EI6403-Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics PDF
EI6403-Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics PDF
EI6403-Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics PDF
1. State zeroth law and first law of thermodynamics.
2. Give the following statement of the second law of thermodynamics
(a). Clausius statement. (b). Kelvin Plank statement.
3. Define Specific heat, Specific weight and specific volume.
4. Define (a). Enthalpy. (ii). Entropy.
5. What do you understand by intensive and extensive properties?
6. Distinguish between a steady flow system and an unsteady flow system.
7. State the difference between open and closed systems.
8. What is the thermodynamic definition of work
9. Define state, process and cycle.
10.Differentiate adiabatic process from isothermal process.
11.State the gas laws.
12.Mention the classification of IC engines.
13.Compare the two stroke and four stroke engines of equal capacity on the basis of
power output and thermal efficiency.
14.Mention the functions of piston and crankshaft of an I.C engine.
15.State the difference between two stroke and four stroke engine in terms of number of
crank revolution for one cycle.
16.Sketch the Brayton cycle (Limited pressure cycle) on P-V and T-S planes and mention
the various processes.
17.What is scavenging in IC engines?
18.What is the function of a carburetor? What is carburetion?
19.What are the advantages of multistage compression with inter-cooling over single stage
compression for the same pressure ratio?
20.What is the effect of clearance volume on the power required and work done in a
reciprocating air compressor?
1. Derive an expression for air standard efficiency of a Brayton cycle in terms of pressure
ratio and compression ratio. Also prove that the pressure ratio for maximum work is a
function of limiting temperature ratio.
2. The extreme of pressure and temperature in an open circuit constant pressure gas
turbine plant are 1 bar, 5.25bar and 25oC and 560oC respectively. The isentropic
efficiency of the turbine is 88% and that of the compressor is 84%. Determine the
efficiency of the plant.
3. A single acting reciprocating air compressor has cylinder diameter and stroke of 200mm
and 300mm respectively. The compressor sucks air at 1 bar and 27°C and delivers at 8
bar. Speed of the compressor is 100 rpm, find i) Indicated power, ii) Mass of the air
delivered per min and iii) Temperature of the air delivered. Compression follows the
law pv1.25 = C
4. Determine the size of the cylinder for a double acting air compressor of 40 kW
indicated power in which air is drawn in at 1 bar and 15°C and compressed according
to the law pv1.2 = C to 6 bar. Speed of the compressor is 100 rpm and average piston
speed is 152.5 m/min. Neglect the clearance.
5. A two stage single acting reciprocating air compressor draws in air at a pressure of 1 bar
and 17°C and compresses it to a pressure of 60 bar. After compression in the L.P
cylinder, the air is cooled at constant pressure of 8 bar to a temperature of 37°C. The
low pressure cylinder has a diameter of 150 mm and both the cylinders have 200 mm
stroke. If n= 1.35, find the power of the compressor, when it runs at 200 rpm. Take R =
287 J/kgK.
6. a) With neat sketch explain the working of 4-stroke Diesel engine.
b) With neat sketch explain the working of 4-stroke cycle petrol engine.
8. Air flows steadily at the rate of 0.5 Kg/s through an air compressor, entering at 7 m/s,
100 KPa pressure and 0.95 m3/Kg and leaving at 5 m/s velocity, 700 KPa and 0.19
m3/Kg. the internal energy of air leaving is 90 KJ/Kg greater than that of air entering
cooling water in the compressor jacket absorb heat at the rate of 5 KW. Compute the
rate of shaft work input in KW, and find the ratio of inlet to outlet diameter.
9. a) Derive Steady flow energy equation and apply the equation to steam nozzle,
turbine, compressor and boiler and obtain the final expression.
b) 0.44 Kg of air at 180˚C expands adiabatically to three times of its original volume
and during the process, there is a fall in temperature to 15˚C. The work done during
the process is 52.5KJ. calculate Cp and Cv.
1. State the difference between Boiler mountings and accessories.
2. What is the effect of reheating on Rankine cycle.
3. List out boiler mountings and accessories.
4. What is economizer?
5. Define boiler. How it is classified?
6. Define sensible heat and latent heat of vapourization of water.
7. What is the volume occupied by 5 Kg of dry saturated steam at 10 bar.
8. Define saturated and super-heated steam. What is steam trap?
b) Explain with neat sketches the construction and working of any one high pressure
3. Heat is supplied from two constant temperature sources at 1000K and 880 K to a
reversible engine and it rejects heat at a constant temperature sink at 310K. The
engine develops work equivalent to 100KW and rejects heat at the rate of 60KW.
Find the heat supplied by each source and the thermal efficiency of the engine.
4. a) Mention the function of pressure gauge, fusible plug, economizer and super heater
used in boilers.
b) Consider a steam power plant operating on the ideal Rankine cycle. Steam enters
the turbine at 3 MPa and 623 K and is condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 10
kPa. Determine (i) the thermal efficiency of this power plant, (ii) the thermal efficicency
if steam is superheated to 873 K instead of 623 K, and (iii) the thermal efficiency if the
boiler pressure is raised to 15 MPa while the turbine inlet temperature is maintained at
873 K.
5. a) Explain Rankine cycle with neat layout.
b) Determine the quantity of heat required to produce 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 6
bar and at a temperature of 25°C under the following conditions: 1) When the steam is
wet having a dryness fraction of 0.9, 2) When the steam is dry saturated and 3) When
the steam is superheated at a constant pressure and at 250°C. Assume a mean specific
heat of superheated steam to be 2.3 kJ/kg K.
6. A furnace wall is made up on refractory bricks of 80cm thickness and its thermal
conductivity being 1.5 W/m K. The wall is insulated with an insulator bricks of
conductivity 0.5 W / m K. The film coefficient of inner flue gas and the brick lining is 65
W / m2 K and for outside air and lining is 20 W / m2 K. Heat transfer rate is 1800 W /
m2. Calculate the thickness of insulator brick wall when the inner and outer surface
temperatures are 1200° C and 30°C.
7. a) The wall of a refrigerator is made up of two mild steel plates of 2.5mm thick with a
6cm thick glass wool in between the plates. The inner temperature is -20°C, while the
outside is exposed to 40°C. Estimate the heat flow. K for steel and glass wool are 23 W/
m K and 0.015 W / m K respectively.
b) One kg of steam at 10 bar exists at the following conditions. i) Wet and 0.8 dry ii) dry
and saturated & iii) at a temperature of 199.9⁰C. Determine the enthalpy, specific
volume, density, internal energy and entropy at each case. Take CPS = 2.25 kJ/kg.
8. Calculate the internal energy of 0.3 m3 of steam at 4 bar pressure and 0.95 dry. If this
steam heated at constant pressure through 30⁰C, determine the heat added and change
in internal energy.
9. a) Derive an expression for the heat transfer through a 3 layers composite wall.
b) Determine the heat transfer through the plane of length 6 m, height 4 m and
thickness 0.30 m. The temperature of inner and outer surfaces are 100˚C and 40˚C.
Thermal conductivity of the wall is 0.55 W/mK.
10.Explain the need for extended surfaces. Define Fin efficiency and Fin Effectiveness.
1. A soap bubble is formed when the inside pressure is 5 N/m2 above the atmospheric
pressure. If surface tension in the soap bubble is 0.0125 N/m, find the diameter of the
bubble formed.
2. The converging pipe with inlet and outlet diameters of 200 mm and 150 mm carries
the oil whose specific gravity is 0.8. The velocity of oil at the entry is 2.5 m/s, find the
velocity at the exit of the pipe and oil flow rate in kg/sec.
3. What is the variation of viscosity with temperature for fluids?
4. Find the height of a mountain where the atmospheric pressure is 730 mm of Hg at
Normal conditions.
5. What is meant by vapour pressure of a fluid?
6. Distinguish between atmospheric pressure and gauge pressure.
7. What are Non-Newtonian fluids? Give examples.
8. Mention the uses of a manometer.
9. What do you mean by absolute pressure and gauge pressure?
10. Define the term Kinematic Viscosity and give its dimension.
11. What is meant by continuum?
12. State Pascal's hydrostatic law.
13. What is specific gravity? How is it related to density?
14. How does the dynamic viscosity of liquids and gases vary with temperature?
15. How does the dynamic viscosity of (a) liquids and (b) gases vary with
16. What is the difference between gauge pressure and absolute pressure?
17. Define the following terms: (a) Total pressure
(b) Centre (or) position of pressure.
18. What is meant by capillarity?
19. Define buoyancy.
20. State Pascal’s law.
1. A drainage pipe is tapered in a section running with full of water. The pipe diameters
at the inlet and exit are 1000 mm and 500 mm respectively. The water surface is 2 m
above the centre of the inlet and exit is 3 m above the free surface of the water. The
pressure at the exit is 250 mm of Hg vacuum. The friction loss between the inlet and exit
of the pipe is 1/10 of the velocity head at the exit. Determine the discharge through the
2. A pipe of 300 mm diameter inclined at 30° to the horizontal is carrying gasoline
(specific gravity =0.82). A Venturimeter is fitted in the pipe to find out the flow rate
whose throat diameter is 150 mm. The throat is 1.2 m from the entrance along its
length. The pressure gauges fitted to the Venturimeter read 140 kN/m2 and 80
kN/m2 respectively. Find out the coefficient of discharge of Venturimeter if the flow is
0.20 m3 /s.
3. Explain the properties of a hydraulic fluid.
4. A 0.5 m shaft rotates in a sleeve under lubrication with viscosity 5 poise at 200 rpm.
Calculate the power lost for a length of 100 mm if the thickness of the oil is 1 mm.
7. Derive Euler's equation of motion for flow along a stream line. What are the
assumptions involved.
8. A horizontal pipe carrying water is gradually tapering. At one section the diameter is
150 mm and flow velocity is 1.5 m/s. If the drop in pressure is 1.104 bar at a reduced
section, determine the diameter of that section. If the drop is 5 kN/m2, what will be the
diameter? — Neglect losses.
9.State Bernoulli theorem for steady flow of an incompressible fluid. Derive an
expression for Bernoulli equation and state the assumptions made.
10.(i)A 15 cm diameter vertical pipe is connected to 10 cm diameter Vertical
pipe with a reducing socket. The pipe carries a flow of 100 l /s. At point 1 in 15 cm pipe,
the gauge pressure is 250 kPa. At point 2 in the 10 cm pipe located 1.0 m below point 1
the gauge pressure is 175 kPa.
(1) Find whether the flow is upwards / downwards.
(2) Head loss between the two points
(ii) Differentiate Venturimeter and Orifice meter.
1. What do you understand by fundamental units and derived units?
2. What is Dimensionally Homogeneous equation and give an example?
3. State the advantages of Dimensional and model analysis.
4. State Buckingham's π theorem.
5. What is meant by dynamic similarity?
6. What is dynamic similarity?
7. Give the dimensions of the following Physical Quantities:
(i) Pressure (ii) Surface Tension
(iii) Dynamic viscosity (iv) Kinematic Viscosity
8. What are the similarities between model and prototype?
9. In Fluid Flow, What does dynamic similarity mean? What are the non-
1. What are the criteria for selecting repeating variable in dimensional analysis?
2. The resisting force(R) of a supersonic flight can be considered as dependent upon the
length of the air craft ‘l’, velocity ‘v’ , air viscosity ‘µ’, air density ‘ρ’ and bulk modulus of air
is’k’. Express the functional relationship between these variables and the resisting force.
3. Using Buckingham's π theorem, show that velocity, through a circular pipe orifice is given
by H- head causing flow; D-dia of orifice µ = Coefficient of viscosity ρ = mass density; g =
acceleration due to gravity.
4. The efficiency (η) of a fan depends on ρ (density), µ (viscosity) of the fluid, ω (angular
velocity), d (diameter of rotor) and Q (discharge). .Express η in terms of non-dimensional
parameters. Use Buckingham's π theorem.
5. Using Buckingham's π- theorem, show that the velocity through a circular orifice in a pipe
is given by v = √(2gH) f {d/ H , µ/ρvH} where v is the velocity through orifice of diameter d and
H is the head causing the flow and ρ and µ are the density and dynamic viscosity of the fluid
passing through the orifice and g is acceleration due to gravity.
6. Classify Models with scale ratios.
7. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Dimensionless Homogenity with example. (4)
(ii) Euler Model Law. (4)
(iii) Similitude. (4)
(iv) Undistorted and Distorted Models. (4)
8. Explain Reynold's law of similitude and Froude's law of similitude.
9 (i) Explain Reynold's law of similitude and Froude's law of similitude. (8)
(ii) Explain different types of similarities. (8)
10. In an aero plane model of size 1/10 of its prototype the pressure drop is 7.5kN/m3. The
model is tested in water. Find the corresponding pressure drop in the prototype. Take density
of air is 1.4 kg/ m3, density of water is 1000 kg/ m3, viscosity of air is 0.00018poise and
viscosity of water is 0.01poise.
1. Define slip of reciprocating pump.
2. Mention the working principle of an Air-vessel.
3. Can actual discharge be greater than theoretical discharge in a reciprocating pump?
4. What is specific speed of a pump? How are pumps classified based on this number?
5. Define slip of a reciprocating pump. When does negative slip occur?
3. The diameter and stroke of a single acting reciprocating pump are 120 mm and 300 mm
respectively. The water is lifted by a pump through a total head of 25 m. The diameter and
length of delivery pipe are 100 mm and 20 mm respectively. Find out:
(i) Theoretical discharge and theoretical power required to run the pump if its speed is
(ii) Percentage slip, if the actual discharge is 2.35 1/s and
(iii) The acceleration head at the beginning and middle of the delivery stroke.
4. Determine the maximum operating speed in rpm and the maximum capacity in lps of a
single-acting reciprocating pump with the following details. Plunger diameter = 25 cm,
stroke = 50 cm, suction pipe diameter = 15 cm, length = 9 cm, delivery pipe diameter =
10 cm, length = 36 cm, static suction head = 3 m, static delivery head = 20 m, atmospheric
pressure - 76 cm of mercury, vapour pressure of w A double acting pump with 35cm bore
and 40cm stroke runs at 60 strokes per minute. The suction pipe is 10 m long and delivery
pipe is 200m long. The diameter of the delivery pipe is 15cm.The pump is situated at a
height of 2.5 m above the sump, the outlet of the delivery pipe is 70 m above the pump.
Calculate the diameter of the suction pipe for the condition that separation is avoided.
Assume separation to occur at an absolute pressure head is 2.5m of water. Find the
Horsepower required to drive the pump neglecting all losses other than friction in the
pipes assuming friction factor as 0.02.
5. A single acting reciprocating pump running at 50 rpm, delivers 0.01 m3/s of water. The
diameter of the piston is 200 mm and stroke length 400 mm. Determine the theoretical
discharge of the pump, coefficient of discharge and slip and the percentage slip of the
6. Draw a neat sketch of centrifugal pump and explain the working principle of
the centrifugal pump.
9. Find the power required to drive a centrifugal pump which to drive a Centrifugal
pump which delivers 0.04 m3 /s of water to a height of 20 m through a 15 cm diameter
pipe and 100 m long. The overall efficiency of the pump is 70% and coefficient of friction is
10. A Centrifugal pump having outer diameter equal to 2 times the inner diameter and
running at 1200 rpm works against a total head of 75 m. The Velocity of flow through the
impeller is constant and equal to 3 m/s. The vanes are set back at an angle of 30° at out
let. If the outer diameter of impeller is 600 mm and width at outlet is 50 mm. Determine (i)
Vane angle at inlet (ii) Work done per second on impeller (iii) Manometric efficiency.