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Syed Rashid Habib1 B.D.S., F.C.P.S.

Fahim Ahmed Vohra2 B.D.S, MFDS, MClinDent, MRD RCS

Patients requesting replacement complete dentures have often worn the same set of dentures, successfully for many
years. They have become accustomed with the fitting, polished and occlusal surfaces of their dentures. Patients
should be provided with prosthesis which optimize esthetics, phonetics and function along with preserving the health
of existing oral structures. Physical and mental adaptability of patients is of utmost importance in achieving success
in complete denture therapy. This case report presents a method of complete denture fabrication along with its
clinical and laboratory steps, which involve replicating the desired features of the prosthesis, along with improvements
in esthetic, occlusion and stability, utilizing a three visit copy denture technique.
KEY WORDS: Copy denture, Existing dentures Replacing Techique Geriatric patiant.
HOW TO CITE: Vohra FA, Habib SR. Copy denture, Existing dentures Replacing Techique Geriatric patiant.
J Pak Dent Assoc 2013;

INTRODUCTION simple, quick and less challenging clinically and

technically or to provide implant retained dentures

O The treatment of patients who need complete

dentures, challenges the skills of a dentist. One
concern is the clinical and technical aspect of
denture fabrication; the other is the general physical
which require increased cost, time and maintenance.
Provision of a replacement complete denture to an
elderly complete denture wearer is one of these
challenges faced by a treating dentist10.
health, local oral factors and psychological well being Adaptation to replacement dentures is a continuous
of the patient. These latter factors can be as important struggle for the elderly especially, when major changes
as the clinical and technical treatment aspects in the are made on the occlusal and fitting denture
potential success of treatment 1-4 . The increased life surfaces 11. The patients which pose the greatest threat
expectancy of the elderly edentulous population are the ones with systemic disorders such as Parkinson's,
augments the challenge of restoring mastication, dementia and physically frail. A clinician must appreciate
phonet i c s and e s t he ti c s for t he s e pat i ent s 5 . that the degree of adaptive capability of old denture
Dissatisfaction with complete dentures is a common wearers is also related to the health of the supporting
phenomenon, Van Waas and others have reported that tissues, their neuromuscular coordination, and their
25% of denture wearers have severe problems with motivation for learning new skills12,13. Patient with old
their dentures 6,7 . Complaints about discomfort and and inadequate prosthesis are still able to persevere
instability often occur and many denture wearers report with them due to muscular control developed over a
difficulties during mastication and phonetics8. With the long period. However, a new prosthesis requires the
advancements in techniques and materials, and the development of a new learning sequence and the will
introduction of the implant supported prosthesis, the to be persistent. Therefore, it is important to identify
satisfaction level of edentulous patients with their patients who may have difficulty adapting or are
prosthesis has increased9. However, a great challenge unwilling to learn new skills14, 15. In these cases, existing
to the clinician is to make a decision in providing the dentures are extremely valuable for diagnosis and
patient with a conventional complete denture which is treatment planning. Most existing dentures, whether or
not they have been worn successfully, provide extremely
1. A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r, D e p a r t m e n t o f P r o s t h e t i c D e n t a l S c i e n c e s . valuable information for all stages of treatment16. These
2. A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r, D e p a r t m e n t o f P r o s t h e t i c D e n t a l S c i e n c e s , patients will benefit from treatment that makes minimum
College of Dentistry, King Saud University, P. O. Box 60169, King Abdullah Road,
Riyadh, 11545, Saudi Arabia Office: 966-1-467 7444 Mobile: 966-532911056 change from the old to new dentures, such as the use
Fax: 966-1-467 8548
of the Copy (duplicate) Denture technique because it

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Habib SR / Vohra FA Replacing existing dentures by copy-denture technique for
geriatric patients: a case report

makes an easier transition to the new prosthesis 15-17.

Copy dentures enhance neuromuscular adaptation to
new dentures, reduce patient-clinician chair side time,
reduce laboratory steps, require fewer patient visits,
make jaw relation registration simple, provide technical
staff with more guidance to tooth position and moulds,
allows for copying esthetics and are cost effective18,19.
Since the desirability of copying was recognized by
Fenn et al in 1953, several methods have been evolved,
most of which are based upon the production of replica
dentures from impressions of the existing appliances
to form the basis of the new appliances4,15-18, 20-21, 23-24.
There is evidence to suggest that both the dentist and
the dental technician have a clear understanding of the
rationale behind the copy technique and why the
technique is being used for a particular patient; it is
likely that the prescription will not be followed
accurately by the dental laboratory21. Figure 2. Existing (old) dentures of the patient.
This case report presents a method of complete
denture fabrication along with its clinical and laboratory pathology and adequate salivary flow was present.
steps, which involves replicating the desired features Inspection of the previous dentures exhibited
of the prosthesis along with improvements in esthetic, discoloration and worn occlusal surfaces (Figure2).
occlusion and stability utilizing a three visit copy denture Denture examination exhibited lack of retention and
technique. stability, non-balanced occlusal contacts, worn teeth
resulting in reduced occlusal-vertical dimension (OVD).
CASE REPORT A diagnosis of ill-fitting, discolored complete dentures
with occlusal wear, decreased OVD and occlusal
An 83 yr old male, reported to the Department of disharmony was made.
Prosthodontics, (Study setting removed). The patient The treatment options available were:
was a complete denture wearer, using the existing Provision of new complete dentures fabricated
dentures for the last 14 yrs. He complained of loose, by conventional denture fabrication technique.
discolored dentures and had difficulty in mastication. Provision of new complete dentures fabricated
The patient was medically fit and well. Extra oral by copy denture technique.
examination showed decrease in occlusal vertical Implant supported over-dentures.
dimension (OVD). In the intraoral examination the oral The objective was to provide new retentive and
and denture hygiene was found to be satisfactory. The stable complete maxillary and mandibular dentures with
upper arch was U shaped while the lower arch was acceptable function and esthetics with limited patient
highly resorbed and depressed (Figure1). Due to visits. The age of the patient and the relatively better
evidence of the adaptation to the existing complete
dentures was a clear indication for the use of copy
denture technique. All options including their risks,
benefits etc were explained to the patient and the patient
opted for new complete dentures by the copy denture
The treatment was planned in three stages. At the
Figure 1. Intraoral views of the maxillary and mandibular arches.
first visit, impressions of the existing dentures were
resorption in the lower arch the bellies of mentalis recorded using stock impression trays and irreversible
muscle were very prominent. There was no intraoral hydro-colloid (alginate) for fabrication of the template

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Habib SR / Vohra FA Replacing existing dentures by copy-denture technique for
geriatric patients: a case report

dentures. Initially, the occlusal and polished surfaces dimensions were made. This was followed by registering
of the dentures were embedded in the alginate mix, the retruded position of the mandible and the face bow
once complete set was achieved; grooves were cut transfer record. Before the original dentures were
returned to the patient, shade of the existing denture
teeth were recorded and the patient was discharged for
the day.
Using the new maxilla-mandibular records, the
replica dentures were mounted in the articulator with
the face bow record and inter-occlusal centric relation
record in wax (wax wafer) as recorded earlier
(Figure 5). Arrangement of teeth was then carried out

Figure 3. Moulds of the existing dentures after impression with


within the impression before the placement of the second

tray. The fitting surface was then invested in a second
mix of alginate and allowed to set undisturbed and
stationary. Later, impression trays were separated and
the dentures were recovered from their moulds (Figure3).
Subsequently, in the clinic, after cutting sprue channels
(Inlet & Exit), a thin mix of the pouring type chemically
curing acrylic resin was poured into the moulds
Figure 5. Mounted copy templates using face-bow and centric
(recorded impressions for the old dentures earlier). Two relation record.
halves (impression of the polished/occlusal and
in the laboratory by removing acrylic resin and replacing
with a tooth, one tooth at a time, without disturbing the
buccolingual position of the teeth (Figure6).

Figure 4. Acrylic resin replicas/copy templates made by pouring

mix of cold-curing resin in the alginate moulds.

impression surface) of the moulds were secured with

the help of grooves and rubber bands. After setting
of the resin the template dentures (self cure dentures
in pink color) were then removed from the moulds
The acrylic template replica dentures were then
used for corrections in the maxillo-mandibular relations.
Figure 6. Arrangement of Teeth On Copy Templates
In the first place the changes in the occlusal vertical

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Vohra SR
FA / Habib
Vohra SR
FA Replacing existing dentures by copy-denture technique for
geriatric patients: a case report

At the second clinical visit, the trial of the dentures

was done and functional reline impressions were
recorded in the trial dentures using zinc oxide paste
(Figure7). Investing of the denture in flasks, de-waxing,

esthetics, occlusion and phonetics of the new dentures.

This method is simple and utilizes materials and

Table 1: Clinical and Laboratory procedures at each Visit.

Patient Stage Clinical Steps Suggestions


1. Clinical Diagnosis and treatment plan List those aspects of the

Figure 7. Reline impressions recorded at the trial dentures stage. If the pt. is suitable for copy dentures existing dentures that will
then;Invest/Impression of dentures to be modified and those
be copied. aspects that will be
packing the mould with resin and curing of the dentures copied.

was then completed in the laboratory. After finishing Lab Construct copy templates with self cure
acrylic resin.
and polishing the dentures were ready for insertion
(Figures 8 & 9). Clinical Record Maxillo-mandibular relation
using replica denture
In the third and final visit the dentures were fitted
intra-orally after minor adjustments. The patient was
Mounting of the Copy Templates. It is important to
Lab Arrangement of teeth for trial dentures. remove/grind only one or
two teeth from the
templates at a time so that
the remainder acts as
effective guides to
accurate positioning of
the new teeth.

2. Clinical Denture trial for the patient. Record the wash

Take reline impressions within the impression with close-
templates in wash-viscosity elastomeric mouth impression
/ zinc oxide eugenol impression method.
Figure 8. Finished and polished dentures. Lab Final wax up, Flasking, Dewaxing, If it is required wax can
Packing of acrylic, Curing, Finishing be added to the acrylic
and Polishing of dentures. palate and wax up is
finalized before

During the Flasking,

Dewaxing and Packing,
the remaining cold
curing resin and
impression material are
discarded and the flask
is packed with heat cure
acrylic resin.

Figure 9. Impression surfaces of new dentures. 3. Clinical Denture insertion Selective spot grinding
of the new teeth
called for review and follow up visit at 24 hours post- intraorally.
Patient put on review /
operative and after 1 week. During the follow up visits recall
the patient was found to be satisfied with the function,

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Habib SR / Vohra FA Replacing existing dentures by copy-denture technique for
geriatric patients: a case report

equipment commonly available in almost all dental to history of previous failed attempts and existing
surgeries20. denture problems like, discoloration, flat occlusal
The various clinical and technical stages of a copy surfaces and unstable dentures. All of these issues led
denture technique are summarized in Table-I. It is to the indication of new replacement complete dentures
possible to undertake more than one clinical stage at with copy technique. This technique helped to reduce
the same appointment. the patient's clinical chair-side time as well as the
reduction in appointments. With the new teeth there
DISCUSSION was improvement in the esthetics as well as chewing
efficiency, and reduced OVD was improved with the
Provision of replacement complete dentures for an new jaw relation record. Finally, well fitting new
increasingly elderly population presents problems for complete dentures was a direct result of the new
the prosthodontist. This is due to reduced adaptability impression surfaces.
to new prosthesis because of decreased neuromuscular The clinical value of a copy denture method
skills in geriatric patients22. The existing denture that enabling reproduction of selected features of old dentures
needs to be replaced due to wear, tooth loss, compared to fabrication of new complete dentures in
discoloration, chipped and cracked bases provides the replacements is no longer in doubt26. The success of the
dentist with many useful information in planning new present and earlier methods using copy technique in
dentures. It is therefore helpful to reproduce familiar overcoming problems arising from disparities between
features of a patient's old prosthesis, especially if these new and old dentures constitutes a powerful argument
have been used successfully for some years23-26. With for more widespread application of such a method as
replacement dentures, copying of suitable features using first line of treatment for appropriate indications22-26.
a copy denture technique is indicated 24. The existing
denture provides superior trays and registration of CONCLUSION
maxilla-mandibular relations are easy and more
predicable in terms of accuracy. With copy dentures For elderly and frail patients who have used their
information available in the patients existing dentures old dentures successfully for a significant period of
is used to simplify and quicken the procedure of making time, provision of replacement complete dentures by
new dentures 23-24. A local publication of a case report copy denture technique is a simple and cost effective
has described the benefits of the copy dentures and a procedure. The replacement dentures will have better
technique of using copy denture flask specifically adaptability with reduced chair-side and laboratory time.
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