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The guide provides a comprehensive overview of growing marijuana, covering everything from germinating seeds to harvesting and storing buds indoors and outdoors.

The guide covers topics like types of marijuana, seeds, growing indoors and outdoors, vegetative growth, flowering, harvesting, drying, and storage.

The guide recommends hanging plants upside down to dry naturally over 2 weeks but also mentions faster drying methods like using an oven or skillet which can produce a harsher taste. It's important not to dry too quickly to avoid mold or rot.


How To Grow Weed: A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners


Congratulations! You’ve just downloaded the Marijuana Grow Bible. This grow
guide will teach you everything you need to know about growing marijuana. Every
aspect of the growing process is explained here, from germinating seeds to drying
and storing your marijuana buds, both indoors and outdoors. Carefully read this
guide to start growing like a professional.

I wrote this guide after receiving many questions and requests from visitors of Many people requested a collection of the articles on
my website as a PDF to read on-the-go or to print out. I want to help people grow,
and I hope you’ll share your knowledge as well. Feel free to share this guide with
fellow growers. Grow Guide for Beginners

So if you want to grow medical marijuana, marijuana for recreational use, or make
Congratulations! You’ve just downloaded the Marijuana Grow Bible. This grow guide will learn you
everything money
you need tofrom
this beginner grow guide
growing marijuana. Everywill helpofyou
aspect the grow the growing
complete best plants
possible. Learn all about marijuana seeds, watering, pruning, and harvesting
is explained. From germinating seeds to drying and storing your marijuana buds, both indoors and
outdoors. Carefullyboth indoors
read this guideand
andoutdoors. If you
start growing likegrow marijuana indoors, you can yield
a professional.
up to 18 ounces per 10 ft² with a 600-watt HPS light. Outdoors, you can yield up to
I wrote this guide after receiving many questions and requests from website visitors at
18 ounces per plant. It all depends on the love and care you put into growing your Many people requested an collection of the articles on my website as pdf
to read on a screen or to print. I want to help people grow and I hope you share your knowledge as
well. Feel free to share this document with fellow growers.
To learn more about this beautiful plant please visit
So if you want to grow medical marijuana, marijuana for
recreational use or make some money with it, this beginner
For regular updates and the latest
grow guide will help you grow the best marijuana.
growing techniques be sure to check
Learn all about marijuana seeds, watering, pruning and
out my accounts on Facebook, Twitter,
harvesting marijuana both indoors and outdoors. If you
Instagram and YouTube.
grow marijuana indoors you can yield up to 18 ounces per
10 ft2 with a 600 watt HPS light. Outdoor yields of up to 18
Happy growing,
ounces per plant are possible. It all depends on the love
and care Bergman
you put into growing marijuana.

For any additional information, questions, suggestions

or proposals, please visit www.ilovegrowingmarijuana.
com or contact my team on robert@ For daily updates and the
latest growing techniques follow me on Facebook or google+.

Preface 5

Types of Marijuana 7

Marijuana Seeds 9

Growing Marijuana 11
Indoor Growing 11
Lights 12
Germination 14
Germination Soil 16
Light Cycle and Distance from Plants 17
Watering 19
Indoor Vegetative Growth 21
Transplanting 21
Vegetative Growth Techniques 23
Water and Lighting 23
Soil Control 25
Nutrients and Feeding 26
Pruning 28

Other Environmental Factors 30

Air 30
Temperature 30
Humidity 32
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 32
Flowering 33
Determining the Sex 33
How to Force Flowering 36
Indoor Problems and Pests 38
Eliminating Pests 39
A Few Notes about Indoor Security 40

Outdoor Growing 42
Soil 43
Sowing the Seeds 45
Germination 46
Weeding 47
Light 48
Watering 49
Temperature, Weather, and Air 51
Outdoor Flowering 53
Pests, Predators, and Other Problems 54
Companion Planting 55
Natural Predators 57
Other Repellent Methods 58
Some Notes about Outdoor Security 60
Harvesting 62
Post-Harvest Activities 64
Drying 66
Storage 67

Epilogue 69

Marijuana is likely one of the most interesting and rewarding plants

to grow, if only because it has a remarkably short lifespan. You get
to see the entire process from germination to harvest in only three
to six months and, of course, you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor
when the process is finished. Many prospective growers might take
to growing marijuana with an air of nonchalance, but that is really not
the way to go about it. It is a labor-intensive effort that requires you to
take great care of the plants if you want the best product by harvest
time. Even though it can be somewhat difficult, that doesn’t mean
it shouldn’t be attempted at all. In fact, many people who have no
gardening or horticultural history whatsoever have taken to growing
cannabis. Many people suggest that, while you can’t become addicted
to marijuana use, you can certainly become addicted to marijuana
growing. This beginner grow guide can undoubtedly give you a solid
foundation to help make growing your marijuana garden a much
simpler process overall.

Of course, as marijuana’s murky legal history in the United States

(and, really, around the world) will let you know, growing marijuana
comes with a certain amount of risk. Even the first states to legalize
the recreational use of marijuana (Colorado and Washington) still
maintain strict laws about actual marijuana growth. Indeed, the federal
government has yet to back down from its stance that both marijuana
possession and growth are punishable offenses. But that doesn’t stop

people from growing it, and there are plenty of ways to ensure that
you maintain a certain amount of security during the process.

The interesting thing about marijuana’s legal status in modern

times is that the plant and humanity have shared a sort of symbiotic
relationship for centuries. The plant has thrived as a result of cultivation
and humans have benefited from the medicinal effects that cannabis
provides. Indeed, up until about 70 years ago, cannabis was used in
Western medicine as a way to treat all kinds of different ailments.
Unfortunately, many governments across the world have criminalized
it despite the fact that it is one of the most innocuous drugs that you
can use. It does not have the addictive properties of hard narcotics
like cocaine or heroin and, in some cases, it’s even safer than using
commonly prescribed drugs. So grow and smoke as much as you


Marijuana is one of the only annual plants to have two different sexes.
This means that plants can come in both male and female varieties,
and even occasionally hermaphroditic varieties that have both male
and female reproductive organs. There are also three major species of

` Indica: Relatively short and wide, with greener colors and round
leaves that have marble-like patterns. Provides a heavy, body

` Sativa: Can grow taller, but are thinner with more pointed leaves
that don’t have patterns on them. Provides an energetic, cerebral

` Ruderalis: Lesser known than the other two. Small plants, used
primarily for making clothes, rope, etc.

Each of these types of marijuana has its own properties when it

comes to actually using it. One of the largest indicators of potency
for a particular plant is its THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content. This
is essentially the stuff that provides the soothing, medicinal qualities
that many people associate with cannabis. In general, most growers
use indica, sativa, or hybrid varieties of the two. Ruderalis generally gets
left out of any cannabis cultivation because it lacks a high amount of

Each of these types of marijuana has its own properties when it comes to actually using it. One of the
largest indicators of potency for a particular plant is its THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content. This is
essentially the stuff that provides the soothing, medicinal qualities that many people associate with
cannabis. In general, most growers use indica, sativa, or hybrid varieties of the two. Ruderalis generally
gets left out of any cannabis cultivation because it lacks a high amount of THC. In addition, it should
be pointed Also,
sexpointed out that
on the cannabis plantthe female sex
is most-prized on thebecause
by growers cannabisof its high
plant is most prized by growers because of its high THC content.
THC content.

Indica,small andbushy
small and bushy Sativa, talland
Sativa, tall and thin
thin Ruderalis,
Ruderalis, hemp.hemp.

In general, the THC in female plants rises when the plant remains
unpollinated. It will produce more flowers, more buds, and more THC
resin, making the eventual smoke much more potent by the time of
harvest. There are also plenty of other natural chemicals on a marijuana
plant that influence the kind of high you receive. These chemicals
are referred to as cannabinoids, and they interact with your cognitive
and physical functions to produce altered states of mind and being.
Growing the plants under ideal conditions will promote high-quality
THC production in your female plants. Indica/Sativa hybrids like Skunk,
Northern Lights, Orange Bud, and Blueberry are very popular. Read
more about different marijuana strains.


There are a number of ways to find marijuana seeds but, if you’re in

the United States, almost all of them are illegal. Of course, the most
effective (and least expensive) way to get seeds is by receiving them
from a friend. This will keep you off the radar of any law enforcement,
and the seeds will be coming from a trusted source. There will be
no surprises when it comes to the growth period or harvest time.
Getting seeds from a fellow grower is an ideal scenario, but of course
sometimes that isn’t an option.

Another option you have at your disposal is buying seeds from a dealer.
Of course, you’ll need to have an in into the black market, and this
option is really a toss-up when it comes to quality. It’s possible to finish
with some weird but very nice plants, but some of the seeds might be
inert and won’t grow to their full potential, if at all.

Your third option is to go through a seed bank. You can find a lot of
these online, most of which are based out of the Netherlands or Canada
where it’s legal to sell marijuana seeds. Unfortunately, many Dutch
seed banks refuse to ship to the US, and there is a decent possibility of
getting ripped off in the end. There’s minimal risk of being caught by
any authorities because the seeds are packaged discreetly. Of course,
if a postal employee mishandles the package, the seeds might come
to you cracked or otherwise unusable. If you live near the border of

Your third option is to go to a seed bank. You can find a lot of these online, most of which are based out
of the Netherlands or Canada where it’s legal to sell marijuana seeds. Unfortunately, many Dutch seed
banks refuse to ship to the US, and there is a decent possibility of getting ripped off in the end. There’s
very little risk of being caught by any authorities because the seeds are packaged discreetly. Of course,
if a postal employee mishandles the package, the seeds might come to you cracked or otherwise
unusable. If youyou could
live near the also
border cross the border
with Canada, and
you can find
cross theaborder
physical seed
and find bank seed
a physical
that might
might be be
willing to sell to
willing to you.
sell to you.

Healthy marijuana seeds

Healthy marijuana seeds
For novice growers who have some experience with different marijuana
strains, locating a favorite type is likely a priority. Most vendors categorize
their seeds by strain. They might have unique names for their individual
strains, but the species (i.e., indica, sativa, etc.) will reveal what you can
expect from the smoke. In any event, it’s important to find the seeds
that best correlate to the smoking experience you desire.

After receiving your marijuana seeds, make sure to inspect them for
quality. Most mature seeds will have a dark brown color with swirling
or marbling patterns. Mature seeds like these are the ones most likely
to germinate and thrive. Seeds that are a sort of pale green are often
not mature enough and were taken off the plant too early. There’s
no harm in trying to grow these, but you might not have as much
success. Once you have a fully-grown crop you can harvest your own
marijuana seeds and not need to deal with anyone in the future. What
are your favorite marijuana seeds? Leave a comment on my article
about quality marijuana seeds.


Obviously, obtaining seeds is only the first in a long line of steps that
you must complete in order to start growing your marijuana plants.
Before you start doing anything, you need to know where the growing
will ultimately take place. Of course, there are two primary options:
indoors or outdoors.

Growing marijuana isn’t like picking up packages of pumpkin seeds

at the grocery store and then throwing them into the ground. Many
marijuana growers need to take stock of the feasibility of growing
marijuana in the space they have to work with. For example, do you
have enough space in your house to grow marijuana indoors? How
many plants do you want to grow? Are you prepared for all of the
unpredictabilities of being a grower? If you’re growing marijuana
outdoors, do you have a concealed location? How’s the weather where
you live? How’s the soil?

The following sections of this e-book will explore these questions and
much more.

Indoor Growing
For many people, growing marijuana indoors is the only option. Luckily,
cannabis is a relatively versatile plant, and many varieties can be grown
both indoors and out. Even so, you should check with the breeder (if

at all possible) to see where the plants are best grown. Sometimes
breeders develop seeds specifically for outdoor use. The last thing you
want to do is grow marijuana plants indoors that were really meant for
the great outdoors.

If you grow your plants under the right circumstances, you can yield a lot
of marijuana -- over a pound per square meter. Of course, temperature,
air circulation, humidity, and plant care have to be perfect, but this can
be controlled very well when growing indoors. No weather extremes
or the neighbor’s cat will damage your marijuana.

Lights often represent the lifeblood of plants that are grown indoors.
Because any sunlight that they might receive is sparse, artificial
light is valuable and necessary. Plants need the light to perform
photosynthesis, which is vital for sugar and tissue production.

Many people who grow for personal use will use a closet space for their
garden. Some can get away with using a guest bedroom that can’t be
seen from the outside and is rarely used otherwise. Regardless, every
grower must assess the viability, both in terms of space and electrical
capacity, of bringing in large amounts of lights.

Most growers limit their choices to one of the following three options:
fluorescents, incandescents, and HID (high-intensity discharge) lamps.
To save yourself some time and money, it’s in your best interest to opt
for HID lamps during the vegetative and flowering stage. These are sold
as Metal Halide (MH) or High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) lamps and they
are, without question, the best for your marijuana garden. Although
they have a higher up-front cost than fluorescent or incandescent

lights, their overall value is much greater in the long run because they
don’t require as much electricity as the other options, plus they are
brighter also last much longer. Even if you’re on a budget and don’t
want to throw away too much money up front, you must still factor in
the cost of the electricity bill and bulb replacements.

Fluorescent light Marijuana needs a lot of light HPS light

So, when it comes down to it, MH and HPS lamps represent a much
better value and product overall. The plants will also need an even
distribution of light so that growth is congruent. A lot of professional
growers hook up a track system that allows the light(s) to be moved.
With this technique, the plants receive an optimal amount of light
without needing extra lights here and there.

For seedlings, an HPS light bulb can be too much, so many growers
use fluorescent lights during germination. They don’t produce a lot of
heat and can be lowered to just four inches above the top leaves.

Reflective material also helps enhance the amount of light that the
plants receive. This can be as simple as lining the walls with aluminum
foil or just painting the walls of the room with bright white paint. While
mirrors undoubtedly look nice as decorations, they don’t actually
reflect as much light as other materials.

Large indoor gardens (and the light they require) place some heavy
burdens on electricity, but personal growers really won’t have any
problems because they might only use a few hundred volts per hour.
This usage would add, at the most, about $10 to the electric bill.
Extensive growers, on the other hand, might be limited by the size
of their circuit. For instance, older homes might only have a 15-amp
circuit that can’t maintain all the excess light that a large garden
needs. Read these articles about HPS and fluorescent lights and let
me know what kind of lights you use.

Once the lights are up, you can begin the process of germination.
Germination essentially entails planting the marijuana seed and
coercing it to sprout. If you don’t provide it with the right environment,
the seed will just remain a seed for the foreseeable future.

There are several methods that you can use to germinate your
marijuana seeds, and every grower recommends something different.
For the most part, the options are limited to either using soil (or another
growing medium) or a wet paper towel.

Just by looking at these options, soil seems like it would be the most
natural way of germinating a seed and, indeed, that is the case. Simply
place the seed about 3 mm deep into the soil and keep the soil moist
for about 7 days. This usually has around a 75% to 80% success rate in
terms of getting seeds to germinate. This also depends on the seed

Germinating process

The wet paper towel method is another method that is relatively

simple. For this, you place the seed on a damp paper towel and fold
the towel over it. In theory, the success rate with this method is around
80% to 90%, but it is more common for breakages to occur while
transplanting. The seedling clearly won’t be able to thrive in a paper
towel, so transplanting is necessary, and it must be performed with
great care.

Other options for germination include “propagation kits,” which is just

a fancy and more economical way to say “growing media for seeds.”
These include Rockwool cubes and have a similar success rate when
compared to the paper towel trick. You can find these kits at many
garden centers.

Still, the easiest method for any beginner is just to use soil. Transplanting
will not be necessary, and it really is the most natural way to get your
seeds to germinate adequately. When transplanting the seedlings at
such an early age, you run the risk of “shocking” the plants. This will
either stunt their growth or kill them altogether, so it makes sense to
just stick with using soil until you get comfortable enough as a grower
to use something else.

I’ve met many growers over the years, and everybody has their own
way of germinating seeds. Some prefer soil, others rockwool or peat
pots. What is your favorite way of germinating seeds? Read my article
about germinating marijuana seeds and leave a comment.

Germination Soil
This brings up an obvious question: “What kind of soil should I use
for germination?” At many garden centers, you will find soils that are
marketed specifically as “germination soils.” Nothing really separates
these soils from more conventional soils except that they have certain
nutrients and don’t contain any composted material. Look for soils that
have an NPK (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium) ratio of around 5:1:1 or
8:4:4. Really, any soil with more nitrogen than the other two nutrients
will be adequate for germinating marijuana seeds.

The containers you place the soil in are also relatively important. It’s
common for growers to use buckets that can hold between 2 and 5
gallons because the root system in a marijuana plant can become
quite extensive. Smaller containers will work for the germination and
seedling period, but the plants will need to be transplanted later. Thus,
it makes sense to plant the marijuana seeds and leave the plants in a
single 2- to 5-gallon bucket for the majority of their lives. This gives the
roots adequate room to grow and thrive while also providing a perfect
environment for nutrients and a satisfactory reservoir of water. Also,
leaving them in buckets makes them easily transportable.

Seed cracks open Leaves come out Ready to grow…

Depending on the intensity of the lights you use, the plants will need
about 25 to 35 watts per square foot. The seeds won’t need light to
germinate right away, but it’s common for growers to turn the lights
on after sowing the seeds to warm the soil and promote germination.
It’s also a good idea to keep the lights on and ready for when the first
sprouts appear out of the soil.

A few other things to take into account are the pH balance and the
actual texture of the soil. You can feasibly use the same soil throughout
the life of the plant if you ensure that water can drain properly (soil
texture) and the soil maintains a good pH balance (between 6.0 and
8.0). The texture is particularly important because soils should neither
be too dry nor too moist. Moist soils that have an almost muddy
consistency reduce the amount of oxygen that can reach the roots.
As long as the roots can “breathe” and still maintain adequate water
uptake, the soil should be fine.

Light Cycle and Distance

from Plants
Perhaps the best thing about growing marijuana indoors is that you
have more control over virtually every aspect of the growing process.

While the seeds themselves won’t need light initially, they will certainly
need some light when they produce visible sprouts. Light acts as their
sustenance during this period of time, and it can affect the plants
later in life if they are deprived of the valuable light they require. This
assumes, of course, that the soil, nutrient quality, and watering regimen
are all adequate as well.

At this delicate stage, the lights should be somewhat close to the

marijuana plants. In fact, dropping them down to about four inches
away from the soil is ideal if you use fluorescent lights. The light cycle
should also be relatively consistent at around 16 to 18 hours of light per
day. This will be the light cycle for a majority of the plant’s life, but it
can be hard to maintain a reliable schedule. To remedy this, you can
purchase an automatic timer, which only costs about $8 and will let
you focus on other things.

Lights close to plants Automatic timer Small plants under

fluorescent light

Depending on the particular strain, some plants could stand to use

a more intensive light regimen. Cannabis really tends to absorb light
voraciously because it is a high-energy plant. Some marijuana growers
have been known to expose their plants to a light cycle with a full 24
hours of light. Most growers won’t have to go to those extremes, but
you may need to increase the light cycle to over 18 hours at some point
if you want to improve growth. Of course, an automatic light timer can

make this considerably easier, and some lights actually come installed
with a timer.

As the marijuana plant ages and starts to grow, the lights should still
remain as close to the leaves as possible without damaging them.
The instructions on the lights might tell you to keep them at a certain
distance from the plants, but cannabis requires a lot of light energy to
thrive. In fact, with lower output bulbs, you can place the lights 2 to 4
inches away from the tops of the leaves. For higher output bulbs, you
can place them 4 to 6 inches from the tops of the leaves.

Every living thing on the planet requires water in some form, but, when
working with marijuana, extra caution should be exercised. During the
germination period, avoid overwhelming the marijuana plant with
moisture. The top layer of soil should be kept moist, but even then it’s
best to only use a few spritzes of water from a spray bottle. When the
plant actually sprouts, keep the area near the stem dry. This is because
moist conditions around the stem are often conducive to stem rot.

At this stage (and, really, any stage) it’s relatively easy to overwater
marijuana plants. Using excessive water can cause significant issues
with the soil and place stress on the plants. As mentioned previously, the
soil should not be too wet. If you make the soil soggy by overwatering
it, the roots will essentially drown due to a lack of oxygen. This is
particularly true when watering small marijuana seedlings in large
pots. These plants won’t need to be watered as much as bigger plants
because they won’t need to take in as much water.

Unfortunately, it can be hard to tell if you are overwatering your plants
because the symptoms of overwatering and underwatering are exactly
the same (i.e. the leaves will droop). One way to check is by inspecting
the moisture level of the soil. You can do this by merely touching the
soil with your hand. If the soil feels damp, then holding off on watering
your plants is the best course of action. It will still have plenty of water
to draw from in the soil if it is clearly moist. If the soil is dry, then adding
more water is advisable. As the plants grow, they will require more and
more water to quench their thirst.

Keep soil moist Use regular plant sprayer Spray leaves every
now and then

Overall, keeping the soil exceptionally moist or exceptionally dry for

any long period of time will not be good for the plants. In fact, it actually
needs to alternate between moist and dry to provide better aeration
in the soil.

Tap water is frequently used to grow marijuana, but many growers

have concerns about its viability. Some municipal water systems put a
lot of chlorine in the water which could kill beneficial bacteria around
the plant. In general, chlorine isn’t going to be a huge problem, and
many plants grow and thrive using chlorinated water. Some solutions
that are normally used for fish tanks can also work for growing a
marijuana garden. Try adding sodium to the tap water prior to watering.
The sodium then bonds with chlorine in the water to make sodium

chloride (a.k.a. salt). This won’t harm the plant but, if used in excess,
the soil could become too saline.

It’s also possible for your water supply to be infected with other minerals,
which is a condition known as hard water. While hard water might
be detrimental to your plumbing over an extended period of time, it
won’t have any negative effects on the plants. In fact, the minerals
in the water actually help promote growth by adding extra nutrients.
It is advisable to stay away from artificial water softeners during the
growing period because they tend to put excessive amounts of sodium
in the water supply, making it unsafe for the soil and the plant. They
also use a lot of other artificial additives that might not be good for
your plant later on.

Indoor Vegetative Growth

Once the marijuana plant progresses out of the seedling stage, it will
enter the vegetative growth period. During this time, the growth rate
will increase by leaps and bounds, with more leaves and branches
appearing. The seedlings will also finally start looking like actual
marijuana plants.

Marijuana plants that were germinated in small pots will need to be
transplanted to larger ones as soon as the vegetative growth starts
kicking in. If the containers are too small for the plants, they can quickly
become rootbound and begin to lose vigor (or even die). The key is, of
course, to transplant them before that happens.

Of course, the transplanting process should be treated with a lot of
care because transplant shock is common. You can avoid transplant
shock if you treat the process with extreme caution. Before you do
anything, make sure the soil is moist so that nothing will be jarred
out of place. Then, insert a spade (or even a large spoon) into the soil
about 1 inch away from the plant’s stem. Make sure that you don’t
damage the roots and that you take out a large enough clump to do
the transplant. You should have a previously prepared hole in the new
soil. It should be dug in such a way that the seedling will be at the
same height.

Squeeze pot and hold Beware of becoming Almost rootbound

upside down rootbound

Place the plant into the hole and cover it as best as you can with the
new soil. Then, moisten the soil so that the transplant and the host soil
meld nicely together. If you do this carefully and correctly, you won’t
have to worry about the plants suffering from any transplant shock,
and they will continue to grow like normal.

I transplant my plants when the first root tips grow out the bottom
of the pot. Read more about when and how to transplant marijuana

Vegetative Growth Techniques
From this point on, the plants will primarily live out their lives in
vegetative growth. It is important to make sure that you provide them
with all the proper environmental conditions during this stage to
promote growth, higher yields, and potency. One of the benefits of
growing marijuana indoors is that you can manipulate the conditions
exactly as you see fit without having to worry about environmental

Water and Lighting

We’ve already seen how plants should be watered and how much
light they should receive. During the vegetative growth period, the
plants are likely going to become “thirstier” and require more water as
they get larger. The same rules still apply when it comes to watering:
don’t severely overwater and don’t severely underwater. Many growers
develop patterns for watering their marijuana plants. For instance, you
might water one day, skip watering for two days, and then water again.

It really depends on the plants themselves. You need to pay close

attention to exactly how dry the soil gets after a few days. If the soil
is still moist, then you can probably continue with the same pattern,
but, if it dries out significantly before the next scheduled watering,
you should increase the rate at which you’re watering the marijuana

When it comes to light, marijuana requires a lot of it. In fact, it is feasible

to keep the lights on 24 hours per day to achieve the maximum growth
potential. Adjustable light tracks are ideal when you have a large grow

room and little electricity so that you can move the lights around to
every part of your garden. This way, every plant gets intense amounts
of high-quality light.

Try to keep a sharp eye on the distance between the lights and the top
of the plant canopy; 20 to 30 inches is usually perfect. The accelerated
rate at which the plants tend to grow will cause them to inch closer to
the lights almost on a daily basis. So, be sure to place the lights close
enough so that they provide adequate light energy, but far enough
away that they don’t burn the tips of the leaves.

Watering marijuana Vegetative stage Light

If you want to avoid this, install an air-cooled or water-cooled system

that will essentially reduce the heat that the lights produce. Electric
light bulbs produce both light and heat whenever they are turned on.
Of course, if you let them go unchecked, they can create incredibly hot
temperatures. But, if you want to make use of all the light they have
to offer, a cooling system will allow the lights to get closer and work
better in the long run.

It should also be noted that certain lights emit different color

spectrums. When we talk about visible light, we’re referring to all the
colors that we can see which is often represented by “ROYGBIV” (red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). Marijuana tends to
thrive under light that is strong in the red spectrum. This promotes

photosynthesis, which is vital for tissue production during vegetative
growth. High-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps produce the most light
in the red spectrum (and the most light in general) and are often the
best choice during virtually every stage of the growing process.

Using anything that is high in the green spectrum will produce wilted,
unproductive plants in general. This is largely because the plants reflect
green light entirely, which is why they are green in color themselves.

Make sure to visit my website every now and then to get the latest
marijuana growing techniques.

Soil Control
When you have an indoor marijuana garden you have more control
over the soil, so you’ll need to keep an eye on it. Marijuana prefers
to grow in a nutrient-rich soil that has a neutral pH of around 7.0.
Sometimes, however, the pH in the soil can shift quite far out of the
acceptable ranges of 6.0 to 8.0. In such cases, you may need to take
drastic measures to ensure that the soil does not end the life of your

When pH levels fluctuate, it is often caused by chemical contamination.

A soil flush can reduce contamination and balance the pH. However, this
is generally not a recommended procedure, although it is sometimes
necessary. A soil flush should only be used as a last resort when trying
to keep your marijuana plant alive. To do it, place your entire plant, pot
included, in a sink. From there, turn on the faucet and let the water
run through the soil so that it eliminates any of the contaminants that
might have been harming the plant. The danger of this method is a
risk of killing the plant by oversaturation. Too much water is as bad as

too many nutrients. But, sometimes flushing the soil is the only way to
ensure that additives don’t kill your marijuana plants.

pH problems Good pH pH problems

For less severe issues, there are other options. If your soil’s pH level
drops below the recommended 6.0 and becomes too acidic, then you
can simply add some lime to the soil the next time you water it. This
should raise the pH back into an acceptable range between 6 and 8.
If the soil is above 8 and, therefore, too alkaline, you might consider
adding a mixture of cottonseed meal, lemon peels, and ground coffee.

Some fertilizers are also made to be highly acidic and can lower your
soil’s alkalinity if applied. In any event, it’s always a good idea to keep
checking the pH balance of your soil; otherwise, you could be in for a
disappointing surprise.

Nutrients and Feeding

Of course, the primary cause of any significant irregularities in soil pH
comes from the nutrients that you apply. Unlike standard dirt, soil
for growing marijuana should be infused with nutrients. Sometimes,
you can produce an adequate amount of nutrients just by combining
certain fertilizers. But, in many cases, you will “water in” the nutrients
using a solution. Of course, if you accidentally include too many

nutrients, you could wind up making the soil toxic (and then you will
have to flush it out to fix it). Your water should have the proper pH as
well. Professional growers use water with a pH of around 6.

In any event, all plants need nutrients to thrive, and providing them
with those nutrients can ensure that your work pays off in the end. We
have already mentioned “NPK” (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium)
as the three major nutrients for marijuana growers. Other essential
chemicals for the cannabis plant include Calcium (Ca), Magnesium
(Mg), and Sulfur (S). During vegetative growth, the fertilizing solution
should have a concentration of N that is higher than or equal to both
P and K. Again, you can use fertilizer if you want, however, it should be
mixed in with the soil before beginning the growth process.

Nitrogen deficiency Phosphorus deficiency Potassium deficiency

There are also solutions that can be used for “feeding” the plant instead
of mixing it into the soil; but keep in mind the fact that the plant won’t
need to be fed that frequently. In fact, you only need to feed it about
once every week if everything is going well. Note: you should never
give your plants undiluted nutrients. Marijuana plants “burn” easily
from full-strength nutrients. Instead, dilute the solution to around 50%
so that you don’t have to use a soil flush later.

In general, you might not be able to notice whether or not your plants
are fully absorbing the nutrients. In fact, in most cases, the nutrient

uptake will be the least of your worries. As long as the soil is good and
you continue to use the same regimen, you should be all right. Many
growers keep several diluted solutions on hand to make growing just
a little bit easier. One of those should be an NPK solution where N has
the most prominent concentration. This should be used for vegetative
growth. Another should be an NPK solution in which the P has the
highest concentration (used for the flowering stage). You can also
keep a couple of bottles of diluted micronutrient solution if your plants
need extra help along the way.

Nutrient deficiencies can damage your marijuana plants and

seriously decrease the yield. The section on nutrient deficiencies on is an excellent reference for any nutrient

Pruning marijuana plants can be both a logistical necessity and
something that helps produce more buds when it comes time to
harvest. Many indoor growers will want to keep their plants ‘in check’ if
they start to grow too high due to a lack of vertical space in their grow
room. For the most part, indoor plants don’t grow as large as outdoor
plants, but they will need to be kept at bay if they start to grow really
tall. Snipping off the top stem will also force the plant to create more
branches and grow broader instead of taller. This way, although you
may lose vertical height, you probably won’t lose any of your yield.

If your goal is to ensure uniform growth, cutting the shoots and leaves
won’t really harm the plant if done in moderation. However, you don’t
want to get too carried away with this because cutting too many shoots
and leaves can make it hard for the plant to regrow. You have to give

it some time to recuperate before cutting off a significant amount of
leaves or shoots.

Before pruning After pruning After few weeks

For many growers, this might seem like a waste of perfectly adequate
leaves and shoots, but during vegetative growth, the shoots are the
most potent part of the plant. They can produce a high-quality smoke
that will at least get you a little buzzed. The leaves can also be used in
cooking preparations for potent edibles.

The marijuana plants in the picture on the right are being grown with
a method called ScrOG. It’s an advanced growing technique that can
double your yield! Read this article about using the ScrOG method for


While it might seem obsessive, the vegetative growth period requires

complete attention to detail on every aspect of the plant’s development.
Neglecting even one issue could end up causing detrimental effects
in terms of your plant’s ability to thrive and produce excellent bud.

As with most living things, fresh air is something precious. Opening up
a window or installing a fan system in the room can help provide your
plants with some much-needed fresh air. Of course, if it is particularly
cold outside, it’s probably not a good idea to keep the window open
for too long, even if it’s your only means of refreshing the air. The cold
outside will stunt plant growth and make it difficult for you to help
them recover.

The temperature of the plants and the grow room is also something
that needs to be monitored and regulated. The average temperature
for a grow room should be around 75°F. Even so, cannabis is remarkably
adaptive and will produce buds in lower or higher temperatures. If the
temperature drops to extreme lows or rises to extreme highs, then you

could be in for a surprise when it comes to the quality of your plants.
Although cannabis can survive at temperatures as low as 50 to 55°F, it
will not produce the most potent bud in those conditions. In general,
keeping the room at about 75°F is your best bet.

In reality, plants will grow slightly better at slightly higher temperatures,

but it might be difficult to maintain those higher temperatures. You
might also need to counteract the extra heat by watering the plants
more to cool down the roots.

Too hot, curling leaves Perfect temperature Too cold, small plants

Sometimes, lights present a problem when it comes to maintaining

a consistent temperature. Lights that produce a great deal of heat
can give the room a sweltering feel and cause the plants to dry up
or burn. If this is a problem, then you might want to install an air- or
water-cooled system to alleviate the extra heat. You can even install
an air conditioner if it is cost effective for your grow room. Most homes
maintain an average temperature that is ideal for growing marijuana,
but it’s essential to monitor the temperature on a daily basis to ensure
that your plants are being taken care of properly.

You might think of humidity as something that occurs in the Deep
South or tropical environments, but humidity can be found virtually
everywhere – including your grow room. In general, about 40 to 80%
relative humidity (rH) is ideal. Humidity is basically a measurement of
the water in the air. Humidity is controlled through the use of fresh
air (as stated above). Some growers even have an rH meter on hand
to ensure the humidity stays within an ideal range. There are also
expensive dehumidifiers that control humidity levels in a room, but
they can be quite expensive. Unless you’re planning on setting up a
rather substantial operation, you can probably get by with a little fresh
air once in a while.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

CO2 is another vital component that plants need to survive. CO2 isn’t
that great for humans, but plants like cannabis use CO2 as their air.
It’s basically the stuff that helps them breathe, but it is also vital for
spurring and maintaining photosynthesis. If your grow room lacks
enough CO2, it will likely become obvious. There are plenty of methods
to increase CO2 in a room, but the best way is with a CO2 generator.
These generators will keep a steady flow of CO2 coming into the room,
which the plants will easily consume. There’s almost no way to overfeed
cannabis plants with CO2 unless you somehow go really overboard.
For instance, if the grow room is unsafe for you to breathe, then you
might need to tone it down a little. Otherwise, the amount of carbon
dioxide in the room is directly proportional to how large the plant (and
later the buds) will end up growing.

Because you’re growing indoors, when your plants begin to flower is
almost wholly dependent on when you want the plants to flower. Of
course, you want them to flower when the buds are at their highest
potency. It’s feasible to keep a marijuana plant in a vegetative state for
up to 10 years, but those plants certainly won’t be potent by the end
of such a long lifespan. Before you induce flowering, make sure you
know which plants are male and which ones are female.

Grow huge marijuana buds

Determining the Sex

In general, marijuana plants start to “pre-flower” before you even
manipulate them to flower. During this time, they will exhibit subtle
signs of their sex. Male plants will generally start to pre-flower earlier
than females (by around two weeks). You’ll notice the male plants
growing taller than the females. They also might develop sacs that
resemble buds but aren’t actually buds. The reason the male plants
grow faster and taller than the female plants is so they can pollinate
them. The pollen in the sacs (or false buds) will drop down onto the
females to start the pollination process.

By contrast, the female plant will enter the pre-flowering stage by
producing white, hairy growths at the nodes and on the top cola (the
head). these
These are called pistils, and they are what attract the male
pollen to the female plant.

There’s really no surefire way to determine the sex of your plants until
they start exhibiting these telltale signs. You can, however, take a
cutting from one of the plants and plant it in an area separate from
your garden. the
The cutting is basically a clone of its “mother” plant and
will share the exact same genetic structure. You can then force the
clone to flower, causing it to definitively start to show signs of its sex.
Then, you can go back to your garden and label each plant that you
do this for.

Male marijuana plant Female marijuana plant Hermaphrodite

marijuana plant

Many growers want to determine the sex as soon as possible because

the female plants will naturally produce a much better high. That’s
not to say that the males are useless, but you still want to distinguish
This is particularly
between the two so that you know what you have. this
true for growers who want “sinsemilla” buds. Sinsemilla literally means
“without seed” in Spanish and, if the males are not allowed to pollinate
These seedless
the females, the plants will not produce any seeds. these
female plants are considerably more potent than their counterparts
THC production and bud growth
because they focus more attention on tHC

rather than on producing seeds. In fact, you can practically see the
THC resin dripping off their buds.

Of course, you’ll need to take out the male plants early to produce these
types of buds. If you rely on your own garden for seeds for next year’s
harvest, then this probably wouldn’t be a good idea. As mentioned
before, buying seeds from a dealer or even a seed-bank is often a
random grab bag. You don’t know what the seeds will become, and
receiving a full batch of males is not outside the realm of possibility.
Letting your male plants pollinate the female plants will provide you
with plenty of seeds, and you won’t have to pay for them.

It is also possible to end up with hermaphroditic plants, which are

basically just plants that have both sets of reproductive organs. Thus,
they might exhibit early signs of both male and female plants. Most
growers also eliminate these plants from their crop even if they want
to pollinate the females. While they are self-pollinating, they will only
ever produce hermaphroditic plants, and they might even pollinate
some non-hermaphroditic plants. It might seem like the best of both
worlds, but your potency will be limited in these plants.

It should also be noted that male plants aren’t useless in terms of

smoking either. They can still produce a little bit of a high and can also
be used in culinary preparations. However, it’s critical to take out the
males if you want to grow sinsemilla marijuana. One male marijuana
plant can pollinate hundreds of females. For more on sexing marijuana
plants visit

How to Force Flowering
Now that you know how to check for the signs of male and female
plants, the next step is getting them to flower properly. Just remember
that, once you start flowering, it might be difficult to stop the males
from pollinating the females if you haven’t removed them. Even if you
segregate the plants by their sex, the air still might carry some of the
pollen to the female pistils. It’s really a decision between whether you
want hyper-potent buds for this year only or to keep growing your
favorite strain without having to pay for new seeds. (Most personal
growers will want to stick with the latter option because paying for
your own seeds every year can be costly.)

In any event, if you want to force flowering, all you have to do is put the
plants on a 12-12 light regimen. That essentially means that you’ll need
to leave the lights on for only about 12 hours per day and turn them off
for the remaining 12 hours.

Flowering week 3 Flowering week 5 Flowering week 9

The room should be kept as dark as possible during the 12-hour dark
period. Turning off the lights won’t always do the trick, especially if
there are other light sources nearby. In fact, even shining a flashlight
on the plants for a few minutes at a time during the dark period can
keep them in vegetative growth. If you have windows in your grow

room, do your best to block them out, especially if the sun comes up
before the 12-hour period is over. If your lights came equipped with a
timer, then it’s a good idea to set that so you don’t have to worry about
manually turning the lights on and off every 12 hours.

You’ll notice that the female plants will start to grow larger as the
flowering period progresses. They will grow more branches, buds, and
flowers, and the plant will begin to produce more THC overall. The
plants will take on a sort of cone shape that resembles a Christmas
tree, and you might even start to smell a distinctive fruity or smoky
aroma. Their pistils will change from their whitish color to a darker
shade (generally brown, red, or orange); at that point, they should
be ripe enough for picking. Even if you want to pollinate your female
plants, you might consider removing the male plants post-pollination
so that the females have more room to flourish.

Beautiful marijuana buds

The plants start to flower when the light and dark periods are both 12
hours long because they are genetically programmed to do so. If you
plant outdoors (more on that later), you’ll find that the plants will start
to flower naturally when daylight begins to dwindle in the fall.

(Note: There is a section on harvesting and curing the plants at the

end of this guide, after the section on outdoor growing, since it’s the
same process for both indoor and outdoor growing.)

Indoor Problems and Pests
For the most part, indoor growers won’t have to worry about any
diseases or pests plaguing their plants. But that doesn’t mean it’s
entirely impossible. In general, microbial diseases are minimal because
the microbes that affect plants usually don’t exist in Europe or North
America (where many of you are likely growing).

Nutrient issues occur, but those are from the plant receiving too many
or too few nutrients. This can be remedied in a number of ways that
are outlined in the “Indoor Vegetative Growth” section above.

Pests are really what you need to focus on preventing or eliminating if

they make their way into your house. This is because, in nature, these
pests would be mitigated by their natural predators, but in an enclosed
system like the inside of your house, they won’t have anything but you
to stop them. Of course, the best option when it comes to these pests
is always prevention. But some of the most insidious plant pests, like
mites and whiteflies, are very difficult to detect. You can bring them
in on your hands or clothes, or they might slip through cracks in your
windows. It’s also possible that the mites could have already been in
your house to begin with. Many houseplants are resistant to these
types of pests, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t there; it just
means that they don’t hurt the houseplant.

White flies Spider mites Mealybugs

If you have a houseplant that’s resistant to mites and other pests, it
could already be infested with many of these creatures. You can test
this out by placing a marijuana seedling in the pot with the other
houseplant. If the seedling starts to show signs of drooping or a lack of
vitality, or if the leaves start turning a whitish color, then you probably
already have mites in your house.

Never use the same tools for your houseplants and your marijuana
garden. If you have windows in the grow room, install a nylon mesh or
wire screen to prevent pests from accessing your garden. Also, make
sure that the soil you use is pasteurized and thoroughly sterilized so
that it doesn’t contain any larval eggs.

Pests can be devastating for your marijuana plants. If you suspect any
intruders in your grow room, be sure to act immediately. There is a
section on my website on pest control with pictures of every possible
pest. Read it and learn how to identify any problems.

Eliminating Pests
If you still end up with an infestation of mites or whiteflies (or any
other pests), then there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.
Insecticides will work, of course, but many people don’t want to harm
their plants with the chemicals they contain. If the plants are otherwise
healthy but you can see some significant deterioration of the leaves,
then you might want to begin force flowering right away. If the pests
only infected a few plants or a few leaves, you can simply remove the
infected sections. Plants that are already in the flowering stage will
likely survive any pests without a problem.

If the problem still persists, you might want to think about using an
insecticide. Sprays that include things like pyrethrum, rotenone, and
malathion are generally considered safe when used correctly. Just
remember that you don’t have to spray an entire canister on your
plants to get the job done. Remove any affected leaves before spraying,
and don’t use any insecticide during flowering. The best part about
these varieties of insecticides is that they degrade into safe chemical
compounds, such as CO2 or water, when they stop working. There are
also natural solutions that you can make, but they aren’t as effective.

A Few Notes about

Indoor Security
Although most people grow indoors to avoid any security issues,
there are still some problems that can occur if you’re not careful. In
many jurisdictions, growing marijuana is still clearly illegal, and, if an
unfriendly snitch thinks there’s reason to suspect that you are growing,
you could wind up behind bars (or at least paying a hefty fine).

The first rule about growing marijuana is to never talk about growing
marijuana. Even if you feel like you’re friendly with your neighbor or
your bank teller or an acquaintance, they might not be friendly with the
practice of growing marijuana. Although it’s natural for any gardener
to want to tell everyone about their efforts, it’s dangerous when the
plant they’re gardening happens to be illegal.

Keep the fucking police out

If you have a window in your grow room, concealing the marijuana

plants won’t be that easy unless your window isn’t visible to your
neighbors or anyone else from the outside. Also, if you leave the grow
lights on at night, it might lead someone to suspect that something
illicit is going on. To avoid that, you can buy a blackout curtain that you
leave pulled down for most of the time you spend growing marijuana.
A blackout curtain will also help make the flowering period easier
because it ensures that no outside light will leak in.

Sometimes your marijuana plants will give off a distinct smell that
anyone will recognize as cannabis. It might be a relatively strong
smell wafting out of any open windows. The scent might make
your neighbors suspicious, particularly if they are not proponents of
growing cannabis. In this case, you might need to keep your window
firmly closed and install fans in the grow room (instead of opening the
windows) to circulate the air.


Many growers prefer to grow their marijuana seeds outdoors because

of the possibility of a better smoke, plus there is undoubtedly
nothing more natural than growing your plants outside. Most of
the environmental factors outlined above are provided to the plant
via natural resources, saving you from having to create them. While
indoor growing gives you a lot of control, outdoor growing lets the
plants flourish to their fullest capacity.

The main problem with outdoor growing, however, is that the plants
are visible to anyone who happens to have prying eyes. If you live in a
residential neighborhood, you might be able to get away with growing
your plants in your backyard, but you’ll likely need to be somewhat
paranoid about keeping the operation under wraps. Even then, you
could still be caught, and the penalties for that are potentially severe.

2-pound marijuana plants

If you live in a secluded or wooded area and you own a lot of land, then
it might be a little easier to grow your own smoke on your personal

property. For instance, if you live on ranchland (or you have access to
a friend’s ranchland), then you might be able to grow outdoors with
minimal interference. This is really the ideal way to go about it because
you can inspect the plants whenever you want without the fear of
being caught. You can also avoid the hassle of having to deal with
thieves looking to score your homemade bud.

Unfortunately, many people don’t have access to secluded private

land that wouldn’t arouse suspicion from law enforcement or other
individuals. Thus, if they want the best bud, they will have to employ a
system known as “guerrilla farming.” This means that you’ll have to go
to public lands that are somewhat off the beaten path to grow your
garden. There are obvious dangers to doing this because anyone could
happen to come across your garden and alert the proper authorities.
It’s also not uncommon for law enforcement to survey many public
lands using helicopters or slow-flying planes. The police are equipped
with infrared devices that can point out any irregularities in foliage. If
the spot you planted your garden is in an open space, the plants will
likely be clearly visible to anyone flying by. But, if you plant underneath
some dense foliage, they might just blend in with the rest of the trees
and shrubs in the area.

Regardless of where you’re growing outside, good soil is imperative.
But not every kind of dirt will be ideal for growing marijuana. It’s always
a good idea to test the ground soil that you’re planning to grow in
before actually using it. This is to ensure that it won’t be too alkaline
or acidic when the plants start extending their roots even deeper into

the ground. If the pH balance is too much in either direction then you
might want to consider a new location or infuse the soil with some
nutrients and fertilizers.

Many growers like to use composted material as a natural fertilizer.

Anything that once was organic can be used as compost. This means
that you can gather leaves, banana peels, and even dog droppings, and
in a few months you’ll have a nice, nutrient-rich fertilizer. Obviously,
you can’t just take the leaves or shrubs or banana peels and use them
as a fertilizer if they haven’t yet decayed. But virtually any decayed
organic material works as a cheap fertilizer. If you want to get the pH
to an acceptable level, use some of the techniques outlined in the “Soil
Control” section above.

Plant in green areas Make your own container Corn and marijuana
need the same soil

You can also buy fertilizers. A fertilizer with an NPK ratio of around 5:1:1
(just like before) will be the best option. Any fertilizer that has more
nitrogen than the other two nutrients will be ideal for most of the
plant’s life, up until flowering (when more phosphorus is ideal.)

Of course, if guerrilla farming is your preferred method of growing,

then you won’t really have these options at your disposal. In fact, unless
you have a definitive location picked out months ahead of time, you
won’t really have the option of creating a more workable soil. You’ll

just have to go with what you can find, as hiking in your own fertilizer
could make it exceedingly obvious that you’re growing something out

Sowing the Seeds

Many growers like to start out their seeds in rows created in the soil.
You don’t really need to bury the seeds very deep in the soil. In fact,
some growers simply scatter their seeds on top of the soil to get them
to germinate. This random seeding is called broadcast seeding.

A more effective way to sow your seeds is by using hills or mounds. For
this method, the seeds go on top of the small mounds of soil. With this
technique, you can plant outdoors even when the ground is somewhat
wet. This is because the water is naturally going to drain off of the
mound so the seed (and, later, the plant) won’t be inundated. In either
the hill or row option, try to ensure that the seeds have adequate soil
coverage so that they can stay moist.

Sowing in rows Broadcast seeding Sowing on hills

Most guerilla farmers use broadcast seeding to limit any suspicion

and because it’s a lot easier. If you spend hours building rows or
mounds, there is a strong likelihood that someone could happen to
notice you. It’s also rare to see any uniformity in nature. If your plants

are ordered in perfect rows, or they are all sitting atop a small mound
of some kind, then any passersby (whether on the ground or in the air)
is probably going to take notice of the anomaly. Scattering the seeds
around definitely gives the area a look of complete arbitrariness, the
way nature might have intended. The plants will blend in with all of
the other scattered trees and/or shrubs and won’t be easily noticed by
anyone else.

Unfortunately, broadcast seeding isn’t the best way to ensure that your
plants will germinate. If you place a layer of soil over your seeds and
gently press them down into the soil with your foot, there’s a better
chance that the seeds will germinate. Many seeds, however, will never
germinate or will simply die after becoming seedlings if you try to grow
in this fashion. That’s why using a large amount of seeds for broadcast
seeding is crucial so that you are at least guaranteed some growth by
the time they start germinating.

Just like with indoor germination, outdoor seeds require moisture to
germinate properly. Adding too much water can be detrimental, but
as long as the seeds are surrounded by at least some moisture they
should start to germinate. Of course, this is easier if you built mounds
or rows for the seeds, as they naturally maintain moisture.

Sometimes, the conditions outside are not conducive to germination

or the subsequent seedling stage. If you live in an area where the
temperatures remain relatively low well into spring then you may need
to germinate the seeds indoors. To do this, just follow the instructions
laid out in the indoor growing section on germination above. Then
you can transplant the seedlings when the weather starts to improve.

Outdoor germinating Indoor germinating Germinating in soil

Again, transplanting to a secluded location on public land is pointless

at best and dangerous at worst. There’s a strong likelihood that the
plants won’t survive the transplant because of all the stress they
would be put under. There is also a strong likelihood that you could
be caught because it would probably take more than one trip to get
all of your plants in the right position. The whole germination process
is difficult for guerrilla farmers, especially if there isn’t a reliable source
of water nearby. Hauling in your own water is challenging, but the
soil needs to be moist for the seeds to germinate so it may be vital. If
you’re interested in learning more about this process read this article
on guerrilla marijuana farming.

As your plants start to germinate, it’s essential to keep the area free
of weeds. Avoid using any weed killers like Round-Up that might also
affect your marijuana plants. Weeds are dangerous because they will
end up taking a lot of the water and nutrients meant for your plants
if you don’t stamp them out quickly. The best way to get rid of weeds
is by merely pulling them out by hand. Trying to kill them with any
chemicals will only be bad for the plants that you are trying to grow to
be big and strong. Naturally, before planting in an area you should pull
out any weeds that happen to be there.

The benefit of being in the great outdoors is that you don’t really need
to worry about light too much. The sun will provide all the light a plant
could need and much more. There is no way to duplicate the sun’s
intensity, and it’s just a better light source than anything you could
produce artificially.

If you transplant your plants from indoor artificial light to outdoor

sunlight, however, they could be shocked by the intensity. This would
certainly not be an ideal way to start your outdoor growing experience
as you might see the plants lose vigor and ultimately die. If you sowed
the seeds outdoors in the bright sunlight, your plants will already
be acclimated to the sun for the rest of their lives. However, when
transplanting from indoors to outdoors, you have to ease them into it.
At first, place the plants in a location that has shade for part of the day
to ensure that the sun’s rays hit them directly but for a shorter period
of time. This is assuming you will leave them in portable pots rather
than planting them straight into the ground. As they start to get used
to the sun’s rays, gradually move them more into the direct sunlight
until they are receiving light all day. It shouldn’t take more than 7 or 10
days to get the plants acclimated to the sunlight.

Huge outdoor plant Marijuana plants in full Grow in your garden


Light can also be a problem if something is blocking it from getting to
your plants. If you live in a cloudy area, for instance, the plants might
not be receiving enough direct light from the sun. You may have to
bring the plants indoors at night and put them under some lamps, so
they get a full dose of light for the day.

If you are guerrilla farming in a forested area, your plants might be at

risk of having the light blocked out by taller trees in the area. Although
the trees provide security and cover from any potential onlookers, they
may also limit the amount of light that your plants receive. It will be
difficult to transplant them once they are in the ground so you may
just have to deal with the limited amount of light.

Some growers utilize the landscape to receive the most light. When
planting on the slope of a mountain, make sure that you plant on the
south side (if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere). This is because the
sun will go from east to west, but it will be in the southern half of the
sky. If the plants are on the southern slope of the mountain, they will
receive the most sunlight possible throughout the day.

Watering your outdoor plants can be kind of tricky, especially if they
are located in a relatively dry and arid place. If your plants aren’t close
to a hose then you’ll have to devise a plan to get your plants as much
water as possible. Obviously, early on, the plants won’t need a lot in
the way of H2O but, as they enter into vegetative growth and start to
get much larger, they will need more water. Large adult plants can
consume up to a gallon of water per day. This doesn’t mean that you’ll
have to water the plants with a gallon of water every day because the

soil should retain some of the water from previous waterings (or even
from rain).

If your plants are on private land that you have access to, there is no
shortage of unique techniques that you can use to get water to your
plants. For instance, you can fill buckets up with water and transport
them by truck to the grow site. Try to avoid oversaturating your plants
with water by dumping too much water on a single one.

Other growers set up a drip method of watering with something like

a squeeze bottle that has a permanent drip. This technique allows
the growers to avoid having to water the plants every day while still
keeping the soil moist on a continuous basis. Although it is gradual
by nature, the drip method keeps the plants relatively healthy and
doesn’t flood them with too much water.

Watering marijuana Grow near water sources Marijuana loves water

Of course, you might live in an area where cannabis can grow naturally
without the use of any extra water on your end. This is ideal for guerrilla
farmers who likely won’t be able to check on their plants on a daily basis.
If you are a guerrilla farmer and you live in an area where the weather
is often hot and dry, then you might need to keep a firm watch on the
plants. Hauling in your own water will be challenging on a number of
levels, and it’s better if you can find a nearby lake or stream that can
provide water for you naturally.

If your plants are underwatered they will likely start wilting, but be
aware that plants will naturally start wilting in the summer as a
response to the heat of the sun. The best way to check if your plants
are getting enough water is to dig about 6 inches into the soil, making
sure not to cut any major roots on the way down. If the soil there is still
cool and moist, the plants should be fine. Many types of soil are adept
at holding water for long periods of time so that there is essentially a
reservoir of water stored within it.

If at all possible, you might want to water your plants with a nutrient
solution about once every couple of weeks. As long as the nutrient
solution has a higher concentration of nitrogen than phosphorus and
potassium, it will be good for vegetative growth. For flowering, use
a solution that is higher in phosphorus than either of the other two
nutrients. This should be done when you water the plants.

Temperature, Weather, and Air

Obviously, temperature is one of the major issues when growing
outdoors. There’s not a lot you can do to keep your plants warm enough
or cool enough if there are weather problems. If your plants are still in
pots, then you can move them indoors to avoid any excessive cold at
night. When the temperature is particularly hot outside, the roots can
start to sort of “boil” in the soil. Keeping them cool with extra water will
help ensure that the plants don’t begin to lose vigor.

Of course, being outdoors leaves your plants open for a large variety
of other weather problems. Wind, rain, and snow (depending on
where you live and when you plant) can all be problems that will hurt
your plants. For the most part, high winds won’t have much effect on
healthy cannabis plants. They generally grow firm stalks that won’t

need any exterior support to stay standing. Indeed, most high winds
will cause some tiny cracks in the plants’ stalks, but, if they are healthy,
they will heal themselves quite easily.

If the plants are suffering from nutrient deficiencies, however, they

may have a hard time recuperating. This is also true if they are top
heavy and therefore susceptible to more angled bends of the stalk. In
this case, you might think about staking the plants so that they don’t
experience any irreparable damage. If you know a storm is coming,
it’s best to find your weakest plants and make sure they have some
exterior support to mitigate the damage that the storm might cause.

Not enough rain Too cold Too much rain,

bad drainage

To do this, simply place a stake about six inches from the base of the
plant, and then tie the plant and the stake together with wire twists
or string.

For guerrilla farmers, it’s a good idea to avoid planting in areas that
are prone to mudslides. But not every slope is going to be an obvious
mudslide area. A good indication that an area won’t be adequate for
your plants is if there aren’t any other small plants growing there. If all
you see is sturdy trees or shrubs, then the slope likely does not support
small vegetation. Not paying attention to these signs could wipe out
your entire crop during one freak summer storm.

In terms of the air quality that your plants will experience, there’s
nothing better than the great outdoors. Your plants will get all the
fresh air they need and plenty of CO2 to stay healthy.

Outdoor Flowering
For the most part, flowering outdoors will require no input from the
grower. Most plants will start adjusting to the changes in the daylight
hours and begin the flowering process on their own. The days will
naturally start to get shorter, which will trigger the plants into flowering

For some growers, however, this will not be the ideal circumstance.
Sometimes you don’t want the plants to enter flowering, and sometimes
you want them to enter it earlier. For instance, if the weather is still
nice and you want to eke out all the vegetative growth you can in your
plants, you’ll want to delay flowering as long as possible. By that same
token, if you know that the weather will soon become exceptionally
cold or at least too cold for the plants to survive, then try to make sure
that they start flowering sooner than they naturally would.

For growers that have access to their plants, both of these options are
possible. If you want to delay the onset of flowering, it merely takes
a little light during the night. You can accomplish this with a high-
powered flashlight shining on the plants once every couple of hours
or so for about 10 minutes during the night. This will adequately mess
with the plants’ natural inclination to start flowering and they will stay
in vegetative growth for the time being.

Outdoor Marijuana Flowers

Obviously, if the weather starts to get cold early where you live, try to
ensure that your plants start flowering as soon as possible. But outdoor
plants offer certain challenges to this goal. If the light to darkness period
isn’t yet 12 hours to 12 hours then you’ll need to make that happen on
your own. Using a polyethylene sheet will help block out any sunrise
or sunset light so that you can get the required 12 hours of darkness.
For instance, if you know that your area is going to get exactly 13 hours
of sunlight during the day and that sunset is at 7 PM, then place the
sheet over the plants at 6 PM and remove it at 6 AM when the sun
rises. After doing this for about 1 to 2 weeks, the plants should start to
flower, and you can begin harvesting.

When it comes to manipulating the flowering period, guerrilla farmers

are kind of out of luck. They will be at the mercy of the local weather in
the area and won’t have a lot of say in the matter. Just trust that nature
will work its magic and find a way to give you some excellent smoke.

Pests, Predators,
and Other Problems
You might expect outdoor plants to fare much worse than plants
grown indoors when it comes to pests. That’s true, but because the

ecosystem is often self-regulating, there are many tricks to get rid of
unwelcome visitors. For instance, even if a few bugs start munching
on the leaves of your cannabis plants, it’s likely that they will be held in
check by any of their natural predators. Spider mites, aphids, whiteflies,
and mealybugs are all common pests that many growers have to deal
with both indoors and out. The plants are in the most danger when
they are young and not well-developed. A single meal by a group of
mites during a plant’s seedling stage could cause some irreparable

Ladybugs Snail Hummingbird

As the plant ages, however, it will start becoming less susceptible to

insect damage. This is mainly because these insects will be taken care
of by natural predators before the plant incurs much damage. If pests
are a problem, there are a few options you can try to chase them away
from your plants.

Companion Planting
Although the THC that marijuana produces is supposed to act as a
natural repellent, it is sometimes not very helpful for getting rid
of certain insects. Many outdoor growers have taken to planting
companion plants that work to repel pests. In general, you must plant
the companion plants near the actual marijuana plants. The most

effective repellent plants are those that have strong scents like herbs,
spices, and mint.

Garlic cloves are probably the best repellents because they ensure
that a wide range of pests stay away from your garden. Aphids, spider
mites, potato bugs, many types of beetles, and a wide range of other
pests will be repelled by garlic cloves. Even rabbits and some deer will
be put off by the scent that garlic cloves produce.

Garlic Other plants as camouflage Mint

Mint is particularly effective at controlling flea beetles if you’ve got an

unusually large infestation of them. They also repel a wide variety of
other insects and even mice.

Geraniums and marigolds can also be interspersed throughout your

garden to provide an even larger range of protection. Geraniums can
even be placed outside in pots so that you don’t have to go through
the hassle of actually planting them in the soil. Marigolds are some
of the fastest growing flowers, and they will produce a strong scent
within a few days.

Natural Predators
It’s also possible to purchase the natural predators of these pests and
place them in your garden. Other insects, such as ladybugs, have no
interest in eating a marijuana plant, but they do have quite an appetite
for aphids and insect eggs. Both praying mantises and lacewings also
provide you with a natural way to rid yourself of any unwanted pests.
All of these are sold commercially.

Birds eat insects Ladybugs eat mites Frogs love larvae

Several birds, including blue jays, robins, martins, chickadees, and

others, are adept predators when it comes to killing off marijuana-
loving pests. To attract these birds, some growers have installed
birdhouses, feeders, and pools of water. It’s also not a bad idea to let a
few chickens, ducks, or geese run through the garden every once in a
while as the plants grow larger. These birds will take out many pests
along with a number of different weeds -- and you won’t have to do
any work. Other insect predators include frogs, toads, snakes, turtles,
and lizards, which should all be encouraged to take up residence in
your garden.

Other Repellent Methods
Many gardeners employ the use of some ingenious homemade sprays
or other solutions that are remarkably effective. It’s possible to use a
concoction composed of liquid garlic extract and regular soap. You
can also add cayenne peppers, onions, or almost anything else that is
safe for the marijuana plant and also pungent enough to repel many
different kinds of pests.

If you really want a cheap solution, you can literally just stomp on the
bugs or squeeze them to death. It’s best to do this in the early morning
when the bugs are moving much slower in general. If anything, it gives
you something to do before you head off to work or do whatever else
you had planned for the day.

Many growers like to place barriers around their garden. This is

particularly effective for guerrilla growers because it’s hard to notice
and doesn’t take a lot of time to prepare. To do this, create a barrier
about 6 feet away from the plant using powdered potash (wood ash).
You can even sprinkle some of the wood ash onto the leaves to keep
flying bugs at bay as well.

Homemade spray Greenhouse keeps out Hidden growsite in

many bugs the woods

But insects aren’t the only pests that can cause problems. This
is particularly true if you live in an area that has a large quantity of
omnivorous or herbivorous mammals or birds. Deer, rats, rabbits,
cows, and other mammals are prone to finding ways to get to your
marijuana plants. When the plants are young, it’s common for deer to
come by and virtually decimate the crop. As the plants age, however,
animals aren’t as attracted to them.

For large mammals, the best repellent is an equally large fence, but
many growers don’t have the luxury of being able to build a fence.
Thus, other methods are required to force those mammals away.
Many growers have started purchasing the urine of certain predators.
For instance, if a group of deer constantly messes with your garden,
you might think about purchasing some bear urine and placing a
perimeter of the stuff around the plants. When the deer catch the
scent, they will inherently want to avoid the area from here on out
because they recognize the smell as something predatory. This can
work for smaller mammals as well. As long as you purchase the urine
of one of the mammal’s main predators, they will stay away. A rabbit
might be repelled by the scent of fox or wolf urine. You can find these
repellents at many outdoor shops.

In general, birds don’t represent much of a threat to any marijuana

garden. When you have just planted the seeds, however, crows,
sparrows, and starlings can be potentially harmful to your crop
because they like to steal the seeds. This could be a risk until the plant
germinates and becomes a seedling. To avoid any of your seeds being
taken prematurely, you could use plastic netting or even a scarecrow
to keep the birds away. After the seeds have germinated, you really
won’t have any problems with birds. They don’t really like the taste
of the leafy marijuana plant. As mentioned previously, birds should

be encouraged to nest in your garden because they are the natural
predators of other insect pests.

Some Notes about

Outdoor Security
Obviously, the difference between growing outdoors and indoors is
that outdoors your plants are basically wide open to any onlookers
who happen to pass by. If you’re on public land (or even private land),
there’s always a chance that your plants could be found by either law
enforcement or thieves. The only way to really prevent yourself from
getting caught is to cover your tracks meticulously.

If you’re growing on public land, be sure to find a place that will be

difficult to discover by land or air. Try to find an area where you know
that fly-bys are rare or non-existent. Also, don’t plant your garden in an
area that is visible from any trails or walking paths. A random citizen
could report your crop to the police and, even if you don’t get arrested,
you’d likely lose your garden. It’s always a good idea to be as clandestine
as possible and remain out of the sight of any onlookers (for instance,
a park ranger) when you go to the garden. If you can find a place that
is secluded but not too hard to reach then you will be much better off
when taking care of your plants and ultimately harvesting them.

Outdoor grow site Police helicopter patrol Rangers by foot

If you have to make a relatively long hike to a place like a clearing in
the forest, then it’s important to take 3 or 4 different routes. Even an
amateur tracker will start to notice the path you make when walking to
your garden if you only have one entry point. This path will be obvious
to any thieves or other people who know what they’re looking for. You
should always try to leave your garden in a different way than you
came in. For instance, if you are planting in a park with a number of
different trails, it could be prudent to enter the park on one trail, leave
that trail to tend to your garden, and then leave the garden to get on
another trail altogether. Always keep a map of the land handy in the
event that you get lost. If it’s possible, try entering the public land from
inconspicuous places (for instance, areas that don’t have trails).

If growing on private land, make sure you do everything in your

power to keep the plants from being seen. This includes pruning and
trimming them so that they don’t invite any suspicion from passersby
or neighbors. Plants grown outdoors can often reach incredible heights
that will make them relatively obvious to anyone looking. For instance,
if you’re growing in your backyard, a six-foot monster plant is going
to catch the eye of any neighbor relatively quickly. Keeping the plant
pruned will limit its size and detectability and might also produce a
higher yield in the end.

Some growers have considered growing their crop on land adjacent to

their own that is owned by someone else. For example, if you live next
to a cornfield, you might think it would be advantageous to grow out
there. Unfortunately, it’s hard to predict how frequently the landowner
inspects their land or if any flybys are performed in the area. If you get
caught, expect to be hit with more than a trespassing charge.

It should also be reiterated that you should never talk to anyone about
growing marijuana. Even if your plants are heavily secluded and almost
impossible to find, don’t tell anyone.

Indoor and outdoor harvesting are basically the same thing except
you have to bring your harvest inside if growing outdoors. If the plants
are on private land where you can just pull them out of the ground
and bring them in your house then you shouldn’t have any trouble.
Guerrilla farmers, however, will probably have to hike in to retrieve their
plants and then hike back out unnoticed. Of course, this is generally
not that easy to do and may require the help of a friend, depending on
the size of the plants and the overall size of the crop. If at all possible,
try doing this during the night or in the early morning to avoid any
chance of people seeing you. Even if you conceal the plants in bags,
any onlookers will reach some obvious conclusions.

In any event, taking a few leaves and shoots before the actual harvest
time is one of the more prudent decisions you can make. This essentially
ensures that you’ll at least get something for all your efforts if your
plants get stolen or noticed by law enforcement. For indoor growers,
it’s always good to sample a little bit of the smoke beforehand. The
leaves and shoots during vegetative growth will actually be rather
potent and will already provide you with a good smoke.

The right time to harvest the plants won’t always be apparent. You
don’t want to harvest too early, and you certainly don’t want to harvest
too late. In either case, the THC and other cannabinoids on the plant
won’t be nearly as concentrated as you might like. Obviously, if you
want sinsemilla buds, the male plants must be harvested early so they

don’t pollinate the female flowers. If you remove male flowers early,
you won’t really be losing that much in terms of potency or yield. For
the most part, male plants don’t produce the highest quality smoke
anyway. Still, if you want to avoid pollination, you should get them out
as soon as you determine the sex.

Not ready, white pistils Be careful during transport Ready, many red pistils

If you do want to pollinate your female seeds, then you should just
leave the males in the soil so that they can flower and produce pollen.
This will keep you from having to pluck out the males prematurely, and
it will also ensure that you will have seeds for next year’s crop. When it
comes to pollinated female plants, you won’t want to pull them before
the seeds have had enough time to mature. Many growers start to
notice the telltale signs of high THC production and increased flower
and bud growth, and they might think it’s a good idea to pull out their
female plants. But, if you pull the plants out too early, the seeds might
just be inactive and won’t germinate next season. You can investigate
the seeds by opening up their sheaths or bracts and seeing if they
have achieved the marbling brown color associated with maturity.

Of course, sinsemilla plants don’t have to rely on seed maturation for

them to be viable for harvesting. But in general, these plants have a
longer flowering period. In fact, they might bloom for 4 to 5 weeks with
new growth happening almost instantaneously. The new growth will

be sort of a boon to your overall yield, but you should wait until there
is a noticeable decline in flower production. This will generally happen
in the fourth or fifth week of blooming. When you notice the decline,
don’t start to harvest immediately. Wait about a week after the decline
starts before you start harvesting sinsemilla plants. This is when the
THC will be at its highest, and the smoke will be the most potent. If
you allow the plants to grow more after this point, they might slowly
get a bit larger and produce a few extra buds, but the THC won’t be as
potent because it will have started to degrade.

To harvest the plants, all you’ll have to do is gently pull them up out
of the soil. To facilitate this process, you might want to wet the soil
beforehand. Avoid bending or cracking the plants as you pull them up,
as it makes them harder to deal with. If your plants are in pots you can
simply pull them out or even dump the pot and all the soil out.

There are many different techniques of harvesting and transporting

marijuana, and I’m always interested in your story. You can leave a
comment about your methods on this harvesting marijuana article.

Post-Harvest Activities
When you finally harvest, the first thing you should do is strip the fan
leaves off of the plant. This is because they are less potent than the
colas and they often don’t cure as well as the other parts of the plant.
That doesn’t mean that they can’t be used, however. In fact, fan leaves
are known to have a somewhat high concentration of THC, especially
after they have just been pulled.

Once you’ve done that, you can start grading and manicuring the
plants. Grading simply involves separating the plants by their particular

sex, strain, and anatomical part. For instance, you might place all
sativa-dominant, female, top colas in the same area. Most growers
like to hang their plants upside down from a wire, if only because it’s
considerably easier than doing anything else. Manicuring involves
taking any excess leaves from around the colas so that the plants will
dry quite easily.

After all the plants are graded and manicured neatly, you can start
curing them. Curing is a process that is meant to bring out the best
flavors and tones, but sometimes it can actually decrease the amount
of THC substantially if you do it wrong. Sinsemilla buds often don’t
require curing because they are potent enough as is.

Ready for harvest Cut branches Hang upside down

The most common way to cure a plant is by air curing. It involves

hanging the plants upside in an unventilated room. You want the
temperatures to be relatively hot, so, if you can place the plants in the
sun, the curing process should go off without a hitch. The plants will
start to lose color and become pale, at which point you should open
the ventilator or window to slow down the curing process. The entire
length of curing might take you around six weeks to complete. If you
are having relatively overcast or wet days or the room isn’t staying near
90°F, then you could be at risk of your plants developing mold. This
is something you desperately don’t want to have happen. To prevent

this, you might want to introduce a heater of some kind to keep the
temperature as high as it can go.

Flue curing expedites the process of curing by adding an external

force that works to heat the plants faster. You can place the plants in
a water-tight box that you then place into a pool of water (generally,
a fish tank). Then, heat that pool of water to about 90°F consistently.
When the plants start to lose their green color, turn the heat up to
about 100°F. When all the green is sapped out of the plants, turn the
heat up to 115°F. This process will also dry the plants, but make sure
to turn the heat down as they start to dry; otherwise, they might end
up being brittle. This process generally only takes about a week to

Sweat curing is a method used primarily in Colombia to get the plants

to cure within about 5 days. It generally involves stacking branches and
colas about 1.5 feet high and 2 square feet minimum. The microbial
action works like a fermentation process in the same way that compost
starts to heat up. The plants will start to lose color little by little. You
should remove the plants that have lost the most color each day. To
avoid any mold or rot, place paper towels, cotton sheets, or rags in
between each of the plants. The rags will absorb any excess moisture
and facilitate the curing process.

At this point, you should start drying your plants. Drying is a necessary
activity, particularly if you want to store your bud for later use. It
eliminates the risk of incurring mold and also ensures that it lasts a
long time. Most growers use a slow drying method that simply involves
hanging the plants upside down and letting them air dry naturally.

This usually takes about two weeks to complete. Of course, they will
also start to cure a little bit during this process which may limit the
potency somewhat.

Drying outside Drying inside Drying in nets

Fast drying techniques include using the oven, microwaving, and even
using a skillet. Most people will want to test out their smoke relatively
quickly, and, even though these methods might produce a harsher
taste overall, they will still give you the ability to smoke some bud soon
after harvesting. It should be noted that you don’t want to dry your
entire harvest using one of these fast-drying methods. In fact, it might
be more prudent to dry the plants using a heater to facilitate the slower
drying process. In any event, it’s important not to leave marijuana in
the oven or skillet for too long. Keep it in the oven for about 10 minutes
at a temperature of 150 to 200°F. Don’t be careless or you could end up
charring your bud entirely.

Storing your bud is the best way to ensure that it lasts you until at least
the next harvest. Many growers simply place their dried bud in a dark
(usually glass) container and then put that container in the refrigerator
or freezer. Light and heat are two of the major things that will degrade

THC, so if you keep the storage area dark and cold, you will still be able
to enjoy your smoke well into the future.

Airtight jars Ziplock bags Compressed blocks

It should also be noted that storing your entire crop in one space is a
recipe for disaster. Although it might be more convenient to do it that
way, you still run the risk of incurring mold. If even just one portion
of one plant stayed moist, you could end up ruining the entire crop
with mold. That’s why it’s important to portion your harvest so that
you don’t run into a disaster like that.

After that, you can always get ready for next year’s crop by tilling some
soil or inspecting your seeds. Of course, you could also just sit back,
relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labor for a while. Hopefully, this Grow
Bible helped you through the process of growing your marijuana crop,
and it will continue to support you as you keep growing for years to


Thank you very much for reading this grow guide. I hope this
informationwas useful and helps you grow higher quality marijuana
and increaseyour yield. As you know, there are hundreds of
marijuana growing-related articles on my website. You will also find
an active marijuana grow support forum, moderated by expert
marijuana growers.

If you are looking to buy viable quality marijuana seeds, visit my

seed shop and read some of the reviews. We ship our seeds
worldwide and guarantee arrival and germination.

I’m always looking for growers who can help build the website by
writing articles, leaving comments, becoming a moderator on the
forum, or telling their friends about us. So don't be shy and leave me
a message if you want to contribute.

Happy growing,

Robert Bergman


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