RULE 115 Rights of Accused at Trial (2018)
RULE 115 Rights of Accused at Trial (2018)
RULE 115 Rights of Accused at Trial (2018)
C. (c ) Rig h t to b e p re s e n t an d d e fe n d in p e rs o n an d b y c o u n s e l at e v e ry
s tag e o f th e p ro c e e d in g s , fro m arraig n m e n t to p ro m u lg atio n o f th e
ju d g m e n t. ( Se c . 1 (c ), Ru le 115)
1. 1987 Constitution, Art. III, Sec. 14(2)
2. Sec. 6 & 7, Rule 116 - Arraignment & Plea
3. Sec. 7 & 8, Rule 119, Trial
4. Section 34 of Rule 138
5. Due process in criminal cases primarily means right to counsel!
a) Due Process and Right to Counsel:
". . . the right of the accused to be assisted by counsel is
Updated July 2018.
Callangan v. People, G.R. No. 153414, June 27, 2006
No deprivation of right to counsel:
Ibañez v. People, G.R. No. 190798, [January 27, 2016])
b) History of the Right in the Philippines:
People v. Bermas, G.R. No. 120420, 21 April 1999
c) Right to be assisted by "effective" and not necessarily "intelligent"
People v. Liwanag, G.R. No. 120468, August 15, 2001T
d) Accused choice of counsel not a plenary one:
People v. Larrañaga, G.R. Nos. 138874-75, [February 3, 2004]
e) Absolute and Invoked at Any Time:
Spouses Telan v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 95026, [October 4, 1991]
Other cases:
Right to counsel cannot be waived:
People v. Holgado, G.R. No. L-2809, March 22, 1950 [EB]
Instance when waived?:
Sayson v. People, G.R. No. 51745, [October 28, 1988],
248 PHIL 909-921)
People v. Tulin, G.R. No. 111709, August 30, 2001
Right to counsel de parte not absolute and may be waived:
People v. Serzo, Jr., G.R. No. 118435, [June 20,1997],
274 SCRA 553
Non-lawyer may litigate his case personally (Sec. 34, Rule 138):
Cruz v. Mijares, G.R. No. 154464, September 11, 2008
Cruz v. Cabrera, ADM. CASE NO. 5737, October 25, 2004
f) Ineffective counsel, gross negligence of counsel and right to counsel:
Callangan v. People, G.R. No. 153414, [June 27, 2006]
g) Duty of Counsel for the accused:
People v. Bermas, G.R. No. 120420, [April 21, 1999]
h) Power of court to appoint counsel de officio during absence of counsel de parte:
People v. Larrañaga, G.R. Nos. 138874-75, [February 3, 2004]
c) Not testimonial compulsion, examples:
(i) Forcing morphine out of mouth:
U.S. v. Ong Sui Hong, 36 Phil. 735
(ii) Examination of body for gonorrhea:
U.S. v. Tan Teng, 23 Phil. 145
(iii) Taking of paraffin test without counsel:
People v. Gamboa, 194 SCRA 372
G. (g ) To h av e c o m p u ls o ry p ro c e s s is s u e d to s e c u re th e atte n d an c e o f
w itn e s s e s an d p ro d u c tio n o f o th e r e v id e n c e in h is b e h alf.
Sec. 14 (2), Art. III Bill of Rights
1. Subpoena:
- Rule 21, Rules of Court
2. Bail to secure attendance of material witness:
- Sec. 14, Rule 119
3. Sec., 10, Rule 21 applies only to civil cases:
People v. Montejo, G.R. No. L-24154, [October 31, 1967]**T
Geñorga v. Quitain, A.M. No. 981-CFI (Resolution), [July 29, 1977]
4. Conditional Examination of a Prosecution Witness Cannot Defeat the Rights
of the Accused to Public Trial and Confrontation of Witnesses; Sec. 15, Rule
Go v. C.A., G.R. No. 185527. July 18, 2012.
5. Production and inspection of material evidence in possession of prosecution:
- Sec. 10, Rule 116