A Study of Unethical Practices in The Construction Industry and Potential Preventive Measures

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wJournal of Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Vol.

3, 2017



R. K. Shah1 and M. Alotaibi2

Senior Lecturer in Construction Management and Civil Engineering, Department of the Built Environment,
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, L3 3AF, UK.

Email Address: [email protected]



The conflict of interest amongst the professionals like client and contractor project managers, site engineers, quantity
surveyors and designers/architects play crucial roles for the unethical practices and consequently these practices have
adverse impact on the product quality, faith of clients and investors’ confidence in the construction industry. Hence, this
research is aimed at examining the common forms of unethical practices among professionals in the construction industry as
well as uncovering the factors that have encouraged these practices. This study depends on the questionnaire survey amongst
professionals of the construction industry. The survey is conducted to recognise the view of key stakeholders from different
perspectives of the affected parties on the concept of business ethics in the building and construction industry, which has key
contribution on the national economic growth of the developing countries. The survey concludes that untimely legal action
including changing project manager’sresponsibility and delays in payment processes are key ethical practices from
owner/client aspect, while contractor’s unethical practices are under bidding, bid cutting and shopping, bid rigging and over
billing. But from the consultant aspect; lack of supervision, poor monitoring and taking bribes under different pretend are
found to be the encouraging factors for unethical conducts in the construction industry. It is also found thataccepting the
bribes, gifts and conflicts of interest are the most common forms of unethical practices. The findings from the study are
expected to help as an important eye opener to policy makers and regulatory agencies in detecting and preventing unethical
practices. In conclusion, avoiding the conflict of interest and promoting the ethic codes to professionals will help to restore
the investor and people confidence, faith of the clients and improve the quality of buildings and infrastructures. The study
recommends that promoting awareness regarding the values of ethical behaviour at different forum and ensuring the
effective punishment for unethical activities at different stages of project life cycle might reduce the unethical practices in
the construction industry.

Key words: Bribe, Conflict of Interest, Client, Consultant, Contractor, Construction Industry, Gift, Profession, Project
manager, Unethical practices


1. Introduction

The construction industry is a challenging and demanding business sector. However, ethical practice
in the building and construction industry is the vital importance in the same way to other disciplines.
As a highly debated topic, it is understood that unethical practice ranks top among the most serious
ills affecting the building and construction industry. The construction industry faces with some ethical
issues that are comprised of but are not restricted to: conflict of interest, inflation of bills, professional
incompetence, poor work delivery, fraud, bribery, professional misconduct, intimidation and
kickbacks among several other evils. The consequences of these unethical behaviours in the industry
of construction can lead to confidence reduction in the profession, continuous insecure practices that

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risk lives and property, loss of income by clients and governments, needless and baseless expenditures
that raise levels of poverty and reduce the quality of life amongst other things.

There are several past studies conducted about ethics and unethical practices. For example, Alsweity
(2013), Hamzah et al (2010) and Hassim et al (2010) point out that the construction industry makes a
considerable input to the economic development; advancement of each and every nationand makes
this considerable input regardless of the development level of the said nation. The authors further
indicate that this industry, apart from making such huge inputs to the economic development and
progress, also offers employment of up to 10% of the total labour force including specialised
professionals, skilled and semi-skilled labourers. The construction industry is a key economic engine
that stimulates the economy of any country. However, the construction sector experiences many moral
challenges connected to behaviours that are comprised of bid shopping, unreliable contractors, lying,
claim games, conflicts of interest, payment games, threats, fraud, collusion and professional
negligence (Ho, 2011). Issues of ethics in the construction industry sectors should be viewed as
something of interest and as a result, it will assist to dismiss the impression that issues like those are
less important or disconnected from the sector of construction (Sinha et al, 2004). Therefore, in the
early stage to design, construction and delivery stage of the project, numerous factors that rely on the
levels of values as well as moral terms like team ethics, personal ethics, and global responsibility
should be considered. This is because all pertinent principles, which are indirectly and directly altered
by the project and its background, will result to obtain advantages from the whole value supervision
of the projects (Mason, 2009).

The construction project achievement chiefly relies on the conduct of the people taking part in the
project from the early start to completion stages (Al-sweity, 2013). Nevertheless, there are thousands
of grievances emerging every other day of different types and degree concerning operations in the
industry of construction. The ethical practices within the industry as well as the critical stakeholders
should be instilled and imposed. Yet, this enforcement must be founded on true and valuable
comprehension on the nature, inspiration and demonstration of unethical practices if any needed
results are to be assured. There exists a conflict of interest amongst the key parties such as engineer,
owner and contractor. All signs show that the construction industry is required more ethical practice
than any other time, but the misconduct of professionals has risen and there is a huge discord between
real conduct of professionals and the moral responsibilities. This study seeks to examine the ethical
issues in sector of construction and offer an image concerning unethical circumstances in the
construction industry. Hence, this study focuses on analysing the unethical behaviours and suggesting
the preventive measures.

2. Literature review

The expert ethics issues in construction affect a broad range of people. The department of public
works, local authorities, customer organizations, suppliers, contractors, consultants, users of public
infrastructure and home buyers are all in the range of expert ethics. Those stated have their individual
inputs concerning the issues in hand and integrity issues in the construction industry (Hamzah et al,
2010). In the business development, setting morals is a strategy for giving ones best to ensure that the
hobbies of the customer are suitably encouraged (Oyewobi et al, 2011).

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2.1 Professional ethics in construction industry

Wulf (2004) indicated fresh ethical matters are ones for the job instead of the ones for the person. The
profession matters are known as macro ethical questions contrary to those for the individual, which
are known as micro ethical questions. The profession ought to have a high level of control to operate
its professional matters without unnecessary impact from other careers (Ogachi, 2011). Sinha et al
(2004) indicated that expert ethics can differ from universal ethics, to the level that professional ethics
ought to consider:

Relations between clients and practicing professionals

1. Relations between the society in general and the profession

2. Relations amongst professionals
3. Relations between worker and employer
4. Specialized technical details of the profession.

Mason (2009) indicated that any authentic career spirit cannot be attained without an element of
ethics. According to UN (2006) ethical conduct’s expert standards, irrespective of the organisation,
have made the following distinctive characteristics and commitments to:

• Act honourably in all work aspects and professional action.

• Conduct oneself in such a way as to uphold confidence and trust in the integrity of the
acquisition procedure.
• Keep away from “clever” activities planned to take unnecessary advantage of others.
• Maintain the standards and policies of the organization and all pertinent legislation.
• Avoid conflicts of interest.

In a development foundation, moral behaviour might be measured by the level of uprightness and
reliability with which people and organisations do their business (Mason, 2009). In this regard, the
next section discusses the unethical behaviours and practices happening in the construction industry.

2.2 Unethical behaviour in the construction industry

There is an increasing agreement in and out of the industry of construction, that corruptions as well as
other unethical conducts are prevalent in the industry. Issues of ethics in the construction sector ought
to be viewed as something of importance; it will assist to dismiss the ideas that matters like those are
less vital to the industry of construction (Sinha et al, 2004). There are two assertions for the
assumption that the ethical issues of professionals in the modern world are not mainly because of lack
of knowledge. The first thing is that in the unofficial dialogue between unethical activity victims and
the professional actors, the accused professional hardly ever takes the solid position that there is
nothing as professional ethical duties. The duty here is intricate and ethical problems in this scenario
ought to be taken into consideration (Uff, 2003). Among the most prevalent unethical behaviours in
business is corruption, defined as: “the giving of some good, money or service to a suitable individual
for the aim of obtaining an advantaged and positive thought (or acquisition) of one’s corporate project
or product” (Vee and Skitmore, 2003).

Other regularly reported untrustworthy practices are associated with misrepresentation, carelessness
and break of certainty. Deceptive natures, sharp practices, dishonesty, or break of certainty, whereby

57 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential Preventive Measures
it tries to get some exploitative and out of line favourable position, is the meaning of the unscrupulous
routine of extortion (Vee and Skitmore, 2003). It is said the dishonest behaviour does not eventuate
from an individual's childhood, but rather it is a piece of the strategy of learning reasonable business
or being brought into the practice (Vee and Skitmore, 2003). Olusegun et al (2011) demonstrated that
there is unlawfully consumed in pay off and violation to administration authorities in Government
workplaces amid the grant of agreement, execution and in addition instalments. Patrick (2006)
expressed that debasement can happen in various structures and different courses and at any stage of
the project amid the construction venture life cycle.A study done by (Vee and Skitmore, 2003; Pearl
et al, 2007) in Australia exposed that there are many kinds of ethical dilemmas and unethical practices
in the construction industry like negligence, corruption, bribery, bid cutting, under bidding, cover
pricing, front loading, collusive tendering, bid shopping, and withdrawal of tender. Moreover, they
also classified these unethical practices into four universal kinds of actions known as conflicts of
interest and they are: 1) unfair conduct, 2) fraud, 3) collusion, and 4) bribery.

Construction engineering expert witness Paul Gogulski (2014) indicated that owners in the Middle
East are known to be customarily late in payment, resulting to substantial bankruptcy of contractors.
A questionnaire study conducted in USA amongst the construction managers, architects, contractors,
and subcontractors and representatives of the industry revealed that over 80 percent of respondents
have seen untrustworthy behaviour in the construction industry. Offered hones, especially invert
barters and offer shopping, got solid remarks in this review. The lion's share saw the need for
everyone to have and impart moral codes to specialists however, not many practice this procedure.

A survey in Australia was conducted by Vee of and Skitmore (2003) amongst the project supervisors,
building contractual workers and engineers on the range of moral issues encompassing the industry of
construction and found that 90% subscribed to an expert Code of Ethics, 45% had an Ethical Code of
conduct in their associations while 84% considered great moral conduct to be a basic hierarchical
goal. Ninety-three percent of the members concurred that "Business Ethics" should be administered
by "Individual Ethics", with 84 percent of the members demonstrating that a parity of both the
prerequisites of the client and the impact on people in general should be kept up. No members saw
any instances of businesses attempting to compel their labourers to join in and unscrupulous conduct.
Nevertheless, every one of the members had encountered or seen some level of dishonest conduct.
Eighty-one percent as unjustifiable conduct, carelessness 67 percent, irreconcilable situation 48
percent, tricky tendering 44 percent, extortion 35 percent, secrecy and legitimacy break 32 percent,
pay-off 26 percent and infringement of ecological morals 20 percent (Vee of and Skitmore (2003).

A study about perception of American construction companies concerning corruption and

unscrupulous business practices in worldwide construction had been done by Azhar et al (2011) and
theyexposed that that debasement and deceptive business practices have marginally decreased in the
last five years, due to taking after strict codes of morals by a few major universal temporary workers.
In the same country Ray et al. (1999) did a poll study and they found that the dominant part
organisations back the utilisation of code and with the right of withdrawal of delicate and declined
spread valuing, offer shopping, and union investment in tendering.

Moreover, an exploration was done by Rahman (2008) and uncovered that the most well-known parts
of dishonest conduct that are experienced by the experts are cordiality, blessings, actuations, rewards,
security of the earth, wellbeing and wellbeing and in addition political and social behaviour. Then
again, self-restraint, trust, obligation, interchanges, uprightness, certain identity attributes,
genuineness and responsibility are the most essential qualities that a moral expert should have.

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Tendering methodology is one of basic techniques in construction industry that arrangement with
moral issues shifting from the expenses caused by inadequate tenderers, reasonable tendering
practices and divulgence rights to the irreconcilable situations revelation (Ray et al, 1999 and Uff,

Furthermore, Ehsan et al (2009) deals with the ethical issues existing in the Pakistan construction
sector through a comprehensive research done through questionnaires, telephonic surveys and
interviews with different stakeholders. According to the research, there is no single person in the
industry of construction who had not faced some level of unethical behaviour. Through undertaking
work past ability 15 percent, pay off 20 percent, bias 30 percent, uncalled for behaviour 30 percent,
strict principles 18 percent and superseding of review technique over contracting strategy 35 percent.
Political defilement and remuneration is being managed directly by various business gatherings and
expert social orders far and wide. Past researchers such as Azhar et al (2011), Olusegun et al (2011),
Vee andSkitmore (2003), and Degn and Miller (2003) suggested that the degenerate and dishonest
practices in the construction industry can take different forms but the following are the most widely
recognised unethical practices:

1. Bribery: Non-money or money support to get something consequently

2. Fraud: Deceit to obtain financial or other advantages
3. Extortion: A type of blackmail whereby one party threatens the other party of adverse
consequences unless the other party meets listed demands.
4. Bid Rigging: Unlawful conspiracy whereby competitors join to falsely raise the prices of a
5. Overbilling: Increasing unit prices for activities that are planned to occur earlier in the project
to raise the cash flow.
6. Change Order Games: Presenting a low bid in order to win the project and later on get back
the profit by presenting change orders.
7. Claim Games: Making additional earnings through presenting false claims.
8. Money Laundering: Moving assets or cash acquired by criminal activity from one place to
another, to hide the source of finances.
9. Cover pricing: Happens when a bidder only wants to be seen to take part but never wants to
win the occupation so asks for an adversary for a reasonable "spread cost" and shows it as a
real offer. An organisation may have decent reasons to ask for at a spread cost so it can
present a solid offer including that: it might get dropped from a delicate run-down in the event
that it doesn't join in, or it might need capacity for the employment yet need to pull in future
occupation from the same important.

2.3 Ethics in Construction Project Management

In undertaking administration, moral is an imperative issue and has a fundamental part in venture's
prosperity. Venture acquisition is one of the territories that should be centred around. It is one of the
key regions in undertaking administration that has prompted moral practices in the venture usage
(Hassim et al, 2010). The activity of obtainment takes after certain steps. These strides should be seen
so as to ensure that every one of the partners in the acquirement exercise get just treatment. The
strides include; anticipating the required gain over a particular period, deciding the outcome of things,
distinguishing details of acquirement, deciding acquisition processes, sourcing offers, evaluation of
offers, initiation of agreements, post capability, contract execution and administration, responsibility

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and record keeping instalment and post contract execution (Eyaa and Oluka, 2011). In venture
obtainment, moral issues are about defilement or pay-off andclashing situation (Hassim et al, 2010).

2.3.1 The pre-contract stage

Jefferies and Kirk (2004) expressed that morals in the pre-contract stage is the place where the
association is set. Other moral issues considered normal in the pre-contract stage incorporate specific
tendering and also temporary workers guaranteeing knowledge they don't have. The delicate stage
offers open doors for practices like specific treatment, pay off, and conspiracy though the construction
stage may result to poor well-being conditions, concealing of low quality work and unjustifiable
working hours for subcontractors (Tow and Loosemore, 2009).These incorporate withdrawal, offer
cutting, spread estimating, pay of tendering expenses, and intrigue.Hassim et al (2010) categorised the
critical factors that contribute to unethical conduct are as follow:

1. Economic downturn: Organisations are ready to do anything for to survive during the
depression particularly to obtain projects or tenders from the public sectors.
2. National goal: several national policies and goals that require to be attained for it to be a
developed nation, many projects ought to be finished at the particular time. They have led to
strain the players of construction and result to unethical matters in procurement of project.
3. Leadership: Over half of the participants who took part in the study, felt that management is
required as role model to enhance performance and demonstrate good leadership.
4. Non transparent selection procedure: One of the key reasons that ethical issues happen in
preparation procurement is because of the selection procedure that is not transparent. For
instance, government procurement and concession agreements result to sub-optimal
5. Unsuccessful assessment of the procedure: The open tender procedure is one of the methods
to alleviate the potential interest conflicts and to encourage project procurement’s cost-
6. Unsuccessfulness of professional ethics and procurement policy: Failure on behalf of expert
staff to apply the level of consideration needed under the circumstance can bring about moral
issues to happen in venture acquisition.

2.4 Morals and nature of undertakings

Human variables add to the vast majority of value related issues. The expert morals issues assume a
basic part in quality-related issues in a construction venture (Hamzah et al, 2010). The industry has a
reputation for poor administration and quality, a background marked by broken guarantees, a terrible
wellbeing record, and sharp practice (Tow and Loosemore, 2009). Unscrupulous conduct by the
industry of construction gatherings affects the venture's quality (Hamzah et al., 2010). Customers and
temporary workers that are in the industry of construction will endeavour to procure ventures utilizing
the ways including dishonest behaviour that overlooks honesty and profound quality. This is since
they are prepared to do anything to persist amid the monetary subsidence. In view of this
untrustworthy behaviour by the industry of construction gatherings, there is a major impact on the
task quality (Hassim et al, 2010). Figure 1 demonstrates the importance of morals in task execution.
Morals are considered as the fourth most crucial measurement in the venture.

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Cost Now Ethics


Cost Schedule

Fig 1 TQM triangle. Source: (Mishra and Mittal, 2011)

2.5 Codes of conduct

Codes are made to delegate obligation to both the key (proprietor, customer) and contending tenderers
to have a harmony between what is right and what is judgment skills for each task. For the most part
they are both pertinent to a few of the conventional sorts of contracting (e.g. single amount or outline
and manufacture) and especially to tasks of a less standard nature or where risks included are scarcely
or difficult to designate or decide (Ray et al., 1999). Codes of behaviours are left in the industry of
construction to handle moral issues. In Australian industry of construction, tendering codes have been
composed keeping in mind the end goal to handle moral issues like offer cutting, withdrawal, spread
valuing, reward of tendering expenses and agreement'' (CIOB, 2006). To an ever increasing extent,
strict and general government standards are a truth of life in our general public. There are guidelines
governing business, money, fabricating, security, training, the earth, research, medication, law, and
government itself. In addition, as indicated by Masson (2011) moral conduct is in consistence with
these moral qualities:

1. Honesty and confidence: work with trustworthiness and avoid lead liable to come about, by
implication or straightforwardly in the double dealing of others.
2. Fairness and clarity: don't try to get an advantage which comes in a deceptive way or
specifically from the out of line treatment of different people.
3. Reasonable reward: maintain a strategic distance from behaviour which is prone to bring
about another gathering to be denied of a simply remunerate for their employment.
4. Reliability: maintaining abilities and offering benefits just in your general vicinity of
5. Integrity: have regard for the hobbies of the general population, fundamentally people who
will use or get an enthusiasm for the task later on.
6. Objectivity: perceive any conceivable irreconcilable situations and uncover the contention to
any person who might be adversely influenced by it.
7. Responsibility: stay away from data and cautioning of issues within your insight which are of
conceivable mischief to other people who may be adversely influenced by them. Cautioning
should be given in enough time to allow making of viable move to maintain a strategic
distance from damage.

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Jefferies and Kirk (2004) demonstrated that the NCOP (National Code Of Practice) for the
construction industry, made nine key moral standards to ensure moral behaviour is seen at all
anticipate stages by all gatherings. They are:

1. All tendering processes should be conducted with fairness and honesty at all industry levels.
2. Parties must conform to all lawful obligations.
3. Parties should not to take part in any conduct which gives one party an inappropriate benefit
over another.
4. Tenderers should not to take part in any type of collusive practice and ought to be prepared to
prove their probity.
5. Conditions of tendering ought to be the same for every tender on any specific project.
6. Clients should clearly identify their requirements in the tender documents and specify criteria
for assessment.
7. Evaluation of tenders should be found on the tendering conditions and selection criteria
described in the documents of tender.
8. Privacy of all information offered during tendering should be preserved.
Any group with a conflict of interest should announce it as soon as the group is aware of the conflict.
This is first stage of unethical practices in any organisation including construction industry. Hence the
findings from the literature suggested that the professionals from the construction industry should
follow the moral qualities and tendering codes of practices to avoid the unethical practices. The next
section describes about the research method adopted in this study.

3. Research Methods

This research has been conducted based on the quantitative research approach and the quantitative
method is the core of deductive research philosophy. The main idea of deductive research is to reach
a conclusion based on existing evidence. It calls for the collection of premises, which if validated,
will contribute to forming a conclusion (Bloomberg, Cooper and Schindler, 2008). Quantitative
research utilizes statistical analysis of numeric data, focusing on the issue has been identified from
the research problem and relevant to research objectives (Matveev, 2002; Smith, 1988).

The selection of quantitative method for this research has several reasons, one of them is that, the
research problem is very specific and it is regarding the unethical practices in the construction
industry. Using the data, the study used statistical analysis to achieve the research objectives. Using
quantitative method for such clear problems always prove to be efficient in data collection, analysis
and having better validity of the research. The second reason in this research subjective judgment
(use of qualitative method) would case biasness and higher inaccuracy, thus to eliminate subjective
judgment quantitative method is a great technique. However, the main reason of selecting this
method is the use of established statistical tools to achieve research objectives.

In this study, the research data related to unethical practices wascollected in the developing country
where big investments are allocated in the construction industry. Hence, the survey was conducted in
Saudi Arabia to uncover the factors that contributing in the unethical practices and its impact on
product quality. Figure 2shows the systematic structure of research methods adopted in the study.

The study is based on the primary data which was collected using questionnaire design and
conducting the construction industry survey via online tool (monkey survey). The study is the part of
the dissertation study. The respondents were selected randomly to reduce biasness of the sample and

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the survey was targeted to the construction industry professionals mainly engaged with Government
department such as ministry, local councils/municipalities, NGOs and consultant forms with aim of
examining the current practices and views about unethical practices in the construction industry.

A total of 35 out of 60 responses were collected from the targeted respondents from construction
professional from Saudi Arabiya. The collected data were analysed using statistical analysis tool
called SPSS. The results from the study are presented in the form of tables and graphs followed by
critical discussions with interpretation of practical significance in the construction industry.

Fig 2 A systematic structure of the adopted research methods in this study

4. Data Analysing and Results Discussion

4.1 General Profile of respondents
The general profiles of the respondents/participants in the industry survey are summarised using
frequency distribution and results are presented in Table 1with pie charts. The table shows the
majority of the respondents from the consultant firms (42.9%), and then in NGOs. It is also clear that
a large group of respondents, who work in the construction industry, come from private
organisations.Moving forward, among all the respondents, 40% were site engineers, and 25% were
project managers, while another 20% were architects. However, surveyors are also present in the
sample. This ensures the diversity of the responses from different professionals working in the

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construction industry of Saudi Arabia and they would sure have diverse points off view regarding the
unethical practices, as they are involved
nvolved in different levels and phases of construction
ction work.

In addition to these, 40% of the he sample respondents have less tthan 5 years’’ experience in the
construction industries, while another
nother 60% has more than 5 years of experience, e, this indicates as a
whole there are more experienceded respondents in the sample and therefore, the responses
sponses would have
greater depth and real scenarios,, due to their vast experience in this field. Among
ng the respondents,
48.6% have a master’s degree, while 31.4% have a bachelor’s degree and only 20% 0% have a doctorate
degree. Considering this, it can be assumed that the respondents have greater qualif
ualification. Finally,
majority of the respondents ageded between 31 31-35 years (54.3%), this indicates in the sample that
moderately aged people would have greater in depth views regarding the construction
ction industry.

Table 1 Demography
phy profile of the respondents/participants in the survey
Frequency Percentage Graphical profiles
files of
Participant Organisation
Ministry 5 14
Municipalities 4 12
NGOs 11 31
Consultant firms 15 43
Total 35 100
Project manager 9 26
Site Eng. 14 40
Architect 7 20
Surveyor 5 14
Total 35 100
Years of experience
Less than 5 years 14 40
5-10 years 11 31
11-20 years 8 23
More than 20 years 2 6
Total 35 100
Participant Qualification

Doctor 7 20
Master 17 49
Bachelor 11 31
Total 35 100
Age Distribution
25-30 7 20
31-35 19 54
36-40 4 12
Up to 40 5 14
Total 35 100

64 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential
otential Preventive Measures
4.2 Factors encourage unethical practices

While doing the literature review, the research identified three broad domains of factors that are
responsible for unethical practices in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia and they are
owner/client related factors, contractor related factors and consultant related factors. In addition, the
parameters included in these broad domains have been subjected to the factor analysis using SPSS to
group them together and find the most relevant factors related to unethical conducts. These analysis
have identified which factors are boosting the unethical practices in the construction industry.

4.2.1 Owner related factors

For owner factors, five items were identified and they were subjected to factor analysis. The factor
analysis results listed below. Table 2 shows the KMO and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity. For the
collected sample, KMO = .514, this value is fairly expected to do factor analysis on the items;
therefore factor analysis is appropriate for these data. Bartlett's test is highly significant (P-value <
0.001) and thus factor analysis is appropriate.

Table 2 KMO and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity for owner related factors

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .514

Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 161.750

Sphericity Df 10
Sig. .000

Table 3 show initial eigenvalues reflect as a linear attribute before extraction. Prior to extraction,
results showed five linear attributes within the data set. However, only two linear relations have the
eigenvalues greater than one. The scree plot shown in Fig 3 also confirms that two components have
eigenvalues greater than the acceptable value.

Table 3 Total variance for owner related factors

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative
Variance % Variance %
1 3.063 61.268 61.268 3.063 61.268 61.268
2 1.037 20.733 82.002 1.037 20.733 82.002
3 .530 10.598 92.600
4 .360 7.206 99.806
5 .010 .194 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component

65 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential Preventive Measures
Fig 3 Scree plot for owner related factors.

These analyses gave us two component factors that are responsible for owner related factors leading
towards unethical conduct. Among these two factors, factor 1 explained 61.26% of the total variance
of the data, while the 20.733% variance was explained by factor 2. Table 4 shows the component
matrix that would explain the factors related to the unethical practices at owner level.

Table 4 Factors responsible for unethical practices at owner level

Component Matrix
Items Factor
1 2
Awarding a tender to a contractor illegally .970
Delay payment .867
Advertising a particular project land or categories for privet .845
The owner would decreases the price of the tender .972
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a. 2 components extracted.

For the first component, at owner level, awarding a tender to a contractor illegally, delayed payment
and advertising a particular project land or categories for privet purposes are found to be the most
responsible for leading unethical practices. This is quite understandable seeing that with illegally
awarding the project would surely involve corruption and the delay of payment for the project would
made the owners of the project to work in unethical manner. However, advertisement for private
purpose often focus particular firms and consultant, this lead to a potential unethical conduct in the
construction process. Finally, the other factor only involves one item and that is the owner decreasing
the price of the tender. This usually happens if the advertise is focused on the particular firms, then
the owner know they would eventually get the contract, thus they intentionally reduce the price of the
bid and this would lead to their unethical conducts.

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4.2.2 Contractor related factors

For contractor factors, seventeen items were identified and they were subjected to factor analysis.
The factor analysis results listed below. Table 5 shows the KMO and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity.
For the collected sample, KMO = .737, this value is expected to do factor analysis on the items;
therefore factor analysis is appropriate for these data. Bartlett's test is highly significant (P-value <
0.001), and thus factor analysis is appropriate.

Table 5 KMO and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity for contractor related factors

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .737
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 253.284
df 78
Sig. .000

Table 6 show the eigenvalues related to each linear attribute before extraction that has been presented
after extraction and after rotation. Before extraction, SPSS identified thirteen linear attributes within
the data set. However, only two linear relations have the eigenvalues greater than one. The scree plot,
which is shown in Fig 4 also confirms that two components have eigenvalues greater than the
acceptable value.

Table 6 Total variance for contractor related factors

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared
Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative
Variance % Variance %
1 4.553 35.025 35.025 4.553 35.025 35.025
2 3.609 27.763 62.788 3.609 27.763 62.788
3 .957 7.363 70.150
4 .872 6.710 76.860
5 .652 5.012 81.872
6 .522 4.015 85.887
7 .438 3.372 89.259
8 .384 2.954 92.213
9 .321 2.468 94.681
10 .301 2.318 96.999
11 .170 1.305 98.304
12 .127 .974 99.278
13 .094 .722 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component

All these analyses gave us two components that are responsible for contractor related factors leading
towards unethical conducts. Among these two factors, factor 1 explaining 35.02% of the total variance
of the data, while the 27.76% variance is explained by factor 2. Now if we look at table 7, the
component matrix would explain the factors related to the unethical practices for the contractors.

67 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential Preventive Measures
Fig 4 Scree plot for contractor related factors.

Table 7 presents the items under the extracted factors have been listed. For the 1st factor, contractor’s
characteristic regarding the bidding process have been grouped. For this factor, collusive bidding,
over billing, bid cutting, bid rigging and eloping from duties are found to be most influential to
unethical conduct in the process of construction activities.

Table 7 Factors responsible for unethical practices at contractor level

Component Matrix
Items Component
1 2
Agree of one contractor to withdraw an offer he has made in .850
exchange for money or other benefits
Under bidding, Bid cutting, Bid shopping and Bid rigging .844
Withdrawal of tender .807
Overbilling. .746
Employers attempting to force their employees to do unethical .715
Contractor’s eloping from their duties after delivering the project .554
Fraud like illogical request for time extensions or Compromise on .753
quality or increase the cost
Fraud in determining the amount of the item in the table of .720
quantities for financial purposes
Contractor’s professional don’t disposed waste, in suitable and -.710
safe ways which is friendly with the environment
Professionals don’t hold paramount the safety, health and welfare .677
of the labour inside the work site
Fraud in the preparation of the daily report for the purpose of .641
compensating later
Contractors agree to take money in order not to tender for a -.618
The engineers don’t recognize the safety of public when .602
considering personal/ organisational benefits
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

68 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential Preventive Measures
Exchange of money is an encouraging aspect for many consultants, if they got money due to not
bidding or withdrawing the bid, it is obvious that they would allow the firm to offer the bribe for their
own benefits. Additionally, under bidding, bid cutting, bid shopping and bid rigging are very common
practices that encourage greater benefit for particular firm or group of firms, thus the potential to
benefit encourage unethical conduct in the construction industry. For the second component in this
case, fraud-like and illogical requests for time extensions, compromise on quality, cost increase, fraud
in determining the amount of the item in the table of quantities for financial purposes and fraud in the
preparation of the daily report for the purpose of compensating later are grouped together. This
indicates that the contractors would partake in unethical practices for time extension, financial
anomalies and daily reporting, which all would lead to various benefits for the firms. These aspects
encourage the contractors to resort to unethical conduct to benefit their own companies. In addition to
these, lack of concern for environment, safety also lead toward unethical conducts in the construction

4.2.3 Consultant related factors

For consultant factors, seventeen items were identified and they were subjected to factor analysis.
The factor analysis results listed below. Here, Table 8 shows the KMO and Bartlett's Test of
Sphericity. For the collected sample, KMO = .48, this value is near to the expected level to do factor
analysis on the items. However, Bartlett's test is highly significant (P-value < 0.001), and thus factor
analysis is appropriate.

Table 8 KMO and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity for consultant related factors

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling .480
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 80.476
Sphericity df 6
Sig. .000

Table 9 presents eigenvalues related to each linear attribute before extraction has been presented, after
extraction and after rotation. Before extraction, SPSS has identified 4 linear attributes within the data
set. However, among them only two linear relations have the eigenvalues greater than one. The scree
plot (Figure 5) also confirms that, two components have eigenvalues greater than the acceptable

Table 9 Total variance for consultant related factors

Total Variance Explained

Extraction Sums of Squared
Initial Eigenvalues
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total Total
Variance % Variance %
1 2.417 60.427 60.427 2.417 60.427 60.427
2 1.212 30.292 90.720 1.212 30.292 90.720
3 .270 6.761 97.481
4 .101 2.519 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

69 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential Preventive Measures
Fig 5 Scree plot for consultant related factors.

Table 10 Factors responsible for unethical practices at consultant level

Component Matrix
1 2
Imposing of heavy and unfair fines on the .878
contractor to attract his bribery
Lack of supervision .873
Lack of consultant experience .864
Accepting bribery from the contractor .901
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Table 10 illustrates that for component one, lack of supervision, lack of experience and pressure of the
consultant lead towards unethical practices for the consultant. It is quite obvious that without
supervision of the authority, the consultant have the opportunity to create pressure on the contractors
imposing of heavy and unfair fines to fulfil his bribery requests and the inexperienced contractors are
the victims of such unethical conduct. In addition to this, the consultants take bribes from the
constructors which are a major component derived from the greed of the consultant, which in turn
leads to unethical practices.

4.3 Most common forms of unethical practices

There are several forms of unethical practices and the elements involved are also diverse. Doing
unethical conducts lead to take some kind of favours or benefits. Among these, the elements or forms
of exchanging the benefits can be different. Some can be in financial terms using gifts or money,
while others can be having conflict of interest, nepotism, favouritism, hospitality and so on. In this
study, the respondents were asked what kind of form they think are the most common for the outcome
of unethical practices and they provided diverse answers. In order to check which form is most
common, a non-parametric chi-square test has been conduct among the answer options. Here, if all the
forms are same, and they have no difference, then the expected and observed count for all of them
would be the same. However, Table 11 shows the variation in responses about the unethical practices.

70 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential Preventive Measures
Table 11 Variation in the response for the common forms of unethical practices

Common form of unethical practices (contingency table)

Elements of unethical Observed Expected N Residual
conducts N
Gifts 6 4.4 1.6
Hospitality 3 4.4 -1.4
Bribes and inducements 15 4.4 10.6
Conflict of interest 5 4.4 .6
Nepotism 2 4.4 -2.4
Favouritism 2 4.4 -2.4
Political and social 1 4.4 -3.4
Health and safety 1 4.4 -3.4
Total 35

Table 12 Test result for common forms of unethical practices

Test Statistics
Common form unethical
Chi-Square 34.714
df 7
Asymp. Sig. [P-value] .000

In this case, Table 12 confirms that there is statistically a significant difference in the responses for
common forms of unethical practices that involves exchanges of different financial or personal
benefits (Chi-square = 34.71, df = 7, p< 0.05). Now if we look at Table 11, it is clear from the residual
value that taking bribes and inducements, are the most common practices involved in unethical
conduct, while the second common form is taking any kind of gifts and finally the third common from
is having a benefit from conflicts of interest in Saudi construction industry. It is well known that
bribes and gifts are often presented in the bidding process of construction activities to gain the project,
but even personal or professional conflicts of interest can be deemed as common unethical practices.

4.4 Stage of the construction process more susceptible to unethical practices

In any construction project there are several stages which may include expression of interest,
proposal, bidding, awarding, intervention, monitoring and evaluation. However, as a whole for
construction industry these stages can be grouped under two broad categories, before awarding the
project and after awarding the project. Owners, contractors, and consultant all are involved in the
both before and after awarding phases, yet their practices of unethical conduct are different at
different stages. In this research, the items related to unethical practices grouped under these broad
categories and the responses are subjected to a test, (Mann-Whitney U) to investigate if any of this
stage is more susceptible to unethical practices. This is a non-parametric test that compares the mean
values between the groups and shows the statistical significance of the mean ranks. The mean rank
for before and after awarding the project is presented in Table 13.

71 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential Preventive Measures
Table 13 Mean rank for Stage when the unethical conducts take palace

Stage N Mean Rank

Stage when the Before Awarding 35 52.99
unethical conduct take After Awarding 35 18.01
palace Total 70

Table 14, confirms that there is significant difference in the mean rank before and after awarding the
projects as the p < 0.05, in this case the Mann-Whitney U = 0.50, P = 0.000, indicating significance
of the test.

Table 14 Test result for Stage when the unethical conducts take palace
Test Statistics’
Related test scores
Mann-Whitney U .500
Z -7.225
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) [p-value] .000
a. Grouping Variable: Stage

As per the mean rank shown in Table 13, before awarding the project, majority of the unethical
conduct takes place (see Table 14) as per the respondents. According to them, bidding process
involves lots of irregularities and the owners take several steps of bribing and collusion to get the
project. At this stage, they manipulate the people responsible for the awarding process prior to
awarding the project. However, the after awarding phase also involves unethical conduct such as: lack
of consideration for people and the environment as well as error in monitoring processes. However,
these are less susceptible when compared to the phase prior to awarding, so it can be confirmed that
the before awarding the projects phase is more susceptible to unethical practices.

4.5 Strategies to discourage minimize and rein in unethical practice

The factors, forms and stages of unethical conduct has been identified, now the research focused on
findings strategies that would discourage, minimise, and restraint in unethical practice in the
construction industry (see Table 15).

Table 15 List of preventive measures of unethical practices

Reduce unethical Strongly Strongly Total % Total %

Agree Neither Disagree
methods Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
Avoid conflict of
7 17 9 4 0 68.6 05.7
Motivation and
5 3 17 7 3 22.9 28.6
Have good company
value matched with 6 3 13 10 3 25.7 37.2
Benefits to employees
19 16 0 0 0 100 0
and increments
Regular Monitoring 13 11 11 0 0 68.6 0
Proper Supervision 12 14 5 2 2 74.3 11.4

72 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential Preventive Measures
In this case, the totally agree and disagree have been measured based on strongly agree, and agree to
the statement or strongly disagree and disagree to the statement (see Table 15). The analysis found
that among several strategies, the respondents agreed 100% that benefits to the employees and
increments for their salaries often encourage them to stop unethical activities. This means with
increased benefits, the people involved will reduce the unethical conducts. Furthermore, regular
monitoring and avoiding the conflict of interest found 68.6% positive acceptance for reducing the
unethical conducts. Proper supervision (74.3%) also has been found to have greater impact on
reducing the unethical conduct in the construction activities.

4.6 General measures of ethics and their relation with profitability

In addition to unethical conduct related questions, the respondents were also asked if they have read
the ethics code of Saudi council of engineers and (54.3%) of the respondent’s state that yes they
have read the ethics code while the other 45.7% said no (see Table 16). This indicates, a vast
majority of the professional yet lack knowledge on the ethics code.

Table 16 “Engineer's Ethics Code” reading status

Have you read “Engineer's Ethics Code” published by Saudi Council of
Frequency Percentage Valid Cumulative
Percentage Percentage
Valid Yes 19 54.3 54.3 54.3
No 16 45.7 45.7 100.0
Total 35 100.0 100.0

In addition to ethics code, the respondents were also asked about the impact of ethical behaviour on
long-term profitability and 88.6% of the respondents agreed that they found a positive relationship
between ethical behaviour and long-term profitability for the company.

Table 17 Impact of ethical behaviour

Is there a positive relationship between ethical behaviour and long- term
profitability of the company?
Frequency Percentage Valid Cumulative
Percentage Percentage
Valid Yes 31 88.6 88.6 88.6
No 4 11.4 11.4 100.0
Total 35 100.0 100.0

As presented in Table17, it is obvious that people would find positive impact of ethical conduct as it
relates to profitability. With positive ethical behaviour the reputation of the company become more
transparent and acceptable, this subsequently will lead to better profits in the future. Finally, all the
respondents agreed that if they were in a position of a decision maker in the organisation and he/she
has two contractors having the same experience, financial ability, managerial ability, repetition and
work history, they would not send Invitation-To-Bid (ITB) to the contractor who is close relative,

73 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential Preventive Measures
friend or tribe-member. It is obvious, none would agree on doing any favouritism or nepotism on a
public project.

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

It is concluded that there are several factors, encouraging the unethical practices in the construction
industry. From client/owner aspects, illegal action and imposing pressure on project manager, delay
in payment processes are key factors that contribute in the unethical practices. While, under bidding,
bid cutting, bid shopping and bid rigging, over billing, fraud activities and illogical demands are key
contributors of unethical practices from the contractor prospective but from the consultant
prospective,lack of supervision, monitoring and taking bribes from contractors are found to be
encouraging factors for unethical conductin the construction industry. Moreover, the common
elements under unethical conduct also include bribes, gifts and conflicts of interest. In the form of
bribes, the people partaking in unethical practice take monetary benefits. Gifts are often promoted as
a common way of transferring the benefits of unethical conduct. Last but not the least, there is the
element known as conflicts of interest is one of root cause of such practices.The paperalso revealed
that unethical practices takes place both prior to and after the construction project awarding.
However, it is found that major unethical practices in the construction industry take place in the
tendering stage or prior to awarding a project.Since, a vast majority of professionals are ignorant to
the ethics code, promoting ethics code and motivating them with greater company values might help
to reduce unethical practices. Thepaperalso highlighted that the issues like benefits to employees,
avoiding conflicts of interest, strict monitoring and proper supervision can be some effective ways to
discourage and minimise the unethical practices among the stakeholders in the construction industry.


The study islimited to small number of samples and the cross-sectional design so the long term effect
cannot be fully addressed in this study, just like how the way people perceive unethical practices
over a long term cannot be placed. Qualitative and inductive approaches can complement these
findings; hence, the lack of a qualitative method is another limitation of this study. Last but not the
least, the study was conducted using a small sample of respondents due to lack of resources. The use
of more samples with complex multivariate analytical methods would provide better understanding
of the research findings, as well as add more validity and reliability of the research outcomes.

Recommendations for preventive measures

Based on several strategies pointed out by the respondents and their measures of ethics and their
relation with profitability, the study has formulated the following recommendations to reduce the
effects of the critical factors that lead to unethical conducts;

1. Increase the benefits for the employees and if possible, provide shares from the overall
profit, these would keep them happy considering the financial aspects. A decent appraisal
for employee work willresult the changing behaviour and increase their moral values to keep
them ethical in their professional practices.
2. Avoid conflicts of interest by managing the projects under one authority and encouraging
the reduction of personal conflict of interest between the employees and company.This will
promote greater values for the companies in line with the personal values of the employees.

74 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 A Study of Unethical Practices in the Construction Industries and Potential Preventive Measures
3. Conduct the regular monitoring systems at the different stages of the project and appoint
independent monitoring bodies for effective and regular auditing of financial for company.
4. Ensure punishment for unethical activities at different stages of the construction activities.
5. Promote ethics code and awareness regarding the values of ethical behaviour for the overall
good of the construction industries at different forums and media platform.

Recommendations for future studies

• Design a study that includes both quantitative and qualitative methods by ensuring a
triangulation process to differentiate findings from one another.
• Take a larger sample size from different areas around the countrythat involved in the
construction industry to make sure the geographic diversity of the data.
• To explore the underlying reasons behind the unethical conducts in the construction


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