Beowulf Essay

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Obed Salazar

Ms. Figueroa

Senior English 2

7 December 2018

Beowulf Values

The Anglo-Saxons are the greatest civilization to rule land. The Anglo- Saxons were

Germanic invaders who invaded Great Britain, their civilization was just to fight. Beowulf kills

Grendel with no weapons and only uses his bare hands against Grendel, Beowulf also kills

Grendel’s mother with a sword. Beowulf becomes the king for 50 years. A dragon begins to

pose a threat to the Geatland, Beowulf and Wiglaf, the only man to stay with Beowulf to fight

the dragon, defeat the dragon, Beowulf dies in the process. The Anglo- Saxons worshipped

loyalty, fought with honor, and died with bravery.

Wiglaf and Beowulf’s men show their loyalty towards Beowulf. Wiglaf shows his loyalty

by not abandoning Beowulf when he needed help fighting the dragon. While Beowulf was

fighting the dragon, “None of his comrades came to him, helped him, his brave and noble

followers; they ran for their lives…Only one of them remained, stood there, miserable as a good

man must… His name was Wiglaf” (Beowulf 691-697). All of Beowulf’s men left him when he

needed help fighting the dragon and only one man stayed, and it was Wiglaf. Beowulf’s men

show loyalty by being there ready to protect him. “All of Beowulf’s Band had jumped from their

beds, ancestral swords raised and ready, determined to protect their prince if they could”

(Beowulf 316-319). His men were ready to fight back to make sure nothing happened to their

prince. Ultimately, loyalty is shown by multiple characters throughout the epic poem.
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The Anglo- Saxons Value honor in Beowulf. Beowulf shows honor when he fights

Grendel with no weapons. “I have heard, too, that the monster’s scorn of men is so great that he

needs no weapons and fears none. Nor will I. My lord Higlac” (Beowulf 166-169). Beowulf

makes it a fair and even fight by fighting Grendel with no weapons. Beowulf asks to fight

Grendel. “A single request! I have come so far, oh sheltered of warriors and your people’s loved

friend, that this one favor you should not refuse me- that I, alone and with the help of my men

may purge all evil from this hall”. (Beowulf 161-165). Beowulf shows honor by asking to fight

Grendel so he can repay Hrothgar’s debt. Overall honor was an important value in Beowulf.

Bravery is shown by Wiglaf and Beowulf. Wiglaf is brave enough to go in and help

Beowulf fight the dragon. “Our glorious king! By almighty god, I’d rather burn myself than see

flames swirling around my lord” (Beowulf 725-726). Wiglaf knows that he might end up dying

by fighting the dragon with Beowulf, he would rather die than seeing his king die alone. Beowulf

is willing to fight the dragon even though he is old he is strong enough to defeat it. “I am old,

now, but I will fight again, seek fame still, if the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me”

(Beowulf 608-611). Beowulf wants to go down as the best king to ever live, so he ends up

fighting the dragon. Therefore, bravery was shown in end of the epic poem.

The Anglo-Saxons value loyalty, honor, and bravery. These three values were important

to the Anglo-Saxons. Their civilization was just to fight so they needed a tribe that are loyal,

show honor, and bravery. Beowulf was never perfect he showed some weaknesses like when he

fought the dragon, the dragon was powerful than him, for once he needed help and he defeated

the dragon with Wiglaf. Beowulf fought to the end, he showed that he was one of the best king to

ever live.
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Work cited

Beowulf: and Related Readings. McDougal Littell, 1998.

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