Distribution Wheeling Service Agreement

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The key takeaways are that this agreement governs the provision of distribution wheeling services by a Distribution Utility (DU) to a Retail Electricity Supplier (RES) for conveying electricity through the DU's distribution system to meet the demand of the RES's customers.

The main terms and conditions of the agreement include the scope of services, technical specifications, applicable charges, eligibility requirements for the RES, and termination clauses.

The duties and responsibilities of the RES include securing required approvals, complying with technical specifications, paying applicable charges, and notifying the DU of any intended modifications.


(For Retail Electricity Suppliers)

This AGREEMENT is entered into this _____ day of __________ at _______________ City, Philippines,
by and between:
______________________________, a corporation duly organized and
existing under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with principal
offices at ___________________________________, duly represented by Mr.
_______________ (designation) and Mr. _______________, (designation)
hereinafter referred to as "COMPANY";
______________________________, duly organized and existing under the
laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with principal offices at
_________________________, duly represented by Mr. _______________
(designation), and hereinafter referred to as "Retail Electricity Supplier or
"COMPANY" and "RES" hereinafter shall collectively be referred to as

WHEREAS, the COMPANY is a Distribution Utility (DU) with a legislative franchise to operate and
maintain an electric distribution system in the Cities/Municipalities of

WHEREAS, the RES is duly licensed by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) to sell, broker, market
or aggregate electricity to contestable customers;

WHEREAS, the RES is desirous of availing of the Distribution Wheeling Service (DWS) offered by the

WHEREAS, the PARTIES agree to permit the wheeling transaction to take place based on the terms and
conditions as set out in this Agreement; subject to rules and regulations of the ERC and any other
applicable laws;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants set forth
herein, the PARTIES hereto agree as follows:
Section 1. Scope. — This Agreement is solely for the provision of DWS, which pertains to those services
performed by the COMPANY for the conveyance of electricity through its distribution system in order
to meet the demand of the customer of the RES. This Agreement does not constitute an Agreement to
supply electricity to the RES.
Section 2. Provision of DWS. — Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and applicable
rules and regulations, the COMPANY shall provide DWS to the RES and the latter's customers under
the technical specifications as specified in the attached Schedule with the concerned customer.
The RES shall not modify or allow the modification of the technical specifications without the written
consent of the COMPANY. Should the RES or its customer intend to modify said specifications, the RES
shall notify the COMPANY no less than thirty (30) business days in advance. Any incremental cost
attributable to any modification in the specifications of the RES or its customer shall be made at the
sole expense of the RES.
Section 3. Charges. — The RES shall pay DWS charges, including all applicable taxes, based on the
applicable rate schedule for the provision of DWS, which include, among others, the: (i) Distribution
Charge; (ii) Standard Connection Charge (SCC), or Guaranteed Minimum Billing Demand (GMBD); (iii)
Supply Charge; (iv) Metering Charge; (v) System Loss Charge; (vi) Transmission Charge; (vii) Local
Franchise Tax; (viii) Senior Citizen Discount, if applicable; (ix) Lifeline Subsidy; (x) Universal Charge; and
(xi) Other Charges and Adjustments which shall include, but not limited to, over/under-recoveries and
other pass-through charges approved by the ERC to be billed by the COMPANY to the RES. Said
charges shall be payable in accordance with Section 9 hereof, commencing on the first billing month
from the effectivity of this Agreement.
Section 4. Eligibility for DWS. — A RES shall be eligible for DWS if it: (i) continues to possess all the
eligibility requirements under the Distribution Services and Open Access Rules (DSOAR),
asamended, Revised Rules for the Issuance of Licenses to Retail Electricity Suppliers and other pertinent
guidelines, or any amendments thereto; (ii) has no undisputed outstanding debts with the COMPANY,
the Transmission Service Provider (TSP), or the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM); and (iii)
complies with the credit requirements approved by the ERC.
Section 5. Duties and Responsibilities of RES. — The RES shall:
a. Secure any required approvals, licenses, clearances from the ERC and/or other
governmental agencies for its operation, including payment of any fees and
execution of any applicable agreement;
b. Require its customers to comply and maintain to comply with the technical
specifications and requirements, and technical infrastructure/equipment
standards prescribed by the COMPANY, as embodied in the Connection
Agreement (CA) executed by said customer of the RES with the COMPANY,
including applicable provisions of the Philippine Distribution Code (PDC),
rules and regulations of the ERC and any other applicable law or guidelines;
c. Be solely responsible for complying with any applicable WESM requirements
pertaining to the RES or its customer and payment of all related obligations
to the other market participants;
d. Be solely responsible for all contractual and billing matters, including disputes,
relating to its customer; and
e. Enjoin its customers not to engage in pilferage of electricity and monitor that its
customer strictly complies with it.
Section 6. Duties and Responsibilities of the COMPANY. — The COMPANY shall:
a. Subject to system constraints and performance standards approved by the ERC,
make reasonable provisions to provide steady and continuous DWS to the
customers of the RES.
b. Comply with applicable laws, and pertinent government rules and regulations, as
well as good utility practice;
c. Use as reference the registrations of the metering facilities which are capable of
measuring energy use and demand, unless an estimated meter reading is
necessary, in accordance with applicable rules and regulations; and
d. Protect the interests of the contestable customers in good standing.
Section 7. Additional Terms and Conditions. — Any terms and conditions specifically applicable to the
RES' Customer shall be specified in the applicable Schedule with the concerned customer, which shall
be considered integral part hereof.
Section 8. Switching of RES' Customers. — Switching of the customers of the RES shall follow the
procedure laid down in the applicable rules and regulations.
a. The switching of the RES customers shall not be allowed in the absence of the
required switch approval from the Central Registration Body (CRB); and
b. The COMPANY shall have the right to fully rely on the Switch Approval sent to it by
the CRB and shall not be responsible for verifying the validity of such
approval. In all cases, the RES shall hold the COMPANY free from any liability
arising therefrom.
Section 9. Billing and Payment. — The COMPANY shall bill the RES for all the charges stipulated under
this Agreement and the applicable Schedule with the RES' Customer, if any, including any billing
adjustment, differential bills and such other charges as may be approved by the ERC. Said bill shall
become due and demandable within _______________ calendar days from the receipt of said bill by the
RES. Any amount unpaid shall be charged with interest at the rate not to exceed 12% per annum from
the date the bill was due to be paid. The payment of the interest is in addition to, and not in lieu of, all
other rights and remedies otherwise available to the COMPANY.
The RES may dispute any bills in writing within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the bill.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the RES shall continue to pay the disputed bills without deductions or
any offset and shall not be an excuse or ground for the RES to delay payment of succeeding bills or to
unilaterally deduct any amount therefrom. The COMPANY shall endeavour to resolve any disputed bills
within 30 calendar days from its receipt of the written complaint by the RES.
Section 10. Bill Deposit. — Prior to the commencement of the services to the RES' Customers, a bill
deposit to secure payment of any outstanding regular bills shall be paid by the RES to the COMPANY,
equivalent to the one (1) month estimated billing for all DWS Charges of the RES' Customer under
Section 3 hereof, based on the latter's average billing in the immediately preceding twelve (12) months
or in case of a newly connected RES' Customer, based on projected demand and/or energy of such
customer. The COMPANY may likewise apply such bill deposit to any outstanding bill, billing
adjustment or differential billing upon termination of the contract.
Said deposit shall be adjusted: (i) annually, to reflect the average billing of the RES' Customers during a
one (1) year period; or (ii) to replace any deposit previously applied to any outstanding bill, billing
adjustment or differential billing; or (iii) to reflect the increase or decrease in load, or the number of the
RES' Customers under this Agreement. Any excess or deficiency in the amount of bill deposit, after said
adjustment, shall be correspondingly refunded through credit to bill to, or collected from, respectively,
the RES by the COMPANY.
A RES customer that has paid its electric bills on or before its due date for three (3) consecutive years
may, however, demand for the full refund of the deposit prior to the termination of his service. The
provisions of the DSOAR shall apply.
Section 11. Disconnection of Service of RES' Customers. — Subject to prior notice to the RES by the CRB,
the services of the RES' Customers shall be disconnected under any of the following circumstances:
a. RES fails to pay the DWS charges, or any adjusted or differential bills or such other
charges stipulated in this Agreement, on the due date, in part on in whole;
b. Termination of the RES supply contract with its customer/s under Section 15
c. When the RES has not complied with any of the provisions of the DSOAR, PDC,
other applicable laws, including any amendments thereon;
d. In case of non-payment by the RES of its customer's final bill, or balance thereof, as
a captive customer, in case of the latter's initial transfer from the captive to
the contestable market, as well as the customer's final bill, in case of regular
e. Violation of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by the RES;
f. Other circumstances allowed by law or government rules and regulations; and
g. In case of violation by the CUSTOMER of R.A. 7832, otherwise known as "Anti-
electricity and Electric Transmission Lines/Materials Pilferage Act of 1994".
The COMPANY's exercise of its rights under this Article shall not entitle the RES to renege on its
obligation to pay the DWS charges, disconnection fees or other billings rendered under this Agreement.
Nothing in this agreement shall prevent the COMPANY from temporarily discontinuing the provision of
DWS whenever it finds it necessary to execute any routine maintenance, repairs or modifications on its
distribution system or in the event of an emergency or to correct unsafe operating conditions in the
distribution or connection facilities; Provided however, that except in cases of force majeure, forced
outage/interruption, event of emergency or the need to correct unsafe operating conditions, the
COMPANY shall give advance notice to the RES within a reasonable time of said temporary
discontinuance of DWS, in a manner allowed by the applicable rules and regulations. In any case, the
RES shall be solely responsible in notifying its customers of the disconnection.
In case the DWS is temporarily discontinued under this Section, the COMPANY shall likewise effect the
reconnection of the RES' Customer's service, when the COMPANY's routine maintenance, repairs or
modification to the facilities and nearby facilities have been completed or when the emergency has
ceased or the unsafe operating conditions in the distribution or connection facilities have been
Section 12. Disconnection of the RES' Customer — upon Request of the RES. — In the event that the RES'
Customer fails to pay the RES for service rendered by due date, the COMPANY shall disconnect the
RES' Customer within 24 hours upon receipt of the request for disconnection from the CRB.
a. Validity of RES' Request for Disconnection. The COMPANY shall not have any
obligation to act upon the RES' request for disconnection. The COMPANY
shall have the right to fully rely upon the request sent to it by the CRB. Absent
any request from the CRB, the RES continues to be liable for all DWS billed by
the Company for all delivered services to the customer of the RES.
b. RES' Customer pays the RES at the time of disconnection. In the event that the RES'
Customer pays the RES before the actual disconnection, the COMPANY shall,
within 48 hours from its receipt of notice from the CRB, reconnect the
services of the customer. Nonetheless, if the COMPANY was not properly
notified within said period and the COMPANY has already effected the
disconnection, the RES shall be liable to pay the disconnection fee and shall
be solely responsible for all liability, including costs incurred and injury
suffered by its customer as a result of its disconnection.
c. Customer Protest. The RES shall be held solely liable for, and shall defend and hold
the COMPANY free and harmless against, any protest, claims or damages by
the RES' Customer to the disconnection made by the COMPANY under this
d. Delinquency or Non-Payment of Bills of RES Customer. The COMPANY shall not
disconnect the services of RES customer/s due to non-payment of bills of
another RES customer unless otherwise instructed by the CRB in accordance
with existing regulation.
The RES shall be liable to pay the appropriate disconnection fee for disconnections made under this
Section 13. COMPANY's Inability to Effect Disconnection. — In the event that the COMPANY is unable to
exercise its right to disconnect under this Agreement and the applicable Schedule with the RES'
Customer, despite due diligence and without fault on its part, and the RES' Customer continues to avail
of DWS, the RES shall continue to pay the corresponding charges equivalent to the amount of DWS;
Provided that, the COMPANY shall notify the RES of its inability to effect such disconnection within a
reasonable time.
Section 14. Reconnection of the Customers' Service. — Subject to prior notice to the COMPANY by the
CRB, reconnection of the RES' Customer's service shall be effected by the COMPANY:
a. In cases of Section 11 (a) and 11 (d), after the RES has settled its obligation with the
b. In case of Section 11 (b), if the contract executed between the RES and its customer
has been renewed and the RES has requested the inclusion of its customer in
the DWS;
c. In case of Sections 11 (c) and 11 (e) when the RES presents proof to the satisfaction
of the Company that the non-compliance and/or violation of the provisions of
this Agreement, the DSOAR, as amended, PDC, and/or other applicable laws,
has ceased;
d. In case of 12 (b), within the timeframe provided in said Section.
Reconnection of the RES' Customer under Section 14 (a), (b) and (c) shall be subject to payment of
appropriate reconnection fees as approved by the ERC. If the emergency or unsafe operating condition,
which brought about the suspension of the DWS is due to the fault of the RES' Customer, the same
shall likewise be subject to payment of appropriate reconnection-fees.
Section 15. Termination of RES' Contract with its Customer. — Upon termination of the supply contract
executed between the RES and its customer, the RES shall, within twenty-four (24) hours, notify the
COMPANY of such fact. Thereafter, the COMPANY shall send a final billing to the RES covering the
DWS of such customer, including any adjusted or differential bill/s and other applicable charges
approved by the ERC, if the service is terminated before the next scheduled reading. After payment by
the RES of the COMPANY's final billing, including any adjusted or differential bill/s, the COMPANY shall
send a certification to the RES that all its bills for that particular customer have been paid. Should the
RES fail to notify the COMPANY that its supply contract with its customer has been terminated, the
RES shall continue to be liable for all the charges stipulated under this Agreement.
In case the termination of the supply contract of the RES with its customer was due to the reversion of
the latter to the captive market, in addition to the foregoing paragraph, the discontinuance of DWS to
such RES' Customer shall become effective only at the end of the meter reading date of said customer;
Provided that, such reversion of the customer to the captive market has been approved by the ERC,
with notice to the COMPANY. For the avoidance of doubt, prior to the effectivity of the discontinuance
of the DWS to such RES' Customer, the RES shall continue to be liable to the COMPANY for the
payment of charges as stipulated under Sections 3 and 9 hereof and the observance of the terms and
conditions provided in this Agreement and the accompanying Schedule with its customer.
Section 16. Undelivered Energy, Damages and Other Losses. — The RES understands that the COMPANY
undertakes scheduled and/or unscheduled maintenance, repairs and replacement of its facilities to
improve service. In such cases, and in other cases of outages due to events stated in Section 19 or for
reasons not attributable to the fault of the COMPANY, the RES agrees that the COMPANY shall not be
liable for any undelivered energy, or for damages, whether direct or consequential, including without
limitation, loss of profits, loss of revenue, or loss of production capacity, as a result of interruption or
disconnection of its service.
Section 17. Supply Imbalances. — The RES shall have the responsibility of procuring the full power
supply requirement of its customers. It shall reimburse to the COMPANY the cost of any additional
power supply requirement delivered to the RES' Customer but billed to the COMPANY by the
Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM), including any applicable interest, surcharge or penalties.
Section 18. Liability for Non-technical System Losses and Damages as a Result of Pilferage. — The RES
shall be liable for non-technical system losses if it condones, colludes, conspires with, or engages in the
pilferage of electricity or tampering of meters or facilities of the COMPANY. Condonation, collusion
and conspiracy shall include, but not be limited to, the following instances: (a) when a RES has
knowledge of pilferage of electricity committed or being committed by its customer and refuses or fails
to report such fact to the COMPANY; and (b) when a RES or any of its employees or representatives
assists or participates in the commission of pilferage of electricity by its customer. The RES shall
likewise be liable for any damages caused to the COMPANY or third persons arising, or resulting, from
such pilferage.
Section 19. Force Majeure/Fortuitous Event/Other Event. — The COMPANY shall not be liable to the RES
with respect to the non-performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement in the event and to
the extent that such non-performance is the direct result of or has been directly caused by force
majeure and fortuitous event including other event that are beyond the control of the COMPANY. Force
majeure and fortuitous event including other event shall mean such event: (i) that is not within the
reasonable control, directly and indirectly, of the COMPANY; and (ii) which, despite the exercise of
reasonable diligence, cannot be prevented, avoided or removed by the COMPANY; Provided that, the
COMPANY has taken all reasonable precautions, and due care in order to avoid or mitigate the effect of
such event on the COMPANY's ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement. These events
shall include, but may not be limited to the following:
a. A typhoon, storm, tropical depression, flood, drought, volcanic eruption,
earthquake, tidal wave or landslide;
b. An act of public enemy, war (declared or undeclared), sabotage, blockade,
revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion or any violent or threatening
c. Non system-wide and system-wide Transmission constraints and/or outages in the
Transmission and Distribution System; and
d. Any lawful orders rendered by competent authority, including any advice or
warnings of government authorities for safety reasons.
Section 20. Amendment/Modification of Agreement. — This Agreement, including the applicable
Schedule with the RES' Customer, constitutes the sole and entire agreement between the PARTIES and
supersedes all previous arrangements or agreements in respect of the subject-matter of this
Agreement. No amendments of this Agreement or the applicable Schedule with the RES' Customer, or
consent to any departure therefrom, shall in any way be of any force or effect unless confirmed in
writing and signed by the PARTIES. If necessary, such amendment or departure shall be effective only
upon approval by the ERC. The failure of any Party, at any time, to require performance of any provision
hereof shall in no manner affect the right to enforce the same at a later time. No waiver by any Party of
the breach of any term or covenant contained in this Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise,
shall be deemed to be construed as a further or continuing waiver of such breach or waiver of the
breach of any other term or covenant, unless such waiver is in writing.
Section 21. Effectivity and Termination of Agreement. — This Agreement shall be valid and binding to
the PARTIES upon execution hereof unless terminated by either party by serving written notice to the
other at least thirty (30) calendar days before the effective date of termination. It shall take effect on
the earliest next regular meter reading date of the RES' Customer/s, as contained in the attached
Schedule/s, after the execution date hereof, provided that such RES' Customer/s has/have validly
executed Connection Agreement/s with the COMPANY.
This Agreement may likewise be terminated: (a) after due notice, for violation of any of the obligations
set forth herein by any Party; (b) under Section 15, upon termination of the contract between the RES
and its customer; and/or (c) without any need of prior notice: (i) under Section 4, when the RES is no
longer eligible for DWS; (ii) when this Agreement is rendered invalid and/or unenforceable by law or
competent authority; (iii) when the performance of any obligations under this Agreement has been
rendered legally or physically impossible; (iv) in case of the RES' failure to pay the bill deposit or the
corresponding adjustment thereon; and (v) in case of violation of R.A. 7832 otherwise known as "Anti-
electricity and Electric Transmission Lines/Materials Pilferage Act of 1994" either by the RES' own act or if
the RES has condoned, colluded or conspired with its End-use customer.
Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, all rights and obligations of the PARTIES hereunder
shall cease, except (a) such rights and obligations as may have accrued as of the date of termination or
expiration, such as but not limited to payment of any outstanding bills; and (b) any right or obligation
which survives the termination of this Agreement.
Section 22. Delivery of Notices. — All notices, letters and/or communications shall be addressed to the
For the COMPANY:

Name: _________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________
Phone Number: _________________________
Fax Number: _________________________
Email Address: _________________________
Billing Address: _________________________
(both electronic and postal)

For the RES:

Name: _________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________
Phone Number: _________________________
Fax Number: _________________________
Email Address: _________________________
Billing Address: _________________________
(both electronic and postal)
ERC License Number: _________________________
Either Party may change the above information through written notice to the other Party.
Section 23. Warranties. — The PARTIES represent and warrant to each other that: (i) the signatories to
this Agreement are duly authorized to sign this Agreement; and (ii) all requisite authorizations,
approvals, permits or consent to make this Agreement or any amendment or supplement thereto valid
and enforceable have been obtained.
Section 24. Invalidity of Provisions. — If any provision of this Agreement is declared by a competent
court to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provisions shall not affect
the other provisions of this Agreement, and all provisions not affected by such invalidity or
unenforceability shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 25. Assignment of Rights. — The RES shall not assign its rights under this Agreement. In case of
any change in its corporate name, or status brought about by merger, consolidation, amendment of
articles of incorporation, sale of business or transfer of ownership, the RES shall advise the COMPANY
of such fact in writing, within thirty (30) calendar days from the effective date thereof. Violation of this
provision shall give the COMPANY the right to terminate this Agreement, without prejudice to any
action that the COMPANY may bring for the collection of any outstanding obligation of the RES to the
Section 26. Disputes. — If any dispute shall arise between the PARTIES in connection with or arising out
of this Agreement, either party may request in writing to meet within five (5) days from occurrence
thereof and attempt to resolve the dispute. In the event that such dispute remains unresolved within
ten (10) days after such request, the aggrieved party may bring the dispute for resolution by the ERC if
said dispute is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the ERC. Otherwise, the aggrieved party may seek
redress from the regular courts. In case of the latter, the PARTIES hereby agree that the venue for any
court action shall be the regular courts of the principal place of business or principal office where the
COMPANY is located.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have caused the foregoing instrument to be executed by
their respective officers and/or their representatives, thereunto duly authorized at the place and on the
date first above written.
______________________________ ______________________________
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
(Designation) (Designation)
(DU) (RES)
(Date Signed) (Date Signed)


______________________________ ______________________________
(Witness Name, Signature Over (Witness Name, Signature Over
Printed Name) Printed Name)

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