Tutorial Sheet-4 Power Electronics-Inverters: = 100 V to a load whose resistance is R = 1 Ω, whose inductance is L = 1

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1. Describe the operation of the single-phase, centre-tapped transformer inverter,
illustrated in Fig.1.

Fig. 1
2. Consider the half-bridge inverter illustrated in Fig. 2. The dc source has a voltage Vs =
300 V and the load has a resistance R = 18 Ω. If the average power delivered by the
source to the load is 3 kW, determine (a) the duty cycle m of switching, (b) the total
harmonic distortion THD of the voltage waveform, (c) the harmonic factor HF of the
fifth harmonic of voltage and (d) the voltage and current ratings of the switches.

Fig. 2
Ans (a) 0.3, (b) 0.36, (c) 0.25,(d) > 600 V, > 8.3 A.
3. A dc-ac converter, shown in Fig. 3, is used to modulate power from a source whose
voltage is Vs = 100 V to a load whose resistance is R = 1 Ω, whose inductance is L = 1
mH and whose capacitance is C = 25.2 μF. The frequency of thyristor switching is
930 Hz. For steady-state operation, if the load current harmonics can be neglected,
sketch (a) the waveforms Vl, il, iTHl, iTH2 , iD1, iD2 , is1 and is2 , and determine (b) the
average power delivered to the load and (c) the current ratings of the thyristors and

Fig. 3
Ans (b) 17.1 kW, (c) > 50A, > 8 A.
4. Consider the single-phase, bridge inverter depicted in Fig. 4. The dc source has a
voltage Vs = 600 V and the load has a resistance R = 18Ω. If the average power
delivered to the load is 3 kW, determine (a) the duty cycle m of inverter switching, (b)
the average current conducted by the thyristors, (c) the total harmonic distortion THD
and (d) the harmonic factor HF of the ninth-harmonic component of voltage.

Fig. 4
Ans (a) 0.075, (b) 2.5 A, (c) 1.55,(d) 0.41.
5. A single-phase, bridge inverter has a dc voltage source Vs = 600 V and a resistive load
R = 10 Ω. For the maximum power transfer condition, find (a) the instantaneous value
of the load current as a Fourier series, (b) the total harmonic distortion THD, (c) the
harmonic factor HF of the ninth-harmonic component of current and (d) the thyristor
voltage and current ratings.
Ans (a) 76.39 sinωt + 25.46 sin3ωt+ 15.28 sin5ωt + 10.91 sin7ωt+ 8.49 sin9ωt + ...
,(b) 0.48,(c) 0.11, (d) > 600 V, > 30 A.
6. A single-phase bridge inverter, as depicted in Fig. 5, has a dc source voltage that is Vs
= 600 V and a load that has a resistance R = 20 Ω in series with an inductance L = 2
mho The inverter operates at 500 Hz and delivers maximum power to the load in the
steady state. Determine (a) the peak current from the dc source, (b) the current ratings
of the switches, (c) the average power absorbed by the load and (d) the rms value of
the load current.

Fig. 5
Ans (a) 30 A, (b) > 12.5 V, > 1 A,(c) 14 x 103 W, (d) 26.5 A.
7. A single-phase bridge inverter, illustrated in Fig. 5, has a dc source voltage Vs = 600
V and a load whose resistance, R = 20 Ω, is in series with an inductance, L = 10 mho
The inverter operates at 500 Hz and delivers maximum power to the load in steady
state. Determine (a) the harmonic load voltages up to the ninth, (b) the harmonic load
impedances up to the ninth, (c) the instantaneous value of the load current up to the
ninth harmonic, (d) the total harmonic distortion THD of the load current and (e) the
harmonic factor HF of the ninth-harmonic component of load current.
Ans (a)764,255, 153, 109, 85 volts peak,(b)37.2,96.3,158,221,283ohms,(c)20.5sin(ωt-
0.15, (e) 0.015.
8. A single-phase bridge inverter has a dc source voltage Vs = 600 V and has a load that
has resistance, R = 20 Ω, in parallel with inductance, L = 5 mho If the inverter is to
operate at 500 Hz with maximum average power to the load, determine (a) the peak
value of the source current, (b) the average values of current in the switches, (c) the
average power delivered from the source to the load and (d) the total harmonic
distortion THD of the load current.
Ans (a) 90 A, (b) 16.9, 1.9 A,(c) 18 x 103 W, (d) 32.6%.
9. A three-phase bridge inverter has a dc source voltage Vs = 600 V and has a purely
resistive load of value R = 20 ohms per phase connected in wye. The inverter operates
at 100 Hz in the six-pulse mode with each thyristor on for half of one period (180̊ ).
See Fig. 6. Determine (a) the instantaneous value of the load current as a Fourier
series, (b) the harmonic factors for the seventh and ninth harmonics of the load
current and (c) the average current in the thyristors.

Fig. 6
Ans (a) 19.1sinωt + 1.28sin5ωt+ 2.73sin7ωt + ... ,(b) 0.14, 0, (c) 6.67 A (Is /3).
10. A three-phase bridge inverter has a de source voltage Vs = 600 V and has a purely
inductive load of value L = 6.67 mH per phase connected in wye. The inverter
operates in the steady state at 200 Hz in the 180̊, six-pulse mode. See Fig. 7. (a)
Sketch the current waveforms ia , iTH 1 , iTH3 , iTH5 , iD 1 ,iD3 ,iD5 and is. (b) Find the peak
value of the source current and (c) determine the average currents in the thyristors and
Ans (b) 25A, (c) 5.2 A.
11. A three-phase bridge inverter has a dc source whose voltage is Vs. See Fig. 7. The
three-phase load is balanced, has resistance R and inductance L in series, and is wye
connected. Sketch the currents if , iTH 1 , iD1 and is in relation to the phase voltage Van'
if the inverter is operated in the 180̊, 6-pulse mode and is in the steady state.
12. A three-phase bridge inverter has a dc source voltage Vs = 600 V and has a purely
resistive load of value R = 20 ohms per phase connected in wye. The inverter operate
sat 100 Hz in a 120̊, six-pulse mode (each switch is on for two thirds of one half
period each cycle). Determine (a) the value of the source current is (see Fig. 7), (b)
the average power delivered to the three-phase load, (c) the rms values of the phase
voltage across the load, (d) the rms value of the line voltage across the load, (e) the
value of the third harmonic in the phase voltage waveform, (f) the total harmonic
distortion THD of the phase voltage, (g) the instantaneous value of a line current as a
Fourier series, (h) the harmonic factors of the seventh and ninth harmonics of the load
current and (i) the average current in the thyristors.

Fig. 7

Ans (a) 150A, (b) 9X103 W,(c) 245 V, (d) 424 V,(e) 0, (0 0.31,(g) 16.6 cosωt-3.31cos5ωt+
2.37cos7ωt + ... ,(h) 0.14, 0, (i) 5 A.

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