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ComBAR® by Fiberline

Technical Information
All test data, values and certificates are provided through the courtesy of Schöck Bauteile GmbH
The design values and recommendations provided in this technical information represent the best of our knowledge at the time of publication.
They are based on international certifications and compliance reports (CSA , ACI) as well as on the results of extensive research and testing.
They are intended to provide the planner and the designing engineer with a better understanding of ComBAR®.
The information provided in this technical information in no way releases the designing engineer of his duties and responsibilities. It can not re-
place commonly accepted engineering rules and regulations.
Table of contents
Glass fibre reinforcement .....................................................................................................................................4

All types at a glance .............................................................................................................................................5

Product description .............................................................................................................................................6

Product data sheet, straight bars .........................................................................................................................7

Bar end heads .....................................................................................................................................................8

Bent bars and stirrups .........................................................................................................................................9

Dowels ..............................................................................................................................................................10

Certifications and test reports ............................................................................................................................11

Tests of behaviour in concrete ...........................................................................................................................12

Storage, transportation and machining ..............................................................................................................13

Applications .......................................................................................................................................................14

Tensile strength and modulus of elasticity ..........................................................................................................15

Durability, characteristic value of the tensile strength .................................................................................. 16 - 17

Bond behaviour ......................................................................................................................................... 18 - 19

Crack width ............................................................................................................................................... 20 - 21

Deflection ..........................................................................................................................................................22

Thermal behaviour .............................................................................................................................................23

Fire resistance ...................................................................................................................................................24

Design recommendations .......................................................................................................................... 25 - 27

Table 1: Characteristic values long-term tensile strength ComBAR® ...................................................................28

Glass fibre reinforcement
ComBAR® by Fiberline (composite rebar) belongs to the class of so called fibre composite materials. In fibre
composites fibres are combined with other materials to achieve improved properties and synergy effects. The
properties of the resulting material can be customised by choosing specific fibres, by adjusting the fibre orienta-
tion and by varying the additive and binder contents.

One of the best known composites is glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP). It is being used in many fields, such
as electronics and ship building, to produce light weight, high strength and extremely durable components.
Glass fibre reinforcing bars are GFRPs of the newest generation. They have a fibre content of more than 85%
(weight). As a result, they are much stiffer and stronger than older materials/systems.

Schematic of the
“Pultrusion” process
Cutting of ribs

Coating & Labelling

Strand- glass fibres
High pressure process
Vinyl-Ester resin

The composite ComBAR® offers an entirely new range of applications in civil engineering and high rise construc-
tion, whenever a high strength, non-metallic, extremely durable, non-corrosive and easily machined reinforce-
ment is called for. The reinforcing bar consists of a multitude of continuous fibres, oriented in the direction of the
load, each with a diameter of approx. 20 μm. They are bonded in a highly durable VE resin matrix.
The unique production process guarantees the complete impregnation of the glass fibres and an extremely high
degree of curing.

Cross-section of a ComBAR® bar Longitudinal section of a ComBAR® bar

The unique geometry of the ribs and the fact that the ribs are ground into the hardened bar guarantee bond
properties which are analogous to those of steel rebar.
The characteristic material properties of ComBAR® result from the uni-directional orientation of the fibres: high
axial tensile strength, relatively low tensile and compressive strength perpendicular to the fibres. The analogy to
the natural construction material timber best describes the non-isotropic material properties.

ComBAR® has been certified in Canada as per CSA S807 – 10

All types at a glance
load-bearing core
straight bars 1) standard lengths ► As load bearing diameters in mm
ϕ 8 mm 0.2 to 11.8 m reinforcement for tensile
ϕ 13 mm forces in concrete.
ϕ 16 mm
ϕ 20 mm
ϕ 25 mm
ϕ 32 mm
other diameters on request

bars with bar lengths ►As end anchorage

anchorage heads (standard)
ϕ 13 mm 0.25 to 4.0 m ►As shear reinforcement in
longer bars on request
ϕ 16 mm slabs and beams
(in conjunction with bent bars).
ϕ 20 mm
other diameters on request

bent bars/stirrups bar lengths ►As ties / transverse

ϕ 12 mm 0.5 to 6.5 m reinforcement for
ϕ 16 mm confinement in beams.
ϕ 20 mm ►As edge reinforcement in
slabs, corbels, etc.
►As shear reinforcement.

There are many ways to fasten ComBAR® and they should be done according to the contract specifications. For
applications where the reinforcement is to contain no metallic elements at all, plastic spacers (lattice tubes), plas-
tic cable ties and plastic clips (polypropylene) for the connection of ComBAR® bars can be used. Alternatively,
ComBAR® bars can be tied using conventional plastic zip ties.

Product description
ComBAR® was conceptualized as internal reinforcement in concrete members. The mechanical properties and
bond properties are comparable to those of steel rebar. The material properties were determined for predomi-
nantly static loads in central European and North American climates. They are certified for a design service life of
100 years.

ComBAR® bars are linearly elastic up to failure. For all bar diameters it occurs at stresses well above 1,000 MPa.
As a result of the comparatively low modulus of elasticity of ComBAR® (≥ 60 GPa), the failure of ComBAR®
reinforced concrete members is preceded by large deflections. When the load is removed the deflection
returns to near zero.

ComBAR® bars with end heads can be installed where geometric constraints require reduced development
lengths. Double headed bars are ideally suited as shear and punching shear reinforcement in beams and slabs.

ComBAR® bars can not be permanently deformed or bent. If a straight bar is bent it returns to its original shape
as soon as the applied force is removed. Bars with small diameters can be bent elastically (circular tunnel cross-
sections). Customised bent bars and stirrups are prefabricated at the shop.

ComBAR® bent bars have been durability-tested for a service life up to 100 years.

Material characteristics Fields of application

• high corrosion resistance => open and underground parking garages, bridge caps,
barrier walls, curbs, sidewalks, approach slabs, wing
walls, slim facade elements, shore line stabilization,
hydraulic engineering
• high chemical resistance => industrial floors, industrial containers, sewage-treatment
plants, agricultural facilities
• electrically non-conductive => transformers, reactors / inductors, machinery with high
field-strengths, non ballasted rail slabs (signals and
switches of railways)
• non-magnetic => sensitive electronic equipment, structural biology,
nano technology, quantum physics, MRIs, non
ballasted rail slabs
• ease of machining => shaft walls in tunnelling, formwork anchors, temporary structures
• very low thermal conductivity => energy conservation in housing construction

Comparison reinforcement materials

property steel rebar stainless steel rebar Fiberline ComBAR®

ultimate tensile strength (MPa) > 5001) 655 > 1,000

ultimate elongation (‰) > 25 1)
50 > 16.7
elastic modulus E (GPa) 200 190 > 60
bond strength (MPa) 13.7 13.7 12.22)
40 (exposed)
min. required concrete cover (mm) < 30 db + 10 mm
30 (unexposed)
density (g/cm3) 7.85 7.92 2.2
thermal conductivity (W/mK) 60 16 < 0.5
coefficient of thermal expansion 0.6 x 10-5 (axial)
0.8 to 1.2 x 10-5 1.73 x 10-5
(1/K) 2.2 x 10-5 (radial)
specific resistance (μΩcm) 1 – 2 x 10-5 7.2 x 10-5 > 1012
magnetism yes slightly no

for grade 400R steel rebar


values for 16 mm ComBAR® bars (certification of compliance with ISIS specifications/CSA S807, University of Toronto)

Sources for material values of steel and stainless steel on request.

Product data sheet of straight bars
Bar sizes, dimensions, weights, ultimate tensile strength
ComBAR® designated diameter core diameter exterior diameter (mm) cross-sectional area1) specific weight
Determination of load-bearing
bar (ACI/CSA) (mm) (mm2) (kg/m) cross-sectional area:
The load bearing cross-sectional
ø8 M8 8 9 50.3 0.13 area of ComBAR® bars is the
area of the core. The ribs are
ø 13 M13 13 14.5 132 0.34 not included, as they do not
contribute to the tensile capacity
ø 16 M15 16 18 201 0.53
of the bars. To determine the
ø 20 M20 20 22 314 0.80 load-bearing core cross-
sectional area of the perfectly
ø 25 M25 25 27 491 1.22 round ComBAR® bars the
exterior diameter is measured
ø 32 M32 32 34 804 1.93
using callipers. Twice the depth
of the ribs, measured with
callipers, is subtracted from
this value to determine the core

Material properties of straight bars

values for determination of
properties terms values comments
design value of tensile strength
ultimate tensile strength fu > 1,000 MPa all bar diameters according to durability concept
of fib defining time-to-failure lines
1,000 hour tensile strength 1)
Fk1000h 950 MPa 5th percentile (see page 15)
values for 16mm ComBAR®
logarithmic temporal slope 1)
R10 < 15 % 5th percentile
bars (certification of compliance
modulus of elasticity Ef > 63.5 GPa 8, 12, 16, 25 mm 2) with ISIS specifications/CSA
S807, University of Toronto);
ultimate elongation εFu 1.67% ø 16mm bar 2)
certifications for 8, 12, 16, 25
mm bars completed
bond strength τF 12.2 MPa ø 16mm bar 3)
value determined for ComBAR®
bar surface profile factor (bond) k5 ≤ 1.0 (CSA S806 9.3) bars of all diameters
values in tests according to CSA
bond coefficient kb 0.6 3)
(CHBDC / ACI not for design of dowels.
Ongoing test series show
bar surface factor k4 ≤ 0.8 (CHBDC
substantially higher values.
transverse shear strength 4)
t ≥ 180 MPa acc. CSA / ACI
min. concrete cover min. c d + 10 mm/d + 5 mm (pre-cast) min. cover for load transfer
fibre content – > 75% (vol.) no secondary fibres or fillers
void ratio – < 1% –

The Quality of all components of the ComBAR® reinforcement system is continuously tested as part of the Quality
Control program of Fiberline Composites

Bar end heads
ComBAR® bar end heads are used to reduce the embedment length of straight bars in geometrically constrained
reinforcement situations or as shear reinforcement in diaphragm walls and drilled piles (double headed bolts).
ComBAR® bar end heads are made of polymeric concrete. They are cast onto the ends of straight ComBAR®
bars. Their long-term behaviour / durability is governed by the behaviour of the bar. Long-term pull-out tests
have been performed on bar end heads cast into highly alkaline concrete cubes. The heads were subjected to
constant loads until failure occurred. The concrete cubes were heated to 60°C and saturated with water over
the duration of the tests. The time-to-failure line for the headed bars was established using the results of a large
number of tests at different load levels. The characteristic value of the anchorage strength of the headed ends
was determined for applications with a maximum effective temperature of 40°C (for projects in Canada and Eu-
rope). Refer to pages 15 and 16 for further details on the durability concept.
The shape of ComBAR® end heads has been designed to minimize the tensile splitting action. As a result, heads
can be installed close to the concrete surface and still develop the full design force. The minimum concrete cover
parallel to the head bar is 50 mm (B). The end of the head may touch the formwork (A).

head length
cover at
end cover pa-
of bar ralell
to bar
head bar diameter

Dimensions, characteristic values anchorage forces of headed ends

bar diameter head length ext. head diam. Fhead,k Fhead,k
(mm) (mm) (mm) short term long-term (100 yrs.)
(kN) (kN)

13 60 31 54 27
16 100 40 100 59
20 100 50 180 90

The total developed force of a ComBAR® bar with a headed end is the sum of the force anchored by the head
and the additional force developed along the bar. Analogously, the total development length is the sum of the
length of the head and the additional development length along the bar.

Fd = Fd head + F d bar
ld bar id head
ComBAR® ld total = ld head + ld bar
ld total

The load is transferred along the entire length of the head. At least one cross bar is to be installed at the end of
the head to allow for the complete anchorage of the head. Ideally this bar is located at the middle of the head.

Bent bars and stirrups
ComBAR® bent bars and stirrups are produced by bending a specially made polypropylene conduit pipe filled
with glass fibres and a vinyl ester epoxy resin into the desired shape. These raw bars are then thermally cured.
This procedure allows for a high fibre content and a nearly parallel alignment of the fibres in the bent portion of
the bars, resulting in high strength and a modulus of elasticity similar to that of straight ComBAR® bars.

ComBAR® bent bars can be produced in all bending shapes (2D) known for bent steel rebar. Spirals, 3D bars
and bending in two directions are also possible. The smallest pin diameter is seven times the nominal bar diam-
eter. Bent ComBAR® bars are hardened in a form with maximum dimensions 1.95 by 3.15 m.


max. 3,150 mm

max. 3,150 mm

7 7
Pd Pd

max. 1,950 mm max. 1,950 mm

Bar sizes, dimensions, weights of bent bars

nominal diameter core diameter exterior diameter core cross sec- specific weight min. pin diameter min. / max. bar
(mm) (mm) (mm) tional area (mm²) (kg/m) 7 db (mm) length (m)

12 11.6 15.5 106 0.30 84

16 15.6 19.8 191 0.49 112 0.5 m / 6.5 m
20 19.1 23.8 287 0.71 140

Material properties bent bars

values * Independent long-term testing
property term comments of material properties of 16 mm
12mm 16*, 20mm bars in progress (Germany and
ultimate tensile straight portion fu (straight) 1000 MPa 900 MPa All material properties not
strength bent portion fu (bent) 700 MPa 550 MPa shown in the table above are
the same as those of straight
characteristic value tensile strength ffk (bent bar) ComBAR® bars.
≥ 250 MPa tested for 100 years
modulus of elasticity Ef,bent ≥ 50 GPa
bond strength straight portion ff,bond (straight) 8 MPa 10 MPa
bent portion ff,bond (bent) 10 MPa 12 MPa
fibre content – 72.8 % (weight) no secondary fibres or fillers

ComBAR® bars with and without ribs can be used as shear dowels to connect adjoining concrete elements
(highway slabs, precast elements, etc.).
Tests were performed on ComBAR® dowels cast into concrete elements to determine their shear load capacity.
It was shown that the load bearing capacity of the dowels is controlled by their interlaminar shear strength. Once
this is exceeded cracks form in the dowel along parallel to its axis. These result in a reduction of the effective
width of the dowel. The concrete along the front edge is overloaded leading to concrete failure below the dowel.
The (long-term) design values for ComBAR® dowels were determined in durability tests performed at 60°C in
highly alkaline concrete with a compressive strength of 35 MPa. This testing concept is analogous to the durabil-
ity concept specified in the European general construction certifications of ComBAR® and adapted by the Inter-
national Federation for Structural Concrete (fib).

Design values ComBAR® dowels (without ribs)

* values apply to reinforced

diameter cross sectional area value shear strength length min. concrete cover*
elements only; min. cover
[mm] [mm²] [kN] [mm] [mm]
for elements without
14.5 165 3,4 116 reinforcement: 200 mm
18.0 254 5.1 144
22.0 380 7.6 2 x 110 = 220 176
34.0 908 18.2 2 x 175 = 350 272

Installation detail
The concrete cover in concrete elements without reinforcement should be no less than 200 mm (smallest value
in laboratory tests).


> Cmin

> Cmin

½ ½

Certifications and test reports
International certifications
organisation, country title issue date

DIBt, Berlin, General construction authority permit ComBAR glass fi-


bre reinforced polymer rebar; nominal diameter: ø 16 mm Dec. 2008

Germany (extension to 8, 12, 16 and 25 mm bars applied for)
General construction authority permit ComBAR® Ther- Nov. 2009
DIBt moanchor extended Dec. 2011

KOMO, KIWA, ComBAR® glass fibre reinforcement in concrete Feb. 2009

The Netherlands ø 8, 12, 16 mm extended Dec. 2011

University of Toronto, Compliance of 8, 12, 16, 25 mm straight ComBAR® bars,

Oct. 2007 - Mar. 2011
Canada 12 and 20 mm bent ComBAR® bars with CSA S807-10

Evaluation and Certification of GFRP bars ComBAR®;

Syracuse University, Tests with Respect to the Requirements of the ACI 440. July 2006
USA R3-04 Report extended Aug. 2012
(12, 16 and 32 mm)

Test reports and expert opinions

ComBAR® bars have been extensively tested by independent experts around the world and at the laboratory of
Schöck Bauteile GmbH. in conjunction with the certifications in Germany, in the Netherlands , Canada and the
US. These tests were monitored by independent experts.
Selected English language reports and expert opinions on tests of the material and mechanical properties of
ComBAR® are listed below. These documents are available online at www.fiberline.com. English summaries or
translations of German language test reports will be provided upon request.

material property title of report author

human health Continuous Filament Glass Fibre European Glass Fibre Producers
and safety and Human Health Association, APFE

chemical Expert Report GFRP – University of Erlangen

properties Reinforcing Bars “ComBAR®” Dep. of Polymer Technology

behaviour in Expert opinion regarding the application for a general Technical University Munich,
construction authority permit for the GFRP Engineering Office Schiessl, Gehlen,
concrete reinforcement ComBAR® Sodeikat, Munich

environmental Categorisation of GFRP bars ComBAR® Chemical Lab Dr. Vogt,

impact into the group Z0 Karlsruhe, Germany

tensile Report on mechanical testing Arab Center for Engineering

strength of GFRP rebars (8, 12, 16mm) Studies, Doha, Qatar

fire ComBAR® bond fire Danish Technological Institute,

performance performance Taastrup, Denmark

temperature Determination of temperature-dependent tensile Materials Testing Institute

dependence strengths of ComBAR® reinforcement bars Braunschweig, Germany

Durability and creep-rupture tests performed on straight Schöck Bauteile GmbH

durability GRFP bars with standard coating d=16mm (certification tests)
Shear design for concrete elements reinforced with RWTH Aachen, Institute for Concrete
bent bars fibrepolymer-composite reinforcement Construction

other properties on request

Tests of behaviour in concrete
Test series in Canada and North America (excerpt)
application title of project / description lead investigator, year notes

ComBAR in infrastructure projects

® GFRP reinforced concrete struc- Prof. Shamim Sheikh NSERC CRD grant;
tures University of Toronto industry partner:
to increase their durability 2010 – 2012 Facca Inc.

ComBAR® in bridge deck cantile- Bridge deck-guard rail anchorage Prof. Khaled Sennah for North Channel
strength and serviceability using Ryerson University Bridge project
ver with steel guard rails – static newly developed GFRP bent bars 2010
tests and headed studs

Glass fibre bars as connectors of Development of sustainable con- Prof. Khaled Sennah OCE coll. research
crete bridge deck slab systems us- Ryerson University project
precast elements ing corrosion resistant FRP bars 2011

ComBAR® in concrete bridge investigation of the behaviour of Prof. Mamdouh El-Badry for bridge project City
joints of slender concrete trusses University of Calgary of Calgary
trusses subjected to earthquake using comBAR® headed and bent 2010 – 2011
loads bars

ComBAR® in PL-3 barrier walls Crashworthiness of GFRP-rein- Prof. Khaled Sennah in cooperation with
forced PL-3 concrete bridge barri- Ryerson University, MTO
(testing to achieve MTO standard) ers (crash test and static tests) Dr. Gene Buth
– crash test and static tests Texas Transportation Institute
2010 - 2011

ComBAR® in concrete structures Experimental Investigation on the Prof. E. F. El-Salakawy

Seismic Performance of Beam- University of Manitoba
subjected to earthquake loads Column ongoing
Joints Reinforced with GFRP Bars

ComBAR® durability Multiscale Analysis of GFRP Rein- Prof. M. Polak University of including extensive
forcements for Concrete Waterloo 2012 - 2014 testing of
Under Special Stress and Environ- ComBAR® bent bars
mental Conditions

crash test of PL-3 barrier wall

reinforced with ComBAR® (Nov.

Storage, transport and machining
Storage and transportation
In general, high intensity long-term exposure to UV-rays can lead to the discoloration of polymers. After a pro-
longed (> 6 months) exposure the surface of the material becomes brittle. Unless special protective measures
are undertaken, this results in the lasting deterioration of the polymers. As a result, Fiberline ComBAR® should
be covered and stored in a dry environment, especially when stored for longer time periods. Tests on ComBAR®
bars that were stored outdoors for up to eight weeks without being protected, showed that climatic exposure
in central Europe and Canada leads to a discoloration without causing a reduction of the bond or the tensile
strength. To avoid damage to the ribs, the material should not be dragged across rough surfaces. It should not
be subjected to abrasive or impact forces.
When hoisted by crane, the deflection of ComBAR® bars is similar to that of steel bars of equal diameter. It is im-
portant that the appropriate cross beam/lifting equipment is used at all times.

Cutting Fiberline ComBAR® is significantly easier than cutting steel rebar. Either a hacksaw, band saw, or a
grinder, using a diamond or a tough metal disc, is recommended. Both are fine enough to achieve a clean cut.
ComBAR® bars should not be trimmed with bolt cutters or shears, as the glass fibres fray when the material is
sheared off. If desired, grates at the bar ends can be removed with a file or a rasp.

ComBAR® bars are linearly elastic up to failure. They can not be bent permanently (plastically). If a straight bar is
bent it returns to its original shape as soon as the applied force is removed.
Small diameter ComBAR® bars can be bent into a radius as long as they are fixed in position while the concrete
hardens. The stress induced in the bar by the bending process is to be added to the stress induced by the sub-
sequently applied loads. The total stress must not exceed the permissible value.
ComBAR® customised stirrups and bent bars are pre-fabricated at the factory. As bent bars are produced in a
different process than straight bars, their material properties are different (refer to page 9).

Connection technology
Reinforcement cages made of ComBAR® bars can be assembled with ordinary or stainless steel tying wire.
Damage to the bars caused by properly installed tying wire is insignificant. In cases where reinforcement cages
are to be entirely free of steel, plastic / nylone zip ties, such as those used by electricians, can be used. A tight-
ening wrench facilitates pulling and trimming of the ties.

Plastic clips have been developed to connect ComBAR® bars at ninety degree angles to form meshes. The
clips are attached to the bars using a rubber hammer or a similar tool. On a solid surface the clips can be at-
tached by stepping on them.

Bar couplers, that are glued onto the ComBAR® bars in the factory, are an alternative means of connecting
ComBAR® and steel bars. When the ComBAR® bars are connected with the steel bars, it is important that they
are handled and turned at the connector, not at the bar. The glued couplers should not be exposed to tempera-
tures above 100° C. Special care needs to be taken when welding in the vicinity of the couplers to be sure that
sparks do not fly onto the ComBAR® bars.

Wire rope grips can be used to connect ComBAR® bars to steel reinforcing bars. The ComBAR® bar should be
placed in the curved form piece of the grip. Two short pieces of smaller diameter steel rebar should be placed in
the grip, between the ComBAR® and the steel bar, to minimize the damage to the ComBAR® bar caused by the
clamping force. When diameter 32 mm bars are connected, the torque applied to the nuts should not exceed 80
Nm. Special grips with wire rope clamp straps have been developed for the connection of ComBAR® bars with
steel bars having a diameter greater than 32 mm.

application description project

industrial facilities and slabs non-metallic reinforcement:

► no induction currents in the rebar
► un-disturbed operation of transportation systems

parking structures and non-corrosive reinforcement:

► no crack-sealing coating required
garages ► thin slabs possible

bridge decks, barrier walls, non-corrosive reinforcement:

► no damages due to de-icing salts
approach slabs, sidewalks, ► higher integrity and extended service life time of
wing walls, curbs structure

railways non-metallic reinforcement:

► no disturbance of signal systems
► no induction currents in the reinforcement near
switches (induction coils)

marine structures non-corrosive reinforcement:

► no damages due to sea water
► extended service life time

thin pre-cast elements non-corrosive reinforcement:

► minimum concrete cover sufficient
and facade panels ► minimal thickness

research facilities non-metallic reinforcement:

► no interference with electromagnetically sensitive

transformer and reactor / non-conducting reinforcement:

► no induction currents in rebar
inductor stations ► no losses due to stray currents

civil engineering and easily machined reinforcement:

► direct penetration by the tunnelling machine
infrastructure ► substantial reduction in construction costs

Tensile strength and modulus of elasticity (straight bars)
In contrast to steel, ComBAR® behaves in a linear elastic manner up to failure. Yielding is not observed. The
modulus of elasticity of straight bars is well above 60 GPA (64 GPA for ø 16 mm bars). The mean value of the
short term tensile strength measured in tensile tests on bare ComBAR® bars lies between 1,000 MPa (32 mm
bars) and well above 1,500 MPa (8 mm). The true value is much higher, as the fibres themselves have a tensile
strength of more than 3,000 MPa. With the volumetric fibre content of approximately 75% ComBAR® bars must
have a short term tensile strength of approx. 2,200 MPa. The measured values are much lower, as the bars fail
prematurely at the clamped ends and due to internal stresses being induced in the bars during the tests (ec-
centricity, application of force along the bar circumference only, etc.). As the long term strength of FRPs can not
be derived from their short term strength, the meaning of the short term values for structural designs is minimal,
anyhow. (Refer to pages 15 and 16.)

To determine the tensile strength and the stress-strain relationship both ends of ComBAR® bars are glued into
shafts. The load is applied at approximately 1 kN/sec. in a hydraulic press. The modulus of elasticity is deter-
mined using highly sensitive strain gages.

The diagram below shows the tensile test for each diameter.


tensile stress in N/mm2 = MPa



600 D = 16mm



0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5

tensile strain in %

exemplary stress-strain diagram ComBAR® shredded bar

Failure is brittle. It occurs in the free span of the test specimen, when the tensile strength of the material is ex-
ceeded. The fibres burr in the fracture zone in a brush-like fashion. The outermost bar ends, where the specimen
is fixed in the hydraulic press, including the ribs of the bars, are undamaged.

In contrast to the brittle failure of the test specimen, a ComBAR®-reinforced structural element shows distinct
signs of the impending failure (large deflections and cracks) well in advance of reaching the ultimate strength.

Durability, characteristic value of the tensile strength
Current international codes and guidelines on FRP reinforcement and the design of FRP reinforced concrete
structures require durability tests on the basis of a residual strength approach (CSA, ACI, etc.). Bars are aged
either without load or at relatively small loads (ε ≤ 0.3 %) in an alkaline solution for specified periods of time. After
the aging process the bars are unloaded and dried. Their residual tensile strength is tested in conventional tensile

This approach was developed at a time when FRP rebars were primarily used as crack or secondary reinforce-
ment and the stress levels in the bars were comparatively small. Newest generation glass fibre bars, such as
ComBAR®, are able to sustain far higher stresses. Their bond properties are virtually analogous to those of steel
reinforcement. Unlike steel, however, the strength of FRPs decreases with time. In addition, the continuously
sustainable tensile stress of FRPs is a function of the prevalent environmental conditions (mean temperature, am-
plitude of temperature changes, moisture / humidity level).

To allow for an economic utilisation of these bars a new safety concept had to be developed. This concept is
needed to derive design values of the tensile strength for any specific environment and any specified design ser-
vice lifespan. The central objective of the concept is to guarantee the same level of safety in any design of FRP
reinforced concrete members while at the same time allowing for efficient and economic structures.

In this time-to-failure (creep rupture) approach the characteristic value of the tensile strength for a specific project
is determined on the basis of the 1,000 hour strength ffk1000h (at room temp.; 5th percentile) of the chosen FRP
material. ffk1000h is determined in tensile tests on bars cast into prisms of highly alkaline (ph ≥ 13.7) concrete. The
prisms are saturated with water and kept at a constant temperature over the entire duration of each test. ffk1000h is
the stress in the bar which results in its failure after a load application over 1,000 hours.

Relationship of sustained
stress vs. time to failure
1200MPa fko (ComBAR®)
ffk1000h (ComBAR®: 950 MPa)

FRP 20°C
shift from RT
log stress

to 40°C R10
(ComBAR®: 15%) ffk100a RT

1 log. decade
= 10 fold time
FRP 40°C 700MPa


ffk100a 40°C

10 100 1.000 10.000 100.000 1.000.000

time in h

The characteristic value of the tensile strength ffk,t for a specific set of environmental conditions and a specified
design life (t) is obtained by multiplying this value by the environmental factor ηenv.

ffk,t = ffk1000h * ηenv

The environmental factor is defined as

ηenv = [(100 – R10)/100]n (ComBAR®: 0.85n)

Durability, characteristic value of the tensile strength

R10 logarithmic temporal slope specified in a series of durability tests for each FRP material
While standard GFRPs have R10 values of 25%/dec and CFRP
has 5%, R10 for ComBAR® is 15%/dec.
n environmental exponent n = nmo + nT + nSL
nmo moisture exponent
nT effective temperature exponent
nSL service life exponent

moisture nmo effective nT design service nSL

condition temperature (C°) intermediate values interpolated
life (years) or resistance against accidental

dry -1 10 0 load nSL= 0.0

100 3.0
outdoor 0 20 0.5
50 2.7
wet 1 23 0.65
20 2.3
30 1.0
10 2.0
40 1.5
5 1.7
50 2.5
1 1.0
60 3.5
0.1 0.0

The long-term strength of FRPs depends on both the maximum temperature and on the frequency and ampli-
tude of the temperature changes whereto the bars are exposed. These are considered by defining the effective
temperature and then selecting the corresponding effective temperature exponent nT. The most feasible ap-
proach to determining the effective temperature is to add a margin of safety to the mean annual temperature of
the location of the concrete structure. This temperature margin depends on the intensity of the exposure to the
sun or another external heat source and on the thickness of the member.

All values for typical Canadian

location environment member thickness temperature margin
constant room temperature
dry (23 °C)
no influence ± 0°C

h ≥ 200mm + 10°C
direct exposure to sun,
100 < h < 200mm + 15°C
mostly dry
outdoor h ≤ 100mm + 20°C
no direct exposure to sun,
no influence + 10°C
mostly dry
fully submerged in water no influence + 5°C
frequently wet (tidal influence,
wet / moist splash water)
see outdoor see outdoor

embedded in soil no influence effective temp. = 10°C

Characteristic values (CSA S806) / specified values (CSA S6 - CHBDC) of the tensile strength of ComBAR® bars
for common Canadian environmental conditions and for typical design service live spans are listed in Table 1
(page 27) of this technical information.

Bond behaviour (short-term)
Centric pull-out tests were performed on a 150 mm concrete cube, according to the RILEM RC 6 recommenda-
tions. The displacement at the unloaded end of the bar was plotted as a function of the load. The compressive
strength of the concrete was > 40 N/mm2.


concrete reinforcement steel

bond stress in [N/mm2]



0 1 2 3 4 5
slip at unloaded bar end [mm]

The results of the test series are: The special surface profile of
ComBAR® bars ensures optimal
• The failure mode is, as with steel rebar, extraction of the bond between concrete and the
concrete corbels from the concrete block. The ribs of the rebar.

rebar are largely undamaged.

• As is the case for reinforcing steel, higher bond stresses are
observed in higher grade concrete.
• No significant differences were observed regarding the slip
of the unloaded bar end of ComBAR® and steel bars. The
maximum bond stress was recorded at a slip between 0.4
mm and 0.6 mm.
• Even though the bond stress of ComBAR® bars is greater
at the same amount of slip, the tensile splitting forces are
lower than those of steel rebar.
• Further bond tests have shown that, in normal grade con-
crete the bond behaviour of ComBAR® is controlled by the
strength of the concrete corbels, in high strength concrete
(> 60 MPa compr. strength) by the strength of the
ComBAR® ribs.

Bond behaviour (long-term)
To determine the long-term bond behaviour and bond-creep behaviour of ø 16mm ComBAR® bars two series of
bond test were run according to the RILEM recommendation RC6. The aim was to derive the bond behaviour of
ComBAR® bars over a service life of 100 years on the basis of accelerated long-term tests under extreme condi-

Bond-creep after pre-loading

To evaluate the bond-creep behaviour of ComBAR® bars in cracked, that is in pre-loaded, concrete members
ComBAR® bars were cast centrically into 150 mm concrete cubes. The embedment length was five bar dia-
meters lb,net = 5 df (80 mm). The cubes were cured in water at room temperature. In a first step the bars were
loaded until the total slip at the loaded end was between 1 and 3 mm.

Subsequently a somewhat smaller permanent load was applied to the bars. For the entire duration of this sec-
ond test phase the concrete cubes were heated to 60°C and were kept completely saturated with water. At a
constant bond stress of 11.2 MPa the additional slip at the loaded bar end was less than 0.6 mm after 2,000
hours. A bond stress of 7.5 MPa resulted in a slip of less than 0.2 mm.

Bond-creep after pre-loading at

fb = 7.5 MPa; 60°C, constantly
saturated concrete



slip in mm

-0.60 C2 30kN

C3 30kN

-0.40 C1 30kN right axis


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
time in h

Bond-creep without pre-loading

Without pre-loading ComBAR® bars were able to sustain loads of up to 55 kN, under otherwise identical condi-
►The long-term bond strength (100 year service life) is well above the required value of 8.0 MPa
(CSA S806 / S807).
►At the required value of 8.0 MPa the total slip at the loaded end of the bar will be less than 0.3 mm.
►The bond coefficient kb (CHBDC) can be taken to be 0.6, the bar surface factor k4 = 0.8,
and the bar surface profile factor (CSA S806) k5 = 1.0.
►The bond properties of bars with other diameters are equivalent to those of the 16 mm bar.

Crack width
To determine the crack widths, tensile tests were carried out on cylindrical strain elements

(ComBAR® ø = 16 mm; concrete cover cv = 65 mm; reinforcement ratio ρ = 1.1 %, concrete strength (cube) fc,cube = 30 N/mm2).

The strain elements did not contain any additional reinforcement. They were loaded up to a stress of 900 MPa.
Cracks appeared in the specimen at a spacing of approximately 300 mm once the tensile strength of the con-
crete was reached. As the load was increased, the width of the cracks increased. After the maximum load had
been reached, the specimen was unloaded. The cracks closed nearly entirely. A detailed analysis of the speci-
men showed that the concrete corbels had sheared off in the vicinity of the cracks. Between the ribs of the bars
the concrete corbels were intact. The bars did not show any signs of damage.

• Entirely intact concrete corbels are seen in the middle sections of the fragments of the test specimen. In the
vicinity of the cracks the concrete corbels have been sheared off.
• The bar, as well as its ribs, remain undamaged.

first crack (150 N/mm2) second crack (300 N/mm2) 575 N/mm2 900 N/mm2 (max. stress) strain body after

• The crack behaviour of ComBAR® is analogous to that of steel rebar.
• The distances between neighbouring cracks were generally smaller in reinforced concrete members with
ComBAR® than they were in members with the same reinforcement ratio in steel.

Charts are available upon request.

Crack width
The following approach can be taken to derive the approximately required cross sectional area of ComBAR®
crack reinforcement from the required amount of steel rebar.

The crack width is proportional to the diameter of the rebar, independent of the reinforcing material which is
used. If more bars of a smaller diameter are installed at a closer spacing crack widths will be smaller.

As is the case for steel rebar, the total slip of ComBAR® bars (pull-out test) is proportional to the square of the
stress in the bar. If the stress is reduced by half, the slip decreases to 25 %.

It can be conservatively assumed that the crack spacing is the same in a member reinforced with ComBAR® as
it is in a comparable steel reinforced section.

Based on these facts and assumptions the relationship between the required amount of ComBAR® bars and the
required amount of steel rebar is:

For equal bar diameters this implies:

Due to the significantly lower modulus of elasticity of ComBAR® (EF ≥ 60GPa), special attention needs to be de-
voted to checking the serviceability limit state requirements. The experience with glass fibre reinforced concrete
members is still relatively limited. As a result, controlling the deflection by limiting the member stiffness, as it is
customary with steel reinforced concrete members, is not yet possible.

In a lab test two concrete slabs of identical dimensions (2,500 x 1,000 x 200 mm) were tested in a four point
bending test (bending zone without shear: 1,000 mm). Slab 1 was reinforced with 7 ø 8 mm steel rebars (grade
500), slab 2 with 7 ø 8 mm ComBAR®. The position and distribution of the bars were identical.

4-point bending test concrete C25/30; slab thickness 200 mm, 1000 mm bending zone without shear, 0.5 m lever arm
300 Mmax = 75 kNm = 300 kN/2 x 0.5 m

As, AF = 3.5 cm cv = 20 mm
steel: 7 x d = 8 mm shear reinforcement between load and support
ComBAR®: 7 x d=8 mm


cylinder load (2 x P) [kN]


160 first cracks



un-loading steel un-loading ComBAR®


40 load application in 10 kN steps 5 min pauses

first cracks subsquent increments ComBAR®: 150, 170, 200, 240 and 300 kN

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

deflection at center of slab [mm]

4-point bending test:

The maximum load sustained by the ComBAR® reinforced slab was more than twice as high as the load sus- comparison ComBAR® - steel
tained by the steel reinforced slab. The maximum deflection was about three times as high.
Shortly after the first cracks formed the deflection of both slabs was nearly identical. After the service load was
reached in the reinforcing bar (according to German codes approx. 305 MPa; 67kN cylinder load) the deflection
of the ComBAR® reinforced slab was about 2.5 times greater. At 90% of this stress (60kN cylinder load) the dif-
ference of the deflections was between 1.5 and 2.0.

►In any design of GFRP reinforced concrete members special attention needs
to be paid to checking the deflection requirements.
service load ►To achieve the same maximum deflection in a ComBAR® reinforced member
60 as in the geometrically identical steel reinforced members approx. 2.5 times
40 the reinforcement cross-section will be required.


0 5 10 mm

Excerpt 4-point bending test

Thermal behaviour
Coefficient of thermal expansion
The axial and radial coefficient of thermal expansion were determined on test specimen at temperatures ranging
from 0° C to 70° C.

Coefficient of thermal
expansion α

axial [1/K] 0.6 x 10-5

radial [1/K] 2.2 x 10-5

For comparison: the coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is between 0.5 and 1.2 x 10-5 1/K, that of rein-
forcing steel is 1.0 x 10-5 1/K, that of stainless steel 1.5 x 10-5 1/K.

Structural elements reinforced with ComBAR® are not affected by temperature changes. Expansive cracking
did not occur in lab experiments, even when ComBAR® reinforcing bars were placed close to the surface of the
specimen and the moisture content was varied over time. This can be explained by the relatively low modulus of
elasticity of glass fibre rebars perpendicular to the bar axis. This is controlled by the modulus of the resin, which
is between 3,000 and 5,000 MPa. A temperature increase of 40°C induces a strain of 0.088 % and a compres-
sive stress on the surrounding concrete of only approximately 4.4 MPa.

Ambient temperatures
The ambient temperature of ComBAR® bars within a concrete element should not exceed 40 °C. Unless noted
otherwise, all technical values specified in the product data sheets were determined at room temperature. Higher
temperatures which can occur during curing of massive concrete elements do not cause any harm to the
ComBAR® bars. A reduction of the load bearing capacity was not observed. If ComBAR® bars are to be perma-
nently exposed to higher temperatures, the characteristic value of the tensile strength is to be reduced according
to the durability concept outlined on pages 15 and 16.
The engineers at Fiberline are available for an in-depth consultation.

Behaviour at low temperatures

The behaviour of ComBAR® was tested at extremely low temperatures (up to –40 °C) in various test series in
Canada according to ISIS specifications / CSA S807. It was shown that the material properties of ComBAR® re-
main nearly unchanged at extremely low temperatures.

Fire resistance
The resins used in the production of ComBAR® withstand temperatures up to about 200 °C over short time
spans. The glass fibres soften/melt at about 600 °C. ComBAR® can catch on fire when exposed to an open
flame. After a few seconds the bars stop burning, when no more flammable material remains on the surface
of the bars. ComBAR® bars do not contain fire-resisting additives. In case an increased fire resistance of
ComBAR®-reinforced structural elements is required, non-structural measures, such as an increase of the con-
crete cover or an encasement with fire-resistant material, are recommended. Most fire protection methods cus-
tomary to conventionally reinforced concrete construction can be applied.

temperature dependence of
900 tensile strength of ComBAR®


tensile strength in N/mm2







180 230 280 330 380 430 480 530

temperature in °C

20 Pullout test MPa BS and Schöck

lab et elevated temperatures:
18 ComBAR® 16 mm
failure concrete
16 corbels/splitting
failure depends
14 on concrete
bond strength in N/mm2

12 failure rebar ribs

depends on FRP

0 50 100 150 200 250

temperature in °C

Concrete cover for a 90 Minute fire rating

The isothermal lines for concrete also apply to ComBAR® reinforced elements. The critical temperature of
ComBAR® bars is 225°C. When ComBAR® bars are installed in a member with a 30 Minute fire rating the re-
quired concrete cover is 30 mm. For a 90 Minute fire rating the required concrete cover for ComBAR® bars is
65 mm. Values for other fire ratings can be interpolated or determined using the isothermal lines of the specific
concrete used in the member. Wherever possible, ComBAR® reinforced members should be protected against
fire by applying fire coatings or by encasing the concrete member in fire cladding. These measures result in an
overall more economical structure.

Design recommendations
ComBAR® - reinforced concrete members should be designed according to the CSA S806-12 “Design and
Construction of Building Structures with Fibre-Reinforced Polymers” code. Chapter 16 of the Canadian Highway
Bridged Design Code (CAN/CSA-S6-06) “Fibre-Reinforced Structures” applies to the design of bridges and ele-
ments thereof. This design recommendation is structured in accordance with the CSA S806 (chapter numbers,
section numbers). Chapters and sections which are not listed in these recommendations apply to ComBAR®
bars without any changes or comments.
The specified design values and recommendations apply in their essence to a design according to the CHBDC.

1 General Design Requirements

1.1 Fire Performance

The critical temperature of ComBAR® bars is about 225°C. Where high fire ratings are required (90 minutes and
more) the most economical design is most likely achieved by installing external fire protection measures, rather
than by increasing the concrete cover on the ComBAR® bars.
Detailed information on the behaviour of ComBAR® bars exposed to high temperatures is contained on page 24
of this Technica Information.

1.2 Durability
A detailed description of the newest concept for durability tests on ComBAR® bars in concrete is contained on
pages 16 and 17 of this Technical Information. The concept was adopted by the International Concrete Federa-
tion fib.

2 Factored Resistance

The resistance factor for ComBAR® bars is φF = 0.8.

3 Properties of FRP Components and Reinforcing Materials

3.1 FRP Bars: ComBAR®

Pre-tensioned ComBAR® bars with immediate bond can be installed in pre-cast elements, for example, to pro-
duce a completely precompressed element which will remain free of cracks under service loads.
The properties of straight ComBAR® bars are summarized on pages 6 and 7 of this Technical Information.

3.1.1 Testing and Acceptance

To determine the load-bearing core cross-sectional area of the perfectly round ComBAR® bars the exterior diam-
eter is measured using callipers. Twice the depth of the ribs, also measured with callipers, is subtracted from this
value to determine the core diameter.
Extensive creep-rupture tests have been performed under load on ComBAR® bars cast into concrete. The tests
are performed according to the durability testing procedure outlined on pages 16 and 17 of this Technical Infor-

3.1.2 Characteristic Values for Design

The characteristic value of the long-term tensile strength of ComBAR® bars fFk,t shall be determined according to
the procedure outlined on pages 16 and 17 of this Technical Information. Table 1 contains typical values of the
characteristic value of the tensile strength for selected environmental conditions and specified design service life

The resistance factor for ComBAR® bars is φF = 0.8.

Design recommendations
4 Beams And One-Way Slabs

kb in Equation 8-1 is 0.6 for all ComBAR® bar diameters

4.1 Vibrations
In a test series ComBAR® reinforced beams have been tested for their fatigue behaviour. The tests have shown
that ComBAR® bars can sustain three million load cycles at a stress amplitude of 90% when the maximum
stress in the ComBAR® bars is limited to 150MPa.
ComBAR® bars subjected to an upper stress of 250MPa and a lower stress of 150MPa sustained at least 2.5
million load cycles. These tests show that, unlike steel, higher stress amplitudes can be sustained by ComBAR®
bars if the upper stress is lower.

5 Ultimate Limit States

5.1 Types of Shear Reinforcement

ComBAR® double headed bolts have been developed as shear reinforcement. The design tensile stress in these
bolts should be limited to 130 MPa (corresponding strain: 0.2175 %). Conservatively, it can be assumed that
the full design force of the headed bolt is anchored at the middle of the headed end. Special caution is advised
in the design to make sure that the headed ends are properly embedded in the compression zone of concrete
members under flexure and shear.

6 Reinforcement and Tendon Properties for Design

6.1 Design Strength for Reinforcement

The design value of the long-term tensile strength is derived by multiplying the characteristic value by the resist-
ance factor for ComBAR® φf = 0.8.
ffd = ffk,t x φf, ComBAR®

7 Development Length of Bars in Tension

Due to their specially developed ribs, which are cut into the hardened bar, the bond behaviour of ComBAR® bars
in normal grade concrete is very similar to that of steel rebar.

The bar surface profile factor of ComBAR® bars is k5 ≤ 1.0.

In laboratory tests it has been shown that the tensile splitting forces along ComBAR® bars are very small. The
minimum concrete cover required to allow for the full transfer of the loads from the ComBAR® bars into the sur-
rounding concrete is db + 10mm.
To reduce the development length of straight bars ComBAR® bars with headed ends can be used. The force
which can be anchored by a single head is given on page 8.

All ComBAR® splices are class B. The splice length is 1.3 times the development length.

Table 1:
Characteristic values long-term tensile strength ComBAR®

design serv. thickness effect. temp. fFk,t

application environment n ηenv
life [years] (h) °C [MPa]
5 wet 1000 mm 10 2.7 0.64 612
industrial floor indoor,
100 150 mm 23 2.65 0.65 617
slab const. temp.
retaining outdoor,
100 400 mm 20 3.5 0.57 537
wall direct sun
bridge outdoor,
100 150 mm 25 3.75 0.55 516
deck direct sun
façade element 100 60 mm 30 4.0 0.52 495
direct sun
underside of outdoor,
100 250 mm 20 3.5 0.57 537
bridge direct sun
sea wall 100 wet 500 mm 20 4.5 0.48 457
impact on outdoor,
0.1 > 200 mm 20 1.0 0.85 807
barrier wall direct sun

The values in Table 1 are characteristic values (as defined in CSA S806). These correspond to the „specified ten-
sile strength“ as defined in CSA S6-06 (CHBDC).
To determine design values of the tensile strength these values are to be multiplied / divided by the appropriate
safety or reduction factors specified in the relevant sections of the codes.

Fiberline Composites A/S
Light, strong and durable FRP
profiles, gratings and ComBAR®
Fiberline is one of the world’s leading suppliers of pultruded FRP-profiles for
structures. For more than 30 years we have manufactured durable solutions for
construction purposes all over the World. Our focus is quality, efficiency and a high
degree of technical innovation.

FRP profiles from Fiberline have a proven track record in the construction industry
for combining high strength and low weight with corrosion resistance. This makes
it an excellent, cost efficient alternative to traditional materials such as wood, steel
and aluminium.

From our state of the art headquarters in Denmark, we constantly push the bound-
aries of the composite material to meet the demands of the modern energy efficient

Fiberline Composites A/S

Barmstedt Allé 5
DK-5500 Middelfart
Phone +45 70 13 77 13
[email protected]

Fiberline Composites Canada Inc.

Fiberline Composites A/S Denmark.
30 Duke Street West, Suite 1009
Kitchener, Ontario - N2H 3W5 - Canada
Phone +1 647-964-1067
[email protected]
115 UK 20-01-2017


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