A Practical Method of Bench Blasting Design For Desired Fragmentation Based On Digital Image Processing Technique and Kuz-Ram Model

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A practical method of bench blasting design for desired fragmentation based

on digital image processing technique and Kuz-Ram model

Conference Paper · September 2009


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1 author:

Irfan Celal Engin

Afyon Kocatepe University


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Investigation on the Usage of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology in Determination of Post-Blast Fragment Size Distribution and Blasting Efficiency View project

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Rock Fragmentation by Blasting – Sanchidrián (ed)
© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-48296-7

A practical method of bench blasting design for desired fragmentation

based on digital image processing technique
and Kuz-Ram model

I.C. Engin
Afyon Kocatepe University, Iscehisar Vocational School, Iscehisar, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey

ABSTRACT: Blasting is the most productive excavation method in hard rock mining. In quarries, to
remove the mother rock from in-situ and crush into the desired size is realized by bench blasting method.
Bench height, hole diameter, spacing, burden, hole length, bottom charge, column charge, stemming, spe-
cific hole length and specific charge are the design parameters in bench production blasting. In addition,
rock factor has to be known for estimating the rock fragmentation. In determination of the design factors,
the most economic solution which provides required fragmentation is selected in the view of engineering
aspect. This research was carried out as a practical method to determine the design parameters giving
desired fragmentation and cost in a limestone quarry. In this research, rock factor was calculated indi-
rectly by using bench blasting design parameters which has already been applied and resultant fragment
size instead of the geological data. Fragmentation characteristics such as mean fragment size, uniformity
index and characteristic size were calculated by using digital images in an image analysis system called
SplitDesktop® software. Rock factor value of this part of the quarry was calculated by Kuz-Ram model
by means of design parameters and fragment size. After that, different bench blasting design parameters
were selected by optimization according to Langefors and other suggested equations. Optimum drill hole
diameter was observed as 89 mm and bench design parameters such as spacing 2.5 m, burden 2 m, specific
charge 0.97 kg/m3 were proposed according to this value. These parameters provide desired fragmentation
and less cost at the same time for given quarry conditions.

1 INTRODUCTION and conveyor systems. Optimum fragmentation

size may not be the required size but knowing the
In open pit mining where blasting is employed for size distribution for particular blast and rock mass
excavation, the overall cost—effectiveness of the conditions, the contractor can adapt the blasting if
production operations is compatible with optimi- possible (Morin & Ficarazzo 2005).
zation of drilling and blasting. Loading, hauling For prediction of the fragmentation size after
and crushing costs decrease with increasing rock blasting the Kuz-Ram model is generally used. The
fragmentation while drilling and blasting costs Kuz-Ram model is an empirical fragmentation
increase with increasing rock fragmentation. Rock model based on the Kuznetsov (1973) and Rosin &
fragmentation is considered as the most important Rammler equations modified by Cunningham
matter in quarrying because of its direct effects on (1983, 1987), which derives the coefficient of uni-
the efficiency and cost of drilling and blasting, and formity in the Rosin & Rammler equation from
subsequent loading, hauling and finally crushing blasting parameters. Rock properties, explosive
operations. Rock fragmentation depends on two properties, and design variables are combined in
groups of variables: rock mass properties which this modern version of the Kuz-Ram fragmenta-
cannot be controlled and blasting parameters that tion model.
can be controlled and optimized.
Total cost of aggregate production in a quarry
1.1 The Kuznetsov equation
has a minimum value at an optimum fragmenta-
tion size (Mackenzie 1967; Morin & Ficarazzo The amount of breakage that occurs with a known
2005). Prediction of the optimum fragmentation amount of explosive energy can be estimated using
size will help the quarry owners in selecting blast- Kuznetsov’s equation. The original equation,
ing parameters to produce required material size at developed by Kuznetsov (1973), was modified by
a known cost and also in selecting other crushers Cunningham (1987) for ANFO based explosives.

X m = AK −0.8QE0.167 (115 / SANFO )0.633 (1) Average particle size of the materials obtained
from a blasting operation is not enough informa-
where Xm is the mean fragment size (cm), A the tion explaining the efficiency of the operation.
rock factor (or blastability index), K the powder There could be two broken rock piles having the
factor or specific charge (kg of explosives/m3 of same average particle size but they could have dif-
rock), Qe the mass of explosive being used (kg), ferent particle size distributions. Very coarse and
SANFO the relative weight strength of the explosive fine particles can give acceptable average particle
relative to ANFO. size but can cause problems in subsequent opera-
The blastability index (or rock factor) is cal- tions. Uniform particle size distribution is an
culated from an equation originally developed important parameter that has to be considered.
by Lilly (1986). It is used to modify the average The uniformity coefficient is calculated from
fragmentation based on the rock type and blast an equation developed by Cunningham (1987).
direction. Cunningham established the applicable uniform-
ity coefficient through several investigations, tak-
A = 0.06(RMD + JF + RDI + HF ) (2) ing into consideration the impact of such factors
as: blast geometry, hole diameter, burden, spacing,
where A is the blastability index, RMD the rock hole lengths and drilling accuracy. The exponent
mass description, JF the joint factor, RDI the rock n for the Rosin & Rammler equation is estimated
density index, HF the hardness factor. These fac- as follows:
tors are calculated from geological data such as; 0.5
in situ block size, joint spacing, joint orientation, ⎡ S⎤
⎛ ⎢ 1 + ⎥
B⎞ B ⎥ ⎛⎜1 − W ⎞⎟⎟⎛⎜ L ⎞⎟⎟
rock specific gravity, Young’s modulus, unconfined n = ⎜⎜2.2 − 14 ⎟⎟⎟ ⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎜ ⎜ (6)
compressive strength and etc. ⎜⎝ D ⎠ ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎜⎝ B ⎟⎠⎜⎝ H ⎟⎠
Powder factor or specific charge is the mass of ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
explosive being used (kg) to break a cubic metre
volume of rock. where B is the blasting burden (m), S the blasthole
spacing (m), D the blasthole diameter (mm), W the
K = Qe /V0 (3) standard deviation of drilling accuracy (m), L the
total charge length (m), and H the bench height
where Qe is the mass of explosive being used (kg), (m). Cunningham (1987) notes that the uniformity
V0 the rock volume (m3) broken per blasthole = bur- coefficient n usually varies between 0.8 and 1.5.
den (B) × spacing (S) × bench height (H ).
1.3 The bench blasting parameters
1.2 The Rosin & Rammler equation
Bench blasting can be defined as drilling of vertical
The size distribution of the materials is calculated or angled holes in one or several rows from a free
from the Rosin & Rammler equation especially in surface, which then are blasted again a second free
mineral processing area (Rosin & Rammler 1933). surface.
The bench blasting operations are classified
y = 100(1 − e−( X / X c ) ) (4) according to their purpose (Jimeno et al. 1995):
− Conventional bench blasting; the pursuit of max-
where y is the percentage of material less than the imum fragmentation and swelling of the rock.
size X (%), X the diameter of fragment (cm), Xc the − Rip-rap blasting; obtaining large fragments of
characteristic size (cm), n the Rosin & Rammler rock.
exponent (uniformity coefficient), and e the base − Cast blasting; using explosives to not only frag-
of natural logarithms. ment the rock, but to also project a large quan-
Since the Kuznetsov formula gives the screen tity of it to a predetermined place.
size Xm for which 50% of the material would pass, − Road and railway blasting; conditioned by the
the characteristic size is calculated from the aver- terrain and road plan.
age size for use in the Rosin & Rammler equation − Trench and ramp blasting; lineal operations due
by substituting X = Xm and y = 0.5 into Equation 4 to the shape and narrowness of the excavations
one finds that the confinement of explosives is high.
− Ground leveling and foundation blasting; usu-
⎛ ⎞ ally over a small area and quite shallow.
⎜⎜ X ⎟⎟ − Preblasting; increasing the natural fractures
m ⎟
X c = ⎜⎜ 1⎟
⎟ (5)
⎜⎜ ⎟ in the rock mass with as little displacement as
⎜⎝ 0.693 n ⎟⎟⎠ possible.

Bench blasting can also be classified by the the rock mass to be fragmented by the explosive
diameter of the blast hole: column, and is calculated as follows:
− Small diameter blasting: from 65 to 165 mm 1 1 1
− Large diameter blasting: from 180 to 450 mm D 45 ⎛⎜ 0.4 ⎞⎟2 ⎛⎜ PS ⎞⎟2 ⎛⎜ 1 ⎞⎟2
Bmax = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
1000 ⎜⎝ c ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝1.25 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ f ⎠⎟⎟
The subject of this research is conventional
small diameter blasting because it is performed in
a quarry to obtain a desired fragmentation with where Bmax is the maximum burden (m), D the
minimum cost. blasthole diameter (mm), c the rock constant,
Many formulae and methods for calculating P the degree of packing of the explosive, S the rela-
geometric parameters such as burden, spacing, and tive weight strength of the explosive, f the fixation
subdrilling have been around since the early 1950’s, of the hole.
and use one or more of the following parameters: Subdrilling is calculated by the formula given
hole diameter, characteristics of explosives, com- below:
pressive rock strength, and many more. In small
diameter blasting Swedish method developed by U = 0. 3Bmax (8)
Langefors & Kihlström (1976) is used (Jimeno
et al. 1995). Total length of the blasthole is:
Bench blasting design parameters are given in
Figure 1 are; D is the blasthole diameter (m), K the H = (K + U )k (9)
bench height (m), B the burden (m), E the blasthole
spacing (m), U the blasthole subdrilling (m), S (h0) Practical burden distance is calculated as follows:
the blasthole stemming length (m), H the blasthole
length (m), hp the length of column charge (m), B = Bmax − (D/1000 + 0.03H ) (10)
hb the length of bottom charge (m). Other param-
eters considered in bench blasting calculations are; Spacing (E ) is the distance in meters between
Ip the concentration of column charge (kg/m), Ib adjacent blastholes and is measured perpendicular
the concentration of bottom charge (kg/m), Qp to the burden. The relation between burden and
the weight of column charge (kg), Qb the weight spacing is:
of bottom charge (kg), Qe is the total weight of
explosive being used in a hole (kg), q the powder E = 1.25B (11)
factor or specific charge (kg of explosives/m3 of
rock), g the specific drilling (drilled meters/m3 of Stemming (S ) is the inert material filled between
rock). Blasthole pattern, delay timing and initia- the explosive charge and the collar of the blast-
tion sequence are also very important parameters hole to confine the explosion gases. The stemming
in bench blasting operations. material could be water, drill cutting, sand, mud or
The most critical and important dimension in crushed rock. Stemming distance is taken as equal
blasting is that of the burden B as it represents to the burden.

h0 = B (12)

To obtain a satisfactorily breakage in the bot-

tom part, the required height of the bottom charge
should be equal to:

hb = 1.3B (13)

Total quantity of bottom charge is given as:

Qb = hbIb (14)

Bottom charge concentration is:

Ib = (D2/1000)(P/1.25) (15)

The required height of the column charge

should be equal to:
Figure 1. Parameters considered in bench blasting
operations. hp = H − hb − h0 (16)

Total quantity of column charge is given as: 2 METHODOLOGY

Qp = hpIp (17) Bench blasting design parameters which give the

desired fragmentation were determined for a dis-
Column charge concentration is: tinct limestone quarry by a practical method. Rock
mass properties and blasting parameters control
Ip = %40–%50 of Ib (18) the efficiency of a blasting operation. But all the
blasting design parameters cannot be arranged.
Total weight of explosive being used in a hole
Bench height is related to the working capability
(kg) is given as:
of loaders and is limited to 6 m for the quarry that
Qe = Qp + Qb (19) we work in.
First, blasting design parameters already used
In addition to Langefor’s approach there are were determined in the quarry. Then several blast-
several other approaches for determining the bench ing operations were performed and after each,
blasting parameters. scaled digital photographs of the broken rock pile
Wyllie & Mah (2005) describe some procedures were taken. Fragmentation characteristics such as
for calculating the parameters involved in design- mean fragment size, uniformity index and charac-
ing production blasts according to also Ash (1963) teristic size were calculated by using digital images
and Konya & Walter (1990). in an image analysis system called SplitDesktop®
The relationship between the bench height K and software. The rock factor value for the quarry
the burden B is expressed in terms of the “stiffness was calculated by the Kuz-Ram model by means
ratio, K/B”. To reduce the effects of the blasting of design parameters and fragment size indirectly.
such as backbreak, airblast, flyrock and vibration, By using this rock factor value and the Swedish
the burden distance B is calculated from: method new blasting design parameters were deter-
mined by optimization including target mean frag-
B = 0.33K to 0.25K (20) mentation size and minimum cost were performed
using the Microsoft® Excel Solver tool. Research
Once the burden B (m) has been set to provide methodology is given in Figure 2 as a worksheet.
an appropriate stiffness ratio (Equation 20), the
diameter of the explosive d is given by,
2.1 Information about the quarry
⎛ ⎞⎟ The quarry was established in 1975 in the south-
d = ⎜⎜⎜
B ⎟⎟ (21)
⎝⎜ 8(RBS / γ r ) ⎟⎠
0.33 eastern province of Afyonkarahisar in Turkey
to provide crushed marl aggregate to the cement
industry. The quarry runs benches that are approx-
where RBS is the relative bulk strength compared
imately 6 m high. The mine performed percus-
to ANFO (100), γr is the unit weight of the rock.
sion drilling with bits that are sized at 4.5 inches
Experience has shown that a subdrill depth of
0.2–0.5 times the burden is usually adequate for
effective digging to grade:
U = 0.2B to 0.5B (22)
The common stemming length is about 0.7
times the burden, which is adequate to keep mate-
rial from ejecting prematurely from the hole.

h0 = 0.7B (23)

For a series of delayed holes, the spacing E can

be calculated from the following equation for a
stiffness ratio K/B between 1 and 4:

⎛ K + 7 B ⎞⎟
E = ⎜⎜
⎜⎝ 8 ⎟⎟⎠ (24)

In this research these two approaches are used

in optimization of the quarry bench blasting
parameters. Figure 2. General layout of the research worksheet.

(approx 115 mm) when the research was started. 2.2 Optimization of the blasting parameters
Production has been observed at the rate of 2,000
The plan was to change the mean fragmentation
tons per day in 3,000 square meters of the work-
size to approximately 15 cm for subsequent opera-
ing area. Blasting design parameters were selected
tion units. In this research, bench blasting design
firstly as given in Table 1.
parameters were optimized to give the desired
Blasting was done via the use of a non-electrical
mean fragmentation size and minimum cost.
shock tube system. Each hole is loaded with a
Quarry drilling and blasting operation involves
1 kg booster, and approximately 40 kg of ANFO
cost (in Turkish Liras, TL) of the main explosive
per hole for a total of 41 kg of explosives per
mostly ANFO, booster, detonator and drilling
hole. Blasthole pattern were arranged as stag-
itself as shown in Tables 2–3.
gered three rows. 500 millisecond delays are used
Total drilling-blasting cost can be defined as:
to ensure that all the holes are burning before the
first hole row detonates. A view of the quarry is
CT = CA + CB + CD + CDR (25)
given in Figure 3.
After the blast, fragmentation was investigated CT = 0.92QA + 3.73QB + 2.4QD + 2.05LDR (26)
using the SplitDesktop® image analysis software.
The investigation procedure is given in Figure 4 as Cost components of the percussive dry type
working scheme. drilling unit are defined as:
Fragmentation sizes of the broken rock piles
were investigated in this way and mean fragmenta- CDR = CYD + CF +CP + CM (27)
tion size was calculated as 29.1 cm. By using the
formula given in Equation 1 and parameters given In this part of the research, blasthole diameter
in Table 1 blastability index (rock factor) of the D (m), burden B (m), blasthole spacing E (m), sub-
quarry rock was calculated as 6.65. drilling U (m), blasthole stemming length S (m),
blasthole pattern (staggered or rectangular) and
Table 1. Quarry blasting design parameters. explosive properties were selected according to

Parameter Value

Rock type Limestone

Bench height 6m
Blasthole length 7m
Blasthole spacing 4.5 m
Burden 4m
Blasthole diameter 115 mm
Rock volume broken per blasthole 6 × 4.5 × 4 = 108 m3
Blasthole pattern staggered
Length of ANFO charge 5m
Weight of ANFO charge 40 kg
Weight of booster at each hole 1 kg
Detonators in a blasthole 1 non-electric shock tube

Figure 4. Procedure for the determination of particle

size distribution by using SplitDesktop® digital image
Figure 3. General view of the bench blasthole pattern. analysis software.

Table 2. Quarry drilling-blasting cost components. Table 4. Quarry blasting design parameters according
to Langefors approach.
components Symbol Quantity Unit Unit cost Parameter Symbol Value

ANFO CA QA kg 0.92 TL/kg Blasthole diameter (inch) D 1.25

Booster CB QB kg 3.73 TL/kg Blasthole diameter (mm) D 39
Detonator CD QC item 2.40 TL/it. Blasthole length H 6.41
Drilling CDR LDR m 2.05 TL/m Burden (m) B 1.12
Blasthole spacing (m) E 1.40
Stemming length (m) h0(S) 1.12
Table 3. Quarry drilling cost components. Length of ANFO charge (m) L 5.28
Weight of ANFO charge (kg) Qe 5.42
Drilling cost Unit cost
Specific charge (kg/m3) q 0.57
components Symbol (TL/m)
Specific drilling (m/m3) I 0.68
Yield of depreciation CYD 0.792 Mean fragment size (cm) Xav 15.00
Fuel cost CF 0.994 Uniformity coefficient n 1.80
Personnel expenses CP 0.173 Total drilling-blasting cost (TL/m3) Mt 2.54
Cost of maintenance CM 0.087
Total drilling cost CDR 2.047

the desired fragmentation size and minimum total

drilling and blasting cost.
Optimization criteria were desired fragmenta-
tion size and minimum drilling-blasting cost, bench
height was considered as constant 6 m, explosive
was selected as ANFO. Optimization process can
be defined as:
– Optimization function:
Minimize CT = CA + CB + CD + CDR
– Constraints:
Rock factor, A = 6.65
Bench height, K = 6 m
Mean fragment size, Xm ≤ 15 cm
Uniformity coefficient, n ≥ 1.5 Figure 5. The relations between blasthole diameter,
mean fragment size and total drilling—blasting cost
Using Langefor’s approach and minimization according to the Langefors formulas.
with the Microsoft® Excel Solver tool produced
results in Table 4.
An increase in the blasthole diameter increases
the mean fragment size and decreases the total Table 5. Quarry blasting design parameters according
drilling and blasting cost according to Langefors to suggested formulas (Wyllie & Mah 2005).
approach as shown in Figure 5.
Optimization of the blasting parameters using Parameter Symbol Value
Ash (1963) and Konya & Walter (1990) approach
produced the results in Table 5. Blasthole diameter (inch) D 3.5
In the quarry the parameters given in Table 6 Blasthole diameter (mm) D 89
were selected. After the blasting operations frag- Blasthole length H 6.92
Burden (m) B 2.00
mentation was investigated with the SplitDesktop®
Blasthole spacing (m) E 2.50
image analysis software, and the mean fragment
Stemming length (m) h0(S) 1.40
size was obtained as 15.33 cm, top fragment size
Length of ANFO charge (m) L 5.52
was obtained as 54.67 cm.
Weight of ANFO charge (kg) Qe 29.12
The results from the two different optimiza-
Specific charge (kg/m3) q 0.97
tion processes were very different to each other. Specific drilling (m/m3) I 0.23
Although the optimization criteria and the main Mean Fragmentation size (cm) Xav 13.07
constraints were the same, the approaches used Uniformity coefficient n 2.00
were quite different. The relations between blast- Total cost (TL/m3) Mt 1.56
hole diameter D(m), burden B(m), blasthole spacing

Table 6. Quarry blasting design parameters selected by quarry owner for the actual blasts and similar
the owner. results such as mean fragment size, uniformity
coefficient, specific charge, and total drilling and
Parameter Value blasting cost were observed with a cost reduction
Blasthole diameter (inch) 3.5
of around 50%.
Blasthole diameter (mm) 88.9 The results show that this procedure can be
Blasthole length 7.00 applied in quarry blasting operations, but frag-
Burden (m) 2.00 mentation determination by image analysis and
Blasthole spacing (m) 2.50 selected constraints used in optimization controls
Stemming length (m) 2.10 the performance and validity of the operation. The
Length of ANFO charge (m) 4.90 optimization process has to be repeated for other
Weight of ANFO charge (kg) 25.91 bench blasting design approaches to produce the
Specific charge (kg/m3) 0.86 best results.
Specific drilling (m/m3) 0.23
Mean Fragmentation size (cm) 15.33
Uniformity coefficient 1.77 REFERENCES
Total drilling-blasting cost (TL/m3) 1.47
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