
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+, Healing d8+,
Knowledge (Medicine) d6+
Medics are first responders trained in triage
medicine. Add +2 to Healing checks to stabilize any
patients that are Bleeding Out or support rolls to revive
an Incapacitated survivor. If the survivor can reach
a patient before the end of the round in which they
suffered a wound, he may make a Healing check lasting
1d4 rounds instead of 10 minutes per wound.

Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)

DAMAGING THE DEAD Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d(z), Spirit d4, Strength
d6, Vigor d4
The dead possess a certain invulnerability. Any attack Skills: None
can cause them to become Shaken, but they only suffer Pace: 4; Parry: 0; Toughness: 6
Wounds to the head. Dismemberment from Called Special Abilities:
Shots to limbs that result in at least one Wound slow • Bite: They can easily bite off chunks of flesh. Str+d6
them down or render them helpless, but you must still damage. This is almost exclusively only used on
destroy the brain. grappled prey.
• Hardy: Zombies do not suffer a Wound from being
Distracting the Living Dead Shaken twice.
Zombies lack any discernible intelligence or sense of • Hibernation: Living Dead hibernate in the absence
self-preservation. They will quite literally walk into a of prey or other stimuli. Success on a Notice roll at
wood chipper in pursuit of prey. The undead are easily a –2 wakes them.
distracted and drawn to noise. Survivors can draw • Living Dead: Zombies are immune to disease, fear,
their attention easily enough by waving their arms and and poison. The dead never suffer Fatigue, and are
shouting, “Hey! Over here…” or any other noise or not Incapacitated by injuries.
sharp movement. Tests therefore work differently on • Life Sense: Add +2 on all Notice rolls to sense living
Zombies in the following ways: things (including rolls against surprise attacks and
Tests are not opposed, simply requiring a rolls to detect characters using Stealth).
success or raise. • Mindless: Zombies are always considered
• Success: Shakes the Zombie and turns its point of Vulnerable.
attention to the survivor. • Slow: The dead move at a Pace of 4 and they may
• Raise: This provokes the Zombie. It will ignore never run. Movement is an action for zombies.
other prey pursuing only the survivor until it catches In addition, they must redraw any initiative card
them or it is Tested by another survivor. This also causes greater than a five.
the Zombie to release any prey it is currently grappling. • Thanatoviridae: Anyone who is bitten is
immediately infected and suffers a level of fatigue
immediately. Victims must make a Vigor check
The Growl every hour or gain an additional level of fatigue.
All undead reflexively groan, growl or moan upon Incapacitation from this results in instant death.
seeing live prey. This consumes their first action on the • Weakness (Head): Instantly killed by any Wound
first turn of any combat. By its very nature, the growl to the head.
negates the ability for the undead to ever gain the drop.

Moving counts as an action for Zombies. They treat
stairs as difficult terrain. The dead have no Run die and
suffer the standard multi-action penalty to move and
attack in the same round.

Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)
The following new Setting rules reinforce the tone and
harsh reality of the world that exists when hordes of the
undead claim the earth.

Everyday People
Player characters start as ordinary people with the
following limitations. Attributes and Skills are capped
at a d8 and characters may not take any Combat
Edges during character creation. On the upside, they
automatically start with the Improvisational Fighter
Edge for free at Novice Rank.

Fate Is Cruel
Any time a survivor rolls a 1 on the Wild Die (regardless
of the Trait die), they are stuck with that result and
may not reroll for any reason. Even if this roll was the
product of a reroll and is lower this roll must be kept.

Fear Effects
Characters who fail a Spirit check are Shaken and gain a
level of Fatigue that lasts until the end of the encounter.
Rather than roll on the Fright Table, characters roleplay
their reactions to all sources of fear.

Traumatic Damage
This variation on damage makes combat more lethal
than usual by shifting focus from wound modifiers
to physical injuries. With the exception of unarmed
damage, survivors cannot spend Bennies to Soak!
What’s more, they must roll on the Injury Table for
each Wound taken. Injuries sustained in this manner
last until the Wound heals. Players keep track of their
Wounds, but Wound modifiers only apply to Healing
and Incapacitation tests.
A roll of 2 (Unmentionables) on the Injury Table
means the survivor is Incapacitated instead. Called
shots require a roll on the Injury Table to confirm
Incapacitation (a roll of 2) before the corresponding
result from the Injury Table is applied.

Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)
Setting Rules
Gritty Headshots does not affect the run die if they choose to run), and
When a Called Shot to the head is suffered by anyone may take no actions.
it’s a serious injury. A survivor who suffers a Wound Recovery operates differently as well, though the
of any type to the head is incapacitated. Two or more survivor may spend a Benny at any time to recover fully.
Wounds suffered to the head in a single attack results • Success: Survivors are no longer Shaken but may
in death, this does not cause a roll for Incapacitation but still only move up to half their Pace and are considered
results in instant death. to have taken an “action” to recover.
• Raise: Survivors are fully recovered and act normally.
Over Whelmed
Shaken heroes are able to recover quickly, return to the
fray and soldier on, unfortunately survivors can’t do
the same. Shaken survivors move at half their Pace (this

Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)
A Jumpstart Adventure by Jerrod ‘Savage Daddy’ Gunning
for the upcoming Dead End Setting from Atomic Ninja Studios.

As mid-day approaches, the characters find an

INTRODUCTION abandoned campsite. A peculiar odor emanates from
the sealed family tent and a quick search reveals its
Errand of Mercy showcases some new rules in the Savage source–– and necessitates a Fear Test. Inside, are the
Worlds Adventure Edition while introducing players corpses of a man, woman and child all shot in the head.
and game masters to the world of Dead End, the gritty Scrawled in blood on the wall is the message, “God
zombie survival-horror setting coming soon from Forgive Me.”
Atomic Ninja Studios. Despite the horrific scene, the campsite is viable.
The adventure works best with 4-6 Novice survivor There is plenty of wood for the fire, enough food and
player characters. You must have the Dead End Jumpstart water to last for days, and a variety of useful camping
and Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to play. Feel free accessories. The characters face a tough decision. They
to create your own characters, or use the included may strip the site bare and make camp elsewhere, or
pregenerated survivors. Before running this adventure, stay for the night. The latter does not require Survival
you should be familiar with its contents and share and Vigor tests. But if they choose to stay, there is only
the Dead End setting rules with players to avoid any one tent and they must dispose of the bodies to use
unpleasant surprises. it. How they go about it is their business. Burial is the
humane choice, but requires a few hours followed by a
Vigor roll to avoid a level of Fatigue.
As night falls, the characters gather around the
PART ONE: campfire. Barring any major disasters or detours, they

THE ROAD AHEAD should reach their destination within a day. Before
turning in for the night, ask the players to reflect on the
journey in character and earn a Benny for role-play by
The characters are a tight-knit band of survivors running an Interlude, as detailed in Savage Worlds.
traveling on foot to the last rumored Citizen Safe Unless the characters made camp elsewhere or
Zone in the country. They’ve been walking for days, buried the bodies, a bear suddenly lurches out of the
following rural railroad tracks with few stops to rest. woods after midnight! If handling the scene as a combat,
What little food and water they have was gathered from instead of a Quick Encounter, characters on watch must
abandoned homes along the way. There is not much succeed on a Notice roll to receive a card during the first
left, and strict rationing takes its toll. The characters round of combat as described in Savage Worlds, under
start the day with half the food needed and make Vigor Surprise. Sleeping characters instantly wake Distracted
rolls at –2 against Hunger as defined in Savage Worlds, at the start of the next round. In addition, every shot
under Hazards. fired attracts 1d4 zombies that appear at the end of the

Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)
Errand of Mercy
Exile is the price for disobedience. As soldiers enter
PART TWO: and return their gear, he makes it a point to add that
citizens are restricted from carrying weapons. Before
RAY OF HOPE leaving, he announces that they all look hungry and
suggests Loraine give them the nickel tour en route to
A long hike along a gravel road leads the characters the school’s cafeteria.
to a rural high school surrounded by chain-link fence A quick check of their gear reveals Keller has
and fortified with sandbags, spikes, and razor wire. A confiscated anything that even resembles a weapon.
quick check of the map confirms that they have arrived
at their destination. As they approach, two armed men
in camouflage fatigues call down from makeshift towers
at either end of the main gate. It swings open as three
more rush forward, ordering the group to their knees.
Once their possessions are confiscated, the characters
are marched at gunpoint to a small tent just inside Weeks pass as the group settles into their new role as
the perimeter. An attractive middle-aged woman Camp Hope citizens. Loraine has become a close friend.
who introduces herself as Loraine Ray examines the Thanks to her influence, the characters have superior
characters for bite marks and other signs of infectious lodging and the best work assignments imaginable.
disease. Satisfied, she nods to the nearby armed guard. As is their custom, the characters join Loraine for
A few moments later, a stern man in camouflage fatigues dinner. As they approach their usual table, they find her
enters. He introduces himself as Lieutenant Major Keller, consoling a distraught woman, whom she introduces
the Defense Coordinating Officer for the Hope High as Stacey. Loraine goes on to explain that a scavenging
Citizen Safe Zone. He thanks them for their cooperation party rescued Stacey and her twelve-year-old daughter,
and explains that such precautions are necessary. Piper, during a routine run near Mercy Hospital earlier
Keller goes on to explain they are welcome to stay that day. Piper wandered off, and before anyone
as long as they like, as long as they contribute. Food, realized she was missing, hundreds of dead overran
shelter, and community are the wages of hard work. the scavenging party.

Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)
Keller refuses to expend valuable resources on a
little girl he considers most likely dead. But Loraine has
convinced him to let her lead the characters on a suicide
mission to rescue Piper. Assuming the characters make If they rescue Piper without a single casualty, the
the noble choice, Keller meets them at the front gate residents of Camp Hope tout the characters heroes
the next morning. He hands Loraine an EMT trauma and hold them in the highest regard. If they return
bag and the keys to a SUV. Good to his word, he also without Piper, her mother publicly berates them and the
returns their weapons along with flashlights, machetes residents of Camp Hope label the characters cowards.
and walkie-talkies. Any scenario that involves Loraine’s death earns the
Getting in and out of Mercy Hospital is a Quick ire of Lieutenant Major Keller and ultimately leads to
Encounter separate from the Dramatic Task to rescue their exile.
Piper once inside. As an Allied Extra, the players make Win, loose, or draw the characters are ushered to the
a Common Knowledge roll at +2 for Loraine. Failure medical tent upon their return. What happens next is
represents a gross miscalculation to identify the best up the Game Master. A Persuasion test may stay the
entry and exits points, which makes sneaking in and executioner’s hand long enough to discuss options like
out more deadly — adding a –2 penalty to all Stealth or suicide or exile, but the armed guard stationed in the
Athletics tests during the Quick Encounter. tent has orders to immediately headshot anyone who
Once inside, the characters find the twelve-year- is bitten. No matter what you and the players decide, a
old girl trapped in an elevator stuck between floors. bitten character is doomed to die and return as one of
To make matters worse, she has a broken leg and the the living dead. It’s never a matter of if, but when.
stairwells and halls are teaming with zombies. The
characters must free Piper from the elevator and carry
her to safety, all while keeping the dead at bay.
Rescuing Piper is a Challenging Dramatic Task
as presented in Savage Worlds. Freeing her from the
elevator is a Repair roll at –2 made by one character, Camp Hope Civilian
with Support from others keeping the dead away.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Additional raises on the Repair check do not apply
Vigor d6
to Athletics rolls needed later. An Athletics check is
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Notice d4,
required to free Piper from the elevator itself, and a
Persuasion d4, Stealth d4
Strength check to carry Piper away from danger, but as
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5; Humanity: 5
above others may Support by dealing with the zombies.
Hindrances: Loyal (Camp Hope Leadership)
If a roll is failed during a Complication, Piper is
Gear: Non-lethal utensils and equipment only.
ripped away and eaten alive by the dead –– necessitating
a Fear check at –2. A character incapacitated as a result
becomes frozen in terror. Unless another character Camp Hope Military
carries them to safety (Athletics –2), they are devoured Use the Soldier stats as detailed in Savage Worlds, under
by the dead. Overwhelmed (Shaken) characters get a Typical Allies for all soldiers.
single chance to recover before making an Athletics
check to escape the hospital. Lieutenant Major Keller
If the group succeeds at the Dramatic Task, a Use the Experienced Soldier stats as detailed in Savage
Stealth check allows the characters to escape from Worlds, under Typical Allies.
Mercy Hospital without further incident. If failed,
the character suffers a wound as a bite from the dead
without realizing it (see Aftermath). This also applies to Loraine Ray
characters who fail the Dramatic Task and subsequent Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Athletics roll. Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d4, Healing d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4,
Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6; Humanity: 6
Hindrances: Heroic
Gear: Medical kit (+2 Healing), machete (Str+d6), Glock
9m (Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d6, RoF 1, Shots: 15)

Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)
Pregenerated Survivors
Below are pregenerated Novice characters designed for the Errand of Mercy Jumpstart Adventure. You may
notice that none of them have names, genders or physical descriptions. Those details are left to the player. This is
an integral part of the Atomic Ninja Studios design philosophy, specifically intended to promote diversity and the
agency of players to personalize the character they want to roleplay––– even when it is pre-generated.

The character is a do-gooder with a messiah complex and
a PhD in ass-kicking from the School of Hard Knocks.
• Heroic Athletics............................ d6 Backpack, bedroll,
D8 • Guilty Common Knowledge..... d4
canteen, hip
SMARTS Conscience Fighting............................ d6 holster, Colt
(Major) Guts................................... d4 Peacemaker
D6 Intimidation..................... d8
(12/24/48; Damage
SPIRIT EDGES Notice................................ d4 2d6+1, RoF 1,
• Quick Draw Persuasion........................ d6 4 Shots left)
D6 • Improvisational Shooting........................... d6
STRENGTH Fighter Stealth............................... d4 HUMANITY
Edge (free) Survival............................ d4
-1 - 2 - 3 INC - 2 -1
Find more .45 ammo for
D6 Colt Peacemaker

The character is a persuasive people-person whose first instinct is to settle disputes, whether welcome or not.


• Hesitant Academics........................ d6 Backpack,
D6 • Loyal Athletics............................ d4 bedroll, canteen,
SMARTS • Pollyanna Common Knowledge..... d6 switchblade PARRY
• Pacifist (Minor) Intimidation..................... d6 (Str+1d4),
D6 EDGES Notice................................ d6 personal journal
SPIRIT Perfomance....................... d6 TOUGHNESS
• Attractive Persuasion........................ d8
D6 • Charismatic
• Improvisational
Stealth............................... d4
D6 Edge (free) 5
D6 Reach the Citizen Safe Zone
-1 - 2 - 3 INC - 2 -1 10
Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)

The character gladly plays the fool and strives to conquer despair and awkward silence with witty remarks
or gallows humor. Their particular brand of humor isn’t always well-received, even amongst friends.
• Clueless Athletics............................ d6 Backpack, bedroll,
D6 • Impulsive Common Knowledge..... d6
blanket, canteen,
SMARTS • Loyal Fighting............................ d4 hand axe (Str+d6),
Guts................................... d4 cigarette lighter
D6 EDGES Notice................................ d6
(provides light in
SPIRIT • Bolster Persuasion........................ d6 2” radius).
• Improvisational Stealth............................... d6
D6 Fighter Survival............................ d4
STRENGTH Edge (free) Taunt................................. d8 HUMANITY
• Provoke
D6 5
D6 Reach the Citizen Safe Zone
-1 - 2 - 3 INC - 2 -1

The character is patient, with a cold calculating nature and a highly developed competitive streak. They
rely on stealth and cunning, and quickly assess the strengths and weaknesses of everyone they meet.
• Ruthless (Minor) Athletics............................ d6 Backpack, bedroll,
D6 • Stubborn Common Knowledge..... d6
canteen, cross
SMARTS • Thin Fighting............................ d4 bow (Range:
Skinned (Major) Guts................................... d4 15/30/60, Damage:
D6 Notice................................ d6 2d6, RoF 1,
SPIRIT EDGES Persuasion........................ d4 Reload 1, 6
• Fleet-Footed Shooting........................... d6 bolts), survival
D6 • Improvisational
Stealth............................... d6
knife (Str+d4,
STRENGTH Survival............................ d8 +1 Survival)
Edge (free)
D6 • Woodsman 4
D6 Reach the Citizen Safe Zone
-1 - 2 - 3 INC - 2 -1
Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)
Pregenerated Survivors

In a world that rewards valor with death, the character has come to realize a clever word and a silent step
can accomplish more than a frontal assault. They’ve mastered the arts of stealth, discretion, and doubletalk.
• Cautious Athletics............................ d6 Backpack, bedroll,
D8 • Suspicious Common Knowledge..... d6
canteen, nylong
SMARTS (Major) Fighting............................ d4 PARRY
rope (10”/20
Guts................................... d4
D6 EDGES Notice................................ d6
yards), grappling
hook, hunting
SPIRIT • Thief Persuasion........................ d4 TOUGHNESS
knife (Str+d6),
• Improvisational Stealth............................... d6
D6 Fighter Survival............................ d6
lockpicks. 5
STRENGTH Edge (free) Thievery............................ d8 HUMANITY
D6 4
D6 Reach the Citizen Safe Zone
-1 - 2 - 3 INC - 2 -1

The character is a bit of a nerd with an obsession. They must take things apart, see how they work, and see
if they can fix ‘em, break ‘em, or put them back together in new and interesting ways.
• Clumsy Athletics............................ d4 Backpack,
D4 • Curious Common Knowledge..... d6
bedroll, canteen,
SMARTS Driving.............................. d6 flashlight (10”
Electronics........................ d6 beam), hammer
D8 EDGES Notice................................ d8
(Str+d4), toolkit
SPIRIT • Alertness Persuasion........................ d4 TOUGHNESS
• McGyver Research............................ d4
D6 • Improvisational Repair................................ d6
STRENGTH Fighter Science.............................. d6 HUMANITY
Edge (free) Stealth............................... d4
D6 4
D6 Reach the Citizen Safe Zone
-1 - 2 - 3 INC - 2 -1
Jose remy Saavedra Gonzalez (order #17647441)

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