Seo Audit Susanne Pohl
Seo Audit Susanne Pohl
Seo Audit Susanne Pohl
Part 1
Plan your Audit
Marketing Objective & KPI
Marketing Objective
To rank on the first page of Google for with 5 keywords by December 8th, 2018.
The phrase, the number of keywords that we’re ranked for on the first page of Google by December 8th, 2018.
Target Persona
Target Persona
Background and Demographics Needs
The Head Keyword “Nanodegree” has the greatest potential because it has a low “difficulty score”, and high “priority
score”. The Organic CTR is 94% which is very high and promising. The high priority score and low difficulty score are
very valuable for gaining traffic and improving ranking.
I also believe it would be the most successful because it is associated with the brand Udacity. Since Udacity offers
their programs named as “Nanodegree”, people searching for the term “Nanodegree” will likely know about Udacity
or have heard the name. They are most likely searching for courses from the company. The term “Nanodegree” also
appears on the DMND page a number of times, which can resonate with search engines more effectively.
Tail Keyword - Greatest Potential
The Tail Keyword “Freelance digital marketing” has the greatest potential. It has a very low “difficulty score”, It has
a fantastic Organic CTR of 100% which is more cost effective for gaining traffic. Finally, it has a very high priority
rank which can help it rank in search engines.
It is also a word that is specifically named on the DMND page in one of the texts. The DMND program is being
pitched as a way to become an independent “freelance digital marketer”, so there is more organic probability that
someone searching for the topic of “freelance digital marketing” will reach DMND’s site with this keyword.
URL: Technical Audit: Metadata
Title Tag <title>Udacity Digital Marketing - Nanodegree Programs to Become a Freelance Digital Marketer</title>
Meta- <<meta name="description" content=“Udacity is an online school that creates expert Nanodegree programs,
Description collaborating with technology experts to help students become freelance digital marketers.”
In this blog post, we can talk about how Udacity provides a way to try a lot of different programs that are new, in
high demand, flexible and interesting. We can create a Listicle with 5 different digital marketing skills and how
they can enrich a person’s current skill set. At the end of the article, we can have a short video for people to watch
that gives a brief description of major programs. We can also include current students or alumni who are telling
the audience about their user experience and also why they enjoy their courses. They can also talk about how
they wanted to learn a new skill and that Udacity made it easy for them to try different options. We would then
include a call to action such as joining the mailing list to receive more information and updates.
The Listcile approach would be effective because it is brief, yet educational and gives a good overview of skills that
may interest the reader. It’s an easy format that grabs attention quickly and can be easily skimmed. The video at
the end then shows real people who have found success in the program. Seeing real people can help our target
persona put herself in their place and see her potential future as a successful alumni. The video would be short,
informative, and authentic. This would be a way to grab the reader’s attentive again at the end and reader could
choose if she wants to sign up for more information. We can then continue to update her on programs which
would keep Udacity as an option for her in her pursuit of learning new skills to advance her career. It also can
provide more information that she would like to explore to see if there are different programs that would meet
her needs.
Suggested Blog Topic 2
Topic 2 – How Can I Become a Freelance Digital Marketer?
For this blog post, Udacity can give more detailed steps to become a freelance digital marketer. We can include
short clips of the different skills that are embedded within the text, so that the reader can get deeper details about
the skills that the course contains. We can also consider the listicle approach here as well so that potential readers
are free to quickly skim the course offerings.
The post will have a few video testimonials of people at the end who are now working as a freelance digital
marketer and what they learned from Udacity that helped them launch into their work. The end of the post would
include a call to action to ask for the reader’s e-mail. The call to action would be a fill-in that would be introduced
with a line that said something like, “Learn More” She would then type in her e-mail and push “Submit Now”, and
Udacity would send them a free e-book with different options for the programs available.
This post would be effective because it empathizes with the reader who may take an interest in digital marketing
but is not sure if she can become a freelancer. She is seeking more information to help her sythesize information
and recognize the truth in the possibility of becoming a freelancer.
The videos give specific accounts of people who relate to the customer’s problem. These accounts show resolutions
that the customer can easily resonate with. The final call to action helps her remember that she discovered the blog
post and that she has the potential to become a freelance digital marketer. The e-mail to send her more information
will encourage her to revisit the site and consider the programs as valid options to help her career change.
Suggested Blog Topic 3
Topic 3 – How to Use a Nanodegree to Get a Job in Digital Marketing
In this “How To” blog post, Udacity will talk about the definition of a Nanodegree.
Udacity will then have multiple videos of people who have taken the DMND course. Each video will have a quote from the video
that highlights a positive part of the program and the current job the person has from using their DMND skills. The videos
themselves will include alumnus who give brief testimonials telling about their positions and the specific skills they learned from
the DMND Program.
The post can then have the Digital Marketing Nanodegree Syllabus presented as a large “button” on the blog page. There would be
text that describes “Click Here to Get the DMND Syllabus!” Finally, we would have a box to fill in for the reader to receive the
syllabus in her e-mail. She can then choose to “join the mailing list” to receive more information and updates.
Giving examples of how the Nanodegree skills can formulate into a job would help our target audience see the results of the
program. She wants to see where she can end up, and the videos show real people who have found success in the program. Seeing
real people can help our target persona put herself in their place and see her potential future as a successful alumni. The videos
are short, informative, and authentic.
The videos grab interest and then the syllabus offers a quick peek into the full blown course that can help her to weigh DMND as a
valid option. She then has the chance to sign up for more updates, which would keep the DMND Program as an option for her in
her pursuit of switching careers. It will provide more information for her to explore and research.
Part 3
Off-Site SEO
Technical Audit: Backlink Audit
1 98
2 97
3 97
machine-learning/ 95
I chose my backlinks by choosing non-social sites, that have a 95+ Domain Authority.
Moz states that Domain Authority, “Predicts a root domain’s ranking potential relative to the domains in Moz’s index. Use this
score to compare your likelihood to rank about that of your competitors.” - Moz OpenSite Explorer
After using the Pingler tool to research how many of the DMND’s website pages are indexed, there is an answer
of “N/A” showing up.
The number of pages indexed is important because it shows the health of your site and if it is able to earn
traffic. In order for a search engine to drive traffic to your site, the site must be indexed. This is especially critical
if a company is running a campaign. They want to make sure that as much traffic as possible is being directed
to their site. Without indexing, the campaign and potential reach of customers may be hindered.
By having a reading of “N/A”, this shows that search engines do not have the Udacity DMND site indexed or that
number of pages indexed for Udacity DMND is less than 2. This is critical because it means that Udacity DMND
pages are not receiving the traffic that they are hoping to earn. Udacity should work on indexing more pages so
that they can ensure the success of their campaigns as well as ranking in search engines.
Pingler Findings
Google Page Speed Insights
The definition of site speed refers to the “load time of a webpage, or the amount of time it takes for the page’s
content to display fully on a webpage.” - Udacity Digital Marketing Course
Page speed is important because it improves your ranking, leads to more conversion, and it improves user
There are two different speeds to consider. Both desktop and mobile are important depending on your users. If
you are targeting a younger audience, a company should ensure that it’s mobile speed is top rank. If you are
targeting an older audience desktop speed would be more important. Overall mobile speed is becoming
increasingly important, as more people spend time on their mobile phones over desktops.
Mobile Speed from Google Page Speed
Desktop Speed from Google Page Speed
Think with Google
Mobile-Friendly Evaluation
Assessing mobile friendliness is important because Google has made it another factor in determining ranking in addition
to site speed and indexed pages. “Google reinforces the fact that people are 5 times more likely to leave a site that is not
mobile friendly.” – Lesson 5 Udacity Digital Marketing Course
More people today search on mobile than on desktop, which makes mobile friendliness a top priority.
Findings: Assess Mobile Friendliness
Industry Comparison
Part 5
1. Increase Mobile Speed on Page
● The usage of mobile devices is increasing dramatically and is phasing out desktop computer usage. More users are
depending on mobile devices. Our findings from Google Page Speed indicate that the DMND page is slow for mobile users.
Think with Google shows us that we lose 24% of our visitors from how slow the mobile experience is. This is a large percentage
that we want to decrease. While the industry comparison is rated at “Fair”, we want our company to be in the category of “Top
Performers” in order to receive more traffic and retain customers. We should increase mobile speed.